Generated 1999-01-06 15-32-45 by stolfi

VMS Concordance - Section 018

[PREV] [INDEX] [NEXT] -------------------------------------------- eeeteod --------------------------- heb f46r.P.12 ACFGH kar sheckhy chdy chckham/arakaiin shol okeey pha f88r.P1.1 H sheor sholfchor dal chckhod/sal sheom kol chear str f108r.P.40 AFHT qekeey or aiin chckhom= hea f13r.P.6 ACFH okchy okchor oiin chckhy d/dchy qoky chol bio f76v.P.26 AFHV oteoldy qokeey chckhyd l*r aly/daiin shckhey str f116r.P.10 AFH sheedy cphol rteol chcpham/ol aiin shed qoteedy heb f95r2.P.8 AFHU shdy qokchdy otar chctham/poiin otar qokal str f111v.P.24 AFGH qokl chedy qokar chctham/tair alchedar shykaiin pha f88r.P1.1 AL sheor sholfchor dal chcthod/sal sheom kol chear hea f9r.P.4 ACFH ram/yshy chokcho chcthod shor shaiin otar heb f46r.P.7 ACFG otedy chedy qokar chcthy m/dsheol chy chckhy pha f102v2.P1.1 AFHU okeeo chckhy shkeey chekeod/ocheos chyokeor heb f66v.P.11 AFH o*a*/yteeod aiin shekeod s aiin ykofar otaiin -------------------------------------------- eeeteodo -------------------------- str f105v.P.11 AFH okaiin or aiin chckhoda qoteedy ckhddl str f113r.P.4 AFGHT cheeody qokchedy chckhody qokedy qotaly lkar str f105v.P.11 T okaiin or aiin chckhody qoteedy ckhddl heb f33v.P.3 ACFHU -ytam otam cham/dar chckhy dy-dyky-ckhdy oky bio f75r.P.10 AHV chdy-shey qokain chckhy dy otey tedy lchedy/ hea f20v.P.5 ACFHU fshodchy otchy chcphy dy/doiiin chockhy hea f16v.P.4 ACFH kchy koshet/dchol chcthody cphod chotol dal/ hea f87r.P.4 AFH cheodor ckheokey chcthody s oda*/daiin ctheey unk f86v5.P.5 AFH ot*hey otal olkey chcthody ytar dal ar okary/ unk f66r.R.6 ACFH choekchy okeody chekeody qokeey dyky chctho str f103r.P.22 AFH lor/dalshy okai*n shckhody shdal qokeedy shedy -------------------------------------------- eeeteodoe ------------------------- heb f33v.P.5 ACFHU /tchdy chody okaiin-chckhy dor arl-cthy dy ty hea f87r.P.4 AFH cheodor ckheokey chcthody s oda*/daiin ctheey heb f55r.P.9 F heody qokeeody/dain chcthy dar chckhy dal qoko hea f18r.P.6 ACFH kchor dair ytol chcthy dar dar dal/oshor shaiin unk f49v.P.10 ACH sheodl/qo*kshodaiin shckhy dar/dchol cthol daiin -------------------------------------------- eeeteodoieod ---------------------- heb f39r.P.8 C okam chcfhey saiin chckhy dairom/tchedy shol odal heb f39r.P.8 U okam chcfhey saiin chcphy dairog/tchedy shol odal heb f39r.P.8 AFH okam chcfhey saiin chcphy dairom/tchedy shol odal cos f69r.R.3 H =*air chekey dairam= -------------------------------------------- eeeteodoin ------------------------ bio f84r.P.22 AFHV otedaiin shckhchy chckhy daiin aryly/qokal daiin str f108r.P.16 AFHT /sacthy olkaiin chckhy daiin dal daiin= cos f86v4.C.2 AH chedy qot*r chedy chckhy daiin otedy s ch*dy *t**y heb f46r.P.3 ACFGH /daiin shor ykal chckhy daiin she dal shedy qokol heb f46r.P.2 ACFGH qoor sheoteoly chckhy daiin shek sheet shedy str f111r.P.53 F alol shey qokaiin chckhy daiin/tair chckhaiin heb f95r1.P.10 AFH daiin **ckhy okaiin chckhy daiin ykedy epaiin okaraiin bio f78r.P.27 AFHV /s sheky ol kedy chckhy dain oty qokor oky dain bio f76r.R.36 ACFV qochy a* ain sheey chckhy/dain shear okedy otedy bio f76r.R.36 H qochy a* ain sheey chckhy/doin shear okedy otedy bio f78v.P.11 ACFHV ol chdy qokain chcthy daiin/sheor ol qokaiin hea f2v.P.3 ACFHU chol chody chodain-chcthy daiin/sho cholo cheor str f111r.P.53 AH alol shey qokaiin chcthy dain/tair chckhaiin str f111r.P.53 T alol shey qokaiin chcthydain/tair chckhaiin hea f11r.P.1 C =tshol schoal cfhy shcfhydaiin cphy shey tchody hea f11r.P.5 AFH tchol shor shor dky shcphy daiin cthy dy chodl daiin/ hea f11v.P.2 ACFHU /shol dy chckhy shcthy daiin dam-ykchy dain hea f87r.P.6 AFH sal dar chor/tos she keodaiin *cheos sheo so -------------------------------------------- eeeteodoineeeoe ------------------- bio f76r.R.36 ACFV qochy a* ain sheey chckhy/dain shear okedy otedy okedy bio f76r.R.36 H qochy a* ain sheey chckhy/doin shear okedy otedy okedy bio f78v.P.11 ACFH ol chdy qokain chcthy daiin/sheor ol qokaiin shckhy bio f78v.P.11 V ol chdy qokain chcthy daiin/sheo r ol qokaiin shckhy -------------------------------------------- eeeteodoineteo -------------------- hea f11r.P.1 C =tshol schoal cfhy shcfhydaiin cphy shey tchody shoyty/ hea f11r.P.5 AFH tchol shor shor dky shcphy daiin cthy dy chodl daiin/ -------------------------------------------- eeeteodoinotedo ------------------- cos f86v4.C.2 AH chedy qot*r chedy chckhy daiin otedy s ch*dy *t**y sam/ cos f86v4.C.2 U chedy qot*r chedy chckhy daiinotedy s ch*dy *t**y sam/ heb f95r1.P.10 AFH daiin **ckhy okaiin chckhy daiin ykedy epaiin okaraiin -------------------------------------------- eeeteodol ------------------------- bio f82v.P.33 AFV alchey chol olkol chckhy dal chckhy olkain olkeeyr/ heb f55r.P.9 ACH /dain cheky dar chckhy dal qoko lkeedy dar str f116r.P.10 AFH sheedy cphol rteol chcpham/ol aiin shed qoteedy bio f83v.P1.3 AFHV chey dar/qotain chcthy dal olkedy shedy qotaldy hea f24v.P.3 A chees osearees okam chcth/ydal sh okol okaiin cos f68v2.P.2 F dcheedy qokeey shckhy dal dy shecthey daldy/ bio f75v.P2.22 F oldy/qokeor chedy shckhy dal ycheedy saino ol bio f75v.P2.22 ACHUV oldy/qokeor chedy shckhy dol ycheedy saino ol bio f83r.P.14 AFHV lchedy qokaiin shcthy dal sy/saiin shedal -------------------------------------------- eeeteodolol ----------------------- heb f50v.P.3 ACFGH qokody checkhy shckhy dalol ykeeey qokedy okain unk f66r.R.10 AFH shdy ykol/qocheky shetey dalal shedy checta r -------------------------------------------- eeeteoe --------------------------- str f113r.P.16 FG keedy shdy qofchedy chcfhar chedy qokeeol por str f113r.P.16 AHT keedy shdy qofchedy chcfhor chedy qokeeol por bio f84v.P.29 ACFHV otal chdy otal chckhor aly/qokedy shey hea f35v.P.5 ACFH /dchokchy chocthy chckhor/shol tcheey chkchee*n heb f26r.P.9 ACFH shy deedy okedy chckhy s-dy-dy-ykeechy okeedy unk f86v6.P.11 AFH qoko lchdol or chcphar ar/ykeealar qokal str f113r.P.16 F qokeeol por aiin chcphar/dor shar shol qokeey str f111v.P.3 AFGHT chedy qokeey dain chcthar otar qotain otaim/ str f111v.P.24 T qokl chedy qokar chcthar/tair alchedar shykaiin hea f10v.P.2 ACFHU /dain daiin ckhy chcthor choiin qot chodaiin unk f49v.P.23 FG rchs**esy kchor sol-chctho r/qotcheol chey chor unk f49v.P.23 AHU rchs**esy kchor sol-chctho s/qotcheol chey chor unk f49v.P.23 C rchs**esy kchor sol-chcthos/qotcheol chey chor bio f76r.R.12 AHV okeedy qotey qotain chekear/chey chckh shey heb f66v.P.7 AH *opam/qokeos sheody chekeor chody ko tody qotchdy cos f68v1.X.6 AHUV =okeey chek chekeys= pha f89v2.P1.2 H okor chear-otees eeckhy s aiin ckhey otaiin hea f25v.P.3 ACH kchor chol daiin shcfhor daiin dshey daiity/ unk f66r.R.32 ACFH keedy chety shekaly shckhar= hea f25v.P.3 F kchor chol daiin shckhor daiin dshey daiity/ unk f86v6.P.15 AFH ai*n/shol shotaiin shckhor olaiin chdy qokain hea f32v.P.7 ACFHU eaiin otshchor dain-shckhy s odan/otchol daiin -------------------------------------------- eeeteoeedo ------------------------ heb f43v.P.11 ACFGHU cheody ar sheo qody chckhy chdy choty shecthy/yshee unk f66r.R.3 ACFH dy chekeey chedy chckhy/shdy qotedy chdy chedy heb f94v.P.12 AFH *edy oky/daiin chcthy chdy chckhy okaiin= -------------------------------------------- eeeteoeedol ----------------------- heb f34r.P.13 ACFH okor ar tol-qokar chckhy chdal ked qokar ar daiin heb f46v.P.4 ACFGHU chedy dam/ydaiin chckhy chdal olar chckhdy chdody str f115v.P.33 AFH /ychedal qotchy chcthy chdal lchedy= -------------------------------------------- eeeteoeeedo ----------------------- str f103v.P.42 AFH ar ar oky rai*n chckhy shedy qokeory lteedy bio f84r.P.13 ACFHV qotchedy otaii*n chcthy shedy otedy qoty qotedy bio f76r.R.23 AFHV /darchey cheolchey shcthy chedy qo qokey dalaiin bio f84r.P.14 ACFHV shcth*y oty dar shcthy schdy qokeedy olkey= -------------------------------------------- eeeteoeeeedo ---------------------- str f113r.P.16 FG keedy shdy qofchedy chcfhar chedy qokeeol por aiin str f113r.P.16 AHT keedy shdy qofchedy chcfhor chedy qokeeol por aiin bio f81v.P.7 F qokeedal daiin chckhy rchedy qol/yk*l or shedy bio f81v.P.7 ACHV qokeedal daiin chckhy schedy qol/yk*l or shedy -------------------------------------------- eeeteoeeeeo ----------------------- hea f2v.P.5 C =kchor shy daiiin chckhy-sshey dor chol daiin/ bio f76r.R.12 AHV okeedy qotey qotain chekear/chey chckh shey qeeey str f116r.Q.40 AFH qokey shey qokai*n shckhy chery ol chedy**cheylchy/ -------------------------------------------- eeeteoeeeo ------------------------ bio f76r.R.19 AFHV chey qokeey lchedy chckhy chey ky chey qolal lkl bio f76r.R.25 ACFHV qol pchedy okchy chckhy shey lol ral sheey dar/ unk f66r.R.23 ACFH lshedy chokeey chekey chey/ysheeod qoteeod -------------------------------------------- eeeteoeeeodo ---------------------- hea f30r.P.10 AFH chkchean qotchy-chctho rchody/qotchor cheor chey hea f30r.P.10 C chkchean qotchy-chcthor chody/qotchor cheor chey heb f66v.P.7 AH *opam/qokeos sheody chekeor chody ko tody qotchdy -------------------------------------------- eeeteoeeeoin ---------------------- hea f10v.P.2 ACFHU /dain daiin ckhy chcthor choiin qot chodaiin cthy hea f25v.P.7 C chkey daiiol daiin shckh-orchaiin= -------------------------------------------- eeeteoeeeol ----------------------- hea f35v.P.5 CFH /dchokchy chocthy chckhor/shol chkchee*n chcthaiin/ hea f35v.P.5 A /dchokchy chocthy chckhor/shol tcheey chkchee*n pha f100r.P2.8 F ctheol olcheol chckhy cheal cheockhy okeol/ str f111r.P.50 AFH cheekain qokeeokain chckhy