## {$I=C $Q=N $P=C $L=B $H=3} # # Identification: # # * Title: "nine-rosette diagram" # * Page: f85v2 = NC+ND+NE+NF+NG+NH (Rene) = p169 (Stolfi) # * Folio: f85+f86 # * Panels: f85v2+f86r4+f86r6+f85v1+f86r3+f86r5 # * Bifolio: bN1 = f85+f86 # * Quire: N (Rene) = XIV (Beinecke) # # This is the top left panel(?) of the main face of a 12-panel foldout. # # Panels 85v2, 86r4, 86r6 (top), and 85v1, 86r3, 86r5 (bottom) # comprise a single logical page, here called f85v2, which is the # main face of a 12-panel fold-out. This is the only face that can # be entirely seen when all folds are opened. All the panels # obviously belong to the same bifolio, which is bound at the # vertical fold between panels 85v1 and 86r3. # # Attributes: # # * Language: B (Currier) # * Hand: 3 (Currier) # * Subsets: C (Rene), cos (Stolfi) # * Subject: cosmological #