#! /bin/csh -fe # Last edited on 1999-11-16 21:23:48 by hcgl set usage = "$0 [-eps] [-title STRING] YREF YFAC MATCHPLTFILE NONMATCHPLTFILE PSFILE" # Displays the data generated by PZPlotMatchCost (the PLTFILEs) as Postscript # or on the screen. The vertical axis is scaled to YREF*YFAC (plus a tad). echo "=== begin $0 ======" set title = " " set postscript = 0 while ( ( $#argv > 0 ) && ( "/$1" =~ /-* ) ) if ( ( $#argv >= 1 ) && ( "/$1" == "/-eps" ) ) then set postscript = 1; shift else if ( ( $#argv >= 2 ) && ( "/$1" == "/-title" ) ) then set title = "$2"; shift; shift else echo 'bad option "'"$1"'"' echo "usage: ${usage}"; exit 1 endif end echo "$*" if ( $#argv != 5) then echo "usage: ${usage}"; exit 1 endif set yRef = "$1"; shift set yFac = "$1"; shift set mtc = "$1"; set mtc = "${mtc:r}"; shift set nom = "$1"; set nom = "${nom:r}"; shift set psfile = "$1"; shift; echo "yRef = ${yRef} yFac = ${yFac}" echo "${mtc}.plt ${nom}.plt -> ${psfile}" if ( $postscript ) then set settrm = 'set terminal postscript eps color "TimesRoman" 22' set setout = 'set output "'"${psfile}"'"' set pause = "" set setsiz = 'set size 1,1' echo "writing ${psfile}" else set settrm = 'set terminal X11' set setout = "" set setsiz = 'set size 1,1' set pause = "pause 60" endif gnuplot <