Photos: Oh What a Beautiful Campus


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Views of UNICAMP: The Ecological Division at work.
Av. Albert Einstein, between AdUNICAMP and the Economics School.
Photo taken ~ July 1997 by J. Stolfi.

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Views of UNICAMP: The Ecological Division at work.
Vacant lot on Av. Albert Einstein, across Funcamp.
Photo taken ~ July 1997 by J. Stolfi.

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Views of UNICAMP: The Ecological Division at work.
Photo taken by ??/???/98 by J. Stolfi. 

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Views of UNICAMP: Recognizing wild animals by their trails.
Concrete truck washings, between Funcamp and the Economics School.
Photo taken ~1996/1997 by J. Stolfi.

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Views of UNICAMP: A unique archtectural style.
Philosohy Institute's snack bar.
Photo taken ~ July 1997 by J. Stolfi.

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Views of UNICAMP: You can see that we are working.
Building materials dumped all around the AdUNICAMP site.
Photo taken ~1996 by J. Stolfi.

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Views of UNICAMP: Leadership in Public Sanitation.
Garbage dump grounds behind the Maintenance Division.
Photo taken ~1995/1996 by J. Stolfi.

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Views of UNICAMP: The Nation's chief economists came from here. 
Rua Pitágoras, in front of the School of Economics.
Photo taken ~1995/1996 by J. Stolfi.

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Views of UNICAMP: Our Libraries spread knowledge as well as other stuff.
School of Electrical Engineering, future Library on Av. A. Einstein.
Photo taken ~1995/1996 by J. Stolfi.

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Views of UNICAMP: Physical relaxation in a pleasurable setting.
Av. A. Einstein, in front of the School of Physical Education.
Photo taken ~1995/1996 by J. Stolfi.

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Views of UNICAMP: We are a Mecca for diseases.
The University's Teaching Hospital.
Photo taken ~1995/1996 by J. Stolfi.

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Views of UNICAMP: Keepers of the litterary treasures.
The Institute for Language Studies.
Photo taken ~ July 1997 by J. Stolfi.

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Views of UNICAMP: Making the Campus a better place to live.
The Physics Institute's Teaching Labs on Rua Pitágoras.
Photo taken ~1995/1996 by J. Stolfi.

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Views of UNICAMP: Making the Campus a better place to live.
The Physics Institute's Computer Building on Rua Pitágoras.
Photo taken ~1995/1996 by J. Stolfi.

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Views of UNICAMP: Catering to people's religious needs.
Garbage altar on Av. Bertrand Russel, by the School of Humanities.
Photo taken ~ July 1997 by J. Stolfi.

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Views of UNICAMP: Wholesome eating in an ecological setting.
The Lake House Restaurant, next to UNICAMP's Ecological Preserve.
Photo taken ~1995/1996 by J. Stolfi.

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Views of UNICAMP: The sign says, "No trash dumping on this spot".
UNICAMP's trash dump, behind the Maintenance building.
Photo taken ~1995/1996 by J. Stolfi.

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Views of UNICAMP: Wholesome eating in a pleasant setting.
The University's Cafeteria.
Photo taken ~1995/1996 by J. Stolfi.

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Views of UNICAMP: High-tech solutions for the Nation.
The Trashotron Mark II at the Physics Institute.
Photo taken ~ 1996/1997 by J. Stolfi.


Generated on Fri Nov 30 16:42:43 EDT 2001