# SELECTED SUBSET # Extracted by select-evt-lines (sample = chin/ptt subsec = tot.1) # Pentateuch interlinear English (KJV) and Chinese (Union GB) # Last edited on 2002-01-01 18:55:19 by stolfi # # The Pentateuch (Old Testament's first five books) # Union version, in GB (Guo Biao) two-byte encoding. # See GB punctuation table at end of this file. # Obtained from http://www.o-bible.com/ on 2002-01-01 # Reformatted for statistical analysis by J. Stolfi. # # NULL = "" # BLANK = "_" # ALPHA = "¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬­®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿" # ALPHA = "ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞ" # ALPHA = "ßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþ" # SYMBOL = "*" # PUNCT = "" # BREAK = "~" # PARAG = "=" # # part a Genesis # ==================================================================== # ´´ ÊÀ ¼Í # Genesis # ## # chapter 1 GEN:1 # unit P GEN:1:1 Æð_³õ_Éñ_´´_Ôì_Ìì_µØ_¡£ # # In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. # # unit P GEN:1:2 µØ_ÊÇ_¿Õ_Ðé_»ì_ãç_¡£_Ô¨_Ãæ_ºÚ_°µ_¡£_Éñ_µÄ_Áé_ÔË_ÐÐ_ÔÚ_Ë®_Ãæ_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the # face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the # waters. # # unit P GEN:1:3 Éñ_˵_£¬_Òª_ÓÐ_¹â_£¬_¾Í_ÓÐ_ÁË_¹â_¡£ # # And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. # # unit P GEN:1:4 Éñ_¿´_¹â_ÊÇ_ºÃ_µÄ_£¬_¾Í_°Ñ_¹â_°µ_·Ö_¿ª_ÁË_¡£ # # And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light # from the darkness. # # unit P GEN:1:5 Éñ_³Æ_¹â_Ϊ_Öç_£¬_³Æ_°µ_Ϊ_Ò¹_¡£_ÓÐ_Íí_ÉÏ_£¬_ÓÐ_Ôç_³¿_£¬_Õâ_ÊÇ_Í·_Ò» ÈÕ_¡£ # # And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And # the evening and the morning were the first day. # # unit P GEN:1:6 Éñ_˵_£¬_Öî_Ë®_Ö®_¼ä_Òª_ÓÐ_¿Õ_Æø_£¬_½«_Ë®_·Ö_Ϊ_ÉÏ_ÏÂ_¡£ # # And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, # and let it divide the waters from the waters. # # unit P GEN:1:7 Éñ_¾Í_Ôì_³ö_¿Õ_Æø_£¬_½«_¿Õ_Æø_ÒÔ_ÏÂ_µÄ_Ë®_£¬_¿Õ_Æø_ÒÔ_ÉÏ_µÄ_Ë®_·Ö_¿ª ÁË_¡£_ÊÂ_¾Í_Õâ_Ñù_³É_ÁË_¡£ # # And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under # the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it # was so. # # unit P GEN:1:8 Éñ_³Æ_¿Õ_Æø_Ϊ_Ìì_¡£_ÓÐ_Íí_ÉÏ_£¬_ÓÐ_Ôç_³¿_£¬_ÊÇ_µÚ_¶þ_ÈÕ_¡£ # # And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning # were the second day. # # unit P GEN:1:9 Éñ_˵_£¬_Ìì_ÏÂ_µÄ_Ë®_Òª_¾Û_ÔÚ_Ò»_´¦_£¬_ʹ_ºµ_µØ_¶_³ö_À´_¡£_ÊÂ_¾Í_Õâ Ñù_³É_ÁË_¡£ # # And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together # unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so. # # unit P GEN:1:10 Éñ_³Æ_ºµ_µØ_Ϊ_µØ_£¬_³Æ_Ë®_µÄ_¾Û_´¦_Ϊ_º£_¡£_Éñ_¿´_×Å_ÊÇ_ºÃ_µÄ_¡£ # # And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the # waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good. # # unit P GEN:1:11 Éñ_˵_£¬_µØ_Òª_·¢_Éú_Çà_²Ý_£¬_ºÍ_½á_ÖÖ_×Ó_µÄ_²Ë_Êß_£¬_²¢_½á_¹û_×Ó_µÄ Ê÷_ľ_£¬_¸÷_´Ó_Æä_Àà_£¬_¹û_×Ó_¶¼_°ü_×Å_ºË_¡£_ÊÂ_¾Í_Õâ_Ñù_³É_ÁË_¡£ # # And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding # seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed # is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. # # unit P GEN:1:12 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_µØ_·¢_Éú_ÁË_Çà_²Ý_£¬_ºÍ_½á_ÖÖ_×Ó_µÄ_²Ë_Êß_£¬_¸÷_´Ó_Æä_Àà_£¬_²¢ ½á_¹û_×Ó_µÄ_Ê÷_ľ_£¬_¸÷_´Ó_Æä_Àà_£¬_¹û_×Ó_¶¼_°ü_×Å_ºË_¡£_Éñ_¿´_×Å_ÊÇ ºÃ_µÄ_¡£ # # And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his # kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after # his kind: and God saw that it was good. # # unit P GEN:1:13 ÓÐ_Íí_ÉÏ_£¬_ÓÐ_Ôç_³¿_£¬_ÊÇ_µÚ_Èý_ÈÕ_¡£ # # And the evening and the morning were the third day. # # unit P GEN:1:14 Éñ_˵_£¬_Ìì_ÉÏ_Òª_ÓÐ_¹â_Ìå_£¬_¿É_ÒÔ_·Ö_Öç_Ò¹_£¬_×÷_¼Ç_ºÅ_£¬_¶¨_½Ú_Áî £¬_ÈÕ_×Ó_£¬_Äê_Ëê_¡£ # # And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to # divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for # seasons, and for days, and years: # # unit P GEN:1:15 ²¢_Òª_·¢_¹â_ÔÚ_Ìì_¿Õ_£¬_ÆÕ_ÕÕ_ÔÚ_µØ_ÉÏ_¡£_ÊÂ_¾Í_Õâ_Ñù_³É_ÁË_¡£ # # And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give # light upon the earth: and it was so. # # unit P GEN:1:16 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Éñ_Ôì_ÁË_Á½_¸ö_´ó_¹â_£¬_´ó_µÄ_¹Ü_Öç_£¬_С_µÄ_¹Ü_Ò¹_¡£_ÓÖ_Ôì_ÖÚ ÐÇ_¡£ # # And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, # and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. # # unit P GEN:1:17 ¾Í_°Ñ_Õâ_Щ_¹â_°Ú_ÁÐ_ÔÚ_Ìì_¿Õ_£¬_ÆÕ_ÕÕ_ÔÚ_µØ_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon # the earth, # # unit P GEN:1:18 ¹Ü_Àí_Öç_Ò¹_£¬_·Ö_±ð_Ã÷_°µ_¡£_Éñ_¿´_×Å_ÊÇ_ºÃ_µÄ_¡£ # # And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light # from the darkness: and God saw that it was good. # # unit P GEN:1:19 ÓÐ_Íí_ÉÏ_£¬_ÓÐ_Ôç_³¿_£¬_ÊÇ_µÚ_ËÄ_ÈÕ_¡£ # # And the evening and the morning were the fourth day. # # unit P GEN:1:20 Éñ_˵_£¬_Ë®_Òª_¶à_¶à_×Ì_Éú_ÓÐ_Éú_Ãü_µÄ_Îï_£¬_Òª_ÓÐ_ȸ_Äñ_·É_ÔÚ_µØ_Ãæ ÒÔ_ÉÏ_£¬_Ìì_¿Õ_Ö®_ÖÐ_¡£ # # And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving # creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in # the open firmament of heaven. # # unit P GEN:1:21 Éñ_¾Í_Ôì_³ö_´ó_Óã_ºÍ_Ë®_ÖÐ_Ëù_×Ì_Éú_¸÷_Ñù_ÓÐ_Éú_Ãü_µÄ_¶¯_Îï_£¬_¸÷_´Ó Æä_Àà_¡£_ÓÖ_Ôì_³ö_¸÷_Ñù_·É_Äñ_£¬_¸÷_´Ó_Æä_Àà_¡£_Éñ_¿´_×Å_ÊÇ_ºÃ_µÄ_¡£ # # And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, # which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and # every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. # # unit P GEN:1:22 Éñ_¾Í_´Í_¸£_¸ø_Õâ_Ò»_ÇÐ_£¬_˵_£¬_×Ì_Éú_·±_¶à_£¬_³ä_Âú_º£_ÖÐ_µÄ_Ë®_¡£ ȸ_Äñ_Ò²_Òª_¶à_Éú_ÔÚ_µØ_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill # the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth. # # unit P GEN:1:23 ÓÐ_Íí_ÉÏ_£¬_ÓÐ_Ôç_³¿_£¬_ÊÇ_µÚ_Îå_ÈÕ_¡£ # # And the evening and the morning were the fifth day. # # unit P GEN:1:24 Éñ_˵_£¬_µØ_Òª_Éú_³ö_»î_Îï_À´_£¬_¸÷_´Ó_Æä_Àà_¡£_Éü_Ðó_£¬_À¥_³æ_£¬_Ò° ÊÞ_£¬_¸÷_´Ó_Æä_Àà_¡£_ÊÂ_¾Í_Õâ_Ñù_³É_ÁË_¡£ # # And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after # his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after # his kind: and it was so. # # unit P GEN:1:25 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Éñ_Ôì_³ö_Ò°_ÊÞ_£¬_¸÷_´Ó_Æä_Àà_¡£_Éü_Ðó_£¬_¸÷_´Ó_Æä_Àà_¡£_µØ_ÉÏ Ò»_ÇÐ_À¥_³æ_£¬_¸÷_´Ó_Æä_Àà_¡£_Éñ_¿´_×Å_ÊÇ_ºÃ_µÄ_¡£ # # And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after # their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his # kind: and God saw that it was good. # # unit P GEN:1:26 Éñ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Òª_ÕÕ_×Å_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÐÎ_Ïñ_£¬_°´_×Å_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_Ñù_ʽ_Ôì_ÈË £¬_ʹ_Ëû_ÃÇ_¹Ü_Àí_º£_Àï_µÄ_Óã_£¬_¿Õ_ÖÐ_µÄ_Äñ_£¬_µØ_ÉÏ_µÄ_Éü_Ðó_£¬_ºÍ È«_µØ_£¬_²¢_µØ_ÉÏ_Ëù_ÅÀ_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_À¥_³æ_¡£ # # And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and # let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl # of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over # every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. # # unit P GEN:1:27 Éñ_¾Í_ÕÕ_×Å_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_ÐÎ_Ïñ_Ôì_ÈË_£¬_ÄË_ÊÇ_ÕÕ_×Å_Ëû_µÄ_ÐÎ_Ïñ_Ôì_ÄÐ_Ôì Å®_¡£ # # So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he # him; male and female created he them. # # unit P GEN:1:28 Éñ_¾Í_´Í_¸£_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_ÓÖ_¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Òª_Éú_Ñø_ÖÚ_¶à_£¬_±é_Âú_µØ Ãæ_£¬_ÖÎ_Àí_Õâ_µØ_¡£_Ò²_Òª_¹Ü_Àí_º£_Àï_µÄ_Óã_£¬_¿Õ_ÖÐ_µÄ_Äñ_£¬_ºÍ_µØ ÉÏ_¸÷_Ñù_ÐÐ_¶¯_µÄ_»î_Îï_¡£ # # And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and # multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion # over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over # every living thing that moveth upon the earth. # # unit P GEN:1:29 Éñ_˵_£¬_¿´_ÄÄ_£¬_ÎÒ_½«_±é_µØ_ÉÏ_Ò»_ÇÐ_½á_ÖÖ_×Ó_µÄ_²Ë_Êß_ºÍ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Ê÷ ÉÏ_Ëù_½á_ÓÐ_ºË_µÄ_¹û_×Ó_£¬_È«_´Í_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_×÷_ʳ_Îï_¡£ # # And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, # which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the # which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for # meat. # # unit P GEN:1:30 ÖÁ_ÓÚ_µØ_ÉÏ_µÄ_×ß_ÊÞ_ºÍ_¿Õ_ÖÐ_µÄ_·É_Äñ_£¬_²¢_¸÷_Ñù_ÅÀ_ÔÚ_µØ_ÉÏ_ÓÐ_Éú Ãü_µÄ_Îï_£¬_ÎÒ_½«_Çà_²Ý_´Í_¸ø_Ëü_ÃÇ_×÷_ʳ_Îï_¡£_ÊÂ_¾Í_Õâ_Ñù_³É_ÁË_¡£ # # And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and # to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, # I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so. # # unit P GEN:1:31 Éñ_¿´_×Å_Ò»_ÇÐ_Ëù_Ôì_µÄ_¶¼_Éõ_ºÃ_¡£_ÓÐ_Íí_ÉÏ_£¬_ÓÐ_Ôç_³¿_£¬_ÊÇ_µÚ_Áù ÈÕ_¡£ # # And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very # good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. # ## # chapter 2 GEN:2 # unit P GEN:2:1 Ìì_µØ_Íò_Îï_¶¼_Ôì_Æë_ÁË_¡£ # # Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of # them. # # unit P GEN:2:2 µ½_µÚ_Æß_ÈÕ_£¬_Éñ_Ôì_Îï_µÄ_¹¤_ÒÑ_¾­_Íê_±Ï_£¬_¾Í_ÔÚ_µÚ_Æß_ÈÕ_Ъ_ÁË_Ëû Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_¹¤_£¬_°²_Ï¢_ÁË_¡£ # # And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he # rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. # # unit P GEN:2:3 Éñ_´Í_¸£_¸ø_µÚ_Æß_ÈÕ_£¬_¶¨_Ϊ_Ê¥_ÈÕ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÔÚ_Õâ_ÈÕ_Éñ_Ъ_ÁË_Ëû_Ò» ÇÐ_´´_Ôì_µÄ_¹¤_£¬_¾Í_°²_Ï¢_ÁË_¡£ # # And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in # it he had rested from all his work which God created and made. # # unit P GEN:2:4 ´´_Ôì_Ìì_µØ_µÄ_À´_Àú_£¬_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Éñ_Ôì_Ìì_µØ_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_£¬_ÄË_ÊÇ_Õâ Ñù_¡£ # # These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they # were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the # heavens, # # unit P GEN:2:5 Ò°_µØ_»¹_û_ÓÐ_²Ý_ľ_£¬_Ìï_¼ä_µÄ_²Ë_Êß_»¹_û_ÓÐ_³¤_Æð_À´_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ò® ºÍ_»ª_Éñ_»¹_û_ÓÐ_½µ_Óê_ÔÚ_µØ_ÉÏ_£¬_Ò²_û_ÓÐ_ÈË_¸û_µØ_¡£ # # And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every # herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it # to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. # # unit P GEN:2:6 µ«_ÓÐ_Îí_Æø_´Ó_µØ_ÉÏ_ÌÚ_£¬_×Ì_Èó_±é_µØ_¡£ # # But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face # of the ground. # # unit P GEN:2:7 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Éñ_ÓÃ_µØ_ÉÏ_µÄ_³¾_ÍÁ_Ôì_ÈË_£¬_½«_Éú_Æø_´µ_ÔÚ_Ëû_±Ç_¿×_Àï_£¬ Ëû_¾Í_³É_ÁË_ÓÐ_Áé_µÄ_»î_ÈË_£¬_Ãû_½Ð_ÑÇ_µ±_¡£ # # And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed # into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. # # unit P GEN:2:8 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Éñ_ÔÚ_¶«_·½_µÄ_ÒÁ_µé_Á¢_ÁË_Ò»_¸ö_Ô°_×Ó_£¬_°Ñ_Ëù_Ôì_µÄ_ÈË_°² ÖÃ_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_¡£ # # And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put # the man whom he had formed. # # unit P GEN:2:9 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Éñ_ʹ_¸÷_Ñù_µÄ_Ê÷_´Ó_µØ_Àï_³¤_³ö_À´_£¬_¿É_ÒÔ_ÔÃ_ÈË_µÄ_ÑÛ_Ä¿ £¬_Æä_ÉÏ_µÄ_¹û_×Ó_ºÃ_×÷_ʳ_Îï_¡£_Ô°_×Ó_µ±_ÖÐ_ÓÖ_ÓÐ_Éú_Ãü_Ê÷_ºÍ_·Ö_±ð ÉÆ_¶ñ_µÄ_Ê÷_¡£ # # And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is # pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in # the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. # # unit P GEN:2:10 ÓÐ_ºÓ_´Ó_ÒÁ_µé_Á÷_³ö_À´_£¬_×Ì_Èó_ÄÇ_Ô°_×Ó_£¬_´Ó_ÄÇ_Àï_·Ö_Ϊ_ËÄ_µÀ_¡£ # # And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it # was parted, and became into four heads. # # unit P GEN:2:11 µÚ_Ò»_µÀ_Ãû_½Ð_±È_Ñ·_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_»·_ÈÆ_¹þ_ëè_À­_È«_µØ_µÄ_¡£_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_ÓÐ ½ð_×Ó_£¬ # # The name of the first is Pison: that is it which compasseth the # whole land of Havilah, where there is gold; # # unit P GEN:2:12 ²¢_ÇÒ_ÄÇ_µØ_µÄ_½ð_×Ó_ÊÇ_ºÃ_µÄ_¡£_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_ÓÖ_ÓÐ_Õä_Öé_ºÍ_ºì_Âê_è§_¡£ # # And the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx # stone. # # unit P GEN:2:13 µÚ_¶þ_µÀ_ºÓ_Ãû_½Ð_»ù_ѵ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_»·_ÈÆ_¹Å_ʵ_È«_µØ_µÄ_¡£ # # And the name of the second river is Gihon: the same is it that # compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia. # # unit P GEN:2:14 µÚ_Èý_µÀ_ºÓ_Ãû_½Ð_Ï£_µ×_½á_£¬_Á÷_ÔÚ_ÑÇ_Êö_µÄ_¶«_±ß_¡£_µÚ_ËÄ_µÀ_ºÓ_¾Í ÊÇ_²®_À­_ºÓ_¡£ # # And the name of the third river is Hiddekel: that is it which goeth # toward the east of Assyria. And the fourth river is Euphrates. # # unit P GEN:2:15 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Éñ_½«_ÄÇ_ÈË_°²_ÖÃ_ÔÚ_ÒÁ_µé_Ô°_£¬_ʹ_Ëû_ÐÞ_Àí_¿´_ÊØ_¡£ # # And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden # to dress it and to keep it. # # unit P GEN:2:16 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Éñ_·Ô_¸À_Ëû_˵_£¬_Ô°_ÖÐ_¸÷_Ñù_Ê÷_ÉÏ_µÄ_¹û_×Ó_£¬_Äã_¿É_ÒÔ_Ëæ Òâ_³Ô_¡£ # # And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the # garden thou mayest freely eat: # # unit P GEN:2:17 Ö»_ÊÇ_·Ö_±ð_ÉÆ_¶ñ_Ê÷_ÉÏ_µÄ_¹û_×Ó_£¬_Äã_²»_¿É_³Ô_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Äã_³Ô_µÄ_ÈÕ ×Ó_±Ø_¶¨_ËÀ_¡£ # # But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not # eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely # die. # # unit P GEN:2:18 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Éñ_˵_£¬_ÄÇ_ÈË_¶À_¾Ó_²»_ºÃ_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_Ϊ_Ëû_Ôì_Ò»_¸ö_Åä_ż_°ï Öú_Ëû_¡£ # # And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; # I will make him an help meet for him. # # unit P GEN:2:19 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Éñ_ÓÃ_ÍÁ_Ëù_Ôì_³É_µÄ_Ò°_µØ_¸÷_Ñù_×ß_ÊÞ_ºÍ_¿Õ_ÖÐ_¸÷_Ñù_·É_Äñ ¶¼_´ø_µ½_ÄÇ_ÈË_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_¿´_Ëû_½Ð_ʲ_ô_¡£_ÄÇ_ÈË_Ôõ_Ñù_½Ð_¸÷_Ñù_µÄ_»î Îï_£¬_ÄÇ_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ëü_µÄ_Ãû_×Ö_¡£ # # And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, # and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he # would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, # that was the name thereof. # # unit P GEN:2:20 ÄÇ_ÈË_±ã_¸ø_Ò»_ÇÐ_Éü_Ðó_ºÍ_¿Õ_ÖÐ_·É_Äñ_£¬_Ò°_µØ_×ß_ÊÞ_¶¼_Æð_ÁË_Ãû_¡£ Ö»_ÊÇ_ÄÇ_ÈË_û_ÓÐ_Óö_¼û_Åä_ż_°ï_Öú_Ëû_¡£ # # And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and # to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an # help meet for him. # # unit P GEN:2:21 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Éñ_ʹ_Ëû_³Á_˯_£¬_Ëû_¾Í_˯_ÁË_¡£_ÓÚ_ÊÇ_È¡_ÏÂ_Ëû_µÄ_Ò»_Ìõ_Àß ¹Ç_£¬_ÓÖ_°Ñ_Èâ_ºÏ_Æð_À´_¡£ # # And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he # slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead # thereof; # # unit P GEN:2:22 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Éñ_¾Í_ÓÃ_ÄÇ_ÈË_Éí_ÉÏ_Ëù_È¡_µÄ_Àß_¹Ç_£¬_Ôì_³É_Ò»_¸ö_Å®_ÈË_£¬ Áì_Ëý_µ½_ÄÇ_ÈË_¸ú_Ç°_¡£ # # And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, # and brought her unto the man. # # unit P GEN:2:23 ÄÇ_ÈË_˵_£¬_Õâ_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_¹Ç_ÖÐ_µÄ_¹Ç_£¬_Èâ_ÖÐ_µÄ_Èâ_£¬_¿É_ÒÔ_³Æ_Ëý_Ϊ_Å® ÈË_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ëý_ÊÇ_´Ó_ÄÐ_ÈË_Éí_ÉÏ_È¡_³ö_À´_µÄ_¡£ # # And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: # she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. # # unit P GEN:2:24 Òò_´Ë_£¬_ÈË_Òª_Àë_¿ª_¸¸_ĸ_Óë_ÆÞ_×Ó_Á¬_ºÏ_£¬_¶þ_ÈË_³É_Ϊ_Ò»_Ìå_¡£ # # Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall # cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. # # unit P GEN:2:25 µ±_ʱ_·ò_ÆÞ_¶þ_ÈË_³à_Éí_¶_Ìå_£¬_²¢_²»_Ðß_³Ü_¡£ # # And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not # ashamed. # ## # chapter 3 GEN:3 # unit P GEN:3:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Éñ_Ëù_Ôì_µÄ_£¬_Ω_ÓÐ_Éß_±È_Ìï_Ò°_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_»î_Îï_¸ü_½Æ_»«_¡£ Éß_¶Ô_Å®_ÈË_˵_£¬_Éñ_Æñ_ÊÇ_Õæ_˵_£¬_²»_Ðí_Äã_ÃÇ_³Ô_Ô°_ÖÐ_Ëù_ÓÐ_Ê÷_ÉÏ µÄ_¹û_×Ó_Âð_£¿ # # Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which # the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God # said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? # # unit P GEN:3:2 Å®_ÈË_¶Ô_Éß_˵_£¬_Ô°_ÖÐ_Ê÷_ÉÏ_µÄ_¹û_×Ó_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¿É_ÒÔ_³Ô_£¬ # # And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the # trees of the garden: # # unit P GEN:3:3 Ω_ÓÐ_Ô°_µ±_ÖÐ_ÄÇ_¿Ã_Ê÷_ÉÏ_µÄ_¹û_×Ó_£¬_Éñ_Ôø_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_²»_¿É_³Ô_£¬ Ò²_²»_¿É_Ãþ_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_Äã_ÃÇ_ËÀ_¡£ # # But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, # God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, # lest ye die. # # unit P GEN:3:4 Éß_¶Ô_Å®_ÈË_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_²»_Ò»_¶¨_ËÀ_£¬ # # And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: # # unit P GEN:3:5 Òò_Ϊ_Éñ_Öª_µÀ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_³Ô_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_ÑÛ_¾¦_¾Í_Ã÷_ÁÁ_ÁË_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_±ã_Èç Éñ_ÄÜ_Öª_µÀ_ÉÆ_¶ñ_¡£ # # For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes # shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. # # unit P GEN:3:6 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Å®_ÈË_¼û_ÄÇ_¿Ã_Ê÷_µÄ_¹û_×Ó_ºÃ_×÷_ʳ_Îï_£¬_Ò²_ÔÃ_ÈË_µÄ_ÑÛ_Ä¿_£¬ ÇÒ_ÊÇ_¿É_ϲ_°®_µÄ_£¬_ÄÜ_ʹ_ÈË_ÓÐ_ÖÇ_»Û_£¬_¾Í_Õª_ÏÂ_¹û_×Ó_À´_³Ô_ÁË_¡£ ÓÖ_¸ø_Ëý_ÕÉ_·ò_£¬_Ëý_ÕÉ_·ò_Ò²_³Ô_ÁË_¡£ # # And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it # was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, # she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her # husband with her; and he did eat. # # unit P GEN:3:7 Ëû_ÃÇ_¶þ_ÈË_µÄ_ÑÛ_¾¦_¾Í_Ã÷_ÁÁ_ÁË_£¬_²Å_Öª_µÀ_×Ô_¼º_ÊÇ_³à_Éí_¶_Ìå_£¬ ±ã_ÄÃ_ÎÞ_»¨_¹û_Ê÷_µÄ_Ò¶_×Ó_£¬_Ϊ_×Ô_¼º_±à_×÷_ȹ_×Ó_¡£ # # And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were # naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves # aprons. # # unit P GEN:3:8 Ìì_Æð_ÁË_Á¹_·ç_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Éñ_ÔÚ_Ô°_ÖÐ_ÐÐ_×ß_¡£_ÄÇ_ÈË_ºÍ_Ëû_ÆÞ_×Ó_Ìý ¼û_Éñ_µÄ_Éù_Òô_£¬_¾Í_²Ø_ÔÚ_Ô°_Àï_µÄ_Ê÷_ľ_ÖÐ_£¬_¶ã_±Ü_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Éñ_µÄ Ãæ_¡£ # # And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in # the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the # presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden. # # unit P GEN:3:9 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Éñ_ºô_»½_ÄÇ_ÈË_£¬_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_Äã_ÔÚ_ÄÄ_Àï_¡£ # # And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art # thou? # # unit P GEN:3:10 Ëû_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÔÚ_Ô°_ÖÐ_Ìý_¼û_Äã_µÄ_Éù_Òô_£¬_ÎÒ_¾Í_º¦_ÅÂ_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_ÎÒ_³à Éí_¶_Ìå_£¬_ÎÒ_±ã_²Ø_ÁË_¡£ # # And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, # because I was naked; and I hid myself. # # unit P GEN:3:11 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_˵_£¬_Ë­_¸æ_Ëß_Äã_³à_Éí_¶_Ìå_ÄØ_£¿_Ī_·Ç_Äã_³Ô_ÁË_ÎÒ_·Ô_¸À Äã_²»_¿É_³Ô_µÄ_ÄÇ_Ê÷_ÉÏ_µÄ_¹û_×Ó_Âð_£¿ # # And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of # the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat? # # unit P GEN:3:12 ÄÇ_ÈË_˵_£¬_Äã_Ëù_´Í_¸ø_ÎÒ_£¬_Óë_ÎÒ_ͬ_¾Ó_µÄ_Å®_ÈË_£¬_Ëý_°Ñ_ÄÇ_Ê÷_ÉÏ µÄ_¹û_×Ó_¸ø_ÎÒ_£¬_ÎÒ_¾Í_³Ô_ÁË_¡£ # # And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave # me of the tree, and I did eat. # # unit P GEN:3:13 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Éñ_¶Ô_Å®_ÈË_˵_£¬_Äã_×÷_µÄ_ÊÇ_ʲ_ô_ÊÂ_ÄØ_£¿_Å®_ÈË_˵_£¬_ÄÇ Éß_Òý_ÓÕ_ÎÒ_£¬_ÎÒ_¾Í_³Ô_ÁË_¡£ # # And the LORD God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast # done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat. # # unit P GEN:3:14 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Éñ_¶Ô_Éß_˵_£¬_Äã_¼È_×÷_ÁË_Õâ_ÊÂ_£¬_¾Í_±Ø_ÊÜ_Öä_×ç_£¬_±È_Ò» ÇÐ_µÄ_Éü_Ðó_Ò°_ÊÞ_¸ü_Éõ_¡£_Äã_±Ø_ÓÃ_¶Ç_×Ó_ÐÐ_×ß_£¬_ÖÕ_Éí_³Ô_ÍÁ_¡£ # # And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, # thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the # field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the # days of thy life: # # unit P GEN:3:15 ÎÒ_ÓÖ_Òª_½Ð_Äã_ºÍ_Å®_ÈË_±Ë_´Ë_Ϊ_³ð_¡£_Äã_µÄ_ºó_Òá_ºÍ_Å®_ÈË_µÄ_ºó_Òá Ò²_±Ë_´Ë_Ϊ_³ð_¡£_Å®_ÈË_µÄ_ºó_Òá_Òª_ÉË_Äã_µÄ_Í·_£¬_Äã_Òª_ÉË_Ëû_µÄ_½Å ¸ú_¡£ # # And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy # seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise # his heel. # # unit P GEN:3:16 ÓÖ_¶Ô_Å®_ÈË_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_¶à_¶à_¼Ó_Ôö_Äã_»³_Ì¥_µÄ_¿à_³þ_£¬_Äã_Éú_²ú_¶ù Å®_±Ø_¶à_ÊÜ_¿à_³þ_¡£_Äã_±Ø_Áµ_Ľ_Äã_ÕÉ_·ò_£¬_Äã_ÕÉ_·ò_±Ø_¹Ü_Ͻ_Äã_¡£ # # Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy # conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy # desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee. # # unit P GEN:3:17 ÓÖ_¶Ô_ÑÇ_µ±_˵_£¬_Äã_¼È_Ìý_´Ó_ÆÞ_×Ó_µÄ_»°_£¬_³Ô_ÁË_ÎÒ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Äã_²» ¿É_³Ô_µÄ_ÄÇ_Ê÷_ÉÏ_µÄ_¹û_×Ó_£¬_µØ_±Ø_Ϊ_Äã_µÄ_Ôµ_¹Ê_ÊÜ_Öä_×ç_¡£_Äã_±Ø ÖÕ_Éí_ÀÍ_¿à_£¬_²Å_ÄÜ_´Ó_µØ_Àï_µÃ_³Ô_µÄ_¡£ # # And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of # thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, # saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; # in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life; # # unit P GEN:3:18 µØ_±Ø_¸ø_Äã_³¤_³ö_¾£_¼¬_ºÍ_Ýð_Þ¼_À´_£¬_Äã_Ò²_Òª_³Ô_Ìï_¼ä_µÄ_²Ë_Êß_¡£ # # Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou # shalt eat the herb of the field; # # unit P GEN:3:19 Äã_±Ø_º¹_Á÷_Âú_Ãæ_²Å_µÃ_ºý_¿Ú_£¬_Ö±_µ½_Äã_¹é_ÁË_ÍÁ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Äã_ÊÇ_´Ó ÍÁ_¶ø_³ö_µÄ_¡£_Äã_±¾_ÊÇ_³¾_ÍÁ_£¬_ÈÔ_Òª_¹é_ÓÚ_³¾_ÍÁ_¡£ # # In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto # the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and # unto dust shalt thou return. # # unit P GEN:3:20 ÑÇ_µ±_¸ø_Ëû_ÆÞ_×Ó_Æð_Ãû_½Ð_ÏÄ_ÍÞ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ëý_ÊÇ_ÖÚ_Éú_Ö®_ĸ_¡£ # # And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of # all living. # # unit P GEN:3:21 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Éñ_Ϊ_ÑÇ_µ±_ºÍ_Ëû_ÆÞ_×Ó_ÓÃ_Ƥ_×Ó_×÷_ÒÂ_·þ_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_´©_¡£ # # Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins, # and clothed them. # # unit P GEN:3:22 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Éñ_˵_£¬_ÄÇ_ÈË_ÒÑ_¾­_Óë_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Ïà_ËÆ_£¬_ÄÜ_Öª_µÀ_ÉÆ_¶ñ_¡£_ÏÖ ÔÚ_¿Ö_ÅÂ_Ëû_Éì_ÊÖ_ÓÖ_Õª_Éú_Ãü_Ê÷_µÄ_¹û_×Ó_³Ô_£¬_¾Í_ÓÀ_Ô¶_»î_×Å_¡£ # # And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to # know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take # also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever: # # unit P GEN:3:23 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Éñ_±ã_´ò_·¢_Ëû_³ö_ÒÁ_µé_Ô°_È¥_£¬_¸û_ÖÖ_Ëû_Ëù_×Ô_³ö_Ö®_ÍÁ_¡£ # # Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to # till the ground from whence he was taken. # # unit P GEN:3:24 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_°Ñ_Ëû_¸Ï_³ö_È¥_ÁË_¡£_ÓÖ_ÔÚ_ÒÁ_µé_Ô°_µÄ_¶«_±ß_°²_Éè_»ù_·_²®_ºÍ ËÄ_Ãæ_ת_¶¯_·¢_»ð_Ñæ_µÄ_½£_£¬_Òª_°Ñ_ÊØ_Éú_Ãü_Ê÷_µÄ_µÀ_·_¡£ # # So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of # Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep # the way of the tree of life. # ## # chapter 4 GEN:4 # unit P GEN:4:1 ÓÐ_Ò»_ÈÕ_£¬_ÄÇ_ÈË_ºÍ_Ëû_ÆÞ_×Ó_ÏÄ_ÍÞ_ͬ_·¿_¡£_ÏÄ_ÍÞ_¾Í_»³_ÔÐ_£¬_Éú_ÁË ¸Ã_Òþ_£¨_¾Í_ÊÇ_µÃ_µÄ_Òâ_˼_£©_£¬_±ã_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ʹ_ÎÒ_µÃ_ÁË_Ò»_¸ö ÄÐ_×Ó_¡£ # # And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and # said, I have gotten a man from the LORD. # # unit P GEN:4:2 ÓÖ_Éú_ÁË_¸Ã_Òþ_µÄ_ÐÖ_µÜ_ÑÇ_²®_¡£_ÑÇ_²®_ÊÇ_ÄÁ_Ñò_µÄ_£¬_¸Ã_Òþ_ÊÇ_ÖÖ_µØ µÄ_¡£ # # And she again bare his brother Abel. And Abel was a keeper of sheep, # but Cain was a tiller of the ground. # # unit P GEN:4:3 ÓÐ_Ò»_ÈÕ_£¬_¸Ã_Òþ_ÄÃ_µØ_Àï_µÄ_³ö_²ú_Ϊ_¹©_Îï_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # And in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the # fruit of the ground an offering unto the LORD. # # unit P GEN:4:4 ÑÇ_²®_Ò²_½«_Ëû_Ñò_Ⱥ_ÖÐ_Í·_Éú_µÄ_ºÍ_Ñò_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_Ï×_ÉÏ_¡£_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¿´ ÖÐ_ÁË_ÑÇ_²®_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_¹©_Îï_£¬ # # And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the # fat thereof. And the LORD had respect unto Abel and to his offering: # # unit P GEN:4:5 Ö»_ÊÇ_¿´_²»_ÖÐ_¸Ã_Òþ_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_¹©_Îï_¡£_¸Ã_Òþ_¾Í_´ó_´ó_µØ_·¢_Å­_£¬_±ä ÁË_Á³_É«_¡£ # # But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was # very wroth, and his countenance fell. # # unit P GEN:4:6 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_¸Ã_Òþ_˵_£¬_Äã_Ϊ_ʲ_ô_·¢_Å­_ÄØ_£¿_Äã_Ϊ_ʲ_ô_±ä_ÁË_Á³ É«_ÄØ_£¿ # # And the LORD said unto Cain, Why art thou wroth? and why is thy # countenance fallen? # # unit P GEN:4:7 Äã_Èô_ÐÐ_µÃ_ºÃ_£¬_Æñ_²»_ÃÉ_ÔÃ_ÄÉ_£¬_Äã_Èô_ÐÐ_µÃ_²»_ºÃ_£¬_×ï_¾Í_·ü_ÔÚ ÃÅ_Ç°_¡£_Ëü_±Ø_Áµ_Ľ_Äã_£¬_Äã_È´_Òª_ÖÆ_·ü_Ëü_¡£ # # If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest # not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, # and thou shalt rule over him. # # unit P GEN:4:8 ¸Ã_Òþ_Óë_Ëû_ÐÖ_µÜ_ÑÇ_²®_˵_»°_£¬_¶þ_ÈË_Õý_ÔÚ_Ìï_¼ä_¡£_¸Ã_Òþ_Æð_À´_´ò Ëû_ÐÖ_µÜ_ÑÇ_²®_£¬_°Ñ_Ëû_ɱ_ÁË_¡£ # # And Cain talked with Abel his brother: and it came to pass, when # they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, # and slew him. # # unit P GEN:4:9 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_¸Ã_Òþ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÐÖ_µÜ_ÑÇ_²®_ÔÚ_ÄÄ_Àï_£¿_Ëû_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_²»_Öª µÀ_£¬_ÎÒ_Æñ_ÊÇ_¿´_ÊØ_ÎÒ_ÐÖ_µÜ_µÄ_Âð_£¿ # # And the LORD said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, # I know not: Am I my brother's keeper? # # unit P GEN:4:10 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_˵_£¬_Äã_×÷_ÁË_ʲ_ô_ÊÂ_ÄØ_£¿_Äã_ÐÖ_µÜ_µÄ_Ѫ_£¬_ÓÐ_Éù_Òô_´Ó µØ_Àï_Ïò_ÎÒ_°§_¸æ_¡£ # # And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood # crieth unto me from the ground. # # unit P GEN:4:11 µØ_¿ª_ÁË_¿Ú_£¬_´Ó_Äã_ÊÖ_Àï_½Ó_ÊÜ_Äã_ÐÖ_µÜ_µÄ_Ѫ_¡£_ÏÖ_ÔÚ_Äã_±Ø_´Ó_Õâ µØ_ÊÜ_Öä_×ç_¡£ # # And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth # to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand; # # unit P GEN:4:12 Äã_ÖÖ_µØ_£¬_µØ_²»_ÔÙ_¸ø_Äã_Ч_Á¦_¡£_Äã_±Ø_Á÷_Àë_Æ®_µ´_ÔÚ_µØ_ÉÏ_¡£ # # When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto # thee her strength; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the # earth. # # unit P GEN:4:13 ¸Ã_Òþ_¶Ô_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÐÌ_·£_Ì«_ÖØ_£¬_¹ý_ÓÚ_ÎÒ_Ëù_ÄÜ_µ±_µÄ_¡£ # # And Cain said unto the LORD, My punishment is greater than I can # bear. # # unit P GEN:4:14 Äã_Èç_½ñ_¸Ï_Öð_ÎÒ_Àë_¿ª_Õâ_µØ_£¬_ÒÔ_ÖÂ_²»_¼û_Äã_Ãæ_¡£_ÎÒ_±Ø_Á÷_Àë_Æ® µ´_ÔÚ_µØ_ÉÏ_£¬_·²_Óö_¼û_ÎÒ_µÄ_±Ø_ɱ_ÎÒ_¡£ # # Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth; # and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a # vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass, that every one # that findeth me shall slay me. # # unit P GEN:4:15 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_·²_ɱ_¸Ã_Òþ_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_Ôâ_±¨_Æß_±¶_¡£_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¾Í ¸ø_¸Ã_Òþ_Á¢_Ò»_¸ö_¼Ç_ºÅ_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_ÈË_Óö_¼û_Ëû_¾Í_ɱ_Ëû_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, # vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the LORD set a mark # upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him. # # unit P GEN:4:16 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_¸Ã_Òþ_Àë_¿ª_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_Ãæ_£¬_È¥_ס_ÔÚ_ÒÁ_µé_¶«_±ß_Ų_µÃ_Ö®_µØ ¡£ # # And Cain went out from the presence of the LORD, and dwelt in the # land of Nod, on the east of Eden. # # unit P GEN:4:17 ¸Ã_Òþ_Óë_ÆÞ_×Ó_ͬ_·¿_£¬_Ëû_ÆÞ_×Ó_¾Í_»³_ÔÐ_£¬_Éú_ÁË_ÒÔ_ŵ_¡£_¸Ã_Òþ_½¨ Ôì_ÁË_Ò»_×ù_³Ç_£¬_¾Í_°´_×Å_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_µÄ_Ãû_£¬_½«_ÄÇ_³Ç_½Ð_×÷_ÒÔ_ŵ_¡£ # # And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he # builded a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of # his son, Enoch. # # unit P GEN:4:18 ÒÔ_ŵ_Éú_ÒÔ_ÄÃ_¡£_ÒÔ_ÄÃ_Éú_Ã×_»§_ÑÅ_Àû_¡£_Ã×_»§_ÑÅ_Àû_Éú_Âê_ÍÁ_Èö_Àû ¡£_Âê_ÍÁ_Èö_Àû_Éú_À­_Âó_¡£ # # And unto Enoch was born Irad: and Irad begat Mehujael: and Mehujael # begat Methusael: and Methusael begat Lamech. # # unit P GEN:4:19 À­_Âó_È¢_ÁË_Á½_¸ö_ÆÞ_£¬_Ò»_¸ö_Ãû_½Ð_ÑÇ_´ó_£¬_Ò»_¸ö_Ãû_½Ð_Ï´_À­_¡£ # # And Lamech took unto him two wives: the name of the one was Adah, # and the name of the other Zillah. # # unit P GEN:4:20 ÑÇ_´ó_Éú_ÑÅ_°Ë_¡£_ÑÅ_°Ë_¾Í_ÊÇ_ס_ÕÊ_Åï_£¬_ÄÁ_Ñø_Éü_Ðó_Ö®_ÈË_µÄ_×æ_ʦ ¡£ # # And Adah bare Jabal: he was the father of such as dwell in tents, # and of such as have cattle. # # unit P GEN:4:21 ÑÅ_°Ë_µÄ_ÐÖ_µÜ_Ãû_½Ð_ÓÌ_°Ë_¡£_Ëû_ÊÇ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µ¯_ÇÙ_´µ_óï_Ö®_ÈË_µÄ_×æ_ʦ ¡£ # # And his brother's name was Jubal: he was the father of all such as # handle the harp and organ. # # unit P GEN:4:22 Ï´_À­_ÓÖ_Éú_ÁË_ÍÁ_°Ë_¸Ã_Òþ_¡£_Ëû_ÊÇ_´ò_Ôì_¸÷_Ñù_Í­_Ìú_Àû_Æ÷_µÄ_£¨_»ò ×÷_ÊÇ_Í­_½³_Ìú_½³_µÄ_×æ_ʦ_£©_¡£_ÍÁ_°Ë_¸Ã_Òþ_µÄ_ÃÃ_×Ó_ÊÇ_ÄÃ_Âê_¡£ # # And Zillah, she also bare Tubalcain, an instructer of every # artificer in brass and iron: and the sister of Tubalcain was Naamah. # # unit P GEN:4:23 À­_Âó_¶Ô_Ëû_Á½_¸ö_ÆÞ_×Ó_˵_£¬_ÑÇ_´ó_£¬_Ï´_À­_£¬_Ìý_ÎÒ_µÄ_Éù_Òô_¡£_À­ Âó_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_£¬_ϸ_Ìý_ÎÒ_µÄ_»°_Óï_£¬_׳_Äê_ÈË_ÉË_ÎÒ_£¬_ÎÒ_°Ñ_Ëû_ɱ_ÁË ¡£_ÉÙ_Äê_ÈË_Ëð_ÎÒ_£¬_ÎÒ_°Ñ_Ëû_º¦_ÁË_¡£_£¨_»ò_×÷_ÎÒ_ɱ_׳_Ê¿_È´_ÉË_×Ô ¼º_£¬_ÎÒ_º¦_Ó×_ͯ_È´_Ëð_±¾_Éí_£© # # And Lamech said unto his wives, Adah and Zillah, Hear my voice; ye # wives of Lamech, hearken unto my speech: for I have slain a man to # my wounding, and a young man to my hurt. # # unit P GEN:4:24 Èô_ɱ_¸Ã_Òþ_£¬_Ôâ_±¨_Æß_±¶_¡£_ɱ_À­_Âó_£¬_±Ø_Ôâ_±¨_Æß_Ê®_Æß_±¶_¡£ # # If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, truly Lamech seventy and # sevenfold. # # unit P GEN:4:25 ÑÇ_µ±_ÓÖ_Óë_ÆÞ_×Ó_ͬ_·¿_£¬_Ëý_¾Í_Éú_ÁË_Ò»_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_Æð_Ãû_½Ð_Èû_ÌØ £¬_Òâ_˼_˵_£¬_Éñ_Áí_¸ø_ÎÒ_Á¢_ÁË_Ò»_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_´ú_Ìæ_ÑÇ_²®_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_¸Ã Òþ_ɱ_ÁË_Ëû_¡£ # # And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a son, and called his # name Seth: For God, said she, hath appointed me another seed instead # of Abel, whom Cain slew. # # unit P GEN:4:26 Èû_ÌØ_Ò²_Éú_ÁË_Ò»_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_Æð_Ãû_½Ð_ÒÔ_Ų_Ê¿_¡£_ÄÇ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_ÈË_²Å Çó_¸æ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_Ãû_¡£ # # And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his # name Enos: then began men to call upon the name of the LORD. # ## # chapter 5 GEN:5 # unit P GEN:5:1 ÑÇ_µ±_µÄ_ºó_´ú_¼Ç_ÔÚ_ÏÂ_Ãæ_¡£_µ±_Éñ_Ôì_ÈË_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_£¬_ÊÇ_ÕÕ_×Å_×Ô_¼º µÄ_Ñù_ʽ_Ôì_µÄ_¡£ # # This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God # created man, in the likeness of God made he him; # # unit P GEN:5:2 ²¢_ÇÒ_Ôì_ÄÐ_Ôì_Å®_¡£_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_±»_Ôì_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_£¬_Éñ_´Í_¸£_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬ ³Æ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ϊ_ÈË_¡£ # # Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their # name Adam, in the day when they were created. # # unit P GEN:5:3 ÑÇ_µ±_»î_µ½_Ò»_°Ù_Èý_Ê®_Ëê_£¬_Éú_ÁË_Ò»_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_ÐÎ_Ïñ_Ñù_ʽ_ºÍ_×Ô ¼º_Ïà_ËÆ_£¬_¾Í_¸ø_Ëû_Æð_Ãû_½Ð_Èû_ÌØ_¡£ # # And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his # own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth: # # unit P GEN:5:4 ÑÇ_µ±_Éú_Èû_ÌØ_Ö®_ºó_£¬_ÓÖ_ÔÚ_ÊÀ_°Ë_°Ù_Äê_£¬_²¢_ÇÒ_Éú_¶ù_Ñø_Å®_¡£ # # And the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were eight hundred # years: and he begat sons and daughters: # # unit P GEN:5:5 ÑÇ_µ±_¹²_»î_ÁË_¾Å_°Ù_Èý_Ê®_Ëê_¾Í_ËÀ_ÁË_¡£ # # And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: # and he died. # # unit P GEN:5:6 Èû_ÌØ_»î_µ½_Ò»_°Ù_Áã_Îå_Ëê_£¬_Éú_ÁË_ÒÔ_Ų_Ê¿_¡£ # # And Seth lived an hundred and five years, and begat Enos: # # unit P GEN:5:7 Èû_ÌØ_Éú_ÒÔ_Ų_Ê¿_Ö®_ºó_£¬_ÓÖ_»î_ÁË_°Ë_°Ù_Áã_Æß_Äê_£¬_²¢_ÇÒ_Éú_¶ù_Ñø Å®_¡£ # # And Seth lived after he begat Enos eight hundred and seven years, # and begat sons and daughters: # # unit P GEN:5:8 Èû_ÌØ_¹²_»î_ÁË_¾Å_°Ù_Ò»_Ê®_¶þ_Ëê_¾Í_ËÀ_ÁË_¡£ # # And all the days of Seth were nine hundred and twelve years: and he # died. # # unit P GEN:5:9 ÒÔ_Ų_Ê¿_»î_µ½_¾Å_Ê®_Ëê_£¬_Éú_ÁË_¸Ã_ÄÏ_¡£ # # And Enos lived ninety years, and begat Cainan: # # unit P GEN:5:10 ÒÔ_Ų_Ê¿_Éú_¸Ã_ÄÏ_Ö®_ºó_£¬_ÓÖ_»î_ÁË_°Ë_°Ù_Ò»_Ê®_Îå_Äê_£¬_²¢_ÇÒ_Éú_¶ù Ñø_Å®_¡£ # # And Enos lived after he begat Cainan eight hundred and fifteen # years, and begat sons and daughters: # # unit P GEN:5:11 ÒÔ_Ų_Ê¿_¹²_»î_ÁË_¾Å_°Ù_Áã_Îå_Ëê_¾Í_ËÀ_ÁË_¡£ # # And all the days of Enos were nine hundred and five years: and he # died. # # unit P GEN:5:12 ¸Ã_ÄÏ_»î_µ½_Æß_Ê®_Ëê_£¬_Éú_ÁË_Âê_ÀÕ_ÁÐ_¡£ # # And Cainan lived seventy years, and begat Mahalaleel: # # unit P GEN:5:13 ¸Ã_ÄÏ_Éú_Âê_ÀÕ_ÁÐ_Ö®_ºó_£¬_ÓÖ_»î_ÁË_°Ë_°Ù_ËÄ_Ê®_Äê_£¬_²¢_ÇÒ_Éú_¶ù_Ñø Å®_¡£ # # And Cainan lived after he begat Mahalaleel eight hundred and forty # years, and begat sons and daughters: # # unit P GEN:5:14 ¸Ã_ÄÏ_¹²_»î_ÁË_¾Å_°Ù_Ò»_Ê®_Ëê_¾Í_ËÀ_ÁË_¡£ # # And all the days of Cainan were nine hundred and ten years: and he # died. # # unit P GEN:5:15 Âê_ÀÕ_ÁÐ_»î_µ½_Áù_Ê®_Îå_Ëê_£¬_Éú_ÁË_ÑÅ_ÁÐ_¡£ # # And Mahalaleel lived sixty and five years, and begat Jared: # # unit P GEN:5:16 Âê_ÀÕ_ÁÐ_Éú_ÑÅ_ÁÐ_Ö®_ºó_£¬_ÓÖ_»î_ÁË_°Ë_°Ù_Èý_Ê®_Äê_£¬_²¢_ÇÒ_Éú_¶ù_Ñø Å®_¡£ # # And Mahalaleel lived after he begat Jared eight hundred and thirty # years, and begat sons and daughters: # # unit P GEN:5:17 Âê_ÀÕ_ÁÐ_¹²_»î_ÁË_°Ë_°Ù_¾Å_Ê®_Îå_Ëê_¾Í_ËÀ_ÁË_¡£ # # And all the days of Mahalaleel were eight hundred ninety and five # years: and he died. # # unit P GEN:5:18 ÑÅ_ÁÐ_»î_µ½_Ò»_°Ù_Áù_Ê®_¶þ_Ëê_£¬_Éú_ÁË_ÒÔ_ŵ_¡£ # # And Jared lived an hundred sixty and two years, and he begat Enoch: # # unit P GEN:5:19 ÑÅ_ÁÐ_Éú_ÒÔ_ŵ_Ö®_ºó_£¬_ÓÖ_»î_ÁË_°Ë_°Ù_Äê_£¬_²¢_ÇÒ_Éú_¶ù_Ñø_Å®_¡£ # # And Jared lived after he begat Enoch eight hundred years, and begat # sons and daughters: # # unit P GEN:5:20 ÑÅ_ÁÐ_¹²_»î_ÁË_¾Å_°Ù_Áù_Ê®_¶þ_Ëê_¾Í_ËÀ_ÁË_¡£ # # And all the days of Jared were nine hundred sixty and two years: and # he died. # # unit P GEN:5:21 ÒÔ_ŵ_»î_µ½_Áù_Ê®_Îå_Ëê_£¬_Éú_ÁË_Âê_ÍÁ_Èö_À­_¡£ # # And Enoch lived sixty and five years, and begat Methuselah: # # unit P GEN:5:22 ÒÔ_ŵ_Éú_Âê_ÍÁ_Èö_À­_Ö®_ºó_£¬_Óë_Éñ_ͬ_ÐÐ_Èý_°Ù_Äê_£¬_²¢_ÇÒ_Éú_¶ù_Ñø Å®_¡£ # # And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred # years, and begat sons and daughters: # # unit P GEN:5:23 ÒÔ_ŵ_¹²_»î_ÁË_Èý_°Ù_Áù_Ê®_Îå_Ëê_¡£ # # And all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years: # # unit P GEN:5:24 ÒÔ_ŵ_Óë_Éñ_ͬ_ÐÐ_£¬_Éñ_½«_Ëû_È¡_È¥_£¬_Ëû_¾Í_²»_ÔÚ_ÊÀ_ÁË_¡£ # # And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him. # # unit P GEN:5:25 Âê_ÍÁ_Èö_À­_»î_µ½_Ò»_°Ù_°Ë_Ê®_Æß_Ëê_£¬_Éú_ÁË_À­_Âó_¡£ # # And Methuselah lived an hundred eighty and seven years, and begat # Lamech: # # unit P GEN:5:26 Âê_ÍÁ_Èö_À­_Éú_À­_Âó_Ö®_ºó_£¬_ÓÖ_»î_ÁË_Æß_°Ù_°Ë_Ê®_¶þ_Äê_£¬_²¢_ÇÒ_Éú ¶ù_Ñø_Å®_¡£ # # And Methuselah lived after he begat Lamech seven hundred eighty and # two years, and begat sons and daughters: # # unit P GEN:5:27 Âê_ÍÁ_Èö_À­_¹²_»î_ÁË_¾Å_°Ù_Áù_Ê®_¾Å_Ëê_¾Í_ËÀ_ÁË_¡£ # # And all the days of Methuselah were nine hundred sixty and nine # years: and he died. # # unit P GEN:5:28 À­_Âó_»î_µ½_Ò»_°Ù_°Ë_Ê®_¶þ_Ëê_£¬_Éú_ÁË_Ò»_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_£¬ # # And Lamech lived an hundred eighty and two years, and begat a son: # # unit P GEN:5:29 ¸ø_Ëû_Æð_Ãû_½Ð_Ų_ÑÇ_£¬_˵_£¬_Õâ_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_±Ø_Ϊ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_²Ù_×÷_ºÍ_ÊÖ ÖÐ_µÄ_ÀÍ_¿à_°²_ο_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¡£_Õâ_²Ù_×÷_ÀÍ_¿à_ÊÇ_Òò_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Öä_×ç_µØ ¡£ # # And he called his name Noah, saying, This same shall comfort us # concerning our work and toil of our hands, because of the ground # which the LORD hath cursed. # # unit P GEN:5:30 À­_Âó_Éú_Ų_ÑÇ_Ö®_ºó_£¬_ÓÖ_»î_ÁË_Îå_°Ù_¾Å_Ê®_Îå_Äê_£¬_²¢_ÇÒ_Éú_¶ù_Ñø Å®_¡£ # # And Lamech lived after he begat Noah five hundred ninety and five # years, and begat sons and daughters: # # unit P GEN:5:31 À­_Âó_¹²_»î_ÁË_Æß_°Ù_Æß_Ê®_Æß_Ëê_¾Í_ËÀ_ÁË_¡£ # # And all the days of Lamech were seven hundred seventy and seven # years: and he died. # # unit P GEN:5:32 Ų_ÑÇ_Îå_°Ù_Ëê_Éú_ÁË_ÉÁ_£¬_º¬_£¬_ÑÅ_¸¥_¡£ # # And Noah was five hundred years old: and Noah begat Shem, Ham, and # Japheth. # ## # chapter 6 GEN:6 # unit P GEN:6:1 µ±_ÈË_ÔÚ_ÊÀ_ÉÏ_¶à_Æð_À´_£¬_ÓÖ_Éú_Å®_¶ù_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬ # # And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the # earth, and daughters were born unto them, # # unit P GEN:6:2 Éñ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÃÇ_¿´_¼û_ÈË_µÄ_Å®_×Ó_ÃÀ_ò_£¬_¾Í_Ëæ_Òâ_Ìô_Ñ¡_£¬_È¢_À´_Ϊ ÆÞ_¡£ # # That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; # and they took them wives of all which they chose. # # unit P GEN:6:3 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_˵_£¬_ÈË_¼È_Êô_ºõ_Ѫ_Æø_£¬_ÎÒ_µÄ_Áé_¾Í_²»_ÓÀ_Ô¶_ס_ÔÚ_Ëû_Àï Ãæ_¡£_È»_¶ø_Ëû_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_»¹_¿É_µ½_Ò»_°Ù_¶þ_Ê®_Äê_¡£ # # And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for # that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty # years. # # unit P GEN:6:4 ÄÇ_ʱ_ºò_ÓÐ_ΰ_ÈË_ÔÚ_µØ_ÉÏ_£¬_ºó_À´_Éñ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÃÇ_ºÍ_ÈË_µÄ_Å®_×Ó_ÃÇ ½»_ºÏ_Éú_×Ó_£¬_ÄÇ_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÉÏ_¹Å_Ó¢_Îä_ÓÐ_Ãû_µÄ_ÈË_¡£ # # There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, # when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they # bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, # men of renown. # # unit P GEN:6:5 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¼û_ÈË_ÔÚ_µØ_ÉÏ_×ï_¶ñ_ºÜ_´ó_£¬_ÖÕ_ÈÕ_Ëù_˼_Ïë_µÄ_¾¡_¶¼_ÊÇ_¶ñ ¡£ # # And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and # that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil # continually. # # unit P GEN:6:6 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¾Í_ºó_»Ú_Ôì_ÈË_ÔÚ_µØ_ÉÏ_£¬_ÐÄ_ÖÐ_ÓÇ_ÉË_¡£ # # And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it # grieved him at his heart. # # unit P GEN:6:7 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_½«_Ëù_Ôì_µÄ_ÈË_ºÍ_×ß_ÊÞ_£¬_²¢_À¥_³æ_£¬_ÒÔ_¼°_¿Õ ÖÐ_µÄ_·É_Äñ_£¬_¶¼_´Ó_µØ_ÉÏ_³ý_Ãð_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÎÒ_Ôì_Ëû_ÃÇ_ºó_»Ú_ÁË_¡£ # # And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the # face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and # the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them. # # unit P GEN:6:8 Ω_ÓÐ_Ų_ÑÇ_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÑÛ_Ç°_ÃÉ_¶÷_¡£ # # But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD. # # unit P GEN:6:9 Ų_ÑÇ_µÄ_ºó_´ú_¼Ç_ÔÚ_ÏÂ_Ãæ_¡£_Ų_ÑÇ_ÊÇ_¸ö_Òå_ÈË_£¬_ÔÚ_µ±_ʱ_µÄ_ÊÀ_´ú ÊÇ_¸ö_Íê_È«_ÈË_¡£_Ų_ÑÇ_Óë_Éñ_ͬ_ÐÐ_¡£ # # These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect # in his generations, and Noah walked with God. # # unit P GEN:6:10 Ų_ÑÇ_Éú_ÁË_Èý_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÉÁ_£¬_º¬_£¬_ÑÅ_¸¥_¡£ # # And Noah begat three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. # # unit P GEN:6:11 ÊÀ_½ç_ÔÚ_Éñ_Ãæ_Ç°_°Ü_»µ_£¬_µØ_ÉÏ_Âú_ÁË_Ç¿_±©_¡£ # # The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with # violence. # # unit P GEN:6:12 Éñ_¹Û_¿´_ÊÀ_½ç_£¬_¼û_ÊÇ_°Ü_»µ_ÁË_¡£_·²_ÓÐ_Ѫ_Æø_µÄ_ÈË_£¬_ÔÚ_µØ_ÉÏ_¶¼ °Ü_»µ_ÁË_ÐÐ_Ϊ_¡£ # # And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all # flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth. # # unit P GEN:6:13 Éñ_¾Í_¶Ô_Ų_ÑÇ_˵_£¬_·²_ÓÐ_Ѫ_Æø_µÄ_ÈË_£¬_Ëû_µÄ_¾¡_Í·_ÒÑ_¾­_À´_µ½_ÎÒ Ãæ_Ç°_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_µØ_ÉÏ_Âú_ÁË_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Ç¿_±©_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_°Ñ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ºÍ_µØ_Ò» ²¢_»Ù_Ãð_¡£ # # And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for # the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will # destroy them with the earth. # # unit P GEN:6:14 Äã_Òª_ÓÃ_¸è_ì³_ľ_Ôì_Ò»_Ö»_·½_ÖÛ_£¬_·Ö_Ò»_¼ä_Ò»_¼ä_µØ_Ôì_£¬_Àï_Íâ_Ĩ ÉÏ_ËÉ_Ïã_¡£ # # Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, # and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch. # # unit P GEN:6:15 ·½_ÖÛ_µÄ_Ôì_·¨_ÄË_ÊÇ_Õâ_Ñù_£¬_Òª_³¤_Èý_°Ù_Öâ_£¬_¿í_Îå_Ê®_Öâ_£¬_¸ß_Èý Ê®_Öâ_¡£ # # And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of: The length of # the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty # cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits. # # unit P GEN:6:16 ·½_ÖÛ_ÉÏ_±ß_Òª_Áô_͸_¹â_´¦_£¬_¸ß_Ò»_Öâ_¡£_·½_ÖÛ_µÄ_ÃÅ_Òª_¿ª_ÔÚ_ÅÔ_±ß ¡£_·½_ÖÛ_Òª_·Ö_ÉÏ_£¬_ÖÐ_£¬_ÏÂ_Èý_²ã_¡£ # # A window shalt thou make to the ark, and in a cubit shalt thou # finish it above; and the door of the ark shalt thou set in the side # thereof; with lower, second, and third stories shalt thou make it. # # unit P GEN:6:17 ¿´_ÄÄ_£¡_ÎÒ_Òª_ʹ_ºé_Ë®_·º_ÀÄ_ÔÚ_µØ_ÉÏ_£¬_»Ù_Ãð_Ìì_ÏÂ_¡£_·²_µØ_ÉÏ_ÓРѪ_Èâ_£¬_ÓÐ_Æø_Ï¢_µÄ_»î_Îï_£¬_ÎÞ_Ò»_²»_ËÀ_¡£ # # And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, # to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from under # heaven; and every thing that is in the earth shall die. # # unit P GEN:6:18 ÎÒ_È´_Òª_Óë_Äã_Á¢_Ô¼_£¬_Äã_ͬ_Äã_µÄ_ÆÞ_£¬_Óë_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_¶ù_¸¾_£¬_¶¼_Òª ½ø_Èë_·½_ÖÛ_¡£ # # But with thee will I establish my covenant; and thou shalt come into # the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons' wives with # thee. # # unit P GEN:6:19 ·²_ÓÐ_Ѫ_Èâ_µÄ_»î_Îï_£¬_ÿ_Ñù_Á½_¸ö_£¬_Ò»_¹«_Ò»_ĸ_£¬_Äã_Òª_´ø_½ø_·½ ÖÛ_£¬_ºÃ_ÔÚ_Äã_ÄÇ_Àï_±£_È«_Éú_Ãü_¡£ # # And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou # bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male # and female. # # unit P GEN:6:20 ·É_Äñ_¸÷_´Ó_Æä_Àà_£¬_Éü_Ðó_¸÷_´Ó_Æä_Àà_£¬_µØ_ÉÏ_µÄ_À¥_³æ_¸÷_´Ó_Æä_Àà ¡£_ÿ_Ñù_Á½_¸ö_£¬_Òª_µ½_Äã_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_ºÃ_±£_È«_Éú_Ãü_¡£ # # Of fowls after their kind, and of cattle after their kind, of every # creeping thing of the earth after his kind, two of every sort shall # come unto thee, to keep them alive. # # unit P GEN:6:21 Äã_Òª_ÄÃ_¸÷_Ñù_ʳ_Îï_»ý_Ðî_Æð_À´_£¬_ºÃ_×÷_Äã_ºÍ_Ëü_ÃÇ_µÄ_ʳ_Îï_¡£ # # And take thou unto thee of all food that is eaten, and thou shalt # gather it to thee; and it shall be for food for thee, and for them. # # unit P GEN:6:22 Ų_ÑÇ_¾Í_Õâ_Ñù_ÐÐ_¡£_·²_Éñ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_£¬_Ëû_¶¼_ÕÕ_Ñù_ÐÐ_ÁË_¡£ # # Thus did Noah; according to all that God commanded him, so did he. # ## # chapter 7 GEN:7 # unit P GEN:7:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ų_ÑÇ_˵_£¬_Äã_ºÍ_Äã_µÄ_È«_¼Ò_¶¼_Òª_½ø_Èë_·½_ÖÛ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ ÔÚ_Õâ_ÊÀ_´ú_ÖÐ_£¬_ÎÒ_¼û_Äã_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_Ãæ_Ç°_ÊÇ_Òå_ÈË_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the # ark; for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation. # # unit P GEN:7:2 ·²_½à_¾»_µÄ_Ðó_Àà_£¬_Äã_Òª_´ø_Æß_¹«_Æß_ĸ_¡£_²»_½à_¾»_µÄ_Ðó_Àà_£¬_Äã Òª_´ø_Ò»_¹«_Ò»_ĸ_¡£ # # Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and # his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and # his female. # # unit P GEN:7:3 ¿Õ_ÖÐ_µÄ_·É_Äñ_£¬_Ò²_Òª_´ø_Æß_¹«_Æß_ĸ_£¬_¿É_ÒÔ_Áô_ÖÖ_£¬_»î_ÔÚ_È«_µØ ÉÏ_¡£ # # Of fowls also of the air by sevens, the male and the female; to keep # seed alive upon the face of all the earth. # # unit P GEN:7:4 Òò_Ϊ_ÔÙ_¹ý_Æß_Ìì_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_½µ_Óê_ÔÚ_µØ_ÉÏ_ËÄ_Ê®_Öç_Ò¹_£¬_°Ñ_ÎÒ_Ëù_Ôì µÄ_¸÷_ÖÖ_»î_Îï_£¬_¶¼_´Ó_µØ_ÉÏ_³ý_Ãð_¡£ # # For yet seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty # days and forty nights; and every living substance that I have made # will I destroy from off the face of the earth. # # unit P GEN:7:5 Ų_ÑÇ_¾Í_×ñ_×Å_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_ÐÐ_ÁË_¡£ # # And Noah did according unto all that the LORD commanded him. # # unit P GEN:7:6 µ±_ºé_Ë®_·º_ÀÄ_ÔÚ_µØ_ÉÏ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Ų_ÑÇ_Õû_Áù_°Ù_Ëê_¡£ # # And Noah was six hundred years old when the flood of waters was upon # the earth. # # unit P GEN:7:7 Ų_ÑÇ_¾Í_ͬ_Ëû_µÄ_ÆÞ_ºÍ_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_¶ù_¸¾_£¬_¶¼_½ø_Èë_·½_ÖÛ_£¬_¶ã_±Ü_ºé Ë®_¡£ # # And Noah went in, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons' wives # with him, into the ark, because of the waters of the flood. # # unit P GEN:7:8 ½à_¾»_µÄ_Ðó_Àà_ºÍ_²»_½à_¾»_µÄ_Ðó_Àà_£¬_·É_Äñ_²¢_µØ_ÉÏ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_À¥_³æ £¬ # # Of clean beasts, and of beasts that are not clean, and of fowls, and # of every thing that creepeth upon the earth, # # unit P GEN:7:9 ¶¼_ÊÇ_Ò»_¶Ô_Ò»_¶Ô_µØ_£¬_ÓÐ_¹«_ÓÐ_ĸ_£¬_µ½_Ų_ÑÇ_ÄÇ_Àï_½ø_Èë_·½_ÖÛ_£¬ Õý_Èç_Éñ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Ų_ÑÇ_µÄ_¡£ # # There went in two and two unto Noah into the ark, the male and the # female, as God had commanded Noah. # # unit P GEN:7:10 ¹ý_ÁË_ÄÇ_Æß_Ìì_£¬_ºé_Ë®_·º_ÀÄ_ÔÚ_µØ_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And it came to pass after seven days, that the waters of the flood # were upon the earth. # # unit P GEN:7:11 µ±_Ų_ÑÇ_Áù_°Ù_Ëê_£¬_¶þ_ÔÂ_Ê®_Æß_ÈÕ_ÄÇ_Ò»_Ìì_£¬_´ó_Ô¨_µÄ_Ȫ_Ô´_¶¼_ÁÑ ¿ª_ÁË_£¬_Ìì_ÉÏ_µÄ_´°_»§_Ò²_³¨_¿ª_ÁË_¡£ # # In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the # seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of # the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. # # unit P GEN:7:12 ËÄ_Ê®_Öç_Ò¹_½µ_´ó_Óê_ÔÚ_µØ_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights. # # unit P GEN:7:13 Õý_µ±_ÄÇ_ÈÕ_£¬_Ų_ÑÇ_ºÍ_Ëû_Èý_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_ÉÁ_£¬_º¬_£¬_ÑÅ_¸¥_£¬_²¢_Ų_ÑÇ µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_ºÍ_Èý_¸ö_¶ù_¸¾_£¬_¶¼_½ø_Èë_·½_ÖÛ_¡£ # # In the selfsame day entered Noah, and Shem, and Ham, and Japheth, # the sons of Noah, and Noah's wife, and the three wives of his sons # with them, into the ark; # # unit P GEN:7:14 Ëû_ÃÇ_ºÍ_°Ù_ÊÞ_£¬_¸÷_´Ó_Æä_Àà_¡£_Ò»_ÇÐ_Éü_Ðó_£¬_¸÷_´Ó_Æä_Àà_¡£_ÅÀ_ÔÚ µØ_ÉÏ_µÄ_À¥_³æ_£¬_¸÷_´Ó_Æä_Àà_¡£_Ò»_ÇÐ_ÇÝ_Äñ_£¬_¸÷_´Ó_Æä_Àà_¡£_¶¼_½ø Èë_·½_ÖÛ_¡£ # # They, and every beast after his kind, and all the cattle after their # kind, and every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth after # his kind, and every fowl after his kind, every bird of every sort. # # unit P GEN:7:15 ·²_ÓÐ_Ѫ_Èâ_£¬_ÓÐ_Æø_Ï¢_µÄ_»î_Îï_£¬_¶¼_Ò»_¶Ô_Ò»_¶Ô_µØ_µ½_Ų_ÑÇ_ÄÇ_Àï £¬_½ø_Èë_·½_ÖÛ_¡£ # # And they went in unto Noah into the ark, two and two of all flesh, # wherein is the breath of life. # # unit P GEN:7:16 ·²_ÓÐ_Ѫ_Èâ_½ø_Èë_·½_ÖÛ_µÄ_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_ÓÐ_¹«_ÓÐ_ĸ_£¬_Õý_Èç_Éñ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À Ų_ÑÇ_µÄ_¡£_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¾Í_°Ñ_Ëû_¹Ø_ÔÚ_·½_ÖÛ_Àï_Í·_¡£ # # And they that went in, went in male and female of all flesh, as God # had commanded him: and the LORD shut him in. # # unit P GEN:7:17 ºé_Ë®_·º_ÀÄ_ÔÚ_µØ_ÉÏ_ËÄ_Ê®_Ìì_£¬_Ë®_Íù_ÉÏ_³¤_£¬_°Ñ_·½_ÖÛ_´Ó_µØ_ÉÏ_Ư Æð_¡£ # # And the flood was forty days upon the earth; and the waters # increased, and bare up the ark, and it was lift up above the earth. # # unit P GEN:7:18 Ë®_ÊÆ_ºÆ_´ó_£¬_ÔÚ_µØ_ÉÏ_´ó_´ó_µØ_Íù_ÉÏ_³¤_£¬_·½_ÖÛ_ÔÚ_Ë®_Ãæ_ÉÏ_Ư_À´ Ư_È¥_¡£ # # And the waters prevailed, and were increased greatly upon the earth; # and the ark went upon the face of the waters. # # unit P GEN:7:19 Ë®_ÊÆ_ÔÚ_µØ_ÉÏ_¼«_Æä_ºÆ_´ó_£¬_Ìì_ÏÂ_µÄ_¸ß_ɽ_¶¼_ÑÍ_û_ÁË_¡£ # # And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth; and all the # high hills, that were under the whole heaven, were covered. # # unit P GEN:7:20 Ë®_ÊÆ_±È_ɽ_¸ß_¹ý_Ê®_Îå_Öâ_£¬_ɽ_Áë_¶¼_ÑÍ_û_ÁË_¡£ # # Fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail; and the mountains were # covered. # # unit P GEN:7:21 ·²_ÔÚ_µØ_ÉÏ_ÓÐ_Ѫ_Èâ_µÄ_¶¯_Îï_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_·É_Äñ_£¬_Éü_Ðó_£¬_×ß_ÊÞ_£¬_ºÍ ÅÀ_ÔÚ_µØ_ÉÏ_µÄ_À¥_³æ_£¬_ÒÔ_¼°_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_ÈË_¶¼_ËÀ_ÁË_¡£ # # And all flesh died that moved upon the earth, both of fowl, and of # cattle, and of beast, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon # the earth, and every man: # # unit P GEN:7:22 ·²_ÔÚ_ºµ_µØ_ÉÏ_£¬_±Ç_¿×_ÓÐ_Æø_Ï¢_µÄ_Éú_Áé_¶¼_ËÀ_ÁË_¡£ # # All in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of all that was in the # dry land, died. # # unit P GEN:7:23 ·²_µØ_ÉÏ_¸÷_Àà_µÄ_»î_Îï_£¬_Á¬_ÈË_´ø_Éü_Ðó_£¬_À¥_³æ_£¬_ÒÔ_¼°_¿Õ_ÖÐ_µÄ ·É_Äñ_£¬_¶¼_´Ó_µØ_ÉÏ_³ý_Ãð_ÁË_£¬_Ö»_Áô_ÏÂ_Ų_ÑÇ_ºÍ_ÄÇ_Щ_Óë_Ëû_ͬ_ÔÚ ·½_ÖÛ_Àï_µÄ_¡£ # # And every living substance was destroyed which was upon the face of # the ground, both man, and cattle, and the creeping things, and the # fowl of the heaven; and they were destroyed from the earth: and Noah # only remained alive, and they that were with him in the ark. # # unit P GEN:7:24 Ë®_ÊÆ_ºÆ_´ó_£¬_ÔÚ_µØ_ÉÏ_¹²_Ò»_°Ù_Îå_Ê®_Ìì_¡£ # # And the waters prevailed upon the earth an hundred and fifty days. # ## # chapter 8 GEN:8 # unit P GEN:8:1 Éñ_¼Ç_Äî_Ų_ÑÇ_ºÍ_Ų_ÑÇ_·½_ÖÛ_Àï_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_×ß_ÊÞ_Éü_Ðó_¡£_Éñ_½Ð_·ç_´µ µØ_£¬_Ë®_ÊÆ_½¥_Âä_¡£ # # And God remembered Noah, and every living thing, and all the cattle # that was with him in the ark: and God made a wind to pass over the # earth, and the waters asswaged; # # unit P GEN:8:2 Ô¨_Ô´_ºÍ_Ìì_ÉÏ_µÄ_´°_»§_¶¼_±Õ_Èû_ÁË_£¬_Ìì_ÉÏ_µÄ_´ó_Óê_Ò²_Ö¹_ס_ÁË_¡£ # # The fountains also of the deep and the windows of heaven were # stopped, and the rain from heaven was restrained; # # unit P GEN:8:3 Ë®_´Ó_µØ_ÉÏ_½¥_ÍË_¡£_¹ý_ÁË_Ò»_°Ù_Îå_Ê®_Ìì_£¬_Ë®_¾Í_½¥_Ïû_¡£ # # And the waters returned from off the earth continually: and after # the end of the hundred and fifty days the waters were abated. # # unit P GEN:8:4 Æß_ÔÂ_Ê®_Æß_ÈÕ_£¬_·½_ÖÛ_Í£_ÔÚ_ÑÇ_À­_À°_ɽ_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of # the month, upon the mountains of Ararat. # # unit P GEN:8:5 Ë®_ÓÖ_½¥_Ïû_£¬_µ½_Ê®_ÔÂ_³õ_Ò»_ÈÕ_£¬_ɽ_¶¥_¶¼_ÏÖ_³ö_À´_ÁË_¡£ # # And the waters decreased continually until the tenth month: in the # tenth month, on the first day of the month, were the tops of the # mountains seen. # # unit P GEN:8:6 ¹ý_ÁË_ËÄ_Ê®_Ìì_£¬_Ų_ÑÇ_¿ª_ÁË_·½_ÖÛ_µÄ_´°_»§_£¬ # # And it came to pass at the end of forty days, that Noah opened the # window of the ark which he had made: # # unit P GEN:8:7 ·Å_³ö_Ò»_Ö»_ÎÚ_Ñ»_È¥_¡£_ÄÇ_ÎÚ_Ñ»_·É_À´_·É_È¥_£¬_Ö±_µ½_µØ_ÉÏ_µÄ_Ë®_¶¼ ¸É_ÁË_¡£ # # And he sent forth a raven, which went forth to and fro, until the # waters were dried up from off the earth. # # unit P GEN:8:8 Ëû_ÓÖ_·Å_³ö_Ò»_Ö»_¸ë_×Ó_È¥_£¬_Òª_¿´_¿´_Ë®_´Ó_µØ_ÉÏ_ÍË_ÁË_û_ÓÐ_¡£ # # Also he sent forth a dove from him, to see if the waters were abated # from off the face of the ground; # # unit P GEN:8:9 µ«_±é_µØ_ÉÏ_¶¼_ÊÇ_Ë®_£¬_¸ë_×Ó_ÕÒ_²»_×Å_Âä_½Å_Ö®_µØ_£¬_¾Í_»Ø_µ½_·½_ÖÛ Å²_ÑÇ_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_Ų_ÑÇ_Éì_ÊÖ_°Ñ_¸ë_×Ó_½Ó_½ø_·½_ÖÛ_À´_¡£ # # But the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot, and she # returned unto him into the ark, for the waters were on the face of # the whole earth: then he put forth his hand, and took her, and # pulled her in unto him into the ark. # # unit P GEN:8:10 Ëû_ÓÖ_µÈ_ÁË_Æß_Ìì_£¬_ÔÙ_°Ñ_¸ë_×Ó_´Ó_·½_ÖÛ_·Å_³ö_È¥_¡£ # # And he stayed yet other seven days; and again he sent forth the dove # out of the ark; # # unit P GEN:8:11 µ½_ÁË_Íí_ÉÏ_£¬_¸ë_×Ó_»Ø_µ½_Ëû_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_×ì_Àï_µð_×Å_Ò»_¸ö_ÐÂ_Å¡_ÏÂ_À´ µÄ_éÏ_é­_Ò¶_×Ó_£¬_Ų_ÑÇ_¾Í_Öª_µÀ_µØ_ÉÏ_µÄ_Ë®_ÍË_ÁË_¡£ # # And the dove came in to him in the evening; and, lo, in her mouth # was an olive leaf pluckt off: so Noah knew that the waters were # abated from off the earth. # # unit P GEN:8:12 Ëû_ÓÖ_µÈ_ÁË_Æß_Ìì_£¬_·Å_³ö_¸ë_×Ó_È¥_£¬_¸ë_×Ó_¾Í_²»_ÔÙ_»Ø_À´_ÁË_¡£ # # And he stayed yet other seven days; and sent forth the dove; which # returned not again unto him any more. # # unit P GEN:8:13 µ½_Ų_ÑÇ_Áù_°Ù_Áã_Ò»_Ëê_£¬_Õý_ÔÂ_³õ_Ò»_ÈÕ_£¬_µØ_ÉÏ_µÄ_Ë®_¶¼_¸É_ÁË_¡£ Ų_ÑÇ_³·_È¥_·½_ÖÛ_µÄ_¸Ç_¹Û_¿´_£¬_±ã_¼û_µØ_Ãæ_ÉÏ_¸É_ÁË_¡£ # # And it came to pass in the six hundredth and first year, in the # first month, the first day of the month, the waters were dried up # from off the earth: and Noah removed the covering of the ark, and # looked, and, behold, the face of the ground was dry. # # unit P GEN:8:14 µ½_ÁË_¶þ_ÔÂ_¶þ_Ê®_Æß_ÈÕ_£¬_µØ_¾Í_¶¼_¸É_ÁË_¡£ # # And in the second month, on the seven and twentieth day of the # month, was the earth dried. # # unit P GEN:8:15 Éñ_¶Ô_Ų_ÑÇ_˵_£¬ # # And God spake unto Noah, saying, # # unit P GEN:8:16 Äã_ºÍ_Äã_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_£¬_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_¶ù_¸¾_¶¼_¿É_ÒÔ_³ö_·½_ÖÛ_¡£ # # Go forth of the ark, thou, and thy wife, and thy sons, and thy sons' # wives with thee. # # unit P GEN:8:17 ÔÚ_Äã_ÄÇ_Àï_·²_ÓÐ_Ѫ_Èâ_µÄ_»î_Îï_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_·É_Äñ_£¬_Éü_Ðó_£¬_ºÍ_Ò»_ÇÐ ÅÀ_ÔÚ_µØ_ÉÏ_µÄ_À¥_³æ_£¬_¶¼_Òª_´ø_³ö_À´_£¬_½Ð_Ëü_ÔÚ_µØ_ÉÏ_¶à_¶à_×Ì_Éú £¬_´ó_´ó_ÐË_Íú_¡£ # # Bring forth with thee every living thing that is with thee, of all # flesh, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of every creeping thing that # creepeth upon the earth; that they may breed abundantly in the # earth, and be fruitful, and multiply upon the earth. # # unit P GEN:8:18 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Ų_ÑÇ_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_£¬_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_¶ù_¸¾_£¬_¶¼_³ö_À´_ÁË_¡£ # # And Noah went forth, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons' wives # with him: # # unit P GEN:8:19 Ò»_ÇÐ_×ß_ÊÞ_£¬_À¥_³æ_£¬_·É_Äñ_£¬_ºÍ_µØ_ÉÏ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_¶¯_Îï_£¬_¸÷_´Ó_Æä Àà_£¬_Ò²_¶¼_³ö_ÁË_·½_ÖÛ_¡£ # # Every beast, every creeping thing, and every fowl, and whatsoever # creepeth upon the earth, after their kinds, went forth out of the # ark. # # unit P GEN:8:20 Ų_ÑÇ_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Öþ_ÁË_Ò»_×ù_̳_£¬_ÄÃ_¸÷_Àà_½à_¾»_µÄ_Éü_Ðó_£¬_·É_Äñ Ï×_ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ_Ϊ_ìÜ_¼À_¡£ # # And Noah builded an altar unto the LORD; and took of every clean # beast, and of every clean fowl, and offered burnt offerings on the # altar. # # unit P GEN:8:21 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÎÅ_ÄÇ_Ü°_Ïã_Ö®_Æø_£¬_¾Í_ÐÄ_Àï_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_²»_ÔÙ_Òò_ÈË_µÄ_Ôµ_¹Ê Öä_×ç_µØ_£¨_ÈË_´Ó_С_ʱ_ÐÄ_Àï_»³_×Å_¶ñ_Äî_£©_£¬_Ò²_²»_ÔÙ_°´_×Å_ÎÒ_²Å ÐÐ_µÄ_£¬_Ãð_¸÷_ÖÖ_µÄ_»î_Îï_ÁË_¡£ # # And the LORD smelled a sweet savour; and the LORD said in his heart, # I will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake; for the # imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth; neither will I # again smite any more every thing living, as I have done. # # unit P GEN:8:22 µØ_»¹_´æ_Áô_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_¼Ú_ð£_£¬_º®_Êî_£¬_¶¬_ÏÄ_£¬_Öç_Ò¹_¾Í_ÓÀ_²»_Í£ Ï¢_ÁË_¡£ # # While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, # and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease. # ## # chapter 9 GEN:9 # unit P GEN:9:1 Éñ_´Í_¸£_¸ø_Ų_ÑÇ_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_Éú_Ñø_ÖÚ ¶à_£¬_±é_Âú_ÁË_µØ_¡£ # # And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, # and multiply, and replenish the earth. # # unit P GEN:9:2 ·²_µØ_ÉÏ_µÄ_×ß_ÊÞ_ºÍ_¿Õ_ÖÐ_µÄ_·É_Äñ_£¬_¶¼_±Ø_¾ª_¿Ö_£¬_¾å_ÅÂ_Äã_ÃÇ_¡£ Á¬_µØ_ÉÏ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_À¥_³æ_²¢_º£_Àï_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_Óã_£¬_¶¼_½»_¸¶_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÊÖ ¡£ # # And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast # of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth # upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand # are they delivered. # # unit P GEN:9:3 ·²_»î_×Å_µÄ_¶¯_Îï_£¬_¶¼_¿É_ÒÔ_×÷_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_ʳ_Îï_¡£_Õâ_Ò»_ÇÐ_ÎÒ_¶¼_´Í ¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_Èç_ͬ_²Ë_Êß_Ò»_Ñù_¡£ # # Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the # green herb have I given you all things. # # unit P GEN:9:4 Ω_¶À_Èâ_´ø_×Å_Ѫ_£¬_ÄÇ_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ëü_µÄ_Éú_Ãü_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_²»_¿É_³Ô_¡£ # # But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall # ye not eat. # # unit P GEN:9:5 Á÷_Äã_ÃÇ_Ѫ_£¬_º¦_Äã_ÃÇ_Ãü_µÄ_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_ÊÞ_£¬_ÊÇ_ÈË_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_ÌÖ_Ëû µÄ_×ï_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ïò_¸÷_ÈË_µÄ_µÜ_ÐÖ_Ò²_ÊÇ_Èç_´Ë_¡£ # # And surely your blood of your lives will I require; at the hand of # every beast will I require it, and at the hand of man; at the hand # of every man's brother will I require the life of man. # # unit P GEN:9:6 ·²_Á÷_ÈË_Ѫ_µÄ_£¬_Ëû_µÄ_Ѫ_Ò²_±Ø_±»_ÈË_Ëù_Á÷_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_Éñ_Ôì_ÈË_ÊÇ_ÕÕ ×Ô_¼º_µÄ_ÐÎ_Ïñ_Ôì_µÄ_¡£ # # Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in # the image of God made he man. # # unit P GEN:9:7 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_Éú_Ñø_ÖÚ_¶à_£¬_ÔÚ_µØ_ÉÏ_²ý_Ê¢_·±_ï_¡£ # # And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the # earth, and multiply therein. # # unit P GEN:9:8 Éñ_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ų_ÑÇ_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_˵_£¬ # # And God spake unto Noah, and to his sons with him, saying, # # unit P GEN:9:9 ÎÒ_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_ºÍ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_ºó_Òá_Á¢_Ô¼_£¬ # # And I, behold, I establish my covenant with you, and with your seed # after you; # # unit P GEN:9:10 ²¢_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_Õâ_Àï_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_»î_Îï_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_·É_Äñ_£¬_Éü_Ðó_£¬_×ß_ÊÞ_£¬ ·²_´Ó_·½_ÖÛ_Àï_³ö_À´_µÄ_»î_Îï_Á¢_Ô¼_¡£ # # And with every living creature that is with you, of the fowl, of the # cattle, and of every beast of the earth with you; from all that go # out of the ark, to every beast of the earth. # # unit P GEN:9:11 ÎÒ_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_Á¢_Ô¼_£¬_·²_ÓÐ_Ѫ_Èâ_µÄ_£¬_²»_ÔÙ_±»_ºé_Ë®_Ãð_¾ø_£¬_Ò²_²» ÔÙ_ÓÐ_ºé_Ë®_»Ù_»µ_µØ_ÁË_¡£ # # And I will establish my covenant with you; neither shall all flesh # be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall there # any more be a flood to destroy the earth. # # unit P GEN:9:12 Éñ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_²¢_Äã_ÃÇ_Õâ_Àï_µÄ_¸÷_Ñù_»î_Îï_Ëù_Á¢_µÄ_ÓÀ_Ô¼_£¬ ÊÇ_ÓÐ_¼Ç_ºÅ_µÄ_¡£ # # And God said, This is the token of the covenant which I make between # me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual # generations: # # unit P GEN:9:13 ÎÒ_°Ñ_ºç_·Å_ÔÚ_ÔÆ_²Ê_ÖÐ_£¬_Õâ_¾Í_¿É_×÷_ÎÒ_Óë_µØ_Á¢_Ô¼_µÄ_¼Ç_ºÅ_ÁË_¡£ # # I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a # covenant between me and the earth. # # unit P GEN:9:14 ÎÒ_ʹ_ÔÆ_²Ê_¸Ç_µØ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_±Ø_ÓÐ_ºç_ÏÖ_ÔÚ_ÔÆ_²Ê_ÖÐ_£¬ # # And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that # the bow shall be seen in the cloud: # # unit P GEN:9:15 ÎÒ_±ã_¼Ç_Äî_ÎÒ_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_ºÍ_¸÷_Ñù_ÓÐ_Ѫ_Èâ_µÄ_»î_Îï_Ëù_Á¢_µÄ_Ô¼_£¬_Ë® ¾Í_ÔÙ_²»_·º_ÀÄ_£¬_»Ù_»µ_Ò»_ÇÐ_ÓÐ_Ѫ_Èâ_µÄ_Îï_ÁË_¡£ # # And I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you and # every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall no more # become a flood to destroy all flesh. # # unit P GEN:9:16 ºç_±Ø_ÏÖ_ÔÚ_ÔÆ_²Ê_ÖÐ_£¬_ÎÒ_¿´_¼û_£¬_¾Í_Òª_¼Ç_Äî_ÎÒ_Óë_µØ_ÉÏ_¸÷_Ñù_ÓРѪ_Èâ_µÄ_»î_Îï_Ëù_Á¢_µÄ_ÓÀ_Ô¼_¡£ # # And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I # may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living # creature of all flesh that is upon the earth. # # unit P GEN:9:17 Éñ_¶Ô_Ų_ÑÇ_˵_£¬_Õâ_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_Óë_µØ_ÉÏ_Ò»_ÇÐ_ÓÐ_Ѫ_Èâ_Ö®_Îï_Á¢_Ô¼_µÄ ¼Ç_ºÅ_ÁË_¡£ # # And God said unto Noah, This is the token of the covenant, which I # have established between me and all flesh that is upon the earth. # # unit P GEN:9:18 ³ö_·½_ÖÛ_Ų_ÑÇ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÉÁ_£¬_º¬_£¬_ÑÅ_¸¥_¡£_º¬_ÊÇ_åÈ_ÄÏ_µÄ_¸¸ Ç×_¡£ # # And the sons of Noah, that went forth of the ark, were Shem, and # Ham, and Japheth: and Ham is the father of Canaan. # # unit P GEN:9:19 Õâ_ÊÇ_Ų_ÑÇ_µÄ_Èý_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_ºó_Òá_·Ö_É¢_ÔÚ_È«_µØ_¡£ # # These are the three sons of Noah: and of them was the whole earth # overspread. # # unit P GEN:9:20 Ų_ÑÇ_×÷_Æð_Å©_·ò_À´_£¬_ÔÔ_ÁË_Ò»_¸ö_ÆÏ_ÌÑ_Ô°_¡£ # # And Noah began to be an husbandman, and he planted a vineyard: # # unit P GEN:9:21 Ëû_ºÈ_ÁË_Ô°_ÖÐ_µÄ_¾Æ_±ã_×í_ÁË_£¬_ÔÚ_ÕÊ_Åï_Àï_³à_×Å_Éí_×Ó_¡£ # # And he drank of the wine, and was drunken; and he was uncovered # within his tent. # # unit P GEN:9:22 åÈ_ÄÏ_µÄ_¸¸_Ç×_º¬_£¬_¿´_¼û_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_³à_Éí_£¬_¾Í_µ½_Íâ_±ß_¸æ_Ëß_Ëû_Á½ ¸ö_µÜ_ÐÖ_¡£ # # And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and # told his two brethren without. # # unit P GEN:9:23 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_ÉÁ_ºÍ_ÑÅ_¸¥_£¬_ÄÃ_¼þ_ÒÂ_·þ_´î_ÔÚ_¼ç_ÉÏ_£¬_µ¹_ÍË_×Å_½ø_È¥_£¬_¸ø Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_¸Ç_ÉÏ_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_±³_×Å_Á³_¾Í_¿´_²»_¼û_¸¸_Ç×_µÄ_³à_Éí_¡£ # # And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon both their # shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their # father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their # father's nakedness. # # unit P GEN:9:24 Ų_ÑÇ_ÐÑ_ÁË_¾Æ_£¬_Öª_µÀ_С_¶ù_×Ó_Ïò_Ëû_Ëù_×÷_µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬ # # And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done # unto him. # # unit P GEN:9:25 ¾Í_˵_£¬_åÈ_ÄÏ_µ±_ÊÜ_Öä_×ç_£¬_±Ø_¸ø_Ëû_µÜ_ÐÖ_×÷_Å«_ÆÍ_µÄ_Å«_ÆÍ_¡£ # # And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be # unto his brethren. # # unit P GEN:9:26 ÓÖ_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÉÁ_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_ÊÇ_Ó¦_µ±_³Æ_ËÌ_µÄ_£¬_Ô¸_åÈ_ÄÏ_×÷_ÉÁ_µÄ Å«_ÆÍ_¡£ # # And he said, Blessed be the LORD God of Shem; and Canaan shall be # his servant. # # unit P GEN:9:27 Ô¸_Éñ_ʹ_ÑÅ_¸¥_À©_ÕÅ_£¬_ʹ_Ëû_ס_ÔÚ_ÉÁ_µÄ_ÕÊ_Åï_Àï_£¬_ÓÖ_Ô¸_åÈ_ÄÏ_×÷ Ëû_µÄ_Å«_ÆÍ_¡£ # # God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; # and Canaan shall be his servant. # # unit P GEN:9:28 ºé_Ë®_ÒÔ_ºó_£¬_Ų_ÑÇ_ÓÖ_»î_ÁË_Èý_°Ù_Îå_Ê®_Äê_¡£ # # And Noah lived after the flood three hundred and fifty years. # # unit P GEN:9:29 Ų_ÑÇ_¹²_»î_ÁË_¾Å_°Ù_Îå_Ê®_Ëê_¾Í_ËÀ_ÁË_¡£ # # And all the days of Noah were nine hundred and fifty years: and he # died. # ## # chapter 10 GEN:10 # unit P GEN:10:1 Ų_ÑÇ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÉÁ_£¬_º¬_£¬_ÑÅ_¸¥_µÄ_ºó_´ú_£¬_¼Ç_ÔÚ_ÏÂ_Ãæ_¡£_ºé_Ë®_ÒÔ ºó_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_¶¼_Éú_ÁË_¶ù_×Ó_¡£ # # Now these are the generations of the sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, and # Japheth: and unto them were sons born after the flood. # # unit P GEN:10:2 ÑÅ_¸¥_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÊÇ_¸è_óú_£¬_Âê_¸÷_£¬_Âê_´ú_£¬_ÑÅ_Íê_£¬_ÍÁ_°Í_£¬_Ã×_Éè £¬_Ìá_À­_¡£ # # The sons of Japheth; Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and # Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras. # # unit P GEN:10:3 ¸è_óú_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÊÇ_ÑÇ_ʵ_»ù_ÄÃ_£¬_Àû_·¨_£¬_ÍÓ_åÈ_Âê_¡£ # # And the sons of Gomer; Ashkenaz, and Riphath, and Togarmah. # # unit P GEN:10:4 ÑÅ_Íê_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÊÇ_ÒÔ_Àû_ɳ_£¬_Ëû_Ê©_£¬_»ù_Ìá_£¬_¶à_µ¥_¡£ # # And the sons of Javan; Elishah, and Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim. # # unit P GEN:10:5 Õâ_Щ_ÈË_µÄ_ºó_Òá_£¬_½«_¸÷_¹ú_µÄ_µØ_ÍÁ_£¬_º£_µº_£¬_·Ö_¿ª_¾Ó_ס_£¬_¸÷ Ëæ_¸÷_µÄ_·½_ÑÔ_£¬_×Ú_×å_Á¢_¹ú_¡£ # # By these were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands; # every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations. # # unit P GEN:10:6 º¬_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÊÇ_¹Å_ʵ_£¬_Âó_Î÷_£¬_¸¥_£¬_åÈ_ÄÏ_¡£ # # And the sons of Ham; Cush, and Mizraim, and Phut, and Canaan. # # unit P GEN:10:7 ¹Å_ʵ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÊÇ_Î÷_°Í_£¬_¹þ_ëè_À­_£¬_Èö_¸¥_Ëû_£¬_À­_Âê_£¬_Èö_¸¥_Ìá åÈ_¡£_À­_Âê_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÊÇ_ʾ_°Í_£¬_µ×_µ«_¡£ # # And the sons of Cush; Seba, and Havilah, and Sabtah, and Raamah, and # Sabtechah: and the sons of Raamah; Sheba, and Dedan. # # unit P GEN:10:8 ¹Å_ʵ_ÓÖ_Éú_Äþ_¼_£¬_Ëû_Ϊ_ÊÀ_ÉÏ_Ó¢_ÐÛ_Ö®_Ê×_¡£ # # And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. # # unit P GEN:10:9 Ëû_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_ÊÇ_¸ö_Ó¢_ÓÂ_µÄ_ÁÔ_»§_£¬_Ëù_ÒÔ_Ë×_Óï_˵_£¬_Ïñ_Äþ ¼_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_ÊÇ_¸ö_Ó¢_ÓÂ_µÄ_ÁÔ_»§_¡£ # # He was a mighty hunter before the LORD: wherefore it is said, Even # as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD. # # unit P GEN:10:10 Ëû_¹ú_µÄ_Æð_Í·_ÊÇ_°Í_±ð_£¬_ÒÔ_Á¦_£¬_ÑÇ_¼×_£¬_¼×_Äá_£¬_¶¼_ÔÚ_ʾ_ÄÃ_µØ ¡£ # # And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, # and Calneh, in the land of Shinar. # # unit P GEN:10:11 Ëû_´Ó_ÄÇ_µØ_³ö_À´_Íù_ÑÇ_Êö_È¥_£¬_½¨_Ôì_Äá_Äá_΢_£¬_Àû_ºÓ_²®_£¬_åÈ_À­ £¬ # # Out of that land went forth Asshur, and builded Nineveh, and the # city Rehoboth, and Calah, # # unit P GEN:10:12 ºÍ_Äá_Äá_΢_£¬_åÈ_À­_ÖÐ_¼ä_µÄ_Àû_ÏÊ_£¬_Õâ_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÄÇ_´ó_³Ç_¡£ # # And Resen between Nineveh and Calah: the same is a great city. # # unit P GEN:10:13 Âó_Î÷_Éú_·_µÍ_ÈË_£¬_ÑÇ_ÄÃ_Ã×_ÈË_£¬_Àû_¹þ_±È_ÈË_£¬_ÄÃ_¸¥_ÍÁ_Ï£_ÈË_£¬ # # And Mizraim begat Ludim, and Anamim, and Lehabim, and Naphtuhim, # # unit P GEN:10:14 ÅÁ_˹_³_ϸ_ÈË_£¬_åÈ_˹_·_Ï£_ÈË_£¬_åÈ_ì³_ÍÐ_ÈË_¡£_´Ó_åÈ_ì³_ÍÐ_³ö_À´ µÄ_ÓÐ_·Ç_Àû_Ê¿_ÈË_¡£ # # And Pathrusim, and Casluhim, (out of whom came Philistim,) and # Caphtorim. # # unit P GEN:10:15 åÈ_ÄÏ_Éú_³¤_×Ó_Î÷_¶Ù_£¬_ÓÖ_Éú_ºÕ # # And Canaan begat Sidon his first born, and Heth, # # unit P GEN:10:16 ºÍ_Ò®_²¼_˹_ÈË_£¬_ÑÇ_Ħ_Àû_ÈË_£¬_¸ï_åÈ_Èö_ÈË_£¬ # # And the Jebusite, and the Amorite, and the Girgasite, # # unit P GEN:10:17 Ï£_δ_ÈË_£¬_ÑÇ_»ù_ÈË_£¬_Î÷_Äá_ÈË_£¬ # # And the Hivite, and the Arkite, and the Sinite, # # unit P GEN:10:18 ÑÇ_Íß_µ×_ÈË_£¬_Ï´_Âê_Àû_ÈË_£¬_¹þ_Âí_ÈË_£¬_ºó_À´_åÈ_ÄÏ_µÄ_Öî_×å_·Ö_É¢ ÁË_¡£ # # And the Arvadite, and the Zemarite, and the Hamathite: and afterward # were the families of the Canaanites spread abroad. # # unit P GEN:10:19 åÈ_ÄÏ_µÄ_¾³_½ç_ÊÇ_´Ó_Î÷_¶Ù_Ïò_»ù_À­_¶ú_µÄ_·_ÉÏ_£¬_Ö±_µ½_åÈ_Èø_£¬_ÓÖ Ïò_Ëù_¶à_Âê_£¬_¶ê_Ħ_À­_£¬_Ѻ_Âê_£¬_Ï´_±â_µÄ_·_ÉÏ_£¬_Ö±_µ½_À­_ɳ_¡£ # # And the border of the Canaanites was from Sidon, as thou comest to # Gerar, unto Gaza; as thou goest, unto Sodom, and Gomorrah, and # Admah, and Zeboim, even unto Lasha. # # unit P GEN:10:20 Õâ_¾Í_ÊÇ_º¬_µÄ_ºó_Òá_£¬_¸÷_Ëæ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_×Ú_×å_£¬_·½_ÑÔ_£¬_Ëù_ס_µÄ_µØ ÍÁ_£¬_°î_¹ú_¡£ # # These are the sons of Ham, after their families, after their # tongues, in their countries, and in their nations. # # unit P GEN:10:21 ÑÅ_¸¥_µÄ_¸ç_¸ç_ÉÁ_£¬_ÊÇ_Ï£_²®_×Ó_Ëï_Ö®_×æ_£¬_Ëû_Ò²_Éú_ÁË_¶ù_×Ó_¡£ # # Unto Shem also, the father of all the children of Eber, the brother # of Japheth the elder, even to him were children born. # # unit P GEN:10:22 ÉÁ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÊÇ_ÒÔ_À¹_£¬_ÑÇ_Êö_£¬_ÑÇ_·¨_Èö_£¬_·_µÂ_£¬_ÑÇ_À¼_¡£ # # The children of Shem; Elam, and Asshur, and Arphaxad, and Lud, and # Aram. # # unit P GEN:10:23 ÑÇ_À¼_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÊÇ_ÎÚ_˹_£¬_»§_ÀÕ_£¬_»ù_Ìû_£¬_Âê_Ê©_¡£ # # And the children of Aram; Uz, and Hul, and Gether, and Mash. # # unit P GEN:10:24 ÑÇ_·¨_Èö_Éú_ɳ_À­_¡£_ɳ_À­_Éú_Ï£_²®_¡£ # # And Arphaxad begat Salah; and Salah begat Eber. # # unit P GEN:10:25 Ï£_²®_Éú_ÁË_Á½_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_Ò»_¸ö_Ãû_½Ð_·¨_ÀÕ_£¨_·¨_ÀÕ_¾Í_ÊÇ_·Ö_µÄ_Òâ ˼_£©_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÄÇ_ʱ_ÈË_¾Í_·Ö_µØ_¾Ó_ס_¡£_·¨_ÀÕ_µÄ_ÐÖ_µÜ_Ãû_½Ð_Ô¼_Ì® ¡£ # # And unto Eber were born two sons: the name of one was Peleg; for in # his days was the earth divided; and his brother's name was Joktan. # # unit P GEN:10:26 Ô¼_Ì®_Éú_ÑÇ_Ħ_´ð_£¬_ɳ_ÁÐ_£¬_¹þ_Èø_Âê_·Ç_£¬_Ò®_À­_£¬ # # And Joktan begat Almodad, and Sheleph, and Hazarmaveth, and Jerah, # # unit P GEN:10:27 ¹þ_¶à_À¼_£¬_ÎÚ_Èø_£¬_µÂ_À­_£¬ # # And Hadoram, and Uzal, and Diklah, # # unit P GEN:10:28 ¶í_°Í_·_£¬_ÑÇ_±È_Âê_Àû_£¬_ʾ_°Í_£¬ # # And Obal, and Abimael, and Sheba, # # unit P GEN:10:29 °¢_ì³_£¬_¹þ_ëè_À­_£¬_Ô¼_°Í_£¬_Õâ_¶¼_ÊÇ_Ô¼_Ì®_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_¡£ # # And Ophir, and Havilah, and Jobab: all these were the sons of # Joktan. # # unit P GEN:10:30 Ëû_ÃÇ_Ëù_ס_µÄ_µØ_·½_£¬_ÊÇ_´Ó_Ã×_ɳ_Ö±_µ½_Î÷_·¢_¶«_±ß_µÄ_ɽ_¡£ # # And their dwelling was from Mesha, as thou goest unto Sephar a mount # of the east. # # unit P GEN:10:31 Õâ_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÉÁ_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_£¬_¸÷_Ëæ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_×Ú_×å_£¬_·½_ÑÔ_£¬_Ëù_ס_µÄ_µØ ÍÁ_£¬_°î_¹ú_¡£ # # These are the sons of Shem, after their families, after their # tongues, in their lands, after their nations. # # unit P GEN:10:32 Õâ_Щ_¶¼_ÊÇ_Ų_ÑÇ_Èý_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_µÄ_×Ú_×å_£¬_¸÷_Ëæ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Ö§_ÅÉ_Á¢_¹ú ¡£_ºé_Ë®_ÒÔ_ºó_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_µØ_ÉÏ_·Ö_Ϊ_°î_¹ú_¡£ # # These are the families of the sons of Noah, after their generations, # in their nations: and by these were the nations divided in the earth # after the flood. # ## # chapter 11 GEN:11 # unit P GEN:11:1 ÄÇ_ʱ_£¬_Ìì_ÏÂ_ÈË_µÄ_¿Ú_Òô_£¬_ÑÔ_Óï_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_Ò»_Ñù_¡£ # # And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech. # # unit P GEN:11:2 Ëû_ÃÇ_Íù_¶«_±ß_Ǩ_ÒÆ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_ÔÚ_ʾ_ÄÃ_µØ_Óö_¼û_Ò»_Ƭ_ƽ_Ô­_£¬_¾Í ס_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_¡£ # # And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they # found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there. # # unit P GEN:11:3 Ëû_ÃÇ_±Ë_´Ë_ÉÌ_Á¿_˵_£¬_À´_°É_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Òª_×÷_ש_£¬_°Ñ_ש_ÉÕ_͸_ÁË_¡£ Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_ÄÃ_ש_µ±_ʯ_Í·_£¬_ÓÖ_ÄÃ_ʯ_Æá_µ±_»Ò_Äà_¡£ # # And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn # them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they # for morter. # # unit P GEN:11:4 Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_À´_°É_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Òª_½¨_Ôì_Ò»_×ù_³Ç_ºÍ_Ò»_×ù_Ëþ_£¬_Ëþ_¶¥_ͨ Ìì_£¬_Ϊ_Òª_´«_Ñï_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_Ãû_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_·Ö_É¢_ÔÚ_È«_µØ_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top # may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be # scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. # # unit P GEN:11:5 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_½µ_ÁÙ_£¬_Òª_¿´_¿´_ÊÀ_ÈË_Ëù_½¨_Ôì_µÄ_³Ç_ºÍ_Ëþ_¡£ # # And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the # children of men builded. # # unit P GEN:11:6 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_˵_£¬_¿´_ÄÄ_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_³É_Ϊ_Ò»_Ñù_µÄ_ÈË_Ãñ_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_Ò»_Ñù_µÄ ÑÔ_Óï_£¬_Èç_½ñ_¼È_×÷_Æð_Õâ_ÊÂ_À´_£¬_ÒÔ_ºó_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ëù_Òª_×÷_µÄ_ÊÂ_¾Í_û ÓÐ_²»_³É_¾Í_µÄ_ÁË_¡£ # # And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one # language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be # restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. # # unit P GEN:11:7 ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÏÂ_È¥_£¬_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_±ä_ÂÒ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_¿Ú_Òô_£¬_ʹ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÑÔ_Óï_±Ë ´Ë_²»_ͨ_¡£ # # Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they # may not understand one another's speech. # # unit P GEN:11:8 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ʹ_Ëû_ÃÇ_´Ó_ÄÇ_Àï_·Ö_É¢_ÔÚ_È«_µØ_ÉÏ_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_Í£ ¹¤_£¬_²»_Ôì_ÄÇ_³Ç_ÁË_¡£ # # So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all # the earth: and they left off to build the city. # # unit P GEN:11:9 Òò_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_±ä_ÂÒ_Ìì_ÏÂ_ÈË_µÄ_ÑÔ_Óï_£¬_ʹ_ÖÚ_ÈË_·Ö_É¢_ÔÚ È«_µØ_ÉÏ_£¬_Ëù_ÒÔ_ÄÇ_³Ç_Ãû_½Ð_°Í_±ð_£¨_¾Í_ÊÇ_±ä_ÂÒ_µÄ_Òâ_˼_£©_¡£ # # Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there # confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD # scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth. # # unit P GEN:11:10 ÉÁ_µÄ_ºó_´ú_¼Ç_ÔÚ_ÏÂ_Ãæ_¡£_ºé_Ë®_ÒÔ_ºó_¶þ_Äê_£¬_ÉÁ_Ò»_°Ù_Ëê_Éú_ÁË_ÑÇ ·¨_Èö_¡£ # # These are the generations of Shem: Shem was an hundred years old, # and begat Arphaxad two years after the flood: # # unit P GEN:11:11 ÉÁ_Éú_ÑÇ_·¨_Èö_Ö®_ºó_£¬_ÓÖ_»î_ÁË_Îå_°Ù_Äê_£¬_²¢_ÇÒ_Éú_¶ù_Ñø_Å®_¡£ # # And Shem lived after he begat Arphaxad five hundred years, and begat # sons and daughters. # # unit P GEN:11:12 ÑÇ_·¨_Èö_»î_µ½_Èý_Ê®_Îå_Ëê_£¬_Éú_ÁË_ɳ_À­_¡£ # # And Arphaxad lived five and thirty years, and begat Salah: # # unit P GEN:11:13 ÑÇ_·¨_Èö_Éú_ɳ_À­_Ö®_ºó_£¬_ÓÖ_»î_ÁË_ËÄ_°Ù_Áã_Èý_Äê_£¬_²¢_ÇÒ_Éú_¶ù_Ñø Å®_¡£ # # And Arphaxad lived after he begat Salah four hundred and three # years, and begat sons and daughters. # # unit P GEN:11:14 ɳ_À­_»î_µ½_Èý_Ê®_Ëê_£¬_Éú_ÁË_Ï£_²®_¡£ # # And Salah lived thirty years, and begat Eber: # # unit P GEN:11:15 ɳ_À­_Éú_Ï£_²®_Ö®_ºó_ÓÖ_»î_ÁË_ËÄ_°Ù_Áã_Èý_Äê_£¬_²¢_ÇÒ_Éú_¶ù_Ñø_Å®_¡£ # # And Salah lived after he begat Eber four hundred and three years, # and begat sons and daughters. # # unit P GEN:11:16 Ï£_²®_»î_µ½_Èý_Ê®_ËÄ_Ëê_£¬_Éú_ÁË_·¨_ÀÕ_¡£ # # And Eber lived four and thirty years, and begat Peleg: # # unit P GEN:11:17 Ï£_²®_Éú_·¨_ÀÕ_Ö®_ºó_£¬_ÓÖ_»î_ÁË_ËÄ_°Ù_Èý_Ê®_Äê_£¬_²¢_ÇÒ_Éú_¶ù_Ñø_Å® ¡£ # # And Eber lived after he begat Peleg four hundred and thirty years, # and begat sons and daughters. # # unit P GEN:11:18 ·¨_ÀÕ_»î_µ½_Èý_Ê®_Ëê_£¬_Éú_ÁË_À­_Îâ_¡£ # # And Peleg lived thirty years, and begat Reu: # # unit P GEN:11:19 ·¨_ÀÕ_Éú_À­_Îâ_Ö®_ºó_£¬_ÓÖ_»î_ÁË_¶þ_°Ù_Áã_¾Å_Äê_£¬_²¢_ÇÒ_Éú_¶ù_Ñø_Å® ¡£ # # And Peleg lived after he begat Reu two hundred and nine years, and # begat sons and daughters. # # unit P GEN:11:20 À­_Îâ_»î_µ½_Èý_Ê®_¶þ_Ëê_£¬_Éú_ÁË_Î÷_¹_¡£ # # And Reu lived two and thirty years, and begat Serug: # # unit P GEN:11:21 À­_Îâ_Éú_Î÷_¹_Ö®_ºó_£¬_ÓÖ_»î_ÁË_¶þ_°Ù_Áã_Æß_Äê_£¬_²¢_ÇÒ_Éú_¶ù_Ñø_Å® ¡£ # # And Reu lived after he begat Serug two hundred and seven years, and # begat sons and daughters. # # unit P GEN:11:22 Î÷_¹_»î_µ½_Èý_Ê®_Ëê_£¬_Éú_ÁË_ÄÃ_º×_¡£ # # And Serug lived thirty years, and begat Nahor: # # unit P GEN:11:23 Î÷_¹_Éú_ÄÃ_º×_Ö®_ºó_£¬_ÓÖ_»î_ÁË_¶þ_°Ù_Äê_£¬_²¢_ÇÒ_Éú_¶ù_Ñø_Å®_¡£ # # And Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat # sons and daughters. # # unit P GEN:11:24 ÄÃ_º×_»î_µ½_¶þ_Ê®_¾Å_Ëê_£¬_Éú_ÁË_Ëû_À­_¡£ # # And Nahor lived nine and twenty years, and begat Terah: # # unit P GEN:11:25 ÄÃ_º×_Éú_Ëû_À­_Ö®_ºó_£¬_ÓÖ_»î_ÁË_Ò»_°Ù_Ò»_Ê®_¾Å_Äê_£¬_²¢_ÇÒ_Éú_¶ù_Ñø Å®_¡£ # # And Nahor lived after he begat Terah an hundred and nineteen years, # and begat sons and daughters. # # unit P GEN:11:26 Ëû_À­_»î_µ½_Æß_Ê®_Ëê_£¬_Éú_ÁË_ÑÇ_²®_À¼_£¬_ÄÃ_º×_£¬_¹þ_À¼_¡£ # # And Terah lived seventy years, and begat Abram, Nahor, and Haran. # # unit P GEN:11:27 Ëû_À­_µÄ_ºó_´ú_£¬_¼Ç_ÔÚ_ÏÂ_Ãæ_£¬_Ëû_À­_Éú_ÑÇ_²®_À¼_£¬_ÄÃ_º×_£¬_¹þ_À¼ ¡£_¹þ_À¼_Éú_ÂÞ_µÃ_¡£ # # Now these are the generations of Terah: Terah begat Abram, Nahor, # and Haran; and Haran begat Lot. # # unit P GEN:11:28 ¹þ_À¼_ËÀ_ÔÚ_Ëû_µÄ_±¾_µØ_åÈ_ÀÕ_µ×_µÄ_Îá_çí_£¬_ÔÚ_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_Ëû_À­_Ö®_ÏÈ ¡£ # # And Haran died before his father Terah in the land of his nativity, # in Ur of the Chaldees. # # unit P GEN:11:29 ÑÇ_²®_À¼_£¬_ÄÃ_º×_¸÷_È¢_ÁË_ÆÞ_¡£_ÑÇ_²®_À¼_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_Ãû_½Ð_Èö_À³_¡£_Äà º×_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_Ãû_½Ð_ÃÜ_åÈ_£¬_ÊÇ_¹þ_À¼_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_¡£_¹þ_À¼_ÊÇ_ÃÜ_åÈ_ºÍ_Òà åÈ_µÄ_¸¸_Ç×_¡£ # # And Abram and Nahor took them wives: the name of Abram's wife was # Sarai; and the name of Nahor's wife, Milcah, the daughter of Haran, # the father of Milcah, and the father of Iscah. # # unit P GEN:11:30 Èö_À³_²»_Éú_Óý_£¬_û_ÓÐ_º¢_×Ó_¡£ # # But Sarai was barren; she had no child. # # unit P GEN:11:31 Ëû_À­_´ø_×Å_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_ÑÇ_²®_À¼_ºÍ_Ëû_Ëï_×Ó_£¬_¹þ_À¼_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÂÞ_µÃ £¬_²¢_Ëû_¶ù_¸¾_ÑÇ_²®_À¼_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_Èö_À³_£¬_³ö_ÁË_åÈ_ÀÕ_µ×_µÄ_Îá_çí_£¬ Òª_Íù_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ_È¥_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_×ß_µ½_¹þ_À¼_£¬_¾Í_ס_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_¡£ # # And Terah took Abram his son, and Lot the son of Haran his son's # son, and Sarai his daughter in law, his son Abram's wife; and they # went forth with them from Ur of the Chaldees, to go into the land of # Canaan; and they came unto Haran, and dwelt there. # # unit P GEN:11:32 Ëû_À­_¹²_»î_ÁË_¶þ_°Ù_Áã_Îå_Ëê_£¬_¾Í_ËÀ_ÔÚ_¹þ_À¼_¡£ # # And the days of Terah were two hundred and five years: and Terah # died in Haran. # ## # chapter 12 GEN:12 # unit P GEN:12:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_ÑÇ_²®_À¼_˵_£¬_Äã_Òª_Àë_¿ª_±¾_µØ_£¬_±¾_×å_£¬_¸¸_¼Ò_£¬_Íù ÎÒ_Ëù_Òª_Ö¸_ʾ_Äã_µÄ_µØ_È¥_¡£ # # Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and # from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I # will shew thee: # # unit P GEN:12:2 ÎÒ_±Ø_½Ð_Äã_³É_Ϊ_´ó_¹ú_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_´Í_¸£_¸ø_Äã_£¬_½Ð_Äã_µÄ_Ãû_Ϊ_´ó_£¬ Äã_Ò²_Òª_½Ð_±ð_ÈË_µÃ_¸£_¡£ # # And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and # make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: # # unit P GEN:12:3 Ϊ_Äã_×£_¸£_µÄ_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_´Í_¸£_Óë_Ëû_¡£_ÄÇ_Öä_×ç_Äã_µÄ_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_Öä_×ç Ëû_£¬_µØ_ÉÏ_µÄ_Íò_×å_¶¼_Òª_Òò_Äã_µÃ_¸£_¡£ # # And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth # thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. # # unit P GEN:12:4 ÑÇ_²®_À¼_¾Í_ÕÕ_×Å_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_·Ô_¸À_È¥_ÁË_¡£_ÂÞ_µÃ_Ò²_ºÍ_Ëû_ͬ_È¥_¡£ ÑÇ_²®_À¼_³ö_¹þ_À¼_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Äê_Æß_Ê®_Îå_Ëê_¡£ # # So Abram departed, as the LORD had spoken unto him; and Lot went # with him: and Abram was seventy and five years old when he departed # out of Haran. # # unit P GEN:12:5 ÑÇ_²®_À¼_½«_Ëû_ÆÞ_×Ó_Èö_À³_ºÍ_Ö¶_¶ù_ÂÞ_µÃ_£¬_Á¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_¹þ_À¼_Ëù_»ý Ðî_µÄ_²Æ_Îï_£¬_Ëù_µÃ_µÄ_ÈË_¿Ú_£¬_¶¼_´ø_Íù_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ_È¥_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_µ½ ÁË_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ_¡£ # # And Abram took Sarai his wife, and Lot his brother's son, and all # their substance that they had gathered, and the souls that they had # gotten in Haran; and they went forth to go into the land of Canaan; # and into the land of Canaan they came. # # unit P GEN:12:6 ÑÇ_²®_À¼_¾­_¹ý_ÄÇ_µØ_£¬_µ½_ÁË_ʾ_½£_µØ_·½_£¬_Ħ_Àû_Ïð_Ê÷_ÄÇ_Àï_¡£_ÄÇ Ê±_åÈ_ÄÏ_ÈË_ס_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_µØ_¡£ # # And Abram passed through the land unto the place of Sichem, unto the # plain of Moreh. And the Canaanite was then in the land. # # unit P GEN:12:7 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïò_ÑÇ_²®_À¼_ÏÔ_ÏÖ_£¬_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_°Ñ_Õâ_µØ_´Í_¸ø_Äã_µÄ_ºó_Òá ¡£_ÑÇ_²®_À¼_¾Í_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_Ϊ_Ïò_Ëû_ÏÔ_ÏÖ_µÄ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Öþ_ÁË_Ò»_×ù_̳_¡£ # # And the LORD appeared unto Abram, and said, Unto thy seed will I # give this land: and there builded he an altar unto the LORD, who # appeared unto him. # # unit P GEN:12:8 ´Ó_ÄÇ_Àï_Ëû_ÓÖ_Ǩ_µ½_²®_ÌØ_Àû_¶«_±ß_µÄ_ɽ_£¬_Ö§_´î_ÕÊ_Åï_¡£_Î÷_±ß_ÊÇ ²®_ÌØ_Àû_£¬_¶«_±ß_ÊÇ_°¬_¡£_Ëû_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_ÓÖ_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Öþ_ÁË_Ò»_×ù_̳ £¬_Çó_¸æ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_Ãû_¡£ # # And he removed from thence unto a mountain on the east of Bethel, # and pitched his tent, having Bethel on the west, and Hai on the # east: and there he builded an altar unto the LORD, and called upon # the name of the LORD. # # unit P GEN:12:9 ºó_À´_ÑÇ_²®_À¼_ÓÖ_½¥_½¥_Ǩ_Íù_ÄÏ_µØ_È¥_¡£ # # And Abram journeyed, going on still toward the south. # # unit P GEN:12:10 ÄÇ_µØ_Ôâ_Óö_¼¢_»Ä_¡£_Òò_¼¢_»Ä_Éõ_´ó_£¬_ÑÇ_²®_À¼_¾Í_ÏÂ_°£_¼°_È¥_£¬_Òª ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_ÔÝ_¾Ó_¡£ # # And there was a famine in the land: and Abram went down into Egypt # to sojourn there; for the famine was grievous in the land. # # unit P GEN:12:11 ½«_½ü_°£_¼°_£¬_¾Í_¶Ô_Ëû_ÆÞ_×Ó_Èö_À³_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Öª_µÀ_Äã_ÊÇ_ÈÝ_ò_¿¡_ÃÀ µÄ_¸¾_ÈË_¡£ # # And it came to pass, when he was come near to enter into Egypt, that # he said unto Sarai his wife, Behold now, I know that thou art a fair # woman to look upon: # # unit P GEN:12:12 °£_¼°_ÈË_¿´_¼û_Äã_±Ø_˵_£¬_Õâ_ÊÇ_Ëû_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_Òª_ɱ_ÎÒ_£¬ È´_½Ð_Äã_´æ_»î_¡£ # # Therefore it shall come to pass, when the Egyptians shall see thee, # that they shall say, This is his wife: and they will kill me, but # they will save thee alive. # # unit P GEN:12:13 Çó_Äã_˵_£¬_Äã_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÃÃ_×Ó_£¬_ʹ_ÎÒ_Òò_Äã_µÃ_ƽ_°²_£¬_ÎÒ_µÄ_Ãü_Ò² Òò_Äã_´æ_»î_¡£ # # Say, I pray thee, thou art my sister: that it may be well with me # for thy sake; and my soul shall live because of thee. # # unit P GEN:12:14 ¼°_ÖÁ_ÑÇ_²®_À¼_µ½_ÁË_°£_¼°_£¬_°£_¼°_ÈË_¿´_¼û_ÄÇ_¸¾_ÈË_¼«_Æä_ÃÀ_ò_¡£ # # And it came to pass, that, when Abram was come into Egypt, the # Egyptians beheld the woman that she was very fair. # # unit P GEN:12:15 ·¨_ÀÏ_µÄ_³¼_Ô×_¿´_¼û_ÁË_Ëý_£¬_¾Í_ÔÚ_·¨_ÀÏ_Ãæ_Ç°_¿ä_½±_Ëý_¡£_ÄÇ_¸¾_ÈË ¾Í_±»_´ø_½ø_·¨_ÀÏ_µÄ_¹¬_È¥_¡£ # # The princes also of Pharaoh saw her, and commended her before # Pharaoh: and the woman was taken into Pharaoh's house. # # unit P GEN:12:16 ·¨_ÀÏ_Òò_Õâ_¸¾_ÈË_¾Í_ºñ_´ý_ÑÇ_²®_À¼_£¬_ÑÇ_²®_À¼_µÃ_ÁË_Ðí_¶à_Å£_£¬_Ñò £¬_Âæ_ÍÕ_£¬_¹«_¿_£¬_ĸ_¿_£¬_ÆÍ_æ¾_¡£ # # And he entreated Abram well for her sake: and he had sheep, and # oxen, and he asses, and menservants, and maidservants, and she # asses, and camels. # # unit P GEN:12:17 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Òò_ÑÇ_²®_À¼_ÆÞ_×Ó_Èö_À³_µÄ_Ôµ_¹Ê_£¬_½µ_´ó_ÔÖ_Óë_·¨_ÀÏ_ºÍ_Ëû µÄ_È«_¼Ò_¡£ # # And the LORD plagued Pharaoh and his house with great plagues # because of Sarai Abram's wife. # # unit P GEN:12:18 ·¨_ÀÏ_¾Í_ÕÙ_ÁË_ÑÇ_²®_À¼_À´_£¬_˵_£¬_Äã_Õâ_Ïò_ÎÒ_×÷_µÄ_ÊÇ_ʲ_ô_ÊÂ_ÄØ £¿_Ϊ_ʲ_ô_û_ÓÐ_¸æ_Ëß_ÎÒ_Ëý_ÊÇ_Äã_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_£¿ # # And Pharaoh called Abram, and said, What is this that thou hast done # unto me? why didst thou not tell me that she was thy wife? # # unit P GEN:12:19 Ϊ_ʲ_ô_˵_Ëý_ÊÇ_Äã_µÄ_ÃÃ_×Ó_£¬_ÒÔ_ÖÂ_ÎÒ_°Ñ_Ëý_È¡_À´_Òª_×÷_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÆÞ ×Ó_£¿_ÏÖ_ÔÚ_Äã_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_ÔÚ_Õâ_Àï_£¬_¿É_ÒÔ_´ø_Ëý_×ß_°É_¡£ # # Why saidst thou, She is my sister? so I might have taken her to me # to wife: now therefore behold thy wife, take her, and go thy way. # # unit P GEN:12:20 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_·¨_ÀÏ_·Ô_¸À_ÈË_½«_ÑÇ_²®_À¼_ºÍ_Ëû_ÆÞ_×Ó_£¬_²¢_Ëû_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_¶¼_ËÍ ×ß_ÁË_¡£ # # And Pharaoh commanded his men concerning him: and they sent him # away, and his wife, and all that he had. # ## # chapter 13 GEN:13 # unit P GEN:13:1 ÑÇ_²®_À¼_´ø_×Å_Ëû_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_Óë_ÂÞ_µÃ_£¬_²¢_Ò»_ÇÐ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_£¬_¶¼_´Ó_°£ ¼°_ÉÏ_ÄÏ_µØ_È¥_¡£ # # And Abram went up out of Egypt, he, and his wife, and all that he # had, and Lot with him, into the south. # # unit P GEN:13:2 ÑÇ_²®_À¼_µÄ_½ð_£¬_Òø_£¬_Éü_Ðó_¼«_¶à_¡£ # # And Abram was very rich in cattle, in silver, and in gold. # # unit P GEN:13:3 Ëû_´Ó_ÄÏ_µØ_½¥_½¥_Íù_²®_ÌØ_Àû_È¥_£¬_µ½_ÁË_²®_ÌØ_Àû_ºÍ_°¬_µÄ_ÖÐ_¼ä_£¬ ¾Í_ÊÇ_´Ó_Ç°_Ö§_´î_ÕÊ_Åï_µÄ_µØ_·½_£¬ # # And he went on his journeys from the south even to Bethel, unto the # place where his tent had been at the beginning, between Bethel and # Hai; # # unit P GEN:13:4 Ò²_ÊÇ_Ëû_Æð_ÏÈ_Öþ_̳_µÄ_µØ_·½_£¬_Ëû_ÓÖ_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_Çó_¸æ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_Ãû ¡£ # # Unto the place of the altar, which he had made there at the first: # and there Abram called on the name of the LORD. # # unit P GEN:13:5 Óë_ÑÇ_²®_À¼_ͬ_ÐÐ_µÄ_ÂÞ_µÃ_Ò²_ÓÐ_Å£_Ⱥ_£¬_Ñò_Ⱥ_£¬_ÕÊ_Åï_¡£ # # And Lot also, which went with Abram, had flocks, and herds, and # tents. # # unit P GEN:13:6 ÄÇ_µØ_ÈÝ_²»_ÏÂ_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_²Æ_Îï_Éõ_¶à_£¬_ʹ_Ëû_ÃÇ_²»_ÄÜ Í¬_¾Ó_¡£ # # And the land was not able to bear them, that they might dwell # together: for their substance was great, so that they could not # dwell together. # # unit P GEN:13:7 µ±_ʱ_£¬_åÈ_ÄÏ_ÈË_Óë_±È_Àû_Ï´_ÈË_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_µØ_¾Ó_ס_¡£_ÑÇ_²®_À¼_µÄ_ÄÁ_ÈË ºÍ_ÂÞ_µÃ_µÄ_ÄÁ_ÈË_Ïà_Õù_¡£ # # And there was a strife between the herdmen of Abram's cattle and the # herdmen of Lot's cattle: and the Canaanite and the Perizzite dwelled # then in the land. # # unit P GEN:13:8 ÑÇ_²®_À¼_¾Í_¶Ô_ÂÞ_µÃ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÎÒ_²»_¿É_Ïà_Õù_£¬_Äã_µÄ_ÄÁ_ÈË_ºÍ_ÎÒ_µÄ ÄÁ_ÈË_Ò²_²»_¿É_Ïà_Õù_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÊÇ_¹Ç_Èâ_£¨_Ô­_ÎÄ_×÷_µÜ_ÐÖ_£©_¡£ # # And Abram said unto Lot, Let there be no strife, I pray thee, # between me and thee, and between my herdmen and thy herdmen; for we # be brethren. # # unit P GEN:13:9 ±é_µØ_²»_¶¼_ÔÚ_Äã_ÑÛ_Ç°_Âð_£¿_Çë_Äã_Àë_¿ª_ÎÒ_£¬_Äã_Ïò_×ó_£¬_ÎÒ_¾Í_Ïò ÓÒ_¡£_Äã_Ïò_ÓÒ_£¬_ÎÒ_¾Í_Ïò_×ó_¡£ # # Is not the whole land before thee? separate thyself, I pray thee, # from me: if thou wilt take the left hand, then I will go to the # right; or if thou depart to the right hand, then I will go to the # left. # # unit P GEN:13:10 ÂÞ_µÃ_¾Ù_Ä¿_¿´_¼û_Ô¼_µ©_ºÓ_µÄ_È«_ƽ_Ô­_£¬_Ö±_µ½_Ëö_çí_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_×Ì_Èó µÄ_£¬_ÄÇ_µØ_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_δ_Ãð_Ëù_¶à_Âê_£¬_¶ê_Ħ_À­_ÒÔ_ÏÈ_Èç_ͬ_Ò®_ºÍ »ª_µÄ_Ô°_×Ó_£¬_Ò²_Ïñ_°£_¼°_µØ_¡£ # # And Lot lifted up his eyes, and beheld all the plain of Jordan, that # it was well watered every where, before the LORD destroyed Sodom and # Gomorrah, even as the garden of the LORD, like the land of Egypt, as # thou comest unto Zoar. # # unit P GEN:13:11 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_ÂÞ_µÃ_Ñ¡_Ôñ_Ô¼_µ©_ºÓ_µÄ_È«_ƽ_Ô­_£¬_Íù_¶«_Ǩ_ÒÆ_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_±Ë ´Ë_·Ö_Àë_ÁË_¡£ # # Then Lot chose him all the plain of Jordan; and Lot journeyed east: # and they separated themselves the one from the other. # # unit P GEN:13:12 ÑÇ_²®_À¼_ס_ÔÚ_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ_£¬_ÂÞ_µÃ_ס_ÔÚ_ƽ_Ô­_µÄ_³Ç_ÒØ_£¬_½¥_½¥_Ų_ÒÆ ÕÊ_Åï_£¬_Ö±_µ½_Ëù_¶à_Âê_¡£ # # Abram dwelled in the land of Canaan, and Lot dwelled in the cities # of the plain, and pitched his tent toward Sodom. # # unit P GEN:13:13 Ëù_¶à_Âê_ÈË_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_×ï_´ó_¶ñ_¼«_¡£ # # But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD # exceedingly. # # unit P GEN:13:14 ÂÞ_µÃ_Àë_±ð_ÑÇ_²®_À¼_ÒÔ_ºó_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_ÑÇ_²®_À¼_˵_£¬_´Ó_Äã_Ëù_ÔÚ µÄ_µØ_·½_£¬_Äã_¾Ù_Ä¿_Ïò_¶«_Î÷_ÄÏ_±±_¹Û_¿´_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto Abram, after that Lot was separated from him, # Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art # northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward: # # unit P GEN:13:15 ·²_Äã_Ëù_¿´_¼û_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µØ_£¬_ÎÒ_¶¼_Òª_´Í_¸ø_Äã_ºÍ_Äã_µÄ_ºó_Òá_£¬_Ö± µ½_ÓÀ_Ô¶_¡£ # # For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to # thy seed for ever. # # unit P GEN:13:16 ÎÒ_Ò²_Òª_ʹ_Äã_µÄ_ºó_Òá_Èç_ͬ_µØ_ÉÏ_µÄ_³¾_ɳ_ÄÇ_Ñù_¶à_£¬_ÈË_Èô_ÄÜ_Êý Ëã_µØ_ÉÏ_µÄ_³¾_ɳ_²Å_ÄÜ_Êý_Ëã_Äã_µÄ_ºó_Òá_¡£ # # And I will make thy seed as the dust of the earth: so that if a man # can number the dust of the earth, then shall thy seed also be # numbered. # # unit P GEN:13:17 Äã_Æð_À´_£¬_×Ý_ºá_×ß_±é_Õâ_µØ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÎÒ_±Ø_°Ñ_Õâ_µØ_´Í_¸ø_Äã_¡£ # # Arise, walk through the land in the length of it and in the breadth # of it; for I will give it unto thee. # # unit P GEN:13:18 ÑÇ_²®_À¼_¾Í_°á_ÁË_ÕÊ_Åï_£¬_À´_µ½_Ï£_²®_ÂØ_á£_Àû_µÄ_Ïð_Ê÷_ÄÇ_Àï_¾Ó_ס £¬_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Öþ_ÁË_Ò»_×ù_̳_¡£ # # Then Abram removed his tent, and came and dwelt in the plain of # Mamre, which is in Hebron, and built there an altar unto the LORD. # ## # chapter 14 GEN:14 # unit P GEN:14:1 µ±_°µ_À­_·Ç_×÷_ʾ_ÄÃ_Íõ_£¬_ÑÇ_ÂÔ_×÷_ÒÔ_À­_Èö_Íõ_£¬_»ù_´ó_ÀÏ_Âê_×÷_ÒÔ À¹_Íõ_£¬_Ìá_´ï_×÷_¸ê_Ó¡_Íõ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬ # # And it came to pass in the days of Amraphel king of Shinar, Arioch # king of Ellasar, Chedorlaomer king of Elam, and Tidal king of # nations; # # unit P GEN:14:2 Ëû_ÃÇ_¶¼_¹¥_´ò_Ëù_¶à_Âê_Íõ_±È_À­_£¬_¶ê_Ħ_À­_Íõ_±È_ɳ_£¬_Ѻ_Âê_Íõ_ʾ ÄÉ_£¬_Ï´_±â_Íõ_ÉÆ_ÒÔ_±ð_£¬_ºÍ_±È_À­_Íõ_¡£_±È_À­_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ëö_çí_¡£ # # That these made war with Bera king of Sodom, and with Birsha king of # Gomorrah, Shinab king of Admah, and Shemeber king of Zeboiim, and # the king of Bela, which is Zoar. # # unit P GEN:14:3 Õâ_Îå_Íõ_¶¼_ÔÚ_Î÷_¶©_¹È_»á_ºÏ_¡£_Î÷_¶©_¹È_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÑÎ_º£_¡£ # # All these were joined together in the vale of Siddim, which is the # salt sea. # # unit P GEN:14:4 Ëû_ÃÇ_ÒÑ_¾­_ÊÂ_·î_»ù_´ó_ÀÏ_Âê_Ê®_¶þ_Äê_£¬_µ½_Ê®_Èý_Äê_¾Í_±³_ÅÑ_ÁË_¡£ # # Twelve years they served Chedorlaomer, and in the thirteenth year # they rebelled. # # unit P GEN:14:5 Ê®_ËÄ_Äê_£¬_»ù_´ó_ÀÏ_Âê_ºÍ_ͬ_ÃË_µÄ_Íõ_¶¼_À´_ÔÚ_ÑÇ_ÌØ_ÂÉ_¼Ó_Äþ_£¬_ɱ °Ü_ÁË_Àû_·¦_Òô_ÈË_£¬_ÔÚ_¹þ_Âó_ɱ_°Ü_ÁË_ËÕ_Î÷_ÈË_£¬_ÔÚ_ɳ_΢_»ù_ÁÐ_ͤ ɱ_°Ü_ÁË_ÒÔ_Ã×_ÈË_£¬ # # And in the fourteenth year came Chedorlaomer, and the kings that # were with him, and smote the Rephaims in Ashteroth Karnaim, and the # Zuzims in Ham, and the Emims in Shaveh Kiriathaim, # # unit P GEN:14:6 ÔÚ_ºÎ_Àû_ÈË_µÄ_Î÷_çí_ɽ_ɱ_°Ü_ÁË_ºÎ_Àû_ÈË_£¬_Ò»_Ö±_ɱ_µ½_¿¿_½ü_¿õ_Ò° µÄ_ÒÁ_ÀÕ_°Í_À¼_¡£ # # And the Horites in their mount Seir, unto Elparan, which is by the # wilderness. # # unit P GEN:14:7 Ëû_ÃÇ_»Ø_µ½_°²_ÃÜ_°Í_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_¼Ó_µÍ_˹_£¬_ɱ_°Ü_ÁË_ÑÇ_Âê_Á¦_È«_µØ_µÄ ÈË_£¬_ÒÔ_¼°_ס_ÔÚ_¹þ_Ï´_Ñ·_Ëû_Âê_µÄ_ÑÇ_Ħ_Àû_ÈË_¡£ # # And they returned, and came to Enmishpat, which is Kadesh, and smote # all the country of the Amalekites, and also the Amorites, that dwelt # in Hazezontamar. # # unit P GEN:14:8 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Ëù_¶à_Âê_Íõ_£¬_¶ê_Ħ_À­_Íõ_£¬_Ѻ_Âê_Íõ_£¬_Ï´_±â_Íõ_£¬_ºÍ_±È_À­ Íõ_£¨_±È_À­_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ëö_çí_£©_¶¼_³ö_À´_£¬_ÔÚ_Î÷_¶©_¹È_°Ú_Õó_£¬_Óë_Ëû_ÃÇ ½»_Õ½_£¬ # # And there went out the king of Sodom, and the king of Gomorrah, and # the king of Admah, and the king of Zeboiim, and the king of Bela # (the same is Zoar;) and they joined battle with them in the vale of # Siddim; # # unit P GEN:14:9 ¾Í_ÊÇ_Óë_ÒÔ_À¹_Íõ_»ù_´ó_ÀÏ_Âê_£¬_¸ê_Ó¡_Íõ_Ìá_´ï_£¬_ʾ_ÄÃ_Íõ_°µ_À­_·Ç £¬_ÒÔ_À­_Èö_Íõ_ÑÇ_ÂÔ_½»_Õ½_¡£_ÄË_ÊÇ_ËÄ_Íõ_Óë_Îå_Íõ_½»_Õ½_¡£ # # With Chedorlaomer the king of Elam, and with Tidal king of nations, # and Amraphel king of Shinar, and Arioch king of Ellasar; four kings # with five. # # unit P GEN:14:10 Î÷_¶©_¹È_ÓÐ_Ðí_¶à_ʯ_Æá_¿Ó_¡£_Ëù_¶à_Âê_Íõ_ºÍ_¶ê_Ħ_À­_Íõ_ÌÓ_ÅÜ_£¬_ÓÐ µô_ÔÚ_¿Ó_Àï_µÄ_£¬_Æä_Óà_µÄ_ÈË_¶¼_Íù_ɽ_ÉÏ_ÌÓ_ÅÜ_¡£ # # And the vale of Siddim was full of slimepits; and the kings of Sodom # and Gomorrah fled, and fell there; and they that remained fled to # the mountain. # # unit P GEN:14:11 ËÄ_Íõ_¾Í_°Ñ_Ëù_¶à_Âê_ºÍ_¶ê_Ħ_À­_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_²Æ_Îï_£¬_²¢_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_Á¸_ʳ ¶¼_°_ÂÓ_È¥_ÁË_¡£ # # And they took all the goods of Sodom and Gomorrah, and all their # victuals, and went their way. # # unit P GEN:14:12 ÓÖ_°Ñ_ÑÇ_²®_À¼_µÄ_Ö¶_¶ù_ÂÞ_µÃ_ºÍ_ÂÞ_µÃ_µÄ_²Æ_Îï_°_ÂÓ_È¥_ÁË_¡£_µ±_ʱ ÂÞ_µÃ_Õý_ס_ÔÚ_Ëù_¶à_Âê_¡£ # # And they took Lot, Abram's brother's son, who dwelt in Sodom, and # his goods, and departed. # # unit P GEN:14:13 ÓÐ_Ò»_¸ö_ÌÓ_³ö_À´_µÄ_ÈË_¸æ_Ëß_Ï£_²®_À´_ÈË_ÑÇ_²®_À¼_¡£_ÑÇ_²®_À¼_Õý_ס ÔÚ_ÑÇ_Ħ_Àû_ÈË_á£_Àû_µÄ_Ïð_Ê÷_ÄÇ_Àï_¡£_á£_Àû_ºÍ_ÒÔ_ʵ_¸÷_²¢_ÑÇ_ÄË_¶¼ ÊÇ_µÜ_ÐÖ_£¬_Ôø_Óë_ÑÇ_²®_À¼_Áª_ÃË_¡£ # # And there came one that had escaped, and told Abram the Hebrew; for # he dwelt in the plain of Mamre the Amorite, brother of Eshcol, and # brother of Aner: and these were confederate with Abram. # # unit P GEN:14:14 ÑÇ_²®_À¼_Ìý_¼û_Ëû_Ö¶_¶ù_£¨_Ô­_ÎÄ_×÷_µÜ_ÐÖ_£©_±»_°_È¥_£¬_¾Í_ÂÊ_Áì_Ëû ¼Ò_Àï_Éú_Ñø_µÄ_¾«_Á·_׳_¶¡_Èý_°Ù_Ò»_Ê®_°Ë_ÈË_£¬_Ö±_×·_µ½_µ«_£¬ # # And when Abram heard that his brother was taken captive, he armed # his trained servants, born in his own house, three hundred and # eighteen, and pursued them unto Dan. # # unit P GEN:14:15 ±ã_ÔÚ_Ò¹_¼ä_£¬_×Ô_¼º_ͬ_ÆÍ_ÈË_·Ö_¶Ó_ɱ_°Ü_µÐ_ÈË_£¬_ÓÖ_×·_µ½_´ó_Âí_É« ×ó_±ß_µÄ_ºÎ_°Ñ_£¬ # # And he divided himself against them, he and his servants, by night, # and smote them, and pursued them unto Hobah, which is on the left # hand of Damascus. # # unit P GEN:14:16 ½«_±»_°_ÂÓ_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_²Æ_Îï_¶á_»Ø_À´_£¬_Á¬_Ëû_Ö¶_¶ù_ÂÞ_µÃ_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_²Æ Îï_£¬_ÒÔ_¼°_¸¾_Å®_£¬_ÈË_Ãñ_Ò²_¶¼_¶á_»Ø_À´_¡£ # # And he brought back all the goods, and also brought again his # brother Lot, and his goods, and the women also, and the people. # # unit P GEN:14:17 ÑÇ_²®_À¼_ɱ_°Ü_»ù_´ó_ÀÏ_Âê_ºÍ_Óë_Ëû_ͬ_ÃË_µÄ_Íõ_»Ø_À´_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Ëù ¶à_Âê_Íõ_³ö_À´_£¬_ÔÚ_ɳ_΢_¹È_Ó­_½Ó_Ëû_¡£_ɳ_΢_¹È_¾Í_ÊÇ_Íõ_¹È_¡£ # # And the king of Sodom went out to meet him after his return from the # slaughter of Chedorlaomer, and of the kings that were with him, at # the valley of Shaveh, which is the king's dale. # # unit P GEN:14:18 ÓÖ_ÓÐ_Èö_Àä_Íõ_Âó_»ù_Ï´_µÂ_´ø_×Å_±ý_ºÍ_¾Æ_³ö_À´_Ó­_½Ó_¡£_Ëû_ÊÇ_ÖÁ_¸ß Éñ_µÄ_¼À_˾_¡£ # # And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine: and he # was the priest of the most high God. # # unit P GEN:14:19 Ëû_Ϊ_ÑÇ_²®_À¼_×£_¸£_£¬_˵_£¬_Ô¸_Ìì_µØ_µÄ_Ö÷_£¬_ÖÁ_¸ß_µÄ_Éñ_´Í_¸£_Óë ÑÇ_²®_À¼_¡£ # # And he blessed him, and said, Blessed be Abram of the most high God, # possessor of heaven and earth: # # unit P GEN:14:20 ÖÁ_¸ß_µÄ_Éñ_°Ñ_µÐ_ÈË_½»_ÔÚ_Äã_ÊÖ_Àï_£¬_ÊÇ_Ó¦_µ±_³Æ_ËÌ_µÄ_¡£_ÑÇ_²®_À¼ ¾Í_°Ñ_Ëù_µÃ_µÄ_ÄÃ_³ö_Ê®_·Ö_Ö®_Ò»_À´_£¬_¸ø_Âó_»ù_Ï´_µÂ_¡£ # # And blessed be the most high God, which hath delivered thine enemies # into thy hand. And he gave him tithes of all. # # unit P GEN:14:21 Ëù_¶à_Âê_Íõ_¶Ô_ÑÇ_²®_À¼_˵_£¬_Äã_°Ñ_ÈË_¿Ú_¸ø_ÎÒ_£¬_²Æ_Îï_Äã_×Ô_¼º_Äà ȥ_°É_¡£ # # And the king of Sodom said unto Abram, Give me the persons, and take # the goods to thyself. # # unit P GEN:14:22 ÑÇ_²®_À¼_¶Ô_Ëù_¶à_Âê_Íõ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÒÑ_¾­_Ïò_Ìì_µØ_µÄ_Ö÷_ÖÁ_¸ß_µÄ_Éñ_Ò® ºÍ_»ª_Æð_ÊÄ_¡£ # # And Abram said to the king of Sodom, I have lift up mine hand unto # the LORD, the most high God, the possessor of heaven and earth, # # unit P GEN:14:23 ·²_ÊÇ_Äã_µÄ_¶«_Î÷_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ò»_¸ù_Ïß_£¬_Ò»_¸ù_Ь_´ø_£¬_ÎÒ_¶¼_²»_ÄÃ_£¬ Ãâ_µÃ_Äã_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ʹ_ÑÇ_²®_À¼_¸»_×ã_¡£ # # That I will not take from a thread even to a shoelatchet, and that I # will not take any thing that is thine, lest thou shouldest say, I # have made Abram rich: # # unit P GEN:14:24 Ö»_ÓÐ_ÆÍ_ÈË_Ëù_³Ô_µÄ_£¬_²¢_Óë_ÎÒ_ͬ_ÐÐ_µÄ_ÑÇ_ÄË_£¬_ÒÔ_ʵ_¸÷_£¬_á£_Àû Ëù_Ó¦_µÃ_µÄ_·Ö_£¬_¿É_ÒÔ_ÈÎ_ƾ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÄÃ_È¥_¡£ # # Save only that which the young men have eaten, and the portion of # the men which went with me, Aner, Eshcol, and Mamre; let them take # their portion. # ## # chapter 15 GEN:15 # unit P GEN:15:1 Õâ_ÊÂ_ÒÔ_ºó_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÔÚ_Òì_Ïó_ÖÐ_ÓÐ_»°_¶Ô_ÑÇ_²®_À¼_˵_£¬_ÑÇ_²®_À¼ £¬_Äã_²»_Òª_¾å_ÅÂ_£¬_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Äã_µÄ_¶Ü_ÅÆ_£¬_±Ø_´ó_´ó_µØ_ÉÍ_´Í_Äã_¡£ # # After these things the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, # saying, Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great # reward. # # unit P GEN:15:2 ÑÇ_²®_À¼_˵_£¬_Ö÷_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_°¢_£¬_ÎÒ_¼È_ÎÞ_×Ó_£¬_Äã_»¹_´Í_ÎÒ_ʲ_ô_ÄØ £¿_²¢_ÇÒ_Òª_³Ð_ÊÜ_ÎÒ_¼Ò_Òµ_µÄ_ÊÇ_´ó_Âí_É«_ÈË_ÒÔ_Àû_ÒÔ_л_¡£ # # And Abram said, LORD God, what wilt thou give me, seeing I go # childless, and the steward of my house is this Eliezer of Damascus? # # unit P GEN:15:3 ÑÇ_²®_À¼_ÓÖ_˵_£¬_Äã_û_ÓÐ_¸ø_ÎÒ_¶ù_×Ó_¡£_ÄÇ_Éú_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_¼Ò_ÖÐ_µÄ_ÈË_¾Í ÊÇ_ÎÒ_µÄ_ºó_ËÃ_¡£ # # And Abram said, Behold, to me thou hast given no seed: and, lo, one # born in my house is mine heir. # # unit P GEN:15:4 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÓÖ_ÓÐ_»°_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_Õâ_ÈË_±Ø_²»_³É_Ϊ_Äã_µÄ_ºó_ËÃ_¡£_Äã_±¾ Éí_Ëù_Éú_µÄ_²Å_³É_Ϊ_Äã_µÄ_ºó_ËÃ_¡£ # # And, behold, the word of the LORD came unto him, saying, This shall # not be thine heir; but he that shall come forth out of thine own # bowels shall be thine heir. # # unit P GEN:15:5 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Áì_Ëû_×ß_µ½_Íâ_±ß_£¬_˵_£¬_Äã_Ïò_Ìì_¹Û_¿´_£¬_Êý_Ëã_ÖÚ_ÐÇ_£¬_ÄÜ Êý_µÃ_¹ý_À´_Âð_£¿_ÓÖ_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_Äã_µÄ_ºó_Òá_½«_Òª_Èç_´Ë_¡£ # # And he brought him forth abroad, and said, Look now toward heaven, # and tell the stars, if thou be able to number them: and he said unto # him, So shall thy seed be. # # unit P GEN:15:6 ÑÇ_²®_À¼_ÐÅ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¾Í_ÒÔ_´Ë_Ϊ_Ëû_µÄ_Òå_¡£ # # And he believed in the LORD; and he counted it to him for # righteousness. # # unit P GEN:15:7 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÓÖ_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_Ôø_Áì_Äã_³ö_ÁË_åÈ_ÀÕ_µ×_µÄ Îá_çí_£¬_Ϊ_Òª_½«_Õâ_µØ_´Í_Äã_Ϊ_Òµ_¡£ # # And he said unto him, I am the LORD that brought thee out of Ur of # the Chaldees, to give thee this land to inherit it. # # unit P GEN:15:8 ÑÇ_²®_À¼_˵_£¬_Ö÷_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_°¢_£¬_ÎÒ_Ôõ_ÄÜ_Öª_µÀ_±Ø_µÃ_Õâ_µØ_Ϊ_Òµ_ÄØ £¿ # # And he said, LORD God, whereby shall I know that I shall inherit it? # # unit P GEN:15:9 Ëû_˵_£¬_Äã_Ϊ_ÎÒ_È¡_Ò»_Ö»_Èý_Äê_µÄ_ĸ_Å£_£¬_Ò»_Ö»_Èý_Äê_µÄ_ĸ_ɽ_Ñò £¬_Ò»_Ö»_Èý_Äê_µÄ_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_£¬_Ò»_Ö»_°ß_ð¯_£¬_Ò»_Ö»_³û_¸ë_¡£ # # And he said unto him, Take me an heifer of three years old, and a # she goat of three years old, and a ram of three years old, and a # turtledove, and a young pigeon. # # unit P GEN:15:10 ÑÇ_²®_À¼_¾Í_È¡_ÁË_Õâ_Щ_À´_£¬_ÿ_Ñù_Åü_¿ª_£¬_·Ö_³É_Á½_°ë_£¬_Ò»_°ë_¶Ô ×Å_Ò»_°ë_µØ_°Ú_ÁÐ_£¬_Ö»_ÓÐ_Äñ_û_ÓÐ_Åü_¿ª_¡£ # # And he took unto him all these, and divided them in the midst, and # laid each piece one against another: but the birds divided he not. # # unit P GEN:15:11 ÓÐ_ðº_Äñ_ÏÂ_À´_£¬_Âä_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_ËÀ_Ðó_µÄ_Èâ_ÉÏ_£¬_ÑÇ_²®_À¼_¾Í_°Ñ_Ëü_ÏÅ_·É ÁË_¡£ # # And when the fowls came down upon the carcases, Abram drove them # away. # # unit P GEN:15:12 ÈÕ_Í·_Õý_Âä_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_ÑÇ_²®_À¼_³Á_³Á_µØ_˯_ÁË_¡£_ºö_È»_ÓÐ_¾ª_ÈË_µÄ ´ó_ºÚ_°µ_Âä_ÔÚ_Ëû_Éí_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And when the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell upon Abram; and, # lo, an horror of great darkness fell upon him. # # unit P GEN:15:13 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_ÑÇ_²®_À¼_˵_£¬_Äã_Òª_µÄ_È·_Öª_µÀ_£¬_Äã_µÄ_ºó_Òá_±Ø_¼Ä_¾Ó ±ð_ÈË_µÄ_µØ_£¬_ÓÖ_·þ_ÊÂ_ÄÇ_µØ_µÄ_ÈË_¡£_ÄÇ_µØ_µÄ_ÈË_Òª_¿à_´ý_Ëû_ÃÇ_ËÄ °Ù_Äê_¡£ # # And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a # stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and # they shall afflict them four hundred years; # # unit P GEN:15:14 ²¢_ÇÒ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ëù_Òª_·þ_ÊÂ_µÄ_ÄÇ_¹ú_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_³Í_·£_£¬_ºó_À´_Ëû_ÃÇ_±Ø_´ø ×Å_Ðí_¶à_²Æ_Îï_´Ó_ÄÇ_Àï_³ö_À´_¡£ # # And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge: and # afterward shall they come out with great substance. # # unit P GEN:15:15 µ«_Äã_Òª_Ïí_´ó_ÊÙ_Êý_£¬_ƽ_ƽ_°²_°²_µØ_¹é_µ½_Äã_ÁÐ_×æ_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_±»_ÈË Âñ_Ôá_¡£ # # And thou shalt go to thy fathers in peace; thou shalt be buried in a # good old age. # # unit P GEN:15:16 µ½_ÁË_µÚ_ËÄ_´ú_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_±Ø_»Ø_µ½_´Ë_µØ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÑÇ_Ħ_Àû_ÈË_µÄ_×ï_Äõ »¹_û_ÓÐ_Âú_Ó¯_¡£ # # But in the fourth generation they shall come hither again: for the # iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full. # # unit P GEN:15:17 ÈÕ_Âä_Ìì_ºÚ_£¬_²»_ÁÏ_ÓÐ_ð_ÑÌ_µÄ_¯_²¢_ÉÕ_×Å_µÄ_»ð_°Ñ_´Ó_ÄÇ_Щ_Èâ_¿é ÖÐ_¾­_¹ý_¡£ # # And it came to pass, that, when the sun went down, and it was dark, # behold a smoking furnace, and a burning lamp that passed between # those pieces. # # unit P GEN:15:18 µ±_ÄÇ_ÈÕ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Óë_ÑÇ_²®_À¼_Á¢_Ô¼_£¬_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÒÑ_´Í_¸ø_Äã_µÄ_ºó Òá_£¬_´Ó_°£_¼°_ºÓ_Ö±_µ½_²®_À­_´ó_ºÓ_Ö®_µØ_£¬ # # In the same day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto # thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the # great river, the river Euphrates: # # unit P GEN:15:19 ¾Í_ÊÇ_»ù_Äá_ÈË_£¬_»ù_Äá_Ï´_ÈË_£¬_¼×_Ħ_Äá_ÈË_£¬ # # The Kenites, and the Kenizzites, and the Kadmonites, # # unit P GEN:15:20 ºÕ_ÈË_£¬_±È_Àû_Ï´_ÈË_£¬_Àû_·¦_Òô_ÈË_£¬ # # And the Hittites, and the Perizzites, and the Rephaims, # # unit P GEN:15:21 ÑÇ_Ħ_Àû_ÈË_£¬_åÈ_ÄÏ_ÈË_£¬_¸ï_åÈ_Èö_ÈË_£¬_Ò®_²¼_˹_ÈË_Ö®_µØ_¡£ # # And the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Girgashites, and the # Jebusites. # ## # chapter 16 GEN:16 # unit P GEN:16:1 ÑÇ_²®_À¼_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_Èö_À³_²»_¸ø_Ëû_Éú_¶ù_Å®_¡£_Èö_À³_ÓÐ_Ò»_¸ö_ʹ_Å®_£¬ Ãû_½Ð_ÏÄ_¼×_£¬_ÊÇ_°£_¼°_ÈË_¡£ # # Now Sarai Abram's wife bare him no children: and she had an # handmaid, an Egyptian, whose name was Hagar. # # unit P GEN:16:2 Èö_À³_¶Ô_ÑÇ_²®_À¼_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ʹ_ÎÒ_²»_ÄÜ_Éú_Óý_¡£_Çó_Äã_ºÍ_ÎÒ_µÄ ʹ_Å®_ͬ_·¿_£¬_»ò_Õß_ÎÒ_¿É_ÒÔ_Òò_Ëý_µÃ_º¢_×Ó_£¨_µÃ_º¢_×Ó_Ô­_ÎÄ_×÷_±» ½¨_Á¢_£©_¡£_ÑÇ_²®_À¼_Ìý_´Ó_ÁË_Èö_À³_µÄ_»°_¡£ # # And Sarai said unto Abram, Behold now, the LORD hath restrained me # from bearing: I pray thee, go in unto my maid; it may be that I may # obtain children by her. And Abram hearkened to the voice of Sarai. # # unit P GEN:16:3 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_ÑÇ_²®_À¼_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_Èö_À³_½«_ʹ_Å®_°£_¼°_ÈË_ÏÄ_¼×_¸ø_ÁË_ÕÉ_·ò_Ϊ æª_¡£_ÄÇ_ʱ_ÑÇ_²®_À¼_ÔÚ_åÈ_ÄÏ_ÒÑ_¾­_ס_ÁË_Ê®_Äê_¡£ # # And Sarai Abram's wife took Hagar her maid the Egyptian, after Abram # had dwelt ten years in the land of Canaan, and gave her to her # husband Abram to be his wife. # # unit P GEN:16:4 ÑÇ_²®_À¼_Óë_ÏÄ_¼×_ͬ_·¿_£¬_ÏÄ_¼×_¾Í_»³_ÁË_ÔÐ_¡£_Ëý_¼û_×Ô_¼º_ÓÐ_ÔÐ_£¬ ¾Í_С_¿´_Ëý_µÄ_Ö÷_ĸ_¡£ # # And he went in unto Hagar, and she conceived: and when she saw that # she had conceived, her mistress was despised in her eyes. # # unit P GEN:16:5 Èö_À³_¶Ô_ÑÇ_²®_À¼_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Òò_Äã_ÊÜ_Çü_¡£_ÎÒ_½«_ÎÒ_µÄ_ʹ_Å®_·Å_ÔÚ_Äã »³_ÖÐ_£¬_Ëý_¼û_×Ô_¼º_ÓÐ_ÁË_ÔÐ_£¬_¾Í_С_¿´_ÎÒ_¡£_Ô¸_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÔÚ_Äã_ÎÒ ÖÐ_¼ä_ÅÐ_¶Ï_¡£ # # And Sarai said unto Abram, My wrong be upon thee: I have given my # maid into thy bosom; and when she saw that she had conceived, I was # despised in her eyes: the LORD judge between me and thee. # # unit P GEN:16:6 ÑÇ_²®_À¼_¶Ô_Èö_À³_˵_£¬_ʹ_Å®_ÔÚ_Äã_ÊÖ_ÏÂ_£¬_Äã_¿É_ÒÔ_Ëæ_Òâ_´ý_Ëý_¡£ Èö_À³_¿à_´ý_Ëý_£¬_Ëý_¾Í_´Ó_Èö_À³_Ãæ_Ç°_ÌÓ_×ß_ÁË_¡£ # # But Abram said unto Sarai, Behold, thy maid is in thy hand; do to # her as it pleaseth thee. And when Sarai dealt hardly with her, she # fled from her face. # # unit P GEN:16:7 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_ʹ_Õß_ÔÚ_¿õ_Ò°_Êé_çí_·_ÉÏ_µÄ_Ë®_Ȫ_ÅÔ_Óö_¼û_Ëý_£¬ # # And the angel of the LORD found her by a fountain of water in the # wilderness, by the fountain in the way to Shur. # # unit P GEN:16:8 ¶Ô_Ëý_˵_£¬_Èö_À³_µÄ_ʹ_Å®_ÏÄ_¼×_£¬_Äã_´Ó_ÄÄ_Àï_À´_£¬_Òª_Íù_ÄÄ_Àï_È¥ ¡£_ÏÄ_¼×_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_´Ó_ÎÒ_µÄ_Ö÷_ĸ_Èö_À³_Ãæ_Ç°_ÌÓ_³ö_À´_¡£ # # And he said, Hagar, Sarai's maid, whence camest thou? and whither # wilt thou go? And she said, I flee from the face of my mistress # Sarai. # # unit P GEN:16:9 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_ʹ_Õß_¶Ô_Ëý_˵_£¬_Äã_»Ø_µ½_Äã_Ö÷_ĸ_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_·þ_ÔÚ_Ëý_ÊÖ ÏÂ_¡£ # # And the angel of the LORD said unto her, Return to thy mistress, and # submit thyself under her hands. # # unit P GEN:16:10 ÓÖ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_ʹ_Äã_µÄ_ºó_Òá_¼«_Æä_·±_¶à_£¬_Éõ_ÖÁ_²»_¿É_ʤ_Êý_¡£ # # And the angel of the LORD said unto her, I will multiply thy seed # exceedingly, that it shall not be numbered for multitude. # # unit P GEN:16:11 ²¢_˵_£¬_Äã_Èç_½ñ_»³_ÔÐ_Òª_Éú_Ò»_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_¿É_ÒÔ_¸ø_Ëû_Æð_Ãû_½Ð_ÒÔ Êµ_Âê_Àû_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ìý_¼û_ÁË_Äã_µÄ_¿à_Çé_¡£_£¨_ÒÔ_ʵ_Âê_Àû_¾Í ÊÇ_Éñ_Ìý_¼û_µÄ_Òâ_˼_£© # # And the angel of the LORD said unto her, Behold, thou art with # child, and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; # because the LORD hath heard thy affliction. # # unit P GEN:16:12 Ëû_Ϊ_ÈË_±Ø_Ïñ_Ò°_¿_¡£_Ëû_µÄ_ÊÖ_Òª_¹¥_´ò_ÈË_£¬_ÈË_µÄ_ÊÖ_Ò²_Òª_¹¥_´ò Ëû_¡£_Ëû_±Ø_ס_ÔÚ_ÖÚ_µÜ_ÐÖ_µÄ_¶«_±ß_¡£ # # And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and # every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of # all his brethren. # # unit P GEN:16:13 ÏÄ_¼×_¾Í_³Æ_ÄÇ_¶Ô_Ëý_˵_»°_µÄ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_¿´_¹Ë_ÈË_µÄ_Éñ_¡£_Òò_¶ø_˵ £¬_ÔÚ_Õâ_Àï_ÎÒ_Ò²_¿´_¼û_ÄÇ_¿´_¹Ë_ÎÒ_µÄ_Âð_£¿ # # And she called the name of the LORD that spake unto her, Thou God # seest me: for she said, Have I also here looked after him that seeth # me? # # unit P GEN:16:14 Ëù_ÒÔ_Õâ_¾®_Ãû_½Ð_±Ó_¶ú_À­_º£_À³_¡£_Õâ_¾®_Õý_ÔÚ_¼Ó_µÍ_˹_ºÍ_°Í_ÁÐ_ÖÐ ¼ä_¡£ # # Wherefore the well was called Beerlahairoi; behold, it is between # Kadesh and Bered. # # unit P GEN:16:15 ºó_À´_ÏÄ_¼×_¸ø_ÑÇ_²®_À¼_Éú_ÁË_Ò»_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_¡£_ÑÇ_²®_À¼_¸ø_Ëû_Æð_Ãû_½Ð ÒÔ_ʵ_Âê_Àû_¡£ # # And Hagar bare Abram a son: and Abram called his son's name, which # Hagar bare, Ishmael. # # unit P GEN:16:16 ÏÄ_¼×_¸ø_ÑÇ_²®_À¼_Éú_ÒÔ_ʵ_Âê_Àû_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_ÑÇ_²®_À¼_Äê_°Ë_Ê®_Áù_Ëê ¡£ # # And Abram was fourscore and six years old, when Hagar bare Ishmael # to Abram. # ## # chapter 17 GEN:17 # unit P GEN:17:1 ÑÇ_²®_À¼_Äê_¾Å_Ê®_¾Å_Ëê_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïò_Ëû_ÏÔ_ÏÖ_£¬_¶Ô_Ëû_˵ £¬_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_È«_ÄÜ_µÄ_Éñ_¡£_Äã_µ±_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_Ãæ_Ç°_×÷_Íê_È«_ÈË_£¬ # # And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to # Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and # be thou perfect. # # unit P GEN:17:2 ÎÒ_¾Í_Óë_Äã_Á¢_Ô¼_£¬_ʹ_Äã_µÄ_ºó_Òá_¼«_Æä_·±_¶à_¡£ # # And I will make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply # thee exceedingly. # # unit P GEN:17:3 ÑÇ_²®_À¼_¸©_·ü_ÔÚ_µØ_¡£_Éñ_ÓÖ_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬ # # And Abram fell on his face: and God talked with him, saying, # # unit P GEN:17:4 ÎÒ_Óë_Äã_Á¢_Ô¼_£¬_Äã_Òª_×÷_¶à_¹ú_µÄ_¸¸_¡£ # # As for me, behold, my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a # father of many nations. # # unit P GEN:17:5 ´Ó_´Ë_ÒÔ_ºó_£¬_Äã_µÄ_Ãû_²»_ÔÙ_½Ð_ÑÇ_²®_À¼_£¬_Òª_½Ð_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_£¬_Òò Ϊ_ÎÒ_ÒÑ_Á¢_Äã_×÷_¶à_¹ú_µÄ_¸¸_¡£ # # Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall # be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee. # # unit P GEN:17:6 ÎÒ_±Ø_ʹ_Äã_µÄ_ºó_Òá_¼«_Æä_·±_¶à_¡£_¹ú_¶È_´Ó_Äã_¶ø_Á¢_£¬_¾ý_Íõ_´Ó_Äã ¶ø_³ö_¡£ # # And I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of # thee, and kings shall come out of thee. # # unit P GEN:17:7 ÎÒ_Òª_Óë_Äã_²¢_Äã_ÊÀ_ÊÀ_´ú_´ú_µÄ_ºó_Òá_¼á_Á¢_ÎÒ_µÄ_Ô¼_£¬_×÷_ÓÀ_Ô¶_µÄ Ô¼_£¬_ÊÇ_Òª_×÷_Äã_ºÍ_Äã_ºó_Òá_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed # after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a # God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee. # # unit P GEN:17:8 ÎÒ_Òª_½«_Äã_ÏÖ_ÔÚ_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_µØ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_åÈ_ÄÏ_È«_µØ_£¬_´Í_¸ø_Äã_ºÍ_Äã µÄ_ºó_Òá_ÓÀ_Ô¶_Ϊ_Òµ_£¬_ÎÒ_Ò²_±Ø_×÷_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land # wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an # everlasting possession; and I will be their God. # # unit P GEN:17:9 Éñ_ÓÖ_¶Ô_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_˵_£¬_Äã_ºÍ_Äã_µÄ_ºó_Òá_£¬_±Ø_ÊÀ_ÊÀ_´ú_´ú_×ñ_ÊØ ÎÒ_µÄ_Ô¼_¡£ # # And God said unto Abraham, Thou shalt keep my covenant therefore, # thou, and thy seed after thee in their generations. # # unit P GEN:17:10 Äã_ÃÇ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_ÄÐ_×Ó_£¬_¶¼_Òª_ÊÜ_¸î_Àñ_¡£_Õâ_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_Óë_Äã_£¬_²¢_Äã µÄ_ºó_Òá_Ëù_Á¢_µÄ_Ô¼_£¬_ÊÇ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ëù_µ±_×ñ_ÊØ_µÄ_¡£ # # This is my covenant, which ye shall keep, between me and you and thy # seed after thee; Every man child among you shall be circumcised. # # unit P GEN:17:11 Äã_ÃÇ_¶¼_Òª_ÊÜ_¸î_Àñ_£¨_ÊÜ_¸î_Àñ_Ô­_ÎÄ_×÷_¸î_Ñô_Ƥ_¡£ # [14,23,24,25] ½Ú_ͬ_£©_£¬_Õâ_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_Á¢_Ô¼_µÄ_Ö¤_¾Ý_¡£ # # And ye shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be # a token of the covenant betwixt me and you. # # unit P GEN:17:12 Äã_ÃÇ_ÊÀ_ÊÀ_´ú_´ú_µÄ_ÄÐ_×Ó_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_¼Ò_Àï_Éú_µÄ_£¬_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_Äã_ºó_Òá Ö®_Íâ_ÓÃ_Òø_×Ó_´Ó_Íâ_ÈË_Âò_µÄ_£¬_Éú_ÏÂ_À´_µÚ_°Ë_ÈÕ_£¬_¶¼_Òª_ÊÜ_¸î_Àñ ¡£ # # And he that is eight days old shall be circumcised among you, every # man child in your generations, he that is born in the house, or # bought with money of any stranger, which is not of thy seed. # # unit P GEN:17:13 Äã_¼Ò_Àï_Éú_µÄ_ºÍ_Äã_ÓÃ_Òø_×Ó_Âò_µÄ_£¬_¶¼_±Ø_Ðë_ÊÜ_¸î_Àñ_¡£_Õâ_Ñù_£¬ ÎÒ_µÄ_Ô¼_¾Í_Á¢_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_Èâ_Ìå_ÉÏ_×÷_ÓÀ_Ô¶_µÄ_Ô¼_¡£ # # He that is born in thy house, and he that is bought with thy money, # must needs be circumcised: and my covenant shall be in your flesh # for an everlasting covenant. # # unit P GEN:17:14 µ«_²»_ÊÜ_¸î_Àñ_µÄ_ÄÐ_×Ó_£¬_±Ø_´Ó_Ãñ_ÖÐ_¼ô_³ý_£¬_Òò_Ëû_±³_ÁË_ÎÒ_µÄ_Ô¼ ¡£ # # And the uncircumcised man child whose flesh of his foreskin is not # circumcised, that soul shall be cut off from his people; he hath # broken my covenant. # # unit P GEN:17:15 Éñ_ÓÖ_¶Ô_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_˵_£¬_Äã_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_Èö_À³_£¬_²»_¿É_ÔÙ_½Ð_Èö_À³_£¬ Ëý_µÄ_Ãû_Òª_½Ð_Èö_À­_¡£ # # And God said unto Abraham, As for Sarai thy wife, thou shalt not # call her name Sarai, but Sarah shall her name be. # # unit P GEN:17:16 ÎÒ_±Ø_´Í_¸£_¸ø_Ëý_£¬_Ò²_Òª_ʹ_Äã_´Ó_Ëý_µÃ_Ò»_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_¡£_ÎÒ_Òª_´Í_¸£ ¸ø_Ëý_£¬_Ëý_Ò²_Òª_×÷_¶à_¹ú_Ö®_ĸ_¡£_±Ø_ÓÐ_°Ù_ÐÕ_µÄ_¾ý_Íõ_´Ó_Ëý_¶ø_³ö ¡£ # # And I will bless her, and give thee a son also of her: yea, I will # bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of people # shall be of her. # # unit P GEN:17:17 ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_¾Í_¸©_·ü_ÔÚ_µØ_ϲ_Ц_£¬_ÐÄ_Àï_˵_£¬_Ò»_°Ù_Ëê_µÄ_ÈË_»¹_ÄÜ µÃ_º¢_×Ó_Âð_£¿_Èö_À­_ÒÑ_¾­_¾Å_Ê®_Ëê_ÁË_£¬_»¹_ÄÜ_Éú_Ñø_Âð_£¿ # # Then Abraham fell upon his face, and laughed, and said in his heart, # Shall a child be born unto him that is an hundred years old? and # shall Sarah, that is ninety years old, bear? # # unit P GEN:17:18 ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_¶Ô_Éñ_˵_£¬_µ«_Ô¸_ÒÔ_ʵ_Âê_Àû_»î_ÔÚ_Äã_Ãæ_Ç°_¡£ # # And Abraham said unto God, O that Ishmael might live before thee! # # unit P GEN:17:19 Éñ_˵_£¬_²»_È»_£¬_Äã_ÆÞ_×Ó_Èö_À­_Òª_¸ø_Äã_Éú_Ò»_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_Äã_Òª_¸ø Ëû_Æð_Ãû_½Ð_ÒÔ_Èö_¡£_ÎÒ_Òª_Óë_Ëû_¼á_¶¨_Ëù_Á¢_µÄ_Ô¼_£¬_×÷_Ëû_ºó_Òá_ÓÀ Ô¶_µÄ_Ô¼_¡£ # # And God said, Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou # shalt call his name Isaac: and I will establish my covenant with him # for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him. # # unit P GEN:17:20 ÖÁ_ÓÚ_ÒÔ_ʵ_Âê_Àû_£¬_ÎÒ_Ò²_Ó¦_ÔÊ_Äã_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_´Í_¸£_¸ø_Ëû_£¬_ʹ_Ëû_²ý Ê¢_¼«_Æä_·±_¶à_£¬_Ëû_±Ø_Éú_Ê®_¶þ_¸ö_×å_³¤_£¬_ÎÒ_Ò²_Òª_ʹ_Ëû_³É_Ϊ_´ó ¹ú_¡£ # # And as for Ishmael, I have heard thee: Behold, I have blessed him, # and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly; # twelve princes shall he beget, and I will make him a great nation. # # unit P GEN:17:21 µ½_Ã÷_Äê_Õâ_ʱ_½Ú_£¬_Èö_À­_±Ø_¸ø_Äã_Éú_ÒÔ_Èö_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_Óë_Ëû_¼á_¶¨_Ëù Á¢_µÄ_Ô¼_¡£ # # But my covenant will I establish with Isaac, which Sarah shall bear # unto thee at this set time in the next year. # # unit P GEN:17:22 Éñ_ºÍ_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_˵_Íê_ÁË_»°_£¬_¾Í_Àë_¿ª_Ëû_ÉÏ_Éý_È¥_ÁË_¡£ # # And he left off talking with him, and God went up from Abraham. # # unit P GEN:17:23 Õý_µ±_ÄÇ_ÈÕ_£¬_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_×ñ_×Å_Éñ_µÄ_Ãü_£¬_¸ø_Ëû_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_ʵ_Âê Àû_ºÍ_¼Ò_Àï_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_ÄÐ_×Ó_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_¼Ò_Àï_Éú_µÄ_£¬_ÊÇ_ÓÃ_Òø_×Ó Âò_µÄ_£¬_¶¼_ÐÐ_ÁË_¸î_Àñ_¡£ # # And Abraham took Ishmael his son, and all that were born in his # house, and all that were bought with his money, every male among the # men of Abraham's house; and circumcised the flesh of their foreskin # in the selfsame day, as God had said unto him. # # unit P GEN:17:24 ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_ÊÜ_¸î_Àñ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Äê_¾Å_Ê®_¾Å_Ëê_¡£ # # And Abraham was ninety years old and nine, when he was circumcised # in the flesh of his foreskin. # # unit P GEN:17:25 Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_ʵ_Âê_Àû_ÊÜ_¸î_Àñ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Äê_Ê®_Èý_Ëê_¡£ # # And Ishmael his son was thirteen years old, when he was circumcised # in the flesh of his foreskin. # # unit P GEN:17:26 Õý_µ±_ÄÇ_ÈÕ_£¬_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_ºÍ_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_ʵ_Âê_Àû_£¬_Ò»_ͬ_ÊÜ_ÁË_¸î Àñ_¡£ # # In the selfsame day was Abraham circumcised, and Ishmael his son. # # unit P GEN:17:27 ¼Ò_Àï_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_ÈË_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_¼Ò_Àï_Éú_µÄ_£¬_ÊÇ_ÓÃ_Òø_×Ó_´Ó_Íâ_ÈË Âò_µÄ_£¬_Ò²_¶¼_Ò»_ͬ_ÊÜ_ÁË_¸î_Àñ_¡£ # # And all the men of his house, born in the house, and bought with # money of the stranger, were circumcised with him. # ## # chapter 18 GEN:18 # unit P GEN:18:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÔÚ_á£_Àû_Ïð_Ê÷_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_Ïò_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_ÏÔ_ÏÖ_³ö_À´_¡£_ÄÇ_ʱ Õý_ÈÈ_£¬_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_×ø_ÔÚ_ÕÊ_Åï_ÃÅ_¿Ú_£¬ # # And the LORD appeared unto him in the plains of Mamre: and he sat in # the tent door in the heat of the day; # # unit P GEN:18:2 ¾Ù_Ä¿_¹Û_¿´_£¬_¼û_ÓÐ_Èý_¸ö_ÈË_ÔÚ_¶Ô_Ãæ_Õ¾_×Å_¡£_Ëû_Ò»_¼û_£¬_¾Í_´Ó_ÕÊ Åï_ÃÅ_¿Ú_ÅÜ_È¥_Ó­_½Ó_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_¸©_·ü_ÔÚ_µØ_£¬ # # And he lift up his eyes and looked, and, lo, three men stood by him: # and when he saw them, he ran to meet them from the tent door, and # bowed himself toward the ground, # # unit P GEN:18:3 ˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Ö÷_£¬_ÎÒ_Èô_ÔÚ_Äã_ÑÛ_Ç°_ÃÉ_¶÷_£¬_Çó_Äã_²»_Òª_Àë_¿ª_ÆÍ_ÈË_Íù Ç°_È¥_¡£ # # And said, My LORD, if now I have found favour in thy sight, pass not # away, I pray thee, from thy servant: # # unit P GEN:18:4 ÈÝ_ÎÒ_ÄÃ_µã_Ë®_À´_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Ï´_Ï´_½Å_£¬_ÔÚ_Ê÷_ÏÂ_Ъ_Ï¢_Ъ_Ï¢_¡£ # # Let a little water, I pray you, be fetched, and wash your feet, and # rest yourselves under the tree: # # unit P GEN:18:5 ÎÒ_ÔÙ_ÄÃ_Ò»_µã_±ý_À´_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¿É_ÒÔ_¼Ó_Ìí_ÐÄ_Á¦_£¬_È»_ºó_Íù_Ç°_È¥_¡£ Äã_ÃÇ_¼È_µ½_ÆÍ_ÈË_Õâ_Àï_À´_£¬_Àí_µ±_Èç_´Ë_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_¾Í_ÕÕ_Äã_˵ µÄ_ÐÐ_°É_¡£ # # And I will fetch a morsel of bread, and comfort ye your hearts; # after that ye shall pass on: for therefore are ye come to your # servant. And they said, So do, as thou hast said. # # unit P GEN:18:6 ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_¼±_æ_½ø_ÕÊ_Åï_¼û_Èö_À­_£¬_˵_£¬_Äã_ËÙ_ËÙ_ÄÃ_Èý_ϸ_ÑÇ_ϸ Ãæ_µ÷_ºÍ_×÷_±ý_¡£ # # And Abraham hastened into the tent unto Sarah, and said, Make ready # quickly three measures of fine meal, knead it, and make cakes upon # the hearth. # # unit P GEN:18:7 ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_ÓÖ_ÅÜ_µ½_Å£_Ⱥ_Àï_£¬_Ç£_ÁË_Ò»_Ö»_ÓÖ_ÄÛ_ÓÖ_ºÃ_µÄ_Å£_¶¿_À´ £¬_½»_¸ø_ÆÍ_ÈË_£¬_ÆÍ_ÈË_¼±_æ_Ô¤_±¸_ºÃ_ÁË_¡£ # # And Abraham ran unto the herd, and fetcht a calf tender and good, # and gave it unto a young man; and he hasted to dress it. # # unit P GEN:18:8 ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_ÓÖ_È¡_ÁË_ÄÌ_ÓÍ_ºÍ_ÄÌ_£¬_²¢_Ô¤_±¸_ºÃ_µÄ_Å£_¶¿_À´_£¬_°Ú_ÔÚ Ëû_ÃÇ_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_×Ô_¼º_ÔÚ_Ê÷_ÏÂ_Õ¾_ÔÚ_ÅÔ_±ß_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_³Ô_ÁË_¡£ # # And he took butter, and milk, and the calf which he had dressed, and # set it before them; and he stood by them under the tree, and they # did eat. # # unit P GEN:18:9 Ëû_ÃÇ_ÎÊ_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_˵_£¬_Äã_ÆÞ_×Ó_Èö_À­_ÔÚ_ÄÄ_Àï_¡£_Ëû_˵_£¬_ÔÚ_ÕÊ Åï_Àï_¡£ # # And they said unto him, Where is Sarah thy wife? And he said, # Behold, in the tent. # # unit P GEN:18:10 Èý_ÈË_ÖÐ_ÓÐ_Ò»_λ_˵_£¬_µ½_Ã÷_Äê_Õâ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_Òª_»Ø_µ½_Äã_Õâ_Àï ¡£_Äã_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_Èö_À­_±Ø_Éú_Ò»_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_¡£_Èö_À­_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_ÈË_ºó_±ß_µÄ_ÕÊ Åï_ÃÅ_¿Ú_Ò²_Ìý_¼û_ÁË_Õâ_»°_¡£ # # And he said, I will certainly return unto thee according to the time # of life; and, lo, Sarah thy wife shall have a son. And Sarah heard # it in the tent door, which was behind him. # # unit P GEN:18:11 ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_ºÍ_Èö_À­_Äê_¼Í_ÀÏ_Âõ_£¬_Èö_À­_µÄ_ÔÂ_¾­_ÒÑ_¶Ï_¾ø_ÁË_¡£ # # Now Abraham and Sarah were old and well stricken in age; and it # ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women. # # unit P GEN:18:12 Èö_À­_ÐÄ_Àï_°µ_Ц_£¬_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_¼È_ÒÑ_Ë¥_°Ü_£¬_ÎÒ_Ö÷_Ò²_ÀÏ_Âõ_£¬_Æñ_ÄÜ ÓÐ_Õâ_ϲ_ÊÂ_ÄØ_£¿ # # Therefore Sarah laughed within herself, saying, After I am waxed old # shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also? # # unit P GEN:18:13 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_˵_£¬_Èö_À­_Ϊ_ʲ_ô_°µ_Ц_£¬_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_¼È_ÒÑ Äê_ÀÏ_£¬_¹û_Õæ_ÄÜ_Éú_Ñø_Âð_£¿ # # And the LORD said unto Abraham, Wherefore did Sarah laugh, saying, # Shall I of a surety bear a child, which am old? # # unit P GEN:18:14 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Æñ_ÓÐ_ÄÑ_³É_µÄ_ÊÂ_Âð_£¿_µ½_ÁË_ÈÕ_ÆÚ_£¬_Ã÷_Äê_Õâ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_ÎÒ ±Ø_»Ø_µ½_Äã_Õâ_Àï_£¬_Èö_À­_±Ø_Éú_Ò»_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_¡£ # # Is any thing too hard for the LORD? At the time appointed I will # return unto thee, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall # have a son. # # unit P GEN:18:15 Èö_À­_¾Í_º¦_ÅÂ_£¬_²»_³Ð_ÈÏ_£¬_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_û_ÓÐ_Ц_¡£_ÄÇ_λ_˵_£¬_²»_È» £¬_Äã_ʵ_ÔÚ_Ц_ÁË_¡£ # # Then Sarah denied, saying, I laughed not; for she was afraid. And he # said, Nay; but thou didst laugh. # # unit P GEN:18:16 Èý_ÈË_¾Í_´Ó_ÄÇ_Àï_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_Ïò_Ëù_¶à_Âê_¹Û_¿´_£¬_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_Ò²_Óë_Ëû ÃÇ_ͬ_ÐÐ_£¬_Òª_ËÍ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ò»_³Ì_¡£ # # And the men rose up from thence, and looked toward Sodom: and # Abraham went with them to bring them on the way. # # unit P GEN:18:17 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Ëù_Òª_×÷_µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬_Æñ_¿É_Â÷_×Å_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_ÄØ_£¿ # # And the LORD said, Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do; # # unit P GEN:18:18 ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_±Ø_Òª_³É_Ϊ_Ç¿_´ó_µÄ_¹ú_£¬_µØ_ÉÏ_µÄ_Íò_¹ú_¶¼_±Ø_Òò_Ëû_µÃ ¸£_¡£ # # Seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, # and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him? # # unit P GEN:18:19 ÎÒ_¾ì_¹Ë_Ëû_£¬_Ϊ_Òª_½Ð_Ëû_·Ô_¸À_Ëû_µÄ_ÖÚ_×Ó_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_¾ì_Êô_£¬_×ñ_ÊØ ÎÒ_µÄ_µÀ_£¬_±ü_¹«_ÐÐ_Òå_£¬_ʹ_ÎÒ_Ëù_Ó¦_Ðí_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_µÄ_»°_¶¼_³É_¾Í ÁË_¡£ # # For I know him, that he will command his children and his household # after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD, to do justice # and judgment; that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which he # hath spoken of him. # # unit P GEN:18:20 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_˵_£¬_Ëù_¶à_Âê_ºÍ_¶ê_Ħ_À­_µÄ_×ï_¶ñ_Éõ_ÖØ_£¬_Éù_ÎÅ_ÓÚ_ÎÒ_¡£ # # And the LORD said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, # and because their sin is very grievous; # # unit P GEN:18:21 ÎÒ_ÏÖ_ÔÚ_Òª_ÏÂ_È¥_£¬_²ì_¿´_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ëù_ÐÐ_µÄ_£¬_¹û_È»_¾¡_Ïñ_ÄÇ_´ï_µ½_ÎÒ ¶ú_ÖÐ_µÄ_Éù_Òô_Ò»_Ñù_Âð_£¿_Èô_ÊÇ_²»_È»_£¬_ÎÒ_Ò²_±Ø_Öª_µÀ_¡£ # # I will go down now, and see whether they have done altogether # according to the cry of it, which is come unto me; and if not, I # will know. # # unit P GEN:18:22 ¶þ_ÈË_ת_Éí_Àë_¿ª_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_Ïò_Ëù_¶à_Âê_È¥_¡£_µ«_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_ÈÔ_¾É_Õ¾ ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_¡£ # # And the men turned their faces from thence, and went toward Sodom: # but Abraham stood yet before the LORD. # # unit P GEN:18:23 ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_½ü_Ç°_À´_£¬_˵_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÉÆ_¶ñ_£¬_Äã_¶¼_Òª_½Ë_Ãð_Âð_£¿ # # And Abraham drew near, and said, Wilt thou also destroy the # righteous with the wicked? # # unit P GEN:18:24 ¼Ù_Èô_ÄÇ_³Ç_Àï_ÓÐ_Îå_Ê®_¸ö_Òå_ÈË_£¬_Äã_»¹_½Ë_Ãð_ÄÇ_µØ_·½_Âð_£¿_²»_Ϊ ³Ç_Àï_Õâ_Îå_Ê®_¸ö_Òå_ÈË_ÈÄ_Ë¡_Æä_ÖÐ_µÄ_ÈË_Âð_£¿ # # Peradventure there be fifty righteous within the city: wilt thou # also destroy and not spare the place for the fifty righteous that # are therein? # # unit P GEN:18:25 ½«_Òå_ÈË_Óë_¶ñ_ÈË_ͬ_ɱ_£¬_½«_Òå_ÈË_Óë_¶ñ_ÈË_Ò»_Ñù_¿´_´ý_£¬_Õâ_¶Ï_²» ÊÇ_Äã_Ëù_ÐÐ_µÄ_¡£_Éó_ÅÐ_È«_µØ_µÄ_Ö÷_£¬_Æñ_²»_ÐÐ_¹«_Òå_Âð_£¿ # # That be far from thee to do after this manner, to slay the righteous # with the wicked: and that the righteous should be as the wicked, # that be far from thee: Shall not the Judge of all the earth do # right? # # unit P GEN:18:26 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Èô_ÔÚ_Ëù_¶à_Âê_³Ç_Àï_¼û_ÓÐ_Îå_Ê®_¸ö_Òå_ÈË_£¬_ÎÒ_¾Í Ϊ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Ôµ_¹Ê_ÈÄ_Ë¡_ÄÇ_µØ_·½_µÄ_ÖÚ_ÈË_¡£ # # And the LORD said, If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the # city, then I will spare all the place for their sakes. # # unit P GEN:18:27 ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Ëä_È»_ÊÇ_»Ò_³¾_£¬_»¹_¸Ò_¶Ô_Ö÷_˵_»°_¡£ # # And Abraham answered and said, Behold now, I have taken upon me to # speak unto the LORD, which am but dust and ashes: # # unit P GEN:18:28 ¼Ù_Èô_Õâ_Îå_Ê®_¸ö_Òå_ÈË_¶Ì_ÁË_Îå_¸ö_£¬_Äã_¾Í_Òò_Ϊ_¶Ì_ÁË_Îå_¸ö_»Ù_Ãð È«_³Ç_Âð_£¿_Ëû_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_Èô_¼û_ÓÐ_ËÄ_Ê®_Îå_¸ö_£¬_Ò²_²»_»Ù_Ãð ÄÇ_³Ç_¡£ # # Peradventure there shall lack five of the fifty righteous: wilt thou # destroy all the city for lack of five? And he said, If I find there # forty and five, I will not destroy it. # # unit P GEN:18:29 ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_ÓÖ_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_¼Ù_Èô_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_¼û_ÓÐ_ËÄ_Ê®_¸ö_Ôõ_ô_Ñù_ÄØ £¿_Ëû_˵_£¬_Ϊ_Õâ_ËÄ_Ê®_¸ö_µÄ_Ôµ_¹Ê_£¬_ÎÒ_Ò²_²»_×÷_Õâ_ÊÂ_¡£ # # And he spake unto him yet again, and said, Peradventure there shall # be forty found there. And he said, I will not do it for forty's # sake. # # unit P GEN:18:30 ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_˵_£¬_Çó_Ö÷_²»_Òª_¶¯_Å­_£¬_ÈÝ_ÎÒ_˵_¡£_¼Ù_Èô_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_¼û ÓÐ_Èý_Ê®_¸ö_Ôõ_ô_Ñù_ÄØ_£¿_Ëû_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_Èô_¼û_ÓÐ_Èý_Ê®_¸ö_£¬ ÎÒ_Ò²_²»_×÷_Õâ_ÊÂ_¡£ # # And he said unto him, Oh let not the LORD be angry, and I will # speak: Peradventure there shall thirty be found there. And he said, # I will not do it, if I find thirty there. # # unit P GEN:18:31 ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_»¹_¸Ò_¶Ô_Ö÷_˵_»°_£¬_¼Ù_Èô_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_¼û_ÓÐ_¶þ_Ê® ¸ö_Ôõ_ô_Ñù_ÄØ_£¿_Ëû_˵_£¬_Ϊ_Õâ_¶þ_Ê®_¸ö_µÄ_Ôµ_¹Ê_£¬_ÎÒ_Ò²_²»_»Ù_Ãð ÄÇ_³Ç_¡£ # # And he said, Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the # LORD: Peradventure there shall be twenty found there. And he said, I # will not destroy it for twenty's sake. # # unit P GEN:18:32 ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_˵_£¬_Çó_Ö÷_²»_Òª_¶¯_Å­_£¬_ÎÒ_ÔÙ_˵_Õâ_Ò»_´Î_£¬_¼Ù_Èô_ÔÚ ÄÇ_Àï_¼û_ÓÐ_Ê®_¸ö_ÄØ_£¿_Ëû_˵_£¬_Ϊ_Õâ_Ê®_¸ö_µÄ_Ôµ_¹Ê_£¬_ÎÒ_Ò²_²»_»Ù Ãð_ÄÇ_³Ç_¡£ # # And he said, Oh let not the LORD be angry, and I will speak yet but # this once: Peradventure ten shall be found there. And he said, I # will not destroy it for ten's sake. # # unit P GEN:18:33 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Óë_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_˵_Íê_ÁË_»°_¾Í_×ß_ÁË_¡£_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_Ò²_»Ø_µ½ ×Ô_¼º_µÄ_µØ_·½_È¥_ÁË_¡£ # # And the LORD went his way, as soon as he had left communing with # Abraham: and Abraham returned unto his place. # ## # chapter 19 GEN:19 # unit P GEN:19:1 ÄÇ_Á½_¸ö_Ìì_ʹ_Íí_ÉÏ_µ½_ÁË_Ëù_¶à_Âê_¡£_ÂÞ_µÃ_Õý_×ø_ÔÚ_Ëù_¶à_Âê_³Ç_ÃÅ ¿Ú_£¬_¿´_¼û_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_¾Í_Æð_À´_Ó­_½Ó_£¬_Á³_·ü_ÓÚ_µØ_ÏÂ_°Ý_£¬ # # And there came two angels to Sodom at even; and Lot sat in the gate # of Sodom: and Lot seeing them rose up to meet them; and he bowed # himself with his face toward the ground; # # unit P GEN:19:2 ˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Ö÷_°¢_£¬_Çë_Äã_ÃÇ_µ½_ÆÍ_ÈË_¼Ò_Àï_Ï´_Ï´_½Å_£¬_ס_Ò»_Ò¹_£¬_Çå Ôç_Æð_À´_ÔÙ_×ß_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_²»_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Òª_ÔÚ_½Ö_ÉÏ_¹ý_Ò¹_¡£ # # And he said, Behold now, my lords, turn in, I pray you, into your # servant's house, and tarry all night, and wash your feet, and ye # shall rise up early, and go on your ways. And they said, Nay; but we # will abide in the street all night. # # unit P GEN:19:3 ÂÞ_µÃ_ÇÐ_ÇÐ_µØ_Çë_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_Õâ_²Å_½ø_È¥_£¬_µ½_Ëû_ÎÝ_Àï_¡£_ÂÞ_µÃ Ϊ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ô¤_±¸_óÛ_ϯ_£¬_¿¾_ÎÞ_½Í_±ý_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_³Ô_ÁË_¡£ # # And he pressed upon them greatly; and they turned in unto him, and # entered into his house; and he made them a feast, and did bake # unleavened bread, and they did eat. # # unit P GEN:19:4 Ëû_ÃÇ_»¹_û_ÓÐ_ÌÉ_ÏÂ_£¬_Ëù_¶à_Âê_³Ç_Àï_¸÷_´¦_µÄ_ÈË_£¬_Á¬_ÀÏ_´ø_ÉÙ_£¬ ¶¼_À´_Χ_ס_ÄÇ_·¿_×Ó_£¬ # # But before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men of # Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people # from every quarter: # # unit P GEN:19:5 ºô_½Ð_ÂÞ_µÃ_˵_£¬_½ñ_ÈÕ_Íí_ÉÏ_µ½_Äã_Õâ_Àï_À´_µÄ_ÈË_ÔÚ_ÄÄ_Àï_ÄØ_£¿_°Ñ Ëû_ÃÇ_´ø_³ö_À´_£¬_ÈÎ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Ëù_Ϊ_¡£ # # And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which # came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know # them. # # unit P GEN:19:6 ÂÞ_µÃ_³ö_À´_£¬_°Ñ_ÃÅ_¹Ø_ÉÏ_£¬_µ½_ÖÚ_ÈË_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬ # # And Lot went out at the door unto them, and shut the door after him, # # unit P GEN:19:7 ˵_£¬_ÖÚ_µÜ_ÐÖ_£¬_Çë_Äã_ÃÇ_²»_Òª_×÷_Õâ_¶ñ_ÊÂ_¡£ # # And said, I pray you, brethren, do not so wickedly. # # unit P GEN:19:8 ÎÒ_ÓÐ_Á½_¸ö_Å®_¶ù_£¬_»¹_ÊÇ_´¦_Å®_£¬_ÈÝ_ÎÒ_Áì_³ö_À´_£¬_ÈÎ_ƾ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ ÐÄ_Ô¸_¶ø_ÐÐ_¡£_Ö»_ÊÇ_Õâ_Á½_¸ö_ÈË_¼È_È»_µ½_ÎÒ_Éá_ÏÂ_£¬_²»_Òª_Ïò_Ëû_ÃÇ ×÷_ʲ_ô_¡£ # # Behold now, I have two daughters which have not known man; let me, I # pray you, bring them out unto you, and do ye to them as is good in # your eyes: only unto these men do nothing; for therefore came they # under the shadow of my roof. # # unit P GEN:19:9 ÖÚ_ÈË_˵_£¬_ÍË_È¥_°É_¡£_ÓÖ_˵_£¬_Õâ_¸ö_ÈË_À´_¼Ä_¾Ó_£¬_»¹_Ïë_Òª_×÷_¹Ù ÄÄ_¡£_ÏÖ_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Òª_º¦_Äã_±È_º¦_Ëû_ÃÇ_¸ü_Éõ_¡£_ÖÚ_ÈË_¾Í_Ïò_Ç°_Óµ_¼· ÂÞ_µÃ_£¬_Òª_¹¥_ÆÆ_·¿_ÃÅ_¡£ # # And they said, Stand back. And they said again, This one fellow came # in to sojourn, and he will needs be a judge: now will we deal worse # with thee, than with them. And they pressed sore upon the man, even # Lot, and came near to break the door. # # unit P GEN:19:10 Ö»_ÊÇ_ÄÇ_¶þ_ÈË_Éì_³ö_ÊÖ_À´_£¬_½«_ÂÞ_µÃ_À­_½ø_ÎÝ_È¥_£¬_°Ñ_ÃÅ_¹Ø_ÉÏ_£¬ # # But the men put forth their hand, and pulled Lot into the house to # them, and shut to the door. # # unit P GEN:19:11 ²¢_ÇÒ_ʹ_ÃÅ_Íâ_µÄ_ÈË_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÀÏ_ÉÙ_£¬_ÑÛ_¶¼_»è_ÃÔ_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ãþ_À´_Ãþ È¥_£¬_×Ü_Ñ°_²»_×Å_·¿_ÃÅ_¡£ # # And they smote the men that were at the door of the house with # blindness, both small and great: so that they wearied themselves to # find the door. # # unit P GEN:19:12 ¶þ_ÈË_¶Ô_ÂÞ_µÃ_˵_£¬_Äã_Õâ_Àï_»¹_ÓÐ_ʲ_ô_ÈË_Âð_£¿_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_Å®_Ðö_ÊÇ ¶ù_Å®_£¬_ºÍ_Õâ_³Ç_ÖÐ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Êô_Äã_µÄ_ÈË_£¬_Äã_¶¼_Òª_½«_Ëû_ÃÇ_´Ó_Õâ_µØ ·½_´ø_³ö_È¥_¡£ # # And the men said unto Lot, Hast thou here any besides? son in law, # and thy sons, and thy daughters, and whatsoever thou hast in the # city, bring them out of this place: # # unit P GEN:19:13 ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Òª_»Ù_Ãð_Õâ_µØ_·½_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_³Ç_ÄÚ_×ï_¶ñ_µÄ_Éù_Òô_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ Ç°_Éõ_´ó_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_²î_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_À´_£¬_Òª_»Ù_Ãð_Õâ_µØ_·½_¡£ # # For we will destroy this place, because the cry of them is waxen # great before the face of the LORD; and the LORD hath sent us to # destroy it. # # unit P GEN:19:14 ÂÞ_µÃ_¾Í_³ö_È¥_£¬_¸æ_Ëß_È¢_ÁË_Ëû_Å®_¶ù_µÄ_Å®_Ðö_ÃÇ_£¨_È¢_ÁË_»ò_×÷_½« Òª_È¢_£©_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Æð_À´_Àë_¿ª_Õâ_µØ_·½_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Òª_»Ù_Ãð Õâ_³Ç_¡£_Ëû_Å®_Ðö_ÃÇ_È´_ÒÔ_Ϊ_Ëû_˵_µÄ_ÊÇ_Ï·_ÑÔ_¡£ # # And Lot went out, and spake unto his sons in law, which married his # daughters, and said, Up, get you out of this place; for the LORD # will destroy this city. But he seemed as one that mocked unto his # sons in law. # # unit P GEN:19:15 Ìì_Ã÷_ÁË_£¬_Ìì_ʹ_´ß_±Æ_ÂÞ_µÃ_˵_£¬_Æð_À´_£¬_´ø_×Å_Äã_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_ºÍ_Äã ÔÚ_Õâ_Àï_µÄ_Á½_¸ö_Å®_¶ù_³ö_È¥_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_Äã_Òò_Õâ_³Ç_Àï_µÄ_×ï_¶ñ_ͬ_±» ½Ë_Ãð_¡£ # # And when the morning arose, then the angels hastened Lot, saying, # Arise, take thy wife, and thy two daughters, which are here; lest # thou be consumed in the iniquity of the city. # # unit P GEN:19:16 µ«_ÂÞ_µÃ_³Ù_ÑÓ_²»_×ß_¡£_¶þ_ÈË_Òò_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Á¯_Ðô_ÂÞ_µÃ_£¬_¾Í_À­_×Å Ëû_µÄ_ÊÖ_ºÍ_Ëû_ÆÞ_×Ó_µÄ_ÊÖ_£¬_²¢_Ëû_Á½_¸ö_Å®_¶ù_µÄ_ÊÖ_£¬_°Ñ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Áì ³ö_À´_£¬_°²_ÖÃ_ÔÚ_³Ç_Íâ_¡£ # # And while he lingered, the men laid hold upon his hand, and upon the # hand of his wife, and upon the hand of his two daughters; the LORD # being merciful unto him: and they brought him forth, and set him # without the city. # # unit P GEN:19:17 Áì_Ëû_ÃÇ_³ö_À´_ÒÔ_ºó_£¬_¾Í_˵_£¬_ÌÓ_Ãü_°É_¡£_²»_¿É_»Ø_Í·_¿´_£¬_Ò²_²» ¿É_ÔÚ_ƽ_Ô­_Õ¾_ס_¡£_Òª_Íù_ɽ_ÉÏ_ÌÓ_ÅÜ_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_Äã_±»_½Ë_Ãð_¡£ # # And it came to pass, when they had brought them forth abroad, that # he said, Escape for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay # thou in all the plain; escape to the mountain, lest thou be # consumed. # # unit P GEN:19:18 ÂÞ_µÃ_¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Ö÷_°¢_£¬_²»_Òª_Èç_´Ë_£¬ # # And Lot said unto them, Oh, not so, my LORD: # # unit P GEN:19:19 Äã_ÆÍ_ÈË_ÒÑ_¾­_ÔÚ_Äã_ÑÛ_Ç°_ÃÉ_¶÷_¡£_Äã_ÓÖ_Ïò_ÎÒ_ÏÔ_³ö_Ī_´ó_µÄ_´È_°® £¬_¾È_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÐÔ_Ãü_¡£_ÎÒ_²»_ÄÜ_ÌÓ_µ½_ɽ_ÉÏ_È¥_£¬_¿Ö_ÅÂ_Õâ_ÔÖ_»ö_ÁÙ_µ½ ÎÒ_£¬_ÎÒ_±ã_ËÀ_ÁË_¡£ # # Behold now, thy servant hath found grace in thy sight, and thou hast # magnified thy mercy, which thou hast shewed unto me in saving my # life; and I cannot escape to the mountain, lest some evil take me, # and I die: # # unit P GEN:19:20 ¿´_ÄÄ_£¬_Õâ_×ù_³Ç_ÓÖ_С_ÓÖ_½ü_£¬_ÈÝ_Ò×_ÌÓ_µ½_£¬_Õâ_²»_ÊÇ_Ò»_¸ö_С_µÄ Âð_£¿_Çó_Äã_ÈÝ_ÎÒ_ÌÓ_µ½_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÐÔ_Ãü_¾Í_µÃ_´æ_»î_¡£ # # Behold now, this city is near to flee unto, and it is a little one: # Oh, let me escape thither, (is it not a little one?) and my soul # shall live. # # unit P GEN:19:21 Ìì_ʹ_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_Õâ_ÊÂ_ÎÒ_Ò²_Ó¦_ÔÊ_Äã_¡£_ÎÒ_²»_Çã_¸²_Äã_Ëù_˵_µÄ_Õâ ³Ç_¡£ # # And he said unto him, See, I have accepted thee concerning this # thing also, that I will not overthrow this city, for the which thou # hast spoken. # # unit P GEN:19:22 Äã_Òª_ËÙ_ËÙ_µØ_ÌÓ_µ½_ÄÇ_³Ç_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_Äã_»¹_û_ÓÐ_µ½_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_ÎÒ_²»_ÄÜ ×÷_ʲ_ô_¡£_Òò_´Ë_ÄÇ_³Ç_Ãû_½Ð_Ëö_çí_£¨_Ëö_çí_¾Í_ÊÇ_С_µÄ_Òâ_˼_£©_¡£ # # Haste thee, escape thither; for I cannot do anything till thou be # come thither. Therefore the name of the city was called Zoar. # # unit P GEN:19:23 ÂÞ_µÃ_µ½_ÁË_Ëö_çí_£¬_ÈÕ_Í·_ÒÑ_¾­_³ö_À´_ÁË_¡£ # # The sun was risen upon the earth when Lot entered into Zoar. # # unit P GEN:19:24 µ±_ʱ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_½«_Áò_»Ç_Óë_»ð_´Ó_Ìì_ÉÏ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÄÇ_Àï_½µ_Óë_Ëù_¶à Âê_ºÍ_¶ê_Ħ_À­_£¬ # # Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire # from the LORD out of heaven; # # unit P GEN:19:25 °Ñ_ÄÇ_Щ_³Ç_ºÍ_È«_ƽ_Ô­_£¬_²¢_³Ç_Àï_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_¾Ó_Ãñ_£¬_Á¬_µØ_ÉÏ_Éú_³¤ µÄ_£¬_¶¼_»Ù_Ãð_ÁË_¡£ # # And he overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the # inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground. # # unit P GEN:19:26 ÂÞ_µÃ_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_ÔÚ_ºó_±ß_»Ø_Í·_Ò»_¿´_£¬_¾Í_±ä_³É_ÁË_Ò»_¸ù_ÑÎ_Öù_¡£ # # But his wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of # salt. # # unit P GEN:19:27 ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_Çå_Ôç_Æð_À´_£¬_µ½_ÁË_Ëû_´Ó_Ç°_Õ¾_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_µÄ_µØ ·½_£¬ # # And Abraham gat up early in the morning to the place where he stood # before the LORD: # # unit P GEN:19:28 Ïò_Ëù_¶à_Âê_ºÍ_¶ê_Ħ_À­_Óë_ƽ_Ô­_µÄ_È«_µØ_¹Û_¿´_£¬_²»_ÁÏ_£¬_ÄÇ_µØ_·½ ÑÌ_Æø_ÉÏ_ÌÚ_£¬_Èç_ͬ_ÉÕ_Ò¤_Ò»_°ã_¡£ # # And he looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah, and toward all the land of # the plain, and beheld, and, lo, the smoke of the country went up as # the smoke of a furnace. # # unit P GEN:19:29 µ±_Éñ_»Ù_Ãð_ƽ_Ô­_Öî_³Ç_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Ëû_¼Ç_Äî_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_£¬_Õý_ÔÚ_Çã ¸²_ÂÞ_µÃ_Ëù_ס_Ö®_³Ç_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_¾Í_´ò_·¢_ÂÞ_µÃ_´Ó_Çã_¸²_Ö®_ÖÐ_³ö_À´ ¡£ # # And it came to pass, when God destroyed the cities of the plain, # that God remembered Abraham, and sent Lot out of the midst of the # overthrow, when he overthrew the cities in the which Lot dwelt. # # unit P GEN:19:30 ÂÞ_µÃ_Òò_Ϊ_ÅÂ_ס_ÔÚ_Ëö_çí_£¬_¾Í_ͬ_Ëû_Á½_¸ö_Å®_¶ù_´Ó_Ëö_çí_ÉÏ_È¥_£¬ ס_ÔÚ_ɽ_Àï_¡£_Ëû_ºÍ_Á½_¸ö_Å®_¶ù_ס_ÔÚ_Ò»_¸ö_¶´_Àï_¡£ # # And Lot went up out of Zoar, and dwelt in the mountain, and his two # daughters with him; for he feared to dwell in Zoar: and he dwelt in # a cave, he and his two daughters. # # unit P GEN:19:31 ´ó_Å®_¶ù_¶Ô_С_Å®_¶ù_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_¸¸_Ç×_ÀÏ_ÁË_£¬_µØ_ÉÏ_ÓÖ_ÎÞ_ÈË_°´ ×Å_ÊÀ_ÉÏ_µÄ_³£_¹æ_½ø_µ½_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Õâ_Àï_¡£ # # And the firstborn said unto the younger, Our father is old, and # there is not a man in the earth to come in unto us after the manner # of all the earth: # # unit P GEN:19:32 À´_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¿É_ÒÔ_½Ð_¸¸_Ç×_ºÈ_¾Æ_£¬_Óë_Ëû_ͬ_ÇÞ_¡£_Õâ_Ñù_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ºÃ ´Ó_Ëû_´æ_Áô_ºó_Òá_¡£ # # Come, let us make our father drink wine, and we will lie with him, # that we may preserve seed of our father. # # unit P GEN:19:33 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_£¬_ÄÇ_Ò¹_Ëý_ÃÇ_½Ð_¸¸_Ç×_ºÈ_¾Æ_£¬_´ó_Å®_¶ù_¾Í_½ø_È¥_ºÍ_Ëý_¸¸_Ç× Í¬_ÇÞ_¡£_Ëý_¼¸_ʱ_ÌÉ_ÏÂ_£¬_¼¸_ʱ_Æð_À´_£¬_¸¸_Ç×_¶¼_²»_Öª_µÀ_¡£ # # And they made their father drink wine that night: and the firstborn # went in, and lay with her father; and he perceived not when she lay # down, nor when she arose. # # unit P GEN:19:34 µÚ_¶þ_Ìì_£¬_´ó_Å®_¶ù_¶Ô_С_Å®_¶ù_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_×ò_Ò¹_Óë_¸¸_Ç×_ͬ_ÇÞ_¡£_½ñ Ò¹_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÔÙ_½Ð_Ëû_ºÈ_¾Æ_£¬_Äã_¿É_ÒÔ_½ø_È¥_Óë_Ëû_ͬ_ÇÞ_¡£_Õâ_Ñù_£¬_ÎÒ ÃÇ_ºÃ_´Ó_¸¸_Ç×_´æ_Áô_ºó_Òá_¡£ # # And it came to pass on the morrow, that the firstborn said unto the # younger, Behold, I lay yesternight with my father: let us make him # drink wine this night also; and go thou in, and lie with him, that # we may preserve seed of our father. # # unit P GEN:19:35 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_£¬_ÄÇ_Ò¹_Ëý_ÃÇ_ÓÖ_½Ð_¸¸_Ç×_ºÈ_¾Æ_£¬_С_Å®_¶ù_Æð_À´_Óë_Ëý_¸¸_Ç× Í¬_ÇÞ_¡£_Ëý_¼¸_ʱ_ÌÉ_ÏÂ_£¬_¼¸_ʱ_Æð_À´_£¬_¸¸_Ç×_¶¼_²»_Öª_µÀ_¡£ # # And they made their father drink wine that night also: and the # younger arose, and lay with him; and he perceived not when she lay # down, nor when she arose. # # unit P GEN:19:36 Õâ_Ñù_£¬_ÂÞ_µÃ_µÄ_Á½_¸ö_Å®_¶ù_¶¼_´Ó_Ëý_¸¸_Ç×_»³_ÁË_ÔÐ_¡£ # # Thus were both the daughters of Lot with child by their father. # # unit P GEN:19:37 ´ó_Å®_¶ù_Éú_ÁË_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_¸ø_Ëû_Æð_Ãû_½Ð_Ħ_Ѻ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÏÖ_½ñ_Ħ_Ѻ_ÈË µÄ_ʼ_×æ_¡£ # # And the first born bare a son, and called his name Moab: the same is # the father of the Moabites unto this day. # # unit P GEN:19:38 С_Å®_¶ù_Ò²_Éú_ÁË_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_¸ø_Ëû_Æð_Ãû_½Ð_±ã_ÑÇ_Ã×_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÏÖ_½ñ_ÑÇ ÞÑ_ÈË_µÄ_ʼ_×æ_¡£ # # And the younger, she also bare a son, and called his name Benammi: # the same is the father of the children of Ammon unto this day. # ## # chapter 20 GEN:20 # unit P GEN:20:1 ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_´Ó_ÄÇ_Àï_Ïò_ÄÏ_µØ_Ǩ_È¥_£¬_¼Ä_¾Ó_ÔÚ_¼Ó_µÍ_˹_ºÍ_Êé_çí_ÖÐ ¼ä_µÄ_»ù_À­_¶ú_¡£ # # And Abraham journeyed from thence toward the south country, and # dwelled between Kadesh and Shur, and sojourned in Gerar. # # unit P GEN:20:2 ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_³Æ_Ëû_µÄ_ÆÞ_Èö_À­_Ϊ_ÃÃ_×Ó_£¬_»ù_À­_¶ú_Íõ_ÑÇ_±È_Ã×_ÀÕ_²î ÈË_°Ñ_Èö_À­_È¡_ÁË_È¥_¡£ # # And Abraham said of Sarah his wife, She is my sister: and Abimelech # king of Gerar sent, and took Sarah. # # unit P GEN:20:3 µ«_Ò¹_¼ä_Éñ_À´_ÔÚ_ÃÎ_ÖÐ_¶Ô_ÑÇ_±È_Ã×_ÀÕ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÊÇ_¸ö_ËÀ_ÈË_ÄÄ_£¬_Òò Ϊ_Äã_È¡_ÁË_ÄÇ_Å®_ÈË_À´_¡£_Ëý_Ô­_ÊÇ_±ð_ÈË_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_¡£ # # But God came to Abimelech in a dream by night, and said to him, # Behold, thou art but a dead man, for the woman which thou hast # taken; for she is a man's wife. # # unit P GEN:20:4 ÑÇ_±È_Ã×_ÀÕ_È´_»¹_û_ÓÐ_Ç×_½ü_Èö_À­_¡£_Ëû_˵_£¬_Ö÷_°¢_£¬_Á¬_ÓÐ_Òå_µÄ ¹ú_£¬_Äã_Ò²_Òª_»Ù_Ãð_Âð_£¿ # # But Abimelech had not come near her: and he said, LORD, wilt thou # slay also a righteous nation? # # unit P GEN:20:5 ÄÇ_ÈË_Æñ_²»_ÊÇ_×Ô_¼º_¶Ô_ÎÒ_˵_£¬_Ëý_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÃÃ_×Ó_Âð_£¿_¾Í_ÊÇ_Å®_ÈË Ò²_×Ô_¼º_˵_£¬_Ëû_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_µÄ_¸ç_¸ç_¡£_ÎÒ_×÷_Õâ_ÊÂ_ÊÇ_ÐÄ_Õý_ÊÖ_½à_µÄ_¡£ # # Said he not unto me, She is my sister? and she, even she herself # said, He is my brother: in the integrity of my heart and innocency # of my hands have I done this. # # unit P GEN:20:6 Éñ_ÔÚ_ÃÎ_ÖÐ_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Öª_µÀ_Äã_×÷_Õâ_ÊÂ_ÊÇ_ÐÄ_ÖÐ_Õý_Ö±_¡£_ÎÒ_Ò² À¹_×è_ÁË_Äã_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_Äã_µÃ_×ï_ÎÒ_£¬_Ëù_ÒÔ_ÎÒ_²»_ÈÝ_Äã_Õ´_×Å_Ëý_¡£ # # And God said unto him in a dream, Yea, I know that thou didst this # in the integrity of thy heart; for I also withheld thee from sinning # against me: therefore suffered I thee not to touch her. # # unit P GEN:20:7 ÏÖ_ÔÚ_Äã_°Ñ_Õâ_ÈË_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_¹é_»¹_Ëû_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_ÊÇ_ÏÈ_Öª_£¬_Ëû_Òª_Ϊ Äã_µ»_¸æ_£¬_ʹ_Äã_´æ_»î_¡£_Äã_Èô_²»_¹é_»¹_Ëû_£¬_Äã_µ±_Öª_µÀ_£¬_Äã_ºÍ Äã_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_ÈË_¶¼_±Ø_Òª_ËÀ_¡£ # # Now therefore restore the man his wife; for he is a prophet, and he # shall pray for thee, and thou shalt live: and if thou restore her # not, know thou that thou shalt surely die, thou, and all that are # thine. # # unit P GEN:20:8 ÑÇ_±È_Ã×_ÀÕ_Çå_Ôç_Æð_À´_£¬_ÕÙ_ÁË_ÖÚ_³¼_ÆÍ_À´_£¬_½«_Õâ_Щ_ÊÂ_¶¼_˵_¸ø Ëû_ÃÇ_Ìý_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_¶¼_Éõ_¾å_ÅÂ_¡£ # # Therefore Abimelech rose early in the morning, and called all his # servants, and told all these things in their ears: and the men were # sore afraid. # # unit P GEN:20:9 ÑÇ_±È_Ã×_ÀÕ_ÕÙ_ÁË_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_À´_£¬_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_Äã_Ôõ_ô_Ïò_ÎÒ_Õâ_Ñù ÐÐ_ÄØ_£¿_ÎÒ_ÔÚ_ʲ_ô_ÊÂ_ÉÏ_µÃ_×ï_ÁË_Äã_£¬_Äã_¾¹_ʹ_ÎÒ_ºÍ_ÎÒ_¹ú_Àï_µÄ ÈË_ÏÝ_ÔÚ_´ó_×ï_Àï_¡£_Äã_Ïò_ÎÒ_ÐÐ_²»_µ±_ÐÐ_µÄ_ÊÂ_ÁË_¡£ # # Then Abimelech called Abraham, and said unto him, What hast thou # done unto us? and what have I offended thee, that thou hast brought # on me and on my kingdom a great sin? thou hast done deeds unto me # that ought not to be done. # # unit P GEN:20:10 ÑÇ_±È_Ã×_ÀÕ_ÓÖ_¶Ô_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_˵_£¬_Äã_¼û_ÁË_ʲ_ô_²Å_×÷_Õâ_ÊÂ_ÄØ_£¿ # # And Abimelech said unto Abraham, What sawest thou, that thou hast # done this thing? # # unit P GEN:20:11 ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÒÔ_Ϊ_Õâ_µØ_·½_µÄ_ÈË_×Ü_²»_¾å_ÅÂ_Éñ_£¬_±Ø_Ϊ_ÎÒ ÆÞ_×Ó_µÄ_Ôµ_¹Ê_ɱ_ÎÒ_¡£ # # And Abraham said, Because I thought, Surely the fear of God is not # in this place; and they will slay me for my wife's sake. # # unit P GEN:20:12 ¿ö_ÇÒ_Ëý_Ò²_ʵ_ÔÚ_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÃÃ_×Ó_¡£_Ëý_Óë_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_ͬ_¸¸_Òì_ĸ_£¬_ºó_À´ ×÷_ÁË_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_¡£ # # And yet indeed she is my sister; she is the daughter of my father, # but not the daughter of my mother; and she became my wife. # # unit P GEN:20:13 µ±_Éñ_½Ð_ÎÒ_Àë_¿ª_¸¸_¼Ò_£¬_Æ®_Á÷_ÔÚ_Íâ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_ÎÒ_¶Ô_Ëý_˵_£¬_ÎÒ ÃÇ_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_×ß_µ½_ʲ_ô_µØ_·½_£¬_Äã_¿É_ÒÔ_¶Ô_ÈË_˵_£¬_Ëû_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_µÄ_¸ç_¸ç ¡£_Õâ_¾Í_ÊÇ_Äã_´ý_ÎÒ_µÄ_¶÷_µä_ÁË_¡£ # # And it came to pass, when God caused me to wander from my father's # house, that I said unto her, This is thy kindness which thou shalt # shew unto me; at every place whither we shall come, say of me, He is # my brother. # # unit P GEN:20:14 ÑÇ_±È_Ã×_ÀÕ_°Ñ_Å£_£¬_Ñò_£¬_ÆÍ_æ¾_´Í_¸ø_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_£¬_ÓÖ_°Ñ_Ëû_µÄ_ÆÞ ×Ó_Èö_À­_¹é_»¹_Ëû_¡£ # # And Abimelech took sheep, and oxen, and menservants, and # womenservants, and gave them unto Abraham, and restored him Sarah # his wife. # # unit P GEN:20:15 ÑÇ_±È_Ã×_ÀÕ_ÓÖ_˵_£¬_¿´_ÄÄ_£¬_ÎÒ_µÄ_µØ_¶¼_ÔÚ_Äã_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_Äã_¿É_ÒÔ_Ëæ Òâ_¾Ó_ס_¡£ # # And Abimelech said, Behold, my land is before thee: dwell where it # pleaseth thee. # # unit P GEN:20:16 ÓÖ_¶Ô_Èö_À­_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_¸ø_Äã_¸ç_¸ç_Ò»_ǧ_Òø_×Ó_£¬_×÷_Ϊ_Äã_ÔÚ_ºÏ_¼Ò_ÈË Ãæ_Ç°_ÕÚ_Ðß_µÄ_£¨_Ðß_Ô­_ÎÄ_×÷_ÑÛ_£©_£¬_Äã_¾Í_ÔÚ_ÖÚ_ÈË_Ãæ_Ç°_û_ÓÐ_²» ÊÇ_ÁË_¡£ # # And unto Sarah he said, Behold, I have given thy brother a thousand # pieces of silver: behold, he is to thee a covering of the eyes, unto # all that are with thee, and with all other: thus she was reproved. # # unit P GEN:20:17 ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_µ»_¸æ_Éñ_£¬_Éñ_¾Í_Ò½_ºÃ_ÁË_ÑÇ_±È_Ã×_ÀÕ_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_£¬ ²¢_Ëû_µÄ_ÖÚ_Å®_ÆÍ_£¬_Ëý_ÃÇ_±ã_ÄÜ_Éú_Óý_¡£ # # So Abraham prayed unto God: and God healed Abimelech, and his wife, # and his maidservants; and they bare children. # # unit P GEN:20:18 Òò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_Èö_À­_µÄ_Ôµ_¹Ê_£¬_ÒÑ_¾­_ʹ_ÑÇ_±È Ã×_ÀÕ_¼Ò_ÖÐ_µÄ_¸¾_ÈË_²»_ÄÜ_Éú_Óý_¡£ # # For the LORD had fast closed up all the wombs of the house of # Abimelech, because of Sarah Abraham's wife. # ## # chapter 21 GEN:21 # unit P GEN:21:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_°´_×Å_ÏÈ_Ç°_µÄ_»°_¾ì_¹Ë_Èö_À­_£¬_±ã_ÕÕ_Ëû_Ëù_˵_µÄ_¸ø_Èö_À­ ³É_¾Í_¡£ # # And the LORD visited Sarah as he had said, and the LORD did unto # Sarah as he had spoken. # # unit P GEN:21:2 µ±_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_Äê_ÀÏ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Èö_À­_»³_ÁË_ÔÐ_¡£_µ½_Éñ_Ëù_˵_µÄ_ÈÕ ÆÚ_£¬_¾Í_¸ø_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_Éú_ÁË_Ò»_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_¡£ # # For Sarah conceived, and bare Abraham a son in his old age, at the # set time of which God had spoken to him. # # unit P GEN:21:3 ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_¸ø_Èö_À­_Ëù_Éú_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_Æð_Ãû_½Ð_ÒÔ_Èö_¡£ # # And Abraham called the name of his son that was born unto him, whom # Sarah bare to him, Isaac. # # unit P GEN:21:4 ÒÔ_Èö_Éú_ÏÂ_À´_µÚ_°Ë_ÈÕ_£¬_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_ÕÕ_×Å_Éñ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_£¬_¸ø_ÒÔ Èö_ÐÐ_ÁË_¸î_Àñ_¡£ # # And Abraham circumcised his son Isaac being eight days old, as God # had commanded him. # # unit P GEN:21:5 Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_Èö_Éú_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_Äê_Ò»_°Ù_Ëê_¡£ # # And Abraham was an hundred years old, when his son Isaac was born # unto him. # # unit P GEN:21:6 Èö_À­_˵_£¬_Éñ_ʹ_ÎÒ_ϲ_Ц_£¬_·²_Ìý_¼û_µÄ_±Ø_Óë_ÎÒ_Ò»_ͬ_ϲ_Ц_¡£ # # And Sarah said, God hath made me to laugh, so that all that hear # will laugh with me. # # unit P GEN:21:7 ÓÖ_˵_£¬_Ë­_ÄÜ_Ô¤_ÏÈ_¶Ô_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_˵_Èö_À­_Òª_Èé_Ñø_Ó¤_º¢_ÄØ_£¿_Òò Ϊ_ÔÚ_Ëû_Äê_ÀÏ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_ÎÒ_¸ø_Ëû_Éú_ÁË_Ò»_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_¡£ # # And she said, Who would have said unto Abraham, that Sarah should # have given children suck? for I have born him a son in his old age. # # unit P GEN:21:8 º¢_×Ó_½¥_³¤_£¬_¾Í_¶Ï_ÁË_ÄÌ_¡£_ÒÔ_Èö_¶Ï_ÄÌ_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_£¬_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_Éè °Ú_·á_Ê¢_µÄ_óÛ_ϯ_¡£ # # And the child grew, and was weaned: and Abraham made a great feast # the same day that Isaac was weaned. # # unit P GEN:21:9 µ±_ʱ_£¬_Èö_À­_¿´_¼û_°£_¼°_ÈË_ÏÄ_¼×_¸ø_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_Ëù_Éú_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_Ï· Ц_£¬ # # And Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian, which she had born unto # Abraham, mocking. # # unit P GEN:21:10 ¾Í_¶Ô_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_˵_£¬_Äã_°Ñ_Õâ_ʹ_Å®_ºÍ_Ëý_¶ù_×Ó_¸Ï_³ö_È¥_£¬_Òò_Ϊ Õâ_ʹ_Å®_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_²»_¿É_Óë_ÎÒ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_Èö_Ò»_ͬ_³Ð_ÊÜ_²ú_Òµ_¡£ # # Wherefore she said unto Abraham, Cast out this bondwoman and her # son: for the son of this bondwoman shall not be heir with my son, # even with Isaac. # # unit P GEN:21:11 ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_Òò_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_µÄ_Ôµ_¹Ê_ºÜ_ÓÇ_³î_¡£ # # And the thing was very grievous in Abraham's sight because of his # son. # # unit P GEN:21:12 Éñ_¶Ô_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_˵_£¬_Äã_²»_±Ø_Ϊ_Õâ_ͯ_×Ó_ºÍ_Äã_µÄ_ʹ_Å®_ÓÇ_³î_¡£ ·²_Èö_À­_¶Ô_Äã_˵_µÄ_»°_£¬_Äã_¶¼_¸Ã_Ìý_´Ó_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_´Ó_ÒÔ_Èö_Éú_µÄ_£¬ ²Å_Òª_³Æ_Ϊ_Äã_µÄ_ºó_Òá_¡£ # # And God said unto Abraham, Let it not be grievous in thy sight # because of the lad, and because of thy bondwoman; in all that Sarah # hath said unto thee, hearken unto her voice; for in Isaac shall thy # seed be called. # # unit P GEN:21:13 ÖÁ_ÓÚ_ʹ_Å®_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_ÎÒ_Ò²_±Ø_ʹ_Ëû_µÄ_ºó_Òá_³É_Á¢_Ò»_¹ú_£¬_Òò_Ϊ Ëû_ÊÇ_Äã_Ëù_Éú_µÄ_¡£ # # And also of the son of the bondwoman will I make a nation, because # he is thy seed. # # unit P GEN:21:14 ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_Çå_Ôç_Æð_À´_£¬_ÄÃ_±ý_ºÍ_Ò»_Ƥ_´ü_Ë®_£¬_¸ø_ÁË_ÏÄ_¼×_£¬_´î ÔÚ_Ëý_µÄ_¼ç_ÉÏ_£¬_ÓÖ_°Ñ_º¢_×Ó_½»_¸ø_Ëý_´ò_·¢_Ëý_×ß_¡£_ÏÄ_¼×_¾Í_×ß_ÁË £¬_ÔÚ_±ð_ÊÇ_°Í_µÄ_¿õ_Ò°_×ß_ÃÔ_ÁË_·_¡£ # # And Abraham rose up early in the morning, and took bread, and a # bottle of water, and gave it unto Hagar, putting it on her shoulder, # and the child, and sent her away: and she departed, and wandered in # the wilderness of Beersheba. # # unit P GEN:21:15 Ƥ_´ü_µÄ_Ë®_ÓÃ_¾¡_ÁË_£¬_ÏÄ_¼×_¾Í_°Ñ_º¢_×Ó_Ʋ_ÔÚ_С_Ê÷_µ×_ÏÂ_£¬ # # And the water was spent in the bottle, and she cast the child under # one of the shrubs. # # unit P GEN:21:16 ×Ô_¼º_×ß_¿ª_Ô¼_ÓÐ_Ò»_¼ý_Ö®_Ô¶_£¬_Ïà_¶Ô_¶ø_×ø_£¬_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_²»_ÈÌ_¼û_º¢ ×Ó_ËÀ_£¬_¾Í_Ïà_¶Ô_¶ø_×ø_£¬_·Å_Éù_´ó_¿Þ_¡£ # # And she went, and sat her down over against him a good way off, as # it were a bow shot: for she said, Let me not see the death of the # child. And she sat over against him, and lift up her voice, and # wept. # # unit P GEN:21:17 Éñ_Ìý_¼û_ͯ_×Ó_µÄ_Éù_Òô_¡£_Éñ_µÄ_ʹ_Õß_´Ó_Ìì_ÉÏ_ºô_½Ð_ÏÄ_¼×_˵_£¬_ÏÄ ¼×_£¬_Äã_Ϊ_ºÎ_Õâ_Ñù_ÄØ_£¿_²»_Òª_º¦_ÅÂ_£¬_Éñ_ÒÑ_¾­_Ìý_¼û_ͯ_×Ó_µÄ_Éù Òô_ÁË_¡£ # # And God heard the voice of the lad; and the angel of God called to # Hagar out of heaven, and said unto her, What aileth thee, Hagar? # fear not; for God hath heard the voice of the lad where he is. # # unit P GEN:21:18 Æð_À´_£¬_°Ñ_ͯ_×Ó_±§_ÔÚ_»³_ÖÐ_£¨_»³_Ô­_ÎÄ_×÷_ÊÖ_£©_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_ʹ_Ëû_µÄ ºó_Òá_³É_Ϊ_´ó_¹ú_¡£ # # Arise, lift up the lad, and hold him in thine hand; for I will make # him a great nation. # # unit P GEN:21:19 Éñ_ʹ_ÏÄ_¼×_µÄ_ÑÛ_¾¦_Ã÷_ÁÁ_£¬_Ëý_¾Í_¿´_¼û_Ò»_¿Ú_Ë®_¾®_£¬_±ã_È¥_½«_Ƥ ´ü_Ê¢_Âú_ÁË_Ë®_£¬_¸ø_ͯ_×Ó_ºÈ_¡£ # # And God opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water; and she went, # and filled the bottle with water, and gave the lad drink. # # unit P GEN:21:20 Éñ_±£_ÓÓ_ͯ_×Ó_£¬_Ëû_¾Í_½¥_³¤_£¬_ס_ÔÚ_¿õ_Ò°_£¬_³É_ÁË_¹­_¼ý_ÊÖ_¡£ # # And God was with the lad; and he grew, and dwelt in the wilderness, # and became an archer. # # unit P GEN:21:21 Ëû_ס_ÔÚ_°Í_À¼_µÄ_¿õ_Ò°_¡£_Ëû_ĸ_Ç×_´Ó_°£_¼°_µØ_¸ø_Ëû_È¢_ÁË_Ò»_¸ö_ÆÞ ×Ó_¡£ # # And he dwelt in the wilderness of Paran: and his mother took him a # wife out of the land of Egypt. # # unit P GEN:21:22 µ±_ÄÇ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_ÑÇ_±È_Ã×_ÀÕ_ͬ_Ëû_¾ü_³¤_·Ç_¸÷_¶Ô_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_˵_£¬_·² Äã_Ëù_ÐÐ_µÄ_ÊÂ_¶¼_ÓÐ_Éñ_µÄ_±£_ÓÓ_¡£ # # And it came to pass at that time, that Abimelech and Phichol the # chief captain of his host spake unto Abraham, saying, God is with # thee in all that thou doest: # # unit P GEN:21:23 ÎÒ_Ô¸_Äã_Èç_½ñ_ÔÚ_Õâ_Àï_Ö¸_×Å_Éñ_¶Ô_ÎÒ_Æð_ÊÄ_£¬_²»_Òª_ÆÛ_¸º_ÎÒ_Óë_ÎÒ µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_²¢_ÎÒ_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_¡£_ÎÒ_Ôõ_Ñù_ºñ_´ý_ÁË_Äã_£¬_Äã_Ò²_Òª_ÕÕ_Ñù ºñ_´ý_ÎÒ_Óë_Äã_Ëù_¼Ä_¾Ó_Õâ_µØ_µÄ_Ãñ_¡£ # # Now therefore swear unto me here by God that thou wilt not deal # falsely with me, nor with my son, nor with my son's son: but # according to the kindness that I have done unto thee, thou shalt do # unto me, and to the land wherein thou hast sojourned. # # unit P GEN:21:24 ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Çé_Ô¸_Æð_ÊÄ_¡£ # # And Abraham said, I will swear. # # unit P GEN:21:25 ´Ó_Ç°_£¬_ÑÇ_±È_Ã×_ÀÕ_µÄ_ÆÍ_ÈË_°Ô_Õ¼_ÁË_Ò»_¿Ú_Ë®_¾®_£¬_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_Ϊ Õâ_ÊÂ_Ö¸_Ôð_ÑÇ_±È_Ã×_ÀÕ_¡£ # # And Abraham reproved Abimelech because of a well of water, which # Abimelech's servants had violently taken away. # # unit P GEN:21:26 ÑÇ_±È_Ã×_ÀÕ_˵_£¬_Ë­_×÷_Õâ_ÊÂ_£¬_ÎÒ_²»_Öª_µÀ_£¬_Äã_Ò²_û_ÓÐ_¸æ_Ëß_ÎÒ £¬_½ñ_ÈÕ_ÎÒ_²Å_Ìý_¼û_ÁË_¡£ # # And Abimelech said, I wot not who hath done this thing: neither # didst thou tell me, neither yet heard I of it, but to day. # # unit P GEN:21:27 ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_°Ñ_Ñò_ºÍ_Å£_¸ø_ÁË_ÑÇ_±È_Ã×_ÀÕ_£¬_¶þ_ÈË_¾Í_±Ë_´Ë_Á¢_Ô¼_¡£ # # And Abraham took sheep and oxen, and gave them unto Abimelech; and # both of them made a covenant. # # unit P GEN:21:28 ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_°Ñ_Æß_Ö»_ĸ_Ñò_¸á_Áí_·Å_ÔÚ_Ò»_´¦_¡£ # # And Abraham set seven ewe lambs of the flock by themselves. # # unit P GEN:21:29 ÑÇ_±È_Ã×_ÀÕ_ÎÊ_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_˵_£¬_Äã_°Ñ_Õâ_Æß_Ö»_ĸ_Ñò_¸á_Áí_·Å_ÔÚ_Ò» ´¦_£¬_ÊÇ_ʲ_ô_Òâ_˼_ÄØ_£¿ # # And Abimelech said unto Abraham, What mean these seven ewe lambs # which thou hast set by themselves? # # unit P GEN:21:30 Ëû_˵_£¬_Äã_Òª_´Ó_ÎÒ_ÊÖ_Àï_ÊÜ_Õâ_Æß_Ö»_ĸ_Ñò_¸á_£¬_×÷_ÎÒ_ÍÚ_Õâ_¿Ú_¾® µÄ_Ö¤_¾Ý_¡£ # # And he said, For these seven ewe lambs shalt thou take of my hand, # that they may be a witness unto me, that I have digged this well. # # unit P GEN:21:31 Ëù_ÒÔ_Ëû_¸ø_ÄÇ_µØ_·½_Æð_Ãû_½Ð_±ð_ÊÇ_°Í_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_ÃÇ_¶þ_ÈË_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï Æð_ÁË_ÊÄ_¡£_£¨_±ð_ÊÇ_°Í_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÃË_ÊÄ_µÄ_¾®_£© # # Wherefore he called that place Beersheba; because there they sware # both of them. # # unit P GEN:21:32 Ëû_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_±ð_ÊÇ_°Í_Á¢_ÁË_Ô¼_£¬_ÑÇ_±È_Ã×_ÀÕ_¾Í_ͬ_Ëû_¾ü_³¤_·Ç_¸÷_Æð_Éí »Ø_·Ç_Àû_Ê¿_µØ_È¥_ÁË_¡£ # # Thus they made a covenant at Beersheba: then Abimelech rose up, and # Phichol the chief captain of his host, and they returned into the # land of the Philistines. # # unit P GEN:21:33 ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_ÔÚ_±ð_ÊÇ_°Í_ÔÔ_ÉÏ_Ò»_¿Ã_´¹_Ë¿_Áø_Ê÷_£¬_ÓÖ_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_Çó_¸æ Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÓÀ_Éú_Éñ_µÄ_Ãû_¡£ # # And Abraham planted a grove in Beersheba, and called there on the # name of the LORD, the everlasting God. # # unit P GEN:21:34 ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_ÔÚ_·Ç_Àû_Ê¿_ÈË_µÄ_µØ_¼Ä_¾Ó_ÁË_¶à_ÈÕ_¡£ # # And Abraham sojourned in the Philistines' land many days. # ## # chapter 22 GEN:22 # unit P GEN:22:1 Õâ_Щ_ÊÂ_ÒÔ_ºó_£¬_Éñ_Òª_ÊÔ_Ñé_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_£¬_¾Í_ºô_½Ð_Ëû_˵_£¬_ÑÇ_²® À­_º±_£¬_Ëû_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÔÚ_Õâ_Àï_¡£ # # And it came to pass after these things, that God did tempt Abraham, # and said unto him, Abraham: and he said, Behold, here I am. # # unit P GEN:22:2 Éñ_˵_£¬_Äã_´ø_×Å_Äã_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Äã_¶À_Éú_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_Äã_Ëù_°® µÄ_ÒÔ_Èö_£¬_Íù_Ħ_Àû_ÑÇ_µØ_È¥_£¬_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_Ëù_Òª_Ö¸_ʾ_Äã_µÄ_ɽ_ÉÏ_£¬_°Ñ Ëû_Ï×_Ϊ_ìÜ_¼À_¡£ # # And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou # lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there # for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell # thee of. # # unit P GEN:22:3 ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_Çå_Ôç_Æð_À´_£¬_±¸_ÉÏ_¿_£¬_´ø_×Å_Á½_¸ö_ÆÍ_ÈË_ºÍ_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó ÒÔ_Èö_£¬_Ò²_Åü_ºÃ_ÁË_ìÜ_¼À_µÄ_²ñ_£¬_¾Í_Æð_Éí_Íù_Éñ_Ëù_Ö¸_ʾ_Ëû_µÄ_µØ ·½_È¥_ÁË_¡£ # # And Abraham rose up early in the morning, and saddled his ass, and # took two of his young men with him, and Isaac his son, and clave the # wood for the burnt offering, and rose up, and went unto the place of # which God had told him. # # unit P GEN:22:4 µ½_ÁË_µÚ_Èý_ÈÕ_£¬_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_¾Ù_Ä¿_Ô¶_Ô¶_µØ_¿´_¼û_ÄÇ_µØ_·½_¡£ # # Then on the third day Abraham lifted up his eyes, and saw the place # afar off. # # unit P GEN:22:5 ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_¶Ô_Ëû_µÄ_ÆÍ_ÈË_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_ºÍ_¿_ÔÚ_´Ë_µÈ_ºò_£¬_ÎÒ_Óë_ͯ ×Ó_Íù_ÄÇ_Àï_È¥_°Ý_Ò»_°Ý_£¬_¾Í_»Ø_µ½_Äã_ÃÇ_Õâ_Àï_À´_¡£ # # And Abraham said unto his young men, Abide ye here with the ass; and # I and the lad will go yonder and worship, and come again to you. # # unit P GEN:22:6 ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_°Ñ_ìÜ_¼À_µÄ_²ñ_·Å_ÔÚ_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_Èö_Éí_ÉÏ_£¬_×Ô_¼º_ÊÖ_Àï ÄÃ_×Å_»ð_Óë_µ¶_¡£_ÓÚ_ÊÇ_¶þ_ÈË_ͬ_ÐÐ_¡£ # # And Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering, and laid it upon # Isaac his son; and he took the fire in his hand, and a knife; and # they went both of them together. # # unit P GEN:22:7 ÒÔ_Èö_¶Ô_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_˵_£¬_¸¸_Ç×_ÄÄ_£¬_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_˵_£¬_ÎÒ ¶ù_£¬_ÎÒ_ÔÚ_Õâ_Àï_¡£_ÒÔ_Èö_˵_£¬_Çë_¿´_£¬_»ð_Óë_²ñ_¶¼_ÓÐ_ÁË_£¬_µ«_ìÜ ¼À_µÄ_Ñò_¸á_ÔÚ_ÄÄ_Àï_ÄØ_£¿ # # And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and said, My father: and he # said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: # but where is the lamb for a burnt offering? # # unit P GEN:22:8 ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_¶ù_£¬_Éñ_±Ø_×Ô_¼º_Ô¤_±¸_×÷_ìÜ_¼À_µÄ_Ñò_¸á_¡£_ÓÚ ÊÇ_¶þ_ÈË_ͬ_ÐÐ_¡£ # # And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a # burnt offering: so they went both of them together. # # unit P GEN:22:9 Ëû_ÃÇ_µ½_ÁË_Éñ_Ëù_Ö¸_ʾ_µÄ_µØ_·½_£¬_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_Öþ_̳_£¬_°Ñ ²ñ_°Ú_ºÃ_£¬_À¦_°ó_Ëû_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_Èö_£¬_·Å_ÔÚ_̳_µÄ_²ñ_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And they came to the place which God had told him of; and Abraham # built an altar there, and laid the wood in order, and bound Isaac # his son, and laid him on the altar upon the wood. # # unit P GEN:22:10 ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_¾Í_Éì_ÊÖ_ÄÃ_µ¶_£¬_Òª_ɱ_Ëû_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_¡£ # # And Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his # son. # # unit P GEN:22:11 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_ʹ_Õß_´Ó_Ìì_ÉÏ_ºô_½Ð_Ëû_˵_£¬_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_£¬_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º± £¬_Ëû_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÔÚ_Õâ_Àï_¡£ # # And the angel of the LORD called unto him out of heaven, and said, # Abraham, Abraham: and he said, Here am I. # # unit P GEN:22:12 Ìì_ʹ_˵_£¬_Äã_²»_¿É_ÔÚ_Õâ_ͯ_×Ó_Éí_ÉÏ_ÏÂ_ÊÖ_¡£_Ò»_µã_²»_¿É_º¦_Ëû_¡£ ÏÖ_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_Öª_µÀ_Äã_ÊÇ_¾´_η_Éñ_µÄ_ÁË_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_Äã_û_ÓÐ_½«_Äã_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó £¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Äã_¶À_Éú_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_Áô_ÏÂ_²»_¸ø_ÎÒ_¡£ # # And he said, Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any # thing unto him: for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou # hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me. # # unit P GEN:22:13 ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_¾Ù_Ä¿_¹Û_¿´_£¬_²»_ÁÏ_£¬_ÓÐ_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Ñò_£¬_Á½_½Ç_¿Û_ÔÚ_³í ÃÜ_µÄ_С_Ê÷_ÖÐ_£¬_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_¾Í_È¡_ÁË_ÄÇ_Ö»_¹«_Ñò_À´_£¬_Ï×_Ϊ_ìÜ_¼À £¬_´ú_Ìæ_Ëû_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_¡£ # # And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold behind him a # ram caught in a thicket by his horns: and Abraham went and took the # ram, and offered him up for a burnt offering in the stead of his # son. # # unit P GEN:22:14 ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_¸ø_ÄÇ_µØ_·½_Æð_Ãû_½Ð_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÒÔ_ÀÕ_£¨_Òâ_˼_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ »ª_±Ø_Ô¤_±¸_£©_£¬_Ö±_µ½_½ñ_ÈÕ_ÈË_»¹_˵_£¬_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_ɽ_ÉÏ_±Ø_ÓÐ Ô¤_±¸_¡£ # # And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovahjireh: as it is # said to this day, In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen. # # unit P GEN:22:15 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_ʹ_Õß_µÚ_¶þ_´Î_´Ó_Ìì_ÉÏ_ºô_½Ð_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_˵_£¬ # # And the angel of the LORD called unto Abraham out of heaven the # second time, # # unit P GEN:22:16 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_˵_£¬_Äã_¼È_ÐÐ_ÁË_Õâ_ÊÂ_£¬_²»_Áô_ÏÂ_Äã_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Äã ¶À_Éú_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_ÎÒ_±ã_Ö¸_×Å_×Ô_¼º_Æð_ÊÄ_˵_£¬ # # And said, By myself have I sworn, saith the LORD, for because thou # hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only son: # # unit P GEN:22:17 ÂÛ_¸£_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_´Í_´ó_¸£_¸ø_Äã_¡£_ÂÛ_×Ó_Ëï_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_½Ð_Äã_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_¶à Æð_À´_£¬_Èç_ͬ_Ìì_ÉÏ_µÄ_ÐÇ_£¬_º£_±ß_µÄ_ɳ_¡£_Äã_×Ó_Ëï_±Ø_µÃ_×Å_³ð_µÐ µÄ_³Ç_ÃÅ_£¬ # # That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will # multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which # is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his # enemies; # # unit P GEN:22:18 ²¢_ÇÒ_µØ_ÉÏ_Íò_¹ú_¶¼_±Ø_Òò_Äã_µÄ_ºó_Òá_µÃ_¸£_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Äã_Ìý_´Ó_ÁË_ÎÒ µÄ_»°_¡£ # # And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; # because thou hast obeyed my voice. # # unit P GEN:22:19 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_»Ø_µ½_Ëû_ÆÍ_ÈË_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ò»_ͬ_Æð_Éí_Íù_±ð_ÊÇ °Í_È¥_£¬_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_¾Í_ס_ÔÚ_±ð_ÊÇ_°Í_¡£ # # So Abraham returned unto his young men, and they rose up and went # together to Beersheba; and Abraham dwelt at Beersheba. # # unit P GEN:22:20 Õâ_ÊÂ_ÒÔ_ºó_£¬_ÓÐ_ÈË_¸æ_Ëß_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_˵_£¬_ÃÜ_åÈ_¸ø_Äã_ÐÖ_µÜ_ÄÃ_º× Éú_ÁË_¼¸_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_£¬ # # And it came to pass after these things, that it was told Abraham, # saying, Behold, Milcah, she hath also born children unto thy brother # Nahor; # # unit P GEN:22:21 ³¤_×Ó_ÊÇ_ÎÚ_˹_£¬_Ëû_µÄ_ÐÖ_µÜ_ÊÇ_²¼_˹_ºÍ_ÑÇ_À¼_µÄ_¸¸_Ç×_»ù_ĸ_Àû_£¬ # # Huz his firstborn, and Buz his brother, and Kemuel the father of # Aram, # # unit P GEN:22:22 ²¢_»ù_Ѧ_£¬_¹þ_Ëö_£¬_±Ø_´ï_£¬_Òæ_À­_£¬_±Ë_ÍÁ_Àû_£¨_±Ë_ÍÁ_Àû_Éú_Àû_°Ù ¼Ó_£©_¡£ # # And Chesed, and Hazo, and Pildash, and Jidlaph, and Bethuel. # # unit P GEN:22:23 Õâ_°Ë_¸ö_ÈË_¶¼_ÊÇ_ÃÜ_åÈ_¸ø_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_µÄ_ÐÖ_µÜ_ÄÃ_º×_Éú_µÄ_¡£ # # And Bethuel begat Rebekah: these eight Milcah did bear to Nahor, # Abraham's brother. # # unit P GEN:22:24 ÄÃ_º×_µÄ_æª_Ãû_½Ð_Á÷_Âê_£¬_Éú_ÁË_Ìá_°Ë_£¬_åÈ_º¬_£¬_Ëû_Ͻ_£¬_ºÍ_Âê_åÈ ¡£ # # And his concubine, whose name was Reumah, she bare also Tebah, and # Gaham, and Thahash, and Maachah. # ## # chapter 23 GEN:23 # unit P GEN:23:1 Èö_À­_Ïí_ÊÙ_Ò»_°Ù_¶þ_Ê®_Æß_Ëê_£¬_Õâ_ÊÇ_Èö_À­_Ò»_Éú_µÄ_Ëê_Êý_¡£ # # And Sarah was an hundred and seven and twenty years old: these were # the years of the life of Sarah. # # unit P GEN:23:2 Èö_À­_ËÀ_ÔÚ_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ_µÄ_»ù_ÁÐ_ÑÇ_°Í_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ï£_²®_ÂØ_¡£_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º± Ϊ_Ëý_°§_âú_¿Þ_ºÅ_¡£ # # And Sarah died in Kirjatharba; the same is Hebron in the land of # Canaan: and Abraham came to mourn for Sarah, and to weep for her. # # unit P GEN:23:3 ºó_À´_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_´Ó_ËÀ_ÈË_Ãæ_Ç°_Æð_À´_£¬_¶Ô_ºÕ_ÈË_˵_£¬ # # And Abraham stood up from before his dead, and spake unto the sons # of Heth, saying, # # unit P GEN:23:4 ÎÒ_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_ÊÇ_Íâ_ÈË_£¬_ÊÇ_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_¡£_Çó_Äã_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_Õâ_Àï_¸ø_ÎÒ Ò»_¿é_µØ_£¬_ÎÒ_ºÃ_Âñ_Ôá_ÎÒ_µÄ_ËÀ_ÈË_£¬_ʹ_Ëý_²»_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_ÑÛ_Ç°_¡£ # # I am a stranger and a sojourner with you: give me a possession of a # buryingplace with you, that I may bury my dead out of my sight. # # unit P GEN:23:5 ºÕ_ÈË_»Ø_´ð_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_˵_£¬ # # And the children of Heth answered Abraham, saying unto him, # # unit P GEN:23:6 ÎÒ_Ö÷_Çë_Ìý_¡£_Äã_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_ÊÇ_Ò»_λ_×ð_´ó_µÄ_Íõ_×Ó_£¬_Ö»_¹Ü_ÔÚ ÎÒ_ÃÇ_×î_ºÃ_µÄ_·Ø_µØ_Àï_Âñ_Ôá_Äã_µÄ_ËÀ_ÈË_¡£_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_û_ÓÐ_Ò»_ÈË_²»_ÈÝ Äã_ÔÚ_Ëû_µÄ_·Ø_µØ_Àï_Âñ_Ôá_Äã_µÄ_ËÀ_ÈË_¡£ # # Hear us, my lord: thou art a mighty prince among us: in the choice # of our sepulchres bury thy dead; none of us shall withhold from thee # his sepulchre, but that thou mayest bury thy dead. # # unit P GEN:23:7 ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_¾Í_Æð_À´_£¬_Ïò_ÄÇ_µØ_µÄ_ºÕ_ÈË_ÏÂ_°Ý_£¬ # # And Abraham stood up, and bowed himself to the people of the land, # even to the children of Heth. # # unit P GEN:23:8 ¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Èô_ÓÐ_Òâ_½Ð_ÎÒ_Âñ_Ôá_ÎÒ_µÄ_ËÀ_ÈË_£¬_ʹ_Ëý_²»_ÔÚ ÎÒ_ÑÛ_Ç°_£¬_¾Í_Çë_Ìý_ÎÒ_µÄ_»°_£¬_Ϊ_ÎÒ_Çó_Ëö_Ͻ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_¸¥_ÂØ_£¬ # # And he communed with them, saying, If it be your mind that I should # bury my dead out of my sight; hear me, and intreat for me to Ephron # the son of Zohar, # # unit P GEN:23:9 °Ñ_Ìï_Í·_ÉÏ_ÄÇ_Âó_±È_À­_¶´_¸ø_ÎÒ_¡£_Ëû_¿É_ÒÔ_°´_×Å_×ã_¼Û_Âô_¸ø_ÎÒ_£¬ ×÷_ÎÒ_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_µÄ_·Ø_µØ_¡£ # # That he may give me the cave of Machpelah, which he hath, which is # in the end of his field; for as much money as it is worth he shall # give it me for a possession of a buryingplace amongst you. # # unit P GEN:23:10 µ±_ʱ_ÒÔ_¸¥_ÂØ_Õý_×ø_ÔÚ_ºÕ_ÈË_ÖÐ_¼ä_¡£_ÓÚ_ÊÇ_£¬_ºÕ_ÈË_ÒÔ_¸¥_ÂØ_ÔÚ_³Ç ÃÅ_³ö_Èë_µÄ_ºÕ_ÈË_Ãæ_Ç°_¶Ô_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_˵_£¬ # # And Ephron dwelt among the children of Heth: and Ephron the Hittite # answered Abraham in the audience of the children of Heth, even of # all that went in at the gate of his city, saying, # # unit P GEN:23:11 ²»_È»_£¬_ÎÒ_Ö÷_Çë_Ìý_¡£_ÎÒ_ËÍ_¸ø_Äã_Õâ_¿é_Ìï_£¬_Á¬_Ìï_¼ä_µÄ_¶´_Ò²_ËÍ ¸ø_Äã_£¬_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_ͬ_×å_µÄ_ÈË_Ãæ_Ç°_¶¼_¸ø_Äã_£¬_¿É_ÒÔ_Âñ_Ôá_Äã_µÄ_ËÀ_ÈË ¡£ # # Nay, my lord, hear me: the field give I thee, and the cave that is # therein, I give it thee; in the presence of the sons of my people # give I it thee: bury thy dead. # # unit P GEN:23:12 ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_¾Í_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_µØ_µÄ_ÈË_Ãñ_Ãæ_Ç°_ÏÂ_°Ý_£¬ # # And Abraham bowed down himself before the people of the land. # # unit P GEN:23:13 ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ãæ_Ç°_¶Ô_ÒÔ_¸¥_ÂØ_˵_£¬_Äã_Èô_Ó¦_ÔÊ_£¬_Çë_Ìý_ÎÒ_µÄ_»°_¡£_ÎÒ Òª_°Ñ_Ìï_¼Û_¸ø_Äã_£¬_Çó_Äã_ÊÕ_ÏÂ_£¬_ÎÒ_¾Í_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_Âñ_Ôá_ÎÒ_µÄ_ËÀ_ÈË ¡£ # # And he spake unto Ephron in the audience of the people of the land, # saying, But if thou wilt give it, I pray thee, hear me: I will give # thee money for the field; take it of me, and I will bury my dead # there. # # unit P GEN:23:14 ÒÔ_¸¥_ÂØ_»Ø_´ð_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_˵_£¬ # # And Ephron answered Abraham, saying unto him, # # unit P GEN:23:15 ÎÒ_Ö÷_Çë_Ìý_¡£_Öµ_ËÄ_°Ù_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_Òø_×Ó_µÄ_Ò»_¿é_Ìï_£¬_ÔÚ_Äã_ÎÒ_ÖÐ_¼ä »¹_Ëã_ʲ_ô_ÄØ_£¿_Ö»_¹Ü_Âñ_Ôá_Äã_µÄ_ËÀ_ÈË_°É_¡£ # # My lord, hearken unto me: the land is worth four hundred shekels of # silver; what is that betwixt me and thee? bury therefore thy dead. # # unit P GEN:23:16 ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_Ìý_´Ó_ÁË_ÒÔ_¸¥_ÂØ_£¬_ÕÕ_×Å_Ëû_ÔÚ_ºÕ_ÈË_Ãæ_Ç°_Ëù_˵_µÄ_»° £¬_°Ñ_Âò_Âô_ͨ_ÓÃ_µÄ_Òø_×Ó_ƽ_ÁË_ËÄ_°Ù_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_¸ø_ÒÔ_¸¥_ÂØ_¡£ # # And Abraham hearkened unto Ephron; and Abraham weighed to Ephron the # silver, which he had named in the audience of the sons of Heth, four # hundred shekels of silver, current money with the merchant. # # unit P GEN:23:17 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_£¬_Âó_±È_À­_£¬_á£_Àû_Ç°_£¬_ÒÔ_¸¥_ÂØ_µÄ_ÄÇ_¿é_Ìï_ºÍ_Æä_ÖÐ_µÄ_¶´ £¬_²¢_Ìï_¼ä_ËÄ_Χ_µÄ_Ê÷_ľ_£¬ # # And the field of Ephron, which was in Machpelah, which was before # Mamre, the field, and the cave which was therein, and all the trees # that were in the field, that were in all the borders round about, # were made sure # # unit P GEN:23:18 ¶¼_¶¨_×¼_¹é_Óë_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_£¬_ÄË_ÊÇ_Ëû_ÔÚ_ºÕ_ÈË_Ãæ_Ç°_²¢_³Ç_ÃÅ_³ö_Èë µÄ_ÈË_Ãæ_Ç°_Âò_Í×_µÄ_¡£ # # Unto Abraham for a possession in the presence of the children of # Heth, before all that went in at the gate of his city. # # unit P GEN:23:19 ´Ë_ºó_£¬_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_°Ñ_Ëû_ÆÞ_×Ó_Èö_À­_Âñ_Ôá_ÔÚ_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ_á£_Àû_Ç°_µÄ Âó_±È_À­_Ìï_¼ä_µÄ_¶´_Àï_¡£_á£_Àû_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ï£_²®_ÂØ_¡£ # # And after this, Abraham buried Sarah his wife in the cave of the # field of Machpelah before Mamre: the same is Hebron in the land of # Canaan. # # unit P GEN:23:20 ´Ó_´Ë_£¬_ÄÇ_¿é_Ìï_ºÍ_Ìï_¼ä_µÄ_¶´_¾Í_½è_×Å_ºÕ_ÈË_¶¨_×¼_¹é_Óë_ÑÇ_²®_À­ º±_×÷_·Ø_µØ_¡£ # # And the field, and the cave that is therein, were made sure unto # Abraham for a possession of a buryingplace by the sons of Heth. # ## # chapter 24 GEN:24 # unit P GEN:24:1 ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_Äê_¼Í_ÀÏ_Âõ_£¬_Ïò_À´_ÔÚ_Ò»_ÇÐ_ÊÂ_ÉÏ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶¼_´Í_¸£_¸ø Ëû_¡£ # # And Abraham was old, and well stricken in age: and the LORD had # blessed Abraham in all things. # # unit P GEN:24:2 ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_¶Ô_¹Ü_Àí_Ëû_È«_Òµ_×î_ÀÏ_µÄ_ÆÍ_ÈË_˵_£¬_Çë_Äã_°Ñ_ÊÖ_·Å_ÔÚ ÎÒ_´ó_ÍÈ_µ×_ÏÂ_¡£ # # And Abraham said unto his eldest servant of his house, that ruled # over all that he had, Put, I pray thee, thy hand under my thigh: # # unit P GEN:24:3 ÎÒ_Òª_½Ð_Äã_Ö¸_×Å_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ìì_µØ_µÄ_Ö÷_Æð_ÊÄ_£¬_²»_Òª_Ϊ_ÎÒ_¶ù_×Ó_È¢ Õâ_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ_ÖÐ_µÄ_Å®_×Ó_Ϊ_ÆÞ_¡£ # # And I will make thee swear by the LORD, the God of heaven, and the # God of the earth, that thou shalt not take a wife unto my son of the # daughters of the Canaanites, among whom I dwell: # # unit P GEN:24:4 Äã_Òª_Íù_ÎÒ_±¾_µØ_±¾_×å_È¥_£¬_Ϊ_ÎÒ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_Èö_È¢_Ò»_¸ö_ÆÞ_×Ó_¡£ # # But thou shalt go unto my country, and to my kindred, and take a # wife unto my son Isaac. # # unit P GEN:24:5 ÆÍ_ÈË_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_ÌÈ_Èô_Å®_×Ó_²»_¿Ï_¸ú_ÎÒ_µ½_Õâ_µØ_·½_À´_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_Ðë ½«_Äã_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_´ø_»Ø_Äã_Ô­_³ö_Ö®_µØ_Âð_£¿ # # And the servant said unto him, Peradventure the woman will not be # willing to follow me unto this land: must I needs bring thy son # again unto the land from whence thou camest? # # unit P GEN:24:6 ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_Äã_Òª_½÷_É÷_£¬_²»_Òª_´ø_ÎÒ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_»Ø_ÄÇ_Àï È¥_¡£ # # And Abraham said unto him, Beware thou that thou bring not my son # thither again. # # unit P GEN:24:7 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ìì_ÉÏ_µÄ_Ö÷_Ôø_´ø_Áì_ÎÒ_Àë_¿ª_¸¸_¼Ò_ºÍ_±¾_×å_µÄ_µØ_£¬_¶Ô_ÎÒ Ëµ_»°_£¬_Ïò_ÎÒ_Æð_ÊÄ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_½«_Õâ_µØ_´Í_¸ø_Äã_µÄ_ºó_Òá_¡£_Ëû_±Ø ²î_Dz_ʹ_Õß_ÔÚ_Äã_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_Äã_¾Í_¿É_ÒÔ_´Ó_ÄÇ_Àï_Ϊ_ÎÒ_¶ù_×Ó_È¢_Ò»_¸ö ÆÞ_×Ó_¡£ # # The LORD God of heaven, which took me from my father's house, and # from the land of my kindred, and which spake unto me, and that sware # unto me, saying, Unto thy seed will I give this land; he shall send # his angel before thee, and thou shalt take a wife unto my son from # thence. # # unit P GEN:24:8 ÌÈ_Èô_Å®_×Ó_²»_¿Ï_¸ú_Äã_À´_£¬_ÎÒ_ʹ_Äã_Æð_µÄ_ÊÄ_¾Í_Óë_Äã_ÎÞ_¸É_ÁË_£¬ Ö»_ÊÇ_²»_¿É_´ø_ÎÒ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_»Ø_ÄÇ_Àï_È¥_¡£ # # And if the woman will not be willing to follow thee, then thou shalt # be clear from this my oath: only bring not my son thither again. # # unit P GEN:24:9 ÆÍ_ÈË_¾Í_°Ñ_ÊÖ_·Å_ÔÚ_Ëû_Ö÷_ÈË_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_µÄ_´ó_ÍÈ_µ×_ÏÂ_£¬_Ϊ_Õâ_Ê Ïò_Ëû_Æð_ÊÄ_¡£ # # And the servant put his hand under the thigh of Abraham his master, # and sware to him concerning that matter. # # unit P GEN:24:10 ÄÇ_ÆÍ_ÈË_´Ó_Ëû_Ö÷_ÈË_µÄ_Âæ_ÍÕ_Àï_È¡_ÁË_Ê®_Æ¥_Âæ_ÍÕ_£¬_²¢_´ø_Щ_Ëû_Ö÷ ÈË_¸÷_Ñù_µÄ_²Æ_Îï_£¬_Æð_Éí_Íù_Ã×_Ëù_²¨_´ó_Ã×_È¥_£¬_µ½_ÁË_ÄÃ_º×_µÄ_³Ç ¡£ # # And the servant took ten camels of the camels of his master, and # departed; for all the goods of his master were in his hand: and he # arose, and went to Mesopotamia, unto the city of Nahor. # # unit P GEN:24:11 Ìì_½«_Íí_£¬_ÖÚ_Å®_×Ó_³ö_À´_´ò_Ë®_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Ëû_±ã_½Ð_Âæ_ÍÕ_¹ò_ÔÚ_³Ç Íâ_µÄ_Ë®_¾®_ÄÇ_Àï_¡£ # # And he made his camels to kneel down without the city by a well of # water at the time of the evening, even the time that women go out to # draw water. # # unit P GEN:24:12 Ëû_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÎÒ_Ö÷_ÈË_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_µÄ_Éñ_°¢_£¬_Çó_Äã_Ê©_¶÷_¸ø_ÎÒ Ö÷_ÈË_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_£¬_ʹ_ÎÒ_½ñ_ÈÕ_Óö_¼û_ºÃ_»ú_»á_¡£ # # And he said, O LORD God of my master Abraham, I pray thee, send me # good speed this day, and shew kindness unto my master Abraham. # # unit P GEN:24:13 ÎÒ_ÏÖ_½ñ_Õ¾_ÔÚ_¾®_ÅÔ_£¬_³Ç_ÄÚ_¾Ó_Ãñ_µÄ_Å®_×Ó_ÃÇ_Õý_³ö_À´_´ò_Ë®_¡£ # # Behold, I stand here by the well of water; and the daughters of the # men of the city come out to draw water: # # unit P GEN:24:14 ÎÒ_Ïò_ÄÄ_Ò»_¸ö_Å®_×Ó_˵_£¬_Çë_Äã_ÄÃ_ÏÂ_Ë®_Æ¿_À´_£¬_¸ø_ÎÒ_Ë®_ºÈ_£¬_Ëý Èô_˵_£¬_Çë_ºÈ_£¬_ÎÒ_Ò²_¸ø_Äã_µÄ_Âæ_ÍÕ_ºÈ_£¬_Ô¸_ÄÇ_Å®_×Ó_¾Í_×÷_Äã_Ëù Ô¤_¶¨_¸ø_Äã_ÆÍ_ÈË_ÒÔ_Èö_µÄ_ÆÞ_¡£_Õâ_Ñù_£¬_ÎÒ_±ã_Öª_µÀ_Äã_Ê©_¶÷_¸ø_ÎÒ Ö÷_ÈË_ÁË_¡£ # # And let it come to pass, that the damsel to whom I shall say, Let # down thy pitcher, I pray thee, that I may drink; and she shall say, # Drink, and I will give thy camels drink also: let the same be she # that thou hast appointed for thy servant Isaac; and thereby shall I # know that thou hast shewed kindness unto my master. # # unit P GEN:24:15 »°_»¹_û_ÓÐ_˵_Íê_£¬_²»_ÁÏ_£¬_Àû_°Ù_¼Ó_¼ç_Í·_ÉÏ_¿¸_×Å_Ë®_Æ¿_³ö_À´_¡£ Àû_°Ù_¼Ó_ÊÇ_±Ë_ÍÁ_Àû_Ëù_Éú_µÄ_¡£_±Ë_ÍÁ_Àû_ÊÇ_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_ÐÖ_µÜ_ÄÃ_º× ÆÞ_×Ó_ÃÜ_åÈ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_¡£ # # And it came to pass, before he had done speaking, that, behold, # Rebekah came out, who was born to Bethuel, son of Milcah, the wife # of Nahor, Abraham's brother, with her pitcher upon her shoulder. # # unit P GEN:24:16 ÄÇ_Å®_×Ó_ÈÝ_ò_¼«_Æä_¿¡_ÃÀ_£¬_»¹_ÊÇ_´¦_Å®_£¬_Ò²_δ_Ôø_ÓÐ_ÈË_Ç×_½ü_Ëý ¡£_Ëý_ÏÂ_µ½_¾®_ÅÔ_£¬_´ò_Âú_ÁË_Æ¿_£¬_ÓÖ_ÉÏ_À´_¡£ # # And the damsel was very fair to look upon, a virgin, neither had any # man known her: and she went down to the well, and filled her # pitcher, and came up. # # unit P GEN:24:17 ÆÍ_ÈË_ÅÜ_ÉÏ_Ç°_È¥_Ó­_×Å_Ëý_£¬_˵_£¬_Çó_Äã_½«_Æ¿_Àï_µÄ_Ë®_¸ø_ÎÒ_Ò»_µã ºÈ_¡£ # # And the servant ran to meet her, and said, Let me, I pray thee, # drink a little water of thy pitcher. # # unit P GEN:24:18 Å®_×Ó_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Ö÷_Çë_ºÈ_£¬_¾Í_¼±_æ_ÄÃ_ÏÂ_Æ¿_À´_£¬_ÍÐ_ÔÚ_ÊÖ_ÉÏ_¸ø_Ëû ºÈ_¡£ # # And she said, Drink, my lord: and she hasted, and let down her # pitcher upon her hand, and gave him drink. # # unit P GEN:24:19 Å®_×Ó_¸ø_Ëû_ºÈ_ÁË_£¬_¾Í_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÔÙ_Ϊ_Äã_µÄ_Âæ_ÍÕ_´ò_Ë®_£¬_½Ð_Âæ_ÍÕ Ò²_ºÈ_×ã_¡£ # # And when she had done giving him drink, she said, I will draw water # for thy camels also, until they have done drinking. # # unit P GEN:24:20 Ëý_¾Í_¼±_æ_°Ñ_Æ¿_Àï_µÄ_Ë®_µ¹_ÔÚ_²Û_Àï_£¬_ÓÖ_ÅÜ_µ½_¾®_ÅÔ_´ò_Ë®_£¬_¾Í Ϊ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_Âæ_ÍÕ_´ò_ÉÏ_Ë®_À´_¡£ # # And she hasted, and emptied her pitcher into the trough, and ran # again unto the well to draw water, and drew for all his camels. # # unit P GEN:24:21 ÄÇ_ÈË_¶¨_¾¦_¿´_Ëý_£¬_Ò»_¾ä_»°_Ò²_²»_˵_£¬_Òª_Ïþ_µÃ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_´Í_Ëû_ͨ ´ï_µÄ_µÀ_·_û_ÓÐ_¡£ # # And the man wondering at her held his peace, to wit whether the LORD # had made his journey prosperous or not. # # unit P GEN:24:22 Âæ_ÍÕ_ºÈ_×ã_ÁË_£¬_ÄÇ_ÈË_¾Í_ÄÃ_Ò»_¸ö_½ð_»·_£¬_ÖØ_°ë_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_£¬_Á½_¸ö ½ð_ïí_£¬_ÖØ_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_£¬_¸ø_ÁË_ÄÇ_Å®_×Ó_£¬ # # And it came to pass, as the camels had done drinking, that the man # took a golden earring of half a shekel weight, and two bracelets for # her hands of ten shekels weight of gold; # # unit P GEN:24:23 ˵_£¬_Çë_¸æ_Ëß_ÎÒ_£¬_Äã_ÊÇ_Ë­_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_£¬_Äã_¸¸_Ç×_¼Ò_Àï_ÓÐ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ס ËÞ_µÄ_µØ_·½_û_ÓÐ_¡£ # # And said, Whose daughter art thou? tell me, I pray thee: is there # room in thy father's house for us to lodge in? # # unit P GEN:24:24 Å®_×Ó_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_ÃÜ_åÈ_Óë_ÄÃ_º×_Ö®_×Ó_±Ë_ÍÁ_Àû_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_¡£ # # And she said unto him, I am the daughter of Bethuel the son of # Milcah, which she bare unto Nahor. # # unit P GEN:24:25 ÓÖ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¼Ò_Àï_×ã_ÓÐ_Á¸_²Ý_£¬_Ò²_ÓÐ_ס_ËÞ_µÄ_µØ_·½_¡£ # # She said moreover unto him, We have both straw and provender enough, # and room to lodge in. # # unit P GEN:24:26 ÄÇ_ÈË_¾Í_µÍ_Í·_Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÏÂ_°Ý_£¬ # # And the man bowed down his head, and worshipped the LORD. # # unit P GEN:24:27 ˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÎÒ_Ö÷_ÈË_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_µÄ_Éñ_ÊÇ_Ó¦_µ±_³Æ_ËÌ_µÄ_£¬_Òò_Ëû ²»_¶Ï_µØ_ÒÔ_´È_°®_³Ï_ʵ_´ý_ÎÒ_Ö÷_ÈË_¡£_ÖÁ_ÓÚ_ÎÒ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÔÚ_·_ÉÏ Òý_Áì_ÎÒ_£¬_Ö±_×ß_µ½_ÎÒ_Ö÷_ÈË_µÄ_ÐÖ_µÜ_¼Ò_Àï_¡£ # # And he said, Blessed be the LORD God of my master Abraham, who hath # not left destitute my master of his mercy and his truth: I being in # the way, the LORD led me to the house of my master's brethren. # # unit P GEN:24:28 Å®_×Ó_ÅÜ_»Ø_È¥_£¬_ÕÕ_×Å_Õâ_Щ_»°_¸æ_Ëß_Ëý_ĸ_Ç×_ºÍ_Ëý_¼Ò_Àï_µÄ_ÈË_¡£ # # And the damsel ran, and told them of her mother's house these # things. # # unit P GEN:24:29 Àû_°Ù_¼Ó_ÓÐ_Ò»_¸ö_¸ç_¸ç_£¬_Ãû_½Ð_À­_°à_£¬_¿´_¼û_½ð_»·_£¬_ÓÖ_¿´_¼û_½ð ïí_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÃ_×Ó_µÄ_ÊÖ_ÉÏ_£¬_²¢_Ìý_¼û_Ëû_ÃÃ_×Ó_Àû_°Ù_¼Ó_µÄ_»°_£¬_˵_ÄÇ ÈË_¶Ô_ÎÒ_Èç_´Ë_Èç_´Ë_˵_¡£_À­_°à_¾Í_ÅÜ_³ö_À´_Íù_¾®_ÅÔ_È¥_£¬_µ½_ÄÇ_ÈË ¸ú_Ç°_£¬_¼û_Ëû_ÈÔ_Õ¾_ÔÚ_Âæ_ÍÕ_ÅÔ_±ß_µÄ_¾®_ÅÔ_ÄÇ_Àï_¡£ # # And Rebekah had a brother, and his name was Laban: and Laban ran out # unto the man, unto the well. And it came to pass, when he saw the # earring and bracelets upon his sister's hands, and when he heard the # words of Rebekah his sister, saying, Thus spake the man unto me; # that he came unto the man; and, behold, he stood by the camels at # the well. # # unit P GEN:24:31 ±ã_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_Äã_Õâ_ÃÉ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_´Í_¸£_µÄ_£¬_Çë_½ø_À´_£¬_Ϊ_ʲ_ô_Õ¾ ÔÚ_Íâ_±ß_£¿_ÎÒ_ÒÑ_¾­_ÊÕ_Ê°_ÁË_·¿_ÎÝ_£¬_Ò²_Ϊ_Âæ_ÍÕ_Ô¤_±¸_ÁË_µØ_·½_¡£ # # And he said, Come in, thou blessed of the LORD; wherefore standest # thou without? for I have prepared the house, and room for the # camels. # # unit P GEN:24:32 ÄÇ_ÈË_¾Í_½ø_ÁË_À­_°à_µÄ_¼Ò_¡£_À­_°à_ж_ÁË_Âæ_ÍÕ_£¬_ÓÃ_²Ý_ÁÏ_ι_ÉÏ_£¬ ÄÃ_Ë®_¸ø_ÄÇ_ÈË_ºÍ_¸ú_Ëæ_µÄ_ÈË_Ï´_½Å_£¬ # # And the man came into the house: and he ungirded his camels, and # gave straw and provender for the camels, and water to wash his feet, # and the men's feet that were with him. # # unit P GEN:24:33 °Ñ_·¹_°Ú_ÔÚ_Ëû_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_½Ð_Ëû_³Ô_£¬_Ëû_È´_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_²»_³Ô_£¬_µÈ_ÎÒ_˵ Ã÷_°×_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÊÂ_Çé_ÔÙ_³Ô_¡£_À­_°à_˵_£¬_Çë_˵_¡£ # # And there was set meat before him to eat: but he said, I will not # eat, until I have told mine errand. And he said, Speak on. # # unit P GEN:24:34 Ëû_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_µÄ_ÆÍ_ÈË_¡£ # # And he said, I am Abraham's servant. # # unit P GEN:24:35 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_´ó_´ó_µØ_´Í_¸£_¸ø_ÎÒ_Ö÷_ÈË_£¬_ʹ_Ëû_²ý_´ó_£¬_ÓÖ_´Í_¸ø_Ëû_Ñò Ⱥ_£¬_Å£_Ⱥ_£¬_½ð_Òø_£¬_ÆÍ_æ¾_£¬_Âæ_ÍÕ_£¬_ºÍ_¿_¡£ # # And the LORD hath blessed my master greatly; and he is become great: # and he hath given him flocks, and herds, and silver, and gold, and # menservants, and maidservants, and camels, and asses. # # unit P GEN:24:36 ÎÒ_Ö÷_ÈË_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_Èö_À­_Äê_ÀÏ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_¸ø_ÎÒ_Ö÷_ÈË_Éú_ÁË_Ò»_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó ¡£_ÎÒ_Ö÷_ÈË_Ò²_½«_Ò»_ÇÐ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_¶¼_¸ø_ÁË_Õâ_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_¡£ # # And Sarah my master's wife bare a son to my master when she was old: # and unto him hath he given all that he hath. # # unit P GEN:24:37 ÎÒ_Ö÷_ÈË_½Ð_ÎÒ_Æð_ÊÄ_˵_£¬_Äã_²»_Òª_Ϊ_ÎÒ_¶ù_×Ó_È¢_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ_µÄ_Å®_×Ó Îª_ÆÞ_¡£ # # And my master made me swear, saying, Thou shalt not take a wife to # my son of the daughters of the Canaanites, in whose land I dwell: # # unit P GEN:24:38 Äã_Òª_Íù_ÎÒ_¸¸_¼Ò_£¬_ÎÒ_±¾_×å_ÄÇ_Àï_È¥_£¬_Ϊ_ÎÒ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_È¢_Ò»_¸ö_ÆÞ ×Ó_¡£ # # But thou shalt go unto my father's house, and to my kindred, and # take a wife unto my son. # # unit P GEN:24:39 ÎÒ_¶Ô_ÎÒ_Ö÷_ÈË_˵_£¬_¿Ö_ÅÂ_Å®_×Ó_²»_¿Ï_¸ú_ÎÒ_À´_¡£ # # And I said unto my master, Peradventure the woman will not follow # me. # # unit P GEN:24:40 Ëû_¾Í_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Ëù_ÊÂ_·î_µÄ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_±Ø_Òª_²î_Dz_Ëû_µÄ_ʹ_Õß_Óë_Äã_ͬ È¥_£¬_½Ð_Äã_µÄ_µÀ_·_ͨ_´ï_£¬_Äã_¾Í_µÃ_ÒÔ_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_¸¸_¼Ò_£¬_ÎÒ_±¾_×å_ÄÇ Àï_£¬_¸ø_ÎÒ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_È¢_Ò»_¸ö_ÆÞ_×Ó_¡£ # # And he said unto me, The LORD, before whom I walk, will send his # angel with thee, and prosper thy way; and thou shalt take a wife for # my son of my kindred, and of my father's house: # # unit P GEN:24:41 Ö»_Òª_Äã_µ½_ÁË_ÎÒ_±¾_×å_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_ÎÒ_ʹ_Äã_Æð_µÄ_ÊÄ_¾Í_Óë_Äã_ÎÞ_¸É_¡£ Ëû_ÃÇ_Èô_²»_°Ñ_Å®_×Ó_½»_¸ø_Äã_£¬_ÎÒ_ʹ_Äã_Æð_µÄ_ÊÄ_Ò²_Óë_Äã_ÎÞ_¸É_¡£ # # Then shalt thou be clear from this my oath, when thou comest to my # kindred; and if they give not thee one, thou shalt be clear from my # oath. # # unit P GEN:24:42 ÎÒ_½ñ_ÈÕ_µ½_ÁË_¾®_ÅÔ_£¬_±ã_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÎÒ_Ö÷_ÈË_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_µÄ_Éñ °¢_£¬_Ô¸_Äã_½Ð_ÎÒ_Ëù_ÐÐ_µÄ_µÀ_·_ͨ_´ï_¡£ # # And I came this day unto the well, and said, O LORD God of my master # Abraham, if now thou do prosper my way which I go: # # unit P GEN:24:43 ÎÒ_Èç_½ñ_Õ¾_ÔÚ_¾®_ÅÔ_£¬_¶Ô_ÄÇ_Ò»_¸ö_³ö_À´_´ò_Ë®_µÄ_Å®_×Ó_˵_£¬_Çë_Äã °Ñ_Äã_Æ¿_Àï_µÄ_Ë®_¸ø_ÎÒ_Ò»_µã_ºÈ_¡£ # # Behold, I stand by the well of water; and it shall come to pass, # that when the virgin cometh forth to draw water, and I say to her, # Give me, I pray thee, a little water of thy pitcher to drink; # # unit P GEN:24:44 Ëý_Èô_˵_£¬_Äã_Ö»_¹Ü_ºÈ_£¬_ÎÒ_Ò²_Ϊ_Äã_µÄ_Âæ_ÍÕ_´ò_Ë®_¡£_Ô¸_ÄÇ_Å®_×Ó ¾Í_×÷_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¸ø_ÎÒ_Ö÷_ÈË_¶ù_×Ó_Ëù_Ô¤_¶¨_µÄ_ÆÞ_¡£ # # And she say to me, Both drink thou, and I will also draw for thy # camels: let the same be the woman whom the LORD hath appointed out # for my master's son. # # unit P GEN:24:45 ÎÒ_ÐÄ_Àï_µÄ_»°_»¹_û_ÓÐ_˵_Íê_£¬_Àû_°Ù_¼Ó_¾Í_³ö_À´_£¬_¼ç_Í·_ÉÏ_¿¸_×Å Ë®_Æ¿_£¬_ÏÂ_µ½_¾®_ÅÔ_´ò_Ë®_¡£_ÎÒ_±ã_¶Ô_Ëý_˵_£¬_Çë_Äã_¸ø_ÎÒ_Ë®_ºÈ_¡£ # # And before I had done speaking in mine heart, behold, Rebekah came # forth with her pitcher on her shoulder; and she went down unto the # well, and drew water: and I said unto her, Let me drink, I pray # thee. # # unit P GEN:24:46 Ëý_¾Í_¼±_æ_´Ó_¼ç_Í·_ÉÏ_ÄÃ_ÏÂ_Æ¿_À´_£¬_˵_£¬_Çë_ºÈ_£¬_ÎÒ_Ò²_¸ø_Äã_µÄ Âæ_ÍÕ_ºÈ_¡£_ÎÒ_±ã_ºÈ_ÁË_¡£_Ëý_ÓÖ_¸ø_ÎÒ_µÄ_Âæ_ÍÕ_ºÈ_ÁË_¡£ # # And she made haste, and let down her pitcher from her shoulder, and # said, Drink, and I will give thy camels drink also: so I drank, and # she made the camels drink also. # # unit P GEN:24:47 ÎÒ_ÎÊ_Ëý_˵_£¬_Äã_ÊÇ_Ë­_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_£¬_Ëý_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_ÃÜ_åÈ_Óë_ÄÃ_º×_Ö® ×Ó_±Ë_ÍÁ_Àû_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_¡£_ÎÒ_¾Í_°Ñ_»·_×Ó_´÷_ÔÚ_Ëý_±Ç_×Ó_ÉÏ_£¬_°Ñ_ïí_×Ó ´÷_ÔÚ_Ëý_Á½_ÊÖ_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And I asked her, and said, Whose daughter art thou? And she said, # The daughter of Bethuel, Nahor's son, whom Milcah bare unto him: and # I put the earring upon her face, and the bracelets upon her hands. # # unit P GEN:24:48 Ëæ_ºó_ÎÒ_µÍ_Í·_Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÏÂ_°Ý_£¬_³Æ_ËÌ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÎÒ_Ö÷_ÈË_ÑÇ_²®_À­ º±_µÄ_Éñ_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_Òý_µ¼_ÎÒ_×ß_ºÏ_ʽ_µÄ_µÀ_·_£¬_ʹ_ÎÒ_µÃ_×Å_ÎÒ_Ö÷ ÈË_ÐÖ_µÜ_µÄ_Ëï_Å®_£¬_¸ø_ÎÒ_Ö÷_ÈË_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_Ϊ_ÆÞ_¡£ # # And I bowed down my head, and worshipped the LORD, and blessed the # LORD God of my master Abraham, which had led me in the right way to # take my master's brother's daughter unto his son. # # unit P GEN:24:49 ÏÖ_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_Èô_Ô¸_ÒÔ_´È_°®_³Ï_ʵ_´ý_ÎÒ_Ö÷_ÈË_£¬_¾Í_¸æ_Ëß_ÎÒ_¡£_Èô_²» È»_£¬_Ò²_¸æ_Ëß_ÎÒ_£¬_ʹ_ÎÒ_¿É_ÒÔ_»ò_Ïò_×ó_£¬_»ò_Ïò_ÓÒ_¡£ # # And now if ye will deal kindly and truly with my master, tell me: # and if not, tell me; that I may turn to the right hand, or to the # left. # # unit P GEN:24:50 À­_°à_ºÍ_±Ë_ÍÁ_Àû_»Ø_´ð_˵_£¬_Õâ_ÊÂ_ÄË_³ö_ÓÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_²»_ÄÜ Ïò_Äã_˵_ºÃ_˵_´õ_¡£ # # Then Laban and Bethuel answered and said, The thing proceedeth from # the LORD: we cannot speak unto thee bad or good. # # unit P GEN:24:51 ¿´_ÄÄ_£¬_Àû_°Ù_¼Ó_ÔÚ_Äã_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_¿É_ÒÔ_½«_Ëý_´ø_È¥_£¬_ÕÕ_×Å_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª Ëù_˵_µÄ_£¬_¸ø_Äã_Ö÷_ÈË_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_Ϊ_ÆÞ_¡£ # # Behold, Rebekah is before thee, take her, and go, and let her be thy # master's son's wife, as the LORD hath spoken. # # unit P GEN:24:52 ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_µÄ_ÆÍ_ÈË_Ìý_¼û_Ëû_ÃÇ_Õâ_»°_£¬_¾Í_Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¸©_·ü_ÔÚ_µØ ¡£ # # And it came to pass, that, when Abraham's servant heard their words, # he worshipped the LORD, bowing himself to the earth. # # unit P GEN:24:53 µ±_ÏÂ_ÆÍ_ÈË_ÄÃ_³ö_½ð_Æ÷_£¬_Òø_Æ÷_£¬_ºÍ_ÒÂ_·þ_ËÍ_¸ø_Àû_°Ù_¼Ó_£¬_ÓÖ_½« ±¦_Îï_ËÍ_¸ø_Ëý_¸ç_¸ç_ºÍ_Ëý_ĸ_Ç×_¡£ # # And the servant brought forth jewels of silver, and jewels of gold, # and raiment, and gave them to Rebekah: he gave also to her brother # and to her mother precious things. # # unit P GEN:24:54 ÆÍ_ÈË_ºÍ_¸ú_´Ó_Ëû_µÄ_ÈË_³Ô_ÁË_ºÈ_ÁË_£¬_ס_ÁË_Ò»_Ò¹_¡£_Ôç_³¿_Æð_À´_£¬ ÆÍ_ÈË_¾Í_˵_£¬_Çë_´ò_·¢_ÎÒ_»Ø_ÎÒ_Ö÷_ÈË_ÄÇ_Àï_È¥_°É_¡£ # # And they did eat and drink, he and the men that were with him, and # tarried all night; and they rose up in the morning, and he said, # Send me away unto my master. # # unit P GEN:24:55 Àû_°Ù_¼Ó_µÄ_¸ç_¸ç_ºÍ_Ëý_ĸ_Ç×_˵_£¬_ÈÃ_Å®_×Ó_ͬ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÔÙ_ס_¼¸_Ìì_£¬ ÖÁ_ÉÙ_Ê®_Ìì_£¬_È»_ºó_Ëý_¿É_ÒÔ_È¥_¡£ # # And her brother and her mother said, Let the damsel abide with us a # few days, at the least ten; after that she shall go. # # unit P GEN:24:56 ÆÍ_ÈË_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¼È_´Í_¸ø_ÎÒ_ͨ_´ï_µÄ_µÀ_·_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_²»_Òª_µ¢_Îó ÎÒ_£¬_Çë_´ò_·¢_ÎÒ_×ß_£¬_»Ø_ÎÒ_Ö÷_ÈË_ÄÇ_Àï_È¥_°É_¡£ # # And he said unto them, Hinder me not, seeing the LORD hath prospered # my way; send me away that I may go to my master. # # unit P GEN:24:57 Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_°Ñ_Å®_×Ó_½Ð_À´_ÎÊ_ÎÊ_Ëý_¡£ # # And they said, We will call the damsel, and enquire at her mouth. # # unit P GEN:24:58 ¾Í_½Ð_ÁË_Àû_°Ù_¼Ó_À´_£¬_ÎÊ_Ëý_˵_£¬_Äã_ºÍ_Õâ_ÈË_ͬ_È¥_Âð_£¿_Àû_°Ù_¼Ó ˵_£¬_ÎÒ_È¥_¡£ # # And they called Rebekah, and said unto her, Wilt thou go with this # man? And she said, I will go. # # unit P GEN:24:59 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Ëû_ÃÇ_´ò_·¢_ÃÃ_×Ó_Àû_°Ù_¼Ó_ºÍ_Ëý_µÄ_Èé_ĸ_£¬_ͬ_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_µÄ ÆÍ_ÈË_£¬_²¢_¸ú_´Ó_ÆÍ_ÈË_µÄ_£¬_¶¼_×ß_ÁË_¡£ # # And they sent away Rebekah their sister, and her nurse, and # Abraham's servant, and his men. # # unit P GEN:24:60 Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_¸ø_Àû_°Ù_¼Ó_×£_¸£_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÃÃ_×Ó_°¢_£¬_Ô¸_Äã_×÷_ǧ_Íò ÈË_µÄ_ĸ_¡£_Ô¸_Äã_µÄ_ºó_Òá_µÃ_×Å_³ð_µÐ_µÄ_³Ç_ÃÅ_¡£ # # And they blessed Rebekah, and said unto her, Thou art our sister, be # thou the mother of thousands of millions, and let thy seed possess # the gate of those which hate them. # # unit P GEN:24:61 Àû_°Ù_¼Ó_ºÍ_Ëý_µÄ_ʹ_Å®_ÃÇ_Æð_À´_£¬_Æï_ÉÏ_Âæ_ÍÕ_£¬_¸ú_×Å_ÄÇ_ÆÍ_ÈË_£¬ ÆÍ_ÈË_¾Í_´ø_×Å_Àû_°Ù_¼Ó_×ß_ÁË_¡£ # # And Rebekah arose, and her damsels, and they rode upon the camels, # and followed the man: and the servant took Rebekah, and went his # way. # # unit P GEN:24:62 ÄÇ_ʱ_£¬_ÒÔ_Èö_ס_ÔÚ_ÄÏ_µØ_£¬_¸Õ_´Ó_±Ó_¶ú_À­_º£_À³_»Ø_À´_¡£ # # And Isaac came from the way of the well Lahairoi; for he dwelt in # the south country. # # unit P GEN:24:63 Ìì_½«_Íí_£¬_ÒÔ_Èö_³ö_À´_ÔÚ_Ìï_¼ä_Ĭ_Ïë_£¬_¾Ù_Ä¿_Ò»_¿´_£¬_¼û_À´_ÁË_Щ Âæ_ÍÕ_¡£ # # And Isaac went out to meditate in the field at the eventide: and he # lifted up his eyes, and saw, and, behold, the camels were coming. # # unit P GEN:24:64 Àû_°Ù_¼Ó_¾Ù_Ä¿_¿´_¼û_ÒÔ_Èö_£¬_¾Í_¼±_æ_ÏÂ_ÁË_Âæ_ÍÕ_£¬ # # And Rebekah lifted up her eyes, and when she saw Isaac, she lighted # off the camel. # # unit P GEN:24:65 ÎÊ_ÄÇ_ÆÍ_ÈË_˵_£¬_Õâ_Ìï_¼ä_×ß_À´_Ó­_½Ó_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÊÇ_Ë­_¡£_ÆÍ_ÈË_˵_£¬ ÊÇ_ÎÒ_µÄ_Ö÷_ÈË_¡£_Àû_°Ù_¼Ó_¾Í_ÄÃ_ÅÁ_×Ó_ÃÉ_ÉÏ_Á³_¡£ # # For she had said unto the servant, What man is this that walketh in # the field to meet us? And the servant had said, It is my master: # therefore she took a vail, and covered herself. # # unit P GEN:24:66 ÆÍ_ÈË_¾Í_½«_Ëù_°ì_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_ÊÂ_¶¼_¸æ_Ëß_ÒÔ_Èö_¡£ # # And the servant told Isaac all things that he had done. # # unit P GEN:24:67 ÒÔ_Èö_±ã_Áì_Àû_°Ù_¼Ó_½ø_ÁË_Ëû_ĸ_Ç×_Èö_À­_µÄ_ÕÊ_Åï_£¬_È¢_ÁË_Ëý_Ϊ_ÆÞ £¬_²¢_ÇÒ_°®_Ëý_¡£_ÒÔ_Èö_×Ô_´Ó_Ëû_ĸ_Ç×_²»_ÔÚ_ÁË_£¬_Õâ_²Å_µÃ_ÁË_°²_ο ¡£ # # And Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah's tent, and took # Rebekah, and she became his wife; and he loved her: and Isaac was # comforted after his mother's death. # ## # chapter 25 GEN:25 # unit P GEN:25:1 ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_ÓÖ_È¢_ÁË_Ò»_ÆÞ_£¬_Ãû_½Ð_»ù_ÍÁ_À­_¡£ # # Then again Abraham took a wife, and her name was Keturah. # # unit P GEN:25:2 »ù_ÍÁ_À­_¸ø_Ëû_Éú_ÁË_ÐÄ_À¼_£¬_Ô¼_ɺ_£¬_Ã×_µ«_£¬_Ã×_µé_£¬_ÒÁ_Ê©_°Í_£¬ ºÍ_Êé_ÑÇ_¡£ # # And she bare him Zimran, and Jokshan, and Medan, and Midian, and # Ishbak, and Shuah. # # unit P GEN:25:3 Ô¼_ɺ_Éú_ÁË_ʾ_°Í_ºÍ_µ×_µ«_¡£_µ×_µ«_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_ÊÇ_ÑÇ_Êé_Àû_×å_£¬_Àû_¶¼ ÊÇ_×å_£¬_ºÍ_Àû_ÎÚ_Ã×_×å_¡£ # # And Jokshan begat Sheba, and Dedan. And the sons of Dedan were # Asshurim, and Letushim, and Leummim. # # unit P GEN:25:4 Ã×_µé_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÊÇ_ÒÔ_·¨_£¬_ÒÔ_¸¥_£¬_¹þ_ŵ_£¬_ÑÇ_±È_´ó_£¬_ºÍ_ÒÔ_ÀÕ_´ó ¡£_Õâ_¶¼_ÊÇ_»ù_ÍÁ_À­_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_¡£ # # And the sons of Midian; Ephah, and Epher, and Hanoch, and Abidah, # and Eldaah. All these were the children of Keturah. # # unit P GEN:25:5 ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_½«_Ò»_ÇÐ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_¶¼_¸ø_ÁË_ÒÔ_Èö_¡£ # # And Abraham gave all that he had unto Isaac. # # unit P GEN:25:6 ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_°Ñ_²Æ_Îï_·Ö_¸ø_Ëû_Êü_³ö_µÄ_ÖÚ_×Ó_£¬_³Ã_×Å_×Ô_¼º_»¹_ÔÚ_ÊÀ µÄ_ʱ_ºò_´ò_·¢_Ëû_ÃÇ_Àë_¿ª_Ëû_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_Èö_£¬_Íù_¶«_·½_È¥_¡£ # # But unto the sons of the concubines, which Abraham had, Abraham gave # gifts, and sent them away from Isaac his son, while he yet lived, # eastward, unto the east country. # # unit P GEN:25:7 ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_Ò»_Éú_µÄ_Äê_ÈÕ_ÊÇ_Ò»_°Ù_Æß_Ê®_Îå_Ëê_¡£ # # And these are the days of the years of Abraham's life which he # lived, an hundred threescore and fifteen years. # # unit P GEN:25:8 ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_ÊÙ_¸ß_Äê_Âõ_£¬_Æø_¾ø_¶ø_ËÀ_£¬_¹é_µ½_Ëû_ÁÐ_×æ_£¨_Ô­_ÎÄ_×÷ ±¾_Ãñ_£©_ÄÇ_Àï_¡£ # # Then Abraham gave up the ghost, and died in a good old age, an old # man, and full of years; and was gathered to his people. # # unit P GEN:25:9 Ëû_Á½_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_Èö_£¬_ÒÔ_ʵ_Âê_Àû_°Ñ_Ëû_Âñ_Ôá_ÔÚ_Âó_±È_À­_¶´_Àï_¡£ Õâ_¶´_ÔÚ_á£_Àû_Ç°_£¬_ºÕ_ÈË_Ëö_Ͻ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_¸¥_ÂØ_µÄ_Ìï_ÖÐ_£¬ # # And his sons Isaac and Ishmael buried him in the cave of Machpelah, # in the field of Ephron the son of Zohar the Hittite, which is before # Mamre; # # unit P GEN:25:10 ¾Í_ÊÇ_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_Ïò_ºÕ_ÈË_Âò_µÄ_ÄÇ_¿é_Ìï_¡£_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_ºÍ_Ëû_ÆÞ_×Ó Èö_À­_¶¼_Ôá_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_¡£ # # The field which Abraham purchased of the sons of Heth: there was # Abraham buried, and Sarah his wife. # # unit P GEN:25:11 ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_ËÀ_ÁË_ÒÔ_ºó_£¬_Éñ_´Í_¸£_¸ø_Ëû_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_Èö_¡£_ÒÔ_Èö_¿¿ ½ü_±Ó_¶ú_À­_º£_À³_¾Ó_ס_¡£ # # And it came to pass after the death of Abraham, that God blessed his # son Isaac; and Isaac dwelt by the well Lahairoi. # # unit P GEN:25:12 Èö_À­_µÄ_ʹ_Å®_°£_¼°_ÈË_ÏÄ_¼×_¸ø_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_Ëù_Éú_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÊÇ_ÒÔ_ʵ Âê_Àû_¡£ # # Now these are the generations of Ishmael, Abraham's son, whom Hagar # the Egyptian, Sarah's handmaid, bare unto Abraham: # # unit P GEN:25:13 ÒÔ_ʵ_Âê_Àû_¶ù_×Ó_ÃÇ_µÄ_Ãû_×Ö_£¬_°´_×Å_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_¼Ò_Æ×_¼Ç_ÔÚ_ÏÂ_Ãæ_¡£ ÒÔ_ʵ_Âê_Àû_µÄ_³¤_×Ó_ÊÇ_Äá_°Ý_Ô¼_£¬_ÓÖ_ÓÐ_»ù_´ï_£¬_ÑÇ_µÂ_±ð_£¬_Ã×_±È ÉÀ_£¬ # # And these are the names of the sons of Ishmael, by their names, # according to their generations: the firstborn of Ishmael, Nebajoth; # and Kedar, and Adbeel, and Mibsam, # # unit P GEN:25:14 Ã×_Ê©_Âê_£¬_¶È_Âê_£¬_Âê_Èö_£¬ # # And Mishma, and Dumah, and Massa, # # unit P GEN:25:15 ¹þ_´ó_£¬_Ìá_Âê_£¬_ÒÁ_Í»_£¬_ÄÃ_·Ç_Ê©_£¬_»ù_µ×_Âê_¡£ # # Hadar, and Tema, Jetur, Naphish, and Kedemah: # # unit P GEN:25:16 Õâ_ÊÇ_ÒÔ_ʵ_Âê_Àû_ÖÚ_×Ó_µÄ_Ãû_×Ö_£¬_ÕÕ_×Å_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_´å_ׯ_£¬_Óª_Õ¯_£¬ ×÷_ÁË_Ê®_¶þ_×å_µÄ_×å_³¤_¡£ # # These are the sons of Ishmael, and these are their names, by their # towns, and by their castles; twelve princes according to their # nations. # # unit P GEN:25:17 ÒÔ_ʵ_Âê_Àû_Ïí_ÊÙ_Ò»_°Ù_Èý_Ê®_Æß_Ëê_£¬_Æø_¾ø_¶ø_ËÀ_£¬_¹é_µ½_Ëû_ÁÐ_×æ £¨_Ô­_ÎÄ_×÷_±¾_Ãñ_£©_ÄÇ_Àï_¡£ # # And these are the years of the life of Ishmael, an hundred and # thirty and seven years: and he gave up the ghost and died; and was # gathered unto his people. # # unit P GEN:25:18 Ëû_×Ó_Ëï_µÄ_ס_´¦_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÖÚ_µÜ_ÐÖ_¶«_±ß_£¬_´Ó_¹þ_ëè_À­_Ö±_µ½_°£_¼°_Ç° µÄ_Êé_çí_£¬_Õý_ÔÚ_ÑÇ_Êö_µÄ_µÀ_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And they dwelt from Havilah unto Shur, that is before Egypt, as thou # goest toward Assyria: and he died in the presence of all his # brethren. # # unit P GEN:25:19 ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_Èö_µÄ_ºó_´ú_¼Ç_ÔÚ_ÏÂ_Ãæ_¡£_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_Éú_ÒÔ Èö_¡£ # # And these are the generations of Isaac, Abraham's son: Abraham begat # Isaac: # # unit P GEN:25:20 ÒÔ_Èö_È¢_Àû_°Ù_¼Ó_Ϊ_ÆÞ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_Õý_ËÄ_Ê®_Ëê_¡£_Àû_°Ù_¼Ó_ÊÇ_°Í_µ©_ÑÇ À¼_µØ_µÄ_ÑÇ_À¼_ÈË_±Ë_ÍÁ_Àû_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_£¬_ÊÇ_ÑÇ_À¼_ÈË_À­_°à_µÄ_ÃÃ_×Ó_¡£ # # And Isaac was forty years old when he took Rebekah to wife, the # daughter of Bethuel the Syrian of Padanaram, the sister to Laban the # Syrian. # # unit P GEN:25:21 ÒÔ_Èö_Òò_Ëû_ÆÞ_×Ó_²»_Éú_Óý_£¬_¾Í_Ϊ_Ëý_Æí_Çó_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ó¦ ÔÊ_Ëû_µÄ_Æí_Çó_£¬_Ëû_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_Àû_°Ù_¼Ó_¾Í_»³_ÁË_ÔÐ_¡£ # # And Isaac intreated the LORD for his wife, because she was barren: # and the LORD was intreated of him, and Rebekah his wife conceived. # # unit P GEN:25:22 º¢_×Ó_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_Ëý_¸¹_ÖÐ_±Ë_´Ë_Ïà_Õù_£¬_Ëý_¾Í_˵_£¬_Èô_ÊÇ_Õâ_Ñù_£¬_ÎÒ_Ϊ ʲ_ô_»î_×Å_ÄØ_£¿_£¨_»ò_×÷_ÎÒ_Ϊ_ʲ_ô_Èç_´Ë_ÄØ_£¿_£©_¡£_Ëý_¾Í_È¥_Çó ÎÊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # And the children struggled together within her; and she said, If it # be so, why am I thus? And she went to enquire of the LORD. # # unit P GEN:25:23 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ëý_˵_£¬_Á½_¹ú_ÔÚ_Äã_¸¹_ÄÚ_¡£_Á½_×å_Òª_´Ó_Äã_Éí_ÉÏ_³ö_À´ ¡£_Õâ_×å_±Ø_Ç¿_ÓÚ_ÄÇ_×å_¡£_½«_À´_´ó_µÄ_Òª_·þ_ÊÂ_С_µÄ_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two # manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one # people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall # serve the younger. # # unit P GEN:25:24 Éú_²ú_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_µ½_ÁË_£¬_¸¹_ÖÐ_¹û_È»_ÊÇ_Ë«_×Ó_¡£ # # And when her days to be delivered were fulfilled, behold, there were # twins in her womb. # # unit P GEN:25:25 ÏÈ_²ú_µÄ_Éí_Ìå_·¢_ºì_£¬_»ë_Éí_ÓÐ_ë_£¬_Èç_ͬ_Ƥ_ÒÂ_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_¸ø_Ëû Æð_Ãû_½Ð_ÒÔ_ɨ_£¨_ÒÔ_ɨ_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÓÐ_ë_µÄ_Òâ_˼_£©_¡£ # # And the first came out red, all over like an hairy garment; and they # called his name Esau. # # unit P GEN:25:26 Ëæ_ºó_ÓÖ_Éú_ÁË_ÒÔ_ɨ_µÄ_ÐÖ_µÜ_£¬_ÊÖ_×¥_ס_ÒÔ_ɨ_µÄ_½Å_¸ú_£¬_Òò_´Ë_¸ø Ëû_Æð_Ãû_½Ð_ÑÅ_¸÷_£¨_ÑÅ_¸÷_¾Í_ÊÇ_×¥_ס_µÄ_Òâ_˼_£©_¡£_Àû_°Ù_¼Ó_Éú_Ï Á½_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_ÒÔ_Èö_Äê_Õý_Áù_Ê®_Ëê_¡£ # # And after that came his brother out, and his hand took hold on # Esau's heel; and his name was called Jacob: and Isaac was threescore # years old when she bare them. # # unit P GEN:25:27 Á½_¸ö_º¢_×Ó_½¥_½¥_³¤_´ó_£¬_ÒÔ_ɨ_ÉÆ_ÓÚ_´ò_ÁÔ_£¬_³£_ÔÚ_Ìï_Ò°_¡£_ÑÅ_¸÷ Ϊ_ÈË_°²_¾²_£¬_³£_ס_ÔÚ_ÕÊ_Åï_Àï_¡£ # # And the boys grew: and Esau was a cunning hunter, a man of the # field; and Jacob was a plain man, dwelling in tents. # # unit P GEN:25:28 ÒÔ_Èö_°®_ÒÔ_ɨ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_³£_³Ô_Ëû_µÄ_Ò°_ζ_¡£_Àû_°Ù_¼Ó_È´_°®_ÑÅ_¸÷_¡£ # # And Isaac loved Esau, because he did eat of his venison: but Rebekah # loved Jacob. # # unit P GEN:25:29 ÓÐ_Ò»_Ìì_£¬_ÑÅ_¸÷_°¾_ÌÀ_£¬_ÒÔ_ɨ_´Ó_Ìï_Ò°_»Ø_À´_ÀÛ_»è_ÁË_¡£ # # And Jacob sod pottage: and Esau came from the field, and he was # faint: # # unit P GEN:25:30 ÒÔ_ɨ_¶Ô_ÑÅ_¸÷_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÀÛ_»è_ÁË_£¬_Çó_Äã_°Ñ_Õâ_ºì_ÌÀ_¸ø_ÎÒ_ºÈ_¡£_Òò ´Ë_ÒÔ_ɨ_ÓÖ_½Ð_ÒÔ_¶«_£¨_ÒÔ_¶«_¾Í_ÊÇ_ºì_µÄ_Òâ_˼_£©_¡£ # # And Esau said to Jacob, Feed me, I pray thee, with that same red # pottage; for I am faint: therefore was his name called Edom. # # unit P GEN:25:31 ÑÅ_¸÷_˵_£¬_Äã_½ñ_ÈÕ_°Ñ_³¤_×Ó_µÄ_Ãû_·Ö_Âô_¸ø_ÎÒ_°É_¡£ # # And Jacob said, Sell me this day thy birthright. # # unit P GEN:25:32 ÒÔ_ɨ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_½«_Òª_ËÀ_£¬_Õâ_³¤_×Ó_µÄ_Ãû_·Ö_ÓÚ_ÎÒ_ÓÐ_ʲ_ô_Òæ_´¦_ÄØ £¿ # # And Esau said, Behold, I am at the point to die: and what profit # shall this birthright do to me? # # unit P GEN:25:33 ÑÅ_¸÷_˵_£¬_Äã_½ñ_ÈÕ_¶Ô_ÎÒ_Æð_ÊÄ_°É_¡£_ÒÔ_ɨ_¾Í_¶Ô_Ëû_Æð_ÁË_ÊÄ_£¬_°Ñ ³¤_×Ó_µÄ_Ãû_·Ö_Âô_¸ø_ÑÅ_¸÷_¡£ # # And Jacob said, Swear to me this day; and he sware unto him: and he # sold his birthright unto Jacob. # # unit P GEN:25:34 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_ÑÅ_¸÷_½«_±ý_ºÍ_ºì_¶¹_ÌÀ_¸ø_ÁË_ÒÔ_ɨ_£¬_ÒÔ_ɨ_³Ô_ÁË_ºÈ_ÁË_£¬_±ã Æð_À´_×ß_ÁË_¡£_Õâ_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÒÔ_ɨ_Çá_¿´_ÁË_Ëû_³¤_×Ó_µÄ_Ãû_·Ö_¡£ # # Then Jacob gave Esau bread and pottage of lentiles; and he did eat # and drink, and rose up, and went his way: thus Esau despised his # birthright. # ## # chapter 26 GEN:26 # unit P GEN:26:1 ÔÚ_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_£¬_ÄÇ_µØ_ÓÐ_Ò»_´Î_¼¢_»Ä_¡£_Õâ_ʱ_ÓÖ_ÓÐ_¼¢_»Ä £¬_ÒÔ_Èö_¾Í_Íù_»ù_À­_¶ú_È¥_£¬_µ½_·Ç_Àû_Ê¿_ÈË_µÄ_Íõ_ÑÇ_±È_Ã×_ÀÕ_ÄÇ_Àï ¡£ # # And there was a famine in the land, beside the first famine that was # in the days of Abraham. And Isaac went unto Abimelech king of the # Philistines unto Gerar. # # unit P GEN:26:2 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïò_ÒÔ_Èö_ÏÔ_ÏÖ_£¬_˵_£¬_Äã_²»_Òª_ÏÂ_°£_¼°_È¥_£¬_Òª_ס_ÔÚ_ÎÒ Ëù_Ö¸_ʾ_Äã_µÄ_µØ_¡£ # # And the LORD appeared unto him, and said, Go not down into Egypt; # dwell in the land which I shall tell thee of: # # unit P GEN:26:3 Äã_¼Ä_¾Ó_ÔÚ_Õâ_µØ_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_Óë_Äã_ͬ_ÔÚ_£¬_´Í_¸£_¸ø_Äã_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÎÒ_Òª ½«_Õâ_Щ_µØ_¶¼_´Í_¸ø_Äã_ºÍ_Äã_µÄ_ºó_Òá_¡£_ÎÒ_±Ø_¼á_¶¨_ÎÒ_Ïò_Äã_¸¸_ÑÇ ²®_À­_º±_Ëù_Æð_µÄ_ÊÄ_¡£ # # Sojourn in this land, and I will be with thee, and will bless thee; # for unto thee, and unto thy seed, I will give all these countries, # and I will perform the oath which I sware unto Abraham thy father; # # unit P GEN:26:4 ÎÒ_Òª_¼Ó_Ôö_Äã_µÄ_ºó_Òá_£¬_Ïñ_Ìì_ÉÏ_µÄ_ÐÇ_ÄÇ_Ñù_¶à_£¬_ÓÖ_Òª_½«_Õâ_Щ µØ_¶¼_´Í_¸ø_Äã_µÄ_ºó_Òá_¡£_²¢_ÇÒ_µØ_ÉÏ_Íò_¹ú_±Ø_Òò_Äã_µÄ_ºó_Òá_µÃ_¸£ # # And I will make thy seed to multiply as the stars of heaven, and # will give unto thy seed all these countries; and in thy seed shall # all the nations of the earth be blessed; # # unit P GEN:26:5 ¶¼_Òò_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_Ìý_´Ó_ÎÒ_µÄ_»°_£¬_×ñ_ÊØ_ÎÒ_µÄ_·Ô_¸À_ºÍ_ÎÒ_µÄ_Ãü_Áî £¬_ÂÉ_Àý_£¬_·¨_¶È_¡£ # # Because that Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my # commandments, my statutes, and my laws. # # unit P GEN:26:6 ÒÔ_Èö_¾Í_ס_ÔÚ_»ù_À­_¶ú_¡£ # # And Isaac dwelt in Gerar: # # unit P GEN:26:7 ÄÇ_µØ_·½_µÄ_ÈË_ÎÊ_µ½_Ëû_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_£¬_Ëû_±ã_˵_£¬_ÄÇ_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÃÃ_×Ó_¡£ Ô­_À´_Ëû_ÅÂ_˵_£¬_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_¡£_Ëû_ÐÄ_Àï_Ïë_£¬_¿Ö_ÅÂ_Õâ_µØ_·½_µÄ ÈË_Ϊ_Àû_°Ù_¼Ó_µÄ_Ôµ_¹Ê_ɱ_ÎÒ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ëý_ÈÝ_ò_¿¡_ÃÀ_¡£ # # And the men of the place asked him of his wife; and he said, She is # my sister: for he feared to say, She is my wife; lest, said he, the # men of the place should kill me for Rebekah; because she was fair to # look upon. # # unit P GEN:26:8 Ëû_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_ס_ÁË_Ðí_¾Ã_¡£_ÓÐ_Ò»_Ìì_£¬_·Ç_Àû_Ê¿_ÈË_µÄ_Íõ_ÑÇ_±È_Ã×_ÀÕ ´Ó_´°_»§_Àï_Íù_Íâ_¹Û_¿´_£¬_¼û_ÒÔ_Èö_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_Àû_°Ù_¼Ó_Ï·_Íæ_¡£ # # And it came to pass, when he had been there a long time, that # Abimelech king of the Philistines looked out at a window, and saw, # and, behold, Isaac was sporting with Rebekah his wife. # # unit P GEN:26:9 ÑÇ_±È_Ã×_ÀÕ_ÕÙ_ÁË_ÒÔ_Èö_À´_£¬_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_Ëý_ʵ_ÔÚ_ÊÇ_Äã_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_£¬ Äã_Ôõ_ô_˵_Ëý_ÊÇ_Äã_µÄ_ÃÃ_×Ó_¡£_ÒÔ_Èö_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÐÄ_Àï_Ïë_£¬_¿Ö_ÅÂ_ÎÒ Òò_Ëý_¶ø_ËÀ_¡£ # # And Abimelech called Isaac, and said, Behold, of a surety she is thy # wife: and how saidst thou, She is my sister? And Isaac said unto # him, Because I said, Lest I die for her. # # unit P GEN:26:10 ÑÇ_±È_Ã×_ÀÕ_˵_£¬_Äã_Ïò_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_×÷_µÄ_ÊÇ_ʲ_ô_ÊÂ_ÄØ_£¿_Ãñ_ÖÐ_ÏÕ_Щ_ÓÐ ÈË_ºÍ_Äã_µÄ_ÆÞ_ͬ_ÇÞ_£¬_°Ñ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÏÝ_ÔÚ_×ï_Àï_¡£ # # And Abimelech said, What is this thou hast done unto us? one of the # people might lightly have lien with thy wife, and thou shouldest # have brought guiltiness upon us. # # unit P GEN:26:11 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_ÑÇ_±È_Ã×_ÀÕ_Ïþ_ÚÍ_ÖÚ_Ãñ_˵_£¬_·²_Õ´_×Å_Õâ_¸ö_ÈË_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_Ëû_ÆÞ ×Ó_µÄ_£¬_¶¨_Òª_°Ñ_Ëû_ÖÎ_ËÀ_¡£ # # And Abimelech charged all his people, saying, He that toucheth this # man or his wife shall surely be put to death. # # unit P GEN:26:12 ÒÔ_Èö_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_µØ_¸û_ÖÖ_£¬_ÄÇ_Ò»_Äê_ÓÐ_°Ù_±¶_µÄ_ÊÕ_³É_¡£_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_´Í_¸£ ¸ø_Ëû_£¬ # # Then Isaac sowed in that land, and received in the same year an # hundredfold: and the LORD blessed him. # # unit P GEN:26:13 Ëû_¾Í_²ý_´ó_£¬_ÈÕ_Ôö_ÔÂ_Ê¢_£¬_³É_ÁË_´ó_¸»_»§_¡£ # # And the man waxed great, and went forward, and grew until he became # very great: # # unit P GEN:26:14 Ëû_ÓÐ_Ñò_Ⱥ_Å£_Ⱥ_£¬_ÓÖ_ÓÐ_Ðí_¶à_ÆÍ_ÈË_£¬_·Ç_Àû_Ê¿_ÈË_¾Í_¼µ_¶Ê_Ëû_¡£ # # For he had possession of flocks, and possession of herds, and great # store of servants: and the Philistines envied him. # # unit P GEN:26:15 µ±_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_ÔÚ_ÊÀ_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_£¬_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_µÄ_ÆÍ_ÈË_Ëù_ÍÚ_µÄ ¾®_£¬_·Ç_Àû_Ê¿_ÈË_È«_¶¼_Èû_ס_£¬_Ìî_Âú_ÁË_ÍÁ_¡£ # # For all the wells which his father's servants had digged in the days # of Abraham his father, the Philistines had stopped them, and filled # them with earth. # # unit P GEN:26:16 ÑÇ_±È_Ã×_ÀÕ_¶Ô_ÒÔ_Èö_˵_£¬_Äã_Àë_¿ª_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_È¥_°É_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_Äã_±È_ÎÒ_ÃÇ Ç¿_Ê¢_µÃ_¶à_¡£ # # And Abimelech said unto Isaac, Go from us; for thou art much # mightier than we. # # unit P GEN:26:17 ÒÔ_Èö_¾Í_Àë_¿ª_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_ÔÚ_»ù_À­_¶ú_¹È_Ö§_´î_ÕÊ_Åï_£¬_ס_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_¡£ # # And Isaac departed thence, and pitched his tent in the valley of # Gerar, and dwelt there. # # unit P GEN:26:18 µ±_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_ÔÚ_ÊÀ_Ö®_ÈÕ_Ëù_ÍÚ_µÄ_Ë®_¾®_Òò_·Ç_Àû_Ê¿_ÈË_ÔÚ ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_ËÀ_ºó_Èû_ס_ÁË_£¬_ÒÔ_Èö_¾Í_ÖØ_ÐÂ_ÍÚ_³ö_À´_£¬_ÈÔ_ÕÕ_Ëû_¸¸ Ç×_Ëù_½Ð_µÄ_½Ð_ÄÇ_Щ_¾®_µÄ_Ãû_×Ö_¡£ # # And Isaac digged again the wells of water, which they had digged in # the days of Abraham his father; for the Philistines had stopped them # after the death of Abraham: and he called their names after the # names by which his father had called them. # # unit P GEN:26:19 ÒÔ_Èö_µÄ_ÆÍ_ÈË_ÔÚ_¹È_ÖÐ_ÍÚ_¾®_£¬_±ã_µÃ_ÁË_Ò»_¿Ú_»î_Ë®_¾®_¡£ # # And Isaac's servants digged in the valley, and found there a well of # springing water. # # unit P GEN:26:20 »ù_À­_¶ú_µÄ_ÄÁ_ÈË_Óë_ÒÔ_Èö_µÄ_ÄÁ_ÈË_Õù_¾º_£¬_˵_£¬_Õâ_Ë®_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ ¡£_ÒÔ_Èö_¾Í_¸ø_ÄÇ_¾®_Æð_Ãû_½Ð_°£_É«_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ºÍ_Ëû_Ïà_Õù_£¨_°£ É«_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ïà_Õù_µÄ_Òâ_˼_£©_¡£ # # And the herdmen of Gerar did strive with Isaac's herdmen, saying, # The water is ours: and he called the name of the well Esek; because # they strove with him. # # unit P GEN:26:21 ÒÔ_Èö_µÄ_ÆÍ_ÈË_ÓÖ_ÍÚ_ÁË_Ò»_¿Ú_¾®_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÓÖ_Ϊ_Õâ_¾®_Õù_¾º_£¬_Òò_´Ë ÒÔ_Èö_¸ø_Õâ_¾®_Æð_Ãû_½Ð_Î÷_Ìá_ÄÃ_£¨_Î÷_Ìá_ÄÃ_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ϊ_µÐ_µÄ_Òâ_˼_£© ¡£ # # And they digged another well, and strove for that also: and he # called the name of it Sitnah. # # unit P GEN:26:22 ÒÔ_Èö_Àë_¿ª_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_ÓÖ_ÍÚ_ÁË_Ò»_¿Ú_¾®_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_²»_Ϊ_Õâ_¾®_Õù_¾º_ÁË £¬_Ëû_¾Í_¸ø_ÄÇ_¾®_Æð_Ãû_½Ð_Àû_ºÓ_²®_£¨_¾Í_ÊÇ_¿í_À«_µÄ_Òâ_˼_£©_¡£_Ëû ˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÏÖ_ÔÚ_¸ø_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¿í_À«_Ö®_µØ_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_±Ø_ÔÚ_Õâ_µØ_²ý_Ê¢ ¡£ # # And he removed from thence, and digged another well; and for that # they strove not: and he called the name of it Rehoboth; and he said, # For now the LORD hath made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in # the land. # # unit P GEN:26:23 ÒÔ_Èö_´Ó_ÄÇ_Àï_ÉÏ_±ð_ÊÇ_°Í_È¥_¡£ # # And he went up from thence to Beersheba. # # unit P GEN:26:24 µ±_Ò¹_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïò_Ëû_ÏÔ_ÏÖ_£¬_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Äã_¸¸_Ç×_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_µÄ_Éñ £¬_²»_Òª_¾å_ÅÂ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÎÒ_Óë_Äã_ͬ_ÔÚ_£¬_Òª_´Í_¸£_¸ø_Äã_£¬_²¢_Òª_Ϊ ÎÒ_ÆÍ_ÈË_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_µÄ_Ôµ_¹Ê_£¬_ʹ_Äã_µÄ_ºó_Òá_·±_¶à_¡£ # # And the LORD appeared unto him the same night, and said, I am the # God of Abraham thy father: fear not, for I am with thee, and will # bless thee, and multiply thy seed for my servant Abraham's sake. # # unit P GEN:26:25 ÒÔ_Èö_¾Í_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_Öþ_ÁË_Ò»_×ù_̳_£¬_Çó_¸æ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_Ãû_£¬_²¢_ÇÒ_Ö§ ´î_ÕÊ_Åï_¡£_Ëû_µÄ_ÆÍ_ÈË_±ã_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_ÍÚ_ÁË_Ò»_¿Ú_¾®_¡£ # # And he builded an altar there, and called upon the name of the LORD, # and pitched his tent there: and there Isaac's servants digged a # well. # # unit P GEN:26:26 ÑÇ_±È_Ã×_ÀÕ_£¬_ͬ_Ëû_µÄ_Åó_ÓÑ_ÑÇ_»§_Èö_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_¾ü_³¤_·Ç_¸÷_£¬_´Ó_»ù À­_¶ú_À´_¼û_ÒÔ_Èö_¡£ # # Then Abimelech went to him from Gerar, and Ahuzzath one of his # friends, and Phichol the chief captain of his army. # # unit P GEN:26:27 ÒÔ_Èö_¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¼È_È»_ºÞ_ÎÒ_£¬_´ò_·¢_ÎÒ_×ß_ÁË_£¬_Ϊ_ʲ_ô µ½_ÎÒ_Õâ_Àï_À´_ÄØ_£¿ # # And Isaac said unto them, Wherefore come ye to me, seeing ye hate # me, and have sent me away from you? # # unit P GEN:26:28 Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Ã÷_Ã÷_µØ_¿´_¼û_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Óë_Äã_ͬ_ÔÚ_£¬_±ã_˵_£¬_²» Èç_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Á½_ÏÂ_±Ë_´Ë_Æð_ÊÄ_£¬_±Ë_´Ë_Á¢_Ô¼_£¬ # # And they said, We saw certainly that the LORD was with thee: and we # said, Let there be now an oath betwixt us, even betwixt us and thee, # and let us make a covenant with thee; # # unit P GEN:26:29 ʹ_Äã_²»_º¦_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_£¬_Õý_Èç_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_δ_Ôø_º¦_Äã_£¬_Ò»_ζ_µØ_ºñ_´ý_Äã_£¬ ²¢_ÇÒ_´ò_·¢_Äã_ƽ_ƽ_°²_°²_µØ_×ß_¡£_Äã_ÊÇ_ÃÉ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_´Í_¸£_µÄ_ÁË_¡£ # # That thou wilt do us no hurt, as we have not touched thee, and as we # have done unto thee nothing but good, and have sent thee away in # peace: thou art now the blessed of the LORD. # # unit P GEN:26:30 ÒÔ_Èö_¾Í_Ϊ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Éè_°Ú_óÛ_ϯ_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_±ã_³Ô_ÁË_ºÈ_ÁË_¡£ # # And he made them a feast, and they did eat and drink. # # unit P GEN:26:31 Ëû_ÃÇ_Çå_Ôç_Æð_À´_±Ë_´Ë_Æð_ÊÄ_¡£_ÒÔ_Èö_´ò_·¢_Ëû_ÃÇ_×ß_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_ƽ ƽ_°²_°²_µØ_Àë_¿ª_Ëû_×ß_ÁË_¡£ # # And they rose up betimes in the morning, and sware one to another: # and Isaac sent them away, and they departed from him in peace. # # unit P GEN:26:32 ÄÇ_Ò»_Ìì_£¬_ÒÔ_Èö_µÄ_ÆÍ_ÈË_À´_£¬_½«_ÍÚ_¾®_µÄ_ÊÂ_¸æ_Ëß_Ëû_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ µÃ_ÁË_Ë®_ÁË_¡£ # # And it came to pass the same day, that Isaac's servants came, and # told him concerning the well which they had digged, and said unto # him, We have found water. # # unit P GEN:26:33 Ëû_¾Í_¸ø_ÄÇ_¾®_Æð_Ãû_½Ð_ʾ_°Í_¡£_Òò_´Ë_ÄÇ_³Ç_½Ð_×÷_±ð_ÊÇ_°Í_£¬_Ö±_µ½ ½ñ_ÈÕ_¡£ # # And he called it Shebah: therefore the name of the city is Beersheba # unto this day. # # unit P GEN:26:34 ÒÔ_ɨ_ËÄ_Ê®_Ëê_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_È¢_ÁË_ºÕ_ÈË_±È_Àû_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_ÓÌ_µÎ_£¬_Óë_ºÕ_ÈË ÒÔ_Â×_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_°Í_ʵ_Ĩ_Ϊ_ÆÞ_¡£ # # And Esau was forty years old when he took to wife Judith the # daughter of Beeri the Hittite, and Bashemath the daughter of Elon # the Hittite: # # unit P GEN:26:35 Ëý_ÃÇ_³£_ʹ_ÒÔ_Èö_ºÍ_Àû_°Ù_¼Ó_ÐÄ_Àï_³î_·³_¡£ # # Which were a grief of mind unto Isaac and to Rebekah. # ## # chapter 27 GEN:27 # unit P GEN:27:1 ÒÔ_Èö_Äê_ÀÏ_£¬_ÑÛ_¾¦_»è_»¨_£¬_²»_ÄÜ_¿´_¼û_£¬_¾Í_½Ð_ÁË_Ëû_´ó_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ É¨_À´_£¬_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_¶ù_£¬_ÒÔ_ɨ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÔÚ_Õâ_Àï_¡£ # # And it came to pass, that when Isaac was old, and his eyes were dim, # so that he could not see, he called Esau his eldest son, and said # unto him, My son: and he said unto him, Behold, here am I. # # unit P GEN:27:2 Ëû_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Èç_½ñ_ÀÏ_ÁË_£¬_²»_Öª_µÀ_ÄÄ_Ò»_Ìì_ËÀ_¡£ # # And he said, Behold now, I am old, I know not the day of my death: # # unit P GEN:27:3 ÏÖ_ÔÚ_ÄÃ_Äã_µÄ_Æ÷_е_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_¼ý_ÄÒ_ºÍ_¹­_£¬_Íù_Ìï_Ò°_È¥_Ϊ_ÎÒ_´ò_ÁÔ £¬ # # Now therefore take, I pray thee, thy weapons, thy quiver and thy # bow, and go out to the field, and take me some venison; # # unit P GEN:27:4 ÕÕ_ÎÒ_Ëù_°®_µÄ_×÷_³É_ÃÀ_ζ_£¬_ÄÃ_À´_¸ø_ÎÒ_³Ô_£¬_ʹ_ÎÒ_ÔÚ_δ_ËÀ_Ö®_ÏÈ ¸ø_Äã_×£_¸£_¡£ # # And make me savoury meat, such as I love, and bring it to me, that I # may eat; that my soul may bless thee before I die. # # unit P GEN:27:5 ÒÔ_Èö_¶Ô_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_ɨ_˵_»°_£¬_Àû_°Ù_¼Ó_Ò²_Ìý_¼û_ÁË_¡£_ÒÔ_ɨ_Íù_Ìï Ò°_È¥_´ò_ÁÔ_£¬_Òª_µÃ_Ò°_ζ_´ø_À´_¡£ # # And Rebekah heard when Isaac spake to Esau his son. And Esau went to # the field to hunt for venison, and to bring it. # # unit P GEN:27:6 Àû_°Ù_¼Ó_¾Í_¶Ô_Ëý_¶ù_×Ó_ÑÅ_¸÷_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Ìý_¼û_Äã_¸¸_Ç×_¶Ô_Äã_¸ç_¸ç_ÒÔ É¨_˵_£¬ # # And Rebekah spake unto Jacob her son, saying, Behold, I heard thy # father speak unto Esau thy brother, saying, # # unit P GEN:27:7 Äã_È¥_°Ñ_Ò°_ÊÞ_´ø_À´_£¬_×÷_³É_ÃÀ_ζ_¸ø_ÎÒ_³Ô_£¬_ÎÒ_ºÃ_ÔÚ_δ_ËÀ_Ö®_ÏÈ £¬_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_¸ø_Äã_×£_¸£_¡£ # # Bring me venison, and make me savoury meat, that I may eat, and # bless thee before the LORD before my death. # # unit P GEN:27:8 ÏÖ_ÔÚ_£¬_ÎÒ_¶ù_£¬_Äã_Òª_ÕÕ_×Å_ÎÒ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Äã_µÄ_£¬_Ìý_´Ó_ÎÒ_µÄ_»°_¡£ # # Now therefore, my son, obey my voice according to that which I # command thee. # # unit P GEN:27:9 Äã_µ½_Ñò_Ⱥ_Àï_È¥_£¬_¸ø_ÎÒ_ÄÃ_Á½_Ö»_·Ê_ɽ_Ñò_¸á_À´_£¬_ÎÒ_±ã_ÕÕ_Äã_¸¸ Ç×_Ëù_°®_µÄ_¸ø_Ëû_×÷_³É_ÃÀ_ζ_¡£ # # Go now to the flock, and fetch me from thence two good kids of the # goats; and I will make them savoury meat for thy father, such as he # loveth: # # unit P GEN:27:10 Äã_ÄÃ_µ½_Äã_¸¸_Ç×_ÄÇ_Àï_¸ø_Ëû_³Ô_£¬_ʹ_Ëû_ÔÚ_δ_ËÀ_Ö®_ÏÈ_¸ø_Äã_×£_¸£ ¡£ # # And thou shalt bring it to thy father, that he may eat, and that he # may bless thee before his death. # # unit P GEN:27:11 ÑÅ_¸÷_¶Ô_Ëû_ĸ_Ç×_Àû_°Ù_¼Ó_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_¸ç_¸ç_ÒÔ_ɨ_»ë_Éí_ÊÇ_ÓÐ_ë_µÄ_£¬ ÎÒ_Éí_ÉÏ_ÊÇ_¹â_»¬_µÄ_¡£ # # And Jacob said to Rebekah his mother, Behold, Esau my brother is a # hairy man, and I am a smooth man: # # unit P GEN:27:12 ÌÈ_Èô_ÎÒ_¸¸_Ç×_Ãþ_×Å_ÎÒ_£¬_±Ø_ÒÔ_ÎÒ_Ϊ_ÆÛ_ºå_ÈË_µÄ_£¬_ÎÒ_¾Í_ÕÐ_Öä_×ç £¬_²»_µÃ_×£_¸£_¡£ # # My father peradventure will feel me, and I shall seem to him as a # deceiver; and I shall bring a curse upon me, and not a blessing. # # unit P GEN:27:13 Ëû_ĸ_Ç×_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_¶ù_£¬_Äã_ÕÐ_µÄ_Öä_×ç_¹é_µ½_ÎÒ_Éí_ÉÏ_¡£_Äã_Ö» ¹Ü_Ìý_ÎÒ_µÄ_»°_£¬_È¥_°Ñ_Ñò_¸á_¸ø_ÎÒ_ÄÃ_À´_¡£ # # And his mother said unto him, Upon me be thy curse, my son: only # obey my voice, and go fetch me them. # # unit P GEN:27:14 Ëû_±ã_È¥_ÄÃ_À´_£¬_½»_¸ø_Ëû_ĸ_Ç×_¡£_Ëû_ĸ_Ç×_¾Í_ÕÕ_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_Ëù_°®_µÄ ×÷_³É_ÃÀ_ζ_¡£ # # And he went, and fetched, and brought them to his mother: and his # mother made savoury meat, such as his father loved. # # unit P GEN:27:15 Àû_°Ù_¼Ó_ÓÖ_°Ñ_¼Ò_Àï_Ëù_´æ_´ó_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_ɨ_ÉÏ_ºÃ_µÄ_ÒÂ_·þ_¸ø_Ëû_С_¶ù ×Ó_ÑÅ_¸÷_´©_ÉÏ_£¬ # # And Rebekah took goodly raiment of her eldest son Esau, which were # with her in the house, and put them upon Jacob her younger son: # # unit P GEN:27:16 ÓÖ_ÓÃ_ɽ_Ñò_¸á_Ƥ_°ü_ÔÚ_ÑÅ_¸÷_µÄ_ÊÖ_ÉÏ_ºÍ_¾±_Ïî_µÄ_¹â_»¬_´¦_£¬ # # And she put the skins of the kids of the goats upon his hands, and # upon the smooth of his neck: # # unit P GEN:27:17 ¾Í_°Ñ_Ëù_×÷_µÄ_ÃÀ_ζ_ºÍ_±ý_½»_ÔÚ_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_ÑÅ_¸÷_µÄ_ÊÖ_Àï_¡£ # # And she gave the savoury meat and the bread, which she had prepared, # into the hand of her son Jacob. # # unit P GEN:27:18 ÑÅ_¸÷_µ½_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_ÄÇ_Àï_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_¸¸_Ç×_¡£_Ëû_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÔÚ_Õâ_Àï_¡£_ÎÒ ¶ù_£¬_Äã_ÊÇ_Ë­_¡£ # # And he came unto his father, and said, My father: and he said, Here # am I; who art thou, my son? # # unit P GEN:27:19 ÑÅ_¸÷_¶Ô_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Äã_µÄ_³¤_×Ó_ÒÔ_ɨ_¡£_ÎÒ_ÒÑ_ÕÕ_Äã_Ëù_·Ô ¸À_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÐÐ_ÁË_¡£_Çë_Æð_À´_×ø_×Å_£¬_³Ô_ÎÒ_µÄ_Ò°_ζ_£¬_ºÃ_¸ø_ÎÒ_×£_¸£ ¡£ # # And Jacob said unto his father, I am Esau thy first born; I have # done according as thou badest me: arise, I pray thee, sit and eat of # my venison, that thy soul may bless me. # # unit P GEN:27:20 ÒÔ_Èö_¶Ô_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_¶ù_£¬_Äã_Èç_ºÎ_ÕÒ_µÃ_Õâ_ô_¿ì_ÄØ_£¿_Ëû_˵ £¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_ʹ_ÎÒ_Óö_¼û_ºÃ_»ú_»á_µÃ_×Å_µÄ_¡£ # # And Isaac said unto his son, How is it that thou hast found it so # quickly, my son? And he said, Because the LORD thy God brought it to # me. # # unit P GEN:27:21 ÒÔ_Èö_¶Ô_ÑÅ_¸÷_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_¶ù_£¬_Äã_½ü_Ç°_À´_£¬_ÎÒ_Ãþ_Ãþ_Äã_£¬_Öª_µÀ_Äã Õæ_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_ɨ_²»_ÊÇ_¡£ # # And Isaac said unto Jacob, Come near, I pray thee, that I may feel # thee, my son, whether thou be my very son Esau or not. # # unit P GEN:27:22 ÑÅ_¸÷_¾Í_°¤_½ü_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_ÒÔ_Èö_¡£_ÒÔ_Èö_Ãþ_×Å_Ëû_£¬_˵_£¬_Éù_Òô_ÊÇ_ÑÅ ¸÷_µÄ_Éù_Òô_£¬_ÊÖ_È´_ÊÇ_ÒÔ_ɨ_µÄ_ÊÖ_¡£ # # And Jacob went near unto Isaac his father; and he felt him, and # said, The voice is Jacob's voice, but the hands are the hands of # Esau. # # unit P GEN:27:23 ÒÔ_Èö_¾Í_±æ_²»_³ö_Ëû_À´_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_ÊÖ_ÉÏ_ÓÐ_ë_£¬_Ïñ_Ëû_¸ç_¸ç_ÒÔ_ɨ µÄ_ÊÖ_Ò»_Ñù_£¬_¾Í_¸ø_Ëû_×£_¸£_¡£ # # And he discerned him not, because his hands were hairy, as his # brother Esau's hands: so he blessed him. # # unit P GEN:27:24 ÓÖ_˵_£¬_Äã_Õæ_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_ɨ_Âð_£¿_Ëû_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_¡£ # # And he said, Art thou my very son Esau? And he said, I am. # # unit P GEN:27:25 ÒÔ_Èö_˵_£¬_Äã_µÝ_¸ø_ÎÒ_£¬_ÎÒ_ºÃ_³Ô_ÎÒ_¶ù_×Ó_µÄ_Ò°_ζ_£¬_¸ø_Äã_×£_¸£ ¡£_ÑÅ_¸÷_¾Í_µÝ_¸ø_Ëû_£¬_Ëû_±ã_³Ô_ÁË_£¬_ÓÖ_ÄÃ_¾Æ_¸ø_Ëû_£¬_Ëû_Ò²_ºÈ_ÁË ¡£ # # And he said, Bring it near to me, and I will eat of my son's # venison, that my soul may bless thee. And he brought it near to him, # and he did eat: and he brought him wine, and he drank. # # unit P GEN:27:26 Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_ÒÔ_Èö_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_¶ù_£¬_Äã_ÉÏ_Ç°_À´_Óë_ÎÒ_Ç×_×ì_¡£ # # And his father Isaac said unto him, Come near now, and kiss me, my # son. # # unit P GEN:27:27 Ëû_¾Í_ÉÏ_Ç°_Óë_¸¸_Ç×_Ç×_×ì_¡£_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_Ò»_ÎÅ_Ëû_ÒÂ_·þ_ÉÏ_µÄ_Ïã_Æø_£¬ ¾Í_¸ø_Ëû_×£_¸£_£¬_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_¶ù_µÄ_Ïã_Æø_Èç_ͬ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_´Í_¸£_Ö®_Ìï_µØ µÄ_Ïã_Æø_Ò»_Ñù_¡£ # # And he came near, and kissed him: and he smelled the smell of his # raiment, and blessed him, and said, See, the smell of my son is as # the smell of a field which the LORD hath blessed: # # unit P GEN:27:28 Ô¸_Éñ_´Í_Äã_Ìì_ÉÏ_µÄ_¸Ê_¶_£¬_µØ_ÉÏ_µÄ_·Ê_ÍÁ_£¬_²¢_Ðí_¶à_Îå_¹È_ÐÂ_¾Æ ¡£ # # Therefore God give thee of the dew of heaven, and the fatness of the # earth, and plenty of corn and wine: # # unit P GEN:27:29 Ô¸_¶à_Ãñ_ÊÂ_·î_Äã_£¬_¶à_¹ú_¹ò_°Ý_Äã_¡£_Ô¸_Äã_×÷_Äã_µÜ_ÐÖ_µÄ_Ö÷_¡£_Äã ĸ_Ç×_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_Ïò_Äã_¹ò_°Ý_¡£_·²_Öä_×ç_Äã_µÄ_£¬_Ô¸_Ëû_ÊÜ_Öä_×ç_¡£_Ϊ Äã_×£_¸£_µÄ_£¬_Ô¸_Ëû_ÃÉ_¸£_¡£ # # Let people serve thee, and nations bow down to thee: be lord over # thy brethren, and let thy mother's sons bow down to thee: cursed be # every one that curseth thee, and blessed be he that blesseth thee. # # unit P GEN:27:30 ÒÔ_Èö_Ϊ_ÑÅ_¸÷_×£_¸£_ÒÑ_±Ï_£¬_ÑÅ_¸÷_´Ó_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_ÄÇ_Àï_²Å_³ö_À´_£¬_Ëû ¸ç_¸ç_ÒÔ_ɨ_Õý_´ò_ÁÔ_»Ø_À´_£¬ # # And it came to pass, as soon as Isaac had made an end of blessing # Jacob, and Jacob was yet scarce gone out from the presence of Isaac # his father, that Esau his brother came in from his hunting. # # unit P GEN:27:31 Ò²_×÷_ÁË_ÃÀ_ζ_£¬_ÄÃ_À´_¸ø_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_£¬_˵_£¬_Çë_¸¸_Ç×_Æð_À´_£¬_³Ô_Äã ¶ù_×Ó_µÄ_Ò°_ζ_£¬_ºÃ_¸ø_ÎÒ_×£_¸£_¡£ # # And he also had made savoury meat, and brought it unto his father, # and said unto his father, Let my father arise, and eat of his son's # venison, that thy soul may bless me. # # unit P GEN:27:32 Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_ÒÔ_Èö_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_Äã_ÊÇ_Ë­_£¿_Ëû_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Äã_µÄ_³¤_×Ó_ÒÔ É¨_¡£ # # And Isaac his father said unto him, Who art thou? And he said, I am # thy son, thy firstborn Esau. # # unit P GEN:27:33 ÒÔ_Èö_¾Í_´ó_´ó_µØ_Õ½_¾¤_£¬_˵_£¬_Äã_δ_À´_Ö®_ÏÈ_£¬_ÊÇ_Ë­_µÃ_ÁË_Ò°_ζ ÄÃ_À´_¸ø_ÎÒ_ÄØ_£¿_ÎÒ_ÒÑ_¾­_³Ô_ÁË_£¬_Ϊ_Ëû_×£_¸£_¡£_Ëû_½«_À´_Ò²_±Ø_ÃÉ ¸£_¡£ # # And Isaac trembled very exceedingly, and said, Who? where is he that # hath taken venison, and brought it me, and I have eaten of all # before thou camest, and have blessed him? yea, and he shall be # blessed. # # unit P GEN:27:34 ÒÔ_ɨ_Ìý_ÁË_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_µÄ_»°_£¬_¾Í_·Å_Éù_Í´_¿Þ_£¬_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_¸¸_°¢_£¬_Çó Äã_Ò²_Ϊ_ÎÒ_×£_¸£_¡£ # # And when Esau heard the words of his father, he cried with a great # and exceeding bitter cry, and said unto his father, Bless me, even # me also, O my father. # # unit P GEN:27:35 ÒÔ_Èö_˵_£¬_Äã_ÐÖ_µÜ_ÒÑ_¾­_ÓÃ_¹î_¼Æ_À´_½«_Äã_µÄ_¸£_·Ö_¶á_È¥_ÁË_¡£ # # And he said, Thy brother came with subtilty, and hath taken away thy # blessing. # # unit P GEN:27:36 ÒÔ_ɨ_˵_£¬_Ëû_Ãû_ÑÅ_¸÷_£¬_Æñ_²»_ÊÇ_Õý_¶Ô_Âð_£¿_Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_ÆÛ_Æ­_ÁË_ÎÒ Á½_´Î_¡£_Ëû_´Ó_Ç°_¶á_ÁË_ÎÒ_³¤_×Ó_µÄ_Ãû_·Ö_£¬_Äã_¿´_£¬_Ëû_ÏÖ_ÔÚ_ÓÖ_¶á ÁË_ÎÒ_µÄ_¸£_·Ö_¡£_ÒÔ_ɨ_ÓÖ_˵_£¬_Äã_û_ÓÐ_Áô_ÏÂ_Ϊ_ÎÒ_¿É_×£_µÄ_¸£_Â𠣿 # # And he said, Is not he rightly named Jacob? for he hath supplanted # me these two times: he took away my birthright; and, behold, now he # hath taken away my blessing. And he said, Hast thou not reserved a # blessing for me? # # unit P GEN:27:37 ÒÔ_Èö_»Ø_´ð_ÒÔ_ɨ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÒÑ_Á¢_Ëû_Ϊ_Äã_µÄ_Ö÷_£¬_ʹ_Ëû_µÄ_µÜ_ÐÖ_¶¼ ¸ø_Ëû_×÷_ÆÍ_ÈË_£¬_²¢_´Í_Ëû_Îå_¹È_ÐÂ_¾Æ_¿É_ÒÔ_Ñø_Éú_¡£_ÎÒ_¶ù_£¬_ÏÖ_ÔÚ ÎÒ_»¹_ÄÜ_Ϊ_Äã_×÷_ʲ_ô_ÄØ_£¿ # # And Isaac answered and said unto Esau, Behold, I have made him thy # lord, and all his brethren have I given to him for servants; and # with corn and wine have I sustained him: and what shall I do now # unto thee, my son? # # unit P GEN:27:38 ÒÔ_ɨ_¶Ô_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_˵_£¬_¸¸_°¢_£¬_Äã_Ö»_ÓÐ_Ò»_Ñù_¿É_×£_µÄ_¸£_Âð_£¿_ÎÒ ¸¸_°¢_£¬_Çó_Äã_Ò²_Ϊ_ÎÒ_×£_¸£_¡£_ÒÔ_ɨ_¾Í_·Å_Éù_¶ø_¿Þ_¡£ # # And Esau said unto his father, Hast thou but one blessing, my # father? bless me, even me also, O my father. And Esau lifted up his # voice, and wept. # # unit P GEN:27:39 Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_ÒÔ_Èö_˵_£¬_µØ_ÉÏ_µÄ_·Ê_ÍÁ_±Ø_Ϊ_Äã_Ëù_ס_¡£_Ìì_ÉÏ_µÄ_¸Ê_¶ ±Ø_Ϊ_Äã_Ëù_µÃ_¡£ # # And Isaac his father answered and said unto him, Behold, thy # dwelling shall be the fatness of the earth, and of the dew of heaven # from above; # # unit P GEN:27:40 Äã_±Ø_ÒÐ_¿¿_µ¶_½£_¶È_ÈÕ_£¬_ÓÖ_±Ø_ÊÂ_·î_Äã_µÄ_ÐÖ_µÜ_¡£_µ½_Äã_Ç¿_Ê¢_µÄ ʱ_ºò_£¬_±Ø_´Ó_Äã_¾±_Ïî_ÉÏ_Õõ_¿ª_Ëû_µÄ_éî_¡£ # # And by thy sword shalt thou live, and shalt serve thy brother; and # it shall come to pass when thou shalt have the dominion, that thou # shalt break his yoke from off thy neck. # # unit P GEN:27:41 ÒÔ_ɨ_Òò_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_¸ø_ÑÅ_¸÷_×£_µÄ_¸£_£¬_¾Í_Ô¹_ºÞ_ÑÅ_¸÷_£¬_ÐÄ_Àï_˵_£¬ Ϊ_ÎÒ_¸¸_Ç×_¾Ó_É¥_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_½ü_ÁË_£¬_µ½_ÄÇ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_ɱ_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÐÖ µÜ_ÑÅ_¸÷_¡£ # # And Esau hated Jacob because of the blessing wherewith his father # blessed him: and Esau said in his heart, The days of mourning for my # father are at hand; then will I slay my brother Jacob. # # unit P GEN:27:42 ÓÐ_ÈË_°Ñ_Àû_°Ù_¼Ó_´ó_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_ɨ_µÄ_»°_¸æ_Ëß_Àû_°Ù_¼Ó_£¬_Ëý_¾Í_´ò_·¢ ÈË_È¥_£¬_½Ð_ÁË_Ëý_С_¶ù_×Ó_ÑÅ_¸÷_À´_£¬_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_Äã_¸ç_¸ç_ÒÔ_ɨ_Ïë Òª_ɱ_Äã_£¬_±¨_³ð_Ñ©_ºÞ_¡£ # # And these words of Esau her elder son were told to Rebekah: and she # sent and called Jacob her younger son, and said unto him, Behold, # thy brother Esau, as touching thee, doth comfort himself, purposing # to kill thee. # # unit P GEN:27:43 ÏÖ_ÔÚ_£¬_ÎÒ_¶ù_£¬_Äã_Òª_Ìý_ÎÒ_µÄ_»°_£¬_Æð_À´_£¬_ÌÓ_Íù_¹þ_À¼_£¬_ÎÒ_¸ç ¸ç_À­_°à_ÄÇ_Àï_È¥_£¬ # # Now therefore, my son, obey my voice; and arise, flee thou to Laban # my brother to Haran; # # unit P GEN:27:44 ͬ_Ëû_ס_Щ_ÈÕ_×Ó_£¬_Ö±_µÈ_Äã_¸ç_¸ç_µÄ_Å­_Æø_Ïû_ÁË_¡£ # # And tarry with him a few days, until thy brother's fury turn away; # # unit P GEN:27:45 Äã_¸ç_¸ç_Ïò_Äã_Ïû_ÁË_Å­_Æø_£¬_Íü_ÁË_Äã_Ïò_Ëû_Ëù_×÷_µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬_ÎÒ_±ã_´ò ·¢_ÈË_È¥_°Ñ_Äã_´Ó_ÄÇ_Àï_´ø_»Ø_À´_¡£_Ϊ_ʲ_ô_Ò»_ÈÕ_É¥_Äã_ÃÇ_¶þ_ÈË_ÄØ £¿ # # Until thy brother's anger turn away from thee, and he forget that # which thou hast done to him: then I will send, and fetch thee from # thence: why should I be deprived also of you both in one day? # # unit P GEN:27:46 Àû_°Ù_¼Ó_¶Ô_ÒÔ_Èö_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Òò_Õâ_ºÕ_ÈË_µÄ_Å®_×Ó_Á¬_ÐÔ_Ãü_¶¼_Ñá_·³_ÁË ¡£_ÌÈ_Èô_ÑÅ_¸÷_Ò²_È¢_ºÕ_ÈË_µÄ_Å®_×Ó_Ϊ_ÆÞ_£¬_Ïñ_Õâ_Щ_Ò»_Ñù_£¬_ÎÒ_»î ×Å_»¹_ÓÐ_ʲ_ô_Òæ_´¦_ÄØ_£¿ # # And Rebekah said to Isaac, I am weary of my life because of the # daughters of Heth: if Jacob take a wife of the daughters of Heth, # such as these which are of the daughters of the land, what good # shall my life do me? # ## # chapter 28 GEN:28 # unit P GEN:28:1 ÒÔ_Èö_½Ð_ÁË_ÑÅ_¸÷_À´_£¬_¸ø_Ëû_×£_¸£_£¬_²¢_Öö_¸À_Ëû_˵_£¬_Äã_²»_Òª_È¢ åÈ_ÄÏ_µÄ_Å®_×Ó_Ϊ_ÆÞ_¡£ # # And Isaac called Jacob, and blessed him, and charged him, and said # unto him, Thou shalt not take a wife of the daughters of Canaan. # # unit P GEN:28:2 Äã_Æð_Éí_Íù_°Í_µ©_ÑÇ_À¼_È¥_£¬_µ½_Äã_Íâ_×æ_±Ë_ÍÁ_Àû_¼Ò_Àï_£¬_ÔÚ_Äã_ĸ ¾Ë_À­_°à_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_ÖÐ_È¢_Ò»_Å®_Ϊ_ÆÞ_¡£ # # Arise, go to Padanaram, to the house of Bethuel thy mother's father; # and take thee a wife from thence of the daughters of Laban thy # mother's brother. # # unit P GEN:28:3 Ô¸_È«_ÄÜ_µÄ_Éñ_´Í_¸£_¸ø_Äã_£¬_ʹ_Äã_Éú_Ñø_ÖÚ_¶à_£¬_³É_Ϊ_¶à_×å_£¬ # # And God Almighty bless thee, and make thee fruitful, and multiply # thee, that thou mayest be a multitude of people; # # unit P GEN:28:4 ½«_Ó¦_Ðí_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_µÄ_¸£_´Í_¸ø_Äã_ºÍ_Äã_µÄ_ºó_Òá_£¬_ʹ_Äã_³Ð_ÊÜ_Äã Ëù_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_µØ_Ϊ_Òµ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Éñ_´Í_¸ø_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_µÄ_µØ_¡£ # # And give thee the blessing of Abraham, to thee, and to thy seed with # thee; that thou mayest inherit the land wherein thou art a stranger, # which God gave unto Abraham. # # unit P GEN:28:5 ÒÔ_Èö_´ò_·¢_ÑÅ_¸÷_×ß_ÁË_£¬_Ëû_¾Í_Íù_°Í_µ©_ÑÇ_À¼_È¥_£¬_µ½_ÑÇ_À¼_ÈË_±Ë ÍÁ_Àû_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_À­_°à_ÄÇ_Àï_¡£_À­_°à_ÊÇ_ÑÅ_¸÷_£¬_ÒÔ_ɨ_µÄ_ĸ_¾Ë_¡£ # # And Isaac sent away Jacob: and he went to Padanaram unto Laban, son # of Bethuel the Syrian, the brother of Rebekah, Jacob's and Esau's # mother. # # unit P GEN:28:6 ÒÔ_ɨ_¼û_ÒÔ_Èö_ÒÑ_¾­_¸ø_ÑÅ_¸÷_×£_¸£_£¬_¶ø_ÇÒ_´ò_·¢_Ëû_Íù_°Í_µ©_ÑÇ_À¼ È¥_£¬_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_È¢_ÆÞ_£¬_²¢_¼û_×£_¸£_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_Öö_¸À_Ëû_˵_£¬_²»_Òª_È¢ åÈ_ÄÏ_µÄ_Å®_×Ó_Ϊ_ÆÞ_£¬ # # When Esau saw that Isaac had blessed Jacob, and sent him away to # Padanaram, to take him a wife from thence; and that as he blessed # him he gave him a charge, saying, Thou shalt not take a wife of the # daughters of Canaan; # # unit P GEN:28:7 ÓÖ_¼û_ÑÅ_¸÷_Ìý_´Ó_¸¸_ĸ_µÄ_»°_Íù_°Í_µ©_ÑÇ_À¼_È¥_ÁË_£¬ # # And that Jacob obeyed his father and his mother, and was gone to # Padanaram; # # unit P GEN:28:8 ÒÔ_ɨ_¾Í_Ïþ_µÃ_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_ÒÔ_Èö_¿´_²»_ÖÐ_åÈ_ÄÏ_µÄ_Å®_×Ó_£¬ # # And Esau seeing that the daughters of Canaan pleased not Isaac his # father; # # unit P GEN:28:9 ±ã_Íù_ÒÔ_ʵ_Âê_Àû_ÄÇ_Àï_È¥_£¬_ÔÚ_Ëû_¶þ_ÆÞ_Ö®_Íâ_ÓÖ_È¢_ÁË_Âê_¹þ_À­_Ϊ ÆÞ_¡£_Ëû_ÊÇ_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_ʵ_Âê_Àû_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_£¬_Äá_°Ý_Ô¼_µÄ_Ãà ×Ó_¡£ # # Then went Esau unto Ishmael, and took unto the wives which he had # Mahalath the daughter of Ishmael Abraham's son, the sister of # Nebajoth, to be his wife. # # unit P GEN:28:10 ÑÅ_¸÷_³ö_ÁË_±ð_ÊÇ_°Í_£¬_Ïò_¹þ_À¼_×ß_È¥_¡£ # # And Jacob went out from Beersheba, and went toward Haran. # # unit P GEN:28:11 µ½_ÁË_Ò»_¸ö_µØ_·½_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ì«_Ñô_Âä_ÁË_£¬_¾Í_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_ס_ËÞ_£¬_±ã_Ê° Æð_ÄÇ_µØ_·½_µÄ_Ò»_¿é_ʯ_Í·_Õí_ÔÚ_Í·_ÏÂ_£¬_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_ÌÉ_ÎÔ_˯_ÁË_£¬ # # And he lighted upon a certain place, and tarried there all night, # because the sun was set; and he took of the stones of that place, # and put them for his pillows, and lay down in that place to sleep. # # unit P GEN:28:12 ÃÎ_¼û_Ò»_¸ö_ÌÝ_×Ó_Á¢_ÔÚ_µØ_ÉÏ_£¬_ÌÝ_×Ó_µÄ_Í·_¶¥_×Å_Ìì_£¬_ÓÐ_Éñ_µÄ_ʹ Õß_ÔÚ_ÌÝ_×Ó_ÉÏ_£¬_ÉÏ_È¥_ÏÂ_À´_¡£ # # And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top # of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and # descending on it. # # unit P GEN:28:13 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Õ¾_ÔÚ_ÌÝ_×Ó_ÒÔ_ÉÏ_£¨_»ò_×÷_Õ¾_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÅÔ_±ß_£©_£¬_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÊÇ Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_×æ_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_Ò²_ÊÇ_ÒÔ_Èö_µÄ_Éñ_¡£_ÎÒ_Òª_½«_Äã ÏÖ_ÔÚ_Ëù_ÌÉ_ÎÔ_Ö®_µØ_´Í_¸ø_Äã_ºÍ_Äã_µÄ_ºó_Òá_¡£ # # And, behold, the LORD stood above it, and said, I am the LORD God of # Abraham thy father, and the God of Isaac: the land whereon thou # liest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed; # # unit P GEN:28:14 Äã_µÄ_ºó_Òá_±Ø_Ïñ_µØ_ÉÏ_µÄ_³¾_ɳ_ÄÇ_Ñù_¶à_£¬_±Ø_Ïò_¶«_Î÷_ÄÏ_±±_¿ª_Õ¹ ¡£_µØ_ÉÏ_Íò_×å_±Ø_Òò_Äã_ºÍ_Äã_µÄ_ºó_Òá_µÃ_¸£_¡£ # # And thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and thou shalt # spread abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to # the south: and in thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the # earth be blessed. # # unit P GEN:28:15 ÎÒ_Ò²_Óë_Äã_ͬ_ÔÚ_¡£_Äã_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_Íù_ÄÄ_Àï_È¥_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_±£_ÓÓ_Äã_£¬_Áì_Äã ¹é_»Ø_Õâ_µØ_£¬_×Ü_²»_Àë_Æú_Äã_£¬_Ö±_µ½_ÎÒ_³É_È«_ÁË_Ïò_Äã_Ëù_Ó¦_Ðí_µÄ ¡£ # # And, behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee in all places # whither thou goest, and will bring thee again into this land; for I # will not leave thee, until I have done that which I have spoken to # thee of. # # unit P GEN:28:16 ÑÅ_¸÷_˯_ÐÑ_ÁË_£¬_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Õæ_ÔÚ_Õâ_Àï_£¬_ÎÒ_¾¹_²»_Öª_µÀ_¡£ # # And Jacob awaked out of his sleep, and he said, Surely the LORD is # in this place; and I knew it not. # # unit P GEN:28:17 ¾Í_¾å_ÅÂ_£¬_˵_£¬_Õâ_µØ_·½_ºÎ_µÈ_¿É_η_£¬_Õâ_²»_ÊÇ_±ð_µÄ_£¬_ÄË_ÊÇ_Éñ µÄ_µî_£¬_Ò²_ÊÇ_Ìì_µÄ_ÃÅ_¡£ # # And he was afraid, and said, How dreadful is this place! this is # none other but the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven. # # unit P GEN:28:18 ÑÅ_¸÷_Çå_Ôç_Æð_À´_£¬_°Ñ_Ëù_Õí_µÄ_ʯ_Í·_Á¢_×÷_Öù_×Ó_£¬_½½_ÓÍ_ÔÚ_ÉÏ_Ãæ ¡£ # # And Jacob rose up early in the morning, and took the stone that he # had put for his pillows, and set it up for a pillar, and poured oil # upon the top of it. # # unit P GEN:28:19 Ëû_¾Í_¸ø_ÄÇ_µØ_·½_Æð_Ãû_½Ð_²®_ÌØ_Àû_£¨_¾Í_ÊÇ_Éñ_µî_µÄ_Òâ_˼_£©_¡£_µ« ÄÇ_µØ_·½_Æð_ÏÈ_Ãû_½Ð_·_˹_¡£ # # And he called the name of that place Bethel: but the name of that # city was called Luz at the first. # # unit P GEN:28:20 ÑÅ_¸÷_Ðí_Ô¸_˵_£¬_Éñ_Èô_Óë_ÎÒ_ͬ_ÔÚ_£¬_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_Ëù_ÐÐ_µÄ_·_ÉÏ_±£_ÓÓ_ÎÒ £¬_ÓÖ_¸ø_ÎÒ_ʳ_Îï_³Ô_£¬_ÒÂ_·þ_´©_£¬ # # And Jacob vowed a vow, saying, If God will be with me, and will keep # me in this way that I go, and will give me bread to eat, and raiment # to put on, # # unit P GEN:28:21 ʹ_ÎÒ_ƽ_ƽ_°²_°²_µØ_»Ø_µ½_ÎÒ_¸¸_Ç×_µÄ_¼Ò_£¬_ÎÒ_¾Í_±Ø_ÒÔ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ ÎÒ_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # So that I come again to my father's house in peace; then shall the # LORD be my God: # # unit P GEN:28:22 ÎÒ_Ëù_Á¢_Ϊ_Öù_×Ó_µÄ_ʯ_Í·_Ò²_±Ø_×÷_Éñ_µÄ_µî_£¬_·²_Äã_Ëù_´Í_¸ø_ÎÒ_µÄ £¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_½«_Ê®_·Ö_Ö®_Ò»_Ï×_¸ø_Äã_¡£ # # And this stone, which I have set for a pillar, shall be God's house: # and of all that thou shalt give me I will surely give the tenth unto # thee. # ## # chapter 29 GEN:29 # unit P GEN:29:1 ÑÅ_¸÷_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_µ½_ÁË_¶«_·½_ÈË_Ö®_µØ_£¬ # # Then Jacob went on his journey, and came into the land of the people # of the east. # # unit P GEN:29:2 ¿´_¼û_Ìï_¼ä_ÓÐ_Ò»_¿Ú_¾®_£¬_ÓÐ_Èý_Ⱥ_Ñò_ÎÔ_ÔÚ_¾®_ÅÔ_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_ÈË_Òû_Ñò Ⱥ_¶¼_ÊÇ_ÓÃ_ÄÇ_¾®_Àï_µÄ_Ë®_¡£_¾®_¿Ú_ÉÏ_µÄ_ʯ_Í·_ÊÇ_´ó_µÄ_¡£ # # And he looked, and behold a well in the field, and, lo, there were # three flocks of sheep lying by it; for out of that well they watered # the flocks: and a great stone was upon the well's mouth. # # unit P GEN:29:3 ³£_ÓÐ_Ñò_Ⱥ_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_¾Û_¼¯_£¬_ÄÁ_ÈË_°Ñ_ʯ_Í·_ת_Àë_¾®_¿Ú_Òû_Ñò_£¬_Ëæ ºó_ÓÖ_°Ñ_ʯ_Í·_·Å_ÔÚ_¾®_¿Ú_µÄ_Ô­_´¦_¡£ # # And thither were all the flocks gathered: and they rolled the stone # from the well's mouth, and watered the sheep, and put the stone # again upon the well's mouth in his place. # # unit P GEN:29:4 ÑÅ_¸÷_¶Ô_ÄÁ_ÈË_˵_£¬_µÜ_ÐÖ_ÃÇ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_ÊÇ_ÄÄ_Àï_À´_µÄ_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬ ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÊÇ_¹þ_À¼_À´_µÄ_¡£ # # And Jacob said unto them, My brethren, whence be ye? And they said, # Of Haran are we. # # unit P GEN:29:5 Ëû_ÎÊ_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_ÄÃ_º×_µÄ_Ëï_×Ó_À­_°à_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_ÈÏ_ʶ_Âð_£¿_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵ £¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÈÏ_ʶ_¡£ # # And he said unto them, Know ye Laban the son of Nahor? And they # said, We know him. # # unit P GEN:29:6 ÑÅ_¸÷_˵_£¬_Ëû_ƽ_°²_Âð_£¿_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_ƽ_°²_¡£_¿´_ÄÄ_£¬_Ëû_Å®_¶ù_À­ ½á_Áì_×Å_Ñò_À´_ÁË_¡£ # # And he said unto them, Is he well? And they said, He is well: and, # behold, Rachel his daughter cometh with the sheep. # # unit P GEN:29:7 ÑÅ_¸÷_˵_£¬_ÈÕ_Í·_»¹_¸ß_£¬_²»_ÊÇ_Ñò_Ⱥ_¾Û_¼¯_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_²»_Èç Òû_Ñò_£¬_ÔÙ_È¥_·Å_Ò»_·Å_¡£ # # And he said, Lo, it is yet high day, neither is it time that the # cattle should be gathered together: water ye the sheep, and go and # feed them. # # unit P GEN:29:8 Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_²»_ÄÜ_£¬_±Ø_µÈ_Ñò_Ⱥ_¾Û_Æë_£¬_ÈË_°Ñ_ʯ_Í·_ת_Àë_¾® ¿Ú_²Å_¿É_Òû_Ñò_¡£ # # And they said, We cannot, until all the flocks be gathered together, # and till they roll the stone from the well's mouth; then we water # the sheep. # # unit P GEN:29:9 ÑÅ_¸÷_Õý_ºÍ_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_»°_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_À­_½á_Áì_×Å_Ëý_¸¸_Ç×_µÄ_Ñò_À´_ÁË £¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÄÇ_Щ_Ñò_ÊÇ_Ëý_ÄÁ_·Å_µÄ_¡£ # # And while he yet spake with them, Rachel came with her father's # sheep: for she kept them. # # unit P GEN:29:10 ÑÅ_¸÷_¿´_¼û_ĸ_¾Ë_À­_°à_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_À­_½á_ºÍ_ĸ_¾Ë_À­_°à_µÄ_Ñò_Ⱥ_£¬_¾Í ÉÏ_Ç°_°Ñ_ʯ_Í·_ת_Àë_¾®_¿Ú_£¬_Òû_Ëû_ĸ_¾Ë_À­_°à_µÄ_Ñò_Ⱥ_¡£ # # And it came to pass, when Jacob saw Rachel the daughter of Laban his # mother's brother, and the sheep of Laban his mother's brother, that # Jacob went near, and rolled the stone from the well's mouth, and # watered the flock of Laban his mother's brother. # # unit P GEN:29:11 ÑÅ_¸÷_Óë_À­_½á_Ç×_×ì_£¬_¾Í_·Å_Éù_¶ø_¿Þ_¡£ # # And Jacob kissed Rachel, and lifted up his voice, and wept. # # unit P GEN:29:12 ÑÅ_¸÷_¸æ_Ëß_À­_½á_£¬_×Ô_¼º_ÊÇ_Ëý_¸¸_Ç×_µÄ_Íâ_Éû_£¬_ÊÇ_Àû_°Ù_¼Ó_µÄ_¶ù ×Ó_£¬_À­_½á_¾Í_ÅÜ_È¥_¸æ_Ëß_Ëý_¸¸_Ç×_¡£ # # And Jacob told Rachel that he was her father's brother, and that he # was Rebekah's son: and she ran and told her father. # # unit P GEN:29:13 À­_°à_Ìý_¼û_Íâ_Éû_ÑÅ_¸÷_µÄ_ÐÅ_Ï¢_£¬_¾Í_ÅÜ_È¥_Ó­_½Ó_£¬_±§_×Å_Ëû_£¬_Óë