Gavin Andresen - 2011-05-12 16:48:24

Short summary: An attacker could run tens of thousands of Bitcoin clients to isolate certain nodes from the network and then double-spend his coins.

That's actually a very hard attack to successfully pull off; I file it under "theoretically worrisome, but practically not a high priority."

It is hard because:
  + targeting a particular node is hard.  The long-running nodes that you probably want to target (merchants or exchangers or e-wallet services, where double-spending could get you a significant number of bitcoins) will already have 50+ connections to legitimate nodes, and an addr.dat full of the addresses/ports of legitimate nodes.

  + you have to feed the target a bogus version of the block chain.  And you won't be able to feed them new blocks very fast, because difficulty is so high (unless you invest a ton of hashing power to generate bogus blocks... but that's stupid, you're wasting money mining worthless blocks so you can try to pull off a probably-low-value double-spend???).  Anybody you target is going to wonder why their transactions are taking so long to confirm and why their block count is falling behind everybody else's.

So IMHO the UI of bitcoin should
(1) Provide the ability to establish permanent connections
(2) Provide robust references to connect to your friend: It shouldn't be "IP:port" because many uses have dynamic IPs. It should rather be some public key hash which is used to query the IP of the node from the network...
(3) Encourage users to use friend connections so by displaying a warning if they have not enough permanent connections which explains the sybil attack

Putting a few addnode=...  to connect to trusted nodes (with static IP addresses) at startup in your bitcoin.conf is a good idea. 

For (3), detecting dramatic, statistically-nearly-impossible-normally changes in the hashing rate is a better way to detect sybil attacks.  That's on my personal "it'd be nice to have" list (because, as I said, I don't think this is a big threat).