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41  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: Testnet specific code being exploited on: November 03, 2014, 08:55:10 PM
Looks like the "keep testnet mining" difficulty 1 code needs to be revisited:

"patches welcome"

In general:  "meh"  -- most testing is done in -regtest mode in a more controlled environment these days.

42  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: Funding network security in the future on: November 02, 2014, 01:55:55 PM
I couldn't resist peeking at the literature; the first hit on a google search for "experimental economics free rider" turns up this 1984 paper:

Both conventional wisdom and economic theory have been called into question recently by a series of research papers which report experimental studies of collective decision-making about public goods. Almost without exception, these papers have reported results that cast serious doubt upon the importance - and, in some cases, even upon the very existence - of the free rider problem.
43  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Why blockchains might want to consider using AT "Turing complete" txs on: November 01, 2014, 11:59:08 PM
...or other facilities which are more obvious when you understand the difference between with script does in a consensus system... that it's not really performing computation, but verification of computation.

This is a very important concept to internalize. I don't think Satoshi realized it, and I think if he did Bitcoin Script would be very different from what we have.

In a future ideal world where arbitrary zero-knowledge-proofs are time-tested and have robust implementations, everybody except for the N entities directly involved in a transaction would validate a short, opaque proof that some computation took place authorizing the transaction.

If you're designing a better transaction system, you should design with that ideal in mind.
44  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: Funding network security in the future on: November 01, 2014, 11:30:31 PM
And from this, we derive how we should fund this cost using tx fees. We want to keep tx fees artificially high, so that the total cost of mining is high, so that the network is secure.

How do you imagine you will be able to keep transaction fees artificially high?

I can imagine a future with 1MB blocks full of zero-transaction-fee transactions (all fees paid off-blockchain through special cozy relationships between big merchants/exchanges and big miners. Or simply big merchants/exchanges mining their own transactions).

I think network security CAN be funded through transaction fees-- that is easy, if you want to buy some security just attach a larger-than-strictly-necessary-to-get-confirmed fee to your transactions.

I don't think we know yet whether network security WILL be funded through transaction fees; there might be a free-rider problem that keeps people who want a secure network from actually paying for a secure network.

This is where it would be lovely for some academic economists who have studied the free-rider problem to chime in and predict what is likely to happen, and how other markets have solved (or not) the problem.
45  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: Funding network security in the future on: October 28, 2014, 03:53:19 PM
This is petra scandali and it does matter.
In decentralized systems every node have to check everything, so the cost for checking is O ( nodes * txs )

You seem to have a very narrow definition of "decentralized system."

In the future I imagine nodes might probabilistically check a random subset of transactions, and broadcast "this transaction is fraudulent" if they find anything wrong.  If you imagine a million nodes, each fully validating one-in-ten-thousand transactions then you get each transaction validated on average 100 times.

That's not so different from your 'treechains' idea (just simpler and easier to reason about, in my humble opinion).

If you think that hardware costs are going to dominate decentralized-versus-centralized payment network costs, then I think you're wrong. Hardware is cheap, people are expensive.

But all of this is really arguing angels-dancing-on-the-heads-of-pins; we've got years before we have to worry about how to fund network security, and a whole lot of things to work on before then.
46  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: Bitcoin over tor [vulnerabilities] on: October 28, 2014, 03:24:59 PM
You can mitigate the attacks described in the paper by running bitcoind with more lenient banning behavior.

E.g. put this in your bitcoin.conf:


... so if Tor peers sharing an IP address are banned, they are only banned for eleven seconds.

If you want to live dangerously, you can also set:


... to make it a lot harder for an attacker to cause you to ban naughty IP addresses. But this might make it easier for an attacker to fill up your node's memory with garbage.
47  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: Funding network security in the future on: October 28, 2014, 03:15:43 PM
First method costs you 10000 kWh energy and gives you 99.99% clear water.
Second method costs you only 1 kWh and gives you 99.00% (safe for drinking)
Which method is preferable?

That is easy, the first. But that is a straw-man argument.

If the decision is:  costs 1.001 kWh and gives 99.99, versus 1kWh and gives 99%, I might decide the extra purity is worth it.

The "centralized is more efficient" might be theoretically true, but in practice the difference might be so slight it doesn't matter.

Theoretically, it would be more efficient if all of our computing happened in huge data centers located near cheap hydroelectric power.

Practically, though, only some of our computing happens that way (e.g. searching terabytes of data), because it is more convenient for us to carry around powerful little computers and we value that convenience.
48  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: Funding network security in the future on: October 28, 2014, 02:39:00 PM
There was a particularly surprising quote from Gavin in the original thread, which Greg pointed out didn't seem justified by anything in the thread:

"I'm 100% convinced that if users of the network want secure transactions they will find a way to pay for them, whether that is assurance contracts or becoming miners themselves."