cheal ke*l qokain chckhal str f111v.P.13 AFGH /sheaiin okaiin chckhy cheol kedy chetar okaiin str f103r.P.40 AFH =qokeey she*ol shckhy sheol shody ol aiin otedy -------------------------------------------- eeeteoeeeteo ---------------------- bio f76r.R.15 ACFHV qolchey qotain chckhy shckhy lchar okar alchdy/ hea f11v.P.2 ACFHU cphar dan y/shol dy chckhy shcthy daiin dam-ykchy bio f76r.R.27 ACHV otar chedy qol chcthy chckhy/qokal shedy sheol str f116r.Q.49 AFH lkan/sodal chal chcthy chckhy qol ai*n ary= heb f34r.P.6 ACFH otey okaiin/oteol chekey chetey oll-chesy-daiin bio f84r.P.6 ACFHV qokedy shedy okedy shckhy chckhy olchey schey dal str f103r.P.38 AFH /ot*chedy qokai*n shcthy chckhy lokeedy checkhy -------------------------------------------- eeeteoeeo ------------------------- hea f19r.P.4 ACFH yky/qokorar daiin chckhy shy kchor/otchy tchy heb f46r.P.8 ACFH chcthy m/dsheol chy chckhy shy shdy chky chody pha f89v2.P2.13 F ckhody daiin ykam s-chcthy chy cthey dair *ir -------------------------------------------- eeeteoeeod ------------------------ hea f49r.P.12 A cheo kcho daiin chcthy/shod chol y tcheol daiin hea f49r.P.12 C cheo kcho daiin chcthy/shod tcheol daiin cthodd/ -------------------------------------------- eeeteoeeoe ------------------------ str f111r.P.52 AFHT qokeain shckhy sain chckhy char aiin alam/yshe hea f6r.P.2 ACFH opchol otcham/daiin chckhy chor chor kar cthy-cthor str f103v.P.3 AF chedy qokey dar chcthy char qoty shdy okeedy str f103v.P.3 H chedy qokey dar chcthy chor qoty shdy okeedy -------------------------------------------- eeeteoeeol ------------------------ str f107r.P.37 AFHT lkar/ychkl kaiin chckhy chol alkain= pha f100r.P2.9 F heockhy okeol/yaiin chckhy chol cholody chos olchor str f103r.P.23 AFH sheckhy lchedy chckhy shol= hea f24v.P.8 ACFHU dar olom/kochky chcthy shol sain/ychol chol -------------------------------------------- eeeteoeeoteeoe -------------------- hea f19r.P.4 ACFH yky/qokorar daiin chckhy shy kchor/otchy tchy qoky zod f72r1.R2.1 AHU =oteodar ytey otey shetey chokshor okalal otaiin sheol -------------------------------------------- eeeteoeeoto ----------------------- hea f4v.P.9 ACFHU /qooko iiin cheom chcthy shoky daiin/otaiin sheo unk f65v.P.5 ACHU /dshedy okeody qokd-shckhy choky chokeody okey dy/ -------------------------------------------- eeeteoeeteeo ---------------------- pha f102v2.P1.1 AFU keeos sheos qokeeo chckhy shkeey chekeod/ocheos hea f16r.P2.12 ACFH kchy/dychokchy shcthy shtshy sho tchokyd/qokchor -------------------------------------------- eeeteoeetol ----------------------- bio f84r.P.20 ACFHV dar olkedy qotedy shckhy chtol tedy dar or oly/ str f103v.P.41 AFH chckhey qokaiin shckhy shtal opchy lkeedy chdy -------------------------------------------- eeeteoeo -------------------------- hea f96v.P.3 AFH cheoteos cpheos s*r chcthosy-cth-ytchey daiin/ -------------------------------------------- eeeteoeoe ------------------------- str f103v.P.30 AFH chedy qckh*y daiin chckhy sar olai*ny/qokeeey unk f86v6.P.11 AFH qoko lchdol or chcphar ar/ykeealar qokal -------------------------------------------- eeeteoeoin ------------------------ str f111v.P.17 AFGH sheey qokain chkal chckhy saiin ar lchal she otain/ heb f55r.P.3 ACFH chdy qokar okaiin chckhy saiin/daiin or orol chas heb f31r.P.3 F daiin qokeey rair chckhy saiin da/qotar chy dar heb f39r.P.12 ACFH aiin/tolchdaiin chckhy saiin olor chls aiin heb f39r.P.12 U aiin/tolchdaiin chckhy s aiin olor chls aiin str f112r.P.1 AFGHT oteedal or aiin chcphy/saiin oar qolkaiin otail heb f31r.P.3 ACH daiin qokeey rair chekey saiin da/qotar chy dar pha f89v2.P1.2 H okor chear-otees eeckhy s aiin ckhey otaiin okar str f111r.P.52 F kaiin sheal qokeain shckhy saiin chckhy char aiin bio f76r.R.7 F hekain *ldy/shed al shckhy saiin chcphedy ain olkeey str f111r.P.52 AHT kaiin sheal qokeain shckhy sain chckhy char aiin bio f76r.R.7 AH hekain *ldy/shed al shckhy sain chcphedy ain olkeey bio f76r.R.7 V hekain *ldy/shed al shckhy s ain chcphedy ain olkeey bio f76r.R.26 F ollchy shlches shcthy saiin oly/sai*n shedy bio f76r.R.26 ACHV ollchy shlches shcthy sain oly/sai*n shedy bio f76v.P.23 H chedy olched** shetey raiin/qokeey lsheey dal bio f76v.P.23 ACFV chedy olched** shetey saiin/qokeey lsheey dal -------------------------------------------- eeeteoeol ------------------------- bio f84r.P.6 ACFHV olchey schey dal chckhy ral/qokey sol yqokain bio f76r.R.8 ACFHV raiiin ch*kain dain chckhy sal oty/sol shedy qool str f103v.P.28a AFHU chey lkchdy sho chcthy sal araiin qokeey= bio f77r.P.2 ACFHV qokol chdy qokain chetey sal/qoteedy qokaiin -------------------------------------------- eeeteoeolo ------------------------ bio f84v.P.29 ACFHV otal chdy otal chckhor aly/qokedy shey kal bio f84v.P.37 ACFHV lchey lchey olshedy shckhy soly/yteedar olkeey -------------------------------------------- eeeteoeoloin ---------------------- heb f40v.P.4 A /taraiin okaiin chckhy/solaiin okar oly chckhy/ unk f86v6.P.15 AFH ai*n/shol shotaiin shckhor olaiin chdy qokain odaii*n -------------------------------------------- eeeteoeteeo ----------------------- str f106v.P.43 ACFHT kalos chedy dkain chcthy/cthey chey okal chey unk f49v.P.3 C sho c*hy/chotchy chcthy cthey koddy/okeod sho -------------------------------------------- eeeteoeteeteeeeeo ----------------- hea f42v.P.7 G sheokey keeey d-chckhoekeckhesshy/sodal saiin= -------------------------------------------- eeeteoeteo ------------------------ heb f34r.P.9 AC tam/ykchdy qod-ar-chcth-ackhy-or lchey todaly hea f10r.P.4 AFH dy dy/sor chaiin chcthy ctho ckhy or aiin chtchor hea f44v.P.12 ACFH /ychey teol chaiin chcthy ctho cthol/lchor shor unk f49v.P.3 AFHU sho c*hy/chotchy chcthy cthy koddy/okeod sho -------------------------------------------- eeeteoie -------------------------- bio f76r.R.12 F okeedy qotey qotain chckhair/chey chckh shey -------------------------------------------- eeeteoin -------------------------- heb f94r.P.6 AFH ot*ly chedy dal dy chckhaiin chk qof/pchedar str f111r.P.54 AFHT chcthy dain/tair chckhaiin dair qokal otai*n str f113v.P.31 AFGH shek lchedy okaiin chckhaiin otaiin otaiin araral/ str f111v.P.22 F ychear olsheey chcthaiin chedy qokain okain hea f35v.P.6 ACFH tcheey chkchee*n chcthaiin/tchotchor shol bio f76r.R.2 C qotd dyar cthar chep eain okain qokeor shedy str f108v.P.10 AFHT cheey leedaiin shckhaiin okeal okar aral unk f1r.P3.19 ACFHU dain ckhyds/dchar shcthaiin okaiir chey *chy bio f76v.P.31 V /sair shekaiiin shcts aiiin shety otey okaiin bio f76v.P.31 AFH /sair shekaiiin shets aiiin shety otey okaiin bio f76v.P.31 C /sair shekaiiin shetsaiiin shety otey okaiin -------------------------------------------- eeeteoinotoin --------------------- str f113v.P.31 AFGH shek lchedy okaiin chckhaiin otaiin otaiin araral/sheol bio f76r.R.2 C qotd dyar cthar chep eain okain qokeor shedy qol -------------------------------------------- eeeteol --------------------------- hea f36r.P.1 ACFH =pchafdan qorain chcfhal soiin cphor shaiin heb f95r2.P.5 AFHU =tshod qokal ody chcfhol okal chedy dalshdy hea f24r.P.4 C okol qotar ckhy/or chckhal cthar eeor chees bio f78r.P.25 AFHV eedar ain aol/daiin chckhal daiil aldy= str f111r.P.50 AFHT cheal ke*l qokain chckhal lkal= str f111v.P.40 AFGHT chckhy chokain chckhal sheckhedy qokeey bio f83r.P.39 ACFHV /qokain shey kain chckhal/sol chedy olchedy heb f95r1.P.11 AFH ykar olkeey ldar chckhal= hea f18r.P.11 ACF /sotchaiin chokchy chckhol chor g/ychair cthol hea f32r.P.11 ACFH ctho daiin/shos chckhol n/shodaiin chtol/ str f116r.P.26 AFH /ytchey qokaiin chckhol shechol qotey ol hea f52v.P.1 ACFGH =pchor chcphol cphaiin otcheor hea f18r.P.9 ACFH okaldy-dary/chol chcthal okshal chykald/ str f113r.P.32 AGHT /shodaiin shkaiin chcthal okshedy otal okaiin pha f88r.P1.1 F sheor sholfchor dal chcthol/sal sheom kol chear zod f70v1.R1.2 AHU qokeeol o*eey key chekeal oteo s aiin chekey zod f72r1.R1.1 AHU lshey shol chalaiin chekeol kol oto* ar aiin hea f18r.P.11 H /sotchaiin chokchy chekhol chor g/ychair cthol hea f21v.P.1 F chofchy qofshey shckhal odaiin shey ckholy/ hea f21v.P.1 ACHU chofchy qofshey shckhol odaiin shey ckholy/ str f113r.P.32 F /shodaiin shkaiin shcthal okshedy otal okaiin hea f8v.P.2 AFHU opydaiin saiin/shcthal sar-chor sheaiin hea f8v.P.2 C opydaiin saiin/shcthol sar-chor sheaiin cos f70r2.P.1 AFHUV shep al r ar chly sheteal aram/dair cheey -------------------------------------------- eeeteoleeedo ---------------------- str f103v.P.18 AFH /yshear ol oqaiin chckhy lchedy chedy olaiin oteedy str f111r.P.3 AFHT /dsheedy lkeedy chckhy lchedy qokeey qokear chal bio f75r.P.8 ACHV -d*heckhy qokain chckhy lshedy okeedy/qokchdy bio f77r.P.18 ACFHV qokeedy qokaiin chcthy lchedy qokaly/solchedy str f103v.P.38 AFH ol keey qokai*n shckhy lchedy rai*n/daiin shey -------------------------------------------- eeeteoleeeo ----------------------- bio f80r.P.4 ACFHV qotchy qotal dy chckhy lchey qotar otal/qokedy bio f83v.P2.21 AFH khedy sheol qokaiin shckhy lchey/ol cheedy qokeedy bio f83v.P2.21 C khedy sheol qokaiin shckhylchey/ol cheedy qokeedy bio f83v.P2.21 V khedy sheol qokaiin shckhy l chey/ol cheedy qokeedy -------------------------------------------- eeeteoleeoe ----------------------- hea f18r.P.11 AC /sotchaiin chokchy chckhol chor g/ychair cthol hea f18r.P.11 H /sotchaiin chokchy chekhol chor g/ychair cthol bio f76r.R.15 ACFHV lchey qotain chckhy shckhy lchar okar alchdy/qokchsdy -------------------------------------------- eeeteoleol ------------------------ bio f83r.P.39 