Generated 1999-01-06 15:34:07 by stolfi

VMS Concordance - Section 058

[PREV] [INDEX] [NEXT] -------------------------------------------- otoed ----------------------------- cos f70r1.X.5 V =okard= cos f70r1.X.5 AU =okasd= cos f70r1.X.5 H =okosd= pha f89r2.L4.3 L =ytaem= -------------------------------------------- otoedl ---------------------------- hea f52r.P.2 ACH koldal oteees dals-otar dl/tchotshey qoty hea f52r.P.2 F koldal oteees dals-otardl/tchotshey qoty -------------------------------------------- otoedo ---------------------------- cos f68r1.Y.1 AHUV =oky okchdy okardy ***sar olgy= heb f33v.P.3 ACU -dyky-ckhdy oky dam-okar dy kam dy/tokar shdy heb f33v.P.3 FH -dyky-ckhdy oky dam-okardy kam dy/tokar shdy cos f85v2.U1.24 AUV =opardy= cos f67r2.X.7 AHUV =otardy= heb f95v1.P.7 AFH kchdy dol kai*n otardy/dchody sheos qodaiin hea f52r.P.2 G koldal oteees dals-otardy/tchotshey qoty hea f28r.P.7 C shockhy shocthy otor dy-dshor dol dar/oschotshl str f58r.P.32a AFH oekeody qokaly qokar dy/ys sheol chokey bio f77v.P.6 C chedy dal shedy qokoedy dal olchy/lchedy bio f80v.P.16 ACFHV ol dal/cheol key qotar dy qotal dy keedy hea f37r.P.9 AHU qotchy ykaiin chy qotor dy-otchol ol daiin/ hea f37r.P.9 CF qotchy ykaiin chy qotordy-otchol ol daiin/ -------------------------------------------- otoedod --------------------------- heb f33r.P.2 AFH oldar qotar otar otardam/laiin y cheky qokedy heb f33r.P.2 C oldar qotar otar otar dam/laiin y cheky qokedy unk f86v6.P.18 AFH olkchey lkar otal qotar dam/pol sh*opchey pch*cf**y -------------------------------------------- otoedoe --------------------------- unk f86v6.P.14 AFH or checfhy lkey okar dar ol ai*n/shol shotaiin heb f26v.P.3 ACFHU =pchdar opar dar cheeol ofchdy otedy cos f67r1.R.1 ACH d***chdy dar dar ar otar dar *kara*= bio f75r.P.36 ACFHV qokeedy qokey okar otar dar dar dy/qokedy dy bio f84r.P.10 ACFHV chedy raiin chey otar dar/dar sheor shcthy hea f9r.P.4 ACFH chcthod shor shaiin otar dor-ytol dayty/daiin hea f45r.P.7 AH dary/lchar qor y kar dar= hea f45r.P.7 C dary/lchar qor ykar dar= -------------------------------------------- otoedoedoe ------------------------ bio f75r.P.36 AHV qokeedy qokey okar otar dar dar dy/qokedy dy sheety bio f84r.P.10 ACFHV chedy raiin chey otar dar/dar sheor shcthy qok*or -------------------------------------------- otoedoie -------------------------- unk f85r1.P.9 AFH chofchdy qotd*ty ofar/dair cho*aiin cheod pha f89r2.P3.14 AF ol chkaiin daiin okar dair y* dai*= cos f67r1.R.2 ACH otodaiin chet**y otar daiir ar chedar okeedy -------------------------------------------- otoedoin -------------------------- str f113v.P.33 F qokaiin opalor lkch ofar/daiin cheaiin okchey pha f89v2.P1.2 F aiin ckhey otaiin okar daiin okol al chor dar/ pha f89v2.P1.2 AHLU aiin ckhey otaiin okar dain okol al chor dar/ str f105v.P.31 F otaiin aiidy okchd otar daiin= str f105v.P.31 AHT otaiin aiidy okchd otor daiin= unk f86v6.P.5 AFH qokar opchey tai*y qokar/daiin sheol keear or hea f37r.P.7 ACFHU daiin/sor chey kor qokor daiin= pha f88r.P1.2 AFHL kol chear shekor qokor daiin sar raiin oky sam/ str f114r.P1.32 AFGH qotcho chdy dair qotar/daiin oteed aiin saiin hea f37v.P.16 ACFH cheoky daiin dain/qotor daiin chotaiin/sokchor heb f46r.P.3 ACFGH qokol s aiin shee ykar daiin/tshedar chol kaldy heb f50v.P.7 ACFH odaiin or okaiin ykor daiin choky qotchdy key hea f5v.P.3 ACFHU ychopord*/qotcho ytor daiin daiin otchor daiin cos f67r2.C.9b AHUV =chol diin okol/ytor daiin or= hea f10v.P.4 ACFHU qotchey shcthey ytor dain/sho ykeey daiin -------------------------------------------- otoedol --------------------------- bio f75v.P2.22 ACFHUV ol che*dy qokar otar dal daiin/por shey hea f45r.P.6 AFH ytchody tcholol otar dal dary/lchar qor pha f89r1.P1.5 AFHU -chol cheoky-cheody qokar dal chor ckhey daiin= pha f89r1.P1.5 L tdain s-chol cheoky-qokar dal chor ckhey daiin= cos f69v.C.2 AHUV char/okay chol ykar-dal ykady-eokeeor cheoy unk f86v5.P.5 AFH olkey chcthody ytar dal ar okary/olkeedy -------------------------------------------- otoedolo -------------------------- cos f57v.X.3 AHUV =otardaly= -------------------------------------------- otoee ----------------------------- heb f41r.P.1 C aleey oked shekchey-opaes ypchd qotch*edy zod f70v2.S2.19 V =otar r= hea f93r.P.6 U otodar-chodain/tor otar s cho s chol sheoees/ cos f67r2.C.3a H =odaiin otocs oekain y/otchey cos f67r2.C.3a AUV =odaiin otoes oekain y/otchey hea f93r.P.6 ACHV otodar-chodain/tor otor s cho s chol sheoees/ str f58v.P2.26 AHU shekar qo*air alam/qokar s aiin al y qokchedy str f115v.P.41 AF chey fched*l shedy qotoee t**y cho*phy qopchyr/ heb f46v.P.2 H oka* ykchdy daiin/ytasr aiin otchdy okaly hea f36v.P.3 ACH ckhor dom/dchytchy ytor s-otaiin qopchor hea f36v.P.3 F ckhor dom/dchytchy ytors-otaiin qopchor heb f66v.P.3 AFH daldy qotal sy/ytos s ar sheeky okechdy -------------------------------------------- otoeed ---------------------------- hea f36v.P.12 ACFH ytoryd/ytol kchy oty chd/oky she cthol oty/ pha f89r2.L4.3 AHK =ytarem= -------------------------------------------- otoeedo --------------------------- heb f43v.P.3 ACFGHU qot chocthy chky oky chdy okedy ykaiin chey bio f82v.P.15 ACFHV chedy cheal chedy oty chdy dy checkhy otal cos f68v2.C.1 ACDHUV che*ady cheectheey otychdy oteey cpheeody bio f78r.P.18 ACFHV shedy dal shdy qokychdy/*chedy qokain cheeky heb f26v.P.1 ACFHU ypchedy ypchdy qopy shdy/saraiir chekedy str f106r.P.18 AFHT qopchy qotolchy qoty chdy/otchedy qokeey str f103v.P.3 AFH dar chcthy char qoty shdy okeedy qokeey qokaiin/ heb f39v.P.10 ACFHU /dar ar ykar or yky chdy fchor-qokain *r heb f95v1.P.4 AFH ytshedy akarar yty chdy/otal shedy odaiin -------------------------------------------- otoeee ---------------------------- hea f36v.P.13 ACFH /ytol kchy oty chd/oky she cthol oty/soiin zod f72r2.R2.1 AH eycthy chotal ch**s otoees aii*/ heb f43r.P.3 AFHU daiin dal */yty yty oty she ody shy olor ytchdy str f108r.P.8 AFHT al kedal chokchy qokar ch okeey qaiin okeedy hea f7r.P.6 ACFH =ksholochey qotoees chkoldy-otchor cos f68v3.O.1 C ykes yake* sol ay ykoeer yty dy ly chody -------------------------------------------- otoeeed --------------------------- str f104r.P.19 AFH =toaiin chdar otar shd qotar olkchedy heb f33v.P.4 ACFU /tokar shdy dal-qokar shd-otody chedy-ykedy heb f33v.P.4 H /tokar shdy dal-qokor shd-otody chedy-ykedy str f104v.P.12 AH heeta ot**ey oteedy qoty ched l cheol par *ltedy bio f83r.P.5 ACHV qotaiin checkhy qoty cheg shedy qokeey rchedy bio f83r.P.5 F qotaiin checkhy qoty chem shedy qokeey rchedy -------------------------------------------- otoeeedo -------------------------- unk f86v6.P.1 AFH cphy che* aiin ofy chedy otedalol orairody heb f33v.P.6 ACFHU chdy chdy oldy-okar chdy= heb f33v.P.6 ACFHU /ycheo dar olaiin okar chdy chdy oldy-okar hea f56r.P.4 ACFHU chokor chk*r chy-okar chdy/chochor cho chodaly str f108r.P.7 AFHT kchedy chedy qokedy okar chdy okar char chkaiin unk f86v6.P.3 AFH arody qokchdy chdal okar chdy otaiin/dshor shdy str f114v.P.4 AFH daiin chedai*n oky/chedy qokeedy okal* cheedai*n heb f94r.T.9 AFH =otar chdy dytchdy= heb f95v1.P.7 AFH qokar ol*ar chy tar otar chdy kchdy dol kai*n cos f68r1.S.19 AHUV =otochedy= hea f56r.P.1 ACFH =otchal chchs*y oty esedy chy ycho cphy chor hea f56r.P.1 U =otchal chchs*y oty shedy chy ycho cphy chor str f116r.P.24 AFH okedy okai*n chcthy oty shedy qokeey chal keey bio f84v.P.17 C olokar sheky shkol qokar chdy tal shedy okar bio f84v.P.24 C chedy chedy/ol qokar shdy qol otedy olchedy/ bio f84v.P.17 AFHV olokar sheky shkol qokor chdy tal shedy okar bio f83r.P.8 ACFHV otedy shecthedchy qoky chedy chary= bio f84r.P.19 ACFHV shedy olkedy qokedy qoky chedy daiin/qotar ytedy bio f84r.P.24 AFHV orol ykar okedy qoky chedy okedar chey alol/ bio f80r.P.19 ACFHV shedy chty/o*chey qoky chedy qokain shedy qol unk f86v6.P.2 AFH opchd chpchy qopchy qoky chedy qokol lra*/qolchy str f111r.P.6 AFHT =dain shedy qoky chedy qok shed olchedy str f103v.P.6 AFH cheol qoeeor lshor qoky shedy qokaiin chedy qokam/ bio f82v.P.25 ACFHV otshedy/daiin chey qoky shedy qokaiin olkeedy str f115v.P.34 AFH ldar shdar qotchdy qoky shedy qokar ch*k*y/sho* heb f95r2.P.6 AFHU /y olkor ol shol qotar chdy chdy qokar okar bio f75r.P.10 ACHV olchedy sa*/dshor qotar chdy-shey qokain chckhy bio f84r.P.24 C orol ykar okedy qoty chedy okedar chey alol/ zod f73v.R2.1 AHU chok**dam otody qoty shedy chdy tchol oteody heb f46v.P.3 ACFGHU sh*y qokar oty qoty shedy chedy dam/ydaiin heb f39r.P.11 ACFHU /dshdy ar aiin y ykar chdy ykal olkaiin qokaldar -------------------------------------------- otoeeedoe ------------------------- str f114r.T1.34 AFH =ytain olkaiin ykar chdar alkam= str f114r.T1.34 G =ytain olkaiin y kar chdar alkam= heb f39r.P.13 ACFHU oky ches aiin dal/ytor chdar shey qokaiin chor -------------------------------------------- otoeeedoeedo ---------------------- heb f33v.P.6 ACFHU /ycheo dar olaiin okar chdy chdy oldy-okar chdy= heb f95r2.P.6 AFHU /y olkor ol shol qotar chdy chdy qokar okar qokar zod f73v.R2.1 AHU chok**dam otody qoty