Automatic visualization of the topology of 2D cell complexes

Project description
The goal of this project is to automatically produce a "nice"
picture of a given two-dimensional cellular complex,
a purely topological description of a graph drawn on a surface.
Main publications:
- Automatic visualization of two-dimensional cellular complexes.
Cândido F. X. de Mendonça, L. P. Lozada, Rober M. Rosi, and J. Stolfi.
To appear in Proceedings of Graph Drawing '96,
Berkeley, Calif; September 1996.
Postscript/gzip 492KB
- Automatic visualization of two-dimensional cellular complexes.
Rober M. Rosi and J. Stolfi.
Technical report IC-96-02, Institute of Computing, University of Campinas; May 1996.
Postscript/gzip, 36 pages, 842KB
- Visualização Automática de Complexos Celulares Bidimensionais
Rober Marcone Rosi.
Master thesis, Computer Science Department (DCC-IMECC), University of Campinas;
December 1995.
Postscript/gzip 1133KB
Additional publications (superseded by the above):
- Visualização automática de complexos celulares
arbitrários. Rober M. Rosi and J. Stolfi. Anais do
XXI Seminário Integrado de Hardware e Software
(SEMISH'94), 85--98. Caxambú, MG, Brasil; August 1994.
Postscript/gzip, 14 pages, 150KB
Source files:
The Toposcope tool is currently implemented as
a collection of separate Modula-3 programs.
- The README file,
that explains what the programs do;
- The directory tree
with all sources.
- A single archive
with all the sources [Unix tar/gzip, 177KB].
- A single archive
with precompiled binaries for Sun SPARC under Solaris 5.5
[tar/gzip, 2766KB].
Last edited on 96-11-18 by stolfi