Gavin Andresen - 2015-03-17 14:12:59

Gavin gets it wrong. Big deal.
You know, there's a reason in business, why it's usually not the code-monkeys who get to make strategic decisions.
Are you this annoying in person, or just online?

I spent last week talking to some of the largest Bitcoin businesses (much bigger than Paymium/Bitcoin-Central or anything anybody in #bitcoin-assets is involved with), and they all want the maximum block size to increase.

The poll in this thread says people support it by a three-to-one margin.

It is going to happen sooner or later. I want it to happen sooner because Very Bad Things will happen if we get to 100% full 1MB blocks:
At 100% we're up at a huge 7744 seconds (more than 2 hours)! If the network were ever to reach this 100% level, though, the problems would be much worse as 10% of all transactions would still not have received a confirmation after 22800 seconds (6.3 hours).

I'm busy writing benchmarks, finding bugs in current code, and generally making sure nothing will break when we increase the maximum block size. If you want to be helpful instead of being an annoying troll, I have a TODO list you could help out with. Although the last time you agreed to help out, Dave, you didn't follow through on your promises (do you remember when you agreed to help with the testnet?).