#! /bin/csh -f # This shell script unpacks the "tar" files from the DEC SRC # public wordlist package. if ( $#argv != 1 ) then echo "Usage: unpack-words <language> exit 1 endif # uncompress and un-tar the archive: if ( ( -e $1.tar.Z ) && ( ! ( -e $1.tar ) ) ) then uncompress $1.tar.Z endif /bin/tar xvf $1.tar set startdir = "${cwd}" cd $1 # Compile the wordlist expander program: echo "compiling expanddict.c ..." /bin/cc -o expanddict expanddict.c # Run it on the wordlists: foreach file ( *.{words,names,trash,abbrs,maybe} ) echo "un-shrinking ${file} ..." expanddict < ${file} > XXX mv XXX ${file} end # Delete the executable: /bin/rm expanddict cd ${startdir} echo "done."