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img/photos/misc/euzebio-2/p.png [75969 bytes]
Marcos José Cândido Euzébio,
at an unidentified IC-UNICAMP party.
Photo taken ??? 1999(?) by J. Stolfi.

img/photos/misc/fileto-1/p.png [144917 bytes]
Renato Fileto,
Photo taken ??/nov/1999(?) by J. Stolfi.

img/photos/misc/guialbu-1/p.png [141624 bytes]
Guilherme Albuquerque Pinto,
Photo taken ??/nov/1999(?) by J. Stolfi.

img/photos/misc/islene-3/p.png [110200 bytes]
Islene Calciolari Garcia,
at the 1999 IC-UNICAMP Year-End party(?)
Photo taken ??/nov/1999(?) by J. Stolfi.

img/photos/misc/keidi-3/p.png [107644 bytes]
Flávio Keidi Miyazawa at IC-UNICAMP.
Photo taken ??? 1999 by J. Stolfi.

img/photos/misc/keidi-5/p.png [131585 bytes]
Flávio Keidi Miyazawa,
at the 1999 IC-UNICAMP Year-End party(?)
Photo taken ??/nov/1999(?) by J. Stolfi.

img/photos/misc/lucchesi-2/p.png [163645 bytes]
Cláudio Leonardo Lucchesi,
at the 1999 IC-UNICAMP Year-End party(?)
Photo taken ??/nov/1999(?) by J. Stolfi.

img/photos/misc/lucchesi-4/p.png [209630 bytes]
Cláudio Leonardo Lucchesi,
at the IC-UNICAMP creation party.
Photo taken ??/???/???? by J. Stolfi.

img/photos/misc/marcus-2/p.png [283569 bytes]
Ângela Comba, João Luiz Dihl Comba,
Marcus Vinícius Alvim Andrade, and Flávia Andrade at
a barbecue party in Escondido Village, Stanford.
Photo taken ???/97 by J. Stolfi.

img/photos/misc/marta-3/p.png [44506 bytes]
Marta Duarte Teixeira at IC-UNICAMP after her M. Sc. orals.
Photo taken by ??? on ??/???/199?.

img/photos/misc/oliva-2/p.png [179032 bytes]
Alexandre Oliva and João Meidanis,
at the 1999 IC-UNICAMP Year-End party(?)
Photo taken ??/nov/1999(?) by J. Stolfi.

img/photos/misc/poliusp-1/p.png [48994 bytes]
??? and ???, at Passo da Lontra, Miranda River, MS,
after the V Semana da Computação, DCT-UFMS.
Photo taken Sep/1966 by J. Stolfi.

img/photos/misc/ragazzi-10/p.png [61297 bytes]
Vera Lúcia de Oliveira Ragazzi,
at the 1997 IC-UNICAMP Christmas Party.
Photo taken ??/1997 by J. Stolfi.

img/photos/misc/rzmbk-1/p.png [174672 bytes]
Kamil ???, Rene Zandbergen, and Marcela Budiková
at the Prague Castle, during the Voynich Expedition 2000,
after WSCG'2000..
Picture taken ??/Feb/2000 by J. Stolfi.

img/photos/misc/rzmbk-2/p.png [163615 bytes]
Kamil ???, Rene Zandbergen, and Marcela Budiková
at the Prague Castle, during the Voynich Expedition 2000,
after WSCG'2000..
Picture taken ??/Feb/2000 by J. Stolfi.

img/photos/misc/sam-claud-1/p.png [206673 bytes]
??? and Cláudio Sérgio Da Rós de Carvalho.
Scanned Apr/98 by J. Stolfi from picture provided by Vera Ragazzi.

img/photos/misc/standrews-1/p.png [207035 bytes]
Anamaria Gomide, ???, and ??? at St. Andrews University,
on the Sunday preceding the A4A4 conference.
Photo taken July 2001 by J. Stolfi.

img/photos/misc/stolfi-10/p.png [164258 bytes]
Jorge Stolfi,
at the 1999 IC-UNICAMP Year-End party(?)
Photo taken ??/nov/1999(?) by J. Stolfi.

img/photos/misc/stolfi-7/p.png [267915 bytes]
Jorge Stolfi lecturing on the perspective transformation to
MC909 Computer Graphics students, in UNICAMP's CB lecture hall.
Photo taken ???/97 by Candida Silva.

img/photos/misc/thelma-2/p.png [314507 bytes]
Ariadne Carvalho, Thelma Chiossi,
???, and ???,
at the 1999 IC-UNICAMP Year-End party(?)
Photo taken ??/nov/1999(?) by J. Stolfi.

img/photos/misc/ufms-3/p.png [47286 bytes]
???, at Passo da Lontra, Miranda River, MS,
after the V Semana da Computação, DCT-UFMS.
Photo taken Sep/1966 by J. Stolfi.

img/photos/misc/ufpe-sostenes-1/p.png [45964 bytes]
Sóstenes Luiz Soares Lins,
right after Helena Cristina da Gama Leitão's Ph. D. orals,
Photo taken ??/nov/1999(?) by J. Stolfi.

img/photos/misc/usp-jose-2/p.png [73517 bytes]
José Augusto R. Soares,
at the 1999 IC-UNICAMP Year-End party(?)
Photo taken ??/nov/1999(?) by J. Stolfi.

img/photos/misc/usp-yo-yo-1/p.png [195676 bytes]
???, Yoshiko Wakabayashi, Flávio Keidi Miyazawa,
and Yoshiharu Kohayakawa,
at the X Escola de Computação.
Photo taken Jul/96 by J. Stolfi.

img/photos/misc/xavier-3/p.png [55837 bytes]
Cândido Ferreira Xavier de Mendonça Neto,
after Érico Xavier's M. Sc. orals.
Photo taken on ??/???/???? by ????.

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Generated on Sun Dec 9 02:09:49 EDT 2001