shedy chdy tchol oteody cheytey -------------------------------------------- otoeeedoin ------------------------ heb f95r2.P.9 AFU otar qokal shsdy okar chdaiin olky= heb f95r2.P.9 H otar qokal shsdy okor chdaiin olky= str f113r.P.20 F shoteol lklcheol qokar chdaiin cphocthy chor aiin str f113r.P.20 AGHT shoteol lklcheol qokar chdain cphocthy chor aiin -------------------------------------------- otoeeedootoe ---------------------- str f108r.P.7 AFHT kchedy chedy qokedy okar chdy okar char chkaiin chsy= str f115v.P.34 AFH ldar shdar qotchdy qoky shedy qokar ch*k*y/sho* shee -------------------------------------------- otoeeedootoin --------------------- unk f86v6.P.3 AFH arody qokchdy chdal okar chdy otaiin/dshor shdy shor bio f80r.P.19 F shedy chty/o*chey qoky chedy qokaiin shedy qol sheey bio f80r.P.19 ACHV shedy chty/o*chey qoky chedy qokain shedy qol sheey str f103v.P.6 AFH cheol qoeeor lshor qoky shedy qokaiin chedy qokam/daiin bio f82v.P.25 ACFHV otshedy/daiin chey qoky shedy qokaiin olkeedy qokechedy -------------------------------------------- otoeeedootol ---------------------- unk f86v6.P.2 AFH opchd chpchy qopchy qoky chedy qokol lra*/qolchy olkeedy heb f39r.P.11 ACFHU /dshdy ar aiin y ykar chdy ykal olkaiin qokaldar -------------------------------------------- otoeeee --------------------------- cos f69r.S.1 H =okoeese dainkey oees cheor heb f39r.P.12 AFHU olor chls aiin oky ches aiin dal/ytor chdar bio f77v.P.18 ACFHV shedy doraiin ol qoky ches ol dal/daiin sheekey -------------------------------------------- otoeeeed -------------------------- str f106v.P.2 ACFH char otar qokar okar shed sheo keor ain amchy/ str f106v.P.2 T char otar qokar otar shed sheo keor ain amchy/ str f115v.P.6 AFH qokchdai*n qotai*n qokor shed oteody s*lkaiin str f104v.P.9 AFH cheor ol chedaiin qotar ched qoty dal/shol cheedy -------------------------------------------- otoeeeedo ------------------------- str f108r.P.17 AFHT okain chdy laiin ofar chedy tedam/okeedy lkal unk f66r.R.16 ACH cheyl/dar shedy okar chedy kcheody chxar daly heb f40r.P.2 F dar-ykchey kaiin okar chedy okar aralor/shy bio f76r.R.37 ACFHV okedy lchedy chedy okar chedy otar ain/dain chckhy bio f82r.P2.11 C checkho lolol okal okarchedy/tcheol olchedy bio f81r.P.3 ACFHV olkal ol chedy okar shedy/dchedy qokain ol bio f75r.P.11 ACFHV -qokeedy dy qokal okar shedy dor chekam/ssheckhy unk f66r.R.16 F cheyl/dar shedy okar shedy kcheody chxar daly bio f76r.R.43 ACFHV okedy lkedy lsheedy okar shedy otain/saiin qol bio f76v.P.2 ACFHV cholkeeey oted*r okor shedy chedy qokeedy oly heb f40r.P.2 ACH dar-ykchey kaiin okos chedy okar aralor/shy heb f66v.P.11 AFH aiin ykofar otaiin otar chedy kara/qekar okedy bio f81r.P.2 ACFHV olched qokol chol otar chedy oky/qotey lchees bio f84r.P.17 ACFHV olkeedy rar checkhy otar chedy olchcthy lor/dchdy bio f76r.R.27 ACFHV hcthy okeolor cheol otar chedy qol chcthy chckhy/ str f112r.P.4 AFGHT keedy chokain otain otar chedy taim oram/otair str f103v.P.39 AFH lshey qoar shar al otar shedy *thy lchdy ra*/ bio f76v.P.19 ACFHV olkedy/or ar sheey otar shedy otchedy checkhey unk f65v.P.4 ACH =toeedy otor shedy-yteey sheody qok**d zod f72v3.R1.1 AHU yte*edar chr **cthy otycheedy oteeol*y chokory/ bio f75r.P.31 C dshedy qokey chckhy qokar chedy chey qoked qokedy bio f75v.P1.9 ACFHU olkey olshed qokaly-qokar chedy qokain ty lshdyqo/ heb f50r.P.4 ACFGHU chkaiin odam/tchdy qokar chedy qokchdy qokaiin str f104r.P.17 AFH olkeeody qotey qokar chedy qokedy oteechy str f115r.P.15 AFH lkeo dai*n chcthed qokar chedy qotai*n chody qotai*n bio f75r.P.31 AHV dshedy qokey chckhy qokar shedy chey qoked qokedy bio f75r.P.1 C qokar shy kchedy qokar shedy/dain shey ly-ssheol bio f79r.P.25 ACFHV qotshy qol shey qokar shedy oteey chcthy= str f108r.P.14 AFT =polchal shol qokar shedy pcholy qokal opchdy bio f76r.R.22 ACFHV /qokar shedy shedy qokar shedy qokain dar shey bio f83v.P2.24 ACFHV /sal chear shey qokar shedy qokain ollchy/dsheol bio f77r.P.17 C =otedy qokarshedy qokal shedar dal bio f84v.P.24 AFHV chedy chedy/ol qokar shedy qol otedy olchedy/ bio f76r.R.14 ACH qokeey qokeey chedy qokar shedy shedy lshedy qolchedy bio f76r.R.14 V qokeey qokeey chedy qo kar shedy shedy lshedy qolchedy bio f76r.R.22 ACFHV dal chdy dal ytal/qokar shedy shedy qokar shedy str f106v.P.22 ACFHT okchy qokaiin okshy qokar shedy shey qopshedy shdykairylam/ bio f82r.P1.7 ACFHV /dshedy sotaiin qokar shedy solshedy qok**y bio f78v.P.21 ACFHV olshedy otaiin ol qokar shedy yteedy/*kal shey bio f75v.P1.9 V olkey olshed qokaly-qokas chedy qokain ty lshdyqo/ bio f75r.P.31 F dshedy qokey chckhy qokas shedy chey qoked qokedy str f103v.P.3 AH hckhy qotaiin chalr/qok or chedy qokey dar chcthy str f108r.P.14 H =polchal shol qokor shedy pcholy qokal opchdy bio f77r.P.17 AFHV =otedy qokor shedy qokal shedar dal bio f84v.P.16 ACFHV sheey qokeedy ykedy qokor shedy qoky dol shckhy bio f78r.P.6 A shedy ykedy shedy qoky/schedy keedy qokedy chckhd bio f75v.P1.7 ACFH qokal dain sheeky qoky-sshedy tedy otedy tedy bio f75v.P1.7 UV qokal dain sheeky qoky-s shedy tedy otedy tedy bio f76v.P.31 ACFHV otey okaiin otedy qotar chedy/tain sheey qotain str f106v.P.16 AFHT hotal shody qotchdy qotar shedy chodal chedy qotam/ str f106v.P.16 C hotal shody qotchdy qotarshedy chodal chedy qotam/ bio f75r.P.1 AHV qokar shy kchedy qotar shedy/dain shey ly-ssheol str f106v.P.11 AFHT kshedy qotchdy qotar shedy qotedy opchy kaiin str f106v.P.11 CD kshedy qotchdy qotas shedy qotedy opchy kaiin bio f75r.P.1 F qokar shy kchedy qotor shedy/dain shey ly-ssheol bio f80r.P.18 ACFHV dal korchy qotey qoty rchedy qokal olkal shedy heb f46v.P.12 ACFHU chdam chcthy chdam/ykar chedy= heb f48v.P.6 ACH orai*n-otal ok ytar chedy am= -------------------------------------------- otoeeeedoeeedo -------------------- bio f76v.P.2 ACFHV cholkeeey oted*r okor shedy chedy qokeedy oly shey bio f76r.R.14 ACH qokeey qokeey chedy qokar shedy shedy lshedy qolchedy bio f76r.R.14 V qokeey qokeey chedy qo kar shedy shedy lshedy qolchedy bio f76r.R.22 ACFHV dal chdy dal ytal/qokar shedy shedy qokar shedy qokain -------------------------------------------- otoeeeedoeeeo --------------------- bio f75r.P.31 C dshedy qokey chckhy qokar chedy chey qoked qokedy daldy= bio f75r.P.31 AHV dshedy qokey chckhy qokar shedy chey qoked qokedy daldy= str f106v.P.22 ACFHT okchy qokaiin okshy qokar shedy shey qopshedy shdykairylam/ bio f75r.P.31 F dshedy qokey chckhy qokas shedy chey qoked qokedy daldy= -------------------------------------------- otoeeeedool ----------------------- bio f76r.R.27 ACHV hcthy okeolor cheol otar chedy qol chcthy chckhy/qokal bio f84v.P.24 AFHV chedy chedy/ol qokar shedy qol otedy olchedy/y -------------------------------------------- otoeeeedootedo -------------------- bio f76v.P.19 C olkedy/or ar sheey otar shedy otedy checkhey olchedy str f104r.P.17 AFH olkeeody qotey qokar chedy qokedy oteechy chyteody str f106v.P.11 AFHT kshedy qotchdy qotar shedy qotedy opchy kaiin sham/ str f106v.P.11 CD kshedy qotchdy qotas shedy qotedy opchy kaiin sham/ -------------------------------------------- otoeeeedooteedo ------------------- heb f50r.P.4 ACFGHU chkaiin odam/tchdy qokar chedy qokchdy qokaiin or ar alol bio f78v.P.21 ACFHV olshedy otaiin ol qokar shedy yteedy/*kal shey ol shedy -------------------------------------------- otoeeeedooteeo -------------------- unk f65v.P.4 ACH =toeedy otor shedy-yteey sheody qok**d yfchey/ bio f79r.P.25 ACHV qotshy qol shey qokar shedy oteey chcthy= -------------------------------------------- otoeeeedooteo --------------------- bio f79r.P.25 F qotshy qol shey qokar shedy otey chcthy= str f103v.P.3 AH hckhy qotaiin chalr/qok or chedy qokey dar chcthy char -------------------------------------------- otoeeeedooto ---------------------- bio f81r.P.2 ACFHV olched qokol chol otar chedy oky/qotey lchees olkal bio f84v.P.16 ACFHV sheey qokeedy ykedy qokor shedy qoky dol shckhy qokain -------------------------------------------- otoeeeedootoe --------------------- heb f40r.P.2 F dar-ykchey kaiin okar chedy okar aralor/shy qokal bio f76r.R.37 AHV okedy lchedy chedy okar chedy otar ain/dain chckhy heb f40r.P.2 ACH dar-ykchey kaiin okos chedy okar aralor/shy qokal -------------------------------------------- otoeeeedootoin -------------------- bio f76r.R.43 ACFHV okedy lkedy lsheedy okar shedy otain/saiin qol shedy bio f75v.P1.9 ACFHU olkey olshed qokaly-qokar chedy qokain ty lshdyqo/odchedy bio f83v.P2.24 F /sal chear shey qokar shedy qokaiin ollchy/dsheol cheol bio f76r.R.22 ACFHV /qokar shedy shedy qokar shedy qokain dar shey lshcthy bio f83v.P2.24 ACHV /sal chear shey qokar shedy qokain ollchy/dsheol cheol bio f75v.P1.9 V olkey olshed qokaly-qokas chedy qokain ty lshdyqo/odchedy -------------------------------------------- otoeeeedootol --------------------- bio f77r.P.17 C =otedy qokarshedy qokal shedar dal chedy bio f77r.P.17 AFHV =otedy qokor shedy qokal shedar dal chedy bio f80r.P.18 ACFHV dal korchy qotey qoty rchedy qokal olkal shedy chty/ -------------------------------------------- otoeeeee -------------------------- pha f88v.P2.7 AFHL sheody qokeody qoky chees cheody qokeody unk f85r1.P.23 AFH shofshedy yteody ypar ches aiin chol dy qopar -------------------------------------------- otoeeeeedo ------------------------ bio f76v.P.6 ACFHV chckhey sheor aiin otar cheedy lchedy/doteey qo bio f75r.P.16 ACFHV okchdy qoky/dshedy qokar sheedy lch-shokain chy- heb f39v.P.7 ACFHU =pardy shedy qokar sheedy oraly-olai*r okar unk f85r1.P.7 AFH oraiin shefchdy qopar sheedy qokedy qotchedy cos f85r2.P.7 AHU or aiin opchdy/qotor sheedy shodaiin olfar -------------------------------------------- otoeeeeeo ------------------------- str f112r.P.44 AGH ain qokaekeeey yk okaeechey okeeedy alair okcheey str f58v.T.21 AHUV =okar sheey shekealy= str f112r.P.44 T ain qokaekeeey yk okoeechey okeeedy alair okcheey pha f102r2.P.6 F =kolor olaiin opor sheeo opolkod odain sheo str f113v.P.38 AFGH sheedy oteey teear otorsheey qoteal/osheol cheol unk f86v5.P.21 AFH okol chokar sheol qokar cheey oraii*n ody/oar str f107v.P.27 AFHT lkshedy taraiin sho qokar cheey qokam/ycheor cheol str f106v.P.20 F shokar choefy shor qokor sheea kolshes okcharai*n/ str f106v.P.20 ACHT shokar choefy shor qokor sheeo kolshes okcharai*n/ bio f79r.P.34 ACFHV ol/lcheol kchedy qotas sheey teol oteedy= -------------------------------------------- otoeeeeeoe ------------------------ pha f101v2.P.1a AHU o*am chor s aiin okor cheeor sheeol qokol ***- pha f89r1.P1.1 AHU chepy dar sheey okor sheeos oldain/dshody qocthy pha f89r1.P1.1 L chepy dar sheey okorsheeos oldain/dshody qocthy hea f17v.P.18 C qopchaiin cthor/otar cheeor ol chol dor chr hea f17v.P.18 AFH qopchaiin cthor/otor cheeor ol chol dor chr heb f50r.P.6 ACFU she*r olkchedy okal qotor cheeor olk**dy daiin qoky/ str f58r.P.13 AFH okalys a*raldy shar/ytar sheear cheoldy *keol cheal -------------------------------------------- otoeeeeeteo ----------------------- str f113v.P.19 AFGH okaiin qokaiin okar checthy okalched lchal bio f80r.P.33 ACFHV ol/sor sheckhy qokar checkhy okain sheckhy qokeey heb f43v.P.4 ACFGHU chy qocthedy chey qokar checkhy okam/qokchedy or str f103r.P.13 AFH sheor qotedy okeey qokar checkhy qokai*n chedy pchdy hea f29r.P.1 ACFHU oty chy qotchy qoty cheecthy/dshe ykchy choty -------------------------------------------- otoeeeeo -------------------------- cos f67v1.Y.7 U =ofar shey qokcheor daiiin= pha f102r2.P.6 U =kolor olaiin ofor sheo opolkod odain sheo cos f67v1.Y.7 AV =ofor shey qokcheor daiiin= bio f80v.P.30 ACFHV ockhy qokaiin okain okar shey qolky/qol ol oiin hea f9r.P.3 ACFH qotod otaiin cthy okor chey-cthod ram/yshy hea f38r.P.5 ACFH odaiin daiin sy/okor chey kain-chor ctho cos f67v1.Y.7 H =okor shey qokcheor daiiin= zod f72v3.S1.7 AHUV =okyeeshy= pha f102r2.P.6 A =kolor olaiin opor sheo opolkod odain sheo pha f102r2.P.6 H =kolor olaiin opor shey opolkod odain sheo unk f86v5.P.8 AFH cthal shckhy otshey opor shey tor ar otar aiin zod f73r.R2.1 AH eees *lteey ok**s otar chey oteas *ho r op*** zod f73r.R2.1 U eees *lteey ok**s otarchey oteas *ho r op*** hea f93r.P.6 U otodar-chodain/tor otar s sho s chol sheoees/ hea f93r.P.6 ACHV otodar-chodain/tor otor s cho s chol sheoees/ hea f93r.P.6 F otodar-chodain/tor otor scho s chol sheoees/ zod f71v.R2.1 ACH cheor shepchol otor sheo shopcho ar aly hea f90v1.P.1 F chepy shol-shckhey-otor shey-cheor cheokeey/ str f116r.Q.47 AH olk*ey dai*n choy qokar chey dain y otan otain str f107v.P.17 AFHT qoklaiin cheol qokar chey lkam/qokain qokchey bio f82v.P.24 C sheeky qolchey qokar chey qokain otshedy/ bio f81r.P.28 ACFHV chedy/qokesdy chedy qokar chey taiin otey lchl/ bio f75v.P3.28 ACFHUV olyly/sshey qol dy qokar shey ldy/qokal dain bio f82v.P.24 AFHV sheeky qolchey qokar shey qokain otshedy/ bio f79r.P.7 ACFHV =polchedy qokar shey qokl ol cheey qokain hea f93r.P.27 ACFHUV cheodaiin tcho* sor/qokor cheo los ckheody/ychor hea f93r.P.12 ACFHUV sodal sheoal sal/qokor shey okcheor she*dom/ str f114r.P2.43 AFGH oral tedy qotchdy qotar cheo dain/ydaiin chedy str f106v.P.33 ACFHT saram/choaiin ody qotar chey olaiin chey dychy= str f114r.P2.41 AFGH /oshey daiin sheody qoty cheey taiin qokaiin qokeeedy unk f86v5.P.36 AFH eeshy ytchey lchody ykar shey ytaiin= cos f68r1.P.3 ACFHU cheokorchey chod/ykor shey qocheey chokal- str f106v.P.13 ACFHT qoeeey ral ches al ytar shsy lchey ykaiin shy unk f86v6.P.21 AFH tar oty teeodai*n yty sheey tar ar am ody/lshechy -------------------------------------------- otoeeeeod ------------------------- cos f70r1.C.2 V okal okeey dary otarsheod/okeol choly yky str f115r.P.4 AFH kchor orchedar otar sheod qoteedy dardyr/ cos f70r1.C.2 AH okal okeey dary otorsheod/okeol choly yky cos f70r1.C.2 U okal okeey dary otor sheod/okeol choly yky -------------------------------------------- otoeeeeodo ------------------------ str f104r.P.13 AFH chokar okcho lkai*n okar cheody okeeody qodam chdy/ unk f86v6.P.35 AH /sas aiin otar*** otar cheody qotaiin qokaiin heb f34r.P.2 ACFH ololdy dar ytey/ytar sheody olam-octhede otedy -------------------------------------------- otoeeeeodoin ---------------------- str f105r.P1.4 AFH olkeedy odaiin okar eeeodaiin yteey ochedy qokeeey str f116r.Q.47 AH olk*ey dai*n choy qokar chey dain y otan otain oly/ str f114r.P2.43 F oral tedy qotchdy qotar cheo daiin/ydaiin chedy qoal str f114r.P2.43 AGH oral tedy qotchdy qotar cheo dain/ydaiin chedy qoal -------------------------------------------- otoeeeeoe ------------------------- str f106r.P.43 F daiin otedy qokain akar chear al taiin chekal str f106r.P.43 AH daiin otedy qokain akar cheor al taiin chekal str f106r.P.43 T daiin otedy qokain okar cheor al taiin chekal str f115v.P.40 AFH shedai*n or chor okas cheos qokchy= pha f89v2.P1.2 AFHU dam/daiin ykodair okor chear-otees ckhy s aiin pha f102v2.P2.11 AFHU okeol shoy s ar oky cheeor ol daiin sy/qokeor hea f93r.P.6 U otodar-chodain/tor otar s sho s chol sheoees/shor cos f70r2.C.4 AHV cheeo * chey daiin otoeeseor air chedy okodar cos f70r2.C.4 U cheeo * chey daiin otoeeshor air chedy okodar hea f93r.P.6 ACHV otodar-chodain/tor otor s cho s chol sheoees/shor hea f93r.P.6 F otodar-chodain/tor otor scho s chol sheoees/shor str f115v.P.43 AFH lkchdy lkshedy qokar cheos qokaiin *ky/ototar str f106v.P.28 ACDFHT =psheody olkeedy qokor sheos choty qotaiin oteody cos f86v3.P3.6 AHU /ytchey otaiin kshd qotar chear or am/yteeo dy -------------------------------------------- otoeeeeoeol ----------------------- str f106r.P.43 F daiin otedy qokain akar chear al taiin chekal otarar/ str f106r.P.43 AH daiin otedy qokain akar cheor al taiin chekal otarar/ str f106r.P.43 T daiin otedy qokain okar cheor al taiin chekal otarar/ pha f102v2.P2.11 AFHU okeol shoy s ar oky cheeor ol daiin sy/qokeor -------------------------------------------- otoeeeeol ------------------------- pha f88r.P3.13 L cheey or aiin oldal/okor cheol chol chey ckhey hea f21r.P.8 H =fchokshy otor cheol ocphal opsheas hea f21r.P.8 ACF =fchokshy otor sheol ocphal opsheas heb f46r.P.14 AFGH t*heal kar sholkshy qokar cheol okal dam chdam bio f79r.P.9 ACFHV saiin shedy psheedy qokar sheol qolchey qoty qokal bio f77v.P.18 AFHV shedy doraiin ol qoky ches ol dal/daiin sheekey str f113r.P.45 F pchey chtaiir shedy qotar sheol qotody tedy/oaiin str f113r.P.45 AGH pchey chtaiir shedy qotor sheol qotody tedy/oaiin str f58v.P2.31 AHU qokar qokey ky ykar cheal otal kol olchedy/ pha f88r.P3.13 AFH cheey or aiin oldal/ykar cheol chol chey ckhey -------------------------------------------- otoeeeeoldo ----------------------- bio f75v.P3.28 ACHUV olyly/sshey qol dy qokar shey ldy/qokal dain dain hea f30v.P.5 AH /dain shoty chkol ytor cheoldy/qokeeor chokol hea f30v.P.5 C /dain shoty chkol ytor cheol dy/qokeeor chokol -------------------------------------------- otoeeeeolotol --------------------- heb f46r.P.14 AFGH t*heal kar sholkshy qokar cheol okal dam chdam qokam/ str f58v.P2.31 AHU qokar qokey ky ykar cheal otal kol olchedy/qoai* -------------------------------------------- otoeeeeoltoin --------------------- bio f80r.P.5 F chey qokechckhy otar cheol taiin sy/solchedy qokeedy bio f80r.P.5 AHV chey qokechckhy otar cheoltain sy/solchedy qokeedy bio f83v.P2.20 AHV lkeedy l shedy/ch*r qokar cheolkain shckhey qokal cheor bio f83v.P2.20 F lkeedy l shedy/ch*r qotar cheol kaiin shckhey qokal cheor -------------------------------------------- otoeeeeooteeeoe ------------------- cos f67v1.Y.7 U =ofar shey qokcheor daiiin= cos f67v1.Y.7 AV =ofor shey qokcheor daiiin= cos f67v1.Y.7 H =okor shey qokcheor daiiin= hea f93r.P.12 ACFHV sodal sheoal sal/qokor shey okcheor she*dom/shodaiin hea f93r.P.12 U sodal sheoal sal/qokor shey oksheor she*dom/shodaiin -------------------------------------------- otoeeeeootoin --------------------- bio f82v.P.24 C sheeky qolchey qokar chey qokain otshedy/daiin chey bio f82v.P.24 F sheeky qolchey qokar shey qokaiin otshedy/daiin chey bio f82v.P.24 AHV sheeky qolchey qokar shey qokain otshedy/daiin chey unk f86v5.P.36 AFH eeshy ytchey lchody ykar shey ytaiin= -------------------------------------------- otoeeeeotoe ----------------------- unk f86v5.P.8 AFH cthal shckhy otshey opor shey tor ar otar aiin chdy unk f86v6.P.21 AFH tar oty teeodai*n yty sheey tar ar am ody/lshechy -------------------------------------------- otoeeeeotoeoe --------------------- unk f86v5.P.8 AFH cthal shckhy otshey opor shey tor ar otar aiin chdy unk f86v6.P.21 AFH tar oty teeodai*n yty sheey tar ar am ody/lshechy -------------------------------------------- otoeeeeotoin ---------------------- hea f38r.P.5 ACFH odaiin daiin sy/okor chey kain-chor ctho dain bio f81r.P.28 ACFHV chedy/qokesdy chedy qokar chey taiin otey lchl/y sheedy bio f80r.P.22 F qokeedy oly/solchey qoky rchey kaiin sheckhy qokain bio f80r.P.22 ACHV qokeedy oly/solchey qoky r cheykain sheckhy qokain str f114r.P2.41 AFGH /oshey daiin sheody qoty cheey taiin qokaiin qokeeedy -------------------------------------------- otoeeeetedo ----------------------- heb f55v.P.4 ACH aiin ol kar am/okar chckhdy cheady keey faral- unk f86v6.P.40 AFH ar qotal *shdy otar shcthdy qokol chotal kar bio f84r.P.33 ACFHV ory/yt**l chedy qokor shekedy okedy cth*y dam/ -------------------------------------------- otoeeeeteeo ----------------------- cos f67r2.Y.4 AHU eesydy/soy shr okar/shekchy rykor/ykeody okchy/ heb f50v.P.4 ACFGH ol okeedy okchdy otar chckhey or/ychy tair chckhy heb f46r.P.7 H cthy otedy chedy qokar chcthhy m/dsheol chy chckhy -------------------------------------------- otoeeeeteo ------------------------ bio f75v.P1.2 F lchedy-daiin chckhy okar chckhy rom/dl shckhy kain pha f89v2.P2.8 AFHU dar aiin choee*s okar chcthy darai*s= heb f34r.P.13 ACFH aiin okor ar tol-qokar chckhy chdal ked qokar bio f84r.P.12 AFHV qokedy okal shey qokar chckhy otchey qokchedy bio f84r.P.12 C qokedy okal shey qokarchckhy otchey qokchedy bio f82v.P.9 ACFHV /tchedy qocthes qokar chckhy qokain chol kaiin heb f46r.P.7 ACFG cthy otedy chedy qokar chcthy m/dsheol chy chckhy heb f95r1.P.6 AFH =tchdor or chekchdy qokar chcthy qotchdy lshedy bio f80r.P.8 ACFHV okain chety qokeedy qokar shcthy qotol shec*hy qokain bio f80r.P.11 ACFHV shedy qokey shckhey qotar chckhy otol teol sheol str f103r.P.22 AFH shdal qokeedy shedy qotar chcthy chep ar otar opchy/ heb f46r.P.3 FG sheckhy/daiin shor ykar chckhy daiin she dal shedy -------------------------------------------- otoeeeeteod ----------------------- heb f95r2.P.8 AFHU chedy shdy qokchdy otar chctham/poiin otar qokal str f111v.P.24 AFGH shckhy qokl chedy qokar chctham/tair alchedar shykaiin heb f46r.P.7 ACFG cthy otedy chedy qokar chcthy m/dsheol chy chckhy -------------------------------------------- otoeeeeteootol -------------------- bio f80r.P.8 C okain chety qokeedy qokar shcthy qotal shec*hy qokain bio f80r.P.8 AFHV okain chety qokeedy qokar shcthy qotol shec*hy qokain bio f80r.P.11 ACFHV shedy qokey shckhey qotar chckhy otol teol sheol qotal -------------------------------------------- otoeeeeto ------------------------- bio f75v.P2.12 C kchey otain olchey okar cheky dedy kedy/qoqokeey bio f75v.P2.12 AFHUV kchey otain olchey okar sheky dedy kedy/qoqokeey str f58v.P2.37 AHU keey qok*l okol okor cheky *y dy/o shor qokain cos f68v2.C.1 ADUV shyok**y dalches okor cheky otees otey dy okechoy cos f68v2.C.1 CH shyok**y dalches okos cheky otees otey dy okechoy pha f88r.t.1 AHKLV =otorchety= heb f33r.P.2 ACFH fchdy daiin/ytchedy qokar cheky okaldy qokaldy bio f80r.P.7 AFHV heckhy sheky shkeol qokar sheky chetain ol olkar unk f66r.R.5 ACFH qokeody qokeody qokar sheky qokeeody okedy bio f80r.P.7 C heckhy sheky shkeol qokar shety chetain ol olkar heb f33v.P.5 ACFHU arl-cthy dy ty dy-ykar cheky dy/ycheo dar olaiin -------------------------------------------- otoeeeetoin ----------------------- cos f85r2.C1.1 AHU chcthy ot**dy ot*dy otar chepaiin ot*dar otodaiin heb f94v.P.11 AFH /todaiin shcth*y qokar chetaiin chdy-yk*l qoky -------------------------------------------- otoeeel --------------------------- str f115v.P.5 AFH /dair cheky qoteey otar chl oleed= hea f8r.P3.17 ACH cthy dar/chol d**y qokar chl-aiin chean *ky heb f39v.P.11 ACFHU /sarol chedy shekam qokar chl-ykeedy chckhy dalor -------------------------------------------- otoeeeo --------------------------- unk f66r.R.13 AF daiir chky axor akar shy daiin= unk f66r.R.13 C daiir chky axor akasshy daiin= hea f21r.P.1 AFH =pchor oeeockhy ofychey ypchey qopcheody hea f21r.P.1 C =pchor oeeockhy o fychey ypchey qopcheody heb f39r.P.1 ACFHU orain cheepaiin ofy shey k*ly dy/olchey hea f90r1.P.5 AFHL lpychol sho ol okachey s sheom keol dchy bio f83v.X.6 AHUV =okarchy= str f106v.P.30 ACFHT aiin cheom/otaiin okochey qody oi*nysarx zod f72r1.R1.1 AHU cheor aiin ydal okochey sho okalshey shol hea f15r.P.2 ACFHU /otchor qokchor oly-okor shy koly/qokaiin qotchy str f115v.P.35 AFH ch*k*y/sho* shee oky cheo lkai*n cheeos al cos f67r2.C.5a V =oparchy salsain/sodar ofor cos f67r2.C.5a AU =oporchy salsain/sodar ofor bio f80v.P.23 ACFHV =polteshol opy shey qopshedy qoteedy heb f55v.P.8 AFH qokaiin okar qol-otarcho cthar talody okary/ pha f99v.L1.2 AHU =otor-chy= hea f28r.P.5 ACH choky qoty/oksho otor chy kchoror chodaiin- hea f28r.P.5 F choky qoty/oksho otorchy kchoror chodaiin- hea f8v.P.13 ACFHU oky-chokain keoky otorchy satar/shor okol pha f99v.L1.2 V =otos-chy= str f112r.P.23 AFGHT chdy oteor octhdy otychey/cheeteey qokeeey bio f79v.P.20 ACFHV okain ykees olkey oty shey qoly/dshey qokal hea f45r.P.1 ACFH =pykydal shackhy oty shey qop char opchal bio f75r.P.7 ACFHV qokshdy-ytain chedy qokar chy lol chedy qoky/ hea f54v.P.5 ACFH daiin ytaiin qodaim qokar chy s am/tol cheol bio f75r.P.1 AFH =*chedy kary-okeey qokar shy kchedy qotar shedy/ unk f86v5.P.2 AFH opy/losair yt*ody qokar shy qokar shor qopchol pha f102v2.P2.14 AFHU sheeor shckhey qoky cheo keody qokeol dain/ heb f43v.P.16 ACFHU aiin oloaiin oteos qoky chey= bio f79v.P.33 ACFHV teey o*ar oshey qoky chey okeey ldy orol/ bio f75r.P.19 ACFHV /qokshedy qol shey qoky-shey *they qokain ar/ str f103r.P.14 AH chedy qoke*chy qoky shey lol s aiin chey str f107v.P.29 F qokeey qokchedy qoky shey qcthey lty ltam/ heb f31r.P.4 ACH chekey saiin da/qotar chy dar lk r ar cheey hea f42r.P2.11 ACFGH chol-shol dain/qotor cho chody daiin chol hea f49r.P.2 ACFH opchor shor kchy/qotor sho chotchy choshy bio f77v.P.24 ACFHV lfol ol cheedy qoty/shey ol sheey qokedy str f58r.P.16 AFH pchey ar air ytashy qotyshey pchdy dshaly pydaly str f107v.P.29 AHT qokeey qokchedy qotyshey qcthey lty ltam/ hea f90r1.P.3 AFHL shkeeo s sary okar ykarshy lkaldy/tol chor -------------------------------------------- otoeeeod -------------------------- zod f72r2.S2.9 K =okarchaj= zod f72r2.S2.9 AHV =okar cham= str f103r.P.3 A okaiin **al ot kar otar chym/ychedy qokody okedy -------------------------------------------- otoeeeodo ------------------------- hea f93r.P.23 FV chokal daiin/oain okar shody teols/ychocthy hea f93r.P.23 ACHU chokal daiin/oain okor shody teols/ychocthy pha f89r2.P1.3 AFHLU cheor s ain daiin oky cheody cheoky= unk f86v5.P.25 AFH /pchor ypchor aiin otar shody pchykar ytar odar hea f16v.P.12 ACFH saiin/daiin yky otor chody/sokar oaorar= hea f28r.P.7 C qokol okam/sho otor shogy shocthy otoldy- heb f43r.P.3 AFHU daiin dal */yty yty oty she ody shy olor ytchdy unk f86v5.P.27 AFH /ysheoar qoteody qokar shody qokal tchey ytchy unk f86v6.P.8 AFH odaiin chal sair ytar chody ldaly chdal ykchedy pha f89r1.P2.13 AFHLU sheol qockhedy yty sheody qotol chead chey -------------------------------------------- otoeeeodoin ----------------------- unk f66r.R.13 AF daiir chky axor akar shy daiin= unk f66r.R.13 C daiir chky axor akasshy daiin= hea f93v.P.3 AFH dchos chody qockhol oky cheodaiin oty-daiin-otal- -------------------------------------------- otoeeeodootol --------------------- unk f86v5.P.27 AFH /ysheoar qoteody qokar shody qokal tchey ytchy tal pha f89r1.P2.13 AFHLU sheol qockhedy yty sheody qotol chead chey dal/ -------------------------------------------- otoeeeoe -------------------------- hea f90r1.P.5 F lpychol sho ol okachey r sheom keol dchy hea f90r1.P.5 AHL lpychol sho ol okachey s sheom keol dchy str f108r.P.7 AFHT qokedy okar chdy okar char chkaiin chsy= cos f85v2.N2.1 AU heedy odaiin okchdy okar shar okaiin daiin ofair pha f89v2.P1.2 L dam/daiin ykodair okor char-otees ckhy s aiin hea f17r.P.3 ACFHU /chol or chy qodam okor chor okchom= str f58r.P.5 AFH /qor dchairam otar otar char ar al char arary str f113r.P.30 AFHT lkshedy sheeeky otar qchar tar shkchedy qokchd heb f55r.P.13 ACFH ockhy daiin otol otar shar ain= hea f25r.P.2 ACFH ocholdy cpholdy sy/otor chor chrky chotchy shair cos f86v4.C.1 AHU shetchy qoteol otor shar qoteshy d*** of*r unk f86v5.P.9a AFHU kar shedy shor qokar chor or ykaiin otam str f113r.P.8 AFGHT keeol qokeey lkchey qokar chos shey qopchy rchsy hea f54v.P.5 AFH daiin ytaiin qodaim qokar chy s am/tol cheol shocthy unk f86v5.P.2 AFH yt*ody qokar shy qokar shor qopchol tal ol hea f54r.P.9 ACFH /oaiin or ol sal qokor chor ckhol s-s sho chol pha f89v2.P2.8 AHLU qodam yteos aiin/qokor chor cthy daiin-chos hea f8r.P1.4 ACFH shokchy chor dy/qotor