Voltage ride-through capability verification of DFIG-based wind turbines using reachability analysis
HNV Pico, DC Aliprantis - IEEE Transactions on Energy …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… Modification of a 2-D zonotope Z that has a single generator. It is replaced by a zonotope Z
with a new center point and two orthogonal generators. The operation yields a zonotope with …
with a new center point and two orthogonal generators. The operation yields a zonotope with …
Observers for interval systems using set and trajectory-based approaches
… the zonotopes. It can be chosen freely and is a performance parameter for the Kuhn's algorithm.
Given the zonotope … the set of estimated states X(k)is enclosed by the following zonotope …
Given the zonotope … the set of estimated states X(k)is enclosed by the following zonotope …
Toric mirror symmetry and GIT windows
J Huang - 2021 - ideals.illinois.edu
This thesis, partially based on the author's joint work [HZ20], studies mirror symmetry for toric
varieties from the perspective of geometric invariant theory. We translate GIT constructions …
varieties from the perspective of geometric invariant theory. We translate GIT constructions …
Hierarchical zonotopal power ideals
M Lenz - Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer …, 2011 - dmtcs.episciences.org
… (hyperplane arrangements, zonotopes and tilings of zonotopes), … a certain subset of the set
of integral points in the zonotope … with vectors as we are also interested in the zonotope Z(X). …
of integral points in the zonotope … with vectors as we are also interested in the zonotope Z(X). …
Set-membership parity space hybrid system diagnosis
In this paper, diagnosis for hybrid systems using a parity space approach that considers
model uncertainty is proposed. The hybrid diagnoser is composed of modules which carry out …
model uncertainty is proposed. The hybrid diagnoser is composed of modules which carry out …
[PDF][PDF] Zonotopic and Gaussian state estimator: the predictor and filter algorithms
AA de Paula, GV Raffo… - 14o Simpósio Brasileiro de …, 2019 - researchgate.net
… zonotopes, which are sets more general than intervals and parallelotopes (Le et al., 2013).
Zonotopes … This section aims at introducing some concepts about GRV, zonotope and, finally, …
Zonotopes … This section aims at introducing some concepts about GRV, zonotope and, finally, …
Correlation clustering with low-rank matrices
… probability the zonotope vertices that are generated will tend to be those which most affect
the overall shape of the zonotope [26]. We expect such extremal vertices of the zonotope to be …
the overall shape of the zonotope [26]. We expect such extremal vertices of the zonotope to be …
Equiangular Numbers
H Crapo, CLCD Poly-Barbut - … and Mathematics from Antiquity to the …, 2015 - Springer
… draw the corresponding zonotope or zonotopal tiling? In his charming article on zonotopes
(1962), … Figure 91.2 is a correct projection of the corresponding zonotope, with flat octagonal, …
(1962), … Figure 91.2 is a correct projection of the corresponding zonotope, with flat octagonal, …
Ellipsoid-based interval estimation for Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems
… To handle this problem, one has to use a reduction operator to constrain the dimensions of
zonotope [10]. However, the zonotope-based method requires higher dimensional zonotopes …
zonotope [10]. However, the zonotope-based method requires higher dimensional zonotopes …
Banach spaces which are far from all lattices
Y Gordon - Positivity, 2003 - Springer
We consider n-dimensional real Banach spaces X which are far, in the Banach–Mazur distance,
from all complemented subspaces of all Banach lattices. We show that this is related to …
from all complemented subspaces of all Banach lattices. We show that this is related to …