Sperical splines

Project description
A spherical spline is a piecewise-polynomial function f
defined on the sphere Sd, in terms of
a fixed triangulation T of the latter. Such splines
have a number of applications, e.g. in geophisics and global
weather modeling.
In this project we study the space Prg
of all spherical splines with a given triangulation T and a
given maximum degree g within each triangle, which are also
continuous and differentiable up to a given order r. We have
determined the dimension of this space, and implemented procedured
that construct a locally-supported basis for it.
We are currently improving the basis construction algorithms, and
testing the suitability of spline spaces for least-squares
approximation and integration of partial differential equations on the
sphere, especially for non-uniform triangulations. For this purpose,
we have developed the concept of approximation error map [??],
a function that shows how the approximation error is distributed
over the sphere -- not for a specific target function, but for
a whole linear space of them at once.
Main publications:
- Approximation error maps
A. Gomide and J. Stolfi.
Proceedings of A4A4 - IV International Symposium on Algorithms for Approximation,
446--453. July 2001. (Published in 2002 by the Univ. of Huddersfield, UK).
[No PS]
- Bases for non-homogeneous polynomial Ck splines on the sphere.
Anamaria Gomide and Jorge Stolfi.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1380: Proceedings of the 3rd Latin American Theoretical Informatics Conference (LATIN'98), 133--140. Campinas, SP (Brazil); April 1998.
- Approximation error maps.
A. Gomide and J. Stolfi.
Technical report IC-01-01, Institute of Computing, Univ. of Campinas;
February 2001.
- Non-Homogeneous Spline Bases for Approximation on the Sphere,
A. Gomide and J. Stolfi.
Technical report IC-00-19, Institute of Computing, Univ. of Campinas;
December 2000.
[No PS]
- Non-homogeneous polynomial Ck splines on the sphere Sn.
A. Gomide and J. Stolfi.
Technical report IC-00-10, Institute of Computing, Univ. of Campinas;
July 2000.
- Splines Polinomiais Não Homogêneos na Esfera.
Anamaria Gomide. Doctoral thesis, School of Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science, Univ. of Campinas; May 1999.
Additional publications (superseded by the above):
- Ordem de aproximação de splines polinomiais esféricos não homogêneos.
A. Gomide and J. Stolfi.
Anais do XXIII Congresso Nacional de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional,
vol. 1, 246--246 (in Portuguese). September 2000.
[No PS]
Non-homogeneous spline bases for approximation on the sphere.
A. Gomide and J. Stolfi
Abstracts of the 4th International Conference on Curves and Surfaces,
Saint-Malo, France, page 27.
July 1999.
[No PS]
- Bases para splines polinomiais não homogêneos Ck na esfera.
A. Gomide and J. Stolfi. (In Portuguese.)
Technical report IC-97-10, Institute of Computing, Univ. of Campinas;
August 1997.
Non-Homogeneous Spline Bases for Approximation on the Sphere.
A. Gomide and J. Stolfi. (Full version; see the published
July 2000.
Last edited on 2003-06-10 00:45:09 by stolfi