chor chor sheey-dchol hea f18v.P.6 ACFHU qotchol daiir om/qotor chor otchy qokeees chy hea f15r.P.11a ACFHU sy-chor choross/qotor shor tcheor chy-cthaiin- hea f13r.P.3 ACFH dchor shaiin oeees ykor chor ytshy ykchy kchy -------------------------------------------- otoeeeoeod ------------------------ str f108r.P.44 AFHT cheam/ychey chey okar charam otam cheody= hea f54v.P.5 AFH daiin ytaiin qodaim qokar chy s am/tol cheol shocthy hea f54v.P.5 C daiin ytaiin qodaim qokar chy sam/tol cheol shocthy -------------------------------------------- otoeeeoeoe ------------------------ str f58r.P.5 AFH /qor dchairam otar otar char ar al char arary ytalar unk f86v5.P.9a AFHU kar shedy shor qokar chor or ykaiin otam ytam/ -------------------------------------------- otoeeeoeoin ----------------------- heb f55r.P.13 F ockhy daiin otol otar shar aiin= heb f55r.P.13 ACH ockhy daiin otol otar shar ain= str f113r.P.5 G qokaiin chekal otar sha s aiin chckhy chd* okol str f113r.P.5 AFHT qokaiin chekal otar shosaiin chckhy chd* okol -------------------------------------------- otoeeeoeoteeo --------------------- hea f18v.P.6 ACFHU qotchol daiir om/qotor chor otchy qokeees chy s ar hea f13r.P.3 ACFH dchor shaiin oeees ykor chor ytshy ykchy kchy dar/ -------------------------------------------- otoeeeoeteo ----------------------- hea f28r.P.7 AFH qokol okam/sho otor shockhy shocthy otoldy- hea f42r.P1.5 ACFH chotair dar cthaiin/qokar chockhy chotor chy kary= -------------------------------------------- otoeeeoin ------------------------- hea f21r.P.2 ACFH chan/saiin chcphy oky sheaiin qotchol oteos sheey hea f37v.P.8 AFH =qotor choiin chetchy daiin/dor -------------------------------------------- otoeeeol -------------------------- cos f69v.C.1 AHUV dy cho aiin okar okar chol chees yto odair heb f33v.P.7 ACFHU hckhdy oltedy daiin oky-cheol orain-chdyshdy str f58r.P.31 AFH okalor chol olekar otarchol chol kam qokal/ hea f20v.P.5 ACFHU =tshol folchol otor shol shos fshodchy otchy unk f86v6.P.36 AF ol/dairal daiin qokar chol tal cthdy qokeey heb f46r.P.15 ACF dam chdam qokam/qokar shol kal olkeody= hea f6v.P.14 ACDFH s chor oees or/qokor chol cthol tchalody/ pha f88v.P2.14 L ain/tol keeodaiin qoky cheol daiin chees aiin bio f84v.P.6 H okeedy okeedy shedy qoky/cseol okeedy saiin ok**dy pha f88v.P2.14 AFH ain/tol keeodaiin qoky sheol daiin chees aiin bio f84v.P.6 CFV okeedy okeedy shedy qoky/sheol okeedy saiin ok**dy bio f84v.P.6 A okeedy okeedy shedy qoky/sheol qolchey okeedy hea f42r.P2.13 ACFH dckhy-dain dal/qopor shol shot shol shol hea f36v.P.2 ACFH otaiin cphar daiin/qotar chol daiin otaiin qotor hea f6v.P.14 U s chor oees or/qotor chol cthol tchalody/ hea f10v.P.5 ACFHU ykeey daiin qotchy qotor chol daiin qokchyky/ heb f43r.P.1 ACFHU ofchtar chcphedy ypar shol folor aiin cphey -------------------------------------------- otoeeeoldoin ---------------------- pha f88v.P2.14 L ain/tol keeodaiin qoky cheol daiin chees aiin chokar pha f88v.P2.14 AFH ain/tol keeodaiin qoky sheol daiin chees aiin chokar hea f36v.P.2 ACFH otaiin cphar daiin/qotar chol daiin otaiin qotor ytar hea f10v.P.5 ACFHU ykeey daiin qotchy qotor chol daiin qokchyky/shoiin -------------------------------------------- otoeeeolol ------------------------ bio f75r.P.7 ACFHV qokshdy-ytain chedy qokar chy lol chedy qoky/sor str f103r.P.14 AH chedy qoke*chy qoky shey lol s aiin chey eekain -------------------------------------------- otoeeeoltol ----------------------- unk f86v6.P.36 AF ol/dairal daiin qokar chol tal cthdy qokeey lkaiin unk f86v6.P.36 H ol/dairal daiin qokar choltal cthdy qokeey lkaiin heb f46r.P.15 ACF dam chdam qokam/qokar shol kal olkeody= heb f46r.P.15 H dam chdam qokam/qokar sholkal olkeody= -------------------------------------------- otoeeeoto ------------------------- bio f77r.P.14 ACFHV hedaiin cheey okedy qoky/sheoky qokaiin chedy lchedy cos f68v3.O.1 C ykes yake* sol ay ykoeer yty dy ly chody otololas -------------------------------------------- otoeeeotoe ------------------------ heb f31v.P.7 ACFH checkhy okeol okal oky cheokar okor ary/ykaiin heb f55v.P.8 F qokaiin okar qol-otarcho tar talody okary/ykaky str f104r.P.36 AFH =psheody qotar chopar qotaly qotsheod -------------------------------------------- otoeeeteedo ----------------------- cos f85v2.B1.47 AU =opashcfhedy-oteeoly= unk f66r.R.24 AFH heeod qoteeod qotol qoky chckhedy shey dcheol cheky -------------------------------------------- otoeeeteeo ------------------------ heb f50v.P.6 ACGH okar okchey okedy otar chkeey/tedaiin odaiin unk f66r.R.24 C heeod qoteeod qotol qoky chckhey shey dcheol cheky str f103r.P.52 AFH qol keedy qokeey qoty chepchy qopchey lkaiin heb f50v.P.6 F okar okchey okedy ytar chkeey/tedaiin odaiin -------------------------------------------- otoeeeteo ------------------------- hea f36v.P.11 ACH hotchy daiin daiild/oty chcthy ytoryd/ytol kchy hea f36v.P.11 F hotchy daiin daiild/otychcthy ytoryd/ytol kchy bio f77v.P.21 ACFHV rchy sheor qokedy qoky chckhy qokchy ldol/tshedy str f103v.P.2 AFH qokeedy qoteor shey qoty chckhy qotaiin chalr/qok -------------------------------------------- otoeeeto -------------------------- heb f55r.P.3 ACFH /ykaiir chol chky okar chky chdy qokar okaiin cos f67r2.Y.11 AHU ykaly/lkshykchy okar/chky chykchr chy/ unk f85r1.P.33 AFH lkchedy qotody qokar shty otarar= -------------------------------------------- otoeeo ---------------------------- cos f69r.R.13 V =okochy cthody dy= str f114r.P1.2 AFGH qoteeddy dair okedy okoeey raiin oor cheed hea f14v.P.2 AFHU /okchor dchy tshy oky chy cthy otchy ty chol zod f71r.R1.1 AHU eeody okody ok**edy oky eey okeodar okeoky hea f21v.P.5 A cthy daiin dait oky/sho tsho chotshol chol cos f68r2.S.15 AUV =otoeeo= hea f14v.P.2 C /okchor dchy tshy oty chy cthy otchy ty chol hea f14v.P.1 C =pdychoiin yfodain oty chy dy ypchor daiin hea f29r.P.1 ACFHU *aiin she aiin chep oty chy qotchy qoty cheecthy/ hea f27r.P.9 AFHU sho tchey chol oty-chy tolm/qotchey shes cos f68v3.P.1 AFHU aiir chor cheoty oty/sho chokar s*r chor cos f86v4.C.4 AHU pchd**dy dan ol dol oty sho pol o*oldyl= str f108r.P.39 T qokar otedy otarar oty sho qotedy oteedy okedy/ hea f14v.P.1 AFHU =pdychoiin yfodain otyshy dy ypchor daiin hea f30r.P.5 ACFH qotchaiin/choko qokochy deeey dkeeor cheoldain str f104r.P.12 AFH =tshdol qotchedy qokoeey qoteode lo sar str f111v.P.19 AFGHT qokain char shcthey qoky chy qokaiin/shain qokal hea f25v.P.1 ACFH =poeeaiin qoky shy daiin qopchey otchey str f113r.P.39 AFGH cheodaiin por sheed qopoeey pokeey rair aly/ hea f20r.P.1 ACFH chopy cheey qotchol qotoeey dchor choiin/chodey hea f5r.P.7 ACFH cthy shotshy dy/qotoeey keey cheo kchy hea f28v.P1.2 ACFHU dy shory/ykcholy qoty chy dy qokchol chor hea f16v.P.3 AFH shory/ykchy dy choy qoty chy kchy koshet/dchol hea f20v.P.3 ACFHU kchol shol chcthy qoty chy tol shy qotchy/ hea f11r.P.3 ACFH /qoty chol cthy dor ykychy choty dain chaiin str f58r.P.16 AFH =typchey ar air ytashy qotyshey pchdy hea f14v.P.4 ACFH dytchy ykchy ky dy/ytychy ksho ykshy shokshor str f108r.P.39 AFH qokar otedy otarar yty sho qotedy oteedy okedy/ hea f14v.P.4 U dytchy ykchy ky dy/ytyshy ksho ykshy shokshor -------------------------------------------- otoeeod --------------------------- hea f54v.P.3 ACFH ypchal/yair ykar oky cham chody ykoldam cheol str f106r.P.2 AFHT ched chedy chedy qotar rod/dshes lchedy lkchedy -------------------------------------------- otoeeodo -------------------------- heb f34r.P.15 ACFH /or ar ykar ol al oky-chody qokal chedy chcthedy hea f14v.P.1 C =pdychoiin yfodain oty chy dy ypchor daiin kol hea f14v.P.1 AFHU =pdychoiin yfodain otyshy dy ypchor daiin kol unk f86v5.P.34 AFH qoody saim/shody qoty chody ytody olkey otol hea f28v.P1.2 ACFHU dy shory/ykcholy qoty chy dy qokchol chor tchy hea f16r.P2.8 ACFH qoky/shotchy ydain yky shody otol daiin/saiin -------------------------------------------- otoeeodoin ------------------------ str f107v.P.9 AFH kaiin qoky lkal tar aty/shodaiin shey qokair qokaiin hea f10r.P.11 A qoty qotor cthyd-otar/rodaiin daiin qotchy qotor= str f113r.P.31 AFGHT chor chky chakain qoky/shodaiin shkaiin chcthal hea f25v.P.1 ACFH =poeeaiin qoky shy daiin qopchey otchey -------------------------------------------- otoeeodootol ---------------------- heb f34r.P.15 ACFH /or ar ykar ol al oky-chody qokal chedy chcthedy hea f16r.P2.8 ACFH qoky/shotchy ydain yky shody otol daiin/saiin ytaiin= -------------------------------------------- otoeeoe --------------------------- str f116r.P.2 AFH shy lar ar aii*n oky char ar okain ykan*m/ hea f52r.P.5 AFGH oty dam-ychcthod/oky chor okchal okchar shor hea f19v.P.8 ACFHU qokchs dom/ychor oky chor yt*l chol oky ddor/ hea f9v.P.1 ACFHU =fochor oporody opy shor daiin qopchypcho hea f2r.P.5 ACFH dals-chokaiin d/otochor al-shodaiin-chol hea f13v.P.6 ACFH olcphy shol-dy oty shor qotyd-dairod/dain hea f52r.P.2 ACFGH otchol dar yty/oty shor ytoldy qoky koldal str f115r.P.20 AFH chedy qokchedy qoky chor al alor cheey qol hea f2v.P.2 ACDFHU shol qotcho loeees qoty-chor daiin/otchy chor heb f66v.P.3 AFH