Ëû_Ç×_×ì_£¬_Áì_Ëû_µ½_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_¼Ò_¡£_ÑÅ_¸÷_½«_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_Çé_ÓÉ_¸æ_Ëß_À­ °à_¡£ # # And it came to pass, when Laban heard the tidings of Jacob his # sister's son, that he ran to meet him, and embraced him, and kissed # him, and brought him to his house. And he told Laban all these # things. # # unit P GEN:29:14 À­_°à_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_Äã_ʵ_ÔÚ_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_µÄ_¹Ç_Èâ_¡£_ÑÅ_¸÷_¾Í_ºÍ_Ëû_ͬ_ס_ÁË Ò»_¸ö_ÔÂ_¡£ # # And Laban said to him, Surely thou art my bone and my flesh. And he # abode with him the space of a month. # # unit P GEN:29:15 À­_°à_¶Ô_ÑÅ_¸÷_˵_£¬_Äã_Ëä_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_µÄ_¹Ç_Èâ_£¨_Ô­_ÎÄ_×÷_µÜ_ÐÖ_£©_£¬_Æñ ¿É_°×_°×_µØ_·þ_ÊÂ_ÎÒ_£¿_Çë_¸æ_Ëß_ÎÒ_£¬_Äã_Òª_ʲ_ô_Ϊ_¹¤_¼Û_£¿ # # And Laban said unto Jacob, Because thou art my brother, shouldest # thou therefore serve me for nought? tell me, what shall thy wages # be? # # unit P GEN:29:16 À­_°à_ÓÐ_Á½_¸ö_Å®_¶ù_£¬_´ó_µÄ_Ãû_½Ð_Àû_ÑÇ_£¬_С_µÄ_Ãû_½Ð_À­_½á_¡£ # # And Laban had two daughters: the name of the elder was Leah, and the # name of the younger was Rachel. # # unit P GEN:29:17 Àû_ÑÇ_µÄ_ÑÛ_¾¦_û_ÓÐ_Éñ_Æø_£¬_À­_½á_È´_Éú_µÃ_ÃÀ_ò_¿¡_Ðã_¡£ # # Leah was tender eyed; but Rachel was beautiful and well favoured. # # unit P GEN:29:18 ÑÅ_¸÷_°®_À­_½á_£¬_¾Í_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Ô¸_Ϊ_Äã_С_Å®_¶ù_À­_½á_·þ_ÊÂ_Äã_Æß_Äê ¡£ # # And Jacob loved Rachel; and said, I will serve thee seven years for # Rachel thy younger daughter. # # unit P GEN:29:19 À­_°à_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_°Ñ_Ëý_¸ø_Äã_£¬_ʤ_ËÆ_¸ø_±ð_ÈË_£¬_Äã_Óë_ÎÒ_ͬ_ס_°É_¡£ # # And Laban said, It is better that I give her to thee, than that I # should give her to another man: abide with me. # # unit P GEN:29:20 ÑÅ_¸÷_¾Í_Ϊ_À­_½á_·þ_ÊÂ_ÁË_Æß_Äê_¡£_Ëû_Òò_Ϊ_Éî_°®_À­_½á_£¬_¾Í_¿´_Õâ Æß_Äê_Èç_ͬ_¼¸_Ìì_¡£ # # And Jacob served seven years for Rachel; and they seemed unto him # but a few days, for the love he had to her. # # unit P GEN:29:21 ÑÅ_¸÷_¶Ô_À­_°à_˵_£¬_ÈÕ_ÆÚ_ÒÑ_¾­_Âú_ÁË_£¬_Çó_Äã_°Ñ_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_¸ø_ÎÒ £¬_ÎÒ_ºÃ_Óë_Ëý_ͬ_·¿_¡£ # # And Jacob said unto Laban, Give me my wife, for my days are # fulfilled, that I may go in unto her. # # unit P GEN:29:22 À­_°à_¾Í_°Ú_Éè_óÛ_ϯ_£¬_Çë_Æë_ÁË_ÄÇ_µØ_·½_µÄ_ÖÚ_ÈË_¡£ # # And Laban gathered together all the men of the place, and made a # feast. # # unit P GEN:29:23 µ½_Íí_ÉÏ_£¬_À­_°à_½«_Å®_¶ù_Àû_ÑÇ_ËÍ_À´_¸ø_ÑÅ_¸÷_£¬_ÑÅ_¸÷_¾Í_Óë_Ëý_ͬ ·¿_¡£ # # And it came to pass in the evening, that he took Leah his daughter, # and brought her to him; and he went in unto her. # # unit P GEN:29:24 À­_°à_ÓÖ_½«_æ¾_Å®_Ϥ_ÅÁ_¸ø_Å®_¶ù_Àû_ÑÇ_×÷_ʹ_Å®_¡£ # # And Laban gave unto his daughter Leah Zilpah his maid for an # handmaid. # # unit P GEN:29:25 µ½_ÁË_Ôç_³¿_£¬_ÑÅ_¸÷_Ò»_¿´_ÊÇ_Àû_ÑÇ_£¬_¾Í_¶Ô_À­_°à_˵_£¬_Äã_Ïò_ÎÒ_×÷ µÄ_ÊÇ_ʲ_ô_ÊÂ_ÄØ_£¿_ÎÒ_·þ_ÊÂ_Äã_£¬_²»_ÊÇ_Ϊ_À­_½á_Âð_£¿_Äã_Ϊ_ʲ_ô ÆÛ_ºå_ÎÒ_ÄØ_£¿ # # And it came to pass, that in the morning, behold, it was Leah: and # he said to Laban, What is this thou hast done unto me? did not I # serve with thee for Rachel? wherefore then hast thou beguiled me? # # unit P GEN:29:26 À­_°à_˵_£¬_´ó_Å®_¶ù_»¹_û_ÓÐ_¸ø_ÈË_£¬_ÏÈ_°Ñ_С_Å®_¶ù_¸ø_ÈË_£¬_ÔÚ_ÎÒ ÃÇ_Õâ_µØ_·½_û_ÓÐ_Õâ_¹æ_¾Ø_¡£ # # And Laban said, It must not be so done in our country, to give the # younger before the firstborn. # # unit P GEN:29:27 Äã_Ϊ_Õâ_¸ö_Âú_ÁË_Æß_ÈÕ_£¬_ÎÒ_¾Í_°Ñ_ÄÇ_¸ö_Ò²_¸ø_Äã_£¬_Äã_ÔÙ_Ϊ_Ëý_·þ ÊÂ_ÎÒ_Æß_Äê_¡£ # # Fulfil her week, and we will give thee this also for the service # which thou shalt serve with me yet seven other years. # # unit P GEN:29:28 ÑÅ_¸÷_¾Í_Èç_´Ë_ÐÐ_¡£_Âú_ÁË_Àû_ÑÇ_µÄ_Æß_ÈÕ_£¬_À­_°à_±ã_½«_Å®_¶ù_À­_½á ¸ø_ÑÅ_¸÷_Ϊ_ÆÞ_¡£ # # And Jacob did so, and fulfilled her week: and he gave him Rachel his # daughter to wife also. # # unit P GEN:29:29 À­_°à_ÓÖ_½«_æ¾_Å®_±Ù_À­_¸ø_Å®_¶ù_À­_½á_×÷_ʹ_Å®_¡£ # # And Laban gave to Rachel his daughter Bilhah his handmaid to be her # maid. # # unit P GEN:29:30 ÑÅ_¸÷_Ò²_Óë_À­_½á_ͬ_·¿_£¬_²¢_ÇÒ_°®_À­_½á_ʤ_ËÆ_°®_Àû_ÑÇ_£¬_ÓÚ_ÊÇ_ÓÖ ·þ_ÊÂ_ÁË_À­_°à_Æß_Äê_¡£ # # And he went in also unto Rachel, and he loved also Rachel more than # Leah, and served with him yet seven other years. # # unit P GEN:29:31 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¼û_Àû_ÑÇ_ʧ_³è_£¨_Ô­_ÎÄ_×÷_±»_ºÞ_ÏÂ_ͬ_£©_£¬_¾Í_ʹ_Ëý_Éú_Óý £¬_À­_½á_È´_²»_Éú_Óý_¡£ # # And when the LORD saw that Leah was hated, he opened her womb: but # Rachel was barren. # # unit P GEN:29:32 Àû_ÑÇ_»³_ÔÐ_Éú_×Ó_£¬_¾Í_¸ø_Ëû_Æð_Ãû_½Ð_Á÷_±ã_£¨_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÓÐ_¶ù_×Ó_µÄ_Òâ ˼_£©_£¬_Òò_¶ø_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¿´_¼û_ÎÒ_µÄ_¿à_Çé_£¬_Èç_½ñ_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÕÉ_·ò ±Ø_°®_ÎÒ_¡£ # # And Leah conceived, and bare a son, and she called his name Reuben: # for she said, Surely the LORD hath looked upon my affliction; now # therefore my husband will love me. # # unit P GEN:29:33 Ëý_ÓÖ_»³_ÔÐ_Éú_×Ó_£¬_¾Í_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Òò_Ϊ_Ìý_¼û_ÎÒ_ʧ_³è_£¬_Ëù_ÒÔ ÓÖ_´Í_¸ø_ÎÒ_Õâ_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_¡£_ÓÚ_ÊÇ_¸ø_Ëû_Æð_Ãû_½Ð_Î÷_Ãå_£¨_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ìý_¼û µÄ_Òâ_˼_£©_¡£ # # And she conceived again, and bare a son; and said, Because the LORD # hath heard that I was hated, he hath therefore given me this son # also: and she called his name Simeon. # # unit P GEN:29:34 Ëý_ÓÖ_»³_ÔÐ_Éú_×Ó_£¬_Æð_Ãû_½Ð_Àû_δ_£¨_¾Í_ÊÇ_Áª_ºÏ_µÄ_Òâ_˼_£©_£¬_˵ £¬_ÎÒ_¸ø_ÕÉ_·ò_Éú_ÁË_Èý_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_Ëû_±Ø_Óë_ÎÒ_Áª_ºÏ_¡£ # # And she conceived again, and bare a son; and said, Now this time # will my husband be joined unto me, because I have born him three # sons: therefore was his name called Levi. # # unit P GEN:29:35 Ëý_ÓÖ_»³_ÔÐ_Éú_×Ó_£¬_˵_£¬_Õâ_»Ø_ÎÒ_Òª_ÔÞ_ÃÀ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_Òò_´Ë_¸ø_Ëû Æð_Ãû_½Ð_ÓÌ_´ó_£¨_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÔÞ_ÃÀ_µÄ_Òâ_˼_£©_¡£_Õâ_²Å_Í£_ÁË_Éú_Óý_¡£ # # And she conceived again, and bare a son: and she said, Now will I # praise the LORD: therefore she called his name Judah; and left # bearing. # ## # chapter 30 GEN:30 # unit P GEN:30:1 À­_½á_¼û_×Ô_¼º_²»_¸ø_ÑÅ_¸÷_Éú_×Ó_£¬_¾Í_¼µ_¶Ê_Ëý_½ã_½ã_£¬_¶Ô_ÑÅ_¸÷_˵ £¬_Äã_¸ø_ÎÒ_º¢_×Ó_£¬_²»_È»_ÎÒ_¾Í_ËÀ_ÁË_¡£ # # And when Rachel saw that she bare Jacob no children, Rachel envied # her sister; and said unto Jacob, Give me children, or else I die. # # unit P GEN:30:2 ÑÅ_¸÷_Ïò_À­_½á_Éú_Æø_£¬_˵_£¬_½Ð_Äã_²»_Éú_Óý_µÄ_ÊÇ_Éñ_£¬_ÎÒ_Æñ_ÄÜ_´ú Ìæ_Ëû_×÷_Ö÷_ÄØ_£¿ # # And Jacob's anger was kindled against Rachel: and he said, Am I in # God's stead, who hath withheld from thee the fruit of the womb? # # unit P GEN:30:3 À­_½á_˵_£¬_ÓÐ_ÎÒ_µÄ_ʹ_Å®_±Ù_À­_ÔÚ_Õâ_Àï_£¬_Äã_¿É_ÒÔ_Óë_Ëý_ͬ_·¿_£¬ ʹ_Ëý_Éú_×Ó_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_Ï¥_ÏÂ_£¬_ÎÒ_±ã_Òò_Ëý_Ò²_µÃ_º¢_×Ó_£¨_µÃ_º¢_×Ó_Ô­_ÎÄ ×÷_±»_½¨_Á¢_£©_¡£ # # And she said, Behold my maid Bilhah, go in unto her; and she shall # bear upon my knees, that I may also have children by her. # # unit P GEN:30:4 À­_½á_¾Í_°Ñ_Ëý_µÄ_ʹ_Å®_±Ù_À­_¸ø_ÕÉ_·ò_Ϊ_æª_¡£_ÑÅ_¸÷_±ã_Óë_Ëý_ͬ_·¿ £¬ # # And she gave him Bilhah her handmaid to wife: and Jacob went in unto # her. # # unit P GEN:30:5 ±Ù_À­_¾Í_»³_ÔÐ_£¬_¸ø_ÑÅ_¸÷_Éú_ÁË_Ò»_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_¡£ # # And Bilhah conceived, and bare Jacob a son. # # unit P GEN:30:6 À­_½á_˵_£¬_Éñ_Éì_ÁË_ÎÒ_µÄ_Ô©_£¬_Ò²_Ìý_ÁË_ÎÒ_µÄ_Éù_Òô_£¬_´Í_ÎÒ_Ò»_¸ö ¶ù_×Ó_£¬_Òò_´Ë_¸ø_Ëû_Æð_Ãû_½Ð_µ«_£¨_¾Í_ÊÇ_Éì_Ô©_µÄ_Òâ_˼_£©_¡£ # # And Rachel said, God hath judged me, and hath also heard my voice, # and hath given me a son: therefore called she his name Dan. # # unit P GEN:30:7 À­_½á_µÄ_ʹ_Å®_±Ù_À­_ÓÖ_»³_ÔÐ_£¬_¸ø_ÑÅ_¸÷_Éú_ÁË_µÚ_¶þ_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_¡£ # # And Bilhah Rachel's maid conceived again, and bare Jacob a second # son. # # unit P GEN:30:8 À­_½á_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Óë_ÎÒ_½ã_½ã_´ó_´ó_Ïà_Õù_£¬_²¢_ÇÒ_µÃ_ʤ_£¬_ÓÚ_ÊÇ_¸ø_Ëû Æð_Ãû_½Ð_ÄÃ_¸¥_Ëû_Àû_£¨_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ïà_Õù_µÄ_Òâ_˼_£©_¡£ # # And Rachel said, With great wrestlings have I wrestled with my # sister, and I have prevailed: and she called his name Naphtali. # # unit P GEN:30:9 Àû_ÑÇ_¼û_×Ô_¼º_Í£_ÁË_Éú_Óý_£¬_¾Í_°Ñ_ʹ_Å®_Ϥ_ÅÁ_¸ø_ÑÅ_¸÷_Ϊ_æª_¡£ # # When Leah saw that she had left bearing, she took Zilpah her maid, # and gave her Jacob to wife. # # unit P GEN:30:10 Àû_ÑÇ_µÄ_ʹ_Å®_Ϥ_ÅÁ_¸ø_ÑÅ_¸÷_Éú_ÁË_Ò»_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_¡£ # # And Zilpah Leah's maid bare Jacob a son. # # unit P GEN:30:11 Àû_ÑÇ_˵_£¬_Íò_ÐÒ_£¬_ÓÚ_ÊÇ_¸ø_Ëû_Æð_Ãû_½Ð_åÈ_µÃ_£¨_¾Í_ÊÇ_Íò_ÐÒ_µÄ_Òâ ˼_£©_¡£ # # And Leah said, A troop cometh: and she called his name Gad. # # unit P GEN:30:12 Àû_ÑÇ_µÄ_ʹ_Å®_Ϥ_ÅÁ_ÓÖ_¸ø_ÑÅ_¸÷_Éú_ÁË_µÚ_¶þ_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_¡£ # # And Zilpah Leah's maid bare Jacob a second son. # # unit P GEN:30:13 Àû_ÑÇ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÓÐ_¸£_°¢_£¬_ÖÚ_Å®_×Ó_¶¼_Òª_³Æ_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_ÓÐ_¸£_µÄ_£¬_ÓÚ_ÊÇ ¸ø_Ëû_Æð_Ãû_½Ð_ÑÇ_Éè_£¨_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÓÐ_¸£_µÄ_Òâ_˼_£©_¡£ # # And Leah said, Happy am I, for the daughters will call me blessed: # and she called his name Asher. # # unit P GEN:30:14 ¸î_Âó_×Ó_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Á÷_±ã_Íù_Ìï_Àï_È¥_£¬_Ñ°_¼û_·ç_ÇÑ_£¬_ÄÃ_À´_¸ø_Ëû ĸ_Ç×_Àû_ÑÇ_¡£_À­_½á_¶Ô_Àû_ÑÇ_˵_£¬_Çë_Äã_°Ñ_Äã_¶ù_×Ó_µÄ_·ç_ÇÑ_¸ø_ÎÒ Ð©_¡£ # # And Reuben went in the days of wheat harvest, and found mandrakes in # the field, and brought them unto his mother Leah. Then Rachel said # to Leah, Give me, I pray thee, of thy son's mandrakes. # # unit P GEN:30:15 Àû_ÑÇ_˵_£¬_Äã_¶á_ÁË_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÕÉ_·ò_»¹_Ëã_С_ÊÂ_Âð_£¿_Äã_ÓÖ_Òª_¶á_ÎÒ_¶ù ×Ó_µÄ_·ç_ÇÑ_Âð_£¿_À­_½á_˵_£¬_Ϊ_Äã_¶ù_×Ó_µÄ_·ç_ÇÑ_£¬_½ñ_Ò¹_Ëû_¿É_ÒÔ Óë_Äã_ͬ_ÇÞ_¡£ # # And she said unto her, Is it a small matter that thou hast taken my # husband? and wouldest thou take away my son's mandrakes also? And # Rachel said, Therefore he shall lie with thee to night for thy son's # mandrakes. # # unit P GEN:30:16 µ½_ÁË_Íí_ÉÏ_£¬_ÑÅ_¸÷_´Ó_Ìï_Àï_»Ø_À´_£¬_Àû_ÑÇ_³ö_À´_Ó­_½Ó_Ëû_£¬_˵_£¬ Äã_Òª_Óë_ÎÒ_ͬ_ÇÞ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÎÒ_ʵ_ÔÚ_ÓÃ_ÎÒ_¶ù_×Ó_µÄ_·ç_ÇÑ_°Ñ_Äã_¹Í_Ï ÁË_¡£_ÄÇ_Ò»_Ò¹_£¬_ÑÅ_¸÷_¾Í_Óë_Ëý_ͬ_ÇÞ_¡£ # # And Jacob came out of the field in the evening, and Leah went out to # meet him, and said, Thou must come in unto me; for surely I have # hired thee with my son's mandrakes. And he lay with her that night. # # unit P GEN:30:17 Éñ_Ó¦_ÔÊ_ÁË_Àû_ÑÇ_£¬_Ëý_¾Í_»³_ÔÐ_£¬_¸ø_ÑÅ_¸÷_Éú_ÁË_µÚ_Îå_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_¡£ # # And God hearkened unto Leah, and she conceived, and bare Jacob the # fifth son. # # unit P GEN:30:18 Àû_ÑÇ_˵_£¬_Éñ_¸ø_ÁË_ÎÒ_¼Û_Öµ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÎÒ_°Ñ_ʹ_Å®_¸ø_ÁË_ÎÒ_ÕÉ_·ò_¡£ ÓÚ_ÊÇ_¸ø_Ëû_Æð_Ãû_½Ð_ÒÔ_Èø_åÈ_£¨_¾Í_ÊÇ_¼Û_Öµ_µÄ_Òâ_˼_£©_¡£ # # And Leah said, God hath given me my hire, because I have given my # maiden to my husband: and she called his name Issachar. # # unit P GEN:30:19 Àû_ÑÇ_ÓÖ_»³_ÔÐ_£¬_¸ø_ÑÅ_¸÷_Éú_ÁË_µÚ_Áù_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_¡£ # # And Leah conceived again, and bare Jacob the sixth son. # # unit P GEN:30:20 Àû_ÑÇ_˵_£¬_Éñ_´Í_ÎÒ_ºñ_ÉÍ_¡£_ÎÒ_ÕÉ_·ò_±Ø_Óë_ÎÒ_ͬ_ס_£¬_Òò_ÎÒ_¸ø_Ëû Éú_ÁË_Áù_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_¡£_ÓÚ_ÊÇ_¸ø_Ëû_Æð_Ãû_Î÷_²¼_Â×_£¨_¾Í_ÊÇ_ͬ_ס_µÄ_Òâ ˼_£©_¡£ # # And Leah said, God hath endued me with a good dowry; now will my # husband dwell with me, because I have born him six sons: and she # called his name Zebulun. # # unit P GEN:30:21 ºó_À´_ÓÖ_Éú_ÁË_Ò»_¸ö_Å®_¶ù_£¬_¸ø_Ëý_Æð_Ãû_½Ð_µ×_ÄÃ_¡£ # # And afterwards she bare a daughter, and called her name Dinah. # # unit P GEN:30:22 Éñ_¹Ë_Äî_À­_½á_£¬_Ó¦_ÔÊ_ÁË_Ëý_£¬_ʹ_Ëý_ÄÜ_Éú_Óý_¡£ # # And God remembered Rachel, and God hearkened to her, and opened her # womb. # # unit P GEN:30:23 À­_½á_»³_ÔÐ_Éú_×Ó_£¬_˵_£¬_Éñ_³ý_È¥_ÁË_ÎÒ_µÄ_Ðß_³Ü_¡£ # # And she conceived, and bare a son; and said, God hath taken away my # reproach: # # unit P GEN:30:24 ¾Í_¸ø_Ëû_Æð_Ãû_½Ð_Ô¼_ɪ_£¨_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ôö_Ìí_µÄ_Òâ_˼_£©_£¬_Òâ_˼_˵_£¬_Ô¸ Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÔÙ_Ôö_Ìí_ÎÒ_Ò»_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_¡£ # # And she called his name Joseph; and said, The LORD shall add to me # another son. # # unit P GEN:30:25 À­_½á_Éú_Ô¼_ɪ_Ö®_ºó_£¬_ÑÅ_¸÷_¶Ô_À­_°à_˵_£¬_Çë_´ò_·¢_ÎÒ_×ß_£¬_½Ð_ÎÒ »Ø_µ½_ÎÒ_±¾_Ïç_±¾_ÍÁ_È¥_¡£ # # And it came to pass, when Rachel had born Joseph, that Jacob said # unto Laban, Send me away, that I may go unto mine own place, and to # my country. # # unit P GEN:30:26 Çë_Äã_°Ñ_ÎÒ_·þ_ÊÂ_Äã_Ëù_µÃ_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_ºÍ_¶ù_Å®_¸ø_ÎÒ_£¬_ÈÃ_ÎÒ_×ß_¡£_ÎÒ Ôõ_Ñù_·þ_ÊÂ_Äã_£¬_Äã_¶¼_Öª_µÀ_¡£ # # Give me my wives and my children, for whom I have served thee, and # let me go: for thou knowest my service which I have done thee. # # unit P GEN:30:27 À­_°à_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Èô_ÔÚ_Äã_ÑÛ_Ç°_ÃÉ_¶÷_£¬_Çë_Äã_ÈÔ_Óë_ÎÒ_ͬ_ס_£¬ Òò_Ϊ_ÎÒ_ÒÑ_Ëã_¶¨_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_´Í_¸£_Óë_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ϊ_Äã_µÄ_Ôµ_¹Ê_¡£ # # And Laban said unto him, I pray thee, if I have found favour in # thine eyes, tarry: for I have learned by experience that the LORD # hath blessed me for thy sake. # # unit P GEN:30:28 ÓÖ_˵_£¬_Çë_Äã_¶¨_Äã_µÄ_¹¤_¼Û_£¬_ÎÒ_¾Í_¸ø_Äã_¡£ # # And he said, Appoint me thy wages, and I will give it. # # unit P GEN:30:29 ÑÅ_¸÷_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Ôõ_Ñù_·þ_ÊÂ_Äã_£¬_Äã_µÄ_Éü_Ðó_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_ÊÖ_Àï_Ôõ_Ñù £¬_ÊÇ_Äã_Öª_µÀ_µÄ_¡£ # # And he said unto him, Thou knowest how I have served thee, and how # thy cattle was with me. # # unit P GEN:30:30 ÎÒ_δ_À´_Ö®_ÏÈ_£¬_Äã_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_ºÜ_ÉÙ_£¬_ÏÖ_½ñ_È´_·¢_´ó_ÖÚ_¶à_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ »ª_Ëæ_ÎÒ_µÄ_½Å_²½_´Í_¸£_Óë_Äã_¡£_Èç_½ñ_£¬_ÎÒ_ʲ_ô_ʱ_ºò_²Å_Ϊ_×Ô_¼º ÐË_¼Ò_Á¢_Òµ_ÄØ_£¿ # # For it was little which thou hadst before I came, and it is now # increased unto a multitude; and the LORD hath blessed thee since my # coming: and now when shall I provide for mine own house also? # # unit P GEN:30:31 À­_°à_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_µ±_¸ø_Äã_ʲ_ô_ÄØ_£¿_ÑÅ_¸÷_˵_£¬_ʲ_ô_Äã_Ò²_²»_±Ø_¸ø ÎÒ_£¬_Ö»_ÓÐ_Ò»_¼þ_ÊÂ_£¬_Äã_Èô_Ó¦_³Ð_£¬_ÎÒ_±ã_ÈÔ_¾É_ÄÁ_·Å_Äã_µÄ_Ñò_Ⱥ ¡£ # # And he said, What shall I give thee? And Jacob said, Thou shalt not # give me any thing: if thou wilt do this thing for me, I will again # feed and keep thy flock. # # unit P GEN:30:32 ½ñ_Ìì_ÎÒ_Òª_×ß_±é_Äã_µÄ_Ñò_Ⱥ_£¬_°Ñ_Ãà_Ñò_ÖÐ_·²_ÓÐ_µã_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_°ß_µÄ £¬_ºÍ_ºÚ_É«_µÄ_£¬_²¢_ɽ_Ñò_ÖÐ_·²_ÓÐ_°ß_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_µã_µÄ_£¬_¶¼_Ìô_³ö_À´ ¡£_½«_À´_Õâ_Ò»_µÈ_µÄ_¾Í_Ëã_ÎÒ_µÄ_¹¤_¼Û_¡£ # # I will pass through all thy flock to day, removing from thence all # the speckled and spotted cattle, and all the brown cattle among the # sheep, and the spotted and speckled among the goats: and of such # shall be my hire. # # unit P GEN:30:33 ÒÔ_ºó_Äã_À´_²é_¿´_ÎÒ_µÄ_¹¤_¼Û_£¬_·²_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_ÊÖ_Àï_µÄ_ɽ_Ñò_²»_ÊÇ_ÓÐ_µã ÓÐ_°ß_µÄ_£¬_Ãà_Ñò_²»_ÊÇ_ºÚ_É«_µÄ_£¬_ÄÇ_¾Í_Ëã_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_͵_µÄ_¡£_Õâ_Ñù_±ã ¿É_Ö¤_³ö_ÎÒ_µÄ_¹«_Òå_À´_¡£ # # So shall my righteousness answer for me in time to come, when it # shall come for my hire before thy face: every one that is not # speckled and spotted among the goats, and brown among the sheep, # that shall be counted stolen with me. # # unit P GEN:30:34 À­_°à_˵_£¬_ºÃ_°¡_£¡_ÎÒ_Çé_Ô¸_ÕÕ_×Å_Äã_µÄ_»°_ÐÐ_¡£ # # And Laban said, Behold, I would it might be according to thy word. # # unit P GEN:30:35 µ±_ÈÕ_£¬_À­_°à_°Ñ_ÓÐ_ÎÆ_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_°ß_µÄ_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_£¬_ÓÐ_µã_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_°ß µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_ÔÓ_°×_ÎÆ_µÄ_ĸ_ɽ_Ñò_£¬_²¢_ºÚ_É«_µÄ_Ãà_Ñò_£¬_¶¼_Ìô_³ö_À´_£¬ ½»_ÔÚ_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÊÖ_ÏÂ_£¬ # # And he removed that day the he goats that were ringstraked and # spotted, and all the she goats that were speckled and spotted, and # every one that had some white in it, and all the brown among the # sheep, and gave them into the hand of his sons. # # unit P GEN:30:36 ÓÖ_ʹ_×Ô_¼º_ºÍ_ÑÅ_¸÷_Ïà_Àë_Èý_Ìì_µÄ_·_³Ì_¡£_ÑÅ_¸÷_¾Í_ÄÁ_Ñø_À­_°à_Æä Óà_µÄ_Ñò_¡£ # # And he set three days' journey betwixt himself and Jacob: and Jacob # fed the rest of Laban's flocks. # # unit P GEN:30:37 ÑÅ_¸÷_ÄÃ_Ñî_Ê÷_£¬_ÐÓ_Ê÷_£¬_·ã_Ê÷_µÄ_ÄÛ_Ö¦_£¬_½«_Ƥ_°þ_³É_°×_ÎÆ_£¬_ʹ Ö¦_×Ó_¶_³ö_°×_µÄ_À´_£¬ # # And Jacob took him rods of green poplar, and of the hazel and # chestnut tree; and pilled white strakes in them, and made the white # appear which was in the rods. # # unit P GEN:30:38 ½«_°þ_ÁË_Ƥ_µÄ_Ö¦_×Ó_£¬_¶Ô_×Å_Ñò_Ⱥ_£¬_²å_ÔÚ_Òû_Ñò_µÄ_Ë®_¹µ_Àï_ºÍ_Ë® ²Û_Àï_£¬_Ñò_À´_ºÈ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_êò_ĵ_Åä_ºÏ_¡£ # # And he set the rods which he had pilled before the flocks in the # gutters in the watering troughs when the flocks came to drink, that # they should conceive when they came to drink. # # unit P GEN:30:39 Ñò_¶Ô_×Å_Ö¦_×Ó_Åä_ºÏ_£¬_¾Í_Éú_ÏÂ_ÓÐ_ÎÆ_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_µã_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_°ß_µÄ_À´ ¡£ # # And the flocks conceived before the rods, and brought forth cattle # ringstraked, speckled, and spotted. # # unit P GEN:30:40 ÑÅ_¸÷_°Ñ_Ñò_¸á_·Ö_³ö_À´_£¬_ʹ_À­_°à_µÄ_Ñò_Óë_Õâ_ÓÐ_ÎÆ_ºÍ_ºÚ_É«_µÄ_Ñò Ïà_¶Ô_£¬_°Ñ_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_Ñò_Áí_·Å_Ò»_´¦_£¬_²»_½Ð_Ëû_ºÍ_À­_°à_µÄ_Ñò_»ì_ÔÓ ¡£ # # And Jacob did separate the lambs, and set the faces of the flocks # toward the ringstraked, and all the brown in the flock of Laban; and # he put his own flocks by themselves, and put them not unto Laban's # cattle. # # unit P GEN:30:41 µ½_Ñò_Ⱥ_·Ê_׳_Åä_ºÏ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_ÑÅ_¸÷_¾Í_°Ñ_Ö¦_×Ó_²å_ÔÚ_Ë®_¹µ_Àï_£¬ ʹ_Ñò_¶Ô_×Å_Ö¦_×Ó_Åä_ºÏ_¡£ # # And it came to pass, whensoever the stronger cattle did conceive, # that Jacob laid the rods before the eyes of the cattle in the # gutters, that they might conceive among the rods. # # unit P GEN:30:42 Ö»_ÊÇ_µ½_Ñò_ÊÝ_Èõ_Åä_ºÏ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_¾Í_²»_²å_Ö¦_×Ó_¡£_Õâ_Ñù_£¬_ÊÝ_Èõ_µÄ ¾Í_¹é_À­_°à_£¬_·Ê_׳_µÄ_¾Í_¹é_ÑÅ_¸÷_¡£ # # But when the cattle were feeble, he put them not in: so the feebler # were Laban's, and the stronger Jacob's. # # unit P GEN:30:43 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_ÑÅ_¸÷_¼«_Æä_·¢_´ó_£¬_µÃ_ÁË_Ðí_¶à_µÄ_Ñò_Ⱥ_£¬_ÆÍ_æ¾_£¬_Âæ_ÍÕ_£¬ ºÍ_¿_¡£ # # And the man increased exceedingly, and had much cattle, and # maidservants, and menservants, and camels, and asses. # ## # chapter 31 GEN:31 # unit P GEN:31:1 ÑÅ_¸÷_Ìý_¼û_À­_°à_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÃÇ_ÓÐ_»°_˵_£¬_ÑÅ_¸÷_°Ñ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¸¸_Ç×_Ëù_ÓÐ µÄ_¶¼_¶á_ÁË_È¥_£¬_²¢_½è_×Å_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¸¸_Ç×_µÄ_£¬_µÃ_ÁË_Õâ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_ÈÙ_Ò« £¨_ÈÙ_Ò«_»ò_×÷_²Æ_£©_¡£ # # And he heard the words of Laban's sons, saying, Jacob hath taken # away all that was our father's; and of that which was our father's # hath he gotten all this glory. # # unit P GEN:31:2 ÑÅ_¸÷_¼û_À­_°à_µÄ_Æø_É«_Ïò_Ëû_²»_Èç_´Ó_Ç°_ÁË_¡£ # # And Jacob beheld the countenance of Laban, and, behold, it was not # toward him as before. # # unit P GEN:31:3 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_ÑÅ_¸÷_˵_£¬_Äã_Òª_»Ø_Äã_×æ_£¬_Äã_¸¸_Ö®_µØ_£¬_µ½_Äã_Ç×_×å ÄÇ_Àï_È¥_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_Óë_Äã_ͬ_ÔÚ_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto Jacob, Return unto the land of thy fathers, # and to thy kindred; and I will be with thee. # # unit P GEN:31:4 ÑÅ_¸÷_¾Í_´ò_·¢_ÈË_£¬_½Ð_À­_½á_ºÍ_Àû_ÑÇ_µ½_Ìï_Ò°_Ñò_Ⱥ_ÄÇ_Àï_À´_£¬ # # And Jacob sent and called Rachel and Leah to the field unto his # flock, # # unit P GEN:31:5 ¶Ô_Ëý_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_¿´_Äã_ÃÇ_¸¸_Ç×_µÄ_Æø_É«_Ïò_ÎÒ_²»_Èç_´Ó_Ç°_ÁË_¡£_µ« ÎÒ_¸¸_Ç×_µÄ_Éñ_Ïò_À´_Óë_ÎÒ_ͬ_ÔÚ_¡£ # # And said unto them, I see your father's countenance, that it is not # toward me as before; but the God of my father hath been with me. # # unit P GEN:31:6 Äã_ÃÇ_Ò²_Öª_µÀ_£¬_ÎÒ_¾¡_ÁË_ÎÒ_µÄ_Á¦_Á¿_·þ_ÊÂ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_¸¸_Ç×_¡£ # # And ye know that with all my power I have served your father. # # unit P GEN:31:7 Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_¸¸_Ç×_ÆÛ_ºå_ÎÒ_£¬_Ê®_´Î_¸Ä_ÁË_ÎÒ_µÄ_¹¤_¼Û_¡£_È»_¶ø_Éñ_²»_ÈÝ Ëû_º¦_ÎÒ_¡£ # # And your father hath deceived me, and changed my wages ten times; # but God suffered him not to hurt me. # # unit P GEN:31:8 Ëû_Èô_˵_£¬_ÓÐ_µã_µÄ_¹é_Äã_×÷_¹¤_¼Û_£¬_Ñò_Ⱥ_Ëù_Éú_µÄ_¶¼_ÓÐ_µã_¡£_Ëû Èô_˵_£¬_ÓÐ_ÎÆ_µÄ_¹é_Äã_×÷_¹¤_¼Û_£¬_Ñò_Ⱥ_Ëù_Éú_µÄ_¶¼_ÓÐ_ÎÆ_¡£ # # If he said thus, The speckled shall be thy wages; then all the # cattle bare speckled: and if he said thus, The ringstraked shall be # thy hire; then bare all the cattle ringstraked. # # unit P GEN:31:9 Õâ_Ñù_£¬_Éñ_°Ñ_Äã_ÃÇ_¸¸_Ç×_µÄ_Éü_Ðó_¶á_À´_´Í_¸ø_ÎÒ_ÁË_¡£ # # Thus God hath taken away the cattle of your father, and given them # to me. # # unit P GEN:31:10 Ñò_Åä_ºÏ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÎ_ÖÐ_¾Ù_Ä¿_Ò»_¿´_£¬_¼û_Ìø_ĸ_Ñò_µÄ_¹«_Ñò_¶¼ ÊÇ_ÓÐ_ÎÆ_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_µã_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_»¨_°ß_µÄ_¡£ # # And it came to pass at the time that the cattle conceived, that I # lifted up mine eyes, and saw in a dream, and, behold, the rams which # leaped upon the cattle were ringstraked, speckled, and grisled. # # unit P GEN:31:11 Éñ_µÄ_ʹ_Õß_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_ÃÎ_ÖÐ_ºô_½Ð_ÎÒ_˵_£¬_ÑÅ_¸÷_£¬_ÎÒ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÔÚ_Õâ_Àï ¡£ # # And the angel of God spake unto me in a dream, saying, Jacob: And I # said, Here am I. # # unit P GEN:31:12 Ëû_˵_£¬_Äã_¾Ù_Ä¿_¹Û_¿´_£¬_Ìø_ĸ_Ñò_µÄ_¹«_Ñò_¶¼_ÊÇ_ÓÐ_ÎÆ_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_µã µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_»¨_°ß_µÄ_¡£_·²_À­_°à_Ïò_Äã_Ëù_×÷_µÄ_£¬_ÎÒ_¶¼_¿´_¼û_ÁË_¡£ # # And he said, Lift up now thine eyes, and see, all the rams which # leap upon the cattle are ringstraked, speckled, and grisled: for I # have seen all that Laban doeth unto thee. # # unit P GEN:31:13 ÎÒ_ÊÇ_²®_ÌØ_Àû_µÄ_Éñ_¡£_Äã_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_ÓÃ_ÓÍ_½½_¹ý_Öù_×Ó_£¬_Ïò_ÎÒ_Ðí_¹ý Ô¸_¡£_ÏÖ_½ñ_Äã_Æð_À´_£¬_Àë_¿ª_Õâ_µØ_£¬_»Ø_Äã_±¾_µØ_È¥_°É_¡£ # # I am the God of Bethel, where thou anointedst the pillar, and where # thou vowedst a vow unto me: now arise, get thee out from this land, # and return unto the land of thy kindred. # # unit P GEN:31:14 À­_½á_ºÍ_Àû_ÑÇ_»Ø_´ð_ÑÅ_¸÷_˵_£¬_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¸¸_Ç×_µÄ_¼Ò_Àï_»¹_ÓÐ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ ¿É_µÃ_µÄ_·Ö_Âð_£¿_»¹_ÓÐ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_²ú_Òµ_Âð_£¿ # # And Rachel and Leah answered and said unto him, Is there yet any # portion or inheritance for us in our father's house? # # unit P GEN:31:15 ÎÒ_ÃÇ_²»_ÊÇ_±»_Ëû_µ±_×÷_Íâ_ÈË_Âð_£¿_Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_Âô_ÁË_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_£¬_ÍÌ_ÁË_ÎÒ ÃÇ_µÄ_¼Û_Öµ_¡£ # # Are we not counted of him strangers? for he hath sold us, and hath # quite devoured also our money. # # unit P GEN:31:16 Éñ_´Ó_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¸¸_Ç×_Ëù_¶á_³ö_À´_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_²Æ_Îï_£¬_ÄÇ_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ºÍ_ÎÒ ÃÇ_º¢_×Ó_ÃÇ_µÄ_¡£_ÏÖ_½ñ_·²_Éñ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Äã_µÄ_£¬_Äã_Ö»_¹Ü_È¥_ÐÐ_°É_¡£ # # For all the riches which God hath taken from our father, that is # ours, and our children's: now then, whatsoever God hath said unto # thee, do. # # unit P GEN:31:17 ÑÅ_¸÷_Æð_À´_£¬_ʹ_Ëû_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ºÍ_ÆÞ_×Ó_¶¼_Æï_ÉÏ_Âæ_ÍÕ_£¬ # # Then Jacob rose up, and set his sons and his wives upon camels; # # unit P GEN:31:18 ÓÖ_´ø_×Å_Ëû_ÔÚ_°Í_µ©_ÑÇ_À¼_Ëù_µÃ_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Éü_Ðó_ºÍ_²Æ_Îï_£¬_Íù_åÈ_ÄÏ µØ_£¬_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_ÒÔ_Èö_ÄÇ_Àï_È¥_ÁË_¡£ # # And he carried away all his cattle, and all his goods which he had # gotten, the cattle of his getting, which he had gotten in Padanaram, # for to go to Isaac his father in the land of Canaan. # # unit P GEN:31:19 µ±_ʱ_À­_°à_¼ô_Ñò_ë_È¥_ÁË_£¬_À­_½á_͵_ÁË_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_¼Ò_ÖÐ_µÄ_Éñ_Ïñ_¡£ # # And Laban went to shear his sheep: and Rachel had stolen the images # that were her father's. # # unit P GEN:31:20 ÑÅ_¸÷_±³_×Å_ÑÇ_À¼_ÈË_À­_°à_͵_×ß_ÁË_£¬_²¢_²»_¸æ_Ëß_Ëû_£¬ # # And Jacob stole away unawares to Laban the Syrian, in that he told # him not that he fled. # # unit P GEN:31:21 ¾Í_´ø_×Å_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_ÌÓ_ÅÜ_¡£_Ëû_Æð_Éí_¹ý_´ó_ºÓ_£¬_Ãæ_Ïò_»ù_ÁÐ_ɽ_ÐÐ_È¥ ¡£ # # So he fled with all that he had; and he rose up, and passed over the # river, and set his face toward the mount Gilead. # # unit P GEN:31:22 µ½_µÚ_Èý_ÈÕ_£¬_ÓÐ_ÈË_¸æ_Ëß_À­_°à_£¬_ÑÅ_¸÷_ÌÓ_ÅÜ_ÁË_¡£ # # And it was told Laban on the third day that Jacob was fled. # # unit P GEN:31:23 À­_°à_´ø_Áì_Ëû_µÄ_ÖÚ_µÜ_ÐÖ_È¥_×·_¸Ï_£¬_×·_ÁË_Æß_ÈÕ_£¬_ÔÚ_»ù_ÁÐ_ɽ_¾Í ×·_ÉÏ_ÁË_¡£ # # And he took his brethren with him, and pursued after him seven days' # journey; and they overtook him in the mount Gilead. # # unit P GEN:31:24 Ò¹_¼ä_£¬_Éñ_µ½_ÑÇ_À¼_ÈË_À­_°à_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_ÔÚ_ÃÎ_ÖÐ_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_Äã_Òª_С ÐÄ_£¬_²»_¿É_Óë_ÑÅ_¸÷_˵_ºÃ_˵_´õ_¡£ # # And God came to Laban the Syrian in a dream by night, and said unto # him, Take heed that thou speak not to Jacob either good or bad. # # unit P GEN:31:25 À­_°à_×·_ÉÏ_ÑÅ_¸÷_¡£_ÑÅ_¸÷_ÔÚ_ɽ_ÉÏ_Ö§_´î_ÕÊ_Åï_¡£_À­_°à_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_ÖÚ µÜ_ÐÖ_Ò²_ÔÚ_»ù_ÁÐ_ɽ_ÉÏ_Ö§_´î_ÕÊ_Åï_¡£ # # Then Laban overtook Jacob. Now Jacob had pitched his tent in the # mount: and Laban with his brethren pitched in the mount of Gilead. # # unit P GEN:31:26 À­_°à_¶Ô_ÑÅ_¸÷_˵_£¬_Äã_×÷_µÄ_ÊÇ_ʲ_ô_ÊÂ_ÄØ_£¿_Äã_±³_×Å_ÎÒ_͵_×ß_ÁË £¬_ÓÖ_°Ñ_ÎÒ_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_ÃÇ_´ø_ÁË_È¥_£¬_Èç_ͬ_ÓÃ_µ¶_½£_°_È¥_µÄ_Ò»_°ã_¡£ # # And Laban said to Jacob, What hast thou done, that thou hast stolen # away unawares to me, and carried away my daughters, as captives # taken with the sword? # # unit P GEN:31:27 Äã_Ϊ_ʲ_ô_°µ_°µ_µØ_ÌÓ_ÅÜ_£¬_͵_×Å_×ß_£¬_²¢_²»_¸æ_Ëß_ÎÒ_£¬_½Ð_ÎÒ_¿É ÒÔ_»¶_ÀÖ_£¬_³ª_¸è_£¬_»÷_¹Ä_£¬_µ¯_ÇÙ_µØ_ËÍ_Äã_»Ø_È¥_£¿ # # Wherefore didst thou flee away secretly, and steal away from me; and # didst not tell me, that I might have sent thee away with mirth, and # with songs, with tabret, and with harp? # # unit P GEN:31:28 ÓÖ_²»_ÈÝ_ÎÒ_Óë_Íâ_Ëï_ºÍ_Å®_¶ù_Ç×_×ì_¡£_Äã_Ëù_ÐÐ_µÄ_Õæ_ÊÇ_ÓÞ_ÃÁ_¡£ # # And hast not suffered me to kiss my sons and my daughters? thou hast # now done foolishly in so doing. # # unit P GEN:31:29 ÎÒ_ÊÖ_ÖÐ_Ô­_ÓÐ_ÄÜ_Á¦_º¦_Äã_£¬_Ö»_ÊÇ_Äã_¸¸_Ç×_µÄ_Éñ_×ò_Ò¹_¶Ô_ÎÒ_˵_£¬ Äã_Òª_С_ÐÄ_£¬_²»_¿É_Óë_ÑÅ_¸÷_˵_ºÃ_˵_´õ_¡£ # # It is in the power of my hand to do you hurt: but the God of your # father spake unto me yesternight, saying, Take thou heed that thou # speak not to Jacob either good or bad. # # unit P GEN:31:30 ÏÖ_ÔÚ_Äã_Ëä_È»_Ïë_Äã_¸¸_¼Ò_£¬_²»_µÃ_²»_È¥_£¬_Ϊ_ʲ_ô_ÓÖ_͵_ÁË_ÎÒ_µÄ Éñ_Ïñ_ÄØ_£¿ # # And now, though thou wouldest needs be gone, because thou sore # longedst after thy father's house, yet wherefore hast thou stolen my # gods? # # unit P GEN:31:31 ÑÅ_¸÷_»Ø_´ð_À­_°à_˵_£¬_¿Ö_ÅÂ_Äã_°Ñ_Äã_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_´Ó_ÎÒ_¶á_È¥_£¬_Ëù_ÒÔ ÎÒ_ÌÓ_ÅÜ_¡£ # # And Jacob answered and said to Laban, Because I was afraid: for I # said, Peradventure thou wouldest take by force thy daughters from # me. # # unit P GEN:31:32 ÖÁ_ÓÚ_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_Ïñ_£¬_Äã_ÔÚ_Ë­_ÄÇ_Àï_ËÑ_³ö_À´_£¬_¾Í_²»_ÈÝ_Ë­_´æ_»î_¡£ µ±_×Å_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÖÚ_µÜ_ÐÖ_£¬_Äã_ÈÏ_Ò»_ÈÏ_£¬_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_Õâ_Àï_ÓÐ_ʲ_ô_¶«_Î÷ ÊÇ_Äã_µÄ_£¬_¾Í_ÄÃ_È¥_¡£_Ô­_À´_ÑÅ_¸÷_²»_Öª_µÀ_À­_½á_͵_ÁË_ÄÇ_Щ_Éñ_Ïñ ¡£ # # With whomsoever thou findest thy gods, let him not live: before our # brethren discern thou what is thine with me, and take it to thee. # For Jacob knew not that Rachel had stolen them. # # unit P GEN:31:33 À­_°à_½ø_ÁË_ÑÅ_¸÷_£¬_Àû_ÑÇ_£¬_²¢_Á½_¸ö_ʹ_Å®_µÄ_ÕÊ_Åï_£¬_¶¼_û_ÓÐ_ËÑ ³ö_À´_£¬_¾Í_´Ó_Àû_ÑÇ_µÄ_ÕÊ_Åï_³ö_À´_£¬_½ø_ÁË_À­_½á_µÄ_ÕÊ_Åï_¡£ # # And Laban went into Jacob's tent, and into Leah's tent, and into the # two maidservants' tents; but he found them not. Then went he out of # Leah's tent, and entered into Rachel's tent. # # unit P GEN:31:34 À­_½á_ÒÑ_¾­_°Ñ_Éñ_Ïñ_²Ø_ÔÚ_Âæ_ÍÕ_µÄ_ÍÔ_¨_Àï_£¬_±ã_×ø_ÔÚ_ÉÏ_Í·_¡£_À­ °à_Ãþ_±é_ÁË_ÄÇ_ÕÊ_Åï_£¬_²¢_û_ÓÐ_Ãþ_×Å # # Now Rachel had taken the images, and put them in the camel's # furniture, and sat upon them. And Laban searched all the tent, but # found them not. # # unit P GEN:31:35 À­_½á_¶Ô_Ëý_¸¸_Ç×_˵_£¬_ÏÖ_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_Éí_ÉÏ_²»_±ã_£¬_²»_ÄÜ_ÔÚ_Äã_Ãæ_Ç°_Æð À´_£¬_Çó_ÎÒ_Ö÷_²»_Òª_Éú_Æø_¡£_Õâ_Ñù_£¬_À­_°à_ËÑ_Ñ°_Éñ_Ïñ_£¬_¾¹_û_ÓÐ ËÑ_³ö_À´_¡£ # # And she said to her father, Let it not displease my lord that I # cannot rise up before thee; for the custom of women is upon me. And # he searched, but found not the images. # # unit P GEN:31:36 ÑÅ_¸÷_¾Í_·¢_Å­_³â_Ôð_À­_°à_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÓÐ_ʲ_ô_¹ý_·¸_£¬_ÓÐ_ʲ_ô_×ï_¶ñ £¬_Äã_¾¹_Õâ_Ñù_»ð_ËÙ_µØ_×·_ÎÒ_£¿ # # And Jacob was wroth, and chode with Laban: and Jacob answered and # said to Laban, What is my trespass? what is my sin, that thou hast # so hotly pursued after me? # # unit P GEN:31:37 Äã_Ãþ_±é_ÁË_ÎÒ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_¼Ò_¾ß_£¬_Äã_ËÑ_³ö_ʲ_ô_À´_ÄØ_£¿_¿É_ÒÔ_·Å_ÔÚ Äã_ÎÒ_µÜ_ÐÖ_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_½Ð_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_Äã_ÎÒ_ÖÐ_¼ä_±æ_±ð_±æ_±ð_¡£ # # Whereas thou hast searched all my stuff, what hast thou found of all # thy household stuff? set it here before my brethren and thy # brethren, that they may judge betwixt us both. # # unit P GEN:31:38 ÎÒ_ÔÚ_Äã_¼Ò_Õâ_¶þ_Ê®_Äê_£¬_Äã_µÄ_ĸ_Ãà_Ñò_£¬_ĸ_ɽ_Ñò_û_ÓÐ_µô_¹ý_Ì¥ ¡£_Äã_Ⱥ_ÖÐ_µÄ_¹«_Ñò_£¬_ÎÒ_û_ÓÐ_³Ô_¹ý_¡£ # # This twenty years have I been with thee; thy ewes and thy she goats # have not cast their young, and the rams of thy flock have I not # eaten. # # unit P GEN:31:39 ±»_Ò°_ÊÞ_˺_ÁÑ_µÄ_£¬_ÎÒ_û_ÓÐ_´ø_À´_¸ø_Äã_£¬_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_×Ô_¼º_Åâ_ÉÏ_¡£_ÎÞ ÂÛ_ÊÇ_°×_ÈÕ_£¬_ÊÇ_ºÚ_Ò¹_£¬_±»_͵_È¥_µÄ_£¬_Äã_¶¼_Ïò_ÎÒ_Ë÷_Òª_¡£ # # That which was torn of beasts I brought not unto thee; I bare the # loss of it; of my hand didst thou require it, whether stolen by day, # or stolen by night. # # unit P GEN:31:40 ÎÒ_°×_ÈÕ_ÊÜ_¾¡_¸É_ÈÈ_£¬_ºÚ_Ò¹_ÊÜ_¾¡_º®_˪_£¬_²»_µÃ_ºÏ_ÑÛ_˯_×Å_£¬_ÎÒ ³£_ÊÇ_Õâ_Ñù_¡£ # # Thus I was; in the day the drought consumed me, and the frost by # night; and my sleep departed from mine eyes. # # unit P GEN:31:41 ÎÒ_Õâ_¶þ_Ê®_Äê_ÔÚ_Äã_¼Ò_Àï_£¬_Ϊ_Äã_µÄ_Á½_¸ö_Å®_¶ù_·þ_ÊÂ_Äã_Ê®_ËÄ_Äê £¬_Ϊ_Äã_µÄ_Ñò_Ⱥ_·þ_ÊÂ_Äã_Áù_Äê_£¬_Äã_ÓÖ_Ê®_´Î_¸Ä_ÁË_ÎÒ_µÄ_¹¤_¼Û_¡£ # # Thus have I been twenty years in thy house; I served thee fourteen # years for thy two daughters, and six years for thy cattle: and thou # hast changed my wages ten times. # # unit P GEN:31:42 Èô_²»_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_¸¸_Ç×_ÒÔ_Èö_Ëù_¾´_η_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_µÄ_Éñ_Óë ÎÒ_ͬ_ÔÚ_£¬_Äã_Èç_½ñ_±Ø_¶¨_´ò_·¢_ÎÒ_¿Õ_ÊÖ_¶ø_È¥_¡£_Éñ_¿´_¼û_ÎÒ_µÄ_¿à Çé_ºÍ_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÀÍ_µ_£¬_¾Í_ÔÚ_×ò_Ò¹_Ôð_±¸_Äã_¡£ # # Except the God of my father, the God of Abraham, and the fear of # Isaac, had been with me, surely thou hadst sent me away now empty. # God hath seen mine affliction and the labour of my hands, and # rebuked thee yesternight. # # unit P GEN:31:43 À­_°à_»Ø_´ð_ÑÅ_¸÷_˵_£¬_Õâ_Å®_¶ù_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_£¬_Õâ_Щ_º¢_×Ó_ÊÇ_ÎÒ µÄ_º¢_×Ó_£¬_Õâ_Щ_Ñò_Ⱥ_Ò²_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_µÄ_Ñò_Ⱥ_¡£_·²_ÔÚ_Äã_ÑÛ_Ç°_µÄ_¶¼_ÊÇ ÎÒ_µÄ_¡£_ÎÒ_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_²¢_Ëý_ÃÇ_Ëù_Éú_µÄ_º¢_×Ó_£¬_ÎÒ_½ñ_ÈÕ_ÄÜ_Ïò_Ëû_ÃÇ ×÷_ʲ_ô_ÄØ_£¿ # # And Laban answered and said unto Jacob, These daughters are my # daughters, and these children are my children, and these cattle are # my cattle, and all that thou seest is mine: and what can I do this # day unto these my daughters, or unto their children which they have # born? # # unit P GEN:31:44 À´_°É_£¬_Äã_ÎÒ_¶þ_ÈË_¿É_ÒÔ_Á¢_Ô¼_£¬_×÷_Äã_ÎÒ_ÖÐ_¼ä_µÄ_Ö¤_¾Ý_¡£ # # Now therefore come thou, let us make a covenant, I and thou; and let # it be for a witness between me and thee. # # unit P GEN:31:45 ÑÅ_¸÷_¾Í_ÄÃ_Ò»_¿é_ʯ_Í·_Á¢_×÷_Öù_×Ó_£¬ # # And Jacob took a stone, and set it up for a pillar. # # unit P GEN:31:46 ÓÖ_¶Ô_ÖÚ_µÜ_ÐÖ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¶Ñ_¾Û_ʯ_Í·_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_ÄÃ_ʯ_Í·_À´_¶Ñ_³É Ò»_¶Ñ_£¬_´ó_¼Ò_±ã_ÔÚ_ÅÔ_±ß_³Ô_ºÈ_¡£ # # And Jacob said unto his brethren, Gather stones; and they took # stones, and made an heap: and they did eat there upon the heap. # # unit P GEN:31:47 À­_°à_³Æ_ÄÇ_ʯ_¶Ñ_Ϊ_ÒÁ_åÈ_¶û_Èö_¹þ_¶Å_Ëû_£¬_ÑÅ_¸÷_È´_³Æ_ÄÇ_ʯ_¶Ñ_Ϊ åÈ_ÀÛ_µÃ_£¨_¶¼_ÊÇ_ÒÔ_ʯ_¶Ñ_Ϊ_Ö¤_µÄ_Òâ_˼_£©_¡£ # # And Laban called it Jegarsahadutha: but Jacob called it Galeed. # # unit P GEN:31:48 À­_°à_˵_£¬_½ñ_ÈÕ_Õâ_ʯ_¶Ñ_×÷_Äã_ÎÒ_ÖÐ_¼ä_µÄ_Ö¤_¾Ý_¡£_Òò_´Ë_Õâ_µØ_·½ Ãû_½Ð_åÈ_ÀÛ_µÃ_£¬ # # And Laban said, This heap is a witness between me and thee this day. # Therefore was the name of it called Galeed; # # unit P GEN:31:49 ÓÖ_½Ð_Ã×_˹_°Í_£¬_Òâ_˼_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_±Ë_´Ë_Àë_±ð_ÒÔ_ºó_£¬_Ô¸_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª ÔÚ_Äã_ÎÒ_ÖÐ_¼ä_¼ø_²ì_¡£ # # And Mizpah; for he said, The LORD watch between me and thee, when we # are absent one from another. # # unit P GEN:31:50 Äã_Èô_¿à_´ý_ÎÒ_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_£¬_ÓÖ_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_ÒÔ_Íâ_Áí_È¢_ÆÞ_£¬_Ëä_û ÓÐ_ÈË_Öª_µÀ_£¬_È´_ÓÐ_Éñ_ÔÚ_Äã_ÎÒ_ÖÐ_¼ä_×÷_¼û_Ö¤_¡£ # # If thou shalt afflict my daughters, or if thou shalt take other # wives beside my daughters, no man is with us; see, God is witness # betwixt me and thee. # # unit P GEN:31:51 À­_°à_ÓÖ_˵_£¬_Äã_¿´_ÎÒ_ÔÚ_Äã_ÎÒ_ÖÐ_¼ä_Ëù_Á¢_µÄ_Õâ_ʯ_¶Ñ_ºÍ_Öù_×Ó_¡£ # # And Laban said to Jacob, Behold this heap, and behold this pillar, # which I have cast betwixt me and thee: # # unit P GEN:31:52 Õâ_ʯ_¶Ñ_×÷_Ö¤_¾Ý_£¬_Õâ_Öù_×Ó_Ò²_×÷_Ö¤_¾Ý_¡£_ÎÒ_±Ø_²»_¹ý_Õâ_ʯ_¶Ñ_È¥ º¦_Äã_¡£_Äã_Ò²_²»_¿É_¹ý_Õâ_ʯ_¶Ñ_ºÍ_Öù_×Ó_À´_º¦_ÎÒ_¡£ # # This heap be witness, and this pillar be witness, that I will not # pass over this heap to thee, and that thou shalt not pass over this # heap and this pillar unto me, for harm. # # unit P GEN:31:53 µ«_Ô¸_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_µÄ_Éñ_ºÍ_ÄÃ_º×_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ëû_ÃÇ_¸¸_Ç×_µÄ_Éñ_£¬ ÔÚ_Äã_ÎÒ_ÖÐ_¼ä_ÅÐ_¶Ï_¡£_ÑÅ_¸÷_¾Í_Ö¸_×Å_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_ÒÔ_Èö_Ëù_¾´_η_µÄ_Éñ Æð_ÊÄ_£¬ # # The God of Abraham, and the God of Nahor, the God of their father, # judge betwixt us. And Jacob sware by the fear of his father Isaac. # # unit P GEN:31:54 ÓÖ_ÔÚ_ɽ_ÉÏ_Ï×_¼À_£¬_Çë_ÖÚ_µÜ_ÐÖ_À´_³Ô_·¹_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_³Ô_ÁË_·¹_£¬_±ã_ÔÚ É½_ÉÏ_ס_ËÞ_¡£ # # Then Jacob offered sacrifice upon the mount, and called his brethren # to eat bread: and they did eat bread, and tarried all night in the # mount. # # unit P GEN:31:55 À­_°à_Çå_Ôç_Æð_À´_£¬_Óë_Ëû_Íâ_Ëï_ºÍ_Å®_¶ù_Ç×_×ì_£¬_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_×£_¸£_£¬ »Ø_Íù_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_µØ_·½_È¥_ÁË_¡£ # # And early in the morning Laban rose up, and kissed his sons and his # daughters, and blessed them: and Laban departed, and returned unto # his place. # ## # chapter 32 GEN:32 # unit P GEN:32:1 ÑÅ_¸÷_ÈÔ_¾É_ÐÐ_·_£¬_Éñ_µÄ_ʹ_Õß_Óö_¼û_Ëû_¡£ # # And Jacob went on his way, and the angels of God met him. # # unit P GEN:32:2 ÑÅ_¸÷_¿´_¼û_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_˵_£¬_Õâ_ÊÇ_Éñ_µÄ_¾ü_±ø_£¬_ÓÚ_ÊÇ_¸ø_ÄÇ_µØ_·½_Æð Ãû_½Ð_Âê_¹þ_Äî_£¨_¾Í_ÊÇ_¶þ_¾ü_±ø_µÄ_Òâ_˼_£©_¡£ # # And when Jacob saw them, he said, This is God's host: and he called # the name of that place Mahanaim. # # unit P GEN:32:3 ÑÅ_¸÷_´ò_·¢_ÈË_ÏÈ_Íù_Î÷_çí_µØ_È¥_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÒÔ_¶«_µØ_£¬_¼û_Ëû_¸ç_¸ç_ÒÔ É¨_£¬ # # And Jacob sent messengers before him to Esau his brother unto the # land of Seir, the country of Edom. # # unit P GEN:32:4 ·Ô_¸À_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¶Ô_ÎÒ_Ö÷_ÒÔ_ɨ_˵_£¬_Äã_µÄ_ÆÍ_ÈË_ÑÅ_¸÷_Õâ_Ñù ˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÔÚ_À­_°à_ÄÇ_Àï_¼Ä_¾Ó_£¬_Ö±_µ½_Èç_½ñ_¡£ # # And he commanded them, saying, Thus shall ye speak unto my lord # Esau; Thy servant Jacob saith thus, I have sojourned with Laban, and # stayed there until now: # # unit P GEN:32:5 ÎÒ_ÓÐ_Å£_£¬_¿_£¬_Ñò_Ⱥ_£¬_ÆÍ_æ¾_£¬_ÏÖ_ÔÚ_´ò_·¢_ÈË_À´_±¨_¸æ_ÎÒ_Ö÷_£¬ Ϊ_Òª_ÔÚ_Äã_ÑÛ_Ç°_ÃÉ_¶÷_¡£ # # And I have oxen, and asses, flocks, and menservants, and # womenservants: and I have sent to tell my lord, that I may find # grace in thy sight. # # unit P GEN:32:6 Ëù_´ò_·¢_µÄ_ÈË_»Ø_µ½_ÑÅ_¸÷_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µ½_ÁË_Äã_¸ç_¸ç_ÒÔ_ɨ ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_Ëû_´ø_×Å_ËÄ_°Ù_ÈË_£¬_Õý_Ó­_×Å_Äã_À´_¡£ # # And the messengers returned to Jacob, saying, We came to thy brother # Esau, and also he cometh to meet thee, and four hundred men with # him. # # unit P GEN:32:7 ÑÅ_¸÷_¾Í_Éõ_¾å_ÅÂ_£¬_¶ø_ÇÒ_³î_·³_£¬_±ã_°Ñ_ÄÇ_Óë_Ëû_ͬ_ÔÚ_µÄ_ÈË_¿Ú_ºÍ Ñò_Ⱥ_£¬_Å£_Ⱥ_£¬_Âæ_ÍÕ_·Ö_×÷_Á½_¶Ó_£¬ # # Then Jacob was greatly afraid and distressed: and he divided the # people that was with him, and the flocks, and herds, and the camels, # into two bands; # # unit P GEN:32:8 ˵_£¬_ÒÔ_ɨ_Èô_À´_»÷_ɱ_Õâ_Ò»_¶Ó_£¬_Ê£_ÏÂ_µÄ_ÄÇ_Ò»_¶Ó_»¹_¿É_ÒÔ_ÌÓ_±Ü ¡£ # # And said, If Esau come to the one company, and smite it, then the # other company which is left shall escape. # # unit P GEN:32:9 ÑÅ_¸÷_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÎÒ_×æ_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_ÎÒ_¸¸_Ç×_ÒÔ_Èö_µÄ_Éñ °¢_£¬_Äã_Ôø_¶Ô_ÎÒ_˵_£¬_»Ø_Äã_±¾_µØ_±¾_×å_È¥_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_ºñ_´ý_Äã_¡£ # # And Jacob said, O God of my father Abraham, and God of my father # Isaac, the LORD which saidst unto me, Return unto thy country, and # to thy kindred, and I will deal well with thee: # # unit P GEN:32:10 Äã_Ïò_ÆÍ_ÈË_Ëù_Ê©_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_´È_°®_ºÍ_³Ï_ʵ_£¬_ÎÒ_Ò»_µã_Ò²_²»_Åä_µÃ_¡£ ÎÒ_ÏÈ_Ç°_Ö»_ÄÃ_×Å_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÕÈ_¹ý_Õâ_Ô¼_µ©_ºÓ_£¬_Èç_½ñ_ÎÒ_È´_³É_ÁË_Á½_¶Ó ÁË_¡£ # # I am not worthy of the least of all the mercies, and of all the # truth, which thou hast shewed unto thy servant; for with my staff I # passed over this Jordan; and now I am become two bands. # # unit P GEN:32:11 Çó_Äã_¾È_ÎÒ_ÍÑ_Àë_ÎÒ_¸ç_¸ç_ÒÔ_ɨ_µÄ_ÊÖ_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_ÎÒ_ÅÂ_Ëû_À´_ɱ_ÎÒ_£¬ Á¬_ÆÞ_×Ó_´ø_¶ù_Å®_Ò»_ͬ_ɱ_ÁË_¡£ # # Deliver me, I pray thee, from the hand of my brother, from the hand # of Esau: for I fear him, lest he will come and smite me, and the # mother with the children. # # unit P GEN:32:12 Äã_Ôø_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_¶¨_ºñ_´ý_Äã_£¬_ʹ_Äã_µÄ_ºó_Òá_Èç_ͬ_º£_±ß_µÄ_ɳ_£¬ ¶à_µÃ_²»_¿É_ʤ_Êý_¡£ # # And thou saidst, I will surely do thee good, and make thy seed as # the sand of the sea, which cannot be numbered for multitude. # # unit P GEN:32:13 µ±_Ò¹_£¬_ÑÅ_¸÷_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_ס_ËÞ_£¬_¾Í_´Ó_Ëû_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_Îï_ÖÐ_ÄÃ_Àñ_Îï_Òª ËÍ_¸ø_Ëû_¸ç_¸ç_ÒÔ_ɨ_¡£ # # And he lodged there that same night; and took of that which came to # his hand a present for Esau his brother; # # unit P GEN:32:14 ĸ_ɽ_Ñò_¶þ_°Ù_Ö»_£¬_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_¶þ_Ê®_Ö»_£¬_ĸ_Ãà_Ñò_¶þ_°Ù_Ö»_£¬_¹«_Ãà Ñò_¶þ_Ê®_Ö»_£¬ # # Two hundred she goats, and twenty he goats, two hundred ewes, and # twenty rams, # # unit P GEN:32:15 ÄÌ_áÌ_×Ó_µÄ_Âæ_ÍÕ_Èý_Ê®_Ö»_¸÷_´ø_×Å_áÌ_×Ó_£¬_ĸ_Å£_ËÄ_Ê®_Ö»_£¬_¹«_Å£ Ê®_Ö»_£¬_ĸ_¿_¶þ_Ê®_Æ¥_£¬_¿_¾Ô_Ê®_Æ¥_¡£ # # Thirty milch camels with their colts, forty kine, and ten bulls, # twenty she asses, and ten foals. # # unit P GEN:32:16 ÿ_Ñù_¸÷_·Ö_Ò»_Ⱥ_£¬_½»_ÔÚ_ÆÍ_ÈË_ÊÖ_ÏÂ_£¬_¾Í_¶Ô_ÆÍ_ÈË_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª ÔÚ_ÎÒ_Ç°_Í·_¹ý_È¥_£¬_ʹ_Ⱥ_Ⱥ_Ïà_Àë_£¬_ÓÐ_¿Õ_ÏÐ_µÄ_µØ_·½_¡£ # # And he delivered them into the hand of his servants, every drove by # themselves; and said unto his servants, Pass over before me, and put # a space betwixt drove and drove. # # unit P GEN:32:17 ÓÖ_·Ô_¸À_¾¡_ÏÈ_×ß_µÄ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_¸ç_¸ç_ÒÔ_ɨ_Óö_¼û_Äã_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_ÎÊ_Äã ˵_£¬_Äã_ÊÇ_ÄÄ_¼Ò_µÄ_ÈË_£¬_Òª_Íù_ÄÄ_Àï_È¥_£¬_Äã_Ç°_Í·_Õâ_Щ_ÊÇ_Ë­_µÄ £¬ # # And he commanded the foremost, saying, When Esau my brother meeteth # thee, and asketh thee, saying, Whose art thou? and whither goest # thou? and whose are these before thee? # # unit P GEN:32:18 Äã_¾Í_˵_£¬_ÊÇ_Äã_ÆÍ_ÈË_ÑÅ_¸÷_µÄ_£¬_ÊÇ_ËÍ_¸ø_ÎÒ_Ö÷_ÒÔ_ɨ_µÄ_Àñ_Îï_¡£ Ëû_×Ô_¼º_Ò²_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ºó_±ß_¡£ # # Then thou shalt say, They be thy servant Jacob's; it is a present # sent unto my lord Esau: and, behold, also he is behind us. # # unit P GEN:32:19 ÓÖ_·Ô_¸À_µÚ_¶þ_£¬_µÚ_Èý_£¬_ºÍ_Ò»_ÇÐ_¸Ï_Ⱥ_Ðó_µÄ_ÈË_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Óö_¼û ÒÔ_ɨ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_Ò²_Òª_Õâ_Ñù_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_¡£ # # And so commanded he the second, and the third, and all that followed # the droves, saying, On this manner shall ye speak unto Esau, when ye # find him. # # unit P GEN:32:20 ²¢_ÇÒ_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_˵_£¬_Äã_ÆÍ_ÈË_ÑÅ_¸÷_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ºó_±ß_¡£_Òò_ÑÅ_¸÷_ÐÄ_Àï ˵_£¬_ÎÒ_½è_×Å_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_Ç°_Í·_È¥_µÄ_Àñ_Îï_½â_Ëû_µÄ_ºÞ_£¬_È»_ºó_ÔÙ_¼û_Ëû µÄ_Ãæ_£¬_»ò_Õß_Ëû_ÈÝ_ÄÉ_ÎÒ_¡£ # # And say ye moreover, Behold, thy servant Jacob is behind us. For he # said, I will appease him with the present that goeth before me, and # afterward I will see his face; peradventure he will accept of me. # # unit P GEN:32:21 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Àñ_Îï_ÏÈ_¹ý_È¥_ÁË_¡£_ÄÇ_Ò¹_£¬_ÑÅ_¸÷_ÔÚ_¶Ó_ÖÐ_ס_ËÞ_¡£ # # So went the present over before him: and himself lodged that night # in the company. # # unit P GEN:32:22 Ëû_Ò¹_¼ä_Æð_À´_£¬_´ø_×Å_Á½_¸ö_ÆÞ_×Ó_£¬_Á½_¸ö_ʹ_Å®_£¬_²¢_Ê®_Ò»_¸ö_¶ù ×Ó_£¬_¶¼_¹ý_ÁË_ÑÅ_²©_¶É_¿Ú_£¬ # # And he rose up that night, and took his two wives, and his two # womenservants, and his eleven sons, and passed over the ford Jabbok. # # unit P GEN:32:23 ÏÈ_´ò_·¢_Ëû_ÃÇ_¹ý_ºÓ_£¬_ÓÖ_´ò_·¢_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_¶¼_¹ý_È¥_£¬ # # And he took them, and sent them over the brook, and sent over that # he had. # # unit P GEN:32:24 Ö»_Ê£_ÏÂ_ÑÅ_¸÷_Ò»_ÈË_¡£_ÓÐ_Ò»_¸ö_ÈË_À´_ºÍ_Ëû_ˤ_õÓ_£¬_Ö±_µ½_Àè_Ã÷_¡£ # # And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until # the breaking of the day. # # unit P GEN:32:25 ÄÇ_ÈË_¼û_×Ô_¼º_ʤ_²»_¹ý_Ëû_£¬_¾Í_½«_Ëû_µÄ_´ó_ÍÈ_ÎÑ_Ãþ_ÁË_Ò»_°Ñ_£¬_ÑÅ ¸÷_µÄ_´ó_ÍÈ_ÎÑ_Õý_ÔÚ_ˤ_õÓ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_¾Í_Ť_ÁË_¡£ # # And when he saw that he prevailed not against him, he touched the # hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob's thigh was out of # joint, as he wrestled with him. # # unit P GEN:32:26 ÄÇ_ÈË_˵_£¬_Ìì_Àè_Ã÷_ÁË_£¬_ÈÝ_ÎÒ_È¥_°É_¡£_ÑÅ_¸÷_˵_£¬_Äã_²»_¸ø_ÎÒ_×£ ¸£_£¬_ÎÒ_¾Í_²»_ÈÝ_Äã_È¥_¡£ # # And he said, Let me go, for the day breaketh. And he said, I will # not let thee go, except thou bless me. # # unit P GEN:32:27 ÄÇ_ÈË_˵_£¬_Äã_Ãû_½Ð_ʲ_ô_£¿_Ëû_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Ãû_½Ð_ÑÅ_¸÷_¡£ # # And he said unto him, What is thy name? And he said, Jacob. # # unit P GEN:32:28 ÄÇ_ÈË_˵_£¬_Äã_µÄ_Ãû_²»_Òª_ÔÙ_½Ð_ÑÅ_¸÷_£¬_Òª_½Ð_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_Äã Óë_Éñ_Óë_ÈË_½Ï_Á¦_£¬_¶¼_µÃ_ÁË_ʤ_¡£ # # And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for # as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast # prevailed. # # unit P GEN:32:29 ÑÅ_¸÷_ÎÊ_Ëû_˵_£¬_Çë_½«_Äã_µÄ_Ãû_¸æ_Ëß_ÎÒ_¡£_ÄÇ_ÈË_˵_£¬_ºÎ_±Ø_ÎÊ_ÎÒ µÄ_Ãû_£¬_ÓÚ_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_¸ø_ÑÅ_¸÷_×£_¸£_¡£ # # And Jacob asked him, and said, Tell me, I pray thee, thy name. And # he said, Wherefore is it that thou dost ask after my name? And he # blessed him there. # # unit P GEN:32:30 ÑÅ_¸÷_±ã_¸ø_ÄÇ_µØ_·½_Æð_Ãû_½Ð_Åþ_Ŭ_ÒÁ_ÀÕ_£¨_¾Í_ÊÇ_Éñ_Ö®_Ãæ_µÄ_Òâ_˼ £©_£¬_Òâ_˼_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Ãæ_¶Ô_Ãæ_¼û_ÁË_Éñ_£¬_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÐÔ_Ãü_ÈÔ_µÃ_±£_È«_¡£ # # And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: for I have seen God # face to face, and my life is preserved. # # unit P GEN:32:31 ÈÕ_Í·_¸Õ_³ö_À´_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_ÑÅ_¸÷_¾­_¹ý_Åþ_Ŭ_ÒÁ_ÀÕ_£¬_Ëû_µÄ_´ó_ÍÈ_¾Í ȳ_ÁË_¡£ # # And as he passed over Penuel the sun rose upon him, and he halted # upon his thigh. # # unit P GEN:32:32 ¹Ê_´Ë_£¬_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_²»_³Ô_´ó_ÍÈ_ÎÑ_µÄ_½î_£¬_Ö±_µ½_½ñ_ÈÕ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÄÇ ÈË_Ãþ_ÁË_ÑÅ_¸÷_´ó_ÍÈ_ÎÑ_µÄ_½î_¡£ # # Therefore the children of Israel eat not of the sinew which shrank, # which is upon the hollow of the thigh, unto this day: because he # touched the hollow of Jacob's thigh in the sinew that shrank. # ## # chapter 33 GEN:33 # unit P GEN:33:1 ÑÅ_¸÷_¾Ù_Ä¿_¹Û_¿´_£¬_¼û_ÒÔ_ɨ_À´_ÁË_£¬_ºó_Í·_¸ú_×Å_ËÄ_°Ù_ÈË_£¬_Ëû_¾Í °Ñ_º¢_×Ó_ÃÇ_·Ö_¿ª_½»_¸ø_Àû_ÑÇ_£¬_À­_½á_£¬_ºÍ_Á½_¸ö_ʹ_Å®_£¬ # # And Jacob lifted up his eyes, and looked, and, behold, Esau came, # and with him four hundred men. And he divided the children unto # Leah, and unto Rachel, and unto the two handmaids. # # unit P GEN:33:2 ²¢_ÇÒ_½Ð_Á½_¸ö_ʹ_Å®_ºÍ_Ëý_ÃÇ_µÄ_º¢_×Ó_ÔÚ_Ç°_Í·_£¬_Àû_ÑÇ_ºÍ_Ëý_µÄ_º¢ ×Ó_ÔÚ_ºó_Í·_£¬_À­_½á_ºÍ_Ô¼_ɪ_ÔÚ_¾¡_ºó_Í·_¡£ # # And he put the handmaids and their children foremost, and Leah and # her children after, and Rachel and Joseph hindermost. # # unit P GEN:33:3 Ëû_×Ô_¼º_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ç°_Í·_¹ý_È¥_£¬_Ò»_Á¬_Æß_´Î_¸©_·ü_ÔÚ_µØ_²Å_¾Í_½ü_Ëû ¸ç_¸ç_¡£ # # And he passed over before them, and bowed himself to the ground # seven times, until he came near to his brother. # # unit P GEN:33:4 ÒÔ_ɨ_ÅÜ_À´_Ó­_½Ó_Ëû_£¬_½«_Ëû_±§_ס_£¬_ÓÖ_§_×Å_Ëû_µÄ_¾±_Ïî_£¬_Óë_Ëû Ç×_×ì_£¬_Á½_¸ö_ÈË_¾Í_¿Þ_ÁË_¡£ # # And Esau ran to meet him, and embraced him, and fell on his neck, # and kissed him: and they wept. # # unit P GEN:33:5 ÒÔ_ɨ_¾Ù_Ä¿_¿´_¼û_¸¾_ÈË_º¢_×Ó_£¬_¾Í_˵_£¬_Õâ_Щ_ºÍ_Äã_ͬ_ÐÐ_µÄ_ÊÇ_Ë­ ÄØ_£¿_ÑÅ_¸÷_˵_£¬_Õâ_Щ_º¢_×Ó_ÊÇ_Éñ_Ê©_¶÷_¸ø_Äã_µÄ_ÆÍ_ÈË_µÄ_¡£ # # And he lifted up his eyes, and saw the women and the children; and # said, Who are those with thee? And he said, The children which God # hath graciously given thy servant. # # unit P GEN:33:6 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Á½_¸ö_ʹ_Å®_ºÍ_Ëý_ÃÇ_µÄ_º¢_×Ó_Ç°_À´_ÏÂ_°Ý_¡£ # # Then the handmaidens came near, they and their children, and they # bowed themselves. # # unit P GEN:33:7 Àû_ÑÇ_ºÍ_Ëý_µÄ_º¢_×Ó_Ò²_Ç°_À´_ÏÂ_°Ý_¡£_Ëæ_ºó_Ô¼_ɪ_ºÍ_À­_½á_Ò²_Ç°_À´ ÏÂ_°Ý_¡£ # # And Leah also with her children came near, and bowed themselves: and # after came Joseph near and Rachel, and they bowed themselves. # # unit P GEN:33:8 ÒÔ_ɨ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Ëù_Óö_¼û_µÄ_Õâ_Щ_Ⱥ_Ðó_ÊÇ_ʲ_ô_Òâ_˼_ÄØ_£¿_ÑÅ_¸÷_˵ £¬_ÊÇ_Òª_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_Ö÷_Ãæ_Ç°_ÃÉ_¶÷_µÄ_¡£ # # And he said, What meanest thou by all this drove which I met? And he # said, These are to find grace in the sight of my lord. # # unit P GEN:33:9 ÒÔ_ɨ_˵_£¬_ÐÖ_µÜ_°¢_£¬_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÒÑ_¾­_¹»_ÁË_£¬_Äã_µÄ_ÈÔ_¹é_Äã_°É_¡£ # # And Esau said, I have enough, my brother; keep that thou hast unto # thyself. # # unit P GEN:33:10 ÑÅ_¸÷_˵_£¬_²»_È»_£¬_ÎÒ_Èô_ÔÚ_Äã_ÑÛ_Ç°_ÃÉ_¶÷_£¬_¾Í_Çó_Äã_´Ó_ÎÒ_ÊÖ_Àï ÊÕ_ÏÂ_Õâ_Àñ_Îï_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_ÎÒ_¼û_ÁË_Äã_µÄ_Ãæ_£¬_Èç_ͬ_¼û_ÁË_Éñ_µÄ_Ãæ_£¬ ²¢_ÇÒ_Äã_ÈÝ_ÄÉ_ÁË_ÎÒ_¡£ # # And Jacob said, Nay, I pray thee, if now I have found grace in thy # sight, then receive my present at my hand: for therefore I have seen # thy face, as though I had seen the face of God, and thou wast # pleased with me. # # unit P GEN:33:11 Çó_Äã_ÊÕ_ÏÂ_ÎÒ_´ø_À´_¸ø_Äã_µÄ_Àñ_Îï_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_Éñ_¶÷_´ý_ÎÒ_£¬_ʹ_ÎÒ_³ä ×ã_¡£_ÑÅ_¸÷_ÔÙ_Èý_µØ_Çó_Ëû_£¬_Ëû_²Å_ÊÕ_ÏÂ_ÁË_¡£ # # Take, I pray thee, my blessing that is brought to thee; because God # hath dealt graciously with me, and because I have enough. And he # urged him, and he took it. # # unit P GEN:33:12 ÒÔ_ɨ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¿É_ÒÔ_Æð_Éí_Ç°_Íù_£¬_ÎÒ_ÔÚ_Äã_Ç°_Í·_×ß_¡£ # # And he said, Let us take our journey, and let us go, and I will go # before thee. # # unit P GEN:33:13 ÑÅ_¸÷_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Ö÷_Öª_µÀ_º¢_×Ó_ÃÇ_Äê_Ó×_½¿_ÄÛ_£¬_Å£_Ñò_Ò²_Õý_ÔÚ Èé_Ñø_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Èô_ÊÇ_´ß_¸Ï_Ò»_Ìì_£¬_Ⱥ_Ðó_¶¼_±Ø_ËÀ_ÁË_¡£ # # And he said unto him, My lord knoweth that the children are tender, # and the flocks and herds with young are with me: and if men should # overdrive them one day, all the flock will die. # # unit P GEN:33:14 Çó_ÎÒ_Ö÷_ÔÚ_ÆÍ_ÈË_Ç°_Í·_×ß_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_Á¿_×Å_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_Ãæ_Ç°_Ⱥ_Ðó_ºÍ_º¢_×Ó µÄ_Á¦_Á¿_Âý_Âý_µØ_Ç°_ÐÐ_£¬_Ö±_×ß_µ½_Î÷_çí_ÎÒ_Ö÷_ÄÇ_Àï_¡£ # # Let my lord, I pray thee, pass over before his servant: and I will # lead on softly, according as the cattle that goeth before me and the # children be able to endure, until I come unto my lord unto Seir. # # unit P GEN:33:15 ÒÔ_ɨ_˵_£¬_ÈÝ_ÎÒ_°Ñ_¸ú_Ëæ_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÈË_Áô_¼¸_¸ö_ÔÚ_Äã_Õâ_Àï_¡£_ÑÅ_¸÷_˵ £¬_ºÎ_±Ø_ÄØ_£¿_Ö»_Òª_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_Ö÷_ÑÛ_Ç°_ÃÉ_¶÷_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÁË_¡£ # # And Esau said, Let me now leave with thee some of the folk that are # with me. And he said, What needeth it? let me find grace in the # sight of my lord. # # unit P GEN:33:16 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_£¬_ÒÔ_ɨ_µ±_ÈÕ_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_»Ø_Íù_Î÷_çí_È¥_ÁË_¡£ # # So Esau returned that day on his way unto Seir. # # unit P GEN:33:17 ÑÅ_¸÷_¾Í_Íù_Êè_¸î_È¥_£¬_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_Ϊ_×Ô_¼º_¸Ç_Ôì_·¿_ÎÝ_£¬_ÓÖ_Ϊ_Éü_Ðó ´î_Åï_¡£_Òò_´Ë_ÄÇ_µØ_·½_Ãû_½Ð_Êè_¸î_£¨_¾Í_ÊÇ_Åï_µÄ_Òâ_˼_£©_¡£ # # And Jacob journeyed to Succoth, and built him an house, and made # booths for his cattle: therefore the name of the place is called # Succoth. # # unit P GEN:33:18 ÑÅ_¸÷_´Ó_°Í_µ©_ÑÇ_À¼_»Ø_À´_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_ƽ_ƽ_°²_°²_µØ_µ½_ÁË_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ µÄ_ʾ_½£_³Ç_£¬_ÔÚ_³Ç_¶«_Ö§_´î_ÕÊ_Åï_£¬ # # And Jacob came to Shalem, a city of Shechem, which is in the land of # Canaan, when he came from Padanaram; and pitched his tent before the # city. # # unit P GEN:33:19 ¾Í_ÓÃ_Ò»_°Ù_¿é_Òø_×Ó_Ïò_ʾ_½£_µÄ_¸¸_Ç×_£¬_¹þ_Ĩ_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_Âò_ÁË_Ö§_ÕÊ Åï_µÄ_ÄÇ_¿é_µØ_£¬ # # And he bought a parcel of a field, where he had spread his tent, at # the hand of the children of Hamor, Shechem's father, for an hundred # pieces of money. # # unit P GEN:33:20 ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_Öþ_ÁË_Ò»_×ù_̳_£¬_Æð_Ãû_½Ð_ÒÁ_Àû_ÒÁ_ÂÞ_ÒÁ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_£¨_¾Í_ÊÇ Éñ_£¬_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_Éñ_µÄ_Òâ_˼_£©_¡£ # # And he erected there an altar, and called it EleloheIsrael. # ## # chapter 34 GEN:34 # unit P GEN:34:1 Àû_ÑÇ_¸ø_ÑÅ_¸÷_Ëù_Éú_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_µ×_ÄÃ_³ö_È¥_£¬_Òª_¼û_ÄÇ_µØ_µÄ_Å®_×Ó_ÃÇ ¡£ # # And Dinah the daughter of Leah, which she bare unto Jacob, went out # to see the daughters of the land. # # unit P GEN:34:2 ÄÇ_µØ_µÄ_Ö÷_Ï£_δ_ÈË_£¬_¹þ_Ĩ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ʾ_½£_¿´_¼û_Ëý_£¬_¾Í_À­_ס_Ëý £¬_Óë_Ëý_ÐÐ_Òù_£¬_çè_Èè_Ëý_¡£ # # And when Shechem the son of Hamor the Hivite, prince of the country, # saw her, he took her, and lay with her, and defiled her. # # unit P GEN:34:3 ʾ_½£_µÄ_ÐÄ_ϵ_Áµ_ÑÅ_¸÷_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_µ×_ÄÃ_£¬_ϲ_°®_Õâ_Å®_×Ó_£¬_Ìð_ÑÔ_ÃÛ Óï_µØ_°²_ο_Ëý_¡£ # # And his soul clave unto Dinah the daughter of Jacob, and he loved # the damsel, and spake kindly unto the damsel. # # unit P GEN:34:4 ʾ_½£_¶Ô_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_¹þ_Ĩ_˵_£¬_Çó_Äã_Ϊ_ÎÒ_Ƹ_Õâ_Å®_×Ó_Ϊ_ÆÞ_¡£ # # And Shechem spake unto his father Hamor, saying, Get me this damsel # to wife. # # unit P GEN:34:5 ÑÅ_¸÷_Ìý_¼û_ʾ_½£_çè_ÎÛ_ÁË_Ëû_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_µ×_ÄÃ_¡£_ÄÇ_ʱ_Ëû_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÃÇ Õý_ºÍ_Ⱥ_Ðó_ÔÚ_Ìï_Ò°_£¬_ÑÅ_¸÷_¾Í_±Õ_¿Ú_²»_ÑÔ_£¬_µÈ_Ëû_ÃÇ_»Ø_À´_¡£ # # And Jacob heard that he had defiled Dinah his daughter: now his sons # were with his cattle in the field: and Jacob held his peace until # they were come. # # unit P GEN:34:6 ʾ_½£_µÄ_¸¸_Ç×_¹þ_Ĩ_³ö_À´_¼û_ÑÅ_¸÷_£¬_Òª_ºÍ_Ëû_ÉÌ_Òé_¡£ # # And Hamor the father of Shechem went out unto Jacob to commune with # him. # # unit P GEN:34:7 ÑÅ_¸÷_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÃÇ_Ìý_¼û_Õâ_ÊÂ_£¬_¾Í_´Ó_Ìï_Ò°_»Ø_À´_£¬_ÈË_ÈË_·Þ_ºÞ_£¬ Ê®_·Ö_ÄÕ_Å­_¡£_Òò_ʾ_½£_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_¼Ò_×÷_ÁË_³ó_ÊÂ_£¬_Óë_ÑÅ_¸÷_µÄ_Å® ¶ù_ÐÐ_Òù_£¬_Õâ_±¾_ÊÇ_²»_¸Ã_×÷_µÄ_ÊÂ_¡£ # # And the sons of Jacob came out of the field when they heard it: and # the men were grieved, and they were very wroth, because he had # wrought folly in Israel in lying with Jacob's daughter; which thing # ought not to be done. # # unit P GEN:34:8 ¹þ_Ĩ_ºÍ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÉÌ_Òé_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_¶ù_×Ó_ʾ_½£_µÄ_ÐÄ_Áµ_Ľ_Õâ_Å®_×Ó_£¬_Çó Äã_ÃÇ_½«_Ëý_¸ø_ÎÒ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_Ϊ_ÆÞ_¡£ # # And Hamor communed with them, saying, The soul of my son Shechem # longeth for your daughter: I pray you give her him to wife. # # unit P GEN:34:9 Äã_ÃÇ_Óë_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_±Ë_´Ë_½á_Ç×_¡£_Äã_ÃÇ_¿É_ÒÔ_°Ñ_Å®_¶ù_¸ø_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_£¬_Ò²_¿É ÒÔ_È¢_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_¡£ # # And make ye marriages with us, and give your daughters unto us, and # take our daughters unto you. # # unit P GEN:34:10 Äã_ÃÇ_Óë_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ͬ_ס_°É_¡£_Õâ_µØ_¶¼_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_Ö»_¹Ü_ÔÚ_´Ë_¾Ó ס_£¬_×÷_Âò_Âô_£¬_ÖÃ_²ú_Òµ_¡£ # # And ye shall dwell with us: and the land shall be before you; dwell # and trade ye therein, and get you possessions therein. # # unit P GEN:34:11 ʾ_½£_¶Ô_Å®_¶ù_µÄ_¸¸_Ç×_ºÍ_µÜ_ÐÖ_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_µ«_Ô¸_ÎÒ_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÑÛ_Ç°_ÃÉ ¶÷_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Ïò_ÎÒ_Òª_ʲ_ô_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_¡£ # # And Shechem said unto her father and unto her brethren, Let me find # grace in your eyes, and what ye shall say unto me I will give. # # unit P GEN:34:12 ÈÎ_ƾ_Ïò_ÎÒ_Òª_¶à_ÖØ_µÄ_Ƹ_½ð_ºÍ_Àñ_Îï_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_ÕÕ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ëù_˵_µÄ_¸ø Äã_ÃÇ_¡£_Ö»_Òª_°Ñ_Å®_×Ó_¸ø_ÎÒ_Ϊ_ÆÞ_¡£ # # Ask me never so much dowry and gift, and I will give according as ye # shall say unto me: but give me the damsel to wife. # # unit P GEN:34:13 ÑÅ_¸÷_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÃÇ_Òò_Ϊ_ʾ_½£_çè_ÎÛ_ÁË_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÃÃ_×Ó_µ×_ÄÃ_£¬_¾Í_Óà ¹î_Õ©_µÄ_»°_»Ø_´ð_ʾ_½£_ºÍ_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_¹þ_Ĩ_£¬ # # And the sons of Jacob answered Shechem and Hamor his father # deceitfully, and said, because he had defiled Dinah their sister: # # unit P GEN:34:14 ¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_²»_ÄÜ_°Ñ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÃÃ_×Ó_¸ø_û_ÓÐ_ÊÜ_¸î_Àñ_µÄ_ÈË Îª_ÆÞ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÄÇ_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_Ðß_Èè_¡£ # # And they said unto them, We cannot do this thing, to give our sister # to one that is uncircumcised; for that were a reproach unto us: # # unit P GEN:34:15 Ω_ÓÐ_Ò»_¼þ_²Å_¿É_ÒÔ_Ó¦_ÔÊ_£¬_Èô_Äã_ÃÇ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_ÄÐ_¶¡_¶¼_ÊÜ_¸î_Àñ_£¬ ºÍ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Ò»_Ñù_£¬ # # But in this will we consent unto you: If ye will be as we be, that # every male of you be circumcised; # # unit P GEN:34:16 ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¾Í_°Ñ_Å®_¶ù_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_Ò²_È¢_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_¡£_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_±ã_Óë_Äã ÃÇ_ͬ_ס_£¬_Á½_ÏÂ_³É_Ϊ_Ò»_Ñù_µÄ_ÈË_Ãñ_¡£ # # Then will we give our daughters unto you, and we will take your # daughters to us, and we will dwell with you, and we will become one # people. # # unit P GEN:34:17 ÌÈ_Èô_Äã_ÃÇ_²»_Ìý_´Ó_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÊÜ_¸î_Àñ_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¾Í_´ø_×Å_ÃÃ_×Ó_×ß_ÁË_¡£ # # But if ye will not hearken unto us, to be circumcised; then will we # take our daughter, and we will be gone. # # unit P GEN:34:18 ¹þ_Ĩ_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ʾ_½£_ϲ_»¶_Õâ_»°_¡£ # # And their words pleased Hamor, and Shechem Hamor's son. # # unit P GEN:34:19 ÄÇ_ÉÙ_Äê_ÈË_×÷_Õâ_ÊÂ_²¢_²»_³Ù_ÑÓ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_ϲ_°®_ÑÅ_¸÷_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_¡£ Ëû_ÔÚ_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_¼Ò_ÖÐ_Ò²_ÊÇ_ÈË_×î_×ð_ÖØ_µÄ_¡£ # # And the young man deferred not to do the thing, because he had # delight in Jacob's daughter: and he was more honourable than all the # house of his father. # # unit P GEN:34:20 ¹þ_Ĩ_ºÍ_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_ʾ_½£_µ½_±¾_³Ç_µÄ_ÃÅ_¿Ú_£¬_¶Ô_±¾_³Ç_µÄ_ÈË_˵_£¬ # # And Hamor and Shechem his son came unto the gate of their city, and # communed with the men of their city, saying, # # unit P GEN:34:21 Õâ_Щ_ÈË_Óë_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ºÍ_ÄÀ_£¬_²»_Èç_Ðí_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_Õâ_µØ_¾Ó_ס_£¬_×÷_Âò_Âô ¡£_Õâ_µØ_Ò²_¿í_À«_£¬_×ã_¿É_ÈÝ_ÏÂ_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¿É_ÒÔ_È¢_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Å® ¶ù_Ϊ_ÆÞ_£¬_Ò²_¿É_ÒÔ_°Ñ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_¼Þ_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£ # # These men are peaceable with us; therefore let them dwell in the # land, and trade therein; for the land, behold, it is large enough # for them; let us take their daughters to us for wives, and let us # give them our daughters. # # unit P GEN:34:22 Ω_ÓÐ_Ò»_¼þ_ÊÂ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_±Ø_Ðë_×÷_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_²Å_¿Ï_Ó¦_ÔÊ_ºÍ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ͬ_ס_£¬ ³É_Ϊ_Ò»_Ñù_µÄ_ÈË_Ãñ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_ÄÐ_¶¡_¶¼_Òª_ÊÜ_¸î Àñ_£¬_ºÍ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ò»_Ñù_¡£ # # Only herein will the men consent unto us for to dwell with us, to be # one people, if every male among us be circumcised, as they are # circumcised. # # unit P GEN:34:23 Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Ⱥ_Ðó_£¬_»õ_²Æ_£¬_ºÍ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_Éü_¿Ú_Æñ_²»_¶¼_¹é_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Âð_£¿ Ö»_Òª_ÒÀ_´Ó_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_Óë_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ͬ_ס_¡£ # # Shall not their cattle and their substance and every beast of theirs # be ours? only let us consent unto them, and they will dwell with us. # # unit P GEN:34:24 ·²_´Ó_³Ç_ÃÅ_³ö_Èë_µÄ_ÈË_¾Í_¶¼_Ìý_´Ó_¹þ_Ĩ_ºÍ_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_ʾ_½£_µÄ_»°_¡£ ÓÚ_ÊÇ_·²_´Ó_³Ç_ÃÅ_³ö_Èë_µÄ_ÄÐ_¶¡_¶¼_ÊÜ_ÁË_¸î_Àñ_¡£ # # And unto Hamor and unto Shechem his son hearkened all that went out # of the gate of his city; and every male was circumcised, all that # went out of the gate of his city. # # unit P GEN:34:25 µ½_µÚ_Èý_Ìì_£¬_ÖÚ_ÈË_Õý_ÔÚ_ÌÛ_Í´_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_ÑÅ_¸÷_µÄ_Á½_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_£¬ ¾Í_ÊÇ_µ×_ÄÃ_µÄ_¸ç_¸ç_Î÷_Ãå_ºÍ_Àû_δ_£¬_¸÷_ÄÃ_µ¶_½£_£¬_³Ã_×Å_ÖÚ_ÈË_Ïë ²»_µ½_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_À´_µ½_³Ç_ÖÐ_£¬_°Ñ_Ò»_ÇÐ_ÄÐ_¶¡_¶¼_ɱ_ÁË_£¬ # # And it came to pass on the third day, when they were sore, that two # of the sons of Jacob, Simeon and Levi, Dinah's brethren, took each # man his sword, and came upon the city boldly, and slew all the # males. # # unit P GEN:34:26 ÓÖ_ÓÃ_µ¶_ɱ_ÁË_¹þ_Ĩ_ºÍ_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_ʾ_½£_£¬_°Ñ_µ×_ÄÃ_´Ó_ʾ_½£_¼Ò_Àï_´ø ³ö_À´_¾Í_×ß_ÁË_¡£ # # And they slew Hamor and Shechem his son with the edge of the sword, # and took Dinah out of Shechem's house, and went out. # # unit P GEN:34:27 ÑÅ_¸÷_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÃÇ_Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÃÃ_×Ó_ÊÜ_ÁË_çè_ÎÛ_£¬_¾Í_À´_µ½_±»_ɱ µÄ_ÈË_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_°_ÂÓ_ÄÇ_³Ç_£¬ # # The sons of Jacob came upon the slain, and spoiled the city, because # they had defiled their sister. # # unit P GEN:34:28 ¶á_ÁË_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Ñò_Ⱥ_£¬_Å£_Ⱥ_£¬_ºÍ_¿_£¬_²¢_³Ç_Àï_Ìï_¼ä_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_¡£ # # They took their sheep, and their oxen, and their asses, and that # which was in the city, and that which was in the field, # # unit P GEN:34:29 ÓÖ_°Ñ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ò»_ÇÐ_»õ_²Æ_£¬_º¢_×Ó_£¬_¸¾_Å®_£¬_²¢_¸÷_·¿_ÖÐ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_£¬ ¶¼_°_ÂÓ_È¥_ÁË_¡£ # # And all their wealth, and all their little ones, and their wives # took they captive, and spoiled even all that was in the house. # # unit P GEN:34:30 ÑÅ_¸÷_¶Ô_Î÷_Ãå_ºÍ_Àû_δ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Á¬_ÀÛ_ÎÒ_£¬_ʹ_ÎÒ_ÔÚ_Õâ_µØ_µÄ_¾Ó Ãñ_ÖÐ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_åÈ_ÄÏ_ÈË_ºÍ_±È_Àû_Ï´_ÈË_ÖÐ_£¬_ÓÐ_ÁË_³ô_Ãû_¡£_ÎÒ_µÄ ÈË_¶¡_¼È_È»_Ï¡_ÉÙ_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_±Ø_¾Û_¼¯_À´_»÷_ɱ_ÎÒ_£¬_ÎÒ_ºÍ_È«_¼Ò_µÄ_ÈË ¶¼_±Ø_Ãð_¾ø_¡£ # # And Jacob said to Simeon and Levi, Ye have troubled me to make me to # stink among the inhabitants of the land, among the Canaanites and # the Perizzites: and I being few in number, they shall gather # themselves together against me, and slay me; and I shall be # destroyed, I and my house. # # unit P GEN:34:31 Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Ëû_Æñ_¿É_´ý_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÃÃ_×Ó_Èç_ͬ_¼Ë_Å®_Âð_£¿ # # And they said, Should he deal with our sister as with an harlot? # ## # chapter 35 GEN:35 # unit P GEN:35:1 Éñ_¶Ô_ÑÅ_¸÷_˵_£¬_Æð_À´_¡£_ÉÏ_²®_ÌØ_Àû_È¥_£¬_ס_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_¡£_Òª_ÔÚ_ÄÇ Àï_Öþ_Ò»_×ù_̳_¸ø_Éñ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Äã_ÌÓ_±Ü_Äã_¸ç_¸ç_ÒÔ_ɨ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_Ïò_Äã ÏÔ_ÏÖ_µÄ_ÄÇ_λ_¡£ # # And God said unto Jacob, Arise, go up to Bethel, and dwell there: # and make there an altar unto God, that appeared unto thee when thou # fleddest from the face of Esau thy brother. # # unit P GEN:35:2 ÑÅ_¸÷_¾Í_¶Ô_Ëû_¼Ò_ÖÐ_µÄ_ÈË_²¢_Ò»_ÇÐ_Óë_Ëû_ͬ_ÔÚ_µÄ_ÈË_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª ³ý_µô_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_µÄ_Íâ_°î_Éñ_£¬_Ò²_Òª_×Ô_½à_£¬_¸ü_»»_ÒÂ_ÉÑ_¡£ # # Then Jacob said unto his household, and to all that were with him, # Put away the strange gods that are among you, and be clean, and # change your garments: # # unit P GEN:35:3 ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Òª_Æð_À´_£¬_ÉÏ_²®_ÌØ_Àû_È¥_£¬_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_ÎÒ_Òª_Öþ_Ò»_×ù_̳_¸ø_Éñ £¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_Ôâ_ÄÑ_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_Ó¦_ÔÊ_ÎÒ_µÄ_µ»_¸æ_£¬_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_ÐÐ_µÄ_·_ÉÏ ±£_ÓÓ_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÄÇ_λ_¡£ # # And let us arise, and go up to Bethel; and I will make there an # altar unto God, who answered me in the day of my distress, and was # with me in the way which I went. # # unit P GEN:35:4 Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_°Ñ_Íâ_°î_ÈË_µÄ_Éñ_Ïñ_ºÍ_Ëû_ÃÇ_¶ú_¶ä_ÉÏ_µÄ_»·_×Ó_½»_¸ø_ÑÅ_¸÷ ¡£_ÑÅ_¸÷_¶¼_²Ø_ÔÚ_ʾ_½£_ÄÇ_Àï_µÄ_Ïð_Ê÷_µ×_ÏÂ_¡£ # # And they gave unto Jacob all the strange gods which were in their # hand, and all their earrings which were in their ears; and Jacob hid # them under the oak which was by Shechem. # # unit P GEN:35:5 Ëû_ÃÇ_±ã_Æð_ÐÐ_Ç°_Íù_¡£_Éñ_ʹ_ÄÇ_ÖÜ_Χ_³Ç_ÒØ_µÄ_ÈË_¶¼_Éõ_¾ª_¾å_£¬_¾Í ²»_×·_¸Ï_ÑÅ_¸÷_µÄ_ÖÚ_×Ó_ÁË_¡£ # # And they journeyed: and the terror of God was upon the cities that # were round about them, and they did not pursue after the sons of # Jacob. # # unit P GEN:35:6 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_ÑÅ_¸÷_ºÍ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Óë_Ëû_ͬ_ÔÚ_µÄ_ÈË_µ½_ÁË_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ_µÄ_·_˹_£¬_¾Í ÊÇ_²®_ÌØ_Àû_¡£ # # So Jacob came to Luz, which is in the land of Canaan, that is, # Bethel, he and all the people that were with him. # # unit P GEN:35:7 Ëû_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_Öþ_ÁË_Ò»_×ù_̳_£¬_¾Í_¸ø_ÄÇ_µØ_·½_Æð_Ãû_½Ð_ÒÁ_ÀÕ_²®_ÌØ_Àû £¨_¾Í_ÊÇ_²®_ÌØ_Àû_Ö®_Éñ_µÄ_Òâ_˼_£©_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_ÌÓ_±Ü_Ëû_¸ç_¸ç_µÄ_ʱ ºò_£¬_Éñ_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_Ïò_Ëû_ÏÔ_ÏÖ_¡£ # # And he built there an altar, and called the place Elbethel: because # there God appeared unto him, when he fled from the face of his # brother. # # unit P GEN:35:8 Àû_°Ù_¼Ó_µÄ_ÄÌ_ĸ_µ×_²¨_À­_ËÀ_ÁË_£¬_¾Í_Ôá_ÔÚ_²®_ÌØ_Àû_ÏÂ_±ß_Ïð_Ê÷_µ× ÏÂ_¡£_ÄÇ_¿Ã_Ê÷_Ãû_½Ð_ÑÇ_Â×_°Í_¹Å_¡£ # # But Deborah Rebekah's nurse died, and she was buried beneath Bethel # under an oak: and the name of it was called Allonbachuth. # # unit P GEN:35:9 ÑÅ_¸÷_´Ó_°Í_µ©_ÑÇ_À¼_»Ø_À´_£¬_Éñ_ÓÖ_Ïò_Ëû_ÏÔ_ÏÖ_£¬_´Í_¸£_Óë_Ëû_£¬ # # And God appeared unto Jacob again, when he came out of Padanaram, # and blessed him. # # unit P GEN:35:10 ÇÒ_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_Äã_µÄ_Ãû_Ô­_ÊÇ_ÑÅ_¸÷_£¬_´Ó_½ñ_ÒÔ_ºó_²»_Òª_ÔÙ_½Ð_ÑÅ_¸÷ £¬_Òª_½Ð_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_¡£_Õâ_Ñù_£¬_Ëû_¾Í_¸Ä_Ãû_½Ð_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_¡£ # # And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be # called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called # his name Israel. # # unit P GEN:35:11 Éñ_ÓÖ_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_È«_ÄÜ_µÄ_Éñ_¡£_Äã_Òª_Éú_Ñø_ÖÚ_¶à_£¬_½«_À´_ÓÐ Ò»_×å_ºÍ_¶à_¹ú_µÄ_Ãñ_´Ó_Äã_¶ø_Éú_£¬_ÓÖ_ÓÐ_¾ý_Íõ_´Ó_Äã_¶ø_³ö_¡£ # # And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; # a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall # come out of thy loins; # # unit P GEN:35:12 ÎÒ_Ëù_´Í_¸ø_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_ºÍ_ÒÔ_Èö_µÄ_µØ_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_´Í_¸ø_Äã_Óë_Äã_µÄ_ºó Òá_¡£ # # And the land which I gave Abraham and Isaac, to thee I will give it, # and to thy seed after thee will I give the land. # # unit P GEN:35:13 Éñ_¾Í_´Ó_ÄÇ_Óë_ÑÅ_¸÷_˵_»°_µÄ_µØ_·½_Éý_ÉÏ_È¥_ÁË_¡£ # # And God went up from him in the place where he talked with him. # # unit P GEN:35:14 ÑÅ_¸÷_±ã_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_Á¢_ÁË_Ò»_¸ù_ʯ_Öù_£¬_ÔÚ_Öù_×Ó_ÉÏ_µì_¾Æ_£¬_½½_ÓÍ_¡£ # # And Jacob set up a pillar in the place where he talked with him, # even a pillar of stone: and he poured a drink offering thereon, and # he poured oil thereon. # # unit P GEN:35:15 ÑÅ_¸÷_¾Í_¸ø_ÄÇ_µØ_·½_Æð_Ãû_½Ð_²®_ÌØ_Àû_¡£ # # And Jacob called the name of the place where God spake with him, # Bethel. # # unit P GEN:35:16 Ëû_ÃÇ_´Ó_²®_ÌØ_Àû_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_Àë_ÒÔ_·¨_Ëû_»¹_ÓÐ_Ò»_¶Î_·_³Ì_£¬_À­_½á_ÁÙ ²ú_Éõ_ÊÇ_¼è_ÄÑ_¡£ # # And they journeyed from Bethel; and there was but a little way to # come to Ephrath: and Rachel travailed, and she had hard labour. # # unit P GEN:35:17 Õý_ÔÚ_¼è_ÄÑ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_ÊÕ_Éú_ÆÅ_¶Ô_Ëý_˵_£¬_²»_Òª_ÅÂ_£¬_Äã_ÓÖ_Òª_µÃ Ò»_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_ÁË_¡£ # # And it came to pass, when she was in hard labour, that the midwife # said unto her, Fear not; thou shalt have this son also. # # unit P GEN:35:18 Ëý_½«_½ü_ÓÚ_ËÀ_£¬_Áé_»ê_Òª_×ß_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_¾Í_¸ø_Ëý_¶ù_×Ó_Æð_Ãû_½Ð_±ã ¶í_Äá_¡£_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_È´_¸ø_Ëû_Æð_Ãû_½Ð_±ã_ÑÅ_Ãõ_¡£ # # And it came to pass, as her soul was in departing, (for she died) # that she called his name Benoni: but his father called him Benjamin. # # unit P GEN:35:19 À­_½á_ËÀ_ÁË_£¬_Ôá_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_·¨_Ëû_µÄ_·_ÅÔ_¡£_ÒÔ_·¨_Ëû_¾Í_ÊÇ_²®_Àû_ºã_¡£ # # And Rachel died, and was buried in the way to Ephrath, which is # Bethlehem. # # unit P GEN:35:20 ÑÅ_¸÷_ÔÚ_Ëý_µÄ_·Ø_ÉÏ_Á¢_ÁË_Ò»_ͳ_±®_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_À­_½á_µÄ_Ĺ_±®_£¬_µ½_½ñ ÈÕ_»¹_ÔÚ_¡£ # # And Jacob set a pillar upon her grave: that is the pillar of # Rachel's grave unto this day. # # unit P GEN:35:21 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_Æð_ÐÐ_Ç°_Íù_£¬_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_µÃ_̨_ÄÇ_±ß_Ö§_´î_ÕÊ_Åï_¡£ # # And Israel journeyed, and spread his tent beyond the tower of Edar. # # unit P GEN:35:22 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ס_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_µØ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Á÷_±ã_È¥_Óë_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_µÄ_æª_±Ù_À­_ͬ ÇÞ_£¬_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_Ò²_Ìý_¼û_ÁË_¡£_ÑÅ_¸÷_¹²_ÓÐ_Ê®_¶þ_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_¡£ # # And it came to pass, when Israel dwelt in that land, that Reuben # went and lay with Bilhah his father's concubine: and Israel heard # it. Now the sons of Jacob were twelve: # # unit P GEN:35:23 Àû_ÑÇ_Ëù_Éú_µÄ_ÊÇ_ÑÅ_¸÷_µÄ_³¤_×Ó_Á÷_±ã_£¬_»¹_ÓÐ_Î÷_Ãå_£¬_Àû_δ_£¬_ÓÌ ´ó_£¬_ÒÔ_Èø_åÈ_£¬_Î÷_²¼_Â×_¡£ # # The sons of Leah; Reuben, Jacob's firstborn, and Simeon, and Levi, # and Judah, and Issachar, and Zebulun: # # unit P GEN:35:24 À­_½á_Ëù_Éú_µÄ_ÊÇ_Ô¼_ɪ_£¬_±ã_ÑÅ_Ãõ_¡£ # # The sons of Rachel; Joseph, and Benjamin: # # unit P GEN:35:25 À­_½á_µÄ_ʹ_Å®_±Ù_À­_Ëù_Éú_µÄ_ÊÇ_µ«_£¬_ÄÃ_¸¥_Ëû_Àû_¡£ # # And the sons of Bilhah, Rachel's handmaid; Dan, and Naphtali: # # unit P GEN:35:26 Àû_ÑÇ_µÄ_ʹ_Å®_Ϥ_ÅÁ_Ëù_Éú_µÄ_ÊÇ_åÈ_µÃ_£¬_ÑÇ_Éè_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_ÑÅ_¸÷_ÔÚ_°Í µ©_ÑÇ_À¼_Ëù_Éú_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_¡£ # # And the sons of Zilpah, Leah's handmaid; Gad, and Asher: these are # the sons of Jacob, which were born to him in Padanaram. # # unit P GEN:35:27 ÑÅ_¸÷_À´_µ½_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_ÒÔ_Èö_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_µ½_ÁË_»ù_ÁÐ_ÑÇ_°Í_µÄ_á£_Àû_£¬_ÄË ÊÇ_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_ºÍ_ÒÔ_Èö_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_µØ_·½_¡£_»ù_ÁÐ_ÑÇ_°Í_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ï£_²®_ÂØ ¡£ # # And Jacob came unto Isaac his father unto Mamre, unto the city of # Arbah, which is Hebron, where Abraham and Isaac sojourned. # # unit P GEN:35:28 ÒÔ_Èö_¹²_»î_ÁË_Ò»_°Ù_°Ë_Ê®_Ëê_¡£ # # And the days of Isaac were an hundred and fourscore years. # # unit P GEN:35:29 ÒÔ_Èö_Äê_¼Í_ÀÏ_Âõ_£¬_ÈÕ_×Ó_Âú_×ã_£¬_Æø_¾ø_¶ø_ËÀ_£¬_¹é_µ½_Ëû_ÁÐ_×æ_£¨ Ô­_ÎÄ_×÷_±¾_Ãñ_£©_ÄÇ_Àï_¡£_Ëû_Á½_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_ɨ_£¬_ÑÅ_¸÷_°Ñ_Ëû_Âñ_Ôá ÁË_¡£ # # And Isaac gave up the ghost, and died, and was gathered unto his # people, being old and full of days: and his sons Esau and Jacob # buried him. # ## # chapter 36 GEN:36 # unit P GEN:36:1 ÒÔ_ɨ_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÒÔ_¶«_£¬_Ëû_µÄ_ºó_´ú_¼Ç_ÔÚ_ÏÂ_Ãæ_¡£ # # Now these are the generations of Esau, who is Edom. # # unit P GEN:36:2 ÒÔ_ɨ_È¢_åÈ_ÄÏ_µÄ_Å®_×Ó_Ϊ_ÆÞ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ºÕ_ÈË_ÒÔ_Â×_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_ÑÇ_´ó_ºÍ Ï£_δ_ÈË_¼À_±ã_µÄ_Ëï_Å®_£¬_ÑÇ_ÄÃ_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_°¢_ºÎ_Àû_°Í_Âê_£¬ # # Esau took his wives of the daughters of Canaan; Adah the daughter of # Elon the Hittite, and Aholibamah the daughter of Anah the daughter # of Zibeon the Hivite; # # unit P GEN:36:3 ÓÖ_È¢_ÁË_ÒÔ_ʵ_Âê_Àû_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_£¬_Äá_°Ý_Ô¼_µÄ_ÃÃ_×Ó_°Í_ʵ_Ĩ_¡£ # # And Bashemath Ishmael's daughter, sister of Nebajoth. # # unit P GEN:36:4 ÑÇ_´ó_¸ø_ÒÔ_ɨ_Éú_ÁË_ÒÔ_Àû_·¨_¡£_°Í_ʵ_Ĩ_Éú_ÁË_Á÷_çí_¡£ # # And Adah bare to Esau Eliphaz; and Bashemath bare Reuel; # # unit P GEN:36:5 °¢_ºÎ_Àû_°Í_Âê_Éú_ÁË_Ò®_ÎÚ_Ê©_£¬_ÑÅ_À¼_£¬_¿É_À­_¡£_Õâ_¶¼_ÊÇ_ÒÔ_ɨ_µÄ ¶ù_×Ó_£¬_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ_Éú_µÄ_¡£ # # And Aholibamah bare Jeush, and Jaalam, and Korah: these are the sons # of Esau, which were born unto him in the land of Canaan. # # unit P GEN:36:6 ÒÔ_ɨ_´ø_×Å_Ëû_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_£¬_¶ù_Å®_£¬_Óë_¼Ò_ÖÐ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_ÈË_¿Ú_£¬_²¢_Ëû µÄ_Å£_Ñò_£¬_Éü_Ðó_£¬_ºÍ_Ò»_ÇÐ_»õ_²Æ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ëû_ÔÚ_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ_Ëù_µÃ_µÄ £¬_Íù_±ð_´¦_È¥_£¬_Àë_ÁË_Ëû_ÐÖ_µÜ_ÑÅ_¸÷_¡£ # # And Esau took his wives, and his sons, and his daughters, and all # the persons of his house, and his cattle, and all his beasts, and # all his substance, which he had got in the land of Canaan; and went # into the country from the face of his brother Jacob. # # unit P GEN:36:7 Òò_Ϊ_¶þ_ÈË_µÄ_²Æ_Îï_Ⱥ_Ðó_Éõ_¶à_£¬_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_µØ_·½_ÈÝ_²»_ÏÂ_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬ Ëù_ÒÔ_²»_ÄÜ_ͬ_¾Ó_¡£ # # For their riches were more than that they might dwell together; and # the land wherein they were strangers could not bear them because of # their cattle. # # unit P GEN:36:8 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_ÒÔ_ɨ_ס_ÔÚ_Î÷_çí_ɽ_Àï_¡£_ÒÔ_ɨ_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÒÔ_¶«_¡£ # # Thus dwelt Esau in mount Seir: Esau is Edom. # # unit P GEN:36:9 ÒÔ_ɨ_ÊÇ_Î÷_çí_ɽ_Àï_ÒÔ_¶«_ÈË_µÄ_ʼ_×æ_£¬_Ëû_µÄ_ºó_´ú_¼Ç_ÔÚ_ÏÂ_Ãæ_¡£ # # And these are the generations of Esau the father of the Edomites in # mount Seir: # # unit P GEN:36:10 ÒÔ_ɨ_ÖÚ_×Ó_µÄ_Ãû_×Ö_Èç_ÏÂ_¡£_ÒÔ_ɨ_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_ÑÇ_´ó_Éú_ÒÔ_Àû_·¨_¡£_ÒÔ É¨_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_°Í_ʵ_Ĩ_Éú_Á÷_çí_¡£ # # These are the names of Esau's sons; Eliphaz the son of Adah the wife # of Esau, Reuel the son of Bashemath the wife of Esau. # # unit P GEN:36:11 ÒÔ_Àû_·¨_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÊÇ_Ìá_á£_£¬_°¢_Ĩ_£¬_Ï´_²£_£¬_åÈ_̹_£¬_»ù_ÄÉ_˹_¡£ # # And the sons of Eliphaz were Teman, Omar, Zepho, and Gatam, and # Kenaz. # # unit P GEN:36:12 ͤ_ÄÉ_ÊÇ_ÒÔ_ɨ_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_Àû_·¨_µÄ_æª_¡£_Ëý_¸ø_ÒÔ_Àû_·¨_Éú_ÁË_ÑÇ_Âê_Á¦ ¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_ÒÔ_ɨ_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_ÑÇ_´ó_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_¡£ # # And Timna was concubine to Eliphaz Esau's son; and she bare to # Eliphaz Amalek: these were the sons of Adah Esau's wife. # # unit P GEN:36:13 Á÷_çí_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÊÇ_ÄÃ_¹þ_£¬_л_À­_£¬_ɳ_Âê_£¬_Ã×_Èö_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_ÒÔ_ɨ_ÆÞ ×Ó_°Í_ʵ_Ĩ_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_¡£ # # And these are the sons of Reuel; Nahath, and Zerah, Shammah, and # Mizzah: these were the sons of Bashemath Esau's wife. # # unit P GEN:36:14 ÒÔ_ɨ_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_°¢_ºÎ_Àû_°Í_Âê_ÊÇ_¼À_±ã_µÄ_Ëï_Å®_£¬_ÑÇ_ÄÃ_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_¡£ Ëý_¸ø_ÒÔ_ɨ_Éú_ÁË_Ò®_ÎÚ_Ê©_£¬_ÑÅ_À¼_£¬_¿É_À­_¡£ # # And these were the sons of Aholibamah, the daughter of Anah the # daughter of Zibeon, Esau's wife: and she bare to Esau Jeush, and # Jaalam, and Korah. # # unit P GEN:36:15 ÒÔ_ɨ_×Ó_Ëï_ÖÐ_×÷_×å_³¤_µÄ_¼Ç_ÔÚ_ÏÂ_Ãæ_¡£_ÒÔ_ɨ_µÄ_³¤_×Ó_ÒÔ_Àû_·¨_µÄ ×Ó_Ëï_ÖÐ_£¬_ÓÐ_Ìá_á£_×å_³¤_£¬_°¢_Ĩ_×å_³¤_£¬_Ï´_²£_×å_³¤_£¬_»ù_ÄÉ_˹ ×å_³¤_£¬ # # These were dukes of the sons of Esau: the sons of Eliphaz the # firstborn son of Esau; duke Teman, duke Omar, duke Zepho, duke # Kenaz, # # unit P GEN:36:16 ¿É_À­_×å_³¤_£¬_åÈ_̹_×å_³¤_£¬_ÑÇ_Âê_Á¦_×å_³¤_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_¶«_µØ_´Ó ÒÔ_Àû_·¨_Ëù_³ö_µÄ_×å_³¤_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_ÑÇ_´ó_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_¡£ # # Duke Korah, duke Gatam, and duke Amalek: these are the dukes that # came of Eliphaz in the land of Edom; these were the sons of Adah. # # unit P GEN:36:17 ÒÔ_ɨ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_Á÷_çí_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_ÖÐ_£¬_ÓÐ_ÄÃ_¹þ_×å_³¤_£¬_л_À­_×å_³¤_£¬ ɳ_Âê_×å_³¤_£¬_Ã×_Èö_×å_³¤_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_¶«_µØ_´Ó_Á÷_çí_Ëù_³ö_µÄ_×å ³¤_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_ÒÔ_ɨ_ÆÞ_×Ó_°Í_ʵ_Ĩ_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_¡£ # # And these are the sons of Reuel Esau's son; duke Nahath, duke Zerah, # duke Shammah, duke Mizzah: these are the dukes that came of Reuel in # the land of Edom; these are the sons of Bashemath Esau's wife. # # unit P GEN:36:18 ÒÔ_ɨ_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_°¢_ºÎ_Àû_°Í_Âê_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_ÖÐ_£¬_ÓÐ_Ò®_ÎÚ_Ê©_×å_³¤_£¬_ÑÅ À¼_×å_³¤_£¬_¿É_À­_×å_³¤_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_´Ó_ÒÔ_ɨ_ÆÞ_×Ó_£¬_ÑÇ_ÄÃ_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_£¬ °¢_ºÎ_Àû_°Í_Âê_×Ó_Ëï_ÖÐ_Ëù_³ö_µÄ_×å_³¤_¡£ # # And these are the sons of Aholibamah Esau's wife; duke Jeush, duke # Jaalam, duke Korah: these were the dukes that came of Aholibamah the # daughter of Anah, Esau's wife. # # unit P GEN:36:19 ÒÔ_ÉÏ_µÄ_×å_³¤_¶¼_ÊÇ_ÒÔ_ɨ_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_¡£_ÒÔ_ɨ_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÒÔ_¶«_¡£ # # These are the sons of Esau, who is Edom, and these are their dukes. # # unit P GEN:36:20 ÄÇ_µØ_Ô­_ÓÐ_µÄ_¾Ó_Ãñ_ºÎ_Àû_ÈË_Î÷_çí_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_¼Ç_ÔÚ_ÏÂ_Ãæ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÂÞ Ì®_£¬_Ë·_°Í_£¬_¼À_±ã_£¬_ÑÇ_ÄÃ_£¬ # # These are the sons of Seir the Horite, who inhabited the land; # Lotan, and Shobal, and Zibeon, and Anah, # # unit P GEN:36:21 µ×_˳_£¬_ÒÔ_²ì_£¬_µ×_ɺ_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_´Ó_ÒÔ_¶«_µØ_µÄ_ºÎ_Àû_ÈË_Î÷_çí_×Ó_Ëï ÖÐ_Ëù_³ö_µÄ_×å_³¤_¡£ # # And Dishon, and Ezer, and Dishan: these are the dukes of the # Horites, the children of Seir in the land of Edom. # # unit P GEN:36:22 ÂÞ_Ì®_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÊÇ_ºÎ_Àû_£¬_Ï£_á£_¡£_ÂÞ_Ì®_µÄ_ÃÃ_×Ó_ÊÇ_ͤ_ÄÉ_¡£ # # And the children of Lotan were Hori and Hemam; and Lotan's sister # was Timna. # # unit P GEN:36:23 Ë·_°Í_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÊÇ_ÑÇ_ÀÕ_ÎÄ_£¬_Âê_ÄÃ_Ͻ_£¬_ÒÔ_°Í_¼_£¬_ʾ_²£_£¬_°¢_ÄÏ ¡£ # # And the children of Shobal were these; Alvan, and Manahath, and # Ebal, Shepho, and Onam. # # unit P GEN:36:24 ¼À_±ã_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÊÇ_ÑÇ_ÑÅ_£¬_ÑÇ_ÄÃ_£¨_µ±_ʱ_ÔÚ_¿õ_Ò°_·Å_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_¼À_±ã µÄ_¿_£¬_Óö_×Å_ÎÂ_Ȫ_µÄ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Õâ_ÑÇ_ÄÃ_£©_¡£ # # And these are the children of Zibeon; both Ajah, and Anah: this was # that Anah that found the mules in the wilderness, as he fed the # asses of Zibeon his father. # # unit P GEN:36:25 ÑÇ_ÄÃ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÊÇ_µ×_˳_¡£_ÑÇ_ÄÃ_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_ÊÇ_°¢_ºÎ_Àû_°Í_Âê_¡£ # # And the children of Anah were these; Dishon, and Aholibamah the # daughter of Anah. # # unit P GEN:36:26 µ×_˳_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÊÇ_ÐÀ_µ«_£¬_ÒÁ_ÊÇ_°à_£¬_Òæ_À¼_£¬_»ù_À¼_¡£ # # And these are the children of Dishon; Hemdan, and Eshban, and # Ithran, and Cheran. # # unit P GEN:36:27 ÒÔ_²ì_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÊÇ_±Ù_º±_£¬_Èö_·¬_£¬_ÑÇ_¸É_¡£ # # The children of Ezer are these; Bilhan, and Zaavan, and Akan. # # unit P GEN:36:28 µ×_ɺ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÊÇ_ÎÚ_˹_£¬_ÑÇ_À¼_¡£ # # The children of Dishan are these; Uz, and Aran. # # unit P GEN:36:29 ´Ó_ºÎ_Àû_ÈË_Ëù_³ö_µÄ_×å_³¤_¼Ç_ÔÚ_ÏÂ_Ãæ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÂÞ_Ì®_×å_³¤_£¬_Ë·_°Í ×å_³¤_£¬_¼À_±ã_×å_³¤_£¬_ÑÇ_ÄÃ_×å_³¤_£¬ # # These are the dukes that came of the Horites; duke Lotan, duke # Shobal, duke Zibeon, duke Anah, # # unit P GEN:36:30 µ×_˳_×å_³¤_£¬_ÒÔ_²ì_×å_³¤_£¬_µ×_ɺ_×å_³¤_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_´Ó_ºÎ_Àû_ÈË_Ëù_³ö µÄ_×å_³¤_£¬_¶¼_ÔÚ_Î÷_çí_µØ_£¬_°´_×Å_×Ú_×å_×÷_×å_³¤_¡£ # # Duke Dishon, duke Ezer, duke Dishan: these are the dukes that came # of Hori, among their dukes in the land of Seir. # # unit P GEN:36:31 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_δ_ÓÐ_¾ý_Íõ_ÖÎ_Àí_ÒÔ_ÏÈ_£¬_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_¶«_µØ_×÷_Íõ_µÄ_¼Ç_ÔÚ_Ï Ãæ_¡£ # # And these are the kings that reigned in the land of Edom, before # there reigned any king over the children of Israel. # # unit P GEN:36:32 ±È_çí_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_±È_À­_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_¶«_×÷_Íõ_£¬_Ëû_µÄ_¾©_³Ç_Ãû_½Ð_ͤ_¹þ_°Í_¡£ # # And Bela the son of Beor reigned in Edom: and the name of his city # was Dinhabah. # # unit P GEN:36:33 ±È_À­_ËÀ_ÁË_£¬_²¨_˹_À­_ÈË_л_À­_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_Ô¼_°Í_½Ó_Ðø_Ëû_×÷_Íõ_¡£ # # And Bela died, and Jobab the son of Zerah of Bozrah reigned in his # stead. # # unit P GEN:36:34 Ô¼_°Í_ËÀ_ÁË_£¬_Ìá_á£_µØ_µÄ_ÈË_»§_ɺ_½Ó_Ðø_Ëû_×÷_Íõ_¡£ # # And Jobab died, and Husham of the land of Temani reigned in his # stead. # # unit P GEN:36:35 »§_ɺ_ËÀ_ÁË_£¬_±È_´ï_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_¹þ_´ï_½Ó_Ðø_Ëû_×÷_Íõ_¡£_Õâ_¹þ_´ï_¾Í_ÊÇ ÔÚ_Ħ_Ѻ_µØ_ɱ_°Ü_Ã×_µé_ÈË_µÄ_£¬_Ëû_µÄ_¾©_³Ç_Ãû_½Ð_ÑÇ_δ_µÃ_¡£ # # And Husham died, and Hadad the son of Bedad, who smote Midian in the # field of Moab, reigned in his stead: and the name of his city was # Avith. # # unit P GEN:36:36 ¹þ_´ï_ËÀ_ÁË_£¬_Âê_Ê¿_Àû_¼Ó_ÈË_É£_À­_½Ó_Ðø_Ëû_×÷_Íõ_¡£ # # And Hadad died, and Samlah of Masrekah reigned in his stead. # # unit P GEN:36:37 É£_À­_ËÀ_ÁË_£¬_´ó_ºÓ_±ß_µÄ_Àû_ºÓ_²®_ÈË_ɨ_ÂÞ_½Ó_Ðø_Ëû_×÷_Íõ_¡£ # # And Samlah died, and Saul of Rehoboth by the river reigned in his # stead. # # unit P GEN:36:38 ɨ_ÂÞ_ËÀ_ÁË_£¬_ÑÇ_¸ï_²¨_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_°Í_ÀÕ_¹þ_ÄÏ_½Ó_Ðø_Ëû_×÷_Íõ_¡£ # # And Saul died, and Baalhanan the son of Achbor reigned in his stead. # # unit P GEN:36:39 ÑÇ_¸ï_²¨_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_°Í_ÀÕ_¹þ_ÄÏ_ËÀ_ÁË_£¬_¹þ_´ï_½Ó_Ðø_Ëû_×÷_Íõ_£¬_Ëû_µÄ ¾©_³Ç_Ãû_½Ð_°Í_ÎÚ_¡£_Ëû_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_Ãû_½Ð_Ã×_Ï£_Ëû_±ð_£¬_ÊÇ_Ã×_Èø_ºÏ_µÄ Ëï_Å®_£¬_Âê_ÌØ_ÁÐ_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_¡£ # # And Baalhanan the son of Achbor died, and Hadar reigned in his # stead: and the name of his city was Pau; and his wife's name was # Mehetabel, the daughter of Matred, the daughter of Mezahab. # # unit P GEN:36:40 ´Ó_ÒÔ_ɨ_Ëù_³ö_µÄ_×å_³¤_£¬_°´_×Å_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_×Ú_×å_£¬_ס_´¦_£¬_Ãû_×Ö_¼Ç ÔÚ_ÏÂ_Ãæ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ͤ_ÄÉ_×å_³¤_£¬_ÑÇ_ÀÕ_Íß_×å_³¤_£¬_Ò®_Ìû_×å_³¤_£¬ # # And these are the names of the dukes that came of Esau, according to # their families, after their places, by their names; duke Timnah, # duke Alvah, duke Jetheth, # # unit P GEN:36:41 °¢_ºÎ_Àû_°Í_Âê_×å_³¤_£¬_ÒÔ_À­_×å_³¤_£¬_±È_ÄÛ_×å_³¤_£¬ # # Duke Aholibamah, duke Elah, duke Pinon, # # unit P GEN:36:42 »ù_ÄÉ_˹_×å_³¤_£¬_Ìá_á£_×å_³¤_£¬_Ã×_±È_Èø_×å_³¤_£¬ # # Duke Kenaz, duke Teman, duke Mibzar, # # unit P GEN:36:43 Âê_»ù_µþ_×å_³¤_£¬_ÒÔ_À¼_×å_³¤_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_ÒÔ_¶«_ÈË_ÔÚ_Ëù_µÃ_Ϊ_Òµ_µÄ_µØ ÉÏ_£¬_°´_×Å_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_ס_´¦_£¬_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_×å_³¤_¶¼_ÊÇ_ÒÔ_¶«_ÈË_µÄ_ʼ_×æ ÒÔ_ɨ_µÄ_ºó_´ú_¡£ # # Duke Magdiel, duke Iram: these be the dukes of Edom, according to # their habitations in the land of their possession: he is Esau the # father of the Edomites. # ## # chapter 37 GEN:37 # unit P GEN:37:1 ÑÅ_¸÷_ס_ÔÚ_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_µØ_¡£ # # And Jacob dwelt in the land wherein his father was a stranger, in # the land of Canaan. # # unit P GEN:37:2 ÑÅ_¸÷_µÄ_¼Ç_ÂÔ_Èç_ÏÂ_¡£_Ô¼_ɪ_Ê®_Æß_Ëê_Óë_Ëû_¸ç_¸ç_ÃÇ_Ò»_ͬ_ÄÁ_Ñò_¡£ Ëû_ÊÇ_¸ö_ͯ_×Ó_£¬_Óë_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_µÄ_æª_±Ù_À­_£¬_Ϥ_ÅÁ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÃÇ_³£_ÔÚ Ò»_´¦_¡£_Ô¼_ɪ_½«_Ëû_¸ç_¸ç_ÃÇ_µÄ_¶ñ_ÐÐ_±¨_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_¸¸_Ç×_¡£ # # These are the generations of Jacob. Joseph, being seventeen years # old, was feeding the flock with his brethren; and the lad was with # the sons of Bilhah, and with the sons of Zilpah, his father's wives: # and Joseph brought unto his father their evil report. # # unit P GEN:37:3 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_Ô­_À´_°®_Ô¼_ɪ_¹ý_ÓÚ_°®_Ëû_µÄ_ÖÚ_×Ó_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ô¼_ɪ_ÊÇ_Ëû_Äê ÀÏ_Éú_µÄ_¡£_Ëû_¸ø_Ô¼_ɪ_×÷_ÁË_Ò»_¼þ_²Ê_ÒÂ_¡£ # # Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children, because he was # the son of his old age: and he made him a coat of many colours. # # unit P GEN:37:4 Ô¼_ɪ_µÄ_¸ç_¸ç_ÃÇ_¼û_¸¸_Ç×_°®_Ô¼_ɪ_¹ý_ÓÚ_°®_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_¾Í_ºÞ_Ô¼_ɪ_£¬ ²»_Óë_Ëû_˵_ºÍ_ÄÀ_µÄ_»°_¡£ # # And when his brethren saw that their father loved him more than all # his brethren, they hated him, and could not speak peaceably unto # him. # # unit P GEN:37:5 Ô¼_ɪ_×÷_ÁË_Ò»_ÃÎ_£¬_¸æ_Ëß_Ëû_¸ç_¸ç_ÃÇ_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_Ô½_·¢_ºÞ_Ëû_¡£ # # And Joseph dreamed a dream, and he told it his brethren: and they # hated him yet the more. # # unit P GEN:37:6 Ô¼_ɪ_¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Çë_Ìý_ÎÒ_Ëù_×÷_µÄ_ÃÎ_£¬ # # And he said unto them, Hear, I pray you, this dream which I have # dreamed: # # unit P GEN:37:7 ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_Ìï_Àï_À¦_ºÌ_¼Ú_£¬_ÎÒ_µÄ_À¦_Æð_À´_Õ¾_×Å_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_À¦_À´_Χ ×Å_ÎÒ_µÄ_À¦_ÏÂ_°Ý_¡£ # # For, behold, we were binding sheaves in the field, and, lo, my sheaf # arose, and also stood upright; and, behold, your sheaves stood round # about, and made obeisance to my sheaf. # # unit P GEN:37:8 Ëû_µÄ_¸ç_¸ç_ÃÇ_»Ø_´ð_˵_£¬_ÄÑ_µÀ_Äã_Õæ_Òª_×÷_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_Íõ_Âð_£¿_ÄÑ_µÀ Äã_Õæ_Òª_¹Ü_Ͻ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Âð_£¿_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_µÄ_ÃÎ_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_»°_Ô½_·¢ ºÞ_Ëû_¡£ # # And his brethren said to him, Shalt thou indeed reign over us? or # shalt thou indeed have dominion over us? And they hated him yet the # more for his dreams, and for his words. # # unit P GEN:37:9 ºó_À´_Ëû_ÓÖ_×÷_ÁË_Ò»_ÃÎ_£¬_Ò²_¸æ_Ëß_Ëû_µÄ_¸ç_¸ç_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_¿´_ÄÄ_£¬_ÎÒ ÓÖ_×÷_ÁË_Ò»_ÃÎ_£¬_ÃÎ_¼û_Ì«_Ñô_£¬_ÔÂ_ÁÁ_£¬_Óë_Ê®_Ò»_¸ö_ÐÇ_Ïò_ÎÒ_ÏÂ_°Ý ¡£ # # And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and # said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and # the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me. # # unit P GEN:37:10 Ô¼_ɪ_½«_Õâ_ÃÎ_¸æ_Ëß_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_ºÍ_Ëû_¸ç_¸ç_ÃÇ_£¬_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_¾Í_Ôð_±¸_Ëû ˵_£¬_Äã_×÷_µÄ_Õâ_ÊÇ_ʲ_ô_ÃÎ_¡£_ÄÑ_µÀ_ÎÒ_ºÍ_Äã_ĸ_Ç×_£¬_Äã_µÜ_ÐÖ_¹û È»_Òª_À´_¸©_·ü_ÔÚ_µØ_£¬_Ïò_Äã_ÏÂ_°Ý_Âð_£¿ # # And he told it to his father, and to his brethren: and his father # rebuked him, and said unto him, What is this dream that thou hast # dreamed? Shall I and thy mother and thy brethren indeed come to bow # down ourselves to thee to the earth? # # unit P GEN:37:11 Ëû_¸ç_¸ç_ÃÇ_¶¼_¼µ_¶Ê_Ëû_£¬_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_È´_°Ñ_Õâ_»°_´æ_ÔÚ_ÐÄ_Àï_¡£ # # And his brethren envied him; but his father observed the saying. # # unit P GEN:37:12 Ô¼_ɪ_µÄ_¸ç_¸ç_ÃÇ_Íù_ʾ_½£_È¥_·Å_Ëû_ÃÇ_¸¸_Ç×_µÄ_Ñò_¡£ # # And his brethren went to feed their father's flock in Shechem. # # unit P GEN:37:13 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_¶Ô_Ô¼_ɪ_˵_£¬_Äã_¸ç_¸ç_ÃÇ_²»_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_ʾ_½£_·Å_Ñò_Âð_£¿_Äã_À´ £¬_ÎÒ_Òª_´ò_·¢_Äã_Íù_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÄÇ_Àï_È¥_¡£_Ô¼_ɪ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÔÚ_Õâ_Àï_¡£ # # And Israel said unto Joseph, Do not thy brethren feed the flock in # Shechem? come, and I will send thee unto them. And he said to him, # Here am I. # # unit P GEN:37:14 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_˵_£¬_Äã_È¥_¿´_¿´_Äã_¸ç_¸ç_ÃÇ_ƽ_°²_²»_ƽ_°²_£¬_Ⱥ_Ñò_ƽ_°² ²»_ƽ_°²_£¬_¾Í_»Ø_À´_±¨_ÐÅ_¸ø_ÎÒ_¡£_ÓÚ_ÊÇ_´ò_·¢_Ëû_³ö_Ï£_²®_ÂØ_¹È_£¬ Ëû_¾Í_Íù_ʾ_½£_È¥_ÁË_¡£ # # And he said to him, Go, I pray thee, see whether it be well with thy # brethren, and well with the flocks; and bring me word again. So he # sent him out of the vale of Hebron, and he came to Shechem. # # unit P GEN:37:15 ÓÐ_ÈË_Óö_¼û_Ëû_ÔÚ_Ìï_Ò°_×ß_ÃÔ_ÁË_·_£¬_¾Í_ÎÊ_Ëû_˵_£¬_Äã_ÕÒ_ʲ_ô_£¿ # # And a certain man found him, and, behold, he was wandering in the # field: and the man asked him, saying, What seekest thou? # # unit P GEN:37:16 Ëû_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÕÒ_ÎÒ_µÄ_¸ç_¸ç_ÃÇ_£¬_Çó_Äã_¸æ_Ëß_ÎÒ_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_ºÎ_´¦_·Å Ñò_¡£ # # And he said, I seek my brethren: tell me, I pray thee, where they # feed their flocks. # # unit P GEN:37:17 ÄÇ_ÈË_˵_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÒÑ_¾­_×ß_ÁË_£¬_ÎÒ_Ìý_¼û_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_Òª_Íù_¶à_Ì®_È¥_¡£ Ô¼_ɪ_¾Í_È¥_×·_¸Ï_Ëû_¸ç_¸ç_ÃÇ_£¬_Óö_¼û_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_¶à_Ì®_¡£ # # And the man said, They are departed hence; for I heard them say, Let # us go to Dothan. And Joseph went after his brethren, and found them # in Dothan. # # unit P GEN:37:18 Ëû_ÃÇ_Ô¶_Ô¶_µØ_¿´_¼û_Ëû_£¬_³Ã_Ëû_»¹_û_ÓÐ_×ß_µ½_¸ú_Ç°_£¬_´ó_¼Ò_¾Í_ͬ ı_Òª_º¦_ËÀ_Ëû_£¬ # # And when they saw him afar off, even before he came near unto them, # they conspired against him to slay him. # # unit P GEN:37:19 ±Ë_´Ë_˵_£¬_Äã_¿´_¡£_ÄÇ_×÷_ÃÎ_µÄ_À´_ÁË_¡£ # # And they said one to another, Behold, this dreamer cometh. # # unit P GEN:37:20 À´_°É_¡£_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_½«_Ëû_ɱ_ÁË_£¬_¶ª_ÔÚ_Ò»_¸ö_¿Ó_Àï_£¬_¾Í_˵_ÓÐ_¶ñ_ÊÞ_°Ñ Ëû_³Ô_ÁË_¡£_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÇÒ_¿´_Ëû_µÄ_ÃÎ_½«_À´_Ôõ_ô_Ñù_¡£ # # Come now therefore, and let us slay him, and cast him into some pit, # and we will say, Some evil beast hath devoured him: and we shall see # what will become of his dreams. # # unit P GEN:37:21 Á÷_±ã_Ìý_¼û_ÁË_£¬_Òª_¾È_Ëû_ÍÑ_Àë_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÊÖ_£¬_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_²»_¿É_º¦ Ëû_µÄ_ÐÔ_Ãü_¡£ # # And Reuben heard it, and he delivered him out of their hands; and # said, Let us not kill him. # # unit P GEN:37:22 ÓÖ_˵_£¬_²»_¿É_Á÷_Ëû_µÄ_Ѫ_£¬_¿É_ÒÔ_°Ñ_Ëû_¶ª_ÔÚ_Õâ_Ò°_µØ_µÄ_¿Ó_Àï_£¬ ²»_¿É_ÏÂ_ÊÖ_º¦_Ëû_¡£_Á÷_±ã_µÄ_Òâ_˼_ÊÇ_Òª_¾È_Ëû_ÍÑ_Àë_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÊÖ_£¬ °Ñ_Ëû_¹é_»¹_Ëû_µÄ_¸¸_Ç×_¡£ # # And Reuben said unto them, Shed no blood, but cast him into this pit # that is in the wilderness, and lay no hand upon him; that he might # rid him out of their hands, to deliver him to his father again. # # unit P GEN:37:23 Ô¼_ɪ_µ½_ÁË_Ëû_¸ç_¸ç_ÃÇ_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_°þ_ÁË_Ëû_µÄ_Íâ_ÒÂ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ Ëû_´©_µÄ_ÄÇ_¼þ_²Ê_ÒÂ_£¬ # # And it came to pass, when Joseph was come unto his brethren, that # they stript Joseph out of his coat, his coat of many colours that # was on him; # # unit P GEN:37:24 °Ñ_Ëû_¶ª_ÔÚ_¿Ó_Àï_¡£_ÄÇ_¿Ó_ÊÇ_¿Õ_µÄ_£¬_Àï_Í·_û_ÓÐ_Ë®_¡£ # # And they took him, and cast him into a pit: and the pit was empty, # there was no water in it. # # unit P GEN:37:25 Ëû_ÃÇ_×ø_ÏÂ_³Ô_·¹_£¬_¾Ù_Ä¿_¹Û_¿´_£¬_¼û_ÓÐ_Ò»_»ï_Ã×_µé_µÄ_ÒÔ_ʵ_Âê_Àû ÈË_´Ó_»ù_ÁÐ_À´_£¬_ÓÃ_Âæ_ÍÕ_ÍÔ_×Å_Ïã_ÁÏ_£¬_Èé_Ïã_£¬_û_Ò©_£¬_Òª_´ø_Ï °£_¼°_È¥_¡£ # # And they sat down to eat bread: and they lifted up their eyes and # looked, and, behold, a company of Ishmeelites came from Gilead with # their camels bearing spicery and balm and myrrh, going to carry it # down to Egypt. # # unit P GEN:37:26 ÓÌ_´ó_¶Ô_ÖÚ_µÜ_ÐÖ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ɱ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÐÖ_µÜ_£¬_²Ø_ÁË_Ëû_µÄ_Ѫ_ÓРʲ_ô_Òæ_´¦_ÄØ_£¿ # # And Judah said unto his brethren, What profit is it if we slay our # brother, and conceal his blood? # # unit P GEN:37:27 ÎÒ_ÃÇ_²»_Èç_½«_Ëû_Âô_¸ø_ÒÔ_ʵ_Âê_Àû_ÈË_£¬_²»_¿É_ÏÂ_ÊÖ_º¦_Ëû_¡£_Òò_Ϊ Ëû_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÐÖ_µÜ_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_¹Ç_Èâ_¡£_ÖÚ_µÜ_ÐÖ_¾Í_Ìý_´Ó_ÁË_Ëû_¡£ # # Come, and let us sell him to the Ishmeelites, and let not our hand # be upon him; for he is our brother and our flesh. And his brethren # were content. # # unit P GEN:37:28 ÓÐ_Щ_Ã×_µé_µÄ_ÉÌ_ÈË_´Ó_ÄÇ_Àï_¾­_¹ý_£¬_¸ç_¸ç_ÃÇ_¾Í_°Ñ_Ô¼_ɪ_´Ó_¿Ó_Àï À­_ÉÏ_À´_£¬_½²_¶¨_¶þ_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_Òø_×Ó_£¬_°Ñ_Ô¼_ɪ_Âô_¸ø_ÒÔ_ʵ_Âê_Àû ÈË_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_°Ñ_Ô¼_ɪ_´ø_µ½_°£_¼°_È¥_ÁË_¡£ # # Then there passed by Midianites merchantmen; and they drew and # lifted up Joseph out of the pit, and sold Joseph to the Ishmeelites # for twenty pieces of silver: and they brought Joseph into Egypt. # # unit P GEN:37:29 Á÷_±ã_»Ø_µ½_¿Ó_±ß_£¬_¼û_Ô¼_ɪ_²»_ÔÚ_¿Ó_Àï_£¬_¾Í_˺_ÁÑ_ÒÂ_·þ_£¬ # # And Reuben returned unto the pit; and, behold, Joseph was not in the # pit; and he rent his clothes. # # unit P GEN:37:30 »Ø_µ½_ÐÖ_µÜ_ÃÇ_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_˵_£¬_ͯ_×Ó_û_ÓÐ_ÁË_¡£_ÎÒ_Íù_ÄÄ_Àï_È¥_²Å_ºÃ ÄØ_£¿ # # And he returned unto his brethren, and said, The child is not; and # I, whither shall I go? # # unit P GEN:37:31 Ëû_ÃÇ_Ô×_ÁË_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_£¬_°Ñ_Ô¼_ɪ_µÄ_ÄÇ_¼þ_²Ê_ÒÂ_Ⱦ_ÁË_Ѫ_£¬ # # And they took Joseph's coat, and killed a kid of the goats, and # dipped the coat in the blood; # # unit P GEN:37:32 ´ò_·¢_ÈË_ËÍ_µ½_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_¸¸_Ç×_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¼ñ_ÁË_Õâ_¸ö_¡£_Çë ÈÏ_Ò»_ÈÏ_ÊÇ_Äã_¶ù_×Ó_µÄ_Íâ_ÒÂ_²»_ÊÇ_£¬ # # And they sent the coat of many colours, and they brought it to their # father; and said, This have we found: know now whether it be thy # son's coat or no. # # unit P GEN:37:33 Ëû_ÈÏ_µÃ_£¬_¾Í_˵_£¬_Õâ_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_¶ù_×Ó_µÄ_Íâ_ÒÂ_¡£_ÓÐ_¶ñ_ÊÞ_°Ñ_Ëû_³Ô_ÁË £¬_Ô¼_ɪ_±»_˺_Ëé_ÁË_¡£_˺_Ëé_ÁË_¡£ # # And he knew it, and said, It is my son's coat; an evil beast hath # devoured him; Joseph is without doubt rent in pieces. # # unit P GEN:37:34 ÑÅ_¸÷_±ã_˺_ÁÑ_ÒÂ_·þ_£¬_Ñü_¼ä_Χ_ÉÏ_Âé_²¼_£¬_Ϊ_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_±¯_°§_ÁË_¶à ÈÕ_¡£ # # And Jacob rent his clothes, and put sackcloth upon his loins, and # mourned for his son many days. # # unit P GEN:37:35 Ëû_µÄ_¶ù_Å®_¶¼_Æð_À´_°²_ο_Ëû_£¬_Ëû_È´_²»_¿Ï_ÊÜ_°²_ο_£¬_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø ±¯_°§_×Å_ÏÂ_Òõ_¼ä_£¬_µ½_ÎÒ_¶ù_×Ó_ÄÇ_Àï_¡£_Ô¼_ɪ_µÄ_¸¸_Ç×_¾Í_Ϊ_Ëû_°§ ¿Þ_¡£ # # And all his sons and all his daughters rose up to comfort him; but # he refused to be comforted; and he said, For I will go down into the # grave unto my son mourning. Thus his father wept for him. # # unit P GEN:37:36 Ã×_µé_ÈË_´ø_Ô¼_ɪ_µ½_°£_¼°_£¬_°Ñ_Ëû_Âô_¸ø_·¨_ÀÏ_µÄ_ÄÚ_³¼_»¤_ÎÀ_³¤_²¨ Ìá_·¦_¡£ # # And the Midianites sold him into Egypt unto Potiphar, an officer of # Pharaoh's, and captain of the guard. # ## # chapter 38 GEN:38 # unit P GEN:38:1 ÄÇ_ʱ_£¬_ÓÌ_´ó_Àë_¿ª_Ëû_µÜ_ÐÖ_ÏÂ_È¥_£¬_µ½_Ò»_¸ö_ÑÇ_¶Å_À¼_ÈË_Ãû_½Ð_Ï£ À­_µÄ_¼Ò_Àï_È¥_¡£ # # And it came to pass at that time, that Judah went down from his # brethren, and turned in to a certain Adullamite, whose name was # Hirah. # # unit P GEN:38:2 ÓÌ_´ó_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_¿´_¼û_Ò»_¸ö_åÈ_ÄÏ_ÈË_Ãû_½Ð_Êé_ÑÇ_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_£¬_¾Í_È¢_Ëý Ϊ_ÆÞ_£¬_Óë_Ëý_ͬ_·¿_£¬ # # And Judah saw there a daughter of a certain Canaanite, whose name # was Shuah; and he took her, and went in unto her. # # unit P GEN:38:3 Ëý_¾Í_»³_ÔÐ_Éú_ÁË_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_ÓÌ_´ó_¸ø_Ëû_Æð_Ãû_½Ð_çí_¡£ # # And she conceived, and bare a son; and he called his name Er. # # unit P GEN:38:4 Ëý_ÓÖ_»³_ÔÐ_Éú_ÁË_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_ĸ_Ç×_¸ø_Ëû_Æð_Ãû_½Ð_¶í_ÄÏ_¡£ # # And she conceived again, and bare a son; and she called his name # Onan. # # unit P GEN:38:5 Ëý_¸´_ÓÖ_Éú_ÁË_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_¸ø_Ëû_Æð_Ãû_½Ð_ʾ_À­_¡£_Ëý_Éú_ʾ_À­_µÄ_ʱ_ºò £¬_ÓÌ_´ó_Õý_ÔÚ_»ù_Ϥ_¡£ # # And she yet again conceived, and bare a son; and called his name # Shelah: and he was at Chezib, when she bare him. # # unit P GEN:38:6 ÓÌ_´ó_Ϊ_³¤_×Ó_çí_È¢_ÆÞ_£¬_Ãû_½Ð_Ëû_Âê_¡£ # # And Judah took a wife for Er his firstborn, whose name was Tamar. # # unit P GEN:38:7 ÓÌ_´ó_µÄ_³¤_×Ó_çí_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÑÛ_ÖÐ_¿´_Ϊ_¶ñ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¾Í_½Ð_Ëû_ËÀ ÁË_¡£ # # And Er, Judah's firstborn, was wicked in the sight of the LORD; and # the LORD slew him. # # unit P GEN:38:8 ÓÌ_´ó_¶Ô_¶í_ÄÏ_˵_£¬_Äã_µ±_Óë_Äã_¸ç_¸ç_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_ͬ_·¿_£¬_Ïò_Ëý_¾¡_Äã Ϊ_µÜ_µÄ_±¾_·Ö_£¬_Ϊ_Äã_¸ç_¸ç_Éú_×Ó_Á¢_ºó_¡£ # # And Judah said unto Onan, Go in unto thy brother's wife, and marry # her, and raise up seed to thy brother. # # unit P GEN:38:9 ¶í_ÄÏ_Öª_µÀ_Éú_×Ó_²»_¹é_×Ô_¼º_£¬_Ëù_ÒÔ_ͬ_·¿_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_±ã_ÒÅ_ÔÚ_µØ_£¬ Ãâ_µÃ_¸ø_Ëû_¸ç_¸ç_Áô_ºó_¡£ # # And Onan knew that the seed should not be his; and it came to pass, # when he went in unto his brother's wife, that he spilled it on the # ground, lest that he should give seed to his brother. # # unit P GEN:38:10 ¶í_ÄÏ_Ëù_×÷_µÄ_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÑÛ_ÖÐ_¿´_Ϊ_¶ñ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ò²_¾Í_½Ð_Ëû_ËÀ ÁË_¡£ # # And the thing which he did displeased the LORD: wherefore he slew # him also. # # unit P GEN:38:11 ÓÌ_´ó_ÐÄ_Àï_˵_£¬_¿Ö_ÅÂ_ʾ_À­_Ò²_ËÀ_£¬_Ïñ_Ëû_Á½_¸ö_¸ç_¸ç_Ò»_Ñù_£¬_¾Í ¶Ô_Ëû_¶ù_¸¾_Ëû_Âê_˵_£¬_Äã_È¥_£¬_ÔÚ_Äã_¸¸_Ç×_¼Ò_Àï_ÊØ_¹Ñ_£¬_µÈ_ÎÒ_¶ù ×Ó_ʾ_À­_³¤_´ó_¡£_Ëû_Âê_¾Í_»Ø_È¥_£¬_ס_ÔÚ_Ëý_¸¸_Ç×_¼Ò_Àï_¡£ # # Then said Judah to Tamar his daughter in law, Remain a widow at thy # father's house, till Shelah my son be grown: for he said, Lest # peradventure he die also, as his brethren did. And Tamar went and # dwelt in her father's house. # # unit P GEN:38:12 ¹ý_ÁË_Ðí_¾Ã_£¬_ÓÌ_´ó_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_Êé_ÑÇ_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_ËÀ_ÁË_¡£_ÓÌ_´ó_µÃ_ÁË_°² ο_£¬_¾Í_ºÍ_Ëû_Åó_ÓÑ_ÑÇ_¶Å_À¼_ÈË_Ï£_À­_ÉÏ_ͤ_ÄÃ_È¥_£¬_µ½_Ëû_¼ô_Ñò_ë µÄ_ÈË_ÄÇ_Àï_¡£ # # And in process of time the daughter of Shuah Judah's wife died; and # Judah was comforted, and went up unto his sheepshearers to Timnath, # he and his friend Hirah the Adullamite. # # unit P GEN:38:13 ÓÐ_ÈË_¸æ_Ëß_Ëû_Âê_˵_£¬_Äã_µÄ_¹«_¹«_ÉÏ_ͤ_ÄÃ_¼ô_Ñò_ë_È¥_ÁË_¡£ # # And it was told Tamar, saying, Behold thy father in law goeth up to # Timnath to shear his sheep. # # unit P GEN:38:14 Ëû_Âê_¼û_ʾ_À­_ÒÑ_¾­_³¤_´ó_£¬_»¹_û_ÓÐ_È¢_Ëý_Ϊ_ÆÞ_£¬_¾Í_ÍÑ_ÁË_Ëý_×÷ ¹Ñ_¸¾_µÄ_ÒÂ_ÉÑ_£¬_ÓÃ_ÅÁ_×Ó_ÃÉ_×Å_Á³_£¬_ÓÖ_ÕÚ_ס_Éí_Ìå_£¬_×ø_ÔÚ_ͤ_Äà ·_ÉÏ_µÄ_ÒÁ_ÄÃ_Ó¡_³Ç_ÃÅ_¿Ú_¡£ # # And she put her widow's garments off from her, and covered her with # a vail, and wrapped herself, and sat in an open place, which is by # the way to Timnath; for she saw that Shelah was grown, and she was # not given unto him to wife. # # unit P GEN:38:15 ÓÌ_´ó_¿´_¼û_Ëý_£¬_ÒÔ_Ϊ_ÊÇ_¼Ë_Å®_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ëý_ÃÉ_×Å_Á³_¡£ # # When Judah saw her, he thought her to be an harlot; because she had # covered her face. # # unit P GEN:38:16 ÓÌ_´ó_¾Í_ת_µ½_Ëý_ÄÇ_Àï_È¥_£¬_˵_£¬_À´_°É_¡£_ÈÃ_ÎÒ_Óë_Äã_ͬ_ÇÞ_¡£_Ëû Ô­_²»_Öª_µÀ_ÊÇ_Ëû_µÄ_¶ù_¸¾_¡£_Ëû_Âê_˵_£¬_Äã_Òª_Óë_ÎÒ_ͬ_ÇÞ_£¬_°Ñ_ʲ ô_¸ø_ÎÒ_ÄØ_£¿ # # And he turned unto her by the way, and said, Go to, I pray thee, let # me come in unto thee; (for he knew not that she was his daughter in # law.) And she said, What wilt thou give me, that thou mayest come in # unto me? # # unit P GEN:38:17 ÓÌ_´ó_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_´Ó_Ñò_Ⱥ_Àï_È¡_Ò»_Ö»_ɽ_Ñò_¸á_£¬_´ò_·¢_ÈË_ËÍ_À´_¸ø_Äã ¡£_Ëû_Âê_˵_£¬_ÔÚ_δ_ËÍ_ÒÔ_ÏÈ_£¬_Äã_Ô¸_Òâ_¸ø_ÎÒ_Ò»_¸ö_µ±_Í·_Âð_£¿ # # And he said, I will send thee a kid from the flock. And she said, # Wilt thou give me a pledge, till thou send it? # # unit P GEN:38:18 Ëû_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_¸ø_Äã_ʲ_ô_µ±_Í·_ÄØ_£¿_Ëû_Âê_˵_£¬_Äã_µÄ_Ó¡_£¬_Äã_µÄ_´ø ×Ó_£¬_ºÍ_Äã_ÊÖ_Àï_µÄ_ÕÈ_¡£_ÓÌ_´ó_¾Í_¸ø_ÁË_Ëý_£¬_Óë_Ëý_ͬ_ÇÞ_£¬_Ëý_¾Í ´Ó_ÓÌ_´ó_»³_ÁË_ÔÐ_¡£ # # And he said, What pledge shall I give thee? And she said, Thy # signet, and thy bracelets, and thy staff that is in thine hand. And # he gave it her, and came in unto her, and she conceived by him. # # unit P GEN:38:19 Ëû_Âê_Æð_À´_×ß_ÁË_£¬_³ý_È¥_ÅÁ_×Ó_£¬_ÈÔ_¾É_´©_ÉÏ_×÷_¹Ñ_¸¾_µÄ_ÒÂ_ÉÑ_¡£ # # And she arose, and went away, and laid by her vail from her, and put # on the garments of her widowhood. # # unit P GEN:38:20 ÓÌ_´ó_ÍÐ_Ëû_Åó_ÓÑ_ÑÇ_¶Å_À¼_ÈË_ËÍ_Ò»_Ö»_ɽ_Ñò_¸á_È¥_£¬_Òª_´Ó_ÄÇ_Å®_ÈË ÊÖ_Àï_È¡_»Ø_µ±_Í·_À´_£¬_È´_ÕÒ_²»_×Å_Ëý_¡£ # # And Judah sent the kid by the hand of his friend the Adullamite, to # receive his pledge from the woman's hand: but he found her not. # # unit P GEN:38:21 ¾Í_ÎÊ_ÄÇ_µØ_·½_µÄ_ÈË_˵_£¬_ÒÁ_ÄÃ_Ó¡_·_ÅÔ_µÄ_¼Ë_Å®_ÔÚ_ÄÄ_Àï_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ Ëµ_£¬_Õâ_Àï_²¢_û_ÓÐ_¼Ë_Å®_¡£ # # Then he asked the men of that place, saying, Where is the harlot, # that was openly by the way side? And they said, There was no harlot # in this place. # # unit P GEN:38:22 Ëû_»Ø_È¥_¼û_ÓÌ_´ó_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_û_ÓÐ_ÕÒ_×Å_Ëý_£¬_²¢_ÇÒ_ÄÇ_µØ_·½_µÄ_ÈË_˵ £¬_Õâ_Àï_û_ÓÐ_¼Ë_Å®_¡£ # # And he returned to Judah, and said, I cannot find her; and also the # men of the place said, that there was no harlot in this place. # # unit P GEN:38:23 ÓÌ_´ó_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_°Ñ_Õâ_ɽ_Ñò_¸á_ËÍ_È¥_ÁË_£¬_Äã_¾¹_ÕÒ_²»_×Å_Ëý_¡£_ÈÎ_ƾ Ëý_ÄÃ_È¥_°É_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_±»_Ðß_Èè_¡£ # # And Judah said, Let her take it to her, lest we be shamed: behold, I # sent this kid, and thou hast not found her. # # unit P GEN:38:24 Ô¼_¹ý_ÁË_Èý_¸ö_ÔÂ_£¬_ÓÐ_ÈË_¸æ_Ëß_ÓÌ_´ó_˵_£¬_Äã_µÄ_¶ù_¸¾_Ëû_Âê_×÷_ÁË ¼Ë_Å®_£¬_ÇÒ_Òò_ÐÐ_Òù_ÓÐ_ÁË_Éí_ÔÐ_¡£_ÓÌ_´ó_˵_£¬_À­_³ö_Ëý_À´_£¬_°Ñ_Ëý ÉÕ_ÁË_¡£ # # And it came to pass about three months after, that it was told # Judah, saying, Tamar thy daughter in law hath played the harlot; and # also, behold, she is with child by whoredom. And Judah said, Bring # her forth, and let her be burnt. # # unit P GEN:38:25 Ëû_Âê_±»_À­_³ö_À´_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_±ã_´ò_·¢_ÈË_È¥_¼û_Ëý_¹«_¹«_£¬_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬ Õâ_Щ_¶«_Î÷_ÊÇ_Ë­_µÄ_£¬_ÎÒ_¾Í_ÊÇ_´Ó_Ë­_»³_µÄ_ÔÐ_¡£_Çë_Äã_ÈÏ_Ò»_ÈÏ_£¬ Õâ_Ó¡_ºÍ_´ø_×Ó_²¢_ÕÈ_¶¼_ÊÇ_Ë­_µÄ_£¬ # # When she was brought forth, she sent to her father in law, saying, # By the man, whose these are, am I with child: and she said, Discern, # I pray thee, whose are these, the signet, and bracelets, and staff. # # unit P GEN:38:26 ÓÌ_´ó_³Ð_ÈÏ_˵_£¬_Ëý_±È_ÎÒ_¸ü_ÓÐ_Òå_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÎÒ_û_ÓÐ_½«_Ëý_¸ø_ÎÒ_µÄ ¶ù_×Ó_ʾ_À­_¡£_´Ó_´Ë_ÓÌ_´ó_²»_ÔÙ_Óë_Ëý_ͬ_ÇÞ_ÁË_¡£ # # And Judah acknowledged them, and said, She hath been more righteous # than I; because that I gave her not to Shelah my son. And he knew # her again no more. # # unit P GEN:38:27 Ëû_Âê_½«_Òª_Éú_²ú_£¬_²»_ÁÏ_Ëý_¸¹_Àï_ÊÇ_Ò»_¶Ô_Ë«_Éú_¡£ # # And it came to pass in the time of her travail, that, behold, twins # were in her womb. # # unit P GEN:38:28 µ½_Éú_²ú_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Ò»_¸ö_º¢_×Ó_Éì_³ö_Ò»_Ö»_ÊÖ_À´_¡£_ÊÕ_Éú_ÆÅ_ÄÃ_ºì Ïß_Ë©_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÊÖ_ÉÏ_£¬_˵_£¬_Õâ_ÊÇ_Í·_Éú_µÄ_¡£ # # And it came to pass, when she travailed, that the one put out his # hand: and the midwife took and bound upon his hand a scarlet thread, # saying, This came out first. # # unit P GEN:38:29 Ëæ_ºó_Õâ_º¢_×Ó_°Ñ_ÊÖ_ÊÕ_»Ø_È¥_£¬_Ëû_¸ç_¸ç_Éú_³ö_À´_ÁË_¡£_ÊÕ_Éú_ÆÅ_˵ £¬_Äã_Ϊ_ʲ_ô_ÇÀ_×Å_À´_ÄØ_£¿_Òò_´Ë_¸ø_Ëû_Æð_Ãû_½Ð_·¨_ÀÕ_˹_¡£ # # And it came to pass, as he drew back his hand, that, behold, his # brother came out: and she said, How hast thou broken forth? this # breach be upon thee: therefore his name was called Pharez. # # unit P GEN:38:30 ºó_À´_£¬_Ëû_ÐÖ_µÜ_ÄÇ_ÊÖ_ÉÏ_ÓÐ_ºì_Ïß_µÄ_Ò²_Éú_³ö_À´_£¬_¾Í_¸ø_Ëû_Æð_Ãû ½Ð_л_À­_¡£ # # And afterward came out his brother, that had the scarlet thread upon # his hand: and his name was called Zarah. # ## # chapter 39 GEN:39 # unit P GEN:39:1 Ô¼_ɪ_±»_´ø_ÏÂ_°£_¼°_È¥_¡£_ÓÐ_Ò»_¸ö_°£_¼°_ÈË_£¬_ÊÇ_·¨_ÀÏ_µÄ_ÄÚ_³¼_£¬ »¤_ÎÀ_³¤_²¨_Ìá_·¦_£¬_´Ó_ÄÇ_Щ_´ø_ÏÂ_Ëû_À´_µÄ_ÒÔ_ʵ_Âê_Àû_ÈË_ÊÖ_ÏÂ_Âò ÁË_Ëû_È¥_¡£ # # And Joseph was brought down to Egypt; and Potiphar, an officer of # Pharaoh, captain of the guard, an Egyptian, bought him of the hands # of the Ishmeelites, which had brought him down thither. # # unit P GEN:39:2 Ô¼_ɪ_ס_ÔÚ_Ëû_Ö÷_ÈË_°£_¼°_ÈË_µÄ_¼Ò_ÖÐ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Óë_Ëû_ͬ_ÔÚ_£¬_Ëû ¾Í_°Ù_ÊÂ_˳_Àû_¡£ # # And the LORD was with Joseph, and he was a prosperous man; and he # was in the house of his master the Egyptian. # # unit P GEN:39:3 Ëû_Ö÷_ÈË_¼û_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Óë_Ëû_ͬ_ÔÚ_£¬_ÓÖ_¼û_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ʹ_Ëû_ÊÖ_Àï_Ëù_°ì µÄ_¾¡_¶¼_˳_Àû_£¬ # # And his master saw that the LORD was with him, and that the LORD # made all that he did to prosper in his hand. # # unit P GEN:39:4 Ô¼_ɪ_¾Í_ÔÚ_Ö÷_ÈË_ÑÛ_Ç°_ÃÉ_¶÷_£¬_ËÅ_ºò_Ëû_Ö÷_ÈË_£¬_²¢_ÇÒ_Ö÷_ÈË_ÅÉ_Ëû ¹Ü_Àí_¼Ò_Îñ_£¬_°Ñ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_¶¼_½»_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÊÖ_Àï_¡£ # # And Joseph found grace in his sight, and he served him: and he made # him overseer over his house, and all that he had he put into his # hand. # # unit P GEN:39:5 ×Ô_´Ó_Ö÷_ÈË_ÅÉ_Ô¼_ɪ_¹Ü_Àí_¼Ò_Îñ_ºÍ_Ëû_Ò»_ÇÐ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¾Í Òò_Ô¼_ɪ_µÄ_Ôµ_¹Ê_´Í_¸£_Óë_ÄÇ_°£_¼°_ÈË_µÄ_¼Ò_¡£_·²_¼Ò_Àï_ºÍ_Ìï_¼ä_Ò» ÇÐ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_¶¼_ÃÉ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_´Í_¸£_¡£ # # And it came to pass from the time that he had made him overseer in # his house, and over all that he had, that the LORD blessed the # Egyptian's house for Joseph's sake; and the blessing of the LORD was # upon all that he had in the house, and in the field. # # unit P GEN:39:6 ²¨_Ìá_·¦_½«_Ò»_ÇÐ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_¶¼_½»_ÔÚ_Ô¼_ɪ_µÄ_ÊÖ_ÖÐ_£¬_³ý_ÁË_×Ô_¼º_Ëù ³Ô_µÄ_·¹_£¬_±ð_µÄ_ÊÂ_Ò»_¸Å_²»_Öª_¡£_Ô¼_ɪ_Ô­_À´_Ðã_ÑÅ_¿¡_ÃÀ_¡£ # # And he left all that he had in Joseph's hand; and he knew not ought # he had, save the bread which he did eat. And Joseph was a goodly # person, and well favoured. # # unit P GEN:39:7 Õâ_ÊÂ_ÒÔ_ºó_£¬_Ô¼_ɪ_Ö÷_ÈË_µÄ_ÆÞ_ÒÔ_Ä¿_ËÍ_Çé_¸ø_Ô¼_ɪ_£¬_˵_£¬_Äã_Óë ÎÒ_ͬ_ÇÞ_°É_¡£ # # And it came to pass after these things, that his master's wife cast # her eyes upon Joseph; and she said, Lie with me. # # unit P GEN:39:8 Ô¼_ɪ_²»_´Ó_£¬_¶Ô_Ëû_Ö÷_ÈË_µÄ_ÆÞ_˵_£¬_¿´_ÄÄ_£¬_Ò»_ÇÐ_¼Ò_Îñ_£¬_ÎÒ_Ö÷ ÈË_¶¼_²»_Öª_µÀ_¡£_Ëû_°Ñ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_¶¼_½»_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_ÊÖ_Àï_¡£ # # But he refused, and said unto his master's wife, Behold, my master # wotteth not what is with me in the house, and he hath committed all # that he hath to my hand; # # unit P GEN:39:9 ÔÚ_Õâ_¼Ò_Àï_û_ÓÐ_±È_ÎÒ_´ó_µÄ_¡£_²¢_ÇÒ_Ëû_û_ÓÐ_Áô_ÏÂ_Ò»_Ñù_²»_½»_¸ø ÎÒ_£¬_Ö»_Áô_ÏÂ_ÁË_Äã_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Äã_ÊÇ_Ëû_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_¡£_ÎÒ_Ôõ_ÄÜ_×÷_Õâ_´ó ¶ñ_£¬_µÃ_×ï_Éñ_ÄØ_£¿ # # There is none greater in this house than I; neither hath he kept # back any thing from me but thee, because thou art his wife: how then # can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God? # # unit P GEN:39:10 ºó_À´_Ëý_Ìì_Ìì_ºÍ_Ô¼_ɪ_˵_£¬_Ô¼_ɪ_È´_²»_Ìý_´Ó_Ëý_£¬_²»_Óë_Ëý_ͬ_ÇÞ £¬_Ò²_²»_ºÍ_Ëý_ÔÚ_Ò»_´¦_¡£ # # And it came to pass, as she spake to Joseph day by day, that he # hearkened not unto her, to lie by her, or to be with her. # # unit P GEN:39:11 ÓÐ_Ò»_Ìì_£¬_Ô¼_ɪ_½ø_ÎÝ_Àï_È¥_°ì_ÊÂ_£¬_¼Ò_ÖÐ_ÈË_û_ÓÐ_Ò»_¸ö_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_ÎÝ Àï_£¬ # # And it came to pass about this time, that Joseph went into the house # to do his business; and there was none of the men of the house there # within. # # unit P GEN:39:12 ¸¾_ÈË_¾Í_À­_ס_Ëû_µÄ_ÒÂ_ÉÑ_£¬_˵_£¬_Äã_Óë_ÎÒ_ͬ_ÇÞ_°É_¡£_Ô¼_ɪ_°Ñ_Ò ÉÑ_¶ª_ÔÚ_¸¾_ÈË_ÊÖ_Àï_£¬_ÅÜ_µ½_Íâ_±ß_È¥_ÁË_¡£ # # And she caught him by his garment, saying, Lie with me: and he left # his garment in her hand, and fled, and got him out. # # unit P GEN:39:13 ¸¾_ÈË_¿´_¼û_Ô¼_ɪ_°Ñ_ÒÂ_ÉÑ_¶ª_ÔÚ_Ëý_ÊÖ_Àï_ÅÜ_³ö_È¥_ÁË_£¬ # # And it came to pass, when she saw that he had left his garment in # her hand, and was fled forth, # # unit P GEN:39:14 ¾Í_½Ð_ÁË_¼Ò_Àï_µÄ_ÈË_À´_£¬_¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¿´_¡£_Ëû_´ø_ÁË_Ò»_¸ö Ï£_²®_À´_ÈË_½ø_Èë_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¼Ò_Àï_£¬_Òª_Ï·_Ū_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¡£_Ëû_µ½_ÎÒ_Õâ_Àï_À´ £¬_Òª_Óë_ÎÒ_ͬ_ÇÞ_£¬_ÎÒ_¾Í_´ó_Éù_º°_½Ð_¡£ # # That she called unto the men of her house, and spake unto them, # saying, See, he hath brought in an Hebrew unto us to mock us; he # came in unto me to lie with me, and I cried with a loud voice: # # unit P GEN:39:15 Ëû_Ìý_¼û_ÎÒ_·Å_Éù_º°_Æð_À´_£¬_¾Í_°Ñ_ÒÂ_ÉÑ_¶ª_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_Õâ_Àï_£¬_ÅÜ_µ½_Íâ ±ß_È¥_ÁË_¡£ # # And it came to pass, when he heard that I lifted up my voice and # cried, that he left his garment with me, and fled, and got him out. # # unit P GEN:39:16 ¸¾_ÈË_°Ñ_Ô¼_ɪ_µÄ_ÒÂ_ÉÑ_·Å_ÔÚ_×Ô_¼º_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_µÈ_×Å_Ëû_Ö÷_ÈË_»Ø_¼Ò_£¬ # # And she laid up his garment by her, until his lord came home. # # unit P GEN:39:17 ¾Í_¶Ô_Ëû_Èç_´Ë_Èç_´Ë_˵_£¬_Äã_Ëù_´ø_µ½_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Õâ_Àï_µÄ_ÄÇ_Ï£_²®_À´_ÆÍ ÈË_½ø_À´_Òª_Ï·_Ū_ÎÒ_£¬ # # And she spake unto him according to these words, saying, The Hebrew # servant, which thou hast brought unto us, came in unto me to mock # me: # # unit P GEN:39:18 ÎÒ_·Å_Éù_º°_Æð_À´_£¬_Ëû_¾Í_°Ñ_ÒÂ_ÉÑ_¶ª_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_Õâ_Àï_£¬_ÅÜ_³ö_È¥_ÁË_¡£ # # And it came to pass, as I lifted up my voice and cried, that he left # his garment with me, and fled out. # # unit P GEN:39:19 Ô¼_ɪ_µÄ_Ö÷_ÈË_Ìý_¼û_Ëû_ÆÞ_×Ó_¶Ô_Ëû_Ëù_˵_µÄ_»°_£¬_˵_£¬_Äã_µÄ_ÆÍ_ÈË Èç_´Ë_Èç_´Ë_´ý_ÎÒ_£¬_Ëû_¾Í_Éú_Æø_£¬ # # And it came to pass, when his master heard the words of his wife, # which she spake unto him, saying, After this manner did thy servant # to me; that his wrath was kindled. # # unit P GEN:39:20 °Ñ_Ô¼_ɪ_ÏÂ_ÔÚ_¼à_Àï_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Íõ_µÄ_Çô_·¸_±»_Çô_µÄ_µØ_·½_¡£_ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Ô¼ ɪ_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_×ø_¼à_¡£ # # And Joseph's master took him, and put him into the prison, a place # where the king's prisoners were bound: and he was there in the # prison. # # unit P GEN:39:21 µ«_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Óë_Ô¼_ɪ_ͬ_ÔÚ_£¬_Ïò_Ëû_Ê©_¶÷_£¬_ʹ_Ëû_ÔÚ_˾_Óü_µÄ_ÑÛ_Ç° ÃÉ_¶÷_¡£ # # But the LORD was with Joseph, and shewed him mercy, and gave him # favour in the sight of the keeper of the prison. # # unit P GEN:39:22 ˾_Óü_¾Í_°Ñ_¼à_Àï_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_Çô_·¸_¶¼_½»_ÔÚ_Ô¼_ɪ_ÊÖ_ÏÂ_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_ÄÇ Àï_Ëù_°ì_µÄ_ÊÂ_¶¼_ÊÇ_¾­_Ëû_µÄ_ÊÖ_¡£ # # And the keeper of the prison committed to Joseph's hand all the # prisoners that were in the prison; and whatsoever they did there, he # was the doer of it. # # unit P GEN:39:23 ·²_ÔÚ_Ô¼_ɪ_ÊÖ_ÏÂ_µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬_˾_Óü_Ò»_¸Å_²»_²ì_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Óë_Ô¼ ɪ_ͬ_ÔÚ_¡£_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ʹ_Ëû_Ëù_×÷_µÄ_¾¡_¶¼_˳_Àû_¡£ # # The keeper of the prison looked not to any thing that was under his # hand; because the LORD was with him, and that which he did, the LORD # made it to prosper. # ## # chapter 40 GEN:40 # unit P GEN:40:1 Õâ_ÊÂ_ÒÔ_ºó_£¬_°£_¼°_Íõ_µÄ_¾Æ_Õþ_ºÍ_ÉÅ_³¤_µÃ_×ï_ÁË_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Ö÷_°£_¼° Íõ_£¬ # # And it came to pass after these things, that the butler of the king # of Egypt and his baker had offended their lord the king of Egypt. # # unit P GEN:40:2 ·¨_ÀÏ_¾Í_ÄÕ_Å­_¾Æ_Õþ_ºÍ_ÉÅ_³¤_Õâ_¶þ_³¼_£¬ # # And Pharaoh was wroth against two of his officers, against the chief # of the butlers, and against the chief of the bakers. # # unit P GEN:40:3 °Ñ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÏÂ_ÔÚ_»¤_ÎÀ_³¤_¸®_ÄÚ_µÄ_¼à_Àï_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ô¼_ɪ_±»_Çô_µÄ_µØ_·½ ¡£ # # And he put them in ward in the house of the captain of the guard, # into the prison, the place where Joseph was bound. # # unit P GEN:40:4 »¤_ÎÀ_³¤_°Ñ_Ëû_ÃÇ_½»_¸ø_Ô¼_ɪ_£¬_Ô¼_ɪ_±ã_ËÅ_ºò_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÓÐ_Щ ÈÕ_×Ó_ÔÚ_¼à_Àï_¡£ # # And the captain of the guard charged Joseph with them, and he served # them: and they continued a season in ward. # # unit P GEN:40:5 ±»_Çô_ÔÚ_¼à_Ö®_°£_¼°_Íõ_µÄ_¾Æ_Õþ_ºÍ_ÉÅ_³¤_¶þ_ÈË_ͬ_Ò¹_¸÷_×÷_Ò»_ÃÎ_£¬ ¸÷_ÃÎ_¶¼_ÓÐ_½²_½â_¡£ # # And they dreamed a dream both of them, each man his dream in one # night, each man according to the interpretation of his dream, the # butler and the baker of the king of Egypt, which were bound in the # prison. # # unit P GEN:40:6 µ½_ÁË_Ôç_³¿_£¬_Ô¼_ɪ_½ø_µ½_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_¼û_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÓÐ_³î_ÃÆ_µÄ_Ñù_×Ó ¡£ # # And Joseph came in unto them in the morning, and looked upon them, # and, behold, they were sad. # # unit P GEN:40:7 Ëû_±ã_ÎÊ_·¨_ÀÏ_µÄ_¶þ_³¼_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Óë_Ëû_ͬ_Çô_ÔÚ_Ëû_Ö÷_ÈË_¸®_Àï_µÄ_£¬ ˵_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_½ñ_ÈÕ_Ϊ_ʲ_ô_Ãæ_´ø_³î_ÈÝ_ÄØ_£¿ # # And he asked Pharaoh's officers that were with him in the ward of # his lord's house, saying, Wherefore look ye so sadly to day? # # unit P GEN:40:8 Ëû_ÃÇ_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¸÷_ÈË_×÷_ÁË_Ò»_ÃÎ_£¬_û_ÓÐ_ÈË_ÄÜ_½â_¡£_Ô¼_ɪ ˵_£¬_½â_ÃÎ_²»_ÊÇ_³ö_ÓÚ_Éñ_Âð_£¿_Çë_Äã_ÃÇ_½«_ÃÎ_¸æ_Ëß_ÎÒ_¡£ # # And they said unto him, We have dreamed a dream, and there is no # interpreter of it. And Joseph said unto them, Do not interpretations # belong to God? tell me them, I pray you. # # unit P GEN:40:9 ¾Æ_Õþ_±ã_½«_Ëû_µÄ_ÃÎ_¸æ_Ëß_Ô¼_ɪ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÎ_¼û_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_Ãæ_Ç°_ÓÐ_Ò»_¿Ã ÆÏ_ÌÑ_Ê÷_£¬ # # And the chief butler told his dream to Joseph, and said to him, In # my dream, behold, a vine was before me; # # unit P GEN:40:10 Ê÷_ÉÏ_ÓÐ_Èý_¸ù_Ö¦_×Ó_£¬_ºÃ_Ïñ_·¢_ÁË_Ñ¿_£¬_¿ª_ÁË_»¨_£¬_ÉÏ_Í·_µÄ_ÆÏ_ÌÑ ¶¼_³É_Êì_ÁË_¡£ # # And in the vine were three branches: and it was as though it budded, # and her blossoms shot forth; and the clusters thereof brought forth # ripe grapes: # # unit P GEN:40:11 ·¨_ÀÏ_µÄ_±­_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_ÊÖ_ÖÐ_£¬_ÎÒ_¾Í_ÄÃ_ÆÏ_ÌÑ_¼·_ÔÚ_·¨_ÀÏ_µÄ_±­_Àï_£¬_½« ±­_µÝ_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÊÖ_ÖÐ_¡£ # # And Pharaoh's cup was in my hand: and I took the grapes, and pressed # them into Pharaoh's cup, and I gave the cup into Pharaoh's hand. # # unit P GEN:40:12 Ô¼_ɪ_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_Ëû_Ëù_×÷_µÄ_ÃÎ_ÊÇ_Õâ_Ñù_½â_£¬_Èý_¸ù_Ö¦_×Ó_¾Í_ÊÇ_Èý Ìì_¡£ # # And Joseph said unto him, This is the interpretation of it: The # three branches are three days: # # unit P GEN:40:13 Èý_Ìì_Ö®_ÄÚ_£¬_·¨_ÀÏ_±Ø_Ìá_Äã_³ö_¼à_£¬_½Ð_Äã_¹Ù_¸´_Ô­_Ö°_£¬_Äã_ÈÔ_Òª µÝ_±­_ÔÚ_·¨_ÀÏ_µÄ_ÊÖ_ÖÐ_£¬_ºÍ_ÏÈ_Ç°_×÷_Ëû_µÄ_¾Æ_Õþ_Ò»_Ñù_¡£ # # Yet within three days shall Pharaoh lift up thine head, and restore # thee unto thy place: and thou shalt deliver Pharaoh's cup into his # hand, after the former manner when thou wast his butler. # # unit P GEN:40:14 µ«_Äã_µÃ_ºÃ_´¦_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Çó_Äã_¼Ç_Äî_ÎÒ_£¬_Ê©_¶÷_Óë_ÎÒ_£¬_ÔÚ_·¨_ÀÏ Ãæ_Ç°_Ìá_˵_ÎÒ_£¬_¾È_ÎÒ_³ö_Õâ_¼à_ÀÎ_¡£ # # But think on me when it shall be well with thee, and shew kindness, # I pray thee, unto me, and make mention of me unto Pharaoh, and bring # me out of this house: # # unit P GEN:40:15 ÎÒ_ʵ_ÔÚ_ÊÇ_´Ó_Ï£_²®_À´_ÈË_Ö®_µØ_±»_¹Õ_À´_µÄ_¡£_ÎÒ_ÔÚ_Õâ_Àï_Ò²_û_ÓÐ ×÷_¹ý_ʲ_ô_£¬_½Ð_Ëû_ÃÇ_°Ñ_ÎÒ_ÏÂ_ÔÚ_¼à_Àï_¡£ # # For indeed I was stolen away out of the land of the Hebrews: and # here also have I done nothing that they should put me into the # dungeon. # # unit P GEN:40:16 ÉÅ_³¤_¼û_ÃÎ_½â_µÃ_ºÃ_£¬_¾Í_¶Ô_Ô¼_ɪ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÔÚ_ÃÎ_ÖÐ_¼û_ÎÒ_Í·_ÉÏ_¶¥ ×Å_Èý_¿ð_°×_±ý_¡£ # # When the chief baker saw that the interpretation was good, he said # unto Joseph, I also was in my dream, and, behold, I had three white # baskets on my head: # # unit P GEN:40:17 ¼«_ÉÏ_µÄ_¿ð_×Ó_Àï_ÓÐ_Ϊ_·¨_ÀÏ_¿¾_µÄ_¸÷_Ñù_ʳ_Îï_£¬_ÓÐ_·É_Äñ_À´_³Ô_ÎÒ Í·_ÉÏ_¿ð_×Ó_Àï_µÄ_ʳ_Îï_¡£ # # And in the uppermost basket there was of all manner of bakemeats for # Pharaoh; and the birds did eat them out of the basket upon my head. # # unit P GEN:40:18 Ô¼_ɪ_˵_£¬_Äã_µÄ_ÃÎ_ÊÇ_Õâ_Ñù_½â_£¬_Èý_¸ö_¿ð_×Ó_¾Í_ÊÇ_Èý_Ìì_¡£ # # And Joseph answered and said, This is the interpretation thereof: # The three baskets are three days: # # unit P GEN:40:19 Èý_Ìì_Ö®_ÄÚ_£¬_·¨_ÀÏ_±Ø_Õ¶_¶Ï_Äã_µÄ_Í·_£¬_°Ñ_Äã_¹Ò_ÔÚ_ľ_Í·_ÉÏ_£¬_±Ø ÓÐ_·É_Äñ_À´_³Ô_Äã_Éí_ÉÏ_µÄ_Èâ_¡£ # # Yet within three days shall Pharaoh lift up thy head from off thee, # and shall hang thee on a tree; and the birds shall eat thy flesh # from off thee. # # unit P GEN:40:20 µ½_ÁË_µÚ_Èý_Ìì_£¬_ÊÇ_·¨_ÀÏ_µÄ_Éú_ÈÕ_£¬_Ëû_Ϊ_ÖÚ_³¼_ÆÍ_Éè_°Ú_óÛ_ϯ_£¬ °Ñ_¾Æ_Õþ_ºÍ_ÉÅ_³¤_Ìá_³ö_¼à_À´_£¬ # # And it came to pass the third day, which was Pharaoh's birthday, # that he made a feast unto all his servants: and he lifted up the # head of the chief butler and of the chief baker among his servants. # # unit P GEN:40:21 ʹ_¾Æ_Õþ_¹Ù_¸´_Ô­_Ö°_£¬_Ëû_ÈÔ_¾É_µÝ_±­_ÔÚ_·¨_ÀÏ_ÊÖ_ÖÐ_¡£ # # And he restored the chief butler unto his butlership again; and he # gave the cup into Pharaoh's hand: # # unit P GEN:40:22 µ«_°Ñ_ÉÅ_³¤_¹Ò_Æð_À´_£¬_Õý_Èç_Ô¼_ɪ_Ïò_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ëù_½â_µÄ_»°_¡£ # # But he hanged the chief baker: as Joseph had interpreted to them. # # unit P GEN:40:23 ¾Æ_Õþ_È´_²»_¼Ç_Äî_Ô¼_ɪ_£¬_¾¹_Íü_ÁË_Ëû_¡£ # # Yet did not the chief butler remember Joseph, but forgat him. # ## # chapter 41 GEN:41 # unit P GEN:41:1 ¹ý_ÁË_Á½_Äê_£¬_·¨_ÀÏ_×÷_ÃÎ_£¬_ÃÎ_¼û_×Ô_¼º_Õ¾_ÔÚ_ºÓ_±ß_£¬ # # And it came to pass at the end of two full years, that Pharaoh # dreamed: and, behold, he stood by the river. # # unit P GEN:41:2 ÓÐ_Æß_Ö»_ĸ_Å£_´Ó_ºÓ_Àï_ÉÏ_À´_£¬_ÓÖ_ÃÀ_ºÃ_ÓÖ_·Ê_׳_£¬_ÔÚ_«_ݶ_ÖÐ_³Ô ²Ý_¡£ # # And, behold, there came up out of the river seven well favoured kine # and fatfleshed; and they fed in a meadow. # # unit P GEN:41:3 Ëæ_ºó_ÓÖ_ÓÐ_Æß_Ö»_ĸ_Å£_´Ó_ºÓ_Àï_ÉÏ_À´_£¬_ÓÖ_³ó_ª_ÓÖ_¸É_ÊÝ_£¬_Óë_ÄÇ Æß_Ö»_ĸ_Å£_Ò»_ͬ_Õ¾_ÔÚ_ºÓ_±ß_¡£ # # And, behold, seven other kine came up after them out of the river, # ill favoured and leanfleshed; and stood by the other kine upon the # brink of the river. # # unit P GEN:41:4 Õâ_ÓÖ_³ó_ª_ÓÖ_¸É_ÊÝ_µÄ_Æß_Ö»_ĸ_Å£_³Ô_¾¡_ÁË_ÄÇ_ÓÖ_ÃÀ_ºÃ_ÓÖ_·Ê_׳_µÄ Æß_Ö»_ĸ_Å£_¡£_·¨_ÀÏ_¾Í_ÐÑ_ÁË_¡£ # # And the ill favoured and leanfleshed kine did eat up the seven well # favoured and fat kine. So Pharaoh awoke. # # unit P GEN:41:5 Ëû_ÓÖ_˯_×Å_£¬_µÚ_¶þ_»Ø_×÷_ÃÎ_£¬_ÃÎ_¼û_Ò»_¿Ã_Âó_×Ó_³¤_ÁË_Æß_¸ö_Ëë_×Ó £¬_ÓÖ_·Ê_´ó_ÓÖ_¼Ñ_ÃÀ_£¬ # # And he slept and dreamed the second time: and, behold, seven ears of # corn came up upon one stalk, rank and good. # # unit P GEN:41:6 Ëæ_ºó_ÓÖ_³¤_ÁË_Æß_¸ö_Ëë_×Ó_£¬_ÓÖ_ϸ_Èõ_ÓÖ_±»_¶«_·ç_´µ_½¹_ÁË_¡£ # # And, behold, seven thin ears and blasted with the east wind sprung # up after them. # # unit P GEN:41:7 Õâ_ϸ_Èõ_µÄ_Ëë_×Ó_ÍÌ_ÁË_ÄÇ_Æß_¸ö_ÓÖ_·Ê_´ó_ÓÖ_±¥_Âú_µÄ_Ëë_×Ó_¡£_·¨_ÀÏ ÐÑ_ÁË_£¬_²»_ÁÏ_ÊÇ_¸ö_ÃÎ_¡£ # # And the seven thin ears devoured the seven rank and full ears. And # Pharaoh awoke, and, behold, it was a dream. # # unit P GEN:41:8 µ½_ÁË_Ôç_³¿_£¬_·¨_ÀÏ_ÐÄ_Àï_²»_°²_£¬_¾Í_²î_ÈË_ÕÙ_ÁË_°£_¼°_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_Êõ Ê¿_ºÍ_²©_Ê¿_À´_¡£_·¨_ÀÏ_¾Í_°Ñ_Ëù_×÷_µÄ_ÃÎ_¸æ_Ëß_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_È´_û_ÓÐ_ÈË ÄÜ_¸ø_·¨_ÀÏ_Ô²_½â_¡£ # # And it came to pass in the morning that his spirit was troubled; and # he sent and called for all the magicians of Egypt, and all the wise # men thereof: and Pharaoh told them his dream; but there was none # that could interpret them unto Pharaoh. # # unit P GEN:41:9 ÄÇ_ʱ_¾Æ_Õþ_¶Ô_·¨_ÀÏ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_½ñ_ÈÕ_Ïë_Æð_ÎÒ_µÄ_×ï_À´_¡£ # # Then spake the chief butler unto Pharaoh, saying, I do remember my # faults this day: # # unit P GEN:41:10 ´Ó_Ç°_·¨_ÀÏ_ÄÕ_Å­_³¼_ÆÍ_£¬_°Ñ_ÎÒ_ºÍ_ÉÅ_³¤_ÏÂ_ÔÚ_»¤_ÎÀ_³¤_¸®_²¼_µÄ_¼à Àï_¡£ # # Pharaoh was wroth with his servants, and put me in ward in the # captain of the guard's house, both me and the chief baker: # # unit P GEN:41:11 ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¶þ_ÈË_ͬ_Ò¹_¸÷_×÷_Ò»_ÃÎ_£¬_¸÷_ÃÎ_¶¼_ÓÐ_½²_½â_¡£ # # And we dreamed a dream in one night, I and he; we dreamed each man # according to the interpretation of his dream. # # unit P GEN:41:12 ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_ͬ_×Å_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÓÐ_Ò»_¸ö_Ï£_²®_À´_µÄ_ÉÙ_Äê_ÈË_£¬_ÊÇ_»¤_ÎÀ_³¤_µÄ ÆÍ_ÈË_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¸æ_Ëß_Ëû_£¬_Ëû_¾Í_°Ñ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÃÎ_Ô²_½â_£¬_ÊÇ_°´_×Å_¸÷ ÈË_µÄ_ÃÎ_Ô²_½â_µÄ_¡£ # # And there was there with us a young man, an Hebrew, servant to the # captain of the guard; and we told him, and he interpreted to us our # dreams; to each man according to his dream he did interpret. # # unit P GEN:41:13 ºó_À´_Õý_Èç_Ëû_¸ø_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Ô²_½â_µÄ_³É_¾Í_ÁË_¡£_ÎÒ_¹Ù_¸´_Ô­_Ö°_£¬_ÉÅ_³¤ ±»_¹Ò_Æð_À´_ÁË_¡£ # # And it came to pass, as he interpreted to us, so it was; me he # restored unto mine office, and him he hanged. # # unit P GEN:41:14 ·¨_ÀÏ_Ëì_¼´_²î_ÈË_È¥_ÕÙ_Ô¼_ɪ_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_±ã_¼±_æ_´ø_Ëû_³ö_¼à_£¬_Ëû_¾Í Ìê_Í·_£¬_¹Î_Á³_£¬_»»_ÒÂ_ÉÑ_£¬_½ø_µ½_·¨_ÀÏ_Ãæ_Ç°_¡£ # # Then Pharaoh sent and called Joseph, and they brought him hastily # out of the dungeon: and he shaved himself, and changed his raiment, # and came in unto Pharaoh. # # unit P GEN:41:15 ·¨_ÀÏ_¶Ô_Ô¼_ɪ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_×÷_ÁË_Ò»_ÃÎ_£¬_û_ÓÐ_ÈË_ÄÜ_½â_¡£_ÎÒ_Ìý_¼û_ÈË Ëµ_£¬_Äã_Ìý_ÁË_ÃÎ_¾Í_ÄÜ_½â_¡£ # # And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, I have dreamed a dream, and there is # none that can interpret it: and I have heard say of thee, that thou # canst understand a dream to interpret it. # # unit P GEN:41:16 Ô¼_ɪ_»Ø_´ð_·¨_ÀÏ_˵_£¬_Õâ_²»_ÔÚ_ºõ_ÎÒ_£¬_Éñ_±Ø_½«_ƽ_°²_µÄ_»°_»Ø_´ð ·¨_ÀÏ_¡£ # # And Joseph answered Pharaoh, saying, It is not in me: God shall give # Pharaoh an answer of peace. # # unit P GEN:41:17 ·¨_ÀÏ_¶Ô_Ô¼_ɪ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÎ_¼û_ÎÒ_Õ¾_ÔÚ_ºÓ_±ß_£¬ # # And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, In my dream, behold, I stood upon the # bank of the river: # # unit P GEN:41:18 ÓÐ_Æß_Ö»_ĸ_Å£_´Ó_ºÓ_Àï_ÉÏ_À´_£¬_ÓÖ_·Ê_׳_ÓÖ_ÃÀ_ºÃ_£¬_ÔÚ_«_ݶ_ÖÐ_³Ô ²Ý_¡£ # # And, behold, there came up out of the river seven kine, fatfleshed # and well favoured; and they fed in a meadow: # # unit P GEN:41:19 Ëæ_ºó_ÓÖ_ÓÐ_Æß_Ö»_ĸ_Å£_ÉÏ_À´_£¬_ÓÖ_Èí_Èõ_ÓÖ_³ó_ª_ÓÖ_¸É_ÊÝ_£¬_ÔÚ_°£ ¼°_±é_µØ_£¬_ÎÒ_û_ÓÐ_¼û_¹ý_Õâ_Ñù_²»_ºÃ_µÄ_¡£ # # And, behold, seven other kine came up after them, poor and very ill # favoured and leanfleshed, such as I never saw in all the land of # Egypt for badness: # # unit P GEN:41:20 Õâ_ÓÖ_¸É_ÊÝ_ÓÖ_³ó_ª_µÄ_ĸ_Å£_³Ô_¾¡_ÁË_ÄÇ_ÒÔ_ÏÈ_µÄ_Æß_Ö»_·Ê_ĸ_Å£_£¬ # # And the lean and the ill favoured kine did eat up the first seven # fat kine: # # unit P GEN:41:21 ³Ô_ÁË_ÒÔ_ºó_È´_¿´_²»_³ö_ÊÇ_³Ô_ÁË_£¬_ÄÇ_³ó_ª_µÄ_Ñù_×Ó_ÈÔ_¾É_ºÍ_ÏÈ_Ç° Ò»_Ñù_¡£_ÎÒ_¾Í_ÐÑ_ÁË_¡£ # # And when they had eaten them up, it could not be known that they had # eaten them; but they were still ill favoured, as at the beginning. # So I awoke. # # unit P GEN:41:22 ÎÒ_ÓÖ_ÃÎ_¼û_Ò»_¿Ã_Âó_×Ó_£¬_³¤_ÁË_Æß_¸ö_Ëë_×Ó_£¬_ÓÖ_±¥_Âú_ÓÖ_¼Ñ_ÃÀ_£¬ # # And I saw in my dream, and, behold, seven ears came up in one stalk, # full and good: # # unit P GEN:41:23 Ëæ_ºó_ÓÖ_³¤_ÁË_Æß_¸ö_Ëë_×Ó_£¬_¿Ý_éÂ_ϸ_Èõ_£¬_±»_¶«_·ç_´µ_½¹_ÁË_¡£ # # And, behold, seven ears, withered, thin, and blasted with the east # wind, sprung up after them: # # unit P GEN:41:24 Õâ_Щ_ϸ_Èõ_µÄ_Ëë_×Ó_ÍÌ_ÁË_ÄÇ_Æß_¸ö_¼Ñ_ÃÀ_µÄ_Ëë_×Ó_¡£_ÎÒ_½«_Õâ_ÃÎ_¸æ Ëß_ÁË_Êõ_Ê¿_£¬_È´_û_ÓÐ_ÈË_ÄÜ_¸ø_ÎÒ_½â_˵_¡£ # # And the thin ears devoured the seven good ears: and I told this unto # the magicians; but there was none that could declare it to me. # # unit P GEN:41:25 Ô¼_ɪ_¶Ô_·¨_ÀÏ_˵_£¬_·¨_ÀÏ_µÄ_ÃÎ_ÄË_ÊÇ_Ò»_¸ö_¡£_Éñ_ÒÑ_½«_Ëù_Òª_×÷_µÄ ÊÂ_Ö¸_ʾ_·¨_ÀÏ_ÁË_¡£ # # And Joseph said unto Pharaoh, The dream of Pharaoh is one: God hath # shewed Pharaoh what he is about to do. # # unit P GEN:41:26 Æß_Ö»_ºÃ_ĸ_Å£_ÊÇ_Æß_Äê_£¬_Æß_¸ö_ºÃ_Ëë_×Ó_Ò²_ÊÇ_Æß_Äê_¡£_Õâ_ÃÎ_ÄË_ÊÇ Ò»_¸ö_¡£ # # The seven good kine are seven years; and the seven good ears are # seven years: the dream is one. # # unit P GEN:41:27 ÄÇ_Ëæ_ºó_ÉÏ_À´_µÄ_Æß_Ö»_ÓÖ_¸É_ÊÝ_ÓÖ_³ó_ª_µÄ_ĸ_Å£_ÊÇ_Æß_Äê_£¬_ÄÇ_Æß ¸ö_Ðé_¿Õ_£¬_±»_¶«_·ç_´µ_½¹_µÄ_Ëë_×Ó_Ò²_ÊÇ_Æß_Äê_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_Æß_¸ö_»Ä_Äê ¡£ # # And the seven thin and ill favoured kine that came up after them are # seven years; and the seven empty ears blasted with the east wind # shall be seven years of famine. # # unit P GEN:41:28 Õâ_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_¶Ô_·¨_ÀÏ_Ëù_˵_£¬_Éñ_ÒÑ_½«_Ëù_Òª_×÷_µÄ_ÊÂ_ÏÔ_Ã÷_¸ø_·¨_ÀÏ ÁË_¡£ # # This is the thing which I have spoken unto Pharaoh: What God is # about to do he sheweth unto Pharaoh. # # unit P GEN:41:29 °£_¼°_±é_µØ_±Ø_À´_Æß_¸ö_´ó_·á_Äê_£¬ # # Behold, there come seven years of great plenty throughout all the # land of Egypt: # # unit P GEN:41:30 Ëæ_ºó_ÓÖ_Òª_À´_Æß_¸ö_»Ä_Äê_£¬_Éõ_ÖÁ_°£_¼°_µØ_¶¼_Íü_ÁË_ÏÈ_Ç°_µÄ_·á_ÊÕ £¬_È«_µØ_±Ø_±»_¼¢_»Ä_Ëù_Ãð_¡£ # # And there shall arise after them seven years of famine; and all the # plenty shall be forgotten in the land of Egypt; and the famine shall # consume the land; # # unit P GEN:41:31 Òò_ÄÇ_ÒÔ_ºó_µÄ_¼¢_»Ä_Éõ_´ó_£¬_±ã_²»_¾õ_µÃ_ÏÈ_Ç°_µÄ_·á_ÊÕ_ÁË_¡£ # # And the plenty shall not be known in the land by reason of that # famine following; for it shall be very grievous. # # unit P GEN:41:32 ÖÁ_ÓÚ_·¨_ÀÏ_Á½_»Ø_×÷_ÃÎ_£¬_ÊÇ_Òò_Éñ_Ãü_¶¨_Õâ_ÊÂ_£¬_¶ø_ÇÒ_±Ø_ËÙ_ËÙ_³É ¾Í_¡£ # # And for that the dream was doubled unto Pharaoh twice; it is because # the thing is established by God, and God will shortly bring it to # pass. # # unit P GEN:41:33 Ëù_ÒÔ_£¬_·¨_ÀÏ_µ±_¼ð_Ñ¡_Ò»_¸ö_ÓÐ_´Ï_Ã÷_ÓÐ_ÖÇ_»Û_µÄ_ÈË_£¬_ÅÉ_Ëû_ÖÎ_Àí °£_¼°_µØ_¡£ # # Now therefore let Pharaoh look out a man discreet and wise, and set # him over the land of Egypt. # # unit P GEN:41:34 ·¨_ÀÏ_µ±_Õâ_Ñù_ÐÐ_£¬_ÓÖ_ÅÉ_¹Ù_Ô±_¹Ü_Àí_Õâ_µØ_¡£_µ±_Æß_¸ö_·á_Äê_µÄ_ʱ ºò_£¬_Õ÷_ÊÕ_°£_¼°_µØ_µÄ_Îå_·Ö_Ö®_Ò»_£¬ # # Let Pharaoh do this, and let him appoint officers over the land, and # take up the fifth part of the land of Egypt in the seven plenteous # years. # # unit P GEN:41:35 ½Ð_Ëû_ÃÇ_°Ñ_½«_À´_·á_Äê_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_Á¸_ʳ_¾Û_Á²_Æð_À´_£¬_»ý_Ðî_Îå_¹È_£¬ ÊÕ_´æ_ÔÚ_¸÷_³Ç_Àï_×÷_ʳ_Îï_£¬_¹é_ÓÚ_·¨_ÀÏ_µÄ_ÊÖ_ÏÂ_¡£ # # And let them gather all the food of those good years that come, and # lay up corn under the hand of Pharaoh, and let them keep food in the # cities. # # unit P GEN:41:36 Ëù_»ý_Ðî_µÄ_Á¸_ʳ_¿É_ÒÔ_·À_±¸_°£_¼°_µØ_½«_À´_µÄ_Æß_¸ö_»Ä_Äê_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ Õâ_µØ_±»_¼¢_»Ä_Ëù_Ãð_¡£ # # And that food shall be for store to the land against the seven years # of famine, which shall be in the land of Egypt; that the land perish # not through the famine. # # unit P GEN:41:37 ·¨_ÀÏ_ºÍ_Ëû_Ò»_ÇÐ_³¼_ÆÍ_¶¼_ÒÔ_Õâ_ÊÂ_Ϊ_Ãî_¡£ # # And the thing was good in the eyes of Pharaoh, and in the eyes of # all his servants. # # unit P GEN:41:38 ·¨_ÀÏ_¶Ô_³¼_ÆÍ_˵_£¬_Ïñ_Õâ_Ñù_µÄ_ÈË_£¬_ÓÐ_Éñ_µÄ_Áé_ÔÚ_Ëû_Àï_Í·_£¬_ÎÒ ÃÇ_Æñ_ÄÜ_ÕÒ_µÃ_×Å_ÄØ_£¿ # # And Pharaoh said unto his servants, Can we find such a one as this # is, a man in whom the Spirit of God is? # # unit P GEN:41:39 ·¨_ÀÏ_¶Ô_Ô¼_ɪ_˵_£¬_Éñ_¼È_½«_Õâ_ÊÂ_¶¼_Ö¸_ʾ_Äã_£¬_¿É_¼û_û_ÓÐ_ÈË_Ïó Äã_Õâ_Ñù_ÓÐ_´Ï_Ã÷_ÓÐ_ÖÇ_»Û_¡£ # # And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, Forasmuch as God hath shewed thee all # this, there is none so discreet and wise as thou art: # # unit P GEN:41:40 Äã_¿É_ÒÔ_ÕÆ_¹Ü_ÎÒ_µÄ_¼Ò_¡£_ÎÒ_µÄ_Ãñ_¶¼_±Ø_Ìý_´Ó_Äã_µÄ_»°_¡£_Ω_¶À_ÔÚ ±¦_×ù_ÉÏ_ÎÒ_±È_Äã_´ó_¡£ # # Thou shalt be over my house, and according unto thy word shall all # my people be ruled: only in the throne will I be greater than thou. # # unit P GEN:41:41 ·¨_ÀÏ_ÓÖ_¶Ô_Ô¼_ɪ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÅÉ_Äã_ÖÎ_Àí_°£_¼°_È«_µØ_¡£ # # And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, See, I have set thee over all the land # of Egypt. # # unit P GEN:41:42 ·¨_ÀÏ_¾Í_Õª_ÏÂ_ÊÖ_ÉÏ_´ò_Ó¡_µÄ_½ä_Ö¸_£¬_´÷_ÔÚ_Ô¼_ɪ_µÄ_ÊÖ_ÉÏ_£¬_¸ø_Ëû ´©_ÉÏ_ϸ_Âé_ÒÂ_£¬_°Ñ_½ð_Á´_´÷_ÔÚ_Ëû_µÄ_¾±_Ïî_ÉÏ_£¬ # # And Pharaoh took off his ring from his hand, and put it upon # Joseph's hand, and arrayed him in vestures of fine linen, and put a # gold chain about his neck; # # unit P GEN:41:43 ÓÖ_½Ð_Ô¼_ɪ_×ø_Ëû_µÄ_¸±_³µ_£¬_ºÈ_µÀ_µÄ_ÔÚ_Ç°_ºô_½Ð_˵_£¬_¹ò_ÏÂ_¡£_Õâ Ñù_£¬_·¨_ÀÏ_ÅÉ_Ëû_ÖÎ_Àí_°£_¼°_È«_µØ_¡£ # # And he made him to ride in the second chariot which he had; and they # cried before him, Bow the knee: and he made him ruler over all the # land of Egypt. # # unit P GEN:41:44 ·¨_ÀÏ_¶Ô_Ô¼_ɪ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_·¨_ÀÏ_£¬_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_È«_µØ_£¬_Èô_û_ÓÐ_Äã_µÄ Ãü_Áî_£¬_²»_Ðí_ÈË_ÉÃ_×Ô_°ì_ÊÂ_£¨_Ô­_ÎÄ_×÷_¶¯_ÊÖ_¶¯_½Å_£©_¡£ # # And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, I am Pharaoh, and without thee shall # no man lift up his hand or foot in all the land of Egypt. # # unit P GEN:41:45 ·¨_ÀÏ_´Í_Ãû_¸ø_Ô¼_ɪ_£¬_½Ð_Èö_·¢_ÄÇ_߯_°Í_ÄÚ_ÑÇ_£¬_ÓÖ_½«_°²_³Ç_µÄ_¼À ˾_²¨_Ìá_·Ç_À­_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_ÑÇ_Î÷_ÄÉ_¸ø_Ëû_Ϊ_ÆÞ_¡£_Ô¼_ɪ_¾Í_³ö_È¥_Ѳ_ÐÐ °£_¼°_µØ_¡£ # # And Pharaoh called Joseph's name Zaphnathpaaneah; and he gave him to # wife Asenath the daughter of Potipherah priest of On. And Joseph # went out over all the land of Egypt. # # unit P GEN:41:46 Ô¼_ɪ_¼û_°£_¼°_Íõ_·¨_ÀÏ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_Äê_Èý_Ê®_Ëê_¡£_Ëû_´Ó_·¨_ÀÏ_Ãæ_Ç°_³ö È¥_£¬_±é_ÐÐ_°£_¼°_È«_µØ_¡£ # # And Joseph was thirty years old when he stood before Pharaoh king of # Egypt. And Joseph went out from the presence of Pharaoh, and went # throughout all the land of Egypt. # # unit P GEN:41:47 Æß_¸ö_·á_Äê_Ö®_ÄÚ_£¬_µØ_µÄ_³ö_²ú_¼«_·á_¼«_Ê¢_£¨_Ô­_ÎÄ_×÷_Ò»_°Ñ_Ò»_°Ñ µÄ_£©_£¬ # # And in the seven plenteous years the earth brought forth by # handfuls. # # unit P GEN:41:48 Ô¼_ɪ_¾Û_Á²_°£_¼°_µØ_Æß_¸ö_·á_Äê_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_Á¸_ʳ_£¬_°Ñ_Á¸_ʳ_»ý_´æ_ÔÚ ¸÷_³Ç_Àï_¡£_¸÷_³Ç_ÖÜ_Χ_Ìï_µØ_µÄ_Á¸_ʳ_¶¼_»ý_´æ_ÔÚ_±¾_³Ç_Àï_¡£ # # And he gathered up all the food of the seven years, which were in # the land of Egypt, and laid up the food in the cities: the food of # the field, which was round about every city, laid he up in the same. # # unit P GEN:41:49 Ô¼_ɪ_»ý_Ðî_Îå_¹È_Éõ_¶à_£¬_Èç_ͬ_º£_±ß_µÄ_ɳ_£¬_ÎÞ_·¨_¼Æ_Ëã_£¬_Òò_Ϊ ¹È_²»_¿É_ʤ_Êý_¡£ # # And Joseph gathered corn as the sand of the sea, very much, until he # left numbering; for it was without number. # # unit P GEN:41:50 »Ä_Äê_δ_µ½_ÒÔ_Ç°_£¬_°²_³Ç_µÄ_¼À_˾_²¨_Ìá_·Ç_À­_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_ÑÇ_Î÷_ÄÉ_¸ø Ô¼_ɪ_Éú_ÁË_Á½_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_¡£ # # And unto Joseph were born two sons before the years of famine came, # which Asenath the daughter of Potipherah priest of On bare unto him. # # unit P GEN:41:51 Ô¼_ɪ_¸ø_³¤_×Ó_Æð_Ãû_½Ð_Âê_ÄÃ_Î÷_£¨_¾Í_ÊÇ_ʹ_Ö®_Íü_ÁË_µÄ_Òâ_˼_£©_£¬ Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_˵_£¬_Éñ_ʹ_ÎÒ_Íü_ÁË_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_À§_¿à_ºÍ_ÎÒ_¸¸_µÄ_È«_¼Ò_¡£ # # And Joseph called the name of the firstborn Manasseh: For God, said # he, hath made me forget all my toil, and all my father's house. # # unit P GEN:41:52 Ëû_¸ø_´Î_×Ó_Æð_Ãû_½Ð_ÒÔ_·¨_Á«_£¨_¾Í_ÊÇ_ʹ_Ö®_²ý_Ê¢_µÄ_Òâ_˼_£©_£¬_Òò Ϊ_Ëû_˵_£¬_Éñ_ʹ_ÎÒ_ÔÚ_ÊÜ_¿à_µÄ_µØ_·½_²ý_Ê¢_¡£ # # And the name of the second called he Ephraim: For God hath caused me # to be fruitful in the land of my affliction. # # unit P GEN:41:53 °£_¼°_µØ_µÄ_Æß_¸ö_·á_Äê_Ò»_Íê_£¬ # # And the seven years of plenteousness, that was in the land of Egypt, # were ended. # # unit P GEN:41:54 Æß_¸ö_»Ä_Äê_¾Í_À´_ÁË_¡£_Õý_Èç_Ô¼_ɪ_Ëù_˵_µÄ_£¬_¸÷_µØ_¶¼_ÓÐ_¼¢_»Ä_¡£ Ω_¶À_°£_¼°_È«_µØ_ÓÐ_Á¸_ʳ_¡£ # # And the seven years of dearth began to come, according as Joseph had # said: and the dearth was in all lands; but in all the land of Egypt # there was bread. # # unit P GEN:41:55 ¼°_ÖÁ_°£_¼°_È«_µØ_ÓÐ_ÁË_¼¢_»Ä_£¬_ÖÚ_Ãñ_Ïò_·¨_ÀÏ_°§_Çó_Á¸_ʳ_£¬_·¨_ÀÏ ¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Íù_Ô¼_ɪ_ÄÇ_Àï_È¥_£¬_·²_Ëû_Ëù_˵_µÄ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¶¼ Òª_×÷_¡£ # # And when all the land of Egypt was famished, the people cried to # Pharaoh for bread: and Pharaoh said unto all the Egyptians, Go unto # Joseph; what he saith to you, do. # # unit P GEN:41:56 µ±_ʱ_¼¢_»Ä_±é_Âú_Ìì_ÏÂ_£¬_Ô¼_ɪ_¿ª_ÁË_¸÷_´¦_µÄ_²Ö_£¬_ôÐ_Á¸_¸ø_°£_¼° ÈË_¡£_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_µØ_¼¢_»Ä_Éõ_´ó_¡£ # # And the famine was over all the face of the earth: And Joseph opened # all the storehouses, and sold unto the Egyptians; and the famine # waxed sore in the land of Egypt. # # unit P GEN:41:57 ¸÷_µØ_µÄ_ÈË_¶¼_Íù_°£_¼°_È¥_£¬_µ½_Ô¼_ɪ_ÄÇ_Àï_Ùá_Á¸_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ìì_ÏÂ_µÄ ¼¢_»Ä_Éõ_´ó_¡£ # # And all countries came into Egypt to Joseph for to buy corn; because # that the famine was so sore in all lands. # ## # chapter 42 GEN:42 # unit P GEN:42:1 ÑÅ_¸÷_¼û_°£_¼°_ÓÐ_Á¸_£¬_¾Í_¶Ô_¶ù_×Ó_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Ϊ_ʲ_ô_±Ë_´Ë_¹Û Íû_ÄØ_£¿ # # Now when Jacob saw that there was corn in Egypt, Jacob said unto his # sons, Why do ye look one upon another? # # unit P GEN:42:2 ÎÒ_Ìý_¼û_°£_¼°_ÓÐ_Á¸_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¿É_ÒÔ_ÏÂ_È¥_£¬_´Ó_ÄÇ_Àï_Ϊ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Ùá_Щ À´_£¬_ʹ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¿É_ÒÔ_´æ_»î_£¬_²»_ÖÁ_ÓÚ_ËÀ_¡£ # # And he said, Behold, I have heard that there is corn in Egypt: get # you down thither, and buy for us from thence; that we may live, and # not die. # # unit P GEN:42:3 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_£¬_Ô¼_ɪ_µÄ_Ê®_¸ö_¸ç_¸ç_¶¼_ÏÂ_°£_¼°_Ùá_Á¸_È¥_ÁË_¡£ # # And Joseph's ten brethren went down to buy corn in Egypt. # # unit P GEN:42:4 µ«_Ô¼_ɪ_µÄ_ÐÖ_µÜ_±ã_ÑÅ_Ãõ_£¬_ÑÅ_¸÷_û_ÓÐ_´ò_·¢_Ëû_ºÍ_¸ç_¸ç_ÃÇ_ͬ_È¥ £¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÑÅ_¸÷_˵_£¬_¿Ö_ÅÂ_Ëû_Ôâ_º¦_¡£ # # But Benjamin, Joseph's brother, Jacob sent not with his brethren; # for he said, Lest peradventure mischief befall him. # # unit P GEN:42:5 À´_Ùá_Á¸_µÄ_ÈË_ÖÐ_ÓÐ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÃÇ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ_Ò²_ÓÐ_¼¢ »Ä_¡£ # # And the sons of Israel came to buy corn among those that came: for # the famine was in the land of Canaan. # # unit P GEN:42:6 µ±_ʱ_ÖÎ_Àí_°£_¼°_µØ_µÄ_ÊÇ_Ô¼_ɪ_¡£_ôÐ_Á¸_¸ø_ÄÇ_µØ_ÖÚ_Ãñ_µÄ_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ëû ¡£_Ô¼_ɪ_µÄ_¸ç_¸ç_ÃÇ_À´_ÁË_£¬_Á³_·ü_ÓÚ_µØ_£¬_Ïò_Ëû_ÏÂ_°Ý_¡£ # # And Joseph was the governor over the land, and he it was that sold # to all the people of the land: and Joseph's brethren came, and bowed # down themselves before him with their faces to the earth. # # unit P GEN:42:7 Ô¼_ɪ_¿´_¼û_Ëû_¸ç_¸ç_ÃÇ_£¬_¾Í_ÈÏ_µÃ_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_È´_×°_×÷_Éú_ÈË_£¬_Ïò_Ëû ÃÇ_˵_Щ_ÑÏ_À÷_»°_£¬_ÎÊ_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_´Ó_ÄÄ_Àï_À´_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬ ÎÒ_ÃÇ_´Ó_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ_À´_Ùá_Á¸_¡£ # # And Joseph saw his brethren, and he knew them, but made himself # strange unto them, and spake roughly unto them; and he said unto # them, Whence come ye? And they said, From the land of Canaan to buy # food. # # unit P GEN:42:8 Ô¼_ɪ_ÈÏ_µÃ_Ëû_¸ç_¸ç_ÃÇ_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_È´_²»_ÈÏ_µÃ_Ëû_¡£ # # And Joseph knew his brethren, but they knew not him. # # unit P GEN:42:9 Ô¼_ɪ_Ïë_Æð_´Ó_Ç°_Ëù_×÷_µÄ_ÄÇ_Á½_¸ö_ÃÎ_£¬_¾Í_¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_ÊÇ ¼é_ϸ_£¬_À´_¿ú_̽_Õâ_µØ_µÄ_Ðé_ʵ_¡£ # # And Joseph remembered the dreams which he dreamed of them, and said # unto them, Ye are spies; to see the nakedness of the land ye are # come. # # unit P GEN:42:10 Ëû_ÃÇ_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Ö÷_°¢_£¬_²»_ÊÇ_µÄ_¡£_ÆÍ_ÈË_ÃÇ_ÊÇ_Ùá_Á¸_À´_µÄ_¡£ # # And they said unto him, Nay, my lord, but to buy food are thy # servants come. # # unit P GEN:42:11 ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¶¼_ÊÇ_Ò»_¸ö_ÈË_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_ÊÇ_³Ï_ʵ_ÈË_¡£_ÆÍ_ÈË_ÃÇ_²¢_²»_ÊÇ_¼é ϸ_¡£ # # We are all one man's sons; we are true men, thy servants are no # spies. # # unit P GEN:42:12 Ô¼_ɪ_˵_£¬_²»_È»_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_±Ø_ÊÇ_¿ú_̽_Õâ_µØ_µÄ_Ðé_ʵ_À´_µÄ_¡£ # # And he said unto them, Nay, but to see the nakedness of the land ye # are come. # # unit P GEN:42:13 Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_ÆÍ_ÈË_ÃÇ_±¾_ÊÇ_µÜ_ÐÖ_Ê®_¶þ_ÈË_£¬_ÊÇ_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ_Ò»_¸ö_ÈË_µÄ ¶ù_×Ó_£¬_¶¥_С_µÄ_ÏÖ_½ñ_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_¸¸_Ç×_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_ÓÐ_Ò»_¸ö_û_ÓÐ_ÁË ¡£ # # And they said, Thy servants are twelve brethren, the sons of one man # in the land of Canaan; and, behold, the youngest is this day with # our father, and one is not. # # unit P GEN:42:14 Ô¼_ɪ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_²Å_˵_Äã_ÃÇ_ÊÇ_¼é_ϸ_£¬_Õâ_»°_ʵ_ÔÚ_²»_´í_¡£ # # And Joseph said unto them, That is it that I spake unto you, saying, # Ye are spies: # # unit P GEN:42:15 ÎÒ_Ö¸_×Å_·¨_ÀÏ_µÄ_ÐÔ_Ãü_Æð_ÊÄ_£¬_Èô_ÊÇ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_С_ÐÖ_µÜ_²»_µ½_Õâ_Àï À´_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¾Í_²»_µÃ_³ö_Õâ_µØ_·½_£¬_´Ó_´Ë_¾Í_¿É_ÒÔ_°Ñ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ö¤_Ñé_³ö À´_ÁË_¡£ # # Hereby ye shall be proved: By the life of Pharaoh ye shall not go # forth hence, except your youngest brother come hither. # # unit P GEN:42:16 Ðë_Òª_´ò_·¢_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_Ò»_¸ö_ÈË_È¥_£¬_°Ñ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÐÖ_µÜ_´ø_À´_¡£_ÖÁ ÓÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_¶¼_Òª_Çô_ÔÚ_Õâ_Àï_£¬_ºÃ_Ö¤_Ñé_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_»°_Õæ_²»_Õæ_£¬_Èô ²»_Õæ_£¬_ÎÒ_Ö¸_×Å_·¨_ÀÏ_µÄ_ÐÔ_Ãü_Æð_ÊÄ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Ò»_¶¨_ÊÇ_¼é_ϸ_¡£ # # Send one of you, and let him fetch your brother, and ye shall be # kept in prison, that your words may be proved, whether there be any # truth in you: or else by the life of Pharaoh surely ye are spies. # # unit P GEN:42:17 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Ô¼_ɪ_°Ñ_Ëû_ÃÇ_¶¼_ÏÂ_ÔÚ_¼à_Àï_Èý_Ìì_¡£ # # And he put them all together into ward three days. # # unit P GEN:42:18 µ½_ÁË_µÚ_Èý_Ìì_£¬_Ô¼_ɪ_¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_¾´_η_Éñ_µÄ_¡£_Äã_ÃÇ_ÕÕ ÎÒ_µÄ_»°_ÐÐ_¾Í_¿É_ÒÔ_´æ_»î_¡£ # # And Joseph said unto them the third day, This do, and live; for I # fear God: # # unit P GEN:42:19 Äã_ÃÇ_Èç_¹û_ÊÇ_³Ï_ʵ_ÈË_£¬_¿É_ÒÔ_Áô_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_µÄ_Ò»_¸ö_ÈË_Çô_ÔÚ_¼à Àï_£¬_µ«_Äã_ÃÇ_¿É_ÒÔ_´ø_×Å_Á¸_ʳ_»Ø_È¥_£¬_¾È_Äã_ÃÇ_¼Ò_Àï_µÄ_¼¢_»Ä_¡£ # # If ye be true men, let one of your brethren be bound in the house of # your prison: go ye, carry corn for the famine of your houses: # # unit P GEN:42:20 °Ñ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_С_ÐÖ_µÜ_´ø_µ½_ÎÒ_Õâ_Àï_À´_£¬_Èç_´Ë_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_»°_±ã_ÓÐ Ö¤_¾Ý_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Ò²_²»_ÖÁ_ÓÚ_ËÀ_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_ÕÕ_Ñù_¶ø_ÐÐ_¡£ # # But bring your youngest brother unto me; so shall your words be # verified, and ye shall not die. And they did so. # # unit P GEN:42:21 Ëû_ÃÇ_±Ë_´Ë_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_ÐÖ_µÜ_Éí_ÉÏ_ʵ_ÔÚ_ÓÐ_×ï_¡£_Ëû_°§_Çó_ÎÒ_ÃÇ µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¼û_Ëû_ÐÄ_Àï_µÄ_³î_¿à_£¬_È´_²»_¿Ï_Ìý_£¬_Ëù_ÒÔ_Õâ_³¡ ¿à_ÄÑ_ÁÙ_µ½_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Éí_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And they said one to another, We are verily guilty concerning our # brother, in that we saw the anguish of his soul, when he besought # us, and we would not hear; therefore is this distress come upon us. # # unit P GEN:42:22 Á÷_±ã_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Æñ_²»_ÊÇ_¶Ô_Äã_ÃÇ_˵_¹ý_£¬_²»_¿É_ÉË_º¦_ÄÇ_º¢_×Ó_Âð_£¿ Ö»_ÊÇ_Äã_ÃÇ_²»_¿Ï_Ìý_£¬_Ëù_ÒÔ_Á÷_Ëû_Ѫ_µÄ_×ï_Ïò_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_×·_ÌÖ_¡£ # # And Reuben answered them, saying, Spake I not unto you, saying, Do # not sin against the child; and ye would not hear? therefore, behold, # also his blood is required. # # unit P GEN:42:23 Ëû_ÃÇ_²»_Öª_µÀ_Ô¼_ɪ_Ìý_µÃ_³ö_À´_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_ÓÃ_ͨ_ÊÂ_´« »°_¡£ # # And they knew not that Joseph understood them; for he spake unto # them by an interpreter. # # unit P GEN:42:24 Ô¼_ɪ_ת_Éí_ÍË_È¥_£¬_¿Þ_ÁË_Ò»_³¡_£¬_ÓÖ_»Ø_À´_¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_»°_£¬_¾Í_´Ó Ëû_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_Ìô_³ö_Î÷_Ãå_À´_£¬_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÑÛ_Ç°_°Ñ_Ëû_À¦_°ó_¡£ # # And he turned himself about from them, and wept; and returned to # them again, and communed with them, and took from them Simeon, and # bound him before their eyes. # # unit P GEN:42:25 Ô¼_ɪ_·Ô_¸À_ÈË_°Ñ_Á¸_ʳ_×°_Âú_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Æ÷_¾ß_£¬_°Ñ_¸÷_ÈË_µÄ_Òø_×Ó_¹é »¹_ÔÚ_¸÷_ÈË_µÄ_¿Ú_´ü_Àï_£¬_ÓÖ_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_·_ÉÏ_ÓÃ_µÄ_ʳ_Îï_£¬_ÈË_¾Í_ÕÕ Ëû_µÄ_»°_°ì_ÁË_¡£ # # Then Joseph commanded to fill their sacks with corn, and to restore # every man's money into his sack, and to give them provision for the # way: and thus did he unto them. # # unit P GEN:42:26 Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_°Ñ_Á¸_ʳ_ÍÔ_ÔÚ_¿_ÉÏ_£¬_Àë_¿ª_ÄÇ_Àï_È¥_ÁË_¡£ # # And they laded their asses with the corn, and departed thence. # # unit P GEN:42:27 µ½_ÁË_ס_ËÞ_µÄ_µØ_·½_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_ÓÐ_Ò»_¸ö_ÈË_´ò_¿ª_¿Ú_´ü_£¬_Òª_Äà ÁÏ_ι_¿_£¬_²Å_¿´_¼û_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_Òø_×Ó_ÈÔ_ÔÚ_¿Ú_´ü_Àï_£¬ # # And as one of them opened his sack to give his ass provender in the # inn, he espied his money; for, behold, it was in his sack's mouth. # # unit P GEN:42:28 ¾Í_¶Ô_µÜ_ÐÖ_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_µÄ_Òø_×Ó_¹é_»¹_ÁË_£¬_¿´_ÄÄ_£¬_ÈÔ_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_¿Ú_´ü Àï_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_Ìá_ÐÄ_µõ_µ¨_£¬_Õ½_Õ½_¾¤_¾¤_µØ_±Ë_´Ë_˵_£¬_Õâ_ÊÇ_Éñ_Ïò ÎÒ_ÃÇ_×÷_ʲ_ô_ÄØ_£¿ # # And he said unto his brethren, My money is restored; and, lo, it is # even in my sack: and their heart failed them, and they were afraid, # saying one to another, What is this that God hath done unto us? # # unit P GEN:42:29 Ëû_ÃÇ_À´_µ½_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_¸¸_Ç×_ÑÅ_¸÷_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_½«_Ëù_Ôâ_Óö_µÄ ÊÂ_¶¼_¸æ_Ëß_Ëû_£¬_˵_£¬ # # And they came unto Jacob their father unto the land of Canaan, and # told him all that befell unto them; saying, # # unit P GEN:42:30 ÄÇ_µØ_µÄ_Ö÷_¶Ô_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_˵_ÑÏ_À÷_µÄ_»°_£¬_°Ñ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µ±_×÷_¿ú_̽_ÄÇ_µØ_µÄ ¼é_ϸ_¡£ # # The man, who is the lord of the land, spake roughly to us, and took # us for spies of the country. # # unit P GEN:42:31 ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÊÇ_³Ï_ʵ_ÈË_£¬_²¢_²»_ÊÇ_¼é_ϸ_¡£ # # And we said unto him, We are true men; we are no spies: # # unit P GEN:42:32 ÎÒ_ÃÇ_±¾_ÊÇ_µÜ_ÐÖ_Ê®_¶þ_ÈË_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_Ò»_¸ö_¸¸_Ç×_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_ÓÐ_Ò»_¸ö û_ÓÐ_ÁË_£¬_¶¥_С_µÄ_Èç_½ñ_ͬ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_¸¸_Ç×_ÔÚ_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ_¡£ # # We be twelve brethren, sons of our father; one is not, and the # youngest is this day with our father in the land of Canaan. # # unit P GEN:42:33 ÄÇ_µØ_µÄ_Ö÷_¶Ô_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Èô_Òª_ÎÒ_Öª_µÀ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÊÇ_³Ï_ʵ_ÈË_£¬_¿É_ÒÔ Áô_ÏÂ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_µÄ_Ò»_¸ö_ÈË_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_Õâ_Àï_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¿É_ÒÔ_´ø_×Å_Á¸_ʳ »Ø_È¥_£¬_¾È_Äã_ÃÇ_¼Ò_Àï_µÄ_¼¢_»Ä_¡£ # # And the man, the lord of the country, said unto us, Hereby shall I # know that ye are true men; leave one of your brethren here with me, # and take food for the famine of your households, and be gone: # # unit P GEN:42:34 °Ñ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_С_ÐÖ_µÜ_´ø_µ½_ÎÒ_Õâ_Àï_À´_£¬_ÎÒ_±ã_Öª_µÀ_Äã_ÃÇ_²»_ÊÇ_¼é ϸ_£¬_ÄË_ÊÇ_³Ï_ʵ_ÈË_¡£_Õâ_Ñù_£¬_ÎÒ_¾Í_°Ñ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_µÜ_ÐÖ_½»_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ £¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Ò²_¿É_ÒÔ_ÔÚ_Õâ_µØ_×÷_Âò_Âô_¡£ # # And bring your youngest brother unto me: then shall I know that ye # are no spies, but that ye are true men: so will I deliver you your # brother, and ye shall traffick in the land. # # unit P GEN:42:35 ºó_À´_Ëû_ÃÇ_µ¹_¿Ú_´ü_£¬_²»_ÁÏ_£¬_¸÷_ÈË_µÄ_Òø_°ü_¶¼_ÔÚ_¿Ú_´ü_Àï_¡£_Ëû ÃÇ_ºÍ_¸¸_Ç×_¿´_¼û_Òø_°ü_¾Í_¶¼_º¦_ÅÂ_¡£ # # And it came to pass as they emptied their sacks, that, behold, every # man's bundle of money was in his sack: and when both they and their # father saw the bundles of money, they were afraid. # # unit P GEN:42:36 Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_¸¸_Ç×_ÑÅ_¸÷_¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_ʹ_ÎÒ_É¥_ʧ_ÎÒ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_£¬ Ô¼_ɪ_û_ÓÐ_ÁË_£¬_Î÷_Ãå_Ò²_û_ÓÐ_ÁË_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_ÓÖ_Òª_½«_±ã_ÑÅ_Ãõ_´ø_È¥ ¡£_Õâ_Щ_ÊÂ_¶¼_¹é_µ½_ÎÒ_Éí_ÉÏ_ÁË_¡£ # # And Jacob their father said unto them, Me have ye bereaved of my # children: Joseph is not, and Simeon is not, and ye will take # Benjamin away: all these things are against me. # # unit P GEN:42:37 Á÷_±ã_¶Ô_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Èô_²»_´ø_Ëû_»Ø_À´_½»_¸ø_Äã_£¬_Äã_¿É_ÒÔ_ɱ ÎÒ_µÄ_Á½_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_¡£_Ö»_¹Ü_°Ñ_Ëû_½»_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_ÊÖ_Àï_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_´ø_Ëû_»Ø_À´ ½»_¸ø_Äã_¡£ # # And Reuben spake unto his father, saying, Slay my two sons, if I # bring him not to thee: deliver him into my hand, and I will bring # him to thee again. # # unit P GEN:42:38 ÑÅ_¸÷_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_²»_¿É_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_Ò»_ͬ_ÏÂ_È¥_¡£_Ëû_¸ç_¸ç_ËÀ_ÁË £¬_Ö»_Ê£_ÏÂ_Ëû_£¬_Ëû_Èô_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ëù_ÐÐ_µÄ_·_ÉÏ_Ôâ_º¦_£¬_ÄÇ_±ã_ÊÇ_Äã ÃÇ_ʹ_ÎÒ_°×_·¢_²Ô_²Ô_£¬_±¯_±¯_²Ò_²Ò_µØ_ÏÂ_Òõ_¼ä_È¥_ÁË_¡£ # # And he said, My son shall not go down with you; for his brother is # dead, and he is left alone: if mischief befall him by the way in the # which ye go, then shall ye bring down my gray hairs with sorrow to # the grave. # ## # chapter 43 GEN:43 # unit P GEN:43:1 ÄÇ_µØ_µÄ_¼¢_»Ä_Éõ_´ó_¡£ # # And the famine was sore in the land. # # unit P GEN:43:2 Ëû_ÃÇ_´Ó_°£_¼°_´ø_À´_µÄ_Á¸_ʳ_³Ô_¾¡_ÁË_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_¸¸_Ç×_¾Í_¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ Ëµ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_ÔÙ_È¥_¸ø_ÎÒ_Ùá_Щ_Á¸_À´_¡£ # # And it came to pass, when they had eaten up the corn which they had # brought out of Egypt, their father said unto them, Go again, buy us # a little food. # # unit P GEN:43:3 ÓÌ_´ó_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_ÄÇ_ÈË_×»_×»_µØ_Ú¾_½ë_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÐÖ_µÜ_Èô ²»_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_ͬ_À´_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¾Í_²»_µÃ_¼û_ÎÒ_µÄ_Ãæ_¡£ # # And Judah spake unto him, saying, The man did solemnly protest unto # us, saying, Ye shall not see my face, except your brother be with # you. # # unit P GEN:43:4 Äã_Èô_´ò_·¢_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÐÖ_µÜ_Óë_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ͬ_È¥_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¾Í_ÏÂ_È¥_¸ø_Äã_Ùá Á¸_¡£ # # If thou wilt send our brother with us, we will go down and buy thee # food: # # unit P GEN:43:5 Äã_Èô_²»_´ò_·¢_Ëû_È¥_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¾Í_²»_ÏÂ_È¥_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÄÇ_ÈË_¶Ô_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_˵ £¬_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÐÖ_µÜ_Èô_²»_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_ͬ_À´_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¾Í_²»_µÃ_¼û_ÎÒ_µÄ_Ãæ ¡£ # # But if thou wilt not send him, we will not go down: for the man said # unto us, Ye shall not see my face, except your brother be with you. # # unit P GEN:43:6 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Ϊ_ʲ_ô_Õâ_Ñù_º¦_ÎÒ_£¬_¸æ_Ëß_ÄÇ_ÈË_Äã_ÃÇ_»¹_ÓÐ ÐÖ_µÜ_ÄØ_£¿ # # And Israel said, Wherefore dealt ye so ill with me, as to tell the # man whether ye had yet a brother? # # unit P GEN:43:7 Ëû_ÃÇ_»Ø_´ð_˵_£¬_ÄÇ_ÈË_Ïê_ϸ_ÎÊ_µ½_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ºÍ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_Ç×_Êô_£¬_˵_£¬ Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_¸¸_Ç×_»¹_ÔÚ_Âð_£¿_Äã_ÃÇ_»¹_ÓÐ_ÐÖ_µÜ_Âð_£¿_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¾Í_°´_×Å_Ëû Ëù_ÎÊ_µÄ_¸æ_Ëß_Ëû_£¬_ÑÉ_ÄÜ_Öª_µÀ_Ëû_Òª_˵_£¬_±Ø_Ðë_°Ñ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÐÖ_µÜ ´ø_ÏÂ_À´_ÄØ_£¿ # # And they said, The man asked us straitly of our state, and of our # kindred, saying, Is your father yet alive? have ye another brother? # and we told him according to the tenor of these words: could we # certainly know that he would say, Bring your brother down? # # unit P GEN:43:8 ÓÌ_´ó_ÓÖ_¶Ô_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_˵_£¬_Äã_´ò_·¢_ͯ_×Ó_Óë_ÎÒ_ͬ_È¥_£¬_ÎÒ ÃÇ_¾Í_Æð_Éí_ÏÂ_È¥_£¬_ºÃ_½Ð_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ºÍ_Äã_£¬_²¢_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_¸¾_ÈË_º¢_×Ó_£¬ ¶¼_µÃ_´æ_»î_£¬_²»_ÖÁ_ÓÚ_ËÀ_¡£ # # And Judah said unto Israel his father, Send the lad with me, and we # will arise and go; that we may live, and not die, both we, and thou, # and also our little ones. # # unit P GEN:43:9 ÎÒ_Ϊ_Ëû_×÷_±£_¡£_Äã_¿É_ÒÔ_´Ó_ÎÒ_ÊÖ_ÖÐ_×·_ÌÖ_£¬_ÎÒ_Èô_²»_´ø_Ëû_»Ø_À´ ½»_ÔÚ_Äã_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_ÎÒ_Çé_Ô¸_ÓÀ_Ô¶_µ£_×ï_¡£ # # I will be surety for him; of my hand shalt thou require him: if I # bring him not unto thee, and set him before thee, then let me bear # the blame for ever: # # unit P GEN:43:10 ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Èô_û_ÓÐ_µ¢_¸é_£¬_Èç_½ñ_µÚ_¶þ_´Î_¶¼_»Ø_À´_ÁË_¡£ # # For except we had lingered, surely now we had returned this second # time. # # unit P GEN:43:11 Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_¸¸_Ç×_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_˵_£¬_Èô_±Ø_Ðë_Èç_´Ë_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¾Í_µ±_Õâ_Ñù_ÐÐ £¬_¿É_ÒÔ_½«_Õâ_µØ_ÍÁ_²ú_ÖÐ_×î_ºÃ_µÄ_Èé_Ïã_£¬_·ä_ÃÛ_£¬_Ïã_ÁÏ_£¬_û_Ò© £¬_é¼_×Ó_£¬_ÐÓ_ÈÊ_¶¼_È¡_Ò»_µã_£¬_ÊÕ_ÔÚ_Æ÷_¾ß_Àï_£¬_´ø_ÏÂ_È¥_ËÍ_¸ø_ÄÇ ÈË_×÷_Àñ_Îï_£¬ # # And their father Israel said unto them, If it must be so now, do # this; take of the best fruits in the land in your vessels, and carry # down the man a present, a little balm, and a little honey, spices, # and myrrh, nuts, and almonds: # # unit P GEN:43:12 ÓÖ_Òª_ÊÖ_Àï_¼Ó_±¶_µØ_´ø_Òø_×Ó_£¬_²¢_½«_¹é_»¹_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_¿Ú_´ü_ÄÚ_µÄ_Òø ×Ó_ÈÔ_´ø_ÔÚ_ÊÖ_Àï_¡£_ÄÇ_»ò_Õß_ÊÇ_´í_ÁË_¡£ # # And take double money in your hand; and the money that was brought # again in the mouth of your sacks, carry it again in your hand; # peradventure it was an oversight: # # unit P GEN:43:13 Ò²_´ø_×Å_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÐÖ_µÜ_£¬_Æð_Éí_È¥_¼û_ÄÇ_ÈË_¡£ # # Take also your brother, and arise, go again unto the man: # # unit P GEN:43:14 µ«_Ô¸_È«_ÄÜ_µÄ_Éñ_ʹ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_ÈË_Ãæ_Ç°_ÃÉ_Á¯_Ãõ_£¬_ÊÍ_·Å_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ ÄÇ_µÜ_ÐÖ_ºÍ_±ã_ÑÅ_Ãõ_»Ø_À´_¡£_ÎÒ_Èô_É¥_ÁË_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_¾Í_É¥_ÁË_°É_¡£ # # And God Almighty give you mercy before the man, that he may send # away your other brother, and Benjamin. If I be bereaved of my # children, I am bereaved. # # unit P GEN:43:15 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÄÃ_×Å_ÄÇ_Àñ_Îï_£¬_ÓÖ_ÊÖ_Àï_¼Ó_±¶_µØ_´ø_Òø_×Ó_£¬_²¢_ÇÒ ´ø_×Å_±ã_ÑÅ_Ãõ_£¬_Æð_Éí_ÏÂ_µ½_°£_¼°_£¬_Õ¾_ÔÚ_Ô¼_ɪ_Ãæ_Ç°_¡£ # # And the men took that present, and they took double money in their # hand, and Benjamin; and rose up, and went down to Egypt, and stood # before Joseph. # # unit P GEN:43:16 Ô¼_ɪ_¼û_±ã_ÑÅ_Ãõ_ºÍ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ͬ_À´_£¬_¾Í_¶Ô_¼Ò_Ô×_˵_£¬_½«_Õâ_Щ_ÈË_Áì µ½_ÎÝ_Àï_¡£_Òª_Ô×_ɱ_Éü_Ðó_£¬_Ô¤_±¸_óÛ_ϯ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÉÎ_Îç_Õâ_Щ_ÈË_ͬ ÎÒ_³Ô_·¹_¡£ # # And when Joseph saw Benjamin with them, he said to the ruler of his # house, Bring these men home, and slay, and make ready; for these men # shall dine with me at noon. # # unit P GEN:43:17 ¼Ò_Ô×_¾Í_×ñ_×Å_Ô¼_ɪ_µÄ_Ãü_È¥_ÐÐ_£¬_Áì_Ëû_ÃÇ_½ø_Ô¼_ɪ_µÄ_ÎÝ_Àï_¡£ # # And the man did as Joseph bade; and the man brought the men into # Joseph's house. # # unit P GEN:43:18 Ëû_ÃÇ_Òò_Ϊ_±»_Áì_µ½_Ô¼_ɪ_µÄ_ÎÝ_Àï_£¬_¾Í_º¦_ÅÂ_£¬_˵_£¬_Áì_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µ½ Õâ_Àï_À´_£¬_±Ø_ÊÇ_Òò_Ϊ_Í·_´Î_¹é_»¹_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¿Ú_´ü_Àï_µÄ_Òø_×Ó_£¬_ÕÒ ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_´í_·ì_£¬_ÏÂ_ÊÖ_º¦_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_£¬_Ç¿_È¡_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Ϊ_Å«_ÆÍ_£¬_ÇÀ_¶á_ÎÒ ÃÇ_µÄ_¿_¡£ # # And the men were afraid, because they were brought into Joseph's # house; and they said, Because of the money that was returned in our # sacks at the first time are we brought in; that he may seek occasion # against us, and fall upon us, and take us for bondmen, and our # asses. # # unit P GEN:43:19 Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_°¤_½ø_Ô¼_ɪ_µÄ_¼Ò_Ô×_£¬_ÔÚ_ÎÝ_ÃÅ_¿Ú_ºÍ_Ëû_˵_»°_£¬ # # And they came near to the steward of Joseph's house, and they # communed with him at the door of the house, # # unit P GEN:43:20 ˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Ö÷_°¢_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Í·_´Î_ÏÂ_À´_ʵ_ÔÚ_ÊÇ_Òª_Ùá_Á¸_¡£ # # And said, O sir, we came indeed down at the first time to buy food: # # unit P GEN:43:21 ºó_À´_µ½_ÁË_ס_ËÞ_µÄ_µØ_·½_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_´ò_¿ª_¿Ú_´ü_£¬_²»_ÁÏ_£¬_¸÷_ÈË_µÄ Òø_×Ó_£¬_·Ö_Á¿_×ã_Êý_£¬_ÈÔ_ÔÚ_¸÷_ÈË_µÄ_¿Ú_´ü_ÄÚ_£¬_ÏÖ_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÊÖ_Àï ÓÖ_´ø_»Ø_À´_ÁË_¡£ # # And it came to pass, when we came to the inn, that we opened our # sacks, and, behold, every man's money was in the mouth of his sack, # our money in full weight: and we have brought it again in our hand. # # unit P GEN:43:22 Áí_Íâ_ÓÖ_´ø_ÏÂ_Òø_×Ó_À´_Ùá_Á¸_¡£_²»_Öª_µÀ_ÏÈ_Ç°_Ë­_°Ñ_Òø_×Ó_·Å_ÔÚ_ÎÒ ÃÇ_µÄ_¿Ú_´ü_Àï_¡£ # # And other money have we brought down in our hands to buy food: we # cannot tell who put our money in our sacks. # # unit P GEN:43:23 ¼Ò_Ô×_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¿É_ÒÔ_·Å_ÐÄ_£¬_²»_Òª_º¦_ÅÂ_£¬_ÊÇ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_ºÍ_Äã ÃÇ_¸¸_Ç×_µÄ_Éñ_´Í_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_²Æ_±¦_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_¿Ú_´ü_Àï_¡£_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Òø ×Ó_£¬_ÎÒ_Ôç_ÒÑ_ÊÕ_ÁË_¡£_Ëû_¾Í_°Ñ_Î÷_Ãå_´ø_³ö_À´_£¬_½»_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£ # # And he said, Peace be to you, fear not: your God, and the God of # your father, hath given you treasure in your sacks: I had your # money. And he brought Simeon out unto them. # # unit P GEN:43:24 ¼Ò_Ô×_¾Í_Áì_Ëû_ÃÇ_½ø_Ô¼_ɪ_µÄ_ÎÝ_Àï_£¬_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ë®_Ï´_½Å_£¬_ÓÖ_¸ø_Ëû ÃÇ_²Ý_ÁÏ_ι_¿_¡£ # # And the man brought the men into Joseph's house, and gave them # water, and they washed their feet; and he gave their asses # provender. # # unit P GEN:43:25 Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_Ô¤_±¸_ÄÇ_Àñ_Îï_£¬_µÈ_ºò_Ô¼_ɪ_ÉÎ_Îç_À´_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ìý_¼û Òª_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_³Ô_·¹_¡£ # # And they made ready the present against Joseph came at noon: for # they heard that they should eat bread there. # # unit P GEN:43:26 Ô¼_ɪ_À´_µ½_¼Ò_Àï_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_°Ñ_ÊÖ_ÖÐ_µÄ_Àñ_Îï_ÄÃ_½ø_ÎÝ_È¥_¸ø_Ëû_£¬ ÓÖ_¸©_·ü_ÔÚ_µØ_£¬_Ïò_Ëû_ÏÂ_°Ý_¡£ # # And when Joseph came home, they brought him the present which was in # their hand into the house, and bowed themselves to him to the earth. # # unit P GEN:43:27 Ô¼_ɪ_ÎÊ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ºÃ_£¬_ÓÖ_ÎÊ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_¸¸_Ç×_¾Í_ÊÇ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ëù_˵_µÄ_ÄÇ ÀÏ_ÈË_¼Ò_ƽ_°²_Âð_£¿_Ëû_»¹_ÔÚ_Âð_£¿ # # And he asked them of their welfare, and said, Is your father well, # the old man of whom ye spake? Is he yet alive? # # unit P GEN:43:28 Ëû_ÃÇ_»Ø_´ð_˵_£¬_Äã_ÆÍ_ÈË_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_¸¸_Ç×_ƽ_°²_¡£_Ëû_»¹_ÔÚ_¡£_ÓÚ_ÊÇ Ëû_ÃÇ_µÍ_Í·_ÏÂ_°Ý_¡£ # # And they answered, Thy servant our father is in good health, he is # yet alive. And they bowed down their heads, and made obeisance. # # unit P GEN:43:29 Ô¼_ɪ_¾Ù_Ä¿_¿´_¼û_Ëû_ͬ_ĸ_µÄ_ÐÖ_µÜ_±ã_ÑÅ_Ãõ_£¬_¾Í_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Ïò_ÎÒ Ëù_˵_ÄÇ_¶¥_С_µÄ_ÐÖ_µÜ_¾Í_ÊÇ_Õâ_λ_Âð_£¿_ÓÖ_˵_£¬_С_¶ù_°¢_£¬_Ô¸_Éñ ´Í_¶÷_¸ø_Äã_¡£ # # And he lifted up his eyes, and saw his brother Benjamin, his # mother's son, and said, Is this your younger brother, of whom ye # spake unto me? And he said, God be gracious unto thee, my son. # # unit P GEN:43:30 Ô¼_ɪ_°®_µÜ_Ö®_Çé_·¢_¶¯_£¬_¾Í_¼±_æ_Ñ°_ÕÒ_¿É_¿Þ_Ö®_µØ_£¬_½ø_Èë_×Ô_¼º µÄ_ÎÝ_Àï_£¬_¿Þ_ÁË_Ò»_³¡_¡£ # # And Joseph made haste; for his bowels did yearn upon his brother: # and he sought where to weep; and he entered into his chamber, and # wept there. # # unit P GEN:43:31 Ëû_Ï´_ÁË_Á³_³ö_À´_£¬_Ãã_Ç¿_Òþ_ÈÌ_£¬_·Ô_¸À_ÈË_°Ú_·¹_¡£ # # And he washed his face, and went out, and refrained himself, and # said, Set on bread. # # unit P GEN:43:32 Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_Ϊ_Ô¼_ɪ_µ¥_°Ú_ÁË_Ò»_ϯ_£¬_Ϊ_ÄÇ_Щ_ÈË_ÓÖ_°Ú_ÁË_Ò»_ϯ_£¬_Ò² Ϊ_ºÍ_Ô¼_ɪ_ͬ_³Ô_·¹_µÄ_°£_¼°_ÈË_Áí_°Ú_ÁË_Ò»_ϯ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_°£_¼°_ÈË_²» ¿É_ºÍ_Ï£_²®_À´_ÈË_Ò»_ͬ_³Ô_·¹_¡£_ÄÇ_Ô­_ÊÇ_°£_¼°_ÈË_Ëù_Ñá_¶ñ_µÄ_¡£ # # And they set on for him by himself, and for them by themselves, and # for the Egyptians, which did eat with him, by themselves: because # the Egyptians might not eat bread with the Hebrews; for that is an # abomination unto the Egyptians. # # unit P GEN:43:33 Ô¼_ɪ_ʹ_ÖÚ_µÜ_ÐÖ_ÔÚ_Ëû_Ãæ_Ç°_ÅÅ_ÁÐ_×ø_ϯ_£¬_¶¼_°´_×Å_³¤_Ó×_µÄ_´Î_Ðò £¬_ÖÚ_µÜ_ÐÖ_¾Í_±Ë_´Ë_²ï_Òì_¡£ # # And they sat before him, the firstborn according to his birthright, # and the youngest according to his youth: and the men marvelled one # at another. # # unit P GEN:43:34 Ô¼_ɪ_°Ñ_Ëû_Ãæ_Ç°_µÄ_ʳ_Îï_·Ö_³ö_À´_£¬_ËÍ_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£_µ«_±ã_ÑÅ_Ãõ_Ëù µÃ_µÄ_±È_±ð_ÈË_¶à_Îå_±¶_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_Òû_¾Æ_£¬_ºÍ_Ô¼_ɪ_Ò»_ͬ_Ñç_ÀÖ_¡£ # # And he took and sent messes unto them from before him: but # Benjamin's mess was five times so much as any of theirs. And they # drank, and were merry with him. # ## # chapter 44 GEN:44 # unit P GEN:44:1 Ô¼_ɪ_·Ô_¸À_¼Ò_Ô×_˵_£¬_°Ñ_Á¸_ʳ_×°_Âú_Õâ_Щ_ÈË_µÄ_¿Ú_´ü_£¬_¾¡_×Å_Ëû ÃÇ_µÄ_¿_Ëù_ÄÜ_ÍÔ_µÄ_£¬_ÓÖ_°Ñ_¸÷_ÈË_µÄ_Òø_×Ó_·Å_ÔÚ_¸÷_ÈË_µÄ_¿Ú_´ü_Àï £¬ # # And he commanded the steward of his house, saying, Fill the men's # sacks with food, as much as they can carry, and put every man's # money in his sack's mouth. # # unit P GEN:44:2 ²¢_½«_ÎÒ_µÄ_Òø_±­_ºÍ_ÄÇ_ÉÙ_Äê_ÈË_Ùá_Á¸_µÄ_Òø_×Ó_Ò»_ͬ_×°_ÔÚ_Ëû_µÄ_¿Ú ´ü_Àï_¡£_¼Ò_Ô×_¾Í_ÕÕ_Ô¼_ɪ_Ëù_˵_µÄ_»°_ÐÐ_ÁË_¡£ # # And put my cup, the silver cup, in the sack's mouth of the youngest, # and his corn money. And he did according to the word that Joseph had # spoken. # # unit P GEN:44:3 Ìì_Ò»_ÁÁ_¾Í_´ò_·¢_ÄÇ_Щ_ÈË_´ø_×Å_¿_×ß_ÁË_¡£ # # As soon as the morning was light, the men were sent away, they and # their asses. # # unit P GEN:44:4 Ëû_ÃÇ_³ö_³Ç_×ß_ÁË_²»_Ô¶_£¬_Ô¼_ɪ_¶Ô_¼Ò_Ô×_˵_£¬_Æð_À´_£¬_×·_ÄÇ_Щ_ÈË È¥_£¬_×·_ÉÏ_ÁË_¾Í_¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Ϊ_ʲ_ô_ÒÔ_¶ñ_±¨_ÉÆ_ÄØ_£¿ # # And when they were gone out of the city, and not yet far off, Joseph # said unto his steward, Up, follow after the men; and when thou dost # overtake them, say unto them, Wherefore have ye rewarded evil for # good? # # unit P GEN:44:5 Õâ_²»_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_Ö÷_ÈË_Òû_¾Æ_µÄ_±­_Âð_£¿_Æñ_²»_ÊÇ_Ëû_Õ¼_²·_ÓÃ_µÄ_Âð_£¿_Äã ÃÇ_Õâ_Ñù_ÐÐ_ÊÇ_×÷_¶ñ_ÁË_¡£ # # Is not this it in which my lord drinketh, and whereby indeed he # divineth? ye have done evil in so doing. # # unit P GEN:44:6 ¼Ò_Ô×_×·_ÉÏ_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_½«_Õâ_Щ_»°_¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_ÁË_¡£ # # And he overtook them, and he spake unto them these same words. # # unit P GEN:44:7 Ëû_ÃÇ_»Ø_´ð_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Ö÷_Ϊ_ʲ_ô_˵_Õâ_Ñù_µÄ_»°_ÄØ_£¿_Äã_ÆÍ_ÈË_¶Ï_²» ÄÜ_×÷_Õâ_Ñù_µÄ_ÊÂ_¡£ # # And they said unto him, Wherefore saith my lord these words? God # forbid that thy servants should do according to this thing: # # unit P GEN:44:8 Äã_¿´_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_´Ó_Ç°_ÔÚ_¿Ú_´ü_Àï_Ëù_¼û_µÄ_Òø_×Ó_£¬_ÉÐ_ÇÒ_´Ó_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ ´ø_À´_»¹_Äã_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Ôõ_ÄÜ_´Ó_Äã_Ö÷_ÈË_¼Ò_Àï_͵_ÇÔ_½ð_Òø_ÄØ_£¿ # # Behold, the money, which we found in our sacks' mouths, we brought # again unto thee out of the land of Canaan: how then should we steal # out of thy lord's house silver or gold? # # unit P GEN:44:9 Äã_ÆÍ_ÈË_ÖÐ_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÔÚ_Ë­_ÄÇ_Àï_ËÑ_³ö_À´_£¬_¾Í_½Ð_Ëû_ËÀ_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Ò²_×÷ ÎÒ_Ö÷_µÄ_Å«_ÆÍ_¡£ # # With whomsoever of thy servants it be found, both let him die, and # we also will be my lord's bondmen. # # unit P GEN:44:10 ¼Ò_Ô×_˵_£¬_ÏÖ_ÔÚ_¾Í_ÕÕ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_»°_ÐÐ_°É_¡£_ÔÚ_Ë­_ÄÇ_Àï_ËÑ_³ö_À´_£¬ Ë­_¾Í_×÷_ÎÒ_µÄ_Å«_ÆÍ_¡£_Æä_Óà_µÄ_¶¼_û_ÓÐ_×ï_¡£ # # And he said, Now also let it be according unto your words: he with # whom it is found shall be my servant; and ye shall be blameless. # # unit P GEN:44:11 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Ëû_ÃÇ_¸÷_ÈË_¼±_æ_°Ñ_¿Ú_´ü_ж_ÔÚ_µØ_ÏÂ_£¬_¸÷_ÈË_´ò_¿ª_¿Ú_´ü_¡£ # # Then they speedily took down every man his sack to the ground, and # opened every man his sack. # # unit P GEN:44:12 ¼Ò_Ô×_¾Í_ËÑ_²é_£¬_´Ó_Äê_³¤_µÄ_Æð_µ½_Äê_Ó×_µÄ_Ϊ_Ö¹_£¬_ÄÇ_±­_¾¹_ÔÚ_±ã ÑÅ_Ãõ_µÄ_¿Ú_´ü_Àï_ËÑ_³ö_À´_¡£ # # And he searched, and began at the eldest, and left at the youngest: # and the cup was found in Benjamin's sack. # # unit P GEN:44:13 Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_˺_ÁÑ_ÒÂ_·þ_£¬_¸÷_ÈË_°Ñ_ÍÔ_×Ó_̧_ÔÚ_¿_ÉÏ_£¬_»Ø_³Ç_È¥_ÁË_¡£ # # Then they rent their clothes, and laded every man his ass, and # returned to the city. # # unit P GEN:44:14 ÓÌ_´ó_ºÍ_Ëû_µÜ_ÐÖ_ÃÇ_À´_µ½_Ô¼_ɪ_µÄ_ÎÝ_ÖÐ_£¬_Ô¼_ɪ_»¹_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_Ëû ÃÇ_¾Í_ÔÚ_Ëû_Ãæ_Ç°_¸©_·ü_ÓÚ_µØ_¡£ # # And Judah and his brethren came to Joseph's house; for he was yet # there: and they fell before him on the ground. # # unit P GEN:44:15 Ô¼_ɪ_¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_×÷_µÄ_ÊÇ_ʲ_ô_ÊÂ_ÄØ_£¿_Äã_ÃÇ_Æñ_²»_Öª_Ïñ ÎÒ_Õâ_Ñù_µÄ_ÈË_±Ø_ÄÜ_Õ¼_²·_Âð_£¿ # # And Joseph said unto them, What deed is this that ye have done? wot # ye not that such a man as I can certainly divine? # # unit P GEN:44:16 ÓÌ_´ó_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¶Ô_ÎÒ_Ö÷_˵_ʲ_ô_ÄØ_£¿_»¹_ÓÐ_ʲ_ô_»°_¿É_˵_ÄØ_£¿ ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Ôõ_ÄÜ_×Ô_¼º_±í_°×_³ö_À´_ÄØ_£¿_Éñ_ÒÑ_¾­_²é_³ö_ÆÍ_ÈË_µÄ_×ï_Äõ_ÁË ¡£_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Óë_ÄÇ_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÊÖ_ÖÐ_ËÑ_³ö_±­_À´_µÄ_¶¼_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_Ö÷_µÄ_Å«_ÆÍ_¡£ # # And Judah said, What shall we say unto my lord? what shall we speak? # or how shall we clear ourselves? God hath found out the iniquity of # thy servants: behold, we are my lord's servants, both we, and he # also with whom the cup is found. # # unit P GEN:44:17 Ô¼_ɪ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_¶Ï_²»_ÄÜ_Õâ_Ñù_ÐÐ_¡£_ÔÚ_Ë­_µÄ_ÊÖ_ÖÐ_ËÑ_³ö_±­_À´_£¬_Ë­ ¾Í_×÷_ÎÒ_µÄ_Å«_ÆÍ_¡£_ÖÁ_ÓÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_¿É_ÒÔ_ƽ_ƽ_°²_°²_µØ_ÉÏ_Äã_ÃÇ_¸¸ Ç×_ÄÇ_Àï_È¥_¡£ # # And he said, God forbid that I should do so: but the man in whose # hand the cup is found, he shall be my servant; and as for you, get # you up in peace unto your father. # # unit P GEN:44:18 ÓÌ_´ó_°¤_½ü_Ëû_£¬_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Ö÷_°¢_£¬_Çó_Äã_ÈÝ_ÆÍ_ÈË_˵_Ò»_¾ä_»°_¸ø_ÎÒ Ö÷_Ìý_£¬_²»_Òª_Ïò_ÆÍ_ÈË_·¢_ÁÒ_Å­_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Äã_Èç_ͬ_·¨_ÀÏ_Ò»_Ñù_¡£ # # Then Judah came near unto him, and said, Oh my lord, let thy # servant, I pray thee, speak a word in my lord's ears, and let not # thine anger burn against thy servant: for thou art even as Pharaoh. # # unit P GEN:44:19 ÎÒ_Ö÷_Ôø_ÎÊ_ÆÍ_ÈË_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_ÓÐ_¸¸_Ç×_ÓÐ_ÐÖ_µÜ_û_ÓÐ_¡£ # # My lord asked his servants, saying, Have ye a father, or a brother? # # unit P GEN:44:20 ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¶Ô_ÎÒ_Ö÷_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÓÐ_¸¸_Ç×_£¬_ÒÑ_¾­_Äê_ÀÏ_£¬_»¹_ÓÐ_Ëû_ÀÏ_Äê Ëù_Éú_µÄ_Ò»_¸ö_С_º¢_×Ó_¡£_Ëû_¸ç_¸ç_ËÀ_ÁË_£¬_Ëû_ĸ_Ç×_Ö»_Ʋ_ÏÂ_Ëû_Ò» ÈË_£¬_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_ÌÛ_°®_Ëû_¡£ # # And we said unto my lord, We have a father, an old man, and a child # of his old age, a little one; and his brother is dead, and he alone # is left of his mother, and his father loveth him. # # unit P GEN:44:21 Äã_¶Ô_ÆÍ_ÈË_˵_£¬_°Ñ_Ëû_´ø_µ½_ÎÒ_Õâ_Àï_À´_£¬_½Ð_ÎÒ_Ç×_ÑÛ_¿´_¿´_Ëû_¡£ # # And thou saidst unto thy servants, Bring him down unto me, that I # may set mine eyes upon him. # # unit P GEN:44:22 ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¶Ô_ÎÒ_Ö÷_˵_£¬_ͯ_×Ó_²»_ÄÜ_Àë_¿ª_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_£¬_Èô_ÊÇ_Àë_¿ª_£¬_Ëû ¸¸_Ç×_±Ø_ËÀ_¡£ # # And we said unto my lord, The lad cannot leave his father: for if he # should leave his father, his father would die. # # unit P GEN:44:23 Äã_¶Ô_ÆÍ_ÈË_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_С_ÐÖ_µÜ_Èô_²»_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_Ò»_ͬ_ÏÂ_À´_£¬_Äã ÃÇ_¾Í_²»_µÃ_ÔÙ_¼û_ÎÒ_µÄ_Ãæ_¡£ # # And thou saidst unto thy servants, Except your youngest brother come # down with you, ye shall see my face no more. # # unit P GEN:44:24 ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÉÏ_µ½_Äã_ÆÍ_ÈË_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¸¸_Ç×_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_¾Í_°Ñ_ÎÒ_Ö÷_µÄ_»°_¸æ_Ëß_ÁË Ëû_¡£ # # And it came to pass when we came up unto thy servant my father, we # told him the words of my lord. # # unit P GEN:44:25 ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_¸¸_Ç×_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_ÔÙ_È¥_¸ø_ÎÒ_Ùá_Щ_Á¸_À´_¡£ # # And our father said, Go again, and buy us a little food. # # unit P GEN:44:26 ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¾Í_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_²»_ÄÜ_ÏÂ_È¥_¡£_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_С_ÐÖ_µÜ_Èô_ºÍ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ͬ Íù_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¾Í_¿É_ÒÔ_ÏÂ_È¥_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_£¬_С_ÐÖ_µÜ_Èô_²»_Óë_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ͬ_Íù £¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_±Ø_²»_µÃ_¼û_ÄÇ_ÈË_µÄ_Ãæ_¡£ # # And we said, We cannot go down: if our youngest brother be with us, # then will we go down: for we may not see the man's face, except our # youngest brother be with us. # # unit P GEN:44:27 Äã_ÆÍ_ÈË_ÎÒ_¸¸_Ç×_¶Ô_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Öª_µÀ_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_¸ø_ÎÒ_Éú_ÁË Á½_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_¡£ # # And thy servant my father said unto us, Ye know that my wife bare me # two sons: # # unit P GEN:44:28 Ò»_¸ö_Àë_¿ª_ÎÒ_³ö_È¥_ÁË_¡£_ÎÒ_˵_Ëû_±Ø_ÊÇ_±»_˺_Ëé_ÁË_£¬_Ö±_µ½_Èç_½ñ ÎÒ_Ò²_û_ÓÐ_¼û_Ëû_¡£ # # And the one went out from me, and I said, Surely he is torn in # pieces; and I saw him not since: # # unit P GEN:44:29 ÏÖ_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÓÖ_Òª_°Ñ_Õâ_¸ö_´ø_È¥_Àë_¿ª_ÎÒ_£¬_ÌÈ_Èô_Ëû_Ôâ_º¦_£¬_ÄÇ_±ã ÊÇ_Äã_ÃÇ_ʹ_ÎÒ_°×_·¢_²Ô_²Ô_£¬_±¯_±¯_²Ò_²Ò_µØ_ÏÂ_Òõ_¼ä_È¥_ÁË_¡£ # # And if ye take this also from me, and mischief befall him, ye shall # bring down my gray hairs with sorrow to the grave. # # unit P GEN:44:30 ÎÒ_¸¸_Ç×_µÄ_Ãü_Óë_Õâ_ͯ_×Ó_µÄ_Ãü_Ïà_Á¬_¡£_Èç_½ñ_ÎÒ_»Ø_µ½_Äã_ÆÍ_ÈË_ÎÒ ¸¸_Ç×_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_Èô_û_ÓÐ_ͯ_×Ó_Óë_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ͬ_ÔÚ_£¬ # # Now therefore when I come to thy servant my father, and the lad be # not with us; seeing that his life is bound up in the lad's life; # # unit P GEN:44:31 ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_¸¸_Ç×_¼û_û_ÓÐ_ͯ_×Ó_£¬_Ëû_¾Í_±Ø_ËÀ_¡£_Õâ_±ã_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ʹ_Äã ÆÍ_ÈË_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_¸¸_Ç×_°×_·¢_²Ô_²Ô_£¬_±¯_±¯_²Ò_²Ò_µØ_ÏÂ_Òõ_¼ä_È¥_ÁË_¡£ # # It shall come to pass, when he seeth that the lad is not with us, # that he will die: and thy servants shall bring down the gray hairs # of thy servant our father with sorrow to the grave. # # unit P GEN:44:32 Òò_Ϊ_ÆÍ_ÈË_Ôø_Ïò_ÎÒ_¸¸_Ç×_Ϊ_Õâ_ͯ_×Ó_×÷_±£_£¬_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Èô_²»_´ø_Ëû »Ø_À´_½»_¸ø_¸¸_Ç×_£¬_ÎÒ_±ã_ÔÚ_¸¸_Ç×_Ãæ_Ç°_ÓÀ_Ô¶_µ£_×ï_¡£ # # For thy servant became surety for the lad unto my father, saying, If # I bring him not unto thee, then I shall bear the blame to my father # for ever. # # unit P GEN:44:33 ÏÖ_ÔÚ_Çó_Äã_ÈÝ_ÆÍ_ÈË_ס_ÏÂ_£¬_Ìæ_Õâ_ͯ_×Ó_×÷_ÎÒ_Ö÷_µÄ_Å«_ÆÍ_£¬_½Ð_ͯ ×Ó_ºÍ_Ëû_¸ç_¸ç_ÃÇ_Ò»_ͬ_ÉÏ_È¥_¡£ # # Now therefore, I pray thee, let thy servant abide instead of the lad # a bondman to my lord; and let the lad go up with his brethren. # # unit P GEN:44:34 Èô_ͯ_×Ó_²»_ºÍ_ÎÒ_ͬ_È¥_£¬_ÎÒ_Ôõ_ÄÜ_ÉÏ_È¥_¼û_ÎÒ_¸¸_Ç×_ÄØ_£¿_¿Ö_ÅÂ_ÎÒ ¿´_¼û_ÔÖ_»ö_ÁÙ_µ½_ÎÒ_¸¸_Ç×_Éí_ÉÏ_¡£ # # For how shall I go up to my father, and the lad be not with me? lest # peradventure I see the evil that shall come on my father. # ## # chapter 45 GEN:45 # unit P GEN:45:1 Ô¼_ɪ_ÔÚ_×ó_ÓÒ_Õ¾_×Å_µÄ_ÈË_Ãæ_Ç°_Çé_²»_×Ô_½û_£¬_·Ô_¸À_Ò»_Éù_˵_£¬_ÈË ¶¼_Òª_Àë_¿ª_ÎÒ_³ö_È¥_¡£_Ô¼_ɪ_ºÍ_µÜ_ÐÖ_Ïà_ÈÏ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_²¢_û_ÓÐ_Ò»_ÈË Õ¾_ÔÚ_Ëû_Ãæ_Ç°_¡£ # # Then Joseph could not refrain himself before all them that stood by # him; and he cried, Cause every man to go out from me. And there # stood no man with him, while Joseph made himself known unto his # brethren. # # unit P GEN:45:2 Ëû_¾Í_·Å_Éù_´ó_¿Þ_£¬_°£_¼°_ÈË_ºÍ_·¨_ÀÏ_¼Ò_ÖÐ_µÄ_ÈË_¶¼_Ìý_¼û_ÁË_¡£ # # And he wept aloud: and the Egyptians and the house of Pharaoh heard. # # unit P GEN:45:3 Ô¼_ɪ_¶Ô_Ëû_µÜ_ÐÖ_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ô¼_ɪ_¡£_ÎÒ_µÄ_¸¸_Ç×_»¹_ÔÚ_Âð_£¿_Ëû µÜ_ÐÖ_²»_ÄÜ_»Ø_´ð_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÔÚ_Ëû_Ãæ_Ç°_¶¼_¾ª_»Ì_¡£ # # And Joseph said unto his brethren, I am Joseph; doth my father yet # live? And his brethren could not answer him; for they were troubled # at his presence. # # unit P GEN:45:4 Ô¼_ɪ_ÓÖ_¶Ô_Ëû_µÜ_ÐÖ_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Çë_Äã_ÃÇ_½ü_Ç°_À´_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_½ü_Ç°_À´ ¡£_Ëû_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÐÖ_µÜ_Ô¼_ɪ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ëù_Âô_µ½_°£_¼° µÄ_¡£ # # And Joseph said unto his brethren, Come near to me, I pray you. And # they came near. And he said, I am Joseph your brother, whom ye sold # into Egypt. # # unit P GEN:45:5 ÏÖ_ÔÚ_£¬_²»_Òª_Òò_Ϊ_°Ñ_ÎÒ_Âô_µ½_Õâ_Àï_×Ô_ÓÇ_×Ô_ºÞ_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_Éñ_²î_ÎÒ ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÒÔ_ÏÈ_À´_£¬_Ϊ_Òª_±£_È«_Éú_Ãü_¡£ # # Now therefore be not grieved, nor angry with yourselves, that ye # sold me hither: for God did send me before you to preserve life. # # unit P GEN:45:6 ÏÖ_ÔÚ_Õâ_µØ_µÄ_¼¢_»Ä_ÒÑ_¾­_¶þ_Äê_ÁË_£¬_»¹_ÔÚ_Îå_Äê_²»_ÄÜ_¸û_ÖÖ_£¬_²» ÄÜ_ÊÕ_³É_¡£ # # For these two years hath the famine been in the land: and yet there # are five years, in the which there shall neither be earing nor # harvest. # # unit P GEN:45:7 Éñ_²î_ÎÒ_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÒÔ_ÏÈ_À´_£¬_Ϊ_Òª_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_´æ_Áô_Óà_ÖÖ_ÔÚ_ÊÀ_ÉÏ_£¬ ÓÖ_Òª_´ó_Ê©_Õü_¾È_£¬_±£_È«_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éú_Ãü_¡£ # # And God sent me before you to preserve you a posterity in the earth, # and to save your lives by a great deliverance. # # unit P GEN:45:8 Õâ_Ñù_¿´_À´_£¬_²î_ÎÒ_µ½_Õâ_Àï_À´_µÄ_²»_ÊÇ_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_ÄË_ÊÇ_Éñ_¡£_Ëû_ÓÖ Ê¹_ÎÒ_Èç_·¨_ÀÏ_µÄ_¸¸_£¬_×÷_Ëû_È«_¼Ò_µÄ_Ö÷_£¬_²¢_°£_¼°_È«_µØ_µÄ_Ô×_Ïà ¡£ # # So now it was not you that sent me hither, but God: and he hath made # me a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his house, and a ruler # throughout all the land of Egypt. # # unit P GEN:45:9 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_¸Ï_½ô_ÉÏ_µ½_ÎÒ_¸¸_Ç×_ÄÇ_Àï_¡£_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_Äã_¶ù_×Ó_Ô¼_ɪ_Õâ Ñù_˵_£¬_Éñ_ʹ_ÎÒ_×÷_È«_°£_¼°_µÄ_Ö÷_£¬_Çë_Äã_ÏÂ_µ½_ÎÒ_Õâ_Àï_À´_£¬_²» Òª_µ¢_ÑÓ_¡£ # # Haste ye, and go up to my father, and say unto him, Thus saith thy # son Joseph, God hath made me lord of all Egypt: come down unto me, # tarry not: # # unit P GEN:45:10 Äã_ºÍ_Äã_ÎÒ_¶ù_×Ó_Ëï_×Ó_£¬_Á¬_Å£_Ⱥ_Ñò_Ⱥ_£¬_²¢_Ò»_ÇÐ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_£¬_¶¼ ¿É_ÒÔ_ס_ÔÚ_¸è_ɺ_µØ_£¬_Óë_ÎÒ_Ïà_½ü_¡£ # # And thou shalt dwell in the land of Goshen, and thou shalt be near # unto me, thou, and thy children, and thy children's children, and # thy flocks, and thy herds, and all that thou hast: # # unit P GEN:45:11 ÎÒ_Òª_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_·î_Ñø_Äã_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_»¹_ÓÐ_Îå_Äê_µÄ_¼¢_»Ä_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_Äã_ºÍ Äã_µÄ_¾ì_Êô_£¬_²¢_Ò»_ÇÐ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_£¬_¶¼_°Ü_Âä_ÁË_¡£ # # And there will I nourish thee; for yet there are five years of # famine; lest thou, and thy household, and all that thou hast, come # to poverty. # # unit P GEN:45:12 ¿ö_ÇÒ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÑÛ_ºÍ_ÎÒ_ÐÖ_µÜ_±ã_ÑÅ_Ãõ_µÄ_ÑÛ_¶¼_¿´_¼û_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_Ç×_¿Ú_¶Ô Äã_ÃÇ_˵_»°_¡£ # # And, behold, your eyes see, and the eyes of my brother Benjamin, # that it is my mouth that speaketh unto you. # # unit P GEN:45:13 Äã_ÃÇ_Ò²_Òª_½«_ÎÒ_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_ÈÙ_Ò«_ºÍ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ëù_¿´_¼û_µÄ_ÊÂ_¶¼ ¸æ_Ëß_ÎÒ_¸¸_Ç×_£¬_ÓÖ_Òª_¸Ï_½ô_µØ_½«_ÎÒ_¸¸_Ç×_°á_µ½_ÎÒ_Õâ_Àï_À´_¡£ # # And ye shall tell my father of all my glory in Egypt, and of all # that ye have seen; and ye shall haste and bring down my father # hither. # # unit P GEN:45:14 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Ô¼_ɪ_·ü_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÐÖ_µÜ_±ã_ÑÅ_Ãõ_µÄ_¾±_Ïî_ÉÏ_¿Þ_£¬_±ã_ÑÅ_Ãõ_Ò²_ÔÚ Ëû_µÄ_¾±_Ïî_ÉÏ_¿Þ_¡£ # # And he fell upon his brother Benjamin's neck, and wept; and Benjamin # wept upon his neck. # # unit P GEN:45:15 Ëû_ÓÖ_Óë_ÖÚ_µÜ_ÐÖ_Ç×_×ì_£¬_±§_×Å_Ëû_ÃÇ_¿Þ_£¬_Ëæ_ºó_Ëû_µÜ_ÐÖ_¾Í_ºÍ_Ëû ˵_»°_¡£ # # Moreover he kissed all his brethren, and wept upon them: and after # that his brethren talked with him. # # unit P GEN:45:16 Õâ_·ç_Éù_´«_µ½_·¨_ÀÏ_µÄ_¹¬_Àï_£¬_˵_£¬_Ô¼_ɪ_µÄ_µÜ_ÐÖ_ÃÇ_À´_ÁË_¡£_·¨ ÀÏ_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_³¼_ÆÍ_¶¼_ºÜ_ϲ_»¶_¡£ # # And the fame thereof was heard in Pharaoh's house, saying, Joseph's # brethren are come: and it pleased Pharaoh well, and his servants. # # unit P GEN:45:17 ·¨_ÀÏ_¶Ô_Ô¼_ɪ_˵_£¬_Äã_·Ô_¸À_Äã_µÄ_µÜ_ÐÖ_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_Õâ_Ñù_ÐÐ £¬_°Ñ_ÍÔ_×Ó_̧_ÔÚ_Éü_¿Ú_ÉÏ_£¬_Æð_Éí_Íù_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ_È¥_¡£ # # And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, Say unto thy brethren, This do ye; # lade your beasts, and go, get you unto the land of Canaan; # # unit P GEN:45:18 ½«_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_¸¸_Ç×_ºÍ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_¾ì_Êô_¶¼_°á_µ½_ÎÒ_Õâ_Àï_À´_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_°Ñ °£_¼°_µØ_µÄ_ÃÀ_Îï_´Í_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Ò²_Òª_³Ô_Õâ_µØ_·Ê_ÃÀ_µÄ_³ö_²ú ¡£ # # And take your father and your households, and come unto me: and I # will give you the good of the land of Egypt, and ye shall eat the # fat of the land. # # unit P GEN:45:19 ÏÖ_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_·Ô_¸À_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_Õâ_Ñù_ÐÐ_£¬_´Ó_°£_¼°_µØ_´ø_×Å_³µ_Á¾_È¥_£¬_°Ñ Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_º¢_×Ó_ºÍ_ÆÞ_×Ó_£¬_²¢_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_¸¸_Ç×_¶¼_°á_À´_¡£ # # Now thou art commanded, this do ye; take you wagons out of the land # of Egypt for your little ones, and for your wives, and bring your # father, and come. # # unit P GEN:45:20 Äã_ÃÇ_ÑÛ_ÖÐ_²»_Òª_°®_ϧ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_¼Ò_¾ß_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_°£_¼°_È«_µØ_µÄ_ÃÀ_Îï ¶¼_ÊÇ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_¡£ # # Also regard not your stuff; for the good of all the land of Egypt is # yours. # # unit P GEN:45:21 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÃÇ_¾Í_Èç_´Ë_ÐÐ_¡£_Ô¼_ɪ_ÕÕ_×Å_·¨_ÀÏ_µÄ_·Ô_¸À_¸ø_Ëû ÃÇ_³µ_Á¾_ºÍ_·_ÉÏ_ÓÃ_µÄ_ʳ_Îï_£¬ # # And the children of Israel did so: and Joseph gave them wagons, # according to the commandment of Pharaoh, and gave them provision for # the way. # # unit P GEN:45:22 ÓÖ_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_¸÷_ÈË_Ò»_Ì×_ÒÂ_·þ_£¬_Ω_¶À_¸ø_±ã_ÑÅ_Ãõ_Èý_°Ù_Òø_×Ó_£¬_Îå Ì×_ÒÂ_·þ_¡£ # # To all of them he gave each man changes of raiment; but to Benjamin # he gave three hundred pieces of silver, and five changes of raiment. # # unit P GEN:45:23 ËÍ_¸ø_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_¹«_¿_Ê®_Æ¥_£¬_ÍÔ_×Å_°£_¼°_µÄ_ÃÀ_Îï_£¬_ĸ_¿_Ê®_Æ¥_£¬ ÍÔ_×Å_Á¸_ʳ_Óë_±ý_ºÍ_²Ë_£¬_Ϊ_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_·_ÉÏ_ÓÃ_¡£ # # And to his father he sent after this manner; ten asses laden with # the good things of Egypt, and ten she asses laden with corn and # bread and meat for his father by the way. # # unit P GEN:45:24 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Ô¼_ɪ_´ò_·¢_Ëû_µÜ_ÐÖ_ÃÇ_»Ø_È¥_£¬_ÓÖ_¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_²»_Òª ÔÚ_·_ÉÏ_Ïà_Õù_¡£ # # So he sent his brethren away, and they departed: and he said unto # them, See that ye fall not out by the way. # # unit P GEN:45:25 Ëû_ÃÇ_´Ó_°£_¼°_ÉÏ_È¥_£¬_À´_µ½_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_¸¸_Ç×_ÑÅ_¸÷_ÄÇ_Àï £¬ # # And they went up out of Egypt, and came into the land of Canaan unto # Jacob their father, # # unit P GEN:45:26 ¸æ_Ëß_Ëû_˵_£¬_Ô¼_ɪ_»¹_ÔÚ_£¬_²¢_ÇÒ_×÷_°£_¼°_È«_µØ_µÄ_Ô×_Ïà_¡£_ÑÅ_¸÷ ÐÄ_Àï_±ù_Á¹_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_²»_ÐÅ_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£ # # And told him, saying, Joseph is yet alive, and he is governor over # all the land of Egypt. And Jacob's heart fainted, for he believed # them not. # # unit P GEN:45:27 Ëû_ÃÇ_±ã_½«_Ô¼_ɪ_¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_»°_¶¼_¸æ_Ëß_ÁË_Ëû_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_¸¸ Ç×_ÑÅ_¸÷_ÓÖ_¿´_¼û_Ô¼_ɪ_´ò_·¢_À´_½Ó_Ëû_µÄ_³µ_Á¾_£¬_ÐÄ_¾Í_ËÕ_ÐÑ_ÁË_¡£ # # And they told him all the words of Joseph, which he had said unto # them: and when he saw the wagons which Joseph had sent to carry him, # the spirit of Jacob their father revived: # # unit P GEN:45:28 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_˵_£¬_°Õ_ÁË_¡£_°Õ_ÁË_¡£_ÎÒ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_Ô¼_ɪ_»¹_ÔÚ_£¬_³Ã_ÎÒ_δ ËÀ_ÒÔ_ÏÈ_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_È¥_¼û_Ëû_Ò»_Ãæ_¡£ # # And Israel said, It is enough; Joseph my son is yet alive: I will go # and see him before I die. # ## # chapter 46 GEN:46 # unit P GEN:46:1 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_´ø_×Å_Ò»_ÇÐ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_£¬_Æð_Éí_À´_µ½_±ð_ÊÇ_°Í_£¬_¾Í_Ï×_¼À_¸ø Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_ÒÔ_Èö_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # And Israel took his journey with all that he had, and came to # Beersheba, and offered sacrifices unto the God of his father Isaac. # # unit P GEN:46:2 Ò¹_¼ä_£¬_Éñ_ÔÚ_Òì_Ïó_ÖÐ_¶Ô_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_˵_£¬_ÑÅ_¸÷_¡£_ÑÅ_¸÷_¡£_Ëû_˵_£¬ ÎÒ_ÔÚ_Õâ_Àï_¡£ # # And God spake unto Israel in the visions of the night, and said, # Jacob, Jacob. And he said, Here am I. # # unit P GEN:46:3 Éñ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Éñ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Äã_¸¸_Ç×_µÄ_Éñ_¡£_Äã_ÏÂ_°£_¼°_È¥_²»_Òª_º¦ ÅÂ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÎÒ_±Ø_ʹ_Äã_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_³É_Ϊ_´ó_×å_¡£ # # And he said, I am God, the God of thy father: fear not to go down # into Egypt; for I will there make of thee a great nation: # # unit P GEN:46:4 ÎÒ_Òª_ºÍ_Äã_ͬ_ÏÂ_°£_¼°_È¥_£¬_Ò²_±Ø_¶¨_´ø_Äã_ÉÏ_À´_¡£_Ô¼_ɪ_±Ø_¸ø_Äã ËÍ_ÖÕ_£¨_Ô­_ÎÄ_×÷_½«_ÊÖ_°´_ÔÚ_Äã_µÄ_ÑÛ_¾¦_ÉÏ_£©_¡£ # # I will go down with thee into Egypt; and I will also surely bring # thee up again: and Joseph shall put his hand upon thine eyes. # # unit P GEN:46:5 ÑÅ_¸÷_¾Í_´Ó_±ð_ÊÇ_°Í_Æð_ÐÐ_¡£_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÃÇ_ʹ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_¸¸_Ç× ÑÅ_¸÷_ºÍ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_£¬_¶ù_Å®_¶¼_×ø_ÔÚ_·¨_ÀÏ_Ϊ_ÑÅ_¸÷_ËÍ_À´_µÄ_³µ ÉÏ_¡£ # # And Jacob rose up from Beersheba: and the sons of Israel carried # Jacob their father, and their little ones, and their wives, in the # wagons which Pharaoh had sent to carry him. # # unit P GEN:46:6 Ëû_ÃÇ_ÓÖ_´ø_×Å_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ_Ëù_µÃ_µÄ_Éü_Ðó_£¬_»õ_²Æ_À´_µ½_°£_¼°_¡£_ÑÅ_¸÷ ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_×Ó_Ëï_¶¼_Ò»_ͬ_À´_ÁË_£¬ # # And they took their cattle, and their goods, which they had gotten # in the land of Canaan, and came into Egypt, Jacob, and all his seed # with him: # # unit P GEN:46:7 ÑÅ_¸÷_°Ñ_Ëû_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_Ëï_×Ó_£¬_Å®_¶ù_£¬_Ëï_Å®_£¬_²¢_Ëû_µÄ_×Ó_×Ó_Ëï Ëï_£¬_Ò»_ͬ_´ø_µ½_°£_¼°_¡£ # # His sons, and his sons' sons with him, his daughters, and his sons' # daughters, and all his seed brought he with him into Egypt. # # unit P GEN:46:8 À´_µ½_°£_¼°_µÄ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Ãû_×Ö_¼Ç_ÔÚ_ÏÂ_Ãæ_¡£_ÑÅ_¸÷_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_¶ù_Ëï £¬_ÑÅ_¸÷_µÄ_³¤_×Ó_ÊÇ_Á÷_±ã_¡£ # # And these are the names of the children of Israel, which came into # Egypt, Jacob and his sons: Reuben, Jacob's firstborn. # # unit P GEN:46:9 Á÷_±ã_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÊÇ_¹þ_ŵ_£¬_·¨_·_£¬_Ï£_˹_Â×_£¬_åÈ_Ã×_¡£ # # And the sons of Reuben; Hanoch, and Phallu, and Hezron, and Carmi. # # unit P GEN:46:10 Î÷_Ãå_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÊÇ_Ò®_ĸ_Àû_£¬_ÑÅ_Ãõ_£¬_°¢_Ͻ_£¬_ÑÅ_½ï_£¬_Ëö_Ͻ_£¬_»¹ ÓÐ_åÈ_ÄÏ_Å®_×Ó_Ëù_Éú_µÄ_ɨ_ÂÞ_¡£ # # And the sons of Simeon; Jemuel, and Jamin, and Ohad, and Jachin, and # Zohar, and Shaul the son of a Canaanitish woman. # # unit P GEN:46:11 Àû_δ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÊÇ_¸ï_˳_£¬_¸ç_Ͻ_£¬_Ã×_À­_Àû_¡£ # # And the sons of Levi; Gershon, Kohath, and Merari. # # unit P GEN:46:12 ÓÌ_´ó_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÊÇ_çí_£¬_¶í_ÄÏ_£¬_ʾ_À­_£¬_·¨_ÀÕ_˹_£¬_л_À­_¡£_Ω_ÓÐ çí_Óë_¶í_ÄÏ_ËÀ_ÔÚ_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ_¡£_·¨_ÀÕ_˹_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÊÇ_Ï£_˹_Â×_£¬_¹þ_ĸ ÀÕ_¡£ # # And the sons of Judah; Er, and Onan, and Shelah, and Pharez, and # Zarah: but Er and Onan died in the land of Canaan. And the sons of # Pharez were Hezron and Hamul. # # unit P GEN:46:13 ÒÔ_Èø_åÈ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÊÇ_ÍÓ_À­_£¬_ÆÕ_Íß_£¬_Ô¼_²®_£¬_Éì_ÂØ_¡£ # # And the sons of Issachar; Tola, and Phuvah, and Job, and Shimron. # # unit P GEN:46:14 Î÷_²¼_Â×_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÊÇ_Î÷_ÁÒ_£¬_ÒÔ_Â×_£¬_ÑÅ_Àû_¡£ # # And the sons of Zebulun; Sered, and Elon, and Jahleel. # # unit P GEN:46:15 Õâ_ÊÇ_Àû_ÑÇ_ÔÚ_°Í_µ©_ÑÇ_À¼_¸ø_ÑÅ_¸÷_Ëù_Éú_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_»¹_ÓÐ_Å®_¶ù_µ× ÄÃ_¡£_¶ù_Ëï_¹²_Èý_Ê®_Èý_ÈË_¡£ # # These be the sons of Leah, which she bare unto Jacob in Padanaram, # with his daughter Dinah: all the souls of his sons and his daughters # were thirty and three. # # unit P GEN:46:16 åÈ_µÃ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÊÇ_Ï´_·Ç_Ü¿_£¬_¹þ_»ù_£¬_Êé_Äá_£¬_ÒÔ_˹_±¾_£¬_ÒÔ_Àû_£¬ ÑÇ_ÂÞ_µ×_£¬_ÑÇ_ÁÐ_Àû_¡£ # # And the sons of Gad; Ziphion, and Haggi, Shuni, and Ezbon, Eri, and # Arodi, and Areli. # # unit P GEN:46:17 ÑÇ_Éè_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÊÇ_Òô_ÄÃ_£¬_Òà_Ê©_Íß_£¬_Òà_Ê©_Τ_£¬_±È_Àû_ÑÇ_£¬_»¹_ÓÐ Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÃÃ_×Ó_Î÷_À­_¡£_±È_Àû_ÑÇ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÊÇ_Ï£_±ð_£¬_Âê_½á_¡£ # # And the sons of Asher; Jimnah, and Ishuah, and Isui, and Beriah, and # Serah their sister: and the sons of Beriah; Heber, and Malchiel. # # unit P GEN:46:18 Õâ_ÊÇ_À­_°à_¸ø_Ëû_Å®_¶ù_Àû_ÑÇ_µÄ_æ¾_Å®_Ϥ_ÅÁ_´Ó_ÑÅ_¸÷_Ëù_Éú_µÄ_¶ù_Ëï £¬_¹²_ÓÐ_Ê®_Áù_ÈË_¡£ # # These are the sons of Zilpah, whom Laban gave to Leah his daughter, # and these she bare unto Jacob, even sixteen souls. # # unit P GEN:46:19 ÑÅ_¸÷_Ö®_ÆÞ_À­_½á_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÊÇ_Ô¼_ɪ_ºÍ_±ã_ÑÅ_Ãõ_¡£ # # The sons of Rachel Jacob's wife; Joseph, and Benjamin. # # unit P GEN:46:20 Ô¼_ɪ_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_µØ_Éú_ÁË_Âê_ÄÃ_Î÷_ºÍ_ÒÔ_·¨_Á«_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_°²_³Ç_µÄ_¼À_˾ ²¨_Ìá_·Ç_À­_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_ÑÇ_Î÷_ÄÉ_¸ø_Ô¼_ɪ_Éú_µÄ_¡£ # # And unto Joseph in the land of Egypt were born Manasseh and Ephraim, # which Asenath the daughter of Potipherah priest of On bare unto him. # # unit P GEN:46:21 ±ã_ÑÅ_Ãõ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÊÇ_±È_À­_£¬_±È_½á_£¬_ÑÇ_ʵ_±ð_£¬_»ù_À­_£¬_ÄË_á£_£¬ ÒÔ_Ï£_£¬_ÂÞ_ʵ_£¬_ĸ_ƽ_£¬_»§_ƽ_£¬_ÑÇ_ÀÕ_¡£ # # And the sons of Benjamin were Belah, and Becher, and Ashbel, Gera, # and Naaman, Ehi, and Rosh, Muppim, and Huppim, and Ard. # # unit P GEN:46:22 Õâ_ÊÇ_À­_½á_¸ø_ÑÅ_¸÷_Ëù_Éú_µÄ_¶ù_Ëï_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_Ê®_ËÄ_ÈË_¡£ # # These are the sons of Rachel, which were born to Jacob: all the # souls were fourteen. # # unit P GEN:46:23 µ«_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÊÇ_»§_Éì_¡£ # # And the sons of Dan; Hushim. # # unit P GEN:46:24 ÄÃ_¸¥_Ëû_Àû_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÊÇ_ÑÅ_Ѧ_£¬_¹Á_Äá_£¬_Ò®_É«_£¬_ʾ_Àä_¡£ # # And the sons of Naphtali; Jahzeel, and Guni, and Jezer, and Shillem. # # unit P GEN:46:25 Õâ_ÊÇ_À­_°à_¸ø_Ëû_Å®_¶ù_À­_½á_µÄ_æ¾_Å®_±Ù_À­_´Ó_ÑÅ_¸÷_Ëù_Éú_µÄ_¶ù_Ëï £¬_¹²_ÓÐ_Æß_ÈË_¡£ # # These are the sons of Bilhah, which Laban gave unto Rachel his # daughter, and she bare these unto Jacob: all the souls were seven. # # unit P GEN:46:26 ÄÇ_Óë_ÑÅ_¸÷_ͬ_µ½_°£_¼°_µÄ_£¬_³ý_ÁË_Ëû_¶ù_¸¾_Ö®_Íâ_£¬_·²_´Ó_Ëû_Ëù_Éú µÄ_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_Áù_Ê®_Áù_ÈË_¡£ # # All the souls that came with Jacob into Egypt, which came out of his # loins, besides Jacob's sons' wives, all the souls were threescore # and six; # # unit P GEN:46:27 »¹_ÓÐ_Ô¼_ɪ_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_Ëù_Éú_µÄ_Á½_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_¡£_ÑÅ_¸÷_¼Ò_À´_µ½_°£_¼°_µÄ ¹²_ÓÐ_Æß_Ê®_ÈË_¡£ # # And the sons of Joseph, which were born him in Egypt, were two # souls: all the souls of the house of Jacob, which came into Egypt, # were threescore and ten. # # unit P GEN:46:28 ÑÅ_¸÷_´ò_·¢_ÓÌ_´ó_ÏÈ_È¥_¼û_Ô¼_ɪ_£¬_Çë_ÅÉ_ÈË_Òý_·_Íù_¸è_ɺ_È¥_¡£_ÓÚ ÊÇ_Ëû_ÃÇ_À´_µ½_¸è_ɺ_µØ_¡£ # # And he sent Judah before him unto Joseph, to direct his face unto # Goshen; and they came into the land of Goshen. # # unit P GEN:46:29 Ô¼_ɪ_Ì×_³µ_Íù_¸è_ɺ_È¥_£¬_Ó­_½Ó_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_£¬_¼°_ÖÁ_¼û_ÁË_Ãæ £¬_¾Í_·ü_ÔÚ_¸¸_Ç×_µÄ_¾±_Ïî_ÉÏ_£¬_¿Þ_ÁË_Ðí_¾Ã_¡£ # # And Joseph made ready his chariot, and went up to meet Israel his # father, to Goshen, and presented himself unto him; and he fell on # his neck, and wept on his neck a good while. # # unit P GEN:46:30 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_¶Ô_Ô¼_ɪ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_¼È_µÃ_¼û_Äã_µÄ_Ãæ_£¬_Öª_µÀ_Äã_»¹_ÔÚ_£¬_¾Í ÊÇ_ËÀ_ÎÒ_Ò²_¸Ê_ÐÄ_¡£ # # And Israel said unto Joseph, Now let me die, since I have seen thy # face, because thou art yet alive. # # unit P GEN:46:31 Ô¼_ɪ_¶Ô_Ëû_µÄ_µÜ_ÐÖ_ºÍ_Ëû_¸¸_µÄ_È«_¼Ò_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_ÉÏ_È¥_¸æ_Ëß_·¨_ÀÏ £¬_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_µÄ_µÜ_ÐÖ_ºÍ_ÎÒ_¸¸_µÄ_È«_¼Ò_´Ó_Ç°_ÔÚ_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ_£¬_ÏÖ ½ñ_¶¼_µ½_ÎÒ_Õâ_Àï_À´_ÁË_¡£ # # And Joseph said unto his brethren, and unto his father's house, I # will go up, and shew Pharaoh, and say unto him, My brethren, and my # father's house, which were in the land of Canaan, are come unto me; # # unit P GEN:46:32 Ëû_ÃÇ_±¾_ÊÇ_ÄÁ_Ñò_µÄ_ÈË_£¬_ÒÔ_Ñø_Éü_Ðó_Ϊ_Òµ_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_°Ñ_Ñò_Ⱥ_Å£_Ⱥ ºÍ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_¶¼_´ø_À´_ÁË_¡£ # # And the men are shepherds, for their trade hath been to feed cattle; # and they have brought their flocks, and their herds, and all that # they have. # # unit P GEN:46:33 µÈ_·¨_ÀÏ_ÕÙ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_ÎÊ_Äã_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_ÒÔ_ºÎ_ÊÂ_Ϊ_Òµ_¡£ # # And it shall come to pass, when Pharaoh shall call you, and shall # say, What is your occupation? # # unit P GEN:46:34 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_˵_£¬_Äã_µÄ_ÆÍ_ÈË_£¬_´Ó_Ó×_Äê_Ö±_µ½_Èç_½ñ_£¬_¶¼_ÒÔ_Ñø_Éü_Ðó Ϊ_Òµ_£¬_Á¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_×æ_×Ú_Ò²_¶¼_ÒÔ_´Ë_Ϊ_Òµ_¡£_Õâ_Ñù_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¿É_ÒÔ ×¡_ÔÚ_¸è_ɺ_µØ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_·²_ÄÁ_Ñò_µÄ_¶¼_±»_°£_¼°_ÈË_Ëù_Ñá_¶ñ_¡£ # # That ye shall say, Thy servants' trade hath been about cattle from # our youth even until now, both we, and also our fathers: that ye may # dwell in the land of Goshen; for every shepherd is an abomination # unto the Egyptians. # ## # chapter 47 GEN:47 # unit P GEN:47:1 Ô¼_ɪ_½ø_È¥_¸æ_Ëß_·¨_ÀÏ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_µÄ_¸¸_Ç×_ºÍ_ÎÒ_µÄ_µÜ_ÐÖ_´ø_×Å_Ñò_Ⱥ Å£_Ⱥ_£¬_²¢_Ò»_ÇÐ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_£¬_´Ó_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ_À´_ÁË_£¬_Èç_½ñ_ÔÚ_¸è_ɺ_µØ ¡£ # # Then Joseph came and told Pharaoh, and said, My father and my # brethren, and their flocks, and their herds, and all that they have, # are come out of the land of Canaan; and, behold, they are in the # land of Goshen. # # unit P GEN:47:2 Ô¼_ɪ_´Ó_Ëû_µÜ_ÐÖ_ÖÐ_Ìô_³ö_Îå_¸ö_ÈË_À´_£¬_Òý_Ëû_ÃÇ_È¥_¼û_·¨_ÀÏ_¡£ # # And he took some of his brethren, even five men, and presented them # unto Pharaoh. # # unit P GEN:47:3 ·¨_ÀÏ_ÎÊ_Ô¼_ɪ_µÄ_µÜ_ÐÖ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_ÒÔ_¿É_ÊÂ_Ϊ_Òµ_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_¶Ô_·¨_ÀÏ Ëµ_£¬_Äã_ÆÍ_ÈË_ÊÇ_ÄÁ_Ñò_µÄ_£¬_Á¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_×æ_×Ú_Ò²_ÊÇ_ÄÁ_Ñò_µÄ_¡£ # # And Pharaoh said unto his brethren, What is your occupation? And # they said unto Pharaoh, Thy servants are shepherds, both we, and # also our fathers. # # unit P GEN:47:4 Ëû_ÃÇ_ÓÖ_¶Ô_·¨_ÀÏ_˵_£¬_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ_µÄ_¼¢_»Ä_Éõ_´ó_£¬_ÆÍ_ÈË_µÄ_Ñò_Ⱥ_û ÓÐ_²Ý_³Ô_£¬_Ëù_ÒÔ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_À´_µ½_Õâ_µØ_¼Ä_¾Ó_¡£_ÏÖ_ÔÚ_Çó_Äã_ÈÝ_ÆÍ_ÈË_ס ÔÚ_¸è_ɺ_µØ_¡£ # # They said moreover unto Pharaoh, For to sojourn in the land are we # come; for thy servants have no pasture for their flocks; for the # famine is sore in the land of Canaan: now therefore, we pray thee, # let thy servants dwell in the land of Goshen. # # unit P GEN:47:5 ·¨_ÀÏ_¶Ô_Ô¼_ɪ_˵_£¬_Äã_¸¸_Ç×_ºÍ_Äã_µÜ_ÐÖ_µ½_Äã_Õâ_Àï_À´_ÁË_£¬ # # And Pharaoh spake unto Joseph, saying, Thy father and thy brethren # are come unto thee: # # unit P GEN:47:6 °£_¼°_µØ_¶¼_ÔÚ_Äã_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_Ö»_¹Ü_½Ð_Äã_¸¸_Ç×_ºÍ_Äã_µÜ_ÐÖ_ס_ÔÚ_¹ú_ÖÐ ×î_ºÃ_µÄ_µØ_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_¿É_ÒÔ_ס_ÔÚ_¸è_ɺ_µØ_¡£_Äã_Èô_Öª_µÀ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä ÓÐ_ʲ_ô_ÄÜ_ÈË_£¬_¾Í_ÅÉ_Ëû_ÃÇ_¿´_¹Ü_ÎÒ_µÄ_Éü_Ðó_¡£ # # The land of Egypt is before thee; in the best of the land make thy # father and brethren to dwell; in the land of Goshen let them dwell: # and if thou knowest any men of activity among them, then make them # rulers over my cattle. # # unit P GEN:47:7 Ô¼_ɪ_Áì_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_ÑÅ_¸÷_½ø_µ½_·¨_ÀÏ_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_ÑÅ_¸÷_¾Í_¸ø_·¨_ÀÏ_×£_¸£ ¡£ # # And Joseph brought in Jacob his father, and set him before Pharaoh: # and Jacob blessed Pharaoh. # # unit P GEN:47:8 ·¨_ÀÏ_ÎÊ_ÑÅ_¸÷_˵_£¬_Äã_ƽ_Éú_µÄ_Äê_ÈÕ_ÊÇ_¶à_ÉÙ_ÄØ_£¿ # # And Pharaoh said unto Jacob, How old art thou? # # unit P GEN:47:9 ÑÅ_¸÷_¶Ô_·¨_ÀÏ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_¼Ä_¾Ó_ÔÚ_ÊÀ_µÄ_Äê_ÈÕ_ÊÇ_Ò»_°Ù_Èý_Ê®_Ëê_£¬_ÎÒ Æ½_Éú_µÄ_Äê_ÈÕ_ÓÖ_ÉÙ_ÓÖ_¿à_£¬_²»_¼°_ÎÒ_ÁÐ_×æ_Ôç_ÔÚ_ÊÀ_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_Äê_ÈÕ ¡£ # # And Jacob said unto Pharaoh, The days of the years of my pilgrimage # are an hundred and thirty years: few and evil have the days of the # years of my life been, and have not attained unto the days of the # years of the life of my fathers in the days of their pilgrimage. # # unit P GEN:47:10 ÑÅ_¸÷_ÓÖ_¸ø_·¨_ÀÏ_×£_¸£_£¬_¾Í_´Ó_·¨_ÀÏ_Ãæ_Ç°_³ö_È¥_ÁË_¡£ # # And Jacob blessed Pharaoh, and went out from before Pharaoh. # # unit P GEN:47:11 Ô¼_ɪ_×ñ_×Å_·¨_ÀÏ_µÄ_Ãü_£¬_°Ñ_°£_¼°_¹ú_×î_ºÃ_µÄ_µØ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_À¼_Èû_¾³ ÄÚ_µÄ_µØ_£¬_¸ø_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_ºÍ_µÜ_ÐÖ_¾Ó_ס_£¬_×÷_Ϊ_²ú_Òµ_¡£ # # And Joseph placed his father and his brethren, and gave them a # possession in the land of Egypt, in the best of the land, in the # land of Rameses, as Pharaoh had commanded. # # unit P GEN:47:12 Ô¼_ɪ_ÓÃ_Á¸_ʳ_·î_Ñø_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_ºÍ_Ëû_µÜ_ÐÖ_£¬_²¢_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_È«_¼Ò_µÄ_¾ì Êô_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_ÕÕ_¸÷_¼Ò_µÄ_ÈË_¿Ú_·î_Ñø_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£ # # And Joseph nourished his father, and his brethren, and all his # father's household, with bread, according to their families. # # unit P GEN:47:13 ¼¢_»Ä_Éõ_´ó_£¬_È«_µØ_¶¼_¾ø_ÁË_Á¸_£¬_Éõ_ÖÁ_°£_¼°_µØ_ºÍ_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ_µÄ_ÈË Òò_ÄÇ_¼¢_»Ä_µÄ_Ôµ_¹Ê_¶¼_¶ö_»è_ÁË_¡£ # # And there was no bread in all the land; for the famine was very # sore, so that the land of Egypt and all the land of Canaan fainted # by reason of the famine. # # unit P GEN:47:14 Ô¼_ɪ_ÊÕ_¾Û_ÁË_°£_¼°_µØ_ºÍ_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_Òø_×Ó_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÖÚ_ÈË_Ùá Á¸_µÄ_Òø_×Ó_£¬_Ô¼_ɪ_¾Í_°Ñ_ÄÇ_Òø_×Ó_´ø_µ½_·¨_ÀÏ_µÄ_¹¬_Àï_¡£ # # And Joseph gathered up all the money that was found in the land of # Egypt, and in the land of Canaan, for the corn which they bought: # and Joseph brought the money into Pharaoh's house. # # unit P GEN:47:15 °£_¼°_µØ_ºÍ_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ_µÄ_Òø_×Ó_¶¼_»¨_¾¡_ÁË_£¬_°£_¼°_ÖÚ_ÈË_¶¼_À´_¼û_Ô¼ ɪ_£¬_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_Òø_×Ó_¶¼_ÓÃ_¾¡_ÁË_£¬_Çó_Äã_¸ø_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Á¸_ʳ_£¬_ÎÒ ÃÇ_Ϊ_ʲ_ô_ËÀ_ÔÚ_Äã_Ãæ_Ç°_ÄØ_£¿ # # And when money failed in the land of Egypt, and in the land of # Canaan, all the Egyptians came unto Joseph, and said, Give us bread: # for why should we die in thy presence? for the money faileth. # # unit P GEN:47:16 Ô¼_ɪ_˵_£¬_Èô_ÊÇ_Òø_×Ó_ÓÃ_¾¡_ÁË_£¬_¿É_ÒÔ_°Ñ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éü_Ðó_¸ø_ÎÒ_£¬ ÎÒ_¾Í_Ϊ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éü_Ðó_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_Á¸_ʳ_¡£ # # And Joseph said, Give your cattle; and I will give you for your # cattle, if money fail. # # unit P GEN:47:17 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Ëû_ÃÇ_°Ñ_Éü_Ðó_¸Ï_µ½_Ô¼_ɪ_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_Ô¼_ɪ_¾Í_ÄÃ_Á¸_ʳ_»»_ÁË_Ëû ÃÇ_µÄ_Å£_£¬_Ñò_£¬_¿_£¬_Âí_¡£_ÄÇ_Ò»_Äê_Òò_»»_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_Éü_Ðó_£¬ ¾Í_ÓÃ_Á¸_ʳ_Ñø_»î_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£ # # And they brought their cattle unto Joseph: and Joseph gave them # bread in exchange for horses, and for the flocks, and for the cattle # of the herds, and for the asses: and he fed them with bread for all # their cattle for that year. # # unit P GEN:47:18 ÄÇ_Ò»_Äê_¹ý_È¥_£¬_µÚ_¶þ_Äê_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÓÖ_À´_¼û_Ô¼_ɪ_£¬_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_²»_Â÷ ÎÒ_Ö÷_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_Òø_×Ó_¶¼_»¨_¾¡_ÁË_£¬_Éü_Ðó_Ò²_¶¼_¹é_ÁË_ÎÒ_Ö÷_¡£_ÎÒ ÃÇ_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_Ö÷_ÑÛ_Ç°_£¬_³ý_ÁË_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éí_Ìå_ºÍ_Ìï_µØ_Ö®_Íâ_£¬_Ò»_ÎÞ_Ëù Ê£_¡£ # # When that year was ended, they came unto him the second year, and # said unto him, We will not hide it from my lord, how that our money # is spent; my lord also hath our herds of cattle; there is not ought # left in the sight of my lord, but our bodies, and our lands: # # unit P GEN:47:19 Äã_ºÎ_ÈÌ_¼û_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÈË_ËÀ_µØ_»Ä_ÄØ_£¿_Çó_Äã_ÓÃ_Á¸_ʳ_Âò_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ µÄ_µØ_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ºÍ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_µØ_¾Í_Òª_¸ø_·¨_ÀÏ_Ч_Á¦_¡£_ÓÖ_Çó_Äã_¸ø_ÎÒ ÃÇ_ÖÖ_×Ó_£¬_ʹ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÃ_ÒÔ_´æ_»î_£¬_²»_ÖÁ_ËÀ_Íö_£¬_µØ_ÍÁ_Ò²_²»_ÖÁ_»Ä Á¹_¡£ # # Wherefore shall we die before thine eyes, both we and our land? buy # us and our land for bread, and we and our land will be servants unto # Pharaoh: and give us seed, that we may live, and not die, that the # land be not desolate. # # unit P GEN:47:20 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_£¬_Ô¼_ɪ_Ϊ_·¨_ÀÏ_Âò_ÁË_°£_¼°_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_µØ_£¬_°£_¼°_ÈË_Òò_±»_¼¢ »Ä_Ëù_ÆÈ_£¬_¸÷_¶¼_Âô_ÁË_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_Ìï_µØ_¡£_ÄÇ_µØ_¾Í_¶¼_¹é_ÁË_·¨_ÀÏ_¡£ # # And Joseph bought all the land of Egypt for Pharaoh; for the # Egyptians sold every man his field, because the famine prevailed # over them: so the land became Pharaoh's. # # unit P GEN:47:21 ÖÁ_ÓÚ_°Ù_ÐÕ_£¬_Ô¼_ɪ_½Ð_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_´Ó_°£_¼°_Õâ_±ß_Ö±_µ½_°£_¼°_ÄÇ_±ß_£¬ ¶¼_¸÷_¹é_¸÷_³Ç_¡£ # # And as for the people, he removed them to cities from one end of the # borders of Egypt even to the other end thereof. # # unit P GEN:47:22 Ω_ÓÐ_¼À_˾_µÄ_µØ_£¬_Ô¼_ɪ_û_ÓÐ_Âò_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_¼À_˾_ÓÐ_´Ó_·¨_ÀÏ_Ëù_µÃ µÄ_³£_Ùº_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_³Ô_·¨_ÀÏ_Ëù_¸ø_µÄ_³£_Ùº_£¬_Ëù_ÒÔ_Ëû_ÃÇ_²»_Âô_×Ô_¼º µÄ_µØ_¡£ # # Only the land of the priests bought he not; for the priests had a # portion assigned them of Pharaoh, and did eat their portion which # Pharaoh gave them: wherefore they sold not their lands. # # unit P GEN:47:23 Ô¼_ɪ_¶Ô_°Ù_ÐÕ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_½ñ_ÈÕ_Ϊ_·¨_ÀÏ_Âò_ÁË_Äã_ÃÇ_ºÍ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_µØ_£¬ ¿´_ÄÄ_£¬_Õâ_Àï_ÓÐ_ÖÖ_×Ó_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¿É_ÒÔ_ÖÖ_µØ_¡£ # # Then Joseph said unto the people, Behold, I have bought you this day # and your land for Pharaoh: lo, here is seed for you, and ye shall # sow the land. # # unit P GEN:47:24 ºó_À´_´ò_Á¸_ʳ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_°Ñ_Îå_·Ö_Ö®_Ò»_ÄÉ_¸ø_·¨_ÀÏ_£¬_ËÄ ·Ö_¿É_ÒÔ_¹é_Äã_ÃÇ_×÷_µØ_Àï_µÄ_ÖÖ_×Ó_£¬_Ò²_×÷_Äã_ÃÇ_ºÍ_Äã_ÃÇ_¼Ò_¿Ú_º¢ ͯ_µÄ_ʳ_Îï_¡£ # # And it shall come to pass in the increase, that ye shall give the # fifth part unto Pharaoh, and four parts shall be your own, for seed # of the field, and for your food, and for them of your households, # and for food for your little ones. # # unit P GEN:47:25 Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Äã_¾È_ÁË_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÐÔ_Ãü_¡£_µ«_Ô¸_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_Ö÷_ÑÛ_Ç°_ÃÉ ¶÷_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¾Í_×÷_·¨_ÀÏ_µÄ_ÆÍ_ÈË_¡£ # # And they said, Thou hast saved our lives: let us find grace in the # sight of my lord, and we will be Pharaoh's servants. # # unit P GEN:47:26 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Ô¼_ɪ_Ϊ_°£_¼°_µØ_¶¨_ÏÂ_³£_Àý_£¬_Ö±_µ½_½ñ_ÈÕ_£¬_·¨_ÀÏ_±Ø_µÃ_Îå ·Ö_Ö®_Ò»_£¬_Ω_¶À_¼À_˾_µÄ_µØ_²»_¹é_·¨_ÀÏ_¡£ # # And Joseph made it a law over the land of Egypt unto this day, that # Pharaoh should have the fifth part; except the land of the priests # only, which became not Pharaoh's. # # unit P GEN:47:27 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ס_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_µÄ_¸è_ɺ_µØ_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_ÖÃ_ÁË_²ú_Òµ_£¬ ²¢_ÇÒ_Éú_Óý_Éõ_¶à_¡£ # # And Israel dwelt in the land of Egypt, in the country of Goshen; and # they had possessions therein, and grew, and multiplied exceedingly. # # unit P GEN:47:28 ÑÅ_¸÷_ס_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_µØ_Ê®_Æß_Äê_£¬_ÑÅ_¸÷_ƽ_Éú_µÄ_Äê_ÈÕ_ÊÇ_Ò»_°Ù_ËÄ_Ê® Æß_Ëê_¡£ # # And Jacob lived in the land of Egypt seventeen years: so the whole # age of Jacob was an hundred forty and seven years. # # unit P GEN:47:29 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_µÄ_ËÀ_ÆÚ_ÁÙ_½ü_ÁË_£¬_Ëû_¾Í_½Ð_ÁË_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_Ô¼_ɪ_À´_£¬_˵_£¬ ÎÒ_Èô_ÔÚ_Äã_ÑÛ_Ç°_ÃÉ_¶÷_£¬_Çë_Äã_°Ñ_ÊÖ_·Å_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_´ó_ÍÈ_µ×_ÏÂ_£¬_ÓÃ_´È °®_ºÍ_³Ï_ʵ_´ý_ÎÒ_£¬_Çë_Äã_²»_Òª_½«_ÎÒ_Ôá_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_¡£ # # And the time drew nigh that Israel must die: and he called his son # Joseph, and said unto him, If now I have found grace in thy sight, # put, I pray thee, thy hand under my thigh, and deal kindly and truly # with me; bury me not, I pray thee, in Egypt: # # unit P GEN:47:30 ÎÒ_Óë_ÎÒ_×æ_ÎÒ_¸¸_ͬ_˯_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Äã_Òª_½«_ÎÒ_´ø_³ö_°£_¼°_£¬_Ôá_ÔÚ Ëû_ÃÇ_Ëù_Ôá_µÄ_µØ_·½_¡£_Ô¼_ɪ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_×ñ_×Å_Äã_µÄ_Ãü_¶ø_ÐÐ_¡£ # # But I will lie with my fathers, and thou shalt carry me out of # Egypt, and bury me in their buryingplace. And he said, I will do as # thou hast said. # # unit P GEN:47:31 ÑÅ_¸÷_˵_£¬_Äã_Òª_Ïò_ÎÒ_Æð_ÊÄ_¡£_Ô¼_ɪ_¾Í_Ïò_Ëû_Æð_ÁË_ÊÄ_£¬_ÓÚ_ÊÇ_ÒÔ É«_ÁÐ_ÔÚ_´²_Í·_ÉÏ_£¨_»ò_×÷_·ö_×Å_ÕÈ_Í·_£©_¾´_°Ý_Éñ_¡£ # # And he said, Swear unto me. And he sware unto him. And Israel bowed # himself upon the bed's head. # ## # chapter 48 GEN:48 # unit P GEN:48:1 Õâ_ÊÂ_ÒÔ_ºó_£¬_ÓÐ_ÈË_¸æ_Ëß_Ô¼_ɪ_˵_£¬_Äã_µÄ_¸¸_Ç×_²¡_ÁË_¡£_Ëû_¾Í_´ø ×Å_Á½_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_Âê_ÄÃ_Î÷_ºÍ_ÒÔ_·¨_Á«_ͬ_È¥_¡£ # # And it came to pass after these things, that one told Joseph, # Behold, thy father is sick: and he took with him his two sons, # Manasseh and Ephraim. # # unit P GEN:48:2 ÓÐ_ÈË_¸æ_Ëß_ÑÅ_¸÷_˵_£¬_Çë_¿´_£¬_Äã_¶ù_×Ó_Ô¼_ɪ_µ½_Äã_Õâ_Àï_À´_ÁË_¡£ ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_¾Í_Ãã_Ç¿_ÔÚ_´²_ÉÏ_×ø_Æð_À´_¡£ # # And one told Jacob, and said, Behold, thy son Joseph cometh unto # thee: and Israel strengthened himself, and sat upon the bed. # # unit P GEN:48:3 ÑÅ_¸÷_¶Ô_Ô¼_ɪ_˵_£¬_È«_ÄÜ_µÄ_Éñ_Ôø_ÔÚ_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ_µÄ_·_˹_Ïò_ÎÒ_ÏÔ_ÏÖ £¬_´Í_¸£_Óë_ÎÒ_£¬ # # And Jacob said unto Joseph, God Almighty appeared unto me at Luz in # the land of Canaan, and blessed me, # # unit P GEN:48:4 ¶Ô_ÎÒ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_ʹ_Äã_Éú_Ñø_ÖÚ_¶à_£¬_³É_Ϊ_¶à_Ãñ_£¬_ÓÖ_Òª_°Ñ_Õâ_µØ ´Í_¸ø_Äã_µÄ_ºó_Òá_£¬_ÓÀ_Ô¶_Ϊ_Òµ_¡£ # # And said unto me, Behold, I will make thee fruitful, and multiply # thee, and I will make of thee a multitude of people; and will give # this land to thy seed after thee for an everlasting possession. # # unit P GEN:48:5 ÎÒ_δ_µ½_°£_¼°_¼û_Äã_Ö®_ÏÈ_£¬_Äã_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_µØ_Ëù_Éú_µÄ_ÒÔ_·¨_Á«_ºÍ_Âê ÄÃ_Î÷_Õâ_Á½_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_µÄ_£¬_Õý_Èç_Á÷_±ã_ºÍ_Î÷_Ãå_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_µÄ_Ò»_Ñù ¡£ # # And now thy two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, which were born unto # thee in the land of Egypt before I came unto thee into Egypt, are # mine; as Reuben and Simeon, they shall be mine. # # unit P GEN:48:6 Äã_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÒÔ_ºó_Ëù_Éú_µÄ_¾Í_ÊÇ_Äã_µÄ_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_¿É_ÒÔ_¹é_ÓÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÜ ÐÖ_µÄ_Ãû_ÏÂ_µÃ_²ú_Òµ_¡£ # # And thy issue, which thou begettest after them, shall be thine, and # shall be called after the name of their brethren in their # inheritance. # # unit P GEN:48:7 ÖÁ_ÓÚ_ÎÒ_£¬_ÎÒ_´Ó_°Í_µ©_À´_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_À­_½á_ËÀ_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_ÑÛ_Ç°_£¬_ÔÚ_åÈ ÄÏ_µØ_µÄ_·_ÉÏ_£¬_Àë_ÒÔ_·¨_Ëû_»¹_ÓÐ_Ò»_¶Î_·_³Ì_£¬_ÎÒ_¾Í_°Ñ_Ëý_Ôá_ÔÚ ÒÔ_·¨_Ëû_µÄ_·_ÉÏ_¡£_ÒÔ_·¨_Ëû_¾Í_ÊÇ_²®_Àû_ºã_¡£ # # And as for me, when I came from Padan, Rachel died by me in the land # of Canaan in the way, when yet there was but a little way to come # unto Ephrath: and I buried her there in the way of Ephrath; the same # is Bethlehem. # # unit P GEN:48:8 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_¿´_¼û_Ô¼_ɪ_µÄ_Á½_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_¾Í_˵_£¬_Õâ_ÊÇ_Ë­_£¿ # # And Israel beheld Joseph's sons, and said, Who are these? # # unit P GEN:48:9 Ô¼_ɪ_¶Ô_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_˵_£¬_Õâ_ÊÇ_Éñ_ÔÚ_Õâ_Àï_´Í_¸ø_ÎÒ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_¡£_ÒÔ_É« ÁÐ_˵_£¬_Çë_Äã_Áì_Ëû_ÃÇ_µ½_ÎÒ_¸ú_Ç°_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_×£_¸£_¡£ # # And Joseph said unto his father, They are my sons, whom God hath # given me in this place. And he said, Bring them, I pray thee, unto # me, and I will bless them. # # unit P GEN:48:10 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_Äê_¼Í_ÀÏ_Âõ_£¬_ÑÛ_¾¦_»è_»¨_£¬_²»_ÄÜ_¿´_¼û_¡£_Ô¼_ɪ_Áì_Ëû_ÃÇ µ½_Ëû_¸ú_Ç°_£¬_Ëû_¾Í_ºÍ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ç×_×ì_£¬_±§_×Å_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£ # # Now the eyes of Israel were dim for age, so that he could not see. # And he brought them near unto him; and he kissed them, and embraced # them. # # unit P GEN:48:11 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_¶Ô_Ô¼_ɪ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Ïë_²»_µ½_µÃ_¼û_Äã_µÄ_Ãæ_£¬_²»_ÁÏ_£¬_Éñ_ÓÖ Ê¹_ÎÒ_µÃ_¼û_Äã_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_¡£ # # And Israel said unto Joseph, I had not thought to see thy face: and, # lo, God hath shewed me also thy seed. # # unit P GEN:48:12 Ô¼_ɪ_°Ñ_Á½_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_´Ó_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_Á½_Ï¥_ÖÐ_Áì_³ö_À´_£¬_×Ô_¼º_¾Í_Á³_·ü ÓÚ_µØ_ÏÂ_°Ý_¡£ # # And Joseph brought them out from between his knees, and he bowed # himself with his face to the earth. # # unit P GEN:48:13 Ëæ_ºó_£¬_Ô¼_ɪ_ÓÖ_À­_×Å_Ëû_ÃÇ_Á½_¸ö_£¬_ÒÔ_·¨_Á«_ÔÚ_Ëû_µÄ_ÓÒ_ÊÖ_Àï_£¬ ¶Ô_×Å_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_µÄ_×ó_ÊÖ_£¬_Âê_ÄÃ_Î÷_ÔÚ_Ëû_µÄ_×ó_ÊÖ_Àï_£¬_¶Ô_×Å_ÒÔ_É« ÁÐ_µÄ_ÓÒ_ÊÖ_£¬_Áì_Ëû_ÃÇ_µ½_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_µÄ_¸ú_Ç°_¡£ # # And Joseph took them both, Ephraim in his right hand toward Israel's # left hand, and Manasseh in his left hand toward Israel's right hand, # and brought them near unto him. # # unit P GEN:48:14 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_Éì_³ö_ÓÒ_ÊÖ_À´_£¬_°´_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_·¨_Á«_µÄ_Í·_ÉÏ_£¬_ÒÔ_·¨_Á«_ÄË_ÊÇ ´Î_×Ó_¡£_ÓÖ_¼ô_´î_¹ý_×ó_ÊÖ_À´_£¬_°´_ÔÚ_Âê_ÄÃ_Î÷_µÄ_Í·_ÉÏ_£¬_Âê_ÄÃ_Î÷ Ô­_ÊÇ_³¤_×Ó_¡£ # # And Israel stretched out his right hand, and laid it upon Ephraim's # head, who was the younger, and his left hand upon Manasseh's head, # guiding his hands wittingly; for Manasseh was the firstborn. # # unit P GEN:48:15 Ëû_¾Í_¸ø_Ô¼_ɪ_×£_¸£_˵_£¬_Ô¸_ÎÒ_×æ_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_ºÍ_ÎÒ_¸¸_ÒÔ_Èö_Ëù_Ê ·î_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ò»_Éú_ÄÁ_Ñø_ÎÒ_Ö±_µ½_½ñ_ÈÕ_µÄ_Éñ_£¬ # # And he blessed Joseph, and said, God, before whom my fathers Abraham # and Isaac did walk, the God which fed me all my life long unto this # day, # # unit P GEN:48:16 ¾È_Êê_ÎÒ_ÍÑ_Àë_Ò»_ÇÐ_»¼_ÄÑ_µÄ_ÄÇ_ʹ_Õß_£¬_´Í_¸£_Óë_Õâ_Á½_¸ö_ͯ_×Ó_¡£ Ô¸_Ëû_ÃÇ_¹é_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_µÄ_Ãû_ÏÂ_ºÍ_ÎÒ_×æ_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_£¬_ÎÒ_¸¸_ÒÔ_Èö_µÄ_Ãû ÏÂ_¡£_ÓÖ_Ô¸_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_ÊÀ_½ç_ÖÐ_Éú_Ñø_ÖÚ_¶à_¡£ # # The Angel which redeemed me from all evil, bless the lads; and let # my name be named on them, and the name of my fathers Abraham and # Isaac; and let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth. # # unit P GEN:48:17 Ô¼_ɪ_¼û_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_°Ñ_ÓÒ_ÊÖ_°´_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_·¨_Á«_µÄ_Í·_ÉÏ_£¬_¾Í_²»_ϲ_ÔÃ_£¬ ±ã_Ìá_Æð_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_µÄ_ÊÖ_£¬_Òª_´Ó_ÒÔ_·¨_Á«_µÄ_Í·_ÉÏ_Ų_µ½_Âê_ÄÃ_Î÷_µÄ Í·_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And when Joseph saw that his father laid his right hand upon the # head of Ephraim, it displeased him: and he held up his father's # hand, to remove it from Ephraim's head unto Manasseh's head. # # unit P GEN:48:18 Ô¼_ɪ_¶Ô_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_¸¸_£¬_²»_ÊÇ_Õâ_Ñù_¡£_Õâ_±¾_ÊÇ_³¤_×Ó_£¬_Çó Äã_°Ñ_ÓÒ_ÊÖ_°´_ÔÚ_Ëû_µÄ_Í·_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And Joseph said unto his father, Not so, my father: for this is the # firstborn; put thy right hand upon his head. # # unit P GEN:48:19 Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_²»_´Ó_£¬_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Öª_µÀ_£¬_ÎÒ_¶ù_£¬_ÎÒ_Öª_µÀ_¡£_Ëû_Ò²_±Ø_³É Ϊ_Ò»_×å_£¬_Ò²_±Ø_²ý_´ó_¡£_Ö»_ÊÇ_Ëû_µÄ_ÐÖ_µÜ_½«_À´_±È_Ëû_»¹_´ó_¡£_Ëû ÐÖ_µÜ_µÄ_ºó_Òá_Òª_³É_Ϊ_¶à_×å_¡£ # # And his father refused, and said, I know it, my son, I know it: he # also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly # his younger brother shall be greater than he, and his seed shall # become a multitude of nations. # # unit P GEN:48:20 µ±_ÈÕ_¾Í_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_×£_¸£_˵_£¬_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Òª_Ö¸_×Å_Äã_ÃÇ_×£_¸£_˵_£¬ Ô¸_Éñ_ʹ_Äã_Èç_ÒÔ_·¨_Á«_£¬_Âê_ÄÃ_Î÷_Ò»_Ñù_¡£_ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Á¢_ÒÔ_·¨_Á«_ÔÚ_Âê ÄÃ_Î÷_ÒÔ_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And he blessed them that day, saying, In thee shall Israel bless, # saying, God make thee as Ephraim and as Manasseh: and he set Ephraim # before Manasseh. # # unit P GEN:48:21 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÓÖ_¶Ô_Ô¼_ɪ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_ËÀ_ÁË_£¬_µ«_Éñ_±Ø_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_ͬ_ÔÚ_£¬ Áì_Äã_ÃÇ_»Ø_µ½_Äã_ÃÇ_ÁÐ_×æ_Ö®_µØ_¡£ # # And Israel said unto Joseph, Behold, I die: but God shall be with # you, and bring you again unto the land of your fathers. # # unit P GEN:48:22 ²¢_ÇÒ_ÎÒ_´Ó_Ç°_ÓÃ_¹­_ÓÃ_µ¶_´Ó_ÑÇ_Ħ_Àû_ÈË_ÊÖ_ÏÂ_¶á_µÄ_ÄÇ_¿é_µØ_£¬_ÎÒ ¶¼_´Í_¸ø_Äã_£¬_ʹ_Äã_±È_ÖÚ_µÜ_ÐÖ_¶à_µÃ_Ò»_·Ö_¡£ # # Moreover I have given to thee one portion above thy brethren, which # I took out of the hand of the Amorite with my sword and with my bow. # ## # chapter 49 GEN:49 # unit P GEN:49:1 ÑÅ_¸÷_½Ð_ÁË_Ëû_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÃÇ_À´_£¬_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¶¼_À´_¾Û_¼¯_£¬_ÎÒ_ºÃ_°Ñ Äã_ÃÇ_ÈÕ_ºó_±Ø_Óö_µÄ_ÊÂ_¸æ_Ëß_Äã_ÃÇ_¡£ # # And Jacob called unto his sons, and said, Gather yourselves # together, that I may tell you that which shall befall you in the # last days. # # unit P GEN:49:2 ÑÅ_¸÷_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÃÇ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_¾Û_¼¯_¶ø_Ìý_£¬_Òª_Ìý_Äã_ÃÇ_¸¸_Ç×_ÒÔ_É« ÁÐ_µÄ_»°_¡£ # # Gather yourselves together, and hear, ye sons of Jacob; and hearken # unto Israel your father. # # unit P GEN:49:3 Á÷_±ã_ÄÄ_£¬_Äã_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_µÄ_³¤_×Ó_£¬_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_Á¦_Á¿_Ç¿_׳_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_Éú_µÄ_£¬ ±¾_µ±_´ó_ÓÐ_×ð_ÈÙ_£¬_Ȩ_Á¦_³¬_ÖÚ_¡£ # # Reuben, thou art my firstborn, my might, and the beginning of my # strength, the excellency of dignity, and the excellency of power: # # unit P GEN:49:4 µ«_Äã_·Å_×Ý_Çé_Óû_£¬_¹ö_·Ð_Èç_Ë®_£¬_±Ø_²»_µÃ_¾Ó_Ê×_λ_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_Äã_ÉÏ ÁË_Äã_¸¸_Ç×_µÄ_´²_£¬_ÎÛ_»à_ÁË_ÎÒ_µÄ_é½_¡£ # # Unstable as water, thou shalt not excel; because thou wentest up to # thy father's bed; then defiledst thou it: he went up to my couch. # # unit P GEN:49:5 Î÷_Ãå_ºÍ_Àû_δ_ÊÇ_µÜ_ÐÖ_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_µ¶_½£_ÊÇ_²Ð_ÈÌ_µÄ_Æ÷_¾ß_¡£ # # Simeon and Levi are brethren; instruments of cruelty are in their # habitations. # # unit P GEN:49:6 ÎÒ_µÄ_Áé_°¢_£¬_²»_Òª_Óë_Ëû_ÃÇ_ͬ_ı_¡£_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÐÄ_ÄÄ_£¬_²»_Òª_Óë_Ëû_ÃÇ Áª_Âç_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_ÃÇ_³Ã_Å­_ɱ_º¦_ÈË_Ãü_£¬_ÈÎ_Òâ_¿³_¶Ï_Å£_ÍÈ_´ó_½î_¡£ # # O my soul, come not thou into their secret; unto their assembly, # mine honour, be not thou united: for in their anger they slew a man, # and in their selfwill they digged down a wall. # # unit P GEN:49:7 Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Å­_Æø_±©_ÁÒ_¿É_Öä_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_·Þ_ºÞ_²Ð_ÈÌ_¿É_×ç_¡£_ÎÒ_Òª_ʹ Ëû_ÃÇ_·Ö_¾Ó_ÔÚ_ÑÅ_¸÷_¼Ò_Àï_£¬_É¢_ס_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_µØ_ÖÐ_¡£ # # Cursed be their anger, for it was fierce; and their wrath, for it # was cruel: I will divide them in Jacob, and scatter them in Israel. # # unit P GEN:49:8 ÓÌ_´ó_°¢_£¬_Äã_µÜ_ÐÖ_ÃÇ_±Ø_ÔÞ_ÃÀ_Äã_¡£_Äã_ÊÖ_±Ø_Æþ_ס_³ð_µÐ_µÄ_¾±_Ïî ¡£_Äã_¸¸_Ç×_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÃÇ_±Ø_Ïò_Äã_ÏÂ_°Ý_¡£ # # Judah, thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise: thy hand shall be # in the neck of thine enemies; thy father's children shall bow down # before thee. # # unit P GEN:49:9 ÓÌ_´ó_ÊÇ_¸ö_С_ʨ_×Ó_¡£_ÎÒ_¶ù_°¢_£¬_Äã_×¥_ÁË_ʳ_±ã_ÉÏ_È¥_¡£_Äã_Çü_Ï Éí_È¥_£¬_ÎÔ_Èç_¹«_ʨ_£¬_¶×_Èç_ĸ_ʨ_£¬_Ë­_¸Ò_ÈÇ_Äã_¡£ # # Judah is a lion's whelp: from the prey, my son, thou art gone up: he # stooped down, he couched as a lion, and as an old lion; who shall # rouse him up? # # unit P GEN:49:10 ¹ç_±Ø_²»_Àë_ÓÌ_´ó_£¬_ÕÈ_±Ø_²»_Àë_Ëû_Á½_½Å_Ö®_¼ä_£¬_Ö±_µÈ_ϸ_ÂÞ_£¨_¾Í ÊÇ_´Í_ƽ_°²_Õß_£©_À´_µ½_£¬_Íò_Ãñ_¶¼_±Ø_¹é_˳_¡£ # # The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between # his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the # people be. # # unit P GEN:49:11 ÓÌ_´ó_°Ñ_С_¿_Ë©_ÔÚ_ÆÏ_ÌÑ_Ê÷_ÉÏ_£¬_°Ñ_¿_¾Ô_Ë©_ÔÚ_ÃÀ_ºÃ_µÄ_ÆÏ_ÌÑ_Ê÷ ÉÏ_¡£_Ëû_ÔÚ_ÆÏ_ÌÑ_¾Æ_ÖÐ_Ï´_ÁË_ÒÂ_·þ_£¬_ÔÚ_ÆÏ_ÌÑ_Ö­_ÖÐ_Ï´_ÁË_ÅÛ_¹Ó_¡£ # # Binding his foal unto the vine, and his ass's colt unto the choice # vine; he washed his garments in wine, and his clothes in the blood # of grapes: # # unit P GEN:49:12 Ëû_µÄ_ÑÛ_¾¦_±Ø_Òò_¾Æ_ºì_Èó_¡£_Ëû_µÄ_ÑÀ_³Ý_±Ø_Òò_ÄÌ_°×_ÁÁ_¡£ # # His eyes shall be red with wine, and his teeth white with milk. # # unit P GEN:49:13 Î÷_²¼_Â×_±Ø_ס_ÔÚ_º£_¿Ú_£¬_±Ø_³É_Ϊ_Í£_´¬_µÄ_º£_¿Ú_¡£_Ëû_µÄ_¾³_½ç_±Ø ÑÓ_µ½_Î÷_¶Ù_¡£ # # Zebulun shall dwell at the haven of the sea; and he shall be for an # haven of ships; and his border shall be unto Zidon. # # unit P GEN:49:14 ÒÔ_Èø_åÈ_ÊÇ_¸ö_Ç¿_׳_µÄ_¿_£¬_ÎÔ_ÔÚ_Ñò_Ȧ_Ö®_ÖÐ_¡£ # # Issachar is a strong ass couching down between two burdens: # # unit P GEN:49:15 Ëû_ÒÔ_°²_¾²_Ϊ_¼Ñ_£¬_ÒÔ_·Ê_µØ_Ϊ_ÃÀ_£¬_±ã_µÍ_¼ç_±³_ÖØ_£¬_³É_Ϊ_·þ_¿à µÄ_ÆÍ_ÈË_¡£ # # And he saw that rest was good, and the land that it was pleasant; # and bowed his shoulder to bear, and became a servant unto tribute. # # unit P GEN:49:16 µ«_±Ø_ÅÐ_¶Ï_Ëû_µÄ_Ãñ_£¬_×÷_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_Ö§_ÅÉ_Ö®_Ò»_¡£ # # Dan shall judge his people, as one of the tribes of Israel. # # unit P GEN:49:17 µ«_±Ø_×÷_µÀ_ÉÏ_µÄ_Éß_£¬_·_ÖÐ_µÄ_ò³_£¬_Ò§_ÉË_Âí_Ìã_£¬_ʹ_Æï_Âí_µÄ_×¹ Âä_ÓÚ_ºó_¡£ # # Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that biteth # the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward. # # unit P GEN:49:18 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_°¢_£¬_ÎÒ_Ïò_À´_µÈ_ºò_Äã_µÄ_¾È_¶÷_¡£ # # I have waited for thy salvation, O LORD. # # unit P GEN:49:19 åÈ_µÃ_±Ø_±»_µÐ_¾ü_×·_±Æ_£¬_Ëû_È´_Òª_×·_±Æ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_½Å_¸ú_¡£ # # Gad, a troop shall overcome him: but he shall overcome at the last. # # unit P GEN:49:20 ÑÇ_Éè_Ö®_µØ_±Ø_³ö_·Ê_ÃÀ_µÄ_Á¸_ʳ_£¬_ÇÒ_³ö_¾ý_Íõ_µÄ_ÃÀ_ζ_¡£ # # Out of Asher his bread shall be fat, and he shall yield royal # dainties. # # unit P GEN:49:21 ÄÃ_¸¥_Ëû_Àû_ÊÇ_±»_ÊÍ_·Å_µÄ_ĸ_¹_¡£_Ëû_³ö_¼Î_ÃÀ_µÄ_ÑÔ_Óï_¡£ # # Naphtali is a hind let loose: he giveth goodly words. # # unit P GEN:49:22 Ô¼_ɪ_ÊÇ_¶à_½á_¹û_×Ó_µÄ_Ê÷_Ö¦_£¬_ÊÇ_Ȫ_ÅÔ_¶à_½á_¹û_µÄ_Ö¦_×Ó_¡£_Ëû_µÄ Ö¦_Ìõ_̽_³ö_ǽ_Íâ_¡£ # # Joseph is a fruitful bough, even a fruitful bough by a well; whose # branches run over the wall: # # unit P GEN:49:23 ¹­_¼ý_ÊÖ_½«_Ëû_¿à_º¦_£¬_Ïò_Ëû_Éä_¼ý_£¬_±Æ_ÆÈ_Ëû_¡£ # # The archers have sorely grieved him, and shot at him, and hated him: # # unit P GEN:49:24 µ«_Ëû_µÄ_¹­_ÈÔ_¾É_¼á_Ó²_¡£_Ëû_µÄ_ÊÖ_½¡_׳_Ãô_½Ý_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_Òò_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ µÄ_ÄÁ_Õß_£¬_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_µÄ_ÅÍ_ʯ_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÑÅ_¸÷_µÄ_´ó_ÄÜ_Õß_¡£ # # But his bow abode in strength, and the arms of his hands were made # strong by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob; (from thence is the # shepherd, the stone of Israel:) # # unit P GEN:49:25 Äã_¸¸_Ç×_µÄ_Éñ_±Ø_°ï_Öú_Äã_¡£_ÄÇ_È«_ÄÜ_Õß_±Ø_½«_Ìì_ÉÏ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_¸£_£¬ µØ_Àï_Ëù_²Ø_µÄ_¸£_£¬_ÒÔ_¼°_Éú_²ú_Èé_Ñø_µÄ_¸£_£¬_¶¼_´Í_¸ø_Äã_¡£ # # Even by the God of thy father, who shall help thee; and by the # Almighty, who shall bless thee with blessings of heaven above, # blessings of the deep that lieth under, blessings of the breasts, # and of the womb: # # unit P GEN:49:26 Äã_¸¸_Ç×_Ëù_×£_µÄ_¸£_£¬_ʤ_¹ý_ÎÒ_×æ_ÏÈ_Ëù_×£_µÄ_¸£_£¬_Èç_ÓÀ_ÊÀ_µÄ_ɽ Áë_£¬_ÖÁ_¼«_µÄ_±ß_½ç_¡£_Õâ_Щ_¸£_±Ø_½µ_ÔÚ_Ô¼_ɪ_µÄ_Í·_ÉÏ_£¬_ÁÙ_ÁÐ_ÄÇ Óë_µÜ_ÐÖ_åÄ_±ð_Ö®_ÈË_µÄ_¶¥_ÉÏ_¡£ # # The blessings of thy father have prevailed above the blessings of my # progenitors unto the utmost bound of the everlasting hills: they # shall be on the head of Joseph, and on the crown of the head of him # that was separate from his brethren. # # unit P GEN:49:27 ±ã_ÑÅ_Ãõ_ÊÇ_¸ö_˺_ÂÓ_µÄ_ÀÇ_£¬_Ôç_³¿_Òª_³Ô_Ëû_Ëù_×¥_µÄ_£¬_Íí_ÉÏ_Òª_·Ö Ëû_Ëù_¶á_µÄ_¡£ # # Benjamin shall ravin as a wolf: in the morning he shall devour the # prey, and at night he shall divide the spoil. # # unit P GEN:49:28 Õâ_Ò»_ÇÐ_ÊÇ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_µÄ_Ê®_¶þ_Ö§_ÅÉ_¡£_Õâ_Ò²_ÊÇ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_¸¸_Ç×_¶Ô_Ëû ÃÇ_Ëù_˵_µÄ_»°_£¬_Ϊ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ëù_×£_µÄ_¸£_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_°´_×Å_¸÷_ÈË_µÄ_¸£_·Ö Ϊ_Ëû_ÃÇ_×£_¸£_¡£ # # All these are the twelve tribes of Israel: and this is it that their # father spake unto them, and blessed them; every one according to his # blessing he blessed them. # # unit P GEN:49:29 Ëû_ÓÖ_Öö_¸À_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_½«_Òª_¹é_µ½_ÎÒ_ÁÐ_×æ_£¨_Ô­_ÎÄ_×÷_±¾_Ãñ_£© ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_½«_ÎÒ_Ôá_ÔÚ_ºÕ_ÈË_ÒÔ_¸¥_ÂØ_Ìï_¼ä_µÄ_¶´_Àï_£¬_Óë_ÎÒ ×æ_ÎÒ_¸¸_ÔÚ_Ò»_´¦_£¬ # # And he charged them, and said unto them, I am to be gathered unto my # people: bury me with my fathers in the cave that is in the field of # Ephron the Hittite, # # unit P GEN:49:30 ¾Í_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ_á£_Àû_Ç°_£¬_Âó_±È_À­_Ìï_¼ä_µÄ_¶´_¡£_ÄÇ_¶´_ºÍ_Ìï_ÊÇ ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_Ïò_ºÕ_ÈË_ÒÔ_¸¥_ÂØ_Âò_À´_Ϊ_Òµ_£¬_×÷_·Ø_µØ_µÄ_¡£ # # In the cave that is in the field of Machpelah, which is before # Mamre, in the land of Canaan, which Abraham bought with the field of # Ephron the Hittite for a possession of a buryingplace. # # unit P GEN:49:31 Ëû_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_Ôá_ÁË_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_ºÍ_Ëû_ÆÞ_×Ó_Èö_À­_£¬_ÓÖ_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_Ôá ÁË_ÒÔ_Èö_ºÍ_Ëû_ÆÞ_×Ó_Àû_°Ù_¼Ó_¡£_ÎÒ_Ò²_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_Ôá_ÁË_Àû_ÑÇ_¡£ # # There they buried Abraham and Sarah his wife; there they buried # Isaac and Rebekah his wife; and there I buried Leah. # # unit P GEN:49:32 ÄÇ_¿é_Ìï_ºÍ_Ìï_¼ä_µÄ_¶´_Ô­_ÊÇ_Ïò_ºÕ_ÈË_Âò_µÄ_¡£ # # The purchase of the field and of the cave that is therein was from # the children of Heth. # # unit P GEN:49:33 ÑÅ_¸÷_Öö_¸À_ÖÚ_×Ó_ÒÑ_±Ï_£¬_¾Í_°Ñ_½Å_ÊÕ_ÔÚ_´²_ÉÏ_£¬_Æø_¾ø_¶ø_ËÀ_£¬_¹é µ½_ÁÐ_×æ_£¨_Ô­_ÎÄ_×÷_±¾_Ãñ_£©_ÄÇ_Àï_È¥_ÁË_¡£ # # And when Jacob had made an end of commanding his sons, he gathered # up his feet into the bed, and yielded up the ghost, and was gathered # unto his people. # ## # chapter 50 GEN:50 # unit P GEN:50:1 Ô¼_ɪ_·ü_ÔÚ_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_µÄ_Ãæ_ÉÏ_°§_¿Þ_£¬_Óë_Ëû_Ç×_×ì_¡£ # # And Joseph fell upon his father's face, and wept upon him, and # kissed him. # # unit P GEN:50:2 Ô¼_ɪ_·Ô_¸À_ËÅ_ºò_Ëû_µÄ_Ò½_Éú_ÓÃ_Ïã_ÁÏ_Þ¹_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_£¬_Ò½_Éú_¾Í_ÓÃ_Ïã ÁÏ_Þ¹_ÁË_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_¡£ # # And Joseph commanded his servants the physicians to embalm his # father: and the physicians embalmed Israel. # # unit P GEN:50:3 Þ¹_ʬ_µÄ_³£_Àý_ÊÇ_ËÄ_Ê®_Ìì_¡£_ÄÇ_ËÄ_Ê®_Ìì_Âú_ÁË_£¬_°£_¼°_ÈË_Ϊ_Ëû_°§ ¿Þ_ÁË_Æß_Ê®_Ìì_¡£ # # And forty days were fulfilled for him; for so are fulfilled the days # of those which are embalmed: and the Egyptians mourned for him # threescore and ten days. # # unit P GEN:50:4 Ϊ_Ëû_°§_¿Þ_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_¹ý_ÁË_£¬_Ô¼_ɪ_¶Ô_·¨_ÀÏ_¼Ò_ÖÐ_µÄ_ÈË_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Èô ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÑÛ_Ç°_ÃÉ_¶÷_£¬_Çë_Äã_ÃÇ_±¨_¸æ_·¨_ÀÏ_˵_£¬ # # And when the days of his mourning were past, Joseph spake unto the # house of Pharaoh, saying, If now I have found grace in your eyes, # speak, I pray you, in the ears of Pharaoh, saying, # # unit P GEN:50:5 ÎÒ_¸¸_Ç×_Òª_ËÀ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_½Ð_ÎÒ_Æð_ÊÄ_˵_£¬_Äã_Òª_½«_ÎÒ_Ôá_ÔÚ_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ £¬_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_Ϊ_×Ô_¼º_Ëù_¾ò_µÄ_·Ø_Ĺ_Àï_¡£_ÏÖ_ÔÚ_Çó_Äã_ÈÃ_ÎÒ_ÉÏ_È¥_Ôá_ÎÒ ¸¸_Ç×_£¬_ÒÔ_ºó_ÎÒ_±Ø_»Ø_À´_¡£ # # My father made me swear, saying, Lo, I die: in my grave which I have # digged for me in the land of Canaan, there shalt thou bury me. Now # therefore let me go up, I pray thee, and bury my father, and I will # come again. # # unit P GEN:50:6 ·¨_ÀÏ_˵_£¬_Äã_¿É_ÒÔ_ÉÏ_È¥_£¬_ÕÕ_×Å_Äã_¸¸_Ç×_½Ð_Äã_Æð_µÄ_ÊÄ_£¬_½«_Ëû Ôá_Âñ_¡£ # # And Pharaoh said, Go up, and bury thy father, according as he made # thee swear. # # unit P GEN:50:7 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Ô¼_ɪ_ÉÏ_È¥_Ôá_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_¡£_Óë_Ëû_Ò»_ͬ_ÉÏ_È¥_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_·¨_ÀÏ_µÄ ³¼_ÆÍ_ºÍ_·¨_ÀÏ_¼Ò_ÖÐ_µÄ_³¤_ÀÏ_£¬_²¢_°£_¼°_¹ú_µÄ_³¤_ÀÏ_£¬ # # And Joseph went up to bury his father: and with him went up all the # servants of Pharaoh, the elders of his house, and all the elders of # the land of Egypt, # # unit P GEN:50:8 »¹_ÓÐ_Ô¼_ɪ_µÄ_È«_¼Ò_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_µÜ_ÐÖ_ÃÇ_£¬_²¢_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_µÄ_¾ì_Êô_¡£_Ö» ÓÐ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_¸¾_ÈË_º¢_×Ó_£¬_ºÍ_Ñò_Ⱥ_Å£_Ⱥ_£¬_¶¼_Áô_ÔÚ_¸è_ɺ_µØ_¡£ # # And all the house of Joseph, and his brethren, and his father's # house: only their little ones, and their flocks, and their herds, # they left in the land of Goshen. # # unit P GEN:50:9 ÓÖ_ÓÐ_³µ_Á¾_Âí_±ø_£¬_ºÍ_Ëû_Ò»_ͬ_ÉÏ_È¥_¡£_ÄÇ_Ò»_°ï_ÈË_Éõ_¶à_¡£ # # And there went up with him both chariots and horsemen: and it was a # very great company. # # unit P GEN:50:10 Ëû_ÃÇ_µ½_ÁË_Ô¼_µ«_ºÓ_Íâ_£¬_ÑÇ_´ï_µÄ_ºÌ_³¡_£¬_¾Í_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_´ó_´ó_µØ_ºÅ ßû_Í´_¿Þ_¡£_Ô¼_ɪ_Ϊ_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_°§_¿Þ_ÁË_Æß_Ìì_¡£ # # And they came to the threshingfloor of Atad, which is beyond Jordan, # and there they mourned with a great and very sore lamentation: and # he made a mourning for his father seven days. # # unit P GEN:50:11 åÈ_ÄÏ_µÄ_¾Ó_Ãñ_¼û_ÑÇ_´ï_ºÌ_³¡_ÉÏ_µÄ_°§_¿Þ_£¬_¾Í_˵_£¬_Õâ_ÊÇ_°£_¼°_ÈË Ò»_³¡_´ó_µÄ_°§_¿Þ_¡£_Òò_´Ë_ÄÇ_µØ_·½_Ãû_½Ð_ÑÇ_²®_Âó_Î÷_£¬_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_Ô¼_µ« ºÓ_¶«_¡£ # # And when the inhabitants of the land, the Canaanites, saw the # mourning in the floor of Atad, they said, This is a grievous # mourning to the Egyptians: wherefore the name of it was called # Abelmizraim, which is beyond Jordan. # # unit P GEN:50:12 ÑÅ_¸÷_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÃÇ_¾Í_×ñ_×Å_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_°ì_ÁË_£¬ # # And his sons did unto him according as he commanded them: # # unit P GEN:50:13 °Ñ_Ëû_°á_µ½_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ_£¬_Ôá_ÔÚ_á£_Àû_Ç°_£¬_Âó_±È_À­_Ìï_¼ä_µÄ_¶´_Àï_¡£ ÄÇ_¶´_ºÍ_Ìï_ÊÇ_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_Ïò_ºÕ_ÈË_ÒÔ_¸¥_ÂØ_Âò_À´_Ϊ_Òµ_£¬_×÷_·Ø_µØ µÄ_¡£ # # For his sons carried him into the land of Canaan, and buried him in # the cave of the field of Machpelah, which Abraham bought with the # field for a possession of a buryingplace of Ephron the Hittite, # before Mamre. # # unit P GEN:50:14 Ô¼_ɪ_Ôá_ÁË_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_ÒÔ_ºó_£¬_¾Í_ºÍ_ÖÚ_µÜ_ÐÖ_£¬_²¢_Ò»_ÇÐ_ͬ_Ëû_ÉÏ_È¥ Ôá_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_µÄ_ÈË_£¬_¶¼_»Ø_°£_¼°_È¥_ÁË_¡£ # # And Joseph returned into Egypt, he, and his brethren, and all that # went up with him to bury his father, after he had buried his father. # # unit P GEN:50:15 Ô¼_ɪ_µÄ_¸ç_¸ç_ÃÇ_¼û_¸¸_Ç×_ËÀ_ÁË_£¬_¾Í_˵_£¬_»ò_Õß_Ô¼_ɪ_»³_ºÞ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ £¬_ÕÕ_×Å_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_´Ó_Ç°_´ý_Ëû_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_¶ñ_×ã_×ã_µØ_±¨_¸´_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¡£ # # And when Joseph's brethren saw that their father was dead, they # said, Joseph will peradventure hate us, and will certainly requite # us all the evil which we did unto him. # # unit P GEN:50:16 Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_´ò_·¢_ÈË_È¥_¼û_Ô¼_ɪ_£¬_˵_£¬_Äã_¸¸_Ç×_δ_ËÀ_ÒÔ_ÏÈ_·Ô_¸À_˵ £¬ # # And they sent a messenger unto Joseph, saying, Thy father did # command before he died, saying, # # unit P GEN:50:17 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_¶Ô_Ô¼_ɪ_Õâ_Ñù_˵_£¬_´Ó_Ç°_Äã_¸ç_¸ç_ÃÇ_¶ñ_´ý_Äã_£¬_Çó_Äã_ÈÄ Ë¡_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_¹ý_·¸_ºÍ_×ï_¶ñ_¡£_Èç_½ñ_Çó_Äã_ÈÄ_Ë¡_Äã_¸¸_Ç×_Éñ_Ö®_ÆÍ_ÈË µÄ_¹ý_·¸_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_¶Ô_Ô¼_ɪ_˵_Õâ_»°_£¬_Ô¼_ɪ_¾Í_¿Þ_ÁË_¡£ # # So shall ye say unto Joseph, Forgive, I pray thee now, the trespass # of thy brethren, and their sin; for they did unto thee evil: and # now, we pray thee, forgive the trespass of the servants of the God # of thy father. And Joseph wept when they spake unto him. # # unit P GEN:50:18 Ëû_µÄ_¸ç_¸ç_ÃÇ_ÓÖ_À´_¸©_·ü_ÔÚ_Ëû_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÊÇ_Äã_µÄ_ÆÍ_ÈË ¡£ # # And his brethren also went and fell down before his face; and they # said, Behold, we be thy servants. # # unit P GEN:50:19 Ô¼_ɪ_¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_²»_Òª_º¦_ÅÂ_£¬_ÎÒ_Æñ_ÄÜ_´ú_Ìæ_Éñ_ÄØ_£¿ # # And Joseph said unto them, Fear not: for am I in the place of God? # # unit P GEN:50:20 ´Ó_Ç°_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Òâ_˼_ÊÇ_Òª_º¦_ÎÒ_£¬_µ«_Éñ_µÄ_Òâ_˼_Ô­_ÊÇ_ºÃ_µÄ_£¬_Òª ±£_È«_Ðí_¶à_ÈË_µÄ_ÐÔ_Ãü_£¬_³É_¾Í_½ñ_ÈÕ_µÄ_¹â_¾°_¡£ # # But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto # good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people # alive. # # unit P GEN:50:21 ÏÖ_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_²»_Òª_º¦_ÅÂ_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_Ñø_»î_Äã_ÃÇ_ºÍ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_¸¾_ÈË_º¢_×Ó ¡£_ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Ô¼_ɪ_ÓÃ_Ç×_°®_µÄ_»°_°²_ο_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£ # # Now therefore fear ye not: I will nourish you, and your little ones. # And he comforted them, and spake kindly unto them. # # unit P GEN:50:22 Ô¼_ɪ_ºÍ_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_µÄ_¾ì_Êô_¶¼_ס_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_¡£_Ô¼_ɪ_»î_ÁË_Ò»_°Ù_Ò»_Ê® Ëê_¡£ # # And Joseph dwelt in Egypt, he, and his father's house: and Joseph # lived an hundred and ten years. # # unit P GEN:50:23 Ô¼_ɪ_µÃ_¼û_ÒÔ_·¨_Á«_µÚ_Èý_´ú_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_¡£_Âê_ÄÃ_Î÷_µÄ_Ëï_×Ó_£¬_Âê_¼ª µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_Ò²_Ñø_ÔÚ_Ô¼_ɪ_µÄ_Ï¥_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And Joseph saw Ephraim's children of the third generation: the # children also of Machir the son of Manasseh were brought up upon # Joseph's knees. # # unit P GEN:50:24 Ô¼_ɪ_¶Ô_Ëû_µÜ_ÐÖ_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_ËÀ_ÁË_£¬_µ«_Éñ_±Ø_¶¨_¿´_¹Ë_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬ Áì_Äã_ÃÇ_´Ó_Õâ_µØ_ÉÏ_È¥_£¬_µ½_Ëû_Æð_ÊÄ_Ëù_Ó¦_Ðí_¸ø_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_£¬_ÒÔ Èö_£¬_ÑÅ_¸÷_Ö®_µØ_¡£ # # And Joseph said unto his brethren, I die: and God will surely visit # you, and bring you out of this land unto the land which he sware to # Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob. # # unit P GEN:50:25 Ô¼_ɪ_½Ð_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_Æð_ÊÄ_˵_£¬_Éñ_±Ø_¶¨_¿´_¹Ë_Äã_ÃÇ_¡£_Äã_ÃÇ Òª_°Ñ_ÎÒ_µÄ_º¡_¹Ç_´Ó_Õâ_Àï_°á_ÉÏ_È¥_¡£ # # And Joseph took an oath of the children of Israel, saying, God will # surely visit you, and ye shall carry up my bones from hence. # # unit P GEN:50:26 Ô¼_ɪ_ËÀ_ÁË_£¬_Õý_Ò»_°Ù_Ò»_Ê®_Ëê_¡£_ÈË_ÓÃ_Ïã_ÁÏ_½«_Ëû_Þ¹_ÁË_£¬_°Ñ_Ëû ÊÕ_éç_ÔÚ_¹×_²Ä_Àï_£¬_Í£_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_¡£ # # So Joseph died, being an hundred and ten years old: and they # embalmed him, and he was put in a coffin in Egypt. # # part b Exodus # ==================================================================== # [ENG] ³ö °£ ¼° ¼Ç # [CHI] Exodus # ## # chapter 1 EXO:1 # unit P EXO:1:1 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_µÄ_ÖÚ_×Ó_£¬_¸÷_´ø_¼Ò_¾ì_ºÍ_ÑÅ_¸÷_Ò»_ͬ_À´_µ½_°£_¼°_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ µÄ_Ãû_×Ö_¼Ç_ÔÚ_ÏÂ_Ãæ_¡£ # # Now these are the names of the children of Israel, which came into # Egypt; every man and his household came with Jacob. # # unit P EXO:1:2 ÓÐ_Á÷_±ã_£¬_Î÷_Ãå_£¬_Àû_δ_£¬_ÓÌ_´ó_£¬ # # Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah, # # unit P EXO:1:3 ÒÔ_Èø_åÈ_£¬_Î÷_²¼_Â×_£¬_±ã_ÑÅ_Ãõ_£¬ # # Issachar, Zebulun, and Benjamin, # # unit P EXO:1:4 µ«_£¬_ÄÃ_¸¥_Ëû_Àû_£¬_åÈ_µÃ_£¬_ÑÇ_Éè_¡£ # # Dan, and Naphtali, Gad, and Asher. # # unit P EXO:1:5 ·²_´Ó_ÑÅ_¸÷_¶ø_Éú_µÄ_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_Æß_Ê®_ÈË_¡£_Ô¼_ɪ_ÒÑ_¾­_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_¡£ # # And all the souls that came out of the loins of Jacob were seventy # souls: for Joseph was in Egypt already. # # unit P EXO:1:6 Ô¼_ɪ_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_µÜ_ÐÖ_£¬_²¢_ÄÇ_Ò»_´ú_µÄ_ÈË_¶¼_ËÀ_ÁË_¡£ # # And Joseph died, and all his brethren, and all that generation. # # unit P EXO:1:7 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Éú_Ñø_ÖÚ_¶à_£¬_²¢_ÇÒ_·±_ï_£¬_¼«_Æä_Ç¿_Ê¢_£¬_Âú_ÁË_ÄÇ_µØ ¡£ # # And the children of Israel were fruitful, and increased abundantly, # and multiplied, and waxed exceeding mighty; and the land was filled # with them. # # unit P EXO:1:8 ÓÐ_²»_ÈÏ_ʶ_Ô¼_ɪ_µÄ_ÐÂ_Íõ_Æð_À´_£¬_ÖÎ_Àí_°£_¼°_£¬ # # Now there arose up a new king over Egypt, which knew not Joseph. # # unit P EXO:1:9 ¶Ô_Ëû_µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_˵_£¬_¿´_ÄÄ_£¬_Õâ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_Ãñ_±È_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_»¹_¶à_£¬_ÓÖ_±È ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Ç¿_Ê¢_¡£ # # And he said unto his people, Behold, the people of the children of # Israel are more and mightier than we: # # unit P EXO:1:10 À´_°É_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_²»_Èç_ÓÃ_ÇÉ_¼Æ_´ý_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_¿Ö_ÅÂ_Ëû_ÃÇ_¶à_Æð_À´_£¬_ÈÕ ºó_Èô_Óö_ʲ_ô_Õù_Õ½_µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬_¾Í_Á¬_ºÏ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_³ð_µÐ_¹¥_»÷_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_£¬ Àë_¿ª_Õâ_µØ_È¥_ÁË_¡£ # # Come on, let us deal wisely with them; lest they multiply, and it # come to pass, that, when there falleth out any war, they join also # unto our enemies, and fight against us, and so get them up out of # the land. # # unit P EXO:1:11 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_°£_¼°_ÈË_ÅÉ_¶½_¹¤_µÄ_Ͻ_ÖÆ_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_¼Ó_ÖØ_µ£_¿à_º¦_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£_Ëû ÃÇ_Ϊ_·¨_ÀÏ_½¨_Ôì_Á½_×ù_»ý_»õ_³Ç_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_±È_¶«_ºÍ_À¼_Èû_¡£ # # Therefore they did set over them taskmasters to afflict them with # their burdens. And they built for Pharaoh treasure cities, Pithom # and Raamses. # # unit P EXO:1:12 Ö»_ÊÇ_Ô½_·¢_¿à_º¦_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ô½_·¢_¶à_Æð_À´_£¬_Ô½_·¢_Âû_ÑÓ_£¬_°£ ¼°_ÈË_¾Í_Òò_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_³î_·³_¡£ # # But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew. # And they were grieved because of the children of Israel. # # unit P EXO:1:13 °£_¼°_ÈË_ÑÏ_ÑÏ_µØ_ʹ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_×÷_¹¤_£¬ # # And the Egyptians made the children of Israel to serve with rigour: # # unit P EXO:1:14 ʹ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Òò_×÷_¿à_¹¤_¾õ_µÃ_Ãü_¿à_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_ºÍ_Äà_£¬_ÊÇ_×ö_ש_£¬_ÊÇ ×÷_Ìï_¼ä_¸÷_Ñù_µÄ_¹¤_£¬_ÔÚ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_¹¤_ÉÏ_¶¼_ÑÏ_ÑÏ_µØ_´ý_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£ # # And they made their lives bitter with hard bondage, in morter, and # in brick, and in all manner of service in the field: all their # service, wherein they made them serve, was with rigour. # # unit P EXO:1:15 ÓÐ_Ï£_²®_À´_µÄ_Á½_¸ö_ÊÕ_Éú_ÆÅ_£¬_Ò»_Ãû_Ê©_¸¥_À­_£¬_Ò»_Ãû_ÆÕ_°¢_£¬_°£ ¼°_Íõ_¶Ô_Ëý_ÃÇ_˵_£¬ # # And the king of Egypt spake to the Hebrew midwives, of which the # name of the one was Shiphrah, and the name of the other Puah: # # unit P EXO:1:16 Äã_ÃÇ_Ϊ_Ï£_²®_À´_¸¾_ÈË_ÊÕ_Éú_£¬_¿´_Ëý_ÃÇ_ÁÙ_Åè_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Èô_ÊÇ_ÄÐ º¢_£¬_¾Í_°Ñ_Ëû_ɱ_ÁË_£¬_Èô_ÊÇ_Å®_º¢_£¬_¾Í_Áô_Ëý_´æ_»î_¡£ # # And he said, When ye do the office of a midwife to the Hebrew women, # and see them upon the stools; if it be a son, then ye shall kill # him: but if it be a daughter, then she shall live. # # unit P EXO:1:17 µ«_ÊÇ_ÊÕ_Éú_ÆÅ_¾´_η_Éñ_£¬_²»_ÕÕ_°£_¼°_Íõ_µÄ_·Ô_¸À_ÐÐ_£¬_¾¹_´æ_Áô_ÄÐ º¢_µÄ_ÐÔ_Ãü_¡£ # # But the midwives feared God, and did not as the king of Egypt # commanded them, but saved the men children alive. # # unit P EXO:1:18 °£_¼°_Íõ_ÕÙ_ÁË_ÊÕ_Éú_ÆÅ_À´_£¬_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Ϊ_ʲ_ô_×÷_Õâ_ÊÂ_£¬_´æ_Áô ÄÐ_º¢_µÄ_ÐÔ_Ãü_ÄØ_£¿ # # And the king of Egypt called for the midwives, and said unto them, # Why have ye done this thing, and have saved the men children alive? # # unit P EXO:1:19 ÊÕ_Éú_ÆÅ_¶Ô_·¨_ÀÏ_˵_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ï£_²®_À´_¸¾_ÈË_Óë_°£_¼°_¸¾_ÈË_²»_ͬ_£¬ Ï£_²®_À´_¸¾_ÈË_±¾_ÊÇ_½¡_׳_µÄ_£¨_Ô­_ÎÄ_×÷_»î_ÆÃ_µÄ_£©_£¬_ÊÕ_Éú_ÆÅ_»¹ û_ÓÐ_µ½_£¬_Ëý_ÃÇ_ÒÑ_¾­_Éú_²ú_ÁË_¡£ # # And the midwives said unto Pharaoh, Because the Hebrew women are not # as the Egyptian women; for they are lively, and are delivered ere # the midwives come in unto them. # # unit P EXO:1:20 Éñ_ºñ_´ý_ÊÕ_Éú_ÆÅ_¡£_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_¶à_Æð_À´_£¬_¼«_Æä_Ç¿_Ê¢_¡£ # # Therefore God dealt well with the midwives: and the people # multiplied, and waxed very mighty. # # unit P EXO:1:21 ÊÕ_Éú_ÆÅ_Òò_Ϊ_¾´_η_Éñ_£¬_Éñ_±ã_½Ð_Ëý_ÃÇ_³É_Á¢_¼Ò_ÊÒ_¡£ # # And it came to pass, because the midwives feared God, that he made # them houses. # # unit P EXO:1:22 ·¨_ÀÏ_·Ô_¸À_Ëû_µÄ_ÖÚ_Ãñ_˵_£¬_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Ëù_Éú_µÄ_ÄÐ_º¢_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¶¼ Òª_¶ª_ÔÚ_ºÓ_Àï_£¬_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_Å®_º¢_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_´æ_Áô_Ëý_µÄ_ÐÔ_Ãü_¡£ # # And Pharaoh charged all his people, saying, Every son that is born # ye shall cast into the river, and every daughter ye shall save # alive. # ## # chapter 2 EXO:2 # unit P EXO:2:1 ÓÐ_Ò»_¸ö_Àû_δ_¼Ò_µÄ_ÈË_È¢_ÁË_Ò»_¸ö_Àû_δ_Å®_×Ó_Ϊ_ÆÞ_¡£ # # And there went a man of the house of Levi, and took to wife a # daughter of Levi. # # unit P EXO:2:2 ÄÇ_Å®_ÈË_»³_ÔÐ_£¬_Éú_Ò»_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_¼û_Ëû_¿¡_ÃÀ_£¬_¾Í_²Ø_ÁË_Ëû_Èý_¸ö ÔÂ_£¬ # # And the woman conceived, and bare a son: and when she saw him that # he was a goodly child, she hid him three months. # # unit P EXO:2:3 ºó_À´_²»_ÄÜ_ÔÙ_²Ø_£¬_¾Í_È¡_ÁË_Ò»_¸ö_ÆÑ_²Ý_Ïä_£¬_Ĩ_ÉÏ_ʯ_Æá_ºÍ_ʯ_ÓÍ £¬_½«_º¢_×Ó_·Å_ÔÚ_Àï_Í·_£¬_°Ñ_Ïä_×Ó_¸é_ÔÚ_ºÓ_±ß_µÄ_«_ݶ_ÖÐ_¡£ # # And when she could not longer hide him, she took for him an ark of # bulrushes, and daubed it with slime and with pitch, and put the # child therein; and she laid it in the flags by the river's brink. # # unit P EXO:2:4 º¢_×Ó_µÄ_½ã_½ã_Ô¶_Ô¶_Õ¾_×Å_£¬_Òª_Öª_µÀ_Ëû_¾¿_¾¹_Ôõ_ô_Ñù_¡£ # # And his sister stood afar off, to wit what would be done to him. # # unit P EXO:2:5 ·¨_ÀÏ_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_À´_µ½_ºÓ_±ß_Ï´_Ôè_£¬_Ëý_µÄ_ʹ_Å®_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_ºÓ_±ß_ÐÐ_×ß_¡£ Ëý_¿´_¼û_Ïä_×Ó_ÔÚ_«_ݶ_ÖÐ_£¬_¾Í_´ò_·¢_Ò»_¸ö_æ¾_Å®_ÄÃ_À´_¡£ # # And the daughter of Pharaoh came down to wash herself at the river; # and her maidens walked along by the river's side; and when she saw # the ark among the flags, she sent her maid to fetch it. # # unit P EXO:2:6 Ëý_´ò_¿ª_Ïä_×Ó_£¬_¿´_¼û_ÄÇ_º¢_×Ó_¡£_º¢_×Ó_¿Þ_ÁË_£¬_Ëý_¾Í_¿É_Á¯_Ëû_£¬ ˵_£¬_Õâ_ÊÇ_Ï£_²®_À´_ÈË_µÄ_Ò»_¸ö_º¢_×Ó_¡£ # # And when she had opened it, she saw the child: and, behold, the babe # wept. And she had compassion on him, and said, This is one of the # Hebrews' children. # # unit P EXO:2:7 º¢_×Ó_µÄ_½ã_½ã_¶Ô_·¨_ÀÏ_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_È¥_ÔÚ_Ï£_²®_À´_¸¾_ÈË_ÖÐ_½Ð Ò»_¸ö_ÄÌ_Âè_À´_£¬_Ϊ_Äã_ÄÌ_Õâ_º¢_×Ó_£¬_¿É_ÒÔ_²»_¿É_ÒÔ_¡£ # # Then said his sister to Pharaoh's daughter, Shall I go and call to # thee a nurse of the Hebrew women, that she may nurse the child for # thee? # # unit P EXO:2:8 ·¨_ÀÏ_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_˵_£¬_¿É_ÒÔ_¡£_ͯ_Å®_¾Í_È¥_½Ð_ÁË_º¢_×Ó_µÄ_ĸ_Ç×_À´_¡£ # # And Pharaoh's daughter said to her, Go. And the maid went and called # the child's mother. # # unit P EXO:2:9 ·¨_ÀÏ_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_¶Ô_Ëý_˵_£¬_Äã_°Ñ_Õâ_º¢_×Ó_±§_È¥_£¬_Ϊ_ÎÒ_ÄÌ_Ëû_£¬_ÎÒ ±Ø_¸ø_Äã_¹¤_¼Û_¡£_¸¾_ÈË_¾Í_±§_ÁË_º¢_×Ó_È¥_ÄÌ_Ëû_¡£ # # And Pharaoh's daughter said unto her, Take this child away, and # nurse it for me, and I will give thee thy wages. And the woman took # the child, and nursed it. # # unit P EXO:2:10 º¢_×Ó_½¥_³¤_£¬_¸¾_ÈË_°Ñ_Ëû_´ø_µ½_·¨_ÀÏ_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_¾Í_×÷_ÁË_Ëý µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_¡£_Ëý_¸ø_º¢_×Ó_Æð_Ãû_½Ð_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_Òâ_˼_˵_£¬_Òò_ÎÒ_°Ñ_Ëû_´Ó Ë®_Àï_À­_³ö_À´_¡£ # # And the child grew, and she brought him unto Pharaoh's daughter, and # he became her son. And she called his name Moses: and she said, # Because I drew him out of the water. # # unit P EXO:2:11 ºó_À´_£¬_Ħ_Î÷_³¤_´ó_£¬_Ëû_³ö_È¥_µ½_Ëû_µÜ_ÐÖ_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_¿´_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÖØ µ£_£¬_¼û_Ò»_¸ö_°£_¼°_ÈË_´ò_Ï£_²®_À´_ÈË_µÄ_Ò»_¸ö_µÜ_ÐÖ_¡£ # # And it came to pass in those days, when Moses was grown, that he # went out unto his brethren, and looked on their burdens: and he # spied an Egyptian smiting an Hebrew, one of his brethren. # # unit P EXO:2:12 Ëû_×ó_ÓÒ_¹Û_¿´_£¬_¼û_û_ÓÐ_ÈË_£¬_¾Í_°Ñ_°£_¼°_ÈË_´ò_ËÀ_ÁË_£¬_²Ø_ÔÚ_ɳ ÍÁ_Àï_¡£ # # And he looked this way and that way, and when he saw that there was # no man, he slew the Egyptian, and hid him in the sand. # # unit P EXO:2:13 µÚ_¶þ_Ìì_Ëû_³ö_È¥_£¬_¼û_ÓÐ_Á½_¸ö_Ï£_²®_À´_ÈË_Õù_¶·_£¬_¾Í_¶Ô_ÄÇ_ÆÛ_¸º ÈË_µÄ_˵_£¬_Äã_Ϊ_ʲ_ô_´ò_Äã_ͬ_×å_µÄ_ÈË_ÄØ_£¿ # # And when he went out the second day, behold, two men of the Hebrews # strove together: and he said to him that did the wrong, Wherefore # smitest thou thy fellow? # # unit P EXO:2:14 ÄÇ_ÈË_˵_£¬_Ë­_Á¢_Äã_×÷_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_Ê×_Áì_ºÍ_Éó_ÅÐ_¹Ù_ÄØ_£¿_ÄÑ_µÀ_Äã_Òª ɱ_ÎÒ_£¬_Ïñ_ɱ_ÄÇ_°£_¼°_ÈË_Âð_£¿_Ħ_Î÷_±ã_¾å_ÅÂ_£¬_˵_£¬_Õâ_ÊÂ_±Ø_ÊÇ ±»_ÈË_Öª_µÀ_ÁË_¡£ # # And he said, Who made thee a prince and a judge over us? intendest # thou to kill me, as thou killedst the Egyptian? And Moses feared, # and said, Surely this thing is known. # # unit P EXO:2:15 ·¨_ÀÏ_Ìý_¼û_Õâ_ÊÂ_£¬_¾Í_Ïë_ɱ_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_µ«_Ħ_Î÷_¶ã_±Ü_·¨_ÀÏ_£¬_ÌÓ_Íù Ã×_µé_µØ_¾Ó_ס_¡£ # # Now when Pharaoh heard this thing, he sought to slay Moses. But # Moses fled from the face of Pharaoh, and dwelt in the land of # Midian: and he sat down by a well. # # unit P EXO:2:16 Ò»_ÈÕ_£¬_Ëû_ÔÚ_¾®_ÅÔ_×ø_ÏÂ_¡£_Ã×_µé_µÄ_¼À_˾_ÓÐ_Æß_¸ö_Å®_¶ù_£¬_Ëý_ÃÇ À´_´ò_Ë®_£¬_´ò_Âú_ÁË_²Û_£¬_Òª_Òû_¸¸_Ç×_µÄ_Ⱥ_Ñò_¡£ # # Now the priest of Midian had seven daughters: and they came and drew # water, and filled the troughs to water their father's flock. # # unit P EXO:2:17 ÓÐ_ÄÁ_Ñò_µÄ_ÈË_À´_£¬_°Ñ_Ëý_ÃÇ_¸Ï_×ß_ÁË_£¬_Ħ_Î÷_È´_Æð_À´_°ï_Öú_Ëý_ÃÇ £¬_ÓÖ_Òû_ÁË_Ëý_ÃÇ_µÄ_Ⱥ_Ñò_¡£ # # And the shepherds came and drove them away: but Moses stood up and # helped them, and watered their flock. # # unit P EXO:2:18 Ëý_ÃÇ_À´_µ½_¸¸_Ç×_Á÷_çí_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_Ëû_˵_£¬_½ñ_ÈÕ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ϊ_ºÎ_À´_µÃ_Õâ ô_¿ì_ÄØ_£¿ # # And when they came to Reuel their father, he said, How is it that ye # are come so soon to day? # # unit P EXO:2:19 Ëý_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_ÓÐ_Ò»_¸ö_°£_¼°_ÈË_¾È_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÍÑ_Àë_ÄÁ_Ñò_ÈË_µÄ_ÊÖ_£¬_²¢_ÇÒ Îª_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_´ò_Ë®_Òû_ÁË_Ⱥ_Ñò_¡£ # # And they said, An Egyptian delivered us out of the hand of the # shepherds, and also drew water enough for us, and watered the flock. # # unit P EXO:2:20 Ëû_¶Ô_Å®_¶ù_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_ÄÇ_¸ö_ÈË_ÔÚ_ÄÄ_Àï_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Ϊ_ʲ_ô_Ʋ_ÏÂ_Ëû_ÄØ £¿_Äã_ÃÇ_È¥_Çë_Ëû_À´_³Ô_·¹_¡£ # # And he said unto his daughters, And where is he? why is it that ye # have left the man? call him, that he may eat bread. # # unit P EXO:2:21 Ħ_Î÷_¸Ê_ÐÄ_ºÍ_ÄÇ_ÈË_ͬ_ס_£¬_ÄÇ_ÈË_°Ñ_Ëû_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_Î÷_ÆÂ_À­_¸ø_Ħ_Î÷ Ϊ_ÆÞ_¡£ # # And Moses was content to dwell with the man: and he gave Moses # Zipporah his daughter. # # unit P EXO:2:22 Î÷_ÆÂ_À­_Éú_ÁË_Ò»_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_Ħ_Î÷_¸ø_Ëû_Æð_Ãû_½Ð_¸ï_Ë´_£¬_Òâ_˼_˵ £¬_Òò_ÎÒ_ÔÚ_Íâ_°î_×÷_ÁË_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_¡£ # # And she bare him a son, and he called his name Gershom: for he said, # I have been a stranger in a strange land. # # unit P EXO:2:23 ¹ý_ÁË_¶à_Äê_£¬_°£_¼°_Íõ_ËÀ_ÁË_¡£_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Òò_×÷_¿à_¹¤_£¬_¾Í_̾_Ï¢ °§_Çó_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_°§_Éù_´ï_ÓÚ_Éñ_¡£ # # And it came to pass in process of time, that the king of Egypt died: # and the children of Israel sighed by reason of the bondage, and they # cried, and their cry came up unto God by reason of the bondage. # # unit P EXO:2:24 Éñ_Ìý_¼û_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_°§_Éù_£¬_¾Í_¼Ç_Äî_Ëû_Óë_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_£¬_ÒÔ_Èö_£¬_ÑÅ ¸÷_Ëù_Á¢_µÄ_Ô¼_¡£ # # And God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant with # Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. # # unit P EXO:2:25 Éñ_¿´_¹Ë_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_£¬_Ò²_Öª_µÀ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_¿à_Çé_¡£ # # And God looked upon the children of Israel, and God had respect unto # them. # ## # chapter 3 EXO:3 # unit P EXO:3:1 Ħ_Î÷_ÄÁ_Ñø_Ëû_ÔÀ_¸¸_Ã×_µé_¼À_˾_Ò¶_߯_ÂÞ_µÄ_Ñò_Ⱥ_£¬_Ò»_ÈÕ_Áì_Ñò_Ⱥ Íù_Ò°_Íâ_È¥_£¬_µ½_ÁË_Éñ_µÄ_ɽ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ºÎ_ÁÒ_ɽ_¡£ # # Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father in law, the priest of # Midian: and he led the flock to the backside of the desert, and came # to the mountain of God, even to Horeb. # # unit P EXO:3:2 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_ʹ_Õß_´Ó_¾£_¼¬_Àï_»ð_Ñæ_ÖÐ_Ïò_Ħ_Î÷_ÏÔ_ÏÖ_¡£_Ħ_Î÷_¹Û_¿´ £¬_²»_ÁÏ_£¬_¾£_¼¬_±»_»ð_ÉÕ_×Å_£¬_È´_û_ÓÐ_ÉÕ_»Ù_¡£ # # And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a flame of fire out # of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned # with fire, and the bush was not consumed. # # unit P EXO:3:3 Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_¹ý_È¥_¿´_Õâ_´ó_Òì_Ïó_£¬_Õâ_¾£_¼¬_Ϊ_ºÎ_û_ÓÐ_ÉÕ_»µ ÄØ_£¿ # # And Moses said, I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, why # the bush is not burnt. # # unit P EXO:3:4 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Éñ_¼û_Ëû_¹ý_È¥_Òª_¿´_£¬_¾Í_´Ó_¾£_¼¬_Àï_ºô_½Ð_˵_£¬_Ħ_Î÷_£¬ Ħ_Î÷_¡£_Ëû_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÔÚ_Õâ_Àï_¡£ # # And when the LORD saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto # him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he # said, Here am I. # # unit P EXO:3:5 Éñ_˵_£¬_²»_Òª_½ü_Ç°_À´_¡£_µ±_°Ñ_Äã_½Å_ÉÏ_µÄ_Ь_ÍÑ_ÏÂ_À´_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Äã Ëù_Õ¾_Ö®_µØ_ÊÇ_Ê¥_µØ_¡£ # # And he said, Draw not nigh hither: put off thy shoes from off thy # feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground. # # unit P EXO:3:6 ÓÖ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Äã_¸¸_Ç×_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_ÊÇ_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_ÒÔ_Èö_µÄ_Éñ £¬_ÑÅ_¸÷_µÄ_Éñ_¡£_Ħ_Î÷_ÃÉ_ÉÏ_Á³_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÅÂ_¿´_Éñ_¡£ # # Moreover he said, I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, # the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. And Moses hid his face; for # he was afraid to look upon God. # # unit P EXO:3:7 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_Ëù_ÊÜ_µÄ_À§_¿à_£¬_ÎÒ_ʵ_ÔÚ_¿´_¼û ÁË_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_Òò_ÊÜ_¶½_¹¤_µÄ_Ͻ_ÖÆ_Ëù_·¢_µÄ_°§_Éù_£¬_ÎÒ_Ò²_Ìý_¼û_ÁË_¡£ ÎÒ_Ô­_Öª_µÀ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Í´_¿à_£¬ # # And the LORD said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people # which are in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their # taskmasters; for I know their sorrows; # # unit P EXO:3:8 ÎÒ_ÏÂ_À´_ÊÇ_Òª_¾È_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÍÑ_Àë_°£_¼°_ÈË_µÄ_ÊÖ_£¬_Áì_Ëû_ÃÇ_³ö_ÁË_ÄÇ_µØ £¬_£¬_µ½_ÃÀ_ºÃ_£¬_¿í_À«_£¬_Á÷_ÄÌ_Óë_ÃÛ_Ö®_µØ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_µ½_åÈ_ÄÏ_ÈË_£¬ ºÕ_ÈË_£¬_ÑÇ_Ħ_Àû_ÈË_£¬_±È_Àû_Ï´_ÈË_£¬_Ï£_δ_ÈË_£¬_Ò®_²¼_˹_ÈË_Ö®_µØ ¡£ # # And I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, # and to bring them up out of that land unto a good land and a large, # unto a land flowing with milk and honey; unto the place of the # Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, # and the Hivites, and the Jebusites. # # unit P EXO:3:9 ÏÖ_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_µÄ_°§_Éù_´ï_µ½_ÎÒ_¶ú_ÖÐ_£¬_ÎÒ_Ò²_¿´_¼û_°£_¼°_ÈË_Ôõ Ñù_ÆÛ_ѹ_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£ # # Now therefore, behold, the cry of the children of Israel is come # unto me: and I have also seen the oppression wherewith the Egyptians # oppress them. # # unit P EXO:3:10 ¹Ê_´Ë_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_´ò_·¢_Äã_È¥_¼û_·¨_ÀÏ_£¬_ʹ_Äã_¿É_ÒÔ_½«_ÎÒ_µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_ÒÔ É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_´Ó_°£_¼°_Áì_³ö_À´_¡£ # # Come now therefore, and I will send thee unto Pharaoh, that thou # mayest bring forth my people the children of Israel out of Egypt. # # unit P EXO:3:11 Ħ_Î÷_¶Ô_Éñ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_ʲ_ô_ÈË_£¬_¾¹_ÄÜ_È¥_¼û_·¨_ÀÏ_£¬_½«_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ ÈË_´Ó_°£_¼°_Áì_³ö_À´_ÄØ_£¿ # # And Moses said unto God, Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh, # and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt? # # unit P EXO:3:12 Éñ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_Óë_Äã_ͬ_ÔÚ_¡£_Äã_½«_°Ù_ÐÕ_´Ó_°£_¼°_Áì_³ö_À´_Ö®_ºó_£¬ Äã_ÃÇ_±Ø_ÔÚ_Õâ_ɽ_ÉÏ_ÊÂ_·î_ÎÒ_£¬_Õâ_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_´ò_·¢_Äã_È¥_µÄ_Ö¤_¾Ý_¡£ # # And he said, Certainly I will be with thee; and this shall be a # token unto thee, that I have sent thee: When thou hast brought forth # the people out of Egypt, ye shall serve God upon this mountain. # # unit P EXO:3:13 Ħ_Î÷_¶Ô_Éñ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_µ½_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_×æ ×Ú_µÄ_Éñ_´ò_·¢_ÎÒ_µ½_Äã_ÃÇ_Õâ_Àï_À´_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_Èô_ÎÊ_ÎÒ_˵_£¬_Ëû_½Ð_ʲ ô_Ãû_×Ö_£¿_ÎÒ_Òª_¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_ʲ_ô_ÄØ_£¿ # # And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of # Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent # me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall # I say unto them? # # unit P EXO:3:14 Éñ_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_×Ô_ÓÐ_ÓÀ_ÓÐ_µÄ_¡£_ÓÖ_˵_£¬_Äã_Òª_¶Ô_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ ÈË_Õâ_Ñù_˵_£¬_ÄÇ_×Ô_ÓÐ_µÄ_´ò_·¢_ÎÒ_µ½_Äã_ÃÇ_Õâ_Àï_À´_¡£ # # And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt # thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you. # # unit P EXO:3:15 Éñ_ÓÖ_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Äã_Òª_¶Ô_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Õâ_Ñù_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ ×æ_×Ú_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_ÒÔ_Èö_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_ÑÅ_¸÷_µÄ_Éñ £¬_´ò_·¢_ÎÒ_µ½_Äã_ÃÇ_Õâ_Àï_À´_¡£_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_µÄ_Ãû_£¬_Ö±_µ½_ÓÀ_Ô¶ £¬_Õâ_Ò²_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_µÄ_¼Í_Äî_£¬_Ö±_µ½_Íò_´ú_¡£ # # And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the # children of Israel, The LORD God of your fathers, the God of # Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto # you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all # generations. # # unit P EXO:3:16 Äã_È¥_ÕÐ_¾Û_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_µÄ_³¤_ÀÏ_£¬_¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_×æ_×Ú µÄ_Éñ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_ÒÔ_Èö_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_ÑÅ_¸÷_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_Ïò ÎÒ_ÏÔ_ÏÖ_£¬_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ʵ_ÔÚ_¾ì_¹Ë_ÁË_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_ÎÒ_Ò²_¿´_¼û_°£_¼°_ÈË_Ôõ Ñù_´ý_Äã_ÃÇ_¡£ # # Go, and gather the elders of Israel together, and say unto them, The # LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of # Jacob, appeared unto me, saying, I have surely visited you, and seen # that which is done to you in Egypt: # # unit P EXO:3:17 ÎÒ_Ò²_˵_£¬_Òª_½«_Äã_ÃÇ_´Ó_°£_¼°_µÄ_À§_¿à_ÖÐ_Áì_³ö_À´_£¬_Íù_åÈ_ÄÏ_ÈË £¬_ºÕ_ÈË_£¬_ÑÇ_Ħ_Àû_ÈË_£¬_±È_Àû_Ï´_ÈË_£¬_Ï£_δ_ÈË_£¬_Ò®_²¼_˹_ÈË_µÄ µØ_È¥_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_µ½_Á÷_ÄÌ_Óë_ÃÛ_Ö®_µØ_¡£ # # And I have said, I will bring you up out of the affliction of Egypt # unto the land of the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, # and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites, unto a land # flowing with milk and honey. # # unit P EXO:3:18 Ëû_ÃÇ_±Ø_Ìý_Äã_µÄ_»°_¡£_Äã_ºÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_µÄ_³¤_ÀÏ_Òª_È¥_¼û_°£_¼°_Íõ_£¬ ¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ï£_²®_À´_ÈË_µÄ_Éñ_Óö_¼û_ÁË_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_£¬_ÏÖ_ÔÚ_Çó_Äã ÈÝ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Íù_¿õ_Ò°_È¥_£¬_×ß_Èý_Ìì_µÄ_·_³Ì_£¬_Ϊ_Òª_¼À_ìë_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÎÒ ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # And they shall hearken to thy voice: and thou shalt come, thou and # the elders of Israel, unto the king of Egypt, and ye shall say unto # him, The LORD God of the Hebrews hath met with us: and now let us # go, we beseech thee, three days' journey into the wilderness, that # we may sacrifice to the LORD our God. # # unit P EXO:3:19 ÎÒ_Öª_µÀ_Ëä_ÓÃ_´ó_ÄÜ_µÄ_ÊÖ_£¬_°£_¼°_Íõ_Ò²_²»_ÈÝ_Äã_ÃÇ_È¥_¡£ # # And I am sure that the king of Egypt will not let you go, no, not by # a mighty hand. # # unit P EXO:3:20 ÎÒ_±Ø_Éì_ÊÖ_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_ÖÐ_¼ä_Ê©_ÐÐ_ÎÒ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_Ææ_ÊÂ_£¬_¹¥_»÷_ÄÇ_µØ_£¬ È»_ºó_Ëû_²Å_ÈÝ_Äã_ÃÇ_È¥_¡£ # # And I will stretch out my hand, and smite Egypt with all my wonders # which I will do in the midst thereof: and after that he will let you # go. # # unit P EXO:3:21 ÎÒ_±Ø_½Ð_Äã_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_ÈË_ÑÛ_Ç°_ÃÉ_¶÷_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_È¥_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_¾Í_²»_ÖÁ ÓÚ_¿Õ_ÊÖ_¶ø_È¥_¡£ # # And I will give this people favour in the sight of the Egyptians: # and it shall come to pass, that, when ye go, ye shall not go empty: # # unit P EXO:3:22 µ«_¸÷_¸¾_Å®_±Ø_Ïò_Ëý_µÄ_ÁÚ_Éá_£¬_²¢_¾Ó_ס_ÔÚ_Ëý_¼Ò_Àï_µÄ_Å®_ÈË_£¬_Òª ½ð_Æ÷_Òø_Æ÷_ºÍ_ÒÂ_ÉÑ_£¬_ºÃ_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_¶ù_Å®_´©_´÷_¡£_Õâ_Ñù_Äã_ÃÇ_¾Í °Ñ_°£_¼°_ÈË_µÄ_²Æ_Îï_¶á_È¥_ÁË_¡£ # # But every woman shall borrow of her neighbour, and of her that # sojourneth in her house, jewels of silver, and jewels of gold, and # raiment: and ye shall put them upon your sons, and upon your # daughters; and ye shall spoil the Egyptians. # ## # chapter 4 EXO:4 # unit P EXO:4:1 Ħ_Î÷_»Ø_´ð_˵_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_±Ø_²»_ÐÅ_ÎÒ_£¬_Ò²_²»_Ìý_ÎÒ_µÄ_»°_£¬_±Ø_˵_£¬ Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_²¢_û_ÓÐ_Ïò_Äã_ÏÔ_ÏÖ_¡£ # # And Moses answered and said, But, behold, they will not believe me, # nor hearken unto my voice: for they will say, The LORD hath not # appeared unto thee. # # unit P EXO:4:2 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Äã_ÊÖ_Àï_ÊÇ_ʲ_ô_£¿_Ëû_˵_£¬_ÊÇ_ÕÈ_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto him, What is that in thine hand? And he said, # A rod. # # unit P EXO:4:3 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_˵_£¬_¶ª_ÔÚ_µØ_ÉÏ_¡£_Ëû_Ò»_¶ª_ÏÂ_È¥_£¬_¾Í_±ä_×÷_Éß_£¬_Ħ_Î÷ ±ã_ÅÜ_¿ª_¡£ # # And he said, Cast it on the ground. And he cast it on the ground, # and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from before it. # # unit P EXO:4:4 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Éì_³ö_ÊÖ_À´_£¬_ÄÃ_ס_Ëü_µÄ_β_°Í_£¬_Ëü_±Ø_ÔÚ Äã_ÊÖ_ÖÐ_ÈÔ_±ä_Ϊ_ÕÈ_£¬ # # And the LORD said unto Moses, Put forth thine hand, and take it by # the tail. And he put forth his hand, and caught it, and it became a # rod in his hand: # # unit P EXO:4:5 Èç_´Ë_ºÃ_½Ð_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÐÅ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëû_ÃÇ_×æ_×Ú_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º± µÄ_Éñ_£¬_ÒÔ_Èö_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_ÑÅ_¸÷_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_ÊÇ_Ïò_Äã_ÏÔ_ÏÖ_ÁË_¡£ # # That they may believe that the LORD God of their fathers, the God of # Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath appeared unto # thee. # # unit P EXO:4:6 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÓÖ_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_°Ñ_ÊÖ_·Å_ÔÚ_»³_Àï_¡£_Ëû_¾Í_°Ñ_ÊÖ_·Å_ÔÚ_»³_Àï £¬_¼°_ÖÁ_³é_³ö_À´_£¬_²»_ÁÏ_£¬_ÊÖ_³¤_ÁË_´ó_Âé_·è_£¬_ÓÐ_Ñ©_ÄÇ_Ñù_°×_¡£ # # And the LORD said furthermore unto him, Put now thine hand into thy # bosom. And he put his hand into his bosom: and when he took it out, # behold, his hand was leprous as snow. # # unit P EXO:4:7 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_˵_£¬_ÔÙ_°Ñ_ÊÖ_·Å_ÔÚ_»³_Àï_¡£_Ëû_¾Í_ÔÙ_°Ñ_ÊÖ_·Å_ÔÚ_»³_Àï_£¬ ¼°_ÖÁ_´Ó_»³_Àï_³é_³ö_À´_£¬_²»_ÁÏ_£¬_ÊÖ_ÒÑ_¾­_¸´_Ô­_£¬_Óë_ÖÜ_Éí_µÄ_Èâ Ò»_Ñù_£¬ # # And he said, Put thine hand into thy bosom again. And he put his # hand into his bosom again; and plucked it out of his bosom, and, # behold, it was turned again as his other flesh. # # unit P EXO:4:8 ÓÖ_˵_£¬_ÌÈ_»ò_Ëû_ÃÇ_²»_Ìý_Äã_µÄ_»°_£¬_Ò²_²»_ÐÅ_Í·_Ò»_¸ö_Éñ_¼£_£¬_Ëû ÃÇ_±Ø_ÐÅ_µÚ_¶þ_¸ö_Éñ_¼£_¡£ # # And it shall come to pass, if they will not believe thee, neither # hearken to the voice of the first sign, that they will believe the # voice of the latter sign. # # unit P EXO:4:9 Õâ_Á½_¸ö_Éñ_¼£_Èô_¶¼_²»_ÐÅ_£¬_Ò²_²»_Ìý_Äã_µÄ_»°_£¬_Äã_¾Í_´Ó_ºÓ_Àï_È¡ Щ_Ë®_£¬_µ¹_ÔÚ_ºµ_µØ_ÉÏ_£¬_Äã_´Ó_ºÓ_Àï_È¡_µÄ_Ë®_±Ø_ÔÚ_ºµ_µØ_ÉÏ_±ä_×÷ Ѫ_¡£ # # And it shall come to pass, if they will not believe also these two # signs, neither hearken unto thy voice, that thou shalt take of the # water of the river, and pour it upon the dry land: and the water # which thou takest out of the river shall become blood upon the dry # land. # # unit P EXO:4:10 Ħ_Î÷_¶Ô_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_˵_£¬_Ö÷_°¢_£¬_ÎÒ_ËØ_ÈÕ_²»_ÊÇ_ÄÜ_ÑÔ_µÄ_ÈË_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ ´Ó_Äã_¶Ô_ÆÍ_ÈË_˵_»°_ÒÔ_ºó_£¬_Ò²_ÊÇ_Õâ_Ñù_¡£_ÎÒ_±¾_ÊÇ_×¾_¿Ú_±¿_Éà_µÄ ¡£ # # And Moses said unto the LORD, O my LORD, I am not eloquent, neither # heretofore, nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant: but I am # slow of speech, and of a slow tongue. # # unit P EXO:4:11 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_Ë­_Ôì_ÈË_µÄ_¿Ú_ÄØ_£¿_Ë­_ʹ_ÈË_¿Ú_ÑÆ_£¬_¶ú_Áû_£¬ Ä¿_Ã÷_£¬_ÑÛ_Ϲ_ÄØ_£¿_Æñ_²»_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Âð_£¿ # # And the LORD said unto him, Who hath made man's mouth? or who maketh # the dumb, or deaf, or the seeing, or the blind? have not I the LORD? # # unit P EXO:4:12 ÏÖ_ÔÚ_È¥_°É_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_´Í_Äã_¿Ú_²Å_£¬_Ö¸_½Ì_Äã_Ëù_µ±_˵_µÄ_»°_¡£ # # Now therefore go, and I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what # thou shalt say. # # unit P EXO:4:13 Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Ö÷_°¢_£¬_Äã_Ô¸_Òâ_´ò_·¢_Ë­_£¬_¾Í_´ò_·¢_Ë­_È¥_°É_¡£ # # And he said, O my LORD, send, I pray thee, by the hand of him whom # thou wilt send. # # unit P EXO:4:14 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïò_Ħ_Î÷_·¢_Å­_˵_£¬_²»_ÊÇ_ÓÐ_Äã_µÄ_¸ç_¸ç_Àû_δ_ÈË_ÑÇ_Â×_Â𠣿_ÎÒ_Öª_µÀ_Ëû_ÊÇ_ÄÜ_ÑÔ_µÄ_£¬_ÏÖ_ÔÚ_Ëû_³ö_À´_Ó­_½Ó_Äã_£¬_Ëû_Ò»_¼û_Äã £¬_ÐÄ_Àï_¾Í_»¶_ϲ_¡£ # # And the anger of the LORD was kindled against Moses, and he said, Is # not Aaron the Levite thy brother? I know that he can speak well. And # also, behold, he cometh forth to meet thee: and when he seeth thee, # he will be glad in his heart. # # unit P EXO:4:15 Äã_Òª_½«_µ±_˵_µÄ_»°_´«_¸ø_Ëû_£¬_ÎÒ_Ò²_Òª_´Í_Äã_ºÍ_Ëû_¿Ú_²Å_£¬_ÓÖ_Òª Ö¸_½Ì_Äã_ÃÇ_Ëù_µ±_ÐÐ_µÄ_ÊÂ_¡£ # # And thou shalt speak unto him, and put words in his mouth: and I # will be with thy mouth, and with his mouth, and will teach you what # ye shall do. # # unit P EXO:4:16 Ëû_Òª_Ìæ_Äã_¶Ô_°Ù_ÐÕ_˵_»°_£¬_Äã_Òª_ÒÔ_Ëû_µ±_×÷_¿Ú_£¬_Ëû_Òª_ÒÔ_Äã_µ± ×÷_Éñ_¡£ # # And he shall be thy spokesman unto the people: and he shall be, even # he shall be to thee instead of a mouth, and thou shalt be to him # instead of God. # # unit P EXO:4:17 Äã_ÊÖ_Àï_Òª_ÄÃ_Õâ_ÕÈ_£¬_ºÃ_ÐÐ_Éñ_¼£_¡£ # # And thou shalt take this rod in thine hand, wherewith thou shalt do # signs. # # unit P EXO:4:18 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_£¬_Ħ_Î÷_»Ø_µ½_Ëû_ÔÀ_¸¸_Ò¶_߯_ÂÞ_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_Çó_Äã_ÈÝ ÎÒ_»Ø_È¥_¼û_ÎÒ_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_µÄ_µÜ_ÐÖ_£¬_¿´_Ëû_ÃÇ_»¹_ÔÚ_²»_ÔÚ_¡£_Ò¶_߯_ÂÞ ¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Äã_¿É_ÒÔ_ƽ_ƽ_°²_°²_µØ_È¥_°É_¡£ # # And Moses went and returned to Jethro his father in law, and said # unto him, Let me go, I pray thee, and return unto my brethren which # are in Egypt, and see whether they be yet alive. And Jethro said to # Moses, Go in peace. # # unit P EXO:4:19 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÔÚ_Ã×_µé_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Äã_Òª_»Ø_°£_¼°_È¥_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ñ°_Ë÷_Äã Ãü_µÄ_ÈË_¶¼_ËÀ_ÁË_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto Moses in Midian, Go, return into Egypt: for # all the men are dead which sought thy life. # # unit P EXO:4:20 Ħ_Î÷_¾Í_´ø_×Å_ÆÞ_×Ó_ºÍ_Á½_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_½Ð_Ëû_ÃÇ_Æï_ÉÏ_¿_£¬_»Ø_°£_¼° µØ_È¥_¡£_Ħ_Î÷_ÊÖ_Àï_ÄÃ_×Å_Éñ_µÄ_ÕÈ_¡£ # # And Moses took his wife and his sons, and set them upon an ass, and # he returned to the land of Egypt: and Moses took the rod of God in # his hand. # # unit P EXO:4:21 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Äã_»Ø_µ½_°£_¼°_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Òª_Áô_Òâ_½«_ÎÒ_Ö¸ ʾ_Äã_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Ææ_ÊÂ_ÐÐ_ÔÚ_·¨_ÀÏ_Ãæ_Ç°_¡£_µ«_ÎÒ_Òª_ʹ_£¨_»ò_×÷_ÈÎ_ƾ ÏÂ_ͬ_£©_Ëû_µÄ_ÐÄ_¸Õ_Ó²_£¬_Ëû_±Ø_²»_ÈÝ_°Ù_ÐÕ_È¥_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto Moses, When thou goest to return into Egypt, # see that thou do all those wonders before Pharaoh, which I have put # in thine hand: but I will harden his heart, that he shall not let # the people go. # # unit P EXO:4:22 Äã_Òª_¶Ô_·¨_ÀÏ_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Õâ_Ñù_˵_£¬_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_£¬ ÎÒ_µÄ_³¤_×Ó_¡£ # # And thou shalt say unto Pharaoh, Thus saith the LORD, Israel is my # son, even my firstborn: # # unit P EXO:4:23 ÎÒ_¶Ô_Äã_˵_¹ý_£¬_ÈÝ_ÎÒ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_È¥_£¬_ºÃ_ÊÂ_·î_ÎÒ_¡£_Äã_»¹_ÊÇ_²»_¿Ï ÈÝ_Ëû_È¥_¡£_¿´_ÄÄ_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_ɱ_Äã_µÄ_³¤_×Ó_¡£ # # And I say unto thee, Let my son go, that he may serve me: and if # thou refuse to let him go, behold, I will slay thy son, even thy # firstborn. # # unit P EXO:4:24 Ħ_Î÷_ÔÚ_·_ÉÏ_ס_ËÞ_µÄ_µØ_·½_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Óö_¼û_Ëû_£¬_Ïë_Òª_ɱ_Ëû_¡£ # # And it came to pass by the way in the inn, that the LORD met him, # and sought to kill him. # # unit P EXO:4:25 Î÷_ÆÂ_À­_¾Í_ÄÃ_Ò»_¿é_»ð_ʯ_£¬_¸î_ÏÂ_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_µÄ_Ñô_Ƥ_£¬_¶ª_ÔÚ_Ħ_Î÷ ½Å_Ç°_£¬_˵_£¬_Äã_Õæ_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_µÄ_Ѫ_ÀÉ_ÁË_¡£ # # Then Zipporah took a sharp stone, and cut off the foreskin of her # son, and cast it at his feet, and said, Surely a bloody husband art # thou to me. # # unit P EXO:4:26 Õâ_Ñù_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_²Å_·Å_ÁË_Ëû_¡£_Î÷_ÆÂ_À­_˵_£¬_Äã_Òò_¸î_Àñ_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ѫ ÀÉ_ÁË_¡£ # # So he let him go: then she said, A bloody husband thou art, because # of the circumcision. # # unit P EXO:4:27 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_ÑÇ_Â×_˵_£¬_Äã_Íù_¿õ_Ò°_È¥_Ó­_½Ó_Ħ_Î÷_¡£_Ëû_¾Í_È¥_£¬_ÔÚ Éñ_µÄ_ɽ_Óö_¼û_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ºÍ_Ëû_Ç×_×ì_¡£ # # And the LORD said to Aaron, Go into the wilderness to meet Moses. # And he went, and met him in the mount of God, and kissed him. # # unit P EXO:4:28 Ħ_Î÷_½«_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_´ò_·¢_Ëû_Ëù_˵_µÄ_ÑÔ_Óï_ºÍ_Öö_¸À_Ëû_Ëù_ÐÐ_µÄ_Éñ_¼£ ¶¼_¸æ_Ëß_ÁË_ÑÇ_Â×_¡£ # # And Moses told Aaron all the words of the LORD who had sent him, and # all the signs which he had commanded him. # # unit P EXO:4:29 Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_¾Í_È¥_ÕÐ_¾Û_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_µÄ_ÖÚ_³¤_ÀÏ_¡£ # # And Moses and Aaron went and gathered together all the elders of the # children of Israel: # # unit P EXO:4:30 ÑÇ_Â×_½«_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_Ëù_˵_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_»°_Êö_˵_ÁË_Ò»_±é_£¬_ÓÖ_ÔÚ °Ù_ÐÕ_ÑÛ_Ç°_ÐÐ_ÁË_ÄÇ_Щ_Éñ_¼£_£¬ # # And Aaron spake all the words which the LORD had spoken unto Moses, # and did the signs in the sight of the people. # # unit P EXO:4:31 °Ù_ÐÕ_¾Í_ÐÅ_ÁË_¡£_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Ìý_¼û_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¾ì_¹Ë_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_¼ø_²ì_Ëû ÃÇ_µÄ_À§_¿à_£¬_¾Í_µÍ_Í·_ÏÂ_°Ý_¡£ # # And the people believed: and when they heard that the LORD had # visited the children of Israel, and that he had looked upon their # affliction, then they bowed their heads and worshipped. # ## # chapter 5 EXO:5 # unit P EXO:5:1 ºó_À´_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_È¥_¶Ô_·¨_ÀÏ_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_µÄ_Éñ_Õâ_Ñù ˵_£¬_ÈÝ_ÎÒ_µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_È¥_£¬_ÔÚ_¿õ_Ò°_Ïò_ÎÒ_ÊØ_½Ú_¡£ # # And afterward Moses and Aaron went in, and told Pharaoh, Thus saith # the LORD God of Israel, Let my people go, that they may hold a feast # unto me in the wilderness. # # unit P EXO:5:2 ·¨_ÀÏ_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÊÇ_Ë­_£¬_ʹ_ÎÒ_Ìý_Ëû_µÄ_»°_£¬_ÈÝ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_È¥ ÄØ_£¿_ÎÒ_²»_ÈÏ_ʶ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_Ò²_²»_ÈÝ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_È¥_¡£ # # And Pharaoh said, Who is the LORD, that I should obey his voice to # let Israel go? I know not the LORD, neither will I let Israel go. # # unit P EXO:5:3 Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Ï£_²®_À´_ÈË_µÄ_Éñ_Óö_¼û_ÁË_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¡£_Çó_Äã_ÈÝ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Íù_¿õ Ò°_È¥_£¬_×ß_Èý_Ìì_µÄ_·_³Ì_£¬_¼À_ìë_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_Ëû ÓÃ_ÎÁ_Òß_£¬_µ¶_±ø_¹¥_»÷_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¡£ # # And they said, The God of the Hebrews hath met with us: let us go, # we pray thee, three days' journey into the desert, and sacrifice # unto the LORD our God; lest he fall upon us with pestilence, or with # the sword. # # unit P EXO:5:4 °£_¼°_Íõ_¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Ϊ_ʲ_ô_½Ð_°Ù_ÐÕ_¿õ ¹¤_ÄØ_£¿_Äã_ÃÇ_È¥_µ£_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_µ£_×Ó_°É_¡£ # # And the king of Egypt said unto them, Wherefore do ye, Moses and # Aaron, let the people from their works? get you unto your burdens. # # unit P EXO:5:5 ÓÖ_˵_£¬_¿´_ÄÄ_£¬_Õâ_µØ_µÄ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Èç_½ñ_ÖÚ_¶à_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¾¹_½Ð_Ëû ÃÇ_Ъ_ÏÂ_µ£_×Ó_¡£ # # And Pharaoh said, Behold, the people of the land now are many, and # ye make them rest from their burdens. # # unit P EXO:5:6 µ±_Ìì_£¬_·¨_ÀÏ_·Ô_¸À_¶½_¹¤_µÄ_ºÍ_¹Ù_³¤_˵_£¬ # # And Pharaoh commanded the same day the taskmasters of the people, # and their officers, saying, # # unit P EXO:5:7 Äã_ÃÇ_²»_¿É_ÕÕ_³£_°Ñ_²Ý_¸ø_°Ù_ÐÕ_×÷_ש_£¬_½Ð_Ëû_ÃÇ_×Ô_¼º_È¥_¼ñ_²Ý_¡£ # # Ye shall no more give the people straw to make brick, as heretofore: # let them go and gather straw for themselves. # # unit P EXO:5:8 Ëû_ÃÇ_ËØ_³£_×÷_ש_µÄ_Êý_Ä¿_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_ÈÔ_¾É_Ïò_Ëû_ÃÇ_Òª_£¬_Ò»_µã_²»_¿É ¼õ_ÉÙ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÊÇ_ÀÁ_¶è_µÄ_£¬_Ëù_ÒÔ_ºô_Çó_˵_£¬_ÈÝ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_È¥_¼À ìë_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # And the tale of the bricks, which they did make heretofore, ye shall # lay upon them; ye shall not diminish ought thereof: for they be # idle; therefore they cry, saying, Let us go and sacrifice to our # God. # # unit P EXO:5:9 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_°Ñ_¸ü_ÖØ_µÄ_¹¤_·ò_¼Ó_ÔÚ_Õâ_Щ_ÈË_Éí_ÉÏ_£¬_½Ð_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÀÍ_µ_£¬ ²»_Ìý_Ðé_»Ñ_µÄ_ÑÔ_Óï_¡£ # # Let there more work be laid upon the men, that they may labour # therein; and let them not regard vain words. # # unit P EXO:5:10 ¶½_¹¤_µÄ_ºÍ_¹Ù_³¤_³ö_À´_¶Ô_°Ù_ÐÕ_˵_£¬_·¨_ÀÏ_Õâ_Ñù_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_²»_¸ø_Äã ÃÇ_²Ý_¡£ # # And the taskmasters of the people went out, and their officers, and # they spake to the people, saying, Thus saith Pharaoh, I will not # give you straw. # # unit P EXO:5:11 Äã_ÃÇ_×Ô_¼º_ÔÚ_ÄÄ_Àï_ÄÜ_ÕÒ_²Ý_£¬_¾Í_Íù_ÄÄ_Àï_È¥_ÕÒ_°É_£¬_µ«_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ ¹¤_Ò»_µã_²»_¿É_¼õ_ÉÙ_¡£ # # Go ye, get you straw where ye can find it: yet not ought of your # work shall be diminished. # # unit P EXO:5:12 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_°Ù_ÐÕ_É¢_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_±é_µØ_£¬_¼ñ_Ëé_½Õ_µ±_×÷_²Ý_¡£ # # So the people were scattered abroad throughout all the land of Egypt # to gather stubble instead of straw. # # unit P EXO:5:13 ¶½_¹¤_µÄ_´ß_×Å_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Ò»_Ìì_µ±_Íê_Ò»_Ìì_µÄ_¹¤_£¬_Óë_ÏÈ_Ç°_ÓÐ_²Ý Ò»_Ñù_¡£ # # And the taskmasters hasted them, saying, Fulfil your works, your # daily tasks, as when there was straw. # # unit P EXO:5:14 ·¨_ÀÏ_¶½_¹¤_µÄ_£¬_Ôð_´ò_Ëû_Ëù_ÅÉ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_µÄ_¹Ù_³¤_£¬_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ ×ò_Ìì_½ñ_Ìì_Ϊ_ʲ_ô_û_ÓÐ_ÕÕ_Ïò_À´_µÄ_Êý_Ä¿_×÷_ש_£¬_Íê_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_¹¤ ×÷_ÄØ_£¿ # # And the officers of the children of Israel, which Pharaoh's # taskmasters had set over them, were beaten, and demanded, Wherefore # have ye not fulfilled your task in making brick both yesterday and # to day, as heretofore? # # unit P EXO:5:15 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_µÄ_¹Ù_³¤_¾Í_À´_°§_Çó_·¨_ÀÏ_˵_£¬_Ϊ_ʲ_ô_Õâ_Ñù_´ý_Äã_µÄ ÆÍ_ÈË_£¿ # # Then the officers of the children of Israel came and cried unto # Pharaoh, saying, Wherefore dealest thou thus with thy servants? # # unit P EXO:5:16 ¶½_¹¤_µÄ_²»_°Ñ_²Ý_¸ø_ÆÍ_ÈË_£¬_²¢_ÇÒ_¶Ô_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_×÷_ש_°É_¡£_¿´_ÄÄ £¬_Äã_ÆÍ_ÈË_°¤_ÁË_´ò_£¬_Æä_ʵ_ÊÇ_Äã_°Ù_ÐÕ_µÄ_´í_¡£ # # There is no straw given unto thy servants, and they say to us, Make # brick: and, behold, thy servants are beaten; but the fault is in # thine own people. # # unit P EXO:5:17 µ«_·¨_ÀÏ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_ÊÇ_ÀÁ_¶è_µÄ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_ÊÇ_ÀÁ_¶è_µÄ_£¬_Ëù_ÒÔ_˵_£¬ ÈÝ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_È¥_¼À_ìë_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # But he said, Ye are idle, ye are idle: therefore ye say, Let us go # and do sacrifice to the LORD. # # unit P EXO:5:18 ÏÖ_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_È¥_×÷_¹¤_°É_£¬_²Ý_ÊÇ_²»_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_£¬_ש_È´_Òª_Èç_Êý_½» ÄÉ_¡£ # # Go therefore now, and work; for there shall no straw be given you, # yet shall ye deliver the tale of bricks. # # unit P EXO:5:19 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_µÄ_¹Ù_³¤_Ìý_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_ÿ_Ìì_×÷_ש_µÄ_¹¤_×÷_Ò»_µã_²»_¿É ¼õ_ÉÙ_£¬_¾Í_Öª_µÀ_ÊÇ_Ôâ_Óö_»ö_»¼_ÁË_¡£ # # And the officers of the children of Israel did see that they were in # evil case, after it was said, Ye shall not minish ought from your # bricks of your daily task. # # unit P EXO:5:20 Ëû_ÃÇ_Àë_ÁË_·¨_ÀÏ_³ö_À´_£¬_Õý_Óö_¼û_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_Õ¾_ÔÚ_¶Ô_Ãæ_£¬ # # And they met Moses and Aaron, who stood in the way, as they came # forth from Pharaoh: # # unit P EXO:5:21 ¾Í_Ïò_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Ô¸_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¼ø_²ì_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_Ê©_ÐÐ_ÅÐ_¶Ï_£¬_Òò_Äã_ÃÇ Ê¹_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_·¨_ÀÏ_ºÍ_Ëû_³¼_ÆÍ_Ãæ_Ç°_ÓÐ_ÁË_³ô_Ãû_£¬_°Ñ_µ¶_µÝ_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ ÊÖ_ÖÐ_ɱ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¡£ # # And they said unto them, The LORD look upon you, and judge; because # ye have made our savour to be abhorred in the eyes of Pharaoh, and # in the eyes of his servants, to put a sword in their hand to slay # us. # # unit P EXO:5:22 Ħ_Î÷_»Ø_µ½_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_˵_£¬_Ö÷_°¢_£¬_Äã_Ϊ_ʲ_ô_¿à_´ý_Õâ_°Ù ÐÕ_ÄØ_£¿_Ϊ_ʲ_ô_´ò_·¢_ÎÒ_È¥_ÄØ_£¿ # # And Moses returned unto the LORD, and said, LORD, wherefore hast # thou so evil entreated this people? why is it that thou hast sent # me? # # unit P EXO:5:23 ×Ô_´Ó_ÎÒ_È¥_¼û_·¨_ÀÏ_£¬_·î_Äã_µÄ_Ãû_˵_»°_£¬_Ëû_¾Í_¿à_´ý_Õâ_°Ù_ÐÕ_£¬ Äã_Ò»_µã_Ò²_û_ÓÐ_Õü_¾È_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£ # # For since I came to Pharaoh to speak in thy name, he hath done evil # to this people; neither hast thou delivered thy people at all. # ## # chapter 6 EXO:6 # unit P EXO:6:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_ÏÖ_ÔÚ_Äã_±Ø_¿´_¼û_ÎÒ_Ïò_·¨_ÀÏ_Ëù_ÐÐ_µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬ ʹ_Ëû_Òò_ÎÒ_´ó_ÄÜ_µÄ_ÊÖ_ÈÝ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_È¥_£¬_ÇÒ_°Ñ_Ëû_ÃÇ_¸Ï_³ö_Ëû_µÄ µØ_¡£ # # Then the LORD said unto Moses, Now shalt thou see what I will do to # Pharaoh: for with a strong hand shall he let them go, and with a # strong hand shall he drive them out of his land. # # unit P EXO:6:2 Éñ_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # And God spake unto Moses, and said unto him, I am the LORD: # # unit P EXO:6:3 ÎÒ_´Ó_Ç°_Ïò_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_£¬_ÒÔ_Èö_£¬_ÑÅ_¸÷_ÏÔ_ÏÖ_Ϊ_È«_ÄÜ_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_ÖÁ ÓÚ_ÎÒ_Ãû_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_δ_Ôø_Öª_µÀ_¡£ # # And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name # of God Almighty, but by my name JEHOVAH was I not known to them. # # unit P EXO:6:4 ÎÒ_Óë_Ëû_ÃÇ_¼á_¶¨_Ëù_Á¢_µÄ_Ô¼_£¬_Òª_°Ñ_Ëû_ÃÇ_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ_´Í_¸ø Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£ # # And I have also established my covenant with them, to give them the # land of Canaan, the land of their pilgrimage, wherein they were # strangers. # # unit P EXO:6:5 ÎÒ_Ò²_Ìý_¼û_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_±»_°£_¼°_ÈË_¿à_´ý_µÄ_°§_Éù_£¬_ÎÒ_Ò²_¼Ç_Äî_ÎÒ µÄ_Ô¼_¡£ # # And I have also heard the groaning of the children of Israel, whom # the Egyptians keep in bondage; and I have remembered my covenant. # # unit P EXO:6:6 Ëù_ÒÔ_Äã_Òª_¶Ô_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_ÓÃ_Éì_³ö_À´ µÄ_°ò_±Û_ÖØ_ÖØ_µØ_ÐÌ_·£_°£_¼°_ÈË_£¬_¾È_Êê_Äã_ÃÇ_ÍÑ_Àë_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÖØ_µ£ £¬_²»_×÷_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_¿à_¹¤_¡£ # # Wherefore say unto the children of Israel, I am the LORD, and I will # bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, and I will # rid you out of their bondage, and I will redeem you with a stretched # out arm, and with great judgments: # # unit P EXO:6:7 ÎÒ_Òª_ÒÔ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ϊ_ÎÒ_µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_£¬_ÎÒ_Ò²_Òª_×÷_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_¡£_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª Öª_µÀ_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_ÊÇ_¾È_Äã_ÃÇ_ÍÑ_Àë_°£_¼°_ÈË_Ö®_ÖØ µ£_µÄ_¡£ # # And I will take you to me for a people, and I will be to you a God: # and ye shall know that I am the LORD your God, which bringeth you # out from under the burdens of the Egyptians. # # unit P EXO:6:8 ÎÒ_Æð_ÊÄ_Ó¦_Ðí_¸ø_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_£¬_ÒÔ_Èö_£¬_ÑÅ_¸÷_µÄ_ÄÇ_µØ_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_°Ñ Äã_ÃÇ_Áì_½ø_È¥_£¬_½«_ÄÇ_µØ_´Í_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_Ϊ_Òµ_¡£_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # And I will bring you in unto the land, concerning the which I did # swear to give it to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob; and I will give # it you for an heritage: I am the LORD. # # unit P EXO:6:9 Ħ_Î÷_½«_Õâ_»°_¸æ_Ëß_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_£¬_Ö»_ÊÇ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Òò_¿à_¹¤_³î_·³_£¬_²» ¿Ï_Ìý_Ëû_µÄ_»°_¡£ # # And Moses spake so unto the children of Israel: but they hearkened # not unto Moses for anguish of spirit, and for cruel bondage. # # unit P EXO:6:10 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P EXO:6:11 Äã_½ø_È¥_¶Ô_°£_¼°_Íõ_·¨_ÀÏ_˵_£¬_Òª_ÈÝ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_³ö_Ëû_µÄ_µØ_¡£ # # Go in, speak unto Pharaoh king of Egypt, that he let the children of # Israel go out of his land. # # unit P EXO:6:12 Ħ_Î÷_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_˵_£¬_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÉÐ_ÇÒ_²»_Ìý_ÎÒ_µÄ_»°_£¬_·¨ ÀÏ_Ôõ_¿Ï_Ìý_ÎÒ_Õâ_×¾_¿Ú_±¿_Éà_µÄ_ÈË_ÄØ_£¿ # # And Moses spake before the LORD, saying, Behold, the children of # Israel have not hearkened unto me; how then shall Pharaoh hear me, # who am of uncircumcised lips? # # unit P EXO:6:13 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_Íù_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ºÍ_°£_¼°_Íõ_·¨_ÀÏ_ÄÇ_Àï È¥_£¬_°Ñ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_´Ó_°£_¼°_µØ_Áì_³ö_À´_¡£ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses and unto Aaron, and gave them a charge # unto the children of Israel, and unto Pharaoh king of Egypt, to # bring the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt. # # unit P EXO:6:14 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_¼Ò_³¤_µÄ_Ãû_×Ö_¼Ç_ÔÚ_ÏÂ_Ãæ_¡£_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_³¤_×Ó_Á÷_±ã_µÄ_¶ù ×Ó_ÊÇ_¹þ_ŵ_£¬_·¨_·_£¬_Ï£_˹_ÂØ_£¬_åÈ_Ã×_£¬_Õâ_ÊÇ_Á÷_±ã_µÄ_¸÷_¼Ò_¡£ # # These be the heads of their fathers' houses: The sons of Reuben the # firstborn of Israel; Hanoch, and Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi: these be # the families of Reuben. # # unit P EXO:6:15 Î÷_Ãå_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÊÇ_Ò®_ĸ_Àû_£¬_ÑÅ_Ãõ_£¬_°¢_Ͻ_£¬_ÑÅ_½ï_£¬_Ëö_Ͻ_£¬_ºÍ åÈ_ÄÏ_Å®_×Ó_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ɨ_ÂÞ_£¬_Õâ_ÊÇ_Î÷_Ãå_µÄ_¸÷_¼Ò_¡£ # # And the sons of Simeon; Jemuel, and Jamin, and Ohad, and Jachin, and # Zohar, and Shaul the son of a Canaanitish woman: these are the # families of Simeon. # # unit P EXO:6:16 Àû_δ_ÖÚ_×Ó_µÄ_Ãû_×Ö_°´_×Å_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_ºó_´ú_¼Ç_ÔÚ_ÏÂ_Ãæ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_¸ï_˳ £¬_¸ç_Ͻ_£¬_Ã×_À­_Àû_¡£_Àû_δ_Ò»_Éú_µÄ_Ëê_Êý_ÊÇ_Ò»_°Ù_Èý_Ê®_Æß_Ëê_¡£ # # And these are the names of the sons of Levi according to their # generations; Gershon, and Kohath, and Merari: and the years of the # life of Levi were an hundred thirty and seven years. # # unit P EXO:6:17 ¸ï_˳_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_°´_×Å_¼Ò_ÊÒ_ÊÇ_Á¢_Äá_£¬_ʾ_ÿ_¡£ # # The sons of Gershon; Libni, and Shimi, according to their families. # # unit P EXO:6:18 ¸ç_Ͻ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÊÇ_°µ_À¼_£¬_ÒÔ_˹_¹þ_£¬_Ï£_²®_Â×_£¬_ÎÚ_Ѧ_¡£_¸ç_Ͻ_Ò» Éú_µÄ_Ëê_Êý_ÊÇ_Ò»_°Ù_Èý_Ê®_Èý_Ëê_¡£ # # And the sons of Kohath; Amram, and Izhar, and Hebron, and Uzziel: # and the years of the life of Kohath were an hundred thirty and three # years. # # unit P EXO:6:19 Ã×_À­_Àû_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÊÇ_Ĩ_Àû_ºÍ_ĸ_ʾ_£¬_Õâ_ÊÇ_Àû_δ_µÄ_¼Ò_£¬_¶¼_°´_×Å Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_ºó_´ú_¡£ # # And the sons of Merari; Mahali and Mushi: these are the families of # Levi according to their generations. # # unit P EXO:6:20 °µ_À¼_È¢_ÁË_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_µÄ_ÃÃ_ÃÃ_Ô¼_»ù_±ð_Ϊ_ÆÞ_£¬_Ëý_¸ø_Ëû_Éú_ÁË_ÑÇ_Â× ºÍ_Ħ_Î÷_¡£_°µ_À¼_Ò»_Éú_µÄ_Ëê_Êý_ÊÇ_Ò»_°Ù_Èý_Ê®_Æß_Ëê_¡£ # # And Amram took him Jochebed his father's sister to wife; and she # bare him Aaron and Moses: and the years of the life of Amram were an # hundred and thirty and seven years. # # unit P EXO:6:21 ÒÔ_˹_¹þ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÊÇ_¿É_À­_£¬_Äá_ì³_£¬_ϸ_»ù_Àû_¡£ # # And the sons of Izhar; Korah, and Nepheg, and Zichri. # # unit P EXO:6:22 ÎÚ_Ѧ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÊÇ_Ã×_ɳ_Àû_£¬_ÒÔ_Àû_Èö_·´_£¬_Î÷_Ìá_Àû_¡£ # # And the sons of Uzziel; Mishael, and Elzaphan, and Zithri. # # unit P EXO:6:23 ÑÇ_Â×_È¢_ÁË_ÑÇ_Ã×_ÄÃ_´ï_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_£¬_ÄÃ_˳_µÄ_ÃÃ_ÃÃ_£¬_ÒÔ_Àû_ɳ_°Í_Ϊ ÆÞ_£¬_Ëý_¸ø_Ëû_Éú_ÁË_ÄÃ_´ð_£¬_ÑÇ_±È_»§_£¬_ÒÔ_Àû_ÑÇ_Èö_£¬_ÒÔ_Ëû_Âê_¡£ # # And Aaron took him Elisheba, daughter of Amminadab, sister of # Naashon, to wife; and she bare him Nadab, and Abihu, Eleazar, and # Ithamar. # # unit P EXO:6:24 ¿É_À­_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÊÇ_ÑÇ_ϧ_£¬_ÒÔ_Àû_¼Ó_ÄÃ_£¬_ÑÇ_±È_ÑÇ_Èö_£¬_Õâ_ÊÇ_¿É_À­ µÄ_¸÷_¼Ò_¡£ # # And the sons of Korah; Assir, and Elkanah, and Abiasaph: these are # the families of the Korhites. # # unit P EXO:6:25 ÑÇ_Â×_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_Àû_ÑÇ_Èö_È¢_ÁË_ÆÕ_Ìú_µÄ_Ò»_¸ö_Å®_¶ù_Ϊ_ÆÞ_£¬_Ëý_¸ø Ëû_Éú_ÁË_·Ç_Äá_¹þ_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_Àû_δ_ÈË_µÄ_¼Ò_³¤_£¬_¶¼_°´_×Å_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_¼Ò ¡£ # # And Eleazar Aaron's son took him one of the daughters of Putiel to # wife; and she bare him Phinehas: these are the heads of the fathers # of the Levites according to their families. # # unit P EXO:6:26 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_˵_£¬_½«_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_°´_×Å_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_¾ü_¶Ó_´Ó_°£_¼°_µØ_Áì_³ö À´_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_¶Ô_ÄÇ_ÑÇ_Â×_£¬_Ħ_Î÷_˵_µÄ_¡£ # # These are that Aaron and Moses, to whom the LORD said, Bring out the # children of Israel from the land of Egypt according to their armies. # # unit P EXO:6:27 ¶Ô_°£_¼°_Íõ_·¨_ÀÏ_˵_Òª_½«_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_´Ó_°£_¼°_Áì_³ö_À´_µÄ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ Õâ_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_¡£ # # These are they which spake to Pharaoh king of Egypt, to bring out # the children of Israel from Egypt: these are that Moses and Aaron. # # unit P EXO:6:28 µ±_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_µØ_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_»°_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_£¬ # # And it came to pass on the day when the LORD spake unto Moses in the # land of Egypt, # # unit P EXO:6:29 Ëû_Ïò_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_ÎÒ_¶Ô_Äã_˵_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_»°_£¬_Äã_¶¼ Òª_¸æ_Ëß_°£_¼°_Íõ_·¨_ÀÏ_¡£ # # That the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, I am the LORD: speak thou # unto Pharaoh king of Egypt all that I say unto thee. # # unit P EXO:6:30 Ħ_Î÷_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_˵_£¬_¿´_ÄÄ_£¬_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_×¾_¿Ú_±¿_Éà_µÄ_ÈË_£¬_·¨ ÀÏ_Ôõ_¿Ï_Ìý_ÎÒ_ÄØ_£¿ # # And Moses said before the LORD, Behold, I am of uncircumcised lips, # and how shall Pharaoh hearken unto me? # ## # chapter 7 EXO:7 # unit P EXO:7:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ʹ_Äã_ÔÚ_·¨_ÀÏ_Ãæ_Ç°_´ú_Ìæ_Éñ_£¬_Äã_µÄ_¸ç ¸ç_ÑÇ_Â×_ÊÇ_Ìæ_Äã_˵_»°_µÄ_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto Moses, See, I have made thee a god to # Pharaoh: and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet. # # unit P EXO:7:2 ·²_ÎÒ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Äã_µÄ_£¬_Äã_¶¼_Òª_˵_¡£_Äã_µÄ_¸ç_¸ç_ÑÇ_Â×_Òª_¶Ô_·¨_ÀÏ Ëµ_£¬_ÈÝ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_³ö_Ëû_µÄ_µØ_¡£ # # Thou shalt speak all that I command thee: and Aaron thy brother # shall speak unto Pharaoh, that he send the children of Israel out of # his land. # # unit P EXO:7:3 ÎÒ_Òª_ʹ_·¨_ÀÏ_µÄ_ÐÄ_¸Õ_Ó²_£¬_Ò²_Òª_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_µØ_¶à_ÐÐ_Éñ_¼£_Ææ_ÊÂ_¡£ # # And I will harden Pharaoh's heart, and multiply my signs and my # wonders in the land of Egypt. # # unit P EXO:7:4 µ«_·¨_ÀÏ_±Ø_²»_Ìý_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_Éì_ÊÖ_ÖØ_ÖØ_µØ_ÐÌ_·£_°£_¼°_£¬_½«_ÎÒ µÄ_¾ü_¶Ó_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_Ãñ_´Ó_°£_¼°_µØ_Áì_³ö_À´_¡£ # # But Pharaoh shall not hearken unto you, that I may lay my hand upon # Egypt, and bring forth mine armies, and my people the children of # Israel, out of the land of Egypt by great judgments. # # unit P EXO:7:5 ÎÒ_Éì_ÊÖ_¹¥_»÷_°£_¼°_£¬_½«_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_´Ó_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_Áì_³ö_À´_µÄ_ʱ ºò_£¬_°£_¼°_ÈË_¾Í_Òª_Öª_µÀ_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # And the Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD, when I stretch # forth mine hand upon Egypt, and bring out the children of Israel # from among them. # # unit P EXO:7:6 Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_Õâ_Ñù_ÐÐ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ôõ_Ñù_·Ô_¸À_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_ÕÕ Ñù_ÐÐ_ÁË_¡£ # # And Moses and Aaron did as the LORD commanded them, so did they. # # unit P EXO:7:7 Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_Óë_·¨_ÀÏ_˵_»°_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Ħ_Î÷_°Ë_Ê®_Ëê_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_°Ë Ê®_Èý_Ëê_¡£ # # And Moses was fourscore years old, and Aaron fourscore and three # years old, when they spake unto Pharaoh. # # unit P EXO:7:8 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses and unto Aaron, saying, # # unit P EXO:7:9 ·¨_ÀÏ_Èô_¶Ô_Äã_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_ÐÐ_¼þ_Ææ_ÊÂ_°É_¡£_Äã_¾Í_·Ô_¸À_ÑÇ_Â×_˵ £¬_°Ñ_ÕÈ_¶ª_ÔÚ_·¨_ÀÏ_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_ʹ_ÕÈ_±ä_×÷_Éß_¡£ # # When Pharaoh shall speak unto you, saying, Shew a miracle for you: # then thou shalt say unto Aaron, Take thy rod, and cast it before # Pharaoh, and it shall become a serpent. # # unit P EXO:7:10 Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_½ø_È¥_¼û_·¨_ÀÏ_£¬_¾Í_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_ÐÐ_¡£_ÑÇ Â×_°Ñ_ÕÈ_¶ª_ÔÚ_·¨_ÀÏ_ºÍ_³¼_ÆÍ_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_ÕÈ_¾Í_±ä_×÷_Éß_¡£ # # And Moses and Aaron went in unto Pharaoh, and they did so as the # LORD had commanded: and Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh, and # before his servants, and it became a serpent. # # unit P EXO:7:11 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_·¨_ÀÏ_ÕÙ_ÁË_²©_Ê¿_ºÍ_Êõ_Ê¿_À´_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÊÇ_°£_¼°_ÐÐ_·¨_Êõ_µÄ_£¬ Ò²_ÓÃ_а_Êõ_ÕÕ_Ñù_¶ø_ÐÐ_¡£ # # Then Pharaoh also called the wise men and the sorcerers: now the # magicians of Egypt, they also did in like manner with their # enchantments. # # unit P EXO:7:12 Ëû_ÃÇ_¸÷_ÈË_¶ª_ÏÂ_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_ÕÈ_£¬_ÕÈ_¾Í_±ä_×÷_Éß_£¬_µ«_ÑÇ_Â×_µÄ_ÕÈ_ÍÌ ÁË_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÕÈ_¡£ # # For they cast down every man his rod, and they became serpents: but # Aaron's rod swallowed up their rods. # # unit P EXO:7:13 ·¨_ÀÏ_ÐÄ_Àï_¸Õ_Ó²_£¬_²»_¿Ï_Ìý_´Ó_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_£¬_Õý_Èç_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù ˵_µÄ_¡£ # # And he hardened Pharaoh's heart, that he hearkened not unto them; as # the LORD had said. # # unit P EXO:7:14 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_·¨_ÀÏ_ÐÄ_Àï_¹Ì_Ö´_£¬_²»_¿Ï_ÈÝ_°Ù_ÐÕ_È¥_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto Moses, Pharaoh's heart is hardened, he # refuseth to let the people go. # # unit P EXO:7:15 Ã÷_ÈÕ_Ôç_³¿_£¬_Ëû_³ö_À´_Íù_Ë®_±ß_È¥_£¬_Äã_Òª_Íù_ºÓ_±ß_Ó­_½Ó_Ëû_£¬_ÊÖ Àï_Òª_ÄÃ_×Å_ÄÇ_±ä_¹ý_Éß_µÄ_ÕÈ_£¬ # # Get thee unto Pharaoh in the morning; lo, he goeth out unto the # water; and thou shalt stand by the river's brink against he come; # and the rod which was turned to a serpent shalt thou take in thine # hand. # # unit P EXO:7:16 ¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ï£_²®_À´_ÈË_µÄ_Éñ_´ò_·¢_ÎÒ_À´_¼û_Äã_£¬_˵_£¬_ÈÝ ÎÒ_µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_È¥_£¬_ºÃ_ÔÚ_¿õ_Ò°_ÊÂ_·î_ÎÒ_¡£_µ½_Èç_½ñ_Äã_»¹_ÊÇ_²»_Ìý_¡£ # # And thou shalt say unto him, The LORD God of the Hebrews hath sent # me unto thee, saying, Let my people go, that they may serve me in # the wilderness: and, behold, hitherto thou wouldest not hear. # # unit P EXO:7:17 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Õâ_Ñù_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_ÓÃ_ÎÒ_ÊÖ_Àï_µÄ_ÕÈ_»÷_´ò_ºÓ_ÖÐ_µÄ_Ë®_£¬_Ë® ¾Í_±ä_×÷_Ѫ_£¬_Òò_´Ë_£¬_Äã_±Ø_Öª_µÀ_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # Thus saith the LORD, In this thou shalt know that I am the LORD: # behold, I will smite with the rod that is in mine hand upon the # waters which are in the river, and they shall be turned to blood. # # unit P EXO:7:18 ºÓ_Àï_µÄ_Óã_±Ø_ËÀ_£¬_ºÓ_Ò²_Òª_ÐÈ_³ô_£¬_°£_¼°_ÈË_¾Í_Òª_Ñá_¶ñ_³Ô_Õâ_ºÓ Àï_µÄ_Ë®_¡£ # # And the fish that is in the river shall die, and the river shall # stink; and the Egyptians shall lothe to drink of the water of the # river. # # unit P EXO:7:19 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Äã_¶Ô_ÑÇ_Â×_˵_£¬_°Ñ_Äã_µÄ_ÕÈ_Éì_ÔÚ_°£_¼° Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_Ë®_ÒÔ_ÉÏ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_½­_£¬_ºÓ_£¬_³Ø_£¬_ÌÁ_ÒÔ_ÉÏ_£¬ ½Ð_Ë®_¶¼_±ä_×÷_Ѫ_¡£_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_±é_µØ_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÔÚ_ľ_Æ÷_ÖÐ_£¬_ʯ_Æ÷_ÖÐ £¬_¶¼_±Ø_ÓÐ_Ѫ_¡£ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, Say unto Aaron, Take thy rod, and # stretch out thine hand upon the waters of Egypt, upon their streams, # upon their rivers, and upon their ponds, and upon all their pools of # water, that they may become blood; and that there may be blood # throughout all the land of Egypt, both in vessels of wood, and in # vessels of stone. # # unit P EXO:7:20 Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_¾Í_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_ÐÐ_¡£_ÑÇ_Â×_ÔÚ_·¨_ÀÏ_ºÍ_³¼ ÆÍ_ÑÛ_Ç°_¾Ù_ÕÈ_»÷_´ò_ºÓ_Àï_µÄ_Ë®_£¬_ºÓ_Àï_µÄ_Ë®_¶¼_±ä_×÷_Ѫ_ÁË_¡£ # # And Moses and Aaron did so, as the LORD commanded; and he lifted up # the rod, and smote the waters that were in the river, in the sight # of Pharaoh, and in the sight of his servants; and all the waters # that were in the river were turned to blood. # # unit P EXO:7:21 ºÓ_Àï_µÄ_Óã_ËÀ_ÁË_£¬_ºÓ_Ò²_ÐÈ_³ô_ÁË_£¬_°£_¼°_ÈË_¾Í_²»_ÄÜ_³Ô_Õâ_ºÓ_Àï µÄ_Ë®_£¬_°£_¼°_±é_µØ_¶¼_ÓÐ_ÁË_Ѫ_¡£ # # And the fish that was in the river died; and the river stank, and # the Egyptians could not drink of the water of the river; and there # was blood throughout all the land of Egypt. # # unit P EXO:7:22 °£_¼°_ÐÐ_·¨_Êõ_µÄ_£¬_Ò²_ÓÃ_а_Êõ_ÕÕ_Ñù_¶ø_ÐÐ_¡£_·¨_ÀÏ_ÐÄ_Àï_¸Õ_Ó²_£¬ ²»_¿Ï_Ìý_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_£¬_Õý_Èç_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_˵_µÄ_¡£ # # And the magicians of Egypt did so with their enchantments: and # Pharaoh's heart was hardened, neither did he hearken unto them; as # the LORD had said. # # unit P EXO:7:23 ·¨_ÀÏ_ת_Éí_½ø_¹¬_£¬_Ò²_²»_°Ñ_Õâ_ÊÂ_·Å_ÔÚ_ÐÄ_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And Pharaoh turned and went into his house, neither did he set his # heart to this also. # # unit P EXO:7:24 °£_¼°_ÈË_¶¼_ÔÚ_ºÓ_µÄ_Á½_±ß_ÍÚ_µØ_£¬_Òª_µÃ_Ë®_ºÈ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_ÃÇ_²»_ÄÜ ºÈ_Õâ_ºÓ_Àï_µÄ_Ë®_¡£ # # And all the Egyptians digged round about the river for water to # drink; for they could not drink of the water of the river. # # unit P EXO:7:25 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_»÷_´ò_ºÓ_ÒÔ_ºó_Âú_ÁË_Æß_Ìì_¡£ # # And seven days were fulfilled, after that the LORD had smitten the # river. # ## # chapter 8 EXO:8 # unit P EXO:8:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Äã_½ø_È¥_¼û_·¨_ÀÏ_£¬_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª Õâ_Ñù_˵_£¬_ÈÝ_ÎÒ_µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_È¥_£¬_ºÃ_ÊÂ_·î_ÎÒ_¡£ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, Go unto Pharaoh, and say unto him, # Thus saith the LORD, Let my people go, that they may serve me. # # unit P EXO:8:2 Äã_Èô_²»_¿Ï_ÈÝ_Ëû_ÃÇ_È¥_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_ʹ_Çà_ÍÜ_Ôã_Ì£_Äã_µÄ_ËÄ_¾³_¡£ # # And if thou refuse to let them go, behold, I will smite all thy # borders with frogs: # # unit P EXO:8:3 ºÓ_Àï_Òª_×Ì_Éú_Çà_ÍÜ_£¬_Õâ_Çà_ÍÜ_Òª_ÉÏ_À´_½ø_Äã_µÄ_¹¬_µî_ºÍ_Äã_µÄ_ÎÔ ·¿_£¬_ÉÏ_Äã_µÄ_´²_é½_£¬_½ø_Äã_³¼_ÆÍ_µÄ_·¿_ÎÝ_£¬_ÉÏ_Äã_°Ù_ÐÕ_µÄ_Éí_ÉÏ £¬_½ø_Äã_µÄ_¯_Ôî_ºÍ_Äã_µÄ_ÞÒ_Ãæ_Åè_£¬ # # And the river shall bring forth frogs abundantly, which shall go up # and come into thine house, and into thy bedchamber, and upon thy # bed, and into the house of thy servants, and upon thy people, and # into thine ovens, and into thy kneadingtroughs: # # unit P EXO:8:4 ÓÖ_Òª_ÉÏ_Äã_ºÍ_Äã_°Ù_ÐÕ_²¢_Äã_ÖÚ_³¼_ÆÍ_µÄ_Éí_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And the frogs shall come up both on thee, and upon thy people, and # upon all thy servants. # # unit P EXO:8:5 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Äã_¶Ô_ÑÇ_Â×_˵_£¬_°Ñ_Äã_µÄ_ÕÈ_Éì_ÔÚ_½­_£¬ ºÓ_£¬_³Ø_ÒÔ_ÉÏ_£¬_ʹ_Çà_ÍÜ_µ½_°£_¼°_µØ_ÉÏ_À´_¡£ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, Say unto Aaron, Stretch forth thine # hand with thy rod over the streams, over the rivers, and over the # ponds, and cause frogs to come up upon the land of Egypt. # # unit P EXO:8:6 ÑÇ_Â×_±ã_Éì_ÕÈ_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_µÄ_Öî_Ë®_ÒÔ_ÉÏ_£¬_Çà_ÍÜ_¾Í_ÉÏ_À´_£¬_ÕÚ_Âú_ÁË °£_¼°_µØ_¡£ # # And Aaron stretched out his hand over the waters of Egypt; and the # frogs came up, and covered the land of Egypt. # # unit P EXO:8:7 ÐÐ_·¨_Êõ_µÄ_Ò²_ÓÃ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_а_Êõ_ÕÕ_Ñù_¶ø_ÐÐ_£¬_½Ð_Çà_ÍÜ_ÉÏ_ÁË_°£_¼° µØ_¡£ # # And the magicians did so with their enchantments, and brought up # frogs upon the land of Egypt. # # unit P EXO:8:8 ·¨_ÀÏ_ÕÙ_ÁË_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_À´_£¬_˵_£¬_Çë_Äã_ÃÇ_Çó_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ʹ_Õâ_Çà ÍÜ_Àë_¿ª_ÎÒ_ºÍ_ÎÒ_µÄ_Ãñ_£¬_ÎÒ_¾Í_ÈÝ_°Ù_ÐÕ_È¥_¼À_ìë_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # Then Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron, and said, Intreat the LORD, # that he may take away the frogs from me, and from my people; and I # will let the people go, that they may do sacrifice unto the LORD. # # unit P EXO:8:9 Ħ_Î÷_¶Ô_·¨_ÀÏ_˵_£¬_ÈÎ_ƾ_Äã_°É_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_ºÎ_ʱ_Ϊ_Äã_ºÍ_Äã_µÄ_³¼_ÆÍ ²¢_Äã_µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_Æí_Çó_£¬_³ý_Ãð_Çà_ÍÜ_Àë_¿ª_Äã_ºÍ_Äã_µÄ_¹¬_µî_Ö»_Áô_ÔÚ ºÓ_Àï_ÄØ_£¿ # # And Moses said unto Pharaoh, Glory over me: when shall I intreat for # thee, and for thy servants, and for thy people, to destroy the frogs # from thee and thy houses, that they may remain in the river only? # # unit P EXO:8:10 Ëû_˵_£¬_Ã÷_Ìì_¡£_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_¿É_ÒÔ_ÕÕ_Äã_µÄ_»°_°É_£¬_ºÃ_½Ð_Äã_Öª_µÀ û_ÓÐ_Ïñ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Éñ_µÄ_¡£ # # And he said, To morrow. And he said, Be it according to thy word: # that thou mayest know that there is none like unto the LORD our God. # # unit P EXO:8:11 Çà_ÍÜ_Òª_Àë_¿ª_Äã_ºÍ_Äã_µÄ_¹¬_µî_£¬_²¢_Äã_µÄ_³¼_ÆÍ_Óë_Äã_µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_£¬ Ö»_Áô_ÔÚ_ºÓ_Àï_¡£ # # And the frogs shall depart from thee, and from thy houses, and from # thy servants, and from thy people; they shall remain in the river # only. # # unit P EXO:8:12 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_Àë_¿ª_·¨_ÀÏ_³ö_È¥_¡£_Ħ_Î÷_Ϊ_ÈÅ_º¦_·¨_ÀÏ_µÄ_Çà ÍÜ_ºô_Çó_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # And Moses and Aaron went out from Pharaoh: and Moses cried unto the # LORD because of the frogs which he had brought against Pharaoh. # # unit P EXO:8:13 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¾Í_ÕÕ_Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_»°_ÐÐ_¡£_·²_ÔÚ_·¿_Àï_£¬_Ôº_ÖÐ_£¬_Ìï_¼ä_µÄ_Çà ÍÜ_¶¼_ËÀ_ÁË_¡£ # # And the LORD did according to the word of Moses; and the frogs died # out of the houses, out of the villages, and out of the fields. # # unit P EXO:8:14 ÖÚ_ÈË_°Ñ_Çà_ÍÜ_¾Û_£_³É_¶Ñ_£¬_±é_µØ_¾Í_¶¼_ÐÈ_³ô_¡£ # # And they gathered them together upon heaps: and the land stank. # # unit P EXO:8:15 µ«_·¨_ÀÏ_¼û_ÔÖ_»ö_ËÉ_»º_£¬_¾Í_Ó²_×Å_ÐÄ_£¬_²»_¿Ï_Ìý_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_Õý_Èç_Ò® ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_˵_µÄ_¡£ # # But when Pharaoh saw that there was respite, he hardened his heart, # and hearkened not unto them; as the LORD had said. # # unit P EXO:8:16 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Äã_¶Ô_ÑÇ_Â×_˵_£¬_Éì_³ö_Äã_µÄ_ÕÈ_»÷_´ò_µØ ÉÏ_µÄ_³¾_ÍÁ_£¬_ʹ_³¾_ÍÁ_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_±é_µØ_±ä_×÷_Ê­_×Ó_£¨_»ò_×÷_ò´_Ôé_Ï ͬ_£©_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto Moses, Say unto Aaron, Stretch out thy rod, # and smite the dust of the land, that it may become lice throughout # all the land of Egypt. # # unit P EXO:8:17 Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_Õâ_Ñù_ÐÐ_¡£_ÑÇ_Â×_Éì_ÕÈ_»÷_´ò_µØ_ÉÏ_µÄ_³¾_ÍÁ_£¬_¾Í_ÔÚ_ÈË_Éí ÉÏ_ºÍ_Éü_Ðó_Éí_ÉÏ_ÓÐ_ÁË_Ê­_×Ó_£¬_°£_¼°_±é_µØ_µÄ_³¾_ÍÁ_¶¼_±ä_³É_Ê­_×Ó ÁË_¡£ # # And they did so; for Aaron stretched out his hand with his rod, and # smote the dust of the earth, and it became lice in man, and in # beast; all the dust of the land became lice throughout all the land # of Egypt. # # unit P EXO:8:18 ÐÐ_·¨_Êõ_µÄ_Ò²_ÓÃ_а_Êõ_Òª_Éú_³ö_Ê­_×Ó_À´_£¬_È´_ÊÇ_²»_ÄÜ_¡£_ÓÚ_ÊÇ_ÔÚ ÈË_Éí_ÉÏ_ºÍ_Éü_Ðó_Éí_ÉÏ_¶¼_ÓÐ_ÁË_Ê­_×Ó_¡£ # # And the magicians did so with their enchantments to bring forth # lice, but they could not: so there were lice upon man, and upon # beast. # # unit P EXO:8:19 ÐÐ_·¨_Êõ_µÄ_¾Í_¶Ô_·¨_ÀÏ_˵_£¬_Õâ_ÊÇ_Éñ_µÄ_ÊÖ_¶Î_¡£_·¨_ÀÏ_ÐÄ_Àï_¸Õ_Ó² £¬_²»_¿Ï_Ìý_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_£¬_Õý_Èç_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_˵_µÄ_¡£ # # Then the magicians said unto Pharaoh, This is the finger of God: and # Pharaoh's heart was hardened, and he hearkened not unto them; as the # LORD had said. # # unit P EXO:8:20 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Äã_Çå_Ôç_Æð_À´_£¬_·¨_ÀÏ_À´_µ½_Ë®_±ß_£¬_Äã_Õ¾ ÔÚ_Ëû_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Õâ_Ñù_˵_£¬_ÈÝ_ÎÒ_µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_È¥_£¬ ºÃ_ÊÂ_·î_ÎÒ_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto Moses, Rise up early in the morning, and # stand before Pharaoh; lo, he cometh forth to the water; and say unto # him, Thus saith the LORD, Let my people go, that they may serve me. # # unit P EXO:8:21 Äã_Èô_²»_ÈÝ_ÎÒ_µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_È¥_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_½Ð_³É_Ⱥ_µÄ_²Ô_Ó¬_µ½_Äã_ºÍ_Äã_³¼ ÆÍ_²¢_Äã_°Ù_ÐÕ_µÄ_Éí_ÉÏ_£¬_½ø_Äã_µÄ_·¿_ÎÝ_£¬_²¢_ÇÒ_°£_¼°_ÈË_µÄ_·¿_ÎÝ ºÍ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ëù_ס_µÄ_µØ_¶¼_Òª_Âú_ÁË_³É_Ⱥ_µÄ_²Ô_Ó¬_¡£ # # Else, if thou wilt not let my people go, behold, I will send swarms # of flies upon thee, and upon thy servants, and upon thy people, and # into thy houses: and the houses of the Egyptians shall be full of # swarms of flies, and also the ground whereon they are. # # unit P EXO:8:22 µ±_ÄÇ_ÈÕ_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_·Ö_±ð_ÎÒ_°Ù_ÐÕ_Ëù_ס_µÄ_¸è_ɺ_µØ_£¬_ʹ_ÄÇ_Àï_û_ÓÐ ³É_Ⱥ_µÄ_²Ô_Ó¬_£¬_ºÃ_½Ð_Äã_Öª_µÀ_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ìì_ÏÂ_µÄ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # And I will sever in that day the land of Goshen, in which my people # dwell, that no swarms of flies shall be there; to the end thou # mayest know that I am the LORD in the midst of the earth. # # unit P EXO:8:23 ÎÒ_Òª_½«_ÎÒ_µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_ºÍ_Äã_µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_·Ö_±ð_³ö_À´_¡£_Ã÷_Ìì_±Ø_ÓÐ_Õâ_Éñ ¼£_¡£ # # And I will put a division between my people and thy people: to # morrow shall this sign be. # # unit P EXO:8:24 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¾Í_Õâ_Ñù_ÐÐ_¡£_²Ô_Ó¬_³É_ÁË_´ó_Ⱥ_£¬_½ø_Èë_·¨_ÀÏ_µÄ_¹¬_µî_£¬ ºÍ_Ëû_³¼_ÆÍ_µÄ_·¿_ÎÝ_£¬_°£_¼°_±é_µØ_¾Í_Òò_Õâ_³É_Ⱥ_µÄ_²Ô_Ó¬_°Ü_»µ_ÁË ¡£ # # And the LORD did so; and there came a grievous swarm of flies into # the house of Pharaoh, and into his servants' houses, and into all # the land of Egypt: the land was corrupted by reason of the swarm of # flies. # # unit P EXO:8:25 ·¨_ÀÏ_ÕÙ_ÁË_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_À´_£¬_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_È¥_£¬_ÔÚ_Õâ_µØ_¼À_ìë_Äã ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_°É_¡£ # # And Pharaoh called for Moses and for Aaron, and said, Go ye, # sacrifice to your God in the land. # # unit P EXO:8:26 Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Õâ_Ñù_ÐÐ_±¾_²»_Ïà_ÒË_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Òª_°Ñ_°£_¼°_ÈË_Ëù_Ñá ¶ñ_µÄ_¼À_ìë_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_Èô_°Ñ_°£_¼°_ÈË_Ëù_Ñá_¶ñ_µÄ_ÔÚ_Ëû ÃÇ_ÑÛ_Ç°_Ï×_Ϊ_¼À_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_Æñ_²»_ÄÃ_ʯ_Í·_´ò_ËÀ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Âð_£¿ # # And Moses said, It is not meet so to do; for we shall sacrifice the # abomination of the Egyptians to the LORD our God: lo, shall we # sacrifice the abomination of the Egyptians before their eyes, and # will they not stone us? # # unit P EXO:8:27 ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Òª_Íù_¿õ_Ò°_È¥_£¬_×ß_Èý_Ìì_µÄ_·_³Ì_£¬_ÕÕ_×Å_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Éñ Ëù_Òª_·Ô_¸À_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_¼À_ìë_Ëû_¡£ # # We will go three days' journey into the wilderness, and sacrifice to # the LORD our God, as he shall command us. # # unit P EXO:8:28 ·¨_ÀÏ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÈÝ_Äã_ÃÇ_È¥_£¬_ÔÚ_¿õ_Ò°_¼À_ìë_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_£¬ Ö»_ÊÇ_²»_Òª_×ß_µÃ_ºÜ_Ô¶_¡£_Çó_Äã_ÃÇ_Ϊ_ÎÒ_Æí_µ»_¡£ # # And Pharaoh said, I will let you go, that ye may sacrifice to the # LORD your God in the wilderness; only ye shall not go very far away: # intreat for me. # # unit P EXO:8:29 Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_³ö_È¥_Çó_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_ʹ_³É_Ⱥ_µÄ_²Ô_Ó¬_Ã÷_Ìì_Àë_¿ª ·¨_ÀÏ_ºÍ_·¨_ÀÏ_µÄ_³¼_ÆÍ_²¢_·¨_ÀÏ_µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_£¬_·¨_ÀÏ_È´_²»_¿É_ÔÙ_ÐÐ_¹î Õ©_£¬_²»_ÈÝ_°Ù_ÐÕ_È¥_¼À_ìë_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # And Moses said, Behold, I go out from thee, and I will intreat the # LORD that the swarms of flies may depart from Pharaoh, from his # servants, and from his people, to morrow: but let not Pharaoh deal # deceitfully any more in not letting the people go to sacrifice to # the LORD. # # unit P EXO:8:30 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Ħ_Î÷_Àë_¿ª_·¨_ÀÏ_È¥_Çó_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # And Moses went out from Pharaoh, and intreated the LORD. # # unit P EXO:8:31 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¾Í_ÕÕ_Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_»°_ÐÐ_£¬_½Ð_³É_Ⱥ_µÄ_²Ô_Ó¬_Àë_¿ª_·¨_ÀÏ_ºÍ_Ëû µÄ_³¼_ÆÍ_²¢_Ëû_µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_£¬_Ò»_¸ö_Ò²_û_ÓÐ_Áô_ÏÂ_¡£ # # And the LORD did according to the word of Moses; and he removed the # swarms of flies from Pharaoh, from his servants, and from his # people; there remained not one. # # unit P EXO:8:32 Õâ_Ò»_´Î_·¨_ÀÏ_ÓÖ_Ó²_×Å_ÐÄ_£¬_²»_ÈÝ_°Ù_ÐÕ_È¥_¡£ # # And Pharaoh hardened his heart at this time also, neither would he # let the people go. # ## # chapter 9 EXO:9 # unit P EXO:9:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Äã_½ø_È¥_¼û_·¨_ÀÏ_£¬_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª Ï£_²®_À´_ÈË_µÄ_Éñ_Õâ_Ñù_˵_£¬_ÈÝ_ÎÒ_µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_È¥_£¬_ºÃ_ÊÂ_·î_ÎÒ_¡£ # # Then the LORD said unto Moses, Go in unto Pharaoh, and tell him, # Thus saith the LORD God of the Hebrews, Let my people go, that they # may serve me. # # unit P EXO:9:2 Äã_Èô_²»_¿Ï_ÈÝ_Ëû_ÃÇ_È¥_£¬_ÈÔ_¾É_Ç¿_Áô_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬ # # For if thou refuse to let them go, and wilt hold them still, # # unit P EXO:9:3 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_ÊÖ_¼Ó_ÔÚ_Äã_Ìï_¼ä_µÄ_Éü_Ðó_ÉÏ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_Âí_£¬_¿_£¬_Âæ ÍÕ_£¬_Å£_Ⱥ_£¬_Ñò_Ⱥ_ÉÏ_£¬_±Ø_ÓÐ_ÖØ_ÖØ_µÄ_ÎÁ_Òß_¡£ # # Behold, the hand of the LORD is upon thy cattle which is in the # field, upon the horses, upon the asses, upon the camels, upon the # oxen, and upon the sheep: there shall be a very grievous murrain. # # unit P EXO:9:4 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Òª_·Ö_±ð_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_µÄ_Éü_Ðó_ºÍ_°£_¼°_µÄ_Éü_Ðó_£¬_·²_Êô_ÒÔ_É« ÁÐ_ÈË_µÄ_£¬_Ò»_Ñù_¶¼_²»_ËÀ_¡£ # # And the LORD shall sever between the cattle of Israel and the cattle # of Egypt: and there shall nothing die of all that is the children's # of Israel. # # unit P EXO:9:5 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¾Í_¶¨_ÁË_ʱ_ºò_£¬_˵_£¬_Ã÷_Ìì_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_±Ø_ÔÚ_´Ë_µØ_ÐÐ_Õâ_Ê ¡£ # # And the LORD appointed a set time, saying, To morrow the LORD shall # do this thing in the land. # # unit P EXO:9:6 µÚ_¶þ_Ìì_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¾Í_ÐÐ_Õâ_ÊÂ_¡£_°£_¼°_µÄ_Éü_Ðó_¼¸_ºõ_¶¼_ËÀ_ÁË_£¬ Ö»_ÊÇ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_µÄ_Éü_Ðó_Ò»_¸ö_¶¼_û_ÓÐ_ËÀ_¡£ # # And the LORD did that thing on the morrow, and all the cattle of # Egypt died: but of the cattle of the children of Israel died not # one. # # unit P EXO:9:7 ·¨_ÀÏ_´ò_·¢_ÈË_È¥_¿´_£¬_Ë­_Öª_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_µÄ_Éü_Ðó_Á¬_Ò»_¸ö_¶¼_û_ÓÐ ËÀ_¡£_·¨_ÀÏ_µÄ_ÐÄ_È´_ÊÇ_¹Ì_Ö´_£¬_²»_ÈÝ_°Ù_ÐÕ_È¥_¡£ # # And Pharaoh sent, and, behold, there was not one of the cattle of # the Israelites dead. And the heart of Pharaoh was hardened, and he # did not let the people go. # # unit P EXO:9:8 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_È¡_¼¸_Åõ_¯_»Ò_£¬_Ħ_Î÷_Òª ÔÚ_·¨_ÀÏ_Ãæ_Ç°_Ïò_Ìì_Ñï_Æð_À´_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto Moses and unto Aaron, Take to you handfuls of # ashes of the furnace, and let Moses sprinkle it toward the heaven in # the sight of Pharaoh. # # unit P EXO:9:9 Õâ_»Ò_Òª_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_È«_µØ_±ä_×÷_³¾_ÍÁ_£¬_ÔÚ_ÈË_Éí_ÉÏ_ºÍ_Éü_Ðó_Éí_ÉÏ_³É ÁË_Æð_ÅÝ_µÄ_´¯_¡£ # # And it shall become small dust in all the land of Egypt, and shall # be a boil breaking forth with blains upon man, and upon beast, # throughout all the land of Egypt. # # unit P EXO:9:10 Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_È¡_ÁË_¯_»Ò_£¬_Õ¾_ÔÚ_·¨_ÀÏ_Ãæ_Ç°_¡£_Ħ_Î÷_Ïò_Ìì_Ñï_Æð À´_£¬_¾Í_ÔÚ_ÈË_Éí_ÉÏ_ºÍ_Éü_Ðó_Éí_ÉÏ_³É_ÁË_Æð_ÅÝ_µÄ_´¯_¡£ # # And they took ashes of the furnace, and stood before Pharaoh; and # Moses sprinkled it up toward heaven; and it became a boil breaking # forth with blains upon man, and upon beast. # # unit P EXO:9:11 ÐÐ_·¨_Êõ_µÄ_ÔÚ_Ħ_Î÷_Ãæ_Ç°_Õ¾_Á¢_²»_ס_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Éí_ÉÏ_ºÍ_Ò» ÇÐ_°£_¼°_ÈË_Éí_ÉÏ_¶¼_ÓÐ_Õâ_´¯_¡£ # # And the magicians could not stand before Moses because of the boils; # for the boil was upon the magicians, and upon all the Egyptians. # # unit P EXO:9:12 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ʹ_·¨_ÀÏ_µÄ_ÐÄ_¸Õ_Ó²_£¬_²»_Ìý_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_Õý_Èç_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ Î÷_Ëù_˵_µÄ_¡£ # # And the LORD hardened the heart of Pharaoh, and he hearkened not # unto them; as the LORD had spoken unto Moses. # # unit P EXO:9:13 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Äã_Çå_Ôç_Æð_À´_£¬_Õ¾_ÔÚ_·¨_ÀÏ_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_¶Ô_Ëû ˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ï£_²®_À´_ÈË_µÄ_Éñ_Õâ_Ñù_˵_£¬_ÈÝ_ÎÒ_µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_È¥_£¬_ºÃ ÊÂ_·î_ÎÒ_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto Moses, Rise up early in the morning, and # stand before Pharaoh, and say unto him, Thus saith the LORD God of # the Hebrews, Let my people go, that they may serve me. # # unit P EXO:9:14 Òò_Ϊ_Õâ_Ò»_´Î_ÎÒ_Òª_½Ð_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_ÔÖ_Ñê_ÁÙ_µ½_Äã_ºÍ_Äã_³¼_ÆÍ_²¢_Äã_°Ù ÐÕ_µÄ_Éí_ÉÏ_£¬_½Ð_Äã_Öª_µÀ_ÔÚ_ÆÕ_Ìì_ÏÂ_û_ÓÐ_Ïñ_ÎÒ_µÄ_¡£ # # For I will at this time send all my plagues upon thine heart, and # upon thy servants, and upon thy people; that thou mayest know that # there is none like me in all the earth. # # unit P EXO:9:15 ÎÒ_Èô_Éì_ÊÖ_ÓÃ_ÎÁ_Òß_¹¥_»÷_Äã_ºÍ_Äã_µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_£¬_Äã_Ôç_¾Í_´Ó_µØ_ÉÏ_³ý Ãð_ÁË_¡£ # # For now I will stretch out my hand, that I may smite thee and thy # people with pestilence; and thou shalt be cut off from the earth. # # unit P EXO:9:16 Æä_ʵ_£¬_ÎÒ_½Ð_Äã_´æ_Á¢_£¬_ÊÇ_ÌØ_Òª_Ïò_Äã_ÏÔ_ÎÒ_µÄ_´ó_ÄÜ_£¬_²¢_Òª_ʹ ÎÒ_µÄ_Ãû_´«_±é_Ìì_ÏÂ_¡£ # # And in very deed for this cause have I raised thee up, for to shew # in thee my power; and that my name may be declared throughout all # the earth. # # unit P EXO:9:17 Äã_»¹_Ïò_ÎÒ_µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_×Ô_¸ß_£¬_²»_ÈÝ_Ëû_ÃÇ_È¥_Âð_£¿ # # As yet exaltest thou thyself against my people, that thou wilt not # let them go? # # unit P EXO:9:18 µ½_Ã÷_Ìì_Ô¼_ÔÚ_Õâ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_½Ð_ÖØ_´ó_µÄ_±ù_±¢_½µ_ÏÂ_£¬_×Ô_´Ó_°£ ¼°_¿ª_¹ú_ÒÔ_À´_£¬_û_ÓÐ_Õâ_Ñù_µÄ_±ù_±¢_¡£ # # Behold, to morrow about this time I will cause it to rain a very # grievous hail, such as hath not been in Egypt since the foundation # thereof even until now. # # unit P EXO:9:19 ÏÖ_ÔÚ_Äã_Òª_´ò_·¢_ÈË_°Ñ_Äã_µÄ_Éü_Ðó_ºÍ_Äã_Ìï_¼ä_Ò»_ÇÐ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_´ß_½ø À´_£¬_·²_ÔÚ_Ìï_¼ä_²»_ÊÕ_»Ø_¼Ò_µÄ_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_ÈË_ÊÇ_Éü_Ðó_£¬_±ù_±¢_±Ø ½µ_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Éí_ÉÏ_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_±Ø_ËÀ_¡£ # # Send therefore now, and gather thy cattle, and all that thou hast in # the field; for upon every man and beast which shall be found in the # field, and shall not be brought home, the hail shall come down upon # them, and they shall die. # # unit P EXO:9:20 ·¨_ÀÏ_µÄ_³¼_ÆÍ_ÖÐ_£¬_¾å_ÅÂ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Õâ_»°_µÄ_£¬_±ã_½Ð_Ëû_µÄ_Å«_ÆÍ_ºÍ Éü_Ðó_ÅÜ_½ø_¼Ò_À´_¡£ # # He that feared the word of the LORD among the servants of Pharaoh # made his servants and his cattle flee into the houses: # # unit P EXO:9:21 µ«_ÄÇ_²»_°Ñ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Õâ_»°_·Å_ÔÚ_ÐÄ_ÉÏ_µÄ_£¬_¾Í_½«_Ëû_µÄ_Å«_ÆÍ_ºÍ_Éü Ðó_Áô_ÔÚ_Ìï_Àï_¡£ # # And he that regarded not the word of the LORD left his servants and # his cattle in the field. # # unit P EXO:9:22 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Äã_Ïò_Ìì_Éì_ÕÈ_£¬_ʹ_°£_¼°_±é_µØ_µÄ_ÈË_Éí_ÉÏ ºÍ_Éü_Ðó_Éí_ÉÏ_£¬_²¢_Ìï_¼ä_¸÷_Ñù_²Ë_Êß_ÉÏ_£¬_¶¼_ÓÐ_±ù_±¢_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto Moses, Stretch forth thine hand toward # heaven, that there may be hail in all the land of Egypt, upon man, # and upon beast, and upon every herb of the field, throughout the # land of Egypt. # # unit P EXO:9:23 Ħ_Î÷_Ïò_Ìì_Éì_ÕÈ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¾Í_´ò_À×_ÏÂ_±¢_£¬_ÓÐ_»ð_ÉÁ_µ½_µØ_ÉÏ_£¬ Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÏÂ_±¢_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_µØ_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And Moses stretched forth his rod toward heaven: and the LORD sent # thunder and hail, and the fire ran along upon the ground; and the # LORD rained hail upon the land of Egypt. # # unit P EXO:9:24 ÄÇ_ʱ_£¬_±¢_Óë_»ð_²ó_ÔÓ_£¬_Éõ_ÊÇ_À÷_º¦_£¬_×Ô_´Ó_°£_¼°_³É_¹ú_ÒÔ_À´_£¬ ±é_µØ_û_ÓÐ_Õâ_Ñù_µÄ_¡£ # # So there was hail, and fire mingled with the hail, very grievous, # such as there was none like it in all the land of Egypt since it # became a nation. # # unit P EXO:9:25 ÔÚ_°£_¼°_±é_µØ_£¬_±¢_»÷_´ò_ÁË_Ìï_¼ä_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_ÈË_ºÍ_Éü_Ðó_£¬_²¢_Ò»_ÇÐ µÄ_²Ë_Êß_£¬_ÓÖ_´ò_»µ_Ìï_¼ä_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_Ê÷_ľ_¡£ # # And the hail smote throughout all the land of Egypt all that was in # the field, both man and beast; and the hail smote every herb of the # field, and brake every tree of the field. # # unit P EXO:9:26 Ω_¶À_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Ëù_ס_µÄ_¸è_ɺ_µØ_û_ÓÐ_±ù_±¢_¡£ # # Only in the land of Goshen, where the children of Israel were, was # there no hail. # # unit P EXO:9:27 ·¨_ÀÏ_´ò_·¢_ÈË_ÕÙ_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_À´_£¬_¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Õâ_Ò»_´Î_ÎÒ_·¸ ÁË_×ï_ÁË_¡£_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÊÇ_¹«_Òå_µÄ_£¬_ÎÒ_ºÍ_ÎÒ_µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_ÊÇ_а_¶ñ_µÄ_¡£ # # And Pharaoh sent, and called for Moses and Aaron, and said unto # them, I have sinned this time: the LORD is righteous, and I and my # people are wicked. # # unit P EXO:9:28 Õâ_À×_ºä_ºÍ_±ù_±¢_ÒÑ_¾­_¹»_ÁË_¡£_Çë_Äã_ÃÇ_Çó_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_ÎÒ_¾Í_ÈÝ_Äã ÃÇ_È¥_£¬_²»_ÔÙ_Áô_ס_Äã_ÃÇ_¡£ # # Intreat the LORD (for it is enough) that there be no more mighty # thunderings and hail; and I will let you go, and ye shall stay no # longer. # # unit P EXO:9:29 Ħ_Î÷_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Ò»_³ö_³Ç_£¬_¾Í_Òª_Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¾Ù_ÊÖ_µ»_¸æ_£¬_À× ±Ø_Ö¹_ס_£¬_Ò²_²»_ÔÙ_ÓÐ_±ù_±¢_£¬_½Ð_Äã_Öª_µÀ_È«_µØ_¶¼_ÊÇ_Êô_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª µÄ_¡£ # # And Moses said unto him, As soon as I am gone out of the city, I # will spread abroad my hands unto the LORD; and the thunder shall # cease, neither shall there be any more hail; that thou mayest know # how that the earth is the LORD's. # # unit P EXO:9:30 ÖÁ_ÓÚ_Äã_ºÍ_Äã_µÄ_³¼_ÆÍ_£¬_ÎÒ_Öª_µÀ_Äã_ÃÇ_»¹_ÊÇ_²»_¾å_ÅÂ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Éñ ¡£ # # But as for thee and thy servants, I know that ye will not yet fear # the LORD God. # # unit P EXO:9:31 ÄÇ_ʱ_£¬_Âé_ºÍ_´ó_Âó_±»_±¢_»÷_´ò_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_´ó_Âó_ÒÑ_¾­_ÍÂ_Ëë_£¬_Âé_Ò² ¿ª_ÁË_»¨_¡£ # # And the flax and the barley was smitten: for the barley was in the # ear, and the flax was bolled. # # unit P EXO:9:32 Ö»_ÊÇ_С_Âó_ºÍ_´Ö_Âó_û_ÓÐ_±»_»÷_´ò_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_»¹_û_ÓÐ_³¤_³É_¡£ # # But the wheat and the rie were not smitten: for they were not grown # up. # # unit P EXO:9:33 Ħ_Î÷_Àë_ÁË_·¨_ÀÏ_³ö_³Ç_£¬_Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¾Ù_ÊÖ_µ»_¸æ_£¬_À×_ºÍ_±¢_¾Í_Ö¹ ס_£¬_Óê_Ò²_²»_ÔÙ_½½_ÔÚ_µØ_ÉÏ_ÁË_¡£ # # And Moses went out of the city from Pharaoh, and spread abroad his # hands unto the LORD: and the thunders and hail ceased, and the rain # was not poured upon the earth. # # unit P EXO:9:34 ·¨_ÀÏ_¼û_Óê_ºÍ_±¢_Óë_À×_Ö¹_ס_£¬_¾Í_Ô½_·¢_·¸_×ï_£¬_Ëû_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_³¼_ÆÍ ¶¼_Ó²_×Å_ÐÄ_¡£ # # And when Pharaoh saw that the rain and the hail and the thunders # were ceased, he sinned yet more, and hardened his heart, he and his # servants. # # unit P EXO:9:35 ·¨_ÀÏ_µÄ_ÐÄ_¸Õ_Ó²_£¬_²»_ÈÝ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_È¥_£¬_Õý_Èç_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_½è_×Å_Ħ Î÷_Ëù_˵_µÄ_¡£ # # And the heart of Pharaoh was hardened, neither would he let the # children of Israel go; as the LORD had spoken by Moses. # ## # chapter 10 EXO:10 # unit P EXO:10:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Äã_½ø_È¥_¼û_·¨_ÀÏ_¡£_ÎÒ_ʹ_Ëû_ºÍ_Ëû_³¼_ÆÍ_µÄ ÐÄ_¸Õ_Ó²_£¬_Ϊ_Òª_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_ÏÔ_ÎÒ_Õâ_Щ_Éñ_¼£_£¬ # # And the LORD said unto Moses, Go in unto Pharaoh: for I have # hardened his heart, and the heart of his servants, that I might shew # these my signs before him: # # unit P EXO:10:2 ²¢_Òª_½Ð_Äã_½«_ÎÒ_Ïò_°£_¼°_ÈË_Ëù_×÷_µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬_ºÍ_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_Ëù_ÐÐ µÄ_Éñ_¼£_£¬_´«_ÓÚ_Äã_¶ù_×Ó_ºÍ_Äã_Ëï_×Ó_µÄ_¶ú_ÖÐ_£¬_ºÃ_½Ð_Äã_ÃÇ_Öª_µÀ ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # And that thou mayest tell in the ears of thy son, and of thy son's # son, what things I have wrought in Egypt, and my signs which I have # done among them; that ye may know how that I am the LORD. # # unit P EXO:10:3 Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_¾Í_½ø_È¥_¼û_·¨_ÀÏ_£¬_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ï£_²®_À´_ÈË µÄ_Éñ_Õâ_Ñù_˵_£¬_Äã_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_Ãæ_Ç°_²»_¿Ï_×Ô_±°_Òª_µ½_¼¸_ʱ_ÄØ_£¿_ÈÝ_ÎÒ µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_È¥_£¬_ºÃ_ÊÂ_·î_ÎÒ_¡£ # # And Moses and Aaron came in unto Pharaoh, and said unto him, Thus # saith the LORD God of the Hebrews, How long wilt thou refuse to # humble thyself before me? let my people go, that they may serve me. # # unit P EXO:10:4 Äã_Èô_²»_¿Ï_ÈÝ_ÎÒ_µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_È¥_£¬_Ã÷_Ìì_ÎÒ_Òª_ʹ_»È_³æ_½ø_Èë_Äã_µÄ_¾³ ÄÚ_£¬ # # Else, if thou refuse to let my people go, behold, to morrow will I # bring the locusts into thy coast: # # unit P EXO:10:5 ÕÚ_Âú_µØ_Ãæ_£¬_Éõ_ÖÁ_¿´_²»_¼û_µØ_£¬_²¢_ÇÒ_³Ô_ÄÇ_±ù_±¢_Ëù_Ê£_µÄ_ºÍ_Ìï ¼ä_Ëù_³¤_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Ê÷_ľ_¡£ # # And they shall cover the face of the earth, that one cannot be able # to see the earth: and they shall eat the residue of that which is # escaped, which remaineth unto you from the hail, and shall eat every # tree which groweth for you out of the field: # # unit P EXO:10:6 Äã_µÄ_¹¬_µî_ºÍ_Äã_ÖÚ_³¼_ÆÍ_µÄ_·¿_ÎÝ_£¬_²¢_Ò»_ÇÐ_°£_¼°_ÈË_µÄ_·¿_ÎÝ_£¬ ¶¼_Òª_±»_»È_³æ_Õ¼_Âú_ÁË_£¬_×Ô_´Ó_Äã_×æ_×Ú_ºÍ_Äã_×æ_×Ú_µÄ_×æ_×Ú_ÔÚ_ÊÀ ÒÔ_À´_£¬_Ö±_µ½_½ñ_ÈÕ_£¬_û_ÓÐ_¼û_¹ý_Õâ_Ñù_µÄ_ÔÖ_¡£_Ħ_Î÷_¾Í_ת_Éí_Àë ¿ª_·¨_ÀÏ_³ö_È¥_¡£ # # And they shall fill thy houses, and the houses of all thy servants, # and the houses of all the Egyptians; which neither thy fathers, nor # thy fathers' fathers have seen, since the day that they were upon # the earth unto this day. And he turned himself, and went out from # Pharaoh. # # unit P EXO:10:7 ·¨_ÀÏ_µÄ_³¼_ÆÍ_¶Ô_·¨_ÀÏ_˵_£¬_Õâ_ÈË_Ϊ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_Íø_ÂÞ_Òª_µ½_¼¸_ʱ_ÄØ £¿_ÈÝ_Õâ_Щ_ÈË_È¥_ÊÂ_·î_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_°É_£¬_°£_¼°_ÒÑ_¾­_°Ü_»µ ÁË_£¬_Äã_»¹_²»_Öª_µÀ_Âð_£¿ # # And Pharaoh's servants said unto him, How long shall this man be a # snare unto us? let the men go, that they may serve the LORD their # God: knowest thou not yet that Egypt is destroyed? # # unit P EXO:10:8 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_±»_ÕÙ_»Ø_À´_¼û_·¨_ÀÏ_£¬_·¨_ÀÏ_¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Äã ÃÇ_È¥_ÊÂ_·î_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_µ«_ÄÇ_Òª_È¥_µÄ_ÊÇ_Ë­_ÄØ_£¿ # # And Moses and Aaron were brought again unto Pharaoh: and he said # unto them, Go, serve the LORD your God: but who are they that shall # go? # # unit P EXO:10:9 Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Òª_ºÍ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÀÏ_µÄ_ÉÙ_µÄ_£¬_¶ù_×Ó_Å®_¶ù_ͬ_È¥_£¬_ÇÒ °Ñ_Ñò_Ⱥ_Å£_Ⱥ_Ò»_ͬ_´ø_È¥_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Îñ_Òª_Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÊØ_½Ú_¡£ # # And Moses said, We will go with our young and with our old, with our # sons and with our daughters, with our flocks and with our herds will # we go; for we must hold a feast unto the LORD. # # unit P EXO:10:10 ·¨_ÀÏ_¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÈÝ_Äã_ÃÇ_ºÍ_Äã_ÃÇ_¸¾_ÈË_º¢_×Ó_È¥_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬ Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_ͬ_ÔÚ_°É_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_½÷_É÷_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÓÐ_»ö_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ ÑÛ_Ç°_£¨_»ò_×÷_Äã_ÃÇ_´æ_×Å_¶ñ_Òâ_£©_£¬ # # And he said unto them, Let the LORD be so with you, as I will let # you go, and your little ones: look to it; for evil is before you. # # unit P EXO:10:11 ²»_¿É_¶¼_È¥_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Õâ_׳_Äê_ÈË_È¥_ÊÂ_·î_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_°É_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Õâ_ÊÇ Äã_ÃÇ_Ëù_Çó_µÄ_¡£_ÓÚ_ÊÇ_°Ñ_Ëû_ÃÇ_´Ó_·¨_ÀÏ_Ãæ_Ç°_Äì_³ö_È¥_¡£ # # Not so: go now ye that are men, and serve the LORD; for that ye did # desire. And they were driven out from Pharaoh's presence. # # unit P EXO:10:12 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Äã_Ïò_°£_¼°_µØ_Éì_ÕÈ_£¬_ʹ_»È_³æ_µ½_°£_¼°_µØ ÉÏ_À´_£¬_³Ô_µØ_ÉÏ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_²Ë_Êß_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_±ù_±¢_Ëù_Ê£_µÄ_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto Moses, Stretch out thine hand over the land # of Egypt for the locusts, that they may come up upon the land of # Egypt, and eat every herb of the land, even all that the hail hath # left. # # unit P EXO:10:13 Ħ_Î÷_¾Í_Ïò_°£_¼°_µØ_Éì_ÕÈ_£¬_ÄÇ_Ò»_Öç_Ò»_Ò¹_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ʹ_¶«_·ç_¹Î ÔÚ_°£_¼°_µØ_ÉÏ_£¬_µ½_ÁË_Ôç_³¿_£¬_¶«_·ç_°Ñ_»È_³æ_¹Î_ÁË_À´_¡£ # # And Moses stretched forth his rod over the land of Egypt, and the # LORD brought an east wind upon the land all that day, and all that # night; and when it was morning, the east wind brought the locusts. # # unit P EXO:10:14 »È_³æ_ÉÏ_À´_£¬_Âä_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_µÄ_ËÄ_¾³_£¬_Éõ_ÊÇ_À÷_º¦_£¬_ÒÔ_Ç°_û_ÓÐ_Õâ Ñù_µÄ_£¬_ÒÔ_ºó_Ò²_±Ø_û_ÓÐ_¡£ # # And the locusts went up over all the land of Egypt, and rested in # all the coasts of Egypt: very grievous were they; before them there # were no such locusts as they, neither after them shall be such. # # unit P EXO:10:15 Òò_Ϊ_Õâ_»È_³æ_ÕÚ_Âú_µØ_Ãæ_£¬_Éõ_ÖÁ_µØ_¶¼_ºÚ_°µ_ÁË_£¬_ÓÖ_³Ô_µØ_ÉÏ_Ò» ÇÐ_µÄ_²Ë_Êß_ºÍ_±ù_±¢_Ëù_Ê£_Ê÷_ÉÏ_µÄ_¹û_×Ó_¡£_°£_¼°_±é_µØ_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ Ê÷_ľ_£¬_ÊÇ_Ìï_¼ä_µÄ_²Ë_Êß_£¬_Á¬_Ò»_µã_Çà_µÄ_Ò²_û_ÓÐ_Áô_ÏÂ_¡£ # # For they covered the face of the whole earth, so that the land was # darkened; and they did eat every herb of the land, and all the fruit # of the trees which the hail had left: and there remained not any # green thing in the trees, or in the herbs of the field, through all # the land of Egypt. # # unit P EXO:10:16 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_·¨_ÀÏ_¼±_æ_ÕÙ_ÁË_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_À´_£¬_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_µÃ_×ï_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_ÓÖ_µÃ_×ï_ÁË_Äã_ÃÇ_¡£ # # Then Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron in haste; and he said, I # have sinned against the LORD your God, and against you. # # unit P EXO:10:17 ÏÖ_ÔÚ_Çó_Äã_£¬_Ö»_Õâ_Ò»_´Î_£¬_ÈÄ_Ë¡_ÎÒ_µÄ_×ï_£¬_Çó_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ Éñ_ʹ_ÎÒ_ÍÑ_Àë_Õâ_Ò»_´Î_µÄ_ËÀ_Íö_¡£ # # Now therefore forgive, I pray thee, my sin only this once, and # intreat the LORD your God, that he may take away from me this death # only. # # unit P EXO:10:18 Ħ_Î÷_¾Í_Àë_¿ª_·¨_ÀÏ_È¥_Çó_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # And he went out from Pharaoh, and intreated the LORD. # # unit P EXO:10:19 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ת_ÁË_¼«_´ó_µÄ_Î÷_·ç_£¬_°Ñ_»È_³æ_¹Î_Æð_£¬_´µ_Èë_ºì_º£_£¬_ÔÚ °£_¼°_µÄ_ËÄ_¾³_Á¬_Ò»_¸ö_Ò²_û_ÓÐ_Áô_ÏÂ_¡£ # # And the LORD turned a mighty strong west wind, which took away the # locusts, and cast them into the Red sea; there remained not one # locust in all the coasts of Egypt. # # unit P EXO:10:20 µ«_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ʹ_·¨_ÀÏ_µÄ_ÐÄ_¸Õ_Ó²_£¬_²»_ÈÝ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_È¥_¡£ # # But the LORD hardened Pharaoh's heart, so that he would not let the # children of Israel go. # # unit P EXO:10:21 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Äã_Ïò_Ìì_Éì_ÕÈ_£¬_ʹ_°£_¼°_µØ_ºÚ_°µ_£¬_Õâ_ºÚ °µ_ËÆ_ºõ_Ãþ_µÃ_×Å_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto Moses, Stretch out thine hand toward heaven, # that there may be darkness over the land of Egypt, even darkness # which may be felt. # # unit P EXO:10:22 Ħ_Î÷_Ïò_Ìì_Éì_ÕÈ_£¬_°£_¼°_±é_µØ_¾Í_ÎÚ_ºÚ_ÁË_Èý_Ìì_¡£ # # And Moses stretched forth his hand toward heaven; and there was a # thick darkness in all the land of Egypt three days: # # unit P EXO:10:23 Èý_Ìì_Ö®_¾Ã_£¬_ÈË_²»_ÄÜ_Ïà_¼û_£¬_Ë­_Ò²_²»_¸Ò_Æð_À´_Àë_¿ª_±¾_´¦_£¬_Ω ÓÐ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_¼Ò_ÖÐ_¶¼_ÓÐ_ÁÁ_¹â_¡£ # # They saw not one another, neither rose any from his place for three # days: but all the children of Israel had light in their dwellings. # # unit P EXO:10:24 ·¨_ÀÏ_¾Í_ÕÙ_Ħ_Î÷_À´_£¬_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_È¥_ÊÂ_·î_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_Ö»_ÊÇ_Äã_ÃÇ µÄ_Ñò_Ⱥ_Å£_Ⱥ_Òª_Áô_ÏÂ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_¸¾_ÈË_º¢_×Ó_¿É_ÒÔ_ºÍ_Äã_ÃÇ_ͬ_È¥ ¡£ # # And Pharaoh called unto Moses, and said, Go ye, serve the LORD; only # let your flocks and your herds be stayed: let your little ones also # go with you. # # unit P EXO:10:25 Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Äã_×Ü_Òª_°Ñ_¼À_Îï_ºÍ_ìÜ_¼À_Éü_½»_¸ø_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_£¬_ʹ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¿É ÒÔ_¼À_ìë_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # And Moses said, Thou must give us also sacrifices and burnt # offerings, that we may sacrifice unto the LORD our God. # # unit P EXO:10:26 ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éü_Ðó_Ò²_Òª_´ø_È¥_£¬_Á¬_Ò»_Ìã_Ò²_²»_Áô_ÏÂ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Òª ´Ó_Æä_ÖÐ_È¡_³ö_À´_£¬_ÊÂ_·î_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_¡£_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_δ_µ½_ÄÇ_Àï £¬_»¹_²»_Öª_µÀ_ÓÃ_ʲ_ô_ÊÂ_·î_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # Our cattle also shall go with us; there shall not an hoof be left # behind; for thereof must we take to serve the LORD our God; and we # know not with what we must serve the LORD, until we come thither. # # unit P EXO:10:27 µ«_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ʹ_·¨_ÀÏ_µÄ_ÐÄ_¸Õ_Ó²_£¬_²»_¿Ï_ÈÝ_Ëû_ÃÇ_È¥_¡£ # # But the LORD hardened Pharaoh's heart, and he would not let them go. # # unit P EXO:10:28 ·¨_ÀÏ_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Äã_Àë_¿ª_ÎÒ_È¥_°É_£¬_Äã_Òª_С_ÐÄ_£¬_²»_Òª_ÔÙ_¼û ÎÒ_µÄ_Ãæ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Äã_¼û_ÎÒ_Ãæ_µÄ_ÄÇ_ÈÕ_Äã_¾Í_±Ø_ËÀ_¡£ # # And Pharaoh said unto him, Get thee from me, take heed to thyself, # see my face no more; for in that day thou seest my face thou shalt # die. # # unit P EXO:10:29 Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Äã_˵_µÃ_ºÃ_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_²»_ÔÙ_¼û_Äã_µÄ_Ãæ_ÁË_¡£ # # And Moses said, Thou hast spoken well, I will see thy face again no # more. # ## # chapter 11 EXO:11 # unit P EXO:11:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÔÙ_ʹ_Ò»_Ñù_µÄ_ÔÖ_Ñê_ÁÙ_µ½_·¨_ÀÏ_ºÍ_°£_¼° £¬_È»_ºó_Ëû_±Ø_ÈÝ_Äã_ÃÇ_Àë_¿ª_Õâ_µØ_¡£_Ëû_ÈÝ_Äã_ÃÇ_È¥_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_×Ü Òª_´ß_±Æ_Äã_ÃÇ_¶¼_´Ó_Õâ_µØ_³ö_È¥_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto Moses, Yet will I bring one plague more upon # Pharaoh, and upon Egypt; afterwards he will let you go hence: when # he shall let you go, he shall surely thrust you out hence # altogether. # # unit P EXO:11:2 Äã_Òª_´«_ÓÚ_°Ù_ÐÕ_µÄ_¶ú_ÖÐ_£¬_½Ð_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÄÐ_Å®_¸÷_ÈË_Ïò_ÁÚ_Éá_Òª_½ð_Æ÷ Òø_Æ÷_¡£ # # Speak now in the ears of the people, and let every man borrow of his # neighbour, and every woman of her neighbour, jewels of silver, and # jewels of gold. # # unit P EXO:11:3 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_½Ð_°Ù_ÐÕ_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_ÈË_ÑÛ_Ç°_ÃÉ_¶÷_£¬_²¢_ÇÒ_Ħ_Î÷_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_µØ £¬_·¨_ÀÏ_³¼_ÆÍ_£¬_ºÍ_°Ù_ÐÕ_µÄ_ÑÛ_ÖÐ_¿´_Ϊ_¼«_´ó_¡£ # # And the LORD gave the people favour in the sight of the Egyptians. # Moreover the man Moses was very great in the land of Egypt, in the # sight of Pharaoh's servants, and in the sight of the people. # # unit P EXO:11:4 Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Õâ_Ñù_˵_£¬_Ô¼_µ½_°ë_Ò¹_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_³ö_È¥_Ѳ_ÐÐ_°£ ¼°_±é_µØ_¡£ # # And Moses said, Thus saith the LORD, About midnight will I go out # into the midst of Egypt: # # unit P EXO:11:5 ·²_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_µØ_£¬_´Ó_×ø_±¦_×ù_µÄ_·¨_ÀÏ_Ö±_µ½_Ä¥_×Ó_ºó_µÄ_æ¾_Å®_Ëù_ÓÐ µÄ_³¤_×Ó_£¬_ÒÔ_¼°_Ò»_ÇÐ_Í·_Éú_µÄ_Éü_Ðó_£¬_¶¼_±Ø_ËÀ_¡£ # # And all the firstborn in the land of Egypt shall die, from the first # born of Pharaoh that sitteth upon his throne, even unto the # firstborn of the maidservant that is behind the mill; and all the # firstborn of beasts. # # unit P EXO:11:6 °£_¼°_±é_µØ_±Ø_ÓÐ_´ó_°§_ºÅ_£¬_´Ó_Ç°_û_ÓÐ_Õâ_Ñù_µÄ_£¬_ºó_À´_Ò²_±Ø_û ÓÐ_¡£ # # And there shall be a great cry throughout all the land of Egypt, # such as there was none like it, nor shall be like it any more. # # unit P EXO:11:7 ÖÁ_ÓÚ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÐ_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_ÈË_ÊÇ_Éü_Ðó_£¬_Á¬_¹·_Ò²_²»_¸Ò_Ïò_Ëû_ÃÇ Ò¡_Éà_£¬_ºÃ_½Ð_Äã_ÃÇ_Öª_µÀ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÊÇ_½«_°£_¼°_ÈË_ºÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_·Ö ±ð_³ö_À´_¡£ # # But against any of the children of Israel shall not a dog move his # tongue, against man or beast: that ye may know how that the LORD # doth put a difference between the Egyptians and Israel. # # unit P EXO:11:8 Äã_Õâ_Ò»_ÇÐ_³¼_ÆÍ_¶¼_Òª_¸©_·ü_À´_¼û_ÎÒ_£¬_˵_£¬_Çó_Äã_ºÍ_¸ú_´Ó_Äã_µÄ °Ù_ÐÕ_¶¼_³ö_È¥_£¬_È»_ºó_ÎÒ_Òª_³ö_È¥_¡£_ÓÚ_ÊÇ_£¬_Ħ_Î÷_Æø_·Þ_·Þ_µØ_Àë ¿ª_·¨_ÀÏ_£¬_³ö_È¥_ÁË_¡£ # # And all these thy servants shall come down unto me, and bow down # themselves unto me, saying, Get thee out, and all the people that # follow thee: and after that I will go out. And he went out from # Pharaoh in a great anger. # # unit P EXO:11:9 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_·¨_ÀÏ_±Ø_²»_Ìý_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_ʹ_ÎÒ_µÄ_Ææ_ÊÂ_ÔÚ_°£ ¼°_µØ_¶à_Æð_À´_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto Moses, Pharaoh shall not hearken unto you; # that my wonders may be multiplied in the land of Egypt. # # unit P EXO:11:10 Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_ÔÚ_·¨_ÀÏ_Ãæ_Ç°_ÐÐ_ÁË_Õâ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Ææ_ÊÂ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ʹ_·¨ ÀÏ_µÄ_ÐÄ_¸Õ_Ó²_£¬_²»_ÈÝ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_³ö_Àë_Ëû_µÄ_µØ_¡£ # # And Moses and Aaron did all these wonders before Pharaoh: and the # LORD hardened Pharaoh's heart, so that he would not let the children # of Israel go out of his land. # ## # chapter 12 EXO:12 # unit P EXO:12:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_µØ_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, # saying, # # unit P EXO:12:2 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_ÒÔ_±¾_ÔÂ_Ϊ_Õý_ÔÂ_£¬_Ϊ_Ò»_Äê_Ö®_Ê×_¡£ # # This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be # the first month of the year to you. # # unit P EXO:12:3 Äã_ÃÇ_·Ô_¸À_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_È«_»á_ÖÚ_˵_£¬_±¾_ÔÂ_³õ_Ê®_ÈÕ_£¬_¸÷_ÈË_Òª_°´_×Å ¸¸_¼Ò_È¡_Ñò_¸á_£¬_Ò»_¼Ò_Ò»_Ö»_¡£ # # Speak ye unto all the congregation of Israel, saying, In the tenth # day of this month they shall take to them every man a lamb, # according to the house of their fathers, a lamb for an house: # # unit P EXO:12:4 Èô_ÊÇ_Ò»_¼Ò_µÄ_ÈË_Ì«_ÉÙ_£¬_³Ô_²»_ÁË_Ò»_Ö»_Ñò_¸á_£¬_±¾_ÈË_¾Í_Òª_ºÍ_Ëû ¸ô_±Ú_µÄ_ÁÚ_Éá_¹²_È¡_Ò»_Ö»_¡£_Äã_ÃÇ_Ô¤_±¸_Ñò_¸á_£¬_Òª_°´_×Å_ÈË_Êý_ºÍ ·¹_Á¿_¼Æ_Ëã_¡£ # # And if the household be too little for the lamb, let him and his # neighbour next unto his house take it according to the number of the # souls; every man according to his eating shall make your count for # the lamb. # # unit P EXO:12:5 Òª_ÎÞ_²Ð_¼²_£¬_Ò»_Ëê_µÄ_¹«_Ñò_¸á_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_»ò_´Ó_Ãà_Ñò_Àï_È¡_£¬_»ò_´Ó ɽ_Ñò_Àï_È¡_£¬_¶¼_¿É_ÒÔ_¡£ # # Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male of the first year: ye # shall take it out from the sheep, or from the goats: # # unit P EXO:12:6 Òª_Áô_µ½_±¾_ÔÂ_Ê®_ËÄ_ÈÕ_£¬_ÔÚ_»Æ_»è_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_È«_»á_ÖÚ_°Ñ Ñò_¸á_Ô×_ÁË_¡£ # # And ye shall keep it up until the fourteenth day of the same month: # and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it # in the evening. # # unit P EXO:12:7 ¸÷_¼Ò_Òª_È¡_µã_Ѫ_£¬_Í¿_ÔÚ_³Ô_Ñò_¸á_µÄ_·¿_ÎÝ_×ó_ÓÒ_µÄ_ÃÅ_¿ò_ÉÏ_ºÍ_ÃÅ é¹_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And they shall take of the blood, and strike it on the two side # posts and on the upper door post of the houses, wherein they shall # eat it. # # unit P EXO:12:8 µ±_Ò¹_Òª_³Ô_Ñò_¸á_µÄ_Èâ_£¬_ÓÃ_»ð_¿¾_ÁË_£¬_Óë_ÎÞ_½Í_±ý_ºÍ_¿à_²Ë_ͬ_³Ô ¡£ # # And they shall eat the flesh in that night, roast with fire, and # unleavened bread; and with bitter herbs they shall eat it. # # unit P EXO:12:9 ²»_¿É_³Ô_Éú_µÄ_£¬_¶Ï_²»_¿É_³Ô_Ë®_Öó_µÄ_£¬_Òª_´ø_×Å_Í·_£¬_ÍÈ_£¬_Îå_Ôà £¬_ÓÃ_»ð_¿¾_ÁË_³Ô_¡£ # # Eat not of it raw, nor sodden at all with water, but roast with # fire; his head with his legs, and with the purtenance thereof. # # unit P EXO:12:10 ²»_¿É_Ê£_ÏÂ_Ò»_µã_Áô_µ½_Ôç_³¿_£¬_Èô_Áô_µ½_Ôç_³¿_£¬_Òª_ÓÃ_»ð_ÉÕ_ÁË_¡£ # # And ye shall let nothing of it remain until the morning; and that # which remaineth of it until the morning ye shall burn with fire. # # unit P EXO:12:11 Äã_ÃÇ_³Ô_Ñò_¸á_µ±_Ñü_¼ä_Êø_´ø_£¬_½Å_ÉÏ_´©_Ь_£¬_ÊÖ_ÖÐ_ÄÃ_ÕÈ_£¬_¸Ï_½ô µØ_³Ô_£¬_Õâ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_Óâ_Ô½_½Ú_¡£ # # And thus shall ye eat it; with your loins girded, your shoes on your # feet, and your staff in your hand; and ye shall eat it in haste: it # is the LORD's passover. # # unit P EXO:12:12 Òò_Ϊ_ÄÇ_Ò¹_ÎÒ_Òª_Ѳ_ÐÐ_°£_¼°_µØ_£¬_°Ñ_°£_¼°_µØ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Í·_Éú_µÄ_£¬_ÎÞ ÂÛ_ÊÇ_ÈË_ÊÇ_Éü_Ðó_£¬_¶¼_»÷_ɱ_ÁË_£¬_ÓÖ_Òª_°Ü_»µ_°£_¼°_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite # all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and # against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am the # LORD. # # unit P EXO:12:13 Õâ_Ѫ_Òª_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ëù_ס_µÄ_·¿_ÎÝ_ÉÏ_×÷_¼Ç_ºÅ_£¬_ÎÒ_Ò»_¼û_Õâ_Ѫ_£¬_¾Í Ô½_¹ý_Äã_ÃÇ_È¥_¡£_ÎÒ_»÷_ɱ_°£_¼°_µØ_Í·_Éú_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_ÔÖ_Ñê_±Ø_²»_ÁÙ µ½_Äã_ÃÇ_Éí_ÉÏ_Ãð_Äã_ÃÇ_¡£ # # And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye # are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague # shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of # Egypt. # # unit P EXO:12:14 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_¼Ç_Äî_Õâ_ÈÕ_£¬_ÊØ_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_½Ú_£¬_×÷_Ϊ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÊÀ_ÊÀ_´ú ´ú_ÓÀ_Ô¶_µÄ_¶¨_Àý_¡£ # # And this day shall be unto you for a memorial; and ye shall keep it # a feast to the LORD throughout your generations; ye shall keep it a # feast by an ordinance for ever. # # unit P EXO:12:15 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_³Ô_ÎÞ_½Í_±ý_Æß_ÈÕ_¡£_Í·_Ò»_ÈÕ_Òª_°Ñ_½Í_´Ó_Äã_ÃÇ_¸÷_¼Ò_ÖÐ_³ý È¥_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_´Ó_Í·_Ò»_ÈÕ_Æð_£¬_µ½_µÚ_Æß_ÈÕ_Ϊ_Ö¹_£¬_·²_³Ô_ÓÐ_½Í_Ö®_±ý µÄ_£¬_±Ø_´Ó_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÐ_¼ô_³ý_¡£ # # Seven days shall ye eat unleavened bread; even the first day ye # shall put away leaven out of your houses: for whosoever eateth # leavened bread from the first day until the seventh day, that soul # shall be cut off from Israel. # # unit P EXO:12:16 Í·_Ò»_ÈÕ_Äã_ÃÇ_µ±_ÓÐ_Ê¥_»á_£¬_µÚ_Æß_ÈÕ_Ò²_µ±_ÓÐ_Ê¥_»á_¡£_Õâ_Á½_ÈÕ_Ö® ÄÚ_£¬_³ý_ÁË_Ô¤_±¸_¸÷_ÈË_Ëù_Òª_³Ô_µÄ_ÒÔ_Íâ_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ºÎ_¹¤_¶¼_²»_¿É_×÷ ¡£ # # And in the first day there shall be an holy convocation, and in the # seventh day there shall be an holy convocation to you; no manner of # work shall be done in them, save that which every man must eat, that # only may be done of you. # # unit P EXO:12:17 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_ÊØ_ÎÞ_½Í_½Ú_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÎÒ_Õý_µ±_Õâ_ÈÕ_°Ñ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_¾ü_¶Ó_´Ó_°£ ¼°_µØ_Áì_³ö_À´_¡£_Ëù_ÒÔ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_ÊØ_Õâ_ÈÕ_£¬_×÷_Ϊ_ÊÀ_ÊÀ_´ú_´ú_ÓÀ Ô¶_µÄ_¶¨_Àý_¡£ # # And ye shall observe the feast of unleavened bread; for in this # selfsame day have I brought your armies out of the land of Egypt: # therefore shall ye observe this day in your generations by an # ordinance for ever. # # unit P EXO:12:18 ´Ó_Õý_ÔÂ_Ê®_ËÄ_ÈÕ_Íí_ÉÏ_£¬_Ö±_µ½_¶þ_Ê®_Ò»_ÈÕ_Íí_ÉÏ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_³Ô_ÎÞ ½Í_±ý_¡£ # # In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month at even, ye # shall eat unleavened bread, until the one and twentieth day of the # month at even. # # unit P EXO:12:19 ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_¸÷_¼Ò_ÖÐ_£¬_Æß_ÈÕ_Ö®_ÄÚ_²»_¿É_ÓÐ_½Í_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_·²_³Ô_ÓÐ_½Í_Ö® Îï_µÄ_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_£¬_ÊÇ_±¾_µØ_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_´Ó_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_µÄ_»á_ÖÐ ¼ô_³ý_¡£ # # Seven days shall there be no leaven found in your houses: for # whosoever eateth that which is leavened, even that soul shall be cut # off from the congregation of Israel, whether he be a stranger, or # born in the land. # # unit P EXO:12:20 ÓÐ_½Í_µÄ_Îï_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¶¼_²»_¿É_³Ô_£¬_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ò»_ÇÐ_ס_´¦_Òª_³Ô_ÎÞ_½Í ±ý_¡£ # # Ye shall eat nothing leavened; in all your habitations shall ye eat # unleavened bread. # # unit P EXO:12:21 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_£¬_Ħ_Î÷_ÕÙ_ÁË_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_µÄ_ÖÚ_³¤_ÀÏ_À´_£¬_¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ Òª_°´_×Å_¼Ò_¿Ú_È¡_³ö_Ñò_¸á_£¬_°Ñ_Õâ_Óâ_Ô½_½Ú_µÄ_Ñò_¸á_Ô×_ÁË_¡£ # # Then Moses called for all the elders of Israel, and said unto them, # Draw out and take you a lamb according to your families, and kill # the passover. # # unit P EXO:12:22 ÄÃ_Ò»_°Ñ_Å£_Ï¥_²Ý_£¬_Õº_Åè_Àï_µÄ_Ѫ_£¬_´ò_ÔÚ_ÃÅ_é¹_ÉÏ_ºÍ_×ó_ÓÒ_µÄ_ÃÅ ¿ò_ÉÏ_¡£_Äã_ÃÇ_Ë­_Ò²_²»_¿É_³ö_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_·¿_ÃÅ_£¬_Ö±_µ½_Ôç_³¿_¡£ # # And ye shall take a bunch of hyssop, and dip it in the blood that is # in the bason, and strike the lintel and the two side posts with the # blood that is in the bason; and none of you shall go out at the door # of his house until the morning. # # unit P EXO:12:23 Òò_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Òª_Ѳ_ÐÐ_»÷_ɱ_°£_¼°_ÈË_£¬_Ëû_¿´_¼û_Ѫ_ÔÚ_ÃÅ_é¹_ÉÏ_ºÍ ×ó_ÓÒ_µÄ_ÃÅ_¿ò_ÉÏ_£¬_¾Í_±Ø_Ô½_¹ý_ÄÇ_ÃÅ_£¬_²»_ÈÝ_Ãð_Ãü_µÄ_½ø_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ ·¿_ÎÝ_£¬_»÷_ɱ_Äã_ÃÇ_¡£ # # For the LORD will pass through to smite the Egyptians; and when he # seeth the blood upon the lintel, and on the two side posts, the LORD # will pass over the door, and will not suffer the destroyer to come # in unto your houses to smite you. # # unit P EXO:12:24 Õâ_Àý_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_ÊØ_×Å_£¬_×÷_Ϊ_Äã_ÃÇ_ºÍ_Äã_ÃÇ_×Ó_Ëï_ÓÀ_Ô¶_µÄ_¶¨_Àý ¡£ # # And ye shall observe this thing for an ordinance to thee and to thy # sons for ever. # # unit P EXO:12:25 ÈÕ_ºó_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_µ½_ÁË_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_°´_×Å_Ëù_Ó¦_Ðí_´Í_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÄÇ_µØ_£¬ ¾Í_Òª_ÊØ_Õâ_Àñ_¡£ # # And it shall come to pass, when ye be come to the land which the # LORD will give you, according as he hath promised, that ye shall # keep this service. # # unit P EXO:12:26 Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_¶ù_Å®_ÎÊ_Äã_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_ÐÐ_Õâ_Àñ_ÊÇ_ʲ_ô_Òâ_˼_£¿ # # And it shall come to pass, when your children shall say unto you, # What mean ye by this service? # # unit P EXO:12:27 Äã_ÃÇ_¾Í_˵_£¬_Õâ_ÊÇ_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Óâ_Ô½_½Ú_µÄ_¼À_¡£_µ±_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË ÔÚ_°£_¼°_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Ëû_»÷_ɱ_°£_¼°_ÈË_£¬_Ô½_¹ý_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_µÄ_·¿_ÎÝ £¬_¾È_ÁË_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¸÷_¼Ò_¡£_ÓÚ_ÊÇ_°Ù_ÐÕ_µÍ_Í·_ÏÂ_°Ý_¡£ # # That ye shall say, It is the sacrifice of the LORD's passover, who # passed over the houses of the children of Israel in Egypt, when he # smote the Egyptians, and delivered our houses. And the people bowed # the head and worshipped. # # unit P EXO:12:28 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ôõ_Ñù_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_£¬_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_¾Í_Ôõ_Ñù_ÐÐ_¡£ # # And the children of Israel went away, and did as the LORD had # commanded Moses and Aaron, so did they. # # unit P EXO:12:29 µ½_ÁË_°ë_Ò¹_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_°Ñ_°£_¼°_µØ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_³¤_×Ó_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_´Ó_×ø_±¦ ×ù_µÄ_·¨_ÀÏ_£¬_Ö±_µ½_±»_°_Çô_ÔÚ_¼à_Àï_Ö®_ÈË_µÄ_³¤_×Ó_£¬_ÒÔ_¼°_Ò»_ÇÐ Í·_Éú_µÄ_Éü_Ðó_£¬_¾¡_¶¼_ɱ_ÁË_¡£ # # And it came to pass, that at midnight the LORD smote all the # firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh that # sat on his throne unto the firstborn of the captive that was in the # dungeon; and all the firstborn of cattle. # # unit P EXO:12:30 ·¨_ÀÏ_ºÍ_Ò»_ÇÐ_³¼_ÆÍ_£¬_²¢_°£_¼°_ÖÚ_ÈË_£¬_Ò¹_¼ä_¶¼_Æð_À´_ÁË_¡£_ÔÚ_°£ ¼°_ÓÐ_´ó_°§_ºÅ_£¬_ÎÞ_Ò»_¼Ò_²»_ËÀ_Ò»_¸ö_ÈË_µÄ_¡£ # # And Pharaoh rose up in the night, he, and all his servants, and all # the Egyptians; and there was a great cry in Egypt; for there was not # a house where there was not one dead. # # unit P EXO:12:31 Ò¹_¼ä_£¬_·¨_ÀÏ_ÕÙ_ÁË_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_À´_£¬_˵_£¬_Æð_À´_£¬_Á¬_Äã_ÃÇ_´ø ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_£¬_´Ó_ÎÒ_Ãñ_ÖÐ_³ö_È¥_£¬_ÒÀ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ëù_˵_µÄ_£¬_È¥_ÊÂ_·î_Ò® ºÍ_»ª_°É_¡£ # # And he called for Moses and Aaron by night, and said, Rise up, and # get you forth from among my people, both ye and the children of # Israel; and go, serve the LORD, as ye have said. # # unit P EXO:12:32 Ò²_ÒÀ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ëù_˵_µÄ_£¬_Á¬_Ñò_Ⱥ_Å£_Ⱥ_´ø_×Å_×ß_°É_£¬_²¢_Òª_Ϊ_ÎÒ_×£ ¸£_¡£ # # Also take your flocks and your herds, as ye have said, and be gone; # and bless me also. # # unit P EXO:12:33 °£_¼°_ÈË_´ß_´Ù_°Ù_ÐÕ_£¬_´ò_·¢_Ëû_ÃÇ_¿ì_¿ì_³ö_Àë_ÄÇ_µØ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_°£_¼° ÈË_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¶¼_Òª_ËÀ_ÁË_¡£ # # And the Egyptians were urgent upon the people, that they might send # them out of the land in haste; for they said, We be all dead men. # # unit P EXO:12:34 °Ù_ÐÕ_¾Í_ÄÃ_×Å_û_ÓÐ_½Í_µÄ_Éú_Ãæ_£¬_°Ñ_ÞÒ_Ãæ_Åè_°ü_ÔÚ_ÒÂ_·þ_ÖÐ_£¬_¿¸ ÔÚ_¼ç_Í·_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And the people took their dough before it was leavened, their # kneadingtroughs being bound up in their clothes upon their # shoulders. # # unit P EXO:12:35 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÕÕ_×Å_Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_»°_ÐÐ_£¬_Ïò_°£_¼°_ÈË_Òª_½ð_Æ÷_£¬_Òø_Æ÷_£¬ ºÍ_ÒÂ_ÉÑ_¡£ # # And the children of Israel did according to the word of Moses; and # they borrowed of the Egyptians jewels of silver, and jewels of gold, # and raiment: # # unit P EXO:12:36 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_½Ð_°Ù_ÐÕ_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_ÈË_ÑÛ_Ç°_ÃÉ_¶÷_£¬_ÒÔ_ÖÂ_°£_¼°_ÈË_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ Ëù_Òª_µÄ_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_°Ñ_°£_¼°_ÈË_µÄ_²Æ_Îï_¶á_È¥_ÁË_¡£ # # And the LORD gave the people favour in the sight of the Egyptians, # so that they lent unto them such things as they required. And they # spoiled the Egyptians. # # unit P EXO:12:37 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_´Ó_À¼_Èû_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_Íù_Êè_¸î_È¥_£¬_³ý_ÁË_¸¾_ÈË_º¢_×Ó_£¬_²½ ÐÐ_µÄ_ÄÐ_ÈË_Ô¼_ÓÐ_Áù_Ê®_Íò_¡£ # # And the children of Israel journeyed from Rameses to Succoth, about # six hundred thousand on foot that were men, beside children. # # unit P EXO:12:38 ÓÖ_ÓÐ_Ðí_¶à_ÏÐ_ÔÓ_ÈË_£¬_²¢_ÓÐ_Ñò_Ⱥ_Å£_Ⱥ_£¬_ºÍ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ò»_ͬ_ÉÏ_È¥_¡£ # # And a mixed multitude went up also with them; and flocks, and herds, # even very much cattle. # # unit P EXO:12:39 Ëû_ÃÇ_ÓÃ_°£_¼°_´ø_³ö_À´_µÄ_Éú_Ãæ_¿¾_³É_ÎÞ_½Í_±ý_¡£_Õâ_Éú_Ãæ_Ô­_û_ÓÐ ·¢_Æð_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_ÃÇ_±»_´ß_±Æ_Àë_¿ª_°£_¼°_£¬_²»_ÄÜ_µ¢_ÑÓ_£¬_Ò²_û_ÓРΪ_×Ô_¼º_Ô¤_±¸_ʲ_ô_ʳ_Îï_¡£ # # And they baked unleavened cakes of the dough which they brought # forth out of Egypt, for it was not leavened; because they were # thrust out of Egypt, and could not tarry, neither had they prepared # for themselves any victual. # # unit P EXO:12:40 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ס_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_¹²_ÓÐ_ËÄ_°Ù_Èý_Ê®_Äê_¡£ # # Now the sojourning of the children of Israel, who dwelt in Egypt, # was four hundred and thirty years. # # unit P EXO:12:41 Õý_Âú_ÁË_ËÄ_°Ù_Èý_Ê®_Äê_µÄ_ÄÇ_Ò»_Ìì_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_¾ü_¶Ó_¶¼_´Ó_°£_¼° µØ_³ö_À´_ÁË_¡£ # # And it came to pass at the end of the four hundred and thirty years, # even the selfsame day it came to pass, that all the hosts of the # LORD went out from the land of Egypt. # # unit P EXO:12:42 Õâ_Ò¹_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_Ò¹_£¬_Òò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Áì_Ëû_ÃÇ_³ö_ÁË_°£_¼°_µØ_£¬_Ëù ÒÔ_µ±_Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_½÷_ÊØ_£¬_ÊÇ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÚ_ÈË_ÊÀ_ÊÀ_´ú_´ú_¸Ã_½÷_ÊØ_µÄ ¡£ # # It is a night to be much observed unto the LORD for bringing them # out from the land of Egypt: this is that night of the LORD to be # observed of all the children of Israel in their generations. # # unit P EXO:12:43 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_˵_£¬_Óâ_Ô½_½Ú_µÄ_Àý_ÊÇ_Õâ_Ñù_£¬_Íâ_°î_ÈË ¶¼_²»_¿É_³Ô_Õâ_Ñò_¸á_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto Moses and Aaron, This is the ordinance of the # passover: There shall no stranger eat thereof: # # unit P EXO:12:44 µ«_¸÷_ÈË_ÓÃ_Òø_×Ó_Âò_µÄ_Å«_ÆÍ_£¬_¼È_ÊÜ_ÁË_¸î_Àñ_¾Í_¿É_ÒÔ_³Ô_¡£ # # But every man's servant that is bought for money, when thou hast # circumcised him, then shall he eat thereof. # # unit P EXO:12:45 ¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_ºÍ_¹Í_¹¤_ÈË_¶¼_²»_¿É_³Ô_¡£ # # A foreigner and an hired servant shall not eat thereof. # # unit P EXO:12:46 Ó¦_µ±_ÔÚ_Ò»_¸ö_·¿_×Ó_Àï_³Ô_£¬_²»_¿É_°Ñ_Ò»_µã_Èâ_´Ó_·¿_×Ó_Àï_´ø_µ½_Íâ Í·_È¥_¡£_Ñò_¸á_µÄ_¹Ç_Í·_Ò»_¸ù_Ò²_²»_¿É_ÕÛ_¶Ï_¡£ # # In one house shall it be eaten; thou shalt not carry forth ought of # the flesh abroad out of the house; neither shall ye break a bone # thereof. # # unit P EXO:12:47 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_È«_»á_ÖÚ_¶¼_Òª_ÊØ_Õâ_Àñ_¡£ # # All the congregation of Israel shall keep it. # # unit P EXO:12:48 Èô_ÓÐ_Íâ_ÈË_¼Ä_¾Ó_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_£¬_Ô¸_Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÊØ_Óâ_Ô½_½Ú_£¬_Ëû Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_ÄÐ_×Ó_Îñ_Òª_ÊÜ_¸î_Àñ_£¬_È»_ºó_²Å_ÈÝ_Ëû_Ç°_À´_×ñ_ÊØ_£¬_Ëû_Ò² ¾Í_Ïñ_±¾_µØ_ÈË_Ò»_Ñù_£¬_µ«_δ_ÊÜ_¸î_Àñ_µÄ_£¬_¶¼_²»_¿É_³Ô_Õâ_Ñò_¸á_¡£ # # And when a stranger shall sojourn with thee, and will keep the # passover to the LORD, let all his males be circumcised, and then let # him come near and keep it; and he shall be as one that is born in # the land: for no uncircumcised person shall eat thereof. # # unit P EXO:12:49 ±¾_µØ_ÈË_ºÍ_¼Ä_¾Ó_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_µÄ_Íâ_ÈË_ͬ_¹é_Ò»_Àý_¡£ # # One law shall be to him that is homeborn, and unto the stranger that # sojourneth among you. # # unit P EXO:12:50 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ôõ_Ñù_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_£¬_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÚ_ÈË_¾Í_Ôõ_Ñù_ÐÐ_ÁË ¡£ # # Thus did all the children of Israel; as the LORD commanded Moses and # Aaron, so did they. # # unit P EXO:12:51 Õý_µ±_ÄÇ_ÈÕ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_½«_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_°´_×Å_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_¾ü_¶Ó_£¬_´Ó_°£ ¼°_µØ_Áì_³ö_À´_¡£ # # And it came to pass the selfsame day, that the LORD did bring the # children of Israel out of the land of Egypt by their armies. # ## # chapter 13 EXO:13 # unit P EXO:13:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P EXO:13:2 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÐ_·²_Í·_Éú_µÄ_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_ÈË_ÊÇ_Éü_Ðó_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_µÄ_£¬_Òª ·Ö_±ð_Ϊ_Ê¥_¹é_ÎÒ_¡£ # # Sanctify unto me all the firstborn, whatsoever openeth the womb # among the children of Israel, both of man and of beast: it is mine. # # unit P EXO:13:3 Ħ_Î÷_¶Ô_°Ù_ÐÕ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_¼Ç_Äî_´Ó_°£_¼°_Ϊ_Å«_Ö®_¼Ò_³ö_À´_µÄ_Õâ ÈÕ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÓÃ_´ó_ÄÜ_µÄ_ÊÖ_½«_Äã_ÃÇ_´Ó_Õâ_µØ_·½_Áì_³ö_À´_¡£ ÓÐ_½Í_µÄ_±ý_¶¼_²»_¿É_³Ô_¡£ # # And Moses said unto the people, Remember this day, in which ye came # out from Egypt, out of the house of bondage; for by strength of hand # the LORD brought you out from this place: there shall no leavened # bread be eaten. # # unit P EXO:13:4 ÑÇ_±Ê_ÔÂ_¼ä_µÄ_Õâ_ÈÕ_ÊÇ_Äã_ÃÇ_³ö_À´_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_¡£ # # This day came ye out in the month Abib. # # unit P EXO:13:5 ½«_À´_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Áì_Äã_½ø_åÈ_ÄÏ_ÈË_£¬_ºÕ_ÈË_£¬_ÑÇ_Ħ_Àû_ÈË_£¬_Ï£_δ_ÈË £¬_Ò®_²¼_˹_ÈË_Ö®_µØ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ëû_Ïò_Äã_µÄ_×æ_×Ú_Æð_ÊÄ_Ó¦_Ðí_¸ø_Äã_ÄÇ Á÷_ÄÌ_Óë_ÃÛ_Ö®_µØ_£¬_ÄÇ_ʱ_Äã_Òª_ÔÚ_Õâ_ÔÂ_¼ä_ÊØ_Õâ_Àñ_¡£ # # And it shall be when the LORD shall bring thee into the land of the # Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Hivites, and # the Jebusites, which he sware unto thy fathers to give thee, a land # flowing with milk and honey, that thou shalt keep this service in # this month. # # unit P EXO:13:6 Äã_Òª_³Ô_ÎÞ_½Í_±ý_Æß_ÈÕ_£¬_µ½_µÚ_Æß_ÈÕ_Òª_Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÊØ_½Ú_¡£ # # Seven days thou shalt eat unleavened bread, and in the seventh day # shall be a feast to the LORD. # # unit P EXO:13:7 Õâ_Æß_ÈÕ_Ö®_¾Ã_£¬_Òª_³Ô_ÎÞ_½Í_±ý_£¬_ÔÚ_Äã_ËÄ_¾³_Ö®_ÄÚ_²»_¿É_¼û_ÓÐ_½Í µÄ_±ý_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_¼û_·¢_½Í_µÄ_Îï_¡£ # # Unleavened bread shall be eaten seven days; and there shall no # leavened bread be seen with thee, neither shall there be leaven seen # with thee in all thy quarters. # # unit P EXO:13:8 µ±_ÄÇ_ÈÕ_£¬_Äã_Òª_¸æ_Ëß_Äã_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_˵_£¬_Õâ_ÊÇ_Òò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_³ö °£_¼°_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_Ϊ_ÎÒ_Ëù_ÐÐ_µÄ_ÊÂ_¡£ # # And thou shalt shew thy son in that day, saying, This is done # because of that which the LORD did unto me when I came forth out of # Egypt. # # unit P EXO:13:9 Õâ_Òª_ÔÚ_Äã_ÊÖ_ÉÏ_×÷_¼Ç_ºÅ_£¬_ÔÚ_Äã_¶î_ÉÏ_×÷_¼Í_Äî_£¬_ʹ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ ÂÉ_·¨_³£_ÔÚ_Äã_¿Ú_ÖÐ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ôø_ÓÃ_´ó_ÄÜ_µÄ_ÊÖ_½«_Äã_´Ó_°£ ¼°_Áì_³ö_À´_¡£ # # And it shall be for a sign unto thee upon thine hand, and for a # memorial between thine eyes, that the LORD's law may be in thy # mouth: for with a strong hand hath the LORD brought thee out of # Egypt. # # unit P EXO:13:10 Ëù_ÒÔ_Äã_ÿ_Äê_Òª_°´_×Å_ÈÕ_ÆÚ_ÊØ_Õâ_Àý_¡£ # # Thou shalt therefore keep this ordinance in his season from year to # year. # # unit P EXO:13:11 ½«_À´_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÕÕ_Ëû_Ïò_Äã_ºÍ_Äã_×æ_×Ú_Ëù_Æð_µÄ_ÊÄ_½«_Äã_Áì_½ø_åÈ ÄÏ_ÈË_Ö®_µØ_£¬_°Ñ_Õâ_µØ_´Í_¸ø_Äã_£¬ # # And it shall be when the LORD shall bring thee into the land of the # Canaanites, as he sware unto thee and to thy fathers, and shall give # it thee, # # unit P EXO:13:12 ÄÇ_ʱ_Äã_Òª_½«_Ò»_ÇÐ_Í·_Éú_µÄ_£¬_²¢_Éü_Ðó_ÖÐ_Í·_Éú_µÄ_£¬_¹é_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ »ª_£¬_¹«_µÄ_¶¼_Òª_Êô_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # That thou shalt set apart unto the LORD all that openeth the matrix, # and every firstling that cometh of a beast which thou hast; the # males shall be the LORD's. # # unit P EXO:13:13 ·²_Í·_Éú_µÄ_¿_£¬_Äã_Òª_ÓÃ_Ñò_¸á_´ú_Êê_£¬_Èô_²»_´ú_Êê_£¬_¾Í_Òª_´ò_ÕÛ Ëü_µÄ_¾±_Ïî_¡£_·²_Äã_¶ù_×Ó_ÖÐ_Í·_Éú_µÄ_¶¼_Òª_Êê_³ö_À´_¡£ # # And every firstling of an ass thou shalt redeem with a lamb; and if # thou wilt not redeem it, then thou shalt break his neck: and all the # firstborn of man among thy children shalt thou redeem. # # unit P EXO:13:14 ÈÕ_ºó_£¬_Äã_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÎÊ_Äã_˵_£¬_Õâ_ÊÇ_ʲ_ô_Òâ_˼_£¿_Äã_¾Í_˵_£¬_Ò® ºÍ_»ª_ÓÃ_´ó_ÄÜ_µÄ_ÊÖ_½«_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_´Ó_°£_¼°_Ϊ_Å«_Ö®_¼Ò_Áì_³ö_À´_¡£ # # And it shall be when thy son asketh thee in time to come, saying, # What is this? that thou shalt say unto him, By strength of hand the # LORD brought us out from Egypt, from the house of bondage: # # unit P EXO:13:15 ÄÇ_ʱ_·¨_ÀÏ_¼¸_ºõ_²»_ÈÝ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_È¥_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¾Í_°Ñ_°£_¼°_µØ_Ëù_ÓÐ_Í· Éú_µÄ_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_ÈË_ÊÇ_Éü_Ðó_£¬_¶¼_ɱ_ÁË_¡£_Òò_´Ë_£¬_ÎÒ_°Ñ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Í· Éú_µÄ_¹«_Éü_Ðó_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_¼À_£¬_µ«_½«_Í·_Éú_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_¶¼_Êê_³ö À´_¡£ # # And it came to pass, when Pharaoh would hardly let us go, that the # LORD slew all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both the firstborn # of man, and the firstborn of beast: therefore I sacrifice to the # LORD all that openeth the matrix, being males; but all the firstborn # of my children I redeem. # # unit P EXO:13:16 Õâ_Òª_ÔÚ_Äã_ÊÖ_ÉÏ_×÷_¼Ç_ºÅ_£¬_ÔÚ_Äã_¶î_ÉÏ_×÷_¾­_ÎÄ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª ÓÃ_´ó_ÄÜ_µÄ_ÊÖ_½«_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_´Ó_°£_¼°_Áì_³ö_À´_¡£ # # And it shall be for a token upon thine hand, and for frontlets # between thine eyes: for by strength of hand the LORD brought us # forth out of Egypt. # # unit P EXO:13:17 ·¨_ÀÏ_ÈÝ_°Ù_ÐÕ_È¥_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_·Ç_Àû_Ê¿_µØ_µÄ_µÀ_·_Ëä_½ü_£¬_Éñ_È´_²» Áì_Ëû_ÃÇ_´Ó_ÄÇ_Àï_×ß_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Éñ_˵_£¬_¿Ö_ÅÂ_°Ù_ÐÕ_Óö_¼û_´ò_ÕÌ_ºó_»Ú £¬_¾Í_»Ø_°£_¼°_È¥_¡£ # # And it came to pass, when Pharaoh had let the people go, that God # led them not through the way of the land of the Philistines, # although that was near; for God said, Lest peradventure the people # repent when they see war, and they return to Egypt: # # unit P EXO:13:18 Ëù_ÒÔ_Éñ_Áì_°Ù_ÐÕ_ÈÆ_µÀ_¶ø_ÐÐ_£¬_×ß_ºì_º£_¿õ_Ò°_µÄ_·_¡£_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË ³ö_°£_¼°_µØ_£¬_¶¼_´ø_×Å_±ø_Æ÷_ÉÏ_È¥_¡£ # # But God led the people about, through the way of the wilderness of # the Red sea: and the children of Israel went up harnessed out of the # land of Egypt. # # unit P EXO:13:19 Ħ_Î÷_°Ñ_Ô¼_ɪ_µÄ_º¡_¹Ç_Ò»_ͬ_´ø_È¥_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ô¼_ɪ_Ôø_½Ð_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË ÑÏ_ÑÏ_µØ_Æð_ÊÄ_£¬_¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Éñ_±Ø_¾ì_¹Ë_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_°Ñ_ÎÒ µÄ_º¡_¹Ç_´Ó_Õâ_Àï_Ò»_ͬ_´ø_ÉÏ_È¥_¡£ # # And Moses took the bones of Joseph with him: for he had straitly # sworn the children of Israel, saying, God will surely visit you; and # ye shall carry up my bones away hence with you. # # unit P EXO:13:20 Ëû_ÃÇ_´Ó_Êè_¸î_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_ÔÚ_¿õ_Ò°_±ß_µÄ_ÒÔ_ÌÈ_°²_Óª_¡£ # # And they took their journey from Succoth, and encamped in Etham, in # the edge of the wilderness. # # unit P EXO:13:21 ÈÕ_¼ä_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÔÚ_ÔÆ_Öù_ÖÐ_Áì_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_·_£¬_Ò¹_¼ä_£¬_ÔÚ_»ð_Öù_ÖÐ ¹â_ÕÕ_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_ʹ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÈÕ_Ò¹_¶¼_¿É_ÒÔ_ÐÐ_×ß_¡£ # # And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead # them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; # to go by day and night: # # unit P EXO:13:22 ÈÕ_¼ä_ÔÆ_Öù_£¬_Ò¹_¼ä_»ð_Öù_£¬_×Ü_²»_Àë_¿ª_°Ù_ÐÕ_µÄ_Ãæ_Ç°_¡£ # # He took not away the pillar of the cloud by day, nor the pillar of # fire by night, from before the people. # ## # chapter 14 EXO:14 # unit P EXO:14:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P EXO:14:2 Äã_·Ô_¸À_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ת_»Ø_£¬_°²_Óª_ÔÚ_±È_¹þ_Ï£_¼_Ç°_£¬_ÃÜ_¶á_ºÍ_º£ µÄ_ÖÐ_¼ä_£¬_¶Ô_×Å_°Í_Á¦_Ï´_·Ö_£¬_¿¿_½ü_º£_±ß_°²_Óª_¡£ # # Speak unto the children of Israel, that they turn and encamp before # Pihahiroth, between Migdol and the sea, over against Baalzephon: # before it shall ye encamp by the sea. # # unit P EXO:14:3 ·¨_ÀÏ_±Ø_˵_£¬_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÔÚ_µØ_ÖÐ_ÈÆ_ÃÔ_ÁË_£¬_¿õ_Ò°_°Ñ_Ëû_ÃÇ_À§_ס ÁË_¡£ # # For Pharaoh will say of the children of Israel, They are entangled # in the land, the wilderness hath shut them in. # # unit P EXO:14:4 ÎÒ_Òª_ʹ_·¨_ÀÏ_µÄ_ÐÄ_¸Õ_Ó²_£¬_Ëû_Òª_×·_¸Ï_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_ÎÒ_±ã_ÔÚ_·¨_ÀÏ_ºÍ Ëû_È«_¾ü_Éí_ÉÏ_µÃ_ÈÙ_Ò«_£¬_°£_¼°_ÈË_¾Í_Öª_µÀ_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£_ÓÚ_ÊÇ ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Õâ_Ñù_ÐÐ_ÁË_¡£ # # And I will harden Pharaoh's heart, that he shall follow after them; # and I will be honoured upon Pharaoh, and upon all his host; that the # Egyptians may know that I am the LORD. And they did so. # # unit P EXO:14:5 ÓÐ_ÈË_¸æ_Ëß_°£_¼°_Íõ_˵_£¬_°Ù_ÐÕ_ÌÓ_ÅÜ_¡£_·¨_ÀÏ_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_³¼_ÆÍ_¾Í_Ïò °Ù_ÐÕ_±ä_ÐÄ_£¬_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÈÝ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_È¥_£¬_²»_ÔÙ_·þ_ÊÂ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_£¬ Õâ_×÷_µÄ_ÊÇ_ʲ_ô_ÊÂ_ÄØ_£¿ # # And it was told the king of Egypt that the people fled: and the # heart of Pharaoh and of his servants was turned against the people, # and they said, Why have we done this, that we have let Israel go # from serving us? # # unit P EXO:14:6 ·¨_ÀÏ_¾Í_Ô¤_±¸_Ëû_µÄ_³µ_Á¾_£¬_´ø_Áì_¾ü_±ø_ͬ_È¥_£¬ # # And he made ready his chariot, and took his people with him: # # unit P EXO:14:7 ²¢_´ø_×Å_Áù_°Ù_Á¾_ÌØ_Ñ¡_µÄ_³µ_ºÍ_°£_¼°_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_³µ_£¬_ÿ_Á¾_¶¼_ÓÐ_³µ ±ø_³¤_¡£ # # And he took six hundred chosen chariots, and all the chariots of # Egypt, and captains over every one of them. # # unit P EXO:14:8 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ʹ_°£_¼°_Íõ_·¨_ÀÏ_µÄ_ÐÄ_¸Õ_Ó²_£¬_Ëû_¾Í_×·_¸Ï_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_£¬ Òò_Ϊ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÊÇ_°º_È»_ÎÞ_¾å_µØ_³ö_°£_¼°_¡£ # # And the LORD hardened the heart of Pharaoh king of Egypt, and he # pursued after the children of Israel: and the children of Israel # went out with an high hand. # # unit P EXO:14:9 °£_¼°_ÈË_×·_¸Ï_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_·¨_ÀÏ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_Âí_Æ¥_£¬_³µ_Á¾_£¬_Âí_±ø_£¬_Óë ¾ü_±ø_¾Í_ÔÚ_º£_±ß_ÉÏ_£¬_¿¿_½ü_±È_¹þ_Ï£_¼_£¬_¶Ô_×Å_°Í_Á¦_Ï´_·Ö_£¬_ÔÚ Ëû_ÃÇ_°²_Óª_µÄ_µØ_·½_×·_ÉÏ_ÁË_¡£ # # But the Egyptians pursued after them, all the horses and chariots of # Pharaoh, and his horsemen, and his army, and overtook them encamping # by the sea, beside Pihahiroth, before Baalzephon. # # unit P EXO:14:10 ·¨_ÀÏ_ÁÙ_½ü_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_¾Ù_Ä¿_¿´_¼û_°£_¼°_ÈË_¸Ï_À´_£¬_¾Í Éõ_¾å_ÅÂ_£¬_Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_°§_Çó_¡£ # # And when Pharaoh drew nigh, the children of Israel lifted up their # eyes, and, behold, the Egyptians marched after them; and they were # sore afraid: and the children of Israel cried out unto the LORD. # # unit P EXO:14:11 Ëû_ÃÇ_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_ÄÑ_µÀ_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_û_ÓÐ_·Ø_µØ_£¬_Äã_°Ñ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_´ø_À´ ËÀ_ÔÚ_¿õ_Ò°_Âð_£¿_Äã_Ϊ_ʲ_ô_Õâ_Ñù_´ý_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_£¬_½«_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_´Ó_°£_¼°_Áì ³ö_À´_ÄØ_£¿ # # And they said unto Moses, Because there were no graves in Egypt, # hast thou taken us away to die in the wilderness? wherefore hast # thou dealt thus with us, to carry us forth out of Egypt? # # unit P EXO:14:12 ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_Æñ_û_ÓÐ_¶Ô_Äã_˵_¹ý_£¬_²»_Òª_½Á_ÈÅ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_£¬_ÈÝ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ ·þ_ÊÂ_°£_¼°_ÈË_Âð_£¿_Òò_Ϊ_·þ_ÊÂ_°£_¼°_ÈË_±È_ËÀ_ÔÚ_¿õ_Ò°_»¹_ºÃ_¡£ # # Is not this the word that we did tell thee in Egypt, saying, Let us # alone, that we may serve the Egyptians? For it had been better for # us to serve the Egyptians, than that we should die in the # wilderness. # # unit P EXO:14:13 Ħ_Î÷_¶Ô_°Ù_ÐÕ_˵_£¬_²»_Òª_¾å_ÅÂ_£¬_Ö»_¹Ü_Õ¾_ס_£¬_¿´_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_½ñ_Ìì Ïò_Äã_ÃÇ_Ëù_Òª_Ê©_ÐÐ_µÄ_¾È_¶÷_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_½ñ_Ìì_Ëù_¿´_¼û_µÄ_°£ ¼°_ÈË_±Ø_ÓÀ_Ô¶_²»_ÔÙ_¿´_¼û_ÁË_¡£ # # And Moses said unto the people, Fear ye not, stand still, and see # the salvation of the LORD, which he will shew to you to day: for the # Egyptians whom ye have seen to day, ye shall see them again no more # for ever. # # unit P EXO:14:14 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_±Ø_Ϊ_Äã_ÃÇ_Õù_Õ½_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Ö»_¹Ü_¾²_Ĭ_£¬_²»_Òª_×÷_Éù_¡£ # # The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace. # # unit P EXO:14:15 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Äã_Ϊ_ʲ_ô_Ïò_ÎÒ_°§_Çó_ÄØ_£¿_Äã_·Ô_¸À_ÒÔ_É« ÁÐ_ÈË_Íù_Ç°_×ß_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto Moses, Wherefore criest thou unto me? speak # unto the children of Israel, that they go forward: # # unit P EXO:14:16 Äã_¾Ù_ÊÖ_Ïò_º£_Éì_ÕÈ_£¬_°Ñ_Ë®_·Ö_¿ª_¡£_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Òª_ÏÂ_º£_ÖÐ_×ß_¸É µØ_¡£ # # But lift thou up thy rod, and stretch out thine hand over the sea, # and divide it: and the children of Israel shall go on dry ground # through the midst of the sea. # # unit P EXO:14:17 ÎÒ_Òª_ʹ_°£_¼°_ÈË_µÄ_ÐÄ_¸Õ_Ó²_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_¸ú_×Å_ÏÂ_È¥_¡£_ÎÒ_Òª_ÔÚ_·¨ ÀÏ_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_È«_¾ü_£¬_³µ_Á¾_£¬_Âí_±ø_ÉÏ_µÃ_ÈÙ_Ò«_¡£ # # And I, behold, I will harden the hearts of the Egyptians, and they # shall follow them: and I will get me honour upon Pharaoh, and upon # all his host, upon his chariots, and upon his horsemen. # # unit P EXO:14:18 ÎÒ_ÔÚ_·¨_ÀÏ_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_³µ_Á¾_£¬_Âí_±ø_ÉÏ_µÃ_ÈÙ_Ò«_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_°£_¼°_ÈË ¾Í_Öª_µÀ_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÁË_¡£ # # And the Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD, when I have gotten # me honour upon Pharaoh, upon his chariots, and upon his horsemen. # # unit P EXO:14:19 ÔÚ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_Óª_Ç°_ÐÐ_×ß_Éñ_µÄ_ʹ_Õß_£¬_ת_µ½_Ëû_ÃÇ_ºó_±ß_È¥_£¬_ÔÆ_Öù Ò²_´Ó_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ç°_±ß_ת_µ½_Ëû_ÃÇ_ºó_±ß_Á¢_ס_¡£ # # And the angel of God, which went before the camp of Israel, removed # and went behind them; and the pillar of the cloud went from before # their face, and stood behind them: # # unit P EXO:14:20 ÔÚ_°£_¼°_Óª_ºÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_Óª_ÖÐ_¼ä_ÓÐ_ÔÆ_Öù_£¬_Ò»_±ß_ºÚ_°µ_£¬_Ò»_±ß_·¢ ¹â_£¬_ÖÕ_Ò¹_Á½_ÏÂ_²»_µÃ_Ïà_½ü_¡£ # # And it came between the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of # Israel; and it was a cloud and darkness to them, but it gave light # by night to these: so that the one came not near the other all the # night. # # unit P EXO:14:21 Ħ_Î÷_Ïò_º£_Éì_ÕÈ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_±ã_ÓÃ_´ó_¶«_·ç_£¬_ʹ_º£_Ë®_Ò»_Ò¹_ÍË_È¥ £¬_Ë®_±ã_·Ö_¿ª_£¬_º£_¾Í_³É_ÁË_¸É_µØ_¡£ # # And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the LORD caused # the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made # the sea dry land, and the waters were divided. # # unit P EXO:14:22 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÏÂ_º£_ÖÐ_×ß_¸É_µØ_£¬_Ë®_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_×ó_ÓÒ_×÷_ÁË_ǽ_Ô«_¡£ # # And the children of Israel went into the midst of the sea upon the # dry ground: and the waters were a wall unto them on their right # hand, and on their left. # # unit P EXO:14:23 °£_¼°_ÈË_×·_¸Ï_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_·¨_ÀÏ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_Âí_Æ¥_£¬_³µ_Á¾_£¬_ºÍ_Âí_±ø_¶¼ ¸ú_×Å_ÏÂ_µ½_º£_ÖÐ_¡£ # # And the Egyptians pursued, and went in after them to the midst of # the sea, even all Pharaoh's horses, his chariots, and his horsemen. # # unit P EXO:14:24 µ½_ÁË_³¿_¸ü_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_´Ó_ÔÆ_»ð_Öù_ÖÐ_Ïò_°£_¼°_µÄ_¾ü_±ø_¹Û ¿´_£¬_ʹ_°£_¼°_µÄ_¾ü_±ø_»ì_ÂÒ_ÁË_£¬ # # And it came to pass, that in the morning watch the LORD looked unto # the host of the Egyptians through the pillar of fire and of the # cloud, and troubled the host of the Egyptians, # # unit P EXO:14:25 ÓÖ_ʹ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_³µ_ÂÖ_ÍÑ_Âä_£¬_ÄÑ_ÒÔ_ÐÐ_×ß_£¬_ÒÔ_ÖÂ_°£_¼°_ÈË_˵_£¬_ÎÒ ÃÇ_´Ó_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Ãæ_Ç°_ÌÓ_ÅÜ_°É_£¬_Òò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_Ëû_ÃÇ_¹¥_»÷_ÎÒ_ÃÇ ÁË_¡£ # # And took off their chariot wheels, that they drave them heavily: so # that the Egyptians said, Let us flee from the face of Israel; for # the LORD fighteth for them against the Egyptians. # # unit P EXO:14:26 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Äã_Ïò_º£_Éì_ÕÈ_£¬_½Ð_Ë®_ÈÔ_ºÏ_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_ÈË_²¢ Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_³µ_Á¾_£¬_Âí_±ø_Éí_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto Moses, Stretch out thine hand over the sea, # that the waters may come again upon the Egyptians, upon their # chariots, and upon their horsemen. # # unit P EXO:14:27 Ħ_Î÷_¾Í_Ïò_º£_Éì_ÕÈ_£¬_µ½_ÁË_Ìì_Ò»_ÁÁ_£¬_º£_Ë®_ÈÔ_¾É_¸´_Ô­_¡£_°£_¼° ÈË_±Ü_Ë®_ÌÓ_ÅÜ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_°Ñ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÍÆ_·­_ÔÚ_º£_ÖÐ_£¬ # # And Moses stretched forth his hand over the sea, and the sea # returned to his strength when the morning appeared; and the # Egyptians fled against it; and the LORD overthrew the Egyptians in # the midst of the sea. # # unit P EXO:14:28 Ë®_¾Í_»Ø_Á÷_£¬_ÑÍ_û_ÁË_³µ_Á¾_ºÍ_Âí_±ø_¡£_ÄÇ_Щ_¸ú_×Å_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Ï º£_·¨_ÀÏ_µÄ_È«_¾ü_£¬_Á¬_Ò»_¸ö_Ò²_û_ÓÐ_Ê£_ÏÂ_¡£ # # And the waters returned, and covered the chariots, and the horsemen, # and all the host of Pharaoh that came into the sea after them; there # remained not so much as one of them. # # unit P EXO:14:29 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_È´_ÔÚ_º£_ÖÐ_×ß_¸É_µØ_£¬_Ë®_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_×ó_ÓÒ_×÷_ÁË_ǽ_Ô« ¡£ # # But the children of Israel walked upon dry land in the midst of the # sea; and the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand, and # on their left. # # unit P EXO:14:30 µ±_ÈÕ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Õâ_Ñù_Õü_¾È_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÍÑ_Àë_°£_¼°_ÈË_µÄ_ÊÖ_£¬_ÒÔ É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_¿´_¼û_°£_¼°_ÈË_µÄ_ËÀ_ʬ_¶¼_ÔÚ_º£_±ß_ÁË_¡£ # # Thus the LORD saved Israel that day out of the hand of the # Egyptians; and Israel saw the Egyptians dead upon the sea shore. # # unit P EXO:14:31 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_¿´_¼û_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïò_°£_¼°_ÈË_Ëù_ÐÐ_µÄ_´ó_ÊÂ_£¬_¾Í_¾´_η_Ò® ºÍ_»ª_£¬_ÓÖ_ÐÅ_·þ_Ëû_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_ÆÍ_ÈË_Ħ_Î÷_¡£ # # And Israel saw that great work which the LORD did upon the # Egyptians: and the people feared the LORD, and believed the LORD, # and his servant Moses. # ## # chapter 15 EXO:15 # unit P EXO:15:1 ÄÇ_ʱ_£¬_Ħ_Î÷_ºÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_³ª_¸è_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ »ª_¸è_³ª_£¬_Òò_Ëû_´ó_´ó_Õ½_ʤ_£¬_½«_Âí_ºÍ_Æï_Âí_µÄ_Ͷ_ÔÚ_º£_ÖÐ_¡£ # # Then sang Moses and the children of Israel this song unto the LORD, # and spake, saying, I will sing unto the LORD, for he hath triumphed # gloriously: the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea. # # unit P EXO:15:2 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_µÄ_Á¦_Á¿_£¬_ÎÒ_µÄ_Ê«_¸è_£¬_Ò²_³É_ÁË_ÎÒ_µÄ_Õü_¾È_¡£_Õâ ÊÇ_ÎÒ_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_ÔÞ_ÃÀ_Ëû_£¬_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_¸¸_Ç×_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_×ð_³ç_Ëû ¡£ # # The LORD is my strength and song, and he is become my salvation: he # is my God, and I will prepare him an habitation; my father's God, # and I will exalt him. # # unit P EXO:15:3 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÊÇ_Õ½_Ê¿_£¬_Ëû_µÄ_Ãû_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name. # # unit P EXO:15:4 ·¨_ÀÏ_µÄ_³µ_Á¾_£¬_¾ü_±ø_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÒÑ_Å×_ÔÚ_º£_ÖÐ_£¬_Ëû_ÌØ_Ñ¡_µÄ_¾ü ³¤_¶¼_³Á_ÓÚ_ºì_º£_¡£ # # Pharaoh's chariots and his host hath he cast into the sea: his # chosen captains also are drowned in the Red sea. # # unit P EXO:15:5 Éî_Ë®_ÑÍ_û_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_Èç_ͬ_ʯ_Í·_×¹_µ½_Éî_´¦_¡£ # # The depths have covered them: they sank into the bottom as a stone. # # unit P EXO:15:6 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_°¢_£¬_Äã_µÄ_ÓÒ_ÊÖ_Ê©_Õ¹_ÄÜ_Á¦_£¬_ÏÔ_³ö_ÈÙ_Ò«_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_°¢ £¬_Äã_µÄ_ÓÒ_ÊÖ_ˤ_Ëé_³ð_µÐ_¡£ # # Thy right hand, O LORD, is become glorious in power: thy right hand, # O LORD, hath dashed in pieces the enemy. # # unit P EXO:15:7 Äã_´ó_·¢_Íþ_ÑÏ_£¬_ÍÆ_·­_ÄÇ_Щ_Æð_À´_¹¥_»÷_Äã_µÄ_£¬_Äã_·¢_³ö_ÁÒ_Å­_Èç »ð_£¬_ÉÕ_Ãð_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ïñ_ÉÕ_Ëé_½Õ_Ò»_Ñù_¡£ # # And in the greatness of thine excellency thou hast overthrown them # that rose up against thee: thou sentest forth thy wrath, which # consumed them as stubble. # # unit P EXO:15:8 Äã_·¢_±Ç_ÖÐ_µÄ_Æø_£¬_Ë®_±ã_¾Û_Æð_³É_¶Ñ_£¬_´ó_Ë®_Ö±_Á¢_Èç_ÀÝ_£¬_º£_ÖÐ µÄ_Éî_Ë®_Äý_½á_¡£ # # And with the blast of thy nostrils the waters were gathered # together, the floods stood upright as an heap, and the depths were # congealed in the heart of the sea. # # unit P EXO:15:9 ³ð_µÐ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_×·_¸Ï_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_×·_ÉÏ_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_·Ö_°_Îï_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_ÔÚ Ëû_ÃÇ_Éí_ÉÏ_³Æ_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÐÄ_Ô¸_¡£_ÎÒ_Òª_°Î_³ö_µ¶_À´_£¬_Ç×_ÊÖ_ɱ_Ãð_Ëû_ÃÇ ¡£ # # The enemy said, I will pursue, I will overtake, I will divide the # spoil; my lust shall be satisfied upon them; I will draw my sword, # my hand shall destroy them. # # unit P EXO:15:10 Äã_½Ð_·ç_Ò»_´µ_£¬_º£_¾Í_°Ñ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÑÍ_û_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_Èç_Ǧ_³Á_ÔÚ_´ó_Ë®_Ö® ÖÐ_¡£ # # Thou didst blow with thy wind, the sea covered them: they sank as # lead in the mighty waters. # # unit P EXO:15:11 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_°¢_£¬_ÖÚ_Éñ_Ö®_ÖÐ_£¬_Ë­_ÄÜ_Ïó_Äã_¡£_Ë­_ÄÜ_Ïó_Äã_£¬_ÖÁ_Ê¥_ÖÁ ÈÙ_£¬_¿É_ËÌ_¿É_η_£¬_Ê©_ÐÐ_Ææ_ÊÂ_¡£ # # Who is like unto thee, O LORD, among the gods? who is like thee, # glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders? # # unit P EXO:15:12 Äã_Éì_³ö_ÓÒ_ÊÖ_£¬_µØ_±ã_ÍÌ_Ãð_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£ # # Thou stretchedst out thy right hand, the earth swallowed them. # # unit P EXO:15:13 Äã_ƾ_´È_°®_£¬_Áì_ÁË_Äã_Ëù_Êê_µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_£¬_Äã_ƾ_ÄÜ_Á¦_£¬_Òý_Ëû_ÃÇ_µ½ ÁË_Äã_µÄ_Ê¥_Ëù_¡£ # # Thou in thy mercy hast led forth the people which thou hast # redeemed: thou hast guided them in thy strength unto thy holy # habitation. # # unit P EXO:15:14 Íâ_°î_ÈË_Ìý_¼û_¾Í_·¢_²ü_£¬_ÌÛ_Í´_×¥_ס_·Ç_Àû_Ê¿_µÄ_¾Ó_Ãñ_¡£ # # The people shall hear, and be afraid: sorrow shall take hold on the # inhabitants of Palestina. # # unit P EXO:15:15 ÄÇ_ʱ_£¬_ÒÔ_¶«_µÄ_×å_³¤_¾ª_»Ì_£¬_Ħ_Ѻ_µÄ_Ó¢_ÐÛ_±»_Õ½_¾¤_×¥_ס_£¬_åÈ ÄÏ_µÄ_¾Ó_Ãñ_ÐÄ_¶¼_Ïû_»¯_ÁË_¡£ # # Then the dukes of Edom shall be amazed; the mighty men of Moab, # trembling shall take hold upon them; all the inhabitants of Canaan # shall melt away. # # unit P EXO:15:16 ¾ª_º§_¿Ö_¾å_ÁÙ_µ½_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_°¢_£¬_Òò_Äã_°ò_±Û_µÄ_´ó_ÄÜ_£¬_Ëû ÃÇ_Èç_ʯ_Í·_¼Å_È»_²»_¶¯_£¬_µÈ_ºò_Äã_µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_¹ý_È¥_£¬_µÈ_ºò_Äã_Ëù_Êê µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_¹ý_È¥_¡£ # # Fear and dread shall fall upon them; by the greatness of thine arm # they shall be as still as a stone; till thy people pass over, O # LORD, till the people pass over, which thou hast purchased. # # unit P EXO:15:17 Äã_Òª_½«_Ëû_ÃÇ_Áì_½ø_È¥_£¬_ÔÔ_ÓÚ_Äã_²ú_Òµ_µÄ_ɽ_ÉÏ_¡£_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_°¢_£¬ ¾Í_ÊÇ_Äã_Ϊ_×Ô_¼º_Ëù_Ôì_µÄ_ס_´¦_£¬_Ö÷_°¢_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Äã_ÊÖ_Ëù_½¨_Á¢_µÄ Ê¥_Ëù_¡£ # # Thou shalt bring them in, and plant them in the mountain of thine # inheritance, in the place, O LORD, which thou hast made for thee to # dwell in, in the Sanctuary, O LORD, which thy hands have # established. # # unit P EXO:15:18 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_±Ø_×÷_Íõ_£¬_Ö±_µ½_ÓÀ_ÓÀ_Ô¶_Ô¶_¡£ # # The LORD shall reign for ever and ever. # # unit P EXO:15:19 ·¨_ÀÏ_µÄ_Âí_Æ¥_£¬_³µ_Á¾_£¬_ºÍ_Âí_±ø_ÏÂ_µ½_º£_ÖÐ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ʹ_º£_Ë® »Ø_Á÷_£¬_ÑÍ_û_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_Ω_ÓÐ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÔÚ_º£_ÖÐ_×ß_¸É_µØ_¡£ # # For the horse of Pharaoh went in with his chariots and with his # horsemen into the sea, and the LORD brought again the waters of the # sea upon them; but the children of Israel went on dry land in the # midst of the sea. # # unit P EXO:15:20 ÑÇ_Â×_µÄ_½ã_½ã_£¬_Å®_ÏÈ_Öª_Ã×_Àû_°µ_£¬_ÊÖ_Àï_ÄÃ_×Å_¹Ä_£¬_ÖÚ_¸¾_Å®_Ò² ¸ú_Ëý_³ö_È¥_ÄÃ_¹Ä_Ìø_Îè_¡£ # # And Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took a timbrel in # her hand; and all the women went out after her with timbrels and # with dances. # # unit P EXO:15:21 Ã×_Àû_°µ_Ó¦_Éù_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_¸è_ËÌ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_Òò_Ëû_´ó_´ó_Õ½_ʤ_£¬ ½«_Âí_ºÍ_Æï_Âí_µÄ_Ͷ_ÔÚ_º£_ÖÐ_¡£ # # And Miriam answered them, Sing ye to the LORD, for he hath triumphed # gloriously; the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea. # # unit P EXO:15:22 Ħ_Î÷_Áì_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_´Ó_ºì_º£_Íù_Ç°_ÐÐ_£¬_µ½_ÁË_Êé_çí_µÄ_¿õ_Ò°_£¬_ÔÚ ¿õ_Ò°_×ß_ÁË_Èý_Ìì_£¬_ÕÒ_²»_×Å_Ë®_¡£ # # So Moses brought Israel from the Red sea, and they went out into the # wilderness of Shur; and they went three days in the wilderness, and # found no water. # # unit P EXO:15:23 µ½_ÁË_Âê_À­_£¬_²»_ÄÜ_ºÈ_ÄÇ_Àï_µÄ_Ë®_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ë®_¿à_£¬_Ëù_ÒÔ_ÄÇ_µØ_Ãû ½Ð_Âê_À­_¡£ # # And when they came to Marah, they could not drink of the waters of # Marah, for they were bitter: therefore the name of it was called # Marah. # # unit P EXO:15:24 °Ù_ÐÕ_¾Í_Ïò_Ħ_Î÷_·¢_Ô¹_ÑÔ_£¬_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ºÈ_ʲ_ô_ÄØ_£¿ # # And the people murmured against Moses, saying, What shall we drink? # # unit P EXO:15:25 Ħ_Î÷_ºô_Çó_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ö¸_ʾ_Ëû_Ò»_¿Ã_Ê÷_¡£_Ëû_°Ñ_Ê÷_¶ª_ÔÚ Ë®_Àï_£¬_Ë®_¾Í_±ä_Ìð_ÁË_¡£_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_Ϊ_Ëû_ÃÇ_¶¨_ÁË_ÂÉ_Àý_£¬ µä_ÕÂ_£¬_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_ÊÔ_Ñé_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬ # # And he cried unto the LORD; and the LORD shewed him a tree, which # when he had cast into the waters, the waters were made sweet: there # he made for them a statute and an ordinance, and there he proved # them, # # unit P EXO:15:26 ÓÖ_˵_£¬_Äã_Èô_Áô_Òâ_Ìý_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_µÄ_»°_£¬_ÓÖ_ÐÐ_ÎÒ_ÑÛ_ÖÐ_¿´_Ϊ Õý_µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬_Áô_ÐÄ_Ìý_ÎÒ_µÄ_½ë_Ãü_£¬_ÊØ_ÎÒ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_ÂÉ_Àý_£¬_ÎÒ_¾Í_²» ½«_Ëù_¼Ó_Óë_°£_¼°_ÈË_µÄ_¼²_²¡_¼Ó_ÔÚ_Äã_Éí_ÉÏ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÎÒ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÊÇ Ò½_ÖÎ_Äã_µÄ_¡£ # # And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD # thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give # ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none # of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the # Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee. # # unit P EXO:15:27 Ëû_ÃÇ_µ½_ÁË_ÒÔ_ÁÕ_£¬_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_ÓÐ_Ê®_¶þ_¹É_Ë®_Ȫ_£¬_Æß_Ê®_¿Ã_×Ø_Ê÷_£¬ Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_µÄ_Ë®_±ß_°²_Óª_¡£ # # And they came to Elim, where were twelve wells of water, and # threescore and ten palm trees: and they encamped there by the # waters. # ## # chapter 16 EXO:16 # unit P EXO:16:1 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_È«_»á_ÖÚ_´Ó_ÒÔ_ÁÕ_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_ÔÚ_³ö_°£_¼°_ºó_µÚ_¶þ_¸ö_ÔÂ_Ê®_Îå ÈÕ_µ½_ÁË_ÒÔ_ÁÕ_ºÍ_Î÷_ÄË_ÖÐ_¼ä_£¬_Ñ´_µÄ_¿õ_Ò°_¡£ # # And they took their journey from Elim, and all the congregation of # the children of Israel came unto the wilderness of Sin, which is # between Elim and Sinai, on the fifteenth day of the second month # after their departing out of the land of Egypt. # # unit P EXO:16:2 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_È«_»á_ÖÚ_ÔÚ_¿õ_Ò°_Ïò_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_·¢_Ô¹_ÑÔ_£¬ # # And the whole congregation of the children of Israel murmured # against Moses and Aaron in the wilderness: # # unit P EXO:16:3 ˵_£¬_°Í_²»_µÃ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Ôç_ËÀ_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_µØ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_ÊÖ_ÏÂ_£¬_ÄÇ_ʱ ÎÒ_ÃÇ_×ø_ÔÚ_Èâ_¹ø_ÅÔ_±ß_£¬_³Ô_µÃ_±¥_×ã_¡£_Äã_ÃÇ_½«_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Áì_³ö_À´_£¬ µ½_Õâ_¿õ_Ò°_£¬_ÊÇ_Òª_½Ð_Õâ_È«_»á_ÖÚ_¶¼_¶ö_ËÀ_°¡_¡£ # # And the children of Israel said unto them, Would to God we had died # by the hand of the LORD in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the # flesh pots, and when we did eat bread to the full; for ye have # brought us forth into this wilderness, to kill this whole assembly # with hunger. # # unit P EXO:16:4 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_½«_Á¸_ʳ_´Ó_Ìì_½µ_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_¡£_°Ù_ÐÕ_¿É ÒÔ_³ö_È¥_£¬_ÿ_Ìì_ÊÕ_ÿ_Ìì_µÄ_·Ö_£¬_ÎÒ_ºÃ_ÊÔ_Ñé_Ëû_ÃÇ_×ñ_²»_×ñ_ÎÒ_µÄ ·¨_¶È_¡£ # # Then said the LORD unto Moses, Behold, I will rain bread from heaven # for you; and the people shall go out and gather a certain rate every # day, that I may prove them, whether they will walk in my law, or no. # # unit P EXO:16:5 µ½_µÚ_Áù_Ìì_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_Òª_°Ñ_Ëù_ÊÕ_½ø_À´_µÄ_Ô¤_±¸_ºÃ_ÁË_£¬_±È_ÿ_Ìì_Ëù ÊÕ_µÄ_¶à_Ò»_±¶_¡£ # # And it shall come to pass, that on the sixth day they shall prepare # that which they bring in; and it shall be twice as much as they # gather daily. # # unit P EXO:16:6 Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_¶Ô_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÚ_ÈË_˵_£¬_µ½_ÁË_Íí_ÉÏ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_Öª_µÀ ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_½«_Äã_ÃÇ_´Ó_°£_¼°_µØ_Áì_³ö_À´_µÄ_¡£ # # And Moses and Aaron said unto all the children of Israel, At even, # then ye shall know that the LORD hath brought you out from the land # of Egypt: # # unit P EXO:16:7 Ôç_³¿_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_¿´_¼û_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_ÈÙ_Ò«_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ìý_¼û_Äã ÃÇ_Ïò_Ëû_Ëù_·¢_µÄ_Ô¹_ÑÔ_ÁË_¡£_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Ëã_ʲ_ô_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¾¹_Ïò_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_·¢ Ô¹_ÑÔ_ÄØ_£¿ # # And in the morning, then ye shall see the glory of the LORD; for # that he heareth your murmurings against the LORD: and what are we, # that ye murmur against us? # # unit P EXO:16:8 Ħ_Î÷_ÓÖ_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Íí_ÉÏ_±Ø_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_Èâ_³Ô_£¬_Ôç_³¿_±Ø_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ Ê³_Îï_µÃ_±¥_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_·¢_µÄ_Ô¹_ÑÔ_£¬_Ëû_¶¼_Ìý_¼û_ÁË ¡£_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Ëã_ʲ_ô_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Ô¹_ÑÔ_²»_ÊÇ_Ïò_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_·¢_µÄ_£¬_ÄË_ÊÇ_Ïò Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_·¢_µÄ_¡£ # # And Moses said, This shall be, when the LORD shall give you in the # evening flesh to eat, and in the morning bread to the full; for that # the LORD heareth your murmurings which ye murmur against him: and # what are we? your murmurings are not against us, but against the # LORD. # # unit P EXO:16:9 Ħ_Î÷_¶Ô_ÑÇ_Â×_˵_£¬_Äã_¸æ_Ëß_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_È«_»á_ÖÚ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¾Í_½ü_Ò® ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_ÒÑ_¾­_Ìý_¼û_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Ô¹_ÑÔ_ÁË_¡£ # # And Moses spake unto Aaron, Say unto all the congregation of the # children of Israel, Come near before the LORD: for he hath heard # your murmurings. # # unit P EXO:16:10 ÑÇ_Â×_Õý_¶Ô_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_È«_»á_ÖÚ_˵_»°_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ïò_¿õ_Ò°_¹Û_¿´ £¬_²»_ÁÏ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_ÈÙ_¹â_ÔÚ_ÔÆ_ÖÐ_ÏÔ_ÏÖ_¡£ # # And it came to pass, as Aaron spake unto the whole congregation of # the children of Israel, that they looked toward the wilderness, and, # behold, the glory of the LORD appeared in the cloud. # # unit P EXO:16:11 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P EXO:16:12 ÎÒ_ÒÑ_¾­_Ìý_¼û_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_µÄ_Ô¹_ÑÔ_¡£_Äã_¸æ_Ëß_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_µ½_»Æ_»è µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_³Ô_Èâ_£¬_Ôç_³¿_±Ø_ÓÐ_ʳ_Îï_µÃ_±¥_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¾Í_Öª µÀ_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # I have heard the murmurings of the children of Israel: speak unto # them, saying, At even ye shall eat flesh, and in the morning ye # shall be filled with bread; and ye shall know that I am the LORD # your God. # # unit P EXO:16:13 µ½_ÁË_Íí_ÉÏ_£¬_ÓÐ_ðÆ_ðÈ_·É_À´_£¬_ÕÚ_Âú_ÁË_Óª_£¬_Ôç_³¿_ÔÚ_Óª_ËÄ_Χ_µÄ µØ_ÉÏ_ÓÐ_¶_Ë®_¡£ # # And it came to pass, that at even the quails came up, and covered # the camp: and in the morning the dew lay round about the host. # # unit P EXO:16:14 ¶_Ë®_ÉÏ_Éý_Ö®_ºó_£¬_²»_ÁÏ_£¬_Ò°_µØ_Ãæ_ÉÏ_ÓÐ_Èç_°×_˪_µÄ_С_Ô²_Îï_¡£ # # And when the dew that lay was gone up, behold, upon the face of the # wilderness there lay a small round thing, as small as the hoar frost # on the ground. # # unit P EXO:16:15 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_¿´_¼û_£¬_²»_Öª_µÀ_ÊÇ_ʲ_ô_£¬_¾Í_±Ë_´Ë_¶Ô_ÎÊ_˵_£¬_Õâ_ÊÇ Ê²_ô_ÄØ_£¿_Ħ_Î÷_¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Õâ_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_³Ô_µÄ_ʳ Îï_¡£ # # And when the children of Israel saw it, they said one to another, It # is manna: for they wist not what it was. And Moses said unto them, # This is the bread which the LORD hath given you to eat. # # unit P EXO:16:16 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_ÊÇ_Õâ_Ñù_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_°´_×Å_¸÷_ÈË_µÄ_·¹_Á¿_£¬_Ϊ ÕÊ_Åï_Àï_µÄ_ÈË_£¬_°´_×Å_ÈË_Êý_ÊÕ_Æð_À´_£¬_¸÷_ÄÃ_Ò»_¶í_÷_çí_¡£ # # This is the thing which the LORD hath commanded, Gather of it every # man according to his eating, an omer for every man, according to the # number of your persons; take ye every man for them which are in his # tents. # # unit P EXO:16:17 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_¾Í_Õâ_Ñù_ÐÐ_£¬_ÓÐ_¶à_ÊÕ_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_ÉÙ_ÊÕ_µÄ_¡£ # # And the children of Israel did so, and gathered, some more, some # less. # # unit P EXO:16:18 ¼°_ÖÁ_ÓÃ_¶í_÷_çí_Á¿_Ò»_Á¿_£¬_¶à_ÊÕ_µÄ_Ò²_û_ÓÐ_Óà_£¬_ÉÙ_ÊÕ_µÄ_Ò²_û ÓÐ_ȱ_£¬_¸÷_ÈË_°´_×Å_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_·¹_Á¿_ÊÕ_È¡_¡£ # # And when they did mete it with an omer, he that gathered much had # nothing over, and he that gathered little had no lack; they gathered # every man according to his eating. # # unit P EXO:16:19 Ħ_Î÷_¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Ëù_ÊÕ_µÄ_£¬_²»_Ðí_ʲ_ô_ÈË_Áô_µ½_Ôç_³¿_¡£ # # And Moses said, Let no man leave of it till the morning. # # unit P EXO:16:20 È»_¶ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_²»_Ìý_Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_»°_£¬_ÄÚ_ÖÐ_ÓÐ_Áô_µ½_Ôç_³¿_µÄ_£¬_¾Í_Éú_³æ ±ä_³ô_ÁË_£¬_Ħ_Î÷_±ã_Ïò_Ëû_ÃÇ_·¢_Å­_¡£ # # Notwithstanding they hearkened not unto Moses; but some of them left # of it until the morning, and it bred worms, and stank: and Moses was # wroth with them. # # unit P EXO:16:21 Ëû_ÃÇ_ÿ_ÈÕ_Ôç_³¿_£¬_°´_×Å_¸÷_ÈË_µÄ_·¹_Á¿_ÊÕ_È¡_£¬_ÈÕ_Í·_Ò»_·¢_ÈÈ_£¬ ¾Í_Ïû_»¯_ÁË_¡£ # # And they gathered it every morning, every man according to his # eating: and when the sun waxed hot, it melted. # # unit P EXO:16:22 µ½_µÚ_Áù_Ìì_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÊÕ_ÁË_Ë«_±¶_µÄ_ʳ_Îï_£¬_ÿ_ÈË_Á½_¶í_÷_çí_¡£_»á ÖÚ_µÄ_¹Ù_³¤_À´_¸æ_Ëß_Ħ_Î÷_£¬ # # And it came to pass, that on the sixth day they gathered twice as # much bread, two omers for one man: and all the rulers of the # congregation came and told Moses. # # unit P EXO:16:23 Ħ_Î÷_¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Õâ_Ñù_˵_£¬_Ã÷_Ìì_ÊÇ_Ê¥_°²_Ï¢_ÈÕ_£¬_ÊÇ Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÊØ_µÄ_Ê¥_°²_Ï¢_ÈÕ_¡£_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_¿¾_µÄ_¾Í_¿¾_ÁË_£¬_Òª_Öó_µÄ ¾Í_Öó_ÁË_£¬_Ëù_Ê£_ÏÂ_µÄ_¶¼_Áô_µ½_Ôç_³¿_¡£ # # And he said unto them, This is that which the LORD hath said, To # morrow is the rest of the holy sabbath unto the LORD: bake that # which ye will bake to day, and seethe that ye will seethe; and that # which remaineth over lay up for you to be kept until the morning. # # unit P EXO:16:24 Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_ÕÕ_Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_·Ô_¸À_Áô_µ½_Ôç_³¿_£¬_Ò²_²»_³ô_£¬_Àï_Í·_Ò²_û_ÓÐ ³æ_×Ó_¡£ # # And they laid it up till the morning, as Moses bade: and it did not # stink, neither was there any worm therein. # # unit P EXO:16:25 Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_½ñ_Ìì_³Ô_Õâ_¸ö_°É_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_½ñ_Ìì_ÊÇ_Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÊØ µÄ_°²_Ï¢_ÈÕ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_Ìï_Ò°_±Ø_ÕÒ_²»_×Å_ÁË_¡£ # # And Moses said, Eat that to day; for to day is a sabbath unto the # LORD: to day ye shall not find it in the field. # # unit P EXO:16:26 Áù_Ìì_¿É_ÒÔ_ÊÕ_È¡_£¬_µÚ_Æß_Ìì_ÄË_ÊÇ_°²_Ï¢_ÈÕ_£¬_ÄÇ_Ò»_Ìì_±Ø_û_ÓÐ_ÁË ¡£ # # Six days ye shall gather it; but on the seventh day, which is the # sabbath, in it there shall be none. # # unit P EXO:16:27 µÚ_Æß_Ìì_£¬_°Ù_ÐÕ_ÖÐ_ÓÐ_ÈË_³ö_È¥_ÊÕ_£¬_ʲ_ô_Ò²_ÕÒ_²»_×Å_¡£ # # And it came to pass, that there went out some of the people on the # seventh day for to gather, and they found none. # # unit P EXO:16:28 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_²»_¿Ï_ÊØ_ÎÒ_µÄ_½ë_Ãü_ºÍ_ÂÉ_·¨_£¬_Òª_µ½ ¼¸_ʱ_ÄØ_£¿ # # And the LORD said unto Moses, How long refuse ye to keep my # commandments and my laws? # # unit P EXO:16:29 Äã_ÃÇ_¿´_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¼È_½«_°²_Ï¢_ÈÕ_´Í_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_Ëù_ÒÔ_µÚ_Áù_Ìì_Ëû ´Í_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_Á½_Ìì_µÄ_ʳ_Îï_£¬_µÚ_Æß_Ìì_¸÷_ÈË_Òª_ס_ÔÚ_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_µØ_·½ £¬_²»_Ðí_ʲ_ô_ÈË_³ö_È¥_¡£ # # See, for that the LORD hath given you the sabbath, therefore he # giveth you on the sixth day the bread of two days; abide ye every # man in his place, let no man go out of his place on the seventh day. # # unit P EXO:16:30 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_°Ù_ÐÕ_µÚ_Æß_Ìì_°²_Ï¢_ÁË_¡£ # # So the people rested on the seventh day. # # unit P EXO:16:31 Õâ_ʳ_Îï_£¬_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_¼Ò_½Ð_Âð_ÄÄ_£¬_Ñù_×Ó_Ïñ_ܾ_Ý´_×Ó_£¬_ÑÕ_É«_ÊÇ_°× µÄ_£¬_×Ì_ζ_Èç_ͬ_²ó_ÃÛ_µÄ_±¡_±ý_¡£ # # And the house of Israel called the name thereof Manna: and it was # like coriander seed, white; and the taste of it was like wafers made # with honey. # # unit P EXO:16:32 Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_ÊÇ_Õâ_Ñù_£¬_Òª_½«_Ò»_Âú_¶í_÷_çí_Âð ÄÄ_Áô_µ½_ÊÀ_ÊÀ_´ú_´ú_£¬_ʹ_ºó_ÈË_¿É_ÒÔ_¿´_¼û_ÎÒ_µ±_ÈÕ_½«_Äã_ÃÇ_Áì_³ö °£_¼°_µØ_£¬_ÔÚ_¿õ_Ò°_Ëù_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_³Ô_µÄ_ʳ_Îï_¡£ # # And Moses said, This is the thing which the LORD commandeth, Fill an # omer of it to be kept for your generations; that they may see the # bread wherewith I have fed you in the wilderness, when I brought you # forth from the land of Egypt. # # unit P EXO:16:33 Ħ_Î÷_¶Ô_ÑÇ_Â×_˵_£¬_Äã_ÄÃ_Ò»_¸ö_¹Þ_×Ó_£¬_Ê¢_Ò»_Âú_¶í_÷_çí_Âð_ÄÄ_£¬ ´æ_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_Òª_Áô_µ½_ÊÀ_ÊÀ_´ú_´ú_¡£ # # And Moses said unto Aaron, Take a pot, and put an omer full of manna # therein, and lay it up before the LORD, to be kept for your # generations. # # unit P EXO:16:34 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ôõ_ô_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_¾Í_Ôõ_ô_ÐÐ_£¬_°Ñ_Âð_ÄÄ_·Å_ÔÚ_·¨ ¹ñ_Ç°_´æ_Áô_¡£ # # As the LORD commanded Moses, so Aaron laid it up before the # Testimony, to be kept. # # unit P EXO:16:35 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_³Ô_Âð_ÄÄ_¹²_ËÄ_Ê®_Äê_£¬_Ö±_µ½_½ø_ÁË_ÓÐ_ÈË_¾Ó_ס_Ö®_µØ_£¬ ¾Í_ÊÇ_åÈ_ÄÏ_µÄ_¾³_½ç_¡£ # # And the children of Israel did eat manna forty years, until they # came to a land inhabited; they did eat manna, until they came unto # the borders of the land of Canaan. # # unit P EXO:16:36 £¨_¶í_÷_çí_ÄË_ÒÁ_·¨_Ê®_·Ö_Ö®_Ò»_£©_¡£ # # Now an omer is the tenth part of an ephah. # ## # chapter 17 EXO:17 # unit P EXO:17:1 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_È«_»á_ÖÚ_¶¼_×ñ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_·Ô_¸À_£¬_°´_×Å_Õ¾_¿Ú_´Ó_Ñ´_µÄ_¿õ Ò°_Íù_Ç°_ÐÐ_£¬_ÔÚ_Àû_·Ç_¶©_°²_Óª_¡£_°Ù_ÐÕ_û_ÓÐ_Ë®_ºÈ_£¬ # # And all the congregation of the children of Israel journeyed from # the wilderness of Sin, after their journeys, according to the # commandment of the LORD, and pitched in Rephidim: and there was no # water for the people to drink. # # unit P EXO:17:2 Ëù_ÒÔ_Óë_Ħ_Î÷_Õù_ÄÖ_£¬_˵_£¬_¸ø_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Ë®_ºÈ_°É_¡£_Ħ_Î÷_¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵ £¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Ϊ_ʲ_ô_Óë_ÎÒ_Õù_ÄÖ_£¿_Ϊ_ʲ_ô_ÊÔ_̽_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÄØ_£¿ # # Wherefore the people did chide with Moses, and said, Give us water # that we may drink. And Moses said unto them, Why chide ye with me? # wherefore do ye tempt the LORD? # # unit P EXO:17:3 °Ù_ÐÕ_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_Éõ_¿Ê_£¬_Òª_ºÈ_Ë®_£¬_¾Í_Ïò_Ħ_Î÷_·¢_Ô¹_ÑÔ_£¬_˵_£¬_Äã Ϊ_ʲ_ô_½«_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_´Ó_°£_¼°_Áì_³ö_À´_£¬_ʹ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ºÍ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_¶ù_Å®_²¢ Éü_Ðó_¶¼_¿Ê_ËÀ_ÄØ_£¿ # # And the people thirsted there for water; and the people murmured # against Moses, and said, Wherefore is this that thou hast brought us # up out of Egypt, to kill us and our children and our cattle with # thirst? # # unit P EXO:17:4 Ħ_Î÷_¾Í_ºô_Çó_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Ïò_Õâ_°Ù_ÐÕ_Ôõ_Ñù_ÐÐ_ÄØ_£¿_Ëû_ÃÇ_¼¸ ºõ_Òª_ÄÃ_ʯ_Í·_´ò_ËÀ_ÎÒ_¡£ # # And Moses cried unto the LORD, saying, What shall I do unto this # people? they be almost ready to stone me. # # unit P EXO:17:5 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Äã_ÊÖ_Àï_ÄÃ_×Å_Äã_ÏÈ_Ç°_»÷_´ò_ºÓ_Ë®_µÄ_ÕÈ_£¬ ´ø_Áì_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_µÄ_¼¸_¸ö_³¤_ÀÏ_£¬_´Ó_°Ù_ÐÕ_Ãæ_Ç°_×ß_¹ý_È¥_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto Moses, Go on before the people, and take with # thee of the elders of Israel; and thy rod, wherewith thou smotest # the river, take in thine hand, and go. # # unit P EXO:17:6 ÎÒ_±Ø_ÔÚ_ºÎ_ÁÒ_µÄ_ÅÍ_ʯ_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_Õ¾_ÔÚ_Äã_Ãæ_Ç°_¡£_Äã_Òª_»÷_´ò_ÅÍ_ʯ £¬_´Ó_ÅÍ_ʯ_Àï_±Ø_ÓÐ_Ë®_Á÷_³ö_À´_£¬_ʹ_°Ù_ÐÕ_¿É_ÒÔ_ºÈ_¡£_Ħ_Î÷_¾Í_ÔÚ ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_µÄ_³¤_ÀÏ_ÑÛ_Ç°_Õâ_Ñù_ÐÐ_ÁË_¡£ # # Behold, I will stand before thee there upon the rock in Horeb; and # thou shalt smite the rock, and there shall come water out of it, # that the people may drink. And Moses did so in the sight of the # elders of Israel. # # unit P EXO:17:7 Ëû_¸ø_ÄÇ_µØ_·½_Æð_Ãû_½Ð_Âê_Èö_£¨_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÊÔ_̽_µÄ_Òâ_˼_£©_£¬_ÓÖ_½Ð_Ã× Àû_°Í_£¨_¾Í_ÊÇ_Õù_ÄÖ_µÄ_Òâ_˼_£©_£¬_Òò_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Õù_ÄÖ_£¬_ÓÖ_Òò_Ëû ÃÇ_ÊÔ_̽_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_²»_ÊÇ_¡£ # # And he called the name of the place Massah, and Meribah, because of # the chiding of the children of Israel, and because they tempted the # LORD, saying, Is the LORD among us, or not? # # unit P EXO:17:8 ÄÇ_ʱ_£¬_ÑÇ_Âê_Á¦_ÈË_À´_ÔÚ_Àû_·Ç_¶©_£¬_ºÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Õù_Õ½_¡£ # # Then came Amalek, and fought with Israel in Rephidim. # # unit P EXO:17:9 Ħ_Î÷_¶Ô_Ô¼_Êé_ÑÇ_˵_£¬_Äã_Ϊ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Ñ¡_³ö_ÈË_À´_£¬_³ö_È¥_ºÍ_ÑÇ_Âê_Á¦ ÈË_Õù_Õ½_¡£_Ã÷_Ìì_ÎÒ_ÊÖ_Àï_Òª_ÄÃ_×Å_Éñ_µÄ_ÕÈ_£¬_Õ¾_ÔÚ_ɽ_¶¥_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And Moses said unto Joshua, Choose us out men, and go out, fight # with Amalek: to morrow I will stand on the top of the hill with the # rod of God in mine hand. # # unit P EXO:17:10 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Ô¼_Êé_ÑÇ_ÕÕ_×Å_Ħ_Î÷_¶Ô_Ëû_Ëù_˵_µÄ_»°_ÐÐ_£¬_ºÍ_ÑÇ_Âê_Á¦_ÈË_Õù Õ½_¡£_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_£¬_Óë_»§_çí_¶¼_ÉÏ_ÁË_ɽ_¶¥_¡£ # # So Joshua did as Moses had said to him, and fought with Amalek: and # Moses, Aaron, and Hur went up to the top of the hill. # # unit P EXO:17:11 Ħ_Î÷_ºÎ_ʱ_¾Ù_ÊÖ_£¬_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_¾Í_µÃ_ʤ_£¬_ºÎ_ʱ_´¹_ÊÖ_£¬_ÑÇ_Âê_Á¦ ÈË_¾Í_µÃ_ʤ_¡£ # # And it came to pass, when Moses held up his hand, that Israel # prevailed: and when he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed. # # unit P EXO:17:12 µ«_Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_ÊÖ_·¢_³Á_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_°á_ʯ_Í·_À´_£¬_·Å_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÒÔ_ÏÂ_£¬_Ëû ¾Í_×ø_ÔÚ_ÉÏ_Ãæ_¡£_ÑÇ_Â×_Óë_»§_çí_·ö_×Å_Ëû_µÄ_ÊÖ_£¬_Ò»_¸ö_ÔÚ_Õâ_±ß_£¬ Ò»_¸ö_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_±ß_£¬_Ëû_µÄ_ÊÖ_¾Í_ÎÈ_ס_£¬_Ö±_µ½_ÈÕ_Âä_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_¡£ # # But Moses' hands were heavy; and they took a stone, and put it under # him, and he sat thereon; and Aaron and Hur stayed up his hands, the # one on the one side, and the other on the other side; and his hands # were steady until the going down of the sun. # # unit P EXO:17:13 Ô¼_Êé_ÑÇ_ÓÃ_µ¶_ɱ_ÁË_ÑÇ_Âê_Á¦_Íõ_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_¡£ # # And Joshua discomfited Amalek and his people with the edge of the # sword. # # unit P EXO:17:14 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_½«_ÑÇ_Âê_Á¦_µÄ_Ãû_ºÅ_´Ó_Ìì_ÏÂ_È«_È»_Í¿ Ĩ_ÁË_£¬_Äã_Òª_½«_Õâ_»°_д_ÔÚ_Êé_ÉÏ_×÷_¼Í_Äî_£¬_ÓÖ_Äî_¸ø_Ô¼_Êé_ÑÇ_Ìý ¡£ # # And the LORD said unto Moses, Write this for a memorial in a book, # and rehearse it in the ears of Joshua: for I will utterly put out # the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven. # # unit P EXO:17:15 Ħ_Î÷_Öþ_ÁË_Ò»_×ù_̳_£¬_Æð_Ãû_½Ð_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äá_Î÷_£¨_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÊÇ ÎÒ_ìº_Æì_µÄ_Òâ_˼_£©_£¬ # # And Moses built an altar, and called the name of it Jehovahnissi: # # unit P EXO:17:16 ÓÖ_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÒÑ_¾­_Æð_ÁË_ÊÄ_£¬_±Ø_ÊÀ_ÊÀ_´ú_´ú_ºÍ_ÑÇ_Âê_Á¦_ÈË_Õù Õ½_¡£ # # For he said, Because the LORD hath sworn that the LORD will have war # with Amalek from generation to generation. # ## # chapter 18 EXO:18 # unit P EXO:18:1 Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_ÔÀ_¸¸_£¬_Ã×_µé_¼À_˾_Ò¶_߯_ÂÞ_£¬_Ìý_¼û_Éñ_Ϊ_Ħ_Î÷_ºÍ_Éñ_µÄ °Ù_ÐÕ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_Ëù_ÐÐ_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_ÊÂ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_½«_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_´Ó_°£ ¼°_Áì_³ö_À´_µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬ # # When Jethro, the priest of Midian, Moses' father in law, heard of # all that God had done for Moses, and for Israel his people, and that # the LORD had brought Israel out of Egypt; # # unit P EXO:18:2 ±ã_´ø_×Å_Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_Î÷_ÆÂ_À­_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ħ_Î÷_´Ó_Ç°_´ò_·¢_»Ø_È¥_µÄ £¬ # # Then Jethro, Moses' father in law, took Zipporah, Moses' wife, after # he had sent her back, # # unit P EXO:18:3 ÓÖ_´ø_×Å_Î÷_ÆÂ_À­_µÄ_Á½_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_Ò»_¸ö_Ãû_½Ð_¸ï_Ë´_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ħ_Î÷ ˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÔÚ_Íâ_°î_×÷_ÁË_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_£¬ # # And her two sons; of which the name of the one was Gershom; for he # said, I have been an alien in a strange land: # # unit P EXO:18:4 Ò»_¸ö_Ãû_½Ð_ÒÔ_Àû_ÒÔ_л_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_¸¸_Ç×_µÄ_Éñ_°ï_Öú_ÁË_ÎÒ £¬_¾È_ÎÒ_ÍÑ_Àë_·¨_ÀÏ_µÄ_µ¶_¡£ # # And the name of the other was Eliezer; for the God of my father, # said he, was mine help, and delivered me from the sword of Pharaoh: # # unit P EXO:18:5 Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_ÔÀ_¸¸_Ò¶_߯_ÂÞ_´ø_×Å_Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_ºÍ_Á½_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_À´_µ½_Éñ µÄ_ɽ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ħ_Î÷_ÔÚ_¿õ_Ò°_°²_Óª_µÄ_µØ_·½_¡£ # # And Jethro, Moses' father in law, came with his sons and his wife # unto Moses into the wilderness, where he encamped at the mount of # God: # # unit P EXO:18:6 Ëû_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Äã_ÔÀ_¸¸_Ò¶_߯_ÂÞ_£¬_´ø_×Å_Äã_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_ºÍ_Á½ ¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_À´_µ½_Äã_Õâ_Àï_¡£ # # And he said unto Moses, I thy father in law Jethro am come unto # thee, and thy wife, and her two sons with her. # # unit P EXO:18:7 Ħ_Î÷_Ó­_½Ó_Ëû_µÄ_ÔÀ_¸¸_£¬_Ïò_Ëû_ÏÂ_°Ý_£¬_Óë_Ëû_Ç×_×ì_£¬_±Ë_´Ë_ÎÊ_°² £¬_¶¼_½ø_ÁË_ÕÊ_Åï_¡£ # # And Moses went out to meet his father in law, and did obeisance, and # kissed him; and they asked each other of their welfare; and they # came into the tent. # # unit P EXO:18:8 Ħ_Î÷_½«_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_µÄ_Ôµ_¹Ê_Ïò_·¨_ÀÏ_ºÍ_°£_¼°_ÈË_Ëù_ÐÐ_µÄ Ò»_ÇÐ_ÊÂ_£¬_ÒÔ_¼°_·_ÉÏ_Ëù_Ôâ_Óö_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_¼è_ÄÑ_£¬_²¢_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ôõ_Ñù ´î_¾È_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_¶¼_Êö_˵_Óë_Ëû_ÔÀ_¸¸_Ìý_¡£ # # And Moses told his father in law all that the LORD had done unto # Pharaoh and to the Egyptians for Israel's sake, and all the travail # that had come upon them by the way, and how the LORD delivered them. # # unit P EXO:18:9 Ò¶_߯_ÂÞ_Òò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_´ý_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_ºÃ_´¦_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Õü_¾È_Ëû_ÃÇ ÍÑ_Àë_°£_¼°_ÈË_µÄ_ÊÖ_£¬_±ã_Éõ_»¶_ϲ_¡£ # # And Jethro rejoiced for all the goodness which the LORD had done to # Israel, whom he had delivered out of the hand of the Egyptians. # # unit P EXO:18:10 Ò¶_߯_ÂÞ_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÊÇ_Ó¦_µ±_³Æ_ËÌ_µÄ_£¬_Ëû_¾È_ÁË_Äã_ÃÇ_ÍÑ_Àë_°£ ¼°_ÈË_ºÍ_·¨_ÀÏ_µÄ_ÊÖ_£¬_½«_Õâ_°Ù_ÐÕ_´Ó_°£_¼°_ÈË_µÄ_ÊÖ_ÏÂ_¾È_³ö_À´_¡£ # # And Jethro said, Blessed be the LORD, who hath delivered you out of # the hand of the Egyptians, and out of the hand of Pharaoh, who hath # delivered the people from under the hand of the Egyptians. # # unit P EXO:18:11 ÎÒ_ÏÖ_½ñ_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_ÈË_Ïò_Õâ_°Ù_ÐÕ_·¢_¿ñ_°Á_µÄ_ÊÂ_ÉÏ_µÃ_Öª_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª ±È_Íò_Éñ_¶¼_´ó_¡£ # # Now I know that the LORD is greater than all gods: for in the thing # wherein they dealt proudly he was above them. # # unit P EXO:18:12 Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_ÔÀ_¸¸_Ò¶_߯_ÂÞ_°Ñ_ìÜ_¼À_ºÍ_ƽ_°²_¼À_Ï×_¸ø_Éñ_¡£_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_ÒÔ É«_ÁÐ_µÄ_ÖÚ_³¤_ÀÏ_¶¼_À´_ÁË_£¬_Óë_Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_ÔÀ_¸¸_ÔÚ_Éñ_Ãæ_Ç°_³Ô_·¹_¡£ # # And Jethro, Moses' father in law, took a burnt offering and # sacrifices for God: and Aaron came, and all the elders of Israel, to # eat bread with Moses' father in law before God. # # unit P EXO:18:13 µÚ_¶þ_Ìì_£¬_Ħ_Î÷_×ø_×Å_Éó_ÅÐ_°Ù_ÐÕ_£¬_°Ù_ÐÕ_´Ó_Ôç_µ½_Íí_¶¼_Õ¾_ÔÚ_Ħ Î÷_µÄ_×ó_ÓÒ_¡£ # # And it came to pass on the morrow, that Moses sat to judge the # people: and the people stood by Moses from the morning unto the # evening. # # unit P EXO:18:14 Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_ÔÀ_¸¸_¿´_¼û_Ëû_Ïò_°Ù_ÐÕ_Ëù_×÷_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_ÊÂ_£¬_¾Í_˵_£¬_Äã_Ïò °Ù_ÐÕ_×÷_µÄ_ÊÇ_ʲ_ô_ÊÂ_ÄØ_£¿_Äã_Ϊ_ʲ_ô_¶À_×Ô_×ø_×Å_£¬_ÖÚ_°Ù_ÐÕ_´Ó Ôç_µ½_Íí_¶¼_Õ¾_ÔÚ_Äã_µÄ_×ó_ÓÒ_ÄØ_£¿ # # And when Moses' father in law saw all that he did to the people, he # said, What is this thing that thou doest to the people? why sittest # thou thyself alone, and all the people stand by thee from morning # unto even? # # unit P EXO:18:15 Ħ_Î÷_¶Ô_ÔÀ_¸¸_˵_£¬_Õâ_ÊÇ_Òò_°Ù_ÐÕ_µ½_ÎÒ_Õâ_Àï_À´_Çó_ÎÊ_Éñ_¡£ # # And Moses said unto his father in law, Because the people come unto # me to enquire of God: # # unit P EXO:18:16 Ëû_ÃÇ_ÓÐ_ÊÂ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_¾Í_µ½_ÎÒ_Õâ_Àï_À´_£¬_ÎÒ_±ã_ÔÚ_Á½_Ôì_Ö®_¼ä_Ê©_ÐÐ Éó_ÅÐ_£¬_ÎÒ_ÓÖ_½Ð_Ëû_ÃÇ_Öª_µÀ_Éñ_µÄ_ÂÉ_Àý_ºÍ_·¨_¶È_¡£ # # When they have a matter, they come unto me; and I judge between one # and another, and I do make them know the statutes of God, and his # laws. # # unit P EXO:18:17 Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_ÔÀ_¸¸_˵_£¬_Äã_Õâ_×÷_µÄ_²»_ºÃ_¡£ # # And Moses' father in law said unto him, The thing that thou doest is # not good. # # unit P EXO:18:18 Äã_ºÍ_Õâ_Щ_°Ù_ÐÕ_±Ø_¶¼_Æ£_±¹_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Õâ_ÊÂ_Ì«_ÖØ_£¬_Äã_¶À_×Ô_Ò»_ÈË °ì_Àí_²»_ÁË_¡£ # # Thou wilt surely wear away, both thou, and this people that is with # thee: for this thing is too heavy for thee; thou art not able to # perform it thyself alone. # # unit P EXO:18:19 ÏÖ_ÔÚ_Äã_Òª_Ìý_ÎÒ_µÄ_»°_¡£_ÎÒ_Ϊ_Äã_³ö_¸ö_Ö÷_Òâ_£¬_Ô¸_Éñ_Óë_Äã_ͬ_ÔÚ ¡£_Äã_Òª_Ìæ_°Ù_ÐÕ_µ½_Éñ_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_½«_°¸_¼þ_×à_¸æ_Éñ_£¬ # # Hearken now unto my voice, I will give thee counsel, and God shall # be with thee: Be thou for the people to God-ward, that thou mayest # bring the causes unto God: # # unit P EXO:18:20 ÓÖ_Òª_½«_ÂÉ_Àý_ºÍ_·¨_¶È_½Ì_ѵ_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_Ö¸_ʾ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µ±_ÐÐ_µÄ_µÀ_£¬_µ± ×÷_µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬ # # And thou shalt teach them ordinances and laws, and shalt shew them # the way wherein they must walk, and the work that they must do. # # unit P EXO:18:21 ²¢_Òª_´Ó_°Ù_ÐÕ_ÖÐ_¼ð_Ñ¡_ÓÐ_²Å_ÄÜ_µÄ_ÈË_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_¾´_η_Éñ_£¬_³Ï_ʵ_ÎÞ Íý_£¬_ºÞ_²»_Òå_Ö®_²Æ_µÄ_ÈË_£¬_ÅÉ_Ëû_ÃÇ_×÷_ǧ_·ò_³¤_£¬_°Ù_·ò_³¤_£¬_Îå Ê®_·ò_³¤_£¬_Ê®_·ò_³¤_£¬_¹Ü_Àí_°Ù_ÐÕ_£¬ # # Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as # fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over # them, to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of # fifties, and rulers of tens: # # unit P EXO:18:22 ½Ð_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ëæ_ʱ_Éó_ÅÐ_°Ù_ÐÕ_£¬_´ó_ÊÂ_¶¼_Òª_³Ê_µ½_Äã_Õâ_Àï_£¬_С_ÊÂ_Ëû ÃÇ_×Ô_¼º_¿É_ÒÔ_Éó_ÅÐ_¡£_Õâ_Ñù_£¬_Äã_¾Í_Çá_Ê¡_Щ_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ò²_¿É_ÒÔ_ͬ µ±_´Ë_ÈÎ_¡£ # # And let them judge the people at all seasons: and it shall be, that # every great matter they shall bring unto thee, but every small # matter they shall judge: so shall it be easier for thyself, and they # shall bear the burden with thee. # # unit P EXO:18:23 Äã_Èô_Õâ_Ñù_ÐÐ_£¬_Éñ_Ò²_Õâ_Ñù_·Ô_¸À_Äã_£¬_Äã_¾Í_ÄÜ_ÊÜ_µÃ_ס_£¬_Õâ_°Ù ÐÕ_Ò²_¶¼_ƽ_ƽ_°²_°²_¹é_»Ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_ס_´¦_¡£ # # If thou shalt do this thing, and God command thee so, then thou # shalt be able to endure, and all this people shall also go to their # place in peace. # # unit P EXO:18:24 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_£¬_Ħ_Î÷_Ìý_´Ó_Ëû_ÔÀ_¸¸_µÄ_»°_£¬_°´_×Å_Ëû_Ëù_˵_µÄ_È¥_ÐÐ_¡£ # # So Moses hearkened to the voice of his father in law, and did all # that he had said. # # unit P EXO:18:25 Ħ_Î÷_´Ó_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÖÐ_¼ð_Ñ¡_ÁË_ÓÐ_²Å_ÄÜ_µÄ_ÈË_£¬_Á¢_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ϊ_°Ù_ÐÕ µÄ_Ê×_Áì_£¬_×÷_ǧ_·ò_³¤_£¬_°Ù_·ò_³¤_£¬_Îå_Ê®_·ò_³¤_£¬_Ê®_·ò_³¤_¡£ # # And Moses chose able men out of all Israel, and made them heads over # the people, rulers of thousands, rulers of hundreds, rulers of # fifties, and rulers of tens. # # unit P EXO:18:26 Ëû_ÃÇ_Ëæ_ʱ_Éó_ÅÐ_°Ù_ÐÕ_£¬_ÓÐ_ÄÑ_¶Ï_µÄ_°¸_¼þ_¾Í_³Ê_µ½_Ħ_Î÷_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬ µ«_¸÷_Ñù_С_ÊÂ_Ëû_ÃÇ_×Ô_¼º_Éó_ÅÐ_¡£ # # And they judged the people at all seasons: the hard causes they # brought unto Moses, but every small matter they judged themselves. # # unit P EXO:18:27 ´Ë_ºó_£¬_Ħ_Î÷_ÈÃ_Ëû_µÄ_ÔÀ_¸¸_È¥_£¬_Ëû_¾Í_Íù_±¾_µØ_È¥_ÁË_¡£ # # And Moses let his father in law depart; and he went his way into his # own land. # ## # chapter 19 EXO:19 # unit P EXO:19:1 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_³ö_°£_¼°_µØ_ÒÔ_ºó_£¬_Âú_ÁË_Èý_¸ö_ÔÂ_µÄ_ÄÇ_Ò»_Ìì_£¬_¾Í_À´ µ½_Î÷_ÄË_µÄ_¿õ_Ò°_¡£ # # In the third month, when the children of Israel were gone forth out # of the land of Egypt, the same day came they into the wilderness of # Sinai. # # unit P EXO:19:2 Ëû_ÃÇ_Àë_ÁË_Àû_·Ç_¶©_£¬_À´_µ½_Î÷_ÄË_µÄ_¿õ_Ò°_£¬_¾Í_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_µÄ_ɽ_Ï °²_Óª_¡£ # # For they were departed from Rephidim, and were come to the desert of # Sinai, and had pitched in the wilderness; and there Israel camped # before the mount. # # unit P EXO:19:3 Ħ_Î÷_µ½_Éñ_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_´Ó_ɽ_ÉÏ_ºô_»½_Ëû_˵_£¬_Äã_Òª_Õâ_Ñù_¸æ Ëß_ÑÅ_¸÷_¼Ò_£¬_Ïþ_ÚÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_˵_£¬ # # And Moses went up unto God, and the LORD called unto him out of the # mountain, saying, Thus shalt thou say to the house of Jacob, and # tell the children of Israel; # # unit P EXO:19:4 ÎÒ_Ïò_°£_¼°_ÈË_Ëù_ÐÐ_µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¶¼_¿´_¼û_ÁË_£¬_ÇÒ_¿´_¼û_ÎÒ_Èç_Ó¥ ½«_Äã_ÃÇ_±³_ÔÚ_³á_°ò_ÉÏ_£¬_´ø_À´_¹é_ÎÒ_¡£ # # Ye have seen what I did unto the Egyptians, and how I bare you on # eagles' wings, and brought you unto myself. # # unit P EXO:19:5 Èç_½ñ_Äã_ÃÇ_Èô_ʵ_ÔÚ_Ìý_´Ó_ÎÒ_µÄ_»°_£¬_×ñ_ÊØ_ÎÒ_µÄ_Ô¼_£¬_¾Í_Òª_ÔÚ_Íò Ãñ_ÖÐ_×÷_Êô_ÎÒ_µÄ_×Ó_Ãñ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_È«_µØ_¶¼_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_µÄ_¡£ # # Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my # covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all # people: for all the earth is mine: # # unit P EXO:19:6 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_¹é_ÎÒ_×÷_¼À_˾_µÄ_¹ú_¶È_£¬_Ϊ_Ê¥_½à_µÄ_¹ú_Ãñ_¡£_Õâ_Щ_»°_Äã Òª_¸æ_Ëß_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_¡£ # # And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation. # These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of # Israel. # # unit P EXO:19:7 Ħ_Î÷_È¥_ÕÙ_ÁË_Ãñ_¼ä_µÄ_³¤_ÀÏ_À´_£¬_½«_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Ëû_µÄ_»°_¶¼ ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ãæ_Ç°_³Â_Ã÷_¡£ # # And Moses came and called for the elders of the people, and laid # before their faces all these words which the LORD commanded him. # # unit P EXO:19:8 °Ù_ÐÕ_¶¼_ͬ_Éù_»Ø_´ð_˵_£¬_·²_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_˵_µÄ_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¶¼_Òª_×ñ_ÐÐ ¡£_Ħ_Î÷_¾Í_½«_°Ù_ÐÕ_µÄ_»°_»Ø_¸²_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # And all the people answered together, and said, All that the LORD # hath spoken we will do. And Moses returned the words of the people # unto the LORD. # # unit P EXO:19:9 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_ÔÚ_ÃÜ_ÔÆ_ÖÐ_ÁÙ_µ½_Äã_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_½Ð_°Ù_ÐÕ ÔÚ_ÎÒ_Óë_Äã_˵_»°_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_¿É_ÒÔ_Ìý_¼û_£¬_Ò²_¿É_ÒÔ_ÓÀ_Ô¶_ÐÅ_Äã_ÁË_¡£ ÓÚ_ÊÇ_£¬_Ħ_Î÷_½«_°Ù_ÐÕ_µÄ_»°_×à_¸æ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto Moses, Lo, I come unto thee in a thick cloud, # that the people may hear when I speak with thee, and believe thee # for ever. And Moses told the words of the people unto the LORD. # # unit P EXO:19:10 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÓÖ_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Äã_Íù_°Ù_ÐÕ_ÄÇ_Àï_È¥_£¬_½Ð_Ëû_ÃÇ_½ñ_Ìì_Ã÷ Ìì_×Ô_½à_£¬_ÓÖ_½Ð_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ï´_ÒÂ_·þ_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto Moses, Go unto the people, and sanctify them # to day and to morrow, and let them wash their clothes, # # unit P EXO:19:11 µ½_µÚ_Èý_Ìì_Òª_Ô¤_±¸_ºÃ_ÁË_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_µÚ_Èý_Ìì_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Òª_ÔÚ_ÖÚ_°Ù_ÐÕ ÑÛ_Ç°_½µ_ÁÙ_ÔÚ_Î÷_ÄË_ɽ_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And be ready against the third day: for the third day the LORD will # come down in the sight of all the people upon mount Sinai. # # unit P EXO:19:12 Äã_Òª_ÔÚ_ɽ_µÄ_ËÄ_Χ_¸ø_°Ù_ÐÕ_¶¨_½ç_ÏÞ_£¬_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_µ±_½÷_É÷_£¬_²» ¿É_ÉÏ_ɽ_È¥_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_Ãþ_ɽ_µÄ_±ß_½ç_£¬_·²_Ãþ_Õâ_ɽ_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_Òª_ÖÎ ËÀ_Ëû_¡£ # # And thou shalt set bounds unto the people round about, saying, Take # heed to yourselves, that ye go not up into the mount, or touch the # border of it: whosoever toucheth the mount shall be surely put to # death: # # unit P EXO:19:13 ²»_¿É_ÓÃ_ÊÖ_Ãþ_Ëû_£¬_±Ø_ÓÃ_ʯ_Í·_´ò_ËÀ_£¬_»ò_ÓÃ_¼ý_Éä_͸_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ ÈË_ÊÇ_Éü_Ðó_£¬_¶¼_²»_µÃ_»î_¡£_µ½_½Ç_Éù_ÍÏ_³¤_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_²Å_¿É µ½_ɽ_¸ù_À´_¡£ # # There shall not an hand touch it, but he shall surely be stoned, or # shot through; whether it be beast or man, it shall not live: when # the trumpet soundeth long, they shall come up to the mount. # # unit P EXO:19:14 Ħ_Î÷_ÏÂ_ɽ_Íù_°Ù_ÐÕ_ÄÇ_Àï_È¥_£¬_½Ð_Ëû_ÃÇ_×Ô_½à_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_Ï´_ÒÂ_·þ ¡£ # # And Moses went down from the mount unto the people, and sanctified # the people; and they washed their clothes. # # unit P EXO:19:15 Ëû_¶Ô_°Ù_ÐÕ_˵_£¬_µ½_µÚ_Èý_Ìì_Òª_Ô¤_±¸_ºÃ_ÁË_¡£_²»_¿É_Ç×_½ü_Å®_ÈË_¡£ # # And he said unto the people, Be ready against the third day: come # not at your wives. # # unit P EXO:19:16 µ½_ÁË_µÚ_Èý_Ìì_Ôç_³¿_£¬_ÔÚ_ɽ_ÉÏ_ÓÐ_À×_ºä_£¬_ÉÁ_µç_£¬_ºÍ_ÃÜ_ÔÆ_£¬_²¢ ÇÒ_½Ç_Éù_Éõ_´ó_£¬_Óª_ÖÐ_µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_¾¡_¶¼_·¢_²ü_¡£ # # And it came to pass on the third day in the morning, that there were # thunders and lightnings, and a thick cloud upon the mount, and the # voice of the trumpet exceeding loud; so that all the people that was # in the camp trembled. # # unit P EXO:19:17 Ħ_Î÷_ÂÊ_Áì_°Ù_ÐÕ_³ö_Óª_Ó­_½Ó_Éñ_£¬_¶¼_Õ¾_ÔÚ_ɽ_ÏÂ_¡£ # # And Moses brought forth the people out of the camp to meet with God; # and they stood at the nether part of the mount. # # unit P EXO:19:18 Î÷_ÄË_È«_ɽ_ð_ÑÌ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÔÚ_»ð_ÖÐ_½µ_ÓÚ_ɽ_ÉÏ_¡£_ɽ_µÄ_ÑÌ Æø_ÉÏ_ÌÚ_£¬_Èç_ÉÕ_Ò¤_Ò»_°ã_£¬_±é_ɽ_´ó_´ó_µØ_Õð_¶¯_¡£ # # And mount Sinai was altogether on a smoke, because the LORD # descended upon it in fire: and the smoke thereof ascended as the # smoke of a furnace, and the whole mount quaked greatly. # # unit P EXO:19:19 ½Ç_Éù_½¥_½¥_µØ_¸ß_¶ø_ÓÖ_¸ß_£¬_Ħ_Î÷_¾Í_˵_»°_£¬_Éñ_ÓÐ_Éù_Òô_´ð_Ó¦_Ëû ¡£ # # And when the voice of the trumpet sounded long, and waxed louder and # louder, Moses spake, and God answered him by a voice. # # unit P EXO:19:20 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_½µ_ÁÙ_ÔÚ_Î÷_ÄË_ɽ_¶¥_ÉÏ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÕÙ_Ħ_Î÷_ÉÏ_ɽ_¶¥_£¬_Ħ Î÷_¾Í_ÉÏ_È¥_¡£ # # And the LORD came down upon mount Sinai, on the top of the mount: # and the LORD called Moses up to the top of the mount; and Moses went # up. # # unit P EXO:19:21 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Äã_ÏÂ_È¥_Öö_¸À_°Ù_ÐÕ_£¬_²»_¿É_´³_¹ý_À´_µ½_ÎÒ Ãæ_Ç°_¹Û_¿´_£¬_¿Ö_ÅÂ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÓÐ_¶à_ÈË_ËÀ_Íö_£¬ # # And the LORD said unto Moses, Go down, charge the people, lest they # break through unto the LORD to gaze, and many of them perish. # # unit P EXO:19:22 ÓÖ_½Ð_Ç×_½ü_ÎÒ_µÄ_¼À_˾_×Ô_½à_£¬_¿Ö_ÅÂ_ÎÒ_ºö_È»_³ö_À´_»÷_ɱ_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£ # # And let the priests also, which come near to the LORD, sanctify # themselves, lest the LORD break forth upon them. # # unit P EXO:19:23 Ħ_Î÷_¶Ô_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_˵_£¬_°Ù_ÐÕ_²»_ÄÜ_ÉÏ_Î÷_ÄË_ɽ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Äã_ÒÑ_¾­_Öö ¸À_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Òª_ÔÚ_ɽ_µÄ_ËÄ_Χ_¶¨_½ç_ÏÞ_£¬_½Ð_ɽ_³É_Ê¥_¡£ # # And Moses said unto the LORD, The people cannot come up to mount # Sinai: for thou chargedst us, saying, Set bounds about the mount, # and sanctify it. # # unit P EXO:19:24 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_ÏÂ_È¥_°É_£¬_Äã_Òª_ºÍ_ÑÇ_Â×_Ò»_ͬ_ÉÏ_À´_£¬_Ö»_ÊÇ ¼À_˾_ºÍ_°Ù_ÐÕ_²»_¿É_´³_¹ý_À´_ÉÏ_µ½_ÎÒ_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_¿Ö_ÅÂ_ÎÒ_ºö_È»_³ö_À´ »÷_ɱ_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto him, Away, get thee down, and thou shalt come # up, thou, and Aaron with thee: but let not the priests and the # people break through to come up unto the LORD, lest he break forth # upon them. # # unit P EXO:19:25 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Ħ_Î÷_ÏÂ_µ½_°Ù_ÐÕ_ÄÇ_Àï_¸æ_Ëß_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£ # # So Moses went down unto the people, and spake unto them. # ## # chapter 20 EXO:20 # unit P EXO:20:1 Éñ_·Ô_¸À_Õâ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_»°_˵_£¬ # # And God spake all these words, saying, # # unit P EXO:20:2 ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_Ôø_½«_Äã_´Ó_°£_¼°_µØ_Ϊ_Å«_Ö®_¼Ò_Áì_³ö_À´ ¡£ # # I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of # Egypt, out of the house of bondage. # # unit P EXO:20:3 ³ý_ÁË_ÎÒ_ÒÔ_Íâ_£¬_Äã_²»_¿É_ÓÐ_±ð_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # Thou shalt have no other gods before me. # # unit P EXO:20:4 ²»_¿É_Ϊ_×Ô_¼º_µñ_¿Ì_ż_Ïñ_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_×÷_ʲ_ô_ÐÎ_Ïñ_·Â_·ð_ÉÏ_Ìì_£¬ ÏÂ_µØ_£¬_ºÍ_µØ_µ×_ÏÂ_£¬_Ë®_ÖÐ_µÄ_°Ù_Îï_¡£ # # Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of # any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, # or that is in the water under the earth: # # unit P EXO:20:5 ²»_¿É_¹ò_°Ý_ÄÇ_Щ_Ïñ_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_ÊÂ_·î_Ëü_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÎÒ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ Éñ_ÊÇ_¼É_а_µÄ_Éñ_¡£_ºÞ_ÎÒ_µÄ_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_×·_ÌÖ_Ëû_µÄ_×ï_£¬_×Ô_¸¸_¼°_×Ó £¬_Ö±_µ½_Èý_ËÄ_´ú_£¬ # # Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the # LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers # upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that # hate me; # # unit P EXO:20:6 °®_ÎÒ_£¬_ÊØ_ÎÒ_½ë_Ãü_µÄ_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_Ïò_Ëû_ÃÇ_·¢_´È_°®_£¬_Ö±_µ½_ǧ_´ú_¡£ # # And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my # commandments. # # unit P EXO:20:7 ²»_¿É_Íý_³Æ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_µÄ_Ãû_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Íý_³Æ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãû_µÄ_£¬_Ò® ºÍ_»ª_±Ø_²»_ÒÔ_Ëû_Ϊ_ÎÞ_×ï_¡£ # # Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the # LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. # # unit P EXO:20:8 µ±_¼Ç_Äî_°²_Ï¢_ÈÕ_£¬_ÊØ_Ϊ_Ê¥_ÈÕ_¡£ # # Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. # # unit P EXO:20:9 Áù_ÈÕ_Òª_ÀÍ_µ_×÷_Äã_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_¹¤_£¬ # # Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: # # unit P EXO:20:10 µ«_µÚ_Æß_ÈÕ_ÊÇ_Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_µ±_ÊØ_µÄ_°²_Ï¢_ÈÕ_¡£_Õâ_Ò»_ÈÕ_Äã_ºÍ Äã_µÄ_¶ù_Å®_£¬_ÆÍ_æ¾_£¬_Éü_Ðó_£¬_²¢_Äã_³Ç_Àï_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_¿Í_ÂÃ_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ ºÎ_¹¤_¶¼_²»_¿É_×÷_£¬ # # But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou # shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy # manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger # that is within thy gates: # # unit P EXO:20:11 Òò_Ϊ_Áù_ÈÕ_Ö®_ÄÚ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ôì_Ìì_£¬_µØ_£¬_º£_£¬_ºÍ_Æä_ÖÐ_µÄ_Íò_Îï £¬_µÚ_Æß_ÈÕ_±ã_°²_Ï¢_£¬_Ëù_ÒÔ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_´Í_¸£_Óë_°²_Ï¢_ÈÕ_£¬_¶¨_Ϊ_Ê¥ ÈÕ_¡£ # # For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all # that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD # blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. # # unit P EXO:20:12 µ±_Т_¾´_¸¸_ĸ_£¬_ʹ_Äã_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_´Í_Äã_µÄ_µØ_ÉÏ µÃ_ÒÔ_³¤_¾Ã_¡£ # # Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the # land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. # # unit P EXO:20:13 ²»_¿É_ɱ_ÈË_¡£ # # Thou shalt not kill. # # unit P EXO:20:14 ²»_¿É_¼é_Òù_¡£ # # Thou shalt not commit adultery. # # unit P EXO:20:15 ²»_¿É_͵_µÁ_¡£ # # Thou shalt not steal. # # unit P EXO:20:16 ²»_¿É_×÷_¼Ù_¼û_Ö¤_ÏÝ_º¦_ÈË_¡£ # # Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. # # unit P EXO:20:17 ²»_¿É_Ì°_Áµ_ÈË_µÄ_·¿_ÎÝ_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_Ì°_Áµ_ÈË_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_£¬_ÆÍ_æ¾_£¬_Å£ ¿_£¬_²¢_Ëû_Ò»_ÇÐ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_¡£ # # Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy # neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his # ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's. # # unit P EXO:20:18 ÖÚ_°Ù_ÐÕ_¼û_À×_ºä_£¬_ÉÁ_µç_£¬_½Ç_Éù_£¬_ɽ_ÉÏ_ð_ÑÌ_£¬_¾Í_¶¼_·¢_²ü_£¬ Ô¶_Ô¶_µØ_Õ¾_Á¢_¡£ # # And all the people saw the thunderings, and the lightnings, and the # noise of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking: and when the people # saw it, they removed, and stood afar off. # # unit P EXO:20:19 ¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Çó_Äã_ºÍ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_˵_»°_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_±Ø_Ìý_£¬_²»_Òª_Éñ_ºÍ_ÎÒ ÃÇ_˵_»°_£¬_¿Ö_ÅÂ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ËÀ_Íö_¡£ # # And they said unto Moses, Speak thou with us, and we will hear: but # let not God speak with us, lest we die. # # unit P EXO:20:20 Ħ_Î÷_¶Ô_°Ù_ÐÕ_˵_£¬_²»_Òª_¾å_ÅÂ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Éñ_½µ_ÁÙ_ÊÇ_Òª_ÊÔ_Ñé_Äã_ÃÇ £¬_½Ð_Äã_ÃÇ_ʱ_³£_¾´_η_Ëû_£¬_²»_ÖÂ_·¸_×ï_¡£ # # And Moses said unto the people, Fear not: for God is come to prove # you, and that his fear may be before your faces, that ye sin not. # # unit P EXO:20:21 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_°Ù_ÐÕ_Ô¶_Ô¶_µØ_Õ¾_Á¢_£¬_Ħ_Î÷_¾Í_°¤_½ü_Éñ_Ëù_ÔÚ_µÄ_ÓÄ_°µ_Ö®_ÖÐ ¡£ # # And the people stood afar off, and Moses drew near unto the thick # darkness where God was. # # unit P EXO:20:22 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Äã_Òª_Ïò_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Õâ_Ñù_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_×Ô_¼º ¿´_¼û_ÎÒ_´Ó_Ìì_ÉÏ_ºÍ_Äã_ÃÇ_˵_»°_ÁË_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto Moses, Thus thou shalt say unto the children # of Israel, Ye have seen that I have talked with you from heaven. # # unit P EXO:20:23 Äã_ÃÇ_²»_¿É_×÷_ʲ_ô_Éñ_Ïñ_Óë_ÎÒ_Ïà_Åä_£¬_²»_¿É_Ϊ_×Ô_¼º_×÷_½ð_Òø_µÄ Éñ_Ïñ_¡£ # # Ye shall not make with me gods of silver, neither shall ye make unto # you gods of gold. # # unit P EXO:20:24 Äã_Òª_Ϊ_ÎÒ_Öþ_ÍÁ_̳_£¬_ÔÚ_ÉÏ_Ãæ_ÒÔ_Å£_Ñò_Ï×_Ϊ_ìÜ_¼À_ºÍ_ƽ_°²_¼À_¡£ ·²_¼Ç_ÏÂ_ÎÒ_Ãû_µÄ_µØ_·½_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_µ½_ÄÇ_Àï_´Í_¸£_¸ø_Äã_¡£ # # An altar of earth thou shalt make unto me, and shalt sacrifice # thereon thy burnt offerings, and thy peace offerings, thy sheep, and # thine oxen: in all places where I record my name I will come unto # thee, and I will bless thee. # # unit P EXO:20:25 Äã_Èô_Ϊ_ÎÒ_Öþ_Ò»_×ù_ʯ_̳_£¬_²»_¿É_ÓÃ_Ôä_³É_µÄ_ʯ_Í·_£¬_Òò_Äã_ÔÚ_ÉÏ Í·_Ò»_¶¯_¼Ò_¾ß_£¬_¾Í_°Ñ_̳_ÎÛ_»à_ÁË_¡£ # # And if thou wilt make me an altar of stone, thou shalt not build it # of hewn stone: for if thou lift up thy tool upon it, thou hast # polluted it. # # unit P EXO:20:26 Äã_ÉÏ_ÎÒ_µÄ_̳_£¬_²»_¿É_ÓÃ_̨_½×_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_¶_³ö_Äã_µÄ_ÏÂ_Ìå_À´_¡£ # # Neither shalt thou go up by steps unto mine altar, that thy # nakedness be not discovered thereon. # ## # chapter 21 EXO:21 # unit P EXO:21:1 Äã_ÔÚ_°Ù_ÐÕ_Ãæ_Ç°_Ëù_Òª_Á¢_µÄ_µä_ÕÂ_ÊÇ_Õâ_Ñù_£¬ # # Now these are the judgments which thou shalt set before them. # # unit P EXO:21:2 Äã_Èô_Âò_Ï£_²®_À´_ÈË_×÷_Å«_ÆÍ_£¬_Ëû_±Ø_·þ_ÊÂ_Äã_Áù_Äê_£¬_µÚ_Æß_Äê_Ëû ¿É_ÒÔ_×Ô_ÓÉ_£¬_°×_°×_µØ_³ö_È¥_¡£ # # If thou buy an Hebrew servant, six years he shall serve: and in the # seventh he shall go out free for nothing. # # unit P EXO:21:3 Ëû_Èô_¹Â_Éí_À´_£¬_¾Í_¿É_ÒÔ_¹Â_Éí_È¥_£¬_Ëû_Èô_ÓÐ_ÆÞ_£¬_Ëû_µÄ_ÆÞ_¾Í_¿É ÒÔ_ͬ_Ëû_³ö_È¥_¡£ # # If he came in by himself, he shall go out by himself: if he were # married, then his wife shall go out with him. # # unit P EXO:21:4 Ëû_Ö÷_ÈË_Èô_¸ø_Ëû_ÆÞ_×Ó_£¬_ÆÞ_×Ó_¸ø_Ëû_Éú_ÁË_¶ù_×Ó_»ò_Å®_¶ù_£¬_ÆÞ_×Ó ºÍ_¶ù_Å®_Òª_¹é_Ö÷_ÈË_£¬_Ëû_Òª_¶À_×Ô_³ö_È¥_¡£ # # If his master have given him a wife, and she have born him sons or # daughters; the wife and her children shall be her master's, and he # shall go out by himself. # # unit P EXO:21:5 ÌÈ_»ò_Å«_ÆÍ_Ã÷_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_°®_ÎÒ_µÄ_Ö÷_ÈË_ºÍ_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_¶ù_Å®_£¬_²»_Ô¸ Òâ_×Ô_ÓÉ_³ö_È¥_¡£ # # And if the servant shall plainly say, I love my master, my wife, and # my children; I will not go out free: # # unit P EXO:21:6 Ëû_µÄ_Ö÷_ÈË_¾Í_Òª_´ø_Ëû_µ½_Éó_ÅÐ_¹Ù_ÄÇ_Àï_£¨_Éó_ÅÐ_¹Ù_»ò_×÷_Éñ_ÏÂ_ͬ £©_£¬_ÓÖ_Òª_´ø_Ëû_µ½_ÃÅ_Ç°_£¬_¿¿_½ü_ÃÅ_¿ò_£¬_ÓÃ_׶_×Ó_´©_Ëû_µÄ_¶ú_¶ä £¬_Ëû_¾Í_ÓÀ_Ô¶_·þ_ÊÂ_Ö÷_ÈË_¡£ # # Then his master shall bring him unto the judges; he shall also bring # him to the door, or unto the door post; and his master shall bore # his ear through with an aul; and he shall serve him for ever. # # unit P EXO:21:7 ÈË_Èô_Âô_Å®_¶ù_×÷_æ¾_Å®_£¬_æ¾_Å®_²»_¿É_Ïñ_ÄÐ_ÆÍ_ÄÇ_Ñù_³ö_È¥_¡£ # # And if a man sell his daughter to be a maidservant, she shall not go # out as the menservants do. # # unit P EXO:21:8 Ö÷_ÈË_Ñ¡_¶¨_Ëý_¹é_×Ô_¼º_£¬_Èô_²»_ϲ_»¶_Ëý_£¬_¾Í_Òª_Ðí_Ëý_Êê_Éí_£¬_Ö÷ ÈË_¼È_È»_ÓÃ_¹î_Õ©_´ý_Ëý_£¬_¾Í_û_ÓÐ_Ȩ_±ú_Âô_¸ø_Íâ_°î_ÈË_¡£ # # If she please not her master, who hath betrothed her to himself, # then shall he let her be redeemed: to sell her unto a strange nation # he shall have no power, seeing he hath dealt deceitfully with her. # # unit P EXO:21:9 Ö÷_ÈË_Èô_Ñ¡_¶¨_Ëý_¸ø_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_¾Í_µ±_´ý_Ëý_Èç_ͬ_Å®_¶ù_¡£ # # And if he have betrothed her unto his son, he shall deal with her # after the manner of daughters. # # unit P EXO:21:10 Èô_Áí_È¢_Ò»_¸ö_£¬_ÄÇ_Å®_×Ó_µÄ_³Ô_ʳ_£¬_ÒÂ_·þ_£¬_²¢_ºÃ_ºÏ_µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬_ÈÔ ²»_¿É_¼õ_ÉÙ_¡£ # # If he take him another wife; her food, her raiment, and her duty of # marriage, shall he not diminish. # # unit P EXO:21:11 Èô_²»_Ïò_Ëý_ÐÐ_Õâ_Èý_Ñù_£¬_Ëý_¾Í_¿É_ÒÔ_²»_ÓÃ_Ç®_Êê_£¬_°×_°×_µØ_³ö_È¥ ¡£ # # And if he do not these three unto her, then shall she go out free # without money. # # unit P EXO:21:12 ´ò_ÈË_ÒÔ_ÖÂ_´ò_ËÀ_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_Òª_°Ñ_Ëû_ÖÎ_ËÀ_¡£ # # He that smiteth a man, so that he die, shall be surely put to death. # # unit P EXO:21:13 ÈË_Èô_²»_ÊÇ_Âñ_·ü_×Å_ɱ_ÈË_£¬_ÄË_ÊÇ_Éñ_½»_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÊÖ_ÖÐ_£¬_ÎÒ_¾Í_Éè_Ï һ_¸ö_µØ_·½_£¬_Ëû_¿É_ÒÔ_Íù_ÄÇ_Àï_ÌÓ_ÅÜ_¡£ # # And if a man lie not in wait, but God deliver him into his hand; # then I will appoint thee a place whither he shall flee. # # unit P EXO:21:14 ÈË_Èô_ÈÎ_Òâ_ÓÃ_¹î_¼Æ_ɱ_ÁË_Ëû_µÄ_ÁÚ_Éá_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÌÓ_µ½_ÎÒ_µÄ_̳_ÄÇ_Àï £¬_Ò²_µ±_×½_È¥_°Ñ_Ëû_ÖÎ_ËÀ_¡£ # # But if a man come presumptuously upon his neighbour, to slay him # with guile; thou shalt take him from mine altar, that he may die. # # unit P EXO:21:15 ´ò_¸¸_ĸ_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_Òª_°Ñ_Ëû_ÖÎ_ËÀ_¡£ # # And he that smiteth his father, or his mother, shall be surely put # to death. # # unit P EXO:21:16 ¹Õ_´ø_ÈË_¿Ú_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_°Ñ_ÈË_Âô_ÁË_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_Áô_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÊÖ_ÏÂ_£¬_±Ø_Òª_°Ñ Ëû_ÖÎ_ËÀ_¡£ # # And he that stealeth a man, and selleth him, or if he be found in # his hand, he shall surely be put to death. # # unit P EXO:21:17 Öä_Âî_¸¸_ĸ_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_Òª_°Ñ_Ëû_ÖÎ_ËÀ_¡£ # # And he that curseth his father, or his mother, shall surely be put # to death. # # unit P EXO:21:18 ÈË_Èô_±Ë_´Ë_Ïà_Õù_£¬_Õâ_¸ö_ÓÃ_ʯ_Í·_»ò_ÊÇ_È­_Í·_´ò_ÄÇ_¸ö_£¬_ÉÐ_ÇÒ_²» ÖÁ_ÓÚ_ËÀ_£¬_²»_¹ý_ÌÉ_ÎÔ_ÔÚ_´²_£¬ # # And if men strive together, and one smite another with a stone, or # with his fist, and he die not, but keepeth his bed: # # unit P EXO:21:19 Èô_ÔÙ_ÄÜ_Æð_À´_·ö_ÕÈ_¶ø_³ö_£¬_ÄÇ_´ò_Ëû_µÄ_¿É_Ëã_ÎÞ_×ï_£¬_µ«_Òª_½«_Ëû µ¢_Îó_µÄ_¹¤_·ò_ÓÃ_Ç®_Åâ_²¹_£¬_²¢_Òª_½«_Ëû_È«_È»_Ò½_ºÃ_¡£ # # If he rise again, and walk abroad upon his staff, then shall he that # smote him be quit: only he shall pay for the loss of his time, and # shall cause him to be thoroughly healed. # # unit P EXO:21:20 ÈË_Èô_ÓÃ_¹÷_×Ó_´ò_Å«_ÆÍ_»ò_æ¾_Å®_£¬_Á¢_ʱ_ËÀ_ÔÚ_Ëû_µÄ_ÊÖ_ÏÂ_£¬_Ëû_±Ø Òª_ÊÜ_ÐÌ_¡£ # # And if a man smite his servant, or his maid, with a rod, and he die # under his hand; he shall be surely punished. # # unit P EXO:21:21 Èô_¹ý_Ò»_Á½_Ìì_²Å_ËÀ_£¬_¾Í_¿É_ÒÔ_²»_ÊÜ_ÐÌ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÊÇ_ÓÃ_Ç®_Âò_µÄ_¡£ # # Notwithstanding, if he continue a day or two, he shall not be # punished: for he is his money. # # unit P EXO:21:22 ÈË_Èô_±Ë_´Ë_Õù_¶·_£¬_ÉË_º¦_ÓÐ_ÔÐ_µÄ_¸¾_ÈË_£¬_Éõ_ÖÁ_×¹_Ì¥_£¬_Ëæ_ºó_È´ ÎÞ_±ð_º¦_£¬_ÄÇ_ÉË_º¦_Ëý_µÄ_£¬_×Ü_Òª_°´_¸¾_ÈË_µÄ_ÕÉ_·ò_Ëù_Òª_µÄ_£¬_ÕÕ Éó_ÅÐ_¹Ù_Ëù_¶Ï_µÄ_£¬_ÊÜ_·£_¡£ # # If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart # from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, # according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay # as the judges determine. # # unit P EXO:21:23 Èô_ÓÐ_±ð_º¦_£¬_¾Í_Òª_ÒÔ_Ãü_³¥_Ãü_£¬ # # And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life, # # unit P EXO:21:24 ÒÔ_ÑÛ_»¹_ÑÛ_£¬_ÒÔ_ÑÀ_»¹_ÑÀ_£¬_ÒÔ_ÊÖ_»¹_ÊÖ_£¬_ÒÔ_½Å_»¹_½Å_£¬ # # Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, # # unit P EXO:21:25 ÒÔ_ÀÓ_»¹_ÀÓ_£¬_ÒÔ_ÉË_»¹_ÉË_£¬_ÒÔ_´ò_»¹_´ò_¡£ # # Burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe. # # unit P EXO:21:26 ÈË_Èô_´ò_»µ_ÁË_Ëû_Å«_ÆÍ_»ò_ÊÇ_æ¾_Å®_µÄ_Ò»_Ö»_ÑÛ_£¬_¾Í_Òª_Òò_Ëû_µÄ_ÑÛ ·Å_Ëû_È¥_µÃ_ÒÔ_×Ô_ÓÉ_¡£ # # And if a man smite the eye of his servant, or the eye of his maid, # that it perish; he shall let him go free for his eye's sake. # # unit P EXO:21:27 Èô_´ò_µô_ÁË_Ëû_Å«_ÆÍ_»ò_ÊÇ_æ¾_Å®_µÄ_Ò»_¸ö_ÑÀ_£¬_¾Í_Òª_Òò_Ëû_µÄ_ÑÀ_·Å Ëû_È¥_µÃ_ÒÔ_×Ô_ÓÉ_¡£ # # And if he smite out his manservant's tooth, or his maidservant's # tooth; he shall let him go free for his tooth's sake. # # unit P EXO:21:28 Å£_Èô_´¥_ËÀ_ÄÐ_ÈË_»ò_ÊÇ_Å®_ÈË_£¬_×Ü_Òª_ÓÃ_ʯ_Í·_´ò_ËÀ_ÄÇ_Å£_£¬_È´_²» ¿É_³Ô_Ëü_µÄ_Èâ_£¬_Å£_µÄ_Ö÷_ÈË_¿É_Ëã_ÎÞ_×ï_¡£ # # If an ox gore a man or a woman, that they die: then the ox shall be # surely stoned, and his flesh shall not be eaten; but the owner of # the ox shall be quit. # # unit P EXO:21:29 ÌÈ_Èô_ÄÇ_Å£_ËØ_À´_ÊÇ_´¥_ÈË_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_ÈË_±¨_¸æ_ÁË_Å£_Ö÷_£¬_Ëû_¾¹_²»_°Ñ Å£_Ë©_×Å_£¬_ÒÔ_ÖÂ_°Ñ_ÄÐ_ÈË_»ò_ÊÇ_Å®_ÈË_´¥_ËÀ_£¬_¾Í_Òª_ÓÃ_ʯ_Í·_´ò_ËÀ ÄÇ_Å£_£¬_Å£_Ö÷_Ò²_±Ø_ÖÎ_ËÀ_¡£ # # But if the ox were wont to push with his horn in time past, and it # hath been testified to his owner, and he hath not kept him in, but # that he hath killed a man or a woman; the ox shall be stoned, and # his owner also shall be put to death. # # unit P EXO:21:30 Èô_·£_Ëû_Êê_Ãü_µÄ_¼Û_Òø_£¬_Ëû_±Ø_ÕÕ_Ëù_·£_µÄ_Êê_Ëû_µÄ_Ãü_¡£ # # If there be laid on him a sum of money, then he shall give for the # ransom of his life whatsoever is laid upon him. # # unit P EXO:21:31 Å£_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_´¥_ÁË_ÈË_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_»ò_ÊÇ_Å®_¶ù_£¬_±Ø_ÕÕ_Õâ_Àý_°ì_Àí_¡£ # # Whether he have gored a son, or have gored a daughter, according to # this judgment shall it be done unto him. # # unit P EXO:21:32 Å£_Èô_´¥_ÁË_Å«_ÆÍ_»ò_ÊÇ_æ¾_Å®_£¬_±Ø_½«_Òø_×Ó_Èý_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ µÄ_Ö÷_ÈË_£¬_Ò²_Òª_ÓÃ_ʯ_Í·_°Ñ_Å£_´ò_ËÀ_¡£ # # If the ox shall push a manservant or a maidservant; he shall give # unto their master thirty shekels of silver, and the ox shall be # stoned. # # unit P EXO:21:33 ÈË_Èô_³¨_×Å_¾®_¿Ú_£¬_»ò_ÍÚ_¾®_²»_ÕÚ_¸Ç_£¬_ÓÐ_Å£_»ò_¿_µô_ÔÚ_Àï_Í·_£¬ # # And if a man shall open a pit, or if a man shall dig a pit, and not # cover it, and an ox or an ass fall therein; # # unit P EXO:21:34 ¾®_Ö÷_Òª_ÄÃ_Ç®_Åâ_»¹_±¾_Ö÷_ÈË_£¬_ËÀ_Éü_Ðó_Òª_¹é_×Ô_¼º_¡£ # # The owner of the pit shall make it good, and give money unto the # owner of them; and the dead beast shall be his. # # unit P EXO:21:35 Õâ_ÈË_µÄ_Å£_Èô_ÉË_ÁË_ÄÇ_ÈË_µÄ_Å£_£¬_ÒÔ_ÖÂ_ÓÚ_ËÀ_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_Òª_Âô_ÁË_»î Å£_£¬_ƽ_·Ö_¼Û_Öµ_£¬_Ò²_Òª_ƽ_·Ö_ËÀ_Å£_¡£ # # And if one man's ox hurt another's, that he die; then they shall # sell the live ox, and divide the money of it; and the dead ox also # they shall divide. # # unit P EXO:21:36 ÈË_Èô_Öª_µÀ_Õâ_Å£_ËØ_À´_ÊÇ_´¥_ÈË_µÄ_£¬_Ö÷_ÈË_¾¹_²»_°Ñ_Å£_Ë©_×Å_£¬_Ëû ±Ø_Òª_ÒÔ_Å£_»¹_Å£_£¬_ËÀ_Å£_Òª_¹é_×Ô_¼º_¡£ # # Or if it be known that the ox hath used to push in time past, and # his owner hath not kept him in; he shall surely pay ox for ox; and # the dead shall be his own. # ## # chapter 22 EXO:22 # unit P EXO:22:1 ÈË_Èô_͵_Å£_»ò_Ñò_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_Ô×_ÁË_£¬_ÊÇ_Âô_ÁË_£¬_Ëû_¾Í_Òª_ÒÔ_Îå_Å£ Åâ_Ò»_Å£_£¬_ËÄ_Ñò_Åâ_Ò»_Ñò_¡£ # # If a man shall steal an ox, or a sheep, and kill it, or sell it; he # shall restore five oxen for an ox, and four sheep for a sheep. # # unit P EXO:22:2 ÈË_Èô_Óö_¼û_Ôô_ÍÚ_¿ß_Áþ_£¬_°Ñ_Ôô_´ò_ÁË_£¬_ÒÔ_ÖÂ_ÓÚ_ËÀ_£¬_¾Í_²»_ÄÜ_Ϊ Ëû_ÓÐ_Á÷_Ѫ_µÄ_×ï_¡£ # # If a thief be found breaking up, and be smitten that he die, there # shall no blood be shed for him. # # unit P EXO:22:3 Èô_Ì«_Ñô_ÒÑ_¾­_³ö_À´_£¬_¾Í_Ϊ_Ëû_ÓÐ_Á÷_Ѫ_µÄ_×ï_¡£_Ôô_Èô_±»_ÄÃ_£¬_×Ü Òª_Åâ_»¹_¡£_Èô_Ëû_Ò»_ÎÞ_Ëù_ÓÐ_£¬_¾Í_Òª_±»_Âô_£¬_¶¥_Ëû_Ëù_͵_µÄ_Îï_¡£ # # If the sun be risen upon him, there shall be blood shed for him; for # he should make full restitution; if he have nothing, then he shall # be sold for his theft. # # unit P EXO:22:4 Èô_Ëû_Ëù_͵_µÄ_£¬_»ò_Å£_£¬_»ò_¿_£¬_»ò_Ñò_£¬_ÈÔ_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÊÖ_ÏÂ_´æ_»î_£¬ Ëû_¾Í_Òª_¼Ó_±¶_Åâ_»¹_¡£ # # If the theft be certainly found in his hand alive, whether it be ox, # or ass, or sheep; he shall restore double. # # unit P EXO:22:5 ÈË_Èô_ÔÚ_Ìï_¼ä_»ò_ÔÚ_ÆÏ_ÌÑ_Ô°_Àï_·Å_Éü_Ðó_£¬_ÈÎ_ƾ_Éü_Ðó_ÉÏ_±ð_ÈË_µÄ Ìï_Àï_È¥_³Ô_£¬_¾Í_±Ø_ÄÃ_×Ô_¼º_Ìï_¼ä_ÉÏ_ºÃ_µÄ_ºÍ_ÆÏ_ÌÑ_Ô°_ÉÏ_ºÃ_µÄ_Åâ »¹_¡£ # # If a man shall cause a field or vineyard to be eaten, and shall put # in his beast, and shall feed in another man's field; of the best of # his own field, and of the best of his own vineyard, shall he make # restitution. # # unit P EXO:22:6 Èô_µã_»ð_·Ù_ÉÕ_¾£_¼¬_£¬_ÒÔ_ÖÂ_½«_±ð_ÈË_¶Ñ_»ý_µÄ_ºÌ_À¦_£¬_Õ¾_×Å_µÄ_ºÌ ¼Ú_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_Ìï_Ô°_£¬_¶¼_ÉÕ_¾¡_ÁË_£¬_ÄÇ_µã_»ð_µÄ_±Ø_Òª_Åâ_»¹_¡£ # # If fire break out, and catch in thorns, so that the stacks of corn, # or the standing corn, or the field, be consumed therewith; he that # kindled the fire shall surely make restitution. # # unit P EXO:22:7 ÈË_Èô_½«_Òø_Ç®_»ò_¼Ò_¾ß_½»_¸¶_ÁÚ_Éá_¿´_ÊØ_£¬_Õâ_Îï_´Ó_ÄÇ_ÈË_µÄ_¼Ò_±» ͵_È¥_£¬_Èô_°Ñ_Ôô_ÕÒ_µ½_ÁË_£¬_Ôô_Òª_¼Ó_±¶_Åâ_»¹_£¬ # # If a man shall deliver unto his neighbour money or stuff to keep, # and it be stolen out of the man's house; if the thief be found, let # him pay double. # # unit P EXO:22:8 Èô_ÕÒ_²»_µ½_Ôô_£¬_ÄÇ_¼Ò_Ö÷_±Ø_¾Í_½ü_Éó_ÅÐ_¹Ù_£¬_Òª_¿´_¿´_Ëû_ÄÃ_ÁË_Ô­ Ö÷_µÄ_Îï_¼þ_û_ÓÐ_¡£ # # If the thief be not found, then the master of the house shall be # brought unto the judges, to see whether he have put his hand unto # his neighbour's goods. # # unit P EXO:22:9 Á½_¸ö_ÈË_µÄ_°¸_¼þ_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_Ϊ_ʲ_ô_¹ý_·¸_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_Ϊ_Å£_£¬_Ϊ_¿ £¬_Ϊ_Ñò_£¬_Ϊ_ÒÂ_ÉÑ_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_Ϊ_ʲ_ô_ʧ_µô_Ö®_Îï_£¬_ÓÐ_Ò»_ÈË_˵_£¬ Õâ_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_µÄ_£¬_Á½_Ôì_¾Í_Òª_½«_°¸_¼þ_Ù÷_¸æ_Éó_ÅÐ_¹Ù_£¬_Éó_ÅÐ_¹Ù_¶¨_Ë­ ÓÐ_×ï_£¬_Ë­_¾Í_Òª_¼Ó_±¶_Åâ_»¹_¡£ # # For all manner of trespass, whether it be for ox, for ass, for # sheep, for raiment, or for any manner of lost thing, which another # challengeth to be his, the cause of both parties shall come before # the judges; and whom the judges shall condemn, he shall pay double # unto his neighbour. # # unit P EXO:22:10 ÈË_Èô_½«_¿_£¬_»ò_Å£_£¬_»ò_Ñò_£¬_»ò_±ð_µÄ_Éü_Ðó_£¬_½»_¸¶_ÁÚ_Éá_¿´_ÊØ £¬_Éü_Ðó_»ò_ËÀ_£¬_»ò_ÊÜ_ÉË_£¬_»ò_±»_¸Ï_È¥_£¬_ÎÞ_ÈË_¿´_¼û_£¬ # # If a man deliver unto his neighbour an ass, or an ox, or a sheep, or # any beast, to keep; and it die, or be hurt, or driven away, no man # seeing it: # # unit P EXO:22:11 ÄÇ_¿´_ÊØ_µÄ_ÈË_Òª_ƾ_×Å_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Æð_ÊÄ_£¬_ÊÖ_Àï_δ_Ôø_ÄÃ_ÁÚ_Éá_µÄ_Îï £¬_±¾_Ö÷_¾Í_Òª_°Õ_ÐÝ_£¬_¿´_ÊØ_µÄ_ÈË_²»_±Ø_Åâ_»¹_¡£ # # Then shall an oath of the LORD be between them both, that he hath # not put his hand unto his neighbour's goods; and the owner of it # shall accept thereof, and he shall not make it good. # # unit P EXO:22:12 Éü_Ðó_Èô_´Ó_¿´_ÊØ_µÄ_ÄÇ_Àï_±»_͵_È¥_£¬_Ëû_¾Í_Òª_Åâ_»¹_±¾_Ö÷_£¬ # # And if it be stolen from him, he shall make restitution unto the # owner thereof. # # unit P EXO:22:13 Èô_±»_Ò°_ÊÞ_˺_Ëé_£¬_¿´_ÊØ_µÄ_Òª_´ø_À´_µ±_×÷_Ö¤_¾Ý_£¬_Ëù_˺_µÄ_²»_±Ø Åâ_»¹_¡£ # # If it be torn in pieces, then let him bring it for witness, and he # shall not make good that which was torn. # # unit P EXO:22:14 ÈË_Èô_Ïò_ÁÚ_Éá_½è_ʲ_ô_£¬_Ëù_½è_µÄ_»ò_ÊÜ_ÉË_£¬_»ò_ËÀ_£¬_±¾_Ö÷_û_ÓРͬ_ÔÚ_Ò»_´¦_£¬_½è_µÄ_ÈË_×Ü_Òª_Åâ_»¹_£¬ # # And if a man borrow ought of his neighbour, and it be hurt, or die, # the owner thereof being not with it, he shall surely make it good. # # unit P EXO:22:15 Èô_±¾_Ö÷_ͬ_ÔÚ_Ò»_´¦_£¬_Ëû_¾Í_²»_±Ø_Åâ_»¹_£¬_Èô_ÊÇ_¹Í_µÄ_£¬_Ò²_²»_±Ø Åâ_»¹_£¬_±¾_ÊÇ_Ϊ_¹Í_¼Û_À´_µÄ_¡£ # # But if the owner thereof be with it, he shall not make it good: if # it be an hired thing, it came for his hire. # # unit P EXO:22:16 ÈË_Èô_Òý_ÓÕ_û_ÓÐ_ÊÜ_Ƹ_µÄ_´¦_Å®_£¬_Óë_Ëý_ÐÐ_Òù_£¬_Ëû_×Ü_Òª_½»_³ö_Ƹ Àñ_£¬_È¢_Ëý_Ϊ_ÆÞ_¡£ # # And if a man entice a maid that is not betrothed, and lie with her, # he shall surely endow her to be his wife. # # unit P EXO:22:17 Èô_Å®_×Ó_µÄ_¸¸_Ç×_¾ö_²»_¿Ï_½«_Å®_×Ó_¸ø_Ëû_£¬_Ëû_¾Í_Òª_°´_´¦_Å®_µÄ_Ƹ Àñ_£¬_½»_³ö_Ç®_À´_¡£ # # If her father utterly refuse to give her unto him, he shall pay # money according to the dowry of virgins. # # unit P EXO:22:18 ÐÐ_а_Êõ_µÄ_Å®_ÈË_£¬_²»_¿É_ÈÝ_Ëý_´æ_»î_¡£ # # Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. # # unit P EXO:22:19 ·²_Óë_ÊÞ_Òù_ºÏ_µÄ_£¬_×Ü_Òª_°Ñ_Ëû_ÖÎ_ËÀ_¡£ # # Whosoever lieth with a beast shall surely be put to death. # # unit P EXO:22:20 ¼À_ìë_±ð_Éñ_£¬_²»_µ¥_µ¥_¼À_ìë_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_£¬_ÄÇ_ÈË_±Ø_Òª_Ãð_¾ø_¡£ # # He that sacrificeth unto any god, save unto the LORD only, he shall # be utterly destroyed. # # unit P EXO:22:21 ²»_¿É_¿÷_¸º_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_ÆÛ_ѹ_Ëû_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_µØ Ò²_×÷_¹ý_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_¡£ # # Thou shalt neither vex a stranger, nor oppress him: for ye were # strangers in the land of Egypt. # # unit P EXO:22:22 ²»_¿É_¿à_´ý_¹Ñ_¸¾_ºÍ_¹Â_¶ù_£¬ # # Ye shall not afflict any widow, or fatherless child. # # unit P EXO:22:23 Èô_ÊÇ_¿à_´ý_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ò»_µã_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ïò_ÎÒ_Ò»_°§_Çó_£¬_ÎÒ_×Ü_Òª_Ìý_Ëû_ÃÇ µÄ_°§_Éù_£¬ # # If thou afflict them in any wise, and they cry at all unto me, I # will surely hear their cry; # # unit P EXO:22:24 ²¢_Òª_·¢_ÁÒ_Å­_£¬_ÓÃ_µ¶_ɱ_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_ʹ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_Ϊ_¹Ñ_¸¾_£¬_¶ù Å®_Ϊ_¹Â_¶ù_¡£ # # And my wrath shall wax hot, and I will kill you with the sword; and # your wives shall be widows, and your children fatherless. # # unit P EXO:22:25 ÎÒ_Ãñ_ÖÐ_ÓÐ_ƶ_Çî_ÈË_Óë_Äã_ͬ_ס_£¬_Äã_Èô_½è_Ç®_¸ø_Ëû_£¬_²»_¿É_Èç_·Å Õ®_µÄ_Ïò_Ëû_È¡_Àû_¡£ # # If thou lend money to any of my people that is poor by thee, thou # shalt not be to him as an usurer, neither shalt thou lay upon him # usury. # # unit P EXO:22:26 Äã_¼´_»ò_ÄÃ_ÁÚ_Éá_µÄ_ÒÂ_·þ_×÷_µ±_Í·_£¬_±Ø_ÔÚ_ÈÕ_Âä_ÒÔ_ÏÈ_¹é_»¹_Ëû_£¬ # # If thou at all take thy neighbour's raiment to pledge, thou shalt # deliver it unto him by that the sun goeth down: # # unit P EXO:22:27 Òò_Ëû_Ö»_ÓÐ_Õâ_Ò»_¼þ_µ±_¸Ç_Í·_£¬_ÊÇ_Ëû_¸Ç_Éí_µÄ_ÒÂ_·þ_£¬_Èô_ÊÇ_û_ÓÐ £¬_Ëû_ÄÃ_ʲ_ô_˯_¾õ_ÄØ_£¿_Ëû_°§_Çó_ÎÒ_£¬_ÎÒ_¾Í_Ó¦_ÔÊ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÎÒ_ÊÇ ÓÐ_¶÷_»Ý_µÄ_¡£ # # For that is his covering only, it is his raiment for his skin: # wherein shall he sleep? and it shall come to pass, when he crieth # unto me, that I will hear; for I am gracious. # # unit P EXO:22:28 ²»_¿É_»Ù_°ù_Éñ_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_»Ù_°ù_Äã_°Ù_ÐÕ_µÄ_¹Ù_³¤_¡£ # # Thou shalt not revile the gods, nor curse the ruler of thy people. # # unit P EXO:22:29 Äã_Òª_´Ó_Äã_ׯ_¼Ú_ÖÐ_µÄ_¹È_ºÍ_¾Æ_Õ¥_ÖÐ_µÎ_³ö_À´_µÄ_¾Æ_ÄÃ_À´_Ï×_ÉÏ_£¬ ²»_¿É_³Ù_ÑÓ_¡£_Äã_Òª_½«_Í·_Éú_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_¹é_¸ø_ÎÒ_¡£ # # Thou shalt not delay to offer the first of thy ripe fruits, and of # thy liquors: the firstborn of thy sons shalt thou give unto me. # # unit P EXO:22:30 Äã_Å£_Ñò_Í·_Éú_µÄ_£¬_Ò²_Òª_Õâ_Ñù_£¬_Æß_Ìì_µ±_¸ú_×Å_ĸ_£¬_µÚ_°Ë_Ìì_Òª ¹é_¸ø_ÎÒ_¡£ # # Likewise shalt thou do with thine oxen, and with thy sheep: seven # days it shall be with his dam; on the eighth day thou shalt give it # me. # # unit P EXO:22:31 Äã_Òª_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_Ãæ_Ç°_Ϊ_Ê¥_½à_µÄ_ÈË_¡£_Òò_´Ë_£¬_Ìï_¼ä_±»_Ò°_ÊÞ_˺_ÁÑ_Éü Ðó_µÄ_Èâ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_²»_¿É_³Ô_£¬_Òª_¶ª_¸ø_¹·_³Ô_¡£ # # And ye shall be holy men unto me: neither shall ye eat any flesh # that is torn of beasts in the field; ye shall cast it to the dogs. # ## # chapter 23 EXO:23 # unit P EXO:23:1 ²»_¿É_Ëæ_»ï_²¼_É¢_Ò¥_ÑÔ_£¬_²»_¿É_Óë_¶ñ_ÈË_Á¬_ÊÖ_Íý_×÷_¼û_Ö¤_¡£ # # Thou shalt not raise a false report: put not thine hand with the # wicked to be an unrighteous witness. # # unit P EXO:23:2 ²»_¿É_Ëæ_ÖÚ_ÐÐ_¶ñ_£¬_²»_¿É_ÔÚ_Õù_ËÏ_µÄ_ÊÂ_ÉÏ_Ëæ_ÖÚ_Æ«_ÐÐ_£¬_×÷_¼û_Ö¤ Çü_Í÷_Õý_Ö±_£¬ # # Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil; neither shalt thou # speak in a cause to decline after many to wrest judgment: # # unit P EXO:23:3 Ò²_²»_¿É_ÔÚ_Õù_ËÏ_µÄ_ÊÂ_ÉÏ_Æ«_»¤_Çî_ÈË_¡£ # # Neither shalt thou countenance a poor man in his cause. # # unit P EXO:23:4 Èô_Óö_¼û_Äã_³ð_µÐ_µÄ_Å£_»ò_¿_ʧ_ÃÔ_ÁË_·_£¬_×Ü_Òª_Ç£_»Ø_À´_½»_¸ø_Ëû ¡£ # # If thou meet thine enemy's ox or his ass going astray, thou shalt # surely bring it back to him again. # # unit P EXO:23:5 Èô_¿´_¼û_ºÞ_Äã_ÈË_µÄ_¿_ѹ_ÎÔ_ÔÚ_ÖØ_ÍÔ_Ö®_ÏÂ_£¬_²»_¿É_×ß_¿ª_£¬_Îñ_Òª ºÍ_¿_Ö÷_Ò»_ͬ_̧_¿ª_ÖØ_ÍÔ_¡£ # # If thou see the ass of him that hateth thee lying under his burden, # and wouldest forbear to help him, thou shalt surely help with him. # # unit P EXO:23:6 ²»_¿É_ÔÚ_Çî_ÈË_Õù_ËÏ_µÄ_ÊÂ_ÉÏ_Çü_Í÷_Õý_Ö±_¡£ # # Thou shalt not wrest the judgment of thy poor in his cause. # # unit P EXO:23:7 µ±_Ô¶_Àë_Ðé_¼Ù_µÄ_ÊÂ_¡£_²»_¿É_ɱ_ÎÞ_¹¼_ºÍ_ÓÐ_Òå_µÄ_ÈË_£¬_Òò_ÎÒ_±Ø_²» ÒÔ_¶ñ_ÈË_Ϊ_Òå_¡£ # # Keep thee far from a false matter; and the innocent and righteous # slay thou not: for I will not justify the wicked. # # unit P EXO:23:8 ²»_¿É_ÊÜ_»ß_¸_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_»ß_¸_ÄÜ_½Ð_Ã÷_ÑÛ_ÈË_±ä_Ϲ_ÁË_£¬_ÓÖ_ÄÜ_µß_µ¹ Òå_ÈË_µÄ_»°_¡£ # # And thou shalt take no gift: for the gift blindeth the wise, and # perverteth the words of the righteous. # # unit P EXO:23:9 ²»_¿É_ÆÛ_ѹ_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_µØ_×÷_¹ý_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_£¬_Öª µÀ_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_ÐÄ_¡£ # # Also thou shalt not oppress a stranger: for ye know the heart of a # stranger, seeing ye were strangers in the land of Egypt. # # unit P EXO:23:10 Áù_Äê_Äã_Òª_¸û_ÖÖ_Ìï_µØ_£¬_ÊÕ_²Ø_ÍÁ_²ú_£¬ # # And six years thou shalt sow thy land, and shalt gather in the # fruits thereof: # # unit P EXO:23:11 Ö»_ÊÇ_µÚ_Æß_Äê_Òª_½Ð_µØ_Ъ_Ï¢_£¬_²»_¸û_²»_ÖÖ_£¬_ʹ_Äã_Ãñ_ÖÐ_µÄ_Çî_ÈË ÓÐ_³Ô_µÄ_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ëù_Ê£_ÏÂ_µÄ_£¬_Ò°_ÊÞ_¿É_ÒÔ_³Ô_¡£_Äã_µÄ_ÆÏ_ÌÑ_Ô°_ºÍ éÏ_é­_Ô°_Ò²_Òª_ÕÕ_Ñù_°ì_Àí_¡£ # # But the seventh year thou shalt let it rest and lie still; that the # poor of thy people may eat: and what they leave the beasts of the # field shall eat. In like manner thou shalt deal with thy vineyard, # and with thy oliveyard. # # unit P EXO:23:12 Áù_ÈÕ_Äã_Òª_×÷_¹¤_£¬_µÚ_Æß_ÈÕ_Òª_°²_Ï¢_£¬_ʹ_Å£_£¬_¿_¿É_ÒÔ_Ъ_Ï¢_£¬ ²¢_ʹ_Äã_æ¾_Å®_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ºÍ_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_¶¼_¿É_ÒÔ_Êæ_³©_¡£ # # Six days thou shalt do thy work, and on the seventh day thou shalt # rest: that thine ox and thine ass may rest, and the son of thy # handmaid, and the stranger, may be refreshed. # # unit P EXO:23:13 ·²_ÎÒ_¶Ô_Äã_ÃÇ_˵_µÄ_»°_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_½÷_ÊØ_¡£_±ð_Éñ_µÄ_Ãû_£¬_Äã_²»_¿É Ìá_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_´Ó_Äã_¿Ú_ÖÐ_´«_˵_¡£ # # And in all things that I have said unto you be circumspect: and make # no mention of the name of other gods, neither let it be heard out of # thy mouth. # # unit P EXO:23:14 Ò»_Äê_Èý_´Î_£¬_Äã_Òª_Ïò_ÎÒ_ÊØ_½Ú_¡£ # # Three times thou shalt keep a feast unto me in the year. # # unit P EXO:23:15 Äã_Òª_ÊØ_³ý_½Í_½Ú_£¬_ÕÕ_ÎÒ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Äã_µÄ_£¬_ÔÚ_ÑÇ_±Ê_ÔÂ_ÄÚ_Ëù_¶¨_µÄ ÈÕ_ÆÚ_£¬_³Ô_ÎÞ_½Í_±ý_Æß_Ìì_¡£_Ë­_Ò²_²»_¿É_¿Õ_ÊÖ_³¯_¼û_ÎÒ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Äã ÊÇ_Õâ_ÔÂ_³ö_ÁË_°£_¼°_¡£ # # Thou shalt keep the feast of unleavened bread: (thou shalt eat # unleavened bread seven days, as I commanded thee, in the time # appointed of the month Abib; for in it thou camest out from Egypt: # and none shall appear before me empty:) # # unit P EXO:23:16 ÓÖ_Òª_ÊØ_ÊÕ_¸î_½Ú_£¬_Ëù_ÊÕ_µÄ_ÊÇ_Äã_Ìï_¼ä_Ëù_ÖÖ_£¬_ÀÍ_µ_µÃ_À´_³õ_Êì Ö®_Îï_¡£_²¢_ÔÚ_Äê_µ×_ÊÕ_²Ø_£¬_Òª_ÊØ_ÊÕ_²Ø_½Ú_¡£ # # And the feast of harvest, the firstfruits of thy labours, which thou # hast sown in the field: and the feast of ingathering, which is in # the end of the year, when thou hast gathered in thy labours out of # the field. # # unit P EXO:23:17 Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_ÄÐ_¶¡_Òª_Ò»_Äê_Èý_´Î_³¯_¼û_Ö÷_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # Three times in the year all thy males shall appear before the LORD # God. # # unit P EXO:23:18 ²»_¿É_½«_ÎÒ_¼À_Éü_µÄ_Ѫ_ºÍ_ÓÐ_½Í_µÄ_±ý_Ò»_ͬ_Ï×_ÉÏ_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_½«_ÎÒ ½Ú_ÉÏ_¼À_Éü_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_Áô_µ½_Ôç_³¿_¡£ # # Thou shalt not offer the blood of my sacrifice with leavened bread; # neither shall the fat of my sacrifice remain until the morning. # # unit P EXO:23:19 µØ_Àï_Ê×_ÏÈ_³õ_Êì_Ö®_Îï_Òª_ËÍ_µ½_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_µÄ_µî_¡£_²»_¿É_ÓÃ_ɽ Ñò_¸á_ĸ_µÄ_ÄÌ_Öó_ɽ_Ñò_¸á_¡£ # # The first of the firstfruits of thy land thou shalt bring into the # house of the LORD thy God. Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his # mother's milk. # # unit P EXO:23:20 ¿´_ÄÄ_£¬_ÎÒ_²î_Dz_ʹ_Õß_ÔÚ_Äã_Ç°_Ãæ_£¬_ÔÚ_·_ÉÏ_±£_»¤_Äã_£¬_Áì_Äã_µ½ ÎÒ_Ëù_Ô¤_±¸_µÄ_µØ_·½_È¥_¡£ # # Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to # bring thee into the place which I have prepared. # # unit P EXO:23:21 Ëû_ÊÇ_·î_ÎÒ_Ãû_À´_µÄ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_ÔÚ_Ëû_Ãæ_Ç°_½÷_É÷_£¬_Ìý_´Ó_Ëû_µÄ_»° £¬_²»_¿É_ÈÇ_Ëû_£¨_ÈÇ_»ò_×÷_Î¥_±³_£©_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_±Ø_²»_Éâ_Ãâ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ ¹ý_·¸_¡£ # # Beware of him, and obey his voice, provoke him not; for he will not # pardon your transgressions: for my name is in him. # # unit P EXO:23:22 Äã_Èô_ʵ_ÔÚ_Ìý_´Ó_Ëû_µÄ_»°_£¬_ÕÕ_×Å_ÎÒ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Ëù_˵_µÄ_È¥_ÐÐ_£¬_ÎÒ_¾Í Ïò_Äã_µÄ_³ð_µÐ_×÷_³ð_µÐ_£¬_Ïò_Äã_µÄ_µÐ_ÈË_×÷_µÐ_ÈË_¡£ # # But if thou shalt indeed obey his voice, and do all that I speak; # then I will be an enemy unto thine enemies, and an adversary unto # thine adversaries. # # unit P EXO:23:23 ÎÒ_µÄ_ʹ_Õß_Òª_ÔÚ_Äã_Ç°_Ãæ_ÐÐ_£¬_Áì_Äã_µ½_ÑÇ_Ħ_Àû_ÈË_£¬_ºÕ_ÈË_£¬_±È Àû_Ï´_ÈË_£¬_åÈ_ÄÏ_ÈË_£¬_Ï£_δ_ÈË_£¬_Ò®_²¼_˹_ÈË_ÄÇ_Àï_È¥_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_½« Ëû_ÃÇ_¼ô_³ý_¡£ # # For mine Angel shall go before thee, and bring thee in unto the # Amorites, and the Hittites, and the Perizzites, and the Canaanites, # the Hivites, and the Jebusites: and I will cut them off. # # unit P EXO:23:24 Äã_²»_¿É_¹ò_°Ý_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_²»_¿É_ÊÂ_·î_Ëû_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_Ч_·¨_Ëû_ÃÇ µÄ_ÐÐ_Ϊ_£¬_È´_Òª_°Ñ_Éñ_Ïñ_¾¡_ÐÐ_²ð_»Ù_£¬_´ò_Ëé_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Öù_Ïñ_¡£ # # Thou shalt not bow down to their gods, nor serve them, nor do after # their works: but thou shalt utterly overthrow them, and quite break # down their images. # # unit P EXO:23:25 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_ÊÂ_·î_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_Ëû_±Ø_´Í_¸£_Óë_Äã_µÄ_Á¸_Óë_Äã µÄ_Ë®_£¬_Ò²_±Ø_´Ó_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_³ý_È¥_¼²_²¡_¡£ # # And ye shall serve the LORD your God, and he shall bless thy bread, # and thy water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee. # # unit P EXO:23:26 Äã_¾³_ÄÚ_±Ø_û_ÓÐ_×¹_Ì¥_µÄ_£¬_²»_Éú_²ú_µÄ_¡£_ÎÒ_Òª_ʹ_Äã_Âú_ÁË_Äã_Äê ÈÕ_µÄ_Êý_Ä¿_¡£ # # There shall nothing cast their young, nor be barren, in thy land: # the number of thy days I will fulfil. # # unit P EXO:23:27 ·²_Äã_Ëù_µ½_µÄ_µØ_·½_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_ʹ_ÄÇ_Àï_µÄ_ÖÚ_Ãñ_ÔÚ_Äã_Ãæ_Ç°_¾ª_º§_£¬ ÈÅ_ÂÒ_£¬_ÓÖ_Òª_ʹ_Äã_Ò»_ÇÐ_³ð_µÐ_ת_±³_ÌÓ_ÅÜ_¡£ # # I will send my fear before thee, and will destroy all the people to # whom thou shalt come, and I will make all thine enemies turn their # backs unto thee. # # unit P EXO:23:28 ÎÒ_Òª_´ò_·¢_»Æ_·ä_·É_ÔÚ_Äã_Ç°_Ãæ_£¬_°Ñ_Ï£_δ_ÈË_£¬_åÈ_ÄÏ_ÈË_£¬_ºÕ_ÈË Äì_³ö_È¥_¡£ # # And I will send hornets before thee, which shall drive out the # Hivite, the Canaanite, and the Hittite, from before thee. # # unit P EXO:23:29 ÎÒ_²»_ÔÚ_Ò»_Äê_Ö®_ÄÚ_½«_Ëû_ÃÇ_´Ó_Äã_Ãæ_Ç°_Äì_³ö_È¥_£¬_¿Ö_ÅÂ_µØ_³É_Ϊ »Ä_Á¹_£¬_Ò°_µØ_µÄ_ÊÞ_¶à_Æð_À´_º¦_Äã_¡£ # # I will not drive them out from before thee in one year; lest the # land become desolate, and the beast of the field multiply against # thee. # # unit P EXO:23:30 ÎÒ_Òª_½¥_½¥_µØ_½«_Ëû_ÃÇ_´Ó_Äã_Ãæ_Ç°_Äì_³ö_È¥_£¬_µÈ_µ½_Äã_µÄ_ÈË_Êý_¼Ó ¶à_£¬_³Ð_ÊÜ_ÄÇ_µØ_Ϊ_Òµ_¡£ # # By little and little I will drive them out from before thee, until # thou be increased, and inherit the land. # # unit P EXO:23:31 ÎÒ_Òª_¶¨_Äã_µÄ_¾³_½ç_£¬_´Ó_ºì_º£_Ö±_µ½_·Ç_Àû_Ê¿_º£_£¬_ÓÖ_´Ó_¿õ_Ò°_Ö± µ½_´ó_ºÓ_¡£_ÎÒ_Òª_½«_ÄÇ_µØ_µÄ_¾Ó_Ãñ_½»_ÔÚ_Äã_ÊÖ_ÖÐ_£¬_Äã_Òª_½«_Ëû_ÃÇ ´Ó_Äã_Ãæ_Ç°_Äì_³ö_È¥_¡£ # # And I will set thy bounds from the Red sea even unto the sea of the # Philistines, and from the desert unto the river: for I will deliver # the inhabitants of the land into your hand; and thou shalt drive # them out before thee. # # unit P EXO:23:32 ²»_¿É_ºÍ_Ëû_ÃÇ_²¢_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_Á¢_Ô¼_¡£ # # Thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor with their gods. # # unit P EXO:23:33 Ëû_ÃÇ_²»_¿É_ס_ÔÚ_Äã_µÄ_µØ_ÉÏ_£¬_¿Ö_ÅÂ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ʹ_Äã_µÃ_×ï_ÎÒ_¡£_Äã_Èô ÊÂ_·î_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_Õâ_±Ø_³É_Ϊ_Äã_µÄ_Íø_ÂÞ_¡£ # # They shall not dwell in thy land, lest they make thee sin against # me: for if thou serve their gods, it will surely be a snare unto # thee. # ## # chapter 24 EXO:24 # unit P EXO:24:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Äã_ºÍ_ÑÇ_Â×_£¬_ÄÃ_´ð_£¬_ÑÇ_±È_»§_£¬_²¢_ÒÔ_É« ÁÐ_³¤_ÀÏ_ÖÐ_µÄ_Æß_Ê®_ÈË_£¬_¶¼_Òª_ÉÏ_µ½_ÎÒ_Õâ_Àï_À´_£¬_Ô¶_Ô¶_µØ_ÏÂ_°Ý ¡£ # # And he said unto Moses, Come up unto the LORD, thou, and Aaron, # Nadab, and Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel; and worship # ye afar off. # # unit P EXO:24:2 Ω_¶À_Äã_¿É_ÒÔ_Ç×_½ü_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_È´_²»_¿É_Ç×_½ü_£¬_°Ù_ÐÕ_Ò²_²» ¿É_ºÍ_Äã_Ò»_ͬ_ÉÏ_À´_¡£ # # And Moses alone shall come near the LORD: but they shall not come # nigh; neither shall the people go up with him. # # unit P EXO:24:3 Ħ_Î÷_ÏÂ_ɽ_£¬_½«_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_Ãü_Áî_µä_ÕÂ_¶¼_Êö_˵_Óë_°Ù_ÐÕ_Ìý_¡£_ÖÚ °Ù_ÐÕ_Æë_Éù_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¶¼_±Ø_×ñ_ÐÐ_¡£ # # And Moses came and told the people all the words of the LORD, and # all the judgments: and all the people answered with one voice, and # said, All the words which the LORD hath said will we do. # # unit P EXO:24:4 Ħ_Î÷_½«_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_Ãü_Áî_¶¼_д_ÉÏ_¡£_Çå_Ôç_Æð_À´_£¬_ÔÚ_ɽ_ÏÂ_Öþ_Ò» ×ù_̳_£¬_°´_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_Ê®_¶þ_Ö§_ÅÉ_Á¢_Ê®_¶þ_¸ù_Öù_×Ó_£¬ # # And Moses wrote all the words of the LORD, and rose up early in the # morning, and builded an altar under the hill, and twelve pillars, # according to the twelve tribes of Israel. # # unit P EXO:24:5 ÓÖ_´ò_·¢_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÖÐ_µÄ_ÉÙ_Äê_ÈË_È¥_Ï×_ìÜ_¼À_£¬_ÓÖ_Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ï× Å£_Ϊ_ƽ_°²_¼À_¡£ # # And he sent young men of the children of Israel, which offered burnt # offerings, and sacrificed peace offerings of oxen unto the LORD. # # unit P EXO:24:6 Ħ_Î÷_½«_Ѫ_Ò»_°ë_Ê¢_ÔÚ_Åè_ÖÐ_£¬_Ò»_°ë_È÷_ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ_£¬ # # And Moses took half of the blood, and put it in basons; and half of # the blood he sprinkled on the altar. # # unit P EXO:24:7 ÓÖ_½«_Ô¼_Êé_Äî_¸ø_°Ù_ÐÕ_Ìý_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_£¬_ÎÒ ÃÇ_¶¼_±Ø_×ñ_ÐÐ_¡£ # # And he took the book of the covenant, and read in the audience of # the people: and they said, All that the LORD hath said will we do, # and be obedient. # # unit P EXO:24:8 Ħ_Î÷_½«_Ѫ_È÷_ÔÚ_°Ù_ÐÕ_Éí_ÉÏ_£¬_˵_£¬_Äã_¿´_£¬_Õâ_ÊÇ_Á¢_Ô¼_µÄ_Ѫ_£¬ ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_°´_Õâ_Ò»_ÇÐ_»°_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_Á¢_Ô¼_µÄ_ƾ_¾Ý_¡£ # # And Moses took the blood, and sprinkled it on the people, and said, # Behold the blood of the covenant, which the LORD hath made with you # concerning all these words. # # unit P EXO:24:9 Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_£¬_ÄÃ_´ð_£¬_ÑÇ_±È_»§_£¬_²¢_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_³¤_ÀÏ_ÖÐ_µÄ_Æß_Ê® ÈË_£¬_¶¼_ÉÏ_ÁË_ɽ_¡£ # # Then went up Moses, and Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, and seventy of the # elders of Israel: # # unit P EXO:24:10 Ëû_ÃÇ_¿´_¼û_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_Ëû_½Å_ÏÂ_·Â_·ð_ÓÐ_ƽ_ÆÌ_µÄ_À¶_±¦_ʯ_£¬ Èç_ͬ_Ìì_É«_Ã÷_¾»_¡£ # # And they saw the God of Israel: and there was under his feet as it # were a paved work of a sapphire stone, and as it were the body of # heaven in his clearness. # # unit P EXO:24:11 Ëû_µÄ_ÊÖ_²»_¼Ó_º¦_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_µÄ_×ð_Õß_Éí_ÉÏ_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_¹Û_¿´_Éñ_£¬_Ëû ÃÇ_ÓÖ_³Ô_ÓÖ_ºÈ_¡£ # # And upon the nobles of the children of Israel he laid not his hand: # also they saw God, and did eat and drink. # # unit P EXO:24:12 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Äã_ÉÏ_ɽ_µ½_ÎÒ_Õâ_Àï_À´_£¬_ס_ÔÚ_Õâ_Àï_£¬_ÎÒ Òª_½«_ʯ_°æ_²¢_ÎÒ_Ëù_д_µÄ_ÂÉ_·¨_ºÍ_½ë_Ãü_´Í_¸ø_Äã_£¬_ʹ_Äã_¿É_ÒÔ_½Ì ѵ_°Ù_ÐÕ_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto Moses, Come up to me into the mount, and be # there: and I will give thee tables of stone, and a law, and # commandments which I have written; that thou mayest teach them. # # unit P EXO:24:13 Ħ_Î÷_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_°ï_ÊÖ_Ô¼_Êé_ÑÇ_Æð_À´_£¬_ÉÏ_ÁË_Éñ_µÄ_ɽ_¡£ # # And Moses rose up, and his minister Joshua: and Moses went up into # the mount of God. # # unit P EXO:24:14 Ħ_Î÷_¶Ô_³¤_ÀÏ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_Õâ_Àï_µÈ_×Å_£¬_µÈ_µ½_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÔÙ_»Ø_À´_£¬ ÓÐ_ÑÇ_Â×_£¬_»§_çí_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_ͬ_ÔÚ_¡£_·²_ÓÐ_Õù_ËÏ_µÄ_£¬_¶¼_¿É_ÒÔ_¾Í_½ü Ëû_ÃÇ_È¥_¡£ # # And he said unto the elders, Tarry ye here for us, until we come # again unto you: and, behold, Aaron and Hur are with you: if any man # have any matters to do, let him come unto them. # # unit P EXO:24:15 Ħ_Î÷_ÉÏ_ɽ_£¬_ÓÐ_ÔÆ_²Ê_°Ñ_ɽ_ÕÚ_¸Ç_¡£ # # And Moses went up into the mount, and a cloud covered the mount. # # unit P EXO:24:16 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_ÈÙ_Ò«_Í£_ÓÚ_Î÷_ÄË_ɽ_£¬_ÔÆ_²Ê_ÕÚ_¸Ç_ɽ_Áù_Ìì_£¬_µÚ_Æß_Ìì Ëû_´Ó_ÔÆ_ÖÐ_ÕÙ_Ħ_Î÷_¡£ # # And the glory of the LORD abode upon mount Sinai, and the cloud # covered it six days: and the seventh day he called unto Moses out of # the midst of the cloud. # # unit P EXO:24:17 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_ÈÙ_Ò«_ÔÚ_ɽ_¶¥_ÉÏ_£¬_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÑÛ_Ç°_£¬_ÐÎ_×´_Èç_ÁÒ »ð_¡£ # # And the sight of the glory of the LORD was like devouring fire on # the top of the mount in the eyes of the children of Israel. # # unit P EXO:24:18 Ħ_Î÷_½ø_Èë_ÔÆ_ÖÐ_ÉÏ_ɽ_£¬_ÔÚ_ɽ_ÉÏ_ËÄ_Ê®_Öç_Ò¹_¡£ # # And Moses went into the midst of the cloud, and gat him up into the # mount: and Moses was in the mount forty days and forty nights. # ## # chapter 25 EXO:25 # unit P EXO:25:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P EXO:25:2 Äã_¸æ_Ëß_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_µ±_Ϊ_ÎÒ_ËÍ_Àñ_Îï_À´_£¬_·²_¸Ê_ÐÄ_ÀÖ_Òâ_µÄ_£¬_Äã ÃÇ_¾Í_¿É_ÒÔ_ÊÕ_ÏÂ_¹é_ÎÒ_¡£ # # Speak unto the children of Israel, that they bring me an offering: # of every man that giveth it willingly with his heart ye shall take # my offering. # # unit P EXO:25:3 Ëù_Òª_ÊÕ_µÄ_Àñ_Îï_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_½ð_£¬_Òø_£¬_Í­_£¬ # # And this is the offering which ye shall take of them; gold, and # silver, and brass, # # unit P EXO:25:4 À¶_É«_£¬_×Ï_É«_£¬_Öì_ºì_É«_Ïß_£¬_ϸ_Âé_£¬_ɽ_Ñò_ë_£¬ # # And blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine linen, and goats' hair, # # unit P EXO:25:5 Ⱦ_ºì_µÄ_¹«_Ñò_Ƥ_£¬_º£_¹·_Ƥ_£¬_Ôí_¼Ô_ľ_£¬ # # And rams' skins dyed red, and badgers' skins, and shittim wood, # # unit P EXO:25:6 µã_µÆ_µÄ_ÓÍ_²¢_×÷_¸à_ÓÍ_ºÍ_Ïã_µÄ_Ïã_ÁÏ_£¬ # # Oil for the light, spices for anointing oil, and for sweet incense, # # unit P EXO:25:7 ºì_Âê_è§_Óë_±ð_Ñù_µÄ_±¦_ʯ_£¬_¿É_ÒÔ_Ïâ_Ƕ_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_¸¥_µÃ_ºÍ_ÐØ_ÅÆ_ÉÏ_¡£ # # Onyx stones, and stones to be set in the ephod, and in the # breastplate. # # unit P EXO:25:8 ÓÖ_µ±_Ϊ_ÎÒ_Ôì_Ê¥_Ëù_£¬_ʹ_ÎÒ_¿É_ÒÔ_ס_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_¡£ # # And let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them. # # unit P EXO:25:9 ÖÆ_Ôì_ÕÊ_Ä»_ºÍ_Æä_ÖÐ_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Æ÷_¾ß_¶¼_Òª_ÕÕ_ÎÒ_Ëù_Ö¸_ʾ_Äã_µÄ_Ñù_ʽ ¡£ # # According to all that I shew thee, after the pattern of the # tabernacle, and the pattern of all the instruments thereof, even so # shall ye make it. # # unit P EXO:25:10 Òª_ÓÃ_Ôí_¼Ô_ľ_×÷_Ò»_¹ñ_£¬_³¤_¶þ_Öâ_°ë_£¬_¿í_Ò»_Öâ_°ë_£¬_¸ß_Ò»_Öâ_°ë ¡£ # # And they shall make an ark of shittim wood: two cubits and a half # shall be the length thereof, and a cubit and a half the breadth # thereof, and a cubit and a half the height thereof. # # unit P EXO:25:11 Òª_Àï_Íâ_°ü_ÉÏ_¾«_½ð_£¬_ËÄ_Χ_Ïâ_ÉÏ_½ð_ÑÀ_±ß_¡£ # # And thou shalt overlay it with pure gold, within and without shalt # thou overlay it, and shalt make upon it a crown of gold round about. # # unit P EXO:25:12 Ò²_Òª_Öý_ËÄ_¸ö_½ð_»·_£¬_°²_ÔÚ_¹ñ_µÄ_ËÄ_½Å_ÉÏ_£¬_Õâ_±ß_Á½_»·_£¬_ÄÇ_±ß Á½_»·_¡£ # # And thou shalt cast four rings of gold for it, and put them in the # four corners thereof; and two rings shall be in the one side of it, # and two rings in the other side of it. # # unit P EXO:25:13 Òª_ÓÃ_Ôí_¼Ô_ľ_×÷_Á½_¸ù_¸Ü_£¬_ÓÃ_½ð_°ü_¹ü_¡£ # # And thou shalt make staves of shittim wood, and overlay them with # gold. # # unit P EXO:25:14 Òª_°Ñ_¸Ü_´©_ÔÚ_¹ñ_ÅÔ_µÄ_»·_ÄÚ_£¬_ÒÔ_±ã_̧_¹ñ_¡£ # # And thou shalt put the staves into the rings by the sides of the # ark, that the ark may be borne with them. # # unit P EXO:25:15 Õâ_¸Ü_Òª_³£_ÔÚ_¹ñ_µÄ_»·_ÄÚ_£¬_²»_¿É_³é_³ö_À´_¡£ # # The staves shall be in the rings of the ark: they shall not be taken # from it. # # unit P EXO:25:16 ±Ø_½«_ÎÒ_Ëù_Òª_´Í_¸ø_Äã_µÄ_·¨_°æ_·Å_ÔÚ_¹ñ_Àï_¡£ # # And thou shalt put into the ark the testimony which I shall give # thee. # # unit P EXO:25:17 Òª_ÓÃ_¾«_½ð_×÷_Ê©_¶÷_×ù_£¨_Ê©_¶÷_»ò_×÷_±Î_×ï_ÏÂ_ͬ_£©_£¬_³¤_¶þ_Öâ_°ë £¬_¿í_Ò»_Öâ_°ë_¡£ # # And thou shalt make a mercy seat of pure gold: two cubits and a half # shall be the length thereof, and a cubit and a half the breadth # thereof. # # unit P EXO:25:18 Òª_ÓÃ_½ð_×Ó_´¸_³ö_Á½_¸ö_»ù_·_²®_À´_£¬_°²_ÔÚ_Ê©_¶÷_×ù_µÄ_Á½_Í·_¡£ # # And thou shalt make two cherubims of gold, of beaten work shalt thou # make them, in the two ends of the mercy seat. # # unit P EXO:25:19 Õâ_Í·_×÷_Ò»_¸ö_»ù_·_²®_£¬_ÄÇ_Í·_×÷_Ò»_¸ö_»ù_·_²®_£¬_¶þ_»ù_·_²®_Òª ½Ó_Á¬_Ò»_¿é_£¬_ÔÚ_Ê©_¶÷_×ù_µÄ_Á½_Í·_¡£ # # And make one cherub on the one end, and the other cherub on the # other end: even of the mercy seat shall ye make the cherubims on the # two ends thereof. # # unit P EXO:25:20 ¶þ_»ù_·_²®_Òª_¸ß_ÕÅ_³á_°ò_£¬_ÕÚ_ÑÚ_Ê©_¶÷_×ù_¡£_»ù_·_²®_Òª_Á³_¶Ô_Á³ £¬_³¯_×Å_Ê©_¶÷_×ù_¡£ # # And the cherubims shall stretch forth their wings on high, covering # the mercy seat with their wings, and their faces shall look one to # another; toward the mercy seat shall the faces of the cherubims be. # # unit P EXO:25:21 Òª_½«_Ê©_¶÷_×ù_°²_ÔÚ_¹ñ_µÄ_ÉÏ_±ß_£¬_ÓÖ_½«_ÎÒ_Ëù_Òª_´Í_¸ø_Äã_µÄ_·¨_°æ ·Å_ÔÚ_¹ñ_Àï_¡£ # # And thou shalt put the mercy seat above upon the ark; and in the ark # thou shalt put the testimony that I shall give thee. # # unit P EXO:25:22 ÎÒ_Òª_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_Óë_Äã_Ïà_»á_£¬_ÓÖ_Òª_´Ó_·¨_¹ñ_Ê©_¶÷_×ù_ÉÏ_¶þ_»ù_·_²® ÖÐ_¼ä_£¬_ºÍ_Äã_˵_ÎÒ_Ëù_Òª_·Ô_¸À_Äã_´«_¸ø_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_ÊÂ_¡£ # # And there I will meet with thee, and I will commune with thee from # above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubims which are upon # the ark of the testimony, of all things which I will give thee in # commandment unto the children of Israel. # # unit P EXO:25:23 Òª_ÓÃ_Ôí_¼Ô_ľ_×÷_Ò»_ÕÅ_×À_×Ó_£¬_³¤_¶þ_Öâ_£¬_¿í_Ò»_Öâ_£¬_¸ß_Ò»_Öâ_°ë ¡£ # # Thou shalt also make a table of shittim wood: two cubits shall be # the length thereof, and a cubit the breadth thereof, and a cubit and # a half the height thereof. # # unit P EXO:25:24 Òª_°ü_ÉÏ_¾«_½ð_£¬_ËÄ_Χ_Ïâ_ÉÏ_½ð_ÑÀ_±ß_¡£ # # And thou shalt overlay it with pure gold, and make thereto a crown # of gold round about. # # unit P EXO:25:25 ×À_×Ó_µÄ_ËÄ_Χ_¸÷_×÷_Ò»_ÕÆ_¿í_µÄ_ºá_Áº_£¬_ºá_Áº_ÉÏ_Ïâ_×Å_½ð_ÑÀ_±ß_¡£ # # And thou shalt make unto it a border of an hand breadth round about, # and thou shalt make a golden crown to the border thereof round # about. # # unit P EXO:25:26 Òª_×÷_ËÄ_¸ö_½ð_»·_£¬_°²_ÔÚ_×À_×Ó_µÄ_ËÄ_½Ç_ÉÏ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_×À_×Ó_ËÄ_½Å_ÉÏ µÄ_ËÄ_½Ç_¡£ # # And thou shalt make for it four rings of gold, and put the rings in # the four corners that are on the four feet thereof. # # unit P EXO:25:27 °²_»·_×Ó_µÄ_µØ_·½_Òª_°¤_½ü_ºá_Áº_£¬_¿É_ÒÔ_´©_¸Ü_̧_×À_×Ó_¡£ # # Over against the border shall the rings be for places of the staves # to bear the table. # # unit P EXO:25:28 Òª_ÓÃ_Ôí_¼Ô_ľ_×÷_Á½_¸ù_¸Ü_£¬_ÓÃ_½ð_°ü_¹ü_£¬_ÒÔ_±ã_̧_×À_×Ó_¡£ # # And thou shalt make the staves of shittim wood, and overlay them # with gold, that the table may be borne with them. # # unit P EXO:25:29 Òª_×÷_×À_×Ó_ÉÏ_µÄ_ÅÌ_×Ó_£¬_µ÷_¸þ_£¬_²¢_µì_¾Æ_µÄ_¾ô_ºÍ_Æ¿_£¬_Õâ_¶¼_Òª ÓÃ_¾«_½ð_ÖÆ_×÷_¡£ # # And thou shalt make the dishes thereof, and spoons thereof, and # covers thereof, and bowls thereof, to cover withal: of pure gold # shalt thou make them. # # unit P EXO:25:30 ÓÖ_Òª_ÔÚ_×À_×Ó_ÉÏ_£¬_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_³£_°Ú_³Â_Éè_±ý_¡£ # # And thou shalt set upon the table shewbread before me alway. # # unit P EXO:25:31 Òª_ÓÃ_¾«_½ð_×÷_Ò»_¸ö_µÆ_̨_¡£_µÆ_̨_µÄ_×ù_ºÍ_¸É_Óë_±­_£¬_Çò_£¬_»¨_£¬ ¶¼_Òª_½Ó_Á¬_Ò»_¿é_´¸_³ö_À´_¡£ # # And thou shalt make a candlestick of pure gold: of beaten work shall # the candlestick be made: his shaft, and his branches, his bowls, his # knops, and his flowers, shall be of the same. # # unit P EXO:25:32 µÆ_̨_Á½_ÅÔ_Òª_è¾_³ö_Áù_¸ö_Ö¦_×Ó_£¬_Õâ_ÅÔ_Èý_¸ö_£¬_ÄÇ_ÅÔ_Èý_¸ö_¡£ # # And six branches shall come out of the sides of it; three branches # of the candlestick out of the one side, and three branches of the # candlestick out of the other side: # # unit P EXO:25:33 Õâ_ÅÔ_ÿ_Ö¦_ÉÏ_ÓÐ_Èý_¸ö_±­_£¬_ÐÎ_×´_Ïñ_ÐÓ_»¨_£¬_ÓÐ_Çò_£¬_ÓÐ_»¨_£¬_ÄÇ ÅÔ_ÿ_Ö¦_ÉÏ_Ò²_ÓÐ_Èý_¸ö_±­_£¬_ÐÎ_×´_Ïñ_ÐÓ_»¨_£¬_ÓÐ_Çò_£¬_ÓÐ_»¨_¡£_´Ó µÆ_̨_è¾_³ö_À´_µÄ_Áù_¸ö_Ö¦_×Ó_¶¼_ÊÇ_Èç_´Ë_¡£ # # Three bowls made like unto almonds, with a knop and a flower in one # branch; and three bowls made like almonds in the other branch, with # a knop and a flower: so in the six branches that come out of the # candlestick. # # unit P EXO:25:34 µÆ_̨_ÉÏ_ÓÐ_ËÄ_¸ö_±­_£¬_ÐÎ_×´_Ïñ_ÐÓ_»¨_£¬_ÓÐ_Çò_£¬_ÓÐ_»¨_¡£ # # And in the candlestick shall be four bowls made like unto almonds, # with their knops and their flowers. # # unit P EXO:25:35 µÆ_̨_ÿ_Á½_¸ö_Ö¦_×Ó_ÒÔ_ÏÂ_ÓÐ_Çò_Óë_Ö¦_×Ó_½Ó_Á¬_Ò»_¿é_¡£_µÆ_̨_³ö_µÄ Áù_¸ö_Ö¦_×Ó_¶¼_ÊÇ_Èç_´Ë_¡£ # # And there shall be a knop under two branches of the same, and a knop # under two branches of the same, and a knop under two branches of the # same, according to the six branches that proceed out of the # candlestick. # # unit P EXO:25:36 Çò_ºÍ_Ö¦_×Ó_Òª_½Ó_Á¬_Ò»_¿é_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_Ò»_¿é_¾«_½ð_´¸_³ö_À´_µÄ_¡£ # # Their knops and their branches shall be of the same: all it shall be # one beaten work of pure gold. # # unit P EXO:25:37 Òª_×÷_µÆ_̨_µÄ_Æß_¸ö_µÆ_Õµ_¡£_¼À_˾_Òª_µã_Õâ_µÆ_£¬_ʹ_µÆ_¹â_¶Ô_ÕÕ_¡£ # # And thou shalt make the seven lamps thereof: and they shall light # the lamps thereof, that they may give light over against it. # # unit P EXO:25:38 µÆ_̨_µÄ_À¯_¼ô_ºÍ_À¯_»¨_ÅÌ_Ò²_ÊÇ_Òª_¾«_½ð_µÄ_¡£ # # And the tongs thereof, and the snuffdishes thereof, shall be of pure # gold. # # unit P EXO:25:39 ×÷_µÆ_̨_ºÍ_Õâ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_Æ÷_¾ß_Òª_ÓÃ_¾«_½ð_Ò»_Ëû_Á¬_µÃ_¡£ # # Of a talent of pure gold shall he make it, with all these vessels. # # unit P EXO:25:40 Òª_½÷_É÷_×÷_Õâ_Щ_Îï_¼þ_£¬_¶¼_Òª_ÕÕ_×Å_ÔÚ_ɽ_ÉÏ_Ö¸_ʾ_Äã_µÄ_Ñù_ʽ_¡£ # # And look that thou make them after their pattern, which was shewed # thee in the mount. # ## # chapter 26 EXO:26 # unit P EXO:26:1 Äã_Òª_ÓÃ_Ê®_·ù_á£_×Ó_×÷_ÕÊ_Ä»_¡£_Õâ_Щ_á£_×Ó_Òª_ÓÃ_Äí_µÄ_ϸ_Âé_ºÍ_À¶ É«_£¬_×Ï_É«_£¬_Öì_ºì_É«_Ïß_ÖÆ_Ôì_£¬_²¢_ÓÃ_ÇÉ_½³_µÄ_ÊÖ_¹¤_Ðå_ÉÏ_»ù_· ²®_¡£ # # Moreover thou shalt make the tabernacle with ten curtains of fine # twined linen, and blue, and purple, and scarlet: with cherubims of # cunning work shalt thou make them. # # unit P EXO:26:2 ÿ_·ù_á£_×Ó_Òª_³¤_¶þ_Ê®_°Ë_Öâ_£¬_¿í_ËÄ_Öâ_£¬_á£_×Ó_¶¼_Òª_Ò»_Ñù_µÄ_³ß ´ç_¡£ # # The length of one curtain shall be eight and twenty cubits, and the # breadth of one curtain four cubits: and every one of the curtains # shall have one measure. # # unit P EXO:26:3 Õâ_Îå_·ù_á£_×Ó_Òª_·ù_·ù_Ïà_Á¬_£¬_ÄÇ_Îå_·ù_á£_×Ó_Ò²_Òª_·ù_·ù_Ïà_Á¬_¡£ # # The five curtains shall be coupled together one to another; and # other five curtains shall be coupled one to another. # # unit P EXO:26:4 ÔÚ_Õâ_Ïà_Á¬_µÄ_á£_×Ó_Ä©_·ù_±ß_ÉÏ_Òª_×÷_À¶_É«_µÄ_Å¥_¿Û_£¬_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Ïà_Á¬ µÄ_á£_×Ó_Ä©_·ù_±ß_ÉÏ_Ò²_Òª_ÕÕ_Ñù_×÷_¡£ # # And thou shalt make loops of blue upon the edge of the one curtain # from the selvedge in the coupling; and likewise shalt thou make in # the uttermost edge of another curtain, in the coupling of the # second. # # unit P EXO:26:5 Òª_ÔÚ_Õâ_Ïà_Á¬_µÄ_á£_×Ó_ÉÏ_×÷_Îå_Ê®_¸ö_Å¥_¿Û_£¬_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Ïà_Á¬_µÄ_á£_×Ó ÉÏ_Ò²_×÷_Îå_Ê®_¸ö_Å¥_¿Û_£¬_¶¼_Òª_Á½_Á½_Ïà_¶Ô_¡£ # # Fifty loops shalt thou make in the one curtain, and fifty loops # shalt thou make in the edge of the curtain that is in the coupling # of the second; that the loops may take hold one of another. # # unit P EXO:26:6 ÓÖ_Òª_×÷_Îå_Ê®_¸ö_½ð_¹³_£¬_ÓÃ_¹³_ʹ_á£_×Ó_Ïà_Á¬_£¬_Õâ_²Å_³É_ÁË_Ò»_¸ö ÕÊ_Ä»_¡£ # # And thou shalt make fifty taches of gold, and couple the curtains # together with the taches: and it shall be one tabernacle. # # unit P EXO:26:7 Äã_Òª_ÓÃ_ɽ_Ñò_ë_Ö¯_Ê®_Ò»_·ù_á£_×Ó_£¬_×÷_Ϊ_ÕÊ_Ä»_ÒÔ_ÉÏ_µÄ_ÕÖ_Åï_¡£ # # And thou shalt make curtains of goats' hair to be a covering upon # the tabernacle: eleven curtains shalt thou make. # # unit P EXO:26:8 ÿ_·ù_á£_×Ó_Òª_³¤_Èý_Ê®_Öâ_£¬_¿í_ËÄ_Öâ_£¬_Ê®_Ò»_·ù_á£_×Ó_¶¼_Òª_Ò»_Ñù µÄ_³ß_´ç_¡£ # # The length of one curtain shall be thirty cubits, and the breadth of # one curtain four cubits: and the eleven curtains shall be all of one # measure. # # unit P EXO:26:9 Òª_°Ñ_Îå_·ù_á£_×Ó_Á¬_³É_Ò»_·ù_£¬_ÓÖ_°Ñ_Áù_·ù_á£_×Ó_Á¬_³É_Ò»_·ù_£¬_Õâ µÚ_Áù_·ù_á£_×Ó_Òª_ÔÚ_ÕÖ_Åï_µÄ_Ç°_Ãæ_ß¡_ÉÏ_È¥_¡£ # # And thou shalt couple five curtains by themselves, and six curtains # by themselves, and shalt double the sixth curtain in the forefront # of the tabernacle. # # unit P EXO:26:10 ÔÚ_Õâ_Ïà_Á¬_µÄ_á£_×Ó_Ä©_·ù_±ß_ÉÏ_Òª_×÷_Îå_Ê®_¸ö_Å¥_¿Û_£¬_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Ïà_Á¬ µÄ_á£_×Ó_Ä©_·ù_±ß_ÉÏ_Ò²_×÷_Îå_Ê®_¸ö_Å¥_¿Û_¡£ # # And thou shalt make fifty loops on the edge of the one curtain that # is outmost in the coupling, and fifty loops in the edge of the # curtain which coupleth the second. # # unit P EXO:26:11 ÓÖ_Òª_×÷_Îå_Ê®_¸ö_Í­_¹³_£¬_¹³_ÔÚ_Å¥_¿Û_ÖÐ_£¬_ʹ_ÕÖ_Åï_Á¬_³É_Ò»_¸ö_¡£ # # And thou shalt make fifty taches of brass, and put the taches into # the loops, and couple the tent together, that it may be one. # # unit P EXO:26:12 ÕÖ_Åï_µÄ_á£_×Ó_Ëù_Óà_ÄÇ_´¹_ÏÂ_À´_µÄ_°ë_·ù_á£_×Ó_£¬_Òª_´¹_ÔÚ_ÕÊ_Ä»_µÄ ºó_Í·_¡£ # # And the remnant that remaineth of the curtains of the tent, the half # curtain that remaineth, shall hang over the backside of the # tabernacle. # # unit P EXO:26:13 ÕÖ_Åï_µÄ_á£_×Ó_Ëù_Óà_³¤_µÄ_£¬_Õâ_±ß_Ò»_Öâ_£¬_ÄÇ_±ß_Ò»_Öâ_£¬_Òª_´¹_ÔÚ ÕÊ_Ä»_µÄ_Á½_ÅÔ_£¬_ÕÚ_¸Ç_ÕÊ_Ä»_¡£ # # And a cubit on the one side, and a cubit on the other side of that # which remaineth in the length of the curtains of the tent, it shall # hang over the sides of the tabernacle on this side and on that side, # to cover it. # # unit P EXO:26:14 ÓÖ_Òª_ÓÃ_Ⱦ_ºì_µÄ_¹«_Ñò_Ƥ_×÷_ÕÖ_Åï_µÄ_¸Ç_£¬_ÔÙ_ÓÃ_º£_¹·_Ƥ_×÷_Ò»_²ã ÕÖ_Åï_ÉÏ_µÄ_¶¥_¸Ç_¡£ # # And thou shalt make a covering for the tent of rams' skins dyed red, # and a covering above of badgers' skins. # # unit P EXO:26:15 Äã_Òª_ÓÃ_Ôí_¼Ô_ľ_×÷_ÕÊ_Ä»_µÄ_Êú_°å_¡£ # # And thou shalt make boards for the tabernacle of shittim wood # standing up. # # unit P EXO:26:16 ÿ_¿é_Òª_³¤_Ê®_Öâ_£¬_¿í_Ò»_Öâ_°ë_£¬ # # Ten cubits shall be the length of a board, and a cubit and a half # shall be the breadth of one board. # # unit P EXO:26:17 ÿ_¿é_±Ø_ÓÐ_Á½_é¾_Ïà_¶Ô_¡£_ÕÊ_Ä»_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_°å_¶¼_Òª_Õâ_Ñù_×÷_¡£ # # Two tenons shall there be in one board, set in order one against # another: thus shalt thou make for all the boards of the tabernacle. # # unit P EXO:26:18 ÕÊ_Ä»_µÄ_ÄÏ_Ãæ_Òª_×÷_°å_¶þ_Ê®_¿é_¡£ # # And thou shalt make the boards for the tabernacle, twenty boards on # the south side southward. # # unit P EXO:26:19 ÔÚ_Õâ_¶þ_Ê®_¿é_°å_µ×_ÏÂ_Òª_×÷_ËÄ_Ê®_¸ö_´ø_î_µÄ_Òø_×ù_£¬_Á½_î_½Ó_Õâ ¿é_°å_ÉÏ_µÄ_Á½_é¾_£¬_Á½_î_½Ó_ÄÇ_¿é_°å_ÉÏ_µÄ_Á½_é¾_¡£ # # And thou shalt make forty sockets of silver under the twenty boards; # two sockets under one board for his two tenons, and two sockets # under another board for his two tenons. # # unit P EXO:26:20 ÕÊ_Ä»_µÚ_¶þ_Ãæ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_±±_Ãæ_£¬_Ò²_Òª_×÷_°å_¶þ_Ê®_¿é # # And for the second side of the tabernacle on the north side there # shall be twenty boards: # # unit P EXO:26:21 ºÍ_´ø_î_µÄ_Òø_×ù_ËÄ_Ê®_¸ö_£¬_Õâ_°å_µ×_ÏÂ_ÓÐ_Á½_î_£¬_ÄÇ_°å_µ×_ÏÂ_Ò² ÓÐ_Á½_î_¡£ # # And their forty sockets of silver; two sockets under one board, and # two sockets under another board. # # unit P EXO:26:22 ÕÊ_Ä»_µÄ_ºó_Ãæ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Î÷_Ãæ_£¬_Òª_×÷_°å_Áù_¿é_¡£ # # And for the sides of the tabernacle westward thou shalt make six # boards. # # unit P EXO:26:23 ÕÊ_Ä»_ºó_Ãæ_µÄ_¹Õ_½Ç_Òª_×÷_°å_Á½_¿é_¡£ # # And two boards shalt thou make for the corners of the tabernacle in # the two sides. # # unit P EXO:26:24 °å_µÄ_ÏÂ_°ë_½Ø_Òª_Ë«_µÄ_£¬_ÉÏ_°ë_½Ø_Òª_Õû_µÄ_£¬_Ö±_¶¥_µ½_µÚ_Ò»_¸ö_»· ×Ó_£¬_Á½_¿é_¶¼_Òª_Õâ_Ñù_×÷_Á½_¸ö_¹Õ_½Ç_¡£ # # And they shall be coupled together beneath, and they shall be # coupled together above the head of it unto one ring: thus shall it # be for them both; they shall be for the two corners. # # unit P EXO:26:25 ±Ø_ÓÐ_°Ë_¿é_°å_ºÍ_Ê®_Áù_¸ö_´ø_î_µÄ_Òø_×ù_£¬_Õâ_°å_µ×_ÏÂ_ÓÐ_Á½_î_£¬ ÄÇ_°å_µ×_ÏÂ_Ò²_ÓÐ_Á½_î_¡£ # # And they shall be eight boards, and their sockets of silver, sixteen # sockets; two sockets under one board, and two sockets under another # board. # # unit P EXO:26:26 Äã_Òª_ÓÃ_Ôí_¼Ô_ľ_×÷_ãÅ_£¬_Ϊ_ÕÊ_Ä»_Õâ_Ãæ_µÄ_°å_×÷_Îå_ãÅ_£¬ # # And thou shalt make bars of shittim wood; five for the boards of the # one side of the tabernacle, # # unit P EXO:26:27 Ϊ_ÕÊ_Ä»_ÄÇ_Ãæ_µÄ_°å_×÷_Îå_ãÅ_£¬_ÓÖ_Ϊ_ÕÊ_Ä»_ºó_Ãæ_µÄ_°å_×÷_Îå_ãÅ_¡£ # # And five bars for the boards of the other side of the tabernacle, # and five bars for the boards of the side of the tabernacle, for the # two sides westward. # # unit P EXO:26:28 °å_Ñü_¼ä_µÄ_ÖÐ_ãÅ_Òª_´Ó_Õâ_Ò»_Í·_ͨ_µ½_ÄÇ_Ò»_Í·_¡£ # # And the middle bar in the midst of the boards shall reach from end # to end. # # unit P EXO:26:29 °å_Òª_ÓÃ_½ð_×Ó_°ü_¹ü_£¬_ÓÖ_Òª_×÷_°å_ÉÏ_µÄ_½ð_»·_Ì×_ãÅ_£¬_ãÅ_Ò²_Òª_Óà ½ð_×Ó_°ü_¹ü_¡£ # # And thou shalt overlay the boards with gold, and make their rings of # gold for places for the bars: and thou shalt overlay the bars with # gold. # # unit P EXO:26:30 Òª_ÕÕ_×Å_ÔÚ_ɽ_ÉÏ_Ö¸_ʾ_Äã_µÄ_Ñù_ʽ_Á¢_Æð_ÕÊ_Ä»_¡£ # # And thou shalt rear up the tabernacle according to the fashion # thereof which was shewed thee in the mount. # # unit P EXO:26:31 Äã_Òª_ÓÃ_À¶_É«_£¬_×Ï_É«_£¬_Öì_ºì_É«_Ïß_£¬_ºÍ_Äí_µÄ_ϸ_Âé_Ö¯_á£_×Ó_£¬ ÒÔ_ÇÉ_½³_µÄ_ÊÖ_¹¤_Ðå_ÉÏ_»ù_·_²®_¡£ # # And thou shalt make a vail of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and # fine twined linen of cunning work: with cherubims shall it be made: # # unit P EXO:26:32 Òª_°Ñ_á£_×Ó_¹Ò_ÔÚ_ËÄ_¸ù_°ü_½ð_µÄ_Ôí_¼Ô_ľ_Öù_×Ó_ÉÏ_£¬_Öù_×Ó_ÉÏ_µ±_ÓÐ ½ð_¹³_£¬_Öù_×Ó_°²_ÔÚ_ËÄ_¸ö_´ø_î_µÄ_Òø_×ù_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And thou shalt hang it upon four pillars of shittim wood overlaid # with gold: their hooks shall be of gold, upon the four sockets of # silver. # # unit P EXO:26:33 Òª_ʹ_á£_×Ó_´¹_ÔÚ_¹³_×Ó_ÏÂ_£¬_°Ñ_·¨_¹ñ_̧_½ø_á£_×Ó_ÄÚ_£¬_Õâ_á£_×Ó_Òª ½«_Ê¥_Ëù_ºÍ_ÖÁ_Ê¥_Ëù_¸ô_¿ª_¡£ # # And thou shalt hang up the vail under the taches, that thou mayest # bring in thither within the vail the ark of the testimony: and the # vail shall divide unto you between the holy place and the most holy. # # unit P EXO:26:34 ÓÖ_Òª_°Ñ_Ê©_¶÷_×ù_°²_ÔÚ_ÖÁ_Ê¥_Ëù_ÄÚ_µÄ_·¨_¹ñ_ÉÏ_£¬ # # And thou shalt put the mercy seat upon the ark of the testimony in # the most holy place. # # unit P EXO:26:35 °Ñ_×À_×Ó_°²_ÔÚ_á£_×Ó_Íâ_ÕÊ_Ä»_µÄ_±±_Ãæ_£¬_°Ñ_µÆ_̨_°²_ÔÚ_ÕÊ_Ä»_µÄ_ÄÏ Ãæ_£¬_±Ë_´Ë_Ïà_¶Ô_¡£ # # And thou shalt set the table without the vail, and the candlestick # over against the table on the side of the tabernacle toward the # south: and thou shalt put the table on the north side. # # unit P EXO:26:36 Äã_Òª_ÄÃ_À¶_É«_£¬_×Ï_É«_£¬_Öì_ºì_É«_Ïß_£¬_ºÍ_Äí_µÄ_ϸ_Âé_£¬_ÓÃ_Ðå_»¨ µÄ_ÊÖ_¹¤_Ö¯_ÕÊ_Ä»_µÄ_ÃÅ_Á±_¡£ # # And thou shalt make an hanging for the door of the tent, of blue, # and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen, wrought with # needlework. # # unit P EXO:26:37 Òª_ÓÃ_Ôí_¼Ô_ľ_Ϊ_Á±_×Ó_×÷_Îå_¸ù_Öù_×Ó_£¬_ÓÃ_½ð_×Ó_°ü_¹ü_¡£_Öù_×Ó_ÉÏ µ±_ÓÐ_½ð_¹³_£¬_ÓÖ_Òª_Ϊ_Öù_×Ó_ÓÃ_Í­_Öý_Ôì_Îå_¸ö_´ø_î_µÄ_×ù_¡£ # # And thou shalt make for the hanging five pillars of shittim wood, # and overlay them with gold, and their hooks shall be of gold: and # thou shalt cast five sockets of brass for them. # ## # chapter 27 EXO:27 # unit P EXO:27:1 Äã_Òª_ÓÃ_Ôí_¼Ô_ľ_×÷_̳_¡£_Õâ_̳_Òª_ËÄ_·½_µÄ_£¬_³¤_Îå_Öâ_£¬_¿í_Îå_Öâ £¬_¸ß_Èý_Öâ_¡£ # # And thou shalt make an altar of shittim wood, five cubits long, and # five cubits broad; the altar shall be foursquare: and the height # thereof shall be three cubits. # # unit P EXO:27:2 Òª_ÔÚ_̳_µÄ_ËÄ_¹Õ_½Ç_ÉÏ_×÷_ËÄ_¸ö_½Ç_£¬_Óë_̳_½Ó_Á¬_Ò»_¿é_£¬_ÓÃ_Í­_°Ñ ̳_°ü_¹ü_¡£ # # And thou shalt make the horns of it upon the four corners thereof: # his horns shall be of the same: and thou shalt overlay it with # brass. # # unit P EXO:27:3 Òª_×÷_Åè_£¬_ÊÕ_È¥_̳_ÉÏ_µÄ_»Ò_£¬_ÓÖ_×÷_²ù_×Ó_£¬_ÅÌ_×Ó_£¬_Èâ_ïÊ_×Ó_£¬ »ð_¶¦_£¬_̳_ÉÏ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_Æ÷_¾ß_¶¼_ÓÃ_Í­_×÷_¡£ # # And thou shalt make his pans to receive his ashes, and his shovels, # and his basons, and his fleshhooks, and his firepans: all the # vessels thereof thou shalt make of brass. # # unit P EXO:27:4 Òª_Ϊ_̳_×÷_Ò»_¸ö_Í­_Íø_£¬_ÔÚ_Íø_µÄ_ËÄ_½Ç_ÉÏ_×÷_ËÄ_¸ö_Í­_»·_£¬ # # And thou shalt make for it a grate of network of brass; and upon the # net shalt thou make four brasen rings in the four corners thereof. # # unit P EXO:27:5 °Ñ_Íø_°²_ÔÚ_̳_ËÄ_Ãæ_µÄ_Χ_Ñü_°å_ÒÔ_ÏÂ_£¬_ʹ_Íø_´Ó_ÏÂ_´ï_µ½_̳_µÄ_°ë Ñü_¡£ # # And thou shalt put it under the compass of the altar beneath, that # the net may be even to the midst of the altar. # # unit P EXO:27:6 ÓÖ_Òª_ÓÃ_Ôí_¼Ô_ľ_Ϊ_̳_×÷_¸Ü_£¬_ÓÃ_Í­_°ü_¹ü_¡£ # # And thou shalt make staves for the altar, staves of shittim wood, # and overlay them with brass. # # unit P EXO:27:7 Õâ_¸Ü_Òª_´©_ÔÚ_̳_Á½_ÅÔ_µÄ_»·_×Ó_ÄÚ_£¬_ÓÃ_ÒÔ_̧_̳_¡£ # # And the staves shall be put into the rings, and the staves shall be # upon the two sides of the altar, to bear it. # # unit P EXO:27:8 Òª_ÓÃ_°å_×÷_̳_£¬_̳_ÊÇ_¿Õ_µÄ_£¬_¶¼_ÕÕ_×Å_ÔÚ_ɽ_ÉÏ_Ö¸_ʾ_Äã_µÄ_Ñù_ʽ ×÷_¡£ # # Hollow with boards shalt thou make it: as it was shewed thee in the # mount, so shall they make it. # # unit P EXO:27:9 Äã_Òª_×÷_ÕÊ_Ä»_µÄ_Ôº_×Ó_¡£_Ôº_×Ó_µÄ_ÄÏ_Ãæ_Òª_ÓÃ_Äí_µÄ_ϸ_Âé_×÷_á¡_×Ó £¬_³¤_Ò»_°Ù_Öâ_¡£ # # And thou shalt make the court of the tabernacle: for the south side # southward there shall be hangings for the court of fine twined linen # of an hundred cubits long for one side: # # unit P EXO:27:10 á¡_×Ó_µÄ_Öù_×Ó_Òª_¶þ_Ê®_¸ù_£¬_´ø_î_µÄ_Í­_×ù_¶þ_Ê®_¸ö_¡£_Öù_×Ó_ÉÏ_µÄ ¹³_×Ó_ºÍ_¸Ë_×Ó_¶¼_Òª_ÓÃ_Òø_×Ó_×÷_¡£ # # And the twenty pillars thereof and their twenty sockets shall be of # brass; the hooks of the pillars and their fillets shall be of # silver. # # unit P EXO:27:11 ±±_Ãæ_Ò²_µ±_ÓÐ_á¡_×Ó_£¬_³¤_Ò»_°Ù_Öâ_£¬_á¡_×Ó_µÄ_Öù_×Ó_¶þ_Ê®_¸ù_£¬_´ø î_µÄ_Í­_×ù_¶þ_Ê®_¸ö_¡£_Öù_×Ó_ÉÏ_µÄ_¹³_×Ó_ºÍ_¸Ë_×Ó_¶¼_Òª_ÓÃ_Òø_×Ó_×÷ ¡£ # # And likewise for the north side in length there shall be hangings of # an hundred cubits long, and his twenty pillars and their twenty # sockets of brass; the hooks of the pillars and their fillets of # silver. # # unit P EXO:27:12 Ôº_×Ó_µÄ_Î÷_Ãæ_µ±_ÓÐ_á¡_×Ó_£¬_¿í_Îå_Ê®_Öâ_£¬_á¡_×Ó_µÄ_Öù_×Ó_Ê®_¸ù_£¬ ´ø_î_µÄ_×ù_Ê®_¸ö_¡£ # # And for the breadth of the court on the west side shall be hangings # of fifty cubits: their pillars ten, and their sockets ten. # # unit P EXO:27:13 Ôº_×Ó_µÄ_¶«_Ãæ_Òª_¿í_Îå_Ê®_Öâ_¡£ # # And the breadth of the court on the east side eastward shall be # fifty cubits. # # unit P EXO:27:14 ÃÅ_Õâ_±ß_µÄ_á¡_×Ó_Òª_Ê®_Îå_Öâ_£¬_á¡_×Ó_µÄ_Öù_×Ó_Èý_¸ù_£¬_´ø_î_µÄ_×ù Èý_¸ö_¡£ # # The hangings of one side of the gate shall be fifteen cubits: their # pillars three, and their sockets three. # # unit P EXO:27:15 ÃÅ_ÄÇ_±ß_µÄ_á¡_×Ó_Ò²_Òª_Ê®_Îå_Öâ_£¬_á¡_×Ó_µÄ_Öù_×Ó_Èý_¸ù_£¬_´ø_î_µÄ ×ù_Èý_¸ö_¡£ # # And on the other side shall be hangings fifteen cubits: their # pillars three, and their sockets three. # # unit P EXO:27:16 Ôº_×Ó_µÄ_ÃÅ_µ±_ÓÐ_Á±_×Ó_£¬_³¤_¶þ_Ê®_Öâ_£¬_Òª_ÄÃ_À¶_É«_£¬_×Ï_É«_£¬_Öì ºì_É«_Ïß_£¬_ºÍ_Äí_µÄ_ϸ_Âé_£¬_ÓÃ_Ðå_»¨_µÄ_ÊÖ_¹¤_Ö¯_³É_£¬_Öù_×Ó_ËÄ_¸ù £¬_´ø_î_µÄ_×ù_ËÄ_¸ö_¡£ # # And for the gate of the court shall be an hanging of twenty cubits, # of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen, wrought # with needlework: and their pillars shall be four, and their sockets # four. # # unit P EXO:27:17 Ôº_×Ó_ËÄ_Χ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_Öù_×Ó_¶¼_Òª_ÓÃ_Òø_¸Ë_Á¬_Âç_£¬_Öù_×Ó_ÉÏ_µÄ_¹³_×Ó Òª_ÓÃ_Òø_×÷_£¬_´ø_î_µÄ_×ù_Òª_ÓÃ_Í­_×÷_¡£ # # All the pillars round about the court shall be filleted with silver; # their hooks shall be of silver, and their sockets of brass. # # unit P EXO:27:18 Ôº_×Ó_Òª_³¤_Ò»_°Ù_Öâ_£¬_¿í_Îå_Ê®_Öâ_£¬_¸ß_Îå_Öâ_£¬_á¡_×Ó_Òª_ÓÃ_Äí_µÄ ϸ_Âé_×÷_£¬_´ø_î_µÄ_×ù_Òª_ÓÃ_Í­_×÷_¡£ # # The length of the court shall be an hundred cubits, and the breadth # fifty every where, and the height five cubits of fine twined linen, # and their sockets of brass. # # unit P EXO:27:19 ÕÊ_Ä»_¸÷_Ñù_ÓÃ_´¦_µÄ_Æ÷_¾ß_£¬_²¢_ÕÊ_Ä»_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_éÓ_×Ó_£¬_ºÍ_Ôº_×Ó_Àï Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_éÓ_×Ó_£¬_¶¼_Òª_ÓÃ_Í­_×÷_¡£ # # All the vessels of the tabernacle in all the service thereof, and # all the pins thereof, and all the pins of the court, shall be of # brass. # # unit P EXO:27:20 Äã_Òª_·Ô_¸À_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_£¬_°Ñ_ÄÇ_Ϊ_µã_µÆ_µ·_³É_µÄ_Çå_éÏ_é­_ÓÍ_ÄÃ_À´ ¸ø_Äã_£¬_ʹ_µÆ_³£_³£_µã_×Å_¡£ # # And thou shalt command the children of Israel, that they bring thee # pure oil olive beaten for the light, to cause the lamp to burn # always. # # unit P EXO:27:21 ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_ÖÐ_·¨_¹ñ_Ç°_µÄ_á£_Íâ_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_´Ó_Íí_ÉÏ_µ½ Ôç_³¿_£¬_Òª_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_¾­_Àí_Õâ_µÆ_¡£_Õâ_Òª_×÷_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÊÀ ÊÀ_´ú_´ú_ÓÀ_Ô¶_µÄ_¶¨_Àý_¡£ # # In the tabernacle of the congregation without the vail, which is # before the testimony, Aaron and his sons shall order it from evening # to morning before the LORD: it shall be a statute for ever unto # their generations on the behalf of the children of Israel. # ## # chapter 28 EXO:28 # unit P EXO:28:1 Äã_Òª_´Ó_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÖÐ_£¬_ʹ_Äã_µÄ_¸ç_¸ç_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÄÃ_´ð £¬_ÑÇ_±È_»§_£¬_ÒÔ_Àû_ÑÇ_Èö_£¬_ÒÔ_Ëû_Âê_Ò»_ͬ_¾Í_½ü_Äã_£¬_¸ø_ÎÒ_¹©_¼À ˾_µÄ_Ö°_·Ö_¡£ # # And take thou unto thee Aaron thy brother, and his sons with him, # from among the children of Israel, that he may minister unto me in # the priest's office, even Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, Eleazar and # Ithamar, Aaron's sons. # # unit P EXO:28:2 Äã_Òª_¸ø_Äã_¸ç_¸ç_ÑÇ_Â×_×÷_Ê¥_ÒÂ_Ϊ_ÈÙ_Ò«_£¬_Ϊ_»ª_ÃÀ_¡£ # # And thou shalt make holy garments for Aaron thy brother for glory # and for beauty. # # unit P EXO:28:3 ÓÖ_Òª_·Ô_¸À_Ò»_ÇÐ_ÐÄ_ÖÐ_ÓÐ_ÖÇ_»Û_µÄ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_ÓÃ_ÖÇ_»Û_µÄ_Áé_Ëù_³ä Âú_µÄ_£¬_¸ø_ÑÇ_Â×_×÷_ÒÂ_·þ_£¬_ʹ_Ëû_·Ö_±ð_Ϊ_Ê¥_£¬_¿É_ÒÔ_¸ø_ÎÒ_¹©_¼À ˾_µÄ_Ö°_·Ö_¡£ # # And thou shalt speak unto all that are wise hearted, whom I have # filled with the spirit of wisdom, that they may make Aaron's # garments to consecrate him, that he may minister unto me in the # priest's office. # # unit P EXO:28:4 Ëù_Òª_×÷_µÄ_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÐØ_ÅÆ_£¬_ÒÔ_¸¥_µÃ_£¬_Íâ_ÅÛ_£¬_ÔÓ_É«_µÄ_ÄÚ_ÅÛ_£¬_¹Ú Ãá_£¬_Ñü_´ø_£¬_ʹ_Äã_¸ç_¸ç_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_´©_Õâ_Ê¥_·þ_£¬_¿É_ÒÔ_¸ø ÎÒ_¹©_¼À_˾_µÄ_Ö°_·Ö_¡£ # # And these are the garments which they shall make; a breastplate, and # an ephod, and a robe, and a broidered coat, a mitre, and a girdle: # and they shall make holy garments for Aaron thy brother, and his # sons, that he may minister unto me in the priest's office. # # unit P EXO:28:5 Òª_ÓÃ_½ð_Ïß_ºÍ_À¶_É«_£¬_×Ï_É«_£¬_Öì_ºì_É«_Ïß_£¬_²¢_ϸ_Âé_È¥_×÷_¡£ # # And they shall take gold, and blue, and purple, and scarlet, and # fine linen. # # unit P EXO:28:6 Ëû_ÃÇ_Òª_ÄÃ_½ð_Ïß_ºÍ_À¶_É«_£¬_×Ï_É«_£¬_Öì_ºì_É«_Ïß_£¬_²¢_Äí_µÄ_ϸ_Âé £¬_ÓÃ_ÇÉ_½³_µÄ_ÊÖ_¹¤_×÷_ÒÔ_¸¥_µÃ_¡£ # # And they shall make the ephod of gold, of blue, and of purple, of # scarlet, and fine twined linen, with cunning work. # # unit P EXO:28:7 ÒÔ_¸¥_µÃ_µ±_ÓÐ_Á½_Ìõ_¼ç_´ø_£¬_½Ó_ÉÏ_Á½_Í·_£¬_ʹ_Ëü_Ïà_Á¬_¡£ # # It shall have the two shoulderpieces thereof joined at the two edges # thereof; and so it shall be joined together. # # unit P EXO:28:8 Æä_ÉÏ_ÇÉ_¹¤_Ö¯_µÄ_´ø_×Ó_£¬_Òª_ºÍ_ÒÔ_¸¥_µÃ_Ò»_Ñù_µÄ_×÷_·¨_£¬_ÓÃ_ÒÔ_Êø ÉÏ_£¬_Óë_ÒÔ_¸¥_µÃ_½Ó_Á¬_Ò»_¿é_£¬_Òª_ÓÃ_½ð_Ïß_ºÍ_À¶_É«_£¬_×Ï_É«_£¬_Öì ºì_É«_Ïß_£¬_²¢_Äí_µÄ_ϸ_Âé_×÷_³É_¡£ # # And the curious girdle of the ephod, which is upon it, shall be of # the same, according to the work thereof; even of gold, of blue, and # purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen. # # unit P EXO:28:9 Òª_È¡_Á½_¿é_ºì_Âê_è§_£¬_ÔÚ_ÉÏ_Ãæ_¿Ì_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_¶ù_×Ó_µÄ_Ãû_×Ö_£¬ # # And thou shalt take two onyx stones, and grave on them the names of # the children of Israel: # # unit P EXO:28:10 Áù_¸ö_Ãû_×Ö_ÔÚ_Õâ_¿é_±¦_ʯ_ÉÏ_£¬_Áù_¸ö_Ãû_×Ö_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_¿é_±¦_ʯ_ÉÏ_£¬_¶¼ ÕÕ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Éú_À´_µÄ_´Î_Ðò_¡£ # # Six of their names on one stone, and the other six names of the rest # on the other stone, according to their birth. # # unit P EXO:28:11 Òª_ÓÃ_¿Ì_±¦_ʯ_µÄ_ÊÖ_¹¤_£¬_·Â_·ð_¿Ì_ͼ_Êé_£¬_°´_×Å_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_¶ù_×Ó_µÄ Ãû_×Ö_£¬_¿Ì_Õâ_Á½_¿é_±¦_ʯ_£¬_Òª_Ïâ_ÔÚ_½ð_²Û_ÉÏ_¡£ # # With the work of an engraver in stone, like the engravings of a # signet, shalt thou engrave the two stones with the names of the # children of Israel: thou shalt make them to be set in ouches of # gold. # # unit P EXO:28:12 Òª_½«_Õâ_Á½_¿é_±¦_ʯ_°²_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_¸¥_µÃ_µÄ_Á½_Ìõ_¼ç_´ø_ÉÏ_£¬_Ϊ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ ÈË_×÷_¼Í_Äî_ʯ_¡£_ÑÇ_Â×_Òª_ÔÚ_Á½_¼ç_ÉÏ_µ£_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Ãû_×Ö_£¬_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ »ª_Ãæ_Ç°_×÷_Ϊ_¼Í_Äî_¡£ # # And thou shalt put the two stones upon the shoulders of the ephod # for stones of memorial unto the children of Israel: and Aaron shall # bear their names before the LORD upon his two shoulders for a # memorial. # # unit P EXO:28:13 Òª_ÓÃ_½ð_×Ó_×÷_¶þ_²Û_£¬ # # And thou shalt make ouches of gold; # # unit P EXO:28:14 ÓÖ_ÄÃ_¾«_½ð_£¬_ÓÃ_Å¡_¹¤_·Â_·ð_Å¡_Éþ_×Ó_£¬_×÷_Á½_Ìõ_Á´_×Ó_£¬_°Ñ_Õâ_Å¡ ³É_µÄ_Á´_×Ó_´î_ÔÚ_¶þ_²Û_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And two chains of pure gold at the ends; of wreathen work shalt thou # make them, and fasten the wreathen chains to the ouches. # # unit P EXO:28:15 Äã_Òª_ÓÃ_ÇÉ_½³_µÄ_ÊÖ_¹¤_×÷_Ò»_¸ö_¾ö_¶Ï_µÄ_ÐØ_ÅÆ_¡£_Òª_ºÍ_ÒÔ_¸¥_µÃ_Ò» Ñù_µÄ_×÷_·¨_£¬_ÓÃ_½ð_Ïß_ºÍ_À¶_É«_£¬_×Ï_É«_£¬_Öì_ºì_É«_Ïß_£¬_²¢_Äí_µÄ ϸ_Âé_×÷_³É_¡£ # # And thou shalt make the breastplate of judgment with cunning work; # after the work of the ephod thou shalt make it; of gold, of blue, # and of purple, and of scarlet, and of fine twined linen, shalt thou # make it. # # unit P EXO:28:16 Õâ_ÐØ_ÅÆ_Òª_ËÄ_·½_µÄ_£¬_µþ_Ϊ_Á½_²ã_£¬_³¤_Ò»_»¢_¿Ú_£¬_¿í_Ò»_»¢_¿Ú_¡£ # # Foursquare it shall be being doubled; a span shall be the length # thereof, and a span shall be the breadth thereof. # # unit P EXO:28:17 Òª_ÔÚ_ÉÏ_Ãæ_Ïâ_±¦_ʯ_ËÄ_ÐÐ_£¬_µÚ_Ò»_ÐÐ_ÊÇ_ºì_±¦_ʯ_£¬_ºì_èµ_çô_£¬_ºì Óñ_£¬ # # And thou shalt set in it settings of stones, even four rows of # stones: the first row shall be a sardius, a topaz, and a carbuncle: # this shall be the first row. # # unit P EXO:28:18 µÚ_¶þ_ÐÐ_ÊÇ_ÂÌ_±¦_ʯ_£¬_À¶_±¦_ʯ_£¬_½ð_¸Ö_ʯ_£¬ # # And the second row shall be an emerald, a sapphire, and a diamond. # # unit P EXO:28:19 µÚ_Èý_ÐÐ_ÊÇ_×Ï_Âê_è§_£¬_°×_Âê_è§_£¬_×Ï_¾§_£¬ # # And the third row a ligure, an agate, and an amethyst. # # unit P EXO:28:20 µÚ_ËÄ_ÐÐ_ÊÇ_Ë®_²Ô_Óñ_£¬_ºì_Âê_è§_£¬_±Ì_Óñ_¡£_Õâ_¶¼_Òª_Ïâ_ÔÚ_½ð_²Û_ÖÐ ¡£ # # And the fourth row a beryl, and an onyx, and a jasper: they shall be # set in gold in their inclosings. # # unit P EXO:28:21 Õâ_Щ_±¦_ʯ_¶¼_Òª_°´_×Å_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_Ê®_¶þ_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_µÄ_Ãû_×Ö_£¬_·Â_·ð_¿Ì ͼ_Êé_£¬_¿Ì_Ê®_¶þ_¸ö_Ö§_ÅÉ_µÄ_Ãû_×Ö_¡£ # # And the stones shall be with the names of the children of Israel, # twelve, according to their names, like the engravings of a signet; # every one with his name shall they be according to the twelve # tribes. # # unit P EXO:28:22 Òª_ÔÚ_ÐØ_ÅÆ_ÉÏ_ÓÃ_¾«_½ð_Å¡_³É_Èç_Éþ_µÄ_Á´_×Ó_¡£ # # And thou shalt make upon the breastplate chains at the ends of # wreathen work of pure gold. # # unit P EXO:28:23 ÔÚ_ÐØ_ÅÆ_ÉÏ_Ò²_Òª_×÷_Á½_¸ö_½ð_»·_£¬_°²_ÔÚ_ÐØ_ÅÆ_µÄ_Á½_Í·_¡£ # # And thou shalt make upon the breastplate two rings of gold, and # shalt put the two rings on the two ends of the breastplate. # # unit P EXO:28:24 Òª_°Ñ_ÄÇ_Á½_Ìõ_Å¡_³É_µÄ_½ð_Á´_×Ó_£¬_´©_¹ý_ÐØ_ÅÆ_Á½_Í·_µÄ_»·_×Ó_¡£ # # And thou shalt put the two wreathen chains of gold in the two rings # which are on the ends of the breastplate. # # unit P EXO:28:25 ÓÖ_Òª_°Ñ_Á´_×Ó_µÄ_ÄÇ_Á½_Í·_½Ó_ÔÚ_Á½_²Û_ÉÏ_£¬_°²_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_¸¥_µÃ_Ç°_Ãæ_¼ç ´ø_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And the other two ends of the two wreathen chains thou shalt fasten # in the two ouches, and put them on the shoulderpieces of the ephod # before it. # # unit P EXO:28:26 Òª_×÷_Á½_¸ö_½ð_»·_£¬_°²_ÔÚ_ÐØ_ÅÆ_µÄ_Á½_Í·_£¬_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_¸¥_µÃ_Àï_Ãæ_µÄ_±ß ÉÏ_¡£ # # And thou shalt make two rings of gold, and thou shalt put them upon # the two ends of the breastplate in the border thereof, which is in # the side of the ephod inward. # # unit P EXO:28:27 ÓÖ_Òª_×÷_Á½_¸ö_½ð_»·_£¬_°²_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_¸¥_µÃ_Ç°_Ãæ_Á½_Ìõ_¼ç_´ø_µÄ_ÏÂ_±ß_£¬ °¤_½ü_Ïà_½Ó_Ö®_´¦_£¬_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_¸¥_µÃ_ÇÉ_¹¤_Ö¯_µÄ_´ø_×Ó_ÒÔ_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And two other rings of gold thou shalt make, and shalt put them on # the two sides of the ephod underneath, toward the forepart thereof, # over against the other coupling thereof, above the curious girdle of # the ephod. # # unit P EXO:28:28 Òª_ÓÃ_À¶_ϸ_´ø_×Ó_°Ñ_ÐØ_ÅÆ_µÄ_»·_×Ó_Óë_ÒÔ_¸¥_µÃ_µÄ_»·_×Ó_ϵ_ס_£¬_ʹ ÐØ_ÅÆ_Ìù_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_¸¥_µÃ_ÇÉ_¹¤_Ö¯_µÄ_´ø_×Ó_ÉÏ_£¬_²»_¿É_Óë_ÒÔ_¸¥_µÃ_Àë_·ì ¡£ # # And they shall bind the breastplate by the rings thereof unto the # rings of the ephod with a lace of blue, that it may be above the # curious girdle of the ephod, and that the breastplate be not loosed # from the ephod. # # unit P EXO:28:29 ÑÇ_Â×_½ø_Ê¥_Ëù_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Òª_½«_¾ö_¶Ï_ÐØ_ÅÆ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_¿Ì_×Å_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ ¶ù_×Ó_Ãû_×Ö_µÄ_£¬_´ø_ÔÚ_ÐØ_Ç°_£¬_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_³£_×÷_¼Í_Äî_¡£ # # And Aaron shall bear the names of the children of Israel in the # breastplate of judgment upon his heart, when he goeth in unto the # holy place, for a memorial before the LORD continually. # # unit P EXO:28:30 ÓÖ_Òª_½«_ÎÚ_Áê_ºÍ_ÍÁ_Ã÷_·Å_ÔÚ_¾ö_¶Ï_µÄ_ÐØ_ÅÆ_Àï_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_½ø_µ½_Ò®_ºÍ »ª_Ãæ_Ç°_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Òª_´ø_ÔÚ_ÐØ_Ç°_£¬_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_³£_½«_ÒÔ_É« ÁÐ_ÈË_µÄ_¾ö_¶Ï_ÅÆ_´ø_ÔÚ_ÐØ_Ç°_¡£ # # And thou shalt put in the breastplate of judgment the Urim and the # Thummim; and they shall be upon Aaron's heart, when he goeth in # before the LORD: and Aaron shall bear the judgment of the children # of Israel upon his heart before the LORD continually. # # unit P EXO:28:31 Äã_Òª_×÷_ÒÔ_¸¥_µÃ_µÄ_Íâ_ÅÛ_£¬_ÑÕ_É«_È«_ÊÇ_À¶_µÄ_¡£ # # And thou shalt make the robe of the ephod all of blue. # # unit P EXO:28:32 ÅÛ_ÉÏ_Òª_Ϊ_Í·_Áô_Ò»_Áì_¿Ú_£¬_¿Ú_µÄ_ÖÜ_Χ_Ö¯_³ö_Áì_±ß_À´_£¬_·Â_·ð_îø ¼×_µÄ_Áì_¿Ú_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_ÆÆ_ÁÑ_¡£ # # And there shall be an hole in the top of it, in the midst thereof: # it shall have a binding of woven work round about the hole of it, as # it were the hole of an habergeon, that it be not rent. # # unit P EXO:28:33 ÅÛ_×Ó_ÖÜ_Χ_µ×_±ß_ÉÏ_Òª_ÓÃ_À¶_É«_£¬_×Ï_É«_£¬_Öì_ºì_É«_Ïß_×÷_ʯ_Áñ_¡£ ÔÚ_ÅÛ_×Ó_ÖÜ_Χ_µÄ_ʯ_Áñ_ÖÐ_¼ä_Òª_ÓÐ_½ð_Áå_îõ_£¬ # # And beneath upon the hem of it thou shalt make pomegranates of blue, # and of purple, and of scarlet, round about the hem thereof; and # bells of gold between them round about: # # unit P EXO:28:34 Ò»_¸ö_½ð_Áå_îõ_Ò»_¸ö_ʯ_Áñ_£¬_Ò»_¸ö_½ð_Áå_îõ_Ò»_¸ö_ʯ_Áñ_£¬_ÔÚ_ÅÛ_×Ó ÖÜ_Χ_µÄ_µ×_±ß_ÉÏ_¡£ # # A golden bell and a pomegranate, a golden bell and a pomegranate, # upon the hem of the robe round about. # # unit P EXO:28:35 ÑÇ_Â×_¹©_Ö°_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_Òª_´©_Õâ_ÅÛ_×Ó_¡£_Ëû_½ø_Ê¥_Ëù_µ½_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç° £¬_ÒÔ_¼°_³ö_À´_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_ÅÛ_ÉÏ_µÄ_Ïì_Éù_±Ø_±»_Ìý_¼û_£¬_ʹ_Ëû_²»_ÖÁ ÓÚ_ËÀ_Íö_¡£ # # And it shall be upon Aaron to minister: and his sound shall be heard # when he goeth in unto the holy place before the LORD, and when he # cometh out, that he die not. # # unit P EXO:28:36 Äã_Òª_ÓÃ_¾«_½ð_×÷_Ò»_Ãæ_ÅÆ_£¬_ÔÚ_ÉÏ_Ãæ_°´_¿Ì_ͼ_Êé_Ö®_·¨_¿Ì_×Å_¡®_¹é Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_Ê¥_¡¯_¡£ # # And thou shalt make a plate of pure gold, and grave upon it, like # the engravings of a signet, HOLINESS TO THE LORD. # # unit P EXO:28:37 Òª_ÓÃ_Ò»_Ìõ_À¶_ϸ_´ø_×Ó_½«_ÅÆ_ϵ_ÔÚ_¹Ú_Ãá_µÄ_Ç°_Ãæ_¡£ # # And thou shalt put it on a blue lace, that it may be upon the mitre; # upon the forefront of the mitre it shall be. # # unit P EXO:28:38 Õâ_ÅÆ_±Ø_ÔÚ_ÑÇ_Â×_µÄ_¶î_ÉÏ_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_Òª_µ£_µ±_¸É_·¸_Ê¥_Îï_Ìõ_Àý_µÄ_×ï Äõ_£¬_Õâ_Ê¥_Îï_ÊÇ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÔÚ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_Ê¥_Àñ_Îï_ÉÏ_Ëù_·Ö_±ð_Ϊ_Ê¥ µÄ_¡£_Õâ_ÅÆ_Òª_³£_ÔÚ_Ëû_µÄ_¶î_ÉÏ_£¬_ʹ_Ëû_ÃÇ_¿É_ÒÔ_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç° ÃÉ_ÔÃ_ÄÉ_¡£ # # And it shall be upon Aaron's forehead, that Aaron may bear the # iniquity of the holy things, which the children of Israel shall # hallow in all their holy gifts; and it shall be always upon his # forehead, that they may be accepted before the LORD. # # unit P EXO:28:39 Òª_ÓÃ_ÔÓ_É«_ϸ_Âé_Ïß_Ö¯_ÄÚ_ÅÛ_£¬_ÓÃ_ϸ_Âé_²¼_×÷_¹Ú_Ãá_£¬_ÓÖ_ÓÃ_Ðå_»¨ µÄ_ÊÖ_¹¤_×÷_Ñü_´ø_¡£ # # And thou shalt embroider the coat of fine linen, and thou shalt make # the mitre of fine linen, and thou shalt make the girdle of # needlework. # # unit P EXO:28:40 Äã_Òª_Ϊ_ÑÇ_Â×_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_×÷_ÄÚ_ÅÛ_£¬_Ñü_´ø_£¬_¹ü_Í·_½í_£¬_Ϊ_ÈÙ_Ò«_£¬ Ϊ_»ª_ÃÀ_¡£ # # And for Aaron's sons thou shalt make coats, and thou shalt make for # them girdles, and bonnets shalt thou make for them, for glory and # for beauty. # # unit P EXO:28:41 Òª_°Ñ_Õâ_Щ_¸ø_Äã_µÄ_¸ç_¸ç_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_´©_´÷_£¬_ÓÖ_Òª_¸à_Ëû ÃÇ_£¬_½«_Ëû_ÃÇ_·Ö_±ð_Ϊ_Ê¥_£¬_ºÃ_¸ø_ÎÒ_¹©_¼À_˾_µÄ_Ö°_·Ö_¡£ # # And thou shalt put them upon Aaron thy brother, and his sons with # him; and shalt anoint them, and consecrate them, and sanctify them, # that they may minister unto me in the priest's office. # # unit P EXO:28:42 Òª_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_×÷_ϸ_Âé_²¼_¿ã_×Ó_£¬_ÕÚ_ÑÚ_ÏÂ_Ìå_£¬_¿ã_×Ó_µ±_´Ó_Ñü_´ï_µ½ ´ó_ÍÈ_¡£ # # And thou shalt make them linen breeches to cover their nakedness; # from the loins even unto the thighs they shall reach: # # unit P EXO:28:43 ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_½ø_Èë_»á_Ä»_£¬_»ò_¾Í_½ü_̳_£¬_ÔÚ_Ê¥_Ëù_¹©_Ö°_µÄ_ʱ ºò_±Ø_´©_ÉÏ_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_µ£_×ï_¶ø_ËÀ_¡£_Õâ_Òª_Ϊ_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_ºó_Òá_×÷ ÓÀ_Ô¶_µÄ_¶¨_Àý_¡£ # # And they shall be upon Aaron, and upon his sons, when they come in # unto the tabernacle of the congregation, or when they come near unto # the altar to minister in the holy place; that they bear not # iniquity, and die: it shall be a statute for ever unto him and his # seed after him. # ## # chapter 29 EXO:29 # unit P EXO:29:1 Äã_ʹ_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_³É_Ê¥_£¬_¸ø_ÎÒ_¹©_¼À_˾_µÄ_Ö°_·Ö_£¬_Òª_Èç_´Ë ÐÐ_£¬_È¡_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Å£_¶¿_£¬_Á½_Ö»_ÎÞ_²Ð_¼²_µÄ_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_£¬ # # And this is the thing that thou shalt do unto them to hallow them, # to minister unto me in the priest's office: Take one young bullock, # and two rams without blemish, # # unit P EXO:29:2 ÎÞ_½Í_±ý_ºÍ_µ÷_ÓÍ_µÄ_ÎÞ_½Í_±ý_£¬_Óë_Ĩ_ÓÍ_µÄ_ÎÞ_½Í_±¡_±ý_£¬_Õâ_¶¼_Òª ÓÃ_ϸ_Âó_Ãæ_×÷_³É_¡£ # # And unleavened bread, and cakes unleavened tempered with oil, and # wafers unleavened anointed with oil: of wheaten flour shalt thou # make them. # # unit P EXO:29:3 Õâ_±ý_Òª_×°_ÔÚ_Ò»_¸ö_¿ð_×Ó_Àï_£¬_Á¬_¿ð_×Ó_´ø_À´_£¬_ÓÖ_°Ñ_¹«_Å£_ºÍ_Á½ Ö»_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_Ç£_À´_¡£ # # And thou shalt put them into one basket, and bring them in the # basket, with the bullock and the two rams. # # unit P EXO:29:4 Òª_ʹ_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_µ½_»á_Ä»_ÃÅ_¿Ú_À´_£¬_ÓÃ_Ë®_Ï´_Éí_¡£ # # And Aaron and his sons thou shalt bring unto the door of the # tabernacle of the congregation, and shalt wash them with water. # # unit P EXO:29:5 Òª_¸ø_ÑÇ_Â×_´©_ÉÏ_ÄÚ_ÅÛ_ºÍ_ÒÔ_¸¥_µÃ_µÄ_Íâ_ÅÛ_£¬_²¢_ÒÔ_¸¥_µÃ_£¬_ÓÖ_´ø ÉÏ_ÐØ_ÅÆ_£¬_Êø_ÉÏ_ÒÔ_¸¥_µÃ_ÇÉ_¹¤_Ö¯_µÄ_´ø_×Ó_¡£ # # And thou shalt take the garments, and put upon Aaron the coat, and # the robe of the ephod, and the ephod, and the breastplate, and gird # him with the curious girdle of the ephod: # # unit P EXO:29:6 °Ñ_¹Ú_Ãá_´÷_ÔÚ_Ëû_Í·_ÉÏ_£¬_½«_Ê¥_¹Ú_¼Ó_ÔÚ_¹Ú_Ãá_ÉÏ_£¬ # # And thou shalt put the mitre upon his head, and put the holy crown # upon the mitre. # # unit P EXO:29:7 ¾Í_°Ñ_¸à_ÓÍ_µ¹_ÔÚ_Ëû_Í·_ÉÏ_¸à_Ëû_¡£ # # Then shalt thou take the anointing oil, and pour it upon his head, # and anoint him. # # unit P EXO:29:8 Òª_½Ð_Ëû_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_À´_£¬_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_´©_ÉÏ_ÄÚ_ÅÛ_¡£ # # And thou shalt bring his sons, and put coats upon them. # # unit P EXO:29:9 ¸ø_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_Êø_ÉÏ_Ñü_´ø_£¬_°ü_ÉÏ_¹ü_Í·_½í_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_ƾ_ÓÀ Ô¶_µÄ_¶¨_Àý_µÃ_ÁË_¼À_˾_µÄ_Ö°_ÈÎ_¡£_ÓÖ_Òª_½«_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_·Ö_±ð Ϊ_Ê¥_¡£ # # And thou shalt gird them with girdles, Aaron and his sons, and put # the bonnets on them: and the priest's office shall be theirs for a # perpetual statute: and thou shalt consecrate Aaron and his sons. # # unit P EXO:29:10 Äã_Òª_°Ñ_¹«_Å£_Ç£_µ½_»á_Ä»_Ç°_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_Òª_°´_ÊÖ_ÔÚ_¹«_Å£ µÄ_Í·_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And thou shalt cause a bullock to be brought before the tabernacle # of the congregation: and Aaron and his sons shall put their hands # upon the head of the bullock. # # unit P EXO:29:11 Äã_Òª_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_ÃÅ_¿Ú_£¬_Ô×_Õâ_¹«_Å£_¡£ # # And thou shalt kill the bullock before the LORD, by the door of the # tabernacle of the congregation. # # unit P EXO:29:12 Òª_È¡_Щ_¹«_Å£_µÄ_Ѫ_£¬_ÓÃ_Ö¸_Í·_Ĩ_ÔÚ_̳_µÄ_ËÄ_½Ç_ÉÏ_£¬_°Ñ_Ѫ_¶¼_µ¹ ÔÚ_̳_½Å_ÄÇ_Àï_¡£ # # And thou shalt take of the blood of the bullock, and put it upon the # horns of the altar with thy finger, and pour all the blood beside # the bottom of the altar. # # unit P EXO:29:13 Òª_°Ñ_Ò»_ÇÐ_¸Ç_Ôà_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_Óë_¸Î_ÉÏ_µÄ_Íø_×Ó_£¬_²¢_Á½_¸ö_Ñü_×Ó_ºÍ_Ñü ×Ó_ÉÏ_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_£¬_¶¼_ÉÕ_ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And thou shalt take all the fat that covereth the inwards, and the # caul that is above the liver, and the two kidneys, and the fat that # is upon them, and burn them upon the altar. # # unit P EXO:29:14 Ö»_ÊÇ_¹«_Å£_µÄ_Ƥ_£¬_Èâ_£¬_·à_¶¼_Òª_ÓÃ_»ð_ÉÕ_ÔÚ_Óª_Íâ_¡£_Õâ_Å£_ÊÇ_Êê ×ï_¼À_¡£ # # But the flesh of the bullock, and his skin, and his dung, shalt thou # burn with fire without the camp: it is a sin offering. # # unit P EXO:29:15 Äã_Òª_Ç£_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_À´_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_Òª_°´_ÊÖ_ÔÚ_Õâ_Ñò_µÄ Í·_ÉÏ_¡£ # # Thou shalt also take one ram; and Aaron and his sons shall put their # hands upon the head of the ram. # # unit P EXO:29:16 Òª_Ô×_Õâ_Ñò_£¬_°Ñ_Ѫ_È÷_ÔÚ_̳_µÄ_ÖÜ_Χ_¡£ # # And thou shalt slay the ram, and thou shalt take his blood, and # sprinkle it round about upon the altar. # # unit P EXO:29:17 Òª_°Ñ_Ñò_ÇÐ_³É_¿é_×Ó_£¬_Ï´_¾»_Îå_Ôà_ºÍ_ÍÈ_£¬_Á¬_¿é_×Ó_´ø_Í·_£¬_¶¼_·Å ÔÚ_Ò»_´¦_¡£ # # And thou shalt cut the ram in pieces, and wash the inwards of him, # and his legs, and put them unto his pieces, and unto his head. # # unit P EXO:29:18 Òª_°Ñ_È«_Ñò_ÉÕ_ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ_£¬_ÊÇ_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ï×_µÄ_ìÜ_¼À_£¬_ÊÇ_Ï×_¸ø_Ò® ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_Ü°_Ïã_µÄ_»ð_¼À_¡£ # # And thou shalt burn the whole ram upon the altar: it is a burnt # offering unto the LORD: it is a sweet savour, an offering made by # fire unto the LORD. # # unit P EXO:29:19 Äã_Òª_½«_ÄÇ_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_Ç£_À´_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_Òª_°´_ÊÖ_ÔÚ_Ñò µÄ_Í·_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And thou shalt take the other ram; and Aaron and his sons shall put # their hands upon the head of the ram. # # unit P EXO:29:20 Äã_Òª_Ô×_Õâ_Ñò_£¬_È¡_µã_Ѫ_Ĩ_ÔÚ_ÑÇ_Â×_µÄ_ÓÒ_¶ú_´¹_ÉÏ_ºÍ_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_µÄ ÓÒ_¶ú_´¹_ÉÏ_£¬_ÓÖ_Ĩ_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÓÒ_ÊÖ_µÄ_´ó_Ä´_Ö¸_ÉÏ_ºÍ_ÓÒ_½Å_µÄ_´ó_Ä´ Ö¸_ÉÏ_£¬_²¢_Òª_°Ñ_Ѫ_È÷_ÔÚ_̳_µÄ_ËÄ_Χ_¡£ # # Then shalt thou kill the ram, and take of his blood, and put it upon # the tip of the right ear of Aaron, and upon the tip of the right ear # of his sons, and upon the thumb of their right hand, and upon the # great toe of their right foot, and sprinkle the blood upon the altar # round about. # # unit P EXO:29:21 Äã_Òª_È¡_µã_¸à_ÓÍ_ºÍ_̳_ÉÏ_µÄ_Ѫ_£¬_µ¯_ÔÚ_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_ÒÂ_·þ_ÉÏ_£¬ ²¢_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_ºÍ_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_µÄ_ÒÂ_·þ_ÉÏ_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_ºÍ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÒÂ_·þ_¾Í_Ò» ͬ_³É_Ê¥_¡£ # # And thou shalt take of the blood that is upon the altar, and of the # anointing oil, and sprinkle it upon Aaron, and upon his garments, # and upon his sons, and upon the garments of his sons with him: and # he shall be hallowed, and his garments, and his sons, and his sons' # garments with him. # # unit P EXO:29:22 Äã_Òª_È¡_Õâ_Ñò_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_ºÍ_·Ê_β_°Í_£¬_²¢_¸Ç_Ôà_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_Óë_¸Î_ÉÏ_µÄ Íø_×Ó_£¬_Á½_¸ö_Ñü_×Ó_ºÍ_Ñü_×Ó_ÉÏ_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_²¢_ÓÒ_ÍÈ_£¨_Õâ_ÊÇ_³Ð_½Ó_Ê¥ Ö°_Ëù_Ï×_µÄ_Ñò_£©_¡£ # # Also thou shalt take of the ram the fat and the rump, and the fat # that covereth the inwards, and the caul above the liver, and the two # kidneys, and the fat that is upon them, and the right shoulder; for # it is a ram of consecration: # # unit P EXO:29:23 ÔÙ_´Ó_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_×°_ÎÞ_½Í_±ý_µÄ_¿ð_×Ó_ÖÐ_È¡_Ò»_¸ö_±ý_£¬_Ò»_¸ö_µ÷ ÓÍ_µÄ_±ý_ºÍ_Ò»_¸ö_±¡_±ý_£¬ # # And one loaf of bread, and one cake of oiled bread, and one wafer # out of the basket of the unleavened bread that is before the LORD: # # unit P EXO:29:24 ¶¼_·Å_ÔÚ_ÑÇ_Â×_µÄ_ÊÖ_ÉÏ_ºÍ_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_µÄ_ÊÖ_ÉÏ_£¬_×÷_Ϊ_Ò¡_¼À_£¬_ÔÚ_Ò® ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_Ò¡_Ò»_Ò¡_¡£ # # And thou shalt put all in the hands of Aaron, and in the hands of # his sons; and shalt wave them for a wave offering before the LORD. # # unit P EXO:29:25 Òª_´Ó_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÊÖ_ÖÐ_½Ó_¹ý_À´_£¬_ÉÕ_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_̳_ÉÏ_µÄ_ìÜ_¼À_ÉÏ £¬_ÊÇ_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_Ü°_Ïã_µÄ_»ð_¼À_¡£ # # And thou shalt receive them of their hands, and burn them upon the # altar for a burnt offering, for a sweet savour before the LORD: it # is an offering made by fire unto the LORD. # # unit P EXO:29:26 Äã_Òª_È¡_ÑÇ_Â×_³Ð_½Ó_Ê¥_Ö°_Ëù_Ï×_¹«_Ñò_µÄ_ÐØ_£¬_×÷_Ϊ_Ò¡_¼À_£¬_ÔÚ_Ò® ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_Ò¡_Ò»_Ò¡_£¬_Õâ_¾Í_¿É_ÒÔ_×÷_Äã_µÄ_·Ö_¡£ # # And thou shalt take the breast of the ram of Aaron's consecration, # and wave it for a wave offering before the LORD: and it shall be thy # part. # # unit P EXO:29:27 ÄÇ_Ò¡_¼À_µÄ_ÐØ_ºÍ_¾Ù_¼À_µÄ_ÍÈ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_³Ð_½Ó_Ê¥_Ö°_Ëù_Ò¡_µÄ_£¬_Ëù_¾Ù µÄ_£¬_ÊÇ_¹é_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_µÄ_¡£_Õâ_Щ_Äã_¶¼_Òª_³É_Ϊ_Ê¥_£¬ # # And thou shalt sanctify the breast of the wave offering, and the # shoulder of the heave offering, which is waved, and which is heaved # up, of the ram of the consecration, even of that which is for Aaron, # and of that which is for his sons: # # unit P EXO:29:28 ×÷_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_×Ó_Ëï_´Ó_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÖÐ_ÓÀ_Ô¶_Ëù_µÃ_µÄ_·Ö_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÊÇ ¾Ù_¼À_¡£_Õâ_Òª_´Ó_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_µÄ_ƽ_°²_¼À_ÖÐ_£¬_×÷_Ϊ_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª µÄ_¾Ù_¼À_¡£ # # And it shall be Aaron's and his sons' by a statute for ever from the # children of Israel: for it is an heave offering: and it shall be an # heave offering from the children of Israel of the sacrifice of their # peace offerings, even their heave offering unto the LORD. # # unit P EXO:29:29 ÑÇ_Â×_µÄ_Ê¥_ÒÂ_Òª_Áô_¸ø_Ëû_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_£¬_¿É_ÒÔ_´©_×Å_ÊÜ_¸à_£¬_ÓÖ_´©_×Å ³Ð_½Ó_Ê¥_Ö°_¡£ # # And the holy garments of Aaron shall be his sons' after him, to be # anointed therein, and to be consecrated in them. # # unit P EXO:29:30 Ëû_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_½Ó_Ðø_Ëû_µ±_¼À_˾_µÄ_£¬_ÿ_·ê_½ø_»á_Ä»_ÔÚ_Ê¥_Ëù_¹©_Ö°_µÄ ʱ_ºò_£¬_Òª_´©_Æß_Ìì_¡£ # # And that son that is priest in his stead shall put them on seven # days, when he cometh into the tabernacle of the congregation to # minister in the holy place. # # unit P EXO:29:31 Äã_Òª_½«_³Ð_½Ó_Ê¥_Ö°_Ëù_Ï×_¹«_Ñò_µÄ_Èâ_Öó_ÔÚ_Ê¥_´¦_¡£ # # And thou shalt take the ram of the consecration, and seethe his # flesh in the holy place. # # unit P EXO:29:32 ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_Òª_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_ÃÅ_¿Ú_³Ô_Õâ_Ñò_µÄ_Èâ_ºÍ_¿ð_ÄÚ_µÄ_±ý_¡£ # # And Aaron and his sons shall eat the flesh of the ram, and the bread # that is in the basket, by the door of the tabernacle of the # congregation. # # unit P EXO:29:33 Ëû_ÃÇ_³Ô_ÄÇ_Щ_Êê_×ï_Ö®_Îï_£¬_ºÃ_³Ð_½Ó_Ê¥_Ö°_£¬_ʹ_Ëû_ÃÇ_³É_Ê¥_£¬_Ö» ÊÇ_Íâ_ÈË_²»_¿É_³Ô_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Õâ_ÊÇ_Ê¥_Îï_¡£ # # And they shall eat those things wherewith the atonement was made, to # consecrate and to sanctify them: but a stranger shall not eat # thereof, because they are holy. # # unit P EXO:29:34 ÄÇ_³Ð_½Ó_Ê¥_Ö°_Ëù_Ï×_µÄ_Èâ_»ò_±ý_£¬_Èô_ÓÐ_Ò»_µã_Áô_µ½_Ôç_³¿_£¬_¾Í_Òª ÓÃ_»ð_ÉÕ_ÁË_£¬_²»_¿É_³Ô_Õâ_Îï_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÊÇ_Ê¥_Îï_¡£ # # And if ought of the flesh of the consecrations, or of the bread, # remain unto the morning, then thou shalt burn the remainder with # fire: it shall not be eaten, because it is holy. # # unit P EXO:29:35 Äã_Òª_Õâ_Ñù_ÕÕ_ÎÒ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_£¬_Ïò_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_ÐÐ_³Ð_½Ó Ê¥_Ö°_µÄ_Àñ_Æß_Ìì_¡£ # # And thus shalt thou do unto Aaron, and to his sons, according to all # things which I have commanded thee: seven days shalt thou consecrate # them. # # unit P EXO:29:36 ÿ_Ìì_Òª_Ï×_¹«_Å£_Ò»_Ö»_Ϊ_Êê_×ï_¼À_¡£_Äã_½à_¾»_̳_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_̳_¾Í ½à_¾»_ÁË_£¬_ÇÒ_Òª_ÓÃ_¸à_Ĩ_̳_£¬_ʹ_̳_³É_Ê¥_¡£ # # And thou shalt offer every day a bullock for a sin offering for # atonement: and thou shalt cleanse the altar, when thou hast made an # atonement for it, and thou shalt anoint it, to sanctify it. # # unit P EXO:29:37 Òª_½à_¾»_̳_Æß_Ìì_£¬_ʹ_̳_³É_Ê¥_£¬_̳_¾Í_³É_Ϊ_ÖÁ_Ê¥_¡£_·²_°¤_×Å_̳ µÄ_¶¼_³É_Ϊ_Ê¥_¡£ # # Seven days thou shalt make an atonement for the altar, and sanctify # it; and it shall be an altar most holy: whatsoever toucheth the # altar shall be holy. # # unit P EXO:29:38 Äã_ÿ_Ìì_Ëù_Òª_Ï×_ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ_µÄ_¾Í_ÊÇ_Á½_Ö»_Ò»_Ëê_µÄ_Ñò_¸á_£¬ # # Now this is that which thou shalt offer upon the altar; two lambs of # the first year day by day continually. # # unit P EXO:29:39 Ôç_³¿_Òª_Ï×_Õâ_Ò»_Ö»_£¬_»Æ_»è_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_Òª_Ï×_ÄÇ_Ò»_Ö»_¡£ # # The one lamb thou shalt offer in the morning; and the other lamb # thou shalt offer at even: # # unit P EXO:29:40 ºÍ_Õâ_Ò»_Ö»_Ñò_¸á_ͬ_Ï×_µÄ_£¬_Òª_ÓÃ_ϸ_Ãæ_ÒÁ_·¨_Ê®_·Ö_Ö®_Ò»_Óë_µ·_³É µÄ_ÓÍ_Ò»_ÐÀ_ËÄ_·Ö_Ö®_Ò»_µ÷_ºÍ_£¬_ÓÖ_ÓÃ_¾Æ_Ò»_ÐÀ_ËÄ_·Ö_Ö®_Ò»_×÷_Ϊ_µì ¼À_¡£ # # And with the one lamb a tenth deal of flour mingled with the fourth # part of an hin of beaten oil; and the fourth part of an hin of wine # for a drink offering. # # unit P EXO:29:41 ÄÇ_Ò»_Ö»_Ñò_¸á_Òª_ÔÚ_»Æ_»è_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_Ï×_ÉÏ_£¬_ÕÕ_×Å_Ôç_³¿_µÄ_ËØ_¼À_ºÍ µì_¼À_µÄ_Àñ_°ì_Àí_£¬_×÷_Ϊ_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ü°_Ïã_µÄ_»ð_¼À_¡£ # # And the other lamb thou shalt offer at even, and shalt do thereto # according to the meat offering of the morning, and according to the # drink offering thereof, for a sweet savour, an offering made by fire # unto the LORD. # # unit P EXO:29:42 Õâ_Òª_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_»á_Ä»_ÃÅ_¿Ú_£¬_×÷_Äã_ÃÇ_ÊÀ_ÊÀ_´ú_´ú_³£_Ï× µÄ_ìÜ_¼À_¡£_ÎÒ_Òª_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_Ïà_»á_£¬_ºÍ_Äã_ÃÇ_˵_»°_¡£ # # This shall be a continual burnt offering throughout your generations # at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation before the LORD: # where I will meet you, to speak there unto thee. # # unit P EXO:29:43 ÎÒ_Òª_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_Óë_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Ïà_»á_£¬_»á_Ä»_¾Í_Òª_Òò_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÈÙ_Ò«_³É Ϊ_Ê¥_¡£ # # And there I will meet with the children of Israel, and the # tabernacle shall be sanctified by my glory. # # unit P EXO:29:44 ÎÒ_Òª_ʹ_»á_Ä»_ºÍ_̳_³É_Ê¥_£¬_Ò²_Òª_ʹ_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_³É_Ê¥_£¬ ¸ø_ÎÒ_¹©_¼À_˾_µÄ_Ö°_·Ö_¡£ # # And I will sanctify the tabernacle of the congregation, and the # altar: I will sanctify also both Aaron and his sons, to minister to # me in the priest's office. # # unit P EXO:29:45 ÎÒ_Òª_ס_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÖÐ_¼ä_£¬_×÷_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # And I will dwell among the children of Israel, and will be their # God. # # unit P EXO:29:46 Ëû_ÃÇ_±Ø_Öª_µÀ_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_ÊÇ_½«_Ëû_ÃÇ_´Ó_°£_¼°_µØ Áì_³ö_À´_µÄ_£¬_Ϊ_Òª_ס_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_¡£_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ ¡£ # # And they shall know that I am the LORD their God, that brought them # forth out of the land of Egypt, that I may dwell among them: I am # the LORD their God. # ## # chapter 30 EXO:30 # unit P EXO:30:1 Äã_Òª_ÓÃ_Ôí_¼Ô_ľ_×÷_Ò»_×ù_ÉÕ_Ïã_µÄ_̳_¡£ # # And thou shalt make an altar to burn incense upon: of shittim wood # shalt thou make it. # # unit P EXO:30:2 Õâ_̳_Òª_ËÄ_·½_µÄ_£¬_³¤_Ò»_Öâ_£¬_¿í_Ò»_Öâ_£¬_¸ß_¶þ_Öâ_£¬_̳_µÄ_ËÄ_½Ç Òª_Óë_̳_½Ó_Á¬_Ò»_¿é_¡£ # # A cubit shall be the length thereof, and a cubit the breadth # thereof; foursquare shall it be: and two cubits shall be the height # thereof: the horns thereof shall be of the same. # # unit P EXO:30:3 Òª_ÓÃ_¾«_½ð_°Ñ_̳_µÄ_ÉÏ_Ãæ_Óë_̳_µÄ_ËÄ_Χ_£¬_²¢_̳_µÄ_ËÄ_½Ç_£¬_°ü_¹ü £¬_ÓÖ_Òª_ÔÚ_̳_µÄ_ËÄ_Χ_Ïâ_ÉÏ_½ð_ÑÀ_±ß_¡£ # # And thou shalt overlay it with pure gold, the top thereof, and the # sides thereof round about, and the horns thereof; and thou shalt # make unto it a crown of gold round about. # # unit P EXO:30:4 Òª_×÷_Á½_¸ö_½ð_»·_°²_ÔÚ_ÑÀ_×Ó_±ß_ÒÔ_ÏÂ_£¬_ÔÚ_̳_µÄ_Á½_ÅÔ_£¬_Á½_¸ù_ºá ³Å_ÉÏ_£¬_×÷_Ϊ_´©_¸Ü_µÄ_ÓÃ_´¦_£¬_ÒÔ_±ã_̧_̳_¡£ # # And two golden rings shalt thou make to it under the crown of it, by # the two corners thereof, upon the two sides of it shalt thou make # it; and they shall be for places for the staves to bear it withal. # # unit P EXO:30:5 Òª_ÓÃ_Ôí_¼Ô_ľ_×÷_¸Ü_£¬_ÓÃ_½ð_°ü_¹ü_¡£ # # And thou shalt make the staves of shittim wood, and overlay them # with gold. # # unit P EXO:30:6 Òª_°Ñ_̳_·Å_ÔÚ_·¨_¹ñ_Ç°_µÄ_á£_×Ó_Íâ_£¬_¶Ô_×Å_·¨_¹ñ_ÉÏ_µÄ_Ê©_¶÷_×ù_£¬ ¾Í_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_Òª_Óë_Äã_Ïà_»á_µÄ_µØ_·½_¡£ # # And thou shalt put it before the vail that is by the ark of the # testimony, before the mercy seat that is over the testimony, where I # will meet with thee. # # unit P EXO:30:7 ÑÇ_Â×_ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ_Òª_ÉÕ_Ü°_Ïã_ÁÏ_×÷_µÄ_Ïã_£¬_ÿ_Ôç_³¿_Ëû_ÊÕ_Ê°_µÆ_µÄ_ʱ ºò_£¬_Òª_ÉÕ_Õâ_Ïã_¡£ # # And Aaron shall burn thereon sweet incense every morning: when he # dresseth the lamps, he shall burn incense upon it. # # unit P EXO:30:8 »Æ_»è_µã_µÆ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Ëû_Òª_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_ÉÕ_Õâ_Ïã_£¬_×÷_Ϊ_ÊÀ ÊÀ_´ú_´ú_³£_ÉÕ_µÄ_Ïã_¡£ # # And when Aaron lighteth the lamps at even, he shall burn incense # upon it, a perpetual incense before the LORD throughout your # generations. # # unit P EXO:30:9 ÔÚ_Õâ_̳_ÉÏ_²»_¿É_·î_ÉÏ_Òì_Ñù_µÄ_Ïã_£¬_²»_¿É_Ï×_ìÜ_¼À_£¬_ËØ_¼À_£¬_Ò² ²»_¿É_½½_ÉÏ_µì_¼À_¡£ # # Ye shall offer no strange incense thereon, nor burnt sacrifice, nor # meat offering; neither shall ye pour drink offering thereon. # # unit P EXO:30:10 ÑÇ_Â×_Ò»_Äê_Ò»_´Î_Òª_ÔÚ_̳_µÄ_½Ç_ÉÏ_ÐÐ_Êê_×ï_Ö®_Àñ_¡£_Ëû_Ò»_Äê_Ò»_´Î Òª_ÓÃ_Êê_×ï_¼À_Éü_µÄ_Ѫ_ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ_ÐÐ_Êê_×ï_Ö®_Àñ_£¬_×÷_Ϊ_ÊÀ_ÊÀ_´ú_´ú µÄ_¶¨_Àý_¡£_Õâ_̳_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_Ϊ_ÖÁ_Ê¥_¡£ # # And Aaron shall make an atonement upon the horns of it once in a # year with the blood of the sin offering of atonements: once in the # year shall he make atonement upon it throughout your generations: it # is most holy unto the LORD. # # unit P EXO:30:11 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P EXO:30:12 Äã_Òª_°´_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_±»_Êý_µÄ_£¬_¼Æ_Ëã_×Ü_Êý_£¬_Äã_Êý_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Ëû ÃÇ_¸÷_ÈË_Òª_Ϊ_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_Éú_Ãü_°Ñ_Êê_¼Û_·î_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_Êý_µÄ ʱ_ºò_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_ÓÐ_ÔÖ_Ñê_¡£ # # When thou takest the sum of the children of Israel after their # number, then shall they give every man a ransom for his soul unto # the LORD, when thou numberest them; that there be no plague among # them, when thou numberest them. # # unit P EXO:30:13 ·²_¹ý_È¥_¹é_ÄÇ_Щ_±»_Êý_Ö®_ÈË_µÄ_£¬_ÿ_ÈË_Òª_°´_Ê¥_Ëù_µÄ_ƽ_£¬_ÄÃ_Òø ×Ó_°ë_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_£¬_Õâ_°ë_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_ÊÇ_·î_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_Àñ_Îï_£¬_Ò»_Éá ¿Í_ÀÕ_ÊÇ_¶þ_Ê®_¼¾_À­_¡£ # # This they shall give, every one that passeth among them that are # numbered, half a shekel after the shekel of the sanctuary: (a shekel # is twenty gerahs:) an half shekel shall be the offering of the LORD. # # unit P EXO:30:14 ·²_¹ý_È¥_¹é_ÄÇ_Щ_±»_Êý_µÄ_ÈË_£¬_´Ó_¶þ_Ê®_Ëê_ÒÔ_Íâ_µÄ_£¬_Òª_½«_Õâ_Àñ Îï_·î_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # Every one that passeth among them that are numbered, from twenty # years old and above, shall give an offering unto the LORD. # # unit P EXO:30:15 Ëû_ÃÇ_Ϊ_Êê_Éú_Ãü_½«_Àñ_Îï_·î_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_¸»_×ã_µÄ_²»_¿É_¶à_³ö_£¬ ƶ_Çî_µÄ_Ò²_²»_¿É_ÉÙ_³ö_£¬_¸÷_ÈË_Òª_³ö_°ë_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_¡£ # # The rich shall not give more, and the poor shall not give less than # half a shekel, when they give an offering unto the LORD, to make an # atonement for your souls. # # unit P EXO:30:16 Äã_Òª_´Ó_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÊÕ_Õâ_Êê_×ï_Òø_£¬_×÷_Ϊ_»á_Ä»_µÄ_ʹ_ÓÃ_£¬_¿É_ÒÔ ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_Ϊ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_×÷_¼Í_Äî_£¬_Êê_Éú_Ãü_¡£ # # And thou shalt take the atonement money of the children of Israel, # and shalt appoint it for the service of the tabernacle of the # congregation; that it may be a memorial unto the children of Israel # before the LORD, to make an atonement for your souls. # # unit P EXO:30:17 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P EXO:30:18 Äã_Òª_ÓÃ_Í­_×÷_Ï´_åª_Åè_ºÍ_Åè_×ù_£¬_ÒÔ_±ã_Ï´_åª_¡£_Òª_½«_Åè_·Å_ÔÚ_»á Ä»_ºÍ_̳_µÄ_ÖÐ_¼ä_£¬_ÔÚ_Åè_Àï_Ê¢_Ë®_¡£ # # Thou shalt also make a laver of brass, and his foot also of brass, # to wash withal: and thou shalt put it between the tabernacle of the # congregation and the altar, and thou shalt put water therein. # # unit P EXO:30:19 ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_Òª_ÔÚ_Õâ_Åè_Àï_Ï´_ÊÖ_Ï´_½Å_¡£ # # For Aaron and his sons shall wash their hands and their feet # thereat: # # unit P EXO:30:20 Ëû_ÃÇ_½ø_»á_Ä»_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_¾Í_½ü_̳_Ç°_¹©_Ö°_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ï×_»ð_¼À_µÄ_ʱ ºò_£¬_±Ø_ÓÃ_Ë®_Ï´_åª_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_ËÀ_Íö_¡£ # # When they go into the tabernacle of the congregation, they shall # wash with water, that they die not; or when they come near to the # altar to minister, to burn offering made by fire unto the LORD: # # unit P EXO:30:21 Ëû_ÃÇ_Ï´_ÊÖ_Ï´_½Å_¾Í_Ãâ_µÃ_ËÀ_Íö_¡£_Õâ_Òª_×÷_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_ºó_Òá_ÊÀ_ÊÀ ´ú_´ú_ÓÀ_Ô¶_µÄ_¶¨_Àý_¡£ # # So they shall wash their hands and their feet, that they die not: # and it shall be a statute for ever to them, even to him and to his # seed throughout their generations. # # unit P EXO:30:22 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # Moreover the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P EXO:30:23 Äã_Òª_È¡_ÉÏ_Æ·_µÄ_Ïã_ÁÏ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Á÷_ÖÊ_µÄ_û_Ò©_Îå_°Ù_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_£¬_Ïã Èâ_¹ð_Ò»_°ë_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_¶þ_°Ù_Îå_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_£¬_ÝÅ_ÆÑ_¶þ_°Ù_Îå_Ê®_Éá_¿Í ÀÕ_£¬ # # Take thou also unto thee principal spices, of pure myrrh five # hundred shekels, and of sweet cinnamon half so much, even two # hundred and fifty shekels, and of sweet calamus two hundred and # fifty shekels, # # unit P EXO:30:24 ¹ð_Ƥ_Îå_°Ù_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_£¬_¶¼_°´_×Å_Ê¥_Ëù_µÄ_ƽ_£¬_ÓÖ_È¡_éÏ_é­_ÓÍ_Ò»_ÐÀ £¬ # # And of cassia five hundred shekels, after the shekel of the # sanctuary, and of oil olive an hin: # # unit P EXO:30:25 °´_×÷_Ïã_Ö®_·¨_µ÷_ºÍ_×÷_³É_Ê¥_¸à_ÓÍ_¡£ # # And thou shalt make it an oil of holy ointment, an ointment compound # after the art of the apothecary: it shall be an holy anointing oil. # # unit P EXO:30:26 Òª_ÓÃ_Õâ_¸à_ÓÍ_Ĩ_»á_Ä»_ºÍ_·¨_¹ñ_£¬ # # And thou shalt anoint the tabernacle of the congregation therewith, # and the ark of the testimony, # # unit P EXO:30:27 ×À_×Ó_Óë_×À_×Ó_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Æ÷_¾ß_£¬_µÆ_̨_ºÍ_µÆ_̨_µÄ_Æ÷_¾ß_£¬_²¢_Ïã_̳ £¬ # # And the table and all his vessels, and the candlestick and his # vessels, and the altar of incense, # # unit P EXO:30:28 ìÜ_¼À_̳_£¬_ºÍ_̳_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Æ÷_¾ß_£¬_Ï´_åª_Åè_ºÍ_Åè_×ù_¡£ # # And the altar of burnt offering with all his vessels, and the laver # and his foot. # # unit P EXO:30:29 Òª_ʹ_Õâ_Щ_Îï_³É_Ϊ_Ê¥_£¬_ºÃ_³É_Ϊ_ÖÁ_Ê¥_£¬_·²_°¤_×Å_µÄ_¶¼_³É_Ϊ_Ê¥ ¡£ # # And thou shalt sanctify them, that they may be most holy: whatsoever # toucheth them shall be holy. # # unit P EXO:30:30 Òª_¸à_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_ʹ_Ëû_ÃÇ_³É_Ϊ_Ê¥_£¬_¿É_ÒÔ_¸ø_ÎÒ_¹©_¼À ˾_µÄ_Ö°_·Ö_¡£ # # And thou shalt anoint Aaron and his sons, and consecrate them, that # they may minister unto me in the priest's office. # # unit P EXO:30:31 Äã_Òª_¶Ô_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_˵_£¬_Õâ_ÓÍ_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_ÊÀ_ÊÀ_´ú_´ú_ÒÔ_Ϊ_Ê¥_¸à_ÓÍ ¡£ # # And thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel, saying, This shall # be an holy anointing oil unto me throughout your generations. # # unit P EXO:30:32 ²»_¿É_µ¹_ÔÚ_±ð_ÈË_µÄ_Éí_ÉÏ_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_°´_Õâ_µ÷_ºÍ_Ö®_·¨_×÷_Óë_´Ë_Ïà ËÆ_µÄ_¡£_Õâ_¸à_ÓÍ_ÊÇ_Ê¥_µÄ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Ò²_Òª_ÒÔ_Ϊ_Ê¥_¡£ # # Upon man's flesh shall it not be poured, neither shall ye make any # other like it, after the composition of it: it is holy, and it shall # be holy unto you. # # unit P EXO:30:33 ·²_µ÷_ºÍ_Óë_´Ë_Ïà_ËÆ_µÄ_£¬_»ò_½«_Õâ_¸à_¸à_ÔÚ_±ð_ÈË_Éí_ÉÏ_µÄ_£¬_Õâ_ÈË Òª_´Ó_Ãñ_ÖÐ_¼ô_³ý_¡£ # # Whosoever compoundeth any like it, or whosoever putteth any of it # upon a stranger, shall even be cut off from his people. # # unit P EXO:30:34 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Äã_Òª_È¡_Ü°_Ïã_µÄ_Ïã_ÁÏ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÄÃ_Ëû_¸¥ £¬_Ê©_ϲ_ÁÐ_£¬_ϲ_Àû_±È_ÄÃ_£¬_Õâ_Ü°_Ïã_µÄ_Ïã_ÁÏ_ºÍ_¾»_Èé_Ïã_¸÷_Ñù_Òª Ò»_°ã_´ó_µÄ_·Ö_Á¿_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto Moses, Take unto thee sweet spices, stacte, # and onycha, and galbanum; these sweet spices with pure frankincense: # of each shall there be a like weight: # # unit P EXO:30:35 Äã_Òª_ÓÃ_Õâ_Щ_¼Ó_ÉÏ_ÑÎ_£¬_°´_×÷_Ïã_Ö®_·¨_×÷_³É_Çå_¾»_Ê¥_½à_µÄ_Ïã_¡£ # # And thou shalt make it a perfume, a confection after the art of the # apothecary, tempered together, pure and holy: # # unit P EXO:30:36 Õâ_Ïã_Òª_È¡_µã_µ·_µÃ_¼«_ϸ_£¬_·Å_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_ÄÚ_£¬_·¨_¹ñ_Ç°_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_ÔÚ ÄÇ_Àï_Óë_Äã_Ïà_»á_¡£_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_ÒÔ_Õâ_Ïã_Ϊ_ÖÁ_Ê¥_¡£ # # And thou shalt beat some of it very small, and put of it before the # testimony in the tabernacle of the congregation, where I will meet # with thee: it shall be unto you most holy. # # unit P EXO:30:37 Äã_ÃÇ_²»_¿É_°´_Õâ_µ÷_ºÍ_Ö®_·¨_Ϊ_×Ô_¼º_×÷_Ïã_£¬_Òª_ÒÔ_Õâ_Ïã_Ϊ_Ê¥_£¬ ¹é_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # And as for the perfume which thou shalt make, ye shall not make to # yourselves according to the composition thereof: it shall be unto # thee holy for the LORD. # # unit P EXO:30:38 ·²_×÷_Ïã_ºÍ_Õâ_Ïã_Ò»_Ñù_£¬_Ϊ_Òª_ÎÅ_Ïã_ζ_µÄ_£¬_Õâ_ÈË_Òª_´Ó_Ãñ_ÖÐ_¼ô ³ý_¡£ # # Whosoever shall make like unto that, to smell thereto, shall even be # cut off from his people. # ## # chapter 31 EXO:31 # unit P EXO:31:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P EXO:31:2 ¿´_ÄÄ_£¬_ÓÌ_´ó_Ö§_ÅÉ_ÖÐ_£¬_»§_çí_µÄ_Ëï_×Ó_£¬_ÎÚ_Àû_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_±È_Èö_ÁÐ £¬_ÎÒ_ÒÑ_¾­_Ìá_Ëû_µÄ_Ãû_ÕÙ_Ëû_¡£ # # See, I have called by name Bezaleel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, # of the tribe of Judah: # # unit P EXO:31:3 ÎÒ_Ò²_ÒÔ_ÎÒ_µÄ_Áé_³ä_Âú_ÁË_Ëû_£¬_ʹ_Ëû_ÓÐ_ÖÇ_»Û_£¬_ÓÐ_´Ï_Ã÷_£¬_ÓÐ_Öª ʶ_£¬_ÄÜ_×÷_¸÷_Ñù_µÄ_¹¤_£¬ # # And I have filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, and in # understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship, # # unit P EXO:31:4 ÄÜ_Ïë_³ö_ÇÉ_¹¤_£¬_ÓÃ_½ð_£¬_Òø_£¬_Í­_ÖÆ_Ôì_¸÷_Îï_£¬ # # To devise cunning works, to work in gold, and in silver, and in # brass, # # unit P EXO:31:5 ÓÖ_ÄÜ_¿Ì_±¦_ʯ_£¬_¿É_ÒÔ_Ïâ_Ƕ_£¬_ÄÜ_µñ_¿Ì_ľ_Í·_£¬_ÄÜ_×÷_¸÷_Ñù_µÄ_¹¤ ¡£ # # And in cutting of stones, to set them, and in carving of timber, to # work in all manner of workmanship. # # unit P EXO:31:6 ÎÒ_·Ö_ÅÉ_µ«_Ö§_ÅÉ_ÖÐ_£¬_ÑÇ_Ï£_Èö_Ĩ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÑÇ_ºÎ_Àû_ÑÇ_²®_Óë_Ëû_ͬ ¹¤_¡£_·²_ÐÄ_Àï_ÓÐ_ÖÇ_»Û_µÄ_£¬_ÎÒ_¸ü_ʹ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÓÐ_ÖÇ_»Û_£¬_ÄÜ_×÷_ÎÒ_Ò» ÇÐ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_£¬ # # And I, behold, I have given with him Aholiab, the son of Ahisamach, # of the tribe of Dan: and in the hearts of all that are wise hearted # I have put wisdom, that they may make all that I have commanded # thee; # # unit P EXO:31:7 ¾Í_ÊÇ_»á_Ä»_ºÍ_·¨_¹ñ_£¬_²¢_Æä_ÉÏ_µÄ_Ê©_¶÷_×ù_£¬_Óë_»á_Ä»_ÖÐ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ Æ÷_¾ß_£¬ # # The tabernacle of the congregation, and the ark of the testimony, # and the mercy seat that is thereupon, and all the furniture of the # tabernacle, # # unit P EXO:31:8 ×À_×Ó_ºÍ_×À_×Ó_µÄ_Æ÷_¾ß_£¬_¾«_½ð_µÄ_µÆ_̨_ºÍ_µÆ_̨_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Æ÷_¾ß_²¢ Ïã_̳_£¬ # # And the table and his furniture, and the pure candlestick with all # his furniture, and the altar of incense, # # unit P EXO:31:9 ìÜ_¼À_̳_ºÍ_̳_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Æ÷_¾ß_£¬_²¢_Ï´_åª_Åè_Óë_Åè_×ù_£¬ # # And the altar of burnt offering with all his furniture, and the # laver and his foot, # # unit P EXO:31:10 ¾«_¹¤_×÷_µÄ_Àñ_·þ_£¬_ºÍ_¼À_˾_ÑÇ_Â×_²¢_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_ÓÃ_ÒÔ_¹©_¼À_˾_Ö°_·Ö µÄ_Ê¥_ÒÂ_£¬ # # And the cloths of service, and the holy garments for Aaron the # priest, and the garments of his sons, to minister in the priest's # office, # # unit P EXO:31:11 ¸à_ÓÍ_ºÍ_Ϊ_Ê¥_Ëù_ÓÃ_Ü°_Ïã_µÄ_Ïã_ÁÏ_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_¶¼_Òª_ÕÕ_ÎÒ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Ëù_·Ô ¸À_µÄ_È¥_×÷_¡£ # # And the anointing oil, and sweet incense for the holy place: # according to all that I have commanded thee shall they do. # # unit P EXO:31:12 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P EXO:31:13 Äã_Òª_·Ô_¸À_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Îñ_Òª_ÊØ_ÎÒ_µÄ_°²_Ï¢_ÈÕ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ Õâ_ÊÇ_Äã_ÎÒ_Ö®_¼ä_ÊÀ_ÊÀ_´ú_´ú_µÄ_Ö¤_¾Ý_£¬_ʹ_Äã_ÃÇ_Öª_µÀ_ÎÒ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª ÊÇ_½Ð_Äã_ÃÇ_³É_Ϊ_Ê¥_µÄ_¡£ # # Speak thou also unto the children of Israel, saying, Verily my # sabbaths ye shall keep: for it is a sign between me and you # throughout your generations; that ye may know that I am the LORD # that doth sanctify you. # # unit P EXO:31:14 Ëù_ÒÔ_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_ÊØ_°²_Ï¢_ÈÕ_£¬_ÒÔ_Ϊ_Ê¥_ÈÕ_¡£_·²_¸É_·¸_Õâ_ÈÕ_µÄ_£¬_±Ø Òª_°Ñ_Ëû_ÖÎ_ËÀ_£¬_·²_ÔÚ_Õâ_ÈÕ_×÷_¹¤_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_´Ó_Ãñ_ÖÐ_¼ô_³ý_¡£ # # Ye shall keep the sabbath therefore; for it is holy unto you: every # one that defileth it shall surely be put to death: for whosoever # doeth any work therein, that soul shall be cut off from among his # people. # # unit P EXO:31:15 Áù_ÈÕ_Òª_×÷_¹¤_£¬_µ«_µÚ_Æß_ÈÕ_ÊÇ_°²_Ï¢_Ê¥_ÈÕ_£¬_ÊÇ_Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÊØ_Ϊ Ê¥_µÄ_¡£_·²_ÔÚ_°²_Ï¢_ÈÕ_×÷_¹¤_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_Òª_°Ñ_Ëû_ÖÎ_ËÀ_¡£ # # Six days may work be done; but in the seventh is the sabbath of # rest, holy to the LORD: whosoever doeth any work in the sabbath day, # he shall surely be put to death. # # unit P EXO:31:16 ¹Ê_´Ë_£¬_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Òª_ÊÀ_ÊÀ_´ú_´ú_ÊØ_°²_Ï¢_ÈÕ_Ϊ_ÓÀ_Ô¶_µÄ_Ô¼_¡£ # # Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the sabbath, to observe # the sabbath throughout their generations, for a perpetual covenant. # # unit P EXO:31:17 Õâ_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_ºÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÓÀ_Ô¶_µÄ_Ö¤_¾Ý_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Áù_ÈÕ_Ö®_ÄÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª Ôì_Ìì_µØ_£¬_µÚ_Æß_ÈÕ_±ã_°²_Ï¢_Êæ_³©_¡£ # # It is a sign between me and the children of Israel for ever: for in # six days the LORD made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he # rested, and was refreshed. # # unit P EXO:31:18 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÔÚ_Î÷_ÄË_ɽ_ºÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_Íê_ÁË_»°_£¬_¾Í_°Ñ_Á½_¿é_·¨_°æ_½»_¸ø Ëû_£¬_ÊÇ_Éñ_ÓÃ_Ö¸_Í·_д_µÄ_ʯ_°æ_¡£ # # And he gave unto Moses, when he had made an end of communing with # him upon mount Sinai, two tables of testimony, tables of stone, # written with the finger of God. # ## # chapter 32 EXO:32 # unit P EXO:32:1 °Ù_ÐÕ_¼û_Ħ_Î÷_³Ù_ÑÓ_²»_ÏÂ_ɽ_£¬_¾Í_´ó_¼Ò_¾Û_¼¯_µ½_ÑÇ_Â×_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_¶Ô Ëû_˵_£¬_Æð_À´_£¬_Ϊ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_×÷_Éñ_Ïñ_£¬_¿É_ÒÔ_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Ç°_Ãæ_Òý_·_£¬ Òò_Ϊ_Áì_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_³ö_°£_¼°_µØ_µÄ_ÄÇ_¸ö_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_²»_Öª_µÀ_Ëû_Ôâ_ÁË Ê²_ô_ÊÂ_¡£ # # And when the people saw that Moses delayed to come down out of the # mount, the people gathered themselves together unto Aaron, and said # unto him, Up, make us gods, which shall go before us; for as for # this Moses, the man that brought us up out of the land of Egypt, we # wot not what is become of him. # # unit P EXO:32:2 ÑÇ_Â×_¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_È¥_Õª_ÏÂ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÆÞ_×Ó_£¬_¶ù_Å®_¶ú_ÉÏ_µÄ_½ð »·_£¬_ÄÃ_À´_¸ø_ÎÒ_¡£ # # And Aaron said unto them, Break off the golden earrings, which are # in the ears of your wives, of your sons, and of your daughters, and # bring them unto me. # # unit P EXO:32:3 °Ù_ÐÕ_¾Í_¶¼_Õª_ÏÂ_Ëû_ÃÇ_¶ú_ÉÏ_µÄ_½ð_»·_£¬_ÄÃ_À´_¸ø_ÑÇ_Â×_¡£ # # And all the people brake off the golden earrings which were in their # ears, and brought them unto Aaron. # # unit P EXO:32:4 ÑÇ_Â×_´Ó_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÊÖ_Àï_½Ó_¹ý_À´_£¬_Öý_ÁË_Ò»_Ö»_Å£_¶¿_£¬_ÓÃ_µñ_¿Ì_µÄ_Æ÷ ¾ß_×÷_³É_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_˵_£¬_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_°¢_£¬_Õâ_ÊÇ_Áì_Äã_³ö_°£_¼°_µØ_µÄ Éñ_¡£ # # And he received them at their hand, and fashioned it with a graving # tool, after he had made it a molten calf: and they said, These be # thy gods, O Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt. # # unit P EXO:32:5 ÑÇ_Â×_¿´_¼û_£¬_¾Í_ÔÚ_Å£_¶¿_Ãæ_Ç°_Öþ_̳_£¬_ÇÒ_Ðû_¸æ_˵_£¬_Ã÷_ÈÕ_Òª_Ïò Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÊØ_½Ú_¡£ # # And when Aaron saw it, he built an altar before it; and Aaron made # proclamation, and said, To morrow is a feast to the LORD. # # unit P EXO:32:6 ´Î_ÈÕ_Çå_Ôç_£¬_°Ù_ÐÕ_Æð_À´_Ï×_ìÜ_¼À_ºÍ_ƽ_°²_¼À_£¬_¾Í_×ø_ÏÂ_³Ô_ºÈ_£¬ Æð_À´_Íæ_Ë£_¡£ # # And they rose up early on the morrow, and offered burnt offerings, # and brought peace offerings; and the people sat down to eat and to # drink, and rose up to play. # # unit P EXO:32:7 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_ÏÂ_È¥_°É_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Äã_µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Äã ´Ó_°£_¼°_µØ_Áì_³ö_À´_µÄ_£¬_ÒÑ_¾­_°Ü_»µ_ÁË_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto Moses, Go, get thee down; for thy people, # which thou broughtest out of the land of Egypt, have corrupted # themselves: # # unit P EXO:32:8 Ëû_ÃÇ_¿ì_¿ì_Æ«_Àë_ÁË_ÎÒ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_µÀ_£¬_Ϊ_×Ô_¼º_Öý_ÁË_Ò»_Ö»_Å£_¶¿ £¬_Ïò_Ëü_ÏÂ_°Ý_Ï×_¼À_£¬_˵_£¬_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_°¢_£¬_Õâ_¾Í_ÊÇ_Áì_Äã_³ö_°£_¼° µØ_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # They have turned aside quickly out of the way which I commanded # them: they have made them a molten calf, and have worshipped it, and # have sacrificed thereunto, and said, These be thy gods, O Israel, # which have brought thee up out of the land of Egypt. # # unit P EXO:32:9 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_¿´_Õâ_°Ù_ÐÕ_Õæ_ÊÇ_Ó²_×Å_¾±_Ïî_µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto Moses, I have seen this people, and, behold, # it is a stiffnecked people: # # unit P EXO:32:10 Äã_ÇÒ_ÓÉ_×Å_ÎÒ_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_Ïò_Ëû_ÃÇ_·¢_ÁÒ_Å­_£¬_½«_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ãð_¾ø_£¬_ʹ_Äã µÄ_ºó_Òá_³É_Ϊ_´ó_¹ú_¡£ # # Now therefore let me alone, that my wrath may wax hot against them, # and that I may consume them: and I will make of thee a great nation. # # unit P EXO:32:11 Ħ_Î÷_±ã_¿Ò_Çó_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëû_µÄ_Éñ_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_°¢_£¬_Äã_Ϊ_ʲ_ô_Ïò Äã_µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_·¢_ÁÒ_Å­_ÄØ_£¿_Õâ_°Ù_ÐÕ_ÊÇ_Äã_ÓÃ_´ó_Á¦_ºÍ_´ó_ÄÜ_µÄ_ÊÖ_´Ó °£_¼°_µØ_Áì_³ö_À´_µÄ_¡£ # # And Moses besought the LORD his God, and said, LORD, why doth thy # wrath wax hot against thy people, which thou hast brought forth out # of the land of Egypt with great power, and with a mighty hand? # # unit P EXO:32:12 Ϊ_ʲ_ô_ʹ_°£_¼°_ÈË_Òé_ÂÛ_˵_£¬_Ëû_Áì_Ëû_ÃÇ_³ö_È¥_£¬_ÊÇ_Òª_½µ_»ö_Óë Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_°Ñ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ɱ_ÔÚ_ɽ_ÖÐ_£¬_½«_Ëû_ÃÇ_´Ó_µØ_ÉÏ_³ý_Ãð_¡£_Çó_Äã_ת Òâ_£¬_²»_·¢_Äã_µÄ_ÁÒ_Å­_£¬_ºó_»Ú_£¬_²»_½µ_»ö_Óë_Äã_µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_¡£ # # Wherefore should the Egyptians speak, and say, For mischief did he # bring them out, to slay them in the mountains, and to consume them # from the face of the earth? Turn from thy fierce wrath, and repent # of this evil against thy people. # # unit P EXO:32:13 Çó_Äã_¼Ç_Äî_Äã_µÄ_ÆÍ_ÈË_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_£¬_ÒÔ_Èö_£¬_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_¡£_Äã_Ôø_Ö¸ ×Å_×Ô_¼º_Æð_ÊÄ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_ʹ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_ºó_Òá_Ïñ_Ìì_ÉÏ_µÄ_ÐÇ_ÄÇ_Ñù_¶à £¬_²¢_ÇÒ_ÎÒ_Ëù_Ó¦_Ðí_µÄ_Õâ_È«_µØ_£¬_±Ø_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_ºó_Òá_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_Òª ÓÀ_Ô¶_³Ð_ÊÜ_Ϊ_Òµ_¡£ # # Remember Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, thy servants, to whom thou # swarest by thine own self, and saidst unto them, I will multiply # your seed as the stars of heaven, and all this land that I have # spoken of will I give unto your seed, and they shall inherit it for # ever. # # unit P EXO:32:14 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ºó_»Ú_£¬_²»_°Ñ_Ëù_˵_µÄ_»ö_½µ_Óë_Ëû_µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_¡£ # # And the LORD repented of the evil which he thought to do unto his # people. # # unit P EXO:32:15 Ħ_Î÷_ת_Éí_ÏÂ_ɽ_£¬_ÊÖ_Àï_ÄÃ_×Å_Á½_¿é_·¨_°æ_¡£_Õâ_°æ_ÊÇ_Á½_Ãæ_д_µÄ £¬_Õâ_Ãæ_ÄÇ_Ãæ_¶¼_ÓÐ_×Ö_£¬ # # And Moses turned, and went down from the mount, and the two tables # of the testimony were in his hand: the tables were written on both # their sides; on the one side and on the other were they written. # # unit P EXO:32:16 ÊÇ_Éñ_µÄ_¹¤_×÷_£¬_×Ö_ÊÇ_Éñ_д_µÄ_£¬_¿Ì_ÔÚ_°æ_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And the tables were the work of God, and the writing was the writing # of God, graven upon the tables. # # unit P EXO:32:17 Ô¼_Êé_ÑÇ_Ò»_Ìý_¼û_°Ù_ÐÕ_ºô_º°_µÄ_Éù_Òô_£¬_¾Í_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_ÔÚ_Óª_Àï ÓÐ_Õù_Õ½_µÄ_Éù_Òô_¡£ # # And when Joshua heard the noise of the people as they shouted, he # said unto Moses, There is a noise of war in the camp. # # unit P EXO:32:18 Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Õâ_²»_ÊÇ_ÈË_´ò_ʤ_ÕÌ_µÄ_Éù_Òô_£¬_Ò²_²»_ÊÇ_ÈË_´ò_°Ü_ÕÌ_µÄ Éù_Òô_£¬_ÎÒ_Ëù_Ìý_¼û_µÄ_ÄË_ÊÇ_ÈË_¸è_³ª_µÄ_Éù_Òô_¡£ # # And he said, It is not the voice of them that shout for mastery, # neither is it the voice of them that cry for being overcome: but the # noise of them that sing do I hear. # # unit P EXO:32:19 Ħ_Î÷_°¤_½ü_Óª_Ç°_¾Í_¿´_¼û_Å£_¶¿_£¬_ÓÖ_¿´_¼û_ÈË_Ìø_Îè_£¬_±ã_·¢_ÁÒ_Å­ £¬_°Ñ_Á½_¿é_°æ_ÈÓ_ÔÚ_ɽ_ÏÂ_ˤ_Ëé_ÁË_£¬ # # And it came to pass, as soon as he came nigh unto the camp, that he # saw the calf, and the dancing: and Moses' anger waxed hot, and he # cast the tables out of his hands, and brake them beneath the mount. # # unit P EXO:32:20 ÓÖ_½«_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ëù_Öý_µÄ_Å£_¶¿_ÓÃ_»ð_·Ù_ÉÕ_£¬_Ä¥_µÃ_·Û_Ëé_£¬_Èö_ÔÚ_Ë®_Ãæ ÉÏ_£¬_½Ð_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ºÈ_¡£ # # And he took the calf which they had made, and burnt it in the fire, # and ground it to powder, and strawed it upon the water, and made the # children of Israel drink of it. # # unit P EXO:32:21 Ħ_Î÷_¶Ô_ÑÇ_Â×_˵_£¬_Õâ_°Ù_ÐÕ_Ïò_Äã_×÷_ÁË_ʲ_ô_£¿_Äã_¾¹_ʹ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÏÝ ÔÚ_´ó_×ï_Àï_¡£ # # And Moses said unto Aaron, What did this people unto thee, that thou # hast brought so great a sin upon them? # # unit P EXO:32:22 ÑÇ_Â×_˵_£¬_Çó_ÎÒ_Ö÷_²»_Òª_·¢_ÁÒ_Å­_¡£_Õâ_°Ù_ÐÕ_ר_ÓÚ_×÷_¶ñ_£¬_ÊÇ_Äã Öª_µÀ_µÄ_¡£ # # And Aaron said, Let not the anger of my lord wax hot: thou knowest # the people, that they are set on mischief. # # unit P EXO:32:23 Ëû_ÃÇ_¶Ô_ÎÒ_˵_£¬_Äã_Ϊ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_×÷_Éñ_Ïñ_£¬_¿É_ÒÔ_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Ç°_Ãæ_Òý_· £¬_Òò_Ϊ_Áì_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_³ö_°£_¼°_µØ_µÄ_ÄÇ_¸ö_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_²»_Öª_µÀ_Ëû_Ôâ ÁË_ʲ_ô_ÊÂ_¡£ # # For they said unto me, Make us gods, which shall go before us: for # as for this Moses, the man that brought us up out of the land of # Egypt, we wot not what is become of him. # # unit P EXO:32:24 ÎÒ_¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_·²_ÓÐ_½ð_»·_µÄ_¿É_ÒÔ_Õª_ÏÂ_À´_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_¸ø_ÁË_ÎÒ ¡£_ÎÒ_°Ñ_½ð_»·_ÈÓ_ÔÚ_»ð_ÖÐ_£¬_Õâ_Å£_¶¿_±ã_³ö_À´_ÁË_¡£ # # And I said unto them, Whosoever hath any gold, let them break it # off. So they gave it me: then I cast it into the fire, and there # came out this calf. # # unit P EXO:32:25 Ħ_Î÷_¼û_°Ù_ÐÕ_·Å_ËÁ_£¨_ÑÇ_Â×_×Ý_ÈÝ_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_ʹ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_³ð_µÐ_ÖÐ_¼ä ±»_¼¥_´Ì_£©_£¬ # # And when Moses saw that the people were naked; (for Aaron had made # them naked unto their shame among their enemies:) # # unit P EXO:32:26 ¾Í_Õ¾_ÔÚ_Óª_ÃÅ_ÖÐ_£¬_˵_£¬_·²_Êô_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_£¬_¶¼_Òª_µ½_ÎÒ_Õâ_Àï_À´ ¡£_ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Àû_δ_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_¶¼_µ½_Ëû_ÄÇ_Àï_¾Û_¼¯_¡£ # # Then Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and said, Who is on the # LORD's side? let him come unto me. And all the sons of Levi gathered # themselves together unto him. # # unit P EXO:32:27 Ëû_¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_µÄ_Éñ_Õâ_Ñù_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¸÷_ÈË_°Ñ µ¶_¿ç_ÔÚ_Ñü_¼ä_£¬_ÔÚ_Óª_ÖÐ_Íù_À´_£¬_´Ó_Õâ_ÃÅ_µ½_ÄÇ_ÃÅ_£¬_¸÷_ÈË_ɱ_Ëû µÄ_µÜ_ÐÖ_Óë_ͬ_°é_²¢_ÁÚ_Éá_¡£ # # And he said unto them, Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, Put every # man his sword by his side, and go in and out from gate to gate # throughout the camp, and slay every man his brother, and every man # his companion, and every man his neighbour. # # unit P EXO:32:28 Àû_δ_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_ÕÕ_Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_»°_ÐÐ_ÁË_¡£_ÄÇ_Ò»_Ìì_°Ù_ÐÕ_ÖÐ_±»_ɱ_µÄ_Ô¼ ÓÐ_Èý_ǧ_¡£ # # And the children of Levi did according to the word of Moses: and # there fell of the people that day about three thousand men. # # unit P EXO:32:29 Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_½ñ_Ìì_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_×Ô_½à_£¬_¹é_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_Ê¥_£¬_¸÷_ÈË_¹¥_»÷ Ëû_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ºÍ_µÜ_ÐÖ_£¬_ʹ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_´Í_¸£_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_¡£ # # For Moses had said, Consecrate yourselves today to the LORD, even # every man upon his son, and upon his brother; that he may bestow # upon you a blessing this day. # # unit P EXO:32:30 µ½_ÁË_µÚ_¶þ_Ìì_£¬_Ħ_Î÷_¶Ô_°Ù_ÐÕ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_·¸_ÁË_´ó_×ï_¡£_ÎÒ_Èç_½ñ Òª_ÉÏ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÄÇ_Àï_È¥_£¬_»ò_Õß_¿É_ÒÔ_Ϊ_Äã_ÃÇ_Êê_×ï_¡£ # # And it came to pass on the morrow, that Moses said unto the people, # Ye have sinned a great sin: and now I will go up unto the LORD; # peradventure I shall make an atonement for your sin. # # unit P EXO:32:31 Ħ_Î÷_»Ø_µ½_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_˵_£¬_°¦_£¬_Õâ_°Ù_ÐÕ_·¸_ÁË_´ó_×ï_£¬_Ϊ ×Ô_¼º_×÷_ÁË_½ð_Ïñ_¡£ # # And Moses returned unto the LORD, and said, Oh, this people have # sinned a great sin, and have made them gods of gold. # # unit P EXO:32:32 ÌÈ_»ò_Äã_¿Ï_Éâ_Ãâ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_×ï_£¬_¡­_¡­_²»_È»_£¬_Çó_Äã_´Ó_Äã_Ëù_д_µÄ ²á_ÉÏ_Í¿_Ĩ_ÎÒ_µÄ_Ãû_¡£ # # Yet now, if thou wilt forgive their sin--; and if not, blot me, I # pray thee, out of thy book which thou hast written. # # unit P EXO:32:33 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Ë­_µÃ_×ï_ÎÒ_£¬_ÎÒ_¾Í_´Ó_ÎÒ_µÄ_²á_ÉÏ_Í¿_Ĩ_Ë­ µÄ_Ãû_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto Moses, Whosoever hath sinned against me, him # will I blot out of my book. # # unit P EXO:32:34 ÏÖ_ÔÚ_Äã_È¥_Áì_Õâ_°Ù_ÐÕ_£¬_Íù_ÎÒ_Ëù_¸æ_Ëß_Äã_µÄ_µØ_·½_È¥_£¬_ÎÒ_µÄ_ʹ Õß_±Ø_ÔÚ_Äã_Ç°_Ãæ_Òý_·_£¬_Ö»_ÊÇ_µ½_ÎÒ_×·_ÌÖ_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_×·_ÌÖ Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_×ï_¡£ # # Therefore now go, lead the people unto the place of which I have # spoken unto thee: behold, mine Angel shall go before thee: # nevertheless in the day when I visit I will visit their sin upon # them. # # unit P EXO:32:35 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ɱ_°Ù_ÐÕ_µÄ_Ôµ_¹Ê_ÊÇ_Òò_Ëû_ÃÇ_ͬ_ÑÇ_Â×_×÷_ÁË_Å£_¶¿_¡£ # # And the LORD plagued the people, because they made the calf, which # Aaron made. # ## # chapter 33 EXO:33 # unit P EXO:33:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Ôø_Æð_ÊÄ_Ó¦_Ðí_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_£¬_ÒÔ_Èö_£¬ ÑÅ_¸÷_˵_£¬_Òª_½«_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ_´Í_¸ø_Äã_µÄ_ºó_Òá_¡£_ÏÖ_ÔÚ_Äã_ºÍ_Äã_´Ó_°£ ¼°_µØ_Ëù_Áì_³ö_À´_µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_£¬_Òª_´Ó_Õâ_Àï_Íù_ÄÇ_µØ_È¥_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto Moses, Depart, and go up hence, thou and the # people which thou hast brought up out of the land of Egypt, unto the # land which I sware unto Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, saying, # Unto thy seed will I give it: # # unit P EXO:33:2 ÎÒ_Òª_²î_Dz_ʹ_Õß_ÔÚ_Äã_Ç°_Ãæ_£¬_Äì_³ö_åÈ_ÄÏ_ÈË_£¬_ÑÇ_Ħ_Àû_ÈË_£¬_ºÕ ÈË_£¬_±È_Àû_Ï´_ÈË_£¬_Ï£_δ_ÈË_£¬_Ò®_²¼_˹_ÈË_£¬ # # And I will send an angel before thee; and I will drive out the # Canaanite, the Amorite, and the Hittite, and the Perizzite, the # Hivite, and the Jebusite: # # unit P EXO:33:3 Áì_Äã_µ½_ÄÇ_Á÷_ÄÌ_Óë_ÃÛ_Ö®_µØ_¡£_ÎÒ_×Ô_¼º_²»_ͬ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÉÏ_È¥_£¬_Òò_Ϊ Äã_ÃÇ_ÊÇ_Ó²_×Å_¾±_Ïî_µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_£¬_¿Ö_ÅÂ_ÎÒ_ÔÚ_·_ÉÏ_°Ñ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ãð_¾ø_¡£ # # Unto a land flowing with milk and honey: for I will not go up in the # midst of thee; for thou art a stiffnecked people: lest I consume # thee in the way. # # unit P EXO:33:4 °Ù_ÐÕ_Ìý_¼û_Õâ_Ð×_ÐÅ_¾Í_±¯_°§_£¬_Ò²_û_ÓÐ_ÈË_Åå_´÷_×±_ÊÎ_¡£ # # And when the people heard these evil tidings, they mourned: and no # man did put on him his ornaments. # # unit P EXO:33:5 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Äã_¸æ_Ëß_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_˵_£¬_Äã ÃÇ_ÊÇ_Ó²_×Å_¾±_Ïî_µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_£¬_ÎÒ_Èô_Ò»_ö®_ʱ_ÁÙ_µ½_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_£¬_±Ø Ãð_¾ø_Äã_ÃÇ_¡£_ÏÖ_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_°Ñ_Éí_ÉÏ_µÄ_×±_ÊÎ_Õª_ÏÂ_À´_£¬_ʹ_ÎÒ_¿É ÒÔ_Öª_µÀ_Ôõ_Ñù_´ý_Äã_ÃÇ_¡£ # # For the LORD had said unto Moses, Say unto the children of Israel, # Ye are a stiffnecked people: I will come up into the midst of thee # in a moment, and consume thee: therefore now put off thy ornaments # from thee, that I may know what to do unto thee. # # unit P EXO:33:6 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_´Ó_ס_ºÎ_ÁÒ_ɽ_ÒÔ_ºó_£¬_¾Í_°Ñ_Éí_ÉÏ_µÄ_×±_ÊÎ_Õª_µÃ_¸É_¾» ¡£ # # And the children of Israel stripped themselves of their ornaments by # the mount Horeb. # # unit P EXO:33:7 Ħ_Î÷_ËØ_³£_½«_ÕÊ_Åï_Ö§_´î_ÔÚ_Óª_Íâ_£¬_Àë_Óª_È´_Ô¶_£¬_Ëû_³Æ_Õâ_ÕÊ_Åï Ϊ_»á_Ä»_¡£_·²_Çó_ÎÊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_£¬_¾Í_µ½_Óª_Íâ_µÄ_»á_Ä»_ÄÇ_Àï_È¥_¡£ # # And Moses took the tabernacle, and pitched it without the camp, afar # off from the camp, and called it the Tabernacle of the congregation. # And it came to pass, that every one which sought the LORD went out # unto the tabernacle of the congregation, which was without the camp. # # unit P EXO:33:8 µ±_Ħ_Î÷_³ö_Óª_µ½_»á_Ä»_È¥_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_°Ù_ÐÕ_¾Í_¶¼_Æð_À´_£¬_¸÷_ÈË_Õ¾ ÔÚ_×Ô_¼º_ÕÊ_Åï_µÄ_ÃÅ_¿Ú_£¬_Íû_×Å_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_Ö±_µÈ_µ½_Ëû_½ø_ÁË_»á_Ä»_¡£ # # And it came to pass, when Moses went out unto the tabernacle, that # all the people rose up, and stood every man at his tent door, and # looked after Moses, until he was gone into the tabernacle. # # unit P EXO:33:9 Ħ_Î÷_½ø_»á_Ä»_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_ÔÆ_Öù_½µ_ÏÂ_À´_£¬_Á¢_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_µÄ_ÃÅ_Ç°_£¬ Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_±ã_Óë_Ħ_Î÷_˵_»°_¡£ # # And it came to pass, as Moses entered into the tabernacle, the # cloudy pillar descended, and stood at the door of the tabernacle, # and the Lord talked with Moses. # # unit P EXO:33:10 ÖÚ_°Ù_ÐÕ_¿´_¼û_ÔÆ_Öù_Á¢_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_ÃÅ_Ç°_£¬_¾Í_¶¼_Æð_À´_£¬_¸÷_ÈË_ÔÚ_×Ô ¼º_ÕÊ_Åï_µÄ_ÃÅ_¿Ú_ÏÂ_°Ý_¡£ # # And all the people saw the cloudy pillar stand at the tabernacle # door: and all the people rose up and worshipped, every man in his # tent door. # # unit P EXO:33:11 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Óë_Ħ_Î÷_Ãæ_¶Ô_Ãæ_˵_»°_£¬_ºÃ_Ïñ_ÈË_Óë_Åó_ÓÑ_˵_»°_Ò»_°ã_¡£ Ħ_Î÷_ת_µ½_Óª_Àï_È¥_£¬_Ω_ÓÐ_Ëû_µÄ_°ï_ÊÖ_£¬_Ò»_¸ö_ÉÙ_Äê_ÈË_ÄÛ_µÄ_¶ù ×Ó_Ô¼_Êé_ÑÇ_£¬_²»_Àë_¿ª_»á_Ä»_¡£ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto # his friend. And he turned again into the camp: but his servant # Joshua, the son of Nun, a young man, departed not out of the # tabernacle. # # unit P EXO:33:12 Ħ_Î÷_¶Ô_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_˵_£¬_Äã_·Ô_¸À_ÎÒ_˵_£¬_½«_Õâ_°Ù_ÐÕ_Áì_ÉÏ_È¥_£¬_È´ û_ÓÐ_½Ð_ÎÒ_Öª_µÀ_Äã_Òª_´ò_·¢_Ë­_Óë_ÎÒ_ͬ_È¥_£¬_Ö»_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_°´_Äã_µÄ Ãû_ÈÏ_ʶ_Äã_£¬_Äã_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_ÑÛ_Ç°_Ò²_ÃÉ_ÁË_¶÷_¡£ # # And Moses said unto the LORD, See, thou sayest unto me, Bring up # this people: and thou hast not let me know whom thou wilt send with # me. Yet thou hast said, I know thee by name, and thou hast also # found grace in my sight. # # unit P EXO:33:13 ÎÒ_Èç_½ñ_Èô_ÔÚ_Äã_ÑÛ_Ç°_ÃÉ_¶÷_£¬_Çó_Äã_½«_Äã_µÄ_µÀ_Ö¸_ʾ_ÎÒ_£¬_ʹ_ÎÒ ¿É_ÒÔ_ÈÏ_ʶ_Äã_£¬_ºÃ_ÔÚ_Äã_ÑÛ_Ç°_ÃÉ_¶÷_¡£_Çó_Äã_Ïë_µ½_Õâ_Ãñ_ÊÇ_Äã_µÄ Ãñ_¡£ # # Now therefore, I pray thee, if I have found grace in thy sight, shew # me now thy way, that I may know thee, that I may find grace in thy # sight: and consider that this nation is thy people. # # unit P EXO:33:14 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_Ç×_×Ô_ºÍ_Äã_ͬ_È¥_£¬_ʹ_Äã_µÃ_°²_Ï¢_¡£ # # And he said, My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee # rest. # # unit P EXO:33:15 Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Äã_Èô_²»_Ç×_×Ô_ºÍ_ÎÒ_ͬ_È¥_£¬_¾Í_²»_Òª_°Ñ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_´Ó_Õâ_Àï Áì_ÉÏ_È¥_¡£ # # And he said unto him, If thy presence go not with me, carry us not # up hence. # # unit P EXO:33:16 ÈË_ÔÚ_ºÎ_ÊÂ_ÉÏ_µÃ_ÒÔ_Öª_µÀ_ÎÒ_ºÍ_Äã_µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_ÔÚ_Äã_ÑÛ_Ç°_ÃÉ_¶÷_ÄØ_£¿ Æñ_²»_ÊÇ_Òò_Äã_Óë_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ͬ_È¥_£¬_ʹ_ÎÒ_ºÍ_Äã_µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_Óë_µØ_ÉÏ_µÄ_Íò Ãñ_ÓÐ_·Ö_±ð_Âð_£¿ # # For wherein shall it be known here that I and thy people have found # grace in thy sight? is it not in that thou goest with us? so shall # we be separated, I and thy people, from all the people that are upon # the face of the earth. # # unit P EXO:33:17 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Äã_Õâ_Ëù_Çó_µÄ_ÎÒ_Ò²_Òª_ÐÐ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Äã_ÔÚ_ÎÒ ÑÛ_Ç°_ÃÉ_ÁË_¶÷_£¬_²¢_ÇÒ_ÎÒ_°´_Äã_µÄ_Ãû_ÈÏ_ʶ_Äã_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto Moses, I will do this thing also that thou # hast spoken: for thou hast found grace in my sight, and I know thee # by name. # # unit P EXO:33:18 Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Çó_Äã_ÏÔ_³ö_Äã_µÄ_ÈÙ_Ò«_¸ø_ÎÒ_¿´_¡£ # # And he said, I beseech thee, shew me thy glory. # # unit P EXO:33:19 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_ÏÔ_ÎÒ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_¶÷_´È_£¬_ÔÚ_Äã_Ãæ_Ç°_¾­_¹ý_£¬_Ðû ¸æ_ÎÒ_µÄ_Ãû_¡£_ÎÒ_Òª_¶÷_´ý_Ë­_¾Í_¶÷_´ý_Ë­_£¬_Òª_Á¯_Ãõ_Ë­_¾Í_Á¯_Ãõ_Ë­ £¬ # # And he said, I will make all my goodness pass before thee, and I # will proclaim the name of the LORD before thee; and will be gracious # to whom I will be gracious, and will shew mercy on whom I will shew # mercy. # # unit P EXO:33:20 ÓÖ_˵_£¬_Äã_²»_ÄÜ_¿´_¼û_ÎÒ_µÄ_Ãæ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÈË_¼û_ÎÒ_µÄ_Ãæ_²»_ÄÜ_´æ_»î ¡£ # # And he said, Thou canst not see my face: for there shall no man see # me, and live. # # unit P EXO:33:21 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_˵_£¬_¿´_ÄÄ_£¬_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_Õâ_Àï_ÓÐ_µØ_·½_£¬_Äã_Òª_Õ¾_ÔÚ_ÅÍ_ʯ_ÉÏ ¡£ # # And the LORD said, Behold, there is a place by me, and thou shalt # stand upon a rock: # # unit P EXO:33:22 ÎÒ_µÄ_ÈÙ_Ò«_¾­_¹ý_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_½«_Äã_·Å_ÔÚ_ÅÍ_ʯ_Ѩ_ÖÐ_£¬_ÓÃ_ÎÒ µÄ_ÊÖ_ÕÚ_ÑÚ_Äã_£¬_µÈ_ÎÒ_¹ý_È¥_£¬ # # And it shall come to pass, while my glory passeth by, that I will # put thee in a clift of the rock, and will cover thee with my hand # while I pass by: # # unit P EXO:33:23 È»_ºó_ÎÒ_Òª_½«_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÊÖ_ÊÕ_»Ø_£¬_Äã_¾Í_µÃ_¼û_ÎÒ_µÄ_±³_£¬_È´_²»_µÃ_¼û ÎÒ_µÄ_Ãæ_¡£ # # And I will take away mine hand, and thou shalt see my back parts: # but my face shall not be seen. # ## # chapter 34 EXO:34 # unit P EXO:34:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Äã_Òª_Ôä_³ö_Á½_¿é_ʯ_°æ_£¬_ºÍ_ÏÈ_Ç°_Äã_ˤ Ëé_µÄ_ÄÇ_°æ_Ò»_Ñù_£¬_Æä_ÉÏ_µÄ_×Ö_ÎÒ_Òª_д_ÔÚ_Õâ_°æ_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto Moses, Hew thee two tables of stone like unto # the first: and I will write upon these tables the words that were in # the first tables, which thou brakest. # # unit P EXO:34:2 Ã÷_ÈÕ_Ôç_³¿_£¬_Äã_Òª_Ô¤_±¸_ºÃ_ÁË_£¬_ÉÏ_Î÷_ÄË_ɽ_£¬_ÔÚ_ɽ_¶¥_ÉÏ_Õ¾_ÔÚ ÎÒ_Ãæ_Ç°_¡£ # # And be ready in the morning, and come up in the morning unto mount # Sinai, and present thyself there to me in the top of the mount. # # unit P EXO:34:3 Ë­_Ò²_²»_¿É_ºÍ_Äã_Ò»_ͬ_ÉÏ_È¥_£¬_±é_ɽ_¶¼_²»_¿É_ÓÐ_ÈË_£¬_ÔÚ_ɽ_¸ù_Ò² ²»_¿É_½Ð_Ñò_Ⱥ_Å£_Ⱥ_³Ô_²Ý_¡£ # # And no man shall come up with thee, neither let any man be seen # throughout all the mount; neither let the flocks nor herds feed # before that mount. # # unit P EXO:34:4 Ħ_Î÷_¾Í_Ôä_³ö_Á½_¿é_ʯ_°æ_£¬_ºÍ_ÏÈ_Ç°_µÄ_Ò»_Ñù_¡£_Çå_³¿_Æð_À´_£¬_ÕÕ Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_ÉÏ_Î÷_ÄË_ɽ_È¥_£¬_ÊÖ_Àï_ÄÃ_×Å_Á½_¿é_ʯ_°æ_¡£ # # And he hewed two tables of stone like unto the first; and Moses rose # up early in the morning, and went up unto mount Sinai, as the LORD # had commanded him, and took in his hand the two tables of stone. # # unit P EXO:34:5 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÔÚ_ÔÆ_ÖÐ_½µ_ÁÙ_£¬_ºÍ_Ħ_Î÷_Ò»_ͬ_Õ¾_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_Ðû_¸æ_Ò®_ºÍ »ª_µÄ_Ãû_¡£ # # And the LORD descended in the cloud, and stood with him there, and # proclaimed the name of the LORD. # # unit P EXO:34:6 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÔÚ_Ëû_Ãæ_Ç°_Ðû_¸æ_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_ÊÇ_ÓÐ_Á¯_Ãõ ÓÐ_¶÷_µä_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_²»_Çá_Ò×_·¢_Å­_£¬_²¢_ÓÐ_·á_Ê¢_µÄ_´È_°®_ºÍ_³Ï_ʵ_¡£ # # And the LORD passed by before him, and proclaimed, The LORD, The # LORD God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in # goodness and truth, # # unit P EXO:34:7 Ϊ_ǧ_Íò_ÈË_´æ_Áô_´È_°®_£¬_Éâ_Ãâ_×ï_Äõ_£¬_¹ý_·¸_£¬_ºÍ_×ï_¶ñ_£¬_Íò_²» ÒÔ_ÓÐ_×ï_µÄ_Ϊ_ÎÞ_×ï_£¬_±Ø_×·_ÌÖ_Ëû_µÄ_×ï_£¬_×Ô_¸¸_¼°_×Ó_£¬_Ö±_µ½_Èý £¬_ËÄ_´ú_¡£ # # Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression # and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the # iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's # children, unto the third and to the fourth generation. # # unit P EXO:34:8 Ħ_Î÷_¼±_æ_·ü_µØ_ÏÂ_°Ý_£¬ # # And Moses made haste, and bowed his head toward the earth, and # worshipped. # # unit P EXO:34:9 ˵_£¬_Ö÷_°¢_£¬_ÎÒ_Èô_ÔÚ_Äã_ÑÛ_Ç°_ÃÉ_¶÷_£¬_Çó_Äã_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_ͬ_ÐÐ £¬_Òò_Ϊ_Õâ_ÊÇ_Ó²_×Å_¾±_Ïî_µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_¡£_ÓÖ_Çó_Äã_Éâ_Ãâ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_×ï_Äõ ºÍ_×ï_¶ñ_£¬_ÒÔ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Ϊ_Äã_µÄ_²ú_Òµ_¡£ # # And he said, If now I have found grace in thy sight, O LORD, let my # LORD, I pray thee, go among us; for it is a stiffnecked people; and # pardon our iniquity and our sin, and take us for thine inheritance. # # unit P EXO:34:10 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_Á¢_Ô¼_£¬_Òª_ÔÚ_°Ù_ÐÕ_Ãæ_Ç°_ÐÐ_Ææ_Ãî_µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬_ÊÇ ÔÚ_±é_µØ_Íò_¹ú_ÖÐ_Ëù_δ_Ôø_ÐÐ_µÄ_¡£_ÔÚ_Äã_ËÄ_Χ_µÄ_Íâ_°î_ÈË_¾Í_Òª_¿´ ¼û_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_×÷_Ϊ_£¬_Òò_ÎÒ_Ïò_Äã_Ëù_ÐÐ_µÄ_ÊÇ_¿É_η_¾å_µÄ_ÊÂ_¡£ # # And he said, Behold, I make a covenant: before all thy people I will # do marvels, such as have not been done in all the earth, nor in any # nation: and all the people among which thou art shall see the work # of the LORD: for it is a terrible thing that I will do with thee. # # unit P EXO:34:11 ÎÒ_½ñ_Ìì_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Äã_µÄ_£¬_Äã_Òª_½÷_ÊØ_¡£_ÎÒ_Òª_´Ó_Äã_Ãæ_Ç°_Äì_³ö_ÑÇ Ä¦_Àû_ÈË_£¬_åÈ_ÄÏ_ÈË_£¬_ºÕ_ÈË_£¬_±È_Àû_Ï´_ÈË_£¬_Ï£_δ_ÈË_£¬_Ò®_²¼_˹ ÈË_¡£ # # Observe thou that which I command thee this day: behold, I drive out # before thee the Amorite, and the Canaanite, and the Hittite, and the # Perizzite, and the Hivite, and the Jebusite. # # unit P EXO:34:12 Äã_Òª_½÷_É÷_£¬_²»_¿É_Óë_Äã_Ëù_È¥_ÄÇ_µØ_µÄ_¾Ó_Ãñ_Á¢_Ô¼_£¬_¿Ö_ÅÂ_³É_Ϊ Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_µÄ_Íø_ÂÞ_£¬ # # Take heed to thyself, lest thou make a covenant with the inhabitants # of the land whither thou goest, lest it be for a snare in the midst # of thee: # # unit P EXO:34:13 È´_Òª_²ð_»Ù_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_¼À_̳_£¬_´ò_Ëé_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Öù_Ïñ_£¬_¿³_ÏÂ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ ľ_ż_¡£ # # But ye shall destroy their altars, break their images, and cut down # their groves: # # unit P EXO:34:14 ²»_¿É_¾´_°Ý_±ð_Éñ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÊÇ_¼É_а_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_Ãû_Ϊ_¼É_а_Õß ¡£ # # For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is # Jealous, is a jealous God: # # unit P EXO:34:15 Ö»_ÅÂ_Äã_Óë_ÄÇ_µØ_µÄ_¾Ó_Ãñ_Á¢_Ô¼_£¬_°Ù_ÐÕ_Ëæ_´Ó_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_¾Í_ÐРа_Òù_£¬_¼À_ìë_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_ÓÐ_ÈË_½Ð_Äã_£¬_Äã_±ã_³Ô_Ëû_µÄ_¼À_Îï_£¬ # # Lest thou make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land, and they # go a whoring after their gods, and do sacrifice unto their gods, and # one call thee, and thou eat of his sacrifice; # # unit P EXO:34:16 ÓÖ_Ϊ_Äã_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_È¢_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_Ϊ_ÆÞ_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_Ëæ_´Ó_Ëû ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_¾Í_ÐÐ_а_Òù_£¬_ʹ_Äã_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_Ò²_Ëæ_´Ó_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_ÐÐ_а Òù_¡£ # # And thou take of their daughters unto thy sons, and their daughters # go a whoring after their gods, and make thy sons go a whoring after # their gods. # # unit P EXO:34:17 ²»_¿É_Ϊ_×Ô_¼º_Öý_Ôì_Éñ_Ïñ_¡£ # # Thou shalt make thee no molten gods. # # unit P EXO:34:18 Äã_Òª_ÊØ_³ý_½Í_½Ú_£¬_ÕÕ_ÎÒ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Äã_µÄ_£¬_ÔÚ_ÑÇ_±Ê_ÔÂ_ÄÚ_Ëù_¶¨_µÄ ÈÕ_ÆÚ_³Ô_ÎÞ_½Í_±ý_Æß_Ìì_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Äã_ÊÇ_Õâ_ÑÇ_±Ê_ÔÂ_ÄÚ_³ö_ÁË_°£_¼°_¡£ # # The feast of unleavened bread shalt thou keep. Seven days thou shalt # eat unleavened bread, as I commanded thee, in the time of the month # Abib: for in the month Abib thou camest out from Egypt. # # unit P EXO:34:19 ·²_Í·_Éú_µÄ_¶¼_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_µÄ_£¬_Ò»_ÇÐ_Éü_Ðó_Í·_Éú_µÄ_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_Å£_ÊÇ_Ñò £¬_¹«_µÄ_¶¼_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_µÄ_¡£ # # All that openeth the matrix is mine; and every firstling among thy # cattle, whether ox or sheep, that is male. # # unit P EXO:34:20 Í·_Éú_µÄ_¿_Òª_ÓÃ_Ñò_¸á_´ú_Êê_£¬_Èô_²»_´ú_Êê_¾Í_Òª_´ò_ÕÛ_Ëü_µÄ_¾±_Ïî ¡£_·²_Í·_Éú_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_¶¼_Òª_Êê_³ö_À´_¡£_Ë­_Ò²_²»_¿É_¿Õ_ÊÖ_³¯_¼û_ÎÒ_¡£ # # But the firstling of an ass thou shalt redeem with a lamb: and if # thou redeem him not, then shalt thou break his neck. All the # firstborn of thy sons thou shalt redeem. And none shall appear # before me empty. # # unit P EXO:34:21 Äã_Áù_ÈÕ_Òª_×÷_¹¤_£¬_µÚ_Æß_ÈÕ_Òª_°²_Ï¢_£¬_Ëä_ÔÚ_¸û_ÖÖ_ÊÕ_¸î_µÄ_ʱ_ºò Ò²_Òª_°²_Ï¢_¡£ # # Six days thou shalt work, but on the seventh day thou shalt rest: in # earing time and in harvest thou shalt rest. # # unit P EXO:34:22 ÔÚ_ÊÕ_¸î_³õ_Êì_Âó_×Ó_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_Òª_ÊØ_Æß_Æß_½Ú_£¬_ÓÖ_ÔÚ_Äê_µ×_Òª_ÊØ_ÊÕ ²Ø_½Ú_¡£ # # And thou shalt observe the feast of weeks, of the firstfruits of # wheat harvest, and the feast of ingathering at the year's end. # # unit P EXO:34:23 Äã_ÃÇ_Ò»_ÇÐ_ÄÐ_¶¡_Òª_Ò»_Äê_Èý_´Î_³¯_¼û_Ö÷_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # Thrice in the year shall all your menchildren appear before the LORD # God, the God of Israel. # # unit P EXO:34:24 ÎÒ_Òª_´Ó_Äã_Ãæ_Ç°_¸Ï_³ö_Íâ_°î_ÈË_£¬_À©_ÕÅ_Äã_µÄ_¾³_½ç_¡£_Äã_Ò»_Äê_Èý ´Î_ÉÏ_È¥_³¯_¼û_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_±Ø_û_ÓÐ_ÈË_Ì°_Ľ_Äã_µÄ_µØ ÍÁ_¡£ # # For I will cast out the nations before thee, and enlarge thy # borders: neither shall any man desire thy land, when thou shalt go # up to appear before the LORD thy God thrice in the year. # # unit P EXO:34:25 Äã_²»_¿É_½«_ÎÒ_¼À_Îï_µÄ_Ѫ_ºÍ_ÓÐ_½Í_µÄ_±ý_Ò»_ͬ_Ï×_ÉÏ_¡£_Óâ_Ô½_½Ú_µÄ ¼À_Îï_Ò²_²»_¿É_Áô_µ½_Ôç_³¿_¡£ # # Thou shalt not offer the blood of my sacrifice with leaven; neither # shall the sacrifice of the feast of the passover be left unto the # morning. # # unit P EXO:34:26 µØ_Àï_Ê×_ÏÈ_³õ_Êì_Ö®_Îï_Òª_ËÍ_µ½_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_µÄ_µî_¡£_²»_¿É_ÓÃ_ɽ Ñò_¸á_ĸ_µÄ_ÄÌ_Öó_ɽ_Ñò_¸á_¡£ # # The first of the firstfruits of thy land thou shalt bring unto the # house of the LORD thy God. Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his # mother's milk. # # unit P EXO:34:27 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Äã_Òª_½«_Õâ_Щ_»°_д_ÉÏ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_°´ Õâ_»°_Óë_Äã_ºÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Á¢_Ô¼_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto Moses, Write thou these words: for after the # tenor of these words I have made a covenant with thee and with # Israel. # # unit P EXO:34:28 Ħ_Î÷_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÄÇ_Àï_ËÄ_Ê®_Öç_Ò¹_£¬_Ò²_²»_³Ô_·¹_Ò²_²»_ºÈ_Ë®_¡£_Ò® ºÍ_»ª_½«_Õâ_Ô¼_µÄ_»°_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ê®_Ìõ_½ë_£¬_д_ÔÚ_Á½_¿é_°æ_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And he was there with the LORD forty days and forty nights; he did # neither eat bread, nor drink water. And he wrote upon the tables the # words of the covenant, the ten commandments. # # unit P EXO:34:29 Ħ_Î÷_ÊÖ_Àï_ÄÃ_×Å_Á½_¿é_·¨_°æ_ÏÂ_Î÷_ÄË_ɽ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_²»_Öª_µÀ_×Ô_¼º µÄ_Ãæ_Ƥ_Òò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ºÍ_Ëû_˵_»°_¾Í_·¢_ÁË_¹â_¡£ # # And it came to pass, when Moses came down from mount Sinai with the # two tables of testimony in Moses' hand, when he came down from the # mount, that Moses wist not that the skin of his face shone while he # talked with him. # # unit P EXO:34:30 ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÚ_ÈË_¿´_¼û_Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_Ãæ_Ƥ_·¢_¹â_¾Í_ÅÂ_°¤_½ü_Ëû_¡£ # # And when Aaron and all the children of Israel saw Moses, behold, the # skin of his face shone; and they were afraid to come nigh him. # # unit P EXO:34:31 Ħ_Î÷_½Ð_Ëû_ÃÇ_À´_£¬_ÓÚ_ÊÇ_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_»á_ÖÚ_µÄ_¹Ù_³¤_¶¼_µ½_Ëû_ÄÇ_Àï_È¥ £¬_Ħ_Î÷_¾Í_Óë_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_»°_¡£ # # And Moses called unto them; and Aaron and all the rulers of the # congregation returned unto him: and Moses talked with them. # # unit P EXO:34:32 Ëæ_ºó_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÚ_ÈË_¶¼_½ü_Ç°_À´_£¬_Ëû_¾Í_°Ñ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÔÚ_Î÷_ÄË_ɽ_Óë Ëû_Ëù_˵_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_»°_¶¼_·Ô_¸À_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£ # # And afterward all the children of Israel came nigh: and he gave them # in commandment all that the LORD had spoken with him in mount Sinai. # # unit P EXO:34:33 Ħ_Î÷_Óë_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_Íê_ÁË_»°_¾Í_ÓÃ_ÅÁ_×Ó_ÃÉ_ÉÏ_Á³_¡£ # # And till Moses had done speaking with them, he put a vail on his # face. # # unit P EXO:34:34 µ«_Ħ_Î÷_½ø_µ½_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_Óë_Ëû_˵_»°_¾Í_½Ò_È¥_ÅÁ_×Ó_£¬_¼°_ÖÁ_³ö À´_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_±ã_½«_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_¸æ_Ëß_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_¡£ # # But when Moses went in before the LORD to speak with him, he took # the vail off, until he came out. And he came out, and spake unto the # children of Israel that which he was commanded. # # unit P EXO:34:35 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_¿´_¼û_Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_Ãæ_Ƥ_·¢_¹â_¡£_Ħ_Î÷_ÓÖ_ÓÃ_ÅÁ_×Ó_ÃÉ_ÉÏ_Á³ £¬_µÈ_µ½_Ëû_½ø_È¥_Óë_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_˵_»°_£¬_¾Í_½Ò_È¥_ÅÁ_×Ó_¡£ # # And the children of Israel saw the face of Moses, that the skin of # Moses' face shone: and Moses put the vail upon his face again, until # he went in to speak with him. # ## # chapter 35 EXO:35 # unit P EXO:35:1 Ħ_Î÷_ÕÐ_¾Û_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_È«_»á_ÖÚ_£¬_¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Õâ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô ¸À_µÄ_»°_£¬_½Ð_Äã_ÃÇ_ÕÕ_×Å_ÐÐ_£¬ # # And Moses gathered all the congregation of the children of Israel # together, and said unto them, These are the words which the LORD # hath commanded, that ye should do them. # # unit P EXO:35:2 Áù_ÈÕ_Òª_×÷_¹¤_£¬_µÚ_Æß_ÈÕ_ÄË_Ϊ_Ê¥_ÈÕ_£¬_µ±_Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÊØ_Ϊ_°²_Ï¢ Ê¥_ÈÕ_¡£_·²_Õâ_ÈÕ_Ö®_ÄÚ_×÷_¹¤_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_°Ñ_Ëû_ÖÎ_ËÀ_¡£ # # Six days shall work be done, but on the seventh day there shall be # to you an holy day, a sabbath of rest to the LORD: whosoever doeth # work therein shall be put to death. # # unit P EXO:35:3 µ±_°²_Ï¢_ÈÕ_£¬_²»_¿É_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_ס_´¦_Éú_»ð_¡£ # # Ye shall kindle no fire throughout your habitations upon the sabbath # day. # # unit P EXO:35:4 Ħ_Î÷_¶Ô_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_È«_»á_ÖÚ_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_ÊÇ_Õâ_Ñù_£¬ # # And Moses spake unto all the congregation of the children of Israel, # saying, This is the thing which the LORD commanded, saying, # # unit P EXO:35:5 Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_Òª_ÄÃ_Àñ_Îï_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_·²_ÀÖ_Òâ_Ï×_µÄ_¿É_ÒÔ_ÄÃ_Ò® ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_Àñ_Îï_À´_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_½ð_£¬_Òø_£¬_Í­_£¬ # # Take ye from among you an offering unto the LORD: whosoever is of a # willing heart, let him bring it, an offering of the LORD; gold, and # silver, and brass, # # unit P EXO:35:6 À¶_É«_£¬_×Ï_É«_£¬_Öì_ºì_É«_Ïß_£¬_ϸ_Âé_£¬_ɽ_Ñò_ë_£¬ # # And blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine linen, and goats' hair, # # unit P EXO:35:7 Ⱦ_ºì_µÄ_¹«_Ñò_Ƥ_£¬_º£_¹·_Ƥ_£¬_Ôí_¼Ô_ľ_£¬ # # And rams' skins dyed red, and badgers' skins, and shittim wood, # # unit P EXO:35:8 µã_µÆ_µÄ_ÓÍ_£¬_²¢_×÷_¸à_ÓÍ_ºÍ_Ïã_µÄ_Ïã_ÁÏ_£¬ # # And oil for the light, and spices for anointing oil, and for the # sweet incense, # # unit P EXO:35:9 ºì_Âê_è§_Óë_±ð_Ñù_µÄ_±¦_ʯ_£¬_¿É_ÒÔ_Ïâ_Ƕ_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_¸¥_µÃ_ºÍ_ÐØ_ÅÆ_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And onyx stones, and stones to be set for the ephod, and for the # breastplate. # # unit P EXO:35:10 Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_·²_ÐÄ_Àï_ÓÐ_ÖÇ_»Û_µÄ_¶¼_Òª_À´_×÷_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ò»_ÇÐ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À µÄ_£¬ # # And every wise hearted among you shall come, and make all that the # LORD hath commanded; # # unit P EXO:35:11 ¾Í_ÊÇ_ÕÊ_Ä»_ºÍ_ÕÊ_Ä»_µÄ_ÕÖ_Åï_£¬_²¢_ÕÊ_Ä»_µÄ_¸Ç_£¬_¹³_×Ó_£¬_°å_£¬_ãÅ £¬_Öù_×Ó_£¬_´ø_î_µÄ_×ù_£¬ # # The tabernacle, his tent, and his covering, his taches, and his # boards, his bars, his pillars, and his sockets, # # unit P EXO:35:12 ¹ñ_ºÍ_¹ñ_µÄ_¸Ü_£¬_Ê©_¶÷_×ù_ºÍ_ÕÚ_ÑÚ_¹ñ_µÄ_á£_×Ó_£¬ # # The ark, and the staves thereof, with the mercy seat, and the vail # of the covering, # # unit P EXO:35:13 ×À_×Ó_ºÍ_×À_×Ó_µÄ_¸Ü_Óë_×À_×Ó_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Æ÷_¾ß_£¬_²¢_³Â_Éè_±ý_£¬ # # The table, and his staves, and all his vessels, and the shewbread, # # unit P EXO:35:14 µÆ_̨_ºÍ_µÆ_̨_µÄ_Æ÷_¾ß_£¬_µÆ_Õµ_²¢_µã_µÆ_µÄ_ÓÍ_£¬ # # The candlestick also for the light, and his furniture, and his # lamps, with the oil for the light, # # unit P EXO:35:15 Ïã_̳_ºÍ_̳_µÄ_¸Ü_£¬_¸à_ÓÍ_ºÍ_Ü°_Ïã_µÄ_Ïã_ÁÏ_£¬_²¢_ÕÊ_Ä»_ÃÅ_¿Ú_µÄ_Á± ×Ó_£¬ # # And the incense altar, and his staves, and the anointing oil, and # the sweet incense, and the hanging for the door at the entering in # of the tabernacle, # # unit P EXO:35:16 ìÜ_¼À_̳_ºÍ_̳_µÄ_Í­_Íø_£¬_̳_µÄ_¸Ü_²¢_̳_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Æ÷_¾ß_£¬_Ï´_åª_Åè ºÍ_Åè_×ù_£¬ # # The altar of burnt offering, with his brasen grate, his staves, and # all his vessels, the laver and his foot, # # unit P EXO:35:17 Ôº_×Ó_µÄ_á¡_×Ó_ºÍ_á¡_×Ó_µÄ_Öù_×Ó_£¬_´ø_î_µÄ_×ù_ºÍ_Ôº_×Ó_µÄ_ÃÅ_Á±_£¬ # # The hangings of the court, his pillars, and their sockets, and the # hanging for the door of the court, # # unit P EXO:35:18 ÕÊ_Ä»_µÄ_éÓ_×Ó_²¢_Ôº_×Ó_µÄ_éÓ_×Ó_£¬_ºÍ_Õâ_Á½_´¦_µÄ_Éþ_×Ó_£¬ # # The pins of the tabernacle, and the pins of the court, and their # cords, # # unit P EXO:35:19 ¾«_¹¤_×÷_µÄ_Àñ_·þ_ºÍ_¼À_˾_ÑÇ_Â×_²¢_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_ÔÚ_Ê¥_Ëù_ÓÃ_ÒÔ_¹©_¼À_˾ Ö°_·Ö_µÄ_Ê¥_ÒÂ_¡£ # # The cloths of service, to do service in the holy place, the holy # garments for Aaron the priest, and the garments of his sons, to # minister in the priest's office. # # unit P EXO:35:20 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_È«_»á_ÖÚ_´Ó_Ħ_Î÷_Ãæ_Ç°_ÍË_È¥_¡£ # # And all the congregation of the children of Israel departed from the # presence of Moses. # # unit P EXO:35:21 ·²_ÐÄ_Àï_ÊÜ_¸Ð_ºÍ_¸Ê_ÐÄ_ÀÖ_Òâ_µÄ_¶¼_ÄÃ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_Àñ_Îï_À´_£¬_ÓÃ_ÒÔ ×÷_»á_Ä»_ºÍ_Æä_ÖÐ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_ʹ_ÓÃ_£¬_ÓÖ_ÓÃ_ÒÔ_×÷_Ê¥_ÒÂ_¡£ # # And they came, every one whose heart stirred him up, and every one # whom his spirit made willing, and they brought the LORD's offering # to the work of the tabernacle of the congregation, and for all his # service, and for the holy garments. # # unit P EXO:35:22 ·²_ÐÄ_Àï_ÀÖ_Òâ_Ï×_Àñ_Îï_µÄ_£¬_Á¬_ÄÐ_´ø_Å®_£¬_¸÷_½«_½ð_Æ÷_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÐØ Ç°_Õë_£¬_¶ú_»·_£¨_»ò_×÷_±Ç_»·_£©_£¬_´ò_Ó¡_µÄ_½ä_Ö¸_£¬_ºÍ_ÊÖ_îË_´ø_À´ Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # And they came, both men and women, as many as were willing hearted, # and brought bracelets, and earrings, and rings, and tablets, all # jewels of gold: and every man that offered offered an offering of # gold unto the LORD. # # unit P EXO:35:23 ·²_ÓÐ_À¶_É«_£¬_×Ï_É«_£¬_Öì_ºì_É«_Ïß_£¬_ϸ_Âé_£¬_ɽ_Ñò_ë_£¬_Ⱦ_ºì_µÄ ¹«_Ñò_Ƥ_£¬_º£_¹·_Ƥ_µÄ_£¬_¶¼_ÄÃ_ÁË_À´_£¬ # # And every man, with whom was found blue, and purple, and scarlet, # and fine linen, and goats' hair, and red skins of rams, and badgers' # skins, brought them. # # unit P EXO:35:24 ·²_Ï×_Òø_×Ó_ºÍ_Í­_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_Àñ_Îï_µÄ_¶¼_ÄÃ_ÁË_À´_£¬_·²_ÓÐ_Ôí_¼Ô ľ_¿É_×÷_ʲ_ô_ʹ_ÓÃ_µÄ_Ò²_ÄÃ_ÁË_À´_¡£ # # Every one that did offer an offering of silver and brass brought the # LORD's offering: and every man, with whom was found shittim wood for # any work of the service, brought it. # # unit P EXO:35:25 ·²_ÐÄ_ÖÐ_ÓÐ_ÖÇ_»Û_µÄ_¸¾_Å®_Ç×_ÊÖ_·Ä_Ïß_£¬_°Ñ_Ëù_·Ä_µÄ_À¶_É«_£¬_×Ï_É« £¬_Öì_ºì_É«_Ïß_£¬_ºÍ_ϸ_Âé_¶¼_ÄÃ_ÁË_À´_¡£ # # And all the women that were wise hearted did spin with their hands, # and brought that which they had spun, both of blue, and of purple, # and of scarlet, and of fine linen. # # unit P EXO:35:26 ·²_ÓÐ_ÖÇ_»Û_£¬_ÐÄ_Àï_ÊÜ_¸Ð_µÄ_¸¾_Å®_¾Í_·Ä_ɽ_Ñò_ë_¡£ # # And all the women whose heart stirred them up in wisdom spun goats' # hair. # # unit P EXO:35:27 ÖÚ_¹Ù_³¤_°Ñ_ºì_Âê_è§_ºÍ_±ð_Ñù_µÄ_±¦_ʯ_£¬_¿É_ÒÔ_Ïâ_Ƕ_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_¸¥_µÃ_Óë ÐØ_ÅÆ_ÉÏ_µÄ_£¬_¶¼_ÄÃ_ÁË_À´_£¬ # # And the rulers brought onyx stones, and stones to be set, for the # ephod, and for the breastplate; # # unit P EXO:35:28 ÓÖ_ÄÃ_Ïã_ÁÏ_×÷_Ïã_£¬_ÄÃ_ÓÍ_µã_µÆ_£¬_×÷_¸à_ÓÍ_¡£ # # And spice, and oil for the light, and for the anointing oil, and for # the sweet incense. # # unit P EXO:35:29 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÄÐ_Å®_£¬_·²_¸Ê_ÐÄ_ÀÖ_Òâ_Ï×_Àñ_Îï_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ £¬_¶¼_½«_Àñ_Îï_ÄÃ_À´_£¬_×÷_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_½è_Ħ_Î÷_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_¹¤_¡£ # # The children of Israel brought a willing offering unto the LORD, # every man and woman, whose heart made them willing to bring for all # manner of work, which the LORD had commanded to be made by the hand # of Moses. # # unit P EXO:35:30 Ħ_Î÷_¶Ô_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_˵_£¬_ÓÌ_´ó_Ö§_ÅÉ_ÖÐ_£¬_»§_çí_µÄ_Ëï_×Ó_£¬_ÎÚ_Àû µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_±È_Èö_ÁÐ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÒÑ_¾­_Ìá_Ëû_µÄ_Ãû_ÕÙ_Ëû_£¬ # # And Moses said unto the children of Israel, See, the LORD hath # called by name Bezaleel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe # of Judah; # # unit P EXO:35:31 ÓÖ_ÒÔ_Éñ_µÄ_Áé_³ä_Âú_ÁË_Ëû_£¬_ʹ_Ëû_ÓÐ_ÖÇ_»Û_£¬_´Ï_Ã÷_£¬_Öª_ʶ_£¬_ÄÜ ×÷_¸÷_Ñù_µÄ_¹¤_£¬ # # And he hath filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, in # understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship; # # unit P EXO:35:32 ÄÜ_Ïë_³ö_ÇÉ_¹¤_£¬_ÓÃ_½ð_£¬_Òø_£¬_Í­_ÖÆ_Ôì_¸÷_Îï_£¬ # # And to devise curious works, to work in gold, and in silver, and in # brass, # # unit P EXO:35:33 ÓÖ_ÄÜ_¿Ì_±¦_ʯ_£¬_¿É_ÒÔ_Ïâ_Ƕ_£¬_ÄÜ_µñ_¿Ì_ľ_Í·_£¬_ÄÜ_×÷_¸÷_Ñù_µÄ_ÇÉ ¹¤_¡£ # # And in the cutting of stones, to set them, and in carving of wood, # to make any manner of cunning work. # # unit P EXO:35:34 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÓÖ_ʹ_Ëû_£¬_ºÍ_µ«_Ö§_ÅÉ_ÖÐ_ÑÇ_Ï£_Èö_Ĩ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÑÇ_ºÎ_Àû_ÑÇ ²®_£¬_ÐÄ_Àï_Áé_Ã÷_£¬_ÄÜ_½Ì_µ¼_ÈË_¡£ # # And he hath put in his heart that he may teach, both he, and # Aholiab, the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan. # # unit P EXO:35:35 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ʹ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÐÄ_Âú_ÓÐ_ÖÇ_»Û_£¬_ÄÜ_×÷_¸÷_Ñù_µÄ_¹¤_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ µñ_¿Ì_µÄ_¹¤_£¬_ÇÉ_½³_µÄ_¹¤_£¬_ÓÃ_À¶_É«_£¬_×Ï_É«_£¬_Öì_ºì_É«_Ïß_£¬_ºÍ ϸ_Âé_£¬_Ðå_»¨_µÄ_¹¤_£¬_²¢_»ú_½³_µÄ_¹¤_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_¶¼_ÄÜ_×÷_£¬_Ò²_ÄÜ_Ïë ³ö_Ææ_ÇÉ_µÄ_¹¤_¡£ # # Them hath he filled with wisdom of heart, to work all manner of # work, of the engraver, and of the cunning workman, and of the # embroiderer, in blue, and in purple, in scarlet, and in fine linen, # and of the weaver, even of them that do any work, and of those that # devise cunning work. # ## # chapter 36 EXO:36 # unit P EXO:36:1 ±È_Èö_ÁÐ_ºÍ_ÑÇ_ºÎ_Àû_ÑÇ_²®_£¬_²¢_Ò»_ÇÐ_ÐÄ_Àï_ÓÐ_ÖÇ_»Û_µÄ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÃÉ Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_´Í_ÖÇ_»Û_´Ï_Ã÷_£¬_½Ð_Ëû_Öª_µÀ_×÷_Ê¥_Ëù_¸÷_Ñù_ʹ_ÓÃ_Ö®_¹¤_µÄ £¬_¶¼_Òª_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_×÷_¹¤_¡£ # # Then wrought Bezaleel and Aholiab, and every wise hearted man, in # whom the LORD put wisdom and understanding to know how to work all # manner of work for the service of the sanctuary, according to all # that the LORD had commanded. # # unit P EXO:36:2 ·²_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_´Í_Ëû_ÐÄ_Àï_ÓÐ_ÖÇ_»Û_£¬_¶ø_ÇÒ_ÊÜ_¸Ð_Ç°_À´_×÷_Õâ_¹¤_µÄ_£¬ Ħ_Î÷_°Ñ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ºÍ_±È_Èö_ÁÐ_²¢_ÑÇ_ºÎ_Àû_ÑÇ_²®_Ò»_ͬ_ÕÙ_À´_¡£ # # And Moses called Bezaleel and Aholiab, and every wise hearted man, # in whose heart the LORD had put wisdom, even every one whose heart # stirred him up to come unto the work to do it: # # unit P EXO:36:3 Õâ_Щ_ÈË_¾Í_´Ó_Ħ_Î÷_ÊÕ_ÁË_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Ϊ_×÷_Ê¥_Ëù_²¢_Ê¥_Ëù_ʹ_ÓÃ_Ö® ¹¤_Ëù_ÄÃ_À´_µÄ_Àñ_Îï_¡£_°Ù_ÐÕ_ÿ_Ôç_³¿_»¹_°Ñ_¸Ê_ÐÄ_Ï×_µÄ_Àñ_Îï_ÄÃ_À´ ¡£ # # And they received of Moses all the offering, which the children of # Israel had brought for the work of the service of the sanctuary, to # make it withal. And they brought yet unto him free offerings every # morning. # # unit P EXO:36:4 ·²_×÷_Ê¥_Ëù_Ò»_ÇÐ_¹¤_µÄ_ÖÇ_»Û_ÈË_¸÷_¶¼_Àë_¿ª_Ëû_Ëù_×÷_µÄ_¹¤_£¬ # # And all the wise men, that wrought all the work of the sanctuary, # came every man from his work which they made; # # unit P EXO:36:5 À´_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_°Ù_ÐÕ_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_·Ô_¸À_ʹ_ÓÃ_Ö®_¹¤_Ëù_ÄÃ_À´_µÄ_£¬ ¸»_¸»_ÓÐ_Óà_¡£ # # And they spake unto Moses, saying, The people bring much more than # enough for the service of the work, which the LORD commanded to # make. # # unit P EXO:36:6 Ħ_Î÷_´«_Ãü_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_ÔÚ_È«_Óª_ÖÐ_Ðû_¸æ_˵_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÄÐ_Å®_£¬_²»_±Ø ÔÙ_Ϊ_Ê¥_Ëù_ÄÃ_ʲ_ô_Àñ_Îï_À´_¡£_Õâ_Ñù_²Å_À¹_ס_°Ù_ÐÕ_²»_ÔÙ_ÄÃ_Àñ_Îï À´_¡£ # # And Moses gave commandment, and they caused it to be proclaimed # throughout the camp, saying, Let neither man nor woman make any more # work for the offering of the sanctuary. So the people were # restrained from bringing. # # unit P EXO:36:7 Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_²Ä_ÁÏ_¹»_×÷_Ò»_ÇÐ_µ±_×÷_µÄ_Îï_£¬_¶ø_ÇÒ_ÓÐ_Óà_¡£ # # For the stuff they had was sufficient for all the work to make it, # and too much. # # unit P EXO:36:8 Ëû_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_£¬_·²_ÐÄ_Àï_ÓÐ_ÖÇ_»Û_×÷_¹¤_µÄ_£¬_ÓÃ_Ê®_·ù_á£_×Ó_×÷_ÕÊ_Ä» ¡£_Õâ_á£_×Ó_ÊÇ_±È_Èö_ÁÐ_ÓÃ_Äí_µÄ_ϸ_Âé_ºÍ_À¶_É«_£¬_×Ï_É«_£¬_Öì_ºì_É« Ïß_ÖÆ_Ôì_µÄ_£¬_²¢_ÓÃ_ÇÉ_½³_µÄ_ÊÖ_¹¤_Ðå_ÉÏ_»ù_·_²®_¡£ # # And every wise hearted man among them that wrought the work of the # tabernacle made ten curtains of fine twined linen, and blue, and # purple, and scarlet: with cherubims of cunning work made he them. # # unit P EXO:36:9 ÿ_·ù_á£_×Ó_³¤_¶þ_Ê®_°Ë_Öâ_£¬_¿í_ËÄ_Öâ_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_Ò»_Ñù_µÄ_³ß_´ç_¡£ # # The length of one curtain was twenty and eight cubits, and the # breadth of one curtain four cubits: the curtains were all of one # size. # # unit P EXO:36:10 Ëû_ʹ_Õâ_Îå_·ù_á£_×Ó_·ù_·ù_Ïà_Á¬_£¬_ÓÖ_ʹ_ÄÇ_Îå_·ù_á£_×Ó_·ù_·ù_Ïà_Á¬ £¬ # # And he coupled the five curtains one unto another: and the other # five curtains he coupled one unto another. # # unit P EXO:36:11 ÔÚ_Õâ_Ïà_Á¬_µÄ_á£_×Ó_Ä©_·ù_±ß_ÉÏ_×÷_À¶_É«_µÄ_Å¥_¿Û_£¬_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Ïà_Á¬_µÄ á£_×Ó_Ä©_·ù_±ß_ÉÏ_Ò²_ÕÕ_Ñù_×÷_£¬ # # And he made loops of blue on the edge of one curtain from the # selvedge in the coupling: likewise he made in the uttermost side of # another curtain, in the coupling of the second. # # unit P EXO:36:12 ÔÚ_Õâ_Ïà_Á¬_µÄ_á£_×Ó_ÉÏ_×÷_Îå_Ê®_¸ö_Å¥_¿Û_£¬_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Ïà_Á¬_µÄ_á£_×Ó_ÉÏ Ò²_×÷_Îå_Ê®_¸ö_Å¥_¿Û_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_Á½_Á½_Ïà_¶Ô_£¬ # # Fifty loops made he in one curtain, and fifty loops made he in the # edge of the curtain which was in the coupling of the second: the # loops held one curtain to another. # # unit P EXO:36:13 ÓÖ_×÷_Îå_Ê®_¸ö_½ð_¹³_£¬_ʹ_á£_×Ó_Ïà_Á¬_¡£_Õâ_²Å_³É_ÁË_Ò»_¸ö_ÕÊ_Ä»_¡£ # # And he made fifty taches of gold, and coupled the curtains one unto # another with the taches: so it became one tabernacle. # # unit P EXO:36:14 Ëû_ÓÃ_ɽ_Ñò_ë_Ö¯_Ê®_Ò»_·ù_á£_×Ó_£¬_×÷_Ϊ_ÕÊ_Ä»_ÒÔ_ÉÏ_µÄ_ÕÖ_Åï_¡£ # # And he made curtains of goats' hair for the tent over the # tabernacle: eleven curtains he made them. # # unit P EXO:36:15 ÿ_·ù_á£_×Ó_³¤_Èý_Ê®_Öâ_£¬_¿í_ËÄ_Öâ_£¬_Ê®_Ò»_·ù_á£_×Ó_¶¼_ÊÇ_Ò»_Ñù_µÄ ³ß_´ç_¡£ # # The length of one curtain was thirty cubits, and four cubits was the # breadth of one curtain: the eleven curtains were of one size. # # unit P EXO:36:16 Ëû_°Ñ_Îå_·ù_á£_×Ó_Á¬_³É_Ò»_·ù_£¬_ÓÖ_°Ñ_Áù_·ù_á£_×Ó_Á¬_³É_Ò»_·ù_£¬ # # And he coupled five curtains by themselves, and six curtains by # themselves. # # unit P EXO:36:17 ÔÚ_Õâ_Ïà_Á¬_µÄ_á£_×Ó_Ä©_·ù_±ß_ÉÏ_×÷_Îå_Ê®_¸ö_Å¥_¿Û_£¬_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Ïà_Á¬_µÄ á£_×Ó_Ä©_·ù_±ß_ÉÏ_Ò²_×÷_Îå_Ê®_¸ö_Å¥_¿Û_£¬ # # And he made fifty loops upon the uttermost edge of the curtain in # the coupling, and fifty loops made he upon the edge of the curtain # which coupleth the second. # # unit P EXO:36:18 ÓÖ_×÷_Îå_Ê®_¸ö_Í­_¹³_£¬_ʹ_ÕÖ_Åï_Á¬_³É_Ò»_¸ö_£¬ # # And he made fifty taches of brass to couple the tent together, that # it might be one. # # unit P EXO:36:19 ²¢_ÓÃ_Ⱦ_ºì_µÄ_¹«_Ñò_Ƥ_×÷_ÕÖ_Åï_µÄ_¸Ç_£¬_ÔÙ_ÓÃ_º£_¹·_Ƥ_×÷_Ò»_²ã_ÕÖ Åï_ÉÏ_µÄ_¶¥_¸Ç_¡£ # # And he made a covering for the tent of rams' skins dyed red, and a # covering of badgers' skins above that. # # unit P EXO:36:20 Ëû_ÓÃ_Ôí_¼Ô_ľ_×÷_ÕÊ_Ä»_µÄ_Êú_°å_¡£ # # And he made boards for the tabernacle of shittim wood, standing up. # # unit P EXO:36:21 ÿ_¿é_³¤_Ê®_Öâ_£¬_¿í_Ò»_Öâ_°ë_£¬ # # The length of a board was ten cubits, and the breadth of a board one # cubit and a half. # # unit P EXO:36:22 ÿ_¿é_ÓÐ_Á½_é¾_Ïà_¶Ô_¡£_ÕÊ_Ä»_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_°å_¶¼_ÊÇ_Õâ_Ñù_×÷_¡£ # # One board had two tenons, equally distant one from another: thus did # he make for all the boards of the tabernacle. # # unit P EXO:36:23 ÕÊ_Ä»_µÄ_ÄÏ_Ãæ_×÷_°å_¶þ_Ê®_¿é_¡£ # # And he made boards for the tabernacle; twenty boards for the south # side southward: # # unit P EXO:36:24 ÔÚ_Õâ_¶þ_Ê®_¿é_°å_µ×_ÏÂ_ÓÖ_×÷_ËÄ_Ê®_¸ö_´ø_î_µÄ_Òø_×ù_£¬_Á½_î_½Ó_Õâ ¿é_°å_ÉÏ_µÄ_Á½_é¾_£¬_Á½_î_½Ó_ÄÇ_¿é_°å_ÉÏ_µÄ_Á½_é¾_¡£ # # And forty sockets of silver he made under the twenty boards; two # sockets under one board for his two tenons, and two sockets under # another board for his two tenons. # # unit P EXO:36:25 ÕÊ_Ä»_µÄ_µÚ_¶þ_Ãæ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_±±_Ãæ_£¬_Ò²_×÷_°å_¶þ_Ê®_¿é # # And for the other side of the tabernacle, which is toward the north # corner, he made twenty boards, # # unit P EXO:36:26 ºÍ_´ø_î_µÄ_Òø_×ù_ËÄ_Ê®_¸ö_£¬_Õâ_°å_µ×_ÏÂ_ÓÐ_Á½_î_£¬_ÄÇ_°å_µ×_ÏÂ_Ò² ÓÐ_Á½_î_¡£ # # And their forty sockets of silver; two sockets under one board, and # two sockets under another board. # # unit P EXO:36:27 ÕÊ_Ä»_µÄ_ºó_Ãæ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Î÷_Ãæ_£¬_×÷_°å_Áù_¿é_¡£ # # And for the sides of the tabernacle westward he made six boards. # # unit P EXO:36:28 ÕÊ_Ä»_ºó_Ãæ_µÄ_¹Õ_½Ç_×÷_°å_Á½_¿é_¡£ # # And two boards made he for the corners of the tabernacle in the two # sides. # # unit P EXO:36:29 °å_µÄ_ÏÂ_°ë_½Ø_ÊÇ_Ë«_µÄ_£¬_ÉÏ_°ë_½Ø_ÊÇ_Õû_µÄ_£¬_Ö±_µ½_µÚ_Ò»_¸ö_»·_×Ó £¬_ÔÚ_ÕÊ_Ä»_µÄ_Á½_¸ö_¹Õ_½Ç_ÉÏ_¶¼_ÊÇ_Õâ_Ñù_×÷_¡£ # # And they were coupled beneath, and coupled together at the head # thereof, to one ring: thus he did to both of them in both the # corners. # # unit P EXO:36:30 ÓÐ_°Ë_¿é_°å_ºÍ_Ê®_Áù_¸ö_´ø_î_µÄ_Òø_×ù_£¬_ÿ_¿é_°å_µ×_ÏÂ_ÓÐ_Á½_î_¡£ # # And there were eight boards; and their sockets were sixteen sockets # of silver, under every board two sockets. # # unit P EXO:36:31 Ëû_ÓÃ_Ôí_¼Ô_ľ_×÷_ãÅ_£¬_Ϊ_ÕÊ_Ä»_Õâ_Ãæ_µÄ_°å_×÷_Îå_ãÅ_£¬ # # And he made bars of shittim wood; five for the boards of the one # side of the tabernacle, # # unit P EXO:36:32 Ϊ_ÕÊ_Ä»_ÄÇ_Ãæ_µÄ_°å_×÷_Îå_ãÅ_£¬_ÓÖ_Ϊ_ÕÊ_Ä»_ºó_Ãæ_µÄ_°å_×÷_Îå_ãÅ_£¬ # # And five bars for the boards of the other side of the tabernacle, # and five bars for the boards of the tabernacle for the sides # westward. # # unit P EXO:36:33 ʹ_°å_Ñü_¼ä_µÄ_ÖÐ_ãÅ_´Ó_Õâ_Ò»_Í·_ͨ_µ½_ÄÇ_Ò»_Í·_¡£ # # And he made the middle bar to shoot through the boards from the one # end to the other. # # unit P EXO:36:34 ÓÃ_½ð_×Ó_½«_°å_°ü_¹ü_£¬_ÓÖ_×÷_°å_ÉÏ_µÄ_½ð_»·_Ì×_ãÅ_£¬_ãÅ_Ò²_ÓÃ_½ð_×Ó °ü_¹ü_¡£ # # And he overlaid the boards with gold, and made their rings of gold # to be places for the bars, and overlaid the bars with gold. # # unit P EXO:36:35 Ëû_ÓÃ_À¶_É«_£¬_×Ï_É«_£¬_Öì_ºì_É«_Ïß_£¬_ºÍ_Äí_µÄ_ϸ_Âé_Ö¯_á£_×Ó_£¬_ÒÔ ÇÉ_½³_µÄ_ÊÖ_¹¤_Ðå_ÉÏ_»ù_·_²®_¡£ # # And he made a vail of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined # linen: with cherubims made he it of cunning work. # # unit P EXO:36:36 Ϊ_á£_×Ó_×÷_ËÄ_¸ù_Ôí_¼Ô_ľ_Öù_×Ó_£¬_ÓÃ_½ð_°ü_¹ü_£¬_Öù_×Ó_ÉÏ_ÓÐ_½ð_¹³ £¬_ÓÖ_Ϊ_Öù_×Ó_Öý_ÁË_ËÄ_¸ö_´ø_î_µÄ_Òø_×ù_¡£ # # And he made thereunto four pillars of shittim wood, and overlaid # them with gold: their hooks were of gold; and he cast for them four # sockets of silver. # # unit P EXO:36:37 ÄÃ_À¶_É«_£¬_×Ï_É«_£¬_Öì_ºì_É«_Ïß_£¬_ºÍ_Äí_µÄ_ϸ_Âé_£¬_ÓÃ_Ðå_»¨_µÄ_ÊÖ ¹¤_Ö¯_ÕÊ_Ä»_µÄ_ÃÅ_Á±_£¬ # # And he made an hanging for the tabernacle door of blue, and purple, # and scarlet, and fine twined linen, of needlework; # # unit P EXO:36:38 ÓÖ_Ϊ_Á±_×Ó_×÷_Îå_¸ù_Öù_×Ó_ºÍ_Öù_×Ó_ÉÏ_µÄ_¹³_×Ó_£¬_ÓÃ_½ð_×Ó_°Ñ_Öù_¶¥ ºÍ_Öù_×Ó_ÉÏ_µÄ_¸Ë_×Ó_°ü_¹ü_¡£_Öù_×Ó_ÓÐ_Îå_¸ö_´ø_î_µÄ_×ù_£¬_ÊÇ_Í­_µÄ ¡£ # # And the five pillars of it with their hooks: and he overlaid their # chapiters and their fillets with gold: but their five sockets were # of brass. # ## # chapter 37 EXO:37 # unit P EXO:37:1 ±È_Èö_ÁÐ_ÓÃ_Ôí_¼Ô_ľ_×÷_¹ñ_£¬_³¤_¶þ_Öâ_°ë_£¬_¿í_Ò»_Öâ_°ë_£¬_¸ß_Ò»_Öâ °ë_¡£ # # And Bezaleel made the ark of shittim wood: two cubits and a half was # the length of it, and a cubit and a half the breadth of it, and a # cubit and a half the height of it: # # unit P EXO:37:2 Àï_Íâ_°ü_ÉÏ_¾«_½ð_£¬_ËÄ_Χ_Ïâ_ÉÏ_½ð_ÑÀ_±ß_£¬ # # And he overlaid it with pure gold within and without, and made a # crown of gold to it round about. # # unit P EXO:37:3 ÓÖ_Öý_ËÄ_¸ö_½ð_»·_£¬_°²_ÔÚ_¹ñ_µÄ_ËÄ_½Å_ÉÏ_£¬_Õâ_±ß_Á½_»·_£¬_ÄÇ_±ß_Á½ »·_¡£ # # And he cast for it four rings of gold, to be set by the four corners # of it; even two rings upon the one side of it, and two rings upon # the other side of it. # # unit P EXO:37:4 ÓÃ_Ôí_¼Ô_ľ_×÷_Á½_¸ù_¸Ü_£¬_ÓÃ_½ð_°ü_¹ü_¡£ # # And he made staves of shittim wood, and overlaid them with gold. # # unit P EXO:37:5 °Ñ_¸Ü_´©_ÔÚ_¹ñ_ÅÔ_µÄ_»·_ÄÚ_£¬_ÒÔ_±ã_̧_¹ñ_¡£ # # And he put the staves into the rings by the sides of the ark, to # bear the ark. # # unit P EXO:37:6 ÓÃ_¾«_½ð_×÷_Ê©_¶÷_×ù_£¬_³¤_¶þ_Öâ_°ë_£¬_¿í_Ò»_Öâ_°ë_¡£ # # And he made the mercy seat of pure gold: two cubits and a half was # the length thereof, and one cubit and a half the breadth thereof. # # unit P EXO:37:7 ÓÃ_½ð_×Ó_´¸_³ö_Á½_¸ö_»ù_·_²®_À´_£¬_°²_ÔÚ_Ê©_¶÷_×ù_µÄ_Á½_Í·_£¬ # # And he made two cherubims of gold, beaten out of one piece made he # them, on the two ends of the mercy seat; # # unit P EXO:37:8 Õâ_Í·_×÷_Ò»_¸ö_»ù_·_²®_£¬_ÄÇ_Í·_×÷_Ò»_¸ö_»ù_·_²®_£¬_¶þ_»ù_·_²®_½Ó Á¬_Ò»_¿é_£¬_ÔÚ_Ê©_¶÷_×ù_µÄ_Á½_Í·_¡£ # # One cherub on the end on this side, and another cherub on the other # end on that side: out of the mercy seat made he the cherubims on the # two ends thereof. # # unit P EXO:37:9 ¶þ_»ù_·_²®_¸ß_ÕÅ_³á_°ò_£¬_ÕÚ_ÑÚ_Ê©_¶÷_×ù_£¬_»ù_·_²®_ÊÇ_Á³_¶Ô_Á³_£¬ ³¯_×Å_Ê©_¶÷_×ù_¡£ # # And the cherubims spread out their wings on high, and covered with # their wings over the mercy seat, with their faces one to another; # even to the mercy seatward were the faces of the cherubims. # # unit P EXO:37:10 Ëû_ÓÃ_Ôí_¼Ô_ľ_×÷_Ò»_ÕÅ_×À_×Ó_£¬_³¤_¶þ_Öâ_£¬_¿í_Ò»_Öâ_£¬_¸ß_Ò»_Öâ_°ë £¬ # # And he made the table of shittim wood: two cubits was the length # thereof, and a cubit the breadth thereof, and a cubit and a half the # height thereof: # # unit P EXO:37:11 ÓÖ_°ü_ÉÏ_¾«_½ð_£¬_ËÄ_Χ_Ïâ_ÉÏ_½ð_ÑÀ_±ß_¡£ # # And he overlaid it with pure gold, and made thereunto a crown of # gold round about. # # unit P EXO:37:12 ×À_×Ó_µÄ_ËÄ_Χ_¸÷_×÷_Ò»_ÕÆ_¿í_µÄ_ºá_Áº_£¬_ºá_Áº_ÉÏ_Ïâ_×Å_½ð_ÑÀ_±ß_£¬ # # Also he made thereunto a border of an handbreadth round about; and # made a crown of gold for the border thereof round about. # # unit P EXO:37:13 ÓÖ_Öý_ÁË_ËÄ_¸ö_½ð_»·_£¬_°²_ÔÚ_×À_×Ó_ËÄ_½Å_µÄ_ËÄ_½Ç_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And he cast for it four rings of gold, and put the rings upon the # four corners that were in the four feet thereof. # # unit P EXO:37:14 °²_»·_×Ó_µÄ_µØ_·½_ÊÇ_°¤_½ü_ºá_Áº_£¬_¿É_ÒÔ_´©_¸Ü_̧_×À_×Ó_¡£ # # Over against the border were the rings, the places for the staves to # bear the table. # # unit P EXO:37:15 Ëû_ÓÃ_Ôí_¼Ô_ľ_×÷_Á½_¸ù_¸Ü_£¬_ÓÃ_½ð_°ü_¹ü_£¬_ÒÔ_±ã_̧_×À_×Ó_£¬ # # And he made the staves of shittim wood, and overlaid them with gold, # to bear the table. # # unit P EXO:37:16 ÓÖ_ÓÃ_¾«_½ð_×÷_×À_×Ó_ÉÏ_µÄ_Æ÷_Ãó_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÅÌ_×Ó_£¬_µ÷_¸þ_£¬_²¢_µì_¾Æ µÄ_Æ¿_ºÍ_¾ô_¡£ # # And he made the vessels which were upon the table, his dishes, and # his spoons, and his bowls, and his covers to cover withal, of pure # gold. # # unit P EXO:37:17 Ëû_ÓÃ_¾«_½ð_×÷_Ò»_¸ö_µÆ_̨_£¬_Õâ_µÆ_̨_µÄ_×ù_ºÍ_¸É_£¬_Óë_±­_£¬_Çò_£¬ »¨_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_½Ó_Á¬_Ò»_¿é_´¸_³ö_À´_µÄ_¡£ # # And he made the candlestick of pure gold: of beaten work made he the # candlestick; his shaft, and his branch, his bowls, his knops, and # his flowers, were of the same: # # unit P EXO:37:18 µÆ_̨_Á½_ÅÔ_è¾_³ö_Áù_¸ö_Ö¦_×Ó_£¬_Õâ_ÅÔ_Èý_¸ö_£¬_ÄÇ_ÅÔ_Èý_¸ö_¡£ # # And six branches going out of the sides thereof; three branches of # the candlestick out of the one side thereof, and three branches of # the candlestick out of the other side thereof: # # unit P EXO:37:19 Õâ_ÅÔ_ÿ_Ö¦_ÉÏ_ÓÐ_Èý_¸ö_±­_£¬_ÐÎ_×´_Ïñ_ÐÓ_»¨_£¬_ÓÐ_Çò_ÓÐ_»¨_£¬_ÄÇ_ÅÔ Ã¿_Ö¦_ÉÏ_Ò²_ÓÐ_Èý_¸ö_±­_£¬_ÐÎ_×´_Ïñ_ÐÓ_»¨_£¬_ÓÐ_Çò_ÓÐ_»¨_¡£_´Ó_µÆ_̨ è¾_³ö_À´_µÄ_Áù_¸ö_Ö¦_×Ó_¶¼_ÊÇ_Èç_´Ë_¡£ # # Three bowls made after the fashion of almonds in one branch, a knop # and a flower; and three bowls made like almonds in another branch, a # knop and a flower: so throughout the six branches going out of the # candlestick. # # unit P EXO:37:20 µÆ_̨_ÉÏ_ÓÐ_ËÄ_¸ö_±­_£¬_ÐÎ_×´_Ïñ_ÐÓ_»¨_£¬_ÓÐ_Çò_ÓÐ_»¨_¡£ # # And in the candlestick were four bowls made like almonds, his knops, # and his flowers: # # unit P EXO:37:21 µÆ_̨_ÿ_Á½_¸ö_Ö¦_×Ó_ÒÔ_ÏÂ_ÓÐ_Çò_£¬_Óë_Ö¦_×Ó_½Ó_Á¬_Ò»_¿é_£¬_µÆ_̨_è¾ ³ö_µÄ_Áù_¸ö_Ö¦_×Ó_¶¼_ÊÇ_Èç_´Ë_¡£ # # And a knop under two branches of the same, and a knop under two # branches of the same, and a knop under two branches of the same, # according to the six branches going out of it. # # unit P EXO:37:22 Çò_ºÍ_Ö¦_×Ó_ÊÇ_½Ó_Á¬_Ò»_¿é_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_Ò»_¿é_¾«_½ð_´¸_³ö_À´_µÄ_¡£ # # Their knops and their branches were of the same: all of it was one # beaten work of pure gold. # # unit P EXO:37:23 ÓÃ_¾«_½ð_×÷_µÆ_̨_µÄ_Æß_¸ö_µÆ_Õµ_£¬_²¢_µÆ_̨_µÄ_À¯_¼ô_ºÍ_À¯_»¨_ÅÌ_¡£ # # And he made his seven lamps, and his snuffers, and his snuffdishes, # of pure gold. # # unit P EXO:37:24 Ëû_ÓÃ_¾«_½ð_Ò»_Ëû_Á¬_µÃ_×÷_µÆ_̨_ºÍ_µÆ_̨_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Æ÷_¾ß_¡£ # # Of a talent of pure gold made he it, and all the vessels thereof. # # unit P EXO:37:25 Ëû_ÓÃ_Ôí_¼Ô_ľ_×÷_Ïã_̳_£¬_ÊÇ_ËÄ_·½_µÄ_£¬_³¤_Ò»_Öâ_£¬_¿í_Ò»_Öâ_£¬_¸ß ¶þ_Öâ_£¬_̳_µÄ_ËÄ_½Ç_Óë_̳_½Ó_Á¬_Ò»_¿é_£¬ # # And he made the incense altar of shittim wood: the length of it was # a cubit, and the breadth of it a cubit; it was foursquare; and two # cubits was the height of it; the horns thereof were of the same. # # unit P EXO:37:26 ÓÖ_ÓÃ_¾«_½ð_°Ñ_̳_µÄ_ÉÏ_Ãæ_Óë_̳_µÄ_ËÄ_Ãæ_²¢_̳_µÄ_ËÄ_½Ç_°ü_¹ü_£¬_ÓÖ ÔÚ_̳_µÄ_ËÄ_Χ_Ïâ_ÉÏ_½ð_ÑÀ_±ß_¡£ # # And he overlaid it with pure gold, both the top of it, and the sides # thereof round about, and the horns of it: also he made unto it a # crown of gold round about. # # unit P EXO:37:27 ×÷_Á½_¸ö_½ð_»·_£¬_°²_ÔÚ_ÑÀ_×Ó_±ß_ÒÔ_ÏÂ_£¬_ÔÚ_̳_µÄ_Á½_ÅÔ_£¬_Á½_¸ù_ºá ³Å_ÉÏ_£¬_×÷_Ϊ_´©_¸Ü_µÄ_ÓÃ_´¦_£¬_ÒÔ_±ã_̧_̳_¡£ # # And he made two rings of gold for it under the crown thereof, by the # two corners of it, upon the two sides thereof, to be places for the # staves to bear it withal. # # unit P EXO:37:28 ÓÃ_Ôí_¼Ô_ľ_×÷_¸Ü_£¬_ÓÃ_½ð_°ü_¹ü_¡£ # # And he made the staves of shittim wood, and overlaid them with gold. # # unit P EXO:37:29 ÓÖ_°´_×÷_Ïã_Ö®_·¨_×÷_Ê¥_¸à_ÓÍ_ºÍ_Ü°_Ïã_ÁÏ_µÄ_¾»_Ïã_¡£ # # And he made the holy anointing oil, and the pure incense of sweet # spices, according to the work of the apothecary. # ## # chapter 38 EXO:38 # unit P EXO:38:1 Ëû_ÓÃ_Ôí_¼Ô_ľ_×÷_ìÜ_¼À_̳_£¬_ÊÇ_ËÄ_·½_µÄ_£¬_³¤_Îå_Öâ_£¬_¿í_Îå_Öâ_£¬ ¸ß_Èý_Öâ_£¬ # # And he made the altar of burnt offering of shittim wood: five cubits # was the length thereof, and five cubits the breadth thereof; it was # foursquare; and three cubits the height thereof. # # unit P EXO:38:2 ÔÚ_̳_µÄ_ËÄ_¹Õ_½Ç_ÉÏ_×÷_ËÄ_¸ö_½Ç_£¬_Óë_̳_½Ó_Á¬_Ò»_¿é_£¬_ÓÃ_Í­_°Ñ_̳ °ü_¹ü_¡£ # # And he made the horns thereof on the four corners of it; the horns # thereof were of the same: and he overlaid it with brass. # # unit P EXO:38:3 Ëû_×÷_̳_ÉÏ_µÄ_Åè_£¬_²ù_×Ó_£¬_ÅÌ_×Ó_£¬_Èâ_ïÊ_×Ó_£¬_»ð_¶¦_£¬_Õâ_Ò»_ÇÐ Æ÷_¾ß_¶¼_ÊÇ_ÓÃ_Í­_×÷_µÄ_¡£ # # And he made all the vessels of the altar, the pots, and the shovels, # and the basons, and the fleshhooks, and the firepans: all the # vessels thereof made he of brass. # # unit P EXO:38:4 ÓÖ_Ϊ_̳_×÷_Ò»_¸ö_Í­_Íø_£¬_°²_ÔÚ_̳_ËÄ_Ãæ_µÄ_Χ_Ñü_°å_ÒÔ_ÏÂ_£¬_´Ó_Ï ´ï_µ½_̳_µÄ_°ë_Ñü_¡£ # # And he made for the altar a brasen grate of network under the # compass thereof beneath unto the midst of it. # # unit P EXO:38:5 Ϊ_Í­_Íø_µÄ_ËÄ_½Ç_Öý_ËÄ_¸ö_»·_×Ó_£¬_×÷_Ϊ_´©_¸Ü_µÄ_ÓÃ_´¦_¡£ # # And he cast four rings for the four ends of the grate of brass, to # be places for the staves. # # unit P EXO:38:6 ÓÃ_Ôí_¼Ô_ľ_×÷_¸Ü_£¬_ÓÃ_Í­_°ü_¹ü_£¬ # # And he made the staves of shittim wood, and overlaid them with # brass. # # unit P EXO:38:7 °Ñ_¸Ü_´©_ÔÚ_̳_Á½_ÅÔ_µÄ_»·_×Ó_ÄÚ_£¬_ÓÃ_ÒÔ_̧_̳_£¬_²¢_ÓÃ_°å_×÷_̳_£¬ ̳_ÊÇ_¿Õ_µÄ_¡£ # # And he put the staves into the rings on the sides of the altar, to # bear it withal; he made the altar hollow with boards. # # unit P EXO:38:8 Ëû_ÓÃ_Í­_×÷_Ï´_åª_Åè_ºÍ_Åè_×ù_£¬_ÊÇ_ÓÃ_»á_Ä»_ÃÅ_Ç°_ËÅ_ºò_µÄ_¸¾_ÈË_Ö® ¾µ_×Ó_×÷_µÄ_¡£ # # And he made the laver of brass, and the foot of it of brass, of the # lookingglasses of the women assembling, which assembled at the door # of the tabernacle of the congregation. # # unit P EXO:38:9 Ëû_×÷_ÕÊ_Ä»_µÄ_Ôº_×Ó_¡£_Ôº_×Ó_µÄ_ÄÏ_Ãæ_ÓÃ_Äí_µÄ_ϸ_Âé_×÷_á¡_×Ó_£¬_¿í Ò»_°Ù_Öâ_¡£ # # And he made the court: on the south side southward the hangings of # the court were of fine twined linen, an hundred cubits: # # unit P EXO:38:10 á¡_×Ó_µÄ_Öù_×Ó_¶þ_Ê®_¸ù_£¬_´ø_î_µÄ_Í­_×ù_¶þ_Ê®_¸ö_£¬_Öù_×Ó_ÉÏ_µÄ_¹³ ×Ó_ºÍ_¸Ë_×Ó_¶¼_ÊÇ_ÓÃ_Òø_×Ó_×÷_µÄ_¡£ # # Their pillars were twenty, and their brasen sockets twenty; the # hooks of the pillars and their fillets were of silver. # # unit P EXO:38:11 ±±_Ãæ_Ò²_ÓÐ_á¡_×Ó_£¬_¿í_Ò»_°Ù_Öâ_¡£_á¡_×Ó_µÄ_Öù_×Ó_¶þ_Ê®_¸ù_£¬_´ø_î µÄ_Í­_×ù_¶þ_Ê®_¸ö_£¬_Öù_×Ó_ÉÏ_µÄ_¹³_×Ó_ºÍ_¸Ë_×Ó_¶¼_ÊÇ_ÓÃ_Òø_×Ó_×÷_µÄ ¡£ # # And for the north side the hangings were an hundred cubits, their # pillars were twenty, and their sockets of brass twenty; the hooks of # the pillars and their fillets of silver. # # unit P EXO:38:12 Ôº_×Ó_µÄ_Î÷_Ãæ_ÓÐ_á¡_×Ó_£¬_¿í_Îå_Ê®_Öâ_¡£_á¡_×Ó_µÄ_Öù_×Ó_Ê®_¸ù_£¬_´ø î_µÄ_×ù_Ê®_¸ö_£¬_Öù_×Ó_µÄ_¹³_×Ó_ºÍ_¸Ë_×Ó_¶¼_ÊÇ_ÓÃ_Òø_×Ó_×÷_µÄ_¡£ # # And for the west side were hangings of fifty cubits, their pillars # ten, and their sockets ten; the hooks of the pillars and their # fillets of silver. # # unit P EXO:38:13 Ôº_×Ó_µÄ_¶«_Ãæ_£¬_¿í_Îå_Ê®_Öâ_¡£ # # And for the east side eastward fifty cubits. # # unit P EXO:38:14 ÃÅ_Õâ_±ß_µÄ_á¡_×Ó_Ê®_Îå_Öâ_£¬_ÄÇ_±ß_Ò²_ÊÇ_Ò»_Ñù_¡£_á¡_×Ó_µÄ_Öù_×Ó_Èý ¸ù_£¬_´ø_î_µÄ_×ù_Èý_¸ö_¡£_ÔÚ_ÃÅ_µÄ_×ó_ÓÒ_¸÷_ÓÐ_á¡_×Ó_Ê®_Îå_Öâ_£¬_á¡ ×Ó_µÄ_Öù_×Ó_Èý_¸ù_£¬_´ø_î_µÄ_×ù_Èý_¸ö_¡£ # # The hangings of the one side of the gate were fifteen cubits; their # pillars three, and their sockets three. And for the other side of # the court gate, on this hand and that hand, were hangings of fifteen # cubits; their pillars three, and their sockets three. # # unit P EXO:38:16 Ôº_×Ó_ËÄ_Ãæ_µÄ_á¡_×Ó_¶¼_ÊÇ_ÓÃ_Äí_µÄ_ϸ_Âé_×÷_µÄ_¡£ # # All the hangings of the court round about were of fine twined linen. # # unit P EXO:38:17 Öù_×Ó_´ø_î_µÄ_×ù_ÊÇ_Í­_µÄ_£¬_Öù_×Ó_ÉÏ_µÄ_¹³_×Ó_ºÍ_¸Ë_×Ó_ÊÇ_Òø_µÄ_£¬ Öù_¶¥_ÊÇ_ÓÃ_Òø_×Ó_°ü_µÄ_¡£_Ôº_×Ó_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_Öù_×Ó_¶¼_ÊÇ_ÓÃ_Òø_¸Ë_Á¬_Âç µÄ_¡£ # # And the sockets for the pillars were of brass; the hooks of the # pillars and their fillets of silver; and the overlaying of their # chapiters of silver; and all the pillars of the court were filleted # with silver. # # unit P EXO:38:18 Ôº_×Ó_µÄ_ÃÅ_Á±_ÊÇ_ÒÔ_Ðå_»¨_µÄ_ÊÖ_¹¤_£¬_ÓÃ_À¶_É«_£¬_×Ï_É«_£¬_Öì_ºì_É« Ïß_£¬_ºÍ_Äí_µÄ_ϸ_Âé_Ö¯_µÄ_£¬_¿í_¶þ_Ê®_Öâ_£¬_¸ß_Îå_Öâ_£¬_Óë_Ôº_×Ó_µÄ á¡_×Ó_Ïà_Åä_¡£ # # And the hanging for the gate of the court was needlework, of blue, # and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen: and twenty cubits # was the length, and the height in the breadth was five cubits, # answerable to the hangings of the court. # # unit P EXO:38:19 á¡_×Ó_µÄ_Öù_×Ó_ËÄ_¸ù_£¬_´ø_î_µÄ_Í­_×ù_ËÄ_¸ö_£¬_Öù_×Ó_ÉÏ_µÄ_¹³_×Ó_ºÍ ¸Ë_×Ó_ÊÇ_Òø_µÄ_£¬_Öù_¶¥_ÊÇ_ÓÃ_Òø_×Ó_°ü_µÄ_¡£ # # And their pillars were four, and their sockets of brass four; their # hooks of silver, and the overlaying of their chapiters and their # fillets of silver. # # unit P EXO:38:20 ÕÊ_Ä»_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_éÓ_×Ó_ºÍ_Ôº_×Ó_ËÄ_Χ_µÄ_éÓ_×Ó_¶¼_ÊÇ_Í­_µÄ_¡£ # # And all the pins of the tabernacle, and of the court round about, # were of brass. # # unit P EXO:38:21 Õâ_ÊÇ_·¨_¹ñ_µÄ_ÕÊ_Ä»_ÖÐ_Àû_δ_ÈË_Ëù_ÓÃ_Îï_¼þ_µÄ_×Ü_Êý_£¬_ÊÇ_ÕÕ_Ħ_Î÷ µÄ_·Ô_¸À_£¬_¾­_¼À_˾_ÑÇ_Â×_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_Ëû_Âê_µÄ_ÊÖ_Êý_µã_µÄ_¡£ # # This is the sum of the tabernacle, even of the tabernacle of # testimony, as it was counted, according to the commandment of Moses, # for the service of the Levites, by the hand of Ithamar, son to Aaron # the priest. # # unit P EXO:38:22 ·²_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_¶¼_ÊÇ_ÓÌ_´ó_Ö§_ÅÉ_»§_çí_µÄ_Ëï_×Ó_£¬_ÎÚ Àû_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_±È_Èö_ÁÐ_×÷_µÄ_¡£ # # And Bezaleel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, # made all that the LORD commanded Moses. # # unit P EXO:38:23 Óë_Ëû_ͬ_¹¤_µÄ_ÓÐ_µ«_Ö§_ÅÉ_ÖÐ_ÑÇ_Ï£_Èö_Ĩ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÑÇ_ºÎ_Àû_ÑÇ_²®_£¬ Ëû_ÊÇ_µñ_¿Ì_½³_£¬_ÓÖ_ÊÇ_ÇÉ_½³_£¬_ÓÖ_ÄÜ_ÓÃ_À¶_É«_£¬_×Ï_É«_£¬_Öì_ºì_É« Ïß_£¬_ºÍ_ϸ_Âé_Ðå_»¨_¡£ # # And with him was Aholiab, son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan, an # engraver, and a cunning workman, and an embroiderer in blue, and in # purple, and in scarlet, and fine linen. # # unit P EXO:38:24 Ϊ_Ê¥_Ëù_Ò»_ÇÐ_¹¤_×÷_ʹ_ÓÃ_Ëù_Ï×_µÄ_½ð_×Ó_£¬_°´_Ê¥_Ëù_µÄ_ƽ_£¬_ÓÐ_¶þ Ê®_¾Å_Ëû_Á¬_µÃ_²¢_Æß_°Ù_Èý_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_¡£ # # All the gold that was occupied for the work in all the work of the # holy place, even the gold of the offering, was twenty and nine # talents, and seven hundred and thirty shekels, after the shekel of # the sanctuary. # # unit P EXO:38:25 »á_ÖÐ_±»_Êý_µÄ_ÈË_Ëù_³ö_µÄ_Òø_×Ó_£¬_°´_Ê¥_Ëù_µÄ_ƽ_£¬_ÓÐ_Ò»_°Ù_Ëû_Á¬ µÃ_²¢_Ò»_ǧ_Æß_°Ù_Æß_Ê®_Îå_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_¡£ # # And the silver of them that were numbered of the congregation was an # hundred talents, and a thousand seven hundred and threescore and # fifteen shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary: # # unit P EXO:38:26 ·²_¹ý_È¥_¹é_ÄÇ_Щ_±»_Êý_Ö®_ÈË_µÄ_£¬_´Ó_¶þ_Ê®_Ëê_ÒÔ_Íâ_£¬_ÓÐ_Áù_Ê®_Íò Áã_Èý_ǧ_Îå_°Ù_Îå_Ê®_ÈË_¡£_°´_Ê¥_Ëù_µÄ_ƽ_£¬_ÿ_ÈË_³ö_Òø_°ë_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ £¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ò»_±È_¼Ó_¡£ # # A bekah for every man, that is, half a shekel, after the shekel of # the sanctuary, for every one that went to be numbered, from twenty # years old and upward, for six hundred thousand and three thousand # and five hundred and fifty men. # # unit P EXO:38:27 ÓÃ_ÄÇ_Ò»_°Ù_Ëû_Á¬_µÃ_Òø_×Ó_Öý_Ôì_Ê¥_Ëù_´ø_î_µÄ_×ù_£¬_ºÍ_á£_×Ó_Öù_×Ó ´ø_î_µÄ_×ù_£¬_Ò»_°Ù_Ëû_Á¬_µÃ_¹²_Ò»_°Ù_´ø_î_µÄ_×ù_£¬_ÿ_´ø_î_µÄ_×ù ÓÃ_Ò»_Ëû_Á¬_µÃ_¡£ # # And of the hundred talents of silver were cast the sockets of the # sanctuary, and the sockets of the vail; an hundred sockets of the # hundred talents, a talent for a socket. # # unit P EXO:38:28 ÓÃ_ÄÇ_Ò»_ǧ_Æß_°Ù_Æß_Ê®_Îå_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_Òø_×Ó_×÷_Öù_×Ó_ÉÏ_µÄ_¹³_×Ó_£¬_°ü ¹ü_Öù_¶¥_²¢_Öù_×Ó_ÉÏ_µÄ_¸Ë_×Ó_¡£ # # And of the thousand seven hundred seventy and five shekels he made # hooks for the pillars, and overlaid their chapiters, and filleted # them. # # unit P EXO:38:29 Ëù_Ï×_µÄ_Í­_ÓÐ_Æß_Ê®_Ëû_Á¬_µÃ_²¢_¶þ_ǧ_ËÄ_°Ù_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_¡£ # # And the brass of the offering was seventy talents, and two thousand # and four hundred shekels. # # unit P EXO:38:30 ÓÃ_Õâ_Í­_×÷_»á_Ä»_ÃÅ_´ø_î_µÄ_×ù_ºÍ_Í­_̳_£¬_²¢_̳_ÉÏ_µÄ_Í­_Íø_ºÍ_̳ µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Æ÷_¾ß_£¬ # # And therewith he made the sockets to the door of the tabernacle of # the congregation, and the brasen altar, and the brasen grate for it, # and all the vessels of the altar, # # unit P EXO:38:31 ²¢_Ôº_×Ó_ËÄ_Χ_´ø_î_µÄ_×ù_ºÍ_Ôº_ÃÅ_´ø_î_µÄ_×ù_£¬_Óë_ÕÊ_Ä»_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ éÓ_×Ó_ºÍ_Ôº_×Ó_ËÄ_Χ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_éÓ_×Ó_¡£ # # And the sockets of the court round about, and the sockets of the # court gate, and all the pins of the tabernacle, and all the pins of # the court round about. # ## # chapter 39 EXO:39 # unit P EXO:39:1 ±È_Èö_ÁÐ_ÓÃ_À¶_É«_£¬_×Ï_É«_£¬_Öì_ºì_É«_Ïß_×÷_¾«_ÖÂ_µÄ_ÒÂ_·þ_£¬_ÔÚ_Ê¥ Ëù_ÓÃ_ÒÔ_¹©_Ö°_£¬_ÓÖ_Ϊ_ÑÇ_Â×_×÷_Ê¥_ÒÂ_£¬_ÊÇ_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Ħ Î÷_µÄ_¡£ # # And of the blue, and purple, and scarlet, they made cloths of # service, to do service in the holy place, and made the holy garments # for Aaron; as the LORD commanded Moses. # # unit P EXO:39:2 Ëû_ÓÃ_½ð_Ïß_ºÍ_À¶_É«_£¬_×Ï_É«_£¬_Öì_ºì_É«_Ïß_£¬_²¢_Äí_µÄ_ϸ_Âé_×÷_ÒÔ ¸¥_µÃ_£¬ # # And he made the ephod of gold, blue, and purple, and scarlet, and # fine twined linen. # # unit P EXO:39:3 °Ñ_½ð_×Ó_´¸_³É_±¡_Ƭ_£¬_¼ô_³ö_Ïß_À´_£¬_Óë_À¶_É«_£¬_×Ï_É«_£¬_Öì_ºì_É« Ïß_£¬_ÓÃ_ÇÉ_½³_µÄ_ÊÖ_¹¤_Ò»_ͬ_Ðå_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And they did beat the gold into thin plates, and cut it into wires, # to work it in the blue, and in the purple, and in the scarlet, and # in the fine linen, with cunning work. # # unit P EXO:39:4 ÓÖ_Ϊ_ÒÔ_¸¥_µÃ_×÷_Á½_Ìõ_Ïà_Á¬_µÄ_¼ç_´ø_£¬_½Ó_Á¬_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_¸¥_µÃ_µÄ_Á½_Í· ¡£ # # They made shoulderpieces for it, to couple it together: by the two # edges was it coupled together. # # unit P EXO:39:5 Æä_ÉÏ_ÇÉ_¹¤_Ö¯_µÄ_´ø_×Ó_ºÍ_ÒÔ_¸¥_µÃ_Ò»_Ñù_µÄ_×÷_·¨_£¬_ÓÃ_ÒÔ_Êø_ÉÏ_£¬ Óë_ÒÔ_¸¥_µÃ_½Ó_Á¬_Ò»_¿é_£¬_ÊÇ_ÓÃ_½ð_Ïß_ºÍ_À¶_É«_£¬_×Ï_É«_£¬_Öì_ºì_É« Ïß_£¬_²¢_Äí_µÄ_ϸ_Âé_×÷_µÄ_£¬_ÊÇ_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_¡£ # # And the curious girdle of his ephod, that was upon it, was of the # same, according to the work thereof; of gold, blue, and purple, and # scarlet, and fine twined linen; as the LORD commanded Moses. # # unit P EXO:39:6 ÓÖ_×Á_³ö_Á½_¿é_ºì_Âê_è§_£¬_Ïâ_ÔÚ_½ð_²Û_ÉÏ_£¬_·Â_·ð_¿Ì_ͼ_Êé_£¬_°´_×Å ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_¶ù_×Ó_µÄ_Ãû_×Ö_µñ_¿Ì_£¬ # # And they wrought onyx stones inclosed in ouches of gold, graven, as # signets are graven, with the names of the children of Israel. # # unit P EXO:39:7 ½«_Õâ_Á½_¿é_±¦_ʯ_°²_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_¸¥_µÃ_µÄ_Á½_Ìõ_¼ç_´ø_ÉÏ_£¬_Ϊ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË ×÷_¼Í_Äî_ʯ_£¬_ÊÇ_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_¡£ # # And he put them on the shoulders of the ephod, that they should be # stones for a memorial to the children of Israel; as the LORD # commanded Moses. # # unit P EXO:39:8 Ëû_ÓÃ_ÇÉ_½³_µÄ_ÊÖ_¹¤_×÷_ÐØ_ÅÆ_£¬_ºÍ_ÒÔ_¸¥_µÃ_Ò»_Ñù_µÄ_×÷_·¨_£¬_ÓÃ_½ð Ïß_Óë_À¶_É«_£¬_×Ï_É«_£¬_Öì_ºì_É«_Ïß_£¬_²¢_Äí_µÄ_ϸ_Âé_×÷_µÄ_¡£ # # And he made the breastplate of cunning work, like the work of the # ephod; of gold, blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined # linen. # # unit P EXO:39:9 ÐØ_ÅÆ_ÊÇ_ËÄ_·½_µÄ_£¬_µþ_Ϊ_Á½_²ã_£¬_Õâ_Á½_²ã_³¤_Ò»_»¢_¿Ú_£¬_¿í_Ò»_»¢ ¿Ú_£¬ # # It was foursquare; they made the breastplate double: a span was the # length thereof, and a span the breadth thereof, being doubled. # # unit P EXO:39:10 ÉÏ_Ãæ_Ïâ_×Å_±¦_ʯ_ËÄ_ÐÐ_£¬_µÚ_Ò»_ÐÐ_ÊÇ_ºì_±¦_ʯ_£¬_ºì_èµ_çô_£¬_ºì_Óñ £¬ # # And they set in it four rows of stones: the first row was a sardius, # a topaz, and a carbuncle: this was the first row. # # unit P EXO:39:11 µÚ_¶þ_ÐÐ_ÊÇ_ÂÌ_±¦_ʯ_£¬_À¶_±¦_ʯ_£¬_½ð_¸Ö_ʯ_£¬ # # And the second row, an emerald, a sapphire, and a diamond. # # unit P EXO:39:12 µÚ_Èý_ÐÐ_ÊÇ_×Ï_Âê_è§_£¬_°×_Âê_è§_£¬_×Ï_¾§_£¬ # # And the third row, a ligure, an agate, and an amethyst. # # unit P EXO:39:13 µÚ_ËÄ_ÐÐ_ÊÇ_Ë®_²Ô_Óñ_£¬_ºì_Âê_è§_£¬_±Ì_Óñ_¡£_Õâ_¶¼_Ïâ_ÔÚ_½ð_²Û_ÖÐ_¡£ # # And the fourth row, a beryl, an onyx, and a jasper: they were # inclosed in ouches of gold in their inclosings. # # unit P EXO:39:14 Õâ_Щ_±¦_ʯ_¶¼_ÊÇ_°´_×Å_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_Ê®_¶þ_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_µÄ_Ãû_×Ö_£¬_·Â_·ð_¿Ì ͼ_Êé_£¬_¿Ì_Ê®_¶þ_¸ö_Ö§_ÅÉ_µÄ_Ãû_×Ö_¡£ # # And the stones were according to the names of the children of # Israel, twelve, according to their names, like the engravings of a # signet, every one with his name, according to the twelve tribes. # # unit P EXO:39:15 ÔÚ_ÐØ_ÅÆ_ÉÏ_£¬_ÓÃ_¾«_½ð_Å¡_³É_Èç_Éþ_×Ó_µÄ_Á´_×Ó_¡£ # # And they made upon the breastplate chains at the ends, of wreathen # work of pure gold. # # unit P EXO:39:16 ÓÖ_×÷_Á½_¸ö_½ð_²Û_ºÍ_Á½_¸ö_½ð_»·_£¬_°²_ÔÚ_ÐØ_ÅÆ_µÄ_Á½_Í·_¡£ # # And they made two ouches of gold, and two gold rings; and put the # two rings in the two ends of the breastplate. # # unit P EXO:39:17 °Ñ_ÄÇ_Á½_Ìõ_Å¡_³É_µÄ_½ð_Á´_×Ó_´©_¹ý_ÐØ_ÅÆ_Á½_Í·_µÄ_»·_×Ó_£¬ # # And they put the two wreathen chains of gold in the two rings on the # ends of the breastplate. # # unit P EXO:39:18 ÓÖ_°Ñ_Á´_×Ó_µÄ_ÄÇ_Á½_Í·_½Ó_ÔÚ_Á½_²Û_ÉÏ_£¬_°²_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_¸¥_µÃ_Ç°_Ãæ_¼ç_´ø ÉÏ_¡£ # # And the two ends of the two wreathen chains they fastened in the two # ouches, and put them on the shoulderpieces of the ephod, before it. # # unit P EXO:39:19 ×÷_Á½_¸ö_½ð_»·_£¬_°²_ÔÚ_ÐØ_ÅÆ_µÄ_Á½_Í·_£¬_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_¸¥_µÃ_Àï_Ãæ_µÄ_±ß_ÉÏ £¬ # # And they made two rings of gold, and put them on the two ends of the # breastplate, upon the border of it, which was on the side of the # ephod inward. # # unit P EXO:39:20 ÓÖ_×÷_Á½_¸ö_½ð_»·_£¬_°²_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_¸¥_µÃ_Ç°_Ãæ_Á½_Ìõ_¼ç_´ø_µÄ_ÏÂ_±ß_£¬_°¤ ½ü_Ïà_½Ó_Ö®_´¦_£¬_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_¸¥_µÃ_ÇÉ_¹¤_Ö¯_µÄ_´ø_×Ó_ÒÔ_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And they made two other golden rings, and put them on the two sides # of the ephod underneath, toward the forepart of it, over against the # other coupling thereof, above the curious girdle of the ephod. # # unit P EXO:39:21 ÓÃ_Ò»_Ìõ_À¶_ϸ_´ø_×Ó_°Ñ_ÐØ_ÅÆ_µÄ_»·_×Ó_ºÍ_ÒÔ_¸¥_µÃ_µÄ_»·_×Ó_ϵ_ס_£¬ ʹ_ÐØ_ÅÆ_Ìù_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_¸¥_µÃ_ÇÉ_¹¤_Ö¯_µÄ_´ø_×Ó_ÉÏ_£¬_²»_¿É_Óë_ÒÔ_¸¥_µÃ_Àë ·ì_£¬_ÊÇ_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_¡£ # # And they did bind the breastplate by his rings unto the rings of the # ephod with a lace of blue, that it might be above the curious girdle # of the ephod, and that the breastplate might not be loosed from the # ephod; as the LORD commanded Moses. # # unit P EXO:39:22 Ëû_ÓÃ_Ö¯_¹¤_×÷_ÒÔ_¸¥_µÃ_µÄ_Íâ_ÅÛ_£¬_ÑÕ_É«_È«_ÊÇ_À¶_µÄ_¡£ # # And he made the robe of the ephod of woven work, all of blue. # # unit P EXO:39:23 ÅÛ_ÉÏ_Áô_Ò»_Áì_¿Ú_£¬_¿Ú_µÄ_ÖÜ_Χ_Ö¯_³ö_Áì_±ß_À´_£¬_·Â_·ð_îø_¼×_µÄ_Áì ¿Ú_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_ÆÆ_ÁÑ_¡£ # # And there was an hole in the midst of the robe, as the hole of an # habergeon, with a band round about the hole, that it should not # rend. # # unit P EXO:39:24 ÔÚ_ÅÛ_×Ó_µ×_±ß_ÉÏ_£¬_ÓÃ_À¶_É«_£¬_×Ï_É«_£¬_Öì_ºì_É«_Ïß_£¬_²¢_Äí_µÄ_ϸ Âé_×÷_ʯ_Áñ_£¬ # # And they made upon the hems of the robe pomegranates of blue, and # purple, and scarlet, and twined linen. # # unit P EXO:39:25 ÓÖ_ÓÃ_¾«_½ð_×÷_Áå_îõ_£¬_°Ñ_Áå_îõ_¶¤_ÔÚ_ÅÛ_×Ó_ÖÜ_Χ_µ×_±ß_ÉÏ_µÄ_ʯ_Áñ ÖÐ_¼ä_£¬ # # And they made bells of pure gold, and put the bells between the # pomegranates upon the hem of the robe, round about between the # pomegranates; # # unit P EXO:39:26 Ò»_¸ö_Áå_îõ_£¬_Ò»_¸ö_ʯ_Áñ_£¬_Ò»_¸ö_Áå_îõ_£¬_Ò»_¸ö_ʯ_Áñ_£¬_ÔÚ_ÅÛ_×Ó ÖÜ_Χ_µ×_±ß_ÉÏ_ÓÃ_ÒÔ_¹©_Ö°_£¬_ÊÇ_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_¡£ # # A bell and a pomegranate, a bell and a pomegranate, round about the # hem of the robe to minister in; as the LORD commanded Moses. # # unit P EXO:39:27 Ëû_ÓÃ_Ö¯_³É_µÄ_ϸ_Âé_²¼_Ϊ_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_×÷_ÄÚ_ÅÛ_£¬ # # And they made coats of fine linen of woven work for Aaron, and for # his sons, # # unit P EXO:39:28 ²¢_ÓÃ_ϸ_Âé_²¼_×÷_¹Ú_Ãá_ºÍ_»ª_ÃÀ_µÄ_¹ü_Í·_½í_£¬_ÓÃ_Äí_µÄ_ϸ_Âé_²¼_×÷ ¿ã_×Ó_£¬ # # And a mitre of fine linen, and goodly bonnets of fine linen, and # linen breeches of fine twined linen, # # unit P EXO:39:29 ÓÖ_ÓÃ_À¶_É«_£¬_×Ï_É«_£¬_Öì_ºì_É«_Ïß_£¬_²¢_Äí_µÄ_ϸ_Âé_£¬_ÒÔ_Ðå_»¨_µÄ ÊÖ_¹¤_×÷_Ñü_´ø_£¬_ÊÇ_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_¡£ # # And a girdle of fine twined linen, and blue, and purple, and # scarlet, of needlework; as the LORD commanded Moses. # # unit P EXO:39:30 Ëû_ÓÃ_¾«_½ð_×÷_Ê¥_¹Ú_ÉÏ_µÄ_ÅÆ_£¬_ÔÚ_ÉÏ_Ãæ_°´_¿Ì_ͼ_Êé_Ö®_·¨_£¬_¿Ì_×Å ¡®_¹é_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_Ê¥_¡¯_¡£ # # And they made the plate of the holy crown of pure gold, and wrote # upon it a writing, like to the engravings of a signet, HOLINESS TO # THE LORD. # # unit P EXO:39:31 ÓÖ_ÓÃ_Ò»_Ìõ_À¶_ϸ_´ø_×Ó_½«_ÅÆ_ϵ_ÔÚ_¹Ú_Ãá_ÉÏ_£¬_ÊÇ_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô ¸À_Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_¡£ # # And they tied unto it a lace of blue, to fasten it on high upon the # mitre; as the LORD commanded Moses. # # unit P EXO:39:32 ÕÊ_Ä»_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_»á_Ä»_£¬_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_¹¤_¾Í_Õâ_Ñù_×÷_Íê_ÁË_¡£_·²_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_£¬_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_¶¼_ÕÕ_Ñù_×÷_ÁË_¡£ # # Thus was all the work of the tabernacle of the tent of the # congregation finished: and the children of Israel did according to # all that the LORD commanded Moses, so did they. # # unit P EXO:39:33 Ëû_ÃÇ_ËÍ_µ½_Ħ_Î÷_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_ÕÊ_Ä»_ºÍ_ÕÊ_Ä»_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Æ÷_¾ß_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_¹³ ×Ó_£¬_°å_£¬_ãÅ_£¬_Öù_×Ó_£¬_´ø_î_µÄ_×ù_£¬ # # And they brought the tabernacle unto Moses, the tent, and all his # furniture, his taches, his boards, his bars, and his pillars, and # his sockets, # # unit P EXO:39:34 Ⱦ_ºì_¹«_Ñò_Ƥ_µÄ_¸Ç_£¬_º£_¹·_Ƥ_µÄ_¶¥_¸Ç_£¬_ºÍ_ÕÚ_ÑÚ_¹ñ_µÄ_á£_×Ó_£¬ # # And the covering of rams' skins dyed red, and the covering of # badgers' skins, and the vail of the covering, # # unit P EXO:39:35 ·¨_¹ñ_ºÍ_¹ñ_µÄ_¸Ü_²¢_Ê©_¶÷_×ù_£¬ # # The ark of the testimony, and the staves thereof, and the mercy # seat, # # unit P EXO:39:36 ×À_×Ó_ºÍ_×À_×Ó_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Æ÷_¾ß_²¢_³Â_Éè_±ý_£¬ # # The table, and all the vessels thereof, and the shewbread, # # unit P EXO:39:37 ¾«_½ð_µÄ_µÆ_̨_ºÍ_°Ú_ÁÐ_µÄ_µÆ_Õµ_£¬_Óë_µÆ_̨_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Æ÷_¾ß_£¬_²¢_µã µÆ_µÄ_ÓÍ_£¬ # # The pure candlestick, with the lamps thereof, even with the lamps to # be set in order, and all the vessels thereof, and the oil for light, # # unit P EXO:39:38 ½ð_̳_£¬_¸à_ÓÍ_£¬_Ü°_Ïã_µÄ_Ïã_ÁÏ_£¬_»á_Ä»_µÄ_ÃÅ_Á±_£¬ # # And the golden altar, and the anointing oil, and the sweet incense, # and the hanging for the tabernacle door, # # unit P EXO:39:39 Í­_̳_ºÍ_̳_ÉÏ_µÄ_Í­_Íø_£¬_̳_µÄ_¸Ü_²¢_̳_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Æ÷_¾ß_£¬_Ï´_åª_Åè ºÍ_Åè_×ù_£¬ # # The brasen altar, and his grate of brass, his staves, and all his # vessels, the laver and his foot, # # unit P EXO:39:40 Ôº_×Ó_µÄ_á¡_×Ó_ºÍ_Öù_×Ó_£¬_²¢_´ø_î_µÄ_×ù_£¬_Ôº_×Ó_µÄ_ÃÅ_Á±_£¬_Éþ_×Ó £¬_éÓ_×Ó_£¬_²¢_ÕÊ_Ä»_ºÍ_»á_Ä»_ÖÐ_Ò»_ÇÐ_ʹ_ÓÃ_µÄ_Æ÷_¾ß_£¬ # # The hangings of the court, his pillars, and his sockets, and the # hanging for the court gate, his cords, and his pins, and all the # vessels of the service of the tabernacle, for the tent of the # congregation, # # unit P EXO:39:41 ¾«_¹¤_×÷_µÄ_Àñ_·þ_£¬_ºÍ_¼À_˾_ÑÇ_Â×_²¢_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_ÔÚ_Ê¥_Ëù_ÓÃ_ÒÔ_¹©_¼À ˾_Ö°_·Ö_µÄ_Ê¥_ÒÂ_¡£ # # The cloths of service to do service in the holy place, and the holy # garments for Aaron the priest, and his sons' garments, to minister # in the priest's office. # # unit P EXO:39:42 Õâ_Ò»_ÇÐ_¹¤_×÷_¶¼_ÊÇ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_×÷_µÄ_¡£ # # According to all that the LORD commanded Moses, so the children of # Israel made all the work. # # unit P EXO:39:43 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ôõ_Ñù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_Ôõ_Ñù_×÷_ÁË_¡£_Ħ_Î÷_¿´_¼û_Ò»_ÇÐ µÄ_¹¤_¶¼_×÷_³É_ÁË_£¬_¾Í_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_×£_¸£_¡£ # # And Moses did look upon all the work, and, behold, they had done it # as the LORD had commanded, even so had they done it: and Moses # blessed them. # ## # chapter 40 EXO:40 # unit P EXO:40:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P EXO:40:2 Õý_ÔÂ_³õ_Ò»_ÈÕ_£¬_Äã_Òª_Á¢_Æð_ÕÊ_Ä»_£¬ # # On the first day of the first month shalt thou set up the tabernacle # of the tent of the congregation. # # unit P EXO:40:3 °Ñ_·¨_¹ñ_°²_·Å_ÔÚ_Àï_Ãæ_£¬_ÓÃ_á£_×Ó_½«_¹ñ_ÕÚ_ÑÚ_¡£ # # And thou shalt put therein the ark of the testimony, and cover the # ark with the vail. # # unit P EXO:40:4 °Ñ_×À_×Ó_°á_½ø_È¥_£¬_°Ú_Éè_ÉÏ_Ãæ_µÄ_Îï_¡£_°Ñ_µÆ_̨_°á_½ø_È¥_£¬_µã_Æä ÉÏ_µÄ_µÆ_¡£ # # And thou shalt bring in the table, and set in order the things that # are to be set in order upon it; and thou shalt bring in the # candlestick, and light the lamps thereof. # # unit P EXO:40:5 °Ñ_ÉÕ_Ïã_µÄ_½ð_̳_°²_ÔÚ_·¨_¹ñ_Ç°_£¬_¹Ò_ÉÏ_ÕÊ_Ä»_µÄ_ÃÅ_Á±_¡£ # # And thou shalt set the altar of gold for the incense before the ark # of the testimony, and put the hanging of the door to the tabernacle. # # unit P EXO:40:6 °Ñ_ìÜ_¼À_̳_°²_ÔÚ_ÕÊ_Ä»_ÃÅ_Ç°_¡£ # # And thou shalt set the altar of the burnt offering before the door # of the tabernacle of the tent of the congregation. # # unit P EXO:40:7 °Ñ_Ï´_åª_Åè_°²_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_ºÍ_̳_µÄ_ÖÐ_¼ä_£¬_ÔÚ_Åè_Àï_Ê¢_Ë®_¡£ # # And thou shalt set the laver between the tent of the congregation # and the altar, and shalt put water therein. # # unit P EXO:40:8 ÓÖ_ÔÚ_ËÄ_Χ_Á¢_Ôº_á¡_£¬_°Ñ_Ôº_×Ó_µÄ_ÃÅ_Á±_¹Ò_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And thou shalt set up the court round about, and hang up the hanging # at the court gate. # # unit P EXO:40:9 ÓÃ_¸à_ÓÍ_°Ñ_ÕÊ_Ä»_ºÍ_Æä_ÖÐ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_¶¼_Ĩ_ÉÏ_£¬_ʹ_ÕÊ_Ä»_ºÍ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Æ÷ ¾ß_³É_Ê¥_£¬_¾Í_¶¼_³É_Ê¥_¡£ # # And thou shalt take the anointing oil, and anoint the tabernacle, # and all that is therein, and shalt hallow it, and all the vessels # thereof: and it shall be holy. # # unit P EXO:40:10 ÓÖ_Òª_Ĩ_ìÜ_¼À_̳_ºÍ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Æ÷_¾ß_£¬_ʹ_̳_³É_Ê¥_£¬_¾Í_¶¼_³É_Ϊ_ÖÁ_Ê¥ ¡£ # # And thou shalt anoint the altar of the burnt offering, and all his # vessels, and sanctify the altar: and it shall be an altar most holy. # # unit P EXO:40:11 Òª_Ĩ_Ï´_åª_Åè_ºÍ_Åè_×ù_£¬_ʹ_Åè_³É_Ê¥_¡£ # # And thou shalt anoint the laver and his foot, and sanctify it. # # unit P EXO:40:12 Òª_ʹ_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_µ½_»á_Ä»_ÃÅ_¿Ú_À´_£¬_ÓÃ_Ë®_Ï´_Éí_¡£ # # And thou shalt bring Aaron and his sons unto the door of the # tabernacle of the congregation, and wash them with water. # # unit P EXO:40:13 Òª_¸ø_ÑÇ_Â×_´©_ÉÏ_Ê¥_ÒÂ_£¬_ÓÖ_¸à_Ëû_£¬_ʹ_Ëû_³É_Ê¥_£¬_¿É_ÒÔ_¸ø_ÎÒ_¹© ¼À_˾_µÄ_Ö°_·Ö_£¬ # # And thou shalt put upon Aaron the holy garments, and anoint him, and # sanctify him; that he may minister unto me in the priest's office. # # unit P EXO:40:14 ÓÖ_Òª_ʹ_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_À´_£¬_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_´©_ÉÏ_ÄÚ_ÅÛ_¡£ # # And thou shalt bring his sons, and clothe them with coats: # # unit P EXO:40:15 Ôõ_Ñù_¸à_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_¸¸_Ç×_£¬_Ò²_Òª_ÕÕ_Ñù_¸à_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_ʹ_Ëû_ÃÇ_¸ø_ÎÒ_¹© ¼À_˾_µÄ_Ö°_·Ö_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÊÀ_ÊÀ_´ú_´ú_·²_ÊÜ_¸à_µÄ_£¬_¾Í_ÓÀ_Ô¶_µ±_¼À_˾ µÄ_Ö°_ÈÎ_¡£ # # And thou shalt anoint them, as thou didst anoint their father, that # they may minister unto me in the priest's office: for their # anointing shall surely be an everlasting priesthood throughout their # generations. # # unit P EXO:40:16 Ħ_Î÷_Õâ_Ñù_ÐÐ_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Ëû_µÄ_¡£ # # Thus did Moses: according to all that the LORD commanded him, so did # he. # # unit P EXO:40:17 µÚ_¶þ_Äê_Õý_ÔÂ_³õ_Ò»_ÈÕ_£¬_ÕÊ_Ä»_¾Í_Á¢_Æð_À´_¡£ # # And it came to pass in the first month in the second year, on the # first day of the month, that the tabernacle was reared up. # # unit P EXO:40:18 Ħ_Î÷_Á¢_Æð_ÕÊ_Ä»_£¬_°²_ÉÏ_´ø_î_µÄ_×ù_£¬_Á¢_ÉÏ_°å_£¬_´©_ÉÏ_ãÅ_£¬_Á¢ Æð_Öù_×Ó_¡£ # # And Moses reared up the tabernacle, and fastened his sockets, and # set up the boards thereof, and put in the bars thereof, and reared # up his pillars. # # unit P EXO:40:19 ÔÚ_ÕÊ_Ä»_ÒÔ_ÉÏ_´î_ÕÖ_Åï_£¬_°Ñ_ÕÖ_Åï_µÄ_¶¥_¸Ç_¸Ç_ÔÚ_Æä_ÉÏ_£¬_ÊÇ_ÕÕ_Ò® ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Ëû_µÄ_¡£ # # And he spread abroad the tent over the tabernacle, and put the # covering of the tent above upon it; as the LORD commanded Moses. # # unit P EXO:40:20 ÓÖ_°Ñ_·¨_°æ_·Å_ÔÚ_¹ñ_Àï_£¬_°Ñ_¸Ü_´©_ÔÚ_¹ñ_µÄ_Á½_ÅÔ_£¬_°Ñ_Ê©_¶÷_×ù_°² ÔÚ_¹ñ_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And he took and put the testimony into the ark, and set the staves # on the ark, and put the mercy seat above upon the ark: # # unit P EXO:40:21 °Ñ_¹ñ_̧_½ø_ÕÊ_Ä»_£¬_¹Ò_ÉÏ_ÕÚ_ÑÚ_¹ñ_µÄ_á£_×Ó_£¬_°Ñ_·¨_¹ñ_ÕÚ_ÑÚ_ÁË_£¬ ÊÇ_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Ëû_µÄ_¡£ # # And he brought the ark into the tabernacle, and set up the vail of # the covering, and covered the ark of the testimony; as the LORD # commanded Moses. # # unit P EXO:40:22 ÓÖ_°Ñ_×À_×Ó_°²_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_ÄÚ_£¬_ÔÚ_ÕÊ_Ä»_±±_±ß_£¬_ÔÚ_á£_×Ó_Íâ_¡£ # # And he put the table in the tent of the congregation, upon the side # of the tabernacle northward, without the vail. # # unit P EXO:40:23 ÔÚ_×À_×Ó_ÉÏ_½«_±ý_³Â_Éè_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_ÊÇ_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À Ëû_µÄ_¡£ # # And he set the bread in order upon it before the LORD; as the LORD # had commanded Moses. # # unit P EXO:40:24 ÓÖ_°Ñ_µÆ_̨_°²_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_ÄÚ_£¬_ÔÚ_ÕÊ_Ä»_ÄÏ_±ß_£¬_Óë_×À_×Ó_Ïà_¶Ô_£¬ # # And he put the candlestick in the tent of the congregation, over # against the table, on the side of the tabernacle southward. # # unit P EXO:40:25 ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_µã_µÆ_£¬_ÊÇ_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Ëû_µÄ_¡£ # # And he lighted the lamps before the LORD; as the LORD commanded # Moses. # # unit P EXO:40:26 °Ñ_½ð_̳_°²_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_ÄÚ_µÄ_á£_×Ó_Ç°_£¬ # # And he put the golden altar in the tent of the congregation before # the vail: # # unit P EXO:40:27 ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ_ÉÕ_ÁË_Ü°_Ïã_ÁÏ_×÷_µÄ_Ïã_£¬_ÊÇ_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Ëû_µÄ_¡£ # # And he burnt sweet incense thereon; as the LORD commanded Moses. # # unit P EXO:40:28 ÓÖ_¹Ò_ÉÏ_ÕÊ_Ä»_µÄ_ÃÅ_Á±_¡£ # # And he set up the hanging at the door of the tabernacle. # # unit P EXO:40:29 ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_µÄ_ÕÊ_Ä»_ÃÅ_Ç°_£¬_°²_Éè_ìÜ_¼À_̳_£¬_°Ñ_ìÜ_¼À_ºÍ_ËØ_¼À_Ï×_ÔÚ Æä_ÉÏ_£¬_ÊÇ_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Ëû_µÄ_¡£ # # And he put the altar of burnt offering by the door of the tabernacle # of the tent of the congregation, and offered upon it the burnt # offering and the meat offering; as the LORD commanded Moses. # # unit P EXO:40:30 °Ñ_Ï´_åª_Åè_°²_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_ºÍ_̳_µÄ_ÖÐ_¼ä_£¬_Åè_ÖÐ_Ê¢_Ë®_£¬_ÒÔ_±ã_Ï´_åª ¡£ # # And he set the laver between the tent of the congregation and the # altar, and put water there, to wash withal. # # unit P EXO:40:31 Ħ_Î÷_ºÍ_ÑÇ_Â×_²¢_ÑÇ_Â×_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÔÚ_Õâ_Åè_Àï_Ï´_ÊÖ_Ï´_½Å_¡£ # # And Moses and Aaron and his sons washed their hands and their feet # thereat: # # unit P EXO:40:32 Ëû_ÃÇ_½ø_»á_Ä»_»ò_¾Í_½ü_̳_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_±ã_¶¼_Ï´_åª_£¬_ÊÇ_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Ëû_µÄ_¡£ # # When they went into the tent of the congregation, and when they came # near unto the altar, they washed; as the LORD commanded Moses. # # unit P EXO:40:33 ÔÚ_ÕÊ_Ä»_ºÍ_̳_µÄ_ËÄ_Χ_Á¢_ÁË_Ôº_á¡_£¬_°Ñ_Ôº_×Ó_µÄ_ÃÅ_Á±_¹Ò_ÉÏ_¡£_Õâ Ñù_£¬_Ħ_Î÷_¾Í_Íê_ÁË_¹¤_¡£ # # And he reared up the court round about the tabernacle and the altar, # and set up the hanging of the court gate. So Moses finished the # work. # # unit P EXO:40:34 µ±_ʱ_£¬_ÔÆ_²Ê_ÕÚ_¸Ç_»á_Ä»_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_ÈÙ_¹â_¾Í_³ä_Âú_ÁË_ÕÊ_Ä»_¡£ # # Then a cloud covered the tent of the congregation, and the glory of # the LORD filled the tabernacle. # # unit P EXO:40:35 Ħ_Î÷_²»_ÄÜ_½ø_»á_Ä»_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÔÆ_²Ê_Í£_ÔÚ_Æä_ÉÏ_£¬_²¢_ÇÒ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ ÈÙ_¹â_³ä_Âú_ÁË_ÕÊ_Ä»_¡£ # # And Moses was not able to enter into the tent of the congregation, # because the cloud abode thereon, and the glory of the LORD filled # the tabernacle. # # unit P EXO:40:36 ÿ_·ê_ÔÆ_²Ê_´Ó_ÕÊ_Ä»_ÊÕ_ÉÏ_È¥_£¬_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_¾Í_Æð_³Ì_Ç°_Íù_¡£ # # And when the cloud was taken up from over the tabernacle, the # children of Israel went onward in all their journeys: # # unit P EXO:40:37 ÔÆ_²Ê_Èô_²»_ÊÕ_ÉÏ_È¥_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_²»_Æð_³Ì_£¬_Ö±_µÈ_µ½_ÔÆ_²Ê_ÊÕ_ÉÏ_È¥ ¡£ # # But if the cloud were not taken up, then they journeyed not till the # day that it was taken up. # # unit P EXO:40:38 ÈÕ_¼ä_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_ÔÆ_²Ê_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_ÕÊ_Ä»_ÒÔ_ÉÏ_¡£_Ò¹_¼ä_£¬_ÔÆ_ÖÐ_ÓÐ_»ð £¬_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_È«_¼Ò_µÄ_ÑÛ_Ç°_£¬_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ëù_ÐÐ_µÄ_·_ÉÏ_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_Õâ Ñù_¡£ # # For the cloud of the LORD was upon the tabernacle by day, and fire # was on it by night, in the sight of all the house of Israel, # throughout all their journeys. # # part c Leviticus # ==================================================================== # [ENG] Àû δ ¼Ç # [CHI] Leviticus # ## # chapter 1 LEV:1 # unit P LEV:1:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_´Ó_»á_Ä»_ÖÐ_ºô_½Ð_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD called unto Moses, and spake unto him out of the # tabernacle of the congregation, saying, # # unit P LEV:1:2 Äã_Ïþ_ÚÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_Èô_ÓÐ_ÈË_Ï×_¹©_Îï_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª £¬_Òª_´Ó_Å£_Ⱥ_Ñò_Ⱥ_ÖÐ_Ï×_Éü_Ðó_Ϊ_¹©_Îï_¡£ # # Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, If any man of # you bring an offering unto the LORD, ye shall bring your offering of # the cattle, even of the herd, and of the flock. # # unit P LEV:1:3 Ëû_µÄ_¹©_Îï_Èô_ÒÔ_Å£_Ϊ_ìÜ_¼À_£¬_¾Í_Òª_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_ÃÅ_¿Ú_Ï×_Ò»_Ö»_û_ÓÐ ²Ð_¼²_µÄ_¹«_Å£_£¬_¿É_ÒÔ_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_ÃÉ_ÔÃ_ÄÉ_¡£ # # If his offering be a burnt sacrifice of the herd, let him offer a # male without blemish: he shall offer it of his own voluntary will at # the door of the tabernacle of the congregation before the LORD. # # unit P LEV:1:4 Ëû_Òª_°´_ÊÖ_ÔÚ_ìÜ_¼À_Éü_µÄ_Í·_ÉÏ_£¬_ìÜ_¼À_±ã_ÃÉ_ÔÃ_ÄÉ_£¬_Ϊ_Ëû_Êê_×ï ¡£ # # And he shall put his hand upon the head of the burnt offering; and # it shall be accepted for him to make atonement for him. # # unit P LEV:1:5 Ëû_Òª_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_Ô×_¹«_Å£_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_×Ó_Ëï_×÷_¼À_˾_µÄ_£¬_Òª_·î ÉÏ_Ѫ_£¬_°Ñ_Ѫ_È÷_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_ÃÅ_¿Ú_£¬_̳_µÄ_ÖÜ_Χ_¡£ # # And he shall kill the bullock before the LORD: and the priests, # Aaron's sons, shall bring the blood, and sprinkle the blood round # about upon the altar that is by the door of the tabernacle of the # congregation. # # unit P LEV:1:6 ÄÇ_ÈË_Òª_°þ_È¥_ìÜ_¼À_Éü_µÄ_Ƥ_£¬_°Ñ_ìÜ_¼À_Éü_ÇÐ_³É_¿é_×Ó_¡£ # # And he shall flay the burnt offering, and cut it into his pieces. # # unit P LEV:1:7 ¼À_˾_ÑÇ_Â×_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_Òª_°Ñ_»ð_·Å_ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ_£¬_°Ñ_²ñ_°Ú_ÔÚ_»ð_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And the sons of Aaron the priest shall put fire upon the altar, and # lay the wood in order upon the fire: # # unit P LEV:1:8 ÑÇ_Â×_×Ó_Ëï_×÷_¼À_˾_µÄ_£¬_Òª_°Ñ_Èâ_¿é_ºÍ_Í·_²¢_Ö¬_ÓÍ_°Ú_ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ_»ð µÄ_²ñ_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And the priests, Aaron's sons, shall lay the parts, the head, and # the fat, in order upon the wood that is on the fire which is upon # the altar: # # unit P LEV:1:9 µ«_ìÜ_¼À_µÄ_Ôà_¸­_Óë_ÍÈ_Òª_ÓÃ_Ë®_Ï´_¡£_¼À_˾_¾Í_Òª_°Ñ_Ò»_ÇÐ_È«_ÉÕ_ÔÚ Ì³_ÉÏ_£¬_µ±_×÷_ìÜ_¼À_£¬_Ï×_Óë_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_Ü°_Ïã_µÄ_»ð_¼À_¡£ # # But his inwards and his legs shall he wash in water: and the priest # shall burn all on the altar, to be a burnt sacrifice, an offering # made by fire, of a sweet savour unto the LORD. # # unit P LEV:1:10 ÈË_µÄ_¹©_Îï_Èô_ÒÔ_Ãà_Ñò_»ò_ɽ_Ñò_Ϊ_ìÜ_¼À_£¬_¾Í_Òª_Ï×_ÉÏ_û_ÓÐ_²Ð_¼² µÄ_¹«_Ñò_¡£ # # And if his offering be of the flocks, namely, of the sheep, or of # the goats, for a burnt sacrifice; he shall bring it a male without # blemish. # # unit P LEV:1:11 Òª_°Ñ_Ñò_Ô×_ÓÚ_̳_µÄ_±±_±ß_£¬_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_×Ó_Ëï_×÷_¼À ˾_µÄ_£¬_Òª_°Ñ_Ñò_Ѫ_È÷_ÔÚ_̳_µÄ_ÖÜ_Χ_¡£ # # And he shall kill it on the side of the altar northward before the # LORD: and the priests, Aaron's sons, shall sprinkle his blood round # about upon the altar. # # unit P LEV:1:12 Òª_°Ñ_ìÜ_¼À_Éü_ÇÐ_³É_¿é_×Ó_£¬_Á¬_Í·_ºÍ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_£¬_¼À_˾_¾Í_Òª_°Ú_ÔÚ_̳ ÉÏ_»ð_µÄ_²ñ_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And he shall cut it into his pieces, with his head and his fat: and # the priest shall lay them in order on the wood that is on the fire # which is upon the altar: # # unit P LEV:1:13 µ«_Ôà_¸­_Óë_ÍÈ_Òª_ÓÃ_Ë®_Ï´_£¬_¼À_˾_¾Í_Òª_È«_È»_·î_Ï×_£¬_ÉÕ_ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ ¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_ìÜ_¼À_£¬_ÊÇ_Ï×_Óë_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_Ü°_Ïã_µÄ_»ð_¼À_¡£ # # But he shall wash the inwards and the legs with water: and the # priest shall bring it all, and burn it upon the altar: it is a burnt # sacrifice, an offering made by fire, of a sweet savour unto the # LORD. # # unit P LEV:1:14 ÈË_·î_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_¹©_Îï_£¬_Èô_ÒÔ_Äñ_Ϊ_ìÜ_¼À_£¬_¾Í_Òª_Ï×_°ß_ð¯_»ò ÊÇ_³û_¸ë_Ϊ_¹©_Îï_¡£ # # And if the burnt sacrifice for his offering to the LORD be of fowls, # then he shall bring his offering of turtledoves, or of young # pigeons. # # unit P LEV:1:15 ¼À_˾_Òª_°Ñ_Äñ_ÄÃ_µ½_̳_Ç°_£¬_¾¾_ÏÂ_Í·_À´_£¬_°Ñ_Äñ_ÉÕ_ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ_£¬_Äñ µÄ_Ѫ_Òª_Á÷_ÔÚ_̳_µÄ_ÅÔ_±ß_¡£ # # And the priest shall bring it unto the altar, and wring off his # head, and burn it on the altar; and the blood thereof shall be wrung # out at the side of the altar: # # unit P LEV:1:16 ÓÖ_Òª_°Ñ_Äñ_µÄ_à¼_×Ó_ºÍ_Ôà_Îï_³ý_µô_£¨_Ôà_Îï_»ò_×÷_ôá_ë_£©_£¬_¶ª_ÔÚ Ì³_µÄ_¶«_±ß_µ¹_»Ò_µÄ_µØ_·½_¡£ # # And he shall pluck away his crop with his feathers, and cast it # beside the altar on the east part, by the place of the ashes: # # unit P LEV:1:17 Òª_ÄÃ_×Å_Äñ_µÄ_Á½_¸ö_³á_°ò_£¬_°Ñ_Äñ_˺_¿ª_£¬_Ö»_ÊÇ_²»_¿É_˺_¶Ï_£¬_¼À ˾_Òª_ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ_£¬_ÔÚ_»ð_µÄ_²ñ_ÉÏ_·Ù_ÉÕ_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_ìÜ_¼À_£¬_ÊÇ_Ï×_Óë_Ò® ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_Ü°_Ïã_µÄ_»ð_¼À_¡£ # # And he shall cleave it with the wings thereof, but shall not divide # it asunder: and the priest shall burn it upon the altar, upon the # wood that is upon the fire: it is a burnt sacrifice, an offering # made by fire, of a sweet savour unto the LORD. # ## # chapter 2 LEV:2 # unit P LEV:2:1 Èô_ÓÐ_ÈË_Ï×_ËØ_¼À_Ϊ_¹©_Îï_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_Òª_ÓÃ_ϸ_Ãæ_½½_ÉÏ_ÓÍ_£¬_¼Ó ÉÏ_Èé_Ïã_£¬ # # And when any will offer a meat offering unto the LORD, his offering # shall be of fine flour; and he shall pour oil upon it, and put # frankincense thereon: # # unit P LEV:2:2 ´ø_µ½_ÑÇ_Â×_×Ó_Ëï_×÷_¼À_˾_µÄ_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_¼À_˾_¾Í_Òª_´Ó_ϸ_Ãæ_ÖÐ_È¡_³ö Ò»_°Ñ_À´_£¬_²¢_È¡_Щ_ÓÍ_ºÍ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_Èé_Ïã_£¬_È»_ºó_Òª_°Ñ_Ëù_È¡_µÄ_Õâ Щ_×÷_Ϊ_¼Í_Äî_£¬_ÉÕ_ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ_£¬_ÊÇ_Ï×_Óë_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_Ü°_Ïã_µÄ_»ð_¼À ¡£ # # And he shall bring it to Aaron's sons the priests: and he shall take # thereout his handful of the flour thereof, and of the oil thereof, # with all the frankincense thereof; and the priest shall burn the # memorial of it upon the altar, to be an offering made by fire, of a # sweet savour unto the LORD: # # unit P LEV:2:3 ËØ_¼À_Ëù_Ê£_µÄ_Òª_¹é_¸ø_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_£¬_Õâ_ÊÇ_Ï×_Óë_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª µÄ_»ð_¼À_ÖÐ_Ϊ_ÖÁ_Ê¥_µÄ_¡£ # # And the remnant of the meat offering shall be Aaron's and his sons': # it is a thing most holy of the offerings of the LORD made by fire. # # unit P LEV:2:4 Èô_ÓÃ_¯_ÖÐ_¿¾_µÄ_Îï_Ϊ_ËØ_¼À_£¬_¾Í_Òª_ÓÃ_µ÷_ÓÍ_µÄ_ÎÞ_½Í_ϸ_Ãæ_±ý_£¬ »ò_ÊÇ_Ĩ_ÓÍ_µÄ_ÎÞ_½Í_±¡_±ý_¡£ # # And if thou bring an oblation of a meat offering baken in the oven, # it shall be unleavened cakes of fine flour mingled with oil, or # unleavened wafers anointed with oil. # # unit P LEV:2:5 Èô_ÓÃ_Ìú_öË_ÉÏ_×÷_µÄ_Îï_Ϊ_ËØ_¼À_£¬_¾Í_Òª_ÓÃ_µ÷_ÓÍ_µÄ_ÎÞ_½Í_ϸ_Ãæ_£¬ # # And if thy oblation be a meat offering baken in a pan, it shall be # of fine flour unleavened, mingled with oil. # # unit P LEV:2:6 ·Ö_³É_¿é_×Ó_£¬_½½_ÉÏ_ÓÍ_£¬_Õâ_ÊÇ_ËØ_¼À_¡£ # # Thou shalt part it in pieces, and pour oil thereon: it is a meat # offering. # # unit P LEV:2:7 Èô_ÓÃ_¼å_ÅÌ_×÷_µÄ_Îï_Ϊ_ËØ_¼À_£¬_¾Í_Òª_ÓÃ_ÓÍ_Óë_ϸ_Ãæ_×÷_³É_¡£ # # And if thy oblation be a meat offering baken in the fryingpan, it # shall be made of fine flour with oil. # # unit P LEV:2:8 Òª_°Ñ_Õâ_Щ_¶«_Î÷_×÷_µÄ_ËØ_¼À_´ø_µ½_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_²¢_·î_¸ø_¼À_˾ £¬_´ø_µ½_̳_Ç°_¡£ # # And thou shalt bring the meat offering that is made of these things # unto the LORD: and when it is presented unto the priest, he shall # bring it unto the altar. # # unit P LEV:2:9 ¼À_˾_Òª_´Ó_ËØ_¼À_ÖÐ_È¡_³ö_×÷_Ϊ_¼Í_Äî_µÄ_£¬_ÉÕ_ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ_£¬_ÊÇ_Ï×_Óë Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_Ü°_Ïã_µÄ_»ð_¼À_¡£ # # And the priest shall take from the meat offering a memorial thereof, # and shall burn it upon the altar: it is an offering made by fire, of # a sweet savour unto the LORD. # # unit P LEV:2:10 ËØ_¼À_Ëù_Ê£_µÄ_Òª_¹é_¸ø_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_Ï×_Óë_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª µÄ_»ð_¼À_ÖÐ_Ϊ_ÖÁ_Ê¥_µÄ_¡£ # # And that which is left of the meat offering shall be Aaron's and his # sons': it is a thing most holy of the offerings of the LORD made by # fire. # # unit P LEV:2:11 ·²_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_ËØ_¼À_¶¼_²»_¿É_ÓÐ_½Í_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Äã_ÃÇ_²»_¿É_ÉÕ_Ò» µã_½Í_£¬_Ò»_µã_ÃÛ_µ±_×÷_»ð_¼À_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # No meat offering, which ye shall bring unto the LORD, shall be made # with leaven: for ye shall burn no leaven, nor any honey, in any # offering of the LORD made by fire. # # unit P LEV:2:12 Õâ_Щ_Îï_Òª_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_×÷_Ϊ_³õ_Êì_µÄ_¹©_Îï_£¬_Ö»_ÊÇ_²»_¿É_ÔÚ_̳ ÉÏ_Ï×_Ϊ_Ü°_Ïã_µÄ_¼À_¡£ # # As for the oblation of the firstfruits, ye shall offer them unto the # LORD: but they shall not be burnt on the altar for a sweet savour. # # unit P LEV:2:13 ·²_Ï×_Ϊ_ËØ_¼À_µÄ_¹©_Îï_¶¼_Òª_ÓÃ_ÑÎ_µ÷_ºÍ_£¬_ÔÚ_ËØ_¼À_ÉÏ_²»_¿É_ȱ_ÁË Äã_Éñ_Á¢_Ô¼_µÄ_ÑÎ_¡£_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_¹©_Îï_¶¼_Òª_Åä_ÑÎ_¶ø_Ï×_¡£ # # And every oblation of thy meat offering shalt thou season with salt; # neither shalt thou suffer the salt of the covenant of thy God to be # lacking from thy meat offering: with all thine offerings thou shalt # offer salt. # # unit P LEV:2:14 Èô_Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ï×_³õ_Êì_Ö®_Îï_Ϊ_ËØ_¼À_£¬_Òª_Ï×_ÉÏ_ºæ_ÁË_µÄ_ºÌ_Ëë_×Ó £¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ôþ_ÁË_µÄ_ÐÂ_Ëë_×Ó_£¬_µ±_×÷_³õ_Êì_Ö®_Îï_µÄ_ËØ_¼À_¡£ # # And if thou offer a meat offering of thy firstfruits unto the LORD, # thou shalt offer for the meat offering of thy firstfruits green ears # of corn dried by the fire, even corn beaten out of full ears. # # unit P LEV:2:15 ²¢_Òª_Ĩ_ÉÏ_ÓÍ_£¬_¼Ó_ÉÏ_Èé_Ïã_£¬_Õâ_ÊÇ_ËØ_¼À_¡£ # # And thou shalt put oil upon it, and lay frankincense thereon: it is # a meat offering. # # unit P LEV:2:16 ¼À_˾_Òª_°Ñ_Æä_ÖÐ_×÷_Ϊ_¼Í_Äî_µÄ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ò»_Щ_Ôþ_ÁË_µÄ_ºÌ_Ëë_×Ó_ºÍ Ò»_Щ_ÓÍ_£¬_²¢_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_Èé_Ïã_£¬_¶¼_·Ù_ÉÕ_£¬_ÊÇ_Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ï×_µÄ_»ð ¼À_¡£ # # And the priest shall burn the memorial of it, part of the beaten # corn thereof, and part of the oil thereof, with all the frankincense # thereof: it is an offering made by fire unto the LORD. # ## # chapter 3 LEV:3 # unit P LEV:3:1 ÈË_Ï×_¹©_Îï_Ϊ_ƽ_°²_¼À_£¨_ƽ_°²_»ò_×÷_³ê_¶÷_ÏÂ_ͬ_£©_£¬_Èô_ÊÇ_´Ó_Å£ Ⱥ_ÖÐ_Ï×_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_¹«_µÄ_ÊÇ_ĸ_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_ÓÃ_û_ÓÐ_²Ð_¼²_µÄ_Ï×_ÔÚ_Ò® ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_¡£ # # And if his oblation be a sacrifice of peace offering, if he offer it # of the herd; whether it be a male or female, he shall offer it # without blemish before the LORD. # # unit P LEV:3:2 Ëû_Òª_°´_ÊÖ_ÔÚ_¹©_Îï_µÄ_Í·_ÉÏ_£¬_Ô×_ÓÚ_»á_Ä»_ÃÅ_¿Ú_¡£_ÑÇ_Â×_×Ó_Ëï_×÷ ¼À_˾_µÄ_£¬_Òª_°Ñ_Ѫ_È÷_ÔÚ_̳_µÄ_ÖÜ_Χ_¡£ # # And he shall lay his hand upon the head of his offering, and kill it # at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation: and Aaron's sons # the priests shall sprinkle the blood upon the altar round about. # # unit P LEV:3:3 ´Ó_ƽ_°²_¼À_ÖÐ_£¬_½«_»ð_¼À_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_Ò²_Òª_°Ñ_¸Ç_Ôà_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ ºÍ_Ôà_ÉÏ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_£¬ # # And he shall offer of the sacrifice of the peace offering an # offering made by fire unto the LORD; the fat that covereth the # inwards, and all the fat that is upon the inwards, # # unit P LEV:3:4 ²¢_Á½_¸ö_Ñü_×Ó_ºÍ_Ñü_×Ó_ÉÏ_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_¿¿_Ñü_Á½_ÅÔ_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_£¬ Óë_¸Î_ÉÏ_µÄ_Íø_×Ó_ºÍ_Ñü_×Ó_£¬_Ò»_¸Å_È¡_ÏÂ_¡£ # # And the two kidneys, and the fat that is on them, which is by the # flanks, and the caul above the liver, with the kidneys, it shall he # take away. # # unit P LEV:3:5 ÑÇ_Â×_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_Òª_°Ñ_Õâ_Щ_ÉÕ_ÔÚ_̳_µÄ_ìÜ_¼À_ÉÏ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_»ð_µÄ_²ñ ÉÏ_£¬_ÊÇ_Ï×_Óë_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_Ü°_Ïã_µÄ_»ð_¼À_¡£ # # And Aaron's sons shall burn it on the altar upon the burnt # sacrifice, which is upon the wood that is on the fire: it is an # offering made by fire, of a sweet savour unto the LORD. # # unit P LEV:3:6 ÈË_Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ï×_¹©_Îï_Ϊ_ƽ_°²_¼À_£¬_Èô_ÊÇ_´Ó_Ñò_Ⱥ_ÖÐ_Ï×_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ ÊÇ_¹«_µÄ_ÊÇ_ĸ_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_ÓÃ_û_ÓÐ_²Ð_¼²_µÄ_¡£ # # And if his offering for a sacrifice of peace offering unto the LORD # be of the flock; male or female, he shall offer it without blemish. # # unit P LEV:3:7 Èô_Ï×_Ò»_Ö»_Ñò_¸á_Ϊ_¹©_Îï_£¬_±Ø_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_Ï×_ÉÏ_£¬ # # If he offer a lamb for his offering, then shall he offer it before # the LORD. # # unit P LEV:3:8 ²¢_Òª_°´_ÊÖ_ÔÚ_¹©_Îï_µÄ_Í·_ÉÏ_£¬_Ô×_ÓÚ_»á_Ä»_Ç°_¡£_ÑÇ_Â×_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_Òª °Ñ_Ѫ_È÷_ÔÚ_̳_µÄ_ÖÜ_Χ_¡£ # # And he shall lay his hand upon the head of his offering, and kill it # before the tabernacle of the congregation: and Aaron's sons shall # sprinkle the blood thereof round about upon the altar. # # unit P LEV:3:9 ´Ó_ƽ_°²_¼À_ÖÐ_£¬_½«_»ð_¼À_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_Æä_ÖÐ_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_ºÍ_Õû_·Ê β_°Í_¶¼_Òª_ÔÚ_¿¿_½ü_¼¹_¹Ç_´¦_È¡_ÏÂ_£¬_²¢_Òª_°Ñ_¸Ç_Ôà_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_ºÍ_Ôà ÉÏ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_£¬ # # And he shall offer of the sacrifice of the peace offering an # offering made by fire unto the LORD; the fat thereof, and the whole # rump, it shall he take off hard by the backbone; and the fat that # covereth the inwards, and all the fat that is upon the inwards, # # unit P LEV:3:10 Á½_¸ö_Ñü_×Ó_ºÍ_Ñü_×Ó_ÉÏ_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_¿¿_Ñü_Á½_ÅÔ_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_£¬_²¢ ¸Î_ÉÏ_µÄ_Íø_×Ó_ºÍ_Ñü_×Ó_£¬_Ò»_¸Å_È¡_ÏÂ_¡£ # # And the two kidneys, and the fat that is upon them, which is by the # flanks, and the caul above the liver, with the kidneys, it shall he # take away. # # unit P LEV:3:11 ¼À_˾_Òª_ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ_·Ù_ÉÕ_£¬_ÊÇ_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_ʳ_Îï_µÄ_»ð_¼À_¡£ # # And the priest shall burn it upon the altar: it is the food of the # offering made by fire unto the LORD. # # unit P LEV:3:12 ÈË_µÄ_¹©_Îï_Èô_ÊÇ_ɽ_Ñò_£¬_±Ø_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_Ï×_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And if his offering be a goat, then he shall offer it before the # LORD. # # unit P LEV:3:13 Òª_°´_ÊÖ_ÔÚ_ɽ_Ñò_Í·_ÉÏ_£¬_Ô×_ÓÚ_»á_Ä»_Ç°_¡£_ÑÇ_Â×_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_Òª_°Ñ_Ѫ È÷_ÔÚ_̳_µÄ_ÖÜ_Χ_£¬ # # And he shall lay his hand upon the head of it, and kill it before # the tabernacle of the congregation: and the sons of Aaron shall # sprinkle the blood thereof upon the altar round about. # # unit P LEV:3:14 ÓÖ_°Ñ_¸Ç_Ôà_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_ºÍ_Ôà_ÉÏ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_£¬_Á½_¸ö_Ñü_×Ó_ºÍ_Ñü_×Ó ÉÏ_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_¿¿_Ñü_Á½_ÅÔ_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_£¬_²¢_¸Î_ÉÏ_µÄ_Íø_×Ó_ºÍ_Ñü ×Ó_£¬_Ò»_¸Å_È¡_ÏÂ_£¬_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_»ð_¼À_¡£ # # And he shall offer thereof his offering, even an offering made by # fire unto the LORD; the fat that covereth the inwards, and all the # fat that is upon the inwards, and the two kidneys, and the fat that # is upon them, which is by the flanks, and the caul above the liver, # with the kidneys, it shall he take away. # # unit P LEV:3:16 ¼À_˾_Òª_ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ_·Ù_ÉÕ_£¬_×÷_Ϊ_Ü°_Ïã_»ð_¼À_µÄ_ʳ_Îï_¡£_Ö¬_ÓÍ_¶¼_ÊÇ Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_¡£ # # And the priest shall burn them upon the altar: it is the food of the # offering made by fire for a sweet savour: all the fat is the LORD's. # # unit P LEV:3:17 ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_ס_´¦_£¬_Ö¬_ÓÍ_ºÍ_Ѫ_¶¼_²»_¿É_³Ô_£¬_Õâ_Òª_³É_Ϊ_Äã ÃÇ_ÊÀ_ÊÀ_´ú_´ú_ÓÀ_Ô¶_µÄ_¶¨_Àý_¡£ # # It shall be a perpetual statute for your generations throughout all # your dwellings, that ye eat neither fat nor blood. # ## # chapter 4 LEV:4 # unit P LEV:4:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P LEV:4:2 Äã_Ïþ_ÚÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_˵_£¬_Èô_ÓÐ_ÈË_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_²»_¿É_ÐÐ_µÄ ʲ_ô_ÊÂ_ÉÏ_Îó_·¸_ÁË_Ò»_¼þ_£¬ # # Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If a soul shall sin # through ignorance against any of the commandments of the LORD # concerning things which ought not to be done, and shall do against # any of them: # # unit P LEV:4:3 »ò_ÊÇ_ÊÜ_¸à_µÄ_¼À_˾_·¸_×ï_£¬_ʹ_°Ù_ÐÕ_ÏÝ_ÔÚ_×ï_Àï_£¬_¾Í_µ±_Ϊ_Ëû_Ëù ·¸_µÄ_×ï_°Ñ_û_ÓÐ_²Ð_¼²_µÄ_¹«_Å£_¶¿_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_Êê_×ï_¼À_¡£ # # If the priest that is anointed do sin according to the sin of the # people; then let him bring for his sin, which he hath sinned, a # young bullock without blemish unto the LORD for a sin offering. # # unit P LEV:4:4 Ëû_Òª_Ç£_¹«_Å£_µ½_»á_Ä»_ÃÅ_¿Ú_£¬_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_°´_ÊÖ_ÔÚ_Å£_µÄ_Í· ÉÏ_£¬_°Ñ_Å£_Ô×_ÓÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_¡£ # # And he shall bring the bullock unto the door of the tabernacle of # the congregation before the LORD; and shall lay his hand upon the # bullock's head, and kill the bullock before the LORD. # # unit P LEV:4:5 ÊÜ_¸à_µÄ_¼À_˾_Òª_È¡_Щ_¹«_Å£_µÄ_Ѫ_´ø_µ½_»á_Ä»_£¬ # # And the priest that is anointed shall take of the bullock's blood, # and bring it to the tabernacle of the congregation: # # unit P LEV:4:6 °Ñ_Ö¸_Í·_Õº_ÓÚ_Ѫ_ÖÐ_£¬_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_¶Ô_×Å_Ê¥_Ëù_µÄ_á£_×Ó_µ¯_Ѫ Æß_´Î_£¬ # # And the priest shall dip his finger in the blood, and sprinkle of # the blood seven times before the LORD, before the vail of the # sanctuary. # # unit P LEV:4:7 ÓÖ_Òª_°Ñ_Щ_Ѫ_Ĩ_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_ÄÚ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_Ïã_̳_µÄ_ËÄ_½Ç_ÉÏ_£¬ ÔÙ_°Ñ_¹«_Å£_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_Ѫ_µ¹_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_ÃÅ_¿Ú_£¬_ìÜ_¼À_̳_µÄ_½Å_ÄÇ_Àï_¡£ # # And the priest shall put some of the blood upon the horns of the # altar of sweet incense before the LORD, which is in the tabernacle # of the congregation; and shall pour all the blood of the bullock at # the bottom of the altar of the burnt offering, which is at the door # of the tabernacle of the congregation. # # unit P LEV:4:8 Òª_°Ñ_Êê_×ï_¼À_¹«_Å£_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_£¬_ÄË_ÊÇ_¸Ç_Ôà_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_ºÍ_Ôà_ÉÏ Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_£¬ # # And he shall take off from it all the fat of the bullock for the sin # offering; the fat that covereth the inwards, and all the fat that is # upon the inwards, # # unit P LEV:4:9 ²¢_Á½_¸ö_Ñü_×Ó_ºÍ_Ñü_×Ó_ÉÏ_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_¿¿_Ñü_Á½_ÅÔ_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_£¬ Óë_¸Î_ÉÏ_µÄ_Íø_×Ó_ºÍ_Ñü_×Ó_£¬_Ò»_¸Å_È¡_ÏÂ_£¬ # # And the two kidneys, and the fat that is upon them, which is by the # flanks, and the caul above the liver, with the kidneys, it shall he # take away, # # unit P LEV:4:10 Óë_ƽ_°²_¼À_¹«_Å£_ÉÏ_Ëù_È¡_µÄ_Ò»_Ñù_£¬_¼À_˾_Òª_°Ñ_Õâ_Щ_ÉÕ_ÔÚ_ìÜ_¼À µÄ_̳_ÉÏ_¡£ # # As it was taken off from the bullock of the sacrifice of peace # offerings: and the priest shall burn them upon the altar of the # burnt offering. # # unit P LEV:4:11 ¹«_Å£_µÄ_Ƥ_ºÍ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_Èâ_£¬_²¢_Í·_£¬_ÍÈ_£¬_Ôà_£¬_¸­_£¬_·à_£¬ # # And the skin of the bullock, and all his flesh, with his head, and # with his legs, and his inwards, and his dung, # # unit P LEV:4:12 ¾Í_ÊÇ_È«_¹«_Å£_£¬_Òª_°á_µ½_Óª_Íâ_½à_¾»_Ö®_µØ_£¬_µ¹_»Ò_Ö®_Ëù_£¬_ÓÃ_»ð ÉÕ_ÔÚ_²ñ_ÉÏ_¡£ # # Even the whole bullock shall he carry forth without the camp unto a # clean place, where the ashes are poured out, and burn him on the # wood with fire: where the ashes are poured out shall he be burnt. # # unit P LEV:4:13 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_È«_»á_ÖÚ_Èô_ÐÐ_ÁË_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_²»_¿É_ÐÐ_µÄ_ʲ_ô_ÊÂ_£¬ Îó_·¸_ÁË_×ï_£¬_ÊÇ_Òþ_¶ø_δ_ÏÖ_£¬_»á_ÖÚ_¿´_²»_³ö_À´_µÄ_£¬ # # And if the whole congregation of Israel sin through ignorance, and # the thing be hid from the eyes of the assembly, and they have done # somewhat against any of the commandments of the LORD concerning # things which should not be done, and are guilty; # # unit P LEV:4:14 »á_ÖÚ_Ò»_Öª_µÀ_Ëù_·¸_µÄ_×ï_¾Í_Òª_Ï×_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Å£_¶¿_Ϊ_Êê_×ï_¼À_£¬_Ç£ µ½_»á_Ä»_Ç°_¡£ # # When the sin, which they have sinned against it, is known, then the # congregation shall offer a young bullock for the sin, and bring him # before the tabernacle of the congregation. # # unit P LEV:4:15 »á_ÖÐ_µÄ_³¤_ÀÏ_¾Í_Òª_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_°´_ÊÖ_ÔÚ_Å£_µÄ_Í·_ÉÏ_£¬_½«_Å£ ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_Ô×_ÁË_¡£ # # And the elders of the congregation shall lay their hands upon the # head of the bullock before the LORD: and the bullock shall be killed # before the LORD. # # unit P LEV:4:16 ÊÜ_¸à_µÄ_¼À_˾_Òª_È¡_Щ_¹«_Å£_µÄ_Ѫ_´ø_µ½_»á_Ä»_£¬ # # And the priest that is anointed shall bring of the bullock's blood # to the tabernacle of the congregation: # # unit P LEV:4:17 °Ñ_Ö¸_Í·_Õº_ÓÚ_Ѫ_ÖÐ_£¬_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_¶Ô_×Å_á£_×Ó_µ¯_Ѫ_Æß_´Î_£¬ # # And the priest shall dip his finger in some of the blood, and # sprinkle it seven times before the LORD, even before the vail. # # unit P LEV:4:18 ÓÖ_Òª_°Ñ_Щ_Ѫ_Ĩ_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_ÄÚ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_̳_µÄ_ËÄ_½Ç_ÉÏ_£¬_ÔÙ °Ñ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_Ѫ_µ¹_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_ÃÅ_¿Ú_£¬_ìÜ_¼À_̳_µÄ_½Å_ÄÇ_Àï_¡£ # # And he shall put some of the blood upon the horns of the altar which # is before the LORD, that is in the tabernacle of the congregation, # and shall pour out all the blood at the bottom of the altar of the # burnt offering, which is at the door of the tabernacle of the # congregation. # # unit P LEV:4:19 °Ñ_Å£_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_¶¼_È¡_ÏÂ_£¬_ÉÕ_ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And he shall take all his fat from him, and burn it upon the altar. # # unit P LEV:4:20 ÊÕ_Ê°_Õâ_Å£_£¬_Óë_ÄÇ_Êê_×ï_¼À_µÄ_Å£_Ò»_Ñù_¡£_¼À_˾_Òª_Ϊ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Êê_×ï £¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_±Ø_ÃÉ_Éâ_Ãâ_¡£ # # And he shall do with the bullock as he did with the bullock for a # sin offering, so shall he do with this: and the priest shall make an # atonement for them, and it shall be forgiven them. # # unit P LEV:4:21 Ëû_Òª_°Ñ_Å£_°á_µ½_Óª_Íâ_ÉÕ_ÁË_£¬_Ïñ_ÉÕ_Í·_Ò»_¸ö_Å£_Ò»_Ñù_£¬_Õâ_ÊÇ_»á ÖÚ_µÄ_Êê_×ï_¼À_¡£ # # And he shall carry forth the bullock without the camp, and burn him # as he burned the first bullock: it is a sin offering for the # congregation. # # unit P LEV:4:22 ¹Ù_³¤_Èô_ÐÐ_ÁË_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëû_Éñ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_²»_¿É_ÐÐ_µÄ_ʲ_ô_ÊÂ_£¬_Îó_·¸ ÁË_×ï_£¬ # # When a ruler hath sinned, and done somewhat through ignorance # against any of the commandments of the LORD his God concerning # things which should not be done, and is guilty; # # unit P LEV:4:23 Ëù_·¸_µÄ_×ï_×Ô_¼º_Öª_µÀ_ÁË_£¬_¾Í_Òª_Ç£_Ò»_Ö»_û_ÓÐ_²Ð_¼²_µÄ_¹«_ɽ_Ñò Ϊ_¹©_Îï_£¬ # # Or if his sin, wherein he hath sinned, come to his knowledge; he # shall bring his offering, a kid of the goats, a male without # blemish: # # unit P LEV:4:24 °´_ÊÖ_ÔÚ_Ñò_µÄ_Í·_ÉÏ_£¬_Ô×_ÓÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_Ô×_ìÜ_¼À_Éü_µÄ_µØ_·½ £¬_Õâ_ÊÇ_Êê_×ï_¼À_¡£ # # And he shall lay his hand upon the head of the goat, and kill it in # the place where they kill the burnt offering before the LORD: it is # a sin offering. # # unit P LEV:4:25 ¼À_˾_Òª_ÓÃ_Ö¸_Í·_Õº_Щ_Êê_×ï_¼À_Éü_µÄ_Ѫ_£¬_Ĩ_ÔÚ_ìÜ_¼À_̳_µÄ_ËÄ_½Ç ÉÏ_£¬_°Ñ_Ѫ_µ¹_ÔÚ_ìÜ_¼À_̳_µÄ_½Å_ÄÇ_Àï_¡£ # # And the priest shall take of the blood of the sin offering with his # finger, and put it upon the horns of the altar of burnt offering, # and shall pour out his blood at the bottom of the altar of burnt # offering. # # unit P LEV:4:26 Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_£¬_¼À_˾_¶¼_Òª_ÉÕ_ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ_£¬_Õý_Èç_ƽ_°²_¼À_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ Ò»_Ñù_¡£_ÖÁ_ÓÚ_Ëû_µÄ_×ï_£¬_¼À_˾_Òª_Ϊ_Ëû_Êê_ÁË_£¬_Ëû_±Ø_ÃÉ_Éâ_Ãâ_¡£ # # And he shall burn all his fat upon the altar, as the fat of the # sacrifice of peace offerings: and the priest shall make an atonement # for him as concerning his sin, and it shall be forgiven him. # # unit P LEV:4:27 Ãñ_ÖÐ_Èô_ÓÐ_ÈË_ÐÐ_ÁË_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_²»_¿É_ÐÐ_µÄ_ʲ_ô_ÊÂ_£¬_Îó_·¸ ÁË_×ï_£¬ # # And if any one of the common people sin through ignorance, while he # doeth somewhat against any of the commandments of the LORD # concerning things which ought not to be done, and be guilty; # # unit P LEV:4:28 Ëù_·¸_µÄ_×ï_×Ô_¼º_Öª_µÀ_ÁË_£¬_¾Í_Òª_Ϊ_Ëù_·¸_µÄ_×ï_Ç£_Ò»_Ö»_û_ÓÐ_²Ð ¼²_µÄ_ĸ_ɽ_Ñò_Ϊ_¹©_Îï_£¬ # # Or if his sin, which he hath sinned, come to his knowledge: then he # shall bring his offering, a kid of the goats, a female without # blemish, for his sin which he hath sinned. # # unit P LEV:4:29 °´_ÊÖ_ÔÚ_Êê_×ï_¼À_Éü_µÄ_Í·_ÉÏ_£¬_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Ô×_ìÜ_¼À_Éü_µÄ_µØ_·½_Ô×_ÁË_¡£ # # And he shall lay his hand upon the head of the sin offering, and # slay the sin offering in the place of the burnt offering. # # unit P LEV:4:30 ¼À_˾_Òª_ÓÃ_Ö¸_Í·_Õº_Щ_Ñò_µÄ_Ѫ_£¬_Ĩ_ÔÚ_ìÜ_¼À_̳_µÄ_ËÄ_½Ç_ÉÏ_£¬_Ëù ÓÐ_µÄ_Ѫ_¶¼_Òª_µ¹_ÔÚ_̳_µÄ_½Å_ÄÇ_Àï_¡£ # # And the priest shall take of the blood thereof with his finger, and # put it upon the horns of the altar of burnt offering, and shall pour # out all the blood thereof at the bottom of the altar. # # unit P LEV:4:31 ÓÖ_Òª_°Ñ_Ñò_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_¶¼_È¡_ÏÂ_£¬_Õý_Èç_È¡_ƽ_°²_¼À_Éü_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ Ò»_Ñù_¡£_¼À_˾_Òª_ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ_·Ù_ÉÕ_£¬_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_×÷_Ϊ_Ü°_Ïã_µÄ ¼À_£¬_Ϊ_Ëû_Êê_×ï_£¬_Ëû_±Ø_ÃÉ_Éâ_Ãâ_¡£ # # And he shall take away all the fat thereof, as the fat is taken away # from off the sacrifice of peace offerings; and the priest shall burn # it upon the altar for a sweet savour unto the LORD; and the priest # shall make an atonement for him, and it shall be forgiven him. # # unit P LEV:4:32 ÈË_Èô_Ç£_Ò»_Ö»_Ãà_Ñò_¸á_Ϊ_Êê_×ï_¼À_µÄ_¹©_Îï_£¬_±Ø_Òª_Ç£_Ò»_Ö»_û_ÓÐ ²Ð_¼²_µÄ_ĸ_Ñò_£¬ # # And if he bring a lamb for a sin offering, he shall bring it a # female without blemish. # # unit P LEV:4:33 °´_ÊÖ_ÔÚ_Êê_×ï_¼À_Éü_µÄ_Í·_ÉÏ_£¬_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Ô×_ìÜ_¼À_Éü_µÄ_µØ_·½_Ô×_ÁË_×÷ Êê_×ï_¼À_¡£ # # And he shall lay his hand upon the head of the sin offering, and # slay it for a sin offering in the place where they kill the burnt # offering. # # unit P LEV:4:34 ¼À_˾_Òª_ÓÃ_Ö¸_Í·_Õº_Щ_Êê_×ï_¼À_Éü_µÄ_Ѫ_£¬_Ĩ_ÔÚ_ìÜ_¼À_̳_µÄ_ËÄ_½Ç ÉÏ_£¬_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_Ѫ_¶¼_Òª_µ¹_ÔÚ_̳_µÄ_½Å_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬ # # And the priest shall take of the blood of the sin offering with his # finger, and put it upon the horns of the altar of burnt offering, # and shall pour out all the blood thereof at the bottom of the altar: # # unit P LEV:4:35 ÓÖ_Òª_°Ñ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_¶¼_È¡_ÏÂ_£¬_Õý_Èç_È¡_ƽ_°²_¼À_Ñò_¸á_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ Ò»_Ñù_¡£_¼À_˾_Òª_°´_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_»ð_¼À_µÄ_Ìõ_Àý_£¬_ÉÕ_ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ_¡£ ÖÁ_ÓÚ_Ëù_·¸_µÄ_×ï_£¬_¼À_˾_Òª_Ϊ_Ëû_Êê_ÁË_£¬_Ëû_±Ø_ÃÉ_Éâ_Ãâ_¡£ # # And he shall take away all the fat thereof, as the fat of the lamb # is taken away from the sacrifice of the peace offerings; and the # priest shall burn them upon the altar, according to the offerings # made by fire unto the LORD: and the priest shall make an atonement # for his sin that he hath committed, and it shall be forgiven him. # ## # chapter 5 LEV:5 # unit P LEV:5:1 Èô_ÓÐ_ÈË_Ìý_¼û_·¢_ÊÄ_µÄ_Éù_Òô_£¨_»ò_×÷_Èô_ÓÐ_ÈË_Ìý_¼û_½Ð_ÈË_·¢_ÊÄ_µÄ Éù_Òô_£©_£¬_Ëû_±¾_ÊÇ_¼û_Ö¤_£¬_È´_²»_°Ñ_Ëù_¿´_¼û_µÄ_£¬_Ëù_Öª_µÀ_µÄ_˵ ³ö_À´_£¬_Õâ_¾Í_ÊÇ_×ï_£¬_Ëû_Òª_µ£_µ±_Ëû_µÄ_×ï_Äõ_¡£ # # And if a soul sin, and hear the voice of swearing, and is a witness, # whether he hath seen or known of it; if he do not utter it, then he # shall bear his iniquity. # # unit P LEV:5:2 »ò_ÊÇ_ÓÐ_ÈË_Ãþ_ÁË_²»_½à_µÄ_Îï_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_²»_½à_µÄ_ËÀ_ÊÞ_£¬_ÊÇ_²»_½à µÄ_ËÀ_Ðó_£¬_ÊÇ_²»_½à_µÄ_ËÀ_³æ_£¬_Ëû_È´_²»_Öª_µÀ_£¬_Òò_´Ë_³É_ÁË_²»_½à £¬_¾Í_ÓÐ_ÁË_×ï_¡£ # # Or if a soul touch any unclean thing, whether it be a carcase of an # unclean beast, or a carcase of unclean cattle, or the carcase of # unclean creeping things, and if it be hidden from him; he also shall # be unclean, and guilty. # # unit P LEV:5:3 »ò_ÊÇ_Ëû_Ãþ_ÁË_±ð_ÈË_µÄ_ÎÛ_»à_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_Ⱦ_ÁË_ʲ_ô_ÎÛ_»à_£¬_Ëû_È´ ²»_Öª_µÀ_£¬_Ò»_Öª_µÀ_ÁË_¾Í_ÓÐ_ÁË_×ï_¡£ # # Or if he touch the uncleanness of man, whatsoever uncleanness it be # that a man shall be defiled withal, and it be hid from him; when he # knoweth of it, then he shall be guilty. # # unit P LEV:5:4 »ò_ÊÇ_ÓÐ_ÈË_×ì_Àï_ð_ʧ_·¢_ÊÄ_£¬_Òª_ÐÐ_¶ñ_£¬_Òª_ÐÐ_ÉÆ_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÈË_ÔÚ Ê²_ô_ÊÂ_ÉÏ_ð_ʧ_·¢_ÊÄ_£¬_Ëû_È´_²»_Öª_µÀ_£¬_Ò»_Öª_µÀ_ÁË_¾Í_Òª_ÔÚ_Õâ Æä_ÖÐ_µÄ_Ò»_¼þ_ÉÏ_ÓÐ_ÁË_×ï_¡£ # # Or if a soul swear, pronouncing with his lips to do evil, or to do # good, whatsoever it be that a man shall pronounce with an oath, and # it be hid from him; when he knoweth of it, then he shall be guilty # in one of these. # # unit P LEV:5:5 Ëû_ÓÐ_ÁË_×ï_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_¾Í_Òª_³Ð_ÈÏ_Ëù_·¸_µÄ_×ï_£¬ # # And it shall be, when he shall be guilty in one of these things, # that he shall confess that he hath sinned in that thing: # # unit P LEV:5:6 ²¢_Òª_Òò_Ëù_·¸_µÄ_×ï_£¬_°Ñ_Ëû_µÄ_Êê_í©_¼À_Éü_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ñò_Ⱥ_ÖÐ_µÄ_ĸ_Ñò £¬_»ò_ÊÇ_Ò»_Ö»_Ñò_¸á_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_Ò»_Ö»_ɽ_Ñò_Ç£_µ½_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_Ϊ_Êê ×ï_¼À_¡£_ÖÁ_ÓÚ_Ëû_µÄ_×ï_£¬_¼À_˾_Òª_Ϊ_Ëû_Êê_ÁË_¡£ # # And he shall bring his trespass offering unto the LORD for his sin # which he hath sinned, a female from the flock, a lamb or a kid of # the goats, for a sin offering; and the priest shall make an # atonement for him concerning his sin. # # unit P LEV:5:7 Ëû_µÄ_Á¦_Á¿_Èô_²»_¹»_Ï×_Ò»_Ö»_Ñò_¸á_£¬_¾Í_Òª_Òò_Ëù_·¸_µÄ_×ï_£¬_°Ñ_Á½ Ö»_°ß_ð¯_»ò_ÊÇ_Á½_Ö»_³û_¸ë_´ø_µ½_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_Ϊ_Êê_í©_¼À_£¬_Ò»_Ö» ×÷_Êê_×ï_¼À_£¬_Ò»_Ö»_×÷_ìÜ_¼À_¡£ # # And if he be not able to bring a lamb, then he shall bring for his # trespass, which he hath committed, two turtledoves, or two young # pigeons, unto the LORD; one for a sin offering, and the other for a # burnt offering. # # unit P LEV:5:8 °Ñ_Õâ_Щ_´ø_µ½_¼À_˾_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_¼À_˾_¾Í_Òª_ÏÈ_°Ñ_ÄÇ_Êê_×ï_¼À_Ï×_ÉÏ_£¬ ´Ó_Äñ_µÄ_¾±_Ïî_ÉÏ_¾¾_ÏÂ_Í·_À´_£¬_Ö»_ÊÇ_²»_¿É_°Ñ_Äñ_˺_¶Ï_£¬ # # And he shall bring them unto the priest, who shall offer that which # is for the sin offering first, and wring off his head from his neck, # but shall not divide it asunder: # # unit P LEV:5:9 Ò²_°Ñ_Щ_Êê_×ï_¼À_Éü_µÄ_Ѫ_µ¯_ÔÚ_̳_µÄ_ÅÔ_±ß_£¬_Ê£_ÏÂ_µÄ_Ѫ_Òª_Á÷_ÔÚ Ì³_µÄ_½Å_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_Õâ_ÊÇ_Êê_×ï_¼À_¡£ # # And he shall sprinkle of the blood of the sin offering upon the side # of the altar; and the rest of the blood shall be wrung out at the # bottom of the altar: it is a sin offering. # # unit P LEV:5:10 Ëû_Òª_ÕÕ_Àý_Ï×_µÚ_¶þ_Ö»_Ϊ_ìÜ_¼À_¡£_ÖÁ_ÓÚ_Ëû_Ëù_·¸_µÄ_×ï_£¬_¼À_˾_Òª Ϊ_Ëû_Êê_ÁË_£¬_Ëû_±Ø_ÃÉ_Éâ_Ãâ_¡£ # # And he shall offer the second for a burnt offering, according to the # manner: and the priest shall make an atonement for him for his sin # which he hath sinned, and it shall be forgiven him. # # unit P LEV:5:11 Ëû_µÄ_Á¦_Á¿_Èô_²»_¹»_Ï×_Á½_Ö»_°ß_ð¯_»ò_ÊÇ_Á½_Ö»_³û_¸ë_£¬_¾Í_Òª_Òò_Ëù ·¸_µÄ_×ï_´ø_¹©_Îï_À´_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ϸ_Ãæ_ÒÁ_·¨_Ê®_·Ö_Ö®_Ò»_Ϊ_Êê_×ï_¼À_£¬ ²»_¿É_¼Ó_ÉÏ_ÓÍ_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_¼Ó_ÉÏ_Èé_Ïã_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÊÇ_Êê_×ï_¼À_¡£ # # But if he be not able to bring two turtledoves, or two young # pigeons, then he that sinned shall bring for his offering the tenth # part of an ephah of fine flour for a sin offering; he shall put no # oil upon it, neither shall he put any frankincense thereon: for it # is a sin offering. # # unit P LEV:5:12 Ëû_Òª_°Ñ_¹©_Îï_´ø_µ½_¼À_˾_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_¼À_˾_Òª_È¡_³ö_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_Ò»_°Ñ_À´ ×÷_Ϊ_¼Í_Äî_£¬_°´_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_»ð_¼À_µÄ_Ìõ_Àý_ÉÕ_ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ_£¬_Õâ_ÊÇ Êê_×ï_¼À_¡£ # # Then shall he bring it to the priest, and the priest shall take his # handful of it, even a memorial thereof, and burn it on the altar, # according to the offerings made by fire unto the LORD: it is a sin # offering. # # unit P LEV:5:13 ÖÁ_ÓÚ_Ëû_ÔÚ_Õâ_¼¸_¼þ_ÊÂ_ÖÐ_Ëù_·¸_µÄ_×ï_£¬_¼À_˾_Òª_Ϊ_Ëû_Êê_ÁË_£¬_Ëû ±Ø_ÃÉ_Éâ_Ãâ_¡£_Ê£_ÏÂ_µÄ_Ãæ_¶¼_¹é_Óë_¼À_˾_£¬_ºÍ_ËØ_¼À_Ò»_Ñù_¡£ # # And the priest shall make an atonement for him as touching his sin # that he hath sinned in one of these, and it shall be forgiven him: # and the remnant shall be the priest's, as a meat offering. # # unit P LEV:5:14 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P LEV:5:15 ÈË_Èô_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_Ê¥_Îï_ÉÏ_Îó_·¸_ÁË_×ï_£¬_ÓÐ_ÁË_¹ý_·¸_£¬_¾Í_Òª_ÕÕ Äã_Ëù_¹À_µÄ_£¬_°´_Ê¥_Ëù_µÄ_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_ÄÃ_Òø_×Ó_£¬_½«_Êê_í©_¼À_Éü_¾Í_ÊÇ Ñò_Ⱥ_ÖÐ_Ò»_Ö»_û_ÓÐ_²Ð_¼²_µÄ_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_Ç£_µ½_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_Ϊ_Êê_í© ¼À_¡£ # # If a soul commit a trespass, and sin through ignorance, in the holy # things of the LORD; then he shall bring for his trespass unto the # LORD a ram without blemish out of the flocks, with thy estimation by # shekels of silver, after the shekel of the sanctuary, for a trespass # offering: # # unit P LEV:5:16 ²¢_ÇÒ_Ëû_Òò_ÔÚ_Ê¥_Îï_ÉÏ_µÄ_²î_´í_Òª_³¥_»¹_£¬_Áí_Íâ_¼Ó_Îå_·Ö_Ö®_Ò»_£¬ ¶¼_¸ø_¼À_˾_¡£_¼À_˾_Òª_ÓÃ_Êê_í©_¼À_µÄ_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_Ϊ_Ëû_Êê_×ï_£¬_Ëû_±Ø ÃÉ_Éâ_Ãâ_¡£ # # And he shall make amends for the harm that he hath done in the holy # thing, and shall add the fifth part thereto, and give it unto the # priest: and the priest shall make an atonement for him with the ram # of the trespass offering, and it shall be forgiven him. # # unit P LEV:5:17 Èô_ÓÐ_ÈË_·¸_×ï_£¬_ÐÐ_ÁË_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_²»_¿É_ÐÐ_µÄ_ʲ_ô_ÊÂ_£¬_Ëû Ëä_È»_²»_Öª_µÀ_£¬_»¹_ÊÇ_ÓÐ_ÁË_×ï_£¬_¾Í_Òª_µ£_µ±_Ëû_µÄ_×ï_Äõ_¡£ # # And if a soul sin, and commit any of these things which are # forbidden to be done by the commandments of the LORD; though he wist # it not, yet is he guilty, and shall bear his iniquity. # # unit P LEV:5:18 Ò²_Òª_ÕÕ_Äã_Ëù_¹À_¶¨_µÄ_¼Û_£¬_´Ó_Ñò_Ⱥ_ÖÐ_Ç£_Ò»_Ö»_û_ÓÐ_²Ð_¼²_µÄ_¹« Ãà_Ñò_À´_£¬_¸ø_¼À_˾_×÷_Êê_í©_¼À_¡£_ÖÁ_ÓÚ_Ëû_Îó_ÐÐ_µÄ_ÄÇ_´í_ÊÂ_£¬_¼À ˾_Òª_Ϊ_Ëû_Êê_×ï_£¬_Ëû_±Ø_ÃÉ_Éâ_Ãâ_¡£ # # And he shall bring a ram without blemish out of the flock, with thy # estimation, for a trespass offering, unto the priest: and the priest # shall make an atonement for him concerning his ignorance wherein he # erred and wist it not, and it shall be forgiven him. # # unit P LEV:5:19 Õâ_ÊÇ_Êê_í©_¼À_£¬_Òò_Ëû_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_ʵ_ÔÚ_ÓÐ_ÁË_×ï_¡£ # # It is a trespass offering: he hath certainly trespassed against the # LORD. # ## # chapter 6 LEV:6 # unit P LEV:6:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P LEV:6:2 Èô_ÓÐ_ÈË_·¸_×ï_£¬_¸É_·¸_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_ÔÚ_ÁÚ_Éá_½»_¸¶_Ëû_µÄ_Îï_ÉÏ_£¬_»ò ÊÇ_ÔÚ_½»_Ò×_ÉÏ_ÐÐ_ÁË_¹î_Õ©_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_ÇÀ_¶á_ÈË_µÄ_²Æ_Îï_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_ÆÛ_ѹ ÁÚ_Éá_£¬ # # If a soul sin, and commit a trespass against the LORD, and lie unto # his neighbour in that which was delivered him to keep, or in # fellowship, or in a thing taken away by violence, or hath deceived # his neighbour; # # unit P LEV:6:3 »ò_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_¼ñ_ÁË_ÒÅ_ʧ_µÄ_Îï_ÉÏ_ÐÐ_ÁË_¹î_Õ©_£¬_˵_»Ñ_Æð_ÊÄ_£¬_ÔÚ_Õâ_Ò» ÇÐ_µÄ_ÊÂ_ÉÏ_·¸_ÁË_ʲ_ô_×ï_¡£ # # Or have found that which was lost, and lieth concerning it, and # sweareth falsely; in any of all these that a man doeth, sinning # therein: # # unit P LEV:6:4 Ëû_¼È_·¸_ÁË_×ï_£¬_ÓÐ_ÁË_¹ý_·¸_£¬_¾Í_Òª_¹é_»¹_Ëû_Ëù_ÇÀ_¶á_µÄ_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ Òò_ÆÛ_ѹ_Ëù_µÃ_µÄ_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_ÈË_½»_¸¶_Ëû_µÄ_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_ÈË_ÒÅ_ʧ_Ëû_Ëù_¼ñ µÄ_Îï_£¬ # # Then it shall be, because he hath sinned, and is guilty, that he # shall restore that which he took violently away, or the thing which # he hath deceitfully gotten, or that which was delivered him to keep, # or the lost thing which he found, # # unit P LEV:6:5 »ò_ÊÇ_Ëû_Òò_ʲ_ô_Îï_Æð_ÁË_¼Ù_ÊÄ_£¬_¾Í_Òª_Èç_Êý_¹é_»¹_£¬_Áí_Íâ_¼Ó_ÉÏ Îå_·Ö_Ö®_Ò»_£¬_ÔÚ_²é_³ö_Ëû_ÓÐ_×ï_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_Òª_½»_»¹_±¾_Ö÷_¡£ # # Or all that about which he hath sworn falsely; he shall even restore # it in the principal, and shall add the fifth part more thereto, and # give it unto him to whom it appertaineth, in the day of his trespass # offering. # # unit P LEV:6:6 Ò²_Òª_ÕÕ_Äã_Ëù_¹À_¶¨_µÄ_¼Û_£¬_°Ñ_Êê_í©_¼À_Éü_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ñò_Ⱥ_ÖÐ_Ò»_Ö»_û ÓÐ_²Ð_¼²_µÄ_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_Ç£_µ½_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_¸ø_¼À_˾_Ϊ_Êê_í©_¼À_¡£ # # And he shall bring his trespass offering unto the LORD, a ram # without blemish out of the flock, with thy estimation, for a # trespass offering, unto the priest: # # unit P LEV:6:7 ¼À_˾_Òª_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_Ϊ_Ëû_Êê_×ï_£¬_Ëû_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÐÐ_ÁË_ʲ_ô_ÊÂ_£¬ ʹ_Ëû_ÓÐ_ÁË_×ï_£¬_¶¼_±Ø_ÃÉ_Éâ_Ãâ_¡£ # # And the priest shall make an atonement for him before the LORD: and # it shall be forgiven him for any thing of all that he hath done in # trespassing therein. # # unit P LEV:6:8 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P LEV:6:9 Äã_Òª_·Ô_¸À_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_˵_£¬_ìÜ_¼À_µÄ_Ìõ_Àý_ÄË_ÊÇ_Õâ_Ñù_£¬ ìÜ_¼À_Òª_·Å_ÔÚ_̳_µÄ_²ñ_ÉÏ_£¬_´Ó_Íí_ÉÏ_µ½_Ìì_ÁÁ_£¬_̳_ÉÏ_µÄ_»ð_Òª_³£ ³£_ÉÕ_×Å_¡£ # # Command Aaron and his sons, saying, This is the law of the burnt # offering: It is the burnt offering, because of the burning upon the # altar all night unto the morning, and the fire of the altar shall be # burning in it. # # unit P LEV:6:10 ¼À_˾_Òª_´©_ÉÏ_ϸ_Âé_²¼_ÒÂ_·þ_£¬_ÓÖ_Òª_°Ñ_ϸ_Âé_²¼_¿ã_×Ó_´©_ÔÚ_Éí_ÉÏ £¬_°Ñ_̳_ÉÏ_Ëù_ÉÕ_µÄ_ìÜ_¼À_»Ò_ÊÕ_Æð_À´_£¬_µ¹_ÔÚ_̳_µÄ_ÅÔ_±ß_¡£ # # And the priest shall put on his linen garment, and his linen # breeches shall he put upon his flesh, and take up the ashes which # the fire hath consumed with the burnt offering on the altar, and he # shall put them beside the altar. # # unit P LEV:6:11 Ëæ_ºó_Òª_ÍÑ_È¥_Õâ_ÒÂ_·þ_£¬_´©_ÉÏ_±ð_µÄ_ÒÂ_·þ_£¬_°Ñ_»Ò_ÄÃ_µ½_Óª_Íâ_½à ¾»_Ö®_´¦_¡£ # # And he shall put off his garments, and put on other garments, and # carry forth the ashes without the camp unto a clean place. # # unit P LEV:6:12 ̳_ÉÏ_µÄ_»ð_Òª_ÔÚ_Æä_ÉÏ_³£_³£_ÉÕ_×Å_£¬_²»_¿É_Ϩ_Ãð_¡£_¼À_˾_Òª_ÿ_ÈÕ Ôç_³¿_ÔÚ_ÉÏ_Ãæ_ÉÕ_²ñ_£¬_²¢_Òª_°Ñ_ìÜ_¼À_°Ú_ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ_£¬_ÔÚ_Æä_ÉÏ_ÉÕ_ƽ °²_¼À_Éü_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_¡£ # # And the fire upon the altar shall be burning in it; it shall not be # put out: and the priest shall burn wood on it every morning, and lay # the burnt offering in order upon it; and he shall burn thereon the # fat of the peace offerings. # # unit P LEV:6:13 ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ_±Ø_ÓÐ_³£_³£_ÉÕ_×Å_µÄ_»ð_£¬_²»_¿É_Ϩ_Ãð_¡£ # # The fire shall ever be burning upon the altar; it shall never go # out. # # unit P LEV:6:14 ËØ_¼À_µÄ_Ìõ_Àý_ÄË_ÊÇ_Õâ_Ñù_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_Òª_ÔÚ_̳_Ç°_°Ñ_Õâ_¼À_Ï× ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_¡£ # # And this is the law of the meat offering: the sons of Aaron shall # offer it before the LORD, before the altar. # # unit P LEV:6:15 ¼À_˾_Òª_´Ó_Æä_ÖÐ_¾Í_ÊÇ_´Ó_ËØ_¼À_µÄ_ϸ_Ãæ_ÖÐ_È¡_³ö_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_Ò»_°Ñ_£¬ ÓÖ_Òª_È¡_Щ_ÓÍ_ºÍ_ËØ_¼À_ÉÏ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_Èé_Ïã_£¬_ÉÕ_ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ_£¬_·î_¸ø_Ò® ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_Ü°_Ïã_ËØ_¼À_µÄ_¼Í_Äî_¡£ # # And he shall take of it his handful, of the flour of the meat # offering, and of the oil thereof, and all the frankincense which is # upon the meat offering, and shall burn it upon the altar for a sweet # savour, even the memorial of it, unto the LORD. # # unit P LEV:6:16 Ëù_Ê£_ÏÂ_µÄ_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_×Ó_Ëï_Òª_³Ô_£¬_±Ø_ÔÚ_Ê¥_´¦_²»_´ø_½Í_¶ø_³Ô £¬_Òª_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_µÄ_Ôº_×Ó_Àï_³Ô_¡£ # # And the remainder thereof shall Aaron and his sons eat: with # unleavened bread shall it be eaten in the holy place; in the court # of the tabernacle of the congregation they shall eat it. # # unit P LEV:6:17 ¿¾_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_²»_¿É_²ó_½Í_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_´Ó_Ëù_Ï×_¸ø_ÎÒ_µÄ_»ð_¼À_ÖÐ_´Í_¸ø_Ëû ÃÇ_µÄ_·Ö_£¬_ÊÇ_ÖÁ_Ê¥_µÄ_£¬_ºÍ_Êê_×ï_¼À_²¢_Êê_í©_¼À_Ò»_Ñù_¡£ # # It shall not be baken with leaven. I have given it unto them for # their portion of my offerings made by fire; it is most holy, as is # the sin offering, and as the trespass offering. # # unit P LEV:6:18 ·²_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_»ð_¼À_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_×Ó_Ëï_ÖÐ_µÄ_ÄÐ_¶¡_¶¼_Òª_³Ô_Õâ_Ò» ·Ö_£¬_Ö±_µ½_Íò_´ú_£¬_×÷_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÓÀ_µÃ_µÄ_·Ö_¡£_Ãþ_Õâ_Щ_¼À_Îï_µÄ_£¬_¶¼ Òª_³É_Ϊ_Ê¥_¡£ # # All the males among the children of Aaron shall eat of it. It shall # be a statute for ever in your generations concerning the offerings # of the LORD made by fire: every one that toucheth them shall be # holy. # # unit P LEV:6:19 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P LEV:6:20 µ±_ÑÇ_Â×_ÊÜ_¸à_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_£¬_Ëû_ºÍ_Ëû_×Ó_Ëï_Ëù_Òª_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_¹© Îï_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ϸ_Ãæ_ÒÁ_·¨_Ê®_·Ö_Ö®_Ò»_£¬_Ϊ_³£_Ï×_µÄ_ËØ_¼À_£¬_Ôç_³¿_Ò» °ë_£¬_Íí_ÉÏ_Ò»_°ë_¡£ # # This is the offering of Aaron and of his sons, which they shall # offer unto the LORD in the day when he is anointed; the tenth part # of an ephah of fine flour for a meat offering perpetual, half of it # in the morning, and half thereof at night. # # unit P LEV:6:21 Òª_ÔÚ_Ìú_öË_ÉÏ_ÓÃ_ÓÍ_µ÷_ºÍ_×÷_³É_£¬_µ÷_ÔÈ_ÁË_£¬_Äã_¾Í_ÄÃ_½ø_À´_£¬_¿¾ ºÃ_ÁË_·Ö_³É_¿é_×Ó_£¬_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_Ü°_Ïã_µÄ_ËØ_¼À_¡£ # # In a pan it shall be made with oil; and when it is baken, thou shalt # bring it in: and the baken pieces of the meat offering shalt thou # offer for a sweet savour unto the LORD. # # unit P LEV:6:22 ÑÇ_Â×_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_ÖÐ_£¬_½Ó_Ðø_Ëû_Ϊ_ÊÜ_¸à_µÄ_¼À_˾_£¬_Òª_°Ñ_Õâ_ËØ_¼À_Ï× ÉÏ_£¬_Òª_È«_ÉÕ_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_ÓÀ_Ô¶_µÄ_¶¨_Àý_¡£ # # And the priest of his sons that is anointed in his stead shall offer # it: it is a statute for ever unto the LORD; it shall be wholly # burnt. # # unit P LEV:6:23 ¼À_˾_µÄ_ËØ_¼À_¶¼_Òª_ÉÕ_ÁË_£¬_È´_²»_¿É_³Ô_¡£ # # For every meat offering for the priest shall be wholly burnt: it # shall not be eaten. # # unit P LEV:6:24 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P LEV:6:25 Äã_¶Ô_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_˵_£¬_Êê_×ï_¼À_µÄ_Ìõ_Àý_ÄË_ÊÇ_Õâ_Ñù_£¬_Òª ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_Ô×_ìÜ_¼À_Éü_µÄ_µØ_·½_Ô×_Êê_×ï_¼À_Éü_£¬_Õâ_ÊÇ_ÖÁ Ê¥_µÄ_¡£ # # Speak unto Aaron and to his sons, saying, This is the law of the sin # offering: In the place where the burnt offering is killed shall the # sin offering be killed before the LORD: it is most holy. # # unit P LEV:6:26 Ϊ_Êê_×ï_Ï×_Õâ_¼À_µÄ_¼À_˾_Òª_³Ô_£¬_Òª_ÔÚ_Ê¥_´¦_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_µÄ Ôº_×Ó_Àï_³Ô_¡£ # # The priest that offereth it for sin shall eat it: in the holy place # shall it be eaten, in the court of the tabernacle of the # congregation. # # unit P LEV:6:27 ·²_Ãþ_Õâ_¼À_Èâ_µÄ_Òª_³É_Ϊ_Ê¥_£¬_Õâ_¼À_Éü_µÄ_Ѫ_Èô_µ¯_ÔÚ_ʲ_ô_ÒÂ_·þ ÉÏ_£¬_Ëù_µ¯_µÄ_ÄÇ_Ò»_¼þ_Òª_ÔÚ_Ê¥_´¦_Ï´_¾»_¡£ # # Whatsoever shall touch the flesh thereof shall be holy: and when # there is sprinkled of the blood thereof upon any garment, thou shalt # wash that whereon it was sprinkled in the holy place. # # unit P LEV:6:28 Ω_ÓÐ_Öó_¼À_Îï_µÄ_Íß_Æ÷_Òª_´ò_Ëé_£¬_Èô_ÊÇ_Öó_ÔÚ_Í­_Æ÷_Àï_£¬_Õâ_Í­_Æ÷ Òª_²Á_Ä¥_£¬_ÔÚ_Ë®_ÖÐ_äÌ_¾»_¡£ # # But the earthen vessel wherein it is sodden shall be broken: and if # it be sodden in a brasen pot, it shall be both scoured, and rinsed # in water. # # unit P LEV:6:29 ·²_¼À_˾_ÖÐ_µÄ_ÄÐ_¶¡_¶¼_¿É_ÒÔ_³Ô_£¬_Õâ_ÊÇ_ÖÁ_Ê¥_µÄ_¡£ # # All the males among the priests shall eat thereof: it is most holy. # # unit P LEV:6:30 ·²_Êê_×ï_¼À_£¬_Èô_½«_Ѫ_´ø_½ø_»á_Ä»_ÔÚ_Ê¥_Ëù_Êê_×ï_£¬_ÄÇ_Èâ_¶¼_²»_¿É ³Ô_£¬_±Ø_ÓÃ_»ð_·Ù_ÉÕ_¡£ # # And no sin offering, whereof any of the blood is brought into the # tabernacle of the congregation to reconcile withal in the holy # place, shall be eaten: it shall be burnt in the fire. # ## # chapter 7 LEV:7 # unit P LEV:7:1 Êê_í©_¼À_µÄ_Ìõ_Àý_ÄË_ÊÇ_Èç_´Ë_£¬_Õâ_¼À_ÊÇ_ÖÁ_Ê¥_µÄ_¡£ # # Likewise this is the law of the trespass offering: it is most holy. # # unit P LEV:7:2 ÈË_ÔÚ_ÄÄ_Àï_Ô×_ìÜ_¼À_Éü_£¬_Ò²_Òª_ÔÚ_ÄÄ_Àï_Ô×_Êê_í©_¼À_Éü_£¬_Æä_Ѫ_£¬ ¼À_˾_Òª_È÷_ÔÚ_̳_µÄ_ÖÜ_Χ_¡£ # # In the place where they kill the burnt offering shall they kill the # trespass offering: and the blood thereof shall he sprinkle round # about upon the altar. # # unit P LEV:7:3 ÓÖ_Òª_½«_·Ê_β_°Í_ºÍ_¸Ç_Ôà_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_£¬ # # And he shall offer of it all the fat thereof; the rump, and the fat # that covereth the inwards, # # unit P LEV:7:4 Á½_¸ö_Ñü_×Ó_ºÍ_Ñü_×Ó_ÉÏ_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_¿¿_Ñü_Á½_ÅÔ_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_£¬_²¢ ¸Î_ÉÏ_µÄ_Íø_×Ó_ºÍ_Ñü_×Ó_£¬_Ò»_¸Å_È¡_ÏÂ_¡£ # # And the two kidneys, and the fat that is on them, which is by the # flanks, and the caul that is above the liver, with the kidneys, it # shall he take away: # # unit P LEV:7:5 ¼À_˾_Òª_ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ_·Ù_ÉÕ_£¬_Ϊ_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_»ð_¼À_£¬_ÊÇ_Êê_í©_¼À ¡£ # # And the priest shall burn them upon the altar for an offering made # by fire unto the LORD: it is a trespass offering. # # unit P LEV:7:6 ¼À_˾_ÖÐ_µÄ_ÄÐ_¶¡_¶¼_¿É_ÒÔ_³Ô_Õâ_¼À_Îï_£¬_Òª_ÔÚ_Ê¥_´¦_³Ô_£¬_ÊÇ_ÖÁ_Ê¥ µÄ_¡£ # # Every male among the priests shall eat thereof: it shall be eaten in # the holy place: it is most holy. # # unit P LEV:7:7 Êê_×ï_¼À_Ôõ_Ñù_£¬_Êê_í©_¼À_Ò²_ÊÇ_Ôõ_Ñù_£¬_Á½_¸ö_¼À_ÊÇ_Ò»_¸ö_Ìõ_Àý_¡£ Ï×_Êê_í©_¼À_Êê_×ï_µÄ_¼À_˾_Òª_µÃ_Õâ_¼À_Îï_¡£ # # As the sin offering is, so is the trespass offering: there is one # law for them: the priest that maketh atonement therewith shall have # it. # # unit P LEV:7:8 Ï×_ìÜ_¼À_µÄ_¼À_˾_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_Ϊ_Ë­_·î_Ï×_£¬_Òª_Ç×_×Ô_µÃ_Ëû_Ëù_Ï×_ÄÇ_ìÜ ¼À_Éü_µÄ_Ƥ_¡£ # # And the priest that offereth any man's burnt offering, even the # priest shall have to himself the skin of the burnt offering which he # hath offered. # # unit P LEV:7:9 ·²_ÔÚ_¯_ÖÐ_¿¾_µÄ_ËØ_¼À_ºÍ_¼å_ÅÌ_ÖÐ_×÷_µÄ_£¬_²¢_Ìú_öË_ÉÏ_×÷_µÄ_£¬_¶¼ Òª_¹é_ÄÇ_Ï×_¼À_µÄ_¼À_˾_¡£ # # And all the meat offering that is baken in the oven, and all that is # dressed in the fryingpan, and in the pan, shall be the priest's that # offereth it. # # unit P LEV:7:10 ·²_ËØ_¼À_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_ÓÍ_µ÷_ºÍ_µÄ_£¬_ÊÇ_¸É_µÄ_£¬_¶¼_Òª_¹é_ÑÇ_Â×_µÄ_×Ó Ëï_£¬_´ó_¼Ò_¾ù_·Ö_¡£ # # And every meat offering, mingled with oil, and dry, shall all the # sons of Aaron have, one as much as another. # # unit P LEV:7:11 ÈË_Ï×_Óë_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ƽ_°²_¼À_µÄ_Ìõ_Àý_ÄË_ÊÇ_Õâ_Ñù_£¬ # # And this is the law of the sacrifice of peace offerings, which he # shall offer unto the LORD. # # unit P LEV:7:12 Ëû_Èô_Ϊ_¸Ð_л_Ï×_ÉÏ_£¬_¾Í_Òª_ÓÃ_µ÷_ÓÍ_µÄ_ÎÞ_½Í_±ý_ºÍ_Ĩ_ÓÍ_µÄ_ÎÞ_½Í ±¡_±ý_£¬_²¢_ÓÃ_ÓÍ_µ÷_ÔÈ_ϸ_Ãæ_×÷_µÄ_±ý_£¬_Óë_¸Ð_л_¼À_Ò»_ͬ_Ï×_ÉÏ_¡£ # # If he offer it for a thanksgiving, then he shall offer with the # sacrifice of thanksgiving unleavened cakes mingled with oil, and # unleavened wafers anointed with oil, and cakes mingled with oil, of # fine flour, fried. # # unit P LEV:7:13 Òª_ÓÃ_ÓÐ_½Í_µÄ_±ý_ºÍ_Ϊ_¸Ð_л_Ï×_µÄ_ƽ_°²_¼À_£¬_Óë_¹©_Îï_Ò»_ͬ_Ï×_ÉÏ ¡£ # # Besides the cakes, he shall offer for his offering leavened bread # with the sacrifice of thanksgiving of his peace offerings. # # unit P LEV:7:14 ´Ó_¸÷_Ñù_µÄ_¹©_Îï_ÖÐ_£¬_Ëû_Òª_°Ñ_Ò»_¸ö_±ý_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_¾Ù_¼À_£¬ ÊÇ_Òª_¹é_¸ø_È÷_ƽ_°²_¼À_Éü_Ѫ_µÄ_¼À_˾_¡£ # # And of it he shall offer one out of the whole oblation for an heave # offering unto the LORD, and it shall be the priest's that sprinkleth # the blood of the peace offerings. # # unit P LEV:7:15 Ϊ_¸Ð_л_Ï×_ƽ_°²_¼À_Éü_µÄ_Èâ_£¬_Òª_ÔÚ_Ï×_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_³Ô_£¬_Ò»_µã_²»_¿É Áô_µ½_Ôç_³¿_¡£ # # And the flesh of the sacrifice of his peace offerings for # thanksgiving shall be eaten the same day that it is offered; he # shall not leave any of it until the morning. # # unit P LEV:7:16 Èô_Ëù_Ï×_µÄ_ÊÇ_Ϊ_»¹_Ô¸_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_¸Ê_ÐÄ_Ï×_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_ÔÚ_Ï×_¼À_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó ³Ô_£¬_Ëù_Ê£_ÏÂ_µÄ_µÚ_¶þ_Ìì_Ò²_¿É_ÒÔ_³Ô_¡£ # # But if the sacrifice of his offering be a vow, or a voluntary # offering, it shall be eaten the same day that he offereth his # sacrifice: and on the morrow also the remainder of it shall be # eaten: # # unit P LEV:7:17 µ«_Ëù_Ê£_ÏÂ_µÄ_¼À_Èâ_£¬_µ½_µÚ_Èý_Ìì_Òª_ÓÃ_»ð_·Ù_ÉÕ_¡£ # # But the remainder of the flesh of the sacrifice on the third day # shall be burnt with fire. # # unit P LEV:7:18 µÚ_Èý_Ìì_Èô_³Ô_ÁË_ƽ_°²_¼À_µÄ_Èâ_£¬_Õâ_¼À_±Ø_²»_ÃÉ_ÔÃ_ÄÉ_£¬_ÈË_Ëù_Ï× µÄ_Ò²_²»_Ëã_Ϊ_¼À_£¬_·´_Ϊ_¿É_Ô÷_ÏÓ_µÄ_£¬_³Ô_Õâ_¼À_Èâ_µÄ_£¬_¾Í_±Ø_µ£ µ±_Ëû_µÄ_×ï_Äõ_¡£ # # And if any of the flesh of the sacrifice of his peace offerings be # eaten at all on the third day, it shall not be accepted, neither # shall it be imputed unto him that offereth it: it shall be an # abomination, and the soul that eateth of it shall bear his iniquity. # # unit P LEV:7:19 °¤_ÁË_ÎÛ_»à_Îï_µÄ_Èâ_¾Í_²»_¿É_³Ô_£¬_Òª_ÓÃ_»ð_·Ù_ÉÕ_¡£_ÖÁ_ÓÚ_ƽ_°²_¼À µÄ_Èâ_£¬_·²_½à_¾»_µÄ_ÈË_¶¼_Òª_³Ô_¡£ # # And the flesh that toucheth any unclean thing shall not be eaten; it # shall be burnt with fire: and as for the flesh, all that be clean # shall eat thereof. # # unit P LEV:7:20 Ö»_ÊÇ_Ï×_Óë_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ƽ_°²_¼À_µÄ_Èâ_£¬_ÈË_Èô_²»_½à_¾»_¶ø_³Ô_ÁË_£¬_Õâ ÈË_±Ø_´Ó_Ãñ_ÖÐ_¼ô_³ý_¡£ # # But the soul that eateth of the flesh of the sacrifice of peace # offerings, that pertain unto the LORD, having his uncleanness upon # him, even that soul shall be cut off from his people. # # unit P LEV:7:21 ÓÐ_ÈË_Ãþ_ÁË_ʲ_ô_²»_½à_¾»_µÄ_Îï_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_ÈË_µÄ_²»_½à_¾»_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_²» ½à_¾»_µÄ_Éü_Ðó_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_²»_½à_¿É_Ô÷_Ö®_Îï_£¬_³Ô_ÁË_Ï×_Óë_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ƽ °²_¼À_µÄ_Èâ_£¬_Õâ_ÈË_±Ø_´Ó_Ãñ_ÖÐ_¼ô_³ý_¡£ # # Moreover the soul that shall touch any unclean thing, as the # uncleanness of man, or any unclean beast, or any abominable unclean # thing, and eat of the flesh of the sacrifice of peace offerings, # which pertain unto the LORD, even that soul shall be cut off from # his people. # # unit P LEV:7:22 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P LEV:7:23 Äã_Ïþ_ÚÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_˵_£¬_Å£_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_£¬_Ãà_Ñò_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_£¬_ɽ_Ñò_µÄ Ö¬_ÓÍ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¶¼_²»_¿É_³Ô_¡£ # # Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, Ye shall eat no manner of # fat, of ox, or of sheep, or of goat. # # unit P LEV:7:24 ×Ô_ËÀ_µÄ_ºÍ_±»_Ò°_ÊÞ_˺_ÁÑ_µÄ_£¬_ÄÇ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_¿É_ÒÔ_×÷_±ð_µÄ_ʹ_ÓÃ_£¬_Ö» ÊÇ_Äã_ÃÇ_Íò_²»_¿É_³Ô_¡£ # # And the fat of the beast that dieth of itself, and the fat of that # which is torn with beasts, may be used in any other use: but ye # shall in no wise eat of it. # # unit P LEV:7:25 ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ºÎ_ÈË_³Ô_ÁË_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µ±_»ð_¼À_Éü_Ðó_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_£¬_ÄÇ_ÈË_±Ø ´Ó_Ãñ_ÖÐ_¼ô_³ý_¡£ # # For whosoever eateth the fat of the beast, of which men offer an # offering made by fire unto the LORD, even the soul that eateth it # shall be cut off from his people. # # unit P LEV:7:26 ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_ס_´¦_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_ȸ_Äñ_µÄ_Ѫ_ÊÇ_Ò°_ÊÞ_µÄ_Ѫ_£¬_Äã ÃÇ_¶¼_²»_¿É_³Ô_¡£ # # Moreover ye shall eat no manner of blood, whether it be of fowl or # of beast, in any of your dwellings. # # unit P LEV:7:27 ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_Ë­_³Ô_Ѫ_£¬_ÄÇ_ÈË_±Ø_´Ó_Ãñ_ÖÐ_¼ô_³ý_¡£ # # Whatsoever soul it be that eateth any manner of blood, even that # soul shall be cut off from his people. # # unit P LEV:7:28 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P LEV:7:29 Äã_Ïþ_ÚÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_˵_£¬_Ï×_ƽ_°²_¼À_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_£¬_Òª_´Ó_ƽ_°² ¼À_ÖÐ_È¡_Щ_À´_·î_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, He that offereth the # sacrifice of his peace offerings unto the LORD shall bring his # oblation unto the LORD of the sacrifice of his peace offerings. # # unit P LEV:7:30 Ëû_Ç×_ÊÖ_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_»ð_¼À_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_ºÍ_ÐØ_£¬_Òª_´ø_À´_£¬ ºÃ_°Ñ_ÐØ_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_×÷_Ò¡_¼À_£¬_Ò¡_Ò»_Ò¡_¡£ # # His own hands shall bring the offerings of the LORD made by fire, # the fat with the breast, it shall he bring, that the breast may be # waved for a wave offering before the LORD. # # unit P LEV:7:31 ¼À_˾_Òª_°Ñ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ_·Ù_ÉÕ_£¬_µ«_ÐØ_Òª_¹é_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï ¡£ # # And the priest shall burn the fat upon the altar: but the breast # shall be Aaron's and his sons'. # # unit P LEV:7:32 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_´Ó_ƽ_°²_¼À_ÖÐ_°Ñ_ÓÒ_ÍÈ_×÷_¾Ù_¼À_£¬_·î_¸ø_¼À_˾_¡£ # # And the right shoulder shall ye give unto the priest for an heave # offering of the sacrifices of your peace offerings. # # unit P LEV:7:33 ÑÇ_Â×_×Ó_Ëï_ÖÐ_£¬_Ï×_ƽ_°²_¼À_Éü_Ѫ_ºÍ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_µÄ_£¬_Òª_µÃ_Õâ_ÓÒ_ÍÈ_Ϊ ·Ö_¡£ # # He among the sons of Aaron, that offereth the blood of the peace # offerings, and the fat, shall have the right shoulder for his part. # # unit P LEV:7:34 Òò_Ϊ_ÎÒ_´Ó_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_µÄ_ƽ_°²_¼À_ÖÐ_£¬_È¡_ÁË_Õâ_Ò¡_µÄ_ÐØ_ºÍ_¾Ù_µÄ ÍÈ_¸ø_¼À_˾_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_×Ó_Ëï_£¬_×÷_Ëû_ÃÇ_´Ó_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÖÐ_Ëù_ÓÀ_µÃ µÄ_·Ö_¡£ # # For the wave breast and the heave shoulder have I taken of the # children of Israel from off the sacrifices of their peace offerings, # and have given them unto Aaron the priest and unto his sons by a # statute for ever from among the children of Israel. # # unit P LEV:7:35 Õâ_ÊÇ_´Ó_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_»ð_¼À_ÖÐ_£¬_×÷_ÑÇ_Â×_ÊÜ_¸à_µÄ_·Ö_ºÍ_Ëû_×Ó_Ëï_ÊÜ_¸à µÄ_·Ö_£¬_Õý_ÔÚ_Ħ_Î÷_£¨_Ô­_ÎÄ_×÷_Ëû_£©_½Ð_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ç°_À´_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¹© ¼À_˾_Ö°_·Ö_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_£¬ # # This is the portion of the anointing of Aaron, and of the anointing # of his sons, out of the offerings of the LORD made by fire, in the # day when he presented them to minister unto the LORD in the priest's # office; # # unit P LEV:7:36 ¾Í_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_Ħ_Î÷_£¨_Ô­_ÎÄ_×÷_Ëû_£©_¸à_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_·Ô_¸À ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÊÀ_ÊÀ_´ú_´ú_ÓÀ_µÃ_µÄ_·Ö_¡£ # # Which the LORD commanded to be given them of the children of Israel, # in the day that he anointed them, by a statute for ever throughout # their generations. # # unit P LEV:7:37 Õâ_¾Í_ÊÇ_ìÜ_¼À_£¬_ËØ_¼À_£¬_Êê_×ï_¼À_£¬_Êê_í©_¼À_£¬_ºÍ_ƽ_°²_¼À_µÄ_Ìõ Àý_£¬_²¢_³Ð_½Ó_Ê¥_Ö°_µÄ_Àñ_£¬ # # This is the law of the burnt offering, of the meat offering, and of # the sin offering, and of the trespass offering, and of the # consecrations, and of the sacrifice of the peace offerings; # # unit P LEV:7:38 ¶¼_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÔÚ_Î÷_ÄË_ɽ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ëû_ÔÚ_Î÷_ÄË_¿õ Ò°_·Ô_¸À_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Ï×_¹©_Îï_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ö®_ÈÕ_Ëù_˵_µÄ_¡£ # # Which the LORD commanded Moses in mount Sinai, in the day that he # commanded the children of Israel to offer their oblations unto the # LORD, in the wilderness of Sinai. # ## # chapter 8 LEV:8 # unit P LEV:8:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P LEV:8:2 Äã_½«_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_Ò»_ͬ_´ø_À´_£¬_²¢_½«_Ê¥_ÒÂ_£¬_¸à_ÓÍ_£¬_Óë_Êê ×ï_¼À_µÄ_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Å£_£¬_Á½_Ö»_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_£¬_Ò»_¿ð_ÎÞ_½Í_±ý_¶¼_´ø_À´_£¬ # # Take Aaron and his sons with him, and the garments, and the # anointing oil, and a bullock for the sin offering, and two rams, and # a basket of unleavened bread; # # unit P LEV:8:3 ÓÖ_ÕÐ_¾Û_»á_ÖÚ_µ½_»á_Ä»_ÃÅ_¿Ú_¡£ # # And gather thou all the congregation together unto the door of the # tabernacle of the congregation. # # unit P LEV:8:4 Ħ_Î÷_¾Í_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_ÐÐ_ÁË_£¬_ÓÚ_ÊÇ_»á_ÖÚ_¾Û_¼¯_ÔÚ_»á_Ä» ÃÅ_¿Ú_¡£ # # And Moses did as the LORD commanded him; and the assembly was # gathered together unto the door of the tabernacle of the # congregation. # # unit P LEV:8:5 Ħ_Î÷_¸æ_Ëß_»á_ÖÚ_˵_£¬_Õâ_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µ±_ÐÐ_µÄ_ÊÂ_¡£ # # And Moses said unto the congregation, This is the thing which the # LORD commanded to be done. # # unit P LEV:8:6 Ħ_Î÷_´ø_ÁË_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_À´_£¬_ÓÃ_Ë®_Ï´_ÁË_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£ # # And Moses brought Aaron and his sons, and washed them with water. # # unit P LEV:8:7 ¸ø_ÑÇ_Â×_´©_ÉÏ_ÄÚ_ÅÛ_£¬_Êø_ÉÏ_Ñü_´ø_£¬_´©_ÉÏ_Íâ_ÅÛ_£¬_ÓÖ_¼Ó_ÉÏ_ÒÔ_¸¥ µÃ_£¬_ÓÃ_Æä_ÉÏ_ÇÉ_¹¤_Ö¯_µÄ_´ø_×Ó_°Ñ_ÒÔ_¸¥_µÃ_ϵ_ÔÚ_Ëû_Éí_ÉÏ_£¬ # # And he put upon him the coat, and girded him with the girdle, and # clothed him with the robe, and put the ephod upon him, and he girded # him with the curious girdle of the ephod, and bound it unto him # therewith. # # unit P LEV:8:8 ÓÖ_¸ø_Ëû_´÷_ÉÏ_ÐØ_ÅÆ_£¬_°Ñ_ÎÚ_Áê_ºÍ_ÍÁ_Ã÷_·Å_ÔÚ_ÐØ_ÅÆ_ÄÚ_£¬ # # And he put the breastplate upon him: also he put in the breastplate # the Urim and the Thummim. # # unit P LEV:8:9 °Ñ_¹Ú_Ãá_´÷_ÔÚ_Ëû_Í·_ÉÏ_£¬_ÔÚ_¹Ú_Ãá_µÄ_Ç°_Ãæ_¶¤_ÉÏ_½ð_ÅÆ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ê¥ ¹Ú_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_¡£ # # And he put the mitre upon his head; also upon the mitre, even upon # his forefront, did he put the golden plate, the holy crown; as the # LORD commanded Moses. # # unit P LEV:8:10 Ħ_Î÷_ÓÃ_¸à_ÓÍ_Ĩ_ÕÊ_Ä»_ºÍ_Æä_ÖÐ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_£¬_ʹ_Ëü_³É_Ê¥_¡£ # # And Moses took the anointing oil, and anointed the tabernacle and # all that was therein, and sanctified them. # # unit P LEV:8:11 ÓÖ_ÓÃ_¸à_ÓÍ_ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ_µ¯_ÁË_Æß_´Î_£¬_ÓÖ_Ĩ_ÁË_̳_ºÍ_̳_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Æ÷_Ãó £¬_²¢_Ï´_åª_Åè_ºÍ_Åè_×ù_£¬_ʹ_Ëü_³É_Ê¥_¡£ # # And he sprinkled thereof upon the altar seven times, and anointed # the altar and all his vessels, both the laver and his foot, to # sanctify them. # # unit P LEV:8:12 ÓÖ_°Ñ_¸à_ÓÍ_µ¹_ÔÚ_ÑÇ_Â×_µÄ_Í·_ÉÏ_¸à_Ëû_£¬_ʹ_Ëû_³É_Ê¥_¡£ # # And he poured of the anointing oil upon Aaron's head, and anointed # him, to sanctify him. # # unit P LEV:8:13 Ħ_Î÷_´ø_ÁË_ÑÇ_Â×_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_À´_£¬_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_´©_ÉÏ_ÄÚ_ÅÛ_£¬_Êø_ÉÏ_Ñü_´ø £¬_°ü_ÉÏ_¹ü_Í·_½í_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_¡£ # # And Moses brought Aaron's sons, and put coats upon them, and girded # them with girdles, and put bonnets upon them; as the LORD commanded # Moses. # # unit P LEV:8:14 Ëû_Ç£_ÁË_Êê_×ï_¼À_µÄ_¹«_Å£_À´_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_°´_ÊÖ_ÔÚ_Êê_×ï_¼À ¹«_Å£_µÄ_Í·_ÉÏ_£¬ # # And he brought the bullock for the sin offering: and Aaron and his # sons laid their hands upon the head of the bullock for the sin # offering. # # unit P LEV:8:15 ¾Í_Ô×_ÁË_¹«_Å£_¡£_Ħ_Î÷_ÓÃ_Ö¸_Í·_Õº_Ѫ_£¬_Ĩ_ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ_ËÄ_½Ç_µÄ_ÖÜ_Χ £¬_ʹ_̳_½à_¾»_£¬_°Ñ_Ѫ_µ¹_ÔÚ_̳_µÄ_½Å_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_ʹ_̳_³É_Ê¥_£¬_̳_¾Í ½à_¾»_ÁË_¡£ # # And he slew it; and Moses took the blood, and put it upon the horns # of the altar round about with his finger, and purified the altar, # and poured the blood at the bottom of the altar, and sanctified it, # to make reconciliation upon it. # # unit P LEV:8:16 ÓÖ_È¡_Ôà_ÉÏ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_ºÍ_¸Î_ÉÏ_µÄ_Íø_×Ó_£¬_²¢_Á½_¸ö_Ñü_×Ó_Óë_Ñü ×Ó_ÉÏ_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_£¬_¶¼_ÉÕ_ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And he took all the fat that was upon the inwards, and the caul # above the liver, and the two kidneys, and their fat, and Moses # burned it upon the altar. # # unit P LEV:8:17 Ω_ÓÐ_¹«_Å£_£¬_Á¬_Ƥ_´ø_Èâ_²¢_·à_£¬_ÓÃ_»ð_ÉÕ_ÔÚ_Óª_Íâ_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_ÕÕ_Ò® ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_¡£ # # But the bullock, and his hide, his flesh, and his dung, he burnt # with fire without the camp; as the LORD commanded Moses. # # unit P LEV:8:18 Ëû_·î_ÉÏ_ìÜ_¼À_µÄ_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_°´_ÊÖ_ÔÚ_Ñò_µÄ_Í·_ÉÏ £¬ # # And he brought the ram for the burnt offering: and Aaron and his # sons laid their hands upon the head of the ram. # # unit P LEV:8:19 ¾Í_Ô×_ÁË_¹«_Ñò_¡£_Ħ_Î÷_°Ñ_Ѫ_È÷_ÔÚ_̳_µÄ_ÖÜ_Χ_£¬ # # And he killed it; and Moses sprinkled the blood upon the altar round # about. # # unit P LEV:8:20 °Ñ_Ñò_ÇÐ_³É_¿é_×Ó_£¬_°Ñ_Í·_ºÍ_Èâ_¿é_²¢_Ö¬_ÓÍ_¶¼_ÉÕ_ÁË_¡£ # # And he cut the ram into pieces; and Moses burnt the head, and the # pieces, and the fat. # # unit P LEV:8:21 ÓÃ_Ë®_Ï´_ÁË_Ôà_¸­_ºÍ_ÍÈ_£¬_¾Í_°Ñ_È«_Ñò_ÉÕ_ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ_Ϊ_Ü°_Ïã_µÄ_ìÜ_¼À £¬_ÊÇ_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_»ð_¼À_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_µÄ ¡£ # # And he washed the inwards and the legs in water; and Moses burnt the # whole ram upon the altar: it was a burnt sacrifice for a sweet # savour, and an offering made by fire unto the LORD; as the LORD # commanded Moses. # # unit P LEV:8:22 Ëû_ÓÖ_·î_ÉÏ_µÚ_¶þ_Ö»_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_³Ð_½Ó_Ê¥_Ö°_Ö®_Àñ_µÄ_Ñò_£¬_ÑÇ Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_°´_ÊÖ_ÔÚ_Ñò_µÄ_Í·_ÉÏ_£¬ # # And he brought the other ram, the ram of consecration: and Aaron and # his sons laid their hands upon the head of the ram. # # unit P LEV:8:23 ¾Í_Ô×_ÁË_Ñò_¡£_Ħ_Î÷_°Ñ_Щ_Ѫ_Ĩ_ÔÚ_ÑÇ_Â×_µÄ_ÓÒ_¶ú_´¹_ÉÏ_ºÍ_ÓÒ_ÊÖ_µÄ ´ó_Ä´_Ö¸_ÉÏ_£¬_²¢_ÓÒ_½Å_µÄ_´ó_Ä´_Ö¸_ÉÏ_£¬ # # And he slew it; and Moses took of the blood of it, and put it upon # the tip of Aaron's right ear, and upon the thumb of his right hand, # and upon the great toe of his right foot. # # unit P LEV:8:24 ÓÖ_´ø_ÁË_ÑÇ_Â×_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_À´_£¬_°Ñ_Щ_Ѫ_Ĩ_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÓÒ_¶ú_´¹_ÉÏ_ºÍ ÓÒ_ÊÖ_µÄ_´ó_Ä´_Ö¸_ÉÏ_£¬_²¢_ÓÒ_½Å_µÄ_´ó_Ä´_Ö¸_ÉÏ_£¬_ÓÖ_°Ñ_Ѫ_È÷_ÔÚ_̳ µÄ_ÖÜ_Χ_¡£ # # And he brought Aaron's sons, and Moses put of the blood upon the tip # of their right ear, and upon the thumbs of their right hands, and # upon the great toes of their right feet: and Moses sprinkled the # blood upon the altar round about. # # unit P LEV:8:25 È¡_Ö¬_ÓÍ_ºÍ_·Ê_β_°Í_£¬_²¢_Ôà_ÉÏ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_Óë_¸Î_ÉÏ_µÄ_Íø_×Ó_£¬ Á½_¸ö_Ñü_×Ó_ºÍ_Ñü_×Ó_ÉÏ_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_£¬_²¢_ÓÒ_ÍÈ_£¬ # # And he took the fat, and the rump, and all the fat that was upon the # inwards, and the caul above the liver, and the two kidneys, and # their fat, and the right shoulder: # # unit P LEV:8:26 ÔÙ_´Ó_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_Ê¢_ÎÞ_½Í_±ý_µÄ_¿ð_×Ó_Àï_È¡_³ö_Ò»_¸ö_ÎÞ_½Í_±ý £¬_Ò»_¸ö_ÓÍ_±ý_£¬_Ò»_¸ö_±¡_±ý_£¬_¶¼_·Å_ÔÚ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_ºÍ_ÓÒ_ÍÈ_ÉÏ_£¬ # # And out of the basket of unleavened bread, that was before the LORD, # he took one unleavened cake, and a cake of oiled bread, and one # wafer, and put them on the fat, and upon the right shoulder: # # unit P LEV:8:27 °Ñ_Õâ_Ò»_ÇÐ_·Å_ÔÚ_ÑÇ_Â×_µÄ_ÊÖ_ÉÏ_ºÍ_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_µÄ_ÊÖ_ÉÏ_×÷_Ò¡_¼À_£¬_ÔÚ Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_Ò¡_Ò»_Ò¡_¡£ # # And he put all upon Aaron's hands, and upon his sons' hands, and # waved them for a wave offering before the LORD. # # unit P LEV:8:28 Ħ_Î÷_´Ó_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÊÖ_ÉÏ_ÄÃ_ÏÂ_À´_£¬_ÉÕ_ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ_µÄ_ìÜ_¼À_ÉÏ_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ Îª_³Ð_½Ó_Ê¥_Ö°_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ü°_Ïã_µÄ_»ð_¼À_¡£ # # And Moses took them from off their hands, and burnt them on the # altar upon the burnt offering: they were consecrations for a sweet # savour: it is an offering made by fire unto the LORD. # # unit P LEV:8:29 Ħ_Î÷_ÄÃ_Ñò_µÄ_ÐØ_×÷_Ϊ_Ò¡_¼À_£¬_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_Ò¡_Ò»_Ò¡_£¬_ÊÇ_³Ð ½Ó_Ê¥_Ö°_Ö®_Àñ_£¬_¹é_Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_·Ö_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷ µÄ_¡£ # # And Moses took the breast, and waved it for a wave offering before # the LORD: for of the ram of consecration it was Moses' part; as the # LORD commanded Moses. # # unit P LEV:8:30 Ħ_Î÷_È¡_µã_¸à_ÓÍ_ºÍ_̳_ÉÏ_µÄ_Ѫ_£¬_µ¯_ÔÚ_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_ÒÂ_·þ_ÉÏ_£¬ ²¢_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_ºÍ_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_µÄ_ÒÂ_·þ_ÉÏ_£¬_ʹ_Ëû_ºÍ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÒÂ_·þ_Ò»_ͬ ³É_Ê¥_¡£ # # And Moses took of the anointing oil, and of the blood which was upon # the altar, and sprinkled it upon Aaron, and upon his garments, and # upon his sons, and upon his sons' garments with him; and sanctified # Aaron, and his garments, and his sons, and his sons' garments with # him. # # unit P LEV:8:31 Ħ_Î÷_¶Ô_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_˵_£¬_°Ñ_Èâ_Öó_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_ÃÅ_¿Ú_£¬_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï ³Ô_£¬_ÓÖ_³Ô_³Ð_½Ó_Ê¥_Ö°_¿ð_×Ó_Àï_µÄ_±ý_£¬_°´_ÎÒ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_˵_£¨_»ò ×÷_°´_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_ÎÒ_µÄ_˵_£©_£¬_Õâ_ÊÇ_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_Òª_³Ô_µÄ_¡£ # # And Moses said unto Aaron and to his sons, Boil the flesh at the # door of the tabernacle of the congregation: and there eat it with # the bread that is in the basket of consecrations, as I commanded, # saying, Aaron and his sons shall eat it. # # unit P LEV:8:32 Ê£_ÏÂ_µÄ_Èâ_ºÍ_±ý_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_ÓÃ_»ð_·Ù_ÉÕ_¡£ # # And that which remaineth of the flesh and of the bread shall ye burn # with fire. # # unit P LEV:8:33 Äã_ÃÇ_Æß_Ìì_²»_¿É_³ö_»á_Ä»_µÄ_ÃÅ_£¬_µÈ_µ½_Äã_ÃÇ_³Ð_½Ó_Ê¥_Ö°_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó Âú_ÁË_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ö÷_½Ð_Äã_ÃÇ_Æß_Ìì_³Ð_½Ó_Ê¥_Ö°_¡£ # # And ye shall not go out of the door of the tabernacle of the # congregation in seven days, until the days of your consecration be # at an end: for seven days shall he consecrate you. # # unit P LEV:8:34 Ïñ_½ñ_Ìì_Ëù_ÐÐ_µÄ_¶¼_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_·Ô_¸À_ÐÐ_µÄ_£¬_Ϊ_Äã_ÃÇ_Êê_×ï_¡£ # # As he hath done this day, so the LORD hath commanded to do, to make # an atonement for you. # # unit P LEV:8:35 Æß_Ìì_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_Öç_Ò¹_ס_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_ÃÅ_¿Ú_£¬_×ñ_ÊØ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_·Ô_¸À_£¬ Ãâ_µÃ_Äã_ÃÇ_ËÀ_Íö_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_ÎÒ_µÄ_¾Í_ÊÇ_Õâ_Ñù_¡£ # # Therefore shall ye abide at the door of the tabernacle of the # congregation day and night seven days, and keep the charge of the # LORD, that ye die not: for so I am commanded. # # unit P LEV:8:36 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_ÐÐ_ÁË_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_½è_×Å_Ħ_Î÷_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ ÊÂ_¡£ # # So Aaron and his sons did all things which the LORD commanded by the # hand of Moses. # ## # chapter 9 LEV:9 # unit P LEV:9:1 µ½_ÁË_µÚ_°Ë_Ìì_£¬_Ħ_Î÷_ÕÙ_ÁË_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_²¢_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_µÄ_ÖÚ ³¤_ÀÏ_À´_£¬ # # And it came to pass on the eighth day, that Moses called Aaron and # his sons, and the elders of Israel; # # unit P LEV:9:2 ¶Ô_ÑÇ_Â×_˵_£¬_Äã_µ±_È¡_Å£_Ⱥ_ÖÐ_µÄ_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Å£_¶¿_×÷_Êê_×ï_¼À_£¬_Ò» Ö»_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_×÷_ìÜ_¼À_£¬_¶¼_Òª_û_ÓÐ_²Ð_¼²_µÄ_£¬_Ï×_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç° ¡£ # # And he said unto Aaron, Take thee a young calf for a sin offering, # and a ram for a burnt offering, without blemish, and offer them # before the LORD. # # unit P LEV:9:3 Äã_Ò²_Òª_¶Ô_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_µ±_È¡_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_×÷_Êê_×ï_¼À £¬_ÓÖ_È¡_Ò»_Ö»_Å£_¶¿_ºÍ_Ò»_Ö»_Ãà_Ñò_¸á_£¬_¶¼_Òª_Ò»_Ëê_£¬_û_ÓÐ_²Ð_¼² µÄ_£¬_×÷_ìÜ_¼À_£¬ # # And unto the children of Israel thou shalt speak, saying, Take ye a # kid of the goats for a sin offering; and a calf and a lamb, both of # the first year, without blemish, for a burnt offering; # # unit P LEV:9:4 ÓÖ_È¡_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Å£_£¬_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_×÷_ƽ_°²_¼À_£¬_Ï×_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ Ç°_£¬_²¢_È¡_µ÷_ÓÍ_µÄ_ËØ_¼À_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_½ñ_Ìì_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Òª_Ïò_Äã_ÃÇ_ÏÔ_ÏÖ ¡£ # # Also a bullock and a ram for peace offerings, to sacrifice before # the LORD; and a meat offering mingled with oil: for to day the LORD # will appear unto you. # # unit P LEV:9:5 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Ëû_ÃÇ_°Ñ_Ħ_Î÷_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_£¬_´ø_µ½_»á_Ä»_Ç°_£¬_È«_»á_ÖÚ_¶¼_½ü Ç°_À´_£¬_Õ¾_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_¡£ # # And they brought that which Moses commanded before the tabernacle of # the congregation: and all the congregation drew near and stood # before the LORD. # # unit P LEV:9:6 Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Õâ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_·Ô_¸À_Äã_ÃÇ_Ëù_µ±_ÐÐ_µÄ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_ÈÙ ¹â_¾Í_Òª_Ïò_Äã_ÃÇ_ÏÔ_ÏÖ_¡£ # # And Moses said, This is the thing which the LORD commanded that ye # should do: and the glory of the LORD shall appear unto you. # # unit P LEV:9:7 Ħ_Î÷_¶Ô_ÑÇ_Â×_˵_£¬_Äã_¾Í_½ü_̳_Ç°_£¬_Ï×_Äã_µÄ_Êê_×ï_¼À_ºÍ_ìÜ_¼À_£¬ Ϊ_×Ô_¼º_Óë_°Ù_ÐÕ_Êê_×ï_£¬_ÓÖ_Ï×_ÉÏ_°Ù_ÐÕ_µÄ_¹©_Îï_£¬_Ϊ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Êê_×ï £¬_¶¼_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_¡£ # # And Moses said unto Aaron, Go unto the altar, and offer thy sin # offering, and thy burnt offering, and make an atonement for thyself, # and for the people: and offer the offering of the people, and make # an atonement for them; as the LORD commanded. # # unit P LEV:9:8 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_¾Í_½ü_̳_Ç°_£¬_Ô×_ÁË_Ϊ_×Ô_¼º_×÷_Êê_×ï_¼À_µÄ_Å£_¶¿_¡£ # # Aaron therefore went unto the altar, and slew the calf of the sin # offering, which was for himself. # # unit P LEV:9:9 ÑÇ_Â×_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_°Ñ_Ѫ_·î_¸ø_Ëû_£¬_Ëû_¾Í_°Ñ_Ö¸_Í·_Õº_ÔÚ_Ѫ_ÖÐ_£¬_Ĩ_ÔÚ Ì³_µÄ_ËÄ_½Ç_ÉÏ_£¬_ÓÖ_°Ñ_Ѫ_µ¹_ÔÚ_̳_½Å_ÄÇ_Àï_¡£ # # And the sons of Aaron brought the blood unto him: and he dipped his # finger in the blood, and put it upon the horns of the altar, and # poured out the blood at the bottom of the altar: # # unit P LEV:9:10 Ω_ÓÐ_Êê_×ï_¼À_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_ºÍ_Ñü_×Ó_£¬_²¢_¸Î_ÉÏ_È¡_µÄ_Íø_×Ó_£¬_¶¼_ÉÕ_ÔÚ Ì³_ÉÏ_£¬_ÊÇ_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_¡£ # # But the fat, and the kidneys, and the caul above the liver of the # sin offering, he burnt upon the altar; as the LORD commanded Moses. # # unit P LEV:9:11 ÓÖ_ÓÃ_»ð_½«_Èâ_ºÍ_Ƥ_ÉÕ_ÔÚ_Óª_Íâ_¡£ # # And the flesh and the hide he burnt with fire without the camp. # # unit P LEV:9:12 ÑÇ_Â×_Ô×_ÁË_ìÜ_¼À_Éü_£¬_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_°Ñ_Ѫ_µÝ_¸ø_Ëû_£¬_Ëû_¾Í_È÷_ÔÚ_̳_µÄ ÖÜ_Χ_£¬ # # And he slew the burnt offering; and Aaron's sons presented unto him # the blood, which he sprinkled round about upon the altar. # # unit P LEV:9:13 ÓÖ_°Ñ_ìÜ_¼À_Ò»_¿é_Ò»_¿é_µØ_£¬_Á¬_Í·_µÝ_¸ø_Ëû_£¬_Ëû_¶¼_ÉÕ_ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And they presented the burnt offering unto him, with the pieces # thereof, and the head: and he burnt them upon the altar. # # unit P LEV:9:14 ÓÖ_Ï´_ÁË_Ôà_¸­_ºÍ_ÍÈ_£¬_ÉÕ_ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ_µÄ_ìÜ_¼À_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And he did wash the inwards and the legs, and burnt them upon the # burnt offering on the altar. # # unit P LEV:9:15 Ëû_·î_ÉÏ_°Ù_ÐÕ_µÄ_¹©_Îï_£¬_°Ñ_ÄÇ_¸ø_°Ù_ÐÕ_×÷_Êê_×ï_¼À_µÄ_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_Ô× ÁË_£¬_Ϊ_×ï_Ï×_ÉÏ_£¬_ºÍ_ÏÈ_Ï×_µÄ_Ò»_Ñù_¡£ # # And he brought the people's offering, and took the goat, which was # the sin offering for the people, and slew it, and offered it for # sin, as the first. # # unit P LEV:9:16 Ò²_·î_ÉÏ_ìÜ_¼À_£¬_ÕÕ_Àý_¶ø_Ï×_¡£ # # And he brought the burnt offering, and offered it according to the # manner. # # unit P LEV:9:17 Ëû_ÓÖ_·î_ÉÏ_ËØ_¼À_£¬_´Ó_Æä_ÖÐ_È¡_Ò»_Âú_°Ñ_£¬_ÉÕ_ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ_£¬_Õâ_ÊÇ_ÔÚ Ôç_³¿_µÄ_ìÜ_¼À_ÒÔ_Íâ_¡£ # # And he brought the meat offering, and took an handful thereof, and # burnt it upon the altar, beside the burnt sacrifice of the morning. # # unit P LEV:9:18 ÑÇ_Â×_Ô×_ÁË_ÄÇ_¸ø_°Ù_ÐÕ_×÷_ƽ_°²_¼À_µÄ_¹«_Å£_ºÍ_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_¡£_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó °Ñ_Ѫ_µÝ_¸ø_Ëû_£¬_Ëû_¾Í_È÷_ÔÚ_̳_µÄ_ÖÜ_Χ_¡£ # # He slew also the bullock and the ram for a sacrifice of peace # offerings, which was for the people: and Aaron's sons presented unto # him the blood, which he sprinkled upon the altar round about, # # unit P LEV:9:19 ÓÖ_°Ñ_¹«_Å£_ºÍ_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_£¬_·Ê_β_°Í_£¬_²¢_¸Ç_Ôà_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_Óë Ñü_×Ó_£¬_ºÍ_¸Î_ÉÏ_µÄ_Íø_×Ó_£¬_¶¼_µÝ_¸ø_Ëû_¡£ # # And the fat of the bullock and of the ram, the rump, and that which # covereth the inwards, and the kidneys, and the caul above the liver: # # unit P LEV:9:20 °Ñ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_·Å_ÔÚ_ÐØ_ÉÏ_£¬_Ëû_¾Í_°Ñ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_ÉÕ_ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And they put the fat upon the breasts, and he burnt the fat upon the # altar: # # unit P LEV:9:21 ÐØ_ºÍ_ÓÒ_ÍÈ_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_µ±_×÷_Ò¡_¼À_£¬_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_Ò¡_Ò»_Ò¡_£¬_¶¼ ÊÇ_ÕÕ_Ħ_Î÷_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_¡£ # # And the breasts and the right shoulder Aaron waved for a wave # offering before the LORD; as Moses commanded. # # unit P LEV:9:22 ÑÇ_Â×_Ïò_°Ù_ÐÕ_¾Ù_ÊÖ_£¬_Ϊ_Ëû_ÃÇ_×£_¸£_¡£_Ëû_Ï×_ÁË_Êê_×ï_¼À_£¬_ìÜ_¼À £¬_ƽ_°²_¼À_¾Í_ÏÂ_À´_ÁË_¡£ # # And Aaron lifted up his hand toward the people, and blessed them, # and came down from offering of the sin offering, and the burnt # offering, and peace offerings. # # unit P LEV:9:23 Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_½ø_Èë_»á_Ä»_£¬_ÓÖ_³ö_À´_Ϊ_°Ù_ÐÕ_×£_¸£_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ ÈÙ_¹â_¾Í_Ïò_ÖÚ_Ãñ_ÏÔ_ÏÖ_¡£ # # And Moses and Aaron went into the tabernacle of the congregation, # and came out, and blessed the people: and the glory of the LORD # appeared unto all the people. # # unit P LEV:9:24 ÓÐ_»ð_´Ó_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_³ö_À´_£¬_ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ_ÉÕ_¾¡_ìÜ_¼À_ºÍ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_£¬_ÖÚ Ãñ_Ò»_¼û_£¬_¾Í_¶¼_»¶_ºô_£¬_¸©_·ü_ÔÚ_µØ_¡£ # # And there came a fire out from before the LORD, and consumed upon # the altar the burnt offering and the fat: which when all the people # saw, they shouted, and fell on their faces. # ## # chapter 10 LEV:10 # unit P LEV:10:1 ÑÇ_Â×_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÄÃ_´ð_£¬_ÑÇ_±È_»§_¸÷_ÄÃ_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_Ïã_¯_£¬_Ê¢_ÉÏ_»ð_£¬ ¼Ó_ÉÏ_Ïã_£¬_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_Ï×_ÉÏ_·²_»ð_£¬_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_û_ÓÐ_·Ô_¸À Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_£¬ # # And Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, took either of them his # censer, and put fire therein, and put incense thereon, and offered # strange fire before the LORD, which he commanded them not. # # unit P LEV:10:2 ¾Í_ÓÐ_»ð_´Ó_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_³ö_À´_£¬_°Ñ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÉÕ_Ãð_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_ËÀ_ÔÚ Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_¡£ # # And there went out fire from the LORD, and devoured them, and they # died before the LORD. # # unit P LEV:10:3 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Ħ_Î÷_¶Ô_ÑÇ_Â×_˵_£¬_Õâ_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÔÚ_Ç×_½ü_ÎÒ µÄ_ÈË_ÖÐ_Òª_ÏÔ_Ϊ_Ê¥_£¬_ÔÚ_ÖÚ_Ãñ_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_µÃ_ÈÙ_Ò«_¡£_ÑÇ_Â×_¾Í Ĭ_Ĭ_²»_ÑÔ_¡£ # # Then Moses said unto Aaron, This is it that the LORD spake, saying, # I will be sanctified in them that come nigh me, and before all the # people I will be glorified. And Aaron held his peace. # # unit P LEV:10:4 Ħ_Î÷_ÕÙ_ÁË_ÑÇ_Â×_Êå_¸¸_ÎÚ_Ѧ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_Ã×_ɳ_Àû_£¬_ÒÔ_Àû_Èö_·´_À´_£¬ ¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_ÉÏ_Ç°_À´_£¬_°Ñ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Ç×_Êô_´Ó_Ê¥_Ëù_Ç°_̧_µ½_Óª_Íâ ¡£ # # And Moses called Mishael and Elzaphan, the sons of Uzziel the uncle # of Aaron, and said unto them, Come near, carry your brethren from # before the sanctuary out of the camp. # # unit P LEV:10:5 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_¶þ_ÈË_ÉÏ_Ç°_À´_£¬_°Ñ_Ëû_ÃÇ_´©_×Å_ÅÛ_×Ó_̧_µ½_Óª_Íâ_£¬_ÊÇ_ÕÕ_Ħ Î÷_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_¡£ # # So they went near, and carried them in their coats out of the camp; # as Moses had said. # # unit P LEV:10:6 Ħ_Î÷_¶Ô_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_Àû_ÑÇ_Èö_£¬_ÒÔ_Ëû_Âê_˵_£¬_²»_¿É_Åî_Í· É¢_·¢_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_˺_ÁÑ_ÒÂ_ÉÑ_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_Äã_ÃÇ_ËÀ_Íö_£¬_ÓÖ_Ãâ_µÃ_Ò®_ºÍ »ª_Ïò_»á_ÖÚ_·¢_Å­_£¬_Ö»_Òª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_µÜ_ÐÖ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_È«_¼Ò_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª Ëù_·¢_µÄ_»ð_°§_¿Þ_¡£ # # And Moses said unto Aaron, and unto Eleazar and unto Ithamar, his # sons, Uncover not your heads, neither rend your clothes; lest ye # die, and lest wrath come upon all the people: but let your brethren, # the whole house of Israel, bewail the burning which the LORD hath # kindled. # # unit P LEV:10:7 Äã_ÃÇ_Ò²_²»_¿É_³ö_»á_Ä»_µÄ_ÃÅ_£¬_¿Ö_ÅÂ_Äã_ÃÇ_ËÀ_Íö_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª µÄ_¸à_ÓÍ_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éí_ÉÏ_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_ÕÕ_Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_»°_ÐÐ_ÁË_¡£ # # And ye shall not go out from the door of the tabernacle of the # congregation, lest ye die: for the anointing oil of the LORD is upon # you. And they did according to the word of Moses. # # unit P LEV:10:8 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_ÑÇ_Â×_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Aaron, saying, # # unit P LEV:10:9 Äã_ºÍ_Äã_¶ù_×Ó_½ø_»á_Ä»_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Çå_¾Æ_£¬_Ũ_¾Æ_¶¼_²»_¿É_ºÈ_£¬_Ãâ µÃ_Äã_ÃÇ_ËÀ_Íö_£¬_Õâ_Òª_×÷_Äã_ÃÇ_ÊÀ_ÊÀ_´ú_´ú_ÓÀ_Ô¶_µÄ_¶¨_Àý_¡£ # # Do not drink wine nor strong drink, thou, nor thy sons with thee, # when ye go into the tabernacle of the congregation, lest ye die: it # shall be a statute for ever throughout your generations: # # unit P LEV:10:10 ʹ_Äã_ÃÇ_¿É_ÒÔ_½«_Ê¥_µÄ_£¬_Ë×_µÄ_£¬_½à_¾»_µÄ_£¬_²»_½à_¾»_µÄ_£¬_·Ö_±ð ³ö_À´_¡£ # # And that ye may put difference between holy and unholy, and between # unclean and clean; # # unit P LEV:10:11 ÓÖ_ʹ_Äã_ÃÇ_¿É_ÒÔ_½«_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_½è_Ħ_Î÷_Ïþ_ÚÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_ÂÉ Àý_½Ì_ѵ_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£ # # And that ye may teach the children of Israel all the statutes which # the LORD hath spoken unto them by the hand of Moses. # # unit P LEV:10:12 Ħ_Î÷_¶Ô_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_Ê£_ÏÂ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_Àû_ÑÇ_Èö_£¬_ÒÔ_Ëû_Âê_˵_£¬_Äã ÃÇ_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_»ð_¼À_ÖÐ_Ëù_Ê£_µÄ_ËØ_¼À_£¬_Òª_ÔÚ_̳_ÅÔ_²»_´ø_½Í_¶ø ³Ô_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÊÇ_ÖÁ_Ê¥_µÄ_¡£ # # And Moses spake unto Aaron, and unto Eleazar and unto Ithamar, his # sons that were left, Take the meat offering that remaineth of the # offerings of the LORD made by fire, and eat it without leaven beside # the altar: for it is most holy: # # unit P LEV:10:13 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_ÔÚ_Ê¥_´¦_³Ô_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÔÚ_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_»ð_¼À_ÖÐ_£¬_Õâ_ÊÇ Äã_µÄ_·Ö_ºÍ_Äã_¶ù_×Ó_µÄ_·Ö_£¬_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_ÎÒ_µÄ_±¾_ÊÇ_Õâ_Ñù_¡£ # # And ye shall eat it in the holy place, because it is thy due, and # thy sons' due, of the sacrifices of the LORD made by fire: for so I # am commanded. # # unit P LEV:10:14 Ëù_Ò¡_µÄ_ÐØ_£¬_Ëù_¾Ù_µÄ_ÍÈ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_ÔÚ_½à_¾»_µØ_·½_³Ô_¡£_Äã_ºÍ_Äã µÄ_¶ù_Å®_¶¼_Òª_ͬ_³Ô_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Õâ_Щ_ÊÇ_´Ó_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ƽ_°²_¼À_ÖÐ_¸ø Äã_£¬_µ±_Äã_µÄ_·Ö_ºÍ_Äã_¶ù_×Ó_µÄ_·Ö_¡£ # # And the wave breast and heave shoulder shall ye eat in a clean # place; thou, and thy sons, and thy daughters with thee: for they be # thy due, and thy sons' due, which are given out of the sacrifices of # peace offerings of the children of Israel. # # unit P LEV:10:15 Ëù_¾Ù_µÄ_ÍÈ_£¬_Ëù_Ò¡_µÄ_ÐØ_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_Òª_Óë_»ð_¼À_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_Ò»_ͬ_´ø_À´ µ±_Ò¡_¼À_£¬_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_Ò¡_Ò»_Ò¡_£¬_Õâ_Òª_¹é_Äã_ºÍ_Äã_¶ù_×Ó_£¬ µ±_×÷_ÓÀ_µÃ_µÄ_·Ö_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_¡£ # # The heave shoulder and the wave breast shall they bring with the # offerings made by fire of the fat, to wave it for a wave offering # before the LORD; and it shall be thine, and thy sons' with thee, by # a statute for ever; as the LORD hath commanded. # # unit P LEV:10:16 µ±_ÏÂ_Ħ_Î÷_¼±_ÇÐ_µØ_Ñ°_ÕÒ_×÷_Êê_×ï_¼À_µÄ_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_£¬_Ë­_Öª_ÒÑ_¾­_·Ù ÉÕ_ÁË_£¬_±ã_Ïò_ÑÇ_Â×_Ê£_ÏÂ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_Àû_ÑÇ_Èö_£¬_ÒÔ_Ëû_Âê_·¢_Å­_£¬ ˵_£¬ # # And Moses diligently sought the goat of the sin offering, and, # behold, it was burnt: and he was angry with Eleazar and Ithamar, the # sons of Aaron which were left alive, saying, # # unit P LEV:10:17 Õâ_Êê_×ï_¼À_¼È_ÊÇ_ÖÁ_Ê¥_µÄ_£¬_Ö÷_ÓÖ_¸ø_ÁË_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_Ϊ_Òª_Äã_ÃÇ_µ£_µ± »á_ÖÚ_µÄ_×ï_Äõ_£¬_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_Ϊ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Êê_×ï_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Ϊ_ºÎ_û ÓÐ_ÔÚ_Ê¥_Ëù_³Ô_ÄØ_£¿ # # Wherefore have ye not eaten the sin offering in the holy place, # seeing it is most holy, and God hath given it you to bear the # iniquity of the congregation, to make atonement for them before the # LORD? # # unit P LEV:10:18 ¿´_ÄÄ_£¬_Õâ_¼À_Éü_µÄ_Ѫ_²¢_û_ÓÐ_ÄÃ_µ½_Ê¥_Ëù_Àï_È¥_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_±¾_µ±_ÕÕ ÎÒ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_£¬_ÔÚ_Ê¥_Ëù_Àï_³Ô_Õâ_¼À_Èâ_¡£ # # Behold, the blood of it was not brought in within the holy place: ye # should indeed have eaten it in the holy place, as I commanded. # # unit P LEV:10:19 ÑÇ_Â×_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_½ñ_Ìì_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_Ï×_ÉÏ_Êê_×ï_¼À_ºÍ ìÜ_¼À_£¬_ÎÒ_ÓÖ_Óö_¼û_Õâ_Ñù_µÄ_ÔÖ_£¬_Èô_½ñ_Ìì_³Ô_ÁË_Êê_×ï_¼À_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ »ª_Æñ_ÄÜ_¿´_Ϊ_ÃÀ_ÄØ_£¿ # # And Aaron said unto Moses, Behold, this day have they offered their # sin offering and their burnt offering before the LORD; and such # things have befallen me: and if I had eaten the sin offering to day, # should it have been accepted in the sight of the LORD? # # unit P LEV:10:20 Ħ_Î÷_Ìý_¼û_Õâ_»°_£¬_±ã_ÒÔ_Ϊ_ÃÀ_¡£ # # And when Moses heard that, he was content. # ## # chapter 11 LEV:11 # unit P LEV:11:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses and to Aaron, saying unto them, # # unit P LEV:11:2 Äã_ÃÇ_Ïþ_ÚÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_˵_£¬_ÔÚ_µØ_ÉÏ_Ò»_ÇÐ_×ß_ÊÞ_ÖÐ_¿É_³Ô_µÄ_ÄË_ÊÇ Õâ_Щ_£¬ # # Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, These are the beasts # which ye shall eat among all the beasts that are on the earth. # # unit P LEV:11:3 ·²_Ìã_·Ö_Á½_°ê_£¬_µ¹_½À_µÄ_×ß_ÊÞ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¶¼_¿É_ÒÔ_³Ô_¡£ # # Whatsoever parteth the hoof, and is clovenfooted, and cheweth the # cud, among the beasts, that shall ye eat. # # unit P LEV:11:4 µ«_ÄÇ_µ¹_½À_»ò_·Ö_Ìã_Ö®_ÖÐ_²»_¿É_³Ô_µÄ_ÄË_ÊÇ_Âæ_ÍÕ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_µ¹_½À_²» ·Ö_Ìã_£¬_¾Í_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_²»_½à_¾»_¡£ # # Nevertheless these shall ye not eat of them that chew the cud, or of # them that divide the hoof: as the camel, because he cheweth the cud, # but divideth not the hoof; he is unclean unto you. # # unit P LEV:11:5 ɳ_·¬_Òò_Ϊ_µ¹_½À_²»_·Ö_Ìã_£¬_¾Í_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_²»_½à_¾»_¡£ # # And the coney, because he cheweth the cud, but divideth not the # hoof; he is unclean unto you. # # unit P LEV:11:6 ÍÃ_×Ó_Òò_Ϊ_µ¹_½À_²»_·Ö_Ìã_£¬_¾Í_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_²»_½à_¾»_¡£ # # And the hare, because he cheweth the cud, but divideth not the hoof; # he is unclean unto you. # # unit P LEV:11:7 Öí_Òò_Ϊ_Ìã_·Ö_Á½_°ê_£¬_È´_²»_µ¹_½À_£¬_¾Í_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_²»_½à_¾»_¡£ # # And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and be clovenfooted, yet # he cheweth not the cud; he is unclean to you. # # unit P LEV:11:8 Õâ_Щ_ÊÞ_µÄ_Èâ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_²»_¿É_³Ô_£¬_ËÀ_µÄ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_²»_¿É_Ãþ_£¬_¶¼_Óë Äã_ÃÇ_²»_½à_¾»_¡£ # # Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and their carcase shall ye not # touch; they are unclean to you. # # unit P LEV:11:9 Ë®_ÖÐ_¿É_³Ô_µÄ_ÄË_ÊÇ_Õâ_Щ_£¬_·²_ÔÚ_Ë®_Àï_£¬_º£_Àï_£¬_ºÓ_Àï_£¬_ÓÐ_³á ÓÐ_ÁÛ_µÄ_£¬_¶¼_¿É_ÒÔ_³Ô_¡£ # # These shall ye eat of all that are in the waters: whatsoever hath # fins and scales in the waters, in the seas, and in the rivers, them # shall ye eat. # # unit P LEV:11:10 ·²_ÔÚ_º£_Àï_£¬_ºÓ_Àï_£¬_²¢_Ò»_ÇÐ_Ë®_Àï_ÓÎ_¶¯_µÄ_»î_Îï_£¬_ÎÞ_³á_ÎÞ_ÁÛ µÄ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¶¼_µ±_ÒÔ_Ϊ_¿É_Ô÷_¡£ # # And all that have not fins and scales in the seas, and in the # rivers, of all that move in the waters, and of any living thing # which is in the waters, they shall be an abomination unto you: # # unit P LEV:11:11 Õâ_Щ_ÎÞ_³á_ÎÞ_ÁÛ_£¬_ÒÔ_Ϊ_¿É_Ô÷_µÄ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_²»_¿É_³Ô_Ëü_µÄ_Èâ_£¬_ËÀ µÄ_Ò²_µ±_ÒÔ_Ϊ_¿É_Ô÷_¡£ # # They shall be even an abomination unto you; ye shall not eat of # their flesh, but ye shall have their carcases in abomination. # # unit P LEV:11:12 ·²_Ë®_Àï_ÎÞ_³á_ÎÞ_ÁÛ_µÄ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¶¼_µ±_ÒÔ_Ϊ_¿É_Ô÷_¡£ # # Whatsoever hath no fins nor scales in the waters, that shall be an # abomination unto you. # # unit P LEV:11:13 ȸ_Äñ_ÖÐ_Äã_ÃÇ_µ±_ÒÔ_Ϊ_¿É_Ô÷_£¬_²»_¿É_³Ô_µÄ_ÄË_ÊÇ_£¬_µñ_£¬_¹·_Í·_µñ £¬_ºì_Í·_µñ_£¬ # # And these are they which ye shall have in abomination among the # fowls; they shall not be eaten, they are an abomination: the eagle, # and the ossifrage, and the ospray, # # unit P LEV:11:14 ðÎ_Ó¥_£¬_С_Ó¥_Óë_Æä_Àà_¡£ # # And the vulture, and the kite after his kind; # # unit P LEV:11:15 ÎÚ_Ñ»_Óë_Æä_Àà_¡£ # # Every raven after his kind; # # unit P LEV:11:16 ÍÒ_Äñ_£¬_Ò¹_Ó¥_£¬_Óã_Ó¥_£¬_Ó¥_Óë_Æä_Àà_¡£ # # And the owl, and the night hawk, and the cuckow, and the hawk after # his kind, # # unit P LEV:11:17 £¿_£¿_Äñ_£¬_ðµ_ðË_£¬_è_Í·_Ó¥_£¬ # # And the little owl, and the cormorant, and the great owl, # # unit P LEV:11:18 ½Ç_ð·_£¬_ðÃ_ðÉ_£¬_ͺ_µñ_£¬ # # And the swan, and the pelican, and the gier eagle, # # unit P LEV:11:19 ðÙ_£¬_ðØ_ð¸_Óë_Æä_Àà_£¬_´÷_£¿_£¿_Óë_òù_òð_¡£ # # And the stork, the heron after her kind, and the lapwing, and the # bat. # # unit P LEV:11:20 ·²_ÓÐ_³á_°ò_ÓÃ_ËÄ_×ã_ÅÀ_ÐÐ_µÄ_Îï_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¶¼_µ±_ÒÔ_Ϊ_¿É_Ô÷_¡£ # # All fowls that creep, going upon all four, shall be an abomination # unto you. # # unit P LEV:11:21 Ö»_ÊÇ_ÓÐ_³á_°ò_ÓÃ_ËÄ_×ã_ÅÀ_ÐÐ_µÄ_Îï_ÖÐ_£¬_ÓÐ_×ã_ÓÐ_ÍÈ_£¬_ÔÚ_µØ_ÉÏ_±Ä Ìø_µÄ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_»¹_¿É_ÒÔ_³Ô_¡£ # # Yet these may ye eat of every flying creeping thing that goeth upon # all four, which have legs above their feet, to leap withal upon the # earth; # # unit P LEV:11:22 Æä_ÖÐ_ÓÐ_»È_³æ_£¬_Âì_òÆ_£¬_ó¬_ó°_Óë_Æä_Àà_£¬_òÆ_òì_Óë_Æä_Àà_£¬_Õâ_Щ Äã_ÃÇ_¶¼_¿É_ÒÔ_³Ô_¡£ # # Even these of them ye may eat; the locust after his kind, and the # bald locust after his kind, and the beetle after his kind, and the # grasshopper after his kind. # # unit P LEV:11:23 µ«_ÊÇ_ÓÐ_³á_°ò_ÓÐ_ËÄ_×ã_µÄ_ÅÀ_Îï_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¶¼_µ±_ÒÔ_Ϊ_¿É_Ô÷_¡£ # # But all other flying creeping things, which have four feet, shall be # an abomination unto you. # # unit P LEV:11:24 Õâ_Щ_¶¼_ÄÜ_ʹ_Äã_ÃÇ_²»_½à_¾»_¡£_·²_Ãþ_ÁË_ËÀ_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_²»_½à_¾»_µ½_Íí ÉÏ_¡£ # # And for these ye shall be unclean: whosoever toucheth the carcase of # them shall be unclean until the even. # # unit P LEV:11:25 ·²_ÄÃ_ÁË_ËÀ_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_²»_½à_¾»_µ½_Íí_ÉÏ_£¬_²¢_Òª_Ï´_ÒÂ_·þ_¡£ # # And whosoever beareth ought of the carcase of them shall wash his # clothes, and be unclean until the even. # # unit P LEV:11:26 ·²_×ß_ÊÞ_·Ö_Ìã_²»_³É_Á½_°ê_£¬_Ò²_²»_µ¹_½À_µÄ_£¬_ÊÇ_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_²»_½à_¾» £¬_·²_Ãþ_ÁË_µÄ_¾Í_²»_½à_¾»_¡£ # # The carcases of every beast which divideth the hoof, and is not # clovenfooted, nor cheweth the cud, are unclean unto you: every one # that toucheth them shall be unclean. # # unit P LEV:11:27 ·²_ËÄ_×ã_µÄ_×ß_ÊÞ_£¬_ÓÃ_ÕÆ_ÐÐ_×ß_µÄ_£¬_ÊÇ_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_²»_½à_¾»_£¬_Ãþ_Æä ʬ_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_²»_½à_¾»_µ½_Íí_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And whatsoever goeth upon his paws, among all manner of beasts that # go on all four, those are unclean unto you: whoso toucheth their # carcase shall be unclean until the even. # # unit P LEV:11:28 ÄÃ_Æä_ʬ_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_²»_½à_¾»_µ½_Íí_ÉÏ_£¬_²¢_Òª_Ï´_ÒÂ_·þ_¡£_Õâ_Щ_ÊÇ_Óë Äã_ÃÇ_²»_½à_¾»_µÄ_¡£ # # And he that beareth the carcase of them shall wash his clothes, and # be unclean until the even: they are unclean unto you. # # unit P LEV:11:29 µØ_ÉÏ_ÅÀ_Îï_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_²»_½à_¾»_µÄ_ÄË_ÊÇ_Õâ_Щ_£¬_÷ø_Êó_£¬_£¿_£¿_Êó_£¬ òá_òæ_Óë_Æä_Àà_¡£ # # These also shall be unclean unto you among the creeping things that # creep upon the earth; the weasel, and the mouse, and the tortoise # after his kind, # # unit P LEV:11:30 ±Ú_»¢_£¬_Áú_×Ó_£¬_ÊØ_¹¬_£¬_Éß_Ò½_£¬_£¿_£¿_òÑ_¡£ # # And the ferret, and the chameleon, and the lizard, and the snail, # and the mole. # # unit P LEV:11:31 Õâ_Щ_ÅÀ_Îï_¶¼_ÊÇ_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_²»_½à_¾»_µÄ_¡£_ÔÚ_Ëü_ËÀ_ÁË_ÒÔ_ºó_£¬_·²_Ãþ ÁË_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_²»_½à_¾»_µ½_Íí_ÉÏ_¡£ # # These are unclean to you among all that creep: whosoever doth touch # them, when they be dead, shall be unclean until the even. # # unit P LEV:11:32 Æä_ÖÐ_ËÀ_ÁË_µÄ_£¬_µô_ÔÚ_ʲ_ô_¶«_Î÷_ÉÏ_£¬_Õâ_¶«_Î÷_¾Í_²»_½à_¾»_£¬_ÎÞ ÂÛ_ÊÇ_ľ_Æ÷_£¬_ÒÂ_·þ_£¬_Ƥ_×Ó_£¬_¿Ú_´ü_£¬_²»_¾Ð_ÊÇ_×÷_ʲ_ô_¹¤_ÓÃ_µÄ Æ÷_Ãó_£¬_Ðë_Òª_·Å_ÔÚ_Ë®_ÖÐ_£¬_±Ø_²»_½à_¾»_µ½_Íí_ÉÏ_£¬_µ½_Íí_ÉÏ_²Å_½à ¾»_ÁË_¡£ # # And upon whatsoever any of them, when they are dead, doth fall, it # shall be unclean; whether it be any vessel of wood, or raiment, or # skin, or sack, whatsoever vessel it be, wherein any work is done, it # must be put into water, and it shall be unclean until the even; so # it shall be cleansed. # # unit P LEV:11:33 Èô_ÓÐ_ËÀ_ÁË_µô_ÔÚ_Íß_Æ÷_Àï_µÄ_£¬_Æä_ÖÐ_²»_¾Ð_ÓÐ_ʲ_ô_£¬_¾Í_²»_½à_¾» £¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_°Ñ_Õâ_Íß_Æ÷_´ò_ÆÆ_ÁË_¡£ # # And every earthen vessel, whereinto any of them falleth, whatsoever # is in it shall be unclean; and ye shall break it. # # unit P LEV:11:34 Æä_ÖÐ_Ò»_ÇÐ_¿É_³Ô_µÄ_ʳ_Îï_£¬_Õ´_Ë®_µÄ_¾Í_²»_½à_¾»_£¬_²¢_ÇÒ_ÄÇ_Ñù_Æ÷ Ãó_ÖÐ_Ò»_ÇÐ_¿É_ºÈ_µÄ_£¬_Ò²_±Ø_²»_½à_¾»_¡£ # # Of all meat which may be eaten, that on which such water cometh # shall be unclean: and all drink that may be drunk in every such # vessel shall be unclean. # # unit P LEV:11:35 Æä_ÖÐ_ÒÑ_ËÀ_µÄ_£¬_Èô_ÓÐ_Ò»_µã_µô_ÔÚ_ʲ_ô_Îï_¼þ_ÉÏ_£¬_ÄÇ_Îï_¼þ_¾Í_²» ½à_¾»_£¬_²»_¾Ð_ÊÇ_¯_×Ó_£¬_ÊÇ_¹ø_̨_£¬_¾Í_Òª_´ò_Ëé_£¬_¶¼_²»_½à_¾»_£¬ Ò²_±Ø_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_²»_½à_¾»_¡£ # # And every thing whereupon any part of their carcase falleth shall be # unclean; whether it be oven, or ranges for pots, they shall be # broken down: for they are unclean, and shall be unclean unto you. # # unit P LEV:11:36 µ«_ÊÇ_Ȫ_Ô´_»ò_ÊÇ_¾Û_Ë®_µÄ_³Ø_×Ó_ÈÔ_ÊÇ_½à_¾»_£¬_Ω_°¤_ÁË_ÄÇ_ËÀ_µÄ_£¬ ¾Í_²»_½à_¾»_¡£ # # Nevertheless a fountain or pit, wherein there is plenty of water, # shall be clean: but that which toucheth their carcase shall be # unclean. # # unit P LEV:11:37 