# SELECTED SUBSET # Extracted by select-evt-lines (sample = engl/cnp subsec = tot.1) # Nicholas Culpeper, "The English Physitian" ("Culpeper's Herbal") # Last edited on 2002-01-08 02:47:45 by stolfi # From a Yale electronic edition. # # http://info.med.yale.edu/library/historical/culpeper/culpeper.htm # Culpeper, Nicholas, 1616-1654. # "The English physitian: or an astrologo-physical # discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation" # London : Peter Cole, 1652. # 8 p.l., 255 p. (i.e. 159 p.), [5] p., front. (port.) # Pages numbered 1-92, 189-255. # # Electronic version prepared by Richard Siderits, M.D. Yale University. # Adaptation to HTML by Toby Appel. # # Reformatted for statistical purposes by J. Stolfi, as follows: # The marginal notes (lists of diseases) were displaced # forward to the end of the current paragraph and # made into a separate unit (type G); their postition # in the original file is marked by a comment # {Note XXX here}. # Latin and English verses are made into separate # units of types "L" and "E", respectively. # Other unit types are used for titles, index entries, etc. # Indented text is marked with "{»}" comments. # Significant line breaks (in tables, indices, # verse, etc.) are marked with "~". # # NULL = "" # BLANK = "_" # ALPHA = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" # ALPHA = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" # ALPHA = "'" # SYMBOL = "0123456789&*" # PUNCT = ".,!?()/:;-«»" # BREAK = "~" # PARAG = "=" # ####################################################################### # # /The English Physitian/ # Introduction by Richard Siderits, M.D. # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Nicholas Culpeper, a legendary figure in the field of herbal # medicine and author of /The English Physitian/, transcribed # within, was a man of mystery and glory - a revolutionary who taxed # the heirarchal politicos, challenged the procedures and policies # of the clergy and championed the wonderings of common folk, much # to the chagrin of the established pedantists. # # Within this manuscript, the reader will find the wit, intellect, # ethic and conviction of a man maligned by his colleagues and much # respected by his community. Culpeper worked to bring medicinal # treatments from the mysterious to the comprehensible. His # philosophy was to teach the common folk to minister to themselves # by providing them with the tools and knowledge for self health. # His mind and ambition was to reform the whole system of medicine # by being an innovative questioner paving the way for new thoughts # and principles contrary to established traditions. # # A man of and for the common people, Culpeper wrote with a personal # style revealing his insights as well as his struggles. Culpeper's # writing tends to be comprehensive and exhaustive in its approach # to reconciling astrology and medicine. # # DMS # ####################################################################### # # part a TITLE_PAGES # ## # chapter 1 TITLE_PAGE # unit B booktitle # unit F booksubtitle # unit P text # unit A author # unit N printer # unit Q printdate # # # part b PROLOGUE # ## # chapter 1 TO_THE_READDR # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit L latinverse # unit E englverse # unit P text # unit L latinverse # unit E englverse # unit P text # unit L latinverse # unit E englverse # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit I textitem # unit I textitem # unit P text # unit L latinverse # unit E englverse # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # part c AUTHORITY_LIST # ## # chapter 1 AUTHORITY_LIST # unit T chaptertitle # unit C listlabel # unit M namelist # unit C listlabel # unit M namelist # unit C listlabel # unit M namelist # unit C listlabel # unit M namelist # unit C listlabel # unit M namelist # unit C listlabel # unit M namelist # unit C listlabel # unit M namelist # unit C listlabel # unit M namelist # unit C listlabel # unit M namelist # unit C listlabel # unit M namelist # unit C listlabel # unit M namelist # unit C listlabel # unit M namelist # unit C listlabel # unit M namelist # unit C listlabel # unit M namelist # unit C listlabel # unit M namelist # part d PLANTS_BY_PLANETS # ## # chapter 1 PLANTS_BY_PLANETS # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit V plantlist Barley~ Red_Beets~ Beech-tree~ Bifoyl,_or_Twayblade~ Birdsfoot~ Bistort,_or_Snakeweed~ Blewbottles~ Buckshorn-Plantane~ Wild_Campions~ Pilewort~ Cleavers,_or_Goosgrass~ Clowns_Woundwort~ Comfry~ Cudweed,_or_Cottonweed~ Sciatica_Cresses~ Crosswort~ Darnel~ Doddar~ Epithimum~ Elm-tree~ Osmond_Royal~ Fleawort~ Flixweed~ Fumitory~ Stinking_Gladwin~ Goutwort~ Wintergreen~ Haukweed~ Hemlock~ Hemp~ Henbane~ Horstail~ Knapweed~ Knotgrass~ Medlar-tree~ Moss~ Mullein~ Nightshade~ Polypodium~ Poplar-tree~ Quince-tree~ Rupture-wort~ Rushes~ Solomons-Seal~ Sarazens_Confound~ Service-tree~ Spleenwort,_or_Cetrach~ Tamaris~ Melancholly-Thistle~ Blackthorn~ Throughwax~ Tutsan,_or_Parkleaves~ Woad.