INTERFACE DownMinimizer; (* Multivariate function minimization by downhill jumping. Created 96/01/06 by J.Stolfi *) IMPORT Minimizer; TYPE T <: Public; (* A simple gradient-based optimizer. Each new probe point is generated from the current minimum by moving a certain distance (the "step size") in the direction opposite to the gradient. If the new point is better than the previous one, it is accepted and the step size gets multiplied by "alpha". Otherwise the new point is rejected and the step size gets multiplied by "beta". *) Public = Minimizer.T OBJECT METHODS setAlphaBeta(alpha, beta: LONGREAL): T; (* Specifies the step adjustment factors "alpha" and "beta". Defaults are "alpha = 2**\phi = 3.06956450765297882", "beta = 2**-1 = 0.5"*) END; END DownMinimizer.