Èô_ÊÇ_ËÀ_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_Ò»_µã_µô_ÔÚ_Òª_ÖÖ_µÄ_×Ó_Á£_ÉÏ_£¬_×Ó_Á£_ÈÔ_ÊÇ_½à_¾» ¡£ # # And if any part of their carcase fall upon any sowing seed which is # to be sown, it shall be clean. # # unit P LEV:11:38 Èô_Ë®_ÒÑ_¾­_½½_ÔÚ_×Ó_Á£_ÉÏ_£¬_ÄÇ_ËÀ_µÄ_ÓÐ_Ò»_µã_µô_ÔÚ_ÉÏ_Í·_£¬_Õâ_×Ó Á£_¾Í_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_²»_½à_¾»_¡£ # # But if any water be put upon the seed, and any part of their carcase # fall thereon, it shall be unclean unto you. # # unit P LEV:11:39 Äã_ÃÇ_¿É_³Ô_µÄ_×ß_ÊÞ_Èô_ÊÇ_ËÀ_ÁË_£¬_ÓÐ_ÈË_Ãþ_Ëü_£¬_±Ø_²»_½à_¾»_µ½_Íí ÉÏ_¡£ # # And if any beast, of which ye may eat, die; he that toucheth the # carcase thereof shall be unclean until the even. # # unit P LEV:11:40 ÓÐ_ÈË_³Ô_ÄÇ_ËÀ_ÁË_µÄ_×ß_ÊÞ_£¬_±Ø_²»_½à_¾»_µ½_Íí_ÉÏ_£¬_²¢_Òª_Ï´_ÒÂ_·þ £¬_ÄÃ_ÁË_ËÀ_×ß_ÊÞ_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_²»_½à_¾»_µ½_Íí_ÉÏ_£¬_²¢_Òª_Ï´_ÒÂ_·þ_¡£ # # And he that eateth of the carcase of it shall wash his clothes, and # be unclean until the even: he also that beareth the carcase of it # shall wash his clothes, and be unclean until the even. # # unit P LEV:11:41 ·²_µØ_ÉÏ_µÄ_ÅÀ_Îï_ÊÇ_¿É_Ô÷_µÄ_£¬_¶¼_²»_¿É_³Ô_¡£ # # And every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth shall be an # abomination; it shall not be eaten. # # unit P LEV:11:42 ·²_ÓÃ_¶Ç_×Ó_ÐÐ_×ß_µÄ_ºÍ_ÓÃ_ËÄ_×ã_ÐÐ_×ß_µÄ_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_ÓÐ_Ðí_¶à_×ã_µÄ_£¬ ¾Í_ÊÇ_Ò»_ÇÐ_ÅÀ_ÔÚ_µØ_ÉÏ_µÄ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¶¼_²»_¿É_³Ô_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÊÇ_¿É_Ô÷_µÄ ¡£ # # Whatsoever goeth upon the belly, and whatsoever goeth upon all four, # or whatsoever hath more feet among all creeping things that creep # upon the earth, them ye shall not eat; for they are an abomination. # # unit P LEV:11:43 Äã_ÃÇ_²»_¿É_Òò_ʲ_ô_ÅÀ_Îï_ʹ_×Ô_¼º_³É_Ϊ_¿É_Ô÷_µÄ_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_Òò_Õâ Щ_ʹ_×Ô_¼º_²»_½à_¾»_£¬_ÒÔ_ÖÂ_Ⱦ_ÁË_ÎÛ_»à_¡£ # # Ye shall not make yourselves abominable with any creeping thing that # creepeth, neither shall ye make yourselves unclean with them, that # ye should be defiled thereby. # # unit P LEV:11:44 ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_Ëù_ÒÔ_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_³É_Ϊ_Ê¥_½à_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÎÒ ÊÇ_Ê¥_½à_µÄ_¡£_Äã_ÃÇ_Ò²_²»_¿É_ÔÚ_µØ_ÉÏ_µÄ_ÅÀ_Îï_ÎÛ_»à_×Ô_¼º_¡£ # # For I am the LORD your God: ye shall therefore sanctify yourselves, # and ye shall be holy; for I am holy: neither shall ye defile # yourselves with any manner of creeping thing that creepeth upon the # earth. # # unit P LEV:11:45 ÎÒ_ÊÇ_°Ñ_Äã_ÃÇ_´Ó_°£_¼°_µØ_Áì_³ö_À´_µÄ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_Òª_×÷_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ £¬_Ëù_ÒÔ_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_Ê¥_½à_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ê¥_½à_µÄ_¡£ # # For I am the LORD that bringeth you up out of the land of Egypt, to # be your God: ye shall therefore be holy, for I am holy. # # unit P LEV:11:46 Õâ_ÊÇ_×ß_ÊÞ_£¬_·É_Äñ_£¬_ºÍ_Ë®_ÖÐ_ÓÎ_¶¯_µÄ_»î_Îï_£¬_²¢_µØ_ÉÏ_ÅÀ_Îï_µÄ Ìõ_Àý_¡£ # # This is the law of the beasts, and of the fowl, and of every living # creature that moveth in the waters, and of every creature that # creepeth upon the earth: # # unit P LEV:11:47 Òª_°Ñ_½à_¾»_µÄ_ºÍ_²»_½à_¾»_µÄ_£¬_¿É_³Ô_µÄ_Óë_²»_¿É_³Ô_µÄ_»î_Îï_£¬_¶¼ ·Ö_±ð_³ö_À´_¡£ # # To make a difference between the unclean and the clean, and between # the beast that may be eaten and the beast that may not be eaten. # ## # chapter 12 LEV:12 # unit P LEV:12:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P LEV:12:2 Äã_Ïþ_ÚÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_˵_£¬_Èô_ÓÐ_¸¾_ÈË_»³_ÔÐ_Éú_ÄÐ_º¢_£¬_Ëý_¾Í_²»_½à ¾»_Æß_Ìì_£¬_Ïñ_ÔÚ_ÔÂ_¾­_ÎÛ_»à_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_²»_½à_¾»_Ò»_Ñù_¡£ # # Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If a woman have conceived # seed, and born a man child: then she shall be unclean seven days; # according to the days of the separation for her infirmity shall she # be unclean. # # unit P LEV:12:3 µÚ_°Ë_Ìì_£¬_Òª_¸ø_Ó¤_º¢_ÐÐ_¸î_Àñ_¡£ # # And in the eighth day the flesh of his foreskin shall be # circumcised. # # unit P LEV:12:4 ¸¾_ÈË_ÔÚ_²ú_Ѫ_²»_½à_Ö®_ÖÐ_£¬_Òª_¼Ò_¾Ó_Èý_Ê®_Èý_Ìì_¡£_Ëý_½à_¾»_µÄ_ÈÕ ×Ó_δ_Âú_£¬_²»_¿É_Ãþ_Ê¥_Îï_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_½ø_Èë_Ê¥_Ëù_¡£ # # And she shall then continue in the blood of her purifying three and # thirty days; she shall touch no hallowed thing, nor come into the # sanctuary, until the days of her purifying be fulfilled. # # unit P LEV:12:5 Ëý_Èô_Éú_Å®_º¢_£¬_¾Í_²»_½à_¾»_Á½_¸ö_Æß_Ìì_£¬_Ïñ_ÎÛ_»à_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_Ò»_Ñù £¬_Òª_ÔÚ_²ú_Ѫ_²»_½à_Ö®_ÖÐ_£¬_¼Ò_¾Ó_Áù_Ê®_Áù_Ìì_¡£ # # But if she bear a maid child, then she shall be unclean two weeks, # as in her separation: and she shall continue in the blood of her # purifying threescore and six days. # # unit P LEV:12:6 Âú_ÁË_½à_¾»_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_Ϊ_ÄÐ_º¢_ÊÇ_Ϊ_Å®_º¢_£¬_Ëý_Òª_°Ñ_Ò» Ëê_µÄ_Ñò_¸á_Ϊ_ìÜ_¼À_£¬_Ò»_Ö»_³û_¸ë_»ò_ÊÇ_Ò»_Ö»_°ß_ð¯_Ϊ_Êê_×ï_¼À_£¬ ´ø_µ½_»á_Ä»_ÃÅ_¿Ú_½»_¸ø_¼À_˾_¡£ # # And when the days of her purifying are fulfilled, for a son, or for # a daughter, she shall bring a lamb of the first year for a burnt # offering, and a young pigeon, or a turtledove, for a sin offering, # unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, unto the # priest: # # unit P LEV:12:7 ¼À_˾_Òª_Ï×_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_Ϊ_Ëý_Êê_×ï_£¬_Ëý_µÄ_Ѫ_Ô´_¾Í_½à_¾» ÁË_¡£_Õâ_Ìõ_Àý_ÊÇ_Ϊ_Éú_Óý_µÄ_¸¾_ÈË_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_Éú_ÄÐ_Éú_Å®_¡£ # # Who shall offer it before the LORD, and make an atonement for her; # and she shall be cleansed from the issue of her blood. This is the # law for her that hath born a male or a female. # # unit P LEV:12:8 Ëý_µÄ_Á¦_Á¿_Èô_²»_¹»_Ï×_Ò»_Ö»_Ñò_¸á_£¬_Ëý_¾Í_Òª_È¡_Á½_Ö»_°ß_ð¯_»ò_ÊÇ Á½_Ö»_³û_¸ë_£¬_Ò»_Ö»_Ϊ_ìÜ_¼À_£¬_Ò»_Ö»_Ϊ_Êê_×ï_¼À_¡£_¼À_˾_Òª_Ϊ_Ëý Êê_×ï_£¬_Ëý_¾Í_½à_¾»_ÁË_¡£ # # And if she be not able to bring a lamb, then she shall bring two # turtles, or two young pigeons; the one for the burnt offering, and # the other for a sin offering: and the priest shall make an atonement # for her, and she shall be clean. # ## # chapter 13 LEV:13 # unit P LEV:13:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses and Aaron, saying, # # unit P LEV:13:2 ÈË_µÄ_Èâ_Ƥ_ÉÏ_Èô_³¤_ÁË_ðÜ_×Ó_£¬_»ò_³¤_ÁË_Ñ¢_£¬_»ò_³¤_ÁË_»ð_°ß_£¬_ÔÚ Ëû_Èâ_Ƥ_ÉÏ_³É_ÁË_´ó_Âé_·è_µÄ_ÔÖ_²¡_£¬_¾Í_Òª_½«_Ëû_´ø_µ½_¼À_˾_ÑÇ_Â× »ò_ÑÇ_Â×_×÷_¼À_˾_µÄ_Ò»_¸ö_×Ó_Ëï_Ãæ_Ç°_¡£ # # When a man shall have in the skin of his flesh a rising, a scab, or # bright spot, and it be in the skin of his flesh like the plague of # leprosy; then he shall be brought unto Aaron the priest, or unto one # of his sons the priests: # # unit P LEV:13:3 ¼À_˾_Òª_²ì_¿´_Èâ_Ƥ_ÉÏ_µÄ_ÔÖ_²¡_£¬_Èô_ÔÖ_²¡_´¦_µÄ_ë_ÒÑ_¾­_±ä_°×_£¬ ÔÖ_²¡_µÄ_ÏÖ_Ïó_Éî_ÓÚ_Èâ_ÉÏ_µÄ_Ƥ_£¬_Õâ_±ã_ÊÇ_´ó_Âé_·è_µÄ_ÔÖ_²¡_¡£_¼À ˾_Òª_²ì_¿´_Ëû_£¬_¶¨_Ëû_Ϊ_²»_½à_¾»_¡£ # # And the priest shall look on the plague in the skin of the flesh: # and when the hair in the plague is turned white, and the plague in # sight be deeper than the skin of his flesh, it is a plague of # leprosy: and the priest shall look on him, and pronounce him # unclean. # # unit P LEV:13:4 Èô_»ð_°ß_ÔÚ_Ëû_Èâ_Ƥ_ÉÏ_ÊÇ_°×_µÄ_£¬_ÏÖ_Ïó_²»_Éî_ÓÚ_Ƥ_£¬_Æä_ÉÏ_µÄ_ë Ò²_û_ÓÐ_±ä_°×_£¬_¼À_˾_¾Í_Òª_½«_ÓÐ_ÔÖ_²¡_µÄ_ÈË_¹Ø_Ëø_Æß_Ìì_¡£ # # If the bright spot be white in the skin of his flesh, and in sight # be not deeper than the skin, and the hair thereof be not turned # white; then the priest shall shut up him that hath the plague seven # days: # # unit P LEV:13:5 µÚ_Æß_Ìì_£¬_¼À_˾_Òª_²ì_¿´_Ëû_£¬_Èô_¿´_ÔÖ_²¡_Ö¹_ס_ÁË_£¬_û_ÓÐ_ÔÚ_Ƥ ÉÏ_·¢_É¢_£¬_¼À_˾_»¹_Òª_½«_Ëû_¹Ø_Ëø_Æß_Ìì_¡£ # # And the priest shall look on him the seventh day: and, behold, if # the plague in his sight be at a stay, and the plague spread not in # the skin; then the priest shall shut him up seven days more: # # unit P LEV:13:6 µÚ_Æß_Ìì_£¬_¼À_˾_Òª_ÔÙ_²ì_¿´_Ëû_£¬_Èô_ÔÖ_²¡_·¢_°µ_£¬_¶ø_ÇÒ_û_ÓÐ_ÔÚ Æ¤_ÉÏ_·¢_É¢_£¬_¼À_˾_Òª_¶¨_Ëû_Ϊ_½à_¾»_£¬_Ô­_À´_ÊÇ_Ñ¢_£¬_ÄÇ_ÈË_¾Í_Òª Ï´_ÒÂ_·þ_£¬_µÃ_Ϊ_½à_¾»_¡£ # # And the priest shall look on him again the seventh day: and, behold, # if the plague be somewhat dark, and the plague spread not in the # skin, the priest shall pronounce him clean: it is but a scab: and he # shall wash his clothes, and be clean. # # unit P LEV:13:7 µ«_Ëû_Ϊ_µÃ_½à_¾»_£¬_½«_Éí_Ìå_¸ø_¼À_˾_²ì_¿´_ÒÔ_ºó_£¬_Ñ¢_Èô_ÔÚ_Ƥ_ÉÏ ·¢_É¢_¿ª_ÁË_£¬_Ëû_Òª_ÔÙ_½«_Éí_Ìå_¸ø_¼À_˾_²ì_¿´_¡£ # # But if the scab spread much abroad in the skin, after that he hath # been seen of the priest for his cleansing, he shall be seen of the # priest again: # # unit P LEV:13:8 ¼À_˾_Òª_²ì_¿´_£¬_Ñ¢_Èô_ÔÚ_Ƥ_ÉÏ_·¢_É¢_£¬_¾Í_Òª_¶¨_Ëû_Ϊ_²»_½à_¾»_£¬ ÊÇ_´ó_Âé_·è_¡£ # # And if the priest see that, behold, the scab spreadeth in the skin, # then the priest shall pronounce him unclean: it is a leprosy. # # unit P LEV:13:9 ÈË_ÓÐ_ÁË_´ó_Âé_·è_µÄ_ÔÖ_²¡_£¬_¾Í_Òª_½«_Ëû_´ø_µ½_¼À_˾_Ãæ_Ç°_¡£ # # When the plague of leprosy is in a man, then he shall be brought # unto the priest; # # unit P LEV:13:10 ¼À_˾_Òª_²ì_¿´_£¬_Ƥ_ÉÏ_Èô_³¤_ÁË_°×_ðÜ_£¬_ʹ_ë_±ä_°×_£¬_ÔÚ_³¤_°×_ðÜ Ö®_´¦_ÓÐ_ÁË_ºì_ðö_Èâ_£¬ # # And the priest shall see him: and, behold, if the rising be white in # the skin, and it have turned the hair white, and there be quick raw # flesh in the rising; # # unit P LEV:13:11 Õâ_ÊÇ_Èâ_Ƥ_ÉÏ_µÄ_¾É_´ó_Âé_·è_£¬_¼À_˾_Òª_¶¨_Ëû_Ϊ_²»_½à_¾»_£¬_²»_Óà ½«_Ëû_¹Ø_Ëø_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_ÊÇ_²»_½à_¾»_ÁË_¡£ # # It is an old leprosy in the skin of his flesh, and the priest shall # pronounce him unclean, and shall not shut him up: for he is unclean. # # unit P LEV:13:12 ´ó_Âé_·è_Èô_ÔÚ_Ƥ_ÉÏ_ËÄ_Íâ_·¢_É¢_£¬_³¤_Âú_ÁË_»¼_ÔÖ_²¡_ÈË_µÄ_Ƥ_£¬_¾Ý ¼À_˾_²ì_¿´_£¬_´Ó_Í·_µ½_½Å_ÎÞ_´¦_²»_ÓÐ_£¬ # # And if a leprosy break out abroad in the skin, and the leprosy cover # all the skin of him that hath the plague from his head even to his # foot, wheresoever the priest looketh; # # unit P LEV:13:13 ¼À_˾_¾Í_Òª_²ì_¿´_£¬_È«_Éí_µÄ_Èâ_Èô_³¤_Âú_ÁË_´ó_Âé_·è_£¬_¾Í_Òª_¶¨_ÄÇ »¼_ÔÖ_²¡_µÄ_Ϊ_½à_¾»_£¬_È«_Éí_¶¼_±ä_Ϊ_°×_£¬_Ëû_ÄË_½à_¾»_ÁË_¡£ # # Then the priest shall consider: and, behold, if the leprosy have # covered all his flesh, he shall pronounce him clean that hath the # plague: it is all turned white: he is clean. # # unit P LEV:13:14 µ«_ºì_Èâ_¼¸_ʱ_ÏÔ_ÔÚ_Ëû_µÄ_Éí_ÉÏ_¾Í_¼¸_ʱ_²»_½à_¾»_¡£ # # But when raw flesh appeareth in him, he shall be unclean. # # unit P LEV:13:15 ¼À_˾_Ò»_¿´_ÄÇ_ºì_Èâ_¾Í_¶¨_Ëû_Ϊ_²»_½à_¾»_¡£_ºì_Èâ_±¾_ÊÇ_²»_½à_¾»_£¬ ÊÇ_´ó_Âé_·è_¡£ # # And the priest shall see the raw flesh, and pronounce him to be # unclean: for the raw flesh is unclean: it is a leprosy. # # unit P LEV:13:16 ºì_Èâ_Èô_¸´_Ô­_£¬_ÓÖ_±ä_°×_ÁË_£¬_Ëû_¾Í_Òª_À´_¼û_¼À_˾_¡£ # # Or if the raw flesh turn again, and be changed unto white, he shall # come unto the priest; # # unit P LEV:13:17 ¼À_˾_Òª_²ì_¿´_£¬_ÔÖ_²¡_´¦_Èô_±ä_°×_ÁË_£¬_¼À_˾_¾Í_Òª_¶¨_ÄÇ_»¼_ÔÖ_²¡ µÄ_Ϊ_½à_¾»_£¬_Ëû_ÄË_½à_¾»_ÁË_¡£ # # And the priest shall see him: and, behold, if the plague be turned # into white; then the priest shall pronounce him clean that hath the # plague: he is clean. # # unit P LEV:13:18 ÈË_Èô_ÔÚ_Ƥ_Èâ_ÉÏ_³¤_´¯_£¬_È´_ÖÎ_ºÃ_ÁË_£¬ # # The flesh also, in which, even in the skin thereof, was a boil, and # is healed, # # unit P LEV:13:19 ÔÚ_³¤_´¯_Ö®_´¦_ÓÖ_Æð_ÁË_°×_ðÜ_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_°×_ÖÐ_´ø_ºì_µÄ_»ð_°ß_£¬_¾Í_Òª ¸ø_¼À_˾_²ì_¿´_¡£ # # And in the place of the boil there be a white rising, or a bright # spot, white, and somewhat reddish, and it be shewed to the priest; # # unit P LEV:13:20 ¼À_˾_Òª_²ì_¿´_£¬_Èô_ÏÖ_Ïó_ÍÝ_ÓÚ_Ƥ_£¬_Æä_ÉÏ_µÄ_ë_Ò²_±ä_°×_ÁË_£¬_¾Í Òª_¶¨_Ëû_Ϊ_²»_½à_¾»_£¬_ÊÇ_´ó_Âé_·è_µÄ_ÔÖ_²¡_·¢_ÔÚ_´¯_ÖÐ_¡£ # # And if, when the priest seeth it, behold, it be in sight lower than # the skin, and the hair thereof be turned white; the priest shall # pronounce him unclean: it is a plague of leprosy broken out of the # boil. # # unit P LEV:13:21 ¼À_˾_Èô_²ì_¿´_£¬_Æä_ÉÏ_û_ÓÐ_°×_ë_£¬_Ò²_û_ÓÐ_ÍÝ_ÓÚ_Ƥ_£¬_ÄË_ÊÇ_·¢ °µ_£¬_¾Í_Òª_½«_Ëû_¹Ø_Ëø_Æß_Ìì_¡£ # # But if the priest look on it, and, behold, there be no white hairs # therein, and if it be not lower than the skin, but be somewhat dark; # then the priest shall shut him up seven days: # # unit P LEV:13:22 Èô_ÔÚ_Ƥ_ÉÏ_·¢_É¢_¿ª_ÁË_£¬_¼À_˾_¾Í_Òª_¶¨_Ëû_Ϊ_²»_½à_¾»_£¬_ÊÇ_ÔÖ_²¡ ¡£ # # And if it spread much abroad in the skin, then the priest shall # pronounce him unclean: it is a plague. # # unit P LEV:13:23 »ð_°ß_Èô_ÔÚ_Ô­_´¦_Ö¹_ס_£¬_û_ÓÐ_·¢_É¢_£¬_±ã_ÊÇ_´¯_µÄ_ºÛ_¼£_£¬_¼À_˾ ¾Í_Òª_¶¨_Ëû_Ϊ_½à_¾»_¡£ # # But if the bright spot stay in his place, and spread not, it is a # burning boil; and the priest shall pronounce him clean. # # unit P LEV:13:24 ÈË_µÄ_Ƥ_Èâ_ÉÏ_Èô_Æð_ÁË_»ð_¶¾_£¬_»ð_¶¾_µÄ_ðö_Èâ_³É_ÁË_»ð_°ß_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ °×_ÖÐ_´ø_ºì_µÄ_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_È«_°×_µÄ_£¬ # # Or if there be any flesh, in the skin whereof there is a hot # burning, and the quick flesh that burneth have a white bright spot, # somewhat reddish, or white; # # unit P LEV:13:25 ¼À_˾_¾Í_Òª_²ì_¿´_£¬_»ð_°ß_ÖÐ_µÄ_ë_Èô_±ä_°×_ÁË_£¬_ÏÖ_Ïó_ÓÖ_Éî_ÓÚ_Ƥ £¬_ÊÇ_´ó_Âé_·è_ÔÚ_»ð_¶¾_ÖÐ_·¢_³ö_£¬_¾Í_Òª_¶¨_Ëû_Ϊ_²»_½à_¾»_£¬_ÊÇ_´ó Âé_·è_µÄ_ÔÖ_²¡_¡£ # # Then the priest shall look upon it: and, behold, if the hair in the # bright spot be turned white, and it be in sight deeper than the # skin; it is a leprosy broken out of the burning: wherefore the # priest shall pronounce him unclean: it is the plague of leprosy. # # unit P LEV:13:26 µ«_ÊÇ_¼À_˾_²ì_¿´_£¬_ÔÚ_»ð_°ß_ÖÐ_Èô_û_ÓÐ_°×_ë_£¬_Ò²_û_ÓÐ_ÍÝ_ÓÚ_Ƥ £¬_ÄË_ÊÇ_·¢_°µ_£¬_¾Í_Òª_½«_Ëû_¹Ø_Ëø_Æß_Ìì_¡£ # # But if the priest look on it, and, behold, there be no white hair in # the bright spot, and it be no lower than the other skin, but be # somewhat dark; then the priest shall shut him up seven days: # # unit P LEV:13:27 µ½_µÚ_Æß_Ìì_£¬_¼À_˾_Òª_²ì_¿´_Ëû_£¬_»ð_°ß_Èô_ÔÚ_Ƥ_ÉÏ_·¢_É¢_¿ª_ÁË_£¬ ¾Í_Òª_¶¨_Ëû_Ϊ_²»_½à_¾»_£¬_ÊÇ_´ó_Âé_·è_µÄ_ÔÖ_²¡_¡£ # # And the priest shall look upon him the seventh day: and if it be # spread much abroad in the skin, then the priest shall pronounce him # unclean: it is the plague of leprosy. # # unit P LEV:13:28 »ð_°ß_Èô_ÔÚ_Ô­_´¦_Ö¹_ס_£¬_û_ÓÐ_ÔÚ_Ƥ_ÉÏ_·¢_É¢_£¬_ÄË_ÊÇ_·¢_°µ_£¬_ÊÇ Æð_µÄ_»ð_¶¾_£¬_¼À_˾_Òª_¶¨_Ëû_Ϊ_½à_¾»_£¬_²»_¹ý_ÊÇ_»ð_¶¾_µÄ_ºÛ_¼£_¡£ # # And if the bright spot stay in his place, and spread not in the # skin, but it be somewhat dark; it is a rising of the burning, and # the priest shall pronounce him clean: for it is an inflammation of # the burning. # # unit P LEV:13:29 ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÄÐ_Å®_£¬_Èô_ÔÚ_Í·_ÉÏ_ÓÐ_ÔÖ_²¡_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_ÄÐ_ÈË_ºú_Ðë_ÉÏ_ÓÐ_ÔÖ_²¡ £¬ # # If a man or woman have a plague upon the head or the beard; # # unit P LEV:13:30 ¼À_˾_¾Í_Òª_²ì_¿´_£¬_Õâ_ÔÖ_²¡_ÏÖ_Ïó_Èô_Éî_ÓÚ_Ƥ_£¬_Æä_¼ä_ÓÐ_ϸ_»Æ_ë £¬_¾Í_Òª_¶¨_Ëû_Ϊ_²»_½à_¾»_£¬_Õâ_ÊÇ_Í·_½ê_£¬_ÊÇ_Í·_ÉÏ_»ò_ÊÇ_ºú_Ðë_ÉÏ µÄ_´ó_Âé_·è_¡£ # # Then the priest shall see the plague: and, behold, if it be in sight # deeper than the skin; and there be in it a yellow thin hair; then # the priest shall pronounce him unclean: it is a dry scall, even a # leprosy upon the head or beard. # # unit P LEV:13:31 ¼À_˾_Èô_²ì_¿´_Í·_½ê_µÄ_ÔÖ_²¡_£¬_ÏÖ_Ïó_²»_Éî_ÓÚ_Ƥ_£¬_Æä_¼ä_Ò²_û_ÓÐ ºÚ_ë_£¬_¾Í_Òª_½«_³¤_Í·_½ê_ÔÖ_²¡_µÄ_¹Ø_Ëø_Æß_Ìì_¡£ # # And if the priest look on the plague of the scall, and, behold, it # be not in sight deeper than the skin, and that there is no black # hair in it; then the priest shall shut up him that hath the plague # of the scall seven days: # # unit P LEV:13:32 µÚ_Æß_Ìì_£¬_¼À_˾_Òª_²ì_¿´_ÔÖ_²¡_£¬_Èô_Í·_½ê_û_ÓÐ_·¢_É¢_£¬_Æä_¼ä_Ò² û_ÓÐ_»Æ_ë_£¬_Í·_½ê_µÄ_ÏÖ_Ïó_²»_Éî_ÓÚ_Ƥ_£¬ # # And in the seventh day the priest shall look on the plague: and, # behold, if the scall spread not, and there be in it no yellow hair, # and the scall be not in sight deeper than the skin; # # unit P LEV:13:33 ÄÇ_ÈË_¾Í_Òª_Ìê_È¥_Ðë_·¢_£¬_µ«_Ëû_²»_¿É_Ìê_Í·_½ê_Ö®_´¦_¡£_¼À_˾_Òª_½« ÄÇ_³¤_Í·_½ê_µÄ_£¬_ÔÙ_¹Ø_Ëø_Æß_Ìì_¡£ # # He shall be shaven, but the scall shall he not shave; and the priest # shall shut up him that hath the scall seven days more: # # unit P LEV:13:34 µÚ_Æß_Ìì_£¬_¼À_˾_Òª_²ì_¿´_Í·_½ê_£¬_Í·_½ê_Èô_û_ÓÐ_ÔÚ_Ƥ_ÉÏ_·¢_É¢_£¬ ÏÖ_Ïó_Ò²_²»_Éî_ÓÚ_Ƥ_£¬_¾Í_Òª_¶¨_Ëû_Ϊ_½à_¾»_£¬_Ëû_Òª_Ï´_ÒÂ_·þ_£¬_±ã ³É_Ϊ_½à_¾»_¡£ # # And in the seventh day the priest shall look on the scall: and, # behold, if the scall be not spread in the skin, nor be in sight # deeper than the skin; then the priest shall pronounce him clean: and # he shall wash his clothes, and be clean. # # unit P LEV:13:35 µ«_Ëû_µÃ_½à_¾»_ÒÔ_ºó_£¬_Í·_½ê_Èô_ÔÚ_Ƥ_ÉÏ_·¢_É¢_¿ª_ÁË_£¬ # # But if the scall spread much in the skin after his cleansing; # # unit P LEV:13:36 ¼À_˾_¾Í_Òª_²ì_¿´_Ëû_¡£_Í·_½ê_Èô_ÔÚ_Ƥ_ÉÏ_·¢_É¢_£¬_¾Í_²»_±Ø_ÕÒ_ÄÇ_»Æ ë_£¬_Ëû_ÊÇ_²»_½à_¾»_ÁË_¡£ # # Then the priest shall look on him: and, behold, if the scall be # spread in the skin, the priest shall not seek for yellow hair; he is # unclean. # # unit P LEV:13:37 ¼À_˾_Èô_¿´_Í·_½ê_ÒÑ_¾­_Ö¹_ס_£¬_Æä_¼ä_Ò²_³¤_ÁË_ºÚ_ë_£¬_Í·_½ê_ÒÑ_È» Ȭ_Óú_£¬_ÄÇ_ÈË_ÊÇ_½à_¾»_ÁË_£¬_¾Í_Òª_¶¨_Ëû_Ϊ_½à_¾»_¡£ # # But if the scall be in his sight at a stay, and that there is black # hair grown up therein; the scall is healed, he is clean: and the # priest shall pronounce him clean. # # unit P LEV:13:38 ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÄÐ_Å®_£¬_Ƥ_Èâ_ÉÏ_Èô_Æð_ÁË_»ð_°ß_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_°×_»ð_°ß_£¬ # # If a man also or a woman have in the skin of their flesh bright # spots, even white bright spots; # # unit P LEV:13:39 ¼À_˾_¾Í_Òª_²ì_¿´_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_Èâ_Ƥ_ÉÏ_µÄ_»ð_°ß_Èô_°×_ÖÐ_´ø_ºÚ_£¬_Õâ_ÊÇ Æ¤_ÉÏ_·¢_³ö_µÄ_°×_Ñ¢_£¬_ÄÇ_ÈË_ÊÇ_½à_¾»_ÁË_¡£ # # Then the priest shall look: and, behold, if the bright spots in the # skin of their flesh be darkish white; it is a freckled spot that # groweth in the skin; he is clean. # # unit P LEV:13:40 ÈË_Í·_ÉÏ_µÄ_·¢_Èô_µô_ÁË_£¬_Ëû_²»_¹ý_ÊÇ_Í·_ͺ_£¬_»¹_ÊÇ_½à_¾»_¡£ # # And the man whose hair is fallen off his head, he is bald; yet is he # clean. # # unit P LEV:13:41 Ëû_¶¥_Ç°_Èô_µô_ÁË_Í·_·¢_£¬_Ëû_²»_¹ý_ÊÇ_¶¥_ÃÅ_ͺ_£¬_»¹_ÊÇ_½à_¾»_¡£ # # And he that hath his hair fallen off from the part of his head # toward his face, he is forehead bald: yet is he clean. # # unit P LEV:13:42 Í·_ͺ_´¦_»ò_ÊÇ_¶¥_ÃÅ_ͺ_´¦_Èô_ÓÐ_°×_ÖÐ_´ø_ºì_µÄ_ÔÖ_²¡_£¬_Õâ_¾Í_ÊÇ_´ó Âé_·è_·¢_ÔÚ_Ëû_Í·_ͺ_´¦_»ò_ÊÇ_¶¥_ÃÅ_ͺ_´¦_£¬ # # And if there be in the bald head, or bald forehead, a white reddish # sore; it is a leprosy sprung up in his bald head, or his bald # forehead. # # unit P LEV:13:43 ¼À_˾_¾Í_Òª_²ì_¿´_£¬_Ëû_Æð_µÄ_ÄÇ_ÔÖ_²¡_Èô_ÔÚ_Í·_ͺ_´¦_»ò_ÊÇ_¶¥_ÃÅ_ͺ ´¦_ÓÐ_°×_ÖÐ_´ø_ºì_µÄ_£¬_Ïñ_Èâ_Ƥ_ÉÏ_´ó_Âé_·è_µÄ_ÏÖ_Ïó_£¬ # # Then the priest shall look upon it: and, behold, if the rising of # the sore be white reddish in his bald head, or in his bald forehead, # as the leprosy appeareth in the skin of the flesh; # # unit P LEV:13:44 ÄÇ_ÈË_¾Í_ÊÇ_³¤_´ó_Âé_·è_£¬_²»_½à_¾»_µÄ_£¬_¼À_˾_×Ü_Òª_¶¨_Ëû_Ϊ_²»_½à ¾»_£¬_Ëû_µÄ_ÔÖ_²¡_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_Í·_ÉÏ_¡£ # # He is a leprous man, he is unclean: the priest shall pronounce him # utterly unclean; his plague is in his head. # # unit P LEV:13:45 Éí_ÉÏ_ÓÐ_³¤_´ó_Âé_·è_ÔÖ_²¡_µÄ_£¬_Ëû_µÄ_ÒÂ_·þ_Òª_˺_ÁÑ_£¬_Ò²_Òª_Åî_Í· É¢_·¢_£¬_ÃÉ_×Å_ÉÏ_´½_£¬_º°_½Ð_˵_£¬_²»_½à_¾»_ÁË_£¬_²»_½à_¾»_ÁË_¡£ # # And the leper in whom the plague is, his clothes shall be rent, and # his head bare, and he shall put a covering upon his upper lip, and # shall cry, Unclean, unclean. # # unit P LEV:13:46 ÔÖ_²¡_ÔÚ_Ëû_Éí_ÉÏ_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_£¬_Ëû_±ã_ÊÇ_²»_½à_¾»_£¬_Ëû_¼È_ÊÇ_²»_½à_¾» £¬_¾Í_Òª_¶À_¾Ó_Óª_Íâ_¡£ # # All the days wherein the plague shall be in him he shall be defiled; # he is unclean: he shall dwell alone; without the camp shall his # habitation be. # # unit P LEV:13:47 Ⱦ_ÁË_´ó_Âé_·è_ÔÖ_²¡_µÄ_ÒÂ_·þ_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_Ñò_ë_ÒÂ_·þ_£¬_ÊÇ_Âé_²¼_Ò ·þ_£¬ # # The garment also that the plague of leprosy is in, whether it be a # woollen garment, or a linen garment; # # unit P LEV:13:48 ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_¾­_ÉÏ_£¬_ÔÚ_γ_ÉÏ_£¬_ÊÇ_Âé_²¼_µÄ_£¬_ÊÇ_Ñò_ë_µÄ_£¬_ÊÇ_ÔÚ Æ¤_×Ó_ÉÏ_£¬_»ò_ÔÚ_Ƥ_×Ó_×÷_µÄ_ʲ_ô_Îï_¼þ_ÉÏ_£¬ # # Whether it be in the warp, or woof; of linen, or of woollen; whether # in a skin, or in any thing made of skin; # # unit P LEV:13:49 »ò_ÔÚ_ÒÂ_·þ_ÉÏ_£¬_Ƥ_×Ó_ÉÏ_£¬_¾­_ÉÏ_£¬_γ_ÉÏ_£¬_»ò_ÔÚ_Ƥ_×Ó_×÷_µÄ_ʲ ô_Îï_¼þ_ÉÏ_£¬_Õâ_ÔÖ_²¡_Èô_ÊÇ_·¢_ÂÌ_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_·¢_ºì_£¬_ÊÇ_´ó_Âé_·è_µÄ ÔÖ_²¡_£¬_Òª_¸ø_¼À_˾_²ì_¿´_¡£ # # And if the plague be greenish or reddish in the garment, or in the # skin, either in the warp, or in the woof, or in any thing of skin; # it is a plague of leprosy, and shall be shewed unto the priest: # # unit P LEV:13:50 ¼À_˾_¾Í_Òª_²ì_¿´_ÄÇ_ÔÖ_²¡_£¬_°Ñ_Ⱦ_ÁË_ÔÖ_²¡_µÄ_Îï_¼þ_¹Ø_Ëø_Æß_Ìì_¡£ # # And the priest shall look upon the plague, and shut up it that hath # the plague seven days: # # unit P LEV:13:51 µÚ_Æß_Ìì_£¬_Ëû_Òª_²ì_¿´_ÄÇ_ÔÖ_²¡_£¬_ÔÖ_²¡_»ò_ÔÚ_ÒÂ_·þ_ÉÏ_£¬_¾­_ÉÏ_£¬ γ_ÉÏ_£¬_Ƥ_×Ó_ÉÏ_£¬_Èô_·¢_É¢_£¬_Õâ_Ƥ_×Ó_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_µ±_×÷_ºÎ_ÓÃ_£¬_Õâ_ÔÖ ²¡_ÊÇ_²Ï_ʳ_µÄ_´ó_Âé_·è_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_²»_½à_¾»_ÁË_¡£ # # And he shall look on the plague on the seventh day: if the plague be # spread in the garment, either in the warp, or in the woof, or in a # skin, or in any work that is made of skin; the plague is a fretting # leprosy; it is unclean. # # unit P LEV:13:52 ÄÇ_Ⱦ_ÁË_ÔÖ_²¡_µÄ_ÒÂ_·þ_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_¾­_ÉÏ_£¬_γ_ÉÏ_£¬_Ñò_ë_ÉÏ_£¬_Âé_Ò ÉÏ_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_Ƥ_×Ó_×÷_µÄ_ʲ_ô_Îï_¼þ_ÉÏ_£¬_Ëû_¶¼_Òª_·Ù_ÉÕ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Õâ ÊÇ_²Ï_ʳ_µÄ_´ó_Âé_·è_£¬_±Ø_ÔÚ_»ð_ÖÐ_·Ù_ÉÕ_¡£ # # He shall therefore burn that garment, whether warp or woof, in # woollen or in linen, or any thing of skin, wherein the plague is: # for it is a fretting leprosy; it shall be burnt in the fire. # # unit P LEV:13:53 ¼À_˾_Òª_²ì_¿´_£¬_Èô_ÔÖ_²¡_ÔÚ_ÒÂ_·þ_ÉÏ_£¬_¾­_ÉÏ_£¬_γ_ÉÏ_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_Ƥ ×Ó_×÷_µÄ_ʲ_ô_Îï_¼þ_ÉÏ_£¬_û_ÓÐ_·¢_É¢_£¬ # # And if the priest shall look, and, behold, the plague be not spread # in the garment, either in the warp, or in the woof, or in any thing # of skin; # # unit P LEV:13:54 ¼À_˾_¾Í_Òª_·Ô_¸À_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_°Ñ_Ⱦ_ÁË_ÔÖ_²¡_µÄ_Îï_¼þ_Ï´_ÁË_£¬_ÔÙ_¹Ø_Ëø Æß_Ìì_¡£ # # Then the priest shall command that they wash the thing wherein the # plague is, and he shall shut it up seven days more: # # unit P LEV:13:55 Ï´_¹ý_ÒÔ_ºó_£¬_¼À_˾_Òª_²ì_¿´_£¬_ÄÇ_Îï_¼þ_Èô_û_ÓÐ_±ä_É«_£¬_ÔÖ_²¡_Ò² û_ÓÐ_Ïû_É¢_£¬_ÄÇ_Îï_¼þ_¾Í_²»_½à_¾»_£¬_ÊÇ_͸_ÖØ_µÄ_ÔÖ_²¡_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_Õý Ãæ_·´_Ãæ_£¬_¶¼_Òª_ÔÚ_»ð_ÖÐ_·Ù_ÉÕ_¡£ # # And the priest shall look on the plague, after that it is washed: # and, behold, if the plague have not changed his colour, and the # plague be not spread; it is unclean; thou shalt burn it in the fire; # it is fret inward, whether it be bare within or without. # # unit P LEV:13:56 Ï´_¹ý_ÒÔ_ºó_£¬_¼À_˾_Òª_²ì_¿´_£¬_Èô_¼û_ÄÇ_ÔÖ_²¡_·¢_°µ_£¬_Ëû_¾Í_Òª_°Ñ ÄÇ_ÔÖ_²¡_´Ó_ÒÂ_·þ_ÉÏ_£¬_Ƥ_×Ó_ÉÏ_£¬_¾­_ÉÏ_£¬_γ_ÉÏ_£¬_¶¼_˺_È¥_¡£ # # And if the priest look, and, behold, the plague be somewhat dark # after the washing of it; then he shall rend it out of the garment, # or out of the skin, or out of the warp, or out of the woof: # # unit P LEV:13:57 Èô_ÈÔ_ÏÖ_ÔÚ_ÒÂ_·þ_ÉÏ_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_¾­_ÉÏ_£¬_γ_ÉÏ_£¬_Ƥ_×Ó_×÷_µÄ_ʲ_ô_Îï ¼þ_ÉÏ_£¬_Õâ_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÔÖ_²¡_ÓÖ_·¢_ÁË_£¬_±Ø_ÓÃ_»ð_·Ù_ÉÕ_ÄÇ_Ⱦ_ÔÖ_²¡_µÄ_Îï ¼þ_¡£ # # And if it appear still in the garment, either in the warp, or in the # woof, or in any thing of skin; it is a spreading plague: thou shalt # burn that wherein the plague is with fire. # # unit P LEV:13:58 Ëù_Ï´_µÄ_ÒÂ_·þ_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_¾­_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_γ_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_Ƥ_×Ó_×÷_µÄ_ʲ_ô_Îï ¼þ_£¬_Èô_ÔÖ_²¡_Àë_¿ª_ÁË_£¬_Òª_ÔÙ_Ï´_£¬_¾Í_½à_¾»_ÁË_¡£ # # And the garment, either warp, or woof, or whatsoever thing of skin # it be, which thou shalt wash, if the plague be departed from them, # then it shall be washed the second time, and shall be clean. # # unit P LEV:13:59 Õâ_¾Í_ÊÇ_´ó_Âé_·è_ÔÖ_²¡_µÄ_Ìõ_Àý_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_Ñò_ë_ÒÂ_·þ_ÉÏ_£¬_Âé ²¼_ÒÂ_·þ_ÉÏ_£¬_¾­_ÉÏ_£¬_γ_ÉÏ_£¬_ºÍ_Ƥ_×Ó_×÷_µÄ_ʲ_ô_Îï_¼þ_ÉÏ_£¬_¿É ÒÔ_¶¨_Ϊ_½à_¾»_»ò_ÊÇ_²»_½à_¾»_¡£ # # This is the law of the plague of leprosy in a garment of woollen or # linen, either in the warp, or woof, or any thing of skins, to # pronounce it clean, or to pronounce it unclean. # ## # chapter 14 LEV:14 # unit P LEV:14:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P LEV:14:2 ³¤_´ó_Âé_·è_µÃ_½à_¾»_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_£¬_Æä_Àý_ÄË_ÊÇ_Õâ_Ñù_£¬_Òª_´ø_Ëû_È¥_¼û ¼À_˾_¡£ # # This shall be the law of the leper in the day of his cleansing: He # shall be brought unto the priest: # # unit P LEV:14:3 ¼À_˾_Òª_³ö_µ½_Óª_Íâ_²ì_¿´_£¬_Èô_¼û_Ëû_µÄ_´ó_Âé_·è_Ȭ_Óú_ÁË_£¬ # # And the priest shall go forth out of the camp; and the priest shall # look, and, behold, if the plague of leprosy be healed in the leper; # # unit P LEV:14:4 ¾Í_Òª_·Ô_¸À_ÈË_Ϊ_ÄÇ_Çó_½à_¾»_µÄ_ÄÃ_Á½_Ö»_½à_¾»_µÄ_»î_Äñ_ºÍ_Ïã_°Ø_ľ £¬_Öì_ºì_É«_Ïß_£¬_²¢_Å£_Ï¥_²Ý_À´_¡£ # # Then shall the priest command to take for him that is to be cleansed # two birds alive and clean, and cedar wood, and scarlet, and hyssop: # # unit P LEV:14:5 ¼À_˾_Òª_·Ô_¸À_ÓÃ_Íß_Æ÷_Ê¢_»î_Ë®_£¬_°Ñ_Ò»_Ö»_Äñ_Ô×_ÔÚ_ÉÏ_Ãæ_¡£ # # And the priest shall command that one of the birds be killed in an # earthen vessel over running water: # # unit P LEV:14:6 ÖÁ_ÓÚ_ÄÇ_Ö»_»î_Äñ_£¬_¼À_˾_Òª_°Ñ_Ëü_ºÍ_Ïã_°Ø_ľ_£¬_Öì_ºì_É«_Ïß_²¢_Å£ Ï¥_²Ý_Ò»_ͬ_Õº_ÓÚ_Ô×_ÔÚ_»î_Ë®_ÉÏ_µÄ_Äñ_Ѫ_ÖÐ_£¬ # # As for the living bird, he shall take it, and the cedar wood, and # the scarlet, and the hyssop, and shall dip them and the living bird # in the blood of the bird that was killed over the running water: # # unit P LEV:14:7 ÓÃ_ÒÔ_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_³¤_´ó_Âé_·è_Çó_½à_¾»_µÄ_ÈË_Éí_ÉÏ_È÷_Æß_´Î_£¬_¾Í_¶¨_Ëû_Ϊ ½à_¾»_£¬_ÓÖ_°Ñ_»î_Äñ_·Å_ÔÚ_Ìï_Ò°_Àï_¡£ # # And he shall sprinkle upon him that is to be cleansed from the # leprosy seven times, and shall pronounce him clean, and shall let # the living bird loose into the open field. # # unit P LEV:14:8 Çó_½à_¾»_µÄ_ÈË_µ±_Ï´_ÒÂ_·þ_£¬_Ìê_È¥_ë_·¢_£¬_ÓÃ_Ë®_Ï´_Ôè_£¬_¾Í_½à_¾» ÁË_£¬_È»_ºó_¿É_ÒÔ_½ø_Óª_£¬_Ö»_ÊÇ_Òª_ÔÚ_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_ÕÊ_Åï_Íâ_¾Ó_ס_Æß_Ìì ¡£ # # And he that is to be cleansed shall wash his clothes, and shave off # all his hair, and wash himself in water, that he may be clean: and # after that he shall come into the camp, and shall tarry abroad out # of his tent seven days. # # unit P LEV:14:9 µÚ_Æß_Ìì_£¬_ÔÙ_°Ñ_Í·_ÉÏ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_Í·_·¢_Óë_ºú_Ðë_£¬_ü_ë_£¬_²¢_È«_Éí µÄ_ë_£¬_¶¼_Ìê_ÁË_£¬_ÓÖ_Òª_Ï´_ÒÂ_·þ_£¬_ÓÃ_Ë®_Ï´_Éí_£¬_¾Í_½à_¾»_ÁË_¡£ # # But it shall be on the seventh day, that he shall shave all his hair # off his head and his beard and his eyebrows, even all his hair he # shall shave off: and he shall wash his clothes, also he shall wash # his flesh in water, and he shall be clean. # # unit P LEV:14:10 µÚ_°Ë_Ìì_£¬_Ëû_Òª_È¡_Á½_Ö»_û_ÓÐ_²Ð_¼²_µÄ_¹«_Ñò_¸á_ºÍ_Ò»_Ö»_û_ÓÐ_²Ð ¼²_£¬_Ò»_Ëê_µÄ_ĸ_Ñò_¸á_£¬_ÓÖ_Òª_°Ñ_µ÷_ÓÍ_µÄ_ϸ_Ãæ_ÒÁ_·¨_Ê®_·Ö_Ö®_Èý Ϊ_ËØ_¼À_£¬_²¢_ÓÍ_Ò»_ÂÞ_¸ï_£¬_Ò»_ͬ_È¡_À´_¡£ # # And on the eighth day he shall take two he lambs without blemish, # and one ewe lamb of the first year without blemish, and three tenth # deals of fine flour for a meat offering, mingled with oil, and one # log of oil. # # unit P LEV:14:11 ÐÐ_½à_¾»_Ö®_Àñ_µÄ_¼À_˾_Òª_½«_ÄÇ_Çó_½à_¾»_µÄ_ÈË_ºÍ_Õâ_Щ_¶«_Î÷_°²_Öà ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_ÃÅ_¿Ú_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_¡£ # # And the priest that maketh him clean shall present the man that is # to be made clean, and those things, before the LORD, at the door of # the tabernacle of the congregation: # # unit P LEV:14:12 ¼À_˾_Òª_È¡_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Ñò_¸á_Ï×_Ϊ_Êê_í©_¼À_£¬_ºÍ_ÄÇ_Ò»_ÂÞ_¸ï_ÓÍ_Ò»_ͬ ×÷_Ò¡_¼À_£¬_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_Ò¡_Ò»_Ò¡_¡£ # # And the priest shall take one he lamb, and offer him for a trespass # offering, and the log of oil, and wave them for a wave offering # before the LORD: # # unit P LEV:14:13 °Ñ_¹«_Ñò_¸á_Ô×_ÓÚ_Ê¥_µØ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ô×_Êê_×ï_¼À_Éü_ºÍ_ìÜ_¼À_Éü_Ö®_µØ_¡£ Êê_í©_¼À_Òª_¹é_¼À_˾_£¬_Óë_Êê_×ï_¼À_Ò»_Ñù_£¬_ÊÇ_ÖÁ_Ê¥_µÄ_¡£ # # And he shall slay the lamb in the place where he shall kill the sin # offering and the burnt offering, in the holy place: for as the sin # offering is the priest's, so is the trespass offering: it is most # holy: # # unit P LEV:14:14 ¼À_˾_Òª_È¡_Щ_Êê_í©_¼À_Éü_µÄ_Ѫ_£¬_Ĩ_ÔÚ_Çó_½à_¾»_ÈË_µÄ_ÓÒ_¶ú_´¹_ÉÏ ºÍ_ÓÒ_ÊÖ_µÄ_´ó_Ä´_Ö¸_ÉÏ_£¬_²¢_ÓÒ_½Å_µÄ_´ó_Ä´_Ö¸_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And the priest shall take some of the blood of the trespass # offering, and the priest shall put it upon the tip of the right ear # of him that is to be cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, # and upon the great toe of his right foot: # # unit P LEV:14:15 ¼À_˾_Òª_´Ó_ÄÇ_Ò»_ÂÞ_¸ï_ÓÍ_ÖÐ_È¡_Щ_µ¹_ÔÚ_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_×ó_ÊÖ_ÕÆ_Àï_£¬ # # And the priest shall take some of the log of oil, and pour it into # the palm of his own left hand: # # unit P LEV:14:16 °Ñ_ÓÒ_ÊÖ_µÄ_Ò»_¸ö_Ö¸_Í·_Õº_ÔÚ_×ó_ÊÖ_µÄ_ÓÍ_Àï_£¬_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_Óà ָ_Í·_µ¯_Æß_´Î_¡£ # # And the priest shall dip his right finger in the oil that is in his # left hand, and shall sprinkle of the oil with his finger seven times # before the LORD: # # unit P LEV:14:17 ½«_ÊÖ_Àï_Ëù_Ê£_µÄ_ÓÍ_Ĩ_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Çó_½à_¾»_ÈË_µÄ_ÓÒ_¶ú_´¹_ÉÏ_ºÍ_ÓÒ_ÊÖ_µÄ ´ó_Ä´_Ö¸_ÉÏ_£¬_²¢_ÓÒ_½Å_µÄ_´ó_Ä´_Ö¸_ÉÏ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ĩ_ÔÚ_Êê_í©_¼À_Éü_µÄ Ѫ_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And of the rest of the oil that is in his hand shall the priest put # upon the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and # upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his # right foot, upon the blood of the trespass offering: # # unit P LEV:14:18 ¼À_˾_ÊÖ_Àï_Ëù_Ê£_µÄ_ÓÍ_Òª_Ĩ_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Çó_½à_¾»_ÈË_µÄ_Í·_ÉÏ_£¬_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ »ª_Ãæ_Ç°_Ϊ_Ëû_Êê_×ï_¡£ # # And the remnant of the oil that is in the priest's hand he shall # pour upon the head of him that is to be cleansed: and the priest # shall make an atonement for him before the LORD. # # unit P LEV:14:19 ¼À_˾_Òª_Ï×_Êê_×ï_¼À_£¬_Ϊ_ÄÇ_±¾_²»_½à_¾»_£¬_Çó_½à_¾»_µÄ_ÈË_Êê_×ï_£¬ È»_ºó_Òª_Ô×_ìÜ_¼À_Éü_£¬ # # And the priest shall offer the sin offering, and make an atonement # for him that is to be cleansed from his uncleanness; and afterward # he shall kill the burnt offering: # # unit P LEV:14:20 °Ñ_ìÜ_¼À_ºÍ_ËØ_¼À_Ï×_ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ_£¬_Ϊ_Ëû_Êê_×ï_£¬_Ëû_¾Í_½à_¾»_ÁË_¡£ # # And the priest shall offer the burnt offering and the meat offering # upon the altar: and the priest shall make an atonement for him, and # he shall be clean. # # unit P LEV:14:21 Ëû_Èô_ƶ_Çî_²»_ÄÜ_Ô¤_±¸_¹»_Êý_£¬_¾Í_Òª_È¡_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Ñò_¸á_×÷_Êê_í©_¼À £¬_¿É_ÒÔ_Ò¡_Ò»_Ò¡_£¬_Ϊ_Ëû_Êê_×ï_£¬_Ò²_Òª_°Ñ_µ÷_ÓÍ_µÄ_ϸ_Ãæ_ÒÁ_·¨_Ê® ·Ö_Ö®_Ò»_Ϊ_ËØ_¼À_£¬_ºÍ_ÓÍ_Ò»_ÂÞ_¸ï_Ò»_ͬ_È¡_À´_¡£ # # And if he be poor, and cannot get so much; then he shall take one # lamb for a trespass offering to be waved, to make an atonement for # him, and one tenth deal of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat # offering, and a log of oil; # # unit P LEV:14:22 ÓÖ_ÕÕ_Ëû_µÄ_Á¦_Á¿_È¡_Á½_Ö»_°ß_ð¯_»ò_ÊÇ_Á½_Ö»_³û_¸ë_£¬_Ò»_Ö»_×÷_Êê_×ï ¼À_£¬_Ò»_Ö»_×÷_ìÜ_¼À_¡£ # # And two turtledoves, or two young pigeons, such as he is able to # get; and the one shall be a sin offering, and the other a burnt # offering. # # unit P LEV:14:23 µÚ_°Ë_Ìì_£¬_Òª_Ϊ_½à_¾»_£¬_°Ñ_Õâ_Щ_´ø_µ½_»á_Ä»_ÃÅ_¿Ú_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ Ç°_£¬_½»_¸ø_¼À_˾_¡£ # # And he shall bring them on the eighth day for his cleansing unto the # priest, unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, before # the LORD. # # unit P LEV:14:24 ¼À_˾_Òª_°Ñ_Êê_í©_¼À_µÄ_Ñò_¸á_ºÍ_ÄÇ_Ò»_ÂÞ_¸ï_ÓÍ_Ò»_ͬ_×÷_Ò¡_¼À_£¬_ÔÚ Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_Ò¡_Ò»_Ò¡_¡£ # # And the priest shall take the lamb of the trespass offering, and the # log of oil, and the priest shall wave them for a wave offering # before the LORD: # # unit P LEV:14:25 Òª_Ô×_ÁË_Êê_í©_¼À_µÄ_Ñò_¸á_£¬_È¡_Щ_Êê_í©_¼À_Éü_µÄ_Ѫ_£¬_Ĩ_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Çó ½à_¾»_ÈË_µÄ_ÓÒ_¶ú_´¹_ÉÏ_ºÍ_ÓÒ_ÊÖ_µÄ_´ó_Ä´_Ö¸_ÉÏ_£¬_²¢_ÓÒ_½Å_µÄ_´ó_Ä´ Ö¸_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And he shall kill the lamb of the trespass offering, and the priest # shall take some of the blood of the trespass offering, and put it # upon the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and # upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his # right foot: # # unit P LEV:14:26 ¼À_˾_Òª_°Ñ_Щ_ÓÍ_µ¹_ÔÚ_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_×ó_ÊÖ_ÕÆ_Àï_£¬ # # And the priest shall pour of the oil into the palm of his own left # hand: # # unit P LEV:14:27 °Ñ_×ó_ÊÖ_Àï_µÄ_ÓÍ_£¬_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_ÓÃ_ÓÒ_ÊÖ_µÄ_Ò»_¸ö_Ö¸_Í·_µ¯ Æß_´Î_£¬ # # And the priest shall sprinkle with his right finger some of the oil # that is in his left hand seven times before the LORD: # # unit P LEV:14:28 ÓÖ_°Ñ_ÊÖ_Àï_µÄ_ÓÍ_Ĩ_Щ_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Çó_½à_¾»_ÈË_µÄ_ÓÒ_¶ú_´¹_ÉÏ_ºÍ_ÓÒ_ÊÖ_µÄ ´ó_Ä´_Ö¸_ÉÏ_£¬_²¢_ÓÒ_½Å_µÄ_´ó_Ä´_Ö¸_ÉÏ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ĩ_Êê_í©_¼À_Ö®_Ѫ_µÄ Ô­_´¦_¡£ # # And the priest shall put of the oil that is in his hand upon the tip # of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and upon the thumb # of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot, upon # the place of the blood of the trespass offering: # # unit P LEV:14:29 ¼À_˾_ÊÖ_Àï_Ëù_Ê£_µÄ_ÓÍ_Òª_Ĩ_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Çó_½à_¾»_ÈË_µÄ_Í·_ÉÏ_£¬_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ »ª_Ãæ_Ç°_Ϊ_Ëû_Êê_×ï_¡£ # # And the rest of the oil that is in the priest's hand he shall put # upon the head of him that is to be cleansed, to make an atonement # for him before the LORD. # # unit P LEV:14:30 ÄÇ_ÈË_ÓÖ_Òª_ÕÕ_Ëû_µÄ_Á¦_Á¿_Ï×_ÉÏ_Ò»_Ö»_°ß_ð¯_»ò_ÊÇ_Ò»_Ö»_³û_¸ë_£¬ # # And he shall offer the one of the turtledoves, or of the young # pigeons, such as he can get; # # unit P LEV:14:31 ¾Í_ÊÇ_Ëû_Ëù_ÄÜ_°ì_µÄ_£¬_Ò»_Ö»_Ϊ_Êê_×ï_¼À_£¬_Ò»_Ö»_Ϊ_ìÜ_¼À_£¬_Óë_ËØ ¼À_Ò»_ͬ_Ï×_ÉÏ_£¬_¼À_˾_Òª_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_Ϊ_Ëû_Êê_×ï_¡£ # # Even such as he is able to get, the one for a sin offering, and the # other for a burnt offering, with the meat offering: and the priest # shall make an atonement for him that is to be cleansed before the # LORD. # # unit P LEV:14:32 Õâ_ÊÇ_ÄÇ_ÓÐ_´ó_Âé_·è_ÔÖ_²¡_µÄ_ÈË_£¬_²»_ÄÜ_½«_¹Ø_ºõ_µÃ_½à_¾»_Ö®_Îï_Ô¤ ±¸_¹»_Êý_µÄ_Ìõ_Àý_¡£ # # This is the law of him in whom is the plague of leprosy, whose hand # is not able to get that which pertaineth to his cleansing. # # unit P LEV:14:33 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses and unto Aaron, saying, # # unit P LEV:14:34 Äã_ÃÇ_µ½_ÁË_ÎÒ_´Í_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_Ϊ_Òµ_µÄ_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ_£¬_ÎÒ_Èô_ʹ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ëù_µÃ Ϊ_Òµ_Ö®_µØ_µÄ_·¿_ÎÝ_ÖÐ_ÓÐ_´ó_Âé_·è_µÄ_ÔÖ_²¡_£¬ # # When ye be come into the land of Canaan, which I give to you for a # possession, and I put the plague of leprosy in a house of the land # of your possession; # # unit P LEV:14:35 ·¿_Ö÷_¾Í_Òª_È¥_¸æ_Ëß_¼À_˾_˵_£¬_¾Ý_ÎÒ_¿´_£¬_·¿_ÎÝ_ÖÐ_ËÆ_ºõ_ÓÐ_ÔÖ_²¡ ¡£ # # And he that owneth the house shall come and tell the priest, saying, # It seemeth to me there is as it were a plague in the house: # # unit P LEV:14:36 ¼À_˾_»¹_û_ÓÐ_½ø_È¥_²ì_¿´_ÔÖ_²¡_ÒÔ_Ç°_£¬_¾Í_Òª_·Ô_¸À_ÈË_°Ñ_·¿_×Ó_ÌÚ ¿Õ_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_·¿_×Ó_Àï_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_¶¼_³É_ÁË_²»_½à_¾»_£¬_È»_ºó_¼À_˾_Òª_½ø È¥_²ì_¿´_·¿_×Ó_¡£ # # Then the priest shall command that they empty the house, before the # priest go into it to see the plague, that all that is in the house # be not made unclean: and afterward the priest shall go in to see the # house: # # unit P LEV:14:37 Ëû_Òª_²ì_¿´_ÄÇ_ÔÖ_²¡_£¬_ÔÖ_²¡_Èô_ÔÚ_·¿_×Ó_µÄ_ǽ_ÉÏ_ÓÐ_·¢_ÂÌ_»ò_·¢_ºì µÄ_°¼_°ß_ÎÆ_£¬_ÏÖ_Ïó_ÍÝ_ÓÚ_ǽ_£¬ # # And he shall look on the plague, and, behold, if the plague be in # the walls of the house with hollow strakes, greenish or reddish, # which in sight are lower than the wall; # # unit P LEV:14:38 ¼À_˾_¾Í_Òª_³ö_µ½_·¿_ÃÅ_Íâ_£¬_°Ñ_·¿_×Ó_·â_Ëø_Æß_Ìì_¡£ # # Then the priest shall go out of the house to the door of the house, # and shut up the house seven days: # # unit P LEV:14:39 µÚ_Æß_Ìì_£¬_¼À_˾_Òª_ÔÙ_È¥_²ì_¿´_£¬_ÔÖ_²¡_Èô_ÔÚ_·¿_×Ó_µÄ_ǽ_ÉÏ_·¢_É¢ £¬ # # And the priest shall come again the seventh day, and shall look: # and, behold, if the plague be spread in the walls of the house; # # unit P LEV:14:40 ¾Í_Òª_·Ô_¸À_ÈË_°Ñ_ÄÇ_ÓÐ_ÔÖ_²¡_µÄ_ʯ_Í·_ÍÚ_³ö_À´_£¬_ÈÓ_ÔÚ_³Ç_Íâ_²»_½à ¾»_Ö®_´¦_¡£ # # Then the priest shall command that they take away the stones in # which the plague is, and they shall cast them into an unclean place # without the city: # # unit P LEV:14:41 Ò²_Òª_½Ð_ÈË_¹Î_·¿_ÄÚ_µÄ_ËÄ_Χ_£¬_Ëù_¹Î_µô_µÄ_»Ò_Äà_Òª_µ¹_ÔÚ_³Ç_Íâ_²» ½à_¾»_Ö®_´¦_¡£ # # And he shall cause the house to be scraped within round about, and # they shall pour out the dust that they scrape off without the city # into an unclean place: # # unit P LEV:14:42 ÓÖ_Òª_ÓÃ_±ð_µÄ_ʯ_Í·_´ú_Ìæ_ÄÇ_ÍÚ_³ö_À´_µÄ_ʯ_Í·_£¬_Òª_Áí_ÓÃ_»Ò_Äà_ܬ ·¿_×Ó_¡£ # # And they shall take other stones, and put them in the place of those # stones; and he shall take other morter, and shall plaister the # house. # # unit P LEV:14:43 Ëû_ÍÚ_³ö_ʯ_Í·_£¬_¹Î_ÁË_·¿_×Ó_£¬_ܬ_ÁË_ÒÔ_ºó_£¬_ÔÖ_²¡_Èô_ÔÚ_·¿_×Ó_Àï ÓÖ_·¢_ÏÖ_£¬ # # And if the plague come again, and break out in the house, after that # he hath taken away the stones, and after he hath scraped the house, # and after it is plaistered; # # unit P LEV:14:44 ¼À_˾_¾Í_Òª_½ø_È¥_²ì_¿´_£¬_ÔÖ_²¡_Èô_ÔÚ_·¿_×Ó_Àï_·¢_É¢_£¬_Õâ_¾Í_ÊÇ_·¿ ÄÚ_²Ï_ʳ_µÄ_´ó_Âé_·è_£¬_ÊÇ_²»_½à_¾»_¡£ # # Then the priest shall come and look, and, behold, if the plague be # spread in the house, it is a fretting leprosy in the house: it is # unclean. # # unit P LEV:14:45 Ëû_¾Í_Òª_²ð_»Ù_·¿_×Ó_£¬_°Ñ_ʯ_Í·_£¬_ľ_Í·_£¬_»Ò_Äà_¶¼_°á_µ½_³Ç_Íâ_²» ½à_¾»_Ö®_´¦_¡£ # # And he shall break down the house, the stones of it, and the timber # thereof, and all the morter of the house; and he shall carry them # forth out of the city into an unclean place. # # unit P LEV:14:46 ÔÚ_·¿_×Ó_·â_Ëø_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_½ø_È¥_µÄ_ÈË_±Ø_²»_½à_¾»_µ½_Íí_ÉÏ_¡£ # # Moreover he that goeth into the house all the while that it is shut # up shall be unclean until the even. # # unit P LEV:14:47 ÔÚ_·¿_×Ó_Àï_ÌÉ_×Å_µÄ_±Ø_Ï´_ÒÂ_·þ_£¬_ÔÚ_·¿_×Ó_Àï_³Ô_·¹_µÄ_Ò²_±Ø_Ï´_Ò ·þ_¡£ # # And he that lieth in the house shall wash his clothes; and he that # eateth in the house shall wash his clothes. # # unit P LEV:14:48 ·¿_×Ó_ܬ_ÁË_ÒÔ_ºó_£¬_¼À_˾_Èô_½ø_È¥_²ì_¿´_£¬_¼û_ÔÖ_²¡_ÔÚ_·¿_ÄÚ_û_ÓÐ ·¢_É¢_£¬_¾Í_Òª_¶¨_·¿_×Ó_Ϊ_½à_¾»_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÔÖ_²¡_ÒÑ_¾­_Ïû_³ý_¡£ # # And if the priest shall come in, and look upon it, and, behold, the # plague hath not spread in the house, after the house was plaistered: # then the priest shall pronounce the house clean, because the plague # is healed. # # unit P LEV:14:49 Òª_Ϊ_½à_¾»_·¿_×Ó_È¡_Á½_Ö»_Äñ_ºÍ_Ïã_°Ø_ľ_£¬_Öì_ºì_É«_Ïß_²¢_Å£_Ï¥_²Ý £¬ # # And he shall take to cleanse the house two birds, and cedar wood, # and scarlet, and hyssop: # # unit P LEV:14:50 ÓÃ_Íß_Æ÷_Ê¢_»î_Ë®_£¬_°Ñ_Ò»_Ö»_Äñ_Ô×_ÔÚ_ÉÏ_Ãæ_£¬ # # And he shall kill the one of the birds in an earthen vessel over # running water: # # unit P LEV:14:51 °Ñ_Ïã_°Ø_ľ_£¬_Å£_Ï¥_²Ý_£¬_Öì_ºì_É«_Ïß_£¬_²¢_ÄÇ_»î_Äñ_£¬_¶¼_Õº_ÔÚ_±» Ô×_µÄ_Äñ_Ѫ_ÖÐ_Óë_»î_Ë®_ÖÐ_£¬_ÓÃ_ÒÔ_È÷_·¿_×Ó_Æß_´Î_¡£ # # And he shall take the cedar wood, and the hyssop, and the scarlet, # and the living bird, and dip them in the blood of the slain bird, # and in the running water, and sprinkle the house seven times: # # unit P LEV:14:52 Òª_ÓÃ_Äñ_Ѫ_£¬_»î_Ë®_£¬_»î_Äñ_£¬_Ïã_°Ø_ľ_£¬_Å£_Ï¥_²Ý_£¬_²¢_Öì_ºì_É« Ïß_£¬_½à_¾»_ÄÇ_·¿_×Ó_¡£ # # And he shall cleanse the house with the blood of the bird, and with # the running water, and with the living bird, and with the cedar # wood, and with the hyssop, and with the scarlet: # # unit P LEV:14:53 µ«_Òª_°Ñ_»î_Äñ_·Å_ÔÚ_³Ç_Íâ_Ìï_Ò°_Àï_¡£_Õâ_Ñù_½à_¾»_·¿_×Ó_£¨_Ô­_ÎÄ_×÷ Ϊ_·¿_×Ó_Êê_×ï_£©_£¬_·¿_×Ó_¾Í_½à_¾»_ÁË_¡£ # # But he shall let go the living bird out of the city into the open # fields, and make an atonement for the house: and it shall be clean. # # unit P LEV:14:54 Õâ_ÊÇ_Ϊ_¸÷_Àà_´ó_Âé_·è_µÄ_ÔÖ_²¡_ºÍ_Í·_½ê_£¬ # # This is the law for all manner of plague of leprosy, and scall, # # unit P LEV:14:55 ²¢_ÒÂ_·þ_Óë_·¿_×Ó_µÄ_´ó_Âé_·è_£¬ # # And for the leprosy of a garment, and of a house, # # unit P LEV:14:56 ÒÔ_¼°_ðÜ_×Ó_£¬_Ñ¢_£¬_»ð_°ß_Ëù_Á¢_µÄ_Ìõ_Àý_£¬ # # And for a rising, and for a scab, and for a bright spot: # # unit P LEV:14:57 Ö¸_Ã÷_ºÎ_ʱ_Ϊ_½à_¾»_£¬_ºÎ_ʱ_Ϊ_²»_½à_¾»_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_´ó_Âé_·è_µÄ_Ìõ_Àý ¡£ # # To teach when it is unclean, and when it is clean: this is the law # of leprosy. # ## # chapter 15 LEV:15 # unit P LEV:15:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses and to Aaron, saying, # # unit P LEV:15:2 Äã_ÃÇ_Ïþ_ÚÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_˵_£¬_ÈË_Èô_Éí_»¼_©_Ö¢_£¬_Ëû_Òò_Õâ_©_Ö¢_¾Í ²»_½à_¾»_ÁË_¡£ # # Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When any man # hath a running issue out of his flesh, because of his issue he is # unclean. # # unit P LEV:15:3 Ëû_»¼_©_Ö¢_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_ÏÂ_Á÷_µÄ_£¬_ÊÇ_Ö¹_ס_µÄ_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_²»_½à_¾»_¡£ # # And this shall be his uncleanness in his issue: whether his flesh # run with his issue, or his flesh be stopped from his issue, it is # his uncleanness. # # unit P LEV:15:4 Ëû_Ëù_ÌÉ_µÄ_´²_¶¼_Ϊ_²»_½à_¾»_£¬_Ëù_×ø_µÄ_Îï_Ò²_Ϊ_²»_½à_¾»_¡£ # # Every bed, whereon he lieth that hath the issue, is unclean: and # every thing, whereon he sitteth, shall be unclean. # # unit P LEV:15:5 ·²_Ãþ_ÄÇ_´²_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_²»_½à_¾»_µ½_Íí_ÉÏ_£¬_²¢_Òª_Ï´_ÒÂ_·þ_£¬_ÓÃ_Ë®_Ï´ Ôè_¡£ # # And whosoever toucheth his bed shall wash his clothes, and bathe # himself in water, and be unclean until the even. # # unit P LEV:15:6 ÄÇ_×ø_»¼_©_Ö¢_ÈË_Ëù_×ø_Ö®_Îï_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_²»_½à_¾»_µ½_Íí_ÉÏ_£¬_²¢_Òª_Ï´ ÒÂ_·þ_£¬_ÓÃ_Ë®_Ï´_Ôè_¡£ # # And he that sitteth on any thing whereon he sat that hath the issue # shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean # until the even. # # unit P LEV:15:7 ÄÇ_Ãþ_»¼_©_Ö¢_ÈË_Éí_Ìå_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_²»_½à_¾»_µ½_Íí_ÉÏ_£¬_²¢_Òª_Ï´_ÒÂ_·þ £¬_ÓÃ_Ë®_Ï´_Ôè_¡£ # # And he that toucheth the flesh of him that hath the issue shall wash # his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the # even. # # unit P LEV:15:8 Èô_»¼_©_Ö¢_ÈË_ÍÂ_ÔÚ_½à_¾»_µÄ_ÈË_Éí_ÉÏ_£¬_ÄÇ_ÈË_±Ø_²»_½à_¾»_µ½_Íí_ÉÏ £¬_²¢_Òª_Ï´_ÒÂ_·þ_£¬_ÓÃ_Ë®_Ï´_Ôè_¡£ # # And if he that hath the issue spit upon him that is clean; then he # shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean # until the even. # # unit P LEV:15:9 »¼_©_Ö¢_ÈË_Ëù_Æï_µÄ_°°_×Ó_Ò²_Ϊ_²»_½à_¾»_¡£ # # And what saddle soever he rideth upon that hath the issue shall be # unclean. # # unit P LEV:15:10 ·²_Ãþ_ÁË_Ëû_Éí_ÏÂ_Ö®_Îï_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_²»_½à_¾»_µ½_Íí_ÉÏ_£¬_ÄÃ_ÁË_ÄÇ_Îï_µÄ £¬_±Ø_²»_½à_¾»_µ½_Íí_ÉÏ_£¬_²¢_Òª_Ï´_ÒÂ_·þ_£¬_ÓÃ_Ë®_Ï´_Ôè_¡£ # # And whosoever toucheth any thing that was under him shall be unclean # until the even: and he that beareth any of those things shall wash # his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the # even. # # unit P LEV:15:11 »¼_©_Ö¢_µÄ_ÈË_û_ÓÐ_ÓÃ_Ë®_äÌ_ÊÖ_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_Ãþ_ÁË_Ë­_£¬_Ë­_±Ø_²»_½à_¾» µ½_Íí_ÉÏ_£¬_²¢_Òª_Ï´_ÒÂ_·þ_£¬_ÓÃ_Ë®_Ï´_Ôè_¡£ # # And whomsoever he toucheth that hath the issue, and hath not rinsed # his hands in water, he shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in # water, and be unclean until the even. # # unit P LEV:15:12 »¼_©_Ö¢_ÈË_Ëù_Ãþ_µÄ_Íß_Æ÷_¾Í_±Ø_´ò_ÆÆ_£¬_Ëù_Ãþ_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_ľ_Æ÷_Ò²_±Ø ÓÃ_Ë®_äÌ_Ï´_¡£ # # And the vessel of earth, that he toucheth which hath the issue, # shall be broken: and every vessel of wood shall be rinsed in water. # # unit P LEV:15:13 »¼_©_Ö¢_µÄ_ÈË_Ȭ_Óú_ÁË_£¬_¾Í_Òª_Ϊ_½à_¾»_×Ô_¼º_¼Æ_Ëã_Æß_Ìì_£¬_Ò²_±Ø Ï´_ÒÂ_·þ_£¬_ÓÃ_»î_Ë®_Ï´_Éí_£¬_¾Í_½à_¾»_ÁË_¡£ # # And when he that hath an issue is cleansed of his issue; then he # shall number to himself seven days for his cleansing, and wash his # clothes, and bathe his flesh in running water, and shall be clean. # # unit P LEV:15:14 µÚ_°Ë_Ìì_£¬_Òª_È¡_Á½_Ö»_°ß_ð¯_»ò_ÊÇ_Á½_Ö»_³û_¸ë_£¬_À´_µ½_»á_Ä»_ÃÅ_¿Ú £¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_°Ñ_Äñ_½»_¸ø_¼À_˾_¡£ # # And on the eighth day he shall take to him two turtledoves, or two # young pigeons, and come before the LORD unto the door of the # tabernacle of the congregation, and give them unto the priest: # # unit P LEV:15:15 ¼À_˾_Òª_Ï×_ÉÏ_Ò»_Ö»_Ϊ_Êê_×ï_¼À_£¬_Ò»_Ö»_Ϊ_ìÜ_¼À_£¬_Òò_ÄÇ_ÈË_»¼_µÄ ©_Ö¢_£¬_¼À_˾_Òª_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_Ϊ_Ëû_Êê_×ï_¡£ # # And the priest shall offer them, the one for a sin offering, and the # other for a burnt offering; and the priest shall make an atonement # for him before the LORD for his issue. # # unit P LEV:15:16 ÈË_Èô_ÃÎ_ÒÅ_£¬_Ëû_±Ø_²»_½à_¾»_µ½_Íí_ÉÏ_£¬_²¢_Òª_ÓÃ_Ë®_Ï´_È«_Éí_¡£ # # And if any man's seed of copulation go out from him, then he shall # wash all his flesh in water, and be unclean until the even. # # unit P LEV:15:17 ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_ÒÂ_·þ_ÊÇ_Ƥ_×Ó_£¬_±»_¾«_Ëù_Ⱦ_£¬_±Ø_²»_½à_¾»_µ½_Íí_ÉÏ_£¬_²¢ Òª_ÓÃ_Ë®_Ï´_¡£ # # And every garment, and every skin, whereon is the seed of # copulation, shall be washed with water, and be unclean until the # even. # # unit P LEV:15:18 Èô_ÄÐ_Å®_½»_ºÏ_£¬_Á½_¸ö_ÈË_±Ø_²»_½à_¾»_µ½_Íí_ÉÏ_£¬_²¢_Òª_ÓÃ_Ë®_Ï´_Ôè ¡£ # # The woman also with whom man shall lie with seed of copulation, they # shall both bathe themselves in water, and be unclean until the even. # # unit P LEV:15:19 Å®_ÈË_ÐÐ_¾­_£¬_±Ø_ÎÛ_»à_Æß_Ìì_£¬_·²_Ãþ_Ëý_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_²»_½à_¾»_µ½_Íí_ÉÏ ¡£ # # And if a woman have an issue, and her issue in her flesh be blood, # she shall be put apart seven days: and whosoever toucheth her shall # be unclean until the even. # # unit P LEV:15:20 Å®_ÈË_ÔÚ_ÎÛ_»à_Ö®_ÖÐ_£¬_·²_Ëý_Ëù_ÌÉ_µÄ_Îï_¼þ_¶¼_Ϊ_²»_½à_¾»_£¬_Ëù_×ø µÄ_Îï_¼þ_Ò²_¶¼_²»_½à_¾»_¡£ # # And every thing that she lieth upon in her separation shall be # unclean: every thing also that she sitteth upon shall be unclean. # # unit P LEV:15:21 ·²_Ãþ_Ëý_´²_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_²»_½à_¾»_µ½_Íí_ÉÏ_£¬_²¢_Òª_Ï´_ÒÂ_·þ_£¬_ÓÃ_Ë®_Ï´ Ôè_¡£ # # And whosoever toucheth her bed shall wash his clothes, and bathe # himself in water, and be unclean until the even. # # unit P LEV:15:22 ·²_Ãþ_Ëý_Ëù_×ø_ʲ_ô_Îï_¼þ_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_²»_½à_¾»_µ½_Íí_ÉÏ_£¬_²¢_Òª_Ï´_Ò ·þ_£¬_ÓÃ_Ë®_Ï´_Ôè_¡£ # # And whosoever toucheth any thing that she sat upon shall wash his # clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the even. # # unit P LEV:15:23 ÔÚ_Å®_ÈË_µÄ_´²_ÉÏ_£¬_»ò_ÔÚ_Ëý_×ø_µÄ_Îï_ÉÏ_£¬_Èô_ÓÐ_±ð_µÄ_Îï_¼þ_£¬_ÈË Ò»_Ãþ_ÁË_£¬_±Ø_²»_½à_¾»_µ½_Íí_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And if it be on her bed, or on any thing whereon she sitteth, when # he toucheth it, he shall be unclean until the even. # # unit P LEV:15:24 ÄÐ_ÈË_Èô_Óë_ÄÇ_Å®_ÈË_ͬ_·¿_£¬_Ⱦ_ÁË_Ëý_µÄ_ÎÛ_»à_£¬_¾Í_Òª_Æß_Ìì_²»_½à ¾»_£¬_Ëù_ÌÉ_µÄ_´²_Ò²_Ϊ_²»_½à_¾»_¡£ # # And if any man lie with her at all, and her flowers be upon him, he # shall be unclean seven days; and all the bed whereon he lieth shall # be unclean. # # unit P LEV:15:25 Å®_ÈË_Èô_ÔÚ_¾­_ÆÚ_ÒÔ_Íâ_»¼_¶à_ÈÕ_µÄ_Ѫ_©_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_¾­_ÆÚ_¹ý_³¤_£¬_ÓÐ ÁË_©_Ö¢_£¬_Ëý_¾Í_Òò_Õâ_©_Ö¢_²»_½à_¾»_£¬_Óë_Ëý_ÔÚ_¾­_ÆÚ_²»_½à_¾»_Ò» Ñù_¡£ # # And if a woman have an issue of her blood many days out of the time # of her separation, or if it run beyond the time of her separation; # all the days of the issue of her uncleanness shall be as the days of # her separation: she shall be unclean. # # unit P LEV:15:26 Ëý_ÔÚ_»¼_©_Ö¢_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_Ëù_ÌÉ_µÄ_´²_£¬_Ëù_×ø_µÄ_Îï_¶¼_Òª_¿´_Ϊ_²»_½à ¾»_£¬_Óë_Ëý_ÔÂ_¾­_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_Ò»_Ñù_¡£ # # Every bed whereon she lieth all the days of her issue shall be unto # her as the bed of her separation: and whatsoever she sitteth upon # shall be unclean, as the uncleanness of her separation. # # unit P LEV:15:27 ·²_Ãþ_Õâ_Щ_Îï_¼þ_µÄ_£¬_¾Í_Ϊ_²»_½à_¾»_£¬_±Ø_²»_½à_¾»_µ½_Íí_ÉÏ_£¬_²¢ Òª_Ï´_ÒÂ_·þ_£¬_ÓÃ_Ë®_Ï´_Ôè_¡£ # # And whosoever toucheth those things shall be unclean, and shall wash # his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the # even. # # unit P LEV:15:28 Å®_ÈË_µÄ_©_Ö¢_Èô_ºÃ_ÁË_£¬_¾Í_Òª_¼Æ_Ëã_Æß_Ìì_£¬_È»_ºó_²Å_Ϊ_½à_¾»_¡£ # # But if she be cleansed of her issue, then she shall number to # herself seven days, and after that she shall be clean. # # unit P LEV:15:29 µÚ_°Ë_Ìì_£¬_Òª_È¡_Á½_Ö»_°ß_ð¯_»ò_ÊÇ_Á½_Ö»_³û_¸ë_£¬_´ø_µ½_»á_Ä»_ÃÅ_¿Ú ¸ø_¼À_˾_¡£ # # And on the eighth day she shall take unto her two turtles, or two # young pigeons, and bring them unto the priest, to the door of the # tabernacle of the congregation. # # unit P LEV:15:30 ¼À_˾_Òª_Ï×_Ò»_Ö»_Ϊ_Êê_×ï_¼À_£¬_Ò»_Ö»_Ϊ_ìÜ_¼À_£¬_Òò_ÄÇ_ÈË_Ѫ_©_²» ½à_£¬_¼À_˾_Òª_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_Ϊ_Ëý_Êê_×ï_¡£ # # And the priest shall offer the one for a sin offering, and the other # for a burnt offering; and the priest shall make an atonement for her # before the LORD for the issue of her uncleanness. # # unit P LEV:15:31 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_Õâ_Ñù_ʹ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Óë_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÎÛ_»à_¸ô_¾ø_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_Ëû_ÃÇ çè_ÎÛ_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÕÊ_Ä»_£¬_¾Í_Òò_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_ÎÛ_»à_ËÀ_Íö_¡£ # # Thus shall ye separate the children of Israel from their # uncleanness; that they die not in their uncleanness, when they # defile my tabernacle that is among them. # # unit P LEV:15:32 Õâ_ÊÇ_»¼_©_Ö¢_ºÍ_ÃÎ_ÒÅ_¶ø_²»_½à_¾»_µÄ_£¬ # # This is the law of him that hath an issue, and of him whose seed # goeth from him, and is defiled therewith; # # unit P LEV:15:33 ²¢_ÓÐ_ÔÂ_¾­_²¡_µÄ_ºÍ_»¼_©_Ö¢_µÄ_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÄÐ_Å®_£¬_²¢_ÈË_Óë_²»_½à_¾» Å®_ÈË_ͬ_·¿_µÄ_Ìõ_Àý_¡£ # # And of her that is sick of her flowers, and of him that hath an # issue, of the man, and of the woman, and of him that lieth with her # that is unclean. # ## # chapter 16 LEV:16 # unit P LEV:16:1 ÑÇ_Â×_µÄ_Á½_¸ö_¶ù_×Ó_½ü_µ½_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_ËÀ_ÁË_¡£_ËÀ_ÁË_Ö®_ºó_£¬_Ò® ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses after the death of the two sons of # Aaron, when they offered before the LORD, and died; # # unit P LEV:16:2 Òª_¸æ_Ëß_Äã_¸ç_¸ç_ÑÇ_Â×_£¬_²»_¿É_Ëæ_ʱ_½ø_Ê¥_Ëù_µÄ_á£_×Ó_ÄÚ_£¬_µ½_¹ñ ÉÏ_µÄ_Ê©_¶÷_×ù_Ç°_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_Ëû_ËÀ_Íö_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÎÒ_Òª_´Ó_ÔÆ_ÖÐ_ÏÔ_ÏÖ_ÔÚ Ê©_¶÷_×ù_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto Moses, Speak unto Aaron thy brother, that he # come not at all times into the holy place within the vail before the # mercy seat, which is upon the ark; that he die not: for I will # appear in the cloud upon the mercy seat. # # unit P LEV:16:3 ÑÇ_Â×_½ø_Ê¥_Ëù_£¬_Òª_´ø_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Å£_¶¿_Ϊ_Êê_×ï_¼À_£¬_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Ãà_Ñò Ϊ_ìÜ_¼À_¡£ # # Thus shall Aaron come into the holy place: with a young bullock for # a sin offering, and a ram for a burnt offering. # # unit P LEV:16:4 Òª_´©_ÉÏ_ϸ_Âé_²¼_Ê¥_ÄÚ_ÅÛ_£¬_°Ñ_ϸ_Âé_²¼_¿ã_×Ó_´©_ÔÚ_Éí_ÉÏ_£¬_Ñü_Êø ϸ_Âé_²¼_´ø_×Ó_£¬_Í·_´÷_ϸ_Âé_²¼_¹Ú_Ãá_£¬_Õâ_¶¼_ÊÇ_Ê¥_·þ_¡£_Ëû_Òª_Óà ˮ_Ï´_Éí_£¬_È»_ºó_´©_´÷_¡£ # # He shall put on the holy linen coat, and he shall have the linen # breeches upon his flesh, and shall be girded with a linen girdle, # and with the linen mitre shall he be attired: these are holy # garments; therefore shall he wash his flesh in water, and so put # them on. # # unit P LEV:16:5 Òª_´Ó_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_»á_ÖÚ_È¡_Á½_Ö»_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_Ϊ_Êê_×ï_¼À_£¬_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Ãà_Ñò Ϊ_ìÜ_¼À_¡£ # # And he shall take of the congregation of the children of Israel two # kids of the goats for a sin offering, and one ram for a burnt # offering. # # unit P LEV:16:6 ÑÇ_Â×_Òª_°Ñ_Êê_×ï_¼À_µÄ_¹«_Å£_·î_ÉÏ_£¬_Ϊ_×Ô_¼º_ºÍ_±¾_¼Ò_Êê_×ï_¡£ # # And Aaron shall offer his bullock of the sin offering, which is for # himself, and make an atonement for himself, and for his house. # # unit P LEV:16:7 Ò²_Òª_°Ñ_Á½_Ö»_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_°²_ÖÃ_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_ÃÅ_¿Ú_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬ # # And he shall take the two goats, and present them before the LORD at # the door of the tabernacle of the congregation. # # unit P LEV:16:8 Ϊ_ÄÇ_Á½_Ö»_Ñò_Äé_ãÎ_£¬_Ò»_ãÎ_¹é_Óë_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_Ò»_ãÎ_¹é_Óë_°¢_Èö_к ÀÕ_¡£ # # And Aaron shall cast lots upon the two goats; one lot for the LORD, # and the other lot for the scapegoat. # # unit P LEV:16:9 ÑÇ_Â×_Òª_°Ñ_ÄÇ_Äé_ãÎ_¹é_Óë_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_Ñò_Ï×_Ϊ_Êê_×ï_¼À_£¬ # # And Aaron shall bring the goat upon which the LORD's lot fell, and # offer him for a sin offering. # # unit P LEV:16:10 µ«_ÄÇ_Äé_ãÎ_¹é_Óë_°¢_Èö_к_ÀÕ_µÄ_Ñò_Òª_»î_×Å_°²_ÖÃ_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç° £¬_ÓÃ_ÒÔ_Êê_×ï_£¬_´ò_·¢_ÈË_ËÍ_µ½_¿õ_Ò°_È¥_£¬_¹é_Óë_°¢_Èö_к_ÀÕ_¡£ # # But the goat, on which the lot fell to be the scapegoat, shall be # presented alive before the LORD, to make an atonement with him, and # to let him go for a scapegoat into the wilderness. # # unit P LEV:16:11 ÑÇ_Â×_Òª_°Ñ_Êê_×ï_¼À_µÄ_¹«_Å£_Ç£_À´_Ô×_ÁË_£¬_Ϊ_×Ô_¼º_ºÍ_±¾_¼Ò_Êê_×ï ¡£ # # And Aaron shall bring the bullock of the sin offering, which is for # himself, and shall make an atonement for himself, and for his house, # and shall kill the bullock of the sin offering which is for himself: # # unit P LEV:16:12 ÄÃ_Ïã_¯_£¬_´Ó_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_µÄ_̳_ÉÏ_Ê¢_Âú_»ð_Ì¿_£¬_ÓÖ_ÄÃ_Ò»_Åõ_µ· ϸ_µÄ_Ïã_ÁÏ_£¬_¶¼_´ø_Èë_á£_×Ó_ÄÚ_£¬ # # And he shall take a censer full of burning coals of fire from off # the altar before the LORD, and his hands full of sweet incense # beaten small, and bring it within the vail: # # unit P LEV:16:13 ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_°Ñ_Ïã_·Å_ÔÚ_»ð_ÉÏ_£¬_ʹ_Ïã_µÄ_ÑÌ_ÔÆ_ÕÚ_ÑÚ_·¨_¹ñ ÉÏ_µÄ_Ê©_¶÷_×ù_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_Ëû_ËÀ_Íö_¡£ # # And he shall put the incense upon the fire before the LORD, that the # cloud of the incense may cover the mercy seat that is upon the # testimony, that he die not: # # unit P LEV:16:14 Ò²_Òª_È¡_Щ_¹«_Å£_µÄ_Ѫ_£¬_ÓÃ_Ö¸_Í·_µ¯_ÔÚ_Ê©_¶÷_×ù_µÄ_¶«_Ãæ_£¬_ÓÖ_ÔÚ Ê©_¶÷_×ù_µÄ_Ç°_Ãæ_µ¯_Ѫ_Æß_´Î_¡£ # # And he shall take of the blood of the bullock, and sprinkle it with # his finger upon the mercy seat eastward; and before the mercy seat # shall he sprinkle of the blood with his finger seven times. # # unit P LEV:16:15 Ëæ_ºó_Ëû_Òª_Ô×_ÄÇ_Ϊ_°Ù_ÐÕ_×÷_Êê_×ï_¼À_µÄ_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_£¬_°Ñ_Ñò_µÄ_Ѫ_´ø Èë_á£_×Ó_ÄÚ_£¬_µ¯_ÔÚ_Ê©_¶÷_×ù_µÄ_ÉÏ_Ãæ_ºÍ_Ç°_Ãæ_£¬_ºÃ_Ïñ_µ¯_¹«_Å£_µÄ Ѫ_Ò»_Ñù_¡£ # # Then shall he kill the goat of the sin offering, that is for the # people, and bring his blood within the vail, and do with that blood # as he did with the blood of the bullock, and sprinkle it upon the # mercy seat, and before the mercy seat: # # unit P LEV:16:16 Ëû_Òò_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Öî_°ã_µÄ_ÎÛ_»à_£¬_¹ý_·¸_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_×ï í©_£¬_µ±_Õâ_Ñù_ÔÚ_Ê¥_Ëù_ÐÐ_Êê_×ï_Ö®_Àñ_£¬_²¢_Òò_»á_Ä»_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÎÛ_»à Ö®_ÖÐ_£¬_Ò²_Òª_ÕÕ_Ñù_¶ø_ÐÐ_¡£ # # And he shall make an atonement for the holy place, because of the # uncleanness of the children of Israel, and because of their # transgressions in all their sins: and so shall he do for the # tabernacle of the congregation, that remaineth among them in the # midst of their uncleanness. # # unit P LEV:16:17 Ëû_½ø_Ê¥_Ëù_Êê_×ï_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_»á_Ä»_Àï_²»_¿É_ÓÐ_ÈË_£¬_Ö±_µÈ_µ½_Ëû_Ϊ ×Ô_¼º_ºÍ_±¾_¼Ò_²¢_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_È«_»á_ÖÚ_Êê_ÁË_×ï_³ö_À´_¡£ # # And there shall be no man in the tabernacle of the congregation when # he goeth in to make an atonement in the holy place, until he come # out, and have made an atonement for himself, and for his household, # and for all the congregation of Israel. # # unit P LEV:16:18 Ëû_³ö_À´_£¬_Òª_µ½_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_µÄ_̳_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ_ÐÐ_Êê_×ï_Ö® Àñ_£¬_ÓÖ_Òª_È¡_Щ_¹«_Å£_µÄ_Ѫ_ºÍ_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_µÄ_Ѫ_£¬_Ĩ_ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ_ËÄ_½Ç µÄ_ÖÜ_Χ_¡£ # # And he shall go out unto the altar that is before the LORD, and make # an atonement for it; and shall take of the blood of the bullock, and # of the blood of the goat, and put it upon the horns of the altar # round about. # # unit P LEV:16:19 Ò²_Òª_ÓÃ_Ö¸_Í·_°Ñ_Ѫ_µ¯_ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ_Æß_´Î_£¬_½à_¾»_ÁË_̳_£¬_´Ó_̳_ÉÏ_³ý µô_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Öî_°ã_µÄ_ÎÛ_»à_£¬_ʹ_̳_³É_Ê¥_¡£ # # And he shall sprinkle of the blood upon it with his finger seven # times, and cleanse it, and hallow it from the uncleanness of the # children of Israel. # # unit P LEV:16:20 ÑÇ_Â×_Ϊ_Ê¥_Ëù_ºÍ_»á_Ä»_²¢_̳_Ï×_Íê_ÁË_Êê_×ï_¼À_£¬_¾Í_Òª_°Ñ_ÄÇ_Ö»_»î ×Å_µÄ_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_·î_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And when he hath made an end of reconciling the holy place, and the # tabernacle of the congregation, and the altar, he shall bring the # live goat: # # unit P LEV:16:21 Á½_ÊÖ_°´_ÔÚ_Ñò_Í·_ÉÏ_£¬_³Ð_ÈÏ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Öî_°ã_µÄ_×ï_Äõ_¹ý_·¸_£¬_¾Í ÊÇ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_×ï_í©_£¬_°Ñ_Õâ_×ï_¶¼_¹é_ÔÚ_Ñò_µÄ_Í·_ÉÏ_£¬_½è_×Å_Ëù ÅÉ_Ö®_ÈË_µÄ_ÊÖ_£¬_ËÍ_µ½_¿õ_Ò°_È¥_¡£ # # And Aaron shall lay both his hands upon the head of the live goat, # and confess over him all the iniquities of the children of Israel, # and all their transgressions in all their sins, putting them upon # the head of the goat, and shall send him away by the hand of a fit # man into the wilderness: # # unit P LEV:16:22 Òª_°Ñ_Õâ_Ñò_·Å_ÔÚ_¿õ_Ò°_£¬_Õâ_Ñò_Òª_µ£_µ±_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_×ï_Äõ_£¬_´ø µ½_ÎÞ_ÈË_Ö®_µØ_¡£ # # And the goat shall bear upon him all their iniquities unto a land # not inhabited: and he shall let go the goat in the wilderness. # # unit P LEV:16:23 ÑÇ_Â×_Òª_½ø_»á_Ä»_£¬_°Ñ_Ëû_½ø_Ê¥_Ëù_ʱ_Ëù_´©_µÄ_ϸ_Âé_²¼_ÒÂ_·þ_ÍÑ_Ï £¬_·Å_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬ # # And Aaron shall come into the tabernacle of the congregation, and # shall put off the linen garments, which he put on when he went into # the holy place, and shall leave them there: # # unit P LEV:16:24 ÓÖ_Òª_ÔÚ_Ê¥_´¦_ÓÃ_Ë®_Ï´_Éí_£¬_´©_ÉÏ_ÒÂ_·þ_£¬_³ö_À´_£¬_°Ñ_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_ìÜ ¼À_ºÍ_°Ù_ÐÕ_µÄ_ìÜ_¼À_Ï×_ÉÏ_£¬_Ϊ_×Ô_¼º_ºÍ_°Ù_ÐÕ_Êê_×ï_¡£ # # And he shall wash his flesh with water in the holy place, and put on # his garments, and come forth, and offer his burnt offering, and the # burnt offering of the people, and make an atonement for himself, and # for the people. # # unit P LEV:16:25 Êê_×ï_¼À_Éü_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_Òª_ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ_·Ù_ÉÕ_¡£ # # And the fat of the sin offering shall he burn upon the altar. # # unit P LEV:16:26 ÄÇ_·Å_Ñò_¹é_Óë_°¢_Èö_к_ÀÕ_µÄ_ÈË_Òª_Ï´_ÒÂ_·þ_£¬_ÓÃ_Ë®_Ï´_Éí_£¬_È»_ºó ½ø_Óª_¡£ # # And he that let go the goat for the scapegoat shall wash his # clothes, and bathe his flesh in water, and afterward come into the # camp. # # unit P LEV:16:27 ×÷_Êê_×ï_¼À_µÄ_¹«_Å£_ºÍ_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_µÄ_Ѫ_¼È_´ø_Èë_Ê¥_Ëù_Êê_×ï_£¬_Õâ_Å£ Ñò_¾Í_Òª_°á_µ½_Óª_Íâ_£¬_½«_Ƥ_£¬_Èâ_£¬_·à_ÓÃ_»ð_·Ù_ÉÕ_¡£ # # And the bullock for the sin offering, and the goat for the sin # offering, whose blood was brought in to make atonement in the holy # place, shall one carry forth without the camp; and they shall burn # in the fire their skins, and their flesh, and their dung. # # unit P LEV:16:28 ·Ù_ÉÕ_µÄ_ÈË_Òª_Ï´_ÒÂ_·þ_£¬_ÓÃ_Ë®_Ï´_Éí_£¬_È»_ºó_½ø_Óª_¡£ # # And he that burneth them shall wash his clothes, and bathe his flesh # in water, and afterward he shall come into the camp. # # unit P LEV:16:29 ÿ_·ê_Æß_ÔÂ_³õ_Ê®_ÈÕ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_¿Ì_¿à_¼º_ÐÄ_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_±¾_µØ_ÈË_£¬ ÊÇ_¼Ä_¾Ó_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_µÄ_Íâ_ÈË_£¬_ʲ_ô_¹¤_¶¼_²»_¿É_×÷_£¬_Õâ_Òª_×÷ Äã_ÃÇ_ÓÀ_Ô¶_µÄ_¶¨_Àý_¡£ # # And this shall be a statute for ever unto you: that in the seventh # month, on the tenth day of the month, ye shall afflict your souls, # and do no work at all, whether it be one of your own country, or a # stranger that sojourneth among you: # # unit P LEV:16:30 Òò_ÔÚ_Õâ_ÈÕ_Òª_Ϊ_Äã_ÃÇ_Êê_×ï_£¬_ʹ_Äã_ÃÇ_½à_¾»_¡£_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ »ª_Ãæ_Ç°_µÃ_ÒÔ_½à_¾»_£¬_ÍÑ_¾¡_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_×ï_í©_¡£ # # For on that day shall the priest make an atonement for you, to # cleanse you, that ye may be clean from all your sins before the # LORD. # # unit P LEV:16:31 Õâ_ÈÕ_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_ÊØ_Ϊ_Ê¥_°²_Ï¢_ÈÕ_£¬_Òª_¿Ì_¿à_¼º_ÐÄ_£¬_Õâ_Ϊ_ÓÀ_Ô¶_µÄ ¶¨_Àý_¡£ # # It shall be a sabbath of rest unto you, and ye shall afflict your # souls, by a statute for ever. # # unit P LEV:16:32 ÄÇ_ÊÜ_¸à_£¬_½Ó_Ðø_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_³Ð_½Ó_Ê¥_Ö°_µÄ_¼À_˾_Òª_´©_ÉÏ_ϸ_Âé_²¼_µÄ Ê¥_ÒÂ_£¬_ÐÐ_Êê_×ï_Ö®_Àñ_¡£ # # And the priest, whom he shall anoint, and whom he shall consecrate # to minister in the priest's office in his father's stead, shall make # the atonement, and shall put on the linen clothes, even the holy # garments: # # unit P LEV:16:33 Ëû_Òª_ÔÚ_ÖÁ_Ê¥_Ëù_ºÍ_»á_Ä»_Óë_̳_ÐÐ_Êê_×ï_Ö®_Àñ_£¬_²¢_Òª_Ϊ_ÖÚ_¼À_˾ ºÍ_»á_ÖÚ_µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_Êê_×ï_¡£ # # And he shall make an atonement for the holy sanctuary, and he shall # make an atonement for the tabernacle of the congregation, and for # the altar, and he shall make an atonement for the priests, and for # all the people of the congregation. # # unit P LEV:16:34 Õâ_Òª_×÷_Äã_ÃÇ_ÓÀ_Ô¶_µÄ_¶¨_Àý_¾Í_ÊÇ_Òò_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_×ï_£¬_Òª Ò»_Äê_Ò»_´Î_Ϊ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Êê_×ï_¡£_ÓÚ_ÊÇ_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Ħ Î÷_µÄ_ÐÐ_ÁË_¡£ # # And this shall be an everlasting statute unto you, to make an # atonement for the children of Israel for all their sins once a year. # And he did as the LORD commanded Moses. # ## # chapter 17 LEV:17 # unit P LEV:17:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P LEV:17:2 Äã_Ïþ_ÚÍ_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_²¢_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÚ_ÈË_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À µÄ_ÄË_ÊÇ_Õâ_Ñù_£¬ # # Speak unto Aaron, and unto his sons, and unto all the children of # Israel, and say unto them; This is the thing which the LORD hath # commanded, saying, # # unit P LEV:17:3 ·²_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_¼Ò_ÖÐ_µÄ_ÈË_Ô×_¹«_Å£_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_Ãà_Ñò_¸á_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_ɽ_Ñò_£¬ ²»_¾Ð_Ô×_ÓÚ_Óª_ÄÚ_Óª_Íâ_£¬ # # What man soever there be of the house of Israel, that killeth an ox, # or lamb, or goat, in the camp, or that killeth it out of the camp, # # unit P LEV:17:4 Èô_δ_Ôø_Ç£_µ½_»á_Ä»_ÃÅ_¿Ú_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_ÕÊ_Ä»_Ç°_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ ¹©_Îï_£¬_Á÷_Ѫ_µÄ_×ï_±Ø_¹é_µ½_ÄÇ_ÈË_Éí_ÉÏ_¡£_Ëû_Á÷_ÁË_Ѫ_£¬_Òª_´Ó_Ãñ ÖÐ_¼ô_³ý_¡£ # # And bringeth it not unto the door of the tabernacle of the # congregation, to offer an offering unto the LORD before the # tabernacle of the LORD; blood shall be imputed unto that man; he # hath shed blood; and that man shall be cut off from among his # people: # # unit P LEV:17:5 Õâ_ÊÇ_Ϊ_Òª_ʹ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_°Ñ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_Ìï_Ò°_Àï_Ëù_Ï×_µÄ_¼À_´ø_µ½_»á Ä»_ÃÅ_¿Ú_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_½»_¸ø_¼À_˾_£¬_Ï×_Óë_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_ƽ_°² ¼À_¡£ # # To the end that the children of Israel may bring their sacrifices, # which they offer in the open field, even that they may bring them # unto the LORD, unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, # unto the priest, and offer them for peace offerings unto the LORD. # # unit P LEV:17:6 ¼À_˾_Òª_°Ñ_Ѫ_È÷_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_ÃÅ_¿Ú_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_̳_ÉÏ_£¬_°Ñ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_·Ù ÉÕ_£¬_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_Ü°_Ïã_µÄ_¼À_¡£ # # And the priest shall sprinkle the blood upon the altar of the LORD # at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, and burn the fat # for a sweet savour unto the LORD. # # unit P LEV:17:7 Ëû_ÃÇ_²»_¿É_ÔÙ_Ï×_¼À_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÐÐ_а_Òù_Ëù_Ëæ_´Ó_µÄ_¹í_ħ_£¨_Ô­_ÎÄ_×÷ ¹«_ɽ_Ñò_£©_£¬_Õâ_Òª_×÷_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÊÀ_ÊÀ_´ú_´ú_ÓÀ_Ô¶_µÄ_¶¨_Àý_¡£ # # And they shall no more offer their sacrifices unto devils, after # whom they have gone a whoring. This shall be a statute for ever unto # them throughout their generations. # # unit P LEV:17:8 Äã_Òª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_·²_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_¼Ò_ÖÐ_µÄ_ÈË_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_¼Ä_¾Ó_ÔÚ_Ëû ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_µÄ_Íâ_ÈË_£¬_Ï×_ìÜ_¼À_»ò_ÊÇ_ƽ_°²_¼À_£¬ # # And thou shalt say unto them, Whatsoever man there be of the house # of Israel, or of the strangers which sojourn among you, that # offereth a burnt offering or sacrifice, # # unit P LEV:17:9 Èô_²»_´ø_µ½_»á_Ä»_ÃÅ_¿Ú_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_ÄÇ_ÈË_±Ø_´Ó_Ãñ_ÖÐ_¼ô_³ý_¡£ # # And bringeth it not unto the door of the tabernacle of the # congregation, to offer it unto the LORD; even that man shall be cut # off from among his people. # # unit P LEV:17:10 ·²_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_¼Ò_ÖÐ_µÄ_ÈË_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_¼Ä_¾Ó_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_µÄ_Íâ_ÈË_£¬_Èô ³Ô_ʲ_ô_Ѫ_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_Ïò_ÄÇ_³Ô_Ѫ_µÄ_ÈË_±ä_Á³_£¬_°Ñ_Ëû_´Ó_Ãñ_ÖÐ_¼ô_³ý ¡£ # # And whatsoever man there be of the house of Israel, or of the # strangers that sojourn among you, that eateth any manner of blood; I # will even set my face against that soul that eateth blood, and will # cut him off from among his people. # # unit P LEV:17:11 Òò_Ϊ_»î_Îï_µÄ_Éú_Ãü_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_Ѫ_ÖÐ_¡£_ÎÒ_°Ñ_Õâ_Ѫ_´Í_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_¿É_ÒÔ ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ_Ϊ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éú_Ãü_Êê_×ï_£¬_Òò_Ѫ_Àï_ÓÐ_Éú_Ãü_£¬_Ëù_ÒÔ_ÄÜ_Êê ×ï_¡£ # # For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to # you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is # the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul. # # unit P LEV:17:12 Òò_´Ë_£¬_ÎÒ_¶Ô_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¶¼_²»_¿É_³Ô_Ѫ_£¬_¼Ä_¾Ó_ÔÚ_Äã ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_µÄ_Íâ_ÈË_Ò²_²»_¿É_³Ô_Ѫ_¡£ # # Therefore I said unto the children of Israel, No soul of you shall # eat blood, neither shall any stranger that sojourneth among you eat # blood. # # unit P LEV:17:13 ·²_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_¼Ä_¾Ó_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_µÄ_Íâ_ÈË_£¬_Èô_´ò_ÁÔ_µÃ ÁË_¿É_³Ô_µÄ_ÇÝ_ÊÞ_£¬_±Ø_·Å_³ö_Ëü_µÄ_Ѫ_À´_£¬_ÓÃ_ÍÁ_ÑÚ_¸Ç_¡£ # # And whatsoever man there be of the children of Israel, or of the # strangers that sojourn among you, which hunteth and catcheth any # beast or fowl that may be eaten; he shall even pour out the blood # thereof, and cover it with dust. # # unit P LEV:17:14 ÂÛ_µ½_Ò»_ÇÐ_»î_Îï_µÄ_Éú_Ãü_£¬_¾Í_ÔÚ_Ѫ_ÖÐ_¡£_Ëù_ÒÔ_ÎÒ_¶Ô_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË Ëµ_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ʲ_ô_»î_Îï_µÄ_Ѫ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¶¼_²»_¿É_³Ô_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ò»_ÇÐ_»î Îï_µÄ_Ѫ_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ëû_µÄ_Éú_Ãü_¡£_·²_³Ô_ÁË_Ѫ_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_±»_¼ô_³ý_¡£ # # For it is the life of all flesh; the blood of it is for the life # thereof: therefore I said unto the children of Israel, Ye shall eat # the blood of no manner of flesh: for the life of all flesh is the # blood thereof: whosoever eateth it shall be cut off. # # unit P LEV:17:15 ·²_³Ô_×Ô_ËÀ_µÄ_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_±»_Ò°_ÊÞ_˺_ÁÑ_µÄ_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_±¾_µØ_ÈË_£¬_ÊÇ ¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_²»_½à_¾»_µ½_Íí_ÉÏ_£¬_¶¼_Òª_Ï´_ÒÂ_·þ_£¬_ÓÃ_Ë®_Ï´_Éí_£¬ µ½_ÁË_Íí_ÉÏ_²Å_Ϊ_½à_¾»_¡£ # # And every soul that eateth that which died of itself, or that which # was torn with beasts, whether it be one of your own country, or a # stranger, he shall both wash his clothes, and bathe himself in # water, and be unclean until the even: then shall he be clean. # # unit P LEV:17:16 µ«_Ëû_Èô_²»_Ï´_ÒÂ_·þ_£¬_Ò²_²»_Ï´_Éí_£¬_¾Í_±Ø_µ£_µ±_Ëû_µÄ_×ï_Äõ_¡£ # # But if he wash them not, nor bathe his flesh; then he shall bear his # iniquity. # ## # chapter 18 LEV:18 # unit P LEV:18:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P LEV:18:2 Äã_Ïþ_ÚÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, I am the LORD # your God. # # unit P LEV:18:3 Äã_ÃÇ_´Ó_Ç°_ס_µÄ_°£_¼°_µØ_£¬_ÄÇ_Àï_ÈË_µÄ_ÐÐ_Ϊ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_²»_¿É_Ч_·¨ £¬_ÎÒ_Òª_Áì_Äã_ÃÇ_µ½_µÄ_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ_£¬_ÄÇ_Àï_ÈË_µÄ_ÐÐ_Ϊ_Ò²_²»_¿É_Ч_·¨ £¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_ÕÕ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_¶ñ_Ë×_ÐÐ_¡£ # # After the doings of the land of Egypt, wherein ye dwelt, shall ye # not do: and after the doings of the land of Canaan, whither I bring # you, shall ye not do: neither shall ye walk in their ordinances. # # unit P LEV:18:4 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_×ñ_ÎÒ_µÄ_µä_ÕÂ_£¬_ÊØ_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÂÉ_Àý_£¬_°´_´Ë_¶ø_ÐÐ_¡£_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò® ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # Ye shall do my judgments, and keep mine ordinances, to walk therein: # I am the LORD your God. # # unit P LEV:18:5 Ëù_ÒÔ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_ÊØ_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÂÉ_Àý_µä_ÕÂ_£¬_ÈË_Èô_×ñ_ÐÐ_£¬_¾Í_±Ø_Òò_´Ë »î_×Å_¡£_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # Ye shall therefore keep my statutes, and my judgments: which if a # man do, he shall live in them: I am the LORD. # # unit P LEV:18:6 Äã_ÃÇ_¶¼_²»_¿É_¶_¹Ç_Èâ_Ö®_Ç×_µÄ_ÏÂ_Ìå_£¬_Ç×_½ü_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ »ª_¡£ # # None of you shall approach to any that is near of kin to him, to # uncover their nakedness: I am the LORD. # # unit P LEV:18:7 ²»_¿É_¶_Äã_ĸ_Ç×_µÄ_ÏÂ_Ìå_£¬_Ðß_Èè_ÁË_Äã_¸¸_Ç×_¡£_Ëý_ÊÇ_Äã_µÄ_ĸ_Ç× £¬_²»_¿É_¶_Ëý_µÄ_ÏÂ_Ìå_¡£ # # The nakedness of thy father, or the nakedness of thy mother, shalt # thou not uncover: she is thy mother; thou shalt not uncover her # nakedness. # # unit P LEV:18:8 ²»_¿É_¶_Äã_¼Ì_ĸ_µÄ_ÏÂ_Ìå_£¬_Õâ_±¾_ÊÇ_Äã_¸¸_Ç×_µÄ_ÏÂ_Ìå_¡£ # # The nakedness of thy father's wife shalt thou not uncover: it is thy # father's nakedness. # # unit P LEV:18:9 Äã_µÄ_½ã_ÃÃ_£¬_²»_¾Ð_ÊÇ_Òì_ĸ_ͬ_¸¸_µÄ_£¬_ÊÇ_Òì_¸¸_ͬ_ĸ_µÄ_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ ÊÇ_Éú_ÔÚ_¼Ò_Éú_ÔÚ_Íâ_µÄ_£¬_¶¼_²»_¿É_¶_Ëý_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÏÂ_Ìå_¡£ # # The nakedness of thy sister, the daughter of thy father, or daughter # of thy mother, whether she be born at home, or born abroad, even # their nakedness thou shalt not uncover. # # unit P LEV:18:10 ²»_¿É_¶_Äã_Ëï_Å®_»ò_ÊÇ_Íâ_Ëï_Å®_µÄ_ÏÂ_Ìå_£¬_¶_ÁË_Ëý_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÏÂ_Ìå_¾Í ÊÇ_¶_ÁË_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_ÏÂ_Ìå_¡£ # # The nakedness of thy son's daughter, or of thy daughter's daughter, # even their nakedness thou shalt not uncover: for theirs is thine own # nakedness. # # unit P LEV:18:11 Äã_¼Ì_ĸ_´Ó_Äã_¸¸_Ç×_Éú_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_±¾_ÊÇ_Äã_µÄ_ÃÃ_ÃÃ_£¬_²»_¿É_¶_Ëý_µÄ ÏÂ_Ìå_¡£ # # The nakedness of thy father's wife's daughter, begotten of thy # father, she is thy sister, thou shalt not uncover her nakedness. # # unit P LEV:18:12 ²»_¿É_¶_Äã_¹Ã_ĸ_µÄ_ÏÂ_Ìå_£¬_Ëý_ÊÇ_Äã_¸¸_Ç×_µÄ_¹Ç_Èâ_Ö®_Ç×_¡£ # # Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy father's sister: she is # thy father's near kinswoman. # # unit P LEV:18:13 ²»_¿É_¶_Äã_ÒÌ_ĸ_µÄ_ÏÂ_Ìå_£¬_Ëý_ÊÇ_Äã_ĸ_Ç×_µÄ_¹Ç_Èâ_Ö®_Ç×_¡£ # # Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy mother's sister: for she # is thy mother's near kinswoman. # # unit P LEV:18:14 ²»_¿É_Ç×_½ü_Äã_²®_Êå_Ö®_ÆÞ_£¬_Ðß_Èè_ÁË_Äã_²®_Êå_£¬_Ëý_ÊÇ_Äã_µÄ_²®_Êå ĸ_¡£ # # Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy father's brother, thou # shalt not approach to his wife: she is thine aunt. # # unit P LEV:18:15 ²»_¿É_¶_Äã_¶ù_¸¾_µÄ_ÏÂ_Ìå_£¬_Ëý_ÊÇ_Äã_¶ù_×Ó_µÄ_ÆÞ_£¬_²»_¿É_¶_Ëý_µÄ ÏÂ_Ìå_¡£ # # Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy daughter in law: she is # thy son's wife; thou shalt not uncover her nakedness. # # unit P LEV:18:16 ²»_¿É_¶_Äã_µÜ_ÐÖ_ÆÞ_×Ó_µÄ_ÏÂ_Ìå_£¬_Õâ_±¾_ÊÇ_Äã_µÜ_ÐÖ_µÄ_ÏÂ_Ìå_¡£ # # Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy brother's wife: it is # thy brother's nakedness. # # unit P LEV:18:17 ²»_¿É_¶_ÁË_¸¾_ÈË_µÄ_ÏÂ_Ìå_£¬_ÓÖ_¶_Ëý_Å®_¶ù_µÄ_ÏÂ_Ìå_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_È¢ Ëý_Ëï_Å®_»ò_ÊÇ_Íâ_Ëï_Å®_£¬_¶_Ëý_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÏÂ_Ìå_£¬_Ëý_ÃÇ_ÊÇ_¹Ç_Èâ_Ö®_Ç× £¬_Õâ_±¾_ÊÇ_´ó_¶ñ_¡£ # # Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of a woman and her daughter, # neither shalt thou take her son's daughter, or her daughter's # daughter, to uncover her nakedness; for they are her near kinswomen: # it is wickedness. # # unit P LEV:18:18 Äã_ÆÞ_»¹_ÔÚ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_²»_¿É_Áí_È¢_Ëý_µÄ_½ã_ÃÃ_×÷_¶Ô_Í·_£¬_¶_Ëý_µÄ ÏÂ_Ìå_¡£ # # Neither shalt thou take a wife to her sister, to vex her, to uncover # her nakedness, beside the other in her life time. # # unit P LEV:18:19 Å®_ÈË_ÐÐ_¾­_²»_½à_¾»_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_²»_¿É_¶_Ëý_µÄ_ÏÂ_Ìå_£¬_Óë_Ëý_Ç×_½ü ¡£ # # Also thou shalt not approach unto a woman to uncover her nakedness, # as long as she is put apart for her uncleanness. # # unit P LEV:18:20 ²»_¿É_Óë_ÁÚ_Éá_µÄ_ÆÞ_ÐÐ_Òù_£¬_çè_ÎÛ_×Ô_¼º_¡£ # # Moreover thou shalt not lie carnally with thy neighbour's wife, to # defile thyself with her. # # unit P LEV:18:21 ²»_¿É_ʹ_Äã_µÄ_¶ù_Å®_¾­_»ð_¹é_Óë_Ħ_Âå_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_Ùô_äÂ_Äã_Éñ_µÄ_Ãû ¡£_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to # Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the # LORD. # # unit P LEV:18:22 ²»_¿É_Óë_ÄÐ_ÈË_¹¶_ºÏ_£¬_Ïñ_Óë_Å®_ÈË_Ò»_Ñù_£¬_Õâ_±¾_ÊÇ_¿É_Ô÷_¶ñ_µÄ_¡£ # # Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is # abomination. # # unit P LEV:18:23 ²»_¿É_Óë_ÊÞ_Òù_ºÏ_£¬_çè_ÎÛ_×Ô_¼º_¡£_Å®_ÈË_Ò²_²»_¿É_Õ¾_ÔÚ_ÊÞ_Ç°_£¬_Óë Ëü_Òù_ºÏ_£¬_Õâ_±¾_ÊÇ_Äæ_ÐÔ_µÄ_ÊÂ_¡£ # # Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: # neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it # is confusion. # # unit P LEV:18:24 ÔÚ_Õâ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_ÊÂ_ÉÏ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¶¼_²»_¿É_çè_ÎÛ_×Ô_¼º_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÎÒ_ÔÚ_Äã ÃÇ_Ãæ_Ç°_Ëù_Öð_³ö_µÄ_ÁÐ_°î_£¬_ÔÚ_Õâ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_ÊÂ_ÉÏ_çè_ÎÛ_ÁË_×Ô_¼º_¡£ # # Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these # the nations are defiled which I cast out before you: # # unit P LEV:18:25 Á¬_µØ_Ò²_çè_ÎÛ_ÁË_£¬_Ëù_ÒÔ_ÎÒ_×·_ÌÖ_ÄÇ_µØ_µÄ_×ï_Äõ_£¬_ÄÇ_µØ_Ò²_ÍÂ_³ö Ëü_µÄ_¾Ó_Ãñ_¡£ # # And the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof # upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants. # # unit P LEV:18:26 ¹Ê_´Ë_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_ÊØ_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÂÉ_Àý_µä_ÕÂ_¡£_Õâ_Ò»_ÇÐ_¿É_Ô÷_¶ñ_µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬ ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_±¾_µØ_ÈË_£¬_ÊÇ_¼Ä_¾Ó_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_µÄ_Íâ_ÈË_£¬_¶¼_²»_¿É_ÐÐ £¬ # # Ye shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments, and shall not # commit any of these abominations; neither any of your own nation, # nor any stranger that sojourneth among you: # # unit P LEV:18:27 £¨_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÒÔ_ÏÈ_¾Ó_ס_ÄÇ_µØ_µÄ_ÈË_ÐÐ_ÁË_Õâ_Ò»_ÇÐ_¿É_Ô÷_¶ñ_µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬ µØ_¾Í_çè_ÎÛ_ÁË_£¬_£© # # (For all these abominations have the men of the land done, which # were before you, and the land is defiled;) # # unit P LEV:18:28 Ãâ_µÃ_Äã_ÃÇ_çè_ÎÛ_ÄÇ_µØ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_µØ_¾Í_°Ñ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÍÂ_³ö_£¬_Ïñ_ÍÂ_³ö ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÒÔ_ÏÈ_µÄ_¹ú_Ãñ_Ò»_Ñù_¡£ # # That the land spue not you out also, when ye defile it, as it spued # out the nations that were before you. # # unit P LEV:18:29 ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ʲ_ô_ÈË_£¬_ÐÐ_ÁË_Æä_ÖÐ_¿É_Ô÷_µÄ_Ò»_¼þ_ÊÂ_£¬_±Ø_´Ó_Ãñ_ÖÐ_¼ô_³ý ¡£ # # For whosoever shall commit any of these abominations, even the souls # that commit them shall be cut off from among their people. # # unit P LEV:18:30 Ëù_ÒÔ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_ÊØ_ÎÒ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ëæ_´Ó_ÄÇ_Щ_¿É_Ô÷ µÄ_¶ñ_Ë×_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÒÔ_ÏÈ_µÄ_ÈË_Ëù_³£_ÐÐ_µÄ_£¬_ÒÔ_ÖÂ_çè_ÎÛ_ÁË ×Ô_¼º_¡£_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # Therefore shall ye keep mine ordinance, that ye commit not any one # of these abominable customs, which were committed before you, and # that ye defile not yourselves therein: I am the LORD your God. # ## # chapter 19 LEV:19 # unit P LEV:19:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P LEV:19:2 Äã_Ïþ_ÚÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_È«_»á_ÖÚ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_Ê¥_½à_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÎÒ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_ÊÇ_Ê¥_½à_µÄ_¡£ # # Speak unto all the congregation of the children of Israel, and say # unto them, Ye shall be holy: for I the LORD your God am holy. # # unit P LEV:19:3 Äã_ÃÇ_¸÷_ÈË_¶¼_µ±_Т_¾´_¸¸_ĸ_£¬_Ò²_Òª_ÊØ_ÎÒ_µÄ_°²_Ï¢_ÈÕ_¡£_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò® ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # Ye shall fear every man his mother, and his father, and keep my # sabbaths: I am the LORD your God. # # unit P LEV:19:4 Äã_ÃÇ_²»_¿É_Æ«_Ïò_Ðé_ÎÞ_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_Ϊ_×Ô_¼º_Öý_Ôì_Éñ_Ïñ_¡£_ÎÒ ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # Turn ye not unto idols, nor make to yourselves molten gods: I am the # LORD your God. # # unit P LEV:19:5 Äã_ÃÇ_Ï×_ƽ_°²_¼À_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Òª_Ï×_µÃ_¿É_ÃÉ_ÔÃ_ÄÉ_¡£ # # And if ye offer a sacrifice of peace offerings unto the LORD, ye # shall offer it at your own will. # # unit P LEV:19:6 Õâ_¼À_Îï_Òª_ÔÚ_Ï×_µÄ_ÄÇ_Ò»_Ìì_ºÍ_µÚ_¶þ_Ìì_³Ô_£¬_Èô_ÓÐ_Ê£_µ½_µÚ_Èý_Ìì µÄ_£¬_¾Í_±Ø_ÓÃ_»ð_·Ù_ÉÕ_¡£ # # It shall be eaten the same day ye offer it, and on the morrow: and # if ought remain until the third day, it shall be burnt in the fire. # # unit P LEV:19:7 µÚ_Èý_Ìì_Èô_ÔÙ_³Ô_£¬_Õâ_¾Í_Ϊ_¿É_Ô÷_¶ñ_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_²»_ÃÉ_ÔÃ_ÄÉ_¡£ # # And if it be eaten at all on the third day, it is abominable; it # shall not be accepted. # # unit P LEV:19:8 ·²_³Ô_µÄ_ÈË_±Ø_µ£_µ±_Ëû_µÄ_×ï_Äõ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_Ùô_äÂ_ÁË_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_Ê¥ Îï_£¬_ÄÇ_ÈË_±Ø_´Ó_Ãñ_ÖÐ_¼ô_³ý_¡£ # # Therefore every one that eateth it shall bear his iniquity, because # he hath profaned the hallowed thing of the LORD: and that soul shall # be cut off from among his people. # # unit P LEV:19:9 ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_µØ_ÊÕ_¸î_ׯ_¼Ú_£¬_²»_¿É_¸î_¾¡_Ìï_½Ç_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_Ê°_È¡_Ëù ÒÅ_Âä_µÄ_¡£ # # And when ye reap the harvest of your land, thou shalt not wholly # reap the corners of thy field, neither shalt thou gather the # gleanings of thy harvest. # # unit P LEV:19:10 ²»_¿É_Õª_¾¡_ÆÏ_ÌÑ_Ô°_µÄ_¹û_×Ó_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_Ê°_È¡_ÆÏ_ÌÑ_Ô°_Ëù_µô_µÄ_¹û ×Ó_£¬_Òª_Áô_¸ø_Çî_ÈË_ºÍ_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_¡£_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # And thou shalt not glean thy vineyard, neither shalt thou gather # every grape of thy vineyard; thou shalt leave them for the poor and # stranger: I am the LORD your God. # # unit P LEV:19:11 Äã_ÃÇ_²»_¿É_͵_µÁ_£¬_²»_¿É_ÆÛ_Æ­_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_±Ë_´Ë_˵_»Ñ_¡£ # # Ye shall not steal, neither deal falsely, neither lie one to # another. # # unit P LEV:19:12 ²»_¿É_Ö¸_×Å_ÎÒ_µÄ_Ãû_Æð_¼Ù_ÊÄ_£¬_Ùô_äÂ_Äã_Éñ_µÄ_Ãû_¡£_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª ¡£ # # And ye shall not swear by my name falsely, neither shalt thou # profane the name of thy God: I am the LORD. # # unit P LEV:19:13 ²»_¿É_ÆÛ_ѹ_Äã_µÄ_ÁÚ_Éá_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_ÇÀ_¶á_Ëû_µÄ_Îï_¡£_¹Í_¹¤_ÈË_µÄ_¹¤ ¼Û_£¬_²»_¿É_ÔÚ_Äã_ÄÇ_Àï_¹ý_Ò¹_£¬_Áô_µ½_Ôç_³¿_¡£ # # Thou shalt not defraud thy neighbour, neither rob him: the wages of # him that is hired shall not abide with thee all night until the # morning. # # unit P LEV:19:14 ²»_¿É_Öä_Âî_Áû_×Ó_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_½«_°í_½Å_ʯ_·Å_ÔÚ_Ϲ_×Ó_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_Ö»_Òª ¾´_η_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_¡£_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # Thou shalt not curse the deaf, nor put a stumblingblock before the # blind, but shalt fear thy God: I am the LORD. # # unit P LEV:19:15 Äã_ÃÇ_Ê©_ÐÐ_Éó_ÅÐ_£¬_²»_¿É_ÐÐ_²»_Òå_£¬_²»_¿É_Æ«_»¤_Çî_ÈË_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É ÖØ_¿´_ÓÐ_ÊÆ_Á¦_µÄ_ÈË_£¬_Ö»_Òª_°´_×Å_¹«_Òå_Éó_ÅÐ_Äã_µÄ_ÁÚ_Éá_¡£ # # Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment: thou shalt not respect # the person of the poor, nor honor the person of the mighty: but in # righteousness shalt thou judge thy neighbour. # # unit P LEV:19:16 ²»_¿É_ÔÚ_Ãñ_ÖÐ_Íù_À´_°á_Ū_ÊÇ_·Ç_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_Óë_ÁÚ_Éá_Ϊ_µÐ_£¬_ÖÃ_Ö® ÓÚ_ËÀ_£¨_Ô­_ÎÄ_×÷_Á÷_Ëû_µÄ_Ѫ_£©_¡£_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # Thou shalt not go up and down as a talebearer among thy people: # neither shalt thou stand against the blood of thy neighbour: I am # the LORD. # # unit P LEV:19:17 ²»_¿É_ÐÄ_Àï_ºÞ_Äã_µÄ_µÜ_ÐÖ_£¬_×Ü_Òª_Ö¸_Õª_Äã_µÄ_ÁÚ_Éá_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_Òò_Ëû µ£_×ï_¡£ # # Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart: thou shalt in any # wise rebuke thy neighbour, and not suffer sin upon him. # # unit P LEV:19:18 ²»_¿É_±¨_³ð_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_Âñ_Ô¹_Äã_±¾_¹ú_µÄ_×Ó_Ãñ_£¬_È´_Òª_°®_ÈË_Èç_¼º ¡£_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of # thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am the # LORD. # # unit P LEV:19:19 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_ÊØ_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÂÉ_Àý_¡£_²»_¿É_½Ð_Äã_µÄ_Éü_Ðó_Óë_Òì_Àà_Åä_ºÏ_£¬_²» ¿É_ÓÃ_Á½_Ñù_²ó_ÔÓ_µÄ_ÖÖ_ÖÖ_Äã_µÄ_µØ_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_ÓÃ_Á½_Ñù_²ó_ÔÓ_µÄ_ÁÏ ×÷_ÒÂ_·þ_´©_ÔÚ_Éí_ÉÏ_¡£ # # Ye shall keep my statutes. Thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with # a diverse kind: thou shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed: # neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woollen come upon thee. # # unit P LEV:19:20 æ¾_Å®_Ðí_Åä_ÁË_ÕÉ_·ò_£¬_»¹_û_ÓÐ_±»_Êê_µÃ_ÊÍ_·Å_£¬_ÈË_Èô_Óë_Ëý_ÐÐ_Òù £¬_¶þ_ÈË_Òª_ÊÜ_ÐÌ_·£_£¬_È´_²»_°Ñ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÖÎ_ËÀ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_æ¾_Å®_»¹_û_ÓÐ µÃ_×Ô_ÓÉ_¡£ # # And whosoever lieth carnally with a woman, that is a bondmaid, # betrothed to an husband, and not at all redeemed, nor freedom given # her; she shall be scourged; they shall not be put to death, because # she was not free. # # unit P LEV:19:21 ÄÇ_ÈË_Òª_°Ñ_Êê_í©_¼À_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_Ç£_µ½_»á_Ä»_ÃÅ_¿Ú_£¬_Ò® ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_¡£ # # And he shall bring his trespass offering unto the LORD, unto the # door of the tabernacle of the congregation, even a ram for a # trespass offering. # # unit P LEV:19:22 ¼À_˾_Òª_ÓÃ_Êê_í©_¼À_µÄ_Ñò_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_Êê_Ëû_Ëù_·¸_µÄ_×ï_£¬_Ëû µÄ_×ï_¾Í_±Ø_ÃÉ_Éâ_Ãâ_¡£ # # And the priest shall make an atonement for him with the ram of the # trespass offering before the LORD for his sin which he hath done: # and the sin which he hath done shall be forgiven him. # # unit P LEV:19:23 Äã_ÃÇ_µ½_ÁË_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ_£¬_ÔÔ_ÖÖ_¸÷_Ñù_½á_¹û_×Ó_µÄ_Ê÷_ľ_£¬_¾Í_Òª_ÒÔ_Ëù ½á_µÄ_¹û_×Ó_Èç_δ_ÊÜ_¸î_Àñ_µÄ_Ò»_Ñù_¡£_Èý_Äê_Ö®_¾Ã_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_ÒÔ_Õâ Щ_¹û_×Ó_£¬_Èç_δ_ÊÜ_¸î_Àñ_µÄ_£¬_ÊÇ_²»_¿É_³Ô_µÄ_¡£ # # And when ye shall come into the land, and shall have planted all # manner of trees for food, then ye shall count the fruit thereof as # uncircumcised: three years shall it be as uncircumcised unto you: it # shall not be eaten of. # # unit P LEV:19:24 µ«_µÚ_ËÄ_Äê_Ëù_½á_µÄ_¹û_×Ó_È«_Òª_³É_Ϊ_Ê¥_£¬_ÓÃ_ÒÔ_ÔÞ_ÃÀ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # But in the fourth year all the fruit thereof shall be holy to praise # the LORD withal. # # unit P LEV:19:25 µÚ_Îå_Äê_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_³Ô_ÄÇ_Ê÷_ÉÏ_µÄ_¹û_×Ó_£¬_ºÃ_½Ð_Ê÷_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_½á_¹û ×Ó_¸ü_¶à_¡£_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # And in the fifth year shall ye eat of the fruit thereof, that it may # yield unto you the increase thereof: I am the LORD your God. # # unit P LEV:19:26 Äã_ÃÇ_²»_¿É_³Ô_´ø_Ѫ_µÄ_Îï_£¬_²»_¿É_ÓÃ_·¨_Êõ_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_¹Û_Õ×_¡£ # # Ye shall not eat any thing with the blood: neither shall ye use # enchantment, nor observe times. # # unit P LEV:19:27 Í·_µÄ_ÖÜ_Χ_²»_¿É_Ìê_£¨_ÖÜ_Χ_»ò_×÷_Á½_÷Þ_£©_£¬_ºú_Ðë_µÄ_ÖÜ_Χ_Ò²_²» ¿É_Ëð_»µ_¡£ # # Ye shall not round the corners of your heads, neither shalt thou mar # the corners of thy beard. # # unit P LEV:19:28 ²»_¿É_Ϊ_ËÀ_ÈË_ÓÃ_µ¶_»®_Éí_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_ÔÚ_Éí_ÉÏ_´Ì_»¨_ÎÆ_¡£_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò® ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print # any marks upon you: I am the LORD. # # unit P LEV:19:29 ²»_¿É_Èè_û_Äã_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_£¬_ʹ_Ëý_Ϊ_æ½_¼Ë_£¬_¿Ö_ÅÂ_µØ_ÉÏ_µÄ_ÈË_ר_Ïò Òù_ÂÒ_£¬_µØ_¾Í_Âú_ÁË_´ó_¶ñ_¡£ # # Do not prostitute thy daughter, to cause her to be a whore; lest the # land fall to whoredom, and the land become full of wickedness. # # unit P LEV:19:30 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_ÊØ_ÎÒ_µÄ_°²_Ï¢_ÈÕ_£¬_¾´_ÎÒ_µÄ_Ê¥_Ëù_¡£_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # Ye shall keep my sabbaths, and reverence my sanctuary: I am the # LORD. # # unit P LEV:19:31 ²»_¿É_Æ«_Ïò_ÄÇ_Щ_½»_¹í_µÄ_ºÍ_ÐÐ_Î×_Êõ_µÄ_£¬_²»_¿É_Çó_ÎÊ_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_ÒÔ ÖÂ_±»_Ëû_ÃÇ_çè_ÎÛ_ÁË_¡£_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after # wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God. # # unit P LEV:19:32 ÔÚ_°×_·¢_µÄ_ÈË_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_Äã_Òª_Õ¾_Æð_À´_£¬_Ò²_Òª_×ð_¾´_ÀÏ_ÈË_£¬_ÓÖ_Òª ¾´_η_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_¡£_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # Thou shalt rise up before the hoary head, and honour the face of the # old man, and fear thy God: I am the LORD. # # unit P LEV:19:33 Èô_ÓÐ_Íâ_ÈË_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_¹ú_ÖÐ_ºÍ_Äã_ͬ_¾Ó_£¬_¾Í_²»_¿É_ÆÛ_¸º_Ëû_¡£ # # And if a stranger sojourn with thee in your land, ye shall not vex # him. # # unit P LEV:19:34 ºÍ_Äã_ÃÇ_ͬ_¾Ó_µÄ_Íâ_ÈË_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_¿´_Ëû_Èç_±¾_µØ_ÈË_Ò»_Ñù_£¬_²¢_Òª °®_Ëû_Èç_¼º_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_µØ_Ò²_×÷_¹ý_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_¡£_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò® ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one # born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself; for ye were # strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God. # # unit P LEV:19:35 Äã_ÃÇ_Ê©_ÐÐ_Éó_ÅÐ_£¬_²»_¿É_ÐÐ_²»_Òå_£¬_ÔÚ_³ß_£¬_³Ó_£¬_Éý_£¬_¶·_ÉÏ_Ò² ÊÇ_Èç_´Ë_¡£ # # Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment, in meteyard, in weight, # or in measure. # # unit P LEV:19:36 Òª_ÓÃ_¹«_µÀ_Ìì_ƽ_£¬_¹«_µÀ_·¨_Âë_£¬_¹«_µÀ_Éý_¶·_£¬_¹«_µÀ_³Ó_¡£_ÎÒ_ÊÇ Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_Ôø_°Ñ_Äã_ÃÇ_´Ó_°£_¼°_µØ_Áì_³ö_À´_µÄ_¡£ # # Just balances, just weights, a just ephah, and a just hin, shall ye # have: I am the LORD your God, which brought you out of the land of # Egypt. # # unit P LEV:19:37 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_½÷_ÊØ_×ñ_ÐÐ_ÎÒ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_ÂÉ_Àý_µä_ÕÂ_¡£_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # Therefore shall ye observe all my statutes, and all my judgments, # and do them: I am the LORD. # ## # chapter 20 LEV:20 # unit P LEV:20:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P LEV:20:2 Äã_»¹_Òª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_˵_£¬_·²_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ ÖÐ_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_Íâ_ÈË_£¬_°Ñ_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_¶ù_Å®_Ï×_¸ø_Ħ_Âå_µÄ_£¬_×Ü_Òª_ÖÎ_ËÀ Ëû_£¬_±¾_µØ_ÈË_Òª_ÓÃ_ʯ_Í·_°Ñ_Ëû_´ò_ËÀ_¡£ # # Again, thou shalt say to the children of Israel, Whosoever he be of # the children of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn in Israel, # that giveth any of his seed unto Molech; he shall surely be put to # death: the people of the land shall stone him with stones. # # unit P LEV:20:3 ÎÒ_Ò²_Òª_Ïò_ÄÇ_ÈË_±ä_Á³_£¬_°Ñ_Ëû_´Ó_Ãñ_ÖÐ_¼ô_³ý_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_°Ñ_¶ù_Å® Ï×_¸ø_Ħ_Âå_£¬_çè_ÎÛ_ÎÒ_µÄ_Ê¥_Ëù_£¬_Ùô_äÂ_ÎÒ_µÄ_Ê¥_Ãû_¡£ # # And I will set my face against that man, and will cut him off from # among his people; because he hath given of his seed unto Molech, to # defile my sanctuary, and to profane my holy name. # # unit P LEV:20:4 ÄÇ_ÈË_°Ñ_¶ù_Å®_Ï×_¸ø_Ħ_Âå_£¬_±¾_µØ_ÈË_Èô_Ñð_Ϊ_²»_¼û_£¬_²»_°Ñ_Ëû_ÖÎ ËÀ_£¬ # # And if the people of the land do any ways hide their eyes from the # man, when he giveth of his seed unto Molech, and kill him not: # # unit P LEV:20:5 ÎÒ_¾Í_Òª_Ïò_Õâ_ÈË_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_¼Ò_±ä_Á³_£¬_°Ñ_Ëû_ºÍ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Ëæ_Ëû_Óë_Ħ_Âå ÐÐ_а_Òù_µÄ_ÈË_¶¼_´Ó_Ãñ_ÖÐ_¼ô_³ý_¡£ # # Then I will set my face against that man, and against his family, # and will cut him off, and all that go a whoring after him, to commit # whoredom with Molech, from among their people. # # unit P LEV:20:6 ÈË_Æ«_Ïò_½»_¹í_µÄ_ºÍ_ÐÐ_Î×_Êõ_µÄ_£¬_Ëæ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÐÐ_а_Òù_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_Ïò_ÄÇ ÈË_±ä_Á³_£¬_°Ñ_Ëû_´Ó_Ãñ_ÖÐ_¼ô_³ý_¡£ # # And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and # after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face # against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people. # # unit P LEV:20:7 Ëù_ÒÔ_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_×Ô_½à_³É_Ê¥_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # Sanctify yourselves therefore, and be ye holy: for I am the LORD # your God. # # unit P LEV:20:8 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_½÷_ÊØ_×ñ_ÐÐ_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÂÉ_Àý_£¬_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_½Ð_Äã_ÃÇ_³É_Ê¥_µÄ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª ¡£ # # And ye shall keep my statutes, and do them: I am the LORD which # sanctify you. # # unit P LEV:20:9 ·²_Öä_Âî_¸¸_ĸ_µÄ_£¬_×Ü_Òª_ÖÎ_ËÀ_Ëû_£¬_Ëû_Öä_Âî_ÁË_¸¸_ĸ_£¬_Ëû_µÄ_×ï Òª_¹é_µ½_Ëû_Éí_ÉÏ_£¨_×ï_Ô­_ÎÄ_×÷_Ѫ_¡£_±¾_ÕÂ_ͬ_¡£_£©_¡£ # # For every one that curseth his father or his mother shall be surely # put to death: he hath cursed his father or his mother; his blood # shall be upon him. # # unit P LEV:20:10 Óë_ÁÚ_Éá_Ö®_ÆÞ_ÐÐ_Òù_µÄ_£¬_¼é_·ò_Òù_¸¾_¶¼_±Ø_ÖÎ_ËÀ_¡£ # # And the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even # he that committeth adultery with his neighbour's wife, the adulterer # and the adulteress shall surely be put to death. # # unit P LEV:20:11 Óë_¼Ì_ĸ_ÐÐ_Òù_µÄ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ðß_Èè_ÁË_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_£¬_×Ü_Òª_°Ñ_Ëû_ÃÇ_¶þ_ÈË ÖÎ_ËÀ_£¬_×ï_Òª_¹é_µ½_Ëû_ÃÇ_Éí_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And the man that lieth with his father's wife hath uncovered his # father's nakedness: both of them shall surely be put to death; their # blood shall be upon them. # # unit P LEV:20:12 Óë_¶ù_¸¾_ͬ_·¿_µÄ_£¬_×Ü_Òª_°Ñ_Ëû_ÃÇ_¶þ_ÈË_ÖÎ_ËÀ_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÐÐ_ÁË_Äæ_Â× µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬_×ï_Òª_¹é_µ½_Ëû_ÃÇ_Éí_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And if a man lie with his daughter in law, both of them shall surely # be put to death: they have wrought confusion; their blood shall be # upon them. # # unit P LEV:20:13 ÈË_Èô_Óë_ÄÐ_ÈË_¹¶_ºÏ_£¬_Ïñ_Óë_Å®_ÈË_Ò»_Ñù_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_¶þ_ÈË_ÐÐ_ÁË_¿É_Ô÷ µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬_×Ü_Òª_°Ñ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÖÎ_ËÀ_£¬_×ï_Òª_¹é_µ½_Ëû_ÃÇ_Éí_ÉÏ_¡£ # # If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of # them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to # death; their blood shall be upon them. # # unit P LEV:20:14 ÈË_Èô_È¢_ÆÞ_£¬_²¢_È¢_Æä_ĸ_£¬_±ã_ÊÇ_´ó_¶ñ_£¬_Òª_°Ñ_Õâ_Èý_ÈË_ÓÃ_»ð_·Ù ÉÕ_£¬_ʹ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_Ãâ_È¥_´ó_¶ñ_¡£ # # And if a man take a wife and her mother, it is wickedness: they # shall be burnt with fire, both he and they; that there be no # wickedness among you. # # unit P LEV:20:15 ÈË_Èô_Óë_ÊÞ_Òù_ºÏ_£¬_×Ü_Òª_ÖÎ_ËÀ_Ëû_£¬_Ò²_Òª_ɱ_ÄÇ_ÊÞ_¡£ # # And if a man lie with a beast, he shall surely be put to death: and # ye shall slay the beast. # # unit P LEV:20:16 Å®_ÈË_Èô_Óë_ÊÞ_Ç×_½ü_£¬_Óë_Ëü_Òù_ºÏ_£¬_Äã_Òª_ɱ_ÄÇ_Å®_ÈË_ºÍ_ÄÇ_ÊÞ_£¬ ×Ü_Òª_°Ñ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÖÎ_ËÀ_£¬_×ï_Òª_¹é_µ½_Ëû_ÃÇ_Éí_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And if a woman approach unto any beast, and lie down thereto, thou # shalt kill the woman, and the beast: they shall surely be put to # death; their blood shall be upon them. # # unit P LEV:20:17 ÈË_Èô_È¢_Ëû_µÄ_½ã_ÃÃ_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_Òì_ĸ_ͬ_¸¸_µÄ_£¬_ÊÇ_Òì_¸¸_ͬ_ĸ_µÄ £¬_±Ë_´Ë_¼û_ÁË_ÏÂ_Ìå_£¬_Õâ_ÊÇ_¿É_³Ü_µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_±Ø_ÔÚ_±¾_Ãñ_µÄ_ÑÛ Ç°_±»_¼ô_³ý_¡£_Ëû_¶_ÁË_½ã_ÃÃ_µÄ_ÏÂ_Ìå_£¬_±Ø_µ£_µ±_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_×ï_Äõ_¡£ # # And if a man shall take his sister, his father's daughter, or his # mother's daughter, and see her nakedness, and she see his nakedness; # it is a wicked thing; and they shall be cut off in the sight of # their people: he hath uncovered his sister's nakedness; he shall # bear his iniquity. # # unit P LEV:20:18 ¸¾_ÈË_ÓÐ_ÔÂ_¾­_£¬_Èô_Óë_Ëý_ͬ_·¿_£¬_¶_ÁË_Ëý_µÄ_ÏÂ_Ìå_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_¶_ÁË ¸¾_ÈË_µÄ_Ѫ_Ô´_£¬_¸¾_ÈË_Ò²_¶_ÁË_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_Ѫ_Ô´_£¬_¶þ_ÈË_±Ø_´Ó_Ãñ_ÖÐ ¼ô_³ý_¡£ # # And if a man shall lie with a woman having her sickness, and shall # uncover her nakedness; he hath discovered her fountain, and she hath # uncovered the fountain of her blood: and both of them shall be cut # off from among their people. # # unit P LEV:20:19 ²»_¿É_¶_ÒÌ_ĸ_»ò_ÊÇ_¹Ã_ĸ_µÄ_ÏÂ_Ìå_£¬_Õâ_ÊÇ_¶_ÁË_¹Ç_Èâ_Ö®_Ç×_µÄ_Ï Ìå_£¬_¶þ_ÈË_±Ø_µ£_µ±_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_×ï_Äõ_¡£ # # And thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy mother's sister, nor # of thy father's sister: for he uncovereth his near kin: they shall # bear their iniquity. # # unit P LEV:20:20 ÈË_Èô_Óë_²®_Êå_Ö®_ÆÞ_ͬ_·¿_£¬_¾Í_Ðß_Èè_ÁË_Ëû_µÄ_²®_Êå_£¬_¶þ_ÈË_Òª_µ£ µ±_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_×ï_£¬_±Ø_ÎÞ_×Ó_Å®_¶ø_ËÀ_¡£ # # And if a man shall lie with his uncle's wife, he hath uncovered his # uncle's nakedness: they shall bear their sin; they shall die # childless. # # unit P LEV:20:21 ÈË_Èô_È¢_µÜ_ÐÖ_Ö®_ÆÞ_£¬_Õâ_±¾_ÊÇ_ÎÛ_»à_µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬_Ðß_Èè_ÁË_Ëû_µÄ_µÜ_ÐÖ £¬_¶þ_ÈË_±Ø_ÎÞ_×Ó_Å®_¡£ # # And if a man shall take his brother's wife, it is an unclean thing: # he hath uncovered his brother's nakedness; they shall be childless. # # unit P LEV:20:22 Ëù_ÒÔ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_½÷_ÊØ_×ñ_ÐÐ_ÎÒ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_ÂÉ_Àý_µä_ÕÂ_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_ÎÒ_Áì Äã_ÃÇ_È¥_ס_µÄ_ÄÇ_µØ_°Ñ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÍÂ_³ö_¡£ # # Ye shall therefore keep all my statutes, and all my judgments, and # do them: that the land, whither I bring you to dwell therein, spue # you not out. # # unit P LEV:20:23 ÎÒ_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ãæ_Ç°_Ëù_Öð_³ö_µÄ_¹ú_Ãñ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_²»_¿É_Ëæ_´Ó_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_·ç Ë×_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÐÐ_ÁË_Õâ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬_Ëù_ÒÔ_ÎÒ_Ñá_¶ñ_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£ # # And ye shall not walk in the manners of the nation, which I cast out # before you: for they committed all these things, and therefore I # abhorred them. # # unit P LEV:20:24 µ«_ÎÒ_¶Ô_Äã_ÃÇ_˵_¹ý_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_³Ð_ÊÜ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_µØ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_Òª_´Í ¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_Ϊ_Òµ_£¬_Á÷_ÄÌ_Óë_ÃÛ_Ö®_µØ_¡£_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_£¬ ʹ_Äã_ÃÇ_Óë_Íò_Ãñ_ÓÐ_·Ö_±ð_µÄ_¡£ # # But I have said unto you, Ye shall inherit their land, and I will # give it unto you to possess it, a land that floweth with milk and # honey: I am the LORD your God, which have separated you from other # people. # # unit P LEV:20:25 Ëù_ÒÔ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_°Ñ_½à_¾»_ºÍ_²»_½à_¾»_µÄ_ÇÝ_ÊÞ_·Ö_±ð_³ö_À´_£¬_²»_¿É Òò_ÎÒ_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_·Ö_Ϊ_²»_½à_¾»_µÄ_ÇÝ_ÊÞ_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_×Ì_Éú_ÔÚ_µØ_ÉÏ_µÄ_»î Îï_£¬_ʹ_×Ô_¼º_³É_Ϊ_¿É_Ô÷_¶ñ_µÄ_¡£ # # Ye shall therefore put difference between clean beasts and unclean, # and between unclean fowls and clean: and ye shall not make your # souls abominable by beast, or by fowl, or by any manner of living # thing that creepeth on the ground, which I have separated from you # as unclean. # # unit P LEV:20:26 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_¹é_ÎÒ_Ϊ_Ê¥_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÎÒ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÊÇ_Ê¥_µÄ_£¬_²¢_½Ð_Äã_ÃÇ_Óë Íò_Ãñ_ÓÐ_·Ö_±ð_£¬_ʹ_Äã_ÃÇ_×÷_ÎÒ_µÄ_Ãñ_¡£ # # And ye shall be holy unto me: for I the LORD am holy, and have # severed you from other people, that ye should be mine. # # unit P LEV:20:27 ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÄÐ_Å®_£¬_ÊÇ_½»_¹í_µÄ_»ò_ÐÐ_Î×_Êõ_µÄ_£¬_×Ü_Òª_ÖÎ_ËÀ_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£_ÈË ±Ø_ÓÃ_ʯ_Í·_°Ñ_Ëû_ÃÇ_´ò_ËÀ_£¬_×ï_Òª_¹é_µ½_Ëû_ÃÇ_Éí_ÉÏ_¡£ # # A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a # wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with # stones: their blood shall be upon them. # ## # chapter 21 LEV:21 # unit P LEV:21:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Äã_¸æ_Ëß_ÑÇ_Â×_×Ó_Ëï_×÷_¼À_˾_µÄ_˵_£¬_¼À_˾ ²»_¿É_Ϊ_Ãñ_ÖÐ_µÄ_ËÀ_ÈË_Õ´_Ⱦ_×Ô_¼º_£¬ # # And the LORD said unto Moses, Speak unto the priests the sons of # Aaron, and say unto them, There shall none be defiled for the dead # among his people: # # unit P LEV:21:2 ³ý_·Ç_Ϊ_Ëû_¹Ç_Èâ_Ö®_Ç×_µÄ_¸¸_ĸ_£¬_¶ù_Å®_£¬_µÜ_ÐÖ_£¬ # # But for his kin, that is near unto him, that is, for his mother, and # for his father, and for his son, and for his daughter, and for his # brother, # # unit P LEV:21:3 ºÍ_δ_Ôø_³ö_¼Þ_£¬_×÷_´¦_Å®_µÄ_½ã_ÃÃ_£¬_²Å_¿É_ÒÔ_Õ´_Ⱦ_×Ô_¼º_¡£ # # And for his sister a virgin, that is nigh unto him, which hath had # no husband; for her may he be defiled. # # unit P LEV:21:4 ¼À_˾_¼È_ÔÚ_Ãñ_ÖÐ_Ϊ_Ê×_£¬_¾Í_²»_¿É_´Ó_Ë×_Õ´_Ⱦ_×Ô_¼º_¡£ # # But he shall not defile himself, being a chief man among his people, # to profane himself. # # unit P LEV:21:5 ²»_¿É_ʹ_Í·_¹â_ͺ_£¬_²»_¿É_Ìê_³ý_ºú_Ðë_µÄ_ÖÜ_Χ_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_ÓÃ_µ¶_»® Éí_¡£ # # They shall not make baldness upon their head, neither shall they # shave off the corner of their beard, nor make any cuttings in their # flesh. # # unit P LEV:21:6 Òª_¹é_Éñ_Ϊ_Ê¥_£¬_²»_¿É_Ùô_äÂ_Éñ_µÄ_Ãû_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_»ð_¼À_£¬ ¾Í_ÊÇ_Éñ_µÄ_ʳ_Îï_£¬_ÊÇ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ï×_µÄ_£¬_Ëù_ÒÔ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Òª_³É_Ϊ_Ê¥_¡£ # # They shall be holy unto their God, and not profane the name of their # God: for the offerings of the LORD made by fire, and the bread of # their God, they do offer: therefore they shall be holy. # # unit P LEV:21:7 ²»_¿É_È¢_¼Ë_Å®_»ò_±»_ÎÛ_µÄ_Å®_ÈË_Ϊ_ÆÞ_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_È¢_±»_ÐÝ_µÄ_¸¾_ÈË Îª_ÆÞ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_¼À_˾_ÊÇ_¹é_Éñ_Ϊ_Ê¥_¡£ # # They shall not take a wife that is a whore, or profane; neither # shall they take a woman put away from her husband: for he is holy # unto his God. # # unit P LEV:21:8 Ëù_ÒÔ_Äã_Òª_ʹ_Ëû_³É_Ê¥_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_·î_Ï×_Äã_Éñ_µÄ_ʳ_Îï_£¬_Äã_Òª_ÒÔ Ëû_Ϊ_Ê¥_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÎÒ_ʹ_Äã_ÃÇ_³É_Ê¥_µÄ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÊÇ_Ê¥_µÄ_¡£ # # Thou shalt sanctify him therefore; for he offereth the bread of thy # God: he shall be holy unto thee: for I the LORD, which sanctify you, # am holy. # # unit P LEV:21:9 ¼À_˾_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_Èô_ÐÐ_Òù_Èè_û_×Ô_¼º_£¬_¾Í_Èè_û_ÁË_¸¸_Ç×_£¬_±Ø_ÓÃ_»ð ½«_Ëý_·Ù_ÉÕ_¡£ # # And the daughter of any priest, if she profane herself by playing # the whore, she profaneth her father: she shall be burnt with fire. # # unit P LEV:21:10 ÔÚ_µÜ_ÐÖ_ÖÐ_×÷_´ó_¼À_˾_£¬_Í·_ÉÏ_µ¹_ÁË_¸à_ÓÍ_£¬_ÓÖ_³Ð_½Ó_Ê¥_Ö°_£¬_´© ÁË_Ê¥_ÒÂ_µÄ_£¬_²»_¿É_Åî_Í·_É¢_·¢_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_˺_ÁÑ_ÒÂ_·þ_¡£ # # And he that is the high priest among his brethren, upon whose head # the anointing oil was poured, and that is consecrated to put on the # garments, shall not uncover his head, nor rend his clothes; # # unit P LEV:21:11 ²»_¿É_°¤_½ü_ËÀ_ʬ_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_Ϊ_¸¸_ĸ_Õ´_Ⱦ_×Ô_¼º_¡£ # # Neither shall he go in to any dead body, nor defile himself for his # father, or for his mother; # # unit P LEV:21:12 ²»_¿É_³ö_Ê¥_Ëù_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_Ùô_äÂ_Éñ_µÄ_Ê¥_Ëù_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Éñ_¸à_ÓÍ_µÄ_¹Ú Ãá_ÔÚ_Ëû_Í·_ÉÏ_¡£_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # Neither shall he go out of the sanctuary, nor profane the sanctuary # of his God; for the crown of the anointing oil of his God is upon # him: I am the LORD. # # unit P LEV:21:13 Ëû_Òª_È¢_´¦_Å®_Ϊ_ÆÞ_¡£ # # And he shall take a wife in her virginity. # # unit P LEV:21:14 ¹Ñ_¸¾_»ò_ÊÇ_±»_ÐÝ_µÄ_¸¾_ÈË_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_±»_ÎÛ_Ϊ_¼Ë_µÄ_Å®_ÈË_£¬_¶¼_²»_¿É È¢_£¬_Ö»_¿É_È¢_±¾_Ãñ_ÖÐ_µÄ_´¦_Å®_Ϊ_ÆÞ_¡£ # # A widow, or a divorced woman, or profane, or an harlot, these shall # he not take: but he shall take a virgin of his own people to wife. # # unit P LEV:21:15 ²»_¿É_ÔÚ_Ãñ_ÖÐ_Èè_û_Ëû_µÄ_¶ù_Å®_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_½Ð_Ëû_³É_Ê¥_µÄ_Ò®_ºÍ »ª_¡£ # # Neither shall he profane his seed among his people: for I the LORD # do sanctify him. # # unit P LEV:21:16 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P LEV:21:17 Äã_¸æ_Ëß_ÑÇ_Â×_˵_£¬_Äã_ÊÀ_ÊÀ_´ú_´ú_µÄ_ºó_Òá_£¬_·²_ÓÐ_²Ð_¼²_µÄ_£¬_¶¼ ²»_¿É_½ü_Ç°_À´_Ï×_Ëû_Éñ_µÄ_ʳ_Îï_¡£ # # Speak unto Aaron, saying, Whosoever he be of thy seed in their # generations that hath any blemish, let him not approach to offer the # bread of his God. # # unit P LEV:21:18 Òò_Ϊ_·²_ÓÐ_²Ð_¼²_µÄ_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_Ϲ_ÑÛ_µÄ_£¬_ȳ_ÍÈ_µÄ_£¬_Ëú_±Ç_×Ó_µÄ £¬_Ö«_Ìå_ÓÐ_Óà_µÄ_£¬ # # For whatsoever man he be that hath a blemish, he shall not approach: # a blind man, or a lame, or he that hath a flat nose, or any thing # superfluous, # # unit P LEV:21:19 ÕÛ_½Å_ÕÛ_ÊÖ_µÄ_£¬ # # Or a man that is brokenfooted, or brokenhanded, # # unit P LEV:21:20 ÍÕ_±³_µÄ_£¬_°«_ïó_µÄ_£¬_ÑÛ_¾¦_ÓÐ_ë_²¡_µÄ_£¬_³¤_Ñ¢_µÄ_£¬_³¤_½ê_µÄ_£¬ »ò_ÊÇ_Ëð_»µ_Éö_×Ó_µÄ_£¬_¶¼_²»_¿É_½ü_Ç°_À´_¡£ # # Or crookbackt, or a dwarf, or that hath a blemish in his eye, or be # scurvy, or scabbed, or hath his stones broken; # # unit P LEV:21:21 ¼À_˾_ÑÇ_Â×_µÄ_ºó_Òá_£¬_·²_ÓÐ_²Ð_¼²_µÄ_£¬_¶¼_²»_¿É_½ü_Ç°_À´_£¬_½«_»ð ¼À_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£_Ëû_ÓÐ_²Ð_¼²_£¬_²»_¿É_½ü_Ç°_À´_Ï×_Éñ_µÄ_ʳ_Îï_¡£ # # No man that hath a blemish of the seed of Aaron the priest shall # come nigh to offer the offerings of the LORD made by fire: he hath a # blemish; he shall not come nigh to offer the bread of his God. # # unit P LEV:21:22 Éñ_µÄ_ʳ_Îï_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_Ê¥_µÄ_£¬_ÖÁ_Ê¥_µÄ_£¬_Ëû_¶¼_¿É_ÒÔ_³Ô_¡£ # # He shall eat the bread of his God, both of the most holy, and of the # holy. # # unit P LEV:21:23 µ«_²»_¿É_½ø_µ½_á£_×Ó_Ç°_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_¾Í_½ü_̳_Ç°_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_ÓÐ_²Ð_¼² £¬_Ãâ_µÃ_Ùô_äÂ_ÎÒ_µÄ_Ê¥_Ëù_¡£_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_½Ð_Ëû_³É_Ê¥_µÄ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # Only he shall not go in unto the vail, nor come nigh unto the altar, # because he hath a blemish; that he profane not my sanctuaries: for I # the LORD do sanctify them. # # unit P LEV:21:24 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_£¬_Ħ_Î÷_Ïþ_ÚÍ_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_ÑÇ_Â×_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_£¬_²¢_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÚ_ÈË_¡£ # # And Moses told it unto Aaron, and to his sons, and unto all the # children of Israel. # ## # chapter 22 LEV:22 # unit P LEV:22:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P LEV:22:2 Äã_·Ô_¸À_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_×Ó_Ëï_˵_£¬_Òª_Ô¶_Àë_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Ëù_·Ö_±ð_Ϊ_Ê¥ £¬_¹é_¸ø_ÎÒ_µÄ_Ê¥_Îï_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_Ùô_äÂ_ÎÒ_µÄ_Ê¥_Ãû_¡£_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # Speak unto Aaron and to his sons, that they separate themselves from # the holy things of the children of Israel, and that they profane not # my holy name in those things which they hallow unto me: I am the # LORD. # # unit P LEV:22:3 Äã_Òª_¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_ÊÀ_ÊÀ_´ú_´ú_µÄ_ºó_Òá_£¬_·²_Éí_ÉÏ_ÓÐ_ÎÛ_»à £¬_Ç×_½ü_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Ëù_·Ö_±ð_Ϊ_Ê¥_£¬_¹é_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ê¥_Îï_µÄ_£¬_ÄÇ_ÈË ±Ø_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_Ãæ_Ç°_¼ô_³ý_¡£_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # Say unto them, Whosoever he be of all your seed among your # generations, that goeth unto the holy things, which the children of # Israel hallow unto the LORD, having his uncleanness upon him, that # soul shall be cut off from my presence: I am the LORD. # # unit P LEV:22:4 ÑÇ_Â×_µÄ_ºó_Òá_£¬_·²_³¤_´ó_Âé_·è_µÄ_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_ÓÐ_©_Ö¢_µÄ_£¬_²»_¿É_³Ô Ê¥_Îï_£¬_Ö±_µÈ_Ëû_½à_¾»_ÁË_¡£_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_Ë­_Ãþ_ÄÇ_Òò_ËÀ_ʬ_²»_½à_¾»_µÄ_Îï £¨_Îï_»ò_×÷_ÈË_£©_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_ÒÅ_¾«_µÄ_ÈË_£¬ # # What man soever of the seed of Aaron is a leper, or hath a running # issue; he shall not eat of the holy things, until he be clean. And # whoso toucheth any thing that is unclean by the dead, or a man whose # seed goeth from him; # # unit P LEV:22:5 »ò_ÊÇ_Ãþ_ʲ_ô_ʹ_Ëû_²»_½à_¾»_µÄ_ÅÀ_Îï_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_Ãþ_ÄÇ_ʹ_Ëû_²»_½à_¾» µÄ_ÈË_£¨_²»_¾Ð_ÄÇ_ÈË_ÓÐ_ʲ_ô_²»_½à_¾»_£©_£¬ # # Or whosoever toucheth any creeping thing, whereby he may be made # unclean, or a man of whom he may take uncleanness, whatsoever # uncleanness he hath; # # unit P LEV:22:6 Ãþ_ÁË_Õâ_Щ_ÈË_£¬_Îï_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_²»_½à_¾»_µ½_Íí_ÉÏ_£¬_Èô_²»_ÓÃ_Ë®_Ï´_Éí £¬_¾Í_²»_¿É_³Ô_Ê¥_Îï_¡£ # # The soul which hath touched any such shall be unclean until even, # and shall not eat of the holy things, unless he wash his flesh with # water. # # unit P LEV:22:7 ÈÕ_Âä_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Ëû_¾Í_½à_¾»_ÁË_£¬_È»_ºó_¿É_ÒÔ_³Ô_Ê¥_Îï_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Õâ ÊÇ_Ëû_µÄ_ʳ_Îï_¡£ # # And when the sun is down, he shall be clean, and shall afterward eat # of the holy things; because it is his food. # # unit P LEV:22:8 ×Ô_ËÀ_µÄ_»ò_ÊÇ_±»_Ò°_ÊÞ_˺_ÁÑ_µÄ_£¬_Ëû_²»_¿É_³Ô_£¬_Òò_´Ë_ÎÛ_»à_×Ô_¼º ¡£_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # That which dieth of itself, or is torn with beasts, he shall not eat # to defile himself therewith: I am the LORD. # # unit P LEV:22:9 Ëù_ÒÔ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Òª_ÊØ_ÎÒ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_Çá_ºö_ÁË_£¬_Òò_´Ë_µ£_×ï_¶ø ËÀ_¡£_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_½Ð_Ëû_ÃÇ_³É_Ê¥_µÄ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # They shall therefore keep mine ordinance, lest they bear sin for it, # and die therefore, if they profane it: I the LORD do sanctify them. # # unit P LEV:22:10 ·²_Íâ_ÈË_²»_¿É_³Ô_Ê¥_Îï_£¬_¼Ä_¾Ó_ÔÚ_¼À_˾_¼Ò_µÄ_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_¹Í_¹¤_ÈË_£¬ ¶¼_²»_¿É_³Ô_Ê¥_Îï_¡£ # # There shall no stranger eat of the holy thing: a sojourner of the # priest, or an hired servant, shall not eat of the holy thing. # # unit P LEV:22:11 ÌÈ_Èô_¼À_˾_Âò_ÈË_£¬_ÊÇ_Ëû_µÄ_Ç®_Âò_µÄ_£¬_ÄÇ_ÈË_¾Í_¿É_ÒÔ_³Ô_Ê¥_Îï_£¬ Éú_ÔÚ_Ëû_¼Ò_µÄ_ÈË_Ò²_¿É_ÒÔ_³Ô_¡£ # # But if the priest buy any soul with his money, he shall eat of it, # and he that is born in his house: they shall eat of his meat. # # unit P LEV:22:12 ¼À_˾_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_Èô_¼Þ_Íâ_ÈË_£¬_¾Í_²»_¿É_³Ô_¾Ù_¼À_µÄ_Ê¥_Îï_¡£ # # If the priest's daughter also be married unto a stranger, she may # not eat of an offering of the holy things. # # unit P LEV:22:13 µ«_¼À_˾_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_Èô_ÊÇ_¹Ñ_¸¾_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_±»_ÐÝ_µÄ_£¬_û_ÓÐ_º¢_×Ó_£¬_ÓÖ ¹é_»Ø_¸¸_¼Ò_£¬_Óë_Ëý_Çà_Äê_Ò»_Ñù_£¬_¾Í_¿É_ÒÔ_³Ô_Ëý_¸¸_Ç×_µÄ_ʳ_Îï_£¬ Ö»_ÊÇ_Íâ_ÈË_²»_¿É_³Ô_¡£ # # But if the priest's daughter be a widow, or divorced, and have no # child, and is returned unto her father's house, as in her youth, she # shall eat of her father's meat: but there shall no stranger eat # thereof. # # unit P LEV:22:14 Èô_ÓÐ_ÈË_Îó_³Ô_ÁË_Ê¥_Îï_£¬_Òª_ÕÕ_Ê¥_Îï_µÄ_Ô­_Êý_¼Ó_ÉÏ_Îå_·Ö_Ö®_Ò»_½» ¸ø_¼À_˾_¡£ # # And if a man eat of the holy thing unwittingly, then he shall put # the fifth part thereof unto it, and shall give it unto the priest # with the holy thing. # # unit P LEV:22:15 ¼À_˾_²»_¿É_Ùô_äÂ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Ëù_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_Ê¥_Îï_£¬ # # And they shall not profane the holy things of the children of # Israel, which they offer unto the LORD; # # unit P LEV:22:16 Ãâ_µÃ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_³Ô_Ê¥_Îï_ÉÏ_×Ô_È¡_×ï_Äõ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_½Ð_Ëû_ÃÇ_³É_Ê¥ µÄ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # Or suffer them to bear the iniquity of trespass, when they eat their # holy things: for I the LORD do sanctify them. # # unit P LEV:22:17 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P LEV:22:18 Äã_Ïþ_ÚÍ_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_×Ó_Ëï_£¬_²¢_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÚ_ÈË_˵_£¬_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_¼Ò_ÖÐ µÄ_ÈË_£¬_»ò_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÐ_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_£¬_·²_Ï×_¹©_Îï_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_Ëù_Ðí µÄ_Ô¸_£¬_ÊÇ_¸Ê_ÐÄ_Ï×_µÄ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_×÷_ìÜ_¼À_µÄ_£¬ # # Speak unto Aaron, and to his sons, and unto all the children of # Israel, and say unto them, Whatsoever he be of the house of Israel, # or of the strangers in Israel, that will offer his oblation for all # his vows, and for all his freewill offerings, which they will offer # unto the LORD for a burnt offering; # # unit P LEV:22:19 Òª_½«_û_ÓÐ_²Ð_¼²_µÄ_¹«_Å£_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_Ãà_Ñò_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_ɽ_Ñò_Ï×_ÉÏ_£¬_Èç ´Ë_·½_ÃÉ_ÔÃ_ÄÉ_¡£ # # Ye shall offer at your own will a male without blemish, of the # beeves, of the sheep, or of the goats. # # unit P LEV:22:20 ·²_ÓÐ_²Ð_¼²_µÄ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_²»_¿É_Ï×_ÉÏ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Õâ_²»_ÃÉ_ÔÃ_ÄÉ_¡£ # # But whatsoever hath a blemish, that shall ye not offer: for it shall # not be acceptable for you. # # unit P LEV:22:21 ·²_´Ó_Å£_Ⱥ_»ò_ÊÇ_Ñò_Ⱥ_ÖÐ_£¬_½«_ƽ_°²_¼À_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_Ϊ_Òª_»¹ ÌØ_Ðí_µÄ_Ô¸_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_×÷_¸Ê_ÐÄ_Ï×_µÄ_£¬_Ëù_Ï×_µÄ_±Ø_´¿_È«_ÎÞ_²Ð_¼²_µÄ ²Å_ÃÉ_ÔÃ_ÄÉ_¡£ # # And whosoever offereth a sacrifice of peace offerings unto the LORD # to accomplish his vow, or a freewill offering in beeves or sheep, it # shall be perfect to be accepted; there shall be no blemish therein. # # unit P LEV:22:22 Ϲ_ÑÛ_µÄ_£¬_ÕÛ_ÉË_µÄ_£¬_²Ð_·Ï_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_Áö_×Ó_µÄ_£¬_³¤_Ñ¢_µÄ_£¬_³¤_½ê µÄ_¶¼_²»_¿É_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ_×÷_Ϊ_»ð_¼À_Ï×_¸ø_Ò® ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # Blind, or broken, or maimed, or having a wen, or scurvy, or scabbed, # ye shall not offer these unto the LORD, nor make an offering by fire # of them upon the altar unto the LORD. # # unit P LEV:22:23 ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_¹«_Å£_ÊÇ_Ãà_Ñò_¸á_£¬_Èô_Ö«_Ìå_ÓÐ_Óà_µÄ_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_ȱ_ÉÙ_µÄ_£¬ Ö»_¿É_×÷_¸Ê_ÐÄ_¼À_Ï×_ÉÏ_£¬_ÓÃ_ÒÔ_»¹_Ô¸_£¬_È´_²»_ÃÉ_ÔÃ_ÄÉ_¡£ # # Either a bullock or a lamb that hath any thing superfluous or # lacking in his parts, that mayest thou offer for a freewill # offering; but for a vow it shall not be accepted. # # unit P LEV:22:24 Éö_×Ó_Ëð_ÉË_µÄ_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_ѹ_Ëé_µÄ_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_ÆÆ_ÁÑ_µÄ_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_æó_ÁË_µÄ £¬_²»_¿É_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_µØ_ÉÏ_Ò²_²»_¿É_Õâ_Ñù_ÐÐ_¡£ # # Ye shall not offer unto the LORD that which is bruised, or crushed, # or broken, or cut; neither shall ye make any offering thereof in # your land. # # unit P LEV:22:25 Õâ_Àà_µÄ_Îï_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_´Ó_Íâ_ÈË_µÄ_ÊÖ_£¬_Ò»_Ñù_Ò²_²»_¿É_½Ó_ÊÜ_×÷_Äã_ÃÇ Éñ_µÄ_ʳ_Îï_Ï×_ÉÏ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Õâ_Щ_¶¼_ÓÐ_Ëð_»µ_£¬_ÓÐ_²Ð_¼²_£¬_²»_ÃÉ_Ôà ÄÉ_¡£ # # Neither from a stranger's hand shall ye offer the bread of your God # of any of these; because their corruption is in them, and blemishes # be in them: they shall not be accepted for you. # # unit P LEV:22:26 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P LEV:22:27 ²Å_Éú_µÄ_¹«_Å£_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_Ãà_Ñò_»ò_ÊÇ_ɽ_Ñò_£¬_Æß_Ìì_µ±_¸ú_×Å_ĸ_£¬_´Ó µÚ_°Ë_Ìì_ÒÔ_ºó_£¬_¿É_ÒÔ_µ±_¹©_Îï_ÃÉ_ÔÃ_ÄÉ_£¬_×÷_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_»ð_¼À ¡£ # # When a bullock, or a sheep, or a goat, is brought forth, then it # shall be seven days under the dam; and from the eighth day and # thenceforth it shall be accepted for an offering made by fire unto # the LORD. # # unit P LEV:22:28 ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_ĸ_Å£_ÊÇ_ĸ_Ñò_£¬_²»_¿É_ͬ_ÈÕ_Ô×_ĸ_ºÍ_×Ó_¡£ # # And whether it be cow or ewe, ye shall not kill it and her young # both in one day. # # unit P LEV:22:29 Äã_ÃÇ_Ï×_¸Ð_л_¼À_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_Òª_Ï×_µÃ_¿É_ÃÉ_ÔÃ_ÄÉ_¡£ # # And when ye will offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving unto the LORD, # offer it at your own will. # # unit P LEV:22:30 Òª_µ±_Ìì_³Ô_£¬_Ò»_µã_²»_¿É_Áô_µ½_Ôç_³¿_¡£_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # On the same day it shall be eaten up; ye shall leave none of it # until the morrow: I am the LORD. # # unit P LEV:22:31 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_½÷_ÊØ_×ñ_ÐÐ_ÎÒ_µÄ_½ë_Ãü_¡£_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # Therefore shall ye keep my commandments, and do them: I am the LORD. # # unit P LEV:22:32 Äã_ÃÇ_²»_¿É_Ùô_äÂ_ÎÒ_µÄ_Ê¥_Ãû_£¬_ÎÒ_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÖÐ_£¬_È´_Òª_±»_×ð Ϊ_Ê¥_¡£_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_½Ð_Äã_ÃÇ_³É_Ê¥_µÄ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬ # # Neither shall ye profane my holy name; but I will be hallowed among # the children of Israel: I am the LORD which hallow you, # # unit P LEV:22:33 °Ñ_Äã_ÃÇ_´Ó_°£_¼°_µØ_Áì_³ö_À´_£¬_×÷_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_¡£_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # That brought you out of the land of Egypt, to be your God: I am the # LORD. # ## # chapter 23 LEV:23 # unit P LEV:23:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P LEV:23:2 Äã_Ïþ_ÚÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_½Ú_ÆÚ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_Ðû_¸æ_Ϊ_Ê¥ »á_µÄ_½Ú_ÆÚ_¡£ # # Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, Concerning the # feasts of the LORD, which ye shall proclaim to be holy convocations, # even these are my feasts. # # unit P LEV:23:3 Áù_ÈÕ_Òª_×÷_¹¤_£¬_µÚ_Æß_ÈÕ_ÊÇ_Ê¥_°²_Ï¢_ÈÕ_£¬_µ±_ÓÐ_Ê¥_»á_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_ʲ ô_¹¤_¶¼_²»_¿É_×÷_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_ס_´¦_Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÊØ_µÄ °²_Ï¢_ÈÕ_¡£ # # Six days shall work be done: but the seventh day is the sabbath of # rest, an holy convocation; ye shall do no work therein: it is the # sabbath of the LORD in all your dwellings. # # unit P LEV:23:4 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_½Ú_ÆÚ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Äã_ÃÇ_µ½_ÁË_ÈÕ_ÆÚ_Òª_Ðû_¸æ_Ϊ_Ê¥_»á_µÄ_£¬ ÄË_ÊÇ_Õâ_Щ_¡£ # # These are the feasts of the LORD, even holy convocations, which ye # shall proclaim in their seasons. # # unit P LEV:23:5 Õý_ÔÂ_Ê®_ËÄ_ÈÕ_£¬_»Æ_»è_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_Óâ_Ô½_½Ú_¡£ # # In the fourteenth day of the first month at even is the LORD's # passover. # # unit P LEV:23:6 Õâ_ÔÂ_Ê®_Îå_ÈÕ_ÊÇ_Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÊØ_µÄ_ÎÞ_½Í_½Ú_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_³Ô_ÎÞ_½Í_±ý Æß_ÈÕ_¡£ # # And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the feast of # unleavened bread unto the LORD: seven days ye must eat unleavened # bread. # # unit P LEV:23:7 µÚ_Ò»_ÈÕ_µ±_ÓÐ_Ê¥_»á_£¬_ʲ_ô_ÀÍ_µ_µÄ_¹¤_¶¼_²»_¿É_×÷_¡£ # # In the first day ye shall have an holy convocation: ye shall do no # servile work therein. # # unit P LEV:23:8 Òª_½«_»ð_¼À_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Æß_ÈÕ_¡£_µÚ_Æß_ÈÕ_ÊÇ_Ê¥_»á_£¬_ʲ_ô_ÀÍ_µ µÄ_¹¤_¶¼_²»_¿É_×÷_¡£ # # But ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD seven # days: in the seventh day is an holy convocation: ye shall do no # servile work therein. # # unit P LEV:23:9 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P LEV:23:10 Äã_Ïþ_ÚÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_µ½_ÁË_ÎÒ_´Í_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_µØ_£¬_ÊÕ_¸î ׯ_¼Ú_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Òª_½«_³õ_Êì_µÄ_ׯ_¼Ú_Ò»_À¦_´ø_¸ø_¼À_˾_¡£ # # Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When ye be # come into the land which I give unto you, and shall reap the harvest # thereof, then ye shall bring a sheaf of the firstfruits of your # harvest unto the priest: # # unit P LEV:23:11 Ëû_Òª_°Ñ_Õâ_Ò»_À¦_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_Ò¡_Ò»_Ò¡_£¬_ʹ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÃ_ÃÉ_ÔÃ_ÄÉ ¡£_¼À_˾_Òª_ÔÚ_°²_Ï¢_ÈÕ_µÄ_´Î_ÈÕ_°Ñ_Õâ_À¦_Ò¡_Ò»_Ò¡_¡£ # # And he shall wave the sheaf before the LORD, to be accepted for you: # on the morrow after the sabbath the priest shall wave it. # # unit P LEV:23:12 Ò¡_Õâ_À¦_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_°Ñ_Ò»_Ëê_û_ÓÐ_²Ð_¼²_µÄ_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_¸á_Ï× ¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_ìÜ_¼À_¡£ # # And ye shall offer that day when ye wave the sheaf an he lamb # without blemish of the first year for a burnt offering unto the # LORD. # # unit P LEV:23:13 ͬ_Ï×_µÄ_ËØ_¼À_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_µ÷_ÓÍ_µÄ_ϸ_Ãæ_ÒÁ_·¨_Ê®_·Ö_Ö®_¶þ_£¬_×÷_Ϊ_Ü° Ïã_µÄ_»ð_¼À_£¬_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£_ͬ_Ï×_µÄ_µì_¼À_£¬_Òª_¾Æ_Ò»_ÐÀ_ËÄ_·Ö Ö®_Ò»_¡£ # # And the meat offering thereof shall be two tenth deals of fine flour # mingled with oil, an offering made by fire unto the LORD for a sweet # savour: and the drink offering thereof shall be of wine, the fourth # part of an hin. # # unit P LEV:23:14 ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_±ý_£¬_ÊÇ_ºæ_µÄ_×Ó_Á£_£¬_ÊÇ_ÐÂ_Ëë_×Ó_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¶¼_²»_¿É_³Ô_£¬ Ö±_µÈ_µ½_°Ñ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ï×_¸ø_Éñ_µÄ_¹©_Îï_´ø_À´_µÄ_ÄÇ_Ò»_Ìì_²Å_¿É_ÒÔ_³Ô_¡£ Õâ_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_ס_´¦_×÷_Ϊ_ÊÀ_ÊÀ_´ú_´ú_ÓÀ_Ô¶_µÄ_¶¨_Àý_¡£ # # And ye shall eat neither bread, nor parched corn, nor green ears, # until the selfsame day that ye have brought an offering unto your # God: it shall be a statute for ever throughout your generations in # all your dwellings. # # unit P LEV:23:15 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_´Ó_°²_Ï¢_ÈÕ_µÄ_´Î_ÈÕ_£¬_Ï×_ºÌ_À¦_Ϊ_Ò¡_¼À_µÄ_ÄÇ_ÈÕ_Ëã_Æð_£¬ Òª_Âú_ÁË_Æß_¸ö_°²_Ï¢_ÈÕ_¡£ # # And ye shall count unto you from the morrow after the sabbath, from # the day that ye brought the sheaf of the wave offering; seven # sabbaths shall be complete: # # unit P LEV:23:16 µ½_µÚ_Æß_¸ö_°²_Ï¢_ÈÕ_µÄ_´Î_ÈÕ_£¬_¹²_¼Æ_Îå_Ê®_Ìì_£¬_ÓÖ_Òª_½«_ÐÂ_ËØ_¼À Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # Even unto the morrow after the seventh sabbath shall ye number fifty # days; and ye shall offer a new meat offering unto the LORD. # # unit P LEV:23:17 Òª_´Ó_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_ס_´¦_È¡_³ö_ϸ_Ãæ_ÒÁ_·¨_Ê®_·Ö_Ö®_¶þ_£¬_¼Ó_½Í_£¬_¿¾_³É Á½_¸ö_Ò¡_¼À_µÄ_±ý_£¬_µ±_×÷_³õ_Êì_Ö®_Îï_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # Ye shall bring out of your habitations two wave loaves of two tenth # deals: they shall be of fine flour; they shall be baken with leaven; # they are the firstfruits unto the LORD. # # unit P LEV:23:18 ÓÖ_Òª_½«_Ò»_Ëê_£¬_û_ÓÐ_²Ð_¼²_µÄ_Ñò_¸á_Æß_Ö»_£¬_¹«_Å£_¶¿_Ò»_Ö»_£¬_¹« Ãà_Ñò_Á½_Ö»_£¬_ºÍ_±ý_Ò»_ͬ_·î_ÉÏ_¡£_Õâ_Щ_Óë_ͬ_Ï×_µÄ_ËØ_¼À_ºÍ_µì_¼À Òª_×÷_Ϊ_ìÜ_¼À_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_×÷_Ü°_Ïã_µÄ_»ð_¼À_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ »ª_¡£ # # And ye shall offer with the bread seven lambs without blemish of the # first year, and one young bullock, and two rams: they shall be for a # burnt offering unto the LORD, with their meat offering, and their # drink offerings, even an offering made by fire, of sweet savour unto # the LORD. # # unit P LEV:23:19 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_Ï×_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_Ϊ_Êê_×ï_¼À_£¬_Á½_Ö»_Ò»_Ëê_µÄ_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_¸á Ϊ_ƽ_°²_¼À_¡£ # # Then ye shall sacrifice one kid of the goats for a sin offering, and # two lambs of the first year for a sacrifice of peace offerings. # # unit P LEV:23:20 ¼À_˾_Òª_°Ñ_Õâ_Щ_ºÍ_³õ_Êì_Âó_×Ó_×÷_µÄ_±ý_Ò»_ͬ_×÷_Ò¡_¼À_£¬_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ »ª_Ãæ_Ç°_Ò¡_Ò»_Ò¡_£¬_Õâ_ÊÇ_Ï×_Óë_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_Ê¥_Îï_¹é_¸ø_¼À_˾_µÄ_¡£ # # And the priest shall wave them with the bread of the firstfruits for # a wave offering before the LORD, with the two lambs: they shall be # holy to the LORD for the priest. # # unit P LEV:23:21 µ±_Õâ_ÈÕ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_Ðû_¸æ_Ê¥_»á_£¬_ʲ_ô_ÀÍ_µ_µÄ_¹¤_¶¼_²»_¿É_×÷_¡£ Õâ_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_ס_´¦_×÷_Ϊ_ÊÀ_ÊÀ_´ú_´ú_ÓÀ_Ô¶_µÄ_¶¨_Àý_¡£ # # And ye shall proclaim on the selfsame day, that it may be an holy # convocation unto you: ye shall do no servile work therein: it shall # be a statute for ever in all your dwellings throughout your # generations. # # unit P LEV:23:22 ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_µØ_ÊÕ_¸î_ׯ_¼Ú_£¬_²»_¿É_¸î_¾¡_Ìï_½Ç_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_Ê°_È¡_Ëù ÒÅ_Âä_µÄ_£¬_Òª_Áô_¸ø_Çî_ÈË_ºÍ_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_¡£_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ ¡£ # # And when ye reap the harvest of your land, thou shalt not make clean # riddance of the corners of thy field when thou reapest, neither # shalt thou gather any gleaning of thy harvest: thou shalt leave them # unto the poor, and to the stranger: I am the LORD your God. # # unit P LEV:23:23 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P LEV:23:24 Äã_Ïþ_ÚÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_˵_£¬_Æß_ÔÂ_³õ_Ò»_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_ÊØ_Ϊ_Ê¥_°²_Ï¢_ÈÕ £¬_Òª_´µ_½Ç_×÷_¼Í_Äî_£¬_µ±_ÓÐ_Ê¥_»á_¡£ # # Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, In the seventh month, in # the first day of the month, shall ye have a sabbath, a memorial of # blowing of trumpets, an holy convocation. # # unit P LEV:23:25 ʲ_ô_ÀÍ_µ_µÄ_¹¤_¶¼_²»_¿É_×÷_£¬_Òª_½«_»ð_¼À_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # Ye shall do no servile work therein: but ye shall offer an offering # made by fire unto the LORD. # # unit P LEV:23:26 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P LEV:23:27 Æß_ÔÂ_³õ_Ê®_ÊÇ_Êê_×ï_ÈÕ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_ÊØ_Ϊ_Ê¥_»á_£¬_²¢_Òª_¿Ì_¿à_¼º_ÐÄ £¬_Ò²_Òª_½«_»ð_¼À_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # Also on the tenth day of this seventh month there shall be a day of # atonement: it shall be an holy convocation unto you; and ye shall # afflict your souls, and offer an offering made by fire unto the # LORD. # # unit P LEV:23:28 µ±_Õâ_ÈÕ_£¬_ʲ_ô_¹¤_¶¼_²»_¿É_×÷_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÊÇ_Êê_×ï_ÈÕ_£¬_Òª_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ »ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_Ãæ_Ç°_Êê_×ï_¡£ # # And ye shall do no work in that same day: for it is a day of # atonement, to make an atonement for you before the LORD your God. # # unit P LEV:23:29 µ±_Õâ_ÈÕ_£¬_·²_²»_¿Ì_¿à_¼º_ÐÄ_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_´Ó_Ãñ_ÖÐ_¼ô_³ý_¡£ # # For whatsoever soul it be that shall not be afflicted in that same # day, he shall be cut off from among his people. # # unit P LEV:23:30 ·²_Õâ_ÈÕ_×÷_ʲ_ô_¹¤_µÄ_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_½«_Ëû_´Ó_Ãñ_ÖÐ_³ý_Ãð_¡£ # # And whatsoever soul it be that doeth any work in that same day, the # same soul will I destroy from among his people. # # unit P LEV:23:31 Äã_ÃÇ_ʲ_ô_¹¤_¶¼_²»_¿É_×÷_¡£_Õâ_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_ס_´¦_×÷_Ϊ_ÊÀ_ÊÀ ´ú_´ú_ÓÀ_Ô¶_µÄ_¶¨_Àý_¡£ # # Ye shall do no manner of work: it shall be a statute for ever # throughout your generations in all your dwellings. # # unit P LEV:23:32 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_ÊØ_Õâ_ÈÕ_Ϊ_Ê¥_°²_Ï¢_ÈÕ_£¬_²¢_Òª_¿Ì_¿à_¼º_ÐÄ_¡£_´Ó_Õâ_ÔÂ_³õ ¾Å_ÈÕ_Íí_ÉÏ_µ½_´Î_ÈÕ_Íí_ÉÏ_£¬_Òª_ÊØ_Ϊ_°²_Ï¢_ÈÕ_¡£ # # It shall be unto you a sabbath of rest, and ye shall afflict your # souls: in the ninth day of the month at even, from even unto even, # shall ye celebrate your sabbath. # # unit P LEV:23:33 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P LEV:23:34 Äã_Ïþ_ÚÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_˵_£¬_Õâ_Æß_ÔÂ_Ê®_Îå_ÈÕ_ÊÇ_ס_Åï_½Ú_£¬_Òª_ÔÚ_Ò® ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_ÊØ_Õâ_½Ú_Æß_ÈÕ_¡£ # # Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, The fifteenth day of this # seventh month shall be the feast of tabernacles for seven days unto # the LORD. # # unit P LEV:23:35 µÚ_Ò»_ÈÕ_µ±_ÓÐ_Ê¥_»á_£¬_ʲ_ô_ÀÍ_µ_µÄ_¹¤_¶¼_²»_¿É_×÷_¡£ # # On the first day shall be an holy convocation: ye shall do no # servile work therein. # # unit P LEV:23:36 Æß_ÈÕ_ÄÚ_Òª_½«_»ð_¼À_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£_µÚ_°Ë_ÈÕ_µ±_ÊØ_Ê¥_»á_£¬_Òª_½« »ð_¼À_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_ÑÏ_Ëà_»á_£¬_ʲ_ô_ÀÍ_µ_µÄ_¹¤_¶¼_²»_¿É ×÷_¡£ # # Seven days ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD: on # the eighth day shall be an holy convocation unto you; and ye shall # offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD: it is a solemn # assembly; and ye shall do no servile work therein. # # unit P LEV:23:37 Õâ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_½Ú_ÆÚ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_Ðû_¸æ_Ϊ_Ê¥_»á_µÄ_½Ú_ÆÚ_£¬ Òª_½«_»ð_¼À_£¬_ìÜ_¼À_£¬_ËØ_¼À_£¬_¼À_Îï_£¬_²¢_µì_¼À_£¬_¸÷_¹é_¸÷_ÈÕ_£¬ Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # These are the feasts of the LORD, which ye shall proclaim to be holy # convocations, to offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD, a # burnt offering, and a meat offering, a sacrifice, and drink # offerings, every thing upon his day: # # unit P LEV:23:38 Õâ_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_°²_Ï¢_ÈÕ_ÒÔ_Íâ_£¬_ÓÖ_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_¹©_Îï_ºÍ_Ëù_Ðí µÄ_Ô¸_£¬_²¢_¸Ê_ÐÄ_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_ÒÔ_Íâ_¡£ # # Beside the sabbaths of the LORD, and beside your gifts, and beside # all your vows, and beside all your freewill offerings, which ye give # unto the LORD. # # unit P LEV:23:39 Äã_ÃÇ_ÊÕ_²Ø_ÁË_µØ_µÄ_³ö_²ú_£¬_¾Í_´Ó_Æß_ÔÂ_Ê®_Îå_ÈÕ_Æð_£¬_Òª_ÊØ_Ò®_ºÍ »ª_µÄ_½Ú_Æß_ÈÕ_¡£_µÚ_Ò»_ÈÕ_Ϊ_Ê¥_°²_Ï¢_£¬_µÚ_°Ë_ÈÕ_Ò²_Ϊ_Ê¥_°²_Ï¢_¡£ # # Also in the fifteenth day of the seventh month, when ye have # gathered in the fruit of the land, ye shall keep a feast unto the # LORD seven days: on the first day shall be a sabbath, and on the # eighth day shall be a sabbath. # # unit P LEV:23:40 µÚ_Ò»_ÈÕ_Òª_ÄÃ_ÃÀ_ºÃ_Ê÷_ÉÏ_µÄ_¹û_×Ó_ºÍ_×Ø_Ê÷_ÉÏ_µÄ_Ö¦_×Ó_£¬_Óë_ï_ÃÜ Ê÷_µÄ_Ö¦_Ìõ_²¢_ºÓ_ÅÔ_µÄ_Áø_Ö¦_£¬_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_Ãæ_Ç°_»¶_ÀÖ Æß_ÈÕ_¡£ # # And ye shall take you on the first day the boughs of goodly trees, # branches of palm trees, and the boughs of thick trees, and willows # of the brook; and ye shall rejoice before the LORD your God seven # days. # # unit P LEV:23:41 ÿ_Äê_Æß_ÔÂ_¼ä_£¬_Òª_Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÊØ_Õâ_½Ú_Æß_ÈÕ_¡£_Õâ_Ϊ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÊÀ_ÊÀ ´ú_´ú_ÓÀ_Ô¶_µÄ_¶¨_Àý_¡£ # # And ye shall keep it a feast unto the LORD seven days in the year. # It shall be a statute for ever in your generations: ye shall # celebrate it in the seventh month. # # unit P LEV:23:42 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_ס_ÔÚ_Åï_Àï_Æß_ÈÕ_£¬_·²_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_¼Ò_µÄ_ÈË_¶¼_Òª_ס_ÔÚ_Åï_Àï £¬ # # Ye shall dwell in booths seven days; all that are Israelites born # shall dwell in booths: # # unit P LEV:23:43 ºÃ_½Ð_Äã_ÃÇ_ÊÀ_ÊÀ_´ú_´ú_Öª_µÀ_£¬_ÎÒ_Áì_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_³ö_°£_¼°_µØ_µÄ_ʱ ºò_Ôø_ʹ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ס_ÔÚ_Åï_Àï_¡£_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # That your generations may know that I made the children of Israel to # dwell in booths, when I brought them out of the land of Egypt: I am # the LORD your God. # # unit P LEV:23:44 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_£¬_Ħ_Î÷_½«_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_½Ú_ÆÚ_´«_¸ø_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_¡£ # # And Moses declared unto the children of Israel the feasts of the # LORD. # ## # chapter 24 LEV:24 # unit P LEV:24:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P LEV:24:2 Òª_·Ô_¸À_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_£¬_°Ñ_ÄÇ_Ϊ_µã_µÆ_µ·_³É_µÄ_Çå_éÏ_é­_ÓÍ_ÄÃ_À´_¸ø Äã_£¬_ʹ_µÆ_³£_³£_µã_×Å_¡£ # # Command the children of Israel, that they bring unto thee pure oil # olive beaten for the light, to cause the lamps to burn continually. # # unit P LEV:24:3 ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_ÖÐ_·¨_¹ñ_µÄ_á£_×Ó_Íâ_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_´Ó_Íí_ÉÏ_µ½_Ôç_³¿_±Ø_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ »ª_Ãæ_Ç°_¾­_Àí_Õâ_µÆ_¡£_Õâ_Òª_×÷_Äã_ÃÇ_ÊÀ_ÊÀ_´ú_´ú_ÓÀ_Ô¶_µÄ_¶¨_Àý_¡£ # # Without the vail of the testimony, in the tabernacle of the # congregation, shall Aaron order it from the evening unto the morning # before the LORD continually: it shall be a statute for ever in your # generations. # # unit P LEV:24:4 Ëû_Òª_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_³£_ÊÕ_Ê°_¾«_½ð_µÆ_̨_ÉÏ_µÄ_µÆ_¡£ # # He shall order the lamps upon the pure candlestick before the LORD # continually. # # unit P LEV:24:5 Äã_Òª_È¡_ϸ_Ãæ_£¬_¿¾_³É_Ê®_¶þ_¸ö_±ý_£¬_ÿ_±ý_ÓÃ_Ãæ_ÒÁ_·¨_Ê®_·Ö_Ö®_¶þ ¡£ # # And thou shalt take fine flour, and bake twelve cakes thereof: two # tenth deals shall be in one cake. # # unit P LEV:24:6 Òª_°Ñ_±ý_°Ú_ÁÐ_Á½_ÐÐ_£¨_ÐÐ_»ò_×÷_Þû_ÏÂ_ͬ_£©_£¬_ÿ_ÐÐ_Áù_¸ö_£¬_ÔÚ_Ò® ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_¾«_½ð_µÄ_×À_×Ó_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And thou shalt set them in two rows, six on a row, upon the pure # table before the LORD. # # unit P LEV:24:7 ÓÖ_Òª_°Ñ_¾»_Èé_Ïã_·Å_ÔÚ_ÿ_ÐÐ_±ý_ÉÏ_£¬_×÷_Ϊ_¼Í_Äî_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_×÷_Ϊ_»ð ¼À_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # And thou shalt put pure frankincense upon each row, that it may be # on the bread for a memorial, even an offering made by fire unto the # LORD. # # unit P LEV:24:8 ÿ_°²_Ï¢_ÈÕ_Òª_³£_°Ú_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_Õâ_Ϊ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_×÷_ÓÀ_Ô¶ µÄ_Ô¼_¡£ # # Every sabbath he shall set it in order before the LORD continually, # being taken from the children of Israel by an everlasting covenant. # # unit P LEV:24:9 Õâ_±ý_ÊÇ_Òª_¸ø_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_×Ó_Ëï_µÄ_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_Òª_ÔÚ_Ê¥_´¦_³Ô_£¬_Ϊ_ÓÀ Ô¶_µÄ_¶¨_Àý_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÔÚ_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_»ð_¼À_ÖÐ_ÊÇ_ÖÁ_Ê¥_µÄ_¡£ # # And it shall be Aaron's and his sons'; and they shall eat it in the # holy place: for it is most holy unto him of the offerings of the # LORD made by fire by a perpetual statute. # # unit P LEV:24:10 ÓÐ_Ò»_¸ö_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_¸¾_ÈË_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_ÊÇ_°£_¼°_ÈË_£¬_Ò»_ÈÕ_ÏÐ ÓÎ_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÖÐ_¡£_Õâ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_¸¾_ÈË_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ºÍ_Ò»_¸ö_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ ÈË_ÔÚ_Óª_Àï_Õù_¶·_¡£ # # And the son of an Israelitish woman, whose father was an Egyptian, # went out among the children of Israel: and this son of the # Israelitish woman and a man of Israel strove together in the camp; # # unit P LEV:24:11 Õâ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_¸¾_ÈË_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_Ùô_äÂ_ÁË_Ê¥_Ãû_£¬_²¢_ÇÒ_Öä_×ç_£¬_¾Í_ÓÐ_ÈË °Ñ_Ëû_ËÍ_µ½_Ħ_Î÷_ÄÇ_Àï_¡£_£¨_Ëû_ĸ_Ç×_Ãû_½Ð_ʾ_ÂÞ_ÃÜ_£¬_ÊÇ_µ«_Ö§_ÅÉ µ×_²®_Àû_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_£©_¡£ # # And the Israelitish woman's son blasphemed the name of the Lord, and # cursed. And they brought him unto Moses: (and his mother's name was # Shelomith, the daughter of Dibri, of the tribe of Dan:) # # unit P LEV:24:12 Ëû_ÃÇ_°Ñ_ÄÇ_ÈË_ÊÕ_ÔÚ_¼à_Àï_£¬_Òª_µÃ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_Ö¸_ʾ_µÄ_»°_¡£ # # And they put him in ward, that the mind of the LORD might be shewed # them. # # unit P LEV:24:13 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P LEV:24:14 °Ñ_ÄÇ_Öä_×ç_Ê¥_Ãû_µÄ_ÈË_´ø_µ½_Óª_Íâ_¡£_½Ð_Ìý_¼û_µÄ_ÈË_¶¼_·Å_ÊÖ_ÔÚ_Ëû Í·_ÉÏ_£¬_È«_»á_ÖÚ_¾Í_Òª_ÓÃ_ʯ_Í·_´ò_ËÀ_Ëû_¡£ # # Bring forth him that hath cursed without the camp; and let all that # heard him lay their hands upon his head, and let all the # congregation stone him. # # unit P LEV:24:15 Äã_Òª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_˵_£¬_·²_Öä_×ç_Éñ_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_µ£_µ±_Ëû_µÄ_×ï_¡£ # # And thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel, saying, Whosoever # curseth his God shall bear his sin. # # unit P LEV:24:16 ÄÇ_Ùô_äÂ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãû_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_±»_ÖÎ_ËÀ_£¬_È«_»á_ÖÚ_×Ü_Òª_ÓÃ_ʯ_Í·_´ò ËÀ_Ëû_¡£_²»_¹Ü_ÊÇ_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_ÊÇ_±¾_µØ_ÈË_£¬_Ëû_Ùô_äÂ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãû_µÄ_ʱ ºò_£¬_±Ø_±»_ÖÎ_ËÀ_¡£ # # And he that blasphemeth the name of the LORD, he shall surely be put # to death, and all the congregation shall certainly stone him: as # well the stranger, as he that is born in the land, when he # blasphemeth the name of the Lord, shall be put to death. # # unit P LEV:24:17 ´ò_ËÀ_ÈË_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_±»_ÖÎ_ËÀ_¡£ # # And he that killeth any man shall surely be put to death. # # unit P LEV:24:18 ´ò_ËÀ_Éü_Ðó_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_Åâ_ÉÏ_Éü_Ðó_£¬_ÒÔ_Ãü_³¥_Ãü_¡£ # # And he that killeth a beast shall make it good; beast for beast. # # unit P LEV:24:19 ÈË_Èô_ʹ_Ëû_ÁÚ_Éá_µÄ_Éí_Ìå_ÓÐ_²Ð_¼²_£¬_Ëû_Ôõ_Ñù_ÐÐ_£¬_Ò²_Òª_ÕÕ_Ñù_Ïò Ëû_ÐÐ_£¬ # # And if a man cause a blemish in his neighbour; as he hath done, so # shall it be done to him; # # unit P LEV:24:20 ÒÔ_ÉË_»¹_ÉË_£¬_ÒÔ_ÑÛ_»¹_ÑÛ_£¬_ÒÔ_ÑÀ_»¹_ÑÀ_¡£_Ëû_Ôõ_Ñù_½Ð_ÈË_µÄ_Éí_Ìå ÓÐ_²Ð_¼²_£¬_Ò²_Òª_ÕÕ_Ñù_Ïò_Ëû_ÐÐ_¡£ # # Breach for breach, eye for eye, tooth for tooth: as he hath caused a # blemish in a man, so shall it be done to him again. # # unit P LEV:24:21 ´ò_ËÀ_Éü_Ðó_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_Åâ_ÉÏ_Éü_Ðó_£¬_´ò_ËÀ_ÈË_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_±»_ÖÎ_ËÀ_¡£ # # And he that killeth a beast, he shall restore it: and he that # killeth a man, he shall be put to death. # # unit P LEV:24:22 ²»_¹Ü_ÊÇ_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_ÊÇ_±¾_µØ_ÈË_£¬_ͬ_¹é_Ò»_Àý_¡£_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # Ye shall have one manner of law, as well for the stranger, as for # one of your own country: for I am the LORD your God. # # unit P LEV:24:23 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_£¬_Ħ_Î÷_Ïþ_ÚÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_°Ñ_ÄÇ_Öä_×ç_Ê¥_Ãû_µÄ_ÈË ´ø_µ½_Óª_Íâ_£¬_ÓÃ_ʯ_Í·_´ò_ËÀ_¡£_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_¾Í_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_ÐÐ_ÁË_¡£ # # And Moses spake to the children of Israel, that they should bring # forth him that had cursed out of the camp, and stone him with # stones. And the children of Israel did as the LORD commanded Moses. # ## # chapter 25 LEV:25 # unit P LEV:25:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÔÚ_Î÷_ÄË_ɽ_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses in mount Sinai, saying, # # unit P LEV:25:2 Äã_Ïþ_ÚÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_µ½_ÁË_ÎÒ_Ëù_´Í_Äã_ÃÇ_ÄÇ_µØ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò £¬_µØ_¾Í_Òª_Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÊØ_°²_Ï¢_¡£ # # Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When ye come # into the land which I give you, then shall the land keep a sabbath # unto the LORD. # # unit P LEV:25:3 Áù_Äê_Òª_¸û_ÖÖ_Ìï_µØ_£¬_Ò²_Òª_ÐÞ_Àí_ÆÏ_ÌÑ_Ô°_£¬_ÊÕ_²Ø_µØ_µÄ_³ö_²ú_¡£ # # Six years thou shalt sow thy field, and six years thou shalt prune # thy vineyard, and gather in the fruit thereof; # # unit P LEV:25:4 µÚ_Æß_Äê_£¬_µØ_Òª_ÊØ_Ê¥_°²_Ï¢_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÊØ_µÄ_°²_Ï¢_£¬_²» ¿É_¸û_ÖÖ_Ìï_µØ_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_ÐÞ_Àí_ÆÏ_ÌÑ_Ô°_¡£ # # But in the seventh year shall be a sabbath of rest unto the land, a # sabbath for the LORD: thou shalt neither sow thy field, nor prune # thy vineyard. # # unit P LEV:25:5 ÒÅ_Âä_×Ô_³¤_µÄ_ׯ_¼Ú_²»_¿É_ÊÕ_¸î_£¬_û_ÓÐ_ÐÞ_Àí_µÄ_ÆÏ_ÌÑ_Ê÷_Ò²_²»_¿É Õª_È¡_ÆÏ_ÌÑ_¡£_Õâ_Äê_£¬_µØ_Òª_ÊØ_Ê¥_°²_Ï¢_¡£ # # That which groweth of its own accord of thy harvest thou shalt not # reap, neither gather the grapes of thy vine undressed: for it is a # year of rest unto the land. # # unit P LEV:25:6 µØ_ÔÚ_°²_Ï¢_Äê_Ëù_³ö_µÄ_£¬_Òª_¸ø_Äã_ºÍ_Äã_µÄ_ÆÍ_ÈË_£¬_æ¾_Å®_£¬_¹Í_¹¤ ÈË_£¬_²¢_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_Íâ_ÈË_µ±_ʳ_Îï_¡£ # # And the sabbath of the land shall be meat for you; for thee, and for # thy servant, and for thy maid, and for thy hired servant, and for # thy stranger that sojourneth with thee, # # unit P LEV:25:7 Õâ_Äê_µÄ_ÍÁ_²ú_Ò²_Òª_¸ø_Äã_µÄ_Éü_Ðó_ºÍ_Äã_µØ_ÉÏ_µÄ_×ß_ÊÞ_µ±_ʳ_Îï_¡£ # # And for thy cattle, and for the beast that are in thy land, shall # all the increase thereof be meat. # # unit P LEV:25:8 Äã_Òª_¼Æ_Ëã_Æß_¸ö_°²_Ï¢_Äê_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Æß_Æß_Äê_¡£_Õâ_±ã_Ϊ_Äã_³É_ÁË_Æß ¸ö_°²_Ï¢_Äê_£¬_¹²_ÊÇ_ËÄ_Ê®_¾Å_Äê_¡£ # # And thou shalt number seven sabbaths of years unto thee, seven times # seven years; and the space of the seven sabbaths of years shall be # unto thee forty and nine years. # # unit P LEV:25:9 µ±_Äê_Æß_ÔÂ_³õ_Ê®_ÈÕ_£¬_Äã_Òª_´ó_·¢_½Ç_Éù_£¬_Õâ_ÈÕ_¾Í_ÊÇ_Êê_×ï_ÈÕ_£¬ Òª_ÔÚ_±é_µØ_·¢_³ö_½Ç_Éù_¡£ # # Then shalt thou cause the trumpet of the jubile to sound on the # tenth day of the seventh month, in the day of atonement shall ye # make the trumpet sound throughout all your land. # # unit P LEV:25:10 µÚ_Îå_Ê®_Äê_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_µ±_×÷_Ê¥_Äê_£¬_ÔÚ_±é_µØ_¸ø_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_¾Ó_Ãñ_Ðû ¸æ_×Ô_ÓÉ_¡£_Õâ_Äê_±Ø_Ϊ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_ìû_Äê_£¬_¸÷_ÈË_Òª_¹é_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_²ú_Òµ £¬_¸÷_¹é_±¾_¼Ò_¡£ # # And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty # throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof: it shall # be a jubile unto you; and ye shall return every man unto his # possession, and ye shall return every man unto his family. # # unit P LEV:25:11 µÚ_Îå_Ê®_Äê_Òª_×÷_Ϊ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_ìû_Äê_¡£_Õâ_Äê_²»_¿É_¸û_ÖÖ_£¬_µØ_ÖÐ_×Ô ³¤_µÄ_£¬_²»_¿É_ÊÕ_¸î_£¬_û_ÓÐ_ÐÞ_Àí_µÄ_ÆÏ_ÌÑ_Ê÷_Ò²_²»_¿É_Õª_È¡_ÆÏ_ÌÑ ¡£ # # A jubile shall that fiftieth year be unto you: ye shall not sow, # neither reap that which groweth of itself in it, nor gather the # grapes in it of thy vine undressed. # # unit P LEV:25:12 Òò_Ϊ_Õâ_ÊÇ_ìû_Äê_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_µ±_×÷_Ê¥_Äê_£¬_³Ô_µØ_ÖÐ_×Ô_³ö_µÄ_ÍÁ_²ú ¡£ # # For it is the jubile; it shall be holy unto you: ye shall eat the # increase thereof out of the field. # # unit P LEV:25:13 Õâ_ìû_Äê_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¸÷_ÈË_Òª_¹é_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_µØ_Òµ_¡£ # # In the year of this jubile ye shall return every man unto his # possession. # # unit P LEV:25:14 Äã_Èô_Âô_ʲ_ô_¸ø_ÁÚ_Éá_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_´Ó_ÁÚ_Éá_µÄ_ÊÖ_ÖÐ_Âò_ʲ_ô_£¬_±Ë_´Ë ²»_¿É_¿÷_¸º_¡£ # # And if thou sell ought unto thy neighbour, or buyest ought of thy # neighbour's hand, ye shall not oppress one another: # # unit P LEV:25:15 Äã_Òª_°´_ìû_Äê_ÒÔ_ºó_µÄ_Äê_Êý_Ïò_ÁÚ_Éá_Âò_£¬_Ëû_Ò²_Òª_°´_Äê_Êý_µÄ_ÊÕ ³É_Âô_¸ø_Äã_¡£ # # According to the number of years after the jubile thou shalt buy of # thy neighbour, and according unto the number of years of the fruits # he shall sell unto thee: # # unit P LEV:25:16 Äê_Ëê_Èô_¶à_£¬_Òª_ÕÕ_Êý_¼Ó_Ìí_¼Û_Öµ_£¬_Äê_Ëê_Èô_ÉÙ_£¬_Òª_ÕÕ_Êý_¼õ_È¥ ¼Û_Öµ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_ÕÕ_ÊÕ_³É_µÄ_Êý_Ä¿_Âô_¸ø_Äã_¡£ # # According to the multitude of years thou shalt increase the price # thereof, and according to the fewness of years thou shalt diminish # the price of it: for according to the number of the years of the # fruits doth he sell unto thee. # # unit P LEV:25:17 Äã_ÃÇ_±Ë_´Ë_²»_¿É_¿÷_¸º_£¬_Ö»_Òª_¾´_η_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò® ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # Ye shall not therefore oppress one another; but thou shalt fear thy # God:for I am the LORD your God. # # unit P LEV:25:18 ÎÒ_µÄ_ÂÉ_Àý_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_×ñ_ÐÐ_£¬_ÎÒ_µÄ_µä_ÕÂ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_½÷_ÊØ_£¬_¾Í ¿É_ÒÔ_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_µØ_ÉÏ_°²_È»_¾Ó_ס_¡£ # # Wherefore ye shall do my statutes, and keep my judgments, and do # them; and ye shall dwell in the land in safety. # # unit P LEV:25:19 µØ_±Ø_³ö_ÍÁ_²ú_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¾Í_Òª_³Ô_±¥_£¬_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_µØ_ÉÏ_°²_È»_¾Ó_ס_¡£ # # And the land shall yield her fruit, and ye shall eat your fill, and # dwell therein in safety. # # unit P LEV:25:20 Äã_ÃÇ_Èô_˵_£¬_Õâ_µÚ_Æß_Äê_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_²»_¸û_ÖÖ_£¬_Ò²_²»_ÊÕ_²Ø_ÍÁ_²ú_£¬_³Ô ʲ_ô_ÄØ_£¿ # # And if ye shall say, What shall we eat the seventh year? behold, we # shall not sow, nor gather in our increase: # # unit P LEV:25:21 ÎÒ_±Ø_ÔÚ_µÚ_Áù_Äê_½«_ÎÒ_Ëù_Ãü_µÄ_¸£_´Í_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_µØ_±ã_Éú_Èý_Äê_µÄ ÍÁ_²ú_¡£ # # Then I will command my blessing upon you in the sixth year, and it # shall bring forth fruit for three years. # # unit P LEV:25:22 µÚ_°Ë_Äê_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_¸û_ÖÖ_£¬_Ò²_Òª_³Ô_³Â_Á¸_£¬_µÈ_µ½_µÚ_¾Å_Äê_³ö_²ú ÊÕ_À´_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_»¹_³Ô_³Â_Á¸_¡£ # # And ye shall sow the eighth year, and eat yet of old fruit until the # ninth year; until her fruits come in ye shall eat of the old store. # # unit P LEV:25:23 µØ_²»_¿É_ÓÀ_Âô_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_µØ_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_µÄ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_Ãæ_Ç°_ÊÇ_¿Í_ÂÃ_£¬ ÊÇ_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_¡£ # # The land shall not be sold for ever: for the land is mine; for ye # are strangers and sojourners with me. # # unit P LEV:25:24 ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ëù_µÃ_Ϊ_Òµ_µÄ_È«_µØ_£¬_Ò²_Òª_×¼_ÈË_½«_µØ_Êê_»Ø_¡£ # # And in all the land of your possession ye shall grant a redemption # for the land. # # unit P LEV:25:25 Äã_µÄ_µÜ_ÐÖ_£¨_µÜ_ÐÖ_Ö¸_±¾_¹ú_ÈË_˵_ÏÂ_ͬ_£©_Èô_½¥_½¥_Çî_·¦_£¬_Âô_ÁË ¼¸_·Ö_µØ_Òµ_£¬_Ëû_ÖÁ_½ü_µÄ_Ç×_Êô_¾Í_Òª_À´_°Ñ_µÜ_ÐÖ_Ëù_Âô_µÄ_Êê_»Ø_¡£ # # If thy brother be waxen poor, and hath sold away some of his # possession, and if any of his kin come to redeem it, then shall he # redeem that which his brother sold. # # unit P LEV:25:26 Èô_û_ÓÐ_ÄÜ_¸ø_Ëû_Êê_»Ø_µÄ_£¬_Ëû_×Ô_¼º_½¥_½¥_¸»_×ã_£¬_ÄÜ_¹»_Êê_»Ø_£¬ # # And if the man have none to redeem it, and himself be able to redeem # it; # # unit P LEV:25:27 ¾Í_Òª_Ëã_³ö_Âô_µØ_µÄ_Äê_Êý_£¬_°Ñ_Óà_Ê£_Äê_Êý_µÄ_¼Û_Öµ_»¹_ÄÇ_Âò_Ö÷_£¬ ×Ô_¼º_±ã_¹é_»Ø_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_µØ_Òµ_¡£ # # Then let him count the years of the sale thereof, and restore the # overplus unto the man to whom he sold it; that he may return unto # his possession. # # unit P LEV:25:28 ÌÈ_Èô_²»_ÄÜ_Ϊ_×Ô_¼º_µÃ_»Ø_Ëù_Âô_µÄ_£¬_ÈÔ_Òª_´æ_ÔÚ_Âò_Ö÷_µÄ_ÊÖ_Àï_Ö± µ½_ìû_Äê_£¬_µ½_ÁË_ìû_Äê_£¬_µØ_Òµ_Òª_³ö_Âò_Ö÷_µÄ_ÊÖ_£¬_×Ô_¼º_±ã_¹é_»Ø ×Ô_¼º_µÄ_µØ_Òµ_¡£ # # But if he be not able to restore it to him, then that which is sold # shall remain in the hand of him that hath bought it until the year # of jubile: and in the jubile it shall go out, and he shall return # unto his possession. # # unit P LEV:25:29 ÈË_Èô_Âô_³Ç_ÄÚ_µÄ_ס_Õ¬_£¬_Âô_ÁË_ÒÔ_ºó_£¬_Ò»_Äê_Ö®_ÄÚ_¿É_ÒÔ_Êê_»Ø_£¬ ÔÚ_Ò»_Õû_Äê_£¬_±Ø_ÓÐ_Êê_»Ø_µÄ_Ȩ_±ú_¡£ # # And if a man sell a dwelling house in a walled city, then he may # redeem it within a whole year after it is sold; within a full year # may he redeem it. # # unit P LEV:25:30 Èô_ÔÚ_Ò»_Õû_Äê_Ö®_ÄÚ_²»_Êê_»Ø_£¬_Õâ_³Ç_ÄÚ_µÄ_·¿_ÎÝ_¾Í_¶¨_×¼_ÓÀ_¹é_Âò Ö÷_£¬_ÊÀ_ÊÀ_´ú_´ú_Ϊ_Òµ_£¬_ÔÚ_ìû_Äê_Ò²_²»_µÃ_³ö_Âò_Ö÷_µÄ_ÊÖ_¡£ # # And if it be not redeemed within the space of a full year, then the # house that is in the walled city shall be established for ever to # him that bought it throughout his generations: it shall not go out # in the jubile. # # unit P LEV:25:31 µ«_·¿_ÎÝ_ÔÚ_ÎÞ_³Ç_ǽ_µÄ_´å_ׯ_Àï_£¬_Òª_¿´_Èç_Ïç_ÏÂ_µÄ_Ìï_µØ_Ò»_Ñù_£¬ ¿É_ÒÔ_Êê_»Ø_£¬_µ½_ÁË_ìû_Äê_£¬_¶¼_Òª_³ö_Âò_Ö÷_µÄ_ÊÖ_¡£ # # But the houses of the villages which have no wall round about them # shall be counted as the fields of the country: they may be redeemed, # and they shall go out in the jubile. # # unit P LEV:25:32 È»_¶ø_Àû_δ_ÈË_Ëù_µÃ_Ϊ_Òµ_µÄ_³Ç_ÒØ_£¬_Æä_ÖÐ_µÄ_·¿_ÎÝ_£¬_Àû_δ_ÈË_¿É ÒÔ_Ëæ_ʱ_Êê_»Ø_¡£ # # Notwithstanding the cities of the Levites, and the houses of the # cities of their possession, may the Levites redeem at any time. # # unit P LEV:25:33 Èô_ÊÇ_Ò»_¸ö_Àû_δ_ÈË_²»_½«_Ëù_Âô_µÄ_·¿_ÎÝ_Êê_»Ø_£¬_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_Ëù_µÃ_Ϊ_Òµ µÄ_³Ç_ÄÚ_£¬_µ½_ÁË_ìû_Äê_¾Í_Òª_³ö_Âò_Ö÷_µÄ_ÊÖ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Àû_δ_ÈË_³Ç_ÒØ µÄ_·¿_ÎÝ_ÊÇ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÖÐ_µÄ_²ú_Òµ_¡£ # # And if a man purchase of the Levites, then the house that was sold, # and the city of his possession, shall go out in the year of jubile: # for the houses of the cities of the Levites are their possession # among the children of Israel. # # unit P LEV:25:34 Ö»_ÊÇ_Ëû_ÃÇ_¸÷_³Ç_½¼_Ò°_Ö®_µØ_²»_¿É_Âô_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÊÇ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÓÀ_Ô¶_µÄ_²ú Òµ_¡£ # # But the field of the suburbs of their cities may not be sold; for it # is their perpetual possession. # # unit P LEV:25:35 Äã_µÄ_µÜ_ÐÖ_ÔÚ_Äã_ÄÇ_Àï_Èô_½¥_½¥_ƶ_Çî_£¬_ÊÖ_ÖÐ_ȱ_·¦_£¬_Äã_¾Í_Òª_°ï ²¹_Ëû_£¬_ʹ_Ëû_Óë_Äã_ͬ_ס_£¬_Ïñ_Íâ_ÈË_ºÍ_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_Ò»_Ñù_¡£ # # And if thy brother be waxen poor, and fallen in decay with thee; # then thou shalt relieve him: yea, though he be a stranger, or a # sojourner; that he may live with thee. # # unit P LEV:25:36 ²»_¿É_Ïò_Ëû_È¡_Àû_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_Ïò_Ëû_¶à_Òª_£¬_Ö»_Òª_¾´_η_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_£¬ ʹ_Äã_µÄ_µÜ_ÐÖ_Óë_Äã_ͬ_ס_¡£ # # Take thou no usury of him, or increase: but fear thy God; that thy # brother may live with thee. # # unit P LEV:25:37 Äã_½è_Ç®_¸ø_Ëû_£¬_²»_¿É_Ïò_Ëû_È¡_Àû_£¬_½è_Á¸_¸ø_Ëû_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_Ïò_Ëû ¶à_Òª_¡£ # # Thou shalt not give him thy money upon usury, nor lend him thy # victuals for increase. # # unit P LEV:25:38 ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_Ôø_Áì_Äã_ÃÇ_´Ó_°£_¼°_µØ_³ö_À´_£¬_Ϊ_Òª °Ñ_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ_´Í_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_Òª_×÷_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # I am the LORD your God, which brought you forth out of the land of # Egypt, to give you the land of Canaan, and to be your God. # # unit P LEV:25:39 Äã_µÄ_µÜ_ÐÖ_Èô_ÔÚ_Äã_ÄÇ_Àï_½¥_½¥_Çî_·¦_£¬_½«_×Ô_¼º_Âô_¸ø_Äã_£¬_²»_¿É ½Ð_Ëû_Ïñ_Å«_ÆÍ_·þ_ÊÂ_Äã_¡£ # # And if thy brother that dwelleth by thee be waxen poor, and be sold # unto thee; thou shalt not compel him to serve as a bondservant: # # unit P LEV:25:40 Ëû_Òª_ÔÚ_Äã_ÄÇ_Àï_Ïñ_¹Í_¹¤_ÈË_ºÍ_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_Ò»_Ñù_£¬_Òª_·þ_ÊÂ_Äã_Ö±_µ½ ìû_Äê_¡£ # # But as an hired servant, and as a sojourner, he shall be with thee, # and shall serve thee unto the year of jubile: # # unit P LEV:25:41 µ½_ÁË_ìû_Äê_£¬_Ëû_ºÍ_Ëû_¶ù_Å®_Òª_Àë_¿ª_Äã_£¬_Ò»_ͬ_³ö_È¥_¹é_»Ø_±¾_¼Ò £¬_µ½_Ëû_×æ_×Ú_µÄ_µØ_Òµ_ÄÇ_Àï_È¥_¡£ # # And then shall he depart from thee, both he and his children with # him, and shall return unto his own family, and unto the possession # of his fathers shall he return. # # unit P LEV:25:42 Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÆÍ_ÈË_£¬_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_´Ó_°£_¼°_µØ_Áì_³ö_À´_µÄ_£¬_²»_¿É Âô_Ϊ_Å«_ÆÍ_¡£ # # For they are my servants, which I brought forth out of the land of # Egypt: they shall not be sold as bondmen. # # unit P LEV:25:43 ²»_¿É_ÑÏ_ÑÏ_µØ_Ͻ_¹Ü_Ëû_£¬_Ö»_Òª_¾´_η_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # Thou shalt not rule over him with rigour; but shalt fear thy God. # # unit P LEV:25:44 ÖÁ_ÓÚ_Äã_µÄ_Å«_ÆÍ_£¬_æ¾_Å®_£¬_¿É_ÒÔ_´Ó_Äã_ËÄ_Χ_µÄ_¹ú_ÖÐ_Âò_¡£ # # Both thy bondmen, and thy bondmaids, which thou shalt have, shall be # of the heathen that are round about you; of them shall ye buy # bondmen and bondmaids. # # unit P LEV:25:45 ²¢_ÇÒ_ÄÇ_¼Ä_¾Ó_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_µÄ_Íâ_ÈË_ºÍ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_¼Ò_Êô_£¬_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ µØ_ÉÏ_Ëù_Éú_µÄ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Ò²_¿É_ÒÔ_´Ó_Æä_ÖÐ_Âò_ÈË_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_Òª_×÷_Äã_ÃÇ µÄ_²ú_Òµ_¡£ # # Moreover of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, # of them shall ye buy, and of their families that are with you, which # they begat in your land: and they shall be your possession. # # unit P LEV:25:46 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_½«_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÒÅ_Áô_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_Ϊ_²ú_Òµ_£¬_Òª_ÓÀ_Ô¶_´Ó_Ëû ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_¼ð_³ö_Å«_ÆÍ_£¬_Ö»_ÊÇ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_µÜ_ÐÖ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_²» ¿É_ÑÏ_ÑÏ_µØ_Ͻ_¹Ü_¡£ # # And ye shall take them as an inheritance for your children after # you, to inherit them for a possession; they shall be your bondmen # for ever: but over your brethren the children of Israel, ye shall # not rule one over another with rigour. # # unit P LEV:25:47 ס_ÔÚ_Äã_ÄÇ_Àï_µÄ_Íâ_ÈË_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_£¬_Èô_½¥_½¥_¸»_×ã_£¬_Äã_µÄ µÜ_ÐÖ_È´_½¥_½¥_Çî_·¦_£¬_½«_×Ô_¼º_Âô_¸ø_ÄÇ_Íâ_ÈË_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_£¬ »ò_ÊÇ_Íâ_ÈË_µÄ_×Ú_×å_£¬ # # And if a sojourner or stranger wax rich by thee, and thy brother # that dwelleth by him wax poor, and sell himself unto the stranger or # sojourner by thee, or to the stock of the stranger's family: # # unit P LEV:25:48 Âô_ÁË_ÒÔ_ºó_£¬_¿É_ÒÔ_½«_Ëû_Êê_»Ø_¡£_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_Ëû_µÄ_µÜ_ÐÖ_£¬ # # After that he is sold he may be redeemed again; one of his brethren # may redeem him: # # unit P LEV:25:49 »ò_²®_Êå_£¬_²®_Êå_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_±¾_¼Ò_µÄ_½ü_Ö§_£¬_¶¼_¿É_ÒÔ_Êê_Ëû_¡£_Ëû ×Ô_¼º_Èô_½¥_½¥_¸»_×ã_£¬_Ò²_¿É_ÒÔ_×Ô_Êê_¡£ # # Either his uncle, or his uncle's son, may redeem him, or any that is # nigh of kin unto him of his family may redeem him; or if he be able, # he may redeem himself. # # unit P LEV:25:50 Ëû_Òª_ºÍ_Âò_Ö÷_¼Æ_Ëã_£¬_´Ó_Âô_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_ÄÇ_Äê_Æð_£¬_Ëã_µ½_ìû_Äê_£¬_Ëù Âô_µÄ_¼Û_Öµ_ÕÕ_×Å_Äê_Êý_¶à_ÉÙ_£¬_ºÃ_Ïñ_¹¤_ÈË_ÿ_Äê_µÄ_¹¤_¼Û_¡£ # # And he shall reckon with him that bought him from the year that he # was sold to him unto the year of jubile: and the price of his sale # shall be according unto the number of years, according to the time # of an hired servant shall it be with him. # # unit P LEV:25:51 Èô_ȱ_ÉÙ_µÄ_Äê_Êý_¶à_£¬_¾Í_Òª_°´_×Å_Äê_Êý_´Ó_Âò_¼Û_ÖÐ_³¥_»¹_Ëû_µÄ_Êê ¼Û_¡£ # # If there be yet many years behind, according unto them he shall give # again the price of his redemption out of the money that he was # bought for. # # unit P LEV:25:52 Èô_µ½_ìû_Äê_Ö»_ȱ_ÉÙ_¼¸_Äê_£¬_¾Í_Òª_°´_×Å_Äê_Êý_ºÍ_Âò_Ö÷_¼Æ_Ëã_£¬_³¥ »¹_Ëû_µÄ_Êê_¼Û_¡£ # # And if there remain but few years unto the year of jubile, then he # shall count with him, and according unto his years shall he give him # again the price of his redemption. # # unit P LEV:25:53 Ëû_ºÍ_Âò_Ö÷_ͬ_ס_£¬_Òª_Ïñ_ÿ_Äê_¹Í_µÄ_¹¤_ÈË_£¬_Âò_Ö÷_²»_¿É_ÑÏ_ÑÏ_µØ Ͻ_¹Ü_Ëû_¡£ # # And as a yearly hired servant shall he be with him: and the other # shall not rule with rigour over him in thy sight. # # unit P LEV:25:54 Ëû_Èô_²»_Õâ_Ñù_±»_Êê_£¬_µ½_ÁË_ìû_Äê_£¬_Òª_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_¶ù_Å®_Ò»_ͬ_³ö_È¥ ¡£ # # And if he be not redeemed in these years, then he shall go out in # the year of jubile, both he, and his children with him. # # unit P LEV:25:55 Òò_Ϊ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_¶¼_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÆÍ_ÈË_£¬_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_´Ó_°£_¼°_µØ_Áì_³ö_À´_µÄ ¡£_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # For unto me the children of Israel are servants; they are my # servants whom I brought forth out of the land of Egypt: I am the # LORD your God. # ## # chapter 26 LEV:26 # unit P LEV:26:1 Äã_ÃÇ_²»_¿É_×÷_ʲ_ô_Ðé_ÎÞ_µÄ_Éñ_Ïñ_£¬_²»_¿É_Á¢_µñ_¿Ì_µÄ_ż_Ïñ_»ò_ÊÇ Öù_Ïñ_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_µØ_ÉÏ_°²_ʲ_ô_öÉ_³É_µÄ_ʯ_Ïñ_£¬_Ïò_Ëü ¹ò_°Ý_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a # standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your # land, to bow down unto it: for I am the LORD your God. # # unit P LEV:26:2 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_ÊØ_ÎÒ_µÄ_°²_Ï¢_ÈÕ_£¬_¾´_ÎÒ_µÄ_Ê¥_Ëù_¡£_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # Ye shall keep my sabbaths, and reverence my sanctuary: I am the # LORD. # # unit P LEV:26:3 Äã_ÃÇ_Èô_×ñ_ÐÐ_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÂÉ_Àý_£¬_½÷_ÊØ_ÎÒ_µÄ_½ë_Ãü_£¬ # # If ye walk in my statutes, and keep my commandments, and do them; # # unit P LEV:26:4 ÎÒ_¾Í_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_½µ_ÏÂ_ʱ_Óê_£¬_½Ð_µØ_Éú_³ö_ÍÁ_²ú_£¬_Ìï_Ò°_µÄ_Ê÷_ľ_½á ¹û_×Ó_¡£ # # Then I will give you rain in due season, and the land shall yield # her increase, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit. # # unit P LEV:26:5 Äã_ÃÇ_´ò_Á¸_ʳ_Òª_´ò_µ½_Õª_ÆÏ_ÌÑ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Õª_ÆÏ_ÌÑ_Òª_Õª_µ½_Èö_ÖÖ µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_²¢_ÇÒ_Òª_³Ô_µÃ_±¥_×ã_£¬_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_µØ_ÉÏ_°²_È»_¾Ó_ס_¡£ # # And your threshing shall reach unto the vintage, and the vintage # shall reach unto the sowing time: and ye shall eat your bread to the # full, and dwell in your land safely. # # unit P LEV:26:6 ÎÒ_Òª_´Í_ƽ_°²_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_µØ_ÉÏ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_ÌÉ_ÎÔ_£¬_ÎÞ_ÈË_¾ª_ÏÅ_¡£_ÎÒ Òª_½Ð_¶ñ_ÊÞ_´Ó_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_µØ_ÉÏ_Ï¢_Ãð_£¬_µ¶_½£_Ò²_±Ø_²»_¾­_¹ý_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ µØ_¡£ # # And I will give peace in the land, and ye shall lie down, and none # shall make you afraid: and I will rid evil beasts out of the land, # neither shall the sword go through your land. # # unit P LEV:26:7 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_×·_¸Ï_³ð_µÐ_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_±Ø_µ¹_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_µ¶_ÏÂ_¡£ # # And ye shall chase your enemies, and they shall fall before you by # the sword. # # unit P LEV:26:8 Äã_ÃÇ_Îå_¸ö_ÈË_Òª_×·_¸Ï_Ò»_°Ù_ÈË_£¬_Ò»_°Ù_ÈË_Òª_×·_¸Ï_Ò»_Íò_ÈË_£¬_³ð µÐ_±Ø_µ¹_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_µ¶_ÏÂ_¡£ # # And five of you shall chase an hundred, and an hundred of you shall # put ten thousand to flight: and your enemies shall fall before you # by the sword. # # unit P LEV:26:9 ÎÒ_Òª_¾ì_¹Ë_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_ʹ_Äã_ÃÇ_Éú_Ñø_ÖÚ_¶à_£¬_Ò²_Òª_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_¼á_¶¨_Ëù Á¢_µÄ_Ô¼_¡£ # # For I will have respect unto you, and make you fruitful, and # multiply you, and establish my covenant with you. # # unit P LEV:26:10 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_³Ô_³Â_Á¸_£¬_ÓÖ_Òò_ÐÂ_Á¸_Ų_¿ª_³Â_Á¸_¡£ # # And ye shall eat old store, and bring forth the old because of the # new. # # unit P LEV:26:11 ÎÒ_Òª_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_Á¢_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÕÊ_Ä»_£¬_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÐÄ_Ò²_²»_Ñá_¶ñ_Äã_ÃÇ_¡£ # # And I will set my tabernacle among you: and my soul shall not abhor # you. # # unit P LEV:26:12 ÎÒ_Òª_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_ÐÐ_×ß_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_×÷_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_×÷_ÎÒ µÄ_×Ó_Ãñ_¡£ # # And I will walk among you, and will be your God, and ye shall be my # people. # # unit P LEV:26:13 ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_Ôø_½«_Äã_ÃÇ_´Ó_°£_¼°_µØ_Áì_³ö_À´_£¬_ʹ Äã_ÃÇ_²»_×÷_°£_¼°_ÈË_µÄ_Å«_ÆÍ_£¬_ÎÒ_Ò²_ÕÛ_¶Ï_Äã_ÃÇ_Ëù_¸º_µÄ_éî_£¬_½Ð Äã_ÃÇ_ͦ_Éí_¶ø_×ß_¡£ # # I am the LORD your God, which brought you forth out of the land of # Egypt, that ye should not be their bondmen; and I have broken the # bands of your yoke, and made you go upright. # # unit P LEV:26:14 Äã_ÃÇ_Èô_²»_Ìý_´Ó_ÎÒ_£¬_²»_×ñ_ÐÐ_ÎÒ_µÄ_½ë_Ãü_£¬ # # But if ye will not hearken unto me, and will not do all these # commandments; # # unit P LEV:26:15 Ñá_Æú_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÂÉ_Àý_£¬_Ñá_¶ñ_ÎÒ_µÄ_µä_ÕÂ_£¬_²»_×ñ_ÐÐ_ÎÒ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_½ë_Ãü £¬_±³_Æú_ÎÒ_µÄ_Ô¼_£¬ # # And if ye shall despise my statutes, or if your soul abhor my # judgments, so that ye will not do all my commandments, but that ye # break my covenant: # # unit P LEV:26:16 ÎÒ_´ý_Äã_ÃÇ_¾Í_Òª_Õâ_Ñù_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_Ãü_¶¨_¾ª_»Ì_£¬_½Ð_ÑÛ_Ä¿_¸É_±ñ_£¬_¾« Éñ_Ïû_ºÄ_µÄ_ðì_²¡_ÈÈ_²¡_Ͻ_ÖÆ_Äã_ÃÇ_¡£_Äã_ÃÇ_Ò²_Òª_°×_°×_µØ_Èö_ÖÖ_£¬ Òò_Ϊ_³ð_µÐ_Òª_³Ô_Äã_ÃÇ_Ëù_ÖÖ_µÄ_¡£ # # I also will do this unto you; I will even appoint over you terror, # consumption, and the burning ague, that shall consume the eyes, and # cause sorrow of heart: and ye shall sow your seed in vain, for your # enemies shall eat it. # # unit P LEV:26:17 ÎÒ_Òª_Ïò_Äã_ÃÇ_±ä_Á³_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¾Í_Òª_°Ü_ÔÚ_³ð_µÐ_Ãæ_Ç°_¡£_ºÞ_¶ñ_Äã_ÃÇ µÄ_£¬_±Ø_Ͻ_¹Ü_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_ÎÞ_ÈË_×·_¸Ï_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_È´_Òª_ÌÓ_ÅÜ_¡£ # # And I will set my face against you, and ye shall be slain before # your enemies: they that hate you shall reign over you; and ye shall # flee when none pursueth you. # # unit P LEV:26:18 Äã_ÃÇ_Òò_Õâ_Щ_ÊÂ_Èô_»¹_²»_Ìý_´Ó_ÎÒ_£¬_ÎÒ_¾Í_Òª_Ϊ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_×ï_¼Ó_Æß ±¶_³Í_·£_Äã_ÃÇ_¡£ # # And if ye will not yet for all this hearken unto me, then I will # punish you seven times more for your sins. # # unit P LEV:26:19 ÎÒ_±Ø_¶Ï_¾ø_Äã_ÃÇ_Òò_ÊÆ_Á¦_¶ø_ÓÐ_µÄ_½¾_°Á_£¬_ÓÖ_Òª_ʹ_¸²_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Ìì Èç_Ìú_£¬_ÔØ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_µØ_Èç_Í­_¡£ # # And I will break the pride of your power; and I will make your # heaven as iron, and your earth as brass: # # unit P LEV:26:20 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_°×_°×_µØ_ÀÍ_Á¦_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_µØ_²»_³ö_ÍÁ_²ú_£¬_Æä_ÉÏ_µÄ Ê÷_ľ_Ò²_²»_½á_¹û_×Ó_¡£ # # And your strength shall be spent in vain: for your land shall not # yield her increase, neither shall the trees of the land yield their # fruits. # # unit P LEV:26:21 Äã_ÃÇ_ÐÐ_ÊÂ_Èô_Óë_ÎÒ_·´_¶Ô_£¬_²»_¿Ï_Ìý_´Ó_ÎÒ_£¬_ÎÒ_¾Í_Òª_°´_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ ×ï_¼Ó_Æß_±¶_½µ_ÔÖ_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_¡£ # # And if ye walk contrary unto me, and will not hearken unto me; I # will bring seven times more plagues upon you according to your sins. # # unit P LEV:26:22 ÎÒ_Ò²_Òª_´ò_·¢_Ò°_µØ_µÄ_×ß_ÊÞ_µ½_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_£¬_ÇÀ_³Ô_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_¶ù_Å® £¬_ÍÌ_Ãð_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éü_Ðó_£¬_ʹ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÈË_Êý_¼õ_ÉÙ_£¬_µÀ_·_»Ä_Á¹_¡£ # # I will also send wild beasts among you, which shall rob you of your # children, and destroy your cattle, and make you few in number; and # your high ways shall be desolate. # # unit P LEV:26:23 Äã_ÃÇ_Òò_Õâ_Щ_ÊÂ_Èô_ÈÔ_²»_¸Ä_Õý_¹é_ÎÒ_£¬_ÐÐ_ÊÂ_Óë_ÎÒ_·´_¶Ô_£¬ # # And if ye will not be reformed by me by these things, but will walk # contrary unto me; # # unit P LEV:26:24 ÎÒ_¾Í_Òª_ÐÐ_ÊÂ_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_·´_¶Ô_£¬_Òò_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_×ï_»÷_´ò_Äã_ÃÇ_Æß_´Î_¡£ # # Then will I also walk contrary unto you, and will punish you yet # seven times for your sins. # # unit P LEV:26:25 ÎÒ_ÓÖ_Òª_ʹ_µ¶_½£_ÁÙ_µ½_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_±¨_¸´_Äã_ÃÇ_±³_Ô¼_µÄ_³ð_£¬_¾Û_¼¯_Äã ÃÇ_ÔÚ_¸÷_³Ç_ÄÚ_£¬_½µ_ÎÁ_Òß_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_£¬_Ò²_±Ø_½«_Äã_ÃÇ_½»_ÔÚ_³ð µÐ_µÄ_ÊÖ_ÖÐ_¡£ # # And I will bring a sword upon you, that shall avenge the quarrel of # my covenant: and when ye are gathered together within your cities, I # will send the pestilence among you; and ye shall be delivered into # the hand of the enemy. # # unit P LEV:26:26 ÎÒ_Òª_ÕÛ_¶Ï_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÕÈ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_¶Ï_¾ø_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Á¸_¡£_ÄÇ_ʱ_£¬_±Ø_ÓÐ Ê®_¸ö_Å®_ÈË_ÔÚ_Ò»_¸ö_¯_×Ó_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_¿¾_±ý_£¬_°´_·Ö_Á¿_³Ó_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬ Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_³Ô_£¬_Ò²_³Ô_²»_±¥_¡£ # # And when I have broken the staff of your bread, ten women shall bake # your bread in one oven, and they shall deliver you your bread again # by weight: and ye shall eat, and not be satisfied. # # unit P LEV:26:27 Äã_ÃÇ_Òò_Õâ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_ÊÂ_Èô_²»_Ìý_´Ó_ÎÒ_£¬_È´_ÐÐ_ÊÂ_Óë_ÎÒ_·´_¶Ô_£¬ # # And if ye will not for all this hearken unto me, but walk contrary # unto me; # # unit P LEV:26:28 ÎÒ_¾Í_Òª_·¢_ÁÒ_Å­_£¬_ÐÐ_ÊÂ_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_·´_¶Ô_£¬_ÓÖ_Òò_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_×ï_³Í_·£ Äã_ÃÇ_Æß_´Î_¡£ # # Then I will walk contrary unto you also in fury; and I, even I, will # chastise you seven times for your sins. # # unit P LEV:26:29 ²¢_ÇÒ_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_³Ô_¶ù_×Ó_µÄ_Èâ_£¬_Ò²_Òª_³Ô_Å®_¶ù_µÄ_Èâ_¡£ # # And ye shall eat the flesh of your sons, and the flesh of your # daughters shall ye eat. # # unit P LEV:26:30 ÎÒ_ÓÖ_Òª_»Ù_»µ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Çð_̳_£¬_¿³_ÏÂ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÈÕ_Ïñ_£¬_°Ñ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ ʬ_Ê×_ÈÓ_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_ż_Ïñ_µÄ_Éí_ÉÏ_£¬_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÐÄ_Ò²_±Ø_Ñá_¶ñ_Äã_ÃÇ_¡£ # # And I will destroy your high places, and cut down your images, and # cast your carcases upon the carcases of your idols, and my soul # shall abhor you. # # unit P LEV:26:31 ÎÒ_Òª_ʹ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_³Ç_ÒØ_±ä_Ϊ_»Ä_Á¹_£¬_ʹ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÖÚ_Ê¥_Ëù_³É_Ϊ_»Ä ³¡_£¬_ÎÒ_Ò²_²»_ÎÅ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ü°_Ïã_µÄ_Ïã_Æø_¡£ # # And I will make your cities waste, and bring your sanctuaries unto # desolation, and I will not smell the savour of your sweet odours. # # unit P LEV:26:32 ÎÒ_Òª_ʹ_µØ_³É_Ϊ_»Ä_³¡_£¬_ס_ÔÚ_Æä_ÉÏ_µÄ_³ð_µÐ_¾Í_Òò_´Ë_²ï_Òì_¡£ # # And I will bring the land into desolation: and your enemies which # dwell therein shall be astonished at it. # # unit P LEV:26:33 ÎÒ_Òª_°Ñ_Äã_ÃÇ_É¢_ÔÚ_ÁÐ_°î_ÖÐ_£¬_ÎÒ_Ò²_Òª_°Î_µ¶_×·_¸Ï_Äã_ÃÇ_¡£_Äã_ÃÇ µÄ_µØ_Òª_³É_Ϊ_»Ä_³¡_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_³Ç_ÒØ_Òª_±ä_Ϊ_»Ä_Á¹_¡£ # # And I will scatter you among the heathen, and will draw out a sword # after you: and your land shall be desolate, and your cities waste. # # unit P LEV:26:34 Äã_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_³ð_µÐ_Ö®_µØ_¾Ó_ס_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_µØ_»Ä_Á¹_Òª_Ïí_ÊÜ_ÖÚ °²_Ï¢_£¬_Õý_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_µØ_Òª_Ъ_Ï¢_£¬_Ïí_ÊÜ_°²_Ï¢_¡£ # # Then shall the land enjoy her sabbaths, as long as it lieth # desolate, and ye be in your enemies' land; even then shall the land # rest, and enjoy her sabbaths. # # unit P LEV:26:35 µØ_¶à_ʱ_Ϊ_»Ä_³¡_£¬_¾Í_Òª_¶à_ʱ_Ъ_Ï¢_£¬_µØ_Õâ_Ñù_Ъ_Ï¢_£¬_ÊÇ_Äã_ÃÇ ×¡_ÔÚ_Æä_ÉÏ_µÄ_°²_Ï¢_Äê_Ëù_²»_ÄÜ_µÃ_µÄ_¡£ # # As long as it lieth desolate it shall rest; because it did not rest # in your sabbaths, when ye dwelt upon it. # # unit P LEV:26:36 ÖÁ_ÓÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ê£_ÏÂ_µÄ_ÈË_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_ʹ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_³ð_µÐ_Ö®_µØ_ÐÄ_¾ª_µ¨_ÇÓ ¡£_Ò¶_×Ó_±»_·ç_´µ_µÄ_Ïì_Éù_£¬_Òª_×·_¸Ï_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_Òª_ÌÓ_±Ü_£¬_Ïñ ÈË_ÌÓ_±Ü_µ¶_½£_£¬_ÎÞ_ÈË_×·_¸Ï_£¬_È´_Òª_µø_µ¹_¡£ # # And upon them that are left alive of you I will send a faintness # into their hearts in the lands of their enemies; and the sound of a # shaken leaf shall chase them; and they shall flee, as fleeing from a # sword; and they shall fall when none pursueth. # # unit P LEV:26:37 ÎÞ_ÈË_×·_¸Ï_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_Òª_±Ë_´Ë_ײ_µø_£¬_Ïñ_ÔÚ_µ¶_½£_Ö®_Ç°_¡£_Äã_ÃÇ_ÔÚ ³ð_µÐ_Ãæ_Ç°_Ò²_±Ø_Õ¾_Á¢_²»_ס_¡£ # # And they shall fall one upon another, as it were before a sword, # when none pursueth: and ye shall have no power to stand before your # enemies. # # unit P LEV:26:38 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_ÔÚ_ÁÐ_°î_ÖÐ_Ãð_Íö_£¬_³ð_µÐ_Ö®_µØ_Òª_ÍÌ_³Ô_Äã_ÃÇ_¡£ # # And ye shall perish among the heathen, and the land of your enemies # shall eat you up. # # unit P LEV:26:39 Äã_ÃÇ_Ê£_ÏÂ_µÄ_ÈË_±Ø_Òò_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_×ï_Äõ_ºÍ_×æ_×Ú_µÄ_×ï_Äõ_ÔÚ_³ð_µÐ_Ö® µØ_Ïû_Ãð_¡£ # # And they that are left of you shall pine away in their iniquity in # your enemies' lands; and also in the iniquities of their fathers # shall they pine away with them. # # unit P LEV:26:40 Ëû_ÃÇ_Òª_³Ð_ÈÏ_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_×ï_ºÍ_Ëû_ÃÇ_×æ_×Ú_µÄ_×ï_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_¸É_·¸_ÎÒ_µÄ ÄÇ_×ï_£¬_²¢_ÇÒ_³Ð_ÈÏ_×Ô_¼º_ÐÐ_ÊÂ_Óë_ÎÒ_·´_¶Ô_£¬ # # If they shall confess their iniquity, and the iniquity of their # fathers, with their trespass which they trespassed against me, and # that also they have walked contrary unto me; # # unit P LEV:26:41 ÎÒ_Ëù_ÒÔ_ÐÐ_ÊÂ_Óë_Ëû_ÃÇ_·´_¶Ô_£¬_°Ñ_Ëû_ÃÇ_´ø_µ½_³ð_µÐ_Ö®_µØ_¡£_ÄÇ_ʱ £¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_δ_ÊÜ_¸î_Àñ_µÄ_ÐÄ_Èô_Ç«_±°_ÁË_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ò²_·þ_ÁË_×ï_Äõ_µÄ_ÐÌ ·£_£¬ # # And that I also have walked contrary unto them, and have brought # them into the land of their enemies; if then their uncircumcised # hearts be humbled, and they then accept of the punishment of their # iniquity: # # unit P LEV:26:42 ÎÒ_¾Í_Òª_¼Ç_Äî_ÎÒ_Óë_ÑÅ_¸÷_Ëù_Á¢_µÄ_Ô¼_£¬_Óë_ÒÔ_Èö_Ëù_Á¢_µÄ_Ô¼_£¬_Óë ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_Ëù_Á¢_µÄ_Ô¼_£¬_²¢_Òª_¼Ç_Äî_Õâ_µØ_¡£ # # Then will I remember my covenant with Jacob, and also my covenant # with Isaac, and also my covenant with Abraham will I remember; and I # will remember the land. # # unit P LEV:26:43 Ëû_ÃÇ_Àë_¿ª_Õâ_µØ_£¬_µØ_ÔÚ_»Ä_·Ï_ÎÞ_ÈË_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_¾Í_Òª_Ïí_ÊÜ_°²_Ï¢_¡£ ²¢_ÇÒ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Òª_·þ_×ï_Äõ_µÄ_ÐÌ_·£_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ñá_Æú_ÁË_ÎÒ_µÄ_µä_Õ £¬_ÐÄ_ÖÐ_Ñá_¶ñ_ÁË_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÂÉ_Àý_¡£ # # The land also shall be left of them, and shall enjoy her sabbaths, # while she lieth desolate without them: and they shall accept of the # punishment of their iniquity: because, even because they despised my # judgments, and because their soul abhorred my statutes. # # unit P LEV:26:44 Ëä_ÊÇ_Õâ_Ñù_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_³ð_µÐ_Ö®_µØ_£¬_ÎÒ_È´_²»_Ñá_Æú_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_Ò²_²» Ñá_¶ñ_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_½«_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾¡_ÐÐ_Ãð_¾ø_£¬_Ò²_²»_±³_Æú_ÎÒ_Óë_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ëù_Á¢ µÄ_Ô¼_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # And yet for all that, when they be in the land of their enemies, I # will not cast them away, neither will I abhor them, to destroy them # utterly, and to break my covenant with them: for I am the LORD their # God. # # unit P LEV:26:45 ÎÒ_È´_Òª_Ϊ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Ôµ_¹Ê_¼Ç_Äî_ÎÒ_Óë_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÏÈ_×æ_Ëù_Á¢_µÄ_Ô¼_¡£_Ëû ÃÇ_µÄ_ÏÈ_×æ_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_ÔÚ_ÁÐ_°î_ÈË_ÑÛ_Ç°_£¬_´Ó_°£_¼°_µØ_Áì_³ö_À´_µÄ_£¬_Ϊ Òª_×÷_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_¡£_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # But I will for their sakes remember the covenant of their ancestors, # whom I brought forth out of the land of Egypt in the sight of the # heathen, that I might be their God: I am the LORD. # # unit P LEV:26:46 Õâ_Щ_ÂÉ_Àý_£¬_µä_ÕÂ_£¬_ºÍ_·¨_¶È_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Óë_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÔÚ_Î÷_ÄË É½_½è_×Å_Ħ_Î÷_Á¢_µÄ_¡£ # # These are the statutes and judgments and laws, which the LORD made # between him and the children of Israel in mount Sinai by the hand of # Moses. # ## # chapter 27 LEV:27 # unit P LEV:27:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P LEV:27:2 Äã_Ïþ_ÚÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_˵_£¬_ÈË_»¹_ÌØ_Ðí_µÄ_Ô¸_£¬_±»_Ðí_µÄ_ÈË_Òª_°´_Äã Ëù_¹À_µÄ_¼Û_Öµ_¹é_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When a man # shall make a singular vow, the persons shall be for the LORD by thy # estimation. # # unit P LEV:27:3 Äã_¹À_¶¨_µÄ_£¬_´Ó_¶þ_Ê®_Ëê_µ½_Áù_Ê®_Ëê_µÄ_ÄÐ_ÈË_£¬_Òª_°´_Ê¥_Ëù_µÄ_ƽ £¬_¹À_¶¨_¼Û_Òø_Îå_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_¡£ # # And thy estimation shall be of the male from twenty years old even # unto sixty years old, even thy estimation shall be fifty shekels of # silver, after the shekel of the sanctuary. # # unit P LEV:27:4 Èô_ÊÇ_Å®_ÈË_£¬_Äã_Òª_¹À_¶¨_Èý_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_¡£ # # And if it be a female, then thy estimation shall be thirty shekels. # # unit P LEV:27:5 Èô_ÊÇ_´Ó_Îå_Ëê_µ½_¶þ_Ê®_Ëê_£¬_ÄÐ_×Ó_Äã_Òª_¹À_¶¨_¶þ_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_£¬_Å® ×Ó_¹À_¶¨_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_¡£ # # And if it be from five years old even unto twenty years old, then # thy estimation shall be of the male twenty shekels, and for the # female ten shekels. # # unit P LEV:27:6 Èô_ÊÇ_´Ó_Ò»_ÔÂ_µ½_Îå_Ëê_£¬_ÄÐ_×Ó_Äã_Òª_¹À_¶¨_Îå_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_£¬_Å®_×Ó_¹À ¶¨_Èý_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_¡£ # # And if it be from a month old even unto five years old, then thy # estimation shall be of the male five shekels of silver, and for the # female thy estimation shall be three shekels of silver. # # unit P LEV:27:7 Èô_ÊÇ_´Ó_Áù_Ê®_Ëê_ÒÔ_ÉÏ_£¬_ÄÐ_ÈË_Äã_Òª_¹À_¶¨_Ê®_Îå_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_£¬_Å®_ÈË ¹À_¶¨_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_¡£ # # And if it be from sixty years old and above; if it be a male, then # thy estimation shall be fifteen shekels, and for the female ten # shekels. # # unit P LEV:27:8 Ëû_Èô_ƶ_Çî_£¬_²»_ÄÜ_ÕÕ_Äã_Ëù_¹À_¶¨_µÄ_¼Û_£¬_¾Í_Òª_°Ñ_Ëû_´ø_µ½_¼À_˾ Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_¼À_˾_Òª_°´_Ðí_Ô¸_ÈË_µÄ_Á¦_Á¿_¹À_¶¨_Ëû_µÄ_¼Û_¡£ # # But if he be poorer than thy estimation, then he shall present # himself before the priest, and the priest shall value him; according # to his ability that vowed shall the priest value him. # # unit P LEV:27:9 Ëù_Ðí_µÄ_Èô_ÊÇ_Éü_Ðó_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÈË_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_¹©_Îï_µÄ_£¬_·²_Õâ Ò»_Àà_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_£¬_¶¼_Òª_³É_Ϊ_Ê¥_¡£ # # And if it be a beast, whereof men bring an offering unto the LORD, # all that any man giveth of such unto the LORD shall be holy. # # unit P LEV:27:10 ÈË_²»_¿É_¸Ä_»»_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_¸ü_»»_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_ºÃ_µÄ_»»_»µ_µÄ_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_»µ µÄ_»»_ºÃ_µÄ_¡£_Èô_ÒÔ_Éü_Ðó_¸ü_»»_Éü_Ðó_£¬_Ëù_Ðí_µÄ_Óë_Ëù_»»_µÄ_¶¼_Òª ³É_Ϊ_Ê¥_¡£ # # He shall not alter it, nor change it, a good for a bad, or a bad for # a good: and if he shall at all change beast for beast, then it and # the exchange thereof shall be holy. # # unit P LEV:27:11 Èô_Éü_Ðó_²»_½à_¾»_£¬_ÊÇ_²»_¿É_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_¹©_Îï_µÄ_£¬_¾Í_Òª_°Ñ Éü_Ðó_°²_ÖÃ_ÔÚ_¼À_˾_Ãæ_Ç°_¡£ # # And if it be any unclean beast, of which they do not offer a # sacrifice unto the LORD, then he shall present the beast before the # priest: # # unit P LEV:27:12 ¼À_˾_¾Í_Òª_¹À_¶¨_¼Û_Öµ_£¬_Éü_Ðó_ÊÇ_ºÃ_ÊÇ_»µ_£¬_¼À_˾_Ôõ_Ñù_¹À_¶¨_£¬ ¾Í_Òª_ÒÔ_Ôõ_Ñù_Ϊ_ÊÇ_¡£ # # And the priest shall value it, whether it be good or bad: as thou # valuest it, who art the priest, so shall it be. # # unit P LEV:27:13 Ëû_Èô_Ò»_¶¨_Òª_Êê_»Ø_£¬_¾Í_Òª_ÔÚ_Äã_Ëù_¹À_¶¨_µÄ_¼Û_Öµ_ÒÔ_Íâ_¼Ó_ÉÏ_Îå ·Ö_Ö®_Ò»_¡£ # # But if he will at all redeem it, then he shall add a fifth part # thereof unto thy estimation. # # unit P LEV:27:14 ÈË_½«_·¿_ÎÝ_·Ö_±ð_Ϊ_Ê¥_£¬_¹é_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_¼À_˾_¾Í_Òª_¹À_¶¨_¼Û_Öµ ¡£_·¿_ÎÝ_ÊÇ_ºÃ_ÊÇ_»µ_£¬_¼À_˾_Ôõ_Ñù_¹À_¶¨_£¬_¾Í_Òª_ÒÔ_Ôõ_Ñù_Ϊ_¶¨_¡£ # # And when a man shall sanctify his house to be holy unto the LORD, # then the priest shall estimate it, whether it be good or bad: as the # priest shall estimate it, so shall it stand. # # unit P LEV:27:15 ½«_·¿_ÎÝ_·Ö_±ð_Ϊ_Ê¥_µÄ_ÈË_£¬_Èô_Òª_Êê_»Ø_·¿_ÎÝ_£¬_¾Í_±Ø_ÔÚ_Äã_Ëù_¹À ¶¨_µÄ_¼Û_Öµ_ÒÔ_Íâ_¼Ó_ÉÏ_Îå_·Ö_Ö®_Ò»_£¬_·¿_ÎÝ_ÈÔ_¾É_¹é_Ëû_¡£ # # And if he that sanctified it will redeem his house, then he shall # add the fifth part of the money of thy estimation unto it, and it # shall be his. # # unit P LEV:27:16 ÈË_Èô_½«_³Ð_ÊÜ_Ϊ_Òµ_µÄ_¼¸_·Ö_µØ_·Ö_±ð_Ϊ_Ê¥_£¬_¹é_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_Äã Òª_°´_Õâ_µØ_Èö_ÖÖ_¶à_ÉÙ_¹À_¶¨_¼Û_Öµ_£¬_Èô_Èö_´ó_Âó_Ò»_ºØ_÷_çí_£¬_Òª ¹À_¼Û_Îå_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_¡£ # # And if a man shall sanctify unto the LORD some part of a field of # his possession, then thy estimation shall be according to the seed # thereof: an homer of barley seed shall be valued at fifty shekels of # silver. # # unit P LEV:27:17 Ëû_Èô_´Ó_ìû_Äê_½«_µØ_·Ö_±ð_Ϊ_Ê¥_£¬_¾Í_Òª_ÒÔ_Äã_Ëù_¹À_¶¨_µÄ_¼Û_Ϊ_¶¨ ¡£ # # If he sanctify his field from the year of jubile, according to thy # estimation it shall stand. # # unit P LEV:27:18 ÌÈ_Èô_Ëû_ÔÚ_ìû_Äê_ÒÔ_ºó_½«_µØ_·Ö_±ð_Ϊ_Ê¥_£¬_¼À_˾_¾Í_Òª_°´_×Å_δ_µ½ ìû_Äê_Ëù_Ê£_µÄ_Äê_Êý_ÍÆ_Ëã_¼Û_Öµ_£¬_Ò²_Òª_´Ó_Äã_Ëù_¹À_µÄ_¼õ_È¥_¼Û_Öµ ¡£ # # But if he sanctify his field after the jubile, then the priest shall # reckon unto him the money according to the years that remain, even # unto the year of the jubile, and it shall be abated from thy # estimation. # # unit P LEV:27:19 ½«_µØ_·Ö_±ð_Ϊ_Ê¥_µÄ_ÈË_Èô_¶¨_Òª_°Ñ_µØ_Êê_»Ø_£¬_Ëû_±ã_Òª_ÔÚ_Äã_Ëù_¹À µÄ_¼Û_Öµ_ÒÔ_Íâ_¼Ó_ÉÏ_Îå_·Ö_Ö®_Ò»_£¬_µØ_¾Í_×¼_¶¨_¹é_Ëû_¡£ # # And if he that sanctified the field will in any wise redeem it, then # he shall add the fifth part of the money of thy estimation unto it, # and it shall be assured to him. # # unit P LEV:27:20 Ëû_Èô_²»_Êê_»Ø_ÄÇ_µØ_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_½«_µØ_Âô_¸ø_±ð_ÈË_£¬_¾Í_ÔÙ_²»_ÄÜ_Êê_ÁË ¡£ # # And if he will not redeem the field, or if he have sold the field to # another man, it shall not be redeemed any more. # # unit P LEV:27:21 µ«_µ½_ÁË_ìû_Äê_£¬_ÄÇ_µØ_´Ó_Âò_Ö÷_ÊÖ_ÏÂ_³ö_À´_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_¾Í_Òª_¹é_Ò® ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_Ê¥_£¬_ºÍ_ÓÀ_Ï×_µÄ_µØ_Ò»_Ñù_£¬_Òª_¹é_¼À_˾_Ϊ_Òµ_¡£ # # But the field, when it goeth out in the jubile, shall be holy unto # the LORD, as a field devoted; the possession thereof shall be the # priest's. # # unit P LEV:27:22 Ëû_Èô_½«_Ëù_Âò_µÄ_Ò»_¿é_µØ_£¬_²»_ÊÇ_³Ð_ÊÜ_Ϊ_Òµ_µÄ_£¬_·Ö_±ð_Ϊ_Ê¥_¹é ¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬ # # And if a man sanctify unto the LORD a field which he hath bought, # which is not of the fields of his possession; # # unit P LEV:27:23 ¼À_˾_¾Í_Òª_½«_Äã_Ëù_¹À_µÄ_¼Û_Öµ_¸ø_Ëû_ÍÆ_Ëã_µ½_ìû_Äê_¡£_µ±_ÈÕ_£¬_Ëû Òª_ÒÔ_Äã_Ëù_¹À_µÄ_¼Û_Òø_Ϊ_Ê¥_£¬_¹é_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # Then the priest shall reckon unto him the worth of thy estimation, # even unto the year of the jubile: and he shall give thine estimation # in that day, as a holy thing unto the LORD. # # unit P LEV:27:24 µ½_ÁË_ìû_Äê_£¬_ÄÇ_µØ_Òª_¹é_Âô_Ö÷_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÄÇ_³Ð_ÊÜ_Ϊ_Òµ_µÄ_Ô­_Ö÷_¡£ # # In the year of the jubile the field shall return unto him of whom it # was bought, even to him to whom the possession of the land did # belong. # # unit P LEV:27:25 ·²_Äã_Ëù_¹À_¶¨_µÄ_¼Û_Òø_¶¼_Òª_°´_×Å_Ê¥_Ëù_µÄ_ƽ_£¬_¶þ_Ê®_¼¾_À­_Ϊ_Ò» Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_¡£ # # And all thy estimations shall be according to the shekel of the # sanctuary: twenty gerahs shall be the shekel. # # unit P LEV:27:26 Ω_¶À_Éü_Ðó_ÖÐ_Í·_Éú_µÄ_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_Å£_ÊÇ_Ñò_£¬_¼È_¹é_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_Ë­ Ò²_²»_¿É_ÔÙ_·Ö_±ð_Ϊ_Ê¥_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Õâ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_¡£ # # Only the firstling of the beasts, which should be the LORD's # firstling, no man shall sanctify it; whether it be ox, or sheep: it # is the LORD's. # # unit P LEV:27:27 Èô_ÊÇ_²»_½à_¾»_µÄ_Éü_Ðó_Éú_µÄ_£¬_¾Í_Òª_°´_Äã_Ëù_¹À_¶¨_µÄ_¼Û_Öµ_¼Ó_ÉÏ Îå_·Ö_Ö®_Ò»_Êê_»Ø_£¬_Èô_²»_Êê_»Ø_£¬_¾Í_Òª_°´_Äã_Ëù_¹À_¶¨_µÄ_¼Û_Öµ_Âô ÁË_¡£ # # And if it be of an unclean beast, then he shall redeem it according # to thine estimation, and shall add a fifth part of it thereto: or if # it be not redeemed, then it shall be sold according to thy # estimation. # # unit P LEV:27:28 µ«_Ò»_ÇÐ_ÓÀ_Ï×_µÄ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÈË_´Ó_Ëû_Ëù_ÓÐ_ÓÀ_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_£¬_ÎÞ ÂÛ_ÊÇ_ÈË_£¬_ÊÇ_Éü_Ðó_£¬_ÊÇ_Ëû_³Ð_ÊÜ_Ϊ_Òµ_µÄ_µØ_£¬_¶¼_²»_¿É_Âô_£¬_Ò² ²»_¿É_Êê_¡£_·²_ÓÀ_Ï×_µÄ_ÊÇ_¹é_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_ÖÁ_Ê¥_¡£ # # Notwithstanding no devoted thing, that a man shall devote unto the # LORD of all that he hath, both of man and beast, and of the field of # his possession, shall be sold or redeemed: every devoted thing is # most holy unto the LORD. # # unit P LEV:27:29 ·²_´Ó_ÈË_ÖÐ_µ±_Ãð_µÄ_¶¼_²»_¿É_Êê_£¬_±Ø_±»_ÖÎ_ËÀ_¡£ # # None devoted, which shall be devoted of men, shall be redeemed; but # shall surely be put to death. # # unit P LEV:27:30 µØ_ÉÏ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_µØ_ÉÏ_µÄ_ÖÖ_×Ó_ÊÇ_Ê÷_ÉÏ_µÄ_¹û_×Ó_£¬_Ê®_·Ö Ö®_Ò»_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_£¬_ÊÇ_¹é_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_Ê¥_µÄ_¡£ # # And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land, or # of the fruit of the tree, is the LORD's: it is holy unto the LORD. # # unit P LEV:27:31 ÈË_Èô_Òª_Êê_Õâ_Ê®_·Ö_Ö®_Ò»_µÄ_ʲ_ô_Îï_£¬_¾Í_Òª_¼Ó_ÉÏ_Îå_·Ö_Ö®_Ò»_¡£ # # And if a man will at all redeem ought of his tithes, he shall add # thereto the fifth part thereof. # # unit P LEV:27:32 ·²_Å£_Ⱥ_Ñò_Ⱥ_ÖÐ_£¬_Ò»_ÇÐ_´Ó_ÕÈ_ÏÂ_¾­_¹ý_µÄ_£¬_ÿ_µÚ_Ê®_Ö»_Òª_¹é_¸ø Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_Ê¥_¡£ # # And concerning the tithe of the herd, or of the flock, even of # whatsoever passeth under the rod, the tenth shall be holy unto the # LORD. # # unit P LEV:27:33 ²»_¿É_ÎÊ_ÊÇ_ºÃ_ÊÇ_»µ_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_¸ü_»»_£¬_Èô_¶¨_Òª_¸ü_»»_£¬_Ëù_¸ü_»» µÄ_Óë_±¾_À´_µÄ_Éü_Ðó_¶¼_Òª_³É_Ϊ_Ê¥_£¬_²»_¿É_Êê_»Ø_¡£ # # He shall not search whether it be good or bad, neither shall he # change it: and if he change it at all, then both it and the change # thereof shall be holy; it shall not be redeemed. # # unit P LEV:27:34 Õâ_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÔÚ_Î÷_ÄË_ɽ_Ϊ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_Ãü_Áî ¡£ # # These are the commandments, which the LORD commanded Moses for the # children of Israel in mount Sinai. # # part d Numbers # ==================================================================== # [ENG] Ãñ Êý ¼Ç # [CHI] Numbers # ## # chapter 1 NUM:1 # unit P NUM:1:1 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_³ö_°£_¼°_µØ_ºó_£¬_µÚ_¶þ_Äê_¶þ_ÔÂ_³õ_Ò»_ÈÕ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÔÚ Î÷_ÄË_µÄ_¿õ_Ò°_£¬_»á_Ä»_ÖÐ_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses in the wilderness of Sinai, in the # tabernacle of the congregation, on the first day of the second # month, in the second year after they were come out of the land of # Egypt, saying, # # unit P NUM:1:2 Äã_Òª_°´_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_È«_»á_ÖÚ_µÄ_¼Ò_ÊÒ_£¬_×Ú_×å_£¬_ÈË_Ãû_µÄ_Êý_Ä¿_£¬_¼Æ Ëã_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_ÄÐ_¶¡_¡£ # # Take ye the sum of all the congregation of the children of Israel, # after their families, by the house of their fathers, with the number # of their names, every male by their polls; # # unit P NUM:1:3 ·²_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÐ_£¬_´Ó_¶þ_Ê®_Ëê_ÒÔ_Íâ_£¬_ÄÜ_³ö_È¥_´ò_ÕÌ_µÄ_£¬_Äã_ºÍ_ÑÇ Â×_Òª_ÕÕ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_¾ü_¶Ó_Êý_µã_¡£ # # From twenty years old and upward, all that are able to go forth to # war in Israel: thou and Aaron shall number them by their armies. # # unit P NUM:1:4 ÿ_Ö§_ÅÉ_ÖÐ_£¬_±Ø_ÓÐ_Ò»_ÈË_×÷_±¾_Ö§_ÅÉ_µÄ_×å_³¤_£¬_°ï_Öú_Äã_ÃÇ_¡£ # # And with you there shall be a man of every tribe; every one head of # the house of his fathers. # # unit P NUM:1:5 Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Ãû_×Ö_£¬_Êô_Á÷_±ã_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_ʾ_¶ª_çí_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_Àû_Þ£_¡£ # # And these are the names of the men that shall stand with you: of the # tribe of Reuben; Elizur the son of Shedeur. # # unit P NUM:1:6 Êô_Î÷_Ãå_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_ËÕ_Àû_ɳ_´ú_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ʾ_·_Ãï_¡£ # # Of Simeon; Shelumiel the son of Zurishaddai. # # unit P NUM:1:7 Êô_ÓÌ_´ó_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_ÑÇ_Ã×_ÄÃ_´ï_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÄÃ_˳_¡£ # # Of Judah; Nahshon the son of Amminadab. # # unit P NUM:1:8 Êô_ÒÔ_Èø_åÈ_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_ËÕ_Ѻ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÄÃ_̹_Òµ_¡£ # # Of Issachar; Nethaneel the son of Zuar. # # unit P NUM:1:9 Êô_Î÷_²¼_Â×_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_Ï£_Â×_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_Àû_Ѻ_¡£ # # Of Zebulun; Eliab the son of Helon. # # unit P NUM:1:10 Ô¼_ɪ_×Ó_Ëï_£¬_Êô_ÒÔ_·¨_Á«_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_ÑÇ_Ã×_ºö_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_Àû_ɳ_Âê_¡£ Êô_Âê_ÄÃ_Î÷_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_±È_´ó_Þ£_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_åÈ_Âê_ÁÐ_¡£ # # Of the children of Joseph: of Ephraim; Elishama the son of Ammihud: # of Manasseh; Gamaliel the son of Pedahzur. # # unit P NUM:1:11 Êô_±ã_ÑÅ_Ãõ_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_»ù_¶à_Äá_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÑÇ_±È_µ«_¡£ # # Of Benjamin; Abidan the son of Gideoni. # # unit P NUM:1:12 Êô_µ«_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_ÑÇ_Ã×_ɳ_´ú_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÑÇ_Ï£_ÒÔ_л_¡£ # # Of Dan; Ahiezer the son of Ammishaddai. # # unit P NUM:1:13 Êô_ÑÇ_Éè_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_¶í_À¼_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÅÁ_½á_¡£ # # Of Asher; Pagiel the son of Ocran. # # unit P NUM:1:14 Êô_åÈ_µÃ_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_¶ª_çí_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_Àû_ÑÅ_Èø_¡£ # # Of Gad; Eliasaph the son of Deuel. # # unit P NUM:1:15 Êô_ÄÃ_¸¥_Ëû_Àû_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_ÒÔ_ÄÏ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÑÇ_Ï£_À­_¡£ # # Of Naphtali; Ahira the son of Enan. # # unit P NUM:1:16 Õâ_¶¼_ÊÇ_´Ó_»á_ÖÐ_Ñ¡_ÕÙ_µÄ_£¬_¸÷_×÷_±¾_Ö§_ÅÉ_µÄ_Ê×_Áì_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_ÒÔ_É« ÁÐ_¾ü_ÖÐ_µÄ_ͳ_Áì_¡£ # # These were the renowned of the congregation, princes of the tribes # of their fathers, heads of thousands in Israel. # # unit P NUM:1:17 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_£¬_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_´ø_×Å_Õâ_Щ_°´_Ãû_Ö¸_¶¨_µÄ_ÈË_£¬ # # And Moses and Aaron took these men which are expressed by their # names: # # unit P NUM:1:18 µ±_¶þ_ÔÂ_³õ_Ò»_ÈÕ_ÕÐ_¾Û_È«_»á_ÖÚ_¡£_»á_ÖÚ_¾Í_ÕÕ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_¼Ò_ÊÒ_£¬_×Ú ×å_£¬_ÈË_Ãû_µÄ_Êý_Ä¿_£¬_´Ó_¶þ_Ê®_Ëê_ÒÔ_Íâ_µÄ_£¬_¶¼_Êö_˵_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_¼Ò Æ×_¡£ # # And they assembled all the congregation together on the first day of # the second month, and they declared their pedigrees after their # families, by the house of their fathers, according to the number of # the names, from twenty years old and upward, by their polls. # # unit P NUM:1:19 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ôõ_Ñù_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_Ëû_¾Í_Ôõ_Ñù_ÔÚ_Î÷_ÄË_µÄ_¿õ_Ò°_Êý_µã_Ëû ÃÇ_¡£ # # As the LORD commanded Moses, so he numbered them in the wilderness # of Sinai. # # unit P NUM:1:20 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_µÄ_³¤_×Ó_£¬_Á÷_±ã_×Ó_Ëï_µÄ_ºó_´ú_£¬_ÕÕ_×Å_¼Ò_ÊÒ_£¬_×Ú_×å_£¬ ÈË_Ãû_µÄ_Êý_Ä¿_£¬_´Ó_¶þ_Ê®_Ëê_ÒÔ_Íâ_£¬_·²_ÄÜ_³ö_È¥_´ò_ÕÌ_£¬_±»_Êý_µÄ ÄÐ_¶¡_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_ËÄ_Íò_Áù_ǧ_Îå_°Ù_Ãû_¡£ # # And the children of Reuben, Israel's eldest son, by their # generations, after their families, by the house of their fathers, # according to the number of the names, by their polls, every male # from twenty years old and upward, all that were able to go forth to # war; those that were numbered of them, even of the tribe of Reuben, # were forty and six thousand and five hundred. # # unit P NUM:1:22 Î÷_Ãå_×Ó_Ëï_µÄ_ºó_´ú_£¬_ÕÕ_×Å_¼Ò_ÊÒ_£¬_×Ú_×å_£¬_ÈË_Ãû_µÄ_Êý_Ä¿_£¬_´Ó ¶þ_Ê®_Ëê_ÒÔ_Íâ_£¬_·²_ÄÜ_³ö_È¥_´ò_ÕÌ_£¬_±»_Êý_µÄ_ÄÐ_¶¡_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_Îå_Íò ¾Å_ǧ_Èý_°Ù_Ãû_¡£ # # Of the children of Simeon, by their generations, after their # families, by the house of their fathers, those that were numbered of # them, according to the number of the names, by their polls, every # male from twenty years old and upward, all that were able to go # forth to war; those that were numbered of them, even of the tribe of # Simeon, were fifty and nine thousand and three hundred. # # unit P NUM:1:24 åÈ_µÃ_×Ó_Ëï_µÄ_ºó_´ú_£¬_ÕÕ_×Å_¼Ò_ÊÒ_£¬_×Ú_×å_£¬_ÈË_Ãû_µÄ_Êý_Ä¿_£¬_´Ó ¶þ_Ê®_Ëê_ÒÔ_Íâ_£¬_·²_ÄÜ_³ö_È¥_´ò_ÕÌ_£¬_±»_Êý_µÄ_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_ËÄ_Íò_Îå_ǧ Áù_°Ù_Îå_Ê®_Ãû_¡£ # # Of the children of Gad, by their generations, after their families, # by the house of their fathers, according to the number of the names, # from twenty years old and upward, all that were able to go forth to # war; those that were numbered of them, even of the tribe of Gad, # were forty and five thousand six hundred and fifty. # # unit P NUM:1:26 ÓÌ_´ó_×Ó_Ëï_µÄ_ºó_´ú_£¬_ÕÕ_×Å_¼Ò_ÊÒ_£¬_×Ú_×å_£¬_ÈË_Ãû_µÄ_Êý_Ä¿_£¬_´Ó ¶þ_Ê®_Ëê_ÒÔ_Íâ_£¬_·²_ÄÜ_³ö_È¥_´ò_ÕÌ_£¬_±»_Êý_µÄ_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_Æß_Íò_ËÄ_ǧ Áù_°Ù_Ãû_¡£ # # Of the children of Judah, by their generations, after their # families, by the house of their fathers, according to the number of # the names, from twenty years old and upward, all that were able to # go forth to war; those that were numbered of them, even of the tribe # of Judah, were threescore and fourteen thousand and six hundred. # # unit P NUM:1:28 ÒÔ_Èø_åÈ_×Ó_Ëï_µÄ_ºó_´ú_£¬_ÕÕ_×Å_¼Ò_ÊÒ_£¬_×Ú_×å_£¬_ÈË_Ãû_µÄ_Êý_Ä¿_£¬ ´Ó_¶þ_Ê®_Ëê_ÒÔ_Íâ_£¬_·²_ÄÜ_³ö_È¥_´ò_ÕÌ_£¬_±»_Êý_µÄ_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_Îå_Íò_ËÄ Ç§_ËÄ_°Ù_Ãû_¡£ # # Of the children of Issachar, by their generations, after their # families, by the house of their fathers, according to the number of # the names, from twenty years old and upward, all that were able to # go forth to war; those that were numbered of them, even of the tribe # of Issachar, were fifty and four thousand and four hundred. # # unit P NUM:1:30 Î÷_²¼_Â×_×Ó_Ëï_µÄ_ºó_´ú_£¬_ÕÕ_×Å_¼Ò_ÊÒ_£¬_×Ú_×å_£¬_ÈË_Ãû_µÄ_Êý_Ä¿_£¬ ´Ó_¶þ_Ê®_Ëê_ÒÔ_Íâ_£¬_·²_ÄÜ_³ö_È¥_´ò_ÕÌ_£¬_±»_Êý_µÄ_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_Îå_Íò_Æß Ç§_ËÄ_°Ù_Ãû_¡£ # # Of the children of Zebulun, by their generations, after their # families, by the house of their fathers, according to the number of # the names, from twenty years old and upward, all that were able to # go forth to war; those that were numbered of them, even of the tribe # of Zebulun, were fifty and seven thousand and four hundred. # # unit P NUM:1:32 Ô¼_ɪ_×Ó_Ëï_£¬_Êô_ÒÔ_·¨_Á«_×Ó_Ëï_µÄ_ºó_´ú_£¬_ÕÕ_×Å_¼Ò_ÊÒ_£¬_×Ú_×å_£¬ ÈË_Ãû_µÄ_Êý_Ä¿_£¬_´Ó_¶þ_Ê®_Ëê_ÒÔ_Íâ_£¬_·²_ÄÜ_³ö_È¥_´ò_ÕÌ_£¬_±»_Êý_µÄ £¬_¹²_ÓÐ_ËÄ_Íò_Áã_Îå_°Ù_Ãû_¡£ # # Of the children of Joseph, namely, of the children of Ephraim, by # their generations, after their families, by the house of their # fathers, according to the number of the names, from twenty years old # and upward, all that were able to go forth to war; those that were # numbered of them, even of the tribe of Ephraim, were forty thousand # and five hundred. # # unit P NUM:1:34 Âê_ÄÃ_Î÷_×Ó_Ëï_µÄ_ºó_´ú_£¬_ÕÕ_×Å_¼Ò_ÊÒ_£¬_×Ú_×å_£¬_ÈË_Ãû_µÄ_Êý_Ä¿_£¬ ´Ó_¶þ_Ê®_Ëê_ÒÔ_Íâ_£¬_·²_ÄÜ_³ö_È¥_´ò_ÕÌ_£¬_±»_Êý_µÄ_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_Èý_Íò_¶þ ǧ_¶þ_°Ù_Ãû_¡£ # # Of the children of Manasseh, by their generations, after their # families, by the house of their fathers, according to the number of # the names, from twenty years old and upward, all that were able to # go forth to war; those that were numbered of them, even of the tribe # of Manasseh, were thirty and two thousand and two hundred. # # unit P NUM:1:36 ±ã_ÑÅ_Ãõ_×Ó_Ëï_µÄ_ºó_´ú_£¬_ÕÕ_×Å_¼Ò_ÊÒ_£¬_×Ú_×å_£¬_ÈË_Ãû_µÄ_Êý_Ä¿_£¬ ´Ó_¶þ_Ê®_Ëê_ÒÔ_Íâ_£¬_·²_ÄÜ_³ö_È¥_´ò_ÕÌ_£¬_±»_Êý_µÄ_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_Èý_Íò_Îå ǧ_ËÄ_°Ù_Ãû_¡£ # # Of the children of Benjamin, by their generations, after their # families, by the house of their fathers, according to the number of # the names, from twenty years old and upward, all that were able to # go forth to war; those that were numbered of them, even of the tribe # of Benjamin, were thirty and five thousand and four hundred. # # unit P NUM:1:38 µ«_×Ó_Ëï_µÄ_ºó_´ú_£¬_ÕÕ_×Å_¼Ò_ÊÒ_£¬_×Ú_×å_£¬_ÈË_Ãû_µÄ_Êý_Ä¿_£¬_´Ó_¶þ Ê®_Ëê_ÒÔ_Íâ_£¬_·²_ÄÜ_³ö_È¥_´ò_ÕÌ_£¬_±»_Êý_µÄ_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_Áù_Íò_¶þ_ǧ_Æß °Ù_Ãû_¡£ # # Of the children of Dan, by their generations, after their families, # by the house of their fathers, according to the number of the names, # from twenty years old and upward, all that were able to go forth to # war; those that were numbered of them, even of the tribe of Dan, # were threescore and two thousand and seven hundred. # # unit P NUM:1:40 ÑÇ_Éè_×Ó_Ëï_µÄ_ºó_´ú_£¬_ÕÕ_×Å_¼Ò_ÊÒ_£¬_×Ú_×å_£¬_ÈË_Ãû_µÄ_Êý_Ä¿_£¬_´Ó ¶þ_Ê®_Ëê_ÒÔ_Íâ_£¬_·²_ÄÜ_³ö_È¥_´ò_ÕÌ_£¬_±»_Êý_µÄ_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_ËÄ_Íò_Ò»_ǧ Îå_°Ù_Ãû_¡£ # # Of the children of Asher, by their generations, after their # families, by the house of their fathers, according to the number of # the names, from twenty years old and upward, all that were able to # go forth to war; those that were numbered of them, even of the tribe # of Asher, were forty and one thousand and five hundred. # # unit P NUM:1:42 ÄÃ_¸¥_Ëû_Àû_×Ó_Ëï_µÄ_ºó_´ú_£¬_ÕÕ_×Å_¼Ò_ÊÒ_£¬_×Ú_×å_£¬_ÈË_Ãû_µÄ_Êý_Ä¿ £¬_´Ó_¶þ_Ê®_Ëê_ÒÔ_Íâ_£¬_·²_ÄÜ_³ö_È¥_´ò_ÕÌ_£¬_±»_Êý_µÄ_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_Îå_Íò Èý_ǧ_ËÄ_°Ù_Ãû_¡£ # # Of the children of Naphtali, throughout their generations, after # their families, by the house of their fathers, according to the # number of the names, from twenty years old and upward, all that were # able to go forth to war; those that were numbered of them, even of # the tribe of Naphtali, were fifty and three thousand and four # hundred. # # unit P NUM:1:44 Õâ_Щ_¾Í_ÊÇ_±»_Êý_µã_µÄ_£¬_ÊÇ_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_£¬_ºÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÐ_Ê®_¶þ ¸ö_Ê×_Áì_Ëù_Êý_µã_µÄ_¡£_Õâ_Ê®_¶þ_¸ö_ÈË_¸÷_×÷_¸÷_×Ú_×å_µÄ_´ú_±í_¡£ # # These are those that were numbered, which Moses and Aaron numbered, # and the princes of Israel, being twelve men: each one was for the # house of his fathers. # # unit P NUM:1:45 Õâ_Ñù_·²_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÖÐ_±»_Êý_µÄ_£¬_ÕÕ_×Å_×Ú_×å_´Ó_¶þ_Ê®_Ëê_ÒÔ_Íâ_£¬ ÄÜ_³ö_È¥_´ò_ÕÌ_£¬_±»_Êý_µÄ_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_Áù_Ê®_Íò_Áã_Èý_ǧ_Îå_°Ù_Îå_Ê®_Ãû ¡£ # # So were all those that were numbered of the children of Israel, by # the house of their fathers, from twenty years old and upward, all # that were able to go forth to war in Israel; even all they that were # numbered were six hundred thousand and three thousand and five # hundred and fifty. # # unit P NUM:1:47 Àû_δ_ÈË_È´_û_ÓÐ_°´_×Å_Ö§_ÅÉ_Êý_ÔÚ_Æä_ÖÐ_£¬ # # But the Levites after the tribe of their fathers were not numbered # among them. # # unit P NUM:1:48 Òò_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # For the LORD had spoken unto Moses, saying, # # unit P NUM:1:49 Ω_¶À_Àû_δ_Ö§_ÅÉ_Äã_²»_¿É_Êý_µã_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÖÐ_¼Æ_Ëã Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_×Ü_Êý_¡£ # # Only thou shalt not number the tribe of Levi, neither take the sum # of them among the children of Israel: # # unit P NUM:1:50 Ö»_Òª_ÅÉ_Àû_δ_ÈË_¹Ü_·¨_¹ñ_µÄ_ÕÊ_Ä»_ºÍ_Æä_ÖÐ_µÄ_Æ÷_¾ß_£¬_²¢_Êô_ºõ_ÕÊ Ä»_µÄ_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_Òª_̧_£¨_̧_»ò_×÷_°á_ÔË_£©_ÕÊ_Ä»_ºÍ_Æä_ÖÐ_µÄ_Æ÷_¾ß_£¬ ²¢_Òª_°ì_Àí_ÕÊ_Ä»_µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬_ÔÚ_ÕÊ_Ä»_µÄ_ËÄ_Χ_°²_Óª_¡£ # # But thou shalt appoint the Levites over the tabernacle of testimony, # and over all the vessels thereof, and over all things that belong to # it: they shall bear the tabernacle, and all the vessels thereof; and # they shall minister unto it, and shall encamp round about the # tabernacle. # # unit P NUM:1:51 ÕÊ_Ä»_½«_Íù_Ç°_ÐÐ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Àû_δ_ÈË_Òª_²ð_ж_¡£_½«_Ö§_´î_µÄ_ʱ_ºò £¬_Àû_δ_ÈË_Òª_Êú_Æð_¡£_½ü_Ç°_À´_µÄ_Íâ_ÈË_±Ø_±»_ÖÎ_ËÀ_¡£ # # And when the tabernacle setteth forward, the Levites shall take it # down: and when the tabernacle is to be pitched, the Levites shall # set it up: and the stranger that cometh nigh shall be put to death. # # unit P NUM:1:52 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Ö§_´î_ÕÊ_Åï_£¬_Òª_ÕÕ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_¾ü_¶Ó_£¬_¸÷_¹é_±¾_Óª_£¬_¸÷ ¹é_±¾_ôî_¡£ # # And the children of Israel shall pitch their tents, every man by his # own camp, and every man by his own standard, throughout their hosts. # # unit P NUM:1:53 µ«_Àû_δ_ÈË_Òª_ÔÚ_·¨_¹ñ_ÕÊ_Ä»_µÄ_ËÄ_Χ_°²_Óª_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_·Þ_Å­_ÁÙ_µ½_ÒÔ É«_ÁÐ_»á_ÖÚ_¡£_Àû_δ_ÈË_²¢_Òª_½÷_ÊØ_·¨_¹ñ_µÄ_ÕÊ_Ä»_¡£ # # But the Levites shall pitch round about the tabernacle of testimony, # that there be no wrath upon the congregation of the children of # Israel: and the Levites shall keep the charge of the tabernacle of # testimony. # # unit P NUM:1:54 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_¾Í_Õâ_Ñù_ÐÐ_¡£_·²_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í ÕÕ_Ñù_ÐÐ_ÁË_¡£ # # And the children of Israel did according to all that the LORD # commanded Moses, so did they. # ## # chapter 2 NUM:2 # unit P NUM:2:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses and unto Aaron, saying, # # unit P NUM:2:2 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Òª_¸÷_¹é_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_ôî_ÏÂ_£¬_ÔÚ_±¾_×å_µÄ_Æì_ºÅ_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_¶Ô ×Å_»á_Ä»_µÄ_ËÄ_Χ_°²_Óª_¡£ # # Every man of the children of Israel shall pitch by his own standard, # with the ensign of their father's house: far off about the # tabernacle of the congregation shall they pitch. # # unit P NUM:2:3 ÔÚ_¶«_±ß_£¬_Ïò_ÈÕ_³ö_Ö®_µØ_£¬_ÕÕ_×Å_¾ü_¶Ó_°²_Óª_µÄ_ÊÇ_ÓÌ_´ó_Óª_µÄ_ôî ¡£_ÓÐ_ÑÇ_Ã×_ÄÃ_´ï_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÄÃ_˳_×÷_ÓÌ_´ó_ÈË_µÄ_Ê×_Áì_¡£ # # And on the east side toward the rising of the sun shall they of the # standard of the camp of Judah pitch throughout their armies: and # Nahshon the son of Amminadab shall be captain of the children of # Judah. # # unit P NUM:2:4 Ëû_¾ü_¶Ó_±»_Êý_µÄ_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_Æß_Íò_ËÄ_ǧ_Áù_°Ù_Ãû_¡£ # # And his host, and those that were numbered of them, were threescore # and fourteen thousand and six hundred. # # unit P NUM:2:5 °¤_×Å_Ëû_°²_Óª_µÄ_ÊÇ_ÒÔ_Èø_åÈ_Ö§_ÅÉ_¡£_ÓÐ_ËÕ_Ѻ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÄÃ_̹_Òµ_×÷ ÒÔ_Èø_åÈ_ÈË_µÄ_Ê×_Áì_¡£ # # And those that do pitch next unto him shall be the tribe of # Issachar: and Nethaneel the son of Zuar shall be captain of the # children of Issachar. # # unit P NUM:2:6 Ëû_¾ü_¶Ó_±»_Êý_µÄ_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_Îå_Íò_ËÄ_ǧ_ËÄ_°Ù_Ãû_¡£ # # And his host, and those that were numbered thereof, were fifty and # four thousand and four hundred. # # unit P NUM:2:7 ÓÖ_ÓÐ_Î÷_²¼_Â×_Ö§_ÅÉ_¡£_Ï£_Â×_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_Àû_Ѻ_×÷_Î÷_²¼_Â×_ÈË_µÄ_Ê× Áì_¡£ # # Then the tribe of Zebulun: and Eliab the son of Helon shall be # captain of the children of Zebulun. # # unit P NUM:2:8 Ëû_¾ü_¶Ó_±»_Êý_µÄ_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_Îå_Íò_Æß_ǧ_ËÄ_°Ù_Ãû_¡£ # # And his host, and those that were numbered thereof, were fifty and # seven thousand and four hundred. # # unit P NUM:2:9 ·²_Êô_ÓÌ_´ó_Óª_£¬_°´_×Å_¾ü_¶Ó_±»_Êý_µÄ_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_Ê®_°Ë_Íò_Áù_ǧ_ËÄ_°Ù Ãû_£¬_Òª_×÷_µÚ_Ò»_¶Ó_Íù_Ç°_ÐÐ_¡£ # # All that were numbered in the camp of Judah were an hundred thousand # and fourscore thousand and six thousand and four hundred, throughout # their armies. These shall first set forth. # # unit P NUM:2:10 ÔÚ_ÄÏ_±ß_£¬_°´_×Å_¾ü_¶Ó_ÊÇ_Á÷_±ã_Óª_µÄ_ôî_¡£_ÓÐ_ʾ_¶ª_çí_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ Àû_Þ£_×÷_Á÷_±ã_ÈË_µÄ_Ê×_Áì_¡£ # # On the south side shall be the standard of the camp of Reuben # according to their armies: and the captain of the children of Reuben # shall be Elizur the son of Shedeur. # # unit P NUM:2:11 Ëû_¾ü_¶Ó_±»_Êý_µÄ_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_ËÄ_Íò_Áù_ǧ_Îå_°Ù_Ãû_¡£ # # And his host, and those that were numbered thereof, were forty and # six thousand and five hundred. # # unit P NUM:2:12 °¤_×Å_Ëû_°²_Óª_µÄ_ÊÇ_Î÷_Ãå_Ö§_ÅÉ_¡£_ËÕ_Àû_ɳ_´ú_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ʾ_·_Ãï_×÷ Î÷_Ãå_ÈË_µÄ_Ê×_Áì_¡£ # # And those which pitch by him shall be the tribe of Simeon: and the # captain of the children of Simeon shall be Shelumiel the son of # Zurishaddai. # # unit P NUM:2:13 Ëû_¾ü_¶Ó_±»_Êý_µÄ_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_Îå_Íò_¾Å_ǧ_Èý_°Ù_Ãû_¡£ # # And his host, and those that were numbered of them, were fifty and # nine thousand and three hundred. # # unit P NUM:2:14 ÓÖ_ÓÐ_åÈ_µÃ_Ö§_ÅÉ_¡£_¶ª_çí_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_Àû_ÑÅ_Èø_×÷_åÈ_µÃ_ÈË_µÄ_Ê×_Áì ¡£ # # Then the tribe of Gad: and the captain of the sons of Gad shall be # Eliasaph the son of Reuel. # # unit P NUM:2:15 Ëû_¾ü_¶Ó_±»_Êý_µÄ_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_ËÄ_Íò_Îå_ǧ_Áù_°Ù_Îå_Ê®_Ãû_£¬ # # And his host, and those that were numbered of them, were forty and # five thousand and six hundred and fifty. # # unit P NUM:2:16 ·²_Êô_Á÷_±ã_Óª_£¬_°´_×Å_¾ü_¶Ó_±»_Êý_µÄ_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_Ê®_Îå_Íò_Ò»_ǧ_ËÄ_°Ù Îå_Ê®_Ãû_£¬_Òª_×÷_µÚ_¶þ_¶Ó_Íù_Ç°_ÐÐ_¡£ # # All that were numbered in the camp of Reuben were an hundred # thousand and fifty and one thousand and four hundred and fifty, # throughout their armies. And they shall set forth in the second # rank. # # unit P NUM:2:17 Ëæ_ºó_£¬_»á_Ä»_Òª_Íù_Ç°_ÐÐ_£¬_ÓÐ_Àû_δ_Óª_ÔÚ_Öî_Óª_ÖÐ_¼ä_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ôõ Ñù_°²_Óª_¾Í_Ôõ_Ñù_Íù_Ç°_ÐÐ_£¬_¸÷_°´_±¾_λ_£¬_¸÷_¹é_±¾_ôî_¡£ # # Then the tabernacle of the congregation shall set forward with the # camp of the Levites in the midst of the camp: as they encamp, so # shall they set forward, every man in his place by their standards. # # unit P NUM:2:18 ÔÚ_Î÷_±ß_£¬_°´_×Å_¾ü_¶Ó_ÊÇ_ÒÔ_·¨_Á«_Óª_µÄ_ôî_¡£_ÑÇ_Ã×_ºö_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ Àû_ɳ_Âê_×÷_ÒÔ_·¨_Á«_ÈË_µÄ_Ê×_Áì_¡£ # # On the west side shall be the standard of the camp of Ephraim # according to their armies: and the captain of the sons of Ephraim # shall be Elishama the son of Ammihud. # # unit P NUM:2:19 Ëû_¾ü_¶Ó_±»_Êý_µÄ_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_ËÄ_Íò_Áã_Îå_°Ù_Ãû_¡£ # # And his host, and those that were numbered of them, were forty # thousand and five hundred. # # unit P NUM:2:20 °¤_×Å_Ëû_µÄ_ÊÇ_Âê_ÄÃ_Î÷_Ö§_ÅÉ_¡£_±È_´ó_Þ£_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_åÈ_Âê_ÁÐ_×÷_Âê_Äà Î÷_ÈË_µÄ_Ê×_Áì_¡£ # # And by him shall be the tribe of Manasseh: and the captain of the # children of Manasseh shall be Gamaliel the son of Pedahzur. # # unit P NUM:2:21 Ëû_¾ü_¶Ó_±»_Êý_µÄ_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_Èý_Íò_¶þ_ǧ_¶þ_°Ù_Ãû_¡£ # # And his host, and those that were numbered of them, were thirty and # two thousand and two hundred. # # unit P NUM:2:22 ÓÖ_ÓÐ_±ã_ÑÅ_Ãõ_Ö§_ÅÉ_¡£_»ù_¶à_Äá_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÑÇ_±È_µ«_×÷_±ã_ÑÅ_Ãõ_ÈË_µÄ Ê×_Áì_¡£ # # Then the tribe of Benjamin: and the captain of the sons of Benjamin # shall be Abidan the son of Gideoni. # # unit P NUM:2:23 Ëû_¾ü_¶Ó_±»_Êý_µÄ_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_Èý_Íò_Îå_ǧ_ËÄ_°Ù_Ãû_¡£ # # And his host, and those that were numbered of them, were thirty and # five thousand and four hundred. # # unit P NUM:2:24 ·²_Êô_ÒÔ_·¨_Á«_Óª_£¬_°´_×Å_¾ü_¶Ó_±»_Êý_µÄ_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_Ê®_Íò_Áã_°Ë_ǧ_Ò» °Ù_Ãû_£¬_Òª_×÷_µÚ_Èý_¶Ó_Íù_Ç°_ÐÐ_¡£ # # All that were numbered of the camp of Ephraim were an hundred # thousand and eight thousand and an hundred, throughout their armies. # And they shall go forward in the third rank. # # unit P NUM:2:25 ÔÚ_±±_±ß_£¬_°´_×Å_¾ü_¶Ó_ÊÇ_µ«_Óª_µÄ_ôî_¡£_ÑÇ_Ã×_ɳ_´ú_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÑÇ_Ï£ ÒÔ_л_×÷_µ«_ÈË_µÄ_Ê×_Áì_¡£ # # The standard of the camp of Dan shall be on the north side by their # armies: and the captain of the children of Dan shall be Ahiezer the # son of Ammishaddai. # # unit P NUM:2:26 Ëû_¾ü_¶Ó_±»_Êý_µÄ_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_Áù_Íò_¶þ_ǧ_Æß_°Ù_Ãû_¡£ # # And his host, and those that were numbered of them, were threescore # and two thousand and seven hundred. # # unit P NUM:2:27 °¤_×Å_Ëû_°²_Óª_µÄ_ÊÇ_ÑÇ_Éè_Ö§_ÅÉ_¡£_¶í_À¼_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÅÁ_½á_×÷_ÑÇ_Éè_ÈË µÄ_Ê×_Áì_¡£ # # And those that encamp by him shall be the tribe of Asher: and the # captain of the children of Asher shall be Pagiel the son of Ocran. # # unit P NUM:2:28 Ëû_¾ü_¶Ó_±»_Êý_µÄ_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_ËÄ_Íò_Ò»_ǧ_Îå_°Ù_Ãû_¡£ # # And his host, and those that were numbered of them, were forty and # one thousand and five hundred. # # unit P NUM:2:29 ÓÖ_ÓÐ_ÄÃ_¸¥_Ëû_Àû_Ö§_ÅÉ_¡£_ÒÔ_ÄÏ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÑÇ_Ï£_À­_×÷_ÄÃ_¸¥_Ëû_Àû_ÈË µÄ_Ê×_Áì_¡£ # # Then the tribe of Naphtali: and the captain of the children of # Naphtali shall be Ahira the son of Enan. # # unit P NUM:2:30 Ëû_¾ü_¶Ó_±»_Êý_µÄ_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_Îå_Íò_Èý_ǧ_ËÄ_°Ù_Ãû_¡£ # # And his host, and those that were numbered of them, were fifty and # three thousand and four hundred. # # unit P NUM:2:31 ·²_µ«_Óª_±»_Êý_µÄ_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_Ê®_Îå_Íò_Æß_ǧ_Áù_°Ù_Ãû_£¬_Òª_¹é_±¾_ôî_×÷ Ä©_¶Ó_Íù_Ç°_ÐÐ_¡£ # # All they that were numbered in the camp of Dan were an hundred # thousand and fifty and seven thousand and six hundred. They shall go # hindmost with their standards. # # unit P NUM:2:32 Õâ_Щ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_£¬_ÕÕ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_×Ú_×å_£¬_°´_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_¾ü_¶Ó_£¬_ÔÚ_Öî Óª_ÖÐ_±»_Êý_µÄ_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_Áù_Ê®_Íò_Áã_Èý_ǧ_Îå_°Ù_Îå_Ê®_Ãû_¡£ # # These are those which were numbered of the children of Israel by the # house of their fathers: all those that were numbered of the camps # throughout their hosts were six hundred thousand and three thousand # and five hundred and fifty. # # unit P NUM:2:33 Ω_¶À_Àû_δ_ÈË_û_ÓÐ_Êý_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÖÐ_£¬_ÊÇ_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_¡£ # # But the Levites were not numbered among the children of Israel; as # the LORD commanded Moses. # # unit P NUM:2:34 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_¾Í_Õâ_Ñù_ÐÐ_£¬_¸÷_ÈË_ÕÕ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_¼Ò_ÊÒ_£¬_×Ú_×å_¹é_ÓÚ_±¾ ôî_£¬_°²_Óª_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_¡£ # # And the children of Israel did according to all that the LORD # commanded Moses: so they pitched by their standards, and so they set # forward, every one after their families, according to the house of # their fathers. # ## # chapter 3 NUM:3 # unit P NUM:3:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÔÚ_Î÷_ÄË_ɽ_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_ºó_´ú Èç_ÏÂ_£¬ # # These also are the generations of Aaron and Moses in the day that # the LORD spake with Moses in mount Sinai. # # unit P NUM:3:2 ÑÇ_Â×_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_³¤_×Ó_Ãû_½Ð_ÄÃ_´ð_£¬_»¹_ÓÐ_ÑÇ_±È_»§_£¬_ÒÔ_Àû_ÑÇ_Èö £¬_ÒÔ_Ëû_Âê_¡£ # # And these are the names of the sons of Aaron; Nadab the firstborn, # and Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar. # # unit P NUM:3:3 Õâ_ÊÇ_ÑÇ_Â×_¶ù_×Ó_µÄ_Ãû_×Ö_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_ÊÜ_¸à_µÄ_¼À_˾_£¬_ÊÇ_Ħ_Î÷_½Ð_Ëû ÃÇ_³Ð_½Ó_Ê¥_Ö°_¹©_¼À_˾_Ö°_·Ö_µÄ_¡£ # # These are the names of the sons of Aaron, the priests which were # anointed, whom he consecrated to minister in the priest's office. # # unit P NUM:3:4 ÄÃ_´ð_£¬_ÑÇ_±È_»§_ÔÚ_Î÷_ÄË_µÄ_¿õ_Ò°_Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ï×_·²_»ð_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_¾Í ËÀ_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_ÁË_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ò²_û_ÓÐ_¶ù_×Ó_¡£_ÒÔ_Àû_ÑÇ_Èö_£¬_ÒÔ Ëû_Âê_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_¸¸_Ç×_ÑÇ_Â×_Ãæ_Ç°_¹©_¼À_˾_µÄ_Ö°_·Ö_¡£ # # And Nadab and Abihu died before the LORD, when they offered strange # fire before the LORD, in the wilderness of Sinai, and they had no # children: and Eleazar and Ithamar ministered in the priest's office # in the sight of Aaron their father. # # unit P NUM:3:5 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P NUM:3:6 Äã_ʹ_Àû_δ_Ö§_ÅÉ_½ü_Ç°_À´_£¬_Õ¾_ÔÚ_¼À_˾_ÑÇ_Â×_Ãæ_Ç°_ºÃ_·þ_ÊÂ_Ëû_£¬ # # Bring the tribe of Levi near, and present them before Aaron the # priest, that they may minister unto him. # # unit P NUM:3:7 Ìæ_Ëû_ºÍ_»á_ÖÚ_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_Ç°_ÊØ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_£¬_°ì_Àí_ÕÊ_Ä»_µÄ_ÊÂ_¡£ # # And they shall keep his charge, and the charge of the whole # congregation before the tabernacle of the congregation, to do the # service of the tabernacle. # # unit P NUM:3:8 ÓÖ_Òª_¿´_ÊØ_»á_Ä»_µÄ_Æ÷_¾ß_£¬_²¢_ÊØ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_µÄ_£¬_°ì_Àí ÕÊ_Ä»_µÄ_ÊÂ_¡£ # # And they shall keep all the instruments of the tabernacle of the # congregation, and the charge of the children of Israel, to do the # service of the tabernacle. # # unit P NUM:3:9 Äã_Òª_½«_Àû_δ_ÈË_¸ø_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÊÇ_´Ó_ÒÔ_É« ÁÐ_ÈË_ÖÐ_Ñ¡_³ö_À´_¸ø_Ëû_µÄ_¡£ # # And thou shalt give the Levites unto Aaron and to his sons: they are # wholly given unto him out of the children of Israel. # # unit P NUM:3:10 Äã_Òª_Öö_¸À_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_½÷_ÊØ_×Ô_¼º_¼À_˾_µÄ_Ö°_ÈÎ_¡£_½ü_Ç° À´_µÄ_Íâ_ÈË_±Ø_±»_ÖÎ_ËÀ_¡£ # # And thou shalt appoint Aaron and his sons, and they shall wait on # their priest's office: and the stranger that cometh nigh shall be # put to death. # # unit P NUM:3:11 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P NUM:3:12 ÎÒ_´Ó_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÖÐ_¼ð_Ñ¡_ÁË_Àû_δ_ÈË_£¬_´ú_Ìæ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Ò»_ÇÐ_Í· Éú_µÄ_¡£_Àû_δ_ÈË_Òª_¹é_ÎÒ_¡£ # # And I, behold, I have taken the Levites from among the children of # Israel instead of all the firstborn that openeth the matrix among # the children of Israel: therefore the Levites shall be mine; # # unit P NUM:3:13 Òò_Ϊ_·²_Í·_Éú_µÄ_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_µÄ_¡£_ÎÒ_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_µØ_»÷_ɱ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Í·_Éú_µÄ_ÄÇ ÈÕ_¾Í_°Ñ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÐ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Í·_Éú_µÄ_£¬_Á¬_ÈË_´ø_Éü_Ðó_¶¼_·Ö_±ð_Ϊ_Ê¥ ¹é_ÎÒ_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_¶¨_Òª_Êô_ÎÒ_¡£_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # Because all the firstborn are mine; for on the day that I smote all # the firstborn in the land of Egypt I hallowed unto me all the # firstborn in Israel, both man and beast: mine shall they be: I am # the LORD. # # unit P NUM:3:14 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÔÚ_Î÷_ÄË_µÄ_¿õ_Ò°_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses in the wilderness of Sinai, saying, # # unit P NUM:3:15 Äã_Òª_ÕÕ_Àû_δ_ÈË_µÄ_×Ú_×å_£¬_¼Ò_ÊÒ_Êý_µã_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£_·²_Ò»_¸ö_ÔÂ_ÒÔ_Íâ µÄ_ÄÐ_×Ó_¶¼_Òª_Êý_µã_¡£ # # Number the children of Levi after the house of their fathers, by # their families: every male from a month old and upward shalt thou # number them. # # unit P NUM:3:16 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Ħ_Î÷_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_Êý_µã_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£ # # And Moses numbered them according to the word of the LORD, as he was # commanded. # # unit P NUM:3:17 Àû_δ_ÖÚ_×Ó_µÄ_Ãû_×Ö_ÊÇ_¸ï_˳_£¬_¸ç_Ͻ_£¬_Ã×_À­_Àû_¡£ # # And these were the sons of Levi by their names; Gershon, and Kohath, # and Merari. # # unit P NUM:3:18 ¸ï_˳_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_°´_×Å_¼Ò_ÊÒ_£¬_ÊÇ_Á¢_Äá_£¬_ʾ_ÿ_¡£ # # And these are the names of the sons of Gershon by their families; # Libni, and Shimei. # # unit P NUM:3:19 ¸ç_Ͻ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_°´_×Å_¼Ò_ÊÒ_£¬_ÊÇ_°µ_À¼_£¬_ÒÔ_˹_¹þ_£¬_Ï£_²®_Â×_£¬ ÎÚ_Ѧ_¡£ # # And the sons of Kohath by their families; Amram, and Izehar, Hebron, # and Uzziel. # # unit P NUM:3:20 Ã×_À­_Àû_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_°´_×Å_¼Ò_ÊÒ_£¬_ÊÇ_Ĩ_Àû_£¬_ĸ_ʾ_¡£_Õâ_Щ_°´_×Å ×Ú_×å_ÊÇ_Àû_δ_ÈË_µÄ_¼Ò_ÊÒ_¡£ # # And the sons of Merari by their families; Mahli, and Mushi. These # are the families of the Levites according to the house of their # fathers. # # unit P NUM:3:21 Êô_¸ï_˳_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_Á¢_Äá_×å_£¬_ʾ_ÿ_×å_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_¸ï_˳_µÄ_¶þ_×å_¡£ # # Of Gershon was the family of the Libnites, and the family of the # Shimites: these are the families of the Gershonites. # # unit P NUM:3:22 Æä_ÖÐ_±»_Êý_£¬_´Ó_Ò»_¸ö_ÔÂ_ÒÔ_Íâ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_ÄÐ_×Ó_¹²_ÓÐ_Æß_ǧ_Îå_°Ù_Ãû ¡£ # # Those that were numbered of them, according to the number of all the # males, from a month old and upward, even those that were numbered of # them were seven thousand and five hundred. # # unit P NUM:3:23 Õâ_¸ï_˳_µÄ_¶þ_×å_Òª_ÔÚ_ÕÊ_Ä»_ºó_Î÷_±ß_°²_Óª_¡£ # # The families of the Gershonites shall pitch behind the tabernacle # westward. # # unit P NUM:3:24 À­_ÒÁ_ÀÕ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_Àû_ÑÅ_Èø_×÷_¸ï_˳_ÈË_×Ú_×å_µÄ_Ê×_Áì_¡£ # # And the chief of the house of the father of the Gershonites shall be # Eliasaph the son of Lael. # # unit P NUM:3:25 ¸ï_˳_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_ÖÐ_Ëù_Òª_¿´_ÊØ_µÄ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÕÊ_Ä»_ºÍ_ÕÖ_Åï_£¬ ²¢_ÕÖ_Åï_µÄ_¸Ç_Óë_»á_Ä»_µÄ_ÃÅ_Á±_£¬ # # And the charge of the sons of Gershon in the tabernacle of the # congregation shall be the tabernacle, and the tent, the covering # thereof, and the hanging for the door of the tabernacle of the # congregation, # # unit P NUM:3:26 Ôº_×Ó_µÄ_á¡_×Ó_ºÍ_ÃÅ_Á±_£¨_Ôº_×Ó_ÊÇ_Χ_ÕÊ_Ä»_ºÍ_̳_µÄ_£©_£¬_²¢_Ò»_ÇРʹ_ÓÃ_µÄ_Éþ_×Ó_¡£ # # And the hangings of the court, and the curtain for the door of the # court, which is by the tabernacle, and by the altar round about, and # the cords of it for all the service thereof. # # unit P NUM:3:27 Êô_¸ç_Ͻ_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_°µ_À¼_×å_£¬_ÒÔ_˹_¹þ_×å_£¬_Ï£_²®_Â×_×å_£¬_ÎÚ_Ѧ_×å ¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_¸ç_Ͻ_µÄ_Öî_×å_¡£ # # And of Kohath was the family of the Amramites, and the family of the # Izeharites, and the family of the Hebronites, and the family of the # Uzzielites: these are the families of the Kohathites. # # unit P NUM:3:28 °´_Ëù_ÓÐ_ÄÐ_×Ó_µÄ_Êý_Ä¿_£¬_´Ó_Ò»_¸ö_ÔÂ_ÒÔ_Íâ_¿´_ÊØ_Ê¥_Ëù_µÄ_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ °Ë_ǧ_Áù_°Ù_Ãû_¡£ # # In the number of all the males, from a month old and upward, were # eight thousand and six hundred, keeping the charge of the sanctuary. # # unit P NUM:3:29 ¸ç_Ͻ_¶ù_×Ó_µÄ_Öî_×å_Òª_ÔÚ_ÕÊ_Ä»_µÄ_ÄÏ_±ß_°²_Óª_¡£ # # The families of the sons of Kohath shall pitch on the side of the # tabernacle southward. # # unit P NUM:3:30 ÎÚ_Ѧ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_Àû_Èö_·´_×÷_¸ç_Ͻ_×Ú_×å_¼Ò_ÊÒ_µÄ_Ê×_Áì_¡£ # # And the chief of the house of the father of the families of the # Kohathites shall be Elizaphan the son of Uzziel. # # unit P NUM:3:31 Ëû_ÃÇ_Ëù_Òª_¿´_ÊØ_µÄ_ÊÇ_Ô¼_¹ñ_£¬_×À_×Ó_£¬_µÆ_̨_£¬_Á½_×ù_̳_Óë_Ê¥_Ëù ÄÚ_ʹ_ÓÃ_µÄ_Æ÷_Ãó_£¬_²¢_Á±_×Ó_ºÍ_Ò»_ÇÐ_ʹ_ÓÃ_Ö®_Îï_¡£ # # And their charge shall be the ark, and the table, and the # candlestick, and the altars, and the vessels of the sanctuary # wherewith they minister, and the hanging, and all the service # thereof. # # unit P NUM:3:32 ¼À_˾_ÑÇ_Â×_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_Àû_ÑÇ_Èö_×÷_Àû_δ_ÈË_ÖÚ_Ê×_Áì_µÄ_Áì_Ðä_£¬_Òª ¼à_²ì_ÄÇ_Щ_¿´_ÊØ_Ê¥_Ëù_µÄ_ÈË_¡£ # # And Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest shall be chief over the # chief of the Levites, and have the oversight of them that keep the # charge of the sanctuary. # # unit P NUM:3:33 Êô_Ã×_À­_Àû_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_Ĩ_Àû_×å_£¬_ĸ_ʾ_×å_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_Ã×_À­_Àû_µÄ_¶þ_×å ¡£ # # Of Merari was the family of the Mahlites, and the family of the # Mushites: these are the families of Merari. # # unit P NUM:3:34 Ëû_ÃÇ_±»_Êý_µÄ_£¬_°´_Ëù_ÓÐ_ÄÐ_×Ó_µÄ_Êý_Ä¿_£¬_´Ó_Ò»_¸ö_ÔÂ_ÒÔ_Íâ_µÄ_£¬ ¹²_ÓÐ_Áù_ǧ_¶þ_°Ù_Ãû_¡£ # # And those that were numbered of them, according to the number of all # the males, from a month old and upward, were six thousand and two # hundred. # # unit P NUM:3:35 ÑÇ_±È_º¥_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ËÕ_ÁÐ_×÷_Ã×_À­_Àû_¶þ_×Ú_×å_µÄ_Ê×_Áì_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_Òª_ÔÚ ÕÊ_Ä»_µÄ_±±_±ß_°²_Óª_¡£ # # And the chief of the house of the father of the families of Merari # was Zuriel the son of Abihail: these shall pitch on the side of the # tabernacle northward. # # unit P NUM:3:36 Ã×_À­_Àû_×Ó_Ëï_µÄ_Ö°_·Ö_ÊÇ_¿´_ÊØ_ÕÊ_Ä»_µÄ_°å_£¬_ãÅ_£¬_Öù_×Ó_£¬_´ø_î µÄ_×ù_£¬_ºÍ_ÕÊ_Ä»_Ò»_ÇÐ_Ëù_ʹ_ÓÃ_µÄ_Æ÷_¾ß_£¬ # # And under the custody and charge of the sons of Merari shall be the # boards of the tabernacle, and the bars thereof, and the pillars # thereof, and the sockets thereof, and all the vessels thereof, and # all that serveth thereto, # # unit P NUM:3:37 Ôº_×Ó_ËÄ_Χ_µÄ_Öù_×Ó_£¬_´ø_î_µÄ_×ù_£¬_éÓ_×Ó_£¬_ºÍ_Éþ_×Ó_¡£ # # And the pillars of the court round about, and their sockets, and # their pins, and their cords. # # unit P NUM:3:38 ÔÚ_ÕÊ_Ä»_Ç°_¶«_±ß_£¬_Ïò_ÈÕ_³ö_Ö®_µØ_°²_Óª_µÄ_ÊÇ_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_£¬_ºÍ ÑÇ_Â×_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_¿´_ÊØ_Ê¥_Ëù_£¬_Ìæ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÊØ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù ·Ô_¸À_µÄ_¡£_½ü_Ç°_À´_µÄ_Íâ_ÈË_£¬_±Ø_±»_ÖÎ_ËÀ_¡£ # # But those that encamp before the tabernacle toward the east, even # before the tabernacle of the congregation eastward, shall be Moses, # and Aaron and his sons, keeping the charge of the sanctuary for the # charge of the children of Israel; and the stranger that cometh nigh # shall be put to death. # # unit P NUM:3:39 ·²_±»_Êý_µÄ_Àû_δ_ÈË_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_·Ô_¸À_Ëù_Êý µÄ_£¬_°´_×Å_¼Ò_ÊÒ_£¬_´Ó_Ò»_¸ö_ÔÂ_ÒÔ_Íâ_µÄ_ÄÐ_×Ó_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_¶þ_Íò_¶þ_ǧ Ãû_¡£ # # All that were numbered of the Levites, which Moses and Aaron # numbered at the commandment of the LORD, throughout their families, # all the males from a month old and upward, were twenty and two # thousand. # # unit P NUM:3:40 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Äã_Òª_´Ó_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÖÐ_Êý_µã_Ò»_¸ö_ÔÂ_ÒÔ_Íâ £¬_·²_Í·_Éú_µÄ_ÄÐ_×Ó_£¬_°Ñ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Ãû_×Ö_¼Ç_ÏÂ_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto Moses, Number all the firstborn of the males # of the children of Israel from a month old and upward, and take the # number of their names. # # unit P NUM:3:41 ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£_Äã_Òª_¼ð_Ñ¡_Àû_δ_ÈË_¹é_ÎÒ_£¬_´ú_Ìæ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Ëù ÓÐ_Í·_Éú_µÄ_£¬_Ò²_È¡_Àû_δ_ÈË_µÄ_Éü_Ðó_´ú_Ìæ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_Ëù_ÓÐ_Í·_Éú_µÄ Éü_Ðó_¡£ # # And thou shalt take the Levites for me (I am the LORD) instead of # all the firstborn among the children of Israel; and the cattle of # the Levites instead of all the firstlings among the cattle of the # children of Israel. # # unit P NUM:3:42 Ħ_Î÷_¾Í_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_°Ñ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Í·_Éú_µÄ_¶¼_Êý_µã_ÁË ¡£ # # And Moses numbered, as the LORD commanded him, all the firstborn # among the children of Israel. # # unit P NUM:3:43 °´_ÈË_Ãû_µÄ_Êý_Ä¿_£¬_´Ó_Ò»_¸ö_ÔÂ_ÒÔ_Íâ_£¬_·²_Í·_Éú_µÄ_ÄÐ_×Ó_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ ¶þ_Íò_¶þ_ǧ_¶þ_°Ù_Æß_Ê®_Èý_Ãû_¡£ # # And all the firstborn males by the number of names, from a month old # and upward, of those that were numbered of them, were twenty and two # thousand two hundred and threescore and thirteen. # # unit P NUM:3:44 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P NUM:3:45 Äã_¼ð_Ñ¡_Àû_δ_ÈË_´ú_Ìæ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Ëù_ÓÐ_Í·_Éú_µÄ_£¬_Ò²_È¡_Àû_δ_ÈË µÄ_Éü_Ðó_´ú_Ìæ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_µÄ_Éü_Ðó_¡£_Àû_δ_ÈË_Òª_¹é_ÎÒ_¡£_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò® ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # Take the Levites instead of all the firstborn among the children of # Israel, and the cattle of the Levites instead of their cattle; and # the Levites shall be mine: I am the LORD. # # unit P NUM:3:46 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÖÐ_Í·_Éú_µÄ_ÄÐ_×Ó_±È_Àû_δ_ÈË_¶à_¶þ_°Ù_Æß_Ê®_Èý_¸ö_£¬_±Ø µ±_½«_Ëû_ÃÇ_Êê_³ö_À´_¡£ # # And for those that are to be redeemed of the two hundred and # threescore and thirteen of the firstborn of the children of Israel, # which are more than the Levites; # # unit P NUM:3:47 Äã_Òª_°´_ÈË_¶¡_£¬_ÕÕ_Ê¥_Ëù_µÄ_ƽ_£¬_ÿ_ÈË_È¡_Êê_Òø_Îå_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_£¨_Ò» Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_ÊÇ_¶þ_Ê®_¼¾_À­_£©_£¬ # # Thou shalt even take five shekels apiece by the poll, after the # shekel of the sanctuary shalt thou take them: (the shekel is twenty # gerahs:) # # unit P NUM:3:48 °Ñ_ÄÇ_¶à_Óà_Ö®_ÈË_µÄ_Êê_Òø_½»_¸ø_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_¡£ # # And thou shalt give the money, wherewith the odd number of them is # to be redeemed, unto Aaron and to his sons. # # unit P NUM:3:49 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Ħ_Î÷_´Ó_ÄÇ_±»_Àû_δ_ÈË_Ëù_Êê_ÒÔ_Íâ_µÄ_ÈË_È¡_ÁË_Êê_Òø_¡£ # # And Moses took the redemption money of them that were over and above # them that were redeemed by the Levites: # # unit P NUM:3:50 ´Ó_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Í·_Éú_µÄ_Ëù_È¡_Ö®_Òø_£¬_°´_Ê¥_Ëù_µÄ_ƽ_£¬_ÓÐ_Ò»_ǧ_Èý °Ù_Áù_Ê®_Îå_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_¡£ # # Of the firstborn of the children of Israel took he the money; a # thousand three hundred and threescore and five shekels, after the # shekel of the sanctuary: # # unit P NUM:3:51 Ħ_Î÷_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_»°_°Ñ_Õâ_Êê_Òø_¸ø_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_Õý_Èç Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_¡£ # # And Moses gave the money of them that were redeemed unto Aaron and # to his sons, according to the word of the LORD, as the LORD # commanded Moses. # ## # chapter 4 NUM:4 # unit P NUM:4:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses and unto Aaron, saying, # # unit P NUM:4:2 Äã_´Ó_Àû_δ_ÈË_ÖÐ_£¬_½«_¸ç_Ͻ_×Ó_Ëï_µÄ_×Ü_Êý_£¬_ÕÕ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_¼Ò_ÊÒ_£¬ ×Ú_×å_£¬ # # Take the sum of the sons of Kohath from among the sons of Levi, # after their families, by the house of their fathers, # # unit P NUM:4:3 ´Ó_Èý_Ê®_Ëê_Ö±_µ½_Îå_Ê®_Ëê_£¬_·²_Ç°_À´_ÈÎ_Ö°_£¬_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_Àï_°ì_ÊÂ_µÄ £¬_È«_¶¼_¼Æ_Ëã_¡£ # # From thirty years old and upward even until fifty years old, all # that enter into the host, to do the work in the tabernacle of the # congregation. # # unit P NUM:4:4 ¸ç_Ͻ_×Ó_Ëï_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_°á_ÔË_ÖÁ_Ê¥_Ö®_Îï_£¬_Ëù_°ì_µÄ_ÊÂ_ÄË_ÊÇ_Õâ_Ñù_£¬ # # This shall be the service of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of # the congregation, about the most holy things: # # unit P NUM:4:5 Æð_Óª_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_Òª_½ø_È¥_Õª_ÏÂ_ÕÚ_ÑÚ_¹ñ_µÄ_á£_×Ó £¬_ÓÃ_ÒÔ_ÃÉ_¸Ç_·¨_¹ñ_£¬ # # And when the camp setteth forward, Aaron shall come, and his sons, # and they shall take down the covering vail, and cover the ark of # testimony with it: # # unit P NUM:4:6 ÓÖ_ÓÃ_º£_¹·_Ƥ_¸Ç_ÔÚ_ÉÏ_Í·_£¬_ÔÙ_ÃÉ_ÉÏ_´¿_À¶_É«_µÄ_̺_×Ó_£¬_°Ñ_¸Ü_´© ÉÏ_¡£ # # And shall put thereon the covering of badgers' skins, and shall # spread over it a cloth wholly of blue, and shall put in the staves # thereof. # # unit P NUM:4:7 ÓÖ_ÓÃ_À¶_É«_̺_×Ó_ÆÌ_ÔÚ_³Â_Éè_±ý_µÄ_×À_×Ó_ÉÏ_£¬_½«_ÅÌ_×Ó_£¬_µ÷_¸þ_£¬ µì_¾Æ_µÄ_¾ô_£¬_ºÍ_±­_°Ú_ÔÚ_ÉÏ_Í·_¡£_×À_×Ó_ÉÏ_Ò²_±Ø_ÓÐ_³£_Éè_µÄ_±ý_¡£ # # And upon the table of shewbread they shall spread a cloth of blue, # and put thereon the dishes, and the spoons, and the bowls, and # covers to cover withal: and the continual bread shall be thereon: # # unit P NUM:4:8 ÔÚ_Æä_ÉÏ_ÓÖ_Òª_ÃÉ_Öì_ºì_É«_µÄ_̺_×Ó_£¬_ÔÙ_ÃÉ_ÉÏ_º£_¹·_Ƥ_£¬_°Ñ_¸Ü_´© ÉÏ_¡£ # # And they shall spread upon them a cloth of scarlet, and cover the # same with a covering of badgers' skins, and shall put in the staves # thereof. # # unit P NUM:4:9 Òª_ÄÃ_À¶_É«_̺_×Ó_£¬_°Ñ_µÆ_̨_ºÍ_µÆ_̨_ÉÏ_Ëù_ÓÃ_µÄ_µÆ_Õµ_£¬_¼ô_×Ó_£¬ À¯_»¨_ÅÌ_£¬_²¢_Ò»_ÇÐ_Ê¢_ÓÍ_µÄ_Æ÷_Ãó_£¬_È«_¶¼_ÕÚ_¸Ç_¡£ # # And they shall take a cloth of blue, and cover the candlestick of # the light, and his lamps, and his tongs, and his snuffdishes, and # all the oil vessels thereof, wherewith they minister unto it: # # unit P NUM:4:10 ÓÖ_Òª_°Ñ_µÆ_̨_ºÍ_µÆ_̨_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Æ÷_¾ß_°ü_ÔÚ_º£_¹·_Ƥ_Àï_£¬_·Å_ÔÚ_̧ ¼Ü_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And they shall put it and all the vessels thereof within a covering # of badgers' skins, and shall put it upon a bar. # # unit P NUM:4:11 ÔÚ_½ð_̳_ÉÏ_Òª_ÆÌ_À¶_É«_̺_×Ó_£¬_ÃÉ_ÉÏ_º£_¹·_Ƥ_£¬_°Ñ_¸Ü_´©_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And upon the golden altar they shall spread a cloth of blue, and # cover it with a covering of badgers' skins, and shall put to the # staves thereof: # # unit P NUM:4:12 ÓÖ_Òª_°Ñ_Ê¥_Ëù_ÓÃ_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Æ÷_¾ß_°ü_ÔÚ_À¶_É«_̺_×Ó_Àï_£¬_ÓÃ_º£_¹·_Ƥ ÃÉ_ÉÏ_£¬_·Å_ÔÚ_̧_¼Ü_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And they shall take all the instruments of ministry, wherewith they # minister in the sanctuary, and put them in a cloth of blue, and # cover them with a covering of badgers' skins, and shall put them on # a bar: # # unit P NUM:4:13 Òª_ÊÕ_È¥_̳_ÉÏ_µÄ_»Ò_£¬_°Ñ_×Ï_É«_̺_×Ó_ÆÌ_ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And they shall take away the ashes from the altar, and spread a # purple cloth thereon: # # unit P NUM:4:14 ÓÖ_Òª_°Ñ_Ëù_ÓÃ_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Æ÷_¾ß_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_»ð_¶¦_£¬_Èâ_ïÊ_×Ó_£¬_²ù_×Ó_£¬ ÅÌ_×Ó_£¬_Ò»_ÇÐ_Êô_̳_µÄ_Æ÷_¾ß_¶¼_°Ú_ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ_£¬_ÓÖ_ÃÉ_ÉÏ_º£_¹·_Ƥ_£¬ °Ñ_¸Ü_´©_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And they shall put upon it all the vessels thereof, wherewith they # minister about it, even the censers, the fleshhooks, and the # shovels, and the basons, all the vessels of the altar; and they # shall spread upon it a covering of badgers' skins, and put to the # staves of it. # # unit P NUM:4:15 ½«_Òª_Æð_Óª_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_°Ñ_Ê¥_Ëù_ºÍ_Ê¥_Ëù_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ Æ÷_¾ß_ÕÚ_¸Ç_Íê_ÁË_£¬_¸ç_Ͻ_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_¾Í_Òª_À´_̧_£¬_Ö»_ÊÇ_²»_¿É_Ãþ_Ê¥ Îï_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ËÀ_Íö_¡£_»á_Ä»_Àï_Õâ_Щ_Îï_¼þ_ÊÇ_¸ç_Ͻ_×Ó_Ëï_Ëù_µ± ̧_µÄ # # And when Aaron and his sons have made an end of covering the # sanctuary, and all the vessels of the sanctuary, as the camp is to # set forward; after that, the sons of Kohath shall come to bear it: # but they shall not touch any holy thing, lest they die. These things # are the burden of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of the # congregation. # # unit P NUM:4:16 ¼À_˾_ÑÇ_Â×_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_Àû_ÑÇ_Èö_Ëù_Òª_¿´_ÊØ_µÄ_ÊÇ_µã_µÆ_µÄ_ÓÍ_Óë_Ïã ÁÏ_£¬_²¢_µ±_Ï×_µÄ_ËØ_¼À_ºÍ_¸à_ÓÍ_£¬_Ò²_Òª_¿´_ÊØ_È«_ÕÊ_Ä»_Óë_Æä_ÖÐ_Ëù ÓÐ_µÄ_£¬_²¢_Ê¥_Ëù_ºÍ_Ê¥_Ëù_µÄ_Æ÷_¾ß_¡£ # # And to the office of Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest pertaineth # the oil for the light, and the sweet incense, and the daily meat # offering, and the anointing oil, and the oversight of all the # tabernacle, and of all that therein is, in the sanctuary, and in the # vessels thereof. # # unit P NUM:4:17 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses and unto Aaron, saying, # # unit P NUM:4:18 Äã_ÃÇ_²»_¿É_½«_¸ç_Ͻ_ÈË_µÄ_Ö§_ÅÉ_´Ó_Àû_δ_ÈË_ÖÐ_¼ô_³ý_¡£ # # Cut ye not off the tribe of the families of the Kohathites from # among the Levites: # # unit P NUM:4:19 Ëû_ÃÇ_°¤_½ü_ÖÁ_Ê¥_Îï_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_Òª_½ø_È¥_ÅÉ_Ëû_ÃÇ ¸÷_ÈË_Ëù_µ±_°ì_µÄ_£¬_Ëù_µ±_̧_µÄ_¡£_Õâ_Ñù_´ý_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_ºÃ_ʹ_Ëû_ÃÇ_»î ×Å_£¬_²»_ÖÁ_ËÀ_Íö_¡£ # # But thus do unto them, that they may live, and not die, when they # approach unto the most holy things: Aaron and his sons shall go in, # and appoint them every one to his service and to his burden: # # unit P NUM:4:20 Ö»_ÊÇ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Á¬_Ƭ_ʱ_²»_¿É_½ø_È¥_¹Û_¿´_Ê¥_Ëù_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ËÀ_Íö_¡£ # # But they shall not go in to see when the holy things are covered, # lest they die. # # unit P NUM:4:21 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P NUM:4:22 Äã_Òª_½«_¸ï_˳_×Ó_Ëï_µÄ_×Ü_Êý_£¬_ÕÕ_×Å_×Ú_×å_£¬_¼Ò_ÊÒ_£¬ # # Take also the sum of the sons of Gershon, throughout the houses of # their fathers, by their families; # # unit P NUM:4:23 ´Ó_Èý_Ê®_Ëê_Ö±_µ½_Îå_Ê®_Ëê_£¬_·²_Ç°_À´_ÈÎ_Ö°_£¬_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_Àï_°ì_ÊÂ_µÄ £¬_È«_¶¼_Êý_µã_¡£ # # From thirty years old and upward until fifty years old shalt thou # number them; all that enter in to perform the service, to do the # work in the tabernacle of the congregation. # # unit P NUM:4:24 ¸ï_˳_ÈË_¸÷_×å_Ëù_°ì_µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬_Ëù_̧_µÄ_Îï_ÄË_ÊÇ_Õâ_Ñù_£¬ # # This is the service of the families of the Gershonites, to serve, # and for burdens: # # unit P NUM:4:25 Ëû_ÃÇ_Òª_̧_ÕÊ_Ä»_µÄ_á£_×Ó_ºÍ_»á_Ä»_£¬_²¢_»á_Ä»_µÄ_¸Ç_Óë_Æä_ÉÏ_µÄ_º£ ¹·_Ƥ_£¬_ºÍ_»á_Ä»_µÄ_ÃÅ_Á±_£¬ # # And they shall bear the curtains of the tabernacle, and the # tabernacle of the congregation, his covering, and the covering of # the badgers' skins that is above upon it, and the hanging for the # door of the tabernacle of the congregation, # # unit P NUM:4:26 Ôº_×Ó_µÄ_á¡_×Ó_ºÍ_ÃÅ_Á±_£¨_Ôº_×Ó_ÊÇ_Χ_ÕÊ_Ä»_ºÍ_̳_µÄ_£©_£¬_Éþ_×Ó_£¬ ²¢_Ëù_ÓÃ_µÄ_Æ÷_¾ß_£¬_²»_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_×÷_ʲ_ô_ÓÃ_µÄ_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_¶¼_Òª_¾­_Àí_¡£ # # And the hangings of the court, and the hanging for the door of the # gate of the court, which is by the tabernacle and by the altar round # about, and their cords, and all the instruments of their service, # and all that is made for them: so shall they serve. # # unit P NUM:4:27 ¸ï_˳_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_ÔÚ_Ò»_ÇÐ_̧_Îï_°ì_ÊÂ_Ö®_ÉÏ_¶¼_Òª_ƾ_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó µÄ_·Ô_¸À_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ëù_µ±_̧_µÄ_£¬_Òª_ÅÉ_Ëû_ÃÇ_¿´_ÊØ_¡£ # # At the appointment of Aaron and his sons shall be all the service of # the sons of the Gershonites, in all their burdens, and in all their # service: and ye shall appoint unto them in charge all their burdens. # # unit P NUM:4:28 Õâ_ÊÇ_¸ï_˳_×Ó_Ëï_µÄ_¸÷_×å_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_Àï_Ëù_°ì_µÄ_ÊÂ_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ëù_¿´_ÊØ µÄ_£¬_±Ø_ÔÚ_¼À_˾_ÑÇ_Â×_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_Ëû_Âê_µÄ_ÊÖ_ÏÂ_¡£ # # This is the service of the families of the sons of Gershon in the # tabernacle of the congregation: and their charge shall be under the # hand of Ithamar the son of Aaron the priest. # # unit P NUM:4:29 ÖÁ_ÓÚ_Ã×_À­_Àû_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_£¬_Äã_Òª_ÕÕ_×Å_¼Ò_ÊÒ_£¬_×Ú_×å_°Ñ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Êý_µã ¡£ # # As for the sons of Merari, thou shalt number them after their # families, by the house of their fathers; # # unit P NUM:4:30 ´Ó_Èý_Ê®_Ëê_Ö±_µ½_Îå_Ê®_Ëê_£¬_·²_Ç°_À´_ÈÎ_Ö°_£¬_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_Àï_°ì_ÊÂ_µÄ £¬_Äã_¶¼_Òª_Êý_µã_¡£ # # From thirty years old and upward even unto fifty years old shalt # thou number them, every one that entereth into the service, to do # the work of the tabernacle of the congregation. # # unit P NUM:4:31 Ëû_ÃÇ_°ì_Àí_»á_Ä»_µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_̧_ÕÊ_Ä»_µÄ_°å_£¬_ãÅ_£¬_Öù_×Ó_£¬_ºÍ ´ø_î_µÄ_×ù_£¬ # # And this is the charge of their burden, according to all their # service in the tabernacle of the congregation; the boards of the # tabernacle, and the bars thereof, and the pillars thereof, and # sockets thereof, # # unit P NUM:4:32 Ôº_×Ó_ËÄ_Χ_µÄ_Öù_×Ó_ºÍ_Æä_ÉÏ_´ø_î_µÄ_×ù_£¬_éÓ_×Ó_£¬_Éþ_×Ó_£¬_²¢_Ò» ÇÐ_ʹ_ÓÃ_µÄ_Æ÷_¾ß_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ëù_̧_µÄ_Æ÷_¾ß_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_°´_Ãû_Ö¸_¶¨_¡£ # # And the pillars of the court round about, and their sockets, and # their pins, and their cords, with all their instruments, and with # all their service: and by name ye shall reckon the instruments of # the charge of their burden. # # unit P NUM:4:33 Õâ_ÊÇ_Ã×_À­_Àû_×Ó_Ëï_¸÷_×å_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_Àï_Ëù_°ì_µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬_¶¼_ÔÚ_¼À_˾_ÑÇ Â×_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_Ëû_Âê_µÄ_ÊÖ_ÏÂ_¡£ # # This is the service of the families of the sons of Merari, according # to all their service, in the tabernacle of the congregation, under # the hand of Ithamar the son of Aaron the priest. # # unit P NUM:4:34 Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_Óë_»á_ÖÚ_µÄ_Öî_Ê×_Áì_½«_¸ç_Ͻ_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_£¬_ÕÕ_×Å_¼Ò_ÊÒ £¬_×Ú_×å_£¬ # # And Moses