MODULE TestEnergy EXPORTS Main; (* Tests an energy function. Takes as input two ".top" files with same topology but different coordinate vectors, and evaluates a given energy function for all configurations that interpolate between the two, at "nSteps" equal intervals. The output is a ".plot" file that can be examined with "gnuplot". Optionally, the program writes the ".top" file with minimum energy. *) IMPORT Triang, MixedEnergy, ParseEnergyParams; IMPORT LR3, Fmt, FileWr, OSError, ParseParams, Process, Wr, Thread; FROM Triang IMPORT Coords; FROM Stdio IMPORT stderr; TYPE BOOLS = ARRAY OF BOOLEAN; TYPE Options = RECORD aFile, bFile: TEXT; (* Configuration files (minus ".top") *) outFile: TEXT; (* Plot file name (minus ".plot") *) eFunction: MixedEnergy.T; (* Energy function *) nSteps: CARDINAL; (* Number of steps to take *) showMin: BOOLEAN; (* TRUE to write interpolated ".x3d" files *) all: BOOLEAN; (* TRUE to write even non-existing triangles *) END; PROCEDURE DoIt() = <* FATAL Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted, OSError.E *> VAR eMin: LONGREAL := LAST(LONGREAL); sMin: LONGREAL; BEGIN WITH o = GetOptions(), atc = Triang.Read(o.aFile), top =, ac = atc.c^, bc = Triang.Read(o.bFile).c^, NV = top.NV, c = NEW(REF ARRAY OF LR3.T, top.NV)^, cDs = NEW(REF ARRAY OF LR3.T, top.NV)^, eDc = NEW(REF ARRAY OF LR3.T, top.NV)^, vAll = NEW(REF BOOLS, top.NV)^, vSome = NEW(REF BOOLS, top.NV)^, pwr = FileWr.Open(o.outFile & ".plot") DO <* ASSERT NUMBER(ac) = NV *> <* ASSERT NUMBER(bc) = NV *> WriteHeader(pwr); o.eFunction.defTop(top); Triang.GetVariableVertices(top, vAll); FOR i := 0 TO NV-1 DO cDs[i] := LR3.Sub(bc[i], ac[i]); vSome[i] := LR3.Norm(cDs[i]) # 0.0d0 END; FOR i := 0 TO o.nSteps DO WITH s = FLOAT(i, LONGREAL)/FLOAT(o.nSteps, LONGREAL) DO Wr.PutText(pwr, " "); Wr.PutText(pwr, Fmt.Pad(Fmt.LongReal(s, Fmt.Style.Fix, 4), 6)); (* Define coordinates *) FOR i := 0 TO top.NV-1 DO c[i] := LR3.Mix(1.0d0 - s, ac[i], s, bc[i]) END; (* Evaluate with all or only some vertices variable: *) WITH eAll = EvalTest(pwr, o.eFunction, c, cDs, vAll, eDc), eSome = EvalTest(pwr, o.eFunction, c, cDs, vSome, eDc) DO (* Compare: *) Wr.PutText(pwr, Fmt.Pad(Fmt.LongReal(eAll-eSome, Fmt.Style.Fix, 4), 12)); IF eAll < eMin THEN eMin := eAll; sMin := s END; END; Wr.PutText(pwr, "\n"); Wr.Flush(pwr); END END; Wr.Close(pwr); IF o.showMin THEN WITH name = o.outFile & "-min" DO FOR i := 0 TO top.NV-1 DO c[i] := LR3.Mix(1.0d0 - sMin, ac[i], sMin, bc[i]) END; Triang.Write(name, top, c) END END; END END DoIt; PROCEDURE EvalTest( pwr: Wr.T; eFunction: MixedEnergy.T; (* Energy function *) VAR c: Coords; (* Coordinates *) READONLY cDs: Coords; (* Coordinate changes *) READONLY v: ARRAY OF BOOLEAN; (* Which vertices are variable *) VAR eDc: Coords; (* Work areas *) ): LONGREAL = <* FATAL Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted *> VAR e, ep: LONGREAL; eDs: LONGREAL; BEGIN WITH NV = NUMBER(c) DO <* ASSERT NUMBER(v) = NV *> eFunction.defVar(v); eFunction.eval(c, e, TRUE, eDc); Wr.PutText(pwr, Fmt.Pad(Fmt.LongReal(e, Fmt.Style.Fix, 4), 12)); (* Compute directional derivative from gradient: *) eDs := 0.0d0; FOR i := 0 TO NV-1 DO eDs := eDs + LR3.Dot(eDc[i], cDs[i]) END; Wr.PutText(pwr, Fmt.Pad(Fmt.LongReal(eDs, Fmt.Style.Fix, 4), 12)); (* Check if setting "grad=FALSE" has any effect on "e": *) eFunction.eval(c, ep, FALSE, eDc); <* ASSERT ep = e *> (* Compute directional derivative numerically: *) WITH ds = 0.0001d0 DO FOR i := 0 TO NV-1 DO c[i] := LR3.Mix(1.0d0, c[i], ds, cDs[i]) END; eFunction.eval(c, ep, FALSE, eDc); eDs := (ep - e)/ds END; Wr.PutText(pwr, Fmt.Pad(Fmt.LongReal(eDs, Fmt.Style.Fix, 4), 12)); END; RETURN e END EvalTest; PROCEDURE WriteHeader(pwr: Wr.T) = <* FATAL Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted *> BEGIN Wr.PutText(pwr, "#"); Wr.PutText(pwr, Fmt.Pad("s", 6)); Wr.PutText(pwr, Fmt.Pad("etot", 12)); Wr.PutText(pwr, Fmt.Pad("etotDs", 12)); Wr.PutText(pwr, Fmt.Pad("etotDc*cDs", 12)); Wr.PutText(pwr, Fmt.Pad("evar", 12)); Wr.PutText(pwr, Fmt.Pad("evarDs", 12)); Wr.PutText(pwr, Fmt.Pad("evarDc*cDs", 12)); Wr.PutText(pwr, Fmt.Pad("etot - evar", 12)); Wr.PutText(pwr, "\n"); Wr.PutText(pwr, "#"); Wr.PutText(pwr, Fmt.Pad(" ", 6, '-', Fmt.Align.Right)); Wr.PutText(pwr, Fmt.Pad(" ", 12, '-', Fmt.Align.Right)); Wr.PutText(pwr, Fmt.Pad(" ", 12, '-', Fmt.Align.Right)); Wr.PutText(pwr, Fmt.Pad(" ", 12, '-', Fmt.Align.Right)); Wr.PutText(pwr, Fmt.Pad(" ", 12, '-', Fmt.Align.Right)); Wr.PutText(pwr, Fmt.Pad(" ", 12, '-', Fmt.Align.Right)); Wr.PutText(pwr, Fmt.Pad(" ", 12, '-', Fmt.Align.Right)); Wr.PutText(pwr, Fmt.Pad(" ", 12, '-', Fmt.Align.Right)); Wr.PutText(pwr, "\n"); END WriteHeader; PROCEDURE GetOptions (): Options = <* FATAL Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure *> VAR o: Options; BEGIN WITH pp = NEW(ParseParams.T).init(stderr) DO TRY pp.getKeyword("-aFile"); o.aFile := pp.getNext(); pp.getKeyword("-bFile"); o.bFile := pp.getNext(); pp.getKeyword("-outFile"); o.outFile := pp.getNext(); IF pp.keywordPresent("-nSteps") THEN o.nSteps := pp.getNextInt(1, 1000); ELSE o.nSteps := 100; END; o.eFunction := ParseEnergyParams.Parse(pp); IF o.eFunction = NIL THEN pp.error("\"-energy\" not specified") END; o.showMin := pp.keywordPresent("-showMin"); IF o.showMin THEN o.all := pp.keywordPresent("-all"); ELSE o.all := FALSE END; pp.finish(); EXCEPT | ParseParams.Error => Wr.PutText(stderr, "Usage: TestElectEnergy\\\n"); Wr.PutText(stderr, " -aFile -bFile -outFile \\\n"); Wr.PutText(stderr, " [ -nSteps ]\\\n"); Wr.PutText(stderr, " [ -showMin [ -all ]]\\\n"); Wr.PutText(stderr, ParseEnergyParams.Help); Wr.PutText(stderr, "\n"); Process.Exit (1); END END; RETURN o END GetOptions; BEGIN DoIt(); END TestEnergy.