i am the first the last also oone god in mageste meruelus of myght most ffader & son & holy goost on god in trinyte i am without begynnyng my godhede hath none endyng i am god in trone oone god in persons thre which may neuer twynnyd be ffor i am god alone all maner thyng is in my thoght withoutten me ther may be noght ffor all is in my sight hit shall be done after my will that i haue thoght i shall fulfill and manteyn with my myght at the begynnyng of oure dede make we heuen & erth on brede and lyghtys fayre to se ffor it is good to be so darknes from light we parte on two in tyme to serue and be darknes we call the nyght and lith also the bright it shall be as i say after my will this is furth broght euen and morne both ar thay wroght and thus is maid a day in medys the water bi oure assent be now maide the firmament and parte ather from othere water aboue i wis euen and morne maide is this a day so was the tothere waters that so wyde ben spred be gedered to geder in to one stede that dry the erth may seym that at is dry the erth shall be the waters also i call the see this warke to me is queme out of the erth herbys shal spryng trees to florish and frute furth bryng thare kynde that it be kyd this is done after my will even & morn maide is ther till a day this is the thryd son & moyne set in the heuen with starnes & the planettys seuen to stand in thare degre the son to serue the day lyght the moyne also to serue the nyght the fourte day shall this be the water to norish the fysh swymand the erth to norish bestys crepeand that fly or go may multiplye in erth and be in my blyssyng wax now ye this is the fyft day oure lord god in trynyte myrth and lovyng be to the myrth and lovyng ouer al thyng ffor thou has made with thi bidyng heuen & erth and all that is and giffen vs ioy that neuer shall mys lord thou art full mych of myght that has maide lucifer so bright we loue the lord bright ar we bot none of vs so bright as he he may well hight lucifere ffor lufly light that he doth bere he is so lufly and so bright it is grete ioy to se that sight we lofe the lord with all oure thoght that sich thyng can make of noght certys it is a semely sight syn that we ar all angels bright and euer in blis to be if that ye will behold me right this mastre longys to me i am so fare and bright of me commys all this light this gam and all this gle agans my grete myght may nothyng stand ne be and ye well me behold i am a thowsand fold brighter then is the son my strengthe may not be told my myght may no thyng kon in heuen therfor wit i wold above me who shuld won ffor i am lord of blis ouer all this warld i wis my myrth is most of all therfor my will is this master ye shall me call and ye shall se full sone onone how that me semys to sit in trone as kyng of blis i am so semely blode & bone my sete shall be ther as was his say felows how semys now me to sit in seyte of trynyte i am so bright of ich a lym i trow me seme as well as hym thou art so fayre vnto my syght thou semys well to sytt on hight so thynke me that thou doyse i rede ye leyfe that vanys royse ffor that seyte may non angell seme so well as hym that all shall deme i reyde ye sese of that ye sayn ffor well i wote ye carpe in vayne hit semyd hym neuer ne neuer shall so well as hym that has maide all now and bi oght that i can witt he semys full well theron to sytt he is so fayre withoutten les he semys full well to sytt on des therfor felow hold thi peasse and vmbithynke the what thou saysse he semys as well to sytt there as god hymself if he were here leyf felow thynk the not so yee god wote so dos othere mo nay forsoth so thynk not vs now therof a leke what rekys vs syn i my self am so bright therfor will i take a flyght alas alas and wele wo lucifer whi fell thou so we that were angels so fare and sat so hie aboue the ayere now ar we waxen blak as any coyll and vgly tatyrd as a foyll what alyd the lucifer to fall was thou not farist of angels all brightist and best & most of luf with god hym self that syttys aboyf thou has maide neyn there was ten thou art foull comyn from thi kyn thou art fallen that was the teynd ffrom an angell to a feynd thou has vs doyn a vyle dispyte and broght thi self to sorow and sitt alas ther is noght els to say bot we ar tynt for now and ay alas the ioy that we were in haue we lost for oure syn alas that euer cam pride in thought ffor it has broght vs all to noght we were in myrth and ioy enoghe when lucifer to pride drogh alas we may warrie wikkyd pride so may ye all that standys be side we held with hym ther he saide leasse and therfor haue we all vnpeasse alas alas oure ioye is tynt we mon haue payne that neuer shall stynt erthly bestys that may crepe and go bryng ye furth and wax ye mo i se that it is good now make we man to oure liknes that shall be keper of more & les of fowles and fysh in flood spreyte of life i in the blaw good and ill both shall thou knaw rise vp and stand bi me all that is in water or land it shall bow vnto thi hand and sufferan shall thou be i gif the witt i gif the strenght of all thou sees of brede & lengthe thou shall be wonder wise myrth and ioy to haue at will all thi likyng to fulfill and dwell in paradise this i make thi wonnyng playce ffull of myrth and of solace and i seasse the therin it is not good to be alone to walk here in this worthely wone in all this welthly wyn therfor a rib i from the take therof shall be maide thi make and be to thi helpyng ye both to gouerne that here is and euer more to be in blis ye wax in my blissyng ye shall have ioye & blis therin whils ye will kepe you out of syn i say withoutten lese ryse vp myn angell cherubyn take and leyd theym both in and leyf them there in peasse heris thou adam and eue thi wife i forbede you the tre of life and i commaund that it be gat take which ye will bot negh not that adam if thou breke my rede thou shall dye a dulfull dede oure lord oure god thi will be done i shall go with theym full sone ffor soth my lord i shall not sted till i haue theym theder led we thank the lord with full good chere that has maide man to be oure feere com furth adam i shall the leyd take tent to me i shall the reyd i rede the thynk how thou art wroght and luf my lord in all thi thoght that has maide the thrugh his will angels ordir to fulfill many thyngys he has the giffen and maide the master of all that liffen he has forbed the bot a tre look that thou let it be ffor if thou breke his commaundment thou skapys not bot thou be shent weynd here in to paradise and luke now that ye be wyse and kepe you well for i must go vnto my lord ther i cam fro almyghty lord i thank it the that is and was and shall be of thi luf and of thi grace ffor now is here a mery place eue my felow how thynk the this a stede me thynk of ioye and blis that god has giffen to the and me withoutten ende blissyd be he eue felow abide me thore ffor i will go to viset more to se what trees that here been here ar well moo then we have seen gresys and othere small floures that smell full swete of seyr coloures gladly sir i will full fayne when ye haue sene theym com agane bot luke well eue my wife that thou negh not the tree of life ffor if thou do he bese ill paide then be we tynt as he has saide go furth and play the all aboute i shall not negh it while thou art oute ffor be thou sekyr i were full loth ffor any thyng that he were wroth who wend euer this tyme haue seyn we that in sich myrth haue beyn that we shuld suffre so mych wo who wold euer trow it shuld be so ten orders in heuen were of angels that had offyce sere of ich order in thare degre the teynd parte fell downe with me ffor thay held with me that tyde and mantenyd me in my pride bot herkyns felows what i say the ioy that we haue lost for ay god has maide man with his hend to haue that blis withoutten end the neyn ordre to fulfill that after vs left sich is his will and now ar thay in paradise bot thens thay shall if we be wise all hayll all hayll both blithe and glad ffor here com i a mery lad be peasse youre dyn my master bad or els the dwill you spede wote ye not i com before bot who that ianglis any more he must blaw my blak hoill bore' both behynd and before till his tethe blede ffelows here i you forbede to make nother nose ne cry who so is so hardy to do that dede the dwill hang hym vp to dry gedlyngis i am a fulle grete wat a good yoman my master hat ffull well ye all hym ken begyn he with you for to stryfe certis then mon ye neuer thryfe bot i trow bi god on life som of you ar his men bot let youre lippis couer youre ten harlottis euerichon ffor if my master com welcom hym then ffarewell for i am gone io furth greyn horne and war oute gryme drawes on god gif you ill to tyme ye stand as ye were fallen in swyme what will ye no forther mare war let me se how down will draw yit shrew yit pull on a thraw what it semys for me ye stand none aw i say donnyng go fare a ha god gif the soro & care lo now hard she what i saide now yit art thou the warst mare in plogh that euer i haide how pike harnes how com heder belife i fend godis forbot that euer thou thrife what boy shal i both hold and drife heris thou not how i cry say mall and stott will ye not go lemyng morell white horne io now will ye not se how thay hy gog gif the sorow boy want of mete it gars thare prouand sir for thi i lay behynd thare ars and tyes them fast bi the nekis with many stanys in thare hekis that shall bi thi fals chekis and haue agane as right i am thi master wilt thou fight yai with the same mesure and weght that i boro will i qwite we now no thyng bot call on tyte that we had ployde this land harrer morell iofurth hyte and let the plogh stand god as he both may and can spede the brother & thi man com kis myne ars me list not ban as welcom standis ther oute thou shuld haue bide til thou were cald com nar & other drife or hald and kys the dwillis toute go grese thi shepe vnder the toute ffor that is the moste lefe broder ther is none here aboute that wold the any grefe bot leif brother here my sawe it is the custom of oure law all that wyrk as the wise shall worship god with sacrifice oure fader vs bad oure fader vs kend that oure tend shuld be brend com furth brothere and let vs gang to worship god we dwell full lang gif we hym parte of oure fee corne or catall wheder it be and therfor brother let vs weynd and first clens vs from the feynd or we make sacrifice then blis withoutten end get we for oure seruyce of hym that is oure saulis leche how let furth youre geyse the fox will preche how long wilt thou me appech with thi sermonyng hold thi tong yit i say euen ther the good wife strokid the hay or sit downe in the dwill way with thi vayn carpyng shuld i leife my plogh & all thyng and go with the to make offeryng nay thou fyndys me not so mad go to the dwill and say i bad what gifys god the to rose hym so me gifys he noght bot soro and wo caym leife this vayn carpyng ffor god giffys the all thi lifyng yit boroed i neuer a farthyng of hym here my hend brother as elders haue vs kend ffirst shuld we tend with oure hend and to his lofyng sithen be brend my farthyng is in the preest hand syn last tyme i offyrd leif brother let vs be walkand i wold oure tend were profyrd we wherof shuld i tend leif brothere ffor i am ich yere wars then othere here my trouth it is none othere my wynnyngis ar bot meyn no wonder if that i be leyn ffull long till hym i may me meyn ffor bi hym that me dere boght i traw that he will leyn me noght yis all the good thou has in wone of godis grace is bot a lone lenys he me as come thrift apon the so ffor he has euer yit beyn my fo ffor had he my freynd beyn other gatis it had beyn seyn when all mens corn was fayre in feld then was myne not worth a neld when i shuld saw & wantyd seyde and of corn had full grete neyde then gaf he me none of his no more will i gif hym of this hardely hold me to blame bot if i serue hym of the same leif brother say not so bot let vs furth togeder go good brother let vs weynd sone no longer here i rede we hone yei yei thou iangyls waste the dwill me spede if i haue hast as long as i may lif to dele my good or gif ather to god or yit to man of any good that euer i wan ffor had i giffen away my goode then myght i go with a ryffen hood and it is better hold that i haue then go from doore to doore & craue brother com furth in godis name i am full ferd that we get blame hy we fast that we were thore we ryn on in the dwills nayme before wemay man i hold the mad wenys thou now that i list gad to gif away my warldis aght the dwill hym spede that me so taght what nede had i my trauell to lose to were my shoyn & ryfe my hose dere brother hit were grete wonder that i & thou shuld go in sonder then wold oure fader haue grete ferly ar we not brether thou & i no bot cry on cry whyls the thynk good here my trowth i hold the woode wheder that he be blithe or wroth to dele my good is me full lothe i haue gone oft on softer wise ther i trowed som prow wold rise bot well i se go must i nede now weynd before ill myght thou spede syn that we shall algatis go leif brother whi sais thou so bot go we furth both togeder blissid be god we haue fare weder lay downe thi trussell apon this hill fforsoth broder so i will gog of heuen take it to good thou shall tend first if thou were wood god that shope both erth and heuen i pray to the thou here my steven and take in thank if thi will be the tend that i offre here to the ffor i gif it in good entent to the my lord that all has sent i bren it now with stedfast thoght in worship of hym that all has wroght ryse let me now syn thou has done lord of heuen thou here my boyne and ouer godis forbot be to the thank or thew to kun me ffor as browke i thise two shankys it is full sore myne vnthankys the teynd that i here gif to the of corn or thyng that newys me bot now begyn will i then syn i must nede my tend to bren oone shefe oone and this makys two bot nawder of thise may i forgo two two now this is thre yei this also shall leif with me ffor i will chose and best haue this hold i thrift of all this thrafe wemo wemo foure lo here better groved me no this yere at yere tyme i sew fayre corn yit was it sich when it was shorne thystyls & brerys yei grete plente and all kyn wedis that myght be ffoure shefis foure lo this makis fyfe deyll i fast thus long or i thrife ffyfe and sex now this is sevyn bot this gettis neuer god of heuen nor none of thise foure at my myght shall neuer com in godis sight sevyn sevyn now this is aght cain brother thou art not god betaght we therfor is it that i say ffor i will not deyle my good away bot had i gyffen hym this to teynd then wold thou say he were my freynd bot i thynk not bi my hode to departe so lightly fro my goode we aght aght & neyn & ten is this we this may we best mys gif hym that that ligis thore it goyse agans myn hart full sore cam teynd right of all bedeyn we lo twelve fyfteyn sexteyn caym thou tendis wrang and of the warst we com nar and hide myne een in the wenyand wist ye now at last or els will thou that i wynk then shall i doy no wrong me thynk let me se now how it is lo yit i hold me paide i teyndyd wonder well bi ges and so euen i laide came of god me thynke thou has no drede now and he get more the dwill me spede as mych as oone reepe ffor that cam hym full light chepe not as mekill grete ne small as he myght wipe his ars with all ffor that and this that lyys here haue cost me full dere or it was shorne and broght in stak had i many a wery bak therfor aske me no more of this ffor i haue giffen that my will is cam i rede thou tend right ffor drede of hym that sittis on hight how that i tend rek the neuer a deill bot tend thi skabbid shepe wele ffor if thou to my teynd tent take it bese the wars for thi sake thou wold i gaf hym this shefe or this sheyfe na nawder of thise two wil i leife bot take this now has he two and for my saull now mot it go bot it gos sore agans my will and shal he like full ill cam i reyde thou so teynd that god of heuen be thi freynd my freynd na not bot if he will i did hym neuer yit bot skill if he be neuer so my fo i am avisid gif hym no mo bot chaunge thi conscience as i do myn yit teynd thou not thi mesel swyne if thou teynd right thou mon it fynde yei kys the dwills ars behynde the dwill hang the bi the nek how that i teynd neuer thou rek will thou not yit hold thi peasse of this ianglyng i reyde thou seasse and teynd i well or tend i ill bere the euen & speke bot skill bot now syn thou has teyndid thyne now will i set fyr on myne we out haro help to blaw it will not bren for me i traw puf this smoke dos me mych shame now bren in the dwillys name a what dwill of hell is it almost had myne breth beyn dit had i blawen oone blast more i had beyn choked right thore it stank like the dwill in hell that longer ther myght i not dwell cam this is not worth oone leke thy tend shuld bren withoutten smeke com kys the dwill right in the ars for the it brens bot the wars i wold that it were in thi throte ffyr & shefe and ich a sprote cam whi art thou so rebell agans thi brother abell thar thou nowther flyte ne chyde if thou tend right thou gettis thi mede and be thou sekir if thou teynd fals thou bese alowed ther after als whi who is that hob ouer the wall we who was that that piped so small com go we hens for perels all god is out of hys wit com furth abell & let vs weynd me thynk that god is not my freynd on land then will i flyt a caym brother that is ill done no bot go we hens sone and if i may i shall be ther as god shall not me see dere brother i will fayre on feld ther oure bestis ar to looke if thay be holgh or full na na abide we haue a craw to pull hark speke with me or thou go what wenys thou to skape so we na i aght the a fowll dispyte and now is tyme that i hit qwite brother whi art thou so to me in ire we theyf whi brend thi tend so shyre ther myne did bot smoked right as it wold vs both haue choked godis will i trow it were that myn brened so clere if thyne smoked am i to wite we yei that shal thou sore abite with cheke bon or that i blyn shal i the & thi life twyn so lig down ther and take thi rest thus shall shrewes be chastysed best veniance veniance lord i cry for i am slayn & not gilty yei ly ther old shrew ly ther ly and if any of you thynk i did amys i shal it amend wars then it is that all men may it se well wars then it is right so shall it be bot now syn he is broght on slepe into som hole fayn wold i crepe ffor ferd i qwake and can no rede ffor be i taken i be bot dede here will i lig thise fourty dayes and i shrew hym that me fyrst rayse caym caym who is that that callis me i am yonder may thou not se caym where is thi brother abell what askis thou me i trow at hell at hell i trow he be who so were ther then myght he se or somwhere fallen on slepyng when was he in my kepyng caym caym thou was wode the voyce of thi brotheris blode that thou has slayn on fals wise from erth to heuen venyance cryse and for thou has broght thi brother downe here i gif the my malison yei dele aboute the for i will none or take it the when i am gone syn i haue done so mekill syn that i may not thi mercy wyn and thou thus dos me from thi grace i shall hyde me fro thi face and where so any man may fynd me let hym slo me hardely and where so any man may me meyte ayther bi sty or yit bi strete and hardely when i am dede bery me in gudeboure at the quarell hede ffor may i pas this place in quarte bi all men set i not a fart nay caym it bese not so i will that no man other slo ffor he that sloys yong or old it shall be punyshid sevenfold no force i wote wheder i shall in hell i wote mon be my stall it is no boyte mercy to craue ffor if i do i mon none haue bot this cors i wold were hid ffor som man myght com at vngayn ffle fals shrew wold he bid and weyn i had my brother slayn bot were pike harnes my knafe here we shuld bery hym both in fere how pyke harnes scape thryft how pike harnes how master master harstow boy ther is a podyng in the pot take the that boy tak the that i shrew thi ball vnder thi hode if thou were my syre of flesh & blode all the day to ryn and trott and euer amang thou strykeand thus am i comen bofettis to fott peas man i did it bot to vse my hand bot harke boy i haue a counsell to the to say i slogh my brother this same day i pray the good boy and thou may