Distances on rhombus tilings

O Bodini, T Fernique, M Rao, É Rémila - Theoretical computer science, 2011 - Elsevier
… We focus here on the tilings of zonotopes (a,b,c,d,e)a,b,c,d,e≥1, that is, five-bundle rhombus
tiling spaces. In the conference version of this paper [4], we conjectured that equality of flip- …

Guaranteeing constraints of disturbed nonlinear systems using set-based optimal control in generator space

B Schürmann, M Althoff - IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2017 - Elsevier
… If we consider zonotopes of a fixed order, then the number of optimization variables and
number of constraints grows polynomial as well (with O(n2), if n > m). Therefore, the whole …

Reach Set-Based Secure State Estimation against Sensor Attacks with Interval Hull Approximation

T Shinohara, T Namerikawa - SICE Journal of Control …, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
This paper deals with the problem of secure state estimation in an adversarial environment
with the presence of bounded noises. The problem is given as min-max optimization, that is, …

[HTML][HTML] Limitations of the hyperplane separation technique for bounding the extension complexity of polytopes

M Brugger - Operations Research Letters, 2021 - Elsevier
… graphic zonotopes of … zonotopes of K n . In Section 3.2, we show that the hyperplane
separation bound is at most a constant when applied to our linear description of graphic zonotopes (…

Higher Bruhat orders of types B and C

VI Danilov, AV Karzanov, GA Koshevoy - arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.09462, 2021 - arxiv.org
… , and Ziegler), and on our study of the so-called symmetric cubillages of cyclic zonotopes. …
recall basic facts on cubillages of cyclic zonotopes used in the paper. For details, see [3]. A …

Geometric Modelling and Algorithms for Binary Mixtures

B Lacolle, N Szafran, P Valentin - International Journal of …, 1994 - World Scientific
We present some computational methods in a particular case of mixing and separation theory,
as an application of classical results in the field of computational geometry. Our aim is the …

Minimizing Low-Rank Quasi-Concave Functions Over Greedy Polytopes

JR Scott - 2020 - oaktrust.library.tamu.edu
We consider the problem of minimizing a function that attains its minimum over a greedy
polytope at one of its vertices. This problem class contains many computationally intractable …

Two new space-filling mosaics based on a symmetric 3D model of the 10D cube

L Vörös - Pollack Periodica, 2016 - akjournals.com
… The initial edges have the same lengths and are placed rotation symmetrically around an
axis, thus the model is a specifically arranged zonotope. Each mosaic consists of this model …

[HTML][HTML] Complex Lp affine isoperimetric inequalities

W Wang, L Liu - Advances in Applied Mathematics, 2021 - Elsevier
… Zonoids are defined as limits of zonotopes in the Hausdorff metric, where zonotopes are
Minkowski sum of line segments. Indeed, any origin-symmetric convex body in R 2 is a zonoid. …

Finding optimal shadows of polytopes

T Burger, P Gritzmann - Discrete & Computational Geometry, 2000 - Springer
… computations of zonotopes we show that the following location problem is NP-complete: …
We now show that zonotopes of the form appearing in INRADCROSSZON occur as projection …