Gavin Andresen - 2013-05-21 19:54:28

Couple years ago it was "Don't talk to the CIA! They're Evil, and will Destroy Bitcoin!"

Now it is "Don't get involved in DC lobbying! That's Evil, and will Destroy Bitcoin!"

In a few more years, I bet it'll be "Don't go to the United Nations! They're Evil, and will Destroy Bitcoin!"

I'll quote myself from a related thread on google+


Walking along the beach this afternoon, enjoying the California sunshine, I think I realized where the fundamental disagreement lies.

Financial privacy / freedom is a larger issue than Bitcoin, and I personally think it would be better to fight that fight separately from Bitcoin.  Yes, Bitcoin is a great tool that will (I hope) bring us greater privacy/freedom. But I see advocating for Bitcoin as separate from advocating for financial privacy/freedom in general.

So: I think if you want financial privacy/freedom in general, then there is at least one US organization dedicated to that goal ( -- we should get them to accept Bitcoin donations). I hate reinventing wheels, and am a big believer in focused organizations and projects as the way to get things done, so I think the Bitcoin Foundation should concentrate on making Bitcoin successful.