to ryn away with the bayn we out apon the thefe has thou thi brother slayn peasse man for godis payn i saide it for a skaunce yey bot for ferde of grevance here i the forsake we mon haue a mekill myschaunce and the bayles vs take a sir i cry you mercy seasse and i shall make you a releasse what wilt thou cry my peasse thrughout this land yey that i gif god a vow belife how will thou do long or thou thrife stand vp my good boy belife and thaym peasse both man & wife and who so will do after me ffull slape of thrift then shal he be bot thou must be my good boy and cry oyes oyes oy browes browes to thi boy i commaund you in the kyngis nayme and in my masteres fals cayme that no man at thame fynd fawt ne blame yey cold rost is at my masteres hame nowther with hym nor with his knafe what i hope my master rafe ffor thay ar trew full many fold my master suppys no coyle bot cold the kyng wrytis you vntill yit ete i neuer half my fill the kyng will that thay be safe yey a draght of drynke fayne wold i hayfe at thare awne will let tham wafe my stomak is redy to receyfe loke no man say to theym on nor other this same is he that slo his brother byd euery man thaym luf and lowt yey ill spon weft ay comes foule out long or thou get thi hoyse and thou go thus aboute byd euery man theym pleasse to pay yey gif don thyne hors a wisp of hay we com downe in twenty dwill way the dwill i the betake ffor bot it were abell my brothere yit knew i neuer thi make now old and yong or that ye weynd the same blissyng withoutten end all sam then' shall ye haue that god of heuen my master has giffen browke it well whils that ye liffen he vowche it full well safe com downe yit in the dwillis way and angre me no more and take yond plogh i say and weynd the furth fast before and i shall if i may tech the another lore i warn the lad for ay ffro now furth euermore that thou greue me noght ffor bi godis sydis if thou do i shall hang the apon this plo with this rope lo lad lo by hym that me dere boght now fayre well felows all ffor i must nedis weynd and to the dwill be thrall warld withoutten end ordand ther is my stall with sathanas the feynd euer ill myght hym befall that theder me commend this tyde ffare well les & fare well more ffor now and euer more i will go me to hyde myghtfull god veray maker of all that is thre persons withoutten nay oone god in endles blis thou maide both nyght & day beest fowle & fysh all creatures that lif may wroght thou at thi wish as thou wel myght the son the moyne verament thou maide the firmament the sternes also full feruent to shyne thou maide ful bright angels thou maide ful euen all orders that is to haue the blis in heuen this did thou more & les ffull mervelus to neuen yit was ther vnkyndnes more bi foldis seuen then i can well expres ffor whi of all angels in brightnes god gaf lucifer most lightnes yit prowdly he flyt his des and set hym euen hym by he thoght hymself as worthi as hym that hym made in brightnes in bewty therfor he hym degrade put hym in a low degre soyn after in a brade hym and all his menye wher he may be vnglad ffor euer shall thay neuer wyn away hence vnto domysday bot burne in bayle for ay shall thay neuer dysseuer soyne after that gracyous lord to his liknes maide man that place to be restord euen as he began of the trinite bi accord adam & eue that woman to multiplie without discord in paradise put he thaym and sithen to both gaf in commaundement on the tre of life to lay no hend bot yit the fals feynd made hym with man wroth entysyd man to glotony styrd him to syn in pride bot in paradise securly myght no syn abide and therfor man full hastely was put out in that tyde in wo & wandreth for to be in paynes full vnrid to knawe ffyrst in erth in sythen in hell with feyndis for to dwell bot he his mercy mell to those that will hym trawe oyle of mercy he hus hight as i haue hard red to euery lifyng wight that wold luf hym and dred bot now before his sight euery liffyng leyde most party day and nyght syn in word and dede ffull bold som in pride ire and enuy som in couetyse & glotyny som in sloth and lechery and other wise many fold therfor i drede lest god on vs will take veniance ffor syn is now alod without any repentance sex hundreth yeris & od haue i without distance in erth as any sod liffyd with grete grevance all way and now i wax old seke sory and cold as muk apon mold i widder away bot yit will i cry for mercy and call noe thi seruant am i lord ouer all therfor me and my fry shal with me fall saue from velany and bryng to thi hall in heuen and kepe me from syn this warld within comly kyng of mankyn i pray the here my stevyn syn i haue maide all thyng that is liffand duke emperour and kyng with myne awne hand ffor to haue thare likyng bi see & bi sand euery man to my bydyng shuld be bowand ffull feruent that maide man sich a creatoure ffarest of favoure man must luf me paramoure by reson and repent me thoght i shewed man luf when i made hym to be all angels abuf like to the trynyte and now in grete reprufe full low ligis he in erth hymself to stuf with syn that displeasse me most of all veniance will i take in erth for syn sake my grame thus will i wake both of grete and small i repente full sore that euer maide i man bi me he settis no store and i am his soferan i will distroy therfor both beest man and woman all shall perish les and more that bargan may thay ban that ill has done in erth i se right noght bot syn that is vnsoght of those that well has wroght ffynd i bot a fone therfor shall i fordo all this medill erd with floodis that shall flo & ryn with hidous rerd i haue good cause therto ffor me no man is ferd as i say shal i do of veniance draw my swerd and make end of all that beris life sayf noe and his wife ffor that wold neuer stryfe with me ne me offend hym to mekill wyn hastly will i go to noe my seruand or i blyn to warn hym of his wo in erth i se bot syn reynand to and fro emang both more & myn ichon other fo with all thare entent all shall i fordo with floodis that shall floo wirk shall i thaym wo that will not repent noe my freend i thee commaund from cares the to keyle a ship that thou ordand of nayle and bord ful wele thou was alway well wirkand to me trew as stele to my bydyng obediand frendship shal thou fele to mede of lennthe thi ship be thre hundreth cubettis warn i the of heght euen thrirte of fyfty als in brede anoynt thi ship with pik and tar without & als within the water out to spar this is a noble gyn look no man the mar thre chese chambres begyn thou must spend many a spar this wark or thou wyn to end fully make in thi ship also parloures oone or two and houses of offyce mo ffor beestis that ther must be oone cubite on hight a wyndo shal thou make on the syde a doore with slyght be neyth shal thou take with the shal no man fyght nor do the no kyn wrake when all is doyne thus right thi wife that is thi make take in to the thi sonnes of good fame sem iaphet and came take in also hame thare wifis also thre ffor all shal be fordone that lif in land bot ye with floodis that from abone shal fall & that plente it shall begyn full sone to rayn vncessantle after dayes seuen be done and induyr dayes fourty withoutten fayll take to thi ship also of ich kynd beestis two mayll & femayll bot no mo or thou pull vp thi sayll ffor thay may the avayll when al this thyng is wroght stuf thi ship with vitayll ffor hungre that ye perish noght of beestis foull and catayll ffor thaym haue thou in thoght ffor thaym is my counsayll that som socour be soght in hast thay must haue corn and hay and oder mete alway do now as i the say in the name of the holy gast a what art thou that thus tellys afore that shall be thou art full mervelus tell me for charite thi name so gracius my name is of dignyte and also full glorius to knawe i am god most myghty oone god in trynyty made the and ich man to be to luf me well thou awe i thank the lord so dere that wold vowch sayf thus low to appere to a symple knafe blis vs lord here for charite i hit crafe the better may we stere the ship that we shall hafe certayn noe to the and to thi fry my blyssyng graunt i ye shall wax and multiply and fill the erth agane when all thise floodis ar past and fully gone away lord homward will i hast as fast as that i may my wife will i frast what she will say and i am agast that we get som fray betwixt vs both ffor she is full tethee ffor litill oft angre if any thyng wrang be soyne is she wroth god spede dere wife how fayre ye now as euer myght i thryfe the wars i thee see do tell me belife where has thou thus long be to dede may we dryfe or lif for the ffor want when we swete or swynk thou dos what thou thynk yit of mete and of drynk haue we veray skant wife we ar hard sted with tythyngis new bot thou were worthi be cled in stafford blew ffor thou art alway adred be it fals or trew bot god knowes i am led and that may i rew ffull ill ffor i dar be thi borow ffrom euen vnto morow thou spekis euer of sorow god send the onys thi fill we women may wary all ill husbandis i haue oone bi mary that lowsyd me of my bandis if he teyn i must tary how so euer it standis with seymland full sory wryngand both my handis ffor drede bot yit other while what with gam & with gyle i shall smyte and smyle and qwite hym his mede we hold thi tong ram skyt or i shall the still by my thryft if thou smyte i shal turne the vntill we shall assay as tyte haue at the gill apon the bone shal it byte a so mary thou smytis ill bot i suppose i shal not in thi det fflyt of this flett take the ther a langett to tye vp thi hose a wilt thou so mary that is myne thou shal thre for two i swere bi godis pyne and i shall qwyte the tho in fayth or syne out apon the ho thou can both byte and whyne with a rerd ffor all if she stryke yit fast will she skryke in fayth i hold none slyke in all medill erd bot i will kepe charyte ffor i haue at do here shal no man tary the i pray the go to ffull well may we mys the as euer haue i ro to spyn will i dres me we fare well lo bot wife pray for me besele to eft i com vnto the euen as thou prays for me as euer myght i thrife i tary full lang fro my warke i traw now my gere will i fang and thederward draw i may full ill gang the soth for to knaw bot if god help amang i may sit downe daw to ken now assay will i how i can of wrightry to begyn of this tree my bonys will i bend i traw from the trynyte socoure will be send it fayres full fayre thynk me this wark to my hend now blissid be he that this can amend lo here the lenght thre hundreth cubettis euenly of breed lo is it fyfty the heght is euen thyrty cubettis full strenght now my gowne will i cast and wyrk in my cote make will i the mast or i flyt oone foote a my bak i traw will brast this is a sory note hit is wonder that i last sich an old dote all dold to begyn sich a wark my bonys ar so stark no wonder if thay wark ffor i am full old the top and the sayll both will i make the helme and the castell also will i take to drife ich a nayll will i not forsake this gere may neuer fayll that dar i vndertake onone this is a nobull gyn thise nayles so thay ryn thoro more and myn thise bordis ichon wyndow and doore euen as he saide thre ches chambre thay ar well maide pyk & tar full sure ther apon laide this will euer endure therof am i paide ffor why it is better wroght then i coude haif thoght hym that maide all of noght i thank oonly now will i hy me and no thyng be leder my wife and my meneye to bryng euen heder tent hedir tydely wife and consider hens must vs fle all sam togeder in hast whi syr what alis you who is that asalis you to fle it avalis you and ye be agast ther is garn on the reyll other my dame tell me that ich a deyll els get ye blame he that cares may keill blissid be his name he has for oure seyll to sheld vs fro shame and sayd all this warld aboute with floodis so stoute that shall ryn on a route shall be ouerlaide he saide all shall be slayn bot oonely we oure barnes that ar bayn and thare wifis thre a ship he bad me ordayn to safe vs & oure fee therfor with all oure mayn thank we that fre beytter of bayll hy vs fast go we thedir i wote neuer whedir i dase and i dedir ffor ferd of that tayll be not aferd haue done trus sam oure gere that we be ther or none without more dere it shall be done full sone brether help to bere ffull long shall i not hoyne to do my devere brether sam without any yelp at my myght shall i help yit for drede of a skelp help well thi dam now ar we there as we shuld be do get in oure gere oure catall and fe in to this vessell here my chylder fre i was neuer bard ere as euer myght i the in sich an oostre as this in fath i can not fynd which is before which is behynd bot shall we here be pynd noe as haue thou blis dame as it is skill here must vs abide grace therfor wife with good will com into this place sir for iak nor for gill will i turne my face till i haue on this hill spon a space on my rok well were he myght get me now will i downe set me yit reede i no man let me ffor drede of a knok behold to the heuen the cateractes all that are open full euen grete and small and the planettis seuen left has thare stall thise thoners and levyn downe gar fall ffull stout both halles and bowers castels and towres ffull sharp ar thise showers that renys aboute therfor wife haue done com into ship fast yei noe go cloute thi shone the better will thai last good moder com in sone ffor all is ouer cast both the son and the mone and many wynd blast ffull sharp thise floodis so thay ryn therfor moder come in in fayth yit will i spyn all in vayn ye carp if ye like ye may spyn moder in the ship now is this twyys com in dame on my frenship wheder i lose or i wyn in fayth thi felowship set i not a pyn this spyndill will i slip apon this hill or i styr oone fote peter i traw we dote without any more note come in if ye will yei water nyghys so nere that i sit not dry into ship with a byr therfor will i hy ffor drede that i drone here dame securly it bees boght full dere ye abode so long by out of ship i will not for thi bydyng go from doore to mydyng in fayth and for youre long taryyng ye shal lik on the whyp spare me not i pray the bot euen as thou thynk thise grete wordis shall not flay me abide dame and drynk ffor betyn shall thou be with this staf to thou stynk ar strokis good say me what say ye wat wynk speke cry me mercy i say therto say i nay bot thou do bi this day thi hede shall i breke lord i were at ese and hertely full hoylle might i onys haue a measse of wedows coyll ffor thi saull without lese shuld i dele penny doyll so wold mo no frese that i se on this sole of wifis that ar here ffor the life that thay leyd wold thare husbandis were dede ffor as euer ete i brede so wold i oure syre were yee men that has wifis whyls they ar yong if ye luf youre lifis chastice thare tong me thynk my hert ryfis both levyr and long to se sich stryfis wedmen emong bot i as haue i blys shall chastyse this yit may ye mys nicholl nedy i shall make the still as stone begynnar of blunder i shall bete the bak and bone and breke all in sonder out alas i am gone oute apon the mans wonder se how she can grone and i lig vnder bot wife in this hast let vs ho ffor my bak is nere in two and i am bet so blo that i may not thryfe a whi fare ye thus ffader and moder both ye shuld not be so spitus standyng in sich a woth thise ar so hidus with many a cold coth we will do as ye bid vs we will no more be wroth dere barnes now to the helme will i hent and to my ship tent i se on the firmament me thynk the seven starnes this is a grete flood wife take hede so me thoght as i stode we ar in grete drede thise wawghes ar so wode help god in this nede as thou art stere man good and best as i rede of all thou rewle vs in this rase as thou me behete hase this is a perlous case help god when we call wife tent the stere tre and i shall asay the depnes of the see that we bere if i may that shall i do ful wysely now go thi way ffor apon this flood haue we flett many day with pyne now the water will i sownd a it is far to the grownd this trauell i expownd had i to tyne aboue all hillys bedeyn the water is rysen late cubettis fyfteyn bot in a highter state it may not be i weyn for this well i wate this forty dayes has rayn beyn it will therfor abate full lele this water in hast eft will i tast now am i agast it is wanyd a grete dele now are the weders cest and cateractes knyt both the most and the leest me thynk bi my wit the son shynes in the eest lo is not yond it we shuld haue a good feest were thise floodis flyt so spytus we haue been here all we thre hundreth dayes and fyfty yei now wanys the see lord well is vs the thryd tyme will i prufe what depnes we bere now long shall thou hufe lay in thy lyne there i may towch with my lufe the grownd evyn here then begynnys to grufe to vs mery chere bot husband what grownd may this be the hyllys of armonye now blissid be he that thus for vs can ordand i see toppys of hyllys he many at a syght no thyng to let me the wedir is so bright thise ar of mercy tokyns full right dame thi counsell me what fowll best myght and cowth with flight of wyng bryng without taryying of mercy som tokynyng ayther bi north or southe ffor this is the fyrst day of the tent moyne the ravyn durst i lay will com agane sone as fast as thou may cast hym furth haue done he may happyn to day com agane or none with grath i will cast out also dowfys oone or two go youre way go god send you som wathe now ar thise fowles flone into seyr countre pray we fast ichon kneland on our kne to hym that is alone worthiest of degre that he wold send anone oure fowles som fee to glad vs thai may not fayll of land the water is so wanand thank we god all weldand that lord that made vs it is a wonder thyng me thynk sothle thai ar so long taryyng the fowles that we cast out in the mornyng syr it may be thai tary to thay bryng the ravyn is a hungrye all way he is without any reson and he fynd any caryon as peraventure may befon he will not away the dowfe is more gentill her trust i vntew like vnto the turtill for she is ay trew hence bot a litill she commys lew lew she bryngys in her bill som novels new behald it is of an olif tre a branch thynkys me it is soth perde right so is it cald doufe byrd full blist ffayre myght the befall thou art trew for to trist as ston in the wall full well i it wist thou wold com to thi hall a trew tokyn ist we shall be sauyd all ffor whi the water syn she com of depnes plom is fallen a fathom and more hardely thise floodis ar gone fader behold ther is left right none and that be ye bold as still as a stone oure ship is stold apon land here anone that we were fayn i wold my childer dere sem japhet and cam with gle and with gam com go we all sam we will no longer abide here here haue we beyn noy long enogh with tray and with teyn and dreed mekill wogh behald on this greyn nowder cart ne plogh is left as i weyn nowder tre then bogh ne other thyng bot all is away many castels i say grete townes of aray fflitt has this flowyng thise floodis not afright all this warld so wide has mevid with myght on se and bi side to dede ar thai dyght prowdist of pryde euer ich a wyght that euer was spyde with syn all ar thai slayn and put vnto payn ffrom thens agayn may thai neuer wyn wyn no i wis bot he that myght hase wold myn of thare mys & admytte thaym to grace as he in bayll is blis i pray hym in this space in heven hye with his to purvaye vs a place that we with his santis in sight and his angels bright may com to his light amen for charite adonay thou god veray thou here vs when we to the call as thou art he that best may thou art most socoure and help of all mightfull lord to the i pray let onys the oyle of mercy fall shall i neuer abide that day truly yit i hope i shall mercy lord omnipotent long syn he this warld has wroght wheder ar all oure elders went this musys mekill in my thoght ffrom adam vnto eue assent ete of that appyll sparid he noght ffor all the wisdom that he ment ffull dere that bargan has he boght ffrom paradise thai bad hym gang he went mowrnyng with symple chere and after liffyd he here full lang more then thre hundreth yere in sorow and in trauell strang and euery day he was in were his childre angred hym amang caym slo abell was hym full dere sithen noe that was trew and good his and his chyldre thre