# Last edited on 2019-03-27 03:35:21 by jstolfi Bing is useless for this place: allclouded over, lo-res, or blurry. gawk '//{ gsub(/[\#].*$/,"",$0); lin = gensub(/([ (),])([0-9]+[.][0-9][0-9]+)[ ]*[,][ ]*([0-9]+[.][0-9][0-9]+)([ ,();.])/, "\\1{{coord|\\2|N|\\3|E|display=inline}}\\4", "g", $0); print lin; }' FROM: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/315836697_Rethy_and_LogoHealth_Area_Djugu_Territory_Ituri_Province_Democratic_Republic_of_the_Congo_06_-_20th_MARCH_2016_RELICT_REFUGE_and_FRAGMENTED_ALTITUDE_FOREST_FAUNA_AND_FLORA_INVENTORY_and_ECOLOGICAL_NOT FRENCH VERSION: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/312825671_FORET_RELIQUE_FRAGMENTEE_D'ALTITUDE_RAFALE_EN_TERRITOIRE_DE_DJUGU_DESCRIPTION_FLORISTIQUE_INVENTAIRES_FAUNISTIQUES_et_NOTES_ECOLOGIQUES_SUR_UNE_POPULATION_DE_CHIMPANZES_ISOLEE_Pan_troglodytes_schweinf Rapport d’expedition scientifique - Expedition biodiversite en Ituri foret relique fragmentee d’altitude (rafale) en territoire de Djugu: Description floristique, inventaires faunistiques et notes ecologiques sur une population de chimpanzes isolee (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) Zone de Rethy, Province de l’Ituri, République Démocratique du Congo 9 juin 2016 – 20 juin 2016 Anne Laudisoit, Justin Asimonyio Anio, Michel Komba Yendema, Bienvenu Ndjoku , Mande Claude, Falay Dadi, Jérôme Dz’na, Ngbathe Gustave Ndjango, Jean Ngadjo Ndjaikpa, , Naasson Lossa Uwale, David Maki Mbivo, Carine Mauwa, et Erik Verheyen (2016): ==Rivers== The Koda River is formed by the junction of several rivers in the farmlands south and southwest of Kpandroma, at an altitude of about 2050 m. Two major streams join at 2.031205, 30.902533, then a third one<--UkRiver4--> joins from the west at 2.022366, 30.903739, and a smaller one from the east at 2.017272, 30.906828. The river runs mostly level and southward until about 2.000992, 30.904248, when, at about 2000 m altitude, it starts flowing down the steep slopes of the plateau, in a general southwest direction. At 2.000537, 30.904348 it splts into two branches, and rejoins at 1.999730, 30.904429, forming a spindle-shaped island 90 m long and 20 m wide at the middle. At 1.999674, 30.909551 it is held by a small dam (Koda Dam according to Laudisoit) Descending from the plateu, it runs at the bottom of the Bai valley, about 5 km long and 1.5 km wide. It is joined by other rivers at 1.994113, 30.919411 (from the north), at 1.987828, 30.924196 from NNE, at 1.985915, 30.925493 (from the west), and at 1.979665, 30.931192 (from northeast). It then runs SSW to 1.976686, 30.930446, then south to 1.969348, 30.931992, then SW to 1.952453, 30.918842, where it meets another river coming from NNW. UkRiver3 ... dir WSW, ends on Koda River at 2.017272, 30.9068 UkRiver4 ... ends at 2.022401, 30.903693 merging with UkRiver5 toform Koda River. May be Koda River itself. UkRiver5 north end at 2.031205, 30.902533, from merge of UkRiver 6 and UkRiver7. dir S, ends at 2.022401, 30.903693 merging with UkRiver4 to form Koda River. May be Koda River itself. UkRiver2 starts at 1.992534, 30.907218 on group of ponds(?). dir SE to 1.983229, 30.917894, turns ENE to 1.985546, 30.923004, then E to meet Koda River at 1.984158, 30.927649 UkRiver6 ... dir SE, ends at 2.031212, 30.902510 merging with UkRiver7 to form UkRiver5. UkRiver7 ... dir SW, ends at 2.031225 30.902530, merging with UkRiver6 to form UkRiver5. UkRiver8 ... dir WSW, ends at 1.985915, 30.925493 into Koda River. UkRiver10, ... though the Ndoogo valley, dir S, joins Koda River at 1.994351, 30.919405 UkRiver11 ... dir SSE, ends at 1.952413, 