begin frb_signal_t (format of 2004-11-21) | Input candidate set: | Last edited on 2005-01-02 00:20:33 by stolfi | | False candidates | Generated from ../../std/s/raw.can by swapping segments | between candidates. | | | frb_analyze | maxShift = 0.000 pixels | nSamples = 513 | | Input candidate: | Candidate index = 4 | Segment [0] from curve 3 | 966 samples [ 192..1157] | 0.137 of the curve [0.027__0.165] | Segment [1] from curve 102 (reversed) | 812 samples [4512..5323] | 0.104 of the curve [0.577__0.680] | Candidate after realignment and trimming: | Candidate index = 4 | Segment [0] from curve 3 | 513 samples [ 418.. 930] | 0.073 of the curve [0.059__0.132] | Segment [1] from curve 102 (reversed) | 513 samples [4662..5174] | 0.066 of the curve [0.596__0.661] | | | signal = "b" (second fragment's shape function) stride = 0 unit = 0.000661458 samples = 513 0 -13 -27 -41 -57 -73 -89 -107 -124 -143 -162 -182 -202 -223 -246 -269 -293 -318 -344 -371 -397 -422 -446 -469 -489 -506 -521 -532 -541 -547 -551 -553 -553 -551 -548 -545 -542 -538 -535 -533 -531 -530 -530 -531 -534 -537 -542 -547 -554 -562 -571 -581 -592 -603 -614 -624 -633 -641 -646 -648 -647 -644 -637 -629 -619 -608 -597 -587 -577 -569 -563 -557 -554 -551 -548 -546 -544 -542 -538 -534 -528 -521 -512 -502 -491 -478 -465 -451 -436 -421 -405 -389 -374 -358 -342 -327 -311 -295 -280 -264 -249 -234 -220 -206 -194 -182 -171 -162 -153 -146 -139 -133 -126 -120 -113 -106 -99 -90 -81 -71 -60 -48 -36 -23 -11 3 16 29 43 56 70 84 98 113 128 144 160 177 195 214 234 256 278 301 324 348 371 394 416 437 455 471 484 495 503 509 513 517 521 526 532 540 550 562 576 592 609 626 643 660 676 691 705 717 730 741 751 762 772 782 792 802 813 823 834 844 854 863 872 881 889 897 905 913 921 929 937 945 953 961 969 977 985 993 1001 1009 1016 1023 1029 1035 1040 1044 1048 1052 1057 1061 1067 1072 1078 1085 1091 1098 1105 1112 1118 1125 1131 1137 1143 1148 1153 1157 1160 1162 1164 1164 1163 1161 1157 1152 1146 1139 1131 1123 1115 1108 1103 1100 1100 1102 1106 1112 1120 1130 1141 1152 1163 1175 1186 1196 1205 1214 1221 1228 1235 1241 1247 1254 1261 1269 1278 1288 1299 1311 1324 1337 1350 1363 1375 1386 1396 1406 1416 1426 1436 1447 1459 1472 1487 1503 1519 1537 1554 1570 1586 1599 1610 1620 1627 1632 1636 1639 1641 1643 1645 1647 1648 1650 1651 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1657 1661 1667 1675 1685 1698 1713 1730 1749 1768 1787 1804 1819 1832 1843 1851 1856 1860 1862 1862 1860 1857 1852 1844 1835 1823 1808 1791 1770 1748 1723 1696 1668 1640 1611 1584 1558 1535 1513 1494 1476 1461 1446 1432 1419 1405 1391 1376 1360 1344 1326 1307 1288 1269 1250 1230 1211 1192 1174 1156 1138 1120 1104 1087 1071 1055 1039 1024 1008 993 977 962 946 931 916 901 888 875 864 852 842 830 818 805 789 771 750 726 701 673 643 612 580 549 519 490 465 442 424 410 399 392 387 383 380 377 374 370 364 358 349 340 330 319 307 295 283 272 261 251 240 230 221 211 201 191 181 171 161 152 144 137 130 125 119 115 110 105 99 94 88 83 79 75 73 72 72 73 73 73 73 72 71 69 67 66 64 63 61 60 58 55 52 46 39 31 20 7 -7 -23 -39 -56 -71 -86 -98 -108 -114 -117 -116 -113 -106 -96 -84 -71 -56 -42 -28 -16 -5 4 10 14 15 15 13 10 6 3 0 end frb_signal_t