Last edited on 2011-04-23 22:02:34 by stolfi

Fukushima Daiichi
POV-Ray models

Jorge Stolfi

I am trying to build dimensionally correct POV-Ray models of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactors. So far I have got a preliminary version of Unit #1 (the only one for which I had some blueprints). Below are some rendered images rendered from that model.

Perspective and/or pie-cut views of the whole building, reactor, containment strcutures, and service floor pools:

Thin slices along the reactor axis, east-west and north-south; and the same images overlaid with the original blueprints:

Horizontal cutaway views at various heights (still missing all internal walls and columns):

Caveats and credits

WARNING: These models and images still have many errors. To cite only one example: the roof of the service floor is horizontal in the model, but slightly tilted (for proper rain drainage) according to the blueprints.

Needless to say, the models also lack an infinitude of details. Apart from lack of time, the only blueprints I have are the two vertical sections shown above, which provide very little information on the floor plans and locations of structural columns.

Nevertheless, the intent is to make the key dimensions of the models --- such as wall thicknesses and pool volumes --- as accurate as possible, so that the models can help the analysis of the disaster. Corrections and additional information (such as floorplans, or blueprints for the other units) would be greatly appeciated.

The main source for the shape and measurements of Unit #1 was a pair of blueprints, obtained from an anonymous website cited in the single archive file in the Unix tar/gzip format.

Disclaimers and conditions

IMPORTANT: These plots, scripts, and data files are provided "as is", for the reader's convenience, with no guarantee whatsoever.

This page is NOT an official document of the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP). Neither its author (me) nor UNICAMP should be held responsible for any damages that may result from the use of this information.

All the above images and source files can be freely copied, used, and modified for any purpose, free of charge, on condition that the free and unlimited distribution of these originals, under this same condition, is fully preserved.