was saued when all was flood that was a wonder thyng to se and loth fro sodome when he yode thre cytees brent yit eschapyd he thus for thai menged my lordis mode he vengid syn thrugh his pauste' when i thynk of oure elders all and of the mervels that has been no gladnes in my hart may fall my comfort goys away full cleyn lord when shall dede make me his thrall an hundreth yeris certis haue i seyn ma fa sone i hope he shall ffor it were right hie tyme i weyn yit adam is to hell gone and ther has ligen many a day and all oure elders euerychon thay ar gone the same way vnto god will here thare mone now help lord adonay ffor certis i can no better wone and ther is none that better may i will help adam and his kynde might i luf and lewte fynd wold thay to me be trew and blyn of thare pride and of thare syn my seruand i will found & frast abraham if he be trast on certan wise i will hym proue if he to me be trew of louf abraham abraham who is that war let me se i herd oone neven my name it is i take tent to me that fourmed thi fader adam and euery thyng in it degre to here thi will redy i am and to fulfill what euer it be of mercy haue i herd thi cry thi devoute prayers haue me bun if thou me luf look that thou hy vnto the land of visyon and the thryd day be ther bid i and take with the isaac thi son as a beest to sacryfy to slo hym look thou not shon and bren hym ther to thyn offerand a lovyd be thou lord in throne hold ouer me lord thy holy hand ffor certis thi bidyng shall be done blissyd be that lord in euery land wold viset his seruand thus so soyn ffayn wold i this thyng ordand ffor it profettis noght to hoyne this commaundement must i nedis fulfill if that my hert wax hevy as leyde shuld i offend my lordis will nay yit were i leyffer my child were dede what so he biddis me good or ill that shall be done in euery steede both wife and child if he bid spill i wille not do agans his rede wist isaac wher so he were he wold be abast now how that he is in dangere isaac son wher art thou all redy fader lo me here now was i commyng vnto you i luf you mekill fader dere and dos thou so i wold wit how lufis thou me son as thou has saide yei fader with all myn hart more then all that euer was maide god hold me long youre life in quart now who would not be glad that had a child so lufand as thou art thi lufly chere makis my hert glad and many a tyme so has it gart go home son com sone agane and tell thi moder i com ful fast so now god the saif and sayne now well is me that he is past alone right here in this playn might i speke to myn hart brast i wold that all were well ful fayn bot it must nedis be done at last and it is good that i be war to be avised full good it were the land of vision is ful far the thrid day end must i be there myn ase shall with vs if it thar to bere oure harnes les & more ffor my son may be slayn no nar a swerd must with vs yit therfore and i shall found to make me yare this nyght will i begyn my way thof isaac be neuer so fayre and myn awn son the soth to say and thof he be myn right haire and all shuld weld after my day godis bydyng shall i not spare shuld i that ganstand we nay ma fay isaac sir luke thou be bowne ffor certan son thi self and i we two must now weynd furth of towne in far country to sacrifie ffor certan skyllys and encheson take wod and fyere with the in hy bi hillys and dayllys both vp & downe son thou shal ride and i will go bi looke thou mys noght that thou shuld nede do make the redy my darlyng i am redy to do this dede and euer to fulfill youre bydyng my dere son look thou haue no drede we shal com home with grete lovyng both to & fro i shal vs lede com now son in my blyssyng ye two here with this asse abide ffor isaac & i will to yond hill it is so hie we may not ride therfor ye two shal abide here still sir ye ow not to be denyed we ar redy youre bydyng to fulfill what so euer to vs betide to do youre bidyng ay we will godis blyssyng haue ye both in fere i shall not tary long you fro sir we shal abide you here oute of this stede shall we not go childre ye ar ay to me full dere i pray god kepe you euer fro wo we will do sir as ye vs lere isaac now ar we bot we two we must go a full good paase ffor it is farther than i wend we shall make myrth & grete solace bi this thyng be broght to end lo my son here is the place wod and fyere ar in my hend tell me now if ye haue space where is the beest that shuld be brend now son i may no longer layn sich will is into myne hart went thou was euer to me full bayn euer to fulfill myn entent bot certanly thou must be slayn and it may be as i haue ment i am hevy and nothyng fayn thus hastely that shall be shent isaac sir com heder bid i thou shal be dede what so euer betide a fader mercy mercy that i say may not be denyde take thi dede therfor mekely a good sir abide ffader what son to do youre will i am redy where so euer ye go or ride if i may oght ouertake youre will syn i haue trepast i wold be bet isaac what sir good son be still ffader what son think on thi get what haue i done truly none ill and shall be slayn so haue i het sir what may help certis no skill i ask mercy that may not let when i am dede and closed in clay who shall then be youre son a lord that i shuld abide this day sir who shall do that i was won speke no sich wordis son i the pray shall ye me slo i trow i mon lyg still i smyte sir let me say now my dere child thou may not shon the shynyng of youre bright blayde it gars me quake for ferde to dee therfor groflyngis thou shall be layde then when i stryke thou shal not se what haue i done fader what haue i saide truly no kyns ill to me and thus gyltles shall be arayde now good son let sich wordis be i luf you ay so do i the ffader what son let now be seyn ffor my moder luf let be let be it will not help that thou wold meyn bot ly styll till i com to the i mys a lytyll thyng i weyn he spekis so rufully to me that water shotis in both myn eeyn i were leuer than all wardly wyn that i had fon hym onys vnkynde bot no defawt i faund hym in i wold be dede for hym or pynde to slo hym thus i thynk grete syn so rufull wordis i with hym fynd i am full wo that we shuld twyn ffor he will neuer oute of my mynd what shal i to his moder say ffor where is he tyte will she spyr if i tell hir ron away hir answere bese belife nay sir and i am ferd hir for to slay i ne wote what i shal say till hir he lyys full still ther as he lay ffor to i com dar he not styr angell hy with all thi mayn to abraham thou shall be sent say isaac shall not be slayn he shall lif and not be brent my bydyng standis he not agane go put hym out of his intent byd hym go home agane i know well how he ment gladly lord i am redy thi bidyng shall be magnyfyed i shall me spede ful hastely the to obeye at euery tyde thi will thi name to glorifye ouer all this warld so wide and to thi seruand now in hy good trew abraham will i glyde bot myght i yit of wepyng sese till i had done this sacrifice it must nedis be withoutten lesse thof all i carpe on this kyn wise the more my sorow it will incres when i look to hym i gryse i will ryn on a res and slo hym here right as he lyse abraham abraham who is ther now war let the go stand vp now stand thi good will com i to alow therfor i byd the hold thi hand say who bad so any bot thou yei god & sendis this beest to thyn offerand i speke with god latter i trow and doyng he me commaund he has persauyd thy mekenes and thi good will also iwis he will thou do thi son no distres ffor he has graunt to the his blys bot wote thou well that it is as thou has sayd i say the yis i thank the lord well of goodnes that all thus has relest me this to speke with the haue i no space with my dere son till i haue spokyn my good son thou shal haue grace on the now will i not be wrokyn ryse vp now with thi frely face sir shall i lif yei this to tokyn son thou has skapid a full hard grace thou shuld haue beyn both brent & brokyn bot fader shall i not be slayn no certis son then am i glad good sir put vp youre sword agayn nay hardely son be thou not adrad is all for geyn yei son certan ffor ferd sir was i nere hand mad com nere son and kys me that i may feyle the smell of the the smell of my son is lyke to a feld with flouris or hony bike where art thou esaw my son here fader and askis youre benyson the blyssyng my fader gaf to me god of heuen & i gif the god gif the plente grete of wyne of oyll and of whete and graunt thi childre all to worship the both grete and small who so the blyssys blyssed be he who so the waris wared be he now has thou my grete blyssyng loue the shall all thyne ofspryng go now wheder thou has to go graunt mercy sir i will do so haue ete fader of myn huntyng and gif me sythen your blyssyng who is that i youre son esaw bryngis you venyson who was that was right now here and broght me bruet of a dere i ete well and blyssyd hym and he is blyssyd ich a lym alas i may grete and sob thou art begylyd thrugh iacob that is thyne awne german brother haue ye kepyd me none other blyssyng then ye set hym one sich another haue i none bot god gif the to thyn handband the dew of heuen & frute of land other then this can i not say now alas and walo way may i with that tratoure mete my faders dayes shall com with grete and my moders also may i hym mete i shall hym slo isaac it were my deth if iacob weddeth in kynd of heth i will send hym to aran there my brothere dwellys laban and there may he serue in peasse till his brother's wrath will seasse why shuld i apon a day loyse both my sonnes better nay thou says soth wife call hym heder and let vs tell hym where & wheder that he may fle esaw that vs both hetis bale to brew iacob son thi fader & i wold speke with the com stand vs by out of contry must thou fle that esaw slo not the whederward shuld i go dame to mesopotameam to my brothere and thyn eme that dwellys besyde iordan streme and ther may thou with hym won to esaw myne other son fforget and all his wrath be dede i will go fader at youre rede yei son do as thi moder says com kys vs both & weynd thi ways haue good day sir and dame god sheld the son from syn and shame and gif the grace good man to be and send me glad tythygis to the help me lord adonay and hald me in the right way to mesopotameam ffor i cam neuer or now where i am i cam neuer here in this contre lord of heuen thou help me ffor i haue maide me in this strete sore bonys & warkand feete the son is downe what is best her purpose i all nyght to rest vnder my hede this ston shal ly a nyghtis rest take will i iacob iacob thi god i am of thi forfader abraham and of thi fader isaac i shall the blys for thare sake this land that thou slepys in i shall the gif and thi kyn i shall thi seede multyply as thyk as powder on erth may ly the kynd of the shall sprede wide ffrom eest to west on euery syde ffrom the south vnto the north all that i say i shall forth and all the folkis of thyne ofspryng shal be blyssyd of thy blyssyng iacob haue thou no kyns drede i shall the clethe i shall the fede whartfull shall i make thi gate i shal the help erly and late and all in qwart shall i bryng the home agane to thi countre i shall not fayll be thou bold bot i shall do as i haue told a lord what may this mene what haue i herd in slepe and sene that god leynyd hym to a stegh and spake to me it is no leghe and now is here none othere gate bot godis howse and heuens yate lord how dredfull is this stede ther i layde downe my hede in godis lovyng i rayse this stone and oyll will i putt theron lord of heuen that all wote here to the i make a hote if thou gif me mete and foode and close to body as i behoued and bryng me home to kyth and kyn by the way that i walk in without skathe and in quarte i promyse to the with stedfast hart as thou art lord and god myne and i iacob thi trew hyne this stone i rayse in sygne to day shall i hold holy kyrk for ay and of all that newes me rightwys tend shall i gif the a my fader god of heuen that saide to me thrugh thi steven when i in aran was dwelland that i shuld turne agane to land ther i was both fed and borne warnyd thou me lord beforne as i went toward aran with my staff and passyd iordan and now i come agane to kyth with two ostes of men me with thou hete me lord to do well with me to multyplye my seede as sand of see thou saue me lord thrugh vertew ffrom veniance of esaw that he slo not for old greme these moders with thare barne teme oure anguysh sir is many fold syn that oure messyngere vs told that esaw wold you slo with foure hundreth men and mo ffor soth rachell i haue hym sent of many beestis sere present may tyde he will oure giftis take and right so shall his wrath slake where ar oure thyngis ar thay past iordan go and look sir as ye can the day spryngis now lett me go nay nay i will not so bot thou blys me or thou gang if i may i shall hold the lang in tokynyng that thou spekis with me i shall toche now thi thee that halt shall thou euermore bot thou shall fele no sore what is thy name thou me tell iacob nay bot israell syn thou to me sich strengthe may kythe to men of erth thou must be stythe what is thy name whi askis thou it wonderfull if thou wil wyt a blys me lord i shall the blys and be to the full propyce and gyf the my blyssyng for ay as lord and he that all may i shall grayth thi gate and full well ordeyn thi state when thou has drede thynk on me and thou shal full well saynyd be and look thou trow well my sayes and farewell now the day dayes now haue i a new name israell this place shall hight fanuell ffor i haue seyn in this place god of heuen face to face iacob lo we haue tythand that esaw is here at hand rachell stand thou in the last eschele ffor i wold thou were sauyd wele call ioseph and beniamin and let theym not fro the twyn if it be so that esaw vs before all to hew ye that ar here the last ye may be sauyd if ye fle fast i pray the lord as thou me het thou saue me and my gete welcom brother to kyn and kyth thi wife and childre that comes the with how has thou faren in far land tell me now som good tythand well my brother esaw if that thi men no bale me brew wemo felows hold youre hend ye se that i and he ar frend and frenship here will we fulfill syn that it is godis will god yeld you brothere that it so is that thou thi hyne so wold kys nay iacob my dere brothere i shall the tell all anothere thou art my lord thrugh destyny go we togeder both thou and i to my fader and his wife that lofys the brother as thare lyfe all ye folk of israell herkyn to me i will you tell tythyngis farly goode all wote ys how it be fell wherfor adam was dampnyd to hell he and all his blode therfor will god styr and rayse a prophete in som man dayes of oure brethere kyn and all trowes as he says and will walk in his ways ffrom hell he will theym twyn when his tyme begynnys to day i rede no man fro hym dray in way ne stand on strut ffor he that will not here his sagh he be shewed as an out lagh and from his folkis be putt i warne you well that same prophete shall com hereafterward full swete and many meruels shew man shall fall till his feete ffor cause he can bales beete thrugh his awn thew all that will in trowth ren shall he saue i warne you then trust shall his name be bot all ouer will man prophete ken with worship amangis men bot in his awne countre herkyns all both yong and old god that has all in wold gretys you bi me his commaundementis ar ten behold ye that ar his men here ye may theym se his commaundementis that i haue broght looke that ye hold thaym noght ffor tryfyls ne for fables ffor ye shall well vnderstand that god wrote theym with his hand in thyse same tables ye that thyse in hart will hald vnto heuen shall ye be cald that is fyrst to com and ye that will not do so till hell pyne mon ye go and byde a bytter dome do now as i shall you wys the fyrst commaundement is this that i shall you say make no god of stok ne stone and trow in none god bot oone that mayde both nyght and day anothere bydis thou shall not swere ffor no mede ne for no dere ffalsly bi godis name if thou swere wrongwosly wit thou well and wytterly thou art worthi grete blame the thyrd is thou shall well yheme thi holy day and serue to wheme god with all thi hart the fourt commaundement is bi tayll ffader and moder worship thou shall in pouert and in qwarte the fyft commaundis thou shall forsake ffornycacyon and take the a make and lyf in rightwys state the sext commaundis thou shal not be man sloer for gold ne fee ne for luf ne for hate the seuenth commaundis that thou shall leue and nather go to stele ne reue ffor more then for les the aght bydis both old and yong that thay be traw of thare tong and bere no fals witnes the nenth bydis the bi thi lif thou desyre not thi neghbur's wife ne mayden that is his the tent bidis the for no case desyre not wranwosly thyng thi neghbur has do thus and do no mys i am the same man that god chase and toke the ten commaundementis of peasse in the monte synay thise wordis i say ar no les my name is callyd moyses and haue now all good day herkyn all that here may and perceyf well what i shall say all with rightwisnes loke ye put it not away bot thynk theron both nyght and day ffor it is sothfastnes iesse son ye wote i am dauid is my right name and i bere crowne bot ye me trow ye ar to blame of israel both wyld and tame i haue in my bondon as god of heuen has gyffyn me wit shall i now syng you a fytt with my mynstrelsy loke ye do it well in wrytt and theron a knot knytt ffor it is prophecy myrth i make till all men with my harp and fyngers ten and warn theym that thay glad ffor god will that his son down send that wroght adam with his hend and heuen and erth mayde he will lyght fro heuen towre ffor to be mans saueyoure and saue that is forlorne ffor that i harp and myrth make is for he will manhede take i tell you thus beforne and thider shall he ren agane as gyant of mych mayne vnto the hyest sete ther is nawther kyng ne swayn then no thyng that may hym layn ne hyde from his hete he shall be lord and kyng of all tyll hys feete shall kyngis fall to offre to hym wytterly blyssyd be that swete blome that shall saue vs at his com ioyfull may we be riche gyftis thay shall hym bryng and till hym make offeryng kneland on thare kne well were hym that that lordyng and that dere derlyng myght bide on lyfe and se men may know hym bi his marke myrth and lovyng is his warke that shall he luf most lyght shall be born that tyme in darke both to lawd man and to clark the luf of rightwys gost therfor both emperoure and kyng ryche and poore both old and ying temper well youre gle agans that kyng lyght downe ffor to lowse vs of pryson and make vs all free thou shew thi mercy lord tyll vs ffor to thou com to hell we trus we may not go beside lord when thi will is for to dele tyll us thi salue and thi hele whom we all abyde now haue i songen you a fytt loke in mynd that ye haue it i rede with my myght he that maide vs all with his wytt sheld vs all from hell pytt and graunt vs heuen lyght who so wyll here tythyngis glad of hym that all this warld made here me wytterly sibill sage is my name bot ye me here ye ar to blame my word is prophecy all men was slayn thrugh adam syn and put to pyne that neuer shall blyn thrugh falsnes of the feynd a new kyng comes from heuen to fyght agans the feynd to wyn his right so is his mercy heynd all the warld shall he deme and that haue seruyd hym to wheme myrth thaym mon betyde all shall se hym with thare ee ryche and poore low and hye no man may hym hyde bot thay shall in thare flesh ryse that euery man shall whake and gryse agans that ilk dome with his santis many oone he shall be sene in flesh and bone that kyng that is to com all that shall stand hym before all shal be les and more of oone eld ichon angels shall qwake then for ferd and fyre shall bren this mydyll erd yei erth and all ther apon shall nothyng here in erth be kend bot it shall be strewyd and brend all waters and the see sythen shall both hill and dale ryn togeder grete and smale and all shall euen be at hys commyng shall bemys blaw that men may his commyng knaw ffull sorowfull shall be that blast ther is no man that herys it bot he shall qwake for all his witt be he neuer so stedfast then shall hell gape and gryn that men may know thare dome therin of that hye iustyce that ill have done to hell mon go and to heuen the