@article{oku-yas-tok-98-aa-segint-tr, author = {Hisanobu Okuda and Seigo Yasutome and Nobuki Tokura}, title = {Decision of Segments Intersection under Input Data Expressed in Affine Arithmetic}, journal = {IEICE Technical Report}, publisher = {IEICE - Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers}, year = 1998, month = jun, volume = {98}, number = {137}, pages = {23-30}, issn = {0913-5685}, url = {https://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110003191662/en/}, note = {See also~\cite{oku-yas-tok-98-aa-segint}}, comment = {Applicaton of AA to basic computational geometry}, abstract = {The computational geometry algorithms which give consideration to imprecise input don't assume a correlations between the input errors. If a predicate which decide a geometrical property keep track of the errors, it can give more precise information. In this paper, we propose a method which gives consideration of a correlation of input errors in 1st degree, using Affine Arithmetic and show how a result of a decision of segments intersection is affected by the consideration of correlation of input errors and the range's overestimation caused by Affine Arithmetic, comparing with a current method.} }