Your WWW browser should correctly display the accented characters in sections 1 and 2 below, and mess up those in section 3. If it does something else, please mail me a note at the address below.
Lowercase: áàãâä éèêë íìîï óòõôö úùûü ç ñ Uppercase: ÁÀÃÂÄ ÉÈÊË ÍÌÎÏ ÓÒÕÔÖ ÚÙÛÜ Ç Ñ Diacritics: '`~^" '`^" '`^" '`~^" '`^" , ~ Base letters: AAAAA EEEE IIII OOOOO UUUU C N
Lowercase: Uppercase: Diacritics: '`~^" '`^" '`^" '`~^" '`^" , ~ Base letters: AAAAA EEEE IIII OOOOO UUUU C N
Lowercase: Uppercase: Diacritics: '`~^" '`^" '`^" '`~^" '`^" , ~ Base letters: AAAAA EEEE IIII OOOOO UUUU C N