other also that has been rightwys therfor i rede ilk a man kepe as well as he can ffro syn and fro mysdede my prophecy now haue i told god you saue both yong and old and help you at youre nede god that maide adam and eue whils thay dyd well he gaf thaym leue in paradise to dwell sone when thay that appyll ete thay were dampned sone and skete vnto the pyne of hell thrugh sorow and paynes euer new therfor wyll god apon vs rew and his son downe send into erth flesh to take that is all for oure sake oure trespas to amend fflesh with fleshe will be boght that he lose not that he has wroght wyth hys awne hend of a madyn shal he be borne to saue all that ar forlorne euermore withoutten end peas of payn that no man pas bot kepe the course that i commaunde and take good hede of hym that has youre helth all holy in hys hande ffor kyng pharro my fader was and led thys lordshyp of thys land i am hys hayre as age wyll has euer in stede to styr or stand all egypt is myne awne to leede aftyr my law i wold my myght were knawne and honoryd as hyt awe ffull low he shall be thrawne that harkyns not my sawe hanged hy and drawne therfor no boste ye blaw bot as for kyng i commaund peasse to all the people of thys empyre looke no man put hym self in preaase bot that wyll do as i desyre and of youre wordis look that ye seasse take tent to me youre soferand syre that may youre comfort most increasse and to my lyst bowe lyfe and lyre my lord if any here were that wold not wyrk youre wyll if we myght com thaym nere ffull soyn we shuld theym spyll thrugh out my kyngdom wold i ken and kun hym thank that wold me tell if any were so waryd men that wold my fors downe fell my lord ye haue a maner of men that make great mastres vs emell the iues that won in gersen thay ar callyd chyldyr of israel thay multyplye full fast and sothly we suppose that shall euer last oure lordshyp for to lose why how haue thay sych gawdis begun ar thay of myght to make sych frayes yei lord full fell folk ther was fun in kyng pharao youre fader dayes thay cam of ioseph was iacob son he was a prince worthy to prayse in sythen in ryst haue thay ay ron thus ar thay lyke to lose youre layse thay wyll confound you cleyn bot if thay soner sesse what deuyll is that thay meyn that thay so fast incresse how thay incres full well we ken as oure faders dyd vnderstand thay were bot sexty and ten when thay fyrst cam in to thys land sythen haue soierned in gersen fower hundreth wynter i dar warand now ar thay nowmbred of myghty men moo then thre hundreth thousand wyth outen wyfe and chyld or hyrdis that kepe thare fee how thus myght we be begyld bot shall it not be ffor wyth quantyse we shall thaym quell so that thay shall not far sprede my lord we haue hard oure faders tell and clerkis that well couth rede ther shuld a man walk vs amell that shuld fordo vs and oure dede ffy on hym to the deuyll of hell sych destyny wyll we not drede we shal make mydwyfis to spyll them where any ebrew is borne and all menkynde to kyll them so shall thay soyn be lorne and as for elder haue i none awe sych bondage shall i to thaym beyde to dyke and delf bere and draw and to do all vnhonest deyde so shall these laddis be halden law in thraldom euer thare lyfe to leyde now certis thys was a sotell saw thus shall these folk no farthere sprede now help to hald theym downe look i no fayntnes fynde all redy lord we shall be bowne in bondage thaym to bynde gret god that all thys warld began and growndyd it in good degre thou mayde me moyses vnto man and sythen thou sauyd me from the se kyng pharao had commawndyd than ther shuld no man chyld sauyd be agans hys wyll away i wan thus has god shewed hys myght for me now am i sett to kepe vnder thys montayn syde byshope iettyr shepe to better may be tyde a lord grete is thy myght what man may of yond meruell meyn yonder i se a selcowth syght sych on in warld was neuer seyn a bush i se burnand full bryght and euer elyke the leyfes are greyn if it be wark of warldly wyght i wyll go wyt wythoutyn weyn moyses moyses moyses com not to nere bot styll in that stede thou dwell and harkyn vnto me here take tent what i the tell do of thy shoyes in fere wyth mowth as i the mell the place thou standis in there forsothe is halowd well i am thy lord wythouten lak to lengthe thi lyfe euen as i lyst i am god that som tyme spake to thyn elders as thay wyst to abraam and isaac and iacob i sayde shuld be blyst and multytude of them to make so that thare seyde shuld not be myst bot now thys kyng pharao he hurtys my folk so fast if that i suffre hym so thare seyde shuld soyne be past bot i wyll not so do in me if thay wyll trast bondage to bryng thaym fro therfor thou go in hast to do my message haue in mynde to hym that me sych harme mase thou speke to hym wyth wordis heynde so that he let my people pas to wyldernes that thay may weynde to worshyp me as i wyll asse agans my wyll if that thay leynd ful soyn hys song shall be alas a lord pardon me wyth thy leyf that lynage luffis me noght gladly thay wold me greyf if i sych bodworde broght good lord lett som othere frast that has more fors the folke to fere moyses be thou nott abast my bydyng shall thou boldly bere if thay with wrong away wold wrast outt of the way i shall the were good lord thay wyll not me trast for all the othes that i can swere to neuen sych noytis newe to folk of wykyd wyll wyth outen tokyn trew thay wyll not tent ther tyll if that he wyll not vnderstand thys tokyn trew that i shall sent afore the kyng cast downe thy wand and it shall turne to a serpent then take the tayll agane in hand boldly vp look thou it hent and in the state that thou it fand then shal it turne by myne intent sythen hald thy hand soyn in thy barme and as a lepre it shal be lyke and hole agane with outen harme lo my tokyns shal be slyke and if he wyll not suffre then my people for to pas in peasse i shall send venyance neyn or ten shall sowe full sore or i seasse bot the ebrewes won in iessen shall not be merkyd with that measse as long as thay my lawes wyll ken thare comforth shall euer increasse a lord to luf the aght vs well that makis thy folk thus free i shall vnto thaym tell as thou has told to me bot to the kyng lord when i com if he aske what is thy name and i stand styll both deyf & dom how shuld i skape withoutten blame i say the thus i am he that is the same if thou can nother muf nor mom i shall sheld the from shame i vnderstand full well thys thyng i go lord with all the myght in me be bold in my blyssyng thi socoure shall i be a lord of luf leyn me thy lare that i may truly talys tell to my freyndis now wyll i fare the chosyn childre of israell to tell theym comforth of thare care in dawngere ther as thay dwell god manteyn you euermare and mekyll myrth be you emell a master moyses dere oure myrth is all mowrnyng ffull hard halden ar we here as carls vnder the kyng we may mowrn both more and myn ther is no man that oure myrth mase bot syn we ar all of a kyn god send vs comforth in thys case brethere of youre mowrnyng blyn god wyll delyuer you thrugh his grace out of this wo he wyll you wyn and put you to youre pleassyng place ffor i shall carp vnto the kyng and fownd full soyn to make you free god graunt you good weyndyng and euermore with you be kyng pharao to me take tent why boy what tythyngis can thou tell ffrom god hym self hydder am i sent to foche the chyldre of israell to wyldernes he wold thay went yei weynd the to the devyll of hell i gyf no force what he has ment in my dangere herst thou shall thay dwell and fature for thy sake thay shalbe put to pyne then wyll god venyance take of the and of all thyn on me fy on the lad out of my land wenys thou thus to loyse oure lay say whence is yond warlow with his wand that thus wold wyle oure folk away yond is moyses i dar warand agans all egypt has beyn ay greatt defawte with hym youre fader fand now wyll he mar you if he may ffy on hym nay nay that dawnce is done lurdan thou leryd to late god bydis the graunt my bone and let me go my gate bydis god me fals losell thou lyse what tokyn told he take thou tent he sayd thou shuld dyspyse both me and hys commaundement fforthy apon thys wyse my wand he bad in thi present i shuld lay downe and the avyse how it shuld turne to oone serpent and in hys holy name here i lay it downe lo syr here may thou se the same a ha dog the devyll the drowne he bad me take it by the tayll for to prefe hys powere playn then he sayde wythouten fayll hyt shuld turne to a wand agayn lo sir behold wyth ylahayll certis this is a sotell swayn bot thyse boyes shall abyde in bayll all thi gawdis shall thaym not gayn bot wars both morn and none shall thay fare for thi sake i pray god send us venyange sone and on thi warkis take wrake alas alas this land is lorn on lyfe we may no longer leynd sych myschefe is fallen syn morn ther may no medsyn it amend why cry ye so laddis lyst ye skorn syr kyng sych care was neuer kend in no mans tyme that euer was borne tell on belyfe and make an end syr the waters that were ordand for men and bestis foyde thrugh outt all egypt land ar turnyd into reede bloyde ffull vgly and full yll is hytt that both fresh and fayre was before o ho this is a wonderfull thyng to wytt of all the warkis that euer wore nay lord ther is anothere yit that sodanly sowys vs full sore ffor todis and froskis may no man flyt thay venom vs so both les and more greatte mystis sir ther is both morn and noyn byte vs full bytterly we trow that it be doyn thrugh moyses oure greatte enmy my lord bot if this menye may remefe mon neuer myrth be vs amang go say to hym we wyll not grefe bot thay shall neuer the tytter gang moyses my lord gyffys leyfe to leyd thi folk to lykyng lang so that we mend of oure myschefe ffull well i wote thyse wordis ar wrang but hardely all that i heytt ffull sodanly it shall be seyn vncowth meruels shalbe meyt and he of malyce meyn a lord alas for doyll we dy we dar look oute at no dowre what ragyd the dwyll of hell alys you so to cry ffor we fare wars then euer we fowre grete loppys ouer all this land thay fly and where thay byte thay make grete blowre and in euery place oure bestis dede ly hors ox and asse thay fall downe dede syr sodanly we lo ther is no man that has half as mych harme as i yis sir poore folk haue mekyll wo to se thare catall thus out cast the iues in gessen fayre not so thay haue lykyng for to last then shall we gyf theym leyf to go to tyme this perell be on past bot or thay flytt oght far vs fro we shall them bond twyse as fast moyses my lord gyffis leyf thi meneye to remeue ye mon hafe more myschefe bot if thyse talys be trew a lord we may not leyde thyse lyfys what dwyll is grevance grofen agayn ye sir sich powder apon vs dryfys where it abidys it makys a blayn mesell makys it man and wyfe thus ar we hurt with hayll & rayn syr vynys in montanse may not thryfe so has frost & thoner thaym slayn yei bot how do thay in gessen the iues can ye me say of all thyse cares no thyng thay ken thay feyll noght of our afray no the ragyd the dwyll sytt thay in peasse and we euery day in doute & drede my lord this care wyll euer encrese to moyses haue his folk to leyd els be we lorn it is no lesse yit were it better that thai yede thes folk shall flyt no far if he go welland wode then will it sone be war it were better thay yode my lord new harme is comyn in hand yei d will will it no better be wyld wormes ar layd ouer all this land thai leyf no floure nor leyf on tre agans that storme may no man stand and mekyll more meruell thynk me that thise thre dayes has bene durand sich myst that no man may other se a my lord hagh grete pestilence is comyn it is like ful long to last pestilence in the dwilys name then is oure pride ouer past my lord this care lastis lang and will to moyses haue his bone let hym go els wyrk we wrang it may not help to houer ne hone then will we gif theym leyf to gang syn it must nedis be doyn perchauns we sall thaym fang and mar them or to morn at none moyses my lord he says thou shall haue passage playn now haue we lefe to pas my freyndis now be ye fayn com furth now sall ye weynd to land of lykyng you to pay bot kyng pharao that fals feynd he will vs eft betray ffull soyn he will shape vs to sheynd and after vs send his garray be not abast god is oure freynd and all oure foes will slay therfor com on with me haue done and drede you noght that lord blyst might he be that vs from bayll has broght sich frenship neuer we fand bot yit i drede for perels all the reede see is here at hand ther shal we byde to we be thrall i shall make way ther with my wand as god has sayde to sayf vs all on ayther syde the see mon stand to we be gone right as a wall com on wyth me leyf none behynde lo fownd ye now youre god to pleasse o lord this way is heynd now weynd we all at easse kyng pharao thyse folk ar gone say ar ther any noyes new thise ebrews ar gone lord euer ichon how says thou that lord that tayll is trew we out tyte that they were tayn that ryett radly shall thay rew we shall not seasse to thay be slayn ffor to the see we shall thaym sew so charge youre chariottis swythe and fersly look ye folow me all redy lord we ar full blyth at youre byddyng to be lord at youre byddyng ar we bowne oure bodys boldly for to beyd we shall not seasse bot dyng all downe to all be dede withouten drede heyf vp youre hertis vnto mahowne he will be nere vs in oure nede help the raggyd dwyll we drowne now mon we dy for all oure dede now ar we won from all oure wo and sauyd out of the see louyng gyf we god vnto go we to land now merely lofe we may that lord on hyght and euer tell on this meruell drownyd he has kyng pharao myght louyd be that lord emanuell heuen thou attend i say in syght and erth my wordys here what i tell as rayn or dew on erth doys lyght and waters herbys and trees full well gyf louyng to goddys mageste hys dedys ar done hys ways ar trew honowred be he in trynyte to hym be honowre and vertew amen be styll beshers i commawnd yow that no man speke a word here now bot i my self alon and if ye do i make a vow thys brand abowte youre nekys shall bow ffor thy be styll as ston and looke ye grefe me noght ffor if ye do it shall be boght i swere you by mahowne i wote well if ye knew me oght to slo you all how lytyll i roght ston styll ye wold syt downe ffor all is myn that vp standys castels towers townys and landys to me homage thay bryng ffor i may bynd and lowse of band euery thyng bowys vnto my hand i want none erthly thyng i am lord and syr ouer all all bowys to me both grete and small as lord of euery land is none so comly on to call whoso this agane says fowll shall be fall and therto here my hand ffor i am he that myghty is and hardely all hathennes is redy at my wyll both ryche and poore more & les at my lykyng for to redres whether i wyll saue or spyll cesar august i am cald a fayrer cors for to behald is not of bloode & bone ryche ne poore yong ne old sych an othere as i am told in all thys warld is none bot oone thyng doys me full mych care i trow my land wyll sone mysfare ffor defawte of counsell lele my counsellars so wyse of lare help to comforth me of care no wyt from me ye fele as i am man moost of renowne i shall you gyf youre waryson to help me if ye may to counsell you lord we ar bowne and for no man that lyfys in towne wyll we not let perfay youre messyngere i reede ye call ffor any thyng that may befall byd hym go hastely thrugh out youre landys ouer all amang youre folk both grete and small youre gyrth & peasse to cry ffor to commaunde both yong & old none be so hardy ne so bold to hold of none bot you and who so doth put them in hold and loke ye payn theym many fold i shall i make a vowe of thys counsell well payde am i it shall be done full hastely wyth outen any respytt my lord abyde awyle for why a word to you i wold cleryfy go on then tell me tytt all redy lord now permafay thys haue i herd syn many day ffolk in the contre tell that in this land shuld dwell a may the which sall bere a chylde thay say that shall youre force downe fell downe fell dwyll what may this be out harow full wo is me i am full wyll of reede a fy and dewyls whens cam he that thus shuld reyfe me my pawste ere shuld i be his dede ffor certys then were my worshyp lorne if sych a swayn a snoke horne shuld thus be my suffrane may i wyt when that boy is borne in certan had the dwyll hit sworne that gadlyng shuld agane do way lord greyf you not so youre messyngere ye cause furth go aftyr youre cosyn dere to speke with you a word or two the best counsell that lad to slo ffull soyn he can you lere ffor a wyse man that knyght men know now i assent vnto thi saw of witt art thou the well ffor all the best men of hym blowys he shall neuer dystroy my lawes were he the dwyll of hell com lyghtfote lad loke thou be yare on my message furth to fare go tytt to sir syryn say sorow takys me full sare pray hym to comforth me of care as myn awne dere cosyn and bot if thou come agane to nyght look i se the neuer in syght neuer where in my land yis certys lord i am full lyght or noyn of the day i dar you hyght to bryng hym by the hand yai boy and as thou luffys me dere luke that thou spy both far and nere ouer all in ych place if thou here any saghes sere of any carpyng far and nere of that lad where that thou gase all redy lord i am full bowne to spyr and spy in euery towne after that wykkyd queyd if i here any runk or rowne i shall fownd to crak thare crowne ouer all in ylk a stede and therfor lord haue now good day mahowne he wyse the on thi way that weldys water and wynde and specyally here i the pray to spede the as fast as thou may yis lord that shall ye fynde mahowne the saue and se sir syryne cesar my lord and youre cosyn he gretys you well by me thou art welcom to me and myn com nere and tell me tythandys thyn tyte what thay may be my lord prays you as ye luf hym dere to com to hym if youre wyll were to speke with hym awhyle go grete hym well thou messyngere say hym i com and that right nere behynd the not a myle all redy lord at youre byddyng mahowne the menske my lord kyng and save the by see and sand welcom bewshere say what tythyng do tell me tyte for any thyng what herd thou in my land i herd no thyng lord bot goode syr syryn that i after yode he wyll be here this nyght i thank the by mahownes bloode thise tythyngys mekyll amendys my mode go rest thou worthy wyght mahowne so semely on to call he saue the lord of lordis all syttyng with thi meneye welcom sir syrynne to this hall besyde my self here sytt thou shall com vp belyf to me yis lord i am at youre talent wherfor sir i after the sent i shall the say full right and therfor take to me intent i am in poynt for to be shent how so for mahownes myght syr i am done to vnderstand that a qweyn here in this land shall bere a chyld i wene that shall be crowned kyng lyfand and all shall bow vnto his hand thise tythyngys doth me teyne he shall commaunde both ying and old none be so hardy ne so bold to gyf seruyce to me then wold my hart be cold if sich a beggere shold my kyngdom thus reyf me and therfor sir i wold the pray thy best counsell thou wold me say to do what i am best ffor securly if that i may if he be fonden i shall hym slay aythere by eest or west now wote ye lord what that i reede i counsell you as ete i brede what best therof may be gar serche youre land in euery stede and byd that boy be done to dede who the fyrst may hym see and also i rede that ye gar cry to fleme wyth all that belamy that shuld be kyng with crowne byd ych man com to you holly and bryng to you a heede penny that dwellys in towere or towne that this be done by the thyrde day then may none of his freyndys say bot he has mayde homage if ye do thus sir permafay youre worship shall ye wyn for ay if thay make you trowage i thank you sir as myght i the ffor thyse tythyngys that thou tellys me thy counsell shall avayll lord and syre of this cowntre wythouten ende here make i the ffor thy good counsell my messyngere loke thou be bowne and weynd belyf from towne to towne and be my nobyll swane i pray the as thou luffys mahowne and also for thy waryson that thou com tytt agane commaunde the folk holly ichon ryche ne poore forgett thou none to hold holly on me and lowtt me as thare lord alone and who wyll not thay shall be slone this brand thare bayll shal be therfor