Gavin Andresen - 2012-01-23 21:59:37

...And even BIP16, which also evaluates code you push on the stack, seems wrong to me (and would make the implementation more complex and static analysis more difficult).

BIP 16 explicitly states:
"Validation fails if there are any operations other than "push data" operations in the scriptSig."

Let me try again for why I think it is a bad idea to put anything besides "push data" in the scriptSig:

Bitcoin version 0.1 evaluated transactions by doing this:

Evaluate(scriptSig + OP_CODESEPARATOR + scriptPubKey)

That turned out to be a bad idea, because one person controls what is in the scriptPubKey and another the scriptSig.

Part of the fix was to change evaluation to:

stack = Evaluate(scriptSig)
Evaluate(scriptPubKey, stack)

That gives a potential attacker much less ability to leverage some bug or flaw in the scripting system.

Little known fact of bitcoin as it exists right now: you can insert extra "push data" opcodes at the beginning of the scriptsigs of transactions that don't belong to you, relay them, and the modified transaction (with a different transaction id!) may be mined.

As for backward compatibility & chain forks, I think I would prefer a clean solution rather than one that is compromised for the sake of backward compatibility.  Then I would lobby to get people to upgrade to clients that accept/propagate the new transactions and perhaps create patches for some of the more popular old versions designed just to allow and propagate these new types of transactions.  Then when it's clear that the vast majority of nodes support the new transactions, declare it safe to start using them.  Any stragglers that haven't updated might find themselves off on a dying fork of the block chain…which will be a great motivator for them to upgrade.  Wink

Are you volunteering to make that happen? After working really hard for over four months now to get a backwards-compatible change done I'm not about to suggest an "entire network must upgrade" change...