Gavin Andresen - 2011-03-07 19:57:34

sendmany <fromaccount> {address:amount,...} [minconf=1] [comment]
amounts are double-precision floating point numbers

Need for this is being driven by mining pool operators; it is much more efficient to pay lots of people with one transaction rather than lots of little transactions.

Old clients will refuse to relay sendmany transactions, so to ensure timely inclusion in a block mining pool operators should either upgrade together and connect their clients together or wait until a good percentage of the network has had a chance to upgrade to the next version of bitcoin.

Examples of use from a bash command-line (note you have to quote the second 'object' argument because the {} characters are interpreted by bash):
bitcoind sendmany "" '{"mvTt8hav6e9ESjSrXJ1yaJhyULHv8ywcN7":50}' 1 "To the Faucet"
bitcoind sendmany "SomeAccount" '{"myeTWjh876opYp6R5VRj8rzkLFPE4dP3Uw":10,"mikZVLuasDcY1Jmph3rqgT1NXfjB1srSEc":15,"mvTt8hav6e9ESjSrXJ1yaJhyULHv8ywcN7":50}'