thou byd both old and ying that ich man know me for his kyng ffor drede that i thaym spyll that i am lord and in tokynyng byd ich man a penny bryng and make homage me tyll to my statutys who wyll not stand ffast for to fle outt of my land byd thaym withouten lyte now by mahowne god all weldand thou shall be mayde knyght with my hand and therfor hye the tyte all redy lord it shall be done bot i wote well i com not sone and therfor be not wroth i swere you sir by son and moyne i com not here by fore eft none wheder ye be leyfe or loth bot hafe good day now wyll i weynd ffor longer here may i not leynd bot grathe me furth my gate mahowne that is curtes and heynd he bryng thi iornay well to eynd and wysh the that all wate sythen i haue mayde all thyng of noght and adam with my handis hath wroght lyke to myn ymage att my devyse and gyffen hym ioy in paradyse to won therin as that i wend to that he dyd that i defend then i hym put out of that place bot yit i myn i hight hym grace oyll of mercy i can hym heyt and tyme also his bayll to beytt ffor he has boght his syn full sore thise fyfe thowsand yeris and more ffyrst in erthe and sythen in hell bot long therin shall he not dwell outt of payn he shall be boght i wyll not tyne that i haue wroght i wyll make redempcyon as i hyght for my person all wyth reson and with right both thrugh mercy and thrugh myght he shall not therfor ay be spylt ffor he was wrangwysly begylt he shall out of preson pas ffor that he begyled was thrugh the edder and his wyfe thay gart hym towch the tree of lyfe and ete the frute that i forbed and he was dampned for that dede ryghtwysnes wyll we make i wyll that my son manhede take ffor reson wyll that ther be thre a man a madyn and a tre man for man tre for tre madyn for madyn thus shal it be my son shall in a madyn light agans the feynd of hell to fight wythouten wem os son thrugh glas and she madyn as she was both god and man shall he be and she moder and madyn fre to abraham i am in dett to safe hym and his gett and i wyll that all prophecye be fulfyllyd here by me ffor i am lord and lech of heyle my prophetys shall be funden leyle as moyses sayd and isay kyng dauid and ieromy abacuk and daniell sybyll sage that sayde ay well and myne othere prophetis all as thay haue said it shall befall ryse vp gabriell and weynd vnto a madyn that is heynd to nazareth in galilee ther she dwellys in that cytee to that vyrgyn and to that spouse to a man of dauid house ioseph also he is namyd by and the madyn name mary angell must to mary go ffor the feynd was eue fo he was foule and layth to syght and thou art angell fayr and bright and hayls that madyn my lemman as heyndly as thou can of my behalf thou shall hyr grete i haue hyr chosen that madyn swete she shall conceyf my derlyng thrugh thy word and hyr heryng in hyr body wyll i lyght that is to me clenly dyght she shall of hyr body bere god and man wythouten dere she shall be blyssyd wythouten ende grayth the gabriell and weynd hayll mary gracyouse hayll madyn and godis spouse vnto the i lowte of all vyrgyns thou art qwene that euer was or shall be seyn wythouten dowte hayll mary and well thou be my lord of heuen is wyth the wythouten end hayll woman most of mede goodly lady haue thou no drede that i commend ffor thou has fonden all thyn oone the grace of god that was out gone ffor adam plyght this is the grace that the betydys thou shall conceyue within thi sydys a chyld of myght when he is comen that thi son he shall take cyrcumsycyon call hym ihesum mightfull man shall be he that and godys son shall he hat by his day com my lord also shall gyf hym tyll hys fader sete dauid at wyll therin to sytt he shall be kyng in iacob kyn hys kyngdom shall neuer blyn lady well thou wytt what is thi name gabriell godys strengthe and his angell that comys to the fferly gretyng thou me gretys a child to bere thou me hetys how shuld it be i cam neuer by man's syde bot has avowed my madynhede ffrom fleshly gett therfor i wote not how that this be brokyn as a vow that i haue hett neuer the les well i wote to wyrk thi word and hold thi hote mightfull god is bot i ne wote of what manere therfor i pray the messyngere that thou me wysh lady this is the preuate the holy gost shall light in the and his vertue he shall vmshade and fulfyll that thi madynhede shall neuer spyll bot ay be new the child that thou shall bere madame shall godys son be callid by name and se mary elesabeth thi cosyn that is cald geld she has conceyffed a son in elde of zacary and this is who wyll late the sext moneth of hyr conceytate that geld is cald no word lady that i the bryng is vnmyghtfull to heuen kyng bot all shall hald i lofe my lord all weldand i am his madyn at his hand and in his wold i trow bodword that thou me bryng be done to me in all thyng as thou has told mary madyn heynd me behovys to weynd my leyf at the i take ffar to my freynd who the can send ffor mankynde sake all myghty god what may this be of mary my wyfe meruels me alas what has she wroght a hyr body is grete and she with childe ffor me was she neuer fylyd therfor myin is it noght i irke full sore with my lyfe that euer i wed so yong a wyfe that bargan may i ban to me it was a carefull dede i myght well wyt that yowthede wold haue lykyng of man i am old sothly to say passed i am all preuay play the gams fro me ar gane it is ill cowpled of youth and elde i wote well for i am vnwelde som othere has she tane she is with chyld i wote neuer how now who wold any woman trow certys no man that can any goode i wote not in the warld what i shuld do bot now then wyll i weynd hyr to and wytt who owe that foode hayll mary and well ye be why bot woman what chere with the the better sir for you so wold i woman that ye wore bot certys mary i rew full sore it standys so with the now bot of a thyng frayn the i shall who owe this child thou gose with all syr ye and god of heuen myne mary do way thi dyn that i shuld oght haue parte therin thou nedys it not to neuen wherto neuyns thou me therto i had neuer with the to do how shuld it then be myne whos is that chyld so god the spede syr godys and yowrs with outen drede that word had thou to tyne ffor it is right full far me fro and i forthynkys thou has done so thise ill dedys bedene and if thou speke thi self to spyll it is full sore agans my wyll if better myght haue bene at godys wyll ioseph must it be ffor certanly bot god and ye i know none othere man ffor fleshly was i neuer fylyd how shuld thou thus then be with chyld excuse the well thou can i blame the not so god me saue woman maners if that thou haue bot certys i say the this well wote thou and so do i thi body fames the openly that thou has done amys yee god he knowys all my doyng we now this is a wonder thyng i can noght say therto bot in my hart i haue greatt care and ay the longer mare and mare ffor doyll what shall i do godys and myn she says it is i wyll not fader it she says amys ffor shame yit shuld she let to excuse hir velany by me with hir i thynk no longer be i rew that euer we met and how we met ye shall wyt sone men vse yong chyldren for to done in temple for to lere soo dyd thay hir to she wex more then othere madyns wyse of lore then byshopes sayd to hir mary the behowfys to take som yong man to be thi make as thou seys other haue in the temple which thou wyll neuen and she sayd none bot god of heuen to hym she had hir tane she wold none othere for any sagh thay sayd she must it was the lagh she was of age thertill to the temple thay somond old and ying all of iuda ofspryng the law for to fulfill thay gaf ich man a white wand and bad vs bere them in oure hande to offre with good intent thay offerd thare yerdys vp in that tyde ffor i was old i stode be syde i wyst not what thay ment thay lakyd oone thay sayde in hy all had offerd thay sayd bot i ffor i ay withdrogh me ffurth with my wande thay mayd me com in my hand it floryshed with blome then sayde thay all to me if thou be old meruell not the ffor god of heuen thus ordans he thi wand shewys openly it florishes so withouten nay that the behovys wed mary the may a sory man then was i i was full sory in my thoght i sayde for old i myght noght hir haue neuer the wheder i was vnlykely to hir so yong thay sayde ther helpyd none excusyng and wed vs thus togeder when i all thus had wed hir thare we and my madyns home can fare that kyngys doghters were all wroght thay sylk to fynd them on marie wroght purpyll the oder none bot othere colers sere i left thaym in good peasse wenyd i into the contre i went on hy my craft to vse with mayn to gett oure lyfyng i must nede on marie i prayd them take good hede to that i cam agane neyn monethes was i fro that myld when i cam home she was with chyld alas i sayd for shame i askyd ther women who that had done and thay me sayde an angell sone syn that i went from hame an angell spake with that wyght and no man els bi day nor nyght sir therof be ye bold thay excusyd hir thus sothly to make hir clene of hir foly and babyshed me that was old shuld an angell this dede haue wroght sich excusyng helpys noght ffor no craft that thay can a heuenly thyng for sothe is he and she is erthly this may not be it is som othere man certys i forthynk sore of hir dede bot it is long of yowth hede all sich wanton playes ffor yong women wyll nedys play them with yong men if old forsake them thus it is sene always bot marie and i playd neuer so sam neuer togeder we vsid that gam i cam hir neuer so nere she is as clene as cristall clyfe ffor me and shalbe whyls i lyf the law wyll it be so and then am i cause of hir dede ffor thi then can i now no rede alas what i am wo and sothly if it so befall godys son that she be with all if sich grace myght betyde i wote well that i am not he which that is worthi to be that blyssed body besyde nor yit to be in company to wyldernes i will for thi enfors me for to fare and neuer longer with hir dele bot stylly shall i from hir stele that mete shall we no mare do wa ioseph and mend thy thoght i warne the well and weynd thou noght to wyldernes so wylde turne home to thi spouse agane look thou deme in hir no trane ffor she was neuer ffylde wyte thou no wyrkyng of werkys wast she hase consauyd the holy gast and she shall bere godys son ffor thy with hir in thi degre meke and buxom looke thou be and with hir dwell and won a lord i lofe the all alon that vowches safe that i be oone to tent that chyld so ying i that thus haue vngrathly gone and vntruly taken apon mary that dere darlyng i rewe full sore that i haue sayde and of hir byrdyng hir vpbrade and she not gylty is ffor thy to hir now wyll i weynde and pray hir for to be my freynde and aske hir forgyfnes a mary wyfe what chere the better sir that ye ar here thus long where haue ye lent certys walkyd aboute lyke a fon that wrangwysly hase taken apon i wyst neuer what i ment bot i wote well my lemman fre i haue trespast to god and the fforgyf me i the pray now all that euer ye sayde me to god forgyf you and i do with all the myght i may gramercy mary thi good wyll so kyndly forgyfys that i sayde yll when i can the vpbrade bot well is hym hase sich a fode a meke wyf withouten goode he may well hold hym payde a what i am light as lynde he that may both lowse and bynde and euery mys amend leyn me grace powere and myght my wyfe and hir swete yong wight to kepe to my lyfys ende my lord of heuen that syttys he and all thyng seys with ee the safe elezabeth welcom mary blyssed blome ioyfull am i of thi com to me from nazareth how standys it with you dame of qwart well my doghter and dere hart as can for myn elde to speke with you me thoght full lang ffor ye with childe in elde gang and ye be cald geld ffull lang shall i the better be that i may speke my fyll with the my dere kyns woman to wytt how thi freyndys fare in thi countre where thay ar therof tell me thou can and how thou farys my dere derlyng well dame gramercy youre askyng ffor good i wote ye spyr and ioachym thy fader at hame and anna my nese and thi dame how standys it with hym and hir dame yit ar thay both on lyfe both ioachym and anna his wyfe els were my hart full sore dame god that all may yeld you that ye say and blys you therfore blyssed be thou of all women and the fruyte that i well ken within the wombe of the and this tyme may i blys that my lordys moder is comen thus vnto me ffor syn that tyme full well i wote the stevyn of angell voce it smote and rang now in myn ere a selcouth thyng is me betyde the chyld makys ioy as any byrd that i in body bere and als mary blyssed be thou that stedfastly wold trow the wordys of oure heven kyng therfor all thyng now shall be kend that vnto the were sayd or send by the angell gretyng my saull lufys my lord abuf and my gost gladys with luf in god that is my hele ffor he has bene sene agane the buxumnes of his bane and kept me madyn lele lo therof what me shall betyde all nacyons on euery syde blyssyd shall me call ffor he that is full of myght mekyll thyng to me has dyght his name be blyssed ouer all and his mercy is also ffrom kynde to kynde tyll all tho that ar hym dredand myght in his armes he wroght and dystroed in his thoght prowde men and hygh berand myghty men furth of sete he dyd and he hyghtynd in that stede the meke men of hart the hungre with all good he fyld and left the rich outt shyld thaym to vnquart israell has vnder law his awne son in his awe by menys of his mercy as he told before by name to oure fader abraham and seyd of his body elezabeth myn awnt dere my lefe i take at you here ffor i dwell now full lang wyll thou now go godys fere com kys me doghter with good chere or thou hens gang ffarewell now thou frely foode i pray the be of comforth goode ffor thou art full of grace grete well all oure kyn of bloode that lord that the with grace infude he saue all in this place lord what thay ar weyll that hens ar past ffor thay noght feyll theym to downe cast here is mekyll vnceyll and long has it last now in hart now in heyll now in weytt now in blast now in care now in comforth agane now is fayre now is rane now in hart full fane and after full sare thus this warld as i say farys on ylk syde ffor after oure play com sorows vnryde ffor he that most may when he syttys in pryde when it comys on assay is kesten downe wyde this is seyn when ryches is he then comys pouerte hors man iak cope walkys then i weyn i thank it god hark ye what i mene ffor euen or for od i haue mekyll tene as heuy as a sod i grete with myn eene when i nap on my cod for care that has bene and sorow all my shepe ar gone i am not left oone the rott has theym slone now beg i and borow my handys may i wryng and mowrnyng make bot if good will spryng the countre forsake ffermes thyk ar comyng my purs is bot wake i haue nerehand nothyng to pay nor to take i may syng with purs penneles that makys this heuynes wo is me this dystres and has no helpyng thus sett i my mynde truly to neuen by my wytt to fynde to cast the warld in seuen my shepe haue i tynde by the moren full euen now if hap will grynde god from his heuen send grace to the fare will i me to by shepe perde and yit may i multyple ffor all this hard case benste benste be vs emang and saue all that i se here in this thrang he saue you and me ouertwhart and endlang that hang on a tre i say you no wrang cryst saue vs ffrom all myschefys ffrom robers and thefys ffrom those mens grefys that oft ar agans vs both bosters and bragers god kepe vs fro that with thare long dagers dos mekyll wo ffrom all byll hagers with colknyfys that go sich wryers and wragers gose to and fro ffor to crak who so says hym agane were better be slane both ploghe and wane amendys will not make he will make it as prowde a lord as he were with a hede lyke a clowde ffelterd his here he spekys on lowde with a grym bere i wold not haue trowde so galy in gere as he glydys i wote not the better nor wheder is gretter the lad or the master so stowtly he strydys if he hask me oght that he wold to his pay ffull dere bese it boght if i say nay bot god that all wroght to the now i say help that thay were broght to a better way ffor thare sawlys and send theym good mendyng with a short endyng and with the to be lendyng when that thou callys how gyb goode morne wheder goys thou thou goys ouer the corne gyb i say how who is that john horne i make god a vowe i say not in skorne thom how farys thou hay ha ar ye in this towne yey by my crowne i thoght by youre gowne this was youre aray i am euer elyke wote i neuer what it gars is none in this ryke a shepard farys wars poore men ar in the dyke and oft tyme mars the warld is slyke also helpars is none here it is sayde full ryfe a man may not wyfe and also thryfe and all in a yere ffyrst must vs crepe and sythen go i go to by shepe nay not so what dreme ye or slepe where shuld thay go here shall thou none kepe a good sir ho who am i i wyll pasture my fe where so euer lykys me here shall thou theym se not so hardy not oone shepe tayll shall thou bryng hedyr i shall bryng no fayll a hundreth togedyr what art thou in ayll longys thou oght whedir thay shall go saunce fayll go now bell weder i say tyr i say tyr now agane i say skyp ouer the plane wold thou neuer so fane tup i say whyr what wyll thou not yit i say let the shepe go whop abyde yit will thou bot so knafe hens i byd flytt as good that thou do or shall i the hytt on thi pate lo shall thou reyll i say gyf the shepe space syr a letter of youre grace here comys slaw pase ffro the myln whele what a do what a do is this you betweyn a good day thou and thou hark what i meyn you to say i was bowne to by store drofe my shepe me before he says not oone hore shall pas by this way bot and he were wood this way shall thay go yey bot tell me good where ar youre shepe lo now sir by my hode yit se i no mo not syn i here stode god gyf you wo and sorow ye fysh before the nett and stryfe on this bett sich folys neuer i mett evyn or at morow it is wonder to wyt where wytt shuld be fownde here ar old knafys yit standys on this grownde these wold by thare wytt make a shyp be drownde he were well qwytt had sold for a pownde sich two thay fyght and thay flyte ffor that at comys not tyte it is far to byd hyte to an eg or it go tytter want ye sowll then sorow i pray ye brayde of mowll that went by the way many shepe can she poll bot oone had she ay bot she happynyd full fowll hyr pycher i say was broken ho god she sayde bot oone shepe yit she hade the mylk pycher was layde the skarthis was the tokyn bot syn ye ar bare of wysdom to knawe take hede how i fare and lere at my lawe ye nede not to care if ye folow my sawe hold ye my mare this sek thou thrawe on my bak whylst i with my hand lawse the sek band com nar and by stand both gyg and iak is not all shakyn owte and no meyll is therin yey that is no dowte so is youre wyttys thyn and ye look well abowte nawther more nor myn so gose youre wyttys owte evyn as it com in geder vp and seke it agane may we not be fane he has told vs full plane wysdom to sup now god gyf you care foles all sam sagh i neuer none so fare bot the foles of gotham wo is hir that yow bare youre syre and youre dam had she broght furth an hare a shepe or a lam had bene well of all the foles i can tell ffrom heuen vnto hell ye thre bere the bell god gyf you vnceyll how pastures oure fee say me good pen thay ar gryssed to the kne fare fall the amen if ye will ye may se youre bestes ye ken sytt we downe all thre and drynk shall we then yey torde i am leuer ete what is drynk withoute mete gett mete gett and sett vs a borde then may we go dyne oure bellys to fyll abyde vnto syne be god sir i nyll i am worthy the wyne me thynk it good skyll my seruyse i tyne i fare full yll at youre mangere trus go we to mete it is best that we trete i lyst not to plete to stand in thi dangere thou has euer bene curst syn we met togeder now in fayth if i durst ye ar euen my broder syrs let vs cryb furst for oone thyng or oder that thise wordis be purst and let vs go foder oure mompyns lay furth of oure store lo here browne of a bore set mustard afore oure mete now begyns here a foote of a cowe well sawsed i wene the pestell of a sowe that powderd has bene two blodyngis i trow a leueryng betwene do gladly syrs now my breder bedene with more both befe and moton of an ewe that was roton good mete for a gloton ete of this