[PDF][PDF] DynIbex-2.0: The User Guide

JA dit Sandretto, A Chapoutot, O Mullier - 2018 - perso.ensta-paristech.fr
… From the first version, DynIbex uses zonotopes to compute the solution of differential … a
zonotope and provide it as initial state. We add the following method to initialize a zonotope with a …

Thec-2d-Index of Oriented Matroids

LJ Billera, R Ehrenborg, M Readdy - journal of combinatorial theory, Series …, 1997 - Elsevier
… As an application we obtain a zonotopal analogue of a conjecture of Stanley: among all
zonotopes the cubical lattice has the smallest c-2d-index coefficient-wise. We give a new …

ZoPE: A Fast Optimizer for ReLU Networks with Low-Dimensional Inputs

CA Strong, SM Katz, AL Corso… - NASA Formal Methods …, 2022 - Springer
… This approach splits a zonotope into two zonotopes, but these zonotopes may have a non-empty
intersection. Their union will be guaranteed to contain the original zonotope. …

[PDF][PDF] Lyapunov's Convexity Theorem, zonoids, and bang-bang

SS Kutateladze - Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics, 2011 - academia.edu
… sets, called zonotopes, fill a convex cone in the space of compact convex sets, and the cone
of zonotopes is … The zonotopes of the present epoch were called parallelohedra those days. …

Decomposition algorithm for the single machine scheduling polytope

R Hoeksma, B Manthey, M Uetz - International Symposium on …, 2014 - Springer
… First, we build on the fact that the scheduling polytope is a zonotope. Therefore, all of its
faces are centrally symmetric. Second, instead of \(C\), we consider the polytope \(Q\) of half …

[PDF][PDF] Hypergeometric systems of equations with maximally reducible monodromy

TM Sadykov - Doklady Mathematics, 2008 - researchgate.net
… that, for any plane zonotope and the corresponding integer matrix A, we can choose a …
The matrix A determining the given plane zonotope contains two columns and consists of …

Mixed volumes of hypersimplices, root systems and shifted young tableaux

DDE Croitoru - 2010 - dspace.mit.edu
This thesis consists of two parts. In the first part, we start by investigating the classical
permutohedra as Minkowski sums of the hypersimplices. Their volumes can be expressed as …

Complex conjugation and simplicial algebraic hypersurfaces

C Arnal - arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.12100, 2021 - arxiv.org
zonotope is the Minkowski sum in Rn of a finite collection of segments. Now consider such a
zonotope … is the complement in Tn of an open zonotope (geometrically the starting zonotope

[PDF][PDF] Guaranteed State Estimation in CORA 2021.

M Althoff - ARCH@ ADHS, 2021 - yahootechpulse.easychair.org
… Most recent strip-based observers use zonotopes since they … , the first paper proposing
zonotopes for set-based observers is [… By extending zonotopes to constrained zonotopes, one not …

Zonotopic fault detection for 2-D systems under event-triggered mechanism

X Wang, Z Fei, P Shi, J Yu - IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… on 2-D zonotopes need to be implemented to obtain a zonotope-based dynamic threshold
for … Section III gives the mixed l∞/h∞ FDF design criterion and the zonotope-based residual …