Gavin Andresen - 2012-05-18 01:20:53

Ok, I need to create multi signature transaction.. 2-of-3... What do I do?
Gather (or generate) 3 bitcoin addresses, on whichever machines will be participating, using getnewaddress or getaccountaddress  RPC commands (or copy and paste from the GUI).

Get their public keys using the validateaddress RPC command 3 times.

Then create a 2-of-3 multisig address using addmultisigaddress; e.g.

bitcoind addmultisigaddress 2 '["044322868cb17d64dcc22185ae2d4493111d73244c3668f8ac79ecc79c0ba8d30a6756d0fa20157 709af3281cc721c7f53321a8cabda29b77900b7e4fe0174b114","..second pubkey..","..third pubkey.."]'
addmultisigaddress returns the multisignature address. Be a little careful, the public keys are raw hexadecimal and don't contain checksums like bitcoin addresses do.

You can then send funds into that 2-of-3 transaction using the normal sendtoaddress/sendmany RPC commands, or the GUI (or anything that's been updated to recognize multisig addresses).

That will create a multi signature transaction.

If you want to then SPEND the funds sent in that 2-of-3 transaction... that isn't implemented yet (well, if bitcoin has all 3 private keys in it's wallet then the funds will show up in the wallet's total balance and it may be selected to be spent like any other funds received by the wallet). "We" need to implement RPC calls to implement BIP 10 or something like it.