Méthodes probabilistes pour l'étude asymptotique des partitions entières et de la géométrie convexe discrète

J Bureaux - 2015 - theses.fr
… A third work focuses on lattice zonotopes in higher dimensions. An asymptotic equality is …
of zonotopes contained in a convex cone and such that the endings of the zonotope are fixed. A …

[HTML][HTML] Vertical hierarchical MPC for constrained linear systems

J Koeln, V Raghuraman, B Hencey - Automatica, 2020 - Elsevier
… are closed under these operations (ie the Minkowski sum of two zonotopes is a zonotope)
and … Unfortunately, zonotopes in general are not closed under intersection and the conversion …

Polytope projection and projection polytopes

T Burger, P Gritzmann, V Klee - The American mathematical …, 1996 - Taylor & Francis
… In conjunction with our mm earlier description of vertices and facets of zonotopes, this leads
to a short proof of a theorem of [16] concerning directions of projections that maximize or …

[HTML][HTML] An Extended Zonotopic and Gaussian Kalman Filter (EZGKF) merging set-membership and stochastic paradigms: Toward non-linear filtering and fault …

C Combastel - Annual Reviews in Control, 2016 - Elsevier
… The short notation < R > = < 0 , R > refers to a centered zonotope. Any permutation of the …
Zonotopes form a class of polytopic sets implicitly represented by matrices and leading to …

Uncertainty in GPS networks due to remaining systematic errors: the interval approach

S Schön, H Kutterer - Journal of Geodesy, 2006 - Springer
… of the observation intervals based on influence parameters and to the study of the complex
linear transfer of this type of uncertainty to estimated point positions yielding zonotopes. From …

[PDF][PDF] GPS monitoring networks: interval-based description of measurement uncertainties due to remaining systematics

S Schön, H Kutterer - Proceedings of the 3rd IAG Symposium on Geodesy for …, 2006 - fig.net
… ) of the zonotope Z that quantifies the point imprecision. Figure 3 shows the zonotope and the
… Figure 3: Zonotopes describing the factual range of coordinate imprecision for the endpoint …

Aspects combinatoires des pavages

F Chavanon - 2004 - tel.archives-ouvertes.fr
zonotopes (which are figures of a space defined by all linear combinations of a given set of
vectors). We first define a graph which is a dual of tiling of a planar zonotopezonotope. This …

Set-Based Fault Detection and Isolation for Descriptor Systems

Y Wang - Advances in State Estimation, Diagnosis and Control of …, 2021 - Springer
… of the zonotope only affected by faults and \( p_{f}(0) = 0 \) at time step \( k=0\). We recursively
provide a zonotope that bounds the uncertain state \( x(k+1) \) in the following theorem. …

[HTML][HTML] Uncertain lines and circles with dependencies

Y Myers, L Joskowicz - Computer-Aided Design, 2013 - Elsevier
… Starting at the initial zonotope c 0 ( q ) , we sweep the zonotope from its previous location
to the current one, and compute new events. When the event queue is empty, we sweep the …

On multivariate subdivision schemes with nonnegative finite masks

X Zhou - Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 2006 - ams.org
… subdivision schemes with nonnegative finite masks supported on centered zonotopes is
solved. Roughly speaking, the subdivision schemes … For noncentered zonotopes we can prove …