and Aaron and the chief of the congregation numbered the # sons of the Kohathites after their families, and after the house of # their fathers, # # unit P NUM:4:35 ´Ó_Èý_Ê®_Ëê_Ö±_µ½_Îå_Ê®_Ëê_£¬_·²_Ç°_À´_ÈÎ_Ö°_£¬_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_Àï_°ì_ÊÂ_µÄ £¬_¶¼_Êý_µã_ÁË_¡£ # # From thirty years old and upward even unto fifty years old, every # one that entereth into the service, for the work in the tabernacle # of the congregation: # # unit P NUM:4:36 ±»_Êý_µÄ_¹²_ÓÐ_¶þ_ǧ_Æß_°Ù_Îå_Ê®_Ãû_¡£ # # And those that were numbered of them by their families were two # thousand seven hundred and fifty. # # unit P NUM:4:37 Õâ_ÊÇ_¸ç_Ͻ_¸÷_×å_ÖÐ_±»_Êý_µÄ_£¬_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_Àï_°ì_ÊÂ_µÄ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ħ Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_½è_Ħ_Î÷_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Êý_µã_µÄ_¡£ # # These were they that were numbered of the families of the # Kohathites, all that might do service in the tabernacle of the # congregation, which Moses and Aaron did number according to the # commandment of the LORD by the hand of Moses. # # unit P NUM:4:38 ¸ï_˳_×Ó_Ëï_±»_Êý_µÄ_£¬_ÕÕ_×Å_¼Ò_ÊÒ_£¬_×Ú_×å_£¬ # # And those that were numbered of the sons of Gershon, throughout # their families, and by the house of their fathers, # # unit P NUM:4:39 ´Ó_Èý_Ê®_Ëê_Ö±_µ½_Îå_Ê®_Ëê_£¬_·²_Ç°_À´_ÈÎ_Ö°_£¬_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_Àï_°ì_ÊÂ_µÄ £¬_¹²_ÓÐ_¶þ_ǧ_Áù_°Ù_Èý_Ê®_Ãû_¡£ # # From thirty years old and upward even unto fifty years old, every # one that entereth into the service, for the work in the tabernacle # of the congregation, even those that were numbered of them, # throughout their families, by the house of their fathers, were two # thousand and six hundred and thirty. # # unit P NUM:4:41 Õâ_ÊÇ_¸ï_˳_×Ó_Ëï_¸÷_×å_ÖÐ_±»_Êý_µÄ_£¬_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_Àï_°ì_ÊÂ_µÄ_£¬_¾Í ÊÇ_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_½è_Ħ_Î÷_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Êý_µã_µÄ_¡£ # # These are they that were numbered of the families of the sons of # Gershon, of all that might do service in the tabernacle of the # congregation, whom Moses and Aaron did number according to the # commandment of the LORD. # # unit P NUM:4:42 Ã×_À­_Àû_×Ó_Ëï_ÖÐ_¸÷_×å_±»_Êý_µÄ_£¬_ÕÕ_×Å_¼Ò_ÊÒ_£¬_×Ú_×å_£¬ # # And those that were numbered of the families of the sons of Merari, # throughout their families, by the house of their fathers, # # unit P NUM:4:43 ´Ó_Èý_Ê®_Ëê_Ö±_µ½_Îå_Ê®_Ëê_£¬_·²_Ç°_À´_ÈÎ_Ö°_£¬_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_Àï_°ì_ÊÂ_µÄ £¬_¹²_ÓÐ_Èý_ǧ_¶þ_°Ù_Ãû_¡£ # # From thirty years old and upward even unto fifty years old, every # one that entereth into the service, for the work in the tabernacle # of the congregation, even those that were numbered of them after # their families, were three thousand and two hundred. # # unit P NUM:4:45 Õâ_ÊÇ_Ã×_À­_Àû_×Ó_Ëï_¸÷_×å_ÖÐ_±»_Êý_µÄ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_ÕÕ_Ò® ºÍ_»ª_½è_Ħ_Î÷_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Êý_µã_µÄ_¡£ # # These be those that were numbered of the families of the sons of # Merari, whom Moses and Aaron numbered according to the word of the # LORD by the hand of Moses. # # unit P NUM:4:46 ·²_±»_Êý_µÄ_Àû_δ_ÈË_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_²¢_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÚ_Ê×_Áì_£¬ ÕÕ_×Å_¼Ò_ÊÒ_£¬_×Ú_×å_Ëù_Êý_µã_µÄ_£¬ # # All those that were numbered of the Levites, whom Moses and Aaron # and the chief of Israel numbered, after their families, and after # the house of their fathers, # # unit P NUM:4:47 ´Ó_Èý_Ê®_Ëê_Ö±_µ½_Îå_Ê®_Ëê_£¬_·²_Ç°_À´_ÈÎ_Ö°_£¬_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_Àï_×÷_̧_Îï Ö®_¹¤_µÄ_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_°Ë_ǧ_Îå_°Ù_°Ë_Ê®_Ãû_¡£ # # From thirty years old and upward even unto fifty years old, every # one that came to do the service of the ministry, and the service of # the burden in the tabernacle of the congregation, even those that # were numbered of them, were eight thousand and five hundred and # fourscore. # # unit P NUM:4:49 Ħ_Î÷_°´_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ëù_°ì_µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬_Ëù_̧_µÄ_Îï_£¬_ƾ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_·Ô_¸À_Êý µã_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_Õâ_Ñù_±»_Ħ_Î÷_Êý_µã_£¬_Õý_Èç_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Ëû µÄ_¡£ # # According to the commandment of the LORD they were numbered by the # hand of Moses, every one according to his service, and according to # his burden: thus were they numbered of him, as the LORD commanded # Moses. # ## # chapter 5 NUM:5 # unit P NUM:5:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P NUM:5:2 Äã_·Ô_¸À_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_£¬_ʹ_Ò»_ÇÐ_³¤_´ó_Âé_·è_µÄ_£¬_»¼_©_Ö¢_µÄ_£¬_²¢ Òò_ËÀ_ʬ_²»_½à_¾»_µÄ_£¬_¶¼_³ö_Óª_Íâ_È¥_¡£ # # Command the children of Israel, that they put out of the camp every # leper, and every one that hath an issue, and whosoever is defiled by # the dead: # # unit P NUM:5:3 ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÄÐ_Å®_¶¼_Òª_ʹ_Ëû_ÃÇ_³ö_µ½_Óª_Íâ_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_ÎÛ_»à_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Óª_¡£ Õâ_Óª_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_Ëù_ס_µÄ_¡£ # # Both male and female shall ye put out, without the camp shall ye put # them; that they defile not their camps, in the midst whereof I # dwell. # # unit P NUM:5:4 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_¾Í_Õâ_Ñù_ÐÐ_£¬_ʹ_Ëû_ÃÇ_³ö_µ½_Óª_Íâ_¡£_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ôõ_Ñù_·Ô ¸À_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_¾Í_Ôõ_Ñù_ÐÐ_ÁË_¡£ # # And the children of Israel did so, and put them out without the # camp: as the LORD spake unto Moses, so did the children of Israel. # # unit P NUM:5:5 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P NUM:5:6 Äã_Ïþ_ÚÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_˵_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÄÐ_Å®_£¬_Èô_·¸_ÁË_ÈË_Ëù_³£_·¸_µÄ_×ï £¬_ÒÔ_ÖÁ_¸É_·¸_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_ÄÇ_ÈË_¾Í_ÓÐ_ÁË_×ï_¡£ # # Speak unto the children of Israel, When a man or woman shall commit # any sin that men commit, to do a trespass against the LORD, and that # person be guilty; # # unit P NUM:5:7 Ëû_Òª_³Ð_ÈÏ_Ëù_·¸_µÄ_×ï_£¬_½«_Ëù_¿÷_¸º_ÈË_µÄ_£¬_Èç_Êý_Åâ_»¹_£¬_Áí_Íâ ¼Ó_ÉÏ_Îå_·Ö_Ö®_Ò»_£¬_Ò²_¹é_Óë_Ëù_¿÷_¸º_µÄ_ÈË_¡£ # # Then they shall confess their sin which they have done: and he shall # recompense his trespass with the principal thereof, and add unto it # the fifth part thereof, and give it unto him against whom he hath # trespassed. # # unit P NUM:5:8 ÄÇ_ÈË_Èô_û_ÓÐ_Ç×_Êô_¿É_ÊÜ_Ëù_Åâ_»¹_µÄ_£¬_ÄÇ_Ëù_Åâ_»¹_µÄ_¾Í_Òª_¹é_Óë ·þ_ÊÂ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_¼À_˾_¡£_ÖÁ_ÓÚ_ÄÇ_Ϊ_Ëû_Êê_×ï_µÄ_¹«_Ñò_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_Íâ_¡£ # # But if the man have no kinsman to recompense the trespass unto, let # the trespass be recompensed unto the LORD, even to the priest; # beside the ram of the atonement, whereby an atonement shall be made # for him. # # unit P NUM:5:9 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_Ê¥_Îï_ÖÐ_£¬_Ëù_·î_¸ø_¼À_˾_µÄ_¾Ù_¼À_¶¼_Òª_¹é_Óë ¼À_˾_¡£ # # And every offering of all the holy things of the children of Israel, # which they bring unto the priest, shall be his. # # unit P NUM:5:10 ¸÷_ÈË_Ëù_·Ö_±ð_Ϊ_Ê¥_µÄ_Îï_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_ʲ_ô_£¬_¶¼_Òª_¹é_¸ø_¼À_˾_¡£ # # And every man's hallowed things shall be his: whatsoever any man # giveth the priest, it shall be his. # # unit P NUM:5:11 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P NUM:5:12 Äã_Ïþ_ÚÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_˵_£¬_ÈË_µÄ_ÆÞ_Èô_ÓÐ_а_ÐÐ_£¬_µÃ_×ï_Ëý_ÕÉ_·ò_£¬ # # Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, If any man's # wife go aside, and commit a trespass against him, # # unit P NUM:5:13 ÓÐ_ÈË_Óë_Ëý_ÐÐ_Òù_£¬_ÊÂ_Çé_ÑÏ_ÃÜ_£¬_Â÷_¹ý_Ëý_ÕÉ_·ò_£¬_¶ø_ÇÒ_Ëý_±»_çè ÎÛ_£¬_û_ÓÐ_×÷_¼û_Ö¤_µÄ_ÈË_£¬_µ±_Ëý_ÐÐ_Òù_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_Ò²_û_ÓÐ_±»_×½_ס £¬ # # And a man lie with her carnally, and it be hid from the eyes of her # husband, and be kept close, and she be defiled, and there be no # witness against her, neither she be taken with the manner; # # unit P NUM:5:14 Ëý_ÕÉ_·ò_Éú_ÁË_ÒÉ_ºÞ_µÄ_ÐÄ_£¬_ÒÉ_ºÞ_Ëý_£¬_Ëý_ÊÇ_±»_çè_ÎÛ_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_Ëý ÕÉ_·ò_Éú_ÁË_ÒÉ_ºÞ_µÄ_ÐÄ_£¬_ÒÉ_ºÞ_Ëý_£¬_Ëý_²¢_û_ÓÐ_±»_çè_ÎÛ_£¬ # # And the spirit of jealousy come upon him, and he be jealous of his # wife, and she be defiled: or if the spirit of jealousy come upon # him, and he be jealous of his wife, and she be not defiled: # # unit P NUM:5:15 Õâ_ÈË_¾Í_Òª_½«_ÆÞ_ËÍ_µ½_¼À_˾_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_ÓÖ_Ϊ_Ëý_´ø_×Å_´ó_Âó_Ãæ_ÒÁ_·¨ Ê®_·Ö_Ö®_Ò»_×÷_¹©_Îï_£¬_²»_¿É_½½_ÉÏ_ÓÍ_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_¼Ó_ÉÏ_Èé_Ïã_¡£_Òò Ϊ_Õâ_ÊÇ_ÒÉ_ºÞ_µÄ_ËØ_¼À_£¬_ÊÇ_˼_Äî_µÄ_ËØ_¼À_£¬_ʹ_ÈË_˼_Äî_×ï_Äõ_¡£ # # Then shall the man bring his wife unto the priest, and he shall # bring her offering for her, the tenth part of an ephah of barley # meal; he shall pour no oil upon it, nor put frankincense thereon; # for it is an offering of jealousy, an offering of memorial, bringing # iniquity to remembrance. # # unit P NUM:5:16 ¼À_˾_Òª_ʹ_ÄÇ_¸¾_ÈË_½ü_Ç°_À´_£¬_Õ¾_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_¡£ # # And the priest shall bring her near, and set her before the LORD: # # unit P NUM:5:17 ¼À_˾_Òª_°Ñ_Ê¥_Ë®_Ê¢_ÔÚ_Íß_Æ÷_Àï_£¬_ÓÖ_´Ó_ÕÊ_Ä»_µÄ_µØ_ÉÏ_È¡_µã_³¾_ÍÁ £¬_·Å_ÔÚ_Ë®_ÖÐ_¡£ # # And the priest shall take holy water in an earthen vessel; and of # the dust that is in the floor of the tabernacle the priest shall # take, and put it into the water: # # unit P NUM:5:18 ¼À_˾_Òª_½Ð_ÄÇ_¸¾_ÈË_Åî_Í·_É¢_·¢_£¬_Õ¾_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_°Ñ_˼_Äî µÄ_ËØ_¼À_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÒÉ_ºÞ_µÄ_ËØ_¼À_£¬_·Å_ÔÚ_Ëý_ÊÖ_ÖÐ_¡£_¼À_˾_ÊÖ_Àï_Äà ×Å_ÖÂ_Öä_×ç_µÄ_¿à_Ë®_£¬ # # And the priest shall set the woman before the LORD, and uncover the # woman's head, and put the offering of memorial in her hands, which # is the jealousy offering: and the priest shall have in his hand the # bitter water that causeth the curse: # # unit P NUM:5:19 Òª_½Ð_¸¾_ÈË_Æð_ÊÄ_£¬_¶Ô_Ëý_˵_£¬_Èô_û_ÓÐ_ÈË_Óë_Äã_ÐÐ_Òù_£¬_Ò²_δ_Ôø ±³_×Å_ÕÉ_·ò_×÷_ÎÛ_»à_µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬_Äã_¾Í_Ãâ_ÊÜ_Õâ_ÖÂ_Öä_×ç_¿à_Ë®_µÄ_ÔÖ_¡£ # # And the priest shall charge her by an oath, and say unto the woman, # If no man have lain with thee, and if thou hast not gone aside to # uncleanness with another instead of thy husband, be thou free from # this bitter water that causeth the curse: # # unit P NUM:5:20 Äã_Èô_±³_×Å_ÕÉ_·ò_ÐÐ_ÁË_ÎÛ_»à_µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬_ÔÚ_Äã_ÕÉ_·ò_ÒÔ_Íâ_ÓÐ_ÈË_Óë_Äã ÐÐ_Òù_£¬ # # But if thou hast gone aside to another instead of thy husband, and # if thou be defiled, and some man have lain with thee beside thine # husband: # # unit P NUM:5:21 £¨_¼À_˾_½Ð_¸¾_ÈË_·¢_Öä_Æð_ÊÄ_£©_£¬_Ô¸_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_½Ð_Äã_´ó_ÍÈ_Ïû_ÊÝ_£¬ ¶Ç_¸¹_·¢_ÕÍ_£¬_ʹ_Äã_ÔÚ_Äã_Ãñ_ÖÐ_±»_ÈË_Öä_×ç_£¬_³É_ÁË_ÊÄ_Óï_¡£ # # Then the priest shall charge the woman with an oath of cursing, and # the priest shall say unto the woman, The LORD make thee a curse and # an oath among thy people, when the LORD doth make thy thigh to rot, # and thy belly to swell; # # unit P NUM:5:22 ²¢_ÇÒ_Õâ_ÖÂ_Öä_×ç_µÄ_Ë®_Èë_Äã_µÄ_³¦_ÖÐ_£¬_Òª_½Ð_Äã_µÄ_¶Ç_¸¹_·¢_ÕÍ_£¬ ´ó_ÍÈ_Ïû_ÊÝ_¡£_¸¾_ÈË_Òª_»Ø_´ð_˵_£¬_°¢_ÃÇ_£¬_°¢_ÃÇ_¡£ # # And this water that causeth the curse shall go into thy bowels, to # make thy belly to swell, and thy thigh to rot: And the woman shall # say, Amen, amen. # # unit P NUM:5:23 ¼À_˾_Òª_д_Õâ_Öä_×ç_µÄ_»°_£¬_½«_Ëù_д_µÄ_×Ö_Ĩ_ÔÚ_¿à_Ë®_Àï_£¬ # # And the priest shall write these curses in a book, and he shall blot # them out with the bitter water: # # unit P NUM:5:24 ÓÖ_½Ð_¸¾_ÈË_ºÈ_Õâ_ÖÂ_Öä_×ç_µÄ_¿à_Ë®_¡£_Õâ_Ë®_Òª_½ø_Èë_Ëý_Àï_Ãæ_±ä_¿à ÁË_¡£ # # And he shall cause the woman to drink the bitter water that causeth # the curse: and the water that causeth the curse shall enter into # her, and become bitter. # # unit P NUM:5:25 ¼À_˾_Òª_´Ó_¸¾_ÈË_µÄ_ÊÖ_ÖÐ_È¡_ÄÇ_ÒÉ_ºÞ_µÄ_ËØ_¼À_£¬_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç° Ò¡_Ò»_Ò¡_£¬_ÄÃ_µ½_̳_Ç°_¡£ # # Then the priest shall take the jealousy offering out of the woman's # hand, and shall wave the offering before the LORD, and offer it upon # the altar: # # unit P NUM:5:26 ÓÖ_Òª_´Ó_ËØ_¼À_ÖÐ_È¡_³ö_Ò»_°Ñ_£¬_×÷_Ϊ_Õâ_ÊÂ_µÄ_¼Í_Äî_£¬_ÉÕ_ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ £¬_È»_ºó_½Ð_¸¾_ÈË_ºÈ_Õâ_Ë®_¡£ # # And the priest shall take an handful of the offering, even the # memorial thereof, and burn it upon the altar, and afterward shall # cause the woman to drink the water. # # unit P NUM:5:27 ½Ð_Ëý_ºÈ_ÁË_ÒÔ_ºó_£¬_Ëý_Èô_±»_çè_ÎÛ_£¬_µÃ_×ï_ÁË_ÕÉ_·ò_£¬_Õâ_ÖÂ_Öä_×ç µÄ_Ë®_±Ø_½ø_Èë_Ëý_Àï_Ãæ_±ä_¿à_ÁË_£¬_Ëý_µÄ_¶Ç_¸¹_¾Í_Òª_·¢_ÕÍ_£¬_´ó_ÍÈ ¾Í_Òª_Ïû_ÊÝ_£¬_ÄÇ_¸¾_ÈË_±ã_Òª_ÔÚ_Ëû_Ãñ_ÖÐ_±»_ÈË_Öä_×ç_¡£ # # And when he hath made her to drink the water, then it shall come to # pass, that, if she be defiled, and have done trespass against her # husband, that the water that causeth the curse shall enter into her, # and become bitter, and her belly shall swell, and her thigh shall # rot: and the woman shall be a curse among her people. # # unit P NUM:5:28 Èô_¸¾_ÈË_û_ÓÐ_±»_çè_ÎÛ_£¬_È´_ÊÇ_Çå_½à_µÄ_£¬_¾Í_Òª_Ãâ_ÊÜ_Õâ_ÔÖ_£¬_ÇÒ Òª_»³_ÔÐ_¡£ # # And if the woman be not defiled, but be clean; then she shall be # free, and shall conceive seed. # # unit P NUM:5:29 ÆÞ_×Ó_±³_×Å_ÕÉ_·ò_ÐÐ_ÁË_ÎÛ_»à_µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬ # # This is the law of jealousies, when a wife goeth aside to another # instead of her husband, and is defiled; # # unit P NUM:5:30 »ò_ÊÇ_ÈË_Éú_ÁË_ÒÉ_ºÞ_µÄ_ÐÄ_£¬_ÒÉ_ºÞ_Ëû_µÄ_ÆÞ_£¬_¾Í_ÓÐ_Õâ_ÒÉ_ºÞ_µÄ_Ìõ Àý_¡£_ÄÇ_ʱ_Ëû_Òª_½Ð_¸¾_ÈË_Õ¾_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_¼À_˾_Òª_ÔÚ_Ëý_Éí ÉÏ_ÕÕ_Õâ_Ìõ_Àý_¶ø_ÐÐ_¡£ # # Or when the spirit of jealousy cometh upon him, and he be jealous # over his wife, and shall set the woman before the LORD, and the # priest shall execute upon her all this law. # # unit P NUM:5:31 ÄÐ_ÈË_¾Í_Ϊ_ÎÞ_×ï_£¬_¸¾_ÈË_±Ø_µ£_µ±_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_×ï_Äõ_¡£ # # Then shall the man be guiltless from iniquity, and this woman shall # bear her iniquity. # ## # chapter 6 NUM:6 # unit P NUM:6:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P NUM:6:2 Äã_Ïþ_ÚÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_˵_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÄÐ_Å®_Ðí_ÁË_ÌØ_±ð_µÄ_Ô¸_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Äà ϸ_¶ú_ÈË_µÄ_Ô¸_£¨_ÄÃ_ϸ_¶ú_¾Í_ÊÇ_¹é_Ö÷_µÄ_Òâ_˼_ÏÂ_ͬ_£©_£¬_Òª_Àë_Ë× ¹é_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When either # man or woman shall separate themselves to vow a vow of a Nazarite, # to separate themselves unto the LORD: # # unit P NUM:6:3 Ëû_¾Í_Òª_Ô¶_Àë_Çå_¾Æ_Ũ_¾Æ_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_ºÈ_ʲ_ô_Çå_¾Æ_Ũ_¾Æ_×÷_µÄ_´× ¡£_²»_¿É_ºÈ_ʲ_ô_ÆÏ_ÌÑ_Ö­_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_³Ô_ÏÊ_ÆÏ_ÌÑ_ºÍ_¸É_ÆÏ_ÌÑ_¡£ # # He shall separate himself from wine and strong drink, and shall # drink no vinegar of wine, or vinegar of strong drink, neither shall # he drink any liquor of grapes, nor eat moist grapes, or dried. # # unit P NUM:6:4 ÔÚ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Àë_Ë×_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_£¬_·²_ÆÏ_ÌÑ_Ê÷_ÉÏ_½á_µÄ_£¬_×Ô_ºË_ÖÁ_Ƥ_Ëù_×÷ µÄ_Îï_£¬_¶¼_²»_¿É_³Ô_¡£ # # All the days of his separation shall he eat nothing that is made of # the vine tree, from the kernels even to the husk. # # unit P NUM:6:5 ÔÚ_Ëû_Ò»_ÇÐ_Ðí_Ô¸_Àë_Ë×_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_£¬_²»_¿É_ÓÃ_Ìê_Í·_µ¶_Ìê_Í·_£¬_Òª_ÓÉ ·¢_ç¸_³¤_³¤_ÁË_¡£_Ëû_Òª_Ê¥_½à_£¬_Ö±_µ½_Àë_Ë×_¹é_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_Âú ÁË_¡£ # # All the days of the vow of his separation there shall no razor come # upon his head: until the days be fulfilled, in the which he # separateth himself unto the LORD, he shall be holy, and shall let # the locks of the hair of his head grow. # # unit P NUM:6:6 ÔÚ_Ëû_Àë_Ë×_¹é_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_ÈÕ_×Ó_£¬_²»_¿É_°¤_½ü_ËÀ_ʬ_¡£ # # All the days that he separateth himself unto the LORD he shall come # at no dead body. # # unit P NUM:6:7 Ëû_µÄ_¸¸_ĸ_»ò_ÊÇ_µÜ_ÐÖ_½ã_ÃÃ_ËÀ_ÁË_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Ëû_²»_¿É_Òò_Ëû_ÃÇ_ʹ ×Ô_¼º_²»_½à_¾»_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÄÇ_Àë_Ë×_¹é_Éñ_µÄ_ƾ_¾Ý_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_Ëû_Í·_ÉÏ_¡£ # # He shall not make himself unclean for his father, or for his mother, # for his brother, or for his sister, when they die: because the # consecration of his God is upon his head. # # unit P NUM:6:8 ÔÚ_Ëû_Ò»_ÇÐ_Àë_Ë×_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_ÊÇ_¹é_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_Ê¥_¡£ # # All the days of his separation he is holy unto the LORD. # # unit P NUM:6:9 Èô_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÅÔ_±ß_ºö_È»_ÓÐ_ÈË_ËÀ_ÁË_£¬_ÒÔ_ÖÂ_Õ´_Ⱦ_ÁË_Ëû_Àë_Ë×_µÄ_Í·_£¬ Ëû_Òª_ÔÚ_µÚ_Æß_ÈÕ_£¬_µÃ_½à_¾»_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Ìê_Í·_¡£ # # And if any man die very suddenly by him, and he hath defiled the # head of his consecration; then he shall shave his head in the day of # his cleansing, on the seventh day shall he shave it. # # unit P NUM:6:10 µÚ_°Ë_ÈÕ_£¬_Ëû_Òª_°Ñ_Á½_Ö»_°ß_ð¯_»ò_Á½_Ö»_³û_¸ë_´ø_µ½_»á_Ä»_ÃÅ_¿Ú_£¬ ½»_¸ø_¼À_˾_¡£ # # And on the eighth day he shall bring two turtles, or two young # pigeons, to the priest, to the door of the tabernacle of the # congregation: # # unit P NUM:6:11 ¼À_˾_Òª_Ï×_Ò»_Ö»_×÷_Êê_×ï_¼À_£¬_Ò»_Ö»_×÷_ìÜ_¼À_£¬_Ϊ_Ëû_Êê_ÄÇ_Òò_ËÀ ʬ_¶ø_ÓÐ_µÄ_×ï_£¬_²¢_Òª_µ±_ÈÕ_ʹ_Ëû_µÄ_Í·_³É_Ϊ_Ê¥_½à_¡£ # # And the priest shall offer the one for a sin offering, and the other # for a burnt offering, and make an atonement for him, for that he # sinned by the dead, and shall hallow his head that same day. # # unit P NUM:6:12 Ëû_Òª_Áí_Ñ¡_Àë_Ë×_¹é_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_£¬_ÓÖ_Òª_Ç£_Ò»_Ö»_Ò»_Ëê_µÄ_¹« Ñò_¸á_À´_×÷_Êê_í©_¼À_¡£_µ«_ÏÈ_Ç°_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_Òª_¹é_ͽ_È»_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_ÔÚ Àë_Ë×_Ö®_¼ä_±»_çè_ÎÛ_ÁË_¡£ # # And he shall consecrate unto the LORD the days of his separation, # and shall bring a lamb of the first year for a trespass offering: # but the days that were before shall be lost, because his separation # was defiled. # # unit P NUM:6:13 ÄÃ_ϸ_¶ú_ÈË_Âú_ÁË_Àë_Ë×_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_ÄË_ÓÐ_Õâ_Ìõ_Àý_£¬_ÈË_Òª_Áì_Ëû_µ½_»á Ä»_ÃÅ_¿Ú_£¬ # # And this is the law of the Nazarite, when the days of his separation # are fulfilled: he shall be brought unto the door of the tabernacle # of the congregation: # # unit P NUM:6:14 Ëû_Òª_½«_¹©_Îï_·î_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ò»_Ö»_û_ÓÐ_²Ð_¼²_£¬_Ò»_Ëê_µÄ ¹«_Ñò_¸á_×÷_ìÜ_¼À_£¬_Ò»_Ö»_û_ÓÐ_²Ð_¼²_£¬_Ò»_Ëê_µÄ_ĸ_Ñò_¸á_×÷_Êê_×ï ¼À_£¬_ºÍ_Ò»_Ö»_û_ÓÐ_²Ð_¼²_µÄ_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_×÷_ƽ_°²_¼À_£¬ # # And he shall offer his offering unto the LORD, one he lamb of the # first year without blemish for a burnt offering, and one ewe lamb of # the first year without blemish for a sin offering, and one ram # without blemish for peace offerings, # # unit P NUM:6:15 ²¢_Ò»_¿ð_×Ó_ÎÞ_½Í_µ÷_ÓÍ_µÄ_ϸ_Ãæ_±ý_£¬_Óë_Ĩ_ÓÍ_µÄ_ÎÞ_½Í_±¡_±ý_£¬_²¢ ͬ_Ï×_µÄ_ËØ_¼À_ºÍ_µì_¼À_¡£ # # And a basket of unleavened bread, cakes of fine flour mingled with # oil, and wafers of unleavened bread anointed with oil, and their # meat offering, and their drink offerings. # # unit P NUM:6:16 ¼À_˾_Òª_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_Ï×_ÄÇ_ÈË_µÄ_Êê_×ï_¼À_ºÍ_ìÜ_¼À_¡£ # # And the priest shall bring them before the LORD, and shall offer his # sin offering, and his burnt offering: # # unit P NUM:6:17 Ò²_Òª_°Ñ_ÄÇ_Ö»_¹«_Ñò_ºÍ_ÄÇ_¿ð_ÎÞ_½Í_±ý_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_×÷_ƽ_°²_¼À_£¬ ÓÖ_Òª_½«_ͬ_Ï×_µÄ_ËØ_¼À_ºÍ_µì_¼À_Ï×_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And he shall offer the ram for a sacrifice of peace offerings unto # the LORD, with the basket of unleavened bread: the priest shall # offer also his meat offering, and his drink offering. # # unit P NUM:6:18 ÄÃ_ϸ_¶ú_ÈË_Òª_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_ÃÅ_¿Ú_Ìê_Àë_Ë×_µÄ_Í·_£¬_°Ñ_Àë_Ë×_Í·_ÉÏ_µÄ_·¢ ·Å_ÔÚ_ƽ_°²_¼À_ÏÂ_µÄ_»ð_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And the Nazarite shall shave the head of his separation at the door # of the tabernacle of the congregation, and shall take the hair of # the head of his separation, and put it in the fire which is under # the sacrifice of the peace offerings. # # unit P NUM:6:19 Ëû_Ìê_ÁË_ÒÔ_ºó_£¬_¼À_˾_¾Í_Òª_È¡_ÄÇ_ÒÑ_Öó_µÄ_¹«_Ñò_Ò»_Ìõ_Ç°_ÍÈ_£¬_ÓÖ ´Ó_¿ð_×Ó_Àï_È¡_Ò»_¸ö_ÎÞ_½Í_±ý_ºÍ_Ò»_¸ö_ÎÞ_½Í_±¡_±ý_£¬_¶¼_·Å_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÊÖ ÉÏ_¡£ # # And the priest shall take the sodden shoulder of the ram, and one # unleavened cake out of the basket, and one unleavened wafer, and # shall put them upon the hands of the Nazarite, after the hair of his # separation is shaven: # # unit P NUM:6:20 ¼À_˾_Òª_ÄÃ_Õâ_Щ_×÷_Ϊ_Ò¡_¼À_£¬_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_Ò¡_Ò»_Ò¡_¡£_Õâ_Óë Ëù_Ò¡_µÄ_ÐØ_£¬_Ëù_¾Ù_µÄ_ÍÈ_ͬ_Ϊ_Ê¥_Îï_£¬_¹é_¸ø_¼À_˾_¡£_È»_ºó_ÄÃ_ϸ ¶ú_ÈË_¿É_ÒÔ_ºÈ_¾Æ_¡£ # # And the priest shall wave them for a wave offering before the LORD: # this is holy for the priest, with the wave breast and heave # shoulder: and after that the Nazarite may drink wine. # # unit P NUM:6:21 Ðí_Ô¸_µÄ_ÄÃ_ϸ_¶ú_ÈË_Ϊ_Àë_Ë×_Ëù_Ï×_µÄ_¹©_Îï_£¬_ºÍ_Ëû_ÒÔ_Íâ_Ëù_ÄÜ_µÃ µÄ_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_¾Í_ÓÐ_Õâ_Ìõ_Àý_¡£_Ëû_Ôõ_Ñù_Ðí_Ô¸_¾Í_µ±_ÕÕ_Àë_Ë× µÄ_Ìõ_Àý_ÐÐ_¡£ # # This is the law of the Nazarite who hath vowed, and of his offering # unto the LORD for his separation, beside that that his hand shall # get: according to the vow which he vowed, so he must do after the # law of his separation. # # unit P NUM:6:22 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P NUM:6:23 Äã_¸æ_Ëß_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_Õâ_Ñù_Ϊ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_×£_¸£ £¬_˵_£¬ # # Speak unto Aaron and unto his sons, saying, On this wise ye shall # bless the children of Israel, saying unto them, # # unit P NUM:6:24 Ô¸_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_´Í_¸£_¸ø_Äã_£¬_±£_»¤_Äã_¡£ # # The LORD bless thee, and keep thee: # # unit P NUM:6:25 Ô¸_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ʹ_Ëû_µÄ_Á³_¹â_ÕÕ_Äã_£¬_´Í_¶÷_¸ø_Äã_¡£ # # The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: # # unit P NUM:6:26 Ô¸_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïò_Äã_Ñö_Á³_£¬_´Í_Äã_ƽ_°²_¡£ # # The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. # # unit P NUM:6:27 Ëû_ÃÇ_Òª_Èç_´Ë_·î_ÎÒ_µÄ_Ãû_Ϊ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_×£_¸£_¡£_ÎÒ_Ò²_Òª_´Í_¸£_¸ø Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£ # # And they shall put my name upon the children of Israel; and I will # bless them. # ## # chapter 7 NUM:7 # unit P NUM:7:1 Ħ_Î÷_Á¢_Íê_ÁË_ÕÊ_Ä»_£¬_¾Í_°Ñ_ÕÊ_Ä»_ÓÃ_¸à_Ĩ_ÁË_£¬_ʹ_Ëü_³É_Ê¥_£¬_ÓÖ °Ñ_Æä_ÖÐ_µÄ_Æ÷_¾ß_ºÍ_̳_£¬_²¢_̳_ÉÏ_µÄ_Æ÷_¾ß_£¬_¶¼_Ĩ_ÁË_£¬_ʹ_Ëü_³É Ê¥_¡£ # # And it came to pass on the day that Moses had fully set up the # tabernacle, and had anointed it, and sanctified it, and all the # instruments thereof, both the altar and all the vessels thereof, and # had anointed them, and sanctified them; # # unit P NUM:7:2 µ±_Ìì_£¬_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_µÄ_ÖÚ_Ê×_Áì_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_¸÷_×å_µÄ_×å_³¤_£¬_¶¼_À´_·î_Ï× ¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÊÇ_¸÷_Ö§_ÅÉ_µÄ_Ê×_Áì_£¬_¹Ü_Àí_ÄÇ_Щ_±»_Êý_µÄ_ÈË_¡£ # # That the princes of Israel, heads of the house of their fathers, who # were the princes of the tribes, and were over them that were # numbered, offered: # # unit P NUM:7:3 Ëû_ÃÇ_°Ñ_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_¹©_Îï_ËÍ_µ½_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Áù_Á¾_Åñ_×Ó_³µ ºÍ_Ê®_¶þ_Ö»_¹«_Å£_¡£_ÿ_Á½_¸ö_Ê×_Áì_·î_Ï×_Ò»_Á¾_³µ_£¬_ÿ_Ê×_Áì_·î_Ï× Ò»_Ö»_Å£_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_°Ñ_Õâ_Щ_¶¼_·î_µ½_ÕÊ_Ä»_Ç°_¡£ # # And they brought their offering before the LORD, six covered wagons, # and twelve oxen; a wagon for two of the princes, and for each one an # ox: and they brought them before the tabernacle. # # unit P NUM:7:4 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P NUM:7:5 Äã_Òª_ÊÕ_ÏÂ_Õâ_Щ_£¬_ºÃ_×÷_»á_Ä»_µÄ_ʹ_ÓÃ_£¬_¶¼_Òª_ÕÕ_Àû_δ_ÈË_Ëù_°ì µÄ_ÊÂ_½»_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£ # # Take it of them, that they may be to do the service of the # tabernacle of the congregation; and thou shalt give them unto the # Levites, to every man according to his service. # # unit P NUM:7:6 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Ħ_Î÷_ÊÕ_ÁË_³µ_ºÍ_Å£_£¬_½»_¸ø_Àû_δ_ÈË_£¬ # # And Moses took the wagons and the oxen, and gave them unto the # Levites. # # unit P NUM:7:7 °Ñ_Á½_Á¾_³µ_£¬_ËÄ_Ö»_Å£_£¬_ÕÕ_¸ï_˳_×Ó_Ëï_Ëù_°ì_µÄ_ÊÂ_½»_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬ # # Two wagons and four oxen he gave unto the sons of Gershon, according # to their service: # # unit P NUM:7:8 ÓÖ_°Ñ_ËÄ_Á¾_³µ_£¬_°Ë_Ö»_Å£_£¬_ÕÕ_Ã×_À­_Àû_×Ó_Ëï_Ëù_°ì_µÄ_ÊÂ_½»_¸ø_Ëû ÃÇ_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_¶¼_ÔÚ_¼À_˾_ÑÇ_Â×_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_Ëû_Âê_ÊÖ_ÏÂ_¡£ # # And four wagons and eight oxen he gave unto the sons of Merari, # according unto their service, under the hand of Ithamar the son of # Aaron the priest. # # unit P NUM:7:9 µ«_³µ_Óë_Å£_¶¼_û_ÓÐ_½»_¸ø_¸ç_Ͻ_×Ó_Ëï_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_ÃÇ_°ì_µÄ_ÊÇ_Ê¥_Ëù µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬_ÔÚ_¼ç_Í·_ÉÏ_̧_Ê¥_Îï_¡£ # # But unto the sons of Kohath he gave none: because the service of the # sanctuary belonging unto them was that they should bear upon their # shoulders. # # unit P NUM:7:10 ÓÃ_¸à_Ĩ_̳_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_£¬_Ê×_Áì_¶¼_À´_ÐÐ_·î_Ï×_̳_µÄ_Àñ_£¬_ÖÚ_Ê×_Áì_¾Í ÔÚ_̳_Ç°_Ï×_¹©_Îï_¡£ # # And the princes offered for dedicating of the altar in the day that # it was anointed, even the princes offered their offering before the # altar. # # unit P NUM:7:11 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_ÖÚ_Ê×_Áì_Ϊ_ÐÐ_·î_Ï×_̳_µÄ_Àñ_£¬_Òª_ÿ_Ìì_Ò» ¸ö_Ê×_Áì_À´_Ï×_¹©_Îï_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto Moses, They shall offer their offering, each # prince on his day, for the dedicating of the altar. # # unit P NUM:7:12 Í·_Ò»_ÈÕ_Ï×_¹©_Îï_µÄ_ÊÇ_ÓÌ_´ó_Ö§_ÅÉ_µÄ_ÑÇ_Ã×_ÄÃ_´ï_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÄÃ_˳_¡£ # # And he that offered his offering the first day was Nahshon the son # of Amminadab, of the tribe of Judah: # # unit P NUM:7:13 Ëû_µÄ_¹©_Îï_ÊÇ_£¬_Ò»_¸ö_Òø_ÅÌ_×Ó_£¬_ÖØ_Ò»_°Ù_Èý_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_£¬_Ò»_¸ö Òø_Íë_£¬_ÖØ_Æß_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_°´_Ê¥_Ëù_µÄ_ƽ_£¬_Ò²_¶¼_Ê¢_Âú_ÁË µ÷_ÓÍ_µÄ_ϸ_Ãæ_×÷_ËØ_¼À_¡£ # # And his offering was one silver charger, the weight thereof was an # hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, # after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them were full of fine # flour mingled with oil for a meat offering: # # unit P NUM:7:14 Ò»_¸ö_½ð_ÓÛ_£¬_ÖØ_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_£¬_Ê¢_Âú_ÁË_Ïã_¡£ # # One spoon of ten shekels of gold, full of incense: # # unit P NUM:7:15 Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Å£_¶¿_£¬_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_£¬_Ò»_Ö»_Ò»_Ëê_µÄ_¹«_Ñò_¸á_×÷_ìÜ_¼À ¡£ # # One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt # offering: # # unit P NUM:7:16 Ò»_Ö»_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_×÷_Êê_×ï_¼À_¡£ # # One kid of the goats for a sin offering: # # unit P NUM:7:17 Á½_Ö»_¹«_Å£_£¬_Îå_Ö»_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_£¬_Îå_Ö»_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_£¬_Îå_Ö»_Ò»_Ëê_µÄ_¹« Ñò_¸á_×÷_ƽ_°²_¼À_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_ÑÇ_Ã×_ÄÃ_´ï_¶ù_×Ó_ÄÃ_˳_µÄ_¹©_Îï_¡£ # # And for a sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he # goats, five lambs of the first year: this was the offering of # Nahshon the son of Amminadab. # # unit P NUM:7:18 µÚ_¶þ_ÈÕ_À´_Ï×_µÄ_ÊÇ_ÒÔ_Èø_åÈ_×Ó_Ëï_µÄ_Ê×_Áì_£¬_ËÕ_Ѻ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÄÃ_̹ Òµ_¡£ # # On the second day Nethaneel the son of Zuar, prince of Issachar, did # offer: # # unit P NUM:7:19 Ëû_Ï×_Ϊ_¹©_Îï_µÄ_ÊÇ_£¬_Ò»_¸ö_Òø_ÅÌ_×Ó_£¬_ÖØ_Ò»_°Ù_Èý_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_£¬ Ò»_¸ö_Òø_Íë_£¬_ÖØ_Æß_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_°´_Ê¥_Ëù_µÄ_ƽ_£¬_Ò²_¶¼_Ê¢ Âú_ÁË_µ÷_ÓÍ_µÄ_ϸ_Ãæ_×÷_ËØ_¼À_¡£ # # He offered for his offering one silver charger, the weight whereof # was an hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy # shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of # fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering: # # unit P NUM:7:20 Ò»_¸ö_½ð_ÓÛ_£¬_ÖØ_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_£¬_Ê¢_Âú_ÁË_Ïã_¡£ # # One spoon of gold of ten shekels, full of incense: # # unit P NUM:7:21 Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Å£_¶¿_£¬_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_£¬_Ò»_Ö»_Ò»_Ëê_µÄ_¹«_Ñò_¸á_×÷_ìÜ_¼À ¡£ # # One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt # offering: # # unit P NUM:7:22 Ò»_Ö»_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_×÷_Êê_×ï_¼À_¡£ # # One kid of the goats for a sin offering: # # unit P NUM:7:23 Á½_Ö»_¹«_Å£_£¬_Îå_Ö»_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_£¬_Îå_Ö»_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_£¬_Îå_Ö»_Ò»_Ëê_µÄ_¹« Ñò_¸á_×÷_ƽ_°²_¼À_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_ËÕ_Ѻ_¶ù_×Ó_ÄÃ_̹_Òµ_µÄ_¹©_Îï_¡£ # # And for a sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he # goats, five lambs of the first year: this was the offering of # Nethaneel the son of Zuar. # # unit P NUM:7:24 µÚ_Èý_ÈÕ_À´_Ï×_µÄ_ÊÇ_Î÷_²¼_Â×_×Ó_Ëï_µÄ_Ê×_Áì_£¬_Ï£_Â×_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_Àû Ѻ_¡£ # # On the third day Eliab the son of Helon, prince of the children of # Zebulun, did offer: # # unit P NUM:7:25 Ëû_µÄ_¹©_Îï_ÊÇ_£¬_Ò»_¸ö_Òø_ÅÌ_×Ó_£¬_ÖØ_Ò»_°Ù_Èý_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_£¬_Ò»_¸ö Òø_Íë_£¬_ÖØ_Æß_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_°´_Ê¥_Ëù_µÄ_ƽ_£¬_Ò²_¶¼_Ê¢_Âú_ÁË µ÷_ÓÍ_µÄ_ϸ_Ãæ_×÷_ËØ_¼À_¡£ # # His offering was one silver charger, the weight whereof was an # hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, # after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour # mingled with oil for a meat offering: # # unit P NUM:7:26 Ò»_¸ö_½ð_ÓÛ_£¬_ÖØ_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_£¬_Ê¢_Âú_ÁË_Ïã_¡£ # # One golden spoon of ten shekels, full of incense: # # unit P NUM:7:27 Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Å£_¶¿_£¬_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_£¬_Ò»_Ö»_Ò»_Ëê_µÄ_¹«_Ñò_¸á_×÷_ìÜ_¼À ¡£ # # One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt # offering: # # unit P NUM:7:28 Ò»_Ö»_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_×÷_Êê_×ï_¼À_¡£ # # One kid of the goats for a sin offering: # # unit P NUM:7:29 Á½_Ö»_¹«_Å£_£¬_Îå_Ö»_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_£¬_Îå_Ö»_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_£¬_Îå_Ö»_Ò»_Ëê_µÄ_¹« Ñò_¸á_×÷_ƽ_°²_¼À_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_Ï£_Â×_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_Àû_Ѻ_µÄ_¹©_Îï_¡£ # # And for a sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he # goats, five lambs of the first year: this was the offering of Eliab # the son of Helon. # # unit P NUM:7:30 µÚ_ËÄ_ÈÕ_À´_Ï×_µÄ_ÊÇ_Á÷_±ã_×Ó_Ëï_µÄ_Ê×_Áì_£¬_ʾ_¶ª_çí_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_Àû Þ£_¡£ # # On the fourth day Elizur the son of Shedeur, prince of the children # of Reuben, did offer: # # unit P NUM:7:31 Ëû_µÄ_¹©_Îï_ÊÇ_£¬_Ò»_¸ö_Òø_ÅÌ_×Ó_£¬_ÖØ_Ò»_°Ù_Èý_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_£¬_Ò»_¸ö Òø_Íë_£¬_ÖØ_Æß_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_°´_Ê¥_Ëù_µÄ_ƽ_£¬_Ò²_¶¼_Ê¢_Âú_ÁË µ÷_ÓÍ_µÄ_ϸ_Ãæ_×÷_ËØ_¼À_¡£ # # His offering was one silver charger of the weight of an hundred and # thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel # of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil # for a meat offering: # # unit P NUM:7:32 Ò»_¸ö_½ð_ÓÛ_£¬_ÖØ_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_£¬_Ê¢_Âú_ÁË_Ïã_¡£ # # One golden spoon of ten shekels, full of incense: # # unit P NUM:7:33 Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Å£_¶¿_£¬_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_£¬_Ò»_Ö»_Ò»_Ëê_µÄ_¹«_Ñò_¸á_×÷_ìÜ_¼À ¡£ # # One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt # offering: # # unit P NUM:7:34 Ò»_Ö»_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_×÷_Êê_×ï_¼À_¡£ # # One kid of the goats for a sin offering: # # unit P NUM:7:35 Á½_Ö»_¹«_Å£_£¬_Îå_Ö»_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_£¬_Îå_Ö»_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_£¬_Îå_Ö»_Ò»_Ëê_µÄ_¹« Ñò_¸á_×÷_ƽ_°²_¼À_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_ʾ_¶ª_çí_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_Àû_Þ£_µÄ_¹©_Îï_¡£ # # And for a sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he # goats, five lambs of the first year: this was the offering of Elizur # the son of Shedeur. # # unit P NUM:7:36 µÚ_Îå_ÈÕ_À´_Ï×_µÄ_ÊÇ_Î÷_Ãå_×Ó_Ëï_µÄ_Ê×_Áì_£¬_ËÕ_Àû_ɳ_´ú_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ʾ ·_Ãï_¡£ # # On the fifth day Shelumiel the son of Zurishaddai, prince of the # children of Simeon, did offer: # # unit P NUM:7:37 Ëû_µÄ_¹©_Îï_ÊÇ_£¬_Ò»_¸ö_Òø_ÅÌ_×Ó_£¬_ÖØ_Ò»_°Ù_Èý_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_£¬_Ò»_¸ö Òø_Íë_£¬_ÖØ_Æß_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_°´_Ê¥_Ëù_µÄ_ƽ_£¬_Ò²_¶¼_Ê¢_Âú_ÁË µ÷_ÓÍ_µÄ_ϸ_Ãæ_×÷_ËØ_¼À_¡£ # # His offering was one silver charger, the weight whereof was an # hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, # after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour # mingled with oil for a meat offering: # # unit P NUM:7:38 Ò»_¸ö_½ð_ÓÛ_£¬_ÖØ_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_£¬_Ê¢_Âú_ÁË_Ïã_¡£ # # One golden spoon of ten shekels, full of incense: # # unit P NUM:7:39 Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Å£_¶¿_£¬_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_£¬_Ò»_Ö»_Ò»_Ëê_µÄ_¹«_Ñò_¸á_×÷_ìÜ_¼À ¡£ # # One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt # offering: # # unit P NUM:7:40 Ò»_Ö»_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_×÷_Êê_×ï_¼À_¡£ # # One kid of the goats for a sin offering: # # unit P NUM:7:41 Á½_Ö»_¹«_Å£_£¬_Îå_Ö»_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_£¬_Îå_Ö»_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_£¬_Îå_Ö»_Ò»_Ëê_µÄ_¹« Ñò_¸á_×÷_ƽ_°²_¼À_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_ËÕ_Àû_ɳ_´ú_¶ù_×Ó_ʾ_·_Ãï_µÄ_¹©_Îï_¡£ # # And for a sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he # goats, five lambs of the first year: this was the offering of # Shelumiel the son of Zurishaddai. # # unit P NUM:7:42 µÚ_Áù_ÈÕ_À´_Ï×_µÄ_ÊÇ_åÈ_µÃ_×Ó_Ëï_µÄ_Ê×_Áì_£¬_¶ª_çí_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_Àû_ÑÅ Èø_¡£ # # On the sixth day Eliasaph the son of Deuel, prince of the children # of Gad, offered: # # unit P NUM:7:43 Ëû_µÄ_¹©_Îï_ÊÇ_£¬_Ò»_¸ö_Òø_ÅÌ_×Ó_£¬_ÖØ_Ò»_°Ù_Èý_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_£¬_Ò»_¸ö Òø_Íë_£¬_ÖØ_Æß_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_°´_Ê¥_Ëù_µÄ_ƽ_£¬_Ò²_¶¼_Ê¢_Âú_ÁË µ÷_ÓÍ_µÄ_ϸ_Ãæ_×÷_ËØ_¼À_¡£ # # His offering was one silver charger of the weight of an hundred and # thirty shekels, a silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel # of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil # for a meat offering: # # unit P NUM:7:44 Ò»_¸ö_½ð_ÓÛ_£¬_ÖØ_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_£¬_Ê¢_Âú_ÁË_Ïã_¡£ # # One golden spoon of ten shekels, full of incense: # # unit P NUM:7:45 Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Å£_¶¿_£¬_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_£¬_Ò»_Ö»_Ò»_Ëê_µÄ_¹«_Ñò_¸á_×÷_ìÜ_¼À ¡£ # # One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt # offering: # # unit P NUM:7:46 Ò»_Ö»_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_×÷_Êê_×ï_¼À_¡£ # # One kid of the goats for a sin offering: # # unit P NUM:7:47 Á½_Ö»_¹«_Å£_£¬_Îå_Ö»_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_£¬_Îå_Ö»_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_£¬_Îå_Ö»_Ò»_Ëê_µÄ_¹« Ñò_¸á_×÷_ƽ_°²_¼À_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_¶ª_çí_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_Àû_ÑÅ_Èø_µÄ_¹©_Îï_¡£ # # And for a sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he # goats, five lambs of the first year: this was the offering of # Eliasaph the son of Deuel. # # unit P NUM:7:48 µÚ_Æß_ÈÕ_À´_Ï×_µÄ_ÊÇ_ÒÔ_·¨_Á«_×Ó_Ëï_µÄ_Ê×_Áì_£¬_ÑÇ_Ã×_ºö_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ Àû_ɳ_Âê_¡£ # # On the seventh day Elishama the son of Ammihud, prince of the # children of Ephraim, offered: # # unit P NUM:7:49 Ëû_µÄ_¹©_Îï_ÊÇ_£¬_Ò»_¸ö_Òø_ÅÌ_×Ó_£¬_ÖØ_Ò»_°Ù_Èý_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_£¬_Ò»_¸ö Òø_Íë_£¬_ÖØ_Æß_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_°´_Ê¥_Ëù_µÄ_ƽ_£¬_Ò²_¶¼_Ê¢_Âú_ÁË µ÷_ÓÍ_µÄ_ϸ_Ãæ_×÷_ËØ_¼À_¡£ # # His offering was one silver charger, the weight whereof was an # hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, # after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour # mingled with oil for a meat offering: # # unit P NUM:7:50 Ò»_¸ö_½ð_ÓÛ_£¬_ÖØ_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_£¬_Ê¢_Âú_ÁË_Ïã_¡£ # # One golden spoon of ten shekels, full of incense: # # unit P NUM:7:51 Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Å£_¶¿_£¬_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_£¬_Ò»_Ö»_Ò»_Ëê_µÄ_¹«_Ñò_¸á_×÷_ìÜ_¼À ¡£ # # One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt # offering: # # unit P NUM:7:52 Ò»_Ö»_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_×÷_Êê_×ï_¼À_¡£ # # One kid of the goats for a sin offering: # # unit P NUM:7:53 Á½_Ö»_¹«_Å£_£¬_Îå_Ö»_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_£¬_Îå_Ö»_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_£¬_Îå_Ö»_Ò»_Ëê_µÄ_¹« Ñò_¸á_×÷_ƽ_°²_¼À_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_ÑÇ_Ã×_ºö_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_Àû_ɳ_Âê_µÄ_¹©_Îï_¡£ # # And for a sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he # goats, five lambs of the first year: this was the offering of # Elishama the son of Ammihud. # # unit P NUM:7:54 µÚ_°Ë_ÈÕ_À´_Ï×_µÄ_ÊÇ_Âê_ÄÃ_Î÷_×Ó_Ëï_µÄ_Ê×_Áì_£¬_±È_´ó_Þ£_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_åÈ Âê_ÁÐ_¡£ # # On the eighth day offered Gamaliel the son of Pedahzur, prince of # the children of Manasseh: # # unit P NUM:7:55 Ëû_µÄ_¹©_Îï_ÊÇ_£¬_Ò»_¸ö_Òø_ÅÌ_×Ó_£¬_ÖØ_Ò»_°Ù_Èý_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_£¬_Ò»_¸ö Òø_Íë_£¬_ÖØ_Æß_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_°´_Ê¥_Ëù_µÄ_ƽ_£¬_Ò²_¶¼_Ê¢_Âú_ÁË µ÷_ÓÍ_µÄ_ϸ_Ãæ_×÷_ËØ_¼À_¡£ # # His offering was one silver charger of the weight of an hundred and # thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel # of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil # for a meat offering: # # unit P NUM:7:56 Ò»_¸ö_½ð_ÓÛ_£¬_ÖØ_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_£¬_Ê¢_Âú_ÁË_Ïã_¡£ # # One golden spoon of ten shekels, full of incense: # # unit P NUM:7:57 Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Å£_¶¿_£¬_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_£¬_Ò»_Ö»_Ò»_Ëê_µÄ_¹«_Ñò_¸á_×÷_ìÜ_¼À ¡£ # # One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt # offering: # # unit P NUM:7:58 Ò»_Ö»_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_×÷_Êê_×ï_¼À_¡£ # # One kid of the goats for a sin offering: # # unit P NUM:7:59 Á½_Ö»_¹«_Å£_£¬_Îå_Ö»_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_£¬_Îå_Ö»_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_£¬_Îå_Ö»_Ò»_Ëê_µÄ_¹« Ñò_¸á_×÷_ƽ_°²_¼À_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_±È_´ó_Þ£_¶ù_×Ó_åÈ_Âê_ÁÐ_µÄ_¹©_Îï_¡£ # # And for a sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he # goats, five lambs of the first year: this was the offering of # Gamaliel the son of Pedahzur. # # unit P NUM:7:60 µÚ_¾Å_ÈÕ_À´_Ï×_µÄ_ÊÇ_±ã_ÑÅ_Ãõ_×Ó_Ëï_µÄ_Ê×_Áì_£¬_»ù_¶à_Äá_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÑÇ ±È_µ«_¡£ # # On the ninth day Abidan the son of Gideoni, prince of the children # of Benjamin, offered: # # unit P NUM:7:61 Ëû_µÄ_¹©_Îï_ÊÇ_£¬_Ò»_¸ö_Òø_ÅÌ_×Ó_£¬_ÖØ_Ò»_°Ù_Èý_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_£¬_Ò»_¸ö Òø_Íë_£¬_ÖØ_Æß_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_°´_Ê¥_Ëù_µÄ_ƽ_£¬_Ò²_¶¼_Ê¢_Âú_ÁË µ÷_ÓÍ_µÄ_ϸ_Ãæ_×÷_ËØ_¼À_¡£ # # His offering was one silver charger, the weight whereof was an # hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, # after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour # mingled with oil for a meat offering: # # unit P NUM:7:62 Ò»_¸ö_½ð_ÓÛ_£¬_ÖØ_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_£¬_Ê¢_Âú_ÁË_Ïã_¡£ # # One golden spoon of ten shekels, full of incense: # # unit P NUM:7:63 Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Å£_¶¿_£¬_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_£¬_Ò»_Ö»_Ò»_Ëê_µÄ_¹«_Ñò_¸á_×÷_ìÜ_¼À ¡£ # # One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt # offering: # # unit P NUM:7:64 Ò»_Ö»_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_×÷_Êê_×ï_¼À_¡£ # # One kid of the goats for a sin offering: # # unit P NUM:7:65 Á½_Ö»_¹«_Å£_£¬_Îå_Ö»_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_£¬_Îå_Ö»_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_£¬_Îå_Ö»_Ò»_Ëê_µÄ_¹« Ñò_¸á_×÷_ƽ_°²_¼À_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_»ù_¶à_Äá_¶ù_×Ó_ÑÇ_±È_µ«_µÄ_¹©_Îï_¡£ # # And for a sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he # goats, five lambs of the first year: this was the offering of Abidan # the son of Gideoni. # # unit P NUM:7:66 µÚ_Ê®_ÈÕ_À´_Ï×_µÄ_ÊÇ_µ«_×Ó_Ëï_µÄ_Ê×_Áì_£¬_ÑÇ_Ã×_ɳ_´ú_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÑÇ_Ï£ ÒÔ_л_¡£ # # On the tenth day Ahiezer the son of Ammishaddai, prince of the # children of Dan, offered: # # unit P NUM:7:67 Ëû_µÄ_¹©_Îï_ÊÇ_£¬_Ò»_¸ö_Òø_ÅÌ_×Ó_£¬_ÖØ_Ò»_°Ù_Èý_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_£¬_Ò»_¸ö Òø_Íë_£¬_ÖØ_Æß_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_°´_Ê¥_Ëù_µÄ_ƽ_£¬_Ò²_¶¼_Ê¢_Âú_ÁË µ÷_ÓÍ_µÄ_ϸ_Ãæ_×÷_ËØ_¼À_¡£ # # His offering was one silver charger, the weight whereof was an # hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, # after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour # mingled with oil for a meat offering: # # unit P NUM:7:68 Ò»_¸ö_½ð_ÓÛ_£¬_ÖØ_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_£¬_Ê¢_Âú_ÁË_Ïã_¡£ # # One golden spoon of ten shekels, full of incense: # # unit P NUM:7:69 Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Å£_¶¿_£¬_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_£¬_Ò»_Ö»_Ò»_Ëê_µÄ_¹«_Ñò_¸á_×÷_ìÜ_¼À ¡£ # # One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt # offering: # # unit P NUM:7:70 Ò»_Ö»_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_×÷_Êê_×ï_¼À_¡£ # # One kid of the goats for a sin offering: # # unit P NUM:7:71 Á½_Ö»_¹«_Å£_£¬_Îå_Ö»_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_£¬_Îå_Ö»_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_£¬_Îå_Ö»_Ò»_Ëê_µÄ_¹« Ñò_¸á_×÷_ƽ_°²_¼À_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_ÑÇ_Ã×_ɳ_´ú_¶ù_×Ó_ÑÇ_Ï£_ÒÔ_л_µÄ_¹©_Îï_¡£ # # And for a sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he # goats, five lambs of the first year: this was the offering of # Ahiezer the son of Ammishaddai. # # unit P NUM:7:72 µÚ_Ê®_Ò»_ÈÕ_À´_Ï×_µÄ_ÊÇ_ÑÇ_Éè_×Ó_Ëï_µÄ_Ê×_Áì_£¬_¶í_À¼_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÅÁ_½á ¡£ # # On the eleventh day Pagiel the son of Ocran, prince of the children # of Asher, offered: # # unit P NUM:7:73 Ëû_µÄ_¹©_Îï_ÊÇ_£¬_Ò»_¸ö_Òø_ÅÌ_×Ó_£¬_ÖØ_Ò»_°Ù_Èý_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_£¬_Ò»_¸ö Òø_Íë_£¬_ÖØ_Æß_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_°´_Ê¥_Ëù_µÄ_ƽ_£¬_Ò²_¶¼_Ê¢_Âú_ÁË µ÷_ÓÍ_µÄ_ϸ_Ãæ_×÷_ËØ_¼À_¡£ # # His offering was one silver charger, the weight whereof was an # hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, # after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour # mingled with oil for a meat offering: # # unit P NUM:7:74 Ò»_¸ö_½ð_ÓÛ_£¬_ÖØ_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_£¬_Ê¢_Âú_ÁË_Ïã_¡£ # # One golden spoon of ten shekels, full of incense: # # unit P NUM:7:75 Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Å£_¶¿_£¬_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_£¬_Ò»_Ö»_Ò»_Ëê_µÄ_¹«_Ñò_¸á_×÷_ìÜ_¼À ¡£ # # One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt # offering: # # unit P NUM:7:76 Ò»_Ö»_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_×÷_Êê_×ï_¼À_¡£ # # One kid of the goats for a sin offering: # # unit P NUM:7:77 Á½_Ö»_¹«_Å£_£¬_Îå_Ö»_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_£¬_Îå_Ö»_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_£¬_Îå_Ö»_Ò»_Ëê_µÄ_¹« Ñò_¸á_×÷_ƽ_°²_¼À_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_¶í_À¼_¶ù_×Ó_ÅÁ_½á_µÄ_¹©_Îï_¡£ # # And for a sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he # goats, five lambs of the first year: this was the offering of Pagiel # the son of Ocran. # # unit P NUM:7:78 µÚ_Ê®_¶þ_ÈÕ_À´_Ï×_µÄ_ÊÇ_ÄÃ_¸¥_Ëû_Àû_×Ó_Ëï_µÄ_Ê×_Áì_£¬_ÒÔ_ÄÏ_¶ù_×Ó_ÑÇ Ï£_À­_¡£ # # On the twelfth day Ahira the son of Enan, prince of the children of # Naphtali, offered: # # unit P NUM:7:79 Ëû_µÄ_¹©_Îï_ÊÇ_£¬_Ò»_¸ö_Òø_ÅÌ_×Ó_£¬_ÖØ_Ò»_°Ù_Èý_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_£¬_Ò»_¸ö Òø_Íë_£¬_ÖØ_Æß_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_°´_Ê¥_Ëù_µÄ_ƽ_£¬_Ò²_¶¼_Ê¢_Âú_ÁË µ÷_ÓÍ_µÄ_ϸ_Ãæ_×÷_ËØ_¼À_¡£ # # His offering was one silver charger, the weight whereof was an # hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, # after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour # mingled with oil for a meat offering: # # unit P NUM:7:80 Ò»_¸ö_½ð_ÓÛ_£¬_ÖØ_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_£¬_Ê¢_Âú_ÁË_Ïã_¡£ # # One golden spoon of ten shekels, full of incense: # # unit P NUM:7:81 Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Å£_¶¿_£¬_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_£¬_Ò»_Ö»_Ò»_Ëê_µÄ_¹«_Ñò_¸á_×÷_ìÜ_¼À ¡£ # # One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt # offering: # # unit P NUM:7:82 Ò»_Ö»_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_×÷_Êê_×ï_¼À_¡£ # # One kid of the goats for a sin offering: # # unit P NUM:7:83 Á½_Ö»_¹«_Å£_£¬_Îå_Ö»_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_£¬_Îå_Ö»_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_£¬_Îå_Ö»_Ò»_Ëê_µÄ_¹« Ñò_¸á_×÷_ƽ_°²_¼À_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_ÒÔ_ÄÏ_¶ù_×Ó_ÑÇ_Ï£_À­_µÄ_¹©_Îï_¡£ # # And for a sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he # goats, five lambs of the first year: this was the offering of Ahira # the son of Enan. # # unit P NUM:7:84 ÓÃ_¸à_Ĩ_̳_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_£¬_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_µÄ_ÖÚ_Ê×_Áì_Ϊ_ÐÐ_Ï×_̳_Ö®_Àñ_Ëù_Ï× µÄ_ÊÇ_£¬_Òø_ÅÌ_×Ó_Ê®_¶þ_¸ö_£¬_Òø_Íë_Ê®_¶þ_¸ö_£¬_½ð_ÓÛ_Ê®_¶þ_¸ö_¡£ # # This was the dedication of the altar, in the day when it was # anointed, by the princes of Israel: twelve chargers of silver, # twelve silver bowls, twelve spoons of gold: # # unit P NUM:7:85 ÿ_ÅÌ_×Ó_ÖØ_Ò»_°Ù_Èý_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_£¬_ÿ_Íë_ÖØ_Æß_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_¡£_Ò»_ÇÐ Æ÷_Ãó_µÄ_Òø_×Ó_£¬_°´_Ê¥_Ëù_µÄ_ƽ_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_¶þ_ǧ_ËÄ_°Ù_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_¡£ # # Each charger of silver weighing an hundred and thirty shekels, each # bowl seventy: all the silver vessels weighed two thousand and four # hundred shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary: # # unit P NUM:7:86 Ê®_¶þ_¸ö_½ð_ÓÛ_Ê¢_Âú_ÁË_Ïã_£¬_°´_Ê¥_Ëù_µÄ_ƽ_£¬_ÿ_ÓÛ_ÖØ_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ £¬_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_½ð_×Ó_¹²_Ò»_°Ù_¶þ_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_¡£ # # The golden spoons were twelve, full of incense, weighing ten shekels # apiece, after the shekel of the sanctuary: all the gold of the # spoons was an hundred and twenty shekels. # # unit P NUM:7:87 ×÷_ìÜ_¼À_µÄ_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_¹«_Å£_Ê®_¶þ_Ö»_£¬_¹«_Ñò_Ê®_¶þ_Ö»_£¬_Ò»_Ëê_µÄ_¹« Ñò_¸á_Ê®_¶þ_Ö»_£¬_²¢_ͬ_Ï×_µÄ_ËØ_¼À_×÷_Êê_×ï_¼À_µÄ_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_Ê®_¶þ_Ö» ¡£ # # All the oxen for the burnt offering were twelve bullocks, the rams # twelve, the lambs of the first year twelve, with their meat # offering: and the kids of the goats for sin offering twelve. # # unit P NUM:7:88 ×÷_ƽ_°²_¼À_µÄ_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_¹«_Å£_¶þ_Ê®_ËÄ_Ö»_£¬_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_Áù_Ê®_Ö»_£¬_¹« ɽ_Ñò_Áù_Ê®_Ö»_£¬_Ò»_Ëê_µÄ_¹«_Ñò_¸á_Áù_Ê®_Ö»_¡£_Õâ_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÓÃ_¸à_Ĩ_̳ Ö®_ºó_£¬_Ϊ_ÐÐ_·î_Ï×_̳_Ö®_Àñ_Ëù_Ï×_µÄ_¡£ # # And all the oxen for the sacrifice of the peace offerings were # twenty and four bullocks, the rams sixty, the he goats sixty, the # lambs of the first year sixty. This was the dedication of the altar, # after that it was anointed. # # unit P NUM:7:89 Ħ_Î÷_½ø_»á_Ä»_Òª_Óë_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_˵_»°_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Ìý_¼û_·¨_¹ñ_µÄ_Ê©_¶÷ ×ù_ÒÔ_ÉÏ_£¬_¶þ_»ù_·_²®_ÖÐ_¼ä_ÓÐ_Óë_Ëû_˵_»°_µÄ_Éù_Òô_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ »ª_Óë_Ëû_˵_»°_¡£ # # And when Moses was gone into the tabernacle of the congregation to # speak with him, then he heard the voice of one speaking unto him # from off the mercy seat that was upon the ark of testimony, from # between the two cherubims: and he spake unto him. # ## # chapter 8 NUM:8 # unit P NUM:8:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P NUM:8:2 Äã_¸æ_Ëß_ÑÇ_Â×_˵_£¬_µã_µÆ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Æß_Õµ_µÆ_¶¼_Òª_Ïò_µÆ_̨_Ç°_Ãæ ·¢_¹â_¡£ # # Speak unto Aaron, and say unto him, When thou lightest the lamps, # the seven lamps shall give light over against the candlestick. # # unit P NUM:8:3 ÑÇ_Â×_±ã_Õâ_Ñù_ÐÐ_¡£_Ëû_µã_µÆ_̨_ÉÏ_µÄ_µÆ_£¬_ʹ_µÆ_Ïò_Ç°_·¢_¹â_£¬_ÊÇ ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_¡£ # # And Aaron did so; he lighted the lamps thereof over against the # candlestick, as the LORD commanded Moses. # # unit P NUM:8:4 Õâ_µÆ_̨_µÄ_×÷_·¨_ÊÇ_ÓÃ_½ð_×Ó_´¸_³ö_À´_µÄ_£¬_Á¬_×ù_´ø_»¨_¶¼_ÊÇ_´¸_³ö À´_µÄ_¡£_Ħ_Î÷_ÖÆ_Ôì_µÆ_̨_£¬_ÊÇ_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_Ö¸_ʾ_µÄ_Ñù_ʽ_¡£ # # And this work of the candlestick was of beaten gold, unto the shaft # thereof, unto the flowers thereof, was beaten work: according unto # the pattern which the LORD had shewed Moses, so he made the # candlestick. # # unit P NUM:8:5 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P NUM:8:6 Äã_´Ó_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÖÐ_Ñ¡_³ö_Àû_δ_ÈË_À´_£¬_½à_¾»_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£ # # Take the Levites from among the children of Israel, and cleanse # them. # # unit P NUM:8:7 ½à_¾»_Ëû_ÃÇ_µ±_Õâ_Ñù_ÐÐ_£¬_ÓÃ_³ý_×ï_Ë®_µ¯_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Éí_ÉÏ_£¬_ÓÖ_½Ð_Ëû ÃÇ_ÓÃ_Ìê_Í·_µ¶_¹Î_È«_Éí_£¬_Ï´_ÒÂ_·þ_£¬_½à_¾»_×Ô_¼º_¡£ # # And thus shalt thou do unto them, to cleanse them: Sprinkle water of # purifying upon them, and let them shave all their flesh, and let # them wash their clothes, and so make themselves clean. # # unit P NUM:8:8 È»_ºó_½Ð_Ëû_ÃÇ_È¡_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Å£_¶¿_£¬_²¢_ͬ_Ï×_µÄ_ËØ_¼À_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_µ÷_ÓÍ µÄ_ϸ_Ãæ_¡£_Äã_Òª_Áí_È¡_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Å£_¶¿_×÷_Êê_×ï_¼À_¡£ # # Then let them take a young bullock with his meat offering, even fine # flour mingled with oil, and another young bullock shalt thou take # for a sin offering. # # unit P NUM:8:9 ½«_Àû_δ_ÈË_·î_µ½_»á_Ä»_Ç°_£¬_ÕÐ_¾Û_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_È«_»á_ÖÚ_¡£ # # And thou shalt bring the Levites before the tabernacle of the # congregation: and thou shalt gather the whole assembly of the # children of Israel together: # # unit P NUM:8:10 ½«_Àû_δ_ÈË_·î_µ½_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Òª_°´_ÊÖ_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Í· ÉÏ_¡£ # # And thou shalt bring the Levites before the LORD: and the children # of Israel shall put their hands upon the Levites: # # unit P NUM:8:11 ÑÇ_Â×_Ò²_½«_Ëû_ÃÇ_·î_µ½_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_Ϊ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_µ±_×÷_Ò¡_¼À £¬_ʹ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ºÃ_°ì_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_ÊÂ_¡£ # # And Aaron shall offer the Levites before the LORD for an offering of # the children of Israel, that they may execute the service of the # LORD. # # unit P NUM:8:12 Àû_δ_ÈË_Òª_°´_ÊÖ_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Á½_Ö»_Å£_µÄ_Í·_ÉÏ_¡£_Äã_Òª_½«_Ò»_Ö»_×÷_Êê_×ï ¼À_£¬_Ò»_Ö»_×÷_ìÜ_¼À_£¬_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_Ϊ_Àû_δ_ÈË_Êê_×ï_¡£ # # And the Levites shall lay their hands upon the heads of the # bullocks: and thou shalt offer the one for a sin offering, and the # other for a burnt offering, unto the LORD, to make an atonement for # the Levites. # # unit P NUM:8:13 Äã_Ò²_Òª_ʹ_Àû_δ_ÈË_Õ¾_ÔÚ_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_½«_Ëû_ÃÇ_µ±_×÷ Ò¡_¼À_·î_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # And thou shalt set the Levites before Aaron, and before his sons, # and offer them for an offering unto the LORD. # # unit P NUM:8:14 Õâ_Ñù_£¬_Äã_´Ó_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÖÐ_½«_Àû_δ_ÈË_·Ö_±ð_³ö_À´_£¬_Àû_δ_ÈË_±ã Òª_¹é_ÎÒ_¡£ # # Thus shalt thou separate the Levites from among the children of # Israel: and the Levites shall be mine. # # unit P NUM:8:15 ´Ë_ºó_Àû_δ_ÈË_Òª_½ø_È¥_°ì_»á_Ä»_µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬_Äã_Òª_½à_¾»_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_½«_Ëû ÃÇ_µ±_×÷_Ò¡_¼À_·î_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And after that shall the Levites go in to do the service of the # tabernacle of the congregation: and thou shalt cleanse them, and # offer them for an offering. # # unit P NUM:8:16 Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÊÇ_´Ó_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÖÐ_È«_È»_¸ø_ÎÒ_µÄ_£¬_ÎÒ_¼ð_Ñ¡_Ëû_ÃÇ_¹é ÎÒ_£¬_ÊÇ_´ú_Ìæ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÖÐ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Í·_Éú_µÄ_¡£ # # For they are wholly given unto me from among the children of Israel; # instead of such as open every womb, even instead of the firstborn of # all the children of Israel, have I taken them unto me. # # unit P NUM:8:17 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÖÐ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Í·_Éú_µÄ_£¬_Á¬_ÈË_´ø_Éü_Ðó_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_µÄ_¡£_ÎÒ ÔÚ_°£_¼°_µØ_»÷_ɱ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Í·_Éú_µÄ_ÄÇ_Ìì_£¬_½«_Ëû_ÃÇ_·Ö_±ð_Ϊ_Ê¥_¹é_ÎÒ ¡£ # # For all the firstborn of the children of Israel are mine, both man # and beast: on the day that I smote every firstborn in the land of # Egypt I sanctified them for myself. # # unit P NUM:8:18 ÎÒ_¼ð_Ñ¡_Àû_δ_ÈË_´ú_Ìæ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÖÐ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Í·_Éú_µÄ_¡£ # # And I have taken the Levites for all the firstborn of the children # of Israel. # # unit P NUM:8:19 ÎÒ_´Ó_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÖÐ_½«_Àû_δ_ÈË_µ±_×÷_ÉÍ_´Í_¸ø_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó £¬_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_ÖÐ_°ì_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬_ÓÖ_Ϊ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Êê_×ï_£¬_Ãâ µÃ_Ëû_ÃÇ_°¤_½ü_Ê¥_Ëù_£¬_ÓÐ_ÔÖ_Ñê_ÁÙ_µ½_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_¡£ # # And I have given the Levites as a gift to Aaron and to his sons from # among the children of Israel, to do the service of the children of # Israel in the tabernacle of the congregation, and to make an # atonement for the children of Israel: that there be no plague among # the children of Israel, when the children of Israel come nigh unto # the sanctuary. # # unit P NUM:8:20 Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_£¬_²¢_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_È«_»á_ÖÚ_±ã_Ïò_Àû_δ_ÈË_Èç_´Ë_ÐÐ_¡£_·² Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ö¸_×Å_Àû_δ_ÈË_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_£¬_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_¾Í_Ïò_Ëû_ÃÇ Õâ_Ñù_ÐÐ_¡£ # # And Moses, and Aaron, and all the congregation of the children of # Israel, did to the Levites according unto all that the LORD # commanded Moses concerning the Levites, so did the children of # Israel unto them. # # unit P NUM:8:21 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Àû_δ_ÈË_½à_¾»_×Ô_¼º_£¬_³ý_ÁË_×ï_£¬_Ï´_ÁË_ÒÂ_·þ_¡£_ÑÇ_Â×_½«_Ëû ÃÇ_µ±_×÷_Ò¡_¼À_·î_µ½_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_ÓÖ_Ϊ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Êê_×ï_£¬_½à_¾»_Ëû ÃÇ_¡£ # # And the Levites were purified, and they washed their clothes; and # Aaron offered them as an offering before the LORD; and Aaron made an # atonement for them to cleanse them. # # unit P NUM:8:22 È»_ºó_Àû_δ_ÈË_½ø_È¥_£¬_ÔÚ_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_ÖÐ_°ì ÊÂ_¡£_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ö¸_×Å_Àû_δ_ÈË_Ôõ_Ñù_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_¾Í_Ôõ Ñù_Ïò_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÐÐ_ÁË_¡£ # # And after that went the Levites in to do their service in the # tabernacle of the congregation before Aaron, and before his sons: as # the LORD had commanded Moses concerning the Levites, so did they # unto them. # # unit P NUM:8:23 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P NUM:8:24 Àû_δ_ÈË_ÊÇ_Õâ_Ñù_£¬_´Ó_¶þ_Ê®_Îå_Ëê_ÒÔ_Íâ_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_Òª_Ç°_À´_ÈÎ_Ö°_£¬ °ì_»á_Ä»_µÄ_ÊÂ_¡£ # # This is it that belongeth unto the Levites: from twenty and five # years old and upward they shall go in to wait upon the service of # the tabernacle of the congregation: # # unit P NUM:8:25 µ½_ÁË_Îå_Ê®_Ëê_Òª_Í£_¹¤_ÍË_ÈÎ_£¬_²»_ÔÙ_°ì_ÊÂ_£¬ # # And from the age of fifty years they shall cease waiting upon the # service thereof, and shall serve no more: # # unit P NUM:8:26 Ö»_Òª_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_Àï_£¬_ºÍ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_µÜ_ÐÖ_Ò»_ͬ_ËÅ_ºò_£¬_½÷_ÊØ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À µÄ_£¬_²»_ÔÙ_°ì_ÊÂ_ÁË_¡£_ÖÁ_ÓÚ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Àû_δ_ÈË_µÄ_£¬_Äã_Òª_Õâ_Ñù_Ïò Ëû_ÃÇ_ÐÐ_¡£ # # But shall minister with their brethren in the tabernacle of the # congregation, to keep the charge, and shall do no service. Thus # shalt thou do unto the Levites touching their charge. # ## # chapter 9 NUM:9 # unit P NUM:9:1 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_³ö_°£_¼°_µØ_ÒÔ_ºó_£¬_µÚ_¶þ_Äê_Õý_ÔÂ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÔÚ_Î÷_ÄË µÄ_¿õ_Ò°_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses in the wilderness of Sinai, in the # first month of the second year after they were come out of the land # of Egypt, saying, # # unit P NUM:9:2 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Ó¦_µ±_ÔÚ_Ëù_¶¨_µÄ_ÈÕ_ÆÚ_ÊØ_Óâ_Ô½_½Ú_£¬ # # Let the children of Israel also keep the passover at his appointed # season. # # unit P NUM:9:3 ¾Í_ÊÇ_±¾_ÔÂ_Ê®_ËÄ_ÈÕ_»Æ_»è_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_ÔÚ_Ëù_¶¨_µÄ_ÈÕ_ÆÚ_ÊØ Õâ_½Ú_£¬_Òª_°´_Õâ_½Ú_µÄ_ÂÉ_Àý_µä_ÕÂ_¶ø_ÊØ_¡£ # # In the fourteenth day of this month, at even, ye shall keep it in # his appointed season: according to all the rites of it, and # according to all the ceremonies thereof, shall ye keep it. # # unit P NUM:9:4 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Ħ_Î÷_·Ô_¸À_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÊØ_Óâ_Ô½_½Ú_¡£ # # And Moses spake unto the children of Israel, that they should keep # the passover. # # unit P NUM:9:5 Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_ÔÚ_Î÷_ÄË_µÄ_¿õ_Ò°_£¬_Õý_ÔÂ_Ê®_ËÄ_ÈÕ_»Æ_»è_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_ÊØ_Óâ Ô½_½Ú_¡£_·²_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_£¬_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_¶¼_ÕÕ_Ñù_ÐÐ_ÁË ¡£ # # And they kept the passover on the fourteenth day of the first month # at even in the wilderness of Sinai: according to all that the LORD # commanded Moses, so did the children of Israel. # # unit P NUM:9:6 ÓÐ_¼¸_¸ö_ÈË_Òò_ËÀ_ʬ_¶ø_²»_½à_¾»_£¬_²»_ÄÜ_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_ÈÕ_ÊØ_Óâ_Ô½_½Ú_¡£_µ± ÈÕ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µ½_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬ # # And there were certain men, who were defiled by the dead body of a # man, that they could not keep the passover on that day: and they # came before Moses and before Aaron on that day: # # unit P NUM:9:7 ˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Ëä_Òò_ËÀ_ʬ_¶ø_²»_½à_¾»_£¬_Ϊ_ºÎ_±»_×è_Ö¹_£¬_²»_µÃ_ͬ_ÒÔ É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÔÚ_Ëù_¶¨_µÄ_ÈÕ_ÆÚ_Ï×_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_¹©_Îï_ÄØ_£¿ # # And those men said unto him, We are defiled by the dead body of a # man: wherefore are we kept back, that we may not offer an offering # of the LORD in his appointed season among the children of Israel? # # unit P NUM:9:8 Ħ_Î÷_¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_ÔÝ_ÇÒ_µÈ_ºò_£¬_ÎÒ_¿É_ÒÔ_È¥_Ìý_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ö¸ ×Å_Äã_ÃÇ_ÊÇ_Ôõ_Ñù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_¡£ # # And Moses said unto them, Stand still, and I will hear what the LORD # will command concerning you. # # unit P NUM:9:9 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P NUM:9:10 Äã_Ïþ_ÚÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_ºÍ_Äã_ÃÇ_ºó_´ú_ÖÐ_£¬_Èô_ÓÐ_ÈË_Òò_ËÀ ʬ_¶ø_²»_½à_¾»_£¬_»ò_ÔÚ_Ô¶_·½_ÐÐ_·_£¬_»¹_Òª_Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÊØ_Óâ_Ô½_½Ú ¡£ # # Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If any man of you or of # your posterity shall be unclean by reason of a dead body, or be in a # journey afar off, yet he shall keep the passover unto the LORD. # # unit P NUM:9:11 Ëû_ÃÇ_Òª_ÔÚ_¶þ_ÔÂ_Ê®_ËÄ_ÈÕ_»Æ_»è_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_ÊØ_Óâ_Ô½_½Ú_¡£_Òª_ÓÃ_ÎÞ ½Í_±ý_Óë_¿à_²Ë_£¬_ºÍ_Óâ_Ô½_½Ú_µÄ_Ñò_¸á_ͬ_³Ô_¡£ # # The fourteenth day of the second month at even they shall keep it, # and eat it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs. # # unit P NUM:9:12 Ò»_µã_²»_¿É_Áô_µ½_Ôç_³¿_¡£_Ñò_¸á_µÄ_¹Ç_Í·_Ò»_¸ù_Ò²_²»_¿É_ÕÛ_¶Ï_¡£_Ëû ÃÇ_Òª_ÕÕ_Óâ_Ô½_½Ú_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_ÂÉ_Àý_¶ø_ÊØ_¡£ # # They shall leave none of it unto the morning, nor break any bone of # it: according to all the ordinances of the passover they shall keep # it. # # unit P NUM:9:13 ÄÇ_½à_¾»_¶ø_²»_ÐÐ_·_µÄ_ÈË_Èô_ÍÆ_´Ç_²»_ÊØ_Óâ_Ô½_½Ú_£¬_ÄÇ_ÈË_Òª_´Ó_Ãñ ÖÐ_¼ô_³ý_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_ÔÚ_Ëù_¶¨_µÄ_ÈÕ_ÆÚ_²»_Ï×_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_¹©_Îï_£¬_Ó¦ ¸Ã_µ£_µ±_Ëû_µÄ_×ï_¡£ # # But the man that is clean, and is not in a journey, and forbeareth # to keep the passover, even the same soul shall be cut off from among # his people: because he brought not the offering of the LORD in his # appointed season, that man shall bear his sin. # # unit P NUM:9:14 Èô_ÓÐ_Íâ_ÈË_¼Ä_¾Ó_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_£¬_Ô¸_Òâ_Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÊØ_Óâ_Ô½_½Ú_£¬ Ëû_Òª_ÕÕ_Óâ_Ô½_½Ú_µÄ_ÂÉ_Àý_µä_ÕÂ_ÐÐ_£¬_²»_¹Ü_ÊÇ_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_ÊÇ_±¾_µØ_ÈË £¬_ͬ_¹é_Ò»_Àý_¡£ # # And if a stranger shall sojourn among you, and will keep the # passover unto the LORD; according to the ordinance of the passover, # and according to the manner thereof, so shall he do: ye shall have # one ordinance, both for the stranger, and for him that was born in # the land. # # unit P NUM:9:15 Á¢_Æð_ÕÊ_Ä»_µÄ_ÄÇ_ÈÕ_£¬_ÓÐ_ÔÆ_²Ê_ÕÚ_¸Ç_ÕÊ_Ä»_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_·¨_¹ñ_µÄ_ÕÊ_Ä» ¡£_´Ó_Íí_ÉÏ_µ½_Ôç_³¿_£¬_ÔÆ_²Ê_ÔÚ_Æä_ÉÏ_£¬_ÐÎ_×´_Èç_»ð_¡£ # # And on the day that the tabernacle was reared up the cloud covered # the tabernacle, namely, the tent of the testimony: and at even there # was upon the tabernacle as it were the appearance of fire, until the # morning. # # unit P NUM:9:16 ³£_ÊÇ_Õâ_Ñù_£¬_ÔÆ_²Ê_ÕÚ_¸Ç_ÕÊ_Ä»_£¬_Ò¹_¼ä_ÐÎ_×´_Èç_»ð_¡£ # # So it was alway: the cloud covered it by day, and the appearance of # fire by night. # # unit P NUM:9:17 ÔÆ_²Ê_¼¸_ʱ_´Ó_ÕÊ_Ä»_ÊÕ_ÉÏ_È¥_£¬_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_¾Í_¼¸_ʱ_Æð_ÐÐ_¡£_ÔÆ_²Ê ÔÚ_ÄÄ_Àï_Í£_ס_£¬_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_¾Í_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_°²_Óª_¡£ # # And when the cloud was taken up from the tabernacle, then after that # the children of Israel journeyed: and in the place where the cloud # abode, there the children of Israel pitched their tents. # # unit P NUM:9:18 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_×ñ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_·Ô_¸À_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_Ò²_×ñ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_·Ô_¸À_°² Óª_¡£_ÔÆ_²Ê_ÔÚ_ÕÊ_Ä»_ÉÏ_Í£_ס_¼¸_ʱ_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_ס_Óª_¼¸_ʱ_¡£ # # At the commandment of the LORD the children of Israel journeyed, and # at the commandment of the LORD they pitched: as long as the cloud # abode upon the tabernacle they rested in their tents. # # unit P NUM:9:19 ÔÆ_²Ê_ÔÚ_ÕÊ_Ä»_ÉÏ_Í£_Áô_Ðí_¶à_ÈÕ_×Ó_£¬_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_¾Í_ÊØ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù ·Ô_¸À_µÄ_²»_Æð_ÐÐ_¡£ # # And when the cloud tarried long upon the tabernacle many days, then # the children of Israel kept the charge of the LORD, and journeyed # not. # # unit P NUM:9:20 ÓÐ_ʱ_ÔÆ_²Ê_ÔÚ_ÕÊ_Ä»_ÉÏ_¼¸_Ìì_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_·Ô_¸À_ס_Óª £¬_Ò²_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_·Ô_¸À_Æð_ÐÐ_¡£ # # And so it was, when the cloud was a few days upon the tabernacle; # according to the commandment of the LORD they abode in their tents, # and according to the commandment of the LORD they journeyed. # # unit P NUM:9:21 ÓÐ_ʱ_´Ó_Íí_ÉÏ_µ½_Ôç_³¿_£¬_ÓÐ_Õâ_ÔÆ_²Ê_ÔÚ_ÕÊ_Ä»_ÉÏ_¡£_Ôç_³¿_ÔÆ_²Ê_ÊÕ ÉÏ_È¥_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_Æð_ÐÐ_¡£_ÓÐ_ʱ_Öç_Ò¹_ÔÆ_²Ê_Í£_ÔÚ_ÕÊ_Ä»_ÉÏ_£¬_ÊÕ_ÉÏ È¥_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_Æð_ÐÐ_¡£ # # And so it was, when the cloud abode from even unto the morning, and # that the cloud was taken up in the morning, then they journeyed: # whether it was by day or by night that the cloud was taken up, they # journeyed. # # unit P NUM:9:22 ÔÆ_²Ê_Í£_Áô_ÔÚ_ÕÊ_Ä»_ÉÏ_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_Á½_Ìì_£¬_ÊÇ_Ò»_ÔÂ_£¬_ÊÇ_Ò»_Äê_£¬ ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_¾Í_ס_Óª_²»_Æð_ÐÐ_¡£_µ«_ÔÆ_²Ê_ÊÕ_ÉÏ_È¥_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_Æð_ÐÐ ¡£ # # Or whether it were two days, or a month, or a year, that the cloud # tarried upon the tabernacle, remaining thereon, the children of # Israel abode in their tents, and journeyed not: but when it was # taken up, they journeyed. # # unit P NUM:9:23 Ëû_ÃÇ_×ñ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_·Ô_¸À_°²_Óª_£¬_Ò²_×ñ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_·Ô_¸À_Æð_ÐÐ_¡£ Ëû_ÃÇ_ÊØ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_ƾ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_¡£ # # At the commandment of the LORD they rested in the tents, and at the # commandment of the LORD they journeyed: they kept the charge of the # LORD, at the commandment of the LORD by the hand of Moses. # ## # chapter 10 NUM:10 # unit P NUM:10:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P NUM:10:2 Äã_Òª_ÓÃ_Òø_×Ó_×÷_Á½_Ö¦_ºÅ_£¬_¶¼_Òª_´¸_³ö_À´_µÄ_£¬_ÓÃ_ÒÔ_ÕÐ_¾Û_»á_ÖÚ £¬_²¢_½Ð_ÖÚ_Óª_Æð_ÐÐ_¡£ # # Make thee two trumpets of silver; of a whole piece shalt thou make # them: that thou mayest use them for the calling of the assembly, and # for the journeying of the camps. # # unit P NUM:10:3 ´µ_Õâ_ºÅ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_È«_»á_ÖÚ_Òª_µ½_Äã_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_¾Û_¼¯_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_ÃÅ_¿Ú ¡£ # # And when they shall blow with them, all the assembly shall assemble # themselves to thee at the door of the tabernacle of the # congregation. # # unit P NUM:10:4 Èô_µ¥_´µ_Ò»_Ö¦_£¬_ÖÚ_Ê×_Áì_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_¾ü_ÖÐ_µÄ_ͳ_Áì_£¬_Òª_¾Û ¼¯_µ½_Äã_ÄÇ_Àï_¡£ # # And if they blow but with one trumpet, then the princes, which are # heads of the thousands of Israel, shall gather themselves unto thee. # # unit P NUM:10:5 ´µ_³ö_´ó_Éù_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_¶«_±ß_°²_µÄ_Óª_¶¼_Òª_Æð_ÐÐ_¡£ # # When ye blow an alarm, then the camps that lie on the east parts # shall go forward. # # unit P NUM:10:6 ¶þ_´Î_´µ_³ö_´ó_Éù_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_ÄÏ_±ß_°²_µÄ_Óª_¶¼_Òª_Æð_ÐÐ_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_½« Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_±Ø_´µ_³ö_´ó_Éù_¡£ # # When ye blow an alarm the second time, then the camps that lie on # the south side shall take their journey: they shall blow an alarm # for their journeys. # # unit P NUM:10:7 µ«_ÕÐ_¾Û_»á_ÖÚ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_´µ_ºÅ_£¬_È´_²»_Òª_´µ_³ö_´ó_Éù_¡£ # # But when the congregation is to be gathered together, ye shall blow, # but ye shall not sound an alarm. # # unit P NUM:10:8 ÑÇ_Â×_×Ó_Ëï_×÷_¼À_˾_µÄ_Òª_´µ_Õâ_ºÅ_¡£_Õâ_Òª_×÷_Äã_ÃÇ_ÊÀ_ÊÀ_´ú_´ú_ÓÀ Ô¶_µÄ_¶¨_Àý_¡£ # # And the sons of Aaron, the priests, shall blow with the trumpets; # and they shall be to you for an ordinance for ever throughout your # generations. # # unit P NUM:10:9 Äã_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_µØ_£¬_Óë_ÆÛ_ѹ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_µÐ_ÈË_´ò_ÕÌ_£¬_¾Í_Òª_ÓÃ_ºÅ ´µ_³ö_´ó_Éù_£¬_±ã_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_Ãæ_Ç°_µÃ_ÃÉ_¼Í_Äî_£¬_Ò²_ÃÉ Õü_¾È_ÍÑ_Àë_³ð_µÐ_¡£ # # And if ye go to war in your land against the enemy that oppresseth # you, then ye shall blow an alarm with the trumpets; and ye shall be # remembered before the LORD your God, and ye shall be saved from your # enemies. # # unit P NUM:10:10 ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_¿ì_ÀÖ_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_ºÍ_½Ú_ÆÚ_£¬_²¢_ÔÂ_Ë·_£¬_Ï×_ìÜ_¼À_ºÍ_ƽ_°²_¼À £¬_Ò²_Òª_´µ_ºÅ_£¬_Õâ_¶¼_Òª_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_Ãæ_Ç°_×÷_Ϊ_¼Í_Äî_¡£_ÎÒ_ÊÇ Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # Also in the day of your gladness, and in your solemn days, and in # the beginnings of your months, ye shall blow with the trumpets over # your burnt offerings, and over the sacrifices of your peace # offerings; that they may be to you for a memorial before your God: I # am the LORD your God. # # unit P NUM:10:11 µÚ_¶þ_Äê_¶þ_ÔÂ_¶þ_Ê®_ÈÕ_£¬_ÔÆ_²Ê_´Ó_·¨_¹ñ_µÄ_ÕÊ_Ä»_ÊÕ_ÉÏ_È¥_¡£ # # And it came to pass on the twentieth day of the second month, in the # second year, that the cloud was taken up from off the tabernacle of # the testimony. # # unit P NUM:10:12 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_¾Í_°´_Õ¾_Íù_Ç°_ÐÐ_£¬_Àë_¿ª_Î÷_ÄË_µÄ_¿õ_Ò°_£¬_ÔÆ_²Ê_Í£_ס ÔÚ_°Í_À¼_µÄ_¿õ_Ò°_¡£ # # And the children of Israel took their journeys out of the wilderness # of Sinai; and the cloud rested in the wilderness of Paran. # # unit P NUM:10:13 Õâ_ÊÇ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_½è_Ħ_Î÷_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_£¬_³õ_´Î_Íù_Ç°_ÐÐ_¡£ # # And they first took their journey according to the commandment of # the LORD by the hand of Moses. # # unit P NUM:10:14 °´_×Å_¾ü_¶Ó_Ê×_ÏÈ_Íù_Ç°_ÐÐ_µÄ_ÊÇ_ÓÌ_´ó_Óª_µÄ_ôî_¡£_ͳ_Áì_¾ü_¶Ó_µÄ_ÊÇ ÑÇ_Ã×_ÄÃ_´ï_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÄÃ_˳_¡£ # # In the first place went the standard of the camp of the children of # Judah according to their armies: and over his host was Nahshon the # son of Amminadab. # # unit P NUM:10:15 ͳ_Áì_ÒÔ_Èø_åÈ_Ö§_ÅÉ_¾ü_¶Ó_µÄ_ÊÇ_ËÕ_Ѻ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÄÃ_̹_Òµ_¡£ # # And over the host of the tribe of the children of Issachar was # Nethaneel the son of Zuar. # # unit P NUM:10:16 ͳ_Áì_Î÷_²¼_Â×_Ö§_ÅÉ_¾ü_¶Ó_µÄ_ÊÇ_Ï£_Â×_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_Àû_Ѻ_¡£ # # And over the host of the tribe of the children of Zebulun was Eliab # the son of Helon. # # unit P NUM:10:17 ÕÊ_Ä»_²ð_ж_£¬_¸ï_˳_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_ºÍ_Ã×_À­_Àû_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_¾Í_̧_×Å_ÕÊ_Ä»_ÏÈ Íù_Ç°_ÐÐ_¡£ # # And the tabernacle was taken down; and the sons of Gershon and the # sons of Merari set forward, bearing the tabernacle. # # unit P NUM:10:18 °´_×Å_¾ü_¶Ó_Íù_Ç°_ÐÐ_µÄ_ÊÇ_Á÷_±ã_Óª_µÄ_ôî_¡£_ͳ_Áì_¾ü_¶Ó_µÄ_ÊÇ_ʾ_¶ª çí_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_Àû_Þ£_¡£ # # And the standard of the camp of Reuben set forward according to # their armies: and over his host was Elizur the son of Shedeur. # # unit P NUM:10:19 ͳ_Áì_Î÷_Ãå_Ö§_ÅÉ_¾ü_¶Ó_µÄ_ÊÇ_ËÕ_Àû_ɳ_´ú_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ʾ_·_Ãï_¡£ # # And over the host of the tribe of the children of Simeon was # Shelumiel the son of Zurishaddai. # # unit P NUM:10:20 ͳ_Áì_åÈ_µÃ_Ö§_ÅÉ_¾ü_¶Ó_µÄ_ÊÇ_¶ª_çí_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_Àû_ÑÅ_Èø_¡£ # # And over the host of the tribe of the children of Gad was Eliasaph # the son of Deuel. # # unit P NUM:10:21 ¸ç_Ͻ_ÈË_̧_×Å_Ê¥_Îï_ÏÈ_Íù_Ç°_ÐÐ_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_δ_µ½_ÒÔ_Ç°_£¬_̧_ÕÊ_Ä»_µÄ ÒÑ_¾­_°Ñ_ÕÊ_Ä»_Ö§_ºÃ_¡£ # # And the Kohathites set forward, bearing the sanctuary: and the other # did set up the tabernacle against they came. # # unit P NUM:10:22 °´_×Å_¾ü_¶Ó_Íù_Ç°_ÐÐ_µÄ_ÊÇ_ÒÔ_·¨_Á«_Óª_µÄ_ôî_£¬_ͳ_Áì_¾ü_¶Ó_µÄ_ÊÇ_ÑÇ Ã×_ºö_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_Àû_ɳ_Âê_¡£ # # And the standard of the camp of the children of Ephraim set forward # according to their armies: and over his host was Elishama the son of # Ammihud. # # unit P NUM:10:23 ͳ_Áì_Âê_ÄÃ_Î÷_Ö§_ÅÉ_¾ü_¶Ó_µÄ_ÊÇ_±È_´ó_Þ£_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_åÈ_Âê_ÁÐ_¡£ # # And over the host of the tribe of the children of Manasseh was # Gamaliel the son of Pedahzur. # # unit P NUM:10:24 ͳ_Áì_±ã_ÑÅ_Ãõ_Ö§_ÅÉ_¾ü_¶Ó_µÄ_ÊÇ_»ù_¶à_Äá_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÑÇ_±È_µ«_¡£ # # And over the host of the tribe of the children of Benjamin was # Abidan the son of Gideoni. # # unit P NUM:10:25 ÔÚ_Öî_Óª_Ä©_ºó_µÄ_ÊÇ_µ«_Óª_µÄ_ôî_£¬_°´_×Å_¾ü_¶Ó_Íù_Ç°_ÐÐ_¡£_ͳ_Áì_¾ü ¶Ó_µÄ_ÊÇ_ÑÇ_Ã×_ɳ_´ú_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÑÇ_Ï£_ÒÔ_л_¡£ # # And the standard of the camp of the children of Dan set forward, # which was the rereward of all the camps throughout their hosts: and # over his host was Ahiezer the son of Ammishaddai. # # unit P NUM:10:26 ͳ_Áì_ÑÇ_Éè_Ö§_ÅÉ_¾ü_¶Ó_µÄ_ÊÇ_¶í_À¼_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÅÁ_½á_¡£ # # And over the host of the tribe of the children of Asher was Pagiel # the son of Ocran. # # unit P NUM:10:27 ͳ_Áì_ÄÃ_¸¥_Ëû_Àû_Ö§_ÅÉ_¾ü_¶Ó_µÄ_ÊÇ_ÒÔ_ÄÏ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÑÇ_Ï£_À­_¡£ # # And over the host of the tribe of the children of Naphtali was Ahira # the son of Enan. # # unit P NUM:10:28 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_°´_×Å_¾ü_¶Ó_Íù_Ç°_ÐÐ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Õâ_Ñù_¡£ # # Thus were the journeyings of the children of Israel according to # their armies, when they set forward. # # unit P NUM:10:29 Ħ_Î÷_¶Ô_Ëû_ÔÀ_¸¸_£¨_»ò_×÷_ÄÚ_ÐÖ_£©_Ã×_µé_ÈË_Á÷_çí_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ºÎ_°Í_˵ £¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Òª_ÐÐ_·_£¬_Íù_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_Ó¦_Ðí_Ö®_µØ_È¥_¡£_Ëû_Ôø_˵_£¬_ÎÒ Òª_½«_Õâ_µØ_´Í_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_¡£_ÏÖ_ÔÚ_Çó_Äã_ºÍ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ͬ_È¥_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_±Ø_ºñ ´ý_Äã_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ö¸_×Å_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÒÑ_¾­_Ó¦_Ðí_¸ø_ºÃ_´¦_¡£ # # And Moses said unto Hobab, the son of Raguel the Midianite, Moses' # father in law, We are journeying unto the place of which the LORD # said, I will give it you: come thou with us, and we will do thee # good: for the LORD hath spoken good concerning Israel. # # unit P NUM:10:30 ºÎ_°Í_»Ø_´ð_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_²»_È¥_¡£_ÎÒ_Òª_»Ø_±¾_µØ_±¾_×å_ÄÇ_Àï_È¥_¡£ # # And he said unto him, I will not go; but I will depart to mine own # land, and to my kindred. # # unit P NUM:10:31 Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Çó_Äã_²»_Òª_Àë_¿ª_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_Äã_Öª_µÀ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Òª_ÔÚ_¿õ Ò°_°²_Óª_£¬_Äã_¿É_ÒÔ_µ±_×÷_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÑÛ_Ä¿_¡£ # # And he said, Leave us not, I pray thee; forasmuch as thou knowest # how we are to encamp in the wilderness, and thou mayest be to us # instead of eyes. # # unit P NUM:10:32 Äã_Èô_ºÍ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ͬ_È¥_£¬_½«_À´_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÓÐ_ʲ_ô_ºÃ_´¦_´ý_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_£¬_ÎÒ ÃÇ_Ò²_±Ø_ÒÔ_ʲ_ô_ºÃ_´¦_´ý_Äã_¡£ # # And it shall be, if thou go with us, yea, it shall be, that what # goodness the LORD shall do unto us, the same will we do unto thee. # # unit P NUM:10:33 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Àë_¿ª_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_ɽ_£¬_Íù_Ç°_ÐÐ_ÁË_Èý_Ìì_µÄ_·_³Ì_¡£_Ò® ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_Ô¼_¹ñ_ÔÚ_Ç°_Í·_ÐÐ_ÁË_Èý_Ìì_µÄ_·_³Ì_£¬_Ϊ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ñ°_ÕÒ_°²_Ъ µÄ_µØ_·½_¡£ # # And they departed from the mount of the LORD three days' journey: # and the ark of the covenant of the LORD went before them in the # three days' journey, to search out a resting place for them. # # unit P NUM:10:34 Ëû_ÃÇ_°Î_Óª_Íù_Ç°_ÐÐ_£¬_ÈÕ_¼ä_ÓÐ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_ÔÆ_²Ê_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÒÔ_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And the cloud of the LORD was upon them by day, when they went out # of the camp. # # unit P NUM:10:35 Ô¼_¹ñ_Íù_Ç°_ÐÐ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Ħ_Î÷_¾Í_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_°¢_£¬_Çó_Äã_ÐË_Æð ¡£_Ô¸_Äã_µÄ_³ð_µÐ_ËÄ_É¢_¡£_Ô¸_ºÞ_Äã_µÄ_ÈË_´Ó_Äã_Ãæ_Ç°_ÌÓ_ÅÜ_¡£ # # And it came to pass, when the ark set forward, that Moses said, Rise # up, LORD, and let thine enemies be scattered; and let them that hate # thee flee before thee. # # unit P NUM:10:36 Ô¼_¹ñ_Í£_ס_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Ëû_¾Í_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_°¢_£¬_Çó_Äã_»Ø_µ½_ÒÔ_É« ÁÐ_µÄ_ǧ_Íò_ÈË_ÖÐ_¡£ # # And when it rested, he said, Return, O LORD, unto the many thousands # of Israel. # ## # chapter 11 NUM:11 # unit P NUM:11:1 ÖÚ_°Ù_ÐÕ_·¢_Ô¹_ÑÔ_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_¶ñ_Óï_´ï_µ½_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_¶ú_ÖÐ_¡£_Ò®_ºÍ »ª_Ìý_¼û_ÁË_¾Í_Å­_Æø_·¢_×÷_£¬_ʹ_»ð_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_·Ù_ÉÕ_£¬_Ö±_ÉÕ_µ½ Óª_µÄ_±ß_½ç_¡£ # # And when the people complained, it displeased the LORD: and the LORD # heard it; and his anger was kindled; and the fire of the LORD burnt # among them, and consumed them that were in the uttermost parts of # the camp. # # unit P NUM:11:2 °Ù_ÐÕ_Ïò_Ħ_Î÷_°§_Çó_£¬_Ħ_Î÷_Æí_Çó_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_»ð_¾Í_Ϩ_ÁË_¡£ # # And the people cried unto Moses; and when Moses prayed unto the # LORD, the fire was quenched. # # unit P NUM:11:3 ÄÇ_µØ_·½_±ã_½Ð_×÷_Ëû_±¸_À­_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_»ð_ÉÕ_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä ¡£ # # And he called the name of the place Taberah: because the fire of the # LORD burnt among them. # # unit P NUM:11:4 Ëû_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_µÄ_ÏÐ_ÔÓ_ÈË_´ó_Æð_Ì°_Óû_µÄ_ÐÄ_¡£_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÓÖ_¿Þ_ºÅ_˵ £¬_Ë­_¸ø_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Èâ_³Ô_ÄØ_£¿ # # And the mixt multitude that was among them fell a lusting: and the # children of Israel also wept again, and said, Who shall give us # flesh to eat? # # unit P NUM:11:5 ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¼Ç_µÃ_£¬_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_²»_»¨_Ç®_¾Í_³Ô_Óã_£¬_Ò²_¼Ç_µÃ_ÓÐ_»Æ ¹Ï_£¬_Î÷_¹Ï_£¬_¾Â_²Ë_£¬_´Ð_£¬_Ëâ_¡£ # # We remember the fish, which we did eat in Egypt freely; the # cucumbers, and the melons, and the leeks, and the onions, and the # garlick: # # unit P NUM:11:6 ÏÖ_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÐÄ_Ѫ_¿Ý_½ß_ÁË_£¬_³ý_Õâ_Âð_ÄÄ_ÒÔ_Íâ_£¬_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÑÛ_Ç° ²¢_û_ÓÐ_±ð_µÄ_¶«_Î÷_¡£ # # But now our soul is dried away: there is nothing at all, beside this # manna, before our eyes. # # unit P NUM:11:7 Õâ_Âð_ÄÄ_·Â_·ð_ܾ_Ý´_×Ó_£¬_ÓÖ_ºÃ_Ïñ_Õä_Öé_¡£ # # And the manna was as coriander seed, and the colour thereof as the # colour of bdellium. # # unit P NUM:11:8 °Ù_ÐÕ_ÖÜ_Χ_ÐÐ_×ß_£¬_°Ñ_Âð_ÄÄ_ÊÕ_Æð_À´_£¬_»ò_ÓÃ_Ä¥_ÍÆ_£¬_»ò_ÓÃ_¾Ê_µ· £¬_Öó_ÔÚ_¹ø_ÖÐ_£¬_ÓÖ_×÷_³É_±ý_£¬_×Ì_ζ_ºÃ_Ïñ_ÐÂ_ÓÍ_¡£ # # And the people went about, and gathered it, and ground it in mills, # or beat it in a mortar, and baked it in pans, and made cakes of it: # and the taste of it was as the taste of fresh oil. # # unit P NUM:11:9 Ò¹_¼ä_¶_Ë®_½µ_ÔÚ_Óª_ÖÐ_£¬_Âð_ÄÄ_Ò²_Ëæ_×Å_½µ_ÏÂ_¡£ # # And when the dew fell upon the camp in the night, the manna fell # upon it. # # unit P NUM:11:10 Ħ_Î÷_Ìý_¼û_°Ù_ÐÕ_¸÷_ÔÚ_¸÷_¼Ò_µÄ_ÕÊ_Åï_ÃÅ_¿Ú_¿Þ_ºÅ_¡£_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_Å­ Æø_±ã_´ó_·¢_×÷_£¬_Ħ_Î÷_¾Í_²»_ϲ_ÔÃ_¡£ # # Then Moses heard the people weep throughout their families, every # man in the door of his tent: and the anger of the LORD was kindled # greatly; Moses also was displeased. # # unit P NUM:11:11 Ħ_Î÷_¶Ô_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_˵_£¬_Äã_Ϊ_ºÎ_¿à_´ý_ÆÍ_ÈË_£¬_ÎÒ_Ϊ_ºÎ_²»_ÔÚ_Äã_ÑÛ Ç°_ÃÉ_¶÷_£¬_¾¹_°Ñ_Õâ_¹Ü_Àí_°Ù_ÐÕ_µÄ_ÖØ_ÈÎ_¼Ó_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_Éí_ÉÏ_ÄØ_£¿ # # And Moses said unto the LORD, Wherefore hast thou afflicted thy # servant? and wherefore have I not found favour in thy sight, that # thou layest the burden of all this people upon me? # # unit P NUM:11:12 Õâ_°Ù_ÐÕ_Æñ_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_»³_µÄ_Ì¥_£¬_Æñ_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_Éú_ÏÂ_À´_µÄ_ÄØ_£¿_Äã_¾¹_¶Ô_ÎÒ Ëµ_£¬_°Ñ_Ëû_ÃÇ_±§_ÔÚ_»³_Àï_£¬_Èç_Ñø_Óý_Ö®_¸¸_±§_³Ô_ÄÌ_µÄ_º¢_×Ó_£¬_Ö± ±§_µ½_Äã_Æð_ÊÄ_Ó¦_Ðí_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_×æ_×Ú_µÄ_µØ_È¥_¡£ # # Have I conceived all this people? have I begotten them, that thou # shouldest say unto me, Carry them in thy bosom, as a nursing father # beareth the sucking child, unto the land which thou swarest unto # their fathers? # # unit P NUM:11:13 ÎÒ_´Ó_ÄÄ_Àï_µÃ_Èâ_¸ø_Õâ_°Ù_ÐÕ_³Ô_ÄØ_£¿_Ëû_ÃÇ_¶¼_Ïò_ÎÒ_¿Þ_ºÅ_˵_£¬_Äã ¸ø_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Èâ_³Ô_°É_¡£ # # Whence should I have flesh to give unto all this people? for they # weep unto me, saying, Give us flesh, that we may eat. # # unit P NUM:11:14 ¹Ü_Àí_Õâ_°Ù_ÐÕ_µÄ_Ôð_ÈÎ_Ì«_ÖØ_ÁË_£¬_ÎÒ_¶À_×Ô_µ£_µ±_²»_Æð_¡£ # # I am not able to bear all this people alone, because it is too heavy # for me. # # unit P NUM:11:15 Äã_Õâ_Ñù_´ý_ÎÒ_£¬_ÎÒ_Èô_ÔÚ_Äã_ÑÛ_Ç°_ÃÉ_¶÷_£¬_Çó_Äã_Á¢_ʱ_½«_ÎÒ_ɱ_ÁË £¬_²»_½Ð_ÎÒ_¼û_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_¿à_Çé_¡£ # # And if thou deal thus with me, kill me, I pray thee, out of hand, if # I have found favour in thy sight; and let me not see my # wretchedness. # # unit P NUM:11:16 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Äã_´Ó_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_µÄ_³¤_ÀÏ_ÖÐ_ÕÐ_¾Û_Æß_Ê®_¸ö_ÈË £¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Äã_Ëù_Öª_µÀ_×÷_°Ù_ÐÕ_µÄ_³¤_ÀÏ_ºÍ_¹Ù_³¤_µÄ_£¬_µ½_ÎÒ_Õâ_Àï_À´ £¬_Áì_Ëû_ÃÇ_µ½_»á_Ä»_Ç°_£¬_ʹ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ºÍ_Äã_Ò»_ͬ_Õ¾_Á¢_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto Moses, Gather unto me seventy men of the # elders of Israel, whom thou knowest to be the elders of the people, # and officers over them; and bring them unto the tabernacle of the # congregation, that they may stand there with thee. # # unit P NUM:11:17 ÎÒ_Òª_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_½µ_ÁÙ_£¬_Óë_Äã_˵_»°_£¬_Ò²_Òª_°Ñ_½µ_ÓÚ_Äã_Éí_ÉÏ_µÄ_Áé ·Ö_´Í_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_ºÍ_Äã_ͬ_µ±_Õâ_¹Ü_°Ù_ÐÕ_µÄ_ÖØ_ÈÎ_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_Äã ¶À_×Ô_µ£_µ±_¡£ # # And I will come down and talk with thee there: and I will take of # the spirit which is upon thee, and will put it upon them; and they # shall bear the burden of the people with thee, that thou bear it not # thyself alone. # # unit P NUM:11:18 ÓÖ_Òª_¶Ô_°Ù_ÐÕ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Ó¦_µ±_×Ô_½à_£¬_Ô¤_±¸_Ã÷_Ìì_³Ô_Èâ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ Äã_ÃÇ_¿Þ_ºÅ_˵_£¬_Ë­_¸ø_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Èâ_³Ô_¡£_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_ºÜ_ºÃ_¡£_Õâ_Éù Òô_´ï_µ½_ÁË_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_¶ú_ÖÐ_£¬_Ëù_ÒÔ_Ëû_±Ø_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_Èâ_³Ô_¡£ # # And say thou unto the people, Sanctify yourselves against to morrow, # and ye shall eat flesh: for ye have wept in the ears of the LORD, # saying, Who shall give us flesh to eat? for it was well with us in # Egypt: therefore the LORD will give you flesh, and ye shall eat. # # unit P NUM:11:19 Äã_ÃÇ_²»_Ö¹_³Ô_Ò»_Ìì_£¬_Á½_Ìì_£¬_Îå_Ìì_£¬_Ê®_Ìì_£¬_¶þ_Ê®_Ìì_£¬ # # Ye shall not eat one day, nor two days, nor five days, neither ten # days, nor twenty days; # # unit P NUM:11:20 Òª_³Ô_Ò»_¸ö_Õû_ÔÂ_£¬_Éõ_ÖÁ_Èâ_´Ó_Äã_ÃÇ_±Ç_¿×_Àï_Åç_³ö_À´_£¬_ʹ_Äã_ÃÇ Ñá_¶ñ_ÁË_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ñá_Æú_ס_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_µÄ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_ÔÚ_Ëû Ãæ_Ç°_¿Þ_ºÅ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Ϊ_ºÎ_³ö_ÁË_°£_¼°_ÄØ_£¿ # # But even a whole month, until it come out at your nostrils, and it # be loathsome unto you: because that ye have despised the LORD which # is among you, and have wept before him, saying, Why came we forth # out of Egypt? # # unit P NUM:11:21 Ħ_Î÷_¶Ô_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_˵_£¬_Õâ_Óë_ÎÒ_ͬ_ס_µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_£¬_²½_ÐÐ_µÄ_ÄÐ_ÈË_ÓÐ Áù_Ê®_Íò_£¬_Äã_»¹_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_°Ñ_Èâ_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_ʹ_Ëû_ÃÇ_¿É_ÒÔ_³Ô_Ò» ¸ö_Õû_ÔÂ_¡£ # # And Moses said, The people, among whom I am, are six hundred # thousand footmen; and thou hast said, I will give them flesh, that # they may eat a whole month. # # unit P NUM:11:22 ÄÑ_µÀ_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ô×_ÁË_Ñò_Ⱥ_Å£_Ⱥ_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_°Ñ_º£_ÖÐ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_Óã_¶¼_¾Û ÁË_À´_£¬_¾Í_¹»_Ëû_ÃÇ_³Ô_Âð_£¿ # # Shall the flocks and the herds be slain for them, to suffice them? # or shall all the fish of the sea be gathered together for them, to # suffice them? # # unit P NUM:11:23 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_°ò_±Û_Æñ_ÊÇ_Ëõ_¶Ì_ÁË_Âð_£¿_ÏÖ_ÔÚ Òª_¿´_ÎÒ_µÄ_»°_Ïò_Äã_Ó¦_Ñé_²»_Ó¦_Ñé_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto Moses, Is the LORD's hand waxed short? thou # shalt see now whether my word shall come to pass unto thee or not. # # unit P NUM:11:24 Ħ_Î÷_³ö_È¥_£¬_½«_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_»°_¸æ_Ëß_°Ù_ÐÕ_£¬_ÓÖ_ÕÐ_¾Û_°Ù_ÐÕ_µÄ_³¤ ÀÏ_ÖÐ_Æß_Ê®_¸ö_ÈË_À´_£¬_ʹ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Õ¾_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_µÄ_ËÄ_Χ_¡£ # # And Moses went out, and told the people the words of the LORD, and # gathered the seventy men of the elders of the people, and set them # round about the tabernacle. # # unit P NUM:11:25 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÔÚ_ÔÆ_ÖÐ_½µ_ÁÙ_£¬_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_»°_£¬_°Ñ_½µ_Óë_Ëû_Éí_ÉÏ_µÄ_Áé ·Ö_´Í_ÄÇ_Æß_Ê®_¸ö_³¤_ÀÏ_¡£_Áé_Í£_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Éí_ÉÏ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í ÊÜ_¸Ð_˵_»°_£¬_ÒÔ_ºó_È´_û_ÓÐ_ÔÙ_˵_¡£ # # And the LORD came down in a cloud, and spake unto him, and took of # the spirit that was upon him, and gave it unto the seventy elders: # and it came to pass, that, when the spirit rested upon them, they # prophesied, and did not cease. # # unit P NUM:11:26 µ«_ÓÐ_Á½_¸ö_ÈË_ÈÔ_ÔÚ_Óª_Àï_£¬_Ò»_¸ö_Ãû_½Ð_ÒÁ_Àû_´ï_£¬_Ò»_¸ö_Ãû_½Ð_Ã× ´ï_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_±¾_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Щ_±»_¼_µÄ_ÈË_ÖÐ_£¬_È´_û_ÓÐ_µ½_»á_Ä»_ÄÇ_Àï È¥_¡£_Áé_Í£_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Éí_ÉÏ_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_ÔÚ_Óª_Àï_˵_Ô¤_ÑÔ_¡£ # # But there remained two of the men in the camp, the name of the one # was Eldad, and the name of the other Medad: and the spirit rested # upon them; and they were of them that were written, but went not out # unto the tabernacle: and they prophesied in the camp. # # unit P NUM:11:27 ÓÐ_¸ö_ÉÙ_Äê_ÈË_ÅÜ_À´_¸æ_Ëß_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_ÒÁ_Àû_´ï_£¬_Ã×_´ï_ÔÚ_Óª_Àï_˵ Ô¤_ÑÔ_¡£ # # And there ran a young man, and told Moses, and said, Eldad and Medad # do prophesy in the camp. # # unit P NUM:11:28 Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_°ï_ÊÖ_£¬_ÄÛ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_Ô¼_Êé_ÑÇ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ħ_Î÷_Ëù_¼ð_Ñ¡_µÄ_Ò» ¸ö_ÈË_£¬_˵_£¬_Çë_ÎÒ_Ö÷_Ħ_Î÷_½û_Ö¹_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£ # # And Joshua the son of Nun, the servant of Moses, one of his young # men, answered and said, My lord Moses, forbid them. # # unit P NUM:11:29 Ħ_Î÷_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_Äã_Ϊ_ÎÒ_µÄ_Ôµ_¹Ê_¼µ_¶Ê_ÈË_Âð_£¿_Ω_Ô¸_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ °Ù_ÐÕ_¶¼_ÊÜ_¸Ð_˵_»°_¡£_Ô¸_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_°Ñ_Ëû_µÄ_Áé_½µ_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Éí_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And Moses said unto him, Enviest thou for my sake? would God that # all the LORD's people were prophets, and that the LORD would put his # spirit upon them! # # unit P NUM:11:30 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_£¬_Ħ_Î÷_ºÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_µÄ_³¤_ÀÏ_¶¼_»Ø_µ½_Óª_Àï_È¥_¡£ # # And Moses gat him into the camp, he and the elders of Israel. # # unit P NUM:11:31 ÓÐ_·ç_´Ó_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÄÇ_Àï_¹Î_Æð_£¬_°Ñ_ðÆ_ðÈ_ÓÉ_º£_Ãæ_¹Î_À´_£¬_·É_É¢_ÔÚ Óª_±ß_ºÍ_Óª_µÄ_ËÄ_Χ_¡£_Õâ_±ß_Ô¼_ÓÐ_Ò»_Ìì_µÄ_·_³Ì_£¬_ÄÇ_±ß_Ô¼_ÓÐ_Ò» Ìì_µÄ_·_³Ì_£¬_Àë_µØ_Ãæ_Ô¼_ÓÐ_¶þ_Öâ_¡£ # # And there went forth a wind from the LORD, and brought quails from # the sea, and let them fall by the camp, as it were a day's journey # on this side, and as it were a day's journey on the other side, # round about the camp, and as it were two cubits high upon the face # of the earth. # # unit P NUM:11:32 °Ù_ÐÕ_Æð_À´_£¬_ÖÕ_ÈÕ_ÖÕ_Ò¹_£¬_²¢_´Î_ÈÕ_Ò»_Õû_Ìì_£¬_²¶_È¡_ðÆ_ðÈ_¡£_ÖÁ ÉÙ_µÄ_Ò²_È¡_ÁË_Ê®_ºØ_÷_çí_£¬_Ϊ_×Ô_¼º_°Ú_ÁÐ_ÔÚ_Óª_µÄ_ËÄ_Χ_¡£ # # And the people stood up all that day, and all that night, and all # the next day, and they gathered the quails: he that gathered least # gathered ten homers: and they spread them all abroad for themselves # round about the camp. # # unit P NUM:11:33 Èâ_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÑÀ_³Ý_Ö®_¼ä_ÉÐ_δ_½À_ÀÃ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_Å­_Æø_¾Í_Ïò_Ëû_ÃÇ ·¢_×÷_£¬_ÓÃ_×î_ÖØ_µÄ_ÔÖ_Ñê_»÷_ɱ_ÁË_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£ # # And while the flesh was yet between their teeth, ere it was chewed, # the wrath of the LORD was kindled against the people, and the LORD # smote the people with a very great plague. # # unit P NUM:11:34 ÄÇ_µØ_·½_±ã_½Ð_×÷_»ù_²©_ÂÞ_¹þ_Ëû_Íß_£¨_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ì°_Óû_Ö®_ÈË_µÄ_·Ø_Ĺ_£© £¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_Ôá_Âñ_ÄÇ_Æð_Ì°_Óû_Ö®_ÐÄ_µÄ_ÈË_¡£ # # And he called the name of that place Kibrothhattaavah: because there # they buried the people that lusted. # # unit P NUM:11:35 °Ù_ÐÕ_´Ó_»ù_²©_ÂÞ_¹þ_Ëû_Íß_×ß_µ½_¹þ_Ï´_¼_£¬_¾Í_ס_ÔÚ_¹þ_Ï´_¼_¡£ # # And the people journeyed from Kibrothhattaavah unto Hazeroth; and # abode at Hazeroth. # ## # chapter 12 NUM:12 # unit P NUM:12:1 Ħ_Î÷_È¢_ÁË_¹Å_ʵ_Å®_×Ó_Ϊ_ÆÞ_¡£_Ã×_Àû_°µ_ºÍ_ÑÇ_Â×_Òò_Ëû_Ëù_È¢_µÄ_¹Å ʵ_Å®_×Ó_¾Í_»Ù_°ù_Ëû_£¬ # # And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian # woman whom he had married: for he had married an Ethiopian woman. # # unit P NUM:12:2 ˵_£¬_ÄÑ_µÀ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µ¥_Óë_Ħ_Î÷_˵_»°_£¬_²»_Ò²_Óë_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_˵_»°_Âð_£¿ Õâ_»°_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ìý_¼û_ÁË_¡£ # # And they said, Hath the LORD indeed spoken only by Moses? hath he # not spoken also by us? And the LORD heard it. # # unit P NUM:12:3 Ħ_Î÷_Ϊ_ÈË_¼«_Æä_Ç«_ºÍ_£¬_ʤ_¹ý_ÊÀ_ÉÏ_µÄ_ÖÚ_ÈË_¡£ # # (Now the man Moses was very meek, above all the men which were upon # the face of the earth.) # # unit P NUM:12:4 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ºö_È»_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_£¬_Ã×_Àû_°µ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Èý_¸ö_ÈË_¶¼ ³ö_À´_£¬_µ½_»á_Ä»_Õâ_Àï_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_Èý_¸ö_ÈË_¾Í_³ö_À´_ÁË_¡£ # # And the LORD spake suddenly unto Moses, and unto Aaron, and unto # Miriam, Come out ye three unto the tabernacle of the congregation. # And they three came out. # # unit P NUM:12:5 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÔÚ_ÔÆ_Öù_ÖÐ_½µ_ÁÙ_£¬_Õ¾_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_ÃÅ_¿Ú_£¬_ÕÙ_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ã×_Àû °µ_£¬_¶þ_ÈË_¾Í_³ö_À´_ÁË_¡£ # # And the LORD came down in the pillar of the cloud, and stood in the # door of the tabernacle, and called Aaron and Miriam: and they both # came forth. # # unit P NUM:12:6 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_ÇÒ_Ìý_ÎÒ_µÄ_»°_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_Èô_ÓÐ_ÏÈ_Öª_£¬_ÎÒ Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_±Ø_ÔÚ_Òì_Ïó_ÖÐ_Ïò_Ëû_ÏÔ_ÏÖ_£¬_ÔÚ_ÃÎ_ÖÐ_Óë_Ëû_˵_»°_¡£ # # And he said, Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, I # the LORD will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak # unto him in a dream. # # unit P NUM:12:7 ÎÒ_µÄ_ÆÍ_ÈË_Ħ_Î÷_²»_ÊÇ_Õâ_Ñù_¡£_Ëû_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_È«_¼Ò_¾¡_ÖÒ_µÄ_¡£ # # My servant Moses is not so, who is faithful in all mine house. # # unit P NUM:12:8 ÎÒ_Òª_Óë_Ëû_Ãæ_¶Ô_Ãæ_˵_»°_£¬_ÄË_ÊÇ_Ã÷_˵_£¬_²»_ÓÃ_ÃÕ_Óï_£¬_²¢_ÇÒ_Ëû ±Ø_¼û_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÐÎ_Ïñ_¡£_Äã_ÃÇ_»Ù_°ù_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÆÍ_ÈË_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_Ϊ_ºÎ_²»_¾å_Å ÄØ_£¿ # # With him will I speak mouth to mouth, even apparently, and not in # dark speeches; and the similitude of the LORD shall he behold: # wherefore then were ye not afraid to speak against my servant Moses? # # unit P NUM:12:9 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¾Í_Ïò_Ëû_ÃÇ_¶þ_ÈË_·¢_Å­_¶ø_È¥_¡£ # # And the anger of the LORD was kindled against them; and he departed. # # unit P NUM:12:10 ÔÆ_²Ê_´Ó_»á_Ä»_ÉÏ_Ų_¿ª_ÁË_£¬_²»_ÁÏ_£¬_Ã×_Àû_°µ_³¤_ÁË_´ó_Âé_·è_£¬_ÓÐ Ñ©_ÄÇ_Ñù_°×_¡£_ÑÇ_Â×_Ò»_¿´_Ã×_Àû_°µ_³¤_ÁË_´ó_Âé_·è_£¬ # # And the cloud departed from off the tabernacle; and, behold, Miriam # became leprous, white as snow: and Aaron looked upon Miriam, and, # behold, she was leprous. # # unit P NUM:12:11 ¾Í_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Ö÷_°¢_£¬_Çó_Äã_²»_Òª_Òò_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÓÞ_ÃÁ_·¸_×ï_£¬_±ã ½«_Õâ_×ï_¼Ó_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Éí_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And Aaron said unto Moses, Alas, my lord, I beseech thee, lay not # the sin upon us, wherein we have done foolishly, and wherein we have # sinned. # # unit P NUM:12:12 Çó_Äã_²»_Òª_ʹ_Ëý_Ïñ_ÄÇ_³ö_ĸ_¸¹_£¬_Èâ_ÒÑ_°ë_ÀÃ_µÄ_ËÀ_Ì¥_¡£ # # Let her not be as one dead, of whom the flesh is half consumed when # he cometh out of his mother's womb. # # unit P NUM:12:13 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Ħ_Î÷_°§_Çó_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_˵_£¬_Éñ_°¢_£¬_Çó_Äã_Ò½_ÖÎ_Ëý_¡£ # # And Moses cried unto the LORD, saying, Heal her now, O God, I # beseech thee. # # unit P NUM:12:14 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Ëý_¸¸_Ç×_Èô_ÍÂ_ÍÙ_Ä­_ÔÚ_Ëý_Á³_ÉÏ_£¬_Ëý_Æñ_²» ÃÉ_Ðß_Æß_Ìì_Âð_£¿_ÏÖ_ÔÚ_Òª_°Ñ_Ëý_ÔÚ_Óª_Íâ_¹Ø_Ëø_Æß_Ìì_£¬_È»_ºó_²Å_¿É ÒÔ_Áì_Ëý_½ø_À´_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto Moses, If her father had but spit in her # face, should she not be ashamed seven days? let her be shut out from # the camp seven days, and after that let her be received in again. # # unit P NUM:12:15 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Ã×_Àû_°µ_¹Ø_Ëø_ÔÚ_Óª_Íâ_Æß_Ìì_¡£_°Ù_ÐÕ_û_ÓÐ_ÐÐ_·_£¬_Ö±_µÈ_µ½ °Ñ_Ã×_Àû_°µ_Áì_½ø_À´_¡£ # # And Miriam was shut out from the camp seven days: and the people # journeyed not till Miriam was brought in again. # # unit P NUM:12:16 ÒÔ_ºó_°Ù_ÐÕ_´Ó_¹þ_Ï´_¼_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_ÔÚ_°Í_À¼_µÄ_¿õ_Ò°_°²_Óª_¡£ # # And afterward the people removed from Hazeroth, and pitched in the # wilderness of Paran. # ## # chapter 13 NUM:13 # unit P NUM:13:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P NUM:13:2 Äã_´ò_·¢_ÈË_È¥_¿ú_̽_ÎÒ_Ëù_´Í_¸ø_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_µÄ_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÿ Ö§_ÅÉ_ÖÐ_Òª_´ò_·¢_Ò»_¸ö_ÈË_£¬_¶¼_Òª_×÷_Ê×_Áì_µÄ_¡£ # # Send thou men, that they may search the land of Canaan, which I give # unto the children of Israel: of every tribe of their fathers shall # ye send a man, every one a ruler among them. # # unit P NUM:13:3 Ħ_Î÷_¾Í_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_·Ô_¸À_´Ó_°Í_À¼_µÄ_¿õ_Ò°_´ò_·¢_Ëû_ÃÇ_È¥_¡£_Ëû ÃÇ_¶¼_ÊÇ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_µÄ_×å_³¤_¡£ # # And Moses by the commandment of the LORD sent them from the # wilderness of Paran: all those men were heads of the children of # Israel. # # unit P NUM:13:4 Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Ãû_×Ö_£¬_Êô_Á÷_±ã_Ö§_ÅÉ_µÄ_ÓÐ_Èö_¿Ì_µÄ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ɳ_ĸ_ÑÇ_¡£ # # And these were their names: of the tribe of Reuben, Shammua the son # of Zaccur. # # unit P NUM:13:5 Êô_Î÷_Ãå_Ö§_ÅÉ_µÄ_ÓÐ_ºÎ_Àû_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_µÄ_ɳ_·¨_¡£ # # Of the tribe of Simeon, Shaphat the son of Hori. # # unit P NUM:13:6 Êô_ÓÌ_´ó_Ö§_ÅÉ_µÄ_ÓÐ_Ò®_æÚ_Äá_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_åÈ_ÀÕ_¡£ # # Of the tribe of Judah, Caleb the son of Jephunneh. # # unit P NUM:13:7 Êô_ÒÔ_Èø_åÈ_Ö§_ÅÉ_µÄ_ÓÐ_Ô¼_É«_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_åÈ_¡£ # # Of the tribe of Issachar, Igal the son of Joseph. # # unit P NUM:13:8 Êô_ÒÔ_·¨_Á«_Ö§_ÅÉ_µÄ_ÓÐ_ÄÛ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ºÎ_Ï£_°¢_¡£ # # Of the tribe of Ephraim, Oshea the son of Nun. # # unit P NUM:13:9 Êô_±ã_ÑÅ_Ãõ_Ö§_ÅÉ_µÄ_ÓÐ_À­_æÚ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÅÁ_Ìá_¡£ # # Of the tribe of Benjamin, Palti the son of Raphu. # # unit P NUM:13:10 Êô_Î÷_²¼_Â×_Ö§_ÅÉ_µÄ_ÓÐ_Ëó_µ×_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_åÈ_µþ_¡£ # # Of the tribe of Zebulun, Gaddiel the son of Sodi. # # unit P NUM:13:11 Ô¼_ɪ_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_£¬_Êô_Âê_ÄÃ_Î÷_Ö§_ÅÉ_µÄ_ÓÐ_öÕ_Î÷_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_åÈ_µ×_¡£ # # Of the tribe of Joseph, namely, of the tribe of Manasseh, Gaddi the # son of Susi. # # unit P NUM:13:12 Êô_µ«_Ö§_ÅÉ_µÄ_ÓÐ_»ù_Âê_Àû_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÑÇ_Ã×_Àû_¡£ # # Of the tribe of Dan, Ammiel the son of Gemalli. # # unit P NUM:13:13 Êô_ÑÇ_Éè_Ö§_ÅÉ_µÄ_ÓÐ_Ã×_åÈ_ÀÕ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_Î÷_Ìû_¡£ # # Of the tribe of Asher, Sethur the son of Michael. # # unit P NUM:13:14 Êô_ÄÃ_¸¥_Ëû_Àû_Ö§_ÅÉ_µÄ_ÓÐ_¸¿_Î÷_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÄÃ_±È_¡£ # # Of the tribe of Naphtali, Nahbi the son of Vophsi. # # unit P NUM:13:15 Êô_åÈ_µÃ_Ö§_ÅÉ_µÄ_ÓÐ_Âê_»ù_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_¾Ê_Àû_¡£ # # Of the tribe of Gad, Geuel the son of Machi. # # unit P NUM:13:16 Õâ_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ħ_Î÷_Ëù_´ò_·¢_£¬_¿ú_̽_ÄÇ_µØ_Ö®_ÈË_µÄ_Ãû_×Ö_¡£_Ħ_Î÷_¾Í_³Æ ÄÛ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ºÎ_Î÷_°¢_Ϊ_Ô¼_Êé_ÑÇ_¡£ # # These are the names of the men which Moses sent to spy out the land. # And Moses called Oshea the son of Nun Jehoshua. # # unit P NUM:13:17 Ħ_Î÷_´ò_·¢_Ëû_ÃÇ_È¥_¿ú_̽_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ_£¬_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_´Ó_ÄÏ_µØ_ÉÏ_ɽ_µØ È¥_£¬ # # And Moses sent them to spy out the land of Canaan, and said unto # them, Get you up this way southward, and go up into the mountain: # # unit P NUM:13:18 ¿´_ÄÇ_µØ_Èç_ºÎ_£¬_Æä_ÖÐ_Ëù_ס_µÄ_Ãñ_ÊÇ_Ç¿_ÊÇ_Èõ_£¬_ÊÇ_¶à_ÊÇ_ÉÙ_£¬ # # And see the land, what it is; and the people that dwelleth therein, # whether they be strong or weak, few or many; # # unit P NUM:13:19 Ëù_ס_Ö®_µØ_ÊÇ_ºÃ_ÊÇ_´õ_£¬_Ëù_ס_Ö®_´¦_ÊÇ_Óª_ÅÌ_ÊÇ_¼á_³Ç_¡£ # # And what the land is that they dwell in, whether it be good or bad; # and what cities they be that they dwell in, whether in tents, or in # strong holds; # # unit P NUM:13:20 ÓÖ_¿´_ÄÇ_µØ_ÍÁ_ÊÇ_·Ê_ÃÀ_ÊÇ_ñ¤_±¡_£¬_Æä_ÖÐ_ÓÐ_Ê÷_ľ_û_ÓÐ_¡£_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª ·Å_¿ª_µ¨_Á¿_£¬_°Ñ_ÄÇ_µØ_µÄ_¹û_×Ó_´ø_Щ_À´_¡£_£¨_ÄÇ_ʱ_Õý_ÊÇ_ÆÏ_ÌÑ_³õ Êì_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_¡£_£© # # And what the land is, whether it be fat or lean, whether there be # wood therein, or not. And be ye of good courage, and bring of the # fruit of the land. Now the time was the time of the firstripe # grapes. # # unit P NUM:13:21 Ëû_ÃÇ_ÉÏ_È¥_¿ú_̽_ÄÇ_µØ_£¬_´Ó_Ñ°_µÄ_¿õ_Ò°_µ½_Àû_ºÏ_£¬_Ö±_µ½_¹þ_Âí_¿Ú ¡£ # # So they went up, and searched the land from the wilderness of Zin # unto Rehob, as men come to Hamath. # # unit P NUM:13:22 Ëû_ÃÇ_´Ó_ÄÏ_µØ_ÉÏ_È¥_£¬_µ½_ÁË_Ï£_²®_ÂØ_¡£_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_ÓÐ_ÑÇ_ñÄ_×å_ÈË_ÑÇ Ï£_á£_£¬_ʾ_ɸ_£¬_Ì¢_Âò_¡£_£¨_Ô­_À´_Ï£_²®_ÂØ_³Ç_±»_½¨_Ôì_±È_°£_¼°_µÄ Ëø_°²_³Ç_Ôç_Æß_Äê_¡£_£© # # And they ascended by the south, and came unto Hebron; where Ahiman, # Sheshai, and Talmai, the children of Anak, were. (Now Hebron was # built seven years before Zoan in Egypt.) # # unit P NUM:13:23 Ëû_ÃÇ_µ½_ÁË_ÒÔ_ʵ_¸÷_¹È_£¬_´Ó_ÄÇ_Àï_¿³_ÁË_ÆÏ_ÌÑ_Ê÷_µÄ_Ò»_Ö¦_£¬_ÉÏ_Í· ÓÐ_Ò»_¹Ò_ÆÏ_ÌÑ_£¬_Á½_¸ö_ÈË_ÓÃ_¸Ü_̧_×Å_£¬_ÓÖ_´ø_ÁË_Щ_ʯ_Áñ_ºÍ_ÎÞ_»¨ ¹û_À´_¡£ # # And they came unto the brook of Eshcol, and cut down from thence a # branch with one cluster of grapes, and they bare it between two upon # a staff; and they brought of the pomegranates, and of the figs. # # unit P NUM:13:24 £¨_Òò_Ϊ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_´Ó_ÄÇ_Àï_¿³_À´_µÄ_ÄÇ_¹Ò_ÆÏ_ÌÑ_£¬_Ëù_ÒÔ_ÄÇ_µØ_·½ ½Ð_×÷_ÒÔ_ʵ_¸÷_¹È_¡£_£© # # The place was called the brook Eshcol, because of the cluster of # grapes which the children of Israel cut down from thence. # # unit P NUM:13:25 ¹ý_ÁË_ËÄ_Ê®_Ìì_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_¿ú_̽_ÄÇ_µØ_²Å_»Ø_À´_£¬ # # And they returned from searching of the land after forty days. # # unit P NUM:13:26 µ½_ÁË_°Í_À¼_¿õ_Ò°_µÄ_¼Ó_µÍ_˹_£¬_¼û_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_£¬_²¢_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_µÄ È«_»á_ÖÚ_£¬_»Ø_±¨_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_£¬_²¢_È«_»á_ÖÚ_£¬_ÓÖ_°Ñ_ÄÇ_µØ_µÄ_¹û ×Ó_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_¿´_¡£ # # And they went and came to Moses, and to Aaron, and to all the # congregation of the children of Israel, unto the wilderness of # Paran, to Kadesh; and brought back word unto them, and unto all the # congregation, and shewed them the fruit of the land. # # unit P NUM:13:27 ÓÖ_¸æ_Ëß_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µ½_ÁË_Äã_Ëù_´ò_·¢_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_È¥_µÄ_ÄÇ_µØ_£¬_¹û È»_ÊÇ_Á÷_ÄÌ_Óë_ÃÛ_Ö®_µØ_¡£_Õâ_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÄÇ_µØ_µÄ_¹û_×Ó_¡£ # # And they told him, and said, We came unto the land whither thou # sentest us, and surely it floweth with milk and honey; and this is # the fruit of it. # # unit P NUM:13:28 È»_¶ø_ס_ÄÇ_µØ_µÄ_Ãñ_Ç¿_׳_£¬_³Ç_ÒØ_Ò²_¼á_¹Ì_¿í_´ó_£¬_²¢_ÇÒ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÔÚ ÄÇ_Àï_¿´_¼û_ÁË_ÑÇ_ñÄ_×å_µÄ_ÈË_¡£ # # Nevertheless the people be strong that dwell in the land, and the # cities are walled, and very great: and moreover we saw the children # of Anak there. # # unit P NUM:13:29 ÑÇ_Âê_Á¦_ÈË_ס_ÔÚ_ÄÏ_µØ_¡£_ºÕ_ÈË_£¬_Ò®_²¼_˹_ÈË_£¬_ÑÇ_Ħ_Àû_ÈË_ס_ÔÚ É½_µØ_¡£_åÈ_ÄÏ_ÈË_ס_ÔÚ_º£_±ß_²¢_Ô¼_µ©_ºÓ_ÅÔ_¡£ # # The Amalekites dwell in the land of the south: and the Hittites, and # the Jebusites, and the Amorites, dwell in the mountains: and the # Canaanites dwell by the sea, and by the coast of Jordan. # # unit P NUM:13:30 åÈ_ÀÕ_ÔÚ_Ħ_Î÷_Ãæ_Ç°_°²_¸§_°Ù_ÐÕ_£¬_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Á¢_¿Ì_ÉÏ_È¥_µÃ_ÄÇ_µØ °É_¡£_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_×ã_ÄÜ_µÃ_ʤ_¡£ # # And Caleb stilled the people before Moses, and said, Let us go up at # once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it. # # unit P NUM:13:31 µ«_ÄÇ_Щ_ºÍ_Ëû_ͬ_È¥_µÄ_ÈË_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_²»_ÄÜ_ÉÏ_È¥_¹¥_»÷_ÄÇ_Ãñ_£¬_Òò Ϊ_Ëû_ÃÇ_±È_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Ç¿_׳_¡£ # # But the men that went up with him said, We be not able to go up # against the people; for they are stronger than we. # # unit P NUM:13:32 ̽_×Ó_ÖÐ_ÓÐ_ÈË_ÂÛ_µ½_Ëù_¿ú_̽_Ö®_µØ_£¬_Ïò_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_±¨_¶ñ_ÐÅ_£¬_˵ £¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Ëù_¿ú_̽_£¬_¾­_¹ý_Ö®_µØ_ÊÇ_ÍÌ_³Ô_¾Ó_Ãñ_Ö®_µØ_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_ÄÇ Àï_Ëù_¿´_¼û_µÄ_ÈË_Ãñ_¶¼_Éí_Á¿_¸ß_´ó_¡£ # # And they brought up an evil report of the land which they had # searched unto the children of Israel, saying, The land, through # which we have gone to search it, is a land that eateth up the # inhabitants thereof; and all the people that we saw in it are men of # a great stature. # # unit P NUM:13:33 ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_¿´_¼û_ÑÇ_ñÄ_×å_ÈË_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ΰ_ÈË_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÊÇ_ΰ_ÈË_µÄ ºó_Òá_¡£_¾Ý_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¿´_£¬_×Ô_¼º_¾Í_Èç_òÆ_òì_Ò»_Ñù_¡£_¾Ý_Ëû_ÃÇ_¿´_£¬_ÎÒ ÃÇ_Ò²_ÊÇ_Èç_´Ë_¡£ # # And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the # giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were # in their sight. # ## # chapter 14 NUM:14 # unit P NUM:14:1 µ±_ÏÂ_£¬_È«_»á_ÖÚ_´ó_Éù_Ðú_ÈÂ_¡£_ÄÇ_Ò¹_°Ù_ÐÕ_¶¼_¿Þ_ºÅ_¡£ # # And all the congregation lifted up their voice, and cried; and the # people wept that night. # # unit P NUM:14:2 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÚ_ÈË_Ïò_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_·¢_Ô¹_ÑÔ_¡£_È«_»á_ÖÚ_¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬ °Í_²»_µÃ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Ôç_ËÀ_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_µØ_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_ËÀ_ÔÚ_Õâ_¿õ_Ò°_¡£ # # And all the children of Israel murmured against Moses and against # Aaron: and the whole congregation said unto them, Would God that we # had died in the land of Egypt! or would God we had died in this # wilderness! # # unit P NUM:14:3 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_ʲ_ô_°Ñ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Áì_µ½_ÄÇ_µØ_£¬_ʹ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µ¹_ÔÚ_µ¶_ÏÂ_ÄØ_£¿ ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_ºÍ_º¢_×Ó_±Ø_±»_°_ÂÓ_¡£_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_»Ø_°£_¼°_È¥_Æñ_²»_ºÃ_Â𠣿 # # And wherefore hath the LORD brought us unto this land, to fall by # the sword, that our wives and our children should be a prey? were it # not better for us to return into Egypt? # # unit P NUM:14:4 ÖÚ_ÈË_±Ë_´Ë_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_²»_Èç_Á¢_Ò»_¸ö_Ê×_Áì_»Ø_°£_¼°_È¥_°É_¡£ # # And they said one to another, Let us make a captain, and let us # return into Egypt. # # unit P NUM:14:5 Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_¾Í_¸©_·ü_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_È«_»á_ÖÚ_Ãæ_Ç°_¡£ # # Then Moses and Aaron fell on their faces before all the assembly of # the congregation of the children of Israel. # # unit P NUM:14:6 ¿ú_̽_µØ_µÄ_ÈË_ÖÐ_£¬_ÄÛ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_Ô¼_Êé_ÑÇ_ºÍ_Ò®_æÚ_Äá_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_åÈ_ÀÕ Ëº_ÁÑ_ÒÂ_·þ_£¬ # # And Joshua the son of Nun, and Caleb the son of Jephunneh, which # were of them that searched the land, rent their clothes: # # unit P NUM:14:7 ¶Ô_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_È«_»á_ÖÚ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Ëù_¿ú_̽_£¬_¾­_¹ý_Ö®_µØ_ÊÇ_¼«_ÃÀ_Ö® µØ_¡£ # # And they spake unto all the company of the children of Israel, # saying, The land, which we passed through to search it, is an # exceeding good land. # # unit P NUM:14:8 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Èô_ϲ_ÔÃ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_£¬_¾Í_±Ø_½«_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Áì_½ø_ÄÇ_µØ_£¬_°Ñ_µØ_´Í_¸ø ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¡£_ÄÇ_µØ_Ô­_ÊÇ_Á÷_ÄÌ_Óë_ÃÛ_Ö®_µØ_¡£ # # If the LORD delight in us, then he will bring us into this land, and # give it us; a land which floweth with milk and honey. # # unit P NUM:14:9 µ«_Äã_ÃÇ_²»_¿É_±³_ÅÑ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_Ò²_²»_Òª_ÅÂ_ÄÇ_µØ_µÄ_¾Ó_Ãñ_¡£_Òò_Ϊ Ëû_ÃÇ_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_ʳ_Îï_£¬_²¢_ÇÒ_Òñ_±Ó_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÒÑ_¾­_Àë_¿ª_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£ ÓÐ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Óë_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ͬ_ÔÚ_£¬_²»_Òª_ÅÂ_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£ # # Only rebel not ye against the LORD, neither fear ye the people of # the land; for they are bread for us: their defence is departed from # them, and the LORD is with us: fear them not. # # unit P NUM:14:10 µ«_È«_»á_ÖÚ_˵_£¬_ÄÃ_ʯ_Í·_´ò_ËÀ_Ëû_ÃÇ_¶þ_ÈË_¡£_ºö_È»_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ ÈÙ_¹â_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_ÖÐ_Ïò_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÚ_ÈË_ÏÔ_ÏÖ_¡£ # # But all the congregation bade stone them with stones. And the glory # of the LORD appeared in the tabernacle of the congregation before # all the children of Israel. # # unit P NUM:14:11 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Õâ_°Ù_ÐÕ_Ãê_ÊÓ_ÎÒ_Òª_µ½_¼¸_ʱ_ÄØ_£¿_ÎÒ_ÔÚ_Ëû ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_ÐÐ_ÁË_Õâ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Éñ_¼£_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_»¹_²»_ÐÅ_ÎÒ_Òª_µ½_¼¸_ʱ_ÄØ_£¿ # # And the LORD said unto Moses, How long will this people provoke me? # and how long will it be ere they believe me, for all the signs which # I have shewed among them? # # unit P NUM:14:12 ÎÒ_Òª_ÓÃ_ÎÁ_Òß_»÷_ɱ_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_ʹ_Ëû_ÃÇ_²»_µÃ_³Ð_ÊÜ_ÄÇ_µØ_£¬_½Ð_Äã_µÄ ºó_Òá_³É_Ϊ_´ó_¹ú_£¬_±È_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ç¿_ʤ_¡£ # # I will smite them with the pestilence, and disinherit them, and will # make of thee a greater nation and mightier than they. # # unit P NUM:14:13 Ħ_Î÷_¶Ô_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_˵_£¬_°£_¼°_ÈË_±Ø_Ìý_¼û_Õâ_ÊÂ_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_Äã_Ôø_Ê©_Õ¹ ´ó_ÄÜ_£¬_½«_Õâ_°Ù_ÐÕ_´Ó_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_Áì_ÉÏ_À´_¡£ # # And Moses said unto the LORD, Then the Egyptians shall hear it, (for # thou broughtest up this people in thy might from among them;) # # unit P NUM:14:14 °£_¼°_ÈË_Òª_½«_Õâ_ÊÂ_´«_¸ø_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ_µÄ_¾Ó_Ãñ_¡£_ÄÇ_Ãñ_ÒÑ_¾­_Ìý_¼û_Äã Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_Õâ_°Ù_ÐÕ_ÖÐ_¼ä_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_Äã_Ãæ_¶Ô_Ãæ_±»_ÈË_¿´_¼û_£¬_ÓÐ Äã_µÄ_ÔÆ_²Ê_Í£_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÒÔ_ÉÏ_¡£_Äã_ÈÕ_¼ä_ÔÚ_ÔÆ_Öù_ÖÐ_£¬_Ò¹_¼ä_ÔÚ_»ð Öù_ÖÐ_£¬_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ç°_Ãæ_ÐÐ_¡£ # # And they will tell it to the inhabitants of this land: for they have # heard that thou LORD art among this people, that thou LORD art seen # face to face, and that thy cloud standeth over them, and that thou # goest before them, by day time in a pillar of a cloud, and in a # pillar of fire by night. # # unit P NUM:14:15 Èç_½ñ_Äã_Èô_°Ñ_Õâ_°Ù_ÐÕ_ɱ_ÁË_£¬_Èç_ɱ_Ò»_ÈË_£¬_ÄÇ_Щ_Ìý_¼û_Äã_Ãû_Éù µÄ_ÁÐ_°î_±Ø_Òé_ÂÛ_˵_£¬ # # Now if thou shalt kill all this people as one man, then the nations # which have heard the fame of thee will speak, saying, # # unit P NUM:14:16 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Òò_Ϊ_²»_ÄÜ_°Ñ_Õâ_°Ù_ÐÕ_Áì_½ø_Ëû_Ïò_Ëû_ÃÇ_Æð_ÊÄ_Ó¦_Ðí_Ö®_µØ £¬_Ëù_ÒÔ_ÔÚ_¿õ_Ò°_°Ñ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ɱ_ÁË_¡£ # # Because the LORD was not able to bring this people into the land # which he sware unto them, therefore he hath slain them in the # wilderness. # # unit P NUM:14:17 ÏÖ_ÔÚ_Çó_Ö÷_´ó_ÏÔ_ÄÜ_Á¦_£¬_ÕÕ_Äã_Ëù_˵_¹ý_µÄ_»°_˵_£¬ # # And now, I beseech thee, let the power of my LORD be great, # according as thou hast spoken, saying, # # unit P NUM:14:18 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_²»_Çá_Ò×_·¢_Å­_£¬_²¢_ÓÐ_·á_Ê¢_µÄ_´È_°®_£¬_Éâ_Ãâ_×ï_Äõ_ºÍ_¹ý ·¸_¡£_Íò_²»_ÒÔ_ÓÐ_×ï_µÄ_Ϊ_ÎÞ_×ï_£¬_±Ø_×·_ÌÖ_Ëû_µÄ_×ï_£¬_×Ô_¸¸_¼°_×Ó £¬_Ö±_µ½_Èý_£¬_ËÄ_´ú_¡£ # # The LORD is longsuffering, and of great mercy, forgiving iniquity # and transgression, and by no means clearing the guilty, visiting the # iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth # generation. # # unit P NUM:14:19 Çó_Äã_ÕÕ_Äã_µÄ_´ó_´È_°®_Éâ_Ãâ_Õâ_°Ù_ÐÕ_µÄ_×ï_Äõ_£¬_ºÃ_Ïó_Äã_´Ó_°£_¼° µ½_Èç_½ñ_³£_Éâ_Ãâ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ò»_Ñù_¡£ # # Pardon, I beseech thee, the iniquity of this people according unto # the greatness of thy mercy, and as thou hast forgiven this people, # from Egypt even until now. # # unit P NUM:14:20 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÕÕ_×Å_Äã_µÄ_»°_Éâ_Ãâ_ÁË_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£ # # And the LORD said, I have pardoned according to thy word: # # unit P NUM:14:21 È»_ÎÒ_Ö¸_×Å_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÓÀ_Éú_Æð_ÊÄ_£¬_±é_µØ_Òª_±»_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÈÙ_Ò«_³ä_Âú_¡£ # # But as truly as I live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory # of the LORD. # # unit P NUM:14:22 Õâ_Щ_ÈË_Ëä_¿´_¼û_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÈÙ_Ò«_ºÍ_ÎÒ_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_Óë_¿õ_Ò°_Ëù_ÐÐ_µÄ_Éñ_¼£ £¬_ÈÔ_È»_ÊÔ_̽_ÎÒ_Õâ_Ê®_´Î_£¬_²»_Ìý_´Ó_ÎÒ_µÄ_»°_£¬ # # Because all those men which have seen my glory, and my miracles, # which I did in Egypt and in the wilderness, and have tempted me now # these ten times, and have not hearkened to my voice; # # unit P NUM:14:23 Ëû_ÃÇ_¶Ï_²»_µÃ_¿´_¼û_ÎÒ_Ïò_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_×æ_×Ú_Ëù_Æð_ÊÄ_Ó¦_Ðí_Ö®_µØ_¡£_·² Ãê_ÊÓ_ÎÒ_µÄ_£¬_Ò»_¸ö_Ò²_²»_µÃ_¿´_¼û_¡£ # # Surely they shall not see the land which I sware unto their fathers, # neither shall any of them that provoked me see it: # # unit P NUM:14:24 Ω_¶À_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÆÍ_ÈË_åÈ_ÀÕ_£¬_Òò_Ëû_Áí_ÓÐ_Ò»_¸ö_ÐÄ_Ö¾_£¬_ר_Ò»_¸ú_´Ó_ÎÒ £¬_ÎÒ_¾Í_°Ñ_Ëû_Áì_½ø_Ëû_Ëù_È¥_¹ý_µÄ_ÄÇ_µØ_¡£_Ëû_µÄ_ºó_Òá_Ò²_±Ø_µÃ_ÄÇ µØ_Ϊ_Òµ_¡£ # # But my servant Caleb, because he had another spirit with him, and # hath followed me fully, him will I bring into the land whereinto he # went; and his seed shall possess it. # # unit P NUM:14:25 ÑÇ_Âê_Á¦_ÈË_ºÍ_åÈ_ÄÏ_ÈË_ס_ÔÚ_¹È_ÖÐ_£¬_Ã÷_Ìì_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_ת_»Ø_£¬_´Ó_ºì º£_µÄ_·_Íù_¿õ_Ò°_È¥_¡£ # # (Now the Amalekites and the Canaanites dwelt in the valley.) # Tomorrow turn you, and get you into the wilderness by the way of the # Red sea. # # unit P NUM:14:26 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses and unto Aaron, saying, # # unit P NUM:14:27 Õâ_¶ñ_»á_ÖÚ_Ïò_ÎÒ_·¢_Ô¹_ÑÔ_£¬_ÎÒ_ÈÌ_ÄÍ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Òª_µ½_¼¸_ʱ_ÄØ_£¿_ÒÔ_É« ÁÐ_ÈË_Ïò_ÎÒ_Ëù_·¢_µÄ_Ô¹_ÑÔ_£¬_ÎÒ_¶¼_Ìý_¼û_ÁË_¡£ # # How long shall I bear with this evil congregation, which murmur # against me? I have heard the murmurings of the children of Israel, # which they murmur against me. # # unit P NUM:14:28 Äã_ÃÇ_¸æ_Ëß_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Ö¸_×Å_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÓÀ_Éú_Æð_ÊÄ_£¬_ÎÒ ±Ø_Òª_ÕÕ_Äã_ÃÇ_´ï_µ½_ÎÒ_¶ú_ÖÐ_µÄ_»°_´ý_Äã_ÃÇ_¡£ # # Say unto them, As truly as I live, saith the LORD, as ye have spoken # in mine ears, so will I do to you: # # unit P NUM:14:29 Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_ʬ_Ê×_±Ø_µ¹_ÔÚ_Õâ_¿õ_Ò°_£¬_²¢_ÇÒ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_·²_±»_Êý_µã_£¬ ´Ó_¶þ_Ê®_Ëê_ÒÔ_Íâ_£¬_Ïò_ÎÒ_·¢_Ô¹_ÑÔ_µÄ_£¬ # # Your carcases shall fall in this wilderness; and all that were # numbered of you, according to your whole number, from twenty years # old and upward, which have murmured against me, # # unit P NUM:14:30 ±Ø_²»_µÃ_½ø_ÎÒ_Æð_ÊÄ_Ó¦_Ðí_½Ð_Äã_ÃÇ_ס_µÄ_ÄÇ_µØ_¡£_Ω_ÓÐ_Ò®_æÚ_Äá_µÄ ¶ù_×Ó_åÈ_ÀÕ_ºÍ_ÄÛ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_Ô¼_Êé_ÑÇ_²Å_ÄÜ_½ø_È¥_¡£ # # Doubtless ye shall not come into the land, concerning which I sware # to make you dwell therein, save Caleb the son of Jephunneh, and # Joshua the son of Nun. # # unit P NUM:14:31 µ«_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_¸¾_ÈË_º¢_×Ó_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ëù_˵_£¬_Òª_±»_°_ÂÓ_µÄ_£¬_ÎÒ ±Ø_°Ñ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Áì_½ø_È¥_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_µÃ_Öª_Äã_ÃÇ_Ëù_Ñá_Æú_µÄ_ÄÇ_µØ_¡£ # # But your little ones, which ye said should be a prey, them will I # bring in, and they shall know the land which ye have despised. # # unit P NUM:14:32 ÖÁ_ÓÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_ʬ_Ê×_±Ø_µ¹_ÔÚ_Õâ_¿õ_Ò°_¡£ # # But as for you, your carcases, they shall fall in this wilderness. # # unit P NUM:14:33 Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_¶ù_Å®_±Ø_ÔÚ_¿õ_Ò°_Æ®_Á÷_ËÄ_Ê®_Äê_£¬_µ£_µ±_Äã_ÃÇ_Òù_ÐÐ_µÄ_×ï £¬_Ö±_µ½_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_ʬ_Ê×_ÔÚ_¿õ_Ò°_Ïû_Ãð_¡£ # # And your children shall wander in the wilderness forty years, and # bear your whoredoms, until your carcases be wasted in the # wilderness. # # unit P NUM:14:34 °´_Äã_ÃÇ_¿ú_̽_ÄÇ_µØ_µÄ_ËÄ_Ê®_ÈÕ_£¬_Ò»_Äê_¶¥_Ò»_ÈÕ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_µ£_µ± ×ï_Äõ_ËÄ_Ê®_Äê_£¬_¾Í_Öª_µÀ_ÎÒ_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_Êè_Ô¶_ÁË_£¬ # # After the number of the days in which ye searched the land, even # forty days, each day for a year, shall ye bear your iniquities, even # forty years, and ye shall know my breach of promise. # # unit P NUM:14:35 ÎÒ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_˵_¹ý_£¬_ÎÒ_×Ü_Òª_Õâ_Ñù_´ý_Õâ_Ò»_ÇÐ_¾Û_¼¯_µÐ_ÎÒ_µÄ_¶ñ_»á ÖÚ_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_±Ø_ÔÚ_Õâ_¿õ_Ò°_Ïû_Ãð_£¬_ÔÚ_Õâ_Àï_ËÀ_Íö_¡£ # # I the LORD have said, I will surely do it unto all this evil # congregation, that are gathered together against me: in this # wilderness they shall be consumed, and there they shall die. # # unit P NUM:14:36 Ħ_Î÷_Ëù_´ò_·¢_£¬_¿ú_̽_ÄÇ_µØ_µÄ_ÈË_»Ø_À´_£¬_±¨_ÄÇ_µØ_µÄ_¶ñ_ÐÅ_£¬_½Ð È«_»á_ÖÚ_Ïò_Ħ_Î÷_·¢_Ô¹_ÑÔ_£¬ # # And the men, which Moses sent to search the land, who returned, and # made all the congregation to murmur against him, by bringing up a # slander upon the land, # # unit P NUM:14:37 Õâ_Щ_±¨_¶ñ_ÐÅ_µÄ_ÈË_¶¼_Ôâ_ÎÁ_Òß_£¬_ËÀ_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_¡£ # # Even those men that did bring up the evil report upon the land, died # by the plague before the LORD. # # unit P NUM:14:38 Æä_ÖÐ_Ω_ÓÐ_ÄÛ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_Ô¼_Êé_ÑÇ_ºÍ_Ò®_æÚ_Äá_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_åÈ_ÀÕ_ÈÔ_È»_´æ »î_¡£ # # But Joshua the son of Nun, and Caleb the son of Jephunneh, which # were of the men that went to search the land, lived still. # # unit P NUM:14:39 Ħ_Î÷_½«_Õâ_Щ_»°_¸æ_Ëß_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÚ_ÈË_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_Éõ_±¯_°§_¡£ # # And Moses told these sayings unto all the children of Israel: and # the people mourned greatly. # # unit P NUM:14:40 Çå_Ôç_Æð_À´_£¬_ÉÏ_ɽ_¶¥_È¥_£¬_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_Õâ_Àï_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÓÐ_×ï_ÁË ¡£_Çé_Ô¸_ÉÏ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_Ó¦_Ðí_µÄ_µØ_·½_È¥_¡£ # # And they rose up early in the morning, and gat them up into the top # of the mountain, saying, Lo, we be here, and will go up unto the # place which the LORD hath promised: for we have sinned. # # unit P NUM:14:41 Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Ϊ_ºÎ_Î¥_±³_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_Ãü_Áî_ÄØ_£¿_Õâ_ÊÂ_²»_ÄÜ_˳ Àû_ÁË_¡£ # # And Moses said, Wherefore now do ye transgress the commandment of # the LORD? but it shall not prosper. # # unit P NUM:14:42 ²»_Òª_ÉÏ_È¥_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_²»_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_£¬_¿Ö_ÅÂ_Äã_ÃÇ_±»_³ð µÐ_ɱ_°Ü_ÁË_¡£ # # Go not up, for the LORD is not among you; that ye be not smitten # before your enemies. # # unit P NUM:14:43 ÑÇ_Âê_Á¦_ÈË_ºÍ_åÈ_ÄÏ_ÈË_¶¼_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_±Ø_µ¹_ÔÚ_µ¶_ÏÂ_¡£ Òò_Äã_ÃÇ_ÍË_»Ø_²»_¸ú_´Ó_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_Ëù_ÒÔ_Ëû_±Ø_²»_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_ͬ_ÔÚ_¡£ # # For the Amalekites and the Canaanites are there before you, and ye # shall fall by the sword: because ye are turned away from the LORD, # therefore the LORD will not be with you. # # unit P NUM:14:44 Ëû_ÃÇ_È´_ÉÃ_¸Ò_ÉÏ_ɽ_¶¥_È¥_£¬_È»_¶ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_Ô¼_¹ñ_ºÍ_Ħ_Î÷_û_ÓÐ ³ö_Óª_¡£ # # But they presumed to go up unto the hill top: nevertheless the ark # of the covenant of the LORD, and Moses, departed not out of the # camp. # # unit P NUM:14:45 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_ÑÇ_Âê_Á¦_ÈË_ºÍ_ס_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_ɽ_ÉÏ_µÄ_åÈ_ÄÏ_ÈË_¶¼_ÏÂ_À´_»÷_´ò_Ëû_ÃÇ £¬_°Ñ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ɱ_ÍË_ÁË_£¬_Ö±_µ½_ºÎ_çí_Âê_¡£ # # Then the Amalekites came down, and the Canaanites which dwelt in # that hill, and smote them, and discomfited them, even unto Hormah. # ## # chapter 15 NUM:15 # unit P NUM:15:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P NUM:15:2 Äã_Ïþ_ÚÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_µ½_ÁË_ÎÒ_Ëù_´Í_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_¾Ó_ס_µÄ_µØ £¬ # # Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When ye be # come into the land of your habitations, which I give unto you, # # unit P NUM:15:3 Èô_Ô¸_Òâ_´Ó_Å£_Ⱥ_Ñò_Ⱥ_ÖÐ_È¡_Å£_Ñò_×÷_»ð_¼À_£¬_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_ÎÞ ÂÛ_ÊÇ_ìÜ_¼À_ÊÇ_ƽ_°²_¼À_£¬_Ϊ_Òª_»¹_ÌØ_Ðí_µÄ_Ô¸_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_×÷_¸Ê_ÐÄ_¼À £¬_»ò_ÊÇ_·ê_Äã_ÃÇ_½Ú_ÆÚ_Ï×_µÄ_£¬_¶¼_Òª_·î_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_Ü°_Ïã_Ö®_¼À ¡£ # # And will make an offering by fire unto the LORD, a burnt offering, # or a sacrifice in performing a vow, or in a freewill offering, or in # your solemn feasts, to make a sweet savour unto the LORD, of the # herd, or of the flock: # # unit P NUM:15:4 ÄÇ_Ï×_¹©_Îï_µÄ_¾Í_Òª_½«_ϸ_Ãæ_ÒÁ_·¨_Ê®_·Ö_Ö®_Ò»_£¬_²¢_ÓÍ_Ò»_ÐÀ_ËÄ_·Ö Ö®_Ò»_£¬_µ÷_ºÍ_×÷_ËØ_¼À_£¬_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # Then shall he that offereth his offering unto the LORD bring a meat # offering of a tenth deal of flour mingled with the fourth part of an # hin of oil. # # unit P NUM:15:5 ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_ìÜ_¼À_ÊÇ_ƽ_°²_¼À_£¬_Äã_Òª_Ϊ_ÿ_Ö»_Ãà_Ñò_¸á_£¬_Ò»_ͬ_Ô¤_±¸ µì_¼À_µÄ_¾Æ_Ò»_ÐÀ_ËÄ_·Ö_Ö®_Ò»_¡£ # # And the fourth part of an hin of wine for a drink offering shalt # thou prepare with the burnt offering or sacrifice, for one lamb. # # unit P NUM:15:6 Ϊ_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_Ô¤_±¸_ϸ_Ãæ_ÒÁ_·¨_Ê®_·Ö_Ö®_¶þ_£¬_²¢_ÓÍ_Ò»_ÐÀ_Èý_·Ö_Ö®_Ò» £¬_µ÷_ºÍ_×÷_ËØ_¼À_£¬ # # Or for a ram, thou shalt prepare for a meat offering two tenth deals # of flour mingled with the third part of an hin of oil. # # unit P NUM:15:7 ÓÖ_ÓÃ_¾Æ_Ò»_ÐÀ_Èý_·Ö_Ö®_Ò»_×÷_µì_¼À_£¬_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_Ü°_Ïã_Ö®_¼À ¡£ # # And for a drink offering thou shalt offer the third part of an hin # of wine, for a sweet savour unto the LORD. # # unit P NUM:15:8 Äã_Ô¤_±¸_¹«_Å£_×÷_ìÜ_¼À_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_×÷_ƽ_°²_¼À_£¬_Ϊ_Òª_»¹_ÌØ_Ðí_µÄ_Ô¸ £¬_»ò_ÊÇ_×÷_ƽ_°²_¼À_£¬_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬ # # And when thou preparest a bullock for a burnt offering, or for a # sacrifice in performing a vow, or peace offerings unto the LORD: # # unit P NUM:15:9 ¾Í_Òª_°Ñ_ϸ_Ãæ_ÒÁ_·¨_Ê®_·Ö_Ö®_Èý_£¬_²¢_ÓÍ_°ë_ÐÀ_£¬_µ÷_ºÍ_×÷_ËØ_¼À_£¬ ºÍ_¹«_Å£_Ò»_ͬ_Ï×_ÉÏ_£¬ # # Then shall he bring with a bullock a meat offering of three tenth # deals of flour mingled with half an hin of oil. # # unit P NUM:15:10 ÓÖ_ÓÃ_¾Æ_°ë_ÐÀ_×÷_µì_¼À_£¬_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_Ü°_Ïã_µÄ_»ð_¼À_¡£ # # And thou shalt bring for a drink offering half an hin of wine, for # an offering made by fire, of a sweet savour unto the LORD. # # unit P NUM:15:11 Ï×_¹«_Å£_£¬_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_£¬_Ãà_Ñò_¸á_£¬_ɽ_Ñò_¸á_£¬_ÿ_Ö»_¶¼_Òª_Õâ_Ñù_°ì Àí_¡£ # # Thus shall it be done for one bullock, or for one ram, or for a # lamb, or a kid. # # unit P NUM:15:12 ÕÕ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ëù_Ô¤_±¸_µÄ_Êý_Ä¿_£¬_°´_×Å_Ö»_Êý_¶¼_Òª_Õâ_Ñù_°ì_Àí_¡£ # # According to the number that ye shall prepare, so shall ye do to # every one according to their number. # # unit P NUM:15:13 ·²_±¾_µØ_ÈË_½«_Ü°_Ïã_µÄ_»ð_¼À_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_¶¼_Òª_Õâ_Ñù_°ì_Àí_¡£ # # All that are born of the country shall do these things after this # manner, in offering an offering made by fire, of a sweet savour unto # the LORD. # # unit P NUM:15:14 Èô_ÓÐ_Íâ_ÈË_ºÍ_Äã_ÃÇ_ͬ_¾Ó_£¬_»ò_ÓÐ_ÈË_ÊÀ_ÊÀ_´ú_´ú_ס_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä £¬_Ô¸_Òâ_½«_Ü°_Ïã_µÄ_»ð_¼À_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Ôõ_Ñù_°ì_Àí_£¬_Ëû Ò²_Òª_ÕÕ_Ñù_°ì_Àí_¡£ # # And if a stranger sojourn with you, or whosoever be among you in # your generations, and will offer an offering made by fire, of a # sweet savour unto the LORD; as ye do, so he shall do. # # unit P NUM:15:15 ÖÁ_ÓÚ_»á_ÖÚ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_ºÍ_ͬ_¾Ó_µÄ_Íâ_ÈË_¶¼_¹é_Ò»_Àý_£¬_×÷_Ϊ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÊÀ ÊÀ_´ú_´ú_ÓÀ_Ô¶_µÄ_¶¨_Àý_£¬_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Ôõ_Ñù_£¬_¼Ä_¾Ó µÄ_Ò²_Òª_Ôõ_Ñù_¡£ # # One ordinance shall be both for you of the congregation, and also # for the stranger that sojourneth with you, an ordinance for ever in # your generations: as ye are, so shall the stranger be before the # LORD. # # unit P NUM:15:16 Äã_ÃÇ_²¢_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_ͬ_¾Ó_µÄ_Íâ_ÈË_µ±_ÓÐ_Ò»_Ñù_µÄ_Ìõ_Àý_£¬_Ò»_Ñù_µÄ_µä ÕÂ_¡£ # # One law and one manner shall be for you, and for the stranger that # sojourneth with you. # # unit P NUM:15:17 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P NUM:15:18 Äã_Ïþ_ÚÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_µ½_ÁË_ÎÒ_Ëù_Áì_Äã_ÃÇ_½ø_È¥_µÄ_ÄÇ_µØ £¬ # # Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When ye come # into the land whither I bring you, # # unit P NUM:15:19 ³Ô_ÄÇ_µØ_µÄ_Á¸_ʳ_£¬_¾Í_Òª_°Ñ_¾Ù_¼À_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # Then it shall be, that, when ye eat of the bread of the land, ye # shall offer up an heave offering unto the LORD. # # unit P NUM:15:20 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_ÓÃ_³õ_Êì_µÄ_Âó_×Ó_Ä¥_Ãæ_£¬_×÷_±ý_µ±_¾Ù_¼À_·î_Ï×_¡£_Äã_ÃÇ_¾Ù ÉÏ_£¬_ºÃ_Ïñ_¾Ù_ºÌ_³¡_µÄ_¾Ù_¼À_Ò»_Ñù_£¬ # # Ye shall offer up a cake of the first of your dough for an heave # offering: as ye do the heave offering of the threshingfloor, so # shall ye heave it. # # unit P NUM:15:21 Äã_ÃÇ_ÊÀ_ÊÀ_´ú_´ú_Òª_ÓÃ_³õ_Êì_µÄ_Âó_×Ó_Ä¥_Ãæ_£¬_µ±_¾Ù_¼À_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ »ª_¡£ # # Of the first of your dough ye shall give unto the LORD an heave # offering in your generations. # # unit P NUM:15:22 Äã_ÃÇ_ÓÐ_´í_Îó_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_²»_ÊØ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_Õâ_Ò»_ÇÐ Ãü_Áî_£¬ # # And if ye have erred, and not observed all these commandments, which # the LORD hath spoken unto Moses, # # unit P NUM:15:23 ¾Í_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_½è_Ħ_Î÷_Ò»_ÇÐ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_£¬_×Ô_ÄÇ_ÈÕ_ÒÔ_ÖÁ_Äã ÃÇ_µÄ_ÊÀ_ÊÀ_´ú_´ú_£¬ # # Even all that the LORD hath commanded you by the hand of Moses, from # the day that the LORD commanded Moses, and henceforward among your # generations; # # unit P NUM:15:24 Èô_ÓÐ_Îó_ÐÐ_£¬_ÊÇ_»á_ÖÚ_Ëù_²»_Öª_µÀ_µÄ_£¬_ºó_À´_È«_»á_ÖÚ_¾Í_Òª_½«_Ò» Ö»_¹«_Å£_¶¿_×÷_ìÜ_¼À_£¬_²¢_ÕÕ_µä_ÕÂ_°Ñ_ËØ_¼À_ºÍ_µì_¼À_Ò»_ͬ_Ï×_¸ø_Ò® ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_Ü°_Ïã_Ö®_¼À_£¬_ÓÖ_Ï×_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_×÷_Êê_×ï_¼À_¡£ # # Then it shall be, if ought be committed by ignorance without the # knowledge of the congregation, that all the congregation shall offer # one young bullock for a burnt offering, for a sweet savour unto the # LORD, with his meat offering, and his drink offering, according to # the manner, and one kid of the goats for a sin offering. # # unit P NUM:15:25 ¼À_˾_Òª_Ϊ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_È«_»á_ÖÚ_Êê_×ï_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_±Ø_ÃÉ_Éâ_Ãâ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ Õâ_ÊÇ_´í_Îó_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÓÖ_Òò_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_´í_Îó_£¬_°Ñ_¹©_Îï_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ïò_Ò® ºÍ_»ª_Ï×_µÄ_»ð_¼À_ºÍ_Êê_×ï_¼À_£¬_Ò»_²¢_·î_µ½_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_¡£ # # And the priest shall make an atonement for all the congregation of # the children of Israel, and it shall be forgiven them; for it is # ignorance: and they shall bring their offering, a sacrifice made by # fire unto the LORD, and their sin offering before the LORD, for # their ignorance: # # unit P NUM:15:26 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_È«_»á_ÖÚ_ºÍ_¼Ä_¾Ó_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_µÄ_Íâ_ÈË_¾Í_±Ø_ÃÉ_Éâ_Ãâ_£¬ Òò_Ϊ_Õâ_×ï_ÊÇ_°Ù_ÐÕ_Îó_·¸_µÄ_¡£ # # And it shall be forgiven all the congregation of the children of # Israel, and the stranger that sojourneth among them; seeing all the # people were in ignorance. # # unit P NUM:15:27 Èô_ÓÐ_Ò»_¸ö_ÈË_Îó_·¸_ÁË_×ï_£¬_Ëû_¾Í_Òª_Ï×_Ò»_Ëê_µÄ_ĸ_ɽ_Ñò_×÷_Êê_×ï ¼À_¡£ # # And if any soul sin through ignorance, then he shall bring a she # goat of the first year for a sin offering. # # unit P NUM:15:28 ÄÇ_Îó_ÐÐ_µÄ_ÈË_·¸_×ï_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_¼À_˾_Òª_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_Ϊ_Ëû_Êê ×ï_£¬_Ëû_¾Í_±Ø_ÃÉ_Éâ_Ãâ_¡£ # # And the priest shall make an atonement for the soul that sinneth # ignorantly, when he sinneth by ignorance before the LORD, to make an # atonement for him; and it shall be forgiven him. # # unit P NUM:15:29 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÐ_µÄ_±¾_µØ_ÈË_ºÍ_¼Ä_¾Ó_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_µÄ_Íâ_ÈË_£¬_Èô_Îó_ÐÐ ÁË_ʲ_ô_ÊÂ_£¬_±Ø_¹é_Ò»_Ñù_µÄ_Ìõ_Àý_¡£ # # Ye shall have one law for him that sinneth through ignorance, both # for him that is born among the children of Israel, and for the # stranger that sojourneth among them. # # unit P NUM:15:30 µ«_ÄÇ_ÉÃ_¸Ò_ÐÐ_ÊÂ_µÄ_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_±¾_µØ_ÈË_ÊÇ_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_£¬_Ëû_Ùô_äÂ_ÁË Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_±Ø_´Ó_Ãñ_ÖÐ_¼ô_³ý_¡£ # # But the soul that doeth ought presumptuously, whether he be born in # the land, or a stranger, the same reproacheth the LORD; and that # soul shall be cut off from among his people. # # unit P NUM:15:31 Òò_Ëû_Ãê_ÊÓ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_ÑÔ_Óï_£¬_Î¥_±³_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_Ãü_Áî_£¬_ÄÇ_ÈË_×Ü Òª_¼ô_³ý_¡£_Ëû_µÄ_×ï_Äõ_Òª_¹é_µ½_Ëû_Éí_ÉÏ_¡£ # # Because he hath despised the word of the LORD, and hath broken his # commandment, that soul shall utterly be cut off; his iniquity shall # be upon him. # # unit P NUM:15:32 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÔÚ_¿õ_Ò°_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Óö_¼û_Ò»_¸ö_ÈË_ÔÚ_°²_Ï¢_ÈÕ_¼ñ_²ñ_¡£ # # And while the children of Israel were in the wilderness, they found # a man that gathered sticks upon the sabbath day. # # unit P NUM:15:33 Óö_¼û_Ëû_¼ñ_²ñ_µÄ_ÈË_£¬_¾Í_°Ñ_Ëû_´ø_µ½_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_²¢_È«_»á_ÖÚ_ÄÇ Àï_£¬ # # And they that found him gathering sticks brought him unto Moses and # Aaron, and unto all the congregation. # # unit P NUM:15:34 ½«_Ëû_ÊÕ_ÔÚ_¼à_ÄÚ_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_µ±_Ôõ_Ñù_°ì_Ëû_£¬_»¹_û_ÓÐ_Ö¸_Ã÷_¡£ # # And they put him in ward, because it was not declared what should be # done to him. # # unit P NUM:15:35 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_×Ü_Òª_°Ñ_ÄÇ_ÈË_ÖÎ_ËÀ_¡£_È«_»á_ÖÚ_Òª_ÔÚ_Óª Íâ_ÓÃ_ʯ_Í·_°Ñ_Ëû_´ò_ËÀ_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto Moses, The man shall be surely put to death: # all the congregation shall stone him with stones without the camp. # # unit P NUM:15:36 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_È«_»á_ÖÚ_½«_Ëû_´ø_µ½_Óª_Íâ_£¬_ÓÃ_ʯ_Í·_´ò_ËÀ_Ëû_£¬_ÊÇ_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ »ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_¡£ # # And all the congregation brought him without the camp, and stoned # him with stones, and he died; as the LORD commanded Moses. # # unit P NUM:15:37 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P NUM:15:38 Äã_·Ô_¸À_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_£¬_½Ð_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÊÀ_ÊÀ_´ú_´ú_ÔÚ_ÒÂ_·þ_±ß_ÉÏ_×÷_£¿_£¿ ×Ó_£¬_ÓÖ_ÔÚ_µ×_±ß_µÄ_£¿_£¿_×Ó_ÉÏ_¶¤_Ò»_¸ù_À¶_ϸ_´ø_×Ó_¡£ # # Speak unto the children of Israel, and bid them that they make them # fringes in the borders of their garments throughout their # generations, and that they put upon the fringe of the borders a # ribband of blue: # # unit P NUM:15:39 Äã_ÃÇ_Åå_´ø_Õâ_£¿_£¿_×Ó_£¬_ºÃ_½Ð_Äã_ÃÇ_¿´_¼û_¾Í_¼Ç_Äî_×ñ_ÐÐ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_Ãü_Áî_£¬_²»_Ëæ_´Ó_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_ÐÄ_Òâ_£¬_ÑÛ_Ä¿_ÐÐ_а_Òù_£¬_Ïó_Äã ÃÇ_ËØ_³£_Ò»_Ñù_¡£ # # And it shall be unto you for a fringe, that ye may look upon it, and # remember all the commandments of the LORD, and do them; and that ye # seek not after your own heart and your own eyes, after which ye use # to go a whoring: # # unit P NUM:15:40 ʹ_Äã_ÃÇ_¼Ç_Äî_×ñ_ÐÐ_ÎÒ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_Ãü_Áî_£¬_³É_Ϊ_Ê¥_½à_£¬_¹é_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # That ye may remember, and do all my commandments, and be holy unto # your God. # # unit P NUM:15:41 ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_Ôø_°Ñ_Äã_ÃÇ_´Ó_°£_¼°_µØ_Áì_³ö_À´_£¬_Òª ×÷_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_¡£_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # I am the LORD your God, which brought you out of the land of Egypt, # to be your God: I am the LORD your God. # ## # chapter 16 NUM:16 # unit P NUM:16:1 Àû_δ_µÄ_Ôø_Ëï_£¬_¸ç_Ͻ_µÄ_Ëï_×Ó_£¬_ÒÔ_˹_¹þ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_¿É_À­_£¬_ºÍ_Á÷ ±ã_×Ó_Ëï_ÖÐ_ÒÔ_Àû_Ѻ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_´ó_Ì®_£¬_ÑÇ_±È_À¼_£¬_Óë_±È_ÀÕ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó °²_£¬ # # Now Korah, the son of Izhar, the son of Kohath, the son of Levi, and # Dathan and Abiram, the sons of Eliab, and On, the son of Peleth, # sons of Reuben, took men: # # unit P NUM:16:2 ²¢_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_»á_ÖÐ_µÄ_¶þ_°Ù_Îå_Ê®_¸ö_Ê×_Áì_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÓÐ_Ãû_Íû_Ñ¡_Èë_»á ÖÐ_µÄ_ÈË_£¬_ÔÚ_Ħ_Î÷_Ãæ_Ç°_Ò»_ͬ_Æð_À´_£¬ # # And they rose up before Moses, with certain of the children of # Israel, two hundred and fifty princes of the assembly, famous in the # congregation, men of renown: # # unit P NUM:16:3 ¾Û_¼¯_¹¥_»÷_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_£¬_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_ÉÃ_×Ô_ר_Ȩ_¡£_È«_»á_ÖÚ_¸ö ¸ö_¼È_ÊÇ_Ê¥_½à_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ò²_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Ϊ_ʲ_ô_×Ô_¸ß £¬_³¬_¹ý_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_»á_ÖÚ_ÄØ_£¿ # # And they gathered themselves together against Moses and against # Aaron, and said unto them, Ye take too much upon you, seeing all the # congregation are holy, every one of them, and the LORD is among # them: wherefore then lift ye up yourselves above the congregation of # the LORD? # # unit P NUM:16:4 Ħ_Î÷_Ìý_¼û_Õâ_»°_¾Í_¸©_·ü_ÔÚ_µØ_£¬ # # And when Moses heard it, he fell upon his face: # # unit P NUM:16:5 ¶Ô_¿É_À­_ºÍ_Ëû_Ò»_µ³_µÄ_ÈË_˵_£¬_µ½_ÁË_Ôç_³¿_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_±Ø_Ö¸_ʾ_Ë­ ÊÇ_Êô_Ëû_µÄ_£¬_Ë­_ÊÇ_Ê¥_½à_µÄ_£¬_¾Í_½Ð_Ë­_Ç×_½ü_Ëû_¡£_Ëû_Ëù_¼ð_Ñ¡_µÄ ÊÇ_Ë­_£¬_±Ø_½Ð_Ë­_Ç×_½ü_Ëû_¡£ # # And he spake unto Korah and unto all his company, saying, Even to # morrow the LORD will shew who are his, and who is holy; and will # cause him to come near unto him: even him whom he hath chosen will # he cause to come near unto him. # # unit P NUM:16:6 ¿É_À­_°¢_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_Õâ_Ñù_ÐÐ_£¬_Äã_ºÍ_Äã_µÄ_Ò»_µ³_Òª_ÄÃ_Ïã_¯_À´_¡£ # # This do; Take you censers, Korah, and all his company; # # unit P NUM:16:7 Ã÷_ÈÕ_£¬_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_°Ñ_»ð_Ê¢_ÔÚ_¯_ÖÐ_£¬_°Ñ_Ïã_·Å_ÔÚ_Æä_ÉÏ ¡£_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¼ð_Ñ¡_Ë­_£¬_Ë­_¾Í_Ϊ_Ê¥_½à_¡£_Äã_ÃÇ_Õâ_Àû_δ_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_Éà ×Ô_ר_Ȩ_ÁË_¡£ # # And put fire therein, and put incense in them before the LORD to # morrow: and it shall be that the man whom the LORD doth choose, he # shall be holy: ye take too much upon you, ye sons of Levi. # # unit P NUM:16:8 Ħ_Î÷_ÓÖ_¶Ô_¿É_À­_˵_£¬_Àû_δ_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_ÄÄ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Ìý_ÎÒ_˵_¡£ # # And Moses said unto Korah, Hear, I pray you, ye sons of Levi: # # unit P NUM:16:9 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_µÄ_Éñ_´Ó_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_»á_ÖÐ_½«_Äã_ÃÇ_·Ö_±ð_³ö_À´_£¬_ʹ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ç× ½ü_Ëû_£¬_°ì_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÕÊ_Ä»_µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬_²¢_Õ¾_ÔÚ_»á_ÖÚ_Ãæ_Ç°_Ìæ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µ± ²î_¡£ # # Seemeth it but a small thing unto you, that the God of Israel hath # separated you from the congregation of Israel, to bring you near to # himself to do the service of the tabernacle of the LORD, and to # stand before the congregation to minister unto them? # # unit P NUM:16:10 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÓÖ_ʹ_Äã_£¬_ºÍ_Äã_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÜ_ÐÖ_Àû_δ_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_£¬_Ò»_ͬ_Ç×_½ü Ëû_£¬_Õâ_Æñ_Ϊ_С_ÊÂ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_»¹_Òª_Çó_¼À_˾_µÄ_Ö°_ÈÎ_Âð_£¿ # # And he hath brought thee near to him, and all thy brethren the sons # of Levi with thee: and seek ye the priesthood also? # # unit P NUM:16:11 Äã_ºÍ_Äã_Ò»_µ³_µÄ_ÈË_¾Û_¼¯_ÊÇ_Òª_¹¥_»÷_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£_ÑÇ_Â×_Ëã_ʲ_ô_£¬ Äã_ÃÇ_¾¹_Ïò_Ëû_·¢_Ô¹_ÑÔ_ÄØ_£¿ # # For which cause both thou and all thy company are gathered together # against the LORD: and what is Aaron, that ye murmur against him? # # unit P NUM:16:12 Ħ_Î÷_´ò_·¢_ÈË_È¥_ÕÙ_ÒÔ_Àû_Ѻ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_´ó_Ì®_£¬_ÑÇ_±È_À¼_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵ £¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_²»_ÉÏ_È¥_¡£ # # And Moses sent to call Dathan and Abiram, the sons of Eliab: which # said, We will not come up: # # unit P NUM:16:13 Äã_½«_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_´Ó_Á÷_ÄÌ_Óë_ÃÛ_Ö®_µØ_Áì_ÉÏ_À´_£¬_Òª_ÔÚ_¿õ_Ò°_ɱ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_£¬ Õâ_Æñ_Ϊ_С_ÊÂ_£¬_Äã_»¹_Òª_×Ô_Á¢_Ϊ_Íõ_Ͻ_¹Ü_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Âð_£¿ # # Is it a small thing that thou hast brought us up out of a land that # floweth with milk and honey, to kill us in the wilderness, except # thou make thyself altogether a prince over us? # # unit P NUM:16:14 ²¢_ÇÒ_Äã_û_ÓÐ_½«_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Áì_µ½_Á÷_ÄÌ_Óë_ÃÛ_Ö®_µØ_£¬_Ò²_û_ÓÐ_°Ñ_Ìï_µØ ºÍ_ÆÏ_ÌÑ_Ô°_¸ø_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Ϊ_Òµ_¡£_ÄÑ_µÀ_Äã_Òª_Øà_Õâ_Щ_ÈË_µÄ_ÑÛ_¾¦_Âð_£¿ ÎÒ_ÃÇ_²»_ÉÏ_È¥_¡£ # # Moreover thou hast not brought us into a land that floweth with milk # and honey, or given us inheritance of fields and vineyards: wilt # thou put out the eyes of these men? we will not come up. # # unit P NUM:16:15 Ħ_Î÷_¾Í_Éõ_·¢_Å­_£¬_¶Ô_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_˵_£¬_Çó_Äã_²»_Òª_Ïí_ÊÜ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_¹© Îï_¡£_ÎÒ_²¢_û_ÓÐ_¶á_¹ý_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ò»_Æ¥_¿_£¬_Ò²_û_ÓÐ_º¦_¹ý_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ò»_¸ö ÈË_¡£ # # And Moses was very wroth, and said unto the LORD, Respect not thou # their offering: I have not taken one ass from them, neither have I # hurt one of them. # # unit P NUM:16:16 Ħ_Î÷_¶Ô_¿É_À­_˵_£¬_Ã÷_Ìì_£¬_Äã_ºÍ_Äã_Ò»_µ³_µÄ_ÈË_£¬_²¢_ÑÇ_Â×_£¬_¶¼ Òª_Õ¾_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_¡£ # # And Moses said unto Korah, Be thou and all thy company before the # LORD, thou, and they, and Aaron, to morrow: # # unit P NUM:16:17 ¸÷_ÈË_Òª_ÄÃ_Ò»_¸ö_Ïã_¯_£¬_¹²_¶þ_°Ù_Îå_Ê®_¸ö_£¬_°Ñ_Ïã_·Å_ÔÚ_ÉÏ_Ãæ_£¬ µ½_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_¡£_Äã_ºÍ_ÑÇ_Â×_Ò²_¸÷_ÄÃ_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_Ïã_¯_¡£ # # And take every man his censer, and put incense in them, and bring ye # before the LORD every man his censer, two hundred and fifty censers; # thou also, and Aaron, each of you his censer. # # unit P NUM:16:18 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Ëû_ÃÇ_¸÷_ÈË_ÄÃ_Ò»_¸ö_Ïã_¯_£¬_Ê¢_ÉÏ_»ð_£¬_¼Ó_ÉÏ_Ïã_£¬_ͬ_Ħ_Î÷ £¬_ÑÇ_Â×_Õ¾_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_ÃÅ_Ç°_¡£ # # And they took every man his censer, and put fire in them, and laid # incense thereon, and stood in the door of the tabernacle of the # congregation with Moses and Aaron. # # unit P NUM:16:19 ¿É_À­_ÕÐ_¾Û_È«_»á_ÖÚ_µ½_»á_Ä»_ÃÅ_Ç°_£¬_Òª_¹¥_»÷_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_¡£_Ò® ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_ÈÙ_¹â_¾Í_Ïò_È«_»á_ÖÚ_ÏÔ_ÏÖ_¡£ # # And Korah gathered all the congregation against them unto the door # of the tabernacle of the congregation: and the glory of the LORD # appeared unto all the congregation. # # unit P NUM:16:20 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses and unto Aaron, saying, # # unit P NUM:16:21 Äã_ÃÇ_Àë_¿ª_Õâ_»á_ÖÚ_£¬_ÎÒ_ºÃ_ÔÚ_ת_ÑÛ_Ö®_¼ä_°Ñ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ãð_¾ø_¡£ # # Separate yourselves from among this congregation, that I may consume # them in a moment. # # unit P NUM:16:22 Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_¾Í_¸©_·ü_ÔÚ_µØ_£¬_˵_£¬_Éñ_£¬_Íò_ÈË_Ö®_Áé_µÄ_Éñ_°¢_£¬ Ò»_ÈË_·¸_×ï_£¬_Äã_¾Í_Òª_Ïò_È«_»á_ÖÚ_·¢_Å­_Âð_£¿ # # And they fell upon their faces, and said, O God, the God of the # spirits of all flesh, shall one man sin, and wilt thou be wroth with # all the congregation? # # unit P NUM:16:23 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P NUM:16:24 Äã_·Ô_¸À_»á_ÖÚ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Àë_¿ª_¿É_À­_£¬_´ó_Ì®_£¬_ÑÇ_±È_À¼_ÕÊ_Åï_µÄ ËÄ_Χ_¡£ # # Speak unto the congregation, saying, Get you up from about the # tabernacle of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram. # # unit P NUM:16:25 Ħ_Î÷_Æð_À´_£¬_Íù_´ó_Ì®_£¬_ÑÇ_±È_À¼_ÄÇ_Àï_È¥_¡£_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_µÄ_³¤_ÀÏ_Ò² Ëæ_×Å_Ëû_È¥_¡£ # # And Moses rose up and went unto Dathan and Abiram; and the elders of # Israel followed him. # # unit P NUM:16:26 Ëû_·Ô_¸À_»á_ÖÚ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Àë_¿ª_Õâ_¶ñ_ÈË_µÄ_ÕÊ_Åï_°É_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Îï ¼þ_£¬_ʲ_ô_¶¼_²»_¿É_Ãþ_£¬_¿Ö_ÅÂ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÏÝ_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_×ï_ÖÐ_£¬_Óë_Ëû ÃÇ_Ò»_ͬ_Ïû_Ãð_¡£ # # And he spake unto the congregation, saying, Depart, I pray you, from # the tents of these wicked men, and touch nothing of theirs, lest ye # be consumed in all their sins. # # unit P NUM:16:27 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_ÖÚ_ÈË_Àë_¿ª_¿É_À­_£¬_´ó_Ì®_£¬_ÑÇ_±È_À¼_ÕÊ_Åï_µÄ_ËÄ_Χ_¡£_´ó_Ì® £¬_ÑÇ_±È_À¼_´ø_×Å_ÆÞ_×Ó_£¬_¶ù_Å®_£¬_С_º¢_×Ó_£¬_¶¼_³ö_À´_£¬_Õ¾_ÔÚ_×Ô ¼º_µÄ_ÕÊ_Åï_ÃÅ_¿Ú_¡£ # # So they gat up from the tabernacle of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, on # every side: and Dathan and Abiram came out, and stood in the door of # their tents, and their wives, and their sons, and their little # children. # # unit P NUM:16:28 Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÐÐ_µÄ_Õâ_Ò»_ÇÐ_ÊÂ_±¾_²»_ÊÇ_ƾ_ÎÒ_×Ô_¼º_ÐÄ_Òâ_ÐÐ_µÄ_£¬ ÄË_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_´ò_·¢_ÎÒ_ÐÐ_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_ÓÐ_Ö¤_¾Ý_ʹ_Äã_ÃÇ_Öª_µÀ_¡£ # # And Moses said, Hereby ye shall know that the LORD hath sent me to # do all these works; for I have not done them of mine own mind. # # unit P NUM:16:29 Õâ_Щ_ÈË_ËÀ_Èô_Óë_ÊÀ_ÈË_ÎÞ_Òì_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ëù_Ôâ_µÄ_Óë_ÊÀ_ÈË_Ïà_ͬ £¬_¾Í_²»_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_´ò_·¢_ÎÒ_À´_µÄ_¡£ # # If these men die the common death of all men, or if they be visited # after the visitation of all men; then the LORD hath not sent me. # # unit P NUM:16:30 ÌÈ_Èô_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_´´_×÷_Ò»_¼þ_ÐÂ_ÊÂ_£¬_ʹ_µØ_¿ª_¿Ú_£¬_°Ñ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ºÍ_Ò»_ÇÐ Êô_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_¶¼_ÍÌ_ÏÂ_È¥_£¬_½Ð_Ëû_ÃÇ_»î_»î_µØ_×¹_Âä_Òõ_¼ä_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¾Í Ã÷_°×_Õâ_Щ_ÈË_ÊÇ_Ãê_ÊÓ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÁË_¡£ # # But if the LORD make a new thing, and the earth open her mouth, and # swallow them up, with all that appertain unto them, and they go down # quick into the pit; then ye shall understand that these men have # provoked the LORD. # # unit P NUM:16:31 Ħ_Î÷_¸Õ_˵_Íê_ÁË_Õâ_Ò»_ÇÐ_»°_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_½Å_ÏÂ_µÄ_µØ_¾Í_¿ª_ÁË_¿Ú_£¬ # # And it came to pass, as he had made an end of speaking all these # words, that the ground clave asunder that was under them: # # unit P NUM:16:32 °Ñ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ºÍ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_¼Ò_¾ì_£¬_²¢_Ò»_ÇÐ_Êô_¿É_À­_µÄ_ÈË_¶¡_£¬_²Æ_Îï_£¬ ¶¼_ÍÌ_ÏÂ_È¥_¡£ # # And the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed them up, and their # houses, and all the men that appertained unto Korah, and all their # goods. # # unit P NUM:16:33 Õâ_Ñù_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_ºÍ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Êô_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_£¬_¶¼_»î_»î_µØ_×¹_Âä_Òõ_¼ä_¡£_µØ ¿Ú_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÉÏ_Í·_ÕÕ_¾É_ºÏ_±Õ_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_´Ó_»á_ÖÐ_Ãð_Íö_¡£ # # They, and all that appertained to them, went down alive into the # pit, and the earth closed upon them: and they perished from among # the congregation. # # unit P NUM:16:34 ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ËÄ_Χ_µÄ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÚ_ÈË_Ìý_Ëû_ÃÇ_ºô_ºÅ_£¬_¾Í_¶¼_ÌÓ_ÅÜ_£¬_˵ £¬_¿Ö_ÅÂ_µØ_Ò²_°Ñ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÍÌ_ÏÂ_È¥_¡£ # # And all Israel that were round about them fled at the cry of them: # for they said, Lest the earth swallow us up also. # # unit P NUM:16:35 ÓÖ_ÓÐ_»ð_´Ó_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÄÇ_Àï_³ö_À´_£¬_ÉÕ_Ãð_ÁË_ÄÇ_Ï×_Ïã_µÄ_¶þ_°Ù_Îå_Ê® ¸ö_ÈË_¡£ # # And there came out a fire from the LORD, and consumed the two # hundred and fifty men that offered incense. # # unit P NUM:16:36 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P NUM:16:37 Äã_·Ô_¸À_¼À_˾_ÑÇ_Â×_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_Àû_ÑÇ_Èö_´Ó_»ð_ÖÐ_¼ñ_Æð_ÄÇ_Щ_Ïã_¯ À´_£¬_°Ñ_»ð_Èö_ÔÚ_±ð_´¦_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÄÇ_Щ_Ïã_¯_ÊÇ_Ê¥_µÄ_¡£ # # Speak unto Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest, that he take up the # censers out of the burning, and scatter thou the fire yonder; for # they are hallowed. # # unit P NUM:16:38 °Ñ_ÄÇ_Щ_·¸_×ï_£¬_×Ô_º¦_¼º_Ãü_Ö®_ÈË_µÄ_Ïã_¯_£¬_½Ð_ÈË_´¸_³É_Ƭ_×Ó_£¬ ÓÃ_ÒÔ_°ü_̳_¡£_ÄÇ_Щ_Ïã_¯_±¾_ÊÇ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_Ï×_¹ý_µÄ_£¬ Ëù_ÒÔ_ÊÇ_Ê¥_µÄ_£¬_²¢_ÇÒ_¿É_ÒÔ_¸ø_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_×÷_¼Ç_ºÅ_¡£ # # The censers of these sinners against their own souls, let them make # them broad plates for a covering of the altar: for they offered them # before the LORD, therefore they are hallowed: and they shall be a # sign unto the children of Israel. # # unit P NUM:16:39 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_¼À_˾_ÒÔ_Àû_ÑÇ_Èö_½«_±»_ÉÕ_Ö®_ÈË_Ëù_Ï×_µÄ_Í­_Ïã_¯_ÄÃ_À´_£¬_ÈË ¾Í_´¸_³ö_À´_£¬_ÓÃ_ÒÔ_°ü_̳_£¬ # # And Eleazar the priest took the brasen censers, wherewith they that # were burnt had offered; and they were made broad plates for a # covering of the altar: # # unit P NUM:16:40 ¸ø_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_×÷_¼Í_Äî_£¬_ʹ_ÑÇ_Â×_ºó_Òá_Ö®_Íâ_µÄ_ÈË_²»_µÃ_½ü_Ç°_À´ ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_ÉÕ_Ïã_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_Ëû_Ôâ_¿É_À­_ºÍ_Ëû_Ò»_µ³_Ëù_Ôâ_µÄ_¡£ Õâ_ÄË_ÊÇ_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_½è_×Å_Ħ_Î÷_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_¡£ # # To be a memorial unto the children of Israel, that no stranger, # which is not of the seed of Aaron, come near to offer incense before # the LORD; that he be not as Korah, and as his company: as the LORD # said to him by the hand of Moses. # # unit P NUM:16:41 µÚ_¶þ_Ìì_£¬_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_È«_»á_ÖÚ_¶¼_Ïò_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_·¢_Ô¹_ÑÔ_˵_£¬_Äã ÃÇ_ɱ_ÁË_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_ÁË_¡£ # # But on the morrow all the congregation of the children of Israel # murmured against Moses and against Aaron, saying, Ye have killed the # people of the LORD. # # unit P NUM:16:42 »á_ÖÚ_¾Û_¼¯_¹¥_»÷_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Ïò_»á_Ä»_¹Û_¿´_£¬_²»_ÁÏ £¬_ÓÐ_ÔÆ_²Ê_ÕÚ_¸Ç_ÁË_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_ÈÙ_¹â_ÏÔ_ÏÖ_¡£ # # And it came to pass, when the congregation was gathered against # Moses and against Aaron, that they looked toward the tabernacle of # the congregation: and, behold, the cloud covered it, and the glory # of the LORD appeared. # # unit P NUM:16:43 Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_¾Í_À´_µ½_»á_Ä»_Ç°_¡£ # # And Moses and Aaron came before the tabernacle of the congregation. # # unit P NUM:16:44 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P NUM:16:45 Äã_ÃÇ_Àë_¿ª_Õâ_»á_ÖÚ_£¬_ÎÒ_ºÃ_ÔÚ_ת_ÑÛ_Ö®_¼ä_°Ñ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ãð_¾ø_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ ¶þ_ÈË_¾Í_¸©_·ü_ÓÚ_µØ_¡£ # # Get you up from among this congregation, that I may consume them as # in a moment. And they fell upon their faces. # # unit P NUM:16:46 Ħ_Î÷_¶Ô_ÑÇ_Â×_˵_£¬_ÄÃ_Äã_µÄ_Ïã_¯_£¬_°Ñ_̳_ÉÏ_µÄ_»ð_Ê¢_ÔÚ_Æä_ÖÐ_£¬ ÓÖ_¼Ó_ÉÏ_Ïã_£¬_¿ì_¿ì_´ø_µ½_»á_ÖÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_Ϊ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Êê_×ï_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_ÓÐ ·Þ_Å­_´Ó_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÄÇ_Àï_³ö_À´_£¬_ÎÁ_Òß_ÒÑ_¾­_·¢_×÷_ÁË_¡£ # # And Moses said unto Aaron, Take a censer, and put fire therein from # off the altar, and put on incense, and go quickly unto the # congregation, and make an atonement for them: for there is wrath # gone out from the LORD; the plague is begun. # # unit P NUM:16:47 ÑÇ_Â×_ÕÕ_×Å_Ħ_Î÷_Ëù_˵_µÄ_ÄÃ_À´_£¬_ÅÜ_µ½_»á_ÖÐ_£¬_²»_ÁÏ_£¬_ÎÁ_Òß_ÔÚ °Ù_ÐÕ_ÖÐ_ÒÑ_¾­_·¢_×÷_ÁË_¡£_Ëû_¾Í_¼Ó_ÉÏ_Ïã_£¬_Ϊ_°Ù_ÐÕ_Êê_×ï_¡£ # # And Aaron took as Moses commanded, and ran into the midst of the # congregation; and, behold, the plague was begun among the people: # and he put on incense, and made an atonement for the people. # # unit P NUM:16:48 Ëû_Õ¾_ÔÚ_»î_ÈË_ËÀ_ÈË_ÖÐ_¼ä_£¬_ÎÁ_Òß_¾Í_Ö¹_ס_ÁË_¡£ # # And he stood between the dead and the living; and the plague was # stayed. # # unit P NUM:16:49 ³ý_ÁË_Òò_¿É_À­_ÊÂ_Çé_ËÀ_µÄ_ÒÔ_Íâ_£¬_Ôâ_ÎÁ_Òß_ËÀ_µÄ_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_Ò»_Íò_ËÄ Ç§_Æß_°Ù_ÈË_¡£ # # Now they that died in the plague were fourteen thousand and seven # hundred, beside them that died about the matter of Korah. # # unit P NUM:16:50 ÑÇ_Â×_»Ø_µ½_»á_Ä»_ÃÅ_¿Ú_£¬_µ½_Ħ_Î÷_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_ÎÁ_Òß_ÒÑ_¾­_Ö¹_ס_ÁË_¡£ # # And Aaron returned unto Moses unto the door of the tabernacle of the # congregation: and the plague was stayed. # ## # chapter 17 NUM:17 # unit P NUM:17:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P NUM:17:2 Äã_Ïþ_ÚÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_£¬_´Ó_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÊÖ_ÏÂ_È¡_ÕÈ_£¬_ÿ_Ö§_ÅÉ_Ò»_¸ù_¡£_´Ó Ëû_ÃÇ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_Ê×_Áì_£¬_°´_×Å_Ö§_ÅÉ_£¬_¹²_È¡_Ê®_¶þ_¸ù_¡£_Äã_Òª_½«_¸÷ ÈË_µÄ_Ãû_×Ö_д_ÔÚ_¸÷_ÈË_µÄ_ÕÈ_ÉÏ_£¬ # # Speak unto the children of Israel, and take of every one of them a # rod according to the house of their fathers, of all their princes # according to the house of their fathers twelve rods: write thou # every man's name upon his rod. # # unit P NUM:17:3 ²¢_Òª_½«_ÑÇ_Â×_µÄ_Ãû_×Ö_д_ÔÚ_Àû_δ_µÄ_ÕÈ_ÉÏ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_¸÷_×å_³¤_±Ø_ÓÐ Ò»_¸ù_ÕÈ_¡£ # # And thou shalt write Aaron's name upon the rod of Levi: for one rod # shall be for the head of the house of their fathers. # # unit P NUM:17:4 Äã_Òª_°Ñ_Õâ_Щ_ÕÈ_´æ_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_ÄÚ_·¨_¹ñ_Ç°_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_Ïà_»á Ö®_´¦_¡£ # # And thou shalt lay them up in the tabernacle of the congregation # before the testimony, where I will meet with you. # # unit P NUM:17:5 ºó_À´_ÎÒ_Ëù_¼ð_Ñ¡_µÄ_ÄÇ_ÈË_£¬_Ëû_µÄ_ÕÈ_±Ø_·¢_Ñ¿_¡£_Õâ_Ñù_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_ʹ ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Ïò_Äã_ÃÇ_Ëù_·¢_µÄ_Ô¹_ÑÔ_Ö¹_Ï¢_£¬_²»_ÔÙ_´ï_µ½_ÎÒ_¶ú_ÖÐ_¡£ # # And it shall come to pass, that the man's rod, whom I shall choose, # shall blossom: and I will make to cease from me the murmurings of # the children of Israel, whereby they murmur against you. # # unit P NUM:17:6 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Ħ_Î÷_Ïþ_ÚÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Ê×_Áì_¾Í_°Ñ_ÕÈ_½»_¸ø_Ëû_£¬ °´_×Å_Ö§_ÅÉ_£¬_ÿ_Ê×_Áì_Ò»_¸ù_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_Ê®_¶þ_¸ù_¡£_ÑÇ_Â×_µÄ_ÕÈ_Ò²_ÔÚ Æä_ÖÐ_¡£ # # And Moses spake unto the children of Israel, and every one of their # princes gave him a rod apiece, for each prince one, according to # their fathers' houses, even twelve rods: and the rod of Aaron was # among their rods. # # unit P NUM:17:7 Ħ_Î÷_¾Í_°Ñ_ÕÈ_´æ_ÔÚ_·¨_¹ñ_µÄ_ÕÊ_Ä»_ÄÚ_£¬_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_¡£ # # And Moses laid up the rods before the LORD in the tabernacle of # witness. # # unit P NUM:17:8 µÚ_¶þ_Ìì_£¬_Ħ_Î÷_½ø_·¨_¹ñ_µÄ_ÕÊ_Ä»_È¥_¡£_Ë­_Öª_Àû_δ_×å_ÑÇ_Â×_µÄ_ÕÈ ÒÑ_¾­_·¢_ÁË_Ñ¿_£¬_Éú_ÁË_»¨_°ú_£¬_¿ª_ÁË_»¨_£¬_½á_ÁË_Êì_ÐÓ_¡£ # # And it came to pass, that on the morrow Moses went into the # tabernacle of witness; and, behold, the rod of Aaron for the house # of Levi was budded, and brought forth buds, and bloomed blossoms, # and yielded almonds. # # unit P NUM:17:9 Ħ_Î÷_¾Í_°Ñ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_ÕÈ_´Ó_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_ÄÃ_³ö_À´_£¬_¸ø_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÚ ÈË_¿´_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_¿´_¼û_ÁË_£¬_¸÷_Ê×_Áì_¾Í_°Ñ_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_ÕÈ_ÄÃ_È¥_¡£ # # And Moses brought out all the rods from before the LORD unto all the # children of Israel: and they looked, and took every man his rod. # # unit P NUM:17:10 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_°Ñ_ÑÇ_Â×_µÄ_ÕÈ_»¹_·Å_ÔÚ_·¨_¹ñ_Ç°_£¬_¸ø_Õâ Щ_±³_ÅÑ_Ö®_×Ó_Áô_×÷_¼Ç_ºÅ_¡£_Õâ_Ñù_£¬_Äã_¾Í_ʹ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ïò_ÎÒ_·¢_µÄ_Ô¹ ÑÔ_Ö¹_Ï¢_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ËÀ_Íö_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto Moses, Bring Aaron's rod again before the # testimony, to be kept for a token against the rebels; and thou shalt # quite take away their murmurings from me, that they die not. # # unit P NUM:17:11 Ħ_Î÷_¾Í_Õâ_Ñù_ÐÐ_¡£_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ôõ_Ñù_·Ô_¸À_Ëû_£¬_Ëû_¾Í_Ôõ_Ñù_ÐÐ_ÁË_¡£ # # And Moses did so: as the LORD commanded him, so did he. # # unit P NUM:17:12 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ËÀ_À²_¡£_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Ãð_Íö_À²_¡£_¶¼_Ãð_Íö À²_¡£ # # And the children of Israel spake unto Moses, saying, Behold, we die, # we perish, we all perish. # # unit P NUM:17:13 ·²_°¤_½ü_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÕÊ_Ä»_µÄ_ÊÇ_±Ø_ËÀ_µÄ_¡£_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¶¼_Òª_ËÀ_Íö_Âð_£¿ # # Whosoever cometh any thing near unto the tabernacle of the LORD # shall die: shall we be consumed with dying? # ## # chapter 18 NUM:18 # unit P NUM:18:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_ÑÇ_Â×_˵_£¬_Äã_ºÍ_Äã_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_²¢_Äã_±¾_×å_µÄ_ÈË_£¬_Òª Ò»_ͬ_µ£_µ±_¸É_·¸_Ê¥_Ëù_µÄ_×ï_Äõ_¡£_Äã_ºÍ_Äã_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_Ò²_Òª_Ò»_ͬ_µ£ µ±_¸É_·¸_¼À_˾_Ö°_ÈÎ_µÄ_×ï_Äõ_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto Aaron, Thou and thy sons and thy father's # house with thee shall bear the iniquity of the sanctuary: and thou # and thy sons with thee shall bear the iniquity of your priesthood. # # unit P NUM:18:2 Äã_Òª_´ø_Äã_µÜ_ÐÖ_Àû_δ_ÈË_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Äã_×æ_×Ú_Ö§_ÅÉ_µÄ_ÈË_Ç°_À´_£¬_ʹ Ëû_ÃÇ_Óë_Äã_Áª_ºÏ_£¬_·þ_ÊÂ_Äã_£¬_Ö»_ÊÇ_Äã_ºÍ_Äã_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_Òª_Ò»_ͬ ÔÚ_·¨_¹ñ_µÄ_ÕÊ_Ä»_Ç°_¹©_Ö°_¡£ # # And thy brethren also of the tribe of Levi, the tribe of thy father, # bring thou with thee, that they may be joined unto thee, and # minister unto thee: but thou and thy sons with thee shall minister # before the tabernacle of witness. # # unit P NUM:18:3 Ëû_ÃÇ_Òª_ÊØ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Äã_µÄ_£¬_²¢_ÊØ_È«_ÕÊ_Ä»_£¬_Ö»_ÊÇ_²»_¿É_°¤_½ü_Ê¥ Ëù_µÄ_Æ÷_¾ß_ºÍ_̳_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ºÍ_Äã_ÃÇ_¶¼_ËÀ_Íö_¡£ # # And they shall keep thy charge, and the charge of all the # tabernacle: only they shall not come nigh the vessels of the # sanctuary and the altar, that neither they, nor ye also, die. # # unit P NUM:18:4 Ëû_ÃÇ_Òª_Óë_Äã_Áª_ºÏ_£¬_Ò²_Òª_¿´_ÊØ_»á_Ä»_£¬_°ì_Àí_ÕÊ_Ä»_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_Ê £¬_Ö»_ÊÇ_Íâ_ÈË_²»_¿É_°¤_½ü_Äã_ÃÇ_¡£ # # And they shall be joined unto thee, and keep the charge of the # tabernacle of the congregation, for all the service of the # tabernacle: and a stranger shall not come nigh unto you. # # unit P NUM:18:5 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_¿´_ÊØ_Ê¥_Ëù_ºÍ_̳_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_·Þ_Å­_ÔÙ_ÁÙ_µ½_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_¡£ # # And ye shall keep the charge of the sanctuary, and the charge of the # altar: that there be no wrath any more upon the children of Israel. # # unit P NUM:18:6 ÎÒ_ÒÑ_½«_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_µÜ_ÐÖ_Àû_δ_ÈË_´Ó_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÖÐ_¼ð_Ñ¡_³ö_À´_¹é_Ò® ºÍ_»ª_£¬_ÊÇ_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_Ϊ_ÉÍ_´Í_µÄ_£¬_Ϊ_Òª_°ì_Àí_»á_Ä»_µÄ_ÊÂ_¡£ # # And I, behold, I have taken your brethren the Levites from among the # children of Israel: to you they are given as a gift for the LORD, to # do the service of the tabernacle of the congregation. # # unit P NUM:18:7 Äã_ºÍ_Äã_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_Òª_Ϊ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Êô_̳_ºÍ_á£_×Ó_ÄÚ_µÄ_ÊÂ_Ò»_ͬ_ÊØ_¼À_˾ µÄ_Ö°_ÈÎ_¡£_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_Õâ_Ñù_¹©_Ö°_¡£_ÎÒ_½«_¼À_˾_µÄ_Ö°_ÈÎ_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_µ± ×÷_ÉÍ_´Í_ÊÂ_·î_ÎÒ_¡£_·²_°¤_½ü_µÄ_Íâ_ÈË_±Ø_±»_ÖÎ_ËÀ_¡£ # # Therefore thou and thy sons with thee shall keep your priest's # office for everything of the altar, and within the vail; and ye # shall serve: I have given your priest's office unto you as a service # of gift: and the stranger that cometh nigh shall be put to death. # # unit P NUM:18:8 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_ÑÇ_Â×_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÒÑ_½«_¹é_ÎÒ_µÄ_¾Ù_¼À_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ ÈË_Ò»_ÇÐ_·Ö_±ð_Ϊ_Ê¥_µÄ_Îï_£¬_½»_¸ø_Äã_¾­_¹Ü_¡£_Òò_Äã_ÊÜ_¹ý_¸à_£¬_°Ñ Õâ_Щ_¶¼_´Í_¸ø_Äã_ºÍ_Äã_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_£¬_µ±_×÷_ÓÀ_µÃ_µÄ_·Ö_¡£ # # And the LORD spake unto Aaron, Behold, I also have given thee the # charge of mine heave offerings of all the hallowed things of the # children of Israel; unto thee have I given them by reason of the # anointing, and to thy sons, by an ordinance for ever. # # unit P NUM:18:9 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_¹é_¸ø_ÎÒ_ÖÁ_Ê¥_µÄ_¹©_Îï_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_ËØ_¼À_£¬_Êê_×ï ¼À_£¬_Êê_í©_¼À_£¬_Æä_ÖÐ_Ëù_ÓÐ_´æ_Áô_²»_¾­_»ð_µÄ_£¬_¶¼_Ϊ_ÖÁ_Ê¥_Ö®_Îï £¬_Òª_¹é_¸ø_Äã_ºÍ_Äã_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_¡£ # # This shall be thine of the most holy things, reserved from the fire: # every oblation of theirs, every meat offering of theirs, and every # sin offering of theirs, and every trespass offering of theirs which # they shall render unto me, shall be most holy for thee and for thy # sons. # # unit P NUM:18:10 Äã_Òª_ÄÃ_Õâ_Щ_µ±_ÖÁ_Ê¥_Îï_³Ô_¡£_·²_ÄÐ_¶¡_¶¼_¿É_ÒÔ_³Ô_¡£_Äã_µ±_ÒÔ_´Ë Îï_Ϊ_Ê¥_¡£ # # In the most holy place shalt thou eat it; every male shall eat it: # it shall be holy unto thee. # # unit P NUM:18:11 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Ëù_Ï×_µÄ_¾Ù_¼À_²¢_Ò¡_¼À_¶¼_ÊÇ_Äã_µÄ_¡£_ÎÒ_ÒÑ_´Í_¸ø_Äã_ºÍ Äã_µÄ_¶ù_Å®_£¬_µ±_×÷_ÓÀ_µÃ_µÄ_·Ö_¡£_·²_ÔÚ_Äã_¼Ò_ÖÐ_µÄ_½à_¾»_ÈË_¶¼_¿É ÒÔ_³Ô_¡£ # # And this is thine; the heave offering of their gift, with all the # wave offerings of the children of Israel: I have given them unto # thee, and to thy sons and to thy daughters with thee, by a statute # for ever: every one that is clean in thy house shall eat of it. # # unit P NUM:18:12 ·²_ÓÍ_ÖÐ_£¬_ÐÂ_¾Æ_ÖÐ_£¬_Îå_¹È_ÖÐ_ÖÁ_ºÃ_µÄ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Ëù_Ï× ¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_³õ_Êì_Ö®_Îï_£¬_ÎÒ_¶¼_´Í_¸ø_Äã_¡£ # # All the best of the oil, and all the best of the wine, and of the # wheat, the firstfruits of them which they shall offer unto the LORD, # them have I given thee. # # unit P NUM:18:13 ·²_´Ó_Ëû_ÃÇ_µØ_ÉÏ_Ëù_´ø_À´_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_³õ_Êì_Ö®_Îï_Ò²_¶¼_Òª_¹é_Óë_Äã ¡£_Äã_¼Ò_ÖÐ_µÄ_½à_¾»_ÈË_¶¼_¿É_ÒÔ_³Ô_¡£ # # And whatsoever is first ripe in the land, which they shall bring # unto the LORD, shall be thine; every one that is clean in thine # house shall eat of it. # # unit P NUM:18:14 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÐ_Ò»_ÇÐ_ÓÀ_Ï×_µÄ_¶¼_±Ø_¹é_Óë_Äã_¡£ # # Every thing devoted in Israel shall be thine. # # unit P NUM:18:15 Ëû_ÃÇ_Ëù_ÓÐ_·î_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_£¬_Á¬_ÈË_´ø_Éü_Ðó_£¬_·²_Í·_Éú_µÄ_£¬_¶¼ Òª_¹é_¸ø_Äã_¡£_Ö»_ÊÇ_ÈË_Í·_Éú_µÄ_£¬_×Ü_Òª_Êê_³ö_À´_¡£_²»_½à_¾»_Éü_Ðó Í·_Éú_µÄ_£¬_Ò²_Òª_Êê_³ö_À´_¡£ # # Every thing that openeth the matrix in all flesh, which they bring # unto the LORD, whether it be of men or beasts, shall be thine: # nevertheless the firstborn of man shalt thou surely redeem, and the # firstling of unclean beasts shalt thou redeem. # # unit P NUM:18:16 Æä_ÖÐ_ÔÚ_Ò»_ÔÂ_Ö®_Íâ_Ëù_µ±_Êê_µÄ_£¬_Òª_ÕÕ_Äã_Ëù_¹À_¶¨_µÄ_¼Û_£¬_°´_Ê¥ Ëù_µÄ_ƽ_£¬_ÓÃ_Òø_×Ó_Îå_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_Êê_³ö_À´_£¨_Ò»_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_ÊÇ_¶þ_Ê®_¼¾ À­_£©_¡£ # # And those that are to be redeemed from a month old shalt thou # redeem, according to thine estimation, for the money of five # shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary, which is twenty gerahs. # # unit P NUM:18:17 Ö»_ÊÇ_Í·_Éú_µÄ_Å£_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_Í·_Éú_µÄ_Ãà_Ñò_ºÍ_ɽ_Ñò_£¬_±Ø_²»_¿É_Êê_£¬ ¶¼_ÊÇ_Ê¥_µÄ_£¬_Òª_°Ñ_Ëü_µÄ_Ѫ_È÷_ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ_£¬_°Ñ_Ëü_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_·Ù_ÉÕ_£¬ µ±_×÷_Ü°_Ïã_µÄ_»ð_¼À_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # But the firstling of a cow, or the firstling of a sheep, or the # firstling of a goat, thou shalt not redeem; they are holy: thou # shalt sprinkle their blood upon the altar, and shalt burn their fat # for an offering made by fire, for a sweet savour unto the LORD. # # unit P NUM:18:18 Ëü_µÄ_Èâ_±Ø_¹é_Äã_£¬_Ïñ_±»_Ò¡_µÄ_ÐØ_£¬_±»_¾Ù_µÄ_ÓÒ_ÍÈ_¹é_Äã_Ò»_Ñù_¡£ # # And the flesh of them shall be thine, as the wave breast and as the # right shoulder are thine. # # unit P NUM:18:19 ·²_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Ëù_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ê¥_Îï_ÖÐ_µÄ_¾Ù_¼À_£¬_ÎÒ_¶¼_´Í_¸ø_Äã ºÍ_Äã_µÄ_¶ù_Å®_£¬_µ±_×÷_ÓÀ_µÃ_µÄ_·Ö_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_¸ø_Äã_ºÍ_Äã_µÄ_ºó_Òá_£¬ ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_×÷_Ϊ_ÓÀ_Ô¶_µÄ_ÑÎ_Ô¼_£¨_ÑÎ_¼´_²»_·Ï_»µ_µÄ_Òâ_˼_£© ¡£ # # All the heave offerings of the holy things, which the children of # Israel offer unto the LORD, have I given thee, and thy sons and thy # daughters with thee, by a statute for ever: it is a covenant of salt # for ever before the LORD unto thee and to thy seed with thee. # # unit P NUM:18:20 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_ÑÇ_Â×_˵_£¬_Äã_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_µÄ_¾³_ÄÚ_²»_¿É_ÓÐ_²ú_Òµ_£¬ ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_Ò²_²»_¿É_ÓÐ_·Ö_¡£_ÎÒ_¾Í_ÊÇ_Äã_µÄ_·Ö_£¬_ÊÇ_Äã_µÄ_²ú_Òµ ¡£ # # And the LORD spake unto Aaron, Thou shalt have no inheritance in # their land, neither shalt thou have any part among them: I am thy # part and thine inheritance among the children of Israel. # # unit P NUM:18:21 ·²_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÐ_³ö_²ú_µÄ_Ê®_·Ö_Ö®_Ò»_£¬_ÎÒ_ÒÑ_´Í_¸ø_Àû_δ_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_Ϊ Òµ_¡£_Òò_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ëù_°ì_µÄ_ÊÇ_»á_Ä»_µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬_Ëù_ÒÔ_´Í_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ϊ_³ê_Ëû ÃÇ_µÄ_ÀÍ_¡£ # # And, behold, I have given the children of Levi all the tenth in # Israel for an inheritance, for their service which they serve, even # the service of the tabernacle of the congregation. # # unit P NUM:18:22 ´Ó_½ñ_ÒÔ_ºó_£¬_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_²»_¿É_°¤_½ü_»á_Ä»_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µ£_×ï_¶ø ËÀ_¡£ # # Neither must the children of Israel henceforth come nigh the # tabernacle of the congregation, lest they bear sin, and die. # # unit P NUM:18:23 Ω_¶À_Àû_δ_ÈË_Òª_°ì_»á_Ä»_µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬_µ£_µ±_×ï_Äõ_¡£_Õâ_Òª_×÷_Äã_ÃÇ_ÊÀ ÊÀ_´ú_´ú_ÓÀ_Ô¶_µÄ_¶¨_Àý_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÖÐ_²»_¿É_ÓÐ_²ú_Òµ_¡£ # # But the Levites shall do the service of the tabernacle of the # congregation, and they shall bear their iniquity: it shall be a # statute for ever throughout your generations, that among the # children of Israel they have no inheritance. # # unit P NUM:18:24 Òò_Ϊ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÖÐ_³ö_²ú_µÄ_Ê®_·Ö_Ö®_Ò»_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ ¾Ù_¼À_µÄ_£¬_ÎÒ_ÒÑ_´Í_¸ø_Àû_δ_ÈË_Ϊ_Òµ_¡£_Ëù_ÒÔ_ÎÒ_¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_ÔÚ ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÖÐ_²»_¿É_ÓÐ_²ú_Òµ_¡£ # # But the tithes of the children of Israel, which they offer as an # heave offering unto the LORD, I have given to the Levites to # inherit: therefore I have said unto them, Among the children of # Israel they shall have no inheritance. # # unit P NUM:18:25 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P NUM:18:26 Äã_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Àû_δ_ÈË_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_´Ó_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÖÐ_Ëù_È¡_µÄ_Ê®_·Ö_Ö®_Ò» £¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_Ϊ_Òµ_µÄ_£¬_Òª_ÔÙ_´Ó_ÄÇ_Ê®_·Ö_Ö®_Ò»_ÖÐ_È¡_Ê®_·Ö Ö®_Ò»_×÷_Ϊ_¾Ù_¼À_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬ # # Thus speak unto the Levites, and say unto them, When ye take of the # children of Israel the tithes which I have given you from them for # your inheritance, then ye shall offer up an heave offering of it for # the LORD, even a tenth part of the tithe. # # unit P NUM:18:27 Õâ_¾Ù_¼À_Òª_Ëã_Ϊ_Äã_ÃÇ_³¡_ÉÏ_µÄ_¹È_£¬_ÓÖ_Èç_Âú_¾Æ_Õ¥_µÄ_¾Æ_¡£ # # And this your heave offering shall be reckoned unto you, as though # it were the corn of the threshingfloor, and as the fulness of the # winepress. # # unit P NUM:18:28 Õâ_Ñù_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_´Ó_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÖÐ_Ëù_µÃ_µÄ_Ê®_·Ö_Ö®_Ò»_Ò²_Òª_×÷_¾Ù_¼À Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_´Ó_Õâ_Ê®_·Ö_Ö®_Ò»_ÖÐ_£¬_½«_Ëù_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_¾Ù ¼À_¹é_¸ø_¼À_˾_ÑÇ_Â×_¡£ # # Thus ye also shall offer an heave offering unto the LORD of all your # tithes, which ye receive of the children of Israel; and ye shall # give thereof the LORD's heave offering to Aaron the priest. # # unit P NUM:18:29 ·î_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Àñ_Îï_£¬_Òª_´Ó_Æä_ÖÐ_½«_ÖÁ_ºÃ_µÄ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_·Ö_±ð Ϊ_Ê¥_µÄ_£¬_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_¾Ù_¼À_¡£ # # Out of all your gifts ye shall offer every heave offering of the # LORD, of all the best thereof, even the hallowed part thereof out of # it. # # unit P NUM:18:30 Ëù_ÒÔ_Äã_Òª_¶Ô_Àû_δ_ÈË_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_´Ó_Æä_ÖÐ_½«_ÖÁ_ºÃ_µÄ_¾Ù_Æð_£¬_Õâ ¾Í_Ëã_Ϊ_Äã_ÃÇ_³¡_ÉÏ_µÄ_Á¸_£¬_ÓÖ_Èç_¾Æ_Õ¥_µÄ_¾Æ_¡£ # # Therefore thou shalt say unto them, When ye have heaved the best # thereof from it, then it shall be counted unto the Levites as the # increase of the threshingfloor, and as the increase of the # winepress. # # unit P NUM:18:31 Äã_ÃÇ_ºÍ_Äã_ÃÇ_¼Ò_Êô_Ëæ_´¦_¿É_ÒÔ_³Ô_¡£_Õâ_Ô­_ÊÇ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÉÍ_´Í_£¬_ÊÇ ³ê_Äã_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_Àï_°ì_ÊÂ_µÄ_ÀÍ_¡£ # # And ye shall eat it in every place, ye and your households: for it # is your reward for your service in the tabernacle of the # congregation. # # unit P NUM:18:32 Äã_ÃÇ_´Ó_Æä_ÖÐ_½«_ÖÁ_ºÃ_µÄ_¾Ù_Æð_£¬_¾Í_²»_ÖÁ_Òò_Õâ_Îï_µ£_×ï_¡£_Äã_ÃÇ ²»_¿É_Ùô_äÂ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_µÄ_Ê¥_Îï_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_ËÀ_Íö_¡£ # # And ye shall bear no sin by reason of it, when ye have heaved from # it the best of it: neither shall ye pollute the holy things of the # children of Israel, lest ye die. # ## # chapter 19 NUM:19 # unit P NUM:19:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses and unto Aaron, saying, # # unit P NUM:19:2 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãü_¶¨_ÂÉ_·¨_ÖÐ_µÄ_Ò»_Ìõ_ÂÉ_Àý_ÄË_ÊÇ_Õâ_Ñù_˵_£¬_Äã_Òª_·Ô_¸À ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_£¬_°Ñ_Ò»_Ö»_û_ÓÐ_²Ð_¼²_£¬_δ_Ôø_¸º_éî_£¬_´¿_ºì_µÄ_ĸ_Å£ Ç£_µ½_Äã_Õâ_Àï_À´_£¬ # # This is the ordinance of the law which the LORD hath commanded, # saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, that they bring thee a # red heifer without spot, wherein is no blemish, and upon which never # came yoke: # # unit P NUM:19:3 ½»_¸ø_¼À_˾_ÒÔ_Àû_ÑÇ_Èö_¡£_Ëû_±Ø_Ç£_µ½_Óª_Íâ_£¬_ÈË_¾Í_°Ñ_Å£_Ô×_ÔÚ_Ëû Ãæ_Ç°_¡£ # # And ye shall give her unto Eleazar the priest, that he may bring her # forth without the camp, and one shall slay her before his face: # # unit P NUM:19:4 ¼À_˾_ÒÔ_Àû_ÑÇ_Èö_Òª_ÓÃ_Ö¸_Í·_Õº_Õâ_Å£_µÄ_Ѫ_£¬_Ïò_»á_Ä»_Ç°_Ãæ_µ¯_Æß ´Î_¡£ # # And Eleazar the priest shall take of her blood with his finger, and # sprinkle of her blood directly before the tabernacle of the # congregation seven times: # # unit P NUM:19:5 ÈË_Òª_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÑÛ_Ç°_°Ñ_Õâ_ĸ_Å£_·Ù_ÉÕ_¡£_Å£_µÄ_Ƥ_£¬_Èâ_£¬_Ѫ_£¬_·à_¶¼ Òª_·Ù_ÉÕ_¡£ # # And one shall burn the heifer in his sight; her skin, and her flesh, # and her blood, with her dung, shall he burn: # # unit P NUM:19:6 ¼À_˾_Òª_°Ñ_Ïã_°Ø_ľ_£¬_Å£_Ï¥_²Ý_£¬_Öì_ºì_É«_Ïß_¶¼_¶ª_ÔÚ_ÉÕ_Å£_µÄ_»ð ÖÐ_¡£ # # And the priest shall take cedar wood, and hyssop, and scarlet, and # cast it into the midst of the burning of the heifer. # # unit P NUM:19:7 ¼À_˾_±Ø_²»_½à_¾»_µ½_Íí_ÉÏ_£¬_Òª_Ï´_ÒÂ_·þ_£¬_ÓÃ_Ë®_Ï´_Éí_£¬_È»_ºó_¿É ÒÔ_½ø_Óª_¡£ # # Then the priest shall wash his clothes, and he shall bathe his flesh # in water, and afterward he shall come into the camp, and the priest # shall be unclean until the even. # # unit P NUM:19:8 ÉÕ_Å£_µÄ_ÈË_±Ø_²»_½à_¾»_µ½_Íí_ÉÏ_£¬_Ò²_Òª_Ï´_ÒÂ_·þ_£¬_ÓÃ_Ë®_Ï´_Éí_¡£ # # And he that burneth her shall wash his clothes in water, and bathe # his flesh in water, and shall be unclean until the even. # # unit P NUM:19:9 ±Ø_ÓÐ_Ò»_¸ö_½à_¾»_µÄ_ÈË_ÊÕ_Æð_ĸ_Å£_µÄ_»Ò_£¬_´æ_ÔÚ_Óª_Íâ_½à_¾»_µÄ_µØ ·½_£¬_Ϊ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_»á_ÖÚ_µ÷_×÷_³ý_ÎÛ_»à_µÄ_Ë®_¡£_Õâ_±¾_ÊÇ_³ý_×ï_µÄ_¡£ # # And a man that is clean shall gather up the ashes of the heifer, and # lay them up without the camp in a clean place, and it shall be kept # for the congregation of the children of Israel for a water of # separation: it is a purification for sin. # # unit P NUM:19:10 ÊÕ_Æð_ĸ_Å£_»Ò_µÄ_ÈË_±Ø_²»_½à_¾»_µ½_Íí_ÉÏ_£¬_Òª_Ï´_ÒÂ_·þ_¡£_Õâ_Òª_¸ø ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ºÍ_¼Ä_¾Ó_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_µÄ_Íâ_ÈË_×÷_Ϊ_ÓÀ_Ô¶_µÄ_¶¨_Àý_¡£ # # And he that gathereth the ashes of the heifer shall wash his # clothes, and be unclean until the even: and it shall be unto the # children of Israel, and unto the stranger that sojourneth among # them, for a statute for ever. # # unit P NUM:19:11 Ãþ_ÁË_ÈË_ËÀ_ʬ_µÄ_£¬_¾Í_±Ø_Æß_Ìì_²»_½à_¾»_¡£ # # He that toucheth the dead body of any man shall be unclean seven # days. # # unit P NUM:19:12 ÄÇ_ÈË_µ½_µÚ_Èý_Ìì_Òª_ÓÃ_Õâ_³ý_ÎÛ_»à_µÄ_Ë®_½à_¾»_×Ô_¼º_£¬_µÚ_Æß_Ìì_¾Í ½à_¾»_ÁË_¡£_Ëû_Èô_ÔÚ_µÚ_Èý_Ìì_²»_½à_¾»_×Ô_¼º_£¬_µÚ_Æß_Ìì_¾Í_²»_½à_¾» ÁË_¡£ # # He shall purify himself with it on the third day, and on the seventh # day he shall be clean: but if he purify not himself the third day, # then the seventh day he shall not be clean. # # unit P NUM:19:13 ·²_Ãþ_ÁË_ÈË_ËÀ_ʬ_£¬_²»_½à_¾»_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_£¬_¾Í_çè_ÎÛ_ÁË_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_ÕÊ Ä»_£¬_Õâ_ÈË_±Ø_´Ó_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÐ_¼ô_³ý_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_ÄÇ_³ý_ÎÛ_»à_µÄ_Ë®_û_ÓÐ È÷_ÔÚ_Ëû_Éí_ÉÏ_£¬_Ëû_¾Í_Ϊ_²»_½à_¾»_£¬_ÎÛ_»à_»¹_ÔÚ_Ëû_Éí_ÉÏ_¡£ # # Whosoever toucheth the dead body of any man that is dead, and # purifieth not himself, defileth the tabernacle of the LORD; and that # soul shall be cut off from Israel: because the water of separation # was not sprinkled upon him, he shall be unclean; his uncleanness is # yet upon him. # # unit P NUM:19:14 ÈË_ËÀ_ÔÚ_ÕÊ_Åï_Àï_µÄ_Ìõ_Àý_ÄË_ÊÇ_Õâ_Ñù_£¬_·²_½ø_ÄÇ_ÕÊ_Åï_µÄ_£¬_ºÍ_Ò» ÇÐ_ÔÚ_ÕÊ_Åï_Àï_µÄ_£¬_¶¼_±Ø_Æß_Ìì_²»_½à_¾»_¡£ # # This is the law, when a man dieth in a tent: all that come into the # tent, and all that is in the tent, shall be unclean seven days. # # unit P NUM:19:15 ·²_³¨_¿Ú_µÄ_Æ÷_Ãó_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_û_ÓÐ_Ôú_ÉÏ_¸Ç_µÄ_£¬_Ò²_ÊÇ_²»_½à_¾»_¡£ # # And every open vessel, which hath no covering bound upon it, is # unclean. # # unit P NUM:19:16 ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ºÎ_ÈË_ÔÚ_Ìï_Ò°_Àï_Ãþ_ÁË_±»_µ¶_ɱ_µÄ_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_ʬ_Ê×_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_ÈË µÄ_¹Ç_Í·_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_·Ø_Ĺ_£¬_¾Í_Òª_Æß_Ìì_²»_½à_¾»_¡£ # # And whosoever toucheth one that is slain with a sword in the open # fields, or a dead body, or a bone of a man, or a grave, shall be # unclean seven days. # # unit P NUM:19:17 Òª_Ϊ_Õâ_²»_½à_¾»_µÄ_ÈË_ÄÃ_Щ_ÉÕ_³É_µÄ_³ý_×ï_»Ò_·Å_ÔÚ_Æ÷_Ãó_Àï_£¬_µ¹ ÉÏ_»î_Ë®_¡£ # # And for an unclean person they shall take of the ashes of the burnt # heifer of purification for sin, and running water shall be put # thereto in a vessel: # # unit P NUM:19:18 ±Ø_µ±_ÓÐ_Ò»_¸ö_½à_¾»_µÄ_ÈË_ÄÃ_Å£_Ï¥_²Ý_Õº_ÔÚ_Õâ_Ë®_ÖÐ_£¬_°Ñ_Ë®_È÷_ÔÚ ÕÊ_Åï_ÉÏ_£¬_ºÍ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Æ÷_Ãó_²¢_ÕÊ_Åï_ÄÚ_µÄ_ÖÚ_ÈË_Éí_ÉÏ_£¬_ÓÖ_È÷_ÔÚ_Ãþ ÁË_¹Ç_Í·_£¬_»ò_Ãþ_ÁË_±»_ɱ_µÄ_£¬_»ò_Ãþ_ÁË_×Ô_ËÀ_µÄ_£¬_»ò_Ãþ_ÁË_·Ø_Ĺ µÄ_ÄÇ_ÈË_Éí_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And a clean person shall take hyssop, and dip it in the water, and # sprinkle it upon the tent, and upon all the vessels, and upon the # persons that were there, and upon him that touched a bone, or one # slain, or one dead, or a grave: # # unit P NUM:19:19 µÚ_Èý_Ìì_ºÍ_µÚ_Æß_Ìì_£¬_½à_¾»_µÄ_ÈË_Òª_È÷_Ë®_ÔÚ_²»_½à_¾»_µÄ_ÈË_Éí_ÉÏ £¬_µÚ_Æß_Ìì_¾Í_ʹ_Ëû_³É_Ϊ_½à_¾»_¡£_ÄÇ_ÈË_Òª_Ï´_ÒÂ_·þ_£¬_ÓÃ_Ë®_Ï´_Ôè £¬_µ½_Íí_ÉÏ_¾Í_½à_¾»_ÁË_¡£ # # And the clean person shall sprinkle upon the unclean on the third # day, and on the seventh day: and on the seventh day he shall purify # himself, and wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and shall # be clean at even. # # unit P NUM:19:20 µ«_ÄÇ_ÎÛ_»à_¶ø_²»_½à_¾»_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_£¬_Òª_½«_Ëû_´Ó_»á_ÖÐ_¼ô_³ý_£¬_Òò_Ϊ Ëû_çè_ÎÛ_ÁË_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_Ê¥_Ëù_¡£_³ý_ÎÛ_»à_µÄ_Ë®_û_ÓÐ_È÷_ÔÚ_Ëû_Éí_ÉÏ £¬_Ëû_ÊÇ_²»_½à_¾»_µÄ_¡£ # # But the man that shall be unclean, and shall not purify himself, # that soul shall be cut off from among the congregation, because he # hath defiled the sanctuary of the LORD: the water of separation hath # not been sprinkled upon him; he is unclean. # # unit P NUM:19:21 Õâ_Òª_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_×÷_Ϊ_ÓÀ_Ô¶_µÄ_¶¨_Àý_¡£_²¢_ÇÒ_ÄÇ_È÷_³ý_ÎÛ_»à_Ë®_µÄ_ÈË Òª_Ï´_ÒÂ_·þ_¡£_·²_Ãþ_³ý_ÎÛ_»à_Ë®_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_²»_½à_¾»_µ½_Íí_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And it shall be a perpetual statute unto them, that he that # sprinkleth the water of separation shall wash his clothes; and he # that toucheth the water of separation shall be unclean until even. # # unit P NUM:19:22 ²»_½à_¾»_ÈË_Ëù_Ãþ_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Îï_¾Í_²»_½à_¾»_¡£_Ãþ_ÁË_Õâ_Îï_µÄ_ÈË_±Ø_²» ½à_¾»_µ½_Íí_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And whatsoever the unclean person toucheth shall be unclean; and the # soul that toucheth it shall be unclean until even. # ## # chapter 20 NUM:20 # unit P NUM:20:1 Õý_ÔÂ_¼ä_£¬_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_È«_»á_ÖÚ_µ½_ÁË_Ñ°_µÄ_¿õ_Ò°_£¬_¾Í_ס_ÔÚ_¼Ó_µÍ_˹ ¡£_Ã×_Àû_°µ_ËÀ_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_¾Í_Ôá_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_¡£ # # Then came the children of Israel, even the whole congregation, into # the desert of Zin in the first month: and the people abode in # Kadesh; and Miriam died there, and was buried there. # # unit P NUM:20:2 »á_ÖÚ_û_ÓÐ_Ë®_ºÈ_£¬_¾Í_¾Û_¼¯_¹¥_»÷_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_¡£ # # And there was no water for the congregation: and they gathered # themselves together against Moses and against Aaron. # # unit P NUM:20:3 °Ù_ÐÕ_Ïò_Ħ_Î÷_Õù_ÄÖ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_µÜ_ÐÖ_Ôø_ËÀ_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬ ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ºÞ_²»_µÃ_Óë_Ëû_ÃÇ_ͬ_ËÀ_¡£ # # And the people chode with Moses, and spake, saying, Would God that # we had died when our brethren died before the LORD! # # unit P NUM:20:4 Äã_ÃÇ_Ϊ_ºÎ_°Ñ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_»á_ÖÚ_Áì_µ½_Õâ_¿õ_Ò°_£¬_ʹ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ºÍ_Éü_Ðó ¶¼_ËÀ_ÔÚ_Õâ_Àï_ÄØ_£¿ # # And why have ye brought up the congregation of the LORD into this # wilderness, that we and our cattle should die there? # # unit P NUM:20:5 Äã_ÃÇ_Ϊ_ºÎ_±Æ_×Å_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_³ö_°£_¼°_£¬_Áì_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µ½_Õâ_»µ_µØ_·½_ÄØ_£¿_Õâ µØ_·½_²»_ºÃ_Èö_ÖÖ_£¬_Ò²_û_ÓÐ_ÎÞ_»¨_¹û_Ê÷_£¬_ÆÏ_ÌÑ_Ê÷_£¬_ʯ_Áñ_Ê÷_£¬ ÓÖ_û_ÓÐ_Ë®_ºÈ_¡£ # # And wherefore have ye made us to come up out of Egypt, to bring us # in unto this evil place? it is no place of seed, or of figs, or of # vines, or of pomegranates; neither is there any water to drink. # # unit P NUM:20:6 Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_Àë_¿ª_»á_ÖÚ_£¬_µ½_»á_Ä»_ÃÅ_¿Ú_£¬_¸©_·ü_ÔÚ_µØ_¡£_Ò®_ºÍ »ª_µÄ_ÈÙ_¹â_Ïò_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÏÔ_ÏÖ_¡£ # # And Moses and Aaron went from the presence of the assembly unto the # door of the tabernacle of the congregation, and they fell upon their # faces: and the glory of the LORD appeared unto them. # # unit P NUM:20:7 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P NUM:20:8 Äã_ÄÃ_×Å_ÕÈ_È¥_£¬_ºÍ_Äã_µÄ_¸ç_¸ç_ÑÇ_Â×_ÕÐ_¾Û_»á_ÖÚ_£¬_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÑÛ_Ç° ·Ô_¸À_ÅÍ_ʯ_·¢_³ö_Ë®_À´_£¬_Ë®_¾Í_´Ó_ÅÍ_ʯ_Á÷_³ö_£¬_¸ø_»á_ÖÚ_ºÍ_Ëû_ÃÇ µÄ_Éü_Ðó_ºÈ_¡£ # # Take the rod, and gather thou the assembly together, thou, and Aaron # thy brother, and speak ye unto the rock before their eyes; and it # shall give forth his water, and thou shalt bring forth to them water # out of the rock: so thou shalt give the congregation and their # beasts drink. # # unit P NUM:20:9 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Ħ_Î÷_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_£¬_´Ó_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_È¡_ÁË_ÕÈ_È¥ ¡£ # # And Moses took the rod from before the LORD, as he commanded him. # # unit P NUM:20:10 Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_¾Í_ÕÐ_¾Û_»á_ÖÚ_µ½_ÅÍ_ʯ_Ç°_¡£_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Õâ_Щ ±³_ÅÑ_µÄ_ÈË_Ìý_ÎÒ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Ϊ_Äã_ÃÇ_ʹ_Ë®_´Ó_Õâ_ÅÍ_ʯ_ÖÐ_Á÷_³ö_À´_Â𠣿 # # And Moses and Aaron gathered the congregation together before the # rock, and he said unto them, Hear now, ye rebels; must we fetch you # water out of this rock? # # unit P NUM:20:11 Ħ_Î÷_¾Ù_ÊÖ_£¬_ÓÃ_ÕÈ_»÷_´ò_ÅÍ_ʯ_Á½_ÏÂ_£¬_¾Í_ÓÐ_Ðí_¶à_Ë®_Á÷_³ö_À´_£¬ »á_ÖÚ_ºÍ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éü_Ðó_¶¼_ºÈ_ÁË_¡£ # # And Moses lifted up his hand, and with his rod he smote the rock # twice: and the water came out abundantly, and the congregation # drank, and their beasts also. # # unit P NUM:20:12 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_˵_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Äã_ÃÇ_²»_ÐÅ_ÎÒ_£¬_²»_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_É« ÁÐ_ÈË_ÑÛ_Ç°_×ð_ÎÒ_Ϊ_Ê¥_£¬_Ëù_ÒÔ_Äã_ÃÇ_±Ø_²»_µÃ_Áì_Õâ_»á_ÖÚ_½ø_ÎÒ_Ëù ´Í_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_µØ_È¥_¡£ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses and Aaron, Because ye believed me not, # to sanctify me in the eyes of the children of Israel, therefore ye # shall not bring this congregation into the land which I have given # them. # # unit P NUM:20:13 Õâ_Ë®_Ãû_½Ð_Ã×_Àû_°Í_Ë®_£¨_Ã×_Àû_°Í_¾Í_ÊÇ_Õù_ÄÖ_µÄ_Òâ_˼_£©_£¬_ÊÇ_Òò ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Õù_ÄÖ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¾Í_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ãæ_Ç°_ÏÔ_Ϊ_Ê¥ ¡£ # # This is the water of Meribah; because the children of Israel strove # with the LORD, and he was sanctified in them. # # unit P NUM:20:14 Ħ_Î÷_´Ó_¼Ó_µÍ_˹_²î_Dz_ʹ_Õß_È¥_¼û_ÒÔ_¶«_Íõ_£¬_˵_£¬_Äã_µÄ_µÜ_ÐÖ_ÒÔ É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Õâ_Ñù_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Ëù_Ôâ_Óö_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_¼è_ÄÑ_£¬ # # And Moses sent messengers from Kadesh unto the king of Edom, Thus # saith thy brother Israel, Thou knowest all the travail that hath # befallen us: # # unit P NUM:20:15 ¾Í_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÁÐ_×æ_ÏÂ_µ½_°£_¼°_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_¾Ã_ס_¡£_°£_¼°_ÈË ¶ñ_´ý_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÁÐ_×æ_ºÍ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_£¬ # # How our fathers went down into Egypt, and we have dwelt in Egypt a # long time; and the Egyptians vexed us, and our fathers: # # unit P NUM:20:16 ÎÒ_ÃÇ_°§_Çó_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Ëû_Ìý_ÁË_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éù_Òô_£¬_²î_Dz_ʹ Õß_°Ñ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_´Ó_°£_¼°_Áì_³ö_À´_¡£_Õâ_ÊÂ_Äã_¶¼_Öª_µÀ_¡£_Èç_½ñ_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ ÔÚ_Äã_±ß_½ç_ÉÏ_µÄ_³Ç_¼Ó_µÍ_˹_¡£ # # And when we cried unto the LORD, he heard our voice, and sent an # angel, and hath brought us forth out of Egypt: and, behold, we are # in Kadesh, a city in the uttermost of thy border: # # unit P NUM:20:17 Çó_Äã_ÈÝ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_´Ó_Äã_µÄ_µØ_¾­_¹ý_¡£_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_²»_×ß_Ìï_¼ä_ºÍ_ÆÏ_ÌÑ_Ô°_£¬ Ò²_²»_ºÈ_¾®_Àï_µÄ_Ë®_£¬_Ö»_×ß_´ó_µÀ_£¨_Ô­_ÎÄ_×÷_Íõ_µÀ_£©_£¬_²»_Æ«_×ó ÓÒ_£¬_Ö±_µ½_¹ý_ÁË_Äã_µÄ_¾³_½ç_¡£ # # Let us pass, I pray thee, through thy country: we will not pass # through the fields, or through the vineyards, neither will we drink # of the water of the wells: we will go by the king's high way, we # will not turn to the right hand nor to the left, until we have # passed thy borders. # # unit P NUM:20:18 ÒÔ_¶«_Íõ_˵_£¬_Äã_²»_¿É_´Ó_ÎÒ_µÄ_µØ_¾­_¹ý_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_ÎÒ_´ø_µ¶_³ö_È¥_¹¥ »÷_Äã_¡£ # # And Edom said unto him, Thou shalt not pass by me, lest I come out # against thee with the sword. # # unit P NUM:20:19 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Òª_×ß_´ó_µÀ_ÉÏ_È¥_¡£_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ºÍ_Éü_Ðó_Èô_ºÈ_Äã µÄ_Ë®_£¬_±Ø_¸ø_Äã_¼Û_Öµ_¡£_²»_Çó_±ð_µÄ_£¬_Ö»_Çó_Äã_ÈÝ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_²½_ÐÐ_¹ý È¥_¡£ # # And the children of Israel said unto him, We will go by the high # way: and if I and my cattle drink of thy water, then I will pay for # it: I will only, without doing anything else, go through on my feet. # # unit P NUM:20:20 ÒÔ_¶«_Íõ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_²»_¿É_¾­_¹ý_¡£_¾Í_ÂÊ_Áì_Ðí_¶à_ÈË_³ö_À´_£¬_Òª_Óà ǿ_Ó²_µÄ_ÊÖ_¹¥_»÷_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_¡£ # # And he said, Thou shalt not go through. And Edom came out against # him with much people, and with a strong hand. # # unit P NUM:20:21 Õâ_Ñù_£¬_ÒÔ_¶«_Íõ_²»_¿Ï_ÈÝ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_´Ó_Ëû_µÄ_¾³_½ç_¹ý_È¥_¡£_ÓÚ_ÊÇ Ëû_ÃÇ_ת_È¥_£¬_Àë_¿ª_Ëû_¡£ # # Thus Edom refused to give Israel passage through his border: # wherefore Israel turned away from him. # # unit P NUM:20:22 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_È«_»á_ÖÚ_´Ó_¼Ó_µÍ_˹_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_µ½_ÁË_ºÎ_çí_ɽ_¡£ # # And the children of Israel, even the whole congregation, journeyed # from Kadesh, and came unto mount Hor. # # unit P NUM:20:23 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÔÚ_¸½_½ü_ÒÔ_¶«_±ß_½ç_µÄ_ºÎ_çí_ɽ_ÉÏ_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_˵ £¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses and Aaron in mount Hor, by the coast # of the land of Edom, saying, # # unit P NUM:20:24 ÑÇ_Â×_Òª_¹é_µ½_Ëû_ÁÐ_×æ_£¨_Ô­_ÎÄ_×÷_±¾_Ãñ_£©_ÄÇ_Àï_¡£_Ëû_±Ø_²»_µÃ_Èë ÎÒ_Ëù_´Í_¸ø_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_µÄ_µØ_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_ÔÚ_Ã×_Àû_°Í_Ë®_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Î¥_±³ ÁË_ÎÒ_µÄ_Ãü_¡£ # # Aaron shall be gathered unto his people: for he shall not enter into # the land which I have given unto the children of Israel, because ye # rebelled against my word at the water of Meribah. # # unit P NUM:20:25 Äã_´ø_ÑÇ_Â×_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_Àû_ÑÇ_Èö_ÉÏ_ºÎ_çí_ɽ_£¬ # # Take Aaron and Eleazar his son, and bring them up unto mount Hor: # # unit P NUM:20:26 °Ñ_ÑÇ_Â×_µÄ_Ê¥_ÒÂ_ÍÑ_ÏÂ_À´_£¬_¸ø_Ëû_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_Àû_ÑÇ_Èö_´©_ÉÏ_¡£_ÑÇ Â×_±Ø_ËÀ_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_¹é_Ëû_ÁÐ_×æ_¡£ # # And strip Aaron of his garments, and put them upon Eleazar his son: # and Aaron shall be gathered unto his people, and shall die there. # # unit P NUM:20:27 Ħ_Î÷_¾Í_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_ÐÐ_¡£_Èý_ÈË_µ±_×Å_»á_ÖÚ_µÄ_ÑÛ_Ç°_ÉÏ ÁË_ºÎ_çí_ɽ_¡£ # # And Moses did as the LORD commanded: and they went up into mount Hor # in the sight of all the congregation. # # unit P NUM:20:28 Ħ_Î÷_°Ñ_ÑÇ_Â×_µÄ_Ê¥_ÒÂ_ÍÑ_ÏÂ_À´_£¬_¸ø_Ëû_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_Àû_ÑÇ_Èö_´©_ÉÏ £¬_ÑÇ_Â×_¾Í_ËÀ_ÔÚ_ɽ_¶¥_ÄÇ_Àï_¡£_ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Ħ_Î÷_ºÍ_ÒÔ_Àû_ÑÇ_Èö_ÏÂ_ÁË_ɽ ¡£ # # And Moses stripped Aaron of his garments, and put them upon Eleazar # his son; and Aaron died there in the top of the mount: and Moses and # Eleazar came down from the mount. # # unit P NUM:20:29 È«_»á_ÖÚ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_È«_¼Ò_£¬_¼û_ÑÇ_Â×_ÒÑ_¾­_ËÀ_ÁË_£¬_±ã_¶¼_Ϊ ÑÇ_Â×_°§_¿Þ_ÁË_Èý_Ê®_Ìì_¡£ # # And when all the congregation saw that Aaron was dead, they mourned # for Aaron thirty days, even all the house of Israel. # ## # chapter 21 NUM:21 # unit P NUM:21:1 ס_ÄÏ_µØ_µÄ_åÈ_ÄÏ_ÈË_ÑÇ_À­_µÃ_Íõ_£¬_Ìý_˵_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_´Ó_ÑÇ_Ëû_ÁÖ_· À´_£¬_¾Í_ºÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Õù_Õ½_£¬_°_ÁË_Ëû_ÃÇ_¼¸_¸ö_ÈË_¡£ # # And when king Arad the Canaanite, which dwelt in the south, heard # tell that Israel came by the way of the spies; then he fought # against Israel, and took some of them prisoners. # # unit P NUM:21:2 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_·¢_Ô¸_˵_£¬_Äã_Èô_½«_Õâ_Ãñ_½»_¸¶_ÎÒ_ÊÖ_£¬_ÎÒ ¾Í_°Ñ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_³Ç_ÒØ_¾¡_ÐÐ_»Ù_Ãð_¡£ # # And Israel vowed a vow unto the LORD, and said, If thou wilt indeed # deliver this people into my hand, then I will utterly destroy their # cities. # # unit P NUM:21:3 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ó¦_ÔÊ_ÁË_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_£¬_°Ñ_åÈ_ÄÏ_ÈË_½»_¸¶_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í °Ñ_åÈ_ÄÏ_ÈË_ºÍ_åÈ_ÄÏ_ÈË_µÄ_³Ç_ÒØ_¾¡_ÐÐ_»Ù_Ãð_¡£_ÄÇ_µØ_·½_µÄ_Ãû_±ã_½Ð ºÎ_çí_Âê_£¨_ºÎ_çí_Âê_¾Í_ÊÇ_»Ù_Ãð_µÄ_Òâ_˼_£©_¡£ # # And the LORD hearkened to the voice of Israel, and delivered up the # Canaanites; and they utterly destroyed them and their cities: and he # called the name of the place Hormah. # # unit P NUM:21:4 Ëû_ÃÇ_´Ó_ºÎ_çí_ɽ_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_Íù_ºì_º£_ÄÇ_Ìõ_·_×ß_£¬_Òª_ÈÆ_¹ý_ÒÔ_¶«_µØ ¡£_°Ù_ÐÕ_Òò_Õâ_·_ÄÑ_ÐÐ_£¬_ÐÄ_ÖÐ_Éõ_ÊÇ_·³_Ôê_£¬ # # And they journeyed from mount Hor by the way of the Red sea, to # compass the land of Edom: and the soul of the people was much # discouraged because of the way. # # unit P NUM:21:5 ¾Í_Ô¹_£¿_£¿_Éñ_ºÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Ϊ_ʲ_ô_°Ñ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_´Ó_°£_¼°_Áì_³ö À´_£¬_ʹ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ËÀ_ÔÚ_¿õ_Ò°_ÄØ_£¿_Õâ_Àï_û_ÓÐ_Á¸_£¬_û_ÓÐ_Ë®_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ µÄ_ÐÄ_Ñá_¶ñ_Õâ_µ­_±¡_µÄ_ʳ_Îï_¡£ # # And the people spake against God, and against Moses, Wherefore have # ye brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? for there is # no bread, neither is there any water; and our soul loatheth this # light bread. # # unit P NUM:21:6 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ʹ_»ð_Éß_½ø_Èë_°Ù_ÐÕ_ÖÐ_¼ä_£¬_Éß_¾Í_Ò§_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£_ÒÔ_É« ÁÐ_ÈË_ÖÐ_ËÀ_ÁË_Ðí_¶à_¡£ # # And the LORD sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the # people; and much people of Israel died. # # unit P NUM:21:7 °Ù_ÐÕ_µ½_Ħ_Î÷_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Ô¹_£¿_£¿_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ºÍ_Äã_£¬_ÓÐ_×ï ÁË_¡£_Çó_Äã_µ»_¸æ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_½Ð_Õâ_Щ_Éß_Àë_¿ª_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¡£_ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Ħ_Î÷ Ϊ_°Ù_ÐÕ_µ»_¸æ_¡£ # # Therefore the people came to Moses, and said, We have sinned, for we # have spoken against the LORD, and against thee; pray unto the LORD, # that he take away the serpents from us. And Moses prayed for the # people. # # unit P NUM:21:8 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Äã_ÖÆ_Ôì_Ò»_Ìõ_»ð_Éß_£¬_¹Ò_ÔÚ_¸Ë_×Ó_ÉÏ_¡£_·² ±»_Ò§_µÄ_£¬_Ò»_Íû_Õâ_Éß_£¬_¾Í_±Ø_µÃ_»î_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it # upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is # bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live. # # unit P NUM:21:9 Ħ_Î÷_±ã_ÖÆ_Ôì_Ò»_Ìõ_Í­_Éß_£¬_¹Ò_ÔÚ_¸Ë_×Ó_ÉÏ_¡£_·²_±»_Éß_Ò§_µÄ_£¬_Ò» Íû_Õâ_Í­_Éß_¾Í_»î_ÁË_¡£ # # And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole, and it # came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld # the serpent of brass, he lived. # # unit P NUM:21:10 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_°²_Óª_ÔÚ_°¢_²®_¡£ # # And the children of Israel set forward, and pitched in Oboth. # # unit P NUM:21:11 ÓÖ_´Ó_°¢_²®_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_°²_Óª_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_Ò®_ÑÇ_°Í_ÁÕ_£¬_Óë_Ħ_Ѻ_Ïà_¶Ô_µÄ_¿õ Ò°_£¬_Ïò_ÈÕ_³ö_Ö®_µØ_¡£ # # And they journeyed from Oboth, and pitched at Ijeabarim, in the # wilderness which is before Moab, toward the sunrising. # # unit P NUM:21:12 ´Ó_ÄÇ_Àï_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_°²_Óª_ÔÚ_Èö_ÁÒ_¹È_¡£ # # From thence they removed, and pitched in the valley of Zared. # # unit P NUM:21:13 ´Ó_ÄÇ_Àï_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_°²_Óª_ÔÚ_ÑÇ_ÄÛ_ºÓ_ÄÇ_±ß_¡£_Õâ_ÑÇ_ÄÛ_ºÓ_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_¿õ_Ò° £¬_´Ó_ÑÇ_Ħ_Àû_µÄ_¾³_½ç_Á÷_³ö_À´_µÄ_¡£_Ô­_À´_ÑÇ_ÄÛ_ºÓ_ÊÇ_Ħ_Ѻ_µÄ_±ß ½ç_£¬_ÔÚ_Ħ_Ѻ_ºÍ_ÑÇ_Ħ_Àû_ÈË_´î_½ç_µÄ_µØ_·½_¡£ # # From thence they removed, and pitched on the other side of Arnon, # which is in the wilderness that cometh out of the coasts of the # Amorites: for Arnon is the border of Moab, between Moab and the # Amorites. # # unit P NUM:21:14 Ëù_ÒÔ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_Õ½_¼Ç_ÉÏ_˵_£¬_ËÕ_·¨_µÄ_ÍÛ_¹þ_²®_Óë_ÑÇ_ÄÛ_ºÓ_µÄ_¹È £¬ # # Wherefore it is said in the book of the wars of the LORD, What he # did in the Red sea, and in the brooks of Arnon, # # unit P NUM:21:15 ²¢_Ïò_ÑÇ_çí_³Ç_ÖÚ_¹È_µÄ_ÏÂ_ÆÂ_£¬_ÊÇ_¿¿_½ü_Ħ_Ѻ_µÄ_¾³_½ç_¡£ # # And at the stream of the brooks that goeth down to the dwelling of # Ar, and lieth upon the border of Moab. # # unit P NUM:21:16 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_´Ó_ÄÇ_Àï_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_µ½_ÁË_±È_çí_£¨_±È_çí_¾Í_ÊÇ_¾®_µÄ_Òâ_˼ £©_¡£_´Ó_Ç°_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_ÕÐ_¾Û_°Ù_ÐÕ_£¬_ÎÒ_ºÃ_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ Ë®_ºÈ_£¬_˵_µÄ_¾Í_ÊÇ_Õâ_¾®_¡£ # # And from thence they went to Beer: that is the well whereof the LORD # spake unto Moses, Gather the people together, and I will give them # water. # # unit P NUM:21:17 µ±_ʱ_£¬_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_³ª_¸è_˵_£¬_¾®_°¢_£¬_Ó¿_ÉÏ_Ë®_À´_¡£_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_Ïò Õâ_¾®_¸è_³ª_¡£ # # Then Israel sang this song, Spring up, O well; sing ye unto it: # # unit P NUM:21:18 Õâ_¾®_ÊÇ_Ê×_Áì_ºÍ_Ãñ_ÖÐ_µÄ_×ð_¹ó_ÈË_ÓÃ_¹ç_ÓÃ_ÕÈ_Ëù_ÍÚ_Ëù_¾ò_µÄ_¡£_ÒÔ É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_´Ó_¿õ_Ò°_Íù_Âê_Ëû_ÄÃ_È¥_£¬ # # The princes digged the well, the nobles of the people digged it, by # the direction of the lawgiver, with their staves. And from the # wilderness they went to Mattanah: # # unit P NUM:21:19 ´Ó_Âê_Ëû_ÄÃ_µ½_ÄÃ_¹þ_ÁÐ_£¬_´Ó_ÄÃ_¹þ_ÁÐ_µ½_°Í_Ä©_£¬ # # And from Mattanah to Nahaliel: and from Nahaliel to Bamoth: # # unit P NUM:21:20 ´Ó_°Í_Ä©_µ½_Ħ_Ѻ_µØ_µÄ_¹È_£¬_ÓÖ_µ½_ÄÇ_ÏÂ_Íû_¿õ_Ò°_Ö®_Åþ_˹_åÈ_µÄ_ɽ ¶¥_¡£ # # And from Bamoth in the valley, that is in the country of Moab, to # the top of Pisgah, which looketh toward Jeshimon. # # unit P NUM:21:21 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_²î_Dz_ʹ_Õß_È¥_¼û_ÑÇ_Ħ_Àû_ÈË_µÄ_Íõ_Î÷_ºê_£¬_˵_£¬ # # And Israel sent messengers unto Sihon king of the Amorites, saying, # # unit P NUM:21:22 Çó_Äã_ÈÝ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_´Ó_Äã_µÄ_µØ_¾­_¹ý_¡£_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_²»_Æ«_Èë_Ìï_¼ä_ºÍ_ÆÏ_ÌÑ_Ô° £¬_Ò²_²»_ºÈ_¾®_Àï_µÄ_Ë®_£¬_Ö»_×ß_´ó_µÀ_£¨_Ô­_ÎÄ_×÷_Íõ_µÀ_£©_£¬_Ö±_µ½ ¹ý_ÁË_Äã_µÄ_¾³_½ç_¡£ # # Let me pass through thy land: we will not turn into the fields, or # into the vineyards; we will not drink of the waters of the well: but # we will go along by the king's high way, until we be past thy # borders. # # unit P NUM:21:23 Î÷_ºê_²»_ÈÝ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_´Ó_Ëû_µÄ_¾³_½ç_¾­_¹ý_£¬_¾Í_ÕÐ_¾Û_Ëû_µÄ_ÖÚ_Ãñ ³ö_µ½_¿õ_Ò°_£¬_Òª_¹¥_»÷_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_£¬_µ½_ÁË_ÑÅ_ÔÓ_Óë_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Õù Õ½_¡£ # # And Sihon would not suffer Israel to pass through his border: but # Sihon gathered all his people together, and went out against Israel # into the wilderness: and he came to Jahaz, and fought against # Israel. # # unit P NUM:21:24 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÓÃ_µ¶_ɱ_ÁË_Ëû_£¬_µÃ_ÁË_Ëû_µÄ_µØ_£¬_´Ó_ÑÇ_ÄÛ_ºÓ_µ½_ÑÅ_²© ºÓ_£¬_Ö±_µ½_ÑÇ_ÞÑ_ÈË_µÄ_¾³_½ç_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÑÇ_ÞÑ_ÈË_µÄ_¾³_½ç_¶à_ÓÐ_¼á_ÀÝ ¡£ # # And Israel smote him with the edge of the sword, and possessed his # land from Arnon unto Jabbok, even unto the children of Ammon: for # the border of the children of Ammon was strong. # # unit P NUM:21:25 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_¶á_È¡_Õâ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_³Ç_ÒØ_£¬_Ò²_ס_ÑÇ_Ħ_Àû_ÈË_µÄ_³Ç_ÒØ_£¬ ¾Í_ÊÇ_Ï£_ʵ_±¾_Óë_Ï£_ʵ_±¾_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Ïç_´å_¡£ # # And Israel took all these cities: and Israel dwelt in all the cities # of the Amorites, in Heshbon, and in all the villages thereof. # # unit P NUM:21:26 Õâ_Ï£_ʵ_±¾_ÊÇ_ÑÇ_Ħ_Àû_Íõ_Î÷_ºê_µÄ_¾©_³Ç_¡£_Î÷_ºê_Ôø_Óë_Ħ_Ѻ_µÄ_ÏÈ Íõ_Õù_Õ½_£¬_´Ó_Ëû_ÊÖ_ÖÐ_¶á_È¡_ÁË_È«_µØ_£¬_Ö±_µ½_ÑÇ_ÄÛ_ºÓ_¡£ # # For Heshbon was the city of Sihon the king of the Amorites, who had # fought against the former king of Moab, and taken all his land out # of his hand, even unto Arnon. # # unit P NUM:21:27 Ëù_ÒÔ_ÄÇ_Щ_×÷_Ê«_¸è_µÄ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_À´_µ½_Ï£_ʵ_±¾_¡£_Ô¸_Î÷_ºê_µÄ_³Ç ±»_ÐÞ_Ôì_£¬_±»_½¨_Á¢_¡£ # # Wherefore they that speak in proverbs say, Come into Heshbon, let # the city of Sihon be built and prepared: # # unit P NUM:21:28 Òò_Ϊ_ÓÐ_»ð_´Ó_Ï£_ʵ_±¾_·¢_³ö_£¬_ÓÐ_»ð_Ñæ_³ö_ÓÚ_Î÷_ºê_µÄ_³Ç_£¬_ÉÕ_¾¡ Ħ_Ѻ_µÄ_ÑÇ_çí_ºÍ_ÑÇ_ÄÛ_ºÓ_Çð_̳_µÄ_¼À_˾_£¨_¼À_˾_Ô­_ÎÄ_×÷_Ö÷_£©_¡£ # # For there is a fire gone out of Heshbon, a flame from the city of # Sihon: it hath consumed Ar of Moab, and the lords of the high places # of Arnon. # # unit P NUM:21:29 Ħ_Ѻ_°¢_£¬_Äã_ÓÐ_»ö_ÁË_¡£_»ù_Ĩ_µÄ_Ãñ_ÄÄ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Ãð_Íö_ÁË_¡£_»ù_Ĩ µÄ_ÄÐ_×Ó_ÌÓ_±¼_£¬_Å®_×Ó_±»_°_£¬_½»_¸¶_ÑÇ_Ħ_Àû_µÄ_Íõ_Î÷_ºê_¡£ # # Woe to thee, Moab! thou art undone, O people of Chemosh: he hath # given his sons that escaped, and his daughters, into captivity unto # Sihon king of the Amorites. # # unit P NUM:21:30 ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Éä_ÁË_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£_Ï£_ʵ_±¾_Ö±_µ½_µ×_±¾_¾¡_½Ô_»Ù_Ãð_¡£_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ʹ_µØ ±ä_³É_»Ä_³¡_£¬_Ö±_µ½_Ų_·¨_¡£_Õâ_Ų_·¨_Ö±_ÑÓ_µ½_Ã×_µ×_°Í_¡£ # # We have shot at them; Heshbon is perished even unto Dibon, and we # have laid them waste even unto Nophah, which reacheth unto Medeba. # # unit P NUM:21:31 Õâ_Ñù_£¬_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_¾Í_ס_ÔÚ_ÑÇ_Ħ_Àû_ÈË_Ö®_µØ_¡£ # # Thus Israel dwelt in the land of the Amorites. # # unit P NUM:21:32 Ħ_Î÷_´ò_·¢_ÈË_È¥_¿ú_̽_ÑÅ_л_£¬_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_¾Í_Õ¼_ÁË_ÑÅ_л_µÄ_Õò_ÊÐ £¬_¸Ï_³ö_ÄÇ_Àï_µÄ_ÑÇ_Ħ_Àû_ÈË_¡£ # # And Moses sent to spy out Jaazer, and they took the villages # thereof, and drove out the Amorites that were there. # # unit P NUM:21:33 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ת_»Ø_£¬_Ïò_°Í_ɺ_È¥_¡£_°Í_ɺ_Íõ_ج_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_ÖÚ_Ãñ_¶¼_³ö À´_£¬_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_µÃ_À´_Óë_Ëû_ÃÇ_½»_Õ½_¡£ # # And they turned and went up by the way of Bashan: and Og the king of # Bashan went out against them, he, and all his people, to the battle # at Edrei. # # unit P NUM:21:34 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_²»_Òª_ÅÂ_Ëû_¡£_Òò_ÎÒ_ÒÑ_½«_Ëû_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_ÖÚ_Ãñ £¬_²¢_Ëû_µÄ_µØ_£¬_¶¼_½»_ÔÚ_Äã_ÊÖ_ÖÐ_¡£_Äã_Òª_´ý_Ëû_Ïñ_´Ó_Ç°_´ý_ס_Ï£ ʵ_±¾_µÄ_ÑÇ_Ħ_Àû_Íõ_Î÷_ºê_Ò»_°ã_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto Moses, Fear him not: for I have delivered him # into thy hand, and all his people, and his land; and thou shalt do # to him as thou didst unto Sihon king of the Amorites, which dwelt at # Heshbon. # # unit P NUM:21:35 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ɱ_ÁË_Ëû_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_ÖÚ_×Ó_£¬_²¢_Ëû_µÄ_ÖÚ_Ãñ_£¬_û_ÓÐ_Áô_Ï һ_¸ö_£¬_¾Í_µÃ_ÁË_Ëû_µÄ_µØ_¡£ # # So they smote him, and his sons, and all his people, until there was # none left him alive: and they possessed his land. # ## # chapter 22 NUM:22 # unit P NUM:22:1 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_ÔÚ_Ħ_Ѻ_ƽ_Ô­_£¬_Ô¼_µ©_ºÓ_¶«_£¬_¶Ô_×Å_Ò®_Àû_¸ç °²_Óª_¡£ # # And the children of Israel set forward, and pitched in the plains of # Moab on this side Jordan by Jericho. # # unit P NUM:22:2 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Ïò_ÑÇ_Ħ_Àû_ÈË_Ëù_ÐÐ_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_ÊÂ_£¬_Î÷_²¦_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_°Í_ÀÕ ¶¼_¿´_¼û_ÁË_¡£ # # And Balak the son of Zippor saw all that Israel had done to the # Amorites. # # unit P NUM:22:3 Ħ_Ѻ_ÈË_Òò_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_Ãñ_Éõ_¶à_£¬_¾Í_´ó_´ó_¾å_ÅÂ_£¬_ÐÄ_ÄÚ_ÓÇ_¼±_£¬ # # And Moab was sore afraid of the people, because they were many: and # Moab was distressed because of the children of Israel. # # unit P NUM:22:4 ¶Ô_Ã×_µé_µÄ_³¤_ÀÏ_˵_£¬_ÏÖ_ÔÚ_Õâ_ÖÚ_ÈË_Òª_°Ñ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ËÄ_Χ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_Ò» ¸Å_Ìò_¾¡_£¬_¾Í_Èç_Å£_Ìò_¾¡_Ìï_¼ä_µÄ_²Ý_Ò»_°ã_¡£_ÄÇ_ʱ_Î÷_²¦_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó °Í_ÀÕ_×÷_Ħ_Ѻ_Íõ_¡£ # # And Moab said unto the elders of Midian, Now shall this company lick # up all that are round about us, as the ox licketh up the grass of # the field. And Balak the son of Zippor was king of the Moabites at # that time. # # unit P NUM:22:5 Ëû_²î_Dz_ʹ_Õß_Íù_´ó_ºÓ_±ß_µÄ_Åþ_¶á_È¥_£¬_µ½_±È_çí_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_°Í_À¼_±¾ Ïç_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_ÕÙ_°Í_À¼_À´_£¬_˵_£¬_ÓÐ_Ò»_×Ú_Ãñ_´Ó_°£_¼°_³ö_À´_£¬_ÕÚ_Âú µØ_Ãæ_£¬_Óë_ÎÒ_¶Ô_¾Ó_¡£ # # He sent messengers therefore unto Balaam the son of Beor to Pethor, # which is by the river of the land of the children of his people, to # call him, saying, Behold, there is a people come out from Egypt: # behold, they cover the face of the earth, and they abide over # against me: # # unit P NUM:22:6 Õâ_Ãñ_±È_ÎÒ_Ç¿_Ê¢_£¬_ÏÖ_ÔÚ_Çó_Äã_À´_Ϊ_ÎÒ_Öä_×ç_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_»ò_Õß_ÎÒ_ÄÜ µÃ_ʤ_£¬_¹¥_´ò_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_¸Ï_³ö_´Ë_µØ_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_ÎÒ_Öª_µÀ_£¬_Äã_Ϊ_Ë­_×£ ¸£_£¬_Ë­_¾Í_µÃ_¸£_¡£_Äã_Öä_×ç_Ë­_£¬_Ë­_¾Í_ÊÜ_Öä_×ç_¡£ # # Come now therefore, I pray thee, curse me this people; for they are # too mighty for me: peradventure I shall prevail, that we may smite # them, and that I may drive them out of the land: for I wot that he # whom thou blessest is blessed, and he whom thou cursest is cursed. # # unit P NUM:22:7 Ħ_Ѻ_µÄ_³¤_ÀÏ_ºÍ_Ã×_µé_µÄ_³¤_ÀÏ_ÊÖ_Àï_ÄÃ_×Å_ØÔ_½ð_£¬_µ½_ÁË_°Í_À¼_ÄÇ Àï_£¬_½«_°Í_ÀÕ_µÄ_»°_¶¼_¸æ_Ëß_ÁË_Ëû_¡£ # # And the elders of Moab and the elders of Midian departed with the # rewards of divination in their hand; and they came unto Balaam, and # spake unto him the words of Balak. # # unit P NUM:22:8 °Í_À¼_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_½ñ_Ò¹_ÔÚ_Õâ_Àï_ס_ËÞ_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_Ïþ_ÚÍ ÎÒ_µÄ_»Ø_±¨_Äã_ÃÇ_¡£_Ħ_Ѻ_µÄ_ʹ_³¼_¾Í_ÔÚ_°Í_À¼_ÄÇ_Àï_ס_ÏÂ_ÁË_¡£ # # And he said unto them, Lodge here this night, and I will bring you # word again, as the LORD shall speak unto me: and the princes of Moab # abode with Balaam. # # unit P NUM:22:9 Éñ_ÁÙ_µ½_°Í_À¼_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_˵_£¬_ÔÚ_Äã_Õâ_Àï_µÄ_ÈË_¶¼_ÊÇ_Ë­_£¿ # # And God came unto Balaam, and said, What men are these with thee? # # unit P NUM:22:10 °Í_À¼_»Ø_´ð_˵_£¬_ÊÇ_Ħ_Ѻ_Íõ_Î÷_²¦_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_°Í_ÀÕ_´ò_·¢_ÈË_µ½_ÎÒ_Õâ Àï_À´_£¬_˵_£¬ # # And Balaam said unto God, Balak the son of Zippor, king of Moab, # hath sent unto me, saying, # # unit P NUM:22:11 ´Ó_°£_¼°_³ö_À´_µÄ_Ãñ_ÕÚ_Âú_µØ_Ãæ_£¬_Äã_À´_Ϊ_ÎÒ_Öä_×ç_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_»ò_Õß ÎÒ_ÄÜ_Óë_Ëû_ÃÇ_Õù_Õ½_£¬_°Ñ_Ëû_ÃÇ_¸Ï_³ö_È¥_¡£ # # Behold, there is a people come out of Egypt, which covereth the face # of the earth: come now, curse me them; peradventure I shall be able # to overcome them, and drive them out. # # unit P NUM:22:12 Éñ_¶Ô_°Í_À¼_˵_£¬_Äã_²»_¿É_ͬ_Ëû_ÃÇ_È¥_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_Öä_×ç_ÄÇ_Ãñ_£¬_Òò Ϊ_ÄÇ_Ãñ_ÊÇ_ÃÉ_¸£_µÄ_¡£ # # And God said unto Balaam, Thou shalt not go with them; thou shalt # not curse the people: for they are blessed. # # unit P NUM:22:13 °Í_À¼_Ôç_³¿_Æð_À´_£¬_¶Ô_°Í_ÀÕ_µÄ_ʹ_³¼_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_»Ø_±¾_µØ_È¥_°É_£¬ Òò_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_²»_ÈÝ_ÎÒ_ºÍ_Äã_ÃÇ_ͬ_È¥_¡£ # # And Balaam rose up in the morning, and said unto the princes of # Balak, Get you into your land: for the LORD refuseth to give me # leave to go with you. # # unit P NUM:22:14 Ħ_Ѻ_µÄ_ʹ_³¼_¾Í_Æð_À´_£¬_»Ø_°Í_ÀÕ_ÄÇ_Àï_È¥_£¬_˵_£¬_°Í_À¼_²»_¿Ï_ºÍ ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ͬ_À´_¡£ # # And the princes of Moab rose up, and they went unto Balak, and said, # Balaam refuseth to come with us. # # unit P NUM:22:15 °Í_ÀÕ_ÓÖ_²î_Dz_ʹ_³¼_£¬_±È_ÏÈ_Ç°_µÄ_ÓÖ_¶à_ÓÖ_×ð_¹ó_¡£ # # And Balak sent yet again princes, more, and more honourable than # they. # # unit P NUM:22:16 Ëû_ÃÇ_µ½_ÁË_°Í_À¼_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_Î÷_²¦_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_°Í_ÀÕ_Õâ_Ñù_˵ £¬_Çó_Äã_²»_ÈÝ_ʲ_ô_ÊÂ_À¹_×è_Äã_²»_µ½_ÎÒ_Õâ_Àï_À´_£¬ # # And they came to Balaam, and said to him, Thus saith Balak the son # of Zippor, Let nothing, I pray thee, hinder thee from coming unto # me: # # unit P NUM:22:17 Òò_Ϊ_ÎÒ_±Ø_ʹ_Äã_µÃ_¼«_´ó_µÄ_×ð_ÈÙ_¡£_Äã_Ïò_ÎÒ_Òª_ʲ_ô_£¬_ÎÒ_¾Í_¸ø Äã_ʲ_ô_¡£_Ö»_Çó_Äã_À´_Ϊ_ÎÒ_Öä_×ç_Õâ_Ãñ_¡£ # # For I will promote thee unto very great honour, and I will do # whatsoever thou sayest unto me: come therefore, I pray thee, curse # me this people. # # unit P NUM:22:18 °Í_À¼_»Ø_´ð_°Í_ÀÕ_µÄ_³¼_ÆÍ_˵_£¬_°Í_ÀÕ_¾Í_ÊÇ_½«_Ëû_Âú_ÎÝ_µÄ_½ð_Òø_¸ø ÎÒ_£¬_ÎÒ_ÐÐ_´ó_ÊÂ_С_ÊÂ_Ò²_²»_µÃ_Ô½_¹ý_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÎÒ_Éñ_µÄ_Ãü_¡£ # # And Balaam answered and said unto the servants of Balak, If Balak # would give me his house full of silver and gold, I cannot go beyond # the word of the LORD my God, to do less or more. # # unit P NUM:22:19 ÏÖ_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_Çë_Äã_ÃÇ_½ñ_Ò¹_ÔÚ_Õâ_Àï_ס_ËÞ_£¬_µÈ_ÎÒ_µÃ_Öª_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_»¹_Òª ¶Ô_ÎÒ_˵_ʲ_ô_¡£ # # Now therefore, I pray you, tarry ye also here this night, that I may # know what the LORD will say unto me more. # # unit P NUM:22:20 µ±_Ò¹_£¬_Éñ_ÁÙ_µ½_°Í_À¼_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_˵_£¬_Õâ_Щ_ÈË_Èô_À´_ÕÙ_Äã_£¬_Äã_¾Í Æð_À´_ͬ_Ëû_ÃÇ_È¥_£¬_Äã_Ö»_Òª_×ñ_ÐÐ_ÎÒ_¶Ô_Äã_Ëù_˵_µÄ_»°_¡£ # # And God came unto Balaam at night, and said unto him, If the men # come to call thee, rise up, and go with them; but yet the word which # I shall say unto thee, that shalt thou do. # # unit P NUM:22:21 °Í_À¼_Ôç_³¿_Æð_À´_£¬_±¸_ÉÏ_¿_£¬_ºÍ_Ħ_Ѻ_µÄ_ʹ_³¼_Ò»_ͬ_È¥_ÁË_¡£ # # And Balaam rose up in the morning, and saddled his ass, and went # with the princes of Moab. # # unit P NUM:22:22 Éñ_Òò_Ëû_È¥_¾Í_·¢_ÁË_Å­_¡£_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_ʹ_Õß_Õ¾_ÔÚ_·_ÉÏ_µÐ_µ²_Ëû_¡£ Ëû_Æï_×Å_¿_£¬_ÓÐ_Á½_¸ö_ÆÍ_ÈË_¸ú_Ëæ_Ëû_¡£ # # And God's anger was kindled because he went: and the angel of the # LORD stood in the way for an adversary against him. Now he was # riding upon his ass, and his two servants were with him. # # unit P NUM:22:23 ¿_¿´_¼û_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_ʹ_Õß_Õ¾_ÔÚ_·_ÉÏ_£¬_ÊÖ_Àï_ÓÐ_°Î_³ö_À´_µÄ_µ¶_£¬ ¾Í_´Ó_·_ÉÏ_¿ç_½ø_Ìï_¼ä_£¬_°Í_À¼_±ã_´ò_¿_£¬_Òª_½Ð_Ëü_»Ø_ת_ÉÏ_·_¡£ # # And the ass saw the angel of the LORD standing in the way, and his # sword drawn in his hand: and the ass turned aside out of the way, # and went into the field: and Balaam smote the ass, to turn her into # the way. # # unit P NUM:22:24 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_ʹ_Õß_¾Í_Õ¾_ÔÚ_ÆÏ_ÌÑ_Ô°_µÄ_Õ­_·_ÉÏ_¡£_Õâ_±ß_ÓÐ_ǽ_£¬_ÄÇ ±ß_Ò²_ÓÐ_ǽ_¡£ # # But the angel of the LORD stood in a path of the vineyards, a wall # being on this side, and a wall on that side. # # unit P NUM:22:25 ¿_¿´_¼û_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_ʹ_Õß_£¬_¾Í_Ìù_¿¿_ǽ_£¬_½«_°Í_À¼_µÄ_½Å_¼·_ÉË_ÁË ¡£_°Í_À¼_ÓÖ_´ò_¿_¡£ # # And when the ass saw the angel of the LORD, she thrust herself unto # the wall, and crushed Balaam's foot against the wall: and he smote # her again. # # unit P NUM:22:26 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_ʹ_Õß_ÓÖ_Íù_Ç°_È¥_£¬_Õ¾_ÔÚ_ÏÁ_Õ­_Ö®_´¦_£¬_×ó_ÓÒ_¶¼_û_ÓРת_ÕÛ_µÄ_µØ_·½_¡£ # # And the angel of the LORD went further, and stood in a narrow place, # where was no way to turn either to the right hand or to the left. # # unit P NUM:22:27 ¿_¿´_¼û_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_ʹ_Õß_£¬_¾Í_ÎÔ_ÔÚ_°Í_À¼_µ×_ÏÂ_£¬_°Í_À¼_·¢_Å­_£¬ ÓÃ_ÕÈ_´ò_¿_¡£ # # And when the ass saw the angel of the LORD, she fell down under # Balaam: and Balaam's anger was kindled, and he smote the ass with a # staff. # # unit P NUM:22:28 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_½Ð_¿_¿ª_¿Ú_£¬_¶Ô_°Í_À¼_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Ïò_Äã_ÐÐ_ÁË_ʲ_ô_£¬_Äã_¾¹ ´ò_ÎÒ_Õâ_Èý_´Î_ÄØ_£¿ # # And the LORD opened the mouth of the ass, and she said unto Balaam, # What have I done unto thee, that thou hast smitten me these three # times? # # unit P NUM:22:29 °Í_À¼_¶Ô_¿_˵_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Äã_Ï·_Ū_ÎÒ_£¬_ÎÒ_ºÞ_²»_ÄÜ_ÊÖ_ÖÐ_ÓÐ_µ¶_£¬_°Ñ Äã_ɱ_ÁË_¡£ # # And Balaam said unto the ass, Because thou hast mocked me: I would # there were a sword in mine hand, for now would I kill thee. # # unit P NUM:22:30 ¿_¶Ô_°Í_À¼_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_²»_ÊÇ_Äã_´Ó_С_ʱ_Ö±_µ½_½ñ_ÈÕ_Ëù_Æï_µÄ_¿_Âð_£¿ ÎÒ_ËØ_³£_Ïò_Äã_Õâ_Ñù_ÐÐ_¹ý_Âð_£¿_°Í_À¼_˵_£¬_û_ÓÐ_¡£ # # And the ass said unto Balaam, Am not I thine ass, upon which thou # hast ridden ever since I was thine unto this day? was I ever wont to # do so unto thee? And he said, Nay. # # unit P NUM:22:31 µ±_ʱ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ʹ_°Í_À¼_µÄ_ÑÛ_Ä¿_Ã÷_ÁÁ_£¬_Ëû_¾Í_¿´_¼û_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ ʹ_Õß_Õ¾_ÔÚ_·_ÉÏ_£¬_ÊÖ_Àï_ÓÐ_°Î_³ö_À´_µÄ_µ¶_£¬_°Í_À¼_±ã_µÍ_Í·_¸©_·ü ÔÚ_µØ_¡£ # # Then the LORD opened the eyes of Balaam, and he saw the angel of the # LORD standing in the way, and his sword drawn in his hand: and he # bowed down his head, and fell flat on his face. # # unit P NUM:22:32 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_ʹ_Õß_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_Äã_Ϊ_ºÎ_Õâ_Èý_´Î_´ò_Äã_µÄ_¿_ÄØ_£¿_ÎÒ ³ö_À´_µÐ_µ²_Äã_£¬_Òò_Äã_Ëù_ÐÐ_µÄ_£¬_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_Ãæ_Ç°_Æ«_Ƨ_¡£ # # And the angel of the LORD said unto him, Wherefore hast thou smitten # thine ass these three times? behold, I went out to withstand thee, # because thy way is perverse before me: # # unit P NUM:22:33 ¿_¿´_¼û_ÎÒ_¾Í_Èý_´Î_´Ó_ÎÒ_Ãæ_Ç°_Æ«_¹ý_È¥_¡£_¿_Èô_û_ÓÐ_Æ«_¹ý_È¥_£¬ ÎÒ_Ôç_°Ñ_Äã_ɱ_ÁË_£¬_Áô_Ëü_´æ_»î_¡£ # # And the ass saw me, and turned from me these three times: unless she # had turned from me, surely now also I had slain thee, and saved her # alive. # # unit P NUM:22:34 °Í_À¼_¶Ô_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_ʹ_Õß_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÓÐ_×ï_ÁË_¡£_ÎÒ_²»_Öª_µÀ_Äã_Õ¾_ÔÚ Â·_ÉÏ_×è_µ²_ÎÒ_¡£_Äã_Èô_²»_ϲ_»¶_ÎÒ_È¥_£¬_ÎÒ_¾Í_ת_»Ø_¡£ # # And Balaam said unto the angel of the LORD, I have sinned; for I # knew not that thou stoodest in the way against me: now therefore, if # it displease thee, I will get me back again. # # unit P NUM:22:35 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_ʹ_Õß_¶Ô_°Í_À¼_˵_£¬_Äã_ͬ_Õâ_Щ_ÈË_È¥_°É_¡£_Äã_Ö»_Òª_˵ ÎÒ_¶Ô_Äã_˵_µÄ_»°_¡£_ÓÚ_ÊÇ_°Í_À¼_ͬ_×Å_°Í_ÀÕ_µÄ_ʹ_³¼_È¥_ÁË_¡£ # # And the angel of the LORD said unto Balaam, Go with the men: but # only the word that I shall speak unto thee, that thou shalt speak. # So Balaam went with the princes of Balak. # # unit P NUM:22:36 °Í_ÀÕ_Ìý_¼û_°Í_À¼_À´_ÁË_£¬_¾Í_Íù_Ħ_Ѻ_¾©_³Ç_È¥_Ó­_½Ó_Ëû_¡£_Õâ_³Ç_ÊÇ ÔÚ_±ß_½ç_ÉÏ_£¬_ÔÚ_ÑÇ_ÄÛ_ºÓ_ÅÔ_¡£ # # And when Balak heard that Balaam was come, he went out to meet him # unto a city of Moab, which is in the border of Arnon, which is in # the utmost coast. # # unit P NUM:22:37 °Í_ÀÕ_¶Ô_°Í_À¼_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_²»_ÊÇ_¼±_¼±_µØ_´ò_·¢_ÈË_µ½_Äã_ÄÇ_Àï_È¥_ÕÙ_Äã Âð_£¿_Äã_Ϊ_ºÎ_²»_µ½_ÎÒ_Õâ_Àï_À´_ÄØ_£¿_ÎÒ_Æñ_²»_ÄÜ_ʹ_Äã_µÃ_×ð_ÈÙ_Â𠣿 # # And Balak said unto Balaam, Did I not earnestly send unto thee to # call thee? wherefore camest thou not unto me? am I not able indeed # to promote thee to honour? # # unit P NUM:22:38 °Í_À¼_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÒÑ_¾­_µ½_Äã_Õâ_Àï_À´_ÁË_¡£_ÏÖ_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_Æñ_ÄÜ_ÉÃ_×Ô_˵_ʲ ô_ÄØ_£¿_Éñ_½«_ʲ_ô_»°_´«_¸ø_ÎÒ_£¬_ÎÒ_¾Í_˵_ʲ_ô_¡£ # # And Balaam said unto Balak, Lo, I am come unto thee: have I now any # power at all to say any thing? the word that God putteth in my # mouth, that shall I speak. # # unit P NUM:22:39 °Í_À¼_ºÍ_°Í_ÀÕ_ͬ_ÐÐ_£¬_À´_µ½_»ù_ÁÐ_ºú_Ëö_¡£ # # And Balaam went with Balak, and they came unto Kirjathhuzoth. # # unit P NUM:22:40 °Í_ÀÕ_Ô×_ÁË_£¨_Ô­_ÎÄ_×÷_Ï×_£©_Å£_Ñò_£¬_ËÍ_¸ø_°Í_À¼_ºÍ_Åã_°é_µÄ_ʹ_³¼ ¡£ # # And Balak offered oxen and sheep, and sent to Balaam, and to the # princes that were with him. # # unit P NUM:22:41 µ½_ÁË_Ôç_³¿_£¬_°Í_ÀÕ_Áì_°Í_À¼_µ½_°Í_Á¦_µÄ_¸ß_´¦_¡£_°Í_À¼_´Ó_ÄÇ_Àï_¹Û ¿´_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_Óª_µÄ_±ß_½ç_¡£ # # And it came to pass on the morrow, that Balak took Balaam, and # brought him up into the high places of Baal, that thence he might # see the utmost part of the people. # ## # chapter 23 NUM:23 # unit P NUM:23:1 °Í_À¼_¶Ô_°Í_ÀÕ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÔÚ_Õâ_Àï_¸ø_ÎÒ_Öþ_Æß_×ù_̳_£¬_Ϊ_ÎÒ_Ô¤_±¸_Æß Ö»_¹«_Å£_£¬_Æß_Ö»_¹«_Ñò_¡£ # # And Balaam said unto Balak, Build me here seven altars, and prepare # me here seven oxen and seven rams. # # unit P NUM:23:2 °Í_ÀÕ_ÕÕ_°Í_À¼_µÄ_»°_ÐÐ_ÁË_¡£_°Í_ÀÕ_ºÍ_°Í_À¼_ÔÚ_ÿ_×ù_̳_ÉÏ_Ï×_Ò»_Ö» ¹«_Å£_£¬_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Ñò_¡£ # # And Balak did as Balaam had spoken; and Balak and Balaam offered on # every altar a bullock and a ram. # # unit P NUM:23:3 °Í_À¼_¶Ô_°Í_ÀÕ_˵_£¬_Äã_Õ¾_ÔÚ_Äã_µÄ_ìÜ_¼À_ÅÔ_±ß_£¬_ÎÒ_ÇÒ_Íù_Ç°_È¥_£¬ »ò_Õß_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_À´_Ó­_¼û_ÎÒ_¡£_Ëû_Ö¸_ʾ_ÎÒ_ʲ_ô_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_¸æ_Ëß_Äã_¡£ ÓÚ_ÊÇ_°Í_À¼_ÉÏ_Ò»_¾»_¹â_µÄ_¸ß_´¦_¡£ # # And Balaam said unto Balak, Stand by thy burnt offering, and I will # go: peradventure the LORD will come to meet me: and whatsoever he # sheweth me I will tell thee. And he went to an high place. # # unit P NUM:23:4 Éñ_Ó­_¼û_°Í_À¼_¡£_°Í_À¼_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Ô¤_±¸_ÁË_Æß_×ù_̳_£¬_ÔÚ_ÿ_×ù_̳_ÉÏ Ï×_ÁË_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Å£_£¬_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Ñò_¡£ # # And God met Balaam: and he said unto him, I have prepared seven # altars, and I have offered upon every altar a bullock and a ram. # # unit P NUM:23:5 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_½«_»°_´«_¸ø_°Í_À¼_£¬_ÓÖ_˵_£¬_Äã_»Ø_µ½_°Í_ÀÕ_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_Òª_Èç ´Ë_Èç_´Ë_˵_¡£ # # And the LORD put a word in Balaam's mouth, and said, Return unto # Balak, and thus thou shalt speak. # # unit P NUM:23:6 Ëû_¾Í_»Ø_µ½_°Í_ÀÕ_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_¼û_Ëû_ͬ_Ħ_Ѻ_µÄ_ʹ_³¼_¶¼_Õ¾_ÔÚ_ìÜ_¼À_ÅÔ ±ß_¡£ # # And he returned unto him, and, lo, he stood by his burnt sacrifice, # he, and all the princes of Moab. # # unit P NUM:23:7 °Í_À¼_±ã_Ìâ_Æð_Ê«_¸è_˵_£¬_°Í_ÀÕ_Òý_ÎÒ_³ö_ÑÇ_À¼_£¬_Ħ_Ѻ_Íõ_Òý_ÎÒ_³ö ¶«_ɽ_£¬_˵_£¬_À´_°¢_£¬_Ϊ_ÎÒ_Öä_×ç_ÑÅ_¸÷_¡£_À´_°¢_£¬_Å­_Âî_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ ¡£ # # And he took up his parable, and said, Balak the king of Moab hath # brought me from Aram, out of the mountains of the east, saying, # Come, curse me Jacob, and come, defy Israel. # # unit P NUM:23:8 Éñ_û_ÓÐ_Öä_×ç_µÄ_£¬_ÎÒ_ÑÉ_ÄÜ_Öä_×ç_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_û_ÓÐ_Å­_Âî_µÄ_£¬_ÎÒ ÑÉ_ÄÜ_Å­_Âî_£¬ # # How shall I curse, whom God hath not cursed? or how shall I defy, # whom the LORD hath not defied? # # unit P NUM:23:9 ÎÒ_´Ó_¸ß_·å_¿´_Ëû_£¬_´Ó_С_ɽ_Íû_Ëû_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_¶À_¾Ó_µÄ_Ãñ_£¬_²»_ÁÐ_ÔÚ Íò_Ãñ_ÖÐ_¡£ # # For from the top of the rocks I see him, and from the hills I behold # him: lo, the people shall dwell alone, and shall not be reckoned # among the nations. # # unit P NUM:23:10 Ë­_ÄÜ_Êý_µã_ÑÅ_¸÷_µÄ_³¾_ÍÁ_£¬_Ë­_ÄÜ_¼Æ_Ëã_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_µÄ_ËÄ_·Ö_Ö®_Ò»_£¬ ÎÒ_Ô¸_Èç_Òå_ÈË_Ö®_ËÀ_¶ø_ËÀ_¡£_ÎÒ_Ô¸_Èç_Òå_ÈË_Ö®_ÖÕ_¶ø_ÖÕ_¡£ # # Who can count the dust of Jacob, and the number of the fourth part # of Israel? Let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last # end be like his! # # unit P NUM:23:11 °Í_ÀÕ_¶Ô_°Í_À¼_˵_£¬_Äã_Ïò_ÎÒ_×÷_µÄ_ÊÇ_ʲ_ô_ÊÂ_ÄØ_£¿_ÎÒ_Áì_Äã_À´_Öä ×ç_ÎÒ_µÄ_³ð_µÐ_£¬_²»_ÁÏ_£¬_Äã_¾¹_Ϊ_Ëû_ÃÇ_×£_¸£_¡£ # # And Balak said unto Balaam, What hast thou done unto me? I took thee # to curse mine enemies, and, behold, thou hast blessed them # altogether. # # unit P NUM:23:12 Ëû_»Ø_´ð_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_´«_¸ø_ÎÒ_µÄ_»°_£¬_ÎÒ_ÄÜ_²»_½÷_É÷_´«_˵_Âð_£¿ # # And he answered and said, Must I not take heed to speak that which # the LORD hath put in my mouth? # # unit P NUM:23:13 °Í_ÀÕ_˵_£¬_Çó_Äã_ͬ_ÎÒ_Íù_±ð_´¦_È¥_£¬_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_¿É_ÒÔ_¿´_¼û_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£ Äã_²»_ÄÜ_È«_¿´_¼û_£¬_Ö»_ÄÜ_¿´_¼û_Ëû_ÃÇ_±ß_½ç_ÉÏ_µÄ_ÈË_¡£_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_Òª Ϊ_ÎÒ_Öä_×ç_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£ # # And Balak said unto him, Come, I pray thee, with me unto another # place, from whence thou mayest see them: thou shalt see but the # utmost part of them, and shalt not see them all: and curse me them # from thence. # # unit P NUM:23:14 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Áì_°Í_À¼_µ½_ÁË_Ëö_ëè_Ìï_£¬_ÉÏ_ÁË_Åþ_˹_åÈ_ɽ_¶¥_£¬_Öþ_ÁË_Æß_×ù ̳_¡£_ÿ_×ù_̳_ÉÏ_Ï×_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Å£_£¬_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Ñò_¡£ # # And he brought him into the field of Zophim, to the top of Pisgah, # and built seven altars, and offered a bullock and a ram on every # altar. # # unit P NUM:23:15 °Í_À¼_¶Ô_°Í_ÀÕ_˵_£¬_Äã_Õ¾_ÔÚ_Õâ_ìÜ_¼À_ÅÔ_±ß_£¬_µÈ_ÎÒ_Íù_ÄÇ_±ß_È¥_Ó­ ¼û_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # And he said unto Balak, Stand here by thy burnt offering, while I # meet the LORD yonder. # # unit P NUM:23:16 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÁÙ_µ½_°Í_À¼_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_½«_»°_´«_¸ø_Ëû_¡£_ÓÖ_˵_£¬_Äã_»Ø_µ½_°Í ÀÕ_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_Òª_Èç_´Ë_Èç_´Ë_˵_¡£ # # And the LORD met Balaam, and put a word in his mouth, and said, Go # again unto Balak, and say thus. # # unit P NUM:23:17 Ëû_¾Í_»Ø_µ½_°Í_ÀÕ_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_¼û_Ëû_Õ¾_ÔÚ_ìÜ_¼À_ÅÔ_±ß_¡£_Ħ_Ѻ_µÄ_ʹ_³¼ Ò²_ºÍ_Ëû_ÔÚ_Ò»_´¦_¡£_°Í_ÀÕ_ÎÊ_Ëû_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_˵_ÁË_ʲ_ô_»°_ÄØ_£¿ # # And when he came to him, behold, he stood by his burnt offering, and # the princes of Moab with him. And Balak said unto him, What hath the # LORD spoken? # # unit P NUM:23:18 °Í_À¼_¾Í_Ìâ_Ê«_¸è_˵_£¬_°Í_ÀÕ_£¬_Äã_Æð_À´_Ìý_¡£_Î÷_²¦_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_Äã Ìý_ÎÒ_ÑÔ_¡£ # # And he took up his parable, and said, Rise up, Balak, and hear; # hearken unto me, thou son of Zippor: # # unit P NUM:23:19 Éñ_·Ç_ÈË_£¬_±Ø_²»_ÖÂ_˵_»Ñ_£¬_Ò²_·Ç_ÈË_×Ó_£¬_±Ø_²»_ÖÂ_ºó_»Ú_¡£_Ëû_˵ »°_Æñ_²»_ÕÕ_×Å_ÐÐ_ÄØ_£¿_Ëû_·¢_ÑÔ_Æñ_²»_Òª_³É_¾Í_ÄØ_£¿ # # God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that # he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he # spoken, and shall he not make it good? # # unit P NUM:23:20 ÎÒ_·î_Ãü_×£_¸£_¡£_Éñ_Ò²_Ôø_´Í_¸£_£¬_´Ë_ÊÂ_ÎÒ_²»_ÄÜ_·­_ת_¡£ # # Behold, I have received commandment to bless: and he hath blessed; # and I cannot reverse it. # # unit P NUM:23:21 Ëû_δ_¼û_ÑÅ_¸÷_ÖÐ_ÓÐ_×ï_Äõ_£¬_Ò²_δ_¼û_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÐ_ÓÐ_¼é_¶ñ_¡£_Ò®_ºÍ »ª_Ëû_µÄ_Éñ_ºÍ_Ëû_ͬ_ÔÚ_¡£_ÓÐ_»¶_ºô_Íõ_µÄ_Éù_Òô_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_¡£ # # He hath not beheld iniquity in Jacob, neither hath he seen # perverseness in Israel: the LORD his God is with him, and the shout # of a king is among them. # # unit P NUM:23:22 Éñ_Áì_Ëû_ÃÇ_³ö_°£_¼°_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_ËÆ_ºõ_ÓÐ_Ò°_Å£_Ö®_Á¦_¡£ # # God brought them out of Egypt; he hath as it were the strength of an # unicorn. # # unit P NUM:23:23 ¶Ï_û_ÓÐ_·¨_Êõ_¿É_ÒÔ_º¦_ÑÅ_¸÷_£¬_Ò²_û_ÓÐ_Õ¼_²·_¿É_ÒÔ_º¦_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_¡£ ÏÖ_ÔÚ_±Ø_ÓÐ_ÈË_ÂÛ_¼°_ÑÅ_¸÷_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÂÛ_¼°_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_˵_£¬_Éñ_Ϊ_Ëû_ÐÐ ÁË_ºÎ_µÈ_µÄ_´ó_ÊÂ_¡£ # # Surely there is no enchantment against Jacob, neither is there any # divination against Israel: according to this time it shall be said # of Jacob and of Israel, What hath God wrought! # # unit P NUM:23:24 Õâ_Ãñ_Æð_À´_£¬_·Â_·ð_ĸ_ʨ_£¬_ͦ_Éí_£¬_ºÃ_Ïñ_¹«_ʨ_£¬_δ_Ôø_³Ô_Ò°_ʳ £¬_δ_Ôø_ºÈ_±»_ÉË_Õß_Ö®_Ѫ_£¬_¾ö_²»_ÌÉ_ÎÔ_¡£ # # Behold, the people shall rise up as a great lion, and lift up # himself as a young lion: he shall not lie down until he eat of the # prey, and drink the blood of the slain. # # unit P NUM:23:25 °Í_ÀÕ_¶Ô_°Í_À¼_˵_£¬_Äã_Ò»_µã_²»_Òª_Öä_×ç_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_Ò²_²»_Òª_Ϊ_Ëû_ÃÇ ×£_¸£_¡£ # # And Balak said unto Balaam, Neither curse them at all, nor bless # them at all. # # unit P NUM:23:26 °Í_À¼_»Ø_´ð_°Í_ÀÕ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Æñ_²»_ÊÇ_¸æ_Ëß_Äã_˵_·²_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_˵_µÄ £¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_Ðë_×ñ_ÐÐ_Âð_£¿ # # But Balaam answered and said unto Balak, Told not I thee, saying, # All that the LORD speaketh, that I must do? # # unit P NUM:23:27 °Í_ÀÕ_¶Ô_°Í_À¼_˵_£¬_À´_°É_£¬_ÎÒ_Áì_Äã_Íù_±ð_´¦_È¥_£¬_»ò_Õß_Éñ_ϲ_»¶ Äã_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_Ϊ_ÎÒ_Öä_×ç_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£ # # And Balak said unto Balaam, Come, I pray thee, I will bring thee # unto another place; peradventure it will please God that thou mayest # curse me them from thence. # # unit P NUM:23:28 °Í_ÀÕ_¾Í_Áì_°Í_À¼_µ½_ÄÇ_ÏÂ_Íû_¿õ_Ò°_µÄ_Åþ_çí_ɽ_¶¥_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And Balak brought Balaam unto the top of Peor, that looketh toward # Jeshimon. # # unit P NUM:23:29 °Í_À¼_¶Ô_°Í_ÀÕ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÔÚ_Õâ_Àï_Ϊ_ÎÒ_Öþ_Æß_×ù_̳_£¬_ÓÖ_ÔÚ_Õâ_Àï_Ϊ ÎÒ_Ô¤_±¸_Æß_Ö»_¹«_Å£_£¬_Æß_Ö»_¹«_Ñò_¡£ # # And Balaam said unto Balak, Build me here seven altars, and prepare # me here seven bullocks and seven rams. # # unit P NUM:23:30 °Í_ÀÕ_¾Í_ÕÕ_°Í_À¼_µÄ_»°_ÐÐ_£¬_ÔÚ_ÿ_×ù_̳_ÉÏ_Ï×_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Å£_£¬_Ò»_Ö» ¹«_Ñò_¡£ # # And Balak did as Balaam had said, and offered a bullock and a ram on # every altar. # ## # chapter 24 NUM:24 # unit P NUM:24:1 °Í_À¼_¼û_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ϲ_»¶_´Í_¸£_Óë_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_£¬_¾Í_²»_Ïñ_Ç°_Á½_´Î_È¥_Çó ·¨_Êõ_£¬_È´_Ãæ_Ïò_¿õ_Ò°_¡£ # # And when Balaam saw that it pleased the LORD to bless Israel, he # went not, as at other times, to seek for enchantments, but he set # his face toward the wilderness. # # unit P NUM:24:2 °Í_À¼_¾Ù_Ä¿_£¬_¿´_¼û_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÕÕ_×Å_Ö§_ÅÉ_¾Ó_ס_¡£_Éñ_µÄ_Áé_¾Í_ÁÙ µ½_Ëû_Éí_ÉÏ_£¬ # # And Balaam lifted up his eyes, and he saw Israel abiding in his # tents according to their tribes; and the spirit of God came upon # him. # # unit P NUM:24:3 Ëû_±ã_Ìâ_Æð_Ê«_¸è_˵_£¬_±È_çí_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_°Í_À¼_˵_£¬_ÑÛ_Ä¿_±Õ_ס_£¨_±Õ ס_»ò_×÷_Õö_¿ª_£©_µÄ_ÈË_˵_£¬ # # And he took up his parable, and said, Balaam the son of Beor hath # said, and the man whose eyes are open hath said: # # unit P NUM:24:4 µÃ_Ìý_Éñ_µÄ_ÑÔ_Óï_£¬_µÃ_¼û_È«_ÄÜ_Õß_µÄ_Òì_Ïó_£¬_ÑÛ_Ä¿_Õö_¿ª_¶ø_ÆÍ_µ¹ µÄ_ÈË_˵_£¬ # # He hath said, which heard the words of God, which saw the vision of # the Almighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open: # # unit P NUM:24:5 ÑÅ_¸÷_°¢_£¬_Äã_µÄ_ÕÊ_Åï_ºÎ_µÈ_»ª_ÃÀ_¡£_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_°¢_£¬_Äã_µÄ_ÕÊ_Ä»_ºÎ Æä_»ª_Àö_¡£ # # How goodly are thy tents, O Jacob, and thy tabernacles, O Israel! # # unit P NUM:24:6 Èç_½Ó_Á¬_µÄ_ɽ_¹È_£¬_Èç_ºÓ_ÅÔ_µÄ_Ô°_×Ó_£¬_Èç_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_ÔÔ_µÄ_³Á_Ïã Ê÷_£¬_Èç_Ë®_±ß_µÄ_Ïã_°Ø_ľ_¡£ # # As the valleys are they spread forth, as gardens by the river's # side, as the trees of lign aloes which the LORD hath planted, and as # cedar trees beside the waters. # # unit P NUM:24:7 Ë®_Òª_´Ó_Ëû_µÄ_Í°_Àï_Á÷_³ö_¡£_ÖÖ_×Ó_Òª_Èö_ÔÚ_¶à_Ë®_Ö®_´¦_¡£_Ëû_µÄ_Íõ ±Ø_³¬_¹ý_ÑÇ_¼×_¡£_Ëû_µÄ_¹ú_±Ø_Òª_Õñ_ÐË_¡£ # # He shall pour the water out of his buckets, and his seed shall be in # many waters, and his king shall be higher than Agag, and his kingdom # shall be exalted. # # unit P NUM:24:8 Éñ_Áì_Ëû_³ö_°£_¼°_¡£_Ëû_ËÆ_ºõ_ÓÐ_Ò°_Å£_Ö®_Á¦_¡£_Ëû_Òª_ÍÌ_³Ô_µÐ_¹ú_£¬ ÕÛ_¶Ï_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_¹Ç_Í·_£¬_ÓÃ_¼ý_Éä_͸_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£ # # God brought him forth out of Egypt; he hath as it were the strength # of an unicorn: he shall eat up the nations his enemies, and shall # break their bones, and pierce them through with his arrows. # # unit P NUM:24:9 Ëû_¶×_Èç_¹«_ʨ_£¬_ÎÔ_Èç_ĸ_ʨ_£¬_Ë­_¸Ò_ÈÇ_Ëû_£¬_·²_¸ø_Äã_×£_¸£_µÄ_£¬ Ô¸_Ëû_ÃÉ_¸£_¡£_·²_Öä_×ç_Äã_µÄ_£¬_Ô¸_Ëû_ÊÜ_Öä_×ç_¡£ # # He couched, he lay down as a lion, and as a great lion: who shall # stir him up? Blessed is he that blesseth thee, and cursed is he that # curseth thee. # # unit P NUM:24:10 °Í_ÀÕ_Ïò_°Í_À¼_Éú_Æø_£¬_¾Í_ÅÄ_Æð_ÊÖ_À´_£¬_¶Ô_°Í_À¼_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÕÙ_Äã_À´ Ϊ_ÎÒ_Öä_×ç_³ð_µÐ_£¬_²»_ÁÏ_£¬_Äã_Õâ_Èý_´Î_¾¹_Ϊ_Ëû_ÃÇ_×£_¸£_¡£ # # And Balak's anger was kindled against Balaam, and he smote his hands # together: and Balak said unto Balaam, I called thee to curse mine # enemies, and, behold, thou hast altogether blessed them these three # times. # # unit P NUM:24:11 Èç_½ñ_Äã_¿ì_»Ø_±¾_µØ_È¥_°É_¡£_ÎÒ_Ïë_ʹ_Äã_µÃ_´ó_×ð_ÈÙ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_È´ ×è_Ö¹_Äã_²»_µÃ_×ð_ÈÙ_¡£ # # Therefore now flee thou to thy place: I thought to promote thee unto # great honour; but, lo, the LORD hath kept thee back from honour. # # unit P NUM:24:12 °Í_À¼_¶Ô_°Í_ÀÕ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Æñ_²»_ÊÇ_¶Ô_Äã_Ëù_²î_Dz_µ½_ÎÒ_ÄÇ_Àï_µÄ_ʹ_Õß Ëµ_£¬ # # And Balaam said unto Balak, Spake I not also to thy messengers which # thou sentest unto me, saying, # # unit P NUM:24:13 °Í_ÀÕ_¾Í_ÊÇ_½«_Ëû_Âú_ÎÝ_µÄ_½ð_Òø_¸ø_ÎÒ_£¬_ÎÒ_Ò²_²»_µÃ_Ô½_¹ý_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª µÄ_Ãü_£¬_ƾ_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_ÐÄ_Òâ_ÐÐ_ºÃ_ÐÐ_´õ_¡£_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_˵_ʲ_ô_£¬_ÎÒ_¾Í Òª_˵_ʲ_ô_£¬ # # If Balak would give me his house full of silver and gold, I cannot # go beyond the commandment of the LORD, to do either good or bad of # mine own mind; but what the LORD saith, that will I speak? # # unit P NUM:24:14 ÏÖ_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_Òª_»Ø_±¾_×å_È¥_¡£_Äã_À´_£¬_ÎÒ_¸æ_Ëß_Äã_Õâ_Ãñ_ÈÕ_ºó_Òª_Ôõ_Ñù ´ý_Äã_µÄ_Ãñ_¡£ # # And now, behold, I go unto my people: come therefore, and I will # advertise thee what this people shall do to thy people in the latter # days. # # unit P NUM:24:15 Ëû_¾Í_Ìâ_Æð_Ê«_¸è_˵_£¬_±È_çí_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_°Í_À¼_˵_£¬_ÑÛ_Ä¿_±Õ_ס_£¨_±Õ ס_»ò_×÷_Õö_¿ª_£©_µÄ_ÈË_˵_£¬ # # And he took up his parable, and said, Balaam the son of Beor hath # said, and the man whose eyes are open hath said: # # unit P NUM:24:16 µÃ_Ìý_Éñ_µÄ_ÑÔ_Óï_£¬_Ã÷_°×_ÖÁ_¸ß_Õß_µÄ_Òâ_Ö¼_£¬_¿´_¼û_È«_ÄÜ_Õß_µÄ_Òì Ïó_£¬_ÑÛ_Ä¿_Õö_¿ª_¶ø_ÆÍ_µ¹_µÄ_ÈË_˵_£¬ # # He hath said, which heard the words of God, and knew the knowledge # of the most High, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into # a trance, but having his eyes open: # # unit P NUM:24:17 ÎÒ_¿´_Ëû_È´_²»_ÔÚ_ÏÖ_ʱ_¡£_ÎÒ_Íû_Ëû_È´_²»_ÔÚ_½ü_ÈÕ_¡£_ÓÐ_ÐÇ_Òª_³ö_ÓÚ ÑÅ_¸÷_£¬_ÓÐ_ÕÈ_Òª_ÐË_ÓÚ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_£¬_±Ø_´ò_ÆÆ_Ħ_Ѻ_µÄ_ËÄ_½Ç_£¬_»Ù_»µ ÈÅ_ÂÒ_Ö®_×Ó_¡£ # # I shall see him, but not now: I shall behold him, but not nigh: # there shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out # of Israel, and shall smite the corners of Moab, and destroy all the # children of Sheth. # # unit P NUM:24:18 Ëû_±Ø_µÃ_ÒÔ_¶«_Ϊ_»ù_Òµ_£¬_ÓÖ_µÃ_³ð_µÐ_Ö®_µØ_Î÷_çí_Ϊ_²ú_Òµ_¡£_ÒÔ_É« ÁÐ_±Ø_ÐÐ_ÊÂ_ÓÂ_¸Ò_¡£ # # And Edom shall be a possession, Seir also shall be a possession for # his enemies; and Israel shall do valiantly. # # unit P NUM:24:19 ÓÐ_Ò»_λ_³ö_ÓÚ_ÑÅ_¸÷_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_ÕÆ_´ó_Ȩ_¡£_Ëû_Òª_³ý_Ãð_³Ç_ÖÐ_µÄ_Óà_Ãñ ¡£ # # Out of Jacob shall come he that shall have dominion, and shall # destroy him that remaineth of the city. # # unit P NUM:24:20 °Í_À¼_¹Û_¿´_ÑÇ_Âê_Á¦_£¬_¾Í_Ìâ_Æð_Ê«_¸è_˵_£¬_ÑÇ_Âê_Á¦_Ô­_Ϊ_Öî_¹ú_Ö® Ê×_£¬_µ«_Ëû_ÖÕ_±Ø_³Á_ÂÙ_¡£ # # And when he looked on Amalek, he took up his parable, and said, # Amalek was the first of the nations; but his latter end shall be # that he perish for ever. # # unit P NUM:24:21 °Í_À¼_¹Û_¿´_»ù_Äá_ÈË_£¬_¾Í_Ìâ_Æð_Ê«_¸è_˵_£¬_Äã_µÄ_ס_´¦_±¾_ÊÇ_¼á_¹Ì ¡£_Äã_µÄ_ÎÑ_³²_×÷_ÔÚ_ÑÒ_Ѩ_ÖÐ_¡£ # # And he looked on the Kenites, and took up his parable, and said, # Strong is thy dwellingplace, and thou puttest thy nest in a rock. # # unit P NUM:24:22 È»_¶ø_»ù_Äá_±Ø_ÖÁ_Ë¥_΢_£¬_Ö±_µ½_ÑÇ_Êö_°Ñ_Äã_°_È¥_¡£ # # Nevertheless the Kenite shall be wasted, until Asshur shall carry # thee away captive. # # unit P NUM:24:23 °Í_À¼_ÓÖ_Ìâ_Æð_Ê«_¸è_˵_£¬_°§_ÔÕ_¡£_Éñ_ÐÐ_Õâ_ÊÂ_£¬_Ë­_ÄÜ_µÃ_»î_£¬ # # And he took up his parable, and said, Alas, who shall live when God # doeth this! # # unit P NUM:24:24 ±Ø_ÓÐ_ÈË_³Ë_´¬_´Ó_»ù_Ìá_½ç_¶ø_À´_£¬_¿à_º¦_ÑÇ_Êö_£¬_¿à_º¦_Ï£_²®_¡£_Ëû Ò²_±Ø_ÖÁ_³Á_ÂÙ_¡£ # # And ships shall come from the coast of Chittim, and shall afflict # Asshur, and shall afflict Eber, and he also shall perish for ever. # # unit P NUM:24:25 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_°Í_À¼_Æð_À´_£¬_»Ø_Ëû_±¾_µØ_È¥_¡£_°Í_ÀÕ_Ò²_»Ø_È¥_ÁË_¡£ # # And Balaam rose up, and went and returned to his place: and Balak # also went his way. # ## # chapter 25 NUM:25 # unit P NUM:25:1 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ס_ÔÚ_ʲ_ͤ_£¬_°Ù_ÐÕ_Óë_Ħ_Ѻ_Å®_×Ó_ÐÐ_Æð_Òù_ÂÒ_¡£ # # And Israel abode in Shittim, and the people began to commit whoredom # with the daughters of Moab. # # unit P NUM:25:2 Òò_Ϊ_Õâ_Å®_×Ó_½Ð_°Ù_ÐÕ_À´_£¬_Ò»_ͬ_¸ø_Ëý_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_Ï×_¼À_£¬_°Ù_ÐÕ_¾Í ³Ô_Ëý_ÃÇ_µÄ_¼À_Îï_£¬_¹ò_°Ý_Ëý_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # And they called the people unto the sacrifices of their gods: and # the people did eat, and bowed down to their gods. # # unit P NUM:25:3 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Óë_°Í_Á¦_Åþ_çí_Á¬_ºÏ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_Å­_Æø_¾Í_Ïò_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ ÈË_·¢_×÷_¡£ # # And Israel joined himself unto Baalpeor: and the anger of the LORD # was kindled against Israel. # # unit P NUM:25:4 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_½«_°Ù_ÐÕ_ÖÐ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_×å_³¤_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_Ãæ_Ç°_¶Ô ×Å_ÈÕ_Í·_Ðü_¹Ò_£¬_ʹ_ÎÒ_Ïò_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Ëù_·¢_µÄ_Å­_Æø_¿É_ÒÔ_Ïû_ÁË_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto Moses, Take all the heads of the people, and # hang them up before the LORD against the sun, that the fierce anger # of the LORD may be turned away from Israel. # # unit P NUM:25:5 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Ħ_Î÷_·Ô_¸À_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_µÄ_Éó_ÅÐ_¹Ù_˵_£¬_·²_Êô_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÈË_£¬_ÓÐ Óë_°Í_Á¦_Åþ_çí_Á¬_ºÏ_µÄ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¸÷_ÈË_Òª_°Ñ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ɱ_ÁË_¡£ # # And Moses said unto the judges of Israel, Slay ye every one his men # that were joined unto Baalpeor. # # unit P NUM:25:6 Ħ_Î÷_ºÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_È«_»á_ÖÚ_Õý_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_ÃÅ_Ç°_¿Þ_Æü_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Ë­_Öª £¬_ÓÐ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÐ_µÄ_Ò»_¸ö_ÈË_£¬_µ±_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÑÛ_Ç°_£¬_´ø_×Å_Ò»_¸ö_Ã×_µé Å®_ÈË_µ½_Ëû_µÜ_ÐÖ_ÄÇ_Àï_È¥_¡£ # # And, behold, one of the children of Israel came and brought unto his # brethren a Midianitish woman in the sight of Moses, and in the sight # of all the congregation of the children of Israel, who were weeping # before the door of the tabernacle of the congregation. # # unit P NUM:25:7 ¼À_˾_ÑÇ_Â×_µÄ_Ëï_×Ó_£¬_ÒÔ_Àû_ÑÇ_Èö_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_·Ç_Äá_¹þ_¿´_¼û_ÁË_£¬_¾Í ´Ó_»á_ÖÐ_Æð_À´_£¬_ÊÖ_Àï_ÄÃ_×Å_ǹ_£¬ # # And when Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, # saw it, he rose up from among the congregation, and took a javelin # in his hand; # # unit P NUM:25:8 ¸ú_Ëæ_ÄÇ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_½ø_ͤ_×Ó_Àï_È¥_£¬_±ã_½«_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ºÍ_ÄÇ_Å®_ÈË ÓÉ_¸¹_ÖÐ_´Ì_͸_¡£_Õâ_Ñù_£¬_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÖÐ_ÎÁ_Òß_¾Í_Ö¹_Ï¢_ÁË_¡£ # # And he went after the man of Israel into the tent, and thrust both # of them through, the man of Israel, and the woman through her belly. # So the plague was stayed from the children of Israel. # # unit P NUM:25:9 ÄÇ_ʱ_Ôâ_ÎÁ_Òß_ËÀ_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_¶þ_Íò_ËÄ_ǧ_ÈË_¡£ # # And those that died in the plague were twenty and four thousand. # # unit P NUM:25:10 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P NUM:25:11 ¼À_˾_ÑÇ_Â×_µÄ_Ëï_×Ó_£¬_ÒÔ_Àû_ÑÇ_Èö_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_·Ç_Äá_¹þ_£¬_ʹ_ÎÒ_Ïò_ÒÔ É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Ëù_·¢_µÄ_Å­_Ïû_ÁË_¡£_Òò_Ëû_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_£¬_ÒÔ_ÎÒ_µÄ_¼É_а Ϊ_ÐÄ_£¬_ʹ_ÎÒ_²»_ÔÚ_¼É_а_ÖÐ_°Ñ_Ëû_ÃÇ_³ý_Ãð_¡£ # # Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, hath # turned my wrath away from the children of Israel, while he was # zealous for my sake among them, that I consumed not the children of # Israel in my jealousy. # # unit P NUM:25:12 Òò_´Ë_£¬_Äã_Òª_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_½«_ÎÒ_ƽ_°²_µÄ_Ô¼_´Í_¸ø_Ëû_¡£ # # Wherefore say, Behold, I give unto him my covenant of peace: # # unit P NUM:25:13 Õâ_Ô¼_Òª_¸ø_Ëû_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_ºó_Òá_£¬_×÷_Ϊ_ÓÀ_Ô¶_µ±_¼À_˾_Ö°_ÈÎ_µÄ_Ô¼_¡£ Òò_Ëû_Ϊ_Éñ_£¬_ÓÐ_¼É_а_µÄ_ÐÄ_£¬_Ϊ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Êê_×ï_¡£ # # And he shall have it, and his seed after him, even the covenant of # an everlasting priesthood; because he was zealous for his God, and # made an atonement for the children of Israel. # # unit P NUM:25:14 ÄÇ_Óë_Ã×_µé_Å®_ÈË_Ò»_ͬ_±»_ɱ_µÄ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_£¬_Ãû_½Ð_ÐÄ_Àû_£¬_ÊÇ_Èö ·_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_ÊÇ_Î÷_Ãå_Ò»_¸ö_×Ú_×å_µÄ_Ê×_Áì_¡£ # # Now the name of the Israelite