30.918790 meeting with Koda River to form UkRiver12. UkRiver12 starts at 1.952453, 30.918842 from merge of Koda River and UkRiver11. dir SE to 1.951409, 30.919294, then SW to 1.940721, 30.911914, then S to 1.928349, 30.908046 (joined by tributary from W), dir SE to 1.921940, 30.911692, dir E to 1.921286, 30.914238, dir S to 1.910991, 30.915126 where it merges with UkRiver13 to form UkRiver14. UkRiver13 ... dir E to 1.910991, 30.915126 where it merges with UkRiver12 to form UkRiver14. UkRiver14 starts at 1.910970, 30.915250 frommerge of UkRiver12 and UkRiver13, dir E to 1.910612, 30.917873, dir S to 1.906413, 30.917074, then SE to 1.902795, 30.920113, where it flows into Lake Albert, about 18 km almost due south of S.Kpandroma. ==Towns and villages== 1.982600, 30.917386 Ndeke3 at 1.982743, 30.917340, 200x40m (axis NW-SE), ~40 houses, largest 6x4m (Gm). Area is cloudy orlow-res on Bn. UkTown3 ("Koda Barage"?) at 1.997419, 30.917031, 500x150m (axis WNW-ESE), ~100-150 bld (max 8x6m) on Road UkRoad1. UkTown4 ("Koda Barage?) at 2.024362, 30.914238, 300x500m (axis NE-SW), 100-200 bld (max ~12x6m) on UkRoad2, UkRoad3 UkTown5 at 2.022136, 30.916709, 300m SE of UkTown4, 400x300m (axis NNE-SSW), largest ~8x6m UkTown6 at 2.021978, 30.909581, S end of UkRoad3, 500x130m (axis ENE-WSW), ~100 bld (max 22x6m), 500m SW of UkTown4. UkTown7 at 2.034400, 30.915751, 600x100m (axis N-S, bent Wdir at ends) astride UkRoad4. UkTown8 at 2.031187, 30.909965, 400x150m (axis WSW-ENE) on UkRod4, 100-200 blds (max 15x6m) UkTown9 at 2.042520, 30.910388, 1000x800m (axis N-S), astride UkRoad4, 200-400 bls (max 12x6) S.Kpandroma: south half of Kpandroma (former Kwandruma) at 2.060108, 30.894998, 1500x750m (axis W-E), 1000-1500 bld (max 50x30) UkTown10 at 2.020024, 30.926127, 240x30m (axis NW-SE), ~50 bld (max 12x6m) astride UkRoad2. UkTown11 at 1.986830, 30.950093, 500x250m (axis NNW-SSE), 100-150 bld (max 10x6m), astride UkRoad2. UKTown12 at 1.974973, 30.948457, 350x250m (axis NNW-SSE), 20-30 bld (max 10x6), row of 6 houses on NE side; astride UkRoad2. UkTown13 at 2.011382, 30.909181, 200x150m (axis NE-SW), 50-100 bld (max 8x6m), on NW side of UkRoad1. UkTown14 at 2.004175, 30.900231, 300x250m (axis NW-SE), 20-50 bld (max 10x6m), on SW and S sides of UkRoad1. UkTown15 at 2.003633, 30.893971, 300x100m (axis W-E), 15-30 bld (max 8x6m), on S side of UkRoad1. UkTown16 at 1.989952, 30.894398, 100x50m (axis NS), astried and end of UkRoad12. UkTown17 at 2.005767, 30.891583, 100x50m (axis NW-SE), 10 bldg (max 8x6m), on W side of UkRoad11. UkTown18 at 2.006929, 30.891778, 80x30m (axis N-S), 10 bld (max 6x6m), at N end of UkRoad11. UkTown19 at 2.013644, 30.889416, 400x300m (axis NE-SW), 100-200 bld (max 10x10m). No good road access? 200 m W of north end of UkRoad12. UkTown20 at 1.982600, 30.917386, 250x50m (axis NW-SE), 70m from UkRiver2. UkTown21 at 1.985087, 30.936529, 750x500m (axis N-S), 100-300 bld (max 10x6m), well-arborized, 1000m W from UkRoad2. UkTown22 at 2.028137, 30.894378, 600x150m (axis NW-SE), 30-50 bld (max 10x8), astride UkRoad2 UkTown23 at , 300x30 m (axis NNW-SSE), 30 bld (max 15x10m), neat row of 5 houses, 50 m total, at S end, on W side of UkRoad2, 150 m E from N end of UkCliff1. == Roads == UkRoad1 north end at 2.023149, 30.915183 on UkRoad2, btw UkTown4 and UkTown5; dir SSE to 2.016936, 30.914411, then dir S to 2.013116,30.914371, sharp bend, dir W through UkTown3, dir SW, skirts SE side of UkTown13, SW dir to 2.002472, 30.904356, UkRoad10 starts on S side, turns W, crosses Koda River(?) at 2.002432, 30.902736, turns NW, to UkTown4 at 2.004980, 30.900745, turns W, skirts