# Last edited on 2014-07-18 12:11:51 by stolfilocal FETCHED HUOBI'S TRADE LOGS FROM GITHUB # On 2014-07-18 I downdloaded the Huobi transaction logs from {github}, # with "Download ZIP" from https://github.com/huobi/btc-trade-result-history SAVING TRANSACTION LOGS # Extracted the transaction log of Bitcoinwisdom chart. # The translaction log was obtained doing CTRL-A CTRL-C on the chart, # pasting into a file, and running it through # {cleanup_bitcoinwisdom_trans_log.gawk}, e.g. cleanup_bitcoinwisdom_trans_log.gawk -v dt=2014-01-21 | txtable-reformat # Beware of change of date in the middle of a segment, fix as needed. # This leaves the entries in reverse chronological order (most recent first). # Use {tac} to reverse them. # Beware that the most recent entry may be incomplete. If one waited a bit longer # before the copy-paste, its values might have been different. # For example, here is the result of two successive copy-pastes: # Copy1: 2014-05-07 02:38:36 | 2691.00 | 4.0855 2014-05-07 02:38:35 | 2690.99 | 1.3497 2014-05-07 02:38:32 | 2691.00 | 0.0339 # ... # Copy2: 2014-05-07 02:38:52 | 2692.01 | 0.0043 2014-05-07 02:38:47 | 2692.01 | 0.0627 2014-05-07 02:38:38 | 2691.00 | 19.5422 2014-05-07 02:38:35 | 2690.99 | 1.3497 # ... # Note that the first line "02:38:36 | 2691.00 | 4.0855" of Copy1 got replaced by a merged line # "02:38:38 | 2691.00 | 19.5422" in Copy2, with same price, larger volume, and slightly later # time. # # However, there are many examples of succesive lines with same price and even same timestamp # that are NOT merged, e.g. 2014-05-07 02:30:06 | 2689 | 2.5423 2014-05-07 02:30:06 | 2689 | 0.0227 # Perhaps merging only happens when successive entries with same price # have the same buyer and seller, or when the passive order is the same, # or when the time gaps are much less than one second, or whatever. # Until early 2014, Bitcoinwisdom worked only with the user's local time, # so in the earliest captured logs I had to fix the times (and sometimes dates) # by hand to convert from local time to UTC. That was delicate since # the local time switched from daylight savings to normal in mid-february. # Hope I got all right. SAVING LONGER TRANSACTION LOGS # To save a longer segment of the log, one must repeat # the copy-paste multiple times, pasting all the segments in # sequence into the same file, and run {cleanup_bitcoinwisdom_trans_log.gawk} # on each segment. The segments must overlap by at least 2 entries. # Beware of change of date in the middle of a segment, fix as needed. # Then run {remove_dup_trans.gawk} on the whole file. It removes extra headers, # marks duplicate entries with "### " prefix, and reverses the order of entries # in each segment so that they are in chrono order (most recent last). # Finally run the result through {egrep -v -e '^[\#][\#][\#]' | txtable-reformat} # to obtain the clean file. # !!! TO DO: Check again whether all raw files have