AFV /qokain shey kain chckhal/sol chedy olchedy chedaiin/ pha f88r.P1.1 F sheor sholfchor dal chcthol/sal sheom kol chear -------------------------------------------- eeeteolo -------------------------- hea f24r.P.4 AFH okol qotar ckhy/or chckhaly cthar eeor chees hea f44v.P.9 ACFH lol keees ckhy chcthy lo/lsho qokchy tshy bio f75r.P.9 AHV okeedy/qokchdy chcthy lo-qokedy qokan *he*k** bio f75r.P.9 C okeedy/qokchdy chetey lo-qokedy qokan *he*k** str f58v.T.21 AHUV =okar sheey shekealy= -------------------------------------------- eeeteoltedo ----------------------- str f108v.P.23 H cheeky otar aiin chckhy ltedy/daiin chekeek checkhy str f111r.P.37 AFHT lkedy okeal kain chckhy ltedy/dched daiin al -------------------------------------------- eeeteolteedo ---------------------- str f108v.P.23 AFT cheeky otar aiin chckhy lteedy/daiin chekeek checkhy bio f76r.R.39 ACFHV olain oky/saiin shckhy lkeedy qoky okain ytain -------------------------------------------- eeeteoltoe ------------------------ bio f75v.P1.2 AHU dal olchedy-daiin chckhy lkar chckhy rom/dl shckhy bio f75v.P1.2 V dal olchedy-daiin ch ckhy lkar chckhy rom/dl shckhy str f107v.P.35 AFHT olchedy olkeey lkey chcthy lkar shedy qokaiin chedy -------------------------------------------- eeeteoltol ------------------------ zod f72r1.R1.1 AHU lshey shol chalaiin chekeol kol oto* ar aiin ota* bio f80v.P.41 ACFHV lchedy/tor ar ol ar shckhy lkol otol chedy qokain -------------------------------------------- eeeteon --------------------------- hea f10v.P.7 ACFHU cheky daiin dain chckhan= bio f76r.R.12 C okeedy qotey qotain chekean/chey chckh shey -------------------------------------------- eeeteoo --------------------------- hea f2v.P.5 AFH =kchor shy daiiin chckhoy-sshey dor chol hea f17r.P.9 ACHU schar ykchy/soy chckhy o dar chypcham/dar bio f82r.P2.27 C qokeedy qotai*n chcthoy qoteeol chey qokaiin hea f18v.P.8 ACFHU qokol dar dy/tolol sh cphoy daror ddy ytor -------------------------------------------- eeeteooe -------------------------- heb f33v.P.9 ACH shkair shol or chckhy-ar aiin-okain dal str f103r.P.3 AFHU cheoty chokal chedy chckhy or arol okaiin **al hea f18r.P.3 ACF diiin/qokchor chor chckhy or chey qokchol dy- bio f79r.P.5 ACFHV ol/qokal shedy chcthy or chear s*lchey qol cos f70r2.C.1 AHU arkam oteeodalsy chekeoar chokey dar dcheoky heb f33r.P.4 ACFH chekeedy ykam/taiin chekey or alaiiin saiin okaiin str f106v.P.37 C k*heodar qodaiin shcphaor shedy otedar opol str f106v.P.37 F k*heodar qodaiin shcphoar shedy otedar opol str f106v.P.37 AHT k*heodar qodaiin shcphoor shedy otedar opol pha f89v1.P1.9 AFL =tosheo fcheody shekey or shos oiir cphey -------------------------------------------- eeeteooeeeeo ---------------------- hea f2v.P.5 AF =kchor shy daiiin chckhoy-sshey dor chol daiin/ hea f2v.P.5 H =kchor shy daiiin chckhoy-s shey dor chol daiin/ hea f18r.P.3 ACF diiin/qokchor chor chckhy or chey qokchol dy-ytcharg/ hea f18r.P.3 H diiin/qokchor chor chckhy orchey qokchol dy-ytcharg/ -------------------------------------------- eeeteooeoin ----------------------- heb f33v.P.9 ACH shkair shol or chckhy-ar aiin-okain dal dy/lchoar heb f33v.P.9 FU shkair shol or chckhy-araiin-okain dal dy/lchoar bio f76r.R.38 V chedy otar ain/dain chckhy araiin sheey qockhey olchdar bio f76r.R.38 ACFH chedy otar ain/dain chckhy oraiin sheey qockhey olchdar -------------------------------------------- eeeteool -------------------------- str f116r.Q.49 AFH /sodal chal chcthy chckhy qol ai*n ary= str f116r.Q.43a AFHU /saykeedy qokain shckhy ol lcheor chky raiin -------------------------------------------- eeeteoolo ------------------------- bio f79r.P.16 ACFHV sheol lchey/shain shckhy qoly kshedy otal sheey bio f80v.P.34 ACFHV cthor ylchdy olkain shcthy qoly/tol oltain olkar -------------------------------------------- eeeteoolteeedo -------------------- heb f34r.P.4 ACFH daiin chey aiin-shy chckhy-oltchedy otedy dam checthy/ str f106r.P.32 AFHT sho keeody qokain chckhy olteeedy qopches al karchy -------------------------------------------- eeeteooltoin ---------------------- heb f50v.P.8 ACFGH qokedy ykchol kar chckhy olkaiin okain qod/ytsheod bio f82v.P.33 F olkol chckhy dal chckhy olkaiin olkeeyr/pcheol bio f82v.P.33 AV olkol chckhy dal chckhy olkain olkeeyr/pcheol -------------------------------------------- eeeteootedo ----------------------- str f108r.P.34 AFHT okedy chlar/ycheol chckhy qokedy okain= heb f43r.P.13 AHU shodody shochol chckhy ykedy dy/ykeody checkhy unk f85r1.P.29a AH rchdy osaiin okedes chcthy okedy chdy chdy otal bio f76r.R.32 V okedy lcheey qokey shckey otedy qokal shey qoky bio f76r.R.32 ACFH okedy lcheey qokey shckhy otedy qokal shey qoky bio f78v.P.18 ACFHV ol kal dy/chedy shckhy qokedy dal lshckhy qol bio f75v.P2.20 F dy/ychey qotain shckhy qokedy qokedy lsheckhy bio f80r.P.30 ACFHV shepchy qotai*n shcthy qokedy daly/tolkain otal bio f77v.P.26 ACFHV /qoar shedy qokaiin shcthy qotedy rchr oltedy lchy/ heb f41v.P.2 ACFGHU dshedy tchey s aiin shekey okedy okaly-daiin okedy -------------------------------------------- eeeteooteedo ---------------------- str f107r.P.7 AFHT cheotchey okaiin chckhy okeedy otcheey= bio f81v.P.5 ACFHV /okaiin daiin otain chckhy okeedy qoky kar daiin heb f50r.P.5 ACFGHU eodaiin ol*/solkchy chckhy qokchdy qokchdy okar ar bio f80v.P.39 AFHV qokain ches ol chckhy qokeedy tchdy ar al/qokain cos f68r3.R.3 H =tochedy chcphy qokchdy dol okald= heb f34v.P.3 ACFHU or ol kedaiiin chcthy okchdy chckhy da*am/tchdaiin bio f75r.P.6 ACFHV -dar okey qokain chcthy qokeedy qoky/pchedy qokshdy- bio f80r.P.11 ACFHV sheol qotal oltai*n chcthy/qokeedy qol shecthy qokal heb f95r1.P.6 AFH chekchdy qokar chcthy qotchdy lshedy qoky qofai*n bio f81r.P.4 ACFHV dchedy qokain ol ol chcthy ykeedy al/qol cheol okeey cos f70r2.C.3 H dalol chtam-opaiir chekeo oteedy oteeo okol chotal bio f79r.P.13 AFHV =psharol shckhy qotshdy qokaldy opchedy bio f79r.P.13 C =psharol shekey qotshdy qokaldy opchedy -------------------------------------------- eeeteooteedool -------------------- bio f80r.P.11 ACFHV sheol qotal oltai*n chcthy/qokeedy qol shecthy qokal keol bio f81r.P.4 ACFHV dchedy qokain ol ol chcthy ykeedy al/qol cheol okeey -------------------------------------------- eeeteooteedooto ------------------- bio f81v.P.5 AFHV /okaiin daiin otain chckhy okeedy qoky kar daiin okar/ bio f75r.P.6 ACFHV -dar okey qokain chcthy qokeedy qoky/pchedy qokshdy- -------------------------------------------- eeeteooteeedo --------------------- str f112r.P.28 AFGHT keedy qokain oteedy chckhy ytchedy sharam/sar aiin str f113v.P.8 G olkam chokam odal shckhy qokchedy otor otar toky/ str f111v.P.20 AFGHT qotain chedy qotain shcthy qokshedy qotain ar/sair -------------------------------------------- eeeteooteeeo ---------------------- str f111v.P.46 AFHT chey lkeey rolkeey chckhy okeeey lchedy lkeain checthy bio f84r.P.12 AFHV okal shey qokar chckhy otchey qokchedy chey qokaiin/ str f111v.P.46 G chey lkeey rolkeey chcthy okeeey lchedy lkeain checthy unk f86v5.P.8 AFH fchcfhy/octhal shckhy otshey opor shey tor ar -------------------------------------------- eeeteooteeo ----------------------- str f108v.P.13 AFHT okeedy qokeey raiin chckhy okeey qokeedy okedain bio f77v.P.21 ACFHV sheor qokedy qoky chckhy qokchy ldol/tshedy qokain bio f77r.P.23 ACFHV cheeky lol/qokain chckhy qokeey qotedy qotedy qotary/ str f105r.P1.1 AHU =paiin dar chcphy qokeey qopaiin ypcheeey str f112r.P.13 AFH qokeey okeey otaiin chcthy oteey dy/soar ar al chey str f103r.P.12 AFH da*khyky/oai*n shey shckhy oteey qokeol keedy shar bio f76r.R.12 ACFHV chedy/qotes chedy shckhy qokeey okeey kain checkhy str f116r.P.22 AFH chedy ot*r okalain shcthy oteey dar chedy l*/dai*n -------------------------------------------- eeeteooteeodo --------------------- heb f43r.P.13 C shodody shochol chckhy ykeeydy/ykeody checkhy hea f24v.P.1 ACFHU chocfh*y opom shod chcphy opshody ocphoraiin okokam/ str f112r.P.13 AFH qokeey okeey otaiin chcthy oteey dy/soar ar al chey str f112r.P.13 T qokeey okeey otaiin chcthy oteeydy/soar ar al chey -------------------------------------------- eeeteooteeoe ---------------------- hea f23v.P.1 ACFHU opchol otol ol chcphy qotchar s/qoteotor chy hea f16v.P.8 AFH /daiin chol y daiin chcthy qotchar chor sholo/dshy hea f16v.P.8 C /daiin chol y daiin chcthy qot char chor sholo/dshy bio f82r.P1.1 ACFHV sheedy qokeol daiin shckhy-okeeor cheey daiin shey/ -------------------------------------------- eeeteooteo ------------------------ heb f41r.P.8 ACFH qokedy/dair chedy chckhy qokey lchdy-qokedy qokyl str f112r.P.25 AFGHT chor aiin cheety chcthy okey/tockhy chedy chedam= bio f81r.P.7 ACFHV ol/dshees okain chcthy otey okain/pchedy qokeey cos f68v2.P.5 H chekody/scheos seekey okey chody-okeos cheo bio f76r.R.31 V sheedy ytal/qolchey shckey qokey lchy opchey dain bio f76r.R.31 ACFH sheedy ytal/qolchey shckhy qokey lchy opchey dain bio f75r.P.45 ACFHV chdar dy/sshedy shckhy qokey okedy s*rol oty str f103r.P.24 AFH opchedy qotai*n shcthy otey dai*n oteey oky/ str f116r.P.16 AFH otal al lchedy shcthy qotey dai*n otar otarar cos f68v2.P.5 AFU chekody/scheos shekey okey chody-okeos cheo -------------------------------------------- eeeteooteol ----------------------- pha f89r2.P2.6 AFHLU ydaiin chey s oiiin chckhy qokeol okey okeey keey str f103v.P.28 AFHU daiin checkhy ykeey shckhy oteal shey okain chey -------------------------------------------- eeeteooto ------------------------- bio f80v.P.2 ACFHV qotedy olkain otal chckhy qoky daiin daly/schedy