daldy qotal sy/ytos s ar sheeky okechdy -------------------------------------------- otoeeoedoin ----------------------- hea f9v.P.1 ACFHU =fochor oporody opy shor daiin qopchypcho qofol hea f2v.P.2 ACDFHU shol qotcho loeees qoty-chor daiin/otchy chor lshy -------------------------------------------- otoeeoeoe ------------------------- str f116r.P.2 AFH shy lar ar aii*n oky char ar okain ykan*m/dai*n hea f53r.P.2 C /dol dain scho she oty/shoeos ody/ytchodaiin -------------------------------------------- otoeeoeoin ------------------------ str f114r.P1.2 AFH qoteeddy dair okedy okoeey raiin oor cheed ol keeed str f114r.P1.2 G qoteeddy dair okedy okoeey r aiin oor cheed ol keeed pha f99v.P2.5 AFH =doror okeeody opar okor eosaiin otoraiin shey ols -------------------------------------------- otoeeoeol ------------------------- hea f2r.P.5 ACFH dals-chokaiin d/otochor al-shodaiin-chol dan- str f115r.P.20 AFH chedy qokchedy qoky chor al alor cheey qol bio f77v.P.32 AH raiin chey/schedy qotar sarol sheedy qokain cheey bio f77v.P.32 V raiin chey/schedy qotar sar ol sheedy qokain cheey -------------------------------------------- otoeeoin -------------------------- hea f38r.P.1 ACFH =tolor chockhy-oky choiin okshol oly oky/ str f58v.P2.26 AHU shekar qo*air alam/qokar s aiin al y qokchedy qoe*aly heb f46v.P.2 H oka* ykchdy daiin/ytasr aiin otchdy okaly daiin -------------------------------------------- otoeeol --------------------------- hea f29r.P.2 ACFHU /dshe ykchy choty oky chol chchoty cho*y chy hea f42v.P.3 ACFH chotody chotol oky chol chol-dl chcthy hea f11v.P.3 ACFU tchy dar qokchd-oky chol dy dy/qokchor cholol*r bio f76r.R.40 ACFHV qokal/saiin olaiin oky shol sain oky lkar chedy cos f68r2.S.21 AHUV =otoshol= str f58r.P.27 AF daiin podaiir/yteor oty chal tar ar sheeetchy hea f15v.P.8 ACFHU ytchor chor ol oiin oty shol daiin/otchol octhol hea f13r.P.7 ACFH oiin chckhy d/dchy qoky chol dy qok*y d oldy- str f115r.P.27 AF /ysheeo los ar chey qoky chol kched shedy qokai*n hea f11r.P.3 ACFH ytchoky kchol daiin/qoty chol cthy dor ykychy hea f11v.P.1 ACFHU chody shcphy shordy qoty-shol cphar dan y/shol hea f37v.P.23 ACFH ytoiin chocthey/yto chol daiin= unk f1r.P3.18 ACFHU dydyd cthy daicthy/yto shol she kodshey cphealy -------------------------------------------- otoeeoldo ------------------------- hea f11v.P.3 ACFU tchy dar qokchd-oky chol dy dy/qokchor cholol*r hea f13r.P.7 ACFH oiin chckhy d/dchy qoky chol dy qok*y d oldy-okchor hea f20v.P.1 ACFHU pofochey opchy qopy choldy opydy cphy/sos -------------------------------------------- otoeeoldoin ----------------------- hea f15v.P.8 ACFHU ytchor chor ol oiin oty shol daiin/otchol octhol chol hea f37v.P.23 ACFH ytoiin chocthey/yto chol daiin= -------------------------------------------- otoeeooe -------------------------- hea f53r.P.2 A /dol dain scho she oty/shoar chokan ody/ytchodaiin hea f53r.P.2 FH /dol dain scho she oty/shoar ody/ytchodaiin -------------------------------------------- otoeeoteeo ------------------------ hea f21v.P.5 A cthy daiin dait oky/sho tsho chotshol chol todaiin hea f16r.P2.7 A schy saiin doal qoky/shotchy ydain yky shody hea f5r.P.7 ACFH cthy shotshy dy/qotoeey keey cheo kchy shody= hea f16v.P.3 AFH shory/ykchy dy choy qoty chy kchy koshet/dchol chcthody hea f16v.P.3 C shory/ykchy dy choy qoty chykchy koshet/dchol chcthody hea f16v.P.2 ACH pchocty/ytchor y ky chokchy qokchocthor shory/ hea f16v.P.2 F pchocty/ytchor yky chokchy qokchocthor shory/ hea f14v.P.4 ACFH dytchy ykchy ky dy/ytychy ksho ykshy shokshor hea f14v.P.4 U dytchy ykchy ky dy/ytyshy ksho ykshy shokshor -------------------------------------------- otoeeoto -------------------------- zod f72v1.R1.1 AHU ydaiin chotar ytal oto shoty otey okchedyly hea f45v.P.5 ACFH choiin okchar dar oty-shoto dol py-otytam/*s hea f14v.P.6 ACFHU daiin cthor oty/qoty choky cthy chokchy dy -------------------------------------------- otoeeotoin ------------------------ hea f8v.P.13 ACFHU daiin/kchor otchar oky-chokain keoky otorchy satar/ str f113r.P.17 F qokchol chedaiin qoky chokaiin chotar chokar char str f113r.P.17 AGHT qokchol chedaiin qoky chokain chotar chokar char hea f22r.P.8 ACFH oty daiin ctholy qoky chotaiin chocthy-doiiin hea f36v.P.3 ACH ckhor dom/dchytchy ytor s-otaiin qopchor otar otchaiin hea f36v.P.3 F ckhor dom/dchytchy ytors-otaiin qopchor otar otchaiin -------------------------------------------- otoeeotol ------------------------- cos f86v4.C.4 AHU pchd**dy dan ol dol oty sho pol o*oldyl= hea f20v.P.3 AFH kchol shol chcthy qoty chy tol shy qotchy/sho -------------------------------------------- otoeetedo ------------------------- heb f55v.P.4 F aiin ol kar am/okar ckhdy cheady keey faral- heb f48v.P.5 G qocthedy taiin shed qokar cthdy dy-dain tolkain -------------------------------------------- otoeeteeo ------------------------- cos f67r1.R.1 ACH hteok**iin choteedy otor epchy chpiir ar sheee* hea f18v.P.3 ACFHU s g/or shy qoky qoky chkchy qokshy qokam/qotchy hea f27v.P.5 AFHU oksho docheesm/qoky shkeeo schodar shkol-chotchy -------------------------------------------- otoeeteo -------------------------- hea f10r.P.10 AFH -chodaiin/oqotar otor cfhy cthor osain-ytoiin/ hea f10r.P.10 C -chodaiin/oqotar otor cphy cthor osain-ytoiin/ hea f24r.P.3 ACFH /ycthar cthal okol qotar ckhy/or chckhaly cthar str f104r.P.16 AFH yke***chy opchey qoty shtey yteedy shody/ykeeshedy pha f89r1.b.1 L =ykoecfhy= hea f90r1.P.5 AFHL -okchod qofchol/ytor ckhy lpychol sho ol -------------------------------------------- otoeetoe -------------------------- hea f16v.P.6 ACFH ytchy dan/sor chkar oty chkar chol dairin= hea f53r.P.8 ACFGH qokchy/qotchol dar qoty chtor oltsho ctho-ykeeod -------------------------------------------- otoeetol -------------------------- hea f28r.P.4 C -chotchy tchodar/oty chtol otol chotchy cthol- cos f69r.P.4 AFHU ychey otaiin okchor yty chkal shol= -------------------------------------------- otoeo ----------------------------- cos f85v2.U2.6 AV =ofary= str f105r.P2.34 AFH kor orol pchey ofory/dyteey otedaiin bio f80r.X.5 V =okaro= bio f80r.X.5 AU =okary= cos f68r3.X.4 V =okary= pha f99r.L1.1 AUV =okar y= pha f99r.L1.1 H =okary= pha f99r.L1.9 AHUV =okary= zod f72v3.S2.8 AHV =okary= zod f73r.S2.2 H =okary= str f112r.P.45 AFHT teeedy qokeey okeey okary * yky= unk f85r1.P.16 AFH olky/shoiin qokar okary cheey= str f114r.P1.18 AGH chedy chckhd/lcheos okar y cheodeeey qoeeody heb f40v.P.18 ACFH okair arol-qokey okary= unk f86v5.P.5 AFH hcthody ytar dal ar okary/olkeedy shety ytar heb f33v.P.8 ACFHU dy dy-dar aiin okary/sar oraiin chor hea f3v.P.10 ACDFHU qokshol daiim chol okary/sho shockho ckhy heb f55v.P.8 ACFH tarcho cthar talody okary/ykaky qokchy okal zod f70v1.S1.1 V =okoey= str f107v.P.47 AH qokeey daiin y okoey odain/oteedy qokey pha f101v2.P.4 F *ain* ol olor daiin okoey qok ykeol daiin bio f80r.X.5 H =okory= cos f85v2.U2.1 AUV =okory= cos f68v3.I.1 ACHU =okosy okchy okol choekey str f112v.P.7 AFGHT saiin oteor opchdar opary/ocheor okar aiiin str f108r.P.1 AF okchdpchy todashx opary olpair ody otedy str f112r.P.34 AFGHT araiin qokchdy opary/sain olaiin qopchdy heb f94r.P.3 AFH qokol chey qokair opary/shor olkeedy olkchdy str f113v.P.39 G cheol ar aloiiin otaey otain chekey qokain bio f78r.X.5 AUV =otaro dl*ry-orory= hea f36r.P.9 ACFH yd/ytodaly daiin otaro= cos f68r3.X.4 AU =otary= zod f73r.S2.2 AUV =otary= heb f43r.P.11 ACFGHU tolol shd olky ytol otary cheky dy/dor shol str f107v.P.37 AFHT rol keedy okaiin otary/dain okchey qokchey str f58r.P.19 AFH chaly dal qokaldy otary okalal **ees chal str f113v.P.20 AFGH chody otchar *r otary olaiin= bio f76v.P.34 ACHV opcheey oty s aiin otary/ychees alchedy pha f89v1.P1.2 L cthody qockhy dain otoey otar cthol/qokey cos f68r3.X.4 H =otory= pha f102v2.L1.6 AHUV =otory= hea f25r.T.7 ACFH =dair otaiir otosy= str f112r.P.9 AFHT chedy teedy qokchy qokary/dair al chedy qodain unk f66r.R.6 C okeody chekeody qokoey dyky chctho rotaiin/ hea f19v.P.9 AH /daiin chor daiin qokor y okchan/qotol d*r unk f86v6.P.30 AFH qopchedy qopydaiin qopary/dair ch*p*y qokaiin bio f77r.P.23 ACFHV okeey qotedy qotedy qotary/qor ain cheol ol zod f72r3.S3.3 H =yfary= heb f94r.P.5 AFH otai*n dar okeedy ykaro/saiin choky qotchdy pha f102v2.P2.10 AFHU ykchar chekeey ykory/dar cheor shoar pha f102v1.L1.4 AUV =ypary= zod f72r3.S3.3 AUV =ypary= pha f102v1.L1.4 H =ypory= cos f69v.L.2 AHUV =ytary= bio f76v.P.34 F opcheey oty s aiin ytary/ychees alchedy cos f70r1.C.3 AHUV ochody okchody ytar ytory/ cos f57v.R1.1 AHUV sh ofol sar ddal yty s y daiir otey dshdy -------------------------------------------- otoeod ---------------------------- unk f66r.R.14 AFH chedy dar odair ofaram/dalcheeeky sheol heb f57r.P.6 ACFH opchey dy kedaiin oforam/daii* sheedy qokeedy zod f70v2.S1.5 C =okaraj= zod f70v2.S1.5 AHKUV =okaram= zod f72r2.S0.3 AHKV =okaram= str f108r.P.50 AFHT chdy qokey okedy okaram chdar ar okam= heb f39v.P.12 ACH alaiin otal chd okar am-okar cheodal ockhy/ heb f39v.P.12 FU alaiin otal chd okaram-okar cheodal ockhy/ cos f67v2.S.2 C =s*ry-okorad= pha f88r.P1.2 L daiin sar raiin oky raj/oain or om otam pha f88r.P1.2 AFH daiin sar raiin oky sam/oain or om otam unk f66r.R.14 C chedy dar odair oparaj/dalcheeeky sheol cos f70r2.P.8 AFHV dalam dal cthol oparam/dolshol shol shol cos f70r2.P.8 U dalam dal cthol opar am/dolshol shol shol cos f85v2.B1.15 AU =otedy oparam= zod f70v2.S2.9 C =opysaj= zod f70v2.S2.9 AHUV =opys am= zod f70v2.S1.10 C =otar aj= pha f89v2.L3.1 AHLV =otaram= zod f70v2.S1.10 AKU =otar am= zod f70v2.R2.1 ACHU ar alor daimamdy otar am ar al ota**/ str f112r.P.5 AFGHT otody otal okeeey otar am oain oy/chedal bio f79v.P.3 ACFHV qokshedy qokedy otaram/qokeedy qokeedy str f107r.P.45 AFHT opal kaiin otaiin otaram/sar cheey qodaiin str f107r.P.11 AFHT okaiin ekar okaiin otaram/ychol chal loraiir pha f88v.m.1 L =otorad= pha f88r.b.2 AHK =otor am= pha f88r.b.2 L =otoram= pha f88v.m.1 AHKV =otoram= pha f89v2.L3.1 U =otor am= zod f70v2.S2.9 K =otysam= hea f36v.P.1 ACFH =pcharasy qoforom shoaiin tchey chckhey str f115r.P.27 AFH shey qoetar chol qokaram/cheo chos al saiin str f113v.P.15 AFH kcheor raiin cheey qokaram/daiin chl lkeey str f113v.P.15 G kcheor raiin cheey qokar am/daiin chl lkeey heb f95v1.P.2 AFH qokedy otal ytchdy qokar am/tchody qokaiin cos f86v3.P3.7 AHU chedy qokal yteey qotar am/dcheey t**ody oty hea f45v.P.3 ACH qotol chy ky cthod-ykar yd/okchy qockhy dain hea f45v.P.3 FG qotol chy ky cthod-ykaryd/okchy qockhy dain pha f89r2.L4.3 UV =ytaram= cos f86v3.P1.3 ACFHU ytaiin ytaiin or ar ytar am/ykaiin qoeedy qor hea f36v.P.11 ACFH daiild/oty chcthy ytoryd/ytol kchy oty chd/ -------------------------------------------- otoeodeeeo ------------------------ str f115r.P.27 AFH shey qoetar chol qokaram/cheo chos al saiin cheody str f103r.P.8 AFH rain okechy qoisal qotar adchey ofcho lteody oral str f103r.P.8 U rain okechy qoisal qotar adschy ofcho lteody oral -------------------------------------------- otoeodo --------------------------- hea f9v.P.1 ACFHU =fochor oporody opy shor daiin pha f99v.L1.0 AH =otaramy= str f104r.P.17 AFH oteechy chyteody otarody/dcheeo keody qokai*n cos f68r3.C2.1 U =otorody chokchy okol cheol unk f66r.R.18 ACFH okeody qokaldy ytarody shody shedy kair/ -------------------------------------------- otoeodod -------------------------- pha f99r.L1.0 AV =okaramog= pha f99r.L1.0 H =okoramog= -------------------------------------------- otoeodoe -------------------------- zod f70v2.R2.1 AHU ar alor daimamdy otar am ar al ota**/ unk f85r1.P.28 AFH yteol okchdy q*kedy otor odor or chedy otechdy str f114r.P2.36 AFGH qokal sain otchedy qokar/odar or aiin otshedy str f104r.P.8 AFH qokaiin chedal qokar odar qokal okor otar pha f102v2.P2.10 AFHU ykchar chekeey ykory/dar cheor shoar okeol unk f86v5.P.25 AFH otar shody pchykar ytar odar o**es aral om/odaiin -------------------------------------------- otoeodoeoe ------------------------ unk f85r1.P.28 AFH yteol okchdy q*kedy otor odor or chedy otechdy dal str f114r.P2.36 AGH qokal sain otchedy qokar/odar or aiin otshedy okaiin -------------------------------------------- otoeodoie ------------------------- str f112r.P.9 AFH chedy teedy qokchy qokary/dair al chedy qodain unk f86v6.P.30 AFH qopchedy qopydaiin qopary/dair ch*p*y qokaiin cos f57v.R1.1 AUV sh ofol sar ddal yty s y daiir otey dshdy dkalr cos f57v.R1.1 H sh ofol sar ddal yty s y daiis otey dshdy dkalr -------------------------------------------- otoeodoieol ----------------------- bio f84v.X.19 AFHV =okar/ydairol/ychckhy/dshedy= str f112r.P.9 AFH chedy teedy qokchy qokary/dair al chedy qodain dam= -------------------------------------------- otoeodoin ------------------------- cos f85v2.C1.1 AU hdair otodar otedar otar odaiin olkaiin otl xar str f107v.P.37 F rol keedy okaiin otary/daiin okchey qokchey str f107v.P.37 AHT rol keedy okaiin otary/dain okchey qokchey pha f89v1.P1.7a AFHL chekal daiin dar/qokar odaiin= str f112r.P.9 T chedy teedy qokchy qokary/dain al chedy qodain heb f55r.P.4 ACFH ar kaiin okchd ykar odaiin chdolaiin/y or -------------------------------------------- otoeodooin ------------------------ pha f88r.P1.2 L daiin sar raiin oky raj/oain or om otam okeom pha f88r.P1.2 F daiin sar raiin oky sam/oaiin or om otam okeom pha f88r.P1.2 AH daiin sar raiin oky sam/oain or om otam okeom str f112r.P.5 F otody otal okeeey otar am oaiin oy/chedal oteedy str f112r.P.5 AH otody otal okeeey otar am oain oy/chedal oteedy str f112r.P.5 G otody otal okeeey otar am oyin oy/chedal oteedy -------------------------------------------- otoeodoteeo ----------------------- str f105r.P2.34 AFH kor orol pchey ofory/dyteey otedaiin otar ol hea f45v.P.3 ACH qotol chy ky cthod-ykar yd/okchy qockhy dain dail hea f45v.P.3 FG qotol chy ky cthod-ykaryd/okchy qockhy dain dail -------------------------------------------- otoeodoto ------------------------- str f108v.P.15 F opsholal shedy ofaramoky/okeey lshey qokeeal str f108v.P.15 AHT opsholal shedy ofaramoty/okeey lshey qokeeal unk f66r.R.6 C okeody chekeody qokoey daky chctho rotaiin/ -------------------------------------------- otoeoe ---------------------------- heb f95v1.P.4 AFH okshey ytshedy akarar yty chdy/otal shedy cos f67r2.C.5b V orchy salsain/sodar ofar ar/ydam= cos f57v.R3.1 AHV o lkeeol dkedar of aros r y chedaiin k cos f57v.R3.1 U o lkeeol dkedar o f aros r y chedaiin k cos f67r2.C.5b AH orchy salsain/sodar ofor ar/ydam= cos f67r2.C.5b U orchy salsain/sodar ofor or/ydam= str f108v.P.26 AFHT /sal lcheal lkeeey okar ar ain olcheees ol heb f48v.P.10 ACFGHU -ytchedal cthey okar ar ary/ykeedal chckhy- str f58v.P2.36 AHU qokeey dala*/olkeey okar ar choky otair otol unk f86v6.P.23 AFH qokar opchedy dar okar ar dair ain ol ke* cos f70r2.C.1 AHU okeeo lal kchm okar ar dar/otar ar chedal heb f39v.P.7 ACFHU sheedy oraly-olai*r okar ar/oekar aiin olkaiin cos f69r.R.1 AHV =ok**octhy okar ar= str f104r.P.7 AFH shedy chedy qodaiin okar ar okaim/olsheedy heb f50r.P.2 AFHU kar oky daiiin okar ar okam/tshol kar cos f69r.R.4 AHU =okcho dal okar ar= str f107v.P.36 AFHT qokaiin olkeedy okar ar olkain odain= heb f50r.P.5 ACHU qokchdy qokchdy okar ar y qokchdy kar ar heb f95v2.P.2a AFHU taiin *hekaiin okar or aiin chckhy okal cos f85v2.N2.1 AU =okar or o* oraiin okeady hea f54r.P.11 F ol koldy/daiin okar or ol ckhol chor chom heb f55r.P.5 ACF pchtchdy oekaiin okaror olkam/tcho daiin heb f55r.P.5 H pchtchdy oekaiin okasor olkam/tcho daiin heb f34r.P.13 ACH saiin/char aiin okor ar tol-qokar chckhy heb f34r.P.13 F saiin/char aiin okorar tol-qokar chckhy pha f101r1.P.5 AFH /daiin ctheol cheol okor or aiin cheol cho hea f54r.P.11 ACH ol koldy/daiin okor or ol ckhol chor chom hea f3r.P.15 ACFH olchsy chom otchom-oporar/oteol chol s cheol pha f101v2.R1.7 ACV =otarar= str f105r.P2.31 AH dar qopchdy dair otar ar adam/okeeo dair unk f86v6.P.9 AFH sheey qokol cheol otar ar aii*n qoteeos aiin/ str f104v.P.2 AFH ydaiin qokamdy otarar alched otair oram/ str f113v.P.7 AGH opchedy qotaiin otar ar al oteal/ycheody str f113v.P.7 F opchedy qotaiin otarar al oteal/ycheody cos f70r2.C.2 AHUV kchm okar ar dar/otar ar chedal oar al aldaiin heb f34v.P.8 ACFHU chkain otain/ysheos otar ar cho raiin cheky str f106r.P.43 AFT al taiin chekal otarar/dshedy qoteey otaiin cos f69r.R.1 U =ok**octhy otar ar= str f113v.P.13 AFGH =poraiin otar ar okol shedy qokchedy heb f46v.P.2 ACFHU okaly daiin qokedy otar ar oldy otedy saim str f116r.P.16 AFH qotey dai*n otar otarar opam/dai*n chey str f115r.P.43 AFH cheor shody qokai*n otar ar otar ytar ar *lky/ str f113v.P.26 AFGH keechy qoteeol otar ar otchey otaiin al unk f85r1.P.33 AFH qotody qokar shty otarar= cos f70r1.I.1 AU oteos *heor al al otar ar y oteod *hey keody str f108r.P.39 AFHT lchdain qokar otedy otarar yty sho qotedy str f106r.P.43 H al taiin chekal otaras/dshedy qoteey otaiin heb f39v.P.5 ACFHU kor or sheky kain otar or aiin okaiin ckhol str f112r.P.2 AFHT ol olaiin chol otar/or chedar cheey oteedy heb f48v.P.6 ACFGH /shdy qokain okar otar or otees ol orai*n- pha f101v2.R1.7 H =otorar= str f113v.P.10 AFGH aiin kchey dal otor ar opchey ro/or sheor zod f72v1.R1.1 A *hdar* *ar ote*dy oto r ar shedy opsh*y tey zod f72v1.R1.1 H *hdar* *ar ote*dy oto rar shedy opsh*y tey cos f68v3.O.1 H chody otololas oty sar qoteey otey chey str f111v.P.36 AFGHT /shain okaiin chey qokar ar ar ain olr ar olor= heb f34r.P.13 ACFH chckhy chdal ked qokar ar daiin dam/ykeo str f115v.P.26 AFH qokeeeos qol keedy qokar ar/olai*n cheo lkai*n heb f55r.P.10 F dy kam/dair okal qokar ar ora* oas odaiin unk f86v6.P.6 AFH odaiin olkeshar qokar ar/qokaiin ylched*r heb f55r.P.10 ACH dy kam/dair okal qokar or ora* oas odaiin str f115v.P.2 AFH qokeedy yteedy qokar qor cho daiin qokchdy hea f19r.P.4 ACFH tdaiin chol dor yky/qokorar daiin chckhy shy pha f89v2.P2.10 AFHU sheos aiin daikeody qokorar sheody qoko ltcheody unk f85r1.P.33 AF /ysheedy ksheey qokor or chod lkchedy qotody unk f85r1.P.33 H /ysheedy ksheey qokoror chod lkchedy qotody str f112r.P.37 AFGHT keeda* otear shkeor qoky/sar ain olkeear okeody bio f75r.P.7 AFH qokar chy lol chedy qoky/sor chey qo*ardy-d*heckhy bio