store i haue here in my mayll sothen and rost euen of an ox tayll that wold not be lost ha ha goderhayll i let for no cost a good py or we fayll this is good for the frost in a mornyng and two swyne gronys all a hare bot the lonys we myster no sponys here at oure mangyng here is to recorde the leg of a goys with chekyns endorde pork partryk to roys a tart for a lorde how thynk ye this doys a calf lyuer skorde with the veryose good sawse this is a restorete to make a good appete yee speke all by clergete i here by your clause cowth ye by youre gramery reche vs a drynk i shuld be more mery ye wote what i thynk haue good ayll of hely bewar now i wynk ffor and thou drynk drely in thy poll wyll it synk a so this is boyte of oure bayll good holsom ayll ye hold long the skayll now lett me go to i shrew those lyppys bot thou leyff me som parte be god he bot syppys begylde thou art behold how he kyppys i shrew you so smart and me on my hyppys bot if i gart abate be thou wyne be thou ayll bot if my brethe fayll i shall sett the on sayll god send the good gayte be my dam saull alyce it was sadly dronken now as euer haue i blys to the bothom it is sonken yit a botell here is that is well spoken by my thryft we must kys that had i forgoten bot hark who so can best syng shall haue the begynnyng now prays at the partyng i shall sett you on warke we haue done oure parte and songyn right weyll i drynk for my parte abyde lett cop reyll godys forbot thou spart and thou drynk euery deyll thou has dronken a quart therfor choke the the deyll thou rafys and it were for a sogh ther is drynk enogh i shrew the handys it drogh ve be both knafys nay we knaues all thus thynk me best so sir shuld ye call furth let it rest we will not brall then wold i we fest this mete who shall into panyere kest syrs herys ffor oure saules lett vs do poore men gyf it to geder vp lo lo ye hungre begers ffrerys it draes nere nyght trus go we to rest i am euen redy dyght i thynk it the best ffor ferde we be fryght a crosse lett vs kest cryst crosse benedyght eest and west ffor drede god be oure spede herkyn hyrdes awake gyf louyng ye shall he is borne for youre sake lorde perpetuall he is comen to take and rawnson you all youre sorowe to slake kyng emperiall he behestys that chyld is borne at bethelem this morne ye shall fynde hym beforne betwix two bestys a godys dere dominus what was that sang it was wonder curiose with small noytys emang i pray to god saue vs now in this thrang i am ferd by ihesus somwhat be wrang me thoght oone scremyd on lowde i suppose it was a clowde in myn erys it sowde by hym that me boght nay that may not be i say you certan ffor he spake to vs thre as he had bene a man when he lemyd on this lee my hart shakyd than an angell was he tell you i can no dowte he spake of a barne we must seke hym i you warne that betokyns yond starne that standys yonder owte it was meruell to se so bright as it shone i wold haue trowyd veraly it had bene thoner flone bot i sagh with myn ee as i lenyd to this stone it was a mery gle sich hard i neuer none i recorde as he sayde in a skreme or els that i dreme we shuld go to bedleme to wyrship that lorde that same childe is he that prophetys of told shuld make them fre that adam had sold take tent vnto me this is inrold by the wordys of isae a prynce most bold shall he be and kyng with crowne sett on dauid trone sich was neuer none seyn with oure ee also isay says oure faders vs told that a vyrgyn shuld pas of iesse that wold bryng furth by grace a floure so bold that vyrgyn now has these wordys vphold as ye se trust it now we may he is borne this day of hym spake more sybyll as i weyn and nabugodhonosor from oure faythe alyene in the fornace where thay wore thre childre sene the fourt stode before godys son lyke to bene that fygure was gyffen by reualacyon that god wold haue a son this is a good lesson vs to consydure of hym spake ieromy and moyses also where he sagh hym by a bushe burnand lo when he cam to aspy if it were so vnburnyd was it truly at commyng therto a wonder that was for to se hir holy vyrgynyte that she vnfylyd shuld be thus can i ponder and shuld haue a chyld sich was neuer sene pese man thou art begyld thou shall se hym with eene of a madyn so myld greatt meruell i mene yee and she vnfyld a virgyn clene so soyne nothyng is inpossybyll sothly that god wyll it shalbe stabyll that god wyll haue done abacuc and ely prophesyde so elezabeth and zachare and many other mo and dauid as veraly is witnes therto iohn baptyste sewrly and daniel also so saying he is godys son alon without hym shalbe none his sete and his trone shall euer be lastyng virgill in his poetre sayde in his verse even thus by gramere as i shall reherse weme tord what speke ye here in myn eeres tell vs no clerge i hold you of the freres ye preche it semys by youre laton ye haue lerd youre caton herk syrs ye fon i shall you teche he sayde from heuen a new kynde is send whom a vyrgyn to neuen oure mys to amend shall conceyue full euen thus make i an end and yit more to neuen that samyne shall bend vnto vs with peasse and plente with ryches and menee good luf and charyte blendyd amanges vs and i hold it trew ffor ther shuld be when that kyng commys new peasse by land and se now brethere adew take tent vnto me i wold that we knew of this song so fre of the angell i hard by hys steuen he was send downe ffro heuen it is trouth that ye neuen i hard hym well spell now by god that me boght it was a mery song i dar say that he broght foure & twenty to a long i wold it were soght that same vs emong in fayth i trow noght so many he throng on a heppe thay were gentyll and small and well tonyd with all yee bot i can thaym all now lyst i lepe brek outt youre voce let se as ye yelp i may not for the pose bot i haue help a thy hart is in thy hose now in payn of a skelp this sang thou not lose thou art an yll awelp ffor angre go to now begyn he lyst not well ryn god lett vs neuer blyn take at my sangre now an ende haue we doyn of oure song this tyde ffayr fall thi growne well has thou hyde then furth lett vs ron i wyll not abyde no lyght makethe mone that haue i asspyde neuer the les lett vs hold oure beheste that hold i best then must we go eest after my ges wold god that we myght this yong bab see many prophetys that syght desyryd veralee to haue seen that bright and god so hee wold shew vs that wyght we myght say perde we had sene that many sant desyryd with prophetys inspyryd if thay hym requyryd yit i closyd ar thare eene god graunt vs that grace god so do abyde syrs a space lo yonder lo it commys on a rase yond sterne vs to it is a grete blase oure gate let vs go here he is who shall go in before i ne rek by my hore ye ar of the old store it semys you iwys hayll kyng i the call hayll most of myght hayll the worthyst of all hayll duke hayll knyght of greatt and small thou art lorde by right hayll perpetuall hayll faryst wyght here i offer i pray the to take if thou wold for my sake with this may thou lake this lytyll spruse cofer hayll lytyll tyn mop rewarder of mede hayll bot oone drop of grace at my nede hayll lytyll mylk sop hayll dauid sede of oure crede thou art crop hayll in god hede this ball that thou wold resaue lytyll is that i haue this wyll i vowche saue to play the with all hayll maker of man hayll swetyng hayll so as i can hayll praty mytyng i cowche to the than for fayn here gretyng hayll lord here i ordan now at oure metyng this botell it is an old by worde it is a good bowrde for to drynk of a gowrde it holdys a mett potell he that all myghtys may the makere of heuen that is for to say my son that i neuen rewarde you this day as he sett all on seuen he graunt you for ay his blys full euen contynuyng he gyf you good grace tell furth of this case he spede youre pase and graunt you good endyng ffare well fare lorde with thy moder also we shall this recorde where as we go we mon all be restorde god graunt it be so amen to that worde syng we therto on hight to ioy all sam with myrth and gam to the lawde of this lam syng we in syght lord what these weders ar cold and i am yll happyd i am nere hande dold so long haue i nappyd my legys thay fold my fyngers ar chappyd it is not as i wold for i am al lappyd in sorow in stormes and tempest now in the eest now in the west wo is hym has neuer rest myd day nor morow bot we sely shepardes that walkys on the moore in fayth we are nere handys outt of the doore no wonder as it standys if we be poore ffor the tylthe of oure landys lyys falow as the floore as ye ken we ar so hamyd ffor taxed and ramyd we ar mayde hand tamyd with thyse gentlery men thus thay refe vs oure rest oure lady theym wary these men that ar lord fest thay cause the ploghe tary that men say is for the best we fynde it contrary thus ar husbandys opprest in pointe to myscary on lyfe thus hold thay vs hunder thus thay bryng vs in blonder it were greatte wonder and euer shuld we thryfe ffor may he gett a paynt slefe or a broche now on dayes wo is hym that hym grefe or onys agane says dar noman hym reprefe what mastry he mays and yit may noman lefe oone word that he says no letter he can make purveance with boste and bragance and all is thrugh mantenance of men that are gretter ther shall com a swane as prowde as a po he must borow my wane my ploghe also then i am full fane to graunt or he go thus lyf we in payne anger and wo by nyght and day he must haue if he langyd if i shuld forgang it i were better be hangyd then oones say hym nay it dos me good as i walk thus by myn oone of this warld for to talk in maner of mone to my shepe wyll i stalk and herkyn anone ther abyde on a balk or sytt on a stone ffull soyne ffor i trowe perde trew men if thay be we gett more compane or it be noyne benste and dominus what may this bemeyne why fares this warld thus oft haue we not sene lord thyse weders ar spytus and the weders full kene and the frostys so hydus thay water myn eeyne no ly now in dry now in wete now in snaw now in slete when my shone freys to my fete it is not all esy bot as far as i ken or yit as i go we sely wedmen dre mekyll wo we haue sorow then and then it fallys oft so sely capyle oure hen both to and fro she kakyls bot begyn she to crok to groyne or to clok wo is hym is of oure cok ffor he is in the shekyls these men that ar wed haue not all thare wyll when they ar full hard sted thay sygh full styll god wayte thay ar led full hard and full yll in bower nor in bed thay say noght ther tyll this tyde my parte haue i fun i know my lesson wo is hym that is bun ffor he must abyde bot now late in oure lyfys a meruell to me that i thynk my hart ryfys sich wonders to see what that destany dryfys it shuld so be som men wyll have two wyfys and som men thre in store som ar wo that has any bot so far can i wo is hym that has many ffor he felys sore bot yong men of wowyng for god that you boght be well war of wedyng and thynk in youre thoght had i wyst is a thyng it seruys of noght mekyll styll mowrnyng has wedyng home broght and grefys with many a sharp showre ffor thou may cach in an owre that shall savour fulle sowre as long as thou lyffys ffor as euer red i pystyll i haue oone to my fere as sharp as a thystyll as rugh as a brere she is browyd lyke a brystyll with a sowre loten chere had she oones wett hyr whystyll she couth syng full clere hyr she is as greatt as a whall she has a galon of gall by hym that dyed for vs all i wald i had ryn to i had lost hir god looke ouer the raw ffull defly ye stand yee the dewill in thi maw so tariand sagh thou awro of daw yee on a ley land hard i hym blaw he commys here at hand not far stand styll qwhy ffor he commys hope i he wyll make vs both a ly bot if we be war crystys crosse me spede and sant nycholas ther of had i nede it is wars then it was whoso couthe take hede and lett the warld pas it is euer in drede and brekyll as glas and slythys this warld fowre neuer so with meruels mo and mo now in weyll now in wo and all thyng wrythys was neuer syn noe floode sich floodys seyn wyndys and ranys so rude and stormes so keyn som stamerd som stod in dowte as i weyn now god turne all to good i say as i mene ffor ponder these floodys so thay drowne both in feyldys and in towne and berys all downe and that is a wonder we that walk on the nyghtys oure catell to kepe we se sodan syghtys when othere men slepe yit me thynk my hart lyghtys i se shrewys pepe ye ar two all wyghtys i wyll gyf my shepe a turne bot full yll haue i ment as i walk on this bent i may lyghtly repent my toes if i spurne a sir god you saue and master myne a drynk fayn wold i haue and somwhat to dyne crystys curs my knaue thou art a ledyr hyne what the boy lyst rave abyde vnto syne we haue mayde it yll thryft on thy pate though the shrew cam late yit is he in state to dyne if he had it sich seruandys as i that swettys and swynkys etys oure brede full dry and that me forthynkys we ar oft weytt and wery when master men wynkys yit commys full lately both dyners and drynkys bot nately both oure dame and oure syre when we haue ryn in the myre thay can nyp at oure hyre and pay vs full lately bot here my trouth master for the fayr that ye make i shall do therafter wyrk as i take i shall do a lytyll sir and emang euer lake ffor yit lay my soper neuer on my stomake in feyldys wherto shuld i threpe with my staf can i lepe and men say lyght chepe letherly for yeldys thou were an yll lad to ryde on wowyng with a man that had bot lytyll of spendyng peasse boy i bad no more iangling or i shall make the full rad by the heuen's kyng with thy gawdys wher ar oure shepe boy we skorne sir this same day at morne i thaym left in the corne when thay rang lawdys thay haue pasture good thay can not go wrong that is right by the roode thyse nyghtys ar long yit i wold or we yode oone gaf vs a song so i thoght as i stode to myrth vs emong i grauntt lett me syng the tenory and i the tryble so hye then the meyne fallys to me lett se how ye chauntt now lord for thy naymes sevyn that made both moyn & starnes well mo then i can neuen thi will lorde of me tharnys i am all vneuen that moves oft my harnes now wold god i were in heuen for there wepe no barnes so styll who is that pypys so poore wold god ye wyst how i foore lo a man that walkys on the moore and has not all his wyll mak where has thou gon tell vs tythyng is he commen then ylkon take hede to his thyng what ich be a yoman i tell you of the king the self and the same sond from a greatt lordyng and sich ffy on you goyth hence out of my presence i must haue reuerence why who be ich why make ye it so qwaynt mak ye do wrang bot mak lyst ye saynt i trow that ye lang i trow the shrew can paynt the dewyll myght hym hang ich shall make complaynt and make you all to thwang at a worde and tell euyn how ye doth bot mak is that sothe now take outt that sothren tothe and sett in a torde mak the dewill in youre ee a stroke wold i leyne you mak know ye not me by god i couthe teyn you god looke you all thre me thoght i had sene you ye ar a fare compane can ye now mene you shrew iape thus late as thou goys what wyll men suppos and thou has an yll noys of stelyng of shepe and i am trew as steyll all men waytt bot a sekenes i feyll that haldys me full haytt my belly farys not weyll it is out of astate seldom lyys the dewyll dede by the gate therfor full sore am i and yll if i stande stone styll i ete not an nedyll thys moneth and more how farys thi wyff by my hoode how farys sho lyys walteryng by the roode by the fyere lo and a howse full of brude she drynkys well to yll spede othere good that she wyll do bot so etys as fast as she can and ilk yere that commys to man she bryngys furth a lakan and som yeres two bot were i not more gracyus and rychere befar i were eten outt of howse and of harbar yit is she a fowll dowse if ye com nar ther is none that trowse nor knowys a war then ken i now wyll ye se what i profer to gyf all in my cofer to morne at next to offer hyr hed mas penny i wote so forwakyd is none in this shyre i wold slepe if i takyd les to my hyere i am cold and nakyd and wold haue a fyere i am wery for rakyd and run in the myre wake thou nay i wyll lyg downe by ffor i must slepe truly as good a man's son was i as any of you bot mak com heder betwene shall thou lyg downe then myght i lett you bedene of that ye wold rowne no drede ffro my top to my too cryst crosse me spede now were tyme for a man that lakkys what he wold to stalk preuely than vnto a fold and neemly to wyrk than and be not to bold ffor he might aby the bargan if it were told at the endyng now were tyme for to reyll bot he nedys good counsell that fayn wold fare weyll and has bot lytyll spendyng bot abowte you a serkyll as rownde as a moyn to i haue done that i wyll tyll that it be noyn that ye lyg stone styll to that i haue doyne and i shall say thertyll of good wordys a foyne on hight ouer youre heydys my hand i lyft outt go youre een fordo your syght bot yit i must make better shyft and it be right lord what thay slepe hard that may ye all here was i neuer a shepard bot now wyll i lere if the flok be skard yit shall i nyp nere how drawes hederward now mendys oure chere ffrom sorow a fatt shepe i dar say a good flese dar i lay eft whyte when i may bot this will i borow how gyll art thou in gett vs some lyght who makys sich dyn this tyme of the nyght i am sett for to spyn i hope not i myght ryse a penny to wyn i shrew them on hight so farys a huswyff that has bene to be rasyd thus betwene here may no note be sene ffor sich small charys good wyff open the hek seys thou not what i bryng i may thole the dray the snek a com in my swetyng yee thou thar not rek of my long standyng by the nakyd nek art thou lyke for to hyng do way i am worthy my mete ffor in a strate can i gett more then thay that swynke and swette all the long day thus it fell to my lott gyll i had sich grace it were a fowll blott to be hanged for the case i haue skapyd ielott oft as hard a glase bot so long goys the pott to the water men says at last comys it home broken well knowe i the token bot let it neuer be spoken bot com and help fast i wold he were slayn i lyst well ete this twelmothe was i not so fayn of oone shepe mete com thay or he be slayn and here the shepe blete then myght i be tane that were a cold swette go spar the gaytt doore yis mak ffor and thay com at thy bak then myght i by for all the pak the dewill of the war a good bowrde haue i spied syn thou can none here shall we hym hyde to thay be gone in my credyll abyde lett me alone and i shall lyg besyde in chylbed and grone thou red and i shall say thou was lyght of a knaue childe this nyght now well is me day bright that euer was i bred this is a good gyse and a far cast yit a woman avyse helpys at the last i wote neuer who spyse agane go thou fast bot i com or thay ryse els blawes a cold blast i wyll go slepe yit slepys all this meneye and i shall go stalk preuely as it had neuer bene i that caryed thare shepe resurrex a mortruis haue hald my hand i may not well stand my foytt slepys by ihesus and i water fastand i thoght that we layd vs full nere yngland a ye lord what i haue slept weyll as fresh as an eyll as lyght i me feyll as leyfe on a tre benste be here in so my hart qwakys my hart is outt of skyn what so it makys who makys all this dyn so my browes blakys to the dowore wyll i wyn harke felows wakys we were fowre se ye awre of mak now we were vp or thou man i gyf god a vowe yit yede he nawre me thoght he was lapt in a wolfe skyn so are many hapt now namely within when we had long napt me thoght with a gyn a fatt shepe he trapt bot he mayde no dyn be styll thi dreme makys the woode it is bot fantom by the roode now god turne all to good if it be his wyll ryse mak for shame thou lygys right lang now crystys holy name be vs emang what is this for sant iame i may not well gang i trow i be the same a my nek has lygen wrang enoghe mekill thank syn yister euen now by sant strevyn i was flayd with a swevyn my hart out of sloghe i thoght gyll began to crok and trauell full sad welner at the fyrst cok of a yong lad ffor to mend oure flok then be i neuer glad i haue tow on my rok more then euer i had a my heede a house full of yong tharmes the dewill knok outt thare harnes wo is hym has many barnes and therto lytyll brede i must go home by youre lefe to gyll as i thoght