Gavin Andresen - 2014-10-27 13:41:23

These guys making sidechains are extremely vested in bitcoin.  I am sure they all have huge stashes and are doing this to protect their investment.  

"Huge stashes" is a bad assumption. Tweet from Jeff Garzik earlier this year:
  "As such, I dare to do what few if any others do:   My #bitcoin balance is 348.006 BTC."

I'm guessing other frequent contributors have this mindset:

I'm investing a lot of time into this, because it is interesting, fun, potentially world-changing, and might be good for my career.
Since I'm investing so much time and expertise, I'm not going to invest a lot of my hard-earned money-- I see how risky Bitcoin is, and I'm not willing to "go all in" with both my time AND my savings.

And I'm sure lots of early adopters thought:

I bought 100 BTC at $1.  They are now $10. I would be an idiot not to cash out half of them and lock in that insane, 10x return. I'll keep 50 just in case the price ever goes to $100.