bio f81v.P.18 ACFHV shedy qokedy qokedy chckhy qoky/s olkeey ol shedy bio f80r.P.10 ACFHV qoteedy keey qokain chckhy qoty dalched otain shedy hea f21r.P.2 ACFH otaiin chan/saiin chcphy oky sheaiin qotchol str f116r.P.24 AFH lm/qokedy okai*n chcthy oty shedy qokeey chal bio f82v.P.8 ACFHV qokar qotey tyqoky chcthy qoky/tchedy qocthes hea f20v.P.3 ACFHU sho kchol shol chcthy qoty chy tol shy qotchy/ bio f76r.R.35 ACFHV =poleedaran shckhy qoty ykar alol lkaiin hea f10v.P.6 ACFHU okchyky/shoiin chor shcthy qoty qotoiin qokol choraiin/ -------------------------------------------- eeeteootod ------------------------ str f116r.P.4 AFH osheeky qol l*iin chckhy okam chedy oteedy qotar heb f43v.P.7 ACHU oykeedy chedy tedy chcthy otam ot ytaiin otar/ str f113v.P.39 AFGH otain chekey qokain chcthy qotam lr/oraiin cheor str f116r.Q.34 AFH qolchey okai*n shckhy qokam/shedy qokeey qoka** -------------------------------------------- eeeteootodeeedo ------------------- str f116r.P.4 AFH osheeky qol l*iin chckhy okam chedy oteedy qotar aralary/ str f116r.Q.34 AFH qolchey okai*n shckhy qokam/shedy qokeey qoka** qokeey -------------------------------------------- eeeteootoe ------------------------ bio f75v.P1.2 F dal olchedy-daiin chckhy okar chckhy rom/dl shckhy bio f84r.P.17 F chedy qsolkeedy rar chckhy otar chedy olchcthy bio f79v.P.11 ACFHV qolkeedy qokain chckhy otar ol kam= bio f75r.P.31 ACHV olom/dshedy qokey chckhy qokar shedy chey qoked bio f75r.P.31 F olom/dshedy qokey chckhy qokas shedy chey qoked bio f81v.P.18 AV shedy qokedy qokedy chckhy qoky/s olkeey ol shedy str f116r.P.30 AFH araiin shey qokai*n chcthy okar air ollai*n okaly= hea f90v1.P.1 F oleees chepy shol-shckhy-otor shey-cheor cheokeey/ bio f80r.P.11 F dalom/shedy qokey shckhy qotar chckhy otol teol -------------------------------------------- eeeteootoeeeedo ------------------- bio f84r.P.17 F chedy qsolkeedy rar chckhy otar chedy olchcthy lor/dchdy bio f75r.P.31 C olom/dshedy qokey chckhy qokar chedy chey qoked qokedy bio f75r.P.31 AHV olom/dshedy qokey chckhy qokar shedy chey qoked qokedy bio f75r.P.31 F olom/dshedy qokey chckhy qokas shedy chey qoked qokedy -------------------------------------------- eeeteootoin ----------------------- bio f81v.P.4 F kaiin dain dy daiin chckhy/akaiin daiin otain chckhy heb f94v.P.12 AFH /daiin chcthy chdy chckhy okaiin= bio f81v.P.4 AHV kaiin dain dy daiin chckhy/okaiin daiin otain chckhy str f111v.P.51 F otain or/sain cheal chckhy okaiin okalaiin choty str f107v.P.17 AFHT /saiin or ykeear chckhy okaiin okal qoklaiin cheol str f111v.P.51 AGHT otain or/sain cheal chckhy okain okalaiin choty unk f86v5.P.22 AFH ykai*n okal kcho dy chckhy otaiin olkar otaiin/sair heb f95r2.P.2 F shody chkain chol chckhy otaiin oty oteedy kar hea f16v.P.10 ACFH /qokchy chydy ykchy chckhy otain cthor cthy/okytaiin heb f95r2.P.2 AHU shody chkain chol chckhy otain oty oteedy kar bio f82v.P.9 F chedy qocthes qokar chckhy qokaiin chol kaiin chckhdy bio f80r.P.2 F qokai*n qotain chckhy qokaiin okal qotain okedy heb f50v.P.5 G hckhey or/ychy tair chckhy qokaiin qodaiin olcheky bio f82r.P1.3 ACFHV qokaly-solkaiin chckhy qokaiin/qokaiin octheol bio f79r.P.40 F otchotar ol okaiin chckhy/qokaiin shedy qotain oteedy bio f84v.P.35 ACFHV shedy qokeey ror/chckhy qokaiin shey dain qokeey bio f82v.P.9 ACHV chedy qocthes qokar chckhy qokain chol kaiin chckhdy bio f80r.P.2 AH qokai*n qotain chckhy qokain okal qotain okedy bio f75r.P.14 AFHV -olshedy qokain chckhy qokain otar aly/sain qokain bio f79r.P.40 ACHV otchotar ol okaiin chckhy/qokain shedy qotain oteedy bio f80r.P.2 V qokai*n qotain chckhy qokoin okal qotain okedy str f103v.P.2 AF qoteor shey qoty chckhy qotaiin chalr/qok or chedy str f103v.P.2 H qoteor shey qoty chckhy qotain chalr/qok or chedy str f106v.P.4 F /ycheot* lsheo aiin chcthy okaiin chdal chdam charam= str f106v.P.4 ACHT /ycheot* lsheo aiin chcthy okain chdal chdam charam= bio f80v.P.3 ACFHV qolchedy qokaiin chcthy otaiin sheeky qol/qokedy str f111v.P.39 F /dsheey qokal chedy chcthy qokaiin chedy lkeey shey bio f80r.P.9 F chtal schcthy qokal chcthy qokaiin okain oloky/qoteedy bio f80r.P.4 F /solkain shl lky chcthy qokaiin qotchy qotal dy str f111v.P.39 AGHT /dsheey qokal chedy chcthy qokain chedy lkeey shey bio f80r.P.9 ACH chtal schcthy qokal chcthy qokain okain oloky/qoteedy bio f80r.P.4 ACHV /solkain shl lky chcthy qokain qotchy qotal dy bio f80r.P.20 ACFHV ary/dshedy qokal chcthy qokain shedy okaiin shey cos f86v3.P1.6 ACFHU ytam/daiin ls aiin chcthy ykaiin ykaiin chdar araiin/ str f113v.P.39 AFGH loiiin oteeey otain chekey qokain chcthy qotam lr/ bio f75r.P.14 C -olshedy qokain chekey qokain otar aly/sain qokain str f113r.P.31 AGHT chear ckhar shal shckhy okain *k*ar chor chky str f103r.P.20 AFH lkldy lr/ychai*n shckhy qokaiin shey qokai*n shedy bio f84v.P.16 ACFHV shedy qoky dol shckhy qokain ol koldy/solkes bio f80v.P.5 F keedy o*thy qokaiin shckhy qotaiin ol/tcheol kedy bio f80v.P.5 AHV keedy o*thy qokaiin shckhy qotain ol/tcheol kedy -------------------------------------------- eeeteootoineeedo ------------------ bio f79r.P.40 ACHV otchotar ol okaiin chckhy/qokain shedy qotain oteedy chkain str f111v.P.39 AGHT /dsheey qokal chedy chcthy qokain chedy lkeey shey qokain bio f80r.P.20 ACFHV ary/dshedy qokal chcthy qokain shedy okaiin shey dai*n -------------------------------------------- eeeteootoineeeo ------------------- bio f84v.P.35 ACFHV shedy qokeey ror/chckhy qokaiin shey dain qokeey daiin str f103r.P.20 AFH lkldy lr/ychai*n shckhy qokaiin shey qokai*n shedy olor= -------------------------------------------- eeeteootoinol --------------------- bio f84v.P.16 ACHV shedy qoky dol shckhy qokain ol koldy/solkes olokar bio f80v.P.5 F keedy o*thy qokaiin shckhy qotaiin ol/tcheol kedy pcheol bio f80v.P.5 AHV keedy o*thy qokaiin shckhy qotain ol/tcheol kedy pcheol bio f80v.P.5 C keedy o*thy qokaiin shckhy qotainol/tcheol kedy pcheol -------------------------------------------- eeeteootoinotol ------------------- str f107v.P.17 AFHT /saiin or ykeear chckhy okaiin okal qoklaiin cheol bio f80r.P.2 F qokai*n qotain chckhy qokaiin okal qotain okedy qolr/ bio f80r.P.2 AH qokai*n qotain chckhy qokain okal qotain okedy qolr/ bio f80r.P.2 V qokai*n qotain chckhy qokoin okal qotain okedy qolr/ -------------------------------------------- eeeteootol ------------------------ heb f40v.P.18 ACFH oky/saiin otain chckhy okal okair arol-qokey heb f95v2.P.2a AFHU ekaiin okar or aiin chckhy okal otain okal ody/ heb f55v.P.1 ACFH =kcheedchdy oedaiin chckhy-otol daiin dodyd/oeeed bio f80r.P.11 ACFHV qokey shckhey qotar chckhy otol teol sheol qotal bio f80v.P.9 C tol tal tal dain chckhy qokal d*l checthy qokal hea f54v.P.10 ACFH dy/kol c*kaiin chckhy qokal dal qocthy/oaiin bio f77v.P.17 ACFHV oqokain olkaiin chckhy qokal dar/qokal chees str f103r.P.17 AFH qokey keedy qokeey chckhy qokal oty *r aiin= bio f80v.P.41 ACFHV otol chedy qokain chckhy qokal/pol al aiin olkal bio f76r.R.27 ACHV chedy qol chcthy chckhy/qokal shedy sheol cheol heb f95r2.P.3 AFHU okar/todaiin chor chckhy qokol chkar ol otaiin heb f48v.P.11 AFHU ar ary/ykeedal chckhy-ykal ytam or cheedls bio f79r.P.11 ACHV dshdy otchar shek chcthy otal ory/qokchy qotchey bio f80v.P.9 AFHV tol tal tal dain chcthy qokal d*l checthy qokal hea f19v.P.4 ACFHU ytol daii*n/ytch chcthy qotol daiin daiin/qotchy cos f69r.P.3 F /sheosaiin ctar chetey okal chy ykar ytchey cos f70r2.P.3 AFUV s al shey cthy shckhy qokal aiir oteom/daiin str f108r.P.24 AFT =folaiin shckhy qokal lkedy qotedy qoked bio f84r.P.4 AFHV ol cheol shedy shckhy qokal olkedy= str f103r.P.31 AFH kaiin chal okaiin shckhy qokal shdar shchdy okaiin unk f66r.R.27 C qokedy lchey qokaly shckhy qotal otchdy/qokey ar bio f79r.P.11 F dshdy otchar shek shcthy otal ory/qokchy qotchey hea f44v.P.3 ACFH qotor ar/tol okchor shcthy otol daiin cthy cthy= unk f66r.R.27 AFH qokedy lchey qokaly shcthy qotal otchdy/qokey ar bio f80r.P.8 C chety qokeedy qokar shcthy qotal shec*hy qokain bio f80r.P.8 AFHV chety qokeedy qokar shcthy qotol shec*hy qokain cos f70r2.P.3 H s al shey cthy shekey qokal aiir oteom/daiin -------------------------------------------- eeeteootoldoin -------------------- heb f55v.P.1 ACFH =kcheedchdy oedaiin chckhy-otol daiin dodyd/oeeed yteey hea f19v.P.4 ACFHU ytol daii*n/ytch chcthy qotol daiin daiin/qotchy qot*ey hea f44v.P.3 ACFH qotor ar/tol okchor shcthy otol daiin cthy cthy= -------------------------------------------- eeeteotedo ------------------------ heb f95v1.P.3 AFH okai*n sheody chedy chcthy kedy ety dai*n al/tchedy heb f57r.P.7 ACFH keedy chetey-ote*od shekey tedy okaldm/tair sheedy -------------------------------------------- eeeteoteeo ------------------------ heb f95r2.P.1 AFU dalfchy qodaiin chckhy fchy daraiin dalal/daiin heb f95r2.P.1 H dalfchy qodaiin chckhyfchy daraiin dalal/daiin hea f51r.P.7a ACFH daiin ykald/ychosar chckhy kcho qokchy qotal/oshol hea f51r.P.7a G daiin ykald/ychosar eeckhy kcho qokchy qotal/oshol heb f48r.P.3 ACH okain ckhy/sheody she teoteey oteodaiin ody qoteo heb f48r.P.3 F okain ckhy/sheody she teo teey oteodaiin ody qoteo -------------------------------------------- eeeteotoin ------------------------ bio f78r.P.27 C /s sheky ol kedy chckhy tain oty qokor oky dain bio f81v.P.4 C kaiin dain dy daiin chcth/okaiin daiin otain chckhy bio f75v.P1.3 F lkar chckhy rom/dl shckhy kaiin olchey qokain dalyrd- bio f75v.P1.3 AHUV lkar chckhy rom/dl shckhy kain olchey qokain dalyrd- bio f75v.P1.3 C lkar chckhy rom/dl shekey kain olchey qokain