i pray you looke my slefe that i steyll noght i am loth you to grefe or from you take oght go furth yll myght thou chefe now wold i we soght this morne that we had all oure store bot i will go before let vs mete whore at the crokyd thorne vndo this doore who is here how long shall i stand who makys sich a bere now walk in the wenyand a gyll what chere it is i mak youre husbande then may we be here the dewill in a bande syr gyle lo he commys with a lote as he were holden in the throte i may not syt at my note a hand lang while wyll ye here what fare she makys to gett hir a glose and dos noght bot lakys and clowse hir toose why who wanders who wakys who commys who gose who brewys who bakys what makys me thus hose and than it is rewthe to beholde now in hote now in colde ffull wofull is the householde that wantys a woman bot what ende has thou mayde with the hyrdys mak the last worde that thay sayde when i turnyd my bak thay wold looke that thay hade thare shepe all the pak i hope thay wyll nott be well payde when thay thare shepe lak perde bot how so the gam gose to me thay wyll suppose and make a fowll noyse and cry outt apon me bot thou must do as thou hyght i accorde me thertyll i shall swedyll hym right in my credyll if it were a gretter slyght yit couthe i help tyll i wyll lyg downe stright com hap me i wyll behynde com coll and his maroo thay will nyp vs full naroo bot i may cry out haroo the shepe if thay fynde harken ay when thay call thay will com onone com and make redy all and syng by thyn oone syng lullay thou shall for i must grone and cry outt by the wall on mary and iohn ffor sore syng lullay on fast when thou heris at the last and bot i play a fals cast trust me no more a coll goode morne why slepys thou nott alas that euer was i borne we haue a fowll blott a fat wedir haue we lorne mary godys forbott who shuld do vs that skorne that were a fowll spott som shrewe i haue soght with my dogys all horbery shrogys and of fefteyn hogys ffond i bot oone ewe now trow me if ye will by sant thomas of kent ayther mak or gyll was at that assent peasse man be still i sagh when he went thou sklanders hym yll thou aght to repent goode spede now as euer myght i the if i shuld euyn here de i wold say it were he that dyd that same dede go we theder i rede and ryn on oure feete shall i neuer ete brede the sothe to i wytt nor drynk in my heede with hym tyll i mete i wyll rest in no stede tyll that i hym grete my brothere oone i will hight tyll i se hym in sight shall i neuer slepe one nyght ther i do anothere will ye here how thay hak oure syre lyst croyne hard i neuer none crak so clere out of toyne call on hym mak vndo youre doore soyne who is that spak as it were noyne on loft who is that i say goode felowse were it day as far as ye may good spekys soft ouer a seke woman's heede that is at mayll easse i had leuer be dede or she had any dyseasse go to an othere stede i may not well qweasse ich fote that ye trede goys thorow my nese so hee tell vs mak if ye may how fare ye i say bot ar ye in this towne to day now how fare ye ye haue ryn in the myre and ar weytt yit i shall make you a fyre if ye will syt a nores wold i hyre thynk ye on yit well qwytt is my hyre my dreme this is itt a seson i haue barnes if ye knew well mo then enewe bot we must drynk as we brew and that is bot reson i wold ye dynyd or ye yode me thynk that ye swette nay nawther mendys oure mode drynke nor mette why sir alys you oght bot goode yee oure shepe that we gett ar stollyn as thay yode oure los is grette syrs drynkys had i bene thore som shuld haue boght it full sore mary som men trowes that ye wore and that vs forthynkys mak som men trowys that it shuld be ye ayther ye or youre spouse so say we now if ye haue suspowse to gill or to me com and rype oure howse and then may ye se who had hir if i any shepe fott aythor cow or stott and gyll my wyfe rose nott here syn she lade hir as i am true and lele to god here i pray that this be the fyrst mele that i shall ete this day mak as haue i ceyll avyse the i say he lernyd tymely to steyll that couth not say nay i swelt outt thefys fro my wonys ye com to rob vs for the nonys here ye not how she gronys youre hartys shuld melt outt thefys fro my barne negh hym not thor wyst ye how she had farne youre hartys wold be sore ye do wrang i you warne that thus commys before to a woman that has farne bot i say no more a my medyll i pray to god so mylde if euer i you begyld that i ete this chylde that lygys in this credyll peasse woman for godys payn and cry not so thou spyllys thy brane and makys me full wo i trow oure shepe be slayn what finde ye two all wyrk we in vayn as well may we go bot hatters i can fynde no flesh hard nor nesh salt nor fresh bot two tome platers whik catell bot this tame nor wylde none as haue i blys as lowde as he smylde no so god me blys and gyf me ioy of my chylde we haue merkyd amys i hold vs begyld syr don syr oure lady hym saue is youre chyld a knaue any lord myght hym haue this chyld to his son when he wakyns he kyppys that ioy is to se in good tyme to hys hyppys and in cele bot who was his gossyppys so sone rede so fare fall thare lyppys hark now a le so god thaym thank parkyn and gybon waller i say and gentill iohn horne in good fay he made all the garray with the greatt shank mak freyndys will we be ffor we ar all oone we now i hald for me for mendys gett i none ffare well all thre all glad were ye gone ffare wordys may ther be bot luf is ther none this yere gaf ye the chyld any thyng i trow not oone farthyng ffast agane will i flyng abyde ye me there mak take it to no grefe if i com to thi barne nay thou dos me greatt reprefe and fowll has thou farne the child will it not grefe that lytyll day starne mak with youre leyfe let me gyf youre barne bot sex pence nay do way he slepys me thynk he pepys when he wakyns he wepys i pray you go hence gyf me lefe hym to kys and lyft vp the clowtt what the dewill is this he has a long snowte he is merkyd amys we wate ill abowte ill spon weft iwys ay commys foull owte ay so he is lyke to oure shepe how gyb may i pepe i trow kynde will crepe where it may not go this was a qwantt gawde and a far cast it was a hee frawde yee syrs wast lett bren this bawde and bynd hir fast a fals skawde hang at the last so shall thou wyll ye se how thay swedyll his foure feytt in the medyll sagh i neuer in a credyll a hornyd lad or now peasse byd i what lett be youre fare i am he that hym gatt and yond woman hym bare what dewill shall he hatt mak lo god makys ayre lett be all that now god gyf hym care i sagh a pratty child is he as syttys on a waman's kne a dyllydowne perde to gar a man laghe i know hym by the eere marke that is a good tokyn i tell you syrs hark hys noyse was brokyn sythen told me a clerk that he was forspokyn this is a fals wark i wold fayn be wrokyn gett wepyn he was takyn with an elfe i saw it myself when the clok stroke twelf was he forshapyn ye two ar well feft sam in a stede syn thay manteyn thare theft let do thaym to dede if i trespas eft gyrd of my heede with you will i be left syrs do my reede ffor this trespas we will nawther ban ne flyte ffyght nor chyte bot haue done as tyte and cast hym in canvas lord what i am sore in poynt for to bryst in fayth i may no more therfor wyll i ryst as a shepe of sevyn skore he weyd in my fyst ffor to slepe ay whore me thynk that i lyst now i pray you lyg downe on this grene on these thefys yit i mene wherto shuld ye tene so as i say you ryse hyrd men heynd for now is he borne that shall take fro the feynd that adam had lorne that warloo to sheynd this nyght is he borne god is made youre freynd now at this morne he behestys at bedlem go se ther lygys that fre in a cryb full poorely betwyx two bestys this was a qwant stevyn that euer yit i hard it is a meruell to neuyn thus to be skard of godys son of heuyn he spak vpward all the wod on a leuyn me thoght that he gard appere he spake of a barne in bedlem i you warne that betokyns yond starne let vs seke hym there say what was his song hard ye not how he crakyd it thre brefes to a long yee mary he hakt it was no crochett wrong nor no thyng that lakt it ffor to syng vs emong right as he knakt it i can let se how ye croyne can ye bark at the mone hold youre tonges haue done hark after than to bedlem he bad that we shuld gang i am full fard that we tary to lang be mery and not sad of myrth is oure sang euer lastyng glad to mede may we fang withoutt noyse hy we theder for thy if we be wete and wery to that chyld and that lady we haue it not to lose we fynde by the prophecy let be youre dyn of dauid and isay and mo then i myn thay prophecyed by clergy that in a vyrgyn shuld he lyght and ly to slokyn oure syn and slake it oure kynde from wo ffor isay sayd so a chylde that is nakyd ffull glad may we be and abyde that day that lufly to se that all myghtys may lord well were me for ones and for ay myght i knele on my kne som word for to say to that chylde bot the angell sayd in a cryb wos he layde he was poorly arayd both mener and mylde patryarkes that has bene and prophetys beforne thay desyryd to haue sene this chylde that is borne thay ar gone full clene that haue thay lorne we shall se hym i weyn or it be morne to tokyn when i se hym and fele then wote i full weyll it is true as steyll that prophetys haue spokyn to so poore as we ar that he wold appere ffyrst fynd and declare by his messyngere go we now let vs fare the place is vs nere i am redy and yare go we in fere to that bright lord if thi wylles be we ar lewde all thre thou grauntt vs somkyns gle to comforth thi wight hayll comly and clene hayll yong child hayll maker as i meyne of a madyn so mylde thou has waryd i weyne the warlo so wylde the fals gyler of teyn now goys he begylde lo he merys lo he laghys my swetyng a welfare metyng i haue holden my hetyng haue a bob of cherys hayll sufferan sauyoure ffor thou has vs soght hayll frely foyde and floure that all thyng has wroght hayll full of fauoure that made all of noght hayll i kneyll and i cowre a byrd haue i broght to my barne hayll lytyll tyne' mop of oure crede thou art crop i wold drynk on thy cop lytyll day starne hayll derlyng dere full of godhede i pray the be nere when that i haue nede hayll swete is thy chere my hart wold blede to se the sytt here in so poore wede with no pennys hayll put furth thy dall i bryng the bot a ball haue and play the with all and go to the tenys the fader of heuen god omnypotent that sett all on seuen his son has he sent my name couth he neuen and lyght or he went i conceyuyd hym full euen thrugh myght as he ment and now is he borne he kepe you fro wo i shall pray hym so tell furth as ye go and myn on this morne ffarewell lady so fare to beholde with thy childe on thi kne bot he lygys full cold lord well is me now we go thou behold ffor sothe all redy it semys to be told full oft what grace we haue fun com furth now ar we won to syng ar we bun let take on loft peasse i byd both far and nere i warne you leyf youre sawes sere who that makys noyse whyls i am here i say shall dy of all this warld sooth far & nere the lord am i lord am i of euery land of towre and towne of se and sand agans me dar noman stand that berys lyfe all erthly thyng bowes to my hand both man and wyfe man and wyfe that warne i you that in this warld is lyfand now to mahowne & me all shall bow both old and ying on hym wyll i ich man trow ffor any thyng ffor any thyng it shall be so lord ouer all where i go who so says agane i shall hym slo where so he dwell the feynd if he were my fo i shuld hym fell to fell those fatures i am bowne and dystroy those dogys in feyld and towne that will not trow on sant mahowne oure god so swete those fals faturs i shall fell downe vnder my feete vnder my feete i shall thaym fare those ladys that will not lere my lare ffor i am myghty man ay whare of ilk a pak clenly shapen hyde and hare withoutten lak the myght of me may no man mene ffor all that dos me any teyn i shall dyng thaym downe bydeyn and wyrk thaym wo and on assay it shall be seyn or i go and therfor will i send and se in all this land full hastely to looke if any dwelland be in towre or towne that wyll not hold holly on me and on mahowne if ther be fonden any of tho with bytter payn i shall theym slo my messynger swyth looke thou go thrugh ilk countre in all this land both to and fro i commaunde the and truly looke thou spyr and spy in euery stede ther thou commys by who trowes not on mahowne most myghty oure god so fre and looke thou bryng theym hastely heder vnto me and i shall fownd thaym for to flay those laddys that will not lede oure lay therfor boy now i the pray that thou go tytt it shal be done lord if i may withoutten lett and certys if i may any fynde i shall not leyfe oone of them behynde no bot boldly thou thaym bynde and with the leyde mahowne that weldys water and wynde the wish and spede all peasse lordyngys and hold you styll to i haue sayde what i will take goode hede vnto my skyll both old and ying in message what is commen you tyll ffrom herode the kyng he commaundys you euerilkon to hold no kyng bot hym alon and othere god ye worship none bot mahowne so fre and if ye do ye mon be slone thus told he me lord of whom this light is lent and vnto me this sight has sent i pray to the with good intent ffrom shame me shelde so that i no harmes hent by wayes wylde also i pray the specyally thou graunt me grace of company that i may haue som beyldyng by in my trauayll and certys for to lyf or dy i shall not fayll to that i in som land haue bene to wyt what this starne may mene that has me led with bemys shene ffro my cuntre now weynd i will withoutten weyn the sothe to se a lord that is withoutten ende whens euer this selcouth light dyscende that thus kyndly has me kende oute of my land and shewyd to me ther i can leynd thus bright shynand certys i sagh neuer none so bright i shall neuer ryst by day nor nyght to i wyt whens may com this lyght and from what place he that it send vnto my sight leyne me that grace a sir wheder ar ye away tell me good sir i you pray certys i trow the sothe to say none wote bot i i haue folowed yond starne veray ffrom araby ffor i am kyng of that cuntre and melchor ther call men me and kyng sir was i wont to be in tars at hame both of towne and cyte iaspar is my name the light of yond starne sagh i thedyr that lord be louyd that send me hedyr ffor it will grathly ken vs whedyr that we shall weynd we owe to loue hym both togedyr that it to vs wold send a lord in land what may this mene so selcouth sight was neuer sene sich a starne shynand so shene sagh i neuer none it gyffys lyght ouer all bedene by hym alone what it may mene that know i noght bot yonder ar two me thynk in thoght i thank hym that thaym heder has broght thus vnto me i shall assay if thay wote oght what it may be lordyngys that ar leyf and dere i pray you tell me with good chere wheder ye weynd on this manere and where that ye haue bene and of this starne that shynys thus clere what it may mene syr i say you certanly ffrom tars for yond starne soght haue i to seke yond light from araby sir haue i went now hertely i thank hym for thy that it has sent good sir what cuntre cam ye fra this light has led me fro saba and balthesar my name to say the sothe to tell and kyngis sir are we twa ther as we dwell now syrs syn we ar semled here i rede we ryde togeder in fere vnto we wytt on all manere ffor good or yll what it may mene this sterne so clere shynand vs tyll a lordyngys behold the lyght of yond starne with bemys bright ffor sothe i sagh neuer sich a sight in no kyns land a starne thus aboute mydnyght so bright shynand it gyfys more light it self alone then any son that euer shone or mone when he of son has ton his light so cleyn sich selcouth sight haue i sene none what so euer it meyn behold lordyngys vnto his pase and se how nygh the erth hit gase it is a tokyn that it mase of nouelry a meruell it is good tent who tase now here in hy ffor sich a starne was neuer ere seyn as wyde in warld as we haue beyn ffor blasyng bemys shynand full sheyn ffrom hit ar sent meruell i haue what it may meyn in myn intent certys syrs the sothe to say i shall dyscry now if i may what it may meyn yond starne veray shynand tyll vs it has bene sayde syn many a day it shuld be thus yond starne betokyns well wote i the byrth of a prynce syrs securly that shewys well the prophecy that it so be or els the rewlys of astronomy dyssauys me certan balaam spekys of this thyng that of iacob a starne shall spryng that shall ouercom kasar and kyng withoutten stryfe all folk shalbe to hym obeyng that berys the lyfe now wote i well this is the same in euery place he shall haue hame all shall hym bowe that berys name in ilk cuntre who trowys it not thay ar to blame what so thay be certys lordyngys full well wote i ffulfyllyd is now the prophecy that prynce that shall ouer com in hy kasar and kyng this starne berith witnes wytterly of his beryng now is fulfyllyd here in this land that balaam sayd i vnderstand now is he borne that se and sand shall weyld at wyll that shewys this starne so bright shynand vs thre vntyll lordyngys i rede we weynd all thre ffor to wyrship that chyld so fre in tokyn that he kyng shalbe of alkyn thyng this gold now wyll i bere with me to myn offeryng go we fast syrs i you pray to worship hym if that we may i bryng rekyls the sothe to say here in myn hende in tokyn that he is god veray withoutten ende syrs as ye say right so i red hast we tytt vnto that sted to wirship hym as for oure hed with oure offeryng in tokyn that he shalbe ded this myrr i bryng where is that kyng of iues land that shalbe lord of se and sand and folk shall bow vnto his hand both more and myn to wyrship hym with oure offerand we wyll not blyn we shall not rest euen nor morne vnto we com ther he is borne ffolowe this light els be we lorne ffor sothe i trowe that frely to we com beforne syrs go we now mahowne that is of greatt pausty my lord sir herode the saue and se where has thou bene so long fro me vyle stynkand lad lord gone youre herand in this cuntre as ye me bad thou lyys lurdan the dewill the hang why has thou dwelt away so lang lord ye wyte me all with wrang what tythyngys say som good som yll mengyd emang how i the pray do tell me fast how thou has farne thy waryson shall thou not tharne as i cam walkand i you warne lord by the way i met thre kyngis sekeand a barne thus can thay say to seke a barne for what thyng told thay any new tythyng yey lord thay sayd he shuld be kyng of towne and towre ffor thy thay went with thare offeryng hym to honoure kyng the dewill bot of what empyre of what land shuld that lad be syre nay i shall with that trature tyre sore shall he rewe lord by a starne as bright as fyre this kyng thay knew it led thaym outt of thare cuntre we fy fy dewyls on thame all thre he shall neuer haue myght to me that new borne lad when thare wytt in a starne shuld be i hold thaym mad those lurdans wote not what thay say thay ryfe my hede that dar i lay ther dyd no tythyngis many a day sich harme me to ffor wo my wytt is all away what shall i do why what the dewyll is in thare harnes is thare wytt all in the starnes these tythyngis mar my mode in ernes and of this thyng to wytt the sothe full sore me yarnes of this new kyng kyng what the dewyll other then i we fy on dewyls fy fy certys that boy shall dere aby his ded is dight shall he be kyng thus hastely who the dewill made hym knyght alas for shame this is a skorne thay fynde no reson thaym beforne shuld that brodell that late is borne be most of mayn nay if the dewyll of hell had sworne he shall agane alas alas for doyll and care so mekyll sorow had i neuer are if it be sothe for euer mare i am vndoyn at good clerkys and wyse of lare i wyll wyt soyn bot fyrst yit will i send and se the answere of those lurdans thre messyngere tytt hy thou the and make the yare go byd those kyngys com speke with me that told thou of are say i haue greatt herand thaym tyll it shalbe done lord at youre wyll youre byddyng shall i soyn fulfyll in ilk cuntre mahowne the shelde from all kyns yll ffor his pauste mahowne you saue sir kyngys thre i haue message to you preue' ffrom herode kyng of this cuntre that is oure chefe and lo syrs if ye trow not me ye rede this brefe welcom be thou