that was slain, even that was slain # with the Midianitish woman, was Zimri, the son of Salu, a prince of # a chief house among the Simeonites. # # unit P NUM:25:15 ÄÇ_±»_ɱ_µÄ_Ã×_µé_Å®_ÈË_£¬_Ãû_½Ð_¸ç_˹_±È_£¬_ÊÇ_ËÕ_çí_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_¡£_Õâ ËÕ_çí_ÊÇ_Ã×_µé_Ò»_¸ö_×Ú_×å_µÄ_Ê×_Áì_¡£ # # And the name of the Midianitish woman that was slain was Cozbi, the # daughter of Zur; he was head over a people, and of a chief house in # Midian. # # unit P NUM:25:16 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P NUM:25:17 Äã_Òª_ÈÅ_º¦_Ã×_µé_ÈË_£¬_»÷_ɱ_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£ # # Vex the Midianites, and smite them: # # unit P NUM:25:18 Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÓÃ_¹î_¼Æ_ÈÅ_º¦_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_ÔÚ_Åþ_çí_µÄ_ÊÂ_ÉÏ_ºÍ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_æ¢ ÃÃ_£¬_Ã×_µé_Ê×_Áì_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_¸ç_˹_±È_µÄ_ÊÂ_ÉÏ_£¬_ÓÃ_Õâ_¹î_¼Æ_ÓÕ_»ó_ÁË Äã_ÃÇ_¡£_Õâ_¸ç_˹_±È_£¬_µ±_ÎÁ_Òß_Á÷_ÐÐ_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_£¬_Òò_Åþ_çí_µÄ_ÊÂ_±» ɱ_ÁË_¡£ # # For they vex you with their wiles, wherewith they have beguiled you # in the matter of Peor, and in the matter of Cozbi, the daughter of a # prince of Midian, their sister, which was slain in the day of the # plague for Peor's sake. # ## # chapter 26 NUM:26 # unit P NUM:26:1 ÎÁ_Òß_Ö®_ºó_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_ºÍ_¼À_˾_ÑÇ_Â×_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_Àû_ÑÇ Èö_˵_£¬ # # And it came to pass after the plague, that the LORD spake unto Moses # and unto Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest, saying, # # unit P NUM:26:2 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_½«_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_È«_»á_ÖÚ_£¬_°´_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_×Ú_×å_£¬_·²_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÐ ´Ó_¶þ_Ê®_Ëê_ÒÔ_Íâ_£¬_ÄÜ_³ö_È¥_´ò_ÕÌ_µÄ_£¬_¼Æ_Ëã_×Ü_Êý_¡£ # # Take the sum of all the congregation of the children of Israel, from # twenty years old and upward, throughout their fathers' house, all # that are able to go to war in Israel. # # unit P NUM:26:3 Ħ_Î÷_ºÍ_¼À_˾_ÒÔ_Àû_ÑÇ_Èö_ÔÚ_Ħ_Ѻ_ƽ_Ô­_Óë_Ò®_Àû_¸ç_Ïà_¶Ô_µÄ_Ô¼_µ© ºÓ_±ß_Ïò_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_˵_£¬ # # And Moses and Eleazar the priest spake with them in the plains of # Moab by Jordan near Jericho, saying, # # unit P NUM:26:4 ½«_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_´Ó_¶þ_Ê®_Ëê_ÒÔ_Íâ_µÄ_¼Æ_Ëã_×Ü_Êý_¡£_ÊÇ_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_·Ô ¸À_³ö_°£_¼°_µØ_µÄ_Ħ_Î÷_ºÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_µÄ_»°_¡£ # # Take the sum of the people, from twenty years old and upward; as the # LORD commanded Moses and the children of Israel, which went forth # out of the land of Egypt. # # unit P NUM:26:5 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_µÄ_³¤_×Ó_ÊÇ_Á÷_±ã_¡£_Á÷_±ã_µÄ_ÖÚ_×Ó_£¬_Êô_¹þ_ŵ_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_¹þ ŵ_×å_¡£_Êô_·¨_·_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_·¨_·_×å_¡£ # # Reuben, the eldest son of Israel: the children of Reuben; Hanoch, of # whom cometh the family of the Hanochites: of Pallu, the family of # the Palluites: # # unit P NUM:26:6 Êô_Ï£_˹_Â×_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_Ï£_˹_Â×_×å_¡£_Êô_åÈ_Ã×_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_åÈ_Ã×_×å_¡£ # # Of Hezron, the family of the Hezronites: of Carmi, the family of the # Carmites. # # unit P NUM:26:7 Õâ_¾Í_ÊÇ_Á÷_±ã_µÄ_¸÷_×å_¡£_Æä_ÖÐ_±»_Êý_µÄ_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_ËÄ_Íò_Èý_ǧ_Æß_°Ù Èý_Ê®_Ãû_¡£ # # These are the families of the Reubenites: and they that were # numbered of them were forty and three thousand and seven hundred and # thirty. # # unit P NUM:26:8 ·¨_·_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÊÇ_ÒÔ_Àû_Ѻ_¡£ # # And the sons of Pallu; Eliab. # # unit P NUM:26:9 ÒÔ_Àû_Ѻ_µÄ_ÖÚ_×Ó_ÊÇ_Äá_ĸ_Àû_£¬_´ó_Ì®_£¬_ÑÇ_±È_À¼_¡£_Õâ_´ó_Ì®_£¬_ÑÇ ±È_À¼_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_´Ó_»á_ÖÐ_Ñ¡_ÕÙ_µÄ_£¬_Óë_¿É_À­_Ò»_µ³_ͬ_Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Õù ÄÖ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_Ò²_Ïò_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_Õù_ÄÖ_¡£ # # And the sons of Eliab; Nemuel, and Dathan, and Abiram. This is that # Dathan and Abiram, which were famous in the congregation, who strove # against Moses and against Aaron in the company of Korah, when they # strove against the LORD: # # unit P NUM:26:10 µØ_±ã_¿ª_¿Ú_ÍÌ_ÁË_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_ºÍ_¿É_À­_£¬_¿É_À­_µÄ_µ³_Àà_Ò»_ͬ_ËÀ_Íö_¡£ ÄÇ_ʱ_»ð_ÉÕ_Ãð_ÁË_¶þ_°Ù_Îå_Ê®_¸ö_ÈË_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_×÷_ÁË_¾¯_½ä_¡£ # # And the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed them up together with # Korah, when that company died, what time the fire devoured two # hundred and fifty men: and they became a sign. # # unit P NUM:26:11 È»_¶ø_¿É_À­_µÄ_ÖÚ_×Ó_û_ÓÐ_ËÀ_Íö_¡£ # # Notwithstanding the children of Korah died not. # # unit P NUM:26:12 °´_×Å_¼Ò_×å_£¬_Î÷_Ãå_µÄ_ÖÚ_×Ó_£¬_Êô_Äá_ĸ_Àû_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_Äá_ĸ_Àû_×å_¡£ Êô_ÑÅ_Ãõ_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_ÑÅ_Ãõ_×å_¡£_Êô_ÑÅ_½ï_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_ÑÅ_½ï_×å_¡£ # # The sons of Simeon after their families: of Nemuel, the family of # the Nemuelites: of Jamin, the family of the Jaminites: of Jachin, # the family of the Jachinites: # # unit P NUM:26:13 Êô_л_À­_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_л_À­_×å_¡£_Êô_ɨ_ÂÞ_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_ɨ_ÂÞ_×å_¡£ # # Of Zerah, the family of the Zarhites: of Shaul, the family of the # Shaulites. # # unit P NUM:26:14 Õâ_¾Í_ÊÇ_Î÷_Ãå_µÄ_¸÷_×å_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_¶þ_Íò_¶þ_ǧ_¶þ_°Ù_Ãû_¡£ # # These are the families of the Simeonites, twenty and two thousand # and two hundred. # # unit P NUM:26:15 °´_×Å_¼Ò_×å_£¬_åÈ_µÃ_µÄ_ÖÚ_×Ó_£¬_Êô_Ï´_·Ö_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_Ï´_·Ö_×å_¡£_Êô_¹þ »ù_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_¹þ_»ù_×å_¡£_Êô_Êé_Äá_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_Êé_Äá_×å_¡£ # # The children of Gad after their families: of Zephon, the family of # the Zephonites: of Haggi, the family of the Haggites: of Shuni, the # family of the Shunites: # # unit P NUM:26:16 Êô_°¢_˹_Äá_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_°¢_˹_Äá_×å_¡£_Êô_ÒÔ_Àû_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_ÒÔ_Àû_×å_¡£ # # Of Ozni, the family of the Oznites: of Eri, the family of the # Erites: # # unit P NUM:26:17 Êô_ÑÇ_ÂÉ_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_ÑÇ_ÂÉ_×å_¡£_Êô_ÑÇ_ÁÐ_Àû_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_ÑÇ_ÁÐ_Àû_×å_¡£ # # Of Arod, the family of the Arodites: of Areli, the family of the # Arelites. # # unit P NUM:26:18 Õâ_¾Í_ÊÇ_åÈ_µÃ_×Ó_Ëï_µÄ_¸÷_×å_£¬_ÕÕ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_±»_Êý_µÄ_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_ËÄ Íò_Áã_Îå_°Ù_Ãû_¡£ # # These are the families of the children of Gad according to those # that were numbered of them, forty thousand and five hundred. # # unit P NUM:26:19 ÓÌ_´ó_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÊÇ_çí_ºÍ_¶í_ÄÏ_¡£_Õâ_çí_ºÍ_¶í_ÄÏ_ËÀ_ÔÚ_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ_¡£ # # The sons of Judah were Er and Onan: and Er and Onan died in the land # of Canaan. # # unit P NUM:26:20 °´_×Å_¼Ò_×å_£¬_ÓÌ_´ó_Æä_Óà_µÄ_ÖÚ_×Ó_£¬_Êô_ʾ_À­_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_ʾ_À­_×å_¡£ Êô_·¨_ÀÕ_˹_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_·¨_ÀÕ_˹_×å_¡£_Êô_л_À­_µÄ_ÓÐ_л_À­_×å_¡£ # # And the sons of Judah after their families were; of Shelah, the # family of the Shelanites: of Pharez, the family of the Pharzites: of # Zerah, the family of the Zarhites. # # unit P NUM:26:21 ·¨_ÀÕ_˹_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_Êô_Ï£_˹_Â×_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_Ï£_˹_Â×_×å_¡£_Êô_¹þ_ĸ_ÀÕ µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_¹þ_ĸ_ÀÕ_×å_¡£ # # And the sons of Pharez were; of Hezron, the family of the # Hezronites: of Hamul, the family of the Hamulites. # # unit P NUM:26:22 Õâ_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÓÌ_´ó_µÄ_¸÷_×å_£¬_ÕÕ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_±»_Êý_µÄ_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_Æß_Íò_Áù ǧ_Îå_°Ù_Ãû_¡£ # # These are the families of Judah according to those that were # numbered of them, threescore and sixteen thousand and five hundred. # # unit P NUM:26:23 °´_×Å_¼Ò_×å_£¬_ÒÔ_Èø_åÈ_µÄ_ÖÚ_×Ó_£¬_Êô_ÍÓ_À­_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_ÍÓ_À­_×å_¡£_Êô ÆÕ_Íß_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_ÆÕ_Íß_×å_¡£ # # Of the sons of Issachar after their families: of Tola, the family of # the Tolaites: of Pua, the family of the Punites: # # unit P NUM:26:24 Êô_ÑÅ_Êö_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_ÑÅ_Êö_×å_¡£_Êô_Éì_ÂØ_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_Éì_ÂØ_×å_¡£ # # Of Jashub, the family of the Jashubites: of Shimron, the family of # the Shimronites. # # unit P NUM:26:25 Õâ_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÒÔ_Èø_åÈ_µÄ_¸÷_×å_£¬_ÕÕ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_±»_Êý_µÄ_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_Áù_Íò ËÄ_ǧ_Èý_°Ù_Ãû_¡£ # # These are the families of Issachar according to those that were # numbered of them, threescore and four thousand and three hundred. # # unit P NUM:26:26 °´_×Å_¼Ò_×å_£¬_Î÷_²¼_Â×_µÄ_ÖÚ_×Ó_£¬_Êô_Î÷_ÁÒ_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_Î÷_ÁÒ_×å_¡£_Êô ÒÔ_Â×_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_ÒÔ_Â×_×å_¡£_Êô_ÑÅ_Àû_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_ÑÅ_Àû_×å_¡£ # # Of the sons of Zebulun after their families: of Sered, the family of # the Sardites: of Elon, the family of the Elonites: of Jahleel, the # family of the Jahleelites. # # unit P NUM:26:27 Õâ_¾Í_ÊÇ_Î÷_²¼_Â×_µÄ_¸÷_×å_£¬_ÕÕ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_±»_Êý_µÄ_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_Áù_Íò Áã_Îå_°Ù_Ãû_¡£ # # These are the families of the Zebulunites according to those that # were numbered of them, threescore thousand and five hundred. # # unit P NUM:26:28 °´_×Å_¼Ò_×å_£¬_Ô¼_ɪ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÓÐ_Âê_ÄÃ_Î÷_£¬_ÒÔ_·¨_Á«_¡£ # # The sons of Joseph after their families were Manasseh and Ephraim. # # unit P NUM:26:29 Âê_ÄÃ_Î÷_µÄ_ÖÚ_×Ó_£¬_Êô_Âê_¼ª_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_Âê_¼ª_×å_¡£_Âê_¼ª_Éú_»ù_ÁÐ_¡£ Êô_»ù_ÁÐ_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_»ù_ÁÐ_×å_¡£ # # Of the sons of Manasseh: of Machir, the family of the Machirites: # and Machir begat Gilead: of Gilead come the family of the # Gileadites. # # unit P NUM:26:30 »ù_ÁÐ_µÄ_ÖÚ_×Ó_£¬_Êô_ÒÁ_ÒÔ_л_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_ÒÁ_ÒÔ_л_×å_¡£_Êô_Ï£_ÀÕ_µÄ_£¬ ÓÐ_Ï£_ÀÕ_×å_¡£ # # These are the sons of Gilead: of Jeezer, the family of the # Jeezerites: of Helek, the family of the Helekites: # # unit P NUM:26:31 Êô_ÑÇ_˹_ÁÒ_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_ÑÇ_˹_ÁÒ_×å_¡£_Êô_ʾ_½£_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_ʾ_½£_×å_¡£ # # And of Asriel, the family of the Asrielites: and of Shechem, the # family of the Shechemites: # # unit P NUM:26:32 Êô_ʾ_Ã×_´ó_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_ʾ_Ã×_´ó_×å_¡£_Êô_Ï£_¸¥_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_Ï£_¸¥_×å_¡£ # # And of Shemida, the family of the Shemidaites: and of Hepher, the # family of the Hepherites. # # unit P NUM:26:33 Ï£_¸¥_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_Î÷_ÂÞ_·Ç_¹þ_û_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_Ö»_ÓÐ_Å®_¶ù_¡£_Î÷_ÂÞ_·Ç_¹þ Å®_¶ù_µÄ_Ãû_×Ö_¾Í_ÊÇ_Âê_À­_£¬_Ų_°¢_£¬_êÂ_À­_£¬_ÃÜ_åÈ_£¬_µÃ_Èö_¡£ # # And Zelophehad the son of Hepher had no sons, but daughters: and the # names of the daughters of Zelophehad were Mahlah, and Noah, Hoglah, # Milcah, and Tirzah. # # unit P NUM:26:34 Õâ_¾Í_ÊÇ_Âê_ÄÃ_Î÷_µÄ_¸÷_×å_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_±»_Êý_µÄ_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_Îå_Íò_¶þ ǧ_Æß_°Ù_Ãû_¡£ # # These are the families of Manasseh, and those that were numbered of # them, fifty and two thousand and seven hundred. # # unit P NUM:26:35 °´_×Å_¼Ò_×å_£¬_ÒÔ_·¨_Á«_µÄ_ÖÚ_×Ó_£¬_Êô_Êé_Ìá_À­_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_Êé_Ìá_À­_×å ¡£_Êô_±È_½á_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_±È_½á_×å_¡£_Êô_Ëû_º±_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_Ëû_º±_×å_¡£ # # These are the sons of Ephraim after their families: of Shuthelah, # the family of the Shuthalhites: of Becher, the family of the # Bachrites: of Tahan, the family of the Tahanites. # # unit P NUM:26:36 Êé_Ìá_À­_µÄ_ÖÚ_×Ó_£¬_Êô_ÒÔ_À¼_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_ÒÔ_À¼_×å_¡£ # # And these are the sons of Shuthelah: of Eran, the family of the # Eranites. # # unit P NUM:26:37 Õâ_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÒÔ_·¨_Á«_×Ó_Ëï_µÄ_¸÷_×å_£¬_ÕÕ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_±»_Êý_µÄ_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ Èý_Íò_¶þ_ǧ_Îå_°Ù_Ãû_¡£_°´_×Å_¼Ò_×å_£¬_Õâ_¶¼_ÊÇ_Ô¼_ɪ_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_¡£ # # These are the families of the sons of Ephraim according to those # that were numbered of them, thirty and two thousand and five # hundred. These are the sons of Joseph after their families. # # unit P NUM:26:38 °´_×Å_¼Ò_×å_£¬_±ã_ÑÅ_Ãõ_µÄ_ÖÚ_×Ó_£¬_Êô_±È_À­_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_±È_À­_×å_¡£_Êô ÑÇ_ʵ_±ð_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_ÑÇ_ʵ_±ð_×å_¡£_Êô_ÑÇ_Ï£_À¼_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_ÑÇ_Ï£_À¼_×å_¡£ # # The sons of Benjamin after their families: of Bela, the family of # the Belaites: of Ashbel, the family of the Ashbelites: of Ahiram, # the family of the Ahiramites: # # unit P NUM:26:39 Êô_Êé_·´_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_Êé_·´_×å_¡£_Êô_»§_·´_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_»§_·´_×å_¡£ # # Of Shupham, the family of the Shuphamites: of Hupham, the family of # the Huphamites. # # unit P NUM:26:40 ±È_À­_µÄ_ÖÚ_×Ó_ÊÇ_ÑÇ_ÀÕ_£¬_ÄË_á£_¡£_Êô_ÑÇ_ÀÕ_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_ÑÇ_ÀÕ_×å_¡£_Êô ÄË_á£_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_ÄË_á£_×å_¡£ # # And the sons of Bela were Ard and Naaman: of Ard, the family of the # Ardites: and of Naaman, the family of the Naamites. # # unit P NUM:26:41 °´_×Å_¼Ò_×å_£¬_Õâ_¾Í_ÊÇ_±ã_ÑÅ_Ãõ_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_£¬_Æä_ÖÐ_±»_Êý_µÄ_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ ËÄ_Íò_Îå_ǧ_Áù_°Ù_Ãû_¡£ # # These are the sons of Benjamin after their families: and they that # were numbered of them were forty and five thousand and six hundred. # # unit P NUM:26:42 °´_×Å_¼Ò_×å_£¬_µ«_µÄ_ÖÚ_×Ó_£¬_Êô_Êé_º¬_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_Êé_º¬_×å_¡£_°´_×Å_¼Ò ×å_£¬_Õâ_¾Í_ÊÇ_µ«_µÄ_¸÷_×å_¡£ # # These are the sons of Dan after their families: of Shuham, the # family of the Shuhamites. These are the families of Dan after their # families. # # unit P NUM:26:43 ÕÕ_Æä_ÖÐ_±»_Êý_µÄ_£¬_Êé_º¬_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_¸÷_×å_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_Áù_Íò_ËÄ_ǧ_ËÄ_°Ù Ãû_¡£ # # All the families of the Shuhamites, according to those that were # numbered of them, were threescore and four thousand and four # hundred. # # unit P NUM:26:44 °´_×Å_¼Ò_×å_£¬_ÑÇ_Éè_µÄ_ÖÚ_×Ó_£¬_Êô_Òô_ÄÃ_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_Òô_ÄÃ_×å_¡£_Êô_Òà Ê©_Τ_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_Òà_Ê©_Τ_×å_¡£_Êô_±È_Àû_ÑÇ_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_±È_Àû_ÑÇ_×å_¡£ # # Of the children of Asher after their families: of Jimna, the family # of the Jimnites: of Jesui, the family of the Jesuites: of Beriah, # the family of the Beriites. # # unit P NUM:26:45 ±È_Àû_ÑÇ_µÄ_ÖÚ_×Ó_£¬_Êô_Ï£_±ð_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_Ï£_±ð_×å_¡£_Êô_Âê_½á_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ Âê_½á_×å_¡£ # # Of the sons of Beriah: of Heber, the family of the Heberites: of # Malchiel, the family of the Malchielites. # # unit P NUM:26:46 ÑÇ_Éè_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_Ãû_½Ð_Î÷_À­_¡£ # # And the name of the daughter of Asher was Sarah. # # unit P NUM:26:47 Õâ_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÑÇ_Éè_×Ó_Ëï_µÄ_¸÷_×å_£¬_ÕÕ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_±»_Êý_µÄ_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_Îå Íò_Èý_ǧ_ËÄ_°Ù_Ãû_¡£ # # These are the families of the sons of Asher according to those that # were numbered of them; who were fifty and three thousand and four # hundred. # # unit P NUM:26:48 °´_×Å_¼Ò_×å_£¬_ÄÃ_¸¥_Ëû_Àû_µÄ_ÖÚ_×Ó_£¬_Êô_ÑÅ_Ѧ_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_ÑÅ_Ѧ_×å_¡£ Êô_¹Á_Äá_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_¹Á_Äá_×å_¡£ # # Of the sons of Naphtali after their families: of Jahzeel, the family # of the Jahzeelites: of Guni, the family of the Gunites: # # unit P NUM:26:49 Êô_Ò®_É«_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_Ò®_É«_×å_¡£_Êô_ʾ_Àä_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_ʾ_Àä_×å_¡£ # # Of Jezer, the family of the Jezerites: of Shillem, the family of the # Shillemites. # # unit P NUM:26:50 °´_×Å_¼Ò_×å_£¬_Õâ_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÄÃ_¸¥_Ëû_Àû_µÄ_¸÷_×å_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_±»_Êý_µÄ £¬_¹²_ÓÐ_ËÄ_Íò_Îå_ǧ_ËÄ_°Ù_Ãû_¡£ # # These are the families of Naphtali according to their families: and # they that were numbered of them were forty and five thousand and # four hundred. # # unit P NUM:26:51 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÖÐ_±»_Êý_µÄ_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_Áù_Ê®_Íò_Áã_Ò»_ǧ_Æß_°Ù_Èý_Ê®_Ãû_¡£ # # These were the numbered of the children of Israel, six hundred # thousand and a thousand seven hundred and thirty. # # unit P NUM:26:52 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P NUM:26:53 Äã_Òª_°´_×Å_ÈË_Ãû_µÄ_Êý_Ä¿_½«_µØ_·Ö_¸ø_Õâ_Щ_ÈË_Ϊ_Òµ_¡£ # # Unto these the land shall be divided for an inheritance according to # the number of names. # # unit P NUM:26:54 ÈË_¶à_µÄ_£¬_Äã_Òª_°Ñ_²ú_Òµ_¶à_·Ö_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£_ÈË_ÉÙ_µÄ_£¬_Äã_Òª_°Ñ_²ú Òµ_ÉÙ_·Ö_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£_Òª_ÕÕ_±»_Êý_µÄ_ÈË_Êý_£¬_°Ñ_²ú_Òµ_·Ö_¸ø_¸÷_ÈË_¡£ # # To many thou shalt give the more inheritance, and to few thou shalt # give the less inheritance: to every one shall his inheritance be # given according to those that were numbered of him. # # unit P NUM:26:55 Ëä_ÊÇ_Õâ_Ñù_£¬_»¹_Òª_Äé_ãÎ_·Ö_µØ_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_Òª_°´_×Å_×æ_×Ú_¸÷_Ö§_ÅÉ_µÄ Ãû_×Ö_³Ð_ÊÜ_Ϊ_Òµ_¡£ # # Notwithstanding the land shall be divided by lot: according to the # names of the tribes of their fathers they shall inherit. # # unit P NUM:26:56 Òª_°´_×Å_Ëù_Äé_µÄ_ãÎ_£¬_¿´_ÈË_Êý_¶à_£¬_ÈË_Êý_ÉÙ_£¬_°Ñ_²ú_Òµ_·Ö_¸ø_Ëû ÃÇ_¡£ # # According to the lot shall the possession thereof be divided between # many and few. # # unit P NUM:26:57 Àû_δ_ÈË_£¬_°´_×Å_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_¸÷_×å_±»_Êý_µÄ_£¬_Êô_¸ï_˳_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_¸ï_˳ ×å_¡£_Êô_¸ç_Ͻ_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_¸ç_Ͻ_×å_¡£_Êô_Ã×_À­_Àû_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_Ã×_À­_Àû_×å ¡£ # # And these are they that were numbered of the Levites after their # families: of Gershon, the family of the Gershonites: of Kohath, the # family of the Kohathites: of Merari, the family of the Merarites. # # unit P NUM:26:58 Àû_δ_µÄ_¸÷_×å_ÓÐ_Á¢_Äá_×å_£¬_Ï£_²®_Â×_×å_£¬_Âê_Àû_×å_£¬_ĸ_ʾ_×å_£¬ ¿É_À­_×å_¡£_¸ç_Ͻ_Éú_°µ_À¼_¡£ # # These are the families of the Levites: the family of the Libnites, # the family of the Hebronites, the family of the Mahlites, the family # of the Mushites, the family of the Korathites. And Kohath begat # Amram. # # unit P NUM:26:59 °µ_À¼_µÄ_ÆÞ_Ãû_½Ð_Ô¼_»ù_±ð_£¬_ÊÇ_Àû_δ_Å®_×Ó_£¬_Éú_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_¡£_Ëý_¸ø °µ_À¼_Éú_ÁË_ÑÇ_Â×_£¬_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_²¢_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_½ã_½ã_Ã×_Àû_°µ_¡£ # # And the name of Amram's wife was Jochebed, the daughter of Levi, # whom her mother bare to Levi in Egypt: and she bare unto Amram Aaron # and Moses, and Miriam their sister. # # unit P NUM:26:60 ÑÇ_Â×_Éú_ÄÃ_´ð_£¬_ÑÇ_±È_»§_£¬_ÒÔ_Àû_ÑÇ_Èö_£¬_ÒÔ_Ëû_Âê_¡£ # # And unto Aaron was born Nadab, and Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar. # # unit P NUM:26:61 ÄÃ_´ð_£¬_ÑÇ_±È_»§_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_Ï×_·²_»ð_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_¾Í_ËÀ_ÁË_¡£ # # And Nadab and Abihu died, when they offered strange fire before the # LORD. # # unit P NUM:26:62 Àû_δ_ÈË_ÖÐ_£¬_·²_Ò»_¸ö_ÔÂ_ÒÔ_Íâ_£¬_±»_Êý_µÄ_ÄÐ_¶¡_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_¶þ_Íò_Èý ǧ_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_±¾_À´_û_ÓÐ_Êý_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÖÐ_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË ÖÐ_£¬_û_ÓÐ_·Ö_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_²ú_Òµ_¡£ # # And those that were numbered of them were twenty and three thousand, # all males from a month old and upward: for they were not numbered # among the children of Israel, because there was no inheritance given # them among the children of Israel. # # unit P NUM:26:63 Õâ_Щ_¾Í_ÊÇ_±»_Ħ_Î÷_ºÍ_¼À_˾_ÒÔ_Àû_ÑÇ_Èö_Ëù_Êý_µÄ_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_Ħ_Ѻ ƽ_Ô­_Óë_Ò®_Àû_¸ç_Ïà_¶Ô_µÄ_Ô¼_µ©_ºÓ_±ß_Êý_µã_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_¡£ # # These are they that were numbered by Moses and Eleazar the priest, # who numbered the children of Israel in the plains of Moab by Jordan # near Jericho. # # unit P NUM:26:64 µ«_±»_Êý_µÄ_ÈË_ÖÐ_£¬_û_ÓÐ_Ò»_¸ö_ÊÇ_Ħ_Î÷_ºÍ_¼À_˾_ÑÇ_Â×_´Ó_Ç°_ÔÚ_Î÷ ÄË_µÄ_¿õ_Ò°_Ëù_Êý_µÄ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_£¬ # # But among these there was not a man of them whom Moses and Aaron the # priest numbered, when they numbered the children of Israel in the # wilderness of Sinai. # # unit P NUM:26:65 Òò_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÂÛ_µ½_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_±Ø_Òª_ËÀ_ÔÚ_¿õ_Ò°_¡£_Ëù_ÒÔ_£¬ ³ý_ÁË_Ò®_æÚ_Äá_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_åÈ_ÀÕ_ºÍ_ÄÛ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_Ô¼_Êé_ÑÇ_ÒÔ_Íâ_£¬_Á¬_Ò» ¸ö_ÈË_Ò²_û_ÓÐ_´æ_Áô_¡£ # # For the LORD had said of them, They shall surely die in the # wilderness. And there was not left a man of them, save Caleb the son # of Jephunneh, and Joshua the son of Nun. # ## # chapter 27 NUM:27 # unit P NUM:27:1 Êô_Ô¼_ɪ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_Âê_ÄÃ_Î÷_µÄ_¸÷_×å_£¬_ÓÐ_Âê_ÄÃ_Î÷_µÄ_Ðþ_Ëï_£¬_Âê_¼ª µÄ_Ôø_Ëï_£¬_»ù_ÁÐ_µÄ_Ëï_×Ó_£¬_Ï£_¸¥_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_Î÷_ÂÞ_·Ç_¹þ_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_£¬ Ãû_½Ð_Âê_À­_£¬_Ų_°¢_£¬_êÂ_À­_£¬_ÃÜ_åÈ_£¬_µÃ_Èö_¡£_Ëý_ÃÇ_Ç°_À´_£¬ # # Then came the daughters of Zelophehad, the son of Hepher, the son of # Gilead, the son of Machir, the son of Manasseh, of the families of # Manasseh the son of Joseph: and these are the names of his # daughters; Mahlah, Noah, and Hoglah, and Milcah, and Tirzah. # # unit P NUM:27:2 Õ¾_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_ÃÅ_¿Ú_£¬_ÔÚ_Ħ_Î÷_ºÍ_¼À_˾_ÒÔ_Àû_ÑÇ_Èö_£¬_²¢_ÖÚ_Ê×_Áì_Óë È«_»á_ÖÚ_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_˵_£¬ # # And they stood before Moses, and before Eleazar the priest, and # before the princes and all the congregation, by the door of the # tabernacle of the congregation, saying, # # unit P NUM:27:3 ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_¸¸_Ç×_ËÀ_ÔÚ_¿õ_Ò°_¡£_Ëû_²»_Óë_¿É_À­_ͬ_µ³_¾Û_¼¯_¹¥_»÷_Ò®_ºÍ »ª_£¬_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_×Ô_¼º_×ï_ÖÐ_ËÀ_µÄ_¡£_Ëû_Ò²_û_ÓÐ_¶ù_×Ó_¡£ # # Our father died in the wilderness, and he was not in the company of # them that gathered themselves together against the LORD in the # company of Korah; but died in his own sin, and had no sons. # # unit P NUM:27:4 Ϊ_ʲ_ô_Òò_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_¸¸_Ç×_û_ÓÐ_¶ù_×Ó_¾Í_°Ñ_Ëû_µÄ_Ãû_´Ó_Ëû_×å_ÖÐ_³ý µô_ÄØ_£¿_Çó_Äã_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¸¸_Ç×_µÄ_µÜ_ÐÖ_ÖÐ_·Ö_¸ø_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_²ú_Òµ_¡£ # # Why should the name of our father be done away from among his # family, because he hath no son? Give unto us therefore a possession # among the brethren of our father. # # unit P NUM:27:5 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_£¬_Ħ_Î÷_½«_Ëý_ÃÇ_µÄ_°¸_¼þ_³Ê_µ½_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_¡£ # # And Moses brought their cause before the LORD. # # unit P NUM:27:6 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P NUM:27:7 Î÷_ÂÞ_·Ç_¹þ_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_˵_µÃ_ÓÐ_Àí_¡£_Äã_¶¨_Òª_ÔÚ_Ëý_ÃÇ_¸¸_Ç×_µÄ_µÜ_ÐÖ ÖÐ_£¬_°Ñ_µØ_·Ö_¸ø_Ëý_ÃÇ_Ϊ_Òµ_¡£_Òª_½«_Ëý_ÃÇ_¸¸_Ç×_µÄ_²ú_Òµ_¹é_¸ø_Ëý ÃÇ_¡£ # # The daughters of Zelophehad speak right: thou shalt surely give them # a possession of an inheritance among their father's brethren; and # thou shalt cause the inheritance of their father to pass unto them. # # unit P NUM:27:8 Äã_Ò²_Òª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_˵_£¬_ÈË_Èô_ËÀ_ÁË_û_ÓÐ_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_¾Í_Òª_°Ñ Ëû_µÄ_²ú_Òµ_¹é_¸ø_Ëû_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_¡£ # # And thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If a man # die, and have no son, then ye shall cause his inheritance to pass # unto his daughter. # # unit P NUM:27:9 Ëû_Èô_û_ÓÐ_Å®_¶ù_£¬_¾Í_Òª_°Ñ_Ëû_µÄ_²ú_Òµ_¸ø_Ëû_µÄ_µÜ_ÐÖ_¡£ # # And if he have no daughter, then ye shall give his inheritance unto # his brethren. # # unit P NUM:27:10 Ëû_Èô_û_ÓÐ_µÜ_ÐÖ_£¬_¾Í_Òª_°Ñ_Ëû_µÄ_²ú_Òµ_¸ø_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_µÄ_µÜ_ÐÖ_¡£ # # And if he have no brethren, then ye shall give his inheritance unto # his father's brethren. # # unit P NUM:27:11 Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_Èô_û_ÓÐ_µÜ_ÐÖ_£¬_¾Í_Òª_°Ñ_Ëû_µÄ_²ú_Òµ_¸ø_Ëû_×å_ÖÐ_×î_½ü_µÄ Ç×_Êô_£¬_Ëû_±ã_Òª_µÃ_Ϊ_Òµ_¡£_Õâ_Òª_×÷_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_µÄ_ÂÉ_Àý_µä_ÕÂ_£¬ ÊÇ_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_¡£ # # And if his father have no brethren, then ye shall give his # inheritance unto his kinsman that is next to him of his family, and # he shall possess it: and it shall be unto the children of Israel a # statute of judgment, as the LORD commanded Moses. # # unit P NUM:27:12 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Äã_ÉÏ_Õâ_ÑÇ_°Í_ÁÕ_ɽ_£¬_¹Û_¿´_ÎÒ_Ëù_´Í_¸ø_ÒÔ É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_µÄ_µØ_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto Moses, Get thee up into this mount Abarim, # and see the land which I have given unto the children of Israel. # # unit P NUM:27:13 ¿´_ÁË_ÒÔ_ºó_£¬_Äã_Ò²_±Ø_¹é_µ½_Äã_ÁÐ_×æ_£¨_Ô­_ÎÄ_×÷_±¾_Ãñ_£©_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬ Ïó_Äã_¸ç_¸ç_ÑÇ_Â×_Ò»_Ñù_¡£ # # And when thou hast seen it, thou also shalt be gathered unto thy # people, as Aaron thy brother was gathered. # # unit P NUM:27:14 Òò_Ϊ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_Ñ°_µÄ_¿õ_Ò°_£¬_µ±_»á_ÖÚ_Õù_ÄÖ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Î¥_±³_ÁË_ÎÒ µÄ_Ãü_£¬_û_ÓÐ_ÔÚ_Ó¿_Ë®_Ö®_µØ_£¬_»á_ÖÚ_ÑÛ_Ç°_×ð_ÎÒ_Ϊ_Ê¥_¡£_£¨_Õâ_Ë® ¾Í_ÊÇ_Ñ°_µÄ_¿õ_Ò°_¼Ó_µÍ_˹_Ã×_Àû_°Í_Ë®_¡£_£© # # For ye rebelled against my commandment in the desert of Zin, in the # strife of the congregation, to sanctify me at the water before their # eyes: that is the water of Meribah in Kadesh in the wilderness of # Zin. # # unit P NUM:27:15 Ħ_Î÷_¶Ô_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_˵_£¬ # # And Moses spake unto the LORD, saying, # # unit P NUM:27:16 Ô¸_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Íò_ÈË_Ö®_Áé_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_Á¢_Ò»_¸ö_ÈË_ÖÎ_Àí_»á_ÖÚ_£¬ # # Let the LORD, the God of the spirits of all flesh, set a man over # the congregation, # # unit P NUM:27:17 ¿É_ÒÔ_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ãæ_Ç°_³ö_Èë_£¬_Ò²_¿É_ÒÔ_Òý_µ¼_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª µÄ_»á_ÖÚ_Èç_ͬ_û_ÓÐ_ÄÁ_ÈË_µÄ_Ñò_Ⱥ_Ò»_°ã_¡£ # # Which may go out before them, and which may go in before them, and # which may lead them out, and which may bring them in; that the # congregation of the LORD be not as sheep which have no shepherd. # # unit P NUM:27:18 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_ÄÛ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_Ô¼_Êé_ÑÇ_£¬_ÊÇ_ÐÄ_ÖÐ_ÓÐ_Ê¥_Áé_µÄ £¬_Äã_½«_Ëû_Áì_À´_°´_ÊÖ_ÔÚ_Ëû_Í·_ÉÏ_£¬ # # And the LORD said unto Moses, Take thee Joshua the son of Nun, a man # in whom is the spirit, and lay thine hand upon him; # # unit P NUM:27:19 ʹ_Ëû_Õ¾_ÔÚ_¼À_˾_ÒÔ_Àû_ÑÇ_Èö_ºÍ_È«_»á_ÖÚ_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_Öö_¸À_Ëû_£¬ # # And set him before Eleazar the priest, and before all the # congregation; and give him a charge in their sight. # # unit P NUM:27:20 ÓÖ_½«_Äã_µÄ_×ð_ÈÙ_¸ø_Ëû_¼¸_·Ö_£¬_ʹ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_È«_»á_ÖÚ_¶¼_Ìý_´Ó_Ëû_¡£ # # And thou shalt put some of thine honour upon him, that all the # congregation of the children of Israel may be obedient. # # unit P NUM:27:21 Ëû_Òª_Õ¾_ÔÚ_¼À_˾_ÒÔ_Àû_ÑÇ_Èö_Ãæ_Ç°_¡£_ÒÔ_Àû_ÑÇ_Èö_Òª_ƾ_ÎÚ_Áê_µÄ_ÅÐ ¶Ï_£¬_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_Ϊ_Ëû_Çó_ÎÊ_¡£_Ëû_ºÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_È«_»á_ÖÚ_¶¼_Òª ×ñ_ÒÔ_Àû_ÑÇ_Èö_µÄ_Ãü_³ö_Èë_¡£ # # And he shall stand before Eleazar the priest, who shall ask counsel # for him after the judgment of Urim before the LORD: at his word # shall they go out, and at his word they shall come in, both he, and # all the children of Israel with him, even all the congregation. # # unit P NUM:27:22 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Ħ_Î÷_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_½«_Ô¼_Êé_ÑÇ_Áì_À´_£¬_ʹ_Ëû_Õ¾_ÔÚ ¼À_˾_ÒÔ_Àû_ÑÇ_Èö_ºÍ_È«_»á_ÖÚ_Ãæ_Ç°_¡£ # # And Moses did as the LORD commanded him: and he took Joshua, and set # him before Eleazar the priest, and before all the congregation: # # unit P NUM:27:23 °´_ÊÖ_ÔÚ_Ëû_Í·_ÉÏ_£¬_Öö_¸À_Ëû_£¬_ÊÇ_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_½è_Ħ_Î÷_Ëù_˵_µÄ_»° ¡£ # # And he laid his hands upon him, and gave him a charge, as the LORD # commanded by the hand of Moses. # ## # chapter 28 NUM:28 # unit P NUM:28:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P NUM:28:2 Äã_Òª_·Ô_¸À_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_˵_£¬_Ï×_¸ø_ÎÒ_µÄ_¹©_Îï_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ï×_¸ø_ÎÒ_×÷ Ü°_Ïã_»ð_¼À_µÄ_ʳ_Îï_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_°´_ÈÕ_ÆÚ_Ï×_¸ø_ÎÒ_¡£ # # Command the children of Israel, and say unto them, My offering, and # my bread for my sacrifices made by fire, for a sweet savour unto me, # shall ye observe to offer unto me in their due season. # # unit P NUM:28:3 ÓÖ_Òª_¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_»ð_¼À_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_û_ÓÐ ²Ð_¼²_£¬_Ò»_Ëê_µÄ_¹«_Ñò_¸á_£¬_ÿ_ÈÕ_Á½_Ö»_£¬_×÷_Ϊ_³£_Ï×_µÄ_ìÜ_¼À_¡£ # # And thou shalt say unto them, This is the offering made by fire # which ye shall offer unto the LORD; two lambs of the first year # without spot day by day, for a continual burnt offering. # # unit P NUM:28:4 Ôç_³¿_Òª_Ï×_Ò»_Ö»_£¬_»Æ_»è_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_Òª_Ï×_Ò»_Ö»_¡£ # # The one lamb shalt thou offer in the morning, and the other lamb # shalt thou offer at even; # # unit P NUM:28:5 ÓÖ_ÓÃ_ϸ_Ãæ_ÒÁ_·¨_Ê®_·Ö_Ö®_Ò»_£¬_²¢_µ·_³É_µÄ_ÓÍ_Ò»_ÐÀ_ËÄ_·Ö_Ö®_Ò»_£¬ µ÷_ºÍ_×÷_Ϊ_ËØ_¼À_¡£ # # And a tenth part of an ephah of flour for a meat offering, mingled # with the fourth part of an hin of beaten oil. # # unit P NUM:28:6 Õâ_ÊÇ_Î÷_ÄË_ɽ_Ëù_Ãü_¶¨_Ϊ_³£_Ï×_µÄ_ìÜ_¼À_£¬_ÊÇ_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_Ü° Ïã_µÄ_»ð_¼À_¡£ # # It is a continual burnt offering, which was ordained in mount Sinai # for a sweet savour, a sacrifice made by fire unto the LORD. # # unit P NUM:28:7 Ϊ_Õâ_Ò»_Ö»_Ñò_¸á_£¬_Òª_ͬ_Ï×_µì_¼À_µÄ_¾Æ_Ò»_ÐÀ_ËÄ_·Ö_Ö®_Ò»_¡£_ÔÚ_Ê¥ Ëù_ÖÐ_£¬_Äã_Òª_½«_´¼_¾Æ_·î_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_µì_¼À_¡£ # # And the drink offering thereof shall be the fourth part of an hin # for the one lamb: in the holy place shalt thou cause the strong wine # to be poured unto the LORD for a drink offering. # # unit P NUM:28:8 Íí_ÉÏ_£¬_Äã_Òª_Ï×_ÄÇ_Ò»_Ö»_Ñò_¸á_£¬_±Ø_ÕÕ_Ôç_³¿_µÄ_ËØ_¼À_ºÍ_ͬ_Ï×_µÄ µì_¼À_Ï×_ÉÏ_£¬_×÷_Ϊ_Ü°_Ïã_µÄ_»ð_¼À_£¬_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # And the other lamb shalt thou offer at even: as the meat offering of # the morning, and as the drink offering thereof, thou shalt offer it, # a sacrifice made by fire, of a sweet savour unto the LORD. # # unit P NUM:28:9 µ±_°²_Ï¢_ÈÕ_£¬_Òª_Ï×_Á½_Ö»_û_ÓÐ_²Ð_¼²_£¬_Ò»_Ëê_µÄ_¹«_Ñò_¸á_£¬_²¢_Óà µ÷_ÓÍ_µÄ_ϸ_Ãæ_ÒÁ_·¨_Ê®_·Ö_Ö®_¶þ_Ϊ_ËØ_¼À_£¬_ÓÖ_½«_ͬ_Ï×_µÄ_µì_¼À_Ï× ÉÏ_¡£ # # And on the sabbath day two lambs of the first year without spot, and # two tenth deals of flour for a meat offering, mingled with oil, and # the drink offering thereof: # # unit P NUM:28:10 Õâ_ÊÇ_ÿ_°²_Ï¢_ÈÕ_Ï×_µÄ_ìÜ_¼À_¡£_ÄÇ_³£_Ï×_µÄ_ìÜ_¼À_ºÍ_ͬ_Ï×_µÄ_µì_¼À ÔÚ_Íâ_¡£ # # This is the burnt offering of every sabbath, beside the continual # burnt offering, and his drink offering. # # unit P NUM:28:11 ÿ_ÔÂ_Ë·_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_½«_Á½_Ö»_¹«_Å£_¶¿_£¬_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_£¬_Æß_Ö»_û ÓÐ_²Ð_¼²_£¬_Ò»_Ëê_µÄ_¹«_Ñò_¸á_£¬_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_ìÜ_¼À_¡£ # # And in the beginnings of your months ye shall offer a burnt offering # unto the LORD; two young bullocks, and one ram, seven lambs of the # first year without spot; # # unit P NUM:28:12 ÿ_Ö»_¹«_Å£_Òª_ÓÃ_µ÷_ÓÍ_µÄ_ϸ_Ãæ_ÒÁ_·¨_Ê®_·Ö_Ö®_Èý_×÷_Ϊ_ËØ_¼À_¡£_ÄÇ Ö»_¹«_Ñò_Ò²_ÓÃ_µ÷_ÓÍ_µÄ_ϸ_Ãæ_ÒÁ_·¨_Ê®_·Ö_Ö®_¶þ_×÷_Ϊ_ËØ_¼À_¡£ # # And three tenth deals of flour for a meat offering, mingled with # oil, for one bullock; and two tenth deals of flour for a meat # offering, mingled with oil, for one ram; # # unit P NUM:28:13 ÿ_Ö»_Ñò_¸á_Òª_ÓÃ_µ÷_ÓÍ_µÄ_ϸ_Ãæ_ÒÁ_·¨_Ê®_·Ö_Ö®_Ò»_×÷_Ϊ_ËØ_¼À_ºÍ_Ü° Ïã_µÄ_ìÜ_¼À_£¬_ÊÇ_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_»ð_¼À_¡£ # # And a several tenth deal of flour mingled with oil for a meat # offering unto one lamb; for a burnt offering of a sweet savour, a # sacrifice made by fire unto the LORD. # # unit P NUM:28:14 Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Å£_Òª_µì_¾Æ_°ë_ÐÀ_£¬_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Ñò_Òª_µì_¾Æ_Ò»_ÐÀ_Èý_·Ö_Ö®_Ò» £¬_Ò»_Ö»_Ñò_¸á_Ò²_µì_¾Æ_Ò»_ÐÀ_ËÄ_·Ö_Ö®_Ò»_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_ÿ_ÔÂ_µÄ_ìÜ_¼À_£¬ Ò»_Äê_Ö®_ÖÐ_Òª_ÔÂ_ÔÂ_Èç_´Ë_¡£ # # And their drink offerings shall be half an hin of wine unto a # bullock, and the third part of an hin unto a ram, and a fourth part # of an hin unto a lamb: this is the burnt offering of every month # throughout the months of the year. # # unit P NUM:28:15 ÓÖ_Òª_½«_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_Ϊ_Êê_×ï_¼À_£¬_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£_Òª_Ï×_ÔÚ_³£ Ï×_µÄ_ìÜ_¼À_ºÍ_ͬ_Ï×_µÄ_µì_¼À_ÒÔ_Íâ_¡£ # # And one kid of the goats for a sin offering unto the LORD shall be # offered, beside the continual burnt offering, and his drink # offering. # # unit P NUM:28:16 Õý_ÔÂ_Ê®_ËÄ_ÈÕ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_Óâ_Ô½_½Ú_¡£ # # And in the fourteenth day of the first month is the passover of the # LORD. # # unit P NUM:28:17 Õâ_ÔÂ_Ê®_Îå_ÈÕ_ÊÇ_½Ú_ÆÚ_£¬_Òª_³Ô_ÎÞ_½Í_±ý_Æß_ÈÕ_¡£ # # And in the fifteenth day of this month is the feast: seven days # shall unleavened bread be eaten. # # unit P NUM:28:18 µÚ_Ò»_ÈÕ_µ±_ÓÐ_Ê¥_»á_¡£_ʲ_ô_ÀÍ_µ_µÄ_¹¤_¶¼_²»_¿É_×÷_¡£ # # In the first day shall be an holy convocation; ye shall do no manner # of servile work therein: # # unit P NUM:28:19 µ±_½«_¹«_Å£_¶¿_Á½_Ö»_£¬_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_Ò»_Ö»_£¬_Ò»_Ëê_µÄ_¹«_Ñò_¸á_Æß_Ö»_£¬ ¶¼_Òª_û_ÓÐ_²Ð_¼²_µÄ_£¬_ÓÃ_»ð_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_ìÜ_¼À_¡£ # # But ye shall offer a sacrifice made by fire for a burnt offering # unto the LORD; two young bullocks, and one ram, and seven lambs of # the first year: they shall be unto you without blemish: # # unit P NUM:28:20 ͬ_Ï×_µÄ_ËØ_¼À_ÓÃ_µ÷_ÓÍ_µÄ_ϸ_Ãæ_¡£_Ϊ_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Å£_Òª_Ï×_ÒÁ_·¨_Ê®_·Ö Ö®_Èý_¡£_Ϊ_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Ñò_Òª_Ï×_ÒÁ_·¨_Ê®_·Ö_Ö®_¶þ_¡£ # # And their meat offering shall be of flour mingled with oil: three # tenth deals shall ye offer for a bullock, and two tenth deals for a # ram; # # unit P NUM:28:21 Ϊ_ÄÇ_Æß_Ö»_Ñò_¸á_£¬_ÿ_Ö»_Òª_Ï×_ÒÁ_·¨_Ê®_·Ö_Ö®_Ò»_¡£ # # A several tenth deal shalt thou offer for every lamb, throughout the # seven lambs: # # unit P NUM:28:22 ²¢_Ï×_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_×÷_Êê_×ï_¼À_£¬_Ϊ_Äã_ÃÇ_Êê_×ï_¡£ # # And one goat for a sin offering, to make an atonement for you. # # unit P NUM:28:23 Äã_ÃÇ_Ï×_Õâ_Щ_£¬_Òª_ÔÚ_Ôç_³¿_³£_Ï×_µÄ_ìÜ_¼À_ÒÔ_Íâ_¡£ # # Ye shall offer these beside the burnt offering in the morning, which # is for a continual burnt offering. # # unit P NUM:28:24 Ò»_Á¬_Æß_ÈÕ_£¬_ÿ_ÈÕ_Òª_ÕÕ_Õâ_Àý_°Ñ_Ü°_Ïã_»ð_¼À_µÄ_ʳ_Îï_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ »ª_£¬_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_³£_Ï×_µÄ_ìÜ_¼À_ºÍ_ͬ_Ï×_µÄ_µì_¼À_ÒÔ_Íâ_¡£ # # After this manner ye shall offer daily, throughout the seven days, # the meat of the sacrifice made by fire, of a sweet savour unto the # LORD: it shall be offered beside the continual burnt offering, and # his drink offering. # # unit P NUM:28:25 µÚ_Æß_ÈÕ_µ±_ÓÐ_Ê¥_»á_£¬_ʲ_ô_ÀÍ_µ_µÄ_¹¤_¶¼_²»_¿É_×÷_¡£ # # And on the seventh day ye shall have an holy convocation; ye shall # do no servile work. # # unit P NUM:28:26 Æß_Æß_½Ú_ׯ_¼Ú_³õ_Êì_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Ï×_ÐÂ_ËØ_¼À_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_£¬_µ± ÓÐ_Ê¥_»á_¡£_ʲ_ô_ÀÍ_µ_µÄ_¹¤_¶¼_²»_¿É_×÷_¡£ # # Also in the day of the firstfruits, when ye bring a new meat # offering unto the LORD, after your weeks be out, ye shall have an # holy convocation; ye shall do no servile work: # # unit P NUM:28:27 Ö»_Òª_½«_¹«_Å£_¶¿_Á½_Ö»_£¬_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_Ò»_Ö»_£¬_Ò»_Ëê_µÄ_¹«_Ñò_¸á_Æß_Ö» £¬_×÷_Ϊ_Ü°_Ïã_µÄ_ìÜ_¼À_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # But ye shall offer the burnt offering for a sweet savour unto the # LORD; two young bullocks, one ram, seven lambs of the first year; # # unit P NUM:28:28 ͬ_Ï×_µÄ_ËØ_¼À_ÓÃ_µ÷_ÓÍ_µÄ_ϸ_Ãæ_¡£_Ϊ_ÿ_Ö»_¹«_Å£_Òª_Ï×_ÒÁ_·¨_Ê®_·Ö Ö®_Èý_¡£_Ϊ_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Ñò_Òª_Ï×_ÒÁ_·¨_Ê®_·Ö_Ö®_¶þ_¡£ # # And their meat offering of flour mingled with oil, three tenth deals # unto one bullock, two tenth deals unto one ram, # # unit P NUM:28:29 Ϊ_ÄÇ_Æß_Ö»_Ñò_¸á_£¬_ÿ_Ö»_Òª_Ï×_ÒÁ_·¨_Ê®_·Ö_Ö®_Ò»_¡£ # # A several tenth deal unto one lamb, throughout the seven lambs; # # unit P NUM:28:30 ²¢_Ï×_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_Ϊ_Äã_ÃÇ_Êê_×ï_¡£ # # And one kid of the goats, to make an atonement for you. # # unit P NUM:28:31 Õâ_Щ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_Ï×_ÔÚ_³£_Ï×_µÄ_ìÜ_¼À_ºÍ_ͬ_Ï×_µÄ_ËØ_¼À_²¢_ͬ_Ï×_µÄ µì_¼À_ÒÔ_Íâ_£¬_¶¼_Òª_û_ÓÐ_²Ð_¼²_µÄ_¡£ # # Ye shall offer them beside the continual burnt offering, and his # meat offering, (they shall be unto you without blemish) and their # drink offerings. # ## # chapter 29 NUM:29 # unit P NUM:29:1 Æß_ÔÂ_³õ_Ò»_ÈÕ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_µ±_ÓÐ_Ê¥_»á_¡£_ʲ_ô_ÀÍ_µ_µÄ_¹¤_¶¼_²»_¿É_×÷ £¬_ÊÇ_Äã_ÃÇ_µ±_ÊØ_Ϊ_´µ_½Ç_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_¡£ # # And in the seventh month, on the first day of the month, ye shall # have an holy convocation; ye shall do no servile work: it is a day # of blowing the trumpets unto you. # # unit P NUM:29:2 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_½«_¹«_Å£_¶¿_Ò»_Ö»_£¬_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_Ò»_Ö»_£¬_û_ÓÐ_²Ð_¼²_£¬_Ò»_Ëê µÄ_¹«_Ñò_¸á_Æß_Ö»_£¬_×÷_Ϊ_Ü°_Ïã_µÄ_ìÜ_¼À_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # And ye shall offer a burnt offering for a sweet savour unto the # LORD; one young bullock, one ram, and seven lambs of the first year # without blemish: # # unit P NUM:29:3 ͬ_Ï×_µÄ_ËØ_¼À_ÓÃ_µ÷_ÓÍ_µÄ_ϸ_Ãæ_¡£_Ϊ_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Å£_Òª_Ï×_ÒÁ_·¨_Ê®_·Ö Ö®_Èý_¡£_Ϊ_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Ñò_Òª_Ï×_ÒÁ_·¨_Ê®_·Ö_Ö®_¶þ_¡£ # # And their meat offering shall be of flour mingled with oil, three # tenth deals for a bullock, and two tenth deals for a ram, # # unit P NUM:29:4 Ϊ_ÄÇ_Æß_Ö»_Ñò_¸á_£¬_ÿ_Ö»_Òª_Ï×_ÒÁ_·¨_Ê®_·Ö_Ö®_Ò»_¡£ # # And one tenth deal for one lamb, throughout the seven lambs: # # unit P NUM:29:5 ÓÖ_Ï×_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_×÷_Êê_×ï_¼À_£¬_Ϊ_Äã_ÃÇ_Êê_×ï_¡£ # # And one kid of the goats for a sin offering, to make an atonement # for you: # # unit P NUM:29:6 Õâ_Щ_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_ÔÂ_Ë·_µÄ_ìÜ_¼À_ºÍ_ͬ_Ï×_µÄ_ËØ_¼À_£¬_²¢_³£_Ï×_µÄ_ìÜ_¼À_Óë ͬ_Ï×_µÄ_ËØ_¼À_£¬_ÒÔ_¼°_ÕÕ_Àý_ͬ_Ï×_µÄ_µì_¼À_ÒÔ_Íâ_£¬_¶¼_×÷_Ϊ_Ü°_Ïã µÄ_»ð_¼À_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # Beside the burnt offering of the month, and his meat offering, and # the daily burnt offering, and his meat offering, and their drink # offerings, according unto their manner, for a sweet savour, a # sacrifice made by fire unto the LORD. # # unit P NUM:29:7 Æß_ÔÂ_³õ_Ê®_ÈÕ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_µ±_ÓÐ_Ê¥_»á_¡£_Òª_¿Ì_¿à_¼º_ÐÄ_£¬_ʲ_ô_¹¤_¶¼ ²»_¿É_×÷_¡£ # # And ye shall have on the tenth day of this seventh month an holy # convocation; and ye shall afflict your souls: ye shall not do any # work therein: # # unit P NUM:29:8 Ö»_Òª_½«_¹«_Å£_¶¿_Ò»_Ö»_£¬_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_Ò»_Ö»_£¬_Ò»_Ëê_µÄ_¹«_Ñò_¸á_Æß_Ö» £¬_¶¼_Òª_û_ÓÐ_²Ð_¼²_µÄ_£¬_×÷_Ϊ_Ü°_Ïã_µÄ_ìÜ_¼À_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # But ye shall offer a burnt offering unto the LORD for a sweet # savour; one young bullock, one ram, and seven lambs of the first # year; they shall be unto you without blemish: # # unit P NUM:29:9 ͬ_Ï×_µÄ_ËØ_¼À_ÓÃ_µ÷_ÓÍ_µÄ_ϸ_Ãæ_£¬_Ϊ_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Å£_Òª_Ï×_ÒÁ_·¨_Ê®_·Ö Ö®_Èý_¡£_Ϊ_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_Ñò_Òª_Ï×_ÒÁ_·¨_Ê®_·Ö_Ö®_¶þ_¡£ # # And their meat offering shall be of flour mingled with oil, three # tenth deals to a bullock, and two tenth deals to one ram, # # unit P NUM:29:10 Ϊ_ÄÇ_Æß_Ö»_Ñò_¸á_£¬_ÿ_Ö»_Òª_Ï×_ÒÁ_·¨_Ê®_·Ö_Ö®_Ò»_¡£ # # A several tenth deal for one lamb, throughout the seven lambs: # # unit P NUM:29:11 ÓÖ_Ï×_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_Ϊ_Êê_×ï_¼À_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_Êê_×ï_¼À_ºÍ_³£_Ï×_µÄ_ìÜ ¼À_£¬_Óë_ͬ_Ï×_µÄ_ËØ_¼À_²¢_ͬ_Ï×_µÄ_µì_¼À_ÒÔ_Íâ_¡£ # # One kid of the goats for a sin offering; beside the sin offering of # atonement, and the continual burnt offering, and the meat offering # of it, and their drink offerings. # # unit P NUM:29:12 Æß_ÔÂ_Ê®_Îå_ÈÕ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_µ±_ÓÐ_Ê¥_»á_¡£_ʲ_ô_ÀÍ_µ_µÄ_¹¤_¶¼_²»_¿É_×÷ £¬_Òª_Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÊØ_½Ú_Æß_ÈÕ_¡£ # # And on the fifteenth day of the seventh month ye shall have an holy # convocation; ye shall do no servile work, and ye shall keep a feast # unto the LORD seven days: # # unit P NUM:29:13 ÓÖ_Òª_½«_¹«_Å£_¶¿_Ê®_Èý_Ö»_£¬_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_Á½_Ö»_£¬_Ò»_Ëê_µÄ_¹«_Ñò_¸á_Ê® ËÄ_Ö»_£¬_¶¼_Òª_û_ÓÐ_²Ð_¼²_µÄ_£¬_ÓÃ_»ð_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_Ü°_Ïã_µÄ_ìÜ ¼À_¡£ # # And ye shall offer a burnt offering, a sacrifice made by fire, of a # sweet savour unto the LORD; thirteen young bullocks, two rams, and # fourteen lambs of the first year; they shall be without blemish: # # unit P NUM:29:14 ͬ_Ï×_µÄ_ËØ_¼À_ÓÃ_µ÷_ÓÍ_µÄ_ϸ_Ãæ_¡£_Ϊ_ÄÇ_Ê®_Èý_Ö»_¹«_Å£_£¬_ÿ_Ö»_Òª Ï×_ÒÁ_·¨_Ê®_·Ö_Ö®_Èý_¡£_Ϊ_ÄÇ_Á½_Ö»_¹«_Ñò_£¬_ÿ_Ö»_Òª_Ï×_ÒÁ_·¨_Ê®_·Ö Ö®_¶þ_¡£ # # And their meat offering shall be of flour mingled with oil, three # tenth deals unto every bullock of the thirteen bullocks, two tenth # deals to each ram of the two rams, # # unit P NUM:29:15 Ϊ_ÄÇ_Ê®_ËÄ_Ö»_Ñò_¸á_£¬_ÿ_Ö»_Òª_Ï×_ÒÁ_·¨_Ê®_·Ö_Ö®_Ò»_¡£ # # And a several tenth deal to each lamb of the fourteen lambs: # # unit P NUM:29:16 ²¢_Ï×_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_Ϊ_Êê_×ï_¼À_£¬_Õâ_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_³£_Ï×_µÄ_ìÜ_¼À_ºÍ_ͬ_Ï× µÄ_ËØ_¼À_²¢_ͬ_Ï×_µÄ_µì_¼À_ÒÔ_Íâ_¡£ # # And one kid of the goats for a sin offering; beside the continual # burnt offering, his meat offering, and his drink offering. # # unit P NUM:29:17 µÚ_¶þ_ÈÕ_Òª_Ï×_¹«_Å£_¶¿_Ê®_¶þ_Ö»_£¬_¹«_Ãà_Ñò_Á½_Ö»_£¬_û_ÓÐ_²Ð_¼²_£¬ Ò»_Ëê_µÄ_¹«_Ñò_¸á_Ê®_ËÄ_Ö»_¡£ # # And on the second day ye shall offer twelve young bullocks, two # rams, fourteen lambs of the first year without spot: # # unit P NUM:29:18 ²¢_Ϊ_¹«_Å£_£¬_¹«_Ñò_£¬_ºÍ_Ñò_¸á_£¬_°´_Êý_ÕÕ_Àý_£¬_Ï×_ͬ_Ï×_µÄ_ËØ_¼À ºÍ_ͬ_Ï×_µÄ_µì_¼À_¡£ # # And their meat offering and their drink offerings for the bullocks, # for the rams, and for the lambs, shall be according to their number, # after the manner: # # unit P NUM:29:19 ÓÖ_Òª_Ï×_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_Ϊ_Êê_×ï_¼À_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_³£_Ï×_µÄ_ìÜ_¼À_ºÍ_ͬ Ï×_µÄ_ËØ_¼À_²¢_ͬ_Ï×_µÄ_µì_¼À_ÒÔ_Íâ_¡£ # # And one kid of the goats for a sin offering; beside the continual # burnt offering, and the meat offering thereof, and their drink # offerings. # # unit P NUM:29:20 µÚ_Èý_ÈÕ_Òª_Ï×_¹«_Å£_Ê®_Ò»_Ö»_£¬_¹«_Ñò_Á½_Ö»_£¬_û_ÓÐ_²Ð_¼²_£¬_Ò»_Ëê µÄ_¹«_Ñò_¸á_Ê®_ËÄ_Ö»_¡£ # # And on the third day eleven bullocks, two rams, fourteen lambs of # the first year without blemish; # # unit P NUM:29:21 ²¢_Ϊ_¹«_Å£_£¬_¹«_Ñò_£¬_ºÍ_Ñò_¸á_£¬_°´_Êý_ÕÕ_Àý_£¬_Ï×_ͬ_Ï×_µÄ_ËØ_¼À ºÍ_ͬ_Ï×_µÄ_µì_¼À_¡£ # # And their meat offering and their drink offerings for the bullocks, # for the rams, and for the lambs, shall be according to their number, # after the manner: # # unit P NUM:29:22 ÓÖ_Òª_Ï×_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_Ϊ_Êê_×ï_¼À_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_³£_Ï×_µÄ_ìÜ_¼À_ºÍ_ͬ Ï×_µÄ_ËØ_¼À_²¢_ͬ_Ï×_µÄ_µì_¼À_ÒÔ_Íâ_¡£ # # And one goat for a sin offering; beside the continual burnt # offering, and his meat offering, and his drink offering. # # unit P NUM:29:23 µÚ_ËÄ_ÈÕ_Òª_Ï×_¹«_Å£_Ê®_Ö»_£¬_¹«_Ñò_Á½_Ö»_£¬_û_ÓÐ_²Ð_¼²_£¬_Ò»_Ëê_µÄ ¹«_Ñò_¸á_Ê®_ËÄ_Ö»_¡£ # # And on the fourth day ten bullocks, two rams, and fourteen lambs of # the first year without blemish: # # unit P NUM:29:24 ²¢_Ϊ_¹«_Å£_£¬_¹«_Ñò_£¬_ºÍ_Ñò_¸á_£¬_°´_Êý_ÕÕ_Àý_£¬_Ï×_ͬ_Ï×_µÄ_ËØ_¼À ºÍ_ͬ_Ï×_µÄ_µì_¼À_¡£ # # Their meat offering and their drink offerings for the bullocks, for # the rams, and for the lambs, shall be according to their number, # after the manner: # # unit P NUM:29:25 ÓÖ_Òª_Ï×_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_Ϊ_Êê_×ï_¼À_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_³£_Ï×_µÄ_ìÜ_¼À_ºÍ_ͬ Ï×_µÄ_ËØ_¼À_²¢_ͬ_Ï×_µÄ_µì_¼À_ÒÔ_Íâ_¡£ # # And one kid of the goats for a sin offering; beside the continual # burnt offering, his meat offering, and his drink offering. # # unit P NUM:29:26 µÚ_Îå_ÈÕ_Òª_Ï×_¹«_Å£_¾Å_Ö»_£¬_¹«_Ñò_Á½_Ö»_£¬_û_ÓÐ_²Ð_¼²_£¬_Ò»_Ëê_µÄ ¹«_Ñò_¸á_Ê®_ËÄ_Ö»_¡£ # # And on the fifth day nine bullocks, two rams, and fourteen lambs of # the first year without spot: # # unit P NUM:29:27 ²¢_Ϊ_¹«_Å£_£¬_¹«_Ñò_£¬_ºÍ_Ñò_¸á_£¬_°´_Êý_ÕÕ_Àý_£¬_Ï×_ͬ_Ï×_µÄ_ËØ_¼À ºÍ_ͬ_Ï×_µÄ_µì_¼À_¡£ # # And their meat offering and their drink offerings for the bullocks, # for the rams, and for the lambs, shall be according to their number, # after the manner: # # unit P NUM:29:28 ÓÖ_Òª_Ï×_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_Ϊ_Êê_×ï_¼À_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_³£_Ï×_µÄ_ìÜ_¼À_ºÍ_ͬ Ï×_µÄ_ËØ_¼À_²¢_ͬ_Ï×_µÄ_µì_¼À_ÒÔ_Íâ_¡£ # # And one goat for a sin offering; beside the continual burnt # offering, and his meat offering, and his drink offering. # # unit P NUM:29:29 µÚ_Áù_ÈÕ_Òª_Ï×_¹«_Å£_°Ë_Ö»_£¬_¹«_Ñò_Á½_Ö»_£¬_û_ÓÐ_²Ð_¼²_£¬_Ò»_Ëê_µÄ ¹«_Ñò_¸á_Ê®_ËÄ_Ö»_¡£ # # And on the sixth day eight bullocks, two rams, and fourteen lambs of # the first year without blemish: # # unit P NUM:29:30 ²¢_Ϊ_¹«_Å£_£¬_¹«_Ñò_£¬_ºÍ_Ñò_¸á_£¬_°´_Êý_ÕÕ_Àý_£¬_Ï×_ͬ_Ï×_µÄ_ËØ_¼À ºÍ_ͬ_Ï×_µÄ_µì_¼À_¡£ # # And their meat offering and their drink offerings for the bullocks, # for the rams, and for the lambs, shall be according to their number, # after the manner: # # unit P NUM:29:31 ÓÖ_Òª_Ï×_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_Ϊ_Êê_×ï_¼À_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_³£_Ï×_µÄ_ìÜ_¼À_ºÍ_ͬ Ï×_µÄ_ËØ_¼À_²¢_ͬ_Ï×_µÄ_µì_¼À_ÒÔ_Íâ_¡£ # # And one goat for a sin offering; beside the continual burnt # offering, his meat offering, and his drink offering. # # unit P NUM:29:32 µÚ_Æß_ÈÕ_Òª_Ï×_¹«_Å£_Æß_Ö»_£¬_¹«_Ñò_Á½_Ö»_£¬_û_ÓÐ_²Ð_¼²_£¬_Ò»_Ëê_µÄ ¹«_Ñò_¸á_Ê®_ËÄ_Ö»_¡£ # # And on the seventh day seven bullocks, two rams, and fourteen lambs # of the first year without blemish: # # unit P NUM:29:33 ²¢_Ϊ_¹«_Å£_£¬_¹«_Ñò_£¬_ºÍ_Ñò_¸á_£¬_°´_Êý_ÕÕ_Àý_£¬_Ï×_ͬ_Ï×_µÄ_ËØ_¼À ºÍ_ͬ_Ï×_µÄ_µì_¼À_¡£ # # And their meat offering and their drink offerings for the bullocks, # for the rams, and for the lambs, shall be according to their number, # after the manner: # # unit P NUM:29:34 ÓÖ_Òª_Ï×_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_Ϊ_Êê_×ï_¼À_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_³£_Ï×_µÄ_ìÜ_¼À_ºÍ_ͬ Ï×_µÄ_ËØ_¼À_²¢_ͬ_Ï×_µÄ_µì_¼À_ÒÔ_Íâ_¡£ # # And one goat for a sin offering; beside the continual burnt # offering, his meat offering, and his drink offering. # # unit P NUM:29:35 µÚ_°Ë_ÈÕ_Äã_ÃÇ_µ±_ÓÐ_ÑÏ_Ëà_»á_¡£_ʲ_ô_ÀÍ_µ_µÄ_¹¤_¶¼_²»_¿É_×÷_¡£ # # On the eighth day ye shall have a solemn assembly: ye shall do no # servile work therein: # # unit P NUM:29:36 Ö»_Òª_½«_¹«_Å£_Ò»_Ö»_£¬_¹«_Ñò_Ò»_Ö»_£¬_û_ÓÐ_²Ð_¼²_£¬_Ò»_Ëê_µÄ_¹«_Ñò ¸á_Æß_Ö»_×÷_»ð_¼À_£¬_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_Ü°_Ïã_µÄ_ìÜ_¼À_¡£ # # But ye shall offer a burnt offering, a sacrifice made by fire, of a # sweet savour unto the LORD: one bullock, one ram, seven lambs of the # first year without blemish: # # unit P NUM:29:37 ²¢_Ϊ_¹«_Å£_£¬_¹«_Ñò_£¬_ºÍ_Ñò_¸á_£¬_°´_Êý_ÕÕ_Àý_£¬_Ï×_ͬ_Ï×_µÄ_ËØ_¼À ºÍ_ͬ_Ï×_µÄ_µì_¼À_¡£ # # Their meat offering and their drink offerings for the bullock, for # the ram, and for the lambs, shall be according to their number, # after the manner: # # unit P NUM:29:38 ÓÖ_Òª_Ï×_Ò»_Ö»_¹«_ɽ_Ñò_Ϊ_Êê_×ï_¼À_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_³£_Ï×_µÄ_ìÜ_¼À_ºÍ_ͬ Ï×_µÄ_ËØ_¼À_²¢_ͬ_Ï×_µÄ_µì_¼À_ÒÔ_Íâ_¡£ # # And one goat for a sin offering; beside the continual burnt # offering, and his meat offering, and his drink offering. # # unit P NUM:29:39 Õâ_Щ_¼À_Òª_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_½Ú_ÆÚ_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_¶¼_ÔÚ_Ëù_Ðí_µÄ_Ô¸_²¢ ¸Ê_ÐÄ_Ëù_Ï×_µÄ_ÒÔ_Íâ_£¬_×÷_Ϊ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_ìÜ_¼À_£¬_ËØ_¼À_£¬_µì_¼À_£¬_ºÍ ƽ_°²_¼À_¡£ # # These things ye shall do unto the LORD in your set feasts, beside # your vows, and your freewill offerings, for your burnt offerings, # and for your meat offerings, and for your drink offerings, and for # your peace offerings. # # unit P NUM:29:40 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_£¬_Ħ_Î÷_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Ëû_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_»°_¸æ_Ëß_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË ¡£ # # And Moses told the children of Israel according to all that the LORD # commanded Moses. # ## # chapter 30 NUM:30 # unit P NUM:30:1 Ħ_Î÷_Ïþ_ÚÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_¸÷_Ö§_ÅÉ_µÄ_Ê×_Áì_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_ÄË ÊÇ_Õâ_Ñù_£¬ # # And Moses spake unto the heads of the tribes concerning the children # of Israel, saying, This is the thing which the LORD hath commanded. # # unit P NUM:30:2 ÈË_Èô_Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ðí_Ô¸_»ò_Æð_ÊÄ_£¬_Òª_Ô¼_Êø_×Ô_¼º_£¬_¾Í_²»_¿É_ʳ_ÑÔ £¬_±Ø_Òª_°´_¿Ú_ÖÐ_Ëù_³ö_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_»°_ÐÐ_¡£ # # If a man vow a vow unto the LORD, or swear an oath to bind his soul # with a bond; he shall not break his word, he shall do according to # all that proceedeth out of his mouth. # # unit P NUM:30:3 Å®_×Ó_Äê_Ó×_£¬_»¹_ÔÚ_¸¸_¼Ò_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Èô_Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ðí_Ô¸_£¬_Òª_Ô¼ Êø_×Ô_¼º_£¬ # # If a woman also vow a vow unto the LORD, and bind herself by a bond, # being in her father's house in her youth; # # unit P NUM:30:4 Ëý_¸¸_Ç×_Ò²_Ìý_¼û_Ëý_Ëù_Ðí_µÄ_Ô¸_²¢_Ô¼_Êø_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_»°_£¬_È´_Ïò_Ëý_Ĭ Ĭ_²»_ÑÔ_£¬_Ëý_Ëù_Ðí_µÄ_Ô¸_²¢_Ô¼_Êø_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_»°_¾Í_¶¼_Òª_Ϊ_¶¨_¡£ # # And her father hear her vow, and her bond wherewith she hath bound # her soul, and her father shall hold his peace at her: then all her # vows shall stand, and every bond wherewith she hath bound her soul # shall stand. # # unit P NUM:30:5 µ«_Ëý_¸¸_Ç×_Ìý_¼û_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_Èô_²»_Ó¦_³Ð_Ëý_Ëù_Ðí_µÄ_Ô¸_ºÍ_Ô¼_Êø_×Ô_¼º µÄ_»°_£¬_¾Í_¶¼_²»_µÃ_Ϊ_¶¨_¡£_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ò²_±Ø_Éâ_Ãâ_Ëý_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ëý_¸¸ Ç×_²»_Ó¦_³Ð_¡£ # # But if her father disallow her in the day that he heareth; not any # of her vows, or of her bonds wherewith she hath bound her soul, # shall stand: and the LORD shall forgive her, because her father # disallowed her. # # unit P NUM:30:6 Ëý_Èô_³ö_ÁË_¼Þ_£¬_ÓÐ_Ô¸_ÔÚ_Éí_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_¿Ú_ÖÐ_³ö_ÁË_Ô¼_Êø_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_ð ʧ_»°_£¬ # # And if she had at all an husband, when she vowed, or uttered ought # out of her lips, wherewith she bound her soul; # # unit P NUM:30:7 Ëý_ÕÉ_·ò_Ìý_¼û_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_£¬_È´_Ïò_Ëý_Ĭ_Ĭ_²»_ÑÔ_£¬_Ëý_Ëù_Ðí_µÄ_Ô¸_²¢ Ô¼_Êø_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_»°_¾Í_¶¼_Òª_Ϊ_¶¨_¡£ # # And her husband heard it, and held his peace at her in the day that # he heard it: then her vows shall stand, and her bonds wherewith she # bound her soul shall stand. # # unit P NUM:30:8 µ«_Ëý_ÕÉ_·ò_Ìý_¼û_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_£¬_Èô_²»_Ó¦_³Ð_£¬_¾Í_Ëã_·Ï_ÁË_Ëý_Ëù_Ðí_µÄ Ô¸_ºÍ_Ëý_³ö_¿Ú_Ô¼_Êø_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_ð_ʧ_»°_¡£_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ò²_±Ø_Éâ_Ãâ_Ëý_¡£ # # But if her husband disallowed her on the day that he heard it; then # he shall make her vow which she vowed, and that which she uttered # with her lips, wherewith she bound her soul, of none effect: and the # LORD shall forgive her. # # unit P NUM:30:9 ¹Ñ_¸¾_»ò_ÊÇ_±»_ÐÝ_µÄ_¸¾_ÈË_Ëù_Ðí_µÄ_Ô¸_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ëý_Ô¼_Êø_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_»° £¬_¶¼_Òª_Ϊ_¶¨_¡£ # # But every vow of a widow, and of her that is divorced, wherewith # they have bound their souls, shall stand against her. # # unit P NUM:30:10 Ëý_Èô_ÔÚ_ÕÉ_·ò_¼Ò_Àï_Ðí_ÁË_Ô¸_»ò_Æð_ÁË_ÊÄ_£¬_Ô¼_Êø_×Ô_¼º_£¬ # # And if she vowed in her husband's house, or bound her soul by a bond # with an oath; # # unit P NUM:30:11 ÕÉ_·ò_Ìý_¼û_£¬_È´_Ïò_Ëý_Ĭ_Ĭ_²»_ÑÔ_£¬_Ò²_û_ÓÐ_²»_Ó¦_³Ð_£¬_Ëý_Ëù_Ðí µÄ_Ô¸_²¢_Ô¼_Êø_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_»°_¾Í_¶¼_Òª_Ϊ_¶¨_¡£ # # And her husband heard it, and held his peace at her, and disallowed # her not: then all her vows shall stand, and every bond wherewith she # bound her soul shall stand. # # unit P NUM:30:12 ÕÉ_·ò_Ìý_¼û_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_£¬_Èô_°Ñ_Õâ_Á½_Ñù_È«_·Ï_ÁË_£¬_¸¾_ÈË_¿Ú_ÖÐ_Ëù_Ðí µÄ_Ô¸_»ò_ÊÇ_Ô¼_Êø_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_»°_¾Í_¶¼_²»_µÃ_Ϊ_¶¨_£¬_Òò_Ëý_ÕÉ_·ò_ÒÑ_¾­ °Ñ_Õâ_Á½_Ñù_·Ï_ÁË_¡£_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ò²_±Ø_Éâ_Ãâ_Ëý_¡£ # # But if her husband hath utterly made them void on the day he heard # them; then whatsoever proceeded out of her lips concerning her vows, # or concerning the bond of her soul, shall not stand: her husband # hath made them void; and the LORD shall forgive her. # # unit P NUM:30:13 ·²_Ëý_Ëù_Ðí_µÄ_Ô¸_ºÍ_¿Ì_¿à_Ô¼_Êø_×Ô_¼º_Ëù_Æð_µÄ_ÊÄ_£¬_Ëý_ÕÉ_·ò_¿É_ÒÔ ¼á_¶¨_£¬_Ò²_¿É_ÒÔ_·Ï_È¥_¡£ # # Every vow, and every binding oath to afflict the soul, her husband # may establish it, or her husband may make it void. # # unit P NUM:30:14 ÌÈ_Èô_Ëý_ÕÉ_·ò_Ìì_Ìì_Ïò_Ëý_Ĭ_Ĭ_²»_ÑÔ_£¬_¾Í_Ëã_ÊÇ_¼á_¶¨_Ëý_Ëù_Ðí_µÄ Ô¸_ºÍ_Ô¼_Êø_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_»°_¡£_Òò_ÕÉ_·ò_Ìý_¼û_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_Ïò_Ëý_Ĭ_Ĭ_²»_ÑÔ £¬_¾Í_ʹ_Õâ_Á½_Ñù_¼á_¶¨_¡£ # # But if her husband altogether hold his peace at her from day to day; # then he establisheth all her vows, or all her bonds, which are upon # her: he confirmeth them, because he held his peace at her in the day # that he heard them. # # unit P NUM:30:15 µ«_Ëý_ÕÉ_·ò_Ìý_¼û_ÒÔ_ºó_£¬_Èô_ʹ_Õâ_Á½_Ñù_È«_·Ï_ÁË_£¬_¾Í_Òª_µ£_µ±_¸¾ ÈË_µÄ_×ï_Äõ_¡£ # # But if he shall any ways make them void after that he hath heard # them; then he shall bear her iniquity. # # unit P NUM:30:16 Õâ_ÊÇ_ÕÉ_·ò_´ý_ÆÞ_×Ó_£¬_¸¸_Ç×_´ý_Å®_¶ù_£¬_Å®_¶ù_Äê_Ó×_£¬_»¹_ÔÚ_¸¸_¼Ò £¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_ÂÉ_Àý_¡£ # # These are the statutes, which the LORD commanded Moses, between a # man and his wife, between the father and his daughter, being yet in # her youth in her father's house. # ## # chapter 31 NUM:31 # unit P NUM:31:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P NUM:31:2 Äã_Òª_ÔÚ_Ã×_µé_ÈË_Éí_ÉÏ_±¨_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_µÄ_³ð_£¬_ºó_À´_Òª_¹é_µ½_Äã_ÁÐ ×æ_£¨_Ô­_ÎÄ_×÷_±¾_Ãñ_£©_ÄÇ_Àï_¡£ # # Avenge the children of Israel of the Midianites: afterward shalt # thou be gathered unto thy people. # # unit P NUM:31:3 Ħ_Î÷_·Ô_¸À_°Ù_ÐÕ_˵_£¬_Òª_´Ó_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_½Ð_ÈË_´ø_±ø_Æ÷_³ö_È¥_¹¥_»÷ Ã×_µé_£¬_ºÃ_ÔÚ_Ã×_µé_ÈË_Éí_ÉÏ_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_±¨_³ð_¡£ # # And Moses spake unto the people, saying, Arm some of yourselves unto # the war, and let them go against the Midianites, and avenge the LORD # of Midian. # # unit P NUM:31:4 ´Ó_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÚ_Ö§_ÅÉ_ÖÐ_£¬_ÿ_Ö§_ÅÉ_Òª_´ò_·¢_Ò»_ǧ_ÈË_È¥_´ò_ÕÌ_¡£ # # Of every tribe a thousand, throughout all the tribes of Israel, # shall ye send to the war. # # unit P NUM:31:5 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_´Ó_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ǧ_Íò_ÈË_ÖÐ_£¬_ÿ_Ö§_ÅÉ_½»_³ö_Ò»_ǧ_ÈË_£¬_¹²_Ò»_Íò ¶þ_ǧ_ÈË_£¬_´ø_×Å_±ø_Æ÷_Ô¤_±¸_´ò_ÕÌ_¡£ # # So there were delivered out of the thousands of Israel, a thousand # of every tribe, twelve thousand armed for war. # # unit P NUM:31:6 Ħ_Î÷_¾Í_´ò_·¢_ÿ_Ö§_ÅÉ_µÄ_Ò»_ǧ_ÈË_È¥_´ò_ÕÌ_£¬_²¢_´ò_·¢_¼À_˾_ÒÔ_Àû ÑÇ_Èö_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_·Ç_Äá_¹þ_ͬ_È¥_¡£_·Ç_Äá_¹þ_ÊÖ_Àï_ÄÃ_×Å_Ê¥_Ëù_µÄ_Æ÷_Ãó ºÍ_´µ_´ó_Éù_µÄ_ºÅ_Ͳ_¡£ # # And Moses sent them to the war, a thousand of every tribe, them and # Phinehas the son of Eleazar the priest, to the war, with the holy # instruments, and the trumpets to blow in his hand. # # unit P NUM:31:7 Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Í_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_£¬_Óë_Ã×_µé_ÈË_´ò_ÕÌ_£¬_ɱ_ÁË Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_ÄÐ_¶¡_¡£ # # And they warred against the Midianites, as the LORD commanded Moses; # and they slew all the males. # # unit P NUM:31:8 ÔÚ_Ëù_ɱ_µÄ_ÈË_ÖÐ_£¬_ɱ_ÁË_Ã×_µé_µÄ_Îå_Íõ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÒÔ_δ_£¬_Àû_½ð_£¬ ËÕ_çí_£¬_»§_çí_£¬_Àû_°Í_£¬_ÓÖ_ÓÃ_µ¶_ɱ_ÁË_±È_çí_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_°Í_À¼_¡£ # # And they slew the kings of Midian, beside the rest of them that were # slain; namely, Evi, and Rekem, and Zur, and Hur, and Reba, five # kings of Midian: Balaam also the son of Beor they slew with the # sword. # # unit P NUM:31:9 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_°_ÁË_Ã×_µé_ÈË_µÄ_¸¾_Å®_º¢_×Ó_£¬_²¢_½«_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éü_Ðó_£¬ Ñò_Ⱥ_£¬_ºÍ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_²Æ_Îï_¶¼_¶á_ÁË_À´_£¬_µ±_×÷_°_Îï_£¬ # # And the children of Israel took all the women of Midian captives, # and their little ones, and took the spoil of all their cattle, and # all their flocks, and all their goods. # # unit P NUM:31:10 ÓÖ_ÓÃ_»ð_·Ù_ÉÕ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ëù_ס_µÄ_³Ç_ÒØ_ºÍ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_Óª_Õ¯_£¬ # # And they burnt all their cities wherein they dwelt, and all their # goodly castles, with fire. # # unit P NUM:31:11 °Ñ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Ëù_¶á_µÄ_£¬_Ëù_°_µÄ_£¬_Á¬_ÈË_´ø_Éü_Ðó_¶¼_´ø_ÁË_È¥_£¬ # # And they took all the spoil, and all the prey, both of men and of # beasts. # # unit P NUM:31:12 ½«_Ëù_°_µÄ_ÈË_£¬_Ëù_¶á_µÄ_Éü_Ðó_£¬_²Æ_Îï_£¬_¶¼_´ø_µ½_Ħ_Ѻ_ƽ_Ô­_£¬ ÔÚ_Ô¼_µ©_ºÓ_±ß_Óë_Ò®_Àû_¸ç_Ïà_¶Ô_µÄ_Óª_ÅÌ_£¬_½»_¸ø_Ħ_Î÷_ºÍ_¼À_˾_ÒÔ Àû_ÑÇ_Èö_£¬_²¢_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_µÄ_»á_ÖÚ_¡£ # # And they brought the captives, and the prey, and the spoil, unto # Moses, and Eleazar the priest, and unto the congregation of the # children of Israel, unto the camp at the plains of Moab, which are # by Jordan near Jericho. # # unit P NUM:31:13 Ħ_Î÷_ºÍ_¼À_˾_ÒÔ_Àû_ÑÇ_Èö_£¬_²¢_»á_ÖÚ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_Ê×_Áì_£¬_¶¼_³ö_µ½_Óª Íâ_Ó­_½Ó_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£ # # And Moses, and Eleazar the priest, and all the princes of the # congregation, went forth to meet them without the camp. # # unit P NUM:31:14 Ħ_Î÷_Ïò_´ò_ÕÌ_»Ø_À´_µÄ_¾ü_³¤_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ǧ_·ò_³¤_£¬_°Ù_·ò_³¤_£¬_·¢_Å­ £¬ # # And Moses was wroth with the officers of the host, with the captains # over thousands, and captains over hundreds, which came from the # battle. # # unit P NUM:31:15 ¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_´æ_Áô_Õâ_Ò»_ÇÐ_¸¾_Å®_µÄ_»î_Ãü_Âð_£¿ # # And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive? # # unit P NUM:31:16 Õâ_Щ_¸¾_Å®_Òò_°Í_À¼_µÄ_¼Æ_ı_£¬_½Ð_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÔÚ_Åþ_çí_µÄ_ÊÂ_ÉÏ_µÃ ×ï_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_ÒÔ_ÖÂ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_»á_ÖÚ_Ôâ_Óö_ÎÁ_Òß_¡£ # # Behold, these caused the children of Israel, through the counsel of # Balaam, to commit trespass against the LORD in the matter of Peor, # and there was a plague among the congregation of the LORD. # # unit P NUM:31:17 Ëù_ÒÔ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_°Ñ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_ÄÐ_º¢_ºÍ_Ëù_ÓÐ_ÒÑ_¼Þ_µÄ_Å®_×Ó_¶¼_ɱ_ÁË ¡£ # # Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every # woman that hath known man by lying with him. # # unit P NUM:31:18 µ«_Å®_º¢_×Ó_ÖÐ_£¬_·²_û_ÓÐ_³ö_¼Þ_µÄ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¶¼_¿É_ÒÔ_´æ_Áô_Ëý_µÄ_»î Ãü_¡£ # # But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with # him, keep alive for yourselves. # # unit P NUM:31:19 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_ÔÚ_Óª_Íâ_פ_Ôú_Æß_ÈÕ_¡£_·²_ɱ_ÁË_ÈË_µÄ_£¬_ºÍ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Ãþ_ÁË_±» ɱ_µÄ_£¬_²¢_Äã_ÃÇ_Ëù_°_À´_µÄ_ÈË_¿Ú_£¬_µÚ_Èý_ÈÕ_£¬_µÚ_Æß_ÈÕ_£¬_¶¼_Òª ½à_¾»_×Ô_¼º_£¬ # # And do ye abide without the camp seven days: whosoever hath killed # any person, and whosoever hath touched any slain, purify both # yourselves and your captives on the third day, and on the seventh # day. # # unit P NUM:31:20 Ò²_Òª_Òò_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_ÒÂ_·þ_£¬_Ƥ_Îï_£¬_ɽ_Ñò_ë_Ö¯_µÄ_Îï_£¬_ºÍ_¸÷_Ñù_µÄ ľ_Æ÷_£¬_½à_¾»_×Ô_¼º_¡£ # # And purify all your raiment, and all that is made of skins, and all # work of goats' hair, and all things made of wood. # # unit P NUM:31:21 ¼À_˾_ÒÔ_Àû_ÑÇ_Èö_¶Ô_´ò_ÕÌ_»Ø_À´_µÄ_±ø_¶¡_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Ħ Î÷_ÂÉ_·¨_ÖÐ_µÄ_Ìõ_Àý_ÄË_ÊÇ_Õâ_Ñù_£¬ # # And Eleazar the priest said unto the men of war which went to the # battle, This is the ordinance of the law which the LORD commanded # Moses; # # unit P NUM:31:22 ½ð_£¬_Òø_£¬_Í­_£¬_Ìú_£¬_Îý_£¬_Ǧ_£¬ # # Only the gold, and the silver, the brass, the iron, the tin, and the # lead, # # unit P NUM:31:23 ·²_ÄÜ_¼û_»ð_µÄ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_½Ð_Ëü_¾­_»ð_¾Í_Ϊ_½à_¾»_£¬_È»_¶ø_»¹_Òª_Óà ³ý_ÎÛ_»à_µÄ_Ë®_½à_¾»_Ëü_¡£_·²_²»_ÄÜ_¼û_»ð_µÄ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_½Ð_Ëü_¹ý_Ë® ¡£ # # Every thing that may abide the fire, ye shall make it go through the # fire, and it shall be clean: nevertheless it shall be purified with # the water of separation: and all that abideth not the fire ye shall # make go through the water. # # unit P NUM:31:24 µÚ_Æß_ÈÕ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_Ï´_ÒÂ_·þ_£¬_¾Í_Ϊ_½à_¾»_£¬_È»_ºó_¿É_ÒÔ_½ø_Óª_¡£ # # And ye shall wash your clothes on the seventh day, and ye shall be # clean, and afterward ye shall come into the camp. # # unit P NUM:31:25 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P NUM:31:26 Äã_ºÍ_¼À_˾_ÒÔ_Àû_ÑÇ_Èö_£¬_²¢_»á_ÖÚ_µÄ_¸÷_×å_³¤_£¬_Òª_¼Æ_Ëã_Ëù_°_À´ µÄ_ÈË_¿Ú_ºÍ_Éü_Ðó_µÄ_×Ü_Êý_¡£ # # Take the sum of the prey that was taken, both of man and of beast, # thou, and Eleazar the priest, and the chief fathers of the # congregation: # # unit P NUM:31:27 °Ñ_Ëù_°_À´_µÄ_·Ö_×÷_Á½_°ë_£¬_Ò»_°ë_¹é_Óë_³ö_È¥_´ò_ÕÌ_µÄ_¾«_±ø_£¬_Ò» °ë_¹é_Óë_È«_»á_ÖÚ_¡£ # # And divide the prey into two parts; between them that took the war # upon them, who went out to battle, and between all the congregation: # # unit P NUM:31:28 ÓÖ_Òª_´Ó_³ö_È¥_´ò_ÕÌ_Ëù_µÃ_µÄ_ÈË_¿Ú_£¬_Å£_£¬_¿_£¬_Ñò_Ⱥ_ÖÐ_£¬_ÿ_Îå °Ù_È¡_Ò»_£¬_×÷_Ϊ_¹±_Îï_·î_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # And levy a tribute unto the Lord of the men of war which went out to # battle: one soul of five hundred, both of the persons, and of the # beeves, and of the asses, and of the sheep: # # unit P NUM:31:29 ´Ó_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ò»_°ë_Ö®_ÖÐ_£¬_Òª_È¡_³ö_À´_½»_¸ø_¼À_˾_ÒÔ_Àû_ÑÇ_Èö_£¬_×÷_Ϊ Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_¾Ù_¼À_¡£ # # Take it of their half, and give it unto Eleazar the priest, for an # heave offering of the LORD. # # unit P NUM:31:30 ´Ó_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_µÄ_Ò»_°ë_Ö®_ÖÐ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_´Ó_ÈË_¿Ú_£¬_Å£_£¬_¿_£¬_Ñò_Ⱥ £¬_¸÷_Ñù_Éü_Ðó_ÖÐ_£¬_ÿ_Îå_Ê®_È¡_Ò»_£¬_½»_¸ø_¿´_ÊØ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÕÊ_Ä»_µÄ Àû_δ_ÈË_¡£ # # And of the children of Israel's half, thou shalt take one portion of # fifty, of the persons, of the beeves, of the asses, and of the # flocks, of all manner of beasts, and give them unto the Levites, # which keep the charge of the tabernacle of the LORD. # # unit P NUM:31:31 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Ħ_Î÷_ºÍ_¼À_˾_ÒÔ_Àû_ÑÇ_Èö_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_ÐÐ_ÁË ¡£ # # And Moses and Eleazar the priest did as the LORD commanded Moses. # # unit P NUM:31:32 ³ý_ÁË_±ø_¶¡_Ëù_¶á_µÄ_²Æ_Îï_ÒÔ_Íâ_£¬_Ëù_°_À´_µÄ_£¬_Ñò_Áù_Ê®_Æß_Íò_Îå ǧ_Ö»_¡£ # # And the booty, being the rest of the prey which the men of war had # caught, was six hundred thousand and seventy thousand and five # thousand sheep, # # unit P NUM:31:33 Å£_Æß_Íò_¶þ_ǧ_Ö»_¡£ # # And threescore and twelve thousand beeves, # # unit P NUM:31:34 ¿_Áù_Íò_Ò»_ǧ_Æ¥_¡£ # # And threescore and one thousand asses, # # unit P NUM:31:35 Å®_ÈË_¹²_Èý_Íò_¶þ_ǧ_¿Ú_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_û_ÓÐ_³ö_¼Þ_µÄ_¡£ # # And thirty and two thousand persons in all, of women that had not # known man by lying with him. # # unit P NUM:31:36 ³ö_È¥_´ò_ÕÌ_Ö®_ÈË_µÄ_·Ö_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ëù_µÃ_µÄ_ÄÇ_Ò»_°ë_£¬_¹²_¼Æ_Ñò Èý_Ê®_Èý_Íò_Æß_ǧ_Îå_°Ù_Ö»_£¬ # # And the half, which was the portion of them that went out to war, # was in number three hundred thousand and seven and thirty thousand # and five hundred sheep: # # unit P NUM:31:37 ´Ó_Æä_ÖÐ_¹é_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_¹±_Îï_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_Áù_°Ù_Æß_Ê®_Îå_Ö»_¡£ # # And the LORD's tribute of the sheep was six hundred and threescore # and fifteen. # # unit P NUM:31:38 Å£_Èý_Íò_Áù_ǧ_Ö»_£¬_´Ó_Æä_ÖÐ_¹é_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_¹±_Îï_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_Æß_Ê®_¶þ Ö»_¡£ # # And the beeves were thirty and six thousand; of which the LORD's # tribute was threescore and twelve. # # unit P NUM:31:39 ¿_Èý_Íò_Áã_Îå_°Ù_Æ¥_£¬_´Ó_Æä_ÖÐ_¹é_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_¹±_Îï_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_Áù_Ê® Ò»_Æ¥_¡£ # # And the asses were thirty thousand and five hundred; of which the # LORD's tribute was threescore and one. # # unit P NUM:31:40 ÈË_Ò»_Íò_Áù_ǧ_¿Ú_£¬_´Ó_Æä_ÖÐ_¹é_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_Èý_Ê®_¶þ_¿Ú_¡£ # # And the persons were sixteen thousand; of which the LORD's tribute # was thirty and two persons. # # unit P NUM:31:41 Ħ_Î÷_°Ñ_¹±_Îï_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_¹é_Óë_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_¾Ù_¼À_£¬_½»_¸ø_¼À_˾_ÒÔ_Àû ÑÇ_Èö_£¬_ÊÇ_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_¡£ # # And Moses gave the tribute, which was the LORD's heave offering, # unto Eleazar the priest, as the LORD commanded Moses. # # unit P NUM:31:42 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Ëù_µÃ_µÄ_ÄÇ_Ò»_°ë_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ħ_Î÷_´Ó_´ò_ÕÌ_µÄ_ÈË_È¡_À´_·Ö ¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_¡£ # # And of the children of Israel's half, which Moses divided from the # men that warred, # # unit P NUM:31:43 £¨_»á_ÖÚ_µÄ_ÄÇ_Ò»_°ë_ÓÐ_£¬_Ñò_Èý_Ê®_Èý_Íò_Æß_ǧ_Îå_°Ù_Ö»_¡£ # # (Now the half that pertained unto the congregation was three hundred # thousand and thirty thousand and seven thousand and five hundred # sheep, # # unit P NUM:31:44 Å£_Èý_Íò_Áù_ǧ_Ö»_¡£ # # And thirty and six thousand beeves, # # unit P NUM:31:45 ¿_Èý_Íò_Áã_Îå_°Ù_Æ¥_¡£ # # And thirty thousand asses and five hundred, # # unit P NUM:31:46 ÈË_Ò»_Íò_Áù_ǧ_¿Ú_¡£_£© # # And sixteen thousand persons;) # # unit P NUM:31:47 ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_ÈË_¿Ú_ÊÇ_Éü_Ðó_£¬_Ħ_Î÷_ÿ_Îå_Ê®_È¡_Ò»_£¬_½»_¸ø_¿´_ÊØ_Ò®_ºÍ »ª_ÕÊ_Ä»_µÄ_Àû_δ_ÈË_£¬_ÊÇ_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_¡£ # # Even of the children of Israel's half, Moses took one portion of # fifty, both of man and of beast, and gave them unto the Levites, # which kept the charge of the tabernacle of the LORD; as the LORD # commanded Moses. # # unit P NUM:31:48 ´ø_Áì_ǧ_¾ü_µÄ_¸÷_¾ü_³¤_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ǧ_·ò_³¤_£¬_°Ù_·ò_³¤_£¬_¶¼_½ü_Ç°_À´ ¼û_Ħ_Î÷_£¬ # # And the officers which were over thousands of the host, the captains # of thousands, and captains of hundreds, came near unto Moses: # # unit P NUM:31:49 ¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_ÆÍ_ÈË_Ȩ_ÏÂ_µÄ_±ø_ÒÑ_¾­_¼Æ_Ëã_×Ü_Êý_£¬_²¢_²»_¶Ì_ÉÙ_Ò»_ÈË ¡£ # # And they said unto Moses, Thy servants have taken the sum of the men # of war which are under our charge, and there lacketh not one man of # us. # # unit P NUM:31:50 Èç_½ñ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_½«_¸÷_ÈË_Ëù_µÃ_µÄ_½ð_Æ÷_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_½Å_Á´_×Ó_£¬_ïí_×Ó_£¬_´ò Ó¡_µÄ_½ä_Ö¸_£¬_¶ú_»·_£¬_ÊÖ_îË_£¬_¶¼_ËÍ_À´_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_¹©_Îï_£¬_ºÃ ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_Ϊ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éú_Ãü_Êê_×ï_¡£ # # We have therefore brought an oblation for the LORD, what every man # hath gotten, of jewels of gold, chains, and bracelets, rings, # earrings, and tablets, to make an atonement for our souls before the # LORD. # # unit P NUM:31:51 Ħ_Î÷_ºÍ_¼À_˾_ÒÔ_Àû_ÑÇ_Èö_¾Í_ÊÕ_ÁË_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_½ð_×Ó_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_´ò_³É_µÄ Æ÷_Ãó_¡£ # # And Moses and Eleazar the priest took the gold of them, even all # wrought jewels. # # unit P NUM:31:52 ǧ_·ò_³¤_£¬_°Ù_·ò_³¤_Ëù_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_¾Ù_¼À_µÄ_½ð_×Ó_¹²_ÓÐ_Ò»_Íò Áù_ǧ_Æß_°Ù_Îå_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_¡£ # # And all the gold of the offering that they offered up to the LORD, # of the captains of thousands, and of the captains of hundreds, was # sixteen thousand seven hundred and fifty shekels. # # unit P NUM:31:53 ¸÷_±ø_¶¡_¶¼_Ϊ_×Ô_¼º_¶á_ÁË_²Æ_Îï_¡£ # # (For the men of war had taken spoil, every man for himself.) # # unit P NUM:31:54 Ħ_Î÷_ºÍ_¼À_˾_ÒÔ_Àû_ÑÇ_Èö_ÊÕ_ÁË_ǧ_·ò_³¤_£¬_°Ù_·ò_³¤_µÄ_½ð_×Ó_£¬_¾Í ´ø_½ø_»á_Ä»_£¬_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_×÷_Ϊ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_µÄ_¼Í_Äî_¡£ # # And Moses and Eleazar the priest took the gold of the captains of # thousands and of hundreds, and brought it into the tabernacle of the # congregation, for a memorial for the children of Israel before the # LORD. # ## # chapter 32 NUM:32 # unit P NUM:32:1 Á÷_±ã_×Ó_Ëï_ºÍ_åÈ_µÃ_×Ó_Ëï_µÄ_Éü_Ðó_¼«_Æä_ÖÚ_¶à_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_¿´_¼û_ÑÅ_л µØ_ºÍ_»ù_ÁÐ_µØ_ÊÇ_¿É_ÄÁ_·Å_Éü_Ðó_Ö®_µØ_£¬ # # Now the children of Reuben and the children of Gad had a very great # multitude of cattle: and when they saw the land of Jazer, and the # land of Gilead, that, behold, the place was a place for cattle; # # unit P NUM:32:2 ¾Í_À´_¼û_Ħ_Î÷_ºÍ_¼À_˾_ÒÔ_Àû_ÑÇ_Èö_£¬_²¢_»á_ÖÚ_µÄ_Ê×_Áì_£¬_˵_£¬ # # The children of Gad and the children of Reuben came and spake unto # Moses, and to Eleazar the priest, and unto the princes of the # congregation, saying, # # unit P NUM:32:3 ÑÇ_´ó_¼_£¬_µ×_±¾_£¬_ÑÅ_л_£¬_Äþ_À­_£¬_Ï£_ʵ_±¾_£¬_ÒÔ_Àû_ÑÇ_Àû_£¬_ʾ °à_£¬_Äá_²¨_£¬_±È_ÎÈ_£¬ # # Ataroth, and Dibon, and Jazer, and Nimrah, and Heshbon, and Elealeh, # and Shebam, and Nebo, and Beon, # # unit P NUM:32:4 ¾Í_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_»á_ÖÚ_Ç°_Ãæ_Ëù_¹¥_È¡_Ö®_µØ_£¬_ÊÇ_¿É_ÄÁ_·Å Éü_Ðó_Ö®_µØ_£¬_Äã_ÆÍ_ÈË_Ò²_ÓÐ_Éü_Ðó_¡£ # # Even the country which the LORD smote before the congregation of # Israel, is a land for cattle, and thy servants have cattle: # # unit P NUM:32:5 ÓÖ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Èô_ÔÚ_Äã_ÑÛ_Ç°_ÃÉ_¶÷_£¬_Çó_Äã_°Ñ_Õâ_µØ_¸ø_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Ϊ_Òµ £¬_²»_Òª_Áì_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¹ý_Ô¼_µ©_ºÓ_¡£ # # Wherefore, said they, if we have found grace in thy sight, let this # land be given unto thy servants for a possession, and bring us not # over Jordan. # # unit P NUM:32:6 Ħ_Î÷_¶Ô_åÈ_µÃ_×Ó_Ëï_ºÍ_Á÷_±ã_×Ó_Ëï_˵_£¬_ÄÑ_µÀ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_µÜ_ÐÖ_È¥_´ò ÕÌ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¾¹_×ø_ÔÚ_Õâ_Àï_Âð_£¿ # # And Moses said unto the children of Gad and to the children of # Reuben, Shall your brethren go to war, and shall ye sit here? # # unit P NUM:32:7 Äã_ÃÇ_Ϊ_ºÎ_ʹ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_»Ò_ÐÄ_É¥_µ¨_£¬_²»_¹ý_È¥_½ø_Èë_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù ´Í_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÄÇ_µØ_ÄØ_£¿ # # And wherefore discourage ye the heart of the children of Israel from # going over into the land which the LORD hath given them? # # unit P NUM:32:8 ÎÒ_ÏÈ_Ç°_´Ó_¼Ó_µÍ_˹_°Í_Äá_ÑÇ_´ò_·¢_Äã_ÃÇ_ÏÈ_×æ_È¥_¿ú_̽_ÄÇ_µØ_£¬_Ëû ÃÇ_Ò²_ÊÇ_Õâ_Ñù_ÐÐ_¡£ # # Thus did your fathers, when I sent them from Kadeshbarnea to see the # land. # # unit P NUM:32:9 Ëû_ÃÇ_ÉÏ_ÒÔ_ʵ_¸÷_¹È_£¬_È¥_¿ú_̽_ÄÇ_µØ_»Ø_À´_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_ʹ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ ÈË_»Ò_ÐÄ_É¥_µ¨_£¬_²»_½ø_Èë_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_´Í_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_µØ_¡£ # # For when they went up unto the valley of Eshcol, and saw the land, # they discouraged the heart of the children of Israel, that they # should not go into the land which the LORD had given them. # # unit P NUM:32:10 µ±_ÈÕ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_Å­_Æø_·¢_×÷_£¬_¾Í_Æð_ÊÄ_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD's anger was kindled the same time, and he sware, # saying, # # unit P NUM:32:11 ·²_´Ó_°£_¼°_ÉÏ_À´_£¬_¶þ_Ê®_Ëê_ÒÔ_Íâ_µÄ_ÈË_¶Ï_²»_µÃ_¿´_¼û_ÎÒ_¶Ô_ÑÇ_²® À­_º±_£¬_ÒÔ_Èö_£¬_ÑÅ_¸÷_Æð_ÊÄ_Ó¦_Ðí_Ö®_µØ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_ÃÇ_û_ÓÐ_ר_ÐÄ ¸ú_´Ó_ÎÒ_¡£ # # Surely none of the men that came up out of Egypt, from twenty years # old and upward, shall see the land which I sware unto Abraham, unto # Isaac, and unto Jacob; because they have not wholly followed me: # # unit P NUM:32:12 Ω_ÓÐ_»ù_Äá_Ï´_×å_Ò®_æÚ_Äá_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_åÈ_ÀÕ_ºÍ_ÄÛ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_Ô¼_Êé_ÑÇ_¿É ÒÔ_¿´_¼û_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ר_ÐÄ_¸ú_´Ó_ÎÒ_¡£ # # Save Caleb the son of Jephunneh the Kenezite, and Joshua the son of # Nun: for they have wholly followed the LORD. # # unit P NUM:32:13 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_Å­_Æø_Ïò_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_·¢_×÷_£¬_ʹ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_¿õ_Ò°_Æ®_Á÷_ËÄ Ê®_Äê_£¬_µÈ_µ½_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÑÛ_Ç°_ÐÐ_¶ñ_µÄ_ÄÇ_Ò»_´ú_ÈË_¶¼_Ïû_Ãð_ÁË_¡£ # # And the LORD's anger was kindled against Israel, and he made them # wander in the wilderness forty years, until all the generation, that # had done evil in the sight of the LORD, was consumed. # # unit P NUM:32:14 Ë­_Öª_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Æð_À´_½Ó_Ðø_ÏÈ_×æ_£¬_Ôö_Ìí_×ï_ÈË_µÄ_Êý_Ä¿_£¬_ʹ_Ò®_ºÍ »ª_Ïò_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_´ó_·¢_ÁÒ_Å­_¡£ # # And, behold, ye are risen up in your fathers' stead, an increase of # sinful men, to augment yet the fierce anger of the LORD toward # Israel. # # unit P NUM:32:15 Äã_ÃÇ_Èô_ÍË_ºó_²»_¸ú_´Ó_Ëû_£¬_Ëû_»¹_Òª_°Ñ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Ʋ_ÔÚ_¿õ_Ò°_£¬ ±ã_ÊÇ_Äã_ÃÇ_ʹ_Õâ_ÖÚ_Ãñ_Ãð_Íö_¡£ # # For if ye turn away from after him, he will yet again leave them in # the wilderness; and ye shall destroy all this people. # # unit P NUM:32:16 Á½_Ö§_ÅÉ_µÄ_ÈË_°¤_½ü_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Òª_ÔÚ_Õâ_Àï_Ϊ_Éü_Ðó_ÀÝ_Ȧ £¬_Ϊ_¸¾_ÈË_º¢_×Ó_Ôì_³Ç_¡£ # # And they came near unto him, and said, We will build sheepfolds here # for our cattle, and cities for our little ones: # # unit P NUM:32:17 ÎÒ_ÃÇ_×Ô_¼º_Òª_´ø_±ø_Æ÷_ÐÐ_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_µÄ_Ç°_Í·_£¬_ºÃ_°Ñ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Áì µ½_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_µØ_·½_¡£_µ«_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_¸¾_ÈË_º¢_×Ó_£¬_Òò_Õâ_µØ_¾Ó_Ãñ_µÄ_Ôµ ¹Ê_£¬_Òª_ס_ÔÚ_¼á_¹Ì_µÄ_³Ç_ÄÚ_¡£ # # But we ourselves will go ready armed before the children of Israel, # until we have brought them unto their place: and our little ones # shall dwell in the fenced cities because of the inhabitants of the # land. # # unit P NUM:32:18 ÎÒ_ÃÇ_²»_»Ø_¼Ò_£¬_Ö±_µÈ_µ½_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_¸÷_³Ð_ÊÜ_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_²ú_Òµ_¡£ # # We will not return unto our houses, until the children of Israel # have inherited every man his inheritance. # # unit P NUM:32:19 ÎÒ_ÃÇ_²»_ºÍ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_Ô¼_µ©_ºÓ_ÄÇ_±ß_Ò»_´ø_Ö®_µØ_ͬ_ÊÜ_²ú_Òµ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_²ú_Òµ_ÊÇ_×ø_Âä_ÔÚ_Ô¼_µ©_ºÓ_¶«_±ß_Õâ_Àï_¡£ # # For we will not inherit with them on yonder side Jordan, or forward; # because our inheritance is fallen to us on this side Jordan # eastward. # # unit P NUM:32:20 Ħ_Î÷_¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Èô_Õâ_Ñù_ÐÐ_£¬_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_´ø_×Å_±ø Æ÷_³ö_È¥_´ò_ÕÌ_£¬ # # And Moses said unto them, If ye will do this thing, if ye will go # armed before the LORD to war, # # unit P NUM:32:21 Ëù_ÓÐ_´ø_±ø_Æ÷_µÄ_ÈË_¶¼_Òª_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_¹ý_Ô¼_µ©_ºÓ_£¬_µÈ_Ëû_¸Ï ³ö_Ëû_µÄ_³ð_µÐ_£¬ # # And will go all of you armed over Jordan before the LORD, until he # hath driven out his enemies from before him, # # unit P NUM:32:22 ÄÇ_µØ_±»_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÖÆ_·ü_ÁË_£¬_È»_ºó_Äã_ÃÇ_¿É_ÒÔ_»Ø_À´_£¬_Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª ºÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_²Å_Ϊ_ÎÞ_×ï_£¬_Õâ_µØ_Ò²_±Ø_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_¹é_Äã_ÃÇ_Ϊ Òµ_¡£ # # And the land be subdued before the LORD: then afterward ye shall # return, and be guiltless before the LORD, and before Israel; and # this land shall be your possession before the LORD. # # unit P NUM:32:23 ÌÈ_Èô_Äã_ÃÇ_²»_Õâ_Ñù_ÐÐ_£¬_¾Í_µÃ_×ï_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_Òª_Öª_µÀ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_×ï ±Ø_×·_ÉÏ_Äã_ÃÇ_¡£ # # But if ye will not do so, behold, ye have sinned against the LORD: # and be sure your sin will find you out. # # unit P NUM:32:24 Èç_½ñ_Äã_ÃÇ_¿Ú_ÖÐ_Ëù_³ö_µÄ_£¬_Ö»_¹Ü_È¥_ÐÐ_£¬_Ϊ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_¸¾_ÈË_º¢_×Ó Ôì_³Ç_£¬_Ϊ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Ñò_Ⱥ_ÀÝ_Ȧ_¡£ # # Build you cities for your little ones, and folds for your sheep; and # do that which hath proceeded out of your mouth. # # unit P NUM:32:25 åÈ_µÃ_×Ó_Ëï_ºÍ_Á÷_±ã_×Ó_Ëï_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_ÆÍ_ÈË_Òª_ÕÕ_ÎÒ_Ö÷_Ëù_·Ô_¸À µÄ_È¥_ÐÐ_¡£ # # And the children of Gad and the children of Reuben spake unto Moses, # saying, Thy servants will do as my lord commandeth. # # unit P NUM:32:26 ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_£¬_º¢_×Ó_£¬_Ñò_Ⱥ_£¬_ºÍ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_Éü_Ðó_¶¼_Òª_Áô_ÔÚ_»ù ÁÐ_µÄ_¸÷_³Ç_¡£ # # Our little ones, our wives, our flocks, and all our cattle, shall be # there in the cities of Gilead: # # unit P NUM:32:27 µ«_Äã_µÄ_ÆÍ_ÈË_£¬_·²_´ø_±ø_Æ÷_µÄ_£¬_¶¼_Òª_ÕÕ_ÎÒ_Ö÷_Ëù_˵_µÄ_»°_£¬_ÔÚ Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_¹ý_È¥_´ò_ÕÌ_¡£ # # But thy servants will pass over, every man armed for war, before the # LORD to battle, as my lord saith. # # unit P NUM:32:28 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_£¬_Ħ_Î÷_Ϊ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Öö_¸À_¼À_˾_ÒÔ_Àû_ÑÇ_Èö_ºÍ_ÄÛ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_Ô¼_Êé ÑÇ_£¬_²¢_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÚ_Ö§_ÅÉ_µÄ_×å_³¤_£¬ # # So concerning them Moses commanded Eleazar the priest, and Joshua # the son of Nun, and the chief fathers of the tribes of the children # of Israel: # # unit P NUM:32:29 ˵_£¬_åÈ_µÃ_×Ó_Ëï_ºÍ_Á÷_±ã_×Ó_Ëï_£¬_·²_´ø_±ø_Æ÷_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_È¥ ´ò_ÕÌ_µÄ_£¬_Èô_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_Ò»_ͬ_¹ý_Ô¼_µ©_ºÓ_£¬_ÄÇ_µØ_±»_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÆ_·ü_ÁË £¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¾Í_Òª_°Ñ_»ù_ÁÐ_µØ_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ϊ_Òµ_¡£ # # And Moses said unto them, If the children of Gad and the children of # Reuben will pass with you over Jordan, every man armed to battle, # before the LORD, and the land shall be subdued before you; then ye # shall give them the land of Gilead for a possession: # # unit P NUM:32:30 ÌÈ_Èô_Ëû_ÃÇ_²»_´ø_±ø_Æ÷_ºÍ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ò»_ͬ_¹ý_È¥_£¬_¾Í_Òª_ÔÚ_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ_Äã ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_µÃ_²ú_Òµ_¡£ # # But if they will not pass over with you armed, they shall have # possessions among you in the land of Canaan. # # unit P NUM:32:31 åÈ_µÃ_×Ó_Ëï_ºÍ_Á÷_±ã_×Ó_Ëï_»Ø_´ð_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ôõ_Ñù_·Ô_¸À_ÆÍ_ÈË_£¬ ÆÍ_ÈË_¾Í_Ôõ_Ñù_ÐÐ_¡£ # # And the children of Gad and the children of Reuben answered, saying, # As the LORD hath said unto thy servants, so will we do. # # unit P NUM:32:32 ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Òª_´ø_±ø_Æ÷_£¬_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_¹ý_È¥_£¬_½ø_Èë_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ_£¬_Ö» ÊÇ_Ô¼_µ©_ºÓ_Õâ_±ß_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Ëù_µÃ_Ϊ_Òµ_Ö®_µØ_ÈÔ_¹é_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¡£ # # We will pass over armed before the LORD into the land of Canaan, # that the possession of our inheritance on this side Jordan may be # ours. # # unit P NUM:32:33 Ħ_Î÷_½«_ÑÇ_Ħ_Àû_Íõ_Î÷_ºê_µÄ_¹ú_ºÍ_°Í_ɺ_Íõ_ج_µÄ_¹ú_£¬_Á¬_ÄÇ_µØ_ºÍ ÖÜ_Χ_µÄ_³Ç_ÒØ_£¬_¶¼_¸ø_ÁË_åÈ_µÃ_×Ó_Ëï_ºÍ_Á÷_±ã_×Ó_Ëï_£¬_²¢_Ô¼_ɪ_µÄ ¶ù_×Ó_Âê_ÄÃ_Î÷_°ë_¸ö_Ö§_ÅÉ_¡£ # # And Moses gave unto them, even to the children of Gad, and to the # children of Reuben, and unto half the tribe of Manasseh the son of # Joseph, the kingdom of Sihon king of the Amorites, and the kingdom # of Og king of Bashan, the land, with the cities thereof in the # coasts, even the cities of the country round about. # # unit P NUM:32:34 åÈ_µÃ_×Ó_Ëï_½¨_Ôì_µ×_±¾_£¬_ÑÇ_Ëû_¼_£¬_ÑÇ_ÂÞ_çí_£¬ # # And the children of Gad built Dibon, and Ataroth, and Aroer, # # unit P NUM:32:35 ÑÇ_Ëû_¼_Ë·_·´_£¬_ÑÅ_л_£¬_Ô¼_±È_¹þ_£¬ # # And Atroth, Shophan, and Jaazer, and Jogbehah, # # unit P NUM:32:36 ²®_Äþ_À­_£¬_²®_¹þ_À¼_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_¼á_¹Ì_³Ç_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÓÖ_ÀÝ_Ñò_Ȧ_¡£ # # And Bethnimrah, and Bethharan, fenced cities: and folds for sheep. # # unit P NUM:32:37 Á÷_±ã_×Ó_Ëï_½¨_Ôì_Ï£_ʵ_±¾_£¬_ÒÔ_Àû_ÑÇ_Àû_£¬_»ù_ÁÐ_ͤ_£¬ # # And the children of Reuben built Heshbon, and Elealeh, and # Kirjathaim, # # unit P NUM:32:38 Äá_²¨_£¬_°Í_Á¦_Ãâ_£¬_Î÷_±È_Âê_£¨_Äá_²¨_£¬_°Í_Á¦_Ãâ_£¬_Ãû_×Ö_ÊÇ_¸Ä_ÁË µÄ_£©_£¬_ÓÖ_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ëù_½¨_Ôì_µÄ_³Ç_Áí_Æð_±ð_Ãû_¡£ # # And Nebo, and Baalmeon, (their names being changed,) and Shibmah: # and gave other names unto the cities which they builded. # # unit P NUM:32:39 Âê_ÄÃ_Î÷_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_Âê_¼ª_£¬_Ëû_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_Íù_»ù_ÁÐ_È¥_£¬_Õ¼_ÁË_ÄÇ_µØ_£¬ ¸Ï_³ö_ÄÇ_Àï_µÄ_ÑÇ_Ħ_Àû_ÈË_¡£ # # And the children of Machir the son of Manasseh went to Gilead, and # took it, and dispossessed the Amorite which was in it. # # unit P NUM:32:40 Ħ_Î÷_½«_»ù_ÁÐ_´Í_¸ø_Âê_ÄÃ_Î÷_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_Âê_¼ª_£¬_Ëû_×Ó_Ëï_¾Í_ס_ÔÚ_ÄÇ Àï_¡£ # # And Moses gave Gilead unto Machir the son of Manasseh; and he dwelt # therein. # # unit P NUM:32:41 Âê_ÄÃ_Î÷_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_íý_çí_È¥_Õ¼_ÁË_»ù_ÁÐ_µÄ_´å_ׯ_£¬_¾Í_³Æ_Õâ_Щ_´å_ׯ Ϊ_¹þ_ÙÁ_ÌØ_íý_çí_¡£ # # And Jair the son of Manasseh went and took the small towns thereof, # and called them Havothjair. # # unit P NUM:32:42 Ų_°Í_È¥_Õ¼_ÁË_»ù_ÄÉ_ºÍ_»ù_ÄÉ_µÄ_Ïç_´å_£¬_¾Í_°´_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_Ãû_³Æ_»ù_ÄÉ Îª_Ų_°Í_¡£ # # And Nobah went and took Kenath, and the villages thereof, and called # it Nobah, after his own name. # ## # chapter 33 NUM:33 # unit P NUM:33:1 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_°´_×Å_¾ü_¶Ó_£¬_ÔÚ_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_ÑÇ_Â×_µÄ_ÊÖ_ÏÂ_³ö_°£_¼°_µØ_Ëù ÐÐ_µÄ_·_³Ì_£¨_»ò_×÷_Õ¾_¿Ú_ÏÂ_ͬ_£©_¼Ç_ÔÚ_ÏÂ_Ãæ_¡£ # # These are the journeys of the children of Israel, which went forth # out of the land of Egypt with their armies under the hand of Moses # and Aaron. # # unit P NUM:33:2 Ħ_Î÷_×ñ_×Å_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_·Ô_¸À_¼Ç_ÔØ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ëù_ÐÐ_µÄ_·_³Ì_£¬_Æä_·_³Ì ÄË_ÊÇ_Õâ_Ñù_£¬ # # And Moses wrote their goings out according to their journeys by the # commandment of the LORD: and these are their journeys according to # their goings out. # # unit P NUM:33:3 Õý_ÔÂ_Ê®_Îå_ÈÕ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Óâ_Ô½_½Ú_µÄ_´Î_ÈÕ_£¬_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_´Ó_À¼_Èû_Æð ÐÐ_£¬_ÔÚ_Ò»_ÇÐ_°£_¼°_ÈË_ÑÛ_Ç°_°º_È»_ÎÞ_¾å_µØ_³ö_È¥_¡£ # # And they departed from Rameses in the first month, on the fifteenth # day of the first month; on the morrow after the passover the # children of Israel went out with an high hand in the sight of all # the Egyptians. # # unit P NUM:33:4 ÄÇ_ʱ_£¬_°£_¼°_ÈË_Õý_Ôá_Âñ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_³¤_×Ó_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ ÖÐ_¼ä_Ëù_»÷_ɱ_µÄ_¡£_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ò²_°Ü_»µ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # For the Egyptians buried all their firstborn, which the LORD had # smitten among them: upon their gods also the LORD executed # judgments. # # unit P NUM:33:5 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_´Ó_À¼_Èû_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_°²_Óª_ÔÚ_Êè_¸î_¡£ # # And the children of Israel removed from Rameses, and pitched in # Succoth. # # unit P NUM:33:6 ´Ó_Êè_¸î_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_°²_Óª_ÔÚ_¿õ_Ò°_±ß_µÄ_ÒÔ_ÌÈ_¡£ # # And they departed from Succoth, and pitched in Etham, which is in # the edge of the wilderness. # # unit P NUM:33:7 ´Ó_ÒÔ_ÌÈ_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_ת_µ½_±È_¹þ_Ï£_¼_£¬_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_°Í_Á¦_Ï´_·Ö_¶Ô_Ãæ_£¬_¾Í ÔÚ_ÃÜ_¶á_°²_Óª_¡£ # # And they removed from Etham, and turned again unto Pihahiroth, which # is before Baalzephon: and they pitched before Migdol. # # unit P NUM:33:8 ´Ó_±È_¹þ_Ï£_¼_¶Ô_Ãæ_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_¾­_¹ý_º£_ÖÐ_µ½_ÁË_Êé_çí_¿õ_Ò°_£¬_ÓÖ_ÔÚ ÒÁ_̹_µÄ_¿õ_Ò°_×ß_ÁË_Èý_Ìì_µÄ_·_³Ì_£¬_¾Í_°²_Óª_ÔÚ_Âê_À­_¡£ # # And they departed from before Pihahiroth, and passed through the # midst of the sea into the wilderness, and went three days' journey # in the wilderness of Etham, and pitched in Marah. # # unit P NUM:33:9 ´Ó_Âê_À­_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_À´_µ½_ÒÔ_ÁÕ_£¨_ÒÔ_ÁÕ_ÓÐ_Ê®_¶þ_¹É_Ë®_Ȫ_£¬_Æß_Ê®_¿Ã ×Ø_Ê÷_£©_£¬_¾Í_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_°²_Óª_¡£ # # And they removed from Marah, and came unto Elim: and in Elim were # twelve fountains of water, and threescore and ten palm trees; and # they pitched there. # # unit P NUM:33:10 ´Ó_ÒÔ_ÁÕ_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_°²_Óª_ÔÚ_ºì_º£_±ß_¡£ # # And they removed from Elim, and encamped by the Red sea. # # unit P NUM:33:11 ´Ó_ºì_º£_±ß_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_°²_Óª_ÔÚ_Ñ´_µÄ_¿õ_Ò°_¡£ # # And they removed from the Red sea, and encamped in the wilderness of # Sin. # # unit P NUM:33:12 ´Ó_Ñ´_µÄ_¿õ_Ò°_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_°²_Óª_ÔÚ_ÍÑ_¼Ó_¡£ # # And they took their journey out of the wilderness of Sin, and # encamped in Dophkah. # # unit P NUM:33:13 ´Ó_ÍÑ_¼Ó_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_°²_Óª_ÔÚ_ÑÇ_¼_¡£ # # And they departed from Dophkah, and encamped in Alush. # # unit P NUM:33:14 ´Ó_ÑÇ_¼_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_°²_Óª_ÔÚ_Àû_·Ç_¶©_¡£_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_°Ù_ÐÕ_û_ÓÐ_Ë®_ºÈ ¡£ # # And they removed from Alush, and encamped at Rephidim, where was no # water for the people to drink. # # unit P NUM:33:15 ´Ó_Àû_·Ç_¶©_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_°²_Óª_ÔÚ_Î÷_ÄË_µÄ_¿õ_Ò°_¡£ # # And they departed from Rephidim, and pitched in the wilderness of # Sinai. # # unit P NUM:33:16 ´Ó_Î÷_ÄË_µÄ_¿õ_Ò°_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_°²_Óª_ÔÚ_»ù_²©_ÂÞ_¹þ_Ëû_Íß_¡£ # # And they removed from the desert of Sinai, and pitched at # Kibrothhattaavah. # # unit P NUM:33:17 ´Ó_»ù_²©_ÂÞ_¹þ_Ëû_Íß_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_°²_Óª_ÔÚ_¹þ_Ï´_¼_¡£ # # And they departed from Kibrothhattaavah, and encamped at Hazeroth. # # unit P NUM:33:18 ´Ó_¹þ_Ï´_¼_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_°²_Óª_ÔÚ_Àû_Ìá_Âê_¡£ # # And they departed from Hazeroth, and pitched in Rithmah. # # unit P NUM:33:19 ´Ó_Àû_Ìá_Âê_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_°²_Óª_ÔÚ_ÁÙ_ÃÅ_ÅÁ_ÁÒ_¡£ # # And they departed from Rithmah, and pitched at Rimmonparez. # # unit P NUM:33:20 ´Ó_ÁÙ_ÃÅ_ÅÁ_ÁÒ_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_°²_Óª_ÔÚ_Á¢_ÄÃ_¡£ # # And they departed from Rimmonparez, and pitched in Libnah. # # unit P NUM:33:21 ´Ó_Á¢_ÄÃ_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_°²_Óª_ÔÚ_ÀÕ_Èö_¡£ # # And they removed from Libnah, and pitched at Rissah. # # unit P NUM:33:22 ´Ó_ÀÕ_Èö_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_°²_Óª_ÔÚ_»ù_Ï£_À­_Ëû_¡£ # # And they journeyed from Rissah, and pitched in Kehelathah. # # unit P NUM:33:23 ´Ó_»ù_Ï£_À­_Ëû_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_°²_Óª_ÔÚ_ɳ_ì³_ɽ_¡£ # # And they went from Kehelathah, and pitched in mount Shapher. # # unit P NUM:33:24 ´Ó_ɳ_ì³_ɽ_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_°²_Óª_ÔÚ_¹þ_À­_´ó_¡£ # # And they removed from mount Shapher, and encamped in Haradah. # # unit P NUM:33:25 ´Ó_¹þ_À­_´ó_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_°²_Óª_ÔÚ_Âê_¼ª_Ï£_¼_¡£ # # And they removed from Haradah, and pitched in Makheloth. # # unit P NUM:33:26 ´Ó_Âê_¼ª_Ï£_¼_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_°²_Óª_ÔÚ_Ëû_¹þ_¡£ # # And they removed from Makheloth, and encamped at Tahath. # # unit P NUM:33:27 ´Ó_Ëû_¹þ_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_°²_Óª_ÔÚ_Ëû_À­_¡£ # # And they departed from Tahath, and pitched at Tarah. # # unit P NUM:33:28 ´Ó_Ëû_À­_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_°²_Óª_ÔÚ_ÃÜ_¼Ó_¡£ # # And they removed from Tarah, and pitched in Mithcah. # # unit P NUM:33:29 ´Ó_ÃÜ_¼Ó_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_°²_Óª_ÔÚ_¹þ_Ħ_ÄÃ_¡£ # # And they went from Mithcah, and pitched in Hashmonah. # # unit P NUM:33:30 ´Ó_¹þ_Ħ_ÄÃ_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_°²_Óª_ÔÚ_Ħ_Î÷_¼_¡£ # # And they departed from Hashmonah, and encamped at Moseroth. # # unit P NUM:33:31 ´Ó_Ħ_Î÷_¼_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_°²_Óª_ÔÚ_±È_Äá_ÑÇ_¸É_¡£ # # And they departed from Moseroth, and pitched in Benejaakan. # # unit P NUM:33:32 ´Ó_±È_Äá_ÑÇ_¸É_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_°²_Óª_ÔÚ_êÂ_¹þ_¼°_¼×_¡£ # # And they removed from Benejaakan, and encamped at Horhagidgad. # # unit P NUM:33:33 ´Ó_êÂ_¹þ_¼°_¼×_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_°²_Óª_ÔÚ_Ô¼_°Í_Ëû_¡£ # # And they went from Horhagidgad, and pitched in Jotbathah. # # unit P NUM:33:34 ´Ó_Ô¼_°Í_Ëû_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_°²_Óª_ÔÚ_°¢_²©_ÄÃ_¡£ # # And they removed from Jotbathah, and encamped at Ebronah. # # unit P NUM:33:35 ´Ó_°¢_²©_ÄÃ_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_°²_Óª_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_Ñ®_åÈ_±ð_¡£ # # And they departed from Ebronah, and encamped at Eziongaber. # # unit P NUM:33:36 ´Ó_ÒÔ_Ñ®_åÈ_±ð_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_°²_Óª_ÔÚ_Ñ°_µÄ_¿õ_Ò°_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_¼Ó_µÍ_˹_¡£ # # And they removed from Eziongaber, and pitched in the wilderness of # Zin, which is Kadesh. # # unit P NUM:33:37 ´Ó_¼Ó_µÍ_˹_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_°²_Óª_ÔÚ_ºÎ_çí_ɽ_£¬_ÒÔ_¶«_µØ_µÄ_±ß_½ç_¡£ # # And they removed from Kadesh, and pitched in mount Hor, in the edge # of the land of Edom. # # unit P NUM:33:38 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_³ö_ÁË_°£_¼°_µØ_ºó_ËÄ_Ê®_Äê_£¬_Îå_ÔÂ_³õ_Ò»_ÈÕ_£¬_¼À_˾_ÑÇ Â×_×ñ_×Å_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_·Ô_¸À_ÉÏ_ºÎ_çí_ɽ_£¬_¾Í_ËÀ_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_¡£ # # And Aaron the priest went up into mount Hor at the commandment of # the LORD, and died there, in the fortieth year after the children of # Israel were come out of the land of Egypt, in the first day of the # fifth month. # # unit P NUM:33:39 ÑÇ_Â×_ËÀ_ÔÚ_ºÎ_çí_ɽ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_Äê_Ò»_°Ù_¶þ_Ê®_Èý_Ëê_¡£ # # And Aaron was an hundred and twenty and three years old when he died # in mount Hor. # # unit P NUM:33:40 ס_ÔÚ_åÈ_ÄÏ_ÄÏ_µØ_µÄ_åÈ_ÄÏ_ÈË_ÑÇ_À­_µÃ_Íõ_Ìý_˵_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_À´_ÁË_¡£ # # And king Arad the Canaanite, which dwelt in the south in the land of # Canaan, heard of the coming of the children of Israel. # # unit P NUM:33:41 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_´Ó_ºÎ_çí_ɽ_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_°²_Óª_ÔÚ_Èö_Ħ_ÄÃ_¡£ # # And they departed from mount Hor, and pitched in Zalmonah. # # unit P NUM:33:42 ´Ó_Èö_Ħ_ÄÃ_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_°²_Óª_ÔÚ_ÆÕ_ÄÛ_¡£ # # And they departed from Zalmonah, and pitched in Punon. # # unit P NUM:33:43 ´Ó_ÆÕ_ÄÛ_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_°²_Óª_ÔÚ_°¢_²®_¡£ # # And they departed from Punon, and pitched in Oboth. # # unit P NUM:33:44 ´Ó_°¢_²®_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_°²_Óª_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_Ò®_ÑÇ_°Í_ÁÕ_£¬_Ħ_Ѻ_µÄ_±ß_½ç_¡£ # # And they departed from Oboth, and pitched in Ijeabarim, in the # border of Moab. # # unit P NUM:33:45 ´Ó_ÒÔ_Ò®_ÑÇ_°Í_ÁÕ_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_°²_Óª_ÔÚ_µ×_±¾_åÈ_µÃ_¡£ # # And they departed from Iim, and pitched in Dibongad. # # unit P NUM:33:46 ´Ó_µ×_±¾_åÈ_µÃ_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_°²_Óª_ÔÚ_ÑÇ_ÃÅ_µÍ_±È_À­_Ì«_Òô_¡£ # # And they removed from Dibongad, and encamped in Almondiblathaim. # # unit P NUM:33:47 ´Ó_ÑÇ_ÃÅ_µÍ_±È_À­_Ì«_Òô_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_°²_Óª_ÔÚ_Äá_²¨_¶Ô_Ãæ_µÄ_ÑÇ_°Í_ÁÕ_ɽ Àï_¡£ # # And they removed from Almondiblathaim, and pitched in the mountains # of Abarim, before Nebo. # # unit P NUM:33:48 ´Ó_ÑÇ_°Í_ÁÕ_ɽ_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_°²_Óª_ÔÚ_Ħ_Ѻ_ƽ_Ô­_Ô¼_µ©_ºÓ_±ß_£¬_Ò®_Àû_¸ç ¶Ô_Ãæ_¡£ # # And they departed from the mountains of Abarim, and pitched in the # plains of Moab by Jordan near Jericho. # # unit P NUM:33:49 Ëû_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_Ħ_Ѻ_ƽ_Ô­_ÑØ_Ô¼_µ©_ºÓ_±ß_°²_Óª_£¬_´Ó_²®_Ò®_Ê©_Ä©_Ö±_µ½_ÑÇ ²®_ʲ_ͤ_¡£ # # And they pitched by Jordan, from Bethjesimoth even unto Abelshittim # in the plains of Moab. # # unit P NUM:33:50 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÔÚ_Ħ_Ѻ_ƽ_Ô­_Ô¼_µ©_ºÓ_±ß_£¬_Ò®_Àû_¸ç_¶Ô_Ãæ_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵ £¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses in the plains of Moab by Jordan near # Jericho, saying, # # unit P NUM:33:51 Äã_·Ô_¸À_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¹ý_Ô¼_µ©_ºÓ_½ø_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬ # # Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When ye are # passed over Jordan into the land of Canaan; # # unit P NUM:33:52 ¾Í_Òª_´Ó_Äã_ÃÇ_Ãæ_Ç°_¸Ï_³ö_ÄÇ_Àï_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_¾Ó_Ãñ_£¬_»Ù_Ãð_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ò»_ÇÐ öÉ_³É_µÄ_ʯ_Ïñ_ºÍ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Öý_³É_µÄ_ż_Ïñ_£¬_ÓÖ_²ð_»Ù_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ò»_ÇÐ µÄ_Çð_̳_¡£ # # Then ye shall drive out all the inhabitants of the land from before # you, and destroy all their pictures, and destroy all their molten # images, and quite pluck down all their high places: # # unit P NUM:33:53 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_¶á_ÄÇ_µØ_£¬_ס_ÔÚ_Æä_ÖÐ_£¬_Òò_ÎÒ_°Ñ_ÄÇ_µØ_´Í_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_Ϊ_Òµ ¡£ # # And ye shall dispossess the inhabitants of the land, and dwell # therein: for I have given you the land to possess it. # # unit P NUM:33:54 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_°´_¼Ò_ÊÒ_Äé_ãÎ_£¬_³Ð_ÊÜ_ÄÇ_µØ_¡£_ÈË_¶à_µÄ_£¬_Òª_°Ñ_²ú_Òµ_¶à ·Ö_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£_ÈË_ÉÙ_µÄ_£¬_Òª_°Ñ_²ú_Òµ_ÉÙ_·Ö_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£_Äé_³ö_ºÎ_µØ ¸ø_ºÎ_ÈË_£¬_¾Í_Òª_¹é_ºÎ_ÈË_¡£_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_°´_×Ú_×å_µÄ_Ö§_ÅÉ_³Ð_ÊÜ_¡£ # # And ye shall divide the land by lot for an inheritance among your # families: and to the more ye shall give the more inheritance, and to # the fewer ye shall give the less inheritance: every man's # inheritance shall be in the place where his lot falleth; according # to the tribes of your fathers ye shall inherit. # # unit P NUM:33:55 ÌÈ_Èô_Äã_ÃÇ_²»_¸Ï_³ö_ÄÇ_µØ_µÄ_¾Ó_Ãñ_£¬_Ëù_ÈÝ_Áô_µÄ_¾Ó_Ãñ_¾Í_±Ø_×÷_Äã ÃÇ_ÑÛ_ÖÐ_µÄ_´Ì_£¬_Àß_ÏÂ_µÄ_¾£_¼¬_£¬_Ò²_±Ø_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ëù_ס_µÄ_µØ_ÉÏ_ÈÅ º¦_Äã_ÃÇ_¡£ # # But if ye will not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before # you; then it shall come to pass, that those which ye let remain of # them shall be pricks in your eyes, and thorns in your sides, and # shall vex you in the land wherein ye dwell. # # unit P NUM:33:56 ¶ø_ÇÒ_ÎÒ_ËØ_³£_ÓÐ_Òâ_Ôõ_Ñù_´ý_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_Ò²_±Ø_ÕÕ_Ñù_´ý_Äã_ÃÇ_¡£ # # Moreover it shall come to pass, that I shall do unto you, as I # thought to do unto them. # ## # chapter 34 NUM:34 # unit P NUM:34:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P NUM:34:2 Äã_·Ô_¸À_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_µ½_ÁË_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_¹é_Äã_ÃÇ_Ϊ Òµ_µÄ_åÈ_ÄÏ_ËÄ_¾³_Ö®_µØ_£¬ # # Command the children of Israel, and say unto them, When ye come into # the land of Canaan; (this is the land that shall fall unto you for # an inheritance, even the land of Canaan with the coasts thereof:) # # unit P NUM:34:3 ÄÏ_½Ç_Òª_´Ó_Ñ°_µÄ_¿õ_Ò°_£¬_Ìù_×Å_ÒÔ_¶«_µÄ_±ß_½ç_¡£_ÄÏ_½ç_Òª_´Ó_ÑÎ_º£ ¶«_Í·_Æð_£¬ # # Then your south quarter shall be from the wilderness of Zin along by # the coast of Edom, and your south border shall be the outmost coast # of the salt sea eastward: # # unit P NUM:34:4 ÈÆ_µ½_ÑÇ_¿Ë_À­_±õ_ÆÂ_µÄ_ÄÏ_±ß_£¬_½Ó_Á¬_µ½_Ñ°_£¬_Ö±_ͨ_µ½_¼Ó_µÍ_˹_°Í Äá_ÑÇ_µÄ_ÄÏ_±ß_£¬_ÓÖ_ͨ_µ½_¹þ_Èø_ÑÇ_´ï_£¬_½Ó_Á¬_µ½_Ѻ_ÃÇ_£¬ # # And your border shall turn from the south to the ascent of Akrabbim, # and pass on to Zin: and the going forth thereof shall be from the # south to Kadeshbarnea, and shall go on to Hazaraddar, and pass on to # Azmon: # # unit P NUM:34:5 ´Ó_Ѻ_ÃÇ_ת_µ½_°£_¼°_С_ºÓ_£¬_Ö±_ͨ_µ½_º£_Ϊ_Ö¹_¡£ # # And the border shall fetch a compass from Azmon unto the river of # Egypt, and the goings out of it shall be at the sea. # # unit P NUM:34:6 Î÷_±ß_Òª_ÒÔ_´ó_º£_Ϊ_½ç_¡£_Õâ_¾Í_ÊÇ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Î÷_½ç_¡£ # # And as for the western border, ye shall even have the great sea for # a border: this shall be your west border. # # unit P NUM:34:7 ±±_½ç_Òª_´Ó_´ó_º£_Æð_£¬_»®_µ½_ºÎ_çí_ɽ_£¬ # # And this shall be your north border: from the great sea ye shall # point out for you mount Hor: # # unit P NUM:34:8 ´Ó_ºÎ_çí_ɽ_»®_µ½_¹þ_Âí_¿Ú_£¬_ͨ_µ½_Î÷_´ï_´ï_£¬ # # From mount Hor ye shall point out your border unto the entrance of # Hamath; and the goings forth of the border shall be to Zedad: # # unit P NUM:34:9 ÓÖ_ͨ_µ½_Î÷_ì³_ÂØ_£¬_Ö±_µ½_¹þ_Èø_ÒÔ_ÄÑ_¡£_Õâ_Òª_×÷_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_±±_½ç_¡£ # # And the border shall go on to Ziphron, and the goings out of it # shall be at Hazarenan: this shall be your north border. # # unit P NUM:34:10 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_´Ó_¹þ_Èø_ÒÔ_ÄÑ_»®_µ½_ʾ_·¬_Ϊ_¶«_½ç_¡£ # # And ye shall point out your east border from Hazarenan to Shepham: # # unit P NUM:34:11 Õâ_½ç_Òª_´Ó_ʾ_·¬_ÏÂ_µ½_ÑÇ_ÑÓ_¶«_±ß_µÄ_Àû_±È_À­_£¬_ÓÖ_Òª_´ï_µ½_»ù_Äá ÁÒ_ºþ_µÄ_¶«_±ß_¡£ # # And the coast shall go down from Shepham to Riblah, on the east side # of Ain; and the border shall descend, and shall reach unto the side # of the sea of Chinnereth eastward: # # unit P NUM:34:12 Õâ_½ç_Òª_ÏÂ_µ½_Ô¼_µ©_ºÓ_£¬_ͨ_µ½_ÑÎ_º£_Ϊ_Ö¹_¡£_Õâ_ËÄ_Χ_µÄ_±ß_½ç_ÒÔ ÄÚ_£¬_Òª_×÷_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_µØ_¡£ # # And the border shall go down to Jordan, and the goings out of it # shall be at the salt sea: this shall be your land with the coasts # thereof round about. # # unit P NUM:34:13 Ħ_Î÷_·Ô_¸À_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_˵_£¬_Õâ_µØ_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_·Ô_¸À_Äé_ãÎ_¸ø_¾Å ¸ö_°ë_Ö§_ÅÉ_³Ð_ÊÜ_Ϊ_Òµ_µÄ_¡£ # # And Moses commanded the children of Israel, saying, This is the land # which ye shall inherit by lot, which the LORD commanded to give unto # the nine tribes, and to the half tribe: # # unit P NUM:34:14 Òò_Ϊ_Á÷_±ã_Ö§_ÅÉ_ºÍ_åÈ_µÃ_Ö§_ÅÉ_°´_×Å_×Ú_×å_ÊÜ_ÁË_²ú_Òµ_£¬_Âê_ÄÃ_Î÷ °ë_¸ö_Ö§_ÅÉ_Ò²_ÊÜ_ÁË_²ú_Òµ_¡£ # # For the tribe of the children of Reuben according to the house of # their fathers, and the tribe of the children of Gad according to the # house of their fathers, have received their inheritance; and half # the tribe of Manasseh have received their inheritance: # # unit P NUM:34:15 Õâ_Á½_¸ö_°ë_Ö§_ÅÉ_ÒÑ_¾­_ÔÚ_Ò®_Àû_¸ç_¶Ô_Ãæ_£¬_Ô¼_µ©_ºÓ_¶«_£¬_Ïò_ÈÕ_³ö Ö®_µØ_ÊÜ_ÁË_²ú_Òµ_¡£ # # The two tribes and the half tribe have received their inheritance on # this side Jordan near Jericho eastward, toward the sunrising. # # unit P NUM:34:16 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P NUM:34:17 Òª_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_·Ö_µØ_Ϊ_Òµ_Ö®_ÈË_µÄ_Ãû_×Ö_ÊÇ_¼À_˾_ÒÔ_Àû_ÑÇ_Èö_ºÍ_ÄÛ_µÄ ¶ù_×Ó_Ô¼_Êé_ÑÇ_¡£ # # These are the names of the men which shall divide the land unto you: # Eleazar the priest, and Joshua the son of Nun. # # unit P NUM:34:18 ÓÖ_Òª_´Ó_ÿ_Ö§_ÅÉ_ÖÐ_Ñ¡_Ò»_¸ö_Ê×_Áì_°ï_Öú_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£ # # And ye shall take one prince of every tribe, to divide the land by # inheritance. # # unit P NUM:34:19 Õâ_Щ_ÈË_µÄ_Ãû_×Ö_£¬_ÓÌ_´ó_Ö§_ÅÉ_ÓÐ_Ò®_æÚ_Äá_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_åÈ_ÀÕ_¡£ # # And the names of the men are these: Of the tribe of Judah, Caleb the # son of Jephunneh. # # unit P NUM:34:20 Î÷_Ãå_Ö§_ÅÉ_ÓÐ_ÑÇ_Ã×_ºö_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ʾ_ĸ_Àû_¡£ # # And of the tribe of the children of Simeon, Shemuel the son of # Ammihud. # # unit P NUM:34:21 ±ã_ÑÅ_Ãõ_Ö§_ÅÉ_ÓÐ_»ù_˹_Â×_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_Àû_´ï_¡£ # # Of the tribe of Benjamin, Elidad the son of Chislon. # # unit P NUM:34:22 µ«_Ö§_ÅÉ_ÓÐ_Ò»_¸ö_Ê×_Áì_£¬_Ô¼_Àû_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_²¼_»ù_¡£ # # And the prince of the tribe of the children of Dan, Bukki the son of # Jogli. # # unit P NUM:34:23 Ô¼_ɪ_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_Âê_ÄÃ_Î÷_Ö§_ÅÉ_ÓÐ_Ò»_¸ö_Ê×_Áì_£¬_ÒÔ_¸¥_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ºº_Äô ¡£ # # The prince of the children of Joseph, for the tribe of the children # of Manasseh, Hanniel the son of Ephod. # # unit P NUM:34:24 ÒÔ_·¨_Á«_Ö§_ÅÉ_ÓÐ_Ò»_¸ö_Ê×_Áì_£¬_Ê°_¸¥_µ«_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_»ù_ĸ_Àû_¡£ # # And the prince of the tribe of the children of Ephraim, Kemuel the # son of Shiphtan. # # unit P NUM:34:25 Î÷_²¼_Â×_Ö§_ÅÉ_ÓÐ_Ò»_¸ö_Ê×_Áì_£¬_ÅÁ_ÄÉ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_Àû_Èö_·¬_¡£ # # And the prince of the tribe of the children of Zebulun, Elizaphan # the son of Parnach. # # unit P NUM:34:26 ÒÔ_Èø_åÈ_Ö§_ÅÉ_ÓÐ_Ò»_¸ö_Ê×_Áì_£¬_°¢_É¢_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÅÁ_Ìú_¡£ # # And the prince of the tribe of the children of Issachar, Paltiel the # son of Azzan. # # unit P NUM:34:27 ÑÇ_Éè_Ö§_ÅÉ_ÓÐ_Ò»_¸ö_Ê×_Áì_£¬_ʾ_ÂÞ_Ã×_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÑÇ_Ï£_ºö_¡£ # # And the prince of the tribe of the children of Asher, Ahihud the son # of Shelomi. # # unit P NUM:34:28 ÄÃ_¸¥_Ëû_Àû_Ö§_ÅÉ_ÓÐ_Ò»_¸ö_Ê×_Áì_£¬_ÑÇ_Ã×_ºö_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_±È_´ó_ºÚ_¡£ # # And the prince of the tribe of the children of Naphtali, Pedahel the # son of Ammihud. # # unit P NUM:34:29 Õâ_Щ_ÈË_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_£¬_ÔÚ_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ_°Ñ_²ú_Òµ_·Ö_¸ø_ÒÔ_É« ÁÐ_ÈË_µÄ_¡£ # # These are they whom the LORD commanded to divide the inheritance # unto the children of Israel in the land of Canaan. # ## # chapter 35 NUM:35 # unit P NUM:35:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÔÚ_Ħ_Ѻ_ƽ_Ô­_Ô¼_µ©_ºÓ_±ß_£¬_Ò®_Àû_¸ç_¶Ô_Ãæ_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵ £¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses in the plains of Moab by Jordan near # Jericho, saying, # # unit P NUM:35:2 Äã_·Ô_¸À_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_£¬_Òª_´Ó_Ëù_µÃ_Ϊ_Òµ_µÄ_µØ_ÖÐ_°Ñ_Щ_³Ç_¸ø_Àû_δ ÈË_¾Ó_ס_£¬_Ò²_Òª_°Ñ_Õâ_³Ç_ËÄ_Χ_µÄ_½¼_Ò°_¸ø_Àû_δ_ÈË_¡£ # # Command the children of Israel, that they give unto the Levites of # the inheritance of their possession cities to dwell in; and ye shall # give also unto the Levites suburbs for the cities round about them. # # unit P NUM:35:3 Õâ_³Ç_ÒØ_Òª_¹é_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾Ó_ס_£¬_³Ç_ÒØ_µÄ_½¼_Ò°_¿É_ÒÔ_ÄÁ_Ñø_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Å£ Ñò_ºÍ_¸÷_Ñù_µÄ_Éü_Ðó_£¬_ÓÖ_¿É_ÒÔ_°²_ÖÃ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_²Æ_Îï_¡£ # # And the cities shall they have to dwell in; and the suburbs of them # shall be for their cattle, and for their goods, and for all their # beasts. # # unit P NUM:35:4 Äã_ÃÇ_¸ø_Àû_δ_ÈË_µÄ_½¼_Ò°_£¬_Òª_´Ó_³Ç_¸ù_Æð_£¬_ËÄ_Χ_Íù_Íâ_Á¿_Ò»_ǧ Öâ_¡£ # # And the suburbs of the cities, which ye shall give unto the Levites, # shall reach from the wall of the city and outward a thousand cubits # round about. # # unit P NUM:35:5 Áí_Íâ_¶«_Á¿_¶þ_ǧ_Öâ_£¬_ÄÏ_Á¿_¶þ_ǧ_Öâ_£¬_Î÷_Á¿_¶þ_ǧ_Öâ_£¬_±±_Á¿_¶þ ǧ_Öâ_£¬_Ϊ_±ß_½ç_£¬_³Ç_ÔÚ_µ±_ÖÐ_¡£_Õâ_Òª_¹é_Ëû_ÃÇ_×÷_³Ç_ÒØ_µÄ_½¼_Ò° ¡£ # # And ye shall measure from without the city on the east side two # thousand cubits, and on the south side two thousand cubits, and on # the west side two thousand cubits, and on the north side two # thousand cubits; and the city shall be in the midst: this shall be # to them the suburbs of the cities. # # unit P NUM:35:6 Äã_ÃÇ_¸ø_Àû_δ_ÈË_µÄ_³Ç_ÒØ_£¬_Æä_ÖÐ_µ±_ÓÐ_Áù_×ù_ÌÓ_³Ç_£¬_ʹ_Îó_ɱ_ÈË µÄ_¿É_ÒÔ_ÌÓ_µ½_ÄÇ_Àï_¡£_´Ë_Íâ_»¹_Òª_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_ËÄ_Ê®_¶þ_×ù_³Ç_¡£ # # And among the cities which ye shall give unto the Levites there # shall be six cities for refuge, which ye shall appoint for the # manslayer, that he may flee thither: and to them ye shall add forty # and two cities. # # unit P NUM:35:7 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_¸ø_Àû_δ_ÈË_µÄ_³Ç_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_ËÄ_Ê®_°Ë_×ù_£¬_Á¬_³Ç_´ø_½¼_Ò°_¶¼ Òª_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£ # # So all the cities which ye shall give to the Levites shall be forty # and eight cities: them shall ye give with their suburbs. # # unit P NUM:35:8 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Ëù_µÃ_µÄ_µØ_Òµ_´Ó_ÖÐ_Òª_°Ñ_Щ_³Ç_ÒØ_¸ø_Àû_δ_ÈË_¡£_ÈË_¶à µÄ_¾Í_¶à_¸ø_£¬_ÈË_ÉÙ_µÄ_¾Í_ÉÙ_¸ø_¡£_¸÷_Ö§_ÅÉ_Òª_°´_Ëù_³Ð_ÊÜ_Ϊ_Òµ_Ö® µØ_°Ñ_³Ç_ÒØ_¸ø_Àû_δ_ÈË_¡£ # # And the cities which ye shall give shall be of the possession of the # children of Israel: from them that have many ye shall give many; but # from them that have few ye shall give few: every one shall give of # his cities unto the Levites according to his inheritance which he # inheriteth. # # unit P NUM:35:9 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, # # unit P NUM:35:10 Äã_·Ô_¸À_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¹ý_Ô¼_µ©_ºÓ_£¬_½ø_ÁË_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ_£¬ # # Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When ye be # come over Jordan into the land of Canaan; # # unit P NUM:35:11 ¾Í_Òª_·Ö_³ö_¼¸_×ù_³Ç_£¬_Ϊ_Äã_ÃÇ_×÷_ÌÓ_³Ç_£¬_ʹ_Îó_ɱ_ÈË_µÄ_¿É_ÒÔ_ÌÓ µ½_ÄÇ_Àï_¡£ # # Then ye shall appoint you cities to be cities of refuge for you; # that the slayer may flee thither, which killeth any person at # unawares. # # unit P NUM:35:12 Õâ_Щ_³Ç_¿É_ÒÔ_×÷_ÌÓ_±Ü_±¨_³ð_ÈË_µÄ_³Ç_£¬_ʹ_Îó_ɱ_ÈË_µÄ_²»_ÖÁ_ÓÚ_ËÀ £¬_µÈ_Ëû_Õ¾_ÔÚ_»á_ÖÚ_Ãæ_Ç°_Ìý_Éó_ÅÐ_¡£ # # And they shall be unto you cities for refuge from the avenger; that # the manslayer die not, until he stand before the congregation in # judgment. # # unit P NUM:35:13 Äã_ÃÇ_Ëù_·Ö_³ö_À´_µÄ_³Ç_£¬_Òª_×÷_Áù_×ù_ÌÓ_³Ç_¡£ # # And of these cities which ye shall give six cities shall ye have for # refuge. # # unit P NUM:35:14 ÔÚ_Ô¼_µ©_ºÓ_¶«_Òª_·Ö_³ö_Èý_×ù_³Ç_£¬_ÔÚ_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ_Ò²_Òª_·Ö_³ö_Èý_×ù_³Ç £¬_¶¼_×÷_ÌÓ_³Ç_¡£ # # Ye shall give three cities on this side Jordan, and three cities # shall ye give in the land of Canaan, which shall be cities of # refuge. # # unit P NUM:35:15 Õâ_Áù_×ù_³Ç_Òª_¸ø_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ºÍ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_µÄ_Íâ_ÈË_£¬_²¢_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ £¬_×÷_Ϊ_ÌÓ_³Ç_£¬_ʹ_Îó_ɱ_ÈË_µÄ_¶¼_¿É_ÒÔ_ÌÓ_µ½_ÄÇ_Àï_¡£ # # These six cities shall be a refuge, both for the children of Israel, # and for the stranger, and for the sojourner among them: that every # one that killeth any person unawares may flee thither. # # unit P NUM:35:16 ÌÈ_Èô_ÈË_ÓÃ_Ìú_Æ÷_´ò_ÈË_£¬_ÒÔ_ÖÂ_´ò_ËÀ_£¬_Ëû_¾Í_ÊÇ_¹Ê_ɱ_ÈË_µÄ_¡£_¹Ê ɱ_ÈË_µÄ_±Ø_±»_ÖÎ_ËÀ_¡£ # # And if he smite him with an instrument of iron, so that he die, he # is a murderer: the murderer shall surely be put to death. # # unit P NUM:35:17 Èô_ÓÃ_¿É_ÒÔ_´ò_ËÀ_ÈË_µÄ_ʯ_Í·_´ò_ËÀ_ÁË_ÈË_£¬_Ëû_¾Í_ÊÇ_¹Ê_ɱ_ÈË_µÄ_¡£ ¹Ê_ɱ_ÈË_µÄ_±Ø_±»_ÖÎ_ËÀ_¡£ # # And if he smite him with throwing a stone, wherewith he may die, and # he die, he is a murderer: the murderer shall surely be put to death. # # unit P NUM:35:18 Èô_ÓÃ_¿É_ÒÔ_´ò_ËÀ_ÈË_µÄ_ľ_Æ÷_´ò_ËÀ_ÁË_ÈË_£¬_Ëû_¾Í_ÊÇ_¹Ê_ɱ_ÈË_µÄ_¡£ ¹Ê_ɱ_ÈË_µÄ_±Ø_±»_ÖÎ_ËÀ_¡£ # # Or if he smite him with an hand weapon of wood, wherewith he may # die, and he die, he is a murderer: the murderer shall surely be put # to death. # # unit P NUM:35:19 ±¨_Ѫ_³ð_µÄ_±Ø_Ç×_×Ô_ɱ_ÄÇ_¹Ê_ɱ_ÈË_µÄ_£¬_Ò»_Óö_¼û_¾Í_ɱ_Ëû_¡£ # # The revenger of blood himself shall slay the murderer: when he # meeteth him, he shall slay him. # # unit P NUM:35:20 ÈË_Èô_Òò_Ô¹_ºÞ_°Ñ_ÈË_ÍÆ_µ¹_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_Âñ_·ü_Íù_ÈË_Éí_ÉÏ_ÈÓ_Îï_£¬_ÒÔ_Ö ÓÚ_ËÀ_£¬ # # But if he thrust him of hatred, or hurl at him by laying of wait, # that he die; # # unit P NUM:35:21 »ò_ÊÇ_Òò_³ð_ºÞ_ÓÃ_ÊÖ_´ò_ÈË_£¬_ÒÔ_ÖÂ_ÓÚ_ËÀ_£¬_ÄÇ_´ò_ÈË_µÄ_±Ø_±»_ÖÎ_ËÀ ¡£_Ëû_ÊÇ_¹Ê_ɱ_ÈË_µÄ_¡£_±¨_Ѫ_³ð_µÄ_Ò»_Óö_¼û_¾Í_ɱ_Ëû_¡£ # # Or in enmity smite him with his hand, that he die: he that smote him # shall surely be put to death; for he is a murderer: the revenger of # blood shall slay the murderer, when he meeteth him. # # unit P NUM:35:22 ÌÈ_Èô_ÈË_û_ÓÐ_³ð_ºÞ_£¬_ºö_È»_½«_ÈË_ÍÆ_µ¹_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_û_ÓÐ_Âñ_·ü_°Ñ_Îï ÈÓ_ÔÚ_ÈË_Éí_ÉÏ_£¬ # # But if he thrust him suddenly without enmity, or have cast upon him # any thing without laying of wait, # # unit P NUM:35:23 »ò_ÊÇ_û_ÓÐ_¿´_¼û_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_ÓÃ_¿É_ÒÔ_´ò_ËÀ_ÈË_µÄ_ʯ_Í·_ÈÓ_ÔÚ_ÈË_Éí_ÉÏ £¬_ÒÔ_ÖÂ_ÓÚ_ËÀ_£¬_±¾_À´_Óë_Ëû_ÎÞ_³ð_£¬_Ò²_ÎÞ_Òâ_º¦_Ëû_¡£ # # Or with any stone, wherewith a man may die, seeing him not, and cast # it upon him, that he die, and was not his enemy, neither sought his # harm: # # unit P NUM:35:24 »á_ÖÚ_¾Í_Òª_ÕÕ_µä_ÕÂ_£¬_ÔÚ_´ò_ËÀ_ÈË_µÄ_ºÍ_±¨_Ѫ_³ð_µÄ_ÖÐ_¼ä_Éó_ÅÐ_¡£ # # Then the congregation shall judge between the slayer and the # revenger of blood according to these judgments: # # unit P NUM:35:25 »á_ÖÚ_Òª_¾È_Õâ_Îó_ɱ_ÈË_µÄ_ÍÑ_Àë_±¨_Ѫ_³ð_ÈË_µÄ_ÊÖ_£¬_Ò²_Òª_ʹ_Ëû_¹é Èë_ÌÓ_³Ç_¡£_Ëû_Òª_ס_ÔÚ_Æä_ÖÐ_£¬_Ö±_µÈ_µ½_ÊÜ_Ê¥_¸à_µÄ_´ó_¼À_˾_ËÀ_ÁË ¡£ # # And the congregation shall deliver the slayer out of the hand of the # revenger of blood, and the congregation shall restore him to the # city of his refuge, whither he was fled: and he shall abide in it # unto the death of the high priest, which was anointed with the holy # oil. # # unit P NUM:35:26 µ«_Îó_ɱ_ÈË_µÄ_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ʲ_ô_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Èô_³ö_ÁË_ÌÓ_³Ç_µÄ_¾³_Íâ_£¬ # # But if the slayer shall at any time come without the border of the # city of his refuge, whither he was fled; # # unit P NUM:35:27 ±¨_Ѫ_³ð_µÄ_ÔÚ_ÌÓ_³Ç_¾³_Íâ_Óö_¼û_Ëû_£¬_½«_Ëû_ɱ_ÁË_£¬_±¨_Ѫ_³ð_µÄ_¾Í û_ÓÐ_Á÷_Ѫ_Ö®_×ï_¡£ # # And the revenger of blood find him without the borders of the city # of his refuge, and the revenger of blood kill the slayer; he shall # not be guilty of blood: # # unit P NUM:35:28 Òò_Ϊ_Îó_ɱ_ÈË_µÄ_¸Ã_ס_ÔÚ_ÌÓ_³Ç_Àï_£¬_µÈ_µ½_´ó_¼À_˾_ËÀ_ÁË_¡£_´ó_¼À ˾_ËÀ_ÁË_ÒÔ_ºó_£¬_Îó_ɱ_ÈË_µÄ_²Å_¿É_ÒÔ_»Ø_µ½_Ëû_Ëù_µÃ_Ϊ_Òµ_Ö®_µØ_¡£ # # Because he should have remained in the city of his refuge until the # death of the high priest: but after the death of the high priest the # slayer shall return into the land of his possession. # # unit P NUM:35:29 Õâ_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_ס_´¦_£¬_Òª_×÷_Äã_ÃÇ_ÊÀ_ÊÀ_´ú_´ú_µÄ_ÂÉ_Àý_µä_Õ ¡£ # # So these things shall be for a statute of judgment unto you # throughout your generations in all your dwellings. # # unit P NUM:35:30 ÎÞ_ÂÛ_Ë­_¹Ê_ɱ_ÈË_£¬_Òª_ƾ_¼¸_¸ö_¼û_Ö¤_ÈË_µÄ_¿Ú_°Ñ_ÄÇ_¹Ê_ɱ_ÈË_µÄ_ɱ ÁË_£¬_Ö»_ÊÇ_²»_¿É_ƾ_Ò»_¸ö_¼û_Ö¤_µÄ_¿Ú_½Ð_ÈË_ËÀ_¡£ # # Whoso killeth any person, the murderer shall be put to death by the # mouth of witnesses: but one witness shall not testify against any # person to cause him to die. # # unit P NUM:35:31 ¹Ê_ɱ_ÈË_£¬_·¸_ËÀ_×ï_µÄ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_²»_¿É_ÊÕ_Êê_¼Û_´ú_Ìæ_Ëû_µÄ_Ãü_¡£_Ëû ±Ø_±»_ÖÎ_ËÀ_¡£ # # Moreover ye shall take no satisfaction for the life of a murderer, # which is guilty of death: but he shall be surely put to death. # # unit P NUM:35:32 ÄÇ_ÌÓ_µ½_ÌÓ_³Ç_µÄ_ÈË_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_²»_¿É_Ϊ_Ëû_ÊÕ_Êê_¼Û_£¬_ʹ_Ëû_ÔÚ_´ó_¼À ˾_δ_ËÀ_ÒÔ_ÏÈ_ÔÙ_À´_ס_ÔÚ_±¾_µØ_¡£ # # And ye shall take no satisfaction for him that is fled to the city # of his refuge, that he should come again to dwell in the land, until # the death of the priest. # # unit P NUM:35:33 Õâ_Ñù_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¾Í_²»_ÎÛ_»à_Ëù_ס_Ö®_µØ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ѫ_ÊÇ_ÎÛ_»à_µØ_µÄ_¡£ Èô_ÓÐ_ÔÚ_µØ_ÉÏ_Á÷_ÈË_Ѫ_µÄ_£¬_·Ç_Á÷_ÄÇ_ɱ_ÈË_Õß_µÄ_Ѫ_£¬_ÄÇ_µØ_¾Í_²» µÃ_½à_¾»_£¨_½à_¾»_Ô­_ÎÄ_×÷_Êê_£©_¡£ # # So ye shall not pollute the land wherein ye are: for blood it # defileth the land: and the land cannot be cleansed of the blood that # is shed therein, but by the blood of him that shed it. # # unit P NUM:35:34 Äã_ÃÇ_²»_¿É_çè_ÎÛ_Ëù_ס_Ö®_µØ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_ס_ÔÚ_Æä_ÖÐ_Ö®_µØ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ ÎÒ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ס_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÖÐ_¼ä_¡£ # # Defile not therefore the land which ye shall inhabit, wherein I # dwell: for I the LORD dwell among the children of Israel. # ## # chapter 36 NUM:36 # unit P NUM:36:1 Ô¼_ɪ_µÄ_ºó_Òá_£¬_Âê_ÄÃ_Î÷_µÄ_Ëï_×Ó_£¬_Âê_¼ª_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_»ù_ÁÐ_£¬_Ëû_×Ó Ëï_ÖÐ_µÄ_Öî_×å_³¤_À´_µ½_Ħ_Î÷_ºÍ_×÷_Ê×_Áì_µÄ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_×å_³¤_Ãæ_Ç° £¬ # # And the chief fathers of the families of the children of Gilead, the # son of Machir, the son of Manasseh, of the families of the sons of # Joseph, came near, and spake before Moses, and before the princes, # the chief fathers of the children of Israel: # # unit P NUM:36:2 ˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ôø_·Ô_¸À_ÎÒ_Ö÷_Äé_ãÎ_·Ö_µØ_¸ø_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Ϊ_Òµ_£¬_ÎÒ Ö÷_Ò²_ÊÜ_ÁË_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_·Ô_¸À_½«_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÐÖ_µÜ_Î÷_ÂÞ_·Ç_¹þ_µÄ_²ú_Òµ_·Ö ¸ø_Ëû_µÄ_ÖÚ_Å®_¶ù_¡£ # # And they said, The LORD commanded my lord to give the land for an # inheritance by lot to the children of Israel: and my lord was # commanded by the LORD to give the inheritance of Zelophehad our # brother unto his daughters. # # unit P NUM:36:3 Ëý_ÃÇ_Èô_¼Þ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_±ð_Ö§_ÅÉ_µÄ_ÈË_£¬_¾Í_±Ø_½«_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_×æ_×Ú_Ëù_ÒÅ_Áô µÄ_²ú_Òµ_¼Ó_ÔÚ_Ëý_ÃÇ_ÕÉ_·ò_Ö§_ÅÉ_µÄ_²ú_Òµ_ÖÐ_¡£_Õâ_Ñù_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Äé_ãÎ Ëù_µÃ_µÄ_²ú_Òµ_¾Í_Òª_¼õ_ÉÙ_ÁË_¡£ # # And if they be married to any of the sons of the other tribes of the # children of Israel, then shall their inheritance be taken from the # inheritance of our fathers, and shall be put to the inheritance of # the tribe whereunto they are received: so shall it be taken from the # lot of our inheritance. # # unit P NUM:36:4 µ½_ÁË_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_µÄ_ìû_Äê_£¬_Õâ_Å®_¶ù_µÄ_²ú_Òµ_¾Í_±Ø_¼Ó_ÔÚ_Ëý_ÃÇ_ÕÉ ·ò_Ö§_ÅÉ_µÄ_²ú_Òµ_ÉÏ_¡£_Õâ_Ñù_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_×æ_×Ú_Ö§_ÅÉ_µÄ_²ú_Òµ_¾Í_¼õ_ÉÙ ÁË_¡£ # # And when the jubile of the children of Israel shall be, then shall # their inheritance be put unto the inheritance of the tribe whereunto # they are received: so shall their inheritance be taken away from the # inheritance of the tribe of our fathers. # # unit P NUM:36:5 Ħ_Î÷_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_»°_·Ô_¸À_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_˵_£¬_Ô¼_ɪ_Ö§_ÅÉ_µÄ_ÈË_˵ µÃ_ÓÐ_Àí_¡£ # # And Moses commanded the children of Israel according to the word of # the LORD, saying, The tribe of the sons of Joseph hath said well. # # unit P NUM:36:6 ÂÛ_µ½_Î÷_ÂÞ_·Ç_¹þ_µÄ_ÖÚ_Å®_¶ù_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Õâ_Ñù_·Ô_¸À_˵_£¬_Ëý_ÃÇ_¿É ÒÔ_Ëæ_Òâ_¼Þ_ÈË_£¬_Ö»_ÊÇ_Òª_¼Þ_ͬ_×Ú_Ö§_ÅÉ_µÄ_ÈË_¡£ # # This is the thing which the LORD doth command concerning the # daughters of Zelophehad, saying, Let them marry to whom they think # best; only to the family of the tribe of their father shall they # marry. # # unit P NUM:36:7 Õâ_Ñù_£¬_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_µÄ_²ú_Òµ_¾Í_²»_´Ó_Õâ_Ö§_ÅÉ_¹é_µ½_ÄÇ_Ö§_ÅÉ_£¬_Òò Ϊ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Òª_¸÷_ÊØ_¸÷_×æ_×Ú_Ö§_ÅÉ_µÄ_²ú_Òµ_¡£ # # So shall not the inheritance of the children of Israel remove from # tribe to tribe: for every one of the children of Israel shall keep # himself to the inheritance of the tribe of his fathers. # # unit P NUM:36:8 ·²_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_Ö§_ÅÉ_ÖÐ_µÃ_ÁË_²ú_Òµ_µÄ_Å®_×Ó_±Ø_×÷_ͬ_×Ú_Ö§_ÅÉ_ÈË_µÄ ÆÞ_£¬_ºÃ_½Ð_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_¸÷_×Ô_³Ð_ÊÜ_Ëû_×æ_×Ú_µÄ_²ú_Òµ_¡£ # # And every daughter, that possesseth an inheritance in any tribe of # the children of Israel, shall be wife unto one of the family of the # tribe of her father, that the children of Israel may enjoy every man # the inheritance of his fathers. # # unit P NUM:36:9 Õâ_Ñù_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_²ú_Òµ_¾Í_²»_´Ó_Õâ_Ö§_ÅÉ_¹é_µ½_ÄÇ_Ö§_ÅÉ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÒÔ É«_ÁÐ_Ö§_ÅÉ_µÄ_ÈË_Òª_¸÷_ÊØ_¸÷_µÄ_²ú_Òµ_¡£ # # Neither shall the inheritance remove from one tribe to another # tribe; but every one of the tribes of the children of Israel shall # keep himself to his own inheritance. # # unit P NUM:36:10 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ôõ_Ñù_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_£¬_Î÷_ÂÞ_·Ç_¹þ_µÄ_ÖÚ_Å®_¶ù_¾Í_Ôõ_Ñù_ÐÐ_¡£ # # Even as the LORD commanded Moses, so did the daughters of # Zelophehad: # # unit P NUM:36:11 Î÷_ÂÞ_·Ç_¹þ_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_Âê_À­_£¬_µÃ_Èö_£¬_êÂ_À­_£¬_ÃÜ_åÈ_£¬_Ų_°¢_¶¼_¼Þ ÁË_Ëû_ÃÇ_²®_Êå_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_¡£ # # For Mahlah, Tirzah, and Hoglah, and Milcah, and Noah, the daughters # of Zelophehad, were married unto their father's brothers' sons: # # unit P NUM:36:12 Ëý_ÃÇ_¼Þ_Èë_Ô¼_ɪ_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_Âê_ÄÃ_Î÷_×Ó_Ëï_µÄ_×å_ÖÐ_¡£_Ëý_ÃÇ_µÄ_²ú_Òµ ÈÔ_Áô_ÔÚ_ͬ_×Ú_Ö§_ÅÉ_ÖÐ_¡£ # # And they were married into the families of the sons of Manasseh the # son of Joseph, and their inheritance remained in the tribe of the # family of their father. # # unit P NUM:36:13 Õâ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÔÚ_Ħ_Ѻ_ƽ_Ô­_Ô¼_µ©_ºÓ_±ß_£¬_Ò®_Àû_¸ç_¶Ô_Ãæ_½è_×Å_Ħ Î÷_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_µÄ_Ãü_Áî_µä_ÕÂ_¡£ # # These are the commandments and the judgments, which the LORD # commanded by the hand of Moses unto the children of Israel in the # plains of Moab by Jordan near Jericho. # # part e Deuteronomy # ==================================================================== # [ENG] Éê Ãü ¼Ç # [CHI] Deuteronomy # ## # chapter 1 DEU:1 # unit P DEU:1:1 ÒÔ_ÏÂ_Ëù_¼Ç_µÄ_£¬_ÊÇ_Ħ_Î÷_ÔÚ_Ô¼_µ©_ºÓ_¶«_µÄ_¿õ_Ò°_£¬_Êè_¸¥_¶Ô_Ãæ_µÄ ÑÇ_À­_°Í_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_°Í_À¼_£¬_ÍÓ_¸¥_£¬_À­_°à_£¬_¹þ_Ï´_¼_£¬_µ×_Èö_¹þ_ÖÐ ¼ä_£¬_Ïò_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÚ_ÈË_Ëù_˵_µÄ_»°_¡£ # # These be the words which Moses spake unto all Israel on this side # Jordan in the wilderness, in the plain over against the Red sea, # between Paran, and Tophel, and Laban, and Hazeroth, and Dizahab. # # unit P DEU:1:2 ´Ó_ºÎ_ÁÒ_ɽ_¾­_¹ý_Î÷_çí_ɽ_£¬_µ½_¼Ó_µÍ_˹_°Í_Äá_ÑÇ_£¬_ÓÐ_Ê®_Ò»_Ìì_µÄ ·_³Ì_¡£ # # (There are eleven days' journey from Horeb by the way of mount Seir # unto Kadeshbarnea.) # # unit P DEU:1:3 ³ö_°£_¼°_µÚ_ËÄ_Ê®_Äê_£¬_Ê®_Ò»_ÔÂ_³õ_Ò»_ÈÕ_£¬_Ħ_Î÷_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_½è_×Å Ëû_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_µÄ_»°_£¬_¶¼_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£ # # And it came to pass in the fortieth year, in the eleventh month, on # the first day of the month, that Moses spake unto the children of # Israel, according unto all that the LORD had given him in # commandment unto them; # # unit P DEU:1:4 ÄÇ_ʱ_£¬_Ëû_ÒÑ_¾­_»÷_ɱ_ÁË_ס_Ï£_ʵ_±¾_µÄ_ÑÇ_Ħ_Àû_Íõ_Î÷_ºê_£¬_ºÍ_ס ÒÔ_µÃ_À´_£¬_ÑÇ_˹_Ëû_¼_µÄ_°Í_ɺ_Íõ_ج_¡£ # # After he had slain Sihon the king of the Amorites, which dwelt in # Heshbon, and Og the king of Bashan, which dwelt at Astaroth in # Edrei: # # unit P DEU:1:5 Ħ_Î÷_ÔÚ_Ô¼_µ©_ºÓ_¶«_µÄ_Ħ_Ѻ_µØ_½²_ÂÉ_·¨_˵_£¬ # # On this side Jordan, in the land of Moab, began Moses to declare # this law, saying, # # unit P DEU:1:6 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_ÔÚ_ºÎ_ÁÒ_ɽ_Ïþ_ÚÍ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_Õâ_ɽ_ÉÏ ×¡_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_¹»_ÁË_¡£ # # The LORD our God spake unto us in Horeb, saying, Ye have dwelt long # enough in this mount: # # unit P DEU:1:7 Òª_Æð_ÐÐ_ת_µ½_ÑÇ_Ħ_Àû_ÈË_µÄ_ɽ_µØ_ºÍ_¿¿_½ü_Õâ_ɽ_µØ_µÄ_¸÷_´¦_£¬_¾Í ÊÇ_ÑÇ_À­_°Í_£¬_ɽ_µØ_£¬_¸ß_Ô­_£¬_ÄÏ_µØ_£¬_ÑØ_º£_Ò»_´ø_åÈ_ÄÏ_ÈË_µÄ_µØ £¬_²¢_Àû_°Í_ÄÛ_ɽ_ÓÖ_µ½_²®_À­_´ó_ºÓ_¡£ # # Turn you, and take your journey, and go to the mount of the # Amorites, and unto all the places nigh thereunto, in the plain, in # the hills, and in the vale, and in the south, and by the sea side, # to the land of the Canaanites, and unto Lebanon, unto the great # river, the river Euphrates. # # unit P DEU:1:8 Èç_½ñ_ÎÒ_½«_Õâ_µØ_°Ú_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ãæ_Ç°_¡£_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_½ø_È¥_µÃ_Õâ_µØ_£¬_¾Í ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïò_Äã_ÃÇ_ÁÐ_×æ_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_£¬_ÒÔ_Èö_£¬_ÑÅ_¸÷_Æð_ÊÄ_Ó¦_Ðí ´Í_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_ºÍ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ºó_Òá_Ϊ_Òµ_Ö®_µØ_¡£ # # Behold, I have set the land before you: go in and possess the land # which the LORD sware unto your fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, # to give unto them and to their seed after them. # # unit P DEU:1:9 ÄÇ_ʱ_£¬_ÎÒ_¶Ô_Äã_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_¹Ü_Àí_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÖØ_ÈÎ_£¬_ÎÒ_¶À_×Ô_µ£_µ±_²» Æð_¡£ # # And I spake unto you at that time, saying, I am not able to bear you # myself alone: # # unit P DEU:1:10 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_ʹ_Äã_ÃÇ_¶à_Æð_À´_¡£_¿´_ÄÄ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_½ñ_ÈÕ_Ïñ_Ìì ÉÏ_µÄ_ÐÇ_ÄÇ_Ñù_¶à_¡£ # # The LORD your God hath multiplied you, and, behold, ye are this day # as the stars of heaven for multitude. # # unit P DEU:1:11 Ω_Ô¸_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_ÁÐ_×æ_µÄ_Éñ_ʹ_Äã_ÃÇ_±È_Èç_½ñ_¸ü_¶à_ǧ_±¶_£¬_ÕÕ Ëû_Ëù_Ó¦_Ðí_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_»°_´Í_¸£_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_¡£ # # (The LORD God of your fathers make you a thousand times so many more # as ye are, and bless you, as he hath promised you!) # # unit P DEU:1:12 µ«_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Âé_·³_£¬_ºÍ_¹Ü_Àí_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÖØ_ÈÎ_£¬_²¢_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Õù_ËÏ_£¬ ÎÒ_¶À_×Ô_Ò»_ÈË_Ôõ_ÄÜ_µ£_µ±_µÃ_Æð_ÄØ_£¿ # # How can I myself alone bear your cumbrance, and your burden, and # your strife? # # unit P DEU:1:13 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_°´_×Å_¸÷_Ö§_ÅÉ_Ñ¡_¾Ù_ÓÐ_ÖÇ_»Û_£¬_ÓÐ_¼û_ʶ_£¬_Ϊ_ÖÚ_ÈË_Ëù_ÈÏ Ê¶_µÄ_£¬_ÎÒ_Á¢_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ϊ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Ê×_Áì_¡£ # # Take you wise men, and understanding, and known among your tribes, # and I will make them rulers over you. # # unit P DEU:1:14 Äã_ÃÇ_»Ø_´ð_ÎÒ_˵_£¬_ÕÕ_Äã_Ëù_˵_µÄ_ÐÐ_ÁË_Ϊ_Ãî_¡£ # # And ye answered me, and said, The thing which thou hast spoken is # good for us to do. # # unit P DEU:1:15 ÎÒ_±ã_½«_Äã_ÃÇ_¸÷_Ö§_ÅÉ_µÄ_Ê×_Áì_£¬_ÓÐ_ÖÇ_»Û_£¬_Ϊ_ÖÚ_ÈË_Ëù_ÈÏ_ʶ_µÄ £¬_ÕÕ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Ö§_ÅÉ_£¬_Á¢_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ϊ_¹Ù_³¤_£¬_ǧ_·ò_³¤_£¬_°Ù_·ò_³¤_£¬ Îå_Ê®_·ò_³¤_£¬_Ê®_·ò_³¤_£¬_¹Ü_Àí_Äã_ÃÇ_¡£ # # So I took the chief of your tribes, wise men, and known, and made # them heads over you, captains over thousands, and captains over # hundreds, and captains over fifties, and captains over tens, and # officers among your tribes. # # unit P DEU:1:16 µ±_ʱ_£¬_ÎÒ_Öö_¸À_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éó_ÅÐ_¹Ù_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Ìý_ËÏ_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_µÜ ÐÖ_±Ë_´Ë_Õù_ËÏ_£¬_ÊÇ_Óë_ͬ_¾Ó_µÄ_Íâ_ÈË_Õù_ËÏ_£¬_¶¼_Òª_°´_¹«_Òå_ÅÐ_¶Ï ¡£ # # And I charged your judges at that time, saying, Hear the causes # between your brethren, and judge righteously between every man and # his brother, and the stranger that is with him. # # unit P DEU:1:17 Éó_ÅÐ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_²»_¿É_¿´_ÈË_µÄ_Íâ_ò_¡£_Ìý_ËÏ_²»_¿É_·Ö_¹ó_¼ú_£¬_²» ¿É_¾å_ÅÂ_ÈË_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Éó_ÅÐ_ÊÇ_Êô_ºõ_Éñ_µÄ_¡£_Èô_ÓÐ_ÄÑ_¶Ï_µÄ_°¸_¼þ_£¬ ¿É_ÒÔ_³Ê_µ½_ÎÒ_Õâ_Àï_£¬_ÎÒ_¾Í_ÅÐ_¶Ï_¡£ # # Ye shall not respect persons in judgment; but ye shall hear the # small as well as the great; ye shall not be afraid of the face of # man; for the judgment is God's: and the cause that is too hard for # you, bring it unto me, and I will hear it. # # unit P DEU:1:18 ÄÇ_ʱ_£¬_ÎÒ_½«_Äã_ÃÇ_Ëù_µ±_ÐÐ_µÄ_ÊÂ_¶¼_·Ô_¸À_Äã_ÃÇ_ÁË_¡£ # # And I commanded you at that time all the things which ye should do. # # unit P DEU:1:19 ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÕÕ_×Å_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Éñ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_´Ó_ºÎ_ÁÒ_ɽ_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_¾­_¹ý Äã_ÃÇ_Ëù_¿´_¼û_ÄÇ_´ó_¶ø_¿É_ÅÂ_µÄ_¿õ_Ò°_£¬_Íù_ÑÇ_Ħ_Àû_ÈË_µÄ_ɽ_µØ_È¥ £¬_µ½_ÁË_¼Ó_µÍ_˹_°Í_Äá_ÑÇ_¡£ # # And when we departed from Horeb, we went through all that great and # terrible wilderness, which ye saw by the way of the mountain of the # Amorites, as the LORD our God commanded us; and we came to # Kadeshbarnea. # # unit P DEU:1:20 ÎÒ_¶Ô_Äã_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_ÒÑ_¾­_µ½_ÁË_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Éñ_Ëù_´Í_¸ø_ÎÒ_ÃÇ µÄ_ÑÇ_Ħ_Àû_ÈË_Ö®_ɽ_µØ_¡£ # # And I said unto you, Ye are come unto the mountain of the Amorites, # which the LORD our God doth give unto us. # # unit P DEU:1:21 ¿´_ÄÄ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_ÒÑ_½«_ÄÇ_µØ_°Ú_ÔÚ_Äã_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_Äã_Òª_ÕÕ_Ò® ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÁÐ_×æ_µÄ_Éñ_Ëù_˵_µÄ_ÉÏ_È¥_µÃ_ÄÇ_µØ_Ϊ_Òµ_¡£_²»_Òª_¾å_ÅÂ_£¬ Ò²_²»_Òª_¾ª_»Ì_¡£ # # Behold, the LORD thy God hath set the land before thee: go up and # possess it, as the LORD God of thy fathers hath said unto thee; fear # not, neither be discouraged. # # unit P DEU:1:22 Äã_ÃÇ_¶¼_¾Í_½ü_ÎÒ_À´_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Òª_ÏÈ_´ò_·¢_ÈË_È¥_£¬_Ϊ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¿ú_̽ ÄÇ_µØ_£¬_½«_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÉÏ_È¥_¸Ã_×ß_ºÎ_µÀ_£¬_±Ø_½ø_ºÎ_³Ç_£¬_¶¼_»Ø_±¨_ÎÒ_ÃÇ ¡£ # # And ye came near unto me every one of you, and said, We will send # men before us, and they shall search us out the land, and bring us # word again by what way we must go up, and into what cities we shall # come. # # unit P DEU:1:23 Õâ_»°_ÎÒ_ÒÔ_Ϊ_ÃÀ_£¬_¾Í_´Ó_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_Ñ¡_ÁË_Ê®_¶þ_¸ö_ÈË_£¬_ÿ_Ö§_ÅÉ Ò»_ÈË_¡£ # # And the saying pleased me well: and I took twelve men of you, one of # a tribe: # # unit P DEU:1:24 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Æð_Éí_ÉÏ_ɽ_µØ_È¥_£¬_µ½_ÒÔ_ʵ_¸÷_¹È_£¬_¿ú_̽_ÄÇ_µØ_¡£ # # And they turned and went up into the mountain, and came unto the # valley of Eshcol, and searched it out. # # unit P DEU:1:25 Ëû_ÃÇ_ÊÖ_Àï_ÄÃ_×Å_ÄÇ_µØ_µÄ_¹û_×Ó_ÏÂ_À´_£¬_µ½_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_»Ø_±¨_˵ £¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_Ëù_´Í_¸ø_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÊÇ_ÃÀ_µØ_¡£ # # And they took of the fruit of the land in their hands, and brought # it down unto us, and brought us word again, and said, It is a good # land which the LORD our God doth give us. # # unit P DEU:1:26 Äã_ÃÇ_È´_²»_¿Ï_ÉÏ_È¥_£¬_¾¹_Î¥_±³_ÁË_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_Éñ_µÄ_Ãü_Áî_£¬ # # Notwithstanding ye would not go up, but rebelled against the # commandment of the LORD your God: # # unit P DEU:1:27 ÔÚ_ÕÊ_Åï_ÄÚ_·¢_Ô¹_ÑÔ_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Òò_Ϊ_ºÞ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_£¬_Ëù_ÒÔ_½«_ÎÒ_ÃÇ ´Ó_°£_¼°_µØ_Áì_³ö_À´_£¬_Òª_½»_ÔÚ_ÑÇ_Ħ_Àû_ÈË_ÊÖ_ÖÐ_£¬_³ý_Ãð_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¡£ # # And ye murmured in your tents, and said, Because the LORD hated us, # he hath brought us forth out of the land of Egypt, to deliver us # into the hand of the Amorites, to destroy us. # # unit P DEU:1:28 ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÉÏ_ÄÄ_Àï_È¥_ÄØ_£¿_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_µÜ_ÐÖ_ʹ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÐÄ_Ïû_»¯_£¬_˵_ÄÇ µØ_µÄ_Ãñ_±È_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÓÖ_´ó_ÓÖ_¸ß_£¬_³Ç_ÒØ_ÓÖ_¹ã_´ó_ÓÖ_¼á_¹Ì_£¬_¸ß_µÃ_¶¥ Ìì_£¬_²¢_ÇÒ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_¿´_¼û_ÑÇ_ñÄ_×å_µÄ_ÈË_¡£ # # Whither shall we go up? our brethren have discouraged our heart, # saying, The people is greater and taller than we; the cities are # great and walled up to heaven; and moreover we have seen the sons of # the Anakims there. # # unit P DEU:1:29 ÎÒ_¾Í_¶Ô_Äã_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_²»_Òª_¾ª_¿Ö_£¬_Ò²_²»_Òª_ÅÂ_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£ # # Then I said unto you, Dread not, neither be afraid of them. # # unit P DEU:1:30 ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ç°_Ãæ_ÐÐ_µÄ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_±Ø_Ϊ_Äã_ÃÇ_Õù_Õ½_£¬_Õý_Èç Ëû_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_ºÍ_¿õ_Ò°_£¬_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÑÛ_Ç°_Ëù_ÐÐ_µÄ_Ò»_Ñù_¡£ # # The LORD your God which goeth before you, he shall fight for you, # according to all that he did for you in Egypt before your eyes; # # unit P DEU:1:31 Äã_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_¿õ_Ò°_Ëù_ÐÐ_µÄ_·_ÉÏ_£¬_Ò²_Ôø_¼û_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_¸§_Ñø Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_Èç_ͬ_ÈË_¸§_Ñø_¶ù_×Ó_Ò»_°ã_£¬_Ö±_µÈ_Äã_ÃÇ_À´_µ½_Õâ_µØ_·½_¡£ # # And in the wilderness, where thou hast seen how that the LORD thy # God bare thee, as a man doth bear his son, in all the way that ye # went, until ye came into this place. # # unit P DEU:1:32 Äã_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_Õâ_ÊÂ_ÉÏ_È´_²»_ÐÅ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # Yet in this thing ye did not believe the LORD your God, # # unit P DEU:1:33 Ëû_ÔÚ_·_ÉÏ_£¬_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ç°_Ãæ_ÐÐ_£¬_Ϊ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÕÒ_°²_Óª_µÄ_µØ_·½_¡£_Ò¹ ¼ä_ÔÚ_»ð_Öù_Àï_£¬_ÈÕ_¼ä_ÔÚ_ÔÆ_Öù_Àï_£¬_Ö¸_ʾ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ëù_µ±_ÐÐ_µÄ_·_¡£ # # Who went in the way before you, to search you out a place to pitch # your tents in, in fire by night, to shew you by what way ye should # go, and in a cloud by day. # # unit P DEU:1:34 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ìý_¼û_Äã_ÃÇ_Õâ_»°_£¬_¾Í_·¢_Å­_£¬_Æð_ÊÄ_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD heard the voice of your words, and was wroth, and # sware, saying, # # unit P DEU:1:35 Õâ_¶ñ_ÊÀ_´ú_µÄ_ÈË_£¬_Á¬_Ò»_¸ö_Ò²_²»_µÃ_¼û_ÎÒ_Æð_ÊÄ_Ó¦_Ðí_´Í_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ ÁÐ_×æ_µÄ_ÃÀ_µØ_¡£ # # Surely there shall not one of these men of this evil generation see # that good land, which I sware to give unto your fathers, # # unit P DEU:1:36 Ω_ÓÐ_Ò®_æÚ_Äá_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_åÈ_ÀÕ_±Ø_µÃ_¿´_¼û_£¬_²¢_ÇÒ_ÎÒ_Òª_½«_Ëû_Ëù_̤ ¹ý_µÄ_µØ_´Í_¸ø_Ëû_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_ר_ÐÄ_¸ú_´Ó_ÎÒ_¡£ # # Save Caleb the son of Jephunneh; he shall see it, and to him will I # give the land that he hath trodden upon, and to his children, # because he hath wholly followed the LORD. # # unit P DEU:1:37 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_Äã_µÄ_Ôµ_¹Ê_Ò²_Ïò_ÎÒ_·¢_Å­_£¬_˵_£¬_Äã_±Ø_²»_µÃ_½ø_Èë_ÄÇ µØ_¡£ # # Also the LORD was angry with me for your sakes, saying, Thou also # shalt not go in thither. # # unit P DEU:1:38 ËÅ_ºò_Äã_£¬_ÄÛ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_Ô¼_Êé_ÑÇ_£¬_Ëû_±Ø_µÃ_½ø_Èë_ÄÇ_µØ_¡£_Äã_Òª_Ãã Àø_Ëû_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_Òª_ʹ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_³Ð_ÊÜ_ÄÇ_µØ_Ϊ_Òµ_¡£ # # But Joshua the son of Nun, which standeth before thee, he shall go # in thither: encourage him: for he shall cause Israel to inherit it. # # unit P DEU:1:39 ²¢_ÇÒ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_¸¾_ÈË_º¢_×Ó_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ëù_˵_£¬_±Ø_±»_°_ÂÓ_µÄ_£¬ ºÍ_½ñ_ÈÕ_²»_Öª_ÉÆ_¶ñ_µÄ_¶ù_Å®_£¬_±Ø_½ø_Èë_ÄÇ_µØ_¡£_ÎÒ_Òª_½«_ÄÇ_µØ_´Í ¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_±Ø_µÃ_Ϊ_Òµ_¡£ # # Moreover your little ones, which ye said should be a prey, and your # children, which in that day had no knowledge between good and evil, # they shall go in thither, and unto them will I give it, and they # shall possess it. # # unit P DEU:1:40 ÖÁ_ÓÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_Òª_ת_»Ø_£¬_´Ó_ºì_º£_µÄ_·_Íù_¿õ_Ò°_È¥_¡£ # # But as for you, turn you, and take your journey into the wilderness # by the way of the Red sea. # # unit P DEU:1:41 ÄÇ_ʱ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_»Ø_´ð_ÎÒ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÃ_×ï_ÁË_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_Çé_Ô¸_ÕÕ_Ò® ºÍ_»ª_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Éñ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_ÉÏ_È¥_Õù_Õ½_¡£_ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Äã_ÃÇ_¸÷_ÈË_´ø ×Å_±ø_Æ÷_£¬_Õù_ÏÈ_ÉÏ_ɽ_µØ_È¥_ÁË_¡£ # # Then ye answered and said unto me, We have sinned against the LORD, # we will go up and fight, according to all that the LORD our God # commanded us. And when ye had girded on every man his weapons of # war, ye were ready to go up into the hill. # # unit P DEU:1:42 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_·Ô_¸À_ÎÒ_˵_£¬_Äã_¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_²»_Òª_ÉÏ_È¥_£¬_Ò²_²»_Òª_Õù Õ½_¡£_Òò_ÎÒ_²»_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_£¬_¿Ö_ÅÂ_Äã_ÃÇ_±»_³ð_µÐ_ɱ_°Ü_ÁË_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto me, Say unto them, Go not up, neither fight; # for I am not among you; lest ye be smitten before your enemies. # # unit P DEU:1:43 ÎÒ_¾Í_¸æ_Ëß_ÁË_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_È´_²»_Ìý_´Ó_£¬_¾¹_Î¥_±³_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_Ãü Áî_£¬_ÉÃ_×Ô_ÉÏ_ɽ_µØ_È¥_ÁË_¡£ # # So I spake unto you; and ye would not hear, but rebelled against the # commandment of the LORD, and went presumptuously up into the hill. # # unit P DEU:1:44 ס_ÄÇ_ɽ_µØ_µÄ_ÑÇ_Ħ_Àû_ÈË_¾Í_³ö_À´_¹¥_»÷_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_×·_¸Ï_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_Èç ·ä_Óµ_Ò»_°ã_£¬_ÔÚ_Î÷_çí_ɱ_ÍË_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_Ö±_µ½_ºÎ_çí_Âê_¡£ # # And the Amorites, which dwelt in that mountain, came out against # you, and chased you, as bees do, and destroyed you in Seir, even # unto Hormah. # # unit P DEU:1:45 Äã_ÃÇ_±ã_»Ø_À´_£¬_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_¿Þ_ºÅ_¡£_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_È´_²»_Ìý_Äã_ÃÇ µÄ_Éù_Òô_£¬_Ò²_²»_Ïò_Äã_ÃÇ_²à_¶ú_¡£ # # And ye returned and wept before the LORD; but the LORD would not # hearken to your voice, nor give ear unto you. # # unit P DEU:1:46 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_¼Ó_µÍ_˹_ס_ÁË_Ðí_¶à_ÈÕ_×Ó_¡£ # # So ye abode in Kadesh many days, according unto the days that ye # abode there. # ## # chapter 2 DEU:2 # unit P DEU:2:1 ´Ë_ºó_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ת_»Ø_£¬_´Ó_ºì_º£_µÄ_·_Íù_¿õ_Ò°_È¥_£¬_ÊÇ_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª Ëù_·Ô_¸À_ÎÒ_µÄ_¡£_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_Î÷_çí_ɽ_ÈÆ_ÐÐ_ÁË_Ðí_¶à_ÈÕ_×Ó_¡£ # # Then we turned, and took our journey into the wilderness by the way # of the Red sea, as the LORD spake unto me: and we compassed mount # Seir many days. # # unit P DEU:2:2 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_ÎÒ_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto me, saying, # # unit P DEU:2:3 Äã_ÃÇ_ÈÆ_ÐÐ_Õâ_ɽ_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_¹»_ÁË_£¬_Òª_ת_Ïò_±±_È¥_¡£ # # Ye have compassed this mountain long enough: turn you northward. # # unit P DEU:2:4 Äã_·Ô_¸À_°Ù_ÐÕ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_µÜ_ÐÖ_ÒÔ_ɨ_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_ס_ÔÚ_Î÷_çí_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ Òª_¾­_¹ý_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_¾³_½ç_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_±Ø_¾å_ÅÂ_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_Ëù_ÒÔ_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_·Ö Íâ_½÷_É÷_¡£ # # And command thou the people, saying, Ye are to pass through the # coast of your brethren the children of Esau, which dwell in Seir; # and they shall be afraid of you: take ye good heed unto yourselves # therefore: # # unit P DEU:2:5 ²»_¿É_Óë_Ëû_ÃÇ_Õù_Õ½_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_µØ_£¬_Á¬_½Å_ÕÆ_¿É_̤_Ö®_´¦_£¬_ÎÒ_¶¼ ²»_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_Òò_ÎÒ_ÒÑ_½«_Î÷_çí_ɽ_´Í_¸ø_ÒÔ_ɨ_Ϊ_Òµ_¡£ # # Meddle not with them; for I will not give you of their land, no, not # so much as a foot breadth; because I have given mount Seir unto Esau # for a possession. # # unit P DEU:2:6 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_ÓÃ_Ç®_Ïò_Ëû_ÃÇ_Âò_Á¸_³Ô_£¬_Ò²_Òª_ÓÃ_Ç®_Ïò_Ëû_ÃÇ_Âò_Ë®_ºÈ_¡£ # # Ye shall buy meat of them for money, that ye may eat; and ye shall # also buy water of them for money, that ye may drink. # # unit P DEU:2:7 Òò_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_ÔÚ_Äã_ÊÖ_Àï_Ëù_°ì_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_ÊÂ_ÉÏ_ÒÑ_´Í_¸£_Óë Äã_¡£_Äã_×ß_Õâ_´ó_¿õ_Ò°_£¬_Ëû_¶¼_Öª_µÀ_ÁË_¡£_Õâ_ËÄ_Ê®_Äê_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª Äã_µÄ_Éñ_³£_Óë_Äã_ͬ_ÔÚ_£¬_¹Ê_´Ë_Äã_Ò»_ÎÞ_Ëù_ȱ_¡£ # # For the LORD thy God hath blessed thee in all the works of thy hand: # he knoweth thy walking through this great wilderness: these forty # years the LORD thy God hath been with thee; thou hast lacked # nothing. # # unit P DEU:2:8 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Àë_ÁË_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÜ_ÐÖ_ÒÔ_ɨ_×Ó_Ëï_Ëù_ס_µÄ_Î÷_çí_£¬_´Ó_ÑÇ À­_°Í_µÄ_·_£¬_¾­_¹ý_ÒÔ_À­_Ëû_£¬_ÒÔ_Ñ®_åÈ_±ð_£¬_ת_Ïò_Ħ_Ѻ_¿õ_Ò°_µÄ ·_È¥_¡£ # # And when we passed by from our brethren the children of Esau, which # dwelt in Seir, through the way of the plain from Elath, and from # Eziongaber, we turned and passed by the way of the wilderness of # Moab. # # unit P DEU:2:9 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_·Ô_¸À_ÎÒ_˵_£¬_²»_¿É_ÈÅ_º¦_Ħ_Ѻ_ÈË_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_Óë_Ëû_ÃÇ_Õù Õ½_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_µØ_£¬_ÎÒ_²»_´Í_¸ø_Äã_Ϊ_Òµ_£¬_Òò_ÎÒ_ÒÑ_½«_ÑÇ_çí_´Í_¸ø ÂÞ_µÃ_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_Ϊ_Òµ_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto me, Distress not the Moabites, neither # contend with them in battle: for I will not give thee of their land # for a possession; because I have given Ar unto the children of Lot # for a possession. # # unit P DEU:2:10 £¨_ÏÈ_Ç°_£¬_ÓÐ_ÒÔ_Ã×_ÈË_ס_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_Ãñ_Êý_ÖÚ_¶à_£¬_Éí_Ìå_¸ß_´ó_£¬ Ïñ_ÑÇ_ñÄ_ÈË_Ò»_Ñù_¡£ # # The Emims dwelt therein in times past, a people great, and many, and # tall, as the Anakims; # # unit P DEU:2:11 Õâ_ÒÔ_Ã×_ÈË_Ïñ_ÑÇ_ñÄ_ÈË_¡£_Ò²_Ëã_Ϊ_Àû_·¦_Òô_ÈË_¡£_Ħ_Ѻ_ÈË_³Æ_Ëû_ÃÇ Îª_ÒÔ_Ã×_ÈË_¡£ # # Which also were accounted giants, as the Anakims; but the Moabites # call them Emims. # # unit P DEU:2:12 ÏÈ_Ç°_£¬_ºÎ_Àû_ÈË_Ò²_ס_ÔÚ_Î÷_çí_£¬_µ«_ÒÔ_ɨ_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_½«_Ëû_ÃÇ_³ý_Ã𠣬_µÃ_ÁË_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_µØ_£¬_½Ó_×Å_¾Ó_ס_£¬_¾Í_Èç_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_´Í ¸ø_Ëû_Ϊ_Òµ_Ö®_µØ_Ëù_ÐÐ_µÄ_Ò»_Ñù_¡£_£© # # The Horims also dwelt in Seir beforetime; but the children of Esau # succeeded them, when they had destroyed them from before them, and # dwelt in their stead; as Israel did unto the land of his possession, # which the LORD gave unto them. # # unit P DEU:2:13 ÏÖ_ÔÚ_£¬_Æð_À´_¹ý_Èö_ÁÒ_Ϫ_¡£_ÓÚ_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¹ý_ÁË_Èö_ÁÒ_Ϫ_¡£ # # Now rise up, said I, and get you over the brook Zered. And we went # over the brook Zered. # # unit P DEU:2:14 ×Ô_´Ó_Àë_¿ª_¼Ó_µÍ_˹_°Í_Äá_ÑÇ_£¬_µ½_¹ý_ÁË_Èö_ÁÒ_Ϫ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ Èý_Ê®_°Ë_Äê_£¬_µÈ_ÄÇ_ÊÀ_´ú_µÄ_±ø_¶¡_¶¼_´Ó_Óª_ÖÐ_Ãð_¾¡_£¬_Õý_Èç_Ò®_ºÍ »ª_Ïò_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ëù_Æð_µÄ_ÊÄ_¡£ # # And the space in which we came from Kadeshbarnea, until we were come # over the brook Zered, was thirty and eight years; until all the # generation of the men of war were wasted out from among the host, as # the LORD sware unto them. # # unit P DEU:2:15 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_ÊÖ_Ò²_¹¥_»÷_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_½«_Ëû_ÃÇ_´Ó_Óª_ÖÐ_³ý_Ãð_£¬_Ö±_µ½_Ã𠾡_¡£ # # For indeed the hand of the LORD was against them, to destroy them # from among the host, until they were consumed. # # unit P DEU:2:16 ±ø_¶¡_´Ó_Ãñ_ÖÐ_¶¼_Ãð_¾¡_ËÀ_Íö_ÒÔ_ºó_£¬ # # So it came to pass, when all the men of war were consumed and dead # from among the people, # # unit P DEU:2:17 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_·Ô_¸À_ÎÒ_˵_£¬ # # That the LORD spake unto me, saying, # # unit P DEU:2:18 Äã_½ñ_Ìì_Òª_´Ó_Ħ_Ѻ_µÄ_¾³_½ç_ÑÇ_çí_¾­_¹ý_£¬ # # Thou art to pass over through Ar, the coast of Moab, this day: # # unit P DEU:2:19 ×ß_½ü_ÑÇ_ÞÑ_ÈË_Ö®_µØ_£¬_²»_¿É_ÈÅ_º¦_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_Óë_Ëû_ÃÇ_Õù_Õ½ ¡£_ÑÇ_ÞÑ_ÈË_µÄ_µØ_£¬_ÎÒ_²»_´Í_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_Ϊ_Òµ_£¬_Òò_ÎÒ_ÒÑ_½«_ÄÇ_µØ_´Í ¸ø_ÂÞ_µÃ_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_Ϊ_Òµ_¡£ # # And when thou comest nigh over against the children of Ammon, # distress them not, nor meddle with them: for I will not give thee of # the land of the children of Ammon any possession; because I have # given it unto the children of Lot for a possession. # # unit P DEU:2:20 £¨_ÄÇ_µØ_Ò²_Ëã_Ϊ_Àû_·¦_Òô_ÈË_Ö®_µØ_£¬_ÏÈ_Ç°_Àû_·¦_Òô_ÈË_ס_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï £¬_ÑÇ_ÞÑ_ÈË_³Æ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ϊ_É¢_ËÍ_Ú¤_¡£ # # (That also was accounted a land of giants: giants dwelt therein in # old time; and the Ammonites call them Zamzummims; # # unit P DEU:2:21 ÄÇ_Ãñ_ÖÚ_¶à_£¬_Éí_Ìå_¸ß_´ó_£¬_Ïñ_ÑÇ_ñÄ_ÈË_Ò»_Ñù_£¬_µ«_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_´Ó_ÑÇ ÞÑ_ÈË_Ãæ_Ç°_³ý_Ãð_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_ÑÇ_ÞÑ_ÈË_¾Í_µÃ_ÁË_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_µØ_£¬_½Ó_×Å_¾Ó ס_¡£ # # A people great, and many, and tall, as the Anakims; but the LORD # destroyed them before them; and they succeeded them, and dwelt in # their stead: # # unit P DEU:2:22 Õý_Èç_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_´Ó_Ç°_Ϊ_ס_Î÷_çí_µÄ_ÒÔ_ɨ_×Ó_Ëï_½«_ºÎ_Àû_ÈË_´Ó_Ëû_ÃÇ Ãæ_Ç°_³ý_Ãð_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÃ_ÁË_ºÎ_Àû_ÈË_µÄ_µØ_£¬_½Ó_×Å_¾Ó_ס_Ò»_Ñù_£¬_Ö± µ½_½ñ_ÈÕ_¡£ # # As he did to the children of Esau, which dwelt in Seir, when he # destroyed the Horims from before them; and they succeeded them, and # dwelt in their stead even unto this day: # # unit P DEU:2:23 ´Ó_åÈ_ì³_ÍÐ_³ö_À´_µÄ_åÈ_ì³_ÍÐ_ÈË_½«_ÏÈ_Ç°_ס_ÔÚ_Ïç_´å_Ö±_µ½_åÈ_Èø_µÄ ÑÇ_ÎÀ_ÈË_³ý_Ãð_£¬_½Ó_×Å_¾Ó_ס_¡£_£© # # And the Avims which dwelt in Hazerim, even unto Azzah, the # Caphtorims, which came forth out of Caphtor, destroyed them, and # dwelt in their stead.) # # unit P DEU:2:24 Äã_ÃÇ_Æð_À´_Ç°_Íù_£¬_¹ý_ÑÇ_ÄÛ_¹È_¡£_ÎÒ_ÒÑ_½«_ÑÇ_Ħ_Àû_ÈË_Ï£_ʵ_±¾_Íõ Î÷_ºê_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_µØ_½»_ÔÚ_Äã_ÊÖ_ÖÐ_£¬_Äã_Òª_Óë_Ëû_Õù_Õ½_£¬_µÃ_Ëû_µÄ_µØ Ϊ_Òµ_¡£ # # Rise ye up, take your journey, and pass over the river Arnon: # behold, I have given into thine hand Sihon the Amorite, king of # Heshbon, and his land: begin to possess it, and contend with him in # battle. # # unit P DEU:2:25 ´Ó_½ñ_ÈÕ_Æð_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_ʹ_Ìì_ÏÂ_Íò_Ãñ_Ìý_¼û_Äã_µÄ_Ãû_Éù_¶¼_¾ª_¿Ö_¾å_Å £¬_ÇÒ_Òò_Äã_·¢_²ü_ÉË_âú_¡£ # # This day will I begin to put the dread of thee and the fear of thee # upon the nations that are under the whole heaven, who shall hear # report of thee, and shall tremble, and be in anguish because of # thee. # # unit P DEU:2:26 ÎÒ_´Ó_»ù_µ×_Ī_µÄ_¿õ_Ò°_²î_Dz_ʹ_Õß_È¥_¼û_Ï£_ʵ_±¾_Íõ_Î÷_ºê_£¬_ÓÃ_ºÍ ÄÀ_µÄ_»°_˵_£¬ # # And I sent messengers out of the wilderness of Kedemoth unto Sihon # king of Heshbon with words of peace, saying, # # unit P DEU:2:27 Çó_Äã_ÈÝ_ÎÒ_´Ó_Äã_µÄ_µØ_¾­_¹ý_£¬_Ö»_×ß_´ó_µÀ_£¬_²»_Æ«_×ó_ÓÒ_¡£ # # Let me pass through thy land: I will go along by the high way, I # will neither turn unto the right hand nor to the left. # # unit P DEU:2:28 Äã_¿É_ÒÔ_Âô_Á¸_¸ø_ÎÒ_³Ô_£¬_Ò²_¿É_ÒÔ_Âô_Ë®_¸ø_ÎÒ_ºÈ_£¬_Ö»_Òª_ÈÝ_ÎÒ_²½ ÐÐ_¹ý_È¥_£¬ # # Thou shalt sell me meat for money, that I may eat; and give me water # for money, that I may drink: only I will pass through on my feet; # # unit P DEU:2:29 ¾Í_Èç_ס_Î÷_çí_µÄ_ÒÔ_ɨ_×Ó_Ëï_ºÍ_ס_ÑÇ_çí_µÄ_Ħ_Ѻ_ÈË_´ý_ÎÒ_Ò»_Ñù_£¬ µÈ_ÎÒ_¹ý_ÁË_Ô¼_µ©_ºÓ_£¬_ºÃ_½ø_Èë_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Éñ_Ëù_´Í_¸ø_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ µØ_¡£ # # (As the children of Esau which dwell in Seir, and the Moabites which # dwell in Ar, did unto me;) until I shall pass over Jordan into the # land which the LORD our God giveth us. # # unit P DEU:2:30 µ«_Ï£_ʵ_±¾_Íõ_Î÷_ºê_²»_ÈÝ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_´Ó_Ëû_ÄÇ_Àï_¾­_¹ý_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª Äã_µÄ_Éñ_ʹ_Ëû_ÐÄ_ÖÐ_¸Õ_Ó²_£¬_ÐÔ_Çé_Íç_¹£_£¬_Ϊ_Òª_½«_Ëû_½»_ÔÚ_Äã_ÊÖ ÖÐ_£¬_Ïñ_½ñ_ÈÕ_Ò»_Ñù_¡£ # # But Sihon king of Heshbon would not let us pass by him: for the LORD # thy God hardened his spirit, and made his heart obstinate, that he # might deliver him into thy hand, as appeareth this day. # # unit P DEU:2:31 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_ÎÒ_˵_£¬_´Ó_´Ë_Æð_Ê×_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_½«_Î÷_ºê_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_µØ_½»_¸ø Äã_¡£_Äã_Òª_µÃ_Ëû_µÄ_µØ_Ϊ_Òµ_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto me, Behold, I have begun to give Sihon and # his land before thee: begin to possess, that thou mayest inherit his # land. # # unit P DEU:2:32 ÄÇ_ʱ_£¬_Î÷_ºê_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_ÖÚ_Ãñ_³ö_À´_¹¥_»÷_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_£¬_ÔÚ_ÑÅ_ÔÓ_Óë_ÎÒ_ÃÇ ½»_Õ½_¡£ # # Then Sihon came out against us, he and all his people, to fight at # Jahaz. # # unit P DEU:2:33 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_½«_Ëû_½»_¸ø_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¾Í_°Ñ_Ëû_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_¶ù ×Ó_£¬_²¢_Ëû_µÄ_ÖÚ_Ãñ_£¬_¶¼_»÷_ɱ_ÁË_¡£ # # And the LORD our God delivered him before us; and we smote him, and # his sons, and all his people. # # unit P DEU:2:34 ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¶á_ÁË_Ëû_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_³Ç_ÒØ_£¬_½«_ÓÐ_ÈË_ÑÌ_µÄ_¸÷_³Ç_£¬_Á¬_Å®_ÈË_´ø º¢_×Ó_£¬_¾¡_¶¼_»Ù_Ãð_£¬_û_ÓÐ_Áô_ÏÂ_Ò»_¸ö_¡£ # # And we took all his cities at that time, and utterly destroyed the # men, and the women, and the little ones, of every city, we left none # to remain: # # unit P DEU:2:35 Ω_ÓÐ_Éü_Ðó_ºÍ_Ëù_¶á_µÄ_¸÷_³Ç_£¬_²¢_Æä_ÖÐ_µÄ_²Æ_Îï_£¬_¶¼_È¡_Ϊ_×Ô_¼º µÄ_ÂÓ_Îï_¡£ # # Only the cattle we took for a prey unto ourselves, and the spoil of # the cities which we took. # # unit P DEU:2:36 ´Ó_ÑÇ_ÄÛ_¹È_±ß_µÄ_ÑÇ_ÂÞ_çí_ºÍ_¹È_ÖÐ_µÄ_³Ç_£¬_Ö±_µ½_»ù_ÁÐ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_¶¼_½»_¸ø_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÁË_£¬_û_ÓÐ_Ò»_×ù_³Ç_¸ß_µÃ_ʹ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_²»_ÄÜ ¹¥_È¡_µÄ_¡£ # # From Aroer, which is by the brink of the river of Arnon, and from # the city that is by the river, even unto Gilead, there was not one # city too strong for us: the LORD our God delivered all unto us: # # unit P DEU:2:37 Ω_ÓÐ_ÑÇ_ÞÑ_ÈË_Ö®_µØ_£¬_·²_¿¿_½ü_ÑÅ_²©_ºÓ_µÄ_µØ_£¬_²¢_ɽ_µØ_µÄ_³Ç_ÒØ £¬_Óë_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Éñ_Ëù_½û_Ö¹_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_È¥_µÄ_µØ_·½_£¬_¶¼_û_ÓÐ_°¤_½ü ¡£ # # Only unto the land of the children of Ammon thou camest not, nor # unto any place of the river Jabbok, nor unto the cities in the # mountains, nor unto whatsoever the LORD our God forbad us. # ## # chapter 3 DEU:3 # unit P DEU:3:1 ÒÔ_ºó_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ת_»Ø_£¬_Ïò_°Í_ɺ_È¥_¡£_°Í_ɺ_Íõ_ج_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_ÖÚ_Ãñ_¶¼ ³ö_À´_£¬_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_µÃ_À´_Óë_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_½»_Õ½_¡£ # # Then we turned, and went up the way to Bashan: and Og the king of # Bashan came out against us, he and all his people, to battle at # Edrei. # # unit P DEU:3:2 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_ÎÒ_˵_£¬_²»_Òª_ÅÂ_Ëû_¡£_Òò_ÎÒ_ÒÑ_½«_Ëû_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_ÖÚ_Ãñ_£¬ ²¢_Ëû_µÄ_µØ_£¬_¶¼_½»_ÔÚ_Äã_ÊÖ_ÖÐ_¡£_Äã_Òª_´ý_Ëû_Ïñ_´Ó_Ç°_´ý_ס_Ï£_ʵ ±¾_µÄ_ÑÇ_Ħ_Àû_Íõ_Î÷_ºê_Ò»_Ñù_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto me, Fear him not: for I will deliver him, and # all his people, and his land, into thy hand; and thou shalt do unto # him as thou didst unto Sihon king of the Amorites, which dwelt at # Heshbon. # # unit P DEU:3:3 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_Ò²_½«_°Í_ɺ_Íõ_ج_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_ÖÚ_Ãñ_¶¼_½»_ÔÚ ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÊÖ_ÖÐ_¡£_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ɱ_ÁË_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_û_ÓÐ_Áô_ÏÂ_Ò»_¸ö_¡£ # # So the LORD our God delivered into our hands Og also, the king of # Bashan, and all his people: and we smote him until none was left to # him remaining. # # unit P DEU:3:4 ÄÇ_ʱ_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¶á_ÁË_Ëû_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_³Ç_£¬_¹²_ÓÐ_Áù_Ê®_×ù_£¬_û_ÓÐ_Ò»_×ù ³Ç_²»_±»_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Ëù_¶á_¡£_Õâ_Ϊ_ÑÇ_çí_¸è_²®_µÄ_È«_¾³_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_°Í_ɺ_µØ ج_Íõ_µÄ_¹ú_¡£ # # And we took all his cities at that time, there was not a city which # we took not from them, threescore cities, all the region of Argob, # the kingdom of Og in Bashan. # # unit P DEU:3:5 Õâ_Щ_³Ç_¶¼_ÓÐ_¼á_¹Ì_µÄ_¸ß_ǽ_£¬_ÓÐ_ÃÅ_ÓÐ_ãÅ_¡£_´Ë_Íâ_»¹_ÓÐ_Ðí_¶à_ÎÞ ³Ç_ǽ_µÄ_Ïç_´å_¡£ # # All these cities were fenced with high walls, gates, and bars; # beside unwalled towns a great many. # # unit P DEU:3:6 ÎÒ_ÃÇ_½«_Õâ_Щ_¶¼_»Ù_Ãð_ÁË_£¬_Ïñ_´Ó_Ç°_´ý_Ï£_ʵ_±¾_Íõ_Î÷_ºê_Ò»_Ñù_£¬ °Ñ_ÓÐ_ÈË_ÑÌ_µÄ_¸÷_³Ç_£¬_Á¬_Å®_ÈË_´ø_º¢_×Ó_£¬_¾¡_¶¼_»Ù_Ãð_¡£ # # And we utterly destroyed them, as we did unto Sihon king of Heshbon, # utterly destroying the men, women, and children, of every city. # # unit P DEU:3:7 Ω_ÓÐ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Éü_Ðó_ºÍ_³Ç_ÖÐ_µÄ_²Æ_Îï_¶¼_È¡_Ϊ_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_ÂÓ_Îï_¡£ # # But all the cattle, and the spoil of the cities, we took for a prey # to ourselves. # # unit P DEU:3:8 ÄÇ_ʱ_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_´Ó_Ô¼_µ©_ºÓ_¶«_Á½_¸ö_ÑÇ_Ħ_Àû_Íõ_µÄ_ÊÖ_½«_ÑÇ_ÄÛ_¹È_Ö± µ½_ºÚ_ÃÅ_ɽ_Ö®_µØ_¶á_¹ý_À´ # # And we took at that time out of the hand of the two kings of the # Amorites the land that was on this side Jordan, from the river of # Arnon unto mount Hermon; # # unit P DEU:3:9 £¨_Õâ_ºÚ_ÃÅ_ɽ_£¬_Î÷_¶Ù_ÈË_³Æ_Ϊ_Î÷_Á¬_£¬_ÑÇ_Ħ_Àû_ÈË_³Æ_Ϊ_ʾ_Äá_çí £©_£¬ # # (Which Hermon the Sidonians call Sirion; and the Amorites call it # Shenir;) # # unit P DEU:3:10 ¾Í_ÊÇ_¶á_ÁË_ƽ_Ô­_µÄ_¸÷_³Ç_£¬_»ù_ÁÐ_È«_µØ_£¬_°Í_ɺ_È«_µØ_£¬_Ö±_µ½_Èö åÈ_ºÍ_ÒÔ_µÃ_À´_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_°Í_ɺ_Íõ_ج_¹ú_ÄÚ_µÄ_³Ç_ÒØ_¡£ # # All the cities of the plain, and all Gilead, and all Bashan, unto # Salchah and Edrei, cities of the kingdom of Og in Bashan. # # unit P DEU:3:11 £¨_Àû_·¦_Òô_ÈË_Ëù_Ê£_ÏÂ_µÄ_Ö»_ÓÐ_°Í_ɺ_Íõ_ج_¡£_Ëû_µÄ_´²_ÊÇ_Ìú_µÄ_£¬ ³¤_¾Å_Öâ_£¬_¿í_ËÄ_Öâ_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_ÒÔ_ÈË_Öâ_Ϊ_¶È_¡£_ÏÖ_½ñ_Æñ_²»_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_ÑÇ ÞÑ_ÈË_µÄ_À­_°Í_Âð_£¿_£© # # For only Og king of Bashan remained of the remnant of giants; # behold, his bedstead was a bedstead of iron; is it not in Rabbath of # the children of Ammon? nine cubits was the length thereof, and four # cubits the breadth of it, after the cubit of a man. # # unit P DEU:3:12 ÄÇ_ʱ_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÃ_ÁË_Õâ_µØ_¡£_´Ó_ÑÇ_ÄÛ_¹È_±ß_µÄ_ÑÇ_ÂÞ_çí_Æð_£¬_ÎÒ_½« »ù_ÁÐ_ɽ_µØ_µÄ_Ò»_°ë_£¬_²¢_Æä_ÖÐ_µÄ_³Ç_ÒØ_£¬_¶¼_¸ø_ÁË_Á÷_±ã_ÈË_ºÍ_åÈ µÃ_ÈË_¡£ # # And this land, which we possessed at that time, from Aroer, which is # by the river Arnon, and half mount Gilead, and the cities thereof, # gave I unto the Reubenites and to the Gadites. # # unit P DEU:3:13 Æä_Óà_µÄ_»ù_ÁÐ_µØ_ºÍ_°Í_ɺ_È«_µØ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ج_Íõ_µÄ_¹ú_£¬_ÎÒ_¸ø_ÁË_Âê ÄÃ_Î÷_°ë_Ö§_ÅÉ_¡£_ÑÇ_çí_¸è_²®_È«_µØ_ÄË_ÊÇ_°Í_ɺ_È«_µØ_¡£_Õâ_½Ð_×÷_Àû ·¦_Òô_ÈË_Ö®_µØ_¡£ # # And the rest of Gilead, and all Bashan, being the kingdom of Og, # gave I unto the half tribe of Manasseh; all the region of Argob, # with all Bashan, which was called the land of giants. # # unit P DEU:3:14 Âê_ÄÃ_Î÷_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_íý_çí_Õ¼_ÁË_ÑÇ_çí_¸è_²®_È«_¾³_£¬_Ö±_µ½_»ù_Êö_ÈË_ºÍ Âê_åÈ_ÈË_µÄ_½»_½ç_£¬_¾Í_°´_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_Ãû_³Æ_Õâ_°Í_ɺ_µØ_Ϊ_¹þ_ÙÁ_ÌØ_íý çí_£¬_Ö±_µ½_½ñ_ÈÕ_¡£ # # Jair the son of Manasseh took all the country of Argob unto the # coasts of Geshuri and Maachathi; and called them after his own name, # Bashanhavothjair, unto this day. # # unit P DEU:3:15 ÎÒ_ÓÖ_½«_»ù_ÁÐ_¸ø_ÁË_Âê_¼ª_¡£ # # And I gave Gilead unto Machir. # # unit P DEU:3:16 ´Ó_»ù_ÁÐ_µ½_ÑÇ_ÄÛ_¹È_£¬_ÒÔ_¹È_ÖÐ_Ϊ_½ç_£¬_Ö±_µ½_ÑÇ_ÞÑ_ÈË_½»_½ç_µÄ_ÑÅ ²©_ºÓ_£¬_ÎÒ_¸ø_ÁË_Á÷_±ã_ÈË_ºÍ_åÈ_µÃ_ÈË_£¬ # # And unto the Reubenites and unto the Gadites I gave from Gilead even # unto the river Arnon half the valley, and the border even unto the # river Jabbok, which is the border of the children of Ammon; # # unit P DEU:3:17 ÓÖ_½«_ÑÇ_À­_°Í_ºÍ_¿¿_½ü_Ô¼_µ©_ºÓ_Ö®_µØ_£¬_´Ó_»ù_Äá_ÁÒ_Ö±_µ½_ÑÇ_À­_°Í º£_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÑÎ_º£_£¬_²¢_Åþ_˹_åÈ_ɽ_¸ù_¶«_±ß_Ö®_µØ_£¬_¶¼_¸ø_ÁË_Ëû_ÃÇ ¡£ # # The plain also, and Jordan, and the coast thereof, from Chinnereth # even unto the sea of the plain, even the salt sea, under # Ashdothpisgah eastward. # # unit P DEU:3:18 ÄÇ_ʱ_£¬_ÎÒ_·Ô_¸À_Äã_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_ÒÑ_½«_Õâ_µØ_´Í_¸ø Äã_ÃÇ_Ϊ_Òµ_¡£_Äã_ÃÇ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_ÓÂ_Ê¿_¶¼_Òª_´ø_×Å_±ø_Æ÷_£¬_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ µÜ_ÐÖ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Ç°_Ãæ_¹ý_È¥_¡£ # # And I commanded you at that time, saying, The LORD your God hath # given you this land to possess it: ye shall pass over armed before # your brethren the children of Israel, all that are meet for the war. # # unit P DEU:3:19 µ«_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_£¬_º¢_×Ó_£¬_Éü_Ðó_£¬_£¨_ÎÒ_Öª_µÀ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÓÐ_Ðí_¶à_µÄ Éü_Ðó_£©_¿É_ÒÔ_ס_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_Ëù_´Í_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_¸÷_³Ç_Àï_¡£ # # But your wives, and your little ones, and your cattle, (for I know # that ye have much cattle,) shall abide in your cities which I have # given you; # # unit P DEU:3:20 µÈ_µ½_Äã_ÃÇ_µÜ_ÐÖ_ÔÚ_Ô¼_µ©_ºÓ_ÄÇ_±ß_£¬_Ò²_µÃ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_Éñ_Ëù_´Í ¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_µØ_£¬_ÓÖ_ʹ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÃ_Ïí_ƽ_°²_£¬_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_Ò»_Ñù_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ ²Å_¿É_ÒÔ_»Ø_µ½_ÎÒ_Ëù_´Í_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_Ϊ_Òµ_Ö®_µØ_¡£ # # Until the LORD have given rest unto your brethren, as well as unto # you, and until they also possess the land which the LORD your God # hath given them beyond Jordan: and then shall ye return every man # unto his possession, which I have given you. # # unit P DEU:3:21 ÄÇ_ʱ_ÎÒ_·Ô_¸À_Ô¼_Êé_ÑÇ_˵_£¬_Äã_Ç×_ÑÛ_¿´_¼û_ÁË_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ïò_Õâ ¶þ_Íõ_Ëù_ÐÐ_µÄ_¡£_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ò²_±Ø_Ïò_Äã_Ëù_Òª_È¥_µÄ_¸÷_¹ú_ÕÕ_Ñù_ÐÐ_¡£ # # And I commanded Joshua at that time, saying, Thine eyes have seen # all that the LORD your God hath done unto these two kings: so shall # the LORD do unto all the kingdoms whither thou passest. # # unit P DEU:3:22 Äã_²»_Òª_ÅÂ_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_Òò_ÄÇ_Ϊ_Äã_Õù_Õ½_µÄ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # Ye shall not fear them: for the LORD your God he shall fight for # you. # # unit P DEU:3:23 ÄÇ_ʱ_£¬_ÎÒ_¿Ò_Çó_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_˵_£¬ # # And I besought the LORD at that time, saying, # # unit P DEU:3:24 Ö÷_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_°¢_£¬_Äã_ÒÑ_½«_Äã_µÄ_´ó_Á¦_´ó_ÄÜ_ÏÔ_¸ø_ÆÍ_ÈË_¿´_¡£_ÔÚ_Ìì ÉÏ_£¬_ÔÚ_µØ_ÏÂ_£¬_ÓÐ_ʲ_ô_Éñ_ÄÜ_Ïó_Äã_ÐÐ_ÊÂ_£¬_Ïó_Äã_ÓÐ_´ó_ÄÜ_µÄ_×÷ Ϊ_ÄØ_£¿ # # O Lord GOD, thou hast begun to shew thy servant thy greatness, and # thy mighty hand: for what God is there in heaven or in earth, that # can do according to thy works, and according to thy might? # # unit P DEU:3:25 Çó_Äã_ÈÝ_ÎÒ_¹ý_È¥_£¬_¿´_Ô¼_µ©_ºÓ_ÄÇ_±ß_µÄ_ÃÀ_µØ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÄÇ_¼Ñ_ÃÀ_µÄ ɽ_µØ_ºÍ_Àû_°Í_ÄÛ_¡£ # # I pray thee, let me go over, and see the good land that is beyond # Jordan, that goodly mountain, and Lebanon. # # unit P DEU:3:26 µ«_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Òò_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Ôµ_¹Ê_Ïò_ÎÒ_·¢_Å­_£¬_²»_Ó¦_ÔÊ_ÎÒ_£¬_¶Ô_ÎÒ_˵ £¬_°Õ_ÁË_£¬_Äã_²»_Òª_Ïò_ÎÒ_ÔÙ_Ìá_Õâ_ÊÂ_¡£ # # But the LORD was wroth with me for your sakes, and would not hear # me: and the LORD said unto me, Let it suffice thee; speak no more # unto me of this matter. # # unit P DEU:3:27 Äã_ÇÒ_ÉÏ_Åþ_˹_åÈ_ɽ_¶¥_È¥_£¬_Ïò_¶«_£¬_Î÷_£¬_ÄÏ_£¬_±±_¾Ù_Ä¿_¹Û_Íû_£¬ Òò_Ϊ_Äã_±Ø_²»_ÄÜ_¹ý_Õâ_Ô¼_µ©_ºÓ_¡£ # # Get thee up into the top of Pisgah, and lift up thine eyes westward, # and northward, and southward, and eastward, and behold it with thine # eyes: for thou shalt not go over this Jordan. # # unit P DEU:3:28 Äã_È´_Òª_Öö_¸À_Ô¼_Êé_ÑÇ_£¬_Ãã_Àø_Ëû_£¬_ʹ_Ëû_µ¨_׳_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_±Ø_ÔÚ Õâ_°Ù_ÐÕ_Ç°_Ãæ_¹ý_È¥_£¬_ʹ_Ëû_ÃÇ_³Ð_ÊÜ_Äã_Ëù_Òª_¹Û_¿´_Ö®_µØ_¡£ # # But charge Joshua, and encourage him, and strengthen him: for he # shall go over before this people, and he shall cause them to inherit # the land which thou shalt see. # # unit P DEU:3:29 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ס_ÔÚ_²®_Åþ_çí_¶Ô_Ãæ_µÄ_¹È_ÖÐ_¡£ # # So we abode in the valley over against Bethpeor. # ## # chapter 4 DEU:4 # unit P DEU:4:1 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÄÄ_£¬_ÏÖ_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_Ëù_½Ì_ѵ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÂÉ_Àý_µä_ÕÂ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª Ìý_´Ó_×ñ_ÐÐ_£¬_ºÃ_½Ð_Äã_ÃÇ_´æ_»î_£¬_µÃ_ÒÔ_½ø_Èë_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_ÁÐ_×æ Ö®_Éñ_Ëù_´Í_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_µØ_£¬_³Ð_ÊÜ_Ϊ_Òµ_¡£ # # Now therefore hearken, O Israel, unto the statutes and unto the # judgments, which I teach you, for to do them, that ye may live, and # go in and possess the land which the LORD God of your fathers giveth # you. # # unit P DEU:4:2 Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_»°_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_²»_¿É_¼Ó_Ìí_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_ɾ_¼õ_£¬_ºÃ_½Ð Äã_ÃÇ_×ñ_ÊØ_ÎÒ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_Éñ_µÄ_Ãü_Áî_¡£ # # Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye # diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the # LORD your God which I command you. # # unit P DEU:4:3 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Òò_°Í_Á¦_Åþ_çí_µÄ_ÊÂ_Ëù_ÐÐ_µÄ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Ç×_ÑÛ_¿´_¼û_ÁË_¡£_·² Ëæ_´Ó_°Í_Á¦_Åþ_çí_µÄ_ÈË_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_¶¼_´Ó_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_³ý Ãð_ÁË_¡£ # # Your eyes have seen what the LORD did because of Baalpeor: for all # the men that followed Baalpeor, the LORD thy God hath destroyed them # from among you. # # unit P DEU:4:4 Ω_ÓÐ_Äã_ÃÇ_ר_¿¿_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_Éñ_µÄ_ÈË_£¬_½ñ_ÈÕ_È«_¶¼_´æ_»î_¡£ # # But ye that did cleave unto the LORD your God are alive every one of # you this day. # # unit P DEU:4:5 ÎÒ_ÕÕ_×Å_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÎÒ_Éñ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_½«_ÂÉ_Àý_µä_ÕÂ_½Ì_ѵ_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_ʹ Äã_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_Ëù_Òª_½ø_È¥_µÃ_Ϊ_Òµ_µÄ_µØ_ÉÏ_×ñ_ÐÐ_¡£ # # Behold, I have taught you statutes and judgments, even as the LORD # my God commanded me, that ye should do so in the land whither ye go # to possess it. # # unit P DEU:4:6 Ëù_ÒÔ_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_½÷_ÊØ_×ñ_ÐÐ_¡£_Õâ_¾Í_ÊÇ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_Íò_Ãñ_ÑÛ_Ç°_µÄ_ÖÇ_»Û £¬_´Ï_Ã÷_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ìý_¼û_Õâ_Ò»_ÇÐ_ÂÉ_Àý_£¬_±Ø_˵_£¬_Õâ_´ó_¹ú_µÄ_ÈË_Õæ ÊÇ_ÓÐ_ÖÇ_»Û_£¬_ÓÐ_´Ï_Ã÷_¡£ # # Keep therefore and do them; for this is your wisdom and your # understanding in the sight of the nations, which shall hear all # these statutes, and say, Surely this great nation is a wise and # understanding people. # # unit P DEU:4:7 ÄÄ_Ò»_´ó_¹ú_µÄ_ÈË_ÓÐ_Éñ_Óë_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ïà_½ü_£¬_Ïñ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_£¬ ÔÚ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Çó_¸æ_Ëû_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_Óë_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Ïà_½ü_ÄØ_£¿ # # For what nation is there so great, who hath God so nigh unto them, # as the LORD our God is in all things that we call upon him for? # # unit P DEU:4:8 ÓÖ_ÄÄ_Ò»_´ó_¹ú_ÓÐ_Õâ_Ñù_¹«_Òå_µÄ_ÂÉ_Àý_µä_ÕÂ_£¬_Ïñ_ÎÒ_½ñ_ÈÕ_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ Ãæ_Ç°_Ëù_³Â_Ã÷_µÄ_Õâ_Ò»_ÇÐ_ÂÉ_·¨_ÄØ_£¿ # # And what nation is there so great, that hath statutes and judgments # so righteous as all this law, which I set before you this day? # # unit P DEU:4:9 Äã_Ö»_Òª_½÷_É÷_£¬_Òó_ÇÚ_±£_ÊØ_Äã_µÄ_ÐÄ_Áé_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_Íü_¼Ç_Äã_Ç×_ÑÛ_Ëù ¿´_¼û_µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬_ÓÖ_Ãâ_µÃ_Äã_Ò»_Éú_£¬_Õâ_ÊÂ_Àë_¿ª_Äã_µÄ_ÐÄ_¡£_×Ü_Òª_´« ¸ø_Äã_µÄ_×Ó_×Ó_Ëï_Ëï_¡£ # # Only take heed to thyself, and keep thy soul diligently, lest thou # forget the things which thine eyes have seen, and lest they depart # from thy heart all the days of thy life: but teach them thy sons, # and thy sons' sons; # # unit P DEU:4:10 Äã_ÔÚ_ºÎ_ÁÒ_ɽ_Õ¾_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ãæ_Ç°_µÄ_ÄÇ_ÈÕ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_ÎÒ Ëµ_£¬_Äã_Ϊ_ÎÒ_ÕÐ_¾Û_°Ù_ÐÕ_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_½Ð_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ìý_¼û_ÎÒ_µÄ_»°_£¬_ʹ_Ëû ÃÇ_´æ_»î_ÔÚ_ÊÀ_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_£¬_¿É_ÒÔ_ѧ_Ï°_¾´_η_ÎÒ_£¬_ÓÖ_¿É_ÒÔ_½Ì_ѵ_¶ù Å®_Õâ_Ñù_ÐÐ_¡£ # # Specially the day that thou stoodest before the LORD thy God in # Horeb, when the LORD said unto me, Gather me the people together, # and I will make them hear my words, that they may learn to fear me # all the days that they shall live upon the earth, and that they may # teach their children. # # unit P DEU:4:11 ÄÇ_ʱ_Äã_ÃÇ_½ü_Ç°_À´_£¬_Õ¾_ÔÚ_ɽ_ÏÂ_¡£_ɽ_ÉÏ_ÓÐ_»ð_Ñæ_³å_Ìì_£¬_²¢_ÓÐ »è_ºÚ_£¬_ÃÜ_ÔÆ_£¬_ÓÄ_°µ_¡£ # # And ye came near and stood under the mountain; and the mountain # burned with fire unto the midst of heaven, with darkness, clouds, # and thick darkness. # # unit P DEU:4:12 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_´Ó_»ð_Ñæ_ÖÐ_¶Ô_Äã_ÃÇ_˵_»°_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Ö»_Ìý_¼û_Éù_Òô_£¬_È´_û ÓÐ_¿´_¼û_ÐÎ_Ïñ_¡£ # # And the LORD spake unto you out of the midst of the fire: ye heard # the voice of the words, but saw no similitude; only ye heard a # voice. # # unit P DEU:4:13 Ëû_½«_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Äã_ÃÇ_µ±_ÊØ_µÄ_Ô¼_Ö¸_ʾ_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ê®_Ìõ_½ë_£¬_²¢ ½«_Õâ_½ë_д_ÔÚ_Á½_¿é_ʯ_°æ_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And he declared unto you his covenant, which he commanded you to # perform, even ten commandments; and he wrote them upon two tables of # stone. # # unit P DEU:4:14 ÄÇ_ʱ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÓÖ_·Ô_¸À_ÎÒ_½«_ÂÉ_Àý_µä_ÕÂ_½Ì_ѵ_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_ʹ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÔÚ Ëù_Òª_¹ý_È¥_µÃ_Ϊ_Òµ_µÄ_µØ_ÉÏ_×ñ_ÐÐ_¡£ # # And the LORD commanded me at that time to teach you statutes and # judgments, that ye might do them in the land whither ye go over to # possess it. # # unit P DEU:4:15 Ëù_ÒÔ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_·Ö_Íâ_½÷_É÷_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÔÚ_ºÎ_ÁÒ_ɽ_£¬_´Ó_»ð ÖÐ_¶Ô_Äã_ÃÇ_˵_»°_µÄ_ÄÇ_ÈÕ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_û_ÓÐ_¿´_¼û_ʲ_ô_ÐÎ_Ïñ_¡£ # # Take ye therefore good heed unto yourselves; for ye saw no manner of # similitude on the day that the LORD spake unto you in Horeb out of # the midst of the fire: # # unit P DEU:4:16 Ω_¿Ö_Äã_ÃÇ_°Ü_»µ_×Ô_¼º_£¬_µñ_¿Ì_ż_Ïñ_£¬_·Â_·ð_ʲ_ô_ÄÐ_Ïñ_Å®_Ïñ_£¬ # # Lest ye corrupt yourselves, and make you a graven image, the # similitude of any figure, the likeness of male or female, # # unit P DEU:4:17 »ò_µØ_ÉÏ_×ß_ÊÞ_µÄ_Ïñ_£¬_»ò_¿Õ_ÖÐ_·É_Äñ_µÄ_Ïñ_£¬ # # The likeness of any beast that is on the earth, the likeness of any # winged fowl that flieth in the air, # # unit P DEU:4:18 »ò_µØ_ÉÏ_ÅÀ_Îï_µÄ_Ïñ_£¬_»ò_µØ_µ×_ÏÂ_Ë®_ÖÐ_Óã_µÄ_Ïñ_¡£ # # The likeness of any thing that creepeth on the ground, the likeness # of any fish that is in the waters beneath the earth: # # unit P DEU:4:19 ÓÖ_¿Ö_ÅÂ_Äã_Ïò_Ìì_¾Ù_Ä¿_¹Û_¿´_£¬_¼û_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_Ϊ_Ìì_ÏÂ_Íò_Ãñ Ëù_°Ú_ÁÐ_µÄ_ÈÕ_ÔÂ_ÐÇ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ìì_ÉÏ_µÄ_Íò_Ïó_£¬_×Ô_¼º_±ã_±»_¹´_Òý_¾´ °Ý_ÊÂ_·î_Ëü_¡£ # # And lest thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven, and when thou seest # the sun, and the moon, and the stars, even all the host of heaven, # shouldest be driven to worship them, and serve them, which the LORD # thy God hath divided unto all nations under the whole heaven. # # unit P DEU:4:20 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_½«_Äã_ÃÇ_´Ó_°£_¼°_Áì_³ö_À´_£¬_ÍÑ_Àë_Ìú_¯_£¬_Òª_ÌØ_×÷_×Ô_¼º ²ú_Òµ_µÄ_×Ó_Ãñ_£¬_Ïñ_½ñ_ÈÕ_Ò»_Ñù_¡£ # # But the LORD hath taken you, and brought you forth out of the iron # furnace, even out of Egypt, to be unto him a people of inheritance, # as ye are this day. # # unit P DEU:4:21 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÓÖ_Òò_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Ôµ_¹Ê_Ïò_ÎÒ_·¢_Å­_£¬_Æð_ÊÄ_±Ø_²»_ÈÝ_ÎÒ_¹ý_Ô¼ µ©_ºÓ_£¬_Ò²_²»_ÈÝ_ÎÒ_½ø_Èë_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_´Í_Äã_Ϊ_Òµ_µÄ_ÄÇ_ÃÀ_µØ ¡£ # # Furthermore the LORD was angry with me for your sakes, and sware # that I should not go over Jordan, and that I should not go in unto # that good land, which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an # inheritance: # # unit P DEU:4:22 ÎÒ_Ö»_µÃ_ËÀ_ÔÚ_Õâ_µØ_£¬_²»_ÄÜ_¹ý_Ô¼_µ©_ºÓ_¡£_µ«_Äã_ÃÇ_±Ø_¹ý_È¥_µÃ_ÄÇ ÃÀ_µØ_¡£ # # But I must die in this land, I must not go over Jordan: but ye shall # go over, and possess that good land. # # unit P DEU:4:23 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_½÷_É÷_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_Íü_¼Ç_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_Éñ_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_Ëù_Á¢_µÄ_Ô¼ £¬_Ϊ_×Ô_¼º_µñ_¿Ì_ż_Ïñ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_½û_Ö¹_Äã_×÷_µÄ_ż Ïñ_¡£ # # Take heed unto yourselves, lest ye forget the covenant of the LORD # your God, which he made with you, and make you a graven image, or # the likeness of any thing, which the LORD thy God hath forbidden # thee. # # unit P DEU:4:24 Òò_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_ÄË_ÊÇ_ÁÒ_»ð_£¬_ÊÇ_¼É_а_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # For the LORD thy God is a consuming fire, even a jealous God. # # unit P DEU:4:25 Äã_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_µØ_ס_¾Ã_ÁË_£¬_Éú_×Ó_Éú_Ëï_£¬_¾Í_µñ_¿Ì_ż_Ïñ_£¬_·Â_·ð_ʲ ô_ÐÎ_Ïñ_£¬_°Ü_»µ_×Ô_¼º_£¬_ÐÐ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_ÑÛ_ÖÐ_¿´_Ϊ_¶ñ_µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬ ÈÇ_Ëû_·¢_Å­_¡£ # # When thou shalt beget children, and children's children, and ye # shall have remained long in the land, and shall corrupt yourselves, # and make a graven image, or the likeness of any thing, and shall do # evil in the sight of the LORD thy God, to provoke him to anger: # # unit P DEU:4:26 ÎÒ_½ñ_ÈÕ_ºô_Ìì_»½_µØ_Ïò_Äã_ÃÇ_×÷_¼û_Ö¤_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_±Ø_ÔÚ_¹ý_Ô¼_µ©_ºÓ_µÃ Ϊ_Òµ_µÄ_µØ_ÉÏ_ËÙ_ËÙ_Ãð_¾¡_¡£_Äã_ÃÇ_²»_ÄÜ_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_µØ_ÉÏ_³¤_¾Ã_£¬_±Ø_¾¡ ÐÐ_³ý_Ãð_¡£ # # I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day, that ye # shall soon utterly perish from off the land whereunto ye go over # Jordan to possess it; ye shall not prolong your days upon it, but # shall utterly be destroyed. # # unit P DEU:4:27 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_±Ø_ʹ_Äã_ÃÇ_·Ö_É¢_ÔÚ_Íò_Ãñ_ÖÐ_¡£_ÔÚ_Ëû_Ëù_Áì_Äã_ÃÇ_µ½_µÄ_Íò ¹ú_Àï_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Ê£_ÏÂ_µÄ_ÈË_Êý_Ï¡_ÉÙ_¡£ # # And the LORD shall scatter you among the nations, and ye shall be # left few in number among the heathen, whither the LORD shall lead # you. # # unit P DEU:4:28 ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_±Ø_ÊÂ_·î_ÈË_ÊÖ_Ëù_Ôì_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÓÃ_ľ_ʯ_Ôì_³É £¬_²»_ÄÜ_¿´_£¬_²»_ÄÜ_Ìý_£¬_²»_ÄÜ_³Ô_£¬_²»_ÄÜ_ÎÅ_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # And there ye shall serve gods, the work of men's hands, wood and # stone, which neither see, nor hear, nor eat, nor smell. # # unit P DEU:4:29 µ«_Äã_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_±Ø_Ñ°_Çó_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_¡£_Äã_¾¡_ÐÄ_¾¡_ÐÔ_Ñ°_Çó Ëû_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_¾Í_±Ø_Ñ°_¼û_¡£ # # But if from thence thou shalt seek the LORD thy God, thou shalt find # him, if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul. # # unit P DEU:4:30 ÈÕ_ºó_Äã_Ôâ_Óö_Ò»_ÇÐ_»¼_ÄÑ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Äã_±Ø_¹é_»Ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ £¬_Ìý_´Ó_Ëû_µÄ_»°_¡£ # # When thou art in tribulation, and all these things are come upon # thee, even in the latter days, if thou turn to the LORD thy God, and # shalt be obedient unto his voice; # # unit P DEU:4:31 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ô­_ÊÇ_ÓÐ_Á¯_Ãõ_µÄ_Éñ_¡£_Ëû_×Ü_²»_Ʋ_ÏÂ_Äã_£¬_²»_Ãð_¾ø Äã_£¬_Ò²_²»_Íü_¼Ç_Ëû_Æð_ÊÄ_Óë_Äã_ÁÐ_×æ_Ëù_Á¢_µÄ_Ô¼_¡£ # # (For the LORD thy God is a merciful God;) he will not forsake thee, # neither destroy thee, nor forget the covenant of thy fathers which # he sware unto them. # # unit P DEU:4:32 Äã_ÇÒ_¿¼_²ì_ÔÚ_Äã_ÒÔ_Ç°_µÄ_ÊÀ_´ú_£¬_×Ô_Éñ_Ôì_ÈË_ÔÚ_ÊÀ_ÒÔ_À´_£¬_´Ó_Ìì Õâ_±ß_µ½_Ìì_ÄÇ_±ß_£¬_Ôø_ÓÐ_ºÎ_Ãñ_Ìý_¼û_Éñ_ÔÚ_»ð_ÖÐ_˵_»°_µÄ_Éù_Òô_£¬ Ïó_Äã_Ìý_¼û_»¹_ÄÜ_´æ_»î_ÄØ_£¿_Õâ_Ñù_µÄ_´ó_ÊÂ_ºÎ_Ôø_ÓÐ_£¬_ºÎ_Ôø_Ìý_¼û ÄØ_£¿ # # For ask now of the days that are past, which were before thee, since # the day that God created man upon the earth, and ask from the one # side of heaven unto the other, whether there hath been any such # thing as this great thing is, or hath been heard like it? Did ever # people hear the voice of God speaking out of the midst of the fire, # as thou hast heard, and live? # # unit P DEU:4:34 Éñ_ºÎ_Ôø_´Ó_±ð_µÄ_¹ú_ÖÐ_½«_Ò»_¹ú_µÄ_ÈË_Ãñ_Áì_³ö_À´_£¬_ÓÃ_ÊÔ_Ñé_£¬_Éñ ¼£_£¬_Ææ_ÊÂ_£¬_Õù_Õ½_£¬_´ó_ÄÜ_µÄ_ÊÖ_£¬_ºÍ_Éì_³ö_À´_µÄ_°ò_±Û_£¬_²¢_´ó ¿É_η_µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬_Ïñ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_£¬_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÑÛ_Ç°_Ϊ Äã_ÃÇ_Ëù_ÐÐ_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_ÊÂ_ÄØ_£¿ # # Or hath God assayed to go and take him a nation from the midst of # another nation, by temptations, by signs, and by wonders, and by # war, and by a mighty hand, and by a stretched out arm, and by great # terrors, according to all that the LORD your God did for you in # Egypt before your eyes? # # unit P DEU:4:35 Õâ_ÊÇ_ÏÔ_¸ø_Äã_¿´_£¬_Òª_ʹ_Äã_Öª_µÀ_£¬_Ω_ÓÐ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëû_ÊÇ_Éñ_£¬_³ý Ëû_ÒÔ_Íâ_£¬_ÔÙ_ÎÞ_±ð_Éñ_¡£ # # Unto thee it was shewed, that thou mightest know that the LORD he is # God; there is none else beside him. # # unit P DEU:4:36 Ëû_´Ó_Ìì_ÉÏ_ʹ_Äã_Ìý_¼û_Ëû_µÄ_Éù_Òô_£¬_Ϊ_Òª_½Ì_ѵ_Äã_£¬_ÓÖ_ÔÚ_µØ_ÉÏ Ê¹_Äã_¿´_¼û_Ëû_µÄ_ÁÒ_»ð_£¬_²¢_ÇÒ_Ìý_¼û_Ëû_´Ó_»ð_ÖÐ_Ëù_˵_µÄ_»°_¡£ # # Out of heaven he made thee to hear his voice, that he might instruct # thee: and upon earth he shewed thee his great fire; and thou # heardest his words out of the midst of the fire. # # unit P DEU:4:37 Òò_Ëû_°®_Äã_µÄ_ÁÐ_×æ_£¬_Ëù_ÒÔ_¼ð_Ñ¡_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_ºó_Òá_£¬_ÓÃ_´ó_ÄÜ_Ç×_×Ô Áì_Äã_³ö_ÁË_°£_¼°_£¬ # # And because he loved thy fathers, therefore he chose their seed # after them, and brought thee out in his sight with his mighty power # out of Egypt; # # unit P DEU:4:38 Òª_½«_±È_Äã_Ç¿_´ó_µÄ_¹ú_Ãñ_´Ó_Äã_Ãæ_Ç°_¸Ï_³ö_£¬_Áì_Äã_½ø_È¥_£¬_½«_Ëû ÃÇ_µÄ_µØ_´Í_Äã_Ϊ_Òµ_£¬_Ïñ_½ñ_ÈÕ_Ò»_Ñù_¡£ # # To drive out nations from before thee greater and mightier than thou # art, to bring thee in, to give thee their land for an inheritance, # as it is this day. # # unit P DEU:4:39 Ëù_ÒÔ_£¬_½ñ_ÈÕ_Äã_Òª_Öª_µÀ_£¬_Ò²_Òª_¼Ç_ÔÚ_ÐÄ_ÉÏ_£¬_Ìì_ÉÏ_µØ_ÏÂ_Ω_ÓÐ Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëû_ÊÇ_Éñ_£¬_³ý_Ëû_ÒÔ_Íâ_£¬_ÔÙ_ÎÞ_±ð_Éñ_¡£ # # Know therefore this day, and consider it in thine heart, that the # LORD he is God in heaven above, and upon the earth beneath: there is # none else. # # unit P DEU:4:40 ÎÒ_½ñ_ÈÕ_½«_Ëû_µÄ_ÂÉ_Àý_½ë_Ãü_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Äã_£¬_Äã_Òª_×ñ_ÊØ_£¬_ʹ_Äã_ºÍ_Äã µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_¿É_ÒÔ_µÃ_¸£_£¬_²¢_ʹ_Äã_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_´Í_µÄ µØ_ÉÏ_µÃ_ÒÔ_³¤_¾Ã_¡£ # # Thou shalt keep therefore his statutes, and his commandments, which # I command thee this day, that it may go well with thee, and with thy # children after thee, and that thou mayest prolong thy days upon the # earth, which the LORD thy God giveth thee, for ever. # # unit P DEU:4:41 ÄÇ_ʱ_£¬_Ħ_Î÷_ÔÚ_Ô¼_µ©_ºÓ_¶«_£¬_Ïò_ÈÕ_³ö_Ö®_µØ_£¬_·Ö_¶¨_Èý_×ù_³Ç_£¬ # # Then Moses severed three cities on this side Jordan toward the # sunrising; # # unit P DEU:4:42 ʹ_ÄÇ_ËØ_ÎÞ_³ð_ºÞ_£¬_ÎÞ_ÐÄ_ɱ_ÁË_ÈË_µÄ_£¬_¿É_ÒÔ_ÌÓ_µ½_Õâ_Èý_³Ç_Ö®_ÖÐ µÄ_Ò»_×ù_³Ç_£¬_¾Í_µÃ_´æ_»î_£¬ # # That the slayer might flee thither, which should kill his neighbour # unawares, and hated him not in times past; and that fleeing unto one # of these cities he might live: # # unit P DEU:4:43 Ϊ_Á÷_±ã_ÈË_·Ö_¶¨_¿õ_Ò°_ƽ_Ô­_µÄ_±È_Ϥ_¡£_Ϊ_åÈ_µÃ_ÈË_·Ö_¶¨_»ù_ÁÐ_µÄ À­_Ä©_¡£_Ϊ_Âê_ÄÃ_Î÷_ÈË_·Ö_¶¨_°Í_ɺ_µÄ_¸ç_À¼_¡£ # # Namely, Bezer in the wilderness, in the plain country, of the # Reubenites; and Ramoth in Gilead, of the Gadites; and Golan in # Bashan, of the Manassites. # # unit P DEU:4:44 Ħ_Î÷_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Ãæ_Ç°_Ëù_³Â_Ã÷_µÄ_ÂÉ_·¨ # # And this is the law which Moses set before the children of Israel: # # unit P DEU:4:45 ¾Í_ÊÇ_Ħ_Î÷_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_³ö_°£_¼°_ºó_Ëù_´«_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_·¨_¶È_£¬_ÂÉ Àý_£¬_µä_ÕÂ_¡£ # # These are the testimonies, and the statutes, and the judgments, # which Moses spake unto the children of Israel, after they came forth # out of Egypt, # # unit P DEU:4:46 ÔÚ_Ô¼_µ©_ºÓ_¶«_²®_Åþ_çí_¶Ô_Ãæ_µÄ_¹È_ÖÐ_£¬_ÔÚ_ס_Ï£_ʵ_±¾_£¬_ÑÇ_Ħ_Àû Íõ_Î÷_ºê_Ö®_µØ_¡£_Õâ_Î÷_ºê_ÊÇ_Ħ_Î÷_ºÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_³ö_°£_¼°_ºó_Ëù_»÷ ɱ_µÄ_¡£ # # On this side Jordan, in the valley over against Bethpeor, in the # land of Sihon king of the Amorites, who dwelt at Heshbon, whom Moses # and the children of Israel smote, after they were come forth out of # Egypt: # # unit P DEU:4:47 Ëû_ÃÇ_µÃ_ÁË_Ëû_µÄ_µØ_£¬_ÓÖ_µÃ_ÁË_°Í_ɺ_Íõ_ج_µÄ_µØ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Á½_¸ö_ÑÇ Ä¦_Àû_Íõ_£¬_ÔÚ_Ô¼_µ©_ºÓ_¶«_Ïò_ÈÕ_³ö_Ö®_µØ_¡£ # # And they possessed his land, and the land of Og king of Bashan, two # kings of the Amorites, which were on this side Jordan toward the # sunrising; # # unit P DEU:4:48 ´Ó_ÑÇ_ÄÛ_¹È_±ß_µÄ_ÑÇ_ÂÞ_çí_£¬_Ö±_µ½_Î÷_ÔÆ_ɽ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ºÚ_ÃÅ_ɽ_¡£ # # From Aroer, which is by the bank of the river Arnon, even unto mount # Sion, which is Hermon, # # unit P DEU:4:49 »¹_ÓÐ_Ô¼_µ©_ºÓ_¶«_µÄ_È«_ÑÇ_À­_°Í_£¬_Ö±_µ½_ÑÇ_À­_°Í_º£_£¬_¿¿_½ü_Åþ_˹ åÈ_ɽ_¸ù_¡£ # # And all the plain on this side Jordan eastward, even unto the sea of # the plain, under the springs of Pisgah. # ## # chapter 5 DEU:5 # unit P DEU:5:1 Ħ_Î÷_½«_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÚ_ÈË_ÕÙ_ÁË_À´_£¬_¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÄÄ_£¬ ÎÒ_½ñ_ÈÕ_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÂÉ_Àý_µä_ÕÂ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_Ìý_£¬_¿É_ÒÔ_ѧ_Ï°_£¬ ½÷_ÊØ_×ñ_ÐÐ_¡£ # # And Moses called all Israel, and said unto them, Hear, O Israel, the # statutes and judgments which I speak in your ears this day, that ye # may learn them, and keep, and do them. # # unit P DEU:5:2 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_ÔÚ_ºÎ_ÁÒ_ɽ_Óë_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Á¢_Ô¼_¡£ # # The LORD our God made a covenant with us in Horeb. # # unit P DEU:5:3 Õâ_Ô¼_²»_ÊÇ_Óë_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÁÐ_×æ_Á¢_µÄ_£¬_ÄË_ÊÇ_Óë_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_½ñ_ÈÕ_ÔÚ_Õâ_Àï_´æ »î_Ö®_ÈË_Á¢_µÄ_¡£ # # The LORD made not this covenant with our fathers, but with us, even # us, who are all of us here alive this day. # # unit P DEU:5:4 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÔÚ_ɽ_ÉÏ_£¬_´Ó_»ð_ÖÐ_£¬_Ãæ_¶Ô_Ãæ_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_˵_»°_¡£ # # The LORD talked with you face to face in the mount out of the midst # of the fire, # # unit P DEU:5:5 £¨_ÄÇ_ʱ_ÎÒ_Õ¾_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ºÍ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_£¬_Òª_½«_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_»°_´« ¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Äã_ÃÇ_¾å_ÅÂ_ÄÇ_»ð_£¬_û_ÓÐ_ÉÏ_ɽ_£© # # (I stood between the LORD and you at that time, to shew you the word # of the LORD: for ye were afraid by reason of the fire, and went not # up into the mount;) saying, # # unit P DEU:5:6 ˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_Ôø_½«_Äã_´Ó_°£_¼°_µØ_Ϊ_Å«_Ö®_¼Ò_Áì ³ö_À´_¡£ # # I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, # from the house of bondage. # # unit P DEU:5:7 ³ý_ÁË_ÎÒ_ÒÔ_Íâ_£¬_Äã_²»_¿É_ÓÐ_±ð_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # Thou shalt have none other gods before me. # # unit P DEU:5:8 ²»_¿É_Ϊ_×Ô_¼º_µñ_¿Ì_ż_Ïñ_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_×÷_ʲ_ô_ÐÎ_Ïñ_£¬_·Â_·ð_ÉÏ_Ìì £¬_ÏÂ_µØ_ºÍ_µØ_µ×_ÏÂ_£¬_Ë®_ÖÐ_µÄ_°Ù_Îï_¡£ # # Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any # thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or # that is in the waters beneath the earth: # # unit P DEU:5:9 ²»_¿É_¹ò_°Ý_ÄÇ_Щ_Ïñ_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_ÊÂ_·î_Ëü_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÎÒ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ Éñ_ÊÇ_¼É_а_µÄ_Éñ_¡£_ºÞ_ÎÒ_µÄ_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_×·_ÌÖ_Ëû_µÄ_×ï_£¬_×Ô_¸¸_¼°_×Ó £¬_Ö±_µ½_Èý_£¬_ËÄ_´ú_¡£ # # Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the # LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers # upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that # hate me, # # unit P DEU:5:10 °®_ÎÒ_£¬_ÊØ_ÎÒ_½ë_Ãü_µÄ_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_Ïò_Ëû_ÃÇ_·¢_´È_°®_£¬_Ö±_µ½_ǧ_´ú_¡£ # # And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my # commandments. # # unit P DEU:5:11 ²»_¿É_Íý_³Æ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_µÄ_Ãû_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_Íý_³Æ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãû_µÄ_£¬_Ò® ºÍ_»ª_±Ø_²»_ÒÔ_Ëû_Ϊ_ÎÞ_×ï_¡£ # # Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the # LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. # # unit P DEU:5:12 µ±_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_ÊØ_°²_Ï¢_ÈÕ_Ϊ_Ê¥_ÈÕ_¡£ # # Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it, as the LORD thy God hath # commanded thee. # # unit P DEU:5:13 Áù_ÈÕ_Òª_ÀÍ_µ_×÷_Äã_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_¹¤_£¬ # # Six days thou shalt labour, and do all thy work: # # unit P DEU:5:14 µ«_µÚ_Æß_ÈÕ_ÊÇ_Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_µ±_ÊØ_µÄ_°²_Ï¢_ÈÕ_¡£_Õâ_Ò»_ÈÕ_£¬_Äã ºÍ_Äã_µÄ_¶ù_Å®_£¬_ÆÍ_æ¾_£¬_Å£_£¬_¿_£¬_Éü_Ðó_£¬_²¢_ÔÚ_Äã_³Ç_Àï_¼Ä_¾Ó µÄ_¿Í_ÂÃ_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ºÎ_¹¤_¶¼_²»_¿É_×÷_£¬_ʹ_Äã_µÄ_ÆÍ_æ¾_¿É_ÒÔ_ºÍ_Äã_Ò» Ñù_°²_Ï¢_¡£ # # But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou # shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy # manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thine ox, nor thine ass, nor # any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; that # thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest as well as thou. # # unit P DEU:5:15 Äã_Ò²_Òª_¼Ç_Äî_Äã_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_µØ_×÷_¹ý_Å«_ÆÍ_¡£_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_ÓÃ_´ó_ÄÜ µÄ_ÊÖ_ºÍ_Éì_³ö_À´_µÄ_°ò_±Û_½«_Äã_´Ó_ÄÇ_Àï_Áì_³ö_À´_¡£_Òò_´Ë_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ »ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_·Ô_¸À_Äã_ÊØ_°²_Ï¢_ÈÕ_¡£ # # And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that # the LORD thy God brought thee out thence through a mighty hand and # by a stretched out arm: therefore the LORD thy God commanded thee to # keep the sabbath day. # # unit P DEU:5:16 µ±_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_Т_¾´_¸¸_ĸ_£¬_ʹ_Äã_µÃ_¸£_£¬_²¢_ʹ Äã_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_´Í_Äã_µÄ_µØ_ÉÏ_µÃ_ÒÔ_³¤_¾Ã_¡£ # # Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded # thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with # thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. # # unit P DEU:5:17 ²»_¿É_ɱ_ÈË_¡£ # # Thou shalt not kill. # # unit P DEU:5:18 ²»_¿É_¼é_Òù_¡£ # # Neither shalt thou commit adultery. # # unit P DEU:5:19 ²»_¿É_͵_µÁ_¡£ # # Neither shalt thou steal. # # unit P DEU:5:20 ²»_¿É_×÷_¼Ù_¼û_Ö¤_ÏÝ_º¦_ÈË_¡£ # # Neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbour. # # unit P DEU:5:21 ²»_¿É_Ì°_Áµ_ÈË_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_¡£_Ò²_²»_¿É_Ì°_ͼ_ÈË_µÄ_·¿_ÎÝ_£¬_Ìï_µØ_£¬_ÆÍ æ¾_£¬_Å£_£¬_¿_£¬_²¢_Ëû_Ò»_ÇÐ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_¡£ # # Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour's wife, neither shalt thou # covet thy neighbour's house, his field, or his manservant, or his # maidservant, his ox, or his ass, or any thing that is thy # neighbour's. # # unit P DEU:5:22 Õâ_Щ_»°_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÔÚ_ɽ_ÉÏ_£¬_´Ó_»ð_ÖÐ_£¬_ÔÆ_ÖÐ_£¬_ÓÄ_°µ_ÖÐ_£¬_´ó Éù_Ïþ_ÚÍ_Äã_ÃÇ_È«_»á_ÖÚ_µÄ_¡£_´Ë_Íâ_²¢_û_ÓÐ_Ìí_±ð_µÄ_»°_¡£_Ëû_¾Í_°Ñ Õâ_»°_д_ÔÚ_Á½_¿é_ʯ_°æ_ÉÏ_£¬_½»_¸ø_ÎÒ_ÁË_¡£ # # These words the LORD spake unto all your assembly in the mount out # of the midst of the fire, of the cloud, and of the thick darkness, # with a great voice: and he added no more. And he wrote them in two # tables of stone, and delivered them unto me. # # unit P DEU:5:23 ÄÇ_ʱ_£¬_»ð_Ñæ_ÉÕ_ɽ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Ìý_¼û_´Ó_ºÚ_°µ_ÖÐ_³ö_À´_µÄ_Éù_Òô_¡£_Äã ÃÇ_Ö§_ÅÉ_ÖÐ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_Ê×_Áì_ºÍ_³¤_ÀÏ_¶¼_À´_¾Í_½ü_ÎÒ_£¬ # # And it came to pass, when ye heard the voice out of the midst of the # darkness, (for the mountain did burn with fire,) that ye came near # unto me, even all the heads of your tribes, and your elders; # # unit P DEU:5:24 ˵_£¬_¿´_ÄÄ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Éñ_½«_Ëû_µÄ_ÈÙ_¹â_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_´ó_ÄÜ_ÏÔ_¸ø ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¿´_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÓÖ_Ìý_¼û_Ëû_µÄ_Éù_Òô_´Ó_»ð_ÖÐ_³ö_À´_¡£_½ñ_ÈÕ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ µÃ_¼û_Éñ_Óë_ÈË_˵_»°_£¬_ÈË_»¹_´æ_»î_¡£ # # And ye said, Behold, the LORD our God hath shewed us his glory and # his greatness, and we have heard his voice out of the midst of the # fire: we have seen this day that God doth talk with man, and he # liveth. # # unit P DEU:5:25 ÏÖ_ÔÚ_Õâ_´ó_»ð_½«_Òª_ÉÕ_Ãð_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ºÎ_±Ø_ð_ËÀ_ÄØ_£¿_Èô_ÔÙ_Ìý ¼û_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Éñ_µÄ_Éù_Òô_¾Í_±Ø_ËÀ_Íö_¡£ # # Now therefore why should we die? for this great fire will consume # us: if we hear the voice of the LORD our God any more, then we shall # die. # # unit P DEU:5:26 ·²_Êô_Ѫ_Æø_µÄ_£¬_Ôø_ÓÐ_ºÎ_ÈË_Ìý_¼û_ÓÀ_Éú_Éñ_µÄ_Éù_Òô_´Ó_»ð_ÖÐ_³ö_À´ £¬_Ïñ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Ìý_¼û_»¹_ÄÜ_´æ_»î_ÄØ_£¿ # # For who is there of all flesh, that hath heard the voice of the # living God speaking out of the midst of the fire, as we have, and # lived? # # unit P DEU:5:27 Çó_Äã_½ü_Ç°_È¥_£¬_Ìý_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Éñ_Ëù_Òª_˵_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_»°_£¬_½«_Ëû ¶Ô_Äã_˵_µÄ_»°_¶¼_´«_¸ø_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¾Í_Ìý_´Ó_×ñ_ÐÐ_¡£ # # Go thou near, and hear all that the LORD our God shall say: and # speak thou unto us all that the LORD our God shall speak unto thee; # and we will hear it, and do it. # # unit P DEU:5:28 Äã_ÃÇ_¶Ô_ÎÒ_˵_µÄ_»°_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶¼_Ìý_¼û_ÁË_¡£_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_ÎÒ_˵_£¬ Õâ_°Ù_ÐÕ_µÄ_»°_£¬_ÎÒ_Ìý_¼û_ÁË_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ëù_˵_µÄ_¶¼_ÊÇ_¡£ # # And the LORD heard the voice of your words, when ye spake unto me; # and the LORD said unto me, I have heard the voice of the words of # this people, which they have spoken unto thee: they have well said # all that they have spoken. # # unit P DEU:5:29 Ω_Ô¸_Ëû_ÃÇ_´æ_Õâ_Ñù_µÄ_ÐÄ_¾´_η_ÎÒ_£¬_³£_×ñ_ÊØ_ÎÒ_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_½ë_Ãü_£¬ ʹ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ºÍ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_ÓÀ_Ô¶_µÃ_¸£_¡£ # # O that there were such an heart in them, that they would fear me, # and keep all my commandments always, that it might be well with # them, and with their children for ever! # # unit P DEU:5:30 Äã_È¥_¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_»Ø_ÕÊ_Åï_È¥_°É_¡£ # # Go say to them, Get you into your tents again. # # unit P DEU:5:31 ÖÁ_ÓÚ_Äã_£¬_¿É_ÒÔ_Õ¾_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_Õâ_Àï_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_½«_Ò»_ÇÐ_½ë_Ãü_£¬_ÂÉ_Àý_£¬ µä_ÕÂ_´«_¸ø_Äã_¡£_Äã_Òª_½Ì_ѵ_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_ʹ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_´Í_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ϊ_Òµ µÄ_µØ_ÉÏ_×ñ_ÐÐ_¡£ # # But as for thee, stand thou here by me, and I will speak unto thee # all the commandments, and the statutes, and the judgments, which # thou shalt teach them, that they may do them in the land which I # give them to possess it. # # unit P DEU:5:32 Ëù_ÒÔ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_Éñ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_½÷_ÊØ_×ñ_ÐÐ_£¬_²» ¿É_Æ«_Àë_×ó_ÓÒ_¡£ # # Ye shall observe to do therefore as the LORD your God hath commanded # you: ye shall not turn aside to the right hand or to the left. # # unit P DEU:5:33 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_Éñ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Äã_ÃÇ_ÐÐ_µÄ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¶¼_Òª_È¥_ÐÐ_£¬_ʹ_Äã ÃÇ_¿É_ÒÔ_´æ_»î_µÃ_¸£_£¬_²¢_ʹ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_ÔÚ_Ëù_Òª_³Ð_ÊÜ_µÄ_µØ_ÉÏ µÃ_ÒÔ_³¤_¾Ã_¡£ # # Ye shall walk in all the ways which the LORD your God hath commanded # you, that ye may live, and that it may be well with you, and that ye # may prolong your days in the land which ye shall possess. # ## # chapter 6 DEU:6 # unit P DEU:6:1 Õâ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_Éñ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_½Ì_ѵ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_½ë_Ãü_£¬_ÂÉ_Àý_£¬_µä ÕÂ_£¬_ʹ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_Ëù_Òª_¹ý_È¥_µÃ_Ϊ_Òµ_µÄ_µØ_ÉÏ_×ñ_ÐÐ_£¬ # # Now these are the commandments, the statutes, and the judgments, # which the LORD your God commanded to teach you, that ye might do # them in the land whither ye go to possess it: # # unit P DEU:6:2 ºÃ_½Ð_Äã_ºÍ_Äã_×Ó_×Ó_Ëï_Ëï_Ò»_Éú_¾´_η_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_½÷_ÊØ_Ëû µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_ÂÉ_Àý_½ë_Ãü_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Äã_µÄ_£¬_ʹ_Äã_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_µÃ ÒÔ_³¤_¾Ã_¡£ # # That thou mightest fear the LORD thy God, to keep all his statutes # and his commandments, which I command thee, thou, and thy son, and # thy son's son, all the days of thy life; and that thy days may be # prolonged. # # unit P DEU:6:3 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_°¢_£¬_Äã_Òª_Ìý_£¬_Òª_½÷_ÊØ_×ñ_ÐÐ_£¬_ʹ_Äã_¿É_ÒÔ_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Á÷_ÄÌ Óë_ÃÛ_Ö®_µØ_µÃ_ÒÔ_Ïí_¸£_£¬_ÈË_Êý_¼«_Æä_Ôö_¶à_£¬_Õý_Èç_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÁÐ ×æ_µÄ_Éñ_Ëù_Ó¦_Ðí_Äã_µÄ_¡£ # # Hear therefore, O Israel, and observe to do it; that it may be well # with thee, and that ye may increase mightily, as the LORD God of thy # fathers hath promised thee, in the land that floweth with milk and # honey. # # unit P DEU:6:4 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_°¢_£¬_Äã_Òª_Ìý_¡£_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Éñ_ÊÇ_¶À_Ò»_µÄ_Ö÷_¡£ # # Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD: # # unit P DEU:6:5 Äã_Òª_¾¡_ÐÄ_£¬_¾¡_ÐÔ_£¬_¾¡_Á¦_°®_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with # all thy soul, and with all thy might. # # unit P DEU:6:6 ÎÒ_½ñ_ÈÕ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Äã_µÄ_»°_¶¼_Òª_¼Ç_ÔÚ_ÐÄ_ÉÏ_£¬ # # And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine # heart: # # unit P DEU:6:7 Ò²_Òª_Òó_ÇÚ_½Ì_ѵ_Äã_µÄ_¶ù_Å®_¡£_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_Äã_×ø_ÔÚ_¼Ò_Àï_£¬_ÐÐ_ÔÚ_·_ÉÏ £¬_ÌÉ_ÏÂ_£¬_Æð_À´_£¬_¶¼_Òª_̸_ÂÛ_¡£ # # And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt # talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest # by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. # # unit P DEU:6:8 Ò²_Òª_ϵ_ÔÚ_ÊÖ_ÉÏ_Ϊ_¼Ç_ºÅ_£¬_´÷_ÔÚ_¶î_ÉÏ_Ϊ_¾­_ÎÄ_¡£ # # And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall # be as frontlets between thine eyes. # # unit P DEU:6:9 ÓÖ_Òª_д_ÔÚ_Äã_·¿_ÎÝ_µÄ_ÃÅ_¿ò_ÉÏ_£¬_²¢_Äã_µÄ_³Ç_ÃÅ_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy # gates. # # unit P DEU:6:10 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_Áì_Äã_½ø_Ëû_Ïò_Äã_ÁÐ_×æ_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_£¬_ÒÔ_Èö_£¬_ÑÅ ¸÷_Æð_ÊÄ_Ó¦_Ðí_¸ø_Äã_µÄ_µØ_¡£_ÄÇ_Àï_ÓÐ_³Ç_ÒØ_£¬_ÓÖ_´ó_ÓÖ_ÃÀ_£¬_·Ç_Äã Ëù_½¨_Ôì_µÄ_¡£ # # And it shall be, when the LORD thy God shall have brought thee into # the land which he sware unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and # to Jacob, to give thee great and goodly cities, which thou buildedst # not, # # unit P DEU:6:11 ÓÐ_·¿_ÎÝ_£¬_×°_Âú_¸÷_Ñù_ÃÀ_Îï_£¬_·Ç_Äã_Ëù_×°_Âú_µÄ_¡£_ÓÐ_Ôä_³É_µÄ_Ë® ¾®_£¬_·Ç_Äã_Ëù_Ôä_³É_µÄ_¡£_»¹_ÓÐ_ÆÏ_ÌÑ_Ô°_£¬_éÏ_é­_Ô°_£¬_·Ç_Äã_Ëù_ÔÔ ÖÖ_µÄ_¡£_Äã_³Ô_ÁË_¶ø_ÇÒ_±¥_×ã_¡£ # # And houses full of all good things, which thou filledst not, and # wells digged, which thou diggedst not, vineyards and olive trees, # which thou plantedst not; when thou shalt have eaten and be full; # # unit P DEU:6:12 ÄÇ_ʱ_Äã_Òª_½÷_É÷_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_Äã_Íü_¼Ç_½«_Äã_´Ó_°£_¼°_µØ_£¬_Ϊ_Å«_Ö®_¼Ò Áì_³ö_À´_µÄ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # Then beware lest thou forget the LORD, which brought thee forth out # of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. # # unit P DEU:6:13 Äã_Òª_¾´_η_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_ÊÂ_·î_Ëû_£¬_Ö¸_×Å_Ëû_µÄ_Ãû_Æð_ÊÄ_¡£ # # Thou shalt fear the LORD thy God, and serve him, and shalt swear by # his name. # # unit P DEU:6:14 ²»_¿É_Ëæ_´Ó_±ð_Éñ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Äã_ÃÇ_ËÄ_Χ_¹ú_Ãñ_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # Ye shall not go after other gods, of the gods of the people which # are round about you; # # unit P DEU:6:15 Òò_Ϊ_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_µÄ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_ÊÇ_¼É_а_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_Ω_¿Ö_Ò®_ºÍ »ª_Äã_Éñ_µÄ_Å­_Æø_Ïò_Äã_·¢_×÷_£¬_¾Í_°Ñ_Äã_´Ó_µØ_ÉÏ_³ý_Ãð_¡£ # # (For the LORD thy God is a jealous God among you) lest the anger of # the LORD thy God be kindled against thee, and destroy thee from off # the face of the earth. # # unit P DEU:6:16 Äã_ÃÇ_²»_¿É_ÊÔ_̽_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_Ïó_Äã_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_Âê_Èö_ÄÇ_Ñù_ÊÔ Ì½_Ëû_¡£ # # Ye shall not tempt the LORD your God, as ye tempted him in Massah. # # unit P DEU:6:17 Òª_Áô_Òâ_×ñ_ÊØ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_Éñ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_½ë_Ãü_£¬_·¨_¶È_£¬_ÂÉ_Àý ¡£ # # Ye shall diligently keep the commandments of the LORD your God, and # his testimonies, and his statutes, which he hath commanded thee. # # unit P DEU:6:18 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÑÛ_ÖÐ_¿´_Ϊ_Õý_£¬_¿´_Ϊ_ÉÆ_µÄ_£¬_Äã_¶¼_Òª_×ñ_ÐÐ_£¬_ʹ_Äã_¿É ÒÔ_Ïí_¸£_£¬_²¢_¿É_ÒÔ_½ø_È¥_µÃ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïò_Äã_ÁÐ_×æ_Æð_ÊÄ_Ó¦_Ðí_µÄ_ÄÇ ÃÀ_µØ_£¬ # # And thou shalt do that which is right and good in the sight of the # LORD: that it may be well with thee, and that thou mayest go in and # possess the good land which the LORD sware unto thy fathers, # # unit P DEU:6:19 ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_˵_µÄ_£¬_´Ó_Äã_Ãæ_Ç°_Äì_³ö_Äã_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_³ð_µÐ_¡£ # # To cast out all thine enemies from before thee, as the LORD hath # spoken. # # unit P DEU:6:20 ÈÕ_ºó_£¬_Äã_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÎÊ_Äã_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Éñ_·Ô_¸À_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Õâ Щ_·¨_¶È_£¬_ÂÉ_Àý_£¬_µä_ÕÂ_ÊÇ_ʲ_ô_Òâ_˼_ÄØ_£¿ # # And when thy son asketh thee in time to come, saying, What mean the # testimonies, and the statutes, and the judgments, which the LORD our # God hath commanded you? # # unit P DEU:6:21 Äã_¾Í_¸æ_Ëß_Äã_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_×÷_¹ý_·¨_ÀÏ_µÄ_Å«_ÆÍ_¡£ Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÓÃ_´ó_ÄÜ_µÄ_ÊÖ_½«_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_´Ó_°£_¼°_Áì_³ö_À´_£¬ # # Then thou shalt say unto thy son, We were Pharaoh's bondmen in # Egypt; and the LORD brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand: # # unit P DEU:6:22 ÔÚ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÑÛ_Ç°_£¬_½«_ÖØ_´ó_¿É_ÅÂ_µÄ_Éñ_¼£_Ææ_ÊÂ_Ê©_ÐÐ_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_µØ_ºÍ ·¨_ÀÏ_²¢_Ëû_È«_¼Ò_µÄ_Éí_ÉÏ_£¬ # # And the LORD shewed signs and wonders, great and sore, upon Egypt, # upon Pharaoh, and upon all his household, before our eyes: # # unit P DEU:6:23 ½«_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_´Ó_ÄÇ_Àï_Áì_³ö_À´_£¬_Òª_Áì_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_½ø_Èë_Ëû_Ïò_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÁÐ_×æ_Æð ÊÄ_Ó¦_Ðí_Ö®_µØ_£¬_°Ñ_Õâ_µØ_´Í_¸ø_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¡£ # # And he brought us out from thence, that he might bring us in, to # give us the land which he sware unto our fathers. # # unit P DEU:6:24 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÓÖ_·Ô_¸À_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_×ñ_ÐÐ_Õâ_Ò»_ÇÐ_ÂÉ_Àý_£¬_Òª_¾´_η_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÎÒ ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_ʹ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_³£_µÃ_ºÃ_´¦_£¬_ÃÉ_Ëû_±£_È«_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éú_Ãü_£¬_Ïñ ½ñ_ÈÕ_Ò»_Ñù_¡£ # # And the LORD commanded us to do all these statutes, to fear the LORD # our God, for our good always, that he might preserve us alive, as it # is at this day. # # unit P DEU:6:25 ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Èô_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Éñ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_½ë_Ãü_½÷_ÊØ_×ñ_ÐÐ_£¬ Õâ_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_Òå_ÁË_¡£ # # And it shall be our righteousness, if we observe to do all these # commandments before the LORD our God, as he hath commanded us. # ## # chapter 7 DEU:7 # unit P DEU:7:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Áì_Äã_½ø_Èë_Òª_µÃ_Ϊ_Òµ_Ö®_µØ_£¬_´Ó_Äã_Ãæ_Ç°_¸Ï_³ö_Ðí ¶à_¹ú_Ãñ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ºÕ_ÈË_£¬_¸ï_åÈ_Èö_ÈË_£¬_ÑÇ_Ħ_Àû_ÈË_£¬_åÈ_ÄÏ_ÈË_£¬ ±È_Àû_Ï´_ÈË_£¬_Ï£_δ_ÈË_£¬_Ò®_²¼_˹_ÈË_£¬_¹²_Æß_¹ú_µÄ_Ãñ_£¬_¶¼_±È_Äã Ç¿_´ó_¡£ # # When the LORD thy God shall bring thee into the land whither thou # goest to possess it, and hath cast out many nations before thee, the # Hittites, and the Girgashites, and the Amorites, and the Canaanites, # and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites, seven # nations greater and mightier than thou; # # unit P DEU:7:2 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_½«_Ëû_ÃÇ_½»_¸ø_Äã_»÷_ɱ_£¬_ÄÇ_ʱ_Äã_Òª_°Ñ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ãð_¾ø ¾»_¾¡_£¬_²»_¿É_Óë_Ëû_ÃÇ_Á¢_Ô¼_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_Á¯_Ðô_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£ # # And when the LORD thy God shall deliver them before thee; thou shalt # smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant # with them, nor shew mercy unto them: # # unit P DEU:7:3 ²»_¿É_Óë_Ëû_ÃÇ_½á_Ç×_¡£_²»_¿É_½«_Äã_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_¼Þ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_Ò² ²»_¿É_½Ð_Äã_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_È¢_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_¡£ # # Neither shalt thou make marriages with them; thy daughter thou shalt # not give unto his son, nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy # son. # # unit P DEU:7:4 Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_±Ø_ʹ_Äã_¶ù_×Ó_ת_Àë_²»_¸ú_´Ó_Ö÷_£¬_È¥_ÊÂ_·î_±ð_Éñ_£¬_ÒÔ_Ö Ү_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_Å­_Æø_Ïò_Äã_ÃÇ_·¢_×÷_£¬_¾Í_ËÙ_ËÙ_µØ_½«_Äã_ÃÇ_Ãð_¾ø_¡£ # # For they will turn away thy son from following me, that they may # serve other gods: so will the anger of the LORD be kindled against # you, and destroy thee suddenly. # # unit P DEU:7:5 Äã_ÃÇ_È´_Òª_Õâ_Ñù_´ý_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_²ð_»Ù_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_¼À_̳_£¬_´ò_Ëé_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ Öù_Ïñ_£¬_¿³_ÏÂ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_ľ_ż_£¬_ÓÃ_»ð_·Ù_ÉÕ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µñ_¿Ì_µÄ_ż_Ïñ_¡£ # # But thus shall ye deal with them; ye shall destroy their altars, and # break down their images, and cut down their groves, and burn their # graven images with fire. # # unit P DEU:7:6 Òò_Ϊ_Äã_¹é_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ϊ_Ê¥_½à_µÄ_Ãñ_¡£_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_´Ó_µØ_ÉÏ µÄ_Íò_Ãñ_ÖÐ_¼ð_Ñ¡_Äã_£¬_ÌØ_×÷_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_×Ó_Ãñ_¡£ # # For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God # hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all # people that are upon the face of the earth. # # unit P DEU:7:7 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ר_°®_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_¼ð_Ñ¡_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_²¢_·Ç_Òò_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÈË_Êý_¶à_ÓÚ ±ð_Ãñ_£¬_Ô­_À´_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÈË_Êý_ÔÚ_Íò_Ãñ_ÖÐ_ÊÇ_×î_ÉÙ_µÄ_¡£ # # The LORD did not set his love upon you, nor choose you, because ye # were more in number than any people; for ye were the fewest of all # people: # # unit P DEU:7:8 Ö»_Òò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_°®_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_ÓÖ_Òò_Òª_ÊØ_Ëû_Ïò_Äã_ÃÇ_ÁÐ_×æ_Ëù_Æð_µÄ_ÊÄ £¬_¾Í_ÓÃ_´ó_ÄÜ_µÄ_ÊÖ_Áì_Äã_ÃÇ_³ö_À´_£¬_´Ó_Ϊ_Å«_Ö®_¼Ò_¾È_Êê_Äã_ÃÇ_ÍÑ Àë_°£_¼°_Íõ_·¨_ÀÏ_µÄ_ÊÖ_¡£ # # But because the LORD loved you, and because he would keep the oath # which he had sworn unto your fathers, hath the LORD brought you out # with a mighty hand, and redeemed you out of the house of bondmen, # from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt. # # unit P DEU:7:9 Ëù_ÒÔ_£¬_Äã_Òª_Öª_µÀ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_Ëû_ÊÇ_Éñ_£¬_ÊÇ_ÐÅ_ʵ_µÄ_Éñ ¡£_Ïò_°®_Ëû_£¬_ÊØ_Ëû_½ë_Ãü_µÄ_ÈË_ÊØ_Ô¼_£¬_Ê©_´È_°®_£¬_Ö±_µ½_ǧ_´ú_¡£ # # Know therefore that the LORD thy God, he is God, the faithful God, # which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep # his commandments to a thousand generations; # # unit P DEU:7:10 Ïò_ºÞ_Ëû_µÄ_ÈË_µ±_Ãæ_±¨_Ó¦_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_½«_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ãð_¾ø_¡£_·²_ºÞ_Ëû_µÄ_ÈË ±Ø_±¨_Ó¦_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_¾ö_²»_³Ù_ÑÓ_¡£ # # And repayeth them that hate him to their face, to destroy them: he # will not be slack to him that hateth him, he will repay him to his # face. # # unit P DEU:7:11 Ëù_ÒÔ_£¬_Äã_Òª_½÷_ÊØ_×ñ_ÐÐ_ÎÒ_½ñ_ÈÕ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Äã_µÄ_½ë_Ãü_£¬_ÂÉ_Àý_£¬ µä_ÕÂ_¡£ # # Thou shalt therefore keep the commandments, and the statutes, and # the judgments, which I command thee this day, to do them. # # unit P DEU:7:12 Äã_ÃÇ_¹û_È»_Ìý_´Ó_Õâ_Щ_µä_ÕÂ_£¬_½÷_ÊØ_×ñ_ÐÐ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_¾Í_±Ø ÕÕ_Ëû_Ïò_Äã_ÁÐ_×æ_Ëù_Æð_µÄ_ÊÄ_ÊØ_Ô¼_£¬_Ê©_´È_°®_¡£ # # Wherefore it shall come to pass, if ye hearken to these judgments, # and keep, and do them, that the LORD thy God shall keep unto thee # the covenant and the mercy which he sware unto thy fathers: # # unit P DEU:7:13 Ëû_±Ø_°®_Äã_£¬_´Í_¸£_Óë_Äã_£¬_ʹ_Äã_ÈË_Êý_Ôö_¶à_£¬_Ò²_±Ø_ÔÚ_Ëû_Ïò_Äã ÁÐ_×æ_Æð_ÊÄ_Ó¦_Ðí_¸ø_Äã_µÄ_µØ_ÉÏ_´Í_¸£_Óë_Äã_Éí_Ëù_Éú_µÄ_£¬_µØ_Ëù_²ú µÄ_£¬_²¢_Äã_µÄ_Îå_¹È_£¬_ÐÂ_¾Æ_£¬_ºÍ_ÓÍ_£¬_ÒÔ_¼°_Å£_¶¿_£¬_Ñò_¸á_¡£ # # And he will love thee, and bless thee, and multiply thee: he will # also bless the fruit of thy womb, and the fruit of thy land, thy # corn, and thy wine, and thine oil, the increase of thy kine, and the # flocks of thy sheep, in the land which he sware unto thy fathers to # give thee. # # unit P DEU:7:14 Äã_±Ø_ÃÉ_¸£_ʤ_¹ý_Íò_Ãñ_¡£_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÄÐ_Å®_û_ÓÐ_²»_ÄÜ_Éú_Ñø_µÄ_£¬_Éü Ðó_Ò²_û_ÓÐ_²»_ÄÜ_Éú_Óý_µÄ_¡£ # # Thou shalt be blessed above all people: there shall not be male or # female barren among you, or among your cattle. # # unit P DEU:7:15 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_±Ø_ʹ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_²¡_Ö¢_Àë_¿ª_Äã_¡£_Äã_Ëù_Öª_µÀ_°£_¼°_¸÷_Ñù_µÄ ¶ñ_¼²_£¬_Ëû_²»_¼Ó_ÔÚ_Äã_Éí_ÉÏ_£¬_Ö»_¼Ó_ÔÚ_Ò»_ÇÐ_ºÞ_Äã_µÄ_ÈË_Éí_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And the LORD will take away from thee all sickness, and will put # none of the evil diseases of Egypt, which thou knowest, upon thee; # but will lay them upon all them that hate thee. # # unit P DEU:7:16 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_Òª_½»_¸ø_Äã_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_ÈË_Ãñ_£¬_Äã_Òª_½«_Ëû_ÃÇ_³ý_Ãð ¡£_Äã_ÑÛ_²»_¿É_¹Ë_ϧ_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£_Äã_Ò²_²»_¿É_ÊÂ_·î_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_Òò_Õâ ±Ø_³É_Ϊ_Äã_µÄ_Íø_ÂÞ_¡£ # # And thou shalt consume all the people which the LORD thy God shall # deliver thee; thine eye shall have no pity upon them: neither shalt # thou serve their gods; for that will be a snare unto thee. # # unit P DEU:7:17 Äã_Èô_ÐÄ_Àï_˵_£¬_Õâ_Щ_¹ú_µÄ_Ãñ_±È_ÎÒ_¸ü_¶à_£¬_ÎÒ_Ôõ_ÄÜ_¸Ï_³ö_Ëû_ÃÇ ÄØ_£¿ # # If thou shalt say in thine heart, These nations are more than I; how # can I dispossess them? # # unit P DEU:7:18 Äã_²»_Òª_¾å_ÅÂ_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_Òª_ÀÎ_ÀÎ_¼Ç_Äî_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ïò_·¨_ÀÏ_ºÍ_°£ ¼°_È«_µØ_Ëù_ÐÐ_µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬ # # Thou shalt not be afraid of them: but shalt well remember what the # LORD thy God did unto Pharaoh, and unto all Egypt; # # unit P DEU:7:19 ¾Í_ÊÇ_Äã_Ç×_ÑÛ_Ëù_¿´_¼û_µÄ_´ó_ÊÔ_Ñé_£¬_Éñ_¼£_£¬_Ææ_ÊÂ_£¬_ºÍ_´ó_ÄÜ_µÄ ÊÖ_£¬_²¢_Éì_³ö_À´_µÄ_°ò_±Û_£¬_¶¼_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Áì_Äã_³ö_À´_Ëù_Óà µÄ_¡£_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_±Ø_ÕÕ_Ñù_´ý_Äã_Ëù_¾å_ÅÂ_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_ÈË_Ãñ_¡£ # # The great temptations which thine eyes saw, and the signs, and the # wonders, and the mighty hand, and the stretched out arm, whereby the # LORD thy God brought thee out: so shall the LORD thy God do unto all # the people of whom thou art afraid. # # unit P DEU:7:20 ²¢_ÇÒ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_±Ø_´ò_·¢_»Æ_·ä_·É_µ½_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_£¬_Ö±_µ½_ÄÇ_Ê£ ÏÂ_¶ø_²Ø_¶ã_µÄ_ÈË_´Ó_Äã_Ãæ_Ç°_Ãð_Íö_¡£ # # Moreover the LORD thy God will send the hornet among them, until # they that are left, and hide themselves from thee, be destroyed. # # unit P DEU:7:21 Äã_²»_Òª_Òò_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾ª_¿Ö_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_ÊÇ_´ó ¶ø_¿É_η_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # Thou shalt not be affrighted at them: for the LORD thy God is among # you, a mighty God and terrible. # # unit P DEU:7:22 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_±Ø_½«_Õâ_Щ_¹ú_µÄ_Ãñ_´Ó_Äã_Ãæ_Ç°_½¥_½¥_¸Ï_³ö_¡£_Äã_²» ¿É_°Ñ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ËÙ_ËÙ_Ãð_¾¡_£¬_¿Ö_ÅÂ_Ò°_µØ_µÄ_ÊÞ_¶à_Æð_À´_º¦_Äã_¡£ # # And the LORD thy God will put out those nations before thee by # little and little: thou mayest not consume them at once, lest the # beasts of the field increase upon thee. # # unit P DEU:7:23 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_±Ø_½«_Ëû_ÃÇ_½»_¸ø_Äã_£¬_´ó_´ó_µØ_ÈÅ_ÂÒ_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_Ö±_µ½ Ëû_ÃÇ_Ãð_¾ø_ÁË_¡£ # # But the LORD thy God shall deliver them unto thee, and shall destroy # them with a mighty destruction, until they be destroyed. # # unit P DEU:7:24 ÓÖ_Òª_½«_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_¾ý_Íõ_½»_ÔÚ_Äã_ÊÖ_ÖÐ_£¬_Äã_¾Í_ʹ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Ãû_´Ó_Ìì ÏÂ_Ïû_Ãð_¡£_±Ø_ÎÞ_Ò»_ÈË_ÄÜ_ÔÚ_Äã_Ãæ_Ç°_Õ¾_Á¢_µÃ_ס_£¬_Ö±_µ½_Äã_½«_Ëû ÃÇ_Ãð_¾ø_ÁË_¡£ # # And he shall deliver their kings into thine hand, and thou shalt # destroy their name from under heaven: there shall no man be able to # stand before thee, until thou have destroyed them. # # unit P DEU:7:25 Ëû_ÃÇ_µñ_¿Ì_µÄ_Éñ_Ïñ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_ÓÃ_»ð_·Ù_ÉÕ_¡£_Æä_ÉÏ_µÄ_½ð_Òø_£¬_Äã ²»_¿É_Ì°_ͼ_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_ÊÕ_È¡_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_Äã_Òò_´Ë_ÏÝ_Èë_Íø_ÂÞ_¡£_Õâ_Ô­ ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_Ô÷_¶ñ_µÄ_¡£ # # The graven images of their gods shall ye burn with fire: thou shalt # not desire the silver or gold that is on them, nor take it unto # thee, lest thou be snared therein: for it is an abomination to the # LORD thy God. # # unit P DEU:7:26 ¿É_Ô÷_µÄ_Îï_£¬_Äã_²»_¿É_´ø_½ø_¼Ò_È¥_¡£_²»_È»_£¬_Äã_¾Í_³É_ÁË_µ±_»Ù_Ãð µÄ_£¬_Óë_ÄÇ_Îï_Ò»_Ñù_¡£_Äã_Òª_Ê®_·Ö_Ñá_¶ñ_£¬_Ê®_·Ö_Ô÷_ÏÓ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Õâ ÊÇ_µ±_»Ù_Ãð_µÄ_Îï_¡£ # # Neither shalt thou bring an abomination into thine house, lest thou # be a cursed thing like it: but thou shalt utterly detest it, and # thou shalt utterly abhor it; for it is a cursed thing. # ## # chapter 8 DEU:8 # unit P DEU:8:1 ÎÒ_½ñ_ÈÕ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_½ë_Ãü_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_½÷_ÊØ_×ñ_ÐÐ_£¬_ºÃ_½Ð_Äã ÃÇ_´æ_»î_£¬_ÈË_Êý_Ôö_¶à_£¬_ÇÒ_½ø_È¥_µÃ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïò_Äã_ÃÇ_ÁÐ_×æ_Æð_ÊÄ Ó¦_Ðí_µÄ_ÄÇ_µØ_¡£ # # All the commandments which I command thee this day shall ye observe # to do, that ye may live, and multiply, and go in and possess the # land which the LORD sware unto your fathers. # # unit P DEU:8:2 Äã_Ò²_Òª_¼Ç_Äî_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_ÔÚ_¿õ_Ò°_Òý_µ¼_Äã_Õâ_ËÄ_Ê®_Äê_£¬_ÊÇ Òª_¿à_Á¶_Äã_£¬_ÊÔ_Ñé_Äã_£¬_Òª_Öª_µÀ_Äã_ÐÄ_ÄÚ_Èç_ºÎ_£¬_¿Ï_ÊØ_Ëû_µÄ_½ë Ãü_²»_¿Ï_¡£ # # And thou shalt remember all the way which the LORD thy God led thee # these forty years in the wilderness, to humble thee, and to prove # thee, to know what was in thine heart, whether thou wouldest keep # his commandments, or no. # # unit P DEU:8:3 Ëû_¿à_Á¶_Äã_£¬_ÈÎ_Äã_¼¢_¶ö_£¬_½«_Äã_ºÍ_Äã_ÁÐ_×æ_Ëù_²»_ÈÏ_ʶ_µÄ_Âð_ÄÄ ´Í_¸ø_Äã_³Ô_£¬_ʹ_Äã_Öª_µÀ_£¬_ÈË_»î_×Å_²»_ÊÇ_µ¥_¿¿_ʳ_Îï_£¬_ÄË_ÊÇ_¿¿ Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¿Ú_Àï_Ëù_³ö_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_»°_¡£ # # And he humbled thee, and suffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with # manna, which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know; that he # might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by # every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the LORD doth man # live. # # unit P DEU:8:4 Õâ_ËÄ_Ê®_Äê_£¬_Äã_µÄ_ÒÂ_·þ_û_ÓÐ_´©_ÆÆ_£¬_Äã_µÄ_½Å_Ò²_û_ÓÐ_Ö×_¡£ # # Thy raiment waxed not old upon thee, neither did thy foot swell, # these forty years. # # unit P DEU:8:5 Äã_µ±_ÐÄ_Àï_˼_Ïë_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_¹Ü_½Ì_Äã_£¬_ºÃ_Ïñ_ÈË_¹Ü_½Ì_¶ù_×Ó Ò»_Ñù_¡£ # # Thou shalt also consider in thine heart, that, as a man chasteneth # his son, so the LORD thy God chasteneth thee. # # unit P DEU:8:6 Äã_Òª_½÷_ÊØ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_µÄ_½ë_Ãü_£¬_×ñ_ÐÐ_Ëû_µÄ_µÀ_£¬_¾´_η_Ëû_¡£ # # Therefore thou shalt keep the commandments of the LORD thy God, to # walk in his ways, and to fear him. # # unit P DEU:8:7 Òò_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Áì_Äã_½ø_Èë_ÃÀ_µØ_£¬_ÄÇ_µØ_ÓÐ_ºÓ_£¬_ÓÐ_Ȫ_£¬_ÓÐ Ô´_£¬_´Ó_ɽ_¹È_ÖÐ_Á÷_³ö_Ë®_À´_¡£ # # For the LORD thy God bringeth thee into a good land, a land of # brooks of water, of fountains and depths that spring out of valleys # and hills; # # unit P DEU:8:8 ÄÇ_µØ_ÓÐ_С_Âó_£¬_´ó_Âó_£¬_ÆÏ_ÌÑ_Ê÷_£¬_ÎÞ_»¨_¹û_Ê÷_£¬_ʯ_Áñ_Ê÷_£¬_éÏ é­_Ê÷_£¬_ºÍ_ÃÛ_¡£ # # A land of wheat, and barley, and vines, and fig trees, and # pomegranates; a land of oil olive, and honey; # # unit P DEU:8:9 Äã_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_µØ_²»_ȱ_ʳ_Îï_£¬_Ò»_ÎÞ_Ëù_ȱ_¡£_ÄÇ_µØ_µÄ_ʯ_Í·_ÊÇ_Ìú_£¬_ɽ ÄÚ_¿É_ÒÔ_ÍÚ_Í­_¡£ # # A land wherein thou shalt eat bread without scarceness, thou shalt # not lack any thing in it; a land whose stones are iron, and out of # whose hills thou mayest dig brass. # # unit P DEU:8:10 Äã_³Ô_µÃ_±¥_×ã_£¬_¾Í_Òª_³Æ_ËÌ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_Òò_Ëû_½«_ÄÇ_ÃÀ_µØ ´Í_¸ø_Äã_ÁË_¡£ # # When thou hast eaten and art full, then thou shalt bless the LORD # thy God for the good land which he hath given thee. # # unit P DEU:8:11 Äã_Òª_½÷_É÷_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_Íü_¼Ç_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_²»_ÊØ_Ëû_µÄ_½ë_Ãü_£¬ µä_ÕÂ_£¬_ÂÉ_Àý_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_½ñ_ÈÕ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Äã_µÄ_¡£ # # Beware that thou forget not the LORD thy God, in not keeping his # commandments, and his judgments, and his statutes, which I command # thee this day: # # unit P DEU:8:12 ¿Ö_ÅÂ_Äã_³Ô_µÃ_±¥_×ã_£¬_½¨_Ôì_ÃÀ_ºÃ_µÄ_·¿_ÎÝ_¾Ó_ס_£¬ # # Lest when thou hast eaten and art full, and hast built goodly # houses, and dwelt therein; # # unit P DEU:8:13 Äã_µÄ_Å£_Ñò_¼Ó_¶à_£¬_Äã_µÄ_½ð_Òø_Ôö_Ìí_£¬_²¢_Äã_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_È«_¶¼_¼Ó_Ôö £¬ # # And when thy herds and thy flocks multiply, and thy silver and thy # gold is multiplied, and all that thou hast is multiplied; # # unit P DEU:8:14 Äã_¾Í_ÐÄ_¸ß_Æø_°Á_£¬_Íü_¼Ç_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_½«_Äã_´Ó_°£_¼° µØ_Ϊ_Å«_Ö®_¼Ò_Áì_³ö_À´_µÄ_£¬ # # Then thine heart be lifted up, and thou forget the LORD thy God, # which brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt, from the house of # bondage; # # unit P DEU:8:15 Òý_Äã_¾­_¹ý_ÄÇ_´ó_¶ø_¿É_ÅÂ_µÄ_¿õ_Ò°_£¬_ÄÇ_Àï_ÓÐ_»ð_Éß_£¬_Ы_×Ó_£¬_¸É ºµ_ÎÞ_Ë®_Ö®_µØ_¡£_Ëû_Ôø_Ϊ_Äã_ʹ_Ë®_´Ó_¼á_Ó²_µÄ_ÅÍ_ʯ_ÖÐ_Á÷_³ö_À´_£¬ # # Who led thee through that great and terrible wilderness, wherein # were fiery serpents, and scorpions, and drought, where there was no # water; who brought thee forth water out of the rock of flint; # # unit P DEU:8:16 ÓÖ_ÔÚ_¿õ_Ò°_½«_Äã_ÁÐ_×æ_Ëù_²»_ÈÏ_ʶ_µÄ_Âð_ÄÄ_´Í_¸ø_Äã_³Ô_£¬_ÊÇ_Òª_¿à Á¶_Äã_£¬_ÊÔ_Ñé_Äã_£¬_½Ð_Äã_ÖÕ_¾Ã_Ïí_¸£_¡£ # # Who fed thee in the wilderness with manna, which thy fathers knew # not, that he might humble thee, and that he might prove thee, to do # thee good at thy latter end; # # unit P DEU:8:17 ¿Ö_ÅÂ_Äã_ÐÄ_Àï_˵_£¬_Õâ_»õ_²Æ_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_Á¦_Á¿_£¬_ÎÒ_ÄÜ_Á¦_µÃ_À´_µÄ_¡£ # # And thou say in thine heart, My power and the might of mine hand # hath gotten me this wealth. # # unit P DEU:8:18 Äã_Òª_¼Ç_Äî_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_µÃ_»õ_²Æ_µÄ_Á¦_Á¿_ÊÇ_Ëû_¸ø_Äã µÄ_£¬_Ϊ_Òª_¼á_¶¨_Ëû_Ïò_Äã_ÁÐ_×æ_Æð_ÊÄ_Ëù_Á¢_µÄ_Ô¼_£¬_Ïñ_½ñ_ÈÕ_Ò»_Ñù ¡£ # # But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is he that giveth # thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which # he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day. # # unit P DEU:8:19 Äã_Èô_Íü_¼Ç_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_Ëæ_´Ó_±ð_Éñ_£¬_ÊÂ_·î_¾´_°Ý_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ ±Ø_¶¨_Ãð_Íö_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_½ñ_ÈÕ_¾¯_½ä_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_¡£ # # And it shall be, if thou do at all forget the LORD thy God, and walk # after other gods, and serve them, and worship them, I testify # against you this day that ye shall surely perish. # # unit P DEU:8:20 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ãæ_Ç°_Ôõ_Ñù_ʹ_ÁÐ_¹ú_µÄ_Ãñ_Ãð_Íö_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Ò²_±Ø_ÕÕ Ñù_Ãð_Íö_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Äã_ÃÇ_²»_Ìý_´Ó_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_Éñ_µÄ_»°_¡£ # # As the nations which the LORD destroyeth before your face, so shall # ye perish; because ye would not be obedient unto the voice of the # LORD your God. # ## # chapter 9 DEU:9 # unit P DEU:9:1 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_°¢_£¬_Äã_µ±_Ìý_¡£_Äã_½ñ_ÈÕ_Òª_¹ý_Ô¼_µ©_ºÓ_£¬_½ø_È¥_¸Ï_³ö_±È Äã_Ç¿_´ó_µÄ_¹ú_Ãñ_£¬_µÃ_×Å_¹ã_´ó_¼á_¹Ì_£¬_¸ß_µÃ_¶¥_Ìì_µÄ_³Ç_ÒØ_¡£ # # Hear, O Israel: Thou art to pass over Jordan this day, to go in to # possess nations greater and mightier than thyself, cities great and # fenced up to heaven, # # unit P DEU:9:2 ÄÇ_Ãñ_ÊÇ_ÑÇ_ñÄ_×å_µÄ_ÈË_£¬_ÓÖ_´ó_ÓÖ_¸ß_£¬_ÊÇ_Äã_Ëù_Öª_µÀ_µÄ_¡£_Ò²_Ôø Ìý_¼û_ÓÐ_ÈË_Ö¸_×Å_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Ë­_ÄÜ_ÔÚ_ÑÇ_ñÄ_×å_ÈË_Ãæ_Ç°_Õ¾_Á¢_µÃ_ס ÄØ_£¿ # # A people great and tall, the children of the Anakims, whom thou # knowest, and of whom thou hast heard say, Who can stand before the # children of Anak! # # unit P DEU:9:3 Äã_½ñ_ÈÕ_µ±_Öª_µÀ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_ÔÚ_Äã_Ç°_Ãæ_¹ý_È¥_£¬_Èç_ͬ_ÁÒ »ð_£¬_Òª_Ãð_¾ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_½«_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÖÆ_·ü_ÔÚ_Äã_Ãæ_Ç°_¡£_Õâ_Ñù_£¬_Äã_¾Í Òª_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_˵_µÄ_¸Ï_³ö_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_ʹ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ËÙ_ËÙ_Ãð_Íö_¡£ # # Understand therefore this day, that the LORD thy God is he which # goeth over before thee; as a consuming fire he shall destroy them, # and he shall bring them down before thy face: so shalt thou drive # them out, and destroy them quickly, as the LORD hath said unto thee. # # unit P DEU:9:4 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_½«_Õâ_Щ_¹ú_Ãñ_´Ó_Äã_Ãæ_Ç°_Äì_³ö_ÒÔ_ºó_£¬_Äã_ÐÄ_Àï ²»_¿É_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_½«_ÎÒ_Áì_½ø_À´_µÃ_Õâ_µØ_ÊÇ_Òò_ÎÒ_µÄ_Òå_¡£_Æä_ʵ £¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_½«_Ëû_ÃÇ_´Ó_Äã_Ãæ_Ç°_¸Ï_³ö_È¥_ÊÇ_Òò_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_¶ñ_¡£ # # Speak not thou in thine heart, after that the LORD thy God hath cast # them out from before thee, saying, For my righteousness the LORD # hath brought me in to possess this land: but for the wickedness of # these nations the LORD doth drive them out from before thee. # # unit P DEU:9:5 Äã_½ø_È¥_µÃ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_µØ_£¬_²¢_²»_ÊÇ_Òò_Äã_µÄ_Òå_£¬_Ò²_²»_ÊÇ_Òò_Äã_ÐÄ Àï_Õý_Ö±_£¬_ÄË_ÊÇ_Òò_Õâ_Щ_¹ú_Ãñ_µÄ_¶ñ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_½«_Ëû_ÃÇ ´Ó_Äã_Ãæ_Ç°_¸Ï_³ö_È¥_£¬_ÓÖ_Òò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Òª_¼á_¶¨_Ëû_Ïò_Äã_ÁÐ_×æ_ÑÇ_²® À­_º±_£¬_ÒÔ_Èö_£¬_ÑÅ_¸÷_Æð_ÊÄ_Ëù_Ó¦_Ðí_µÄ_»°_¡£ # # Not for thy righteousness, or for the uprightness of thine heart, # dost thou go to possess their land: but for the wickedness of these # nations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee, and # that he may perform the word which the LORD sware unto thy fathers, # Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. # # unit P DEU:9:6 Äã_µ±_Öª_µÀ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_½«_Õâ_ÃÀ_µØ_´Í_Äã_Ϊ_Òµ_£¬_²¢_²»_ÊÇ_Òò Äã_µÄ_Òå_¡£_Äã_±¾_ÊÇ_Ó²_×Å_¾±_Ïî_µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_¡£ # # Understand therefore, that the LORD thy God giveth thee not this # good land to possess it for thy righteousness; for thou art a # stiffnecked people. # # unit P DEU:9:7 Äã_µ±_¼Ç_Äî_²»_Íü_£¬_Äã_ÔÚ_¿õ_Ò°_Ôõ_Ñù_ÈÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_·¢_Å­_¡£_×Ô ´Ó_Äã_³ö_ÁË_°£_¼°_µØ_µÄ_ÄÇ_ÈÕ_£¬_Ö±_µ½_Äã_ÃÇ_À´_µ½_Õâ_µØ_·½_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ Ê±_³£_ã£_Äæ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # Remember, and forget not, how thou provokedst the LORD thy God to # wrath in the wilderness: from the day that thou didst depart out of # the land of Egypt, until ye came unto this place, ye have been # rebellious against the LORD. # # unit P DEU:9:8 Äã_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_ºÎ_ÁÒ_ɽ_ÓÖ_ÈÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_·¢_Å­_¡£_Ëû_ÄÕ_Å­_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_Òª_Ãð_¾ø Äã_ÃÇ_¡£ # # Also in Horeb ye provoked the LORD to wrath, so that the LORD was # angry with you to have destroyed you. # # unit P DEU:9:9 ÎÒ_ÉÏ_ÁË_ɽ_£¬_Òª_Áì_ÊÜ_Á½_¿é_ʯ_°æ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_Á¢_Ô¼ µÄ_°æ_¡£_ÄÇ_ʱ_ÎÒ_ÔÚ_ɽ_ÉÏ_ס_ÁË_ËÄ_Ê®_Öç_Ò¹_£¬_û_ÓÐ_³Ô_·¹_£¬_Ò²_û ÓÐ_ºÈ_Ë®_¡£ # # When I was gone up into the mount to receive the tables of stone, # even the tables of the covenant which the LORD made with you, then I # abode in the mount forty days and forty nights, I neither did eat # bread nor drink water: # # unit P DEU:9:10 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_°Ñ_ÄÇ_Á½_¿é_ʯ_°æ_½»_¸ø_ÎÒ_£¬_ÊÇ_Éñ_ÓÃ_Ö¸_Í·_д_µÄ_¡£_°æ_ÉÏ Ëù_д_µÄ_ÊÇ_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÔÚ_´ó_»á_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_£¬_ÔÚ_ɽ_ÉÏ_£¬_´Ó_»ð_ÖÐ_¶Ô Äã_ÃÇ_Ëù_˵_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_»°_¡£ # # And the LORD delivered unto me two tables of stone written with the # finger of God; and on them was written according to all the words, # which the LORD spake with you in the mount out of the midst of the # fire in the day of the assembly. # # unit P DEU:9:11 ¹ý_ÁË_ËÄ_Ê®_Öç_Ò¹_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_°Ñ_ÄÇ_Á½_¿é_ʯ_°æ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ô¼_°æ_£¬_½» ¸ø_ÎÒ_¡£ # # And it came to pass at the end of forty days and forty nights, that # the LORD gave me the two tables of stone, even the tables of the # covenant. # # unit P DEU:9:12 ¶Ô_ÎÒ_˵_£¬_Äã_Æð_À´_£¬_¸Ï_¿ì_ÏÂ_È¥_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_Äã_´Ó_°£_¼°_Áì_³ö_À´_µÄ °Ù_ÐÕ_ÒÑ_¾­_°Ü_»µ_ÁË_×Ô_¼º_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_¿ì_¿ì_µØ_Æ«_Àë_ÁË_ÎÒ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ µÀ_£¬_Ϊ_×Ô_¼º_Öý_³É_ÁË_ż_Ïñ_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto me, Arise, get thee down quickly from hence; # for thy people which thou hast brought forth out of Egypt have # corrupted themselves; they are quickly turned aside out of the way # which I commanded them; they have made them a molten image. # # unit P DEU:9:13 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÓÖ_¶Ô_ÎÒ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_¿´_Õâ_°Ù_ÐÕ_ÊÇ_Ó²_×Å_¾±_Ïî_µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_¡£ # # Furthermore the LORD spake unto me, saying, I have seen this people, # and, behold, it is a stiffnecked people: # # unit P DEU:9:14 Äã_ÇÒ_ÓÉ_×Å_ÎÒ_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_Ãð_¾ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_½«_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Ãû_´Ó_Ìì_ÏÂ_Í¿_Ĩ £¬_ʹ_Äã_µÄ_ºó_Òá_±È_Ëû_ÃÇ_³É_Ϊ_¸ü_´ó_¸ü_Ç¿_µÄ_¹ú_¡£ # # Let me alone, that I may destroy them, and blot out their name from # under heaven: and I will make of thee a nation mightier and greater # than they. # # unit P DEU:9:15 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_ת_Éí_ÏÂ_ɽ_£¬_ɽ_±»_»ð_ÉÕ_×Å_£¬_Á½_¿é_Ô¼_°æ_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_Á½_ÊÖ_Ö® ÖÐ_¡£ # # So I turned and came down from the mount, and the mount burned with # fire: and the two tables of the covenant were in my two hands. # # unit P DEU:9:16 ÎÒ_Ò»_¿´_¼û_Äã_ÃÇ_µÃ_×ï_ÁË_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_Öý_³É_ÁË_Å£_¶¿_£¬ ¿ì_¿ì_µØ_Æ«_Àë_ÁË_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_µÀ_£¬ # # And I looked, and, behold, ye had sinned against the LORD your God, # and had made you a molten calf: ye had turned aside quickly out of # the way which the LORD had commanded you. # # unit P DEU:9:17 ÎÒ_¾Í_°Ñ_ÄÇ_Á½_¿é_°æ_´Ó_ÎÒ_ÊÖ_ÖÐ_ÈÓ_ÏÂ_È¥_£¬_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÑÛ_Ç°_ˤ_Ëé_ÁË ¡£ # # And I took the two tables, and cast them out of my two hands, and # brake them before your eyes. # # unit P DEU:9:18 Òò_Äã_ÃÇ_Ëù_·¸_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_×ï_£¬_ÐÐ_ÁË_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÑÛ_ÖÐ_¿´_Ϊ_¶ñ_µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬ ÈÇ_Ëû_·¢_Å­_£¬_ÎÒ_¾Í_Ïñ_´Ó_Ç°_¸©_·ü_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_ËÄ_Ê®_Öç_Ò¹_£¬ û_ÓÐ_³Ô_·¹_£¬_Ò²_û_ÓÐ_ºÈ_Ë®_¡£ # # And I fell down before the LORD, as at the first, forty days and # forty nights: I did neither eat bread, nor drink water, because of # all your sins which ye sinned, in doing wickedly in the sight of the # LORD, to provoke him to anger. # # unit P DEU:9:19 ÎÒ_Òò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïò_Äã_ÃÇ_´ó_·¢_ÁÒ_Å­_£¬_Òª_Ãð_¾ø_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_¾Í_Éõ_º¦_Å ¡£_µ«_ÄÇ_´Î_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÓÖ_Ó¦_ÔÊ_ÁË_ÎÒ_¡£ # # For I was afraid of the anger and hot displeasure, wherewith the # LORD was wroth against you to destroy you. But the LORD hearkened # unto me at that time also. # # unit P DEU:9:20 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ò²_Ïò_ÑÇ_Â×_Éõ_ÊÇ_·¢_Å­_£¬_Òª_Ãð_¾ø_Ëû_¡£_ÄÇ_ʱ_ÎÒ_ÓÖ_Ϊ_ÑÇ Â×_Æí_µ»_¡£ # # And the LORD was very angry with Aaron to have destroyed him: and I # prayed for Aaron also the same time. # # unit P DEU:9:21 ÎÒ_°Ñ_ÄÇ_½Ð_Äã_ÃÇ_·¸_×ï_Ëù_Öý_µÄ_Å£_¶¿_ÓÃ_»ð_·Ù_ÉÕ_£¬_ÓÖ_µ·_Ëé_Ä¥_µÃ ºÜ_ϸ_£¬_ÒÔ_ÖÁ_ϸ_Èç_»Ò_³¾_£¬_ÎÒ_¾Í_°Ñ_Õâ_»Ò_³¾_Èö_ÔÚ_´Ó_ɽ_ÉÏ_Á÷_Ï À´_µÄ_Ϫ_Ë®_ÖÐ_¡£ # # And I took your sin, the calf which ye had made, and burnt it with # fire, and stamped it, and ground it very small, even until it was as # small as dust: and I cast the dust thereof into the brook that # descended out of the mount. # # unit P DEU:9:22 Äã_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_Ëû_±¸_À­_£¬_Âê_Èö_£¬_»ù_²©_ÂÞ_¹þ_Ëû_Íß_ÓÖ_ÈÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_·¢_Å­ ¡£ # # And at Taberah, and at Massah, and at Kibrothhattaavah, ye provoked # the LORD to wrath. # # unit P DEU:9:23 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_´ò_·¢_Äã_ÃÇ_Àë_¿ª_¼Ó_µÍ_˹_°Í_Äá_ÑÇ_£¬_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_ÉÏ_È¥_µÃ ÎÒ_Ëù_´Í_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_µØ_¡£_ÄÇ_ʱ_Äã_ÃÇ_Î¥_±³_ÁË_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_Éñ_µÄ Ãü_Áî_£¬_²»_ÐÅ_·þ_Ëû_£¬_²»_Ìý_´Ó_Ëû_µÄ_»°_¡£ # # Likewise when the LORD sent you from Kadeshbarnea, saying, Go up and # possess the land which I have given you; then ye rebelled against # the commandment of the LORD your God, and ye believed him not, nor # hearkened to his voice. # # unit P DEU:9:24 ×Ô_´Ó_ÎÒ_ÈÏ_ʶ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÒÔ_À´_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_³£_³£_ã£_Äæ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¡£ # # Ye have been rebellious against the LORD from the day that I knew # you. # # unit P DEU:9:25 ÎÒ_Òò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_˵_Òª_Ãð_¾ø_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_¾Í_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_ÕÕ_¾É_¸©_·ü ËÄ_Ê®_Öç_Ò¹_¡£ # # Thus I fell down before the LORD forty days and forty nights, as I # fell down at the first; because the LORD had said he would destroy # you. # # unit P DEU:9:26 ÎÒ_Æí_µ»_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_˵_£¬_Ö÷_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_°¢_£¬_Çó_Äã_²»_Òª_Ãð_¾ø_Äã_µÄ_°Ù ÐÕ_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÊÇ_Äã_µÄ_²ú_Òµ_£¬_ÊÇ_Äã_ÓÃ_´ó_Á¦_¾È_Êê_µÄ_£¬_ÓÃ_´ó_ÄÜ_´Ó °£_¼°_Áì_³ö_À´_µÄ_¡£ # # I prayed therefore unto the LORD, and said, O Lord GOD, destroy not # thy people and thine inheritance, which thou hast redeemed through # thy greatness, which thou hast brought forth out of Egypt with a # mighty hand. # # unit P DEU:9:27 Çó_Äã_¼Ç_Äî_Äã_µÄ_ÆÍ_ÈË_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_£¬_ÒÔ_Èö_£¬_ÑÅ_¸÷_£¬_²»_Òª_Ïë_Äî Õâ_°Ù_ÐÕ_µÄ_Íç_¹£_£¬_а_¶ñ_£¬_×ï_¹ý_£¬ # # Remember thy servants, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; look not unto the # stubbornness of this people, nor to their wickedness, nor to their # sin: # # unit P DEU:9:28 Ãâ_µÃ_Äã_Áì_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_³ö_À´_µÄ_ÄÇ_µØ_Ö®_ÈË_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Òò_Ϊ_²»_ÄÜ_½« Õâ_°Ù_ÐÕ_Áì_½ø_Ëû_Ëù_Ó¦_Ðí_Ö®_µØ_£¬_ÓÖ_Òò_ºÞ_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_Ëù_ÒÔ_Áì_Ëû_ÃÇ ³ö_È¥_£¬_Òª_ÔÚ_¿õ_Ò°_ɱ_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£ # # Lest the land whence thou broughtest us out say, Because the LORD # was not able to bring them into the land which he promised them, and # because he hated them, he hath brought them out to slay them in the # wilderness. # # unit P DEU:9:29 Æä_ʵ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÊÇ_Äã_µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_£¬_Äã_µÄ_²ú_Òµ_£¬_ÊÇ_Äã_ÓÃ_´ó_ÄÜ_ºÍ_Éì_³ö À´_µÄ_°ò_±Û_Áì_³ö_À´_µÄ_¡£ # # Yet they are thy people and thine inheritance, which thou broughtest # out by thy mighty power and by thy stretched out arm. # ## # chapter 10 DEU:10 # unit P DEU:10:1 ÄÇ_ʱ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_·Ô_¸À_ÎÒ_˵_£¬_Äã_Òª_Ôä_³ö_Á½_¿é_ʯ_°æ_£¬_ºÍ_ÏÈ_Ç° µÄ_Ò»_Ñù_£¬_ÉÏ_ɽ_µ½_ÎÒ_Õâ_Àï_À´_£¬_ÓÖ_Òª_×÷_Ò»_ľ_¹ñ_¡£ # # At that time the LORD said unto me, Hew thee two tables of stone # like unto the first, and come up unto me into the mount, and make # thee an ark of wood. # # unit P DEU:10:2 Äã_ÏÈ_Ç°_ˤ_Ëé_µÄ_ÄÇ_°æ_£¬_Æä_ÉÏ_µÄ_×Ö_ÎÒ_Òª_д_ÔÚ_Õâ_°æ_ÉÏ_¡£_Äã_Òª ½«_Õâ_°æ_·Å_ÔÚ_¹ñ_ÖÐ_¡£ # # And I will write on the tables the words that were in the first # tables which thou brakest, and thou shalt put them in the ark. # # unit P DEU:10:3 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_ÓÃ_Ôí_¼Ô_ľ_×÷_ÁË_Ò»_¹ñ_£¬_ÓÖ_Ôä_³ö_Á½_¿é_ʯ_°æ_£¬_ºÍ_ÏÈ_Ç° µÄ_Ò»_Ñù_£¬_ÊÖ_Àï_ÄÃ_Õâ_Á½_¿é_°æ_ÉÏ_ɽ_È¥_ÁË_¡£ # # And I made an ark of shittim wood, and hewed two tables of stone # like unto the first, and went up into the mount, having the two # tables in mine hand. # # unit P DEU:10:4 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_½«_ÄÇ_´ó_»á_Ö®_ÈÕ_£¬_ÔÚ_ɽ_ÉÏ_´Ó_»ð_ÖÐ_Ëù_´«_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Ê® Ìõ_½ë_£¬_ÕÕ_ÏÈ_Ç°_Ëù_д_µÄ_£¬_д_ÔÚ_Õâ_°æ_ÉÏ_£¬_½«_°æ_½»_¸ø_ÎÒ_ÁË_¡£ # # And he wrote on the tables, according to the first writing, the ten # commandments, which the LORD spake unto you in the mount out of the # midst of the fire in the day of the assembly: and the LORD gave them # unto me. # # unit P DEU:10:5 ÎÒ_ת_Éí_ÏÂ_ɽ_£¬_½«_Õâ_°æ_·Å_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_Ëù_×÷_µÄ_¹ñ_ÖÐ_£¬_ÏÖ_½ñ_»¹_ÔÚ_ÄÇ Àï_£¬_Õý_Èç_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_ÎÒ_µÄ_¡£ # # And I turned myself and came down from the mount, and put the tables # in the ark which I had made; and there they be, as the LORD # commanded me. # # unit P DEU:10:6 £¨_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_´Ó_±È_ÂÞ_±È_Äá_£¬_ÑÇ_¸É_£¨_»ò_×÷_ÑÇ_¸É_¾®_£©_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬ µ½_ÁË_Ħ_Î÷_À­_¡£_ÑÇ_Â×_ËÀ_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_¾Í_Ôá_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_¡£_Ëû_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ Àû_ÑÇ_Èö_½Ó_Ðø_Ëû_¹©_¼À_˾_µÄ_Ö°_·Ö_¡£ # # And the children of Israel took their journey from Beeroth of the # children of Jaakan to Mosera: there Aaron died, and there he was # buried; and Eleazar his son ministered in the priest's office in his # stead. # # unit P DEU:10:7 Ëû_ÃÇ_´Ó_ÄÇ_Àï_Æð_ÐÐ_£¬_µ½_ÁË_¹È_¸è_´ó_£¬_ÓÖ_´Ó_¹È_¸è_´ó_µ½_ÁË_ÓÐ_Ϫ Ë®_Ö®_µØ_µÄ_Ô¼_°Í_Ëû_¡£ # # From thence they journeyed unto Gudgodah; and from Gudgodah to # Jotbath, a land of rivers of waters. # # unit P DEU:10:8 ÄÇ_ʱ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_½«_Àû_δ_Ö§_ÅÉ_·Ö_±ð_³ö_À´_£¬_̧_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_Ô¼_¹ñ £¬_ÓÖ_ÊÌ_Á¢_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_ÊÂ_·î_Ëû_£¬_·î_Ëû_µÄ_Ãû_×£_¸£_£¬_Ö±_µ½ ½ñ_ÈÕ_¡£ # # At that time the LORD separated the tribe of Levi, to bear the ark # of the covenant of the LORD, to stand before the LORD to minister # unto him, and to bless in his name, unto this day. # # unit P DEU:10:9 Ëù_ÒÔ_Àû_δ_ÈË_ÔÚ_Ëû_µÜ_ÐÖ_ÖÐ_ÎÞ_·Ö_ÎÞ_Òµ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÊÇ_Ëû_µÄ_²ú_Òµ £¬_Õý_Èç_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_Ó¦_Ðí_Ëû_µÄ_¡£_£© # # Wherefore Levi hath no part nor inheritance with his brethren; the # LORD is his inheritance, according as the LORD thy God promised him. # # unit P DEU:10:10 ÎÒ_ÓÖ_Ïñ_´Ó_Ç°_ÔÚ_ɽ_ÉÏ_ס_ÁË_ËÄ_Ê®_Öç_Ò¹_¡£_ÄÇ_´Î_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ò²_Ó¦_ÔÊ ÎÒ_£¬_²»_ÈÌ_½«_Äã_Ãð_¾ø_¡£ # # And I stayed in the mount, according to the first time, forty days # and forty nights; and the LORD hearkened unto me at that time also, # and the LORD would not destroy thee. # # unit P DEU:10:11 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_·Ô_¸À_ÎÒ_˵_£¬_Äã_Æð_À´_Òý_µ¼_Õâ_°Ù_ÐÕ_£¬_ʹ_Ëû_ÃÇ_½ø_È¥_µÃ ÎÒ_Ïò_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÁÐ_×æ_Æð_ÊÄ_Ó¦_Ðí_Ëù_´Í_Ö®_µØ_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto me, Arise, take thy journey before the # people, that they may go in and possess the land, which I sware unto # their fathers to give unto them. # # unit P DEU:10:12 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_°¢_£¬_ÏÖ_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ïò_Äã_Ëù_Òª_µÄ_ÊÇ_ʲ_ô_ÄØ_£¿_Ö» Òª_Äã_¾´_η_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_×ñ_ÐÐ_Ëû_µÄ_µÀ_£¬_°®_Ëû_£¬_¾¡_ÐÄ_¾¡ ÐÔ_ÊÂ_·î_Ëû_£¬ # # And now, Israel, what doth the LORD thy God require of thee, but to # fear the LORD thy God, to walk in all his ways, and to love him, and # to serve the LORD thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul, # # unit P DEU:10:13 ×ñ_ÊØ_Ëû_µÄ_½ë_Ãü_ÂÉ_Àý_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_½ñ_ÈÕ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Äã_µÄ_£¬_Ϊ_Òª_½Ð Äã_µÃ_¸£_¡£ # # To keep the commandments of the LORD, and his statutes, which I # command thee this day for thy good? # # unit P DEU:10:14 ¿´_ÄÄ_£¬_Ìì_ºÍ_Ìì_ÉÏ_µÄ_Ìì_£¬_µØ_ºÍ_µØ_ÉÏ_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_£¬_¶¼_Êô_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª Äã_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # Behold, the heaven and the heaven of heavens is the LORD's thy God, # the earth also, with all that therein is. # # unit P DEU:10:15 