dalyrd- -------------------------------------------- eeeteto --------------------------- heb f46v.P.4 F kedy daiin ykaiir shckhfy/lodaiin shedy qokedy -------------------------------------------- eeetl ----------------------------- heb f39r.P.14 ACFHU saiin/daiin shckhy chekl ol daiin chedy -------------------------------------------- eeeto ----------------------------- hea f8v.P.15 H ckham/or chol ch**n chcky-chor cheain char heb f43r.P.11 U olky ytol otary chcky dy/dor shol qokol zod f72v3.S1.13 H =daiin chcpy= unk f66r.R.10 H shetey dalal shedy chcta r sheod shokair heb f43r.P.2 U oteol ytedy ar chcty dar aiir okaldy zod f73r.S2.6 AHUV =chefy= zod f72v3.S1.13 V =daiin chefy= heb f43v.P.10 G aldar chdy daldar chefy yteedy s ypchey cos f67v1.Y.13 V =okechey cheody cheka= pha f89r2.P2.5 AFHLU okeeol qoor ol chor cheky *hol daiiin-chol str f58v.P2.37 AHU qok*l okol okor cheky *y dy/o shor qokain unk f66r.R.24 ACFH hckhedy shey dcheol cheky cheo dor/ydaiin pha f100r.P2.8 ACH ctheol olcheol cheky cheol cheockhy zod f71r.R3.1 AHU teeol otal chs char cheky chetshy okeeody heb f66v.P.8 AFH qokchdy qokol keedy cheky chety kody= zod f72r1.R2.1 AHU cheedy ote*r ar cheky cho*al ota* al heb f43v.P.14 ACFGHU okeedy chedal olkey cheky choal chedy oteorom/ hea f47v.P.12 ACFGH chokeesy chy chy cheky-chochy daiin/dshy str f112v.P.45 AFGHT /ykeey lor chaiin cheky chokain charam hea f30r.P.9 ACFH eeaiin chcthey-chor cheky/chokchaiin dchor hea f54v.P.4 ACFH cheol aim/dar chor cheky chol okaiin chody hea f8v.P.15 AFU ckham/or chol ch**n cheky-chor cheain char pha f100v.P.9 AFH cheokeol orey/daiin cheky chory= heb f34r.P.12 ACFH /qokeey sh kaldaiin-cheky cthdaly-otchedy bio f78r.P.3 ACFHV olkedy dam/qckhedy cheky d*l chedy qokedy str f104v.P.14 AFH lcheol shedy s aiin cheky dai*ndl= hea f10v.P.7 ACFHU /qokol chyky chol cheky daiin dain chckhan= cos f68v3.P.2 ACFHU chokar s*r chor cheky daiin dar aiin- heb f55v.P.6 ACFH /ykaiin daiin ykair cheky daiin y= heb f66v.P.12 AFH kara/qekar okedy cheky dal chekal chckhy heb f41r.P.3 ACFGH qokedy shekchy cheky daly/chdchy ytcheeky unk f66r.R.12 ACFH /qokchey qokaiir cheky daly daiin dal heb f34r.P.15 AFH chedy chcthedy cheky daram/sair chekar heb f55r.P.9 ACH heody qokeeody/dain cheky dar chckhy dal bio f75v.P2.12 C otain olchey okar cheky dedy kedy/qoqokeey heb f43r.P.11 ACFGH olky ytol otary cheky dy/dor shol qokol heb f33v.P.5 ACFHU -cthy dy ty dy-ykar cheky dy/ycheo dar olaiin heb f34r.P.6 ACFH oll-chesy-daiin cheky fchs aiir amg/qokedy str f105r.P2.33 AFH ar airod/dor ail cheky kar odaiin ykl bio f80r.P.35 ACFHV qokan chedy qotai*n cheky l*eey lolom/qokain str f112v.P.36 AFGHT daiiin chdy qokeedy cheky lkedy qotedy raram/ str f115r.P.34 AFH lkeeey okeey raiin cheky= heb f33r.P.2 ACFH daiin/ytchedy qokar cheky okaldy qokaldy bio f84r.P.9 ACFHV am/qokaiin chol cheky okaly chey okal cos f67v1.Y.13 AU =okechey cheody cheky= str f107v.P.4 AFHT olkiir alody/dain cheky okechy qokain shocthy heb f31r.P.15 ACFH /yshedair sheol cheky okedam= bio f83r.P.35 ACFHV shed qokchy/saiin cheky okeeol okain chdy/ heb f34v.P.8 ACFHU otar ar cho raiin cheky olchdaiin or oldar heb f55v.P.12 ACFH orain/daiin or cheky olkeechy sl-ar bio f81v.P.18 ACFHV /qokchdy chey ol cheky ol shedy qokedy heb f48v.P.9 ACFH shody okal-otchedy cheky oly loldy lol-otchdy str f58r.P.24 AFH otalor cheoekar cheky otakar/oar che*k*y cos f68v2.C.1 ACDHUV yok**y dalches okor cheky otees otey dy okechoy pha f102r2.P.12 AH qyoeey dol chkey cheky/otol shey qockhey hea f42r.P1.2 ACFGH /sol kaiin char cheky otshaiin daiiry/ str f113v.P.34 AFGH cheaiin okchey cheky qokain otecheedy bio f75r.P.30 ACFHV cheeky qokey qokain cheky qokal dain chedy heb f33r.P.3 ACFH otardam/laiin y cheky qokedy shedy chdal heb f39r.P.2 ACFHU k*ly dy/olchey cheky qokedy shekshey str f111r.P.19 AFHT lcheoekam oaiin cheky qokeeodar checthdy bio f84v.P.4 C keedy qoeedy olkeey cheky qokeey/poiin ol pha f89r2.P2.6 AFLU okey okeey keey cheky qokol okeey dal str f103v.P.5 AFH =pcheor olkeey cheky qokshdy qokaiin str f115v.P.5 AFH otchd chokeedy/dair cheky qoteey otar chl heb f46r.P.12 C daiin sheockhy cheky raiin ches shey bio f77v.P.28 ACFHV eckhy qokal/qokaiin cheky rar chedy qokal unk f49v.P.23 ACFGHU -chetcho dy/oaiin cheky r cho rchs**esy bio f77v.P.22 ACFHV okain chedal fchedy cheky sai*n chedy qokain bio f81v.P.27 ACFHV oiiin olkeedy tedy cheky shckhedy chal= heb f34r.P.16 ACFH daram/sair chekar cheky shek-cholchedy heb f26r.P.9 ACH -ykeechy okeedy cheky/shese aiin sheos heb f26r.P.9 F -ykeechy okeedy chek y/shese aiin sheos heb f66v.P.3 AFH dar otal chody cheky/shokeshy daiin str f58v.P1.7 AHU sheols oteor aiin cheky/taiin ckhey daldy cos f68v3.O.1 AHU eeokaiin otchey dal cheky ykes yake* sol heb f26v.P.6 ACFHU cheeky dar chey cheky ytchdy= heb f31r.P.1 ACF shees aiin qokeefcy chepa keo/dcheey daiin zod f72v3.S1.13 AU =daiin chepy= bio f76r.R.18 ACFHV sheedy qokaldy chepy dain alolor olain pha f89r1.P1.1 AHU qopcholy qokod chepy dar sheey okor unk f86v5.P.4 AFH qoty qotaiin sai*n chepy ltedy dar olkar str f103r.P.21 AFH dalkar otal qokal chepy okedy qoky pchedy hea f90v1.P.1 AFHL cheor chodar oleees chepy shol-shckhey-otol heb f43v.P.10 ACFHU aldar chdy daldar chepy yteedy s ypchey heb f57r.P.2 ACFH yodam/daiir air chety cheo ckhy chockhy str f58v.P1.19 AHU otal chol okal ar chety chkalar ol/olain cos f70r1.C.3 AHUV cheo al oteeoky chety chodalar okal chear hea f47v.P.9 ACFH hodaly sal/qotchee* chety chol chol dain/ heb f48v.P.2 AFHU yotedy cthdy-okain chety choolkeey/alchey hea f2r.P.12 ACFH yor an chan-saiin chety chyky sal/sho ykeey hea f36v.P.2 ACFH qotor ytar ochor chety ckhor dom/dchytchy hea f87r.P.2 AFH saiin/dchee ckhos chety cthodal yteodam hea f42r.P3.17 ACFH sholy/shotol shol chety daiin chokchy chkaiin/ heb f43r.P.2 ACFGH oteol ytedy ar chety dar aiir okaldy heb f34r.P.15 C chedy chcthedy chety daram/sair chekar str f103v.P.36 AFHU lsheok shdy qcphey chety dar/oteey lchees heb f46r.P.1 ACGH =pcheocphy qotedy chety dy chepchx yfcheky heb f66v.P.8 AFH qokol keedy cheky chety kody= str f115r.P.32 AFH oaiin chedy qotaiin chety laiin chedy/ycheey bio f75v.P1.4 ACFHUV okchdy qokal dal ol chety lchdy-shedy ched bio f83r.P.24 ACFHV /soiiin checthy chety otaiin olsaly shedy= bio f80r.P.8 ACFHV =paiin sheol qokain chety qokeedy qokar shcthy bio f78v.P.3 ACFHV oty dal/qokedy chety qolshedy okedy str f115v.P.31 AFH rchal sheey qotai*n chety rodai*n opchepy bio f81r.P.13 AFHV qotedy qol chedy chety ry/qokechedy qol str f103r.P.10 AFH okeol chal okam chety shedy otaiin shedy hea f44r.P.5 G shysho qoteey chor chety sheey ytey daiin/ unk f66r.R.32 ACFH dkar/lchey lkeedy chety shekaly shckhar= hea f54r.P.7 ACFH sheody sho or cheey chety-sol d*sh dam dam/ cos f57v.R3.1 AUV r y chedaiin k chety x docodal vo tchor hea f25r.P.2 AFH pholdy sy/otor chor chrky chotchy shair qod hea f25r.P.2 C pholdy sy/otor chor chsky chotchy shair qod unk f86v5.P.14 AFH qokaiin ykar a* ol chsky/dchey tai*n qok* str f103r.P.37 AFH qokeedy qok**dy chsky shey shalky/ot*chedy cos f57v.R3.1 H r y chedaiin k echty x docodal vo tchor pha f89v2.P2.13 AHU /ockhody daiin ykam s-chty chy cthey dair unk f1r.P1.3 U cthar dan/syaiir shcky or ykaiin shod bio f81v.P.1 V shek dain ofal shcky/qokedy okaiin kair heb f33v.P.1 ACFHU -ydain cthey dolr-sheky araiin *s/kchdy bio f79v.P.42 ACFHV /okchedy qokain sheky chedy ol aiin ydaral= heb f95r1.P.7 AFH qofai*n dy/ykchedy sheky chekar chdai*n bio f80r.P.7 AFHV sheky shkeol qokar sheky chetain ol olkar hea f2r.P.10 ACFH /qoky cholaiin shol sheky daiin-cthey keol heb f46r.P.4 ACFGH chekal chckhy sheky sheky dalocth*y/okeedy bio f75v.P2.12 AFHUV otain olchey okar sheky dedy kedy/qoqokeey heb f95v2.P.3 AFU kaiin qokan shar sheky dy daiin alkain- heb f39v.P.5 ACFHU shky/ytedy kor or sheky kain otar or aiin str f106v.P.32 ACFHT =tolos shdair sheky keedy qoeedy qofchedy str f107r.P.15 AFHT ckhal shal otaraiin sheky okeeey raiin airal= cos f68v3.S.3 ACHU =shoeke*y sheky okolchey okoldom= bio f78r.P.27 AHV ofchedy taly/s sheky ol kedy chckhy bio f79v.P.21 ACFHV /dshey qokal sheedy sheky orain otshdy dain unk f1r.P1.3 ACFH cthar dan/syaiir sheky or ykaiin shod str f106r.P.1 AFHT yteedy shol korchy sheky otchedy okshed cos f57v.R4.1 AH dar teodar otadal sheky otchody x r l= hea f29v.P.7 ACFHU dy-shdy-cho cthy sheky/otol sho tcho* str f112r.P.19 AFGHT ol otaly saiin sheky qeey qokey qokeey pha f102v1.P1.3 AFHU teody ckheey qokeol sheky qockheor os cheo str f107r.P.13 AHTU =polchls aiin sheky qokaiin opchal bio f75v.P1.2 ACFHUV chcphey qotam/sor sheky qokain okal dal bio f80r.P.28 ACFHV opchedy qokain sheky qokain ol/qokeedy bio f82v.P.6 C qokedy/qotey qokal sheky qokal chedy qotal bio f80r.P.7 ACFHV ol olkar okain sheky qokal da*= bio f81v.P.1 AFH shek dain ofal sheky/qokedy okaiin kair bio f79v.P.40 ACFHV ol *iin qok*in sheky qokeedy qokar ol/ unk f66r.R.5 ACFH keody qokeody qokar sheky qokeeody okedy bio f84v.P.4 AFHV keedy qoeedy olkeey sheky qokeey/poiin ol bio f82r.P1.6 ACFHV edaiin sheckhy o*al sheky qotaiin chedol/ str f116r.P.25 AFH kedy chey lam/chol sheky shedy qokeey qokeedy heb f46r.P.4 ACFGH kaldy chekal chckhy sheky sheky dalocth*y/ bio f79r.P.36 ACFHV sheeol ol cheey os sheky sheol or shear bio f80r.P.7 AFHV oty/solky sheckhy sheky shkeol qokar sheky bio f84v.P.17 ACFHV koldy/solkes olokar sheky shkol qokor chdy bio f76v.P.30 ACFHV tchy rshed chkaiin sheky shtal cheedy lsan/ hea f29r.P.8 ACFHU kaiin/shor chor sho sheky shy qoty kody-daiin bio f80r.P.38 ACFHV loiin cheey qot* shety cheoky qok*iin bio f80r.P.7 