been converted properly without errors. # !!! TO DO: FIX the bugs in the following files: # Checking for unconverted logs: check_cleanup_status.sh # Converting them: check_cleanup_status.sh for arg in \ `cat .raws-linux | sed -e 's/-\([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\)-/:\1:/g'` \ ; do fld=( `echo "${arg}" | tr ':' ' '` ) dt="${fld[0]}" tm="${fld[1]}" ex="${fld[2]}" name="${dt}-${tm}-${ex}" fraw="raw/linux/${name}-raw.txt" fout="clean/${name}.txt" echo "=== ${fraw} --> ${fout} ===" remove_dup_trans.gawk ${fraw} > .all.txt || rm -fv .all.txt if [[ -s .all.txt ]]; then egrep -v -e '^[\#][\#][\#]' .all.txt \ | txtable-reformat \ > ${fout} else rm -fv ${fout} fi done check_cleanup_status.sh SAVING LONGER LOGS FROM APPLE # When transaction logs are copy-pasted from the Apple Safari browser, the # format is a bit different. In that case we need to do # 2014-05-19:0720:HUBI \ # 2014-05-21:0515:HUBI \ # 2014-05-21:0728:HUBI \ check_cleanup_status.sh for arg in \ `cat .raws-apple | sed -e 's/-\([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\)-/:\1:/g'` \ ; do fld=( `echo "${arg}" | tr ':' ' '` ) dt="${fld[0]}" tm="${fld[1]}" ex="${fld[2]}" name="${dt}-${tm}-${ex}" fraw="raw/apple/${name}-raw-apple.txt" fout="clean/${name}.txt" echo "=== ${fraw} --> ${fout} ===" cleanup_bitcoinwisdom_trans_logs_apple.sh "${dt}" "${tm}" "${ex}" done check_cleanup_status.sh GETTING DATE RANGES # Getting their date ranges: check_cleanup_status.sh rm -f .date-ranges for name in `cat .cleans` ; do cfile="clean/${name}.txt" printf "${cfile}\n" 1>&2 if [[ -s ${cfile} ]]; then cat ${cfile} | egrep -e '^2014' | gawk '//{ print $1, $2 }' | sort > .tmp printf "%s %s %s\n" "${name}" "`head -n 1 .tmp`" "`tail -n 1 .tmp`" >> .date-ranges else printf "%s ** not found\n" "${cfile}" 1>&2 fi done RENAMING FILES # Long time ago, the files were named as follows "clean/{DATE}-{HHMM}-{EX}.txt" "clean/{DATE}-{HHMM}-{EX}-{TAG}.txt" "raw/linux/{{DATE}-{HHMM}-{EX}-raw.txt" "raw/apple/{{DATE}-{HHMM}-{EX}-raw-apple.txt" # However the file sometimes spanned midnight, # and the {HHMM} part was quite inconsistent. # On 2014-06-27 all files were renamedmore systematically as "{DIR}/{INIDATE}-{INIHM}--{FINDATE}-{FINHM}-{EX}-{CURR}-{TAG}.txt" # Where {DIR} is "clean", "raw/linux", or "raw/apple" respectively, # and {TAG} is "raw", "raw-apple" for the raw files, and # the original "{TAG}" for the clean file, or "all" if there was no # {TAG} on the latter. make_rename_cmds.gawk .date-ranges > .rename_cmds do_rename_files.sh PLOTTING INTERVALS SPANNED # Plotting the time intervals spanned by the various files: for ex in HUBI MGOX BSTP ; do for cur in CNY USD EUR ; do for tint in all ; do files=( `ls *--*-${ex}-${cur}-${tint}.txt || echo NONE` ) if [[ "/${files[0]}" != "/NONE" ]]; then echo "=== ${files[0]} ===" ../show_date_intervals.sh clean "${ex}" "${cur}" "${tint}" \ > plots/date-intervals-${ex}-${cur}-${tint}.png