Gavin Andresen - 2010-12-01 13:29:53

1. I'm allowing people to have more than one address.
 2. I'm letting people label each address.

This means I need to use the label as a label, and it also means I can't use it to store the account. So I'm solving this using an external database to store relationship between addresses and users.

You can continue to use accounts as labels, create an each-address-gets-one-label, and map addresses-->user in your database.

However, your application will be faster and simpler if you let bitcoin do the addresses-->user mapping (one account per user), and store address-->user-specified-label in your database.

The bitcoin 'getaddressesbyaccount' method will give you the addresses-->user relationship, and all the accounting becomes much easier (listtransactions gets you all the transactions associated with a particular user, etc).

Quote from: doublec
What happens to the existing label functionality? I have a webapp that uses a label to get an address then uses the address. Will this still work or will I have to change the app to use accounts?

The label methods still work, call the corresponding account methods (e.g. call setlabel <bitcoinaddress> and it calls setaccount), but are deprecated, so they don't show up in the help and will eventually be removed.

The only 'potentially breaking change' is the sendtoaddress function, which now returns a transaction id instead of the word 'sent'.