# Last edited on 2000-05-05 17:04:03 by stolfi SHAPE = gear PIECE = gear-1 FRQ = 032 VARIANT = ${FRQ} DIR = ${PIECE}-${VARIANT} PZFILTER = ../${M3PLATFORM}/PZFilter .PHONY: all all: ${DIR}/c002.eps ${DIR}/p002.eps ${DIR}/g002.eps ${DIR}/d002.eps ${DIR}/r000.flc: ${SHAPE}.create @echo "### creating ${DIR}/r000.flc ###" if [ ! -d ${DIR} ]; then mkdir ${DIR}; fi ${SHAPE}.create -f trace.gawk -v frq=${FRQ} > ${DIR}/r000.flc do-draw-curve ${PIECE} ${VARIANT} r 000 ${DIR}/p002.eps: ${DIR}/r000.flc ${PZFILTER} do-filter-para @echo "### parametric filtering of ${DIR}/r000.flc ###" do-filter-para ${PIECE} ${VARIANT} r000 for band in 001 002 004 008 016 032 064 128 256 ; do \ do-draw-curve-para ${PIECE} ${VARIANT} p $${band}; \ done ${DIR}/c002.eps: ${DIR}/r000.flc ${PZFILTER} do-filter-cdif @echo "### parametric filtering of ${DIR}/r000.flc ###" do-filter-cdif ${PIECE} ${VARIANT} r000 for band in 001 002 004 008 016 032 064 128 256 ; do \ do-draw-curve-para ${PIECE} ${VARIANT} c $${band}; \ done ${DIR}/g002.eps: ${DIR}/r000.flc ${PZFILTER} do-filter-geo @echo "### geometric filtering of ${DIR}/r000.flc ###" do-filter-geo ${PIECE} ${VARIANT} r000 for band in 001 002 004 008 016 032 064 128 256 ; do \ do-draw-curve-geo ${PIECE} ${VARIANT} g $${band}; \ do-draw-filtering ${PIECE} ${VARIANT} g 000 g $${band}; \ done ${DIR}/d002.eps: ${DIR}/r000.flc ${PZFILTER} do-filter-double @echo "### double-step geometric filtering of ${DIR}/r000.flc ###" do-filter-double ${PIECE} ${VARIANT} r000 for band in 001 002 004 008 016 032 064 128 256 ; do \ do-draw-curve-geo ${PIECE} ${VARIANT} d $${band}; \ do-draw-filtering ${PIECE} ${VARIANT} g 000 d $${band}; \ done