C sheky shkeol qokar shety chetain ol olkar bio f75v.P3.31 ACFHUV ykeedy qokain otain shety/octhey shedy otol bio f80r.P.40 ACFHV /lol chey saiin shety okaiiin sheor tchey str f116r.P.13 AFH qoteedy qokai*n shety okeedam/sai*n chey str f103r.P.32 AFH shedy qokedy qokal shety otedy shcth* oraiin= cos f68v1.C.1 AUV chkorchy dy dy shety oteey dair chotedy bio f76v.P.31 ACFHV ekaiiin shets aiiin shety otey okaiin otedy unk f65v.P.1 ACH checfhy dy-dchepain shety qopy fol chpdy/ bio f80r.P.7 C oty/solky sheckhy shety shkeol qokar sheky unk f86v5.P.6 AFH ar okary/olkeedy shety ytar ytaiin shdam -------------------------------------------- eeetod ---------------------------- hea f2v.P.5 U =kchor shy daiiin chckom-sshey dor chol bio f75r.P.11 ACFHV okar shedy dor chekam/ssheckhy qokal str f114v.P.28 AFH tched chees ar aiin chetam= pha f88v.P2.9 L heody qotody soteol chetoj/odoiin sheo ol heb f39v.P.11 ACFHU olchef/sarol chedy shekam qokar chl-ykeedy bio f84r.P.18 ACFHV chetey *ai*n shedy shekam/ykchdar or arar unk f85r1.P.23 AFH aiin chol dy qopar shetam/tedair ykeedy dai*n -------------------------------------------- eeetodeeeo ------------------------ unk f86v5.P.14 AF qokaiin ykar a* ol chsky/dchey tai*n qok* daiin unk f1r.P3.18 ACFH daicthy/yto shol she kodshey cphealy darain -------------------------------------------- eeetodo --------------------------- heb f43r.P.11 U olky ytol otary chcky dy/dor shol qokol heb f40r.P.4 ACFH qokar okam/or aiin chekody dar-qokol okaiin cos f68v2.P.4 AFHU shey qokey chol chekody/scheos shekey okey cos f67r2.C.11a AHUV =ytoeopchey chekody/sosho chos ockhy/ heb f43r.P.11 ACFGH olky ytol otary cheky dy/dor shol qokol heb f33v.P.5 ACFHU -cthy dy ty dy-ykar cheky dy/ycheo dar olaiin hea f20r.P.10 ACFH sody pchodaiin chetody choky dchy toy/ cos f69v.C.1 AHUV chykar-okair sh ar chetody okeeos otey otokeeey heb f46r.P.1 ACGH =pcheocphy qotedy chety dy chepchx yfcheky heb f43r.P.5 G otam/yk*r chedy shekady qotody qotar okedy heb f43r.P.5 ACFHU otam/yk*r chedy shekody qotody qotar okedy heb f95v2.P.3 AFU kaiin qokan shar sheky dy daiin alkain-okal heb f95v2.P.3 H kaiin qokan shar shekydy daiin alkain-okal -------------------------------------------- eeetododoe ------------------------ heb f43r.P.11 U olky ytol otary chcky dy/dor shol qokol shedy heb f40r.P.4 ACF qokar okam/or aiin chekody dar-qokol okaiin okar heb f40r.P.4 H qokar okam/or aiin chekody das-qokol okaiin okar heb f43r.P.11 ACFH olky ytol otary cheky dy/dor shol qokol shedy -------------------------------------------- eeetododoin ----------------------- pha f88v.P2.9 L heody qotody soteol chetoj/odoiin sheo ol qokeey heb f95v2.P.3 AFU kaiin qokan shar sheky dy daiin alkain-okal aiin heb f95v2.P.3 H kaiin qokan shar shekydy dain alkain-okal aiin -------------------------------------------- eeetodoe -------------------------- heb f43r.P.2 U oteol ytedy ar chcty dar aiir okaldy daral heb f55r.P.9 AC heody qokeeody/dain cheky dar chckhy dal qoko heb f55r.P.9 H heody qokeeody/dain cheky das chckhy dal qoko pha f89r1.P1.1 AHU qopcholy qokod chepy dar sheey okor sheeos pha f89r1.P1.1 L qopcholy qokod chepydar sheey okor sheeos heb f43r.P.2 ACH oteol ytedy ar chety dar aiir okaldy daral str f103v.P.36 AFHU lsheok shdy qcphey chety dar/oteey lchees ol -------------------------------------------- eeetodoin ------------------------- hea f10v.P.7 ACFHU /qokol chyky chol cheky daiin dain chckhan= cos f68v3.P.2 ACFHU chokar s*r chor cheky daiin dar aiin-ytey tol heb f55v.P.6 ACH /ykaiin daiin ykair cheky daiin y= bio f76r.R.18 F sheedy qokaldy chepy daiin alolor olain chedy bio f76r.R.18 ACHV sheedy qokaldy chepy dain alolor olain chedy hea f42r.P3.17 ACFH sholy/shotol shol chety daiin chokchy chkaiin/ hea f2r.P.10 ACFH /qoky cholaiin shol sheky daiin-cthey keol saiin -------------------------------------------- eeetodolo ------------------------- heb f41r.P.3 ACFGH qokedy shekchy cheky daly/chdchy ytcheeky unk f66r.R.12 ACFH /qokchey qokaiir cheky daly daiin dal shedy -------------------------------------------- eeetoe ---------------------------- cos f85v2.C1.1 AU orain otody toar chcpar olarckhy opchdar unk f66r.R.10 H shetey dalal shedy chcta r sheod shokair ch*kchy heb f95v1.P.6 AFH dchdy shedy dkshey chefar otchdy ol shedar heb f95r1.P.7 AFH dy/ykchedy sheky chekar chdai*n chdaiin heb f34r.P.16 ACFH cheky daram/sair chekar cheky shek-cholchedy heb f33r.P.6 ACFH shody tchedydy chekar okaiin okaiin daiin str f111v.P.13 F chckhy cheol kedy chekar okaiin shal lchdal bio f75r.P.43 ACFHV qoteedy dar/yshedy chekar oldy qokain chkar heb f94r.P.5 AFH chol kar am/daiin chekar olkaiin olkeody bio f84r.P.29 ACFHV dshedy oteedy qotar chekar or shedy saiin/ str f108r.P.10 AFHT oteey yteol ykeedy chekar qokeeo daiin okeyty unk f49v.P.23 AFGHU -chetcho dy/oaiin cheky r cho rchs**esy kchor str f106v.P.5 ACFH qopchedy otaiin chepar aiin octhy dair heb f31r.P.6 AFH keody qokedy qotedy chepar cheda r aiin dal/ str f103r.P.22 AF shedy qotar chcthy chep ar otar opchy/daiin str f103r.P.22 H shedy qotar chcthy chepar otar opchy/daiin str f103r.P.2 AFHU opchedy peshol chep ar otchy sal lkeey unk f66r.R.10 C shetey dalal shedy chepas sheod shokair ch*kchy heb f31r.P.6 C keody qokedy qotedy chepos cheda r aiin dal/ cos f69r.C.7 AHUV air/chy to s aly/chetar ar aly/dair al bio f75v.P1.1 CV opchedy qopdy-dain chetar chcphey qotam/sor hea f42r.P1.4 ACFH chain dal/shor chetar chotair dar cthaiin/ heb f40v.T.19 ACFH =pchedy chetar ofair arody= str f111v.P.13 AGHT chckhy cheol kedy chetar okaiin shal lchdal str f113r.P.1 T =pchesfchy ypcheedy chetar qopchedaiin oteey str f113r.P.1 AFGH ypcheedy fchdy chetar qopchedaiin oteey str f116r.P.19 AFH sheedy qotai*n chetar qotar ar ar*dy bio f75v.P1.1 AFHU opchedy qopdy-dain chetas chcphey qotam/sor heb f50r.P.7 ACFGHU kaiin otaiin otal she kar a**iin okchedy bio f84r.X.2 AHUV =or shekar= str f112r.P.45 F aiin okeeey teey shekar oteeedy qokeey str f58v.P2.25 AHU okal ar oko s al shekar qo*air alam/qokar pha f88r.P1.2 F sheom kol chear shekar qokor daiin sar unk f66r.R.9 C dal ky shky qoky shekeir choty dar okchy pha f88r.P1.2 AHL sheom kol chear shekor qokor daiin sar bio f83r.P.4 ACFHV qokedy chkedy daiin shetar shedy q*kaiin chedy/ -------------------------------------------- eeetoeeedo ------------------------ str f103r.P.10 AFH okeol chal okam chety shedy otaiin shedy teolshy bio f79v.P.42 ACFHV /okchedy qokain sheky chedy ol aiin ydaral= str f116r.P.25 AFH kedy chey lam/chol sheky shedy qokeey qokeedy -------------------------------------------- eeetoeeeedo ----------------------- heb f31r.P.6 AF keody qokedy qotedy chepar cheda r aiin dal/ykeedar heb f31r.P.6 H keody qokedy qotedy chepar chedy r aiin dal/ykeedar bio f83r.P.4 ACFHV qokedy chkedy daiin shetar shedy q*kaiin chedy/dsheey -------------------------------------------- eeetoeeeo ------------------------- unk f66r.R.24 ACFH hckhedy shey dcheol cheky cheo dor/ydaiin shody unk f49v.P.23 AFGHU -chetcho dy/oaiin cheky r cho rchs**esy kchor heb f57r.P.2 ACFH yodam/daiir air chety cheo ckhy chockhy cheotey str f103r.P.37 AFH qokeedy qok**dy chsky shey shalky/ot*chedy -------------------------------------------- eeetoeeeol ------------------------ pha f100r.P2.8 ACH ctheol olcheol cheky cheol cheockhy okeol/ bio f79r.P.36 ACFHV sheeol ol cheey os sheky sheol or shear oly/lcheol -------------------------------------------- eeetoeeeoto ----------------------- unk f66r.R.9 C dal ky shky qoky shekeir choty dar okchy shdy bio f80r.P.38 AFHV loiin cheey qot* shety cheoky qok*iin cheey ram/ bio f80r.P.38 C loiin cheey qot* shety sheoky qok*iin cheey ram/ -------------------------------------------- eeetoeeeto ------------------------ heb f66v.P.8 AFH qokchdy qokol keedy cheky chety kody= heb f46r.P.4 ACFGH kaldy chekal chckhy sheky sheky dalocth*y/okeedy -------------------------------------------- eeetoeeo -------------------------- pha f89v2.P2.13 AHU /ockhody daiin ykam s-chty chy cthey dair *ir str f112r.P.19 AFGHT ol otaly saiin sheky qeey qokey qokeey qok* hea f29r.P.8 ACFHU kaiin/shor chor sho sheky shy qoty kody-daiin -------------------------------------------- eeetoeeol ------------------------- hea f54v.P.4 ACFH cheol aim/dar chor cheky chol okaiin chody choldy/ hea f90v1.P.1 L cheor chodar oleees chepy chol-shckhey-otol shey- hea f90v1.P.1 AFH cheor chodar oleees chepy shol-shckhey-otol shey- hea f47v.P.9 ACFH hodaly sal/qotchee* chety chol chol dain/chotcho -------------------------------------------- eeetoeetol ------------------------ bio f84v.P.17 AFHV koldy/solkes olokar sheky shkol qokor chdy tal bio f76v.P.30 AFHV tchy rshed chkaiin sheky shtal cheedy lsan/sair bio f84v.P.17 C koldy/solkes olokar sheky shtol qokor chdy tal -------------------------------------------- eeetoeo --------------------------- bio f81r.P.13 AFHV qotedy qol chedy chety ry/qokechedy qol sheedy bio f81r.P.13 C qotedy qol chedy chetyry/qokechedy qol sheedy -------------------------------------------- eeetoeoe -------------------------- bio f84r.P.29 AFHV dshedy oteedy qotar chekar or shedy saiin/okaiin bio f77v.P.28 AFHV eckhy qokal/qokaiin cheky rar chedy qokal dary bio f77v.P.28 C eckhy qokal/qokaiin cheky sar chedy qokal dary cos f69r.C.7 AHU air/chy to s aly/chetar ar aly/dair al ody/ -------------------------------------------- eeetoeoeeeedo --------------------- bio f84r.P.29 AFHV dshedy oteedy qotar chekar or shedy saiin/okaiin otchdy bio f77v.P.28 AFHV eckhy qokal/qokaiin cheky rar chedy qokal dary qotal bio f77v.P.28 