belamy what is his wyll tell vs in hy certys sir that wote not i bot thus he sayde to me that ye shuld com full hastely to hym all thre ffor nede herand he sayd me so messynger before thou go and tell thi lord we ar all thro his wyll to do both i and my felose two shall com hym to mahowne you looke my lord so dere welcom be thou messyngere how has thou farne syn thou was here thou tell me tytt lord i haue traueld far and nere withoutten lett and done youre herand sir sothely thre kyngis with me broght haue i ffro saba tars and araby then haue thay soght thi waryson shall thou haue for thy by hym me boght and certanly that is good skyll and syrs ye ar welcom me tyll lord thi bydyng to fulfyll are we full thro a mekyll thank of youre good wyll that ye wyll so ffor certys i haue couett greattly to speke with you and here now why tell me i pray you specyally ffor any thyng what tokynyng saw ye on the sky of this new kyng we sagh his starne ryse in the eest that shall be kyng of man and best ffor thy lord we haue not cest syn that we wyst with oure gyftys riche and honest to bere that blyst lord when that starne rose vs beforne ther by we knew that chyld was borne out alas i am forlorne ffor euer mare i wold be rent and al to torne ffor doyll and care alas alas i am full wo syr kyngys syt downe & rest you so by scrypture syrs what say ye two withoutten lytt what ye can say ther to let se now tytt these kyngys do me to vnderstand that borne is newly in this land a kyng that shall weld se and sand thay tell me so and therfor syrs i you commaunde youre bookys go to and looke grathly for any thyng if ye fynd oght of sich a kyng it shall be done at youre bydyng by hym me boght and soyn we shall you tythyngys bryng if we fynd oght soyn shall we wyt lord if i may if oght be wretyn in oure lay now masters therof i you pray on all manere com furth let vs assay oure bookys both in fere certys sir lo here fynd i well wretyn in a prophecy how that profett isay that neuer begyld tellys that a madyn of hir body shall bere a chyld and also sir to you i tell the meruellest thyng that euer fell hyr madynhede with hir shall dwell as dyd beforne that child shall hight emanuell when he is borne lord this is sothe securely wytnes the profett isay outt alas for doyll i dy long or my day shall he haue more pauste then i a waloway alas alas i am forlorne i wold be rent and all to torne bot looke yit as ye dyd beforne ffor luf of me and tell me where that boy is borne onone lett se all redy lord with mayn & mode haue done belyf or i go wode and certys that gadlyng wer as good haue greuyd me noght i shall se that brodell bloode by hym that me has boght micheas the prophett withoutten nay how that he tellys i shall you say in bedlem land of iuda as i say you out of it a duke shall spra thus fynd we now syr thus we fynd in prophecy therfor we say you securely in bedlem we say you truly borne is that kyng the dewill hang you high to dry ffor this tythyng and certys ye ly it may not be lord we wytnes it truly here the sothe youre self may se if ye can rede a waloway full wo is me the dewill you spede lord it is sothe all that we say we fynde it wretyn in oure lay go hens harlottys in twenty dewill way ffast and belyfe mighty mahowne as he well may lett you neuer thryfe alas wherto were i a crowne or is cald of greatt renowne i am the fowlest borne downe that euer was man and namely with a fowll swalchon that no good can alas that euer i shuld be knyght or holdyn man of mekyll myght if a lad shuld reyfe me my right all thus me fro myn dede ere shuld i dyght or it were so ye nobyll kyngys harkyns as heynd ye shall haue saue condyth to weynd bot com agane with me to leynd syrs i you pray ye shall me fynd a faythfull freynd if ye do swa if it be sothe this new tythyng som worship wold i do that kyng therfor i pray you that ye bryng me tythyngys soyn all redy lord at youre bydyng it shalbe doyn alas in warld how haue we sped where is the lyght that vs has led som clowde for sothe that starne has cled ffrom vs away in strong stowre now ar we sted what may we say wo worth herode that cursyd wyght wo worth that tyrant day and nyght ffor thrugh hym haue we lost that sight and for his gyle that shoyn to vs with bemys bright within a whyle lordyngys i red we pray all thre to that lord whose natyuyte the starne betokyned that we can se all with his wyll pray we specyally that he wold show it vs vntyll thou chyld whose myght no tong may tell as thou art lord of heuen and hell thy nobyll starne emanuell thou send vs yare that we may wytt by fyrth and fell how we shall fare a to that chyld be euer honoure that in this tyd has stynt oure stoure and lent vs lyght to oure socoure on this manere we loue the lord of towne and towre holly in fere we owe to loue hym ouer all thyng that thus has send vs oure askyng behold yond starne has made stynyng syrs securly of this chyld shall we haue knowyng i hope in hy lordyngys dere drede thar vs noght oure greatt trauell tyll end is broght yond is the place that we haue soght ffrom far cuntre yond is the chyld that all has wroght behold and se i red we make offeryng all thre vnto this chyld of greatt pauste and worship hym with gyftys fre that we haue broght oure boytt of bayll ay wyll he be well haue we soght hayll be thou maker of all kyn thyng that boytt of all oure bayll may bryng in tokyn that thou art oure kyng and shalbe ay resayf this gold to myn offeryng prynce i the pray hayll ouercomer of kyng and of knyght that fourmed fysh and fowyll in flyght ffor thou art godis son most of myght and all weldand i bryng the rekyls as is right to myn offerand hayll kyng in kyth cowrand on kne hayll oone fold god in persons thre in tokyn that thou dede shalbe by kyndly skyll to thy grauyng this myr of me resaue the tyll syr kyngys make comforth you betweyn and meruell not what it may mene this chyld that on me borne has bene all bayll may blyn i am his moder and madyn clene withoutten syn therfor lordyngys where so ye fare boldly looke ye tell ay whare how i this blyst of bosom bare that best shalbe and madyn cleyn as i was are thrugh his pauste and truly syrs looke that ye trow that othere lord is none at lowe both man and beest to hym shall bowe in towne and feyld my blyssyng syrs be now with you where so ye beyld a lordyngys dere the sothe to say we haue made a good iornay we loue this lord that shall last ay with outten ende he is oure beyld both nyght and day where so we weynd lordyngys we haue traueld lang and restyd haue we lytyll emang ffor thi i red now or we gang with all oure mayn et vs fownde a slepe to fang then were i fayn ffor in greatt stowres we haue ben sted lo here a lytter redy cled i loue my lord we haue well sped to rest with wyn lordyngys syn we shall go to bed ye shall begyn syr curtes kyngys to me take tent and turne by tyme or ye be tenyd ffrom god his self thus am i sent to warne you as youre faythfull freynd how herode kyng has malyce ment and shapys with shame you forto sheynd and so that ye no harmes hent by othere ways god wyll ye weynd into youre awne cuntre and if ye ask hym boyn ffor this dede that ye haue done youre beyld ay wyll he be wakyns wakyns lordyngys dere oure dwellyng is no longer here an angell spake tyll vs in fere bad vs as heynd that we ne shuld on no manere home by herode weynd all myghty god in trynyte with hart enterely thank i the that thyn angell send tyll vs thre and kend vs so oure fals fo man for to fle that wold vs slo we aght to loue hym more and myn that comly kyng of all man kyn i rew full sore that we shall twyn on this manere ffor commen we haue with mekyll wyn by wayes sere twyn must vs nedys syrs permafay and ilk on weynd by dyuers way this wyll me lede the sothe to say to my cuntre ffor thy lordyngys now haue good day god with you be certys i must pas by se and sand this is the gate i vnderstand that wyll me lede vnto my land the right way to god of heuen i you commaunde and haue good day this is the way that i must weynd now god till vs his socoure send and he that is withoutten end and ay shalbe saue vs from fowndyng of the feynd ffor his pauste awake ioseph and take intent thou ryse and slepe nomare if thou wyll saue thy self vnshent ffownde the fast to fare i am an angell to the sent ffor thou shall no harmes hent to cach the outt of care if thou here longer lent ffor rewth thou mon repent and rew it wonder sare a myghtfull god what euer this ment so swete of toyn lo ioseph it is i an angell send to the we leyf i pray the why what is thy wyll with me hens behufys the hy and take with the mary also hir chyld so fre ffor herode dos to dy all knaue chyldren securly with in two yere that be of eld alas full wo is me where may we beyld tyll egypp shall thou fare with all the myght thou may and ioseph hold the thare tyll i wyll the at say this is a febyll fare a seke man and a sare to here of sich a fray my bonys ar bursyd and bare ffor to do i wold it ware comen my last day tyll ende i ne wote which is the way how shall we weynde ther of haue thou no drede weynd furth & leyf thi dyn the way he shall you lede the kyng of all man kyn that heynd til vs take hede ffor i had lytyll nede sich bargans to begyn no wonder if i wede i that may do no dede how shuld i theder wyn ffor eld i am full bare and thyn and all vnweld my fors me falys to fare and sight that i shuld se mary my darlyng dere i am full wo for the a leyf ioseph what chere youre sorow on this manere it mekill meruels me oure noyes ar neghand nere if we dwell longer here ffor thi behofes vs fle and flytt alas how may this be what euer menys it it menys of sorow enoghe a dere ioseph how so as i lay in a swogh ffull sad slepand and thro an angell to me drogh as blossom bright on bogh and told betwix vs two that herode wroght greatt wogh and all knaue children slogh in land that he myght to that feynd and he thy son wold slo and shamely sheynd my son alas for care who may my doyllys dyll wo worth fals herode are my son why shuld he spyll alas i lurk and dare to slo this barne i bare what wight in warld had wyll his hart shuld be full sare sichon for to fare that neuer yit dyd yll ne thoght now leyfe mary be styll this helpys noght it is no boytt to grete truly withoutten trayn oure bayll it may not boytt bot well more make oure payn alas how shuld i lete my son that is so swete is soght for to be slayn ffull gryle may i grete my fomen and i mete tell me ioseph with mayn youre red shortly swedyll vs this swayn and fle hys dede his ded wold i not se ffor all this warld to wyn alas full wo were me in two if we shuld twyn my chyld so bright of ble to slo hym were pyte and a full hedus syn dere ioseph what red ye tyll egyp weynd shall we ffor thi let be thi dyn and cry how shall we theder wyn ffulle well wote i the best wyse that we may hast vs outt of this here ther is noght els to say bot tytt pak vp oure gere ffor ferd of this affray lett vs weynd hens away or any do vs dere greatt god as he well may that shope both nyght and day ffrom wandreth he vs were and shame my chyld how shuld i bere so far from hame alas i am full wo was neuer wyght so wyll god wote i may say so i haue mater ther tyll ffor i may vnyth go to lede of land sich two no wonder if i be wyll and sythen has many a fo a why wyll no ded me slo my lyfe i lyke yll and sare he that all doyls may dyll he keyll my care so wyll a wyght as i in warld was neuer man howsehold and husbandry ffull sore i may it ban that bargan dere i by yong men bewar red i wedyng makys me all wan take me thi brydyll mary tent thou to that page grathly with all the craft thou can and may he that this warld began wysh vs the way alas full wo is me is none so wyll as i my hart wold breke in thre my son to se hym dy we leyf mary lett be and nothyng drede thou the bot hard hens lett vs hy to saue thi foode so fre ffast furth now lett vs fle dere leyf to mete with his enmy it were a greatt myschefe and that wold i not wore away if we myght wyn my hart wold be full sore in two to se you twyn tyll egypp lett vs fare this pak tyll i com thare to bere i shall not blyn ffor thi haue thou no care if i may help the mare thou fyndys no fawte me in i say god blys you more and myn and haue now all good day moste myghty mahowne meng you with myrth both of burgh and of towne by fellys and by fyrth both kyng with crowne and barons of brith that radly wyll rowne many greatt grith shall be happ take tenderly intent what sondys ar sent els harmes shall ye hent and lothes you to lap herode the heynd kyng by grace of mahowne of iury iourmontyng sternly with crowne on lyfe that ar lyfyng in towre and in towne gracyus you gretyng commaundys you be bowne at his bydyng luf hym with lewte drede hym that doughty he chargys you be redy lowly at his lykyng what man apon mold menys hym agane tytt teyn shall be told knyght sqwyere or swayn be he neuer so bold byes he that bargan twelf thowsand fold more then i sayn may ye trast he is worthy wonderly selcouthly sory ffor a boy that is borne her by standys he abast a kyng thay hym call and that we deny how shuld it so fall greatt meruell haue i therfor ouer all shall i make a cry that ye busk not to brall nor lyke not to ly this tyde carpys of no kyng bot herode that lordyng or busk to youre beyldyng youre heedys for to hyde he is kyng of kyngys kyndly i knowe chefe lord of lordyngys chefe leder of law ther watys on his wyngys that bold bost wyll blaw greatt dukys downe dyngys ffor his greatt aw and hym lowtys tuskane and turky all inde and italy cecyll and surry drede hym and dowtys ffrom paradyse to padwa to mownt flascon ffrom egyp to mantua vnto kemp towne ffrom sarceny to susa to grece it abowne both normondy and norwa lowtys to his crowne his renowne can no tong tell ffrom heuen vnto hell of hym can none spell bot his cosyn mahowne he is the worthyest of all barnes that are borne ffree men ar his thrall full teynfully torne begyn he to brall many men cach skorne obey must we all or els be ye lorne att onys downe dyng of youre knees all that hym seys dysplesyd he beys and byrkyn many bonys here he commys now i cry that lord i of spake ffast afore wyll i hy radly on a rake and welcom hym worshipfully laghyng with lake as he is most worthy and knele for his sake so low downe dernly to fall as renk most ryall hayll the worthyest of all to the must i bow hayll luf lord lo thi letters haue i layde i haue done i couth do and peasse haue i prayd mekyll more therto opynly dysplayd bot romoure is rasyd so that boldly thay brade emangis thame thay carp of a kyng thay seasse not sich chateryng bot i shall tame thare talkyng and let thame go hang thame stynt brodels youre dyn yei euerychon i red that ye harkyn to i be gone ffor if i begyn i breke ilka bone and pull fro the skyn the carcas anone yei perde sesse all this wonder and make vs no blonder ffor i ryfe you in sonder be ye so hardy peasse both yong and old at my bydyng i red ffor i haue all in wold in me standys lyfe and dede who that is so bold i brane hym thrugh the hede speke not or i haue told what i will in this stede ye wote nott all that i will mefe styr not bot ye haue lefe ffor if ye do i clefe you small as flesh to pott my myrthes ar turned to teyn my mekenes into ire and all for oone i weyn with in i fare as fyre may i se hym with eyn i shall gyf hym his hyre bot i do as i meyn i were a full lewde syre in wonys had i that lad in hand as i am kyng in land i shuld with this steyll brand byrkyn all his bonys my name spryngys far and nere the doughtyest men me call that euer ran with spere a lord and kyng ryall what ioy is me to here a lad to sesse my stall if i this crowne may bere that boy shall by for all i anger i wote not what dewill me alys thay teyn me so with talys that by gottys dere nalys i wyll peasse no langer what dewill me thynk i brast ffor anger and for teyn i trow thyse kyngys be past that here with me has beyn thay promysed me full fast or now here to be seyn ffor els i shuld haue cast an othere sleght i weyn i tell you a boy thay sayd thay soght with offeryng that thay broght it mefys my hart right noght to breke his nek in two bot be thay past me by by mahowne in heuen i shall and that in hy set all on sex and seuen trow ye a kyng as i will suffre thaym to neuen any to haue mastry bot my self full euen nay leyfe the dewill me hang and draw if i that losell knaw bot i gyf hym a blaw that lyfe i shall hym reyfe ffor parels yit i wold wyst if thay were gone and ye therof her told i pray you say anone ffor and thay be so bold by god that syttys in trone the payn can not be told that thay shall haue ilkon ffor ire sich panys hard neuer man tell ffor vgly and for fell that lucyfere in hell thare bonys shall all to tyre lord thynk not ill if i tell you how thay ar past i kepe not layn truly syn thay cam by you last an othere way in hy thay soght & that full fast why and ar thay past me by we outt for teyn i brast we fy ffy on the dewill where may i byde bot fyght for teyn and al to chyde thefys i say ye shuld haue spyde and told when thay went by ye ar knyghtys to trast nay losels ye ar and thefys i wote i yelde my gast so sore my hart it grefys what nede you be abast ther ar no greatt myschefys ffor these maters to gnast why put ye sich reprefys withoutt cause thus shuld ye not thrett vs vngaynly to bete vs ye shuld not rehett vs withoutt othere sawes ffy losels and lyars lurdans ilkon tratoures and well wars knafys bot knyghtys none had ye bene woth youre eres thus had thay not gone gett i those land lepars i breke ilka bone ffyrst vengeance shall i se on thare bonys if ye byde in these wonys i shall dyng you with stonys yei ditizance doutance i wote not where i may sytt for anger & for teyn we haue not done all yit if it be as i weyn ffy dewill now how is it as long as i haue eyn i think not for to flytt bot kyng i will be seyn ffor euer bot stand i to quart i tell you my hart i shall gar thaym start or els trust me neuer syr thay went sodanly or any man wyst els had mett we yei perdy and may ye tryst so bold nor so hardy agans oure lyst was none of that company durst mete me with fyst ffor ferd ill durst thay abyde bot ran thame to hyde might i thaym haue spyde i had made thaym a berd what couth we more do to saue youre honoure we were redy therto and shal be ilk howre now syn it is so ye shall haue fauoure go where ye wyll go by towne and by towre goys hens i haue maters to mell with my preuey counsell clerkys ye bere the bell ye must me encense oone spake in myne eere a wonderfull talkyng and sayde a madyn shuld bere anothere to be kyng syrs i pray you inquere in all wrytyng in vyrgyll in homere and all other thyng bot legende sekys poece tayllys lefe pystyls and grales mes matyns noght avalys all these i defende i pray you tell heyndly now what ye fynde truly sir prophecy it is not blynd we rede thus by isay he shalbe so kynde that a madyn sothely which neuer synde shall hym bere emanuell is hete his name for to lere god is with vs that is forto say and othere says thus tryst me ye may of bedlem a gracyus lord shall spray that of iury myghtyus kyng shalbe ay lord myghty and hym shall honoure both kyng and emperoure why and shuld i to hym cowre nay ther thou lyys lyghtly ffy the dewill the spede and me bot i drynk onys this has thou done in dede to anger me for the nonys and thou knafe thou thy mede shall haue by cokys dere bonys thou can not half thi crede outt thefys fro my wonys ffy knafys ffy dotty pols with youre bookys go kast thaym in the brookys with sich wylys and crokys my wytt away rafys hard i neuer sich a trant that a knafe so sleght shuld com lyke a sant and refe me my right nay he shall on slant i shall kyll hym downe stryght war i say lett me pant now thynk i to fyght ffor anger my guttys will outt thryng bot i this lad hyng withoutt i haue a vengyng i may lyf no langer shuld a carll in a kafe bot of oone yere age thus make me to rafe syr peasse this outrage a way let ye wafe all sich langage youre worship to safe is he oght bot a page of a yere we two shall hym teyn with oure wyttys betweyn that if ye do as i meyn he shall dy on a spere ffor drede that he reyn do as we red thrug outt bedlem and ilk othere stede make knyghtys ordeyn and put vnto dede all knaue chyldren of two yerys brede and with in this chyld may