~ = # unit P text # unit V plantlist Agrimony~ Alexanders~ Asparagus~ Avens~ Bay-tree~ White_Beets~ Water-Bettony~ Wood-Bettony~ Bilberries~ Borrage~ Bugloss~ Chervil~ Sweet_Cicely~ Cinkfoyl~ Costmary,_or_Alecost~ Dandelyon~ Docks~ Bloodwort~ Dog,_or_Quich-grass~ Endive~ Hartstongue~ Hysop~ Housleek,_or_Sengreen~ Liverwort~ Lungwort~ Sweet_Maudlin~ Oak-tree~ Red_Roses~ Sage~ Sauce_alone,_or_Jack_by_the_Hedg~ Scurvy-grass~ Succory~ Our_Ladies_Thistles.~ = # unit P text # unit V plantlist Arsesmart~ Asarabacca~ Barberry-bush~ Sweet_Bazil~ Bramble-bush~ Briony~ Brooklime~ Butchers-broom~ Broom~ Broomrape~ Crowfoot~ Cuckoopint,_or_Wake-Robin~ Cranebil~ Cotton-Thistle~ Flax-weed,_or_Toad-flax~ Fursebush~ Garlick~ Hawthorn~ Hops~ Naddir~ Masterwort~ Mustard~ Hedg-Mustard~ Mettles~ Onions~ Pepperwort,_or_Dittander~ Carduus_Benedictus,_in_the_Epistle~ Rhadish~ Horse_Rhadish~ Rhubarb~ Rapontick~ Bastard_Rhubard~ Thistles~ Star-thistle~ Tobacco~ Wolly_Thistle~ Treacle_Mustard~ Mithridate_Mustard~ Wold,_Weld,_or_Dyers_Weed~ Wormwood.~ = # unit P text # unit V plantlist Angelica~ Ash-tree~ Bawm~ One-blade~ Burner~ Butter-bur~ Chamomel~ Chelondine~ Centaury~ Eyebright~ St._Johns_wort~ Lovage~ Marigolds~ Misleto~ Peony~ St._Peters_wort~ Pimpernel~ Rosa_Solis~ Rosemary~ Rhue~ Saffron~ Tormentil~ Turnsole,_or_Heliotropium~ Vipers_Bugloss~ Walnut-tree~ = # unit P text # unit V plantlist Alehoof,_or_Ground-Ivy~ Black_Alder-tree~ Alter-Tree~ Apple-Tree~ Stinking_Arrach~ Arch-Angel,_or_Dead_Nettles~ Beans~ Ladies_Bedstraw~ Birch-tree~ Bishops_Weed~ Blites~ Bugle~ Burdock~ Cherry-tree~ Winter_Cherries~ Chickweed~ Cichpease~ Clary~ Cocks-head~ Coltsfoot~ Cowslips~ Daisies~ Devils-bit~ Elder~ Dwarf_Elder~ Eringo~ Featherfew~ Figwort~ Filipendula~ Foxgloves~ Golden-rod~ Gromwel~ Groundsel~ Herb_Robert~ Herb_Truelove~ Kidneywort~ Ladies_Mantle~ Mallows~ Marsh-Mallows~ Mercury~ Mints~ Motherwort~ Mugwort~ Nep,_or_Catmint~ Parsnip~ Peach-tree~ Pear-tree~ Penyroyal~ Plantane~ Plum-tree~ Primroses~ Ragwort~ Rocket~ Winter-Rocket~ Damask_Roses~ Wood_Sage~ Sanicle~ Selfheal~ Sopewort,_or_Bruisewort~ Sorrel~ Wood_Sorrel~ Sowthistles~ Spignel~ Strawberries~ Garden_Tansy~ Wild_Tansy,_or_Silver-weed~ Teazles~ Vervain~ Vine-tree~ Violets~ Wheat~ Yarrow.~ = # unit P text # unit V plantlist Calaminth,_or_Mountain_Mint~ Carrots~ Carraway~ Dill~ Elicampane~ Fern~ Fennel~ Hogs_Fennel~ Germander~ Hazel_Nut-tree~ Horehound~ Houndstongue~ Lavender~ Liquoris~ Wall-Rhue~ Maidenhair~ Golden_Maidenhair~ Sweet_Marjoram~ Melilot~ Moneywort~ Mulberry-tree~ Oats~ Parsley~ Cow_Parsnep~ Pellitory_of_the_Wall~ Groundpine,_or_Chamepitys~ Rest-Harrow,_or_Chamock~ Sampire~ Summer_and_winter_Savory~ Scabious~ Smallage~ Southernwood~ Meadow_Trefoyl~ Garden_Valerian~ Woodbind,_or_Honey-Suckles.~ = # unit P text # unit V plantlist Adders_Tongue~ Cabbages~ Coleworts~ Sea_Coleworts~ Columbines~ Watercresses~ Duckmeat~ Yellow_Waterflag~ Flower-de-luce~ Fluellin~ Ivy~ Lettice~ Water-Lillies~ Loosestrife,_with,_and_without_spiked_Heads~ Moonwort~ Mousear~ Orpine~ Poppies~ Purslain~ Privet~ Rattle-grass~ White_Roses~ White_Saxifrage~ Burnet_Saxifrage~ Wall-flowers,_or_Winter-gilliflowers~ Willow-tree~ = # part g TITLE_PAGE_BIS # ## # chapter 0 TITLE_PAGE # unit B booktitle # part h HERBAL_PROPER # ## # chapter 1 ADDERS_TONGUE # unit T chaptertitle ADDERS_TONGUE. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 2 AGRIMONY # unit T chaptertitle AGRIMONY. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 3 ALEHOOF # unit T chaptertitle ALEHOOF,_OR_GROUND-IVY. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 4 ALEXANDER # unit T chaptertitle ALEXANDER. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 5 BLACK_ALDER-TREE # unit T chaptertitle THE_BLACK_ALDER-TREE. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 6 COMMON_ALDER-TREE # unit T chaptertitle THE_COMMON_ALDER-TREE. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 7 ANGELICA # unit T chaptertitle ANGELICA. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 8 APPLES # unit T chaptertitle APPLES. = # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # ## # chapter 9 ARRACH # unit T chaptertitle ARRACH_WILD_&_STINKING. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 10 ARCHANGEL # unit T chaptertitle ARCHANGEL. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 11 ARSMART # unit T chaptertitle ARSMART. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 12 ASARABACCA # unit T chaptertitle ASARABACCA. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 13 ASPARAGUS # unit T chaptertitle ASPARAGUS,_SPARAGUS,_OR_SPERAGE. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # ## # chapter 14 PRICKLY_ASPARAGUS # unit T chaptertitle PRICKLY_ASPARAGUS,_SPARAGUS,_OR_SPERAGE. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 15 ASH-TREE # unit T chaptertitle ASH-TREE. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 16 AVENS # unit T chaptertitle AVENS. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 17 BALM # unit T chaptertitle BALM. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 18 BARBERRY # unit T chaptertitle BARBERRY. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 19 BARLY # unit T chaptertitle BARLY. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 20 GARDEN_BAZIL # unit T chaptertitle GARDEN_BAZIL_or_SWEET_BAZIL. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit L latinverse # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 21 BAY_TREE # unit T chaptertitle THE_BAY_TREE. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 22 BEANS # unit T chaptertitle BEANS. = # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 23 FRENCH-BEANS # unit T chaptertitle FRENCH-BEANS. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 24 LADIES-BEDSTRAW # unit T chaptertitle LADIES-BEDSTRAW. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 25 BEETS # unit T chaptertitle BEETS. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 26 WATER-BETONY # unit T chaptertitle WATER-BETONY. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 27 WOOD-BETONY # unit T chaptertitle WOOD-BETONY. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 28 BEECH_TREE # unit T chaptertitle THE_BEECH_TREE. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # ## # chapter 29 BILBERRIES # unit T chaptertitle BILBERRIES: Called_also_(by_som) Whorts,_and_Whortleberries. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 30 BIFOYL # unit T chaptertitle BIFOYL,_or_TWAYBLADE. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # ## # chapter 31 BIRCH-TREE # unit T chaptertitle THE_BIRCH-TREE. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 32 BIRDS-FOOT # unit T chaptertitle BIRDS-FOOT. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 33 BISHOPS-WEED # unit T chaptertitle BISHOPS-WEED. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 34 BISTORT # unit T chaptertitle BISTORT,_OR_SNAKEWEED. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 35 ONE-BLADE # unit T chaptertitle ONE-BLADE. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # ## # chapter 36 BRAMBLE # unit T chaptertitle THE_BRAMBLE; or_Black-Berry-Bush. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 37 BLITES # unit T chaptertitle BLITES. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 38 BORRAGE_BUGLOSS # unit T chaptertitle BORRAGE_&_BUGLOSS. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 39 BLUEBOTTLES # unit T chaptertitle BLUEBOTTLES. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 40 BRIONY # unit T chaptertitle BRIONY_or_WILD_VINE. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 41 BROOKLIME # unit T chaptertitle BROOKLIME. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 42 BUTCHERS-BROOM # unit T chaptertitle BUTCHERS-BROOM. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 43 BROOM_BROOMRAPE # unit T chaptertitle BROOM,_&_BROOMRAPE. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 44 BUCK-HORN_PLANTANE # unit T chaptertitle BUCK-HORN_PLANTANE. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 45 BUGLE # unit T chaptertitle BUGLE. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 46 BURNET # unit T chaptertitle BURNET. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 47 BUTTER-BUR # unit T chaptertitle THE_BUTTER-BUR. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 48 BUR-DOCK # unit T chaptertitle THE_BUR-DOCK. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 49 CABBAGES_COLEWORTS # unit T chaptertitle CABBAGES_and_COLEWORTS. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 50 SEA_COLEWORT # unit T chaptertitle THE_SEA_COLEWORT. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 51 CALAMINT # unit T chaptertitle CALAMINT,_or_MOUNTAIN_MINT. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 52 CHAMOMEL # unit T chaptertitle CHAMOMEL. = # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 53 CAMPIONS_WILD # unit T chaptertitle CAMPIONS_WILD. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 54 CARROTS # unit T chaptertitle CARROTS. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 55 CARAWAY # unit T chaptertitle CARAWAY. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 56 CELANDINE # unit T chaptertitle CELANDINE. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # ## # chapter 57 LESSER_CELONDINE # unit T chaptertitle THE_LESSER_CELONDINE~ usually_known_by_the_Name_of~ PILEWORT. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 58 ORDINARY_SMALL_CENTAURY # unit T chaptertitle THE_ORDINARY_SMALL_CENTAURY = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 59 CHERRY-TREE # unit T chaptertitle THE_CHERRY-TREE. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 60 WINTER_CHERRIES # unit T chaptertitle WINTER_CHERRIES. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 61 CHERVIL # unit T chaptertitle CHERVIL. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 62 SWEET_CHERVIL # unit T chaptertitle SWEET_CHERVIL_or_SWEET_CICELY. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 63 CHICKWEED # unit T chaptertitle CHICKWEED. