[HTML][HTML] Fault Detection and Isolation for Uncertain Systems Based on Unknown Input Set-Membership Observer

X Fan, W Zhang, X Li - Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 2022 - Springer
… 3, we establish the sufficient existence conditions for zonotopes to calculate the boundaries
of residual component generated by a set of UIOs. Then we present a fault diagnosis …

Reachability of black-box nonlinear systems after koopman operator linearization

S Bak, S Bogomolov, PS Duggirala, AR Gerlach… - IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2021 - Elsevier
… We improve analysis efficiency through zonotope overapproximations of the nonlinear initial
sets constructed using interval arithmetic, as well as two abstraction-refinement techniques: (…

Zonotopic Linear Parameter Varying SLAM Applied to Autonomous Vehicles

M Facerias, V Puig, E Alcala - Sensors, 2022 - mdpi.com
… Using these techniques, we present an alternative approach to localisation algorithms that
relies on the use of zonotopes to provide a guaranteed estimation of the states of the vehicle …

[PDF][PDF] Path tracking control based on guaranteed state estimation for a tilt-rotor UAV

BS Rego, GV Raffo - Proc. of the XXI Congresso …, 2016 - ssl4799.websiteseguro.com
… A deterministic, guaranteed state estimator based on zonotopes is proposed in this work
for dealing with the available measurements. The state estimator is shown to be capable of …

Guaranteed estimation and distributed control of vehicle formations

RA García, L Orihuela, P Millán, FR Rubio… - … Journal of Control, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
… The estimation sets are mathematically characterised by zonotopes. The novelty of the …
As explained in Section 2, the intersection between zonotopes can be written as a zonotope

Ai2: Safety and robustness certification of neural networks with abstract interpretation

T Gehr, M Mirman, D Drachsler-Cohen… - … IEEE symposium on …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… (Here, we use a 2-bounded set of zonotopes.) It then propagates A1 through the abstract
transformer of each layer, obtaining new shapes. Finally, it verifies that all points in A4 …

Interval estimation methods of fault estimation for discrete-time switched systems

J Huang, Y Zhang, Z Chen, F Sun - Journal of Industrial and …, 2022 - aimsciences.org
This paper investigates the fault estimation problem for discretetime switched systems.
Firstly, the sensor fault is regarded as an augmented state, and then the original system is …

Robust zonotopic observer design: Interval observer versus set-membership approaches

M Pourasghar, V Puig… - 2019 4th Conference …, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… But, using zonotopes, basic set operations can be reduced to simple matrix calculations,
fact that has recently motivated the use of zonotopes for modeling the effect of uncertainties [10]. …

Вторая гипотеза Вороного о параллелоидрах для зонотопов

А Гарбер - Moscow Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory, 2011 - elibrary.ru
… We prove the second Voronoi conjecture on parallelohedra for zonotopes. We show that
for … copies of a zonotope Z there are d vectors connecting the centers of zonotopes with a …

[PDF][PDF] Heterogeneity on production theory: a discrete geometric approach

S Settepanella, G Dosi, M Grazzi, L Marengo… - 2015 - iris.unito.it
This paper presents the mathematical and computational details which provide the basis of
the new methodology proposed in Dosi et al. 2013 to assess the level and the evolution of …