MODULE PZGetStraightSegs EXPORTS Main; (* Generate list of straight segments in symbolic chains *) (* Last edited on 1999-09-04 13:23:56 by hcgl *) (* Looks for contour segments that have low average curvature in the current scale, and a specified minimum length. These segments are broadened to include the adjacent blurred corners. Remember to use a negative blurFactor when mapping these segments to other scales. *) IMPORT ParseParams, Process, FileWr, Wr, OSError, Thread, Stdio, Fmt; IMPORT PZSymbolChain, PZSymbol, PZSegment; FROM Stdio IMPORT stderr; FROM PZTypes IMPORT LONG, LONGS, NAT, BOOLS; <* FATAL Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted, OSError.E *> CONST ExpectedSegsPerCurve = 1; TYPE Options = RECORD chainDir: TEXT; (* Directory where to find curve data *) chainPrefix: TEXT; (* Invariant chain file name prefix. *) nCurves: NAT; (* Number of curves. *) output: TEXT; (* Output segment file name. *) band: NAT; (* Filtering "band" (wavelength parameter). *) step: LONG; (* Sampling step size. *) minLength: LONG; (* Min length of straight segments. *) minCurvature: LONG; (* Min curvature to consider matching. *) blurFactor: LONG; (* Corner broadening factor. *) printSegs: NAT; (* Max segments to print. *) END; TYPE VTable = PZSymbol.Table; PROCEDURE Main() = BEGIN WITH o = GetOptions(), lambda = FLOAT(, LONG), sel = SelectAll(o.nCurves)^, chData = PZSymbolChain.ReadAll(o.chainPrefix,, ".cvc", sel, headerOnly := FALSE, dir := o.chainDir ), dch = PZSymbol.MakeDecodeTable(chData.sigmaMin)^, ech = PZSymbol.MakeErrorVarTable(chData.sigmaMin)^, seg = ComputeStraightSegments( chData.chain^, dch := dch, ech := ech, minCurvature := o.minCurvature, minLength := EnsurePositive(o.minLength - 2.0d0 * o.blurFactor * lambda), step := o.step, (* Extend the result to cover the blurred corners too: *) extraLength := 4.0d0 * o.blurFactor * lambda )^ DO <* ASSERT chData.sigmaMin = chData.sigmaMax *> WITH wr = FileWr.Open(o.output & ".seg") DO PZSegment.Write(wr, SegComment(o), seg) END; PrintSegments(chData.chain^, seg,, o.printSegs); END; END Main; PROCEDURE EnsurePositive(segLength: LONG): LONG = BEGIN IF segLength < 0.0d0 THEN Wr.PutText(stderr, "warning: requested segment length too small for this scale\n"); Wr.Flush(stderr); Process.Exit(1); END; RETURN MAX(0.0d0, segLength) END EnsurePositive; PROCEDURE SelectAll(n: NAT): REF BOOLS = BEGIN WITH rb = NEW(REF BOOLS, n), b = rb^ DO FOR i := 0 TO n-1 DO b[i] := TRUE END; RETURN rb END END SelectAll; PROCEDURE GetOptions(): Options = VAR o: Options; BEGIN WITH pp = NEW(ParseParams.T).init(stderr) DO TRY IF pp.keywordPresent("-chainDir") THEN o.chainDir := pp.getNext() ELSE o.chainDir := "." END; pp.getKeyword("-chainPrefix"); o.chainPrefix := pp.getNext(); pp.getKeyword("-nCurves"); o.nCurves := pp.getNextInt(); pp.getKeyword("-band"); := pp.getNextInt(); pp.getKeyword("-step"); o.step := pp.getNextLongReal(0.0d0); pp.getKeyword("-output"); o.output := pp.getNext(); pp.getKeyword("-minLength"); o.minLength := pp.getNextLongReal(0.0d0); pp.getKeyword("-blurFactor"); o.blurFactor := pp.getNextLongReal(0.0d0); pp.getKeyword("-minCurvature"); o.minCurvature := pp.getNextLongReal(0.0d0); IF pp.keywordPresent("-printSegs") THEN o.printSegs := pp.getNextInt(1) ELSE o.printSegs := 1000 END; pp.finish(); EXCEPT | ParseParams.Error => Wr.PutText(stderr, "Usage: PZGetStraightSegs \\\n"); Wr.PutText(stderr, " [ -chainDir DIR ] -chainPrefix NAME \\\n"); Wr.PutText(stderr, " -nCurves NUMBER \\\n"); Wr.PutText(stderr, " -band NUMBER -step NUMBER \\\n"); Wr.PutText(stderr, " -output NAME \\\n"); Wr.PutText(stderr, " -minLength NUMBER -blurFactor NUMBER \\\n"); Wr.PutText(stderr, " -minCurvature NUMBER \\\n"); Wr.PutText(stderr, " [ -printSegs NUMBER ]\n"); Process.Exit(1); END; END; RETURN