
img/logos/ic-3/p.png [70468 bytes]
Proposed IC Seal or logo: the IC abacus in a ring frame with
the motto "Arte, Engenharia e Ciência da Computação".
Generated 96-04-29 by J. Stolfi, after a design by Ricardo Anido.
Hand-edited 3D model, rendered with POV-Ray (70 hours CPU time!).

img/logos/ic-4/p.gif [65483 bytes]
Proposed IC Seal or logo: the IC abacus in a ring frame with
the motto "Arte, Engenharia e Ciência da Computação".
Generated 96-05-03 by J. Stolfi, after a design by Ricardo Anido.
Hand-edited 3D model, rendered with POV-Ray (70 hours CPU time!).

img/logos/ic-7/p.gif [63990 bytes]
Proposed IC Seal or logo: the IC abacus in a ring frame with
the motto "Arte, Engenharia e Ciência da Computação".
Digital art produced ???/??? by Ricardo Anido.

Generated on Sun Dec 9 00:19:47 EDT 2001