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µ«_ϲ_ÔÃ_Äã_µÄ_ÁÐ_×æ_£¬_°®_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_´Ó_Íò_Ãñ_ÖÐ_¼ð_Ñ¡_Ëû_ÃÇ µÄ_ºó_Òá_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_Ïñ_½ñ_ÈÕ_Ò»_Ñù_¡£ # # Only the LORD had a delight in thy fathers to love them, and he # chose their seed after them, even you above all people, as it is # this day. # # unit P DEU:10:16 Ëù_ÒÔ_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_½«_ÐÄ_Àï_µÄ_ÎÛ_»à_³ý_µô_£¬_²»_¿É_ÔÙ_Ó²_×Å_¾±_Ïî_¡£ # # Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart, and be no more # stiffnecked. # # unit P DEU:10:17 Òò_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_Ëû_ÊÇ_Íò_Éñ_Ö®_Éñ_£¬_Íò_Ö÷_Ö®_Ö÷_£¬_ÖÁ_´ó µÄ_Éñ_£¬_´ó_ÓÐ_ÄÜ_Á¦_£¬_´ó_¶ø_¿É_η_£¬_²»_ÒÔ_ò_È¡_ÈË_£¬_Ò²_²»_ÊÜ_»ß ¸_¡£ # # For the LORD your God is God of gods, and Lord of lords, a great # God, a mighty, and a terrible, which regardeth not persons, nor # taketh reward: # # unit P DEU:10:18 Ëû_Ϊ_¹Â_¶ù_¹Ñ_¸¾_Éì_Ô©_£¬_ÓÖ_Á¯_°®_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_£¬_´Í_¸ø_Ëû_ÒÂ_ʳ_¡£ # # He doth execute the judgment of the fatherless and widow, and loveth # the stranger, in giving him food and raiment. # # unit P DEU:10:19 Ëù_ÒÔ_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_Á¯_°®_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_µØ_Ò²_×÷_¹ý_¼Ä ¾Ó_µÄ_¡£ # # Love ye therefore the stranger: for ye were strangers in the land of # Egypt. # # unit P DEU:10:20 Äã_Òª_¾´_η_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_ÊÂ_·î_Ëû_£¬_ר_¿¿_Ëû_£¬_Ò²_Òª_Ö¸_×Å Ëû_µÄ_Ãû_Æð_ÊÄ_¡£ # # Thou shalt fear the LORD thy God; him shalt thou serve, and to him # shalt thou cleave, and swear by his name. # # unit P DEU:10:21 Ëû_ÊÇ_Äã_Ëù_ÔÞ_ÃÀ_µÄ_£¬_ÊÇ_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_Ϊ_Äã_×÷_ÁË_ÄÇ_´ó_¶ø_¿É_η_µÄ ÊÂ_£¬_ÊÇ_Äã_Ç×_ÑÛ_Ëù_¿´_¼û_µÄ_¡£ # # He is thy praise, and he is thy God, that hath done for thee these # great and terrible things, which thine eyes have seen. # # unit P DEU:10:22 Äã_µÄ_ÁÐ_×æ_Æß_Ê®_ÈË_ÏÂ_°£_¼°_¡£_ÏÖ_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_ʹ_Äã_Èç_ͬ Ìì_ÉÏ_µÄ_ÐÇ_ÄÇ_Ñù_¶à_¡£ # # Thy fathers went down into Egypt with threescore and ten persons; # and now the LORD thy God hath made thee as the stars of heaven for # multitude. # ## # chapter 11 DEU:11 # unit P DEU:11:1 Äã_Òª_°®_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_³£_ÊØ_Ëû_µÄ_·Ô_¸À_£¬_ÂÉ_Àý_£¬_µä_ÕÂ_£¬ ½ë_Ãü_¡£ # # Therefore thou shalt love the LORD thy God, and keep his charge, and # his statutes, and his judgments, and his commandments, alway. # # unit P DEU:11:2 Äã_ÃÇ_½ñ_ÈÕ_µ±_Öª_µÀ_£¬_ÎÒ_±¾_²»_ÊÇ_ºÍ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_¶ù_Å®_˵_»°_¡£_Òò_Ϊ Ëû_ÃÇ_²»_Öª_µÀ_£¬_Ò²_û_ÓÐ_¿´_¼û_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_Éñ_µÄ_¹Ü_½Ì_£¬_Íþ_ÑÏ £¬_´ó_ÄÜ_µÄ_ÊÖ_£¬_ºÍ_Éì_³ö_À´_µÄ_°ò_±Û_£¬ # # And know ye this day: for I speak not with your children which have # not known, and which have not seen the chastisement of the LORD your # God, his greatness, his mighty hand, and his stretched out arm, # # unit P DEU:11:3 ²¢_Ëû_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_ÖÐ_Ïò_°£_¼°_Íõ_·¨_ÀÏ_ºÍ_Æä_È«_µØ_Ëù_ÐÐ_µÄ_Éñ_¼£_Ææ_Ê ¡£ # # And his miracles, and his acts, which he did in the midst of Egypt # unto Pharaoh the king of Egypt, and unto all his land; # # unit P DEU:11:4 Ò²_û_ÓÐ_¿´_¼û_Ëû_Ôõ_Ñù_´ý_°£_¼°_µÄ_¾ü_±ø_£¬_³µ_Âí_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_×·_¸Ï_Äã ÃÇ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ôõ_Ñù_ʹ_ºì_º£_µÄ_Ë®_ÑÍ_û_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_½«_Ëû_ÃÇ Ãð_¾ø_£¬_Ö±_µ½_½ñ_ÈÕ_£¬ # # And what he did unto the army of Egypt, unto their horses, and to # their chariots; how he made the water of the Red sea to overflow # them as they pursued after you, and how the LORD hath destroyed them # unto this day; # # unit P DEU:11:5 ²¢_Ëû_ÔÚ_¿õ_Ò°_Ôõ_Ñù_´ý_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_ÒÔ_ÖÂ_Äã_ÃÇ_À´_µ½_Õâ_µØ_·½_¡£ # # And what he did unto you in the wilderness, until ye came into this # place; # # unit P DEU:11:6 Ò²_û_ÓÐ_¿´_¼û_Ëû_Ôõ_Ñù_´ý_Á÷_±ã_×Ó_Ëï_ÒÔ_Àû_Ѻ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_´ó_Ì®_£¬_ÑÇ ±È_À¼_£¬_µØ_Ôõ_Ñù_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÖÐ_¼ä_¿ª_¿Ú_£¬_ÍÌ_ÁË_Ëû_ÃÇ_ºÍ_Ëû_ÃÇ µÄ_¼Ò_¾ì_£¬_²¢_ÕÊ_Åï_Óë_¸ú_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_»î_Îï_¡£ # # And what he did unto Dathan and Abiram, the sons of Eliab, the son # of Reuben: how the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed them up, # and their households, and their tents, and all the substance that # was in their possession, in the midst of all Israel: # # unit P DEU:11:7 Ω_ÓÐ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ç×_ÑÛ_¿´_¼û_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_×÷_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_´ó_ÊÂ_¡£ # # But your eyes have seen all the great acts of the LORD which he did. # # unit P DEU:11:8 Ëù_ÒÔ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_ÊØ_ÎÒ_½ñ_ÈÕ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_½ë_Ãü_£¬_ʹ_Äã_ÃÇ_µ¨ ׳_£¬_ÄÜ_ÒÔ_½ø_È¥_£¬_µÃ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ëù_Òª_µÃ_µÄ_ÄÇ_µØ_£¬ # # Therefore shall ye keep all the commandments which I command you # this day, that ye may be strong, and go in and possess the land, # whither ye go to possess it; # # unit P DEU:11:9 ²¢_ʹ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïò_Äã_ÃÇ_ÁÐ_×æ_Æð_ÊÄ_£¬_Ó¦_Ðí_¸ø_Ëû ÃÇ_ºÍ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ºó_Òá_µÄ_µØ_ÉÏ_µÃ_ÒÔ_³¤_¾Ã_¡£_ÄÇ_ÊÇ_Á÷_ÄÌ_Óë_ÃÛ_Ö®_µØ_¡£ # # And that ye may prolong your days in the land, which the LORD sware # unto your fathers to give unto them and to their seed, a land that # floweth with milk and honey. # # unit P DEU:11:10 Äã_Òª_½ø_È¥_µÃ_Ϊ_Òµ_µÄ_ÄÇ_µØ_£¬_±¾_²»_Ïó_Äã_³ö_À´_µÄ_°£_¼°_µØ_¡£_Äã ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_Èö_ÖÖ_£¬_ÓÃ_½Å_½½_¹à_£¬_Ïñ_½½_¹à_²Ë_Ô°_Ò»_Ñù_¡£ # # For the land, whither thou goest in to possess it, is not as the # land of Egypt, from whence ye came out, where thou sowedst thy seed, # and wateredst it with thy foot, as a garden of herbs: # # unit P DEU:11:11 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_¹ý_È¥_µÃ_Ϊ_Òµ_µÄ_ÄÇ_µØ_ÄË_ÊÇ_ÓÐ_ɽ_ÓÐ_¹È_£¬_Óê_Ë®_×Ì_Èó_Ö® µØ_£¬ # # But the land, whither ye go to possess it, is a land of hills and # valleys, and drinketh water of the rain of heaven: # # unit P DEU:11:12 ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_¾ì_¹Ë_µÄ_¡£_´Ó_Ëê_Ê×_µ½_Äê_ÖÕ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ µÄ_ÑÛ_Ä¿_ʱ_³£_¿´_¹Ë_ÄÇ_µØ_¡£ # # A land which the LORD thy God careth for: the eyes of the LORD thy # God are always upon it, from the beginning of the year even unto the # end of the year. # # unit P DEU:11:13 Äã_ÃÇ_Èô_Áô_Òâ_Ìý_´Ó_ÎÒ_½ñ_ÈÕ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_½ë_Ãü_£¬_°®_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ µÄ_Éñ_£¬_¾¡_ÐÄ_¾¡_ÐÔ_ÊÂ_·î_Ëû_£¬ # # And it shall come to pass, if ye shall hearken diligently unto my # commandments which I command you this day, to love the LORD your # God, and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul, # # unit P DEU:11:14 Ëû_£¨_Ô­_ÎÄ_×÷_ÎÒ_£©_±Ø_°´_ʱ_½µ_Çï_Óê_´º_Óê_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_µØ_ÉÏ_£¬_ʹ Äã_ÃÇ_¿É_ÒÔ_ÊÕ_²Ø_Îå_¹È_£¬_ÐÂ_¾Æ_£¬_ºÍ_ÓÍ # # That I will give you the rain of your land in his due season, the # first rain and the latter rain, that thou mayest gather in thy corn, # and thy wine, and thine oil. # # unit P DEU:11:15 Ò²_±Ø_ʹ_Äã_³Ô_µÃ_±¥_×ã_£¬_²¢_ʹ_Ìï_Ò°_Ϊ_Äã_µÄ_Éü_Ðó_³¤_²Ý_¡£ # # And I will send grass in thy fields for thy cattle, that thou mayest # eat and be full. # # unit P DEU:11:16 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_½÷_É÷_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_ÐÄ_ÖÐ_ÊÜ_ÃÔ_»ó_£¬_¾Í_Æ«_Àë_Õý_·_£¬_È¥_ÊÂ_·î ¾´_°Ý_±ð_Éñ_¡£ # # Take heed to yourselves, that your heart be not deceived, and ye # turn aside, and serve other gods, and worship them; # # unit P DEU:11:17 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_Å­_Æø_Ïò_Äã_ÃÇ_·¢_×÷_£¬_¾Í_ʹ_Ìì_±Õ_Èû_²»_ÏÂ_Óê_£¬_µØ_Ò² ²»_³ö_²ú_£¬_ʹ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_´Í_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÃÀ_µØ_ÉÏ_ËÙ_ËÙ_Ãð Íö_¡£ # # And then the LORD's wrath be kindled against you, and he shut up the # heaven, that there be no rain, and that the land yield not her # fruit; and lest ye perish quickly from off the good land which the # LORD giveth you. # # unit P DEU:11:18 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_½«_ÎÒ_Õâ_»°_´æ_ÔÚ_ÐÄ_ÄÚ_£¬_Áô_ÔÚ_Òâ_ÖÐ_£¬_ϵ_ÔÚ_ÊÖ_ÉÏ_Ϊ_¼Ç ºÅ_£¬_´÷_ÔÚ_¶î_ÉÏ_Ϊ_¾­_ÎÄ_¡£ # # Therefore shall ye lay up these my words in your heart and in your # soul, and bind them for a sign upon your hand, that they may be as # frontlets between your eyes. # # unit P DEU:11:19 Ò²_Òª_½Ì_ѵ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_¶ù_Å®_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_×ø_ÔÚ_¼Ò_Àï_£¬_ÐÐ_ÔÚ_·_ÉÏ_£¬_ÌÉ ÏÂ_£¬_Æð_À´_£¬_¶¼_Òª_̸_ÂÛ_¡£ # # And ye shall teach them your children, speaking of them when thou # sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, when thou # liest down, and when thou risest up. # # unit P DEU:11:20 ÓÖ_Òª_д_ÔÚ_·¿_ÎÝ_µÄ_ÃÅ_¿ò_ÉÏ_£¬_²¢_³Ç_ÃÅ_ÉÏ_£¬ # # And thou shalt write them upon the door posts of thine house, and # upon thy gates: # # unit P DEU:11:21 ʹ_Äã_ÃÇ_ºÍ_Äã_ÃÇ_×Ó_Ëï_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïò_Äã_ÃÇ_ÁÐ_×æ_Æð_ÊÄ_£¬ Ó¦_Ðí_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_µØ_ÉÏ_µÃ_ÒÔ_Ôö_¶à_£¬_Èç_Ìì_¸²_µØ_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_ÄÇ_Ñù_¶à ¡£ # # That your days may be multiplied, and the days of your children, in # the land which the LORD sware unto your fathers to give them, as the # days of heaven upon the earth. # # unit P DEU:11:22 Äã_ÃÇ_Èô_Áô_Òâ_½÷_ÊØ_×ñ_ÐÐ_ÎÒ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Õâ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_½ë_Ãü_£¬_°®_Ò®_ºÍ »ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_ÐÐ_Ëû_µÄ_µÀ_£¬_ר_¿¿_Ëû_£¬ # # For if ye shall diligently keep all these commandments which I # command you, to do them, to love the LORD your God, to walk in all # his ways, and to cleave unto him; # # unit P DEU:11:23 Ëû_±Ø_´Ó_Äã_ÃÇ_Ãæ_Ç°_¸Ï_³ö_Õâ_Ò»_ÇÐ_¹ú_Ãñ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_±È_Äã_ÃÇ_¸ü_´ó_¸ü Ç¿_µÄ_¹ú_Ãñ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Ò²_Òª_µÃ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_µØ_¡£ # # Then will the LORD drive out all these nations from before you, and # ye shall possess greater nations and mightier than yourselves. # # unit P DEU:11:24 ·²_Äã_ÃÇ_½Å_ÕÆ_Ëù_̤_Ö®_µØ_¶¼_±Ø_¹é_Äã_ÃÇ_¡£_´Ó_¿õ_Ò°_ºÍ_Àû_°Í_ÄÛ_£¬ ²¢_²®_À­_´ó_ºÓ_£¬_Ö±_µ½_Î÷_º£_£¬_¶¼_Òª_×÷_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_¾³_½ç_¡£ # # Every place whereon the soles of your feet shall tread shall be # yours: from the wilderness and Lebanon, from the river, the river # Euphrates, even unto the uttermost sea shall your coast be. # # unit P DEU:11:25 ±Ø_ÎÞ_Ò»_ÈË_ÄÜ_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ãæ_Ç°_Õ¾_Á¢_µÃ_ס_¡£_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_±Ø ÕÕ_Ëû_Ëù_˵_µÄ_£¬_ʹ_¾å_ÅÂ_¾ª_¿Ö_ÁÙ_µ½_Äã_ÃÇ_Ëù_̤_Ö®_µØ_µÄ_¾Ó_Ãñ_¡£ # # There shall no man be able to stand before you: for the LORD your # God shall lay the fear of you and the dread of you upon all the land # that ye shall tread upon, as he hath said unto you. # # unit P DEU:11:26 ¿´_ÄÄ_£¬_ÎÒ_½ñ_ÈÕ_½«_×£_¸£_Óë_Öä_×ç_µÄ_»°_¶¼_³Â_Ã÷_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ãæ_Ç°_¡£ # # Behold, I set before you this day a blessing and a curse; # # unit P DEU:11:27 Äã_ÃÇ_Èô_Ìý_´Ó_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_Éñ_µÄ_½ë_Ãü_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_½ñ_ÈÕ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_£¬_¾Í_±Ø_ÃÉ_¸£_¡£ # # A blessing, if ye obey the commandments of the LORD your God, which # I command you this day: # # unit P DEU:11:28 Äã_ÃÇ_Èô_²»_Ìý_´Ó_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_Éñ_µÄ_½ë_Ãü_£¬_Æ«_Àë_ÎÒ_½ñ_ÈÕ_Ëù_·Ô ¸À_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_µÀ_£¬_È¥_ÊÂ_·î_Äã_ÃÇ_ËØ_À´_Ëù_²»_ÈÏ_ʶ_µÄ_±ð_Éñ_£¬_¾Í_±Ø ÊÜ_»ö_¡£ # # And a curse, if ye will not obey the commandments of the LORD your # God, but turn aside out of the way which I command you this day, to # go after other gods, which ye have not known. # # unit P DEU:11:29 ¼°_ÖÁ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_Áì_Äã_½ø_Èë_Òª_È¥_µÃ_Ϊ_Òµ_µÄ_ÄÇ_µØ_£¬_Äã_¾Í Òª_½«_×£_¸£_µÄ_»°_³Â_Ã÷_ÔÚ_»ù_Àû_ÐÄ_ɽ_ÉÏ_£¬_½«_Öä_×ç_µÄ_»°_³Â_Ã÷_ÔÚ ÒÔ_°Í_·_ɽ_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And it shall come to pass, when the LORD thy God hath brought thee # in unto the land whither thou goest to possess it, that thou shalt # put the blessing upon mount Gerizim, and the curse upon mount Ebal. # # unit P DEU:11:30 Õâ_¶þ_ɽ_Æñ_²»_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_Ô¼_µ©_ºÓ_ÄÇ_±ß_£¬_ÈÕ_Âä_Ö®_´¦_£¬_ÔÚ_ס_ÑÇ_À­_°Í µÄ_åÈ_ÄÏ_ÈË_Ö®_µØ_Óë_¼ª_¼×_Ïà_¶Ô_£¬_¿¿_½ü_Ħ_Àû_Ïð_Ê÷_Âð_£¿ # # Are they not on the other side Jordan, by the way where the sun # goeth down, in the land of the Canaanites, which dwell in the # champaign over against Gilgal, beside the plains of Moreh? # # unit P DEU:11:31 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_¹ý_Ô¼_µ©_ºÓ_£¬_½ø_È¥_µÃ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_Éñ_Ëù_´Í_Äã_ÃÇ_Ϊ_Òµ Ö®_µØ_£¬_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_µØ_¾Ó_ס_¡£ # # For ye shall pass over Jordan to go in to possess the land which the # LORD your God giveth you, and ye shall possess it, and dwell # therein. # # unit P DEU:11:32 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_½÷_ÊØ_×ñ_ÐÐ_ÎÒ_½ñ_ÈÕ_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ãæ_Ç°_Ëù_³Â_Ã÷_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_ÂÉ_Àý µä_ÕÂ_¡£ # # And ye shall observe to do all the statutes and judgments which I # set before you this day. # ## # chapter 12 DEU:12 # unit P DEU:12:1 Äã_ÃÇ_´æ_»î_ÓÚ_ÊÀ_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_£¬_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_ÁÐ_×æ_µÄ_Éñ_Ëù_´Í_Äã ÃÇ_Ϊ_Òµ_µÄ_µØ_ÉÏ_£¬_Òª_½÷_ÊØ_×ñ_ÐÐ_µÄ_ÂÉ_Àý_µä_ÕÂ_ÄË_ÊÇ_Õâ_Щ_£¬ # # These are the statutes and judgments, which ye shall observe to do # in the land, which the LORD God of thy fathers giveth thee to # possess it, all the days that ye live upon the earth. # # unit P DEU:12:2 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_½«_Ëù_¸Ï_³ö_µÄ_¹ú_Ãñ_ÊÂ_·î_Éñ_µÄ_¸÷_µØ_·½_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_¸ß ɽ_£¬_ÔÚ_С_ɽ_£¬_ÔÚ_¸÷_Çà_´ä_Ê÷_ÏÂ_£¬_¶¼_»Ù_»µ_ÁË_¡£ # # Ye shall utterly destroy all the places, wherein the nations which # ye shall possess served their gods, upon the high mountains, and # upon the hills, and under every green tree: # # unit P DEU:12:3 Ò²_Òª_²ð_»Ù_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_¼À_̳_£¬_´ò_Ëé_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Öù_Ïñ_£¬_ÓÃ_»ð_·Ù_ÉÕ_Ëû ÃÇ_µÄ_ľ_ż_£¬_¿³_ÏÂ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µñ_¿Ì_µÄ_Éñ_Ïñ_£¬_²¢_½«_Æä_Ãû_´Ó_ÄÇ_µØ_·½ ³ý_Ãð_¡£ # # And ye shall overthrow their altars, and break their pillars, and # burn their groves with fire; and ye shall hew down the graven images # of their gods, and destroy the names of them out of that place. # # unit P DEU:12:4 Äã_ÃÇ_²»_¿É_ÕÕ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÄÇ_Ñù_ÊÂ_·î_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # Ye shall not do so unto the LORD your God. # # unit P DEU:12:5 µ«_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_´Ó_Äã_ÃÇ_¸÷_Ö§_ÅÉ_ÖÐ_Ñ¡_Ôñ_ºÎ_´¦_Ϊ_Á¢_Ëû_Ãû µÄ_¾Ó_Ëù_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¾Í_µ±_Íù_ÄÇ_Àï_È¥_Çó_ÎÊ_£¬ # # But unto the place which the LORD your God shall choose out of all # your tribes to put his name there, even unto his habitation shall ye # seek, and thither thou shalt come: # # unit P DEU:12:6 ½«_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_ìÜ_¼À_£¬_ƽ_°²_¼À_£¬_Ê®_·Ö_È¡_Ò»_Ö®_Îï_£¬_ºÍ_ÊÖ_ÖÐ_µÄ_¾Ù ¼À_£¬_²¢_»¹_Ô¸_¼À_£¬_¸Ê_ÐÄ_¼À_£¬_ÒÔ_¼°_Å£_Ⱥ_Ñò_Ⱥ_ÖÐ_Í·_Éú_µÄ_£¬_¶¼ ·î_µ½_ÄÇ_Àï_¡£ # # And thither ye shall bring your burnt offerings, and your # sacrifices, and your tithes, and heave offerings of your hand, and # your vows, and your freewill offerings, and the firstlings of your # herds and of your flocks: # # unit P DEU:12:7 ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_Éñ_µÄ_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_ºÍ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_¼Ò_Êô_¶¼ ¿É_ÒÔ_³Ô_£¬_²¢_ÇÒ_Òò_Äã_ÊÖ_Ëù_°ì_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_ÊÂ_ÃÉ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_´Í ¸£_£¬_¾Í_¶¼_»¶_ÀÖ_¡£ # # And there ye shall eat before the LORD your God, and ye shall # rejoice in all that ye put your hand unto, ye and your households, # wherein the LORD thy God hath blessed thee. # # unit P DEU:12:8 ÎÒ_ÃÇ_½ñ_ÈÕ_ÔÚ_Õâ_Àï_Ëù_ÐÐ_µÄ_ÊÇ_¸÷_ÈË_ÐÐ_×Ô_¼º_ÑÛ_ÖÐ_¿´_Ϊ_Õý_µÄ_Ê £¬_Äã_ÃÇ_½«_À´_²»_¿É_Õâ_Ñù_ÐÐ_¡£ # # Ye shall not do after all the things that we do here this day, every # man whatsoever is right in his own eyes. # # unit P DEU:12:9 Òò_Ϊ_Äã_ÃÇ_»¹_û_ÓÐ_µ½_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_´Í_Äã_µÄ_°²_Ï¢_µØ_£¬_Ëù_¸ø Äã_µÄ_²ú_Òµ_¡£ # # For ye are not as yet come to the rest and to the inheritance, which # the LORD your God giveth you. # # unit P DEU:12:10 µ«_Äã_ÃÇ_¹ý_ÁË_Ô¼_µ©_ºÓ_£¬_µÃ_ÒÔ_ס_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_Éñ_ʹ_Äã_ÃÇ_³Ð ÊÜ_Ϊ_Òµ_Ö®_µØ_£¬_ÓÖ_ʹ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ì«_ƽ_£¬_²»_±»_ËÄ_Χ_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_³ð_µÐ_ÈÅ ÂÒ_£¬_°²_È»_¾Ó_ס_¡£ # # But when ye go over Jordan, and dwell in the land which the LORD # your God giveth you to inherit, and when he giveth you rest from all # your enemies round about, so that ye dwell in safety; # # unit P DEU:12:11 ÄÇ_ʱ_Òª_½«_ÎÒ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_ìÜ_¼À_£¬_ƽ_°²_¼À_£¬_Ê®_·Ö_È¡_Ò»_Ö® Îï_£¬_ºÍ_ÊÖ_ÖÐ_µÄ_¾Ù_¼À_£¬_²¢_Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ðí_Ô¸_Ï×_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_ÃÀ_¼À_£¬ ¶¼_·î_µ½_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_Éñ_Ëù_Ñ¡_Ôñ_Òª_Á¢_Ϊ_Ëû_Ãû_µÄ_¾Ó_Ëù_¡£ # # Then there shall be a place which the LORD your God shall choose to # cause his name to dwell there; thither shall ye bring all that I # command you; your burnt offerings, and your sacrifices, your tithes, # and the heave offering of your hand, and all your choice vows which # ye vow unto the LORD: # # unit P DEU:12:12 Äã_ÃÇ_ºÍ_¶ù_Å®_£¬_ÆÍ_æ¾_£¬_²¢_ס_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_³Ç_Àï_ÎÞ_·Ö_ÎÞ_Òµ_µÄ_Àû_δ ÈË_£¬_¶¼_Òª_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_Ãæ_Ç°_»¶_ÀÖ_¡£ # # And ye shall rejoice before the LORD your God, ye, and your sons, # and your daughters, and your menservants, and your maidservants, and # the Levite that is within your gates; forasmuch as he hath no part # nor inheritance with you. # # unit P DEU:12:13 Äã_Òª_½÷_É÷_£¬_²»_¿É_ÔÚ_Äã_Ëù_¿´_ÖÐ_µÄ_¸÷_´¦_Ï×_ìÜ_¼À_¡£ # # Take heed to thyself that thou offer not thy burnt offerings in # every place that thou seest: # # unit P DEU:12:14 Ω_¶À_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_´Ó_Äã_ÄÇ_Ò»_Ö§_ÅÉ_ÖÐ_Ëù_Ñ¡_Ôñ_µÄ_µØ_·½_£¬_Äã_¾Í_Òª_ÔÚ ÄÇ_Àï_Ï×_ìÜ_¼À_£¬_ÐÐ_ÎÒ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Äã_µÄ_¡£ # # But in the place which the LORD shall choose in one of thy tribes, # there thou shalt offer thy burnt offerings, and there thou shalt do # all that I command thee. # # unit P DEU:12:15 È»_¶ø_£¬_ÔÚ_Äã_¸÷_³Ç_Àï_¶¼_¿É_ÒÔ_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_´Í_Äã_µÄ_¸£_·Ö £¬_Ëæ_ÐÄ_Ëù_Óû_Ô×_Éü_³Ô_Èâ_¡£_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_½à_¾»_ÈË_²»_½à_¾»_ÈË_¶¼_¿É_ÒÔ_³Ô £¬_¾Í_Èç_³Ô_Áç_Ñò_Óë_¹_Ò»_°ã_¡£ # # Notwithstanding thou mayest kill and eat flesh in all thy gates, # whatsoever thy soul lusteth after, according to the blessing of the # LORD thy God which he hath given thee: the unclean and the clean may # eat thereof, as of the roebuck, and as of the hart. # # unit P DEU:12:16 Ö»_ÊÇ_²»_¿É_³Ô_Ѫ_£¬_Òª_µ¹_ÔÚ_µØ_ÉÏ_£¬_Èç_ͬ_µ¹_Ë®_Ò»_Ñù_¡£ # # Only ye shall not eat the blood; ye shall pour it upon the earth as # water. # # unit P DEU:12:17 Äã_µÄ_Îå_¹È_£¬_ÐÂ_¾Æ_£¬_ºÍ_ÓÍ_µÄ_Ê®_·Ö_Ö®_Ò»_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_Å£_Ⱥ_Ñò_Ⱥ_ÖÐ Í·_Éú_µÄ_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_Äã_Ðí_Ô¸_Ï×_µÄ_£¬_¸Ê_ÐÄ_Ï×_µÄ_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_ÊÖ_ÖÐ_µÄ_¾Ù ¼À_£¬_¶¼_²»_¿É_ÔÚ_Äã_³Ç_Àï_³Ô_¡£ # # Thou mayest not eat within thy gates the tithe of thy corn, or of # thy wine, or of thy oil, or the firstlings of thy herds or of thy # flock, nor any of thy vows which thou vowest, nor thy freewill # offerings, or heave offering of thine hand: # # unit P DEU:12:18 µ«_Òª_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_Ãæ_Ç°_³Ô_£¬_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_Ò«_Ñ¡_Ôñ µÄ_µØ_·½_£¬_Äã_ºÍ_¶ù_Å®_£¬_ÆÍ_æ¾_£¬_²¢_ס_ÔÚ_Äã_³Ç_Àï_µÄ_Àû_δ_ÈË_£¬ ¶¼_¿É_ÒÔ_³Ô_¡£_Ò²_Òª_Òò_Äã_ÊÖ_Ëù_°ì_µÄ_£¬_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ãæ_Ç°_»¶ ÀÖ_¡£ # # But thou must eat them before the LORD thy God in the place which # the LORD thy God shall choose, thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, # and thy manservant, and thy maidservant, and the Levite that is # within thy gates: and thou shalt rejoice before the LORD thy God in # all that thou puttest thine hands unto. # # unit P DEU:12:19 Äã_Òª_½÷_É÷_£¬_ÔÚ_Äã_Ëù_ס_µÄ_µØ_·½_ÓÀ_²»_¿É_¶ª_Æú_Àû_δ_ÈË_¡£ # # Take heed to thyself that thou forsake not the Levite as long as # thou livest upon the earth. # # unit P DEU:12:20 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_ÕÕ_Ëû_Ëù_Ó¦_Ðí_À©_ÕÅ_Äã_¾³_½ç_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Äã_ÐÄ_Àï Ïë_Òª_³Ô_Èâ_£¬_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_³Ô_Èâ_£¬_¾Í_¿É_ÒÔ_Ëæ_ÐÄ_Ëù_Óû_µØ_³Ô_Èâ_¡£ # # When the LORD thy God shall enlarge thy border, as he hath promised # thee, and thou shalt say, I will eat flesh, because thy soul longeth # to eat flesh; thou mayest eat flesh, whatsoever thy soul lusteth # after. # # unit P DEU:12:21 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_Ñ¡_Ôñ_Òª_Á¢_Ëû_Ãû_µÄ_µØ_·½_Èô_Àë_Äã_Ì«_Ô¶_£¬_¾Í_¿É ÒÔ_ÕÕ_ÎÒ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_£¬_½«_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_´Í_¸ø_Äã_µÄ_Å£_Ñò_È¡_Щ_Ô×_ÁË_£¬ ¿É_ÒÔ_Ëæ_ÐÄ_Ëù_Óû_ÔÚ_Äã_³Ç_Àï_³Ô_¡£ # # If the place which the LORD thy God hath chosen to put his name # there be too far from thee, then thou shalt kill of thy herd and of # thy flock, which the LORD hath given thee, as I have commanded thee, # and thou shalt eat in thy gates whatsoever thy soul lusteth after. # # unit P DEU:12:22 Äã_³Ô_ÄÇ_Èâ_£¬_Òª_Ïñ_³Ô_Áç_Ñò_Óë_¹_Ò»_°ã_¡£_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_½à_¾»_ÈË_²»_½à_¾» ÈË_¶¼_¿É_ÒÔ_³Ô_¡£ # # Even as the roebuck and the hart is eaten, so thou shalt eat them: # the unclean and the clean shall eat of them alike. # # unit P DEU:12:23 Ö»_ÊÇ_Äã_Òª_ÐÄ_Òâ_¼á_¶¨_£¬_²»_¿É_³Ô_Ѫ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ѫ_ÊÇ_Éú_Ãü_¡£_²»_¿É ½«_Ѫ_£¨_Ô­_ÎÄ_×÷_Éú_Ãü_£©_Óë_Èâ_ͬ_³Ô_¡£ # # Only be sure that thou eat not the blood: for the blood is the life; # and thou mayest not eat the life with the flesh. # # unit P DEU:12:24 ²»_¿É_³Ô_Ѫ_£¬_Òª_µ¹_ÔÚ_µØ_ÉÏ_£¬_Èç_ͬ_µ¹_Ë®_Ò»_Ñù_¡£ # # Thou shalt not eat it; thou shalt pour it upon the earth as water. # # unit P DEU:12:25 ²»_¿É_³Ô_Ѫ_¡£_Õâ_Ñù_£¬_Äã_ÐÐ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÑÛ_ÖÐ_¿´_Ϊ_Õý_µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬_Äã_ºÍ Äã_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_¾Í_¿É_ÒÔ_µÃ_¸£_¡£ # # Thou shalt not eat it; that it may go well with thee, and with thy # children after thee, when thou shalt do that which is right in the # sight of the LORD. # # unit P DEU:12:26 Ö»_ÊÇ_Äã_·Ö_±ð_Ϊ_Ê¥_µÄ_Îï_ºÍ_Äã_µÄ_»¹_Ô¸_¼À_Òª_·î_µ½_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_Ñ¡ Ôñ_µÄ_µØ_·½_È¥_¡£ # # Only thy holy things which thou hast, and thy vows, thou shalt take, # and go unto the place which the LORD shall choose: # # unit P DEU:12:27 Äã_µÄ_ìÜ_¼À_£¬_Á¬_Èâ_´ø_Ѫ_£¬_¶¼_Òª_Ï×_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_µÄ_̳_ÉÏ_¡£ ƽ_°²_¼À_µÄ_Ѫ_Òª_µ¹_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_µÄ_̳_ÉÏ_¡£_ƽ_°²_¼À_µÄ_Èâ_£¬ Äã_×Ô_¼º_¿É_ÒÔ_³Ô_¡£ # # And thou shalt offer thy burnt offerings, the flesh and the blood, # upon the altar of the LORD thy God: and the blood of thy sacrifices # shall be poured out upon the altar of the LORD thy God, and thou # shalt eat the flesh. # # unit P DEU:12:28 Äã_Òª_½÷_ÊØ_Ìý_´Ó_ÎÒ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_»°_£¬_ÐÐ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_ÑÛ_ÖÐ ¿´_Ϊ_ÉÆ_£¬_¿´_Ϊ_Õý_µÄ_ÊÂ_¡£_Õâ_Ñù_£¬_Äã_ºÍ_Äã_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_¾Í_¿É_ÒÔ_ÓÀ Ô¶_Ïí_¸£_¡£ # # Observe and hear all these words which I command thee, that it may # go well with thee, and with thy children after thee for ever, when # thou doest that which is good and right in the sight of the LORD thy # God. # # unit P DEU:12:29 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_½«_Äã_Òª_È¥_¸Ï_³ö_µÄ_¹ú_Ãñ_´Ó_Äã_Ãæ_Ç°_¼ô_³ý_£¬_Äã_µÃ ÁË_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_µØ_¾Ó_ס_£¬ # # When the LORD thy God shall cut off the nations from before thee, # whither thou goest to possess them, and thou succeedest them, and # dwellest in their land; # # unit P DEU:12:30 ÄÇ_ʱ_¾Í_Òª_½÷_É÷_£¬_²»_¿É_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_³ý_Ãð_Ö®_ºó_Ëæ_´Ó_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_¶ñ_Ë× £¬_ÏÝ_Èë_Íø_ÂÞ_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_·Ã_ÎÊ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_˵_£¬_Õâ_Щ_¹ú_Ãñ_Ôõ_Ñù ÊÂ_·î_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_ÎÒ_Ò²_Òª_ÕÕ_Ñù_ÐÐ_¡£ # # Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, # after that they be destroyed from before thee; and that thou enquire # not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their # gods? even so will I do likewise. # # unit P DEU:12:31 Äã_²»_¿É_Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_Õâ_Ñù_ÐÐ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ïò_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ ÐÐ_ÁË_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_Ô÷_ÏÓ_Ëù_ºÞ_¶ñ_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_ÊÂ_£¬_Éõ_ÖÁ_½«_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_¶ù Å®_ÓÃ_»ð_·Ù_ÉÕ_£¬_Ï×_Óë_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # Thou shalt not do so unto the LORD thy God: for every abomination to # the LORD, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods; for even # their sons and their daughters they have burnt in the fire to their # gods. # # unit P DEU:12:32 ·²_ÎÒ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¶¼_Òª_½÷_ÊØ_×ñ_ÐÐ_£¬_²»_¿É_¼Ó_Ìí_£¬_Ò²_²» ¿É_ɾ_¼õ_¡£ # # What thing soever I command you, observe to do it: thou shalt not # add thereto, nor diminish from it. # ## # chapter 13 DEU:13 # unit P DEU:13:1 Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_Èô_ÓÐ_ÏÈ_Öª_»ò_ÊÇ_×÷_ÃÎ_µÄ_Æð_À´_£¬_Ïò_Äã_ÏÔ_¸ö_Éñ_¼£_Ææ ÊÂ_£¬ # # If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and # giveth thee a sign or a wonder, # # unit P DEU:13:2 ¶Ô_Äã_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_È¥_Ëæ_´Ó_Äã_ËØ_À´_Ëù_²»_ÈÏ_ʶ_µÄ_±ð_Éñ_£¬_ÊÂ_·î_Ëü °É_¡£_Ëû_Ëù_ÏÔ_µÄ_Éñ_¼£_Ææ_ÊÂ_Ëä_ÓÐ_Ó¦_Ñé_£¬ # # And the sign or the wonder come to pass, whereof he spake unto thee, # saying, Let us go after other gods, which thou hast not known, and # let us serve them; # # unit P DEU:13:3 Äã_Ò²_²»_¿É_Ìý_ÄÇ_ÏÈ_Öª_»ò_ÊÇ_ÄÇ_×÷_ÃÎ_Ö®_ÈË_µÄ_»°_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_Õâ_ÊÇ_Ò® ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_ÊÔ_Ñé_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_Òª_Öª_µÀ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÊÇ_¾¡_ÐÄ_¾¡_ÐÔ_°®_Ò® ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_²»_ÊÇ_¡£ # # Thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet, or that # dreamer of dreams: for the LORD your God proveth you, to know # whether ye love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all # your soul. # # unit P DEU:13:4 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_˳_´Ó_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_¾´_η_Ëû_£¬_½÷_ÊØ_Ëû_µÄ_½ë_Ãü £¬_Ìý_´Ó_Ëû_µÄ_»°_£¬_ÊÂ_·î_Ëû_£¬_ר_¿¿_Ëû_¡£ # # Ye shall walk after the LORD your God, and fear him, and keep his # commandments, and obey his voice, and ye shall serve him, and cleave # unto him. # # unit P DEU:13:5 ÄÇ_ÏÈ_Öª_»ò_ÊÇ_ÄÇ_×÷_ÃÎ_µÄ_¼È_ÓÃ_ÑÔ_Óï_ÅÑ_Äæ_ÄÇ_Áì_Äã_ÃÇ_³ö_°£_¼°_µØ £¬_¾È_Êê_Äã_ÍÑ_Àë_Ϊ_Å«_Ö®_¼Ò_µÄ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_Òª_¹´_Òý_Äã Àë_¿ª_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Äã_ÐÐ_µÄ_µÀ_£¬_Äã_±ã_Òª_½«_Ëû_ÖÎ_ËÀ_¡£ Õâ_Ñù_£¬_¾Í_°Ñ_ÄÇ_¶ñ_´Ó_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_³ý_µô_¡£ # # And that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams, shall be put to death; # because he hath spoken to turn you away from the LORD your God, # which brought you out of the land of Egypt, and redeemed you out of # the house of bondage, to thrust thee out of the way which the LORD # thy God commanded thee to walk in. So shalt thou put the evil away # from the midst of thee. # # unit P DEU:13:6 Äã_µÄ_ͬ_°û_µÜ_ÐÖ_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_Äã_µÄ_¶ù_Å®_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_Äã_»³_ÖÐ_µÄ_ÆÞ_£¬_»ò ÊÇ_Èç_ͬ_Äã_ÐÔ_Ãü_µÄ_Åó_ÓÑ_£¬_Èô_°µ_ÖÐ_Òý_ÓÕ_Äã_£¬_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_²»_Èç È¥_ÊÂ_·î_Äã_ºÍ_Äã_ÁÐ_×æ_ËØ_À´_Ëù_²»_ÈÏ_ʶ_µÄ_±ð_Éñ # # If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, # or the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, which is as thine own soul, # entice thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which # thou hast not known, thou, nor thy fathers; # # unit P DEU:13:7 ÊÇ_Äã_ËÄ_Χ_ÁÐ_¹ú_µÄ_Éñ_¡£_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_Àë_Äã_½ü_£¬_Àë_Äã_Ô¶_£¬_´Ó_µØ_Õâ ±ß_µ½_µØ_ÄÇ_±ß_µÄ_Éñ_£¬ # # Namely, of the gods of the people which are round about you, nigh # unto thee, or far off from thee, from the one end of the earth even # unto the other end of the earth; # # unit P DEU:13:8 Äã_²»_¿É_ÒÀ_´Ó_Ëû_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_Ìý_´Ó_Ëû_£¬_ÑÛ_²»_¿É_¹Ë_ϧ_Ëû_¡£_Äã_²» ¿É_Á¯_Ðô_Ëû_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_ÕÚ_±Ó_Ëû_£¬ # # Thou shalt not consent unto him, nor hearken unto him; neither shall # thine eye pity him, neither shalt thou spare, neither shalt thou # conceal him: # # unit P DEU:13:9 ×Ü_Òª_ɱ_Ëû_¡£_Äã_ÏÈ_ÏÂ_ÊÖ_£¬_È»_ºó_ÖÚ_Ãñ_Ò²_ÏÂ_ÊÖ_£¬_½«_Ëû_ÖÎ_ËÀ_¡£ # # But thou shalt surely kill him; thine hand shall be first upon him # to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people. # # unit P DEU:13:10 Òª_ÓÃ_ʯ_Í·_´ò_ËÀ_Ëû_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_Ïë_Òª_¹´_Òý_Äã_Àë_¿ª_ÄÇ_Áì_Äã_³ö_°£ ¼°_µØ_Ϊ_Å«_Ö®_¼Ò_µÄ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # And thou shalt stone him with stones, that he die; because he hath # sought to thrust thee away from the LORD thy God, which brought thee # out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. # # unit P DEU:13:11 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÚ_ÈË_¶¼_Òª_Ìý_¼û_º¦_ÅÂ_£¬_¾Í_²»_¸Ò_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_ÔÙ_ÐÐ_Õâ Ñù_µÄ_¶ñ_ÁË_¡£ # # And all Israel shall hear, and fear, and shall do no more any such # wickedness as this is among you. # # unit P DEU:13:12 ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_´Í_Äã_¾Ó_ס_µÄ_¸÷_³Ç_ÖÐ_£¬_Äã_Èô_Ìý_ÈË_˵_£¬_ÓРЩ_·Ë_Àà_´Ó_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_µÄ_Ò»_×ù_³Ç_³ö_À´_¹´_Òý_±¾_³Ç_µÄ_¾Ó_Ãñ_£¬_˵ £¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_²»_Èç_È¥_ÊÂ_·î_Äã_ÃÇ_ËØ_À´_Ëù_²»_ÈÏ_ʶ_µÄ_±ð_Éñ_¡£ # # If thou shalt hear say in one of thy cities, which the LORD thy God # hath given thee to dwell there, saying, Certain men, the children of # Belial, are gone out from among you, and have withdrawn the # inhabitants of their city, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, # which ye have not known; # # unit P DEU:13:14 Äã_¾Í_Òª_̽_Ìý_£¬_²é_¾¿_£¬_ϸ_ϸ_µØ_·Ã_ÎÊ_£¬_¹û_È»_ÊÇ_Õæ_£¬_×¼_ÓÐ_Õâ ¿É_Ô÷_¶ñ_µÄ_ÊÂ_ÐÐ_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_£¬ # # Then shalt thou enquire, and make search, and ask diligently; and, # behold, if it be truth, and the thing certain, that such abomination # is wrought among you; # # unit P DEU:13:15 Äã_±Ø_Òª_ÓÃ_µ¶_ɱ_ÄÇ_³Ç_Àï_µÄ_¾Ó_Ãñ_£¬_°Ñ_³Ç_Àï_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_£¬_Á¬_Éü_Ðó £¬_¶¼_ÓÃ_µ¶_ɱ_¾¡_¡£ # # Thou shalt surely smite the inhabitants of that city with the edge # of the sword, destroying it utterly, and all that is therein, and # the cattle thereof, with the edge of the sword. # # unit P DEU:13:16 Äã_´Ó_ÄÇ_³Ç_Àï_Ëù_¶á_µÄ_²Æ_Îï_¶¼_Òª_¶Ñ_»ý_ÔÚ_½Ö_ÊÐ_ÉÏ_£¬_ÓÃ_»ð_½«_³Ç ºÍ_Æä_ÄÚ_Ëù_¶á_µÄ_²Æ_Îï_¶¼_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ãæ_Ç°_ÉÕ_¾¡_¡£_ÄÇ_³Ç_¾Í ÓÀ_Ϊ_»Ä_¶Ñ_£¬_²»_¿É_ÔÙ_½¨_Ôì_¡£ # # And thou shalt gather all the spoil of it into the midst of the # street thereof, and shalt burn with fire the city, and all the spoil # thereof every whit, for the LORD thy God: and it shall be an heap # for ever; it shall not be built again. # # unit P DEU:13:17 ÄÇ_µ±_»Ù_Ãð_µÄ_Îï_Á¬_Ò»_µã_¶¼_²»_¿É_Õ³_Äã_µÄ_ÊÖ_¡£_Äã_Òª_Ìý_´Ó_Ò®_ºÍ »ª_Äã_Éñ_µÄ_»°_£¬_×ñ_ÊØ_ÎÒ_½ñ_ÈÕ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Äã_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_½ë_Ãü_£¬_ÐÐ_Ò® ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_ÑÛ_ÖÐ_¿´_Ϊ_Õý_µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¾Í_±Ø_ת_Òâ_£¬_²»_·¢_ÁÒ Å­_£¬_¶÷_´ý_Äã_£¬_Á¯_Ðô_Äã_£¬_ÕÕ_Ëû_Ïò_Äã_ÁÐ_×æ_Ëù_Æð_µÄ_ÊÄ_ʹ_Äã_ÈË Êý_Ôö_¶à_¡£ # # And there shall cleave nought of the cursed thing to thine hand: # that the LORD may turn from the fierceness of his anger, and shew # thee mercy, and have compassion upon thee, and multiply thee, as he # hath sworn unto thy fathers; when thou shalt hearken to the voice of # the LORD thy God, to keep all his commandments which I command thee # this day, to do that which is right in the eyes of the LORD thy God. # ## # chapter 14 DEU:14 # unit P DEU:14:1 Äã_ÃÇ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_Éñ_µÄ_¶ù_Å®_¡£_²»_¿É_Ϊ_ËÀ_ÈË_ÓÃ_µ¶_»®_Éí_£¬ Ò²_²»_¿É_½«_¶î_ÉÏ_Ìê_¹â_¡£ # # Ye are the children of the LORD your God: ye shall not cut # yourselves, nor make any baldness between your eyes for the dead. # # unit P DEU:14:2 Òò_Ϊ_Äã_¹é_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ϊ_Ê¥_½à_µÄ_Ãñ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_´Ó_µØ_ÉÏ_µÄ_Íò Ãñ_ÖÐ_¼ð_Ñ¡_Äã_ÌØ_×÷_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_×Ó_Ãñ_¡£ # # For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God, and the LORD hath # chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto himself, above all the # nations that are upon the earth. # # unit P DEU:14:3 ·²_¿É_Ô÷_µÄ_Îï_¶¼_²»_¿É_³Ô_¡£ # # Thou shalt not eat any abominable thing. # # unit P DEU:14:4 ¿É_³Ô_µÄ_Éü_Ðó_¾Í_ÊÇ_Å£_£¬_Ãà_Ñò_£¬_ɽ_Ñò_£¬ # # These are the beasts which ye shall eat: the ox, the sheep, and the # goat, # # unit P DEU:14:5 ¹_£¬_Áç_Ñò_£¬_áó_×Ó_£¬_Ò°_ɽ_Ñò_£¬_÷ç_¹_£¬_»Æ_Ñò_£¬_Çà_Ñò_¡£ # # The hart, and the roebuck, and the fallow deer, and the wild goat, # and the pygarg, and the wild ox, and the chamois. # # unit P DEU:14:6 ·²_·Ö_Ìã_³É_Ϊ_Á½_°ê_ÓÖ_µ¹_½À_µÄ_×ß_ÊÞ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¶¼_¿É_ÒÔ_³Ô_¡£ # # And every beast that parteth the hoof, and cleaveth the cleft into # two claws, and cheweth the cud among the beasts, that ye shall eat. # # unit P DEU:14:7 µ«_ÄÇ_Щ_µ¹_½À_»ò_ÊÇ_·Ö_Ìã_Ö®_ÖÐ_²»_¿É_³Ô_µÄ_ÄË_ÊÇ_Âæ_ÍÕ_£¬_ÍÃ_×Ó_£¬ ɳ_·¬_Òò_Ϊ_ÊÇ_µ¹_½À_²»_·Ö_Ìã_£¬_¾Í_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_²»_½à_¾»_¡£ # # Nevertheless these ye shall not eat of them that chew the cud, or of # them that divide the cloven hoof; as the camel, and the hare, and # the coney: for they chew the cud, but divide not the hoof; therefore # they are unclean unto you. # # unit P DEU:14:8 Öí_Òò_Ϊ_ÊÇ_·Ö_Ìã_È´_²»_µ¹_½À_£¬_¾Í_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_²»_½à_¾»_¡£_Õâ_Щ_ÊÞ_µÄ Èâ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_²»_¿É_³Ô_£¬_ËÀ_µÄ_Ò²_²»_¿É_Ãþ_¡£ # # And the swine, because it divideth the hoof, yet cheweth not the # cud, it is unclean unto you: ye shall not eat of their flesh, nor # touch their dead carcase. # # unit P DEU:14:9 Ë®_ÖÐ_¿É_³Ô_µÄ_ÄË_ÊÇ_Õâ_Щ_£¬_·²_ÓÐ_³á_ÓÐ_ÁÛ_µÄ_¶¼_¿É_ÒÔ_³Ô_¡£ # # These ye shall eat of all that are in the waters: all that have fins # and scales shall ye eat: # # unit P DEU:14:10 ·²_ÎÞ_³á_ÎÞ_ÁÛ_µÄ_¶¼_²»_¿É_³Ô_£¬_ÊÇ_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_²»_½à_¾»_¡£ # # And whatsoever hath not fins and scales ye may not eat; it is # unclean unto you. # # unit P DEU:14:11 ·²_½à_¾»_µÄ_Äñ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¶¼_¿É_ÒÔ_³Ô_¡£ # # Of all clean birds ye shall eat. # # unit P DEU:14:12 ²»_¿É_³Ô_µÄ_ÄË_ÊÇ_µñ_£¬_¹·_Í·_µñ_£¬_ºì_Í·_µñ_£¬ # # But these are they of which ye shall not eat: the eagle, and the # ossifrage, and the ospray, # # unit P DEU:14:13 £¿_£¿_£¬_С_Ó¥_£¬_ðÎ_Ó¥_Óë_Æä_Àà_£¬ # # And the glede, and the kite, and the vulture after his kind, # # unit P DEU:14:14 ÎÚ_Ñ»_Óë_Æä_Àà_£¬ # # And every raven after his kind, # # unit P DEU:14:15 ÍÒ_Äñ_£¬_Ò¹_Ó¥_£¬_Óã_Ó¥_£¬_Ó¥_Óë_Æä_Àà_£¬ # # And the owl, and the night hawk, and the cuckow, and the hawk after # his kind, # # unit P DEU:14:16 £¿_£¿_Äñ_£¬_è_Í·_Ó¥_£¬_½Ç_ð·_£¬ # # The little owl, and the great owl, and the swan, # # unit P DEU:14:17 ðÃ_ðÉ_£¬_ͺ_µñ_£¬_ðµ_ðË_£¬ # # And the pelican, and the gier eagle, and the cormorant, # # unit P DEU:14:18 ðÙ_£¬_ðØ_ð¸_Óë_Æä_Àà_£¬_´÷_£¿_£¿_Óë_òù_òð_¡£ # # And the stork, and the heron after her kind, and the lapwing, and # the bat. # # unit P DEU:14:19 ·²_ÓÐ_³á_°ò_ÅÀ_ÐÐ_µÄ_Îï_ÊÇ_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_²»_½à_¾»_£¬_¶¼_²»_¿É_³Ô_¡£ # # And every creeping thing that flieth is unclean unto you: they shall # not be eaten. # # unit P DEU:14:20 ·²_½à_¾»_µÄ_Äñ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¶¼_¿É_ÒÔ_³Ô_¡£ # # But of all clean fowls ye may eat. # # unit P DEU:14:21 ·²_×Ô_ËÀ_µÄ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¶¼_²»_¿É_³Ô_£¬_¿É_ÒÔ_¸ø_Äã_³Ç_Àï_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_³Ô_£¬ »ò_Âô_Óë_Íâ_ÈË_³Ô_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Äã_ÊÇ_¹é_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ϊ_Ê¥_½à_µÄ_Ãñ_¡£ ²»_¿É_ÓÃ_ɽ_Ñò_¸á_ĸ_µÄ_ÄÌ_Öó_ɽ_Ñò_¸á_¡£ # # Ye shall not eat of anything that dieth of itself: thou shalt give # it unto the stranger that is in thy gates, that he may eat it; or # thou mayest sell it unto an alien: for thou art an holy people unto # the LORD thy God. Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mother's milk. # # unit P DEU:14:22 Äã_Òª_°Ñ_Äã_Èö_ÖÖ_Ëù_²ú_µÄ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Äã_Ìï_µØ_ÿ_Äê_Ëù_³ö_µÄ_£¬_Ê®_·Ö È¡_Ò»_·Ö_¡£ # # Thou shalt truly tithe all the increase of thy seed, that the field # bringeth forth year by year. # # unit P DEU:14:23 ÓÖ_Òª_°Ñ_Äã_µÄ_Îå_¹È_£¬_ÐÂ_¾Æ_£¬_ºÍ_ÓÍ_µÄ_Ê®_·Ö_Ö®_Ò»_£¬_²¢_Å£_Ⱥ_Ñò Ⱥ_ÖÐ_Í·_Éú_µÄ_£¬_³Ô_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ëû_Ëù_Ñ¡_Ôñ_Òª Á¢_Ϊ_Ëû_Ãû_µÄ_¾Ó_Ëù_¡£_Õâ_Ñù_£¬_Äã_¿É_ÒÔ_ѧ_Ï°_ʱ_³£_¾´_η_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª Äã_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # And thou shalt eat before the LORD thy God, in the place which he # shall choose to place his name there, the tithe of thy corn, of thy # wine, and of thine oil, and the firstlings of thy herds and of thy # flocks; that thou mayest learn to fear the LORD thy God always. # # unit P DEU:14:24 µ±_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_´Í_¸£_Óë_Äã_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_Ñ¡_Ôñ_Òª Á¢_Ϊ_Ëû_Ãû_µÄ_µØ_·½_Èô_Àë_Äã_Ì«_Ô¶_£¬_ÄÇ_·_Ò²_Ì«_³¤_£¬_ʹ_Äã_²»_ÄÜ °Ñ_Õâ_Îï_´ø_µ½_ÄÇ_Àï_È¥_£¬ # # And if the way be too long for thee, so that thou art not able to # carry it; or if the place be too far from thee, which the LORD thy # God shall choose to set his name there, when the LORD thy God hath # blessed thee: # # unit P DEU:14:25 Äã_¾Í_¿É_ÒÔ_»»_³É_Òø_×Ó_£¬_½«_Òø_×Ó_°ü_Æð_À´_£¬_ÄÃ_ÔÚ_ÊÖ_ÖÐ_£¬_Íù_Ò® ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_Òª_Ñ¡_Ôñ_µÄ_µØ_·½_È¥_¡£ # # Then shalt thou turn it into money, and bind up the money in thine # hand, and shalt go unto the place which the LORD thy God shall # choose: # # unit P DEU:14:26 Äã_ÓÃ_Õâ_Òø_×Ó_£¬_Ëæ_ÐÄ_Ëù_Óû_£¬_»ò_Âò_Å£_Ñò_£¬_»ò_Âò_Çå_¾Æ_Ũ_¾Æ_£¬ ·²_Äã_ÐÄ_Ëù_Ïë_µÄ_¶¼_¿É_ÒÔ_Âò_¡£_Äã_ºÍ_Äã_µÄ_¼Ò_Êô_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ µÄ_Ãæ_Ç°_³Ô_ºÈ_¿ì_ÀÖ_¡£ # # And thou shalt bestow that money for whatsoever thy soul lusteth # after, for oxen, or for sheep, or for wine, or for strong drink, or # for whatsoever thy soul desireth: and thou shalt eat there before # the LORD thy God, and thou shalt rejoice, thou, and thine household, # # unit P DEU:14:27 ס_ÔÚ_Äã_³Ç_Àï_µÄ_Àû_δ_ÈË_£¬_Äã_²»_¿É_¶ª_Æú_Ëû_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ ÖÐ_¼ä_ÎÞ_·Ö_ÎÞ_Òµ_¡£ # # And the Levite that is within thy gates; thou shalt not forsake him; # for he hath no part nor inheritance with thee. # # unit P DEU:14:28 ÿ_·ê_Èý_Äê_µÄ_Ä©_Ò»_Äê_£¬_Äã_Òª_½«_±¾_Äê_µÄ_ÍÁ_²ú_Ê®_·Ö_Ö®_Ò»_¶¼_È¡ ³ö_À´_£¬_»ý_´æ_ÔÚ_Äã_µÄ_³Ç_ÖÐ_¡£ # # At the end of three years thou shalt bring forth all the tithe of # thine increase the same year, and shalt lay it up within thy gates: # # unit P DEU:14:29 ÔÚ_Äã_³Ç_Àï_ÎÞ_·Ö_ÎÞ_Òµ_µÄ_Àû_δ_ÈË_£¬_ºÍ_Äã_³Ç_Àï_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_£¬_²¢_¹Â ¶ù_¹Ñ_¸¾_£¬_¶¼_¿É_ÒÔ_À´_£¬_³Ô_µÃ_±¥_×ã_¡£_Õâ_Ñù_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ ±Ø_ÔÚ_Äã_ÊÖ_Àï_Ëù_°ì_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_ÊÂ_ÉÏ_´Í_¸£_Óë_Äã_¡£ # # And the Levite, (because he hath no part nor inheritance with thee,) # and the stranger, and the fatherless, and the widow, which are # within thy gates, shall come, and shall eat and be satisfied; that # the LORD thy God may bless thee in all the work of thine hand which # thou doest. # ## # chapter 15 DEU:15 # unit P DEU:15:1 ÿ_·ê_Æß_Äê_Ä©_Ò»_Äê_£¬_Äã_Òª_Ê©_ÐÐ_»í_Ãâ_¡£ # # At the end of every seven years thou shalt make a release. # # unit P DEU:15:2 »í_Ãâ_µÄ_¶¨_Àý_ÄË_ÊÇ_Õâ_Ñù_£¬_·²_Õ®_Ö÷_Òª_°Ñ_Ëù_½è_¸ø_ÁÚ_Éá_µÄ_»í_Ãâ ÁË_¡£_²»_¿É_Ïò_ÁÚ_Éá_ºÍ_µÜ_ÐÖ_×·_ÌÖ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_»í_Ãâ_Äê_ÒÑ ¾­_Ðû_¸æ_ÁË_¡£ # # And this is the manner of the release: Every creditor that lendeth # ought unto his neighbour shall release it; he shall not exact it of # his neighbour, or of his brother; because it is called the LORD's # release. # # unit P DEU:15:3 Èô_½è_¸ø_Íâ_°î_ÈË_£¬_Äã_¿É_ÒÔ_Ïò_Ëû_×·_ÌÖ_¡£_µ«_½è_¸ø_Äã_µÜ_ÐÖ_£¬_ÎÞ ÂÛ_ÊÇ_ʲ_ô_£¬_Äã_Òª_ËÉ_ÊÖ_»í_Ãâ_ÁË_¡£ # # Of a foreigner thou mayest exact it again: but that which is thine # with thy brother thine hand shall release; # # unit P DEU:15:4 Äã_Èô_Áô_Òâ_Ìý_´Ó_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_µÄ_»°_£¬_½÷_ÊØ_×ñ_ÐÐ_ÎÒ_½ñ_ÈÕ_Ëù_·Ô ¸À_Äã_Õâ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_Ãü_Áî_£¬_¾Í_±Ø_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_û_ÓÐ_Çî_ÈË_ÁË_£¨_ÔÚ Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_´Í_Äã_Ϊ_Òµ_µÄ_µØ_ÉÏ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_±Ø_´ó_´ó_´Í_¸£_Óë Äã_£©_¡£ # # Save when there shall be no poor among you; for the LORD shall # greatly bless thee in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee # for an inheritance to possess it: only if thou carefully hearken # unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe to do all these # commandments which I command thee this day. # # unit P DEU:15:6 Òò_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_±Ø_ÕÕ_Ëû_Ëù_Ó¦_Ðí_Äã_µÄ_´Í_¸£_Óë_Äã_¡£_Äã_±Ø ½è_¸ø_Ðí_¶à_¹ú_Ãñ_£¬_È´_²»_ÖÁ_Ïò_Ëû_ÃÇ_½è_´û_¡£_Äã_±Ø_¹Ü_Ͻ_Ðí_¶à_¹ú Ãñ_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_È´_²»_ÄÜ_¹Ü_Ͻ_Äã_¡£ # # For the LORD thy God blesseth thee, as he promised thee: and thou # shalt lend unto many nations, but thou shalt not borrow; and thou # shalt reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over thee. # # unit P DEU:15:7 ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_´Í_Äã_µÄ_µØ_ÉÏ_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÄÄ_Ò»_×ù_³Ç_Àï_£¬_Äã_µÜ ÐÖ_ÖÐ_Èô_ÓÐ_Ò»_¸ö_Çî_ÈË_£¬_Äã_²»_¿É_ÈÌ_×Å_ÐÄ_£¬_£¿_£¿_×Å_ÊÖ_²»_°ï_²¹ Äã_Çî_·¦_µÄ_µÜ_ÐÖ_¡£ # # If there be among you a poor man of one of thy brethren within any # of thy gates in thy land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou # shalt not harden thine heart, nor shut thine hand from thy poor # brother: # # unit P DEU:15:8 ×Ü_Òª_Ïò_Ëû_ËÉ_¿ª_ÊÖ_£¬_ÕÕ_Ëû_Ëù_ȱ_·¦_µÄ_½è_¸ø_Ëû_£¬_²¹_Ëû_µÄ_²»_×ã ¡£ # # But thou shalt open thine hand wide unto him, and shalt surely lend # him sufficient for his need, in that which he wanteth. # # unit P DEU:15:9 Äã_Òª_½÷_É÷_£¬_²»_¿É_ÐÄ_Àï_Æð_¶ñ_Äî_£¬_˵_£¬_µÚ_Æß_Äê_µÄ_»í_Ãâ_Äê_¿ì µ½_ÁË_£¬_Äã_±ã_¶ñ_ÑÛ_¿´_Äã_Çî_·¦_µÄ_µÜ_ÐÖ_£¬_ʲ_ô_¶¼_²»_¸ø_Ëû_£¬_ÒÔ ÖÂ_Ëû_Òò_Äã_Çó_¸æ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_×ï_±ã_¹é_ÓÚ_Äã_ÁË_¡£ # # Beware that there be not a thought in thy wicked heart, saying, The # seventh year, the year of release, is at hand; and thine eye be evil # against thy poor brother, and thou givest him nought; and he cry # unto the LORD against thee, and it be sin unto thee. # # unit P DEU:15:10 Äã_×Ü_Òª_¸ø_Ëû_£¬_¸ø_Ëû_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_ÐÄ_Àï_²»_¿É_³î_·³_¡£_Òò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã µÄ_Éñ_±Ø_ÔÚ_Äã_Õâ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Ëù_ÐÐ_µÄ_£¬_²¢_Äã_ÊÖ_Àï_Ëù_°ì_µÄ_ÊÂ_ÉÏ_£¬_´Í ¸£_Óë_Äã_¡£ # # Thou shalt surely give him, and thine heart shall not be grieved # when thou givest unto him: because that for this thing the LORD thy # God shall bless thee in all thy works, and in all that thou puttest # thine hand unto. # # unit P DEU:15:11 Ô­_À´_ÄÇ_µØ_ÉÏ_µÄ_Çî_ÈË_ÓÀ_²»_¶Ï_¾ø_¡£_Ëù_ÒÔ_ÎÒ_·Ô_¸À_Äã_˵_£¬_×Ü_Òª Ïò_Äã_µØ_ÉÏ_À§_¿à_Çî_·¦_µÄ_µÜ_ÐÖ_ËÉ_¿ª_ÊÖ_¡£ # # For the poor shall never cease out of the land: therefore I command # thee, saying, Thou shalt open thine hand wide unto thy brother, to # thy poor, and to thy needy, in thy land. # # unit P DEU:15:12 Äã_µÜ_ÐÖ_ÖÐ_£¬_Èô_ÓÐ_Ò»_¸ö_Ï£_²®_À´_ÄÐ_ÈË_»ò_Ï£_²®_À´_Å®_ÈË_±»_Âô_¸ø Äã_£¬_·þ_ÊÂ_Äã_Áù_Äê_£¬_µ½_µÚ_Æß_Äê_¾Í_Òª_ÈÎ_Ëû_×Ô_ÓÉ_³ö_È¥_¡£ # # And if thy brother, an Hebrew man, or an Hebrew woman, be sold unto # thee, and serve thee six years; then in the seventh year thou shalt # let him go free from thee. # # unit P DEU:15:13 Äã_ÈÎ_Ëû_×Ô_ÓÉ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_²»_¿É_ʹ_Ëû_¿Õ_ÊÖ_¶ø_È¥_£¬ # # And when thou sendest him out free from thee, thou shalt not let him # go away empty: # # unit P DEU:15:14 Òª_´Ó_Äã_Ñò_Ⱥ_£¬_ºÌ_³¡_£¬_¾Æ_Õ¥_Ö®_ÖÐ_¶à_¶à_µØ_¸ø_Ëû_¡£_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã µÄ_Éñ_Ôõ_Ñù_´Í_¸£_Óë_Äã_£¬_Äã_Ò²_Òª_ÕÕ_Ñù_¸ø_Ëû_¡£ # # Thou shalt furnish him liberally out of thy flock, and out of thy # floor, and out of thy winepress: of that wherewith the LORD thy God # hath blessed thee thou shalt give unto him. # # unit P DEU:15:15 Òª_¼Ç_Äî_Äã_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_µØ_×÷_¹ý_Å«_ÆÍ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_½«_Äã_¾È_Êê ¡£_Òò_´Ë_£¬_ÎÒ_½ñ_ÈÕ_·Ô_¸À_Äã_Õâ_¼þ_ÊÂ_¡£ # # And thou shalt remember that thou wast a bondman in the land of # Egypt, and the LORD thy God redeemed thee: therefore I command thee # this thing to day. # # unit P DEU:15:16 Ëû_Èô_¶Ô_Äã_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_²»_Ô¸_Òâ_Àë_¿ª_Äã_£¬_ÊÇ_Òò_Ëû_°®_Äã_ºÍ_Äã_µÄ_¼Ò £¬_ÇÒ_Òò_ÔÚ_Äã_ÄÇ_Àï_ºÜ_ºÃ_£¬ # # And it shall be, if he say unto thee, I will not go away from thee; # because he loveth thee and thine house, because he is well with # thee; # # unit P DEU:15:17 Äã_¾Í_Òª_ÄÃ_׶_×Ó_½«_Ëû_µÄ_¶ú_¶ä_ÔÚ_ÃÅ_ÉÏ_´Ì_͸_£¬_Ëû_±ã_ÓÀ_Ϊ_Äã_µÄ Å«_ÆÍ_ÁË_¡£_Äã_´ý_æ¾_Å®_Ò²_Òª_Õâ_Ñù_¡£ # # Then thou shalt take an aul, and thrust it through his ear unto the # door, and he shall be thy servant for ever. And also unto thy # maidservant thou shalt do likewise. # # unit P DEU:15:18 Äã_ÈÎ_Ëû_×Ô_ÓÉ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_²»_¿É_ÒÔ_Ϊ_ÄÑ_ÊÂ_£¬_Òò_Ëû_·þ_ÊÂ_Äã_Áù_Äê £¬_½Ï_±È_¹Í_¹¤_µÄ_¹¤_¼Û_¶à_¼Ó_Ò»_±¶_ÁË_¡£_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_¾Í_±Ø_ÔÚ Äã_Ëù_×÷_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_ÊÂ_ÉÏ_´Í_¸£_Óë_Äã_¡£ # # It shall not seem hard unto thee, when thou sendest him away free # from thee; for he hath been worth a double hired servant to thee, in # serving thee six years: and the LORD thy God shall bless thee in all # that thou doest. # # unit P DEU:15:19 Äã_Å£_Ⱥ_Ñò_Ⱥ_ÖÐ_Í·_Éú_µÄ_£¬_·²_ÊÇ_¹«_µÄ_£¬_¶¼_Òª_·Ö_±ð_Ϊ_Ê¥_£¬_¹é Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_¡£_Å£_Ⱥ_ÖÐ_Í·_Éú_µÄ_£¬_²»_¿É_ÓÃ_Ëü_¸û_µØ_¡£_Ñò_Ⱥ ÖÐ_Í·_Éú_µÄ_£¬_²»_¿É_¼ô_ë_¡£ # # All the firstling males that come of thy herd and of thy flock thou # shalt sanctify unto the LORD thy God: thou shalt do no work with the # firstling of thy bullock, nor shear the firstling of thy sheep. # # unit P DEU:15:20 Õâ_Í·_Éú_µÄ_£¬_Äã_ºÍ_Äã_µÄ_¼Ò_Êô_£¬_ÿ_Äê_Òª_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_Ñ¡_Ôñ_µÄ µØ_·½_£¬_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ãæ_Ç°_³Ô_¡£ # # Thou shalt eat it before the LORD thy God year by year in the place # which the LORD shall choose, thou and thy household. # # unit P DEU:15:21 Õâ_Í·_Éú_µÄ_Èô_ÓÐ_ʲ_ô_²Ð_¼²_£¬_¾Í_Èç_ȳ_ÍÈ_µÄ_£¬_Ϲ_ÑÛ_µÄ_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ ÓÐ_ʲ_ô_¶ñ_²Ð_¼²_£¬_¶¼_²»_¿É_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # And if there be any blemish therein, as if it be lame, or blind, or # have any ill blemish, thou shalt not sacrifice it unto the LORD thy # God. # # unit P DEU:15:22 ¿É_ÒÔ_ÔÚ_Äã_³Ç_Àï_³Ô_¡£_½à_¾»_ÈË_Óë_²»_½à_¾»_ÈË_¶¼_¿É_ÒÔ_³Ô_£¬_¾Í_Èç ³Ô_Áç_Ñò_Óë_¹_Ò»_°ã_¡£ # # Thou shalt eat it within thy gates: the unclean and the clean person # shall eat it alike, as the roebuck, and as the hart. # # unit P DEU:15:23 Ö»_ÊÇ_²»_¿É_³Ô_Ëü_µÄ_Ѫ_¡£_Òª_µ¹_ÔÚ_µØ_ÉÏ_£¬_Èç_ͬ_µ¹_Ë®_Ò»_Ñù_¡£ # # Only thou shalt not eat the blood thereof; thou shalt pour it upon # the ground as water. # ## # chapter 16 DEU:16 # unit P DEU:16:1 Äã_Òª_×¢_Òâ_ÑÇ_±Ê_ÔÂ_£¬_Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_ÊØ_Óâ_Ô½_½Ú_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ò® ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_ÔÚ_ÑÇ_±Ê_ÔÂ_Ò¹_¼ä_Áì_Äã_³ö_°£_¼°_¡£ # # Observe the month of Abib, and keep the passover unto the LORD thy # God: for in the month of Abib the LORD thy God brought thee forth # out of Egypt by night. # # unit P DEU:16:2 Äã_µ±_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_Ñ¡_Ôñ_Òª_Á¢_Ϊ_Ëû_Ãû_µÄ_¾Ó_Ëù_£¬_´Ó_Å£_Ⱥ_Ñò_Ⱥ ÖÐ_£¬_½«_Óâ_Ô½_½Ú_µÄ_¼À_Éü_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # Thou shalt therefore sacrifice the passover unto the LORD thy God, # of the flock and the herd, in the place which the LORD shall choose # to place his name there. # # unit P DEU:16:3 Äã_³Ô_Õâ_¼À_Éü_£¬_²»_¿É_³Ô_ÓÐ_½Í_µÄ_±ý_¡£_Æß_ÈÕ_Ö®_ÄÚ_Òª_³Ô_ÎÞ_½Í_±ý £¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_À§_¿à_±ý_¡£_£¨_Äã_±¾_ÊÇ_¼±_æ_³ö_ÁË_°£_¼°_µØ_£©_Òª_½Ð_Äã_Ò» Éú_Ò»_ÊÀ_¼Ç_Äî_Äã_´Ó_°£_¼°_µØ_³ö_À´_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_¡£ # # Thou shalt eat no leavened bread with it; seven days shalt thou eat # unleavened bread therewith, even the bread of affliction; for thou # camest forth out of the land of Egypt in haste: that thou mayest # remember the day when thou camest forth out of the land of Egypt all # the days of thy life. # # unit P DEU:16:4 ÔÚ_Äã_ËÄ_¾³_Ö®_ÄÚ_£¬_Æß_ÈÕ_²»_¿É_¼û_Ãæ_½Í_£¬_Í·_Ò»_ÈÕ_Íí_ÉÏ_Ëù_Ï×_µÄ Èâ_£¬_Ò»_µã_²»_¿É_Áô_µ½_Ôç_³¿_¡£ # # And there shall be no leavened bread seen with thee in all thy coast # seven days; neither shall there any thing of the flesh, which thou # sacrificedst the first day at even, remain all night until the # morning. # # unit P DEU:16:5 ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_´Í_µÄ_¸÷_³Ç_ÖÐ_£¬_Äã_²»_¿É_Ï×_Óâ_Ô½_½Ú_µÄ_¼À_¡£ # # Thou mayest not sacrifice the passover within any of thy gates, # which the LORD thy God giveth thee: # # unit P DEU:16:6 Ö»_µ±_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_Ñ¡_Ôñ_Òª_Á¢_Ϊ_Ëû_Ãû_µÄ_¾Ó_Ëù_£¬_Íí_ÉÏ_ÈÕ Âä_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_ÄË_ÊÇ_Äã_³ö_°£_¼°_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Ï×_Óâ_Ô½_½Ú_µÄ_¼À_¡£ # # But at the place which the LORD thy God shall choose to place his # name in, there thou shalt sacrifice the passover at even, at the # going down of the sun, at the season that thou camest forth out of # Egypt. # # unit P DEU:16:7 µ±_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_Ñ¡_Ôñ_µÄ_µØ_·½_°Ñ_Èâ_¿¾_ÁË_³Ô_£¨_¿¾_»ò_×÷_Öó £©_£¬_´Î_ÈÕ_Ôç_³¿_¾Í_»Ø_µ½_Äã_µÄ_ÕÊ_Åï_È¥_¡£ # # And thou shalt roast and eat it in the place which the LORD thy God # shall choose: and thou shalt turn in the morning, and go unto thy # tents. # # unit P DEU:16:8 Äã_Òª_³Ô_ÎÞ_½Í_±ý_Áù_ÈÕ_£¬_µÚ_Æß_ÈÕ_Òª_Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_ÊØ_ÑÏ_Ëà »á_£¬_²»_¿É_×÷_¹¤_¡£ # # Six days thou shalt eat unleavened bread: and on the seventh day # shall be a solemn assembly to the LORD thy God: thou shalt do no # work therein. # # unit P DEU:16:9 Äã_Òª_¼Æ_Ëã_Æß_Æß_ÈÕ_£¬_´Ó_Äã_¿ª_Á­_ÊÕ_¸î_ºÌ_¼Ú_ʱ_Ëã_Æð_£¬_¹²_¼Æ_Æß Æß_ÈÕ_¡£ # # Seven weeks shalt thou number unto thee: begin to number the seven # weeks from such time as thou beginnest to put the sickle to the # corn. # # unit P DEU:16:10 Äã_Òª_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_´Í_Äã_µÄ_¸£_£¬_ÊÖ_Àï_ÄÃ_×Å_¸Ê_ÐÄ_¼À_£¬_Ï× ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_ÊØ_Æß_Æß_½Ú_¡£ # # And thou shalt keep the feast of weeks unto the LORD thy God with a # tribute of a freewill offering of thine hand, which thou shalt give # unto the LORD thy God, according as the LORD thy God hath blessed # thee: # # unit P DEU:16:11 Äã_ºÍ_Äã_¶ù_Å®_£¬_ÆÍ_æ¾_£¬_²¢_ס_ÔÚ_Äã_³Ç_Àï_µÄ_Àû_δ_ÈË_£¬_ÒÔ_¼°_ÔÚ Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_Óë_¹Â_¶ù_¹Ñ_¸¾_£¬_¶¼_Òª_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_Ñ¡ Ôñ_Á¢_Ϊ_Ëû_Ãû_µÄ_¾Ó_Ëù_£¬_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_Ãæ_Ç°_»¶_ÀÖ_¡£ # # And thou shalt rejoice before the LORD thy God, thou, and thy son, # and thy daughter, and thy manservant, and thy maidservant, and the # Levite that is within thy gates, and the stranger, and the # fatherless, and the widow, that are among you, in the place which # the LORD thy God hath chosen to place his name there. # # unit P DEU:16:12 Äã_Ò²_Òª_¼Ç_Äî_Äã_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_×÷_¹ý_Å«_ÆÍ_¡£_Äã_Òª_½÷_ÊØ_×ñ_ÐÐ_Õâ_Щ_ÂÉ Àý_¡£ # # And thou shalt remember that thou wast a bondman in Egypt: and thou # shalt observe and do these statutes. # # unit P DEU:16:13 Äã_°Ñ_ºÌ_³¡_µÄ_¹È_£¬_¾Æ_Õ¥_µÄ_¾Æ_ÊÕ_²Ø_ÒÔ_ºó_£¬_¾Í_Òª_ÊØ_ס_Åï_½Ú_Æß ÈÕ_¡£ # # Thou shalt observe the feast of tabernacles seven days, after that # thou hast gathered in thy corn and thy wine: # # unit P DEU:16:14 ÊØ_½Ú_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Äã_ºÍ_Äã_¶ù_Å®_£¬_ÆÍ_æ¾_£¬_²¢_ס_ÔÚ_Äã_³Ç_Àï_µÄ_Àû δ_ÈË_£¬_ÒÔ_¼°_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_Óë_¹Â_¶ù_¹Ñ_¸¾_£¬_¶¼_Òª_»¶_ÀÖ_¡£ # # And thou shalt rejoice in thy feast, thou, and thy son, and thy # daughter, and thy manservant, and thy maidservant, and the Levite, # the stranger, and the fatherless, and the widow, that are within thy # gates. # # unit P DEU:16:15 ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_Ñ¡_Ôñ_µÄ_µØ_·½_£¬_Äã_µ±_Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_ÊØ_½Ú_Æß ÈÕ_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_ÔÚ_Äã_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_ÍÁ_²ú_ÉÏ_ºÍ_Äã_ÊÖ_Àï_Ëù_°ì µÄ_ÊÂ_ÉÏ_Òª_´Í_¸£_Óë_Äã_£¬_Äã_¾Í_·Ç_³£_µØ_»¶_ÀÖ_¡£ # # Seven days shalt thou keep a solemn feast unto the LORD thy God in # the place which the LORD shall choose: because the LORD thy God # shall bless thee in all thine increase, and in all the works of # thine hands, therefore thou shalt surely rejoice. # # unit P DEU:16:16 Äã_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_ÄÐ_¶¡_Òª_ÔÚ_³ý_½Í_½Ú_£¬_Æß_Æß_½Ú_£¬_ס_Åï_½Ú_£¬_Ò»_Äê_Èý ´Î_£¬_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_Ñ¡_Ôñ_µÄ_µØ_·½_³¯_¼û_Ëû_£¬_È´_²»_¿É_¿Õ_ÊÖ ³¯_¼û_¡£ # # Three times in a year shall all thy males appear before the LORD thy # God in the place which he shall choose; in the feast of unleavened # bread, and in the feast of weeks, and in the feast of tabernacles: # and they shall not appear before the LORD empty: # # unit P DEU:16:17 ¸÷_ÈË_Òª_°´_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_Á¦_Á¿_£¬_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_´Í_µÄ_¸£_·Ö_£¬_·î Ï×_Àñ_Îï_¡£ # # Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the # LORD thy God which he hath given thee. # # unit P DEU:16:18 Äã_Òª_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_´Í_µÄ_¸÷_³Ç_Àï_£¬_°´_×Å_¸÷_Ö§_ÅÉ_Éè_Á¢_Éó ÅÐ_¹Ù_ºÍ_¹Ù_³¤_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_±Ø_°´_¹«_Òå_µÄ_Éó_ÅÐ_ÅÐ_¶Ï_°Ù_ÐÕ_¡£ # # Judges and officers shalt thou make thee in all thy gates, which the # LORD thy God giveth thee, throughout thy tribes: and they shall # judge the people with just judgment. # # unit P DEU:16:19 ²»_¿É_Çü_Í÷_Õý_Ö±_¡£_²»_¿É_¿´_ÈË_µÄ_Íâ_ò_¡£_Ò²_²»_¿É_ÊÜ_»ß_¸_¡£_Òò Ϊ_»ß_¸_ÄÜ_½Ð_ÖÇ_»Û_ÈË_µÄ_ÑÛ_±ä_Ϲ_ÁË_£¬_ÓÖ_ÄÜ_µß_µ¹_Òå_ÈË_µÄ_»°_¡£ # # Thou shalt not wrest judgment; thou shalt not respect persons, # neither take a gift: for a gift doth blind the eyes of the wise, and # pervert the words of the righteous. # # unit P DEU:16:20 Äã_Òª_×·_Çó_ÖÁ_¹«_ÖÁ_Òå_£¬_ºÃ_½Ð_Äã_´æ_»î_£¬_³Ð_ÊÜ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù ´Í_Äã_µÄ_µØ_¡£ # # That which is altogether just shalt thou follow, that thou mayest # live, and inherit the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. # # unit P DEU:16:21 Äã_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_Öþ_̳_£¬_²»_¿É_ÔÚ_̳_ÅÔ_ÔÔ_ʲ_ô_Ê÷_ľ_×÷_Ϊ ľ_ż_¡£ # # Thou shalt not plant thee a grove of any trees near unto the altar # of the LORD thy God, which thou shalt make thee. # # unit P DEU:16:22 Ò²_²»_¿É_Ϊ_×Ô_¼º_Éè_Á¢_Öù_Ïñ_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_ºÞ_¶ñ_µÄ_¡£ # # Neither shalt thou set thee up any image; which the LORD thy God # hateth. # ## # chapter 17 DEU:17 # unit P DEU:17:1 ·²_ÓÐ_²Ð_¼²_£¬_»ò_ÓÐ_ʲ_ô_¶ñ_²¡_µÄ_Å£_Ñò_£¬_Äã_¶¼_²»_¿É_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ »ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Õâ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_Ô÷_¶ñ_µÄ_¡£ # # Thou shalt not sacrifice unto the LORD thy God any bullock, or # sheep, wherein is blemish, or any evilfavouredness: for that is an # abomination unto the LORD thy God. # # unit P DEU:17:2 ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_£¬_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_´Í_Äã_µÄ_Öî_³Ç_ÖÐ_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÄÄ ×ù_³Ç_Àï_£¬_Èô_ÓÐ_ÈË_£¬_»ò_ÄÐ_»ò_Å®_£¬_ÐÐ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_ÑÛ_ÖÐ_¿´_Ϊ ¶ñ_µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬_Î¥_±³_ÁË_Ëû_µÄ_Ô¼_£¬ # # If there be found among you, within any of thy gates which the LORD # thy God giveth thee, man or woman, that hath wrought wickedness in # the sight of the LORD thy God, in transgressing his covenant, # # unit P DEU:17:3 È¥_ÊÂ_·î_¾´_°Ý_±ð_Éñ_£¬_»ò_°Ý_ÈÕ_Í·_£¬_»ò_°Ý_ÔÂ_ÁÁ_£¬_»ò_°Ý_Ìì_Ïó_£¬ ÊÇ_Ö÷_²»_Ôø_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_¡£ # # And hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them, either the # sun, or moon, or any of the host of heaven, which I have not # commanded; # # unit P DEU:17:4 ÓÐ_ÈË_¸æ_Ëß_Äã_£¬_Äã_Ò²_Ìý_¼û_ÁË_£¬_¾Í_Òª_ϸ_ϸ_µØ_̽_Ìý_£¬_¹û_È»_ÊÇ Õæ_£¬_×¼_ÓÐ_Õâ_¿É_Ô÷_¶ñ_µÄ_ÊÂ_ÐÐ_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÐ_£¬ # # And it be told thee, and thou hast heard of it, and enquired # diligently, and, behold, it be true, and the thing certain, that # such abomination is wrought in Israel: # # unit P DEU:17:5 Äã_¾Í_Òª_½«_ÐÐ_Õâ_¶ñ_ÊÂ_µÄ_ÄÐ_ÈË_»ò_Å®_ÈË_À­_µ½_³Ç_ÃÅ_Íâ_£¬_ÓÃ_ʯ_Í· ½«_Ëû_´ò_ËÀ_¡£ # # Then shalt thou bring forth that man or that woman, which have # committed that wicked thing, unto thy gates, even that man or that # woman, and shalt stone them with stones, till they die. # # unit P DEU:17:6 Òª_ƾ_Á½_Èý_¸ö_ÈË_µÄ_¿Ú_×÷_¼û_Ö¤_½«_ÄÇ_µ±_ËÀ_µÄ_ÈË_ÖÎ_ËÀ_¡£_²»_¿É_ƾ Ò»_¸ö_ÈË_µÄ_¿Ú_×÷_¼û_Ö¤_½«_Ëû_ÖÎ_ËÀ_¡£ # # At the mouth of two witnesses, or three witnesses, shall he that is # worthy of death be put to death; but at the mouth of one witness he # shall not be put to death. # # unit P DEU:17:7 ¼û_Ö¤_ÈË_Òª_ÏÈ_ÏÂ_ÊÖ_£¬_È»_ºó_ÖÚ_Ãñ_Ò²_ÏÂ_ÊÖ_½«_Ëû_ÖÎ_ËÀ_¡£_Õâ_Ñù_£¬ ¾Í_°Ñ_ÄÇ_¶ñ_´Ó_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_³ý_µô_¡£ # # The hands of the witnesses shall be first upon him to put him to # death, and afterward the hands of all the people. So thou shalt put # the evil away from among you. # # unit P DEU:17:8 Äã_³Ç_ÖÐ_Èô_Æð_ÁË_Õù_ËÏ_µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬_»ò_Òò_Á÷_Ѫ_£¬_»ò_Òò_Õù_¾º_£¬_»ò_Òò Ź_´ò_£¬_ÊÇ_Äã_ÄÑ_¶Ï_µÄ_°¸_¼þ_£¬_Äã_¾Í_µ±_Æð_À´_£¬_Íù_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ Ëù_Ñ¡_Ôñ_µÄ_µØ_·½ # # If there arise a matter too hard for thee in judgment, between blood # and blood, between plea and plea, and between stroke and stroke, # being matters of controversy within thy gates: then shalt thou # arise, and get thee up into the place which the LORD thy God shall # choose; # # unit P DEU:17:9 È¥_¼û_¼À_˾_Àû_δ_ÈË_£¬_²¢_µ±_ʱ_µÄ_Éó_ÅÐ_¹Ù_£¬_Çó_ÎÊ_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ ±Ø_½«_ÅÐ_Óï_Ö¸_ʾ_Äã_¡£ # # And thou shalt come unto the priests the Levites, and unto the judge # that shall be in those days, and enquire; and they shall shew thee # the sentence of judgment: # # unit P DEU:17:10 Ëû_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_Ñ¡_Ôñ_µÄ_µØ_·½_Ö¸_ʾ_Äã_µÄ_ÅÐ_Óï_£¬_Äã_±Ø_ÕÕ_×Å Ëû_ÃÇ_Ëù_Ö¸_½Ì_Äã_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_»°_½÷_ÊØ_×ñ_ÐÐ_¡£ # # And thou shalt do according to the sentence, which they of that # place which the LORD shall choose shall shew thee; and thou shalt # observe to do according to all that they inform thee: # # unit P DEU:17:11 Òª_°´_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ëù_Ö¸_½Ì_Äã_µÄ_ÂÉ_·¨_£¬_ÕÕ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ëù_¶Ï_¶¨_µÄ_È¥_ÐÐ_¡£_Ëû ÃÇ_Ëù_Ö¸_ʾ_Äã_µÄ_ÅÐ_Óï_£¬_Äã_²»_¿É_Æ«_Àë_×ó_ÓÒ_¡£ # # According to the sentence of the law which they shall teach thee, # and according to the judgment which they shall tell thee, thou shalt # do: thou shalt not decline from the sentence which they shall shew # thee, to the right hand, nor to the left. # # unit P DEU:17:12 Èô_ÓÐ_ÈË_ÉÃ_¸Ò_²»_Ìý_´Ó_ÄÇ_ÊÌ_Á¢_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ãæ_Ç°_µÄ_¼À_˾_£¬ »ò_²»_Ìý_´Ó_Éó_ÅÐ_¹Ù_£¬_ÄÇ_ÈË_¾Í_±Ø_ÖÎ_ËÀ_¡£_Õâ_Ñù_£¬_±ã_½«_ÄÇ_¶ñ_´Ó ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÐ_³ý_µô_¡£ # # And the man that will do presumptuously, and will not hearken unto # the priest that standeth to minister there before the LORD thy God, # or unto the judge, even that man shall die: and thou shalt put away # the evil from Israel. # # unit P DEU:17:13 ÖÚ_°Ù_ÐÕ_¶¼_Òª_Ìý_¼û_º¦_ÅÂ_£¬_²»_ÔÙ_ÉÃ_¸Ò_ÐÐ_ÊÂ_¡£ # # And all the people shall hear, and fear, and do no more # presumptuously. # # unit P DEU:17:14 µ½_ÁË_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_´Í_Äã_µÄ_µØ_£¬_µÃ_ÁË_ÄÇ_µØ_¾Ó_ס_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬ Èô_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_Á¢_Íõ_ÖÎ_Àí_ÎÒ_£¬_Ïñ_ËÄ_Χ_µÄ_¹ú_Ò»_Ñù_¡£ # # When thou art come unto the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, # and shalt possess it, and shalt dwell therein, and shalt say, I will # set a king over me, like as all the nations that are about me; # # unit P DEU:17:15 Äã_×Ü_Òª_Á¢_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_¼ð_Ñ¡_µÄ_ÈË_Ϊ_Íõ_¡£_±Ø_´Ó_Äã_µÜ_ÐÖ_ÖÐ Á¢_Ò»_ÈË_¡£_²»_¿É_Á¢_Äã_µÜ_ÐÖ_ÒÔ_Íâ_µÄ_ÈË_Ϊ_Íõ_¡£ # # Thou shalt in any wise set him king over thee, whom the LORD thy God # shall choose: one from among thy brethren shalt thou set king over # thee: thou mayest not set a stranger over thee, which is not thy # brother. # # unit P DEU:17:16 Ö»_ÊÇ_Íõ_²»_¿É_Ϊ_×Ô_¼º_¼Ó_Ìí_Âí_Æ¥_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_ʹ_°Ù_ÐÕ_»Ø_°£_¼°_È¥ £¬_Ϊ_Òª_¼Ó_Ìí_Ëû_µÄ_Âí_Æ¥_£¬_Òò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ôø_·Ô_¸À_Äã_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_²»_¿É ÔÙ_»Ø_ÄÇ_Ìõ_·_È¥_¡£ # # But he shall not multiply horses to himself, nor cause the people to # return to Egypt, to the end that he should multiply horses: # forasmuch as the LORD hath said unto you, Ye shall henceforth return # no more that way. # # unit P DEU:17:17 Ëû_Ò²_²»_¿É_Ϊ_×Ô_¼º_¶à_Á¢_åú_æÉ_£¬_¿Ö_ÅÂ_Ëû_µÄ_ÐÄ_Æ«_а_¡£_Ò²_²»_¿É Ϊ_×Ô_¼º_¶à_»ý_½ð_Òø_¡£ # # Neither shall he multiply wives to himself, that his heart turn not # away: neither shall he greatly multiply to himself silver and gold. # # unit P DEU:17:18 Ëû_µÇ_ÁË_¹ú_λ_£¬_¾Í_Òª_½«_¼À_˾_Àû_δ_ÈË_Ãæ_Ç°_µÄ_Õâ_ÂÉ_·¨_Êé_£¬_Ϊ ×Ô_¼º_³­_¼_Ò»_±¾_£¬ # # And it shall be, when he sitteth upon the throne of his kingdom, # that he shall write him a copy of this law in a book out of that # which is before the priests the Levites: # # unit P DEU:17:19 ´æ_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_Òª_ƽ_Éú_ËÐ_¶Á_£¬_ºÃ_ѧ_Ï°_¾´_η_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëû_µÄ_Éñ £¬_½÷_ÊØ_×ñ_ÐÐ_Õâ_ÂÉ_·¨_Êé_ÉÏ_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_ÑÔ_Óï_ºÍ_Õâ_Щ_ÂÉ_Àý_£¬ # # And it shall be with him, and he shall read therein all the days of # his life: that he may learn to fear the LORD his God, to keep all # the words of this law and these statutes, to do them: # # unit P DEU:17:20 Ãâ_µÃ_Ëû_Ïò_µÜ_ÐÖ_ÐÄ_¸ß_Æø_°Á_£¬_Æ«_×ó_Æ«_ÓÒ_£¬_Àë_ÁË_Õâ_½ë_Ãü_¡£_Õâ Ñù_£¬_Ëû_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_±ã_¿É_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÐ_£¬_ÔÚ_¹ú_λ_ÉÏ_Äê_³¤_ÈÕ ¾Ã_¡£ # # That his heart be not lifted up above his brethren, and that he turn # not aside from the commandment, to the right hand, or to the left: # to the end that he may prolong his days in his kingdom, he, and his # children, in the midst of Israel. # ## # chapter 18 DEU:18 # unit P DEU:18:1 ¼À_˾_Àû_δ_ÈË_ºÍ_Àû_δ_È«_Ö§_ÅÉ_±Ø_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÐ_ÎÞ_·Ö_ÎÞ_Òµ_¡£_Ëû ÃÇ_Ëù_³Ô_ÓÃ_µÄ_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_»ð_¼À_ºÍ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Ëù_¾è_µÄ_¡£ # # The priests the Levites, and all the tribe of Levi, shall have no # part nor inheritance with Israel: they shall eat the offerings of # the LORD made by fire, and his inheritance. # # unit P DEU:18:2 Ëû_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_µÜ_ÐÖ_ÖÐ_±Ø_û_ÓÐ_²ú_Òµ_¡£_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÊÇ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_²ú_Òµ_£¬_Õý Èç_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_Ó¦_Ðí_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_¡£ # # Therefore shall they have no inheritance among their brethren: the # LORD is their inheritance, as he hath said unto them. # # unit P DEU:18:3 ¼À_˾_´Ó_°Ù_ÐÕ_Ëù_µ±_µÃ_µÄ_·Ö_ÄË_ÊÇ_Õâ_Ñù_£¬_·²_Ï×_Å£_»ò_Ñò_Ϊ_¼À_µÄ £¬_Òª_°Ñ_Ç°_ÍÈ_ºÍ_Á½_Èù_²¢_Æ¢_θ_¸ø_¼À_˾_¡£ # # And this shall be the priest's due from the people, from them that # offer a sacrifice, whether it be ox or sheep; and they shall give # unto the priest the shoulder, and the two cheeks, and the maw. # # unit P DEU:18:4 ³õ_ÊÕ_µÄ_Îå_¹È_£¬_ÐÂ_¾Æ_ºÍ_ÓÍ_£¬_²¢_³õ_¼ô_µÄ_Ñò_ë_£¬_Ò²_Òª_¸ø_Ëû_¡£ # # The firstfruit also of thy corn, of thy wine, and of thine oil, and # the first of the fleece of thy sheep, shalt thou give him. # # unit P DEU:18:5 Òò_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_´Ó_Äã_¸÷_Ö§_ÅÉ_ÖÐ_½«_Ëû_¼ð_Ñ¡_³ö_À´_£¬_ʹ_Ëû ºÍ_Ëû_×Ó_Ëï_ÓÀ_Ô¶_·î_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_Ãû_ÊÌ_Á¢_£¬_ÊÂ_·î_¡£ # # For the LORD thy God hath chosen him out of all thy tribes, to stand # to minister in the name of the LORD, him and his sons for ever. # # unit P DEU:18:6 Àû_δ_ÈË_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_¼Ä_¾Ó_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÐ_µÄ_ÄÄ_Ò»_×ù_³Ç_£¬_Èô_´Ó_ÄÇ_Àï_³ö À´_£¬_Ò»_ÐÄ_Ô¸_Òâ_µ½_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_Ñ¡_Ôñ_µÄ_µØ_·½_£¬ # # And if a Levite come from any of thy gates out of all Israel, where # he sojourned, and come with all the desire of his mind unto the # place which the LORD shall choose; # # unit P DEU:18:7 ¾Í_Òª_·î_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëû_Éñ_µÄ_Ãû_ÊÂ_·î_£¬_Ïñ_Ëû_ÖÚ_µÜ_ÐÖ_Àû_δ_ÈË_ÊÌ_Á¢ ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_ÊÂ_·î_Ò»_Ñù_¡£ # # Then he shall minister in the name of the LORD his God, as all his # brethren the Levites do, which stand there before the LORD. # # unit P DEU:18:8 ³ý_ÁË_Ëû_Âô_×æ_¸¸_²ú_Òµ_Ëù_µÃ_µÄ_ÒÔ_Íâ_£¬_»¹_Òª_µÃ_Ò»_·Ö_¼À_Îï_Óë_Ëû ÃÇ_ͬ_³Ô_¡£ # # They shall have like portions to eat, beside that which cometh of # the sale of his patrimony. # # unit P DEU:18:9 Äã_µ½_ÁË_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_´Í_Ö®_µØ_£¬_ÄÇ_Щ_¹ú_Ãñ_Ëù_ÐÐ_¿É_Ô÷_¶ñ_µÄ ÊÂ_£¬_Äã_²»_¿É_ѧ_×Å_ÐÐ_¡£ # # When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, # thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations. # # unit P DEU:18:10 Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_²»_¿É_ÓÐ_ÈË_ʹ_¶ù_Å®_¾­_»ð_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_ÓÐ_Õ¼_²·_µÄ_£¬_¹Û Õ×_µÄ_£¬_ÓÃ_·¨_Êõ_µÄ_£¬_ÐÐ_а_Êõ_µÄ_£¬ # # There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or # his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or # an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch. # # unit P DEU:18:11 ÓÃ_ÃÔ_Êõ_µÄ_£¬_½»_¹í_µÄ_£¬_ÐÐ_Î×_Êõ_µÄ_£¬_¹ý_Òõ_µÄ_¡£ # # Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or # a necromancer. # # unit P DEU:18:12 ·²_ÐÐ_Õâ_Щ_ÊÂ_µÄ_¶¼_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_Ô÷_¶ñ_¡£_Òò_ÄÇ_Щ_¹ú_Ãñ_ÐÐ_Õâ_¿É Ô÷_¶ñ_µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬_Ëù_ÒÔ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_½«_Ëû_ÃÇ_´Ó_Äã_Ãæ_Ç°_¸Ï_³ö_¡£ # # For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and # because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out # from before thee. # # unit P DEU:18:13 Äã_Òª_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_Ãæ_Ç°_×÷_Íê_È«_ÈË_¡£ # # Thou shalt be perfect with the LORD thy God. # # unit P DEU:18:14 Òò_Äã_Ëù_Òª_¸Ï_³ö_µÄ_ÄÇ_Щ_¹ú_Ãñ_¶¼_Ìý_ÐÅ_¹Û_Õ×_µÄ_ºÍ_Õ¼_²·_µÄ_£¬_ÖÁ ÓÚ_Äã_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_´Ó_À´_²»_Ðí_Äã_Õâ_Ñù_ÐÐ_¡£ # # For these nations, which thou shalt possess, hearkened unto # observers of times, and unto diviners: but as for thee, the LORD thy # God hath not suffered thee so to do. # # unit P DEU:18:15 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_Òª_´Ó_Äã_ÃÇ_µÜ_ÐÖ_ÖÐ_¼ä_¸ø_Äã_ÐË_Æð_Ò»_λ_ÏÈ_Öª_£¬ Ïñ_ÎÒ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_Ìý_´Ó_Ëû_¡£ # # The LORD thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of # thee, of thy brethren, like unto me; unto him ye shall hearken; # # unit P DEU:18:16 Õý_Èç_Äã_ÔÚ_ºÎ_ÁÒ_ɽ_´ó_»á_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_Çó_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_»°_£¬ ˵_£¬_Çó_Äã_²»_ÔÙ_½Ð_ÎÒ_Ìý_¼û_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÎÒ_Éñ_µÄ_Éù_Òô_£¬_Ò²_²»_ÔÙ_½Ð ÎÒ_¿´_¼û_Õâ_´ó_»ð_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_ÎÒ_ËÀ_Íö_¡£ # # According to all that thou desiredst of the LORD thy God in Horeb in # the day of the assembly, saying, Let me not hear again the voice of # the LORD my God, neither let me see this great fire any more, that I # die not. # # unit P DEU:18:17 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¾Í_¶Ô_ÎÒ_˵_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ëù_˵_µÄ_ÊÇ_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto me, They have well spoken that which they # have spoken. # # unit P DEU:18:18 ÎÒ_±Ø_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÜ_ÐÖ_ÖÐ_¼ä_£¬_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÐË_Æð_Ò»_λ_ÏÈ_Öª_Ïó_Äã_¡£_ÎÒ Òª_½«_µ±_˵_µÄ_»°_´«_¸ø_Ëû_¡£_Ëû_Òª_½«_ÎÒ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_¶¼_´«_¸ø Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£ # # I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto # thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto # them all that I shall command him. # # unit P DEU:18:19 Ë­_²»_Ìý_Ëû_·î_ÎÒ_Ãû_Ëù_˵_µÄ_»°_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_ÌÖ_Ë­_µÄ_×ï_¡£ # # And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken unto my # words which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him. # # unit P DEU:18:20 Èô_ÓÐ_ÏÈ_Öª_ÉÃ_¸Ò_ÍÐ_ÎÒ_µÄ_Ãû_˵_ÎÒ_Ëù_δ_Ôø_·Ô_¸À_Ëû_˵_µÄ_»°_£¬_»ò ÊÇ_·î_±ð_Éñ_µÄ_Ãû_˵_»°_£¬_ÄÇ_ÏÈ_Öª_¾Í_±Ø_ÖÎ_ËÀ_¡£ # # But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, # which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the # name of other gods, even that prophet shall die. # # unit P DEU:18:21 Äã_ÐÄ_Àï_Èô_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_δ_Ôø_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_»°_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Ôõ_ÄÜ_Öª_µÀ ÄØ_£¿ # # And if thou say in thine heart, How shall we know the word which the # LORD hath not spoken? # # unit P DEU:18:22 ÏÈ_Öª_ÍÐ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_Ãû_˵_»°_£¬_Ëù_˵_µÄ_Èô_²»_³É_¾Í_£¬_Ò²_ÎÞ_Ч_Ñé £¬_Õâ_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_δ_Ôø_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_£¬_ÊÇ_ÄÇ_ÏÈ_Öª_ÉÃ_×Ô_˵_µÄ_£¬ Äã_²»_Òª_ÅÂ_Ëû_¡£ # # When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow # not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not # spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt # not be afraid of him. # ## # chapter 19 DEU:19 # unit P DEU:19:1 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_½«_ÁÐ_¹ú_Ö®_Ãñ_¼ô_³ý_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ò²_½« Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_µØ_´Í_¸ø_Äã_£¬_Äã_½Ó_×Å_ס_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_³Ç_ÒØ_²¢_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_·¿_ÎÝ £¬ # # When the LORD thy God hath cut off the nations, whose land the LORD # thy God giveth thee, and thou succeedest them, and dwellest in their # cities, and in their houses; # # unit P DEU:19:2 ¾Í_Òª_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_´Í_Äã_Ϊ_Òµ_µÄ_µØ_ÉÏ_·Ö_¶¨_Èý_×ù_³Ç_¡£ # # Thou shalt separate three cities for thee in the midst of thy land, # which the LORD thy God giveth thee to possess it. # # unit P DEU:19:3 Òª_½«_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_ʹ_Äã_³Ð_ÊÜ_Ϊ_Òµ_µÄ_µØ_·Ö_Ϊ_Èý_¶Î_¡£_ÓÖ_Òª_Ô¤ ±¸_µÀ_·_£¬_ʹ_Îó_ɱ_ÈË_µÄ_£¬_¶¼_¿É_ÒÔ_ÌÓ_µ½_ÄÇ_Àï_È¥_¡£ # # Thou shalt prepare thee a way, and divide the coasts of thy land, # which the LORD thy God giveth thee to inherit, into three parts, # that every slayer may flee thither. # # unit P DEU:19:4 Îó_ɱ_ÈË_µÄ_ÌÓ_µ½_ÄÇ_Àï_¿É_ÒÔ_´æ_»î_£¬_¶¨_Àý_ÄË_ÊÇ_Õâ_Ñù_£¬_·²_ËØ_ÎÞ ³ð_ºÞ_£¬_ÎÞ_ÐÄ_ɱ_ÁË_ÈË_µÄ_£¬ # # And this is the case of the slayer, which shall flee thither, that # he may live: Whoso killeth his neighbour ignorantly, whom he hated # not in time past; # # unit P DEU:19:5 ¾Í_Èç_ÈË_Óë_ÁÚ_Éá_ͬ_Èë_Ê÷_ÁÖ_¿³_·¥_Ê÷_ľ_£¬_ÊÖ_ÄÃ_¸«_×Ó_Ò»_¿³_£¬_±¾ Ïë_¿³_ÏÂ_Ê÷_ľ_£¬_²»_ÁÏ_£¬_¸«_Í·_ÍÑ_ÁË_°Ñ_£¬_·É_Âä_ÔÚ_ÁÚ_Éá_Éí_ÉÏ_£¬ ÒÔ_ÖÂ_ÓÚ_ËÀ_£¬_Õâ_ÈË_ÌÓ_µ½_ÄÇ_Щ_³Ç_µÄ_Ò»_×ù_³Ç_£¬_¾Í_¿É_ÒÔ_´æ_»î_£¬ # # As when a man goeth into the wood with his neighbour to hew wood, # and his hand fetcheth a stroke with the axe to cut down the tree, # and the head slippeth from the helve, and lighteth upon his # neighbour, that he die; he shall flee unto one of those cities, and # live: # # unit P DEU:19:6 Ãâ_µÃ_±¨_Ѫ_³ð_µÄ_£¬_ÐÄ_ÖÐ_»ð_ÈÈ_×·_¸Ï_Ëû_£¬_Òò_·_Ô¶_¾Í_×·_ÉÏ_£¬_½« Ëû_ɱ_ËÀ_¡£_Æä_ʵ_Ëû_²»_¸Ã_ËÀ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_Óë_±»_ɱ_µÄ_ËØ_ÎÞ_³ð_ºÞ_¡£ # # Lest the avenger of the blood pursue the slayer, while his heart is # hot, and overtake him, because the way is long, and slay him; # whereas he was not worthy of death, inasmuch as he hated him not in # time past. # # unit P DEU:19:7 Ëù_ÒÔ_ÎÒ_·Ô_¸À_Äã_˵_£¬_Òª_·Ö_¶¨_Èý_×ù_³Ç_¡£ # # Wherefore I command thee, saying, Thou shalt separate three cities # for thee. # # unit P DEU:19:8 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Èô_ÕÕ_Ëû_Ïò_Äã_ÁÐ_×æ_Ëù_Æð_µÄ_ÊÄ_À©_ÕÅ_Äã_µÄ_¾³_½ç_£¬ ½«_Ëù_Ó¦_Ðí_´Í_Äã_ÁÐ_×æ_µÄ_µØ_È«_È»_¸ø_Äã_£¬ # # And if the LORD thy God enlarge thy coast, as he hath sworn unto thy # fathers, and give thee all the land which he promised to give unto # thy fathers; # # unit P DEU:19:9 Äã_Èô_½÷_ÊØ_×ñ_ÐÐ_ÎÒ_½ñ_ÈÕ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_Õâ_Ò»_ÇÐ_½ë_Ãü_£¬_°®_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª Äã_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_³£_³£_×ñ_ÐÐ_Ëû_µÄ_µÀ_£¬_¾Í_Òª_ÔÚ_Õâ_Èý_×ù_³Ç_Ö®_Íâ_£¬_ÔÙ Ìí_Èý_×ù_³Ç_£¬ # # If thou shalt keep all these commandments to do them, which I # command thee this day, to love the LORD thy God, and to walk ever in # his ways; then shalt thou add three cities more for thee, beside # these three: # # unit P DEU:19:10 Ãâ_µÃ_ÎÞ_¹¼_Ö®_ÈË_µÄ_Ѫ_Á÷_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_´Í_Äã_Ϊ_Òµ_µÄ_µØ_ÉÏ £¬_Á÷_Ѫ_µÄ_×ï_¾Í_¹é_ÓÚ_Äã_¡£ # # That innocent blood be not shed in thy land, which the LORD thy God # giveth thee for an inheritance, and so blood be upon thee. # # unit P DEU:19:11 Èô_ÓÐ_ÈË_ºÞ_Ëû_µÄ_ÁÚ_Éá_£¬_Âñ_·ü_×Å_Æð_À´_»÷_ɱ_Ëû_£¬_ÒÔ_ÖÂ_ÓÚ_ËÀ_£¬ ±ã_ÌÓ_µ½_Õâ_Щ_³Ç_µÄ_Ò»_×ù_³Ç_£¬ # # But if any man hate his neighbour, and lie in wait for him, and rise # up against him, and smite him mortally that he die, and fleeth into # one of these cities: # # unit P DEU:19:12 ±¾_³Ç_µÄ_³¤_ÀÏ_¾Í_Òª_´ò_·¢_ÈË_È¥_£¬_´Ó_ÄÇ_Àï_´ø_³ö_Ëû_À´_£¬_½»_ÔÚ_±¨ Ѫ_³ð_µÄ_ÊÖ_ÖÐ_£¬_½«_Ëû_ÖÎ_ËÀ_¡£ # # Then the elders of his city shall send and fetch him thence, and # deliver him into the hand of the avenger of blood, that he may die. # # unit P DEU:19:13 Äã_ÑÛ_²»_¿É_¹Ë_ϧ_Ëû_£¬_È´_Òª_´Ó_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÐ_³ý_µô_Á÷_ÎÞ_¹¼_Ѫ_µÄ_×ï £¬_ʹ_Äã_¿É_ÒÔ_µÃ_¸£_¡£ # # Thine eye shall not pity him, but thou shalt put away the guilt of # innocent blood from Israel, that it may go well with thee. # # unit P DEU:19:14 ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_´Í_Äã_³Ð_ÊÜ_Ϊ_Òµ_Ö®_µØ_£¬_²»_¿É_Ų_ÒÆ_Äã_ÁÚ_Éá µÄ_µØ_½ç_£¬_ÄÇ_ÊÇ_ÏÈ_ÈË_Ëù_¶¨_µÄ_¡£ # # Thou shalt not remove thy neighbour's landmark, which they of old # time have set in thine inheritance, which thou shalt inherit in the # land that the LORD thy God giveth thee to possess it. # # unit P DEU:19:15 ÈË_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_·¸_ʲ_ô_×ï_£¬_×÷_ʲ_ô_¶ñ_£¬_²»_¿É_ƾ_Ò»_¸ö_ÈË_µÄ_¿Ú_×÷_¼û Ö¤_£¬_×Ü_Òª_ƾ_Á½_Èý_¸ö_ÈË_µÄ_¿Ú_×÷_¼û_Ö¤_²Å_¿É_¶¨_°¸_¡£ # # One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for # any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, # or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established. # # unit P DEU:19:16 Èô_ÓÐ_Ð×_¶ñ_µÄ_¼û_Ö¤_ÈË_Æð_À´_£¬_¼û_Ö¤_ij_ÈË_×÷_¶ñ_£¬ # # If a false witness rise up against any man to testify against him # that which is wrong; # # unit P DEU:19:17 Õâ_Á½_¸ö_Õù_ËÏ_µÄ_ÈË_¾Í_Òª_Õ¾_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_ºÍ_µ±_ʱ_µÄ_¼À_˾ £¬_²¢_Éó_ÅÐ_¹Ù_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬ # # Then both the men, between whom the controversy is, shall stand # before the LORD, before the priests and the judges, which shall be # in those days; # # unit P DEU:19:18 Éó_ÅÐ_¹Ù_Òª_ϸ_ϸ_µØ_²é_¾¿_£¬_Èô_¼û_Ö¤_ÈË_¹û_È»_ÊÇ_×÷_¼Ù_¼û_Ö¤_µÄ_£¬ ÒÔ_¼Ù_¼û_Ö¤_ÏÝ_º¦_µÜ_ÐÖ_£¬ # # And the judges shall make diligent inquisition: and, behold, if the # witness be a false witness, and hath testified falsely against his # brother; # # unit P DEU:19:19 Äã_ÃÇ_¾Í_Òª_´ý_Ëû_Èç_ͬ_Ëû_Ïë_Òª_´ý_µÄ_µÜ_ÐÖ_¡£_Õâ_Ñù_£¬_¾Í_°Ñ_ÄÇ_¶ñ ´Ó_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_³ý_µô_¡£ # # Then shall ye do unto him, as he had thought to have done unto his # brother: so shalt thou put the evil away from among you. # # unit P DEU:19:20 ±ð_ÈË_Ìý_¼û_¶¼_Òª_º¦_ÅÂ_£¬_¾Í_²»_¸Ò_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_ÔÙ_ÐÐ_Õâ_Ñù_µÄ_¶ñ ÁË_¡£ # # And those which remain shall hear, and fear, and shall henceforth # commit no more any such evil among you. # # unit P DEU:19:21 Äã_ÑÛ_²»_¿É_¹Ë_ϧ_£¬_Òª_ÒÔ_Ãü_³¥_Ãü_£¬_ÒÔ_ÑÛ_»¹_ÑÛ_£¬_ÒÔ_ÑÀ_»¹_ÑÀ_£¬ ÒÔ_ÊÖ_»¹_ÊÖ_£¬_ÒÔ_½Å_»¹_½Å_¡£ # # And thine eye shall not pity; but life shall go for life, eye for # eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot. # ## # chapter 20 DEU:20 # unit P DEU:20:1 Äã_³ö_È¥_Óë_³ð_µÐ_Õù_Õ½_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_¿´_¼û_Âí_Æ¥_£¬_³µ_Á¾_£¬_²¢_ÓÐ_±È Äã_¶à_µÄ_ÈË_Ãñ_£¬_²»_Òª_ÅÂ_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Áì_Äã_³ö_°£_¼°_µØ_µÄ_Ò®_ºÍ »ª_Äã_Éñ_Óë_Äã_ͬ_ÔÚ_¡£ # # When thou goest out to battle against thine enemies, and seest # horses, and chariots, and a people more than thou, be not afraid of # them: for the LORD thy God is with thee, which brought thee up out # of the land of Egypt. # # unit P DEU:20:2 Äã_ÃÇ_½«_Òª_ÉÏ_Õó_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_¼À_˾_Òª_µ½_°Ù_ÐÕ_Ãæ_Ç°_Ðû_¸æ_£¬ # # And it shall be, when ye are come nigh unto the battle, that the # priest shall approach and speak unto the people, # # unit P DEU:20:3 ˵_£¬_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÄÄ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_µ±_Ìý_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_½ñ_ÈÕ_½«_Òª_Óë_³ð_µÐ_Õù Õ½_£¬_²»_Òª_µ¨_ÇÓ_£¬_²»_Òª_¾å_ÅÂ_Õ½_¾¤_£¬_Ò²_²»_Òª_Òò_Ëû_ÃÇ_¾ª_¿Ö_¡£ # # And shall say unto them, Hear, O Israel, ye approach this day unto # battle against your enemies: let not your hearts faint, fear not, # and do not tremble, neither be ye terrified because of them; # # unit P DEU:20:4 Òò_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_ͬ_È¥_£¬_Òª_Ϊ_Äã_ÃÇ_Óë_³ð_µÐ_Õù Õ½_£¬_Õü_¾È_Äã_ÃÇ_¡£ # # For the LORD your God is he that goeth with you, to fight for you # against your enemies, to save you. # # unit P DEU:20:5 ¹Ù_³¤_Ò²_Òª_¶Ô_°Ù_ÐÕ_Ðû_¸æ_˵_£¬_Ë­_½¨_Ôì_·¿_ÎÝ_£¬_ÉÐ_δ_·î_Ï×_£¬_Ëû ¿É_ÒÔ_»Ø_¼Ò_È¥_£¬_¿Ö_ÅÂ_Ëû_Õó_Íö_£¬_±ð_ÈË_È¥_·î_Ï×_¡£ # # And the officers shall speak unto the people, saying, What man is # there that hath built a new house, and hath not dedicated it? let # him go and return to his house, lest he die in the battle, and # another man dedicate it. # # unit P DEU:20:6 Ë­_ÖÖ_ÆÏ_ÌÑ_Ô°_£¬_ÉÐ_δ_ÓÃ_Ëù_½á_µÄ_¹û_×Ó_£¬_Ëû_¿É_ÒÔ_»Ø_¼Ò_È¥_£¬_¿Ö ÅÂ_Ëû_Õó_Íö_£¬_±ð_ÈË_È¥_ÓÃ_¡£ # # And what man is he that hath planted a vineyard, and hath not yet # eaten of it? let him also go and return unto his house, lest he die # in the battle, and another man eat of it. # # unit P DEU:20:7 Ë­_Ƹ_¶¨_ÁË_ÆÞ_£¬_ÉÐ_δ_Ó­_È¢_£¬_Ëû_¿É_ÒÔ_»Ø_¼Ò_È¥_£¬_¿Ö_ÅÂ_Ëû_Õó_Íö £¬_±ð_ÈË_È¥_È¢_¡£ # # And what man is there that hath betrothed a wife, and hath not taken # her? let him go and return unto his house, lest he die in the # battle, and another man take her. # # unit P DEU:20:8 ¹Ù_³¤_ÓÖ_Òª_¶Ô_°Ù_ÐÕ_Ðû_¸æ_˵_£¬_Ë­_¾å_ÅÂ_µ¨_ÇÓ_£¬_Ëû_¿É_ÒÔ_»Ø_¼Ò_È¥ £¬_¿Ö_ÅÂ_Ëû_µÜ_ÐÖ_µÄ_ÐÄ_Ïû_»¯_£¬_ºÍ_Ëû_Ò»_Ñù_¡£ # # And the officers shall speak further unto the people, and they shall # say, What man is there that is fearful and fainthearted? let him go # and return unto his house, lest his brethren's heart faint as well # as his heart. # # unit P DEU:20:9 ¹Ù_³¤_¶Ô_°Ù_ÐÕ_Ðû_¸æ_Íê_ÁË_£¬_¾Í_µ±_ÅÉ_¾ü_³¤_ÂÊ_Áì_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£ # # And it shall be, when the officers have made an end of speaking unto # the people, that they shall make captains of the armies to lead the # people. # # unit P DEU:20:10 Äã_ÁÙ_½ü_Ò»_×ù_³Ç_£¬_Òª_¹¥_´ò_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_ÏÈ_Òª_¶Ô_³Ç_Àï_µÄ_Ãñ_Ðû_¸æ ºÍ_ÄÀ_µÄ_»°_¡£ # # When thou comest nigh unto a city to fight against it, then proclaim # peace unto it. # # unit P DEU:20:11 Ëû_ÃÇ_Èô_ÒÔ_ºÍ_ÄÀ_µÄ_»°_»Ø_´ð_Äã_£¬_¸ø_Äã_¿ª_ÁË_³Ç_£¬_³Ç_Àï_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ ÈË_¶¼_Òª_¸ø_Äã_Ч_ÀÍ_£¬_·þ_ÊÂ_Äã_¡£ # # And it shall be, if it make thee answer of peace, and open unto # thee, then it shall be, that all the people that is found therein # shall be tributaries unto thee, and they shall serve thee. # # unit P DEU:20:12 Èô_²»_¿Ï_Óë_Äã_ºÍ_ºÃ_£¬_·´_Òª_Óë_Äã_´ò_ÕÌ_£¬_Äã_¾Í_Òª_Χ_À§_ÄÇ_³Ç_¡£ # # And if it will make no peace with thee, but will make war against # thee, then thou shalt besiege it: # # unit P DEU:20:13 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_°Ñ_³Ç_½»_¸¶_Äã_ÊÖ_£¬_Äã_¾Í_Òª_ÓÃ_µ¶_ɱ_¾¡_Õâ_³Ç_µÄ ÄÐ_¶¡_¡£ # # And when the LORD thy God hath delivered it into thine hands, thou # shalt smite every male thereof with the edge of the sword: # # unit P DEU:20:14 Ω_ÓÐ_¸¾_Å®_£¬_º¢_×Ó_£¬_Éü_Ðó_£¬_ºÍ_³Ç_ÄÚ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_²Æ_Îï_£¬_Äã_¿É_ÒÔ È¡_Ϊ_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_ÂÓ_Îï_¡£_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_°Ñ_Äã_³ð_µÐ_µÄ_²Æ_Îï_´Í_¸ø_Äã £¬_Äã_¿É_ÒÔ_³Ô_ÓÃ_¡£ # # But the women, and the little ones, and the cattle, and all that is # in the city, even all the spoil thereof, shalt thou take unto # thyself; and thou shalt eat the spoil of thine enemies, which the # LORD thy God hath given thee. # # unit P DEU:20:15 Àë_Äã_Éõ_Ô¶_µÄ_¸÷_³Ç_£¬_²»_ÊÇ_Õâ_Щ_¹ú_Ãñ_µÄ_³Ç_£¬_Äã_¶¼_Òª_Õâ_Ñù_´ý Ëû_¡£ # # Thus shalt thou do unto all the cities which are very far off from # thee, which are not of the cities of these nations. # # unit P DEU:20:16 µ«_Õâ_Щ_¹ú_Ãñ_µÄ_³Ç_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_¼È_´Í_Äã_Ϊ_Òµ_£¬_Æä_ÖÐ_·²_ÓÐ Æø_Ï¢_µÄ_£¬_Ò»_¸ö_²»_¿É_´æ_Áô_¡£ # # But of the cities of these people, which the LORD thy God doth give # thee for an inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing that # breatheth: # # unit P DEU:20:17 Ö»_Òª_ÕÕ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_½«_Õâ_ºÕ_ÈË_£¬_ÑÇ_Ħ_Àû_ÈË_£¬_åÈ ÄÏ_ÈË_£¬_±È_Àû_Ï´_ÈË_£¬_Ï£_δ_ÈË_£¬_Ò®_²¼_˹_ÈË_¶¼_Ãð_¾ø_¾»_¾¡_£¬ # # But thou shalt utterly destroy them; namely, the Hittites, and the # Amorites, the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the # Jebusites; as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee: # # unit P DEU:20:18 Ãâ_µÃ_Ëû_ÃÇ_½Ì_µ¼_Äã_ÃÇ_ѧ_Ï°_Ò»_ÇÐ_¿É_Ô÷_¶ñ_µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ïò ×Ô_¼º_Éñ_Ëù_ÐÐ_µÄ_£¬_ÒÔ_ÖÂ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÃ_×ï_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # That they teach you not to do after all their abominations, which # they have done unto their gods; so should ye sin against the LORD # your God. # # unit P DEU:20:19 Äã_Èô_Ðí_¾Ã_Χ_À§_£¬_¹¥_´ò_Ëù_Òª_È¡_µÄ_Ò»_×ù_³Ç_£¬_¾Í_²»_¿É_¾Ù_¸«_×Ó ¿³_»µ_Ê÷_ľ_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_Äã_¿É_ÒÔ_³Ô_ÄÇ_Ê÷_ÉÏ_µÄ_¹û_×Ó_£¬_²»_¿É_¿³_·¥_¡£ Ìï_¼ä_µÄ_Ê÷_ľ_Æñ_ÊÇ_ÈË_£¬_½Ð_Äã_Ôã_Ì£_Âð_£¿ # # When thou shalt besiege a city a long time, in making war against it # to take it, thou shalt not destroy the trees thereof by forcing an # axe against them: for thou mayest eat of them, and thou shalt not # cut them down (for the tree of the field is man's life) to employ # them in the siege: # # unit P DEU:20:20 Ω_¶À_Äã_Ëù_Öª_µÀ_²»_ÊÇ_½á_¹û_×Ó_µÄ_Ê÷_ľ_¿É_ÒÔ_»Ù_»µ_£¬_¿³_·¥_£¬_Óà ÒÔ_ÐÞ_Öþ_Óª_ÀÝ_£¬_¹¥_»÷_ÄÇ_Óë_Äã_´ò_ÕÌ_µÄ_³Ç_£¬_Ö±_µ½_¹¥_Ëú_ÁË_¡£ # # Only the trees which thou knowest that they be not trees for meat, # thou shalt destroy and cut them down; and thou shalt build bulwarks # against the city that maketh war with thee, until it be subdued. # ## # chapter 21 DEU:21 # unit P DEU:21:1 ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_´Í_Äã_Ϊ_Òµ_µÄ_µØ_ÉÏ_£¬_Èô_Óö_¼û_±»_ɱ_µÄ_ÈË_µ¹ ÔÚ_Ìï_Ò°_£¬_²»_Öª_µÀ_ÊÇ_Ë­_ɱ_µÄ_£¬ # # If one be found slain in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee # to possess it, lying in the field, and it be not known who hath # slain him: # # unit P DEU:21:2 ³¤_ÀÏ_ºÍ_Éó_ÅÐ_¹Ù_¾Í_Òª_³ö_È¥_£¬_´Ó_±»_ɱ_µÄ_ÈË_ÄÇ_Àï_Á¿_Æð_£¬_Ö±_Á¿ µ½_ËÄ_Χ_µÄ_³Ç_ÒØ_£¬ # # Then thy elders and thy judges shall come forth, and they shall # measure unto the cities which are round about him that is slain: # # unit P DEU:21:3 ¿´_ÄÄ_³Ç_Àë_±»_ɱ_µÄ_ÈË_×î_½ü_£¬_ÄÇ_³Ç_µÄ_³¤_ÀÏ_¾Í_Òª_´Ó_Å£_Ⱥ_ÖÐ_È¡ Ò»_Ö»_δ_Ôø_¸û_µØ_£¬_δ_Ôø_¸º_éî_µÄ_ĸ_Å£_¶¿_£¬ # # And it shall be, that the city which is next unto the slain man, # even the elders of that city shall take an heifer, which hath not # been wrought with, and which hath not drawn in the yoke; # # unit P DEU:21:4 °Ñ_ĸ_Å£_¶¿_Ç£_µ½_Á÷_Ë®_£¬_δ_Ôø_¸û_ÖÖ_µÄ_ɽ_¹È_È¥_£¬_ÔÚ_¹È_ÖÐ_´ò_ÕÛ Ä¸_Å£_¶¿_µÄ_¾±_Ïî_¡£ # # And the elders of that city shall bring down the heifer unto a rough # valley, which is neither eared nor sown, and shall strike off the # heifer's neck there in the valley: # # unit P DEU:21:5 ¼À_˾_Àû_δ_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_Òª_½ü_Ç°_À´_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_¼ð_Ñ¡_ÁË Ëû_ÃÇ_ÊÂ_·î_Ëû_£¬_·î_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_Ãû_×£_¸£_£¬_Ëù_ÓÐ_Õù_ËÏ_Ź_´ò_µÄ_Ê ¶¼_Òª_ƾ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÅÐ_¶Ï_¡£ # # And the priests the sons of Levi shall come near; for them the LORD # thy God hath chosen to minister unto him, and to bless in the name # of the LORD; and by their word shall every controversy and every # stroke be tried: # # unit P DEU:21:6 ÄÇ_³Ç_µÄ_ÖÚ_³¤_ÀÏ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Àë_±»_ɱ_µÄ_ÈË_×î_½ü_µÄ_£¬_Òª_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_ɽ_¹È ÖÐ_£¬_ÔÚ_Ëù_´ò_ÕÛ_¾±_Ïî_µÄ_ĸ_Å£_¶¿_ÒÔ_ÉÏ_Ï´_ÊÖ_£¬ # # And all the elders of that city, that are next unto the slain man, # shall wash their hands over the heifer that is beheaded in the # valley: # # unit P DEU:21:7 µ»_¸æ_£¨_Ô­_ÎÄ_×÷_»Ø_´ð_£©_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÊÖ_δ_Ôø_Á÷_Õâ_ÈË_µÄ_Ѫ_¡£ ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÑÛ_Ò²_δ_Ôø_¿´_¼û_Õâ_ÊÂ_¡£ # # And they shall answer and say, Our hands have not shed this blood, # neither have our eyes seen it. # # unit P DEU:21:8 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_°¢_£¬_Çó_Äã_Éâ_Ãâ_Äã_Ëù_¾È_Êê_µÄ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_Ãñ_£¬_²»_Òª_ʹ_Á÷ ÎÞ_¹¼_Ѫ_µÄ_×ï_¹é_ÔÚ_Äã_µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÐ_¼ä_¡£_Õâ_Ñù_£¬_Á÷_Ѫ_µÄ ×ï_±Ø_µÃ_Éâ_Ãâ_¡£ # # Be merciful, O LORD, unto thy people Israel, whom thou hast # redeemed, and lay not innocent blood unto thy people of Israel's # charge. And the blood shall be forgiven them. # # unit P DEU:21:9 Äã_ÐÐ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÑÛ_ÖÐ_¿´_Ϊ_Õý_µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬_¾Í_¿É_ÒÔ_´Ó_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_³ý_µô Á÷_ÎÞ_¹¼_Ѫ_µÄ_×ï_¡£ # # So shalt thou put away the guilt of innocent blood from among you, # when thou shalt do that which is right in the sight of the LORD. # # unit P DEU:21:10 Äã_³ö_È¥_Óë_³ð_µÐ_Õù_Õ½_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_½«_Ëû_ÃÇ_½»_ÔÚ Äã_ÊÖ_ÖÐ_£¬_Äã_¾Í_°_ÁË_Ëû_ÃÇ_È¥_£¬ # # When thou goest forth to war against thine enemies, and the LORD thy # God hath delivered them into thine hands, and thou hast taken them # captive, # # unit P DEU:21:11 Èô_ÔÚ_±»_°_µÄ_ÈË_ÖÐ_¼û_ÓÐ_ÃÀ_ò_µÄ_Å®_×Ó_£¬_Áµ_Ľ_Ëý_£¬_Òª_È¢_Ëý_Ϊ ÆÞ_£¬ # # And seest among the captives a beautiful woman, and hast a desire # unto her, that thou wouldest have her to thy wife; # # unit P DEU:21:12 ¾Í_¿É_ÒÔ_Áì_Ëý_µ½_Äã_¼Ò_Àï_È¥_¡£_Ëý_±ã_Òª_Ìê_Í·_·¢_£¬_ÐÞ_Ö¸_¼×_£¬ # # Then thou shalt bring her home to thine house; and she shall shave # her head, and pare her nails; # # unit P DEU:21:13 ÍÑ_È¥_±»_°_ʱ_Ëù_´©_µÄ_ÒÂ_·þ_£¬_ס_ÔÚ_Äã_¼Ò_Àï_°§_¿Þ_¸¸_ĸ_Ò»_¸ö_Õû ÔÂ_£¬_È»_ºó_¿É_ÒÔ_Óë_Ëý_ͬ_·¿_¡£_Äã_×÷_Ëý_µÄ_ÕÉ_·ò_£¬_Ëý_×÷_Äã_µÄ_ÆÞ ×Ó_¡£ # # And she shall put the raiment of her captivity from off her, and # shall remain in thine house, and bewail her father and her mother a # full month: and after that thou shalt go in unto her, and be her # husband, and she shall be thy wife. # # unit P DEU:21:14 ºó_À´_Äã_Èô_²»_ϲ_ÔÃ_Ëý_£¬_¾Í_Òª_ÓÉ_Ëý_Ëæ_Òâ_³ö_È¥_£¬_¾ö_²»_¿É_Ϊ_Ç® Âô_Ëý_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_µ±_æ¾_Å®_´ý_Ëý_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Äã_çè_ÎÛ_ÁË_Ëý_¡£ # # And it shall be, if thou have no delight in her, then thou shalt let # her go whither she will; but thou shalt not sell her at all for # money, thou shalt not make merchandise of her, because thou hast # humbled her. # # unit P DEU:21:15 ÈË_Èô_ÓÐ_¶þ_ÆÞ_£¬_Ò»_Ϊ_Ëù_°®_£¬_Ò»_Ϊ_Ëù_¶ñ_£¬_Ëù_°®_µÄ_£¬_Ëù_¶ñ_µÄ ¶¼_¸ø_Ëû_Éú_ÁË_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_µ«_³¤_×Ó_ÊÇ_Ëù_¶ñ_Ö®_ÆÞ_Éú_µÄ_¡£ # # If a man have two wives, one beloved, and another hated, and they # have born him children, both the beloved and the hated; and if the # firstborn son be hers that was hated: # # unit P DEU:21:16 µ½_ÁË_°Ñ_²ú_Òµ_·Ö_¸ø_¶ù_×Ó_³Ð_ÊÜ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_²»_¿É_½«_Ëù_°®_Ö®_ÆÞ_Éú µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_Á¢_Ϊ_³¤_×Ó_£¬_ÔÚ_Ëù_¶ñ_Ö®_ÆÞ_Éú_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_ÒÔ_ÉÏ_£¬ # # Then it shall be, when he maketh his sons to inherit that which he # hath, that he may not make the son of the beloved firstborn before # the son of the hated, which is indeed the firstborn: # # unit P DEU:21:17 È´_Òª_ÈÏ_Ëù_¶ñ_Ö®_ÆÞ_Éú_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_Ϊ_³¤_×Ó_£¬_½«_²ú_Òµ_¶à_¼Ó_Ò»_·Ö_¸ø Ëû_¡£_Òò_Õâ_¶ù_×Ó_ÊÇ_Ëû_Á¦_Á¿_Ç¿_׳_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_Éú_µÄ_£¬_³¤_×Ó_µÄ_Ãû_·Ö ±¾_µ±_¹é_Ëû_¡£ # # But he shall acknowledge the son of the hated for the firstborn, by # giving him a double portion of all that he hath: for he is the # beginning of his strength; the right of the firstborn is his. # # unit P DEU:21:18 ÈË_Èô_ÓÐ_Íç_¹£_ã£_Äæ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_²»_Ìý_´Ó_¸¸_ĸ_µÄ_»°_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ëä_³Í ÖÎ_Ëû_£¬_Ëû_ÈÔ_²»_Ìý_´Ó_£¬ # # If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the # voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they # have chastened him, will not hearken unto them: # # unit P DEU:21:19 ¸¸_ĸ_¾Í_Òª_×¥_ס_Ëû_£¬_½«_Ëû_´ø_µ½_±¾_µØ_µÄ_³Ç_ÃÅ_£¬_±¾_³Ç_µÄ_³¤_ÀÏ ÄÇ_Àï_£¬ # # Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him # out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place; # # unit P DEU:21:20 ¶Ô_³¤_ÀÏ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Õâ_¶ù_×Ó_Íç_¹£_ã£_Äæ_£¬_²»_Ìý_´Ó_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_»°_£¬ ÊÇ_Ì°_ʳ_ºÃ_¾Æ_µÄ_ÈË_¡£ # # And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is # stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a # glutton, and a drunkard. # # unit P DEU:21:21 ±¾_³Ç_µÄ_ÖÚ_ÈË_¾Í_Òª_ÓÃ_ʯ_Í·_½«_Ëû_´ò_ËÀ_¡£_Õâ_Ñù_£¬_¾Í_°Ñ_ÄÇ_¶ñ_´Ó Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_³ý_µô_£¬_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÚ_ÈË_¶¼_Òª_Ìý_¼û_º¦_ÅÂ_¡£ # # And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he # die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel # shall hear, and fear. # # unit P DEU:21:22 ÈË_Èô_·¸_¸Ã_ËÀ_µÄ_×ï_£¬_±»_ÖÎ_ËÀ_ÁË_£¬_Äã_½«_Ëû_¹Ò_ÔÚ_ľ_Í·_ÉÏ_£¬ # # And if a man have committed a sin worthy of death, and he be to be # put to death, and thou hang him on a tree: # # unit P DEU:21:23 Ëû_µÄ_ʬ_Ê×_²»_¿É_Áô_ÔÚ_ľ_Í·_ÉÏ_¹ý_Ò¹_£¬_±Ø_Òª_µ±_ÈÕ_½«_Ëû_Ôá_Âñ_£¬ Ãâ_µÃ_çè_ÎÛ_ÁË_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_´Í_Äã_Ϊ_Òµ_Ö®_µØ_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_±»_¹Ò_µÄ ÈË_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_Éñ_Ãæ_Ç°_ÊÜ_Öä_×ç_µÄ_¡£ # # His body shall not remain all night upon the tree, but thou shalt in # any wise bury him that day; (for he that is hanged is accursed of # God;) that thy land be not defiled, which the LORD thy God giveth # thee for an inheritance. # ## # chapter 22 DEU:22 # unit P DEU:22:1 Äã_Èô_¿´_¼û_µÜ_ÐÖ_µÄ_Å£_»ò_Ñò_ʧ_ÃÔ_ÁË_·_£¬_²»_¿É_Ñð_Ϊ_²»_¼û_£¬_×Ü Òª_°Ñ_Ëü_Ç£_»Ø_À´_½»_¸ø_Äã_µÄ_µÜ_ÐÖ_¡£ # # Thou shalt not see thy brother's ox or his sheep go astray, and hide # thyself from them: thou shalt in any case bring them again unto thy # brother. # # unit P DEU:22:2 Äã_µÜ_ÐÖ_Èô_Àë_Äã_Ô¶_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_Äã_²»_ÈÏ_ʶ_Ëû_£¬_¾Í_Òª_Ç£_µ½_Äã_¼Ò_È¥ £¬_Áô_ÔÚ_Äã_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_µÈ_Äã_µÜ_ÐÖ_À´_Ñ°_ÕÒ_¾Í_»¹_¸ø_Ëû_¡£ # # And if thy brother be not nigh unto thee, or if thou know him not, # then thou shalt bring it unto thine own house, and it shall be with # thee until thy brother seek after it, and thou shalt restore it to # him again. # # unit P DEU:22:3 Äã_µÄ_µÜ_ÐÖ_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ʧ_Âä_ʲ_ô_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_¿_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_ÒÂ_·þ_£¬_Äã_Èô_Óö ¼û_£¬_¶¼_Òª_Õâ_Ñù_ÐÐ_£¬_²»_¿É_Ñð_Ϊ_²»_¼û_¡£ # # In like manner shalt thou do with his ass; and so shalt thou do with # his raiment; and with all lost thing of thy brother's, which he hath # lost, and thou hast found, shalt thou do likewise: thou mayest not # hide thyself. # # unit P DEU:22:4 Äã_Èô_¿´_¼û_µÜ_ÐÖ_µÄ_Å£_»ò_¿_µø_µ¹_ÔÚ_·_ÉÏ_£¬_²»_¿É_Ñð_Ϊ_²»_¼û_£¬ ×Ü_Òª_°ï_Öú_Ëû_À­_Æð_À´_¡£ # # Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall down by the way, # and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them # up again. # # unit P DEU:22:5 ¸¾_Å®_²»_¿É_´©_´÷_ÄÐ_×Ó_Ëù_´©_´÷_µÄ_£¬_ÄÐ_×Ó_Ò²_²»_¿É_´©_¸¾_Å®_µÄ_Ò ·þ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Õâ_Ñù_ÐÐ_¶¼_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_Ô÷_¶ñ_µÄ_¡£ # # The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither # shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are # abomination unto the LORD thy God. # # unit P DEU:22:6 Äã_Èô_·_ÉÏ_Óö_¼û_Äñ_ÎÑ_£¬_»ò_ÔÚ_Ê÷_ÉÏ_»ò_ÔÚ_µØ_ÉÏ_£¬_Àï_Í·_ÓÐ_³û_»ò ÓÐ_µ°_£¬_ĸ_Äñ_·ü_ÔÚ_³û_ÉÏ_»ò_ÔÚ_µ°_ÉÏ_£¬_Äã_²»_¿É_Á¬_ĸ_´ø_³û_Ò»_²¢ È¡_È¥_¡£ # # If a bird's nest chance to be before thee in the way in any tree, or # on the ground, whether they be young ones, or eggs, and the dam # sitting upon the young, or upon the eggs, thou shalt not take the # dam with the young: # # unit P DEU:22:7 ×Ü_Òª_·Å_ĸ_£¬_Ö»_¿É_È¡_³û_£¬_Õâ_Ñù_Äã_¾Í_¿É_ÒÔ_Ïí_¸£_£¬_ÈÕ_×Ó_µÃ_ÒÔ ³¤_¾Ã_¡£ # # But thou shalt in any wise let the dam go, and take the young to # thee; that it may be well with thee, and that thou mayest prolong # thy days. # # unit P DEU:22:8 Äã_Èô_½¨_Ôì_·¿_ÎÝ_£¬_Òª_ÔÚ_·¿_ÉÏ_µÄ_ËÄ_Χ_°²_À¸_¸Ë_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_ÓÐ_ÈË_´Ó ·¿_ÉÏ_µô_ÏÂ_À´_£¬_Á÷_Ѫ_µÄ_×ï_¾Í_¹é_ÓÚ_Äã_¼Ò_¡£ # # When thou buildest a new house, then thou shalt make a battlement # for thy roof, that thou bring not blood upon thine house, if any man # fall from thence. # # unit P DEU:22:9 ²»_¿É_°Ñ_Á½_Ñù_ÖÖ_×Ó_ÖÖ_ÔÚ_Äã_µÄ_ÆÏ_ÌÑ_Ô°_Àï_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_Äã_Èö_ÖÖ_Ëù_½á µÄ_ºÍ_ÆÏ_ÌÑ_Ô°_µÄ_¹û_×Ó_¶¼_Òª_³ä_¹«_¡£ # # Thou shalt not sow thy vineyard with divers seeds: lest the fruit of # thy seed which thou hast sown, and the fruit of thy vineyard, be # defiled. # # unit P DEU:22:10 ²»_¿É_²¢_ÓÃ_Å£_£¬_¿_¸û_µØ_¡£ # # Thou shalt not plow with an ox and an ass together. # # unit P DEU:22:11 ²»_¿É_´©_Ñò_ë_£¬_ϸ_Âé_Á½_Ñù_²ó_ÔÓ_ÁÏ_×÷_µÄ_ÒÂ_·þ_¡£ # # Thou shalt not wear a garment of divers sorts, as of woollen and # linen together. # # unit P DEU:22:12 Äã_Òª_ÔÚ_Ëù_Åû_µÄ_Íâ_ÒÂ_ÉÏ_ËÄ_Χ_×÷_£¿_£¿_×Ó_¡£ # # Thou shalt make thee fringes upon the four quarters of thy vesture, # wherewith thou coverest thyself. # # unit P DEU:22:13 ÈË_Èô_È¢_ÆÞ_£¬_Óë_Ëý_ͬ_·¿_Ö®_ºó_ºÞ_¶ñ_Ëý_£¬ # # If any man take a wife, and go in unto her, and hate her, # # unit P DEU:22:14 ÐÅ_¿Ú_˵_Ëý_£¬_½«_³ó_Ãû_¼Ó_ÔÚ_Ëý_Éí_ÉÏ_£¬_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_È¢_ÁË_Õâ_Å®_×Ó_£¬ Óë_Ëý_ͬ_·¿_£¬_¼û_Ëý_û_ÓÐ_Õê_½à_µÄ_ƾ_¾Ý_¡£ # # And give occasions of speech against her, and bring up an evil name # upon her, and say, I took this woman, and when I came to her, I # found her not a maid: # # unit P DEU:22:15 Å®_×Ó_µÄ_¸¸_ĸ_¾Í_Òª_°Ñ_Å®_×Ó_Õê_½à_µÄ_ƾ_¾Ý_ÄÃ_³ö_À´_£¬_´ø_µ½_±¾_³Ç ÃÅ_³¤_ÀÏ_ÄÇ_Àï_¡£ # # Then shall the father of the damsel, and her mother, take and bring # forth the tokens of the damsel's virginity unto the elders of the # city in the gate: # # unit P DEU:22:16 Å®_×Ó_µÄ_¸¸_Ç×_Òª_¶Ô_³¤_ÀÏ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_½«_ÎÒ_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_¸ø_Õâ_ÈË_Ϊ_ÆÞ_£¬ Ëû_ºÞ_¶ñ_Ëý_£¬ # # And the damsel's father shall say unto the elders, I gave my # daughter unto this man to wife, and he hateth her; # # unit P DEU:22:17 ÐÅ_¿Ú_˵_Ëý_£¬_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_¼û_Äã_µÄ_Å®_¶ù_û_ÓÐ_Õê_½à_µÄ_ƾ_¾Ý_¡£_Æä_ʵ Õâ_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_Å®_¶ù_Õê_½à_µÄ_ƾ_¾Ý_¡£_¸¸_ĸ_¾Í_°Ñ_ÄÇ_²¼_ÆÌ_ÔÚ_±¾_³Ç_µÄ ³¤_ÀÏ_Ãæ_Ç°_¡£ # # And, lo, he hath given occasions of speech against her, saying, I # found not thy daughter a maid; and yet these are the tokens of my # daughter's virginity. And they shall spread the cloth before the # elders of the city. # # unit P DEU:22:18 ±¾_³Ç_µÄ_³¤_ÀÏ_Òª_ÄÃ_ס_ÄÇ_ÈË_£¬_³Í_ÖÎ_Ëû_£¬ # # And the elders of that city shall take that man and chastise him; # # unit P DEU:22:19 ²¢_Òª_·£_Ëû_Ò»_°Ù_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_Òø_×Ó_£¬_¸ø_Å®_×Ó_µÄ_¸¸_Ç×_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_½« ³ó_Ãû_¼Ó_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_µÄ_Ò»_¸ö_´¦_Å®_Éí_ÉÏ_¡£_Å®_×Ó_ÈÔ_×÷_Ëû_µÄ_ÆÞ_£¬ ÖÕ_Éí_²»_¿É_ÐÝ_Ëý_¡£ # # And they shall amerce him in an hundred shekels of silver, and give # them unto the father of the damsel, because he hath brought up an # evil name upon a virgin of Israel: and she shall be his wife; he may # not put her away all his days. # # unit P DEU:22:20 µ«_Õâ_ÊÂ_Èô_ÊÇ_Õæ_µÄ_£¬_Å®_×Ó_û_ÓÐ_Õê_½à_µÄ_ƾ_¾Ý_£¬ # # But if this thing be true, and the tokens of virginity be not found # for the damsel: # # unit P DEU:22:21 ¾Í_Òª_½«_Å®_×Ó_´ø_µ½_Ëý_¸¸_¼Ò_µÄ_ÃÅ_¿Ú_£¬_±¾_³Ç_µÄ_ÈË_Òª_ÓÃ_ʯ_Í·_½« Ëý_´ò_ËÀ_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_Ëý_ÔÚ_¸¸_¼Ò_ÐÐ_ÁË_Òù_ÂÒ_£¬_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÐ_×÷_ÁË_³ó ÊÂ_¡£_Õâ_Ñù_£¬_¾Í_°Ñ_ÄÇ_¶ñ_´Ó_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_³ý_µô_¡£ # # Then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father's # house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she # die: because she hath wrought folly in Israel, to play the whore in # her father's house: so shalt thou put evil away from among you. # # unit P DEU:22:22 Èô_Óö_¼û_ÈË_Óë_ÓÐ_ÕÉ_·ò_µÄ_¸¾_ÈË_ÐÐ_Òù_£¬_¾Í_Òª_½«_¼é_·ò_Òù_¸¾_Ò»_²¢ ÖÎ_ËÀ_¡£_Õâ_Ñù_£¬_¾Í_°Ñ_ÄÇ_¶ñ_´Ó_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÐ_³ý_µô_¡£ # # If a man be found lying with a woman married to an husband, then # they shall both of them die, both the man that lay with the woman, # and the woman: so shalt thou put away evil from Israel. # # unit P DEU:22:23 Èô_ÓÐ_´¦_Å®_ÒÑ_¾­_Ðí_Åä_ÕÉ_·ò_£¬_ÓÐ_ÈË_ÔÚ_³Ç_Àï_Óö_¼û_Ëý_£¬_Óë_Ëý_ÐÐ Òù_£¬ # # If a damsel that is a virgin be betrothed unto an husband, and a man # find her in the city, and lie with her; # # unit P DEU:22:24 Äã_ÃÇ_¾Í_Òª_°Ñ_Õâ_¶þ_ÈË_´ø_µ½_±¾_³Ç_ÃÅ_£¬_ÓÃ_ʯ_Í·_´ò_ËÀ_Å®_×Ó_ÊÇ_Òò Ϊ_Ëä_ÔÚ_³Ç_Àï_È´_û_ÓÐ_º°_½Ð_¡£_ÄÐ_×Ó_ÊÇ_Òò_Ϊ_çè_ÎÛ_±ð_ÈË_µÄ_ÆÞ_¡£ Õâ_Ñù_£¬_¾Í_°Ñ_ÄÇ_¶ñ_´Ó_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_³ý_µô_¡£ # # Then ye shall bring them both out unto the gate of that city, and ye # shall stone them with stones that they die; the damsel, because she # cried not, being in the city; and the man, because he hath humbled # his neighbour's wife: so thou shalt put away evil from among you. # # unit P DEU:22:25 Èô_ÓÐ_ÄÐ_×Ó_ÔÚ_Ìï_Ò°_Óö_¼û_ÒÑ_¾­_Ðí_Åä_ÈË_µÄ_Å®_×Ó_£¬_Ç¿_Óë_Ëý_ÐÐ_Òù £¬_Ö»_Òª_½«_ÄÇ_ÄÐ_×Ó_ÖÎ_ËÀ_¡£ # # But if a man find a betrothed damsel in the field, and the man force # her, and lie with her: then the man only that lay with her shall # die: # # unit P DEU:22:26 µ«_²»_¿É_°ì_Å®_×Ó_¡£_Ëý_±¾_û_ÓÐ_¸Ã_ËÀ_µÄ_×ï_£¬_Õâ_ÊÂ_¾Í_Àà_ºõ_ÈË_Æð À´_¹¥_»÷_ÁÚ_Éá_£¬_½«_Ëû_ɱ_ÁË_Ò»_Ñù_¡£ # # But unto the damsel thou shalt do nothing; there is in the damsel no # sin worthy of death: for as when a man riseth against his neighbour, # and slayeth him, even so is this matter: # # unit P DEU:22:27 Òò_Ϊ_ÄÐ_×Ó_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_Ìï_Ò°_Óö_¼û_ÄÇ_ÒÑ_¾­_Ðí_Åä_ÈË_µÄ_Å®_×Ó_£¬_Å®_×Ó_º° ½Ð_£¬_²¢_ÎÞ_ÈË_¾È_Ëý_¡£ # # For he found her in the field, and the betrothed damsel cried, and # there was none to save her. # # unit P DEU:22:28 Èô_ÓÐ_ÄÐ_×Ó_Óö_¼û_û_ÓÐ_Ðí_Åä_ÈË_µÄ_´¦_Å®_£¬_×¥_ס_Ëý_£¬_Óë_Ëý_ÐÐ_Òù £¬_±»_ÈË_¿´_¼û_£¬ # # If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and # lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found; # # unit P DEU:22:29 Õâ_ÄÐ_×Ó_¾Í_Òª_ÄÃ_Îå_Ê®_Éá_¿Í_ÀÕ_Òø_×Ó_¸ø_Å®_×Ó_µÄ_¸¸_Ç×_¡£_Òò_Ëû_çè ÎÛ_ÁË_Õâ_Å®_×Ó_£¬_¾Í_Òª_È¢_Ëý_Ϊ_ÆÞ_£¬_ÖÕ_Éí_²»_¿É_ÐÝ_Ëý_¡£ # # Then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel's father # fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife; because he hath # humbled her, he may not put her away all his days. # # unit P DEU:22:30 ÈË_²»_¿É_È¢_¼Ì_ĸ_Ϊ_ÆÞ_¡£_²»_¿É_ÏÆ_¿ª_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_µÄ_ÒÂ_½ó_¡£ # # A man shall not take his father's wife, nor discover his father's # skirt. # ## # chapter 23 DEU:23 # unit P DEU:23:1 ·²_Íâ_Éö_ÊÜ_ÉË_µÄ_£¬_»ò_±»_ÑË_¸î_µÄ_£¬_²»_¿É_Èë_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_»á_¡£ # # He that is wounded in the stones, or hath his privy member cut off, # shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD. # # unit P DEU:23:2 ˽_Éú_×Ó_²»_¿É_Èë_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_»á_¡£_Ëû_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_£¬_Ö±_µ½_Ê®_´ú_£¬_Ò² ²»_¿É_Èë_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_»á_¡£ # # A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to # his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the # LORD. # # unit P DEU:23:3 ÑÇ_ÞÑ_ÈË_»ò_ÊÇ_Ħ_Ѻ_ÈË_²»_¿É_Èë_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_»á_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_£¬ Ëä_¹ý_Ê®_´ú_£¬_Ò²_ÓÀ_²»_¿É_Èë_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_»á_¡£ # # An Ammonite or Moabite shall not enter into the congregation of the # LORD; even to their tenth generation shall they not enter into the # congregation of the LORD for ever: # # unit P DEU:23:4 Òò_Ϊ_Äã_ÃÇ_³ö_°£_¼°_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_û_ÓÐ_ÄÃ_ʳ_Îï_ºÍ_Ë®_ÔÚ_·_ÉÏ Ó­_½Ó_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_ÓÖ_Òò_Ëû_ÃÇ_¹Í_ÁË_Ã×_Ëù_²¨_´ó_Ã×_µÄ_Åþ_¶á_ÈË_±È_çí_µÄ ¶ù_×Ó_°Í_À¼_À´_Öä_×ç_Äã_ÃÇ_¡£ # # Because they met you not with bread and with water in the way, when # ye came forth out of Egypt; and because they hired against thee # Balaam the son of Beor of Pethor of Mesopotamia, to curse thee. # # unit P DEU:23:5 È»_¶ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_²»_¿Ï_Ìý_´Ó_°Í_À¼_£¬_È´_ʹ_ÄÇ_Öä_×ç_µÄ_ÑÔ_Óï ±ä_Ϊ_×£_¸£_µÄ_»°_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_°®_Äã_¡£ # # Nevertheless the LORD thy God would not hearken unto Balaam; but the # LORD thy God turned the curse into a blessing unto thee, because the # LORD thy God loved thee. # # unit P DEU:23:6 Äã_Ò»_Éú_Ò»_ÊÀ_ÓÀ_²»_¿É_Çó_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_ƽ_°²_ºÍ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Àû_Òæ_¡£ # # Thou shalt not seek their peace nor their prosperity all thy days # for ever. # # unit P DEU:23:7 ²»_¿É_Ô÷_¶ñ_ÒÔ_¶«_ÈË_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_ÊÇ_Äã_µÄ_µÜ_ÐÖ_¡£_²»_¿É_Ô÷_¶ñ_°£_¼° ÈË_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Äã_ÔÚ_Ëû_µÄ_µØ_ÉÏ_×÷_¹ý_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_¡£ # # Thou shalt not abhor an Edomite; for he is thy brother: thou shalt # not abhor an Egyptian; because thou wast a stranger in his land. # # unit P DEU:23:8 Ëû_ÃÇ_µÚ_Èý_´ú_×Ó_Ëï_¿É_ÒÔ_Èë_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_»á_¡£ # # The children that are begotten of them shall enter into the # congregation of the LORD in their third generation. # # unit P DEU:23:9 Äã_³ö_±ø_¹¥_´ò_³ð_µÐ_£¬_¾Í_Òª_Ô¶_±Ü_Öî_¶ñ_¡£ # # When the host goeth forth against thine enemies, then keep thee from # every wicked thing. # # unit P DEU:23:10 Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_£¬_Èô_ÓÐ_ÈË_Ò¹_¼ä_ż_È»_ÃÎ_ÒÅ_£¬_²»_½à_¾»_£¬_¾Í_Òª_³ö_µ½ Óª_Íâ_£¬_²»_¿É_Èë_Óª_¡£ # # If there be among you any man, that is not clean by reason of # uncleanness that chanceth him by night, then shall he go abroad out # of the camp, he shall not come within the camp: # # unit P DEU:23:11 µ½_°ø_Íí_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Ëû_Òª_ÓÃ_Ë®_Ï´_Ôè_£¬_¼°_ÖÁ_ÈÕ_Âä_ÁË_²Å_¿É_ÒÔ_Èë Óª_¡£ # # But it shall be, when evening cometh on, he shall wash himself with # water: and when the sun is down, he shall come into the camp again. # # unit P DEU:23:12 Äã_ÔÚ_Óª_Íâ_Ò²_¸Ã_¶¨_³ö_Ò»_¸ö_µØ_·½_×÷_Ϊ_±ã_Ëù_¡£ # # Thou shalt have a place also without the camp, whither thou shalt go # forth abroad: # # unit P DEU:23:13 ÔÚ_Äã_Æ÷_е_Ö®_ÖÐ_µ±_Ô¤_±¸_Ò»_°Ñ_ÇÂ_£¬_Äã_³ö_Óª_Íâ_±ã_Äç_ÒÔ_ºó_£¬_Óà ÒÔ_²ù_ÍÁ_£¬_ת_Éí_ÑÚ_¸Ç_¡£ # # And thou shalt have a paddle upon thy weapon; and it shall be, when # thou wilt ease thyself abroad, thou shalt dig therewith, and shalt # turn back and cover that which cometh from thee: # # unit P DEU:23:14 Òò_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_³£_ÔÚ_Äã_Óª_ÖÐ_ÐÐ_×ß_£¬_Òª_¾È_»¤_Äã_£¬_½«_³ð µÐ_½»_¸ø_Äã_£¬_Ëù_ÒÔ_Äã_µÄ_Óª_Àí_µ±_Ê¥_½à_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_Ëû_¼û_Äã_ÄÇ_Àï_ÓÐ ÎÛ_»à_£¬_¾Í_Àë_¿ª_Äã_¡£ # # For the LORD thy God walketh in the midst of thy camp, to deliver # thee, and to give up thine enemies before thee; therefore shall thy # camp be holy: that he see no unclean thing in thee, and turn away # from thee. # # unit P DEU:23:15 Èô_ÓÐ_Å«_ÆÍ_ÍÑ_ÁË_Ö÷_ÈË_µÄ_ÊÖ_£¬_ÌÓ_µ½_Äã_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_Äã_²»_¿É_½«_Ëû_½» ¸¶_Ëû_µÄ_Ö÷_ÈË_¡£ # # Thou shalt not deliver unto his master the servant which is escaped # from his master unto thee: # # unit P DEU:23:16 Ëû_±Ø_ÔÚ_Äã_ÄÇ_Àï_Óë_Äã_ͬ_ס_£¬_ÔÚ_Äã_µÄ_³Ç_ÒØ_ÖÐ_£¬_Òª_ÓÉ_Ëû_Ñ¡_Ôñ Ò»_¸ö_Ëù_ϲ_ÔÃ_µÄ_µØ_·½_¾Ó_ס_¡£_Äã_²»_¿É_ÆÛ_¸º_Ëû_¡£ # # He shall dwell with thee, even among you, in that place which he # shall choose in one of thy gates, where it liketh him best: thou # shalt not oppress him. # # unit P DEU:23:17 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_µÄ_Å®_×Ó_ÖÐ_²»_¿É_ÓÐ_¼Ë_Å®_¡£_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_µÄ_ÄÐ_×Ó_ÖÐ_²»_¿É_ÓÐ æ®_ͯ_¡£ # # There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite # of the sons of Israel. # # unit P DEU:23:18 æ½_¼Ë_Ëù_µÃ_µÄ_Ç®_£¬_»ò_æ®_ͯ_£¨_Ô­_ÎÄ_×÷_¹·_£©_Ëù_µÃ_µÄ_¼Û_£¬_Äã_²» ¿É_´ø_Èë_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_µÄ_µî_»¹_Ô¸_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Õâ_Á½_Ñù_¶¼_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª Äã_Éñ_Ëù_Ô÷_¶ñ_µÄ_¡£ # # Thou shalt not bring the hire of a whore, or the price of a dog, # into the house of the LORD thy God for any vow: for even both these # are abomination unto the LORD thy God. # # unit P DEU:23:19 Äã_½è_¸ø_Äã_µÜ_ÐÖ_µÄ_£¬_»ò_ÊÇ_Ç®_²Æ_»ò_ÊÇ_Á¸_ʳ_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ʲ_ô_¿É_Éú Àû_µÄ_Îï_£¬_¶¼_²»_¿É_È¡_Àû_¡£ # # Thou shalt not lend upon usury to thy brother; usury of money, usury # of victuals, usury of any thing that is lent upon usury: # # unit P DEU:23:20 ½è_¸ø_Íâ_°î_ÈË_¿É_ÒÔ_È¡_Àû_£¬_Ö»_ÊÇ_½è_¸ø_Äã_µÜ_ÐÖ_²»_¿É_È¡_Àû_¡£_Õâ Ñù_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_±Ø_ÔÚ_Äã_Ëù_È¥_µÃ_Ϊ_Òµ_µÄ_µØ_ÉÏ_ºÍ_Äã_ÊÖ_Àï_Ëù °ì_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_ÊÂ_ÉÏ_´Í_¸£_Óë_Äã_¡£ # # Unto a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury; but unto thy brother # thou shalt not lend upon usury: that the LORD thy God may bless thee # in all that thou settest thine hand to in the land whither thou # goest to possess it. # # unit P DEU:23:21 Äã_Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_Ðí_Ô¸_£¬_³¥_»¹_²»_¿É_³Ù_ÑÓ_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª Äã_µÄ_Éñ_±Ø_¶¨_Ïò_Äã_×·_ÌÖ_£¬_Äã_²»_³¥_»¹_¾Í_ÓÐ_×ï_¡£ # # When thou shalt vow a vow unto the LORD thy God, thou shalt not # slack to pay it: for the LORD thy God will surely require it of # thee; and it would be sin in thee. # # unit P DEU:23:22 Äã_Èô_²»_Ðí_Ô¸_£¬_µ¹_ÎÞ_×ï_¡£ # # But if thou shalt forbear to vow, it shall be no sin in thee. # # unit P DEU:23:23 Äã_×ì_Àï_Ëù_³ö_µÄ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Äã_¿Ú_ÖÐ_Ó¦_Ðí_¸Ê_ÐÄ_Ëù_Ï×_µÄ_£¬_Òª_ÕÕ_Äã Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_Ðí_µÄ_Ô¸_½÷_ÊØ_×ñ_ÐÐ_¡£ # # That which is gone out of thy lips thou shalt keep and perform; even # a freewill offering, according as thou hast vowed unto the LORD thy # God, which thou hast promised with thy mouth. # # unit P DEU:23:24 Äã_½ø_ÁË_ÁÚ_Éá_µÄ_ÆÏ_ÌÑ_Ô°_£¬_¿É_ÒÔ_Ëæ_Òâ_³Ô_±¥_ÁË_ÆÏ_ÌÑ_£¬_Ö»_ÊÇ_²» ¿É_×°_ÔÚ_Æ÷_Ãó_ÖÐ_¡£ # # When thou comest into thy neighbour's vineyard, then thou mayest eat # grapes thy fill at thine own pleasure; but thou shalt not put any in # thy vessel. # # unit P DEU:23:25 Äã_½ø_ÁË_ÁÚ_Éá_Õ¾_×Å_µÄ_ºÌ_¼Ú_£¬_¿É_ÒÔ_ÓÃ_ÊÖ_Õª_Ëë_×Ó_£¬_Ö»_ÊÇ_²»_¿É ÓÃ_Á­_µ¶_¸î_È¡_ºÌ_¼Ú_¡£ # # When thou comest into the standing corn of thy neighbour, then thou # mayest pluck the ears with thine hand; but thou shalt not move a # sickle unto thy neighbour's standing corn. # ## # chapter 24 DEU:24 # unit P DEU:24:1 ÈË_Èô_È¢_ÆÞ_ÒÔ_ºó_£¬_¼û_Ëý_ÓÐ_ʲ_ô_²»_ºÏ_Àí_µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬_²»_ϲ_ÔÃ_Ëý_£¬ ¾Í_¿É_ÒÔ_д_ÐÝ_Êé_½»_ÔÚ_Ëý_ÊÖ_ÖÐ_£¬_´ò_·¢_Ëý_Àë_¿ª_·ò_¼Ò_¡£ # # When a man hath taken a wife, and married her, and it come to pass # that she find no favour in his eyes, because he hath found some # uncleanness in her: then let him write her a bill of divorcement, # and give it in her hand, and send her out of his house. # # unit P DEU:24:2 ¸¾_ÈË_Àë_¿ª_·ò_¼Ò_ÒÔ_ºó_£¬_¿É_ÒÔ_È¥_¼Þ_±ð_ÈË_¡£ # # And when she is departed out of his house, she may go and be another # man's wife. # # unit P DEU:24:3 ºó_·ò_Èô_ºÞ_¶ñ_Ëý_£¬_д_ÐÝ_Êé_½»_ÔÚ_Ëý_ÊÖ_ÖÐ_£¬_´ò_·¢_Ëý_Àë_¿ª_·ò_¼Ò £¬_»ò_ÊÇ_È¢_Ëý_Ϊ_ÆÞ_µÄ_ºó_·ò_ËÀ_ÁË_£¬ # # And if the latter husband hate her, and write her a bill of # divorcement, and giveth it in her hand, and sendeth her out of his # house; or if the latter husband die, which took her to be his wife; # # unit P DEU:24:4 ´ò_·¢_Ëý_È¥_µÄ_Ç°_·ò_²»_¿É_ÔÚ_¸¾_ÈË_çè_ÎÛ_Ö®_ºó_ÔÙ_È¢_Ëý_Ϊ_ÆÞ_£¬_Òò Ϊ_Õâ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_Ô÷_¶ñ_µÄ_¡£_²»_¿É_ʹ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_´Í_Ϊ_Òµ Ö®_µØ_±»_çè_ÎÛ_ÁË_¡£ # # Her former husband, which sent her away, may not take her again to # be his wife, after that she is defiled; for that is abomination # before the LORD: and thou shalt not cause the land to sin, which the # LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance. # # unit P DEU:24:5 ÐÂ_È¢_ÆÞ_Ö®_ÈË_²»_¿É_´Ó_¾ü_³ö_Õ÷_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_ÍÐ_Ëû_°ì_Àí_ʲ_ô_¹«_Ê £¬_¿É_ÒÔ_ÔÚ_¼Ò_Çå_ÏÐ_Ò»_Äê_£¬_ʹ_Ëû_Ëù_È¢_µÄ_ÆÞ_¿ì_»î_¡£ # # When a man hath taken a new wife, he shall not go out to war, # neither shall he be charged with any business: but he shall be free # at home one year, and shall cheer up his wife which he hath taken. # # unit P DEU:24:6 ²»_¿É_ÄÃ_ÈË_µÄ_È«_ÅÌ_Ä¥_ʯ_»ò_ÊÇ_ÉÏ_Ä¥_ʯ_×÷_µ±_Í·_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Õâ_ÊÇ_Äà ÈË_µÄ_Ãü_×÷_µ±_Í·_¡£ # # No man shall take the nether or the upper millstone to pledge: for # he taketh a man's life to pledge. # # unit P DEU:24:7 Èô_Óö_¼û_ÈË_¹Õ_´ø_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÐ_µÄ_Ò»_¸ö_µÜ_ÐÖ_£¬_µ±_Å«_²Å_´ý_Ëû_£¬_»ò ÊÇ_Âô_ÁË_Ëû_£¬_ÄÇ_¹Õ_´ø_ÈË_µÄ_¾Í_±Ø_ÖÎ_ËÀ_¡£_Õâ_Ñù_£¬_±ã_½«_ÄÇ_¶ñ_´Ó Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_³ý_µô_¡£ # # If a man be found stealing any of his brethren of the children of # Israel, and maketh merchandise of him, or selleth him; then that # thief shall die; and thou shalt put evil away from among you. # # unit P DEU:24:8 ÔÚ_´ó_Âé_·è_µÄ_ÔÖ_²¡_ÉÏ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_½÷_É÷_£¬_ÕÕ_¼À_˾_Àû_δ_ÈË_Ò»_ÇÐ Ëù_Ö¸_½Ì_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Áô_Òâ_×ñ_ÐÐ_¡£_ÎÒ_Ôõ_Ñù_·Ô_¸À_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_Ôõ Ñù_×ñ_ÐÐ_¡£ # # Take heed in the plague of leprosy, that thou observe diligently, # and do according to all that the priests the Levites shall teach # you: as I commanded them, so ye shall observe to do. # # unit P DEU:24:9 µ±_¼Ç_Äî_³ö_°£_¼°_ºó_£¬_ÔÚ_·_ÉÏ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ïò_Ã×_Àû_°µ_Ëù_ÐÐ µÄ_ÊÂ_¡£ # # Remember what the LORD thy God did unto Miriam by the way, after # that ye were come forth out of Egypt. # # unit P DEU:24:10 Äã_½è_¸ø_ÁÚ_Éá_£¬_²»_¾Ð_ÊÇ_ʲ_ô_£¬_²»_¿É_½ø_Ëû_¼Ò_ÄÃ_Ëû_µÄ_µ±_Í·_¡£ # # When thou dost lend thy brother any thing, thou shalt not go into # his house to fetch his pledge. # # unit P DEU:24:11 Òª_Õ¾_ÔÚ_Íâ_Ãæ_£¬_µÈ_ÄÇ_Ïò_Äã_½è_´û_µÄ_ÈË_°Ñ_µ±_Í·_ÄÃ_³ö_À´_½»_¸ø_Äã ¡£ # # Thou shalt stand abroad, and the man to whom thou dost lend shall # bring out the pledge abroad unto thee. # # unit P DEU:24:12 Ëû_Èô_ÊÇ_Çî_ÈË_£¬_Äã_²»_¿É_Áô_Ëû_µÄ_µ±_Í·_¹ý_Ò¹_¡£ # # And if the man be poor, thou shalt not sleep with his pledge: # # unit P DEU:24:13 ÈÕ_Âä_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_×Ü_Òª_°Ñ_µ±_Í·_»¹_Ëû_£¬_ʹ_Ëû_ÓÃ_ÄÇ_¼þ_ÒÂ_·þ_¸Ç_׊˯_¾õ_£¬_Ëû_¾Í_Ϊ_Äã_×£_¸£_¡£_Õâ_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ãæ_Ç°_¾Í_ÊÇ_Äã_µÄ Òå_ÁË_¡£ # # In any case thou shalt deliver him the pledge again when the sun # goeth down, that he may sleep in his own raiment, and bless thee: # and it shall be righteousness unto thee before the LORD thy God. # # unit P DEU:24:14 À§_¿à_Çî_·¦_µÄ_¹Í_¹¤_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_ÊÇ_Äã_µÄ_µÜ_ÐÖ_»ò_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_Äã_³Ç_Àï_¼Ä_¾Ó µÄ_£¬_Äã_²»_¿É_ÆÛ_¸º_Ëû_¡£ # # Thou shalt not oppress an hired servant that is poor and needy, # whether he be of thy brethren, or of thy strangers that are in thy # land within thy gates: # # unit P DEU:24:15 Òª_µ±_ÈÕ_¸ø_Ëû_¹¤_¼Û_£¬_²»_¿É_µÈ_µ½_ÈÕ_Âä_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_Çî_¿à_£¬_°Ñ_ÐÄ ·Å_ÔÚ_¹¤_¼Û_ÉÏ_£¬_¿Ö_ÅÂ_Ëû_Òò_Äã_Çó_¸æ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_×ï_±ã_¹é_Äã_ÁË_¡£ # # At his day thou shalt give him his hire, neither shall the sun go # down upon it; for he is poor, and setteth his heart upon it: lest he # cry against thee unto the LORD, and it be sin unto thee. # # unit P DEU:24:16 ²»_¿É_Òò_×Ó_ɱ_¸¸_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_Òò_¸¸_ɱ_×Ó_¡£_·²_±»_ɱ_µÄ_¶¼_Ϊ_±¾_Éí µÄ_×ï_¡£ # # The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither # shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall # be put to death for his own sin. # # unit P DEU:24:17 Äã_²»_¿É_Ïò_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_ºÍ_¹Â_¶ù_Çü_Í÷_Õý_Ö±_£¬_Ò²_²»_¿É_ÄÃ_¹Ñ_¸¾_µÄ_Ò ÉÑ_×÷_µ±_Í·_¡£ # # Thou shalt not pervert the judgment of the stranger, nor of the # fatherless; nor take a widow's raiment to pledge: # # unit P DEU:24:18 Òª_¼Ç_Äî_Äã_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_×÷_¹ý_Å«_ÆÍ_¡£_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_´Ó_ÄÇ_Àï_½«_Äã ¾È_Êê_£¬_Ëù_ÒÔ_ÎÒ_·Ô_¸À_Äã_Õâ_Ñù_ÐÐ_¡£ # # But thou shalt remember that thou wast a bondman in Egypt, and the # LORD thy God redeemed thee thence: therefore I command thee to do # this thing. # # unit P DEU:24:19 Äã_ÔÚ_Ìï_¼ä_ÊÕ_¸î_ׯ_¼Ú_£¬_Èô_Íü_ÏÂ_Ò»_À¦_£¬_²»_¿É_»Ø_È¥_ÔÙ_È¡_£¬_Òª Áô_¸ø_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_Óë_¹Â_¶ù_¹Ñ_¸¾_¡£_Õâ_Ñù_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_±Ø_ÔÚ_Äã_ÊÖ Àï_Ëù_°ì_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_ÊÂ_ÉÏ_´Í_¸£_Óë_Äã_¡£ # # When thou cuttest down thine harvest in thy field, and hast forgot a # sheaf in the field, thou shalt not go again to fetch it: it shall be # for the stranger, for the fatherless, and for the widow: that the # LORD thy God may bless thee in all the work of thine hands. # # unit P DEU:24:20 Äã_´ò_éÏ_é­_Ê÷_£¬_Ö¦_ÉÏ_Ê£_ÏÂ_µÄ_£¬_²»_¿É_ÔÙ_´ò_¡£_Òª_Áô_¸ø_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ Óë_¹Â_¶ù_¹Ñ_¸¾_¡£ # # When thou beatest thine olive tree, thou shalt not go over the # boughs again: it shall be for the stranger, for the fatherless, and # for the widow. # # unit P DEU:24:21 Äã_Õª_ÆÏ_ÌÑ_Ô°_µÄ_ÆÏ_ÌÑ_£¬_Ëù_Ê£_ÏÂ_µÄ_£¬_²»_¿É_ÔÙ_Õª_¡£_Òª_Áô_¸ø_¼Ä ¾Ó_µÄ_Óë_¹Â_¶ù_¹Ñ_¸¾_¡£ # # When thou gatherest the grapes of thy vineyard, thou shalt not glean # it afterward: it shall be for the stranger, for the fatherless, and # for the widow. # # unit P DEU:24:22 Äã_Ò²_Òª_¼Ç_Äî_Äã_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_µØ_×÷_¹ý_Å«_ÆÍ_£¬_Ëù_ÒÔ_ÎÒ_·Ô_¸À_Äã_Õâ_Ñù ÐÐ_¡£ # # And thou shalt remember that thou wast a bondman in the land of # Egypt: therefore I command thee to do this thing. # ## # chapter 25 DEU:25 # unit P DEU:25:1 ÈË_Èô_ÓÐ_Õù_ËÏ_£¬_À´_Ìý_Éó_ÅÐ_£¬_Éó_ÅÐ_¹Ù_¾Í_Òª_¶¨_Òå_ÈË_ÓÐ_Àí_£¬_¶¨ ¶ñ_ÈË_ÓÐ_×ï_¡£ # # If there be a controversy between men, and they come unto judgment, # that the judges may judge them; then they shall justify the # righteous, and condemn the wicked. # # unit P DEU:25:2 ¶ñ_ÈË_Èô_¸Ã_ÊÜ_Ôð_´ò_£¬_Éó_ÅÐ_¹Ù_¾Í_Òª_½Ð_Ëû_µ±_Ãæ_·ü_ÔÚ_µØ_ÉÏ_£¬_°´ ×Å_Ëû_µÄ_×ï_ÕÕ_Êý_Ôð_´ò_¡£ # # And it shall be, if the wicked man be worthy to be beaten, that the # judge shall cause him to lie down, and to be beaten before his face, # according to his fault, by a certain number. # # unit P DEU:25:3 Ö»_¿É_´ò_Ëû_ËÄ_Ê®_ÏÂ_£¬_²»_¿É_¹ý_Êý_¡£_Èô_¹ý_Êý_£¬_±ã_ÊÇ_Çá_¼ú_Äã_µÄ µÜ_ÐÖ_ÁË_¡£ # # Forty stripes he may give him, and not exceed: lest, if he should # exceed, and beat him above these with many stripes, then thy brother # should seem vile unto thee. # # unit P DEU:25:4 Å£_ÔÚ_³¡_ÉÏ_õß_¹È_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_²»_¿É_Áý_ס_Ëü_µÄ_×ì_¡£ # # Thou shalt not muzzle the ox when he treadeth out the corn. # # unit P DEU:25:5 µÜ_ÐÖ_ͬ_¾Ó_£¬_Èô_ËÀ_ÁË_Ò»_¸ö_£¬_û_ÓÐ_¶ù_×Ó_£¬_ËÀ_ÈË_µÄ_ÆÞ_²»_¿É_³ö ¼Þ_Íâ_ÈË_£¬_Ëý_ÕÉ_·ò_µÄ_ÐÖ_µÜ_µ±_¾¡_µÜ_ÐÖ_µÄ_±¾_·Ö_£¬_È¢_Ëý_Ϊ_ÆÞ_£¬ Óë_Ëý_ͬ_·¿_¡£ # # If brethren dwell together, and one of them die, and have no child, # the wife of the dead shall not marry without unto a stranger: her # husband's brother shall go in unto her, and take her to him to wife, # and perform the duty of an husband's brother unto her. # # unit P DEU:25:6 ¸¾_ÈË_Éú_µÄ_³¤_×Ó_±Ø_¹é_ËÀ_ÐÖ_µÄ_Ãû_ÏÂ_£¬_Ãâ_µÃ_Ëû_µÄ_Ãû_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ ÖÐ_Í¿_Ĩ_ÁË_¡£ # # And it shall be, that the firstborn which she beareth shall succeed # in the name of his brother which is dead, that his name be not put # out of Israel. # # unit P DEU:25:7 ÄÇ_ÈË_Èô_²»_Ô¸_Òâ_È¢_Ëû_¸ç_¸ç_µÄ_ÆÞ_£¬_Ëû_¸ç_¸ç_µÄ_ÆÞ_¾Í_Òª_µ½_³Ç_ÃÅ ³¤_ÀÏ_ÄÇ_Àï_£¬_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÕÉ_·ò_µÄ_ÐÖ_µÜ_²»_¿Ï_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÐ_ÐË_Æð_Ëû ¸ç_¸ç_µÄ_Ãû_×Ö_£¬_²»_¸ø_ÎÒ_¾¡_µÜ_ÐÖ_µÄ_±¾_·Ö_¡£ # # And if the man like not to take his brother's wife, then let his # brother's wife go up to the gate unto the elders, and say, My # husband's brother refuseth to raise up unto his brother a name in # Israel, he will not perform the duty of my husband's brother. # # unit P DEU:25:8 ±¾_³Ç_µÄ_³¤_ÀÏ_¾Í_Òª_ÕÙ_ÄÇ_ÈË_À´_ÎÊ_Ëû_£¬_Ëû_Èô_Ö´_Òâ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_²»_Ô¸ Òâ_È¢_Ëý_£¬ # # Then the elders of his city shall call him, and speak unto him: and # if he stand to it, and say, I like not to take her; # # unit P DEU:25:9 Ëû_¸ç_¸ç_µÄ_ÆÞ_¾Í_Òª_µ±_×Å_³¤_ÀÏ_µ½_ÄÇ_ÈË_µÄ_¸ú_Ç°_£¬_ÍÑ_ÁË_Ëû_µÄ_Ь £¬_ÍÂ_ÍÙ_Ä­_ÔÚ_Ëû_Á³_ÉÏ_£¬_˵_£¬_·²_²»_Ϊ_¸ç_¸ç_½¨_Á¢_¼Ò_ÊÒ_µÄ_¶¼_Òª Õâ_Ñù_´ý_Ëû_¡£ # # Then shall his brother's wife come unto him in the presence of the # elders, and loose his shoe from off his foot, and spit in his face, # and shall answer and say, So shall it be done unto that man that # will not build up his brother's house. # # unit P DEU:25:10 ÔÚ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÐ_£¬_Ëû_µÄ_Ãû_±Ø_³Æ_Ϊ_ÍÑ_Ь_Ö®_¼Ò_¡£ # # And his name shall be called in Israel, The house of him that hath # his shoe loosed. # # unit P DEU:25:11 Èô_ÓÐ_¶þ_ÈË_Õù_¶·_£¬_Õâ_ÈË_µÄ_ÆÞ_½ü_Ç°_À´_£¬_Òª_¾È_Ëý_ÕÉ_·ò_ÍÑ_Àë_ÄÇ ´ò_Ëý_ÕÉ_·ò_Ö®_ÈË_µÄ_ÊÖ_£¬_×¥_ס_ÄÇ_ÈË_µÄ_ÏÂ_Ìå_£¬ # # When men strive together one with another, and the wife of the one # draweth near for to deliver her husband out of the hand of him that # smiteth him, and putteth forth her hand, and taketh him by the # secrets: # # unit P DEU:25:12 ¾Í_Òª_¿³_¶Ï_¸¾_ÈË_µÄ_ÊÖ_£¬_ÑÛ_²»_¿É_¹Ë_ϧ_Ëý_¡£ # # Then thou shalt cut off her hand, thine eye shall not pity her. # # unit P DEU:25:13 Äã_ÄÒ_ÖÐ_²»_¿É_ÓÐ_Ò»_´ó_Ò»_С_Á½_Ñù_µÄ_·¨_Âë_¡£ # # Thou shalt not have in thy bag divers weights, a great and a small. # # unit P DEU:25:14 Äã_¼Ò_Àï_²»_¿É_ÓÐ_Ò»_´ó_Ò»_С_Á½_Ñù_µÄ_Éý_¶·_¡£ # # Thou shalt not have in thine house divers measures, a great and a # small. # # unit P DEU:25:15 µ±_ÓÃ_¶Ô_×¼_¹«_ƽ_µÄ_·¨_Âë_£¬_¹«_ƽ_µÄ_Éý_¶·_¡£_Õâ_Ñù_£¬_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª Äã_Éñ_Ëù_´Í_Äã_µÄ_µØ_ÉÏ_£¬_Äã_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_¾Í_¿É_ÒÔ_³¤_¾Ã_¡£ # # But thou shalt have a perfect and just weight, a perfect and just # measure shalt thou have: that thy days may be lengthened in the land # which the LORD thy God giveth thee. # # unit P DEU:25:16 Òò_Ϊ_ÐÐ_·Ç_Òå_Ö®_ÊÂ_µÄ_ÈË_¶¼_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_Ô÷_¶ñ_µÄ_¡£ # # For all that do such things, and all that do unrighteously, are an # abomination unto the LORD thy God. # # unit P DEU:25:17 Äã_Òª_¼Ç_Äî_Äã_ÃÇ_³ö_°£_¼°_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_ÑÇ_Âê_Á¦_ÈË_ÔÚ_·_ÉÏ_Ôõ_Ñù_´ý Äã_¡£ # # Remember what Amalek did unto thee by the way, when ye were come # forth out of Egypt; # # unit P DEU:25:18 Ëû_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_·_ÉÏ_Óö_¼û_Äã_£¬_³Ã_Äã_Æ£_·¦_À§_¾ë_»÷_ɱ_Äã_¾¡_ºó_±ß_Èí_Èõ µÄ_ÈË_£¬_²¢_²»_¾´_η_Éñ_¡£ # # How he met thee by the way, and smote the hindmost of thee, even all # that were feeble behind thee, when thou wast faint and weary; and he # feared not God. # # unit P DEU:25:19 Ëù_ÒÔ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_ʹ_Äã_²»_±»_ËÄ_Χ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_³ð_µÐ_ÈÅ_ÂÒ_£¬_ÔÚ_Ò® ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_´Í_Äã_Ϊ_Òµ_µÄ_µØ_ÉÏ_µÃ_Ïí_ƽ_°²_¡£_ÄÇ_ʱ_£¬_Äã_Òª_½«_ÑÇ Âê_Á¦_µÄ_Ãû_ºÅ_´Ó_Ìì_ÏÂ_Í¿_Ĩ_ÁË_£¬_²»_¿É_Íü_¼Ç_¡£ # # Therefore it shall be, when the LORD thy God hath given thee rest # from all thine enemies round about, in the land which the LORD thy # God giveth thee for an inheritance to possess it, that thou shalt # blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven; thou shalt not # forget it. # ## # chapter 26 DEU:26 # unit P DEU:26:1 Äã_½ø_È¥_µÃ_ÁË_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_´Í_Äã_Ϊ_Òµ_Ö®_µØ_¾Ó_ס_£¬ # # And it shall be, when thou art come in unto the land which the LORD # thy God giveth thee for an inheritance, and possessest it, and # dwellest therein; # # unit P DEU:26:2 ¾Í_Òª_´Ó_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_´Í_Äã_µÄ_µØ_ÉÏ_½«_Ëù_ÊÕ_µÄ_¸÷_ÖÖ_³õ_Êì_µÄ_ÍÁ ²ú_È¡_Щ_À´_£¬_Ê¢_ÔÚ_¿ð_×Ó_Àï_£¬_Íù_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_Ñ¡_Ôñ_Òª_Á¢_Ϊ Ëû_Ãû_µÄ_¾Ó_Ëù_È¥_£¬ # # That thou shalt take of the first of all the fruit of the earth, # which thou shalt bring of thy land that the LORD thy God giveth # thee, and shalt put it in a basket, and shalt go unto the place # which the LORD thy God shall choose to place his name there. # # unit P DEU:26:3 ¼û_µ±_ʱ_×÷_¼À_˾_µÄ_£¬_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_½ñ_ÈÕ_Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ã÷_ÈÏ £¬_ÎÒ_ÒÑ_À´_µ½_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïò_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÁÐ_×æ_Æð_ÊÄ_Ó¦_Ðí_´Í_¸ø_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_µØ ¡£ # # And thou shalt go unto the priest that shall be in those days, and # say unto him, I profess this day unto the LORD thy God, that I am # come unto the country which the LORD sware unto our fathers for to # give us. # # unit P DEU:26:4 ¼À_˾_¾Í_´Ó_Äã_ÊÖ_Àï_È¡_¹ý_¿ð_×Ó_À´_£¬_·Å_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_µÄ_̳_Ç° ¡£ # # And the priest shall take the basket out of thine hand, and set it # down before the altar of the LORD thy God. # # unit P DEU:26:5 Äã_Òª_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ãæ_Ç°_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_×æ_Ô­_ÊÇ_Ò»_¸ö_½«_Íö_µÄ_ÑÇ_À¼ ÈË_£¬_ÏÂ_µ½_°£_¼°_¼Ä_¾Ó_¡£_Ëû_ÈË_¿Ú_Ï¡_ÉÙ_£¬_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_È´_³É_ÁË_ÓÖ_´ó ÓÖ_Ç¿_£¬_ÈË_Êý_ºÜ_¶à_µÄ_¹ú_Ãñ_¡£ # # And thou shalt speak and say before the LORD thy God, A Syrian ready # to perish was my father, and he went down into Egypt, and sojourned # there with a few, and became there a nation, great, mighty, and # populous: # # unit P DEU:26:6 °£_¼°_ÈË_¶ñ_´ý_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_£¬_¿à_º¦_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_£¬_½«_¿à_¹¤_¼Ó_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Éí_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And the Egyptians evil entreated us, and afflicted us, and laid upon # us hard bondage: # # unit P DEU:26:7 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_°§_Çó_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÁÐ_×æ_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ìý_¼û_ÎÒ_ÃÇ µÄ_Éù_Òô_£¬_¿´_¼û_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Ëù_ÊÜ_µÄ_À§_¿à_£¬_ÀÍ_µ_£¬_ÆÛ_ѹ_£¬ # # And when we cried unto the LORD God of our fathers, the LORD heard # our voice, and looked on our affliction, and our labour, and our # oppression: # # unit P DEU:26:8 Ëû_¾Í_ÓÃ_´ó_ÄÜ_µÄ_ÊÖ_ºÍ_Éì_³ö_À´_µÄ_°ò_±Û_£¬_²¢_´ó_¿É_η_µÄ_ÊÂ_Óë_Éñ ¼£_Ææ_ÊÂ_£¬_Áì_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_³ö_ÁË_°£_¼°_£¬ # # And the LORD brought us forth out of Egypt with a mighty hand, and # with an outstretched arm, and with great terribleness, and with # signs, and with wonders: # # unit P DEU:26:9 ½«_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Áì_½ø_Õâ_µØ_·½_£¬_°Ñ_Õâ_Á÷_ÄÌ_Óë_ÃÛ_Ö®_µØ_´Í_¸ø_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¡£ # # And he hath brought us into this place, and hath given us this land, # even a land that floweth with milk and honey. # # unit P DEU:26:10 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_°¢_£¬_ÏÖ_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_°Ñ_Äã_Ëù_´Í_¸ø_ÎÒ_µØ_ÉÏ_³õ_Êì_µÄ_ÍÁ_²ú_·î_ÁË À´_¡£_Ëæ_ºó_Äã_Òª_°Ñ_¿ð_×Ó_·Å_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª Äã_µÄ_Éñ_ÏÂ_°Ý_¡£ # # And now, behold, I have brought the firstfruits of the land, which # thou, O LORD, hast given me. And thou shalt set it before the LORD # thy God, and worship before the LORD thy God: # # unit P DEU:26:11 Äã_ºÍ_Àû_δ_ÈË_£¬_²¢_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_£¬_Òª_Òò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ Ëù_´Í_Äã_ºÍ_Äã_¼Ò_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_¸£_·Ö_»¶_ÀÖ_¡£ # # And thou shalt rejoice in every good thing which the LORD thy God # hath given unto thee, and unto thine house, thou, and the Levite, # and the stranger that is among you. # # unit P DEU:26:12 ÿ_·ê_Èý_Äê_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ê®_·Ö_È¡_Ò»_Ö®_Äê_£¬_Äã_È¡_Íê_ÁË_Ò»_ÇÐ_ÍÁ_²ú_µÄ Ê®_·Ö_Ö®_Ò»_£¬_Òª_·Ö_¸ø_Àû_δ_ÈË_ºÍ_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_£¬_Óë_¹Â_¶ù_¹Ñ_¸¾_£¬_ʹ Ëû_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_Äã_³Ç_ÖÐ_¿É_ÒÔ_³Ô_µÃ_±¥_×ã_¡£ # # When thou hast made an end of tithing all the tithes of thine # increase the third year, which is the year of tithing, and hast # given it unto the Levite, the stranger, the fatherless, and the # widow, that they may eat within thy gates, and be filled; # # unit P DEU:26:13 Äã_ÓÖ_Òª_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ãæ_Ç°_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÒÑ_½«_Ê¥_Îï_´Ó_ÎÒ_¼Ò_Àï_Äà ³ö_À´_£¬_¸ø_ÁË_Àû_δ_ÈË_ºÍ_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_£¬_Óë_¹Â_¶ù_¹Ñ_¸¾_£¬_ÊÇ_ÕÕ_Äã_Ëù ·Ô_¸À_ÎÒ_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Ãü_Áî_¡£_Äã_µÄ_Ãü_Áî_ÎÒ_¶¼_û_ÓÐ_Î¥_±³_£¬_Ò²_û_ÓÐ Íü_¼Ç_¡£ # # Then thou shalt say before the LORD thy God, I have brought away the # hallowed things out of mine house, and also have given them unto the # Levite, and unto the stranger, to the fatherless, and to the widow, # according to all thy commandments which thou hast commanded me: I # have not transgressed thy commandments, neither have I forgotten # them: # # unit P DEU:26:14 ÎÒ_ÊØ_É¥_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_û_ÓÐ_³Ô_Õâ_Ê¥_Îï_¡£_²»_½à_¾»_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Ò²_û ÓÐ_ÄÃ_³ö_À´_£¬_ÓÖ_û_ÓÐ_Ϊ_ËÀ_ÈË_ËÍ_È¥_¡£_ÎÒ_Ìý_´Ó_ÁË_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÎÒ_Éñ µÄ_»°_£¬_¶¼_ÕÕ_Äã_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_ÐÐ_ÁË_¡£ # # I have not eaten thereof in my mourning, neither have I taken away # ought thereof for any unclean use, nor given ought thereof for the # dead: but I have hearkened to the voice of the LORD my God, and have # done according to all that thou hast commanded me. # # unit P DEU:26:15 Çó_Äã_´Ó_Ìì_ÉÏ_£¬_Äã_µÄ_Ê¥_Ëù_´¹_¿´_£¬_´Í_¸£_¸ø_Äã_µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ Óë_Äã_Ëù_´Í_¸ø_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_µØ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Äã_Ïò_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÁÐ_×æ_Æð_ÊÄ_´Í_ÎÒ_ÃÇ Á÷_ÄÌ_Óë_ÃÛ_Ö®_µØ_¡£ # # Look down from thy holy habitation, from heaven, and bless thy # people Israel, and the land which thou hast given us, as thou # swarest unto our fathers, a land that floweth with milk and honey. # # unit P DEU:26:16 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_½ñ_ÈÕ_·Ô_¸À_Äã_ÐÐ_Õâ_Щ_ÂÉ_Àý_µä_ÕÂ_£¬_Ëù_ÒÔ_Äã_Òª ¾¡_ÐÄ_¾¡_ÐÔ_½÷_ÊØ_×ñ_ÐÐ_¡£ # # This day the LORD thy God hath commanded thee to do these statutes # and judgments: thou shalt therefore keep and do them with all thine # heart, and with all thy soul. # # unit P DEU:26:17 Äã_½ñ_ÈÕ_ÈÏ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_Ó¦_Ðí_×ñ_ÐÐ_Ëû_µÄ_µÀ_£¬_½÷_ÊØ_Ëû µÄ_ÂÉ_Àý_£¬_½ë_Ãü_£¬_µä_ÕÂ_£¬_Ìý_´Ó_Ëû_µÄ_»°_¡£ # # Thou hast avouched the LORD this day to be thy God, and to walk in # his ways, and to keep his statutes, and his commandments, and his # judgments, and to hearken unto his voice: # # unit P DEU:26:18 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_½ñ_ÈÕ_ÕÕ_Ëû_Ëù_Ó¦_Ðí_Äã_µÄ_£¬_Ò²_ÈÏ_Äã_Ϊ_Ëû_µÄ_×Ó_Ãñ_£¬_ʹ Äã_½÷_ÊØ_Ëû_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_½ë_Ãü_£¬ # # And the LORD hath avouched thee this day to be his peculiar people, # as he hath promised thee, and that thou shouldest keep all his # commandments; # # unit P DEU:26:19 ÓÖ_ʹ_Äã_µÃ_³Æ_ÔÞ_£¬_ÃÀ_Ãû_£¬_×ð_ÈÙ_£¬_³¬_ºõ_Ëû_Ëù_Ôì_µÄ_Íò_Ãñ_Ö®_ÉÏ £¬_²¢_ÕÕ_Ëû_Ëù_Ó¦_Ðí_µÄ_ʹ_Äã_¹é_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ϊ_Ê¥_½à_µÄ_Ãñ_¡£ # # And to make thee high above all nations which he hath made, in # praise, and in name, and in honour; and that thou mayest be an holy # people unto the LORD thy God, as he hath spoken. # ## # chapter 27 DEU:27 # unit P DEU:27:1 Ħ_Î÷_ºÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_µÄ_ÖÚ_³¤_ÀÏ_·Ô_¸À_°Ù_ÐÕ_˵_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_×ñ_ÊØ_ÎÒ_½ñ ÈÕ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_½ë_Ãü_¡£ # # And Moses with the elders of Israel commanded the people, saying, # Keep all the commandments which I command you this day. # # unit P DEU:27:2 Äã_ÃÇ_¹ý_Ô¼_µ©_ºÓ_£¬_µ½_ÁË_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_´Í_¸ø_Äã_µÄ_µØ_£¬_µ±_Ìì Òª_Á¢_Æð_¼¸_¿é_´ó_ʯ_Í·_£¬_ܬ_ÉÏ_ʯ_»Ò_£¬ # # And it shall be on the day when ye shall pass over Jordan unto the # land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, that thou shalt set thee up # great stones, and plaister them with plaister: # # unit P DEU:27:3 °Ñ_Õâ_ÂÉ_·¨_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_»°_д_ÔÚ_ʯ_Í·_ÉÏ_¡£_Äã_¹ý_ÁË_ºÓ_£¬_¿É_ÒÔ_½ø_Èë Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_´Í_Äã_Á÷_ÄÌ_Óë_ÃÛ_Ö®_µØ_£¬_Õý_Èç_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÁÐ_×æ Ö®_Éñ_Ëù_Ó¦_Ðí_Äã_µÄ_¡£ # # And thou shalt write upon them all the words of this law, when thou # art passed over, that thou mayest go in unto the land which the LORD # thy God giveth thee, a land that floweth with milk and honey; as the # LORD God of thy fathers hath promised thee. # # unit P DEU:27:4 Äã_ÃÇ_¹ý_ÁË_Ô¼_µ©_ºÓ_£¬_¾Í_Òª_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_°Í_·_ɽ_ÉÏ_ÕÕ_ÎÒ_½ñ_ÈÕ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À µÄ_£¬_½«_Õâ_Щ_ʯ_Í·_Á¢_Æð_À´_£¬_ܬ_ÉÏ_ʯ_»Ò_¡£ # # Therefore it shall be when ye be gone over Jordan, that ye shall set # up these stones, which I command you this day, in mount Ebal, and # thou shalt plaister them with plaister. # # unit P DEU:27:5 ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_Òª_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_Öþ_Ò»_×ù_ʯ_̳_¡£_ÔÚ_ʯ_Í·_ÉÏ_²»_¿É ¶¯_Ìú_Æ÷_¡£ # # And there shalt thou build an altar unto the LORD thy God, an altar # of stones: thou shalt not lift up any iron tool upon them. # # unit P DEU:27:6 Òª_ÓÃ_û_ÓÐ_Ôä_¹ý_µÄ_ʯ_Í·_Öþ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_µÄ_̳_£¬_ÔÚ_̳_ÉÏ_Òª_½« ìÜ_¼À_Ï×_¸ø_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # Thou shalt build the altar of the LORD thy God of whole stones: and # thou shalt offer burnt offerings thereon unto the LORD thy God: # # unit P DEU:27:7 ÓÖ_Òª_Ï×_ƽ_°²_¼À_£¬_ÇÒ_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_³Ô_£¬_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_Ãæ_Ç°_»¶ ÀÖ_¡£ # # And thou shalt offer peace offerings, and shalt eat there, and # rejoice before the LORD thy God. # # unit P DEU:27:8 Äã_Òª_½«_Õâ_ÂÉ_·¨_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_»°_Ã÷_Ã÷_µØ_д_ÔÚ_ʯ_Í·_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And thou shalt write upon the stones all the words of this law very # plainly. # # unit P DEU:27:9 Ħ_Î÷_ºÍ_¼À_˾_Àû_δ_ÈË_Ïþ_ÚÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÚ_ÈË_˵_£¬_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_°¢_£¬_Òª Ĭ_Ĭ_¾²_Ìý_¡£_Äã_½ñ_ÈÕ_³É_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_ÁË_¡£ # # And Moses and the priests the Levites spake unto all Israel, saying, # Take heed, and hearken, O Israel; this day thou art become the # people of the LORD thy God. # # unit P DEU:27:10 Ëù_ÒÔ_Òª_Ìý_´Ó_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_µÄ_»°_£¬_×ñ_ÐÐ_Ëû_µÄ_½ë_Ãü_ÂÉ_Àý_£¬_¾Í ÊÇ_ÎÒ_½ñ_ÈÕ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Äã_µÄ_¡£ # # Thou shalt therefore obey the voice of the LORD thy God, and do his # commandments and his statutes, which I command thee this day. # # unit P DEU:27:11 µ±_ÈÕ_£¬_Ħ_Î÷_Öö_¸À_°Ù_ÐÕ_˵_£¬ # # And Moses charged the people the same day, saying, # # unit P DEU:27:12 Äã_ÃÇ_¹ý_ÁË_Ô¼_µ©_ºÓ_£¬_Î÷_Ãå_£¬_Àû_δ_£¬_ÓÌ_´ó_£¬_ÒÔ_Èø_åÈ_£¬_Ô¼_ɪ £¬_±ã_ÑÅ_Ãõ_Áù_¸ö_Ö§_ÅÉ_µÄ_ÈË_¶¼_Òª_Õ¾_ÔÚ_»ù_Àû_ÐÄ_ɽ_ÉÏ_Ϊ_°Ù_ÐÕ_×£ ¸£_¡£ # # These shall stand upon mount Gerizim to bless the people, when ye # are come over Jordan; Simeon, and Levi, and Judah, and Issachar, and # Joseph, and Benjamin: # # unit P DEU:27:13 Á÷_±ã_£¬_åÈ_µÃ_£¬_ÑÇ_Éè_£¬_Î÷_²¼_Â×_£¬_µ«_£¬_ÄÃ_¸¥_Ëû_Àû_Áù_¸ö_Ö§_ÅÉ µÄ_ÈË_¶¼_Òª_Õ¾_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_°Í_·_ɽ_ÉÏ_Ðû_²¼_Öä_×ç_¡£ # # And these shall stand upon mount Ebal to curse; Reuben, Gad, and # Asher, and Zebulun, Dan, and Naphtali. # # unit P DEU:27:14 Àû_δ_ÈË_Òª_Ïò_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÚ_ÈË_¸ß_Éù_˵_£¬ # # And the Levites shall speak, and say unto all the men of Israel with # a loud voice, # # unit P DEU:27:15 ÓÐ_ÈË_ÖÆ_Ôì_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_Ô÷_¶ñ_µÄ_ż_Ïñ_£¬_»ò_µñ_¿Ì_£¬_»ò_Öý_Ôì_£¬_¾Í ÊÇ_¹¤_½³_ÊÖ_Ëù_×÷_µÄ_£¬_ÔÚ_°µ_ÖÐ_Éè_Á¢_£¬_ÄÇ_ÈË_±Ø_ÊÜ_Öä_×ç_¡£_°Ù_ÐÕ ¶¼_Òª_´ð_Ó¦_˵_£¬_°¢_ÃÇ_¡£ # # Cursed be the man that maketh any graven or molten image, an # abomination unto the LORD, the work of the hands of the craftsman, # and putteth it in a secret place. And all the people shall answer # and say, Amen. # # unit P DEU:27:16 Çá_Âý_¸¸_ĸ_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_ÊÜ_Öä_×ç_¡£_°Ù_ÐÕ_¶¼_Òª_˵_£¬_°¢_ÃÇ_¡£ # # Cursed be he that setteth light by his father or his mother. And all # the people shall say, Amen. # # unit P DEU:27:17 Ų_ÒÆ_ÁÚ_Éá_µØ_½ç_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_ÊÜ_Öä_×ç_¡£_°Ù_ÐÕ_¶¼_Òª_˵_£¬_°¢_ÃÇ_¡£ # # Cursed be he that removeth his neighbour's landmark. And all the # people shall say, Amen. # # unit P DEU:27:18 ʹ_Ϲ_×Ó_×ß_²î_·_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_ÊÜ_Öä_×ç_¡£_°Ù_ÐÕ_¶¼_Òª_˵_£¬_°¢_ÃÇ_¡£ # # Cursed be he that maketh the blind to wander out of the way. And all # the people shall say, Amen. # # unit P DEU:27:19 Ïò_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_ºÍ_¹Â_¶ù_¹Ñ_¸¾_Çü_Í÷_Õý_Ö±_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_ÊÜ_Öä_×ç_¡£_°Ù_ÐÕ_¶¼ Òª_˵_£¬_°¢_ÃÇ_¡£ # # Cursed be he that perverteth the judgment of the stranger, # fatherless, and widow. And all the people shall say, Amen. # # unit P DEU:27:20 Óë_¼Ì_ĸ_ÐÐ_Òù_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_ÊÜ_Öä_×ç_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_ÏÆ_¿ª_Ëû_¸¸_Ç×_µÄ_ÒÂ_½ó_¡£ °Ù_ÐÕ_¶¼_Òª_˵_£¬_°¢_ÃÇ_¡£ # # Cursed be he that lieth with his father's wife; because he # uncovereth his father's skirt. And all the people shall say, Amen. # # unit P DEU:27:21 Óë_ÊÞ_Òù_ºÏ_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_ÊÜ_Öä_×ç_¡£_°Ù_ÐÕ_¶¼_Òª_˵_£¬_°¢_ÃÇ_¡£ # # Cursed be he that lieth with any manner of beast. And all the people # shall say, Amen. # # unit P DEU:27:22 Óë_Òì_ĸ_ͬ_¸¸_£¬_»ò_Òì_¸¸_ͬ_ĸ_µÄ_½ã_ÃÃ_ÐÐ_Òù_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_ÊÜ_Öä_×ç_¡£ °Ù_ÐÕ_¶¼_Òª_˵_£¬_°¢_ÃÇ_¡£ # # Cursed be he that lieth with his sister, the daughter of his father, # or the daughter of his mother. And all the people shall say, Amen. # # unit P DEU:27:23 Óë_ÔÀ_ĸ_ÐÐ_Òù_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_ÊÜ_Öä_×ç_¡£_°Ù_ÐÕ_¶¼_Òª_˵_£¬_°¢_ÃÇ_¡£ # # Cursed be he that lieth with his mother in law. And all the people # shall say, Amen. # # unit P DEU:27:24 °µ_ÖÐ_ɱ_ÈË_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_ÊÜ_Öä_×ç_¡£_°Ù_ÐÕ_¶¼_Òª_˵_£¬_°¢_ÃÇ_¡£ # # Cursed be he that smiteth his neighbour secretly. And all the people # shall say, Amen. # # unit P DEU:27:25 ÊÜ_»ß_¸_º¦_ËÀ_ÎÞ_¹¼_Ö®_ÈË_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_ÊÜ_Öä_×ç_¡£_°Ù_ÐÕ_¶¼_Òª_˵_£¬_°¢ ÃÇ_¡£ # # Cursed be he that taketh reward to slay an innocent person. And all # the people shall say, Amen. # # unit P DEU:27:26 ²»_¼á_ÊØ_×ñ_ÐÐ_Õâ_ÂÉ_·¨_ÑÔ_Óï_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_ÊÜ_Öä_×ç_¡£_°Ù_ÐÕ_¶¼_Òª_˵_£¬ °¢_ÃÇ_¡£ # # Cursed be he that confirmeth not all the words of this law to do # them. And all the people shall say, Amen. # ## # chapter 28 DEU:28 # unit P DEU:28:1 Äã_Èô_Áô_Òâ_Ìý_´Ó_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_µÄ_»°_£¬_½÷_ÊØ_×ñ_ÐÐ_Ëû_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_½ë Ãü_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_½ñ_ÈÕ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Äã_µÄ_£¬_Ëû_±Ø_ʹ_Äã_³¬_ºõ_Ìì_ÏÂ_Íò_Ãñ Ö®_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the # voice of the LORD thy God, to observe and to do all his commandments # which I command thee this day, that the LORD thy God will set thee # on high above all nations of the earth: # # unit P DEU:28:2 Äã_Èô_Ìý_´Ó_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_µÄ_»°_£¬_Õâ_ÒÔ_ÏÂ_µÄ_¸£_±Ø_×·_Ëæ_Äã_£¬_ÁÙ µ½_Äã_Éí_ÉÏ_£¬ # # And all these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee, if # thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God. # # unit P DEU:28:3 Äã_ÔÚ_³Ç_Àï_±Ø_ÃÉ_¸£_£¬_ÔÚ_Ìï_¼ä_Ò²_±Ø_ÃÉ_¸£_¡£ # # Blessed shalt thou be in the city, and blessed shalt thou be in the # field. # # unit P DEU:28:4 Äã_Éí_Ëù_Éú_µÄ_£¬_µØ_Ëù_²ú_µÄ_£¬_Éü_Ðó_Ëù_ÏÂ_µÄ_£¬_ÒÔ_¼°_Å£_¶¿_£¬_Ñò ¸á_£¬_¶¼_±Ø_ÃÉ_¸£_¡£ # # Blessed shall be the fruit of thy body, and the fruit of thy ground, # and the fruit of thy cattle, the increase of thy kine, and the # flocks of thy sheep. # # unit P DEU:28:5 Äã_µÄ_¿ð_×Ó_ºÍ_Äã_µÄ_ÞÒ_Ãæ_Åè_¶¼_±Ø_ÃÉ_¸£_¡£ # # Blessed shall be thy basket and thy store. # # unit P DEU:28:6 Äã_³ö_Ò²_ÃÉ_¸£_£¬_Èë_Ò²_ÃÉ_¸£_¡£ # # Blessed shalt thou be when thou comest in, and blessed shalt thou be # when thou goest out. # # unit P DEU:28:7 ³ð_µÐ_Æð_À´_¹¥_»÷_Äã_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_±Ø_ʹ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_Äã_Ãæ_Ç°_±»_Äã_ɱ_°Ü ¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_´Ó_Ò»_Ìõ_·_À´_¹¥_»÷_Äã_£¬_±Ø_´Ó_Æß_Ìõ_·_ÌÓ_ÅÜ_¡£ # # The LORD shall cause thine enemies that rise up against thee to be # smitten before thy face: they shall come out against thee one way, # and flee before thee seven ways. # # unit P DEU:28:8 ÔÚ_Äã_²Ö_·¿_Àï_£¬_²¢_Äã_ÊÖ_Ëù_°ì_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_ÊÂ_ÉÏ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_Ãü_µÄ ¸£_±Ø_ÁÙ_µ½_Äã_¡£_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ò²_Òª_ÔÚ_Ëù_¸ø_Äã_µÄ_µØ_ÉÏ_´Í_¸£_Óë Äã_¡£ # # The LORD shall command the blessing upon thee in thy storehouses, # and in all that thou settest thine hand unto; and he shall bless # thee in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. # # unit P DEU:28:9 Äã_Èô_½÷_ÊØ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_µÄ_½ë_Ãü_£¬_×ñ_ÐÐ_Ëû_µÄ_µÀ_£¬_Ëû_±Ø_ÕÕ_×Å Ïò_Äã_Ëù_Æð_µÄ_ÊÄ_Á¢_Äã_×÷_Ϊ_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_Ê¥_Ãñ_¡£ # # The LORD shall establish thee an holy people unto himself, as he # hath sworn unto thee, if thou shalt keep the commandments of the # LORD thy God, and walk in his ways. # # unit P DEU:28:10 Ìì_ÏÂ_Íò_Ãñ_¼û_Äã_¹é_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_Ãû_ÏÂ_£¬_¾Í_Òª_¾å_ÅÂ_Äã_¡£ # # And all people of the earth shall see that thou art called by the # name of the LORD; and they shall be afraid of thee. # # unit P DEU:28:11 Äã_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïò_Äã_ÁÐ_×æ_Æð_ÊÄ_Ó¦_Ðí_´Í_Äã_µÄ_µØ_ÉÏ_£¬_Ëû_±Ø_ʹ_Äã Éí_Ëù_Éú_µÄ_£¬_Éü_Ðó_Ëù_ÏÂ_µÄ_£¬_µØ_Ëù_²ú_µÄ_£¬_¶¼_´Â_´Â_ÓÐ_Óà_¡£ # # And the LORD shall make thee plenteous in goods, in the fruit of thy # body, and in the fruit of thy cattle, and in the fruit of thy # ground, in the land which the LORD sware unto thy fathers to give # thee. # # unit P DEU:28:12 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_±Ø_Ϊ_Äã_¿ª_Ìì_ÉÏ_µÄ_¸®_¿â_£¬_°´_ʱ_½µ_Óê_ÔÚ_Äã_µÄ_µØ_ÉÏ_¡£ ÔÚ_Äã_ÊÖ_Àï_Ëù_°ì_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_ÊÂ_ÉÏ_´Í_¸£_Óë_Äã_¡£_Äã_±Ø_½è_¸ø_Ðí_¶à_¹ú Ãñ_£¬_È´_²»_ÖÁ_Ïò_Ëû_ÃÇ_½è_´û_¡£ # # The LORD shall open unto thee his good treasure, the heaven to give # the rain unto thy land in his season, and to bless all the work of # thine hand: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, and thou shalt # not borrow. # # unit P DEU:28:13 Äã_Èô_Ìý_´Ó_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_µÄ_½ë_Ãü_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_½ñ_ÈÕ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Äã_µÄ £¬_½÷_ÊØ_×ñ_ÐÐ_£¬_²»_Æ«_×ó_ÓÒ_£¬_Ò²_²»_Ëæ_´Ó_ÊÂ_·î_±ð_Éñ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª ¾Í_±Ø_ʹ_Äã_×÷_Ê×_²»_×÷_β_£¬_µ«_¾Ó_ÉÏ_²»_¾Ó_ÏÂ_¡£ # # And the LORD shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou # shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath; if that thou # hearken unto the commandments of the LORD thy God, which I command # thee this day, to observe and to do them: and thou shalt not go # aside from any of the words which I command thee this day, to the # right hand, or to the left, to go after other gods to serve them. # # unit P DEU:28:15 Äã_Èô_²»_Ìý_´Ó_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_µÄ_»°_£¬_²»_½÷_ÊØ_×ñ_ÐÐ_Ëû_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_½ë Ãü_ÂÉ_Àý_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_½ñ_ÈÕ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Äã_µÄ_£¬_Õâ_ÒÔ_ÏÂ_µÄ_Öä_×ç_¶¼_±Ø ×·_Ëæ_Äã_£¬_ÁÙ_µ½_Äã_Éí_ÉÏ_£¬ # # But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice # of the LORD thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his # statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall # come upon thee, and overtake thee: # # unit P DEU:28:16 Äã_ÔÚ_³Ç_Àï_±Ø_ÊÜ_Öä_×ç_£¬_ÔÚ_Ìï_¼ä_Ò²_±Ø_ÊÜ_Öä_×ç_¡£ # # Cursed shalt thou be in the city, and cursed shalt thou be in the # field. # # unit P DEU:28:17 Äã_µÄ_¿ð_×Ó_ºÍ_Äã_µÄ_ÞÒ_Ãæ_Åè_¶¼_±Ø_ÊÜ_Öä_×ç_¡£ # # Cursed shall be thy basket and thy store. # # unit P DEU:28:18 Äã_Éí_Ëù_Éú_µÄ_£¬_µØ_Ëù_²ú_µÄ_£¬_ÒÔ_¼°_Å£_¶¿_£¬_Ñò_¸á_£¬_¶¼_±Ø_ÊÜ_Öä ×ç_¡£ # # Cursed shall be the fruit of thy body, and the fruit of thy land, # the increase of thy kine, and the flocks of thy sheep. # # unit P DEU:28:19 Äã_³ö_Ò²_ÊÜ_Öä_×ç_£¬_Èë_Ò²_ÊÜ_Öä_×ç_¡£ # # Cursed shalt thou be when thou comest in, and cursed shalt thou be # when thou goest out. # # unit P DEU:28:20 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Òò_Äã_ÐÐ_¶ñ_Àë_Æú_Ëû_£¬_±Ø_ÔÚ_Äã_ÊÖ_Àï_Ëù_°ì_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_ÊÂ_ÉÏ £¬_ʹ_Öä_×ç_£¬_ÈÅ_ÂÒ_£¬_Ôð_·£_ÁÙ_µ½_Äã_£¬_Ö±_µ½_Äã_±»_»Ù_Ãð_£¬_ËÙ_ËÙ µØ_Ãð_Íö_¡£ # # The LORD shall send upon thee cursing, vexation, and rebuke, in all # that thou settest thine hand unto for to do, until thou be # destroyed, and until thou perish quickly; because of the wickedness # of thy doings, whereby thou hast forsaken me. # # unit P DEU:28:21 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_±Ø_ʹ_ÎÁ_Òß_Ìù_ÔÚ_Äã_Éí_ÉÏ_£¬_Ö±_µ½_Ëû_½«_Äã_´Ó_Ëù_½ø_È¥_µÃ Ϊ_Òµ_µÄ_µØ_ÉÏ_Ãð_¾ø_¡£ # # The LORD shall make the pestilence cleave unto thee, until he have # consumed thee from off the land, whither thou goest to possess it. # # unit P DEU:28:22 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Òª_ÓÃ_ðì_²¡_£¬_ÈÈ_²¡_£¬_»ð_Ö¢_£¬_ű_¼²_£¬_µ¶_½£_£¬_ºµ_·ç_£¨ »ò_×÷_¸É_ºµ_£©_£¬_ù_ÀÃ_¹¥_»÷_Äã_¡£_Õâ_¶¼_Òª_×·_¸Ï_Äã_£¬_Ö±_µ½_Äã_Ãð Íö_¡£ # # The LORD shall smite thee with a consumption, and with a fever, and # with an inflammation, and with an extreme burning, and with the # sword, and with blasting, and with mildew; and they shall pursue # thee until thou perish. # # unit P DEU:28:23 Äã_Í·_ÉÏ_µÄ_Ìì_Òª_±ä_Ϊ_Í­_£¬_½Å_ÏÂ_µÄ_µØ_Òª_±ä_Ϊ_Ìú_¡£ # # And thy heaven that is over thy head shall be brass, and the earth # that is under thee shall be iron. # # unit P DEU:28:24 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Òª_ʹ_ÄÇ_½µ_ÔÚ_Äã_µØ_ÉÏ_µÄ_Óê_±ä_Ϊ_³¾_ɳ_£¬_´Ó_Ìì_ÁÙ_ÔÚ_Äã Éí_ÉÏ_£¬_Ö±_µ½_Äã_Ãð_Íö_¡£ # # The LORD shall make the rain of thy land powder and dust: from # heaven shall it come down upon thee, until thou be destroyed. # # unit P DEU:28:25 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_±Ø_ʹ_Äã_°Ü_ÔÚ_³ð_µÐ_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_Äã_´Ó_Ò»_Ìõ_·_È¥_¹¥_»÷_Ëû_ÃÇ £¬_±Ø_´Ó_Æß_Ìõ_·_ÌÓ_ÅÜ_¡£_Äã_±Ø_ÔÚ_Ìì_ÏÂ_Íò_¹ú_ÖÐ_Å×_À´_Å×_È¥_¡£ # # The LORD shall cause thee to be smitten before thine enemies: thou # shalt go out one way against them, and flee seven ways before them: # and shalt be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth. # # unit P DEU:28:26 Äã_µÄ_ʬ_Ê×_±Ø_¸ø_¿Õ_ÖÐ_µÄ_·É_Äñ_ºÍ_µØ_ÉÏ_µÄ_×ß_ÊÞ_×÷_ʳ_Îï_£¬_²¢_ÎÞ ÈË_ºå_¸Ï_¡£ # # And thy carcase shall be meat unto all fowls of the air, and unto # the beasts of the earth, and no man shall fray them away. # # unit P DEU:28:27 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_±Ø_ÓÃ_°£_¼°_ÈË_µÄ_´¯_²¢_ÖÌ_´¯_£¬_Å£_Ƥ_Ñ¢_Óë_½ê_¹¥_»÷_Äã_£¬ ʹ_Äã_²»_ÄÜ_Ò½_ÖÎ_¡£ # # The LORD will smite thee with the botch of Egypt, and with the # emerods, and with the scab, and with the itch, whereof thou canst # not be healed. # # unit P DEU:28:28 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_±Ø_ÓÃ_ñ²_¿ñ_£¬_ÑÛ_Ϲ_£¬_ÐÄ_¾ª_¹¥_»÷_Äã_¡£ # # The LORD shall smite thee with madness, and blindness, and # astonishment of heart: # # unit P DEU:28:29 Äã_±Ø_ÔÚ_Îç_¼ä_Ãþ_Ë÷_£¬_ºÃ_Ïñ_Ϲ_×Ó_ÔÚ_°µ_ÖÐ_Ãþ_Ë÷_Ò»_Ñù_¡£_Äã_Ëù_ÐÐ µÄ_±Ø_²»_ºà_ͨ_£¬_ʱ_³£_Ôâ_Óö_ÆÛ_ѹ_£¬_ÇÀ_¶á_£¬_ÎÞ_ÈË_´î_¾È_¡£ # # And thou shalt grope at noonday, as the blind gropeth in darkness, # and thou shalt not prosper in thy ways: and thou shalt be only # oppressed and spoiled evermore, and no man shall save thee. # # unit P DEU:28:30 Äã_Ƹ_¶¨_ÁË_ÆÞ_£¬_±ð_ÈË_±Ø_Óë_Ëý_ͬ_·¿_¡£_Äã_½¨_Ôì_·¿_ÎÝ_£¬_²»_µÃ_ס ÔÚ_Æä_ÄÚ_¡£_Äã_ÔÔ_ÖÖ_ÆÏ_ÌÑ_Ô°_£¬_Ò²_²»_µÃ_ÓÃ_Æä_ÖÐ_µÄ_¹û_×Ó_¡£ # # Thou shalt betroth a wife, and another man shall lie with her: thou # shalt build an house, and thou shalt not dwell therein: thou shalt # plant a vineyard, and shalt not gather the grapes thereof. # # unit P DEU:28:31 Äã_µÄ_Å£_ÔÚ_Äã_ÑÛ_Ç°_Ô×_ÁË_£¬_Äã_±Ø_²»_µÃ_³Ô_Ëü_µÄ_Èâ_¡£_Äã_µÄ_¿_ÔÚ Äã_ÑÛ_Ç°_±»_ÇÀ_¶á_£¬_²»_µÃ_¹é_»¹_¡£_Äã_µÄ_Ñò_¹é_ÁË_³ð_µÐ_£¬_ÎÞ_ÈË_´î ¾È_¡£ # # Thine ox shall be slain before thine eyes, and thou shalt not eat # thereof: thine ass shall be violently taken away from before thy # face, and shall not be restored to thee: thy sheep shall be given # unto thine enemies, and thou shalt have none to rescue them. # # unit P DEU:28:32 Äã_µÄ_¶ù_Å®_±Ø_¹é_Óë_±ð_¹ú_µÄ_Ãñ_¡£_Äã_µÄ_ÑÛ_Ä¿_ÖÕ_ÈÕ_ÇÐ_Íû_£¬_Éõ_ÖÁ ʧ_Ã÷_£¬_Äã_ÊÖ_ÖÐ_ÎÞ_Á¦_Õü_¾È_¡£ # # Thy sons and thy daughters shall be given unto another people, and # thine eyes shall look, and fail with longing for them all the day # long: and there shall be no might in thine hand: # # unit P DEU:28:33 Äã_µÄ_ÍÁ_²ú_ºÍ_Äã_ÀÍ_µ_µÃ_À´_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_±»_Äã_Ëù_²»_ÈÏ_ʶ_µÄ_¹ú_Ãñ_³Ô ¾¡_¡£_Äã_ʱ_³£_±»_ÆÛ_¸º_£¬_ÊÜ_ѹ_ÖÆ_£¬ # # The fruit of thy land, and all thy labours, shall a nation which # thou knowest not eat up; and thou shalt be only oppressed and # crushed alway: # # unit P DEU:28:34 Éõ_ÖÁ_Äã_Òò_ÑÛ_ÖÐ_Ëù_¿´_¼û_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_ÖÂ_·è_¿ñ_¡£ # # So that thou shalt be mad for the sight of thine eyes which thou # shalt see. # # unit P DEU:28:35 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_±Ø_¹¥_»÷_Äã_£¬_ʹ_Äã_Ï¥_ÉÏ_ÍÈ_ÉÏ_£¬_´Ó_½Å_ÕÆ_µ½_Í·_¶¥_£¬_³¤ ¶¾_´¯_ÎÞ_·¨_Ò½_ÖÎ_¡£ # # The LORD shall smite thee in the knees, and in the legs, with a sore # botch that cannot be healed, from the sole of thy foot unto the top # of thy head. # # unit P DEU:28:36 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_±Ø_½«_Äã_ºÍ_Äã_Ëù_Á¢_µÄ_Íõ_Áì_µ½_Äã_ºÍ_Äã_ÁÐ_×æ_ËØ_²»_ÈÏ_ʶ µÄ_¹ú_È¥_¡£_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_Äã_±Ø_ÊÂ_·î_ľ_Í·_ʯ_Í·_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # The LORD shall bring thee, and thy king which thou shalt set over # thee, unto a nation which neither thou nor thy fathers have known; # and there shalt thou serve other gods, wood and stone. # # unit P DEU:28:37 Äã_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Áì_Äã_µ½_µÄ_¸÷_¹ú_ÖÐ_£¬_Òª_Áî_ÈË_¾ª_º§_£¬_Ц_̸_£¬_¼¥ Ú½_¡£ # # And thou shalt become an astonishment, a proverb, and a byword, # among all nations whither the LORD shall lead thee. # # unit P DEU:28:38 Äã_´ø_µ½_Ìï_¼ä_µÄ_ÖÖ_×Ó_Ëä_¶à_£¬_ÊÕ_½ø_À´_µÄ_È´_ÉÙ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_±»_»È_³æ ³Ô_ÁË_¡£ # # Thou shalt carry much seed out into the field, and shalt gather but # little in; for the locust shall consume it. # # unit P DEU:28:39 Äã_ÔÔ_ÖÖ_£¬_ÐÞ_Àí_ÆÏ_ÌÑ_Ô°_£¬_È´_²»_µÃ_ÊÕ_ÆÏ_ÌÑ_£¬_Ò²_²»_µÃ_ºÈ_ÆÏ_ÌÑ ¾Æ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_±»_³æ_×Ó_³Ô_ÁË_¡£ # # Thou shalt plant vineyards, and dress them, but shalt neither drink # of the wine, nor gather the grapes; for the worms shall eat them. # # unit P DEU:28:40 Äã_È«_¾³_ÓÐ_éÏ_é­_Ê÷_£¬_È´_²»_µÃ_Æä_ÓÍ_Ĩ_Éí_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ê÷_ÉÏ_µÄ_éÏ_é­ ²»_Êì_×Ô_Âä_ÁË_¡£ # # Thou shalt have olive trees throughout all thy coasts, but thou # shalt not anoint thyself with the oil; for thine olive shall cast # his fruit. # # unit P DEU:28:41 Äã_Éú_¶ù_Ñø_Å®_£¬_È´_²»_Ëã_ÊÇ_Äã_µÄ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_±Ø_±»_°_È¥_¡£ # # Thou shalt beget sons and daughters, but thou shalt not enjoy them; # for they shall go into captivity. # # unit P DEU:28:42 Äã_Ëù_ÓÐ_µÄ_Ê÷_ľ_ºÍ_Äã_µØ_Àï_µÄ_³ö_²ú_±Ø_±»_»È_³æ_Ëù_³Ô_¡£ # # All thy trees and fruit of thy land shall the locust consume. # # unit P DEU:28:43 ÔÚ_Äã_ÖÐ_¼ä_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_½¥_½¥_ÉÏ_Éý_£¬_±È_Äã_¸ß_¶ø_ÓÖ_¸ß_¡£_Äã_±Ø ½¥_½¥_ÏÂ_½µ_£¬_µÍ_¶ø_ÓÖ_µÍ_¡£ # # The stranger that is within thee shall get up above thee very high; # and thou shalt come down very low. # # unit P DEU:28:44 Ëû_±Ø_½è_¸ø_Äã_£¬_Äã_È´_²»_ÄÜ_½è_¸ø_Ëû_¡£_Ëû_±Ø_×÷_Ê×_£¬_Äã_±Ø_×÷_β ¡£ # # He shall lend to thee, and thou shalt not lend to him: he shall be # the head, and thou shalt be the tail. # # unit P DEU:28:45 Õâ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Öä_×ç_±Ø_×·_Ëæ_Äã_£¬_¸Ï_ÉÏ_Äã_£¬_Ö±_µ½_Äã_Ãð_Íö_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_Äã ²»_Ìý_´Ó_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_µÄ_»°_£¬_²»_×ñ_ÊØ_Ëû_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_½ë_Ãü_ÂÉ_Àý ¡£ # # Moreover all these curses shall come upon thee, and shall pursue # thee, and overtake thee, till thou be destroyed; because thou # hearkenedst not unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to keep his # commandments and his statutes which he commanded thee: # # unit P DEU:28:46 Õâ_Щ_Öä_×ç_±Ø_ÔÚ_Äã_ºÍ_Äã_ºó_Òá_µÄ_Éí_ÉÏ_³É_Ϊ_Òì_¼£_Ææ_ÊÂ_£¬_Ö±_µ½ ÓÀ_Ô¶_¡£ # # And they shall be upon thee for a sign and for a wonder, and upon # thy seed for ever. # # unit P DEU:28:47 Òò_Ϊ_Äã_¸»_ÓÐ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_²»_»¶_ÐÄ_ÀÖ_Òâ_µØ_ÊÂ_·î_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ £¬ # # Because thou servedst not the LORD thy God with joyfulness, and with # gladness of heart, for the abundance of all things; # # unit P DEU:28:48 Ëù_ÒÔ_Äã_±Ø_ÔÚ_¼¢_¶ö_£¬_¸É_¿Ê_£¬_³à_¶_£¬_ȱ_·¦_Ö®_ÖÐ_ÊÂ_·î_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª Ëù_´ò_·¢_À´_¹¥_»÷_Äã_µÄ_³ð_µÐ_¡£_Ëû_±Ø_°Ñ_Ìú_éî_¼Ó_ÔÚ_Äã_µÄ_¾±_Ïî_ÉÏ £¬_Ö±_µ½_½«_Äã_Ãð_¾ø_¡£ # # Therefore shalt thou serve thine enemies which the LORD shall send # against thee, in hunger, and in thirst, and in nakedness, and in # want of all things: and he shall put a yoke of iron upon thy neck, # until he have destroyed thee. # # unit P DEU:28:49 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Òª_´Ó_Ô¶_·½_£¬_µØ_¼«_´ø_Ò»_¹ú_µÄ_Ãñ_£¬_Èç_Ó¥_·É_À´_¹¥_»÷_Äã ¡£_Õâ_Ãñ_µÄ_ÑÔ_Óï_£¬_Äã_²»_¶®_µÃ_¡£ # # The LORD shall bring a nation against thee from far, from the end of # the earth, as swift as the eagle flieth; a nation whose tongue thou # shalt not understand; # # unit P DEU:28:50 Õâ_Ãñ_µÄ_Ãæ_ò_Ð×_¶ñ_£¬_²»_¹Ë_Ðô_Äê_ÀÏ_µÄ_£¬_Ò²_²»_¶÷_´ý_Äê_ÉÙ_µÄ_¡£ # # A nation of fierce countenance, which shall not regard the person of # the old, nor shew favour to the young: # # unit P DEU:28:51 Ëû_ÃÇ_±Ø_³Ô_Äã_Éü_Ðó_Ëù_ÏÂ_µÄ_ºÍ_Äã_µØ_ÍÁ_Ëù_²ú_µÄ_£¬_Ö±_µ½_Äã_Ãð_Íö ¡£_Äã_µÄ_Îå_¹È_£¬_ÐÂ_¾Æ_£¬_ºÍ_ÓÍ_£¬_ÒÔ_¼°_Å£_¶¿_£¬_Ñò_¸á_£¬_¶¼_²»_¸ø Äã_Áô_ÏÂ_£¬_Ö±_µ½_½«_Äã_Ãð_¾ø_¡£ # # And he shall eat the fruit of thy cattle, and the fruit of thy land, # until thou be destroyed: which also shall not leave thee either # corn, wine, or oil, or the increase of thy kine, or flocks of thy # sheep, until he have destroyed thee. # # unit P DEU:28:52 Ëû_ÃÇ_±Ø_½«_Äã_À§_ÔÚ_Äã_¸÷_³Ç_Àï_£¬_Ö±_µ½_Äã_Ëù_ÒÐ_¿¿_£¬_¸ß_´ó_¼á_¹Ì µÄ_³Ç_ǽ_¶¼_±»_¹¥_Ëú_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_±Ø_½«_Äã_À§_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_´Í_Äã ±é_µØ_µÄ_¸÷_³Ç_Àï_¡£ # # And he shall besiege thee in all thy gates, until thy high and # fenced walls come down, wherein thou trustedst, throughout all thy # land: and he shall besiege thee in all thy gates throughout all thy # land, which the LORD thy God hath given thee. # # unit P DEU:28:53 Äã_ÔÚ_³ð_µÐ_Χ_À§_¾½_ÆÈ_Ö®_ÖÐ_£¬_±Ø_³Ô_Äã_±¾_Éí_Ëù_Éú_µÄ_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_Ò® ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_´Í_¸ø_Äã_µÄ_¶ù_Å®_Ö®_Èâ_¡£ # # And thou shalt eat the fruit of thine own body, the flesh of thy # sons and of thy daughters, which the LORD thy God hath given thee, # in the siege, and in the straitness, wherewith thine enemies shall # distress thee: # # unit P DEU:28:54 Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_£¬_Èá_Èõ_½¿_ÄÛ_µÄ_ÈË_±Ø_¶ñ_ÑÛ_¿´_Ëû_µÜ_ÐÖ_ºÍ_Ëû_»³_ÖÐ_µÄ ÆÞ_£¬_²¢_Ëû_Óà_Ê£_µÄ_¶ù_Å®_¡£ # # So that the man that is tender among you, and very delicate, his eye # shall be evil toward his brother, and toward the wife of his bosom, # and toward the remnant of his children which he shall leave: # # unit P DEU:28:55 Éõ_ÖÁ_ÔÚ_Äã_ÊÜ_³ð_µÐ_Χ_À§_¾½_ÆÈ_µÄ_³Ç_ÖÐ_£¬_Ëû_Òª_³Ô_¶ù_Å®_µÄ_Èâ_£¬ ²»_¿Ï_·Ö_Ò»_µã_¸ø_Ëû_µÄ_Ç×_ÈË_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_Ò»_ÎÞ_Ëù_Ê£_¡£ # # So that he will not give to any of them of the flesh of his children # whom he shall eat: because he hath nothing left him in the siege, # and in the straitness, wherewith thine enemies shall distress thee # in all thy gates. # # unit P DEU:28:56 Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_£¬_Èá_Èõ_½¿_ÄÛ_µÄ_¸¾_ÈË_£¬_ÊÇ_Òò_½¿_ÄÛ_Èá_Èõ_²»_¿Ï_°Ñ_½Å ̤_µØ_µÄ_£¬_±Ø_¶ñ_ÑÛ_¿´_Ëý_»³_ÖÐ_µÄ_ÕÉ_·ò_ºÍ_Ëý_µÄ_¶ù_Å®_¡£ # # The tender and delicate woman among you, which would not adventure # to set the sole of her foot upon the ground for delicateness and # tenderness, her eye shall be evil toward the husband of her bosom, # and toward her son, and toward her daughter, # # unit P DEU:28:57 Ëý_Á½_ÍÈ_ÖÐ_¼ä_³ö_À´_µÄ_Ó¤_º¢_Óë_Ëý_Ëù_Òª_Éú_µÄ_¶ù_Å®_£¬_Ëý_Òò_ȱ_·¦ Ò»_ÇÐ_¾Í_Òª_ÔÚ_Äã_ÊÜ_³ð_µÐ_Χ_À§_¾½_ÆÈ_µÄ_³Ç_ÖÐ_½«_Ëû_ÃÇ_°µ_°µ_µØ_³Ô ÁË_¡£ # # And toward her young one that cometh out from between her feet, and # toward her children which she shall bear: for she shall eat them for # want of all things secretly in the siege and straitness, wherewith # thine enemy shall distress thee in thy gates. # # unit P DEU:28:58 Õâ_Êé_ÉÏ_Ëù_д_ÂÉ_·¨_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_»°_ÊÇ_½Ð_Äã_¾´_η_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_¿É_ÈÙ ¿É_η_µÄ_Ãû_¡£_Äã_Èô_²»_½÷_ÊØ_×ñ_ÐÐ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¾Í_±Ø_½«_Ææ_ÔÖ_£¬_¾Í ÊÇ_ÖÁ_´ó_ÖÁ_³¤_µÄ_ÔÖ_£¬_ÖÁ_ÖØ_ÖÁ_¾Ã_µÄ_²¡_£¬_¼Ó_ÔÚ_Äã_ºÍ_Äã_ºó_Òá_µÄ Éí_ÉÏ_£¬ # # If thou wilt not observe to do all the words of this law that are # written in this book, that thou mayest fear this glorious and # fearful name, THE LORD THY GOD; then the LORD will make thy plagues # wonderful, and the plagues of thy seed, even great plagues, and of # long continuance, and sore sicknesses, and of long continuance. # # unit P DEU:28:60 Ò²_±Ø_ʹ_Äã_Ëù_¾å_ÅÂ_£¬_°£_¼°_ÈË_µÄ_²¡_¶¼_ÁÙ_µ½_Äã_£¬_Ìù_ÔÚ_Äã_Éí_ÉÏ £¬ # # Moreover he will bring upon thee all the diseases of Egypt, which # thou wast afraid of; and they shall cleave unto thee. # # unit P DEU:28:61 ÓÖ_±Ø_½«_û_ÓÐ_д_ÔÚ_Õâ_ÂÉ_·¨_Êé_ÉÏ_µÄ_¸÷_Ñù_¼²_²¡_£¬_ÔÖ_Ñê_½µ_ÔÚ_Äã Éí_ÉÏ_£¬_Ö±_µ½_Äã_Ãð_Íö_¡£ # # Also every sickness, and every plague, which is not written in the # book of this law, them will the LORD bring upon thee, until thou be # destroyed. # # unit P DEU:28:62 Äã_ÃÇ_ÏÈ_Ç°_Ëä_È»_Ïñ_Ìì_ÉÏ_µÄ_ÐÇ_ÄÇ_Ñù_¶à_£¬_È´_Òò_²»_Ìý_´Ó_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª Äã_Éñ_µÄ_»°_£¬_Ëù_Ê£_µÄ_ÈË_Êý_¾Í_Ï¡_ÉÙ_ÁË_¡£ # # And ye shall be left few in number, whereas ye were as the stars of # heaven for multitude; because thou wouldest not obey the voice of # the LORD thy God. # # unit P DEU:28:63 ÏÈ_Ç°_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ôõ_Ñù_ϲ_ÔÃ_ÉÆ_´ý_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_ʹ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÚ_¶à_£¬_Ò²_Òª_ÕÕ Ñù_ϲ_ÔÃ_»Ù_Ãð_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_ʹ_Äã_ÃÇ_Ãð_Íö_¡£_²¢_ÇÒ_Äã_ÃÇ_´Ó_Ëù_Òª_½ø_È¥ µÃ_µÄ_µØ_ÉÏ_±Ø_±»_°Î_³ý_¡£ # # And it shall come to pass, that as the LORD rejoiced over you to do # you good, and to multiply you; so the LORD will rejoice over you to # destroy you, and to bring you to nought; and ye shall be plucked # from off the land whither thou goest to possess it. # # unit P DEU:28:64 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_±Ø_ʹ_Äã_ÃÇ_·Ö_É¢_ÔÚ_Íò_Ãñ_ÖÐ_£¬_´Ó_µØ_Õâ_±ß_µ½_µØ_ÄÇ_±ß_£¬ Äã_±Ø_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_ÊÂ_·î_Äã_ºÍ_Äã_ÁÐ_×æ_ËØ_²»_ÈÏ_ʶ_£¬_ľ_Í·_ʯ_Í·_µÄ_Éñ ¡£ # # And the LORD shall scatter thee among all people, from the one end # of the earth even unto the other; and there thou shalt serve other # gods, which neither thou nor thy fathers have known, even wood and # stone. # # unit P DEU:28:65 ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Щ_¹ú_ÖÐ_£¬_Äã_±Ø_²»_µÃ_°²_ÒÝ_£¬_Ò²_²»_µÃ_Âä_½Å_Ö®_µØ_¡£_Ò®_ºÍ »ª_È´_ʹ_Äã_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_ÐÄ_ÖÐ_Ìø_¶¯_£¬_ÑÛ_Ä¿_ʧ_Ã÷_£¬_¾«_Éñ_Ïû_ºÄ_¡£ # # And among these nations shalt thou find no ease, neither shall the # sole of thy foot have rest: but the LORD shall give thee there a # trembling heart, and failing of eyes, and sorrow of mind: # # unit P DEU:28:66 Äã_µÄ_ÐÔ_Ãü_±Ø_Ðü_Ðü_ÎÞ_¶¨_¡£_Äã_Öç_Ò¹_¿Ö_¾å_£¬_×Ô_ÁÏ_ÐÔ_Ãü_ÄÑ_±£_¡£ # # And thy life shall hang in doubt before thee; and thou shalt fear # day and night, and shalt have none assurance of thy life: # # unit P DEU:28:67 Äã_Òò_ÐÄ_Àï_Ëù_¿Ö_¾å_µÄ_£¬_ÑÛ_ÖÐ_Ëù_¿´_¼û_µÄ_£¬_Ôç_³¿_±Ø_˵_£¬_°Í_²» µÃ_µ½_Íí_ÉÏ_²Å_ºÃ_¡£_Íí_ÉÏ_±Ø_˵_£¬_°Í_²»_µÃ_µ½_Ôç_³¿_²Å_ºÃ_¡£ # # In the morning thou shalt say, Would God it were even! and at even # thou shalt say, Would God it were morning! for the fear of thine # heart wherewith thou shalt fear, and for the sight of thine eyes # which thou shalt see. # # unit P DEU:28:68 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_±Ø_ʹ_Äã_×ø_´¬_»Ø_°£_¼°_È¥_£¬_×ß_ÎÒ_Ôø_¸æ_Ëß_Äã_²»_µÃ_ÔÙ_¼û µÄ_·_¡£_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_Äã_±Ø_Âô_¼º_Éí_Óë_³ð_µÐ_×÷_Å«_æ¾_£¬_È´_ÎÞ_ÈË_Âò_¡£ # # And the LORD shall bring thee into Egypt again with ships, by the # way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and # there ye shall be sold unto your enemies for bondmen and bondwomen, # and no man shall buy you. # ## # chapter 29 DEU:29 # unit P DEU:29:1 Õâ_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÔÚ_Ħ_Ѻ_µØ_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_Óë_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Á¢_Ô¼_µÄ_»°_£¬ ÊÇ_ÔÚ_Ëû_ºÍ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÓÚ_ºÎ_ÁÒ_ɽ_Ëù_Á¢_µÄ_Ô¼_Ö®_Íâ_¡£ # # These are the words of the covenant, which the LORD commanded Moses # to make with the children of Israel in the land of Moab, beside the # covenant which he made with them in Horeb. # # unit P DEU:29:2 Ħ_Î÷_ÕÙ_ÁË_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÚ_ÈË_À´_£¬_¶Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_µØ £¬_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÑÛ_Ç°_Ïò_·¨_ÀÏ_ºÍ_Ëû_ÖÚ_³¼_ÆÍ_£¬_²¢_Ëû_È«_µØ_Ëù_ÐÐ_µÄ_Ò» ÇÐ_ÊÂ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¶¼_¿´_¼û_ÁË_£¬ # # And Moses called unto all Israel, and said unto them, Ye have seen # all that the LORD did before your eyes in the land of Egypt unto # Pharaoh, and unto all his servants, and unto all his land; # # unit P DEU:29:3 ¾Í_ÊÇ_Äã_Ç×_ÑÛ_¿´_¼û_µÄ_´ó_ÊÔ_Ñé_ºÍ_Éñ_¼£_£¬_²¢_ÄÇ_Щ_´ó_Ææ_ÊÂ_¡£ # # The great temptations which thine eyes have seen, the signs, and # those great miracles: # # unit P DEU:29:4 µ«_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µ½_½ñ_ÈÕ_û_ÓÐ_ʹ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÐÄ_ÄÜ_Ã÷_°×_£¬_ÑÛ_ÄÜ_¿´_¼û_£¬_¶ú ÄÜ_Ìý_¼û_¡£ # # Yet the LORD hath not given you an heart to perceive, and eyes to # see, and ears to hear, unto this day. # # unit P DEU:29:5 ÎÒ_Áì_Äã_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_¿õ_Ò°_ËÄ_Ê®_Äê_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Éí_ÉÏ_µÄ_ÒÂ_·þ_²¢_û_ÓÐ_´©_ÆÆ £¬_½Å_ÉÏ_µÄ_Ь_Ò²_û_ÓÐ_´©_»µ_¡£ # # And I have led you forty years in the wilderness: your clothes are # not waxen old upon you, and thy shoe is not waxen old upon thy foot. # # unit P DEU:29:6 Äã_ÃÇ_û_ÓÐ_³Ô_±ý_£¬_Ò²_û_ÓÐ_ºÈ_Çå_¾Æ_Ũ_¾Æ_¡£_Õâ_Òª_ʹ_Äã_ÃÇ_Öª_µÀ £¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÊÇ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # Ye have not eaten bread, neither have ye drunk wine or strong drink: # that ye might know that I am the LORD your God. # # unit P DEU:29:7 Äã_ÃÇ_À´_µ½_Õâ_µØ_·½_£¬_Ï£_ʵ_±¾_Íõ_Î÷_ºê_£¬_°Í_ɺ_Íõ_ج_¶¼_³ö_À´_Óë ÎÒ_ÃÇ_½»_Õ½_£¬_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¾Í_»÷_ɱ_ÁË_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬ # # And when ye came unto this place, Sihon the king of Heshbon, and Og # the king of Bashan, came out against us unto battle, and we smote # them: # # unit P DEU:29:8 È¡_ÁË_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_µØ_¸ø_Á÷_±ã_Ö§_ÅÉ_£¬_åÈ_µÃ_Ö§_ÅÉ_£¬_ºÍ_Âê_ÄÃ_Î÷_°ë_Ö§ ÅÉ_Ϊ_Òµ_¡£ # # And we took their land, and gave it for an inheritance unto the # Reubenites, and to the Gadites, and to the half tribe of Manasseh. # # unit P DEU:29:9 Ëù_ÒÔ_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_½÷_ÊØ_×ñ_ÐÐ_Õâ_Ô¼_µÄ_»°_£¬_ºÃ_½Ð_Äã_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Ëù_ÐÐ µÄ_ÊÂ_ÉÏ_ºà_ͨ_¡£ # # Keep therefore the words of this covenant, and do them, that ye may # prosper in all that ye do. # # unit P DEU:29:10 ½ñ_ÈÕ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Ê×_Áì_£¬_×å_³¤_£¨_Ô­_ÎÄ_×÷_Ö§_ÅÉ_£©_£¬_³¤_ÀÏ_£¬_¹Ù_³¤ £¬_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_µÄ_ÄÐ_¶¡_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÆÞ_×Ó_£¬_¶ù_Å®_ºÍ_Óª_ÖÐ_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_£¬ ÒÔ_¼°_Ϊ_Äã_ÃÇ_Åü_²ñ_Ìô_Ë®_µÄ_ÈË_£¬_¶¼_Õ¾_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_Ãæ Ç°_£¬ # # Ye stand this day all of you before the LORD your God; your captains # of your tribes, your elders, and your officers, with all the men of # Israel, your little ones, your wives, and thy stranger that is in # thy camp, from the hewer of thy wood unto the drawer of thy water: # # unit P DEU:29:12 Ϊ_Òª_Äã_˳_´Ó_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_½ñ_ÈÕ_Óë_Äã_Ëù_Á¢_µÄ_Ô¼_£¬_Ïò_Äã_Ëù_Æð µÄ_ÊÄ_¡£ # # That thou shouldest enter into covenant with the LORD thy God, and # into his oath, which the LORD thy God maketh with thee this day: # # unit P DEU:29:13 Õâ_Ñù_£¬_Ëû_Òª_ÕÕ_Ëû_Ïò_Äã_Ëù_Ó¦_Ðí_µÄ_»°_£¬_ÓÖ_Ïò_Äã_ÁÐ_×æ_ÑÇ_²®_À­ º±_£¬_ÒÔ_Èö_£¬_ÑÅ_¸÷_Ëù_Æð_µÄ_ÊÄ_£¬_½ñ_ÈÕ_Á¢_Äã_×÷_Ëû_µÄ_×Ó_Ãñ_£¬_Ëû ×÷_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # That he may establish thee to day for a people unto himself, and # that he may be unto thee a God, as he hath said unto thee, and as he # hath sworn unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob. # # unit P DEU:29:14 ÎÒ_²»_µ«_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_Á¢_Õâ_Ô¼_£¬_Æð_Õâ_ÊÄ_£¬ # # Neither with you only do I make this covenant and this oath; # # unit P DEU:29:15 ·²_Óë_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Ò»_ͬ_Õ¾_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Éñ_Ãæ_Ç°_µÄ_£¬_²¢_½ñ_ÈÕ_²»_ÔÚ ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Õâ_Àï_µÄ_ÈË_£¬_ÎÒ_Ò²_Óë_Ëû_ÃÇ_Á¢_Õâ_Ô¼_£¬_Æð_Õâ_ÊÄ_¡£ # # But with him that standeth here with us this day before the LORD our # God, and also with him that is not here with us this day: # # unit P DEU:29:16 £¨_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Ôø_ס_¹ý_°£_¼°_µØ_£¬_Ò²_´Ó_ÁÐ_¹ú_¾­_¹ý_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_Äã_ÃÇ_Öª_µÀ µÄ_¡£ # # (For ye know how we have dwelt in the land of Egypt; and how we came # through the nations which ye passed by; # # unit P DEU:29:17 Äã_ÃÇ_Ò²_¿´_¼û_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_¿É_Ô÷_Ö®_Îï_£¬_²¢_Ëû_ÃÇ_ľ_£¬_ʯ_£¬_½ð_£¬ Òø_µÄ_ż_Ïñ_¡£_£© # # And ye have seen their abominations, and their idols, wood and # stone, silver and gold, which were among them:) # # unit P DEU:29:18 Ω_¿Ö_Äã_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_£¬_»ò_ÄÐ_»ò_Å®_£¬_»ò_×å_³¤_»ò_Ö§_ÅÉ_³¤_£¬_½ñ_ÈÕ_ÐÄ Àï_Æ«_Àë_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_È¥_ÊÂ_·î_ÄÇ_Щ_¹ú_µÄ_Éñ_¡£_ÓÖ_ÅÂ_Äã ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_ÓÐ_¶ñ_¸ù_Éú_³ö_¿à_²Ë_ºÍ_Òð_³Â_À´_£¬ # # Lest there should be among you man, or woman, or family, or tribe, # whose heart turneth away this day from the LORD our God, to go and # serve the gods of these nations; lest there should be among you a # root that beareth gall and wormwood; # # unit P DEU:29:19 Ìý_¼û_Õâ_Öä_×ç_µÄ_»°_£¬_ÐÄ_Àï_ÈÔ_ÊÇ_×Ô_¿ä_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Ëä_È»_ÐÐ_ÊÂ_ÐÄ_Àï Íç_¹£_£¬_Á¬_ÀÛ_ÖÚ_ÈË_£¬_È´_»¹_ÊÇ_ƽ_°²_¡£ # # And it come to pass, when he heareth the words of this curse, that # he bless himself in his heart, saying, I shall have peace, though I # walk in the imagination of mine heart, to add drunkenness to thirst: # # unit P DEU:29:20 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_±Ø_²»_ÈÄ_Ë¡_Ëû_¡£_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_Å­_Æø_Óë_·ß_ºÞ_Òª_Ïò_Ëû_·¢_×÷ £¬_Èç_ÑÌ_ð_³ö_£¬_½«_Õâ_Êé_ÉÏ_Ëù_д_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Öä_×ç_¶¼_¼Ó_ÔÚ_Ëû_Éí_ÉÏ ¡£_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÓÖ_Òª_´Ó_Ìì_ÏÂ_Í¿_Ĩ_Ëû_µÄ_Ãû_£¬ # # The LORD will not spare him, but then the anger of the LORD and his # jealousy shall smoke against that man, and all the curses that are # written in this book shall lie upon him, and the LORD shall blot out # his name from under heaven. # # unit P DEU:29:21 Ò²_±Ø_ÕÕ_×Å_д_ÔÚ_ÂÉ_·¨_Êé_ÉÏ_£¬_Ô¼_ÖÐ_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Öä_×ç_½«_Ëû_´Ó_ÒÔ_É« ÁÐ_ÖÚ_Ö§_ÅÉ_ÖÐ_·Ö_±ð_³ö_À´_£¬_ʹ_Ëû_ÊÜ_»ö_¡£ # # And the LORD shall separate him unto evil out of all the tribes of # Israel, according to all the curses of the covenant that are written # in this book of the law: # # unit P DEU:29:22 Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_ºó_´ú_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÒÔ_ºó_ÐË_Æð_À´_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_£¬_ºÍ_Ô¶_·½_À´_µÄ_Íâ ÈË_£¬_¿´_¼û_Õâ_µØ_µÄ_ÔÖ_Ñê_£¬_²¢_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_½µ_Óë_Õâ_µØ_µÄ_¼²_²¡_£¬ # # So that the generation to come of your children that shall rise up # after you, and the stranger that shall come from a far land, shall # say, when they see the plagues of that land, and the sicknesses # which the LORD hath laid upon it; # # unit P DEU:29:23 ÓÖ_¿´_¼û_±é_µØ_ÓÐ_Áò_»Ç_£¬_ÓÐ_ÑÎ_±_£¬_ÓÐ_»ð_¼£_£¬_û_ÓÐ_¸û_ÖÖ_£¬_û ÓÐ_³ö_²ú_£¬_Á¬_²Ý_¶¼_²»_Éú_³¤_£¬_ºÃ_Ïñ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÔÚ_·Þ_Å­_ÖÐ_Ëù_Çã_¸² µÄ_Ëù_¶à_Âê_£¬_¶ê_Ħ_À­_£¬_Ѻ_Âê_£¬_Ï´_±â_Ò»_Ñù_¡£ # # And that the whole land thereof is brimstone, and salt, and burning, # that it is not sown, nor beareth, nor any grass groweth therein, # like the overthrow of Sodom, and Gomorrah, Admah, and Zeboim, which # the LORD overthrew in his anger, and in his wrath: # # unit P DEU:29:24 Ëù_¿´_¼û_µÄ_ÈË_£¬_Á¬_Íò_¹ú_ÈË_£¬_¶¼_±Ø_ÎÊ_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ϊ_ºÎ_Ïò_´Ë µØ_Õâ_Ñù_ÐÐ_ÄØ_£¿_Õâ_Ñù_´ó_·¢_ÁÒ_Å­_ÊÇ_ʲ_ô_Òâ_˼_ÄØ_£¿ # # Even all nations shall say, Wherefore hath the LORD done thus unto # this land? what meaneth the heat of this great anger? # # unit P DEU:29:25 ÈË_±Ø_»Ø_´ð_˵_£¬_ÊÇ_Òò_Õâ_µØ_µÄ_ÈË_Àë_Æú_ÁË_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÁÐ_×æ_µÄ Éñ_£¬_Áì_Ëû_ÃÇ_³ö_°£_¼°_µØ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_Óë_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ëù_Á¢_µÄ_Ô¼_£¬ # # Then men shall say, Because they have forsaken the covenant of the # LORD God of their fathers, which he made with them when he brought # them forth out of the land of Egypt: # # unit P DEU:29:26 È¥_ÊÂ_·î_¾´_°Ý_ËØ_²»_ÈÏ_ʶ_µÄ_±ð_Éñ_£¬_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_δ_Ôø_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ °²_ÅÅ_µÄ_¡£ # # For they went and served other gods, and worshipped them, gods whom # they knew not, and whom he had not given unto them: # # unit P DEU:29:27 Ëù_ÒÔ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_Å­_Æø_Ïò_Õâ_µØ_·¢_×÷_£¬_½«_Õâ_Êé_ÉÏ_Ëù_д_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ Öä_×ç_¶¼_½µ_ÔÚ_Õâ_µØ_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And the anger of the LORD was kindled against this land, to bring # upon it all the curses that are written in this book: # # unit P DEU:29:28 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÔÚ_Å­_Æø_£¬_·Þ_Å­_£¬_´ó_ÄÕ_ºÞ_ÖÐ_½«_Ëû_ÃÇ_´Ó_±¾_µØ_°Î_³ö_À´ £¬_ÈÓ_ÔÚ_±ð_µÄ_µØ_ÉÏ_£¬_Ïñ_½ñ_ÈÕ_Ò»_Ñù_¡£ # # And the LORD rooted them out of their land in anger, and in wrath, # and in great indignation, and cast them into another land, as it is # this day. # # unit P DEU:29:29 Òþ_ÃØ_µÄ_ÊÂ_ÊÇ_Êô_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_Éñ_µÄ_¡£_Ω_ÓÐ_Ã÷_ÏÔ_µÄ_ÊÂ_ÊÇ_ÓÀ_Ô¶ Êô_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ºÍ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_×Ó_Ëï_µÄ_£¬_ºÃ_½Ð_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_×ñ_ÐÐ_Õâ_ÂÉ_·¨_ÉÏ_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ »°_¡£ # # The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things # which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that # we may do all the words of this law. # ## # chapter 30 DEU:30 # unit P DEU:30:1 ÎÒ_Ëù_³Â_Ã÷_ÔÚ_Äã_Ãæ_Ç°_µÄ_Õâ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Öä_×ç_¶¼_ÁÙ_µ½_Äã_Éí_ÉÏ_¡£_Äã_ÔÚ Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_×·_¸Ï_Äã_µ½_µÄ_Íò_¹ú_ÖÐ_±Ø_ÐÄ_Àï_×·_Äî_×£_¸£_µÄ_»°_¡£ # # And it shall come to pass, when all these things are come upon thee, # the blessing and the curse, which I have set before thee, and thou # shalt call them to mind among all the nations, whither the LORD thy # God hath driven thee, # # unit P DEU:30:2 Äã_ºÍ_Äã_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_Èô_¾¡_ÐÄ_¾¡_ÐÔ_¹é_Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_ÕÕ_×Å_ÎÒ ½ñ_ÈÕ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_Ìý_´Ó_Ëû_µÄ_»°_¡£ # # And shalt return unto the LORD thy God, and shalt obey his voice # according to all that I command thee this day, thou and thy # children, with all thine heart, and with all thy soul; # # unit P DEU:30:3 ÄÇ_ʱ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_±Ø_Á¯_Ðô_Äã_£¬_¾È_»Ø_Äã_Õâ_±»_°_µÄ_×Ó_Ãñ ¡£_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_Òª_»Ø_ת_¹ý_À´_£¬_´Ó_·Ö_É¢_Äã_µ½_µÄ_Íò_Ãñ_ÖÐ_½« Äã_ÕÐ_¾Û_»Ø_À´_¡£ # # That then the LORD thy God will turn thy captivity, and have # compassion upon thee, and will return and gather thee from all the # nations, whither the LORD thy God hath scattered thee. # # unit P DEU:30:4 Äã_±»_¸Ï_É¢_µÄ_ÈË_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_Ìì_ÑÄ_µÄ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_Ò²_±Ø_´Ó ÄÇ_Àï_½«_Äã_ÕÐ_¾Û_»Ø_À´_¡£ # # If any of thine be driven out unto the outmost parts of heaven, from # thence will the LORD thy God gather thee, and from thence will he # fetch thee: # # unit P DEU:30:5 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_±Ø_Áì_Äã_½ø_Èë_Äã_ÁÐ_×æ_Ëù_µÃ_µÄ_µØ_£¬_ʹ_Äã_¿É_ÒÔ µÃ_×Å_¡£_ÓÖ_±Ø_ÉÆ_´ý_Äã_£¬_ʹ_Äã_µÄ_ÈË_Êý_±È_Äã_ÁÐ_×æ_ÖÚ_¶à_¡£ # # And the LORD thy God will bring thee into the land which thy fathers # possessed, and thou shalt possess it; and he will do thee good, and # multiply thee above thy fathers. # # unit P DEU:30:6 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_±Ø_½«_Äã_ÐÄ_Àï_ºÍ_Äã_ºó_Òá_ÐÄ_Àï_µÄ_ÎÛ_»à_³ý_µô_£¬_ºÃ ½Ð_Äã_¾¡_ÐÄ_¾¡_ÐÔ_°®_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_ʹ_Äã_¿É_ÒÔ_´æ_»î_¡£ # # And the LORD thy God will circumcise thine heart, and the heart of # thy seed, to love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with # all thy soul, that thou mayest live. # # unit P DEU:30:7 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_±Ø_½«_Õâ_Ò»_ÇÐ_Öä_×ç_¼Ó_ÔÚ_Äã_³ð_µÐ_ºÍ_ºÞ_¶ñ_Äã_£¬ ±Æ_ÆÈ_Äã_µÄ_ÈË_Éí_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And the LORD thy God will put all these curses upon thine enemies, # and on them that hate thee, which persecuted thee. # # unit P DEU:30:8 Äã_±Ø_¹é_»Ø_£¬_Ìý_´Ó_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_»°_£¬_×ñ_ÐÐ_Ëû_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_½ë_Ãü_£¬_¾Í ÊÇ_ÎÒ_½ñ_ÈÕ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Äã_µÄ_¡£ # # And thou shalt return and obey the voice of the LORD, and do all his # commandments which I command thee this day. # # unit P DEU:30:9 Äã_Èô_Ìý_´Ó_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_µÄ_»°_£¬_½÷_ÊØ_Õâ_ÂÉ_·¨_Êé_ÉÏ_Ëù_д_µÄ_½ë Ãü_£¬_ÂÉ_Àý_£¬_ÓÖ_¾¡_ÐÄ_¾¡_ÐÔ_¹é_Ïò_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_Ëû_±Ø_ʹ_Äã ÊÖ_Àï_Ëù_°ì_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_ÊÂ_£¬_²¢_Äã_Éí_Ëù_Éú_µÄ_£¬_Éü_Ðó_Ëù_ÏÂ_µÄ_£¬_µØ ÍÁ_Ëù_²ú_µÄ_£¬_¶¼_´Â_´Â_ÓÐ_Óà_£¬_Òò_Ϊ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_±Ø_ÔÚ_ϲ_ÔÃ_Äã_£¬_½µ ¸£_Óë_Äã_£¬_Ïó_´Ó_Ç°_ϲ_ÔÃ_Äã_ÁÐ_×æ_Ò»_Ñù_¡£ # # And the LORD thy God will make thee plenteous in every work of thine # hand, in the fruit of thy body, and in the fruit of thy cattle, and # in the fruit of thy land, for good: for the LORD will again rejoice # over thee for good, as he rejoiced over thy fathers: if thou shalt # hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to keep his commandments # and his statutes which are written in this book of the law, and if # thou turn unto the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all # thy soul. # # unit P DEU:30:11 ÎÒ_½ñ_ÈÕ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Äã_µÄ_½ë_Ãü_²»_ÊÇ_Äã_ÄÑ_ÐÐ_µÄ_£¬_Ò²_²»_ÊÇ_Àë_Äã_Ô¶ µÄ_¡£ # # For this commandment which I command thee this day, it is not hidden # from thee, neither is it far off. # # unit P DEU:30:12 ²»_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_Ìì_ÉÏ_£¬_ʹ_Äã_˵_£¬_Ë­_Ìæ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÉÏ_Ìì_È¡_ÏÂ_À´_£¬_ʹ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ Ìý_¼û_¿É_ÒÔ_×ñ_ÐÐ_ÄØ_£¿ # # It is not in heaven, that thou shouldest say, Who shall go up for us # to heaven, and bring it unto us, that we may hear it, and do it? # # unit P DEU:30:13 Ò²_²»_ÊÇ_ÔÚ_º£_Íâ_£¬_ʹ_Äã_˵_£¬_Ë­_Ìæ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_¹ý_º£_È¡_ÁË_À´_£¬_ʹ_ÎÒ ÃÇ_Ìý_¼û_¿É_ÒÔ_×ñ_ÐÐ_ÄØ_£¿ # # Neither is it beyond the sea, that thou shouldest say, Who shall go # over the sea for us, and bring it unto us, that we may hear it, and # do it? # # unit P DEU:30:14 Õâ_»°_È´_Àë_Äã_Éõ_½ü_£¬_¾Í_ÔÚ_Äã_¿Ú_ÖÐ_£¬_ÔÚ_Äã_ÐÄ_Àï_£¬_ʹ_Äã_¿É_ÒÔ ×ñ_ÐÐ_¡£ # # But the word is very nigh unto thee, in thy mouth, and in thy heart, # that thou mayest do it. # # unit P DEU:30:15 ¿´_ÄÄ_£¬_ÎÒ_½ñ_ÈÕ_½«_Éú_Óë_¸£_£¬_ËÀ_Óë_»ö_£¬_³Â_Ã÷_ÔÚ_Äã_Ãæ_Ç°_¡£ # # See, I have set before thee this day life and good, and death and # evil; # # unit P DEU:30:16 ·Ô_¸À_Äã_°®_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_×ñ_ÐÐ_Ëû_µÄ_µÀ_£¬_½÷_ÊØ_Ëû_µÄ_½ë_Ãü £¬_ÂÉ_Àý_£¬_µä_ÕÂ_£¬_ʹ_Äã_¿É_ÒÔ_´æ_»î_£¬_ÈË_Êý_Ôö_¶à_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã Éñ_¾Í_±Ø_ÔÚ_Äã_Ëù_Òª_½ø_È¥_µÃ_Ϊ_Òµ_µÄ_µØ_ÉÏ_´Í_¸£_Óë_Äã_¡£ # # In that I command thee this day to love the LORD thy God, to walk in # his ways, and to keep his commandments and his statutes and his # judgments, that thou mayest live and multiply: and the LORD thy God # shall bless thee in the land whither thou goest to possess it. # # unit P DEU:30:17 ÌÈ_Èô_Äã_ÐÄ_Àï_Æ«_Àë_£¬_²»_¿Ï_Ìý_´Ó_£¬_È´_±»_¹´_Òý_È¥_¾´_°Ý_ÊÂ_·î_±ð Éñ_£¬ # # But if thine heart turn away, so that thou wilt not hear, but shalt # be drawn away, and worship other gods, and serve them; # # unit P DEU:30:18 ÎÒ_½ñ_ÈÕ_Ã÷_Ã÷_¸æ_Ëß_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_±Ø_Òª_Ãð_Íö_¡£_ÔÚ_Äã_¹ý_Ô¼_µ©_ºÓ £¬_½ø_È¥_µÃ_Ϊ_Òµ_µÄ_µØ_ÉÏ_£¬_Äã_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_±Ø_²»_³¤_¾Ã_¡£ # # I denounce unto you this day, that ye shall surely perish, and that # ye shall not prolong your days upon the land, whither thou passest # over Jordan to go to possess it. # # unit P DEU:30:19 ÎÒ_½ñ_ÈÕ_ºô_Ìì_»½_µØ_Ïò_Äã_×÷_¼û_Ö¤_¡£_ÎÒ_½«_Éú_ËÀ_»ö_¸£_³Â_Ã÷_ÔÚ_Äã Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_Ëù_ÒÔ_Äã_Òª_¼ð_Ñ¡_Éú_Ãü_£¬_ʹ_Äã_ºÍ_Äã_µÄ_ºó_Òá_¶¼_µÃ_´æ_»î ¡£ # # I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have # set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore # choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: # # unit P DEU:30:20 ÇÒ_°®_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_Ìý_´Ó_Ëû_µÄ_»°_£¬_ר_¿¿_Ëû_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_Ëû_ÊÇ Äã_µÄ_Éú_Ãü_£¬_Äã_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_³¤_¾Ã_Ò²_ÔÚ_ºõ_Ëû_¡£_Õâ_Ñù_£¬_Äã_¾Í_¿É_ÒÔ ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïò_Äã_ÁÐ_×æ_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_£¬_ÒÔ_Èö_£¬_ÑÅ_¸÷_Æð_ÊÄ_Ó¦_Ðí_Ëù ´Í_µÄ_µØ_ÉÏ_¾Ó_ס_¡£ # # That thou mayest love the LORD thy God, and that thou mayest obey # his voice, and that thou mayest cleave unto him: for he is thy life, # and the length of thy days: that thou mayest dwell in the land which # the LORD sware unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, # to give them. # ## # chapter 31 DEU:31 # unit P DEU:31:1 Ħ_Î÷_È¥_¸æ_Ëß_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÚ_ÈË # # And Moses went and spake these words unto all Israel. # # unit P DEU:31:2 ˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ÏÖ_ÔÚ_Ò»_°Ù_¶þ_Ê®_Ëê_ÁË_£¬_²»_ÄÜ_ÕÕ_³£_³ö_Èë_¡£_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ò² Ôø_¶Ô_ÎÒ_˵_£¬_Äã_±Ø_²»_µÃ_¹ý_Õâ_Ô¼_µ©_ºÓ_¡£ # # And he said unto them, I am an hundred and twenty years old this # day; I can no more go out and come in: also the LORD hath said unto # me, Thou shalt not go over this Jordan. # # unit P DEU:31:3 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_±Ø_Òý_µ¼_Äã_ÃÇ_¹ý_È¥_£¬_½«_Õâ_Щ_¹ú_Ãñ_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ Ãæ_Ç°_Ãð_¾ø_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¾Í_µÃ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_µØ_¡£_Ô¼_Êé_ÑÇ_±Ø_Òý_µ¼_Äã_ÃÇ_¹ý È¥_£¬_Õý_Èç_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_˵_µÄ_¡£ # # The LORD thy God, he will go over before thee, and he will destroy # these nations from before thee, and thou shalt possess them: and # Joshua, he shall go over before thee, as the LORD hath said. # # unit P DEU:31:4 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_±Ø_´ý_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_Èç_ͬ_´Ó_Ç°_´ý_Ëû_Ëù_Ãð_¾ø_µÄ_ÑÇ_Ħ_Àû_¶þ_Íõ Î÷_ºê_Óë_ج_ÒÔ_¼°_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_¹ú_Ò»_Ñù_¡£ # # And the LORD shall do unto them as he did to Sihon and to Og, kings # of the Amorites, and unto the land of them, whom he destroyed. # # unit P DEU:31:5 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_±Ø_½«_Ëû_ÃÇ_½»_¸ø_Äã_ÃÇ_¡£_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_ÕÕ_ÎÒ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ Ãü_Áî_´ý_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£ # # And the LORD shall give them up before your face, that ye may do # unto them according unto all the commandments which I have commanded # you. # # unit P DEU:31:6 Äã_ÃÇ_µ±_¸Õ_Ç¿_׳_µ¨_£¬_²»_Òª_º¦_ÅÂ_£¬_Ò²_²»_Òª_η_¾å_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_Òò_Ϊ Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_ºÍ_Äã_ͬ_È¥_¡£_Ëû_±Ø_²»_Ʋ_ÏÂ_Äã_£¬_Ò²_²»_¶ª_Æú_Äã ¡£ # # Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: # for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not # fail thee, nor forsake thee. # # unit P DEU:31:7 Ħ_Î÷_ÕÙ_ÁË_Ô¼_Êé_ÑÇ_À´_£¬_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÚ_ÈË_ÑÛ_Ç°_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_Äã_µ± ¸Õ_Ç¿_׳_µ¨_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_£¬_Äã_Òª_ºÍ_Õâ_°Ù_ÐÕ_Ò»_ͬ_½ø_Èë_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ïò_Ëû ÃÇ_ÁÐ_×æ_Æð_ÊÄ_Ó¦_Ðí_Ëù_´Í_Ö®_µØ_¡£_Äã_Ò²_Òª_ʹ_Ëû_ÃÇ_³Ð_ÊÜ_ÄÇ_µØ_Ϊ Òµ_¡£ # # And Moses called unto Joshua, and said unto him in the sight of all # Israel, Be strong and of a good courage: for thou must go with this # people unto the land which the LORD hath sworn unto their fathers to # give them; and thou shalt cause them to inherit it. # # unit P DEU:31:8 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_±Ø_ÔÚ_Äã_Ç°_Ãæ_ÐÐ_¡£_Ëû_±Ø_Óë_Äã_ͬ_ÔÚ_£¬_±Ø_²»_Ʋ_ÏÂ_Äã_£¬ Ò²_²»_¶ª_Æú_Äã_¡£_²»_Òª_¾å_ÅÂ_£¬_Ò²_²»_Òª_¾ª_»Ì_¡£ # # And the LORD, he it is that doth go before thee; he will be with # thee, he will not fail thee, neither forsake thee: fear not, neither # be dismayed. # # unit P DEU:31:9 Ħ_Î÷_½«_Õâ_ÂÉ_·¨_д_³ö_À´_£¬_½»_¸ø_̧_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ô¼_¹ñ_µÄ_¼À_˾_Àû_δ ×Ó_Ëï_ºÍ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_µÄ_ÖÚ_³¤_ÀÏ_¡£ # # And Moses wrote this law, and delivered it unto the priests the sons # of Levi, which bare the ark of the covenant of the LORD, and unto # all the elders of Israel. # # unit P DEU:31:10 Ħ_Î÷_·Ô_¸À_Ëû_ÃÇ_˵_£¬_ÿ_·ê_Æß_Äê_µÄ_Ä©_Ò»_Äê_£¬_¾Í_ÔÚ_»í_Ãâ_Äê_µÄ ¶¨_ÆÚ_ס_Åï_½Ú_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬ # # And Moses commanded them, saying, At the end of every seven years, # in the solemnity of the year of release, in the feast of # tabernacles, # # unit P DEU:31:11 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÚ_ÈË_À´_µ½_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_Éñ_Ëù_Ñ¡_Ôñ_µÄ_µØ_·½_³¯_¼û_Ëû_¡£_ÄÇ Ê±_£¬_Äã_Òª_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÚ_ÈË_Ãæ_Ç°_½«_Õâ_ÂÉ_·¨_Äî_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ìý_¡£ # # When all Israel is come to appear before the LORD thy God in the # place which he shall choose, thou shalt read this law before all # Israel in their hearing. # # unit P DEU:31:12 Òª_ÕÐ_¾Û_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÄÐ_£¬_Å®_£¬_º¢_×Ó_£¬_²¢_³Ç_Àï_¼Ä_¾Ó_µÄ_£¬_ʹ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ìý £¬_ʹ_Ëû_ÃÇ_ѧ_Ï°_£¬_ºÃ_¾´_η_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_½÷_ÊØ_£¬_×ñ_ÐÐ Õâ_ÂÉ_·¨_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_»°_£¬ # # Gather the people together, men, and women, and children, and thy # stranger that is within thy gates, that they may hear, and that they # may learn, and fear the LORD your God, and observe to do all the # words of this law: # # unit P DEU:31:13 Ò²_ʹ_Ëû_ÃÇ_δ_Ôø_Ïþ_µÃ_Õâ_ÂÉ_·¨_µÄ_¶ù_Å®_µÃ_ÒÔ_Ìý_¼û_£¬_ѧ_Ï°_¾´_η Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_¹ý_Ô¼_µ©_ºÓ_Òª_µÃ_Ϊ_Òµ_Ö®_µØ_£¬_´æ »î_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_£¬_³£_³£_Õâ_Ñù_ÐÐ_¡£ # # And that their children, which have not known any thing, may hear, # and learn to fear the LORD your God, as long as ye live in the land # whither ye go over Jordan to possess it. # # unit P DEU:31:14 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Äã_µÄ_ËÀ_ÆÚ_ÁÙ_½ü_ÁË_¡£_Òª_ÕÙ_Ô¼_Êé_ÑÇ_À´_£¬ Äã_ÃÇ_¶þ_ÈË_Õ¾_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_Àï_£¬_ÎÒ_ºÃ_Öö_¸À_Ëû_¡£_ÓÚ_ÊÇ_Ħ_Î÷_ºÍ_Ô¼_Êé ÑÇ_È¥_Õ¾_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_Àï_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto Moses, Behold, thy days approach that thou # must die: call Joshua, and present yourselves in the tabernacle of # the congregation, that I may give him a charge. And Moses and Joshua # went, and presented themselves in the tabernacle of the # congregation. # # unit P DEU:31:15 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_Àï_ÔÆ_Öù_ÖÐ_ÏÔ_ÏÖ_£¬_ÔÆ_Öù_Í£_ÔÚ_»á_Ä»_ÃÅ_ÒÔ_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And the LORD appeared in the tabernacle in a pillar of a cloud: and # the pillar of the cloud stood over the door of the tabernacle. # # unit P DEU:31:16 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÓÖ_¶Ô_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬_Äã_±Ø_ºÍ_Äã_ÁÐ_×æ_ͬ_˯_¡£_Õâ_°Ù_ÐÕ_Òª_Æð À´_£¬_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ëù_Òª_È¥_µÄ_µØ_ÉÏ_£¬_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_µØ_µÄ_ÈË_ÖÐ_£¬_Ëæ_´Ó_Íâ_°î Éñ_ÐÐ_а_Òù_£¬_Àë_Æú_ÎÒ_£¬_Î¥_±³_ÎÒ_Óë_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ëù_Á¢_µÄ_Ô¼_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto Moses, Behold, thou shalt sleep with thy # fathers; and this people will rise up, and go a whoring after the # gods of the strangers of the land, whither they go to be among them, # and will forsake me, and break my covenant which I have made with # them. # # unit P DEU:31:17 ÄÇ_ʱ_£¬_ÎÒ_µÄ_Å­_Æø_±Ø_Ïò_Ëû_ÃÇ_·¢_×÷_¡£_ÎÒ_Ò²_±Ø_Àë_Æú_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_ÑÚ Ãæ_²»_¹Ë_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_ÒÔ_ÖÂ_Ëû_ÃÇ_±»_ÍÌ_Ãð_£¬_²¢_ÓÐ_Ðí_¶à_µÄ_»ö_»¼_ÔÖ_ÄÑ ÁÙ_µ½_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£_ÄÇ_ÈÕ_Ëû_ÃÇ_±Ø_˵_£¬_Õâ_Щ_»ö_»¼_ÁÙ_µ½_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_£¬_Æñ_²» ÊÇ_Òò_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_²»_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÖÐ_¼ä_Âð_£¿ # # Then my anger shall be kindled against them in that day, and I will # forsake them, and I will hide my face from them, and they shall be # devoured, and many evils and troubles shall befall them; so that # they will say in that day, Are not these evils come upon us, because # our God is not among us? # # unit P DEU:31:18 ÄÇ_ʱ_£¬_Òò_Ëû_ÃÇ_Æ«_Ïò_±ð_Éñ_Ëù_ÐÐ_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_¶ñ_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_¶¨_ÑÚ_Ãæ_²» ¹Ë_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£ # # And I will surely hide my face in that day for all the evils which # they shall have wrought, in that they are turned unto other gods. # # unit P DEU:31:19 ÏÖ_ÔÚ_Äã_Òª_д_Ò»_ƪ_¸è_£¬_½Ì_µ¼_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_£¬_´«_¸ø_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_ʹ_Õâ ¸è_¼û_Ö¤_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_²»_ÊÇ_¡£ # # Now therefore write ye this song for you, and teach it the children # of Israel: put it in their mouths, that this song may be a witness # for me against the children of Israel. # # unit P DEU:31:20 Òò_Ϊ_ÎÒ_½«_Ëû_ÃÇ_Áì_½ø_ÎÒ_Ïò_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÁÐ_×æ_Æð_ÊÄ_Ó¦_Ðí_ÄÇ_Á÷_ÄÌ_Óë_ÃÛ Ö®_µØ_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_³Ô_µÃ_±¥_×ã_£¬_Éí_Ìå_·Ê_ÅÖ_£¬_¾Í_±Ø_Æ«_Ïò_±ð Éñ_£¬_ÊÂ_·î_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_Ãê_ÊÓ_ÎÒ_£¬_±³_Æú_ÎÒ_µÄ_Ô¼_¡£ # # For when I shall have brought them into the land which I sware unto # their fathers, that floweth with milk and honey; and they shall have # eaten and filled themselves, and waxen fat; then will they turn unto # other gods, and serve them, and provoke me, and break my covenant. # # unit P DEU:31:21 ÄÇ_ʱ_£¬_ÓÐ_Ðí_¶à_»ö_»¼_ÔÖ_ÄÑ_ÁÙ_µ½_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_Õâ_¸è_±Ø_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ãæ_Ç° ×÷_¼û_Ö¤_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_ºó_Òá_µÄ_¿Ú_ÖÐ_±Ø_Äî_ËÐ_²»_Íü_¡£_ÎÒ_δ_Áì_Ëû_ÃÇ_µ½ ÎÒ_Ëù_Æð_ÊÄ_Ó¦_Ðí_Ö®_µØ_ÒÔ_ÏÈ_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ëù_»³_µÄ_Òâ_Äî_ÎÒ_¶¼_Öª_µÀ_ÁË ¡£ # # And it shall come to pass, when many evils and troubles are befallen # them, that this song shall testify against them as a witness; for it # shall not be forgotten out of the mouths of their seed: for I know # their imagination which they go about, even now, before I have # brought them into the land which I sware. # # unit P DEU:31:22 µ±_ÈÕ_Ħ_Î÷_¾Í_д_ÁË_Ò»_ƪ_¸è_£¬_½Ì_µ¼_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_¡£ # # Moses therefore wrote this song the same day, and taught it the # children of Israel. # # unit P DEU:31:23 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Öö_¸À_ÄÛ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_Ô¼_Êé_ÑÇ_˵_£¬_Äã_µ±_¸Õ_Ç¿_׳_µ¨_£¬_Òò_Ϊ Äã_±Ø_Áì_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_½ø_ÎÒ_Ëù_Æð_ÊÄ_Ó¦_Ðí_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_µØ_¡£_ÎÒ_±Ø_Óë_Äã ͬ_ÔÚ_¡£ # # And he gave Joshua the son of Nun a charge, and said, Be strong and # of a good courage: for thou shalt bring the children of Israel into # the land which I sware unto them: and I will be with thee. # # unit P DEU:31:24 Ħ_Î÷_½«_Õâ_ÂÉ_·¨_µÄ_»°_д_ÔÚ_Êé_ÉÏ_£¬_¼°_ÖÁ_д_Íê_ÁË_£¬ # # And it came to pass, when Moses had made an end of writing the words # of this law in a book, until they were finished, # # unit P DEU:31:25 ¾Í_·Ô_¸À_̧_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ô¼_¹ñ_µÄ_Àû_δ_ÈË_˵_£¬ # # That Moses commanded the Levites, which bare the ark of the covenant # of the LORD, saying, # # unit P DEU:31:26 ½«_Õâ_ÂÉ_·¨_Êé_·Å_ÔÚ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Äã_ÃÇ_Éñ_µÄ_Ô¼_¹ñ_ÅÔ_£¬_¿É_ÒÔ_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï ¼û_Ö¤_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_µÄ_²»_ÊÇ_¡£ # # Take this book of the law, and put it in the side of the ark of the # covenant of the LORD your God, that it may be there for a witness # against thee. # # unit P DEU:31:27 Òò_Ϊ_ÎÒ_Öª_µÀ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÊÇ_ã£_Äæ_µÄ_£¬_ÊÇ_Ó²_×Å_¾±_Ïî_µÄ_¡£_ÎÒ_½ñ_ÈÕ_»¹ »î_×Å_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_ͬ_ÔÚ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_ÉÐ_ÇÒ_ã£_Äæ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¬_ºÎ_¿ö_ÎÒ_ËÀ_ºó ÄØ_£¿ # # For I know thy rebellion, and thy stiff neck: behold, while I am yet # alive with you this day, ye have been rebellious against the LORD; # and how much more after my death? # # unit P DEU:31:28 Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_½«_Äã_ÃÇ_Ö§_ÅÉ_µÄ_ÖÚ_³¤_ÀÏ_ºÍ_¹Ù_³¤_¶¼_ÕÐ_¾Û_ÁË_À´_£¬_ÎÒ_ºÃ ½«_Õâ_Щ_»°_˵_Óë_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ìý_£¬_²¢_ºô_Ìì_»½_µØ_¼û_Ö¤_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_²»_ÊÇ_¡£ # # Gather unto me all the elders of your tribes, and your officers, # that I may speak these words in their ears, and call heaven and # earth to record against them. # # unit P DEU:31:29 ÎÒ_Öª_µÀ_ÎÒ_ËÀ_ºó_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_±Ø_È«_È»_°Ü_»µ_£¬_Æ«_Àë_ÎÒ_Ëù_·Ô_¸À_Äã_ÃÇ µÄ_µÀ_£¬_ÐÐ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÑÛ_ÖÐ_¿´_Ϊ_¶ñ_µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬_ÒÔ_ÊÖ_Ëù_×÷_µÄ_ÈÇ_Ëû_·¢ Å­_¡£_ÈÕ_ºó_±Ø_ÓÐ_»ö_»¼_ÁÙ_µ½_Äã_ÃÇ_¡£ # # For I know that after my death ye will utterly corrupt yourselves, # and turn aside from the way which I have commanded you; and evil # will befall you in the latter days; because ye will do evil in the # sight of the LORD, to provoke him to anger through the work of your # hands. # # unit P DEU:31:30 Ħ_Î÷_½«_Õâ_Ò»_ƪ_¸è_µÄ_»°_¶¼_˵_Óë_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_È«_»á_ÖÚ_Ìý_¡£ # # And Moses spake in the ears of all the congregation of Israel the # words of this song, until they were ended. # ## # chapter 32 DEU:32 # unit P DEU:32:1 Öî_Ìì_ÄÄ_£¬_²à_¶ú_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_˵_»°_¡£_Ô¸_µØ_Ò²_Ìý_ÎÒ_¿Ú_ÖÐ_µÄ_ÑÔ_Óï_¡£ # # Give ear, O ye heavens, and I will speak; and hear, O earth, the # words of my mouth. # # unit P DEU:32:2 ÎÒ_µÄ_½Ì_ѵ_Òª_ÁÜ_Àì_Èç_Óê_¡£_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÑÔ_Óï_Òª_µÎ_Âä_Èç_¶_£¬_Èç_ϸ_Óê ½µ_ÔÚ_ÄÛ_²Ý_ÉÏ_£¬_Èç_¸Ê_ÁØ_½µ_ÔÚ_²Ë_Êß_ÖÐ_¡£ # # My doctrine shall drop as the rain, my speech shall distil as the # dew, as the small rain upon the tender herb, and as the showers upon # the grass: # # unit P DEU:32:3 ÎÒ_Òª_Ðû_¸æ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_Ãû_¡£_Äã_ÃÇ_Òª_½«_´ó_µÂ_¹é_Óë_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # Because I will publish the name of the LORD: ascribe ye greatness # unto our God. # # unit P DEU:32:4 Ëû_ÊÇ_ÅÍ_ʯ_£¬_Ëû_µÄ_×÷_Ϊ_Íê_È«_£¬_Ëû_Ëù_ÐÐ_µÄ_ÎÞ_²»_¹«_ƽ_£¬_ÊÇ_³Ï ʵ_ÎÞ_α_µÄ_Éñ_¡£_ÓÖ_¹«_Òå_£¬_ÓÖ_Õý_Ö±_¡£ # # He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: # a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he. # # unit P DEU:32:5 Õâ_¹Ô_Ƨ_Íä_Çú_µÄ_ÊÀ_´ú_Ïò_Ëû_ÐÐ_ÊÂ_а_Ƨ_¡£_ÓÐ_Õâ_±×_²¡_¾Í_²»_ÊÇ_Ëû µÄ_¶ù_Å®_¡£ # # They have corrupted themselves, their spot is not the spot of his # children: they are a perverse and crooked generation. # # unit P DEU:32:6 ÓÞ_ÃÁ_ÎÞ_Öª_µÄ_Ãñ_ÄÄ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_Õâ_Ñù_±¨_´ð_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Âð_£¿_Ëû_Æñ_²»_ÊÇ Äã_µÄ_¸¸_£¬_½«_Äã_Âò_À´_µÄ_Âð_£¿_Ëû_ÊÇ_ÖÆ_Ôì_Äã_£¬_½¨_Á¢_Äã_µÄ_¡£ # # Do ye thus requite the LORD, O foolish people and unwise? is not he # thy father that hath bought thee? hath he not made thee, and # established thee? # # unit P DEU:32:7 Äã_µ±_×·_Ïë_ÉÏ_¹Å_Ö®_ÈÕ_£¬_˼_Äî_Àú_´ú_Ö®_Äê_¡£_ÎÊ_Äã_µÄ_¸¸_Ç×_£¬_Ëû ±Ø_Ö¸_ʾ_Äã_¡£_ÎÊ_Äã_µÄ_³¤_Õß_£¬_Ëû_±Ø_¸æ_Ëß_Äã_¡£ # # Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations: # ask thy father, and he will shew thee; thy elders, and they will # tell thee. # # unit P DEU:32:8 ÖÁ_¸ß_Õß_½«_µØ_Òµ_´Í_¸ø_ÁÐ_°î_£¬_½«_ÊÀ_ÈË_·Ö_¿ª_£¬_¾Í_ÕÕ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË µÄ_Êý_Ä¿_Á¢_¶¨_Íò_Ãñ_µÄ_½®_½ç_¡£ # # When the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he # separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people # according to the number of the children of Israel. # # unit P DEU:32:9 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_·Ö_±¾_ÊÇ_Ëû_µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_¡£_Ëû_µÄ_²ú_Òµ_±¾_ÊÇ_ÑÅ_¸÷_¡£ # # For the LORD's portion is his people; Jacob is the lot of his # inheritance. # # unit P DEU:32:10 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Óö_¼û_Ëû_ÔÚ_¿õ_Ò°_»Ä_Á¹_Ò°_ÊÞ_ºð_½Ð_Ö®_µØ_£¬_¾Í_»·_ÈÆ_Ëû_£¬ ¿´_¹Ë_Ëû_£¬_±£_»¤_Ëû_£¬_Èç_ͬ_±£_»¤_ÑÛ_ÖÐ_µÄ_Í«_ÈË_¡£ # # He found him in a desert land, and in the waste howling wilderness; # he led him about, he instructed him, he kept him as the apple of his # eye. # # unit P DEU:32:11 ÓÖ_Èç_Ó¥_½Á_¶¯_³²_ÎÑ_£¬_ÔÚ_³û_Ó¥_ÒÔ_ÉÏ_Á½_³á_ÉÈ_Õ¹_£¬_½Ó_È¡_³û_Ó¥_£¬ ±³_ÔÚ_Á½_Òí_Ö®_ÉÏ_¡£ # # As an eagle stirreth up her nest, fluttereth over her young, # spreadeth abroad her wings, taketh them, beareth them on her wings: # # unit P DEU:32:12 Õâ_Ñù_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶À_×Ô_Òý_µ¼_Ëû_£¬_²¢_ÎÞ_Íâ_°î_Éñ_Óë_Ëû_ͬ_ÔÚ_¡£ # # So the LORD alone did lead him, and there was no strange god with # him. # # unit P DEU:32:13 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ʹ_Ëû_³Ë_¼Ý_µØ_µÄ_¸ß_´¦_£¬_µÃ_³Ô_Ìï_¼ä_µÄ_ÍÁ_²ú_¡£_ÓÖ_ʹ_Ëû ´Ó_ÅÍ_ʯ_ÖÐ_ßÆ_ÃÛ_£¬_´Ó_¼á_ʯ_ÖÐ_Îü_ÓÍ_¡£ # # He made him ride on the high places of the earth, that he might eat # the increase of the fields; and he made him to suck honey out of the # rock, and oil out of the flinty rock; # # unit P DEU:32:14 Ò²_³Ô_Å£_µÄ_ÄÌ_ÓÍ_£¬_Ñò_µÄ_ÄÌ_£¬_Ñò_¸á_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_£¬_°Í_ɺ_Ëù_³ö_µÄ_¹« Ãà_Ñò_ºÍ_ɽ_Ñò_£¬_Óë_ÉÏ_ºÃ_µÄ_Âó_×Ó_£¬_Ò²_ºÈ_ÆÏ_ÌÑ_Ö­_Äð_µÄ_¾Æ_¡£ # # Butter of kine, and milk of sheep, with fat of lambs, and rams of # the breed of Bashan, and goats, with the fat of kidneys of wheat; # and thou didst drink the pure blood of the grape. # # unit P DEU:32:15 µ«_Ò®_Êé_ÂØ_½¥_½¥_·Ê_ÅÖ_£¬_´Ö_׳_£¬_¹â_Èó_£¬_Ìß_Ìø_±¼_ÅÜ_£¬_±ã_Àë_Æú Ôì_Ëû_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_Çá_¿´_¾È_Ëû_µÄ_ÅÍ_ʯ_¡£ # # But Jeshurun waxed fat, and kicked: thou art waxen fat, thou art # grown thick, thou art covered with fatness; then he forsook God # which made him, and lightly esteemed the Rock of his salvation. # # unit P DEU:32:16 ¾´_°Ý_±ð_Éñ_£¬_´¥_¶¯_Éñ_µÄ_·ß_ºÞ_£¬_ÐÐ_¿É_Ô÷_¶ñ_µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬_ÈÇ_ÁË_Ëû_µÄ Å­_Æø_¡£ # # They provoked him to jealousy with strange gods, with abominations # provoked they him to anger. # # unit P DEU:32:17 Ëù_¼À_ìë_µÄ_¹í_ħ_²¢_·Ç_Õæ_Éñ_£¬_ÄË_ÊÇ_ËØ_²»_ÈÏ_ʶ_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_ÊÇ_½ü_À´ ÐÂ_ÐË_µÄ_£¬_ÊÇ_Äã_ÁÐ_×æ_Ëù_²»_η_¾å_µÄ # # They sacrificed unto devils, not to God; to gods whom they knew not, # to new gods that came newly up, whom your fathers feared not. # # unit P DEU:32:18 Äã_Çá_ºö_Éú_Äã_µÄ_ÅÍ_ʯ_£¬_Íü_¼Ç_²ú_Äã_µÄ_Éñ_¡£ # # Of the Rock that begat thee thou art unmindful, and hast forgotten # God that formed thee. # # unit P DEU:32:19 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¿´_¼û_Ëû_µÄ_¶ù_Å®_ÈÇ_¶¯_Ëû_£¬_¾Í_Ñá_¶ñ_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬ # # And when the LORD saw it, he abhorred them, because of the provoking # of his sons, and of his daughters. # # unit P DEU:32:20 ˵_£¬_ÎÒ_Òª_Ïò_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÑÚ_Ãæ_£¬_¿´_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_½á_¾Ö_Èç_ºÎ_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_±¾_ÊÇ ¼«_¹Ô_Ƨ_µÄ_×å_Àà_£¬_ÐÄ_ÖÐ_ÎÞ_³Ï_ʵ_µÄ_¶ù_Å®_¡£ # # And he said, I will hide my face from them, I will see what their # end shall be: for they are a very froward generation, children in # whom is no faith. # # unit P DEU:32:21 Ëû_ÃÇ_ÒÔ_ÄÇ_²»_Ëã_Ϊ_Éñ_µÄ_´¥_¶¯_ÎÒ_µÄ_·ß_ºÞ_£¬_ÒÔ_Ðé_ÎÞ_µÄ_Éñ_ÈÇ_ÁË ÎÒ_µÄ_Å­_Æø_¡£_ÎÒ_Ò²_Òª_ÒÔ_ÄÇ_²»_³É_×Ó_Ãñ_µÄ_´¥_¶¯_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_·ß_ºÞ_£¬ ÒÔ_ÓÞ_ÃÁ_µÄ_¹ú_Ãñ_ÈÇ_ÁË_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Å­_Æø_¡£ # # They have moved me to jealousy with that which is not God; they have # provoked me to anger with their vanities: and I will move them to # jealousy with those which are not a people; I will provoke them to # anger with a foolish nation. # # unit P DEU:32:22 Òò_Ϊ_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_Å­_ÖÐ_ÓÐ_»ð_ÉÕ_Æð_£¬_Ö±_ÉÕ_µ½_¼«_Éî_µÄ_Òõ_¼ä_£¬_°Ñ_µØ_ºÍ µØ_µÄ_³ö_²ú_¾¡_¶¼_·Ù_ÉÕ_£¬_ɽ_µÄ_¸ù_»ù_Ò²_ÉÕ_×Å_ÁË_¡£ # # For a fire is kindled in mine anger, and shall burn unto the lowest # hell, and shall consume the earth with her increase, and set on fire # the foundations of the mountains. # # unit P DEU:32:23 ÎÒ_Òª_½«_»ö_»¼_¶Ñ_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Éí_ÉÏ_£¬_°Ñ_ÎÒ_µÄ_¼ý_Ïò_Ëû_ÃÇ_Éä_¾¡_¡£ # # I will heap mischiefs upon them; I will spend mine arrows upon them. # # unit P DEU:32:24 Ëû_ÃÇ_±Ø_Òò_¼¢_¶ö_Ïû_ÊÝ_£¬_±»_Ñ×_ÈÈ_¿à_¶¾_ÍÌ_Ãð_¡£_ÎÒ_Òª_´ò_·¢_Ò°_ÊÞ ÓÃ_ÑÀ_³Ý_Ò§_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_²¢_ÍÁ_ÖÐ_¸¹_ÐÐ_µÄ_£¬_ÓÃ_¶¾_Æø_º¦_Ëû_ÃÇ_¡£ # # They shall be burnt with hunger, and devoured with burning heat, and # with bitter destruction: I will also send the teeth of beasts upon # them, with the poison of serpents of the dust. # # unit P DEU:32:25 Íâ_Í·_ÓÐ_µ¶_½£_£¬_ÄÚ_ÊÒ_ÓÐ_¾ª_¿Ö_£¬_ʹ_ÈË_É¥_Íö_£¬_ʹ_ÉÙ_ÄÐ_£¬_ͯ_Å® £¬_³Ô_ÄÌ_µÄ_£¬_°×_·¢_µÄ_£¬_¾¡_¶¼_Ãð_¾ø_¡£ # # The sword without, and terror within, shall destroy both the young # man and the virgin, the suckling also with the man of gray hairs. # # unit P DEU:32:26 ÎÒ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_½«_Ëû_ÃÇ_·Ö_É¢_Ô¶_·½_£¬_ʹ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Ãû_ºÅ_´Ó_ÈË_¼ä_³ý Ãð_¡£ # # I said, I would scatter them into corners, I would make the # remembrance of them to cease from among men: # # unit P DEU:32:27 Ω_¿Ö_³ð_µÐ_ÈÇ_¶¯_ÎÒ_£¬_Ö»_ÅÂ_µÐ_ÈË_´í_¿´_£¬_˵_£¬_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_ÊÖ_µÄ_ÄÜ Á¦_£¬_²¢_·Ç_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_ÐÐ_µÄ_¡£ # # Were it not that I feared the wrath of the enemy, lest their # adversaries should behave themselves strangely, and lest they should # say, Our hand is high, and the LORD hath not done all this. # # unit P DEU:32:28 Òò_Ϊ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_Ãñ_ºÁ_ÎÞ_¼Æ_ı_£¬_ÐÄ_ÖÐ_û_ÓÐ_´Ï_Ã÷_¡£ # # For they are a nation void of counsel, neither is there any # understanding in them. # # unit P DEU:32:29 Ω_Ô¸_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÓÐ_ÖÇ_»Û_£¬_ÄÜ_Ã÷_°×_Õâ_ÊÂ_£¬_¿Ï_˼_Äî_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_½á_¾Ö_¡£ # # O that they were wise, that they understood this, that they would # consider their latter end! # # unit P DEU:32:30 Èô_²»_ÊÇ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÅÍ_ʯ_Âô_ÁË_Ëû_ÃÇ_£¬_Èô_²»_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_½»_³ö_Ëû_ÃÇ £¬_Ò»_ÈË_ÑÉ_ÄÜ_×·_¸Ï_Ëû_ÃÇ_ǧ_ÈË_£¬_¶þ_ÈË_ÑÉ_ÄÜ_ʹ_Íò_ÈË_ÌÓ_ÅÜ_ÄØ_£¿ # # How should one chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight, # except their Rock had sold them, and the LORD had shut them up? # # unit P DEU:32:31 ¾Ý_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_³ð_µÐ_×Ô_¼º_¶Ï_¶¨_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÅÍ_ʯ_²»_Èç_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÅÍ_ʯ ¡£ # # For their rock is not as our Rock, even our enemies themselves being # judges. # # unit P DEU:32:32 Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÆÏ_ÌÑ_Ê÷_ÊÇ_Ëù_¶à_Âê_µÄ_ÆÏ_ÌÑ_Ê÷_£¬_¶ê_Ħ_À­_Ìï_Ô°_Ëù_Éú_µÄ ¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_ÆÏ_ÌÑ_ÊÇ_¶¾_ÆÏ_ÌÑ_£¬_È«_¹Ò_¶¼_ÊÇ_¿à_µÄ_¡£ # # For their vine is of the vine of Sodom, and of the fields of # Gomorrah: their grapes are grapes of gall, their clusters are # bitter: # # unit P DEU:32:33 Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_¾Æ_ÊÇ_´ó_Éß_µÄ_¶¾_Æø_£¬_ÊÇ_ò³_Éß_²Ð_º¦_µÄ_¶ñ_¶¾_¡£ # # Their wine is the poison of dragons, and the cruel venom of asps. # # unit P DEU:32:34 Õâ_²»_¶¼_ÊÇ_»ý_Ðî_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_Õâ_Àï_£¬_·â_Ëø_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_¸®_¿â_ÖÐ_Âð_£¿ # # Is not this laid up in store with me, and sealed up among my # treasures? # # unit P DEU:32:35 Ëû_ÃÇ_ʧ_½Å_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬_Éì_Ô©_±¨_Ó¦_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_¡£_Òò_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ôâ_ÔÖ_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó ½ü_ÁË_¡£_ÄÇ_Òª_ÁÙ_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Éí_ÉÏ_µÄ_±Ø_ËÙ_ËÙ_À´_µ½_¡£ # # To me belongeth vengeance, and recompence; their foot shall slide in # due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things # that shall come upon them make haste. # # unit P DEU:32:36 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¼û_Ëû_°Ù_ÐÕ_ºÁ_ÎÞ_ÄÜ_Á¦_£¬_ÎÞ_ÂÛ_À§_ס_µÄ_£¬_×Ô_ÓÉ_µÄ_¶¼_û ÓÐ_Ê£_ÏÂ_£¬_¾Í_±Ø_Ϊ_Ëû_ÃÇ_Éì_Ô©_£¬_Ϊ_Ëû_µÄ_ÆÍ_ÈË_ºó_»Ú_¡£ # # For the LORD shall judge his people, and repent himself for his # servants, when he seeth that their power is gone, and there is none # shut up, or left. # # unit P DEU:32:37 Ëû_±Ø_˵_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éñ_£¬_Ëû_ÃÇ_Ëù_Ͷ_¿¿_µÄ_ÅÍ_ʯ_£¬ # # And he shall say, Where are their gods, their rock in whom they # trusted, # # unit P DEU:32:38 ¾Í_ÊÇ_Ïò_À´_³Ô_Ëû_ÃÇ_¼À_Éü_µÄ_Ö¬_ÓÍ_£¬_ºÈ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µì_¼À_Ö®_¾Æ_µÄ_£¬_ÔÚ ÄÄ_Àï_ÄØ_£¿_Ëû_¿É_ÒÔ_ÐË_Æð_°ï_Öú_Äã_ÃÇ_£¬_»¤_ÎÀ_Äã_ÃÇ_¡£ # # Which did eat the fat of their sacrifices, and drank the wine of # their drink offerings? let them rise up and help you, and be your # protection. # # unit P DEU:32:39 Äã_ÃÇ_Èç_½ñ_Òª_Öª_µÀ_£¬_ÎÒ_£¬_Ω_ÓÐ_ÎÒ_ÊÇ_Éñ_¡£_ÔÚ_ÎÒ_ÒÔ_Íâ_²¢_ÎÞ_±ð Éñ_¡£_ÎÒ_ʹ_ÈË_ËÀ_£¬_ÎÒ_ʹ_ÈË_»î_¡£_ÎÒ_Ëð_ÉË_£¬_ÎÒ_Ò²_Ò½_ÖÎ_£¬_²¢_ÎÞ ÈË_ÄÜ_´Ó_ÎÒ_ÊÖ_ÖÐ_¾È_³ö_À´_¡£ # # See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me: I kill, # and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can # deliver out of my hand. # # unit P DEU:32:40 ÎÒ_Ïò_Ìì_¾Ù_ÊÖ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_ƾ_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÓÀ_Éú_Æð_ÊÄ_£¬ # # For I lift up my hand to heaven, and say, I live for ever. # # unit P DEU:32:41 ÎÒ_Èô_Ä¥_ÎÒ_ÉÁ_ÁÁ_µÄ_µ¶_£¬_ÊÖ_ÕÆ_Éó_ÅÐ_Ö®_Ȩ_£¬_¾Í_±Ø_±¨_¸´_ÎÒ_µÄ_µÐ ÈË_£¬_±¨_Ó¦_ºÞ_ÎÒ_µÄ_ÈË_¡£ # # If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; # I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that # hate me. # # unit P DEU:32:42 ÎÒ_Òª_ʹ_ÎÒ_µÄ_¼ý_Òû_Ѫ_Òû_×í_£¬_¾Í_ÊÇ_±»_ɱ_±»_°_Ö®_ÈË_µÄ_Ѫ_¡£_ÎÒ µÄ_µ¶_Òª_³Ô_Èâ_£¬_ÄË_ÊÇ_³ð_µÐ_ÖÐ_Ê×_Áì_Ö®_Í·_µÄ_Èâ_¡£ # # I will make mine arrows drunk with blood, and my sword shall devour # flesh; and that with the blood of the slain and of the captives, # from the beginning of revenges upon the enemy. # # unit P DEU:32:43 Äã_ÃÇ_Íâ_°î_ÈË_µ±_Óë_Ö÷_µÄ_°Ù_ÐÕ_Ò»_ͬ_»¶_ºô_¡£_Òò_Ëû_Òª_Éì_Ëû_ÆÍ_ÈË Á÷_Ѫ_µÄ_Ô©_£¬_±¨_Ó¦_Ëû_µÄ_µÐ_ÈË_£¬_½à_¾»_Ëû_µÄ_µØ_£¬_¾È_Êê_Ëû_µÄ_°Ù ÐÕ_¡£ # # Rejoice, O ye nations, with his people: for he will avenge the blood # of his servants, and will render vengeance to his adversaries, and # will be merciful unto his land, and to his people. # # unit P DEU:32:44 Ħ_Î÷_ºÍ_ÄÛ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_Ô¼_Êé_ÑÇ_È¥_½«_Õâ_¸è_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_»°_˵_¸ø_°Ù_ÐÕ_Ìý ¡£ # # And Moses came and spake all the words of this song in the ears of # the people, he, and Hoshea the son of Nun. # # unit P DEU:32:45 Ħ_Î÷_Ïò_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÚ_ÈË_˵_Íê_ÁË_Õâ_Ò»_ÇÐ_µÄ_»°_£¬ # # And Moses made an end of speaking all these words to all Israel: # # unit P DEU:32:46 ÓÖ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_½ñ_ÈÕ_Ëù_¾¯_½Ì_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_£¬_Äã_ÃÇ_¶¼_Òª_·Å_ÔÚ_ÐÄ_ÉÏ_¡£_Òª ·Ô_¸À_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_×Ó_Ëï_½÷_ÊØ_×ñ_ÐÐ_Õâ_ÂÉ_·¨_ÉÏ_µÄ_»°_¡£ # # And he said unto them, Set your hearts unto all the words which I # testify among you this day, which ye shall command your children to # observe to do, all the words of this law. # # unit P DEU:32:47 Òò_Ϊ_Õâ_²»_ÊÇ_Ðé_¿Õ_£¬_Óë_Äã_ÃÇ_ÎÞ_¹Ø_µÄ_ÊÂ_£¬_ÄË_ÊÇ_Äã_ÃÇ_µÄ_Éú_Ãü ¡£_ÔÚ_Äã_ÃÇ_¹ý_Ô¼_µ©_ºÓ_Òª_µÃ_Ϊ_Òµ_µÄ_µØ_ÉÏ_±Ø_Òò_Õâ_ÊÂ_ÈÕ_×Ó_µÃ_ÒÔ ³¤_¾Ã_¡£ # # For it is not a vain thing for you; because it is your life: and # through this thing ye shall prolong your days in the land, whither # ye go over Jordan to possess it. # # unit P DEU:32:48 µ±_ÈÕ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_·Ô_¸À_Ħ_Î÷_˵_£¬ # # And the LORD spake unto Moses that selfsame day, saying, # # unit P DEU:32:49 Äã_ÉÏ_Õâ_ÑÇ_°Í_ÁÕ_ɽ_ÖÐ_µÄ_Äá_²¨_ɽ_È¥_£¬_ÔÚ_Ħ_Ѻ_µØ_Óë_Ò®_Àû_¸ç_Ïà ¶Ô_£¬_¹Û_¿´_ÎÒ_Ëù_Òª_´Í_¸ø_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Ϊ_Òµ_µÄ_åÈ_ÄÏ_µØ_¡£ # # Get thee up into this mountain Abarim, unto mount Nebo, which is in # the land of Moab, that is over against Jericho; and behold the land # of Canaan, which I give unto the children of Israel for a # possession: # # unit P DEU:32:50 Äã_±Ø_ËÀ_ÔÚ_Äã_Ëù_µÇ_µÄ_ɽ_ÉÏ_£¬_¹é_Äã_ÁÐ_×æ_£¨_Ô­_ÎÄ_×÷_±¾_Ãñ_£©_È¥ £¬_Ïó_Äã_¸ç_¸ç_ÑÇ_Â×_ËÀ_ÔÚ_ºÎ_çí_ɽ_ÉÏ_£¬_¹é_Ëû_µÄ_ÁÐ_×æ_Ò»_Ñù_¡£ # # And die in the mount whither thou goest up, and be gathered unto thy # people; as Aaron thy brother died in mount Hor, and was gathered # unto his people: # # unit P DEU:32:51 Òò_Ϊ_Äã_ÃÇ_ÔÚ_Ñ°_µÄ_¿õ_Ò°_£¬_¼Ó_µÍ_˹_µÄ_Ã×_Àû_°Í_Ë®_£¬_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ ÈË_ÖÐ_û_ÓÐ_×ð_ÎÒ_Ϊ_Ê¥_£¬_µÃ_×ï_ÁË_ÎÒ_¡£ # # Because ye trespassed against me among the children of Israel at the # waters of MeribahKadesh, in the wilderness of Zin; because ye # sanctified me not in the midst of the children of Israel. # # unit P DEU:32:52 ÎÒ_Ëù_´Í_¸ø_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_µÄ_µØ_£¬_Äã_¿É_ÒÔ_Ô¶_Ô¶_µØ_¹Û_¿´_£¬_È´_²»_µÃ ½ø_È¥_¡£ # # Yet thou shalt see the land before thee; but thou shalt not go # thither unto the land which I give the children of Israel. # ## # chapter 33 DEU:33 # unit P DEU:33:1 ÒÔ_ÏÂ_ÊÇ_Éñ_ÈË_Ħ_Î÷_ÔÚ_δ_ËÀ_Ö®_ÏÈ_Ϊ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_Ëù_×£_µÄ_¸£_£¬ # # And this is the blessing, wherewith Moses the man of God blessed the # children of Israel before his death. # # unit P DEU:33:2 Ëû_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_´Ó_Î÷_ÄË_¶ø_À´_£¬_´Ó_Î÷_çí_Ïò_Ëû_ÃÇ_ÏÔ_ÏÖ_£¬_´Ó_°Í À¼_ɽ_·¢_³ö_¹â_»Ô_£¬_´Ó_Íò_Íò_Ê¥_Õß_ÖÐ_À´_ÁÙ_£¬_´Ó_Ëû_ÓÒ_ÊÖ_Ϊ_°Ù_ÐÕ ´«_³ö_ÁÒ_»ð_µÄ_ÂÉ_·¨_¡£ # # And he said, The LORD came from Sinai, and rose up from Seir unto # them; he shined forth from mount Paran, and he came with ten # thousands of saints: from his right hand went a fiery law for them. # # unit P DEU:33:3 Ëû_ÌÛ_°®_°Ù_ÐÕ_¡£_ÖÚ_Ê¥_ͽ_¶¼_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÊÖ_ÖÐ_¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_×ø_ÔÚ_Ëû_µÄ_½Å_Ï £¬_Áì_ÊÜ_Ëû_µÄ_ÑÔ_Óï_¡£ # # Yea, he loved the people; all his saints are in thy hand: and they # sat down at thy feet; every one shall receive of thy words. # # unit P DEU:33:4 Ħ_Î÷_½«_ÂÉ_·¨_´«_¸ø_ÎÒ_ÃÇ_£¬_×÷_Ϊ_ÑÅ_¸÷_»á_ÖÚ_µÄ_²ú_Òµ_¡£ # # Moses commanded us a law, even the inheritance of the congregation # of Jacob. # # unit P DEU:33:5 °Ù_ÐÕ_µÄ_ÖÚ_Ê×_Áì_£¬_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_µÄ_¸÷_Ö§_ÅÉ_£¬_Ò»_ͬ_¾Û_»á_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_£¬ Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_£¨_Ô­_ÎÄ_×÷_Ëû_£©_ÔÚ_Ò®_Êé_ÂØ_ÖÐ_Ϊ_Íõ_¡£ # # And he was king in Jeshurun, when the heads of the people and the # tribes of Israel were gathered together. # # unit P DEU:33:6 Ô¸_Á÷_±ã_´æ_»î_£¬_²»_ÖÁ_ËÀ_Íö_¡£_Ô¸_Ëû_ÈË_Êý_²»_ÖÁ_Ï¡_ÉÙ_¡£ # # Let Reuben live, and not die; and let not his men be few. # # unit P DEU:33:7 Ϊ_ÓÌ_´ó_×£_¸£_˵_£¬_Çó_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¸©_Ìý_ÓÌ_´ó_µÄ_Éù_Òô_£¬_Òý_µ¼_Ëû_¹é ÓÚ_±¾_×å_¡£_Ëû_Ôø_ÓÃ_ÊÖ_Ϊ_×Ô_¼º_Õù_Õ½_£¬_Äã_±Ø_°ï_Öú_Ëû_¹¥_»÷_µÐ_ÈË ¡£ # # And this is the blessing of Judah: and he said, Hear, LORD, the # voice of Judah, and bring him unto his people: let his hands be # sufficient for him; and be thou an help to him from his enemies. # # unit P DEU:33:8 ÂÛ_Àû_δ_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_°¢_£¬_Äã_µÄ_ÍÁ_Ã÷_ºÍ_ÎÚ_Áê_¶¼_ÔÚ_Äã_µÄ_ò¯_³Ï ÈË_ÄÇ_Àï_¡£_Äã_ÔÚ_Âê_Èö_Ôø_ÊÔ_Ñé_Ëû_£¬_ÔÚ_Ã×_Àû_°Í_Ë®_Óë_Ëû_Õù_ÂÛ_¡£ # # And of Levi he said, Let thy Thummim and thy Urim be with thy holy # one, whom thou didst prove at Massah, and with whom thou didst # strive at the waters of Meribah; # # unit P DEU:33:9 Ëû_ÂÛ_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_¸¸_ĸ_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_δ_Ôø_¿´_¼û_¡£_Ëû_Ò²_²»_³Ð_ÈÏ_µÜ_ÐÖ_£¬ Ò²_²»_ÈÏ_ʶ_×Ô_¼º_µÄ_¶ù_Å®_¡£_Õâ_ÊÇ_Òò_Àû_δ_ÈË_×ñ_ÐÐ_Äã_µÄ_»°_£¬_½÷ ÊØ_Äã_µÄ_Ô¼_¡£ # # Who said unto his father and to his mother, I have not seen him; # neither did he acknowledge his brethren, nor knew his own children: # for they have observed thy word, and kept thy covenant. # # unit P DEU:33:10 Ëû_ÃÇ_Òª_½«_Äã_µÄ_µä_ÕÂ_½Ì_ѵ_ÑÅ_¸÷_£¬_½«_Äã_µÄ_ÂÉ_·¨_½Ì_ѵ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ ¡£_Ëû_ÃÇ_Òª_°Ñ_Ïã_·Ù_ÔÚ_Äã_Ãæ_Ç°_£¬_°Ñ_È«_Éü_µÄ_ìÜ_¼À_Ï×_ÔÚ_Äã_µÄ_̳ ÉÏ_¡£ # # They shall teach Jacob thy judgments, and Israel thy law: they shall # put incense before thee, and whole burnt sacrifice upon thine altar. # # unit P DEU:33:11 Çó_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_½µ_¸£_ÔÚ_Ëû_µÄ_²Æ_Îï_ÉÏ_£¬_ÔÃ_ÄÉ_Ëû_ÊÖ_Àï_Ëù_°ì_µÄ_ÊÂ_¡£ ÄÇ_Щ_Æð_À´_¹¥_»÷_Ëû_ºÍ_ºÞ_¶ñ_Ëû_µÄ_ÈË_£¬_Ô¸_Äã_´Ì_͸_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_Ñü_£¬ ʹ_Ëû_ÃÇ_²»_µÃ_ÔÙ_Æð_À´_¡£ # # Bless, LORD, his substance, and accept the work of his hands: smite # through the loins of them that rise against him, and of them that # hate him, that they rise not again. # # unit P DEU:33:12 ÂÛ_±ã_ÑÅ_Ãõ_˵_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_Ç×_°®_µÄ_±Ø_ͬ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_°²_È»_¾Ó_ס_¡£ Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_ÖÕ_ÈÕ_ÕÚ_±Î_Ëû_£¬_Ò²_ס_ÔÚ_Ëû_Á½_¼ç_Ö®_ÖÐ_¡£ # # And of Benjamin he said, The beloved of the LORD shall dwell in # safety by him; and the Lord shall cover him all the day long, and he # shall dwell between his shoulders. # # unit P DEU:33:13 ÂÛ_Ô¼_ɪ_˵_£¬_Ô¸_Ëû_µÄ_µØ_ÃÉ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_´Í_¸£_£¬_µÃ_Ìì_ÉÏ_µÄ_±¦_Îï_£¬ ¸Ê_¶_£¬_ÒÔ_¼°_µØ_Àï_Ëù_²Ø_µÄ_Ȫ_Ë®_¡£ # # And of Joseph he said, Blessed of the LORD be his land, for the # precious things of heaven, for the dew, and for the deep that # coucheth beneath, # # unit P DEU:33:14 µÃ_Ì«_Ñô_Ëù_ɹ_Êì_µÄ_ÃÀ_¹û_£¬_ÔÂ_ÁÁ_Ëù_Ñø_³É_µÄ_±¦_Îï_¡£ # # And for the precious fruits brought forth by the sun, and for the # precious things put forth by the moon, # # unit P DEU:33:15 µÃ_ÉÏ_¹Å_Ö®_ɽ_µÄ_ÖÁ_±¦_£¬_ÓÀ_ÊÀ_Ö®_Áë_µÄ_±¦_Îï_¡£ # # And for the chief things of the ancient mountains, and for the # precious things of the lasting hills, # # unit P DEU:33:16 µÃ_µØ_ºÍ_Æä_ÖÐ_Ëù_³ä_Âú_µÄ_±¦_Îï_£¬_²¢_ס_¾£_¼¬_ÖÐ_ÉÏ_Ö÷_µÄ_ϲ_ÔÃ_¡£ Ô¸_Õâ_Щ_¸£_¶¼_¹é_ÓÚ_Ô¼_ɪ_µÄ_Í·_ÉÏ_£¬_¹é_ÓÚ_ÄÇ_Óë_µÜ_ÐÖ_åÄ_±ð_Ö®_ÈË µÄ_¶¥_ÉÏ_¡£ # # And for the precious things of the earth and fulness thereof, and # for the good will of him that dwelt in the bush: let the blessing # come upon the head of Joseph, and upon the top of the head of him # that was separated from his brethren. # # unit P DEU:33:17 Ëû_Ϊ_Å£_Ⱥ_ÖÐ_Í·_Éú_µÄ_£¬_ÓÐ_Íþ_ÑÏ_¡£_Ëû_µÄ_½Ç_ÊÇ_Ò°_Å£_µÄ_½Ç_£¬_Óà ÒÔ_µÖ_´¥_Íò_°î_£¬_Ö±_µ½_µØ_¼«_¡£_Õâ_½Ç_ÊÇ_ÒÔ_·¨_Á«_µÄ_Íò_Íò_£¬_Âê_Äà Î÷_µÄ_ǧ_ǧ_¡£ # # His glory is like the firstling of his bullock, and his horns are # like the horns of unicorns: with them he shall push the people # together to the ends of the earth: and they are the ten thousands of # Ephraim, and they are the thousands of Manasseh. # # unit P DEU:33:18 ÂÛ_Î÷_²¼_Â×_˵_£¬_Î÷_²¼_Â×_ÄÄ_£¬_Äã_³ö_Íâ_¿É_ÒÔ_»¶_ϲ_¡£_ÒÔ_Èø_åÈ_°¢ £¬_ÔÚ_Äã_ÕÊ_Åï_Àï_¿É_ÒÔ_¿ì_ÀÖ_¡£ # # And of Zebulun he said, Rejoice, Zebulun, in thy going out; and, # Issachar, in thy tents. # # unit P DEU:33:19 Ëû_ÃÇ_Òª_½«_ÁÐ_°î_ÕÙ_µ½_ɽ_ÉÏ_£¬_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_Ï×_¹«_Òå_µÄ_¼À_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_Ëû ÃÇ_Òª_Îü_È¡_º£_Àï_µÄ_·á_¸»_£¬_²¢_ɳ_ÖÐ_Ëù_²Ø_µÄ_Õä_±¦_¡£ # # They shall call the people unto the mountain; there they shall offer # sacrifices of righteousness: for they shall suck of the abundance of # the seas, and of treasures hid in the sand. # # unit P DEU:33:20 ÂÛ_åÈ_µÃ_˵_£¬_ʹ_åÈ_µÃ_À©_ÕÅ_µÄ_Ó¦_µ±_³Æ_ËÌ_¡£_åÈ_µÃ_ס_Èç_ĸ_ʨ_¡£ Ëû_˺_ÁÑ_°ò_±Û_£¬_Á¬_Í·_¶¥_Ò²_˺_ÁÑ_¡£ # # And of Gad he said, Blessed be he that enlargeth Gad: he dwelleth as # a lion, and teareth the arm with the crown of the head. # # unit P DEU:33:21 Ëû_Ϊ_×Ô_¼º_Ñ¡_Ôñ_Í·_Ò»_¶Î_µØ_£¬_Òò_ÔÚ_ÄÇ_Àï_ÓÐ_Éè_Á¢_ÂÉ_·¨_Õß_µÄ_·Ö ´æ_Áô_¡£_Ëû_Óë_°Ù_ÐÕ_µÄ_Ê×_Áì_ͬ_À´_¡£_Ëû_Ê©_ÐÐ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_¹«_Òå_ºÍ Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Óë_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_Ëù_Á¢_µÄ_µä_ÕÂ_¡£ # # And he provided the first part for himself, because there, in a # portion of the lawgiver, was he seated; and he came with the heads # of the people, he executed the justice of the LORD, and his # judgments with Israel. # # unit P DEU:33:22 ÂÛ_µ«_˵_£¬_µ«_Ϊ_С_ʨ_×Ó_£¬_´Ó_°Í_ɺ_Ìø_³ö_À´_¡£ # # And of Dan he said, Dan is a lion's whelp: he shall leap from # Bashan. # # unit P DEU:33:23 ÂÛ_ÄÃ_¸¥_Ëû_Àû_˵_£¬_ÄÃ_¸¥_Ëû_Àû_°¢_£¬_Äã_×ã_Õ´_¶÷_»Ý_£¬_Âú_µÃ_Ò®_ºÍ »ª_µÄ_¸£_£¬_¿É_ÒÔ_µÃ_Î÷_·½_ºÍ_ÄÏ_·½_Ϊ_Òµ_¡£ # # And of Naphtali he said, O Naphtali, satisfied with favour, and full # with the blessing of the LORD: possess thou the west and the south. # # unit P DEU:33:24 ÂÛ_ÑÇ_Éè_˵_£¬_Ô¸_ÑÇ_Éè_Ïí_ÊÜ_¶à_×Ó_µÄ_¸£_ÀÖ_£¬_µÃ_Ëû_µÜ_ÐÖ_µÄ_ϲ_Ôà £¬_¿É_ÒÔ_°Ñ_½Å_Õº_ÔÚ_ÓÍ_ÖÐ_¡£ # # And of Asher he said, Let Asher be blessed with children; let him be # acceptable to his brethren, and let him dip his foot in oil. # # unit P DEU:33:25 Äã_µÄ_ÃÅ_ãÅ_£¨_ÃÅ_ãÅ_»ò_×÷_Ь_£©_ÊÇ_Í­_µÄ_£¬_Ìú_µÄ_¡£_Äã_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_Èç ºÎ_£¬_Äã_µÄ_Á¦_Á¿_Ò²_±Ø_Èç_ºÎ_¡£ # # Thy shoes shall be iron and brass; and as thy days, so shall thy # strength be. # # unit P DEU:33:26 Ò®_Êé_ÂØ_ÄÄ_£¬_û_ÓÐ_ÄÜ_±È_Éñ_µÄ_¡£_Ëû_Ϊ_°ï_Öú_Äã_£¬_³Ë_ÔÚ_Ìì_¿Õ_£¬ ÏÔ_Æä_Íþ_ÈÙ_£¬_¼Ý_ÐÐ_ñ·_²Ô_¡£ # # There is none like unto the God of Jeshurun, who rideth upon the # heaven in thy help, and in his excellency on the sky. # # unit P DEU:33:27 ÓÀ_Éú_µÄ_Éñ_ÊÇ_Äã_µÄ_¾Ó_Ëù_¡£_Ëû_ÓÀ_¾Ã_µÄ_°ò_±Û_ÔÚ_Äã_ÒÔ_ÏÂ_¡£_Ëû_ÔÚ Äã_Ç°_Ãæ_Äì_³ö_³ð_µÐ_£¬_˵_£¬_»Ù_Ãð_°É_¡£ # # The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting # arms: and he shall thrust out the enemy from before thee; and shall # say, Destroy them. # # unit P DEU:33:28 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_°²_È»_¾Ó_ס_¡£_ÑÅ_¸÷_µÄ_±¾_Ô´_¶À_¾Ó_Îå_¹È_ÐÂ_¾Æ_Ö®_µØ_¡£_Ëû µÄ_Ìì_Ò²_µÎ_¸Ê_¶_¡£ # # Israel then shall dwell in safety alone: the fountain of Jacob shall # be upon a land of corn and wine; also his heavens shall drop down # dew. # # unit P DEU:33:29 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_°¢_£¬_Äã_ÊÇ_ÓÐ_¸£_µÄ_¡£_Ë­_Ïó_Äã_Õâ_ÃÉ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù_Õü_¾È_µÄ °Ù_ÐÕ_ÄØ_£¿_Ëû_ÊÇ_Äã_µÄ_¶Ü_ÅÆ_£¬_°ï_Öú_Äã_£¬_ÊÇ_Äã_Íþ_ÈÙ_µÄ_µ¶_½£_¡£ Äã_µÄ_³ð_µÐ_±Ø_Ͷ_½µ_Äã_¡£_Äã_±Ø_̤_ÔÚ_Ëû_ÃÇ_µÄ_¸ß_´¦_¡£ # # Happy art thou, O Israel: who is like unto thee, O people saved by # the LORD, the shield of thy help, and who is the sword of thy # excellency! and thine enemies shall be found liars unto thee; and # thou shalt tread upon their high places. # ## # chapter 34 DEU:34 # unit P DEU:34:1 Ħ_Î÷_´Ó_Ħ_Ѻ_ƽ_Ô­_µÇ_Äá_²¨_ɽ_£¬_ÉÏ_ÁË_ÄÇ_Óë_Ò®_Àû_¸ç_Ïà_¶Ô_µÄ_Åþ ˹_åÈ_ɽ_¶¥_¡£_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_°Ñ_»ù_ÁÐ_È«_µØ_Ö±_µ½_µ«_£¬ # # And Moses went up from the plains of Moab unto the mountain of Nebo, # to the top of Pisgah, that is over against Jericho. And the LORD # shewed him all the land of Gilead, unto Dan, # # unit P DEU:34:2 ÄÃ_¸¥_Ëû_Àû_È«_µØ_£¬_ÒÔ_·¨_Á«_£¬_Âê_ÄÃ_Î÷_µÄ_µØ_£¬_ÓÌ_´ó_È«_µØ_Ö±_µ½ Î÷_º£_£¬ # # And all Naphtali, and the land of Ephraim, and Manasseh, and all the # land of Judah, unto the utmost sea, # # unit P DEU:34:3 ÄÏ_µØ_ºÍ_×Ø_Ê÷_³Ç_Ò®_Àû_¸ç_µÄ_ƽ_Ô­_£¬_Ö±_µ½_Ëö_çí_£¬_¶¼_Ö¸_¸ø_Ëû_¿´ ¡£ # # And the south, and the plain of the valley of Jericho, the city of # palm trees, unto Zoar. # # unit P DEU:34:4 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_¶Ô_Ëû_˵_£¬_Õâ_¾Í_ÊÇ_ÎÒ_Ïò_ÑÇ_²®_À­_º±_£¬_ÒÔ_Èö_£¬_ÑÅ_¸÷_Æð ÊÄ_Ó¦_Ðí_Ö®_µØ_¡£_˵_£¬_ÎÒ_±Ø_½«_Õâ_µØ_´Í_¸ø_Äã_µÄ_ºó_Òá_¡£_ÏÖ_ÔÚ_ÎÒ Ê¹_Äã_ÑÛ_¾¦_¿´_¼û_ÁË_£¬_Äã_È´_²»_µÃ_¹ý_µ½_ÄÇ_Àï_È¥_¡£ # # And the LORD said unto him, This is the land which I sware unto # Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, saying, I will give it unto thy # seed: I have caused thee to see it with thine eyes, but thou shalt # not go over thither. # # unit P DEU:34:5 ÓÚ_ÊÇ_£¬_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_µÄ_ÆÍ_ÈË_Ħ_Î÷_ËÀ_ÔÚ_Ħ_Ѻ_µØ_£¬_Õý_Èç_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_Ëù ˵_µÄ_¡£ # # So Moses the servant of the LORD died there in the land of Moab, # according to the word of the LORD. # # unit P DEU:34:6 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_½«_Ëû_Âñ_Ôá_ÔÚ_Ħ_Ѻ_µØ_£¬_²®_Åþ_çí_¶Ô_Ãæ_µÄ_¹È_ÖÐ_£¬_Ö»_ÊÇ µ½_½ñ_ÈÕ_û_ÓÐ_ÈË_Öª_µÀ_Ëû_µÄ_·Ø_Ĺ_¡£ # # And he buried him in a valley in the land of Moab, over against # Bethpeor: but no man knoweth of his sepulchre unto this day. # # unit P DEU:34:7 Ħ_Î÷_ËÀ_µÄ_ʱ_ºò_Äê_Ò»_°Ù_¶þ_Ê®_Ëê_¡£_ÑÛ_Ä¿_û_ÓÐ_»è_»¨_£¬_¾«_Éñ_û ÓÐ_Ë¥_°Ü_¡£ # # And Moses was an hundred and twenty years old when he died: his eye # was not dim, nor his natural force abated. # # unit P DEU:34:8 ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_ÔÚ_Ħ_Ѻ_ƽ_Ô­_Ϊ_Ħ_Î÷_°§_¿Þ_ÁË_Èý_Ê®_ÈÕ_£¬_Ϊ_Ħ_Î÷_¾Ó É¥_°§_¿Þ_µÄ_ÈÕ_×Ó_¾Í_Âú_ÁË_¡£ # # And the children of Israel wept for Moses in the plains of Moab # thirty days: so the days of weeping and mourning for Moses were # ended. # # unit P DEU:34:9 ÄÛ_µÄ_¶ù_×Ó_Ô¼_Êé_ÑÇ_¡£_Òò_Ϊ_Ħ_Î÷_Ôø_°´_ÊÖ_ÔÚ_Ëû_Í·_ÉÏ_£¬_¾Í_±»_ÖÇ »Û_µÄ_Áé_³ä_Âú_£¬_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÈË_±ã_Ìý_´Ó_Ëû_£¬_ÕÕ_×Å_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_·Ô_¸À_Ħ Î÷_µÄ_ÐÐ_ÁË_¡£ # # And Joshua the son of Nun was full of the spirit of wisdom; for # Moses had laid his hands upon him: and the children of Israel # hearkened unto him, and did as the LORD commanded Moses. # # unit P DEU:34:10 ÒÔ_ºó_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÐ_ÔÙ_û_ÓÐ_ÐË_Æð_ÏÈ_Öª_Ïñ_Ħ_Î÷_µÄ_¡£_Ëû_ÊÇ_Ò®_ºÍ_»ª Ãæ_¶Ô_Ãæ_Ëù_ÈÏ_ʶ_µÄ_¡£ # # And there arose not a prophet since in Israel like unto Moses, whom # the LORD knew face to face, # # unit P DEU:34:11 Ò®_ºÍ_»ª_´ò_·¢_Ëû_ÔÚ_°£_¼°_µØ_Ïò_·¨_ÀÏ_ºÍ_Ëû_µÄ_Ò»_ÇÐ_³¼_ÆÍ_£¬_²¢_Ëû µÄ_È«_µØ_£¬_ÐÐ_¸÷_Ñù_Éñ_¼£_Ææ_ÊÂ_£¬ # # In all the signs and the wonders, which the LORD sent him to do in # the land of Egypt to Pharaoh, and to all his servants, and to all # his land, # # unit P DEU:34:12 ÓÖ_ÔÚ_ÒÔ_É«_ÁÐ_ÖÚ_ÈË_ÑÛ_Ç°_ÏÔ_´ó_ÄÜ_µÄ_ÊÖ_£¬_ÐÐ_Ò»_ÇÐ_´ó_¶ø_¿É_η_µÄ ÊÂ_¡£ # # And in all that mighty hand, and in all the great terror which Moses # shewed in the sight of all Israel. # ####################################################################### # Table: GB codes (binary, decimal and Hexadecimal) to Unicode # # GB DEC HEX UNIC Definition # ¡¡ «1» A1A1 3000 IDEOGRAPHIC_SPACE # ¡¢ «2» A1A2 3001 IDEOGRAPHIC_COMMA # ¡£ «3» A1A3 3002 IDEOGRAPHIC_FULL_STOP # ¡¤ «4» A1A4 30FB KATAKANA_MIDDLE_DOT # ¡¥ «5» A1A5 02C9 MODIFIER_LETTER_MACRON_(Mandarin_Chinese_first_tone) # ¡¦ «6» A1A6 02C7 CARON_(Mandarin_Chinese_third_tone) # ¡§ «7» A1A7 00A8 DIAERESIS # ¡¨ «8» A1A8 3003 DITTO_MARK # ¡© «9» A1A9 3005 IDEOGRAPHIC_ITERATION_MARK # ¡ª «10» A1AA 2015 HORIZONTAL_BAR # ¡« «11» A1AB FF5E FULLWIDTH_TILDE # ¡¬ «12» A1AC 2016 DOUBLE_VERTICAL_LINE # ¡­ «13» A1AD 2026 HORIZONTAL_ELLIPSIS # ¡® «14» A1AE 2018 LEFT_SINGLE_QUOTATION_MARK # ¡¯ «15» A1AF 2019 RIGHT_SINGLE_QUOTATION_MARK # ¡° «16» A1B0 201C LEFT_DOUBLE_QUOTATION_MARK # ¡± «17» A1B1 201D RIGHT_DOUBLE_QUOTATION_MARK # ¡² «18» A1B2 3014 LEFT_TORTOISE_SHELL_BRACKET # ¡³ «19» A1B3 3015 RIGHT_TORTOISE_SHELL_BRACKET # ¡´ «20» A1B4 3008 LEFT_ANGLE_BRACKET # ¡µ «21» A1B5 3009 RIGHT_ANGLE_BRACKET # ¡¶ «22» A1B6 300A LEFT_DOUBLE_ANGLE_BRACKET # ¡· «23» A1B7 300B RIGHT_DOUBLE_ANGLE_BRACKET # ¡¸ «24» A1B8 300C LEFT_CORNER_BRACKET # ¡¹ «25» A1B9 300D RIGHT_CORNER_BRACKET # ¡º «26» A1BA 300E LEFT_WHITE_CORNER_BRACKET # ¡» «27» A1BB 300F RIGHT_WHITE_CORNER_BRACKET # ¡¼ «28» A1BC 3016 LEFT_WHITE_LENTICULAR_BRACKET # ¡½ «29» A1BD 3017 RIGHT_WHITE_LENTICULAR_BRACKET # ¡¾ «30» A1BE 3010 LEFT_BLACK_LENTICULAR_BRACKET # ¡¿ «31» A1BF 3011 RIGHT_BLACK_LENTICULAR_BRACKET # ¡À «32» A1C0 00B1 PLUS-MINUS_SIGN # ¡Á «33» A1C1 00D7 MULTIPLICATION_SIGN # ¡Â «34» A1C2 00F7 DIVISION_SIGN # ¡Ã «35» A1C3 2236 RATIO # ¡Ä «36» A1C4 2227 LOGICAL_AND # ¡Å «37» A1C5 2228 LOGICAL_OR # ¡Æ «38» A1C6 2211 N-ARY_SUMMATION # ¡Ç «39» A1C7 220F N-ARY_PRODUCT # ¡È «40» A1C8 222A UNION # ¡É «41» A1C9 2229 INTERSECTION # ¡Ê «42» A1CA 2208 ELEMENT_OF # ¡Ë «43» A1CB 2237 PROPORTION # ¡Ì «44» A1CC 221A SQUARE_ROOT # ¡Í «45» A1CD 22A5 UP_TACK # ¡Î «46» A1CE 2225 PARALLEL_TO # ¡Ï «47» A1CF 2220 ANGLE # ¡Ð «48» A1D0 2312 ARC # ¡Ñ «49» A1D1 2299 CIRCLED_DOT_OPERATOR # ¡Ò «50» A1D2 222B INTEGRAL # ¡Ó «51» A1D3 222E CONTOUR_INTEGRAL # ¡Ô «52» A1D4 2261 IDENTICAL_TO # ¡Õ «53» A1D5 224C ALL_EQUAL_TO # ¡Ö «54» A1D6 2248 ALMOST_EQUAL_TO # ¡× «55» A1D7 223D REVERSED_TILDE # ¡Ø «56» A1D8 221D PROPORTIONAL_TO # ¡Ù «57» A1D9 2260 NOT_EQUAL_TO # ¡Ú «58» A1DA 226E NOT_LESS-THAN # ¡Û «59» A1DB 226F NOT_GREATER-THAN # ¡Ü «60» A1DC 2264 LESS-THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO # ¡Ý «61» A1DD 2265 GREATER-THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO # ¡Þ «62» A1DE 221E INFINITY # ¡ß «63» A1DF 2235 BECAUSE # ¡à «64» A1E0 2234 THEREFORE # ¡á «65» A1E1 2642 MALE_SIGN # ¡â «66» A1E2 2640 FEMALE_SIGN # ¡ã «67» A1E3 00B0 DEGREE_SIGN # ¡ä «68» A1E4 2032 PRIME # ¡å «69» A1E5 2033 DOUBLE_PRIME # ¡æ «70» A1E6 2103 DEGREE_CELSIUS # ¡ç «71» A1E7 FF04 FULLWIDTH_DOLLAR_SIGN # ¡è «72» A1E8 00A4 CURRENCY_SIGN # ¡é «73» A1E9 FFE0 FULLWIDTH_CENT_SIGN # ¡ê «74» A1EA FFE1 FULLWIDTH_POUND_SIGN # ¡ë «75» A1EB 2030 PER_MILLE_SIGN # ¡ì «76» A1EC 00A7 SECTION_SIGN # ¡í «77» A1ED 2116 NUMERO_SIGN # ¡î «78» A1EE 2606 WHITE_STAR # ¡ï «79» A1EF 2605 BLACK_STAR # ¡ð «80» A1F0 25CB WHITE_CIRCLE # ¡ñ «81» A1F1 25CF BLACK_CIRCLE # ¡ò «82» A1F2 25CE BULLSEYE # ¡ó «83» A1F3 25C7 WHITE_DIAMOND # ¡ô «84» A1F4 25C6 BLACK_DIAMOND # ¡õ «85» A1F5 25A1 WHITE_SQUARE # ¡ö «86» A1F6 25A0 BLACK_SQUARE # ¡÷ «87» A1F7 25B3 WHITE_UP-POINTING_TRIANGLE # ¡ø «88» A1F8 25B2 BLACK_UP-POINTING_TRIANGLE # ¡ù «89» A1F9 203B REFERENCE_MARK # ¡ú «90» A1FA 2192 RIGHTWARDS_ARROW # ¡û «91» A1FB 2190 LEFTWARDS_ARROW # ¡ü «92» A1FC 2191 UPWARDS_ARROW # ¡ý «93» A1FD 2193 DOWNWARDS_ARROW # ¡þ «94» A1FE 3013 GETA_MARK # ¢± «111» A2B1 2488 DIGIT_ONE_FULL_STOP # ¢² «112» A2B2 2489 DIGIT_TWO_FULL_STOP # ¢³ «113» A2B3 248A DIGIT_THREE_FULL_STOP # ¢´ «114» A2B4 248B DIGIT_FOUR_FULL_STOP # ¢µ «115» A2B5 248C DIGIT_FIVE_FULL_STOP # ¢¶ «116» A2B6 248D DIGIT_SIX_FULL_STOP # ¢· «117» A2B7 248E DIGIT_SEVEN_FULL_STOP # ¢¸ «118» A2B8 248F DIGIT_EIGHT_FULL_STOP # ¢¹ «119» A2B9 2490 DIGIT_NINE_FULL_STOP # ¢º «120» A2BA 2491 NUMBER_TEN_FULL_STOP # ¢» «121» A2BB 2492 NUMBER_ELEVEN_FULL_STOP # ¢¼ «122» A2BC 2493 NUMBER_TWELVE_FULL_STOP # ¢½ «123» A2BD 2494 NUMBER_THIRTEEN_FULL_STOP # ¢¾ «124» A2BE 2495 NUMBER_FOURTEEN_FULL_STOP # ¢¿ «125» A2BF 2496 NUMBER_FIFTEEN_FULL_STOP # ¢À «126» A2C0 2497 NUMBER_SIXTEEN_FULL_STOP # ¢Á «127» A2C1 2498 NUMBER_SEVENTEEN_FULL_STOP # ¢Â «128» A2C2 2499 NUMBER_EIGHTEEN_FULL_STOP # ¢Ã «129» A2C3 249A NUMBER_NINETEEN_FULL_STOP # ¢Ä «130» A2C4 249B NUMBER_TWENTY_FULL_STOP # ¢Å «131» A2C5 2474 PARENTHESIZED_DIGIT_ONE # ¢Æ «132» A2C6 2475 PARENTHESIZED_DIGIT_TWO # ¢Ç «133» A2C7 2476 PARENTHESIZED_DIGIT_THREE # ¢È «134» A2C8 2477 PARENTHESIZED_DIGIT_FOUR # ¢É «135» A2C9 2478 PARENTHESIZED_DIGIT_FIVE # ¢Ê «136» A2CA 2479 PARENTHESIZED_DIGIT_SIX # ¢Ë «137» A2CB 247A PARENTHESIZED_DIGIT_SEVEN # ¢Ì «138» A2CC 247B PARENTHESIZED_DIGIT_EIGHT # ¢Í «139» A2CD 247C PARENTHESIZED_DIGIT_NINE # ¢Î «140» A2CE 247D PARENTHESIZED_NUMBER_TEN # ¢Ï «141» A2CF 247E PARENTHESIZED_NUMBER_ELEVEN # ¢Ð «142» A2D0 247F PARENTHESIZED_NUMBER_TWELVE # ¢Ñ «143» A2D1 2480 PARENTHESIZED_NUMBER_THIRTEEN # ¢Ò «144» A2D2 2481 PARENTHESIZED_NUMBER_FOURTEEN # ¢Ó «145» A2D3 2482 PARENTHESIZED_NUMBER_FIFTEEN # ¢Ô «146» A2D4 2483 PARENTHESIZED_NUMBER_SIXTEEN # ¢Õ «147» A2D5 2484 PARENTHESIZED_NUMBER_SEVENTEEN # ¢Ö «148» A2D6 2485 PARENTHESIZED_NUMBER_EIGHTEEN # ¢× «149» A2D7 2486 PARENTHESIZED_NUMBER_NINETEEN # ¢Ø «150» A2D8 2487 PARENTHESIZED_NUMBER_TWENTY # ¢Ù «151» A2D9 2460 CIRCLED_DIGIT_ONE # ¢Ú «152» A2DA 2461 CIRCLED_DIGIT_TWO # ¢Û «153» A2DB 2462 CIRCLED_DIGIT_THREE # ¢Ü «154» A2DC 2463 CIRCLED_DIGIT_FOUR # ¢Ý «155» A2DD 2464 CIRCLED_DIGIT_FIVE # ¢Þ «156» A2DE 2465 CIRCLED_DIGIT_SIX # ¢ß «157» A2DF 2466 CIRCLED_DIGIT_SEVEN # ¢à «158» A2E0 2467 CIRCLED_DIGIT_EIGHT # ¢á «159» A2E1 2468 CIRCLED_DIGIT_NINE # ¢â «160» A2E2 2469 CIRCLED_NUMBER_TEN # ¢å «163» A2E5 3220 PARENTHESIZED_IDEOGRAPH_ONE # ¢æ «164» A2E6 3221 PARENTHESIZED_IDEOGRAPH_TWO # ¢ç «165» A2E7 3222 PARENTHESIZED_IDEOGRAPH_THREE # ¢è «166» A2E8 3223 PARENTHESIZED_IDEOGRAPH_FOUR # ¢é «167» A2E9 3224 PARENTHESIZED_IDEOGRAPH_FIVE # ¢ê «168» A2EA 3225 PARENTHESIZED_IDEOGRAPH_SIX # ¢ë «169» A2EB 3226 PARENTHESIZED_IDEOGRAPH_SEVEN # ¢ì «170» A2EC 3227 PARENTHESIZED_IDEOGRAPH_EIGHT # ¢í «171» A2ED 3228 PARENTHESIZED_IDEOGRAPH_NINE # ¢î «172» A2EE 3229 PARENTHESIZED_IDEOGRAPH_TEN # ¢ñ «175» A2F1 2160 ROMAN_NUMERAL_ONE # ¢ò «176» A2F2 2161 ROMAN_NUMERAL_TWO # ¢ó «177» A2F3 2162 ROMAN_NUMERAL_THREE # ¢ô «178» A2F4 2163 ROMAN_NUMERAL_FOUR # ¢õ «179» A2F5 2164 ROMAN_NUMERAL_FIVE # ¢ö «180» A2F6 2165 ROMAN_NUMERAL_SIX # ¢÷ «181» A2F7 2166 ROMAN_NUMERAL_SEVEN # ¢ø «182» A2F8 2167 ROMAN_NUMERAL_EIGHT # ¢ù «183» A2F9 2168 ROMAN_NUMERAL_NINE # ¢ú «184» A2FA 2169 ROMAN_NUMERAL_TEN # ¢û «185» A2FB 216A ROMAN_NUMERAL_ELEVEN # ¢ü «186» A2FC 216B ROMAN_NUMERAL_TWELVE # £¡ «189» A3A1 FF01 FULLWIDTH_EXCLAMATION_MARK # £¢ «190» A3A2 FF02 FULLWIDTH_QUOTATION_MARK # ££ «191» A3A3 FF03 FULLWIDTH_NUMBER_SIGN # £¤ «192» A3A4 FFE5 FULLWIDTH_YEN_SIGN # £¥ «193» A3A5 FF05 FULLWIDTH_PERCENT_SIGN # £¦ «194» A3A6 FF06 FULLWIDTH_AMPERSAND # £§ «195» A3A7 FF07 FULLWIDTH_APOSTROPHE # £¨ «196» A3A8 FF08 FULLWIDTH_LEFT_PARENTHESIS # £© «197» A3A9 FF09 FULLWIDTH_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS # £ª «198» A3AA FF0A FULLWIDTH_ASTERISK # £« «199» A3AB FF0B FULLWIDTH_PLUS_SIGN # £¬ «200» A3AC FF0C FULLWIDTH_COMMA # £­ «201» A3AD FF0D FULLWIDTH_HYPHEN-MINUS # £® «202» A3AE FF0E FULLWIDTH_FULL_STOP # £¯ «203» A3AF FF0F FULLWIDTH_SOLIDUS # £° «204» A3B0 FF10 FULLWIDTH_DIGIT_ZERO # £± «205» A3B1 FF11 FULLWIDTH_DIGIT_ONE # £² «206» A3B2 FF12 FULLWIDTH_DIGIT_TWO # £³ «207» A3B3 FF13 FULLWIDTH_DIGIT_THREE # £´ «208» A3B4 FF14 FULLWIDTH_DIGIT_FOUR # £µ «209» A3B5 FF15 FULLWIDTH_DIGIT_FIVE # £¶ «210» A3B6 FF16 FULLWIDTH_DIGIT_SIX # £· «211» A3B7 FF17 FULLWIDTH_DIGIT_SEVEN # £¸ «212» A3B8 FF18 FULLWIDTH_DIGIT_EIGHT # £¹ «213» A3B9 FF19 FULLWIDTH_DIGIT_NINE # £º «214» A3BA FF1A FULLWIDTH_COLON # £» «215» A3BB FF1B FULLWIDTH_SEMICOLON # £¼ «216» A3BC FF1C FULLWIDTH_LESS-THAN_SIGN # £½ «217» A3BD FF1D FULLWIDTH_EQUALS_SIGN # £¾ «218» A3BE FF1E FULLWIDTH_GREATER-THAN_SIGN # £¿ «219» A3BF FF1F FULLWIDTH_QUESTION_MARK # £À «220» A3C0 FF20 FULLWIDTH_COMMERCIAL_AT # £Á «221» A3C1 FF21 FULLWIDTH_LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_A # £Â «222» A3C2 FF22 FULLWIDTH_LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_B # £Ã «223» A3C3 FF23 FULLWIDTH_LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_C # £Ä «224» A3C4 FF24 FULLWIDTH_LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_D # 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©¨ «760» A9A8 2504 BOX_DRAWINGS_LIGHT_TRIPLE_DASH_HORIZONTAL # ©© «761» A9A9 2505 BOX_DRAWINGS_HEAVY_TRIPLE_DASH_HORIZONTAL # ©ª «762» A9AA 2506 BOX_DRAWINGS_LIGHT_TRIPLE_DASH_VERTICAL # ©« «763» A9AB 2507 BOX_DRAWINGS_HEAVY_TRIPLE_DASH_VERTICAL # ©¬ «764» A9AC 2508 BOX_DRAWINGS_LIGHT_QUADRUPLE_DASH_HORIZONTAL # ©­ «765» A9AD 2509 BOX_DRAWINGS_HEAVY_QUADRUPLE_DASH_HORIZONTAL # ©® «766» A9AE 250A BOX_DRAWINGS_LIGHT_QUADRUPLE_DASH_VERTICAL # ©¯ «767» A9AF 250B BOX_DRAWINGS_HEAVY_QUADRUPLE_DASH_VERTICAL # ©° «768» A9B0 250C BOX_DRAWINGS_LIGHT_DOWN_AND_RIGHT # ©± «769» A9B1 250D BOX_DRAWINGS_DOWN_LIGHT_AND_RIGHT_HEAVY # ©² «770» A9B2 250E BOX_DRAWINGS_DOWN_HEAVY_AND_RIGHT_LIGHT # ©³ «771» A9B3 250F BOX_DRAWINGS_HEAVY_DOWN_AND_RIGHT # ©´ «772» A9B4 2510 BOX_DRAWINGS_LIGHT_DOWN_AND_LEFT # ©µ «773» A9B5 2511 BOX_DRAWINGS_DOWN_LIGHT_AND_LEFT_HEAVY # ©¶ «774» A9B6 2512 BOX_DRAWINGS_DOWN_HEAVY_AND_LEFT_LIGHT # ©· «775» A9B7 2513 BOX_DRAWINGS_HEAVY_DOWN_AND_LEFT # ©¸ «776» A9B8 2514 BOX_DRAWINGS_LIGHT_UP_AND_RIGHT # ©¹ «777» A9B9 2515 BOX_DRAWINGS_UP_LIGHT_AND_RIGHT_HEAVY # ©º «778» A9BA 2516 BOX_DRAWINGS_UP_HEAVY_AND_RIGHT_LIGHT # ©» «779» A9BB 2517 BOX_DRAWINGS_HEAVY_UP_AND_RIGHT # ©¼ «780» A9BC 2518 BOX_DRAWINGS_LIGHT_UP_AND_LEFT # ©½ «781» A9BD 2519 BOX_DRAWINGS_UP_LIGHT_AND_LEFT_HEAVY # ©¾ «782» A9BE 251A BOX_DRAWINGS_UP_HEAVY_AND_LEFT_LIGHT # ©¿ «783» A9BF 251B BOX_DRAWINGS_HEAVY_UP_AND_LEFT # ©À «784» A9C0 251C BOX_DRAWINGS_LIGHT_VERTICAL_AND_RIGHT # ©Á «785» A9C1 251D BOX_DRAWINGS_VERTICAL_LIGHT_AND_RIGHT_HEAVY # ©Â «786» A9C2 251E BOX_DRAWINGS_UP_HEAVY_AND_RIGHT_DOWN_LIGHT # ©Ã «787» A9C3 251F BOX_DRAWINGS_DOWN_HEAVY_AND_RIGHT_UP_LIGHT # ©Ä «788» A9C4 2520 BOX_DRAWINGS_VERTICAL_HEAVY_AND_RIGHT_LIGHT # ©Å «789» A9C5 2521 BOX_DRAWINGS_DOWN_LIGHT_AND_RIGHT_UP_HEAVY # ©Æ «790» A9C6 2522 BOX_DRAWINGS_UP_LIGHT_AND_RIGHT_DOWN_HEAVY # ©Ç «791» A9C7 2523 BOX_DRAWINGS_HEAVY_VERTICAL_AND_RIGHT # ©È «792» A9C8 2524 BOX_DRAWINGS_LIGHT_VERTICAL_AND_LEFT # ©É «793» A9C9 2525 BOX_DRAWINGS_VERTICAL_LIGHT_AND_LEFT_HEAVY # ©Ê «794» A9CA 2526 BOX_DRAWINGS_UP_HEAVY_AND_LEFT_DOWN_LIGHT # ©Ë «795» A9CB 2527 BOX_DRAWINGS_DOWN_HEAVY_AND_LEFT_UP_LIGHT # ©Ì «796» A9CC 2528 BOX_DRAWINGS_VERTICAL_HEAVY_AND_LEFT_LIGHT # ©Í «797» A9CD 2529 BOX_DRAWINGS_DOWN_LIGHT_AND_LEFT_UP_HEAVY # ©Î «798» A9CE 252A BOX_DRAWINGS_UP_LIGHT_AND_LEFT_DOWN_HEAVY # ©Ï «799» A9CF 252B BOX_DRAWINGS_HEAVY_VERTICAL_AND_LEFT # ©Ð «800» A9D0 252C BOX_DRAWINGS_LIGHT_DOWN_AND_HORIZONTAL # ©Ñ «801» A9D1 252D BOX_DRAWINGS_LEFT_HEAVY_AND_RIGHT_DOWN_LIGHT # ©Ò «802» A9D2 252E BOX_DRAWINGS_RIGHT_HEAVY_AND_LEFT_DOWN_LIGHT # ©Ó «803» A9D3 252F BOX_DRAWINGS_DOWN_LIGHT_AND_HORIZONTAL_HEAVY # ©Ô «804» A9D4 2530 BOX_DRAWINGS_DOWN_HEAVY_AND_HORIZONTAL_LIGHT # ©Õ «805» A9D5 2531 BOX_DRAWINGS_RIGHT_LIGHT_AND_LEFT_DOWN_HEAVY # ©Ö «806» A9D6 2532 BOX_DRAWINGS_LEFT_LIGHT_AND_RIGHT_DOWN_HEAVY # ©× «807» A9D7 2533 BOX_DRAWINGS_HEAVY_DOWN_AND_HORIZONTAL # ©Ø «808» A9D8 2534 BOX_DRAWINGS_LIGHT_UP_AND_HORIZONTAL # ©Ù «809» A9D9 2535 BOX_DRAWINGS_LEFT_HEAVY_AND_RIGHT_UP_LIGHT # ©Ú «810» A9DA 2536 BOX_DRAWINGS_RIGHT_HEAVY_AND_LEFT_UP_LIGHT # ©Û «811» A9DB 2537 BOX_DRAWINGS_UP_LIGHT_AND_HORIZONTAL_HEAVY # ©Ü «812» A9DC 2538 BOX_DRAWINGS_UP_HEAVY_AND_HORIZONTAL_LIGHT # ©Ý «813» A9DD 2539 BOX_DRAWINGS_RIGHT_LIGHT_AND_LEFT_UP_HEAVY # ©Þ «814» A9DE 253A BOX_DRAWINGS_LEFT_LIGHT_AND_RIGHT_UP_HEAVY # ©ß «815» A9DF 253B BOX_DRAWINGS_HEAVY_UP_AND_HORIZONTAL # ©à «816» A9E0 253C BOX_DRAWINGS_LIGHT_VERTICAL_AND_HORIZONTAL # ©á «817» A9E1 253D BOX_DRAWINGS_LEFT_HEAVY_AND_RIGHT_VERTICAL_LIGHT # ©â «818» A9E2 253E BOX_DRAWINGS_RIGHT_HEAVY_AND_LEFT_VERTICAL_LIGHT # ©ã «819» A9E3 253F BOX_DRAWINGS_VERTICAL_LIGHT_AND_HORIZONTAL_HEAVY # ©ä «820» A9E4 2540 BOX_DRAWINGS_UP_HEAVY_AND_DOWN_HORIZONTAL_LIGHT # ©å «821» A9E5 2541 BOX_DRAWINGS_DOWN_HEAVY_AND_UP_HORIZONTAL_LIGHT # ©æ «822» A9E6 2542 BOX_DRAWINGS_VERTICAL_HEAVY_AND_HORIZONTAL_LIGHT # ©ç «823» A9E7 2543 BOX_DRAWINGS_LEFT_UP_HEAVY_AND_RIGHT_DOWN_LIGHT # ©è «824» A9E8 2544 BOX_DRAWINGS_RIGHT_UP_HEAVY_AND_LEFT_DOWN_LIGHT # ©é «825» A9E9 2545 BOX_DRAWINGS_LEFT_DOWN_HEAVY_AND_RIGHT_UP_LIGHT # ©ê «826» A9EA 2546 BOX_DRAWINGS_RIGHT_DOWN_HEAVY_AND_LEFT_UP_LIGHT # ©ë «827» A9EB 2547 BOX_DRAWINGS_DOWN_LIGHT_AND_UP_HORIZONTAL_HEAVY # ©ì «828» A9EC 2548 BOX_DRAWINGS_UP_LIGHT_AND_DOWN_HORIZONTAL_HEAVY # ©í «829» A9ED 2549 BOX_DRAWINGS_RIGHT_LIGHT_AND_LEFT_VERTICAL_HEAVY # ©î «830» A9EE 254A BOX_DRAWINGS_LEFT_LIGHT_AND_RIGHT_VERTICAL_HEAVY # ©ï «831» A9EF 254B BOX_DRAWINGS_HEAVY_VERTICAL_AND_HORIZONTAL ####################################################################### # END OF FILE