o END GetOptions; PROCEDURE ComputeStraightSegments( READONLY chain : ARRAY OF PZSymbolChain.ReadData; READONLY dch: VTable; (* Curvature decoding table. *) READONLY ech: VTable; (* Quantization noise variances. *) minCurvature: LONG; (* Min curvature to consider *) minLength: LONG; (* Min length of straight segment (already shrunk) *) step: LONG; (* Sampling step *) extraLength: LONG; (* How much to extend the result *) ): REF PZSegment.List = VAR s: REF PZSegment.List; nSegs : NAT := 0; BEGIN WITH nChains = NUMBER(chain) DO s := NEW(REF PZSegment.List, nChains * ExpectedSegsPerCurve); FOR k := 0 TO nChains-1 DO WITH c = chain[k].c^, minSteps = FLOOR(minLength / step), halfStretch = FLOOR(0.5d0 * extraLength / step ) DO ProcessChain( c, k, s, nSegs, dch := dch, ech := ech, minSteps := minSteps, minCurvature := minCurvature, halfStretch := halfStretch ) END; END; WITH st = NEW(REF PZSegment.List, nSegs) DO st^ := SUBARRAY(s^, 0, nSegs); RETURN st; END; END; END ComputeStraightSegments; PROCEDURE ProcessChain( READONLY c: PZSymbolChain.T; k: NAT; VAR s: REF PZSegment.List; VAR nSegs: NAT; READONLY dch: VTable; (* Curvature decoding table *) READONLY ech: VTable; (* Quantization noise variances. *) minSteps: NAT; (* Minimum number of steps in segment. *) minCurvature: LONG; (* Min curvature to consider *) halfStretch: NAT; (* Number of steps to add at each end *) ) = (* Consider the set of indices "ic" of the chain "c". This set is a priodic sequence with period "mc=NUMBER(c)". We compute a boolean vector "ok", such that "ok[ic]" tells whether the the "minSteps+1" elements beginning with element "r" would be an acceptable segment. Specifically, "ok[ic] = TRUE" iff the root mean of the squared curvatures "c[ic+k]^2" is less than "minCurvature". All averages are taken for "k" ranging in [0..minSteps]". The segments are then found by identifying the maximal substrings of consecutive "TRUE"s in the "ok" vector. Finally, "halfStretch" steps are added at each end of every segment found. *) VAR c2Sum: LONG; BEGIN WITH mc = NUMBER(c), nOld = nSegs + 0, (* Properties of a minimal-size segment: *) minSamples = FLOAT(minSteps + 1, LONG), minTotValueSqr = minSamples * minCurvature*minCurvature, (* Work vectors: *) c2s = NEW(REF LONGS, mc)^, (* Accumulated "c[ia]^2" *) ok = NEW(REF BOOLS, mc)^ DO Wr.PutText(stderr, "chain: " & Fmt.Int(k) & "[" & Fmt.Int(mc) & "]"); Wr.PutText(stderr, " minSteps: " & Fmt.Int(minSteps)); (* Accumulates squared values, so that "c2s[r] = SUM { c[k]^2 : k IN [0..r] }". *) c2Sum := 0.0d0; FOR r := 0 TO mc-1 DO WITH cv = dch[c[r]], e2 = ech[c[r]] DO c2Sum := c2Sum + cv*cv + e2; c2s[r] := c2Sum; END; END; (* Mark in "ok" all positions "r" along the diagonal that are the beginnings of substrings, consisting OF "minSteps+1" consecutive samples, which have sufficiently small root mean square curvatures: *) FOR r := 0 TO mc-1 DO WITH rLo = r - 1, rmLo = rLo MOD mc, qLo = FLOAT(rLo DIV mc, LONG), rHi = r + minSteps, rmHi = rHi MOD mc, qHi = FLOAT(rHi DIV mc, LONG), c2Tot = (c2s[rmHi] + qHi*c2Sum) - (c2s[rmLo] + qLo*c2Sum) DO ok[r] := c2Tot < minTotValueSqr END; END; BreakChain( c, k, ok, s, nSegs, dch := dch, ech := ech, minSteps := minSteps, minCurvature := minCurvature, halfStretch := halfStretch ); Wr.PutText(stderr," nSegs: " & Fmt.Int(nSegs)); Wr.PutText(stderr," (+" & Fmt.Int(nSegs - nOld) & ")\n"); END; END ProcessChain; PROCEDURE BreakChain( READONLY c: PZSymbolChain.T; k: NAT; READONLY ok: BOOLS; VAR s: REF PZSegment.List; VAR nSegs: NAT; READONLY dch: VTable; (* Curvature decoding table *) READONLY ech: VTable; (* Quantization noise variances. *) minSteps: NAT; (* Minimum number of steps in segment. *) minCurvature: LONG; (* Min curvature to consider *) halfStretch: NAT; (* Number of steps to add