Gavin Andresen - 2010-06-25 19:18:15

I want to write an application that does stuff whenever bitcoins are sent to a particular Bitcoin address.

Actually, that feature would be useful for the Bitcoin Faucet (it could monitor the donation address and keep it's display of how many bitcoins are available more up-to-date; currently I memcache the balance and only update it every 10 minutes or so).

I want this new JSON-RPC call:

monitorreceivedbyaddress(address, nConfirmations, url)
 address:  bitcoin address to monitor
 nConfirmations: send notification after this many transaction confirmations
 url: POST detail of the transaction to this url (after nConfirmations)

I'm thinking the POST data would look like:
{"tx_id" : "...transaction id, maybe encoded into hex",
  "address" : bitcoin address being monitored
  "label" : label (if any) of the bitcoin address being monitored
  "amount" : amount being paid to address
  "confirmations" : number of confirmations
  "from" : [ "address" , "address" ]  # Sending address(es)

I don't think teaching the bitcoin client to do HTTP POSTs would be horribly hard; I might take a whack at implementing this myself...