C eckhy qokal/qokaiin cheky sar chedy qokal dary qotal -------------------------------------------- eeetoeoin ------------------------- heb f46r.P.12 C daiin sheockhy cheky raiin ches shey kar sheckhy str f106v.P.5 ACFH qopchedy otaiin chepar aiin octhy dair ry/daiin str f106v.P.5 T qopchedy otaiin cheparaiin octhy dair ry/daiin -------------------------------------------- eeetoeoteeedo --------------------- bio f84r.P.29 C dshedy oteedy qotar chekar okshedy saiin/okaiin otchdy str f112r.P.45 F aiin okeeey teey shekar oteeedy qokeey okeey okary -------------------------------------------- eeetoeoteeo ----------------------- str f108r.P.10 AFH oteey yteol ykeedy chekar qokeeo daiin okeyty ody= str f103r.P.2 AFHU opchedy peshol chep ar otchy sal lkeey sar ain -------------------------------------------- eeetoeotoe ------------------------ str f103r.P.22 AF shedy qotar chcthy chep ar otar opchy/daiin sheckhy str f103r.P.22 H shedy qotar chcthy chepar otar opchy/daiin sheckhy str f116r.P.19 AFH sheedy qotai*n chetar qotar ar ar*dy chcthy pha f88r.P1.2 F sheom kol chear shekar qokor daiin sar raiin pha f88r.P1.2 AHL sheom kol chear shekor qokor daiin sar raiin -------------------------------------------- eeetoeotoin ----------------------- heb f33r.P.6 ACFH shody tchedydy chekar okaiin okaiin daiin okal/ str f111v.P.13 F chckhy cheol kedy chekar okaiin shal lchdal tedy str f111v.P.13 AGHT chckhy cheol kedy chetar okaiin shal lchdal tedy -------------------------------------------- eeetoid --------------------------- str f105r.P2.20 AFH shody chedy okaiin chekaim/olkcho keedy ypair -------------------------------------------- eeetoie --------------------------- unk f66r.R.9 AFH dal ky shky qoky shekair choty dar okchy -------------------------------------------- eeetoin --------------------------- heb f55r.P.1 H qofair okar yk chcpaiin qokchdy or arod/ heb f40v.P.1 ACFH =pchedain chefaiin oldy/todar qokaiin heb f40v.P.13 ACFH fchedy qokedy-daiin chefain/saiin olchey kchedy str f112v.P.8 AHT okar otal kedy chekaiiin/soaiin ar *iin str f112v.P.8 G okar otal kedy chek aiiin/soaiin ar *iin bio f76r.R.6 F keedy okey dar aiin chekaiin *ldy/shed al shckhy str f111v.P.47 F tain olain okeeedy chekaiin chckhey lchar= str f111v.P.31 F lky/pochey oteain chekaiin cheal lain chey heb f39r.P.3 ACFHU dold/qokalchdy chekaiin checkhy dar shed heb f95r1.P.3 AFH oekeey qokees ody chekaiin chekaiin chky chaiin/ str f107r.P.33 F qocthy ralky/yaiin chekaiin cheo kaiin chey str f112v.P.21 F cthedy sairal/saiin chekaiin cheol qoeedy chol heb f26v.P.4 ACFHU cheos oraiin okeo chekaiin= heb f95r1.P.3 AFH qokees ody chekaiin chekaiin chky chaiin/ycheey zod f72r2.R1.1 AHU o*seey qooe*l ckhal chekaiin o*aiin chy d r heb f40r.P.7 ACFH kar oraiin/yaiin chekaiin oky-ycheey= pha f89v1.P1.5 AFH /toch*o cthor okol chekaiin os aiin ol cheokchey zod f72r2.R1.1 AHU r aiin al * *ho chekaiin oted*l qokeodal str f111r.P.50 F ol/okeey lchedy chekaiin qokeeokain chckhy str f112v.P.8 F okar otal kedy chekaiin/soaiin ar *iin bio f76r.R.6 ACHV keedy okey dar aiin chekain *ldy/shed al shckhy str f111v.P.47 AGHT tain olain okeeedy chekain chckhey lchar= str f111v.P.31 AGHT lky/pochey oteain chekain cheal lain chey str f107r.P.33 AHT qocthy ralky/yaiin chekain cheo kaiin chey str f112v.P.21 AGHT cthedy sairal/saiin chekain cheol qoeedy chol bio f76v.P.27 ACFHV *** qokeedy saiin chek ain r ain o kan chlaiiin/ unk f1r.P3.17 ACF k*eam/ycho tchey chekain sheo pshol dydyd cos f85r2.C1.1 AHU ot**dy ot*dy otar chepaiin ot*dar otodaiin heb f55r.P.1 ACF qofair okar yk chepaiin qokchdy or arod/ heb f94v.P.11 AFH daiin shcth*y qokar chetaiin chdy-yk*l qoky str f112v.P.22 F cheol chedy qokeey chetaiin= hea f42v.P.5 ACFGH chetan-s ary-okol chetaiin/okeokear cheotchar- bio f80r.P.7 F shkeol qokar sheky chetaiin ol olkar okain bio f84v.P.2 F /oteey qokeey okey chetaiin she*ky daiin al/ str f114v.P.32 AFH ole*ey cheoaiin chetaiin sheeo dai*n= str f111v.P.22 AGHT ychear olsheey chetain chedy qokain okain str f112v.P.22 AGHT cheol chedy qokeey chetain= bio f80r.P.7 ACHV shkeol qokar sheky chetain ol olkar okain bio f84v.P.2 ACHV /oteey qokeey okey chetain she*ky daiin al/ unk f1r.P3.17 U k*eam/ycho tchey chetain sheo pshol dydyd bio f76v.P.31 ACFH cheedy lsan/sair shekaiiin shets aiiin shety bio f76v.P.31 V cheedy lsan/sair shek aiiin shets aiiin shety unk f86v6.P.26 AFH araram/saiin shor shekaiin chedy cholkeod bio f80r.P.26 ACFHV tain oteey qokain shekaiin sheckhy qolshey str f111r.P.10 F dal lam/ykeedaiin shekaiin shedy qokear ochey str f111r.P.10 AHT dal lam/ykeedaiin shekain shedy qokear ochey -------------------------------------------- eeetoineeedo ---------------------- str f111v.P.22 AGHT ychear olsheey chetain chedy qokain okain al unk f86v6.P.26 AFH araram/saiin shor shekaiin chedy cholkeod qokchy str f111r.P.10 F dal lam/ykeedaiin shekaiin shedy qokear ochey reeey str f111r.P.10 AHT dal lam/ykeedaiin shekain shedy qokear ochey reeey -------------------------------------------- eeetoineeeeteo -------------------- heb f39r.P.3 ACFHU dold/qokalchdy chekaiin checkhy dar shed qokeedar bio f80r.P.26 ACFHV tain oteey qokain shekaiin sheckhy qolshey qokain -------------------------------------------- eeetoineeeo ----------------------- str f107r.P.33 F qocthy ralky/yaiin chekaiin cheo kaiin chey qol str f107r.P.33 AHT qocthy ralky/yaiin chekain cheo kaiin chey qol unk f1r.P3.17 AF k*eam/ycho tchey chekain sheo pshol dydyd cthy unk f1r.P3.17 U k*eam/ycho tchey chetain sheo pshol dydyd cthy -------------------------------------------- eeetoineeeol ---------------------- str f111v.P.31 F lky/pochey oteain chekaiin cheal lain chey qokain str f112v.P.21 F cthedy sairal/saiin chekaiin cheol qoeedy chol keedy str f111v.P.31 AGHT lky/pochey oteain chekain cheal lain chey qokain str f112v.P.21 AGHT cthedy sairal/saiin chekain cheol qoeedy chol keedy -------------------------------------------- eeetoineoin ----------------------- heb f40v.P.13 ACFH fchedy qokedy-daiin chefain/saiin olchey kchedy okar bio f76v.P.27 AFHV *** qokeedy saiin chek ain r ain o kan chlaiiin/ bio f76v.P.27 C *** qokeedy saiin chek ain rain o kan chlaiiin/ -------------------------------------------- eeetol ---------------------------- heb f40r.P.8 ACFH -kcheo cfhdy orain chefal daiin dm/taiin heb f66v.P.12 AFH okedy cheky dal chekal chckhy kal kal heb f46r.P.4 ACFGH chckhy qokaldy chekal chckhy sheky sheky pha f89v1.P1.7 AFH shodain qokar ain chekal daiin dar/qokar pha f89v1.P1.6 AHL cthey qokol daiin chekal dal s chear qotam/ heb f66v.P.4 AFH *hckhy dal ko dal chekal dal/shdy shed*fam str f104v.P.19 AFH fchor ols aiin chekal/or sheeo lcheedy str f106r.P.43 AFHT cheor al taiin chekal otarar/dshedy qoteey str f113r.P.5 AFGHT cheoar qokaiin chekal otar shosaiin chckhy heb f34v.P.4 ACFHU da*am/tchdaiin chekal shedy qokedar chdaiin str f106r.P.39 AFHT laiin cheody laiiin chekol cheey okchar aiin pha f88v.P1.5 AHL rairal/dar cheorol chekol daraly= bio f83r.P.1 ACFH lpchedy opshedy chepol pchedar shedy qopchedy/ bio f83r.P.1 V lpchedy opshedy chep ol pchedar shedy qopchedy/ cos f68v2.S.10 ACHUV =otchdy-chetal= zod f73r.S1.10 AHV =shekal= bio f81v.P.1 ACFHV =par shey keedy shekal dal dar ol pchedy str f111r.P.23 AFHT qokeey qokedy okain shekal okechedy qokechedy/ heb f33r.P.5 ACFH okal otal chdal shekal qokar otam/yteey unk f66r.R.29 AFH shedy lchedy cheedy shekol dalol lodaiin/sheol cos f70r2.P.1 AFHUV =otchey sheol chkey shep al r ar chly sheteal cos f70r2.P.7 AFHV dal/daiin daiin she tal qokal chol ckh*y unk f66r.R.29 C shedy lchedy cheedy shetol dalol lodaiin/sheol -------------------------------------------- eeetoldoin ------------------------ heb f40r.P.8 ACFH -kcheo cfhdy orain chefal daiin dm/taiin ol olaiin pha f89v1.P1.7 AFH shodain qokar ain chekal daiin dar/qokar odaiin= -------------------------------------------- eeetoldol ------------------------- pha f89v1.P1.6 AHL cthey qokol daiin chekal dal s chear qotam/osheokaiin heb f66v.P.4 AFH *hckhy dal ko dal chekal dal/shdy shed*fam qokedy bio f81v.P.1 ACFHV =par shey keedy shekal dal dar ol pchedy shek -------------------------------------------- eeetoleedo ------------------------ bio f75v.P1.4 ACFHUV okchdy qokal dal ol chety lchdy-shedy ched otedy heb f43r.P.4 ACFH tedy kar *r ar shekalchdy chol*y qotaly chedy heb f43r.P.4 GU tedy kar *r ar she kalchdy chol*y qotaly chedy -------------------------------------------- eeetoleeeteo ---------------------- heb f66v.P.12 AFH okedy cheky dal chekal chckhy kal kal dar chkchody/ heb f46r.P.4 ACFGH chckhy qokaldy chekal chckhy sheky sheky dalocth*y/ -------------------------------------------- eeetoleeo ------------------------- str f111r.P.1 AHT aiip chepchedy chetalshy sheek shear shey str f111r.P.1 F aiip chepchedy chet alshy sheek shear shey -------------------------------------------- eeetolo --------------------------- pha f102r2.P.1 AFHU cfhey por aiin chefoly/ycheor olaiin olsho heb f34v.P.5 ACFHU kair chedy qokar chekaly cholky= unk f66r.R.32 ACFH /lchey lkeedy chety shekaly shckhar= -------------------------------------------- eeetoloe -------------------------- heb f34r.P.11 AH olchckhy oly-otchdy chefalas/qokeey sh kaldaiin- str f104v.P.19 AFH fchor ols aiin chekal/or sheeo lcheedy qokeey -------------------------------------------- eeetolotoe ------------------------ str f113r.P.5 AFGHT cheoar qokaiin chekal otar shosaiin chckhy heb f33r.P.5 H okal otal chdal shekal qakar otam/yteey shody heb f33r.P.5 ACF okal otal chdal shekal qokar otam/yteey