I'm curious if Gavin still feels that way.

I still feel that way.

I believe that if people want a secure network, they will figure out a way of getting it. My justification is the same as my belief that if people want clean, cheap, safe drinking water they will figure out a way of getting it.

I don't claim to know how, and it is very possible the how will offend the sensibilities of either (or both) of the "PRIVACY AT ANY COST!!!!" or "DECENTRALIZATION AT ANY COST!!!!" factions. Just like government regulations and institutions around clean water offend the "INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY AT ANY COST!!!!" faction.

I can imagine a lot of possible futures, from big merchants and exchanges investing in mining to save themselves on transaction fees and ensure that their transactions are confirmed securely, to assurance contracts, to a cartel of miners regulated and funded and licensed as a global public utility.

I hope that last one doesn't happen...
49  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Gavin Andresen Proposes Bitcoin Hard Fork to Address Network Scalability on: October 27, 2014, 01:41:23 PM
These guys making sidechains are extremely vested in bitcoin.  I am sure they all have huge stashes and are doing this to protect their investment.  

"Huge stashes" is a bad assumption. Tweet from Jeff Garzik earlier this year:
  "As such, I dare to do what few if any others do:   My #bitcoin balance is 348.006 BTC."

I'm guessing other frequent contributors have this mindset:

I'm investing a lot of time into this, because it is interesting, fun, potentially world-changing, and might be good for my career.
Since I'm investing so much time and expertise, I'm not going to invest a lot of my hard-earned money-- I see how risky Bitcoin is, and I'm not willing to "go all in" with both my time AND my savings.

And I'm sure lots of early adopters thought:

I bought 100 BTC at $1.  They are now $10. I would be an idiot not to cash out half of them and lock in that insane, 10x return. I'll keep 50 just in case the price ever goes to $100.
50  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: O(1) block propagation on: October 27, 2014, 01:27:22 PM
RE: O(1) versus O(some-function-of-total-number-of-transactions):

Yes, it will depend on whether or not the number of differences goes up as the number of transactions goes up.

The incentives align so it is in everybody's best interest to make the differences as small as possible. I wouldn't be surprised if that causes innovations to drive the actual size to O(1) minus an increasing constant, as code gets better at predicting which transactions our peers do or don't have.
51  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: Increasing the block size is a good idea; 50%/year is probably too aggressive on: October 23, 2014, 02:30:20 PM
Are you simply unaware of the other ways scalability is limited and only focused on this one?
We can go into it if you like.
I was looking to keep this discussion on the more narrow issue.

Start a new thread.  HAVE you read my Scalability Roadmap blog post?
52  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: Increasing the block size is a good idea; 50%/year is probably too aggressive on: October 23, 2014, 02:20:48 PM
Yes, I think Bitcoin can surpass this.  There are other problems with the way that scalability is limited than the block size to get there, this is just one.
And we agree on the purpose of the block size limit.  Just not on how to set it.

You don't know what the future market will look like.  You don't know what bandwidth or storage will be available.  Neither do I or anyone else.

When you respond to me saying patronizing things like "there are other problems with the way scalability is limited," I have trouble not thinking you are either confused or insane. Or just lazy, and did not read my "Scalability Roadmap" blog post.

It is certainly true that nobody can predict the future with 100% accuracy. We might get hit by an asteroid before I finish this sentence. (whew! didn't!)

But extrapolating current trends seems to me to be the best we can do-- we are just as likely to be too conservative as too aggressive in our assumptions.
53  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: Increasing the block size is a good idea; 50%/year is probably too aggressive on: October 23, 2014, 01:50:34 PM
I continue to maintain that market forces can rightsize MAX_BLOCK_SIZE if an algorithm with a feedback mechanism can be introduced, and that doing so introduces both less centralization risk than an arbitrary patch, and less risk of future manual arbitrary adjustments.
Fix it right, fix it once.

I think you are confusing MAX_BLOCKSIZE with the floating, whatever-the market-demands blocksize.

MAX_BLOCKSIZE is, in my mind, purely a safety valve-- a "just in case" upper limit to make sure it doesn't grow faster than affordable hardware and software can support.

Ideally, we never bump into it. If we go with my proposal (increase to 20MB now, then double ten times over the next twenty years) I think it is reasonably likely the market-determined size will never bump into MAX_BLOCKSIZE.

