#! /usr/bin/gawk -f # Last edited on 2012-05-05 22:16:00 by stolfilocal # Sampling functions for grek/nwt # The New Testament in Greek, lowercased, in an ad-hoc encoding. # To be included in wds-to-tlw function smp_define_patterns(smp,sec) { # No patterns needed if ( \ (sec != "mat.1") && (sec != "mrk.1") && (sec != "luk.1") && (sec != "joh.1") && (sec != "tot.1") \ ) { data_error(("invalid section \"" sec "\"")); } } function smp_is_good_word(smp,sec,type,wd) { # Accept only lowercase bytes that stand for Greek letters: # No [chjqvwy], but [ë] (eta), [ô] (omega), and [fðçq] as above. # The text uses neither hyphen nor apostrophe. return (wd ~ /^([abd-gik-uxz]|ë|ô|ð|ç)+$/); } function smp_reclassify_word(smp,sec,cursec,curlin,type,wd) { # Delete anything outside Book {sec}: if (sec == "mat.1") { if (cursec !~ /^{b1}{c[1-9][0-9]*}{v[1-9][0-9]*}/) { return "n"; } } else if (sec == "mrk.1") { if (cursec !~ /^{b2}{c[1-9][0-9]*}{v[1-9][0-9]*}/) { return "n"; } } else if (sec == "luk.1") { if (cursec !~ /^{b3}{c[1-9][0-9]*}{v[1-9][0-9]*}/) { return "n"; } } else if (sec == "joh.1") { if (cursec !~ /^{b4}{c[1-9][0-9]*}{v[1-9][0-9]*}/) { return "n"; } } else if (sec == "tot.1") { if (cursec !~ /^{b[1-4]}{c[1-9][0-9]*}{v[1-9][0-9]*}/) { return "n"; } } else { arg_error(("bad subsection \"" subsec "\"")); } # Delete titles: if (cursec ~ /{(tt|cn)}$/) { return "n"; } #Reject any material that is not verse text: if (cursec !~ /{c[1-9][0-9]*}{v[1-9][0-9]*}$/) { return "x"; }; # Discard punctuation other than parag breaks: if ((type == "p") && (wd != "=")) { return "n"; } return type; } function smp_fix_word(smp,sec,type,wd) { # Just in case: Map upper case to lower case. wd = tolower(wd); # # We cannot trust that LOCALE crap: # gsub(/[Ë]/, "ë", wd); gsub(/[Ð]/, "ð", wd); gsub(/[Ç]/, "ç", wd); gsub(/[Ô]/, "ô", wd); # # Just in case: Map digraphs that stand for single Greek letters to single bytes. # (These replacements should have been done in the source.) # gsub(/eh/, "ë", wd); gsub(/ph/, "f", wd); gsub(/th/, "ð", wd); gsub(/ps/, "ç", wd); gsub(/ch/, "q", wd); return wd; }