fi done done done PLOTTING TRANSACTION LOGS # Plotting transactions: plot_transactions.sh \ "Bitstamp, BTC-e and Huobi transactions 2014-01-17 around 23:50 UTC" \ 0.0 3 775.0 825.0 50.0 \ clean/2014-01-17-2320--2014-01-17-2358-BSTP-USD-all.txt "Bitstamp" 1.000 \ clean/2014-01-17-2350--2014-01-18-0002-BTCE-USD-all.txt "BTC-e" 1.000 \ clean/2014-01-17-2354--2014-01-18-0005-HUBI-CNY-all.txt "Huobi" 6.000 \ > plots/2014-01-17-2350--2014-01-18-0005-BSTP-BTCE-HUBI-trans.png plot_transactions.sh \ "Huobi transactions 2014-01-18 around 02:10 UTC" \ 0.0 2 812.0 818.0 60.0 \ clean/2014-01-18-0218--2014-01-18-0228-HUBI-CNY-all.txt "Huobi" 6.000 \ > plots/2014-01-18-0218--2014-01-18-0228-HUBI-trans.png plot_transactions.sh \ "Transactions 2014-01-21 around 16:32 UTC" \ 0.0 6 815.0 895.0 50.0 \ clean/2014-01-21-1613--2014-01-21-1633-BSTP-USD-all.txt "Bitstamp" 1.000 \ clean/2014-01-21-1533--2014-01-21-1630-MGOX-USD-all.txt "MtGOX" 1.150 \ clean/2014-01-21-1618--2014-01-21-1634-BTCE-USD-all.txt "BTC-e" 1.000 \ clean/2014-01-21-1633--2014-01-21-1635-HUBI-CNY-all.txt "Huobi" 6.000 \ clean/2014-01-21-1623--2014-01-21-1635-OKCO-CNY-all.txt "OKCoin" 6.000 \ > plots/2014-01-21-1533--2014-01-21-1635-BSTP-MGOX-BTCE-HUBI-OKCO-trans.png plot_transactions.sh \ "Transactions 2014-01-21 around 16:32 UTC" \ 0.0 6 815.0 845.0 50.0 \ clean/2014-01-21-1613--2014-01-21-1633-BSTP-USD-all.txt "Bitstamp" 1.000 \ clean/2014-01-21-1618--2014-01-21-1634-BTCE-USD-all.txt "BTC-e" 1.000 \ clean/2014-01-21-1633--2014-01-21-1635-HUBI-CNY-all.txt "Huobi" 6.000 \ clean/2014-01-21-1623--2014-01-21-1635-OKCO-CNY-all.txt "OKCoin" 6.000 \ > plots/2014-01-21-1613--2014-01-21-1635-BSTP-BTCE-HUBI-OKCO-trans.png plot_transactions.sh \ "Transactions MtGOX and Bitstamp 2014-01-22 around 01:00 UTC" \ 0.0 6 815.0 835.0 50.0 \ clean/2014-01-22-0030--2014-01-22-0146-BSTP-USD-all.txt "Bitstamp" 1.000 \ clean/2014-01-22-0032--2014-01-22-0144-MGOX-USD-all.txt "MtGOX" 1.170 \ > plots/2014-01-22-0030--2014-01-22-0146-BSTP-MGOX-trans.png plot_transactions.sh \ "Transactions 2014-01-22 around 19:00 UTC" \ 0.0 6 805.0 865.0 50.0 \ clean/2014-01-22-1839--2014-01-22-1917-BSTP-USD-all.txt "Bitstamp" 1.000 \ clean/2014-01-22-1840--2014-01-22-1915-HUBI-CNY-all.txt "Huobi" 6.000 \ clean/2014-01-22-1836--2014-01-22-1919-MGOX-USD-all.txt "MtGOX" 1.110 \ clean/2014-01-22-1846--2014-01-22-1919-BTCE-USD-all.txt "BTC-e" 1.000 \ clean/2014-01-22-1846--2014-01-22-1919-BTCE-USD-all.txt "BTC-e" 1.000 \ clean/2014-01-22-1848--2014-01-22-1919-OKCO-CNY-all.txt "OKCoin" 6.000 \ > plots/2014-01-22-1836--2014-01-22-1919-BSTP-BTCE-MGOX-HUBI-OKCO-trans.png plot_transactions.sh \ "Transactions 2014-03-04 around 01:30 UTC" \ 0.0 6 605.0 705.0 50.0 \ clean/2014-03-04-0052--2014-03-04-0159-BSTP-USD-all.txt "Bitstamp" 1.000 \ clean/2014-03-04-0146--2014-03-04-0201-HUBI-CNY-all.txt "Huobi" 6.100 \ > plots/2014-03-04-0052--2014-03-04-0201-BSTP-HUBI-trans.png plot_transactions.sh \ "Transactions 2014-03-09 around 05:14 UTC" \ 0.0 6 3690.0 3705.0 10.0 \ clean/2014-03-09-0508--2014-03-09-0517-OKCO-CNY-all.txt "OKCoin" 1.000 \ clean/2014-03-09-0511--2014-03-09-0522-HUBI-CNY-all.txt "Huobi" 1.000 \ > plots/2014-03-09-0508--2014-03-09-0522-OKCO-HUBI-trans.png plot_transactions.sh \ "Transactions 2014-05-26 around 09:38 UTC" \ 0.0 6 3530.0 3560.0 50.0 \ clean/2014-05-26-0128--2014-05-26-0130-HUBI-CNY-all.txt "Huobi" 1.000 \ > plots/2014-05-26-0128--2014-05-26-0130-HUBI-trans.png plot_transactions.sh \ "Transactions 2014-05-26 around 02:45 UTC" \ 0.0 6 3570.0 3630.0 50.0 \ clean/2014-05-26-0247--2014-05-26-0302-HUBI-CNY-all.txt "Huobi" 1.000 \ > plots/2014-05-26-0247--2014-05-26-0302-HUBI-trans.png THE MTGOX PING-PONG ROBOT # In January 2014 there was a robot in MtGOX creating a steady stream # of 0.01 BTC transactions, for unknown reason. # # Took a 10-minute segment of the transaction log. # Separated the apparent ping-pong volume (0.01 BTC transactions) from # transactions at other volumes. Files are # # 2014-01-17-1800-MGOX-pingpong.txt # 2014-01-17-1800-MGOX-legit.txt # Plotting them: plot_transactions.sh \ "MtGOX transactions 2014-01-17 around 20:00 UTC" \ 0.0 1 875.0 915.0 4.0 \ clean/2014-01-17-1957--2014-01-17-2005-MGOX-USD-pingpong.txt "(0.01 BTC)" 1.000 \ clean/2014-01-17-1957--2014-01-17-2005-MGOX-USD-legit.txt "(other)" 1.000 \ > plots/2014-01-17-1957--2014-01-17-2005-MGOX-trans.png THE HUOBI PING-PONG ROBOT # On May 19, 2014 there was a robot at Huobi creating a steady stream # of 0.01 BTC transactions, similar to the MtGOX ping-pong robot. # # Took a 20-minute segment of the transaction log: cat clean/2014-05-18-2328--2014-05-19-0120-HUBI-CNY-all.txt \ | gawk '/^2014/ { tm=$2; if ((tm >= "23:20:00") && (tm < "23:40:00")) { print; } } ' \ > .temp.txt wc -l .temp.txt # Separated the apparent ping-pong volume (0.01 BTC transactions) from # transactions at other volumes cat .temp.txt \ | gawk '//{ vb = $6; if (vb+0 == 0.01) { print; } }' \ > .temp-pingpong.txt cat .temp.txt \ | gawk '//{ vb = $6; if (vb+0 != 0.01) { print; } }' \ > .temp-legit.txt # Plotting them: plot_transactions.sh \ "Huobi transactions 2014-05-18 around 23:30 UTC" \ 0.0 1 2760 2770 4.0 \ .temp-pingpong.txt "(0.01 BTC)" 1.000 \ .temp-legit.txt "(other)" 1.000 \ > plots/2014-05-18-2328--2014-05-19-0120-HUBI-trans.png CHECKING TRANSACTION FREQUENCY # Counting transactions per unit time: # !!! FIX NAMES for ex in BSTP BTCE HUBI MGOX OKCO ; do echo "=== ${ex} ===" compute_trans_per_minute.gawk clean/2014-01-21-1632-${ex}.txt done for ex in BSTP BTCE HUBI MGOX OKCO ; do echo "=== ${ex} ===" compute_trans_per_minute.gawk clean/2014-01-22-1900-${ex}.txt done for ex in BSTP HUBI ; do echo "=== ${ex} ===" compute_trans_per_minute.gawk clean/2014-03-04-0100-${ex}.txt done for ex in OKCO HUBI ; do echo "=== ${ex} ===" compute_trans_per_minute.gawk clean/2014-03-09-0514-${ex}.txt done