Voynich Manuscript

img/figures/cartoons/vms-f74r-1/p.png [116076 bytes]
Fake Voynich Manuscript page, produced mainly to test
scanner resolution needs and ghost-removal algorithms.
Cartoon drawn ???/2001 by J. Stolfi.
Outlines: India ink and Pelikan red ink mixture, applied with fountain pen.
Fill-in: colored pencils, liquid-ink ball-points.
Medium: yellow-tinted paper with margarine smudges.

img/figures/cartoons/vms-f74v-1/p.png [120495 bytes]
Fake Voynich Manuscript page, produced mainly to test
scanner resolution needs and ghost-removal algorithms.
Cartoon drawn ???/2001 by J. Stolfi.
Outlines: India ink and Pelikan red ink mixture, applied with fountain pen.
Fill-in: colored pencils, liquid-ink ball-points.
Medium: yellow-tinted paper with margarine smudges.

Generated on Sun Dec 9 00:26:09 EDT 2001