E and N sides of UkTown14, dir W to 2.004080, 30.892539, through UkTown15; west end at 2.003974, 30.892769 on UkRoad12 at NW corner of UkTown15. UkRoad2, W end at 2.033482, 30.887011 on UkRoad5, dir ESE, start of UkRoad4 on N side, start of UkRoad3 on S side at 2.024306, 30.906223, turns NE to 2.026824, 30.910868, turns SE, crosses UkTown4 NW-SE, crosses UkRoad3 at 2.024383, 30.914146, crosses UkTown4 NW-SE, UkRoad2 starts on S side at 2.023149, 30.915183, crosses UkTown5 WNW-ESE, gradually turns SE, at 2.019034, 30.921393 turns NE, at 2.021175, 30.924551 turns SE again, croses UkTown10 NW-SE, dir SE,skirts E side of UkTown23 at 2.015100, 30.930079, dir SSE until 2.011260, 30.931379, dir SEE until 2.010137, 30.936326, dir SE until 2.003386, 30.943054, turns S to 1.990806, 30.946078, turns SSE, through UKTown11, to 1.983493, 30.951379, turns SSW, UkRoad7 starts on E side, through UkTown12, turns SSE, forks at 1.966314, 30.951863 into UkRoad8 and UkRoad9. UkRoad3, S end at 2.021168, 30.908087, NW dir through UkTown6. Dir NE, goes through UkTown4 and crosses UkRoad2, turns N, north end at 2.032761, 30.914852 on UkRoad4 and UkTown7. UkRoad4, S end at 2.025026, 30.904042, dir NE, through UkTown8, dir ENE, through UkTown7 in broad curve, dir NW to 2.039334, 30.909676, enters UkTown9 on S side, dir N through town, exits at 2.048183, 30.911621, dir NW, enters S.Kpandroma on SE side at 2.060036, 30.901048, ends there. UkRoad5, starts on UkRoad6 at N , leaves S side of S.Kpandroma at 2.056339, 30.899270, curves around E side of S.Kpandroma, merges with UkRoad4 on E side of S.Kpandroma at 2.060036, 30.901048, ends on N side of S.Kpandroma at 2.062566, 30.897238. UkRoad6, ..., dir SE, enters N side of S.Kpandroma at 2.063649, 30.897726, turns SW, north end of UkRoad5, turns W, borders N side of S.Kpandroma, dir WSW, ... UkRoad7, west end at 1.982638, 30.950950, on E side of UkRoad2, dir SE. UkRoad8 north end at 1.966254, 30.951842, as fork of UkRoad2, dir SSW. UkRoad9 north end at 1.966254, 30.951900, as fork of UkRoad2, dir SE. UkRoad10 north end at 2.002432, 30.904347 on SE side of UkRoad1, dir S, ends at 2.000992, 30.904248, just past isolated farmhouse (15x10m), 30 m NE of Koda River. UkRoad11 south end at 2.004079, 30.892670 on UkRoad12, end of UkRoad1, dir NNW. UkRoad12 ... dir S, meets S end of UkRoad11 and west end of UkRoad1 at 2.003928, 30.892729, skirts W side of UkTown15, dir S, south end at 1.990054, 30.894408 in UkTown16. ==Other== ForestFG1 at bottom of cliff 1.996, 30.917. It is bordered on the E side by UkCliff1 down to 1.997724, 30.920648, then by a steep valley slope down to 1.985118, 30.933713 at 1000m. UkCliff1, W facing vertical cliff that starts at 2.003094, 30.919145, runs Sdir increasing to it maximum drop of about 200 m at 2.000889, 30.919706 at 1800 m, then keeps that drop to a salient spur at 1.999307, 30.919709, 1880m, then turns SEdir reducing, ending at 1.997724, 30.920648, 1650 m. UkRoad2 Alfway through the slope there is forested area, a relic of the climax tropical forest that once covered the plateau. Some chimpanzees are still living there. Page 9 Towns in Ituri provnce, D R Congo The Lendu plateau is roughly a rectangle 50 wide and km, with the long axis in the SW-NE direction. Its approximate corners are 1.64, 30.52, 15 km south of [[Droro, Dr. R. Congo|Droro]], 1.98, 30.24, 30 km west of [[Djugu, D. R. Congo|Djugu]], 2.47, 30.81, 30 km west of [[Nebbi, D. R. Congo|Nebbi]], and 2.15, 31.12, 10 km south of [[Niarembe, D. R. Congo|Niarembe]]. The northeast edge of the plateau roughly coincides with the DRC-[[Uganda]] border.