at each end *) ) = VAR t: NAT; count, tStart, tIni, tLen: NAT; inx: NAT; BEGIN WITH mc = NUMBER(c), maxSteps = mc-1 DO <* ASSERT mc > 1 *> (* Look for a TRUE element "ok[tStart]" right after a FALSE element: *) t := 0; WHILE ok[t MOD mc] = TRUE AND t < mc DO INC(t) END; IF t = mc THEN (* All TRUE *) tStart := 0 ELSE inx := 0; WHILE ok[t MOD mc] = FALSE AND inx < mc DO INC(t); INC(inx) END; IF inx = mc THEN (* All FALSE *) RETURN END; tStart := t MOD mc; END; (* Collect runs of TRUEs": *) t := tStart; REPEAT (* Here begins a new run *) tIni := t; count := 0; REPEAT INC(t); INC(count); UNTIL ok[t MOD mc] = FALSE OR count = mc; (* Compute end of segment, clipping to "maxSteps": *) WITH nSteps = count - 1 + minSteps, excess = MAX(0, nSteps - maxSteps) DO tIni := (tIni + excess DIV 2) MOD mc; tLen := MIN(maxSteps, nSteps) + 1; END; (* Remove high-curvature points at either end: *) TrimCrookedEnds(c, minCurvature*minCurvature, dch, ech, tIni, tLen); (* Extend segment in both directions, clipping to "maxSteps": *) tIni := (tIni - halfStretch) MOD mc; tLen := tLen + 2*halfStretch; WITH excess = MAX(0, tLen - 1 - maxSteps) DO tIni := (tIni + excess DIV 2) MOD mc; tLen := MIN(maxSteps + 1, tLen); END; (* Finally, store segment if long enough: *) IF tLen - 1 >= minSteps THEN (* Make room for a new segment: *) IF nSegs >= NUMBER(s^) THEN WITH st = NEW(REF PZSegment.List, nSegs * 2) DO SUBARRAY(st^, 0, NUMBER(s^)) := s^; s := st; END; END; (* Save this run as a new segment: *) s[nSegs] := PZSegment.T{ cvx := k, tot := mc, ini := tIni MOD mc, ns := tLen, rev := FALSE }; INC(nSegs) END; WHILE ok[t MOD mc] = FALSE DO INC(t) END; UNTIL (t MOD mc) = tStart END; END BreakChain; PROCEDURE TrimCrookedEnds( READONLY c: PZSymbolChain.T; minCurvSqr: LONG; (* Min curvature to be non-straight, squared. *) READONLY dch: VTable; (* Curvature decoding table *) READONLY ech: VTable; (* Quantization noise variances. *) VAR (*IO*) tIni, tLen: NAT; ) = VAR tFin := tIni + tLen - 1; BEGIN WITH mc = NUMBER(c) DO WHILE tIni < tFin DO WITH ic = tIni MOD mc, cvi = dch[c[ic]], e2i = ech[c[ic]], fc = tFin MOD mc, cvf = dch[c[fc]], e2f = ech[c[fc]] DO IF cvi*cvi + e2i >= minCurvSqr THEN INC(tIni) ELSIF cvf*cvf + e2f >= minCurvSqr THEN DEC(tFin) ELSE tLen := tFin - tIni + 1; RETURN END END END END END TrimCrookedEnds; PROCEDURE PrintSegments ( READONLY chain: ARRAY OF PZSymbolChain.ReadData; READONLY seg : PZSegment.List; band: NAT; maxSegs: NAT; ) = BEGIN IF maxSegs = 0 THEN RETURN END; Wr.PutText(stderr, "=== band = " & Fmt.Int(band) & "===\n"); FOR i := 0 TO MIN(maxSegs, NUMBER(seg))-1 DO WITH s = seg[i] DO Wr.PutText(stderr, "seg[" & Fmt.Int(i) & "]\n"); PZSegment.Print(stderr, s); WITH ch = chain[s.cvx].c DO IF ch # NIL THEN <* ASSERT NUMBER(ch^) = s.tot *> PZSymbolChain.PrintSegment(stderr, ch^, s) END END END END; Wr.Flush(stderr); END PrintSegments; PROCEDURE SegComment(READONLY o: Options): TEXT = BEGIN RETURN "PZGetStraightSegs\n" & " chainPrefix " & o.chainPrefix & "\n" & " nCurves = " & Fmt.Int(o.nCurves) & "\n" & " band = " & Fmt.Int( & "\n" & " minCurvature = " & Fmt.LongReal(o.minCurvature) & "\n" & " minLength = " & Fmt.LongReal(o.minLength) & "\n" & " blurFactor = " & Fmt.LongReal(o.blurFactor) & "\n" END SegComment; BEGIN Main() END PZGetStraightSegs. (* Copyright © 2001 Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Authors: Helena C. G. Leitão and Jorge Stolfi. This file can be freely distributed, used, and modified, provided that this copyright and authorship notice is preserved, and that any modified versions are clearly marked as such. This software has NO WARRANTY of correctness or applicability for any purpose. Neither the authors nor their employers chall be held responsible for any losses or damages that may result from its use. *)