dp: [srcf82] nice /ff/stolfi/packages/zzcsg/v03.04//ZZMain -modelName blurballs -outputName 90-07-30-1850/blurballs -writeIFF -writeFiltered -writeTimes -writeCounters -imageSize cam1 999 666 -imageSegment cam1 00 0 100 0 666 -useHitListTable -useTileListTable -numThreads 3 -zeta 1.5 -iffGamma 1.8 1.8 1.8 -pikGamma 2.4 -samplesPerPixel 4 Command line options: -modelName blurballs \ -outputName 90-07-30-1850/blurballs \ -writeFiltered \ -writeIFF \ -writeCounters \ -writeTimes \ -bufferSplit 2 \ -useTileListTable \ -useHitListTable \ -maxUnionTiles 15 \ -debugPixel -1 -1 \ -zeta 1.500000 \ -pikGamma 2.400000 \ -iffGamma 1.800000 1.800000 1.800000 \ -samplesPerPixel 4 \ -numThreads 3 \ -maxVMBytes 40000000 \ -imageSize cam1 999 666 \ -imageSegment cam1 00 0 100 0 666 \ Reading model... ////ooo/ooo/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 226 objects in model Reading time 4.4 seconds. Light source "src1": Position [1.0000e+00 3.0000e+01 4.0000e+01 8.0000e+01] Field/beam footprint = [-2.7500e+01 _ 2.7500e+01] x [-2.7500e+01 _ 2.7500e+01] Lens/lamp width = 0.0000e+00 height = 0.0000e+00 Light source "src2": Position [1.0000e+00 9.3750e+01 -7.5000e+01 3.7500e+01] Field/beam footprint = [-2.7500e+01 _ 2.7500e+01] x [-2.7500e+01 _ 2.7500e+01] Lens/lamp width = 0.0000e+00 height = 0.0000e+00 Building ZZ-buffer "src1"... Building ZZ-buffer "src2"... Statistics for top-level tiling for ZZ-buffer "src2" 226 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeTiles 226 calls to ZZAtomNode.Project 451 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles 451 tile lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles 226 ProjData nodes allocated 226 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTiles 1843 tile nodes allocated 1 calls to ZZTileList.ComputeTiles 28 punts by ZZTileList.Unite 225 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeTiles 692 nodes allocated by ZZUnionNode.New 234 nodes reused by ZZUnionNode.New top-level tiling time 7.7 seconds. 16 nodes in top tile list Statistics for top-level tiling for ZZ-buffer "src1" 226 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeTiles 226 calls to ZZAtomNode.Projectcalls t 29204] 451] calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles 451 tile lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles 226 ProjData nodes allocated 226 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTiles 1834 tile nodes allocated 1 calls to ZZTileList.ComputeTiles 28 punts by ZZTileList.Unite 225 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeTiles 605 nodes allocated by ZZUnionNode.New 297 nodes reused by ZZUnionNode.New top-level tiling time 7.8 seconds. 16 nodes in top tile list [VM = 3927040] [VM = 4933632] Statistics for re-tiling ZZ-buffer "src2" 54240 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeTiles 54240 calls to ZZAtomNode.Project 140070 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles 114691 tile lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles 25379 tile lists reused by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles 54240 ProjData nodes reused 54240 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTiles 25637 tile nodes allocated 2942 calls to ZZTileList.ComputeTiles 57679 tile nodes returned to free list 350 punts by ZZTileList.Unite 60451 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeTiles 8480 nodes allocated by ZZUnionNode.New 11735 nodes reused by ZZUnionNode.New Total retiling time 444.2 seconds. 13058 total tiles in ZZ-buffer total tiling time 454.3 seconds. Writing 90-07-30-1850/blurballs-src2-ct-timeTilingPhase.pik... max = 4.488e+05 tot = 3.777e+08 avg = 3.777e+04 Writing 90-07-30-1850/blurballs-src2-ct-numTilesInZZBuffer.pik... max = 8 tot = 13058 avg = 1.31 Statistics for re-tiling ZZ-buffer "src1" 41418 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeTiles 41418 calls to ZZAtomNode.Project 121278 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles 89711 tile lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles 31567 tile lists reused by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles 41418 ProjData nodes reused 41418 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTiles 23885 tile nodes allocated 5318 calls to ZZTileList.ComputeTiles 56125 tile nodes returned to free list 251 punts by ZZTileList.Unite 48293 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeTiles 10029 nodes allocated by ZZUnionNode.New 12127 nodes reused by ZZUnionNode.New Total retiling time 445.7 seconds. 13341 total tiles in ZZ-buffer total tiling time 455.9 seconds. Writing 90-07-30-1850/blurballs-src1-ct-timeTilingPhase.pik... max = 1.793e+05 tot = 3.444e+08 avg = 3.444e+04 Writing 90-07-30-1850/blurballs-src1-ct-numTilesInZZBuffer.pik... max = 4 tot = 13341 avg = 1.33 Debugger.Call: Unhandled Exception dp: 0.89 secs/StartProcess. dp: 0 failed attempts. dp: 0.000 secs/MachineInfo.Select. dp: 0.79 secs/TryStartProcess. dp: 0.04 secs/DPClient.Import. dp: 0.72 secs/DPClient.StartProcess.