f75r.P.7 V qokar chy lol chedy qoky/s or chey qo*ardy-d*heckhy str f115v.P.4 AFH lkchedy otechdy qotar ar al ytchedy lched str f116r.P.19 AFH qotai*n chetar qotar ar ar*dy chcthy rai*n bio f79r.P.13 ACFHV qokaldy opchedy qotar or aiin ol/saral qokain cos f67r2.X.2 AHUV =qotoear= hea f44v.P.2 ACH otchol daiin shol qotor ar/tol okchor shcthy hea f44v.P.2 F otchol daiin shol qoto rar/tol okchor shcthy unk f86v5.P.14 AFH qotaiin ykar a*thy/ykar ar alody or eees aiin heb f55r.P.2 C y qokar okar ol ykar ar al/ykaiir chol heb f55r.P.2 AFH y qokar okar ol ykar or al/ykaiir chol heb f39v.P.10 ACFH kshy or/dar ar ykar or yky chdy fchor- heb f39v.P.10 U kshy or/dar ar y kar or yky chdy fchor- pha f102v2.P2.10 H eeos shese oeor ykoear chekeey ykory/dar str f115r.P.43 AF okai*n otar ar otar ytar ar *lky/y dchedy kody cos f70r2.P.6 AUV ddl ar chal dal/ytar ar al y ol al aloees unk f86v5.P.26 AFH teody tey tar an ytarar/ysheoar qoteody str f58r.P.30 AFH chal cheal somy/ytor ar alom qokalor chdy -------------------------------------------- otoeoedoin ------------------------ heb f34r.P.13 ACFH chckhy chdal ked qokar ar daiin dam/ykeo lor ochey hea f19r.P.4 ACFH tdaiin chol dor yky/qokorar daiin chckhy shy kchor/ -------------------------------------------- otoeoeeeeo ------------------------ unk f85r1.P.16 AFH olky/shoiin qokar okary cheey= bio f80r.P.27 ACFHV lom/sol olkee*y otar orchey qokeey ltalor olor unk f86v6.P.32 AFH qoeear chs*y oky qokar orchey qotar olkchedy bio f75r.P.7 C qokar chy lol chedy qoky/sarchey qo*ardy-d*heckhy bio f75r.P.7 AFH qokar chy lol chedy qoky/sor chey qo*ardy-d*heckhy bio f75r.P.7 V qokar chy lol chedy qoky/s or chey qo*ardy-d*heckhy str f113v.P.2 AFGH chsamoky/teoar ain qotar ycheey otaiir otaiin okchy heb f43v.P.10 ACG s ypchey pchedy yfor/ysheey or air yteey cheody heb f43v.P.10 H s ypchey pchedy yfor/y sheey or air yteey cheody -------------------------------------------- otoeoeeeo ------------------------- heb f34v.P.8 AFU chkain otain/ysheos otar ar cho raiin cheky olchdaiin str f115v.P.2 AF qokeedy yteedy qokar qor cho daiin qokchdy chdar -------------------------------------------- otoeoeeo -------------------------- cos f57v.R3.1 AV o lkeeol dkedar of aros r y chedaiin k chety cos f57v.R3.1 U o lkeeol dkedar o f aros r y chedaiin k chety cos f57v.R3.1 H o lkeeol dkedar of aros s y chedaiin k chety hea f3v.P.10 A qokshol daiim chol okary/sho shockho ckhy tchor pha f102v2.L2.3 AHUV =okoroeey= zod f70v1.R2.1 AHU ksheo shokey r aiin otor ochy s ai* cheody cheey -------------------------------------------- otoeoeeoe ------------------------- heb f94r.P.3 AFH qokol chey qokair opary/shor olkeedy olkchdy zod f70v1.R2.1 AU ksheo shokey r aiin otor ochy s ai* cheody cheey hea f36v.P.2 ACFH daiin otaiin qotor ytar ochor chety ckhor dom/ -------------------------------------------- otoeoeeol ------------------------- hea f51r.P.7a C chckhy kcho qokchy qotar/oshol ckhey ckheody qokey hea f18v.P.6 ACFHU qokeees chy s ar ykar/ychol dor chod qokol -------------------------------------------- otoeoeo --------------------------- heb f50r.P.5 ACHU qokchdy qokchdy okar ar y qokchdy kar ar heb f50r.P.5 FG qokchdy qokchdy okar ary qokchdy kar ar heb f31v.P.7 ACFH okal oky cheokar okor ary/ykaiin chee ksheey hea f13r.P.10 ACFH daldy/sotchy kchy okorory= cos f70r1.I.1 AU oteos *heor al al otar ar y oteod *hey keody cos f70r1.I.1 H oteos *heor al al otar ary oteod *hey keody pha f89v1.P1.4 L chodair choky daiin otar ory/toch*o cthor okol str f106v.P.45 C tchar oqotaiin oty rasa oteey sar ai*dy/ str f104v.P.24 AFH khedy chedaiin otor qokar ary/dsheey qoykeey pha f101v2.P.7 AFU cheol oralar shey qokar ary/sol chol choly pha f101v2.P.7 H cheol oralar shey qokarary/sol chol choly bio f78v.P.30 ACHV oiiin okal oltal qokar ary/sor ar or dchor bio f78v.P.30 F oiiin okal oltal qokar ory/sor ar or dchor cos f67r1.S.4 H =ykas asa= cos f67r1.S.4 AC =ykas asy= hea f36r.P.7 ACFH cthol okol dy okchy-ytorory-sold/ytchor cthol -------------------------------------------- otoeoeod -------------------------- pha f99r.L1.0 U =okaroram= str f103v.P.25 AFHU qotain otal oty opar aram oteeam/yteey qokeey str f112r.P.34 AFH lshdar ok*chedy qokar aram qotedy araiin qokchdy str f112r.P.34 G lshdar ok*chedy qokar ar am qotedy araiin qokchdy str f112r.P.34 T lshdar ok*chedy qokararam qotedy araiin qokchdy -------------------------------------------- otoeoeodod ------------------------ cos f67r2.C.5b H orchy salsain/sodar ofor ar/ydag= cos f67r2.C.5b A orchy salsain/sodar ofor ar/ydam= cos f67r2.C.5b U orchy salsain/sodar ofor or/ydam= str f105r.P2.31 AH dar qopchdy dair otar ar adam/okeeo dair oteey -------------------------------------------- otoeoeoe -------------------------- heb f33v.P.8 ACFHU dy dy-dar aiin okary/sar oraiin chor or hea f96v.P.1 AF psheody odar ocpheo-opar ysar asod/ytear yteor str f111v.P.36 AGHT /shain okaiin chey qokar ar ar ain olr ar olor= -------------------------------------------- otoeoeoin ------------------------- str f108v.P.26 F /sal lcheal lkeeey okar ar aiin olcheees ol cheal str f108v.P.26 AHT /sal lcheal lkeeey okar ar ain olcheees ol cheal heb f95v2.P.2a AFHU taiin *hekaiin okar or aiin chckhy okal otain str f104r.P.37 AFH cheodal qoaiin okar oraiin okar oteody qokaiin pha f101r1.P.5 AFH /daiin ctheol cheol okor or aiin cheol cho keeo str f112r.P.34 F araiin qokchdy opary/saiin olaiin qopchdy str f112r.P.34 AGHT araiin qokchdy opary/sain olaiin qopchdy cos f67v2.F.1 AHU =otararain= heb f39v.P.5 ACFHU kor or sheky kain otar or aiin okaiin ckhol ol str f112r.P.37 F keeda* otear shkeor qoky/sar aiin olkeear okeody str f112r.P.37 AGHT keeda* otear shkeor qoky/sar ain olkeear okeody unk f86v6.P.13 AFH kaiin cholfchy qopar aroiin opchedy op*ly/ykchy bio f79r.P.13 AFHV qokaldy opchedy qotar or aiin ol/saral qokain str f114v.P.26 AFH pcheodal ch*opcheod qotos araiin qot*l cheo pchdal heb f94r.P.5 AFH otai*n dar okeedy ykaro/saiin choky qotchdy ot*ly unk f86v5.P.1 AFH fyshey qoky opy ypar oraiin ytor aiin opy/losair -------------------------------------------- otoeoeoinotoe --------------------- str f104r.P.37 AFH cheodal qoaiin okar oraiin okar oteody qokaiin unk f86v5.P.1 AFH fyshey qoky opy ypar oraiin ytor aiin opy/losair -------------------------------------------- otoeoeol -------------------------- str f108v.P.10 AFH shckhaiin okeal okar aral or om shee kacthy str f112v.P.8 G aiiin otaiin okal okar oral kedy chekaiiin/ hea f54r.P.11 F ol koldy/daiin okar or ol ckhol chor chom hea f54r.P.11 ACH ol koldy/daiin okor or ol ckhol chor chom str f113v.P.7 AGH opchedy qotaiin otar ar al oteal/ycheody qokeeor str f113v.P.7 F opchedy qotaiin otarar al oteal/ycheody qokeeor str f106v.P.45 AFHT tchar oqotaiin oty raral oteey sar ai*dy/ heb f94v.P.6 AFH lkeol ot*r o*chdy qotar aral-otor otchy tody str f115v.P.4 AFH lkchedy otechdy qotar ar al ytchedy lched otchd heb f55r.P.2 C y qokar okar ol ykar ar al/ykaiir chol chky heb f55r.P.2 AFH y qokar okar ol ykar or al/ykaiir chol chky cos f70r2.P.6 AU ddl ar chal dal/ytar ar al y ol al aloees cos f70r2.P.6 F ddl ar chal dal/ytar aral y ol al aloees -------------------------------------------- otoeoeoloe ------------------------ str f108v.P.10 AH shckhaiin okeal okar aral or om shee kacthy str f108v.P.10 T shckhaiin okeal okar aralor om shee kacthy heb f40r.P.2 ACF kaiin okos chedy okar aralor/shy qokal chdy heb f40r.P.2 H kaiin okos chedy okar aralos/shy qokal chdy -------------------------------------------- otoeoeoteeeo ---------------------- str f113v.P.26 AFGH keechy qoteeol otar ar otchey otaiin al otaiin str f113v.P.10 AFGH aiin kchey dal otor ar opchey ro/or sheor oteeo -------------------------------------------- otoeoeoto ------------------------- heb f95v1.P.4 AFH okshey ytshedy akarar yty chdy/otal shedy str f108r.P.39 T lchdain qokar otedy otarar oty sho qotedy oteedy str f108r.P.39 AFH lchdain qokar otedy otarar yty sho qotedy oteedy heb f39v.P.10 ACFH kshy or/dar ar ykar or yky chdy fchor-qokain heb f39v.P.10 U kshy or/dar ar y kar or yky chdy fchor-qokain -------------------------------------------- otoeoeotod ------------------------ heb f50r.P.2 AFH kar oky daiiin okar ar okam/tshol kar sheedy str f116r.P.16 AFH qotey dai*n otar otarar opam/dai*n chey qokeey -------------------------------------------- otoeoeotoe ------------------------ heb f50r.P.2 U kar oky daiiin okar ar okar/tshol kar sheedy str f115r.P.43 AFH cheor shody qokai*n otar ar otar ytar ar *lky/y -------------------------------------------- otoeoeotoeedo --------------------- heb f95v1.P.4 AFH okshey ytshedy akarar yty chdy/otal shedy odaiin heb f39v.P.10 ACFH kshy or/dar ar ykar or yky chdy fchor-qokain *r heb f39v.P.10 U kshy or/dar ar y kar or yky chdy fchor-qokain *r -------------------------------------------- otoeoeteo ------------------------- str f113r.P.35 G kchedy qotaiin otar okar ackhy rchedy qosain/dcheey str f113r.P.35 AFHT kchedy qotaiin otar okar ockhy rchedy qosain/dcheey str f107r.P.32 AFHT qockhedy okraiin otar qocthy ralky/yaiin chekain