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 64 CICH-PEAS # unit T chaptertitle CICH-PEAS,_or_CICERS. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 65 CINKFOYL # unit T chaptertitle CINKFOYL,_or_FIVE_LEAVED_GRASS;~ Called_in_some_Countries,~ FIVE_FINGER'D_GRASS. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 66 CLARY # unit T chaptertitle CLARY. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 67 CLEAVERS # unit T chaptertitle CLEAVERS,_or_GOOSGRASS. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 68 CLOWNS_WOUNDWORT # unit T chaptertitle CLOWNS_WOUNDWORT. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 69 COCKS-HEAD # unit T chaptertitle COCKS-HEAD. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 70 COLUMBINES # unit T chaptertitle COLUMBINES. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 71 COLTSFOOT # unit T chaptertitle COLTSFOOT,_or_FOALSFOOT. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 72 COMFRY # unit T chaptertitle COMFRY. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 73 COSTMARY # unit T chaptertitle COSTMARY,_or_ALECOST. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 74 CUDWEED # unit T chaptertitle CUDWEED,_or_COTTONWEED. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 75 COWSLIPS # unit T chaptertitle COWSLIPS. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 76 SCIATICA-CRESSES # unit T chaptertitle SCIATICA-CRESSES. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 77 WATER-CRESSES # unit T chaptertitle WATER-CRESSES. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 78 CROSSWORT # unit T chaptertitle CROSSWORT. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 79 CROWFOOT # unit T chaptertitle CROWFOOT. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # ## # chapter 80 CUCKOWPINT # unit T chaptertitle CUCKOWPINT,_or_WAKE-ROBIN. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 81 DAISIES # unit T chaptertitle DAISIES. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 82 DANDELYON # unit T chaptertitle DANDELYON,~ Vulgarly_called,~ PISS-A-BEDS. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 83 DARNEL # unit T chaptertitle DARNEL. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 84 DILL # unit T chaptertitle DILL. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 85 DEVILS-BIT # unit T chaptertitle DEVILS-BIT. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 86 DOCK # unit T chaptertitle DOCK. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 87 DODDER_OF_TIME # unit T chaptertitle DODDER_OF_TIME,_or_EPITHIMUM,_and_other DODDERS. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 88 DOGS-GRASS # unit T chaptertitle DOGS-GRASS_or_QUICH-GRASS. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 89 DOVESFOOT # unit T chaptertitle DOVESFOOT,_or_CRANES-BILL. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 90 DUCKSMEAT # unit T chaptertitle DUCKSMEAT. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 91 DOWN # unit T chaptertitle DOWN,_or_COTTON-THISTLE. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 92 ELDER-TREE # unit T chaptertitle THE_ELDER-TREE. = # unit P text # ## # chapter 93 DWARF_ELDER # unit T chaptertitle THE_DWARF_ELDER. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 94 ELM_TREE # unit T chaptertitle THE_ELM_TREE. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 95 ENDIVE # unit T chaptertitle ENDIVE. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 96 ELECAMPANE # unit T chaptertitle ELECAMPANE. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 97 ERINGO # unit T chaptertitle ERINGO,_or_SEA-HOLLY. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 98 EYEBRIGHT # unit T chaptertitle EYEBRIGHT. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 99 FERN # unit T chaptertitle FERN. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 100 OSMOND_ROYAL # unit T chaptertitle OSMOND_ROYAL,_or_WATER_FERN. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 101 FEATHERFEW # unit T chaptertitle FEATHERFEW. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 102 FENNEL # unit T chaptertitle FENNEL. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 103 SOW_FENNEL # unit T chaptertitle SOW_FENNEL,_or_HOGS_FENNEL. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 104 FIGWORT # unit T chaptertitle FIGWORT,_or_THROATWORT. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 105 FILIPENDULA # unit T chaptertitle FILIPENDULA,_or_DROPWORT. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 106 YELLOW_WATER-FLAG # unit T chaptertitle THE_YELLOW_WATER-FLAG,_or,_FLOWER-de-LUCE = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 107 FLAXWEED # unit T chaptertitle FLAXWEED,_or_TOADFLAX. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 108 FLEAWORT # unit T chaptertitle FLEAWORT. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 109 FLIXWEED # unit T chaptertitle FLIXWEED. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 110 FLOWER-de-LUCE # unit T chaptertitle FLOWER-de-LUCE. