{pro}{tordr}{tx}{312} emperor of arch dukes dukes electors cardinals princes {pro}{tordr}{tx}{ius}{txu}{547} will easily guess at at last the book {hb}{h17}{tx}{sV}{txs}{2517} ripen and break it it is an herb {hb}{h22}{tx}{2833} as the garden beans beans eaten are extream {hb}{h34}{tx}{sV}{txs}{3670} leavs and roots have have a powerful faculty {hb}{h40}{tx}{sV}{txs}{4138} advice along with you you shal find in {hb}{h45}{tx}{sV}{txs}{4527} as they cal it it is wonderful in {hb}{h49}{tx}{sV}{txs}{4862} begining to dim it it also consumeth the {hb}{h51}{tx}{sD}{txs}{4969} seldom rising above a a foot high with {hb}{h56}{tx}{sV}{txs}{5459} than to restore it it is called chelidonium {rx}{s2}{bd}{c15}{tx3}{23868} fit to study physick physick without astrology being