I think it is very unlikely that in 20 years we will need to support more Bitcoin transactions than all of the cash, credit card and international wire transactions that happen in the world today (and that is the scale of transactions that a pretty-good year-2035 home computer and network connection should be able to support).
54  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Gavin Andresen Proposes Bitcoin Hard Fork to Address Network Scalability on: October 20, 2014, 01:22:21 PM
The lead dev works exclusively for big business.

Please stop trolling. I think what I think and do what I do because I want the Bitcoin Project to be even more wildly successful.

If I was motivated by greed I would have a much higher salary. And lots of stock options.

The majority of Bitcoin users here want transaction fees less than a penny; I want them to be as low as practical. The only way to get there is to increase the block size.

55  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Gavin Andresen Proposes Bitcoin Hard Fork to Address Network Scalability on: October 19, 2014, 02:57:26 PM
... I think the disagreement is what effects both not raising the limit and raising the limit will have on the network and on TX fees

Is there really any disagreement? Everybody I have talked with believes that transaction fees will rise if Bitcoin is successful and the 1MB limit is kept.

How much we won't know-- that depends on how much demand for transactions moves somewhere else (fiat currency, altcoin, or some off-blockchain solution).

There is a small minority of people who believe that it would be BETTER if transactions moved to fiat currency, an altcoin, or some more-centralized off-blockchain solution. I strongly disagree.
56  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: Increasing the block size is a good idea; 50%/year is probably too aggressive on: October 19, 2014, 02:49:09 PM
By including the coinbase fee (or maybe a square or other root of it) we would come closer to Gavin's increase in the early years and move steadily toward a fee supported mining within the next 20 years or so while increasing the MAX_BLOCK_SIZE.

Did you read my "blocksize economics" blog post?

I don't understand why you think MAX_BLOCK_SIZE necessarily has anything to do with "supporting mining" (aka securing the network).

What stops this from happening:

Big miners accept off-blockchain payments from big merchants and exchanges that want their transactions confirmed. They are included in very small blocks with zero fees.  The blocksize stays at 1MB forever.

Lets look at incentives:

Big miners: have cozy agreements with Big Merchants. Those agreements keep the little guys out.

Big Merchants: same thing. The need to get an agreement with a miner to get your transactions accepted is a barrier to entry for the Little Guys.
57  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Gavin Andresen Proposes Bitcoin Hard Fork to Address Network Scalability on: October 19, 2014, 02:39:26 PM
Has this actually been set in stone or is Gavin just pondering ideas?

I am trying to get consensus. The process will look like:

Get rough consensus. I need to write some code to find out what size blocks the current code can handle, but other than that I think we're close to rough consensus on the approach.

Note: Getting consensus that we actually need to change something NOW will be harder; it will be much easier to get consensus after we hit the 1MB blocksize limit and transaction fees spike up. It would be lovely to avoid that panic/pain.

Implement the change / Write a BIP (these happen at about the same time).

Submit a pull request, after code is reviewed pull it into the reference implementation.

... wait until there is a release containing the change...

... wait until supermajority of miners have upgraded to the new release...

Voila, the possibility of bigger blocks.
58  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: Increasing the block size is a good idea; 50%/year is probably too aggressive on: October 18, 2014, 03:16:46 PM
I happen to think we can do better than Gavin's idea.  I like the idea of trying to come up with a solution that works with the blockchain and adapts over time instead of relying on Gavin, or NL or whomever.  The answer should be in the blockchain.

The answer cannot be in the blockchain, because the problem being addressed (resource usage rising too quickly so only people willing to spend tens of thousands of dollars can participate as fully validating nodes) is outside the blockchain.

You will go down the same path as the proof-of-stake folks, coming up with ever more complicated on-blockchain solutions to a problem that fundamentally involves something that is happening outside the blockchain. In this case, real-world CPU and bandwidth growth. In the POS case, proof that some kind of real-world effort was performed.
59  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin Core 0.9.3 has been released on: October 17, 2014, 04:55:48 PM
I really don't have experience with those offline wallets but if somehow my PC get burned or something & I can't fix .. does it mean I will lose all my bitcoins unless I took a backup ? if yes how to take a backup
If you're using the GUI:  File->Backup Wallet...

If you're using bitcoind: use the backupwallet RPC command.
60  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Why blockchains might want to consider using AT "Turing complete" txs on: October 17, 2014, 04:48:06 PM
The timestamp is not intended to be an *actual timestamp* but instead one that is calculated by block height and tx within the block (i.e. an *artificial timestamp*).

Uhhh.... okey dokey. That sounds really dangerous, because it means a blockchain re-org can change the meaning or behavior of a transaction. "There Be Dragons"

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