Ruff and Ascher’18 report its reaction with a number of metals, non- metals, and simple compounds_ The same workers reported that CoF, decomposed to CoF, on heating , If8 but more recent work 125*‘26 has shown that CoF, is thermally stable and that the Cof;, is formed by hydrolysis. The s~~~ture is rhombohedr~1~9~*2’~ a = 5.279 A, ac = 56.97”, ~~~s~st~g of CoF, o~t~~dra with Co-F = 1.89 A. S tfy different vafues for the magnetic moment have been reported --j.i&= 2.46 ~.~_(r~f. 128)or2.1 B.M.(ref. 129). The use of CoF, in the fluorination of organic compounds has been reviewed by Stacey and T%tlow? CoF3 * 3,5H20 is farmed as a green powder by electrolytic oxidation of Co= in 40% ~ueo~s ~yd~o~uo~~ a 3f*? Its structure has not been d rmined but from a study of its ~~~~~~~~ y velstls tern 8 = 60 3, Clark et aP concluded it was probably [CoF, (H,O) 5H20 and not [Co&O),] [CoP,] l H,O. A compound CoF, - 3H,O, isomorphous with ar-AlF3 - 3H20, has been reportedIS. 5.279 A, ac = 56.97” &usg=AOvVaw2TK4NpR6J7pezALlnEvXc-