[PDF][PDF] Fundamental polytopes of metric trees via hyperplane arrangements

E Delucchi, L Hoessly - arXiv preprint arXiv:1612.05534, 2016 - researchgate.net
We tackle the problem of a combinatorial classification of finite metric spaces via their
fundamental polytopes, as suggested by Vershik in 2010 [21], with a view towards applications in …

Robust Zonotopic Observer Design: Avoiding Unmeasured Premise Variables for Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems

M Pourasghar, AT Nguyen, TM Guerra - IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2021 - Elsevier
… Xk as a zonotope with the center cx,k and the shape matrix Rx,k such Xk = 〈cx,k,Rx,k〉,
the zonotopic state at the next time instant k + 1 defined as Xk+1 is bounded by a zonotope

[HTML][HTML] Fault detection and isolation for discrete-time descriptor systems based on H/L observer and zonotopic residual evaluation

W Tang, Z Wang, Y Shen - International Journal of Control, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
… However, from (1c), we know that it is easy to obtain a box to bound a zonotope ie we can
easily obtain the upper and lower bounds of the zonotope. Therefore, it is more efficient to use …

Facial weak order, Coxeter groups and oriented matroids

A Dermenjian - 2019 - archipel.uqam.ca
… poset des régions, en donnant ses relations de couverture, en utilisant les covecteurs du
matroïde orienté associé à l'arrangement et en utilisant la structure géométrique d'un zonotope

Interval estimation of sensor fault based on zonotopic Kalman filter

W Zhang, Z Wang, S Guo, Y Shen - International Journal of Control, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
… The prediction step uses the state zonotope at the previous time instant, the zonotopes of …
to produce a prediction zonotope. In the update step, the prediction zonotope is combined with …

[HTML][HTML] Coxeter submodular functions and deformations of Coxeter permutahedra

F Ardila, F Castillo, C Eur, A Postnikov - Advances in Mathematics, 2020 - Elsevier
We describe the cone of deformations of a Coxeter permutahedron, or equivalently, the nef
cone of the toric variety associated to a Coxeter complex. This class of polytopes contains …

A Novel Set-Theoretic Interval Observer for Discrete Linear Time-Invariant Systems

F Xu, S Yang, X Wang - IEEE Transactions on Automatic …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… Q]Bd, where the symbol ↓d (·) denotes the reduction of the order of a zonotope r to d, ˆHT is
… Thus, we propose to use the notion of interval hull of zonotopes here to obtain the interval of …

Computational and Geometric Aspects of Linear Optimization

Z Guan - 2021 - macsphere.mcmaster.ca
… In 2017, Deza, Manoussakis, and Onn [15] introduced a lower bound that is achieved by a
family of lattice zonotopes, referred to as primitive zonotopes. They proved that δ(d,k) ≥ ⌊(k +…

[PDF][PDF] Implementation of interval arithmetic in {CORA} 2016

M Althoff, D Grebenyuk - … . of the 3rd International Workshop on …, 2016 - mediatum.ub.tum.de
… The set representations that are currently supported are intervals, zonotopes, zonotope
bundles, polynomial zonotopes, and polytopes. CORA also realizes the conversion between the …

Trajectory computation of dynamic uncertain systems

O Adrot, JM Flaus - … Conference on Decision and Control (IEEE …, 2003 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… This procedure generates the strip constraints S,, which describe the relationships between
all model relations and define the Cartesian equations of the frontiers of the zonotope. …