shody -------------------------------------------- eeetoltedo ------------------------ str f112v.P.36 AFGHT daiiin chdy qokeedy cheky lkedy qotedy raram/teedal unk f86v5.P.4 AFH qoty qotaiin sai*n chepy ltedy dar olkar am/daiin -------------------------------------------- eeeton ---------------------------- hea f42v.P.5 ACFGH dd/chokeeor chey chetan-s ary-okol chetaiin/ -------------------------------------------- eeetooeoin ------------------------ heb f33v.P.1 ACFU -ydain cthey dolr-sheky araiin *s/kchdy dam dy- heb f33v.P.1 H -ydain cthey dolr-sheky ar aiin *s/kchdy dam dy- bio f79v.P.21 F /dshey qokal sheedy sheky oraiin otshdy dain cther bio f79v.P.21 ACH /dshey qokal sheedy sheky orain otshdy dain cther bio f79v.P.21 V /dshey qokal sheedy sheky or ain otshdy dain cther -------------------------------------------- eeetool --------------------------- bio f81v.P.18 ACFHV /qokchdy chey ol cheky ol shedy qokedy qokedy bio f78r.P.27 AHV ofchedy taly/s sheky ol kedy chckhy dain -------------------------------------------- eeetooleeedo ---------------------- bio f81v.P.18 ACFHV /qokchdy chey ol cheky ol shedy qokedy qokedy chckhy bio f78v.P.3 ACFHV oty dal/qokedy chety qolshedy okedy dol ees ol -------------------------------------------- eeetootedo ------------------------ heb f33r.P.3 ACFH otardam/laiin y cheky qokedy shedy chdal chechdaiin heb f39r.P.2 ACFHU k*ly dy/olchey cheky qokedy shekshey qolain str f103r.P.21 AFH dalkar otal qokal chepy okedy qoky pchedy okaly bio f81v.P.1 V shek dain ofal shcky/qokedy okaiin kair okal bio f81v.P.1 AFH shek dain ofal sheky/qokedy okaiin kair okal str f103r.P.32 AFH shedy qokedy qokal shety otedy shcth* oraiin= -------------------------------------------- eeetooteedo ----------------------- heb f43v.P.10 G aldar chdy daldar chefy yteedy s ypchey pchedy str f103v.P.5 AFH =pcheor olkeey cheky qokshdy qokaiin okechdy heb f26v.P.6 AFHU cheeky dar chey cheky ytchdy= heb f26v.P.6 C cheeky dar chey cheky yteedy= heb f43v.P.10 ACFHU aldar chdy daldar chepy yteedy s ypchey pchedy bio f80r.P.8 ACFHV =paiin sheol qokain chety qokeedy qokar shcthy qotol bio f79v.P.40 ACFHV ol *iin qok*in sheky qokeedy qokar ol/yshedy -------------------------------------------- eeetooteedootoe ------------------- bio f80r.P.8 ACFHV =paiin sheol qokain chety qokeedy qokar shcthy qotol shec*hy bio f79v.P.40 ACFHV ol *iin qok*in sheky qokeedy qokar ol/yshedy qokeey -------------------------------------------- eeetooteeeo ----------------------- str f107v.P.4 AFHT olkiir alody/dain cheky okechy qokain shocthy str f107r.P.15 AFHT ckhal shal otaraiin sheky okeeey raiin airal= -------------------------------------------- eeetooteeo ------------------------ bio f84v.P.4 C keedy qoeedy olkeey cheky qokeey/poiin ol kedy okedy str f115v.P.5 AFH otchd chokeedy/dair cheky qoteey otar chl oleed= bio f84v.P.4 AFHV keedy qoeedy olkeey sheky qokeey/poiin ol kedy okedy cos f68v1.C.1 AV chkorchy dy dy shety oteey dair chotedy chey -------------------------------------------- eeetooteeodo ---------------------- cos f57v.R4.1 V dar teodar otadal shckyoteeody x r l= cos f57v.R4.1 AH dar teodar otadal sheky otchody x r l= unk f66r.R.5 ACFH keody qokeody qokar sheky qokeeody okedy kodary/ykeeody -------------------------------------------- eeetooteeoin ---------------------- hea f30r.P.9 C eeaiin chcthey-chor cheky/okchaiin dchor chkchean hea f42r.P1.2 ACFGH /sol kaiin char cheky otshaiin daiiry/toshy chtshar -------------------------------------------- eeetootoin ------------------------ bio f80r.P.15 F chedyor/dar sheal cheky okaiin sol lshedy dol str f113v.P.34 F cheaiin okchey cheky qokaiin otecheedy qokaiin str f113v.P.34 AGH cheaiin okchey cheky qokain otecheedy qokaiin bio f83r.P.24 ACFHV /soiiin checthy chety otaiin olsaly shedy= bio f80r.P.28 F opchedy qokain sheky qokaiin ol/qokeedy qokail str f107r.P.13 AHTU =polchls aiin sheky qokaiin opchal shedy pshedaiin bio f75v.P1.2 ACFHUV chcphey qotam/sor sheky qokain okal dal olchedy- bio f80r.P.28 ACHV opchedy qokain sheky qokain ol/qokeedy qokail bio f82r.P1.6 ACFHV edaiin sheckhy o*al sheky qotaiin chedol/dshedy sotaiin bio f80r.P.40 ACHV /lol chey saiin shety okaiiin sheor tchey lkaiin bio f80r.P.40 F /lol chey saiin shety okaiin sheor tchey lkaiin -------------------------------------------- eeetootol ------------------------- pha f102r2.P.12 H qyoeey dol chkey cheky/okol shey qockhey dol pha f102r2.P.12 A qyoeey dol chkey cheky/otol shey qockhey dol bio f75r.P.30 ACFHV cheeky qokey qokain cheky qokal dain chedy okalol pha f89r2.P2.6 AFLU okey okeey keey cheky qokol okeey dal cheeody hea f29v.P.7 ACFHU dy-shdy-cho cthy sheky/otol sho tcho* cholody bio f82v.P.6 C qokedy/qotey qokal sheky qokal chedy qotal shedy= bio f80r.P.7 ACFHV ol olkar okain sheky qokal da*= -------------------------------------------- eeetootoleeeo --------------------- pha f102r2.P.12 H qyoeey dol chkey cheky/okol shey qockhey dol shey pha f102r2.P.12 A qyoeey dol chkey cheky/otol shey qockhey dol shey cos f68v3.S.3 ACHU =shoeke*y sheky okolchey okoldom= -------------------------------------------- eeetoteedo ------------------------ heb f43v.P.8 U daiin sheody ykar chef/ytchdy olos aiin ockhy= heb f43v.P.8 ACFH daiin sheody ykar chef/yteedy olos aiin ockhy= str f103r.P.6 AFHU *kdy/ocheey daiin shek okeedy okey shedy qokealdy str f106v.P.32 ACFHT =tolos shdair sheky keedy qoeedy qofchedy -------------------------------------------- eeetoteeo ------------------------- heb f39v.P.8 ACFHU olky dar ald-shek chek qokchy dar ain/tar aiin unk f49v.P.23 C -chetcho dy/oaiin cheky p cho rchs**esy kchor -------------------------------------------- eeetoteo -------------------------- heb f31r.P.1 ACF shees aiin qokeefcy chepa keo/dcheey daiin okeedy heb f31r.P.1 H shees aiin qokeefcy chepakeo/dcheey daiin okeedy -------------------------------------------- eeetotoe -------------------------- heb f34r.P.6 C oll-chesy-daiin cheky far aiir amg/qokedy str f105r.P2.33 AFH ar airod/dor ail cheky kar odaiin ykl al oees bio f79r.P.1 AFHV shedy pchor or shek otar p**dy opch*lor -------------------------------------------- eeetotoin ------------------------- str f58v.P1.7 AHU sheols oteor aiin cheky/taiin ckhey daldy qokair heb f39v.P.5 ACFHU shky/ytedy kor or sheky kain otar or aiin okaiin -------------------------------------------- eeett ----------------------------- str f111r.P.16 F qokeedy okeodain shekt sheota*m oteal -------------------------------------------- eel ------------------------------- hea f8r.P3.17 ACH /chol d**y qokar chl-aiin chean *ky str f112v.P.43 AGHTU olkeol ol chol chl alchedy ykeedy str f115r.P.6 AFH qokar okeeeo saiin chl chedar chody qotar hea f27v.P.4 ACFHU /okcho chy kche*d chl chol kod-o oksho str f107r.P.28 AFHT paiin orol/kar aiin chl cholor sheees aiin hea f36r.P.2 C qotaiin qooldy chty chl dy tor/qotchy tchy bio f83v.P1.6 ACFHV t**dy otalshedy sol chl eees okeol shedy str f111r.P.51 AFH shey cheokeain chl kar r aiin char str f108v.P.40 AFH eedain shear olkedy chl kar tar otaiin/ str f111r.P.27 AHT qokeody otey lkeedy chl lkeey daiin chedar str f113v.P.16 AFGH cheey qokaram/daiin chl lkeey lkaiin chdain str f115r.P.24 AFH cheey okeeeo ar chl lor ol otlaiin str f116r.P.21 AFH qokai*n chal qol chl lrai*n okai*n shckhy str f115v.P.15 AFH qotai*n qokai*n chl lr chdai*n qoteey str f116r.P.3 AFH okain ykan*m/dai*n chl lshey cthy lshedy str f105v.P.16 AFHT /daiin cheey dal chl okair aiin cpheor str f104r.P.5 AFH qotaiin qoshedy ol chl ol chedacphy al str f115v.P.5 AFH cheky qoteey otar chl oleed= bio f79v.P.35 ACFHV /qor cheey *ain chl ol otol dain otain bio f75v.P2.15 ACFHUV qoky qol cheey chl or sheolo/ol sheey pha f101r1.P.9 AU ykeor dor aiin chl s cheol-okol shey hea f35r.P.10 ACH oaiin chaiin ckhy r chl s chochy daiin/ hea f28v.P2.9 ACFHU cthol/sor chear chl s choly dar= hea f15r.P.4 ACFHU /scheaiin chodaiin chl-sol ckhaiin sal/ bio f78r.P.17 ACFHV aiin okeedy qokain chl/sol shedy dal shdy hea f15r.P.11 AFHU chds/okaiin otaiin chl sy-chor choross/ hea f16r.P2.5 C =tchor chor chl ykch shocthy opchy heb f39v.P.11 ACFHU chedy shekam qokar chl-ykeedy chckhy dalor str f107r.P.35 AFHT otar opaim/daiin shl lkeeol lchedy qokor bio f80r.P.4 ACFHV chedy qokam/solkain shl lky chcthy qokain bio f76v.P.20 ACFHV cheedy qokeedy shl loiii*m/cthedy -------------------------------------------- eeld ------------------------------ hea f28v.P2.9 U cthol/sor chear chl d choly dar= hea f27v.P.3 AFHU chodchy *tcheody shld/okcho chy kche*d hea f27v.P.3 C chodchy *tcheody shl d/okcho chy kche*d -------------------------------------------- eeldo ----------------------------- hea f36r.P.2 C qotaiin qooldy chty chl dy tor/qotchy tchy bio f83v.P2.22 ACFHV qokain dal shal shldy lor/y shey otechd zod f71v.R2.1 AH oke* cheey otal al shldy otaly -------------------------------------------- eeldoin --------------------------- bio f83r.P.16 ACFHV qokchdy cheedar chldaiin chedy qokain checthy -------------------------------------------- eele ------------------------------ bio f77r.P.33 ACFH qotedy qotal rain chlr arol/qokeedy qotedy bio f77r.P.33 V qotedy qotal rain chl r arol/qokeedy qotedy heb f39r.P.12 AFHU chckhy saiin olor chls aiin oky ches aiin pha f101r1.P.9 AU ykeor dor aiin chl s cheol-okol shey pha f101r1.P.9 H ykeor dor aiin chls cheol-okol shey hea f35r.P.10 ACH oaiin chaiin ckhy r chl s chochy daiin/shcheaiin hea f28v.P2.9 ACH cthol/sor chear chl s choly dar= bio f82v.P.15 ACFH dy checkhy otal chls= bio f82v.P.15 V dy checkhy otal chl s=