Last edited on 2005-01-17 14:18:10 by stolfi
Fragment Re-Assembly Project - Publications
- A multiscale method for the reassembly of two-dimensional fragmented
H. C. G. Leitão and J. Stolfi.
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
vol. 24, no. 9, 1239--1251. September 2002.
[No PS]
A multi-scale method for the re-assembly of fragmented objects.
H. C. G. Leitão and J. Stolfi.
Proc. British Machine Vision Conference - BMVC 2000
vol. 2, 705--714. September 2000. [lei-sto-00-main]
- A multiscale technique for computer assisted re-assembly of fragmented objects.
H. C. G. Leitão and J. Stolfi.
Technical report IC-01-04, Institute of Computing, Univ. of Campinas;
March 2001.
Information contents of fracture lines.
H. C. G. Leitão and J. Stolfi.
Proc. WSCG'2000 - the 8th International Conference in Central Europe
on Computer Graphics, Visualization, and Interactive Digital Media,
(Univ. of West Bohemia Press), vol. 2, 389--395.
February 2000. [lei-sto-00-bits]
- Digitization and reconstruction of archaeological artifacts.
H. C. G. Leitão and J. Stolfi.
Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2001 - 14th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, 382 (short communication). October 2001.
Reconstrução Automática de Objetos Fragmentados. Helena
Cristina da Gama Leitão. Doctoral thesis (in Portuguese), Institute of
Computing, Univ. of Campinas; November 1999. [lei-99-thesis]
Reconstrução de objetos fragmentados.
Helena Cristina da Gama Leitão and Jorge Stolfi.
(Short communication, in Portuguese; see
for an English translation.)
Anais do IX Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Gráfica e
Processamento de Imagens (SIBGRAPI'96),
365--366. Caxambú, MG (Brazil); October 1996. [lei-sto-96-frag]
2 pages, 358KB]
Reconstruction of fragmented objects. Helena Cristina da Gama
Leitão and Jorge Stolfi. (English translation of [lei-sto-96-frag].) January
1997. [lei-sto-96-frag-e]
[PS, 2 pages, 357KB]