begin frb_signal_t (format of 2004-11-21) | Input candidate set: | Last edited on 2005-01-02 00:20:33 by stolfi | | False candidates | Generated from ../../std/s/raw.can by swapping segments | between candidates. | | | frb_analyze | maxShift = 0.000 pixels | nSamples = 513 | | Input candidate: | Candidate index = 47 | Segment [0] from curve 90 | 600 samples [ 938..1537] | 0.084 of the curve [0.131__0.215] | Segment [1] from curve 106 (reversed) | 600 samples [ 911..1510] | 0.092 of the curve [0.139__0.230] | Candidate after realignment and trimming: | Candidate index = 47 | Segment [0] from curve 90 | 513 samples [ 981..1493] | 0.072 of the curve [0.137__0.209] | Segment [1] from curve 106 (reversed) | 513 samples [ 955..1467] | 0.078 of the curve [0.146__0.224] | | | signal = "m" (average of the two shape functions) stride = 0 unit = 0.000661458 samples = 513 0 3 6 9 12 15 17 19 21 23 24 24 24 22 19 16 11 7 1 -4 -10 -16 -22 -28 -35 -42 -50 -58 -68 -77 -88 -99 -109 -120 -130 -140 -149 -157 -164 -170 -175 -179 -183 -185 -187 -188 -189 -190 -191 -192 -193 -194 -194 -194 -194 -192 -190 -187 -184 -180 -176 -172 -169 -166 -163 -160 -158 -156 -153 -151 -149 -148 -146 -146 -146 -147 -148 -151 -153 -157 -160 -164 -168 -171 -174 -177 -179 -181 -183 -184 -186 -189 -192 -195 -200 -205 -210 -216 -222 -227 -232 -236 -240 -242 -243 -243 -243 -241 -240 -238 -237 -236 -236 -237 -239 -242 -246 -250 -254 -259 -263 -268 -272 -275 -278 -280 -281 -281 -280 -278 -275 -271 -267 -263 -258 -254 -251 -249 -249 -250 -253 -258 -264 -270 -278 -286 -294 -301 -309 -315 -322 -327 -333 -337 -340 -343 -344 -344 -343 -341 -338 -334 -330 -324 -319 -314 -310 -306 -303 -301 -300 -300 -301 -303 -306 -310 -315 -320 -325 -330 -334 -337 -338 -338 -337 -334 -331 -326 -322 -317 -312 -308 -304 -301 -299 -297 -295 -294 -294 -293 -292 -290 -288 -285 -281 -277 -272 -266 -260 -254 -248 -243 -238 -233 -229 -226 -222 -219 -216 -214 -212 -212 -212 -213 -216 -219 -223 -228 -234 -240 -246 -253 -261 -269 -278 -287 -296 -306 -315 -325 -334 -342 -350 -358 -364 -370 -375 -379 -383 -386 -388 -390 -392 -393 -395 -396 -397 -398 -399 -398 -397 -395 -391 -386 -380 -373 -365 -355 -345 -335 -324 -314 -304 -295 -287 -280 -275 -271 -269 -268 -267 -268 -269 -270 -271 -272 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -272 -271 -269 -267 -264 -259 -253 -246 -238 -229 -219 -209 -198 -187 -177 -167 -158 -150 -143 -137 -132 -128 -125 -123 -121 -119 -118 -116 -115 -113 -111 -108 -106 -104 -102 -100 -98 -96 -94 -92 -89 -86 -82 -78 -74 -71 -69 -68 -69 -71 -75 -80 -86 -94 -102 -111 -120 -129 -138 -148 -157 -165 -174 -181 -189 -195 -201 -207 -211 -216 -219 -222 -224 -226 -227 -228 -229 -230 -230 -231 -232 -234 -237 -241 -247 -255 -263 -273 -283 -294 -304 -314 -322 -330 -337 -342 -347 -350 -353 -355 -356 -356 -356 -355 -354 -352 -350 -347 -345 -342 -339 -337 -335 -333 -332 -330 -329 -327 -324 -321 -317 -312 -306 -298 -291 -282 -274 -266 -259 -253 -247 -242 -238 -234 -230 -227 -223 -218 -213 -208 -203 -198 -192 -187 -182 -177 -172 -167 -163 -159 -156 -154 -152 -151 -151 -152 -152 -153 -153 -152 -151 -148 -146 -142 -138 -133 -128 -123 -117 -110 -103 -94 -84 -74 -62 -50 -37 -25 -14 -3 7 16 23 29 34 38 40 41 41 40 38 35 32 28 24 20 17 15 13 12 12 13 15 17 19 21 24 25 27 28 28 28 27 25 23 20 17 14 10 7 3 0 end frb_signal_t