Certified Federated Adversarial Training

G Zizzo, A Rawat, M Sinn, S Maffeis… - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2021 - arxiv.org
… reader into using zonotopes for neural … a zonotope being pushed through a single layer in
a toy neural network to help build intuition for the reader into the ideas behind using zonotopes

On using distorted sensors for set-based multi-scale actuator fault diagnosis

C Combastel, Q Zhang, SA Raka - IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2011 - Elsevier
… of two zonotopes Z(R1) and Z(R2) is a zonotope that can be … of a zonotope Z(R) by a linear
application L is a zonotope that … 1) is assumed to be a known zonotope centered on c0 ∈ Rn …

A lower bound for the translative kissing numbers of simplices

I Talata - 2000 - deepblue.lib.umich.edu
… H(K)≥ 2cd of [19] restricted to zonotopes. A zonotope is a convex polytope whose faces (of
any dimensions) are centrally symmetric (for more information about zonotopes, see [9]). …

[PDF][PDF] CMO-BIRS sandpile workshop open problem: monomizations of power ideals and an interval decomposition of the acyclic partial orientations

SAM HOPKINS - 2015 - www-users.cse.umn.edu
zonotope of G, the dimension of the central algebra is equal to the volume of this zonotope,
… the number of interior lattice points of this zonotope. Recall that the dimension of the inverse …

Water activity and its prediction: A review

JB Cazier, V Gekas - International Journal of Food Properties, 2001 - Taylor & Francis
… designed to solve mixing problems: zonotopes. This relatively new mathematical field comes
… A vectorial reconstruction of Minkowski sums, the zonotopes, provides information on the …

Interval-Observer-Based Robust FE for Discrete-Time Switched Systems

D Du, S Xu, V Cocquempot - Observer-Based Fault Diagnosis and Fault …, 2021 - Springer
zonotopes in (4.2) and (4.3). Since e(0), \(\omega (t)\), and \(\upsilon (t)\) are bounded in
centered zonotopes, e(t) is also bounded in a zonotope … the corresponding zonotopes, we have …

Set-membership Switched Observers based on Interval Characterization of the Estimation Error

S Ifqir, V Puig, D Ichalal, N Ait-Oufroukh, S Mammar - IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2020 - Elsevier
This paper presents a new set-membership estimation methodology for uncertain switched
LPV discrete-time systems subject to unknown inputs, unmeasurable time-varying …

Distances Defined by Zonoids

ST Rachev, LB Klebanov, SV Stoyanov… - The Methods of …, 2013 - Springer
… sum of finitely many centered line segments is called a zonotope. Consider a zonotope
{C}}^{{\prime}}\) is called a zonoid if it is a limit in a d H distance of a sequence of zonotopes. …

[PDF][PDF] 超平面配置とトーリック多様体 (トーリック多様体の幾何と凸多面体)

前田真美 - 数理解析研究所講究録, 1996 - repository.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp
zonotope とは, 有限個の線分の Minkowski 和で表わされる … 対称とは限らない) 線分の Minkowski
和 で表わされる凸多面体を zonotope と言う. $\square _{h}$ は $r$ 次元の zonotope である. …

Set‐based Fault Detection and Isolation

Y Wang, V Puig - Diagnosis and Fault‐tolerant Control 1: Data …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
… The chapter introduces some background material on sets and in particular on zonotopes.
It presents the fault detection and isolation procedures using set‐based approaches. The …