Consumer Price Indexes Contacts

For hard copies of Consumer Price Index publications or historical data 
and help with general index questions, including escalator clauses in

Information and Analysis: (202) 691-7000 

For more information about how we treat and price commodity and service 
items in the Consumer Price Index:

    Food: (202) 691-6988 

    Housing (rent and owners' equivalent rent): (202) 691-6991 

    Transportation and Household Commodities (including gasoline, new 
    cars, furniture and appliances): (202) 691-6982 

    Apparel and Sundry (Nondurable) Commodities: (202) 691-6979 

    Services (including medical care, utilities, insurance): (202) 691-6985 

For help finding Consumer Price Index data in LABSTAT and for information
on seasonal adjustment and other technical issues:

    Production and Control: (202) 691-6968 