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 111 FLUELLIN # unit T chaptertitle FLUELLIN. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 112 FOXGLOVE # unit T chaptertitle FOXGLOVE. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 113 FUMITORY # unit T chaptertitle FUMITORY. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 114 FURS-BUSH # unit T chaptertitle THE_FURS-BUSH. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 115 GARLICK # unit T chaptertitle GARLICK. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 116 GERMANDER # unit T chaptertitle GERMANDER. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 117 STINKING_GLADWIN # unit T chaptertitle STINKING_GLADWIN. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 118 GOLDEN_ROD # unit T chaptertitle GOLDEN_ROD. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 119 GOUTWORT # unit T chaptertitle GOUTWORT,_or_HERB-GERRARD. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 120 GROMEL # unit T chaptertitle GROMEL. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 121 WINTER_GREEN # unit T chaptertitle WINTER_GREEN. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 122 GROUNDSEL # unit T chaptertitle GROUNDSEL. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 123 HARTS-TONGUE # unit T chaptertitle HARTS-TONGUE. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 124 HAZEL_NUT # unit T chaptertitle THE_HAZEL_NUT. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 125 HAWKWEED # unit T chaptertitle HAWKWEED. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 126 HAWTHORN # unit T chaptertitle THE_HAWTHORN. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 127 HEMLOCK # unit T chaptertitle HEMLOCK. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 128 HEMP # unit T chaptertitle HEMP. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 129 HENBANE # unit T chaptertitle HENBANE. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 130 HERB_ROBERT # unit T chaptertitle HERB_ROBERT. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 131 HERB_TRUE-LOVE # unit T chaptertitle HERB_TRUE-LOVE, or ONE-BERRY. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 132 HYSOP # unit T chaptertitle HYSOP. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 133 HOPS # unit T chaptertitle HOPS. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 134 HOREHOUND # unit T chaptertitle HOREHOUND. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 135 HORSTAIL # unit T chaptertitle HORSTAIL. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 136 HOUSLEEKS # unit T chaptertitle HOUSLEEKS,_or_SENGREEN = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 137 HOUNDSTONGUE # unit T chaptertitle HOUNDSTONGUE. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 138 ST_JOHNS_WORT # unit T chaptertitle ST._JOHNS_WORT. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 139 IVY # unit T chaptertitle IVY. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 140 KIDNEYWORT # unit T chaptertitle KIDNEYWORT,_or_WALL-PENYROYAL. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 141 KNAPWEED # unit T chaptertitle KNAPWEED. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 142 KNOT-GRASS # unit T chaptertitle KNOT-GRASS. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 143 LADIES-MANTLE # unit T chaptertitle LADIES-MANTLE. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 144 LAVENDER # unit T chaptertitle LAVENDER. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 145 LETTICE # unit T chaptertitle LETTICE. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 146 WATER-LILLY # unit T chaptertitle THE_WATER-LILLY. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 147 LIQUORIS # unit T chaptertitle LIQUORIS. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 148 LIVERWORT # unit T chaptertitle LIVERWORT. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 149 LOOS-STRIFE # unit T chaptertitle LOOS-STRIFE_or_WILLOW_HEARB. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 150 LOOS-STRIFE # unit T chaptertitle LOOS-STRIFE,_with_SPIKED_HEADS_OF_FLOWERS. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 151 LOVAGE # unit T chaptertitle LOVAGE. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 152 LUNGWORT # unit T chaptertitle LUNGWORT. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 153 MADDER # unit T chaptertitle MADDER. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 154 MAIDENHAIR # unit T chaptertitle MAIDENHAIR. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # ## # chapter 155 WALL-RUE # unit T chaptertitle WALL-RUE;_or_ORDINARY_WHITE_MAIDENHAIR. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 156 GOLDEN_MAIDENHAIR # unit T chaptertitle GOLDEN_MAIDENHAIR. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # ## # chapter 157 MALLOWS # unit T chaptertitle MALLOWS,_and_MARSH-MALLOWS. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 158 SWEET_MARJEROM # unit T chaptertitle SWEET_MARJEROM. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 159 MARIGOLDS # unit T chaptertitle MARIGOLDS. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 160 MASTERWORT # unit T chaptertitle MASTERWORT. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 161 SWEET_MAUDLIN # unit T chaptertitle SWEET_MAUDLIN. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # ## # chapter 162 MEDLAR # unit T chaptertitle THE_MEDLAR. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 163 MELILOT # unit T chaptertitle MELILOT,_or_KINGS_CLAVER. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 164 FRENCH_DOGS_MERCURY # unit T chaptertitle FRENCH,_and_DOGS_MERCURY. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # ## # chapter 165 DOGS_MERCURY # unit T chaptertitle DOGS_MERCURY. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 166 MINT # unit T chaptertitle MINT. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 167 MISSELTO # unit T chaptertitle MISSELTO. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 168 MONEY-WORT # unit T chaptertitle MONEY-WORT,_or_HERB_TWO-PENCE. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 169 MOONWORT # unit T chaptertitle MOONWORT. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 170 MOSSES # unit T chaptertitle MOSSES. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 171 MOTHERWORT # unit T chaptertitle MOTHERWORT. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 172 MOUSEAR # unit T chaptertitle MOUSEAR. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 173 MUGWORT # unit T chaptertitle MUGWORT. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 174 MULBERRY-TREE # unit T chaptertitle THE_MULBERRY-TREE. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 175 MULLEIN # unit T chaptertitle MULLEIN. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 176 MUSTARD # unit T chaptertitle MUSTARD. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 177 HEDG-MUSTARD # unit T chaptertitle HEDG-MUSTARD. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 178 NEP # unit T chaptertitle NEP,_or_CATMINT. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 179 NETTLES # unit T chaptertitle NETTLES. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 180 NIGHTSHADE # unit T chaptertitle NIGHTSHADE. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 181 OAK # unit T chaptertitle THE_OAK. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 182 OATS # unit T chaptertitle OATS. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 183 ONE-BLADE # unit T chaptertitle ONE-BLADE. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 184 ONIONS # unit T chaptertitle ONIONS. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 185 ORPINE # unit T chaptertitle ORPINE. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 186 PARSLEY # unit T chaptertitle PARSLEY. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 187 PARSNIP # unit T chaptertitle PARSNIP. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 188 COW-PARSNEP # unit T chaptertitle COW-PARSNEP. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 189 PEACH-TREE # unit T chaptertitle THE_PEACH-TREE. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 190 PEAR-TREE # unit T chaptertitle THE_PEAR-TREE. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 191 PELLITORY_OF_THE_WALL # unit T chaptertitle PELLITORY_OF_THE_WALL. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 192 PENY-ROYAL # unit T chaptertitle PENY-ROYAL. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 193 PEONY # unit T chaptertitle PEONY,_MAS._&_FEMINA. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 194 PEPPERWORT # unit T chaptertitle PEPPERWORT,_or_DITTANDER. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 195 PERIWINKLE # unit T chaptertitle PERIWINKLE. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 196 ST_PETERS-WORT # unit T chaptertitle ST._PETERS-WORT. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 197 PIMPERNEL # unit T chaptertitle PIMPERNEL. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 198 GROUND_PINE # unit T chaptertitle GROUND_PINE,_or_CHAMEPITYS. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 199 PLANTANE # unit T chaptertitle PLANTANE. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 200 PLUMS # unit T chaptertitle PLUMS. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 201 POLLIPODY_of_the_OAK # unit T chaptertitle POLLIPODY_of_the_OAK. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 202 POPLAR-TREE # unit T chaptertitle THE_POPLAR-TREE. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 203 POPPY # unit T chaptertitle POPPY. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 204 PURSLANE # unit T chaptertitle PURSLANE. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 205 PRIMROSES # unit T chaptertitle PRIMROSES. = # unit P text # ## # chapter 206 PRIVET # unit T chaptertitle PRIVET. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 207 QUINCE-TREE # unit T chaptertitle THE_QUINCE-TREE. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 208 RADISH_HORSE-RADISH # unit T chaptertitle RADISH_and_HORSE-RADISH. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 209 RAGWORT # unit T chaptertitle RAGWORT. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 210 RATTLE-GRASS # unit T chaptertitle RATTLE-GRASS. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 211 REST-HARROW # unit T chaptertitle REST-HARROW,_or_CAMMOAK. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 212 ROCKET # unit T chaptertitle ROCKET. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 213 WINTER_ROCKET # unit T chaptertitle WINTER_ROCKET,_or_CRESSES. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 214 ROSES # unit T chaptertitle ROSES. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 215 ROSA_SOLIS # unit T chaptertitle ROSA_SOLIS,_or_SUN-DEW. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 216 ROSEMARY # unit T chaptertitle ROSEMARY. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 217 RUBARB # unit T chaptertitle RUBARB,_or_RHAPONTICK = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # ## # chapter 218 GARDEN_PATIENCE # unit T chaptertitle GARDEN_PATIENCE,_or_MONKS_RUBARB. = # unit P text # ## # chapter 219 GREAT_ROUND_LEAVD_DOCK # unit T chaptertitle GREAT_ROUND_LEAV'D_DOCK,_or_BASTARD_RUBARB. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 220 MEADOW_RUE # unit T chaptertitle MEADOW_RUE. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 221 GARDEN_RUE # unit T chaptertitle GARDEN_RUE. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 222 RUPTURE_WORT # unit T chaptertitle RUPTURE_WORT. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 223 RUSHES # unit T chaptertitle RUSHES. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # ## # chapter 224 RYE # unit T chaptertitle RYE. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 225 SAFFRON # unit T chaptertitle SAFFRON. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # ## # chapter 226 SAGE # unit T chaptertitle SAGE. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 227 WOOD-SAGE # unit T chaptertitle WOOD-SAGE. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 228 SOLOMONS_SEAL # unit T chaptertitle SOLOMONS_SEAL. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 229 SAMPIRE # unit T chaptertitle SAMPIRE. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 230 SANICLE # unit T chaptertitle SANICLE. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 231 SARAFENS_CONFOUND # unit T chaptertitle SARAFENS_CONFOUND. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 232 SAWCEALONE # unit T chaptertitle SAWCEALONE,_or_JACK_BY_THE_HEDG. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 233 WINTER_AND_SUMMER_SAVORY # unit T chaptertitle WINTER_AND_SUMMER_SAVORY. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 234 COMMON_WHITE_SAXIFRAGE # unit T chaptertitle THE_COMMON_WHITE_SAXIFRAGE. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 235 BURNET_SAXIFRAGE # unit T chaptertitle BURNET_SAXIFRAGE. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 236 SCABIOUS # unit T chaptertitle SCABIOUS,_THREE_SORTS. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 237 SCURVY-GRASS # unit T chaptertitle SCURVY-GRASS. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 238 SELF-HEAL # unit T chaptertitle SELF-HEAL. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 239 SERVICE-TREE # unit T chaptertitle THE_SERVICE-TREE. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 240 SMALLAGE # unit T chaptertitle SMALLAGE. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 241 SOPEWORT # unit T chaptertitle SOPEWORT,_or_BRUISEWORT. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 242 SORREL # unit T chaptertitle SORREL. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 243 WOOD_SORREL # unit T chaptertitle WOOD_SORREL. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 244 SOW-THISTLES # unit T chaptertitle SOW-THISTLES. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 245 SOUTHERNWOOD # unit T chaptertitle SOUTHERNWOOD. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 246 SPIGNEL # unit T chaptertitle SPIGNEL. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 247 SPLEENWORT # unit T chaptertitle SPLEENWORT,_or_CETERACH. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 248 STAR-THISTLE # unit T chaptertitle STAR-THISTLE. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 249 STRAWBERRIES # unit T chaptertitle STRAWBERRIES. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 250 SUCCORY # unit T chaptertitle SUCCORY. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 251 ENGLISH_TOBACCO # unit T chaptertitle ENGLISH_TOBACCO. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 252 TAMARISK_TREE # unit T chaptertitle THE_TAMARISK_TREE. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 253 GARDEN_TANSIE # unit T chaptertitle GARDEN_TANSIE. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 254 WILD_TANSIE # unit T chaptertitle WILD_TANSIE,_or_SILVERWEED. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 255 THISTLES # unit T chaptertitle THISTLES. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 256 MELANCHOLLY_THISTLE # unit T chaptertitle THE_MELANCHOLLY_THISTLE. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 257 OUR_LADIES_THISTLE # unit T chaptertitle OUR_LADIES_THISTLE. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 258 WOOLLEY # unit T chaptertitle THE_WOOLLEY,_or_COTTON_THISTLE. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # ## # chapter 259 FULLERS_THISTLE # unit T chaptertitle THE_FULLERS_THISTLE,_or_TEASEL. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # ## # chapter 260 TREACLE_MUSTARD # unit T chaptertitle TREACLE_MUSTARD. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # ## # chapter 261 METHRIDATE_MUSTARD # unit T chaptertitle METHRIDATE_MUSTARD. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # ## # chapter 262 BLACK-THORNE # unit T chaptertitle THE_BLACK-THORNE,_or_SLOE-BUSH. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 263 THOROUGHWAX # unit T chaptertitle THOROUGHWAX. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 264 TORMENTIL # unit T chaptertitle TORMENTIL. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 265 TURNSOLE # unit T chaptertitle TURNSOLE,_or_HELIOTROPIUM. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 266 MEADOW_TREFOYL # unit T chaptertitle MEADOW_TREFOYL,_or_HONEYSUCKLES. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 267 TUTSAN # unit T chaptertitle TUTSAN,_or_PARK_LEAVES. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 268 GARDEN_VALERIAN # unit T chaptertitle GARDEN_VALERIAN. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 269 VERVAIN # unit T chaptertitle VERVAIN. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 270 VINE # unit T chaptertitle THE_VINE. = # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 271 VIOLETS # unit T chaptertitle VIOLETS. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # ## # chapter 272 VIPERS_BUGLOSS # unit T chaptertitle VIPERS_BUGLOSS. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 273 WALL-FLOWERS # unit T chaptertitle WALL-FLOWERS,_or_WINTER_GILLY-FLOWERS. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 274 WALNUT_TREE # unit T chaptertitle THE_WALNUT_TREE. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 275 WOLD_WELD # unit T chaptertitle WOLD,_WELD,_or_DYERS_WEED. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 276 WHEAT # unit T chaptertitle WHEAT. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 277 WILLOW-TREE # unit T chaptertitle THE_WILLOW-TREE. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 278 WOAD # unit T chaptertitle WOAD. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 279 WOODBINE # unit T chaptertitle WOODBINE,_or_HONEY-SUCKLES. = # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # ## # chapter 280 WORMWOOD # unit T chaptertitle WORMWOOD. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit S sectiontitle # unit G marginalnote #end marginalnote # unit L latinverse # unit E englverse # unit P text # unit E englverse # unit P text # ## # chapter 281 YARROW # unit T chaptertitle YARROW. = # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit P text # part r RECIPES # ## # chapter 1 DIRECTIONS # unit T chaptertitle # unit P text # unit D contentsheader # unit W contentslines # unit D contentsheader # unit W contentslines # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit S sectiontitle # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit P text # unit I textitem # unit I textitem # unit I textitem # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit I textitem # unit I textitem # unit I textitem # unit I textitem # unit I textitem # unit P text # unit P text # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit I textitem # unit I textitem # unit I textitem # unit I textitem # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit P text # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit P text # unit H figtitle # unit P text # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # unit R subsectiontitle # unit P text # part x INDEX # ## # chapter 1 INDEX # unit T chaptertitle # unit Y indexlabel # unit Z indexlines # unit Y indexlabel # unit Z indexlines # unit Y indexlabel # unit Z indexlines # unit Y indexlabel # unit Z indexlines # unit Y indexlabel # unit Z indexlines # unit Y indexlabel # unit Z indexlines # unit Y indexlabel # unit Z indexlines # unit Y indexlabel # unit Z indexlines # unit Y indexlabel # unit Z indexlines # unit Y indexlabel # unit Z indexlines # unit Y indexlabel # unit Z indexlines # unit Y indexlabel # unit Z indexlines # unit Y indexlabel # unit Z indexlines # unit Y indexlabel # unit Z indexlines # unit Y indexlabel # unit Z indexlines # unit Y indexlabel # unit Z indexlines # unit Y indexlabel # unit Z indexlines # unit Y indexlabel # unit Z indexlines # unit Y indexlabel # unit Z indexlines # unit Y indexlabel # unit Z indexlines # unit Y indexlabel # unit Z indexlines