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Sinval de Souza, Solange Mendes, Maria José da Silva, Maria Magali Chaguri, Daniel Capeleto, Mercedes de Moura, and Roseli Cassis at the the 1999 IC-UNICAMP "Mass Tenure" party. Photo taken July 1999 by J. Stolfi. |
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Roland Scialom, Maria Magali Chaguri, and Alexandre Xavier Falcão, at the 1999 IC-UNICAMP "Mass Tenure" party. Photo taken July 1999 by J. Stolfi. |
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Claudia Bauzer, Neucimar Leite, Heloísa Rocha, Paulo Centoducatte, and Anamaria Gomide, at the 1999 IC-UNICAMP "Mass Tenure" party. Photo taken July 1999 by J. Stolfi. |
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Alexandre Xavier Falcão, at the 1999 IC-UNICAMP "Mass Tenure" party. Photo taken July 1999 by J. Stolfi. |
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Alexandre Oliva at the 1999 IC-UNICAMP "Mass Tenure" party (?). Photo taken ??/???/1999(?) by J. Stolfi. |