Gauge-based variable-lighting
photometric stereo
Statement of problem
- Recover the third dimension (height/depth) of a scene given a list of images of the same,
taken from the same viewpoint with different illuminations.
Aims and methods
- Use calibration objects (light gauges) to sample the light field.
- Develop protocols for accurate calibration and alignment of images.
- Develop fast and robust algorithms for light-to-normal computation.
- Develop fast and reliable slope-to-height integration.
- "Depth from Slope by Weighted
Multi-Scale Integration." By Helena C. G. Leitão, Rafael F. V.
Saracchini, and Jorge Stolfi. Technical report IC-10-09, Institute
of Computing, State University of Campinas, March 2010. In
English, 37 pages. [PDF]
- Other papers by J.
Last edited on 2011-07-01 17:19:45 by stolfi